Borobudur Temple

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Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is Hindu - Budhist temple. It was build in the nineth

century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom.
Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is
influenced by the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is
constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like
stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by
walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper
three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-
stupa. The entire upper structure is crowned by a large stupa at
the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to the summit
extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways. The
design of borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe
influences temples at Angkor, Cambodia.Borobudur temple
which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a
valuable treasure for Indonesian people.
Candi Borobudur
Borobudur adalah candi Hindu - Budha. Itu dibangun
pada abad ke-19 di bawah dinasti Sailendra kerajaan
Mataram kuno. Borobudur terletak di Magelang, Jawa
Tengah, Indonesia.
Borobudur terkenal di seluruh dunia. Konstruksinya
dipengaruhi oleh arsitektur Gupta di India. Candi ini
dibangun di atas bukit setinggi 46 m dan terdiri dari
delapan langkah seperti teras batu. Lima teras pertama
berbentuk bujur sangkar dan dikelilingi oleh dinding yang
dihiasi dengan patung Budha di relief. Tiga bagian atas
berbentuk lingkaran. Masing-masing dengan lonceng
berbentuk stupa. Seluruh struktur atas dimahkotai oleh
stupa besar di pusat di pusat lingkaran atas. Jalan menuju
puncak terbentang melalui jalur dan tangga sepanjang 4,8
km. Desain borobudur yang melambangkan struktur alam
semesta memengaruhi candi di Angkor, Kamboja. Candi
Borobudur yang didedikasi ulang sebagai monumen
Indonesia pada tahun 1983 merupakan harta berharga
bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
Kalibiru Tourism Village in Manoreh Hill - Kulonprogo -
Welcome to Kalibiru Tourism Village (Desa Wisata Kalibiru)
Kalibiru is a natural tourism village in the Manoreh hills with
the height of 450 meters above sea level. It is located in the
Hagrowilis village, Kokap subdistrict, Kulon Progo Regency of
Yogyakarta. The distance of Kalibiru village from the center of
Yogyakarta is approximately 40 kilometers or only within
approximately 10 kilometers from Wates, the capital of Kulon
Progo Regency. This tourism village has a very beautiful natural
panorama with a very wide expanse of hills. In addition to
having a beautiful panorama, people in Kalibiru tourism village
is friendly, polite, and fully sense of kinship and mutual
cooperation. This is also the main attraction of Kalibiru tourism
Kalibiru Tourism Village is suitable for those who want to a
challenge adventure. The village presents a beautiful natural
scenery and the atmosphere is very cool, suitable for tracking
activities. You can take various paths, ranging from 1.5
kilometers, 3 kilometers, 5 kilometers, up to 7 kilometers, the
longest path. Throughout this journey, you can see all kinds of
rare animals such as hedgehogs, Javan eagles, even panthers.
When arriving at the top, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of
Waduk Sremo, Kulonprogro town exactly Wates City from the
upper site as well as Yogyakarta city. In this place, there are also
four view towers which are ready to pamper your eyes to enjoy
the vast expanse of beautiful views.
Kalibiru nature tourism located at an altitude of
450 m above sea level that has a very beautiful
natural panorama with a very wide expanse of
hills. This National Park was firstly opened in
2008 by the local community in mutual
cooperation. Except from beautiful nature and
views, the park also offers great sunsets and fun
outdoor activities, such as tree tops that offers
great views, flying fox and tracking activities.
You can take various paths, ranging from 1.5
kilometers, 3 kilometers, 5 kilometers, up to 7
kilometers, the longest path. When arriving at
the top, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of
Waduk Sremo, Kulonprogro town exactly
Wates City from the upper site as well as
Yogyakarta city.
Wisata alam Kalibiru terletak di ketinggian 450 m di
atas permukaan laut yang memiliki panorama alam
yang sangat indah dengan hamparan perbukitan yang
sangat luas. Taman Nasional ini pertama kali dibuka
pada tahun 2008 oleh masyarakat setempat dalam
gotong royong. Selain dari pemandangan dan alam
yang indah, taman ini juga menawarkan matahari
terbenam yang indah dan aktivitas luar ruangan yang
menyenangkan, seperti puncak pohon yang
menawarkan pemandangan indah, flying fox dan
kegiatan pelacakan. Anda bisa menempuh berbagai
jalur, mulai dari 1,5 kilometer, 3 kilometer, 5
kilometer, hingga 7 kilometer, jalur terpanjang.
Ketika tiba di puncak, Anda dapat menikmati
pemandangan indah Waduk Sremo, kota
Kulonprogro tepatnya Kota Wates dari situs atas
serta kota Yogyakarta.
Laptop can store thousands of documents and also enable you to quickly
create new documents and edit existing ones using a variety of tools.
Although a smartphone is limited, you can easily transfer a document
from your laptop to your smartphone using a USB cable. Windows 7
automatically recognizes the device, so you don't even have to worry
about drivers.
1. Connect the smartphone to your laptop using the USB cable that
came with the device. Windows 7 automatically recognizes the
phone as an external storage device and assigns a drive to it.
2. Click the "Start" button in the bottom left corner of your screen
and click "Computer" to launch the native Windows 7 file
3. Locate and select the document you want to transfer to the
4. Press "Ctrl-C" to copy the document to the clipboard.
5. Open the drive assigned by Windows 7 to your smartphone. Open
the folder in which you want to store the document.
6. Press "Ctrl-V" to paste the document from the clipboard.
Depending on its size, the transfer can take from one second to
several minutes.
7. Disconnect the smartphone from your computer.
Laptop dapat menyimpan ribuan dokumen dan juga memungkinkan Anda
untuk dengan cepat membuat dokumen baru dan mengedit yang sudah
ada menggunakan berbagai alat. Meskipun smartphone terbatas, Anda
dapat dengan mudah mentransfer dokumen dari laptop Anda ke
smartphone Anda menggunakan kabel USB. Windows 7 secara otomatis
mengenali perangkat, sehingga Anda bahkan tidak perlu khawatir tentang
driver. 1. Sambungkan smartphone ke laptop Anda menggunakan kabel
USB yang disertakan dengan perangkat. Windows 7 secara otomatis
mengenali telepon sebagai perangkat penyimpanan eksternal dan
menetapkan drive untuk itu. 2. Klik tombol "Mulai" di sudut kiri bawah layar
Anda dan klik "Komputer" untuk meluncurkan pengelola file Windows 7
asli. 3. Temukan dan pilih dokumen yang ingin Anda transfer ke telepon
pintar. 4. Tekan "Ctrl-C" untuk menyalin dokumen ke clipboard. 5. Buka
drive yang ditetapkan oleh Windows 7 ke ponsel cerdas Anda. Buka folder
tempat Anda ingin menyimpan dokumen. 6. Tekan "Ctrl-V" untuk
menempelkan dokumen dari clipboard. Tergantung pada ukurannya,
transfer dapat berlangsung dari satu detik hingga beberapa menit. 7.
Putuskan sambungan ponsel cerdas dari komputer Anda.
Jakarta Old Town aka Old Batavia, or locally referred to as 'Kota Tua
Jakarta', was the downtown area of the capital long ago, bearing silent
witness to the occupation of the Dutch East India Company. A walk through
town will immerse you in streetscapes lined with buildings boasting
architectural features of a bygone era and in some corners around town
you’ll find what is considered among the best samples of Dutch colonial
architecture in the region. Consistent with the nostalgic aura of the old
town, most of the museums in Jakarta are found within Kota Tua. These
include the Jakarta History Museum, otherwise known as the Fatahillah
Museum, after the admiral and national hero who gave Jakarta its
primordial name, ‘Jayakarta’, literally ‘town of victory’. Other museums
include the Indonesian Maritime Museum, two bank museums namely
Bank Mandiri and Bank Indonesia, the Wayang or Puppet Museum, and
the Museum of Sculpture and Ceramic Arts.

