District Census Handbook Prakasam

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Census of India 2011















Directorate of Census Operations


Cumbum Irrigation Tank

Cumbum Irrigation Tank is the magnificent and biggest irrigation tank at

Cumbum. Cumbum lies 34 kms. North of Giddalur on the Giddalur –
Markapur Road. Cumbum is the headquarters village of Cumbum mandal
and also have a rail way station. Evidences show that the tank was
constructed 400 years ago during the rule of Vijayanagara Kings. The tank
water spreads over 23.9 sq.km. providing irrigation in 16 revenue villages
near about Cumbum. Although the registered ayacut is 2,792.33 hectares,
crops are raised on 4,896.29 hectares.

There are nineteen inscriptions noted on the tank bund which resemble
Telugu script. But till today the inscriptions are not understandable. This
tank spot has also become a tourist centre attracting hundreds of visitors.


1 Foreword 1

2 Preface 3

3 Acknowledgement 5

4 History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 7

5 Brief History of the District 9

6 Administrative Setup 16

7 District Highlights - 2011 Census 18

8 Important Statistics 20

9 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA)

(i) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 24

(ii) District Primary Census Abstract 29

Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and

(iii) 55
Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise

(iv) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) 85

(v) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) 111

(vi) Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract 137

(vii) Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract 475

Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural

10 Section –II
/Urban) at District and Sub-District level.

Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwelling

(i) Table -1: 497
rooms occupied in the District, 2011
Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,
(ii) Table -2: 498
Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of

(iii) Table -3: 502
Drinking water, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of

(iv) Table -4: 510
Lighting, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrine

(v) Table -5: 518
facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage

(vi) Table -6: 526
connectivity for waste water outlet, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by availability of

(vii) Table -7: 530
Kitchen facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used for

(viii) Table -8: 534
Cooking, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking

(ix) Table -9: services and number of Households having each of the 542
specified Assets, 2011

The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the

Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of
urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on
demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest
administrative unit i.e. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. The
Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data
including data on household amenities collected during 1st.phase of the Census i.e.
House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is
in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various
infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical,
drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity,
banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were
closed by the Government of India on 15th. July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of
considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-
root level.

2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District,

administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including
Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the
DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory,
Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report,
administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based
on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was
published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the
PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels.
New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory
were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought
together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in
broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991
Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial
classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial
classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6
age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data
users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had
been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important
innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block)
level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional
Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation.

4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved
by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities,
newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a
Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory,
the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including
details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.

5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened
by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly

added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College,
Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School
for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic,
Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree,
Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural
Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas,
Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage,
Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified
Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals,
Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and
Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM,
Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market,
Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS),
Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public
Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration
Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the
data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of
Towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities,
(iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)-
Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD
Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB
of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.

6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A
contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise
Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes
in 2011 Census.

7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and
computerized under the supervision of Smt Y.V Anuradha, IAS., Director of Census
Operation, Andhra Pradesh. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of
this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar
General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and
Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General,
(Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora,
Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri
M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record
structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data
and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory
including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA).
The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social
Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to
bring out this publication in time.

Registrar General &
Census Commissioner, India
New Delhi.
Dated:- 16-06-2014


The District Census handbooks (DCHBs) is brought out in each decennial census
since 1951 containing Village and Town Directory, Village & Town wise Primary
Census Abstract (PCA) and data on “amenities” for each village and town in the
district. The objective of publishing the DCHB is to place the data collected at
census along with the data on amenities at Village and Town level, collected from
Tahsildars/Municipal Commissioners. The amenities data is validated by comparing
with secondary data obtained from Heads of the Departments. For example,
information on schools was compared with data available with the Commissioner,
School Education and information on post offices was compared with data obtained
from the Chief Post Master General and so on. Validation of data in the above
manner was by no means an easy exercise. Scores of officials had put in grueling
efforts for months together.

Generally, the District Census Hand Book contains two parts i.e., Part A & Part B.
Part A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains data on Village and
Town Primary Census Abstract along with Housing amenities. This time both Part-A
and Part-B volumes will be published separately for each district.

The present volume deals with the Part-B of the DCHB and comprises broadly:
History and scope of the DCHB, Brief History of the district, Administrative setup,
District highlights, Important Statistics of the District, Brief note of Primary Census
Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban block wise
figures of Total, SC & ST Population, Rural PCA, Urban PCA, Housing Amenities
etc., of 2011 Census of India.

The District Census Handbook is further enriched with a district and Sub-district
(Mandal) maps depicting villages/towns with population size and also amenities
such as educational Institutions, Hospitals, Telegraph and Telephone facilities,
Banks etc.

I am grateful to the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, District

Collectors, Municipal Commissioners, Tahsildars and senior officials of the

Government of Andhra Pradesh for their co-operation and assistance throughout
the Census Operations and in the process of collection of the Secondary data.

I am very privileged to be associated with the national task of Census of India 2011
in the capacity of Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. I
express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. C. Chandramouli, IAS, Registrar General &
Census Commissioner, India, for the inspiring guidance all along. I sincerely
express my profound thanks to Dr. R.C. Sethi, ISS, Additional Registrar General,
India, Dr. Deepak Rastogi, Deputy Director General, Shri. A.K. Singh, Deputy
Registrar General (Census) for help, guidance and constant support accorded in all
matters. Thanks are also due to Dr. A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) for
his support and guidance in generating digital maps. I also acknowledge the
continuous support of Dr. Prathibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (S.S) and
other Officers of the Office of the Registrar General, India, New Delhi.

I sincerely express my gratitude to Shri M.S. Thapa, Additional Director (EDP) and
his team for their technical guidance and also in generating various tables in
bringing out this volume.

The credit for preparation of DCHB goes to a team of devoted officers and staff of
this Directorate under the guidance of Shri. R.V.V. Durga Prasad, Joint Director
along with the methodical direct supervision of Shri. S. Daya Sagar, Assistant
Director for their active involvement and painstaking efforts in bringing out this
publication. The names of individuals associated with this project are shown in
‘Acknowledgements’. I am grateful to all of them.

I hope that the data users will find this publication very useful.

Date: 30.06.2014 Y.V. Anuradha, I.A.S.

Hyderabad Director


Officers Designation

Shri. D. Hanumantharaya Joint Director

Shri. R.V.V. Durga Prasad Joint Director
Shri. G. Bapuji Joint Director
Shri. Jagannath Majhi Deputy Director
Shri. S. Daya Sagar Assistant Director
Shri. V.Sreekanth Assistant Director


Dr. P. John Samuel Senior Geographer

Collection, Compilation, Comparison and Finalization

Shri. Pradip Dev Statistical Investigator Grade-I

Smt. P. Vijaya Statistical Investigator Grade-I
Shri .B. Nadavaiah Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Smt. T. Balatripura Sundari Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Smt. M. Indra Bhavani Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Shri. G. Venkateswara Rao Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Shri. L. Sudish Mitra Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Smt.Deepthi Divakaran Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Shri. P.L.N. Sharma Senior Compiler
Smt. P.S. Veena Compiler
Smt. Alin Barkha Tigga Compiler
Smt. C.K. Karthika Compiler
Kum. Minakshi Sahu Compiler
Smt. N.V. Satyavathi Devi Assistant Compiler
Smt. T. Manorama Assistant Compiler
Smt. T. Sujatha Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. K. Rama Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. D. Kali Prasanna Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Shri. K. Nagaiah Assistant Director [G] {on Contract}
Shri. M. Sree Ramulu Statistical Investigator Grade-II {on Contract}
Shri. S. Ramakrishna Statistical Investigator Grade-II {on Contract}
Shri. D. Ramulu Statistical Investigator Grade-II {on Contract}
Shri. D. Somanna Statistical Investigator Grade-II {on Contract}
Smt. B. Kusuma Kumari Statistical Investigator Grade-II {on Contract}
Shri. L.K. Murthy Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’ {on Contract}
Shri. B.S. Hanumantha Reddy Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’ {on Contract}

Data Entry
Shri.K.S.K.Chakravarthy Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt.S.Anuradha Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. C. Lakshmi Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Shri. N. Mahesh Mohan Rao Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Shri. D. Venkata Ramana Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. T. Sujatha Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. K. Rama Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. D. Kali Prasanna Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. V.Adilakshmi Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. B. Shobha Rani Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’
Smt. Deepthi Divakaran Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Sri. Indrapal Yadav Statistical Investigator Grade-II
Smt. P.S. Veena Compiler
Smt. Alin Barkha Tigga Compiler
Smt. C.K. Karthika Compiler
Kum. Minakshi Sahu Compiler

Supervision of Mapping Work

Smt G.V. Chandrakala Assistant Director
Smt M.B. Rama Devi Senior Geographer

Preparation of Computerised Maps

Shri G. Mariyanna Senior Drawing Assistant
Shri D. Chiranjeevi Raju Senior Draughtsman
Shri M.A Quadeer Senior Draughtsman
Shri T. Trinadh Senior Draughtsman
Smt R.R.S.N Subba Lakshmi Senior Draughtsman
Shri Gulam Hasan Mohinuddin Senior Draughtsman
Shri P. Babji Senior Draughtsman

ORGI- Data Processing Division

Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba Deputy Director

Ms. Usha Assistant Director

Shri Anurag Gupta DPA Grade ‘A’

Shri Mukesh K.Mahawar DPA Grade ‘A’

Ms. Shagufta Nasreen Bhat DPA Grade ‘A’

Ms. Kiran Bala Saxena Sr. Supervisor


The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and
planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies prompted
the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census Handbook is a
unique publication from the Census organization which provides most
authentic details of census and non-census information from village and
town level to district level. The District Census Handbook was firstly
introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains both census and non
census data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. The census
data contain several demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the
lowest administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and ward of the
district. The non census data comprise of data on availability of various civic
amenities and infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village level
which constitute Village Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB.
The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning
and development at grass-root level.

In 1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the district,

administrative statistics, census tables and village and town directory
including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971
Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to
village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C
comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables
and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of
villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A
contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town
including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features along
with restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added
into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought
together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the
distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity,
was given.

The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the DCHB of
1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold
industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold
industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise
population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a
view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all
children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of
1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the
Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of village
directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level

As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was

improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and
cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’

manufactured in a village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier
censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its
coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified

The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been
widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of
2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and
the data of each town have been presented viz.; (i) Status and Growth
History of towns, (ii) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii) Civic and
other Amenities, (iv) Medical Facilities, (v) Educational, Recreational &
Cultural Facilities, (vi) Industry & Banking, and (vii) Civic & other
amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and
Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in
earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two
parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains
Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been
published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.


Brief History of the District

Ongole (Prakasam) District was constituted on the 2nd of February, 1970 by

carving out portions of Guntur, Nellore and Kurnool districts. It was
renamed as Prakasam district in 1972 in memory of the eminent freedom
fighter Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu who was the Chief Minister of the
composite Madras state and the first Chief Minister of Andhra State.

Prakasam was known as Vangalaprolu, Vangavolu and Vangolu after the

surname of an astrologer in the court of an Addanki chief. It was part of the
'Pungi Nadu' during the time of the Ikshavakus, 'Kamma or Karmarastra
during the Pallava period and 'Pakanadu' during the Kakatiya period.

Ancient period :

The history of Prakasam district starts with the rule of Nandas. The
imperial dynasties that held sway over this district in the ancient period.
after the Nandas, were the Mauryas, Satavahanas, Ikshavakas, Pallavas,
Chalukyas of Badami, Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi, Rashtrakutas, Cholas,
Chalukyas of Kalyani, Yadavas and Kakatiyas. Besides these super powers,
there were also local families ruling over portions of this district and they
owed allegiance to one or the other of the contending imperial powers
according to the exigencies of time. To have an over all idea of the history of
the district, it is necessary to have a peep into the fluctuating fortunes of
these ruling powers.

Though the evidence for the rule of Nandas and Mauryas is slender, there
can be no doubt about the rule of later Satavahanas over this area for an
inscription of Gautamiputra Satakarni dated in his 27th regnal year was
noticed at Chinaganjam in Chirala of this district. The discovery of a few
gold coins pertaining to the Roman emperors of the 1st century B.C. or A.D.
at Dharmavaripalem in Darsi taluk of Prakasam district shows that the
Satavahanas traded with distant lands extending as far as Rome. Major
part of the area comprising Prakasam district excluding the two taluks of
Giddalur and Markapuram transferred from Kurnool district at the time of
its formation in 1970. Prakasam district together with the entire Guntur
district was known as Kamma rashtra from the 4th Century to the 14th
Century A.D. Prominent references to Kamma rashtra are found in the two
famous copper plate inscriptions of Chandalur village (30 Kms. North of
Ongole town), the first one dating around 650 A.D. and the second one to
673 A.D. respectively.

If the annexation was in its entirety, then the area comprising the present
Prakasam district must have also passed fully under the Chola hegemony.
Pallava Simha Vishnu, who ruled the Pallava Kingdom between 574 A.D.
and 600 A.D. besides stalling the kalabhna submersion, revived the Pallava
supremacy in this region.

The district became a bone of contention between the Chalukyas of Badami

and the Pallavas of Kanchi. There were about nine rulers in the Chalukya
dynasty and fourteen among the Pallavas. The rule of the Chalukyas began
in the 2nd quarter of the 6th Century A.D. while that of the greater Pallavas
in the 3rd quarter of the same Century. Though the rule of the Chalukyas
ended a little over the middle of the 8th Century, the Pallavas, however
continued beyond the 9th Century A.D. There were some outstanding
warrior rulers among them both the dynasties. They were pulakesin-II on
the side of the Chalukyas and Narsimhaswamy-I on the side of the pallavas.

At one time i.e., during the second quarter of the 8th Century A.D. when
Chalukya Vikramaditya-II was at the helm of affairs at Badami, the Pallavas
appeared to have asserted their sway over the territory in Nellore district
which has now gone to make-up the Ongole district in 1970. With
Kirthivarman-II (744-757) A.D. the rule of the Badami Chalukyas came to
an end and they were survived by the Eastern Chalukyas taken by the
Rashtrakutas. They were overthrown by Chola subordinates in about 912
A.D. The Rashtrakutas, though they appeared on the political scene much
later, quit the field sixty years after the Pallavas and their place was taken
by the Western Chalukyas of Kalyani.

With the ushering of the Western Chalukyas a period of internecine

warfare began between the Chalukyas and the Cholas. All these wars were
for controlling that fertile sketch of the coastal area of which Prakasam
district was part and parcel. The Chalukya rulers dynasty was in existence
till 1200 A.D. Among the Cholas, the last ruler Rajendra-III is said to have
ruled till 1279 A.D.

The sub-feudatories of the Cholas, the Velanadu Cholas and Nellore Telugu
Cholas were important among the rising powers.

The branch of the Telugu Cholas were ruling in the southern marches of
Kammanadu during this period. Though very few inscriptions of this family
have come to light, an undated epigraph at Peda Cherukuru in Chirala taluk
records seven generations of this family down to Malladeva-II, a subordinate
of Kakatiya Ganapathideva. The Telugu Cholas of Konidena titled
themselves as Kondukuru Puravardhisvaras instead of Oreyuri Pura-
varadhisvaras and the lords of 21,000 villages of Pakanadu Vishaya.

Of the Telugu Chola families that ruled over parts of former Nellore district
from the 10th Century A.D., Tondiyaraja of Kalujuvvalapadu, the Telugu
Cholas of Nellore were important.

The Telugu Cholas of Konidena ruled over Kammanadu comprising among

others modern Prakasam district for nearly two centuries with their capital
at Konidena.

The Kingdom comprised Kamma-nadu, the tract from Kavali to Ongole in

the northern part of Nellore district. Kammanadu consisted of parts of
Satte-nnapalle, Narasaraopet and Vinukonda taluks and at the time spread
beyond the Krishna on the north, beyond the Gundlakamma upto Srisailam
on the west, into Guntur district on the north east, and Velanadu, Pakadu
and Addanki Sima on the south.

Of the Western Chalukyas dynasty, five rulers held sway till 1200 A.D. after
Vikramaditya-VI, and contemporaneously seven Cholas ruled beyond this
period starting from Kulothunga-I. Whatever be the length of their rule,
their power declined gradually, Vikrama Chola, who followed Kulothunga-I
was successful in regaining his hold on coastal Andhra with the help
rendered by his subordinates. The Chalukya ruler Someswara-III, unable to
protect the territorial acquisitions of his father Vikramaditya-III perhaps
retired to his kingdom. No record was found in the former eastern part of
Kurnool district (i.e. Giddaluru and Markapur taluks transferred from
Kurnool to Prakasam district).

The Pandyas, who had been steadily growing power over the years,
conquered the Chola Kingdom under the leadership of Jatavaraman
Sundara Pandya-I and annexed it to their Kingdom. They considered
themselves as the successors of Cholas, whose suzerainty the Telugu Cholas
of Nellore acknowledged and invaded the Kingdom of Nellore.

The Kakatiyas were yet another dynasty to hold sway over the area
comprised in Prakasam district. The first ruler who had anything to do with
this district was Rudra (1150-1195 A.D.)

The next phase in the conquest of this district appears to be in the time of
Ganapathi Deva. He was the son of Mahadeva. So far as this district is
concerned, Ganapathi Deva subdued the Velanadu Cholas, Telugu Cholas of
Konidena and Chakranarayana princes. With the first, he acquired mastery
over Podili and Darsi and seems to have entrusted it to the Kayastha chief
Gangaya Sahini who was ruling from Panugal to Marajawadi. These series
of conquests brought Podili, Darsi, Addanki, Markapur and Giddaluru
taluks of this district under the sway of the Kakatiyas.

Imperial Cholas in the maritime Andhra witnessed the emergence of the
Kakatiyas of Warangal who played a very prominent part in the history of
the Deccan in general and Andhradesa in particular. The Kakatiyas held
sway over the whole of the Telugu-speaking area for nearly 325 years i.e.
from 1000 A.D to 1323 A.D. This period was styled as the Age of Kakatiyas.
It was an age of enquiry and criticism. Rudra, Ganapati, Rudramba and
Prataparudra were the representatives of this great age.

After 1523 A.D. the whole of Andhra Pradesh passed under Mohammad-Bin-
Tughluq, the then sultan of Delhi. However, this area did not remain long
under them, for their rule was most oppressive in character and the people
roused for a benefactor, whom they found one in Musunuri Prolaya Nayaka.
Seventy five nayakas of coastal Andhra, nobles and common people alike
flocked to his standard. The struggle was convulsing that some ventured to
call it a National Movement, the first of its kind in Indian history. In the
wake of this struggle, a few independent Kingdoms came to be established,
the Chief among them being the Reddis, Vizianagara and Bahamanis and
the order of their coming into existence being the years 1326 A.D. and 1347

Contemporaneous with the Yadavas of Devagiri, a dynasty of the Yadava

lineage known as the Yadavas of Addanki ruled over a small kingdom in
Prakasam district as feudatories of the Kakatiyas and the Telugu Cholas for
a century from the middle of the 12th century with their capital at Addanki
which subsequently became the first capital of the Reddi Kingdom. The
Yadavas of Addanki also known as the Chakranarayana princes after one of
their titles were a powerful local dynasty consisting of six kings who were
great warriors.

Towards the close of the 13th century A.D. the Yadavas of Addanki
disappeared and their territory incorporated.

The dynasty of the Nagas ruled over some area in Prakasam district with
their capital at Darsi in the 13th and 14th centuries A.D. It consisted of ten
generations of rulers who were warriors of merit.

The Reddis of Kondavidu :

Of the three Reddi Kingdoms of Kondavidu, Rajamahendravaram and

Kandukuru, which shaped the destinies of the people of coastal Andhra,
Kondavidu and Kandukuru, an off-shoot of Kondavidu, are relevant to
Prakasam district. The Reddis of Kondavidu, who began as the
subordinates of the Musunuri chiefs, soon became independent and played
an important role during the revival of the Hindu supremacy in the post
Kakatiya period.

The Reddis ruled the Telugu country in the 14th and 15th centuries. The
sources for the history of the Reddis are the inscriptions copper plate and
stone, Sanskrit and Telugu literature, Muslim historians and itinerary
accounts of European travelers and traditional accounts.

Vema Reddi, son of Prolaya Reddi, a chieftain of Pakanadu was the founder
of the Reddi Kingdom. His Mallavaram inscription dated saka 1247
(A.D.1325) refers to him as the supreme ruler of the region around Addanki.
The mention of the Brahma Kundi or Kundi Prabha (Gundlakamma), the
Krishna and Gautami in this inscription indicates Vema's sphere of action
during this troublous period.

Vema Reddi, also known as Prolaya Vema, rendered great service to

literature by extending patronage to scholars and teachers and granting
them agraharas. Errapregada, also called Sambhudasa, was the court-poet
of Prolaya Vema. He was the son of Suranarya and his ancestors migrated
to Pakanadu from Venginadu and settled at Gudluru in Kandukuru taluk.
He was a devotee of Siva and his guru Sankaraswami was a famous Saivite
teacher. While at Gudluru, he became the favourite poet of Malla Reddi, the
youngest brother of Prolaya Vema. After founding the Reddi Kingdom, Malla
Reddi took him to his brother, ever since he became the court-poet of the
Reddis of Addanki. He had four works to his credit and they were; (1) The
Aranya Parva of the Mahabharata left unfinished by Nannaya and Tikkana,
(2) Narasimhapuranam, (3) Ramayanam and (4) Harivamsam. The first of
these won for him the title Prabhanda Parameswara. He is known to have
written the Ramayanam at the request of Prolayavema. An inscription of
Saka 1320 (1398 A.D.) at Kandukuru belonging to Rachavema, grandson of
Malla Reddi, corroborates this.

During the political turmoil after the fall of Warangal, when Prolaya Vema
was busy establishing his authority to the south of the Krishna, his
youngest brother Malla Reddi co-operated with him and took an active part
in building up the Reddi power. The Mallavaram inscription of Prolaya Vema
styles him as Malla senapati, and the Telugu work Harivamsam as Malla
rathininatha. The conquest of Motupalli was one of the chief achievements
of Malla Reddi. When Sultan Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah invaded the
coastal region, Malla Reddi opposed and inflicted a severe defeat on him and
saved the Kingdom which was then in the making. There are reasons to
believe that the youngest brother of Prolaya Vema was put incharge of the
southern province of the Reddi Kingdom, Kandukuru.

Very little is known of the history of the Reddis of Kandukuru. These chiefs
refer in their records only to Addanki and not to Kondavidu. Srigiri Reddi,
son of Pina Komati and grand son of Malla, was the first member of this

family to assert his independence. He is represented by two inscriptions,
one at Kandukuru dated Saka 1320 and the other at Konda-mudusupalem
dated Saka 1322. The Kandukuru record states that he was the eldest son
of Pina Komati and Gannambika.

The Saluvas ruled over the Podili area in the 15th century A.D., with their
capital at Podili. A few inscriptions and the Kaifiyat of Podili form the
sources of their history. The Saluvas were known as Sombuvarayas and are
confused with the Saluvas of Guntur who acquitted and distinguished
themselves better than the Saluvas of Podili and became celebrated in
Srinatha's works. The rule of the Saluvas of Podili ended with Telugu
Rayudu. Afterwards nothing is heard of his successors or sons as their
territory was appropriated among the Gajapatis and the Rayas of

The history of the district in the year following the death of the Reddi King
Racha Vema is obscure. Perhaps it also marked the beginning of wars
between the Rayas of Vijayanagar and the Gajapatis of Orissa. In 1579 A.D .
the Vijayanagara Kingdom witnessed an invasion by the Sultan of Golkonda
- Ibrahim Qutub Shah. During this invasion, major portion of the present
Prakasam district passed under the Qutub Shahis of Golkonda. Within a
few years afterwards, i.e. in 1687 A.D. the Qutub Shahis also disappeared
from the political scene, giving place to the Mughals then led by Aurangazeb.

There are inscriptions at Cumbum in Bestawaripeta taluk, one of 1706

A.D.and another of 1729 A.D. The first refers to the death of one Khaja
Muhammed Sheriff who was the Qiladar of Cumbum fort during the reign of
Aurangazeb. The second refers to one Muhammed Sahib, son of
Muhammed Khayum of Tab and governor of Cumbum in the reign of
Muhammad Shah. It also states that Muhammad Sahib got a mosque
constructed at Cumbum during his governorship. All these go to show that
this district, like the other districts in the Qutub Shahi Kingdom, passed
under the Mughal rule. It formed part of the Golkonda province, one of the
six provinces into which the Deccan Suba was sub-divided.

The next dynasty to rule over the district was the Asaf Jahis. During Nizam-
Ul-Mulks time, the Deccan Suba comprised five Nawabs charges, one of
which was Kurnool. Nellore and Guntur districts, from which certain areas
were taken out to constitute the present Prakasam district, were under the
Nawabs of Arcot and Rajmundry. In 1801 A.D. the British acquired complete
control over the three districts from which the present Prakasam district
was formed.

The Zamindars and the Palegars rose to prominence during the period
preceding the transfer of this region to the British. Some of them were

descendants of the ancient Hindu ruling families, while some others were
the agents of the Muslim rulers. They usurped certain hereditary rights and
regarded themselves as the owners of the soil. They maintained retainers
who helped them in the collection of revenue. The Zamindars appropriated
to themselves most of this revenue and paid a fixed sum to their overlords.
The chief among them were those of Ongole, Venkatagiri, Srikalahasti,
Chundi, Mutyalapadu and Guntur.

Freedom Struggle :

Prakasam district was seriously disturbed in the subsequent decades by the

freedom struggle. The Indian National Congress, founded in 1885 was only
one of the symbols of reminiscent India. The people of this district
contributed their due share to the growth and progress of the Indian
National Congress and the liberation movement of the period.

The non-co-operation movement in 1920 shows the district setting with

political turmoil. After the all India Congress Committee meeting was over,
Gandhiji came to some of the coastal districts and spread the message of
nationalism. The boycott of courts by lawyers met with a slightly better
response in favour of civil disobedience and no-tax campaign. Among those
who suspended their practicing professions and who dedicated themselves
to the cause of the country's freedom were some of the top ranking lawyers,
with late Sri. T. Prakasam leading them all.

The district hardly returned to normalcy until the 20th of February, 1947
when the British Government declared its intention to quit India. There was
widespread jubilation in the district when power was finally transferred by
the British to the Indian National Government headed by Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru on the 15th August, 1947.

Three more events are relevant to this district, namely, formation of Andhra
State in 1953, formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956 and the constitution of
Prakasam district in 1970. In 1953, the Telugu speaking districts of the
Madras State, were separated and the Andhra State was formed. In 1956,
the nine Telangana districts of the erstwhile Hyderabad State were added to
the Andhra State under the States Re-organisational Committee's report
thus giving birth to the Andhra Pradesh State. It was in 1970 that this
district really took shape which is formed out of Guntur, Nellore and
Kurnool districts. It was named after the patriot and the heroic among the
freedom fighters 'Andhra Kesari' (Lion of Andhra) Late Sri Tanguturi
Prakasam Pantulu.

Administrative Set-Up
a) Region of the State where the District is located:

Prakasam district is located on the East-side of Bay of Bengal North side is

Guntur district, and South Western side of Kurnool and Y.S.R.Kadapa district and
South side of Nellore district.

b) Number of Revenue Divisions and Mandals:

Prakasam district was formed with parts from Kurnool, Guntur and Nellore
districts on 2.2.1970. In 1985, the then existing 17 taluks were re-organised
into 56 Mandals. Corresponding to the Revenue Mandals, Mandal Praja
Parishads were also formed which were co-terminus with the Revenue Mandals
in all cases except that the Statutory Towns were not included in the
jurisdiction of the Mandal PrajaParishads. The 56 Mandals were organized into
3 Revenue Divisions i.e., Ongole, Kandukur and Markapur. And remained
undisturbed till date.

The 56 Mandals are organised into three Revenue Divisions in the district as

1) Ongole Division: (20 Mandals) Ongole ,Tangutur , Kothapatnam,

Naguluppala padu , Chimakurthi , Maddipadu , Santhanuthala padu , Addanki ,
Korisapadu, Janakavaram Panguluru , Ballikurava , Santhamaguluru, Martur
, Yeddana Pudi , Chirala , Vetapalem, Chinaganjam , Parchur , Inkollu and

2) Kandukur Division: (24 Mandals) Kandukur, Gudluru, Voletivaripalem ,

Ponnaluru, Kondapi , Zarugumilli, Singarayakonda, Ulavapadu,
Lingasamudram ,Kanigiri , Hanumanthunipadu , Pamur , Veligandla,
Chandrasekhara Puram, Pedacherlo palle, Podili, Konakanamitla , Marripudi,
Darsi, Tallur, Mundlamuru, Donakonda , Kurichedu and Tarlupadu.

3) Markapur Division: (12 Mandals) Markapur, Dornala , Peda Araveedu,

Yerragondapalem, Tripuranthakam, Pullalacheruvu, Giddaluru, Racherla,
Komarolu, Bestawaripeta, Cumbum and Ardhaveedu

c) Total Number of Towns/Villages:

There were 1093 total Revenue Villages as per 1991 Census of which 10 i.e.,
Perala, Chirala, Vetapalem, Bestawaripeta, Ongole (NMA), Annavarappadu, Pamur,
Mahadevapuram, Kandukur and Anandapuram villages were included fully in
towns. Thus, the total rural villages are 1083 in the district in 2001 Census.

During 1991 Census there were five Statutory Towns and six Census Towns in
the district. Of which Vetapalem a statutory town was degraded as Census Town
and Ongole (NMA) was merged in Ongole Municipality after 1991 Census. Four
Census Towns, viz., Addanki, Cumbum, Giddaluru and Kanigiri attained the rural
status. Two Census Towns, viz., Bestawaripeta and Pamur were newly formed in
2001 Census. Thus, as per 2001 Census this district had four Statutory Towns
viz., Markapur, Chirala, Ongole and Kandukur and four Census Towns viz.,
Vetapalem, Bestawaripeta, Pamur and Singarayakonda(RS).


S.No Name of U.A Constituent Units

1 Chirala U.A Chirala (M), Chirala (New CT),
CT), Ipurupalem and Kothapeta
villages are partly OGs.
2 Ongole U.A Ongole (M), Pernametta village is
partly OG.

d) Changes in Administrative Units during 2011 Census:

During 2011 Census, One village Bestawaripeta is added due to the

declassification of Bestawaripet (CT) and 2 villages viz. Mahadevapuram(R) and
Anandapuram are created a fresh from Kandukur (M). One village Chirala (OG) of
earlier Census is upgraded as Chirala (CT) are Subsequently 5 villages namely;
Cumbum, Podili, Giddalur,Kanigiri (U) and Mulaguntapadu are upgraded as
Census towns, a to to of 6 New CTs.

However, there are 1081 Villages in 2011 Census of which (96 Uninhabited and
985 habited), 56 Mandals (Rural) 3 Revenue Divisions, 13 towns (4 Statutory as
Municipalities and 9 census towns) and 2 urban Agglomerations.

Statement Showing Administrative units at various Censuses-Prakasam

Sl. No. Administrative Unit Census Years
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
1 Revenue Divisions 3 3 3 3 3
2 Mandals (Sub-districts)/(T) (T) 9 (T) 17 56 56 56
3 Villages 1097 1092 1081 1083 1081
a Inhabited villages 1005 1007 998 992 985
b Un-inhabited villages 92 85 83 91 96
c Villages fully included in towns 4 10 12 10 -
d Villages partly included in towns - 7 9 11 3
4 Towns 9 11 11 8 13
5 Statutory towns 3 4 5 4 4
a Municipal Corporations - - - - -
b Municipalities 3 4 5 4 4
c Nagar Panchayats - - - - -
6 Census Towns 6 7 6 4 9
7 Urban Agglomerations - - 1 2 2

District Highlights - 2011 Census
 Prakasam district stands 4th position in terms of area with 17,626 Sq. Kms
and ranks 15th in terms of population with 33,97,448 persons in the state.

 Prakasam district stands 16th in terms of urban area with 268.63 Sq. Kms
and ranks 17th in terms of urban population with 6,64,582 persons in the
state while it stands 3rd in terms of rural area with 17,357.37 Sq. Kms and
ranks 10th in terms of rural population with 27,32,866 persons in the

 The district ranks 14th in terms of households with 8,60,463 as against

7,02,559 households in 2001.

 The district ranks 12th in terms of total number of villages with 1,081 as
against 1,083 in 2001.

 The district ranks 19th in the state in terms of Sex-ratio with 981 as
against 971 in 2001.

 The district ranks 20th in terms of Density with 193 persons per Sq. Kms
as against 174 in 2001.

 The district ranks 15th in terms of literacy with 19,04,435 literates as

against 15,32,126 in 2001.

 The district is with 17,00,567 workers and 16,96,881 non-workers as

against 15,37,544 workers and 15,21,879 non-workers in 2001.

Mandal [Sub-District]:

 Kanigiri Mandal is having the largest area of 510.98 Sq. Kms

whileVetapalemMandal is having the least area of 85.54 Sq. Kms.

 Podili Mandal is having the largest Urban area of 43.88 Sq. Kms while
Cumbum Mandal is having the least Urban area of 8.81 Sq. Kms.

 Kanigiri. Mandal is having the largest Rural area of 477.92 Sq. Kms while
Chirala. Mandal is having the least Rural area of 65.41 Sq. Kms.

 Ongole Mandal is having the highest population of 2,53,122 persons, while

the least population of 28,373 is found in Yeddanapudi Mandal.

 The highest Urban Population of 2,04,746 persons is found in Ongole

Mandal and least Urban Population of 3,598 persons is found in
Santhanuthala Padu Mandal.
 The highest Rural Population of 89,769 is found in Addanki Mandal, while
the least Rural Population of 28,373 is found in Yeddana Pudi Mandal.

 Highest Sex-ratio of 1,115 is found in Yeddana Pudi Mandal and the least
Sex-ratio of 924 is found in Veligandla Mandal.

 Chirala Mandal is having highest Density of 1,688 while Hanumanthuni

Padu Mandal is having the least Density of 89 persons per Sq. Km.

 Highest No. of 1,82,682 literates are in Ongole Mandal and Least No. of
15,642 literates are found in Hanumanthuni Padu Mandal.

 Ongole Mandal is having highest No. of workers 96,442 and non-workers

1,56,680 while Yeddana Pudi Mandal is having the least No. of 15,978
workers and 12,204 non-workers in Hanumanthuni Padu Mandal


 Peda Irla Padu Village of Pedacherlo Palle Mandal is having the largest area
of 6,776 hectares. while Madam Chalama of Yerragondapalem Mandal is
having the least area of 16 hectares.

 Ipuru Palem(part) village of Chirala Mandal is having the highest No. of

households of 11,288, highest Population of 40,482 and 0-6 years
Population of 4,250 while the least No. of 3 households in Kanchipuram
Village of Kanigiri Mandal and least Population of 7 in Kanchipuram of
Kanigiri Mandal and 1 in 0-6 years population is found in
Avisanavaripalem village of Mundlamuru Mandal.

 Highest Sex-ratio of 2,064 is found in Murikimallapenta Village of

Pullacheruvu Mandal and least Sex-ratio of 331 is found in
Narasimhapuram village of Markapur Mandal.

 Highest No. of 22,791 Literates are found in Ipuru Palem (part) Village of
Chirala Mandal and least No. of 3 Literates are found in Kanchipuram
Village of Kanigiri Mandal while the highest No. of 17,691 Illiterates are
found in Ipuru Palem(part) Village of Chirala Mandal and least No. of 2
Illiterates are found in Malakondapuram Village of Pamur Mandal.

 Ipuru Palem(part) Village of Chirala Mandal is having the highest workers

of 20,287 and Anumalakonda Village of Pamur Mandal is having the least
workers of 3 while Ipuru Palem Village of Chirala Mandal tops with 20,195
Non-workers and Kanchipuram Village of Kanigiri Mandal has the least No.
of Non-Workers of 3 persons respectively.
Important Statistics

State District
Number of Villages Total 27,800 1,081
Inhabited 26,286 985
Uninhabited 1,514 96

Number of Towns Statutory 125 4

Census 228 9
Total 353 13

Number of Households Normal 20,927,188 858,151

Institutional 52,588 1,226
Houseless 42,812 1,086

Population Total Persons 84,580,777 3,397,448

Males 42,442,146 1,714,764
Females 42,138,631 1,682,684

Rural Persons 56,361,702 2,732,866

Males 28,243,241 1,382,641
Females 28,118,461 1,350,225

Urban Persons 28,219,075 664,582

Males 14,198,905 332,123
Females 14,020,170 332,459

Percentage Urban Population 33.36 19.56

Decadal Population Growth

2001-2011 Number Percentage Number Percentage
Persons 8,370,770 10.98 338,025 11.05
Males 3,914,733 10.16 162,432 10.46
Females 4,456,037 11.83 175,593 11.65

Area (in sq Km.) 275045 17626.00

Density of Population (Persons 308 193

per sq Km.)

Sex Ratio Total 993 981

(Number of females per 1000 males) Rural 996 977
Urban 987 1,001

Important Statistics
State District
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Literates Persons 50,556,760 67.02 1,904,435 63.08
Males 28,251,243 74.88 1,107,686 72.92
Females 22,305,517 59.15 796,749 53.11

Scheduled Castes Persons 13,878,078 16.41 787,861 23.19

Males 6,913,047 16.29 397,242 23.17
Females 6,965,031 16.53 390,619 23.21

Scheduled Tribes Persons 5,918,073 7 151,145 4.45

Males 2,969,362 7 76,677 4.47
Females 2,948,711 7 74,468 4.43

Workers and Non-Workers

Total Workers (Main and Persons 39,422,906 46.61 1,700,567 50.05
Marginal) Males 24,185,595 56.98 991,842 57.84
Females 15,237,311 36.16 708,725 42.12

(i) Main Workers Persons 33,037,378 39.06 1,463,508 43.08

Males 21,460,081 50.56 908,090 52.96
Females 11,577,297 27.47 555,418 33.01

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 6,385,528 7.55 237,059 6.98

Males 2,725,514 6.42 83,752 4.88
Females 3,660,014 8.69 153,307 9.11

Non-Workers Persons 45,157,871 53.39 1,696,881 49.95

Males 18,256,551 43.02 722,922 42.16
Females 26,901,320 63.84 973,959 57.88
Category of Workers (Main & Marginal)
(i) Cultivators Persons 6,491,522 16.47 280,029 16.47
Males 4,357,304 18.02 194,346 19.59
Females 2,134,218 14.01 85,683 12.09

(ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons 16,967,754 43.04 889,218 52.29

Males 8,130,022 33.62 396,454 39.97
Females 8,837,732 58 492,764 69.53

(iii)Workers in household Persons 1,439,137 3.65 42,603 2.51

industry Males 643,092 2.66 22,685 2.29
Females 796,045 5.22 19,918 2.81

(iv) Other Workers Persons 14,524,493 36.84 488,717 28.74

Males 11,055,177 45.71 378,357 38.15
Females 3,469,316 22.77 110,360 15.57

Section - I
Primary Census Abstract
Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract

The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world. The
first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at
different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was taken
for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been conducted every
ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was the fifteenth in this
unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence and the second census
of the third millennium and twenty first century. The census has been
uninterruptedly continued despite of several adversities like wars, epidemics,
natural calamities, political unrest, etc.
The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1948
and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous de-facto
method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the country on
a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the deployment of very
large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since then the same
methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic operation and
considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time administrative exercise in
the world.
The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter
connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the
Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e., House listing
and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were identified
and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census Schedule during
the period April to September, 2010 in different States/Union Territories. Apart from
listing of houses, some useful data on the amenities available to the households was
also collected for assessing condition of human settlements, housing deficits etc.
Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the information
through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every individual. The
information collected through slip was then compiled for a household. Some
information was also collected in addition to this for the household. During 2001
Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was adopted replacing the individual
slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar household schedule was used for
canvassing. The scope of demographic, socio-economic parameters has been
widened in every census.

2. Population Enumeration - Census 2011:

The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried out
during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population
Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and
her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time.

The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011 was
00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th February
to 28th February, 2011 along with a revisional round from 1st March, 2011 to 5th
March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few specific areas of the
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states that remain
snowbound in February. In these locations the population enumeration was done
from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along with a revisional round
from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The reference date for the census in
snow bound non-synchronous areas of these states was 00.00 hours of the first day
of October, 2010. In addition to the coverage during House listing & Housing
Census, the enumeration of the Houseless population was carried out on the night
of 28th February, 2011, as has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census,
certain areas where the access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due
to security reasons termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly
Military/Para-Military areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such
areas were not covered during the House listing & Housing Census. In addition to
the defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas,
certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed
Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator.

3. Quality Assurance:
A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the
chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of the
organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data Processing
Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies Division comprised
the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co-opted as members whenever
the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union territories. The main objective
of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data to stringent validation checks and
ensure its quality before release as it was expedient to be satisfied itself about the
quality of data before putting the same in public domain.
The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with respect
to the quality and the coverage of their states/Uts. The TFQA intensively scrutinized
coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic. The most
important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage of all
geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data
is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in
the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct geographical
linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality
control, especially for small area population statistics. The content was scrutinized
mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison with similar data in
the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external
sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception was looked at to
understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of population
distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism
was put in place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011 Population
Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population data was
cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA.
The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed by
all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring of the
Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation
and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data
Dissemination Division and Map Division.
4. Primary Census Abstract:

The Primary Census Abstract which is important publication of 2011 Census

gives basic information on Area, Total Number of Households, Total Population,
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Population, Population in the age group 0-6,
Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by the four broad
industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii)
Household Industry Workers, and (iv) Other Workers and also Non-Workers. The
characteristics of the Total Population include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Institutional and Houseless Population and are presented by sex and rural-urban

In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As regards
1991 Census, the nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given
in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the Primary
Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of the age
group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. All the children of age 6
years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and
may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users in better
analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is calculated with
7 years and above population and it is referred as effective literacy rate. In 2001 and
2011 census four categories of main workers have been given in the Primary Census

5. Level of Presentation of PCA data in District Census Handbooks:

The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of 2001
Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories of works
have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census Abstract data in
different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of presentation of Primary
Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under:

1. District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town.

2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town.
3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town.
4. Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise.
5. Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level.

The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time in
1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term ‘Total
Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional
and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract
has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block-wise particulars on Total
Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population
for each town.

6. Area Figures:

The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in respect
of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in
square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in
acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of the C.D. Block
are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. The area figures for
the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of India to maintain
uniformity at the national level.


District Primary Census


Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional and

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
549 Prakasam - District Total 17,626.00 860,463 3,397,448 1,714,764 1,682,684 378,261 195,753 182,508
Rural 17,357.37 691,813 2,732,866 1,382,641 1,350,225 311,074 161,206 149,868
Urban 268.63 168,650 664,582 332,123 332,459 67,187 34,547 32,640
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 280.76 14,558 64,063 33,160 30,903 8,769 4,568 4,201
Rural 280.76 14,558 64,063 33,160 30,903 8,769 4,568 4,201
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 240.45 12,551 53,279 27,258 26,021 7,993 4,102 3,891
Rural 240.45 12,551 53,279 27,258 26,021 7,993 4,102 3,891
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 256.48 14,542 62,627 31,740 30,887 8,258 4,291 3,967
Rural 256.48 14,542 62,627 31,740 30,887 8,258 4,291 3,967
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 182.35 10,834 44,187 22,504 21,683 6,153 3,181 2,972
Rural 182.35 10,834 44,187 22,504 21,683 6,153 3,181 2,972
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 246.39 10,158 42,262 21,630 20,632 5,688 2,969 2,719
Rural 246.39 10,158 42,262 21,630 20,632 5,688 2,969 2,719
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 387.37 11,416 48,148 24,706 23,442 6,270 3,258 3,012
Rural 387.37 11,416 48,148 24,706 23,442 6,270 3,258 3,012
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 294.40 9,632 40,801 20,837 19,964 5,341 2,739 2,602
Rural 294.40 9,632 40,801 20,837 19,964 5,341 2,739 2,602
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 207.47 15,344 59,528 30,355 29,173 6,782 3,567 3,215
Rural 207.47 15,344 59,528 30,355 29,173 6,782 3,567 3,215
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 216.61 13,661 53,269 26,942 26,327 5,839 3,058 2,781
Rural 216.61 13,661 53,269 26,942 26,327 5,839 3,058 2,781
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 179.83 19,317 73,862 37,083 36,779 7,787 3,937 3,850
Rural 179.83 19,317 73,862 37,083 36,779 7,787 3,937 3,850
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 105.72 8,138 28,373 13,417 14,956 2,453 1,280 1,173
Rural 105.72 8,138 28,373 13,417 14,956 2,453 1,280 1,173
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 222.69 15,531 54,668 26,622 28,046 4,833 2,406 2,427
Rural 222.69 15,531 54,668 26,622 28,046 4,833 2,406 2,427
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 162.12 11,322 38,916 19,422 19,494 3,187 1,643 1,544
Rural 162.12 11,322 38,916 19,422 19,494 3,187 1,643 1,544
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 144.50 13,812 49,546 24,905 24,641 4,650 2,397 2,253
Rural 144.50 13,812 49,546 24,905 24,641 4,650 2,397 2,253
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -

0779 Janakavarampanguluru Total 168.82 12,583 45,186 22,486 22,700 4,287 2,200 2,087
Rural 168.82 12,583 45,186 22,486 22,700 4,287 2,200 2,087
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 252.15 23,389 89,769 44,874 44,895 9,982 5,186 4,796
Rural 252.15 23,389 89,769 44,874 44,895 9,982 5,186 4,796
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 333.76 14,112 56,783 29,057 27,726 7,023 3,674 3,349
Rural 333.76 14,112 56,783 29,057 27,726 7,023 3,674 3,349
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 408.87 20,828 86,702 44,508 42,194 11,156 5,815 5,341
Rural 408.87 20,828 86,702 44,508 42,194 11,156 5,815 5,341
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 291.49 12,698 51,892 26,421 25,471 6,430 3,336 3,094
Rural 291.49 12,698 51,892 26,421 25,471 6,430 3,336 3,094
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
787,861 397,242 390,619 151,145 76,677 74,468 1,904,435 1,107,686 796,749 Total Prakasam - District
698,090 352,889 345,201 124,386 63,386 61,000 1,435,913 852,588 583,325 Rural
89,771 44,353 45,418 26,759 13,291 13,468 468,522 255,098 213,424 Urban
15,361 7,918 7,443 6,910 3,805 3,105 30,787 19,207 11,580 Total Yerragondapalem
15,361 7,918 7,443 6,910 3,805 3,105 30,787 19,207 11,580 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,181 6,736 6,445 8,694 4,453 4,241 22,534 13,630 8,904 Total Pullalacheruvu
13,181 6,736 6,445 8,694 4,453 4,241 22,534 13,630 8,904 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16,029 7,859 8,170 2,535 1,302 1,233 26,166 16,580 9,586 Total Tripuranthakam
16,029 7,859 8,170 2,535 1,302 1,233 26,166 16,580 9,586 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,533 4,754 4,779 7,396 3,657 3,739 22,059 13,400 8,659 Total Dornala
9,533 4,754 4,779 7,396 3,657 3,739 22,059 13,400 8,659 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,073 6,120 5,953 1,215 643 572 18,698 11,968 6,730 Total Peda Araveedu
12,073 6,120 5,953 1,215 643 572 18,698 11,968 6,730 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,701 7,549 7,152 382 188 194 20,904 13,210 7,694 Total Donakonda
14,701 7,549 7,152 382 188 194 20,904 13,210 7,694 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,445 4,371 4,074 1,445 747 698 18,117 11,328 6,789 Total Kurichedu
8,445 4,371 4,074 1,445 747 698 18,117 11,328 6,789 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,990 6,174 5,816 2,975 1,555 1,420 28,421 17,104 11,317 Total Santhamaguluru
11,990 6,174 5,816 2,975 1,555 1,420 28,421 17,104 11,317 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,258 7,255 7,003 3,331 1,703 1,628 26,682 15,755 10,927 Total Ballikurava
14,258 7,255 7,003 3,331 1,703 1,628 26,682 15,755 10,927 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
18,278 9,187 9,091 4,123 2,057 2,066 40,358 23,338 17,020 Total Martur
18,278 9,187 9,091 4,123 2,057 2,066 40,358 23,338 17,020 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,280 4,353 4,927 617 290 327 16,927 8,983 7,944 Total Yeddana Pudi
9,280 4,353 4,927 617 290 327 16,927 8,983 7,944 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,000 6,612 7,388 3,691 1,877 1,814 33,741 18,580 15,161 Total Parchur
14,000 6,612 7,388 3,691 1,877 1,814 33,741 18,580 15,161 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,458 4,829 4,629 1,558 794 764 24,154 13,521 10,633 Total Karamchedu
9,458 4,829 4,629 1,558 794 764 24,154 13,521 10,633 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,507 6,810 6,697 1,866 955 911 31,588 17,930 13,658 Total Inkollu
13,507 6,810 6,697 1,866 955 911 31,588 17,930 13,658 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban

12,504 6,322 6,182 1,839 961 878 25,395 14,432 10,963 Total Janakavarampanguluru
12,504 6,322 6,182 1,839 961 878 25,395 14,432 10,963 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22,312 11,048 11,264 4,127 2,053 2,074 50,753 28,923 21,830 Total Addanki
22,312 11,048 11,264 4,127 2,053 2,074 50,753 28,923 21,830 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,757 7,565 7,192 2,042 1,065 977 24,565 15,020 9,545 Total Mundlamuru
14,757 7,565 7,192 2,042 1,065 977 24,565 15,020 9,545 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
18,949 9,743 9,206 3,102 1,572 1,530 43,648 26,757 16,891 Total Darsi
18,949 9,743 9,206 3,102 1,572 1,530 43,648 26,757 16,891 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,671 6,321 6,350 740 383 357 25,963 16,302 9,661 Total Markapur
12,671 6,321 6,350 740 383 357 25,963 16,302 9,661 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
549 Prakasam - District Total 1,700,567 991,842 708,725 1,463,508 908,090 555,418 264,818 189,321 75,497
Rural 1,454,542 810,362 644,180 1,242,381 739,063 503,318 258,997 184,248 74,749
Urban 246,025 181,480 64,545 221,127 169,027 52,100 5,821 5,073 748
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 33,817 18,401 15,416 30,105 17,300 12,805 8,116 5,168 2,948
Rural 33,817 18,401 15,416 30,105 17,300 12,805 8,116 5,168 2,948
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 31,979 16,314 15,665 29,924 15,651 14,273 6,872 4,469 2,403
Rural 31,979 16,314 15,665 29,924 15,651 14,273 6,872 4,469 2,403
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 34,305 17,945 16,360 28,576 15,664 12,912 6,025 4,203 1,822
Rural 34,305 17,945 16,360 28,576 15,664 12,912 6,025 4,203 1,822
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 23,923 12,614 11,309 18,083 10,204 7,879 3,694 2,494 1,200
Rural 23,923 12,614 11,309 18,083 10,204 7,879 3,694 2,494 1,200
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 23,558 12,103 11,455 18,982 10,757 8,225 4,992 3,360 1,632
Rural 23,558 12,103 11,455 18,982 10,757 8,225 4,992 3,360 1,632
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 26,883 14,256 12,627 21,387 12,816 8,571 4,687 3,509 1,178
Rural 26,883 14,256 12,627 21,387 12,816 8,571 4,687 3,509 1,178
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 22,483 12,111 10,372 18,556 11,169 7,387 7,046 4,844 2,202
Rural 22,483 12,111 10,372 18,556 11,169 7,387 7,046 4,844 2,202
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 34,928 18,266 16,662 30,243 16,645 13,598 6,156 4,127 2,029
Rural 34,928 18,266 16,662 30,243 16,645 13,598 6,156 4,127 2,029
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 30,374 15,920 14,454 25,158 14,686 10,472 6,272 4,272 2,000
Rural 30,374 15,920 14,454 25,158 14,686 10,472 6,272 4,272 2,000
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 39,981 22,291 17,690 35,085 20,477 14,608 5,090 3,415 1,675
Rural 39,981 22,291 17,690 35,085 20,477 14,608 5,090 3,415 1,675
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 15,978 8,442 7,536 14,634 8,193 6,441 4,076 2,783 1,293
Rural 15,978 8,442 7,536 14,634 8,193 6,441 4,076 2,783 1,293
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 29,277 16,186 13,091 27,898 15,700 12,198 6,104 4,161 1,943
Rural 29,277 16,186 13,091 27,898 15,700 12,198 6,104 4,161 1,943
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 21,588 12,229 9,359 19,133 11,256 7,877 4,852 3,629 1,223
Rural 21,588 12,229 9,359 19,133 11,256 7,877 4,852 3,629 1,223
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 26,777 15,281 11,496 24,810 14,692 10,118 5,608 3,741 1,867
Rural 26,777 15,281 11,496 24,810 14,692 10,118 5,608 3,741 1,867
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0779 u Total 24,920 13,689 11,231 21,760 12,720 9,040 5,069 3,570 1,499
Rural 24,920 13,689 11,231 21,760 12,720 9,040 5,069 3,570 1,499
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 42,921 25,907 17,014 38,661 24,489 14,172 6,437 4,869 1,568
Rural 42,921 25,907 17,014 38,661 24,489 14,172 6,437 4,869 1,568
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 31,975 17,152 14,823 27,635 15,721 11,914 7,475 5,022 2,453
Rural 31,975 17,152 14,823 27,635 15,721 11,914 7,475 5,022 2,453
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 43,518 24,928 18,590 35,316 22,186 13,130 8,632 6,665 1,967
Rural 43,518 24,928 18,590 35,316 22,186 13,130 8,632 6,665 1,967
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 28,358 14,802 13,556 26,458 14,328 12,130 5,336 3,463 1,873
Rural 28,358 14,802 13,556 26,458 14,328 12,130 5,336 3,463 1,873
Urban - - - - - - - - -


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
721,512 347,300 374,212 36,286 20,408 15,878 440,892 351,061 89,831 Total Prakasam - District
697,207 333,995 363,212 21,529 12,292 9,237 264,648 208,528 56,120 Rural
24,305 13,305 11,000 14,757 8,116 6,641 176,244 142,533 33,711 Urban
17,340 8,343 8,997 281 203 78 4,368 3,586 782 Total Yerragondapalem
17,340 8,343 8,997 281 203 78 4,368 3,586 782 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
21,543 10,053 11,490 119 80 39 1,390 1,049 341 Total Pullalacheruvu
21,543 10,053 11,490 119 80 39 1,390 1,049 341 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
18,928 8,741 10,187 283 169 114 3,340 2,551 789 Total Tripuranthakam
18,928 8,741 10,187 283 169 114 3,340 2,551 789 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,060 4,560 5,500 174 100 74 4,155 3,050 1,105 Total Dornala
10,060 4,560 5,500 174 100 74 4,155 3,050 1,105 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,934 5,711 6,223 121 85 36 1,935 1,601 334 Total Peda Araveedu
11,934 5,711 6,223 121 85 36 1,935 1,601 334 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,007 6,422 6,585 107 74 33 3,586 2,811 775 Total Donakonda
13,007 6,422 6,585 107 74 33 3,586 2,811 775 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,680 3,950 4,730 256 203 53 2,574 2,172 402 Total Kurichedu
8,680 3,950 4,730 256 203 53 2,574 2,172 402 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
20,058 9,391 10,667 359 201 158 3,670 2,926 744 Total Santhamaguluru
20,058 9,391 10,667 359 201 158 3,670 2,926 744 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16,010 8,154 7,856 244 152 92 2,632 2,108 524 Total Ballikurava
16,010 8,154 7,856 244 152 92 2,632 2,108 524 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
20,539 9,963 10,576 1,242 667 575 8,214 6,432 1,782 Total Martur
20,539 9,963 10,576 1,242 667 575 8,214 6,432 1,782 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,942 4,113 4,829 25 19 6 1,591 1,278 313 Total Yeddana Pudi
8,942 4,113 4,829 25 19 6 1,591 1,278 313 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,990 8,509 9,481 176 134 42 3,628 2,896 732 Total Parchur
17,990 8,509 9,481 176 134 42 3,628 2,896 732 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,355 5,407 5,948 139 85 54 2,787 2,135 652 Total Karamchedu
11,355 5,407 5,948 139 85 54 2,787 2,135 652 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,926 5,913 7,013 189 121 68 6,087 4,917 1,170 Total Inkollu
12,926 5,913 7,013 189 121 68 6,087 4,917 1,170 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban

13,041 6,252 6,789 228 145 83 3,422 2,753 669 Total Janakavarampanguluru
13,041 6,252 6,789 228 145 83 3,422 2,753 669 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
19,415 9,631 9,784 415 258 157 12,394 9,731 2,663 Total Addanki
19,415 9,631 9,784 415 258 157 12,394 9,731 2,663 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,104 8,465 8,639 229 153 76 2,827 2,081 746 Total Mundlamuru
17,104 8,465 8,639 229 153 76 2,827 2,081 746 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,728 8,512 9,216 461 285 176 8,495 6,724 1,771 Total Darsi
17,728 8,512 9,216 461 285 176 8,495 6,724 1,771 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,938 5,763 8,175 105 76 29 7,079 5,026 2,053 Total Markapur
13,938 5,763 8,175 105 76 29 7,079 5,026 2,053 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
549 Prakasam - District Total 237,059 83,752 153,307 15,211 5,025 10,186 167,706 49,154 118,552
Rural 212,161 71,299 140,862 14,961 4,879 10,082 161,087 46,804 114,283
Urban 24,898 12,453 12,445 250 146 104 6,619 2,350 4,269
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 3,712 1,101 2,611 247 53 194 2,733 731 2,002
Rural 3,712 1,101 2,611 247 53 194 2,733 731 2,002
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 2,055 663 1,392 166 61 105 1,747 526 1,221
Rural 2,055 663 1,392 166 61 105 1,747 526 1,221
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 5,729 2,281 3,448 365 244 121 4,749 1,666 3,083
Rural 5,729 2,281 3,448 365 244 121 4,749 1,666 3,083
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 5,840 2,410 3,430 246 115 131 4,577 1,699 2,878
Rural 5,840 2,410 3,430 246 115 131 4,577 1,699 2,878
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 4,576 1,346 3,230 315 91 224 3,984 1,094 2,890
Rural 4,576 1,346 3,230 315 91 224 3,984 1,094 2,890
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 5,496 1,440 4,056 304 48 256 4,589 988 3,601
Rural 5,496 1,440 4,056 304 48 256 4,589 988 3,601
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 3,927 942 2,985 254 42 212 3,466 781 2,685
Rural 3,927 942 2,985 254 42 212 3,466 781 2,685
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 4,685 1,621 3,064 301 89 212 3,834 1,210 2,624
Rural 4,685 1,621 3,064 301 89 212 3,834 1,210 2,624
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 5,216 1,234 3,982 501 116 385 4,243 828 3,415
Rural 5,216 1,234 3,982 501 116 385 4,243 828 3,415
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 4,896 1,814 3,082 179 70 109 3,930 1,286 2,644
Rural 4,896 1,814 3,082 179 70 109 3,930 1,286 2,644
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 1,344 249 1,095 305 33 272 930 156 774
Rural 1,344 249 1,095 305 33 272 930 156 774
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 1,379 486 893 53 19 34 1,125 322 803
Rural 1,379 486 893 53 19 34 1,125 322 803
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 2,455 973 1,482 180 91 89 1,606 517 1,089
Rural 2,455 973 1,482 180 91 89 1,606 517 1,089
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 1,967 589 1,378 160 27 133 1,440 381 1,059
Rural 1,967 589 1,378 160 27 133 1,440 381 1,059
Urban - - - - - - - - -

0779 Janakavarampanguluru Total 3,160 969 2,191 192 66 126 2,778 777 2,001
Rural 3,160 969 2,191 192 66 126 2,778 777 2,001
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 4,260 1,418 2,842 240 60 180 2,791 713 2,078
Rural 4,260 1,418 2,842 240 60 180 2,791 713 2,078
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 4,340 1,431 2,909 157 59 98 3,768 1,148 2,620
Rural 4,340 1,431 2,909 157 59 98 3,768 1,148 2,620
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 8,202 2,742 5,460 524 83 441 6,336 1,864 4,472
Rural 8,202 2,742 5,460 524 83 441 6,336 1,864 4,472
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 1,900 474 1,426 97 38 59 1,404 247 1,157
Rural 1,900 474 1,426 97 38 59 1,404 247 1,157
Urban - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
6,317 2,277 4,040 47,825 27,296 20,529 1,696,881 722,922 973,959 Total Prakasam - District 549
4,070 1,461 2,609 32,043 18,155 13,888 1,278,324 572,279 706,045 Rural
2,247 816 1,431 15,782 9,141 6,641 418,557 150,643 267,914 Urban
55 28 27 677 289 388 30,246 14,759 15,487 Total Yerragondapalem 0765
55 28 27 677 289 388 30,246 14,759 15,487 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
24 4 20 118 72 46 21,300 10,944 10,356 Total Pullalacheruvu 0766
24 4 20 118 72 46 21,300 10,944 10,356 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
59 33 26 556 338 218 28,322 13,795 14,527 Total Tripuranthakam 0767
59 33 26 556 338 218 28,322 13,795 14,527 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
95 50 45 922 546 376 20,264 9,890 10,374 Total Dornala 0768
95 50 45 922 546 376 20,264 9,890 10,374 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
37 12 25 240 149 91 18,704 9,527 9,177 Total Peda Araveedu 0769
37 12 25 240 149 91 18,704 9,527 9,177 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
45 16 29 558 388 170 21,265 10,450 10,815 Total Donakonda 0770
45 16 29 558 388 170 21,265 10,450 10,815 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
43 16 27 164 103 61 18,318 8,726 9,592 Total Kurichedu 0771
43 16 27 164 103 61 18,318 8,726 9,592 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
29 5 24 521 317 204 24,600 12,089 12,511 Total Santhamaguluru 0772
29 5 24 521 317 204 24,600 12,089 12,511 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
40 16 24 432 274 158 22,895 11,022 11,873 Total Ballikurava 0773
40 16 24 432 274 158 22,895 11,022 11,873 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
113 27 86 674 431 243 33,881 14,792 19,089 Total Martur 0774
113 27 86 674 431 243 33,881 14,792 19,089 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 5 1 103 55 48 12,395 4,975 7,420 Total Yeddana Pudi 0775
6 5 1 103 55 48 12,395 4,975 7,420 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8 5 3 193 140 53 25,391 10,436 14,955 Total Parchur 0776
8 5 3 193 140 53 25,391 10,436 14,955 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
54 20 34 615 345 270 17,328 7,193 10,135 Total Karamchedu 0777
54 20 34 615 345 270 17,328 7,193 10,135 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
28 15 13 339 166 173 22,769 9,624 13,145 Total Inkollu 0778
28 15 13 339 166 173 22,769 9,624 13,145 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban

8 3 5 182 123 59 20,266 8,797 11,469 Total Janakavarampanguluru 0779

8 3 5 182 123 59 20,266 8,797 11,469 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
56 13 43 1,173 632 541 46,848 18,967 27,881 Total Addanki 0780
56 13 43 1,173 632 541 46,848 18,967 27,881 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
59 10 49 356 214 142 24,808 11,905 12,903 Total Mundlamuru 0781
59 10 49 356 214 142 24,808 11,905 12,903 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
128 64 64 1,214 731 483 43,184 19,580 23,604 Total Darsi 0782
128 64 64 1,214 731 483 43,184 19,580 23,604 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
19 3 16 380 186 194 23,534 11,619 11,915 Total Markapur 0783
19 3 16 380 186 194 23,534 11,619 11,915 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban



Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional and

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 253.03 9,079 36,169 18,651 17,518 4,256 2,209 2,047
Rural 253.03 9,079 36,169 18,651 17,518 4,256 2,209 2,047
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 132.65 12,563 48,698 23,963 24,735 5,124 2,655 2,469
Rural 123.84 8,794 33,529 16,375 17,154 3,500 1,830 1,670
Urban 8.81 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 8.81 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
0786 Tarlupadu Total 269.37 8,263 34,640 17,789 16,851 4,597 2,373 2,224
Rural 269.37 8,263 34,640 17,789 16,851 4,597 2,373 2,224
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 433.23 11,843 49,259 25,417 23,842 6,236 3,240 2,996
Rural 433.23 11,843 49,259 25,417 23,842 6,236 3,240 2,996
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 292.84 16,230 67,017 34,064 32,953 8,266 4,334 3,932
Rural 248.96 8,558 35,872 18,383 17,489 4,917 2,581 2,336
Urban 43.88 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 43.88 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
0789 Thallur Total 199.46 12,028 48,400 24,848 23,552 5,770 3,002 2,768
Rural 199.46 12,028 48,400 24,848 23,552 5,770 3,002 2,768
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 149.16 13,278 48,273 23,958 24,315 4,785 2,346 2,439
Rural 149.16 13,278 48,273 23,958 24,315 4,785 2,346 2,439
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 89.11 23,808 85,626 42,808 42,818 8,840 4,599 4,241
Rural 65.41 14,719 52,590 26,550 26,040 5,631 2,955 2,676
Urban 23.70 9,089 33,036 16,258 16,778 3,209 1,644 1,565
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0027
802987 Urban NA 601 2,178 1,065 1,113 199 108 91
(Rural MDDS
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 23.70 8,488 30,858 15,193 15,665 3,010 1,536 1,474
0792 Vetapalem Total 85.54 21,247 75,219 37,352 37,867 7,440 3,776 3,664
Rural 74.40 9,250 32,984 16,518 16,466 3,503 1,774 1,729
Urban 11.14 11,997 42,235 20,834 21,401 3,937 2,002 1,935
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
802987 Urban NA 984 3,564 1,755 1,809 249 121 128
(Rural MDDS
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 11.14 11,013 38,671 19,079 19,592 3,688 1,881 1,807
0793 Chinaganjam Total 120.90 11,718 42,468 21,249 21,219 4,507 2,263 2,244
Rural 120.90 11,718 42,468 21,249 21,219 4,507 2,263 2,244
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 271.28 18,613 67,733 33,867 33,866 6,129 3,224 2,905
Rural 271.28 18,613 67,733 33,867 33,866 6,129 3,224 2,905
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 166.15 14,130 52,353 26,155 26,198 5,220 2,731 2,489
Rural 166.15 14,130 52,353 26,155 26,198 5,220 2,731 2,489
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 250.98 19,333 79,343 40,115 39,228 9,723 5,061 4,662
Rural 250.98 19,333 79,343 40,115 39,228 9,723 5,061 4,662
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 376.34 9,416 38,848 19,628 19,220 4,882 2,591 2,291
Rural 376.34 9,416 38,848 19,628 19,220 4,882 2,591 2,291
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 346.28 7,455 30,964 15,865 15,099 3,791 1,994 1,797
Rural 346.28 7,455 30,964 15,865 15,099 3,791 1,994 1,797
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 233.17 12,967 51,062 26,119 24,943 5,908 3,096 2,812
Rural 233.17 12,967 51,062 26,119 24,943 5,908 3,096 2,812
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 198.55 9,146 35,080 17,459 17,621 3,718 2,009 1,709
Rural 198.55 9,146 35,080 17,459 17,621 3,718 2,009 1,709



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
6,302 3,436 2,866 2,524 1,286 1,238 18,858 12,039 6,819 Total Ardhaveedu
6,302 3,436 2,866 2,524 1,286 1,238 18,858 12,039 6,819 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,902 2,747 3,155 628 312 316 31,827 18,232 13,595 Total Cumbum
5,053 2,359 2,694 396 195 201 21,164 12,205 8,959 Rural
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Urban
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Urban Cumbum (CT)
8,692 4,432 4,260 255 138 117 16,856 10,775 6,081 Total Tarlupadu
8,692 4,432 4,260 255 138 117 16,856 10,775 6,081 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,845 7,725 7,120 381 207 174 21,615 13,877 7,738 Total Konakanamitla
14,845 7,725 7,120 381 207 174 21,615 13,877 7,738 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16,767 8,494 8,273 2,026 1,028 998 34,461 20,278 14,183 Total Podili
12,576 6,430 6,146 556 297 259 14,454 9,085 5,369 Rural
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Urban
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Urban Podili (CT)
12,833 6,614 6,219 1,024 505 519 23,305 14,228 9,077 Total Thallur
12,833 6,614 6,219 1,024 505 519 23,305 14,228 9,077 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16,379 8,219 8,160 1,466 727 739 29,199 16,475 12,724 Total Korisapadu
16,379 8,219 8,160 1,466 727 739 29,199 16,475 12,724 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,525 3,760 3,765 4,002 1,997 2,005 50,812 28,508 22,304 Total Chirala
5,901 2,960 2,941 1,945 994 951 28,658 16,493 12,165 Rural
1,624 800 824 2,057 1,003 1,054 22,154 12,015 10,139 Urban
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0027
10 6 4 991 470 521 1,602 824 778 Urban
(Rural MDDS
1,614 794 820 1,066 533 533 20,552 11,191 9,361 Urban Chirala (CT)
7,644 3,820 3,824 5,514 2,733 2,781 48,823 26,831 21,992 Total Vetapalem
2,577 1,295 1,282 2,056 1,045 1,011 19,886 11,067 8,819 Rural
5,067 2,525 2,542 3,458 1,688 1,770 28,937 15,764 13,173 Urban
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
331 164 167 401 200 201 3,023 1,547 1,476 Urban
(Rural MDDS
4,736 2,361 2,375 3,057 1,488 1,569 25,914 14,217 11,697 Urban Vetapalem (CT)
6,857 3,414 3,443 2,397 1,194 1,203 23,217 13,405 9,812 Total Chinaganjam
6,857 3,414 3,443 2,397 1,194 1,203 23,217 13,405 9,812 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
23,565 12,005 11,560 2,925 1,510 1,415 41,073 23,294 17,779 Total Naguluppala Padu
23,565 12,005 11,560 2,925 1,510 1,415 41,073 23,294 17,779 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
19,553 9,849 9,704 1,509 793 716 30,406 17,295 13,111 Total Maddipadu
19,553 9,849 9,704 1,509 793 716 30,406 17,295 13,111 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
21,721 10,759 10,962 2,791 1,437 1,354 42,301 24,394 17,907 Total Chimakurthi
21,721 10,759 10,962 2,791 1,437 1,354 42,301 24,394 17,907 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,694 5,399 5,295 508 255 253 16,589 10,072 6,517 Total Marripudi
10,694 5,399 5,295 508 255 253 16,589 10,072 6,517 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,947 5,661 5,286 51 26 25 15,642 9,673 5,969 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
10,947 5,661 5,286 51 26 25 15,642 9,673 5,969 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,423 4,859 4,564 323 164 159 28,648 17,682 10,966 Total Bestawaripeta
9,423 4,859 4,564 323 164 159 28,648 17,682 10,966 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,710 2,757 2,953 378 158 220 20,234 12,404 7,830 Total Racherla
5,710 2,757 2,953 378 158 220 20,234 12,404 7,830 Rural


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 19,019 10,031 8,988 16,622 9,237 7,385 3,873 2,685 1,188
Rural 19,019 10,031 8,988 16,622 9,237 7,385 3,873 2,685 1,188
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 20,622 12,517 8,105 17,107 11,019 6,088 3,098 2,206 892
Rural 15,143 8,601 6,542 12,482 7,526 4,956 2,688 1,879 809
Urban 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132 410 327 83
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132 410 327 83
0786 Tarlupadu Total 18,976 10,121 8,855 17,138 9,529 7,609 3,313 2,090 1,223
Rural 18,976 10,121 8,855 17,138 9,529 7,609 3,313 2,090 1,223
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 27,207 14,780 12,427 23,542 13,622 9,920 6,219 4,275 1,944
Rural 27,207 14,780 12,427 23,542 13,622 9,920 6,219 4,275 1,944
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 31,663 19,391 12,272 21,909 15,476 6,433 3,290 2,655 635
Rural 19,682 10,946 8,736 12,160 8,112 4,048 2,926 2,382 544
Urban 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385 364 273 91
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385 364 273 91
0789 Thallur Total 25,298 13,973 11,325 23,190 13,475 9,715 6,225 4,242 1,983
Rural 25,298 13,973 11,325 23,190 13,475 9,715 6,225 4,242 1,983
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 25,444 14,372 11,072 23,415 13,695 9,720 3,531 2,508 1,023
Rural 25,444 14,372 11,072 23,415 13,695 9,720 3,531 2,508 1,023
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 43,327 25,555 17,772 37,614 23,296 14,318 1,513 1,224 289
Rural 27,125 15,715 11,410 22,639 13,949 8,690 1,301 1,040 261
Urban 16,202 9,840 6,362 14,975 9,347 5,628 212 184 28
Ipurupalem (OG)
(Part) WARD NO.-
802987 Urban 890 607 283 794 560 234 4 3 1
0027 (Rural MDDS
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 15,312 9,233 6,079 14,181 8,787 5,394 208 181 27
0792 Vetapalem Total 36,854 22,128 14,726 30,303 19,126 11,177 1,261 1,008 253
Rural 16,669 9,857 6,812 13,287 8,368 4,919 971 741 230
Urban 20,185 12,271 7,914 17,016 10,758 6,258 290 267 23
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
802987 Urban 1,227 940 287 1,037 828 209 42 37 5
(Rural MDDS
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 18,958 11,331 7,627 15,979 9,930 6,049 248 230 18
0793 Chinaganjam Total 22,733 12,645 10,088 16,181 10,414 5,767 2,582 1,884 698
Rural 22,733 12,645 10,088 16,181 10,414 5,767 2,582 1,884 698
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 36,544 20,494 16,050 32,032 19,401 12,631 6,182 4,616 1,566
Rural 36,544 20,494 16,050 32,032 19,401 12,631 6,182 4,616 1,566
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 28,129 15,882 12,247 26,849 15,484 11,365 3,092 2,331 761
Rural 28,129 15,882 12,247 26,849 15,484 11,365 3,092 2,331 761
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 37,943 23,609 14,334 34,548 22,465 12,083 5,458 3,830 1,628
Rural 37,943 23,609 14,334 34,548 22,465 12,083 5,458 3,830 1,628
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 21,170 11,735 9,435 16,277 10,029 6,248 5,467 3,988 1,479
Rural 21,170 11,735 9,435 16,277 10,029 6,248 5,467 3,988 1,479
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 18,760 9,810 8,950 14,433 8,197 6,236 2,257 1,482 775
Rural 18,760 9,810 8,950 14,433 8,197 6,236 2,257 1,482 775
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 24,641 14,225 10,416 21,462 12,788 8,674 4,477 3,158 1,319
Rural 24,641 14,225 10,416 21,462 12,788 8,674 4,477 3,158 1,319
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 17,642 9,506 8,136 14,970 8,683 6,287 4,810 3,418 1,392
Rural 17,642 9,506 8,136 14,970 8,683 6,287 4,810 3,418 1,392


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
10,876 5,174 5,702 333 182 151 1,540 1,196 344 Total Ardhaveedu
10,876 5,174 5,702 333 182 151 1,540 1,196 344 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,611 3,622 3,989 218 163 55 6,180 5,028 1,152 Total Cumbum
6,317 2,872 3,445 149 109 40 3,328 2,666 662 Rural
1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Urban
1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Urban Cumbum (CT)
10,505 4,866 5,639 97 52 45 3,223 2,521 702 Total Tarlupadu
10,505 4,866 5,639 97 52 45 3,223 2,521 702 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,384 7,073 7,311 80 60 20 2,859 2,214 645 Total Konakanamitla
14,384 7,073 7,311 80 60 20 2,859 2,214 645 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,420 4,453 3,967 252 163 89 9,947 8,205 1,742 Total Podili
5,955 3,126 2,829 100 56 44 3,179 2,548 631 Rural
2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Urban
2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Urban Podili (CT)
13,112 6,426 6,686 166 98 68 3,687 2,709 978 Total Thallur
13,112 6,426 6,686 166 98 68 3,687 2,709 978 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,465 7,042 7,423 308 217 91 5,111 3,928 1,183 Total Korisapadu
14,465 7,042 7,423 308 217 91 5,111 3,928 1,183 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,724 6,055 5,669 10,331 5,288 5,043 14,046 10,729 3,317 Total Chirala
8,933 4,729 4,204 5,605 2,936 2,669 6,800 5,244 1,556 Rural
2,791 1,326 1,465 4,726 2,352 2,374 7,246 5,485 1,761 Urban
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0027
44 30 14 164 85 79 582 442 140 Urban
(Rural MDDS
2,747 1,296 1,451 4,562 2,267 2,295 6,664 5,043 1,621 Urban Chirala (CT)
7,126 3,642 3,484 8,400 4,259 4,141 13,516 10,217 3,299 Total Vetapalem
4,813 2,332 2,481 2,651 1,313 1,338 4,852 3,982 870 Rural
2,313 1,310 1,003 5,749 2,946 2,803 8,664 6,235 2,429 Urban
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
122 92 30 12 9 3 861 690 171 Urban
(Rural MDDS
2,191 1,218 973 5,737 2,937 2,800 7,803 5,545 2,258 Urban Vetapalem (CT)
8,860 4,798 4,062 182 126 56 4,557 3,606 951 Total Chinaganjam
8,860 4,798 4,062 182 126 56 4,557 3,606 951 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,982 8,570 9,412 750 378 372 7,118 5,837 1,281 Total Naguluppala Padu
17,982 8,570 9,412 750 378 372 7,118 5,837 1,281 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16,670 7,663 9,007 165 110 55 6,922 5,380 1,542 Total Maddipadu
16,670 7,663 9,007 165 110 55 6,922 5,380 1,542 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15,588 7,660 7,928 555 311 244 12,947 10,664 2,283 Total Chimakurthi
15,588 7,660 7,928 555 311 244 12,947 10,664 2,283 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,643 4,299 4,344 179 126 53 1,988 1,616 372 Total Marripudi
8,643 4,299 4,344 179 126 53 1,988 1,616 372 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,455 5,354 5,101 42 31 11 1,679 1,330 349 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
10,455 5,354 5,101 42 31 11 1,679 1,330 349 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,939 6,336 6,603 299 216 83 3,747 3,078 669 Total Bestawaripeta
12,939 6,336 6,603 299 216 83 3,747 3,078 669 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,220 3,727 4,493 141 85 56 1,799 1,453 346 Total Racherla
8,220 3,727 4,493 141 85 56 1,799 1,453 346 Rural


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 2,397 794 1,603 201 69 132 1,847 483 1,364
Rural 2,397 794 1,603 201 69 132 1,847 483 1,364
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 3,515 1,498 2,017 144 54 90 2,528 892 1,636
Rural 2,661 1,075 1,586 140 53 87 2,069 744 1,325
Urban 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
0786 Tarlupadu Total 1,838 592 1,246 81 15 66 1,591 481 1,110
Rural 1,838 592 1,246 81 15 66 1,591 481 1,110
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 3,665 1,158 2,507 177 66 111 3,271 979 2,292
Rural 3,665 1,158 2,507 177 66 111 3,271 979 2,292
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 9,754 3,915 5,839 500 311 189 6,882 2,311 4,571
Rural 7,522 2,834 4,688 479 298 181 5,767 1,837 3,930
Urban 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
0789 Thallur Total 2,108 498 1,610 432 96 336 1,310 259 1,051
Rural 2,108 498 1,610 432 96 336 1,310 259 1,051
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 2,029 677 1,352 195 76 119 1,444 379 1,065
Rural 2,029 677 1,352 195 76 119 1,444 379 1,065
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 5,713 2,259 3,454 68 25 43 3,589 1,285 2,304
Rural 4,486 1,766 2,720 61 23 38 3,284 1,204 2,080
Urban 1,227 493 734 7 2 5 305 81 224
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0027
802987 Urban 96 47 49 3 - 3 25 15 10
(Rural MDDS
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 1,131 446 685 4 2 2 280 66 214
0792 Vetapalem Total 6,551 3,002 3,549 105 48 57 2,404 826 1,578
Rural 3,382 1,489 1,893 81 30 51 1,663 446 1,217
Urban 3,169 1,513 1,656 24 18 6 741 380 361
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
802987 Urban 190 112 78 9 8 1 85 44 41
(Rural MDDS
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 2,979 1,401 1,578 15 10 5 656 336 320
0793 Chinaganjam Total 6,552 2,231 4,321 133 52 81 4,455 1,281 3,174
Rural 6,552 2,231 4,321 133 52 81 4,455 1,281 3,174
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 4,512 1,093 3,419 806 155 651 3,209 705 2,504
Rural 4,512 1,093 3,419 806 155 651 3,209 705 2,504
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 1,280 398 882 142 32 110 734 171 563
Rural 1,280 398 882 142 32 110 734 171 563
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 3,395 1,144 2,251 193 52 141 2,097 602 1,495
Rural 3,395 1,144 2,251 193 52 141 2,097 602 1,495
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 4,893 1,706 3,187 634 182 452 3,870 1,323 2,547
Rural 4,893 1,706 3,187 634 182 452 3,870 1,323 2,547
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 4,327 1,613 2,714 307 122 185 3,724 1,290 2,434
Rural 4,327 1,613 2,714 307 122 185 3,724 1,290 2,434
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 3,179 1,437 1,742 182 95 87 2,262 862 1,400
Rural 3,179 1,437 1,742 182 95 87 2,262 862 1,400
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 2,672 823 1,849 221 83 138 1,962 517 1,445
Rural 2,672 823 1,849 221 83 138 1,962 517 1,445


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
55 29 26 294 213 81 17,150 8,620 8,530 Total Ardhaveedu 0784
55 29 26 294 213 81 17,150 8,620 8,530 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
103 41 62 740 511 229 28,076 11,446 16,630 Total Cumbum 0785
70 34 36 382 244 138 18,386 7,774 10,612 Rural
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Urban
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Urban Cumbum (CT) 590896
36 10 26 130 86 44 15,664 7,668 7,996 Total Tarlupadu 0786
36 10 26 130 86 44 15,664 7,668 7,996 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22 11 11 195 102 93 22,052 10,637 11,415 Total Konakanamitla 0787
22 11 11 195 102 93 22,052 10,637 11,415 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
211 49 162 2,161 1,244 917 35,354 14,673 20,681 Total Podili 0788
111 12 99 1,165 687 478 16,190 7,437 8,753 Rural
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Urban
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Urban Podili (CT) 590988
35 8 27 331 135 196 23,102 10,875 12,227 Total Thallur 0789
35 8 27 331 135 196 23,102 10,875 12,227 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
31 10 21 359 212 147 22,829 9,586 13,243 Total Korisapadu 0790
31 10 21 359 212 147 22,829 9,586 13,243 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
620 186 434 1,436 763 673 42,299 17,253 25,046 Total Chirala 0791
342 95 247 799 444 355 25,465 10,835 14,630 Rural
278 91 187 637 319 318 16,834 6,418 10,416 Urban
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0027
16 4 12 52 28 24 1,288 458 830 Urban 802987
(Rural MDDS
262 87 175 585 291 294 15,546 5,960 9,586 Urban Chirala (CT) 591018
974 325 649 3,068 1,803 1,265 38,365 15,224 23,141 Total Vetapalem 0792
128 55 73 1,510 958 552 16,315 6,661 9,654 Rural
846 270 576 1,558 845 713 22,050 8,563 13,487 Urban
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0028
18 11 7 78 49 29 2,337 815 1,522 Urban 802987
(Rural MDDS
828 259 569 1,480 796 684 19,713 7,748 11,965 Urban Vetapalem (CT) 591023
161 49 112 1,803 849 954 19,735 8,604 11,131 Total Chinaganjam 0793
161 49 112 1,803 849 954 19,735 8,604 11,131 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
66 15 51 431 218 213 31,189 13,373 17,816 Total Naguluppala Padu 0794
66 15 51 431 218 213 31,189 13,373 17,816 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
39 9 30 365 186 179 24,224 10,273 13,951 Total Maddipadu 0795
39 9 30 365 186 179 24,224 10,273 13,951 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
156 66 90 949 424 525 41,400 16,506 24,894 Total Chimakurthi 0796
156 66 90 949 424 525 41,400 16,506 24,894 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
18 9 9 371 192 179 17,678 7,893 9,785 Total Marripudi 0797
18 9 9 371 192 179 17,678 7,893 9,785 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
27 17 10 269 184 85 12,204 6,055 6,149 Total Hanumanthuni Padu 0798
27 17 10 269 184 85 12,204 6,055 6,149 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
162 65 97 573 415 158 26,421 11,894 14,527 Total Bestawaripeta 0799
162 65 97 573 415 158 26,421 11,894 14,527 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
47 16 31 442 207 235 17,438 7,953 9,485 Total Racherla 0800
47 16 31 442 207 235 17,438 7,953 9,485 Rural



Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional and

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 263.77 21,881 86,133 43,686 42,447 9,456 4,808 4,648
Rural 242.83 13,079 50,983 25,958 25,025 6,011 3,060 2,951
Urban 20.94 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 20.94 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
0802 Komarolu Total 236.34 10,684 40,517 20,553 19,964 4,628 2,405 2,223
Rural 236.34 10,684 40,517 20,553 19,964 4,628 2,405 2,223
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 314.43 8,231 35,951 18,686 17,265 4,359 2,281 2,078
Rural 314.43 8,231 35,951 18,686 17,265 4,359 2,281 2,078
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 510.98 21,421 92,466 47,355 45,111 11,007 5,703 5,304
Rural 477.92 12,514 55,046 28,469 26,577 6,942 3,654 3,288
Urban 33.06 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 33.06 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
0805 Kondapi Total 213.19 10,336 43,004 21,457 21,547 4,393 2,254 2,139
Rural 213.19 10,336 43,004 21,457 21,547 4,393 2,254 2,139
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 206.89 16,616 66,186 34,146 32,040 6,619 3,446 3,173
Rural 206.89 15,717 62,588 32,335 30,253 6,141 3,180 2,961
Urban 0.00 899 3,598 1,811 1,787 478 266 212
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0070
802988 Urban NA 899 3,598 1,811 1,787 478 266 212
(Rural MDDS
0807 Ongole Total 196.81 12,922 48,376 24,148 24,228 4,756 2,407 2,349
Rural 196.81 12,922 48,376 24,148 24,228 4,756 2,407 2,349
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 164.44 13,352 50,006 24,987 25,019 5,634 2,825 2,809
Rural 164.44 13,352 50,006 24,987 25,019 5,634 2,825 2,809
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 204.10 16,290 62,618 31,172 31,446 5,713 3,019 2,694
Rural 204.10 16,290 62,618 31,172 31,446 5,713 3,019 2,694
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 186.47 10,882 42,866 21,617 21,249 4,433 2,280 2,153
Rural 186.47 10,882 42,866 21,617 21,249 4,433 2,280 2,153
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 287.82 10,251 43,016 21,844 21,172 4,888 2,537 2,351
Rural 287.82 10,251 43,016 21,844 21,172 4,888 2,537 2,351
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 354.88 8,480 36,985 18,842 18,143 4,362 2,282 2,080
Rural 354.88 8,480 36,985 18,842 18,143 4,362 2,282 2,080
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram Total 300.14 10,777 44,953 23,142 21,811 5,513 2,910 2,603
Rural 300.14 10,777 44,953 23,142 21,811 5,513 2,910 2,603
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 399.81 14,897 63,017 32,206 30,811 7,678 4,007 3,671
Rural 383.66 10,114 43,017 21,866 21,151 5,330 2,755 2,575
Urban 16.15 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 16.15 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 255.69 9,353 39,855 20,175 19,680 4,318 2,244 2,074
Rural 255.69 9,353 39,855 20,175 19,680 4,318 2,244 2,074
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 191.91 10,182 41,523 21,017 20,506 4,219 2,173 2,046
Rural 191.91 10,182 41,523 21,017 20,506 4,219 2,173 2,046
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 119.72 17,272 65,784 32,495 33,289 6,937 3,597 3,340
Rural 105.14 10,520 39,239 19,600 19,639 4,289 2,214 2,075
Urban 14.58 6,752 26,545 12,895 13,650 2,648 1,383 1,265
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 3.38 1,858 7,145 3,650 3,495 677 365 312



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,172 6,286 5,886 4,215 2,214 2,001 52,866 31,888 20,978 Total Giddalur
8,590 4,402 4,188 3,234 1,686 1,548 27,595 17,559 10,036 Rural
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Urban
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Urban Giddaluru (CT)
6,732 3,496 3,236 154 86 68 22,513 14,113 8,400 Total Komarolu
6,732 3,496 3,236 154 86 68 22,513 14,113 8,400 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,063 5,742 5,321 292 158 134 18,833 11,825 7,008 Total Veligandla
11,063 5,742 5,321 292 158 134 18,833 11,825 7,008 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
18,935 9,660 9,275 2,697 1,407 1,290 53,471 31,894 21,577 Total Kanigiri
15,374 7,946 7,428 1,266 665 601 27,603 17,360 10,243 Rural
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Urban
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT)
13,416 6,685 6,731 969 485 484 23,665 13,318 10,347 Total Kondapi
13,416 6,685 6,731 969 485 484 23,665 13,318 10,347 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,975 9,200 8,775 1,665 859 806 38,638 22,868 15,770 Total Santhanuthala Padu
17,785 9,103 8,682 1,604 822 782 36,380 21,644 14,736 Rural
190 97 93 61 37 24 2,258 1,224 1,034 Urban
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0070
190 97 93 61 37 24 2,258 1,224 1,034 Urban
(Rural MDDS
15,894 7,990 7,904 869 442 427 29,054 16,449 12,605 Total Ongole
15,894 7,990 7,904 869 442 427 29,054 16,449 12,605 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,815 4,438 4,377 5,216 2,517 2,699 26,492 15,203 11,289 Total Kotha Patnam
8,815 4,438 4,377 5,216 2,517 2,699 26,492 15,203 11,289 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
23,667 11,893 11,774 1,735 887 848 37,534 21,147 16,387 Total Tangutur
23,667 11,893 11,774 1,735 887 848 37,534 21,147 16,387 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14,912 7,566 7,346 1,699 839 860 23,838 13,807 10,031 Total Zarugumilli
14,912 7,566 7,346 1,699 839 860 23,838 13,807 10,031 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,044 6,183 5,861 1,000 496 504 21,702 12,942 8,760 Total Ponnaluru
12,044 6,183 5,861 1,000 496 504 21,702 12,942 8,760 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,435 4,269 4,166 633 322 311 18,599 11,433 7,166 Total Pedacherlo Palle
8,435 4,269 4,166 633 322 311 18,599 11,433 7,166 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
7,750 3,989 3,761 1,257 653 604 24,376 15,154 9,222 Total Puram
7,750 3,989 3,761 1,257 653 604 24,376 15,154 9,222 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,778 5,987 5,791 1,992 981 1,011 37,503 22,391 15,112 Total Pamur
10,705 5,429 5,276 1,421 702 719 24,209 14,756 9,453 Rural
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Urban
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Urban Pamur (CT)
12,703 6,429 6,274 912 446 466 19,104 11,538 7,566 Total Voletivaripalem
12,703 6,429 6,274 912 446 466 19,104 11,538 7,566 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,108 6,154 5,954 2,253 1,153 1,100 21,135 12,329 8,806 Total Kandukur
12,108 6,154 5,954 2,253 1,153 1,100 21,135 12,329 8,806 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,099 5,836 6,263 6,481 3,251 3,230 38,145 20,857 17,288 Total Singarayakonda
8,752 4,384 4,368 4,955 2,494 2,461 19,693 11,181 8,512 Rural
3,347 1,452 1,895 1,526 757 769 18,452 9,676 8,776 Urban
1,285 714 571 162 82 80 5,252 2,899 2,353 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 38,109 23,191 14,918 32,972 21,043 11,929 4,948 3,796 1,152
Rural 26,782 14,757 12,025 23,214 13,388 9,826 4,413 3,326 1,087
Urban 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103 535 470 65
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103 535 470 65
0802 Komarolu Total 19,704 10,940 8,764 17,960 10,326 7,634 3,774 2,798 976
Rural 19,704 10,940 8,764 17,960 10,326 7,634 3,774 2,798 976
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 19,187 10,735 8,452 17,603 10,289 7,314 3,636 2,435 1,201
Rural 19,187 10,735 8,452 17,603 10,289 7,314 3,636 2,435 1,201
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 42,965 26,886 16,079 37,359 25,192 12,167 6,122 4,220 1,902
Rural 29,718 16,865 12,853 25,330 15,659 9,671 5,748 3,869 1,879
Urban 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496 374 351 23
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496 374 351 23
0805 Kondapi Total 22,556 12,608 9,948 19,647 11,507 8,140 5,242 3,490 1,752
Rural 22,556 12,608 9,948 19,647 11,507 8,140 5,242 3,490 1,752
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 32,587 19,170 13,417 28,442 17,676 10,766 4,281 3,040 1,241
Rural 31,232 18,149 13,083 27,394 16,858 10,536 4,277 3,036 1,241
Urban 1,355 1,021 334 1,048 818 230 4 4 -
Pernametta (OG)
(Part) WARD NO.-
802988 Urban 1,355 1,021 334 1,048 818 230 4 4 -
0070 (Rural MDDS
0807 Ongole Total 25,030 14,649 10,381 23,501 14,376 9,125 3,654 2,763 891
Rural 25,030 14,649 10,381 23,501 14,376 9,125 3,654 2,763 891
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 27,642 15,310 12,332 23,405 13,805 9,600 2,891 2,165 726
Rural 27,642 15,310 12,332 23,405 13,805 9,600 2,891 2,165 726
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 32,977 18,856 14,121 29,400 17,704 11,696 3,845 3,035 810
Rural 32,977 18,856 14,121 29,400 17,704 11,696 3,845 3,035 810
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 22,950 12,821 10,129 21,420 12,467 8,953 4,026 2,878 1,148
Rural 22,950 12,821 10,129 21,420 12,467 8,953 4,026 2,878 1,148
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 23,039 13,048 9,991 17,217 11,490 5,727 4,493 3,502 991
Rural 23,039 13,048 9,991 17,217 11,490 5,727 4,493 3,502 991
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 22,162 11,847 10,315 17,217 10,160 7,057 4,723 3,372 1,351
Rural 22,162 11,847 10,315 17,217 10,160 7,057 4,723 3,372 1,351
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram Total 22,523 13,438 9,085 17,500 11,352 6,148 2,892 2,431 461
Rural 22,523 13,438 9,085 17,500 11,352 6,148 2,892 2,431 461
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 29,588 18,609 10,979 21,708 15,384 6,324 5,720 4,425 1,295
Rural 22,749 13,118 9,631 16,320 10,792 5,528 5,567 4,287 1,280
Urban 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796 153 138 15
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796 153 138 15
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 22,149 12,012 10,137 17,859 10,730 7,129 5,453 3,880 1,573
Rural 22,149 12,012 10,137 17,859 10,730 7,129 5,453 3,880 1,573
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 21,743 12,677 9,066 19,453 12,173 7,280 5,577 4,098 1,479
Rural 21,743 12,677 9,066 19,453 12,173 7,280 5,577 4,098 1,479
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 29,256 18,975 10,281 24,739 17,047 7,692 1,746 1,518 228
Rural 19,963 11,806 8,157 16,513 10,520 5,993 1,577 1,362 215
Urban 9,293 7,169 2,124 8,226 6,527 1,699 169 156 13
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 2,504 1,940 564 2,257 1,765 492 148 136 12


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,299 8,396 8,903 726 583 143 9,999 8,268 1,731 Total Giddalur
15,198 7,262 7,936 198 149 49 3,405 2,651 754 Rural
2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Urban
2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Urban Giddaluru (CT)
11,554 5,392 6,162 137 77 60 2,495 2,059 436 Total Komarolu
11,554 5,392 6,162 137 77 60 2,495 2,059 436 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,869 5,244 5,625 31 21 10 3,067 2,589 478 Total Veligandla
10,869 5,244 5,625 31 21 10 3,067 2,589 478 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,134 6,177 6,957 807 453 354 17,296 14,342 2,954 Total Kanigiri
11,708 5,411 6,297 687 368 319 7,187 6,011 1,176 Rural
1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Urban
1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT)
11,109 5,434 5,675 188 105 83 3,108 2,478 630 Total Kondapi
11,109 5,434 5,675 188 105 83 3,108 2,478 630 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,743 6,064 6,679 441 244 197 10,977 8,328 2,649 Total Santhanuthala Padu
12,649 6,010 6,639 368 205 163 10,100 7,607 2,493 Rural
94 54 40 73 39 34 877 721 156 Urban
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0070
94 54 40 73 39 34 877 721 156 Urban
(Rural MDDS
9,606 4,412 5,194 167 97 70 10,074 7,104 2,970 Total Ongole
9,606 4,412 5,194 167 97 70 10,074 7,104 2,970 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,370 4,636 6,734 749 456 293 8,395 6,548 1,847 Total Kotha Patnam
11,370 4,636 6,734 749 456 293 8,395 6,548 1,847 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17,895 8,789 9,106 331 217 114 7,329 5,663 1,666 Total Tangutur
17,895 8,789 9,106 331 217 114 7,329 5,663 1,666 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,084 5,455 6,629 128 69 59 5,182 4,065 1,117 Total Zarugumilli
12,084 5,455 6,629 128 69 59 5,182 4,065 1,117 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,522 4,974 3,548 85 49 36 4,117 2,965 1,152 Total Ponnaluru
8,522 4,974 3,548 85 49 36 4,117 2,965 1,152 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,301 3,562 4,739 382 175 207 3,811 3,051 760 Total Pedacherlo Palle
8,301 3,562 4,739 382 175 207 3,811 3,051 760 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
10,043 5,180 4,863 115 82 33 4,450 3,659 791 Total Puram
10,043 5,180 4,863 115 82 33 4,450 3,659 791 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,838 3,075 3,763 171 114 57 8,979 7,770 1,209 Total Pamur
6,395 2,770 3,625 93 54 39 4,265 3,681 584 Rural
443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Urban
443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Urban Pamur (CT)
9,779 4,885 4,894 140 88 52 2,487 1,877 610 Total Voletivaripalem
9,779 4,885 4,894 140 88 52 2,487 1,877 610 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,174 4,120 5,054 162 76 86 4,540 3,879 661 Total Kandukur
9,174 4,120 5,054 162 76 86 4,540 3,879 661 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,620 3,558 4,062 260 149 111 15,113 11,822 3,291 Total Singarayakonda
6,935 3,104 3,831 157 89 68 7,844 5,965 1,879 Rural
685 454 231 103 60 43 7,269 5,857 1,412 Urban
322 212 110 12 4 8 1,775 1,413 362 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 5,137 2,148 2,989 316 110 206 3,537 1,230 2,307
Rural 3,568 1,369 2,199 306 103 203 2,960 1,057 1,903
Urban 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
0802 Komarolu Total 1,744 614 1,130 61 28 33 1,514 476 1,038
Rural 1,744 614 1,130 61 28 33 1,514 476 1,038
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 1,584 446 1,138 113 25 88 1,185 250 935
Rural 1,584 446 1,138 113 25 88 1,185 250 935
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 5,606 1,694 3,912 341 66 275 3,567 658 2,909
Rural 4,388 1,206 3,182 335 62 273 3,037 592 2,445
Urban 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
0805 Kondapi Total 2,909 1,101 1,808 266 108 158 1,963 609 1,354
Rural 2,909 1,101 1,808 266 108 158 1,963 609 1,354
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 4,145 1,494 2,651 254 85 169 2,797 864 1,933
Rural 3,838 1,291 2,547 253 85 168 2,787 857 1,930
Urban 307 203 104 1 - 1 10 7 3
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0070
802988 Urban 307 203 104 1 - 1 10 7 3
(Rural MDDS
0807 Ongole Total 1,529 273 1,256 261 23 238 894 92 802
Rural 1,529 273 1,256 261 23 238 894 92 802
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 4,237 1,505 2,732 102 46 56 2,479 640 1,839
Rural 4,237 1,505 2,732 102 46 56 2,479 640 1,839
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 3,577 1,152 2,425 198 73 125 2,462 596 1,866
Rural 3,577 1,152 2,425 198 73 125 2,462 596 1,866
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 1,530 354 1,176 210 29 181 1,034 210 824
Rural 1,530 354 1,176 210 29 181 1,034 210 824
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 5,822 1,558 4,264 515 84 431 4,634 1,091 3,543
Rural 5,822 1,558 4,264 515 84 431 4,634 1,091 3,543
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 4,945 1,687 3,258 361 141 220 3,719 1,128 2,591
Rural 4,945 1,687 3,258 361 141 220 3,719 1,128 2,591
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram Total 5,023 2,086 2,937 213 110 103 3,374 1,060 2,314
Rural 5,023 2,086 2,937 213 110 103 3,374 1,060 2,314
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 7,880 3,225 4,655 570 246 324 5,427 1,797 3,630
Rural 6,429 2,326 4,103 562 240 322 5,114 1,673 3,441
Urban 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 4,290 1,282 3,008 539 188 351 3,544 998 2,546
Rural 4,290 1,282 3,008 539 188 351 3,544 998 2,546
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 2,290 504 1,786 422 82 340 1,571 295 1,276
Rural 2,290 504 1,786 422 82 340 1,571 295 1,276
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 4,517 1,928 2,589 99 58 41 2,380 661 1,719
Rural 3,450 1,286 2,164 82 47 35 2,218 591 1,627
Urban 1,067 642 425 17 11 6 162 70 92
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 247 175 72 3 3 - 45 35 10


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
- - - - - - - - - Urban
138 75 63 1,146 733 413 48,024 20,495 27,529 Total Giddalur 0801
37 26 11 265 183 82 24,201 11,201 13,000 Rural
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Urban
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Urban Giddaluru (CT) 591202
24 10 14 145 100 45 20,813 9,613 11,200 Total Komarolu 0802
24 10 14 145 100 45 20,813 9,613 11,200 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15 8 7 271 163 108 16,764 7,951 8,813 Total Veligandla 0803
15 8 7 271 163 108 16,764 7,951 8,813 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
155 21 134 1,543 949 594 49,501 20,469 29,032 Total Kanigiri 0804
123 15 108 893 537 356 25,328 11,604 13,724 Rural
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Urban
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT) 591289
169 53 116 511 331 180 20,448 8,849 11,599 Total Kondapi 0805
169 53 116 511 331 180 20,448 8,849 11,599 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
226 98 128 868 447 421 33,599 14,976 18,623 Total Santhanuthala Padu 0806
185 82 103 613 267 346 31,356 14,186 17,170 Rural
41 16 25 255 180 75 2,243 790 1,453 Urban
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
WARD NO.-0070
41 16 25 255 180 75 2,243 790 1,453 Urban 802988
(Rural MDDS
24 5 19 350 153 197 23,346 9,499 13,847 Total Ongole 0807
24 5 19 350 153 197 23,346 9,499 13,847 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
214 84 130 1,442 735 707 22,364 9,677 12,687 Total Kotha Patnam 0808
214 84 130 1,442 735 707 22,364 9,677 12,687 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
82 33 49 835 450 385 29,641 12,316 17,325 Total Tangutur 0809
82 33 49 835 450 385 29,641 12,316 17,325 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
36 10 26 250 105 145 19,916 8,796 11,120 Total Zarugumilli 0810
36 10 26 250 105 145 19,916 8,796 11,120 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
43 18 25 630 365 265 19,977 8,796 11,181 Total Ponnaluru 0811
43 18 25 630 365 265 19,977 8,796 11,181 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
118 41 77 747 377 370 14,823 6,995 7,828 Total Pedacherlo Palle 0812
118 41 77 747 377 370 14,823 6,995 7,828 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
61 28 33 1,375 888 487 22,430 9,704 12,726 Total Puram 0813
61 28 33 1,375 888 487 22,430 9,704 12,726 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
88 20 68 1,795 1,162 633 33,429 13,597 19,832 Total Pamur 0814
69 15 54 684 398 286 20,268 8,748 11,520 Rural
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Urban
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Urban Pamur (CT) 591504
43 14 29 164 82 82 17,706 8,163 9,543 Total Voletivaripalem 0815
43 14 29 164 82 82 17,706 8,163 9,543 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22 2 20 275 125 150 19,780 8,340 11,440 Total Kandukur 0816
22 2 20 275 125 150 19,780 8,340 11,440 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
53 22 31 1,985 1,187 798 36,528 13,520 23,008 Total Singarayakonda 0817
42 18 24 1,108 630 478 19,276 7,794 11,482 Rural
11 4 7 877 557 320 17,252 5,726 11,526 Urban
- - - 199 137 62 4,641 1,710 2,931 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT) 591552



Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional and

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 11.20 4,894 19,400 9,245 10,155 1,971 1,018 953
0818 Lingasamudram Total 217.85 9,333 38,094 19,114 18,980 3,958 2,066 1,892
Rural 217.85 9,333 38,094 19,114 18,980 3,958 2,066 1,892
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 257.80 11,540 46,883 23,814 23,069 5,298 2,740 2,558
Rural 257.80 11,540 46,883 23,814 23,069 5,298 2,740 2,558
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 186.66 14,240 53,918 26,972 26,946 5,935 3,034 2,901
Rural 186.66 14,240 53,918 26,972 26,946 5,935 3,034 2,901
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 22.85 17,208 71,092 35,696 35,396 8,197 4,179 4,018
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 8.81 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 43.88 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 13.26 24,655 92,942 45,747 47,195 8,837 4,482 4,355
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 23.70 8,488 30,858 15,193 15,665 3,010 1,536 1,474
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 11.14 11,013 38,671 19,079 19,592 3,688 1,881 1,807
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 20.94 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 33.06 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 27.20 52,667 208,344 104,646 103,698 20,222 10,494 9,728
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 16.15 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 33.06 13,934 57,246 28,644 28,602 5,754 2,965 2,789
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 3.38 1,858 7,145 3,650 3,495 677 365 312
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 11.20 4,894 19,400 9,245 10,155 1,971 1,018 953



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
Singarayakonda (RS)
2,062 738 1,324 1,364 675 689 13,200 6,777 6,423 Urban (CT)
9,008 4,309 4,699 1,649 840 809 19,387 11,364 8,023 Total Lingasamudram
9,008 4,309 4,699 1,649 840 809 19,387 11,364 8,023 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,675 6,967 6,708 5,096 2,625 2,471 23,249 13,579 9,670 Total Gudluru
13,675 6,967 6,708 5,096 2,625 2,471 23,249 13,579 9,670 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,747 5,816 5,931 8,099 4,077 4,022 27,387 15,456 11,931 Total Ulavapadu
11,747 5,816 5,931 8,099 4,077 4,022 27,387 15,456 11,931 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,052 4,560 4,492 1,928 953 975 47,355 26,633 20,722 Urban Markapur (M)
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Urban Cumbum (CT)
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Urban Podili (CT)
19,076 9,295 9,781 6,596 3,202 3,394 66,724 35,210 31,514 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
1,614 794 820 1,066 533 533 20,552 11,191 9,361 Urban Chirala (CT)
4,736 2,361 2,375 3,057 1,488 1,569 25,914 14,217 11,697 Urban Vetapalem (CT)
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Urban Giddaluru (CT)
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT)
29,956 14,981 14,975 5,684 2,862 2,822 155,886 83,390 72,496 Urban Ongole (M + OG)
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Urban Pamur (CT)
8,734 4,302 4,432 2,217 1,099 1,118 38,536 21,063 17,473 Urban Kandukur (M)
1,285 714 571 162 82 80 5,252 2,899 2,353 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
2,062 738 1,324 1,364 675 689 13,200 6,777 6,423 Urban (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 6,789 5,229 1,560 5,969 4,762 1,207 21 20 1
0818 Lingasamudram Total 20,566 11,372 9,194 16,379 9,667 6,712 3,333 2,449 884
Rural 20,566 11,372 9,194 16,379 9,667 6,712 3,333 2,449 884
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 24,855 14,088 10,767 17,520 11,061 6,459 3,340 2,610 730
Rural 24,855 14,088 10,767 17,520 11,061 6,459 3,340 2,610 730
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 27,347 16,127 11,220 23,898 15,111 8,787 2,625 2,149 476
Rural 27,347 16,127 11,220 23,898 15,111 8,787 2,625 2,149 476
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 25,170 18,912 6,258 22,547 17,677 4,870 513 453 60
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132 410 327 83
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385 364 273 91
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 34,923 25,948 8,975 31,393 24,197 7,196 486 397 89
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 15,312 9,233 6,079 14,181 8,787 5,394 208 181 27
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 18,958 11,331 7,627 15,979 9,930 6,049 248 230 18
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103 535 470 65
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496 374 351 23
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 72,767 57,167 15,600 68,233 54,655 13,578 1,144 1,070 74
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796 153 138 15
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 20,729 15,413 5,316 19,019 14,617 4,402 1,217 1,027 190
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 2,504 1,940 564 2,257 1,765 492 148 136 12
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 6,789 5,229 1,560 5,969 4,762 1,207 21 20 1


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
Singarayakonda (RS)
363 242 121 91 56 35 5,494 4,444 1,050 Urban (CT)
10,767 5,368 5,399 155 111 44 2,124 1,739 385 Total Lingasamudram
10,767 5,368 5,399 155 111 44 2,124 1,739 385 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,296 5,344 4,952 186 116 70 3,698 2,991 707 Total Gudluru
10,296 5,344 4,952 186 116 70 3,698 2,991 707 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,698 6,743 6,955 115 72 43 7,460 6,147 1,313 Total Ulavapadu
13,698 6,743 6,955 115 72 43 7,460 6,147 1,313 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,216 1,145 1,071 519 401 118 19,299 15,678 3,621 Urban Markapur (M)
1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Urban Cumbum (CT)
2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Urban Podili (CT)
2,961 1,809 1,152 1,425 773 652 26,521 21,218 5,303 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
2,747 1,296 1,451 4,562 2,267 2,295 6,664 5,043 1,621 Urban Chirala (CT)
2,191 1,218 973 5,737 2,937 2,800 7,803 5,545 2,258 Urban Vetapalem (CT)
2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Urban Giddaluru (CT)
1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT)
3,101 1,690 1,411 1,078 687 391 62,910 51,208 11,702 Urban Ongole (M + OG)
443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Urban Pamur (CT)
2,675 1,411 1,264 386 251 135 14,741 11,928 2,813 Urban Kandukur (M)
322 212 110 12 4 8 1,775 1,413 362 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
363 242 121 91 56 35 5,494 4,444 1,050 Urban (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 820 467 353 14 8 6 117 35 82
0818 Lingasamudram Total 4,187 1,705 2,482 321 227 94 3,266 1,163 2,103
Rural 4,187 1,705 2,482 321 227 94 3,266 1,163 2,103
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 7,335 3,027 4,308 445 194 251 5,927 2,293 3,634
Rural 7,335 3,027 4,308 445 194 251 5,927 2,293 3,634
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 3,449 1,016 2,433 145 80 65 2,816 636 2,180
Rural 3,449 1,016 2,433 145 80 65 2,816 636 2,180
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 2,623 1,235 1,388 15 10 5 490 171 319
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 3,530 1,751 1,779 37 25 12 1,081 455 626
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 1,131 446 685 4 2 2 280 66 214
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 2,979 1,401 1,578 15 10 5 656 336 320
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 4,534 2,512 2,022 65 30 35 406 115 291
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 1,710 796 914 48 27 21 550 152 398
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 247 175 72 3 3 - 45 35 10
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 820 467 353 14 8 6 117 35 82


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
Singarayakonda (RS)
11 4 7 678 420 258 12,611 4,016 8,595 Urban (CT) 591553
83 20 63 517 295 222 17,528 7,742 9,786 Total Lingasamudram 0818
83 20 63 517 295 222 17,528 7,742 9,786 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
244 117 127 719 423 296 22,028 9,726 12,302 Total Gudluru 0819
244 117 127 719 423 296 22,028 9,726 12,302 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
24 7 17 464 293 171 26,571 10,845 15,726 Total Ulavapadu 0820
24 7 17 464 293 171 26,571 10,845 15,726 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
216 95 121 1,902 959 943 45,922 16,784 29,138 Urban Markapur (M) 802986
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Urban Cumbum (CT) 590896
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Urban Podili (CT) 590988
282 97 185 2,130 1,174 956 58,019 19,799 38,220 Urban Chirala (M + OG) 802987
262 87 175 585 291 294 15,546 5,960 9,586 Urban Chirala (CT) 591018
828 259 569 1,480 796 684 19,713 7,748 11,965 Urban Vetapalem (CT) 591023
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Urban Giddaluru (CT) 591202
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Urban Kanigiri (U) (CT) 591289
266 118 148 3,797 2,249 1,548 135,577 47,479 88,098 Urban Ongole (M + OG) 802988
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Urban Pamur (CT) 591504
97 52 45 1,015 565 450 36,517 13,231 23,286 Urban Kandukur (M) 802989
- - - 199 137 62 4,641 1,710 2,931 Urban Mulaguntapadu (CT) 591552
Singarayakonda (RS)
11 4 7 678 420 258 12,611 4,016 8,595 Urban (CT) 591553

Appendix to District Primary
Census Abstract Total,
Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes
Population - Urban Block wise

Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 525 3 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 643 45 9
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 1131 102 13
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 185 9 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 791 31 25
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 458 59 5
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 393 43 24
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 783 35 241
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.01 611 143 5
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.02 425 252 19
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 790 119 22
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 548 81 83
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 424 30 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 597 - 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 357 153 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 461 178 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 518 176 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.01 462 16 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.02 563 39 72
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 824 218 7
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.01 614 139 10
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.02 558 28 83
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 769 154 15
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.01 821 253 225
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.02 282 17 103
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 880 330 1
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 372 338 11
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 544 212 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 495 60 32
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 293 11 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 595 15 62
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 700 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 751 26 12
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 650 76 14
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 684 139 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 584 177 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 953 224 137
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 230 75 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 557 373 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-009800 650 393 213
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-009900 770 30 7
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-010000 660 6 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-003400 502 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-003500 633 4 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003600 643 - 23
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003700 505 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003800 550 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003900 581 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004000 616 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004100 694 1 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004200 383 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004300 457 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 478 52 127
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 641 148 110
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 648 331 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 290 217 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-010100 722 430 56
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004600 786 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004700 598 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004800 679 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004900 646 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005000 478 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005100 496 - 5
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005200 676 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005300 548 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005400 789 31 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005500 735 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005600 690 5 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005700 330 - 6
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005800 688 3 10
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005900 466 - 2
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006000 908 22 3
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006100 543 19 8
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006200 796 6 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006300 799 16 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006400 572 10 1
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006500 926 30 5
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006600 809 14 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006700 218 9 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006800 170 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010200 451 94 16
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006900 702 11 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-007000 262 12 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-007100 823 4 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-007200 706 3 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007300 600 443 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007400 668 - 2
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007500 776 9 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007600 668 122 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007700 697 3 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007800 758 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007900 484 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008000 917 797 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008100 672 413 9
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008200 743 199 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008300 627 2 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.01 290 14 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.02 260 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008500 500 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008600 933 27 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.01 530 68 4
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.02 466 7 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008800 913 22 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008900 983 53 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009000 686 - 8
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009100 976 17 6
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009200 809 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009300 797 4 3
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.01 398 4 -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.02 701 14 13
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009500 776 38 9
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-009600 1094 99 8
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010300 557 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010400 625 - -
802986 Markapur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-009700 654 417 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 476 390 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 433 274 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 664 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 799 58 2
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 479 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 451 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 430 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 416 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 457 - 11
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 733 2 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 523 1 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 385 3 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 291 4 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 375 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 493 - 24
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 298 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 617 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 602 3 -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 471 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 561 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 304 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 306 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 627 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 275 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 527 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 428 - 58
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 395 - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 619 16 20
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 584 72 17
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 398 14 94
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 402 - 5
590896 Cumbum (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 350 12 1
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 677 19 10
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 882 62 23
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 781 23 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 803 238 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 349 123 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 776 60 180
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 912 15 23
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 734 5 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 477 5 4
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 938 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 761 8 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 494 156 157
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 403 41 96
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 264 91 103
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 280 - 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 847 6 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 755 3 2
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 675 - 431
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 715 23 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.01 161 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.02 653 627 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 703 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 462 304 15
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 259 37 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 650 111 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 93 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 866 10 2
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.01 406 3 2
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.02 803 4 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 744 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 248 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 748 8 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 771 9 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 459 - -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 397 280 3
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 575 176 4
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 621 227 107
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 475 281 2
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 762 175 98
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 330 31 5
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 349 122 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 593 89 2
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 458 87 3
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 473 42 5
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 603 31 7
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 593 37 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 597 10 3
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004100 669 45 17
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 815 65 16
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 108 3 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 471 2 8
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 382 382 -
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004500 277 4 11
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 818 79 17
590988 Podili (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 230 32 74
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 337 7 143
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 867 25 53
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 627 10 13
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 907 17 26
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 593 3 454
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 732 12 81
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 481 2 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 745 7 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 392 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 582 18 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 591 7 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 569 27 26
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 578 36 21
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 509 27 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 687 71 12
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 760 19 12
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 413 23 45
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001700 459 67 196


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001800 816 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001900 669 208 27
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002000 529 79 40
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002100 463 159 48
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002200 588 554 10
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002300 362 239 46
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002400 387 242 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002500 790 98 45
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 1031 48 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 246 31 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 526 10 12
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 507 4 6
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002800 700 3 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002900 400 6 72
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003000 441 18 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003100 508 20 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003200 642 72 92
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003300 488 57 86
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003400 515 31 15
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003500 303 - 32
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003600 540 - 53
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003700 570 112 176
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003800 401 12 120
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003900 394 152 138
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004000 586 130 77
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004100 532 311 103
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004200 743 402 109
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004300 318 164 24
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004400 503 478 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004500 678 654 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004600 486 461 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004700 786 577 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004800 674 624 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004900 951 892 14
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-005000 494 381 41
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.01 735 550 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.02 188 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005200 494 452 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005300 794 79 21
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005400 576 197 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005500 832 - 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005600 638 45 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0057 SUB-EB No.01 682 155 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0057 SUB-EB No.02 445 284 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005800 287 18 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005900 327 229 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006000 561 228 228
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006100 293 150 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006200 618 586 2
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006300 671 646 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006400 707 588 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006500 652 76 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006600 778 7 1
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006700 570 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-006800 143 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-006900 399 7 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007000 874 47 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.01 594 540 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.02 665 503 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 993 338 14
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 561 16 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007300 1059 384 22
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007400 136 50 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-007500 215 69 5
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007600 66 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007700 702 2 9
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007800 321 22 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-007900 516 9 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-008000 667 10 19
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-008100 596 11 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-008200 579 7 10
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-008300 541 4 10
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-008400 815 26 159
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-008500 365 109 47
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-008600 629 33 5
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-008700 677 36 15
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-008800 306 19 5
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-008900 420 6 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-009000 690 14 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-009100 475 9 17
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009200 152 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009300 242 - 80
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009400 441 15 75
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009500 150 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009600 31 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-009700 98 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-009800 621 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-009900 925 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010000 883 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010100 222 2 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-010200 559 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-010300 808 13 121
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-010400 255 17 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-010500 770 3 3
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-010600 892 16 34
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-010700 549 3 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.01 484 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.02 521 8 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-010900 347 - 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-011000 595 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-011100 178 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-011200 431 - 1
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-011300 349 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-011400 441 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-011500 664 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-011600 267 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-011700 612 - 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-011800 562 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-011900 400 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-012000 206 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-012100 249 - 4
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-012200 692 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-012300 695 7 30
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-012400 417 7 30
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012500 271 - 13
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012600 591 20 12
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012700 841 30 60
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-012800 130 27 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-012900 798 279 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013000 621 157 1
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013100 650 109 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013200 501 162 1
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013300 676 473 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013400 583 489 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-013500 234 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-013600 69 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-013700 245 4 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-013800 639 12 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-013900 470 7 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.01 614 215 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.02 342 3 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-014100 677 4 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-014200 360 27 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-014300 804 29 26
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-014400 445 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-014500 804 5 60
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-014600 573 429 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-014700 600 600 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-014800 528 528 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-014900 595 270 317
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-015000 685 576 88
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-015100 426 - 404
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-015200 425 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-015300 361 - 8
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-015400 686 1 671
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-015500 405 - 86
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-015600 476 - 449
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-015700 585 10 452
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-015800 712 - 4
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 420 5 4
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 398 - 72
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 437 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 359 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 416 - 103
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 497 - 7
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 330 13 34
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 787 15 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 384 3 25
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 574 - 20
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 383 4 6
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 394 4 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 433 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 494 2 43
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 540 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 517 370 138
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 493 4 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 607 4 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 537 78 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 574 8 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 474 29 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 446 90 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 431 74 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 463 37 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 618 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 539 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 580 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 713 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 691 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 746 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 675 2 7
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 374 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 785 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 688 9 188
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 675 - 110
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 454 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 650 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 494 4 118
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 365 5 7
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 621 17 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 806 24 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004100 556 2 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 543 33 13
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 662 63 69
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 387 71 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004500 470 174 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 804 255 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 441 8 3
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.01 544 - 4
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.02 478 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004900 603 - 46
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005000 747 - -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005100 772 137 48
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005200 791 65 1
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005300 505 5 -
591018 Chirala (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005400 693 - -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-015900 517 67 155
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-016000 572 27 172
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-016100 449 11 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-016200 451 75 7
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-016300 797 131 56
802987 Chirala (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-016400 778 20 11
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 339 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 195 8 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 750 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 463 10 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 406 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 580 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 392 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 563 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 576 17 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 709 11 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 436 3 2
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 427 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 394 9 27
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 550 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 418 99 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 284 62 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 626 526 16
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 486 91 25
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 301 155 7
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 670 21 107
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 857 186 400
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 70 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 232 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 374 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 61 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 167 6 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 208 10 6
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 377 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 844 47 439
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 588 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 472 - 6
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 617 4 6
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 438 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 672 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 824 671 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 576 558 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 542 388 5
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 566 36 363
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 698 13 2
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.01 502 87 1
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.02 506 49 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.01 537 85 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.02 353 46 3
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004100 593 161 4
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 542 98 5
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 423 30 15
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 566 62 4
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004500 418 9 145
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 467 6 14
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 367 - 10
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004800 375 4 5
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004900 514 139 2
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005000 361 18 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005100 297 3 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005200 554 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005300 724 6 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005400 780 204 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005500 826 158 5
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005600 651 12 17
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005700 345 15 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005800 380 3 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005900 524 5 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006000 435 94 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006100 461 2 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006200 509 241 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006300 523 9 151
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006400 534 9 17
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006500 567 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006600 205 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006700 127 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006800 261 4 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006900 259 - 88
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007000 386 3 82
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007100 692 47 172
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007200 645 6 211
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007300 444 67 38
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007400 399 5 -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007500 341 - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007600 727 - 610
591023 Vetapalem (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007700 803 90 47
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 619 221 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 503 11 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 777 385 26
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 242 - -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 427 - -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 601 42 15
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 589 41 32
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 579 17 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 659 9 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 666 - 16
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 747 3 4
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 564 9 3
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 556 - -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 570 12 3
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 459 2 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 776 7 2
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 840 13 23


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 535 6 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 570 21 4
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.01 532 5 21
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.02 514 1 25
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 683 4 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 454 4 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 683 12 5
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 561 28 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 794 8 6
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.01 623 538 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.02 501 436 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 667 191 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 253 47 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 358 30 24
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.01 681 33 10
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.02 196 42 6
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 936 77 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 667 34 17
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 655 32 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 628 19 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 250 - 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 641 4 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 371 16 16
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 727 146 6
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 94 - 1
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.01 813 49 12
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.02 390 7 4
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.01 676 46 151
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.02 352 25 9
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 745 48 1
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 469 4 3
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 541 43 16
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 546 15 12
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 513 60 37
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 771 29 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 627 34 3
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 625 61 15
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004100 320 12 5
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 523 - -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 589 207 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 592 71 -
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 616 33 39
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 410 170 129
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 679 98 252


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591202 Giddaluru (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 605 64 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 490 70 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 612 37 3
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 551 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 161 7 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 489 16 12
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 342 - 325
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 676 196 465
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 620 473 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 694 295 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 770 7 15
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 750 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 578 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 412 2 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 366 64 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 519 - 4
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 340 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 805 2 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 739 - 6
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 799 - 3
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 302 14 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 503 - 6
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 670 15 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 615 98 6
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 706 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 784 12 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 427 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 444 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 587 2 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 397 1 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 617 364 11
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 222 116 1
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.03 149 12 8
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 789 323 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 297 159 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.01 368 219 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.02 492 93 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 584 28 3
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 784 76 10
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 564 4 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 581 21 7
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 567 43 11
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 863 1 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 550 4 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 131 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 640 34 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.01 490 19 6
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.02 424 1 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 681 10 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 846 23 20
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 555 41 28
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004500 683 101 4
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 666 40 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 722 44 4
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.01 207 1 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.02 734 37 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004900 585 48 14
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005000 823 61 44
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005100 660 42 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005200 560 21 48
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005300 363 5 237
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005400 350 3 24
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.01 605 60 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.02 252 14 65
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.01 755 155 13
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.02 405 24 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005700 622 3 -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005800 178 - -
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005900 370 - 3
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006000 538 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-033700 516 107 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-033800 427 8 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-033900 455 23 18
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034000 431 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034100 184 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034200 430 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034300 294 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034400 484 37 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-034500 377 - 27
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 1240 930 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 650 374 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 810 520 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 547 506 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 518 142 23
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 1127 1064 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000600 442 393 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000700 737 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000800 445 39 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000900 559 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001000 483 18 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001100 558 11 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001200 884 1 86
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001300 700 33 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001400 450 25 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001500 372 3 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001600 114 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001700 380 - 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001800 304 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001900 540 20 62
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002000 434 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002100 514 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002200 409 - 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002300 601 12 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002400 707 7 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002500 800 5 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002600 511 39 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002700 525 3 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002800 573 1 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002900 390 13 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003000 558 30 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003100 488 4 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003200 495 23 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003300 655 2 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003400 632 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 591 6 14
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 597 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-003600 754 - 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-003700 493 1 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-003800 299 1 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-003900 260 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-004000 394 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-004100 306 2 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004200 304 5 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-004300 387 2 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004400 367 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004500 452 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-004600 540 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-004700 360 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-004800 256 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004900 274 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005000 384 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005100 529 4 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.01 756 9 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.02 322 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005300 581 11 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005400 687 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005500 671 75 45
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005600 439 42 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005700 271 30 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005800 324 37 149
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-005900 310 54 53
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-006000 881 205 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-006100 762 29 14
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-006200 381 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-006300 751 20 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-034600 341 118 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-006400 479 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-006500 527 53 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-006600 502 402 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-006700 474 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-006800 461 - 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-006900 271 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-007000 427 13 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-007100 862 12 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-007200 431 5 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-007300 615 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-007400 179 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-007500 224 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007600 162 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-007700 187 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007800 158 4 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-007900 379 87 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-008000 503 29 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008100 627 5 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-008200 526 13 46
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-008300 412 42 141
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-008400 632 69 80
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-008500 750 235 18
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.01 593 112 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.02 564 77 25
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.01 842 328 21
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.02 252 127 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.01 503 177 23
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.02 385 71 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-008900 308 71 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009000 606 135 18


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 470 257 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 409 124 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009200 441 101 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009300 712 63 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009400 702 182 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.01 594 113 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.02 554 275 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009600 432 - 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009700 466 186 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009800 614 106 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-009900 602 121 19
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-010000 807 99 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-010100 383 94 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-010200 288 61 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-010300 266 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-034700 460 58 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.01 566 32 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.02 186 - 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-010500 621 2 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010600 512 404 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010700 979 386 160
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010800 592 63 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010900 340 29 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011000 474 60 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011100 752 71 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011200 525 27 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011300 585 48 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011400 197 14 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011500 307 21 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011600 762 124 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011700 212 - 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011800 268 16 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.01 377 45 16
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.02 484 51 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012000 677 152 72
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 493 181 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 478 127 38
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012200 460 59 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012300 419 71 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012400 567 59 15
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012500 824 61 15
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012600 317 13 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012700 576 21 25
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012800 385 22 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012900 847 43 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013000 253 22 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013100 674 76 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013200 380 60 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013300 587 32 25
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013400 660 47 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013500 578 59 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013600 396 32 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013700 266 101 19
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013800 372 56 15
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.01 668 156 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.02 599 44 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014000 321 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014100 867 67 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014200 1045 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014300 949 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014400 482 73 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014500 396 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014600 456 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014700 852 21 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014800 778 19 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-014900 396 2 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-015000 163 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-015100 140 7 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-015200 799 106 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-015300 368 5 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-034800 63 2 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-015400 436 409 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-015500 472 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-015600 654 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.01 593 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.02 476 2 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.01 424 17 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.02 440 49 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-015900 907 42 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0160 SUB-EB No.01 702 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0160 SUB-EB No.02 485 10 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016100 570 7 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016200 693 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016300 603 6 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016400 469 11 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016500 643 16 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016600 707 23 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-016700 749 9 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016800 458 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.01 468 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.02 464 17 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.01 530 8 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.02 507 61 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.01 463 16 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.02 520 54 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017200 730 213 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017300 221 93 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017400 290 7 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0175 SUB-EB No.01 839 818 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0175 SUB-EB No.02 482 403 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017600 92 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017700 273 1 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017800 201 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-017900 329 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-018000 475 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-018100 499 2 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018200 372 6 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018300 859 25 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018400 514 20 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018500 282 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018600 372 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-018700 595 30 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-018800 665 52 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0189 SUB-EB No.01 581 461 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0189 SUB-EB No.02 397 334 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-019000 767 700 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-019100 530 311 45
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-019200 681 254 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-019300 533 203 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-019400 461 280 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-019500 866 225 24
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-019600 576 192 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-019700 599 245 55
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-019800 688 361 59
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-019900 305 73 148
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-020000 712 62 461
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-020100 491 36 426
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0202 SUB-EB No.01 545 323 117
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0202 SUB-EB No.02 345 152 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.01 516 71 392
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.02 524 385 26
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-020400 594 133 32


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-020500 393 55 26
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-020600 694 284 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-020700 909 199 14
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-020800 595 39 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-020900 197 - 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-021000 465 6 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-021100 490 159 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-021200 718 43 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-021300 354 44 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-021400 439 40 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-021500 829 317 19
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-021600 632 167 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-021700 771 49 22
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-021800 632 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0219 SUB-EB No.01 427 41 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0219 SUB-EB No.02 481 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022000 742 190 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.01 491 37 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.02 461 116 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.01 657 244 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.02 234 137 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022300 481 30 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022400 570 57 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022500 561 105 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022600 478 91 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022700 250 25 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022800 295 30 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-022900 369 318 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-023000 511 336 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-023100 482 94 26
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-023200 427 208 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-034900 236 75 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-035000 612 25 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-035100 529 16 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-035200 498 23 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-035300 592 24 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-035400 648 51 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0233 SUB-EB No.01 599 334 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0233 SUB-EB No.02 558 159 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0234 SUB-EB No.01 592 26 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0234 SUB-EB No.02 530 5 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-023500 625 15 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-023600 695 8 56
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-023700 644 78 127


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-023800 682 93 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-023900 248 1 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024000 682 50 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024100 594 29 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024200 528 35 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024300 797 38 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024400 768 73 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024500 575 18 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-024600 628 56 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-024700 614 27 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-024800 269 26 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-024900 192 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-025000 481 41 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0251 SUB-EB No.01 615 48 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0251 SUB-EB No.02 636 136 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-025200 606 75 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-025300 614 47 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-025400 639 84 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0255 SUB-EB No.01 671 49 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0255 SUB-EB No.02 429 24 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0256 SUB-EB No.01 560 72 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0256 SUB-EB No.02 528 6 20
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0257 SUB-EB No.01 1166 224 40
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0257 SUB-EB No.02 427 52 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0258 SUB-EB No.01 571 39 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0258 SUB-EB No.02 553 15 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-025900 836 39 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-036100 433 55 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026000 635 37 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026100 393 48 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026200 348 55 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026300 455 111 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026400 533 66 9
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026500 188 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026600 326 7 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026700 320 18 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026800 312 36 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-026900 382 38 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027000 422 - 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027100 451 3 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027200 407 17 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027300 572 24 5
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027400 239 7 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027500 143 5 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027600 188 - 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027700 198 3 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027800 547 18 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-027900 519 32 39
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028000 506 25 38
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028100 557 25 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028200 375 49 90
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028300 784 21 179
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028400 607 49 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-028800 707 37 46
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-035500 455 17 16
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-035600 404 22 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-028500 612 251 123
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-028600 423 96 49
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-028700 591 212 79
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0289 SUB-EB No.01 494 62 14
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0289 SUB-EB No.02 521 108 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-029000 781 15 19
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029100 291 14 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029200 137 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029300 807 34 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029400 786 30 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029500 1138 160 55
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029600 618 67 21
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029700 508 150 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029800 291 29 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-029900 767 43 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030000 699 19 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030100 746 57 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030200 424 36 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030300 621 25 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030400 287 18 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030500 399 29 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030600 416 9 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030700 507 40 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030800 346 4 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-030900 749 57 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031000 572 19 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031100 650 29 13
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031200 707 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031300 810 102 107
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031400 588 8 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031500 993 290 58
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031600 514 15 15


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031700 579 102 11
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031800 782 102 30
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-031900 277 25 4
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-032000 432 35 120
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-032100 648 47 107
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-032200 565 165 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-035700 585 127 28
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032300 720 8 1
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032400 331 - 8
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032500 753 1 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032600 232 37 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032700 497 - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032800 1625 62 10
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-032900 725 37 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-033000 858 45 2
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-033100 565 18 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-033200 1042 51 3
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-033300 856 2 12
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-035800 472 28 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-035900 719 25 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-036200 608 123 6
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-036300 522 11 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-033400 515 232 57
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-033500 503 135 -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-033600 479 258 38
802988 Ongole (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-036000 614 158 1
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 383 4 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 578 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 342 10 6
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 700 7 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 523 9 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 447 118 2
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 726 95 7
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 798 18 2
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 540 25 26
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 563 32 1
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 651 42 39
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 539 28 20
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 708 - 362
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 403 - 15
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 599 5 2
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 833 10 4
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 581 3 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 783 8 10


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 733 9 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 605 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 606 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 500 1 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 712 13 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 740 213 31
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 742 55 32
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 718 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 534 8 7
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 463 25 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 578 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 490 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.01 532 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.02 353 - -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 460 322 -
591504 Pamur (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 537 13 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 560 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000200 117 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 639 274 29
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 664 661 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 595 595 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 154 96 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000700 461 - 7
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000800 588 2 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000900 517 400 48
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001000 391 95 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 499 273 28
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 478 379 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 451 98 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 433 208 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 782 517 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 666 10 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 356 27 24
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 403 17 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001700 153 6 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001800 343 111 1
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001900 392 - 7
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-002000 284 9 9
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.01 552 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.02 352 8 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-002200 309 4 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002300 572 10 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002400 742 168 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002500 372 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 535 39 10
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 522 88 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010400 936 27 3
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002700 595 127 2
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 925 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 484 84 13
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002900 1016 168 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003000 629 45 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003100 203 20 9
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003200 440 412 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003300 188 175 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003400 151 148 1
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003500 272 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003600 687 55 3
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003700 556 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003800 818 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003900 278 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004000 370 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004100 423 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-004200 368 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-004300 403 5 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 473 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 470 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004500 521 - 19
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004600 489 3 77
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004700 196 - 8
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004800 256 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-004900 737 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005000 554 35 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005100 226 31 37
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005200 393 5 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005300 368 44 6
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005400 681 67 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005500 429 19 29
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-005600 711 7 33
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0057 SUB-EB No.01 670 313 6
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0057 SUB-EB No.02 498 15 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-005800 551 47 43
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-005900 609 68 128
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-006000 796 9 158
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-006100 362 43 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-006200 184 23 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-006300 274 15 53
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-006400 605 15 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-006500 454 6 2
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-006600 587 22 8
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-006700 541 17 18
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006800 595 30 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006900 584 4 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007000 370 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007100 190 9 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007200 248 12 6
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007300 416 - 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-007400 512 30 2
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-007500 614 36 11
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-007600 684 238 34
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.01 764 142 8
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.02 489 21 10
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-007800 393 5 114
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-007900 501 60 48
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-008000 430 4 21
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-008100 520 27 19
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-008200 419 3 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-008300 342 21 5
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-008400 575 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010200 810 25 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010300 532 24 4
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.01 702 214 48
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.02 478 106 3
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.03 509 58 1
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-008600 249 - 26
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-008700 603 421 52
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-008800 242 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-008900 482 - 8
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009000 487 154 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009100 391 125 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009200 564 15 13
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009300 123 - -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009400 678 28 286
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009500 646 6 443
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009600 512 25 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009700 366 13 -
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009800 633 8 6
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-009900 880 236 3
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-010000 663 79 7
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0101 SUB-EB No.01 529 154 10
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0101 SUB-EB No.02 360 173 2
802989 Kandukur (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-010500 902 63 168


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 623 49 10
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 742 19 3
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 729 7 3
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 418 7 -
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 395 10 2
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 559 133 39
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 372 4 17
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 364 13 51
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.01 578 105 11
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.02 701 20 9
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 501 60 17
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 378 114 -
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 785 744 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 614 2 495
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 442 234 83
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 376 100 6
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 629 14 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 315 1 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 521 7 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 160 - -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 408 5 8
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 432 22 9
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 357 26 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 364 16 17
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 605 32 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 263 - -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 610 6 20
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 254 6 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 842 102 5
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 739 35 22
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 695 141 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 525 12 10
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 421 61 5
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 400 19 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 674 51 31
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 362 20 5
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 562 94 10
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 798 42 9
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 598 37 6
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 182 2 8
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 752 30 152
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 706 6 57
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 569 31 46
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 444 31 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 545 101 -
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 479 - 79
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 479 33 151
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 429 66 18
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.03 576 498 26
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 441 83 18
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 400 53 36
591553 Singarayakonda (RS) (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 432 43 32

Primary Census Abstract for
Scheduled Castes (SC)


Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
549 Prakasam - District Total 184,646 787,861 397,242 390,619 100,038 51,145 48,893
Rural 163,317 698,090 352,889 345,201 90,540 46,288 44,252
Urban 21,329 89,771 44,353 45,418 9,498 4,857 4,641
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 3,132 15,361 7,918 7,443 2,410 1,269 1,141
Rural 3,132 15,361 7,918 7,443 2,410 1,269 1,141
Urban - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 2,947 13,181 6,736 6,445 2,278 1,172 1,106
Rural 2,947 13,181 6,736 6,445 2,278 1,172 1,106
Urban - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 3,533 16,029 7,859 8,170 2,292 1,171 1,121
Rural 3,533 16,029 7,859 8,170 2,292 1,171 1,121
Urban - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 2,165 9,533 4,754 4,779 1,315 646 669
Rural 2,165 9,533 4,754 4,779 1,315 646 669
Urban - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 2,684 12,073 6,120 5,953 1,861 919 942
Rural 2,684 12,073 6,120 5,953 1,861 919 942
Urban - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 3,267 14,701 7,549 7,152 2,076 1,083 993
Rural 3,267 14,701 7,549 7,152 2,076 1,083 993
Urban - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 1,867 8,445 4,371 4,074 1,227 645 582
Rural 1,867 8,445 4,371 4,074 1,227 645 582
Urban - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 2,895 11,990 6,174 5,816 1,649 857 792
Rural 2,895 11,990 6,174 5,816 1,649 857 792
Urban - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 3,537 14,258 7,255 7,003 1,847 949 898
Rural 3,537 14,258 7,255 7,003 1,847 949 898
Urban - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 4,600 18,278 9,187 9,091 2,185 1,077 1,108
Rural 4,600 18,278 9,187 9,091 2,185 1,077 1,108
Urban - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 2,396 9,280 4,353 4,927 1,005 517 488
Rural 2,396 9,280 4,353 4,927 1,005 517 488
Urban - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 3,752 14,000 6,612 7,388 1,389 671 718
Rural 3,752 14,000 6,612 7,388 1,389 671 718
Urban - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 2,644 9,458 4,829 4,629 979 526 453
Rural 2,644 9,458 4,829 4,629 979 526 453
Urban - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 3,648 13,507 6,810 6,697 1,462 759 703
Rural 3,648 13,507 6,810 6,697 1,462 759 703
Urban - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total 3,159 12,504 6,322 6,182 1,391 698 693
Rural 3,159 12,504 6,322 6,182 1,391 698 693
Urban - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 5,473 22,312 11,048 11,264 2,784 1,432 1,352
Rural 5,473 22,312 11,048 11,264 2,784 1,432 1,352
Urban - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 3,537 14,757 7,565 7,192 2,238 1,140 1,098
Rural 3,537 14,757 7,565 7,192 2,238 1,140 1,098
Urban - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 4,061 18,949 9,743 9,206 3,103 1,570 1,533
Rural 4,061 18,949 9,743 9,206 3,103 1,570 1,533
Urban - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 2,814 12,671 6,321 6,350 1,751 882 869
Rural 2,814 12,671 6,321 6,350 1,751 882 869



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
410,946 240,551 170,395 376,915 156,691 220,224 419,049 227,466 191,583 Total Prakasam - District
348,244 206,993 141,251 349,846 145,896 203,950 385,627 204,886 180,741 Rural
62,702 33,558 29,144 27,069 10,795 16,274 33,422 22,580 10,842 Urban
6,823 4,275 2,548 8,538 3,643 4,895 8,659 4,473 4,186 Total Yerragondapalem
6,823 4,275 2,548 8,538 3,643 4,895 8,659 4,473 4,186 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,986 3,048 1,938 8,195 3,688 4,507 7,881 3,992 3,889 Total Pullalacheruvu
4,986 3,048 1,938 8,195 3,688 4,507 7,881 3,992 3,889 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,286 4,280 3,006 8,743 3,579 5,164 8,520 4,332 4,188 Total Tripuranthakam
7,286 4,280 3,006 8,743 3,579 5,164 8,520 4,332 4,188 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,625 2,784 1,841 4,908 1,970 2,938 5,500 2,791 2,709 Total Dornala
4,625 2,784 1,841 4,908 1,970 2,938 5,500 2,791 2,709 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,125 3,225 1,900 6,948 2,895 4,053 6,886 3,452 3,434 Total Peda Araveedu
5,125 3,225 1,900 6,948 2,895 4,053 6,886 3,452 3,434 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,576 4,052 2,524 8,125 3,497 4,628 8,121 4,325 3,796 Total Donakonda
6,576 4,052 2,524 8,125 3,497 4,628 8,121 4,325 3,796 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3,611 2,298 1,313 4,834 2,073 2,761 4,773 2,526 2,247 Total Kurichedu
3,611 2,298 1,313 4,834 2,073 2,761 4,773 2,526 2,247 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,110 3,173 1,937 6,880 3,001 3,879 7,143 3,648 3,495 Total Santhamaguluru
5,110 3,173 1,937 6,880 3,001 3,879 7,143 3,648 3,495 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,137 3,732 2,405 8,121 3,523 4,598 8,367 4,238 4,129 Total Ballikurava
6,137 3,732 2,405 8,121 3,523 4,598 8,367 4,238 4,129 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,435 5,045 3,390 9,843 4,142 5,701 10,777 5,414 5,363 Total Martur
8,435 5,045 3,390 9,843 4,142 5,701 10,777 5,414 5,363 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,829 2,527 2,302 4,451 1,826 2,625 5,511 2,706 2,805 Total Yeddana Pudi
4,829 2,527 2,302 4,451 1,826 2,625 5,511 2,706 2,805 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,249 4,385 3,864 5,751 2,227 3,524 7,884 3,955 3,929 Total Parchur
8,249 4,385 3,864 5,751 2,227 3,524 7,884 3,955 3,929 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,073 2,986 2,087 4,385 1,843 2,542 5,735 2,949 2,786 Total Karamchedu
5,073 2,986 2,087 4,385 1,843 2,542 5,735 2,949 2,786 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,057 4,730 3,327 5,450 2,080 3,370 7,982 4,052 3,930 Total Inkollu
8,057 4,730 3,327 5,450 2,080 3,370 7,982 4,052 3,930 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,166 3,674 2,492 6,338 2,648 3,690 7,366 3,776 3,590 Total u
6,166 3,674 2,492 6,338 2,648 3,690 7,366 3,776 3,590 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11,234 6,489 4,745 11,078 4,559 6,519 12,013 6,331 5,682 Total Addanki
11,234 6,489 4,745 11,078 4,559 6,519 12,013 6,331 5,682 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,481 3,394 2,087 9,276 4,171 5,105 8,521 4,455 4,066 Total Mundlamuru
5,481 3,394 2,087 9,276 4,171 5,105 8,521 4,455 4,066 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,161 5,075 3,086 10,788 4,668 6,120 9,666 5,373 4,293 Total Darsi
8,161 5,075 3,086 10,788 4,668 6,120 9,666 5,373 4,293 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,725 3,970 2,755 5,946 2,351 3,595 6,642 3,436 3,206 Total Markapur
6,725 3,970 2,755 5,946 2,351 3,595 6,642 3,436 3,206 Rural



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
549 Prakasam - District Total 357,494 204,592 152,902 11,024 7,979 3,045 263,581 133,603 129,978
Rural 328,170 184,077 144,093 10,865 7,856 3,009 258,533 130,808 127,725
Urban 29,324 20,515 8,809 159 123 36 5,048 2,795 2,253
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 7,267 4,113 3,154 601 438 163 5,923 3,108 2,815
Rural 7,267 4,113 3,154 601 438 163 5,923 3,108 2,815
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 7,067 3,686 3,381 558 394 164 6,267 3,121 3,146
Rural 7,067 3,686 3,381 558 394 164 6,267 3,121 3,146
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 6,862 3,616 3,246 217 164 53 6,027 3,040 2,987
Rural 6,862 3,616 3,246 217 164 53 6,027 3,040 2,987
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 3,466 1,914 1,552 289 180 109 2,593 1,277 1,316
Rural 3,466 1,914 1,552 289 180 109 2,593 1,277 1,316
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 5,370 2,992 2,378 409 252 157 4,416 2,287 2,129
Rural 5,370 2,992 2,378 409 252 157 4,416 2,287 2,129
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 6,017 3,795 2,222 202 179 23 4,779 2,802 1,977
Rural 6,017 3,795 2,222 202 179 23 4,779 2,802 1,977
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 4,051 2,284 1,767 920 611 309 2,576 1,208 1,368
Rural 4,051 2,284 1,767 920 611 309 2,576 1,208 1,368
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 5,740 3,077 2,663 341 237 104 4,912 2,465 2,447
Rural 5,740 3,077 2,663 341 237 104 4,912 2,465 2,447
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 6,954 3,890 3,064 190 138 52 6,203 3,298 2,905
Rural 6,954 3,890 3,064 190 138 52 6,203 3,298 2,905
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 9,234 4,790 4,444 222 156 66 7,903 3,828 4,075
Rural 9,234 4,790 4,444 222 156 66 7,903 3,828 4,075
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 5,145 2,626 2,519 276 143 133 4,477 2,180 2,297
Rural 5,145 2,626 2,519 276 143 133 4,477 2,180 2,297
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 7,565 3,827 3,738 214 135 79 6,709 3,213 3,496
Rural 7,565 3,827 3,738 214 135 79 6,709 3,213 3,496
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 5,146 2,768 2,378 192 147 45 4,387 2,188 2,199
Rural 5,146 2,768 2,378 192 147 45 4,387 2,188 2,199
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 7,307 3,879 3,428 102 86 16 6,399 3,167 3,232
Rural 7,307 3,879 3,428 102 86 16 6,399 3,167 3,232
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total 5,927 3,298 2,629 64 46 18 5,271 2,771 2,500
Rural 5,927 3,298 2,629 64 46 18 5,271 2,771 2,500
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 10,945 5,929 5,016 98 65 33 8,537 4,220 4,317
Rural 10,945 5,929 5,016 98 65 33 8,537 4,220 4,317
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 7,213 4,041 3,172 158 135 23 6,397 3,411 2,986
Rural 7,213 4,041 3,172 158 135 23 6,397 3,411 2,986
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 7,746 4,678 3,068 266 211 55 5,793 3,077 2,716
Rural 7,746 4,678 3,068 266 211 55 5,793 3,077 2,716
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 6,364 3,363 3,001 113 77 36 4,528 2,070 2,458
Rural 6,364 3,363 3,001 113 77 36 4,528 2,070 2,458



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
1,388 841 547 81,501 62,169 19,332 61,555 22,874 38,681 Total Prakasam - District
1,009 623 386 57,763 44,790 12,973 57,457 20,809 36,648 Rural
379 218 161 23,738 17,379 6,359 4,098 2,065 2,033 Urban
14 10 4 729 557 172 1,392 360 1,032 Total Yerragondapalem
14 10 4 729 557 172 1,392 360 1,032 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7 4 3 235 167 68 814 306 508 Total Pullalacheruvu
7 4 3 235 167 68 814 306 508 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12 4 8 606 408 198 1,658 716 942 Total Tripuranthakam
12 4 8 606 408 198 1,658 716 942 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8 6 2 576 451 125 2,034 877 1,157 Total Dornala
8 6 2 576 451 125 2,034 877 1,157 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 5 1 539 448 91 1,516 460 1,056 Total Peda Araveedu
6 5 1 539 448 91 1,516 460 1,056 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16 2 14 1,020 812 208 2,104 530 1,574 Total Donakonda
16 2 14 1,020 812 208 2,104 530 1,574 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15 13 2 540 452 88 722 242 480 Total Kurichedu
15 13 2 540 452 88 722 242 480 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5 3 2 482 372 110 1,403 571 832 Total Santhamaguluru
5 3 2 482 372 110 1,403 571 832 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12 10 2 549 444 105 1,413 348 1,065 Total Ballikurava
12 10 2 549 444 105 1,413 348 1,065 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
26 14 12 1,083 792 291 1,543 624 919 Total Martur
26 14 12 1,083 792 291 1,543 624 919 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3 3 - 389 300 89 366 80 286 Total Yeddana Pudi
3 3 - 389 300 89 366 80 286 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10 8 2 632 471 161 319 128 191 Total Parchur
10 8 2 632 471 161 319 128 191 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13 10 3 554 423 131 589 181 408 Total Karamchedu
13 10 3 554 423 131 589 181 408 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10 7 3 796 619 177 675 173 502 Total Inkollu
10 7 3 796 619 177 675 173 502 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban

7 6 1 585 475 110 1,439 478 961 Total Janakavarampanguluru

7 6 1 585 475 110 1,439 478 961 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
68 43 25 2,242 1,601 641 1,068 402 666 Total Addanki
68 43 25 2,242 1,601 641 1,068 402 666 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12 6 6 646 489 157 1,308 414 894 Total Mundlamuru
12 6 6 646 489 157 1,308 414 894 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
19 17 2 1,668 1,373 295 1,920 695 1,225 Total Darsi
19 17 2 1,668 1,373 295 1,920 695 1,225 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
19 11 8 1,704 1,205 499 278 73 205 Total Markapur
19 11 8 1,704 1,205 499 278 73 205 Rural



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
549 Prakasam - District Total 1,123 501 622 50,791 16,600 34,191 518 192 326
Rural 1,098 492 606 49,455 16,109 33,346 377 131 246
Urban 25 9 16 1,336 491 845 141 61 80
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 27 8 19 1,230 312 918 6 2 4
Rural 27 8 19 1,230 312 918 6 2 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 53 27 26 735 261 474 4 - 4
Rural 53 27 26 735 261 474 4 - 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 28 21 7 1,554 650 904 7 3 4
Rural 28 21 7 1,554 650 904 7 3 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 14 7 7 1,900 792 1,108 8 4 4
Rural 14 7 7 1,900 792 1,108 8 4 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 22 11 11 1,440 415 1,025 3 2 1
Rural 22 11 11 1,440 415 1,025 3 2 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 27 9 18 1,903 401 1,502 5 1 4
Rural 27 9 18 1,903 401 1,502 5 1 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 7 2 5 693 227 466 3 2 1
Rural 7 2 5 693 227 466 3 2 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 22 13 9 1,317 519 798 2 1 1
Rural 22 13 9 1,317 519 798 2 1 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 28 5 23 1,340 310 1,030 11 8 3
Rural 28 5 23 1,340 310 1,030 11 8 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 34 16 18 1,377 521 856 6 1 5
Rural 34 16 18 1,377 521 856 6 1 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 16 6 10 322 52 270 2 2 -
Rural 16 6 10 322 52 270 2 2 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 5 3 2 270 86 184 - - -
Rural 5 3 2 270 86 184 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 16 8 8 482 122 360 6 2 4
Rural 16 8 8 482 122 360 6 2 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 19 4 15 612 150 462 7 2 5
Rural 19 4 15 612 150 462 7 2 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total 7 4 3 1,395 444 951 - - -
Rural 7 4 3 1,395 444 951 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 13 8 5 833 241 592 6 3 3
Rural 13 8 5 833 241 592 6 3 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 4 1 3 1,244 389 855 3 - 3
Rural 4 1 3 1,244 389 855 3 - 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 58 5 53 1,678 550 1,128 6 5 1
Rural 58 5 53 1,678 550 1,128 6 5 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 1 1 - 166 32 134 2 - 2
Rural 1 1 - 166 32 134 2 - 2



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
9,123 5,581 3,542 368,812 169,776 199,036 Total Prakasam - District 549
6,527 4,077 2,450 312,463 148,003 164,460 Rural
2,596 1,504 1,092 56,349 21,773 34,576 Urban
129 38 91 6,702 3,445 3,257 Total Yerragondapalem 0765
129 38 91 6,702 3,445 3,257 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
22 18 4 5,300 2,744 2,556 Total Pullalacheruvu 0766
22 18 4 5,300 2,744 2,556 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
69 42 27 7,509 3,527 3,982 Total Tripuranthakam 0767
69 42 27 7,509 3,527 3,982 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
112 74 38 4,033 1,963 2,070 Total Dornala 0768
112 74 38 4,033 1,963 2,070 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
51 32 19 5,187 2,668 2,519 Total Peda Araveedu 0769
51 32 19 5,187 2,668 2,519 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
169 119 50 6,580 3,224 3,356 Total Donakonda 0770
169 119 50 6,580 3,224 3,356 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
19 11 8 3,672 1,845 1,827 Total Kurichedu 0771
19 11 8 3,672 1,845 1,827 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
62 38 24 4,847 2,526 2,321 Total Santhamaguluru 0772
62 38 24 4,847 2,526 2,321 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
34 25 9 5,891 3,017 2,874 Total Ballikurava 0773
34 25 9 5,891 3,017 2,874 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
126 86 40 7,501 3,773 3,728 Total Martur 0774
126 86 40 7,501 3,773 3,728 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
26 20 6 3,769 1,647 2,122 Total Yeddana Pudi 0775
26 20 6 3,769 1,647 2,122 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
44 39 5 6,116 2,657 3,459 Total Parchur 0776
44 39 5 6,116 2,657 3,459 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
85 49 36 3,723 1,880 1,843 Total Karamchedu 0777
85 49 36 3,723 1,880 1,843 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
37 17 20 5,525 2,758 2,767 Total Inkollu 0778
37 17 20 5,525 2,758 2,767 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
37 30 7 5,138 2,546 2,592 Total Janakavarampanguluru
37 30 7 5,138 2,546 2,592 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
216 150 66 10,299 4,717 5,582 Total Addanki 0780
216 150 66 10,299 4,717 5,582 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
57 24 33 6,236 3,110 3,126 Total Mundlamuru 0781
57 24 33 6,236 3,110 3,126 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
178 135 43 9,283 4,370 4,913 Total Darsi 0782
178 135 43 9,283 4,370 4,913 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
109 40 69 6,029 2,885 3,144 Total Markapur 0783
109 40 69 6,029 2,885 3,144 Rural



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Urban - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 1,412 6,302 3,436 2,866 740 360 380
Rural 1,412 6,302 3,436 2,866 740 360 380
Urban - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 1,343 5,902 2,747 3,155 609 308 301
Rural 1,159 5,053 2,359 2,694 508 257 251
Urban 184 849 388 461 101 51 50
0786 Tarlupadu Total 1,928 8,692 4,432 4,260 1,212 631 581
Rural 1,928 8,692 4,432 4,260 1,212 631 581
Urban - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 3,277 14,845 7,725 7,120 2,231 1,128 1,103
Rural 3,277 14,845 7,725 7,120 2,231 1,128 1,103
Urban - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 3,714 16,767 8,494 8,273 2,516 1,281 1,235
Rural 2,775 12,576 6,430 6,146 2,010 1,032 978
Urban 939 4,191 2,064 2,127 506 249 257
0789 Thallur Total 2,938 12,833 6,614 6,219 2,016 1,038 978
Rural 2,938 12,833 6,614 6,219 2,016 1,038 978
Urban - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 4,114 16,379 8,219 8,160 1,975 987 988
Rural 4,114 16,379 8,219 8,160 1,975 987 988
Urban - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 2,077 7,525 3,760 3,765 841 413 428
Rural 1,636 5,901 2,960 2,941 674 328 346
Urban 441 1,624 800 824 167 85 82
0792 Vetapalem Total 2,072 7,644 3,820 3,824 850 429 421
Rural 706 2,577 1,295 1,282 282 136 146
Urban 1,366 5,067 2,525 2,542 568 293 275
0793 Chinaganjam Total 1,855 6,857 3,414 3,443 685 343 342
Rural 1,855 6,857 3,414 3,443 685 343 342
Urban - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 6,012 23,565 12,005 11,560 2,642 1,369 1,273
Rural 6,012 23,565 12,005 11,560 2,642 1,369 1,273
Urban - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 4,920 19,553 9,849 9,704 2,288 1,184 1,104
Rural 4,920 19,553 9,849 9,704 2,288 1,184 1,104
Urban - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 4,753 21,721 10,759 10,962 3,149 1,610 1,539
Rural 4,753 21,721 10,759 10,962 3,149 1,610 1,539
Urban - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 2,374 10,694 5,399 5,295 1,607 814 793
Rural 2,374 10,694 5,399 5,295 1,607 814 793
Urban - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 2,417 10,947 5,661 5,286 1,429 743 686
Rural 2,417 10,947 5,661 5,286 1,429 743 686
Urban - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 2,286 9,423 4,859 4,564 1,206 607 599
Rural 2,286 9,423 4,859 4,564 1,206 607 599
Urban - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 1,297 5,710 2,757 2,953 680 361 319
Rural 1,297 5,710 2,757 2,953 680 361 319
Urban - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 2,877 12,172 6,286 5,886 1,430 742 688
Rural 2,083 8,590 4,402 4,188 1,083 563 520
Urban 794 3,582 1,884 1,698 347 179 168
0802 Komarolu Total 1,665 6,732 3,496 3,236 757 377 380
Rural 1,665 6,732 3,496 3,236 757 377 380
Urban - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 2,287 11,063 5,742 5,321 1,572 808 764
Rural 2,287 11,063 5,742 5,321 1,572 808 764



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3,530 2,360 1,170 2,772 1,076 1,696 3,174 1,595 1,579 Total Ardhaveedu
3,530 2,360 1,170 2,772 1,076 1,696 3,174 1,595 1,579 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,220 2,146 2,074 1,682 601 1,081 2,349 1,304 1,045 Total Cumbum
3,607 1,854 1,753 1,446 505 941 2,071 1,120 951 Rural
613 292 321 236 96 140 278 184 94 Urban
4,452 2,748 1,704 4,240 1,684 2,556 4,769 2,523 2,246 Total Tarlupadu
4,452 2,748 1,704 4,240 1,684 2,556 4,769 2,523 2,246 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,673 4,278 2,395 8,172 3,447 4,725 8,267 4,362 3,905 Total Konakanamitla
6,673 4,278 2,395 8,172 3,447 4,725 8,267 4,362 3,905 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,642 4,517 3,125 9,125 3,977 5,148 8,737 4,837 3,900 Total Podili
4,899 3,041 1,858 7,677 3,389 4,288 7,214 3,844 3,370 Rural
2,743 1,476 1,267 1,448 588 860 1,523 993 530 Urban
5,039 3,150 1,889 7,794 3,464 4,330 7,205 3,879 3,326 Total Thallur
5,039 3,150 1,889 7,794 3,464 4,330 7,205 3,879 3,326 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8,487 5,020 3,467 7,892 3,199 4,693 9,417 4,823 4,594 Total Korisapadu
8,487 5,020 3,467 7,892 3,199 4,693 9,417 4,823 4,594 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,635 2,559 2,076 2,890 1,201 1,689 3,553 2,097 1,456 Total Chirala
3,530 1,968 1,562 2,371 992 1,379 2,799 1,657 1,142 Rural
1,105 591 514 519 209 310 754 440 314 Urban
5,137 2,800 2,337 2,507 1,020 1,487 3,257 2,105 1,152 Total Vetapalem
1,633 898 735 944 397 547 1,226 736 490 Rural
3,504 1,902 1,602 1,563 623 940 2,031 1,369 662 Urban
4,070 2,305 1,765 2,787 1,109 1,678 3,706 2,026 1,680 Total Chinaganjam
4,070 2,305 1,765 2,787 1,109 1,678 3,706 2,026 1,680 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
12,731 7,629 5,102 10,834 4,376 6,458 13,853 7,185 6,668 Total Naguluppala Padu
12,731 7,629 5,102 10,834 4,376 6,458 13,853 7,185 6,668 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,577 6,277 4,300 8,976 3,572 5,404 11,205 5,841 5,364 Total Maddipadu
10,577 6,277 4,300 8,976 3,572 5,404 11,205 5,841 5,364 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,982 5,751 4,231 11,739 5,008 6,731 11,526 6,331 5,195 Total Chimakurthi
9,982 5,751 4,231 11,739 5,008 6,731 11,526 6,331 5,195 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,249 2,550 1,699 6,445 2,849 3,596 6,181 3,229 2,952 Total Marripudi
4,249 2,550 1,699 6,445 2,849 3,596 6,181 3,229 2,952 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,886 3,535 2,351 5,061 2,126 2,935 6,659 3,490 3,169 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
5,886 3,535 2,351 5,061 2,126 2,935 6,659 3,490 3,169 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,645 3,401 2,244 3,778 1,458 2,320 4,605 2,602 2,003 Total Bestawaripeta
5,645 3,401 2,244 3,778 1,458 2,320 4,605 2,602 2,003 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3,720 2,043 1,677 1,990 714 1,276 2,921 1,506 1,415 Total Racherla
3,720 2,043 1,677 1,990 714 1,276 2,921 1,506 1,415 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,890 4,770 3,120 4,282 1,516 2,766 5,493 3,148 2,345 Total Giddalur
5,212 3,223 1,989 3,378 1,179 2,199 4,421 2,407 2,014 Rural
2,678 1,547 1,131 904 337 567 1,072 741 331 Urban
4,134 2,583 1,551 2,598 913 1,685 3,250 1,791 1,459 Total Komarolu
4,134 2,583 1,551 2,598 913 1,685 3,250 1,791 1,459 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,988 3,592 2,396 5,075 2,150 2,925 5,650 3,204 2,446 Total Veligandla
5,988 3,592 2,396 5,075 2,150 2,925 5,650 3,204 2,446 Rural



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 2,855 1,500 1,355 245 185 60 2,452 1,210 1,242
Rural 2,855 1,500 1,355 245 185 60 2,452 1,210 1,242
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 2,070 1,209 861 43 32 11 1,393 721 672
Rural 1,803 1,027 776 43 32 11 1,339 687 652
Urban 267 182 85 - - - 54 34 20
0786 Tarlupadu Total 4,346 2,399 1,947 109 98 11 3,560 1,737 1,823
Rural 4,346 2,399 1,947 109 98 11 3,560 1,737 1,823
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 6,674 3,714 2,960 124 85 39 5,956 3,171 2,785
Rural 6,674 3,714 2,960 124 85 39 5,956 3,171 2,785
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 5,364 3,470 1,894 106 98 8 2,890 1,630 1,260
Rural 4,150 2,604 1,546 100 92 8 2,805 1,581 1,224
Urban 1,214 866 348 6 6 - 85 49 36
0789 Thallur Total 6,818 3,771 3,047 125 96 29 5,875 3,030 2,845
Rural 6,818 3,771 3,047 125 96 29 5,875 3,030 2,845
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 8,732 4,676 4,056 61 33 28 7,477 3,781 3,696
Rural 8,732 4,676 4,056 61 33 28 7,477 3,781 3,696
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 2,293 1,478 815 44 40 4 1,265 717 548
Rural 1,630 1,066 564 38 36 2 1,125 663 462
Urban 663 412 251 6 4 2 140 54 86
0792 Vetapalem Total 2,591 1,723 868 34 26 8 1,132 615 517
Rural 1,083 656 427 15 11 4 598 301 297
Urban 1,508 1,067 441 19 15 4 534 314 220
0793 Chinaganjam Total 3,341 1,880 1,461 236 145 91 2,520 1,266 1,254
Rural 3,341 1,880 1,461 236 145 91 2,520 1,266 1,254
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 12,396 6,755 5,641 389 243 146 10,112 4,931 5,181
Rural 12,396 6,755 5,641 389 243 146 10,112 4,931 5,181
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 10,803 5,723 5,080 132 105 27 8,877 4,192 4,685
Rural 10,803 5,723 5,080 132 105 27 8,877 4,192 4,685
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 10,408 5,971 4,437 248 155 93 7,578 3,755 3,823
Rural 10,408 5,971 4,437 248 155 93 7,578 3,755 3,823
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 4,536 2,541 1,995 200 135 65 3,776 1,964 1,812
Rural 4,536 2,541 1,995 200 135 65 3,776 1,964 1,812
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 4,951 2,797 2,154 166 127 39 4,241 2,238 2,003
Rural 4,951 2,797 2,154 166 127 39 4,241 2,238 2,003
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 3,941 2,243 1,698 116 83 33 3,310 1,770 1,540
Rural 3,941 2,243 1,698 116 83 33 3,310 1,770 1,540
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 2,650 1,390 1,260 88 72 16 2,320 1,144 1,176
Rural 2,650 1,390 1,260 88 72 16 2,320 1,144 1,176
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 4,808 2,810 1,998 99 68 31 3,486 1,755 1,731
Rural 3,882 2,149 1,733 97 67 30 3,187 1,604 1,583
Urban 926 661 265 2 1 1 299 151 148
0802 Komarolu Total 3,032 1,702 1,330 92 71 21 2,646 1,390 1,256
Rural 3,032 1,702 1,330 92 71 21 2,646 1,390 1,256
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 5,090 3,000 2,090 125 82 43 4,026 2,149 1,877
Rural 5,090 3,000 2,090 125 82 43 4,026 2,149 1,877



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3 2 1 155 103 52 319 95 224 Total Ardhaveedu
3 2 1 155 103 52 319 95 224 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5 4 1 629 452 177 279 95 184 Total Cumbum
4 3 1 417 305 112 268 93 175 Rural
1 1 - 212 147 65 11 2 9 Urban
15 9 6 662 555 107 423 124 299 Total Tarlupadu
15 9 6 662 555 107 423 124 299 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4 4 - 590 454 136 1,593 648 945 Total Konakanamitla
4 4 - 590 454 136 1,593 648 945 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14 7 7 2,354 1,735 619 3,373 1,367 2,006 Total Podili
10 6 4 1,235 925 310 3,064 1,240 1,824 Rural
4 1 3 1,119 810 309 309 127 182 Urban
24 14 10 794 631 163 387 108 279 Total Thallur
24 14 10 794 631 163 387 108 279 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
37 20 17 1,157 842 315 685 147 538 Total Korisapadu
37 20 17 1,157 842 315 685 147 538 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
83 52 31 901 669 232 1,260 619 641 Total Chirala
22 15 7 445 352 93 1,169 591 578 Rural
61 37 24 456 317 139 91 28 63 Urban
93 50 43 1,332 1,032 300 666 382 284 Total Vetapalem
58 26 32 412 318 94 143 80 63 Rural
35 24 11 920 714 206 523 302 221 Urban
33 23 10 552 446 106 365 146 219 Total Chinaganjam
33 23 10 552 446 106 365 146 219 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
16 9 7 1,879 1,572 307 1,457 430 1,027 Total Naguluppala Padu
16 9 7 1,879 1,572 307 1,457 430 1,027 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
33 21 12 1,761 1,405 356 402 118 284 Total Maddipadu
33 21 12 1,761 1,405 356 402 118 284 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
51 22 29 2,531 2,039 492 1,118 360 758 Total Chimakurthi
51 22 29 2,531 2,039 492 1,118 360 758 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
38 28 10 522 414 108 1,645 688 957 Total Marripudi
38 28 10 522 414 108 1,645 688 957 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 3 3 538 429 109 1,708 693 1,015 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
6 3 3 538 429 109 1,708 693 1,015 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13 13 - 502 377 125 664 359 305 Total Bestawaripeta
13 13 - 502 377 125 664 359 305 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 2 4 236 172 64 271 116 155 Total Racherla
6 2 4 236 172 64 271 116 155 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
35 31 4 1,188 956 232 685 338 347 Total Giddalur
20 19 1 578 459 119 539 258 281 Rural
15 12 3 610 497 113 146 80 66 Urban
10 6 4 284 235 49 218 89 129 Total Komarolu
10 6 4 284 235 49 218 89 129 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3 2 1 936 767 169 560 204 356 Total Veligandla
3 2 1 936 767 169 560 204 356 Rural



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 3 1 2 292 77 215 1 1 -
Rural 3 1 2 292 77 215 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 4 3 1 231 65 166 2 1 1
Rural 4 3 1 223 64 159 2 1 1
Urban - - - 8 1 7 - - -
0786 Tarlupadu Total 5 3 2 397 110 287 1 - 1
Rural 5 3 2 397 110 287 1 - 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 10 7 3 1,549 620 929 - - -
Rural 10 7 3 1,549 620 929 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 5 4 1 2,430 852 1,578 43 7 36
Rural 5 4 1 2,318 798 1,520 42 6 36
Urban - - - 112 54 58 1 1 -
0789 Thallur Total 7 3 4 327 70 257 - - -
Rural 7 3 4 327 70 257 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 11 2 9 582 101 481 13 2 11
Rural 11 2 9 582 101 481 13 2 11
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 10 5 5 1,110 528 582 7 2 5
Rural 10 5 5 1,068 519 549 1 1 -
Urban - - - 42 9 33 6 1 5
0792 Vetapalem Total 3 1 2 318 154 164 18 1 17
Rural 3 1 2 74 27 47 - - -
Urban - - - 244 127 117 18 1 17
0793 Chinaganjam Total 7 4 3 250 89 161 25 5 20
Rural 7 4 3 250 89 161 25 5 20
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 85 42 43 1,283 331 952 4 2 2
Rural 85 42 43 1,283 331 952 4 2 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 5 2 3 306 62 244 3 2 1
Rural 5 2 3 306 62 244 3 2 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 13 5 8 977 302 675 11 1 10
Rural 13 5 8 977 302 675 11 1 10
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 31 13 18 1,497 610 887 2 1 1
Rural 31 13 18 1,497 610 887 2 1 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 23 8 15 1,579 608 971 5 2 3
Rural 23 8 15 1,579 608 971 5 2 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 7 2 5 505 227 278 7 3 4
Rural 7 2 5 505 227 278 7 3 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 1 - 1 200 84 116 2 - 2
Rural 1 - 1 200 84 116 2 - 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 8 2 6 538 233 305 4 1 3
Rural 8 2 6 476 208 268 - - -
Urban - - - 62 25 37 4 1 3
0802 Komarolu Total 2 - 2 188 65 123 1 1 -
Rural 2 - 2 188 65 123 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 18 8 10 426 123 303 - - -
Rural 18 8 10 426 123 303 - - -



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
- - - - - - Urban
23 16 7 3,128 1,841 1,287 Total Ardhaveedu 0784
23 16 7 3,128 1,841 1,287 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
42 26 16 3,553 1,443 2,110 Total Cumbum 0785
39 25 14 2,982 1,239 1,743 Rural
3 1 2 571 204 367 Urban
20 11 9 3,923 1,909 2,014 Total Tarlupadu 0786
20 11 9 3,923 1,909 2,014 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
34 21 13 6,578 3,363 3,215 Total Konakanamitla 0787
34 21 13 6,578 3,363 3,215 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
895 504 391 8,030 3,657 4,373 Total Podili 0788
699 432 267 5,362 2,586 2,776 Rural
196 72 124 2,668 1,071 1,597 Urban
53 35 18 5,628 2,735 2,893 Total Thallur 0789
53 35 18 5,628 2,735 2,893 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
79 42 37 6,962 3,396 3,566 Total Korisapadu 0790
79 42 37 6,962 3,396 3,566 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
133 84 49 3,972 1,663 2,309 Total Chirala 0791
90 66 24 3,102 1,303 1,799 Rural
43 18 25 870 360 510 Urban
327 226 101 4,387 1,715 2,672 Total Vetapalem 0792
66 52 14 1,351 559 792 Rural
261 174 87 3,036 1,156 1,880 Urban
83 48 35 3,151 1,388 1,763 Total Chinaganjam 0793
83 48 35 3,151 1,388 1,763 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
85 55 30 9,712 4,820 4,892 Total Naguluppala Padu 0794
85 55 30 9,712 4,820 4,892 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
88 52 36 8,348 4,008 4,340 Total Maddipadu 0795
88 52 36 8,348 4,008 4,340 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
117 52 65 10,195 4,428 5,767 Total Chimakurthi 0796
117 52 65 10,195 4,428 5,767 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
115 64 51 4,513 2,170 2,343 Total Marripudi 0797
115 64 51 4,513 2,170 2,343 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
101 75 26 4,288 2,171 2,117 Total Hanumanthuni Padu 0798
101 75 26 4,288 2,171 2,117 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
145 127 18 4,818 2,257 2,561 Total Bestawaripeta 0799
145 127 18 4,818 2,257 2,561 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
68 32 36 2,789 1,251 1,538 Total Racherla 0800
68 32 36 2,789 1,251 1,538 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
135 102 33 6,679 3,138 3,541 Total Giddalur 0801
55 48 7 4,169 1,995 2,174 Rural
80 54 26 2,510 1,143 1,367 Urban
27 23 4 3,482 1,705 1,777 Total Komarolu 0802
27 23 4 3,482 1,705 1,777 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
116 73 43 5,413 2,538 2,875 Total Veligandla 0803
116 73 43 5,413 2,538 2,875 Rural



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Urban - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 3,946 18,935 9,660 9,275 2,530 1,305 1,225
Rural 3,153 15,374 7,946 7,428 2,173 1,126 1,047
Urban 793 3,561 1,714 1,847 357 179 178
0805 Kondapi Total 2,872 13,416 6,685 6,731 1,641 841 800
Rural 2,872 13,416 6,685 6,731 1,641 841 800
Urban - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 4,294 17,975 9,200 8,775 2,106 1,083 1,023
Rural 4,244 17,785 9,103 8,682 2,080 1,067 1,013
Urban 50 190 97 93 26 16 10
0807 Ongole Total 3,980 15,894 7,990 7,904 1,926 987 939
Rural 3,980 15,894 7,990 7,904 1,926 987 939
Urban - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 2,166 8,815 4,438 4,377 1,026 507 519
Rural 2,166 8,815 4,438 4,377 1,026 507 519
Urban - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 5,697 23,667 11,893 11,774 2,429 1,270 1,159
Rural 5,697 23,667 11,893 11,774 2,429 1,270 1,159
Urban - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 3,388 14,912 7,566 7,346 1,984 1,010 974
Rural 3,388 14,912 7,566 7,346 1,984 1,010 974
Urban - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 2,665 12,044 6,183 5,861 1,562 823 739
Rural 2,665 12,044 6,183 5,861 1,562 823 739
Urban - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 1,835 8,435 4,269 4,166 1,137 593 544
Rural 1,835 8,435 4,269 4,166 1,137 593 544
Urban - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total 1,713 7,750 3,989 3,761 1,026 515 511
Rural 1,713 7,750 3,989 3,761 1,026 515 511
Urban - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 2,528 11,778 5,987 5,791 1,631 844 787
Rural 2,309 10,705 5,429 5,276 1,524 781 743
Urban 219 1,073 558 515 107 63 44
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 2,817 12,703 6,429 6,274 1,532 792 740
Rural 2,817 12,703 6,429 6,274 1,532 792 740
Urban - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 2,634 12,108 6,154 5,954 1,500 752 748
Rural 2,634 12,108 6,154 5,954 1,500 752 748
Urban - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 2,764 12,099 5,836 6,263 1,245 649 596
Rural 2,070 8,752 4,384 4,368 956 500 456
Urban 694 3,347 1,452 1,895 289 149 140
0818 Lingasamudram Total 1,915 9,008 4,309 4,699 1,009 531 478
Rural 1,915 9,008 4,309 4,699 1,009 531 478
Urban - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 3,030 13,675 6,967 6,708 1,685 881 804
Rural 3,030 13,675 6,967 6,708 1,685 881 804
Urban - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 2,824 11,747 5,816 5,931 1,362 653 709
Rural 2,824 11,747 5,816 5,931 1,362 653 709
Urban - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 2,078 9,052 4,560 4,492 1,171 593 578
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 184 849 388 461 101 51 50
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 939 4,191 2,064 2,127 506 249 257
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 4,964 19,076 9,295 9,781 2,029 1,007 1,022
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 439 1,614 794 820 166 84 82
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 1,280 4,736 2,361 2,375 538 279 259



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10,561 6,114 4,447 8,374 3,546 4,828 9,454 5,584 3,870 Total Kanigiri
7,847 4,716 3,131 7,527 3,230 4,297 8,225 4,750 3,475 Rural
2,714 1,398 1,316 847 316 531 1,229 834 395 Urban
6,698 3,771 2,927 6,718 2,914 3,804 7,363 3,925 3,438 Total Kondapi
6,698 3,771 2,927 6,718 2,914 3,804 7,363 3,925 3,438 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9,296 5,672 3,624 8,679 3,528 5,151 9,851 5,338 4,513 Total Santhanuthala Padu
9,195 5,614 3,581 8,590 3,489 5,101 9,757 5,280 4,477 Rural
101 58 43 89 39 50 94 58 36 Urban
8,639 5,075 3,564 7,255 2,915 4,340 8,786 4,762 4,024 Total Ongole
8,639 5,075 3,564 7,255 2,915 4,340 8,786 4,762 4,024 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,910 2,917 1,993 3,905 1,521 2,384 5,004 2,683 2,321 Total Kotha Patnam
4,910 2,917 1,993 3,905 1,521 2,384 5,004 2,683 2,321 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13,480 7,871 5,609 10,187 4,022 6,165 13,441 7,107 6,334 Total Tangutur
13,480 7,871 5,609 10,187 4,022 6,165 13,441 7,107 6,334 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,332 4,383 2,949 7,580 3,183 4,397 8,072 4,403 3,669 Total Zarugumilli
7,332 4,383 2,949 7,580 3,183 4,397 8,072 4,403 3,669 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,645 3,400 2,245 6,399 2,783 3,616 6,569 3,659 2,910 Total Ponnaluru
5,645 3,400 2,245 6,399 2,783 3,616 6,569 3,659 2,910 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,444 2,592 1,852 3,991 1,677 2,314 4,691 2,611 2,080 Total Pedacherlo Palle
4,444 2,592 1,852 3,991 1,677 2,314 4,691 2,611 2,080 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
4,240 2,591 1,649 3,510 1,398 2,112 4,143 2,373 1,770 Total Puram
4,240 2,591 1,649 3,510 1,398 2,112 4,143 2,373 1,770 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,565 3,847 2,718 5,213 2,140 3,073 5,962 3,515 2,447 Total Pamur
5,802 3,414 2,388 4,903 2,015 2,888 5,619 3,273 2,346 Rural
763 433 330 310 125 185 343 242 101 Urban
5,681 3,436 2,245 7,022 2,993 4,029 7,086 3,774 3,312 Total Voletivaripalem
5,681 3,436 2,245 7,022 2,993 4,029 7,086 3,774 3,312 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,745 3,388 2,357 6,363 2,766 3,597 6,414 3,656 2,758 Total Kandukur
5,745 3,388 2,357 6,363 2,766 3,597 6,414 3,656 2,758 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7,156 3,779 3,377 4,943 2,057 2,886 5,574 3,218 2,356 Total Singarayakonda
4,693 2,689 2,004 4,059 1,695 2,364 4,498 2,495 2,003 Rural
2,463 1,090 1,373 884 362 522 1,076 723 353 Urban
4,401 2,373 2,028 4,607 1,936 2,671 4,718 2,441 2,277 Total Lingasamudram
4,401 2,373 2,028 4,607 1,936 2,671 4,718 2,441 2,277 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,323 3,717 2,606 7,352 3,250 4,102 7,361 4,065 3,296 Total Gudluru
6,323 3,717 2,606 7,352 3,250 4,102 7,361 4,065 3,296 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6,436 3,698 2,738 5,311 2,118 3,193 5,814 3,254 2,560 Total Ulavapadu
6,436 3,698 2,738 5,311 2,118 3,193 5,814 3,254 2,560 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5,812 3,282 2,530 3,240 1,278 1,962 3,420 2,288 1,132 Urban Markapur (M)
613 292 321 236 96 140 278 184 94 Urban Cumbum (CT)
2,743 1,476 1,267 1,448 588 860 1,523 993 530 Urban Podili (CT)
13,091 6,895 6,196 5,985 2,400 3,585 7,344 4,999 2,345 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
1,096 586 510 518 208 310 752 438 314 Urban Chirala (CT)
3,221 1,760 1,461 1,515 601 914 1,917 1,288 629 Urban Vetapalem (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 8,150 5,198 2,952 252 188 64 4,741 2,371 2,370
Rural 6,969 4,377 2,592 247 184 63 4,498 2,256 2,242
Urban 1,181 821 360 5 4 1 243 115 128
0805 Kondapi Total 6,615 3,624 2,991 86 69 17 5,578 2,822 2,756
Rural 6,615 3,624 2,991 86 69 17 5,578 2,822 2,756
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 8,839 4,921 3,918 97 63 34 6,000 2,809 3,191
Rural 8,811 4,901 3,910 97 63 34 6,000 2,809 3,191
Urban 28 20 8 - - - - - -
0807 Ongole Total 8,265 4,696 3,569 100 66 34 4,584 2,310 2,274
Rural 8,265 4,696 3,569 100 66 34 4,584 2,310 2,274
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 4,166 2,381 1,785 288 257 31 2,649 1,214 1,435
Rural 4,166 2,381 1,785 288 257 31 2,649 1,214 1,435
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 11,607 6,391 5,216 196 117 79 8,920 4,474 4,446
Rural 11,607 6,391 5,216 196 117 79 8,920 4,474 4,446
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 7,616 4,278 3,338 95 76 19 5,561 2,608 2,953
Rural 7,616 4,278 3,338 95 76 19 5,561 2,608 2,953
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 4,878 3,106 1,772 185 156 29 3,265 2,000 1,265
Rural 4,878 3,106 1,772 185 156 29 3,265 2,000 1,265
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 3,465 2,125 1,340 148 118 30 2,260 1,107 1,153
Rural 3,465 2,125 1,340 148 118 30 2,260 1,107 1,153
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total 2,931 1,800 1,131 145 115 30 2,256 1,245 1,011
Rural 2,931 1,800 1,131 145 115 30 2,256 1,245 1,011
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 4,009 2,677 1,332 230 208 22 2,264 1,169 1,095
Rural 3,700 2,455 1,245 228 206 22 2,134 1,084 1,050
Urban 309 222 87 2 2 - 130 85 45
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 5,792 3,323 2,469 317 242 75 4,838 2,547 2,291
Rural 5,792 3,323 2,469 317 242 75 4,838 2,547 2,291
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 6,120 3,613 2,507 116 96 20 4,436 2,111 2,325
Rural 6,120 3,613 2,507 116 96 20 4,436 2,111 2,325
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 4,900 2,947 1,953 58 39 19 2,370 1,121 1,249
Rural 3,938 2,285 1,653 51 34 17 2,211 1,013 1,198
Urban 962 662 300 7 5 2 159 108 51
0818 Lingasamudram Total 4,096 2,235 1,861 67 43 24 3,724 1,941 1,783
Rural 4,096 2,235 1,861 67 43 24 3,724 1,941 1,783
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 5,211 3,201 2,010 224 189 35 3,948 2,152 1,796
Rural 5,211 3,201 2,010 224 189 35 3,948 2,152 1,796
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 5,483 3,156 2,327 94 78 16 3,794 1,820 1,974
Rural 5,483 3,156 2,327 94 78 16 3,794 1,820 1,974
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 3,077 2,153 924 9 7 2 270 136 134
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 267 182 85 - - - 54 34 20
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 1,214 866 348 6 6 - 85 49 36
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 6,213 4,406 1,807 36 29 7 1,363 807 556
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 661 410 251 6 4 2 140 54 86
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 1,419 1,002 417 18 14 4 522 306 216



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9 5 4 3,148 2,634 514 1,304 386 918 Total Kanigiri
6 2 4 2,218 1,935 283 1,256 373 883 Rural
3 3 - 930 699 231 48 13 35 Urban
17 7 10 934 726 208 748 301 447 Total Kondapi
17 7 10 934 726 208 748 301 447 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
58 27 31 2,684 2,022 662 1,012 417 595 Total Santhanuthala Padu
57 26 31 2,657 2,003 654 946 379 567 Rural
1 1 - 27 19 8 66 38 28 Urban
9 5 4 3,572 2,315 1,257 521 66 455 Total Ongole
9 5 4 3,572 2,315 1,257 521 66 455 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
50 39 11 1,179 871 308 838 302 536 Total Kotha Patnam
50 39 11 1,179 871 308 838 302 536 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
51 34 17 2,440 1,766 674 1,834 716 1,118 Total Tangutur
51 34 17 2,440 1,766 674 1,834 716 1,118 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10 5 5 1,950 1,589 361 456 125 331 Total Zarugumilli
10 5 5 1,950 1,589 361 456 125 331 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4 4 - 1,424 946 478 1,691 553 1,138 Total Ponnaluru
4 4 - 1,424 946 478 1,691 553 1,138 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15 8 7 1,042 892 150 1,226 486 740 Total Pedacherlo Palle
15 8 7 1,042 892 150 1,226 486 740 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
9 8 1 521 432 89 1,212 573 639 Total Puram
9 8 1 521 432 89 1,212 573 639 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5 3 2 1,510 1,297 213 1,953 838 1,115 Total Pamur
5 3 2 1,333 1,162 171 1,919 818 1,101 Rural
- - - 177 135 42 34 20 14 Urban
17 10 7 620 524 96 1,294 451 843 Total Voletivaripalem
17 10 7 620 524 96 1,294 451 843 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
8 6 2 1,560 1,400 160 294 43 251 Total Kandukur
8 6 2 1,560 1,400 160 294 43 251 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
20 10 10 2,452 1,777 675 674 271 403 Total Singarayakonda
19 9 10 1,657 1,229 428 560 210 350 Rural
1 1 - 795 548 247 114 61 53 Urban
16 11 5 289 240 49 622 206 416 Total Lingasamudram
16 11 5 289 240 49 622 206 416 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13 7 6 1,026 853 173 2,150 864 1,286 Total Gudluru
13 7 6 1,026 853 173 2,150 864 1,286 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15 10 5 1,580 1,248 332 331 98 233 Total Ulavapadu
15 10 5 1,580 1,248 332 331 98 233 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
57 39 18 2,741 1,971 770 343 135 208 Urban Markapur (M)
1 1 - 212 147 65 11 2 9 Urban Cumbum (CT)
4 1 3 1,119 810 309 309 127 182 Urban Podili (CT)
60 33 27 4,754 3,537 1,217 1,131 593 538 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
61 37 24 454 315 139 91 28 63 Urban Chirala (CT)
35 24 11 844 658 186 498 286 212 Urban Vetapalem (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 11 8 3 1,004 187 817 5 2 3
Rural 11 8 3 972 185 787 5 2 3
Urban - - - 32 2 30 - - -
0805 Kondapi Total 6 1 5 598 201 397 22 8 14
Rural 6 1 5 598 201 397 22 8 14
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 26 17 9 804 299 505 19 8 11
Rural 25 17 8 804 299 505 14 5 9
Urban 1 - 1 - - - 5 3 2
0807 Ongole Total 3 - 3 468 39 429 - - -
Rural 3 - 3 468 39 429 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 11 4 7 583 156 427 1 - 1
Rural 11 4 7 583 156 427 1 - 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 67 36 31 1,257 346 911 36 21 15
Rural 67 36 31 1,257 346 911 36 21 15
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 3 1 2 399 92 307 1 1 -
Rural 3 1 2 399 92 307 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 19 10 9 1,483 429 1,054 7 2 5
Rural 19 10 9 1,483 429 1,054 7 2 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 21 12 9 973 353 620 6 1 5
Rural 21 12 9 973 353 620 6 1 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total 10 4 6 726 258 468 30 10 20
Rural 10 4 6 726 258 468 30 10 20
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 46 27 19 1,565 631 934 17 3 14
Rural 46 27 19 1,554 626 928 17 3 14
Urban - - - 11 5 6 - - -
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 78 38 40 1,165 386 779 17 4 13
Rural 78 38 40 1,165 386 779 17 4 13
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 5 3 2 264 29 235 1 1 -
Rural 5 3 2 264 29 235 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 6 2 4 543 208 335 2 - 2
Rural 6 2 4 499 190 309 2 - 2
Urban - - - 44 18 26 - - -
0818 Lingasamudram Total 8 7 1 559 158 401 3 1 2
Rural 8 7 1 559 158 401 3 1 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 120 48 72 1,873 727 1,146 8 6 2
Rural 120 48 72 1,873 727 1,146 8 6 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total - - - 270 66 204 - - -
Rural - - - 270 66 204 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 1 - 1 60 7 53 22 17 5
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban - - - 8 1 7 - - -
590988 Podili (CT) Urban - - - 112 54 58 1 1 -
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 5 3 2 506 194 312 31 13 18
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban - - - 42 9 33 6 1 5
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban - - - 229 118 111 18 1 17



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
- - - - - - Urban
284 189 95 9,481 4,076 5,405 Total Kanigiri 0804
268 178 90 7,149 3,196 3,953 Rural
16 11 5 2,332 880 1,452 Urban
122 91 31 6,053 2,760 3,293 Total Kondapi 0805
122 91 31 6,053 2,760 3,293 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
163 93 70 8,124 3,862 4,262 Total Santhanuthala Padu 0806
103 58 45 8,028 3,823 4,205 Rural
60 35 25 96 39 57 Urban
50 27 23 7,108 3,228 3,880 Total Ongole 0807
50 27 23 7,108 3,228 3,880 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
243 142 101 3,811 1,755 2,056 Total Kotha Patnam 0808
243 142 101 3,811 1,755 2,056 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
474 313 161 10,226 4,786 5,440 Total Tangutur 0809
474 313 161 10,226 4,786 5,440 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
53 31 22 6,840 3,163 3,677 Total Zarugumilli 0810
53 31 22 6,840 3,163 3,677 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
182 112 70 5,475 2,524 2,951 Total Ponnaluru 0811
182 112 70 5,475 2,524 2,951 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
226 120 106 3,744 1,658 2,086 Total Pedacherlo Palle 0812
226 120 106 3,744 1,658 2,086 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
446 301 145 3,607 1,616 1,991 Total Puram
446 301 145 3,607 1,616 1,991 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
325 177 148 5,816 2,472 3,344 Total Pamur 0814
302 162 140 5,086 2,156 2,930 Rural
23 15 8 730 316 414 Urban
34 23 11 5,617 2,655 2,962 Total Voletivaripalem 0815
34 23 11 5,617 2,655 2,962 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
24 10 14 5,694 2,498 3,196 Total Kandukur 0816
24 10 14 5,694 2,498 3,196 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
123 61 62 6,525 2,618 3,907 Total Singarayakonda 0817
53 18 35 4,254 1,889 2,365 Rural
70 43 27 2,271 729 1,542 Urban
52 40 12 4,290 1,868 2,422 Total Lingasamudram 0818
52 40 12 4,290 1,868 2,422 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
149 83 66 6,314 2,902 3,412 Total Gudluru 0819
149 83 66 6,314 2,902 3,412 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
61 32 29 5,933 2,562 3,371 Total Ulavapadu 0820
61 32 29 5,933 2,562 3,371 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
260 111 149 5,632 2,272 3,360 Urban Markapur (M) 802986
3 1 2 571 204 367 Urban Cumbum (CT) 590896
196 72 124 2,668 1,071 1,597 Urban Podili (CT) 590988
589 383 206 11,732 4,296 7,436 Urban Chirala (M + OG) 802987
43 18 25 862 356 506 Urban Chirala (CT) 591018
251 167 84 2,819 1,073 1,746 Urban Vetapalem (CT) 591023



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 794 3,582 1,884 1,698 347 179 168
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 793 3,561 1,714 1,847 357 179 178
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 7,062 29,956 14,981 14,975 3,027 1,594 1,433
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 219 1,073 558 515 107 63 44
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 1,883 8,734 4,302 4,432 860 430 430
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 291 1,285 714 571 131 68 63
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 403 2,062 738 1,324 158 81 77



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
2,678 1,547 1,131 904 337 567 1,072 741 331 Giddaluru (CT)
2,714 1,398 1,316 847 316 531 1,229 834 395 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
22,043 11,805 10,238 7,913 3,176 4,737 11,063 7,675 3,388 Ongole (M + OG)
763 433 330 310 125 185 343 242 101 Pamur (CT)
5,465 2,994 2,471 3,269 1,308 1,961 3,405 2,175 1,230 Kandukur (M)
833 533 300 452 181 271 506 328 178 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
1,630 557 1,073 432 181 251 570 395 175 Urban (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 926 661 265 2 1 1 299 151 148
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 1,181 821 360 5 4 1 243 115 128
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 9,998 7,095 2,903 35 26 9 943 479 464
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 309 222 87 2 2 - 130 85 45
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 3,097 2,035 1,062 33 25 8 840 471 369
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 490 319 171 7 5 2 106 67 39
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 472 343 129 - - - 53 41 12



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
15 12 3 610 497 113 146 80 66 Giddaluru (CT)
3 3 - 930 699 231 48 13 35 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
86 45 41 8,934 6,545 2,389 1,065 580 485 Ongole (M + OG)
- - - 177 135 42 34 20 14 Pamur (CT)
56 22 34 2,168 1,517 651 308 140 168 Kandukur (M)
- - - 377 247 130 16 9 7 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
1 1 - 418 301 117 98 52 46 Urban (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban - - - 62 25 37 4 1 3
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban - - - 32 2 30 - - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 17 6 11 102 29 73 43 17 26
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban - - - 11 5 6 - - -
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 2 - 2 128 29 99 16 10 6
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban - - - 2 2 - - - -
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban - - - 42 16 26 - - -



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
80 54 26 2,510 1,143 1,367 Giddaluru (CT)
Urban 591202
16 11 5 2,332 880 1,452 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
Urban 591289
903 528 375 18,893 7,306 11,587 Ongole (M + OG)
Urban 802988
23 15 8 730 316 414 Pamur (CT)
Urban 591504
162 101 61 5,329 2,127 3,202 Kandukur (M)
Urban 802989
14 7 7 779 386 393 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Urban 591552
Singarayakonda (RS)
56 36 20 1,492 343 1,149 Urban (CT) 591553

Primary Census Abstract for
Scheduled Tribes (ST)


Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
549 Prakasam - District Total 37,387 151,145 76,677 74,468 21,873 11,269 10,604
Rural 30,826 124,386 63,386 61,000 18,266 9,428 8,838
Urban 6,561 26,759 13,291 13,468 3,607 1,841 1,766
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 1,425 6,910 3,805 3,105 1,069 579 490
Rural 1,425 6,910 3,805 3,105 1,069 579 490
Urban - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 1,974 8,694 4,453 4,241 1,542 786 756
Rural 1,974 8,694 4,453 4,241 1,542 786 756
Urban - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 566 2,535 1,302 1,233 389 212 177
Rural 566 2,535 1,302 1,233 389 212 177
Urban - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 1,830 7,396 3,657 3,739 1,396 728 668
Rural 1,830 7,396 3,657 3,739 1,396 728 668
Urban - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 277 1,215 643 572 191 114 77
Rural 277 1,215 643 572 191 114 77
Urban - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 97 382 188 194 58 33 25
Rural 97 382 188 194 58 33 25
Urban - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 362 1,445 747 698 243 138 105
Rural 362 1,445 747 698 243 138 105
Urban - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 788 2,975 1,555 1,420 416 228 188
Rural 788 2,975 1,555 1,420 416 228 188
Urban - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 829 3,331 1,703 1,628 496 257 239
Rural 829 3,331 1,703 1,628 496 257 239
Urban - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 953 4,123 2,057 2,066 563 276 287
Rural 953 4,123 2,057 2,066 563 276 287
Urban - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 154 617 290 327 67 39 28
Rural 154 617 290 327 67 39 28
Urban - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 940 3,691 1,877 1,814 505 263 242
Rural 940 3,691 1,877 1,814 505 263 242
Urban - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 431 1,558 794 764 202 97 105
Rural 431 1,558 794 764 202 97 105
Urban - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 469 1,866 955 911 282 141 141
Rural 469 1,866 955 911 282 141 141
Urban - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total 487 1,839 961 878 244 120 124
Rural 487 1,839 961 878 244 120 124
Urban - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 980 4,127 2,053 2,074 657 331 326
Rural 980 4,127 2,053 2,074 657 331 326
Urban - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 483 2,042 1,065 977 313 152 161
Rural 483 2,042 1,065 977 313 152 161
Urban - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 723 3,102 1,572 1,530 461 218 243
Rural 723 3,102 1,572 1,530 461 218 243
Urban - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 163 740 383 357 113 54 59
Rural 163 740 383 357 113 54 59



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
60,915 35,111 25,804 90,230 41,566 48,664 82,532 44,703 37,829 Total Prakasam - District
48,086 28,038 20,048 76,300 35,348 40,952 70,463 37,312 33,151 Rural
12,829 7,073 5,756 13,930 6,218 7,712 12,069 7,391 4,678 Urban
3,646 2,327 1,319 3,264 1,478 1,786 3,067 1,546 1,521 Total Yerragondapalem
3,646 2,327 1,319 3,264 1,478 1,786 3,067 1,546 1,521 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3,830 2,282 1,548 4,864 2,171 2,693 4,938 2,471 2,467 Total Pullalacheruvu
3,830 2,282 1,548 4,864 2,171 2,693 4,938 2,471 2,467 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
793 504 289 1,742 798 944 1,466 739 727 Total Tripuranthakam
793 504 289 1,742 798 944 1,466 739 727 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3,436 1,903 1,533 3,960 1,754 2,206 3,808 1,859 1,949 Total Dornala
3,436 1,903 1,533 3,960 1,754 2,206 3,808 1,859 1,949 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
434 270 164 781 373 408 655 326 329 Total Peda Araveedu
434 270 164 781 373 408 655 326 329 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
140 87 53 242 101 141 214 104 110 Total Donakonda
140 87 53 242 101 141 214 104 110 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
398 233 165 1,047 514 533 858 464 394 Total Kurichedu
398 233 165 1,047 514 533 858 464 394 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
932 588 344 2,043 967 1,076 1,881 962 919 Total Santhamaguluru
932 588 344 2,043 967 1,076 1,881 962 919 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,258 776 482 2,073 927 1,146 2,002 1,032 970 Total Ballikurava
1,258 776 482 2,073 927 1,146 2,002 1,032 970 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,613 942 671 2,510 1,115 1,395 2,345 1,174 1,171 Total Martur
1,613 942 671 2,510 1,115 1,395 2,345 1,174 1,171 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
246 123 123 371 167 204 355 186 169 Total Yeddana Pudi
246 123 123 371 167 204 355 186 169 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,436 845 591 2,255 1,032 1,223 2,127 1,097 1,030 Total Parchur
1,436 845 591 2,255 1,032 1,223 2,127 1,097 1,030 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
606 366 240 952 428 524 1,017 527 490 Total Karamchedu
606 366 240 952 428 524 1,017 527 490 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
692 408 284 1,174 547 627 1,104 565 539 Total Inkollu
692 408 284 1,174 547 627 1,104 565 539 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
730 432 298 1,109 529 580 1,135 601 534 Total u
730 432 298 1,109 529 580 1,135 601 534 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,541 870 671 2,586 1,183 1,403 2,334 1,231 1,103 Total Addanki
1,541 870 671 2,586 1,183 1,403 2,334 1,231 1,103 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
750 475 275 1,292 590 702 1,179 618 561 Total Mundlamuru
750 475 275 1,292 590 702 1,179 618 561 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,189 718 471 1,913 854 1,059 1,676 889 787 Total Darsi
1,189 718 471 1,913 854 1,059 1,676 889 787 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
355 226 129 385 157 228 379 199 180 Total Markapur
355 226 129 385 157 228 379 199 180 Rural



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
549 Prakasam - District Total 66,876 37,995 28,881 2,841 1,905 936 43,914 22,646 21,268
Rural 56,760 31,511 25,249 2,779 1,855 924 41,355 21,243 20,112
Urban 10,116 6,484 3,632 62 50 12 2,559 1,403 1,156
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 2,532 1,322 1,210 465 267 198 1,777 864 913
Rural 2,532 1,322 1,210 465 267 198 1,777 864 913
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 4,748 2,399 2,349 642 375 267 3,939 1,909 2,030
Rural 4,748 2,399 2,349 642 375 267 3,939 1,909 2,030
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 937 490 447 19 13 6 766 372 394
Rural 937 490 447 19 13 6 766 372 394
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 2,965 1,479 1,486 176 104 72 1,623 727 896
Rural 2,965 1,479 1,486 176 104 72 1,623 727 896
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 372 207 165 31 21 10 267 135 132
Rural 372 207 165 31 21 10 267 135 132
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 175 90 85 6 3 3 125 61 64
Rural 175 90 85 6 3 3 125 61 64
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total 742 417 325 31 26 5 615 325 290
Rural 742 417 325 31 26 5 615 325 290
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total 1,427 754 673 29 18 11 1,203 600 603
Rural 1,427 754 673 29 18 11 1,203 600 603
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 1,401 850 551 46 42 4 1,277 747 530
Rural 1,401 850 551 46 42 4 1,277 747 530
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 1,931 1,002 929 68 52 16 1,615 815 800
Rural 1,931 1,002 929 68 52 16 1,615 815 800
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 334 180 154 13 7 6 314 169 145
Rural 334 180 154 13 7 6 314 169 145
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 2,064 1,067 997 40 29 11 1,882 941 941
Rural 2,064 1,067 997 40 29 11 1,882 941 941
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total 896 476 420 17 15 2 810 412 398
Rural 896 476 420 17 15 2 810 412 398
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total 1,002 526 476 60 37 23 779 381 398
Rural 1,002 526 476 60 37 23 779 381 398
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total 950 536 414 14 10 4 752 396 356
Rural 950 536 414 14 10 4 752 396 356
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 2,020 1,121 899 16 11 5 1,330 694 636
Rural 2,020 1,121 899 16 11 5 1,330 694 636
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 818 448 370 34 22 12 710 371 339
Rural 818 448 370 34 22 12 710 371 339
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 1,147 681 466 81 75 6 758 374 384
Rural 1,147 681 466 81 75 6 758 374 384
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total 376 197 179 3 1 2 279 133 146
Rural 376 197 179 3 1 2 279 133 146



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
1,052 578 474 19,069 12,866 6,203 15,656 6,708 8,948 Total Prakasam - District
848 466 382 11,778 7,947 3,831 13,703 5,801 7,902 Rural
204 112 92 7,291 4,919 2,372 1,953 907 1,046 Urban
8 4 4 282 187 95 535 224 311 Total Yerragondapalem
8 4 4 282 187 95 535 224 311 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10 4 6 157 111 46 190 72 118 Total Pullalacheruvu
10 4 6 157 111 46 190 72 118 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
25 15 10 127 90 37 529 249 280 Total Tripuranthakam
25 15 10 127 90 37 529 249 280 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22 12 10 1,144 636 508 843 380 463 Total Dornala
22 12 10 1,144 636 508 843 380 463 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
27 14 13 47 37 10 283 119 164 Total Peda Araveedu
27 14 13 47 37 10 283 119 164 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
- - - 44 26 18 39 14 25 Total Donakonda
- - - 44 26 18 39 14 25 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
30 16 14 66 50 16 116 47 69 Total Kurichedu
30 16 14 66 50 16 116 47 69 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 2 4 189 134 55 454 208 246 Total Santhamaguluru
6 2 4 189 134 55 454 208 246 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
13 11 2 65 50 15 601 182 419 Total Ballikurava
13 11 2 65 50 15 601 182 419 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9 4 5 239 131 108 414 172 242 Total Martur
9 4 5 239 131 108 414 172 242 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
- - - 7 4 3 21 6 15 Total Yeddana Pudi
- - - 7 4 3 21 6 15 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3 1 2 139 96 43 63 30 33 Total Parchur
3 1 2 139 96 43 63 30 33 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 3 3 63 46 17 121 51 70 Total Karamchedu
6 3 3 63 46 17 121 51 70 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 3 3 157 105 52 102 39 63 Total Inkollu
6 3 3 157 105 52 102 39 63 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban

11 7 4 173 123 50 185 65 120 Total Janakavarampanguluru

11 7 4 173 123 50 185 65 120 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
14 5 9 660 411 249 314 110 204 Total Addanki
14 5 9 660 411 249 314 110 204 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9 7 2 65 48 17 361 170 191 Total Mundlamuru
9 7 2 65 48 17 361 170 191 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22 14 8 286 218 68 529 208 321 Total Darsi
22 14 8 286 218 68 529 208 321 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11 9 2 83 54 29 3 2 1 Total Markapur
11 9 2 83 54 29 3 2 1 Rural



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
549 Prakasam - District Total 197 85 112 10,590 4,058 6,532 449 211 238
Rural 186 81 105 10,169 3,879 6,290 363 179 184
Urban 11 4 7 421 179 242 86 32 54
0765 Yerragondapalem Total 7 5 2 253 96 157 8 5 3
Rural 7 5 2 253 96 157 8 5 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0766 Pullalacheruvu Total 12 5 7 147 55 92 9 - 9
Rural 12 5 7 147 55 92 9 - 9
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0767 Tripuranthakam Total 29 25 4 443 190 253 22 11 11
Rural 29 25 4 443 190 253 22 11 11
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0768 Dornala Total 22 10 12 406 163 243 11 6 5
Rural 22 10 12 406 163 243 11 6 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0769 Peda Araveedu Total 6 1 5 254 101 153 - - -
Rural 6 1 5 254 101 153 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0770 Donakonda Total 3 1 2 28 9 19 - - -
Rural 3 1 2 28 9 19 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0771 Kurichedu Total - - - 98 37 61 6 - 6
Rural - - - 98 37 61 6 - 6
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0772 Santhamaguluru Total - - - 379 158 221 - - -
Rural - - - 379 158 221 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0773 Ballikurava Total 4 2 2 567 158 409 2 1 1
Rural 4 2 2 567 158 409 2 1 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0774 Martur Total 2 - 2 371 143 228 11 6 5
Rural 2 - 2 371 143 228 11 6 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0775 Yeddana Pudi Total 1 - 1 20 6 14 - - -
Rural 1 - 1 20 6 14 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0776 Parchur Total 1 1 - 52 22 30 - - -
Rural 1 1 - 52 22 30 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0777 Karamchedu Total - - - 105 43 62 3 - 3
Rural - - - 105 43 62 3 - 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0778 Inkollu Total - - - 45 12 33 8 4 4
Rural - - - 45 12 33 8 4 4
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Janakavarampanguluru Total - - - 174 56 118 1 1 -
Rural - - - 174 56 118 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0780 Addanki Total 1 - 1 227 71 156 2 1 1
Rural 1 - 1 227 71 156 2 1 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0781 Mundlamuru Total 1 - 1 334 160 174 12 1 11
Rural 1 - 1 334 160 174 12 1 11
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0782 Darsi Total 8 2 6 370 133 237 15 8 7
Rural 8 2 6 370 133 237 15 8 7
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0783 Markapur Total - - - 1 - 1 - - -
Rural - - - 1 - 1 - - -



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
4,420 2,354 2,066 68,613 31,974 36,639 Total Prakasam - District 549
2,985 1,662 1,323 53,923 26,074 27,849 Rural
1,435 692 743 14,690 5,900 8,790 Urban
267 118 149 3,843 2,259 1,584 Total Yerragondapalem 0765
267 118 149 3,843 2,259 1,584 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
22 12 10 3,756 1,982 1,774 Total Pullalacheruvu 0766
22 12 10 3,756 1,982 1,774 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
35 23 12 1,069 563 506 Total Tripuranthakam 0767
35 23 12 1,069 563 506 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
404 201 203 3,588 1,798 1,790 Total Dornala 0768
404 201 203 3,588 1,798 1,790 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
23 17 6 560 317 243 Total Peda Araveedu 0769
23 17 6 560 317 243 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
8 4 4 168 84 84 Total Donakonda 0770
8 4 4 168 84 84 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
12 10 2 587 283 304 Total Kurichedu 0771
12 10 2 587 283 304 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
75 50 25 1,094 593 501 Total Santhamaguluru 0772
75 50 25 1,094 593 501 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
28 21 7 1,329 671 658 Total Ballikurava 0773
28 21 7 1,329 671 658 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
30 23 7 1,778 883 895 Total Martur 0774
30 23 7 1,778 883 895 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
- - - 262 104 158 Total Yeddana Pudi 0775
- - - 262 104 158 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
10 7 3 1,564 780 784 Total Parchur 0776
10 7 3 1,564 780 784 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
13 8 5 541 267 274 Total Karamchedu 0777
13 8 5 541 267 274 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
49 23 26 762 390 372 Total Inkollu 0778
49 23 26 762 390 372 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
10 8 2 704 360 344 Total Janakavarampanguluru
10 8 2 704 360 344 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
84 38 46 1,793 822 971 Total Addanki 0780
84 38 46 1,793 822 971 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
14 9 5 863 447 416 Total Mundlamuru 0781
14 9 5 863 447 416 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
136 65 71 1,426 683 743 Total Darsi 0782
136 65 71 1,426 683 743 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
2 2 - 361 184 177 Total Markapur 0783
2 2 - 361 184 177 Rural



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Urban - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 580 2,524 1,286 1,238 391 207 184
Rural 580 2,524 1,286 1,238 391 207 184
Urban - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 145 628 312 316 91 48 43
Rural 86 396 195 201 54 29 25
Urban 59 232 117 115 37 19 18
0786 Tarlupadu Total 52 255 138 117 20 12 8
Rural 52 255 138 117 20 12 8
Urban - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 92 381 207 174 66 36 30
Rural 92 381 207 174 66 36 30
Urban - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 465 2,026 1,028 998 322 167 155
Rural 132 556 297 259 92 55 37
Urban 333 1,470 731 739 230 112 118
0789 Thallur Total 264 1,024 505 519 129 56 73
Rural 264 1,024 505 519 129 56 73
Urban - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 399 1,466 727 739 187 80 107
Rural 399 1,466 727 739 187 80 107
Urban - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 1,112 4,002 1,997 2,005 461 253 208
Rural 541 1,945 994 951 255 138 117
Urban 571 2,057 1,003 1,054 206 115 91
0792 Vetapalem Total 1,504 5,514 2,733 2,781 792 381 411
Rural 558 2,056 1,045 1,011 300 150 150
Urban 946 3,458 1,688 1,770 492 231 261
0793 Chinaganjam Total 635 2,397 1,194 1,203 296 146 150
Rural 635 2,397 1,194 1,203 296 146 150
Urban - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 755 2,925 1,510 1,415 380 205 175
Rural 755 2,925 1,510 1,415 380 205 175
Urban - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 405 1,509 793 716 188 115 73
Rural 405 1,509 793 716 188 115 73
Urban - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 675 2,791 1,437 1,354 430 247 183
Rural 675 2,791 1,437 1,354 430 247 183
Urban - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 112 508 255 253 75 42 33
Rural 112 508 255 253 75 42 33
Urban - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 10 51 26 25 5 - 5
Rural 10 51 26 25 5 - 5
Urban - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 81 323 164 159 65 35 30
Rural 81 323 164 159 65 35 30
Urban - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 81 378 158 220 42 20 22
Rural 81 378 158 220 42 20 22
Urban - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 997 4,215 2,214 2,001 565 288 277
Rural 799 3,234 1,686 1,548 464 239 225
Urban 198 981 528 453 101 49 52
0802 Komarolu Total 36 154 86 68 24 15 9
Rural 36 154 86 68 24 15 9
Urban - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 62 292 158 134 41 21 20
Rural 62 292 158 134 41 21 20



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,035 630 405 1,489 656 833 1,238 611 627 Total Ardhaveedu
1,035 630 405 1,489 656 833 1,238 611 627 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
328 177 151 300 135 165 269 164 105 Total Cumbum
234 121 113 162 74 88 152 94 58 Rural
94 56 38 138 61 77 117 70 47 Urban
156 98 58 99 40 59 121 61 60 Total Tarlupadu
156 98 58 99 40 59 121 61 60 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
149 103 46 232 104 128 212 117 95 Total Konakanamitla
149 103 46 232 104 128 212 117 95 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
661 386 275 1,365 642 723 1,107 620 487 Total Podili
131 75 56 425 222 203 343 187 156 Rural
530 311 219 940 420 520 764 433 331 Urban
354 207 147 670 298 372 588 313 275 Total Thallur
354 207 147 670 298 372 588 313 275 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
584 325 259 882 402 480 889 468 421 Total Korisapadu
584 325 259 882 402 480 889 468 421 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,005 1,047 958 1,997 950 1,047 2,053 1,209 844 Total Chirala
812 454 358 1,133 540 593 1,084 620 464 Rural
1,193 593 600 864 410 454 969 589 380 Urban
2,034 1,138 896 3,480 1,595 1,885 3,155 1,689 1,466 Total Vetapalem
759 435 324 1,297 610 687 1,175 650 525 Rural
1,275 703 572 2,183 985 1,198 1,980 1,039 941 Urban
1,041 578 463 1,356 616 740 1,378 756 622 Total Chinaganjam
1,041 578 463 1,356 616 740 1,378 756 622 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,387 829 558 1,538 681 857 1,611 892 719 Total Naguluppala Padu
1,387 829 558 1,538 681 857 1,611 892 719 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
645 375 270 864 418 446 981 528 453 Total Maddipadu
645 375 270 864 418 446 981 528 453 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
929 538 391 1,862 899 963 1,472 848 624 Total Chimakurthi
929 538 391 1,862 899 963 1,472 848 624 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
191 113 78 317 142 175 290 158 132 Total Marripudi
191 113 78 317 142 175 290 158 132 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
22 17 5 29 9 20 32 18 14 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
22 17 5 29 9 20 32 18 14 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
118 72 46 205 92 113 153 88 65 Total Bestawaripeta
118 72 46 205 92 113 153 88 65 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
211 96 115 167 62 105 180 93 87 Total Racherla
211 96 115 167 62 105 180 93 87 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,068 1,355 713 2,147 859 1,288 2,096 1,111 985 Total Giddalur
1,405 950 455 1,829 736 1,093 1,753 917 836 Rural
663 405 258 318 123 195 343 194 149 Urban
77 50 27 77 36 41 86 47 39 Total Komarolu
77 50 27 77 36 41 86 47 39 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
110 72 38 182 86 96 183 105 78 Total Veligandla
110 72 38 182 86 96 183 105 78 Rural



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 1,068 524 544 98 67 31 913 417 496
Rural 1,068 524 544 98 67 31 913 417 496
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total 184 125 59 11 7 4 72 48 24
Rural 112 71 41 1 1 - 36 20 16
Urban 72 54 18 10 6 4 36 28 8
0786 Tarlupadu Total 79 43 36 - - - 57 27 30
Rural 79 43 36 - - - 57 27 30
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total 194 110 84 2 1 1 136 73 63
Rural 194 110 84 2 1 1 136 73 63
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 856 504 352 16 16 - 534 280 254
Rural 245 145 100 13 13 - 169 86 83
Urban 611 359 252 3 3 - 365 194 171
0789 Thallur Total 542 302 240 14 13 1 397 203 194
Rural 542 302 240 14 13 1 397 203 194
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 810 451 359 12 7 5 677 357 320
Rural 810 451 359 12 7 5 677 357 320
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 1,587 990 597 21 17 4 638 344 294
Rural 760 467 293 16 13 3 468 258 210
Urban 827 523 304 5 4 1 170 86 84
0792 Vetapalem Total 2,494 1,392 1,102 23 12 11 1,226 639 587
Rural 747 426 321 20 11 9 425 217 208
Urban 1,747 966 781 3 1 2 801 422 379
0793 Chinaganjam Total 817 488 329 42 36 6 632 359 273
Rural 817 488 329 42 36 6 632 359 273
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total 1,352 804 548 29 25 4 934 489 445
Rural 1,352 804 548 29 25 4 934 489 445
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 961 520 441 10 5 5 756 366 390
Rural 961 520 441 10 5 5 756 366 390
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 1,227 750 477 22 13 9 417 222 195
Rural 1,227 750 477 22 13 9 417 222 195
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 207 134 73 29 28 1 143 75 68
Rural 207 134 73 29 28 1 143 75 68
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total 27 16 11 - - - 21 10 11
Rural 27 16 11 - - - 21 10 11
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total 111 68 43 - - - 50 26 24
Rural 111 68 43 - - - 50 26 24
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total 136 83 53 - - - 58 29 29
Rural 136 83 53 - - - 58 29 29
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 1,951 1,059 892 226 138 88 1,041 500 541
Rural 1,668 880 788 220 133 87 918 436 482
Urban 283 179 104 6 5 1 123 64 59
0802 Komarolu Total 80 46 34 17 17 - 40 15 25
Rural 80 46 34 17 17 - 40 15 25
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total 176 105 71 6 3 3 117 62 55
Rural 176 105 71 6 3 3 117 62 55



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5 3 2 52 37 15 170 87 83 Total Ardhaveedu
5 3 2 52 37 15 170 87 83 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
20 10 10 81 60 21 85 39 46 Total Cumbum
19 9 10 56 41 15 40 23 17 Rural
1 1 - 25 19 6 45 16 29 Urban
4 2 2 18 14 4 42 18 24 Total Tarlupadu
4 2 2 18 14 4 42 18 24 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2 1 1 54 35 19 18 7 11 Total Konakanamitla
2 1 1 54 35 19 18 7 11 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9 5 4 297 203 94 251 116 135 Total Podili
1 1 - 62 45 17 98 42 56 Rural
8 4 4 235 158 77 153 74 79 Urban
49 24 25 82 62 20 46 11 35 Total Thallur
49 24 25 82 62 20 46 11 35 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
- - - 121 87 34 79 17 62 Total Korisapadu
- - - 121 87 34 79 17 62 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
57 25 32 871 604 267 466 219 247 Total Chirala
26 13 13 250 183 67 324 153 171 Rural
31 12 19 621 421 200 142 66 76 Urban
33 15 18 1,212 726 486 661 297 364 Total Vetapalem
13 6 7 289 192 97 428 224 204 Rural
20 9 11 923 534 389 233 73 160 Urban
6 3 3 137 90 47 561 268 293 Total Chinaganjam
6 3 3 137 90 47 561 268 293 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
42 20 22 347 270 77 259 88 171 Total Naguluppala Padu
42 20 22 347 270 77 259 88 171 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
9 6 3 186 143 43 20 8 12 Total Maddipadu
9 6 3 186 143 43 20 8 12 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
68 35 33 720 480 240 245 98 147 Total Chimakurthi
68 35 33 720 480 240 245 98 147 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1 - 1 34 31 3 83 24 59 Total Marripudi
1 - 1 34 31 3 83 24 59 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1 1 - 5 5 - 5 2 3 Total Hanumanthuni Padu
1 1 - 5 5 - 5 2 3 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
20 11 9 41 31 10 42 20 22 Total Bestawaripeta
20 11 9 41 31 10 42 20 22 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
53 32 21 25 22 3 44 10 34 Total Racherla
53 32 21 25 22 3 44 10 34 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
42 27 15 642 394 248 145 52 93 Total Giddalur
13 10 3 517 301 216 85 37 48 Rural
29 17 12 125 93 32 60 15 45 Urban
- - - 23 14 9 6 1 5 Total Komarolu
- - - 23 14 9 6 1 5 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
3 2 1 50 38 12 7 - 7 Total Veligandla
3 2 1 50 38 12 7 - 7 Rural



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0784 Ardhaveedu Total 2 1 1 133 55 78 - - -
Rural 2 1 1 133 55 78 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0785 Cumbum Total - - - 64 25 39 1 1 -
Rural - - - 29 15 14 1 1 -
Urban - - - 35 10 25 - - -
0786 Tarlupadu Total - - - 40 18 22 2 - 2
Rural - - - 40 18 22 2 - 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0787 Konakanamitla Total - - - 7 2 5 5 4 1
Rural - - - 7 2 5 5 4 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0788 Podili Total 1 1 - 171 75 96 7 2 5
Rural - - - 88 36 52 3 - 3
Urban 1 1 - 83 39 44 4 2 2
0789 Thallur Total 2 1 1 27 2 25 - - -
Rural 2 1 1 27 2 25 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0790 Korisapadu Total 3 1 2 71 14 57 1 1 -
Rural 3 1 2 71 14 57 1 1 -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0791 Chirala Total 5 1 4 274 126 148 2 - 2
Rural 3 1 2 235 111 124 1 - 1
Urban 2 - 2 39 15 24 1 - 1
0792 Vetapalem Total 3 - 3 282 122 160 4 1 3
Rural 3 - 3 172 75 97 - - -
Urban - - - 110 47 63 4 1 3
0793 Chinaganjam Total 3 - 3 271 105 166 4 1 3
Rural 3 - 3 271 105 166 4 1 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0794 Naguluppala Padu Total - - - 181 43 138 9 2 7
Rural - - - 181 43 138 9 2 7
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0795 Maddipadu Total 1 - 1 9 2 7 1 - 1
Rural 1 - 1 9 2 7 1 - 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0796 Chimakurthi Total 1 - 1 134 54 80 21 11 10
Rural 1 - 1 134 54 80 21 11 10
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0797 Marripudi Total 3 3 - 61 12 49 - - -
Rural 3 3 - 61 12 49 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0798 Hanumanthuni Padu Total - - - 2 1 1 - - -
Rural - - - 2 1 1 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0799 Bestawaripeta Total - - - 9 1 8 2 - 2
Rural - - - 9 1 8 2 - 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0800 Racherla Total - - - 20 6 14 7 1 6
Rural - - - 20 6 14 7 1 6
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0801 Giddalur Total 4 1 3 84 36 48 5 1 4
Rural 4 1 3 74 32 42 3 1 2
Urban - - - 10 4 6 2 - 2
0802 Komarolu Total - - - - - - 6 1 5
Rural - - - - - - 6 1 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0803 Veligandla Total - - - 6 - 6 1 - 1
Rural - - - 6 - 6 1 - 1



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
- - - - - - Urban
35 31 4 1,286 675 611 Total Ardhaveedu 0784
35 31 4 1,286 675 611 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
20 13 7 359 148 211 Total Cumbum 0785
10 7 3 244 101 143 Rural
10 6 4 115 47 68 Urban
- - - 134 77 57 Total Tarlupadu 0786
- - - 134 77 57 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
6 1 5 169 90 79 Total Konakanamitla 0787
6 1 5 169 90 79 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
72 38 34 919 408 511 Total Podili 0788
7 6 1 213 110 103 Rural
65 32 33 706 298 408 Urban
17 8 9 436 192 244 Total Thallur 0789
17 8 9 436 192 244 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
4 1 3 577 259 318 Total Korisapadu 0790
4 1 3 577 259 318 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
185 92 93 1,949 788 1,161 Total Chirala 0791
85 41 44 861 374 487 Rural
100 51 49 1,088 414 674 Urban
372 174 198 2,359 1,044 1,315 Total Vetapalem 0792
253 149 104 881 395 486 Rural
119 25 94 1,478 649 829 Urban
283 162 121 1,019 438 581 Total Chinaganjam 0793
283 162 121 1,019 438 581 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
69 43 26 1,314 618 696 Total Naguluppala Padu 0794
69 43 26 1,314 618 696 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
9 6 3 528 265 263 Total Maddipadu 0795
9 6 3 528 265 263 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
89 33 56 1,319 589 730 Total Chimakurthi 0796
89 33 56 1,319 589 730 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
19 9 10 218 97 121 Total Marripudi 0797
19 9 10 218 97 121 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
3 1 2 19 8 11 Total Hanumanthuni Padu 0798
3 1 2 19 8 11 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
31 19 12 170 76 94 Total Bestawaripeta 0799
31 19 12 170 76 94 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
17 3 14 198 65 133 Total Racherla 0800
17 3 14 198 65 133 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
52 14 38 2,119 1,103 1,016 Total Giddalur 0801
4 3 1 1,481 769 712 Rural
48 11 37 638 334 304 Urban
- - - 68 39 29 Total Komarolu 0802
- - - 68 39 29 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
- - - 109 53 56 Total Veligandla 0803
- - - 109 53 56 Rural



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Urban - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 593 2,697 1,407 1,290 409 211 198
Rural 284 1,266 665 601 210 111 99
Urban 309 1,431 742 689 199 100 99
0805 Kondapi Total 220 969 485 484 139 69 70
Rural 220 969 485 484 139 69 70
Urban - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 440 1,665 859 806 247 134 113
Rural 423 1,604 822 782 239 127 112
Urban 17 61 37 24 8 7 1
0807 Ongole Total 223 869 442 427 118 64 54
Rural 223 869 442 427 118 64 54
Urban - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 1,476 5,216 2,517 2,699 650 315 335
Rural 1,476 5,216 2,517 2,699 650 315 335
Urban - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 449 1,735 887 848 237 126 111
Rural 449 1,735 887 848 237 126 111
Urban - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 438 1,699 839 860 190 92 98
Rural 438 1,699 839 860 190 92 98
Urban - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 213 1,000 496 504 185 80 105
Rural 213 1,000 496 504 185 80 105
Urban - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 140 633 322 311 105 54 51
Rural 140 633 322 311 105 54 51
Urban - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total 263 1,257 653 604 249 125 124
Rural 263 1,257 653 604 249 125 124
Urban - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 440 1,992 981 1,011 356 179 177
Rural 321 1,421 702 719 250 127 123
Urban 119 571 279 292 106 52 54
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 203 912 446 466 154 70 84
Rural 203 912 446 466 154 70 84
Urban - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 569 2,253 1,153 1,100 297 155 142
Rural 569 2,253 1,153 1,100 297 155 142
Urban - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 1,771 6,481 3,251 3,230 772 379 393
Rural 1,387 4,955 2,494 2,461 591 289 302
Urban 384 1,526 757 769 181 90 91
0818 Lingasamudram Total 437 1,649 840 809 237 122 115
Rural 437 1,649 840 809 237 122 115
Urban - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 1,250 5,096 2,625 2,471 690 359 331
Rural 1,250 5,096 2,625 2,471 690 359 331
Urban - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 2,244 8,099 4,077 4,022 1,014 529 485
Rural 2,244 8,099 4,077 4,022 1,014 529 485
Urban - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 393 1,928 953 975 372 189 183
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 59 232 117 115 37 19 18
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 333 1,470 731 739 230 112 118
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 1,684 6,596 3,202 3,394 774 404 370
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 303 1,066 533 533 116 68 48
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 846 3,057 1,488 1,569 455 215 240



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
934 546 388 1,763 861 902 1,358 844 514 Total Kanigiri
342 197 145 924 468 456 727 422 305 Rural
592 349 243 839 393 446 631 422 209 Urban
350 187 163 619 298 321 552 300 252 Total Kondapi
350 187 163 619 298 321 552 300 252 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
579 358 221 1,086 501 585 910 540 370 Total Santhanuthala Padu
561 345 216 1,043 477 566 882 518 364 Rural
18 13 5 43 24 19 28 22 6 Urban
367 189 178 502 253 249 503 280 223 Total Ongole
367 189 178 502 253 249 503 280 223 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,282 1,196 1,086 2,934 1,321 1,613 3,204 1,657 1,547 Total Kotha Patnam
2,282 1,196 1,086 2,934 1,321 1,613 3,204 1,657 1,547 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
623 352 271 1,112 535 577 1,020 557 463 Total Tangutur
623 352 271 1,112 535 577 1,020 557 463 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
804 432 372 895 407 488 1,036 556 480 Total Zarugumilli
804 432 372 895 407 488 1,036 556 480 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
315 178 137 685 318 367 493 291 202 Total Ponnaluru
315 178 137 685 318 367 493 291 202 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
154 77 77 479 245 234 394 205 189 Total Pedacherlo Palle
154 77 77 479 245 234 394 205 189 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
303 179 124 954 474 480 611 362 249 Total Puram
303 179 124 954 474 480 611 362 249 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
688 374 314 1,304 607 697 1,107 604 503 Total Pamur
485 265 220 936 437 499 832 441 391 Rural
203 109 94 368 170 198 275 163 112 Urban
191 105 86 721 341 380 569 287 282 Total Voletivaripalem
191 105 86 721 341 380 569 287 282 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
730 409 321 1,523 744 779 1,386 741 645 Total Kandukur
730 409 321 1,523 744 779 1,386 741 645 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,644 1,454 1,190 3,837 1,797 2,040 3,428 2,093 1,335 Total Singarayakonda
1,761 978 783 3,194 1,516 1,678 2,833 1,659 1,174 Rural
883 476 407 643 281 362 595 434 161 Urban
288 148 140 1,361 692 669 986 522 464 Total Lingasamudram
288 148 140 1,361 692 669 986 522 464 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1,733 990 743 3,363 1,635 1,728 2,947 1,644 1,303 Total Gudluru
1,733 990 743 3,363 1,635 1,728 2,947 1,644 1,303 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
2,422 1,298 1,124 5,677 2,779 2,898 5,027 2,709 2,318 Total Ulavapadu
2,422 1,298 1,124 5,677 2,779 2,898 5,027 2,709 2,318 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
787 451 336 1,141 502 639 768 483 285 Urban Markapur (M)
94 56 38 138 61 77 117 70 47 Urban Cumbum (CT)
530 311 219 940 420 520 764 433 331 Urban Podili (CT)
4,007 2,112 1,895 2,589 1,090 1,499 2,571 1,704 867 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
376 192 184 690 341 349 613 337 276 Urban Chirala (CT)
993 549 444 2,064 939 1,125 1,804 921 883 Urban Vetapalem (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total 1,248 790 458 17 16 1 653 348 305
Rural 630 373 257 14 13 1 488 252 236
Urban 618 417 201 3 3 - 165 96 69
0805 Kondapi Total 365 199 166 1 - 1 255 134 121
Rural 365 199 166 1 - 1 255 134 121
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 753 468 285 14 11 3 375 203 172
Rural 732 449 283 14 11 3 375 203 172
Urban 21 19 2 - - - - - -
0807 Ongole Total 468 261 207 3 2 1 179 97 82
Rural 468 261 207 3 2 1 179 97 82
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 2,668 1,448 1,220 61 41 20 1,834 886 948
Rural 2,668 1,448 1,220 61 41 20 1,834 886 948
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 921 530 391 5 4 1 658 350 308
Rural 921 530 391 5 4 1 658 350 308
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 873 511 362 7 6 1 600 306 294
Rural 873 511 362 7 6 1 600 306 294
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 376 243 133 7 5 2 277 160 117
Rural 376 243 133 7 5 2 277 160 117
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 263 157 106 14 10 4 172 81 91
Rural 263 157 106 14 10 4 172 81 91
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total 402 254 148 3 2 1 337 204 133
Rural 402 254 148 3 2 1 337 204 133
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 598 360 238 51 38 13 322 166 156
Rural 525 317 208 51 38 13 315 162 153
Urban 73 43 30 - - - 7 4 3
0815 Voletivaripalem Total 419 228 191 2 1 1 304 164 140
Rural 419 228 191 2 1 1 304 164 140
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 1,143 674 469 44 33 11 830 443 387
Rural 1,143 674 469 44 33 11 830 443 387
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 3,082 1,950 1,132 108 98 10 1,169 623 546
Rural 2,562 1,559 1,003 105 96 9 1,109 576 533
Urban 520 391 129 3 2 1 60 47 13
0818 Lingasamudram Total 373 237 136 1 1 - 264 164 100
Rural 373 237 136 1 1 - 264 164 100
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 1,441 874 567 36 30 6 1,141 651 490
Rural 1,441 874 567 36 30 6 1,141 651 490
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 4,443 2,522 1,921 69 48 21 4,032 2,237 1,795
Rural 4,443 2,522 1,921 69 48 21 4,032 2,237 1,795
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 514 373 141 5 5 - 61 38 23
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban 72 54 18 10 6 4 36 28 8
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 611 359 252 3 3 - 365 194 171
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 2,163 1,488 675 18 16 2 351 210 141
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban 522 296 226 2 2 - 136 65 71
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban 1,636 880 756 1 - 1 749 382 367