Read more at: http://www.indonesia-

An interesting fact is that most of these museums are former colonial

buildings and restored by retaining much of their original architectural
features. The ceramic arts museum for example, was a Dutch courthouse,
and Fatahillah was once the town hall of Batavia. The national archive
building, or Gedung Arsip Nasional, which can also be found here, was the
former residence of Dutch East Indies governor general Reynier de Klerck.
While most of the buildings are in a somewhat derelict state despite some
functioning as museums, continuous restoration efforts have been
proposed, with the latest agenda of pushing the old town spanning 130Ha
to be included in UNESCO’s world heritage list. Entrance fees to most
museums start from a mere IDR 2,000 per person and are generally open
from 09:00 to 15:00.

Read more at: http://www.indonesia-
Jakarta Old Town alias Old Batavia, atau secara lokal disebut 'Kota Tua
Jakarta', adalah pusat kota ibukota sejak lama, menjadi saksi bisu untuk
pendudukan Perusahaan Hindia Timur Belanda. Berjalan-jalan di kota
akan membenamkan Anda di jalan-jalan yang dipenuhi dengan
bangunan-bangunan yang menampilkan fitur arsitektur dari masa lalu
dan di beberapa sudut di sekitar kota Anda akan menemukan apa yang
dianggap sebagai contoh terbaik dari arsitektur kolonial Belanda di
wilayah tersebut. Konsisten dengan aura nostalgia kota tua, sebagian
besar museum di Jakarta ditemukan di dalam Kota Tua. Ini termasuk
Museum Sejarah Jakarta, atau dikenal sebagai Museum Fatahillah,
setelah laksamana dan pahlawan nasional yang memberi Jakarta nama
primordialnya, "Jayakarta", secara harfiah "kota kemenangan". Museum
lainnya termasuk Museum Bahari Indonesia, dua museum bank yaitu
Bank Mandiri dan Bank Indonesia, Museum Wayang atau Wayang, dan
Museum Seni Patung dan Seni Keramik.
Baca lebih lanjut di: http://www.indonesia-
Fakta yang menarik adalah bahwa sebagian besar museum ini adalah
bekas bangunan kolonial dan dipulihkan dengan mempertahankan
banyak fitur arsitektur aslinya. Museum seni keramik misalnya, adalah
gedung pengadilan Belanda, dan Fatahillah dulunya adalah balai kota
Batavia. Gedung arsip nasional, atau Gedung Arsip Nasional, yang juga
dapat ditemukan di sini, adalah bekas kediaman gubernur jenderal
Hindia Belanda Reynier de Klerck. Sementara sebagian besar bangunan
berada dalam keadaan terbengkalai meskipun beberapa berfungsi
sebagai museum, upaya restorasi terus-menerus telah diusulkan, dengan
agenda terbaru mendorong kota tua yang mencakup 130 Ha untuk
dimasukkan dalam daftar warisan dunia UNESCO. Biaya masuk ke
sebagian besar museum mulai dari hanya Rp 2.000 per orang dan
umumnya buka mulai pukul 09:00 hingga 15:00.

Baca lebih lanjut di: http://www.indonesia-

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