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
- - - - - - - - - Urban
7 5 2 571 421 150 110 54 56 Total Kanigiri
2 2 - 126 106 20 97 49 48 Rural
5 3 2 445 315 130 13 5 8 Urban
19 9 10 90 56 34 187 101 86 Total Kondapi
19 9 10 90 56 34 187 101 86 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
1 - 1 363 254 109 157 72 85 Total Santhanuthala Padu
1 - 1 342 235 107 150 69 81 Rural
- - - 21 19 2 7 3 4 Urban
22 11 11 264 151 113 35 19 16 Total Ongole
22 11 11 264 151 113 35 19 16 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
15 11 4 758 510 248 536 209 327 Total Kotha Patnam
15 11 4 758 510 248 536 209 327 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11 6 5 247 170 77 99 27 72 Total Tangutur
11 6 5 247 170 77 99 27 72 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
26 12 14 240 187 53 163 45 118 Total Zarugumilli
26 12 14 240 187 53 163 45 118 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
5 3 2 87 75 12 117 48 69 Total Ponnaluru
5 3 2 87 75 12 117 48 69 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
6 3 3 71 63 8 131 48 83 Total Pedacherlo Palle
6 3 3 71 63 8 131 48 83 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
1 1 - 61 47 14 209 108 101 Total Puram
1 1 - 61 47 14 209 108 101 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
11 6 5 214 150 64 509 244 265 Total Pamur
11 6 5 148 111 37 307 124 183 Rural
- - - 66 39 27 202 120 82 Urban
17 8 9 96 55 41 150 59 91 Total Voletivaripalem
17 8 9 96 55 41 150 59 91 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
25 13 12 244 185 59 243 67 176 Total Kandukur
25 13 12 244 185 59 243 67 176 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
52 31 21 1,753 1,198 555 346 143 203 Total Singarayakonda
39 21 18 1,309 866 443 271 100 171 Rural
13 10 3 444 332 112 75 43 32 Urban
26 15 11 82 57 25 613 285 328 Total Lingasamudram
26 15 11 82 57 25 613 285 328 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
38 25 13 226 168 58 1,506 770 736 Total Gudluru
38 25 13 226 168 58 1,506 770 736 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
17 10 7 325 227 98 584 187 397 Total Ulavapadu
17 10 7 325 227 98 584 187 397 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
34 22 12 414 308 106 254 110 144 Urban Markapur (M)
1 1 - 25 19 6 45 16 29 Urban Cumbum (CT)
8 4 4 235 158 77 153 74 79 Urban Podili (CT)
23 12 11 1,771 1,250 521 408 216 192 Urban Chirala (M + OG)
31 12 19 353 217 136 91 41 50 Urban Chirala (CT)
20 9 11 866 489 377 168 41 127 Urban Vetapalem (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0804 Kanigiri Total - - - 53 13 40 1 1 -
Rural - - - 49 12 37 1 1 -
Urban - - - 4 1 3 - - -
0805 Kondapi Total 1 - 1 140 70 70 11 6 5
Rural 1 - 1 140 70 70 11 6 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0806 Santhanuthala Padu Total 4 1 3 107 47 60 5 3 2
Rural 4 1 3 107 47 60 5 3 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0807 Ongole Total - - - 5 - 5 - - -
Rural - - - 5 - 5 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0808 Kotha Patnam Total 7 - 7 484 188 296 - - -
Rural 7 - 7 484 188 296 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0809 Tangutur Total 2 1 1 87 21 66 2 1 1
Rural 2 1 1 87 21 66 2 1 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0810 Zarugumilli Total 2 - 2 143 40 103 9 3 6
Rural 2 - 2 143 40 103 9 3 6
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0811 Ponnaluru Total 2 1 1 84 29 55 4 2 2
Rural 2 1 1 84 29 55 4 2 2
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0812 Pedacherlo Palle Total 2 1 1 121 44 77 6 3 3
Rural 2 1 1 121 44 77 6 3 3
Urban - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara
Puram Total - - - 132 52 80 3 2 1
Rural - - - 132 52 80 3 2 1
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0814 Pamur Total 10 2 8 272 111 161 8 3 5
Rural 10 2 8 263 108 155 8 3 5
Urban - - - 9 3 6 - - -
0815 Voletivaripalem Total - - - 137 53 84 - - -
Rural - - - 137 53 84 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0816 Kandukur Total 3 1 2 221 65 156 - - -
Rural 3 1 2 221 65 156 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0817 Singarayakonda Total 6 4 2 169 53 116 7 4 3
Rural 6 4 2 151 44 107 5 3 2
Urban - - - 18 9 9 2 1 1
0818 Lingasamudram Total 1 1 - 481 215 266 11 6 5
Rural 1 1 - 481 215 266 11 6 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0819 Gudluru Total 15 6 9 1,205 557 648 114 77 37
Rural 15 6 9 1,205 557 648 114 77 37
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0820 Ulavapadu Total 9 3 6 516 137 379 7 2 5
Rural 9 3 6 516 137 379 7 2 5
Urban - - - - - - - - -
802986 Markapur (M) Urban 2 1 1 12 3 9 27 10 17
590896 Cumbum (CT) Urban - - - 35 10 25 - - -
590988 Podili (CT) Urban 1 1 - 83 39 44 4 2 2
802987 Chirala (M + OG) Urban 6 1 5 141 73 68 36 13 23
591018 Chirala (CT) Urban - - - 16 2 14 - - -
591023 Vetapalem (CT) Urban - - - 55 21 34 2 - 2



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
- - - - - - Urban
56 40 16 1,339 563 776 Total Kanigiri 0804
47 36 11 539 243 296 Rural
9 4 5 800 320 480 Urban
35 25 10 417 185 232 Total Kondapi 0805
35 25 10 417 185 232 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
41 21 20 755 319 436 Total Santhanuthala Padu 0806
34 18 16 722 304 418 Rural
7 3 4 33 15 18 Urban
30 19 11 366 162 204 Total Ongole 0807
30 19 11 366 162 204 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
45 21 24 2,012 860 1,152 Total Kotha Patnam 0808
45 21 24 2,012 860 1,152 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
8 4 4 715 330 385 Total Tangutur 0809
8 4 4 715 330 385 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
9 2 7 663 283 380 Total Zarugumilli 0810
9 2 7 663 283 380 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
27 16 11 507 205 302 Total Ponnaluru 0811
27 16 11 507 205 302 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
2 - 2 239 117 122 Total Pedacherlo Palle 0812
2 - 2 239 117 122 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
Chandra Sekhara
74 54 20 646 291 355 Total Puram
74 54 20 646 291 355 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
219 128 91 885 377 508 Total Pamur 0814
26 11 15 589 261 328 Rural
193 117 76 296 116 180 Urban
13 6 7 343 159 184 Total Voletivaripalem 0815
13 6 7 343 159 184 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
19 1 18 867 412 455 Total Kandukur 0816
19 1 18 867 412 455 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
164 82 82 3,053 1,158 1,895 Total Singarayakonda 0817
109 49 60 2,122 835 1,287 Rural
55 33 22 931 323 608 Urban
120 63 57 663 318 345 Total Lingasamudram 0818
120 63 57 663 318 345 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
172 130 42 2,149 981 1,168 Total Gudluru 0819
172 130 42 2,149 981 1,168 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
52 45 7 3,072 1,368 1,704 Total Ulavapadu 0820
52 45 7 3,072 1,368 1,704 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
213 96 117 1,160 470 690 Urban Markapur (M) 802986
10 6 4 115 47 68 Urban Cumbum (CT) 590896
65 32 33 706 298 408 Urban Podili (CT) 590988
225 129 96 4,025 1,498 2,527 Urban Chirala (M + OG) 802987
75 39 36 453 196 257 Urban Chirala (CT) 591018
111 20 91 1,253 567 686 Urban Vetapalem (CT) 591023



Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 198 981 528 453 101 49 52
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 309 1,431 742 689 199 100 99
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 1,381 5,684 2,862 2,822 720 375 345
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 119 571 279 292 106 52 54
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 552 2,217 1,099 1,118 316 168 148
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 36 162 82 80 21 12 9
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 348 1,364 675 689 160 78 82



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
663 405 258 318 123 195 343 194 149 Giddaluru (CT)
592 349 243 839 393 446 631 422 209 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
2,988 1,672 1,316 2,696 1,190 1,506 2,496 1,583 913 Ongole (M + OG)
203 109 94 368 170 198 275 163 112 Pamur (CT)
713 391 322 1,504 708 796 1,092 647 445 Kandukur (M)
98 57 41 64 25 39 53 41 12 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
785 419 366 579 256 323 542 393 149 Urban (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban 283 179 104 6 5 1 123 64 59
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban 618 417 201 3 3 - 165 96 69
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 2,139 1,413 726 7 6 1 123 69 54
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban 73 43 30 - - - 7 4 3
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban 965 591 374 4 2 2 383 206 177
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban 40 31 9 2 1 1 8 7 1
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban 480 360 120 1 1 - 52 40 12



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
29 17 12 125 93 32 60 15 45 Giddaluru (CT)
5 3 2 445 315 130 13 5 8 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
30 17 13 1,979 1,321 658 357 170 187 Ongole (M + OG)
- - - 66 39 27 202 120 82 Pamur (CT)
10 5 5 568 378 190 127 56 71 Kandukur (M)
- - - 30 23 7 13 10 3 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
13 10 3 414 309 105 62 33 29 Urban (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
591202 Giddaluru (CT) Urban - - - 10 4 6 2 - 2
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) Urban - - - 4 1 3 - - -
802988 Ongole (M + OG) Urban 2 1 1 14 4 10 13 6 7
591504 Pamur (CT) Urban - - - 9 3 6 - - -
802989 Kandukur (M) Urban - - - 24 10 14 - - -
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) Urban - - - 4 4 - - - -
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) Urban - - - 14 5 9 2 1 1



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
48 11 37 638 334 304 Giddaluru (CT)
Urban 591202
9 4 5 800 320 480 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
Urban 591289
328 159 169 3,188 1,279 1,909 Ongole (M + OG)
Urban 802988
193 117 76 296 116 180 Pamur (CT)
Urban 591504
103 46 57 1,125 452 673 Kandukur (M)
Urban 802989
9 6 3 109 41 68 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Urban 591552
Singarayakonda (RS)
46 27 19 822 282 540 Urban (CT) 591553

Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise
Village Primary Census

C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0765 (Total) 28,076.00 14,558 64,063 33,160 30,903 8,769 4,568 4,201
0765 (Rural) 28,076.00 14,558 64,063 33,160 30,903 8,769 4,568 4,201
0765 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590514 Palutla 169.00 236 1,187 647 540 127 76 51
590515 Nekkanti 18.00 38 139 68 71 19 8 11
590516 Guttalacheruvu 32.00 46 181 99 82 25 12 13
590517 Allatam 142.00 41 142 76 66 24 13 11
590518 Ponnala Bayalu 40.00 30 99 55 44 23 15 8
590519 Naruthadikala 32.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590520 Suddakunta Penta 32.00 6 17 9 8 2 2 -
590521 Buru Gundala 24.00 18 52 26 26 5 3 2
590522 Bai Penta 0.00 - - - - - - -
590523 Billagondi Penta 30.00 37 107 52 55 18 8 10
590524 Garini Penta 24.00 10 35 18 17 8 5 3
590525 Madam Chalama 16.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590526 Dara Bayalu 32.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590527 Telugurayani Cheruvu 32.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590528 Venkatadri Palem 3,250.00 1,744 7,674 3,924 3,750 1,117 566 551
590529 Rayavaram 639.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590530 Millampalle 3,099.00 1,067 5,331 2,991 2,340 673 360 313
590531 Yerragonda Palem 2,949.00 4,524 19,398 9,859 9,539 2,381 1,225 1,156
590532 Alli Palem 45.00 140 736 410 326 192 115 77
590533 Naidakka Cherla 0.00 - - - - - - -
590534 Daddanala 45.00 25 191 96 95 58 26 32
590535 Lingamvani Palle 296.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590536 Ammani Gudi Padu 3,556.00 1,452 6,524 3,334 3,190 904 463 441
590537 Gurrapusala 3,398.00 1,193 5,120 2,687 2,433 667 387 280
590538 Kataruvani Palle 284.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590539 Kolukula 1,257.00 920 4,233 2,196 2,037 636 327 309
590540 Gollavidipi 2,546.00 1,076 4,616 2,359 2,257 738 355 383
590541 Ramachandra Puram 439.00 30 109 57 52 15 9 6
590542 Lalapuram 185.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590543 Ganga Palem 619.00 394 1,577 807 770 183 97 86
590544 Boyala Palle 1,221.00 724 3,298 1,703 1,595 486 259 227
590545 Boyala Palle (S.H.O) 1,221.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590546 Gurije Palle 2,404.00 807 3,297 1,687 1,610 468 237 231



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
15,361 7,918 7,443 6,910 3,805 3,105 30,787 19,207 11,580 (Total)
15,361 7,918 7,443 6,910 3,805 3,105 30,787 19,207 11,580 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
- - - 1,154 624 530 743 451 292 Palutla
- - - 138 67 71 38 24 14 Nekkanti
- - - 181 99 82 79 49 30 Guttalacheruvu
- - - 89 51 38 76 46 30 Allatam
- - - 99 55 44 26 18 8 Ponnala Bayalu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Naruthadikala
- - - 17 9 8 - - - Suddakunta Penta
- - - 52 26 26 15 9 6 Buru Gundala
- - - - - - - - - Bai Penta
- - - 107 52 55 50 36 14 Billagondi Penta
- - - 35 18 17 7 4 3 Garini Penta
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madam Chalama
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dara Bayalu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telugurayani Cheruvu
2,183 1,113 1,070 586 303 283 2,887 1,936 951 Venkatadri Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Rayavaram
1,337 705 632 1,813 1,157 656 2,742 1,917 825 Millampalle
3,254 1,625 1,629 1,389 685 704 11,451 6,730 4,721 Yerragonda Palem
- - - 735 410 325 346 208 138 Alli Palem
- - - - - - - - - Naidakka Cherla
- - - 191 96 95 98 53 45 Daddanala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingamvani Palle
2,069 1,059 1,010 54 25 29 2,409 1,619 790 Ammani Gudi Padu
1,534 828 706 92 45 47 2,422 1,503 919 Gurrapusala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kataruvani Palle
1,092 569 523 21 11 10 1,605 1,003 602 Kolukula
1,499 775 724 103 50 53 2,031 1,275 756 Gollavidipi
2 1 1 1 - 1 42 26 16 Ramachandra Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lalapuram
219 107 112 - - - 694 417 277 Ganga Palem
978 510 468 25 11 14 1,506 944 562 Boyala Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Boyala Palle (S.H.O)
1,194 626 568 28 11 17 1,520 939 581 Gurije Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0765 (Total) 33,276 13,953 19,323 33,817 18,401 15,416 30,105 17,300 12,805
0765 (Rural) 33,276 13,953 19,323 33,817 18,401 15,416 30,105 17,300 12,805
0765 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590514 Palutla 444 196 248 599 302 297 521 259 262
590515 Nekkanti 101 44 57 77 38 39 77 38 39
590516 Guttalacheruvu 102 50 52 98 47 51 95 45 50
590517 Allatam 66 30 36 84 44 40 84 44 40
590518 Ponnala Bayalu 73 37 36 51 25 26 - - -
590519 Naruthadikala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590520 Suddakunta Penta 17 9 8 11 5 6 - - -
590521 Buru Gundala 37 17 20 37 18 19 37 18 19
590522 Bai Penta - - - - - - - - -
590523 Billagondi Penta 57 16 41 68 31 37 1 - 1
590524 Garini Penta 28 14 14 15 7 8 - - -
590525 Madam Chalama -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590526 Dara Bayalu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590527 Telugurayani Cheruvu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590528 Venkatadri Palem 4,787 1,988 2,799 4,836 2,433 2,403 4,191 2,288 1,903
590529 Rayavaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590530 Millampalle 2,589 1,074 1,515 2,274 1,258 1,016 2,146 1,191 955
590531 Yerragonda Palem 7,947 3,129 4,818 8,354 5,253 3,101 7,055 4,822 2,233
590532 Alli Palem 390 202 188 276 133 143 275 132 143
590533 Naidakka Cherla - - - - - - - - -
590534 Daddanala 93 43 50 51 25 26 51 25 26
590535 Lingamvani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590536 Ammani Gudi Padu 4,115 1,715 2,400 3,981 2,033 1,948 3,647 1,970 1,677
590537 Gurrapusala 2,698 1,184 1,514 3,100 1,573 1,527 2,836 1,489 1,347
590538 Kataruvani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590539 Kolukula 2,628 1,193 1,435 2,486 1,254 1,232 2,475 1,248 1,227
590540 Gollavidipi 2,585 1,084 1,501 2,775 1,438 1,337 2,602 1,425 1,177
590541 Ramachandra Puram 67 31 36 70 35 35 67 35 32
590542 Lalapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590543 Ganga Palem 883 390 493 1,032 513 519 872 486 386
590544 Boyala Palle 1,792 759 1,033 1,614 945 669 1,401 835 566
590545 Boyala Palle (S.H.O) -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590546 Gurije Palle 1,777 748 1,029 1,928 991 937 1,672 950 722


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
8,116 5,168 2,948 17,340 8,343 8,997 281 203 78 4,368 3,586 782 (Total)
8,116 5,168 2,948 17,340 8,343 8,997 281 203 78 4,368 3,586 782 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
107 76 31 395 172 223 1 - 1 18 11 7 Palutla
3 3 - 74 35 39 - - - - - - Nekkanti
11 11 - 82 34 48 - - - 2 - 2 Guttalacheruvu
- - - 84 44 40 - - - - - - Allatam
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ponnala Bayalu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Naruthadikala
- - - - - - - - - - - - Suddakunta Penta
- - - 37 18 19 - - - - - - Buru Gundala
- - - - - - - - - - - - Bai Penta
- - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 Billagondi Penta
- - - - - - - - - - - - Garini Penta
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madam Chalama
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dara Bayalu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telugurayani Cheruvu
1,259 878 381 2,739 1,269 1,470 12 10 2 181 131 50 Venkatadri Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Rayavaram
865 490 375 1,087 554 533 10 8 2 184 139 45 Millampalle
1,112 721 391 2,578 1,324 1,254 202 147 55 3,163 2,630 533 Yerragonda Palem
1 - 1 273 131 142 - - - 1 1 - Alli Palem
- - - - - - - - - - - - Naidakka Cherla
2 1 1 49 24 25 - - - - - - Daddanala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingamvani Palle
1,199 866 333 2,312 995 1,317 6 5 1 130 104 26 Ammani Gudi Padu
743 412 331 2,011 1,010 1,001 15 9 6 67 58 9 Gurrapusala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kataruvani Palle
806 417 389 1,531 734 797 17 11 6 121 86 35 Kolukula
617 332 285 1,804 938 866 7 5 2 174 150 24 Gollavidipi
21 11 10 46 24 22 - - - - - - Ramachandra Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lalapuram
344 199 145 399 172 227 - - - 129 115 14 Ganga Palem
506 376 130 777 359 418 7 4 3 111 96 15 Boyala Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Boyala Palle (S.H.O)
520 375 145 1,062 506 556 4 4 - 86 65 21 Gurije Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0765 (Total) 3,712 1,101 2,611 247 53 194 2,733 731 2,002
0765 (Rural) 3,712 1,101 2,611 247 53 194 2,733 731 2,002
0765 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590514 Palutla 78 43 35 4 3 1 2 - 2
590515 Nekkanti - - - - - - - - -
590516 Guttalacheruvu 3 2 1 1 - 1 - - -
590517 Allatam - - - - - - - - -
590518 Ponnala Bayalu 51 25 26 - - - 51 25 26
590519 Naruthadikala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590520 Suddakunta Penta 11 5 6 - - - 11 5 6
590521 Buru Gundala - - - - - - - - -
590522 Bai Penta - - - - - - - - -
590523 Billagondi Penta 67 31 36 - - - 59 29 30
590524 Garini Penta 15 7 8 - - - 15 7 8
590525 Madam Chalama -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590526 Dara Bayalu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590527 Telugurayani Cheruvu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590528 Venkatadri Palem 645 145 500 74 18 56 556 116 440
590529 Rayavaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590530 Millampalle 128 67 61 1 1 - 115 58 57
590531 Yerragonda Palem 1,299 431 868 52 11 41 715 223 492
590532 Alli Palem 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
590533 Naidakka Cherla - - - - - - - - -
590534 Daddanala - - - - - - - - -
590535 Lingamvani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590536 Ammani Gudi Padu 334 63 271 4 1 3 323 56 267
590537 Gurrapusala 264 84 180 18 7 11 224 67 157
590538 Kataruvani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590539 Kolukula 11 6 5 - - - 8 4 4
590540 Gollavidipi 173 13 160 3 - 3 165 11 154
590541 Ramachandra Puram 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
590542 Lalapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590543 Ganga Palem 160 27 133 42 2 40 114 24 90
590544 Boyala Palle 213 110 103 9 6 3 171 83 88
590545 Boyala Palle (S.H.O) -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590546 Gurije Palle 256 41 215 38 3 35 201 23 178


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
55 28 27 677 289 388 30,246 14,759 15,487 (Total) 0765
55 28 27 677 289 388 30,246 14,759 15,487 (Rural) 0765
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0765
2 1 1 70 39 31 588 345 243 Palutla 590514
- - - - - - 62 30 32 Nekkanti 590515
1 1 - 1 1 - 83 52 31 Guttalacheruvu 590516
- - - - - - 58 32 26 Allatam 590517
- - - - - - 48 30 18 Ponnala Bayalu 590518
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Naruthadikala 590519
- - - - - - 6 4 2 Suddakunta Penta 590520
- - - - - - 15 8 7 Buru Gundala 590521
- - - - - - - - - Bai Penta 590522
- - - 8 2 6 39 21 18 Billagondi Penta 590523
- - - - - - 20 11 9 Garini Penta 590524
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madam Chalama 590525
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dara Bayalu 590526
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telugurayani Cheruvu 590527
5 2 3 10 9 1 2,838 1,491 1,347 Venkatadri Palem 590528
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Rayavaram 590529
3 1 2 9 7 2 3,057 1,733 1,324 Millampalle 590530
31 16 15 501 181 320 11,044 4,606 6,438 Yerragonda Palem 590531
- - - - - - 460 277 183 Alli Palem 590532
- - - - - - - - - Naidakka Cherla 590533
- - - - - - 140 71 69 Daddanala 590534
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingamvani Palle 590535
2 1 1 5 5 - 2,543 1,301 1,242 Ammani Gudi Padu 590536
7 4 3 15 6 9 2,020 1,114 906 Gurrapusala 590537
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kataruvani Palle 590538
- - - 3 2 1 1,747 942 805 Kolukula 590539
2 - 2 3 2 1 1,841 921 920 Gollavidipi 590540
- - - - - - 39 22 17 Ramachandra Puram 590541
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lalapuram 590542
- - - 4 1 3 545 294 251 Ganga Palem 590543
1 1 - 32 20 12 1,684 758 926 Boyala Palle 590544
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Boyala Palle (S.H.O) 590545
1 1 - 16 14 2 1,369 696 673 Gurije Palle 590546


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
0766 24,045.00 12,551 53,279 27,258 26,021 7,993 4,102 3,891
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
0766 24,045.00 12,551 53,279 27,258 26,021 7,993 4,102 3,891
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
0766 0.00 - - - - - - -
590547 Murikimallapenta 69.00 109 576 188 388 94 38 56
590548 Yendra Palle 1,704.00 1,395 6,101 3,219 2,882 906 473 433
590549 Komarolu 3,101.00 625 2,654 1,383 1,271 391 203 188
590550 Chapala Madugu 2,323.00 1,670 6,796 3,503 3,293 973 481 492
590551 Kavala Kuntla 1,410.00 405 1,613 846 767 204 119 85
590552 Racha Konda 1,396.00 1,239 4,510 2,285 2,225 604 334 270
590553 Pullalacheruvu 3,593.00 2,024 8,861 4,530 4,331 1,207 617 590
590554 Garapenta 142.00 190 789 404 385 233 111 122
590555 Uppaladinne Penta 0.00 - - - - - - -
590556 Chennapalem 73.00 42 141 78 63 15 8 7
590557 Marrivemula 1,115.00 708 3,086 1,580 1,506 454 223 231
590558 Satha Kodu 1,199.00 756 3,432 1,767 1,665 518 274 244
590559 Chowtapalle 553.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590560 Mutukula 1,084.00 1,109 5,260 2,671 2,589 884 469 415
590561 Narasa Puram 517.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590562 Mane Palle 1,220.00 510 2,139 1,088 1,051 333 179 154
590563 Ayyagari Palle 570.00 201 727 359 368 103 53 50
590564 Isukatripuravaram 3,559.00 1,378 5,820 2,976 2,844 960 471 489
590565 Chowtapa Charla 417.00 190 774 381 393 114 49 65



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
13,181 6,736 6,445 8,694 4,453 4,241 22,534 13,630 8,904
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
13,181 6,736 6,445 8,694 4,453 4,241 22,534 13,630 8,904
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
- - - - - - - - -
- - - 566 187 379 390 120 270 Murikimallapenta
1,564 805 759 2,987 1,616 1,371 2,662 1,663 999 Yendra Palle
615 323 292 503 249 254 1,035 637 398 Komarolu
2,031 1,042 989 39 20 19 2,925 1,796 1,129 Chapala Madugu
371 188 183 - - - 777 480 297 Kavala Kuntla
905 474 431 950 500 450 1,867 1,141 726 Racha Konda
2,178 1,096 1,082 916 485 431 4,219 2,528 1,691 Pullalacheruvu
- - - 781 401 380 414 235 179 Garapenta
- - - - - - - - - Uppaladinne Penta
- - - 141 78 63 49 36 13 Chennapalem
655 338 317 3 2 1 1,201 720 481 Marrivemula
987 507 480 308 165 143 1,289 800 489 Satha Kodu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chowtapalle
1,655 831 824 223 112 111 1,933 1,146 787 Mutukula
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasa Puram
346 187 159 81 42 39 823 513 310 Mane Palle
- - - 154 80 74 322 179 143 Ayyagari Palle
1,719 871 848 778 386 392 2,314 1,453 861 Isukatripuravaram
155 74 81 264 130 134 314 183 131 Chowtapa Charla


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
0766 30,745 13,628 17,117 31,979 16,314 15,665 29,924 15,651 14,273
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
0766 30,745 13,628 17,117 31,979 16,314 15,665 29,924 15,651 14,273
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
0766 - - - - - - - - -
590547 Murikimallapenta 186 68 118 262 135 127 262 135 127
590548 Yendra Palle 3,439 1,556 1,883 3,539 1,825 1,714 3,399 1,787 1,612
590549 Komarolu 1,619 746 873 1,644 845 799 1,610 834 776
590550 Chapala Madugu 3,871 1,707 2,164 4,115 2,080 2,035 4,049 2,050 1,999
590551 Kavala Kuntla 836 366 470 945 494 451 893 481 412
590552 Racha Konda 2,643 1,144 1,499 2,951 1,456 1,495 2,801 1,401 1,400
590553 Pullalacheruvu 4,642 2,002 2,640 5,073 2,621 2,452 4,750 2,528 2,222
590554 Garapenta 375 169 206 467 232 235 449 230 219
590555 Uppaladinne Penta - - - - - - - - -
590556 Chennapalem 92 42 50 116 63 53 112 63 49
590557 Marrivemula 1,885 860 1,025 1,888 929 959 1,638 894 744
590558 Satha Kodu 2,143 967 1,176 1,936 1,058 878 1,887 1,039 848
590559 Chowtapalle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590560 Mutukula 3,327 1,525 1,802 3,196 1,616 1,580 2,605 1,411 1,194
590561 Narasa Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590562 Mane Palle 1,316 575 741 1,307 642 665 1,139 575 564
590563 Ayyagari Palle 405 180 225 474 229 245 473 229 244
590564 Isukatripuravaram 3,506 1,523 1,983 3,582 1,854 1,728 3,381 1,761 1,620
590565 Chowtapa Charla 460 198 262 484 235 249 476 233 243


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
6,872 4,469 2,403 21,543 10,053 11,490 119 80 39 1,390 1,049 341
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
6,872 4,469 2,403 21,543 10,053 11,490 119 80 39 1,390 1,049 341
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
19 9 10 236 121 115 3 1 2 4 4 - Murikimallapenta
573 320 253 2,660 1,346 1,314 12 4 8 154 117 37 Yendra Palle
469 255 214 1,077 530 547 3 2 1 61 47 14 Komarolu
1,146 660 486 2,759 1,279 1,480 13 12 1 131 99 32 Chapala Madugu
187 166 21 644 259 385 2 2 - 60 54 6 Kavala Kuntla
454 337 117 2,231 971 1,260 8 6 2 108 87 21 Racha Konda
899 585 314 3,434 1,613 1,821 31 19 12 386 311 75 Pullalacheruvu
65 58 7 355 159 196 2 - 2 27 13 14 Garapenta
- - - - - - - - - - - - Uppaladinne Penta
15 14 1 97 49 48 - - - - - - Chennapalem
454 333 121 1,098 496 602 4 4 - 82 61 21 Marrivemula
248 206 42 1,600 806 794 11 7 4 28 20 8 Satha Kodu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chowtapalle
954 630 324 1,491 671 820 23 18 5 137 92 45 Mutukula
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasa Puram
350 226 124 696 290 406 6 4 2 87 55 32 Mane Palle
191 142 49 256 77 179 - - - 26 10 16 Ayyagari Palle
672 442 230 2,620 1,249 1,371 - - - 89 70 19 Isukatripuravaram
176 86 90 289 137 152 1 1 - 10 9 1 Chowtapa Charla


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
0766 2,055 663 1,392 166 61 105 1,747 526 1,221
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
0766 2,055 663 1,392 166 61 105 1,747 526 1,221
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
0766 - - - - - - - - -
590547 Murikimallapenta - - - - - - - - -
590548 Yendra Palle 140 38 102 7 3 4 129 33 96
590549 Komarolu 34 11 23 4 2 2 25 7 18
590550 Chapala Madugu 66 30 36 3 - 3 60 27 33
590551 Kavala Kuntla 52 13 39 1 - 1 47 12 35
590552 Racha Konda 150 55 95 11 6 5 132 42 90
590553 Pullalacheruvu 323 93 230 16 4 12 271 74 197
590554 Garapenta 18 2 16 2 - 2 1 - 1
590555 Uppaladinne Penta - - - - - - - - -
590556 Chennapalem 4 - 4 - - - 4 - 4
590557 Marrivemula 250 35 215 10 1 9 236 31 205
590558 Satha Kodu 49 19 30 4 - 4 40 18 22
590559 Chowtapalle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590560 Mutukula 591 205 386 89 37 52 477 153 324
590561 Narasa Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590562 Mane Palle 168 67 101 9 4 5 146 54 92
590563 Ayyagari Palle 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
590564 Isukatripuravaram 201 93 108 9 4 5 171 73 98
590565 Chowtapa Charla 8 2 6 1 - 1 7 2 5


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Pullalacheruvu (Total)
24 4 20 118 72 46 21,300 10,944 10,356 0766
Pullalacheruvu (Rural)
24 4 20 118 72 46 21,300 10,944 10,356 0766
Pullalacheruvu (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - 0766
- - - - - - 314 53 261 Murikimallapenta 590547
- - - 4 2 2 2,562 1,394 1,168 Yendra Palle 590548
1 - 1 4 2 2 1,010 538 472 Komarolu 590549
1 1 - 2 2 - 2,681 1,423 1,258 Chapala Madugu 590550
1 - 1 3 1 2 668 352 316 Kavala Kuntla 590551
1 1 - 6 6 - 1,559 829 730 Racha Konda 590552
3 - 3 33 15 18 3,788 1,909 1,879 Pullalacheruvu 590553
8 - 8 7 2 5 322 172 150 Garapenta 590554
- - - - - - - - - Uppaladinne Penta 590555
- - - - - - 25 15 10 Chennapalem 590556
1 1 - 3 2 1 1,198 651 547 Marrivemula 590557
4 - 4 1 1 - 1,496 709 787 Satha Kodu 590558
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chowtapalle 590559
3 - 3 22 15 7 2,064 1,055 1,009 Mutukula 590560
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasa Puram 590561
- - - 13 9 4 832 446 386 Mane Palle 590562
- - - - - - 253 130 123 Ayyagari Palle 590563
1 1 - 20 15 5 2,238 1,122 1,116 Isukatripuravaram 590564
- - - - - - 290 146 144 Chowtapa Charla 590565


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tripuranthakam (Total)
0767 25,648.00 14,542 62,627 31,740 30,887 8,258 4,291 3,967
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
0767 25,648.00 14,542 62,627 31,740 30,887 8,258 4,291 3,967
0767 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590566 Madhavani Palle 155.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590567 Duvvali 557.00 234 959 475 484 126 63 63
590568 Ramasamudram 817.00 643 2,725 1,376 1,349 358 195 163
590569 Mittapalem 1,579.00 413 1,747 888 859 247 142 105
590570 Ganapavaram 1,841.00 1,561 7,022 3,725 3,297 857 429 428
590571 Medapi 3,074.00 1,627 6,589 3,347 3,242 898 464 434
590572 Annasamudram 2,399.00 913 3,799 1,920 1,879 512 254 258
590573 Kankanala Palle 3,628.00 1,665 7,279 3,768 3,511 1,017 554 463
590574 Tripuranthakam 1,637.00 2,398 10,392 5,250 5,142 1,170 604 566
590575 Raju Palem 654.00 717 3,225 1,602 1,623 460 224 236
590576 Lella Palle 1,354.00 407 1,623 828 795 237 115 122
590577 Viswanadhapuram 1,703.00 721 2,972 1,516 1,456 428 223 205
590578 Thimmana Palem 725.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590579 Muktumpuram 127.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590580 Dupadu 3,439.00 1,889 8,271 3,984 4,287 1,103 603 500
590581 Golla Palle 653.00 570 2,619 1,337 1,282 370 188 182
590582 Narasingapuram 482.00 462 2,134 1,071 1,063 339 168 171
590583 Miriam Palle 824.00 322 1,271 653 618 136 65 71



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Tripuranthakam (Total)
16,029 7,859 8,170 2,535 1,302 1,233 26,166 16,580 9,586
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
16,029 7,859 8,170 2,535 1,302 1,233 26,166 16,580 9,586
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhavani Palle
229 109 120 25 11 14 274 187 87 Duvvali
897 433 464 11 5 6 1,111 712 399 Ramasamudram
502 260 242 - - - 624 407 217 Mittapalem
1,297 679 618 806 447 359 2,923 2,002 921 Ganapavaram
1,525 771 754 428 221 207 2,393 1,580 813 Medapi
800 390 410 3 1 2 1,476 939 537 Annasamudram
2,035 1,061 974 327 167 160 2,895 1,920 975 Kankanala Palle
2,409 1,192 1,217 514 249 265 5,726 3,398 2,328 Tripuranthakam
1,094 544 550 - - - 1,214 763 451 Raju Palem
498 253 245 86 49 37 460 342 118 Lella Palle
427 216 211 55 27 28 908 632 276 Viswanadhapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thimmana Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Muktumpuram
2,235 924 1,311 235 100 135 3,670 2,071 1,599 Dupadu
742 368 374 18 9 9 1,088 720 368 Golla Palle
869 424 445 24 14 10 869 562 307 Narasingapuram
470 235 235 3 2 1 535 345 190 Miriam Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Tripuranthakam (Total)
0767 36,461 15,160 21,301 34,305 17,945 16,360 28,576 15,664 12,912
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
0767 36,461 15,160 21,301 34,305 17,945 16,360 28,576 15,664 12,912
0767 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590566 Madhavani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590567 Duvvali 685 288 397 618 297 321 609 292 317
590568 Ramasamudram 1,614 664 950 1,654 840 814 1,616 821 795
590569 Mittapalem 1,123 481 642 1,002 499 503 498 294 204
590570 Ganapavaram 4,099 1,723 2,376 3,851 1,940 1,911 2,888 1,593 1,295
590571 Medapi 4,196 1,767 2,429 3,904 1,979 1,925 2,629 1,494 1,135
590572 Annasamudram 2,323 981 1,342 2,288 1,154 1,134 1,749 894 855
590573 Kankanala Palle 4,384 1,848 2,536 4,406 2,217 2,189 3,840 1,991 1,849
590574 Tripuranthakam 4,666 1,852 2,814 4,683 2,759 1,924 4,267 2,546 1,721
590575 Raju Palem 2,011 839 1,172 1,867 934 933 1,527 806 721
590576 Lella Palle 1,163 486 677 920 459 461 823 438 385
590577 Viswanadhapuram 2,064 884 1,180 1,481 830 651 1,216 729 487
590578 Thimmana Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590579 Muktumpuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590580 Dupadu 4,601 1,913 2,688 4,162 2,245 1,917 4,012 2,170 1,842
590581 Golla Palle 1,531 617 914 1,492 768 724 1,351 724 627
590582 Narasingapuram 1,265 509 756 1,236 626 610 1,195 616 579
590583 Miriam Palle 736 308 428 741 398 343 356 256 100


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Tripuranthakam (Total)
6,025 4,203 1,822 18,928 8,741 10,187 283 169 114 3,340 2,551 789
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
6,025 4,203 1,822 18,928 8,741 10,187 283 169 114 3,340 2,551 789
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhavani Palle
182 96 86 415 188 227 2 2 - 10 6 4 Duvvali
233 180 53 1,226 519 707 4 3 1 153 119 34 Ramasamudram
209 159 50 280 129 151 1 1 - 8 5 3 Mittapalem
583 368 215 2,171 1,132 1,039 17 3 14 117 90 27 Ganapavaram
410 306 104 1,874 948 926 42 22 20 303 218 85 Medapi
498 315 183 1,186 533 653 4 3 1 61 43 18 Annasamudram
955 656 299 2,659 1,193 1,466 13 5 8 213 137 76 Kankanala Palle
555 385 170 2,135 921 1,214 103 66 37 1,474 1,174 300 Tripuranthakam
83 65 18 1,249 593 656 10 3 7 185 145 40 Raju Palem
58 57 1 727 353 374 6 4 2 32 24 8 Lella Palle
392 348 44 696 282 414 24 17 7 104 82 22 Viswanadhapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thimmana Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Muktumpuram
879 622 257 2,638 1,183 1,455 42 31 11 453 334 119 Dupadu
356 247 109 899 404 495 1 - 1 95 73 22 Golla Palle
405 218 187 670 311 359 14 9 5 106 78 28 Narasingapuram
227 181 46 103 52 51 - - - 26 23 3 Miriam Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Tripuranthakam (Total)
0767 5,729 2,281 3,448 365 244 121 4,749 1,666 3,083
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
0767 5,729 2,281 3,448 365 244 121 4,749 1,666 3,083
0767 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590566 Madhavani Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590567 Duvvali 9 5 4 - - - 7 3 4
590568 Ramasamudram 38 19 19 2 1 1 24 9 15
590569 Mittapalem 504 205 299 3 2 1 469 184 285
590570 Ganapavaram 963 347 616 47 22 25 805 263 542
590571 Medapi 1,275 485 790 78 35 43 1,121 401 720
590572 Annasamudram 539 260 279 85 81 4 446 173 273
590573 Kankanala Palle 566 226 340 70 60 10 419 124 295
590574 Tripuranthakam 416 213 203 17 15 2 283 125 158
590575 Raju Palem 340 128 212 19 17 2 279 84 195
590576 Lella Palle 97 21 76 1 - 1 90 18 72
590577 Viswanadhapuram 265 101 164 5 - 5 236 84 152
590578 Thimmana Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590579 Muktumpuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590580 Dupadu 150 75 75 6 4 2 67 30 37
590581 Golla Palle 141 44 97 7 3 4 116 29 87
590582 Narasingapuram 41 10 31 9 - 9 20 2 18
590583 Miriam Palle 385 142 243 16 4 12 367 137 230


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Tripuranthakam (Total)
59 33 26 556 338 218 28,322 13,795 14,527 0767
Tripuranthakam (Rural)
59 33 26 556 338 218 28,322 13,795 14,527 0767
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0767
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhavani Palle 590566
- - - 2 2 - 341 178 163 Duvvali 590567
1 1 - 11 8 3 1,071 536 535 Ramasamudram 590568
- - - 32 19 13 745 389 356 Mittapalem 590569
1 1 - 110 61 49 3,171 1,785 1,386 Ganapavaram 590570
- - - 76 49 27 2,685 1,368 1,317 Medapi 590571
2 2 - 6 4 2 1,511 766 745 Annasamudram 590572
20 11 9 57 31 26 2,873 1,551 1,322 Kankanala Palle 590573
10 5 5 106 68 38 5,709 2,491 3,218 Tripuranthakam 590574
1 - 1 41 27 14 1,358 668 690 Raju Palem 590575
1 - 1 5 3 2 703 369 334 Lella Palle 590576
5 3 2 19 14 5 1,491 686 805 Viswanadhapuram 590577
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thimmana Palem 590578
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Muktumpuram 590579
14 8 6 63 33 30 4,109 1,739 2,370 Dupadu 590580
4 2 2 14 10 4 1,127 569 558 Golla Palle 590581
- - - 12 8 4 898 445 453 Narasingapuram 590582
- - - 2 1 1 530 255 275 Miriam Palle 590583


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0768 Dornala (Total) 18,235.00 10,834 44,187 22,504 21,683 6,153 3,181 2,972
0768 Dornala (Rural) 18,235.00 10,834 44,187 22,504 21,683 6,153 3,181 2,972
0768 Dornala (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590584 China Arutla 0.00 58 185 96 89 47 23 24
590585 Peda Arutla 0.00 6 27 13 14 7 3 4
590586 Thummala Bayalu 0.00 133 510 260 250 93 47 46
590587 Chinthala 0.00 141 693 360 333 121 70 51
590588 Marripalem 49.00 104 418 225 193 81 46 35
590589 Peda Bommala Puram 2,936.00 1,080 4,293 2,201 2,092 488 245 243
590590 Dornala 2,450.00 2,886 11,993 6,075 5,918 1,475 767 708
590591 Yadavalli 2,467.00 949 3,533 1,846 1,687 486 265 221
590592 Pedachama 0.00 5 19 9 10 6 4 2
590593 Rolla Penta 0.00 13 36 18 18 5 4 1
590594 Pedamanthanala 0.00 103 430 246 184 171 102 69
590595 China Manthanala 0.00 68 222 99 123 54 15 39
590596 Nallaguntla 1,239.00 464 1,967 1,010 957 252 136 116
590597 Nalla Guntla Gudem 0.00 176 585 290 295 85 49 36
590598 Yeguva Cherlo Palle 2,198.00 708 2,811 1,439 1,372 403 193 210
590599 Chilaka Cherla Gudem 0.00 339 1,459 736 723 292 145 147
590600 Ayinamukkala 3,737.00 1,664 6,907 3,426 3,481 987 502 485
590601 China Dornala 1,279.00 941 3,865 1,931 1,934 516 265 251
590602 Kata Kani Palle 1,880.00 996 4,234 2,224 2,010 584 300 284



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
9,533 4,754 4,779 7,396 3,657 3,739 22,059 13,400 8,659 Dornala (Total)
9,533 4,754 4,779 7,396 3,657 3,739 22,059 13,400 8,659 Dornala (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Dornala (Urban)
- - - 185 96 89 56 37 19 China Arutla
- - - 27 13 14 9 6 3 Peda Arutla
- - - 510 260 250 257 143 114 Thummala Bayalu
4 1 3 686 356 330 510 277 233 Chinthala
- - - 415 224 191 178 119 59 Marripalem
972 491 481 595 318 277 2,242 1,368 874 Peda Bommala Puram
2,207 1,064 1,143 647 315 332 7,386 4,319 3,067 Dornala
775 396 379 509 266 243 1,690 1,096 594 Yadavalli
- - - 19 9 10 10 5 5 Pedachama
- - - 36 18 18 20 11 9 Rolla Penta
8 5 3 421 241 180 151 105 46 Pedamanthanala
- - - 222 99 123 12 7 5 China Manthanala
549 274 275 229 117 112 981 624 357 Nallaguntla
2 1 1 554 274 280 234 120 114 Nalla Guntla Gudem
834 413 421 387 185 202 978 646 332 Yeguva Cherlo Palle
199 104 95 1,029 526 503 549 349 200 Chilaka Cherla Gudem
2,022 984 1,038 575 220 355 3,064 1,783 1,281 Ayinamukkala
777 387 390 334 114 220 1,943 1,189 754 China Dornala
1,184 634 550 16 6 10 1,789 1,196 593 Kata Kani Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0768 Dornala (Total) 22,128 9,104 13,024 23,923 12,614 11,309 18,083 10,204 7,879
0768 Dornala (Rural) 22,128 9,104 13,024 23,923 12,614 11,309 18,083 10,204 7,879
0768 Dornala (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590584 China Arutla 129 59 70 112 54 58 105 53 52
590585 Peda Arutla 18 7 11 12 6 6 12 6 6
590586 Thummala Bayalu 253 117 136 253 123 130 241 117 124
590587 Chinthala 183 83 100 341 166 175 323 153 170
590588 Marripalem 240 106 134 232 118 114 212 114 98
590589 Peda Bommala Puram 2,051 833 1,218 2,521 1,260 1,261 2,383 1,197 1,186
590590 Dornala 4,607 1,756 2,851 5,388 3,334 2,054 3,901 2,758 1,143
590591 Yadavalli 1,843 750 1,093 2,039 1,051 988 1,318 732 586
590592 Pedachama 9 4 5 9 4 5 9 4 5
590593 Rolla Penta 16 7 9 26 11 15 5 3 2
590594 Pedamanthanala 279 141 138 156 75 81 64 29 35
590595 China Manthanala 210 92 118 150 73 77 2 1 1
590596 Nallaguntla 986 386 600 1,123 576 547 1,036 539 497
590597 Nalla Guntla Gudem 351 170 181 383 185 198 329 160 169
590598 Yeguva Cherlo Palle 1,833 793 1,040 1,680 849 831 1,044 579 465
590599 Chilaka Cherla Gudem 910 387 523 773 366 407 354 176 178
590600 Ayinamukkala 3,843 1,643 2,200 3,869 1,919 1,950 2,621 1,490 1,131
590601 China Dornala 1,922 742 1,180 2,365 1,176 1,189 2,315 1,157 1,158
590602 Kata Kani Palle 2,445 1,028 1,417 2,491 1,268 1,223 1,809 936 873


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,694 2,494 1,200 10,060 4,560 5,500 174 100 74 4,155 3,050 1,105 Dornala (Total)
3,694 2,494 1,200 10,060 4,560 5,500 174 100 74 4,155 3,050 1,105 Dornala (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Dornala (Urban)
6 3 3 - - - - - - 99 50 49 China Arutla
- - - - - - - - - 12 6 6 Peda Arutla
21 12 9 - - - - - - 220 105 115 Thummala Bayalu
16 11 5 298 135 163 3 2 1 6 5 1 Chinthala
5 1 4 139 53 86 - - - 68 60 8 Marripalem
579 402 177 1,647 667 980 11 7 4 146 121 25 Peda Bommala Puram
412 302 110 1,340 701 639 98 56 42 2,051 1,699 352 Dornala
359 216 143 643 286 357 1 1 - 315 229 86 Yadavalli
- - - 7 3 4 1 - 1 1 1 - Pedachama
- - - - - - - - - 5 3 2 Rolla Penta
1 1 - - - - - - - 63 28 35 Pedamanthanala
- - - - - - - - - 2 1 1 China Manthanala
287 213 74 647 251 396 13 8 5 89 67 22 Nallaguntla
30 10 20 1 1 - 1 1 - 297 148 149 Nalla Guntla Gudem
380 230 150 392 197 195 6 4 2 266 148 118 Yeguva Cherlo Palle
30 20 10 298 137 161 5 2 3 21 17 4 Chilaka Cherla Gudem
507 390 117 1,879 908 971 13 5 8 222 187 35 Ayinamukkala
479 359 120 1,688 705 983 16 11 5 132 82 50 China Dornala
582 324 258 1,081 516 565 6 3 3 140 93 47 Kata Kani Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0768 Dornala (Total) 5,840 2,410 3,430 246 115 131 4,577 1,699 2,878
0768 Dornala (Rural) 5,840 2,410 3,430 246 115 131 4,577 1,699 2,878
0768 Dornala (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590584 China Arutla 7 1 6 1 1 - - - -
590585 Peda Arutla - - - - - - - - -
590586 Thummala Bayalu 12 6 6 2 1 1 - - -
590587 Chinthala 18 13 5 - - - - - -
590588 Marripalem 20 4 16 2 - 2 18 4 14
590589 Peda Bommala Puram 138 63 75 3 1 2 107 44 63
590590 Dornala 1,487 576 911 48 28 20 1,150 349 801
590591 Yadavalli 721 319 402 96 52 44 585 243 342
590592 Pedachama - - - - - - - - -
590593 Rolla Penta 21 8 13 - - - - - -
590594 Pedamanthanala 92 46 46 - - - 2 1 1
590595 China Manthanala 148 72 76 - - - - - -
590596 Nallaguntla 87 37 50 7 4 3 71 26 45
590597 Nalla Guntla Gudem 54 25 29 4 3 1 - - -
590598 Yeguva Cherlo Palle 636 270 366 17 6 11 473 190 283
590599 Chilaka Cherla Gudem 419 190 229 5 1 4 396 180 216
590600 Ayinamukkala 1,248 429 819 27 10 17 1,128 349 779
590601 China Dornala 50 19 31 8 5 3 36 9 27
590602 Kata Kani Palle 682 332 350 26 3 23 611 304 307


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
95 50 45 922 546 376 20,264 9,890 10,374 Dornala (Total) 0768
95 50 45 922 546 376 20,264 9,890 10,374 Dornala (Rural) 0768
- - - - - - - - - Dornala (Urban) 0768
- - - 6 - 6 73 42 31 China Arutla 590584
- - - - - - 15 7 8 Peda Arutla 590585
- - - 10 5 5 257 137 120 Thummala Bayalu 590586
- - - 18 13 5 352 194 158 Chinthala 590587
- - - - - - 186 107 79 Marripalem 590588
6 3 3 22 15 7 1,772 941 831 Peda Bommala Puram 590589
55 29 26 234 170 64 6,605 2,741 3,864 Dornala 590590
6 3 3 34 21 13 1,494 795 699 Yadavalli 590591
- - - - - - 10 5 5 Pedachama 590592
- - - 21 8 13 10 7 3 Rolla Penta 590593
- - - 90 45 45 274 171 103 Pedamanthanala 590594
4 2 2 144 70 74 72 26 46 China Manthanala 590595
2 1 1 7 6 1 844 434 410 Nallaguntla 590596
- - - 50 22 28 202 105 97 Nalla Guntla Gudem 590597
1 1 - 145 73 72 1,131 590 541 Yeguva Cherlo Palle 590598
- - - 18 9 9 686 370 316 Chilaka Cherla Gudem 590599
8 5 3 85 65 20 3,038 1,507 1,531 Ayinamukkala 590600
- - - 6 5 1 1,500 755 745 China Dornala 590601
13 6 7 32 19 13 1,743 956 787 Kata Kani Palle 590602


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Peda Araveedu (Total)

0769 24,639.00 10,158 42,262 21,630 20,632 5,688 2,969 2,719
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
0769 24,639.00 10,158 42,262 21,630 20,632 5,688 2,969 2,719
Peda Araveedu
0769 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590603 Sanikavaram 2,904.00 1,451 5,996 3,071 2,925 735 374 361
590604 Kalanuthala 2,477.00 993 4,046 2,096 1,950 538 292 246
590605 Sunkesula 1,613.00 981 4,322 2,230 2,092 659 353 306
590606 Peda Araveedu 2,295.00 1,343 5,547 2,802 2,745 701 358 343
590607 S.Kotha Palle 845.00 246 942 477 465 128 68 60
590608 Pragallapadu 528.00 165 654 326 328 107 57 50
590609 Badveedu 2,074.00 811 3,462 1,792 1,670 439 236 203
590610 Boyada Gumpula 1,446.00 623 2,597 1,335 1,262 311 148 163
590611 Thoka Palle 1,445.00 478 2,044 1,020 1,024 275 134 141
590612 Chatla Mitta 2,037.00 713 3,120 1,605 1,515 493 256 237
590613 Obulakkapalle 337.00 125 474 254 220 38 25 13
590614 Ambapuram 156.00 94 412 211 201 74 35 39
590615 Cumbampadu 1,857.00 522 2,049 1,078 971 244 151 93
590616 Thangirala Palle 1,641.00 566 2,416 1,221 1,195 382 192 190
590617 Gobburu 1,875.00 670 2,648 1,344 1,304 400 207 193
590618 Devarajugattu 1,109.00 377 1,533 768 765 164 83 81


Peda Araveedu

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Peda Araveedu (Total)

12,073 6,120 5,953 1,215 643 572 18,698 11,968 6,730
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
12,073 6,120 5,953 1,215 643 572 18,698 11,968 6,730
Peda Araveedu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
2,060 1,048 1,012 48 25 23 2,841 1,841 1,000 Sanikavaram
812 398 414 533 289 244 1,888 1,177 711 Kalanuthala
1,592 801 791 45 24 21 1,762 1,087 675 Sunkesula
1,507 779 728 201 103 98 2,646 1,651 995 Peda Araveedu
159 75 84 7 5 2 394 257 137 S.Kotha Palle
107 53 54 20 9 11 301 169 132 Pragallapadu
669 341 328 104 56 48 1,554 1,010 544 Badveedu
1,104 579 525 52 27 25 1,038 699 339 Boyada Gumpula
662 317 345 - - - 974 608 366 Thoka Palle
805 413 392 87 46 41 1,209 812 397 Chatla Mitta
- - - 3 2 1 287 195 92 Obulakkapalle
404 207 197 - - - 132 96 36 Ambapuram
744 390 354 23 12 11 836 547 289 Cumbampadu
743 370 373 8 3 5 899 585 314 Thangirala Palle
469 232 237 74 36 38 1,170 755 415 Gobburu
236 117 119 10 6 4 767 479 288 Devarajugattu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Peda Araveedu (Total)

0769 23,564 9,662 13,902 23,558 12,103 11,455 18,982 10,757 8,225
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
0769 23,564 9,662 13,902 23,558 12,103 11,455 18,982 10,757 8,225
Peda Araveedu
0769 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590603 Sanikavaram 3,155 1,230 1,925 3,449 1,709 1,740 3,156 1,587 1,569
590604 Kalanuthala 2,158 919 1,239 2,030 1,103 927 1,373 886 487
590605 Sunkesula 2,560 1,143 1,417 2,406 1,220 1,186 1,513 1,038 475
590606 Peda Araveedu 2,901 1,151 1,750 2,745 1,465 1,280 1,944 1,300 644
590607 S.Kotha Palle 548 220 328 597 287 310 593 287 306
590608 Pragallapadu 353 157 196 431 202 229 431 202 229
590609 Badveedu 1,908 782 1,126 1,954 986 968 1,848 948 900
590610 Boyada Gumpula 1,559 636 923 1,474 755 719 1,201 684 517
590611 Thoka Palle 1,070 412 658 1,122 574 548 1,002 529 473
590612 Chatla Mitta 1,911 793 1,118 1,906 970 936 1,446 747 699
590613 Obulakkapalle 187 59 128 288 140 148 267 140 127
590614 Ambapuram 280 115 165 248 125 123 243 123 120
590615 Cumbampadu 1,213 531 682 1,148 604 544 705 503 202
590616 Thangirala Palle 1,517 636 881 1,440 720 720 1,320 703 617
590617 Gobburu 1,478 589 889 1,453 765 688 1,158 643 515
590618 Devarajugattu 766 289 477 867 478 389 782 437 345


Peda Araveedu
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Peda Araveedu (Total)

4,992 3,360 1,632 11,934 5,711 6,223 121 85 36 1,935 1,601 334
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
4,992 3,360 1,632 11,934 5,711 6,223 121 85 36 1,935 1,601 334
Peda Araveedu
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
969 585 384 1,973 843 1,130 14 10 4 200 149 51 Sanikavaram
279 227 52 924 516 408 3 2 1 167 141 26 Kalanuthala
308 294 14 881 446 435 4 4 - 320 294 26 Sunkesula
613 525 88 1,018 513 505 16 15 1 297 247 50 Peda Araveedu
68 63 5 483 192 291 2 - 2 40 32 8 S.Kotha Palle
11 5 6 414 194 220 - - - 6 3 3 Pragallapadu
503 319 184 1,101 432 669 8 5 3 236 192 44 Badveedu
208 143 65 899 456 443 - - - 94 85 9 Boyada Gumpula
138 77 61 765 374 391 - - - 99 78 21 Thoka Palle
907 462 445 444 225 219 48 29 19 47 31 16 Chatla Mitta
208 113 95 33 8 25 - - - 26 19 7 Obulakkapalle
8 4 4 232 116 116 1 1 - 2 2 - Ambapuram
213 198 15 416 244 172 13 11 2 63 50 13 Cumbampadu
20 11 9 1,263 661 602 - - - 37 31 6 Thangirala Palle
255 192 63 814 382 432 8 7 1 81 62 19 Gobburu
284 142 142 274 109 165 4 1 3 220 185 35 Devarajugattu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Peda Araveedu (Total)

0769 4,576 1,346 3,230 315 91 224 3,984 1,094 2,890
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
0769 4,576 1,346 3,230 315 91 224 3,984 1,094 2,890
Peda Araveedu
0769 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590603 Sanikavaram 293 122 171 7 3 4 250 88 162
590604 Kalanuthala 657 217 440 20 2 18 591 184 407
590605 Sunkesula 893 182 711 71 5 66 807 166 641
590606 Peda Araveedu 801 165 636 11 2 9 704 126 578
590607 S.Kotha Palle 4 - 4 3 - 3 1 - 1
590608 Pragallapadu - - - - - - - - -
590609 Badveedu 106 38 68 18 - 18 83 35 48
590610 Boyada Gumpula 273 71 202 2 - 2 265 67 198
590611 Thoka Palle 120 45 75 - - - 120 45 75
590612 Chatla Mitta 460 223 237 70 45 25 374 164 210
590613 Obulakkapalle 21 - 21 20 - 20 1 - 1
590614 Ambapuram 5 2 3 - - - 5 2 3
590615 Cumbampadu 443 101 342 25 2 23 410 95 315
590616 Thangirala Palle 120 17 103 - - - 118 17 101
590617 Gobburu 295 122 173 10 - 10 247 103 144
590618 Devarajugattu 85 41 44 58 32 26 8 2 6


Peda Araveedu
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Peda Araveedu (Total)

37 12 25 240 149 91 18,704 9,527 9,177 0769
Peda Araveedu (Rural)
37 12 25 240 149 91 18,704 9,527 9,177 0769
Peda Araveedu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0769
5 5 - 31 26 5 2,547 1,362 1,185 Sanikavaram 590603
2 1 1 44 30 14 2,016 993 1,023 Kalanuthala 590604
1 1 - 14 10 4 1,916 1,010 906 Sunkesula 590605
26 4 22 60 33 27 2,802 1,337 1,465 Peda Araveedu 590606
- - - - - - 345 190 155 S.Kotha Palle 590607
- - - - - - 223 124 99 Pragallapadu 590608
- - - 5 3 2 1,508 806 702 Badveedu 590609
- - - 6 4 2 1,123 580 543 Boyada Gumpula 590610
- - - - - - 922 446 476 Thoka Palle 590611
- - - 16 14 2 1,214 635 579 Chatla Mitta 590612
- - - - - - 186 114 72 Obulakkapalle 590613
- - - - - - 164 86 78 Ambapuram 590614
1 - 1 7 4 3 901 474 427 Cumbampadu 590615
- - - 2 - 2 976 501 475 Thangirala Palle 590616
2 1 1 36 18 18 1,195 579 616 Gobburu 590617
- - - 19 7 12 666 290 376 Devarajugattu 590618


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0770 Donakonda (Total) 38,737.00 11,416 48,148 24,706 23,442 6,270 3,258 3,012
0770 Donakonda (Rural) 38,737.00 11,416 48,148 24,706 23,442 6,270 3,258 3,012
0770 Donakonda (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590619 Battepadu 469.00 91 402 208 194 61 27 34
590620 Chandavaram 1,765.00 1,008 4,016 2,101 1,915 514 279 235
590621 Pole Palle 2,431.00 676 3,101 1,646 1,455 395 203 192
590622 Lakshmipuram 1,132.00 330 1,493 765 728 194 96 98
590623 Ramapuram 696.00 415 1,675 849 826 194 103 91
590624 Rudra Samudram 2,615.00 612 2,629 1,354 1,275 363 173 190
590625 Bada Puram 1,673.00 962 4,162 2,031 2,131 403 217 186
590626 Veera Venkata Puram 127.00 211 798 403 395 80 45 35
590627 Yerrabalem 913.00 206 886 464 422 138 78 60
590628 Vabbapuram 240.00 330 1,255 619 636 140 71 69
590629 Narasimhanayuni Palem 1,295.00 234 1,012 510 502 120 58 62
590630 Indla Cheruvu 1,756.00 463 1,903 964 939 247 130 117
590631 Ragamakka Palle 1,768.00 89 446 240 206 55 29 26
590632 Bhumanapalle 1,295.00 321 1,345 694 651 187 96 91
590633 Mallam Peta 1,541.00 649 2,658 1,405 1,253 361 197 164
590634 Kotcherla Kota 2,913.00 976 4,012 2,086 1,926 488 264 224
590635 Siddayapalem 345.00 224 990 503 487 134 71 63
590636 Ananthavaram 411.00 167 691 361 330 95 47 48
590637 Manginapudi 1,190.00 397 1,753 891 862 279 137 142
590638 Pochamakka Palle 294.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
Padamati Venkata
590639 Puram 1,348.00 390 1,665 853 812 210 112 98
Lakshmi Narayana
590640 Puram 1,158.00
590641 Peddanna Palem 1,036.00 341 1,442 727 715 188 91 97
590642 Gudipadu 3,335.00 806 3,384 1,716 1,668 491 257 234
590643 Aravallipadu 1,114.00 584 2,442 1,225 1,217 363 173 190
590644 Vaddipadu 2,484.00 360 1,473 778 695 172 82 90
590645 Kalavala Palle 395.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590646 Sangapuram 821.00 269 1,139 604 535 189 111 78
590647 Tella Padu 1,036.00 163 678 350 328 90 49 41
590648 West Kambhampadu 1,141.00 142 698 359 339 119 62 57



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
14,701 7,549 7,152 382 188 194 20,904 13,210 7,694 Donakonda (Total)
14,701 7,549 7,152 382 188 194 20,904 13,210 7,694 Donakonda (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Donakonda (Urban)
104 56 48 - - - 99 68 31 Battepadu
976 495 481 86 45 41 1,354 870 484 Chandavaram
1,018 525 493 - - - 1,317 891 426 Pole Palle
300 152 148 21 10 11 483 332 151 Lakshmipuram
407 214 193 - - - 601 395 206 Ramapuram
748 382 366 40 20 20 709 494 215 Rudra Samudram
1,201 599 602 61 28 33 2,998 1,589 1,409 Bada Puram
310 155 155 - - - 587 333 254 Veera Venkata Puram
485 261 224 14 6 8 453 293 160 Yerrabalem
592 287 305 54 29 25 869 460 409 Vabbapuram
481 238 243 1 1 - 454 287 167 Narasimhanayuni Palem
393 202 191 20 11 9 852 574 278 Indla Cheruvu
445 239 206 - - - 221 146 75 Ragamakka Palle
554 286 268 - - - 535 360 175 Bhumanapalle
1,095 588 507 27 13 14 1,133 758 375 Mallam Peta
1,776 914 862 2 1 1 1,661 1,076 585 Kotcherla Kota
17 8 9 - - - 645 375 270 Siddayapalem
29 15 14 - - - 227 162 65 Ananthavaram
651 341 310 18 8 10 735 515 220 Manginapudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pochamakka Palle
Padamati Venkata
559 288 271 4 2 2 701 442 259 Puram
Lakshmi Narayana
- - - - - - 558 372 186 Peddanna Palem
1,046 514 532 - - - 1,408 890 518 Gudipadu
363 189 174 28 12 16 910 584 326 Aravallipadu
482 249 233 - - - 514 358 156 Vaddipadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kalavala Palle
186 100 86 - - - 342 237 105 Sangapuram
213 111 102 6 2 4 271 179 92 Tella Padu
270 141 129 - - - 267 170 97 West Kambhampadu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0770 Donakonda (Total) 27,244 11,496 15,748 26,883 14,256 12,627 21,387 12,816 8,571
0770 Donakonda (Rural) 27,244 11,496 15,748 26,883 14,256 12,627 21,387 12,816 8,571
0770 Donakonda (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590619 Battepadu 303 140 163 221 113 108 72 38 34
590620 Chandavaram 2,662 1,231 1,431 2,234 1,178 1,056 1,771 1,001 770
590621 Pole Palle 1,784 755 1,029 1,865 1,003 862 1,581 919 662
590622 Lakshmipuram 1,010 433 577 890 457 433 852 439 413
590623 Ramapuram 1,074 454 620 1,015 499 516 487 472 15
590624 Rudra Samudram 1,920 860 1,060 1,627 806 821 1,236 710 526
590625 Bada Puram 1,164 442 722 1,434 979 455 1,225 801 424
590626 Veera Venkata Puram 211 70 141 258 190 68 253 189 64
590627 Yerrabalem 433 171 262 468 252 216 303 219 84
590628 Vabbapuram 386 159 227 479 321 158 435 315 120
590629 Narasimhanayuni Palem 558 223 335 647 336 311 567 315 252
590630 Indla Cheruvu 1,051 390 661 1,112 572 540 1,106 571 535
590631 Ragamakka Palle 225 94 131 306 159 147 296 156 140
590632 Bhumanapalle 810 334 476 692 380 312 498 371 127
590633 Mallam Peta 1,525 647 878 1,597 828 769 1,320 767 553
590634 Kotcherla Kota 2,351 1,010 1,341 2,380 1,266 1,114 1,839 1,127 712
590635 Siddayapalem 345 128 217 559 292 267 204 138 66
590636 Ananthavaram 464 199 265 386 201 185 386 201 185
590637 Manginapudi 1,018 376 642 1,049 521 528 970 491 479
590638 Pochamakka Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
Padamati Venkata
590639 Puram 964 411 553 967 495 472 467 441 26
Lakshmi Narayana
590640 Puram
590641 Peddanna Palem 884 355 529 821 403 418 766 383 383
590642 Gudipadu 1,976 826 1,150 1,997 1,007 990 1,385 856 529
590643 Aravallipadu 1,532 641 891 1,396 718 678 1,317 697 620
590644 Vaddipadu 959 420 539 974 516 458 735 443 292
590645 Kalavala Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590646 Sangapuram 797 367 430 704 354 350 701 352 349
590647 Tella Padu 407 171 236 384 191 193 198 186 12
590648 West Kambhampadu 431 189 242 421 219 202 417 218 199


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,687 3,509 1,178 13,007 6,422 6,585 107 74 33 3,586 2,811 775 Donakonda (Total)
4,687 3,509 1,178 13,007 6,422 6,585 107 74 33 3,586 2,811 775 Donakonda (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Donakonda (Urban)
70 37 33 2 1 1 - - - - - - Battepadu
242 189 53 1,354 677 677 3 3 - 172 132 40 Chandavaram
318 233 85 1,132 582 550 3 2 1 128 102 26 Pole Palle
283 148 135 506 239 267 18 14 4 45 38 7 Lakshmipuram
17 17 - 451 440 11 1 - 1 18 15 3 Ramapuram
353 273 80 847 403 444 2 2 - 34 32 2 Rudra Samudram
32 21 11 373 165 208 17 12 5 803 603 200 Bada Puram
6 4 2 85 47 38 4 3 1 158 135 23 Veera Venkata Puram
32 32 - 139 64 75 1 1 - 131 122 9 Yerrabalem
8 8 - 217 158 59 1 1 - 209 148 61 Vabbapuram
89 43 46 342 160 182 3 2 1 133 110 23 Narasimhanayuni Palem
265 204 61 723 264 459 4 4 - 114 99 15 Indla Cheruvu
- - - 279 141 138 - - - 17 15 2 Ragamakka Palle
185 174 11 250 153 97 - - - 63 44 19 Bhumanapalle
70 49 21 1,121 614 507 8 6 2 121 98 23 Mallam Peta
385 340 45 1,182 577 605 18 6 12 254 204 50 Kotcherla Kota
34 32 2 83 42 41 - - - 87 64 23 Siddayapalem
179 177 2 186 8 178 - - - 21 16 5 Ananthavaram
194 124 70 656 270 386 - - - 120 97 23 Manginapudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pochamakka Palle
Padamati Venkata
194 194 - 155 134 21 - - - 118 113 5 Puram
Lakshmi Narayana
334 223 111 333 95 238 7 3 4 92 62 30 Peddanna Palem
326 252 74 778 358 420 11 11 - 270 235 35 Gudipadu
432 230 202 539 250 289 5 4 1 341 213 128 Aravallipadu
167 122 45 503 267 236 - - - 65 54 11 Vaddipadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kalavala Palle
214 207 7 459 124 335 - - - 28 21 7 Sangapuram
77 74 3 99 91 8 - - - 22 21 1 Tella Padu
181 102 79 213 98 115 1 - 1 22 18 4 West Kambhampadu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0770 Donakonda (Total) 5,496 1,440 4,056 304 48 256 4,589 988 3,601
0770 Donakonda (Rural) 5,496 1,440 4,056 304 48 256 4,589 988 3,601
0770 Donakonda (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590619 Battepadu 149 75 74 - - - 148 75 73
590620 Chandavaram 463 177 286 1 - 1 426 150 276
590621 Pole Palle 284 84 200 5 5 - 262 67 195
590622 Lakshmipuram 38 18 20 6 5 1 15 5 10
590623 Ramapuram 528 27 501 7 - 7 517 25 492
590624 Rudra Samudram 391 96 295 14 4 10 369 89 280
590625 Bada Puram 209 178 31 10 7 3 29 21 8
590626 Veera Venkata Puram 5 1 4 - - - 4 1 3
590627 Yerrabalem 165 33 132 1 1 - 143 19 124
590628 Vabbapuram 44 6 38 38 2 36 3 2 1
590629 Narasimhanayuni Palem 80 21 59 - - - 69 15 54
590630 Indla Cheruvu 6 1 5 1 1 - 3 - 3
590631 Ragamakka Palle 10 3 7 - - - 10 3 7
590632 Bhumanapalle 194 9 185 - - - 192 9 183
590633 Mallam Peta 277 61 216 3 1 2 259 57 202
590634 Kotcherla Kota 541 139 402 4 3 1 490 116 374
590635 Siddayapalem 355 154 201 2 1 1 267 92 175
590636 Ananthavaram - - - - - - - - -
590637 Manginapudi 79 30 49 3 1 2 70 27 43
590638 Pochamakka Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
Padamati Venkata
590639 Puram 500 54 446 81 1 80 403 46 357
Lakshmi Narayana
590640 Puram
590641 Peddanna Palem 55 20 35 11 4 7 31 9 22
590642 Gudipadu 612 151 461 39 6 33 480 83 397
590643 Aravallipadu 79 21 58 19 4 15 43 9 34
590644 Vaddipadu 239 73 166 4 1 3 225 64 161
590645 Kalavala Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590646 Sangapuram 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
590647 Tella Padu 186 5 181 55 1 54 126 1 125
590648 West Kambhampadu 4 1 3 - - - 2 1 1


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
45 16 29 558 388 170 21,265 10,450 10,815 Donakonda (Total) 0770
45 16 29 558 388 170 21,265 10,450 10,815 Donakonda (Rural) 0770
- - - - - - - - - Donakonda (Urban) 0770
1 - 1 - - - 181 95 86 Battepadu 590619
3 2 1 33 25 8 1,782 923 859 Chandavaram 590620
2 2 - 15 10 5 1,236 643 593 Pole Palle 590621
1 - 1 16 8 8 603 308 295 Lakshmipuram 590622
- - - 4 2 2 660 350 310 Ramapuram 590623
- - - 8 3 5 1,002 548 454 Rudra Samudram 590624
4 4 - 166 146 20 2,728 1,052 1,676 Bada Puram 590625
- - - 1 - 1 540 213 327 Veera Venkata Puram 590626
1 1 - 20 12 8 418 212 206 Yerrabalem 590627
- - - 3 2 1 776 298 478 Vabbapuram 590628
- - - 11 6 5 365 174 191 Narasimhanayuni Palem 590629
- - - 2 - 2 791 392 399 Indla Cheruvu 590630
- - - - - - 140 81 59 Ragamakka Palle 590631
- - - 2 - 2 653 314 339 Bhumanapalle 590632
5 1 4 10 2 8 1,061 577 484 Mallam Peta 590633
19 3 16 28 17 11 1,632 820 812 Kotcherla Kota 590634
5 2 3 81 59 22 431 211 220 Siddayapalem 590635
- - - - - - 305 160 145 Ananthavaram 590636
- - - 6 2 4 704 370 334 Manginapudi 590637
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pochamakka Palle 590638
Padamati Venkata
2 - 2 14 7 7 698 358 340 Puram 590639
Lakshmi Narayana
Puram 590640
- - - 13 7 6 621 324 297 Peddanna Palem 590641
2 1 1 91 61 30 1,387 709 678 Gudipadu 590642
- - - 17 8 9 1,046 507 539 Aravallipadu 590643
- - - 10 8 2 499 262 237 Vaddipadu 590644
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kalavala Palle 590645
- - - - - - 435 250 185 Sangapuram 590646
- - - 5 3 2 294 159 135 Tella Padu 590647
- - - 2 - 2 277 140 137 West Kambhampadu 590648


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0771 Kurichedu (Total) 29,440.00 9,632 40,801 20,837 19,964 5,341 2,739 2,602
0771 Kurichedu (Rural) 29,440.00 9,632 40,801 20,837 19,964 5,341 2,739 2,602
0771 Kurichedu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590649 Jagannadhapuram 378.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590650 West Kasipuram 783.00 178 783 394 389 131 59 72
590651 Kallur 1,426.00 627 2,786 1,434 1,352 348 188 160
590652 West Naidupalem 2,575.00 562 2,515 1,277 1,238 401 210 191
590653 Avulamanda 3,208.00 811 3,497 1,798 1,699 457 223 234
590654 Mustla Gangavaram 1,401.00 263 1,135 574 561 183 101 82
590655 West Veeraya Palem 1,417.00 1,005 4,224 2,109 2,115 458 222 236
590656 Bayya Varam 866.00 197 783 406 377 82 37 45
590657 Dekanakonda 1,620.00 617 2,536 1,283 1,253 331 169 162
590658 Peddavaram 1,519.00 271 1,158 595 563 147 68 79
590659 Namassivaya Puram 1,452.00 479 2,110 1,085 1,025 271 154 117
590660 Mallaya Palem 1,010.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590661 Kurichedu 2,628.00 2,139 9,027 4,673 4,354 1,116 588 528
590662 Perambotla Palem 271.00 144 548 268 280 69 30 39
590663 Potlapadu 2,712.00 639 2,616 1,331 1,285 294 135 159
590664 Gangadona Konda 1,902.00 415 1,871 938 933 308 165 143
590665 West Gangavaram 2,032.00 521 2,101 1,090 1,011 290 145 145
590666 Alavalapadu 1,103.00 282 1,120 561 559 165 82 83
590667 Bodanampadu 1,137.00 482 1,991 1,021 970 290 163 127



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
8,445 4,371 4,074 1,445 747 698 18,117 11,328 6,789 Kurichedu (Total)
8,445 4,371 4,074 1,445 747 698 18,117 11,328 6,789 Kurichedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Kurichedu (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jagannadhapuram
252 123 129 - - - 250 165 85 West Kasipuram
657 347 310 18 9 9 1,072 693 379 Kallur
373 185 188 444 229 215 788 465 323 West Naidupalem
891 459 432 202 108 94 1,199 784 415 Avulamanda
42 25 17 288 151 137 388 246 142 Mustla Gangavaram
651 331 320 101 55 46 2,161 1,311 850 West Veeraya Palem
269 133 136 - - - 336 219 117 Bayya Varam
829 435 394 5 2 3 946 586 360 Dekanakonda
284 155 129 8 5 3 507 319 188 Peddavaram
425 220 205 9 3 6 840 537 303 Namassivaya Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mallaya Palem
1,463 798 665 351 175 176 5,084 3,103 1,981 Kurichedu
73 36 37 - - - 222 130 92 Perambotla Palem
685 338 347 19 10 9 1,178 750 428 Potlapadu
404 201 203 - - - 802 486 316 Gangadona Konda
351 170 181 - - - 994 682 312 West Gangavaram
371 192 179 - - - 456 282 174 Alavalapadu
425 223 202 - - - 894 570 324 Bodanampadu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0771 Kurichedu (Total) 22,684 9,509 13,175 22,483 12,111 10,372 18,556 11,169 7,387
0771 Kurichedu (Rural) 22,684 9,509 13,175 22,483 12,111 10,372 18,556 11,169 7,387
0771 Kurichedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590649 Jagannadhapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590650 West Kasipuram 533 229 304 442 229 213 426 225 201
590651 Kallur 1,714 741 973 1,517 813 704 864 595 269
590652 West Naidupalem 1,727 812 915 1,440 770 670 1,196 741 455
590653 Avulamanda 2,298 1,014 1,284 2,052 1,089 963 1,667 991 676
590654 Mustla Gangavaram 747 328 419 648 329 319 617 317 300
590655 West Veeraya Palem 2,063 798 1,265 2,223 1,181 1,042 1,234 946 288
590656 Bayya Varam 447 187 260 440 239 201 438 237 201
590657 Dekanakonda 1,590 697 893 1,495 744 751 1,466 733 733
590658 Peddavaram 651 276 375 634 324 310 625 321 304
590659 Namassivaya Puram 1,270 548 722 1,269 638 631 928 599 329
590660 Mallaya Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590661 Kurichedu 3,943 1,570 2,373 4,232 2,592 1,640 3,724 2,418 1,306
590662 Perambotla Palem 326 138 188 341 180 161 340 179 161
590663 Potlapadu 1,438 581 857 1,612 835 777 1,438 817 621
590664 Gangadona Konda 1,069 452 617 1,101 569 532 845 543 302
590665 West Gangavaram 1,107 408 699 1,272 651 621 1,250 644 606
590666 Alavalapadu 664 279 385 592 319 273 585 315 270
590667 Bodanampadu 1,097 451 646 1,173 609 564 913 548 365


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
7,046 4,844 2,202 8,680 3,950 4,730 256 203 53 2,574 2,172 402 Kurichedu (Total)
7,046 4,844 2,202 8,680 3,950 4,730 256 203 53 2,574 2,172 402 Kurichedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Kurichedu (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jagannadhapuram
127 100 27 246 81 165 - - - 53 44 9 West Kasipuram
317 290 27 454 226 228 12 11 1 81 68 13 Kallur
479 343 136 613 308 305 - - - 104 90 14 West Naidupalem
753 532 221 788 366 422 5 3 2 121 90 31 Avulamanda
318 170 148 243 105 138 3 2 1 53 40 13 Mustla Gangavaram
383 355 28 648 426 222 - - - 203 165 38 West Veeraya Palem
45 45 - 357 158 199 - - - 36 34 2 Bayya Varam
78 54 24 1,314 622 692 - - - 74 57 17 Dekanakonda
182 181 1 400 102 298 5 4 1 38 34 4 Peddavaram
666 430 236 185 101 84 3 3 - 74 65 9 Namassivaya Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mallaya Palem
716 433 283 1,632 819 813 166 139 27 1,210 1,027 183 Kurichedu
152 151 1 161 3 158 - - - 27 25 2 Perambotla Palem
853 507 346 366 119 247 13 7 6 206 184 22 Potlapadu
482 380 102 302 111 191 - - - 61 52 9 Gangadona Konda
755 437 318 400 137 263 38 26 12 57 44 13 West Gangavaram
146 90 56 399 193 206 4 4 - 36 28 8 Alavalapadu
594 346 248 172 73 99 7 4 3 140 125 15 Bodanampadu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0771 Kurichedu (Total) 3,927 942 2,985 254 42 212 3,466 781 2,685
0771 Kurichedu (Rural) 3,927 942 2,985 254 42 212 3,466 781 2,685
0771 Kurichedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590649 Jagannadhapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590650 West Kasipuram 16 4 12 1 - 1 12 2 10
590651 Kallur 653 218 435 1 1 - 627 196 431
590652 West Naidupalem 244 29 215 4 1 3 229 20 209
590653 Avulamanda 385 98 287 4 1 3 375 96 279
590654 Mustla Gangavaram 31 12 19 - - - 29 11 18
590655 West Veeraya Palem 989 235 754 24 5 19 931 215 716
590656 Bayya Varam 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
590657 Dekanakonda 29 11 18 - - - 25 8 17
590658 Peddavaram 9 3 6 - - - 3 - 3
590659 Namassivaya Puram 341 39 302 14 11 3 322 26 296
590660 Mallaya Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590661 Kurichedu 508 174 334 23 2 21 401 123 278
590662 Perambotla Palem 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
590663 Potlapadu 174 18 156 149 11 138 22 4 18
590664 Gangadona Konda 256 26 230 23 7 16 225 15 210
590665 West Gangavaram 22 7 15 - - - 9 2 7
590666 Alavalapadu 7 4 3 3 2 1 4 2 2
590667 Bodanampadu 260 61 199 8 1 7 249 58 191


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
43 16 27 164 103 61 18,318 8,726 9,592 Kurichedu (Total) 0771
43 16 27 164 103 61 18,318 8,726 9,592 Kurichedu (Rural) 0771
- - - - - - - - - Kurichedu (Urban) 0771
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jagannadhapuram 590649
1 - 1 2 2 - 341 165 176 West Kasipuram 590650
2 1 1 23 20 3 1,269 621 648 Kallur 590651
- - - 11 8 3 1,075 507 568 West Naidupalem 590652
- - - 6 1 5 1,445 709 736 Avulamanda 590653
- - - 2 1 1 487 245 242 Mustla Gangavaram 590654
- - - 34 15 19 2,001 928 1,073 West Veeraya Palem 590655
- - - - - - 343 167 176 Bayya Varam 590656
- - - 4 3 1 1,041 539 502 Dekanakonda 590657
6 3 3 - - - 524 271 253 Peddavaram 590658
- - - 5 2 3 841 447 394 Namassivaya Puram 590659
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mallaya Palem 590660
27 12 15 57 37 20 4,795 2,081 2,714 Kurichedu 590661
- - - - - - 207 88 119 Perambotla Palem 590662
- - - 3 3 - 1,004 496 508 Potlapadu 590663
- - - 8 4 4 770 369 401 Gangadona Konda 590664
7 - 7 6 5 1 829 439 390 West Gangavaram 590665
- - - - - - 528 242 286 Alavalapadu 590666
- - - 3 2 1 818 412 406 Bodanampadu 590667


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0772 (Total) 20,747.00 15,344 59,528 30,355 29,173 6,782 3,567 3,215
0772 (Rural) 20,747.00 15,344 59,528 30,355 29,173 6,782 3,567 3,215
0772 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590668 Vellala Cheruvu 1,902.00 1,487 5,485 2,778 2,707 559 291 268
590669 Gopapuram 412.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590670 Kamepalle 1,274.00 662 2,557 1,303 1,254 292 153 139
590671 Santhamaguluru 2,691.00 2,358 9,687 5,049 4,638 1,123 603 520
590672 Tangedu Malli 2,115.00 1,728 6,604 3,324 3,280 736 355 381
590673 Gurijepalle 619.00 418 1,642 833 809 246 121 125
590674 Kopparam 2,896.00 2,152 8,740 4,458 4,282 1,032 575 457
590675 Elchur 2,789.00 2,353 8,915 4,564 4,351 1,054 557 497
590676 Kunduru (West) 1,997.00 911 3,598 1,836 1,762 407 211 196
590677 Kunduru (East) 2,091.00 960 3,750 1,905 1,845 374 205 169
590678 Kommala Padu 1,961.00 2,315 8,550 4,305 4,245 959 496 463



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
11,990 6,174 5,816 2,975 1,555 1,420 28,421 17,104 11,317 (Total)
11,990 6,174 5,816 2,975 1,555 1,420 28,421 17,104 11,317 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
1,174 620 554 204 102 102 2,535 1,536 999 Vellala Cheruvu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gopapuram
600 299 301 140 74 66 1,201 723 478 Kamepalle
2,317 1,217 1,100 443 239 204 5,110 3,160 1,950 Santhamaguluru
1,449 723 726 224 119 105 3,220 1,909 1,311 Tangedu Malli
977 491 486 94 54 40 755 457 298 Gurijepalle
1,746 874 872 1,066 546 520 4,164 2,485 1,679 Kopparam
1,475 786 689 255 127 128 3,990 2,412 1,578 Elchur
128 62 66 344 187 157 1,489 891 598 Kunduru (West)
978 513 465 124 68 56 1,888 1,117 771 Kunduru (East)
1,146 589 557 81 39 42 4,069 2,414 1,655 Kommala Padu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0772 (Total) 31,107 13,251 17,856 34,928 18,266 16,662 30,243 16,645 13,598
0772 (Rural) 31,107 13,251 17,856 34,928 18,266 16,662 30,243 16,645 13,598
0772 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590668 Vellala Cheruvu 2,950 1,242 1,708 3,082 1,637 1,445 2,416 1,557 859
590669 Gopapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590670 Kamepalle 1,356 580 776 1,579 793 786 1,301 688 613
590671 Santhamaguluru 4,577 1,889 2,688 5,594 2,878 2,716 5,376 2,813 2,563
590672 Tangedu Malli 3,384 1,415 1,969 3,747 1,964 1,783 3,682 1,951 1,731
590673 Gurijepalle 887 376 511 990 529 461 954 526 428
590674 Kopparam 4,576 1,973 2,603 5,120 2,679 2,441 3,711 2,059 1,652
590675 Elchur 4,925 2,152 2,773 5,328 2,805 2,523 4,713 2,564 2,149
590676 Kunduru (West) 2,109 945 1,164 2,213 1,140 1,073 1,860 1,041 819
590677 Kunduru (East) 1,862 788 1,074 2,164 1,155 1,009 1,905 1,026 879
590678 Kommala Padu 4,481 1,891 2,590 5,111 2,686 2,425 4,325 2,420 1,905


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,156 4,127 2,029 20,058 9,391 10,667 359 201 158 3,670 2,926 744 (Total)
6,156 4,127 2,029 20,058 9,391 10,667 359 201 158 3,670 2,926 744 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
674 529 145 1,502 822 680 10 2 8 230 204 26 Vellala Cheruvu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gopapuram
394 256 138 823 367 456 3 2 1 81 63 18 Kamepalle
1,262 773 489 3,338 1,477 1,861 60 34 26 716 529 187 Santhamaguluru
695 393 302 2,400 1,148 1,252 184 102 82 403 308 95 Tangedu Malli
66 50 16 673 303 370 11 4 7 204 169 35 Gurijepalle
693 546 147 2,435 1,043 1,392 13 7 6 570 463 107 Kopparam
669 450 219 3,377 1,561 1,816 25 16 9 642 537 105 Elchur
399 319 80 1,349 647 702 20 11 9 92 64 28 Kunduru (West)
482 283 199 1,197 588 609 15 12 3 211 143 68 Kunduru (East)
822 528 294 2,964 1,435 1,529 18 11 7 521 446 75 Kommala Padu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0772 (Total) 4,685 1,621 3,064 301 89 212 3,834 1,210 2,624
0772 (Rural) 4,685 1,621 3,064 301 89 212 3,834 1,210 2,624
0772 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590668 Vellala Cheruvu 666 80 586 67 10 57 551 61 490
590669 Gopapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590670 Kamepalle 278 105 173 21 17 4 235 67 168
590671 Santhamaguluru 218 65 153 30 12 18 134 22 112
590672 Tangedu Malli 65 13 52 5 - 5 51 7 44
590673 Gurijepalle 36 3 33 3 1 2 31 1 30
590674 Kopparam 1,409 620 789 84 13 71 1,216 554 662
590675 Elchur 615 241 374 42 16 26 391 95 296
590676 Kunduru (West) 353 99 254 32 12 20 298 78 220
590677 Kunduru (East) 259 129 130 1 - 1 223 102 121
590678 Kommala Padu 786 266 520 16 8 8 704 223 481


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
29 5 24 521 317 204 24,600 12,089 12,511 (Total) 0772
29 5 24 521 317 204 24,600 12,089 12,511 (Rural) 0772
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0772
17 1 16 31 8 23 2,403 1,141 1,262 Vellala Cheruvu 590668
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gopapuram 590669
- - - 22 21 1 978 510 468 Kamepalle 590670
- - - 54 31 23 4,093 2,171 1,922 Santhamaguluru 590671
1 - 1 8 6 2 2,857 1,360 1,497 Tangedu Malli 590672
- - - 2 1 1 652 304 348 Gurijepalle 590673
- - - 109 53 56 3,620 1,779 1,841 Kopparam 590674
4 1 3 178 129 49 3,587 1,759 1,828 Elchur 590675
3 2 1 20 7 13 1,385 696 689 Kunduru (West) 590676
1 - 1 34 27 7 1,586 750 836 Kunduru (East) 590677
3 1 2 63 34 29 3,439 1,619 1,820 Kommala Padu 590678


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0773 Ballikurava (Total) 21,661.00 13,661 53,269 26,942 26,327 5,839 3,058 2,781
0773 Ballikurava (Rural) 21,661.00 13,661 53,269 26,942 26,327 5,839 3,058 2,781
0773 Ballikurava (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590679 Koppera Palem 796.00 629 2,517 1,261 1,256 277 135 142
590680 Uppumaguluru 2,438.00 1,160 4,479 2,294 2,185 437 224 213
590681 Vemavaram 738.00 476 1,901 956 945 218 118 100
590682 Konidena 3,730.00 2,531 9,650 4,885 4,765 1,007 542 465
590683 Ballikurava 955.00 696 2,688 1,377 1,311 315 165 150
590684 Chennupalle 1,847.00 559 2,210 1,110 1,100 262 136 126
590685 Gudipadu 1,098.00 508 2,051 1,025 1,026 290 142 148
590686 Mukteswaram 1,271.00 840 3,313 1,715 1,598 383 204 179
590687 Guntupalle 1,891.00 1,199 4,680 2,266 2,414 436 216 220
590688 Vaidana 1,648.00 811 3,182 1,583 1,599 360 180 180
590689 Kukatla Palle 1,022.00 853 3,268 1,660 1,608 338 170 168
590690 Gorre Padu 2,136.00 1,038 4,140 2,118 2,022 504 278 226
590691 Koppera Padu 893.00 834 3,285 1,648 1,637 367 197 170
590692 Valla Palle 1,198.00 1,527 5,905 3,044 2,861 645 351 294



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
14,258 7,255 7,003 3,331 1,703 1,628 26,682 15,755 10,927 Ballikurava (Total)
14,258 7,255 7,003 3,331 1,703 1,628 26,682 15,755 10,927 Ballikurava (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Ballikurava (Urban)
878 447 431 96 52 44 1,152 696 456 Koppera Palem
1,278 648 630 445 239 206 2,210 1,307 903 Uppumaguluru
185 89 96 409 208 201 1,033 596 437 Vemavaram
1,951 1,014 937 352 180 172 4,806 2,837 1,969 Konidena
958 499 459 125 68 57 1,399 849 550 Ballikurava
799 408 391 12 4 8 1,058 608 450 Chennupalle
448 230 218 158 79 79 936 530 406 Gudipadu
806 413 393 69 35 34 1,658 1,040 618 Mukteswaram
1,137 524 613 43 18 25 2,639 1,457 1,182 Guntupalle
737 372 365 104 53 51 1,609 974 635 Vaidana
917 466 451 403 206 197 1,433 862 571 Kukatla Palle
1,506 773 733 545 273 272 2,023 1,201 822 Gorre Padu
824 422 402 393 191 202 1,758 1,038 720 Koppera Padu
1,834 950 884 177 97 80 2,968 1,760 1,208 Valla Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0773 Ballikurava (Total) 26,587 11,187 15,400 30,374 15,920 14,454 25,158 14,686 10,472
0773 Ballikurava (Rural) 26,587 11,187 15,400 30,374 15,920 14,454 25,158 14,686 10,472
0773 Ballikurava (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590679 Koppera Palem 1,365 565 800 1,446 738 708 1,323 712 611
590680 Uppumaguluru 2,269 987 1,282 2,732 1,395 1,337 2,184 1,375 809
590681 Vemavaram 868 360 508 1,148 586 562 1,023 539 484
590682 Konidena 4,844 2,048 2,796 5,462 2,812 2,650 4,408 2,628 1,780
590683 Ballikurava 1,289 528 761 1,460 770 690 1,006 557 449
590684 Chennupalle 1,152 502 650 1,329 679 650 967 638 329
590685 Gudipadu 1,115 495 620 1,169 605 564 1,147 596 551
590686 Mukteswaram 1,655 675 980 1,882 1,001 881 1,756 958 798
590687 Guntupalle 2,041 809 1,232 2,578 1,341 1,237 2,083 1,225 858
590688 Vaidana 1,573 609 964 1,689 952 737 1,354 867 487
590689 Kukatla Palle 1,835 798 1,037 1,953 1,035 918 1,658 901 757
590690 Gorre Padu 2,117 917 1,200 2,353 1,288 1,065 1,952 1,216 736
590691 Koppera Padu 1,527 610 917 1,959 1,015 944 1,737 1,003 734
590692 Valla Palle 2,937 1,284 1,653 3,214 1,703 1,511 2,560 1,471 1,089


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,272 4,272 2,000 16,010 8,154 7,856 244 152 92 2,632 2,108 524 Ballikurava (Total)
6,272 4,272 2,000 16,010 8,154 7,856 244 152 92 2,632 2,108 524 Ballikurava (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ballikurava (Urban)
567 346 221 623 273 350 13 13 - 120 80 40 Koppera Palem
536 376 160 1,548 916 632 9 7 2 91 76 15 Uppumaguluru
170 100 70 774 383 391 13 9 4 66 47 19 Vemavaram
1,054 723 331 2,872 1,527 1,345 81 42 39 401 336 65 Konidena
446 302 144 405 125 280 3 2 1 152 128 24 Ballikurava
154 149 5 770 455 315 4 1 3 39 33 6 Chennupalle
188 141 47 775 321 454 10 10 - 174 124 50 Gudipadu
425 283 142 1,120 505 615 17 17 - 194 153 41 Mukteswaram
525 353 172 1,252 628 624 7 4 3 299 240 59 Guntupalle
262 193 69 887 509 378 4 3 1 201 162 39 Vaidana
412 281 131 1,042 456 586 20 15 5 184 149 35 Kukatla Palle
343 298 45 1,332 690 642 5 3 2 272 225 47 Gorre Padu
272 221 51 1,225 608 617 48 20 28 192 154 38 Koppera Padu
918 506 412 1,385 758 627 10 6 4 247 201 46 Valla Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0773 Ballikurava (Total) 5,216 1,234 3,982 501 116 385 4,243 828 3,415
0773 Ballikurava (Rural) 5,216 1,234 3,982 501 116 385 4,243 828 3,415
0773 Ballikurava (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590679 Koppera Palem 123 26 97 10 - 10 98 17 81
590680 Uppumaguluru 548 20 528 18 - 18 517 16 501
590681 Vemavaram 125 47 78 12 7 5 80 30 50
590682 Konidena 1,054 184 870 189 19 170 814 141 673
590683 Ballikurava 454 213 241 30 6 24 403 200 203
590684 Chennupalle 362 41 321 2 - 2 358 41 317
590685 Gudipadu 22 9 13 - - - 13 2 11
590686 Mukteswaram 126 43 83 19 7 12 103 33 70
590687 Guntupalle 495 116 379 141 34 107 310 55 255
590688 Vaidana 335 85 250 9 5 4 290 51 239
590689 Kukatla Palle 295 134 161 16 13 3 268 114 154
590690 Gorre Padu 401 72 329 20 9 11 373 59 314
590691 Koppera Padu 222 12 210 2 1 1 205 8 197
590692 Valla Palle 654 232 422 33 15 18 411 61 350


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
40 16 24 432 274 158 22,895 11,022 11,873 Ballikurava (Total) 0773
40 16 24 432 274 158 22,895 11,022 11,873 Ballikurava (Rural) 0773
- - - - - - - - - Ballikurava (Urban) 0773
1 - 1 14 9 5 1,071 523 548 Koppera Palem 590679
1 1 - 12 3 9 1,747 899 848 Uppumaguluru 590680
5 - 5 28 10 18 753 370 383 Vemavaram 590681
11 4 7 40 20 20 4,188 2,073 2,115 Konidena 590682
- - - 21 7 14 1,228 607 621 Ballikurava 590683
- - - 2 - 2 881 431 450 Chennupalle 590684
1 - 1 8 7 1 882 420 462 Gudipadu 590685
1 - 1 3 3 - 1,431 714 717 Mukteswaram 590686
7 2 5 37 25 12 2,102 925 1,177 Guntupalle 590687
1 1 - 35 28 7 1,493 631 862 Vaidana 590688
2 1 1 9 6 3 1,315 625 690 Kukatla Palle 590689
- - - 8 4 4 1,787 830 957 Gorre Padu 590690
- - - 15 3 12 1,326 633 693 Koppera Padu 590691
10 7 3 200 149 51 2,691 1,341 1,350 Valla Palle 590692


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0774 Martur (Total) 17,983.00 19,317 73,862 37,083 36,779 7,787 3,937 3,850
0774 Martur (Rural) 17,983.00 19,317 73,862 37,083 36,779 7,787 3,937 3,850
0774 Martur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590693 Nagaraju Palle 1,685.00 954 3,872 1,974 1,898 409 219 190
590694 Rajupalem 1,203.00 1,082 4,270 2,078 2,192 497 233 264
590695 Martur 2,356.00 5,481 21,434 10,666 10,768 2,529 1,284 1,245
590696 Bobbe Palle 1,311.00 1,440 5,371 2,690 2,681 554 285 269
590697 Jonna Thali Agraharam 662.00 652 2,387 1,176 1,211 184 92 92
590698 Darsiagraharam 1,014.00 1,035 3,911 1,938 1,973 404 208 196
590699 Valaparla 1,397.00 2,680 10,151 5,166 4,985 1,033 509 524
590700 992.00 59 209 132 77 6 4 2
590701 Lakkavaram Agraharam 230.00 214 843 423 420 122 64 58
590702 Bolla Palle 1,425.00 1,221 4,575 2,326 2,249 442 231 211
590703 Kolala Pudi 1,560.00 1,125 4,061 2,078 1,983 405 207 198
590704 Konanki 1,742.00 1,572 5,857 2,936 2,921 578 284 294
590705 Dronadula 2,406.00 1,802 6,921 3,500 3,421 624 317 307



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
18,278 9,187 9,091 4,123 2,057 2,066 40,358 23,338 17,020 Martur (Total)
18,278 9,187 9,091 4,123 2,057 2,066 40,358 23,338 17,020 Martur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Martur (Urban)
775 401 374 667 362 305 1,860 1,095 765 Nagaraju Palle
1,629 794 835 451 208 243 1,892 1,141 751 Rajupalem
4,331 2,089 2,242 1,791 875 916 12,757 7,160 5,597 Martur
1,207 611 596 161 76 85 2,894 1,678 1,216 Bobbe Palle
598 304 294 184 89 95 1,293 739 554 Jonna Thali Agraharam
616 308 308 17 7 10 2,001 1,125 876 Darsiagraharam
1,735 902 833 260 132 128 6,207 3,625 2,582 Valaparla
- - - 7 4 3 21 17 4
838 422 416 - - - 363 220 143 Lakkavaram Agraharam
1,424 737 687 23 7 16 2,373 1,397 976 Bolla Palle
1,126 610 516 78 45 33 2,021 1,215 806 Kolala Pudi
2,333 1,165 1,168 104 52 52 3,118 1,829 1,289 Konanki
1,666 844 822 380 200 180 3,558 2,097 1,461 Dronadula


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0774 Martur (Total) 33,504 13,745 19,759 39,981 22,291 17,690 35,085 20,477 14,608
0774 Martur (Rural) 33,504 13,745 19,759 39,981 22,291 17,690 35,085 20,477 14,608
0774 Martur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590693 Nagaraju Palle 2,012 879 1,133 2,066 1,147 919 1,665 1,012 653
590694 Rajupalem 2,378 937 1,441 2,648 1,325 1,323 2,148 1,073 1,075
590695 Martur 8,677 3,506 5,171 10,128 6,213 3,915 8,799 5,725 3,074
590696 Bobbe Palle 2,477 1,012 1,465 3,108 1,650 1,458 2,611 1,499 1,112
590697 Jonna Thali Agraharam 1,094 437 657 1,345 731 614 1,004 626 378
590698 Darsiagraharam 1,910 813 1,097 2,160 1,191 969 2,095 1,179 916
590699 Valaparla 3,944 1,541 2,403 5,378 3,085 2,293 4,859 2,903 1,956
590700 188 115 73 196 125 71 22 12 10
590701 Lakkavaram Agraharam 480 203 277 529 266 263 517 260 257
590702 Bolla Palle 2,202 929 1,273 2,595 1,400 1,195 2,426 1,373 1,053
590703 Kolala Pudi 2,040 863 1,177 2,309 1,190 1,119 2,089 1,134 955
590704 Konanki 2,739 1,107 1,632 3,367 1,800 1,567 2,744 1,529 1,215
590705 Dronadula 3,363 1,403 1,960 4,152 2,168 1,984 4,106 2,152 1,954


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons MalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,090 3,415 1,675 20,539 9,963 10,576 1,242 667 575 8,214 6,432 1,782 Martur (Total)
5,090 3,415 1,675 20,539 9,963 10,576 1,242 667 575 8,214 6,432 1,782 Martur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Martur (Urban)
171 165 6 1,364 729 635 7 5 2 123 113 10 Nagaraju Palle
276 149 127 1,707 797 910 17 12 5 148 115 33 Rajupalem
643 451 192 3,641 1,825 1,816 54 35 19 4,461 3,414 1,047 Martur
419 267 152 1,954 1,034 920 7 5 2 231 193 38 Bobbe Palle
238 185 53 607 309 298 7 5 2 152 127 25 Jonna Thali Agraharam
399 301 98 1,530 741 789 5 4 1 161 133 28 Darsiagraharam
369 247 122 1,810 762 1,048 907 467 440 1,773 1,427 346 Valaparla
- - - 7 4 3 - - - 15 8 7
- - - 492 240 252 3 - 3 22 20 2 Lakkavaram Agraharam
482 326 156 1,746 903 843 13 7 6 185 137 48 Bolla Palle
318 243 75 1,501 679 822 33 18 15 237 194 43 Kolala Pudi
775 463 312 1,509 746 763 116 68 48 344 252 92 Konanki
1,000 618 382 2,671 1,194 1,477 73 41 32 362 299 63 Dronadula


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0774 Martur (Total) 4,896 1,814 3,082 179 70 109 3,930 1,286 2,644
0774 Martur (Rural) 4,896 1,814 3,082 179 70 109 3,930 1,286 2,644
0774 Martur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590693 Nagaraju Palle 401 135 266 43 20 23 342 106 236
590694 Rajupalem 500 252 248 18 12 6 391 186 205
590695 Martur 1,329 488 841 12 4 8 1,091 336 755
590696 Bobbe Palle 497 151 346 18 7 11 461 133 328
590697 Jonna Thali Agraharam 341 105 236 19 3 16 305 91 214
590698 Darsiagraharam 65 12 53 3 1 2 60 10 50
590699 Valaparla 519 182 337 12 5 7 335 108 227
590700 174 113 61 - - - - - -
590701 Lakkavaram Agraharam 12 6 6 - - - 9 4 5
590702 Bolla Palle 169 27 142 15 - 15 142 19 123
590703 Kolala Pudi 220 56 164 9 2 7 201 47 154
590704 Konanki 623 271 352 24 14 10 562 238 324
590705 Dronadula 46 16 30 6 2 4 31 8 23


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
113 27 86 674 431 243 33,881 14,792 19,089 Martur (Total) 0774
113 27 86 674 431 243 33,881 14,792 19,089 Martur (Rural) 0774
- - - - - - - - - Martur (Urban) 0774
- - - 16 9 7 1,806 827 979 Nagaraju Palle 590693
14 7 7 77 47 30 1,622 753 869 Rajupalem 590694
7 1 6 219 147 72 11,306 4,453 6,853 Martur 590695
6 3 3 12 8 4 2,263 1,040 1,223 Bobbe Palle 590696
6 3 3 11 8 3 1,042 445 597 Jonna Thali Agraharam 590697
- - - 2 1 1 1,751 747 1,004 Darsiagraharam 590698
68 10 58 104 59 45 4,773 2,081 2,692 Valaparla 590699
- - - 174 113 61 13 7 6 590700
1 - 1 2 2 - 314 157 157 Lakkavaram Agraharam 590701
1 1 - 11 7 4 1,980 926 1,054 Bolla Palle 590702
2 1 1 8 6 2 1,752 888 864 Kolala Pudi 590703
8 1 7 29 18 11 2,490 1,136 1,354 Konanki 590704
- - - 9 6 3 2,769 1,332 1,437 Dronadula 590705


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Total) 10,572.00 8,138 28,373 13,417 14,956 2,453 1,280 1,173
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Rural) 10,572.00 8,138 28,373 13,417 14,956 2,453 1,280 1,173
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
0775 0.00 - - - - - - -
590706 Ananthavaram 1,316.00 970 3,359 1,576 1,783 313 161 152
590707 Enamadala 1,400.00 1,174 4,099 2,012 2,087 405 198 207
590708 Yeddanapudi 1,651.00 1,014 4,112 1,705 2,407 293 154 139
590709 Vinjanampadu 357.00 333 1,053 502 551 78 46 32
590710 Poluru 1,806.00 1,198 4,036 1,968 2,068 332 189 143
590711 Gannavaram 585.00 619 2,212 1,068 1,144 218 115 103
590712 Punuru 1,996.00 1,735 6,047 2,918 3,129 520 256 264
590713 Jagarlamudi 1,461.00 1,095 3,455 1,668 1,787 294 161 133


Yeddana Pudi

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
9,280 4,353 4,927 617 290 327 16,927 8,983 7,944 Yeddana Pudi (Total)
9,280 4,353 4,927 617 290 327 16,927 8,983 7,944 Yeddana Pudi (Rural)
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
- - - - - - - - -
656 312 344 72 41 31 1,997 1,066 931 Ananthavaram
1,678 846 832 71 32 39 2,148 1,233 915 Enamadala
1,460 481 979 89 31 58 2,837 1,220 1,617 Yeddanapudi
546 269 277 11 5 6 597 340 257 Vinjanampadu
957 492 465 109 59 50 2,537 1,384 1,153 Poluru
858 430 428 20 9 11 1,188 669 519 Gannavaram
2,081 1,019 1,062 241 112 129 3,605 1,957 1,648 Punuru
1,044 504 540 4 1 3 2,018 1,114 904 Jagarlamudi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Total) 11,446 4,434 7,012 15,978 8,442 7,536 14,634 8,193 6,441
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Rural) 11,446 4,434 7,012 15,978 8,442 7,536 14,634 8,193 6,441
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
0775 - - - - - - - - -
590706 Ananthavaram 1,362 510 852 2,018 1,020 998 1,823 995 828
590707 Enamadala 1,951 779 1,172 2,226 1,239 987 2,033 1,220 813
590708 Yeddanapudi 1,275 485 790 2,073 1,087 986 1,923 1,052 871
590709 Vinjanampadu 456 162 294 640 319 321 514 309 205
590710 Poluru 1,499 584 915 2,392 1,241 1,151 2,216 1,192 1,024
590711 Gannavaram 1,024 399 625 1,359 701 658 948 621 327
590712 Punuru 2,442 961 1,481 3,350 1,831 1,519 3,294 1,818 1,476
590713 Jagarlamudi 1,437 554 883 1,920 1,004 916 1,883 986 897


Yeddana Pudi
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,076 2,783 1,293 8,942 4,113 4,829 25 19 6 1,591 1,278 313 Yeddana Pudi (Total)
4,076 2,783 1,293 8,942 4,113 4,829 25 19 6 1,591 1,278 313 Yeddana Pudi (Rural)
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
645 420 225 986 429 557 5 2 3 187 144 43 Ananthavaram
347 303 44 1,424 702 722 3 3 - 259 212 47 Enamadala
371 248 123 1,241 559 682 2 1 1 309 244 65 Yeddanapudi
148 105 43 288 143 145 - - - 78 61 17 Vinjanampadu
1,050 629 421 976 405 571 1 - 1 189 158 31 Poluru
314 240 74 558 319 239 - - - 76 62 14 Gannavaram
661 485 176 2,297 1,062 1,235 8 7 1 328 264 64 Punuru
540 353 187 1,172 494 678 6 6 - 165 133 32 Jagarlamudi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Total) 1,344 249 1,095 305 33 272 930 156 774
0775 Yeddana Pudi (Rural) 1,344 249 1,095 305 33 272 930 156 774
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
0775 - - - - - - - - -
590706 Ananthavaram 195 25 170 104 6 98 80 12 68
590707 Enamadala 193 19 174 56 - 56 111 13 98
590708 Yeddanapudi 150 35 115 12 3 9 125 24 101
590709 Vinjanampadu 126 10 116 43 1 42 80 9 71
590710 Poluru 176 49 127 74 20 54 79 15 64
590711 Gannavaram 411 80 331 3 1 2 399 71 328
590712 Punuru 56 13 43 5 - 5 40 6 34
590713 Jagarlamudi 37 18 19 8 2 6 16 6 10


Yeddana Pudi
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
6 5 1 103 55 48 12,395 4,975 7,420 Yeddana Pudi (Total) 0775
6 5 1 103 55 48 12,395 4,975 7,420 Yeddana Pudi (Rural) 0775
Yeddana Pudi (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - 0775
1 1 - 10 6 4 1,341 556 785 Ananthavaram 590706
- - - 26 6 20 1,873 773 1,100 Enamadala 590707
- - - 13 8 5 2,039 618 1,421 Yeddanapudi 590708
- - - 3 - 3 413 183 230 Vinjanampadu 590709
- - - 23 14 9 1,644 727 917 Poluru 590710
3 2 1 6 6 - 853 367 486 Gannavaram 590711
2 2 - 9 5 4 2,697 1,087 1,610 Punuru 590712
- - - 13 10 3 1,535 664 871 Jagarlamudi 590713


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0776 Parchur (Total) 22,269.00 15,531 54,668 26,622 28,046 4,833 2,406 2,427
0776 Parchur (Rural) 22,269.00 15,531 54,668 26,622 28,046 4,833 2,406 2,427
0776 Parchur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590714 Garnepudi 1,760.00 839 2,777 1,330 1,447 188 88 100
590715 Edubadu 446.00 327 1,270 607 663 139 72 67
590716 Inagallu 1,569.00 746 2,538 1,233 1,305 212 103 109
590717 Adusumalle 962.00 593 2,064 1,009 1,055 192 95 97
590718 Gollapudi 406.00 314 1,149 586 563 85 45 40
590719 Cherukuru 2,267.00 2,038 7,080 3,545 3,535 643 327 316
590720 Ramanayapalem 2,598.00 578 1,932 971 961 123 65 58
590721 Bodawadamandagunta 1,525.00 370 1,259 621 638 77 43 34
590722 Devara Palle 820.00 539 1,930 977 953 158 83 75
590723 Chennubhotla Palem 325.00 198 642 302 340 70 27 43
590724 Parchur 2,626.00 3,839 13,375 6,528 6,847 1,325 667 658
590725 Nuthalapadu 1,801.00 1,640 5,822 2,842 2,980 509 231 278
590726 Upputur 2,721.00 1,855 7,448 3,436 4,012 637 327 310
590727 Veeranna Palem 2,443.00 1,655 5,382 2,635 2,747 475 233 242



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
14,000 6,612 7,388 3,691 1,877 1,814 33,741 18,580 15,161 Parchur (Total)
14,000 6,612 7,388 3,691 1,877 1,814 33,741 18,580 15,161 Parchur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Parchur (Urban)
959 448 511 98 54 44 1,887 1,028 859 Garnepudi
674 333 341 17 8 9 673 384 289 Edubadu
715 340 375 368 182 186 1,614 890 724 Inagallu
585 290 295 247 119 128 1,301 735 566 Adusumalle
583 295 288 9 4 5 697 394 303 Gollapudi
1,081 536 545 528 262 266 3,855 2,214 1,641 Cherukuru
395 193 202 396 209 187 1,239 696 543 Ramanayapalem
289 146 143 - - - 851 482 369 Bodawadamandagunta
788 403 385 21 12 9 1,253 705 548 Devara Palle
435 207 228 - - - 450 245 205 Chennubhotla Palem
2,911 1,400 1,511 1,491 750 741 8,400 4,584 3,816 Parchur
865 432 433 163 75 88 3,484 2,005 1,479 Nuthalapadu
2,083 778 1,305 261 159 102 4,736 2,387 2,349 Upputur
1,637 811 826 92 43 49 3,301 1,831 1,470 Veeranna Palem


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0776 Parchur (Total) 20,927 8,042 12,885 29,277 16,186 13,091 27,898 15,700 12,198
0776 Parchur (Rural) 20,927 8,042 12,885 29,277 16,186 13,091 27,898 15,700 12,198
0776 Parchur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590714 Garnepudi 890 302 588 1,566 862 704 1,480 844 636
590715 Edubadu 597 223 374 777 361 416 773 359 414
590716 Inagallu 924 343 581 1,554 835 719 1,519 821 698
590717 Adusumalle 763 274 489 1,098 594 504 1,097 593 504
590718 Gollapudi 452 192 260 642 330 312 636 328 308
590719 Cherukuru 3,225 1,331 1,894 3,887 2,167 1,720 3,539 2,070 1,469
590720 Ramanayapalem 693 275 418 1,066 590 476 1,060 586 474
590721 Bodawadamandagunta 408 139 269 536 404 132 535 403 132
590722 Devara Palle 677 272 405 1,001 616 385 863 564 299
590723 Chennubhotla Palem 192 57 135 299 193 106 286 189 97
590724 Parchur 4,975 1,944 3,031 6,614 3,824 2,790 6,208 3,650 2,558
590725 Nuthalapadu 2,338 837 1,501 3,382 1,760 1,622 3,296 1,755 1,541
590726 Upputur 2,712 1,049 1,663 3,614 1,992 1,622 3,475 1,924 1,551
590727 Veeranna Palem 2,081 804 1,277 3,241 1,658 1,583 3,131 1,614 1,517


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,104 4,161 1,943 17,990 8,509 9,481 176 134 42 3,628 2,896 732 Parchur (Total)
6,104 4,161 1,943 17,990 8,509 9,481 176 134 42 3,628 2,896 732 Parchur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Parchur (Urban)
756 480 276 567 244 323 4 4 - 153 116 37 Garnepudi
14 7 7 731 330 401 7 5 2 21 17 4 Edubadu
609 383 226 853 401 452 1 - 1 56 37 19 Inagallu
346 232 114 652 293 359 7 5 2 92 63 29 Adusumalle
64 62 2 545 246 299 2 2 - 25 18 7 Gollapudi
452 371 81 2,679 1,376 1,303 23 16 7 385 307 78 Cherukuru
516 298 218 506 263 243 2 1 1 36 24 12 Ramanayapalem
256 238 18 227 119 108 - - - 52 46 6 Bodawadamandagunta
307 274 33 506 254 252 1 - 1 49 36 13 Devara Palle
50 46 4 209 126 83 - - - 27 17 10 Chennubhotla Palem
705 470 235 3,627 1,634 1,993 87 73 14 1,789 1,473 316 Parchur
693 437 256 2,241 1,031 1,210 18 14 4 344 273 71 Nuthalapadu
534 414 120 2,569 1,201 1,368 8 6 2 364 303 61 Upputur
802 449 353 2,078 991 1,087 16 8 8 235 166 69 Veeranna Palem


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0776 Parchur (Total) 1,379 486 893 53 19 34 1,125 322 803
0776 Parchur (Rural) 1,379 486 893 53 19 34 1,125 322 803
0776 Parchur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590714 Garnepudi 86 18 68 21 7 14 55 6 49
590715 Edubadu 4 2 2 - - - 3 1 2
590716 Inagallu 35 14 21 - - - 34 14 20
590717 Adusumalle 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
590718 Gollapudi 6 2 4 - - - 4 - 4
590719 Cherukuru 348 97 251 2 - 2 332 89 243
590720 Ramanayapalem 6 4 2 2 2 - - - -
590721 Bodawadamandagunta 1 1 - - - - - - -
590722 Devara Palle 138 52 86 1 - 1 129 46 83
590723 Chennubhotla Palem 13 4 9 2 - 2 10 3 7
590724 Parchur 406 174 232 11 6 5 304 96 208
590725 Nuthalapadu 86 5 81 1 - 1 84 4 80
590726 Upputur 139 68 71 5 - 5 70 25 45
590727 Veeranna Palem 110 44 66 7 3 4 100 38 62


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
8 5 3 193 140 53 25,391 10,436 14,955 Parchur (Total) 0776
8 5 3 193 140 53 25,391 10,436 14,955 Parchur (Rural) 0776
- - - - - - - - - Parchur (Urban) 0776
3 2 1 7 3 4 1,211 468 743 Garnepudi 590714
- - - 1 1 - 493 246 247 Edubadu 590715
- - - 1 - 1 984 398 586 Inagallu 590716
- - - - - - 966 415 551 Adusumalle 590717
- - - 2 2 - 507 256 251 Gollapudi 590718
1 1 - 13 7 6 3,193 1,378 1,815 Cherukuru 590719
- - - 4 2 2 866 381 485 Ramanayapalem 590720
- - - 1 1 - 723 217 506 Bodawadamandagunta 590721
3 2 1 5 4 1 929 361 568 Devara Palle 590722
- - - 1 1 - 343 109 234 Chennubhotla Palem 590723
1 - 1 90 72 18 6,761 2,704 4,057 Parchur 590724
- - - 1 1 - 2,440 1,082 1,358 Nuthalapadu 590725
- - - 64 43 21 3,834 1,444 2,390 Upputur 590726
- - - 3 3 - 2,141 977 1,164 Veeranna Palem 590727


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0777 Karamchedu (Total) 16,212.00 11,322 38,916 19,422 19,494 3,187 1,643 1,544
0777 Karamchedu (Rural) 16,212.00 11,322 38,916 19,422 19,494 3,187 1,643 1,544
0777 Karamchedu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590728 Daggubadu 1,705.00 1,521 5,387 2,682 2,705 503 272 231
590729 Kesavarappadu 354.00 263 814 418 396 69 40 29
590730 Kodavalivari Palem 2,284.00 953 3,472 1,743 1,729 273 148 125
590731 Swarna 3,885.00 2,434 8,260 4,169 4,091 709 360 349
590732 Audi Pudi 1,906.00 1,382 4,597 2,277 2,320 372 187 185
590733 Kunkalamarru 2,212.00 1,377 4,719 2,325 2,394 407 216 191
590734 Karamchedu 3,866.00 3,392 11,667 5,808 5,859 854 420 434



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
9,458 4,829 4,629 1,558 794 764 24,154 13,521 10,633 Karamchedu (Total)
9,458 4,829 4,629 1,558 794 764 24,154 13,521 10,633 Karamchedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Karamchedu (Urban)
1,081 558 523 51 25 26 3,305 1,868 1,437 Daggubadu
304 159 145 9 4 5 519 297 222 Kesavarappadu
2,166 1,105 1,061 17 8 9 2,160 1,173 987 Kodavalivari Palem
1,664 880 784 537 278 259 5,247 2,977 2,270 Swarna
1,645 836 809 9 6 3 2,728 1,546 1,182 Audi Pudi
1,439 711 728 51 24 27 2,832 1,585 1,247 Kunkalamarru
1,159 580 579 884 449 435 7,363 4,075 3,288 Karamchedu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0777 Karamchedu (Total) 14,762 5,901 8,861 21,588 12,229 9,359 19,133 11,256 7,877
0777 Karamchedu (Rural) 14,762 5,901 8,861 21,588 12,229 9,359 19,133 11,256 7,877
0777 Karamchedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590728 Daggubadu 2,082 814 1,268 3,007 1,595 1,412 2,618 1,415 1,203
590729 Kesavarappadu 295 121 174 343 217 126 340 216 124
590730 Kodavalivari Palem 1,312 570 742 1,861 1,051 810 1,769 1,022 747
590731 Swarna 3,013 1,192 1,821 4,612 2,667 1,945 4,227 2,520 1,707
590732 Audi Pudi 1,869 731 1,138 2,854 1,472 1,382 2,775 1,441 1,334
590733 Kunkalamarru 1,887 740 1,147 3,004 1,666 1,338 2,117 1,281 836
590734 Karamchedu 4,304 1,733 2,571 5,907 3,561 2,346 5,287 3,361 1,926


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,852 3,629 1,223 11,355 5,407 5,948 139 85 54 2,787 2,135 652 Karamchedu (Total)
4,852 3,629 1,223 11,355 5,407 5,948 139 85 54 2,787 2,135 652 Karamchedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Karamchedu (Urban)
832 501 331 1,406 602 804 15 10 5 365 302 63 Daggubadu
92 83 9 227 114 113 3 3 - 18 16 2 Kesavarappadu
277 269 8 1,282 603 679 5 4 1 205 146 59 Kodavalivari Palem
908 714 194 2,661 1,318 1,343 55 27 28 603 461 142 Swarna
925 508 417 1,598 758 840 8 6 2 244 169 75 Audi Pudi
514 468 46 1,271 564 707 7 4 3 325 245 80 Kunkalamarru
1,304 1,086 218 2,910 1,448 1,462 46 31 15 1,027 796 231 Karamchedu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0777 Karamchedu (Total) 2,455 973 1,482 180 91 89 1,606 517 1,089
0777 Karamchedu (Rural) 2,455 973 1,482 180 91 89 1,606 517 1,089
0777 Karamchedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590728 Daggubadu 389 180 209 35 22 13 298 130 168
590729 Kesavarappadu 3 1 2 - - - 1 - 1
590730 Kodavalivari Palem 92 29 63 4 1 3 65 19 46
590731 Swarna 385 147 238 89 56 33 231 71 160
590732 Audi Pudi 79 31 48 19 1 18 45 19 26
590733 Kunkalamarru 887 385 502 19 6 13 426 128 298
590734 Karamchedu 620 200 420 14 5 9 540 150 390


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
54 20 34 615 345 270 17,328 7,193 10,135 Karamchedu (Total) 0777
54 20 34 615 345 270 17,328 7,193 10,135 Karamchedu (Rural) 0777
- - - - - - - - - Karamchedu (Urban) 0777
6 3 3 50 25 25 2,380 1,087 1,293 Daggubadu 590728
- - - 2 1 1 471 201 270 Kesavarappadu 590729
1 - 1 22 9 13 1,611 692 919 Kodavalivari Palem 590730
18 7 11 47 13 34 3,648 1,502 2,146 Swarna 590731
6 3 3 9 8 1 1,743 805 938 Audi Pudi 590732
15 5 10 427 246 181 1,715 659 1,056 Kunkalamarru 590733
8 2 6 58 43 15 5,760 2,247 3,513 Karamchedu 590734


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0778 Inkollu (Total) 14,450.00 13,812 49,546 24,905 24,641 4,650 2,397 2,253
0778 Inkollu (Rural) 14,450.00 13,812 49,546 24,905 24,641 4,650 2,397 2,253
0778 Inkollu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590735 Nagandla 1,467.00 1,082 4,126 2,050 2,076 380 197 183
590736 Idupulapadu 1,770.00 1,578 5,638 2,803 2,835 492 252 240
590737 Pusapadu 1,653.00 1,672 5,815 2,900 2,915 588 311 277
590738 Pavulur 1,660.00 1,527 5,652 2,837 2,815 536 278 258
590739 Inkollu 3,365.00 4,935 17,581 8,972 8,609 1,701 873 828
590740 Ganga Varam 374.00 848 2,949 1,489 1,460 248 121 127
590741 Koniki 1,780.00 749 2,812 1,400 1,412 302 154 148
590742 Duddukur 1,670.00 833 3,013 1,507 1,506 247 121 126
590743 Bhimavaram 711.00 588 1,960 947 1,013 156 90 66



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
13,507 6,810 6,697 1,866 955 911 31,588 17,930 13,658 Inkollu (Total)
13,507 6,810 6,697 1,866 955 911 31,588 17,930 13,658 Inkollu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Inkollu (Urban)
1,046 524 522 391 194 197 2,434 1,374 1,060 Nagandla
1,836 943 893 93 49 44 3,482 2,003 1,479 Idupulapadu
1,757 894 863 99 51 48 3,971 2,228 1,743 Pusapadu
1,714 862 852 175 86 89 3,123 1,825 1,298 Pavulur
3,799 1,906 1,893 688 355 333 11,758 6,668 5,090 Inkollu
748 368 380 58 34 24 1,957 1,095 862 Ganga Varam
1,008 505 503 91 48 43 1,825 1,013 812 Koniki
780 400 380 195 98 97 1,881 1,076 805 Duddukur
819 408 411 76 40 36 1,157 648 509 Bhimavaram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0778 Inkollu (Total) 17,958 6,975 10,983 26,777 15,281 11,496 24,810 14,692 10,118
0778 Inkollu (Rural) 17,958 6,975 10,983 26,777 15,281 11,496 24,810 14,692 10,118
0778 Inkollu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590735 Nagandla 1,692 676 1,016 2,359 1,306 1,053 2,155 1,242 913
590736 Idupulapadu 2,156 800 1,356 3,251 1,749 1,502 3,243 1,746 1,497
590737 Pusapadu 1,844 672 1,172 3,243 1,706 1,537 3,036 1,662 1,374
590738 Pavulur 2,529 1,012 1,517 3,187 1,726 1,461 2,936 1,670 1,266
590739 Inkollu 5,823 2,304 3,519 8,635 5,594 3,041 8,077 5,394 2,683
590740 Ganga Varam 992 394 598 1,741 929 812 1,295 802 493
590741 Koniki 987 387 600 1,666 853 813 1,611 838 773
590742 Duddukur 1,132 431 701 1,575 827 748 1,569 826 743
590743 Bhimavaram 803 299 504 1,120 591 529 888 512 376


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,608 3,741 1,867 12,926 5,913 7,013 189 121 68 6,087 4,917 1,170 Inkollu (Total)
5,608 3,741 1,867 12,926 5,913 7,013 189 121 68 6,087 4,917 1,170 Inkollu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Inkollu (Urban)
675 500 175 1,147 482 665 31 21 10 302 239 63 Nagandla
683 425 258 2,031 916 1,115 15 11 4 514 394 120 Idupulapadu
836 475 361 1,698 778 920 9 4 5 493 405 88 Pusapadu
721 477 244 1,685 747 938 9 4 5 521 442 79 Pavulur
1,146 866 280 3,319 1,563 1,756 115 76 39 3,497 2,889 608 Inkollu
580 340 240 424 233 191 2 2 - 289 227 62 Ganga Varam
503 348 155 1,002 412 590 - - - 106 78 28 Koniki
164 124 40 1,093 506 587 3 - 3 309 196 113 Duddukur
300 186 114 527 276 251 5 3 2 56 47 9 Bhimavaram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0778 Inkollu (Total) 1,967 589 1,378 160 27 133 1,440 381 1,059
0778 Inkollu (Rural) 1,967 589 1,378 160 27 133 1,440 381 1,059
0778 Inkollu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590735 Nagandla 204 64 140 33 6 27 164 53 111
590736 Idupulapadu 8 3 5 3 1 2 2 1 1
590737 Pusapadu 207 44 163 26 6 20 156 25 131
590738 Pavulur 251 56 195 15 1 14 215 44 171
590739 Inkollu 558 200 358 30 9 21 247 53 194
590740 Ganga Varam 446 127 319 40 1 39 392 118 274
590741 Koniki 55 15 40 12 2 10 39 12 27
590742 Duddukur 6 1 5 - - - 5 1 4
590743 Bhimavaram 232 79 153 1 1 - 220 74 146


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
28 15 13 339 166 173 22,769 9,624 13,145 Inkollu (Total) 0778
28 15 13 339 166 173 22,769 9,624 13,145 Inkollu (Rural) 0778
- - - - - - - - - Inkollu (Urban) 0778
3 2 1 4 3 1 1,767 744 1,023 Nagandla 590735
2 1 1 1 - 1 2,387 1,054 1,333 Idupulapadu 590736
2 1 1 23 12 11 2,572 1,194 1,378 Pusapadu 590737
- - - 21 11 10 2,465 1,111 1,354 Pavulur 590738
16 10 6 265 128 137 8,946 3,378 5,568 Inkollu 590739
- - - 14 8 6 1,208 560 648 Ganga Varam 590740
- - - 4 1 3 1,146 547 599 Koniki 590741
- - - 1 - 1 1,438 680 758 Duddukur 590742
5 1 4 6 3 3 840 356 484 Bhimavaram 590743


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0779 u (Total) 16,882.00 12,583 45,186 22,486 22,700 4,287 2,200 2,087
0779 u (Rural) 16,882.00 12,583 45,186 22,486 22,700 4,287 2,200 2,087
0779 u (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590744 Ramakuru 996.00 1,071 3,881 1,986 1,895 324 157 167
590745 Konda Manjulur 2,050.00 1,507 5,811 2,932 2,879 550 294 256
590746 Bytamanjulur 664.00 469 1,627 810 817 176 99 77
590747 Muppavaram 864.00 1,105 4,038 2,003 2,035 359 165 194
590748 Kondamur 1,203.00 668 2,380 1,165 1,215 231 119 112
590749 Kotapadu 1,019.00 640 2,366 1,170 1,196 257 128 129
590750 Budavada 1,106.00 1,137 4,107 2,012 2,095 394 203 191
590751 Janakavaram Panguluru 1,942.00 1,829 6,087 3,005 3,082 547 298 249
590752 Reningavaram 448.00 440 1,590 808 782 188 100 88
590753 Kasyapuram 462.00 206 820 411 409 72 39 33
590754 Alavalapadu 1,108.00 835 2,995 1,492 1,503 297 158 139
590755 Thurpu Thakkella Padu 573.00 447 1,652 828 824 166 87 79
590756 Thurpu Koppera Padu 914.00 531 1,912 931 981 203 107 96
590757 Chandalur 2,871.00 1,281 4,476 2,239 2,237 388 187 201
590758 Nuzendla Palle 662.00 417 1,444 694 750 135 59 76



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,504 6,322 6,182 1,839 961 878 25,395 14,432 10,963 u (Total)
12,504 6,322 6,182 1,839 961 878 25,395 14,432 10,963 u (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - u (Urban)
103 59 44 377 207 170 2,288 1,349 939 Ramakuru
2,461 1,252 1,209 226 121 105 2,992 1,715 1,277 Konda Manjulur
440 225 215 40 21 19 967 568 399 Bytamanjulur
1,017 524 493 277 134 143 2,416 1,380 1,036 Muppavaram
397 199 198 - - - 1,157 626 531 Kondamur
863 429 434 69 34 35 1,156 673 483 Kotapadu
1,335 658 677 331 172 159 2,324 1,293 1,031 Budavada
1,762 906 856 206 109 97 3,645 2,020 1,625 Janakavaram Panguluru
409 214 195 44 19 25 789 467 322 Reningavaram
187 88 99 2 1 1 528 297 231 Kasyapuram
369 187 182 18 10 8 1,520 887 633 Alavalapadu
674 346 328 63 31 32 766 445 321 Thurpu Thakkella Padu
642 315 327 - - - 990 558 432 Thurpu Koppera Padu
1,309 668 641 88 52 36 2,947 1,644 1,303 Chandalur
536 252 284 98 50 48 910 510 400 Nuzendla Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0779 u (Total) 19,791 8,054 11,737 24,920 13,689 11,231 21,760 12,720 9,040
0779 u (Rural) 19,791 8,054 11,737 24,920 13,689 11,231 21,760 12,720 9,040
0779 u (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590744 Ramakuru 1,593 637 956 2,131 1,186 945 2,108 1,185 923
590745 Konda Manjulur 2,819 1,217 1,602 3,262 1,777 1,485 2,354 1,470 884
590746 Bytamanjulur 660 242 418 994 509 485 978 507 471
590747 Muppavaram 1,622 623 999 2,217 1,220 997 2,073 1,157 916
590748 Kondamur 1,223 539 684 1,222 726 496 997 631 366
590749 Kotapadu 1,210 497 713 1,413 755 658 1,276 717 559
590750 Budavada 1,783 719 1,064 2,434 1,243 1,191 1,905 1,156 749
590751 Janakavaram Panguluru 2,442 985 1,457 3,244 1,832 1,412 2,605 1,596 1,009
590752 Reningavaram 801 341 460 848 468 380 837 465 372
590753 Kasyapuram 292 114 178 308 235 73 303 233 70
590754 Alavalapadu 1,475 605 870 1,651 916 735 1,429 853 576
590755 Thurpu Thakkella Padu 886 383 503 966 480 486 960 479 481
590756 Thurpu Koppera Padu 922 373 549 993 544 449 871 493 378
590757 Chandalur 1,529 595 934 2,460 1,366 1,094 2,298 1,351 947
590758 Nuzendla Palle 534 184 350 777 432 345 766 427 339


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,069 3,570 1,499 13,041 6,252 6,789 228 145 83 3,422 2,753 669 u (Total)
5,069 3,570 1,499 13,041 6,252 6,789 228 145 83 3,422 2,753 669 u (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - u (Urban)
554 356 198 1,135 499 636 12 7 5 407 323 84 Ramakuru
590 554 36 1,371 642 729 147 83 64 246 191 55 Konda Manjulur
229 152 77 602 241 361 10 7 3 137 107 30 Bytamanjulur
612 348 264 959 413 546 18 16 2 484 380 104 Muppavaram
226 190 36 638 327 311 10 8 2 123 106 17 Kondamur
134 102 32 1,033 524 509 4 4 - 105 87 18 Kotapadu
778 423 355 803 479 324 6 6 - 318 248 70 Budavada
409 329 80 1,638 805 833 12 9 3 546 453 93 Janakavaram Panguluru
91 55 36 486 220 266 2 1 1 258 189 69 Reningavaram
136 135 1 130 67 63 1 1 - 36 30 6 Kasyapuram
144 130 14 1,087 557 530 1 - 1 197 166 31 Alavalapadu
123 75 48 786 363 423 2 - 2 49 41 8 Thurpu Thakkella Padu
178 125 53 583 275 308 - - - 110 93 17 Thurpu Koppera Padu
692 488 204 1,314 612 702 3 3 - 289 248 41 Chandalur
173 108 65 476 228 248 - - - 117 91 26 Nuzendla Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0779 u (Total) 3,160 969 2,191 192 66 126 2,778 777 2,001
0779 u (Rural) 3,160 969 2,191 192 66 126 2,778 777 2,001
0779 u (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590744 Ramakuru 23 1 22 - - - 20 1 19
590745 Konda Manjulur 908 307 601 11 3 8 867 278 589
590746 Bytamanjulur 16 2 14 - - - 14 2 12
590747 Muppavaram 144 63 81 1 1 - 112 40 72
590748 Kondamur 225 95 130 84 44 40 130 43 87
590749 Kotapadu 137 38 99 2 2 - 126 31 95
590750 Budavada 529 87 442 14 3 11 502 79 423
590751 Janakavaram Panguluru 639 236 403 34 2 32 574 213 361
590752 Reningavaram 11 3 8 - - - 8 1 7
590753 Kasyapuram 5 2 3 - - - 2 - 2
590754 Alavalapadu 222 63 159 2 - 2 184 37 147
590755 Thurpu Thakkella Padu 6 1 5 1 - 1 3 - 3
590756 Thurpu Koppera Padu 122 51 71 5 3 2 108 44 64
590757 Chandalur 162 15 147 32 5 27 125 7 118
590758 Nuzendla Palle 11 5 6 6 3 3 3 1 2


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
8 3 5 182 123 59 20,266 8,797 11,469 u (Total) 0779
8 3 5 182 123 59 20,266 8,797 11,469 u (Rural) 0779
- - - - - - - - - u (Urban) 0779
- - - 3 - 3 1,750 800 950 Ramakuru 590744
- - - 30 26 4 2,549 1,155 1,394 Konda Manjulur 590745
- - - 2 - 2 633 301 332 Bytamanjulur 590746
2 2 - 29 20 9 1,821 783 1,038 Muppavaram 590747
- - - 11 8 3 1,158 439 719 Kondamur 590748
- - - 9 5 4 953 415 538 Kotapadu 590749
4 1 3 9 4 5 1,673 769 904 Budavada 590750
- - - 31 21 10 2,843 1,173 1,670 Janakavaram Panguluru 590751
- - - 3 2 1 742 340 402 Reningavaram 590752
- - - 3 2 1 512 176 336 Kasyapuram 590753
- - - 36 26 10 1,344 576 768 Alavalapadu 590754
1 - 1 1 1 - 686 348 338 Thurpu Thakkella Padu 590755
1 - 1 8 4 4 919 387 532 Thurpu Koppera Padu 590756
- - - 5 3 2 2,016 873 1,143 Chandalur 590757
- - - 2 1 1 667 262 405 Nuzendla Palle 590758


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0780 Addanki (Total) 25,215.00 23,389 89,769 44,874 44,895 9,982 5,186 4,796
0780 Addanki (Rural) 25,215.00 23,389 89,769 44,874 44,895 9,982 5,186 4,796
0780 Addanki (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590759 Mylavaram 480.00 258 1,097 577 520 120 72 48
590760 Uppalapadu 499.00 350 1,423 713 710 186 97 89
590761 Vemparala 986.00 560 2,296 1,149 1,147 290 150 140
590762 Chinakotha Palle 1,970.00 1,162 4,664 2,351 2,313 553 285 268
590763 Dharmavaram 1,618.00 1,586 5,842 2,930 2,912 684 351 333
590764 Kalavakuru 2,505.00 1,370 5,395 2,730 2,665 696 358 338
590765 Chakraya Palem 539.00 333 1,314 678 636 133 71 62
590766 Gopalapuram 352.00 269 1,057 539 518 109 61 48
590767 Narasimha Puram 163.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590768 Bommanampadu 913.00 792 2,872 1,387 1,485 265 142 123
590769 Addanki (North) (U) 3,378.00 8,555 33,083 16,231 16,852 3,489 1,805 1,684
590770 Ramayapalem (U) 2,155.00 954 3,494 1,774 1,720 334 187 147
590771 Kotikalapudi 955.00 672 2,349 1,205 1,144 247 124 123
590772 Kunkupadu 854.00 296 1,288 664 624 173 91 82
590773 Modepalle 1,476.00 339 1,226 635 591 127 65 62
590774 Dhenuva Konda 1,682.00 1,397 4,931 2,498 2,433 643 340 303
590775 Nannurupadu 351.00 189 714 358 356 78 34 44
590776 Mani Keswaram 852.00 469 1,785 896 889 197 93 104
590777 Addanki (South) (U) 3,487.00 3,838 14,939 7,559 7,380 1,658 860 798



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
22,312 11,048 11,264 4,127 2,053 2,074 50,753 28,923 21,830 Addanki (Total)
22,312 11,048 11,264 4,127 2,053 2,074 50,753 28,923 21,830 Addanki (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Addanki (Urban)
467 254 213 53 27 26 540 330 210 Mylavaram
263 136 127 26 9 17 678 392 286 Uppalapadu
768 388 380 66 33 33 1,210 702 508 Vemparala
1,611 809 802 173 83 90 2,408 1,418 990 Chinakotha Palle
1,625 825 800 123 66 57 2,599 1,541 1,058 Dharmavaram
1,078 537 541 315 162 153 2,085 1,289 796 Kalavakuru
507 266 241 55 32 23 697 436 261 Chakraya Palem
289 155 134 373 185 188 532 296 236 Gopalapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimha Puram
711 354 357 66 32 34 1,653 917 736 Bommanampadu
6,429 2,943 3,486 795 364 431 21,691 11,759 9,932 Addanki (North) (U)
1,196 604 592 90 51 39 1,774 1,021 753 Ramayapalem (U)
611 316 295 26 11 15 1,176 722 454 Kotikalapudi
546 281 265 - - - 573 349 224 Kunkupadu
417 214 203 4 2 2 665 404 261 Modepalle
996 499 497 445 225 220 2,371 1,427 944 Dhenuva Konda
440 215 225 30 14 16 331 203 128 Nannurupadu
760 380 380 41 16 25 1,011 625 386 Mani Keswaram
3,598 1,872 1,726 1,446 741 705 8,759 5,092 3,667 Addanki (South) (U)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0780 Addanki (Total) 39,016 15,951 23,065 42,921 25,907 17,014 38,661 24,489 14,172
0780 Addanki (Rural) 39,016 15,951 23,065 42,921 25,907 17,014 38,661 24,489 14,172
0780 Addanki (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590759 Mylavaram 557 247 310 583 321 262 549 320 229
590760 Uppalapadu 745 321 424 747 409 338 711 393 318
590761 Vemparala 1,086 447 639 1,198 687 511 1,135 657 478
590762 Chinakotha Palle 2,256 933 1,323 2,463 1,362 1,101 2,321 1,355 966
590763 Dharmavaram 3,243 1,389 1,854 3,136 1,650 1,486 2,831 1,609 1,222
590764 Kalavakuru 3,310 1,441 1,869 2,933 1,680 1,253 2,349 1,554 795
590765 Chakraya Palem 617 242 375 730 393 337 648 385 263
590766 Gopalapuram 525 243 282 662 345 317 661 345 316
590767 Narasimha Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590768 Bommanampadu 1,219 470 749 1,521 817 704 1,215 764 451
590769 Addanki (North) (U) 11,392 4,472 6,920 13,627 9,094 4,533 11,917 8,377 3,540
590770 Ramayapalem (U) 1,720 753 967 1,849 1,031 818 1,771 1,020 751
590771 Kotikalapudi 1,173 483 690 1,153 736 417 1,006 669 337
590772 Kunkupadu 715 315 400 722 399 323 695 389 306
590773 Modepalle 561 231 330 595 379 216 593 377 216
590774 Dhenuva Konda 2,560 1,071 1,489 2,680 1,482 1,198 2,627 1,463 1,164
590775 Nannurupadu 383 155 228 380 220 160 373 216 157
590776 Mani Keswaram 774 271 503 1,065 561 504 934 470 464
590777 Addanki (South) (U) 6,180 2,467 3,713 6,877 4,341 2,536 6,325 4,126 2,199


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,437 4,869 1,568 19,415 9,631 9,784 415 258 157 12,394 9,731 2,663 Addanki (Total)
6,437 4,869 1,568 19,415 9,631 9,784 415 258 157 12,394 9,731 2,663 Addanki (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Addanki (Urban)
96 69 27 417 225 192 2 2 - 34 24 10 Mylavaram
237 160 77 390 172 218 2 2 - 82 59 23 Uppalapadu
177 144 33 838 443 395 18 7 11 102 63 39 Vemparala
559 411 148 1,520 749 771 8 6 2 234 189 45 Chinakotha Palle
568 407 161 1,934 963 971 44 16 28 285 223 62 Dharmavaram
464 385 79 1,390 771 619 32 19 13 463 379 84 Kalavakuru
184 146 38 352 163 189 1 1 - 111 75 36 Chakraya Palem
202 106 96 441 226 215 - - - 18 13 5 Gopalapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimha Puram
369 320 49 689 309 380 1 1 - 156 134 22 Bommanampadu
1,473 1,081 392 3,326 1,636 1,690 148 108 40 6,970 5,552 1,418 Addanki (North) (U)
262 227 35 855 331 524 20 9 11 634 453 181 Ramayapalem (U)
368 281 87 419 223 196 - - - 219 165 54 Kotikalapudi
100 99 1 394 141 253 - - - 201 149 52 Kunkupadu
224 172 52 346 190 156 1 - 1 22 15 7 Modepalle
202 118 84 2,327 1,273 1,054 8 5 3 90 67 23 Dhenuva Konda
56 40 16 239 124 115 16 11 5 62 41 21 Nannurupadu
142 92 50 644 248 396 6 6 - 142 124 18 Mani Keswaram
754 611 143 2,894 1,444 1,450 108 65 43 2,569 2,006 563 Addanki (South) (U)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0780 Addanki (Total) 4,260 1,418 2,842 240 60 180 2,791 713 2,078
0780 Addanki (Rural) 4,260 1,418 2,842 240 60 180 2,791 713 2,078
0780 Addanki (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590759 Mylavaram 34 1 33 4 - 4 29 1 28
590760 Uppalapadu 36 16 20 5 3 2 19 7 12
590761 Vemparala 63 30 33 2 - 2 51 24 27
590762 Chinakotha Palle 142 7 135 3 - 3 124 5 119
590763 Dharmavaram 305 41 264 11 1 10 255 25 230
590764 Kalavakuru 584 126 458 5 4 1 561 115 446
590765 Chakraya Palem 82 8 74 54 4 50 28 4 24
590766 Gopalapuram 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
590767 Narasimha Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590768 Bommanampadu 306 53 253 9 1 8 237 18 219
590769 Addanki (North) (U) 1,710 717 993 111 25 86 858 299 559
590770 Ramayapalem (U) 78 11 67 2 - 2 30 2 28
590771 Kotikalapudi 147 67 80 13 13 - 123 50 73
590772 Kunkupadu 27 10 17 2 2 - 18 5 13
590773 Modepalle 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
590774 Dhenuva Konda 53 19 34 4 2 2 29 10 19
590775 Nannurupadu 7 4 3 - - - 3 1 2
590776 Mani Keswaram 131 91 40 2 1 1 41 7 34
590777 Addanki (South) (U) 552 215 337 11 3 8 384 139 245


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
56 13 43 1,173 632 541 46,848 18,967 27,881 Addanki (Total) 0780
56 13 43 1,173 632 541 46,848 18,967 27,881 Addanki (Rural) 0780
- - - - - - - - - Addanki (Urban) 0780
- - - 1 - 1 514 256 258 Mylavaram 590759
1 - 1 11 6 5 676 304 372 Uppalapadu 590760
- - - 10 6 4 1,098 462 636 Vemparala 590761
5 - 5 10 2 8 2,201 989 1,212 Chinakotha Palle 590762
1 - 1 38 15 23 2,706 1,280 1,426 Dharmavaram 590763
- - - 18 7 11 2,462 1,050 1,412 Kalavakuru 590764
- - - - - - 584 285 299 Chakraya Palem 590765
- - - - - - 395 194 201 Gopalapuram 590766
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimha Puram 590767
1 - 1 59 34 25 1,351 570 781 Bommanampadu 590768
24 8 16 717 385 332 19,456 7,137 12,319 Addanki (North) (U) 590769
1 - 1 45 9 36 1,645 743 902 Ramayapalem (U) 590770
- - - 11 4 7 1,196 469 727 Kotikalapudi 590771
1 - 1 6 3 3 566 265 301 Kunkupadu 590772
- - - - - - 631 256 375 Modepalle 590773
8 - 8 12 7 5 2,251 1,016 1,235 Dhenuva Konda 590774
1 1 - 3 2 1 334 138 196 Nannurupadu 590775
- - - 88 83 5 720 335 385 Mani Keswaram 590776
13 4 9 144 69 75 8,062 3,218 4,844 Addanki (South) (U) 590777


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0781 Mundlamuru (Total) 33,376.00 14,112 56,783 29,057 27,726 7,023 3,674 3,349
0781 Mundlamuru (Rural) 33,376.00 14,112 56,783 29,057 27,726 7,023 3,674 3,349
0781 Mundlamuru (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590778 Kommavaram 743.00 160 762 384 378 109 59 50
590779 Edara 1,890.00 1,103 4,412 2,250 2,162 474 241 233
590780 Bheemavaram 1,433.00 401 1,574 817 757 178 101 77
590781 Jammalamadaka 1,433.00 346 1,347 702 645 145 77 68
590782 Purimetla 1,333.00 509 2,223 1,157 1,066 315 159 156
590783 Marella 2,184.00 1,083 4,510 2,340 2,170 533 273 260
590784 Bhatla Palle 388.00 141 535 287 248 70 40 30
590785 Khambham Padu (East) 1,141.00 280 1,101 564 537 91 48 43
590786 Nuzella Palle 1,290.00 463 1,986 1,015 971 283 150 133
590787 Thammaluru 991.00 281 1,108 545 563 168 83 85
590788 Umamaheswarapuram 1,599.00 871 3,433 1,736 1,697 501 273 228
590789 Vemulabanda 938.00 468 1,957 993 964 252 122 130
590790 Vemula 1,831.00 837 3,370 1,712 1,658 416 210 206
590791 Chintalapudi 1,076.00 248 1,052 538 514 138 61 77
590792 Kellam Palle 1,426.00 693 2,815 1,411 1,404 364 181 183
590793 Brundavanam 705.00 292 1,241 645 596 200 100 100
590794 Pulipadu 892.00 475 1,907 992 915 238 140 98
590795 Basava Puram 303.00 289 1,112 595 517 127 72 55
590796 Pedavullagallu 1,376.00 911 3,590 1,855 1,735 400 208 192
590797 Chinnavullagallu 1,012.00 170 741 385 356 114 56 58
590798 Nadimpallivari Khandrika 304.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590799 Pasupugallu 1,447.00 694 2,802 1,461 1,341 338 191 147
590800 Singana Palem 217.00 498 1,861 967 894 234 136 98
590801 Mundlamuru 1,683.00 655 2,493 1,276 1,217 300 169 131
590802 Vempadu 696.00 383 1,633 826 807 237 118 119
590803 Peddaravipadu 1,111.00 547 2,118 1,049 1,069 269 131 138
590804 Polavaram 3,339.00 710 2,688 1,345 1,343 281 145 136
590805 Sankarapuram 294.00 577 2,332 1,170 1,162 247 129 118
590806 Avisanavaripalem 301.00 27 80 40 40 1 1 -



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
14,757 7,565 7,192 2,042 1,065 977 24,565 15,020 9,545 Mundlamuru (Total)
14,757 7,565 7,192 2,042 1,065 977 24,565 15,020 9,545 Mundlamuru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Mundlamuru (Urban)
4 - 4 - - - 244 148 96 Kommavaram
521 269 252 6 4 2 2,043 1,276 767 Edara
406 218 188 26 13 13 699 435 264 Bheemavaram
360 184 176 71 37 34 611 374 237 Jammalamadaka
295 156 139 - - - 814 519 295 Purimetla
1,780 954 826 73 40 33 2,199 1,384 815 Marella
104 46 58 - - - 239 157 82 Bhatla Palle
238 118 120 - - - 655 361 294 Khambham Padu (East)
265 144 121 - - - 691 415 276 Nuzella Palle
239 110 129 - - - 393 228 165 Thammaluru
453 236 217 48 25 23 1,283 761 522 Umamaheswarapuram
827 412 415 49 27 22 850 547 303 Vemulabanda
508 253 255 - - - 1,537 922 615 Vemula
377 186 191 34 17 17 466 280 186 Chintalapudi
359 178 181 627 321 306 1,037 626 411 Kellam Palle
631 325 306 597 315 282 530 346 184 Brundavanam
223 116 107 100 55 45 824 526 298 Pulipadu
264 132 132 5 3 2 509 327 182 Basava Puram
407 205 202 - - - 1,767 1,126 641 Pedavullagallu
734 381 353 5 3 2 276 177 99 Chinnavullagallu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nadimpallivari Khandrika
774 413 361 46 22 24 1,185 738 447 Pasupugallu
827 432 395 21 12 9 780 480 300 Singana Palem
859 437 422 95 51 44 1,228 733 495 Mundlamuru
1,032 528 504 22 10 12 591 354 237 Vempadu
622 312 310 67 36 31 920 546 374 Peddaravipadu
1,119 555 564 12 6 6 1,035 575 460 Polavaram
529 265 264 138 68 70 1,130 640 490 Sankarapuram
- - - - - - 29 19 10 Avisanavaripalem


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0781 Mundlamuru (Total) 32,218 14,037 18,181 31,975 17,152 14,823 27,635 15,721 11,914
0781 Mundlamuru (Rural) 32,218 14,037 18,181 31,975 17,152 14,823 27,635 15,721 11,914
0781 Mundlamuru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590778 Kommavaram 518 236 282 473 234 239 264 229 35
590779 Edara 2,369 974 1,395 2,413 1,333 1,080 2,153 1,240 913
590780 Bheemavaram 875 382 493 947 503 444 941 501 440
590781 Jammalamadaka 736 328 408 849 442 407 820 435 385
590782 Purimetla 1,409 638 771 1,299 679 620 1,271 670 601
590783 Marella 2,311 956 1,355 2,576 1,337 1,239 2,039 1,227 812
590784 Bhatla Palle 296 130 166 305 160 145 303 160 143
590785 Khambham Padu (East) 446 203 243 605 341 264 595 336 259
590786 Nuzella Palle 1,295 600 695 1,217 616 601 1,056 608 448
590787 Thammaluru 715 317 398 681 337 344 495 302 193
590788 Umamaheswarapuram 2,150 975 1,175 1,945 1,026 919 821 441 380
590789 Vemulabanda 1,107 446 661 1,120 576 544 1,111 573 538
590790 Vemula 1,833 790 1,043 1,885 976 909 1,697 951 746
590791 Chintalapudi 586 258 328 628 318 310 628 318 310
590792 Kellam Palle 1,778 785 993 1,721 853 868 1,700 846 854
590793 Brundavanam 711 299 412 680 349 331 213 197 16
590794 Pulipadu 1,083 466 617 885 569 316 714 504 210
590795 Basava Puram 603 268 335 582 343 239 557 320 237
590796 Pedavullagallu 1,823 729 1,094 1,973 1,047 926 1,906 1,030 876
590797 Chinnavullagallu 465 208 257 405 214 191 405 214 191
590798 Nadimpallivari Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590799 Pasupugallu 1,617 723 894 1,671 894 777 1,450 847 603
590800 Singana Palem 1,081 487 594 1,028 552 476 958 527 431
590801 Mundlamuru 1,265 543 722 1,212 733 479 796 567 229
590802 Vempadu 1,042 472 570 894 473 421 843 468 375
590803 Peddaravipadu 1,198 503 695 1,169 635 534 1,161 635 526
590804 Polavaram 1,653 770 883 1,505 825 680 1,499 819 680
590805 Sankarapuram 1,202 530 672 1,251 761 490 1,183 730 453
590806 Avisanavaripalem 51 21 30 56 26 30 56 26 30


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
7,475 5,022 2,453 17,104 8,465 8,639 229 153 76 2,827 2,081 746 Mundlamuru (Total)
7,475 5,022 2,453 17,104 8,465 8,639 229 153 76 2,827 2,081 746 Mundlamuru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Mundlamuru (Urban)
165 164 1 95 62 33 1 1 - 3 2 1 Kommavaram
483 352 131 1,406 694 712 27 20 7 237 174 63 Edara
191 152 39 648 274 374 18 12 6 84 63 21 Bheemavaram
304 189 115 441 210 231 6 5 1 69 31 38 Jammalamadaka
244 222 22 901 352 549 20 13 7 106 83 23 Purimetla
360 266 94 1,338 713 625 31 17 14 310 231 79 Marella
9 7 2 258 121 137 - - - 36 32 4 Bhatla Palle
213 136 77 305 146 159 - - - 77 54 23 Khambham Padu (East)
228 128 100 685 354 331 2 2 - 141 124 17 Nuzella Palle
97 68 29 303 170 133 7 6 1 88 58 30 Thammaluru
273 156 117 500 248 252 2 2 - 46 35 11 Umamaheswarapuram
305 151 154 674 330 344 11 7 4 121 85 36 Vemulabanda
490 429 61 992 359 633 12 10 2 203 153 50 Vemula
241 172 69 376 139 237 - - - 11 7 4 Chintalapudi
377 195 182 1,284 625 659 5 2 3 34 24 10 Kellam Palle
5 5 - 171 164 7 - - - 37 28 9 Brundavanam
307 240 67 243 128 115 12 9 3 152 127 25 Pulipadu
96 91 5 431 203 228 1 - 1 29 26 3 Basava Puram
939 519 420 778 371 407 7 3 4 182 137 45 Pedavullagallu
3 1 2 340 161 179 - - - 62 52 10 Chinnavullagallu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nadimpallivari Khandrika
411 279 132 914 476 438 31 23 8 94 69 25 Pasupugallu
237 159 78 514 246 268 1 1 - 206 121 85 Singana Palem
125 105 20 415 269 146 13 12 1 243 181 62 Mundlamuru
191 104 87 596 331 265 4 2 2 52 31 21 Vempadu
483 274 209 633 334 299 - - - 45 27 18 Peddaravipadu
183 130 53 1,251 638 613 2 1 1 63 50 13 Polavaram
491 317 174 580 332 248 16 5 11 96 76 20 Sankarapuram
24 11 13 32 15 17 - - - - - - Avisanavaripalem


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0781 Mundlamuru (Total) 4,340 1,431 2,909 157 59 98 3,768 1,148 2,620
0781 Mundlamuru (Rural) 4,340 1,431 2,909 157 59 98 3,768 1,148 2,620
0781 Mundlamuru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590778 Kommavaram 209 5 204 7 2 5 201 3 198
590779 Edara 260 93 167 6 3 3 246 87 159
590780 Bheemavaram 6 2 4 1 - 1 1 - 1
590781 Jammalamadaka 29 7 22 2 1 1 20 3 17
590782 Purimetla 28 9 19 - - - 26 9 17
590783 Marella 537 110 427 2 - 2 497 100 397
590784 Bhatla Palle 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
590785 Khambham Padu (East) 10 5 5 3 1 2 2 1 1
590786 Nuzella Palle 161 8 153 9 3 6 147 4 143
590787 Thammaluru 186 35 151 17 5 12 156 28 128
590788 Umamaheswarapuram 1,124 585 539 20 15 5 990 469 521
590789 Vemulabanda 9 3 6 1 - 1 7 2 5
590790 Vemula 188 25 163 - - - 173 20 153
590791 Chintalapudi - - - - - - - - -
590792 Kellam Palle 21 7 14 2 1 1 11 2 9
590793 Brundavanam 467 152 315 2 - 2 453 143 310
590794 Pulipadu 171 65 106 8 6 2 136 38 98
590795 Basava Puram 25 23 2 - - - 3 1 2
590796 Pedavullagallu 67 17 50 4 - 4 51 13 38
590797 Chinnavullagallu - - - - - - - - -
590798 Nadimpallivari Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590799 Pasupugallu 221 47 174 38 7 31 155 28 127
590800 Singana Palem 70 25 45 9 3 6 50 13 37
590801 Mundlamuru 416 166 250 3 1 2 373 159 214
590802 Vempadu 51 5 46 3 - 3 20 3 17
590803 Peddaravipadu 8 - 8 3 - 3 2 - 2
590804 Polavaram 6 6 - 1 1 - 5 5 -
590805 Sankarapuram 68 31 37 16 10 6 41 17 24
590806 Avisanavaripalem - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
59 10 49 356 214 142 24,808 11,905 12,903 Mundlamuru (Total) 0781
59 10 49 356 214 142 24,808 11,905 12,903 Mundlamuru (Rural) 0781
- - - - - - - - - Mundlamuru (Urban) 0781
1 - 1 - - - 289 150 139 Kommavaram 590778
- - - 8 3 5 1,999 917 1,082 Edara 590779
2 - 2 2 2 - 627 314 313 Bheemavaram 590780
3 - 3 4 3 1 498 260 238 Jammalamadaka 590781
- - - 2 - 2 924 478 446 Purimetla 590782
4 - 4 34 10 24 1,934 1,003 931 Marella 590783
- - - - - - 230 127 103 Bhatla Palle 590784
- - - 5 3 2 496 223 273 Khambham Padu (East) 590785
- - - 5 1 4 769 399 370 Nuzella Palle 590786
1 - 1 12 2 10 427 208 219 Thammaluru 590787
5 2 3 109 99 10 1,488 710 778 Umamaheswarapuram 590788
- - - 1 1 - 837 417 420 Vemulabanda 590789
1 1 - 14 4 10 1,485 736 749 Vemula 590790
- - - - - - 424 220 204 Chintalapudi 590791
- - - 8 4 4 1,094 558 536 Kellam Palle 590792
2 - 2 10 9 1 561 296 265 Brundavanam 590793
3 1 2 24 20 4 1,022 423 599 Pulipadu 590794
- - - 22 22 - 530 252 278 Basava Puram 590795
- - - 12 4 8 1,617 808 809 Pedavullagallu 590796
- - - - - - 336 171 165 Chinnavullagallu 590797
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nadimpallivari Khandrika 590798
13 2 11 15 10 5 1,131 567 564 Pasupugallu 590799
- - - 11 9 2 833 415 418 Singana Palem 590800
15 2 13 25 4 21 1,281 543 738 Mundlamuru 590801
- - - 28 2 26 739 353 386 Vempadu 590802
- - - 3 - 3 949 414 535 Peddaravipadu 590803
- - - - - - 1,183 520 663 Polavaram 590804
9 2 7 2 2 - 1,081 409 672 Sankarapuram 590805
- - - - - - 24 14 10 Avisanavaripalem 590806


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0782 Darsi (Total) 40,887.00 20,828 86,702 44,508 42,194 11,156 5,815 5,341
0782 Darsi (Rural) 40,887.00 20,828 86,702 44,508 42,194 11,156 5,815 5,341
0782 Darsi (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590807 Bandellapaya 106.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590808 Abbaya Palem 915.00 194 811 390 421 113 54 59
590809 Thummedalapadu 336.00 92 449 237 212 60 30 30
590810 Chandaluru 3,438.00 1,067 4,427 2,294 2,133 595 304 291
590811 Chalivendra 554.00 189 838 425 413 137 69 68
590812 Venkatachalam Palle 1,164.00 258 1,069 561 508 133 73 60
590813 Thanam Chinthala 1,314.00 365 1,579 820 759 240 135 105
590814 Potha Varam 628.00 410 1,634 845 789 240 138 102
590815 Devavaram 1,365.00 563 2,243 1,163 1,080 294 162 132
590816 Thimmaya Palem 945.00 362 1,441 713 728 220 106 114
590817 Darsi 4,640.00 8,068 33,418 17,096 16,322 3,789 1,950 1,839
590818 Bala Puram 352.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590819 Lankojana Palle 1,076.00 434 1,833 954 879 267 151 116
Jammigumpala @
590820 K.S.Palem 1,229.00 230 944 476 468 170 88 82
590821 Bukka Puram 662.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590822 Bandiveligandla 1,357.00 289 1,235 620 615 168 90 78
590823 Yerrobana Palle 486.00 371 1,520 766 754 223 117 106
590824 Ganeswara Puram 577.00 93 426 215 211 68 34 34
590825 East Venkata Puram 1,348.00 466 2,062 1,057 1,005 283 139 144
590826 Ramachandra Puram 1,021.00 387 1,546 792 754 211 113 98
590827 Rajam Palle 1,289.00 970 3,919 2,004 1,915 499 269 230
590828 East Choutapalem 575.00 790 3,235 1,673 1,562 416 225 191
590829 East Veeraya Palem 1,427.00 742 3,049 1,543 1,506 390 207 183
590830 Mohiddin Puram 531.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590831 Cheruvu Komma Palem 1,163.00 279 1,188 613 575 183 94 89
590832 Seetha Sagaram 36.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590833 Potha Kamuru 3,195.00 1,361 5,724 3,028 2,696 716 382 334
590834 Samanthapudi 2,227.00 806 3,136 1,590 1,546 408 214 194
590835 Akkamamba Puram 186.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590836 Jamukuladinne 255.00 231 982 519 463 128 66 62
590837 Anna Varam 622.00 241 1,205 627 578 229 118 111
Lakshmi Narayana
590838 Puram 1,158.00 149 765 405 360 125 63 62
590839 Kothapalle 1,486.00 519 2,118 1,097 1,021 315 165 150
590840 Korlamadugu 1,376.00 190 770 395 375 96 49 47
590841 Thripura Sundari Puram 620.00 223 972 495 477 111 53 58
590842 Krishna Puram 256.00 215 934 464 470 130 63 67
590843 Pedauyyalawada 560.00 181 776 394 382 129 61 68
590844 China Uyyalawada 412.00 93 454 237 217 70 33 37



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
18,949 9,743 9,206 3,102 1,572 1,530 43,648 26,757 16,891 Darsi (Total)
18,949 9,743 9,206 3,102 1,572 1,530 43,648 26,757 16,891 Darsi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Darsi (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bandellapaya
217 104 113 - - - 331 201 130 Abbaya Palem
30 18 12 - - - 200 138 62 Thummedalapadu
443 224 219 9 4 5 1,932 1,278 654 Chandaluru
334 176 158 - - - 300 195 105 Chalivendra
237 121 116 17 10 7 450 289 161 Venkatachalam Palle
397 209 188 3 1 2 777 504 273 Thanam Chinthala
357 180 177 12 7 5 799 488 311 Potha Varam
576 300 276 11 6 5 942 638 304 Devavaram
197 93 104 662 324 338 591 356 235 Thimmaya Palem
4,845 2,536 2,309 1,203 606 597 21,007 12,297 8,710 Darsi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bala Puram
389 193 196 - - - 731 478 253 Lankojana Palle
Jammigumpala @
233 112 121 - - - 316 214 102 K.S.Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bukka Puram
104 47 57 12 7 5 495 314 181 Bandiveligandla
482 227 255 91 48 43 541 324 217 Yerrobana Palle
122 61 61 - - - 183 108 75 Ganeswara Puram
554 281 273 - - - 937 581 356 East Venkata Puram
475 242 233 45 27 18 629 399 230 Ramachandra Puram
1,830 933 897 112 61 51 1,617 1,020 597 Rajam Palle
1,636 848 788 23 9 14 1,428 907 521 East Choutapalem
986 489 497 91 42 49 1,288 766 522 East Veeraya Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mohiddin Puram
554 284 270 - - - 438 288 150 Cheruvu Komma Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Seetha Sagaram
1,200 645 555 462 244 218 2,520 1,690 830 Potha Kamuru
565 289 276 155 81 74 1,355 824 531 Samanthapudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Akkamamba Puram
- - - - - - 451 300 151 Jamukuladinne
284 157 127 47 23 24 571 356 215 Anna Varam
Lakshmi Narayana
141 79 62 - - - 389 253 136 Puram
607 320 287 107 51 56 890 578 312 Kothapalle
188 89 99 8 3 5 335 220 115 Korlamadugu
227 111 116 8 3 5 509 312 197 Thripura Sundari Puram
450 226 224 7 5 2 337 200 137 Krishna Puram
153 75 78 - - - 221 146 75 Pedauyyalawada
136 74 62 17 10 7 138 95 43 China Uyyalawada


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0782 Darsi (Total) 43,054 17,751 25,303 43,518 24,928 18,590 35,316 22,186 13,130
0782 Darsi (Rural) 43,054 17,751 25,303 43,518 24,928 18,590 35,316 22,186 13,130
0782 Darsi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590807 Bandellapaya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590808 Abbaya Palem 480 189 291 507 260 247 270 141 129
590809 Thummedalapadu 249 99 150 249 129 120 245 129 116
590810 Chandaluru 2,495 1,016 1,479 2,487 1,273 1,214 2,337 1,248 1,089
590811 Chalivendra 538 230 308 479 244 235 476 244 232
590812 Venkatachalam Palle 619 272 347 592 310 282 589 308 281
590813 Thanam Chinthala 802 316 486 873 500 373 526 324 202
590814 Potha Varam 835 357 478 933 504 429 758 432 326
590815 Devavaram 1,301 525 776 1,314 687 627 1,003 519 484
590816 Thimmaya Palem 850 357 493 845 436 409 771 433 338
590817 Darsi 12,411 4,799 7,612 14,415 9,221 5,194 11,617 8,104 3,513
590818 Bala Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590819 Lankojana Palle 1,102 476 626 1,004 544 460 916 524 392
Jammigumpala @
590820 K.S.Palem 628 262 366 526 279 247 391 259 132
590821 Bukka Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590822 Bandiveligandla 740 306 434 697 355 342 339 302 37
590823 Yerrobana Palle 979 442 537 904 460 444 828 456 372
590824 Ganeswara Puram 243 107 136 228 118 110 183 104 79
590825 East Venkata Puram 1,125 476 649 1,120 595 525 1,102 587 515
590826 Ramachandra Puram 917 393 524 780 469 311 706 452 254
590827 Rajam Palle 2,302 984 1,318 1,987 1,123 864 1,771 1,062 709
590828 East Choutapalem 1,807 766 1,041 1,820 987 833 1,809 983 826
590829 East Veeraya Palem 1,761 777 984 1,629 877 752 1,102 635 467
590830 Mohiddin Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590831 Cheruvu Komma Palem 750 325 425 617 352 265 334 229 105
590832 Seetha Sagaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590833 Potha Kamuru 3,204 1,338 1,866 3,135 1,685 1,450 2,076 1,435 641
590834 Samanthapudi 1,781 766 1,015 1,835 942 893 1,221 833 388
590835 Akkamamba Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590836 Jamukuladinne 531 219 312 622 318 304 621 317 304
590837 Anna Varam 634 271 363 511 287 224 454 279 175
Lakshmi Narayana
590838 Puram 376 152 224 219 207 12 218 206 12
590839 Kothapalle 1,228 519 709 1,115 607 508 813 532 281
590840 Korlamadugu 435 175 260 290 217 73 251 195 56
590841 Thripura Sundari Puram 463 183 280 530 285 245 528 285 243
590842 Krishna Puram 597 264 333 549 290 259 355 262 93
590843 Pedauyyalawada 555 248 307 410 215 195 410 215 195
590844 China Uyyalawada 316 142 174 296 152 144 296 152 144


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
8,632 6,665 1,967 17,728 8,512 9,216 461 285 176 8,495 6,724 1,771 Darsi (Total)
8,632 6,665 1,967 17,728 8,512 9,216 461 285 176 8,495 6,724 1,771 Darsi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Darsi (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bandellapaya
224 116 108 36 18 18 - - - 10 7 3 Abbaya Palem
99 61 38 136 59 77 - - - 10 9 1 Thummedalapadu
878 540 338 1,276 563 713 - - - 183 145 38 Chandaluru
132 69 63 299 140 159 - - - 45 35 10 Chalivendra
250 157 93 300 121 179 3 2 1 36 28 8 Venkatachalam Palle
129 81 48 392 240 152 - - - 5 3 2 Thanam Chinthala
98 80 18 495 216 279 18 16 2 147 120 27 Potha Varam
40 31 9 919 450 469 5 4 1 39 34 5 Devavaram
120 91 29 550 259 291 - - - 101 83 18 Thimmaya Palem
1,516 1,221 295 4,023 2,155 1,868 337 191 146 5,741 4,537 1,204 Darsi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bala Puram
158 149 9 700 326 374 - - - 58 49 9 Lankojana Palle
Jammigumpala @
120 109 11 222 107 115 - - - 49 43 6 K.S.Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bukka Puram
118 118 - 120 108 12 - - - 101 76 25 Bandiveligandla
181 169 12 568 229 339 1 1 - 78 57 21 Yerrobana Palle
89 56 33 59 19 40 3 3 - 32 26 6 Ganeswara Puram
399 246 153 616 281 335 25 17 8 62 43 19 East Venkata Puram
125 109 16 496 279 217 - - - 85 64 21 Ramachandra Puram
352 231 121 1,198 652 546 12 9 3 209 170 39 Rajam Palle
222 191 31 1,424 659 765 3 2 1 160 131 29 East Choutapalem
430 400 30 460 82 378 7 6 1 205 147 58 East Veeraya Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mohiddin Puram
121 86 35 133 84 49 - - - 80 59 21 Cheruvu Komma Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Seetha Sagaram
923 757 166 812 406 406 16 11 5 325 261 64 Potha Kamuru
505 467 38 552 242 310 12 10 2 152 114 38 Samanthapudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Akkamamba Puram
202 105 97 410 205 205 1 - 1 8 7 1 Jamukuladinne
95 91 4 292 129 163 2 2 - 65 57 8 Anna Varam
Lakshmi Narayana
88 87 1 57 49 8 - - - 73 70 3 Puram
344 297 47 262 60 202 10 9 1 197 166 31 Kothapalle
112 111 1 44 20 24 4 - 4 91 64 27 Korlamadugu
272 151 121 199 97 102 2 2 - 55 35 20 Thripura Sundari Puram
87 86 1 180 95 85 - - - 88 81 7 Krishna Puram
190 189 1 216 23 193 - - - 4 3 1 Pedauyyalawada
13 13 - 282 139 143 - - - 1 - 1 China Uyyalawada


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0782 Darsi (Total) 8,202 2,742 5,460 524 83 441 6,336 1,864 4,472
0782 Darsi (Rural) 8,202 2,742 5,460 524 83 441 6,336 1,864 4,472
0782 Darsi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590807 Bandellapaya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590808 Abbaya Palem 237 119 118 - - - 237 119 118
590809 Thummedalapadu 4 - 4 - - - 4 - 4
590810 Chandaluru 150 25 125 9 4 5 140 21 119
590811 Chalivendra 3 - 3 - - - 1 - 1
590812 Venkatachalam Palle 3 2 1 - - - 2 1 1
590813 Thanam Chinthala 347 176 171 24 8 16 323 168 155
590814 Potha Varam 175 72 103 3 1 2 158 64 94
590815 Devavaram 311 168 143 3 3 - 220 104 116
590816 Thimmaya Palem 74 3 71 3 - 3 68 2 66
590817 Darsi 2,798 1,117 1,681 73 26 47 1,896 602 1,294
590818 Bala Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590819 Lankojana Palle 88 20 68 4 4 - 80 13 67
Jammigumpala @
590820 K.S.Palem 135 20 115 1 - 1 131 18 113
590821 Bukka Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590822 Bandiveligandla 358 53 305 5 2 3 320 39 281
590823 Yerrobana Palle 76 4 72 - - - 9 - 9
590824 Ganeswara Puram 45 14 31 11 3 8 24 5 19
590825 East Venkata Puram 18 8 10 4 2 2 12 6 6
590826 Ramachandra Puram 74 17 57 - - - 69 14 55
590827 Rajam Palle 216 61 155 5 2 3 193 55 138
590828 East Choutapalem 11 4 7 - - - 8 3 5
590829 East Veeraya Palem 527 242 285 1 - 1 444 170 274
590830 Mohiddin Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590831 Cheruvu Komma Palem 283 123 160 - - - 266 108 158
590832 Seetha Sagaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590833 Potha Kamuru 1,059 250 809 363 26 337 635 173 462
590834 Samanthapudi 614 109 505 6 2 4 589 101 488
590835 Akkamamba Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590836 Jamukuladinne 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
590837 Anna Varam 57 8 49 - - - 51 3 48
Lakshmi Narayana
590838 Puram 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
590839 Kothapalle 302 75 227 9 - 9 238 32 206
590840 Korlamadugu 39 22 17 - - - 34 20 14
590841 Thripura Sundari Puram 2 - 2 - - - - - -
590842 Krishna Puram 194 28 166 - - - 182 21 161
590843 Pedauyyalawada - - - - - - - - -
590844 China Uyyalawada - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
128 64 64 1,214 731 483 43,184 19,580 23,604 Darsi (Total) 0782
128 64 64 1,214 731 483 43,184 19,580 23,604 Darsi (Rural) 0782
- - - - - - - - - Darsi (Urban) 0782
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bandellapaya 590807
- - - - - - 304 130 174 Abbaya Palem 590808
- - - - - - 200 108 92 Thummedalapadu 590809
- - - 1 - 1 1,940 1,021 919 Chandaluru 590810
- - - 2 - 2 359 181 178 Chalivendra 590811
- - - 1 1 - 477 251 226 Venkatachalam Palle 590812
- - - - - - 706 320 386 Thanam Chinthala 590813
3 2 1 11 5 6 701 341 360 Potha Varam 590814
29 19 10 59 42 17 929 476 453 Devavaram 590815
- - - 3 1 2 596 277 319 Thimmaya Palem 590816
59 23 36 770 466 304 19,003 7,875 11,128 Darsi 590817
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bala Puram 590818
- - - 4 3 1 829 410 419 Lankojana Palle 590819
Jammigumpala @
- - - 3 2 1 418 197 221 K.S.Palem 590820
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bukka Puram 590821
2 1 1 31 11 20 538 265 273 Bandiveligandla 590822
- - - 67 4 63 616 306 310 Yerrobana Palle 590823
4 2 2 6 4 2 198 97 101 Ganeswara Puram 590824
- - - 2 - 2 942 462 480 East Venkata Puram 590825
2 - 2 3 3 - 766 323 443 Ramachandra Puram 590826
- - - 18 4 14 1,932 881 1,051 Rajam Palle 590827
- - - 3 1 2 1,415 686 729 East Choutapalem 590828
1 - 1 81 72 9 1,420 666 754 East Veeraya Palem 590829
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mohiddin Puram 590830
- - - 17 15 2 571 261 310 Cheruvu Komma Palem 590831
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Seetha Sagaram 590832
7 6 1 54 45 9 2,589 1,343 1,246 Potha Kamuru 590833
16 6 10 3 - 3 1,301 648 653 Samanthapudi 590834
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Akkamamba Puram 590835
- - - - - - 360 201 159 Jamukuladinne 590836
- - - 6 5 1 694 340 354 Anna Varam 590837
Lakshmi Narayana
- - - - - - 546 198 348 Puram 590838
5 5 - 50 38 12 1,003 490 513 Kothapalle 590839
- - - 5 2 3 480 178 302 Korlamadugu 590840
- - - 2 - 2 442 210 232 Thripura Sundari Puram 590841
- - - 12 7 5 385 174 211 Krishna Puram 590842
- - - - - - 366 179 187 Pedauyyalawada 590843
- - - - - - 158 85 73 China Uyyalawada 590844


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0783 Markapur (Total) 29,149.00 12,698 51,892 26,421 25,471 6,430 3,336 3,094
0783 Markapur (Rural) 29,149.00 12,698 51,892 26,421 25,471 6,430 3,336 3,094
0783 Markapur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590845 Jammana Palle 731.00 309 1,131 554 577 150 76 74
590846 Nikaram Palle 792.00 493 1,840 963 877 213 133 80
590847 Peda Nagulavaram 691.00 470 2,161 1,087 1,074 331 163 168
590848 Idupur 3,003.00 1,032 4,364 2,274 2,090 534 275 259
590849 Gajjala Konda 2,785.00 1,093 4,567 2,388 2,179 502 267 235
590850 Peda Yachavaram 3,263.00 1,130 4,610 2,286 2,324 628 302 326
590851 Markapur (R) 2,919.00 373 1,481 768 713 179 97 82
590852 Vemula Kota 2,049.00 1,431 5,540 2,861 2,679 702 376 326
590853 Kolabhimunipadu 1,099.00 367 1,540 791 749 211 113 98
590854 Akkacheruvu 608.00 60 262 134 128 45 20 25
590855 Gottipadia 771.00 502 2,012 1,028 984 322 150 172
590856 Thippaya Palem 1,709.00 740 2,874 1,500 1,374 351 198 153
590857 Bhupathi Palle 1,930.00 985 3,944 2,051 1,893 466 252 214
590858 Bondala Padu 1,070.00 221 796 403 393 77 38 39
590859 Malyavanthuni Padu 682.00 415 1,633 883 750 199 100 99
590860 Badekhanpeta 210.00 53 183 103 80 13 8 5
590861 Chintakunta 2,033.00 1,123 4,450 2,257 2,193 507 264 243
590862 Sivaram Puram 157.00 37 139 62 77 23 14 9
590863 Yella Puram 124.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590864 Krishnapuram 60.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590865 Narasimha Puram 231.00 10 165 124 41 2 1 1
590866 Goguladinne 800.00 455 1,778 903 875 234 124 110
590867 Rayavaram 1,432.00 1,399 6,422 3,001 3,421 741 365 376



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,671 6,321 6,350 740 383 357 25,963 16,302 9,661 Markapur (Total)
12,671 6,321 6,350 740 383 357 25,963 16,302 9,661 Markapur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Markapur (Urban)
363 172 191 71 34 37 492 297 195 Jammana Palle
190 100 90 - - - 850 551 299 Nikaram Palle
145 74 71 134 66 68 950 645 305 Peda Nagulavaram
1,354 699 655 23 17 6 2,190 1,419 771 Idupur
1,341 731 610 16 14 2 2,282 1,468 814 Gajjala Konda
1,638 815 823 - - - 2,259 1,420 839 Peda Yachavaram
387 201 186 - - - 810 502 308 Markapur (R)
798 417 381 69 35 34 2,768 1,762 1,006 Vemula Kota
404 208 196 6 4 2 776 495 281 Kolabhimunipadu
- - - 248 130 118 137 88 49 Akkacheruvu
557 292 265 - - - 828 542 286 Gottipadia
518 262 256 12 10 2 1,283 840 443 Thippaya Palem
1,173 610 563 107 53 54 2,223 1,408 815 Bhupathi Palle
177 85 92 - - - 410 252 158 Bondala Padu
224 118 106 - - - 786 551 235 Malyavanthuni Padu
- - - - - - 107 78 29 Badekhanpeta
1,141 569 572 - - - 2,070 1,370 700 Chintakunta
- - - 1 1 - 57 28 29 Sivaram Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yella Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Krishnapuram
4 3 1 8 8 - 152 116 36 Narasimha Puram
735 362 373 - - - 834 539 295 Goguladinne
1,522 603 919 45 11 34 3,699 1,931 1,768 Rayavaram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0783 Markapur (Total) 25,929 10,119 15,810 28,358 14,802 13,556 26,458 14,328 12,130
0783 Markapur (Rural) 25,929 10,119 15,810 28,358 14,802 13,556 26,458 14,328 12,130
0783 Markapur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590845 Jammana Palle 639 257 382 689 333 356 684 330 354
590846 Nikaram Palle 990 412 578 1,016 534 482 852 487 365
590847 Peda Nagulavaram 1,211 442 769 1,239 637 602 1,238 636 602
590848 Idupur 2,174 855 1,319 2,411 1,227 1,184 2,163 1,181 982
590849 Gajjala Konda 2,285 920 1,365 2,550 1,307 1,243 2,526 1,296 1,230
590850 Peda Yachavaram 2,351 866 1,485 2,682 1,343 1,339 2,468 1,282 1,186
590851 Markapur (R) 671 266 405 833 430 403 583 378 205
590852 Vemula Kota 2,772 1,099 1,673 2,776 1,546 1,230 2,240 1,406 834
590853 Kolabhimunipadu 764 296 468 934 469 465 931 468 463
590854 Akkacheruvu 125 46 79 156 81 75 156 81 75
590855 Gottipadia 1,184 486 698 1,213 612 601 1,165 590 575
590856 Thippaya Palem 1,591 660 931 1,638 815 823 1,606 807 799
590857 Bhupathi Palle 1,721 643 1,078 2,047 1,136 911 1,979 1,114 865
590858 Bondala Padu 386 151 235 483 238 245 477 234 243
590859 Malyavanthuni Padu 847 332 515 971 497 474 951 485 466
590860 Badekhanpeta 76 25 51 118 66 52 104 59 45
590861 Chintakunta 2,380 887 1,493 2,643 1,350 1,293 2,619 1,340 1,279
590862 Sivaram Puram 82 34 48 73 32 41 73 32 41
590863 Yella Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590864 Krishnapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590865 Narasimha Puram 13 8 5 22 14 8 22 14 8
590866 Goguladinne 944 364 580 1,004 520 484 803 501 302
590867 Rayavaram 2,723 1,070 1,653 2,860 1,615 1,245 2,818 1,607 1,211


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,336 3,463 1,873 13,938 5,763 8,175 105 76 29 7,079 5,026 2,053 Markapur (Total)
5,336 3,463 1,873 13,938 5,763 8,175 105 76 29 7,079 5,026 2,053 Markapur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Markapur (Urban)
163 93 70 451 180 271 - - - 70 57 13 Jammana Palle
195 118 77 368 106 262 1 1 - 288 262 26 Nikaram Palle
68 40 28 467 183 284 5 4 1 698 409 289 Peda Nagulavaram
416 273 143 1,195 485 710 1 - 1 551 423 128 Idupur
807 518 289 1,364 503 861 18 11 7 337 264 73 Gajjala Konda
472 289 183 1,633 693 940 10 7 3 353 293 60 Peda Yachavaram
234 210 24 306 132 174 10 9 1 33 27 6 Markapur (R)
350 252 98 894 367 527 26 22 4 970 765 205 Vemula Kota
137 76 61 717 325 392 3 2 1 74 65 9 Kolabhimunipadu
6 3 3 150 78 72 - - - - - - Akkacheruvu
253 192 61 873 373 500 1 - 1 38 25 13 Gottipadia
499 284 215 982 419 563 3 2 1 122 102 20 Thippaya Palem
494 281 213 1,307 686 621 8 6 2 170 141 29 Bhupathi Palle
94 49 45 369 174 195 1 1 - 13 10 3 Bondala Padu
373 201 172 431 173 258 8 5 3 139 106 33 Malyavanthuni Padu
36 32 4 55 17 38 - - - 13 10 3 Badekhanpeta
591 446 145 1,725 636 1,089 - - - 303 258 45 Chintakunta
12 6 6 38 7 31 - - - 23 19 4 Sivaram Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yella Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Krishnapuram
12 7 5 1 - 1 - - - 9 7 2 Narasimha Puram
41 37 4 154 19 135 3 2 1 605 443 162 Goguladinne
83 56 27 458 207 251 7 4 3 2,270 1,340 930 Rayavaram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0783 Markapur (Total) 1,900 474 1,426 97 38 59 1,404 247 1,157
0783 Markapur (Rural) 1,900 474 1,426 97 38 59 1,404 247 1,157
0783 Markapur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590845 Jammana Palle 5 3 2 1 1 - 1 - 1
590846 Nikaram Palle 164 47 117 6 3 3 139 29 110
590847 Peda Nagulavaram 1 1 - - - - - - -
590848 Idupur 248 46 202 9 1 8 224 40 184
590849 Gajjala Konda 24 11 13 6 4 2 12 2 10
590850 Peda Yachavaram 214 61 153 34 11 23 148 34 114
590851 Markapur (R) 250 52 198 18 8 10 214 36 178
590852 Vemula Kota 536 140 396 2 1 1 384 52 332
590853 Kolabhimunipadu 3 1 2 - - - 1 - 1
590854 Akkacheruvu - - - - - - - - -
590855 Gottipadia 48 22 26 8 4 4 35 15 20
590856 Thippaya Palem 32 8 24 - - - 29 6 23
590857 Bhupathi Palle 68 22 46 7 - 7 47 9 38
590858 Bondala Padu 6 4 2 1 1 - 4 2 2
590859 Malyavanthuni Padu 20 12 8 - - - 8 1 7
590860 Badekhanpeta 14 7 7 3 3 - 10 4 6
590861 Chintakunta 24 10 14 - - - 22 8 14
590862 Sivaram Puram - - - - - - - - -
590863 Yella Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590864 Krishnapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590865 Narasimha Puram - - - - - - - - -
590866 Goguladinne 201 19 182 1 - 1 102 5 97
590867 Rayavaram 42 8 34 1 1 - 24 4 20


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
19 3 16 380 186 194 23,534 11,619 11,915 Markapur (Total) 0783
19 3 16 380 186 194 23,534 11,619 11,915 Markapur (Rural) 0783
- - - - - - - - - Markapur (Urban) 0783
- - - 3 2 1 442 221 221 Jammana Palle 590845
2 - 2 17 15 2 824 429 395 Nikaram Palle 590846
- - - 1 1 - 922 450 472 Peda Nagulavaram 590847
2 - 2 13 5 8 1,953 1,047 906 Idupur 590848
- - - 6 5 1 2,017 1,081 936 Gajjala Konda 590849
1 - 1 31 16 15 1,928 943 985 Peda Yachavaram 590850
8 1 7 10 7 3 648 338 310 Markapur (R) 590851
3 - 3 147 87 60 2,764 1,315 1,449 Vemula Kota 590852
- - - 2 1 1 606 322 284 Kolabhimunipadu 590853
- - - - - - 106 53 53 Akkacheruvu 590854
2 2 - 3 1 2 799 416 383 Gottipadia 590855
- - - 3 2 1 1,236 685 551 Thippaya Palem 590856
- - - 14 13 1 1,897 915 982 Bhupathi Palle 590857
- - - 1 1 - 313 165 148 Bondala Padu 590858
1 - 1 11 11 - 662 386 276 Malyavanthuni Padu 590859
- - - 1 - 1 65 37 28 Badekhanpeta 590860
- - - 2 2 - 1,807 907 900 Chintakunta 590861
- - - - - - 66 30 36 Sivaram Puram 590862
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yella Puram 590863
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Krishnapuram 590864
- - - - - - 143 110 33 Narasimha Puram 590865
- - - 98 14 84 774 383 391 Goguladinne 590866
- - - 17 3 14 3,562 1,386 2,176 Rayavaram 590867


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0784 Ardhaveedu (Total) 25,303.00 9,079 36,169 18,651 17,518 4,256 2,209 2,047
0784 Ardhaveedu (Rural) 25,303.00 9,079 36,169 18,651 17,518 4,256 2,209 2,047
0784 Ardhaveedu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590868 Velagalapaya 3,489.00 465 1,809 920 889 222 109 113
590869 Gannepalle 3,088.00 1,165 4,831 2,550 2,281 578 294 284
590870 Magutur 1,618.00 620 2,422 1,217 1,205 350 180 170
590871 Potti Basavai Palle 435.00 84 317 168 149 27 14 13
590872 Kakarla 4,431.00 1,240 4,625 2,298 2,327 536 271 265
590873 Peda Kandukur 2,240.00 715 2,868 1,471 1,397 320 157 163
590874 Ayyavari Palle 238.00 101 434 222 212 61 35 26
590875 Donakonda 917.00 535 2,028 1,014 1,014 256 134 122
590876 Ardhaveedu 2,360.00 1,568 6,572 3,567 3,005 702 368 334
590877 Bollu Palle 1,268.00 587 2,368 1,202 1,166 283 141 142
590878 Papineni Palle 2,282.00 1,170 4,713 2,428 2,285 592 337 255
590879 Yerraguntla 725.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590880 Bogolu 2,212.00 829 3,182 1,594 1,588 329 169 160



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
6,302 3,436 2,866 2,524 1,286 1,238 18,858 12,039 6,819 Ardhaveedu (Total)
6,302 3,436 2,866 2,524 1,286 1,238 18,858 12,039 6,819 Ardhaveedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Ardhaveedu (Urban)
352 179 173 390 199 191 765 505 260 Velagalapaya
953 508 445 416 225 191 2,216 1,493 723 Gannepalle
238 112 126 764 379 385 1,078 705 373 Magutur
5 2 3 7 4 3 167 111 56 Potti Basavai Palle
804 390 414 8 3 5 2,404 1,501 903 Kakarla
691 352 339 467 251 216 1,611 986 625 Peda Kandukur
- - - - - - 241 158 83 Ayyavari Palle
652 324 328 - - - 1,100 703 397 Donakonda
1,067 789 278 157 60 97 4,036 2,623 1,413 Ardhaveedu
706 356 350 61 35 26 1,063 686 377 Bollu Palle
465 243 222 254 130 124 2,504 1,524 980 Papineni Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yerraguntla
369 181 188 - - - 1,673 1,044 629 Bogolu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0784 Ardhaveedu (Total) 17,311 6,612 10,699 19,019 10,031 8,988 16,622 9,237 7,385
0784 Ardhaveedu (Rural) 17,311 6,612 10,699 19,019 10,031 8,988 16,622 9,237 7,385
0784 Ardhaveedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590868 Velagalapaya 1,044 415 629 1,057 525 532 869 475 394
590869 Gannepalle 2,615 1,057 1,558 2,689 1,345 1,344 2,158 1,287 871
590870 Magutur 1,344 512 832 1,386 679 707 1,382 678 704
590871 Potti Basavai Palle 150 57 93 220 119 101 219 119 100
590872 Kakarla 2,221 797 1,424 2,659 1,360 1,299 2,489 1,294 1,195
590873 Peda Kandukur 1,257 485 772 1,598 800 798 1,458 737 721
590874 Ayyavari Palle 193 64 129 265 129 136 261 127 134
590875 Donakonda 928 311 617 1,002 580 422 994 577 417
590876 Ardhaveedu 2,536 944 1,592 2,403 1,470 933 1,964 1,271 693
590877 Bollu Palle 1,305 516 789 1,388 714 674 1,126 625 501
590878 Papineni Palle 2,209 904 1,305 2,413 1,328 1,085 2,283 1,240 1,043
590879 Yerraguntla -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590880 Bogolu 1,509 550 959 1,939 982 957 1,419 807 612


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,873 2,685 1,188 10,876 5,174 5,702 333 182 151 1,540 1,196 344 Ardhaveedu (Total)
3,873 2,685 1,188 10,876 5,174 5,702 333 182 151 1,540 1,196 344 Ardhaveedu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ardhaveedu (Urban)
182 168 14 600 271 329 1 - 1 86 36 50 Velagalapaya
492 325 167 1,542 866 676 8 5 3 116 91 25 Gannepalle
225 214 11 1,124 437 687 4 3 1 29 24 5 Magutur
65 35 30 148 78 70 - - - 6 6 - Potti Basavai Palle
585 400 185 1,690 728 962 8 4 4 206 162 44 Kakarla
660 391 269 663 250 413 18 11 7 117 85 32 Peda Kandukur
213 111 102 48 16 32 - - - - - - Ayyavari Palle
287 205 82 604 279 325 2 2 - 101 91 10 Donakonda
319 246 73 1,115 622 493 122 69 53 408 334 74 Ardhaveedu
253 169 84 724 344 380 1 - 1 148 112 36 Bollu Palle
407 263 144 1,477 703 774 159 81 78 240 193 47 Papineni Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yerraguntla
185 158 27 1,141 580 561 10 7 3 83 62 21 Bogolu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0784 Ardhaveedu (Total) 2,397 794 1,603 201 69 132 1,847 483 1,364
0784 Ardhaveedu (Rural) 2,397 794 1,603 201 69 132 1,847 483 1,364
0784 Ardhaveedu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590868 Velagalapaya 188 50 138 4 - 4 166 36 130
590869 Gannepalle 531 58 473 5 2 3 510 49 461
590870 Magutur 4 1 3 - - - 3 - 3
590871 Potti Basavai Palle 1 - 1 - - - - - -
590872 Kakarla 170 66 104 1 - 1 140 45 95
590873 Peda Kandukur 140 63 77 2 1 1 130 57 73
590874 Ayyavari Palle 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 - 1
590875 Donakonda 8 3 5 2 - 2 5 2 3
590876 Ardhaveedu 439 199 240 36 16 20 283 95 188
590877 Bollu Palle 262 89 173 3 2 1 249 80 169
590878 Papineni Palle 130 88 42 6 2 4 48 21 27
590879 Yerraguntla -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590880 Bogolu 520 175 345 139 44 95 312 98 214


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
55 29 26 294 213 81 17,150 8,620 8,530 Ardhaveedu (Total) 0784
55 29 26 294 213 81 17,150 8,620 8,530 Ardhaveedu (Rural) 0784
- - - - - - - - - Ardhaveedu (Urban) 0784
- - - 18 14 4 752 395 357 Velagalapaya 590868
2 - 2 14 7 7 2,142 1,205 937 Gannepalle 590869
1 1 - - - - 1,036 538 498 Magutur 590870
- - - 1 - 1 97 49 48 Potti Basavai Palle 590871
4 2 2 25 19 6 1,966 938 1,028 Kakarla 590872
- - - 8 5 3 1,270 671 599 Peda Kandukur 590873
- - - - - - 169 93 76 Ayyavari Palle 590874
- - - 1 1 - 1,026 434 592 Donakonda 590875
11 4 7 109 84 25 4,169 2,097 2,072 Ardhaveedu 590876
- - - 10 7 3 980 488 492 Bollu Palle 590877
27 18 9 49 47 2 2,300 1,100 1,200 Papineni Palle 590878
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Yerraguntla 590879
10 4 6 59 29 30 1,243 612 631 Bogolu 590880


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0785 Cumbum (Total) 13,265.00 12,563 48,698 23,963 24,735 5,124 2,655 2,469
0785 Cumbum (Rural) 12,384.00 8,794 33,529 16,375 17,154 3,500 1,830 1,670
0785 Cumbum (Urban) 881.00 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
590881 Lingapuram Khandrika 335.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590882 Linga Puram 1,853.00 598 2,166 1,067 1,099 219 110 109
590883 Yerrabalem 930.00 671 2,464 1,234 1,230 277 128 149
590884 Anantha Palle 335.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590885 Thurimella 2,123.00 1,581 5,402 2,639 2,763 532 278 254
590886 China Cumbum 235.00 708 2,620 1,296 1,324 294 155 139
590887 Porumamilla Palle 1,166.00 94 325 162 163 24 10 14
590888 Kagitalagudem 174.00 104 410 204 206 47 29 18
590889 Hazarat Gudem 198.00 151 550 268 282 59 35 24
590890 Kandula Puram 962.00 2,445 10,766 5,126 5,640 1,119 583 536
590891 Jangamguntla 281.00 668 2,322 1,118 1,204 256 139 117
590892 Lanja Kota 1,554.00 612 2,277 1,154 1,123 269 153 116
590893 Nadim Palle 174.00 101 382 188 194 45 26 19
590894 Auranga Bad 1,026.00 107 367 179 188 14 10 4
590895 Ravipadu 1,038.00 954 3,478 1,740 1,738 345 174 171
590896 Cumbum (CT) 881.00 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
5,902 2,747 3,155 628 312 316 31,827 18,232 13,595 Cumbum (Total)
5,053 2,359 2,694 396 195 201 21,164 12,205 8,959 Cumbum (Rural)
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Cumbum (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingapuram Khandrika
464 238 226 - - - 1,300 787 513 Linga Puram
418 207 211 30 14 16 1,300 809 491 Yerrabalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Anantha Palle
324 159 165 49 24 25 3,422 2,048 1,374 Thurimella
639 321 318 - - - 1,593 940 653 China Cumbum
- - - 5 3 2 210 130 80 Porumamilla Palle
- - - - - - 286 156 130 Kagitalagudem
- - - - - - 307 185 122 Hazarat Gudem
2,100 882 1,218 228 110 118 7,876 4,118 3,758 Kandula Puram
501 238 263 - - - 1,286 784 502 Jangamguntla
266 136 130 8 5 3 1,230 779 451 Lanja Kota
- - - - - - 253 143 110 Nadim Palle
20 12 8 5 3 2 233 144 89 Auranga Bad
321 166 155 71 36 35 1,868 1,182 686 Ravipadu
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Cumbum (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0785 Cumbum (Total) 16,871 5,731 11,140 20,622 12,517 8,105 17,107 11,019 6,088
0785 Cumbum (Rural) 12,365 4,170 8,195 15,143 8,601 6,542 12,482 7,526 4,956
0785 Cumbum (Urban) 4,506 1,561 2,945 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132
590881 Lingapuram Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590882 Linga Puram 866 280 586 1,131 593 538 1,097 571 526
590883 Yerrabalem 1,164 425 739 1,431 723 708 1,197 647 550
590884 Anantha Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590885 Thurimella 1,980 591 1,389 2,449 1,348 1,101 1,524 863 661
590886 China Cumbum 1,027 356 671 1,226 677 549 1,222 674 548
590887 Porumamilla Palle 115 32 83 185 90 95 52 47 5
590888 Kagitalagudem 124 48 76 128 107 21 124 104 20
590889 Hazarat Gudem 243 83 160 272 164 108 272 164 108
590890 Kandula Puram 2,890 1,008 1,882 3,523 2,406 1,117 3,032 2,165 867
590891 Jangamguntla 1,036 334 702 1,232 656 576 1,084 637 447
590892 Lanja Kota 1,047 375 672 1,324 669 655 1,048 615 433
590893 Nadim Palle 129 45 84 169 104 65 78 69 9
590894 Auranga Bad 134 35 99 215 97 118 207 93 114
590895 Ravipadu 1,610 558 1,052 1,858 967 891 1,545 877 668
590896 Cumbum (CT) 4,506 1,561 2,945 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,098 2,206 892 7,611 3,622 3,989 218 163 55 6,180 5,028 1,152 Cumbum (Total)
2,688 1,879 809 6,317 2,872 3,445 149 109 40 3,328 2,666 662 Cumbum (Rural)
410 327 83 1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Cumbum (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingapuram Khandrika
220 167 53 790 339 451 - - - 87 65 22 Linga Puram
163 125 38 887 440 447 16 8 8 131 74 57 Yerrabalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Anantha Palle
670 353 317 516 231 285 12 12 - 326 267 59 Thurimella
119 93 26 880 406 474 16 13 3 207 162 45 China Cumbum
18 18 - - - - - - - 34 29 5 Porumamilla Palle
24 21 3 55 44 11 5 4 1 40 35 5 Kagitalagudem
59 56 3 141 45 96 2 2 - 70 61 9 Hazarat Gudem
281 221 60 818 381 437 64 43 21 1,869 1,520 349 Kandula Puram
313 265 48 664 293 371 8 8 - 99 71 28 Jangamguntla
389 243 146 410 163 247 4 1 3 245 208 37 Lanja Kota
23 22 1 36 28 8 2 2 - 17 17 - Nadim Palle
33 32 1 157 50 107 4 2 2 13 9 4 Auranga Bad
376 263 113 963 452 511 16 14 2 190 148 42 Ravipadu
410 327 83 1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Cumbum (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0785 Cumbum (Total) 3,515 1,498 2,017 144 54 90 2,528 892 1,636
0785 Cumbum (Rural) 2,661 1,075 1,586 140 53 87 2,069 744 1,325
0785 Cumbum (Urban) 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
590881 Lingapuram Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590882 Linga Puram 34 22 12 3 2 1 6 3 3
590883 Yerrabalem 234 76 158 6 4 2 193 52 141
590884 Anantha Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590885 Thurimella 925 485 440 22 19 3 852 437 415
590886 China Cumbum 4 3 1 1 1 - 2 2 -
590887 Porumamilla Palle 133 43 90 7 4 3 98 28 70
590888 Kagitalagudem 4 3 1 - - - 3 2 1
590889 Hazarat Gudem - - - - - - - - -
590890 Kandula Puram 491 241 250 7 4 3 253 79 174
590891 Jangamguntla 148 19 129 59 3 56 73 7 66
590892 Lanja Kota 276 54 222 19 9 10 219 31 188
590893 Nadim Palle 91 35 56 4 2 2 80 27 53
590894 Auranga Bad 8 4 4 - - - 6 3 3
590895 Ravipadu 313 90 223 12 5 7 284 73 211
590896 Cumbum (CT) 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
103 41 62 740 511 229 28,076 11,446 16,630 Cumbum (Total) 0785
70 34 36 382 244 138 18,386 7,774 10,612 Cumbum (Rural) 0785
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Cumbum (Urban) 0785
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingapuram Khandrika 590881
1 - 1 24 17 7 1,035 474 561 Linga Puram 590882
22 11 11 13 9 4 1,033 511 522 Yerrabalem 590883
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Anantha Palle 590884
21 12 9 30 17 13 2,953 1,291 1,662 Thurimella 590885
1 - 1 - - - 1,394 619 775 China Cumbum 590886
2 - 2 26 11 15 140 72 68 Porumamilla Palle 590887
- - - 1 1 - 282 97 185 Kagitalagudem 590888
- - - - - - 278 104 174 Hazarat Gudem 590889
9 6 3 222 152 70 7,243 2,720 4,523 Kandula Puram 590890
1 - 1 15 9 6 1,090 462 628 Jangamguntla 590891
6 - 6 32 14 18 953 485 468 Lanja Kota 590892
3 2 1 4 4 - 213 84 129 Nadim Palle 590893
1 1 - 1 - 1 152 82 70 Auranga Bad 590894
3 2 1 14 10 4 1,620 773 847 Ravipadu 590895
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Cumbum (CT) 590896


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0786 Tarlupadu (Total) 26,937.00 8,263 34,640 17,789 16,851 4,597 2,373 2,224
0786 Tarlupadu (Rural) 26,937.00 8,263 34,640 17,789 16,851 4,597 2,373 2,224
0786 Tarlupadu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590897 Gorugunthala Padu 1,150.00 97 366 188 178 47 26 21
590898 Seetanagulavaram 603.00 385 1,496 774 722 164 77 87
590899 Surepalle 603.00 154 625 317 308 67 38 29
590900 Kethagudipi 1,366.00 658 2,795 1,444 1,351 431 227 204
590901 Ganugapenta 1,997.00 439 1,875 930 945 314 153 161
590902 Pothalapadu 1,445.00 359 1,643 850 793 239 123 116
590903 Kandalla Palle 442.00 78 322 170 152 40 20 20
590904 Ragasamudram 599.00 202 897 462 435 127 75 52
590905 Kaluzuwwalapadu 1,631.00 514 2,195 1,124 1,071 276 143 133
590906 Jangamreddi Palle 442.00 89 452 252 200 73 38 35
590907 Jagannadha Puram 722.00 202 825 426 399 114 59 55
590908 Thummala Cheruvu 1,409.00 464 1,930 992 938 222 112 110
590909 Tellapadu 461.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590910 Tarlupadu 2,043.00 1,362 5,628 2,888 2,740 696 349 347
590911 Karumani Palle 347.00 173 685 367 318 64 41 23
590912 Meerja Peta 1,342.00 413 1,648 841 807 210 101 109
590913 Golla Palle 1,322.00 201 782 398 384 83 46 37
590914 Rolagam Padu 703.00 176 692 345 347 79 40 39
590915 Pathe Puram 324.00 68 294 145 149 64 29 35
590916 Nagendla Mudupu 1,322.00 438 2,033 1,023 1,010 310 153 157
590917 Chenna Reddi Palle 1,477.00 768 3,018 1,562 1,456 344 185 159
590918 Tadivari Palle 1,325.00 417 1,858 962 896 264 140 124
590919 Mangala Kunta 2,185.00 229 1,160 583 577 180 97 83
590920 Obaya Palle 353.00 132 519 265 254 64 35 29
590921 Konda Reddi Palle 496.00 95 325 180 145 41 23 18
590922 Lakshmakka Palle 828.00 150 577 301 276 84 43 41



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
8,692 4,432 4,260 255 138 117 16,856 10,775 6,081 Tarlupadu (Total)
8,692 4,432 4,260 255 138 117 16,856 10,775 6,081 Tarlupadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Tarlupadu (Urban)
123 66 57 - - - 170 109 61 Gorugunthala Padu
247 134 113 5 3 2 785 529 256 Seetanagulavaram
126 61 65 - - - 310 197 113 Surepalle
599 301 298 - - - 1,280 821 459 Kethagudipi
336 165 171 - - - 695 444 251 Ganugapenta
588 312 276 28 15 13 670 426 244 Pothalapadu
- - - - - - 171 114 57 Kandalla Palle
442 218 224 - - - 458 289 169 Ragasamudram
453 227 226 6 4 2 1,053 644 409 Kaluzuwwalapadu
448 250 198 - - - 189 132 57 Jangamreddi Palle
497 255 242 - - - 532 319 213 Jagannadha Puram
208 104 104 - - - 1,016 665 351 Thummala Cheruvu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Tellapadu
1,083 558 525 68 43 25 3,161 1,993 1,168 Tarlupadu
137 69 68 - - - 313 221 92 Karumani Palle
264 125 139 36 17 19 727 491 236 Meerja Peta
269 144 125 - - - 396 246 150 Golla Palle
70 36 34 82 40 42 371 220 151 Rolagam Padu
71 33 38 - - - 76 52 24 Pathe Puram
268 137 131 - - - 748 486 262 Nagendla Mudupu
989 488 501 - - - 1,669 1,063 606 Chenna Reddi Palle
678 345 333 18 9 9 936 607 329 Tadivari Palle
556 281 275 - - - 523 310 213 Mangala Kunta
- - - 12 7 5 259 165 94 Obaya Palle
3 1 2 - - - 148 105 43 Konda Reddi Palle
237 122 115 - - - 200 127 73 Lakshmakka Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0786 Tarlupadu (Total) 17,784 7,014 10,770 18,976 10,121 8,855 17,138 9,529 7,609
0786 Tarlupadu (Rural) 17,784 7,014 10,770 18,976 10,121 8,855 17,138 9,529 7,609
0786 Tarlupadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590897 Gorugunthala Padu 196 79 117 204 107 97 203 107 96
590898 Seetanagulavaram 711 245 466 826 432 394 818 430 388
590899 Surepalle 315 120 195 380 186 194 308 179 129
590900 Kethagudipi 1,515 623 892 1,569 828 741 1,556 823 733
590901 Ganugapenta 1,180 486 694 1,112 555 557 1,106 551 555
590902 Pothalapadu 973 424 549 961 488 473 936 481 455
590903 Kandalla Palle 151 56 95 194 102 92 193 102 91
590904 Ragasamudram 439 173 266 537 283 254 326 242 84
590905 Kaluzuwwalapadu 1,142 480 662 1,257 658 599 1,018 641 377
590906 Jangamreddi Palle 263 120 143 246 141 105 240 137 103
590907 Jagannadha Puram 293 107 186 450 244 206 251 173 78
590908 Thummala Cheruvu 914 327 587 1,070 589 481 1,069 589 480
590909 Tellapadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590910 Tarlupadu 2,467 895 1,572 2,517 1,459 1,058 2,014 1,261 753
590911 Karumani Palle 372 146 226 475 237 238 461 231 230
590912 Meerja Peta 921 350 571 907 457 450 903 454 449
590913 Golla Palle 386 152 234 421 223 198 421 223 198
590914 Rolagam Padu 321 125 196 388 195 193 14 11 3
590915 Pathe Puram 218 93 125 189 94 95 189 94 95
590916 Nagendla Mudupu 1,285 537 748 1,119 604 515 1,107 602 505
590917 Chenna Reddi Palle 1,349 499 850 1,594 881 713 1,573 879 694
590918 Tadivari Palle 922 355 567 975 538 437 931 516 415
590919 Mangala Kunta 637 273 364 713 359 354 673 352 321
590920 Obaya Palle 260 100 160 313 156 157 313 156 157
590921 Konda Reddi Palle 177 75 102 203 110 93 196 109 87
590922 Lakshmakka Palle 377 174 203 356 195 161 319 186 133


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,313 2,090 1,223 10,505 4,866 5,639 97 52 45 3,223 2,521 702 Tarlupadu (Total)
3,313 2,090 1,223 10,505 4,866 5,639 97 52 45 3,223 2,521 702 Tarlupadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Tarlupadu (Urban)
14 14 - 151 63 88 - - - 38 30 8 Gorugunthala Padu
307 159 148 415 191 224 1 1 - 95 79 16 Seetanagulavaram
41 36 5 136 51 85 26 2 24 105 90 15 Surepalle
228 135 93 733 345 388 12 8 4 583 335 248 Kethagudipi
453 288 165 532 162 370 2 2 - 119 99 20 Ganugapenta
274 147 127 562 253 309 2 1 1 98 80 18 Pothalapadu
11 10 1 150 62 88 - - - 32 30 2 Kandalla Palle
62 60 2 196 116 80 - - - 68 66 2 Ragasamudram
204 142 62 623 356 267 2 2 - 189 141 48 Kaluzuwwalapadu
- - - 231 130 101 - - - 9 7 2 Jangamreddi Palle
44 34 10 142 82 60 2 2 - 63 55 8 Jagannadha Puram
58 27 31 690 348 342 12 8 4 309 206 103 Thummala Cheruvu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Tellapadu
325 231 94 1,108 531 577 24 17 7 557 482 75 Tarlupadu
141 101 40 307 121 186 1 - 1 12 9 3 Karumani Palle
190 97 93 546 226 320 9 5 4 158 126 32 Meerja Peta
156 103 53 238 96 142 - - - 27 24 3 Golla Palle
- - - 6 3 3 - - - 8 8 - Rolagam Padu
9 4 5 179 89 90 - - - 1 1 - Pathe Puram
106 69 37 924 478 446 2 2 - 75 53 22 Nagendla Mudupu
117 106 11 1,045 393 652 - - - 411 380 31 Chenna Reddi Palle
74 44 30 765 400 365 - - - 92 72 20 Tadivari Palle
199 113 86 440 211 229 - - - 34 28 6 Mangala Kunta
203 102 101 74 26 48 - - - 36 28 8 Obaya Palle
65 36 29 97 42 55 - - - 34 31 3 Konda Reddi Palle
32 32 - 215 91 124 2 2 - 70 61 9 Lakshmakka Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0786 Tarlupadu (Total) 1,838 592 1,246 81 15 66 1,591 481 1,110
0786 Tarlupadu (Rural) 1,838 592 1,246 81 15 66 1,591 481 1,110
0786 Tarlupadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590897 Gorugunthala Padu 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
590898 Seetanagulavaram 8 2 6 1 1 - 3 - 3
590899 Surepalle 72 7 65 - - - 69 6 63
590900 Kethagudipi 13 5 8 - - - 6 3 3
590901 Ganugapenta 6 4 2 1 - 1 2 1 1
590902 Pothalapadu 25 7 18 6 - 6 18 7 11
590903 Kandalla Palle 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
590904 Ragasamudram 211 41 170 - - - 211 41 170
590905 Kaluzuwwalapadu 239 17 222 5 - 5 229 17 212
590906 Jangamreddi Palle 6 4 2 - - - 5 3 2
590907 Jagannadha Puram 199 71 128 6 - 6 191 70 121
590908 Thummala Cheruvu 1 - 1 - - - - - -
590909 Tellapadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590910 Tarlupadu 503 198 305 49 11 38 349 120 229
590911 Karumani Palle 14 6 8 - - - 14 6 8
590912 Meerja Peta 4 3 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
590913 Golla Palle - - - - - - - - -
590914 Rolagam Padu 374 184 190 - - - 367 181 186
590915 Pathe Puram - - - - - - - - -
590916 Nagendla Mudupu 12 2 10 4 - 4 6 2 4
590917 Chenna Reddi Palle 21 2 19 - - - 20 1 19
590918 Tadivari Palle 44 22 22 - - - 35 13 22
590919 Mangala Kunta 40 7 33 7 3 4 33 4 29
590920 Obaya Palle - - - - - - - - -
590921 Konda Reddi Palle 7 1 6 - - - 7 1 6
590922 Lakshmakka Palle 37 9 28 1 - 1 23 4 19


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
36 10 26 130 86 44 15,664 7,668 7,996 Tarlupadu (Total) 0786
36 10 26 130 86 44 15,664 7,668 7,996 Tarlupadu (Rural) 0786
- - - - - - - - - Tarlupadu (Urban) 0786
- - - - - - 162 81 81 Gorugunthala Padu 590897
- - - 4 1 3 670 342 328 Seetanagulavaram 590898
2 - 2 1 1 - 245 131 114 Surepalle 590899
1 1 - 6 1 5 1,226 616 610 Kethagudipi 590900
- - - 3 3 - 763 375 388 Ganugapenta 590901
- - - 1 - 1 682 362 320 Pothalapadu 590902
- - - - - - 128 68 60 Kandalla Palle 590903
- - - - - - 360 179 181 Ragasamudram 590904
- - - 5 - 5 938 466 472 Kaluzuwwalapadu 590905
- - - 1 1 - 206 111 95 Jangamreddi Palle 590906
- - - 2 1 1 375 182 193 Jagannadha Puram 590907
- - - 1 - 1 860 403 457 Thummala Cheruvu 590908
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Tellapadu 590909
30 8 22 75 59 16 3,111 1,429 1,682 Tarlupadu 590910
- - - - - - 210 130 80 Karumani Palle 590911
- - - 2 2 - 741 384 357 Meerja Peta 590912
- - - - - - 361 175 186 Golla Palle 590913
2 - 2 5 3 2 304 150 154 Rolagam Padu 590914
- - - - - - 105 51 54 Pathe Puram 590915
- - - 2 - 2 914 419 495 Nagendla Mudupu 590916
- - - 1 1 - 1,424 681 743 Chenna Reddi Palle 590917
1 1 - 8 8 - 883 424 459 Tadivari Palle 590918
- - - - - - 447 224 223 Mangala Kunta 590919
- - - - - - 206 109 97 Obaya Palle 590920
- - - - - - 122 70 52 Konda Reddi Palle 590921
- - - 13 5 8 221 106 115 Lakshmakka Palle 590922


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Konakanamitla (Total)
0787 43,323.00 11,843 49,259 25,417 23,842 6,236 3,240 2,996
Konakanamitla (Rural)
0787 43,323.00 11,843 49,259 25,417 23,842 6,236 3,240 2,996
Konakanamitla (Urban)
0787 0.00 - - - - - - -
590923 Ganivani Padu 493.00 189 866 431 435 129 63 66
590924 Vagemadugu 2,898.00 476 2,023 1,040 983 281 150 131
590925 Mummayapalem 195.00 62 215 104 111 43 15 28
590926 Basava Puram 607.00 95 425 225 200 50 26 24
590927 Munagapadu 1,703.00 570 2,338 1,161 1,177 293 153 140
590928 Veligandla 1,465.00 372 1,627 867 760 220 107 113
590929 Nagaraju Gunta 775.00 380 1,519 778 741 161 83 78
590930 Chinta Gunta 1,015.00 349 1,347 709 638 176 93 83
590931 Boda Padu 159.00 75 295 154 141 43 25 18
590932 Burada Palem 330.00 62 256 136 120 36 18 18
590933 Ambapuram 1,274.00 210 884 450 434 135 65 70
590934 Regumani Palle 619.00 73 336 181 155 39 23 16
590935 Gurrala Madugu 945.00 188 819 412 407 126 66 60
590936 Garladinne 1,311.00 401 2,157 1,334 823 216 121 95
590937 Marri Palem 594.00 187 852 439 413 127 75 52
590938 Vaddi Madugu 1,090.00 308 1,288 675 613 148 80 68
590939 Aswarayuni Palem 438.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590940 Vedurralla Padu 1,004.00 331 1,280 646 634 182 88 94
590941 Konakanamitla 1,643.00 765 3,014 1,524 1,490 336 176 160
590942 Veerabhadra Puram 153.00 12 48 28 20 3 2 1
590943 Siddavaram 2,739.00 743 2,992 1,519 1,473 432 228 204
590944 Katragunta 3,785.00 674 2,944 1,500 1,444 411 212 199
590945 Thuvva Padu 2,058.00 517 1,906 947 959 237 109 128
590946 Vinjavarthi Padu 777.00 127 492 258 234 26 11 15
590947 Salanuthala 1,003.00 292 1,215 619 596 159 91 68
590948 Chinamanagundam 952.00 445 1,780 933 847 192 102 90
590949 Nagampalle 577.00 307 1,291 658 633 176 93 83
590950 Budamkayala Padu 711.00 68 258 123 135 45 21 24
590951 Gotlagattu 2,537.00 909 3,696 1,924 1,772 471 257 214
590952 Garimana Penta 1,108.00 389 1,729 880 849 244 123 121
590953 Batchalakurapadu 1,392.00 241 1,086 545 541 145 81 64
590954 Chinarikatla 2,485.00 691 2,893 1,464 1,429 343 168 175
590955 Irasalagundam 1,333.00 288 1,094 557 537 108 55 53
590956 Pedarikatla 3,155.00 1,047 4,294 2,196 2,098 503 260 243



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Konakanamitla (Total)
14,845 7,725 7,120 381 207 174 21,615 13,877 7,738
Konakanamitla (Rural)
14,845 7,725 7,120 381 207 174 21,615 13,877 7,738
Konakanamitla (Urban)
- - - - - - - - -
215 101 114 1 - 1 246 162 84 Ganivani Padu
153 79 74 12 5 7 693 458 235 Vagemadugu
210 102 108 5 2 3 81 56 25 Mummayapalem
47 23 24 - - - 194 132 62 Basava Puram
564 283 281 68 36 32 1,065 641 424 Munagapadu
608 314 294 44 22 22 666 445 221 Veligandla
9 4 5 27 12 15 746 471 275 Nagaraju Gunta
657 340 317 16 10 6 550 375 175 Chinta Gunta
295 154 141 - - - 137 88 49 Boda Padu
- - - - - - 99 69 30 Burada Palem
256 125 131 - - - 267 160 107 Ambapuram
- - - - - - 135 92 43 Regumani Palle
458 230 228 - - - 341 209 132 Gurrala Madugu
938 674 264 24 23 1 1,307 983 324 Garladinne
3 2 1 8 3 5 361 221 140 Marri Palem
270 136 134 - - - 556 336 220 Vaddi Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Aswarayuni Palem
361 188 173 - - - 565 354 211 Vedurralla Padu
792 395 397 51 23 28 1,317 834 483 Konakanamitla
- - - - - - 23 18 5 Veerabhadra Puram
1,265 629 636 - - - 1,189 739 450 Siddavaram
1,129 574 555 - - - 1,308 843 465 Katragunta
881 447 434 - - - 819 524 295 Thuvva Padu
37 18 19 - - - 243 172 71 Vinjavarthi Padu
285 144 141 - - - 494 311 183 Salanuthala
600 309 291 - - - 877 553 324 Chinamanagundam
587 293 294 - - - 597 384 213 Nagampalle
75 36 39 - - - 98 57 41 Budamkayala Padu
1,238 633 605 - - - 1,750 1,107 643 Gotlagattu
590 300 290 76 39 37 671 429 242 Garimana Penta
277 139 138 - - - 480 305 175 Batchalakurapadu
632 323 309 - - - 1,222 764 458 Chinarikatla
485 255 230 23 13 10 558 345 213 Irasalagundam
928 475 453 26 19 7 1,960 1,240 720 Pedarikatla


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Konakanamitla (Total)
0787 27,644 11,540 16,104 27,207 14,780 12,427 23,542 13,622 9,920
Konakanamitla (Rural)
0787 27,644 11,540 16,104 27,207 14,780 12,427 23,542 13,622 9,920
Konakanamitla (Urban)
0787 - - - - - - - - -
590923 Ganivani Padu 620 269 351 314 227 87 293 212 81
590924 Vagemadugu 1,330 582 748 1,313 656 657 1,153 622 531
590925 Mummayapalem 134 48 86 133 76 57 133 76 57
590926 Basava Puram 231 93 138 234 127 107 232 126 106
590927 Munagapadu 1,273 520 753 1,365 734 631 831 485 346
590928 Veligandla 961 422 539 898 509 389 894 508 386
590929 Nagaraju Gunta 773 307 466 963 483 480 954 479 475
590930 Chinta Gunta 797 334 463 715 404 311 697 398 299
590931 Boda Padu 158 66 92 157 78 79 112 71 41
590932 Burada Palem 157 67 90 137 70 67 67 62 5
590933 Ambapuram 617 290 327 429 280 149 255 245 10
590934 Regumani Palle 201 89 112 122 108 14 120 107 13
590935 Gurrala Madugu 478 203 275 477 239 238 476 238 238
590936 Garladinne 850 351 499 1,060 549 511 988 519 469
590937 Marri Palem 491 218 273 479 252 227 476 252 224
590938 Vaddi Madugu 732 339 393 733 394 339 525 382 143
590939 Aswarayuni Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590940 Vedurralla Padu 715 292 423 740 391 349 365 280 85
590941 Konakanamitla 1,697 690 1,007 1,322 849 473 1,304 845 459
590942 Veerabhadra Puram 25 10 15 24 20 4 21 20 1
590943 Siddavaram 1,803 780 1,023 1,746 903 843 840 452 388
590944 Katragunta 1,636 657 979 1,586 862 724 1,582 859 723
590945 Thuvva Padu 1,087 423 664 1,087 565 522 798 560 238
590946 Vinjavarthi Padu 249 86 163 271 134 137 225 131 94
590947 Salanuthala 721 308 413 725 365 360 552 313 239
590948 Chinamanagundam 903 380 523 1,056 556 500 1,054 555 499
590949 Nagampalle 694 274 420 774 399 375 725 383 342
590950 Budamkayala Padu 160 66 94 128 69 59 126 68 58
590951 Gotlagattu 1,946 817 1,129 1,883 1,062 821 1,805 1,039 766
590952 Garimana Penta 1,058 451 607 1,055 560 495 1,013 551 462
590953 Batchalakurapadu 606 240 366 659 331 328 656 329 327
590954 Chinarikatla 1,671 700 971 1,625 866 759 1,352 819 533
590955 Irasalagundam 536 212 324 657 350 307 654 348 306
590956 Pedarikatla 2,334 956 1,378 2,340 1,312 1,028 2,264 1,288 976


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Konakanamitla (Total)
6,219 4,275 1,944 14,384 7,073 7,311 80 60 20 2,859 2,214 645
Konakanamitla (Rural)
6,219 4,275 1,944 14,384 7,073 7,311 80 60 20 2,859 2,214 645
Konakanamitla (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
4 3 1 253 191 62 2 2 - 34 16 18 Ganivani Padu
432 272 160 668 308 360 14 10 4 39 32 7 Vagemadugu
- - - 133 76 57 - - - - - - Mummayapalem
89 65 24 135 54 81 - - - 8 7 1 Basava Puram
432 239 193 265 141 124 5 4 1 129 101 28 Munagapadu
158 87 71 643 338 305 2 1 1 91 82 9 Veligandla
110 55 55 721 342 379 - - - 123 82 41 Nagaraju Gunta
68 61 7 607 324 283 - - - 22 13 9 Chinta Gunta
1 1 - 100 61 39 - - - 11 9 2 Boda Padu
53 53 - 13 8 5 - - - 1 1 - Burada Palem
140 140 - 113 104 9 - - - 2 1 1 Ambapuram
69 65 4 42 34 8 1 1 - 8 7 1 Regumani Palle
56 53 3 374 147 227 - - - 46 38 8 Gurrala Madugu
228 143 85 713 340 373 4 3 1 43 33 10 Garladinne
76 68 8 326 129 197 - - - 74 55 19 Marri Palem
209 199 10 298 171 127 - - - 18 12 6 Vaddi Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Aswarayuni Palem
127 110 17 145 90 55 2 2 - 91 78 13 Vedurralla Padu
406 364 42 752 380 372 2 - 2 144 101 43 Konakanamitla
15 15 - 2 1 1 - - - 4 4 - Veerabhadra Puram
365 247 118 340 85 255 2 2 - 133 118 15 Siddavaram
180 115 65 1,109 544 565 4 3 1 289 197 92 Katragunta
169 154 15 510 306 204 1 1 - 118 99 19 Thuvva Padu
85 84 1 124 38 86 2 - 2 14 9 5 Vinjavarthi Padu
81 77 4 290 103 187 1 1 - 180 132 48 Salanuthala
209 138 71 756 342 414 - - - 89 75 14 Chinamanagundam
152 81 71 484 229 255 - - - 89 73 16 Nagampalle
4 4 - 91 39 52 - - - 31 25 6 Budamkayala Padu
300 179 121 1,198 594 604 8 6 2 299 260 39 Gotlagattu
371 231 140 424 194 230 15 14 1 203 112 91 Garimana Penta
192 152 40 446 166 280 5 2 3 13 9 4 Batchalakurapadu
599 344 255 636 380 256 2 2 - 115 93 22 Chinarikatla
214 112 102 372 180 192 - - - 68 56 12 Irasalagundam
625 364 261 1,301 634 667 8 6 2 330 284 46 Pedarikatla


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Konakanamitla (Total)
0787 3,665 1,158 2,507 177 66 111 3,271 979 2,292
Konakanamitla (Rural)
0787 3,665 1,158 2,507 177 66 111 3,271 979 2,292
Konakanamitla (Urban)
0787 - - - - - - - - -
590923 Ganivani Padu 21 15 6 10 8 2 5 4 1
590924 Vagemadugu 160 34 126 1 1 - 146 24 122
590925 Mummayapalem - - - - - - - - -
590926 Basava Puram 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
590927 Munagapadu 534 249 285 15 9 6 481 221 260
590928 Veligandla 4 1 3 - - - 3 - 3
590929 Nagaraju Gunta 9 4 5 2 1 1 5 1 4
590930 Chinta Gunta 18 6 12 1 - 1 14 6 8
590931 Boda Padu 45 7 38 - - - 44 6 38
590932 Burada Palem 70 8 62 19 6 13 50 1 49
590933 Ambapuram 174 35 139 - - - 174 35 139
590934 Regumani Palle 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 1
590935 Gurrala Madugu 1 1 - - - - - - -
590936 Garladinne 72 30 42 1 - 1 69 29 40
590937 Marri Palem 3 - 3 2 - 2 1 - 1
590938 Vaddi Madugu 208 12 196 3 1 2 202 10 192
590939 Aswarayuni Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590940 Vedurralla Padu 375 111 264 50 22 28 313 80 233
590941 Konakanamitla 18 4 14 1 1 - 13 - 13
590942 Veerabhadra Puram 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
590943 Siddavaram 906 451 455 9 5 4 892 443 449
590944 Katragunta 4 3 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
590945 Thuvva Padu 289 5 284 30 1 29 258 4 254
590946 Vinjavarthi Padu 46 3 43 - - - 46 3 43
590947 Salanuthala 173 52 121 - - - 129 25 104
590948 Chinamanagundam 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 1
590949 Nagampalle 49 16 33 1 1 - 44 15 29
590950 Budamkayala Padu 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 1
590951 Gotlagattu 78 23 55 3 1 2 66 18 48
590952 Garimana Penta 42 9 33 - - - 8 2 6
590953 Batchalakurapadu 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
590954 Chinarikatla 273 47 226 25 6 19 233 32 201
590955 Irasalagundam 3 2 1 2 1 1 - - -
590956 Pedarikatla 76 24 52 1 1 - 62 16 46


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Konakanamitla (Total)
22 11 11 195 102 93 22,052 10,637 11,415 0787
Konakanamitla (Rural)
22 11 11 195 102 93 22,052 10,637 11,415 0787
Konakanamitla (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - 0787
- - - 6 3 3 552 204 348 Ganivani Padu 590923
7 5 2 6 4 2 710 384 326 Vagemadugu 590924
- - - - - - 82 28 54 Mummayapalem 590925
- - - - - - 191 98 93 Basava Puram 590926
5 2 3 33 17 16 973 427 546 Munagapadu 590927
- - - 1 1 - 729 358 371 Veligandla 590928
- - - 2 2 - 556 295 261 Nagaraju Gunta 590929
- - - 3 - 3 632 305 327 Chinta Gunta 590930
- - - 1 1 - 138 76 62 Boda Padu 590931
- - - 1 1 - 119 66 53 Burada Palem 590932
- - - - - - 455 170 285 Ambapuram 590933
- - - 1 1 - 214 73 141 Regumani Palle 590934
- - - 1 1 - 342 173 169 Gurrala Madugu 590935
- - - 2 1 1 1,097 785 312 Garladinne 590936
- - - - - - 373 187 186 Marri Palem 590937
1 - 1 2 1 1 555 281 274 Vaddi Madugu 590938
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Aswarayuni Palem 590939
- - - 12 9 3 540 255 285 Vedurralla Padu 590940
1 - 1 3 3 - 1,692 675 1,017 Konakanamitla 590941
- - - - - - 24 8 16 Veerabhadra Puram 590942
- - - 5 3 2 1,246 616 630 Siddavaram 590943
- - - 1 1 - 1,358 638 720 Katragunta 590944
1 - 1 - - - 819 382 437 Thuvva Padu 590945
- - - - - - 221 124 97 Vinjavarthi Padu 590946
4 2 2 40 25 15 490 254 236 Salanuthala 590947
- - - 1 1 - 724 377 347 Chinamanagundam 590948
- - - 4 - 4 517 259 258 Nagampalle 590949
- - - 1 1 - 130 54 76 Budamkayala Padu 590950
- - - 9 4 5 1,813 862 951 Gotlagattu 590951
3 2 1 31 5 26 674 320 354 Garimana Penta 590952
- - - - - - 427 214 213 Batchalakurapadu 590953
- - - 15 9 6 1,268 598 670 Chinarikatla 590954
- - - 1 1 - 437 207 230 Irasalagundam 590955
- - - 13 7 6 1,954 884 1,070 Pedarikatla 590956


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0788 Podili (Total) 29,284.00 16,230 67,017 34,064 32,953 8,266 4,334 3,932
0788 Podili (Rural) 24,896.00 8,558 35,872 18,383 17,489 4,917 2,581 2,336
0788 Podili (Urban) 4,388.00 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
590957 Egalapadu 849.00 324 1,315 670 645 198 112 86
590958 Kesavabhotla Palem 820.00 38 170 80 90 40 16 24
590959 Pamulapadu 1,266.00 302 1,250 641 609 179 98 81
590960 Kunchepalle 977.00 551 2,275 1,160 1,115 306 148 158
590961 Dasalla Palle 558.00 70 294 130 164 48 17 31
590962 Ramulaveedu 1,254.00 130 508 266 242 78 41 37
590963 Mallavaram 828.00 325 1,306 683 623 164 78 86
590964 Zuvvaleru 1,013.00 283 1,115 576 539 155 86 69
590965 Sudanagunta 1,889.00 452 1,819 930 889 207 98 109
590966 Thummagunta 774.00 255 1,193 618 575 164 95 69
590967 Kondaya Palem 476.00 162 736 363 373 104 43 61
590968 Salakanuthala 552.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590969 Muga Chinthala 927.00 324 1,372 666 706 179 84 95
590970 Dondleru 537.00 246 1,192 621 571 149 84 65
590971 Obulakka Palle 817.00 225 966 499 467 111 66 45
590972 Kambhalapadu 1,675.00 1,024 4,210 2,163 2,047 586 314 272
590973 Jafala Puram 805.00 31 132 70 62 25 14 11
590974 Nandi Palem 491.00 307 1,364 681 683 188 90 98
590975 Ramayana Kandrika 312.00 127 645 323 322 127 66 61
590976 Madalavari Palem 437.00 249 993 513 480 131 66 65
590977 Akka Cheruvu 469.00 296 1,205 602 603 201 97 104
590978 Nimmavaram 656.00 202 803 413 390 127 71 56
590979 Teegadurthipadu 625.00 114 442 237 205 71 41 30
590980 Amudala Palle 446.00 131 572 308 264 60 40 20
590981 Anna Varam 484.00 193 792 404 388 110 50 60
590982 Chintagum Palle 483.00 177 859 445 414 133 74 59
590983 Lakshmi Puram 503.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590984 Thalamalla 1,237.00 493 2,144 1,092 1,052 296 156 140
590985 Uppala Padu 1,001.00 732 2,991 1,553 1,438 373 209 164
590986 Yeluru 1,201.00 682 2,669 1,398 1,271 335 189 146
590987 T.Salluru 534.00 113 540 278 262 72 38 34
590988 Podili (CT) 4,388.00 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
16,767 8,494 8,273 2,026 1,028 998 34,461 20,278 14,183 Podili (Total)
12,576 6,430 6,146 556 297 259 14,454 9,085 5,369 Podili (Rural)
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Podili (Urban)
488 260 228 40 21 19 360 220 140 Egalapadu
170 80 90 - - - 9 3 6 Kesavabhotla Palem
342 179 163 14 8 6 451 289 162 Pamulapadu
846 427 419 6 3 3 837 528 309 Kunchepalle
106 47 59 - - - 100 54 46 Dasalla Palle
186 99 87 5 2 3 169 114 55 Ramulaveedu
398 205 193 - - - 545 367 178 Mallavaram
326 169 157 1 - 1 387 255 132 Zuvvaleru
198 89 109 34 18 16 829 530 299 Sudanagunta
791 397 394 - - - 593 383 210 Thummagunta
283 142 141 - - - 353 221 132 Kondaya Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Salakanuthala
760 365 395 18 9 9 616 377 239 Muga Chinthala
365 190 175 - - - 524 339 185 Dondleru
390 208 182 1 1 - 417 259 158 Obulakka Palle
1,363 688 675 39 23 16 1,816 1,136 680 Kambhalapadu
- - - 131 70 61 18 9 9 Jafala Puram
627 325 302 55 25 30 621 401 220 Nandi Palem
630 315 315 - - - 315 198 117 Ramayana Kandrika
318 172 146 - - - 530 334 196 Madalavari Palem
429 214 215 - - - 452 278 174 Akka Cheruvu
217 113 104 - - - 203 112 91 Nimmavaram
166 91 75 - - - 159 108 51 Teegadurthipadu
186 98 88 6 1 5 145 100 45 Amudala Palle
18 12 6 - - - 305 194 111 Anna Varam
592 310 282 - - - 313 179 134 Chintagum Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lakshmi Puram
581 291 290 36 21 15 846 492 354 Thalamalla
934 489 445 161 89 72 1,379 851 528 Uppala Padu
638 335 303 9 6 3 1,000 657 343 Yeluru
228 120 108 - - - 162 97 65 T.Salluru
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Podili (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0788 Podili (Total) 32,556 13,786 18,770 31,663 19,391 12,272 21,909 15,476 6,433
0788 Podili (Rural) 21,418 9,298 12,120 19,682 10,946 8,736 12,160 8,112 4,048
0788 Podili (Urban) 11,138 4,488 6,650 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385
590957 Egalapadu 955 450 505 757 384 373 304 232 72
590958 Kesavabhotla Palem 161 77 84 115 58 57 25 25 -
590959 Pamulapadu 799 352 447 749 391 358 306 281 25
590960 Kunchepalle 1,438 632 806 1,040 666 374 1,032 666 366
590961 Dasalla Palle 194 76 118 153 85 68 153 85 68
590962 Ramulaveedu 339 152 187 294 157 137 166 116 50
590963 Mallavaram 761 316 445 785 400 385 196 165 31
590964 Zuvvaleru 728 321 407 670 334 336 487 327 160
590965 Sudanagunta 990 400 590 908 594 314 529 493 36
590966 Thummagunta 600 235 365 653 353 300 650 353 297
590967 Kondaya Palem 383 142 241 430 225 205 237 212 25
590968 Salakanuthala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590969 Muga Chinthala 756 289 467 678 394 284 538 269 269
590970 Dondleru 668 282 386 738 371 367 193 143 50
590971 Obulakka Palle 549 240 309 438 297 141 86 85 1
590972 Kambhalapadu 2,394 1,027 1,367 2,159 1,256 903 1,308 856 452
590973 Jafala Puram 114 61 53 82 43 39 80 42 38
590974 Nandi Palem 743 280 463 829 424 405 408 281 127
590975 Ramayana Kandrika 330 125 205 361 182 179 71 67 4
590976 Madalavari Palem 463 179 284 578 286 292 535 276 259
590977 Akka Cheruvu 753 324 429 692 354 338 343 193 150
590978 Nimmavaram 600 301 299 471 243 228 304 232 72
590979 Teegadurthipadu 283 129 154 239 128 111 140 75 65
590980 Amudala Palle 427 208 219 375 195 180 336 187 149
590981 Anna Varam 487 210 277 325 209 116 283 204 79
590982 Chintagum Palle 546 266 280 431 255 176 404 250 154
590983 Lakshmi Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590984 Thalamalla 1,298 600 698 1,213 675 538 307 261 46
590985 Uppala Padu 1,612 702 910 1,788 942 846 1,497 878 619
590986 Yeluru 1,669 741 928 1,399 857 542 937 686 251
590987 T.Salluru 378 181 197 332 188 144 305 172 133
590988 Podili (CT) 11,138 4,488 6,650 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,290 2,655 635 8,420 4,453 3,967 252 163 89 9,947 8,205 1,742 Podili (Total)
2,926 2,382 544 5,955 3,126 2,829 100 56 44 3,179 2,548 631 Podili (Rural)
364 273 91 2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Podili (Urban)
83 80 3 87 47 40 11 2 9 123 103 20 Egalapadu
19 19 - 6 6 - - - - - - - Kesavabhotla Palem
141 130 11 58 48 10 4 3 1 103 100 3 Pamulapadu
218 211 7 744 401 343 2 1 1 68 53 15 Kunchepalle
18 18 - 133 66 67 - - - 2 1 1 Dasalla Palle
3 3 - 90 50 40 - - - 73 63 10 Ramulaveedu
39 37 2 133 108 25 1 1 - 23 19 4 Mallavaram
82 78 4 311 162 149 1 1 - 93 86 7 Zuvvaleru
354 344 10 94 79 15 8 7 1 73 63 10 Sudanagunta
124 78 46 431 206 225 - - - 95 69 26 Thummagunta
105 101 4 72 55 17 1 1 - 59 55 4 Kondaya Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Salakanuthala
2 2 - 524 262 262 - - - 12 5 7 Muga Chinthala
186 138 48 - - - - - - 7 5 2 Dondleru
67 67 - 3 2 1 3 3 - 13 13 - Obulakka Palle
220 187 33 644 295 349 24 7 17 420 367 53 Kambhalapadu
- - - 69 35 34 1 1 - 10 6 4 Jafala Puram
74 72 2 234 128 106 10 6 4 90 75 15 Nandi Palem
1 1 - 13 12 1 1 1 - 56 53 3 Ramayana Kandrika
171 140 31 288 76 212 13 9 4 63 51 12 Madalavari Palem
35 27 8 239 108 131 - - - 69 58 11 Akka Cheruvu
- - - 255 184 71 - - - 49 48 1 Nimmavaram
17 9 8 112 58 54 - - - 11 8 3 Teegadurthipadu
166 86 80 82 28 54 - - - 88 73 15 Amudala Palle
76 75 1 123 66 57 10 7 3 74 56 18 Anna Varam
36 32 4 39 22 17 5 3 2 324 193 131 Chintagum Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lakshmi Puram
40 23 17 14 8 6 2 1 1 251 229 22 Thalamalla
386 226 160 532 250 282 3 2 1 576 400 176 Uppala Padu
127 115 12 463 278 185 - - - 347 293 54 Yeluru
136 83 53 162 86 76 - - - 7 3 4 T.Salluru
364 273 91 2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Podili (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0788 Podili (Total) 9,754 3,915 5,839 500 311 189 6,882 2,311 4,571
0788 Podili (Rural) 7,522 2,834 4,688 479 298 181 5,767 1,837 3,930
0788 Podili (Urban) 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
590957 Egalapadu 453 152 301 4 2 2 203 49 154
590958 Kesavabhotla Palem 90 33 57 1 1 - 89 32 57
590959 Pamulapadu 443 110 333 7 3 4 414 95 319
590960 Kunchepalle 8 - 8 - - - 8 - 8
590961 Dasalla Palle - - - - - - - - -
590962 Ramulaveedu 128 41 87 2 - 2 122 40 82
590963 Mallavaram 589 235 354 67 63 4 499 161 338
590964 Zuvvaleru 183 7 176 1 1 - 177 4 173
590965 Sudanagunta 379 101 278 46 18 28 313 64 249
590966 Thummagunta 3 - 3 - - - 2 - 2
590967 Kondaya Palem 193 13 180 88 6 82 99 5 94
590968 Salakanuthala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590969 Muga Chinthala 140 125 15 93 93 - 46 31 15
590970 Dondleru 545 228 317 - - - 520 204 316
590971 Obulakka Palle 352 212 140 3 2 1 338 200 138
590972 Kambhalapadu 851 400 451 12 5 7 442 129 313
590973 Jafala Puram 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
590974 Nandi Palem 421 143 278 8 4 4 358 101 257
590975 Ramayana Kandrika 290 115 175 - - - 248 88 160
590976 Madalavari Palem 43 10 33 8 3 5 32 4 28
590977 Akka Cheruvu 349 161 188 1 - 1 265 100 165
590978 Nimmavaram 167 11 156 - - - 167 11 156
590979 Teegadurthipadu 99 53 46 12 5 7 78 40 38
590980 Amudala Palle 39 8 31 - - - 28 7 21
590981 Anna Varam 42 5 37 - - - 22 1 21
590982 Chintagum Palle 27 5 22 2 1 1 3 - 3
590983 Lakshmi Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590984 Thalamalla 906 414 492 112 90 22 774 316 458
590985 Uppala Padu 291 64 227 1 - 1 228 46 182
590986 Yeluru 462 171 291 11 1 10 263 92 171
590987 T.Salluru 27 16 11 - - - 27 16 11
590988 Podili (CT) 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
211 49 162 2,161 1,244 917 35,354 14,673 20,681 Podili (Total) 0788
111 12 99 1,165 687 478 16,190 7,437 8,753 Podili (Rural) 0788
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Podili (Urban) 0788
64 5 59 182 96 86 558 286 272 Egalapadu 590957
- - - - - - 55 22 33 Kesavabhotla Palem 590958
3 - 3 19 12 7 501 250 251 Pamulapadu 590959
- - - - - - 1,235 494 741 Kunchepalle 590960
- - - - - - 141 45 96 Dasalla Palle 590961
- - - 4 1 3 214 109 105 Ramulaveedu 590962
7 - 7 16 11 5 521 283 238 Mallavaram 590963
- - - 5 2 3 445 242 203 Zuvvaleru 590964
- - - 20 19 1 911 336 575 Sudanagunta 590965
- - - 1 - 1 540 265 275 Thummagunta 590966
- - - 6 2 4 306 138 168 Kondaya Palem 590967
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Salakanuthala 590968
- - - 1 1 - 694 272 422 Muga Chinthala 590969
- - - 25 24 1 454 250 204 Dondleru 590970
2 2 - 9 8 1 528 202 326 Obulakka Palle 590971
1 - 1 396 266 130 2,051 907 1,144 Kambhalapadu 590972
- - - - - - 50 27 23 Jafala Puram 590973
3 1 2 52 37 15 535 257 278 Nandi Palem 590974
1 - 1 41 27 14 284 141 143 Ramayana Kandrika 590975
- - - 3 3 - 415 227 188 Madalavari Palem 590976
6 3 3 77 58 19 513 248 265 Akka Cheruvu 590977
- - - - - - 332 170 162 Nimmavaram 590978
- - - 9 8 1 203 109 94 Teegadurthipadu 590979
3 - 3 8 1 7 197 113 84 Amudala Palle 590980
- - - 20 4 16 467 195 272 Anna Varam 590981
3 1 2 19 3 16 428 190 238 Chintagum Palle 590982
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lakshmi Puram 590983
- - - 20 8 12 931 417 514 Thalamalla 590984
18 - 18 44 18 26 1,203 611 592 Uppala Padu 590985
- - - 188 78 110 1,270 541 729 Yeluru 590986
- - - - - - 208 90 118 T.Salluru 590987
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Podili (CT) 590988


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0789 Thallur (Total) 19,946.00 12,028 48,400 24,848 23,552 5,770 3,002 2,768
0789 Thallur (Rural) 19,946.00 12,028 48,400 24,848 23,552 5,770 3,002 2,768
0789 Thallur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
590989 Dosakayalapadu 1,431.00 340 1,402 700 702 166 81 85
590990 Mannepalle 2,291.00 1,498 5,792 2,978 2,814 644 349 295
590991 Vithalapuram 412.00 303 1,075 544 531 125 63 62
590992 Malkapuram 603.00 501 1,926 985 941 235 130 105
590993 Tallur 2,062.00 1,964 8,313 4,392 3,921 805 459 346
590994 Madhavaram 519.00 635 2,439 1,226 1,213 327 171 156
590995 Ramabhadrapuram 101.00 205 755 380 375 86 42 44
590996 Bellamkondavari Palem 737.00 278 1,115 542 573 128 63 65
590997 Sarvamitta 34.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590998 Lakkavaram 1,507.00 1,132 4,474 2,284 2,190 601 312 289
590999 Sankaranarayanapuram 510.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591000 Boddikura Padu 2,406.00 1,812 7,028 3,590 3,438 942 483 459
591001 Suraya Palem 2,227.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591002 Nagambhotla Palem 2,403.00 2,162 8,972 4,641 4,331 1,067 552 515
591003 Somavrappadu 1,228.00 345 1,388 689 699 160 69 91
591004 Sivarampuram 1,475.00 853 3,721 1,897 1,824 484 228 256



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,833 6,614 6,219 1,024 505 519 23,305 14,228 9,077 Thallur (Total)
12,833 6,614 6,219 1,024 505 519 23,305 14,228 9,077 Thallur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Thallur (Urban)
390 194 196 17 11 6 876 516 360 Dosakayalapadu
1,421 741 680 5 2 3 2,762 1,740 1,022 Mannepalle
201 97 104 30 13 17 531 321 210 Vithalapuram
471 235 236 72 42 30 836 508 328 Malkapuram
2,453 1,292 1,161 206 102 104 4,702 2,872 1,830 Tallur
805 402 403 69 38 31 1,142 710 432 Madhavaram
- - - 5 2 3 419 257 162 Ramabhadrapuram
72 34 38 116 56 60 643 368 275 Bellamkondavari Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarvamitta
1,687 877 810 54 25 29 1,909 1,161 748 Lakkavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sankaranarayanapuram
2,055 1,044 1,011 72 34 38 2,926 1,799 1,127 Boddikura Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Suraya Palem
1,794 928 866 123 64 59 4,480 2,734 1,746 Nagambhotla Palem
355 187 168 237 108 129 638 372 266 Somavrappadu
1,129 583 546 18 8 10 1,441 870 571 Sivarampuram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0789 Thallur (Total) 25,095 10,620 14,475 25,298 13,973 11,325 23,190 13,475 9,715
0789 Thallur (Rural) 25,095 10,620 14,475 25,298 13,973 11,325 23,190 13,475 9,715
0789 Thallur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590989 Dosakayalapadu 526 184 342 646 390 256 571 369 202
590990 Mannepalle 3,030 1,238 1,792 3,200 1,682 1,518 3,134 1,649 1,485
590991 Vithalapuram 544 223 321 622 321 301 576 311 265
590992 Malkapuram 1,090 477 613 1,131 589 542 1,125 586 539
590993 Tallur 3,611 1,520 2,091 3,628 2,198 1,430 3,523 2,176 1,347
590994 Madhavaram 1,297 516 781 1,322 720 602 1,124 680 444
590995 Ramabhadrapuram 336 123 213 460 245 215 273 222 51
590996 Bellamkondavari Palem 472 174 298 591 311 280 368 303 65
590997 Sarvamitta -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590998 Lakkavaram 2,565 1,123 1,442 2,637 1,349 1,288 2,427 1,280 1,147
590999 Sankaranarayanapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591000 Boddikura Padu 4,102 1,791 2,311 3,904 2,053 1,851 3,637 1,944 1,693
591001 Suraya Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591002 Nagambhotla Palem 4,492 1,907 2,585 4,388 2,588 1,800 4,079 2,479 1,600
591003 Somavrappadu 750 317 433 740 409 331 722 402 320
591004 Sivarampuram 2,280 1,027 1,253 2,029 1,118 911 1,631 1,074 557


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,225 4,242 1,983 13,112 6,426 6,686 166 98 68 3,687 2,709 978 Thallur (Total)
6,225 4,242 1,983 13,112 6,426 6,686 166 98 68 3,687 2,709 978 Thallur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Thallur (Urban)
146 116 30 337 194 143 9 3 6 79 56 23 Dosakayalapadu
1,267 843 424 1,345 538 807 9 7 2 513 261 252 Mannepalle
238 127 111 274 139 135 1 1 - 63 44 19 Vithalapuram
139 75 64 834 388 446 10 8 2 142 115 27 Malkapuram
917 703 214 1,866 937 929 31 21 10 709 515 194 Tallur
291 204 87 669 329 340 2 - 2 162 147 15 Madhavaram
60 57 3 125 87 38 - - - 88 78 10 Ramabhadrapuram
129 119 10 85 51 34 - - - 154 133 21 Bellamkondavari Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarvamitta
476 276 200 1,823 903 920 7 4 3 121 97 24 Lakkavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sankaranarayanapuram
953 666 287 2,274 998 1,276 16 9 7 394 271 123 Boddikura Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Suraya Palem
1,070 701 369 2,046 1,035 1,011 27 18 9 936 725 211 Nagambhotla Palem
52 32 20 451 205 246 51 24 27 168 141 27 Somavrappadu
487 323 164 983 622 361 3 3 - 158 126 32 Sivarampuram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0789 Thallur (Total) 2,108 498 1,610 432 96 336 1,310 259 1,051
0789 Thallur (Rural) 2,108 498 1,610 432 96 336 1,310 259 1,051
0789 Thallur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
590989 Dosakayalapadu 75 21 54 10 3 7 36 8 28
590990 Mannepalle 66 33 33 10 8 2 24 9 15
590991 Vithalapuram 46 10 36 16 3 13 26 7 19
590992 Malkapuram 6 3 3 - - - 6 3 3
590993 Tallur 105 22 83 40 1 39 33 8 25
590994 Madhavaram 198 40 158 10 4 6 98 16 82
590995 Ramabhadrapuram 187 23 164 2 2 - 169 16 153
590996 Bellamkondavari Palem 223 8 215 123 2 121 84 4 80
590997 Sarvamitta -------------Un-inhabited--------------
590998 Lakkavaram 210 69 141 11 3 8 187 56 131
590999 Sankaranarayanapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591000 Boddikura Padu 267 109 158 42 14 28 186 76 110
591001 Suraya Palem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591002 Nagambhotla Palem 309 109 200 75 45 30 176 36 140
591003 Somavrappadu 18 7 11 - - - 10 2 8
591004 Sivarampuram 398 44 354 93 11 82 275 18 257


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
35 8 27 331 135 196 23,102 10,875 12,227 Thallur (Total) 0789
35 8 27 331 135 196 23,102 10,875 12,227 Thallur (Rural) 0789
- - - - - - - - - Thallur (Urban) 0789
5 1 4 24 9 15 756 310 446 Dosakayalapadu 590989
5 3 2 27 13 14 2,592 1,296 1,296 Mannepalle 590990
1 - 1 3 - 3 453 223 230 Vithalapuram 590991
- - - - - - 795 396 399 Malkapuram 590992
11 2 9 21 11 10 4,685 2,194 2,491 Tallur 590993
- - - 90 20 70 1,117 506 611 Madhavaram 590994
1 - 1 15 5 10 295 135 160 Ramabhadrapuram 590995
- - - 16 2 14 524 231 293 Bellamkondavari Palem 590996
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarvamitta 590997
- - - 12 10 2 1,837 935 902 Lakkavaram 590998
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sankaranarayanapuram 590999
4 1 3 35 18 17 3,124 1,537 1,587 Boddikura Padu 591000
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Suraya Palem 591001
2 - 2 56 28 28 4,584 2,053 2,531 Nagambhotla Palem 591002
2 - 2 6 5 1 648 280 368 Somavrappadu 591003
4 1 3 26 14 12 1,692 779 913 Sivarampuram 591004


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0790 Korisapadu (Total) 14,916.00 13,278 48,273 23,958 24,315 4,785 2,346 2,439
0790 Korisapadu (Rural) 14,916.00 13,278 48,273 23,958 24,315 4,785 2,346 2,439
0790 Korisapadu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591005 Anamanamur 778.00 309 1,068 540 528 114 48 66
591006 Bodduvani Palem 3,287.00 4,794 17,885 8,890 8,995 1,892 917 975
591007 Somavarappadu 363.00 289 947 483 464 97 58 39
591008 Korisapadu 1,002.00 1,092 4,009 2,012 1,997 351 183 168
591009 Pichikalagudipadu 951.00 533 1,965 961 1,004 193 95 98
591010 Ravinuthala 2,562.00 2,375 8,279 4,034 4,245 803 393 410
591011 Dyvala Ravuru 1,367.00 904 3,205 1,574 1,631 284 142 142
591012 Pamidi Padu 3,123.00 1,945 6,850 3,437 3,413 663 325 338
591013 Rachapudi 1,015.00 718 2,897 1,458 1,439 276 137 139
591014 Prasangula Padu 468.00 319 1,168 569 599 112 48 64



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
16,379 8,219 8,160 1,466 727 739 29,199 16,475 12,724 Korisapadu (Total)
16,379 8,219 8,160 1,466 727 739 29,199 16,475 12,724 Korisapadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Korisapadu (Urban)
375 193 182 20 10 10 452 282 170 Anamanamur
5,038 2,469 2,569 706 335 371 10,903 6,124 4,779 Bodduvani Palem
421 220 201 129 65 64 584 354 230 Somavarappadu
1,718 868 850 124 70 54 2,686 1,489 1,197 Korisapadu
634 302 332 30 14 16 1,182 672 510 Pichikalagudipadu
2,660 1,339 1,321 239 123 116 4,853 2,701 2,152 Ravinuthala
1,334 667 667 117 58 59 1,981 1,083 898 Dyvala Ravuru
2,200 1,163 1,037 75 38 37 4,200 2,384 1,816 Pamidi Padu
1,374 689 685 26 14 12 1,646 959 687 Rachapudi
625 309 316 - - - 712 427 285 Prasangula Padu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0790 Korisapadu (Total) 19,074 7,483 11,591 25,444 14,372 11,072 23,415 13,695 9,720
0790 Korisapadu (Rural) 19,074 7,483 11,591 25,444 14,372 11,072 23,415 13,695 9,720
0790 Korisapadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591005 Anamanamur 616 258 358 613 351 262 590 347 243
591006 Bodduvani Palem 6,982 2,766 4,216 8,545 5,165 3,380 7,532 4,856 2,676
591007 Somavarappadu 363 129 234 524 275 249 520 273 247
591008 Korisapadu 1,323 523 800 2,303 1,185 1,118 2,241 1,160 1,081
591009 Pichikalagudipadu 783 289 494 995 558 437 957 548 409
591010 Ravinuthala 3,426 1,333 2,093 4,489 2,520 1,969 3,874 2,265 1,609
591011 Dyvala Ravuru 1,224 491 733 1,801 984 817 1,679 951 728
591012 Pamidi Padu 2,650 1,053 1,597 3,886 2,091 1,795 3,769 2,061 1,708
591013 Rachapudi 1,251 499 752 1,652 889 763 1,618 881 737
591014 Prasangula Padu 456 142 314 636 354 282 635 353 282


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,531 2,508 1,023 14,465 7,042 7,423 308 217 91 5,111 3,928 1,183 Korisapadu (Total)
3,531 2,508 1,023 14,465 7,042 7,423 308 217 91 5,111 3,928 1,183 Korisapadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Korisapadu (Urban)
63 44 19 397 197 200 7 5 2 123 101 22 Anamanamur
892 740 152 3,468 1,757 1,711 161 118 43 3,011 2,241 770 Bodduvani Palem
11 10 1 460 218 242 - - - 49 45 4 Somavarappadu
349 220 129 1,599 733 866 43 29 14 250 178 72 Korisapadu
85 70 15 742 369 373 3 3 - 127 106 21 Pichikalagudipadu
753 483 270 2,294 1,109 1,185 47 38 9 780 635 145 Ravinuthala
250 164 86 1,267 679 588 21 9 12 141 99 42 Dyvala Ravuru
764 479 285 2,684 1,336 1,348 26 15 11 295 231 64 Pamidi Padu
257 208 49 1,108 451 657 - - - 253 222 31 Rachapudi
107 90 17 446 193 253 - - - 82 70 12 Prasangula Padu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0790 Korisapadu (Total) 2,029 677 1,352 195 76 119 1,444 379 1,065
0790 Korisapadu (Rural) 2,029 677 1,352 195 76 119 1,444 379 1,065
0790 Korisapadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591005 Anamanamur 23 4 19 3 1 2 19 2 17
591006 Bodduvani Palem 1,013 309 704 86 30 56 728 168 560
591007 Somavarappadu 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
591008 Korisapadu 62 25 37 6 4 2 29 6 23
591009 Pichikalagudipadu 38 10 28 - - - 33 7 26
591010 Ravinuthala 615 255 360 76 28 48 431 160 271
591011 Dyvala Ravuru 122 33 89 2 2 - 97 20 77
591012 Pamidi Padu 117 30 87 16 9 7 82 12 70
591013 Rachapudi 34 8 26 4 1 3 24 4 20
591014 Prasangula Padu 1 1 - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
31 10 21 359 212 147 22,829 9,586 13,243 Korisapadu (Total) 0790
31 10 21 359 212 147 22,829 9,586 13,243 Korisapadu (Rural) 0790
- - - - - - - - - Korisapadu (Urban) 0790
- - - 1 1 - 455 189 266 Anamanamur 591005
10 4 6 189 107 82 9,340 3,725 5,615 Bodduvani Palem 591006
- - - 1 1 - 423 208 215 Somavarappadu 591007
- - - 27 15 12 1,706 827 879 Korisapadu 591008
- - - 5 3 2 970 403 567 Pichikalagudipadu 591009
18 6 12 90 61 29 3,790 1,514 2,276 Ravinuthala 591010
3 - 3 20 11 9 1,404 590 814 Dyvala Ravuru 591011
- - - 19 9 10 2,964 1,346 1,618 Pamidi Padu 591012
- - - 6 3 3 1,245 569 676 Rachapudi 591013
- - - 1 1 - 532 215 317 Prasangula Padu 591014


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0791 Chirala (Total) 8,911.00 23,808 85,626 42,808 42,818 8,840 4,599 4,241
0791 Chirala (Rural) 6,541.00 14,719 52,590 26,550 26,040 5,631 2,955 2,676
0791 Chirala (Urban) 2,370.00 9,089 33,036 16,258 16,778 3,209 1,644 1,565
591015 Wada 1,260.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591016 Ipuru Palem (Part) 3,142.00 11,288 40,482 20,440 20,042 4,250 2,220 2,030
591017 Gavinivari Palem 2,139.00 3,431 12,108 6,110 5,998 1,381 735 646
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural 601 2,178 1,065 1,113 199 108 91
MDDS CODE:591016)
591018 Chirala (CT) 2,370.00 8,488 30,858 15,193 15,665 3,010 1,536 1,474



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
7,525 3,760 3,765 4,002 1,997 2,005 50,812 28,508 22,304 Chirala (Total)
5,901 2,960 2,941 1,945 994 951 28,658 16,493 12,165 Chirala (Rural)
1,624 800 824 2,057 1,003 1,054 22,154 12,015 10,139 Chirala (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Wada
4,738 2,380 2,358 1,860 947 913 22,791 13,070 9,721 Ipuru Palem (Part)
1,163 580 583 85 47 38 5,867 3,423 2,444 Gavinivari Palem
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
10 6 4 991 470 521 1,602 824 778 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591016)
1,614 794 820 1,066 533 533 20,552 11,191 9,361 Chirala (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0791 Chirala (Total) 34,814 14,300 20,514 43,327 25,555 17,772 37,614 23,296 14,318
0791 Chirala (Rural) 23,932 10,057 13,875 27,125 15,715 11,410 22,639 13,949 8,690
0791 Chirala (Urban) 10,882 4,243 6,639 16,202 9,840 6,362 14,975 9,347 5,628
591015 Wada -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591016 Ipuru Palem (Part) 17,691 7,370 10,321 20,287 12,105 8,182 17,096 10,773 6,323
591017 Gavinivari Palem 6,241 2,687 3,554 6,838 3,610 3,228 5,543 3,176 2,367
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural 576 241 335 890 607 283 794 560 234
MDDS CODE:591016)
591018 Chirala (CT) 10,306 4,002 6,304 15,312 9,233 6,079 14,181 8,787 5,394


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
1,513 1,224 289 11,724 6,055 5,669 10,331 5,288 5,043 14,046 10,729 3,317 Chirala (Total)
1,301 1,040 261 8,933 4,729 4,204 5,605 2,936 2,669 6,800 5,244 1,556 Chirala (Rural)
212 184 28 2,791 1,326 1,465 4,726 2,352 2,374 7,246 5,485 1,761 Chirala (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Wada
673 549 124 4,805 2,643 2,162 5,568 2,913 2,655 6,050 4,668 1,382 Ipuru Palem (Part)
628 491 137 4,128 2,086 2,042 37 23 14 750 576 174 Gavinivari Palem
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
4 3 1 44 30 14 164 85 79 582 442 140 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591016)
208 181 27 2,747 1,296 1,451 4,562 2,267 2,295 6,664 5,043 1,621 Chirala (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0791 Chirala (Total) 5,713 2,259 3,454 68 25 43 3,589 1,285 2,304
0791 Chirala (Rural) 4,486 1,766 2,720 61 23 38 3,284 1,204 2,080
0791 Chirala (Urban) 1,227 493 734 7 2 5 305 81 224
591015 Wada -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591016 Ipuru Palem (Part) 3,191 1,332 1,859 49 20 29 2,167 841 1,326
591017 Gavinivari Palem 1,295 434 861 12 3 9 1,117 363 754
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural 96 47 49 3 - 3 25 15 10
MDDS CODE:591016)
591018 Chirala (CT) 1,131 446 685 4 2 2 280 66 214


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
620 186 434 1,436 763 673 42,299 17,253 25,046 Chirala (Total) 0791
342 95 247 799 444 355 25,465 10,835 14,630 Chirala (Rural) 0791
278 91 187 637 319 318 16,834 6,418 10,416 Chirala (Urban) 0791
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Wada 591015
332 91 241 643 380 263 20,195 8,335 11,860 Ipuru Palem (Part) 591016
10 4 6 156 64 92 5,270 2,500 2,770 Gavinivari Palem 591017
Ipurupalem (OG) (Part)
16 4 12 52 28 24 1,288 458 830 WARD NO.-0027 (Rural 802987
MDDS CODE:591016)
262 87 175 585 291 294 15,546 5,960 9,586 Chirala (CT) 591018


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0792 Vetapalem (Total) 8,554.00 21,247 75,219 37,352 37,867 7,440 3,776 3,664
0792 Vetapalem (Rural) 7,440.00 9,250 32,984 16,518 16,466 3,503 1,774 1,729
0792 Vetapalem (Urban) 1,114.00 11,997 42,235 20,834 21,401 3,937 2,002 1,935
591019 Pandilla Palle 873.00 2,086 7,243 3,583 3,660 654 335 319
591020 Pullari Palem 1,348.00 800 2,791 1,372 1,419 385 193 192
591021 Kotha Peta (Part) 3,031.00 4,622 16,931 8,547 8,384 1,651 857 794
591022 Nayani Palle 2,188.00 1,742 6,019 3,016 3,003 813 389 424
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural 984 3,564 1,755 1,809 249 121 128
MDDS CODE:591021)
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 1,114.00 11,013 38,671 19,079 19,592 3,688 1,881 1,807



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
7,644 3,820 3,824 5,514 2,733 2,781 48,823 26,831 21,992 Vetapalem (Total)
2,577 1,295 1,282 2,056 1,045 1,011 19,886 11,067 8,819 Vetapalem (Rural)
5,067 2,525 2,542 3,458 1,688 1,770 28,937 15,764 13,173 Vetapalem (Urban)
386 200 186 282 148 134 4,545 2,536 2,009 Pandilla Palle
79 36 43 265 128 137 1,364 759 605 Pullari Palem
1,981 988 993 904 464 440 11,248 6,202 5,046 Kotha Peta (Part)
131 71 60 605 305 300 2,729 1,570 1,159 Nayani Palle
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
331 164 167 401 200 201 3,023 1,547 1,476 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591021)
4,736 2,361 2,375 3,057 1,488 1,569 25,914 14,217 11,697 Vetapalem (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0792 Vetapalem (Total) 26,396 10,521 15,875 36,854 22,128 14,726 30,303 19,126 11,177
0792 Vetapalem (Rural) 13,098 5,451 7,647 16,669 9,857 6,812 13,287 8,368 4,919
0792 Vetapalem (Urban) 13,298 5,070 8,228 20,185 12,271 7,914 17,016 10,758 6,258
591019 Pandilla Palle 2,698 1,047 1,651 3,680 2,105 1,575 3,413 1,992 1,421
591020 Pullari Palem 1,427 613 814 1,552 830 722 869 662 207
591021 Kotha Peta (Part) 5,683 2,345 3,338 7,750 5,015 2,735 5,988 3,992 1,996
591022 Nayani Palle 3,290 1,446 1,844 3,687 1,907 1,780 3,017 1,722 1,295
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural 541 208 333 1,227 940 287 1,037 828 209
MDDS CODE:591021)
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 12,757 4,862 7,895 18,958 11,331 7,627 15,979 9,930 6,049


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
1,261 1,008 253 7,126 3,642 3,484 8,400 4,259 4,141 13,516 10,217 3,299 Vetapalem (Total)
971 741 230 4,813 2,332 2,481 2,651 1,313 1,338 4,852 3,982 870 Vetapalem (Rural)
290 267 23 2,313 1,310 1,003 5,749 2,946 2,803 8,664 6,235 2,429 Vetapalem (Urban)
293 241 52 815 426 389 1,515 746 769 790 579 211 Pandilla Palle
50 45 5 408 239 169 7 5 2 404 373 31 Pullari Palem
490 347 143 2,009 1,049 960 844 415 429 2,645 2,181 464 Kotha Peta (Part)
138 108 30 1,581 618 963 285 147 138 1,013 849 164 Nayani Palle
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
42 37 5 122 92 30 12 9 3 861 690 171 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591021)
248 230 18 2,191 1,218 973 5,737 2,937 2,800 7,803 5,545 2,258 Vetapalem (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0792 Vetapalem (Total) 6,551 3,002 3,549 105 48 57 2,404 826 1,578
0792 Vetapalem (Rural) 3,382 1,489 1,893 81 30 51 1,663 446 1,217
0792 Vetapalem (Urban) 3,169 1,513 1,656 24 18 6 741 380 361
591019 Pandilla Palle 267 113 154 8 1 7 106 47 59
591020 Pullari Palem 683 168 515 8 5 3 577 113 464
591021 Kotha Peta (Part) 1,762 1,023 739 31 15 16 666 231 435
591022 Nayani Palle 670 185 485 34 9 25 314 55 259
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
802987 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural 190 112 78 9 8 1 85 44 41
MDDS CODE:591021)
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 2,979 1,401 1,578 15 10 5 656 336 320


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
974 325 649 3,068 1,803 1,265 38,365 15,224 23,141 Vetapalem (Total) 0792
128 55 73 1,510 958 552 16,315 6,661 9,654 Vetapalem (Rural) 0792
846 270 576 1,558 845 713 22,050 8,563 13,487 Vetapalem (Urban) 0792
76 36 40 77 29 48 3,563 1,478 2,085 Pandilla Palle 591019
4 1 3 94 49 45 1,239 542 697 Pullari Palem 591020
28 12 16 1,037 765 272 9,181 3,532 5,649 Kotha Peta (Part) 591021
20 6 14 302 115 187 2,332 1,109 1,223 Nayani Palle 591022
Kothapeta (OG) (Part)
18 11 7 78 49 29 2,337 815 1,522 WARD NO.-0028 (Rural 802987
MDDS CODE:591021)
828 259 569 1,480 796 684 19,713 7,748 11,965 Vetapalem (CT) 591023


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0793 Chinaganjam (Total) 12,090.00 11,718 42,468 21,249 21,219 4,507 2,263 2,244
0793 Chinaganjam (Rural) 12,090.00 11,718 42,468 21,249 21,219 4,507 2,263 2,244
0793 Chinaganjam (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591024 Santharavuru 2,136.00 1,090 3,920 1,896 2,024 343 166 177
591025 Gonasapudi 1,081.00 697 2,300 1,127 1,173 162 88 74
591026 Chinthagum Palle 336.00 390 1,312 659 653 106 53 53
591027 Kadavakuduru 1,682.00 1,171 4,337 2,212 2,125 403 206 197
591028 Motu Palle 1,602.00 1,068 3,567 1,820 1,747 497 250 247
591029 Chinaganjam 4,308.00 5,104 19,060 9,479 9,581 2,028 1,012 1,016
591030 Pedaganjam 945.00 2,198 7,972 4,056 3,916 968 488 480



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
6,857 3,414 3,443 2,397 1,194 1,203 23,217 13,405 9,812 Chinaganjam (Total)
6,857 3,414 3,443 2,397 1,194 1,203 23,217 13,405 9,812 Chinaganjam (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Chinaganjam (Urban)
1,832 900 932 139 66 73 2,508 1,359 1,149 Santharavuru
768 372 396 4 2 2 1,437 807 630 Gonasapudi
796 413 383 4 1 3 854 484 370 Chinthagum Palle
406 213 193 435 223 212 2,466 1,421 1,045 Kadavakuduru
1 1 - 165 86 79 1,493 905 588 Motu Palle
2,281 1,121 1,160 1,360 679 681 10,378 6,017 4,361 Chinaganjam
773 394 379 290 137 153 4,081 2,412 1,669 Pedaganjam


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0793 Chinaganjam (Total) 19,251 7,844 11,407 22,733 12,645 10,088 16,181 10,414 5,767
0793 Chinaganjam (Rural) 19,251 7,844 11,407 22,733 12,645 10,088 16,181 10,414 5,767
0793 Chinaganjam (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591024 Santharavuru 1,412 537 875 2,165 1,185 980 1,880 1,061 819
591025 Gonasapudi 863 320 543 1,384 699 685 1,227 621 606
591026 Chinthagum Palle 458 175 283 604 391 213 587 382 205
591027 Kadavakuduru 1,871 791 1,080 2,314 1,295 1,019 2,094 1,258 836
591028 Motu Palle 2,074 915 1,159 2,053 1,080 973 1,548 1,042 506
591029 Chinaganjam 8,682 3,462 5,220 9,532 5,492 4,040 5,502 3,885 1,617
591030 Pedaganjam 3,891 1,644 2,247 4,681 2,503 2,178 3,343 2,165 1,178


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
2,582 1,884 698 8,860 4,798 4,062 182 126 56 4,557 3,606 951 Chinaganjam (Total)
2,582 1,884 698 8,860 4,798 4,062 182 126 56 4,557 3,606 951 Chinaganjam (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Chinaganjam (Urban)
141 115 26 1,387 680 707 8 4 4 344 262 82 Santharavuru
288 155 133 785 363 422 2 1 1 152 102 50 Gonasapudi
329 234 95 185 81 104 1 1 - 72 66 6 Chinthagum Palle
309 242 67 1,435 758 677 18 10 8 332 248 84 Kadavakuduru
350 237 113 529 311 218 9 6 3 660 488 172 Motu Palle
402 369 33 2,766 1,614 1,152 121 99 22 2,213 1,803 410 Chinaganjam
763 532 231 1,773 991 782 23 5 18 784 637 147 Pedaganjam


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0793 Chinaganjam (Total) 6,552 2,231 4,321 133 52 81 4,455 1,281 3,174
0793 Chinaganjam (Rural) 6,552 2,231 4,321 133 52 81 4,455 1,281 3,174
0793 Chinaganjam (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591024 Santharavuru 285 124 161 21 6 15 191 77 114
591025 Gonasapudi 157 78 79 2 2 - 131 59 72
591026 Chinthagum Palle 17 9 8 5 4 1 4 - 4
591027 Kadavakuduru 220 37 183 4 3 1 186 19 167
591028 Motu Palle 505 38 467 20 2 18 449 29 420
591029 Chinaganjam 4,030 1,607 2,423 56 29 27 2,341 846 1,495
591030 Pedaganjam 1,338 338 1,000 25 6 19 1,153 251 902


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
161 49 112 1,803 849 954 19,735 8,604 11,131 Chinaganjam (Total) 0793
161 49 112 1,803 849 954 19,735 8,604 11,131 Chinaganjam (Rural) 0793
- - - - - - - - - Chinaganjam (Urban) 0793
3 2 1 70 39 31 1,755 711 1,044 Santharavuru 591024
- - - 24 17 7 916 428 488 Gonasapudi 591025
- - - 8 5 3 708 268 440 Chinthagum Palle 591026
2 - 2 28 15 13 2,023 917 1,106 Kadavakuduru 591027
1 - 1 35 7 28 1,514 740 774 Motu Palle 591028
143 46 97 1,490 686 804 9,528 3,987 5,541 Chinaganjam 591029
12 1 11 148 80 68 3,291 1,553 1,738 Pedaganjam 591030


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Total) 27,128.00 18,613 67,733 33,867 33,866 6,129 3,224 2,905
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Rural) 27,128.00 18,613 67,733 33,867 33,866 6,129 3,224 2,905
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591031 Kothakota 1,046.00 531 2,023 1,009 1,014 214 125 89
591032 Nidamanur 1,430.00 1,576 5,693 2,854 2,839 517 272 245
591033 Pothavaram 725.00 755 2,669 1,320 1,349 172 84 88
591034 Chadalawada 1,639.00 783 3,053 1,539 1,514 377 196 181
591035 Maddirala Padu 735.00 673 2,488 1,268 1,220 264 150 114
591036 Chekura Padu 472.00 456 1,688 890 798 145 80 65
591037 Cheervanuppala Padu 847.00 789 2,988 1,497 1,491 259 128 131
591038 Ammana Brolu 3,132.00 1,983 7,515 3,624 3,891 687 376 311
591039 Naguluppala Padu 2,291.00 1,072 3,768 1,863 1,905 300 161 139
591040 Kandlagunta 3,447.00 1,050 3,851 1,940 1,911 377 209 168
591041 Thimmasamudram 1,587.00 1,727 5,993 3,041 2,952 491 252 239
591042 Maddirala Muppalla 740.00 506 1,702 835 867 106 54 52
591043 Edumudi 613.00 793 2,748 1,370 1,378 195 104 91
591044 Mattigunta 989.00 250 909 442 467 55 25 30
591045 Uppugundur 1,197.00 2,459 9,060 4,584 4,476 918 466 452
591046 Machavaram 1,011.00 576 2,183 1,083 1,100 223 119 104
591047 Raparla 934.00 1,022 3,475 1,685 1,790 309 145 164
591048 Kanuparthi 4,293.00 1,612 5,927 3,023 2,904 520 278 242


Naguluppala Padu

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Naguluppala Padu
23,565 12,005 11,560 2,925 1,510 1,415 41,073 23,294 17,779 (Total)
Naguluppala Padu
23,565 12,005 11,560 2,925 1,510 1,415 41,073 23,294 17,779 (Rural)
Naguluppala Padu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
1,060 542 518 54 28 26 1,272 731 541 Kothakota
2,471 1,295 1,176 53 24 29 3,681 2,099 1,582 Nidamanur
1,160 580 580 45 19 26 1,777 992 785 Pothavaram
911 467 444 116 64 52 1,889 1,054 835 Chadalawada
1,301 676 625 85 48 37 1,535 903 632 Maddirala Padu
1,041 561 480 40 20 20 1,016 641 375 Chekura Padu
1,306 667 639 4 2 2 1,719 994 725 Cheervanuppala Padu
1,873 953 920 602 298 304 4,443 2,368 2,075 Ammana Brolu
1,054 530 524 35 20 15 2,377 1,334 1,043 Naguluppala Padu
1,884 948 936 29 16 13 2,160 1,229 931 Kandlagunta
2,255 1,144 1,111 135 71 64 3,537 2,039 1,498 Thimmasamudram
463 222 241 36 18 18 1,111 605 506 Maddirala Muppalla
921 466 455 43 22 21 1,468 832 636 Edumudi
411 200 211 75 39 36 566 305 261 Mattigunta
2,512 1,293 1,219 1,276 667 609 5,962 3,382 2,580 Uppugundur
833 424 409 1 - 1 1,232 701 531 Machavaram
1,322 635 687 169 87 82 1,984 1,122 862 Raparla
787 402 385 127 67 60 3,344 1,963 1,381 Kanuparthi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Total) 26,660 10,573 16,087 36,544 20,494 16,050 32,032 19,401 12,631
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Rural) 26,660 10,573 16,087 36,544 20,494 16,050 32,032 19,401 12,631
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591031 Kothakota 751 278 473 1,140 616 524 1,136 615 521
591032 Nidamanur 2,012 755 1,257 3,152 1,717 1,435 3,086 1,710 1,376
591033 Pothavaram 892 328 564 1,375 774 601 1,005 751 254
591034 Chadalawada 1,164 485 679 1,621 954 667 1,382 896 486
591035 Maddirala Padu 953 365 588 1,266 770 496 1,258 766 492
591036 Chekura Padu 672 249 423 870 484 386 704 450 254
591037 Cheervanuppala Padu 1,269 503 766 1,730 936 794 1,518 905 613
591038 Ammana Brolu 3,072 1,256 1,816 3,780 2,135 1,645 3,621 2,109 1,512
591039 Naguluppala Padu 1,391 529 862 2,123 1,164 959 1,764 1,074 690
591040 Kandlagunta 1,691 711 980 2,188 1,167 1,021 2,118 1,165 953
591041 Thimmasamudram 2,456 1,002 1,454 3,314 1,887 1,427 2,616 1,674 942
591042 Maddirala Muppalla 591 230 361 913 535 378 611 430 181
591043 Edumudi 1,280 538 742 1,480 861 619 1,324 805 519
591044 Mattigunta 343 137 206 503 287 216 501 286 215
591045 Uppugundur 3,098 1,202 1,896 4,480 2,683 1,797 4,097 2,546 1,551
591046 Machavaram 951 382 569 1,286 680 606 1,025 638 387
591047 Raparla 1,491 563 928 2,042 1,057 985 1,496 920 576
591048 Kanuparthi 2,583 1,060 1,523 3,281 1,787 1,494 2,770 1,661 1,109


Naguluppala Padu
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
Naguluppala Padu
6,182 4,616 1,566 17,982 8,570 9,412 750 378 372 7,118 5,837 1,281 (Total)
Naguluppala Padu
6,182 4,616 1,566 17,982 8,570 9,412 750 378 372 7,118 5,837 1,281 (Rural)
Naguluppala Padu
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
273 170 103 714 325 389 2 - 2 147 120 27 Kothakota
612 423 189 1,817 743 1,074 122 88 34 535 456 79 Nidamanur
201 167 34 585 412 173 5 3 2 214 169 45 Pothavaram
213 128 85 488 138 350 6 6 - 675 624 51 Chadalawada
143 139 4 897 449 448 - - - 218 178 40 Maddirala Padu
106 94 12 344 150 194 27 15 12 227 191 36 Chekura Padu
323 237 86 893 420 473 - - - 302 248 54 Cheervanuppala Padu
339 275 64 2,065 1,039 1,026 448 176 272 769 619 150 Ammana Brolu
477 304 173 789 348 441 19 13 6 479 409 70 Naguluppala Padu
426 377 49 1,455 593 862 6 4 2 231 191 40 Kandlagunta
605 472 133 1,706 952 754 17 14 3 288 236 52 Thimmasamudram
472 320 152 42 34 8 1 1 - 96 75 21 Maddirala Muppalla
215 192 23 940 485 455 12 9 3 157 119 38 Edumudi
69 69 - 403 196 207 - - - 29 21 8 Mattigunta
541 404 137 2,100 931 1,169 54 26 28 1,402 1,185 217 Uppugundur
179 164 15 631 306 325 15 13 2 200 155 45 Machavaram
647 379 268 474 239 235 9 6 3 366 296 70 Raparla
341 302 39 1,639 810 829 7 4 3 783 545 238 Kanuparthi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Total) 4,512 1,093 3,419 806 155 651 3,209 705 2,504
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Rural) 4,512 1,093 3,419 806 155 651 3,209 705 2,504
Naguluppala Padu
0794 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591031 Kothakota 4 1 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
591032 Nidamanur 66 7 59 7 - 7 51 3 48
591033 Pothavaram 370 23 347 65 2 63 291 10 281
591034 Chadalawada 239 58 181 13 - 13 186 42 144
591035 Maddirala Padu 8 4 4 - - - 8 4 4
591036 Chekura Padu 166 34 132 - - - 139 30 109
591037 Cheervanuppala Padu 212 31 181 152 21 131 45 6 39
591038 Ammana Brolu 159 26 133 31 2 29 112 16 96
591039 Naguluppala Padu 359 90 269 9 3 6 323 69 254
591040 Kandlagunta 70 2 68 - - - 64 1 63
591041 Thimmasamudram 698 213 485 86 36 50 549 138 411
591042 Maddirala Muppalla 302 105 197 79 25 54 221 80 141
591043 Edumudi 156 56 100 30 10 20 119 44 75
591044 Mattigunta 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 -
591045 Uppugundur 383 137 246 3 1 2 305 74 231
591046 Machavaram 261 42 219 121 2 119 110 28 82
591047 Raparla 546 137 409 47 5 42 409 99 310
591048 Kanuparthi 511 126 385 162 48 114 274 60 214


Naguluppala Padu
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Naguluppala Padu
66 15 51 431 218 213 31,189 13,373 17,816 (Total) 0794
Naguluppala Padu
66 15 51 431 218 213 31,189 13,373 17,816 (Rural) 0794
Naguluppala Padu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0794
- - - 1 1 - 883 393 490 Kothakota 591031
- - - 8 4 4 2,541 1,137 1,404 Nidamanur 591032
3 3 - 11 8 3 1,294 546 748 Pothavaram 591033
- - - 40 16 24 1,432 585 847 Chadalawada 591034
- - - - - - 1,222 498 724 Maddirala Padu 591035
11 - 11 16 4 12 818 406 412 Chekura Padu 591036
- - - 15 4 11 1,258 561 697 Cheervanuppala Padu 591037
5 1 4 11 7 4 3,735 1,489 2,246 Ammana Brolu 591038
4 2 2 23 16 7 1,645 699 946 Naguluppala Padu 591039
2 - 2 4 1 3 1,663 773 890 Kandlagunta 591040
7 3 4 56 36 20 2,679 1,154 1,525 Thimmasamudram 591041
- - - 2 - 2 789 300 489 Maddirala Muppalla 591042
1 - 1 6 2 4 1,268 509 759 Edumudi 591043
- - - 1 - 1 406 155 251 Mattigunta 591044
3 1 2 72 61 11 4,580 1,901 2,679 Uppugundur 591045
11 - 11 19 12 7 897 403 494 Machavaram 591046
13 3 10 77 30 47 1,433 628 805 Raparla 591047
6 2 4 69 16 53 2,646 1,236 1,410 Kanuparthi 591048


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0795 Maddipadu (Total) 16,615.00 14,130 52,353 26,155 26,198 5,220 2,731 2,489
0795 Maddipadu (Rural) 16,615.00 14,130 52,353 26,155 26,198 5,220 2,731 2,489
0795 Maddipadu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591049 Garlapadu 448.00 261 947 477 470 114 56 58
591050 Gadiyapudi 541.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591051 Annangi 1,383.00 701 2,243 1,100 1,143 250 133 117
591052 Gundla Palle 945.00 1,233 4,627 2,361 2,266 535 263 272
591053 Rachavari Palem 942.00 751 2,756 1,377 1,379 290 162 128
591054 Keerthi Padu 493.00 339 1,295 663 632 141 81 60
591055 Vellam Palle 576.00 704 2,592 1,276 1,316 285 140 145
591056 Kolachanakota 432.00 491 1,855 910 945 187 82 105
591057 Mallavaram 814.00 573 2,116 1,068 1,048 181 102 79
591058 Venkateswarapuram 148.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591059 Doddavaram 1,510.00 1,234 4,760 2,348 2,412 510 259 251
591060 Nelatur 963.00 745 2,807 1,376 1,431 253 138 115
591061 Maddipadu 1,193.00 1,733 6,480 3,317 3,163 662 360 302
591062 Seetharampuram 349.00 245 907 457 450 72 34 38
591063 Nandipadu 345.00 321 1,157 567 590 81 37 44
591064 Inamanamellur 2,040.00 1,772 6,871 3,460 3,411 702 379 323
591065 Doddavarappadu 493.00 554 2,059 1,029 1,030 211 123 88
591066 Peda Kotha Palle 1,444.00 1,031 3,736 1,828 1,908 299 153 146
591067 Lingamgunta 869.00 786 2,831 1,411 1,420 267 145 122
591068 Edugundlapadu 687.00 656 2,314 1,130 1,184 180 84 96



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
19,553 9,849 9,704 1,509 793 716 30,406 17,295 13,111 Maddipadu (Total)
19,553 9,849 9,704 1,509 793 716 30,406 17,295 13,111 Maddipadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Maddipadu (Urban)
379 193 186 - - - 447 266 181 Garlapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gadiyapudi
514 262 252 67 39 28 1,138 654 484 Annangi
1,993 993 1,000 139 74 65 2,402 1,391 1,011 Gundla Palle
1,312 673 639 15 10 5 1,542 921 621 Rachavari Palem
950 488 462 - - - 750 432 318 Keerthi Padu
579 294 285 37 20 17 1,596 890 706 Vellam Palle
889 425 464 259 136 123 1,080 616 464 Kolachanakota
485 240 245 22 9 13 1,134 654 480 Mallavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venkateswarapuram
1,783 898 885 26 11 15 2,397 1,338 1,059 Doddavaram
1,084 530 554 69 40 29 1,563 893 670 Nelatur
1,908 988 920 58 29 29 4,132 2,374 1,758 Maddipadu
70 39 31 - - - 594 341 253 Seetharampuram
549 284 265 14 6 8 702 410 292 Nandipadu
2,312 1,169 1,143 535 284 251 3,884 2,190 1,694 Inamanamellur
953 491 462 15 8 7 1,265 723 542 Doddavarappadu
1,680 836 844 21 8 13 2,471 1,352 1,119 Peda Kotha Palle
853 425 428 213 109 104 1,688 947 741 Lingamgunta
1,260 621 639 19 10 9 1,621 903 718 Edugundlapadu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0795 Maddipadu (Total) 21,947 8,860 13,087 28,129 15,882 12,247 26,849 15,484 11,365
0795 Maddipadu (Rural) 21,947 8,860 13,087 28,129 15,882 12,247 26,849 15,484 11,365
0795 Maddipadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591049 Garlapadu 500 211 289 537 268 269 495 261 234
591050 Gadiyapudi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591051 Annangi 1,105 446 659 1,184 682 502 1,068 633 435
591052 Gundla Palle 2,225 970 1,255 2,488 1,476 1,012 2,428 1,443 985
591053 Rachavari Palem 1,214 456 758 1,572 818 754 1,550 817 733
591054 Keerthi Padu 545 231 314 713 391 322 707 389 318
591055 Vellam Palle 996 386 610 1,311 796 515 1,262 782 480
591056 Kolachanakota 775 294 481 1,054 576 478 1,042 570 472
591057 Mallavaram 982 414 568 1,168 643 525 1,145 641 504
591058 Venkateswarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591059 Doddavaram 2,363 1,010 1,353 2,564 1,416 1,148 2,527 1,404 1,123
591060 Nelatur 1,244 483 761 1,616 870 746 1,511 848 663
591061 Maddipadu 2,348 943 1,405 3,061 1,819 1,242 2,865 1,755 1,110
591062 Seetharampuram 313 116 197 482 288 194 478 288 190
591063 Nandipadu 455 157 298 710 356 354 573 300 273
591064 Inamanamellur 2,987 1,270 1,717 3,653 2,183 1,470 3,644 2,178 1,466
591065 Doddavarappadu 794 306 488 1,143 617 526 1,059 588 471
591066 Peda Kotha Palle 1,265 476 789 2,115 1,133 982 2,027 1,122 905
591067 Lingamgunta 1,143 464 679 1,534 859 675 1,479 854 625
591068 Edugundlapadu 693 227 466 1,224 691 533 989 611 378


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,092 2,331 761 16,670 7,663 9,007 165 110 55 6,922 5,380 1,542 Maddipadu (Total)
3,092 2,331 761 16,670 7,663 9,007 165 110 55 6,922 5,380 1,542 Maddipadu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Maddipadu (Urban)
8 6 2 426 214 212 1 1 - 60 40 20 Garlapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gadiyapudi
154 117 37 442 186 256 8 4 4 464 326 138 Annangi
234 151 83 1,530 768 762 3 2 1 661 522 139 Gundla Palle
162 123 39 1,206 540 666 4 4 - 178 150 28 Rachavari Palem
86 63 23 521 259 262 - - - 100 67 33 Keerthi Padu
83 62 21 672 310 362 6 4 2 501 406 95 Vellam Palle
97 68 29 747 347 400 2 1 1 196 154 42 Kolachanakota
214 149 65 761 357 404 2 2 - 168 133 35 Mallavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venkateswarapuram
326 218 108 1,484 656 828 7 3 4 710 527 183 Doddavaram
283 218 65 999 446 553 7 4 3 222 180 42 Nelatur
84 74 10 1,735 835 900 37 27 10 1,009 819 190 Maddipadu
98 65 33 56 29 27 25 13 12 299 181 118 Seetharampuram
46 44 2 426 176 250 - - - 101 80 21 Nandipadu
430 318 112 2,578 1,302 1,276 21 17 4 615 541 74 Inamanamellur
64 51 13 544 231 313 13 7 6 438 299 139 Doddavarappadu
345 307 38 1,221 417 804 2 2 - 459 396 63 Peda Kotha Palle
264 192 72 710 290 420 14 14 - 491 358 133 Lingamgunta
114 105 9 612 300 312 13 5 8 250 201 49 Edugundlapadu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0795 Maddipadu (Total) 1,280 398 882 142 32 110 734 171 563
0795 Maddipadu (Rural) 1,280 398 882 142 32 110 734 171 563
0795 Maddipadu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591049 Garlapadu 42 7 35 - - - 39 5 34
591050 Gadiyapudi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591051 Annangi 116 49 67 3 1 2 38 9 29
591052 Gundla Palle 60 33 27 - - - 8 1 7
591053 Rachavari Palem 22 1 21 1 - 1 20 1 19
591054 Keerthi Padu 6 2 4 - - - 6 2 4
591055 Vellam Palle 49 14 35 5 2 3 38 8 30
591056 Kolachanakota 12 6 6 - - - 6 2 4
591057 Mallavaram 23 2 21 1 - 1 22 2 20
591058 Venkateswarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591059 Doddavaram 37 12 25 8 2 6 12 5 7
591060 Nelatur 105 22 83 45 7 38 49 10 39
591061 Maddipadu 196 64 132 10 2 8 47 11 36
591062 Seetharampuram 4 - 4 1 - 1 - - -
591063 Nandipadu 137 56 81 4 3 1 131 53 78
591064 Inamanamellur 9 5 4 - - - 7 4 3
591065 Doddavarappadu 84 29 55 17 9 8 34 3 31
591066 Peda Kotha Palle 88 11 77 7 4 3 73 3 70
591067 Lingamgunta 55 5 50 39 1 38 13 1 12
591068 Edugundlapadu 235 80 155 1 1 - 191 51 140


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
39 9 30 365 186 179 24,224 10,273 13,951 Maddipadu (Total) 0795
39 9 30 365 186 179 24,224 10,273 13,951 Maddipadu (Rural) 0795
- - - - - - - - - Maddipadu (Urban) 0795
- - - 3 2 1 410 209 201 Garlapadu 591049
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gadiyapudi 591050
2 1 1 73 38 35 1,059 418 641 Annangi 591051
5 4 1 47 28 19 2,139 885 1,254 Gundla Palle 591052
- - - 1 - 1 1,184 559 625 Rachavari Palem 591053
- - - - - - 582 272 310 Keerthi Padu 591054
- - - 6 4 2 1,281 480 801 Vellam Palle 591055
- - - 6 4 2 801 334 467 Kolachanakota 591056
- - - - - - 948 425 523 Mallavaram 591057
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venkateswarapuram 591058
2 - 2 15 5 10 2,196 932 1,264 Doddavaram 591059
- - - 11 5 6 1,191 506 685 Nelatur 591060
17 2 15 122 49 73 3,419 1,498 1,921 Maddipadu 591061
- - - 3 - 3 425 169 256 Seetharampuram 591062
- - - 2 - 2 447 211 236 Nandipadu 591063
1 - 1 1 1 - 3,218 1,277 1,941 Inamanamellur 591064
10 2 8 23 15 8 916 412 504 Doddavarappadu 591065
2 - 2 6 4 2 1,621 695 926 Peda Kotha Palle 591066
- - - 3 3 - 1,297 552 745 Lingamgunta 591067
- - - 43 28 15 1,090 439 651 Edugundlapadu 591068


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0796 Chimakurthi (Total) 25,098.00 19,333 79,343 40,115 39,228 9,723 5,061 4,662
0796 Chimakurthi (Rural) 25,098.00 19,333 79,343 40,115 39,228 9,723 5,061 4,662
0796 Chimakurthi (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591069 Devarapalem 1,061.00 820 3,408 1,730 1,678 424 221 203
591070 Ilapavuluru 1,432.00 682 3,048 1,535 1,513 398 209 189
591071 Rangasai Puram 242.00 206 921 474 447 137 66 71
591072 Palla Malli 2,106.00 781 3,436 1,736 1,700 397 212 185
591073 Nekunambadu 577.00 212 976 501 475 129 67 62
591074 Chandrapadu 1,435.00 782 3,095 1,581 1,514 337 176 161
591075 Yerragudipadu 850.00 193 898 478 420 114 70 44
591076 Manchikalapadu 1,010.00 543 2,165 1,110 1,055 310 167 143
591077 Torragudi Padu 352.00 329 1,311 664 647 188 93 95
591078 Bandlamudi 533.00 383 1,504 773 731 183 100 83
591079 Padamatinaidupalem 496.00 856 3,933 1,997 1,936 561 271 290
591080 Kandurivari Agraharam 292.00 161 689 340 349 79 45 34
591081 Chimakurthi 2,788.00 7,577 30,279 15,213 15,066 3,552 1,827 1,725
591082 Nippatlapadu 1,335.00 645 2,798 1,440 1,358 350 189 161
591083 Budavada 1,106.00 827 3,442 1,684 1,758 491 254 237
591084 Mylavaram 524.00 161 678 352 326 110 60 50
Rajupalem -
591085 Laxmipuram 925.00 879 3,437 1,766 1,671 452 245 207
591086 Pulikonda 966.00 422 1,622 827 795 196 95 101
591087 China Ravipadu 745.00 263 1,080 537 543 120 63 57
591088 Bhusura Palle 369.00 216 859 434 425 87 48 39
591089 Ramachandra Puram 454.00 307 1,271 658 613 165 95 70
591090 Pidathalapudi 694.00 211 851 436 415 112 64 48
591091 Gunduvari Laxmipuram 860.00 198 801 410 391 77 47 30
591092 Gonugunta 3,946.00 1,679 6,841 3,439 3,402 754 377 377



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
21,721 10,759 10,962 2,791 1,437 1,354 42,301 24,394 17,907 Chimakurthi (Total)
21,721 10,759 10,962 2,791 1,437 1,354 42,301 24,394 17,907 Chimakurthi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Chimakurthi (Urban)
865 439 426 164 83 81 1,439 892 547 Devarapalem
675 345 330 - - - 1,396 758 638 Ilapavuluru
488 259 229 28 15 13 265 162 103 Rangasai Puram
1,187 588 599 61 35 26 1,642 959 683 Palla Malli
372 200 172 25 13 12 512 299 213 Nekunambadu
1,014 533 481 13 7 6 1,648 971 677 Chandrapadu
405 220 185 74 44 30 451 276 175 Yerragudipadu
1,158 578 580 2 1 1 1,140 685 455 Manchikalapadu
594 299 295 6 3 3 603 367 236 Torragudi Padu
583 296 287 - - - 653 401 252 Bandlamudi
2,098 1,058 1,040 25 12 13 1,635 1,008 627 Padamatinaidupalem
363 171 192 23 9 14 292 169 123 Kandurivari Agraharam
4,058 1,832 2,226 1,640 831 809 19,063 10,615 8,448 Chimakurthi
616 322 294 152 76 76 1,007 613 394 Nippatlapadu
1,034 488 546 115 60 55 1,512 873 639 Budavada
274 140 134 49 25 24 308 185 123 Mylavaram
Rajupalem -
1,366 689 677 96 55 41 1,712 1,033 679 Laxmipuram
754 376 378 14 6 8 931 536 395 Pulikonda
282 141 141 - - - 480 291 189 China Ravipadu
339 172 167 2 1 1 426 257 169 Bhusura Palle
312 164 148 76 43 33 599 346 253 Ramachandra Puram
331 167 164 33 18 15 438 240 198 Pidathalapudi
105 56 49 13 6 7 445 262 183 Gunduvari Laxmipuram
2,448 1,226 1,222 180 94 86 3,704 2,196 1,508 Gonugunta


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0796 Chimakurthi (Total) 37,042 15,721 21,321 37,943 23,609 14,334 34,548 22,465 12,083
0796 Chimakurthi (Rural) 37,042 15,721 21,321 37,943 23,609 14,334 34,548 22,465 12,083
0796 Chimakurthi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591069 Devarapalem 1,969 838 1,131 1,911 986 925 1,802 967 835
591070 Ilapavuluru 1,652 777 875 1,619 936 683 1,427 863 564
591071 Rangasai Puram 656 312 344 613 314 299 153 121 32
591072 Palla Malli 1,794 777 1,017 1,821 1,030 791 1,747 994 753
591073 Nekunambadu 464 202 262 530 300 230 522 297 225
591074 Chandrapadu 1,447 610 837 1,708 966 742 1,513 904 609
591075 Yerragudipadu 447 202 245 407 243 164 198 168 30
591076 Manchikalapadu 1,025 425 600 1,069 650 419 869 631 238
591077 Torragudi Padu 708 297 411 789 424 365 785 424 361
591078 Bandlamudi 851 372 479 873 468 405 863 461 402
591079 Padamatinaidupalem 2,298 989 1,309 2,068 1,209 859 2,023 1,187 836
591080 Kandurivari Agraharam 397 171 226 306 215 91 305 214 91
591081 Chimakurthi 11,216 4,598 6,618 11,991 8,805 3,186 11,033 8,366 2,667
591082 Nippatlapadu 1,791 827 964 1,379 801 578 1,326 784 542
591083 Budavada 1,930 811 1,119 1,586 1,009 577 1,454 987 467
591084 Mylavaram 370 167 203 211 193 18 199 184 15
Rajupalem -
591085 Laxmipuram 1,725 733 992 1,685 1,021 664 1,413 1,002 411
591086 Pulikonda 691 291 400 855 465 390 854 464 390
591087 China Ravipadu 600 246 354 615 330 285 614 330 284
591088 Bhusura Palle 433 177 256 512 271 241 508 270 238
591089 Ramachandra Puram 672 312 360 731 394 337 520 307 213
591090 Pidathalapudi 413 196 217 488 258 230 485 257 228
591091 Gunduvari Laxmipuram 356 148 208 456 251 205 454 250 204
591092 Gonugunta 3,137 1,243 1,894 3,720 2,070 1,650 3,481 2,033 1,448


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,458 3,830 1,628 15,588 7,660 7,928 555 311 244 12,947 10,664 2,283 Chimakurthi (Total)
5,458 3,830 1,628 15,588 7,660 7,928 555 311 244 12,947 10,664 2,283 Chimakurthi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Chimakurthi (Urban)
394 236 158 1,137 512 625 25 16 9 246 203 43 Devarapalem
178 163 15 975 491 484 12 11 1 262 198 64 Ilapavuluru
5 5 - 112 95 17 5 1 4 31 20 11 Rangasai Puram
183 160 23 1,446 741 705 2 2 - 116 91 25 Palla Malli
50 36 14 394 195 199 5 4 1 73 62 11 Nekunambadu
171 168 3 1,197 606 591 4 3 1 141 127 14 Chandrapadu
58 54 4 58 39 19 1 1 - 81 74 7 Yerragudipadu
179 127 52 368 206 162 5 2 3 317 296 21 Manchikalapadu
37 34 3 729 375 354 - - - 19 15 4 Torragudi Padu
148 79 69 500 217 283 9 4 5 206 161 45 Bandlamudi
268 186 82 1,469 772 697 26 17 9 260 212 48 Padamatinaidupalem
54 48 6 119 50 69 - - - 132 116 16 Kandurivari Agraharam
804 645 159 2,281 1,172 1,109 384 192 192 7,564 6,357 1,207 Chimakurthi
463 275 188 542 223 319 13 13 - 308 273 35 Nippatlapadu
245 186 59 344 151 193 17 13 4 848 637 211 Budavada
80 79 1 43 34 9 1 - 1 75 71 4 Mylavaram
Rajupalem -
143 121 22 408 181 227 2 1 1 860 699 161 Laxmipuram
110 72 38 620 307 313 9 5 4 115 80 35 Pulikonda
123 90 33 286 107 179 1 1 - 204 132 72 China Ravipadu
144 80 64 341 175 166 9 5 4 14 10 4 Bhusura Palle
161 109 52 261 117 144 3 2 1 95 79 16 Ramachandra Puram
201 106 95 175 84 91 1 - 1 108 67 41 Pidathalapudi
194 135 59 215 74 141 7 7 - 38 34 4 Gunduvari Laxmipuram
1,065 636 429 1,568 736 832 14 11 3 834 650 184 Gonugunta


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0796 Chimakurthi (Total) 3,395 1,144 2,251 193 52 141 2,097 602 1,495
0796 Chimakurthi (Rural) 3,395 1,144 2,251 193 52 141 2,097 602 1,495
0796 Chimakurthi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591069 Devarapalem 109 19 90 51 3 48 46 12 34
591070 Ilapavuluru 192 73 119 9 4 5 105 25 80
591071 Rangasai Puram 460 193 267 1 - 1 375 153 222
591072 Palla Malli 74 36 38 8 4 4 49 22 27
591073 Nekunambadu 8 3 5 - - - 5 2 3
591074 Chandrapadu 195 62 133 7 1 6 176 52 124
591075 Yerragudipadu 209 75 134 9 2 7 196 71 125
591076 Manchikalapadu 200 19 181 4 1 3 184 10 174
591077 Torragudi Padu 4 - 4 1 - 1 3 - 3
591078 Bandlamudi 10 7 3 3 2 1 2 2 -
591079 Padamatinaidupalem 45 22 23 1 - 1 32 15 17
591080 Kandurivari Agraharam 1 1 - - - - - - -
591081 Chimakurthi 958 439 519 35 18 17 339 122 217
591082 Nippatlapadu 53 17 36 7 7 - 12 4 8
591083 Budavada 132 22 110 9 2 7 35 3 32
591084 Mylavaram 12 9 3 1 1 - 7 4 3
Rajupalem -
591085 Laxmipuram 272 19 253 1 - 1 153 6 147
591086 Pulikonda 1 1 - - - - - - -
591087 China Ravipadu 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
591088 Bhusura Palle 4 1 3 1 - 1 3 1 2
591089 Ramachandra Puram 211 87 124 10 2 8 194 83 111
591090 Pidathalapudi 3 1 2 - - - 3 1 2
591091 Gunduvari Laxmipuram 2 1 1 - - - - - -
591092 Gonugunta 239 37 202 35 5 30 177 14 163


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
156 66 90 949 424 525 41,400 16,506 24,894 Chimakurthi (Total) 0796
156 66 90 949 424 525 41,400 16,506 24,894 Chimakurthi (Rural) 0796
- - - - - - - - - Chimakurthi (Urban) 0796
6 3 3 6 1 5 1,497 744 753 Devarapalem 591069
5 2 3 73 42 31 1,429 599 830 Ilapavuluru 591070
54 25 29 30 15 15 308 160 148 Rangasai Puram 591071
- - - 17 10 7 1,615 706 909 Palla Malli 591072
- - - 3 1 2 446 201 245 Nekunambadu 591073
1 1 - 11 8 3 1,387 615 772 Chandrapadu 591074
- - - 4 2 2 491 235 256 Yerragudipadu 591075
1 - 1 11 8 3 1,096 460 636 Manchikalapadu 591076
- - - - - - 522 240 282 Torragudi Padu 591077
1 - 1 4 3 1 631 305 326 Bandlamudi 591078
3 1 2 9 6 3 1,865 788 1,077 Padamatinaidupalem 591079
- - - 1 1 - 383 125 258 Kandurivari Agraharam 591080
82 34 48 502 265 237 18,288 6,408 11,880 Chimakurthi 591081
- - - 34 6 28 1,419 639 780 Nippatlapadu 591082
1 - 1 87 17 70 1,856 675 1,181 Budavada 591083
- - - 4 4 - 467 159 308 Mylavaram 591084
Rajupalem -
1 - 1 117 13 104 1,752 745 1,007 Laxmipuram 591085
- - - 1 1 - 767 362 405 Pulikonda 591086
- - - - - - 465 207 258 China Ravipadu 591087
- - - - - - 347 163 184 Bhusura Palle 591088
- - - 7 2 5 540 264 276 Ramachandra Puram 591089
- - - - - - 363 178 185 Pidathalapudi 591090
- - - 2 1 1 345 159 186 Gunduvari Laxmipuram 591091
1 - 1 26 18 8 3,121 1,369 1,752 Gonugunta 591092


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0797 Marripudi (Total) 37,634.00 9,416 38,848 19,628 19,220 4,882 2,591 2,291
0797 Marripudi (Rural) 37,634.00 9,416 38,848 19,628 19,220 4,882 2,591 2,291
0797 Marripudi (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591093 Raju Palem 1,032.00 43 185 87 98 28 14 14
591094 Gundla Samudram 1,758.00 550 2,455 1,264 1,191 362 190 172
591095 Gosukonda Agraharam 389.00 259 1,172 600 572 138 72 66
591096 Kellam Palle 1,812.00 541 2,334 1,172 1,162 298 152 146
591097 Pannuru 1,127.00 245 1,274 653 621 212 116 96
591098 Kakarla 1,411.00 717 3,112 1,581 1,531 383 196 187
591099 Chilamkuru 3,049.00 373 1,592 795 797 200 97 103
591100 Ramayapalem 563.00 200 788 397 391 106 57 49
591101 Chimata 596.00 866 3,456 1,713 1,743 427 219 208
591102 Vallaya Palem 2,758.00 242 1,207 607 600 205 103 102
591103 Nirmanapuram 447.00 38 159 83 76 15 8 7
591104 Marripudi 4,380.00 1,449 5,932 3,030 2,902 713 391 322
591105 Thippala Devi Palle 975.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591106 Ankepalle 538.00 186 757 374 383 85 48 37
591107 Kuchipudi 2,326.00 600 2,163 1,056 1,107 234 121 113
591108 Garla Peta 2,333.00 466 2,020 1,027 993 189 102 87
591109 Vankamarri Palem 228.00 88 400 206 194 37 19 18
591110 Ramachandrapuram 392.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591111 Vema Varam 1,956.00 392 1,554 826 728 224 134 90
591112 Ganjipalem 1,619.00 21 80 44 36 9 8 1
591113 Sannamur 759.00 243 989 505 484 134 77 57
591114 Juvvi Gunta 575.00 288 1,117 569 548 168 82 86
591115 Dharamavaram 1,244.00 481 1,797 922 875 232 131 101
591116 Venkata Krishna Puram 399.00 146 633 330 303 94 49 45
591117 Thangella 3,956.00 665 2,476 1,193 1,283 259 130 129
591118 Ayyaparaju Palem 1,012.00 317 1,196 594 602 130 75 55



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
10,694 5,399 5,295 508 255 253 16,589 10,072 6,517 Marripudi (Total)
10,694 5,399 5,295 508 255 253 16,589 10,072 6,517 Marripudi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Marripudi (Urban)
- - - 185 87 98 91 53 38 Raju Palem
1,139 585 554 7 4 3 1,122 701 421 Gundla Samudram
537 273 264 - - - 649 371 278 Gosukonda Agraharam
849 438 411 - - - 1,016 607 409 Kellam Palle
489 250 239 30 16 14 377 242 135 Pannuru
1,256 647 609 43 24 19 1,388 867 521 Kakarla
544 263 281 1 1 - 672 417 255 Chilamkuru
303 153 150 17 8 9 256 147 109 Ramayapalem
849 430 419 8 5 3 1,550 949 601 Chimata
592 302 290 - - - 392 248 144 Vallaya Palem
6 4 2 - - - 72 45 27 Nirmanapuram
1,247 633 614 26 15 11 2,523 1,511 1,012 Marripudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thippala Devi Palle
225 109 116 13 8 5 300 181 119 Ankepalle
294 130 164 31 11 20 834 506 328 Kuchipudi
469 237 232 47 23 24 980 597 383 Garla Peta
- - - - - - 235 151 84 Vankamarri Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ramachandrapuram
345 178 167 - - - 604 420 184 Vema Varam
21 10 11 - - - 31 14 17 Ganjipalem
327 160 167 29 17 12 356 230 126 Sannamur
18 9 9 26 12 14 532 322 210 Juvvi Gunta
401 200 201 - - - 736 439 297 Dharamavaram
225 114 111 - - - 316 191 125 Venkata Krishna Puram
297 142 155 23 12 11 1,075 584 491 Thangella
261 132 129 22 12 10 482 279 203 Ayyaparaju Palem


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0797 Marripudi (Total) 22,259 9,556 12,703 21,170 11,735 9,435 16,277 10,029 6,248
0797 Marripudi (Rural) 22,259 9,556 12,703 21,170 11,735 9,435 16,277 10,029 6,248
0797 Marripudi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591093 Raju Palem 94 34 60 105 56 49 71 50 21
591094 Gundla Samudram 1,333 563 770 1,350 737 613 1,163 730 433
591095 Gosukonda Agraharam 523 229 294 615 336 279 210 144 66
591096 Kellam Palle 1,318 565 753 1,219 701 518 1,036 567 469
591097 Pannuru 897 411 486 759 386 373 756 385 371
591098 Kakarla 1,724 714 1,010 1,760 917 843 1,697 901 796
591099 Chilamkuru 920 378 542 888 486 402 882 484 398
591100 Ramayapalem 532 250 282 529 273 256 529 273 256
591101 Chimata 1,906 764 1,142 1,794 1,081 713 1,523 1,025 498
591102 Vallaya Palem 815 359 456 637 365 272 319 240 79
591103 Nirmanapuram 87 38 49 104 58 46 82 54 28
591104 Marripudi 3,409 1,519 1,890 2,958 1,778 1,180 1,987 1,426 561
591105 Thippala Devi Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591106 Ankepalle 457 193 264 460 233 227 455 230 225
591107 Kuchipudi 1,329 550 779 1,139 602 537 873 456 417
591108 Garla Peta 1,040 430 610 981 542 439 772 453 319
591109 Vankamarri Palem 165 55 110 257 131 126 241 130 111
591110 Ramachandrapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591111 Vema Varam 950 406 544 919 505 414 499 326 173
591112 Ganjipalem 49 30 19 30 18 12 11 11 -
591113 Sannamur 633 275 358 467 273 194 221 208 13
591114 Juvvi Gunta 585 247 338 648 359 289 385 244 141
591115 Dharamavaram 1,061 483 578 1,032 577 455 883 499 384
591116 Venkata Krishna Puram 317 139 178 367 190 177 200 169 31
591117 Thangella 1,401 609 792 1,539 781 758 1,027 681 346
591118 Ayyaparaju Palem 714 315 399 613 350 263 455 343 112


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,467 3,988 1,479 8,643 4,299 4,344 179 126 53 1,988 1,616 372 Marripudi (Total)
5,467 3,988 1,479 8,643 4,299 4,344 179 126 53 1,988 1,616 372 Marripudi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Marripudi (Urban)
26 25 1 35 16 19 - - - 10 9 1 Raju Palem
292 247 45 619 297 322 9 9 - 243 177 66 Gundla Samudram
90 77 13 81 38 43 2 2 - 37 27 10 Gosukonda Agraharam
551 315 236 411 201 210 14 10 4 60 41 19 Kellam Palle
221 162 59 457 179 278 - - - 78 44 34 Pannuru
388 229 159 1,228 606 622 3 3 - 78 63 15 Kakarla
405 232 173 420 205 215 1 - 1 56 47 9 Chilamkuru
305 158 147 223 114 109 - - - 1 1 - Ramayapalem
484 422 62 865 459 406 6 5 1 168 139 29 Chimata
126 122 4 66 19 47 - - - 127 99 28 Vallaya Palem
37 36 1 31 8 23 - - - 14 10 4 Nirmanapuram
609 480 129 947 581 366 44 36 8 387 329 58 Marripudi
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thippala Devi Palle
52 26 26 368 174 194 - - - 35 30 5 Ankepalle
218 127 91 538 251 287 43 23 20 74 55 19 Kuchipudi
141 97 44 506 257 249 39 26 13 86 73 13 Garla Peta
83 83 - 112 5 107 - - - 46 42 4 Vankamarri Palem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ramachandrapuram
178 168 10 289 129 160 5 4 1 27 25 2 Vema Varam
10 10 - 1 1 - - - - - - - Ganjipalem
82 81 1 67 57 10 5 5 - 67 65 2 Sannamur
134 95 39 128 42 86 2 1 1 121 106 15 Juvvi Gunta
434 244 190 429 240 189 - - - 20 15 5 Dharamavaram
105 98 7 55 39 16 2 2 - 38 30 8 Venkata Krishna Puram
293 271 22 608 301 307 1 - 1 125 109 16 Thangella
203 183 20 159 80 79 3 - 3 90 80 10 Ayyaparaju Palem


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0797 Marripudi (Total) 4,893 1,706 3,187 634 182 452 3,870 1,323 2,547
0797 Marripudi (Rural) 4,893 1,706 3,187 634 182 452 3,870 1,323 2,547
0797 Marripudi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591093 Raju Palem 34 6 28 3 3 - 28 2 26
591094 Gundla Samudram 187 7 180 4 - 4 179 4 175
591095 Gosukonda Agraharam 405 192 213 1 1 - 330 156 174
591096 Kellam Palle 183 134 49 - - - 157 111 46
591097 Pannuru 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 - 2
591098 Kakarla 63 16 47 15 6 9 39 6 33
591099 Chilamkuru 6 2 4 1 - 1 4 1 3
591100 Ramayapalem - - - - - - - - -
591101 Chimata 271 56 215 15 12 3 238 30 208
591102 Vallaya Palem 318 125 193 1 1 - 292 119 173
591103 Nirmanapuram 22 4 18 - - - 11 - 11
591104 Marripudi 971 352 619 70 36 34 880 303 577
591105 Thippala Devi Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591106 Ankepalle 5 3 2 1 1 - 1 1 -
591107 Kuchipudi 266 146 120 1 1 - 238 128 110
591108 Garla Peta 209 89 120 3 2 1 188 75 113
591109 Vankamarri Palem 16 1 15 - - - - - -
591110 Ramachandrapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591111 Vema Varam 420 179 241 144 71 73 275 108 167
591112 Ganjipalem 19 7 12 1 1 - 18 6 12
591113 Sannamur 246 65 181 16 15 1 225 47 178
591114 Juvvi Gunta 263 115 148 - - - 167 62 105
591115 Dharamavaram 149 78 71 2 1 1 144 76 68
591116 Venkata Krishna Puram 167 21 146 86 6 80 66 13 53
591117 Thangella 512 100 412 167 23 144 339 71 268
591118 Ayyaparaju Palem 158 7 151 102 1 101 49 4 45


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
18 9 9 371 192 179 17,678 7,893 9,785 Marripudi (Total) 0797
18 9 9 371 192 179 17,678 7,893 9,785 Marripudi (Rural) 0797
- - - - - - - - - Marripudi (Urban) 0797
- - - 3 1 2 80 31 49 Raju Palem 591093
- - - 4 3 1 1,105 527 578 Gundla Samudram 591094
- - - 74 35 39 557 264 293 Gosukonda Agraharam 591095
1 1 - 25 22 3 1,115 471 644 Kellam Palle 591096
- - - - - - 515 267 248 Pannuru 591097
2 2 - 7 2 5 1,352 664 688 Kakarla 591098
- - - 1 1 - 704 309 395 Chilamkuru 591099
- - - - - - 259 124 135 Ramayapalem 591100
- - - 18 14 4 1,662 632 1,030 Chimata 591101
1 - 1 24 5 19 570 242 328 Vallaya Palem 591102
- - - 11 4 7 55 25 30 Nirmanapuram 591103
- - - 21 13 8 2,974 1,252 1,722 Marripudi 591104
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thippala Devi Palle 591105
- - - 3 1 2 297 141 156 Ankepalle 591106
2 1 1 25 16 9 1,024 454 570 Kuchipudi 591107
9 5 4 9 7 2 1,039 485 554 Garla Peta 591108
- - - 16 1 15 143 75 68 Vankamarri Palem 591109
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ramachandrapuram 591110
- - - 1 - 1 635 321 314 Vema Varam 591111
- - - - - - 50 26 24 Ganjipalem 591112
1 - 1 4 3 1 522 232 290 Sannamur 591113
- - - 96 53 43 469 210 259 Juvvi Gunta 591114
1 - 1 2 1 1 765 345 420 Dharamavaram 591115
1 - 1 14 2 12 266 140 126 Venkata Krishna Puram 591116
- - - 6 6 - 937 412 525 Thangella 591117
- - - 7 2 5 583 244 339 Ayyaparaju Palem 591118


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Total) 34,628.00 7,455 30,964 15,865 15,099 3,791 1,994 1,797
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Rural) 34,628.00 7,455 30,964 15,865 15,099 3,791 1,994 1,797
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591119 Peddivenkataya Palle 443.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591120 Annada Puram 520.00 25 114 61 53 25 14 11
591121 Ummana Palle 2,023.00 289 1,243 622 621 164 80 84
591122 Hanumantha Puram 1,197.00 299 1,392 731 661 167 97 70
591123 Vemula Padu 2,362.00 859 3,645 1,897 1,748 444 235 209
591124 Mohammada Puram 1,456.00 254 990 500 490 131 67 64
591125 Thimmareddi Palle 2,441.00 717 2,944 1,499 1,445 349 174 175
591126 Raseedu Puram 521.00 169 771 396 375 95 54 41
591127 Kotathippala 835.00 159 539 280 259 69 40 29
591128 Kondareddi Palle 1,099.00 175 834 434 400 113 56 57
591129 Neelakanta Puram 571.00 100 414 198 216 70 36 34
591130 Nallagandla 896.00 121 513 255 258 64 34 30
591131 Chinagolla Palle 186.00 10 27 15 12 - - -
591132 Pedagola Palle 1,932.00 461 1,806 926 880 184 102 82
591133 Valicherla 1,666.00 397 1,615 833 782 218 122 96
591134 Nandanavanam 3,202.00 494 2,184 1,164 1,020 292 158 134
591135 Veerarama Puram 580.00 186 719 373 346 87 46 41
591136 Ramaya Palle 1,092.00 164 647 330 317 91 52 39
591137 Muppala Padu 985.00 329 1,171 579 592 155 75 80
591138 Veeragareddi Palle 598.00 47 154 77 77 29 12 17
591139 Dasalla Palle 1,057.00 154 600 304 296 68 32 36
591140 Kutagundla 1,683.00 382 1,605 829 776 151 91 60
591141 Doddi Chintala 1,857.00 725 2,726 1,364 1,362 321 164 157
591142 Hanumanthunipadu 1,292.00 425 1,896 978 918 204 103 101
591143 Hazee Puram 2,259.00 396 1,911 960 951 216 106 110
591144 Masaya Peta 388.00 118 504 260 244 84 44 40
591145 Upendra Puram 1,487.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------


Hanumanthuni Padu

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Hanumanthuni Padu
10,947 5,661 5,286 51 26 25 15,642 9,673 5,969 (Total)
Hanumanthuni Padu
10,947 5,661 5,286 51 26 25 15,642 9,673 5,969 (Rural)
Hanumanthuni Padu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Peddivenkataya Palle
- - - - - - 37 23 14 Annada Puram
555 282 273 - - - 676 391 285 Ummana Palle
504 258 246 22 14 8 703 433 270 Hanumantha Puram
1,070 560 510 2 1 1 1,986 1,245 741 Vemula Padu
322 164 158 - - - 510 318 192 Mohammada Puram
1,165 604 561 - - - 1,506 928 578 Thimmareddi Palle
407 206 201 - - - 348 208 140 Raseedu Puram
266 140 126 - - - 285 175 110 Kotathippala
514 263 251 - - - 454 292 162 Kondareddi Palle
- - - - - - 165 99 66 Neelakanta Puram
220 113 107 - - - 278 165 113 Nallagandla
- - - - - - 24 15 9 Chinagolla Palle
409 209 200 - - - 863 545 318 Pedagola Palle
664 335 329 - - - 861 506 355 Valicherla
675 381 294 - - - 1,010 653 357 Nandanavanam
240 127 113 - - - 366 227 139 Veerarama Puram
235 116 119 - - - 260 160 100 Ramaya Palle
594 305 289 1 1 - 514 325 189 Muppala Padu
- - - - - - 58 43 15 Veeragareddi Palle
180 91 89 - - - 306 187 119 Dasalla Palle
521 267 254 4 2 2 846 523 323 Kutagundla
978 494 484 12 2 10 1,299 813 486 Doddi Chintala
556 304 252 6 4 2 1,049 653 396 Hanumanthunipadu
576 288 288 4 2 2 1,009 607 402 Hazee Puram
296 154 142 - - - 229 139 90 Masaya Peta
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Upendra Puram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Total) 15,322 6,192 9,130 18,760 9,810 8,950 14,433 8,197 6,236
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Rural) 15,322 6,192 9,130 18,760 9,810 8,950 14,433 8,197 6,236
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591119 Peddivenkataya Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591120 Annada Puram 77 38 39 67 36 31 67 36 31
591121 Ummana Palle 567 231 336 745 380 365 742 378 364
591122 Hanumantha Puram 689 298 391 877 432 445 872 429 443
591123 Vemula Padu 1,659 652 1,007 1,950 1,108 842 1,652 1,021 631
591124 Mohammada Puram 480 182 298 539 310 229 391 265 126
591125 Thimmareddi Palle 1,438 571 867 1,918 994 924 1,161 716 445
591126 Raseedu Puram 423 188 235 457 229 228 430 205 225
591127 Kotathippala 254 105 149 325 160 165 279 130 149
591128 Kondareddi Palle 380 142 238 508 261 247 117 86 31
591129 Neelakanta Puram 249 99 150 280 132 148 140 113 27
591130 Nallagandla 235 90 145 281 157 124 276 155 121
591131 Chinagolla Palle 3 - 3 16 10 6 16 10 6
591132 Pedagola Palle 943 381 562 1,117 587 530 1,061 552 509
591133 Valicherla 754 327 427 985 513 472 953 498 455
591134 Nandanavanam 1,174 511 663 1,199 641 558 970 548 422
591135 Veerarama Puram 353 146 207 432 219 213 190 176 14
591136 Ramaya Palle 387 170 217 331 166 165 160 146 14
591137 Muppala Padu 657 254 403 644 340 304 489 323 166
591138 Veeragareddi Palle 96 34 62 81 42 39 81 42 39
591139 Dasalla Palle 294 117 177 354 175 179 183 142 41
591140 Kutagundla 759 306 453 954 471 483 888 460 428
591141 Doddi Chintala 1,427 551 876 1,749 901 848 1,450 773 677
591142 Hanumanthunipadu 847 325 522 1,425 751 674 546 287 259
591143 Hazee Puram 902 353 549 1,170 609 561 1,049 566 483
591144 Masaya Peta 275 121 154 356 186 170 270 140 130
591145 Upendra Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------


Hanumanthuni Padu
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
Hanumanthuni Padu
2,257 1,482 775 10,455 5,354 5,101 42 31 11 1,679 1,330 349 (Total)
Hanumanthuni Padu
2,257 1,482 775 10,455 5,354 5,101 42 31 11 1,679 1,330 349 (Rural)
Hanumanthuni Padu
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Peddivenkataya Palle
6 6 - 61 30 31 - - - - - - Annada Puram
35 30 5 662 319 343 1 1 - 44 28 16 Ummana Palle
49 26 23 770 360 410 3 3 - 50 40 10 Hanumantha Puram
134 103 31 1,131 591 540 17 13 4 370 314 56 Vemula Padu
2 2 - 328 212 116 3 3 - 58 48 10 Mohammada Puram
371 210 161 556 328 228 4 1 3 230 177 53 Thimmareddi Palle
12 11 1 416 193 223 - - - 2 1 1 Raseedu Puram
1 1 - 266 120 146 1 1 - 11 8 3 Kotathippala
- - - 76 53 23 - - - 41 33 8 Kondareddi Palle
12 12 - 125 98 27 - - - 3 3 - Neelakanta Puram
- - - 217 103 114 - - - 59 52 7 Nallagandla
1 1 - 12 6 6 - - - 3 3 - Chinagolla Palle
237 122 115 678 312 366 2 2 - 144 116 28 Pedagola Palle
272 204 68 566 210 356 1 1 - 114 83 31 Valicherla
25 25 - 868 461 407 - - - 77 62 15 Nandanavanam
2 2 - 173 160 13 2 2 - 13 12 1 Veerarama Puram
24 21 3 131 121 10 - - - 5 4 1 Ramaya Palle
137 88 49 331 224 107 - - - 21 11 10 Muppala Padu
12 6 6 68 35 33 - - - 1 1 - Veeragareddi Palle
76 49 27 83 72 11 - - - 24 21 3 Dasalla Palle
70 42 28 742 364 378 3 3 - 73 51 22 Kutagundla
321 240 81 964 398 566 3 - 3 162 135 27 Doddi Chintala
186 100 86 292 140 152 - - - 68 47 21 Hanumanthunipadu
232 156 76 714 333 381 2 1 1 101 76 25 Hazee Puram
40 25 15 225 111 114 - - - 5 4 1 Masaya Peta
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Upendra Puram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Total) 4,327 1,613 2,714 307 122 185 3,724 1,290 2,434
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Rural) 4,327 1,613 2,714 307 122 185 3,724 1,290 2,434
Hanumanthuni Padu
0798 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591119 Peddivenkataya Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591120 Annada Puram - - - - - - - - -
591121 Ummana Palle 3 2 1 - - - 3 2 1
591122 Hanumantha Puram 5 3 2 2 2 - 2 1 1
591123 Vemula Padu 298 87 211 30 11 19 225 59 166
591124 Mohammada Puram 148 45 103 - - - 142 39 103
591125 Thimmareddi Palle 757 278 479 132 54 78 586 196 390
591126 Raseedu Puram 27 24 3 - - - 2 1 1
591127 Kotathippala 46 30 16 - - - 46 30 16
591128 Kondareddi Palle 391 175 216 1 1 - 274 91 183
591129 Neelakanta Puram 140 19 121 - - - 140 19 121
591130 Nallagandla 5 2 3 - - - 5 2 3
591131 Chinagolla Palle - - - - - - - - -
591132 Pedagola Palle 56 35 21 - - - 54 33 21
591133 Valicherla 32 15 17 - - - 30 13 17
591134 Nandanavanam 229 93 136 1 - 1 213 79 134
591135 Veerarama Puram 242 43 199 3 - 3 229 42 187
591136 Ramaya Palle 171 20 151 2 - 2 169 20 149
591137 Muppala Padu 155 17 138 3 - 3 152 17 135
591138 Veeragareddi Palle - - - - - - - - -
591139 Dasalla Palle 171 33 138 29 2 27 138 28 110
591140 Kutagundla 66 11 55 3 - 3 60 10 50
591141 Doddi Chintala 299 128 171 27 12 15 261 108 153
591142 Hanumanthunipadu 879 464 415 53 29 24 815 425 390
591143 Hazee Puram 121 43 78 6 3 3 110 38 72
591144 Masaya Peta 86 46 40 15 8 7 68 37 31
591145 Upendra Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------


Hanumanthuni Padu
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Hanumanthuni Padu
27 17 10 269 184 85 12,204 6,055 6,149 (Total) 0798
Hanumanthuni Padu
27 17 10 269 184 85 12,204 6,055 6,149 (Rural) 0798
Hanumanthuni Padu
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0798
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Peddivenkataya Palle 591119
- - - - - - 47 25 22 Annada Puram 591120
- - - - - - 498 242 256 Ummana Palle 591121
- - - 1 - 1 515 299 216 Hanumantha Puram 591122
2 1 1 41 16 25 1,695 789 906 Vemula Padu 591123
1 1 - 5 5 - 451 190 261 Mohammada Puram 591124
5 5 - 34 23 11 1,026 505 521 Thimmareddi Palle 591125
- - - 25 23 2 314 167 147 Raseedu Puram 591126
- - - - - - 214 120 94 Kotathippala 591127
9 6 3 107 77 30 326 173 153 Kondareddi Palle 591128
- - - - - - 134 66 68 Neelakanta Puram 591129
- - - - - - 232 98 134 Nallagandla 591130
- - - - - - 11 5 6 Chinagolla Palle 591131
- - - 2 2 - 689 339 350 Pedagola Palle 591132
- - - 2 2 - 630 320 310 Valicherla 591133
1 - 1 14 14 - 985 523 462 Nandanavanam 591134
5 - 5 5 1 4 287 154 133 Veerarama Puram 591135
- - - - - - 316 164 152 Ramaya Palle 591136
- - - - - - 527 239 288 Muppala Padu 591137
- - - - - - 73 35 38 Veeragareddi Palle 591138
- - - 4 3 1 246 129 117 Dasalla Palle 591139
1 1 - 2 - 2 651 358 293 Kutagundla 591140
2 2 - 9 6 3 977 463 514 Doddi Chintala 591141
1 1 - 10 9 1 471 227 244 Hanumanthunipadu 591142
- - - 5 2 3 741 351 390 Hazee Puram 591143
- - - 3 1 2 148 74 74 Masaya Peta 591144
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Upendra Puram 591145


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bestawaripeta (Total)
0799 23,317.00 12,967 51,062 26,119 24,943 5,908 3,096 2,812
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
0799 23,317.00 12,967 51,062 26,119 24,943 5,908 3,096 2,812
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
0799 0.00 - - - - - - -
591146 Krishnapuram 395.00 328 1,402 723 679 139 61 78
591147 Ondutla 530.00 119 449 232 217 46 31 15
591148 Pusalapadu 2,512.00 1,402 5,466 2,852 2,614 567 320 247
591149 Bestawaripeta 222.00 2,006 7,606 3,799 3,807 780 397 383
591150 Papayapalle 177.00 841 3,387 1,736 1,651 385 208 177
591151 Somavarapeta 268.00 296 1,098 537 561 107 54 53
591152 Chinthala Palem 225.00 257 976 503 473 130 69 61
591153 Nekunambad 609.00 251 964 480 484 131 64 67
591154 Salakalaveedu 2,614.00 645 2,681 1,325 1,356 313 151 162
591155 Dathara Krishnapuram 165.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591156 China Obeneni Palle 516.00 259 988 494 494 124 70 54
591157 Retla Palle 493.00 142 553 280 273 76 39 37
591158 Peda Obeneni Palle 648.00 263 1,126 565 561 174 81 93
591159 Pothavaram 437.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591160 Pitikayagulla 3,403.00 1,488 6,197 3,176 3,021 814 398 416
591161 Basine Palle 1,764.00 1,208 4,741 2,489 2,252 593 339 254
Madhana Pullala
591162 Cheruvu 1,462.00 943 3,575 1,759 1,816 398 203 195
591163 Moksha Gundum 974.00 584 2,127 1,065 1,062 214 116 98
591164 Pachala Venkata Puram 442.00 318 1,294 707 587 105 52 53
591165 Galijerugulla 2,512.00 1,129 4,490 2,388 2,102 533 295 238
591166 Kona Palle 2,949.00 488 1,942 1,009 933 279 148 131



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Bestawaripeta (Total)
9,423 4,859 4,564 323 164 159 28,648 17,682 10,966
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
9,423 4,859 4,564 323 164 159 28,648 17,682 10,966
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
- - - - - - - - -
- - - 23 13 10 817 524 293 Krishnapuram
- - - - - - 262 152 110 Ondutla
1,134 594 540 6 2 4 2,988 1,919 1,069 Pusalapadu
980 488 492 80 35 45 5,399 3,059 2,340 Bestawaripeta
464 240 224 41 24 17 2,240 1,321 919 Papayapalle
37 20 17 43 21 22 700 403 297 Somavarapeta
518 263 255 55 34 21 574 350 224 Chinthala Palem
348 169 179 - - - 685 379 306 Nekunambad
536 258 278 11 4 7 1,347 810 537 Salakalaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dathara Krishnapuram
211 106 105 - - - 553 344 209 China Obeneni Palle
155 75 80 - - - 281 176 105 Retla Palle
280 122 158 - - - 489 302 187 Peda Obeneni Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pothavaram
1,145 614 531 26 13 13 2,953 1,917 1,036 Pitikayagulla
1,197 635 562 17 7 10 2,485 1,626 859 Basine Palle
Madhana Pullala
599 297 302 - - - 2,046 1,225 821 Cheruvu
242 128 114 - - - 1,172 721 451 Moksha Gundum
156 83 73 9 4 5 768 516 252 Pachala Venkata Puram
938 505 433 12 7 5 2,210 1,481 729 Galijerugulla
483 262 221 - - - 679 457 222 Kona Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Bestawaripeta (Total)
0799 22,414 8,437 13,977 24,641 14,225 10,416 21,462 12,788 8,674
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
0799 22,414 8,437 13,977 24,641 14,225 10,416 21,462 12,788 8,674
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
0799 - - - - - - - - -
591146 Krishnapuram 585 199 386 632 410 222 630 409 221
591147 Ondutla 187 80 107 248 126 122 244 123 121
591148 Pusalapadu 2,478 933 1,545 2,956 1,602 1,354 2,776 1,540 1,236
591149 Bestawaripeta 2,207 740 1,467 2,461 1,874 587 2,050 1,637 413
591150 Papayapalle 1,147 415 732 1,268 846 422 1,026 702 324
591151 Somavarapeta 398 134 264 445 307 138 351 293 58
591152 Chinthala Palem 402 153 249 440 274 166 333 210 123
591153 Nekunambad 279 101 178 292 235 57 285 229 56
591154 Salakalaveedu 1,334 515 819 1,350 738 612 1,343 737 606
591155 Dathara Krishnapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591156 China Obeneni Palle 435 150 285 482 257 225 478 254 224
591157 Retla Palle 272 104 168 343 171 172 336 168 168
591158 Peda Obeneni Palle 637 263 374 716 357 359 451 246 205
591159 Pothavaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591160 Pitikayagulla 3,244 1,259 1,985 3,224 1,811 1,413 2,923 1,699 1,224
591161 Basine Palle 2,256 863 1,393 2,600 1,359 1,241 2,321 1,222 1,099
Madhana Pullala
591162 Cheruvu 1,529 534 995 1,687 911 776 1,339 762 577
591163 Moksha Gundum 955 344 611 1,140 621 519 1,136 621 515
591164 Pachala Venkata Puram 526 191 335 653 349 304 427 290 137
591165 Galijerugulla 2,280 907 1,373 2,488 1,355 1,133 2,053 1,116 937
591166 Kona Palle 1,263 552 711 1,216 622 594 960 530 430


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Bestawaripeta (Total)
4,477 3,158 1,319 12,939 6,336 6,603 299 216 83 3,747 3,078 669
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
4,477 3,158 1,319 12,939 6,336 6,603 299 216 83 3,747 3,078 669
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
11 11 - 577 358 219 3 3 - 39 37 2 Krishnapuram
120 60 60 111 55 56 1 - 1 12 8 4 Ondutla
872 575 297 1,497 647 850 14 7 7 393 311 82 Pusalapadu
108 100 8 458 293 165 131 93 38 1,353 1,151 202 Bestawaripeta
53 43 10 408 210 198 25 17 8 540 432 108 Papayapalle
51 49 2 81 49 32 46 38 8 173 157 16 Somavarapeta
24 17 7 210 107 103 1 1 - 98 85 13 Chinthala Palem
16 14 2 251 198 53 9 8 1 9 9 - Nekunambad
390 275 115 885 409 476 1 1 - 67 52 15 Salakalaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dathara Krishnapuram
52 32 20 391 192 199 2 2 - 33 28 5 China Obeneni Palle
71 66 5 216 70 146 - - - 49 32 17 Retla Palle
114 79 35 331 165 166 - - - 6 2 4 Peda Obeneni Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pothavaram
979 734 245 1,738 789 949 28 21 7 178 155 23 Pitikayagulla
400 238 162 1,749 854 895 1 - 1 171 130 41 Basine Palle
Madhana Pullala
203 161 42 859 370 489 18 16 2 259 215 44 Cheruvu
327 219 108 722 336 386 3 3 - 84 63 21 Moksha Gundum
73 67 6 309 185 124 1 1 - 44 37 7 Pachala Venkata Puram
558 387 171 1,296 581 715 4 1 3 195 147 48 Galijerugulla
55 31 24 850 468 382 11 4 7 44 27 17 Kona Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Bestawaripeta (Total)
0799 3,179 1,437 1,742 182 95 87 2,262 862 1,400
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
0799 3,179 1,437 1,742 182 95 87 2,262 862 1,400
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
0799 - - - - - - - - -
591146 Krishnapuram 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 1
591147 Ondutla 4 3 1 - - - 3 2 1
591148 Pusalapadu 180 62 118 11 7 4 147 39 108
591149 Bestawaripeta 411 237 174 7 2 5 83 27 56
591150 Papayapalle 242 144 98 6 6 - 58 26 32
591151 Somavarapeta 94 14 80 3 2 1 84 8 76
591152 Chinthala Palem 107 64 43 10 2 8 24 4 20
591153 Nekunambad 7 6 1 1 1 - 5 4 1
591154 Salakalaveedu 7 1 6 - - - 5 - 5
591155 Dathara Krishnapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591156 China Obeneni Palle 4 3 1 1 1 - 3 2 1
591157 Retla Palle 7 3 4 2 1 1 4 1 3
591158 Peda Obeneni Palle 265 111 154 6 3 3 255 106 149
591159 Pothavaram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591160 Pitikayagulla 301 112 189 102 59 43 173 32 141
591161 Basine Palle 279 137 142 11 7 4 246 113 133
Madhana Pullala
591162 Cheruvu 348 149 199 7 1 6 294 127 167
591163 Moksha Gundum 4 - 4 - - - 4 - 4
591164 Pachala Venkata Puram 226 59 167 9 2 7 211 55 156
591165 Galijerugulla 435 239 196 4 1 3 417 226 191
591166 Kona Palle 256 92 164 2 - 2 245 90 155


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Bestawaripeta (Total)
162 65 97 573 415 158 26,421 11,894 14,527 0799
Bestawaripeta (Rural)
162 65 97 573 415 158 26,421 11,894 14,527 0799
Bestawaripeta (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - 0799
- - - 1 1 - 770 313 457 Krishnapuram 591146
- - - 1 1 - 201 106 95 Ondutla 591147
1 1 - 21 15 6 2,510 1,250 1,260 Pusalapadu 591148
103 38 65 218 170 48 5,145 1,925 3,220 Bestawaripeta 591149
20 10 10 158 102 56 2,119 890 1,229 Papayapalle 591150
1 - 1 6 4 2 653 230 423 Somavarapeta 591151
1 - 1 72 58 14 536 229 307 Chinthala Palem 591152
- - - 1 1 - 672 245 427 Nekunambad 591153
- - - 2 1 1 1,331 587 744 Salakalaveedu 591154
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dathara Krishnapuram 591155
- - - - - - 506 237 269 China Obeneni Palle 591156
- - - 1 1 - 210 109 101 Retla Palle 591157
2 1 1 2 1 1 410 208 202 Peda Obeneni Palle 591158
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pothavaram 591159
4 3 1 22 18 4 2,973 1,365 1,608 Pitikayagulla 591160
2 1 1 20 16 4 2,141 1,130 1,011 Basine Palle 591161
Madhana Pullala
26 11 15 21 10 11 1,888 848 1,040 Cheruvu 591162
- - - - - - 987 444 543 Moksha Gundum 591163
- - - 6 2 4 641 358 283 Pachala Venkata Puram 591164
1 - 1 13 12 1 2,002 1,033 969 Galijerugulla 591165
1 - 1 8 2 6 726 387 339 Kona Palle 591166


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0800 Racherla (Total) 19,855.00 9,146 35,080 17,459 17,621 3,718 2,009 1,709
0800 Racherla (Rural) 19,855.00 9,146 35,080 17,459 17,621 3,718 2,009 1,709
0800 Racherla (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591167 Akaveedu 4,288.00 1,443 5,744 2,917 2,827 635 332 303
591168 Venthurla Padu 442.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591169 Chinnagani Palle 1,355.00 478 1,849 954 895 207 118 89
591170 Chollaveedu 1,219.00 850 3,143 1,636 1,507 303 169 134
591171 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu 1,365.00 679 2,392 1,217 1,175 272 150 122
591172 Anumula Palle 1,395.00 823 3,084 1,559 1,525 300 155 145
591173 Madhava Puram 218.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591174 Somidevi Palle 739.00 402 1,449 702 747 169 90 79
591175 Palakaveedu 1,679.00 808 3,118 1,603 1,515 321 168 153
591176 Dadanaguruvai Palle 276.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591177 Racherla 2,318.00 1,608 6,518 2,979 3,539 702 378 324
591178 Bhupana Guntla 594.00 33 106 50 56 11 7 4
591179 Edavalli 1,773.00 986 3,620 1,788 1,832 404 222 182
591180 Gudimetla 2,194.00 1,036 4,057 2,054 2,003 394 220 174



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
5,710 2,757 2,953 378 158 220 20,234 12,404 7,830 Racherla (Total)
5,710 2,757 2,953 378 158 220 20,234 12,404 7,830 Racherla (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Racherla (Urban)
852 443 409 168 84 84 3,275 2,023 1,252 Akaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venthurla Padu
256 129 127 16 8 8 975 629 346 Chinnagani Palle
269 122 147 25 11 14 1,688 1,097 591 Chollaveedu
454 242 212 28 12 16 1,367 874 493 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu
274 143 131 39 17 22 1,730 1,118 612 Anumula Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhava Puram
52 28 24 - - - 813 503 310 Somidevi Palle
677 332 345 11 5 6 1,858 1,199 659 Palakaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dadanaguruvai Palle
1,275 504 771 74 12 62 3,931 2,105 1,826 Racherla
- - - - - - 57 37 20 Bhupana Guntla
1,039 514 525 14 7 7 2,080 1,261 819 Edavalli
562 300 262 3 2 1 2,460 1,558 902 Gudimetla


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0800 Racherla (Total) 14,846 5,055 9,791 17,642 9,506 8,136 14,970 8,683 6,287
0800 Racherla (Rural) 14,846 5,055 9,791 17,642 9,506 8,136 14,970 8,683 6,287
0800 Racherla (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591167 Akaveedu 2,469 894 1,575 3,008 1,690 1,318 2,496 1,559 937
591168 Venthurla Padu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591169 Chinnagani Palle 874 325 549 1,060 547 513 900 530 370
591170 Chollaveedu 1,455 539 916 1,605 862 743 1,245 804 441
591171 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu 1,025 343 682 1,161 644 517 975 554 421
591172 Anumula Palle 1,354 441 913 1,664 817 847 1,451 781 670
591173 Madhava Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591174 Somidevi Palle 636 199 437 737 364 373 672 358 314
591175 Palakaveedu 1,260 404 856 1,249 813 436 1,220 797 423
591176 Dadanaguruvai Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591177 Racherla 2,587 874 1,713 3,107 1,622 1,485 2,316 1,257 1,059
591178 Bhupana Guntla 49 13 36 72 33 39 70 33 37
591179 Edavalli 1,540 527 1,013 1,894 967 927 1,581 871 710
591180 Gudimetla 1,597 496 1,101 2,085 1,147 938 2,044 1,139 905


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,810 3,418 1,392 8,220 3,727 4,493 141 85 56 1,799 1,453 346 Racherla (Total)
4,810 3,418 1,392 8,220 3,727 4,493 141 85 56 1,799 1,453 346 Racherla (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Racherla (Urban)
1,003 735 268 1,113 558 555 49 33 16 331 233 98 Akaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venthurla Padu
449 304 145 347 145 202 3 3 - 101 78 23 Chinnagani Palle
459 355 104 689 370 319 12 7 5 85 72 13 Chollaveedu
291 214 77 577 246 331 6 4 2 101 90 11 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu
497 350 147 756 293 463 37 16 21 161 122 39 Anumula Palle
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhava Puram
205 109 96 378 175 203 3 2 1 86 72 14 Somidevi Palle
210 198 12 824 428 396 - - - 186 171 15 Palakaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dadanaguruvai Palle
382 285 97 1,609 717 892 6 4 2 319 251 68 Racherla
15 15 - 47 12 35 - - - 8 6 2 Bhupana Guntla
390 322 68 927 332 595 11 5 6 253 212 41 Edavalli
909 531 378 953 451 502 14 11 3 168 146 22 Gudimetla


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0800 Racherla (Total) 2,672 823 1,849 221 83 138 1,962 517 1,445
0800 Racherla (Rural) 2,672 823 1,849 221 83 138 1,962 517 1,445
0800 Racherla (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591167 Akaveedu 512 131 381 130 39 91 191 45 146
591168 Venthurla Padu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591169 Chinnagani Palle 160 17 143 5 1 4 141 7 134
591170 Chollaveedu 360 58 302 9 4 5 339 45 294
591171 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu 186 90 96 32 19 13 127 47 80
591172 Anumula Palle 213 36 177 15 5 10 183 22 161
591173 Madhava Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591174 Somidevi Palle 65 6 59 - - - 64 5 59
591175 Palakaveedu 29 16 13 - - - 21 9 12
591176 Dadanaguruvai Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591177 Racherla 791 365 426 26 15 11 587 245 342
591178 Bhupana Guntla 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2
591179 Edavalli 313 96 217 1 - 1 301 92 209
591180 Gudimetla 41 8 33 3 - 3 6 - 6


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
47 16 31 442 207 235 17,438 7,953 9,485 Racherla (Total) 0800
47 16 31 442 207 235 17,438 7,953 9,485 Racherla (Rural) 0800
- - - - - - - - - Racherla (Urban) 0800
16 2 14 175 45 130 2,736 1,227 1,509 Akaveedu 591167
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Venthurla Padu 591168
1 - 1 13 9 4 789 407 382 Chinnagani Palle 591169
- - - 12 9 3 1,538 774 764 Chollaveedu 591170
- - - 27 24 3 1,231 573 658 Jallivani Pullala Cheruvu 591171
6 3 3 9 6 3 1,420 742 678 Anumula Palle 591172
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Madhava Puram 591173
- - - 1 1 - 712 338 374 Somidevi Palle 591174
2 1 1 6 6 - 1,869 790 1,079 Palakaveedu 591175
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dadanaguruvai Palle 591176
20 10 10 158 95 63 3,411 1,357 2,054 Racherla 591177
- - - - - - 34 17 17 Bhupana Guntla 591178
2 - 2 9 4 5 1,726 821 905 Edavalli 591179
- - - 32 8 24 1,972 907 1,065 Gudimetla 591180


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0801 Giddalur (Total) 26,377.00 21,881 86,133 43,686 42,447 9,456 4,808 4,648
0801 Giddalur (Rural) 24,283.00 13,079 50,983 25,958 25,025 6,011 3,060 2,951
0801 Giddalur (Urban) 2,094.00 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
591181 Malakondapentagudem 0.00 - - - - - - -
591182 Isukagundam Gudem 0.00 - - - - - - -
591183 Ambavaram 2,104.00 1,378 5,351 2,707 2,644 632 301 331
591184 Thimma Puram 1,319.00 243 1,048 538 510 101 49 52
591185 Tripura Puram 314.00 197 868 436 432 163 69 94
591186 Thamballa Palle 296.00 169 624 319 305 69 37 32
591187 Podili Konda Palle 895.00 664 2,494 1,238 1,256 257 121 136
591188 Narava 682.00 675 2,503 1,260 1,243 235 122 113
591189 Narasimhuni Palle 127.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591190 Kongala Veedu 529.00 447 1,669 831 838 237 121 116
591191 Modam Palle 272.00 262 973 498 475 107 63 44
591192 Chatti Reddy Palle 329.00 411 1,551 778 773 167 92 75
591193 Kristam Setti Palle 2,209.00 2,098 8,253 4,262 3,991 937 518 419
591194 Kanchi Palle 947.00 620 2,280 1,128 1,152 274 137 137
591195 Bogada 0.00 - - - - - - -
591196 Mundla Padu 2,880.00 2,004 7,781 3,938 3,843 929 484 445
591197 Kotha Kota 1,285.00 477 1,786 898 888 168 79 89
591198 Kommunuru 3,252.00 623 2,401 1,208 1,193 274 138 136
591199 Sanjeevarao Peta 1,706.00 1,188 4,732 2,471 2,261 595 298 297
591200 Gadikota 2,577.00 604 2,397 1,247 1,150 295 146 149
591201 Uyyala Wada 2,560.00 1,019 4,272 2,201 2,071 571 285 286
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 2,094.00 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,172 6,286 5,886 4,215 2,214 2,001 52,866 31,888 20,978 Giddalur (Total)
8,590 4,402 4,188 3,234 1,686 1,548 27,595 17,559 10,036 Giddalur (Rural)
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Giddalur (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - Malakondapentagudem
- - - - - - - - - Isukagundam Gudem
1,074 553 521 267 144 123 2,864 1,837 1,027 Ambavaram
195 102 93 - - - 615 395 220 Thimma Puram
- - - - - - 264 174 90 Tripura Puram
33 18 15 - - - 260 163 97 Thamballa Palle
515 262 253 - - - 1,295 819 476 Podili Konda Palle
115 58 57 - - - 1,357 850 507 Narava
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhuni Palle
117 60 57 523 260 263 831 520 311 Kongala Veedu
30 10 20 - - - 605 375 230 Modam Palle
335 169 166 - - - 877 542 335 Chatti Reddy Palle
1,849 969 880 1,205 649 556 4,499 2,872 1,627 Kristam Setti Palle
311 159 152 77 35 42 1,275 810 465 Kanchi Palle
- - - - - - - - - Bogada
949 460 489 553 286 267 4,461 2,725 1,736 Mundla Padu
212 109 103 5 2 3 1,002 637 365 Kotha Kota
430 214 216 - - - 1,329 841 488 Kommunuru
1,055 549 506 297 156 141 2,534 1,666 868 Sanjeevarao Peta
382 198 184 194 101 93 1,235 819 416 Gadikota
988 512 476 113 53 60 2,292 1,514 778 Uyyala Wada
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Giddaluru (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0801 Giddalur (Total) 33,267 11,798 21,469 38,109 23,191 14,918 32,972 21,043 11,929
0801 Giddalur (Rural) 23,388 8,399 14,989 26,782 14,757 12,025 23,214 13,388 9,826
0801 Giddalur (Urban) 9,879 3,399 6,480 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103
591181 Malakondapentagudem - - - - - - - - -
591182 Isukagundam Gudem - - - - - - - - -
591183 Ambavaram 2,487 870 1,617 3,410 1,714 1,696 3,185 1,653 1,532
591184 Thimma Puram 433 143 290 609 310 299 250 168 82
591185 Tripura Puram 604 262 342 455 246 209 450 241 209
591186 Thamballa Palle 364 156 208 362 178 184 135 113 22
591187 Podili Konda Palle 1,199 419 780 1,286 667 619 1,016 557 459
591188 Narava 1,146 410 736 1,224 764 460 1,037 712 325
591189 Narasimhuni Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591190 Kongala Veedu 838 311 527 780 465 315 758 455 303
591191 Modam Palle 368 123 245 376 266 110 361 260 101
591192 Chatti Reddy Palle 674 236 438 810 422 388 512 290 222
591193 Kristam Setti Palle 3,754 1,390 2,364 4,006 2,257 1,749 3,931 2,230 1,701
591194 Kanchi Palle 1,005 318 687 1,272 659 613 1,118 629 489
591195 Bogada - - - - - - - - -
591196 Mundla Padu 3,320 1,213 2,107 4,046 2,275 1,771 3,520 2,085 1,435
591197 Kotha Kota 784 261 523 781 498 283 225 206 19
591198 Kommunuru 1,072 367 705 1,125 713 412 1,109 708 401
591199 Sanjeevarao Peta 2,198 805 1,393 2,602 1,360 1,242 2,108 1,145 963
591200 Gadikota 1,162 428 734 1,304 702 602 1,298 698 600
591201 Uyyala Wada 1,980 687 1,293 2,334 1,261 1,073 2,201 1,238 963
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 9,879 3,399 6,480 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,948 3,796 1,152 17,299 8,396 8,903 726 583 143 9,999 8,268 1,731 Giddalur (Total)
4,413 3,326 1,087 15,198 7,262 7,936 198 149 49 3,405 2,651 754 Giddalur (Rural)
535 470 65 2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Giddalur (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Malakondapentagudem
- - - - - - - - - - - - Isukagundam Gudem
778 443 335 2,064 955 1,109 10 4 6 333 251 82 Ambavaram
63 59 4 130 72 58 4 2 2 53 35 18 Thimma Puram
44 39 5 391 191 200 - - - 15 11 4 Tripura Puram
58 53 5 55 42 13 - - - 22 18 4 Thamballa Palle
400 309 91 502 157 345 3 1 2 111 90 21 Podili Konda Palle
354 306 48 499 248 251 21 20 1 163 138 25 Narava
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhuni Palle
63 47 16 432 215 217 - - - 263 193 70 Kongala Veedu
26 22 4 244 158 86 - - - 91 80 11 Modam Palle
21 20 1 266 106 160 - - - 225 164 61 Chatti Reddy Palle
498 373 125 2,510 1,209 1,301 48 41 7 875 607 268 Kristam Setti Palle
223 195 28 765 331 434 6 6 - 124 97 27 Kanchi Palle
- - - - - - - - - - - - Bogada
535 454 81 2,312 1,040 1,272 25 19 6 648 572 76 Mundla Padu
59 58 1 123 111 12 - - - 43 37 6 Kotha Kota
324 229 95 720 427 293 8 7 1 57 45 12 Kommunuru
463 307 156 1,467 698 769 11 7 4 167 133 34 Sanjeevarao Peta
206 136 70 1,049 529 520 - - - 43 33 10 Gadikota
298 276 22 1,669 773 896 62 42 20 172 147 25 Uyyala Wada
535 470 65 2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Giddaluru (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0801 Giddalur (Total) 5,137 2,148 2,989 316 110 206 3,537 1,230 2,307
0801 Giddalur (Rural) 3,568 1,369 2,199 306 103 203 2,960 1,057 1,903
0801 Giddalur (Urban) 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
591181 Malakondapentagudem - - - - - - - - -
591182 Isukagundam Gudem - - - - - - - - -
591183 Ambavaram 225 61 164 40 3 37 168 50 118
591184 Thimma Puram 359 142 217 11 5 6 338 133 205
591185 Tripura Puram 5 5 - 2 2 - 1 1 -
591186 Thamballa Palle 227 65 162 7 4 3 213 58 155
591187 Podili Konda Palle 270 110 160 13 2 11 220 76 144
591188 Narava 187 52 135 5 3 2 168 36 132
591189 Narasimhuni Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591190 Kongala Veedu 22 10 12 1 1 - 15 3 12
591191 Modam Palle 15 6 9 1 1 - 13 4 9
591192 Chatti Reddy Palle 298 132 166 5 4 1 290 125 165
591193 Kristam Setti Palle 75 27 48 2 1 1 54 13 41
591194 Kanchi Palle 154 30 124 53 7 46 89 18 71
591195 Bogada - - - - - - - - -
591196 Mundla Padu 526 190 336 31 9 22 429 129 300
591197 Kotha Kota 556 292 264 10 8 2 497 254 243
591198 Kommunuru 16 5 11 - - - 16 5 11
591199 Sanjeevarao Peta 494 215 279 103 50 53 355 137 218
591200 Gadikota 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
591201 Uyyala Wada 133 23 110 21 2 19 89 12 77
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
138 75 63 1,146 733 413 48,024 20,495 27,529 Giddalur (Total) 0801
37 26 11 265 183 82 24,201 11,201 13,000 Giddalur (Rural) 0801
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Giddalur (Urban) 0801
- - - - - - - - - Malakondapentagudem 591181
- - - - - - - - - Isukagundam Gudem 591182
1 - 1 16 8 8 1,941 993 948 Ambavaram 591183
- - - 10 4 6 439 228 211 Thimma Puram 591184
- - - 2 2 - 413 190 223 Tripura Puram 591185
- - - 7 3 4 262 141 121 Thamballa Palle 591186
- - - 37 32 5 1,208 571 637 Podili Konda Palle 591187
- - - 14 13 1 1,279 496 783 Narava 591188
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhuni Palle 591189
- - - 6 6 - 889 366 523 Kongala Veedu 591190
- - - 1 1 - 597 232 365 Modam Palle 591191
2 2 - 1 1 - 741 356 385 Chatti Reddy Palle 591192
3 1 2 16 12 4 4,247 2,005 2,242 Kristam Setti Palle 591193
1 - 1 11 5 6 1,008 469 539 Kanchi Palle 591194
- - - - - - - - - Bogada 591195
15 15 - 51 37 14 3,735 1,663 2,072 Mundla Padu 591196
5 3 2 44 27 17 1,005 400 605 Kotha Kota 591197
- - - - - - 1,276 495 781 Kommunuru 591198
5 4 1 31 24 7 2,130 1,111 1,019 Sanjeevarao Peta 591199
- - - - - - 1,093 545 548 Gadikota 591200
5 1 4 18 8 10 1,938 940 998 Uyyala Wada 591201
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Giddaluru (CT) 591202


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0802 Komarolu (Total) 23,634.00 10,684 40,517 20,553 19,964 4,628 2,405 2,223
0802 Komarolu (Rural) 23,634.00 10,684 40,517 20,553 19,964 4,628 2,405 2,223
0802 Komarolu (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591203 Daddawada 1,997.00 946 3,604 1,836 1,768 494 271 223
591204 Nagireddipalle 177.00 164 743 376 367 97 47 50
591205 Taticherla 1,903.00 536 2,121 1,071 1,050 297 142 155
591206 Nallaguntla 1,012.00 582 2,273 1,189 1,084 214 100 114
591207 Rajupalem 1,676.00 916 3,404 1,674 1,730 370 192 178
591208 Guduru Moravai Palle 105.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591209 Vennam Palle 3,007.00 54 186 94 92 9 4 5
591210 Lingareddi Palle 262.00 15 56 30 26 7 4 3
591211 Kristam Palle 492.00 129 449 219 230 63 31 32
591212 Edamakallu 2,532.00 779 2,837 1,375 1,462 272 123 149
591213 Pullareddi Palle 679.00 215 856 397 459 88 46 42
591214 Chinthala Palle 1,616.00 701 2,918 1,504 1,414 407 223 184
591215 Komarolu 2,025.00 2,877 10,746 5,545 5,201 1,179 643 536
591216 Badineni Palle 461.00 168 627 312 315 65 30 35
591217 Ramavari Palle 48.00 43 147 81 66 16 7 9
591218 Suravari Palle 111.00 280 989 486 503 110 57 53
591219 Mottu Palle 195.00 118 415 211 204 49 20 29
591220 Bedusu Palle 84.00 74 257 134 123 28 15 13
591221 Brahmana Palle 258.00 179 621 311 310 80 37 43
591222 Reddicherla 3,174.00 1,373 5,141 2,605 2,536 508 266 242
591223 Allinagaram 1,820.00 535 2,127 1,103 1,024 275 147 128



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
6,732 3,496 3,236 154 86 68 22,513 14,113 8,400 Komarolu (Total)
6,732 3,496 3,236 154 86 68 22,513 14,113 8,400 Komarolu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Komarolu (Urban)
225 115 110 6 3 3 1,796 1,135 661 Daddawada
238 116 122 - - - 369 235 134 Nagireddipalle
268 127 141 - - - 1,099 707 392 Taticherla
763 416 347 11 4 7 1,317 877 440 Nallaguntla
239 121 118 - - - 1,850 1,125 725 Rajupalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Guduru Moravai Palle
3 1 2 - - - 110 78 32 Vennam Palle
- - - - - - 25 17 8 Lingareddi Palle
91 48 43 - - - 236 145 91 Kristam Palle
629 317 312 - - - 1,575 974 601 Edamakallu
204 95 109 - - - 447 260 187 Pullareddi Palle
481 247 234 - - - 1,254 809 445 Chinthala Palle
1,307 718 589 57 33 24 6,964 4,262 2,702 Komarolu
158 72 86 - - - 375 234 141 Badineni Palle
- - - - - - 66 49 17 Ramavari Palle
369 184 185 - - - 538 331 207 Suravari Palle
- - - - - - 174 119 55 Mottu Palle
83 43 40 - - - 137 91 46 Bedusu Palle
222 116 106 7 3 4 324 204 120 Brahmana Palle
1,061 554 507 62 35 27 2,722 1,734 988 Reddicherla
391 206 185 11 8 3 1,135 727 408 Allinagaram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0802 Komarolu (Total) 18,004 6,440 11,564 19,704 10,940 8,764 17,960 10,326 7,634
0802 Komarolu (Rural) 18,004 6,440 11,564 19,704 10,940 8,764 17,960 10,326 7,634
0802 Komarolu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591203 Daddawada 1,808 701 1,107 2,089 1,035 1,054 1,716 927 789
591204 Nagireddipalle 374 141 233 437 229 208 83 70 13
591205 Taticherla 1,022 364 658 1,202 605 597 1,196 604 592
591206 Nallaguntla 956 312 644 1,319 671 648 1,101 589 512
591207 Rajupalem 1,554 549 1,005 1,773 914 859 1,743 902 841
591208 Guduru Moravai Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591209 Vennam Palle 76 16 60 95 46 49 95 46 49
591210 Lingareddi Palle 31 13 18 28 16 12 26 16 10
591211 Kristam Palle 213 74 139 182 91 91 171 88 83
591212 Edamakallu 1,262 401 861 1,411 784 627 1,253 757 496
591213 Pullareddi Palle 409 137 272 434 208 226 432 206 226
591214 Chinthala Palle 1,664 695 969 1,528 838 690 1,468 817 651
591215 Komarolu 3,782 1,283 2,499 3,852 2,640 1,212 3,664 2,538 1,126
591216 Badineni Palle 252 78 174 387 191 196 178 126 52
591217 Ramavari Palle 81 32 49 86 50 36 54 44 10
591218 Suravari Palle 451 155 296 497 256 241 439 249 190
591219 Mottu Palle 241 92 149 150 71 79 139 66 73
591220 Bedusu Palle 120 43 77 162 79 83 158 76 82
591221 Brahmana Palle 297 107 190 344 178 166 339 176 163
591222 Reddicherla 2,419 871 1,548 2,580 1,435 1,145 2,565 1,429 1,136
591223 Allinagaram 992 376 616 1,148 603 545 1,140 600 540


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,774 2,798 976 11,554 5,392 6,162 137 77 60 2,495 2,059 436 Komarolu (Total)
3,774 2,798 976 11,554 5,392 6,162 137 77 60 2,495 2,059 436 Komarolu (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Komarolu (Urban)
457 322 135 1,139 502 637 10 8 2 110 95 15 Daddawada
37 34 3 10 4 6 - - - 36 32 4 Nagireddipalle
118 82 36 949 421 528 1 - 1 128 101 27 Taticherla
308 225 83 669 284 385 3 2 1 121 78 43 Nallaguntla
615 361 254 996 448 548 21 14 7 111 79 32 Rajupalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Guduru Moravai Palle
40 36 4 50 6 44 - - - 5 4 1 Vennam Palle
13 11 2 11 3 8 - - - 2 2 - Lingareddi Palle
18 17 1 140 64 76 11 5 6 2 2 - Kristam Palle
220 174 46 891 463 428 10 9 1 132 111 21 Edamakallu
73 64 9 281 102 179 24 2 22 54 38 16 Pullareddi Palle
277 221 56 1,156 569 587 - - - 35 27 8 Chinthala Palle
514 376 138 1,874 1,043 831 30 24 6 1,246 1,095 151 Komarolu
98 64 34 64 53 11 - - - 16 9 7 Badineni Palle
3 3 - 51 41 10 - - - - - - Ramavari Palle
51 51 - 360 175 185 - - - 28 23 5 Suravari Palle
19 8 11 85 42 43 4 1 3 31 15 16 Mottu Palle
9 2 7 133 61 72 - - - 16 13 3 Bedusu Palle
79 44 35 196 80 116 1 1 - 63 51 12 Brahmana Palle
575 534 41 1,735 692 1,043 21 11 10 234 192 42 Reddicherla
250 169 81 764 339 425 1 - 1 125 92 33 Allinagaram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0802 Komarolu (Total) 1,744 614 1,130 61 28 33 1,514 476 1,038
0802 Komarolu (Rural) 1,744 614 1,130 61 28 33 1,514 476 1,038
0802 Komarolu (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591203 Daddawada 373 108 265 4 2 2 346 91 255
591204 Nagireddipalle 354 159 195 - - - 353 158 195
591205 Taticherla 6 1 5 - - - 3 - 3
591206 Nallaguntla 218 82 136 2 1 1 201 74 127
591207 Rajupalem 30 12 18 3 1 2 10 2 8
591208 Guduru Moravai Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591209 Vennam Palle - - - - - - - - -
591210 Lingareddi Palle 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
591211 Kristam Palle 11 3 8 - - - 8 2 6
591212 Edamakallu 158 27 131 10 4 6 146 22 124
591213 Pullareddi Palle 2 2 - 1 1 - - - -
591214 Chinthala Palle 60 21 39 - - - 56 17 39
591215 Komarolu 188 102 86 25 11 14 83 31 52
591216 Badineni Palle 209 65 144 5 4 1 204 61 143
591217 Ramavari Palle 32 6 26 - - - 32 6 26
591218 Suravari Palle 58 7 51 - - - 58 7 51
591219 Mottu Palle 11 5 6 1 - 1 4 2 2
591220 Bedusu Palle 4 3 1 1 1 - - - -
591221 Brahmana Palle 5 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1
591222 Reddicherla 15 6 9 5 2 3 3 - 3
591223 Allinagaram 8 3 5 - - - 4 2 2


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
24 10 14 145 100 45 20,813 9,613 11,200 Komarolu (Total) 0802
24 10 14 145 100 45 20,813 9,613 11,200 Komarolu (Rural) 0802
- - - - - - - - - Komarolu (Urban) 0802
- - - 23 15 8 1,515 801 714 Daddawada 591203
- - - 1 1 - 306 147 159 Nagireddipalle 591204
- - - 3 1 2 919 466 453 Taticherla 591205
14 6 8 1 1 - 954 518 436 Nallaguntla 591206
1 - 1 16 9 7 1,631 760 871 Rajupalem 591207
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Guduru Moravai Palle 591208
- - - - - - 91 48 43 Vennam Palle 591209
- - - - - - 28 14 14 Lingareddi Palle 591210
3 1 2 - - - 267 128 139 Kristam Palle 591211
1 1 - 1 - 1 1,426 591 835 Edamakallu 591212
- - - 1 1 - 422 189 233 Pullareddi Palle 591213
- - - 4 4 - 1,390 666 724 Chinthala Palle 591214
3 1 2 77 59 18 6,894 2,905 3,989 Komarolu 591215
- - - - - - 240 121 119 Badineni Palle 591216
- - - - - - 61 31 30 Ramavari Palle 591217
- - - - - - 492 230 262 Suravari Palle 591218
1 - 1 5 3 2 265 140 125 Mottu Palle 591219
- - - 3 2 1 95 55 40 Bedusu Palle 591220
- - - - - - 277 133 144 Brahmana Palle 591221
1 1 - 6 3 3 2,561 1,170 1,391 Reddicherla 591222
- - - 4 1 3 979 500 479 Allinagaram 591223


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0803 Veligandla (Total) 31,443.00 8,231 35,951 18,686 17,265 4,359 2,281 2,078
0803 Veligandla (Rural) 31,443.00 8,231 35,951 18,686 17,265 4,359 2,281 2,078
0803 Veligandla (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591224 Panduva Nagula Varam 3,782.00 1,199 5,076 2,612 2,464 618 306 312
591225 Jangam Narasaya Palle 422.00 98 450 241 209 47 25 22
591226 Khandrika 110.00
591227 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle 2,375.00 519 2,574 1,347 1,227 358 184 174
591228 Ganesuni Palle 244.00 158 771 406 365 148 81 67
591229 Panduva 1,281.00 215 1,040 540 500 188 97 91
Gandla Seetharam
591230 Puram 524.00
591231 Ganna Varam 913.00 432 1,832 925 907 234 125 109
591232 Gurugupadu 235.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591233 Kankanam Padu 2,281.00 561 2,275 1,174 1,101 286 158 128
Kankanam Padu
591234 Agraharam 998.00 269 1,087 572 515 121 61 60
591235 Ballavaram 443.00 86 354 179 175 36 15 21
591236 Perugupalle 773.00 68 267 135 132 22 9 13
591237 Hussain Puram 1,496.00 623 2,543 1,333 1,210 347 179 168
591238 Manamadugu 487.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591239 Bonthagunta Palle 529.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591240 Mogallur 2,565.00 672 2,623 1,330 1,293 303 158 145
591241 Veligandla 2,208.00 796 3,651 2,002 1,649 350 184 166
591242 Ramagopalapuram 1,293.00 359 1,514 769 745 185 93 92
591243 Ramalinga Puram 1,309.00 234 988 525 463 90 52 38
591244 Immadi Cheruvu 3,104.00 638 2,766 1,433 1,333 333 169 164
591245 Vedulla Cheruvu 765.00 302 1,492 764 728 202 109 93
591246 Kotala Palle 1,006.00 294 1,436 756 680 176 95 81
591247 Chodavaram 565.00 183 776 405 371 74 47 27
591248 Marapagunta 899.00 223 1,120 569 551 104 59 45
591249 Nagireddy Palle 836.00 302 1,316 669 647 137 75 62



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
11,063 5,742 5,321 292 158 134 18,833 11,825 7,008 Veligandla (Total)
11,063 5,742 5,321 292 158 134 18,833 11,825 7,008 Veligandla (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Veligandla (Urban)
1,918 988 930 2 1 1 2,641 1,659 982 Panduva Nagula Varam
100 53 47 - - - 242 161 81 Jangam Narasaya Palle
1,088 571 517 16 9 7 1,337 826 511 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle
86 51 35 - - - 240 151 89 Ganesuni Palle
701 359 342 - - - 433 247 186 Panduva
Gandla Seetharam
471 231 240 16 8 8 805 500 305 Ganna Varam
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gurugupadu
817 410 407 - - - 1,117 703 414 Kankanam Padu
Kankanam Padu
223 118 105 - - - 544 353 191 Agraharam
196 97 99 - - - 184 112 72 Ballavaram
- - - 19 7 12 140 91 49 Perugupalle
616 322 294 33 19 14 1,198 767 431 Hussain Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Manamadugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bonthagunta Palle
581 297 284 11 6 5 1,512 915 597 Mogallur
1,207 656 551 11 6 5 2,228 1,453 775 Veligandla
374 201 173 - - - 802 506 296 Ramagopalapuram
178 90 88 7 5 2 493 327 166 Ramalinga Puram
764 390 374 - - - 1,444 880 564 Immadi Cheruvu
476 252 224 - - - 840 527 313 Vedulla Cheruvu
378 197 181 166 91 75 791 504 287 Kotala Palle
129 69 60 6 4 2 379 242 137 Chodavaram
435 218 217 - - - 684 414 270 Marapagunta
325 172 153 5 2 3 779 487 292 Nagireddy Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0803 Veligandla (Total) 17,118 6,861 10,257 19,187 10,735 8,452 17,603 10,289 7,314
0803 Veligandla (Rural) 17,118 6,861 10,257 19,187 10,735 8,452 17,603 10,289 7,314
0803 Veligandla (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591224 Panduva Nagula Varam 2,435 953 1,482 2,784 1,471 1,313 2,654 1,435 1,219
591225 Jangam Narasaya Palle 208 80 128 282 143 139 282 143 139
591226 Khandrika
591227 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle 1,237 521 716 1,365 808 557 1,358 805 553
591228 Ganesuni Palle 531 255 276 436 221 215 336 203 133
591229 Panduva 607 293 314 477 277 200 387 264 123
Gandla Seetharam
591230 Puram
591231 Ganna Varam 1,027 425 602 1,063 553 510 1,017 540 477
591232 Gurugupadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591233 Kankanam Padu 1,158 471 687 1,426 744 682 1,330 715 615
Kankanam Padu
591234 Agraharam 543 219 324 651 351 300 643 350 293
591235 Ballavaram 170 67 103 146 82 64 106 81 25
591236 Perugupalle 127 44 83 162 85 77 155 85 70
591237 Hussain Puram 1,345 566 779 1,273 727 546 1,247 716 531
591238 Manamadugu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591239 Bonthagunta Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591240 Mogallur 1,111 415 696 1,332 772 560 1,208 744 464
591241 Veligandla 1,423 549 874 1,689 975 714 1,436 933 503
591242 Ramagopalapuram 712 263 449 767 438 329 596 372 224
591243 Ramalinga Puram 495 198 297 557 326 231 557 326 231
591244 Immadi Cheruvu 1,322 553 769 1,681 873 808 1,551 828 723
591245 Vedulla Cheruvu 652 237 415 662 447 215 611 433 178
591246 Kotala Palle 645 252 393 780 487 293 757 477 280
591247 Chodavaram 397 163 234 507 259 248 469 249 220
591248 Marapagunta 436 155 281 481 309 172 463 301 162
591249 Nagireddy Palle 537 182 355 666 387 279 440 289 151


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,636 2,435 1,201 10,869 5,244 5,625 31 21 10 3,067 2,589 478 Veligandla (Total)
3,636 2,435 1,201 10,869 5,244 5,625 31 21 10 3,067 2,589 478 Veligandla (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Veligandla (Urban)
496 292 204 1,755 804 951 - - - 403 339 64 Panduva Nagula Varam
15 8 7 247 124 123 1 - 1 19 11 8 Jangam Narasaya Palle
198 130 68 877 425 452 - - - 283 250 33 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle
99 62 37 176 83 93 - - - 61 58 3 Ganesuni Palle
70 55 15 153 69 84 - - - 164 140 24 Panduva
Gandla Seetharam
166 102 64 688 292 396 - - - 163 146 17 Ganna Varam
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gurugupadu
257 151 106 1,036 543 493 1 - 1 36 21 15 Kankanam Padu
Kankanam Padu
216 118 98 357 174 183 4 3 1 66 55 11 Agraharam
- - - 88 64 24 - - - 18 17 1 Ballavaram
22 21 1 123 54 69 - - - 10 10 - Perugupalle
360 270 90 550 176 374 - - - 337 270 67 Hussain Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Manamadugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bonthagunta Palle
197 131 66 623 281 342 3 2 1 385 330 55 Mogallur
335 204 131 887 555 332 5 4 1 209 170 39 Veligandla
222 125 97 218 107 111 2 1 1 154 139 15 Ramagopalapuram
114 85 29 293 109 184 - - - 150 132 18 Ramalinga Puram
267 169 98 1,215 602 613 6 6 - 63 51 12 Immadi Cheruvu
173 166 7 323 178 145 1 1 - 114 88 26 Vedulla Cheruvu
193 142 51 374 177 197 3 2 1 187 156 31 Kotala Palle
46 42 4 392 186 206 1 - 1 30 21 9 Chodavaram
81 79 2 342 192 150 1 1 - 39 29 10 Marapagunta
109 83 26 152 49 103 3 1 2 176 156 20 Nagireddy Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0803 Veligandla (Total) 1,584 446 1,138 113 25 88 1,185 250 935
0803 Veligandla (Rural) 1,584 446 1,138 113 25 88 1,185 250 935
0803 Veligandla (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591224 Panduva Nagula Varam 130 36 94 14 2 12 103 27 76
591225 Jangam Narasaya Palle - - - - - - - - -
591226 Khandrika
591227 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle 7 3 4 - - - 5 1 4
591228 Ganesuni Palle 100 18 82 4 2 2 94 15 79
591229 Panduva 90 13 77 8 - 8 56 4 52
Gandla Seetharam
591230 Puram
591231 Ganna Varam 46 13 33 2 - 2 33 5 28
591232 Gurugupadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591233 Kankanam Padu 96 29 67 4 2 2 89 24 65
Kankanam Padu
591234 Agraharam 8 1 7 2 - 2 6 1 5
591235 Ballavaram 40 1 39 - - - 40 1 39
591236 Perugupalle 7 - 7 - - - 4 - 4
591237 Hussain Puram 26 11 15 1 1 - 25 10 15
591238 Manamadugu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591239 Bonthagunta Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591240 Mogallur 124 28 96 4 - 4 89 13 76
591241 Veligandla 253 42 211 21 1 20 194 19 175
591242 Ramagopalapuram 171 66 105 5 1 4 148 50 98
591243 Ramalinga Puram - - - - - - - - -
591244 Immadi Cheruvu 130 45 85 18 10 8 72 16 56
591245 Vedulla Cheruvu 51 14 37 - - - 47 13 34
591246 Kotala Palle 23 10 13 - - - 19 7 12
591247 Chodavaram 38 10 28 - - - 25 - 25
591248 Marapagunta 18 8 10 - - - 16 6 10
591249 Nagireddy Palle 226 98 128 30 6 24 120 38 82


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
15 8 7 271 163 108 16,764 7,951 8,813 Veligandla (Total) 0803
15 8 7 271 163 108 16,764 7,951 8,813 Veligandla (Rural) 0803
- - - - - - - - - Veligandla (Urban) 0803
- - - 13 7 6 2,292 1,141 1,151 Panduva Nagula Varam 591224
- - - - - - 168 98 70 Jangam Narasaya Palle 591225
Khandrika 591226
- - - 2 2 - 1,209 539 670 Pulikuntla Ralla Palle 591227
- - - 2 1 1 335 185 150 Ganesuni Palle 591228
- - - 26 9 17 563 263 300 Panduva 591229
Gandla Seetharam
Puram 591230
- - - 11 8 3 769 372 397 Ganna Varam 591231
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gurugupadu 591232
- - - 3 3 - 849 430 419 Kankanam Padu 591233
Kankanam Padu
- - - - - - 436 221 215 Agraharam 591234
- - - - - - 208 97 111 Ballavaram 591235
- - - 3 - 3 105 50 55 Perugupalle 591236
- - - - - - 1,270 606 664 Hussain Puram 591237
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Manamadugu 591238
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bonthagunta Palle 591239
- - - 31 15 16 1,291 558 733 Mogallur 591240
5 2 3 33 20 13 1,962 1,027 935 Veligandla 591241
- - - 18 15 3 747 331 416 Ramagopalapuram 591242
- - - - - - 431 199 232 Ramalinga Puram 591243
5 2 3 35 17 18 1,085 560 525 Immadi Cheruvu 591244
- - - 4 1 3 830 317 513 Vedulla Cheruvu 591245
- - - 4 3 1 656 269 387 Kotala Palle 591246
5 4 1 8 6 2 269 146 123 Chodavaram 591247
- - - 2 2 - 639 260 379 Marapagunta 591248
- - - 76 54 22 650 282 368 Nagireddy Palle 591249


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0804 Kanigiri (Total) 51,098.00 21,421 92,466 47,355 45,111 11,007 5,703 5,304
0804 Kanigiri (Rural) 47,792.00 12,514 55,046 28,469 26,577 6,942 3,654 3,288
0804 Kanigiri (Urban) 3,306.00 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
591250 Ganuga Penta 1,265.00 129 488 256 232 60 31 29
591251 Baduguleru 3,322.00 418 1,910 981 929 265 140 125
591252 Challagirigala 1,863.00 675 3,163 1,634 1,529 407 223 184
591253 Dirisavancha 902.00 243 1,105 585 520 168 87 81
591254 Yadavalli 2,067.00 482 2,263 1,172 1,091 323 176 147
591255 Punugodu Khandrika 447.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591256 Kanchipuram 232.00 3 7 5 2 2 2 -
591257 Punugodu 2,213.00 516 2,133 1,116 1,017 253 134 119
591258 Thummagunta 1,482.00 389 1,936 960 976 294 147 147
591259 Chakirala 3,023.00 996 4,399 2,268 2,131 505 261 244
591260 Sankavaram 2,100.00 1,724 7,335 3,784 3,551 915 495 420
591261 Somanapalle 242.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591262 Bommireddi Palle 2,592.00 570 2,416 1,244 1,172 305 165 140
591263 Gudipadu 1,450.00 370 1,788 937 851 226 120 106
591264 Tallur 1,086.00 595 2,376 1,216 1,160 275 150 125
591265 Hazis Puram 1,690.00 635 2,901 1,512 1,389 380 192 188
591266 Kodigudla Padu (West) 606.00 208 961 483 478 106 52 54
591267 China Irlapadu 601.00 181 890 469 421 83 54 29
591268 Peramgudi Palle 305.00 203 884 451 433 98 50 48
591269 Polavaram 739.00 116 540 278 262 68 40 28
591270 Maheswarapuram 148.00 86 336 161 175 58 25 33
591271 Kalagatla 669.00 98 430 215 215 41 18 23
591272 Gosulaveedu 431.00 251 1,004 537 467 111 55 56
591273 Ayyanapalem 187.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591274 Rachagundlapadu 553.00 44 168 91 77 21 16 5
591275 Lingojipuram 484.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591276 Chinaalavala Padu 979.00 555 2,468 1,273 1,195 300 138 162
591277 Takkellapadu 1,013.00 232 1,226 701 525 156 84 72
591278 Umamaheswarapuram 604.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591279 Jammalamadaka 1,536.00 231 957 509 448 158 86 72
591280 Chennakesavapuram 202.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591281 Vangapadu 1,634.00 350 1,467 755 712 163 86 77
591282 Krishna Puram 299.00 114 490 250 240 64 34 30
591283 Guravajipeta 2,866.00 721 2,952 1,499 1,453 345 177 168
591284 Chirla Dinne 2,140.00 562 2,450 1,253 1,197 325 153 172
591285 Vijaya Gopala Puram 951.00 106 468 235 233 59 28 31
591286 Balavenkata Puram 617.00 82 357 193 164 41 26 15
591287 Balli Palle 3,855.00 534 2,396 1,248 1,148 319 180 139
591288 Viswanadha Puram 397.00 95 382 198 184 48 29 19
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 3,306.00 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
18,935 9,660 9,275 2,697 1,407 1,290 53,471 31,894 21,577 Kanigiri (Total)
15,374 7,946 7,428 1,266 665 601 27,603 17,360 10,243 Kanigiri (Rural)
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Kanigiri (Urban)
82 45 37 54 30 24 212 142 70 Ganuga Penta
803 420 383 - - - 929 561 368 Baduguleru
1,056 531 525 - - - 1,527 935 592 Challagirigala
367 204 163 8 3 5 544 353 191 Dirisavancha
387 214 173 25 11 14 1,152 722 430 Yadavalli
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Punugodu Khandrika
- - - - - - 3 2 1 Kanchipuram
454 231 223 262 135 127 966 628 338 Punugodu
601 299 302 - - - 881 507 374 Thummagunta
1,357 710 647 4 2 2 2,488 1,547 941 Chakirala
2,049 1,046 1,003 36 21 15 3,929 2,421 1,508 Sankavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somanapalle
432 215 217 33 13 20 1,171 738 433 Bommireddi Palle
324 158 166 43 22 21 866 581 285 Gudipadu
499 246 253 15 7 8 1,184 743 441 Tallur
856 457 399 198 105 93 1,300 836 464 Hazis Puram
283 138 145 18 10 8 503 304 199 Kodigudla Padu (West)
372 195 177 - - - 518 309 209 China Irlapadu
378 193 185 11 8 3 486 298 188 Peramgudi Palle
168 85 83 - - - 247 155 92 Polavaram
199 90 109 - - - 143 86 57 Maheswarapuram
181 89 92 - - - 212 129 83 Kalagatla
325 185 140 - - - 468 314 154 Gosulaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ayyanapalem
25 12 13 - - - 77 51 26 Rachagundlapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingojipuram
507 261 246 - - - 1,144 746 398 Chinaalavala Padu
325 210 115 17 11 6 637 436 201 Takkellapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Umamaheswarapuram
251 123 128 5 3 2 396 276 120 Jammalamadaka
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chennakesavapuram
271 146 125 103 55 48 754 474 280 Vangapadu
110 58 52 - - - 229 151 78 Krishna Puram
761 374 387 118 67 51 1,580 991 589 Guravajipeta
726 373 353 25 11 14 1,254 797 457 Chirla Dinne
65 30 35 - - - 201 124 77 Vijaya Gopala Puram
159 85 74 4 2 2 192 121 71 Balavenkata Puram
871 455 416 169 87 82 1,195 752 443 Balli Palle
130 68 62 118 62 56 215 130 85 Viswanadha Puram
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Kanigiri (U) (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0804 Kanigiri (Total) 38,995 15,461 23,534 42,965 26,886 16,079 37,359 25,192 12,167
0804 Kanigiri (Rural) 27,443 11,109 16,334 29,718 16,865 12,853 25,330 15,659 9,671
0804 Kanigiri (Urban) 11,552 4,352 7,200 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496
591250 Ganuga Penta 276 114 162 232 159 73 218 156 62
591251 Baduguleru 981 420 561 1,119 587 532 919 576 343
591252 Challagirigala 1,636 699 937 1,817 1,016 801 1,429 969 460
591253 Dirisavancha 561 232 329 629 364 265 624 362 262
591254 Yadavalli 1,111 450 661 1,313 702 611 1,279 694 585
591255 Punugodu Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591256 Kanchipuram 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1
591257 Punugodu 1,167 488 679 1,240 701 539 1,172 691 481
591258 Thummagunta 1,055 453 602 1,053 573 480 880 565 315
591259 Chakirala 1,911 721 1,190 2,437 1,363 1,074 2,209 1,260 949
591260 Sankavaram 3,406 1,363 2,043 3,405 2,163 1,242 2,375 1,810 565
591261 Somanapalle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591262 Bommireddi Palle 1,245 506 739 1,253 759 494 892 729 163
591263 Gudipadu 922 356 566 980 558 422 802 522 280
591264 Tallur 1,192 473 719 1,315 723 592 1,077 627 450
591265 Hazis Puram 1,601 676 925 1,735 965 770 1,620 941 679
591266 Kodigudla Padu (West) 458 179 279 599 305 294 503 295 208
591267 China Irlapadu 372 160 212 351 227 124 244 205 39
591268 Peramgudi Palle 398 153 245 462 274 188 364 258 106
591269 Polavaram 293 123 170 331 172 159 278 163 115
591270 Maheswarapuram 193 75 118 214 103 111 23 16 7
591271 Kalagatla 218 86 132 211 107 104 96 90 6
591272 Gosulaveedu 536 223 313 572 321 251 493 303 190
591273 Ayyanapalem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591274 Rachagundlapadu 91 40 51 96 49 47 25 16 9
591275 Lingojipuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591276 Chinaalavala Padu 1,324 527 797 1,447 774 673 1,356 743 613
591277 Takkellapadu 589 265 324 601 317 284 588 312 276
591278 Umamaheswarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591279 Jammalamadaka 561 233 328 537 301 236 531 300 231
591280 Chennakesavapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591281 Vangapadu 713 281 432 854 477 377 743 436 307
591282 Krishna Puram 261 99 162 250 156 94 247 155 92
591283 Guravajipeta 1,372 508 864 1,481 882 599 1,355 793 562
591284 Chirla Dinne 1,196 456 740 1,192 680 512 1,123 646 477
591285 Vijaya Gopala Puram 267 111 156 187 121 66 153 107 46
591286 Balavenkata Puram 165 72 93 178 96 82 136 76 60
591287 Balli Palle 1,201 496 705 1,368 738 630 1,326 715 611
591288 Viswanadha Puram 167 68 99 255 129 126 246 125 121
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 11,552 4,352 7,200 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6,122 4,220 1,902 13,134 6,177 6,957 807 453 354 17,296 14,342 2,954 Kanigiri (Total)
5,748 3,869 1,879 11,708 5,411 6,297 687 368 319 7,187 6,011 1,176 Kanigiri (Rural)
374 351 23 1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Kanigiri (Urban)
20 19 1 191 134 57 - - - 7 3 4 Ganuga Penta
156 99 57 632 367 265 20 9 11 111 101 10 Baduguleru
318 240 78 632 321 311 37 31 6 442 377 65 Challagirigala
119 81 38 276 108 168 72 37 35 157 136 21 Dirisavancha
200 133 67 447 204 243 221 102 119 411 255 156 Yadavalli
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Punugodu Khandrika
1 1 - 3 2 1 - - - - - - Kanchipuram
188 114 74 685 309 376 4 2 2 295 266 29 Punugodu
128 112 16 482 210 272 - - - 270 243 27 Thummagunta
540 358 182 1,341 612 729 16 14 2 312 276 36 Chakirala
239 195 44 396 161 235 14 11 3 1,726 1,443 283 Sankavaram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somanapalle
302 268 34 175 102 73 1 1 - 414 358 56 Bommireddi Palle
210 157 53 360 156 204 13 10 3 219 199 20 Gudipadu
334 200 134 341 110 231 14 3 11 388 314 74 Tallur
280 151 129 709 282 427 37 24 13 594 484 110 Hazis Puram
169 106 63 202 113 89 89 44 45 43 32 11 Kodigudla Padu (West)
63 53 10 67 46 21 - - - 114 106 8 China Irlapadu
60 41 19 79 16 63 - - - 225 201 24 Peramgudi Palle
74 52 22 169 84 85 1 - 1 34 27 7 Polavaram
4 2 2 19 14 5 - - - - - - Maheswarapuram
10 10 - 76 73 3 - - - 10 7 3 Kalagatla
51 37 14 203 113 90 109 55 54 130 98 32 Gosulaveedu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ayyanapalem
14 10 4 11 6 5 - - - - - - Rachagundlapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingojipuram
341 190 151 709 284 425 - - - 306 269 37 Chinaalavala Padu
176 116 60 375 165 210 2 1 1 35 30 5 Takkellapadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Umamaheswarapuram
171 96 75 204 62 142 2 2 - 154 140 14 Jammalamadaka
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chennakesavapuram
225 148 77 427 208 219 5 4 1 86 76 10 Vangapadu
48 47 1 146 57 89 - - - 53 51 2 Krishna Puram
457 283 174 573 255 318 24 15 9 301 240 61 Guravajipeta
409 263 146 551 245 306 1 1 - 162 137 25 Chirla Dinne
46 43 3 84 46 38 1 - 1 22 18 4 Vijaya Gopala Puram
71 38 33 43 20 23 - - - 22 18 4 Balavenkata Puram
259 177 82 943 453 490 4 2 2 120 83 37 Balli Palle
65 29 36 157 73 84 - - - 24 23 1 Viswanadha Puram
374 351 23 1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Kanigiri (U) (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0804 Kanigiri (Total) 5,606 1,694 3,912 341 66 275 3,567 658 2,909
0804 Kanigiri (Rural) 4,388 1,206 3,182 335 62 273 3,037 592 2,445
0804 Kanigiri (Urban) 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
591250 Ganuga Penta 14 3 11 - - - 13 2 11
591251 Baduguleru 200 11 189 - - - 190 6 184
591252 Challagirigala 388 47 341 64 8 56 267 24 243
591253 Dirisavancha 5 2 3 - - - 5 2 3
591254 Yadavalli 34 8 26 4 2 2 27 4 23
591255 Punugodu Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591256 Kanchipuram - - - - - - - - -
591257 Punugodu 68 10 58 3 - 3 52 5 47
591258 Thummagunta 173 8 165 - - - 160 4 156
591259 Chakirala 228 103 125 42 2 40 151 70 81
591260 Sankavaram 1,030 353 677 15 9 6 556 91 465
591261 Somanapalle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591262 Bommireddi Palle 361 30 331 92 8 84 222 9 213
591263 Gudipadu 178 36 142 - - - 145 23 122
591264 Tallur 238 96 142 7 4 3 195 72 123
591265 Hazis Puram 115 24 91 2 - 2 83 11 72
591266 Kodigudla Padu (West) 96 10 86 2 - 2 90 7 83
591267 China Irlapadu 107 22 85 1 1 - 100 20 80
591268 Peramgudi Palle 98 16 82 26 4 22 37 3 34
591269 Polavaram 53 9 44 24 3 21 24 4 20
591270 Maheswarapuram 191 87 104 - - - 189 86 103
591271 Kalagatla 115 17 98 1 1 - 112 14 98
591272 Gosulaveedu 79 18 61 14 1 13 37 6 31
591273 Ayyanapalem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591274 Rachagundlapadu 71 33 38 11 6 5 60 27 33
591275 Lingojipuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591276 Chinaalavala Padu 91 31 60 12 3 9 64 19 45
591277 Takkellapadu 13 5 8 2 1 1 5 2 3
591278 Umamaheswarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591279 Jammalamadaka 6 1 5 2 - 2 2 - 2
591280 Chennakesavapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591281 Vangapadu 111 41 70 3 3 - 99 31 68
591282 Krishna Puram 3 1 2 - - - 2 1 1
591283 Guravajipeta 126 89 37 3 2 1 35 7 28
591284 Chirla Dinne 69 34 35 4 3 1 49 18 31
591285 Vijaya Gopala Puram 34 14 20 - - - 29 10 19
591286 Balavenkata Puram 42 20 22 1 1 - 16 6 10
591287 Balli Palle 42 23 19 - - - 14 6 8
591288 Viswanadha Puram 9 4 5 - - - 7 2 5
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
155 21 134 1,543 949 594 49,501 20,469 29,032 Kanigiri (Total) 0804
123 15 108 893 537 356 25,328 11,604 13,724 Kanigiri (Rural) 0804
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Kanigiri (Urban) 0804
- - - 1 1 - 256 97 159 Ganuga Penta 591250
- - - 10 5 5 791 394 397 Baduguleru 591251
23 - 23 34 15 19 1,346 618 728 Challagirigala 591252
- - - - - - 476 221 255 Dirisavancha 591253
- - - 3 2 1 950 470 480 Yadavalli 591254
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Punugodu Khandrika 591255
- - - - - - 3 2 1 Kanchipuram 591256
- - - 13 5 8 893 415 478 Punugodu 591257
- - - 13 4 9 883 387 496 Thummagunta 591258
1 - 1 34 31 3 1,962 905 1,057 Chakirala 591259
69 5 64 390 248 142 3,930 1,621 2,309 Sankavaram 591260
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somanapalle 591261
- - - 47 13 34 1,163 485 678 Bommireddi Palle 591262
8 - 8 25 13 12 808 379 429 Gudipadu 591263
4 1 3 32 19 13 1,061 493 568 Tallur 591264
- - - 30 13 17 1,166 547 619 Hazis Puram 591265
- - - 4 3 1 362 178 184 Kodigudla Padu (West) 591266
- - - 6 1 5 539 242 297 China Irlapadu 591267
- - - 35 9 26 422 177 245 Peramgudi Palle 591268
2 2 - 3 - 3 209 106 103 Polavaram 591269
- - - 2 1 1 122 58 64 Maheswarapuram 591270
- - - 2 2 - 219 108 111 Kalagatla 591271
12 5 7 16 6 10 432 216 216 Gosulaveedu 591272
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ayyanapalem 591273
- - - - - - 72 42 30 Rachagundlapadu 591274
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Lingojipuram 591275
- - - 15 9 6 1,021 499 522 Chinaalavala Padu 591276
- - - 6 2 4 625 384 241 Takkellapadu 591277
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Umamaheswarapuram 591278
- - - 2 1 1 420 208 212 Jammalamadaka 591279
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Chennakesavapuram 591280
- - - 9 7 2 613 278 335 Vangapadu 591281
- - - 1 - 1 240 94 146 Krishna Puram 591282
2 1 1 86 79 7 1,471 617 854 Guravajipeta 591283
- - - 16 13 3 1,258 573 685 Chirla Dinne 591284
2 1 1 3 3 - 281 114 167 Vijaya Gopala Puram 591285
- - - 25 13 12 179 97 82 Balavenkata Puram 591286
- - - 28 17 11 1,028 510 518 Balli Palle 591287
- - - 2 2 - 127 69 58 Viswanadha Puram 591288
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 591289


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0805 Kondapi (Total) 21,319.00 10,336 43,004 21,457 21,547 4,393 2,254 2,139
0805 Kondapi (Rural) 21,319.00 10,336 43,004 21,457 21,547 4,393 2,254 2,139
0805 Kondapi (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591290 Mugachintala 1,015.00 365 2,061 1,058 1,003 289 145 144
591291 Nennurupadu 529.00 387 1,680 850 830 142 79 63
591292 Gurrappadia 857.00 313 1,290 638 652 142 63 79
591293 Petluru 2,502.00 949 3,990 1,992 1,998 462 226 236
591294 47.00
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
591295 Khandrika 1,306.00 74 258 126 132 33 16 17
591296 Mamidalavarikhandrika 165.00
591297 Anakarlapudi 799.00 592 2,398 1,205 1,193 214 112 102
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
591298 Khandrika 682.00 662 3,378 1,551 1,827 359 178 181
591299 Chinakandla Gunta 1,066.00 509 1,993 1,033 960 240 115 125
591300 Chamarthivarikhandrika 117.00
591301 drika 173.00
591302 Khandrika 55.00
591303 Pedakandlagunta 1,655.00 632 2,834 1,432 1,402 349 173 176
591304 Ilavera 1,730.00 813 3,081 1,533 1,548 304 165 139
591305 Kondapi 2,196.00 1,235 4,928 2,485 2,443 486 246 240
591306 Peridepi 861.00 677 2,819 1,441 1,378 292 166 126
591307 Muppavaram 1,425.00 881 3,406 1,724 1,682 323 177 146
591308 Chodavaram 1,042.00 404 1,638 821 817 138 72 66
591309 Vennuru 1,545.00 810 3,312 1,638 1,674 312 159 153
591310 China Venkana Palem 369.00 224 970 474 496 89 46 43
591311 K.Uppalapadu 1,183.00 809 2,968 1,456 1,512 219 116 103



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
13,416 6,685 6,731 969 485 484 23,665 13,318 10,347 Kondapi (Total)
13,416 6,685 6,731 969 485 484 23,665 13,318 10,347 Kondapi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Kondapi (Urban)
996 517 479 - - - 861 506 355 Mugachintala
180 96 84 8 4 4 837 484 353 Nennurupadu
643 316 327 - - - 563 323 240 Gurrappadia
1,433 720 713 100 50 50 1,700 989 711 Petluru
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
- - - 19 9 10 116 72 44 Khandrika
741 373 368 2 1 1 1,333 742 591 Anakarlapudi
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
1,471 554 917 76 31 45 2,056 1,004 1,052 Khandrika
456 239 217 159 86 73 927 571 356 Chinakandla Gunta
727 364 363 103 43 60 1,180 699 481 Pedakandlagunta
679 341 338 134 67 67 1,654 952 702 Ilavera
771 411 360 83 43 40 3,060 1,717 1,343 Kondapi
1,293 683 610 56 33 23 1,680 973 707 Peridepi
1,099 571 528 15 7 8 2,144 1,219 925 Muppavaram
638 325 313 33 12 21 983 549 434 Chodavaram
836 435 401 31 17 14 2,036 1,141 895 Vennuru
500 251 249 - - - 607 345 262 China Venkana Palem
953 489 464 150 82 68 1,928 1,032 896 K.Uppalapadu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0805 Kondapi (Total) 19,339 8,139 11,200 22,556 12,608 9,948 19,647 11,507 8,140
0805 Kondapi (Rural) 19,339 8,139 11,200 22,556 12,608 9,948 19,647 11,507 8,140
0805 Kondapi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591290 Mugachintala 1,200 552 648 1,192 647 545 1,085 614 471
591291 Nennurupadu 843 366 477 982 543 439 785 467 318
591292 Gurrappadia 727 315 412 761 384 377 753 382 371
591293 Petluru 2,290 1,003 1,287 1,960 1,174 786 1,414 911 503
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
591295 Khandrika 142 54 88 146 81 65 127 75 52
591296 Mamidalavarikhandrika
591297 Anakarlapudi 1,065 463 602 1,304 724 580 1,068 622 446
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
591298 Khandrika 1,322 547 775 1,326 822 504 805 596 209
591299 Chinakandla Gunta 1,066 462 604 1,181 610 571 654 474 180
591300 Chamarthivarikhandrika
591301 drika
591302 Khandrika
591303 Pedakandlagunta 1,654 733 921 1,667 860 807 1,632 838 794
591304 Ilavera 1,427 581 846 1,549 845 704 1,290 721 569
591305 Kondapi 1,868 768 1,100 2,241 1,376 865 1,976 1,313 663
591306 Peridepi 1,139 468 671 1,597 864 733 1,589 862 727
591307 Muppavaram 1,262 505 757 1,773 1,026 747 1,764 1,024 740
591308 Chodavaram 655 272 383 907 491 416 899 489 410
591309 Vennuru 1,276 497 779 1,784 979 805 1,702 950 752
591310 China Venkana Palem 363 129 234 562 283 279 562 283 279
591311 K.Uppalapadu 1,040 424 616 1,624 899 725 1,542 886 656


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,242 3,490 1,752 11,109 5,434 5,675 188 105 83 3,108 2,478 630 Kondapi (Total)
5,242 3,490 1,752 11,109 5,434 5,675 188 105 83 3,108 2,478 630 Kondapi (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Kondapi (Urban)
171 126 45 786 371 415 4 3 1 124 114 10 Mugachintala
232 153 79 460 254 206 35 18 17 58 42 16 Nennurupadu
127 70 57 489 194 295 4 2 2 133 116 17 Gurrappadia
540 419 121 719 365 354 4 3 1 151 124 27 Petluru
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
48 32 16 59 26 33 - - - 20 17 3 Khandrika
486 321 165 423 187 236 9 4 5 150 110 40 Anakarlapudi
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
102 90 12 310 205 105 12 5 7 381 296 85 Khandrika
116 101 15 462 316 146 3 3 - 73 54 19 Chinakandla Gunta
530 275 255 892 436 456 17 7 10 193 120 73 Pedakandlagunta
399 264 135 727 341 386 8 4 4 156 112 44 Ilavera
408 352 56 926 419 507 25 14 11 617 528 89 Kondapi
340 181 159 1,081 551 530 3 - 3 165 130 35 Peridepi
449 308 141 1,015 470 545 32 21 11 268 225 43 Muppavaram
338 182 156 423 192 231 3 3 - 135 112 23 Chodavaram
494 304 190 974 476 498 16 9 7 218 161 57 Vennuru
126 68 58 398 186 212 2 2 - 36 27 9 China Venkana Palem
336 244 92 965 445 520 11 7 4 230 190 40 K.Uppalapadu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0805 Kondapi (Total) 2,909 1,101 1,808 266 108 158 1,963 609 1,354
0805 Kondapi (Rural) 2,909 1,101 1,808 266 108 158 1,963 609 1,354
0805 Kondapi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591290 Mugachintala 107 33 74 1 - 1 102 31 71
591291 Nennurupadu 197 76 121 - - - 79 39 40
591292 Gurrappadia 8 2 6 1 - 1 5 2 3
591293 Petluru 546 263 283 42 24 18 405 161 244
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
591295 Khandrika 19 6 13 4 1 3 15 5 10
591296 Mamidalavarikhandrika
591297 Anakarlapudi 236 102 134 6 3 3 200 92 108
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
591298 Khandrika 521 226 295 2 - 2 241 51 190
591299 Chinakandla Gunta 527 136 391 18 13 5 464 90 374
591300 Chamarthivarikhandrika
591301 drika
591302 Khandrika
591303 Pedakandlagunta 35 22 13 3 2 1 10 6 4
591304 Ilavera 259 124 135 74 39 35 177 80 97
591305 Kondapi 265 63 202 63 11 52 156 28 128
591306 Peridepi 8 2 6 - - - 4 - 4
591307 Muppavaram 9 2 7 2 1 1 5 - 5
591308 Chodavaram 8 2 6 1 - 1 2 - 2
591309 Vennuru 82 29 53 33 11 22 39 15 24
591310 China Venkana Palem - - - - - - - - -
591311 K.Uppalapadu 82 13 69 16 3 13 59 9 50


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
169 53 116 511 331 180 20,448 8,849 11,599 Kondapi (Total) 0805
169 53 116 511 331 180 20,448 8,849 11,599 Kondapi (Rural) 0805
- - - - - - - - - Kondapi (Urban) 0805
1 - 1 3 2 1 869 411 458 Mugachintala 591290
106 34 72 12 3 9 698 307 391 Nennurupadu 591291
1 - 1 1 - 1 529 254 275 Gurrappadia 591292
13 4 9 86 74 12 2,030 818 1,212 Petluru 591293
C G Anantha Bhotla Vari
- - - - - - 112 45 67 Khandrika 591295
Mamidalavarikhandrika 591296
16 - 16 14 7 7 1,094 481 613 Anakarlapudi 591297
Kondapi Gadiyaram Vari
1 - 1 277 175 102 2,052 729 1,323 Khandrika 591298
1 - 1 44 33 11 812 423 389 Chinakandla Gunta 591299
Chamarthivarikhandrika 591300
drika 591301
Khandrika 591302
1 1 - 21 13 8 1,167 572 595 Pedakandlagunta 591303
2 1 1 6 4 2 1,532 688 844 Ilavera 591304
21 11 10 25 13 12 2,687 1,109 1,578 Kondapi 591305
1 1 - 3 1 2 1,222 577 645 Peridepi 591306
- - - 2 1 1 1,633 698 935 Muppavaram 591307
- - - 5 2 3 731 330 401 Chodavaram 591308
3 1 2 7 2 5 1,528 659 869 Vennuru 591309
- - - - - - 408 191 217 China Venkana Palem 591310
2 - 2 5 1 4 1,344 557 787 K.Uppalapadu 591311


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Total) 20,689.00 16,616 66,186 34,146 32,040 6,619 3,446 3,173
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Rural) 20,689.00 15,717 62,588 32,335 30,253 6,141 3,180 2,961
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Urban) 0.00 899 3,598 1,811 1,787 478 266 212
591312 Lakshmi Puram 265.00 210 809 408 401 78 46 32
591313 Rudravaram 1,201.00 509 1,943 966 977 214 109 105
591314 Guruvareddy Palem 349.00 398 1,548 755 793 114 59 55
591315 Mynampadu 2,270.00 1,439 5,283 2,654 2,629 501 262 239
591316 Endluru 1,107.00 797 2,867 1,475 1,392 291 151 140
591317 Pernametta (Part) 2,760.00 3,856 17,041 9,240 7,801 1,658 885 773
591318 Gangavaram 3,752.00 3,122 12,400 6,450 5,950 1,218 629 589
591319 Konagani Vari Palem 278.00 170 566 285 281 23 11 12
591320 Pidathalagudi Padu 1,034.00 544 2,148 1,062 1,086 190 93 97
591321 Gummalam Padu 1,141.00 573 2,061 1,044 1,017 229 122 107
591322 Yenikapadu 613.00 513 2,119 1,085 1,034 227 119 108
591323 Bhatla Machavaram 2,127.00 1,041 3,861 1,955 1,906 405 211 194
591324 Matti Padu 1,286.00 620 2,642 1,305 1,337 256 114 142
591325 Chilakapadu 985.00 569 2,202 1,077 1,125 226 115 111
Padamati Thakkella
591326 Padu 457.00 316 1,247 617 630 145 66 79
591327 Mangamuru 1,064.00 1,040 3,851 1,957 1,894 366 188 178
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
802988 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural 899 3,598 1,811 1,787 478 266 212
MDDS CODE:591317)


Santhanuthala Padu

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Santhanuthala Padu
17,975 9,200 8,775 1,665 859 806 38,638 22,868 15,770 (Total)
Santhanuthala Padu
17,785 9,103 8,682 1,604 822 782 36,380 21,644 14,736 (Rural)
Santhanuthala Padu
190 97 93 61 37 24 2,258 1,224 1,034 (Urban)
298 143 155 32 17 15 398 242 156 Lakshmi Puram
771 384 387 7 3 4 1,067 619 448 Rudravaram
594 286 308 11 5 6 932 549 383 Guruvareddy Palem
1,301 660 641 273 144 129 2,697 1,575 1,122 Mynampadu
932 490 442 46 23 23 1,448 883 565 Endluru
3,900 2,007 1,893 447 218 229 11,527 6,988 4,539 Pernametta (Part)
3,024 1,572 1,452 494 259 235 7,258 4,356 2,902 Gangavaram
- - - 32 16 16 346 195 151 Konagani Vari Palem
752 360 392 14 7 7 1,061 634 427 Pidathalagudi Padu
354 184 170 10 6 4 1,100 639 461 Gummalam Padu
964 499 465 57 27 30 1,154 679 475 Yenikapadu
1,029 519 510 16 8 8 2,071 1,199 872 Bhatla Machavaram
844 420 424 59 34 25 1,403 813 590 Matti Padu
580 301 279 86 44 42 1,209 690 519 Chilakapadu
Padamati Thakkella
545 288 257 - - - 541 316 225 Padu
1,897 990 907 20 11 9 2,168 1,267 901 Mangamuru
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
190 97 93 61 37 24 2,258 1,224 1,034 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591317)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Total) 27,548 11,278 16,270 32,587 19,170 13,417 28,442 17,676 10,766
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Rural) 26,208 10,691 15,517 31,232 18,149 13,083 27,394 16,858 10,536
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Urban) 1,340 587 753 1,355 1,021 334 1,048 818 230
591312 Lakshmi Puram 411 166 245 416 240 176 362 232 130
591313 Rudravaram 876 347 529 1,121 602 519 1,058 586 472
591314 Guruvareddy Palem 616 206 410 916 479 437 788 439 349
591315 Mynampadu 2,586 1,079 1,507 2,992 1,636 1,356 2,973 1,631 1,342
591316 Endluru 1,419 592 827 1,666 894 772 1,625 882 743
591317 Pernametta (Part) 5,514 2,252 3,262 6,590 4,432 2,158 6,147 4,262 1,885
591318 Gangavaram 5,142 2,094 3,048 6,154 3,586 2,568 4,908 3,124 1,784
591319 Konagani Vari Palem 220 90 130 282 179 103 261 170 91
591320 Pidathalagudi Padu 1,087 428 659 1,183 638 545 1,170 629 541
591321 Gummalam Padu 961 405 556 1,070 620 450 548 418 130
591322 Yenikapadu 965 406 559 1,302 658 644 1,274 651 623
591323 Bhatla Machavaram 1,790 756 1,034 2,170 1,192 978 1,602 1,024 578
591324 Matti Padu 1,239 492 747 1,441 784 657 973 677 296
591325 Chilakapadu 993 387 606 1,001 609 392 900 548 352
Padamati Thakkella
591326 Padu 706 301 405 758 398 360 644 387 257
591327 Mangamuru 1,683 690 993 2,170 1,202 968 2,161 1,198 963
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
802988 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural 1,340 587 753 1,355 1,021 334 1,048 818 230
MDDS CODE:591317)


Santhanuthala Padu
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
Santhanuthala Padu
4,281 3,040 1,241 12,743 6,064 6,679 441 244 197 10,977 8,328 2,649 (Total)
Santhanuthala Padu
4,277 3,036 1,241 12,649 6,010 6,639 368 205 163 10,100 7,607 2,493 (Rural)
Santhanuthala Padu
4 4 - 94 54 40 73 39 34 877 721 156 (Urban)
88 66 22 55 30 25 4 - 4 215 136 79 Lakshmi Puram
170 117 53 462 200 262 8 5 3 418 264 154 Rudravaram
149 102 47 535 260 275 18 11 7 86 66 20 Guruvareddy Palem
394 266 128 2,118 1,009 1,109 32 20 12 429 336 93 Mynampadu
343 215 128 857 346 511 2 1 1 423 320 103 Endluru
474 377 97 1,391 630 761 75 50 25 4,207 3,205 1,002 Pernametta (Part)
568 395 173 1,806 906 900 125 72 53 2,409 1,751 658 Gangavaram
92 68 24 137 76 61 - - - 32 26 6 Konagani Vari Palem
127 107 20 715 305 410 35 5 30 293 212 81 Pidathalagudi Padu
58 52 6 328 231 97 3 3 - 159 132 27 Gummalam Padu
335 182 153 836 401 435 14 5 9 89 63 26 Yenikapadu
400 272 128 928 528 400 7 7 - 267 217 50 Bhatla Machavaram
356 301 55 435 225 210 13 11 2 169 140 29 Matti Padu
206 165 41 555 261 294 8 6 2 131 116 15 Chilakapadu
Padamati Thakkella
127 94 33 312 118 194 2 2 - 203 173 30 Padu
390 257 133 1,179 484 695 22 7 15 570 450 120 Mangamuru
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
4 4 - 94 54 40 73 39 34 877 721 156 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural
MDDS CODE:591317)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Total) 4,145 1,494 2,651 254 85 169 2,797 864 1,933
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Rural) 3,838 1,291 2,547 253 85 168 2,787 857 1,930
Santhanuthala Padu
0806 (Urban) 307 203 104 1 - 1 10 7 3
591312 Lakshmi Puram 54 8 46 10 2 8 16 3 13
591313 Rudravaram 63 16 47 10 4 6 41 9 32
591314 Guruvareddy Palem 128 40 88 13 3 10 89 27 62
591315 Mynampadu 19 5 14 2 1 1 7 2 5
591316 Endluru 41 12 29 5 - 5 22 5 17
591317 Pernametta (Part) 443 170 273 25 2 23 156 33 123
591318 Gangavaram 1,246 462 784 66 39 27 894 303 591
591319 Konagani Vari Palem 21 9 12 6 2 4 7 - 7
591320 Pidathalagudi Padu 13 9 4 1 - 1 3 2 1
591321 Gummalam Padu 522 202 320 47 7 40 452 184 268
591322 Yenikapadu 28 7 21 7 1 6 13 4 9
591323 Bhatla Machavaram 568 168 400 29 16 13 520 143 377
591324 Matti Padu 468 107 361 21 2 19 413 90 323
591325 Chilakapadu 101 61 40 9 5 4 77 47 30
Padamati Thakkella
591326 Padu 114 11 103 2 1 1 72 5 67
591327 Mangamuru 9 4 5 - - - 5 - 5
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
802988 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural 307 203 104 1 - 1 10 7 3
MDDS CODE:591317)


Santhanuthala Padu
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Santhanuthala Padu
226 98 128 868 447 421 33,599 14,976 18,623 (Total) 0806
Santhanuthala Padu
185 82 103 613 267 346 31,356 14,186 17,170 (Rural) 0806
Santhanuthala Padu
41 16 25 255 180 75 2,243 790 1,453 (Urban) 0806
1 - 1 27 3 24 393 168 225 Lakshmi Puram 591312
- - - 12 3 9 822 364 458 Rudravaram 591313
11 5 6 15 5 10 632 276 356 Guruvareddy Palem 591314
1 - 1 9 2 7 2,291 1,018 1,273 Mynampadu 591315
1 - 1 13 7 6 1,201 581 620 Endluru 591316
27 12 15 235 123 112 10,451 4,808 5,643 Pernametta (Part) 591317
118 49 69 168 71 97 6,246 2,864 3,382 Gangavaram 591318
- - - 8 7 1 284 106 178 Konagani Vari Palem 591319
5 3 2 4 4 - 965 424 541 Pidathalagudi Padu 591320
1 1 - 22 10 12 991 424 567 Gummalam Padu 591321
- - - 8 2 6 817 427 390 Yenikapadu 591322
3 1 2 16 8 8 1,691 763 928 Bhatla Machavaram 591323
10 6 4 24 9 15 1,201 521 680 Matti Padu 591324
6 5 1 9 4 5 1,201 468 733 Chilakapadu 591325
Padamati Thakkella
1 - 1 39 5 34 489 219 270 Padu 591326
- - - 4 4 - 1,681 755 926 Mangamuru 591327
Pernametta (OG) (Part)
41 16 25 255 180 75 2,243 790 1,453 WARD NO.-0070 (Rural 802988
MDDS CODE:591317)


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0807 Ongole (Total) 19,681.00 12,922 48,376 24,148 24,228 4,756 2,407 2,349
0807 Ongole (Rural) 19,681.00 12,922 48,376 24,148 24,228 4,756 2,407 2,349
0807 Ongole (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591328 Throvagunta 1,402.00 2,222 7,992 3,903 4,089 719 369 350
591329 Karavadi 2,643.00 1,673 6,327 3,174 3,153 564 298 266
591330 Ulichi 1,393.00 765 2,667 1,359 1,308 215 105 110
591331 Devaram Padu 2,993.00 1,745 6,366 3,209 3,157 642 310 332
591332 Chejerla 1,034.00 298 1,240 643 597 126 70 56
591333 Koppolu (R) 2,157.00 1,307 4,837 2,430 2,407 462 239 223
591334 Gudimella Padu 175.00 145 543 266 277 45 20 25
591335 Mukthinutala Padu (R) 870.00 850 3,092 1,481 1,611 322 144 178
591336 Kothamamidipalem (R) 885.00 38 164 83 81 19 6 13
591337 Vengamukka Palem 660.00 598 2,404 1,214 1,190 284 148 136
591338 Sarvereddy Palem 1,070.00 517 2,181 1,073 1,108 213 114 99
591339 Yerajerla 1,011.00 778 2,913 1,473 1,440 314 157 157
591340 Cheruvu Kommu Palem 866.00 859 3,062 1,527 1,535 330 175 155
591341 Mangaladri Puram 250.00 188 892 454 438 120 59 61
591342 Pelluru (R) 1,821.00 786 3,012 1,505 1,507 321 156 165
591343 Narasa Puram 279.00 153 684 354 330 60 37 23
591344 Malleshwarapuram 172.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
15,894 7,990 7,904 869 442 427 29,054 16,449 12,605 Ongole (Total)
15,894 7,990 7,904 869 442 427 29,054 16,449 12,605 Ongole (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Ongole (Urban)
3,128 1,547 1,581 123 55 68 4,895 2,740 2,155 Throvagunta
2,681 1,338 1,343 210 112 98 4,078 2,331 1,747 Karavadi
1,146 594 552 20 12 8 1,782 1,024 758 Ulichi
1,015 498 517 64 37 27 3,330 1,940 1,390 Devaram Padu
417 224 193 14 8 6 797 462 335 Chejerla
1,482 728 754 42 23 19 3,275 1,862 1,413 Koppolu (R)
333 171 162 - - - 381 212 169 Gudimella Padu
1,135 568 567 59 25 34 2,074 1,121 953 Mukthinutala Padu (R)
5 3 2 - - - 115 69 46 Kothamamidipalem (R)
1,468 767 701 37 18 19 1,152 688 464 Vengamukka Palem
733 375 358 23 13 10 1,118 614 504 Sarvereddy Palem
864 437 427 20 11 9 1,533 880 653 Yerajerla
1,265 634 631 234 117 117 1,826 983 843 Cheruvu Kommu Palem
- - - - - - 423 257 166 Mangaladri Puram
157 72 85 4 1 3 1,814 1,019 795 Pelluru (R)
65 34 31 19 10 9 461 247 214 Narasa Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malleshwarapuram


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0807 Ongole (Total) 19,322 7,699 11,623 25,030 14,649 10,381 23,501 14,376 9,125
0807 Ongole (Rural) 19,322 7,699 11,623 25,030 14,649 10,381 23,501 14,376 9,125
0807 Ongole (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591328 Throvagunta 3,097 1,163 1,934 4,039 2,404 1,635 3,964 2,376 1,588
591329 Karavadi 2,249 843 1,406 3,301 1,915 1,386 3,198 1,865 1,333
591330 Ulichi 885 335 550 1,620 854 766 1,599 849 750
591331 Devaram Padu 3,036 1,269 1,767 3,483 1,893 1,590 3,211 1,861 1,350
591332 Chejerla 443 181 262 642 372 270 642 372 270
591333 Koppolu (R) 1,562 568 994 2,208 1,419 789 2,144 1,404 740
591334 Gudimella Padu 162 54 108 303 164 139 147 143 4
591335 Mukthinutala Padu (R) 1,018 360 658 1,630 942 688 1,573 923 650
591336 Kothamamidipalem (R) 49 14 35 59 52 7 59 52 7
591337 Vengamukka Palem 1,252 526 726 1,360 746 614 1,130 719 411
591338 Sarvereddy Palem 1,063 459 604 1,219 641 578 815 608 207
591339 Yerajerla 1,380 593 787 1,543 921 622 1,492 907 585
591340 Cheruvu Kommu Palem 1,236 544 692 1,635 938 697 1,629 937 692
591341 Mangaladri Puram 469 197 272 469 264 205 461 261 200
591342 Pelluru (R) 1,198 486 712 1,282 904 378 1,201 879 322
591343 Narasa Puram 223 107 116 237 220 17 236 220 16
591344 Malleshwarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,654 2,763 891 9,606 4,412 5,194 167 97 70 10,074 7,104 2,970 Ongole (Total)
3,654 2,763 891 9,606 4,412 5,194 167 97 70 10,074 7,104 2,970 Ongole (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ongole (Urban)
410 340 70 1,339 680 659 30 21 9 2,185 1,335 850 Throvagunta
373 279 94 2,130 1,003 1,127 4 3 1 691 580 111 Karavadi
182 144 38 1,086 485 601 49 28 21 282 192 90 Ulichi
693 474 219 1,622 597 1,025 1 1 - 895 789 106 Devaram Padu
178 129 49 370 163 207 5 4 1 89 76 13 Chejerla
468 307 161 378 126 252 6 5 1 1,292 966 326 Koppolu (R)
37 36 1 11 11 - 2 2 - 97 94 3 Gudimella Padu
161 146 15 190 95 95 22 12 10 1,200 670 530 Mukthinutala Padu (R)
27 27 - 13 6 7 - - - 19 19 - Kothamamidipalem (R)
73 69 4 431 243 188 19 7 12 607 400 207 Vengamukka Palem
292 267 25 331 210 121 20 10 10 172 121 51 Sarvereddy Palem
430 261 169 402 167 235 1 - 1 659 479 180 Yerajerla
132 101 31 686 324 362 - - - 811 512 299 Cheruvu Kommu Palem
7 6 1 60 13 47 2 - 2 392 242 150 Mangaladri Puram
81 69 12 475 220 255 6 4 2 639 586 53 Pelluru (R)
110 108 2 82 69 13 - - - 44 43 1 Narasa Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malleshwarapuram


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0807 Ongole (Total) 1,529 273 1,256 261 23 238 894 92 802
0807 Ongole (Rural) 1,529 273 1,256 261 23 238 894 92 802
0807 Ongole (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591328 Throvagunta 75 28 47 6 2 4 26 3 23
591329 Karavadi 103 50 53 10 4 6 26 9 17
591330 Ulichi 21 5 16 1 - 1 16 5 11
591331 Devaram Padu 272 32 240 56 1 55 105 5 100
591332 Chejerla - - - - - - - - -
591333 Koppolu (R) 64 15 49 7 2 5 44 6 38
591334 Gudimella Padu 156 21 135 - - - 135 10 125
591335 Mukthinutala Padu (R) 57 19 38 5 2 3 15 2 13
591336 Kothamamidipalem (R) - - - - - - - - -
591337 Vengamukka Palem 230 27 203 1 - 1 226 26 200
591338 Sarvereddy Palem 404 33 371 148 3 145 224 12 212
591339 Yerajerla 51 14 37 21 6 15 23 6 17
591340 Cheruvu Kommu Palem 6 1 5 - - - 2 - 2
591341 Mangaladri Puram 8 3 5 2 1 1 - - -
591342 Pelluru (R) 81 25 56 4 2 2 51 8 43
591343 Narasa Puram 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
591344 Malleshwarapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
24 5 19 350 153 197 23,346 9,499 13,847 Ongole (Total) 0807
24 5 19 350 153 197 23,346 9,499 13,847 Ongole (Rural) 0807
- - - - - - - - - Ongole (Urban) 0807
- - - 43 23 20 3,953 1,499 2,454 Throvagunta 591328
3 2 1 64 35 29 3,026 1,259 1,767 Karavadi 591329
1 - 1 3 - 3 1,047 505 542 Ulichi 591330
2 - 2 109 26 83 2,883 1,316 1,567 Devaram Padu 591331
- - - - - - 598 271 327 Chejerla 591332
- - - 13 7 6 2,629 1,011 1,618 Koppolu (R) 591333
3 1 2 18 10 8 240 102 138 Gudimella Padu 591334
9 1 8 28 14 14 1,462 539 923 Mukthinutala Padu (R) 591335
- - - - - - 105 31 74 Kothamamidipalem (R) 591336
- - - 3 1 2 1,044 468 576 Vengamukka Palem 591337
4 1 3 28 17 11 962 432 530 Sarvereddy Palem 591338
- - - 7 2 5 1,370 552 818 Yerajerla 591339
- - - 4 1 3 1,427 589 838 Cheruvu Kommu Palem 591340
- - - 6 2 4 423 190 233 Mangaladri Puram 591341
2 - 2 24 15 9 1,730 601 1,129 Pelluru (R) 591342
- - - - - - 447 134 313 Narasa Puram 591343
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malleshwarapuram 591344


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0808 Kotha Patnam (Total) 16,444.00 13,352 50,006 24,987 25,019 5,634 2,825 2,809
0808 Kotha Patnam (Rural) 16,444.00 13,352 50,006 24,987 25,019 5,634 2,825 2,809
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
0808 0.00 - - - - - - -
591345 Allur 1,981.00 586 2,246 1,115 1,131 223 114 109
591346 Padarthi 3,349.00 2,272 8,439 4,226 4,213 1,081 543 538
591347 Alluru Kotha Patnam 6,719.00 5,721 21,729 10,842 10,887 2,379 1,193 1,186
591348 Raju Palem 555.00 898 3,427 1,730 1,697 414 208 206
591349 Ethamukkala 1,607.00 1,920 6,995 3,482 3,513 700 343 357
591350 Payakari Khandrika 193.00 125 572 277 295 70 32 38
591351 Madanur 2,040.00 1,830 6,598 3,315 3,283 767 392 375


Kotha Patnam

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
8,815 4,438 4,377 5,216 2,517 2,699 26,492 15,203 11,289 Kotha Patnam (Total)
8,815 4,438 4,377 5,216 2,517 2,699 26,492 15,203 11,289 Kotha Patnam (Rural)
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
- - - - - - - - -
877 450 427 34 18 16 1,162 676 486 Allur
1,208 603 605 469 227 242 4,158 2,383 1,775 Padarthi
2,828 1,438 1,390 2,746 1,316 1,430 11,695 6,695 5,000 Alluru Kotha Patnam
583 267 316 116 54 62 1,638 976 662 Raju Palem
1,183 608 575 1,179 569 610 4,070 2,302 1,768 Ethamukkala
571 277 294 - - - 355 219 136 Payakari Khandrika
1,565 795 770 672 333 339 3,414 1,952 1,462 Madanur


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0808 Kotha Patnam (Total) 23,514 9,784 13,730 27,642 15,310 12,332 23,405 13,805 9,600
0808 Kotha Patnam (Rural) 23,514 9,784 13,730 27,642 15,310 12,332 23,405 13,805 9,600
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
0808 - - - - - - - - -
591345 Allur 1,084 439 645 1,436 742 694 1,088 584 504
591346 Padarthi 4,281 1,843 2,438 4,688 2,523 2,165 3,774 2,192 1,582
591347 Alluru Kotha Patnam 10,034 4,147 5,887 11,511 6,519 4,992 10,200 6,176 4,024
591348 Raju Palem 1,789 754 1,035 2,071 1,086 985 1,771 957 814
591349 Ethamukkala 2,925 1,180 1,745 3,640 2,106 1,534 3,102 1,868 1,234
591350 Payakari Khandrika 217 58 159 350 184 166 145 119 26
591351 Madanur 3,184 1,363 1,821 3,946 2,150 1,796 3,325 1,909 1,416


Kotha Patnam
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
2,891 2,165 726 11,370 4,636 6,734 749 456 293 8,395 6,548 1,847 Kotha Patnam (Total)
2,891 2,165 726 11,370 4,636 6,734 749 456 293 8,395 6,548 1,847 Kotha Patnam (Rural)
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
362 232 130 536 237 299 12 7 5 178 108 70 Allur
401 301 100 1,545 672 873 36 25 11 1,792 1,194 598 Padarthi
1,027 746 281 5,519 2,379 3,140 154 105 49 3,500 2,946 554 Alluru Kotha Patnam
500 373 127 764 188 576 2 1 1 505 395 110 Raju Palem
202 184 18 1,307 538 769 474 269 205 1,119 877 242 Ethamukkala
4 3 1 83 70 13 - - - 58 46 12 Payakari Khandrika
395 326 69 1,616 552 1,064 71 49 22 1,243 982 261 Madanur


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0808 Kotha Patnam (Total) 4,237 1,505 2,732 102 46 56 2,479 640 1,839
0808 Kotha Patnam (Rural) 4,237 1,505 2,732 102 46 56 2,479 640 1,839
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
0808 - - - - - - - - -
591345 Allur 348 158 190 18 16 2 181 81 100
591346 Padarthi 914 331 583 31 11 20 402 95 307
591347 Alluru Kotha Patnam 1,311 343 968 31 13 18 903 140 763
591348 Raju Palem 300 129 171 4 1 3 169 26 143
591349 Ethamukkala 538 238 300 7 2 5 411 182 229
591350 Payakari Khandrika 205 65 140 2 - 2 173 52 121
591351 Madanur 621 241 380 9 3 6 240 64 176


Kotha Patnam
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
214 84 130 1,442 735 707 22,364 9,677 12,687 Kotha Patnam (Total) 0808
214 84 130 1,442 735 707 22,364 9,677 12,687 Kotha Patnam (Rural) 0808
Kotha Patnam (Urban)
- - - - - - - - - 0808
20 2 18 129 59 70 810 373 437 Allur 591345
13 5 8 468 220 248 3,751 1,703 2,048 Padarthi 591346
157 74 83 220 116 104 10,218 4,323 5,895 Alluru Kotha Patnam 591347
1 - 1 126 102 24 1,356 644 712 Raju Palem 591348
17 2 15 103 52 51 3,355 1,376 1,979 Ethamukkala 591349
1 - 1 29 13 16 222 93 129 Payakari Khandrika 591350
5 1 4 367 173 194 2,652 1,165 1,487 Madanur 591351


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0809 Tangutur (Total) 20,410.00 16,290 62,618 31,172 31,446 5,713 3,019 2,694
0809 Tangutur (Rural) 20,410.00 16,290 62,618 31,172 31,446 5,713 3,019 2,694
0809 Tangutur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591352 Konijedu 2,789.00 1,083 4,005 1,993 2,012 321 171 150
591353 Ponduru 1,319.00 932 3,746 1,882 1,864 368 216 152
591354 M.Nidamalur 1,436.00 1,033 3,847 1,895 1,952 319 165 154
591355 Marlapadu 934.00 710 2,808 1,420 1,388 276 147 129
591356 Kandukur 1,486.00 785 3,227 1,610 1,617 347 179 168
591357 Karumanchi 1,045.00 1,048 4,031 2,026 2,005 405 225 180
591358 Jayavaram 654.00 435 1,627 813 814 182 99 83
591359 Mallavar Padu 540.00 495 1,823 917 906 135 70 65
591360 Gosuvandla Kattubadi 198.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591361 Valluru 2,414.00 931 3,476 1,683 1,793 305 160 145
591362 Vasepallepadu 937.00 253 1,044 532 512 120 57 63
591363 Somavarappadu 172.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591364 Valluru Kavalimanyam 76.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591365 Turupunaidupalem 289.00 507 1,913 975 938 148 86 62
591366 Tangutur 3,760.00 7,200 27,652 13,674 13,978 2,449 1,268 1,181
591367 Ananthavaram 1,803.00 650 2,447 1,247 1,200 251 133 118
591368 Velagapudi 558.00 228 972 505 467 87 43 44



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
23,667 11,893 11,774 1,735 887 848 37,534 21,147 16,387 Tangutur (Total)
23,667 11,893 11,774 1,735 887 848 37,534 21,147 16,387 Tangutur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Tangutur (Urban)
806 393 413 14 8 6 2,023 1,199 824 Konijedu
1,287 644 643 194 101 93 2,098 1,174 924 Ponduru
1,844 931 913 2 1 1 2,486 1,358 1,128 M.Nidamalur
1,175 610 565 35 17 18 1,720 975 745 Marlapadu
1,541 772 769 30 16 14 1,524 884 640 Kandukur
2,092 1,056 1,036 223 125 98 2,172 1,261 911 Karumanchi
751 378 373 52 28 24 878 504 374 Jayavaram
352 182 170 139 69 70 1,136 666 470 Mallavar Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosuvandla Kattubadi
1,011 493 518 43 19 24 2,342 1,289 1,053 Valluru
412 202 210 4 1 3 496 293 203 Vasepallepadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somavarappadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Valluru Kavalimanyam
572 290 282 157 86 71 1,379 785 594 Turupunaidupalem
10,262 5,147 5,115 720 354 366 17,309 9,587 7,722 Tangutur
933 468 465 122 62 60 1,462 862 600 Ananthavaram
629 327 302 - - - 509 310 199 Velagapudi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0809 Tangutur (Total) 25,084 10,025 15,059 32,977 18,856 14,121 29,400 17,704 11,696
0809 Tangutur (Rural) 25,084 10,025 15,059 32,977 18,856 14,121 29,400 17,704 11,696
0809 Tangutur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591352 Konijedu 1,982 794 1,188 2,444 1,204 1,240 2,326 1,175 1,151
591353 Ponduru 1,648 708 940 2,134 1,177 957 2,093 1,157 936
591354 M.Nidamalur 1,361 537 824 2,248 1,237 1,011 2,223 1,234 989
591355 Marlapadu 1,088 445 643 1,462 848 614 1,156 803 353
591356 Kandukur 1,703 726 977 1,748 1,001 747 1,647 955 692
591357 Karumanchi 1,859 765 1,094 2,177 1,197 980 1,876 1,128 748
591358 Jayavaram 749 309 440 885 498 387 872 493 379
591359 Mallavar Padu 687 251 436 1,120 565 555 1,036 547 489
591360 Gosuvandla Kattubadi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591361 Valluru 1,134 394 740 1,688 1,051 637 1,458 997 461
591362 Vasepallepadu 548 239 309 577 314 263 244 212 32
591363 Somavarappadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591364 Valluru Kavalimanyam -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591365 Turupunaidupalem 534 190 344 1,028 618 410 723 543 180
591366 Tangutur 10,343 4,087 6,256 13,501 8,086 5,415 12,031 7,512 4,519
591367 Ananthavaram 985 385 600 1,420 752 668 1,312 703 609
591368 Velagapudi 463 195 268 545 308 237 403 245 158


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,845 3,035 810 17,895 8,789 9,106 331 217 114 7,329 5,663 1,666 Tangutur (Total)
3,845 3,035 810 17,895 8,789 9,106 331 217 114 7,329 5,663 1,666 Tangutur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Tangutur (Urban)
307 189 118 1,788 821 967 73 44 29 158 121 37 Konijedu
401 273 128 1,264 532 732 9 6 3 419 346 73 Ponduru
252 180 72 1,720 850 870 35 31 4 216 173 43 M.Nidamalur
165 148 17 668 368 300 7 5 2 316 282 34 Marlapadu
160 140 20 1,278 641 637 11 6 5 198 168 30 Kandukur
280 224 56 1,200 593 607 13 7 6 383 304 79 Karumanchi
84 75 9 609 274 335 10 7 3 169 137 32 Jayavaram
355 237 118 517 197 320 26 12 14 138 101 37 Mallavar Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosuvandla Kattubadi
343 307 36 674 310 364 13 10 3 428 370 58 Valluru
27 26 1 153 129 24 1 1 - 63 56 7 Vasepallepadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somavarappadu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Valluru Kavalimanyam
221 164 57 411 303 108 3 2 1 88 74 14 Turupunaidupalem
1,086 931 155 6,535 3,264 3,271 83 61 22 4,327 3,256 1,071 Tangutur
134 112 22 768 338 430 47 25 22 363 228 135 Ananthavaram
30 29 1 310 169 141 - - - 63 47 16 Velagapudi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0809 Tangutur (Total) 3,577 1,152 2,425 198 73 125 2,462 596 1,866
0809 Tangutur (Rural) 3,577 1,152 2,425 198 73 125 2,462 596 1,866
0809 Tangutur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591352 Konijedu 118 29 89 4 3 1 105 23 82
591353 Ponduru 41 20 21 13 5 8 13 5 8
591354 M.Nidamalur 25 3 22 6 - 6 15 2 13
591355 Marlapadu 306 45 261 6 2 4 278 34 244
591356 Kandukur 101 46 55 4 1 3 72 31 41
591357 Karumanchi 301 69 232 2 2 - 285 59 226
591358 Jayavaram 13 5 8 - - - 6 - 6
591359 Mallavar Padu 84 18 66 27 4 23 47 8 39
591360 Gosuvandla Kattubadi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591361 Valluru 230 54 176 15 5 10 152 17 135
591362 Vasepallepadu 333 102 231 5 1 4 275 58 217
591363 Somavarappadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591364 Valluru Kavalimanyam -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591365 Turupunaidupalem 305 75 230 - - - 301 71 230
591366 Tangutur 1,470 574 896 90 37 53 757 216 541
591367 Ananthavaram 108 49 59 8 5 3 40 18 22
591368 Velagapudi 142 63 79 18 8 10 116 54 62


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
82 33 49 835 450 385 29,641 12,316 17,325 Tangutur (Total) 0809
82 33 49 835 450 385 29,641 12,316 17,325 Tangutur (Rural) 0809
- - - - - - - - - Tangutur (Urban) 0809
1 1 - 8 2 6 1,561 789 772 Konijedu 591352
- - - 15 10 5 1,612 705 907 Ponduru 591353
1 - 1 3 1 2 1,599 658 941 M.Nidamalur 591354
2 1 1 20 8 12 1,346 572 774 Marlapadu 591355
4 2 2 21 12 9 1,479 609 870 Kandukur 591356
6 3 3 8 5 3 1,854 829 1,025 Karumanchi 591357
- - - 7 5 2 742 315 427 Jayavaram 591358
1 - 1 9 6 3 703 352 351 Mallavar Padu 591359
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosuvandla Kattubadi 591360
18 3 15 45 29 16 1,788 632 1,156 Valluru 591361
7 5 2 46 38 8 467 218 249 Vasepallepadu 591362
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Somavarappadu 591363
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Valluru Kavalimanyam 591364
- - - 4 4 - 885 357 528 Turupunaidupalem 591365
42 18 24 581 303 278 14,151 5,588 8,563 Tangutur 591366
- - - 60 26 34 1,027 495 532 Ananthavaram 591367
- - - 8 1 7 427 197 230 Velagapudi 591368


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0810 Zarugumilli (Total) 18,647.00 10,882 42,866 21,617 21,249 4,433 2,280 2,153
0810 Zarugumilli (Rural) 18,647.00 10,882 42,866 21,617 21,249 4,433 2,280 2,153
0810 Zarugumilli (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591369 Khandrika 66.00
591370 Khandrika 1,143.00 358 1,465 742 723 173 84 89
591371 Vardhineni Palem 679.00 497 1,919 999 920 230 111 119
591372 Patcheva 1,174.00 597 2,721 1,382 1,339 338 181 157
591373 Kamepalle Agraharam 194.00 78 244 121 123 20 15 5
591374 Kame Palle 1,144.00 878 3,284 1,685 1,599 355 189 166
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
591375 Khandrika 162.00
591376 Chatukupadu 772.00 370 1,555 780 775 194 95 99
591377 Paidi Padu 928.00 886 3,428 1,730 1,698 361 187 174
591378 Ramachandrapuram 348.00 261 976 494 482 89 46 43
591379 N.M.V. Khandrika 73.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591380 Narasingolu 1,344.00 433 1,941 994 947 190 86 104
591381 J.G.Khandrika 142.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591382 Yeduluru Padu 1,063.00 700 2,710 1,385 1,325 264 148 116
591383 Chirrikura Padu 979.00 520 2,225 1,102 1,123 214 112 102
591384 Davagudur 985.00 419 1,601 819 782 131 74 57
591385 Thumadu 621.00 416 1,458 706 752 126 51 75
Paleti Padumacharlavari
591386 Khandrika 163.00 66 376 204 172 57 30 27
591387 Paleti Padu 1,033.00 527 2,038 1,019 1,019 187 90 97
591388 Vavileti Padu 657.00 484 2,017 1,008 1,009 205 100 105
591389 P.G. Khandrika 162.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591390 Zarugumilli 1,640.00 1,494 5,912 3,003 2,909 579 305 274
591391 N.M.V. Khandrika 216.00 24 98 48 50 7 4 3
591392 Nandanavanam 1,284.00 598 2,310 1,133 1,177 226 112 114
591393 K.Bitragunta 1,675.00 1,276 4,588 2,263 2,325 487 260 227



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
14,912 7,566 7,346 1,699 839 860 23,838 13,807 10,031 Zarugumilli (Total)
14,912 7,566 7,346 1,699 839 860 23,838 13,807 10,031 Zarugumilli (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Zarugumilli (Urban)
364 176 188 26 12 14 664 386 278 Khandrika
421 206 215 40 20 20 818 513 305 Vardhineni Palem
1,231 623 608 46 23 23 1,237 736 501 Patcheva
46 19 27 - - - 125 66 59 Kamepalle Agraharam
722 374 348 73 34 39 1,795 1,056 739 Kame Palle
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
996 504 492 85 41 44 824 475 349 Chatukupadu
796 405 391 10 4 6 2,065 1,203 862 Paidi Padu
384 198 186 - - - 571 325 246 Ramachandrapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- N.M.V. Khandrika
470 252 218 30 14 16 1,036 637 399 Narasingolu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- J.G.Khandrika
659 347 312 248 127 121 1,395 816 579 Yeduluru Padu
883 445 438 45 22 23 1,401 778 623 Chirrikura Padu
391 213 178 85 42 43 989 570 419 Davagudur
750 361 389 88 43 45 912 510 402 Thumadu
Paleti Padumacharlavari
376 204 172 - - - 216 143 73 Khandrika
762 373 389 20 10 10 1,216 685 531 Paleti Padu
994 502 492 152 74 78 1,088 649 439 Vavileti Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- P.G. Khandrika
2,883 1,472 1,411 155 82 73 3,556 2,069 1,487 Zarugumilli
- - - 10 2 8 58 30 28 N.M.V. Khandrika
739 364 375 18 9 9 1,204 679 525 Nandanavanam
1,045 528 517 568 280 288 2,668 1,481 1,187 K.Bitragunta


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0810 Zarugumilli (Total) 19,028 7,810 11,218 22,950 12,821 10,129 21,420 12,467 8,953
0810 Zarugumilli (Rural) 19,028 7,810 11,218 22,950 12,821 10,129 21,420 12,467 8,953
0810 Zarugumilli (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591369 Khandrika
591370 Khandrika 801 356 445 873 457 416 816 440 376
591371 Vardhineni Palem 1,101 486 615 1,073 584 489 1,065 580 485
591372 Patcheva 1,484 646 838 1,456 836 620 1,322 815 507
591373 Kamepalle Agraharam 119 55 64 134 73 61 134 73 61
591374 Kame Palle 1,489 629 860 1,786 994 792 1,765 991 774
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
591375 Khandrika
591376 Chatukupadu 731 305 426 872 459 413 832 447 385
591377 Paidi Padu 1,363 527 836 1,811 1,015 796 1,751 996 755
591378 Ramachandrapuram 405 169 236 533 290 243 446 271 175
591379 N.M.V. Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591380 Narasingolu 905 357 548 1,003 581 422 857 574 283
591381 J.G.Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591382 Yeduluru Padu 1,315 569 746 1,456 815 641 1,114 734 380
591383 Chirrikura Padu 824 324 500 1,223 646 577 1,101 627 474
591384 Davagudur 612 249 363 864 474 390 780 450 330
591385 Thumadu 546 196 350 709 391 318 704 387 317
Paleti Padumacharlavari
591386 Khandrika 160 61 99 228 115 113 178 103 75
591387 Paleti Padu 822 334 488 1,053 587 466 1,005 563 442
591388 Vavileti Padu 929 359 570 984 607 377 982 606 376
591389 P.G. Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591390 Zarugumilli 2,356 934 1,422 3,253 1,801 1,452 3,112 1,755 1,357
591391 N.M.V. Khandrika 40 18 22 54 26 28 49 24 25
591392 Nandanavanam 1,106 454 652 1,243 708 535 1,123 682 441
591393 K.Bitragunta 1,920 782 1,138 2,342 1,362 980 2,284 1,349 935


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,026 2,878 1,148 12,084 5,455 6,629 128 69 59 5,182 4,065 1,117 Zarugumilli (Total)
4,026 2,878 1,148 12,084 5,455 6,629 128 69 59 5,182 4,065 1,117 Zarugumilli (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Zarugumilli (Urban)
325 187 138 376 167 209 1 1 - 114 85 29 Khandrika
96 70 26 805 380 425 2 1 1 162 129 33 Vardhineni Palem
321 280 41 580 228 352 - - - 421 307 114 Patcheva
45 45 - 57 - 57 - - - 32 28 4 Kamepalle Agraharam
243 228 15 1,160 462 698 - - - 362 301 61 Kame Palle
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
93 52 41 600 280 320 1 1 - 138 114 24 Chatukupadu
396 278 118 895 343 552 25 9 16 435 366 69 Paidi Padu
90 73 17 261 110 151 - - - 95 88 7 Ramachandrapuram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- N.M.V. Khandrika
223 182 41 309 111 198 20 10 10 305 271 34 Narasingolu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- J.G.Khandrika
342 266 76 404 182 222 21 4 17 347 282 65 Yeduluru Padu
287 203 84 617 288 329 6 5 1 191 131 60 Chirrikura Padu
184 109 75 446 223 223 4 2 2 146 116 30 Davagudur
148 90 58 423 208 215 1 1 - 132 88 44 Thumadu
Paleti Padumacharlavari
- - - 136 69 67 - - - 42 34 8 Khandrika
153 101 52 650 291 359 - - - 202 171 31 Paleti Padu
19 14 5 741 428 313 3 3 - 219 161 58 Vavileti Padu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- P.G. Khandrika
662 402 260 1,732 814 918 20 17 3 698 522 176 Zarugumilli
31 18 13 17 5 12 - - - 1 1 - N.M.V. Khandrika
170 139 31 526 248 278 13 8 5 414 287 127 Nandanavanam
198 141 57 1,349 618 731 11 7 4 726 583 143 K.Bitragunta


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0810 Zarugumilli (Total) 1,530 354 1,176 210 29 181 1,034 210 824
0810 Zarugumilli (Rural) 1,530 354 1,176 210 29 181 1,034 210 824
0810 Zarugumilli (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591369 Khandrika
591370 Khandrika 57 17 40 2 1 1 48 11 37
591371 Vardhineni Palem 8 4 4 - - - 6 2 4
591372 Patcheva 134 21 113 4 3 1 81 11 70
591373 Kamepalle Agraharam - - - - - - - - -
591374 Kame Palle 21 3 18 - - - 2 1 1
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
591375 Khandrika
591376 Chatukupadu 40 12 28 15 3 12 22 9 13
591377 Paidi Padu 60 19 41 11 3 8 30 5 25
591378 Ramachandrapuram 87 19 68 2 1 1 67 11 56
591379 N.M.V. Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591380 Narasingolu 146 7 139 54 2 52 76 2 74
591381 J.G.Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591382 Yeduluru Padu 342 81 261 14 4 10 294 62 232
591383 Chirrikura Padu 122 19 103 77 - 77 26 9 17
591384 Davagudur 84 24 60 6 3 3 39 6 33
591385 Thumadu 5 4 1 - - - 1 1 -
Paleti Padumacharlavari
591386 Khandrika 50 12 38 1 1 - 48 10 38
591387 Paleti Padu 48 24 24 3 2 1 34 12 22
591388 Vavileti Padu 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 1
591389 P.G. Khandrika -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591390 Zarugumilli 141 46 95 12 5 7 111 28 83
591391 N.M.V. Khandrika 5 2 3 - - - 3 - 3
591392 Nandanavanam 120 26 94 3 - 3 110 25 85
591393 K.Bitragunta 58 13 45 6 1 5 35 5 30


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
36 10 26 250 105 145 19,916 8,796 11,120 Zarugumilli (Total) 0810
36 10 26 250 105 145 19,916 8,796 11,120 Zarugumilli (Rural) 0810
- - - - - - - - - Zarugumilli (Urban) 0810
Khandrika 591369
2 1 1 5 4 1 592 285 307 Khandrika 591370
- - - 2 2 - 846 415 431 Vardhineni Palem 591371
1 - 1 48 7 41 1,265 546 719 Patcheva 591372
- - - - - - 110 48 62 Kamepalle Agraharam 591373
- - - 19 2 17 1,498 691 807 Kame Palle 591374
Ilavaram Mamidala Vari
Khandrika 591375
- - - 3 - 3 683 321 362 Chatukupadu 591376
6 2 4 13 9 4 1,617 715 902 Paidi Padu 591377
- - - 18 7 11 443 204 239 Ramachandrapuram 591378
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- N.M.V. Khandrika 591379
- - - 16 3 13 938 413 525 Narasingolu 591380
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- J.G.Khandrika 591381
4 1 3 30 14 16 1,254 570 684 Yeduluru Padu 591382
8 3 5 11 7 4 1,002 456 546 Chirrikura Padu 591383
12 1 11 27 14 13 737 345 392 Davagudur 591384
- - - 4 3 1 749 315 434 Thumadu 591385
Paleti Padumacharlavari
- - - 1 1 - 148 89 59 Khandrika 591386
- - - 11 10 1 985 432 553 Paleti Padu 591387
- - - 1 1 - 1,033 401 632 Vavileti Padu 591388
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- P.G. Khandrika 591389
3 2 1 15 11 4 2,659 1,202 1,457 Zarugumilli 591390
- - - 2 2 - 44 22 22 N.M.V. Khandrika 591391
- - - 7 1 6 1,067 425 642 Nandanavanam 591392
- - - 17 7 10 2,246 901 1,345 K.Bitragunta 591393


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0811 Ponnaluru (Total) 28,782.00 10,251 43,016 21,844 21,172 4,888 2,537 2,351
0811 Ponnaluru (Rural) 28,782.00 10,251 43,016 21,844 21,172 4,888 2,537 2,351
0811 Ponnaluru (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591394 Mekapadu (Z) 878.00 212 943 495 448 104 55 49
591395 Kotapadu 1,715.00 671 2,676 1,366 1,310 313 160 153
591396 Rajolupadu 242.00 356 1,357 697 660 172 83 89
591397 Manginapadu 677.00 89 318 162 156 42 17 25
591398 Chennipadu 1,463.00 412 1,997 1,030 967 272 151 121
591399 Gopalapuram 151.00
591400 Ravula Kollu 2,350.00 576 2,292 1,163 1,129 249 127 122
591401 Uppala Dinne 259.00 204 1,113 542 571 120 61 59
591402 Vempadu 801.00 212 922 468 454 94 51 43
591403 Muppalla 696.00 433 1,705 841 864 151 80 71
591404 Singara Botla Palem 521.00 395 1,758 903 855 210 106 104
591405 drika 288.00 45 193 96 97 20 7 13
591406 Vellaturu 1,478.00 308 1,428 726 702 168 95 73
591407 Ponnaluru 2,057.00 1,763 7,461 3,721 3,740 833 404 429
Ponnaluru Gudavari
591408 Khandrika 328.00 23 132 65 67 15 9 6
591409 Cherukuru 5,269.00 1,748 7,275 3,732 3,543 742 398 344
591410 Boganampadu 2,713.00 704 2,931 1,522 1,409 377 199 178
591411 Malepadu 1,396.00 335 1,590 804 786 238 131 107
591412 Lingam Gunta 1,414.00 274 1,137 581 556 148 76 72
591413 Chouta Palem 1,461.00 492 1,784 911 873 191 104 87
591414 Ippagunta 1,772.00 715 2,721 1,364 1,357 264 137 127
591415 Pedavenkanna Palem 853.00 284 1,283 655 628 165 86 79



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,044 6,183 5,861 1,000 496 504 21,702 12,942 8,760 Ponnaluru (Total)
12,044 6,183 5,861 1,000 496 504 21,702 12,942 8,760 Ponnaluru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Ponnaluru (Urban)
261 130 131 16 8 8 534 325 209 Mekapadu (Z)
518 270 248 12 7 5 1,427 875 552 Kotapadu
669 343 326 - - - 623 381 242 Rajolupadu
179 92 87 - - - 134 80 54 Manginapadu
601 313 288 17 6 11 943 585 358 Chennipadu
681 357 324 84 42 42 1,251 746 505 Ravula Kollu
721 346 375 - - - 670 366 304 Uppala Dinne
382 194 188 - - - 514 299 215 Vempadu
593 308 285 14 7 7 964 562 402 Muppalla
698 355 343 41 21 20 987 581 406 Singara Botla Palem
- - - - - - 71 41 30 drika
481 248 233 3 2 1 758 436 322 Vellaturu
1,332 676 656 403 197 206 3,719 2,203 1,516 Ponnaluru
Ponnaluru Gudavari
- - - - - - 54 29 25 Khandrika
1,822 947 875 221 116 105 3,568 2,181 1,387 Cherukuru
708 367 341 70 38 32 1,353 843 510 Boganampadu
274 138 136 31 15 16 659 386 273 Malepadu
228 123 105 24 10 14 495 294 201 Lingam Gunta
532 278 254 - - - 968 585 383 Chouta Palem
793 405 388 64 27 37 1,293 747 546 Ippagunta
571 293 278 - - - 717 397 320 Pedavenkanna Palem


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0811 Ponnaluru (Total) 21,314 8,902 12,412 23,039 13,048 9,991 17,217 11,490 5,727
0811 Ponnaluru (Rural) 21,314 8,902 12,412 23,039 13,048 9,991 17,217 11,490 5,727
0811 Ponnaluru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591394 Mekapadu (Z) 409 170 239 671 343 328 219 185 34
591395 Kotapadu 1,249 491 758 1,522 810 712 971 627 344
591396 Rajolupadu 734 316 418 615 390 225 500 338 162
591397 Manginapadu 184 82 102 134 97 37 85 75 10
591398 Chennipadu 1,054 445 609 1,186 626 560 928 529 399
591399 Gopalapuram
591400 Ravula Kollu 1,041 417 624 1,379 701 678 667 554 113
591401 Uppala Dinne 443 176 267 675 331 344 642 312 330
591402 Vempadu 408 169 239 523 278 245 452 277 175
591403 Muppalla 741 279 462 730 479 251 570 425 145
591404 Singara Botla Palem 771 322 449 722 520 202 653 512 141
591405 drika 122 55 67 96 58 38 49 47 2
591406 Vellaturu 670 290 380 655 417 238 384 367 17
591407 Ponnaluru 3,742 1,518 2,224 3,760 2,216 1,544 2,969 2,058 911
Ponnaluru Gudavari
591408 Khandrika 78 36 42 38 37 1 37 36 1
591409 Cherukuru 3,707 1,551 2,156 4,314 2,285 2,029 3,416 2,154 1,262
591410 Boganampadu 1,578 679 899 1,578 905 673 1,281 882 399
591411 Malepadu 931 418 513 843 474 369 836 471 365
591412 Lingam Gunta 642 287 355 496 328 168 147 116 31
591413 Chouta Palem 816 326 490 1,027 544 483 939 515 424
591414 Ippagunta 1,428 617 811 1,303 808 495 1,127 716 411
591415 Pedavenkanna Palem 566 258 308 772 401 371 345 294 51


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4,493 3,502 991 8,522 4,974 3,548 85 49 36 4,117 2,965 1,152 Ponnaluru (Total)
4,493 3,502 991 8,522 4,974 3,548 85 49 36 4,117 2,965 1,152 Ponnaluru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ponnaluru (Urban)
25 16 9 155 142 13 - - - 39 27 12 Mekapadu (Z)
348 306 42 471 201 270 4 3 1 148 117 31 Kotapadu
139 99 40 252 133 119 - - - 109 106 3 Rajolupadu
16 16 - 39 32 7 1 - 1 29 27 2 Manginapadu
261 147 114 230 142 88 - - - 437 240 197 Chennipadu
324 296 28 200 126 74 3 3 - 140 129 11 Ravula Kollu
73 68 5 224 180 44 1 1 - 344 63 281 Uppala Dinne
91 87 4 162 92 70 - - - 199 98 101 Vempadu
61 55 6 236 162 74 7 6 1 266 202 64 Muppalla
120 114 6 352 237 115 1 1 - 180 160 20 Singara Botla Palem
16 16 - 18 18 - - - - 15 13 2 drika
116 116 - 247 232 15 7 7 - 14 12 2 Vellaturu
683 462 221 1,478 905 573 10 9 1 798 682 116 Ponnaluru
Ponnaluru Gudavari
5 5 - 31 30 1 1 1 - - - - Khandrika
1,153 825 328 1,770 965 805 15 7 8 478 357 121 Cherukuru
270 262 8 703 356 347 2 1 1 306 263 43 Boganampadu
102 72 30 646 328 318 1 - 1 87 71 16 Malepadu
83 78 5 31 12 19 - - - 33 26 7 Lingam Gunta
275 195 80 464 177 287 2 1 1 198 142 56 Chouta Palem
205 144 61 641 368 273 30 9 21 251 195 56 Ippagunta
127 123 4 172 136 36 - - - 46 35 11 Pedavenkanna Palem


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0811 Ponnaluru (Total) 5,822 1,558 4,264 515 84 431 4,634 1,091 3,543
0811 Ponnaluru (Rural) 5,822 1,558 4,264 515 84 431 4,634 1,091 3,543
0811 Ponnaluru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591394 Mekapadu (Z) 452 158 294 7 5 2 439 151 288
591395 Kotapadu 551 183 368 22 8 14 507 166 341
591396 Rajolupadu 115 52 63 - - - 115 52 63
591397 Manginapadu 49 22 27 1 - 1 47 21 26
591398 Chennipadu 258 97 161 5 3 2 203 72 131
591399 Gopalapuram
591400 Ravula Kollu 712 147 565 38 3 35 639 119 520
591401 Uppala Dinne 33 19 14 2 2 - 22 16 6
591402 Vempadu 71 1 70 1 1 - 67 - 67
591403 Muppalla 160 54 106 2 1 1 99 20 79
591404 Singara Botla Palem 69 8 61 - - - 59 5 54
591405 drika 47 11 36 - - - 46 10 36
591406 Vellaturu 271 50 221 3 1 2 260 45 215
591407 Ponnaluru 791 158 633 25 3 22 652 95 557
Ponnaluru Gudavari
591408 Khandrika 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
591409 Cherukuru 898 131 767 108 28 80 763 93 670
591410 Boganampadu 297 23 274 153 1 152 127 9 118
591411 Malepadu 7 3 4 - - - 6 2 4
591412 Lingam Gunta 349 212 137 90 18 72 160 113 47
591413 Chouta Palem 88 29 59 4 2 2 64 13 51
591414 Ippagunta 176 92 84 7 4 3 116 57 59
591415 Pedavenkanna Palem 427 107 320 47 4 43 242 31 211


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
43 18 25 630 365 265 19,977 8,796 11,181 Ponnaluru (Total) 0811
43 18 25 630 365 265 19,977 8,796 11,181 Ponnaluru (Rural) 0811
- - - - - - - - - Ponnaluru (Urban) 0811
- - - 6 2 4 272 152 120 Mekapadu (Z) 591394
11 4 7 11 5 6 1,154 556 598 Kotapadu 591395
- - - - - - 742 307 435 Rajolupadu 591396
- - - 1 1 - 184 65 119 Manginapadu 591397
- - - 50 22 28 811 404 407 Chennipadu 591398
Gopalapuram 591399
2 - 2 33 25 8 913 462 451 Ravula Kollu 591400
1 1 - 8 - 8 438 211 227 Uppala Dinne 591401
- - - 3 - 3 399 190 209 Vempadu 591402
7 2 5 52 31 21 975 362 613 Muppalla 591403
1 - 1 9 3 6 1,036 383 653 Singara Botla Palem 591404
- - - 1 1 - 97 38 59 drika 591405
1 - 1 7 4 3 773 309 464 Vellaturu 591406
1 1 - 113 59 54 3,701 1,505 2,196 Ponnaluru 591407
Ponnaluru Gudavari
- - - - - - 94 28 66 Khandrika 591408
- - - 27 10 17 2,961 1,447 1,514 Cherukuru 591409
- - - 17 13 4 1,353 617 736 Boganampadu 591410
- - - 1 1 - 747 330 417 Malepadu 591411
12 7 5 87 74 13 641 253 388 Lingam Gunta 591412
- - - 20 14 6 757 367 390 Chouta Palem 591413
7 3 4 46 28 18 1,418 556 862 Ippagunta 591414
- - - 138 72 66 511 254 257 Pedavenkanna Palem 591415


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Total) 35,488.00 8,480 36,985 18,842 18,143 4,362 2,282 2,080
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Rural) 35,488.00 8,480 36,985 18,842 18,143 4,362 2,282 2,080
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591416 Talakondapadu 2,031.00 517 2,147 1,079 1,068 242 117 125
591417 Muddapadu 1,605.00 280 1,353 674 679 169 85 84
591418 Battupalle 956.00 199 805 417 388 115 62 53
591419 Chowta Gogula Palle 315.00 136 563 275 288 81 47 34
591420 Peda Alavala Padu 5,326.00 1,305 6,385 3,294 3,091 775 422 353
591421 Neredu Palle 1,065.00 630 2,498 1,282 1,216 268 144 124
591422 Pothavaram 377.00 213 901 449 452 103 52 51
591423 Marella 1,950.00 351 1,557 798 759 165 87 78
591424 Rama Govinda Puram 494.00 6 21 10 11 3 2 1
591425 Pedacherlo Palle 3,087.00 988 4,299 2,132 2,167 422 220 202
591426 Murugammi 2,049.00 388 1,884 952 932 230 116 114
591427 Chinavari Madugu 617.00 154 697 363 334 89 48 41
591428 Pitchi Gunta Palle 118.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591429 Pedavari Madugu 577.00 119 595 300 295 86 47 39
591430 Gosigundala 140.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591431 Vepagum Palle 1,040.00 169 746 392 354 113 69 44
591432 Chinthagum Palle 2,207.00 449 1,815 920 895 252 121 131
591433 Guntu Palle 3,541.00 930 3,626 1,836 1,790 424 206 218
591434 Sankara Puram 431.00 53 182 91 91 30 15 15
591435 Vittala Puram 227.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591436 Peda Irla Padu 6,776.00 1,470 6,296 3,258 3,038 713 384 329
591437 Lakshmakka Palle 559.00 123 615 320 295 82 38 44


Pedacherlo Palle

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Pedacherlo Palle
8,435 4,269 4,166 633 322 311 18,599 11,433 7,166 (Total)
Pedacherlo Palle
8,435 4,269 4,166 633 322 311 18,599 11,433 7,166 (Rural)
Pedacherlo Palle
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
570 284 286 5 2 3 997 623 374 Talakondapadu
502 244 258 4 1 3 802 474 328 Muddapadu
309 159 150 - - - 373 226 147 Battupalle
25 11 14 - - - 294 174 120 Chowta Gogula Palle
1,607 824 783 77 39 38 3,178 1,974 1,204 Peda Alavala Padu
301 166 135 150 81 69 1,339 834 505 Neredu Palle
178 83 95 - - - 481 306 175 Pothavaram
233 115 118 - - - 665 430 235 Marella
7 3 4 - - - 4 3 1 Rama Govinda Puram
971 455 516 32 16 16 2,421 1,402 1,019 Pedacherlo Palle
299 158 141 61 36 25 804 489 315 Murugammi
251 132 119 - - - 369 243 126 Chinavari Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pitchi Gunta Palle
213 99 114 7 3 4 303 179 124 Pedavari Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosigundala
64 32 32 - - - 398 263 135 Vepagum Palle
406 201 205 94 42 52 843 523 320 Chinthagum Palle
998 527 471 31 16 15 2,027 1,241 786 Guntu Palle
- - - - - - 86 58 28 Sankara Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Vittala Puram
1,405 728 677 172 86 86 2,945 1,818 1,127 Peda Irla Padu
96 48 48 - - - 270 173 97 Lakshmakka Palle


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Total) 18,386 7,409 10,977 22,162 11,847 10,315 17,217 10,160 7,057
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Rural) 18,386 7,409 10,977 22,162 11,847 10,315 17,217 10,160 7,057
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591416 Talakondapadu 1,150 456 694 1,303 692 611 1,268 675 593
591417 Muddapadu 551 200 351 824 425 399 713 399 314
591418 Battupalle 432 191 241 324 221 103 324 221 103
591419 Chowta Gogula Palle 269 101 168 351 170 181 328 165 163
591420 Peda Alavala Padu 3,207 1,320 1,887 3,596 1,907 1,689 2,663 1,592 1,071
591421 Neredu Palle 1,159 448 711 1,769 930 839 1,162 722 440
591422 Pothavaram 420 143 277 554 279 275 309 207 102
591423 Marella 892 368 524 921 489 432 887 476 411
591424 Rama Govinda Puram 17 7 10 12 6 6 6 6 -
591425 Pedacherlo Palle 1,878 730 1,148 2,485 1,325 1,160 1,990 1,249 741
591426 Murugammi 1,080 463 617 1,226 673 553 809 450 359
591427 Chinavari Madugu 328 120 208 435 231 204 434 231 203
591428 Pitchi Gunta Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591429 Pedavari Madugu 292 121 171 333 180 153 331 178 153
591430 Gosigundala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591431 Vepagum Palle 348 129 219 349 204 145 272 202 70
591432 Chinthagum Palle 972 397 575 1,113 570 543 837 523 314
591433 Guntu Palle 1,599 595 1,004 2,071 1,134 937 1,835 1,059 776
591434 Sankara Puram 96 33 63 108 56 52 105 55 50
591435 Vittala Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591436 Peda Irla Padu 3,351 1,440 1,911 3,982 2,145 1,837 2,564 1,547 1,017
591437 Lakshmakka Palle 345 147 198 406 210 196 380 203 177


Pedacherlo Palle
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
Pedacherlo Palle
4,723 3,372 1,351 8,301 3,562 4,739 382 175 207 3,811 3,051 760 (Total)
Pedacherlo Palle
4,723 3,372 1,351 8,301 3,562 4,739 382 175 207 3,811 3,051 760 (Rural)
Pedacherlo Palle
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
391 245 146 707 289 418 2 1 1 168 140 28 Talakondapadu
131 92 39 347 151 196 48 2 46 187 154 33 Muddapadu
70 47 23 179 111 68 2 2 - 73 61 12 Battupalle
84 54 30 138 21 117 - - - 106 90 16 Chowta Gogula Palle
869 540 329 841 388 453 59 30 29 894 634 260 Peda Alavala Padu
320 216 104 338 131 207 97 59 38 407 316 91 Neredu Palle
38 25 13 103 55 48 87 51 36 81 76 5 Pothavaram
201 116 85 479 209 270 - - - 207 151 56 Marella
1 1 - 3 3 - - - - 2 2 - Rama Govinda Puram
386 312 74 1,176 597 579 11 6 5 417 334 83 Pedacherlo Palle
327 204 123 324 108 216 17 7 10 141 131 10 Murugammi
77 74 3 292 105 187 5 1 4 60 51 9 Chinavari Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pitchi Gunta Palle
118 100 18 152 31 121 3 2 1 58 45 13 Pedavari Madugu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosigundala
120 106 14 132 78 54 - - - 20 18 2 Vepagum Palle
366 301 65 416 208 208 42 6 36 13 8 5 Chinthagum Palle
289 224 65 1,118 445 673 6 5 1 422 385 37 Guntu Palle
10 10 - 93 43 50 - - - 2 2 - Sankara Puram
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Vittala Puram
829 611 218 1,274 545 729 3 3 - 458 388 70 Peda Irla Padu
96 94 2 189 44 145 - - - 95 65 30 Lakshmakka Palle


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Total) 4,945 1,687 3,258 361 141 220 3,719 1,128 2,591
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Rural) 4,945 1,687 3,258 361 141 220 3,719 1,128 2,591
Pedacherlo Palle
0812 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591416 Talakondapadu 35 17 18 1 1 - 17 2 15
591417 Muddapadu 111 26 85 7 2 5 61 19 42
591418 Battupalle - - - - - - - - -
591419 Chowta Gogula Palle 23 5 18 - - - 21 4 17
591420 Peda Alavala Padu 933 315 618 51 13 38 638 183 455
591421 Neredu Palle 607 208 399 137 64 73 303 91 212
591422 Pothavaram 245 72 173 10 3 7 167 49 118
591423 Marella 34 13 21 5 1 4 23 9 14
591424 Rama Govinda Puram 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6
591425 Pedacherlo Palle 495 76 419 9 2 7 421 39 382
591426 Murugammi 417 223 194 14 7 7 365 182 183
591427 Chinavari Madugu 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
591428 Pitchi Gunta Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591429 Pedavari Madugu 2 2 - - - - - - -
591430 Gosigundala -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591431 Vepagum Palle 77 2 75 41 - 41 35 1 34
591432 Chinthagum Palle 276 47 229 9 3 6 258 44 214
591433 Guntu Palle 236 75 161 7 6 1 207 57 150
591434 Sankara Puram 3 1 2 - - - 3 1 2
591435 Vittala Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591436 Peda Irla Padu 1,418 598 820 70 39 31 1,170 443 727
591437 Lakshmakka Palle 26 7 19 - - - 23 4 19


Pedacherlo Palle
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Pedacherlo Palle
118 41 77 747 377 370 14,823 6,995 7,828 (Total) 0812
Pedacherlo Palle
118 41 77 747 377 370 14,823 6,995 7,828 (Rural) 0812
Pedacherlo Palle
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0812
- - - 17 14 3 844 387 457 Talakondapadu 591416
6 - 6 37 5 32 529 249 280 Muddapadu 591417
- - - - - - 481 196 285 Battupalle 591418
- - - 2 1 1 212 105 107 Chowta Gogula Palle 591419
6 1 5 238 118 120 2,789 1,387 1,402 Peda Alavala Padu 591420
38 18 20 129 35 94 729 352 377 Neredu Palle 591421
41 12 29 27 8 19 347 170 177 Pothavaram 591422
- - - 6 3 3 636 309 327 Marella 591423
- - - - - - 9 4 5 Rama Govinda Puram 591424
6 3 3 59 32 27 1,814 807 1,007 Pedacherlo Palle 591425
2 1 1 36 33 3 658 279 379 Murugammi 591426
- - - - - - 262 132 130 Chinavari Madugu 591427
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Pitchi Gunta Palle 591428
- - - 2 2 - 262 120 142 Pedavari Madugu 591429
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Gosigundala 591430
- - - 1 1 - 397 188 209 Vepagum Palle 591431
9 - 9 - - - 702 350 352 Chinthagum Palle 591432
- - - 22 12 10 1,555 702 853 Guntu Palle 591433
- - - - - - 74 35 39 Sankara Puram 591434
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Vittala Puram 591435
10 6 4 168 110 58 2,314 1,113 1,201 Peda Irla Padu 591436
- - - 3 3 - 209 110 99 Lakshmakka Palle 591437


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Total) 30,014.00 10,777 44,953 23,142 21,811 5,513 2,910 2,603
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Rural) 30,014.00 10,777 44,953 23,142 21,811 5,513 2,910 2,603
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591438 Devaki Marri 28.00 13 63 32 31 15 5 10
591439 Thungodu 54.00 28 139 67 72 34 17 17
591440 Talaneelamala 22.00 9 40 20 20 5 2 3
591441 Venkataya Cheruvu 405.00 268 1,133 602 531 108 60 48
591442 Boyamadugula 363.00 229 1,011 539 472 135 76 59
591443 Viranchi Puram 786.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591444 Pedagogulapalle 1,919.00 714 3,053 1,557 1,496 374 196 178
591445 Mundlapadu 706.00 245 907 470 437 123 78 45
591446 Chintala Palem 543.00 179 684 338 346 62 28 34
591447 Arivemula 484.00 266 1,071 557 514 105 60 45
591448 Yekunam Puram 381.00 383 1,619 833 786 176 86 90
591449 Thummagunta 169.00 30 118 60 58 7 3 4
591450 Darsigunta Peta 947.00 803 3,300 1,732 1,568 401 212 189
591451 Bontha Vari Palle 400.00 51 195 103 92 17 12 5
Medanulu Vengana
591452 Palle 505.00 159 476 222 254 51 23 28
591453 Bodavula Dinne 291.00 82 326 158 168 34 12 22
591454 Kondabaina Palle 415.00 174 822 430 392 114 59 55
591455 Ranganayuni Palle 1,150.00 89 489 254 235 82 48 34
591456 Darsi Thimmakka Palle 508.00 68 305 160 145 45 25 20
Chandra Sekhara Puram
591457 860.00 1,770 7,544 3,841 3,703 1,029 545 484
591458 Musunoor 3,049.00 644 2,691 1,356 1,335 349 167 182
591459 Komatigunta 803.00 162 697 359 338 103 56 47
591460 Chinthapudi 612.00 117 447 223 224 31 14 17
591461 Nagulavaram 475.00 115 380 200 180 46 29 17
591462 Kovilam Padu 1,748.00 725 2,738 1,406 1,332 282 144 138
591463 Anikalla Palle 583.00 190 809 417 392 106 55 51
591464 Nallamadugula 1,326.00 424 1,919 981 938 262 135 127
591465 Uppalapadu 382.00 259 1,130 582 548 156 85 71
591466 Guntachennam Palle 1,099.00 300 1,258 648 610 158 95 63
591467 Regula Chilaka 1,304.00 386 1,652 819 833 206 98 108
591468 Chennapanayuni Palle 1,160.00 313 1,264 669 595 134 79 55
591469 Vatla Bayulu 1,743.00 401 1,853 956 897 271 146 125
591470 Malameedi Palle 51.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591471 Kotha Palle 1,455.00 257 1,034 538 496 93 50 43
591472 Ambavaram 413.00 167 877 502 375 62 36 26
591473 Pedaraju Palem 1,793.00 545 2,052 1,077 975 215 117 98
591474 Nalajanam Padu 372.00 42 180 85 95 34 14 20
591475 Kambham Padu 710.00 170 677 349 328 88 43 45


Chandra Sekhara Puram

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Chandra Sekhara
7,750 3,989 3,761 1,257 653 604 24,376 15,154 9,222 Puram (Total)
Chandra Sekhara
7,750 3,989 3,761 1,257 653 604 24,376 15,154 9,222 Puram (Rural)
Chandra Sekhara
- - - - - - - - - Puram (Urban)
- - - - - - 19 13 6 Devaki Marri
- - - - - - 46 25 21 Thungodu
- - - - - - - - - Talaneelamala
230 115 115 45 25 20 603 376 227 Venkataya Cheruvu
267 150 117 55 31 24 443 270 173 Boyamadugula
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Viranchi Puram
811 430 381 11 6 5 1,640 1,039 601 Pedagogulapalle
202 105 97 12 9 3 497 303 194 Mundlapadu
145 70 75 - - - 396 254 142 Chintala Palem
360 190 170 - - - 588 373 215 Arivemula
289 155 134 - - - 872 555 317 Yekunam Puram
- - - - - - 45 28 17 Thummagunta
673 365 308 35 17 18 1,809 1,148 661 Darsigunta Peta
- - - 4 2 2 131 78 53 Bontha Vari Palle
Medanulu Vengana
53 29 24 - - - 206 128 78 Palle
- - - - - - 165 98 67 Bodavula Dinne
345 173 172 - - - 403 258 145 Kondabaina Palle
- - - 62 38 24 245 145 100 Ranganayuni Palle
- - - 54 26 28 117 85 32 Darsi Thimmakka Palle
Chandra Sekhara Puram
597 304 293 370 189 181 4,051 2,434 1,617
576 283 293 30 14 16 1,374 860 514 Musunoor
125 64 61 - - - 401 259 142 Komatigunta
136 65 71 - - - 303 187 116 Chinthapudi
- - - 18 7 11 215 139 76 Nagulavaram
476 240 236 76 36 40 1,625 1,009 616 Kovilam Padu
134 74 60 - - - 485 288 197 Anikalla Palle
566 295 271 147 77 70 1,073 681 392 Nallamadugula
181 90 91 172 87 85 636 375 261 Uppalapadu
225 112 113 71 39 32 590 368 222 Guntachennam Palle
208 103 105 69 36 33 914 554 360 Regula Chilaka
251 130 121 - - - 664 416 248 Chennapanayuni Palle
325 163 162 - - - 742 436 306 Vatla Bayulu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malameedi Palle
1 1 - - - - 655 418 237 Kotha Palle
9 3 6 2 - 2 623 416 207 Ambavaram
377 192 185 4 2 2 1,268 810 458 Pedaraju Palem
121 57 64 12 7 5 100 58 42 Nalajanam Padu
67 31 36 8 5 3 432 270 162 Kambham Padu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Total) 20,577 7,988 12,589 22,523 13,438 9,085 17,500 11,352 6,148
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Rural) 20,577 7,988 12,589 22,523 13,438 9,085 17,500 11,352 6,148
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591438 Devaki Marri 44 19 25 36 18 18 35 17 18
591439 Thungodu 93 42 51 71 35 36 - - -
591440 Talaneelamala 40 20 20 27 14 13 - - -
591441 Venkataya Cheruvu 530 226 304 593 331 262 565 312 253
591442 Boyamadugula 568 269 299 658 348 310 128 112 16
591443 Viranchi Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591444 Pedagogulapalle 1,413 518 895 1,595 890 705 1,033 756 277
591445 Mundlapadu 410 167 243 389 278 111 349 269 80
591446 Chintala Palem 288 84 204 345 210 135 340 208 132
591447 Arivemula 483 184 299 633 364 269 333 228 105
591448 Yekunam Puram 747 278 469 874 487 387 755 440 315
591449 Thummagunta 73 32 41 82 45 37 75 43 32
591450 Darsigunta Peta 1,491 584 907 1,657 977 680 1,201 782 419
591451 Bontha Vari Palle 64 25 39 102 52 50 101 51 50
Medanulu Vengana
591452 Palle 270 94 176 305 139 166 282 122 160
591453 Bodavula Dinne 161 60 101 194 98 96 150 77 73
591454 Kondabaina Palle 419 172 247 502 278 224 96 83 13
591455 Ranganayuni Palle 244 109 135 256 128 128 46 43 3
591456 Darsi Thimmakka Palle 188 75 113 176 99 77 176 99 77
Chandra Sekhara Puram
591457 3,493 1,407 2,086 2,967 2,000 967 2,413 1,715 698
591458 Musunoor 1,317 496 821 1,496 829 667 873 561 312
591459 Komatigunta 296 100 196 356 222 134 268 214 54
591460 Chinthapudi 144 36 108 232 133 99 217 127 90
591461 Nagulavaram 165 61 104 230 121 109 102 61 41
591462 Kovilam Padu 1,113 397 716 1,292 898 394 1,282 895 387
591463 Anikalla Palle 324 129 195 354 207 147 344 207 137
591464 Nallamadugula 846 300 546 1,055 576 479 1,053 574 479
591465 Uppalapadu 494 207 287 521 344 177 489 329 160
591466 Guntachennam Palle 668 280 388 718 369 349 376 268 108
591467 Regula Chilaka 738 265 473 802 477 325 692 402 290
591468 Chennapanayuni Palle 600 253 347 724 366 358 718 363 355
591469 Vatla Bayulu 1,111 520 591 904 565 339 877 545 332
591470 Malameedi Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591471 Kotha Palle 379 120 259 520 341 179 517 340 177
591472 Ambavaram 254 86 168 349 243 106 344 239 105
591473 Pedaraju Palem 784 267 517 984 681 303 902 648 254
591474 Nalajanam Padu 80 27 53 105 54 51 77 47 30
591475 Kambham Padu 245 79 166 419 221 198 291 175 116


Chandra Sekhara Puram
Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
Chandra Sekhara
2,892 2,431 461 10,043 5,180 4,863 115 82 33 4,450 3,659 791 Puram (Total)
Chandra Sekhara
2,892 2,431 461 10,043 5,180 4,863 115 82 33 4,450 3,659 791 Puram (Rural)
Chandra Sekhara
- - - - - - - - - - - - Puram (Urban)
- - - 35 17 18 - - - - - - Devaki Marri
- - - - - - - - - - - - Thungodu
- - - - - - - - - - - - Talaneelamala
88 75 13 368 134 234 2 2 - 107 101 6 Venkataya Cheruvu
17 17 - 34 22 12 - - - 77 73 4 Boyamadugula
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Viranchi Puram
231 231 - 535 287 248 7 6 1 260 232 28 Pedagogulapalle
67 62 5 179 115 64 19 16 3 84 76 8 Mundlapadu
118 98 20 166 58 108 1 - 1 55 52 3 Chintala Palem
44 40 4 246 152 94 - - - 43 36 7 Arivemula
192 184 8 335 94 241 8 3 5 220 159 61 Yekunam Puram
3 3 - 51 19 32 - - - 21 21 - Thummagunta
157 150 7 730 349 381 13 12 1 301 271 30 Darsigunta Peta
6 6 - 82 33 49 - - - 13 12 1 Bontha Vari Palle
Medanulu Vengana
54 33 21 172 64 108 5 4 1 51 21 30 Palle
15 8 7 128 65 63 1 - 1 6 4 2 Bodavula Dinne
32 31 1 35 34 1 - - - 29 18 11 Kondabaina Palle
17 17 - 17 14 3 - - - 12 12 - Ranganayuni Palle
7 7 - 160 84 76 - - - 9 8 1 Darsi Thimmakka Palle
Chandra Sekhara Puram
164 152 12 782 465 317 19 14 5 1,448 1,084 364
261 184 77 368 170 198 6 5 1 238 202 36 Musunoor
40 40 - 112 64 48 2 1 1 114 109 5 Komatigunta
45 36 9 69 8 61 - - - 103 83 20 Chinthapudi
66 36 30 8 1 7 - - - 28 24 4 Nagulavaram
201 171 30 801 470 331 12 10 2 268 244 24 Kovilam Padu
88 58 30 210 121 89 - - - 46 28 18 Anikalla Palle
114 65 49 834 408 426 1 - 1 104 101 3 Nallamadugula
66 49 17 328 189 139 3 1 2 92 90 2 Uppalapadu
145 145 - 163 68 95 - - - 68 55 13 Guntachennam Palle
157 146 11 468 210 258 2 1 1 65 45 20 Regula Chilaka
116 55 61 518 260 258 4 1 3 80 47 33 Chennapanayuni Palle
83 79 4 654 335 319 2 1 1 138 130 8 Vatla Bayulu
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malameedi Palle
35 35 - 346 186 160 - - - 136 119 17 Kotha Palle
34 33 1 211 119 92 1 1 - 98 86 12 Ambavaram
143 113 30 687 473 214 4 3 1 68 59 9 Pedaraju Palem
9 6 3 68 41 27 - - - - - - Nalajanam Padu
77 66 11 143 51 92 3 1 2 68 57 11 Kambham Padu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Total) 5,023 2,086 2,937 213 110 103 3,374 1,060 2,314
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Rural) 5,023 2,086 2,937 213 110 103 3,374 1,060 2,314
Chandra Sekhara
0813 Puram (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591438 Devaki Marri 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
591439 Thungodu 71 35 36 - - - 71 35 36
591440 Talaneelamala 27 14 13 - - - 27 14 13
591441 Venkataya Cheruvu 28 19 9 1 1 - 26 18 8
591442 Boyamadugula 530 236 294 111 55 56 386 151 235
591443 Viranchi Puram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591444 Pedagogulapalle 562 134 428 7 1 6 530 121 409
591445 Mundlapadu 40 9 31 1 - 1 6 2 4
591446 Chintala Palem 5 2 3 - - - 4 1 3
591447 Arivemula 300 136 164 3 3 - 239 104 135
591448 Yekunam Puram 119 47 72 10 9 1 78 22 56
591449 Thummagunta 7 2 5 - - - 7 2 5
591450 Darsigunta Peta 456 195 261 - - - 163 35 128
591451 Bontha Vari Palle 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
Medanulu Vengana
591452 Palle 23 17 6 1 1 - 2 1 1
591453 Bodavula Dinne 44 21 23 5 1 4 36 17 19
591454 Kondabaina Palle 406 195 211 3 3 - 329 123 206
591455 Ranganayuni Palle 210 85 125 10 9 1 105 25 80
591456 Darsi Thimmakka Palle - - - - - - - - -
Chandra Sekhara Puram
591457 554 285 269 17 6 11 259 88 171
591458 Musunoor 623 268 355 19 9 10 383 107 276
591459 Komatigunta 88 8 80 1 - 1 52 - 52
591460 Chinthapudi 15 6 9 1 - 1 7 1 6
591461 Nagulavaram 128 60 68 - - - 72 5 67
591462 Kovilam Padu 10 3 7 1 - 1 5 2 3
591463 Anikalla Palle 10 - 10 1 - 1 9 - 9
591464 Nallamadugula 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
591465 Uppalapadu 32 15 17 - - - 29 13 16
591466 Guntachennam Palle 342 101 241 1 1 - 282 85 197
591467 Regula Chilaka 110 75 35 4 2 2 47 17 30
591468 Chennapanayuni Palle 6 3 3 - - - 6 3 3
591469 Vatla Bayulu 27 20 7 2 1 1 23 17 6
591470 Malameedi Palle -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591471 Kotha Palle 3 1 2 - - - 2 1 1
591472 Ambavaram 5 4 1 1 1 - 3 2 1
591473 Pedaraju Palem 82 33 49 10 6 4 60 18 42
591474 Nalajanam Padu 28 7 21 - - - 28 7 21
591475 Kambham Padu 128 46 82 3 1 2 94 19 75


Chandra Sekhara Puram
of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
Chandra Sekhara
61 28 33 1,375 888 487 22,430 9,704 12,726 Puram (Total) 0813
Chandra Sekhara
61 28 33 1,375 888 487 22,430 9,704 12,726 Puram (Rural) 0813
Chandra Sekhara
- - - - - - - - - Puram (Urban) 0813
- - - - - - 27 14 13 Devaki Marri 591438
- - - - - - 68 32 36 Thungodu 591439
- - - - - - 13 6 7 Talaneelamala 591440
- - - 1 - 1 540 271 269 Venkataya Cheruvu 591441
1 1 - 32 29 3 353 191 162 Boyamadugula 591442
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Viranchi Puram 591443
- - - 25 12 13 1,458 667 791 Pedagogulapalle 591444
3 - 3 30 7 23 518 192 326 Mundlapadu 591445
- - - 1 1 - 339 128 211 Chintala Palem 591446
1 1 - 57 28 29 438 193 245 Arivemula 591447
1 - 1 30 16 14 745 346 399 Yekunam Puram 591448
- - - - - - 36 15 21 Thummagunta 591449
27 9 18 266 151 115 1,643 755 888 Darsigunta Peta 591450
- - - - - - 93 51 42 Bontha Vari Palle 591451
Medanulu Vengana
2 2 - 18 13 5 171 83 88 Palle 591452
- - - 3 3 - 132 60 72 Bodavula Dinne 591453
- - - 74 69 5 320 152 168 Kondabaina Palle 591454
4 2 2 91 49 42 233 126 107 Ranganayuni Palle 591455
- - - - - - 129 61 68 Darsi Thimmakka Palle 591456
Chandra Sekhara Puram
5 3 2 273 188 85 4,577 1,841 2,736 591457
7 5 2 214 147 67 1,195 527 668 Musunoor 591458
- - - 35 8 27 341 137 204 Komatigunta 591459
1 - 1 6 5 1 215 90 125 Chinthapudi 591460
- - - 56 55 1 150 79 71 Nagulavaram 591461
- - - 4 1 3 1,446 508 938 Kovilam Padu 591462
- - - - - - 455 210 245 Anikalla Palle 591463
- - - - - - 864 405 459 Nallamadugula 591464
- - - 3 2 1 609 238 371 Uppalapadu 591465
- - - 59 15 44 540 279 261 Guntachennam Palle 591466
- - - 59 56 3 850 342 508 Regula Chilaka 591467
- - - - - - 540 303 237 Chennapanayuni Palle 591468
- - - 2 2 - 949 391 558 Vatla Bayulu 591469
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Malameedi Palle 591470
- - - 1 - 1 514 197 317 Kotha Palle 591471
- - - 1 1 - 528 259 269 Ambavaram 591472
6 5 1 6 4 2 1,068 396 672 Pedaraju Palem 591473
- - - - - - 75 31 44 Nalajanam Padu 591474
3 - 3 28 26 2 258 128 130 Kambham Padu 591475


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0814 Pamur (Total) 39,981.00 14,897 63,017 32,206 30,811 7,678 4,007 3,671
0814 Pamur (Rural) 38,366.00 10,114 43,017 21,866 21,151 5,330 2,755 2,575
0814 Pamur (Urban) 1,615.00 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
591476 Kattakinda Palli 2,749.00 522 2,204 1,112 1,092 293 158 135
591477 Chilamkur 831.00 322 1,386 715 671 125 71 54
591478 Dadireddi Pallle 949.00 360 1,552 788 764 206 99 107
591479 Gummalampadu 1,202.00 115 473 255 218 69 43 26
591480 Vaggampalle 2,121.00 635 2,794 1,439 1,355 394 209 185
591481 Raviguntapalle 2,251.00 610 2,539 1,263 1,276 323 149 174
591482 Nasikatrayambakam 579.00 77 327 168 159 45 22 23
591483 Inimerla 4,255.00 833 3,530 1,776 1,754 460 220 240
591484 Chilakapadu 985.00 12 51 26 25 4 - 4
591485 Motravulapadu 528.00 126 593 313 280 81 51 30
591486 Chinthalapalem 543.00 304 1,381 679 702 191 98 93
591487 Anumalakonda 597.00 4 7 4 3 - - -
591488 Bukkapuram 1,360.00 277 1,211 631 580 158 84 74
591489 Dubagunta 1,497.00 584 2,303 1,193 1,110 283 148 135
591490 East Kodigudlapadu 606.00 371 1,778 929 849 210 108 102
591491 Tiragandla Dinne 1,304.00 404 1,552 782 770 201 104 97
591492 Puttamnaidu Palle 208.00 119 577 283 294 42 17 25
591493 Mopadu 2,104.00 911 3,962 2,006 1,956 488 254 234
591494 Balijapalem 757.00 121 528 270 258 74 39 35
591495 Ayyavaripalle 2,043.00 451 1,952 981 971 231 107 124
591496 Ayyannakota 1,616.00 150 621 314 307 75 39 36
591497 Malakondapuram 1,349.00 3 9 4 5 - - -
591498 Bodavada 1,846.00 313 1,269 645 624 170 92 78
591499 Siddavaram 269.00 111 459 235 224 61 36 25
591500 Botla Gudur 3,411.00 1,287 5,616 2,832 2,784 660 360 300
591501 Karrollapadu 317.00 78 372 193 179 52 24 28
591502 Kambaladinne 1,160.00 669 2,597 1,326 1,271 256 135 121
591503 Renimadugu 929.00 345 1,374 704 670 178 88 90
591504 Pamur (CT) 1,615.00 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
11,778 5,987 5,791 1,992 981 1,011 37,503 22,391 15,112 Pamur (Total)
10,705 5,429 5,276 1,421 702 719 24,209 14,756 9,453 Pamur (Rural)
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Pamur (Urban)
607 310 297 - - - 1,073 672 401 Kattakinda Palli
338 167 171 - - - 870 539 331 Chilamkur
623 312 311 - - - 911 580 331 Dadireddi Pallle
223 123 100 16 10 6 235 143 92 Gummalampadu
335 168 167 201 96 105 1,461 898 563 Vaggampalle
441 214 227 199 99 100 1,382 848 534 Raviguntapalle
119 60 59 30 16 14 195 119 76 Nasikatrayambakam
1,403 698 705 53 27 26 2,089 1,249 840 Inimerla
- - - - - - 33 22 11 Chilakapadu
301 157 144 27 13 14 415 235 180 Motravulapadu
370 186 184 10 4 6 822 488 334 Chinthalapalem
- - - - - - 4 3 1 Anumalakonda
310 173 137 43 26 17 773 471 302 Bukkapuram
427 218 209 36 21 15 1,306 850 456 Dubagunta
389 207 182 20 10 10 1,057 644 413 East Kodigudlapadu
284 138 146 18 10 8 772 462 310 Tiragandla Dinne
81 43 38 - - - 415 223 192 Puttamnaidu Palle
967 505 462 234 112 122 2,330 1,393 937 Mopadu
80 41 39 - - - 364 213 151 Balijapalem
637 319 318 42 20 22 1,136 710 426 Ayyavaripalle
191 100 91 248 120 128 230 131 99 Ayyannakota
- - - - - - 7 4 3 Malakondapuram
175 77 98 34 16 18 563 351 212 Bodavada
101 45 56 5 2 3 190 117 73 Siddavaram
1,341 684 657 124 61 63 3,214 1,941 1,273 Botla Gudur
46 26 20 - - - 202 137 65 Karrollapadu
649 321 328 - - - 1,557 951 606 Kambaladinne
267 137 130 81 39 42 603 362 241 Renimadugu
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Pamur (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0814 Pamur (Total) 25,514 9,815 15,699 29,588 18,609 10,979 21,708 15,384 6,324
0814 Pamur (Rural) 18,808 7,110 11,698 22,749 13,118 9,631 16,320 10,792 5,528
0814 Pamur (Urban) 6,706 2,705 4,001 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796
591476 Kattakinda Palli 1,131 440 691 1,020 655 365 572 542 30
591477 Chilamkur 516 176 340 732 427 305 368 264 104
591478 Dadireddi Pallle 641 208 433 861 471 390 582 318 264
591479 Gummalampadu 238 112 126 279 150 129 278 150 128
591480 Vaggampalle 1,333 541 792 1,505 853 652 867 583 284
591481 Raviguntapalle 1,157 415 742 1,547 794 753 769 445 324
591482 Nasikatrayambakam 132 49 83 183 96 87 182 95 87
591483 Inimerla 1,441 527 914 1,969 1,069 900 1,466 954 512
591484 Chilakapadu 18 4 14 24 12 12 4 3 1
591485 Motravulapadu 178 78 100 332 174 158 66 51 15
591486 Chinthalapalem 559 191 368 608 390 218 366 294 72
591487 Anumalakonda 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 -
591488 Bukkapuram 438 160 278 541 372 169 508 356 152
591489 Dubagunta 997 343 654 1,305 754 551 1,059 699 360
591490 East Kodigudlapadu 721 285 436 820 518 302 451 369 82
591491 Tiragandla Dinne 780 320 460 743 467 276 516 379 137
591492 Puttamnaidu Palle 162 60 102 346 195 151 343 195 148
591493 Mopadu 1,632 613 1,019 1,844 1,165 679 1,491 1,069 422
591494 Balijapalem 164 57 107 314 158 156 289 148 141
591495 Ayyavaripalle 816 271 545 917 563 354 771 523 248
591496 Ayyannakota 391 183 208 405 210 195 254 151 103
591497 Malakondapuram 2 - 2 6 2 4 5 2 3
591498 Bodavada 706 294 412 823 423 400 793 420 373
591499 Siddavaram 269 118 151 299 143 156 299 143 156
591500 Botla Gudur 2,402 891 1,511 2,917 1,706 1,211 2,234 1,521 713
591501 Karrollapadu 170 56 114 182 103 79 89 70 19
591502 Kambaladinne 1,040 375 665 1,477 810 667 1,375 778 597
591503 Renimadugu 771 342 429 747 436 311 321 268 53
591504 Pamur (CT) 6,706 2,705 4,001 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,720 4,425 1,295 6,838 3,075 3,763 171 114 57 8,979 7,770 1,209 Pamur (Total)
5,567 4,287 1,280 6,395 2,770 3,625 93 54 39 4,265 3,681 584 Pamur (Rural)
153 138 15 443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Pamur (Urban)
97 97 - 52 37 15 1 1 - 422 407 15 Kattakinda Palli
217 167 50 127 76 51 - - - 24 21 3 Chilamkur
326 204 122 208 75 133 - - - 48 39 9 Dadireddi Pallle
42 42 - 211 86 125 - - - 25 22 3 Gummalampadu
305 233 72 325 131 194 4 2 2 233 217 16 Vaggampalle
414 257 157 201 89 112 - - - 154 99 55 Raviguntapalle
65 38 27 87 33 54 5 4 1 25 20 5 Nasikatrayambakam
525 349 176 443 195 248 7 2 5 491 408 83 Inimerla
- - - 2 1 1 - - - 2 2 - Chilakapadu
27 22 5 5 4 1 6 4 2 28 21 7 Motravulapadu
139 122 17 136 89 47 1 1 - 90 82 8 Chinthalapalem
- - - - - - - - - 2 2 - Anumalakonda
84 84 - 218 77 141 3 3 - 203 192 11 Bukkapuram
176 160 16 390 101 289 5 3 2 488 435 53 Dubagunta
100 99 1 166 111 55 - - - 185 159 26 East Kodigudlapadu
49 43 6 168 86 82 11 8 3 288 242 46 Tiragandla Dinne
251 165 86 82 23 59 - - - 10 7 3 Puttamnaidu Palle
547 410 137 356 154 202 5 3 2 583 502 81 Mopadu
97 75 22 149 50 99 - - - 43 23 20 Balijapalem
203 165 38 352 166 186 - - - 216 192 24 Ayyavaripalle
85 70 15 153 73 80 12 6 6 4 2 2 Ayyannakota
- - - 5 2 3 - - - - - - Malakondapuram
188 155 33 535 212 323 7 4 3 63 49 14 Bodavada
47 26 21 239 107 132 1 - 1 12 10 2 Siddavaram
734 672 62 1,036 463 573 5 1 4 459 385 74 Botla Gudur
49 47 2 31 15 16 - - - 9 8 1 Karrollapadu
672 458 214 562 207 355 20 12 8 121 101 20 Kambaladinne
128 127 1 156 107 49 - - - 37 34 3 Renimadugu
153 138 15 443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Pamur (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0814 Pamur (Total) 7,880 3,225 4,655 570 246 324 5,427 1,797 3,630
0814 Pamur (Rural) 6,429 2,326 4,103 562 240 322 5,114 1,673 3,441
0814 Pamur (Urban) 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
591476 Kattakinda Palli 448 113 335 - - - 448 113 335
591477 Chilamkur 364 163 201 42 3 39 314 157 157
591478 Dadireddi Pallle 279 153 126 1 1 - 112 55 57
591479 Gummalampadu 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
591480 Vaggampalle 638 270 368 92 42 50 480 170 310
591481 Raviguntapalle 778 349 429 16 5 11 744 344 400
591482 Nasikatrayambakam 1 1 - - - - - - -
591483 Inimerla 503 115 388 10 3 7 433 78 355
591484 Chilakapadu 20 9 11 - - - 7 2 5
591485 Motravulapadu 266 123 143 31 19 12 162 75 87
591486 Chinthalapalem 242 96 146 26 3 23 195 73 122
591487 Anumalakonda 1 - 1 - - - - - -
591488 Bukkapuram 33 16 17 - - - 20 9 11
591489 Dubagunta 246 55 191 3 3 - 208 28 180
591490 East Kodigudlapadu 369 149 220 4 4 - 318 111 207
591491 Tiragandla Dinne 227 88 139 20 18 2 183 51 132
591492 Puttamnaidu Palle 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2
591493 Mopadu 353 96 257 3 - 3 274 83 191
591494 Balijapalem 25 10 15 9 6 3 16 4 12
591495 Ayyavaripalle 146 40 106 8 - 8 131 33 98
591496 Ayyannakota 151 59 92 17 5 12 104 41 63
591497 Malakondapuram 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
591498 Bodavada 30 3 27 14 2 12 16 1 15
591499 Siddavaram - - - - - - - - -
591500 Botla Gudur 683 185 498 107 48 59 523 118 405
591501 Karrollapadu 93 33 60 36 10 26 53 19 34
591502 Kambaladinne 102 32 70 10 9 1 79 17 62
591503 Renimadugu 426 168 258 111 59 52 291 91 200
591504 Pamur (CT) 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
88 20 68 1,795 1,162 633 33,429 13,597 19,832 Pamur (Total) 0814
69 15 54 684 398 286 20,268 8,748 11,520 Pamur (Rural) 0814
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Pamur (Urban) 0814
- - - - - - 1,184 457 727 Kattakinda Palli 591476
- - - 8 3 5 654 288 366 Chilamkur 591477
- - - 166 97 69 691 317 374 Dadireddi Pallle 591478
- - - - - - 194 105 89 Gummalampadu 591479
5 4 1 61 54 7 1,289 586 703 Vaggampalle 591480
- - - 18 - 18 992 469 523 Raviguntapalle 591481
- - - 1 1 - 144 72 72 Nasikatrayambakam 591482
1 - 1 59 34 25 1,561 707 854 Inimerla 591483
- - - 13 7 6 27 14 13 Chilakapadu 591484
34 2 32 39 27 12 261 139 122 Motravulapadu 591485
1 1 - 20 19 1 773 289 484 Chinthalapalem 591486
- - - 1 - 1 4 2 2 Anumalakonda 591487
4 - 4 9 7 2 670 259 411 Bukkapuram 591488
- - - 35 24 11 998 439 559 Dubagunta 591489
2 1 1 45 33 12 958 411 547 East Kodigudlapadu 591490
- - - 24 19 5 809 315 494 Tiragandla Dinne 591491
- - - - - - 231 88 143 Puttamnaidu Palle 591492
1 - 1 75 13 62 2,118 841 1,277 Mopadu 591493
- - - - - - 214 112 102 Balijapalem 591494
- - - 7 7 - 1,035 418 617 Ayyavaripalle 591495
14 6 8 16 7 9 216 104 112 Ayyannakota 591496
- - - - - - 3 2 1 Malakondapuram 591497
- - - - - - 446 222 224 Bodavada 591498
- - - - - - 160 92 68 Siddavaram 591499
4 1 3 49 18 31 2,699 1,126 1,573 Botla Gudur 591500
- - - 4 4 - 190 90 100 Karrollapadu 591501
3 - 3 10 6 4 1,120 516 604 Kambaladinne 591502
- - - 24 18 6 627 268 359 Renimadugu 591503
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Pamur (CT) 591504


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Voletivaripalem (Total)
0815 25,569.00 9,353 39,855 20,175 19,680 4,318 2,244 2,074
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
0815 25,569.00 9,353 39,855 20,175 19,680 4,318 2,244 2,074
0815 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591505 Veeranna Palem 805.00 54 251 125 126 27 10 17
591506 Polineni Cheruvu 2,024.00 380 1,589 816 773 178 101 77
591507 Ramachandrapuram 348.00 353 1,856 929 927 239 124 115
591508 Nawabpalem 1,067.00 310 1,420 716 704 197 102 95
591509 East Polineni Palem 338.00 482 2,017 1,016 1,001 220 115 105
591510 Voletivaripalem 1,975.00 773 3,622 1,805 1,817 329 167 162
591511 Chundi 3,072.00 1,002 4,350 2,248 2,102 574 307 267
591512 Ramalingapuram 179.00 27 119 63 56 16 9 7
591513 Ayyavaripalle 3,824.00 356 1,521 795 726 208 108 100
591514 Z.Uppalapadu 1,183.00 186 790 435 355 88 47 41
591515 Kondasamudram 1,347.00 315 1,251 639 612 120 64 56
591516 Sameerapalem 1,335.00 418 1,837 941 896 180 96 84
Nekunampuram @
591517 Pokur 2,317.00 1,888 7,870 3,996 3,874 795 425 370
591518 Nukavaram 574.00 133 535 273 262 60 29 31
591519 Kakutur 1,181.00 383 1,527 742 785 154 69 85
Nekunam Puram
591520 K.Kandrika 23.00
591521 Singamnenipalle 733.00 379 1,469 745 724 128 57 71
591522 Kondareddipalem 241.00 69 299 159 140 39 27 12
591523 Naladalapur 613.00 494 2,059 1,017 1,042 227 110 117
591524 Sakhavaram 1,356.00 728 2,992 1,454 1,538 319 165 154
591525 Kalavalla 1,034.00 623 2,481 1,261 1,220 220 112 108



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Voletivaripalem (Total)
12,703 6,429 6,274 912 446 466 19,104 11,538 7,566
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
12,703 6,429 6,274 912 446 466 19,104 11,538 7,566
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
- - - 27 14 13 97 52 45 Veeranna Palem
669 345 324 107 48 59 556 345 211 Polineni Cheruvu
308 147 161 70 34 36 745 448 297 Ramachandrapuram
742 375 367 16 9 7 586 365 221 Nawabpalem
551 270 281 10 5 5 991 619 372 East Polineni Palem
806 386 420 136 60 76 2,145 1,233 912 Voletivaripalem
404 211 193 133 68 65 1,917 1,198 719 Chundi
- - - - - - 27 18 9 Ramalingapuram
263 136 127 45 25 20 690 445 245 Ayyavaripalle
201 110 91 24 14 10 379 254 125 Z.Uppalapadu
310 162 148 4 2 2 630 385 245 Kondasamudram
675 347 328 130 70 60 917 562 355 Sameerapalem
Nekunampuram @
3,449 1,796 1,653 149 67 82 3,773 2,245 1,528 Pokur
286 142 144 - - - 234 143 91 Nukavaram
576 256 320 2 1 1 681 393 288 Kakutur
Nekunam Puram
549 276 273 32 15 17 833 511 322 Singamnenipalle
203 111 92 - - - 148 87 61 Kondareddipalem
837 422 415 - - - 1,063 636 427 Naladalapur
1,069 521 548 8 4 4 1,430 816 614 Sakhavaram
805 416 389 19 10 9 1,262 783 479 Kalavalla


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Voletivaripalem (Total)
0815 20,751 8,637 12,114 22,149 12,012 10,137 17,859 10,730 7,129
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
0815 20,751 8,637 12,114 22,149 12,012 10,137 17,859 10,730 7,129
0815 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591505 Veeranna Palem 154 73 81 170 89 81 45 44 1
591506 Polineni Cheruvu 1,033 471 562 1,051 527 524 525 327 198
591507 Ramachandrapuram 1,111 481 630 1,089 563 526 1,075 559 516
591508 Nawabpalem 834 351 483 770 402 368 261 194 67
591509 East Polineni Palem 1,026 397 629 1,001 620 381 992 615 377
591510 Voletivaripalem 1,477 572 905 1,826 1,017 809 1,669 977 692
591511 Chundi 2,433 1,050 1,383 2,599 1,374 1,225 1,728 1,226 502
591512 Ramalingapuram 92 45 47 71 37 34 2 2 -
591513 Ayyavaripalle 831 350 481 865 487 378 616 363 253
591514 Z.Uppalapadu 411 181 230 455 249 206 431 246 185
591515 Kondasamudram 621 254 367 698 382 316 474 336 138
591516 Sameerapalem 920 379 541 1,099 549 550 916 484 432
Nekunampuram @
591517 Pokur 4,097 1,751 2,346 4,116 2,285 1,831 3,455 2,118 1,337
591518 Nukavaram 301 130 171 321 171 150 304 163 141
591519 Kakutur 846 349 497 962 465 497 875 454 421
Nekunam Puram
591520 K.Kandrika
591521 Singamnenipalle 636 234 402 699 430 269 695 430 265
591522 Kondareddipalem 151 72 79 180 98 82 178 96 82
591523 Naladalapur 996 381 615 987 611 376 856 555 301
591524 Sakhavaram 1,562 638 924 1,625 870 755 1,269 766 503
591525 Kalavalla 1,219 478 741 1,565 786 779 1,493 775 718


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Voletivaripalem (Total)
5,453 3,880 1,573 9,779 4,885 4,894 140 88 52 2,487 1,877 610
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
5,453 3,880 1,573 9,779 4,885 4,894 140 88 52 2,487 1,877 610
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
- - - 45 44 1 - - - - - - Veeranna Palem
152 151 1 319 129 190 - - - 54 47 7 Polineni Cheruvu
362 192 170 551 266 285 9 9 - 153 92 61 Ramachandrapuram
86 85 1 79 35 44 - - - 96 74 22 Nawabpalem
299 240 59 548 248 300 7 5 2 138 122 16 East Polineni Palem
368 250 118 890 439 451 - - - 411 288 123 Voletivaripalem
489 430 59 966 570 396 20 18 2 253 208 45 Chundi
- - - - - - - - - 2 2 - Ramalingapuram
352 203 149 157 80 77 23 18 5 84 62 22 Ayyavaripalle
164 95 69 231 119 112 5 5 - 31 27 4 Z.Uppalapadu
180 136 44 205 131 74 3 1 2 86 68 18 Kondasamudram
265 169 96 493 217 276 17 8 9 141 90 51 Sameerapalem
Nekunampuram @
890 620 270 2,126 1,171 955 35 16 19 404 311 93 Pokur
47 31 16 219 101 118 1 - 1 37 31 6 Nukavaram
341 263 78 476 145 331 2 1 1 56 45 11 Kakutur
Nekunam Puram
221 199 22 410 180 230 2 2 - 62 49 13 Singamnenipalle
93 67 26 71 21 50 1 - 1 13 8 5 Kondareddipalem
327 191 136 286 171 115 9 1 8 234 192 42 Naladalapur
255 185 70 897 492 405 1 - 1 116 89 27 Sakhavaram
562 373 189 810 326 484 5 4 1 116 72 44 Kalavalla


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Voletivaripalem (Total)
0815 4,290 1,282 3,008 539 188 351 3,544 998 2,546
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
0815 4,290 1,282 3,008 539 188 351 3,544 998 2,546
0815 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591505 Veeranna Palem 125 45 80 - - - 125 45 80
591506 Polineni Cheruvu 526 200 326 10 10 - 507 181 326
591507 Ramachandrapuram 14 4 10 2 1 1 2 1 1
591508 Nawabpalem 509 208 301 4 2 2 496 198 298
591509 East Polineni Palem 9 5 4 2 2 - 5 2 3
591510 Voletivaripalem 157 40 117 45 20 25 100 14 86
591511 Chundi 871 148 723 91 13 78 740 118 622
591512 Ramalingapuram 69 35 34 3 2 1 66 33 33
591513 Ayyavaripalle 249 124 125 2 1 1 241 119 122
591514 Z.Uppalapadu 24 3 21 13 3 10 10 - 10
591515 Kondasamudram 224 46 178 - - - 216 41 175
591516 Sameerapalem 183 65 118 57 37 20 120 25 95
Nekunampuram @
591517 Pokur 661 167 494 125 51 74 484 99 385
591518 Nukavaram 17 8 9 6 4 2 4 - 4
591519 Kakutur 87 11 76 15 2 13 70 8 62
Nekunam Puram
591520 K.Kandrika
591521 Singamnenipalle 4 - 4 2 - 2 1 - 1
591522 Kondareddipalem 2 2 - 1 1 - - - -
591523 Naladalapur 131 56 75 55 9 46 51 34 17
591524 Sakhavaram 356 104 252 63 25 38 283 76 207
591525 Kalavalla 72 11 61 43 5 38 23 4 19


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Voletivaripalem (Total)
43 14 29 164 82 82 17,706 8,163 9,543 0815
Voletivaripalem (Rural)
43 14 29 164 82 82 17,706 8,163 9,543 0815
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0815
- - - - - - 81 36 45 Veeranna Palem 591505
- - - 9 9 - 538 289 249 Polineni Cheruvu 591506
- - - 10 2 8 767 366 401 Ramachandrapuram 591507
- - - 9 8 1 650 314 336 Nawabpalem 591508
- - - 2 1 1 1,016 396 620 East Polineni Palem 591509
2 2 - 10 4 6 1,796 788 1,008 Voletivaripalem 591510
10 3 7 30 14 16 1,751 874 877 Chundi 591511
- - - - - - 48 26 22 Ramalingapuram 591512
- - - 6 4 2 656 308 348 Ayyavaripalle 591513
- - - 1 - 1 335 186 149 Z.Uppalapadu 591514
3 - 3 5 5 - 553 257 296 Kondasamudram 591515
- - - 6 3 3 738 392 346 Sameerapalem 591516
Nekunampuram @
17 4 13 35 13 22 3,754 1,711 2,043 Pokur 591517
- - - 7 4 3 214 102 112 Nukavaram 591518
- - - 2 1 1 565 277 288 Kakutur 591519
Nekunam Puram
K.Kandrika 591520
- - - 1 - 1 770 315 455 Singamnenipalle 591521
- - - 1 1 - 119 61 58 Kondareddipalem 591522
10 5 5 15 8 7 1,072 406 666 Naladalapur 591523
1 - 1 9 3 6 1,367 584 783 Sakhavaram 591524
- - - 6 2 4 916 475 441 Kalavalla 591525


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0816 Kandukur (Total) 19,191.00 10,182 41,523 21,017 20,506 4,219 2,173 2,046
0816 Kandukur (Rural) 19,191.00 10,182 41,523 21,017 20,506 4,219 2,173 2,046
0816 Kandukur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591526 G.Meka Padu 460.00 256 1,237 634 603 135 76 59
591527 drika 24.00
591528 Pandalapadu 720.00 331 1,173 580 593 119 54 65
591529 Jillelamudi 1,038.00 432 1,713 866 847 139 72 67
591530 Vikkiralapeta 742.00 331 1,493 753 740 138 68 70
591531 Palukur 2,985.00 1,436 5,849 2,998 2,851 605 326 279
591532 Kondikandukur 600.00 380 1,587 809 778 185 89 96
591533 Kovur 1,264.00 527 2,246 1,152 1,094 175 94 81
591534 Anantha Sagaram 596.00 275 1,115 551 564 150 69 81
591535 Mahadevapuram (R) 1,674.00 954 3,512 1,771 1,741 326 160 166
591536 Ogur 1,219.00 788 3,319 1,648 1,671 365 188 177
591537 Kancharagunta 236.00 181 805 405 400 90 38 52
591538 Kondamudusu Palem 1,202.00 748 2,886 1,434 1,452 263 131 132
591539 Anandapuram 2,206.00 584 2,547 1,310 1,237 259 141 118
591540 Mopadu 1,673.00 710 3,010 1,504 1,506 298 157 141
591541 Machavaram 1,671.00 1,632 6,415 3,259 3,156 705 378 327
591542 Madanagopalapuram 217.00 94 409 217 192 40 18 22
591543 Palur 492.00 397 1,730 887 843 182 92 90
591544 Donda Padu 172.00 126 477 239 238 45 22 23



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
12,108 6,154 5,954 2,253 1,153 1,100 21,135 12,329 8,806 Kandukur (Total)
12,108 6,154 5,954 2,253 1,153 1,100 21,135 12,329 8,806 Kandukur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Kandukur (Urban)
653 335 318 - - - 634 374 260 G.Meka Padu
385 198 187 - - - 758 437 321 Pandalapadu
321 169 152 47 25 22 1,037 587 450 Jillelamudi
545 286 259 82 45 37 746 414 332 Vikkiralapeta
1,800 922 878 235 126 109 2,660 1,540 1,120 Palukur
527 269 258 7 4 3 803 462 341 Kondikandukur
571 295 276 135 70 65 1,121 672 449 Kovur
391 183 208 - - - 557 328 229 Anantha Sagaram
542 259 283 491 245 246 1,787 1,061 726 Mahadevapuram (R)
993 485 508 114 56 58 1,793 1,040 753 Ogur
319 159 160 - - - 341 220 121 Kancharagunta
619 309 310 84 40 44 1,379 834 545 Kondamudusu Palem
855 447 408 49 23 26 1,369 818 551 Anandapuram
685 342 343 97 46 51 1,414 837 577 Mopadu
1,711 880 831 463 234 229 3,187 1,818 1,369 Machavaram
246 132 114 120 60 60 236 141 95 Madanagopalapuram
786 403 383 329 179 150 995 580 415 Palur
159 81 78 - - - 318 166 152 Donda Padu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0816 Kandukur (Total) 20,388 8,688 11,700 21,743 12,677 9,066 19,453 12,173 7,280
0816 Kandukur (Rural) 20,388 8,688 11,700 21,743 12,677 9,066 19,453 12,173 7,280
0816 Kandukur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591526 G.Meka Padu 603 260 343 698 352 346 695 349 346
591527 drika
591528 Pandalapadu 415 143 272 673 384 289 672 383 289
591529 Jillelamudi 676 279 397 970 492 478 894 482 412
591530 Vikkiralapeta 747 339 408 784 457 327 776 453 323
591531 Palukur 3,189 1,458 1,731 2,646 1,814 832 2,155 1,621 534
591532 Kondikandukur 784 347 437 852 466 386 723 454 269
591533 Kovur 1,125 480 645 1,414 722 692 1,397 720 677
591534 Anantha Sagaram 558 223 335 615 335 280 377 293 84
591535 Mahadevapuram (R) 1,725 710 1,015 1,780 1,072 708 1,418 1,054 364
591536 Ogur 1,526 608 918 1,482 956 526 1,421 935 486
591537 Kancharagunta 464 185 279 427 234 193 406 228 178
591538 Kondamudusu Palem 1,507 600 907 1,703 891 812 1,554 864 690
591539 Anandapuram 1,178 492 686 1,507 813 694 1,368 801 567
591540 Mopadu 1,596 667 929 1,591 945 646 1,313 862 451
591541 Machavaram 3,228 1,441 1,787 3,132 1,939 1,193 2,942 1,877 1,065
591542 Madanagopalapuram 173 76 97 237 131 106 237 131 106
591543 Palur 735 307 428 981 528 453 854 520 334
591544 Donda Padu 159 73 86 251 146 105 251 146 105


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
5,577 4,098 1,479 9,174 4,120 5,054 162 76 86 4,540 3,879 661 Kandukur (Total)
5,577 4,098 1,479 9,174 4,120 5,054 162 76 86 4,540 3,879 661 Kandukur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Kandukur (Urban)
123 113 10 477 171 306 1 1 - 94 64 30 G.Meka Padu
202 164 38 389 165 224 1 1 - 80 53 27 Pandalapadu
363 353 10 442 55 387 9 7 2 80 67 13 Jillelamudi
215 126 89 361 155 206 6 5 1 194 167 27 Vikkiralapeta
516 482 34 794 421 373 9 7 2 836 711 125 Palukur
188 120 68 342 161 181 - - - 193 173 20 Kondikandukur
555 322 233 660 271 389 41 - 41 141 127 14 Kovur
114 72 42 107 76 31 - - - 156 145 11 Anantha Sagaram
441 326 115 465 291 174 11 10 1 501 427 74 Mahadevapuram (R)
394 276 118 492 220 272 4 3 1 531 436 95 Ogur
64 52 12 309 147 162 - - - 33 29 4 Kancharagunta
628 417 211 633 213 420 20 6 14 273 228 45 Kondamudusu Palem
528 300 228 650 345 305 24 12 12 166 144 22 Anandapuram
467 315 152 448 200 248 23 14 9 375 333 42 Mopadu
582 478 104 1,714 834 880 6 5 1 640 560 80 Machavaram
2 2 - 155 63 92 - - - 80 66 14 Madanagopalapuram
139 128 11 602 296 306 6 5 1 107 91 16 Palur
56 52 4 134 36 98 1 - 1 60 58 2 Donda Padu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0816 Kandukur (Total) 2,290 504 1,786 422 82 340 1,571 295 1,276
0816 Kandukur (Rural) 2,290 504 1,786 422 82 340 1,571 295 1,276
0816 Kandukur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591526 G.Meka Padu 3 3 - - - - 2 2 -
591527 drika
591528 Pandalapadu 1 1 - - - - - - -
591529 Jillelamudi 76 10 66 4 4 - 71 6 65
591530 Vikkiralapeta 8 4 4 - - - 4 1 3
591531 Palukur 491 193 298 201 46 155 207 91 116
591532 Kondikandukur 129 12 117 39 - 39 74 3 71
591533 Kovur 17 2 15 3 1 2 6 - 6
591534 Anantha Sagaram 238 42 196 9 1 8 219 36 183
591535 Mahadevapuram (R) 362 18 344 22 1 21 310 12 298
591536 Ogur 61 21 40 17 7 10 22 3 19
591537 Kancharagunta 21 6 15 8 2 6 9 2 7
591538 Kondamudusu Palem 149 27 122 10 4 6 112 14 98
591539 Anandapuram 139 12 127 71 1 70 62 8 54
591540 Mopadu 278 83 195 2 1 1 261 75 186
591541 Machavaram 190 62 128 31 12 19 138 39 99
591542 Madanagopalapuram - - - - - - - - -
591543 Palur 127 8 119 5 2 3 74 3 71
591544 Donda Padu - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
22 2 20 275 125 150 19,780 8,340 11,440 Kandukur (Total) 0816
22 2 20 275 125 150 19,780 8,340 11,440 Kandukur (Rural) 0816
- - - - - - - - - Kandukur (Urban) 0816
- - - 1 1 - 539 282 257 G.Meka Padu 591526
drika 591527
- - - 1 1 - 500 196 304 Pandalapadu 591528
1 - 1 - - - 743 374 369 Jillelamudi 591529
- - - 4 3 1 709 296 413 Vikkiralapeta 591530
1 1 - 82 55 27 3,203 1,184 2,019 Palukur 591531
- - - 16 9 7 735 343 392 Kondikandukur 591532
4 - 4 4 1 3 832 430 402 Kovur 591533
- - - 10 5 5 500 216 284 Anantha Sagaram 591534
2 1 1 28 4 24 1,732 699 1,033 Mahadevapuram (R) 591535
- - - 22 11 11 1,837 692 1,145 Ogur 591536
- - - 4 2 2 378 171 207 Kancharagunta 591537
8 - 8 19 9 10 1,183 543 640 Kondamudusu Palem 591538
- - - 6 3 3 1,040 497 543 Anandapuram 591539
5 - 5 10 7 3 1,419 559 860 Mopadu 591540
1 - 1 20 11 9 3,283 1,320 1,963 Machavaram 591541
- - - - - - 172 86 86 Madanagopalapuram 591542
- - - 48 3 45 749 359 390 Palur 591543
- - - - - - 226 93 133 Donda Padu 591544


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Singarayakonda (Total)
0817 11,972.00 17,272 65,784 32,495 33,289 6,937 3,597 3,340
0817 (Rural) 10,514.00 10,520 39,239 19,600 19,639 4,289 2,214 2,075
0817 (Urban) 1,458.00 6,752 26,545 12,895 13,650 2,648 1,383 1,265
591545 Kalikivaya 981.00 669 2,340 1,109 1,231 195 91 104
591546 Kanumalla 996.00 604 2,727 1,302 1,425 236 126 110
591547 Sanampudi 1,274.00 985 4,264 2,120 2,144 467 250 217
591548 Singarayakonda 1,548.00 1,344 4,924 2,492 2,432 577 312 265
591549 Somarajupalle 2,194.00 1,669 6,291 3,121 3,170 685 338 347
591550 Pakala 2,252.00 4,083 14,467 7,336 7,131 1,720 889 831
591551 Bingini Palle 1,269.00 1,166 4,226 2,120 2,106 409 208 201
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 338.00 1,858 7,145 3,650 3,495 677 365 312
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 1,120.00 4,894 19,400 9,245 10,155 1,971 1,018 953



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Singarayakonda (Total)
12,099 5,836 6,263 6,481 3,251 3,230 38,145 20,857 17,288
8,752 4,384 4,368 4,955 2,494 2,461 19,693 11,181 8,512 (Rural)
3,347 1,452 1,895 1,526 757 769 18,452 9,676 8,776 (Urban)
859 396 463 31 14 17 1,183 680 503 Kalikivaya
332 158 174 307 142 165 1,571 830 741 Kanumalla
1,996 991 1,005 211 103 108 2,124 1,177 947 Sanampudi
982 510 472 1,649 832 817 2,093 1,177 916 Singarayakonda
1,036 496 540 1,566 784 782 3,470 1,953 1,517 Somarajupalle
2,744 1,420 1,324 353 197 156 7,164 4,171 2,993 Pakala
803 413 390 838 422 416 2,088 1,193 895 Bingini Palle
1,285 714 571 162 82 80 5,252 2,899 2,353 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
2,062 738 1,324 1,364 675 689 13,200 6,777 6,423 (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Singarayakonda (Total)
0817 27,639 11,638 16,001 29,256 18,975 10,281 24,739 17,047 7,692
0817 (Rural) 19,546 8,419 11,127 19,963 11,806 8,157 16,513 10,520 5,993
0817 (Urban) 8,093 3,219 4,874 9,293 7,169 2,124 8,226 6,527 1,699
591545 Kalikivaya 1,157 429 728 1,157 654 503 862 512 350
591546 Kanumalla 1,156 472 684 1,093 699 394 1,071 688 383
591547 Sanampudi 2,140 943 1,197 2,182 1,245 937 2,102 1,195 907
591548 Singarayakonda 2,831 1,315 1,516 2,605 1,513 1,092 2,152 1,399 753
591549 Somarajupalle 2,821 1,168 1,653 2,999 1,903 1,096 2,689 1,808 881
591550 Pakala 7,303 3,165 4,138 7,473 4,425 3,048 5,310 3,606 1,704
591551 Bingini Palle 2,138 927 1,211 2,454 1,367 1,087 2,327 1,312 1,015
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 1,893 751 1,142 2,504 1,940 564 2,257 1,765 492
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 6,200 2,468 3,732 6,789 5,229 1,560 5,969 4,762 1,207


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Singarayakonda (Total)
1,746 1,518 228 7,620 3,558 4,062 260 149 111 15,113 11,822 3,291
1,577 1,362 215 6,935 3,104 3,831 157 89 68 7,844 5,965 1,879 (Rural)
169 156 13 685 454 231 103 60 43 7,269 5,857 1,412 (Urban)
190 177 13 407 137 270 3 2 1 262 196 66 Kalikivaya
175 153 22 204 67 137 47 24 23 645 444 201 Kanumalla
282 241 41 1,148 468 680 11 7 4 661 479 182 Sanampudi
125 104 21 724 371 353 26 10 16 1,277 914 363 Singarayakonda
265 243 22 1,022 536 486 16 12 4 1,386 1,017 369 Somarajupalle
403 322 81 1,941 833 1,108 36 26 10 2,930 2,425 505 Pakala
137 122 15 1,489 692 797 18 8 10 683 490 193 Bingini Palle
148 136 12 322 212 110 12 4 8 1,775 1,413 362 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
Singarayakonda (RS)
21 20 1 363 242 121 91 56 35 5,494 4,444 1,050 (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Singarayakonda (Total)
0817 4,517 1,928 2,589 99 58 41 2,380 661 1,719
0817 (Rural) 3,450 1,286 2,164 82 47 35 2,218 591 1,627
0817 (Urban) 1,067 642 425 17 11 6 162 70 92
591545 Kalikivaya 295 142 153 7 6 1 254 112 142
591546 Kanumalla 22 11 11 4 3 1 6 1 5
591547 Sanampudi 80 50 30 10 7 3 41 27 14
591548 Singarayakonda 453 114 339 9 2 7 312 59 253
591549 Somarajupalle 310 95 215 13 9 4 161 34 127
591550 Pakala 2,163 819 1,344 26 11 15 1,352 326 1,026
591551 Bingini Palle 127 55 72 13 9 4 92 32 60
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 247 175 72 3 3 - 45 35 10
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 820 467 353 14 8 6 117 35 82


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Singarayakonda (Total)
53 22 31 1,985 1,187 798 36,528 13,520 23,008 0817
42 18 24 1,108 630 478 19,276 7,794 11,482 (Rural) 0817
11 4 7 877 557 320 17,252 5,726 11,526 (Urban) 0817
6 6 - 28 18 10 1,183 455 728 Kalikivaya 591545
- - - 12 7 5 1,634 603 1,031 Kanumalla 591546
1 1 - 28 15 13 2,082 875 1,207 Sanampudi 591547
5 - 5 127 53 74 2,319 979 1,340 Singarayakonda 591548
4 3 1 132 49 83 3,292 1,218 2,074 Somarajupalle 591549
24 7 17 761 475 286 6,994 2,911 4,083 Pakala 591550
2 1 1 20 13 7 1,772 753 1,019 Bingini Palle 591551
- - - 199 137 62 4,641 1,710 2,931 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 591552
Singarayakonda (RS)
11 4 7 678 420 258 12,611 4,016 8,595 (CT) 591553


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Lingasamudram (Total)
0818 21,785.00 9,333 38,094 19,114 18,980 3,958 2,066 1,892
0818 (Rural) 21,785.00 9,333 38,094 19,114 18,980 3,958 2,066 1,892
0818 (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591554 Jagamreddi Khandrika 586.00 288 1,099 566 533 110 45 65
591555 Vengalapuram 216.00 194 947 489 458 138 76 62
591556 Mukteswaram 430.00 44 196 91 105 23 11 12
Mala Konda
591557 Rayunipalem 505.00 222 927 491 436 120 65 55
591558 Veera Raghavuni Kota 1,664.00 715 2,715 1,351 1,364 275 143 132
591559 Viswanadhapuram 1,224.00 191 852 445 407 65 35 30
591560 Thimmareddy Palem 1,432.00 549 2,199 1,119 1,080 238 121 117
591561 Lingasamudram 1,216.00 1,585 6,718 3,507 3,211 687 354 333
591562 Mogilicherla 3,223.00 709 2,768 1,435 1,333 314 166 148
591563 Narasimhapuram 280.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591564 Racheruvurajupalem 1,363.00 181 675 327 348 54 30 24
591565 Cheemalapenta 1,201.00 198 857 440 417 110 68 42
591566 Pentrala 902.00 275 1,018 520 498 119 57 62
591567 Rallapadu 633.00 227 886 447 439 95 49 46
591568 Gangapalem 481.00 208 863 434 429 68 39 29
591569 Thurpurajupalem 339.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591570 Thunugunta 376.00 137 632 318 314 92 48 44
591571 Anneboinapalle 974.00 742 3,056 1,570 1,486 352 186 166
591572 Chinapavani 1,292.00 895 3,226 1,604 1,622 304 154 150
591573 Mutyalapadu 3,448.00 1,973 8,460 3,960 4,500 794 419 375



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Lingasamudram (Total)
9,008 4,309 4,699 1,649 840 809 19,387 11,364 8,023
9,008 4,309 4,699 1,649 840 809 19,387 11,364 8,023 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - (Urban)
86 39 47 83 42 41 462 302 160 Jagamreddi Khandrika
312 156 156 26 12 14 463 301 162 Vengalapuram
118 54 64 - - - 102 49 53 Mukteswaram
Mala Konda
186 94 92 59 32 27 333 212 121 Rayunipalem
541 261 280 74 43 31 1,198 704 494 Veera Raghavuni Kota
256 134 122 - - - 357 209 148 Viswanadhapuram
328 153 175 1 1 - 1,163 758 405 Thimmareddy Palem
1,206 680 526 252 132 120 4,041 2,472 1,569 Lingasamudram
453 211 242 59 28 31 1,202 776 426 Mogilicherla
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhapuram
162 74 88 4 1 3 369 211 158 Racheruvurajupalem
344 182 162 - - - 322 181 141 Cheemalapenta
356 178 178 135 76 59 520 312 208 Pentrala
258 132 126 - - - 492 295 197 Rallapadu
422 207 215 - - - 381 226 155 Gangapalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thurpurajupalem
253 132 121 13 6 7 259 164 95 Thunugunta
1,125 579 546 11 5 6 1,181 752 429 Anneboinapalle
732 373 359 195 92 103 1,862 1,075 787 Chinapavani
1,870 670 1,200 737 370 367 4,680 2,365 2,315 Mutyalapadu


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Lingasamudram (Total)
0818 18,707 7,750 10,957 20,566 11,372 9,194 16,379 9,667 6,712
0818 (Rural) 18,707 7,750 10,957 20,566 11,372 9,194 16,379 9,667 6,712
0818 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591554 Jagamreddi Khandrika 637 264 373 681 364 317 663 355 308
591555 Vengalapuram 484 188 296 538 288 250 502 274 228
591556 Mukteswaram 94 42 52 118 56 62 117 55 62
Mala Konda
591557 Rayunipalem 594 279 315 553 287 266 552 286 266
591558 Veera Raghavuni Kota 1,517 647 870 1,614 832 782 1,510 789 721
591559 Viswanadhapuram 495 236 259 504 265 239 503 264 239
591560 Thimmareddy Palem 1,036 361 675 1,283 677 606 1,244 665 579
591561 Lingasamudram 2,677 1,035 1,642 3,182 1,903 1,279 2,711 1,705 1,006
591562 Mogilicherla 1,566 659 907 1,550 863 687 1,384 797 587
591563 Narasimhapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591564 Racheruvurajupalem 306 116 190 378 191 187 326 180 146
591565 Cheemalapenta 535 259 276 469 253 216 373 232 141
591566 Pentrala 498 208 290 528 311 217 417 301 116
591567 Rallapadu 394 152 242 534 272 262 359 233 126
591568 Gangapalem 482 208 274 497 252 245 497 252 245
591569 Thurpurajupalem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591570 Thunugunta 373 154 219 379 192 187 378 191 187
591571 Anneboinapalle 1,875 818 1,057 1,755 945 810 1,281 799 482
591572 Chinapavani 1,364 529 835 1,786 1,004 782 852 489 363
591573 Mutyalapadu 3,780 1,595 2,185 4,217 2,417 1,800 2,710 1,800 910


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Lingasamudram (Total)
3,333 2,449 884 10,767 5,368 5,399 155 111 44 2,124 1,739 385
3,333 2,449 884 10,767 5,368 5,399 155 111 44 2,124 1,739 385 (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - (Urban)
45 25 20 580 297 283 - - - 38 33 5 Jagamreddi Khandrika
25 17 8 455 239 216 - - - 22 18 4 Vengalapuram
- - - 113 53 60 - - - 4 2 2 Mukteswaram
Mala Konda
99 82 17 438 193 245 - - - 15 11 4 Rayunipalem
418 382 36 915 276 639 20 18 2 157 113 44 Veera Raghavuni Kota
122 91 31 374 168 206 1 1 - 6 4 2 Viswanadhapuram
338 197 141 868 440 428 3 3 - 35 25 10 Thimmareddy Palem
460 274 186 1,448 757 691 15 7 8 788 667 121 Lingasamudram
361 253 108 819 376 443 48 33 15 156 135 21 Mogilicherla
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhapuram
105 64 41 175 86 89 - - - 46 30 16 Racheruvurajupalem
21 21 - 346 205 141 2 2 - 4 4 - Cheemalapenta
34 32 2 238 156 82 3 3 - 142 110 32 Pentrala
87 77 10 206 97 109 6 5 1 60 54 6 Rallapadu
158 106 52 321 136 185 - - - 18 10 8 Gangapalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thurpurajupalem
224 117 107 136 61 75 - - - 18 13 5 Thunugunta
158 156 2 1,077 614 463 16 7 9 30 22 8 Anneboinapalle
231 154 77 543 268 275 - - - 78 67 11 Chinapavani
447 401 46 1,715 946 769 41 32 9 507 421 86 Mutyalapadu


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Lingasamudram (Total)
0818 4,187 1,705 2,482 321 227 94 3,266 1,163 2,103
0818 (Rural) 4,187 1,705 2,482 321 227 94 3,266 1,163 2,103
0818 (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591554 Jagamreddi Khandrika 18 9 9 1 - 1 15 8 7
591555 Vengalapuram 36 14 22 - - - 20 5 15
591556 Mukteswaram 1 1 - - - - - - -
Mala Konda
591557 Rayunipalem 1 1 - - - - - - -
591558 Veera Raghavuni Kota 104 43 61 4 1 3 35 7 28
591559 Viswanadhapuram 1 1 - - - - - - -
591560 Thimmareddy Palem 39 12 27 8 4 4 30 8 22
591561 Lingasamudram 471 198 273 53 32 21 226 73 153
591562 Mogilicherla 166 66 100 7 6 1 139 46 93
591563 Narasimhapuram -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591564 Racheruvurajupalem 52 11 41 4 1 3 43 7 36
591565 Cheemalapenta 96 21 75 - - - 81 19 62
591566 Pentrala 111 10 101 5 1 4 102 7 95
591567 Rallapadu 175 39 136 18 10 8 129 20 109
591568 Gangapalem - - - - - - - - -
591569 Thurpurajupalem -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591570 Thunugunta 1 1 - - - - - - -
591571 Anneboinapalle 474 146 328 58 34 24 405 108 297
591572 Chinapavani 934 515 419 96 91 5 783 379 404
591573 Mutyalapadu 1,507 617 890 67 47 20 1,258 476 782


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Lingasamudram (Total)
83 20 63 517 295 222 17,528 7,742 9,786 0818
83 20 63 517 295 222 17,528 7,742 9,786 (Rural) 0818
- - - - - - - - - (Urban) 0818
- - - 2 1 1 418 202 216 Jagamreddi Khandrika 591554
1 - 1 15 9 6 409 201 208 Vengalapuram 591555
- - - 1 1 - 78 35 43 Mukteswaram 591556
Mala Konda
1 1 - - - - 374 204 170 Rayunipalem 591557
1 1 - 64 34 30 1,101 519 582 Veera Raghavuni Kota 591558
- - - 1 1 - 348 180 168 Viswanadhapuram 591559
- - - 1 - 1 916 442 474 Thimmareddy Palem 591560
4 1 3 188 92 96 3,536 1,604 1,932 Lingasamudram 591561
- - - 20 14 6 1,218 572 646 Mogilicherla 591562
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Narasimhapuram 591563
- - - 5 3 2 297 136 161 Racheruvurajupalem 591564
6 - 6 9 2 7 388 187 201 Cheemalapenta 591565
- - - 4 2 2 490 209 281 Pentrala 591566
12 1 11 16 8 8 352 175 177 Rallapadu 591567
- - - - - - 366 182 184 Gangapalem 591568
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Thurpurajupalem 591569
- - - 1 1 - 253 126 127 Thunugunta 591570
4 - 4 7 4 3 1,301 625 676 Anneboinapalle 591571
5 4 1 50 41 9 1,440 600 840 Chinapavani 591572
49 12 37 133 82 51 4,243 1,543 2,700 Mutyalapadu 591573


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0819 Gudluru (Total) 25,780.00 11,540 46,883 23,814 23,069 5,298 2,740 2,558
0819 Gudluru (Rural) 25,780.00 11,540 46,883 23,814 23,069 5,298 2,740 2,558
0819 Gudluru (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
591574 Paduagraharam 129.00 112 461 236 225 55 25 30
591575 Parakondapadu 1,094.00 302 1,303 675 628 166 90 76
591576 Dappalampadu 432.00 225 981 508 473 114 65 49
591577 Gundlapalem 943.00 354 1,640 825 815 201 101 100
591578 Kothapeta 582.00 343 1,387 713 674 155 84 71
591579 Swarnajipuram 2,132.00 917 3,624 1,793 1,831 401 191 210
591580 Gudluru 4,376.00 2,249 8,989 4,597 4,392 994 505 489
591581 Basireddy Palem 833.00 664 2,686 1,373 1,313 320 172 148
591582 Darakanipadu 1,016.00 551 2,251 1,131 1,120 276 147 129
591583 Puretipalle 989.00 676 2,686 1,349 1,337 327 164 163
591584 Venkam Peta 355.00 88 347 174 173 36 17 19
591585 Chinala Trapi 996.00 756 3,188 1,614 1,574 322 152 170
591586 Nayudupalem 1,609.00 385 1,439 717 722 144 79 65
591587 Ammavari Palem 1,816.00 595 2,577 1,288 1,289 308 163 145
591588 Potluru 1,321.00 329 1,480 750 730 141 73 68
591589 Mocherla 2,860.00 1,005 3,784 1,916 1,868 429 235 194
591590 Ravur 1,618.00 841 3,195 1,629 1,566 392 215 177
591591 Chevuru 2,679.00 1,148 4,865 2,526 2,339 517 262 255



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
13,675 6,967 6,708 5,096 2,625 2,471 23,249 13,579 9,670 Gudluru (Total)
13,675 6,967 6,708 5,096 2,625 2,471 23,249 13,579 9,670 Gudluru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Gudluru (Urban)
328 170 158 - - - 266 163 103 Paduagraharam
657 344 313 4 2 2 647 397 250 Parakondapadu
306 157 149 51 27 24 476 287 189 Dappalampadu
769 385 384 54 31 23 732 415 317 Gundlapalem
516 268 248 32 14 18 633 374 259 Kothapeta
1,083 548 535 595 287 308 1,640 935 705 Swarnajipuram
2,281 1,158 1,123 1,213 628 585 4,387 2,551 1,836 Gudluru
707 356 351 44 25 19 1,254 766 488 Basireddy Palem
536 292 244 - - - 1,080 632 448 Darakanipadu
909 473 436 308 161 147 1,245 758 487 Puretipalle
- - - 40 25 15 174 107 67 Venkam Peta
754 387 367 580 292 288 1,415 817 598 Chinala Trapi
427 215 212 212 105 107 800 452 348 Nayudupalem
834 422 412 39 19 20 1,248 712 536 Ammavari Palem
234 111 123 375 202 173 754 442 312 Potluru
1,076 534 542 647 333 314 2,059 1,174 885 Mocherla
441 222 219 249 130 119 1,671 928 743 Ravur
1,817 925 892 653 344 309 2,768 1,669 1,099 Chevuru


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0819 Gudluru (Total) 23,634 10,235 13,399 24,855 14,088 10,767 17,520 11,061 6,459
0819 Gudluru (Rural) 23,634 10,235 13,399 24,855 14,088 10,767 17,520 11,061 6,459
0819 Gudluru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591574 Paduagraharam 195 73 122 264 134 130 119 107 12
591575 Parakondapadu 656 278 378 700 385 315 456 307 149
591576 Dappalampadu 505 221 284 545 284 261 151 134 17
591577 Gundlapalem 908 410 498 812 507 305 526 387 139
591578 Kothapeta 754 339 415 804 419 385 680 418 262
591579 Swarnajipuram 1,984 858 1,126 2,001 1,084 917 1,333 807 526
591580 Gudluru 4,602 2,046 2,556 4,475 2,796 1,679 3,851 2,558 1,293
591581 Basireddy Palem 1,432 607 825 1,494 788 706 1,146 764 382
591582 Darakanipadu 1,171 499 672 990 617 373 927 586 341
591583 Puretipalle 1,441 591 850 1,478 803 675 1,406 801 605
591584 Venkam Peta 173 67 106 219 104 115 166 81 85
591585 Chinala Trapi 1,773 797 976 1,757 944 813 362 263 99
591586 Nayudupalem 639 265 374 742 416 326 244 194 50
591587 Ammavari Palem 1,329 576 753 1,439 785 654 1,254 759 495
591588 Potluru 726 308 418 910 484 426 642 350 292
591589 Mocherla 1,725 742 983 2,064 1,172 892 1,553 921 632
591590 Ravur 1,524 701 823 1,740 983 757 386 289 97
591591 Chevuru 2,097 857 1,240 2,421 1,383 1,038 2,318 1,335 983


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
3,340 2,610 730 10,296 5,344 4,952 186 116 70 3,698 2,991 707 Gudluru (Total)
3,340 2,610 730 10,296 5,344 4,952 186 116 70 3,698 2,991 707 Gudluru (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Gudluru (Urban)
42 39 3 48 41 7 - - - 29 27 2 Paduagraharam
77 68 9 345 209 136 - - - 34 30 4 Parakondapadu
95 95 - 42 30 12 - - - 14 9 5 Dappalampadu
114 69 45 260 198 62 3 3 - 149 117 32 Gundlapalem
158 128 30 435 213 222 1 1 - 86 76 10 Kothapeta
76 62 14 1,071 593 478 14 9 5 172 143 29 Swarnajipuram
635 522 113 2,153 1,150 1,003 28 23 5 1,035 863 172 Gudluru
447 390 57 467 196 271 50 26 24 182 152 30 Basireddy Palem
144 106 38 692 411 281 5 2 3 86 67 19 Darakanipadu
279 256 23 947 390 557 4 3 1 176 152 24 Puretipalle
74 69 5 91 11 80 - - - 1 1 - Venkam Peta
222 171 51 78 52 26 3 3 - 59 37 22 Chinala Trapi
36 35 1 135 94 41 8 7 1 65 58 7 Nayudupalem
201 170 31 657 276 381 33 18 15 363 295 68 Ammavari Palem
361 175 186 186 91 95 7 6 1 88 78 10 Potluru
181 106 75 952 486 466 8 2 6 412 327 85 Mocherla
4 4 - 122 65 57 13 7 6 247 213 34 Ravur
194 145 49 1,615 838 777 9 6 3 500 346 154 Chevuru


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0819 Gudluru (Total) 7,335 3,027 4,308 445 194 251 5,927 2,293 3,634
0819 Gudluru (Rural) 7,335 3,027 4,308 445 194 251 5,927 2,293 3,634
0819 Gudluru (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
591574 Paduagraharam 145 27 118 49 8 41 87 12 75
591575 Parakondapadu 244 78 166 4 3 1 240 75 165
591576 Dappalampadu 394 150 244 18 11 7 373 136 237
591577 Gundlapalem 286 120 166 - - - 277 115 162
591578 Kothapeta 124 1 123 3 - 3 119 1 118
591579 Swarnajipuram 668 277 391 89 42 47 542 215 327
591580 Gudluru 624 238 386 89 36 53 274 62 212
591581 Basireddy Palem 348 24 324 6 1 5 333 19 314
591582 Darakanipadu 63 31 32 23 11 12 32 15 17
591583 Puretipalle 72 2 70 - - - 68 2 66
591584 Venkam Peta 53 23 30 - - - 53 23 30
591585 Chinala Trapi 1,395 681 714 62 45 17 1,306 624 682
591586 Nayudupalem 498 222 276 22 8 14 461 200 261
591587 Ammavari Palem 185 26 159 32 2 30 75 5 70
591588 Potluru 268 134 134 1 1 - 135 21 114
591589 Mocherla 511 251 260 10 5 5 460 222 238
591590 Ravur 1,354 694 660 31 15 16 1,029 524 505
591591 Chevuru 103 48 55 6 6 - 63 22 41


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
244 117 127 719 423 296 22,028 9,726 12,302 Gudluru (Total) 0819
244 117 127 719 423 296 22,028 9,726 12,302 Gudluru (Rural) 0819
- - - - - - - - - Gudluru (Urban) 0819
- - - 9 7 2 197 102 95 Paduagraharam 591574
- - - - - - 603 290 313 Parakondapadu 591575
- - - 3 3 - 436 224 212 Dappalampadu 591576
1 - 1 8 5 3 828 318 510 Gundlapalem 591577
- - - 2 - 2 583 294 289 Kothapeta 591578
3 1 2 34 19 15 1,623 709 914 Swarnajipuram 591579
117 76 41 144 64 80 4,514 1,801 2,713 Gudluru 591580
- - - 9 4 5 1,192 585 607 Basireddy Palem 591581
1 - 1 7 5 2 1,261 514 747 Darakanipadu 591582
- - - 4 - 4 1,208 546 662 Puretipalle 591583
- - - - - - 128 70 58 Venkam Peta 591584
1 - 1 26 12 14 1,431 670 761 Chinala Trapi 591585
4 3 1 11 11 - 697 301 396 Nayudupalem 591586
1 1 - 77 18 59 1,138 503 635 Ammavari Palem 591587
4 2 2 128 110 18 570 266 304 Potluru 591588
6 3 3 35 21 14 1,720 744 976 Mocherla 591589
105 31 74 189 124 65 1,455 646 809 Ravur 591590
1 - 1 33 20 13 2,444 1,143 1,301 Chevuru 591591


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0820 Ulavapadu 18,666.00 14,240 53,918 26,972 26,946 5,935 3,034 2,901
0820 Ulavapadu 18,666.00 14,240 53,918 26,972 26,946 5,935 3,034 2,901
0820 Ulavapadu 0.00 - - - - - - -
591592 Atmakur 1,138.00 464 1,818 911 907 170 78 92
591593 Manneti Kota 707.00 732 2,877 1,462 1,415 272 152 120
591594 Karedu 5,080.00 3,452 12,573 6,287 6,286 1,413 726 687
591595 K.Rajupalem 1,809.00 3,385 13,106 6,480 6,626 1,372 683 689
591596 Kollurupadu 66.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591597 Bheemavaram 2,479.00 1,280 5,321 2,723 2,598 597 312 285
591598 Baddepudi 1,658.00 473 1,773 899 874 175 96 79
591599 Krishnapuram 337.00 329 1,505 729 776 203 107 96
591600 Veerepalle 1,279.00 606 2,069 1,005 1,064 255 132 123
591601 Chagallu 886.00 705 2,418 1,197 1,221 231 115 116
591602 Chaki Cherla 2,505.00 2,223 8,222 4,129 4,093 1,011 511 500
591603 Ramayapatnam 722.00 591 2,236 1,150 1,086 236 122 114



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
11,747 5,816 5,931 8,099 4,077 4,022 27,387 15,456 11,931 Ulavapadu
11,747 5,816 5,931 8,099 4,077 4,022 27,387 15,456 11,931 Ulavapadu
- - - - - - - - - Ulavapadu
840 408 432 2 - 2 1,033 596 437 Atmakur
801 401 400 554 288 266 1,592 902 690 Manneti Kota
1,431 716 715 2,970 1,495 1,475 5,953 3,350 2,603 Karedu
3,786 1,820 1,966 1,733 862 871 8,059 4,430 3,629 K.Rajupalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kollurupadu
1,837 962 875 53 28 25 2,917 1,697 1,220 Bheemavaram
792 396 396 17 9 8 871 515 356 Baddepudi
74 38 36 219 108 111 489 278 211 Krishnapuram
511 251 260 995 492 503 793 421 372 Veerepalle
421 208 213 587 289 298 1,019 574 445 Chagallu
937 454 483 800 419 381 3,493 1,992 1,501 Chaki Cherla
317 162 155 169 87 82 1,168 701 467 Ramayapatnam


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0820 Ulavapadu 26,531 11,516 15,015 27,347 16,127 11,220 23,898 15,111 8,787
0820 Ulavapadu 26,531 11,516 15,015 27,347 16,127 11,220 23,898 15,111 8,787
0820 Ulavapadu - - - - - - - - -
591592 Atmakur 785 315 470 1,021 554 467 967 551 416
591593 Manneti Kota 1,285 560 725 1,554 889 665 1,445 869 576
591594 Karedu 6,620 2,937 3,683 7,076 3,921 3,155 6,290 3,792 2,498
591595 K.Rajupalem 5,047 2,050 2,997 5,518 3,681 1,837 5,307 3,587 1,720
591596 Kollurupadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591597 Bheemavaram 2,404 1,026 1,378 2,897 1,612 1,285 2,421 1,415 1,006
591598 Baddepudi 902 384 518 921 523 398 846 502 344
591599 Krishnapuram 1,016 451 565 874 448 426 271 227 44
591600 Veerepalle 1,276 584 692 962 643 319 956 640 316
591601 Chagallu 1,399 623 776 1,143 735 408 928 716 212
591602 Chaki Cherla 4,729 2,137 2,592 4,219 2,477 1,742 3,441 2,240 1,201
591603 Ramayapatnam 1,068 449 619 1,162 644 518 1,026 572 454


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersonsMalesFemales Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
2,625 2,149 476 13,698 6,743 6,955 115 72 43 7,460 6,147 1,313 Ulavapadu
2,625 2,149 476 13,698 6,743 6,955 115 72 43 7,460 6,147 1,313 Ulavapadu
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ulavapadu
301 221 80 522 227 295 9 3 6 135 100 35 Atmakur
111 102 9 1,140 597 543 4 1 3 190 169 21 Manneti Kota
668 497 171 4,005 1,938 2,067 21 11 10 1,596 1,346 250 Karedu
376 348 28 2,805 1,516 1,289 21 14 7 2,105 1,709 396 K.Rajupalem
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kollurupadu
298 231 67 1,330 575 755 14 7 7 779 602 177 Bheemavaram
68 59 9 604 305 299 4 3 1 170 135 35 Baddepudi
85 83 2 137 98 39 - - - 49 46 3 Krishnapuram
143 133 10 687 417 270 7 7 - 119 83 36 Veerepalle
236 207 29 428 307 121 12 7 5 252 195 57 Chagallu
329 258 71 1,465 551 914 22 18 4 1,625 1,413 212 Chaki Cherla
10 10 - 575 212 363 1 1 - 440 349 91 Ramayapatnam


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0820 Ulavapadu 3,449 1,016 2,433 145 80 65 2,816 636 2,180
0820 Ulavapadu 3,449 1,016 2,433 145 80 65 2,816 636 2,180
0820 Ulavapadu - - - - - - - - -
591592 Atmakur 54 3 51 6 2 4 44 1 43
591593 Manneti Kota 109 20 89 3 2 1 98 14 84
591594 Karedu 786 129 657 7 2 5 733 98 635
591595 K.Rajupalem 211 94 117 26 14 12 138 54 84
591596 Kollurupadu -------------Un-inhabited--------------
591597 Bheemavaram 476 197 279 9 7 2 354 135 219
591598 Baddepudi 75 21 54 3 1 2 51 12 39
591599 Krishnapuram 603 221 382 15 11 4 573 200 373
591600 Veerepalle 6 3 3 - - - 2 - 2
591601 Chagallu 215 19 196 8 1 7 194 14 180
591602 Chaki Cherla 778 237 541 28 2 26 541 81 460
591603 Ramayapatnam 136 72 64 40 38 2 88 27 61


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
24 7 17 464 293 171 26,571 10,845 15,726 Ulavapadu 0820
24 7 17 464 293 171 26,571 10,845 15,726 Ulavapadu 0820
- - - - - - - - - Ulavapadu 0820
1 - 1 3 - 3 797 357 440 Atmakur 591592
- - - 8 4 4 1,323 573 750 Manneti Kota 591593
2 1 1 44 28 16 5,497 2,366 3,131 Karedu 591594
4 1 3 43 25 18 7,588 2,799 4,789 K.Rajupalem 591595
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kollurupadu 591596
4 2 2 109 53 56 2,424 1,111 1,313 Bheemavaram 591597
- - - 21 8 13 852 376 476 Baddepudi 591598
3 1 2 12 9 3 631 281 350 Krishnapuram 591599
1 - 1 3 3 - 1,107 362 745 Veerepalle 591600
5 - 5 8 4 4 1,275 462 813 Chagallu 591601
4 2 2 205 152 53 4,003 1,652 2,351 Chaki Cherla 591602
- - - 8 7 1 1,074 506 568 Ramayapatnam 591603

Urban PCA-Town wise
Primary Census Abstract

Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
802986 Markapur (M) 22.85 17,208 71,092 35,696 35,396 8,197 4,179 4,018
0001 Ward No. 1 5,976 24,901 12,481 12,420 3,140 1,595 1,545
0002 Ward No. 2 270 1,135 564 571 139 73 66
0003 Ward No. 3 586 2,279 1,164 1,115 179 98 81
0004 Ward No. 4 1,194 4,929 2,471 2,458 605 310 295
0005 Ward No. 5 358 1,384 682 702 119 60 59
0006 Ward No. 6 834 3,523 1,748 1,775 385 197 188
0007 Ward No. 7 2,377 9,890 4,982 4,908 1,068 546 522
0008 Ward No. 8 645 2,493 1,282 1,211 267 142 125
0009 Ward No. 9 312 1,268 627 641 138 66 72
0010 Ward No. 10 4,505 18,636 9,364 9,272 2,066 1,039 1,027
0011 Ward No. 11 151 654 331 323 91 53 38
590896 Cumbum (CT) 8.81 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
0001 Ward No. 1 3,769 15,169 7,588 7,581 1,624 825 799
590988 Podili (CT) 43.88 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
0001 Ward No. 1 7,672 31,145 15,681 15,464 3,349 1,753 1,596
802987 Chirala (M + OG) 13.26 24,655 92,942 45,747 47,195 8,837 4,482 4,355
0001 Ward No. 1 2,688 10,370 5,076 5,294 1,041 528 513
0002 Ward No. 2 1,099 4,273 2,076 2,197 484 234 250
0003 Ward No. 3 1,987 7,637 3,818 3,819 866 454 412
0004 Ward No. 4 1,362 5,211 2,553 2,658 625 311 314
0005 Ward No. 5 779 2,905 1,445 1,460 283 155 128
0006 Ward No. 6 600 2,211 1,063 1,148 227 112 115
0007 Ward No. 7 1,172 4,348 2,159 2,189 495 237 258
0008 Ward No. 8 1,195 4,432 2,200 2,232 352 176 176
0009 Ward No. 9 1,446 5,496 2,709 2,787 528 266 262
0010 Ward No. 10 589 2,272 1,113 1,159 197 91 106
0011 Ward No. 11 644 2,531 1,264 1,267 221 118 103
0012 Ward No. 12 542 1,977 1,002 975 162 88 74
0013 Ward No. 13 438 1,585 763 822 115 50 65
0014 Ward No. 14 259 1,016 512 504 60 29 31
0015 Ward No. 15 710 2,749 1,398 1,351 184 100 84
0016 Ward No. 16 384 1,367 705 662 116 67 49
0017 Ward No. 17 1,190 4,413 2,153 2,260 351 173 178
0018 Ward No. 18 563 2,063 1,013 1,050 154 80 74
0019 Ward No. 19 622 2,296 1,130 1,166 209 109 100
0020 Ward No. 20 480 1,804 878 926 160 78 82
0021 Ward No. 21 455 1,703 867 836 148 71 77
0022 Ward No. 22 1,023 3,959 1,875 2,084 342 164 178
0023 Ward No. 23 890 3,290 1,584 1,706 267 136 131
0024 Ward No. 24 651 2,413 1,209 1,204 273 151 122
0025 Ward No. 25 459 1,701 841 860 189 98 91
0026 Ward No. 26 843 3,178 1,521 1,657 340 177 163
0027 Ward No. 27 601 2,178 1,065 1,113 199 108 91
0028 Ward No. 28 984 3,564 1,755 1,809 249 121 128
591018 Chirala (CT) 23.70 8,488 30,858 15,193 15,665 3,010 1,536 1,474
0001 Ward No. 1 8,488 30,858 15,193 15,665 3,010 1,536 1,474
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 11.14 11,013 38,671 19,079 19,592 3,688 1,881 1,807
0001 Ward No. 1 11,013 38,671 19,079 19,592 3,688 1,881 1,807
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 20.94 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
0001 Ward No. 1 8,802 35,150 17,728 17,422 3,445 1,748 1,697
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 33.06 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
0001 Ward No. 1 8,907 37,420 18,886 18,534 4,065 2,049 2,016
802988 Ongole (M + OG) 27.20 52,667 208,344 104,646 103,698 20,222 10,494 9,728
0001 Ward No. 1 1,105 4,892 2,674 2,218 434 218 216
0002 Ward No. 2 714 2,666 1,340 1,326 236 117 119
0003 Ward No. 3 133 558 273 285 44 19 25
0004 Ward No. 4 614 2,406 1,203 1,203 216 109 107
0005 Ward No. 5 850 3,296 1,558 1,738 298 159 139
0006 Ward No. 6 199 707 352 355 47 24 23



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
9,052 4,560 4,492 1,928 953 975 47,355 26,633 20,722 Markapur (M)
4,808 2,435 2,373 1,466 716 750 15,578 8,832 6,746 Ward No. 1
4 3 1 4 2 2 811 437 374 Ward No. 2
- - - 23 9 14 1,790 1,001 789 Ward No. 3
1,179 590 589 293 152 141 3,053 1,758 1,295 Ward No. 4
- - - - - - 1,109 582 527 Ward No. 5
- - - 5 1 4 2,554 1,391 1,163 Ward No. 6
259 120 139 63 31 32 6,967 3,874 3,093 Ward No. 7
30 15 15 - - - 1,646 971 675 Ward No. 8
443 209 234 2 1 1 989 542 447 Ward No. 9
1,912 980 932 72 41 31 12,437 7,007 5,430 Ward No. 10
417 208 209 - - - 421 238 183 Ward No. 11
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Cumbum (CT)
849 388 461 232 117 115 10,663 6,027 4,636 Ward No. 1
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Podili (CT)
4,191 2,064 2,127 1,470 731 739 20,007 11,193 8,814 Ward No. 1
19,076 9,295 9,781 6,596 3,202 3,394 66,724 35,210 31,514 Chirala (M + OG)
315 155 160 900 434 466 6,983 3,704 3,279 Ward No. 1
1,548 755 793 370 179 191 2,579 1,398 1,181 Ward No. 2
398 209 189 436 209 227 4,225 2,370 1,855 Ward No. 3
2,876 1,383 1,493 747 381 366 2,951 1,610 1,341 Ward No. 4
2,474 1,222 1,252 55 27 28 2,001 1,093 908 Ward No. 5
1,085 527 558 21 9 12 1,443 750 693 Ward No. 6
1,156 566 590 236 119 117 3,081 1,670 1,411 Ward No. 7
2,057 1,024 1,033 10 4 6 3,530 1,857 1,673 Ward No. 8
1,954 930 1,024 44 26 18 3,954 2,101 1,853 Ward No. 9
43 25 18 28 13 15 1,809 957 852 Ward No. 10
48 19 29 179 90 89 1,981 1,028 953 Ward No. 11
197 104 93 72 37 35 1,637 849 788 Ward No. 12
29 16 13 17 8 9 1,398 703 695 Ward No. 13
15 6 9 155 73 82 808 427 381 Ward No. 14
2 2 - 4 1 3 2,431 1,254 1,177 Ward No. 15
13 9 4 121 68 53 1,059 569 490 Ward No. 16
47 24 23 41 20 21 3,590 1,839 1,751 Ward No. 17
- - - 1 - 1 1,673 861 812 Ward No. 18
4 1 3 12 5 7 1,724 913 811 Ward No. 19
18 7 11 60 28 32 1,548 770 778 Ward No. 20
50 24 26 85 36 49 1,405 754 651 Ward No. 21
1,696 791 905 16 3 13 3,218 1,594 1,624 Ward No. 22
245 118 127 12 7 5 2,575 1,325 1,250 Ward No. 23
61 33 28 86 47 39 1,573 862 711 Ward No. 24
1,557 772 785 8 3 5 1,007 545 462 Ward No. 25
847 403 444 1,488 705 783 1,916 1,036 880 Ward No. 26
10 6 4 991 470 521 1,602 824 778 Ward No. 27
331 164 167 401 200 201 3,023 1,547 1,476 Ward No. 28
1,614 794 820 1,066 533 533 20,552 11,191 9,361 Chirala (CT)
1,614 794 820 1,066 533 533 20,552 11,191 9,361 Ward No. 1
4,736 2,361 2,375 3,057 1,488 1,569 25,914 14,217 11,697 Vetapalem (CT)
4,736 2,361 2,375 3,057 1,488 1,569 25,914 14,217 11,697 Ward No. 1
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Giddaluru (CT)
3,582 1,884 1,698 981 528 453 25,271 14,329 10,942 Ward No. 1
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
3,561 1,714 1,847 1,431 742 689 25,868 14,534 11,334 Ward No. 1
29,956 14,981 14,975 5,684 2,862 2,822 155,886 83,390 72,496 Ongole (M + OG)
3,536 1,957 1,579 50 30 20 3,873 2,297 1,576 Ward No. 1
462 227 235 - - - 2,117 1,120 997 Ward No. 2
11 4 7 4 2 2 488 248 240 Ward No. 3
62 37 25 86 39 47 1,671 911 760 Ward No. 4
46 15 31 81 35 46 2,421 1,222 1,199 Ward No. 5
7 4 3 - - - 630 320 310 Ward No. 6



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
802986 Markapur (M) 23,737 9,063 14,674 25,170 18,912 6,258 22,547 17,677 4,870
0001 Ward No. 1 9,323 3,649 5,674 9,083 6,492 2,591 7,927 5,951 1,976
0002 Ward No. 2 324 127 197 363 295 68 343 286 57
0003 Ward No. 3 489 163 326 809 642 167 763 622 141
0004 Ward No. 4 1,876 713 1,163 1,896 1,381 515 1,738 1,356 382
0005 Ward No. 5 275 100 175 413 364 49 396 351 45
0006 Ward No. 6 969 357 612 1,204 960 244 1,137 926 211
0007 Ward No. 7 2,923 1,108 1,815 3,447 2,678 769 3,026 2,495 531
0008 Ward No. 8 847 311 536 883 682 201 838 663 175
0009 Ward No. 9 279 85 194 394 309 85 378 301 77
0010 Ward No. 10 6,199 2,357 3,842 6,469 4,943 1,526 5,800 4,564 1,236
0011 Ward No. 11 233 93 140 209 166 43 201 162 39
590896 Cumbum (CT) 4,506 1,561 2,945 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132
0001 Ward No. 1 4,506 1,561 2,945 5,479 3,916 1,563 4,625 3,493 1,132
590988 Podili (CT) 11,138 4,488 6,650 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385
0001 Ward No. 1 11,138 4,488 6,650 11,981 8,445 3,536 9,749 7,364 2,385
802987 Chirala (M + OG) 26,218 10,537 15,681 34,923 25,948 8,975 31,393 24,197 7,196
0001 Ward No. 1 3,387 1,372 2,015 4,012 2,959 1,053 3,778 2,845 933
0002 Ward No. 2 1,694 678 1,016 1,738 1,212 526 1,657 1,170 487
0003 Ward No. 3 3,412 1,448 1,964 3,199 2,188 1,011 2,681 2,038 643
0004 Ward No. 4 2,260 943 1,317 2,092 1,392 700 1,392 982 410
0005 Ward No. 5 904 352 552 1,067 767 300 996 752 244
0006 Ward No. 6 768 313 455 763 610 153 752 606 146
0007 Ward No. 7 1,267 489 778 1,734 1,275 459 1,495 1,128 367
0008 Ward No. 8 902 343 559 1,865 1,235 630 1,447 971 476
0009 Ward No. 9 1,542 608 934 2,061 1,499 562 2,022 1,483 539
0010 Ward No. 10 463 156 307 746 611 135 584 498 86
0011 Ward No. 11 550 236 314 877 694 183 817 666 151
0012 Ward No. 12 340 153 187 642 532 110 629 527 102
0013 Ward No. 13 187 60 127 533 446 87 531 444 87
0014 Ward No. 14 208 85 123 498 332 166 397 292 105
0015 Ward No. 15 318 144 174 932 835 97 898 821 77
0016 Ward No. 16 308 136 172 430 374 56 425 370 55
0017 Ward No. 17 823 314 509 1,452 1,262 190 1,409 1,245 164
0018 Ward No. 18 390 152 238 657 588 69 639 576 63
0019 Ward No. 19 572 217 355 817 668 149 669 598 71
0020 Ward No. 20 256 108 148 597 521 76 594 519 75
0021 Ward No. 21 298 113 185 596 507 89 590 502 88
0022 Ward No. 22 741 281 460 1,323 985 338 1,189 928 261
0023 Ward No. 23 715 259 456 1,174 929 245 1,158 919 239
0024 Ward No. 24 840 347 493 890 669 221 775 630 145
0025 Ward No. 25 694 296 398 757 473 284 705 470 235
0026 Ward No. 26 1,262 485 777 1,354 838 516 1,333 829 504
0027 Ward No. 27 576 241 335 890 607 283 794 560 234
0028 Ward No. 28 541 208 333 1,227 940 287 1,037 828 209
591018 Chirala (CT) 10,306 4,002 6,304 15,312 9,233 6,079 14,181 8,787 5,394
0001 Ward No. 1 10,306 4,002 6,304 15,312 9,233 6,079 14,181 8,787 5,394
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 12,757 4,862 7,895 18,958 11,331 7,627 15,979 9,930 6,049
0001 Ward No. 1 12,757 4,862 7,895 18,958 11,331 7,627 15,979 9,930 6,049
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 9,879 3,399 6,480 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103
0001 Ward No. 1 9,879 3,399 6,480 11,327 8,434 2,893 9,758 7,655 2,103
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 11,552 4,352 7,200 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496
0001 Ward No. 1 11,552 4,352 7,200 13,247 10,021 3,226 12,029 9,533 2,496
802988 Ongole (M + OG) 52,458 21,256 31,202 72,767 57,167 15,600 68,233 54,655 13,578
0001 Ward No. 1 1,019 377 642 1,585 1,128 457 1,125 836 289
0002 Ward No. 2 549 220 329 892 711 181 875 699 176
0003 Ward No. 3 70 25 45 172 145 27 147 128 19
0004 Ward No. 4 735 292 443 823 667 156 791 640 151
0005 Ward No. 5 875 336 539 1,174 910 264 1,101 866 235
0006 Ward No. 6 77 32 45 236 188 48 233 187 46


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
513 453 60 2,216 1,145 1,071 519 401 118 19,299 15,678 3,621 Markapur (M)
113 100 13 934 472 462 155 118 37 6,725 5,261 1,464 Ward No. 1
11 8 3 18 11 7 1 - 1 313 267 46 Ward No. 2
15 10 5 45 21 24 19 12 7 684 579 105 Ward No. 3
38 26 12 86 40 46 29 19 10 1,585 1,271 314 Ward No. 4
8 6 2 6 3 3 2 - 2 380 342 38 Ward No. 5
7 5 2 26 8 18 44 29 15 1,060 884 176 Ward No. 6
45 38 7 166 107 59 166 141 25 2,649 2,209 440 Ward No. 7
182 173 9 161 53 108 8 7 1 487 430 57 Ward No. 8
- - - 24 6 18 - - - 354 295 59 Ward No. 9
75 71 4 747 421 326 95 75 20 4,883 3,997 886 Ward No. 10
19 16 3 3 3 - - - - 179 143 36 Ward No. 11
410 327 83 1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Cumbum (CT)
410 327 83 1,294 750 544 69 54 15 2,852 2,362 490 Ward No. 1
364 273 91 2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Podili (CT)
364 273 91 2,465 1,327 1,138 152 107 45 6,768 5,657 1,111 Ward No. 1
486 397 89 2,961 1,809 1,152 1,425 773 652 26,521 21,218 5,303 Chirala (M + OG)
128 92 36 542 280 262 65 32 33 3,043 2,441 602 Ward No. 1
18 14 4 131 81 50 7 5 2 1,501 1,070 431 Ward No. 2
30 28 2 186 114 72 79 50 29 2,386 1,846 540 Ward No. 3
14 11 3 338 177 161 19 12 7 1,021 782 239 Ward No. 4
5 3 2 453 312 141 7 3 4 531 434 97 Ward No. 5
6 5 1 59 31 28 31 20 11 656 550 106 Ward No. 6
4 4 - 56 39 17 207 111 96 1,228 974 254 Ward No. 7
15 14 1 51 25 26 68 33 35 1,313 899 414 Ward No. 8
9 8 1 139 95 44 55 30 25 1,819 1,350 469 Ward No. 9
8 8 - 35 30 5 7 6 1 534 454 80 Ward No. 10
17 17 - 17 16 1 105 58 47 678 575 103 Ward No. 11
5 5 - 1 - 1 25 17 8 598 505 93 Ward No. 12
14 13 1 8 7 1 5 4 1 504 420 84 Ward No. 13
8 5 3 7 2 5 71 30 41 311 255 56 Ward No. 14
1 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 - 890 814 76 Ward No. 15
2 2 - 3 3 - 6 5 1 414 360 54 Ward No. 16
20 20 - 28 20 8 7 2 5 1,354 1,203 151 Ward No. 17
2 2 - 15 13 2 13 12 1 609 549 60 Ward No. 18
3 2 1 5 5 - 36 23 13 625 568 57 Ward No. 19
2 2 - 2 1 1 6 3 3 584 513 71 Ward No. 20
4 4 - 1 1 - 34 21 13 551 476 75 Ward No. 21
37 35 2 19 16 3 3 1 2 1,130 876 254 Ward No. 22
67 42 25 99 87 12 7 4 3 985 786 199 Ward No. 23
16 16 - 70 49 21 61 36 25 628 529 99 Ward No. 24
3 2 1 355 233 122 9 6 3 338 229 109 Ward No. 25
2 2 - 170 46 124 314 153 161 847 628 219 Ward No. 26
4 3 1 44 30 14 164 85 79 582 442 140 Ward No. 27
42 37 5 122 92 30 12 9 3 861 690 171 Ward No. 28
208 181 27 2,747 1,296 1,451 4,562 2,267 2,295 6,664 5,043 1,621 Chirala (CT)
208 181 27 2,747 1,296 1,451 4,562 2,267 2,295 6,664 5,043 1,621 Ward No. 1
248 230 18 2,191 1,218 973 5,737 2,937 2,800 7,803 5,545 2,258 Vetapalem (CT)
248 230 18 2,191 1,218 973 5,737 2,937 2,800 7,803 5,545 2,258 Ward No. 1
535 470 65 2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Giddaluru (CT)
535 470 65 2,101 1,134 967 528 434 94 6,594 5,617 977 Ward No. 1
374 351 23 1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Kanigiri (U) (CT)
374 351 23 1,426 766 660 120 85 35 10,109 8,331 1,778 Ward No. 1
1,144 1,070 74 3,101 1,690 1,411 1,078 687 391 62,910 51,208 11,702 Ongole (M + OG)
10 9 1 56 25 31 5 3 2 1,054 799 255 Ward No. 1
7 5 2 10 5 5 - - - 858 689 169 Ward No. 2
- - - 1 1 - 9 6 3 137 121 16 Ward No. 3
3 3 - 9 4 5 11 6 5 768 627 141 Ward No. 4
4 4 - 6 5 1 7 5 2 1,084 852 232 Ward No. 5
- - - - - - - - - 233 187 46 Ward No. 6


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
802986 Markapur (M) 2,623 1,235 1,388 15 10 5 490 171 319
0001 Ward No. 1 1,156 541 615 6 3 3 294 116 178
0002 Ward No. 2 20 9 11 - - - 5 2 3
0003 Ward No. 3 46 20 26 1 1 - 5 - 5
0004 Ward No. 4 158 25 133 2 1 1 21 3 18
0005 Ward No. 5 17 13 4 - - - 1 1 -
0006 Ward No. 6 67 34 33 2 1 1 10 4 6
0007 Ward No. 7 421 183 238 - - - 67 21 46
0008 Ward No. 8 45 19 26 - - - 26 6 20
0009 Ward No. 9 16 8 8 - - - 1 - 1
0010 Ward No. 10 669 379 290 4 4 - 60 18 42
0011 Ward No. 11 8 4 4 - - - - - -
590896 Cumbum (CT) 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
0001 Ward No. 1 854 423 431 4 1 3 459 148 311
590988 Podili (CT) 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
0001 Ward No. 1 2,232 1,081 1,151 21 13 8 1,115 474 641
802987 Chirala (M + OG) 3,530 1,751 1,779 37 25 12 1,081 455 626
0001 Ward No. 1 234 114 120 6 3 3 47 21 26
0002 Ward No. 2 81 42 39 - - - 20 11 9
0003 Ward No. 3 518 150 368 - - - 174 84 90
0004 Ward No. 4 700 410 290 5 3 2 350 166 184
0005 Ward No. 5 71 15 56 1 - 1 42 2 40
0006 Ward No. 6 11 4 7 2 - 2 3 1 2
0007 Ward No. 7 239 147 92 1 1 - 12 3 9
0008 Ward No. 8 418 264 154 3 3 - 102 33 69
0009 Ward No. 9 39 16 23 - - - 7 1 6
0010 Ward No. 10 162 113 49 2 2 - 8 3 5
0011 Ward No. 11 60 28 32 - - - 6 3 3
0012 Ward No. 12 13 5 8 - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 2 2 - - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 101 40 61 - - - 4 3 1
0015 Ward No. 15 34 14 20 1 1 - - - -
0016 Ward No. 16 5 4 1 - - - - - -
0017 Ward No. 17 43 17 26 1 1 - 19 2 17
0018 Ward No. 18 18 12 6 - - - 3 3 -
0019 Ward No. 19 148 70 78 - - - 4 - 4
0020 Ward No. 20 3 2 1 - - - - - -
0021 Ward No. 21 6 5 1 - - - - - -
0022 Ward No. 22 134 57 77 2 2 - 70 42 28
0023 Ward No. 23 16 10 6 - - - 4 4 -
0024 Ward No. 24 115 39 76 1 1 - 43 10 33
0025 Ward No. 25 52 3 49 - - - 50 2 48
0026 Ward No. 26 21 9 12 - - - 3 2 1
0027 Ward No. 27 96 47 49 3 - 3 25 15 10
0028 Ward No. 28 190 112 78 9 8 1 85 44 41
591018 Chirala (CT) 1,131 446 685 4 2 2 280 66 214
0001 Ward No. 1 1,131 446 685 4 2 2 280 66 214
591023 Vetapalem (CT) 2,979 1,401 1,578 15 10 5 656 336 320
0001 Ward No. 1 2,979 1,401 1,578 15 10 5 656 336 320
591202 Giddaluru (CT) 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
0001 Ward No. 1 1,569 779 790 10 7 3 577 173 404
591289 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
0001 Ward No. 1 1,218 488 730 6 4 2 530 66 464
802988 Ongole (M + OG) 4,534 2,512 2,022 65 30 35 406 115 291
0001 Ward No. 1 460 292 168 2 2 - 26 2 24
0002 Ward No. 2 17 12 5 1 - 1 - - -
0003 Ward No. 3 25 17 8 - - - 2 1 1
0004 Ward No. 4 32 27 5 1 - 1 1 1 -
0005 Ward No. 5 73 44 29 2 2 - 1 - 1
0006 Ward No. 6 3 1 2 - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
216 95 121 1,902 959 943 45,922 16,784 29,138 Markapur (M) 802986
69 34 35 787 388 399 15,818 5,989 9,829 Ward No. 1 0001
1 - 1 14 7 7 772 269 503 Ward No. 2 0002
4 2 2 36 17 19 1,470 522 948 Ward No. 3 0003
22 3 19 113 18 95 3,033 1,090 1,943 Ward No. 4 0004
2 1 1 14 11 3 971 318 653 Ward No. 5 0005
4 2 2 51 27 24 2,319 788 1,531 Ward No. 6 0006
60 29 31 294 133 161 6,443 2,304 4,139 Ward No. 7 0007
2 2 - 17 11 6 1,610 600 1,010 Ward No. 8 0008
1 - 1 14 8 6 874 318 556 Ward No. 9 0009
51 22 29 554 335 219 12,167 4,421 7,746 Ward No. 10 0010
- - - 8 4 4 445 165 280 Ward No. 11 0011
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Cumbum (CT) 590896
33 7 26 358 267 91 9,690 3,672 6,018 Ward No. 1 0001
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Podili (CT) 590988
100 37 63 996 557 439 19,164 7,236 11,928 Ward No. 1 0001
282 97 185 2,130 1,174 956 58,019 19,799 38,220 Chirala (M + OG) 802987
8 2 6 173 88 85 6,358 2,117 4,241 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 61 31 30 2,535 864 1,671 Ward No. 2 0002
15 6 9 329 60 269 4,438 1,630 2,808 Ward No. 3 0003
2 1 1 343 240 103 3,119 1,161 1,958 Ward No. 4 0004
- - - 28 13 15 1,838 678 1,160 Ward No. 5 0005
- - - 6 3 3 1,448 453 995 Ward No. 6 0006
16 1 15 210 142 68 2,614 884 1,730 Ward No. 7 0007
34 18 16 279 210 69 2,567 965 1,602 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 32 15 17 3,435 1,210 2,225 Ward No. 9 0009
33 17 16 119 91 28 1,526 502 1,024 Ward No. 10 0010
18 3 15 36 22 14 1,654 570 1,084 Ward No. 11 0011
3 1 2 10 4 6 1,335 470 865 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - 2 2 - 1,052 317 735 Ward No. 13 0013
71 23 48 26 14 12 518 180 338 Ward No. 14 0014
2 1 1 31 12 19 1,817 563 1,254 Ward No. 15 0015
- - - 5 4 1 937 331 606 Ward No. 16 0016
- - - 23 14 9 2,961 891 2,070 Ward No. 17 0017
- - - 15 9 6 1,406 425 981 Ward No. 18 0018
28 6 22 116 64 52 1,479 462 1,017 Ward No. 19 0019
- - - 3 2 1 1,207 357 850 Ward No. 20 0020
- - - 6 5 1 1,107 360 747 Ward No. 21 0021
3 - 3 59 13 46 2,636 890 1,746 Ward No. 22 0022
1 - 1 11 6 5 2,116 655 1,461 Ward No. 23 0023
11 3 8 60 25 35 1,523 540 983 Ward No. 24 0024
- - - 2 1 1 944 368 576 Ward No. 25 0025
3 - 3 15 7 8 1,824 683 1,141 Ward No. 26 0026
16 4 12 52 28 24 1,288 458 830 Ward No. 27 0027
18 11 7 78 49 29 2,337 815 1,522 Ward No. 28 0028
262 87 175 585 291 294 15,546 5,960 9,586 Chirala (CT) 591018
262 87 175 585 291 294 15,546 5,960 9,586 Ward No. 1 0001
828 259 569 1,480 796 684 19,713 7,748 11,965 Vetapalem (CT) 591023
828 259 569 1,480 796 684 19,713 7,748 11,965 Ward No. 1 0001
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Giddaluru (CT) 591202
101 49 52 881 550 331 23,823 9,294 14,529 Ward No. 1 0001
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Kanigiri (U) (CT) 591289
32 6 26 650 412 238 24,173 8,865 15,308 Ward No. 1 0001
266 118 148 3,797 2,249 1,548 135,577 47,479 88,098 Ongole (M + OG) 802988
18 8 10 414 280 134 3,307 1,546 1,761 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 16 12 4 1,774 629 1,145 Ward No. 2 0002
4 2 2 19 14 5 386 128 258 Ward No. 3 0003
1 - 1 29 26 3 1,583 536 1,047 Ward No. 4 0004
2 - 2 68 42 26 2,122 648 1,474 Ward No. 5 0005
1 - 1 2 1 1 471 164 307 Ward No. 6 0006


Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0007 Ward No. 7 1,487 5,627 2,759 2,868 386 196 190
0008 Ward No. 8 314 1,188 626 562 73 36 37
0009 Ward No. 9 200 754 397 357 53 33 20
0010 Ward No. 10 271 1,052 540 512 67 39 28
0011 Ward No. 11 107 394 205 189 42 25 17
0012 Ward No. 12 87 306 161 145 30 19 11
0013 Ward No. 13 76 304 136 168 28 10 18
0014 Ward No. 14 116 387 201 186 21 8 13
0015 Ward No. 15 206 819 425 394 72 36 36
0016 Ward No. 16 130 540 280 260 46 27 19
0017 Ward No. 17 95 360 178 182 15 5 10
0018 Ward No. 18 57 256 138 118 24 13 11
0019 Ward No. 19 283 1,187 586 601 140 74 66
0020 Ward No. 20 1,900 7,477 3,768 3,709 654 341 313
0021 Ward No. 21 236 1,006 472 534 83 38 45
0022 Ward No. 22 90 502 247 255 54 28 26
0023 Ward No. 23 294 1,206 616 590 96 52 44
0024 Ward No. 24 111 427 214 213 34 14 20
0025 Ward No. 25 216 862 401 461 73 32 41
0026 Ward No. 26 109 431 230 201 30 17 13
0027 Ward No. 27 155 615 302 313 26 13 13
0028 Ward No. 28 116 403 194 209 24 12 12
0029 Ward No. 29 39 162 91 71 11 7 4
0030 Ward No. 30 47 187 99 88 14 4 10
0031 Ward No. 31 45 158 80 78 9 7 2
0032 Ward No. 32 96 379 187 192 27 11 16
0033 Ward No. 33 141 503 257 246 50 28 22
0034 Ward No. 34 153 627 305 322 52 29 23
0035 Ward No. 35 3,720 14,573 7,272 7,301 1,569 813 756
0036 Ward No. 36 375 1,373 666 707 127 61 66
0037 Ward No. 37 6,612 26,917 13,303 13,614 2,549 1,292 1,257
0038 Ward No. 38 106 436 198 238 45 16 29
0039 Ward No. 39 1,005 3,966 1,965 2,001 428 228 200
0040 Ward No. 40 1,461 5,621 2,795 2,826 543 282 261
0041 Ward No. 41 126 458 228 230 42 23 19
0042 Ward No. 42 1,162 4,193 2,101 2,092 383 192 191
0043 Ward No. 43 260 1,321 717 604 114 60 54
0044 Ward No. 44 25 92 41 51 5 1 4
0045 Ward No. 45 123 474 230 244 49 23 26
0046 Ward No. 46 86 329 170 159 30 14 16
0047 Ward No. 47 231 974 507 467 100 68 32
0048 Ward No. 48 625 2,399 1,164 1,235 234 116 118
0049 Ward No. 49 158 595 268 327 44 18 26
0050 Ward No. 50 159 665 349 316 45 18 27
0051 Ward No. 51 416 1,745 839 906 132 77 55
0052 Ward No. 52 110 530 324 206 24 13 11
0053 Ward No. 53 313 1,214 597 617 95 45 50
0054 Ward No. 54 472 1,903 888 1,015 158 92 66
0055 Ward No. 55 171 599 308 291 31 22 9
0056 Ward No. 56 1,297 5,113 2,576 2,537 600 303 297
0057 Ward No. 57 182 694 354 340 67 40 27
0058 Ward No. 58 1,046 4,167 1,891 2,276 286 161 125
0059 Ward No. 59 3,543 13,896 7,032 6,864 1,583 813 770
0060 Ward No. 60 1,260 4,925 2,465 2,460 642 321 321
0061 Ward No. 61 1,255 4,820 2,490 2,330 591 314 277
0062 Ward No. 62 1,206 4,666 2,342 2,324 525 271 254
0063 Ward No. 63 1,567 6,174 3,194 2,980 608 322 286
0064 Ward No. 64 3,165 11,973 6,123 5,850 1,372 708 664
0065 Ward No. 65 920 3,422 1,728 1,694 425 232 193
0066 Ward No. 66 4,806 19,239 10,063 9,176 1,845 982 863



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
120 58 62 20 8 12 5,003 2,503 2,500 Ward No. 7
6 6 - 14 10 4 1,098 588 510 Ward No. 8
- - - 10 5 5 675 357 318 Ward No. 9
2 1 1 1 - 1 816 444 372 Ward No. 10
- - - - - - 305 166 139 Ward No. 11
2 1 1 - - - 225 126 99 Ward No. 12
5 2 3 - - - 214 105 109 Ward No. 13
2 1 1 - - - 313 175 138 Ward No. 14
- - - - - - 671 365 306 Ward No. 15
- - - - - - 443 237 206 Ward No. 16
- - - - - - 318 165 153 Ward No. 17
- - - - - - 223 125 98 Ward No. 18
20 11 9 - - - 882 464 418 Ward No. 19
642 389 253 282 119 163 5,479 2,987 2,492 Ward No. 20
53 - 53 1 - 1 876 421 455 Ward No. 21
402 200 202 - - - 350 183 167 Ward No. 22
- - - 5 3 2 1,068 556 512 Ward No. 23
13 6 7 - - - 370 193 177 Ward No. 24
12 6 6 8 5 3 685 335 350 Ward No. 25
5 4 1 - - - 390 206 184 Ward No. 26
- - - - - - 579 286 293 Ward No. 27
- - - - - - 366 179 187 Ward No. 28
- - - - - - 145 80 65 Ward No. 29
- - - - - - 166 94 72 Ward No. 30
4 1 3 1 1 - 141 71 70 Ward No. 31
87 43 44 - - - 299 159 140 Ward No. 32
29 16 13 - - - 401 217 184 Ward No. 33
5 3 2 - - - 554 274 280 Ward No. 34
3,312 1,655 1,657 479 220 259 10,357 5,559 4,798 Ward No. 35
34 12 22 4 1 3 1,041 544 497 Ward No. 36
3,197 1,529 1,668 575 311 264 20,713 10,853 9,860 Ward No. 37
409 187 222 - - - 317 162 155 Ward No. 38
126 68 58 7 3 4 2,924 1,546 1,378 Ward No. 39
82 33 49 5 2 3 4,214 2,246 1,968 Ward No. 40
- - - - - - 370 200 170 Ward No. 41
477 247 230 20 13 7 3,309 1,730 1,579 Ward No. 42
1,221 648 573 9 9 - 1,070 618 452 Ward No. 43
- - - - - - 81 39 42 Ward No. 44
1 1 - 1 1 - 396 199 197 Ward No. 45
- - - - - - 291 154 137 Ward No. 46
2 1 1 - - - 767 405 362 Ward No. 47
59 25 34 - - - 1,877 983 894 Ward No. 48
30 15 15 3 1 2 500 235 265 Ward No. 49
52 29 23 - - - 541 304 237 Ward No. 50
1,495 722 773 13 4 9 1,388 694 694 Ward No. 51
311 164 147 45 36 9 417 249 168 Ward No. 52
457 230 227 9 4 5 1,071 536 535 Ward No. 53
697 313 384 30 10 20 1,521 735 786 Ward No. 54
245 121 124 55 25 30 486 269 217 Ward No. 55
1,651 829 822 1,698 877 821 2,989 1,678 1,311 Ward No. 56
284 146 138 6 3 3 541 298 243 Ward No. 57
530 129 401 74 29 45 3,675 1,679 1,996 Ward No. 58
2,829 1,430 1,399 117 57 60 8,985 5,046 3,939 Ward No. 59
718 348 370 196 106 90 2,912 1,626 1,286 Ward No. 60
300 139 161 22 10 12 3,228 1,837 1,391 Ward No. 61
499 253 246 39 18 21 3,383 1,835 1,548 Ward No. 62
575 294 281 83 46 37 4,811 2,640 2,171 Ward No. 63
774 409 365 516 253 263 7,992 4,476 3,516 Ward No. 64
744 373 371 294 154 140 1,965 1,104 861 Ward No. 65
1,891 970 921 612 298 314 14,674 8,200 6,474 Ward No. 66



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0007 Ward No. 7 624 256 368 1,641 1,370 271 1,617 1,352 265
0008 Ward No. 8 90 38 52 374 318 56 336 289 47
0009 Ward No. 9 79 40 39 250 211 39 250 211 39
0010 Ward No. 10 236 96 140 310 261 49 305 259 46
0011 Ward No. 11 89 39 50 136 111 25 136 111 25
0012 Ward No. 12 81 35 46 94 84 10 94 84 10
0013 Ward No. 13 90 31 59 97 78 19 97 78 19
0014 Ward No. 14 74 26 48 121 103 18 119 102 17
0015 Ward No. 15 148 60 88 281 251 30 278 249 29
0016 Ward No. 16 97 43 54 202 180 22 202 180 22
0017 Ward No. 17 42 13 29 112 104 8 112 104 8
0018 Ward No. 18 33 13 20 93 85 8 92 84 8
0019 Ward No. 19 305 122 183 387 344 43 386 343 43
0020 Ward No. 20 1,998 781 1,217 2,780 2,089 691 2,698 2,054 644
0021 Ward No. 21 130 51 79 319 282 37 296 270 26
0022 Ward No. 22 152 64 88 175 150 25 143 123 20
0023 Ward No. 23 138 60 78 402 371 31 398 368 30
0024 Ward No. 24 57 21 36 141 116 25 140 115 25
0025 Ward No. 25 177 66 111 274 245 29 273 244 29
0026 Ward No. 26 41 24 17 135 132 3 135 132 3
0027 Ward No. 27 36 16 20 204 188 16 201 187 14
0028 Ward No. 28 37 15 22 132 116 16 129 115 14
0029 Ward No. 29 17 11 6 58 51 7 54 50 4
0030 Ward No. 30 21 5 16 59 55 4 57 54 3
0031 Ward No. 31 17 9 8 49 46 3 46 44 2
0032 Ward No. 32 80 28 52 146 108 38 143 108 35
0033 Ward No. 33 102 40 62 194 157 37 194 157 37
0034 Ward No. 34 73 31 42 204 189 15 203 188 15
0035 Ward No. 35 4,216 1,713 2,503 5,317 4,006 1,311 4,987 3,760 1,227
0036 Ward No. 36 332 122 210 477 385 92 465 378 87
0037 Ward No. 37 6,204 2,450 3,754 8,821 7,079 1,742 8,575 6,949 1,626
0038 Ward No. 38 119 36 83 192 121 71 188 119 69
0039 Ward No. 39 1,042 419 623 1,293 1,090 203 1,202 1,026 176
0040 Ward No. 40 1,407 549 858 1,893 1,594 299 1,784 1,538 246
0041 Ward No. 41 88 28 60 165 137 28 165 137 28
0042 Ward No. 42 884 371 513 1,666 1,236 430 1,565 1,200 365
0043 Ward No. 43 251 99 152 452 340 112 450 338 112
0044 Ward No. 44 11 2 9 28 25 3 28 25 3
0045 Ward No. 45 78 31 47 161 142 19 159 141 18
0046 Ward No. 46 38 16 22 117 101 16 115 99 16
0047 Ward No. 47 207 102 105 319 294 25 306 286 20
0048 Ward No. 48 522 181 341 786 664 122 768 654 114
0049 Ward No. 49 95 33 62 177 149 28 156 130 26
0050 Ward No. 50 124 45 79 211 155 56 211 155 56
0051 Ward No. 51 357 145 212 649 435 214 606 410 196
0052 Ward No. 52 113 75 38 289 222 67 289 222 67
0053 Ward No. 53 143 61 82 446 290 156 442 287 155
0054 Ward No. 54 382 153 229 601 468 133 572 456 116
0055 Ward No. 55 113 39 74 180 147 33 150 129 21
0056 Ward No. 56 2,124 898 1,226 2,291 1,439 852 1,926 1,286 640
0057 Ward No. 57 153 56 97 226 181 45 214 173 41
0058 Ward No. 58 492 212 280 1,236 984 252 1,214 972 242
0059 Ward No. 59 4,911 1,986 2,925 5,447 4,079 1,368 4,914 3,801 1,113
0060 Ward No. 60 2,013 839 1,174 1,876 1,502 374 1,808 1,477 331
0061 Ward No. 61 1,592 653 939 1,747 1,438 309 1,669 1,421 248
0062 Ward No. 62 1,283 507 776 1,616 1,294 322 1,545 1,265 280
0063 Ward No. 63 1,363 554 809 2,041 1,718 323 1,994 1,694 300
0064 Ward No. 64 3,981 1,647 2,334 4,431 3,415 1,016 3,977 3,200 777
0065 Ward No. 65 1,457 624 833 1,578 1,034 544 1,362 937 425
0066 Ward No. 66 4,565 1,863 2,702 6,662 5,438 1,224 6,421 5,292 1,129


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
59 58 1 18 13 5 16 12 4 1,524 1,269 255 Ward No. 7
- - - - - - - - - 336 289 47 Ward No. 8
- - - - - - - - - 250 211 39 Ward No. 9
1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 303 258 45 Ward No. 10
1 1 - - - - - - - 135 110 25 Ward No. 11
- - - - - - 2 2 - 92 82 10 Ward No. 12
- - - 1 - 1 - - - 96 78 18 Ward No. 13
- - - - - - - - - 119 102 17 Ward No. 14
- - - - - - 8 7 1 270 242 28 Ward No. 15
- - - 3 2 1 2 2 - 197 176 21 Ward No. 16
- - - 1 1 - - - - 111 103 8 Ward No. 17
- - - - - - - - - 92 84 8 Ward No. 18
- - - 1 1 - 2 - 2 383 342 41 Ward No. 19
65 63 2 36 16 20 45 27 18 2,552 1,948 604 Ward No. 20
- - - 6 4 2 4 4 - 286 262 24 Ward No. 21
- - - 3 3 - 1 1 - 139 119 20 Ward No. 22
- - - - - - 9 7 2 389 361 28 Ward No. 23
- - - - - - - - - 140 115 25 Ward No. 24
2 1 1 1 1 - - - - 270 242 28 Ward No. 25
- - - - - - 2 1 1 133 131 2 Ward No. 26
- - - - - - 3 2 1 198 185 13 Ward No. 27
- - - 1 1 - 3 1 2 125 113 12 Ward No. 28
- - - - - - 10 7 3 44 43 1 Ward No. 29
- - - - - - - - - 57 54 3 Ward No. 30
- - - - - - - - - 46 44 2 Ward No. 31
- - - 1 1 - 1 1 - 141 106 35 Ward No. 32
- - - - - - 3 - 3 191 157 34 Ward No. 33
- - - 1 1 - - - - 202 187 15 Ward No. 34
24 24 - 180 101 79 65 28 37 4,718 3,607 1,111 Ward No. 35
5 5 - 4 3 1 25 19 6 431 351 80 Ward No. 36
143 134 9 316 176 140 113 66 47 8,003 6,573 1,430 Ward No. 37
- - - 5 2 3 15 9 6 168 108 60 Ward No. 38
17 15 2 37 29 8 15 13 2 1,133 969 164 Ward No. 39
59 53 6 73 49 24 30 19 11 1,622 1,417 205 Ward No. 40
5 5 - 4 1 3 2 1 1 154 130 24 Ward No. 41
58 49 9 59 41 18 33 15 18 1,415 1,095 320 Ward No. 42
1 1 - 207 127 80 - - - 242 210 32 Ward No. 43
- - - - - - - - - 28 25 3 Ward No. 44
1 1 - - - - 19 18 1 139 122 17 Ward No. 45
- - - - - - 15 10 5 100 89 11 Ward No. 46
1 1 - - - - 2 2 - 303 283 20 Ward No. 47
10 9 1 6 2 4 7 3 4 745 640 105 Ward No. 48
- - - - - - - - - 156 130 26 Ward No. 49
- - - 6 1 5 1 1 - 204 153 51 Ward No. 50
1 - 1 11 4 7 7 5 2 587 401 186 Ward No. 51
4 4 - 183 148 35 - - - 102 70 32 Ward No. 52
- - - 7 3 4 9 6 3 426 278 148 Ward No. 53
1 1 - 9 7 2 12 7 5 550 441 109 Ward No. 54
- - - - - - - - - 150 129 21 Ward No. 55
3 3 - 134 60 74 31 10 21 1,758 1,213 545 Ward No. 56
2 2 - 1 1 - 2 2 - 209 168 41 Ward No. 57
24 22 2 7 6 1 1 1 - 1,182 943 239 Ward No. 58
37 30 7 673 339 334 35 20 15 4,169 3,412 757 Ward No. 59
3 3 - 37 25 12 52 37 15 1,716 1,412 304 Ward No. 60
10 9 1 36 16 20 18 13 5 1,605 1,383 222 Ward No. 61
11 11 - 32 21 11 45 25 20 1,457 1,208 249 Ward No. 62
56 54 2 49 29 20 17 10 7 1,872 1,601 271 Ward No. 63
85 73 12 128 78 50 64 36 28 3,700 3,013 687 Ward No. 64
5 5 - 321 105 216 53 40 13 983 787 196 Ward No. 65
327 315 12 212 127 85 122 104 18 5,760 4,746 1,014 Ward No. 66


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0007 Ward No. 7 24 18 6 - - - - - -
0008 Ward No. 8 38 29 9 - - - - - -
0009 Ward No. 9 - - - - - - - - -
0010 Ward No. 10 5 2 3 2 1 1 - - -
0011 Ward No. 11 - - - - - - - - -
0012 Ward No. 12 - - - - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 - - - - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0015 Ward No. 15 3 2 1 - - - 1 1 -
0016 Ward No. 16 - - - - - - - - -
0017 Ward No. 17 - - - - - - - - -
0018 Ward No. 18 1 1 - - - - - - -
0019 Ward No. 19 1 1 - - - - - - -
0020 Ward No. 20 82 35 47 2 2 - 11 4 7
0021 Ward No. 21 23 12 11 - - - 1 - 1
0022 Ward No. 22 32 27 5 - - - - - -
0023 Ward No. 23 4 3 1 - - - - - -
0024 Ward No. 24 1 1 - - - - - - -
0025 Ward No. 25 1 1 - - - - - - -
0026 Ward No. 26 - - - - - - - - -
0027 Ward No. 27 3 1 2 - - - - - -
0028 Ward No. 28 3 1 2 - - - - - -
0029 Ward No. 29 4 1 3 - - - - - -
0030 Ward No. 30 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0031 Ward No. 31 3 2 1 - - - - - -
0032 Ward No. 32 3 - 3 - - - - - -
0033 Ward No. 33 - - - - - - - - -
0034 Ward No. 34 1 1 - - - - - - -
0035 Ward No. 35 330 246 84 2 1 1 16 10 6
0036 Ward No. 36 12 7 5 - - - - - -
0037 Ward No. 37 246 130 116 8 4 4 20 11 9
0038 Ward No. 38 4 2 2 - - - - - -
0039 Ward No. 39 91 64 27 1 1 - 12 8 4
0040 Ward No. 40 109 56 53 - - - 2 - 2
0041 Ward No. 41 - - - - - - - - -
0042 Ward No. 42 101 36 65 3 - 3 25 6 19
0043 Ward No. 43 2 2 - - - - - - -
0044 Ward No. 44 - - - - - - - - -
0045 Ward No. 45 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0046 Ward No. 46 2 2 - - - - - - -
0047 Ward No. 47 13 8 5 - - - - - -
0048 Ward No. 48 18 10 8 - - - 6 4 2
0049 Ward No. 49 21 19 2 - - - 3 2 1
0050 Ward No. 50 - - - - - - - - -
0051 Ward No. 51 43 25 18 - - - 10 6 4
0052 Ward No. 52 - - - - - - - - -
0053 Ward No. 53 4 3 1 - - - - - -
0054 Ward No. 54 29 12 17 - - - 2 - 2
0055 Ward No. 55 30 18 12 2 1 1 - - -
0056 Ward No. 56 365 153 212 2 1 1 16 4 12
0057 Ward No. 57 12 8 4 - - - - - -
0058 Ward No. 58 22 12 10 1 - 1 5 4 1
0059 Ward No. 59 533 278 255 8 3 5 32 6 26
0060 Ward No. 60 68 25 43 1 - 1 3 1 2
0061 Ward No. 61 78 17 61 2 - 2 13 - 13
0062 Ward No. 62 71 29 42 - - - 16 5 11
0063 Ward No. 63 47 24 23 1 1 - 5 2 3
0064 Ward No. 64 454 215 239 11 5 6 86 7 79
0065 Ward No. 65 216 97 119 - - - 42 7 35
0066 Ward No. 66 241 146 95 3 1 2 23 12 11


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - 24 18 6 3,986 1,389 2,597 Ward No. 7 0007
- - - 38 29 9 814 308 506 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - - - - 504 186 318 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 3 1 2 742 279 463 Ward No. 10 0010
- - - - - - 258 94 164 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - - - - 212 77 135 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - - - - 207 58 149 Ward No. 13 0013
1 - 1 1 1 - 266 98 168 Ward No. 14 0014
- - - 2 1 1 538 174 364 Ward No. 15 0015
- - - - - - 338 100 238 Ward No. 16 0016
- - - - - - 248 74 174 Ward No. 17 0017
- - - 1 1 - 163 53 110 Ward No. 18 0018
- - - 1 1 - 800 242 558 Ward No. 19 0019
3 - 3 66 29 37 4,697 1,679 3,018 Ward No. 20 0020
- - - 22 12 10 687 190 497 Ward No. 21 0021
- - - 32 27 5 327 97 230 Ward No. 22 0022
- - - 4 3 1 804 245 559 Ward No. 23 0023
- - - 1 1 - 286 98 188 Ward No. 24 0024
- - - 1 1 - 588 156 432 Ward No. 25 0025
- - - - - - 296 98 198 Ward No. 26 0026
- - - 3 1 2 411 114 297 Ward No. 27 0027
2 1 1 1 - 1 271 78 193 Ward No. 28 0028
3 - 3 1 1 - 104 40 64 Ward No. 29 0029
- - - 2 1 1 128 44 84 Ward No. 30 0030
- - - 3 2 1 109 34 75 Ward No. 31 0031
- - - 3 - 3 233 79 154 Ward No. 32 0032
- - - - - - 309 100 209 Ward No. 33 0033
1 1 - - - - 423 116 307 Ward No. 34 0034
13 7 6 299 228 71 9,256 3,266 5,990 Ward No. 35 0035
1 - 1 11 7 4 896 281 615 Ward No. 36 0036
8 3 5 210 112 98 18,096 6,224 11,872 Ward No. 37 0037
3 1 2 1 1 - 244 77 167 Ward No. 38 0038
28 23 5 50 32 18 2,673 875 1,798 Ward No. 39 0039
2 1 1 105 55 50 3,728 1,201 2,527 Ward No. 40 0040
- - - - - - 293 91 202 Ward No. 41 0041
4 1 3 69 29 40 2,527 865 1,662 Ward No. 42 0042
- - - 2 2 - 869 377 492 Ward No. 43 0043
- - - - - - 64 16 48 Ward No. 44 0044
1 - 1 1 1 - 313 88 225 Ward No. 45 0045
- - - 2 2 - 212 69 143 Ward No. 46 0046
- - - 13 8 5 655 213 442 Ward No. 47 0047
3 1 2 9 5 4 1,613 500 1,113 Ward No. 48 0048
- - - 18 17 1 418 119 299 Ward No. 49 0049
- - - - - - 454 194 260 Ward No. 50 0050
5 1 4 28 18 10 1,096 404 692 Ward No. 51 0051
- - - - - - 241 102 139 Ward No. 52 0052
- - - 4 3 1 768 307 461 Ward No. 53 0053
7 2 5 20 10 10 1,302 420 882 Ward No. 54 0054
- - - 28 17 11 419 161 258 Ward No. 55 0055
16 7 9 331 141 190 2,822 1,137 1,685 Ward No. 56 0056
- - - 12 8 4 468 173 295 Ward No. 57 0057
1 1 - 15 7 8 2,931 907 2,024 Ward No. 58 0058
12 3 9 481 266 215 8,449 2,953 5,496 Ward No. 59 0059
5 1 4 59 23 36 3,049 963 2,086 Ward No. 60 0060
- - - 63 17 46 3,073 1,052 2,021 Ward No. 61 0061
8 3 5 47 21 26 3,050 1,048 2,002 Ward No. 62 0062
3 - 3 38 21 17 4,133 1,476 2,657 Ward No. 63 0063
40 14 26 317 189 128 7,542 2,708 4,834 Ward No. 64 0064
4 4 - 170 86 84 1,844 694 1,150 Ward No. 65 0065
15 13 2 200 120 80 12,577 4,625 7,952 Ward No. 66 0066


Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0067 Ward No. 67 2,457 10,525 5,094 5,431 671 350 321
0068 Ward No. 68 260 1,018 529 489 140 69 71
0069 Ward No. 69 296 1,093 529 564 133 68 65
0070 Ward No. 70 899 3,598 1,811 1,787 478 266 212
591504 Pamur (CT) 16.15 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
0001 Ward No. 1 4,783 20,000 10,340 9,660 2,348 1,252 1,096
802989 Kandukur (M) 33.06 13,934 57,246 28,644 28,602 5,754 2,965 2,789
0001 Ward No. 1 128 560 280 280 47 24 23
0002 Ward No. 2 485 2,015 1,011 1,004 187 97 90
0003 Ward No. 3 34 154 76 78 14 9 5
0006 Ward No. 6 693 2,934 1,467 1,467 332 175 157
0007 Ward No. 7 571 2,332 1,153 1,179 232 128 104
0008 Ward No. 8 333 1,255 594 661 107 52 55
0009 Ward No. 9 468 1,889 961 928 161 86 75
0010 Ward No. 10 829 3,679 1,766 1,913 311 162 149
0011 Ward No. 11 1,046 4,631 2,368 2,263 417 196 221
0012 Ward No. 12 362 1,515 756 759 134 72 62
0013 Ward No. 13 473 1,889 941 948 178 89 89
0014 Ward No. 14 392 1,714 886 828 188 105 83
0015 Ward No. 15 390 1,462 720 742 139 75 64
0016 Ward No. 16 1,071 4,099 2,020 2,079 458 233 225
0017 Ward No. 17 979 3,944 2,046 1,898 461 247 214
0018 Ward No. 18 541 2,187 1,108 1,079 240 122 118
0019 Ward No. 19 321 1,179 588 591 125 63 62
0020 Ward No. 20 319 1,224 611 613 99 46 53
0021 Ward No. 21 486 1,810 866 944 174 88 86
0022 Ward No. 22 1,419 5,775 2,936 2,839 583 293 290
0023 Ward No. 23 588 3,265 1,655 1,610 257 126 131
0024 Ward No. 24 2,006 7,734 3,835 3,899 910 477 433
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 3.38 1,858 7,145 3,650 3,495 677 365 312
0001 Ward No. 1 1,858 7,145 3,650 3,495 677 365 312
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 11.20 4,894 19,400 9,245 10,155 1,971 1,018 953
0001 Ward No. 1 4,894 19,400 9,245 10,155 1,971 1,018 953



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
448 183 265 52 25 27 9,297 4,586 4,711 Ward No. 67
367 184 183 57 34 23 629 363 266 Ward No. 68
416 205 211 39 18 21 641 359 282 Ward No. 69
190 97 93 61 37 24 2,258 1,224 1,034 Ward No. 70
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Pamur (CT)
1,073 558 515 571 279 292 13,294 7,635 5,659 Ward No. 1
8,734 4,302 4,432 2,217 1,099 1,118 38,536 21,063 17,473 Kandukur (M)
- - - - - - 491 253 238 Ward No. 1
1,530 763 767 29 13 16 1,131 638 493 Ward No. 2
96 44 52 - - - 94 49 45 Ward No. 3
1,149 581 568 83 45 38 1,552 889 663 Ward No. 6
833 417 416 - - - 1,315 749 566 Ward No. 7
161 66 95 25 7 18 702 363 339 Ward No. 8
21 12 9 20 11 9 1,363 769 594 Ward No. 9
332 98 234 17 4 13 2,967 1,509 1,458 Ward No. 10
1,179 563 616 29 16 13 3,674 2,038 1,636 Ward No. 11
55 10 45 3 - 3 1,275 662 613 Ward No. 12
- - - - - - 1,446 767 679 Ward No. 13
5 2 3 - - - 1,132 632 500 Ward No. 14
3 1 2 104 56 48 986 528 458 Ward No. 15
208 101 107 110 56 54 2,757 1,495 1,262 Ward No. 16
533 287 246 392 196 196 2,657 1,501 1,156 Ward No. 17
60 29 31 28 15 13 1,368 791 577 Ward No. 18
34 14 20 5 3 2 881 493 388 Ward No. 19
21 10 11 11 5 6 986 522 464 Ward No. 20
304 137 167 47 19 28 1,364 676 688 Ward No. 21
332 218 114 238 116 122 4,312 2,326 1,986 Ward No. 22
799 421 378 138 75 63 2,124 1,169 955 Ward No. 23
1,079 528 551 938 462 476 3,959 2,244 1,715 Ward No. 24
1,285 714 571 162 82 80 5,252 2,899 2,353 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
1,285 714 571 162 82 80 5,252 2,899 2,353 Ward No. 1
Singarayakonda (RS)
2,062 738 1,324 1,364 675 689 13,200 6,777 6,423 (CT)
2,062 738 1,324 1,364 675 689 13,200 6,777 6,423 Ward No. 1



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0067 Ward No. 67 1,228 508 720 2,900 2,383 517 2,692 2,254 438
0068 Ward No. 68 389 166 223 422 307 115 415 306 109
0069 Ward No. 69 452 170 282 447 310 137 445 309 136
0070 Ward No. 70 1,340 587 753 1,355 1,021 334 1,048 818 230
591504 Pamur (CT) 6,706 2,705 4,001 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796
0001 Ward No. 1 6,706 2,705 4,001 6,839 5,491 1,348 5,388 4,592 796
802989 Kandukur (M) 18,710 7,581 11,129 20,729 15,413 5,316 19,019 14,617 4,402
0001 Ward No. 1 69 27 42 163 152 11 161 152 9
0002 Ward No. 2 884 373 511 760 532 228 697 511 186
0003 Ward No. 3 60 27 33 64 39 25 53 37 16
0006 Ward No. 6 1,382 578 804 1,387 899 488 1,300 875 425
0007 Ward No. 7 1,017 404 613 971 654 317 958 651 307
0008 Ward No. 8 553 231 322 462 345 117 378 316 62
0009 Ward No. 9 526 192 334 670 532 138 595 499 96
0010 Ward No. 10 712 257 455 1,015 860 155 985 844 141
0011 Ward No. 11 957 330 627 1,345 1,082 263 1,239 1,012 227
0012 Ward No. 12 240 94 146 478 440 38 452 429 23
0013 Ward No. 13 443 174 269 565 491 74 529 476 53
0014 Ward No. 14 582 254 328 530 471 59 517 463 54
0015 Ward No. 15 476 192 284 643 426 217 599 412 187
0016 Ward No. 16 1,342 525 817 1,398 1,128 270 1,316 1,067 249
0017 Ward No. 17 1,287 545 742 1,504 1,114 390 1,333 1,032 301
0018 Ward No. 18 819 317 502 770 603 167 649 524 125
0019 Ward No. 19 298 95 203 459 341 118 433 340 93
0020 Ward No. 20 238 89 149 405 347 58 395 342 53
0021 Ward No. 21 446 190 256 600 425 175 417 316 101
0022 Ward No. 22 1,463 610 853 1,999 1,538 461 1,898 1,489 409
0023 Ward No. 23 1,141 486 655 1,048 692 356 993 663 330
0024 Ward No. 24 3,775 1,591 2,184 3,493 2,302 1,191 3,122 2,167 955
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 1,893 751 1,142 2,504 1,940 564 2,257 1,765 492
0001 Ward No. 1 1,893 751 1,142 2,504 1,940 564 2,257 1,765 492
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 6,200 2,468 3,732 6,789 5,229 1,560 5,969 4,762 1,207
0001 Ward No. 1 6,200 2,468 3,732 6,789 5,229 1,560 5,969 4,762 1,207


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
93 90 3 17 12 5 40 27 13 2,542 2,125 417 Ward No. 67
2 2 - 30 6 24 5 4 1 378 294 84 Ward No. 68
- - - 67 33 34 7 3 4 371 273 98 Ward No. 69
4 4 - 94 54 40 73 39 34 877 721 156 Ward No. 70
153 138 15 443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Pamur (CT)
153 138 15 443 305 138 78 60 18 4,714 4,089 625 Ward No. 1
1,217 1,027 190 2,675 1,411 1,264 386 251 135 14,741 11,928 2,813 Kandukur (M)
3 3 - - - - 1 - 1 157 149 8 Ward No. 1
22 22 - 278 153 125 4 2 2 393 334 59 Ward No. 2
9 6 3 14 4 10 - - - 30 27 3 Ward No. 3
16 14 2 243 121 122 4 3 1 1,037 737 300 Ward No. 6
43 39 4 168 67 101 2 2 - 745 543 202 Ward No. 7
9 8 1 121 84 37 10 7 3 238 217 21 Ward No. 8
45 40 5 81 45 36 14 8 6 455 406 49 Ward No. 9
92 91 1 40 27 13 9 4 5 844 722 122 Ward No. 10
59 54 5 42 32 10 26 10 16 1,112 916 196 Ward No. 11
6 5 1 1 1 - 2 2 - 443 421 22 Ward No. 12
5 4 1 14 10 4 1 1 - 509 461 48 Ward No. 13
1 1 - 16 5 11 1 1 - 499 456 43 Ward No. 14
54 51 3 39 31 8 - - - 506 330 176 Ward No. 15
134 106 28 117 68 49 145 111 34 920 782 138 Ward No. 16
72 65 7 145 70 75 20 12 8 1,096 885 211 Ward No. 17
19 19 - 21 7 14 8 6 2 601 492 109 Ward No. 18
4 4 - 6 1 5 1 1 - 422 334 88 Ward No. 19
12 12 - 9 4 5 7 4 3 367 322 45 Ward No. 20
18 14 4 9 6 3 8 2 6 382 294 88 Ward No. 21
60 57 3 213 114 99 43 30 13 1,582 1,288 294 Ward No. 22
356 252 104 354 176 178 1 - 1 282 235 47 Ward No. 23
178 160 18 744 385 359 79 45 34 2,121 1,577 544 Ward No. 24
148 136 12 322 212 110 12 4 8 1,775 1,413 362 Mulaguntapadu (CT)
148 136 12 322 212 110 12 4 8 1,775 1,413 362 Ward No. 1
Singarayakonda (RS)
21 20 1 363 242 121 91 56 35 5,494 4,444 1,050 (CT)
21 20 1 363 242 121 91 56 35 5,494 4,444 1,050 Ward No. 1


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0067 Ward No. 67 208 129 79 9 5 4 10 4 6
0068 Ward No. 68 7 1 6 - - - 6 - 6
0069 Ward No. 69 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0070 Ward No. 70 307 203 104 1 - 1 10 7 3
591504 Pamur (CT) 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
0001 Ward No. 1 1,451 899 552 8 6 2 313 124 189
802989 Kandukur (M) 1,710 796 914 48 27 21 550 152 398
0001 Ward No. 1 2 - 2 - - - - - -
0002 Ward No. 2 63 21 42 - - - 39 5 34
0003 Ward No. 3 11 2 9 7 2 5 4 - 4
0006 Ward No. 6 87 24 63 7 2 5 45 3 42
0007 Ward No. 7 13 3 10 - - - 4 1 3
0008 Ward No. 8 84 29 55 - - - 60 15 45
0009 Ward No. 9 75 33 42 - - - 33 4 29
0010 Ward No. 10 30 16 14 1 - 1 2 2 -
0011 Ward No. 11 106 70 36 4 2 2 13 8 5
0012 Ward No. 12 26 11 15 - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 36 15 21 - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 13 8 5 - - - - - -
0015 Ward No. 15 44 14 30 - - - 21 2 19
0016 Ward No. 16 82 61 21 - - - 4 2 2
0017 Ward No. 17 171 82 89 4 3 1 57 23 34
0018 Ward No. 18 121 79 42 - - - 58 45 13
0019 Ward No. 19 26 1 25 - - - 2 - 2
0020 Ward No. 20 10 5 5 - - - 1 - 1
0021 Ward No. 21 183 109 74 - - - 13 7 6
0022 Ward No. 22 101 49 52 1 1 - 31 7 24
0023 Ward No. 23 55 29 26 1 1 - 42 19 23
0024 Ward No. 24 371 135 236 23 16 7 121 9 112
591552 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 247 175 72 3 3 - 45 35 10
0001 Ward No. 1 247 175 72 3 3 - 45 35 10
Singarayakonda (RS)
591553 (CT) 820 467 353 14 8 6 117 35 82
0001 Ward No. 1 820 467 353 14 8 6 117 35 82


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
10 4 6 179 116 63 7,625 2,711 4,914 Ward No. 67 0067
- - - 1 1 - 596 222 374 Ward No. 68 0068
- - - 2 1 1 646 219 427 Ward No. 69 0069
41 16 25 255 180 75 2,243 790 1,453 Ward No. 70 0070
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Pamur (CT) 591504
19 5 14 1,111 764 347 13,161 4,849 8,312 Ward No. 1 0001
97 52 45 1,015 565 450 36,517 13,231 23,286 Kandukur (M) 802989
2 - 2 - - - 397 128 269 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 24 16 8 1,255 479 776 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - - - - 90 37 53 Ward No. 3 0003
- - - 35 19 16 1,547 568 979 Ward No. 6 0006
- - - 9 2 7 1,361 499 862 Ward No. 7 0007
1 1 - 23 13 10 793 249 544 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 42 29 13 1,219 429 790 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 27 14 13 2,664 906 1,758 Ward No. 10 0010
14 8 6 75 52 23 3,286 1,286 2,000 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - 26 11 15 1,037 316 721 Ward No. 12 0012
12 5 7 24 10 14 1,324 450 874 Ward No. 13 0013
- - - 13 8 5 1,184 415 769 Ward No. 14 0014
- - - 23 12 11 819 294 525 Ward No. 15 0015
3 1 2 75 58 17 2,701 892 1,809 Ward No. 16 0016
7 5 2 103 51 52 2,440 932 1,508 Ward No. 17 0017
6 4 2 57 30 27 1,417 505 912 Ward No. 18 0018
- - - 24 1 23 720 247 473 Ward No. 19 0019
- - - 9 5 4 819 264 555 Ward No. 20 0020
25 15 10 145 87 58 1,210 441 769 Ward No. 21 0021
4 1 3 65 40 25 3,776 1,398 2,378 Ward No. 22 0022
- - - 12 9 3 2,217 963 1,254 Ward No. 23 0023
23 12 11 204 98 106 4,241 1,533 2,708 Ward No. 24 0024
- - - 199 137 62 4,641 1,710 2,931 Mulaguntapadu (CT) 591552
- - - 199 137 62 4,641 1,710 2,931 Ward No. 1 0001
Singarayakonda (RS)
11 4 7 678 420 258 12,611 4,016 8,595 (CT) 591553
11 4 7 678 420 258 12,611 4,016 8,595 Ward No. 1 0001

Section – II
Tables based on Households
Amenities and Assets
(Rural /Urban) at District and
Sub-District level
Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011

Name of Ownership Number of dwelling Number of households

district status rooms Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Owned No exclusive room 23,806 21,710 2,096 7,411 7,010 401 1,378 1,249 129
One room 402,499 365,150 37,349 108,965 101,592 7,373 26,485 23,241 3,244
Two rooms 216,346 184,800 31,546 44,746 40,055 4,691 6,442 5,307 1,135
Three rooms 54,624 37,022 17,602 5,753 4,081 1,672 849 507 342
3+ rooms 19,933 11,696 8,237 1,994 1,363 631 306 135 171
Rented No exclusive room 3,789 2,307 1,482 581 401 180 149 101 48
One room 58,067 33,507 24,560 7,896 4,892 3,004 2,399 1,332 1,067
Two rooms 41,203 18,768 22,435 4,733 2,375 2,358 1,035 516 519
Three rooms 19,003 6,008 12,995 1,641 595 1,046 310 110 200
3+ rooms 5,143 1,266 3,877 389 120 269 75 16 59
Others No exclusive room 2,288 2,006 282 775 709 66 323 267 56
One room 7,729 6,339 1,390 2,090 1,671 419 971 799 172
Two rooms 2,109 1,527 582 612 451 161 91 54 37
Three rooms 536 326 210 91 64 27 17 12 5
3+ rooms 201 110 91 26 13 13 7 5 2
District - Total No exclusive room 29,883 26,023 3,860 8,767 8,120 647 1,850 1,617 233
Prakasam One room 468,295 404,996 63,299 118,951 108,155 10,796 29,855 25,372 4,483
Two rooms 259,658 205,095 54,563 50,091 42,881 7,210 7,568 5,877 1,691
Three rooms 74,163 43,356 30,807 7,485 4,740 2,745 1,176 629 547
3+ rooms 25,277 13,072 12,205 2,409 1,496 913 388 156 232

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,
Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Total
Permanent Semi permanent Temporary Permanent
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sub-District - Yerragondapalem
1 (2854905097) 10,479 (71.78%) 1,728 (11.84%) 2,332 (15.97%) 10,479 (71.78%)

2 Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu (2854905098) 7,675 (61.4%) 1,931 (15.45%) 2,772 (22.18%) 7,675 (61.4%)

3 Sub-District - Tripuranthakam (2854905099) 10,804 (74.54%) 1,405 (9.69%) 2,192 (15.12%) 10,804 (74.54%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala (2854905100) 8,808 (79.99%) 902 (8.19%) 1,207 (10.96%) 8,808 (79.99%)

5 Sub-District - Peda Araveedu (2854905101) 8,586 (84.38%) 684 (6.72%) 840 (8.26%) 8,586 (84.38%)

6 Sub-District - Donakonda (2854905102) 9,101 (79.69%) 1,045 (9.15%) 1,160 (10.16%) 9,101 (79.69%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu (2854905103) 7,413 (77.86%) 865 (9.09%) 1,081 (11.35%) 7,413 (77.86%)

8 Sub-District - Santhamaguluru (2854905104) 10,596 (70.26%) 1,360 (9.02%) 3,044 (20.18%) 10,596 (70.26%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava (2854905105) 11,250 (82.33%) 773 (5.66%) 1,582 (11.58%) 11,250 (82.33%)
10 Sub-District - Martur (2854905106) 15,666 (80.57%) 1,338 (6.88%) 2,341 (12.04%) 15,666 (80.57%)

11 Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi (2854905107) 6,329 (78.09%) 773 (9.54%) 950 (11.72%) 6,329 (78.09%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur (2854905108) 10,379 (66.23%) 1,588 (10.13%) 3,538 (22.58%) 10,379 (66.23%)

13 Sub-District - Karamchedu (2854905109) 8,354 (73.38%) 896 (7.87%) 2,026 (17.8%) 8,354 (73.38%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110) 10,337 (75.24%) 1,215 (8.84%) 2,116 (15.4%) 10,337 (75.24%)
Sub-District - Janakavarampanguluru
15 (2854905111) 9,550 (74.8%) 1,045 (8.19%) 2,105 (16.49%) 9,550 (74.8%)
16 Sub-District - Addanki (2854905112) 18,607 (80.01%) 2,322 (9.98%) 2,235 (9.61%) 18,607 (80.01%)

17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru (2854905113) 10,656 (76.78%) 1,030 (7.42%) 2,073 (14.94%) 10,656 (76.78%)
18 Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114) 17,407 (83.84%) 1,517 (7.31%) 1,667 (8.03%) 17,407 (83.84%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur (2854905115) 26,700 (88.36%) 1,725 (5.71%) 965 (3.19%) 10,796 (83.45%)

20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu (2854905116) 5,369 (58.83%) 1,748 (19.15%) 1,395 (15.29%) 5,369 (58.83%)
21 Sub-District - Cumbum (2854905117) 7,805 (63.07%) 2,830 (22.87%) 1,063 (8.59%) 5,372 (62.16%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu (2854905118) 6,657 (80.11%) 917 (11.03%) 573 (6.9%) 6,657 (80.11%)

23 Sub-District - Konakanamitla (2854905119) 9,207 (78.1%) 1,027 (8.71%) 1,451 (12.31%) 9,207 (78.1%)
24 Sub-District - Podili (2854905120) 14,647 (88.82%) 948 (5.75%) 693 (4.2%) 7,584 (86.38%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur (2854905121) 9,936 (82.1%) 1,339 (11.06%) 764 (6.31%) 9,936 (82.1%)

26 Sub-District - Korisapadu (2854905122) 9,534 (72.35%) 2,137 (16.22%) 1,243 (9.43%) 9,534 (72.35%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala (2854905123) 33,190 (72.99%) 4,942 (10.87%) 7,074 (15.56%) 8,723 (58.25%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem (2854905124) 17,147 (81.05%) 1,645 (7.78%) 2,108 (9.96%) 7,047 (75.98%)

29 Sub-District - Chinaganjam (2854905125) 7,513 (63.65%) 1,125 (9.53%) 2,752 (23.32%) 7,513 (63.65%)
Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu
30 (2854905126) 14,334 (76.46%) 1,966 (10.49%) 2,348 (12.53%) 14,334 (76.46%)
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu (2854905127) 11,705 (82.9%) 1,619 (11.47%) 741 (5.25%) 11,705 (82.9%)

32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi (2854905128) 16,245 (83.88%) 1,809 (9.34%) 1,227 (6.34%) 16,245 (83.88%)
33 Sub-District - Marripudi (2854905129) 8,381 (85.02%) 719 (7.29%) 725 (7.35%) 8,381 (85.02%)
Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu
34 (2854905130) 4,597 (63.45%) 698 (9.63%) 1,925 (26.57%) 4,597 (63.45%)

Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011
Rural Urban Name of Sub-District
Semi permanent Temporary Permanent Semi permanent Temporary
7 8 9 10 11 2
Sub-District - Yerragondapalem
1,728 (11.84%) 2,332 (15.97%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905097)

1,931 (15.45%) 2,772 (22.18%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu (2854905098)

1,405 (9.69%) 2,192 (15.12%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Tripuranthakam (2854905099)
902 (8.19%) 1,207 (10.96%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Dornala (2854905100)

684 (6.72%) 840 (8.26%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Peda Araveedu (2854905101)

1,045 (9.15%) 1,160 (10.16%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Donakonda (2854905102)
865 (9.09%) 1,081 (11.35%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Kurichedu (2854905103)

1,360 (9.02%) 3,044 (20.18%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Santhamaguluru (2854905104)
773 (5.66%) 1,582 (11.58%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Ballikurava (2854905105)
1,338 (6.88%) 2,341 (12.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Martur (2854905106)

773 (9.54%) 950 (11.72%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi (2854905107)
1,588 (10.13%) 3,538 (22.58%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Parchur (2854905108)

896 (7.87%) 2,026 (17.8%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Karamchedu (2854905109)
1,215 (8.84%) 2,116 (15.4%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110)
Sub-District - Janakavarampanguluru
1,045 (8.19%) 2,105 (16.49%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905111)
2,322 (9.98%) 2,235 (9.61%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Addanki (2854905112)

1,030 (7.42%) 2,073 (14.94%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Mundlamuru (2854905113)
1,517 (7.31%) 1,667 (8.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114)
1,105 (8.54%) 725 (5.6%) 15,904 (92.03%) 620 (3.59%) 240 (1.39%) Sub-District - Markapur (2854905115)

1,748 (19.15%) 1,395 (15.29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Ardhaveedu (2854905116)
2,136 (24.72%) 727 (8.41%) 2,433 (65.16%) 694 (18.59%) 336 (9%) Sub-District - Cumbum (2854905117)
917 (11.03%) 573 (6.9%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Tarlupadu (2854905118)

1,027 (8.71%) 1,451 (12.31%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Konakanamitla (2854905119)
627 (7.14%) 450 (5.13%) 7,063 (91.6%) 321 (4.16%) 243 (3.15%) Sub-District - Podili (2854905120)
1,339 (11.06%) 764 (6.31%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Thallur (2854905121)

2,137 (16.22%) 1,243 (9.43%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Korisapadu (2854905122)
1,847 (12.33%) 4,347 (29.03%) 24,467 (80.22%) 3,095 (10.15%) 2,727 (8.94%) Sub-District - Chirala (2854905123)
711 (7.67%) 1,399 (15.08%) 10,100 (85.02%) 934 (7.86%) 709 (5.97%) Sub-District - Vetapalem (2854905124)

1,125 (9.53%) 2,752 (23.32%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Chinaganjam (2854905125)
Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu
1,966 (10.49%) 2,348 (12.53%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905126)
1,619 (11.47%) 741 (5.25%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Maddipadu (2854905127)

1,809 (9.34%) 1,227 (6.34%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Chimakurthi (2854905128)
719 (7.29%) 725 (7.35%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Marripudi (2854905129)
Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu
698 (9.63%) 1,925 (26.57%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905130)

Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,
Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Total
Permanent Semi permanent Temporary Permanent
1 2 3 4 5 6

35 Sub-District - Bestawaripeta (2854905131) 8,923 (68.31%) 2,174 (16.64%) 1,813 (13.88%) 8,923 (68.31%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla (2854905132) 4,643 (50.83%) 2,562 (28.05%) 1,486 (16.27%) 4,643 (50.83%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur (2854905133) 14,530 (66.69%) 3,966 (18.2%) 2,974 (13.65%) 7,290 (55.69%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu (2854905134) 7,821 (72.45%) 1,416 (13.12%) 1,367 (12.66%) 7,821 (72.45%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla (2854905135) 7,119 (88.48%) 516 (6.41%) 380 (4.72%) 7,119 (88.48%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri (2854905136) 18,536 (89.13%) 1,294 (6.22%) 695 (3.34%) 10,650 (86.79%)
41 Sub-District - Kondapi (2854905137) 9,469 (90.29%) 527 (5.03%) 476 (4.54%) 9,469 (90.29%)
Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu
42 (2854905138) 13,561 (81.27%) 2,227 (13.35%) 863 (5.17%) 12,780 (80.92%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole (2854905139) 56,802 (89.8%) 4,087 (6.46%) 2,167 (3.43%) 10,482 (81.49%)

44 Sub-District - Kotha Patnam (2854905140) 9,293 (68.7%) 1,552 (11.47%) 2,655 (19.63%) 9,293 (68.7%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur (2854905141) 13,800 (86.13%) 1,497 (9.34%) 687 (4.29%) 13,800 (86.13%)
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli (2854905142) 10,056 (92.64%) 431 (3.97%) 358 (3.3%) 10,056 (92.64%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru (2854905143) 8,695 (87.06%) 569 (5.7%) 689 (6.9%) 8,695 (87.06%)
Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle
48 (2854905144) 7,276 (86.15%) 473 (5.6%) 642 (7.6%) 7,276 (86.15%)
Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Puram
49 (2854905145) 9,503 (87.44%) 828 (7.62%) 486 (4.47%) 9,503 (87.44%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur (2854905146) 13,384 (90.12%) 810 (5.45%) 617 (4.15%) 9,098 (89.43%)

51 Sub-District - Voletivaripalem (2854905147) 8,174 (87.25%) 549 (5.86%) 593 (6.33%) 8,174 (87.25%)
52 Sub-District - Kandukur (2854905148) 21,364 (89.08%) 1,356 (5.65%) 1,203 (5.02%) 9,112 (89.39%)

53 Sub-District - Singarayakonda (2854905149) 14,442 (83.51%) 1,027 (5.94%) 1,739 (10.06%) 8,524 (80.11%)

54 Sub-District - Lingasamudram (2854905150) 7,611 (81.69%) 555 (5.96%) 1,122 (12.04%) 7,611 (81.69%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru (2854905151) 9,116 (80.46%) 536 (4.73%) 1,650 (14.56%) 9,116 (80.46%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu (2854905152) 11,273 (77.47%) 1,007 (6.92%) 2,247 (15.44%) 11,273 (77.47%)
District - Prakasam (28549) 680,355 (79.36%) 79,570 (9.28%) 89,217 (10.41%) 535,705 (77.35%)

1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.
Note :
Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I.
Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal
sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof.

Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials.
Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves,
reeds, bamboo, mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt
bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs.

Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011
Rural Urban Name of Sub-District
Semi permanent Temporary Permanent Semi permanent Temporary
7 8 9 10 11 2

2,174 (16.64%) 1,813 (13.88%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Bestawaripeta (2854905131)
2,562 (28.05%) 1,486 (16.27%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Racherla (2854905132)
3,025 (23.11%) 2,482 (18.96%) 7,240 (83.23%) 941 (10.82%) 492 (5.66%) Sub-District - Giddalur (2854905133)
1,416 (13.12%) 1,367 (12.66%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Komarolu (2854905134)
516 (6.41%) 380 (4.72%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Veligandla (2854905135)
1,006 (8.2%) 548 (4.47%) 7,886 (92.5%) 288 (3.38%) 147 (1.72%) Sub-District - Kanigiri (2854905136)
527 (5.03%) 476 (4.54%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Kondapi (2854905137)
Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu
2,122 (13.44%) 856 (5.42%) 781 (87.46%) 105 (11.76%) 7 (0.78%) (2854905138)
1,535 (11.93%) 822 (6.39%) 46,320 (91.92%) 2,552 (5.06%) 1,345 (2.67%) Sub-District - Ongole (2854905139)

1,552 (11.47%) 2,655 (19.63%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Kotha Patnam (2854905140)
1,497 (9.34%) 687 (4.29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Tangutur (2854905141)
431 (3.97%) 358 (3.3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Zarugumilli (2854905142)
569 (5.7%) 689 (6.9%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Ponnaluru (2854905143)
Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle
473 (5.6%) 642 (7.6%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905144)
Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Puram
828 (7.62%) 486 (4.47%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2854905145)
571 (5.61%) 476 (4.68%) 4,286 (91.62%) 239 (5.11%) 141 (3.01%) Sub-District - Pamur (2854905146)

549 (5.86%) 593 (6.33%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Voletivaripalem (2854905147)
556 (5.45%) 494 (4.85%) 12,252 (88.84%) 800 (5.8%) 709 (5.14%) Sub-District - Kandukur (2854905148)

687 (6.46%) 1,404 (13.2%) 5,918 (88.95%) 340 (5.11%) 335 (5.04%) Sub-District - Singarayakonda (2854905149)

555 (5.96%) 1,122 (12.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Lingasamudram (2854905150)
536 (4.73%) 1,650 (14.56%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Gudluru (2854905151)
1,007 (6.92%) 2,247 (15.44%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Ulavapadu (2854905152)
68,641 (9.91%) 81,786 (11.81%) 144,650 (87.81%) 10,929 (6.63%) 7,431 (4.51%) District - Prakasam (28549)

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household
No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well
Urban treated source untreated source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Total 14,599 1,317 (9.02%) 6,786 (46.48%) 19 (0.13%) 235 (1.61%)
Yerragondapalem Rural 14,599 1,317 (9.02%) 6,786 (46.48%) 19 (0.13%) 235 (1.61%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Total 12,499 520 (4.16%) 3,917 (31.34%) 44 (0.35%) 360 (2.88%)
Pullalacheruvu Rural 12,499 520 (4.16%) 3,917 (31.34%) 44 (0.35%) 360 (2.88%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Total 14,494 1,294 (8.93%) 1,878 (12.96%) 71 (0.49%) 862 (5.95%)
Tripuranthakam Rural 14,494 1,294 (8.93%) 1,878 (12.96%) 71 (0.49%) 862 (5.95%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala Total 11,011 1,006 (9.14%) 6,116 (55.54%) 18 (0.16%) 92 (0.84%)
(2854905100) Rural 11,011 1,006 (9.14%) 6,116 (55.54%) 18 (0.16%) 92 (0.84%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Total 10,175 1,461 (14.36%) 5,019 (49.33%) 17 (0.17%) 6 (0.06%)
Araveedu (2854905101) Rural 10,175 1,461 (14.36%) 5,019 (49.33%) 17 (0.17%) 6 (0.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Donakonda Total 11,421 3,698 (32.38%) 2,248 (19.68%) 158 (1.38%) 307 (2.69%)
(2854905102) Rural 11,421 3,698 (32.38%) 2,248 (19.68%) 158 (1.38%) 307 (2.69%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu Total 9,521 2,755 (28.94%) 1,011 (10.62%) 6 (0.06%) 862 (9.05%)
(2854905103) Rural 9,521 2,755 (28.94%) 1,011 (10.62%) 6 (0.06%) 862 (9.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Total 15,082 3,779 (25.06%) 1,070 (7.09%) 98 (0.65%) 1,418 (9.4%)
Santhamaguluru Rural 15,082 3,779 (25.06%) 1,070 (7.09%) 98 (0.65%) 1,418 (9.4%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava Total 13,665 3,170 (23.2%) 906 (6.63%) 35 (0.26%) 1,375 (10.06%)
(2854905105) Rural 13,665 3,170 (23.2%) 906 (6.63%) 35 (0.26%) 1,375 (10.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur Total 19,445 5,796 (29.81%) 1,592 (8.19%) 102 (0.52%) 2,755 (14.17%)
(2854905106) Rural 19,445 5,796 (29.81%) 1,592 (8.19%) 102 (0.52%) 2,755 (14.17%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Yeddana Total 8,105 3,439 (42.43%) 372 (4.59%) 22 (0.27%) 3,062 (37.78%)
Pudi (2854905107) Rural 8,105 3,439 (42.43%) 372 (4.59%) 22 (0.27%) 3,062 (37.78%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur Total 15,671 10,201 (65.09%) 1,477 (9.43%) 89 (0.57%) 2,128 (13.58%)
(2854905108) Rural 15,671 10,201 (65.09%) 1,477 (9.43%) 89 (0.57%) 2,128 (13.58%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Karamchedu Total 11,385 8,374 (73.55%) 748 (6.57%) 29 (0.25%) 1,267 (11.13%)
(2854905109) Rural 11,385 8,374 (73.55%) 748 (6.57%) 29 (0.25%) 1,267 (11.13%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu Total 13,738 2,395 (17.43%) 1,194 (8.69%) 103 (0.75%) 8,662 (63.05%)
(2854905110) Rural 13,738 2,395 (17.43%) 1,194 (8.69%) 103 (0.75%) 8,662 (63.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Total 12,767 2,688 (21.05%) 1,431 (11.21%) 81 (0.63%) 2,750 (21.54%)
Janakavarampanguluru Rural 12,767 2,688 (21.05%) 1,431 (11.21%) 81 (0.63%) 2,750 (21.54%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Sub-District - Addanki Total 23,256 9,590 (41.24%) 4,644 (19.97%) 24 (0.1%) 253 (1.09%)
(2854905112) Rural 23,256 9,590 (41.24%) 4,644 (19.97%) 24 (0.1%) 253 (1.09%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.
having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District
Handpump Tubewell/boreho Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources Rural/
le lake Urban
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
803 (5.5%) 5,201 (35.63%) 1 (0.01%) 47 (0.32%) 132 (0.9%) 58 (0.4%) Total Sub-District -
803 (5.5%) 5,201 (35.63%) 1 (0.01%) 47 (0.32%) 132 (0.9%) 58 (0.4%) Rural Yerragondapalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,737 (21.9%) 4,894 (39.16%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.18%) Total Sub-District -
2,737 (21.9%) 4,894 (39.16%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.18%) Rural Pullalacheruvu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7,013 (48.39%) 3,339 (23.04%) 3 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 31 (0.21%) Total Sub-District -
7,013 (48.39%) 3,339 (23.04%) 3 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 31 (0.21%) Rural Tripuranthakam
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,712 (15.55%) 1,906 (17.31%) 14 (0.13%) 10 (0.09%) 36 (0.33%) 101 (0.92%) Total Sub-District - Dornala
1,712 (15.55%) 1,906 (17.31%) 14 (0.13%) 10 (0.09%) 36 (0.33%) 101 (0.92%) Rural (2854905100)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
178 (1.75%) 3,373 (33.15%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 118 (1.16%) Total Sub-District - Peda
178 (1.75%) 3,373 (33.15%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 118 (1.16%) Rural Araveedu (2854905101)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,429 (38.78%) 565 (4.95%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 3 (0.03%) 7 (0.06%) Total Sub-District - Donakonda
4,429 (38.78%) 565 (4.95%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 3 (0.03%) 7 (0.06%) Rural (2854905102)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,323 (45.4%) 539 (5.66%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 21 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Kurichedu
4,323 (45.4%) 539 (5.66%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 21 (0.22%) Rural (2854905103)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
6,675 (44.26%) 1,463 (9.7%) 152 (1.01%) 11 (0.07%) 5 (0.03%) 411 (2.73%) Total Sub-District -
6,675 (44.26%) 1,463 (9.7%) 152 (1.01%) 11 (0.07%) 5 (0.03%) 411 (2.73%) Rural Santhamaguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
6,033 (44.15%) 1,597 (11.69%) 124 (0.91%) 5 (0.04%) 136 (1%) 284 (2.08%) Total Sub-District - Ballikurava
6,033 (44.15%) 1,597 (11.69%) 124 (0.91%) 5 (0.04%) 136 (1%) 284 (2.08%) Rural (2854905105)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,923 (25.32%) 3,083 (15.85%) 25 (0.13%) 2 (0.01%) 1,041 (5.35%) 126 (0.65%) Total Sub-District - Martur
4,923 (25.32%) 3,083 (15.85%) 25 (0.13%) 2 (0.01%) 1,041 (5.35%) 126 (0.65%) Rural (2854905106)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
357 (4.4%) 324 (4%) 4 (0.05%) 1 (0.01%) 481 (5.93%) 43 (0.53%) Total Sub-District - Yeddana
357 (4.4%) 324 (4%) 4 (0.05%) 1 (0.01%) 481 (5.93%) 43 (0.53%) Rural Pudi (2854905107)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
9 (0.06%) 22 (0.14%) 6 (0.04%) 223 (1.42%) 231 (1.47%) 1,285 (8.2%) Total Sub-District - Parchur
9 (0.06%) 22 (0.14%) 6 (0.04%) 223 (1.42%) 231 (1.47%) 1,285 (8.2%) Rural (2854905108)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
44 (0.39%) 64 (0.56%) 10 (0.09%) 45 (0.4%) 651 (5.72%) 153 (1.34%) Total Sub-District -
44 (0.39%) 64 (0.56%) 10 (0.09%) 45 (0.4%) 651 (5.72%) 153 (1.34%) Rural Karamchedu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
5 (0.04%) 3 (0.02%) 2 (0.01%) 5 (0.04%) 75 (0.55%) 1,294 (9.42%) Total Sub-District - Inkollu
5 (0.04%) 3 (0.02%) 2 (0.01%) 5 (0.04%) 75 (0.55%) 1,294 (9.42%) Rural (2854905110)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,080 (31.96%) 1,307 (10.24%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 301 (2.36%) 126 (0.99%) Total Sub-District -
4,080 (31.96%) 1,307 (10.24%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 301 (2.36%) 126 (0.99%) Rural Janakavarampanguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
5,501 (23.65%) 2,323 (9.99%) 3 (0.01%) 233 (1%) 74 (0.32%) 611 (2.63%) Total Sub-District - Addanki
5,501 (23.65%) 2,323 (9.99%) 3 (0.01%) 233 (1%) 74 (0.32%) 611 (2.63%) Rural (2854905112)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household
No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well
Urban treated source untreated source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru Total 13,878 6,846 (49.33%) 1,687 (12.16%) 20 (0.14%) 197 (1.42%)
(2854905113) Rural 13,878 6,846 (49.33%) 1,687 (12.16%) 20 (0.14%) 197 (1.42%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
18 Sub-District - Darsi Total 20,761 15,614 (75.21%) 1,562 (7.52%) 46 (0.22%) 32 (0.15%)
(2854905114) Rural 20,761 15,614 (75.21%) 1,562 (7.52%) 46 (0.22%) 32 (0.15%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur Total 30,219 11,032 (36.51%) 11,845 (39.2%) 38 (0.13%) 9 (0.03%)
(2854905115) Rural 12,937 2,986 (23.08%) 6,693 (51.74%) 21 (0.16%) 2 (0.02%)
Urban 17,282 8,046 (46.56%) 5,152 (29.81%) 17 (0.1%) 7 (0.04%)
20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu Total 9,126 2,671 (29.27%) 4,145 (45.42%) 52 (0.57%) 7 (0.08%)
(2854905116) Rural 9,126 2,671 (29.27%) 4,145 (45.42%) 52 (0.57%) 7 (0.08%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Sub-District - Cumbum Total 12,376 1,753 (14.16%) 9,793 (79.13%) 9 (0.07%) 1 (0.01%)
(2854905117) Rural 8,642 709 (8.2%) 7,142 (82.64%) 5 (0.06%) 0 (0%)
Urban 3,734 1,044 (27.96%) 2,651 (71%) 4 (0.11%) 1 (0.03%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu Total 8,310 1,570 (18.89%) 4,566 (54.95%) 4 (0.05%) 0 (0%)
(2854905118) Rural 8,310 1,570 (18.89%) 4,566 (54.95%) 4 (0.05%) 0 (0%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Total 11,788 1,367 (11.6%) 1,534 (13.01%) 38 (0.32%) 313 (2.66%)
Konakanamitla Rural 11,788 1,367 (11.6%) 1,534 (13.01%) 38 (0.32%) 313 (2.66%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili Total 16,491 10,584 (64.18%) 1,305 (7.91%) 28 (0.17%) 573 (3.47%)
(2854905120) Rural 8,780 3,629 (41.33%) 838 (9.54%) 28 (0.32%) 572 (6.51%)
Urban 7,711 6,955 (90.2%) 467 (6.06%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur Total 12,103 6,287 (51.95%) 3,185 (26.32%) 195 (1.61%) 116 (0.96%)
(2854905121) Rural 12,103 6,287 (51.95%) 3,185 (26.32%) 195 (1.61%) 116 (0.96%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Korisapadu Total 13,177 3,870 (29.37%) 2,887 (21.91%) 288 (2.19%) 2,425 (18.4%)
(2854905122) Rural 13,177 3,870 (29.37%) 2,887 (21.91%) 288 (2.19%) 2,425 (18.4%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala Total 45,472 16,952 (37.28%) 2,284 (5.02%) 421 (0.93%) 6,803 (14.96%)
(2854905123) Rural 14,974 900 (6.01%) 157 (1.05%) 131 (0.87%) 4,147 (27.69%)
Urban 30,498 16,052 (52.63%) 2,127 (6.97%) 290 (0.95%) 2,656 (8.71%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem Total 21,155 1,337 (6.32%) 4,613 (21.81%) 180 (0.85%) 3,131 (14.8%)
(2854905124) Rural 9,275 564 (6.08%) 1,124 (12.12%) 51 (0.55%) 1,836 (19.8%)
Urban 11,880 773 (6.51%) 3,489 (29.37%) 129 (1.09%) 1,295 (10.9%)
29 Sub-District - Chinaganjam Total 11,803 4,413 (37.39%) 855 (7.24%) 24 (0.2%) 2,407 (20.39%)
(2854905125) Rural 11,803 4,413 (37.39%) 855 (7.24%) 24 (0.2%) 2,407 (20.39%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Naguluppala Total 18,746 4,171 (22.25%) 3,149 (16.8%) 73 (0.39%) 8,735 (46.6%)
Padu (2854905126) Rural 18,746 4,171 (22.25%) 3,149 (16.8%) 73 (0.39%) 8,735 (46.6%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu Total 14,120 7,257 (51.4%) 3,554 (25.17%) 15 (0.11%) 2,264 (16.03%)
(2854905127) Rural 14,120 7,257 (51.4%) 3,554 (25.17%) 15 (0.11%) 2,264 (16.03%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi Total 19,366 5,264 (27.18%) 1,137 (5.87%) 139 (0.72%) 1,035 (5.34%)
(2854905128) Rural 19,366 5,264 (27.18%) 1,137 (5.87%) 139 (0.72%) 1,035 (5.34%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.
having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District
Handpump Tubewell/boreho Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources Rural/
le lake Urban
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
3,689 (26.58%) 1,353 (9.75%) 30 (0.22%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 55 (0.4%) Total Sub-District - Mundlamuru
3,689 (26.58%) 1,353 (9.75%) 30 (0.22%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 55 (0.4%) Rural (2854905113)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,345 (11.3%) 1,077 (5.19%) 64 (0.31%) 1 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 17 (0.08%) Total Sub-District - Darsi
2,345 (11.3%) 1,077 (5.19%) 64 (0.31%) 1 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 17 (0.08%) Rural (2854905114)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,057 (3.5%) 5,085 (16.83%) 267 (0.88%) 107 (0.35%) 4 (0.01%) 775 (2.56%) Total Sub-District - Markapur
995 (7.69%) 1,849 (14.29%) 265 (2.05%) 107 (0.83%) 4 (0.03%) 15 (0.12%) Rural (2854905115)
62 (0.36%) 3,236 (18.72%) 2 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 760 (4.4%) Urban
1,279 (14.01%) 972 (10.65%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total Sub-District - Ardhaveedu
1,279 (14.01%) 972 (10.65%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Rural (2854905116)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
699 (5.65%) 105 (0.85%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 16 (0.13%) Total Sub-District - Cumbum
687 (7.95%) 92 (1.06%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 7 (0.08%) Rural (2854905117)
12 (0.32%) 13 (0.35%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.24%) Urban
1,453 (17.48%) 713 (8.58%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.05%) Total Sub-District - Tarlupadu
1,453 (17.48%) 713 (8.58%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.05%) Rural (2854905118)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7,170 (60.82%) 1,360 (11.54%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.03%) Total Sub-District -
7,170 (60.82%) 1,360 (11.54%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.03%) Rural Konakanamitla
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,950 (17.89%) 704 (4.27%) 2 (0.01%) 169 (1.02%) 1 (0.01%) 175 (1.06%) Total Sub-District - Podili
2,799 (31.88%) 569 (6.48%) 2 (0.02%) 169 (1.92%) 1 (0.01%) 173 (1.97%) Rural (2854905120)
151 (1.96%) 135 (1.75%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.03%) Urban
1,111 (9.18%) 872 (7.2%) 2 (0.02%) 21 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 314 (2.59%) Total Sub-District - Thallur
1,111 (9.18%) 872 (7.2%) 2 (0.02%) 21 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 314 (2.59%) Rural (2854905121)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,347 (17.81%) 1,292 (9.8%) 3 (0.02%) 5 (0.04%) 9 (0.07%) 51 (0.39%) Total Sub-District - Korisapadu
2,347 (17.81%) 1,292 (9.8%) 3 (0.02%) 5 (0.04%) 9 (0.07%) 51 (0.39%) Rural (2854905122)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
14,608 (32.13%) 2,865 (6.3%) 154 (0.34%) 35 (0.08%) 7 (0.02%) 1,343 (2.95%) Total Sub-District - Chirala
7,427 (49.6%) 1,363 (9.1%) 6 (0.04%) 31 (0.21%) 3 (0.02%) 809 (5.4%) Rural (2854905123)
7,181 (23.55%) 1,502 (4.92%) 148 (0.49%) 4 (0.01%) 4 (0.01%) 534 (1.75%) Urban
7,714 (36.46%) 1,917 (9.06%) 7 (0.03%) 4 (0.02%) 11 (0.05%) 2,241 (10.59%) Total Sub-District - Vetapalem
3,701 (39.9%) 876 (9.44%) 2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 7 (0.08%) 1,112 (11.99%) Rural (2854905124)
4,013 (33.78%) 1,041 (8.76%) 5 (0.04%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.03%) 1,129 (9.5%) Urban
3,351 (28.39%) 601 (5.09%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.05%) 13 (0.11%) 133 (1.13%) Total Sub-District -
3,351 (28.39%) 601 (5.09%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.05%) 13 (0.11%) 133 (1.13%) Rural Chinaganjam
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,177 (6.28%) 744 (3.97%) 17 (0.09%) 24 (0.13%) 462 (2.46%) 194 (1.03%) Total Sub-District - Naguluppala
1,177 (6.28%) 744 (3.97%) 17 (0.09%) 24 (0.13%) 462 (2.46%) 194 (1.03%) Rural Padu (2854905126)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
289 (2.05%) 153 (1.08%) 62 (0.44%) 31 (0.22%) 258 (1.83%) 237 (1.68%) Total Sub-District - Maddipadu
289 (2.05%) 153 (1.08%) 62 (0.44%) 31 (0.22%) 258 (1.83%) 237 (1.68%) Rural (2854905127)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,836 (24.97%) 3,381 (17.46%) 1 (0.01%) 16 (0.08%) 5 (0.03%) 3,552 (18.34%) Total Sub-District - Chimakurthi
4,836 (24.97%) 3,381 (17.46%) 1 (0.01%) 16 (0.08%) 5 (0.03%) 3,552 (18.34%) Rural (2854905128)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household
No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well
Urban treated source untreated source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
33 Sub-District - Marripudi Total 9,858 2,508 (25.44%) 648 (6.57%) 68 (0.69%) 1,149 (11.66%)
(2854905129) Rural 9,858 2,508 (25.44%) 648 (6.57%) 68 (0.69%) 1,149 (11.66%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Total 7,245 726 (10.02%) 1,328 (18.33%) 14 (0.19%) 410 (5.66%)
Hanumanthuni Padu Rural 7,245 726 (10.02%) 1,328 (18.33%) 14 (0.19%) 410 (5.66%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
35 Sub-District - Total 13,062 2,714 (20.78%) 6,340 (48.54%) 19 (0.15%) 7 (0.05%)
Bestawaripeta Rural 13,062 2,714 (20.78%) 6,340 (48.54%) 19 (0.15%) 7 (0.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla Total 9,135 2,601 (28.47%) 4,419 (48.37%) 23 (0.25%) 16 (0.18%)
(2854905132) Rural 9,135 2,601 (28.47%) 4,419 (48.37%) 23 (0.25%) 16 (0.18%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur Total 21,789 6,712 (30.8%) 11,902 (54.62%) 226 (1.04%) 9 (0.04%)
(2854905133) Rural 13,090 3,864 (29.52%) 6,738 (51.47%) 199 (1.52%) 7 (0.05%)
Urban 8,699 2,848 (32.74%) 5,164 (59.36%) 27 (0.31%) 2 (0.02%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu Total 10,795 1,285 (11.9%) 7,014 (64.97%) 38 (0.35%) 97 (0.9%)
(2854905134) Rural 10,795 1,285 (11.9%) 7,014 (64.97%) 38 (0.35%) 97 (0.9%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla Total 8,046 65 (0.81%) 1,329 (16.52%) 7 (0.09%) 174 (2.16%)
(2854905135) Rural 8,046 65 (0.81%) 1,329 (16.52%) 7 (0.09%) 174 (2.16%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri Total 20,796 6,004 (28.87%) 2,842 (13.67%) 75 (0.36%) 309 (1.49%)
(2854905136) Rural 12,271 901 (7.34%) 2,269 (18.49%) 25 (0.2%) 249 (2.03%)
Urban 8,525 5,103 (59.86%) 573 (6.72%) 50 (0.59%) 60 (0.7%)
41 Sub-District - Kondapi Total 10,487 3,032 (28.91%) 3,585 (34.19%) 30 (0.29%) 342 (3.26%)
(2854905137) Rural 10,487 3,032 (28.91%) 3,585 (34.19%) 30 (0.29%) 342 (3.26%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Total 16,686 7,961 (47.71%) 1,009 (6.05%) 122 (0.73%) 2,938 (17.61%)
Santhanuthala Padu Rural 15,793 7,521 (47.62%) 1,008 (6.38%) 113 (0.72%) 2,938 (18.6%)
Urban 893 440 (49.27%) 1 (0.11%) 9 (1.01%) 0 (0%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole Total 63,253 53,758 (84.99%) 2,377 (3.76%) 75 (0.12%) 2,637 (4.17%)
(2854905139) Rural 12,863 6,960 (54.11%) 809 (6.29%) 14 (0.11%) 2,535 (19.71%)
Urban 50,390 46,798 (92.87%) 1,568 (3.11%) 61 (0.12%) 102 (0.2%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Total 13,526 2,732 (20.2%) 4,016 (29.69%) 30 (0.22%) 375 (2.77%)
Patnam (2854905140) Rural 13,526 2,732 (20.2%) 4,016 (29.69%) 30 (0.22%) 375 (2.77%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur Total 16,022 5,980 (37.32%) 3,911 (24.41%) 154 (0.96%) 2,969 (18.53%)
(2854905141) Rural 16,022 5,980 (37.32%) 3,911 (24.41%) 154 (0.96%) 2,969 (18.53%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli Total 10,855 1,213 (11.17%) 6,614 (60.93%) 12 (0.11%) 1,257 (11.58%)
(2854905142) Rural 10,855 1,213 (11.17%) 6,614 (60.93%) 12 (0.11%) 1,257 (11.58%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru Total 9,987 1,939 (19.42%) 2,791 (27.95%) 88 (0.88%) 1,560 (15.62%)
(2854905143) Rural 9,987 1,939 (19.42%) 2,791 (27.95%) 88 (0.88%) 1,560 (15.62%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Pedacherlo Total 8,446 1,499 (17.75%) 2,341 (27.72%) 19 (0.22%) 806 (9.54%)
Palle (2854905144) Rural 8,446 1,499 (17.75%) 2,341 (27.72%) 19 (0.22%) 806 (9.54%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.
having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District
Handpump Tubewell/boreho Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources Rural/
le lake Urban
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
3,697 (37.5%) 1,561 (15.83%) 4 (0.04%) 7 (0.07%) 52 (0.53%) 164 (1.66%) Total Sub-District - Marripudi
3,697 (37.5%) 1,561 (15.83%) 4 (0.04%) 7 (0.07%) 52 (0.53%) 164 (1.66%) Rural (2854905129)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,502 (62.14%) 260 (3.59%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%) Total Sub-District -
4,502 (62.14%) 260 (3.59%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%) Rural Hanumanthuni Padu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,824 (13.96%) 1,952 (14.94%) 2 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 3 (0.02%) 200 (1.53%) Total Sub-District -
1,824 (13.96%) 1,952 (14.94%) 2 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 3 (0.02%) 200 (1.53%) Rural Bestawaripeta
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
473 (5.18%) 1,579 (17.29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.24%) Total Sub-District - Racherla
473 (5.18%) 1,579 (17.29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.24%) Rural (2854905132)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
336 (1.54%) 2,514 (11.54%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.01%) 64 (0.29%) 24 (0.11%) Total Sub-District - Giddalur
327 (2.5%) 1,887 (14.42%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 63 (0.48%) 3 (0.02%) Rural (2854905133)
9 (0.1%) 627 (7.21%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 21 (0.24%) Urban
1,016 (9.41%) 1,339 (12.4%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.05%) Total Sub-District - Komarolu
1,016 (9.41%) 1,339 (12.4%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.05%) Rural (2854905134)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
5,971 (74.21%) 475 (5.9%) 14 (0.17%) 5 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%) 5 (0.06%) Total Sub-District - Veligandla
5,971 (74.21%) 475 (5.9%) 14 (0.17%) 5 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%) 5 (0.06%) Rural (2854905135)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7,612 (36.6%) 1,311 (6.3%) 136 (0.65%) 49 (0.24%) 32 (0.15%) 2,426 (11.67%) Total Sub-District - Kanigiri
6,979 (56.87%) 1,291 (10.52%) 135 (1.1%) 49 (0.4%) 32 (0.26%) 341 (2.78%) Rural (2854905136)
633 (7.43%) 20 (0.23%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2,085 (24.46%) Urban
1,899 (18.11%) 1,127 (10.75%) 4 (0.04%) 222 (2.12%) 4 (0.04%) 242 (2.31%) Total Sub-District - Kondapi
1,899 (18.11%) 1,127 (10.75%) 4 (0.04%) 222 (2.12%) 4 (0.04%) 242 (2.31%) Rural (2854905137)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,908 (11.43%) 1,063 (6.37%) 458 (2.74%) 171 (1.02%) 198 (1.19%) 858 (5.14%) Total Sub-District -
1,727 (10.94%) 981 (6.21%) 457 (2.89%) 171 (1.08%) 198 (1.25%) 679 (4.3%) Rural Santhanuthala Padu
181 (20.27%) 82 (9.18%) 1 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 179 (20.04%) Urban
1,463 (2.31%) 464 (0.73%) 5 (0.01%) 1 (0%) 528 (0.83%) 1,945 (3.07%) Total Sub-District - Ongole
1,350 (10.5%) 340 (2.64%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 525 (4.08%) 329 (2.56%) Rural (2854905139)
113 (0.22%) 124 (0.25%) 4 (0.01%) 1 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 1,616 (3.21%) Urban
4,223 (31.22%) 1,765 (13.05%) 2 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 45 (0.33%) 338 (2.5%) Total Sub-District - Kotha
4,223 (31.22%) 1,765 (13.05%) 2 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 45 (0.33%) 338 (2.5%) Rural Patnam (2854905140)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,364 (8.51%) 437 (2.73%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 923 (5.76%) 281 (1.75%) Total Sub-District - Tangutur
1,364 (8.51%) 437 (2.73%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 923 (5.76%) 281 (1.75%) Rural (2854905141)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
797 (7.34%) 328 (3.02%) 134 (1.23%) 1 (0.01%) 163 (1.5%) 336 (3.1%) Total Sub-District - Zarugumilli
797 (7.34%) 328 (3.02%) 134 (1.23%) 1 (0.01%) 163 (1.5%) 336 (3.1%) Rural (2854905142)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,044 (10.45%) 1,099 (11%) 366 (3.66%) 369 (3.69%) 17 (0.17%) 714 (7.15%) Total Sub-District - Ponnaluru
1,044 (10.45%) 1,099 (11%) 366 (3.66%) 369 (3.69%) 17 (0.17%) 714 (7.15%) Rural (2854905143)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,278 (26.97%) 1,309 (15.5%) 81 (0.96%) 4 (0.05%) 3 (0.04%) 106 (1.26%) Total Sub-District - Pedacherlo
2,278 (26.97%) 1,309 (15.5%) 81 (0.96%) 4 (0.05%) 3 (0.04%) 106 (1.26%) Rural Palle (2854905144)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household
No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well
Urban treated source untreated source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
49 Sub-District - Chandra Total 10,868 310 (2.85%) 5,884 (54.14%) 24 (0.22%) 1,093 (10.06%)
Sekhara Puram Rural 10,868 310 (2.85%) 5,884 (54.14%) 24 (0.22%) 1,093 (10.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur Total 14,851 1,303 (8.77%) 6,580 (44.31%) 20 (0.13%) 771 (5.19%)
(2854905146) Rural 10,173 643 (6.32%) 3,501 (34.41%) 12 (0.12%) 769 (7.56%)
Urban 4,678 660 (14.11%) 3,079 (65.82%) 8 (0.17%) 2 (0.04%)
51 Sub-District - Total 9,369 1,290 (13.77%) 2,795 (29.83%) 104 (1.11%) 2,269 (24.22%)
Voletivaripalem Rural 9,369 1,290 (13.77%) 2,795 (29.83%) 104 (1.11%) 2,269 (24.22%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
52 Sub-District - Kandukur Total 23,984 6,656 (27.75%) 6,191 (25.81%) 202 (0.84%) 5,824 (24.28%)
(2854905148) Rural 10,193 1,175 (11.53%) 5,022 (49.27%) 33 (0.32%) 1,915 (18.79%)
Urban 13,791 5,481 (39.74%) 1,169 (8.48%) 169 (1.23%) 3,909 (28.34%)
53 Sub-District - Total 17,293 5,117 (29.59%) 2,492 (14.41%) 396 (2.29%) 4,517 (26.12%)
Singarayakonda Rural 10,640 1,627 (15.29%) 1,301 (12.23%) 243 (2.28%) 4,303 (40.44%)
Urban 6,653 3,490 (52.46%) 1,191 (17.9%) 153 (2.3%) 214 (3.22%)
54 Sub-District - Total 9,317 3,043 (32.66%) 2,620 (28.12%) 77 (0.83%) 1,415 (15.19%)
Lingasamudram Rural 9,317 3,043 (32.66%) 2,620 (28.12%) 77 (0.83%) 1,415 (15.19%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru Total 11,330 2,158 (19.05%) 3,589 (31.68%) 29 (0.26%) 2,650 (23.39%)
(2854905151) Rural 11,330 2,158 (19.05%) 3,589 (31.68%) 29 (0.26%) 2,650 (23.39%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu Total 14,551 3,759 (25.83%) 3,058 (21.02%) 36 (0.25%) 3,061 (21.04%)
(2854905152) Rural 14,551 3,759 (25.83%) 3,058 (21.02%) 36 (0.25%) 3,061 (21.04%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam Total 857,276 286,836 (33.46%) 194,185 (22.65%) 4,374 (0.51%) 91,097 (10.63%)
(28549) Rural 692,542 189,146 (27.31%) 167,554 (24.19%) 3,457 (0.5%) 82,848 (11.96%)
Urban 164,734 97,690 (59.3%) 26,631 (16.17%) 917 (0.56%) 8,249 (5.01%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.
having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District
Handpump Tubewell/boreho Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources Rural/
le lake Urban
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
3,259 (29.99%) 223 (2.05%) 15 (0.14%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 54 (0.5%) Total Sub-District - Chandra
3,259 (29.99%) 223 (2.05%) 15 (0.14%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 54 (0.5%) Rural Sekhara Puram
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4,304 (28.98%) 1,579 (10.63%) 8 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 22 (0.15%) 264 (1.78%) Total Sub-District - Pamur
3,799 (37.34%) 1,409 (13.85%) 8 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 22 (0.22%) 10 (0.1%) Rural (2854905146)
505 (10.8%) 170 (3.63%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 254 (5.43%) Urban
2,039 (21.76%) 487 (5.2%) 277 (2.96%) 0 (0%) 87 (0.93%) 21 (0.22%) Total Sub-District -
2,039 (21.76%) 487 (5.2%) 277 (2.96%) 0 (0%) 87 (0.93%) 21 (0.22%) Rural Voletivaripalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,382 (5.76%) 1,445 (6.02%) 226 (0.94%) 112 (0.47%) 285 (1.19%) 1,661 (6.93%) Total Sub-District - Kandukur
654 (6.42%) 320 (3.14%) 222 (2.18%) 111 (1.09%) 240 (2.35%) 501 (4.92%) Rural (2854905148)
728 (5.28%) 1,125 (8.16%) 4 (0.03%) 1 (0.01%) 45 (0.33%) 1,160 (8.41%) Urban
2,659 (15.38%) 1,320 (7.63%) 311 (1.8%) 15 (0.09%) 30 (0.17%) 436 (2.52%) Total Sub-District -
1,948 (18.31%) 583 (5.48%) 308 (2.89%) 14 (0.13%) 29 (0.27%) 284 (2.67%) Rural Singarayakonda
711 (10.69%) 737 (11.08%) 3 (0.05%) 1 (0.02%) 1 (0.02%) 152 (2.28%) Urban
1,631 (17.51%) 353 (3.79%) 125 (1.34%) 4 (0.04%) 3 (0.03%) 46 (0.49%) Total Sub-District -
1,631 (17.51%) 353 (3.79%) 125 (1.34%) 4 (0.04%) 3 (0.03%) 46 (0.49%) Rural Lingasamudram
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2,028 (17.9%) 456 (4.02%) 248 (2.19%) 71 (0.63%) 9 (0.08%) 92 (0.81%) Total Sub-District - Gudluru
2,028 (17.9%) 456 (4.02%) 248 (2.19%) 71 (0.63%) 9 (0.08%) 92 (0.81%) Rural (2854905151)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
3,410 (23.43%) 1,050 (7.22%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 104 (0.71%) 70 (0.48%) Total Sub-District - Ulavapadu
3,410 (23.43%) 1,050 (7.22%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 104 (0.71%) 70 (0.48%) Rural (2854905152)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
166,016 (19.37%) 78,693 (9.18%) 3,379 (0.39%) 2,055 (0.24%) 6,529 (0.76%) 24,112 (2.81%) Total District - Prakasam
151,717 (21.91%) 69,881 (10.09%) 3,211 (0.46%) 2,046 (0.3%) 6,471 (0.93%) 16,211 (2.34%) Rural (28549)
14,299 (8.68%) 8,812 (5.35%) 168 (0.1%) 9 (0.01%) 58 (0.04%) 7,901 (4.8%) Urban

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar
Urban households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Sub-District - Yerragondapalem (2854905097) Total 14,599 11,888 (81.43%) 2,284 (15.64%) 48 (0.33%)
Rural 14,599 11,888 (81.43%) 2,284 (15.64%) 48 (0.33%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu (2854905098) Total 12,499 10,682 (85.46%) 1,749 (13.99%) 1 (0.01%)
Rural 12,499 10,682 (85.46%) 1,749 (13.99%) 1 (0.01%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Tripuranthakam (2854905099) Total 14,494 11,870 (81.9%) 2,210 (15.25%) 25 (0.17%)
Rural 14,494 11,870 (81.9%) 2,210 (15.25%) 25 (0.17%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala (2854905100) Total 11,011 8,780 (79.74%) 1,910 (17.35%) 128 (1.16%)
Rural 11,011 8,780 (79.74%) 1,910 (17.35%) 128 (1.16%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Araveedu (2854905101) Total 10,175 8,419 (82.74%) 1,669 (16.4%) 5 (0.05%)
Rural 10,175 8,419 (82.74%) 1,669 (16.4%) 5 (0.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Donakonda (2854905102) Total 11,421 9,518 (83.34%) 1,793 (15.7%) 29 (0.25%)
Rural 11,421 9,518 (83.34%) 1,793 (15.7%) 29 (0.25%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu (2854905103) Total 9,521 7,784 (81.76%) 1,656 (17.39%) 21 (0.22%)
Rural 9,521 7,784 (81.76%) 1,656 (17.39%) 21 (0.22%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Santhamaguluru (2854905104) Total 15,082 13,179 (87.38%) 1,648 (10.93%) 24 (0.16%)
Rural 15,082 13,179 (87.38%) 1,648 (10.93%) 24 (0.16%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava (2854905105) Total 13,665 12,357 (90.43%) 1,198 (8.77%) 15 (0.11%)
Rural 13,665 12,357 (90.43%) 1,198 (8.77%) 15 (0.11%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur (2854905106) Total 19,445 17,656 (90.8%) 1,528 (7.86%) 32 (0.16%)
Rural 19,445 17,656 (90.8%) 1,528 (7.86%) 32 (0.16%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi (2854905107) Total 8,105 7,109 (87.71%) 938 (11.57%) 5 (0.06%)
Rural 8,105 7,109 (87.71%) 938 (11.57%) 5 (0.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur (2854905108) Total 15,671 14,449 (92.2%) 990 (6.32%) 143 (0.91%)
Rural 15,671 14,449 (92.2%) 990 (6.32%) 143 (0.91%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Karamchedu (2854905109) Total 11,385 10,805 (94.91%) 490 (4.3%) 9 (0.08%)
Rural 11,385 10,805 (94.91%) 490 (4.3%) 9 (0.08%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110) Total 13,738 12,893 (93.85%) 783 (5.7%) 10 (0.07%)
Rural 13,738 12,893 (93.85%) 783 (5.7%) 10 (0.07%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Janakavarampanguluru Total 12,767 11,617 (90.99%) 1,089 (8.53%) 16 (0.13%)
(2854905111) Rural 12,767 11,617 (90.99%) 1,089 (8.53%) 16 (0.13%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Sub-District - Addanki (2854905112) Total 23,256 20,893 (89.84%) 2,281 (9.81%) 17 (0.07%)
Rural 23,256 20,893 (89.84%) 2,281 (9.81%) 17 (0.07%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Lighting, 2011.
having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District
Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/
8 9 10 3 2
59 (0.4%) 3 (0.02%) 317 (2.17%) Total Sub-District - Yerragondapalem (2854905097)
59 (0.4%) 3 (0.02%) 317 (2.17%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
32 (0.26%) 2 (0.02%) 33 (0.26%) Total Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu (2854905098)
32 (0.26%) 2 (0.02%) 33 (0.26%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
229 (1.58%) 20 (0.14%) 140 (0.97%) Total Sub-District - Tripuranthakam (2854905099)
229 (1.58%) 20 (0.14%) 140 (0.97%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
10 (0.09%) 5 (0.05%) 178 (1.62%) Total Sub-District - Dornala (2854905100)
10 (0.09%) 5 (0.05%) 178 (1.62%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
15 (0.15%) 0 (0%) 67 (0.66%) Total Sub-District - Peda Araveedu (2854905101)
15 (0.15%) 0 (0%) 67 (0.66%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
12 (0.11%) 3 (0.03%) 66 (0.58%) Total Sub-District - Donakonda (2854905102)
12 (0.11%) 3 (0.03%) 66 (0.58%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1 (0.01%) 12 (0.13%) 47 (0.49%) Total Sub-District - Kurichedu (2854905103)
1 (0.01%) 12 (0.13%) 47 (0.49%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
47 (0.31%) 17 (0.11%) 167 (1.11%) Total Sub-District - Santhamaguluru (2854905104)
47 (0.31%) 17 (0.11%) 167 (1.11%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
36 (0.26%) 5 (0.04%) 54 (0.4%) Total Sub-District - Ballikurava (2854905105)
36 (0.26%) 5 (0.04%) 54 (0.4%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
35 (0.18%) 3 (0.02%) 191 (0.98%) Total Sub-District - Martur (2854905106)
35 (0.18%) 3 (0.02%) 191 (0.98%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
12 (0.15%) 2 (0.02%) 39 (0.48%) Total Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi (2854905107)
12 (0.15%) 2 (0.02%) 39 (0.48%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
5 (0.03%) 17 (0.11%) 67 (0.43%) Total Sub-District - Parchur (2854905108)
5 (0.03%) 17 (0.11%) 67 (0.43%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
40 (0.35%) 7 (0.06%) 34 (0.3%) Total Sub-District - Karamchedu (2854905109)
40 (0.35%) 7 (0.06%) 34 (0.3%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
20 (0.15%) 3 (0.02%) 29 (0.21%) Total Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110)
20 (0.15%) 3 (0.02%) 29 (0.21%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
23 (0.18%) 4 (0.03%) 18 (0.14%) Total Sub-District - Janakavarampanguluru
23 (0.18%) 4 (0.03%) 18 (0.14%) Rural (2854905111)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
14 (0.06%) 25 (0.11%) 26 (0.11%) Total Sub-District - Addanki (2854905112)
14 (0.06%) 25 (0.11%) 26 (0.11%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar
Urban households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru (2854905113) Total 13,878 12,019 (86.6%) 1,625 (11.71%) 12 (0.09%)
Rural 13,878 12,019 (86.6%) 1,625 (11.71%) 12 (0.09%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
18 Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114) Total 20,761 17,847 (85.96%) 2,715 (13.08%) 15 (0.07%)
Rural 20,761 17,847 (85.96%) 2,715 (13.08%) 15 (0.07%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur (2854905115) Total 30,219 26,958 (89.21%) 3,019 (9.99%) 36 (0.12%)
Rural 12,937 10,702 (82.72%) 2,129 (16.46%) 29 (0.22%)
Urban 17,282 16,256 (94.06%) 890 (5.15%) 7 (0.04%)
20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu (2854905116) Total 9,126 7,899 (86.55%) 1,147 (12.57%) 6 (0.07%)
Rural 9,126 7,899 (86.55%) 1,147 (12.57%) 6 (0.07%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Sub-District - Cumbum (2854905117) Total 12,376 11,152 (90.11%) 998 (8.06%) 13 (0.11%)
Rural 8,642 7,609 (88.05%) 833 (9.64%) 8 (0.09%)
Urban 3,734 3,543 (94.88%) 165 (4.42%) 5 (0.13%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu (2854905118) Total 8,310 6,158 (74.1%) 2,088 (25.13%) 5 (0.06%)
Rural 8,310 6,158 (74.1%) 2,088 (25.13%) 5 (0.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Konakanamitla (2854905119) Total 11,788 9,540 (80.93%) 2,057 (17.45%) 6 (0.05%)
Rural 11,788 9,540 (80.93%) 2,057 (17.45%) 6 (0.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili (2854905120) Total 16,491 14,435 (87.53%) 1,979 (12%) 7 (0.04%)
Rural 8,780 7,128 (81.18%) 1,618 (18.43%) 6 (0.07%)
Urban 7,711 7,307 (94.76%) 361 (4.68%) 1 (0.01%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur (2854905121) Total 12,103 10,855 (89.69%) 1,123 (9.28%) 12 (0.1%)
Rural 12,103 10,855 (89.69%) 1,123 (9.28%) 12 (0.1%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Korisapadu (2854905122) Total 13,177 12,127 (92.03%) 994 (7.54%) 17 (0.13%)
Rural 13,177 12,127 (92.03%) 994 (7.54%) 17 (0.13%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala (2854905123) Total 45,472 42,001 (92.37%) 2,926 (6.43%) 157 (0.35%)
Rural 14,974 13,167 (87.93%) 1,671 (11.16%) 24 (0.16%)
Urban 30,498 28,834 (94.54%) 1,255 (4.12%) 133 (0.44%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem (2854905124) Total 21,155 19,748 (93.35%) 1,114 (5.27%) 163 (0.77%)
Rural 9,275 8,533 (92%) 638 (6.88%) 7 (0.08%)
Urban 11,880 11,215 (94.4%) 476 (4.01%) 156 (1.31%)
29 Sub-District - Chinaganjam (2854905125) Total 11,803 10,498 (88.94%) 1,255 (10.63%) 9 (0.08%)
Rural 11,803 10,498 (88.94%) 1,255 (10.63%) 9 (0.08%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu (2854905126) Total 18,746 17,549 (93.61%) 1,095 (5.84%) 13 (0.07%)
Rural 18,746 17,549 (93.61%) 1,095 (5.84%) 13 (0.07%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu (2854905127) Total 14,120 13,099 (92.77%) 922 (6.53%) 6 (0.04%)
Rural 14,120 13,099 (92.77%) 922 (6.53%) 6 (0.04%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi (2854905128) Total 19,366 17,469 (90.2%) 1,601 (8.27%) 168 (0.87%)
Rural 19,366 17,469 (90.2%) 1,601 (8.27%) 168 (0.87%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Lighting, 2011.
having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District
Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/
8 9 10 3 2
29 (0.21%) 11 (0.08%) 182 (1.31%) Total Sub-District - Mundlamuru (2854905113)
29 (0.21%) 11 (0.08%) 182 (1.31%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
108 (0.52%) 9 (0.04%) 67 (0.32%) Total Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114)
108 (0.52%) 9 (0.04%) 67 (0.32%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
49 (0.16%) 39 (0.13%) 118 (0.39%) Total Sub-District - Markapur (2854905115)
40 (0.31%) 2 (0.02%) 35 (0.27%) Rural
9 (0.05%) 37 (0.21%) 83 (0.48%) Urban
17 (0.19%) 9 (0.1%) 48 (0.53%) Total Sub-District - Ardhaveedu (2854905116)
17 (0.19%) 9 (0.1%) 48 (0.53%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
188 (1.52%) 3 (0.02%) 22 (0.18%) Total Sub-District - Cumbum (2854905117)
177 (2.05%) 2 (0.02%) 13 (0.15%) Rural
11 (0.29%) 1 (0.03%) 9 (0.24%) Urban
13 (0.16%) 9 (0.11%) 37 (0.45%) Total Sub-District - Tarlupadu (2854905118)
13 (0.16%) 9 (0.11%) 37 (0.45%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8 (0.07%) 4 (0.03%) 173 (1.47%) Total Sub-District - Konakanamitla (2854905119)
8 (0.07%) 4 (0.03%) 173 (1.47%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
22 (0.13%) 12 (0.07%) 36 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Podili (2854905120)
8 (0.09%) 5 (0.06%) 15 (0.17%) Rural
14 (0.18%) 7 (0.09%) 21 (0.27%) Urban
25 (0.21%) 7 (0.06%) 81 (0.67%) Total Sub-District - Thallur (2854905121)
25 (0.21%) 7 (0.06%) 81 (0.67%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
11 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 26 (0.2%) Total Sub-District - Korisapadu (2854905122)
11 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 26 (0.2%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
95 (0.21%) 38 (0.08%) 255 (0.56%) Total Sub-District - Chirala (2854905123)
23 (0.15%) 27 (0.18%) 62 (0.41%) Rural
72 (0.24%) 11 (0.04%) 193 (0.63%) Urban
30 (0.14%) 3 (0.01%) 97 (0.46%) Total Sub-District - Vetapalem (2854905124)
16 (0.17%) 3 (0.03%) 78 (0.84%) Rural
14 (0.12%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.16%) Urban
11 (0.09%) 8 (0.07%) 22 (0.19%) Total Sub-District - Chinaganjam (2854905125)
11 (0.09%) 8 (0.07%) 22 (0.19%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
21 (0.11%) 11 (0.06%) 57 (0.3%) Total Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu (2854905126)
21 (0.11%) 11 (0.06%) 57 (0.3%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
25 (0.18%) 14 (0.1%) 54 (0.38%) Total Sub-District - Maddipadu (2854905127)
25 (0.18%) 14 (0.1%) 54 (0.38%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
45 (0.23%) 20 (0.1%) 63 (0.33%) Total Sub-District - Chimakurthi (2854905128)
45 (0.23%) 20 (0.1%) 63 (0.33%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar
Urban households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
33 Sub-District - Marripudi (2854905129) Total 9,858 8,945 (90.74%) 880 (8.93%) 6 (0.06%)
Rural 9,858 8,945 (90.74%) 880 (8.93%) 6 (0.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu Total 7,245 5,398 (74.51%) 1,832 (25.29%) 7 (0.1%)
(2854905130) Rural 7,245 5,398 (74.51%) 1,832 (25.29%) 7 (0.1%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
35 Sub-District - Bestawaripeta (2854905131) Total 13,062 10,365 (79.35%) 2,502 (19.15%) 37 (0.28%)
Rural 13,062 10,365 (79.35%) 2,502 (19.15%) 37 (0.28%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla (2854905132) Total 9,135 7,827 (85.68%) 1,267 (13.87%) 8 (0.09%)
Rural 9,135 7,827 (85.68%) 1,267 (13.87%) 8 (0.09%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur (2854905133) Total 21,789 19,043 (87.4%) 2,417 (11.09%) 36 (0.17%)
Rural 13,090 10,783 (82.38%) 2,063 (15.76%) 29 (0.22%)
Urban 8,699 8,260 (94.95%) 354 (4.07%) 7 (0.08%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu (2854905134) Total 10,795 8,687 (80.47%) 2,068 (19.16%) 14 (0.13%)
Rural 10,795 8,687 (80.47%) 2,068 (19.16%) 14 (0.13%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla (2854905135) Total 8,046 6,542 (81.31%) 1,436 (17.85%) 7 (0.09%)
Rural 8,046 6,542 (81.31%) 1,436 (17.85%) 7 (0.09%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri (2854905136) Total 20,796 18,604 (89.46%) 2,087 (10.04%) 20 (0.1%)
Rural 12,271 10,412 (84.85%) 1,789 (14.58%) 7 (0.06%)
Urban 8,525 8,192 (96.09%) 298 (3.5%) 13 (0.15%)
41 Sub-District - Kondapi (2854905137) Total 10,487 9,620 (91.73%) 793 (7.56%) 19 (0.18%)
Rural 10,487 9,620 (91.73%) 793 (7.56%) 19 (0.18%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu Total 16,686 15,290 (91.63%) 1,272 (7.62%) 23 (0.14%)
(2854905138) Rural 15,793 14,415 (91.27%) 1,259 (7.97%) 21 (0.13%)
Urban 893 875 (97.98%) 13 (1.46%) 2 (0.22%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole (2854905139) Total 63,253 60,913 (96.3%) 1,998 (3.16%) 71 (0.11%)
Rural 12,863 11,884 (92.39%) 873 (6.79%) 46 (0.36%)
Urban 50,390 49,029 (97.3%) 1,125 (2.23%) 25 (0.05%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Patnam (2854905140) Total 13,526 11,922 (88.14%) 1,497 (11.07%) 6 (0.04%)
Rural 13,526 11,922 (88.14%) 1,497 (11.07%) 6 (0.04%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur (2854905141) Total 16,022 14,895 (92.97%) 801 (5%) 150 (0.94%)
Rural 16,022 14,895 (92.97%) 801 (5%) 150 (0.94%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli (2854905142) Total 10,855 10,068 (92.75%) 721 (6.64%) 9 (0.08%)
Rural 10,855 10,068 (92.75%) 721 (6.64%) 9 (0.08%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru (2854905143) Total 9,987 8,790 (88.01%) 1,107 (11.08%) 14 (0.14%)
Rural 9,987 8,790 (88.01%) 1,107 (11.08%) 14 (0.14%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle (2854905144) Total 8,446 7,641 (90.47%) 796 (9.42%) 3 (0.04%)
Rural 8,446 7,641 (90.47%) 796 (9.42%) 3 (0.04%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by main source of Lighting, 2011.
having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District
Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/
8 9 10 3 2
1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 24 (0.24%) Total Sub-District - Marripudi (2854905129)
1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 24 (0.24%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.06%) Total Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu (2854905130)
4 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.06%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
3 (0.02%) 7 (0.05%) 148 (1.13%) Total Sub-District - Bestawaripeta (2854905131)
3 (0.02%) 7 (0.05%) 148 (1.13%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
11 (0.12%) 2 (0.02%) 20 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Racherla (2854905132)
11 (0.12%) 2 (0.02%) 20 (0.22%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
84 (0.39%) 0 (0%) 209 (0.96%) Total Sub-District - Giddalur (2854905133)
17 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 198 (1.51%) Rural
67 (0.77%) 0 (0%) 11 (0.13%) Urban
14 (0.13%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.1%) Total Sub-District - Komarolu (2854905134)
14 (0.13%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.1%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
50 (0.62%) 1 (0.01%) 10 (0.12%) Total Sub-District - Veligandla (2854905135)
50 (0.62%) 1 (0.01%) 10 (0.12%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
25 (0.12%) 10 (0.05%) 50 (0.24%) Total Sub-District - Kanigiri (2854905136)
21 (0.17%) 7 (0.06%) 35 (0.29%) Rural
4 (0.05%) 3 (0.04%) 15 (0.18%) Urban
8 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 45 (0.43%) Total Sub-District - Kondapi (2854905137)
8 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 45 (0.43%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
17 (0.1%) 5 (0.03%) 79 (0.47%) Total Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu (2854905138)
16 (0.1%) 5 (0.03%) 77 (0.49%) Rural
1 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.22%) Urban
65 (0.1%) 18 (0.03%) 188 (0.3%) Total Sub-District - Ongole (2854905139)
11 (0.09%) 6 (0.05%) 43 (0.33%) Rural
54 (0.11%) 12 (0.02%) 145 (0.29%) Urban
27 (0.2%) 34 (0.25%) 40 (0.3%) Total Sub-District - Kotha Patnam (2854905140)
27 (0.2%) 34 (0.25%) 40 (0.3%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
44 (0.27%) 22 (0.14%) 110 (0.69%) Total Sub-District - Tangutur (2854905141)
44 (0.27%) 22 (0.14%) 110 (0.69%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
24 (0.22%) 1 (0.01%) 32 (0.29%) Total Sub-District - Zarugumilli (2854905142)
24 (0.22%) 1 (0.01%) 32 (0.29%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
28 (0.28%) 4 (0.04%) 44 (0.44%) Total Sub-District - Ponnaluru (2854905143)
28 (0.28%) 4 (0.04%) 44 (0.44%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.05%) Total Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle (2854905144)
2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.05%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar
Urban households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
49 Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Puram Total 10,868 9,003 (82.84%) 1,711 (15.74%) 9 (0.08%)
(2854905145) Rural 10,868 9,003 (82.84%) 1,711 (15.74%) 9 (0.08%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur (2854905146) Total 14,851 13,274 (89.38%) 1,445 (9.73%) 8 (0.05%)
Rural 10,173 8,778 (86.29%) 1,283 (12.61%) 5 (0.05%)
Urban 4,678 4,496 (96.11%) 162 (3.46%) 3 (0.06%)
51 Sub-District - Voletivaripalem (2854905147) Total 9,369 8,433 (90.01%) 804 (8.58%) 34 (0.36%)
Rural 9,369 8,433 (90.01%) 804 (8.58%) 34 (0.36%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
52 Sub-District - Kandukur (2854905148) Total 23,984 21,934 (91.45%) 1,721 (7.18%) 226 (0.94%)
Rural 10,193 9,148 (89.75%) 785 (7.7%) 209 (2.05%)
Urban 13,791 12,786 (92.71%) 936 (6.79%) 17 (0.12%)
53 Sub-District - Singarayakonda (2854905149) Total 17,293 15,883 (91.85%) 1,253 (7.25%) 11 (0.06%)
Rural 10,640 9,533 (89.6%) 1,003 (9.43%) 11 (0.1%)
Urban 6,653 6,350 (95.45%) 250 (3.76%) 0 (0%)
54 Sub-District - Lingasamudram (2854905150) Total 9,317 8,473 (90.94%) 751 (8.06%) 9 (0.1%)
Rural 9,317 8,473 (90.94%) 751 (8.06%) 9 (0.1%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru (2854905151) Total 11,330 10,060 (88.79%) 1,148 (10.13%) 11 (0.1%)
Rural 11,330 10,060 (88.79%) 1,148 (10.13%) 11 (0.1%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu (2854905152) Total 14,551 12,883 (88.54%) 1,588 (10.91%) 9 (0.06%)
Rural 14,551 12,883 (88.54%) 1,588 (10.91%) 9 (0.06%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam (28549) Total 857,276 763,746 (89.09%) 84,769 (9.89%) 1,920 (0.22%)
Rural 692,542 606,603 (87.59%) 78,484 (11.33%) 1,551 (0.22%)
Urban 164,734 157,143 (95.39%) 6,285 (3.82%) 369 (0.22%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by main source of Lighting, 2011.
having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District
Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/
8 9 10 3 2
42 (0.39%) 6 (0.06%) 97 (0.89%) Total Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Puram
42 (0.39%) 6 (0.06%) 97 (0.89%) Rural (2854905145)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
32 (0.22%) 7 (0.05%) 85 (0.57%) Total Sub-District - Pamur (2854905146)
19 (0.19%) 7 (0.07%) 81 (0.8%) Rural
13 (0.28%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.09%) Urban
37 (0.39%) 11 (0.12%) 50 (0.53%) Total Sub-District - Voletivaripalem (2854905147)
37 (0.39%) 11 (0.12%) 50 (0.53%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
21 (0.09%) 15 (0.06%) 67 (0.28%) Total Sub-District - Kandukur (2854905148)
6 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 45 (0.44%) Rural
15 (0.11%) 15 (0.11%) 22 (0.16%) Urban
9 (0.05%) 8 (0.05%) 129 (0.75%) Total Sub-District - Singarayakonda (2854905149)
8 (0.08%) 7 (0.07%) 78 (0.73%) Rural
1 (0.02%) 1 (0.02%) 51 (0.77%) Urban
27 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 57 (0.61%) Total Sub-District - Lingasamudram (2854905150)
27 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 57 (0.61%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
10 (0.09%) 9 (0.08%) 92 (0.81%) Total Sub-District - Gudluru (2854905151)
10 (0.09%) 9 (0.08%) 92 (0.81%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
21 (0.14%) 10 (0.07%) 40 (0.27%) Total Sub-District - Ulavapadu (2854905152)
21 (0.14%) 10 (0.07%) 40 (0.27%) Rural
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,893 (0.22%) 502 (0.06%) 4,446 (0.52%) Total District - Prakasam (28549)
1,618 (0.23%) 415 (0.06%) 3,871 (0.56%) Rural
275 (0.17%) 87 (0.05%) 575 (0.35%) Urban

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit
Urban households
Piped sewer Septic tank Other system With
system slab/Ventilated
improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Yerragondapalem Total 14,599 56 (0.38%) 1,863 (12.76%) 105 (0.72%) 820 (5.62%)
(2854905097) Rural 14,599 56 (0.38%) 1,863 (12.76%) 105 (0.72%) 820 (5.62%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu Total 12,499 64 (0.51%) 417 (3.34%) 211 (1.69%) 244 (1.95%)
(2854905098) Rural 12,499 64 (0.51%) 417 (3.34%) 211 (1.69%) 244 (1.95%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Tripuranthakam Total 14,494 96 (0.66%) 1,449 (10%) 93 (0.64%) 323 (2.23%)
(2854905099) Rural 14,494 96 (0.66%) 1,449 (10%) 93 (0.64%) 323 (2.23%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala Total 11,011 118 (1.07%) 1,430 (12.99%) 52 (0.47%) 526 (4.78%)
(2854905100) Rural 11,011 118 (1.07%) 1,430 (12.99%) 52 (0.47%) 526 (4.78%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Araveedu Total 10,175 81 (0.8%) 577 (5.67%) 62 (0.61%) 317 (3.12%)
(2854905101) Rural 10,175 81 (0.8%) 577 (5.67%) 62 (0.61%) 317 (3.12%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Donakonda Total 11,421 27 (0.24%) 1,129 (9.89%) 26 (0.23%) 217 (1.9%)
(2854905102) Rural 11,421 27 (0.24%) 1,129 (9.89%) 26 (0.23%) 217 (1.9%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu Total 9,521 93 (0.98%) 1,243 (13.06%) 29 (0.3%) 207 (2.17%)
(2854905103) Rural 9,521 93 (0.98%) 1,243 (13.06%) 29 (0.3%) 207 (2.17%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Santhamaguluru Total 15,082 220 (1.46%) 3,663 (24.29%) 195 (1.29%) 804 (5.33%)
(2854905104) Rural 15,082 220 (1.46%) 3,663 (24.29%) 195 (1.29%) 804 (5.33%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava Total 13,665 82 (0.6%) 2,778 (20.33%) 42 (0.31%) 462 (3.38%)
(2854905105) Rural 13,665 82 (0.6%) 2,778 (20.33%) 42 (0.31%) 462 (3.38%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur Total 19,445 275 (1.41%) 6,298 (32.39%) 80 (0.41%) 1,498 (7.7%)
(2854905106) Rural 19,445 275 (1.41%) 6,298 (32.39%) 80 (0.41%) 1,498 (7.7%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi Total 8,105 38 (0.47%) 3,449 (42.55%) 40 (0.49%) 40 (0.49%)
(2854905107) Rural 8,105 38 (0.47%) 3,449 (42.55%) 40 (0.49%) 40 (0.49%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur Total 15,671 374 (2.39%) 7,167 (45.73%) 112 (0.71%) 253 (1.61%)
(2854905108) Rural 15,671 374 (2.39%) 7,167 (45.73%) 112 (0.71%) 253 (1.61%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Karamchedu Total 11,385 221 (1.94%) 5,553 (48.77%) 113 (0.99%) 184 (1.62%)
(2854905109) Rural 11,385 221 (1.94%) 5,553 (48.77%) 113 (0.99%) 184 (1.62%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu Total 13,738 117 (0.85%) 6,242 (45.44%) 63 (0.46%) 133 (0.97%)
(2854905110) Rural 13,738 117 (0.85%) 6,242 (45.44%) 63 (0.46%) 133 (0.97%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Total 12,767 65 (0.51%) 3,847 (30.13%) 57 (0.45%) 434 (3.4%)
Janakavarampanguluru Rural 12,767 65 (0.51%) 3,847 (30.13%) 57 (0.45%) 434 (3.4%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of Latrine facility, 2011
having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District
Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/
disposed into Urban
Without Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open
slab/open pit open drain removed by serviced by
human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
25 (0.17%) 7 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.02%) 456 (3.12%) 11,264 (77.16%) Total Sub-District -
25 (0.17%) 7 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.02%) 456 (3.12%) 11,264 (77.16%) Rural Yerragondapalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
19 (0.15%) 71 (0.57%) 0 (0%) 83 (0.66%) 155 (1.24%) 11,235 (89.89%) Total Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu
19 (0.15%) 71 (0.57%) 0 (0%) 83 (0.66%) 155 (1.24%) 11,235 (89.89%) Rural (2854905098)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
149 (1.03%) 15 (0.1%) 23 (0.16%) 9 (0.06%) 233 (1.61%) 12,104 (83.51%) Total Sub-District - Tripuranthakam
149 (1.03%) 15 (0.1%) 23 (0.16%) 9 (0.06%) 233 (1.61%) 12,104 (83.51%) Rural (2854905099)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
12 (0.11%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 8,868 (80.54%) Total Sub-District - Dornala
12 (0.11%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 8,868 (80.54%) Rural (2854905100)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
35 (0.34%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 225 (2.21%) 8,870 (87.17%) Total Sub-District - Peda Araveedu
35 (0.34%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 225 (2.21%) 8,870 (87.17%) Rural (2854905101)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
37 (0.32%) 13 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 98 (0.86%) 9,872 (86.44%) Total Sub-District - Donakonda
37 (0.32%) 13 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 98 (0.86%) 9,872 (86.44%) Rural (2854905102)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.06%) 2 (0.02%) 7,931 (83.3%) Total Sub-District - Kurichedu
8 (0.08%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.06%) 2 (0.02%) 7,931 (83.3%) Rural (2854905103)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
32 (0.21%) 12 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.07%) 84 (0.56%) 10,062 (66.72%) Total Sub-District -
32 (0.21%) 12 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.07%) 84 (0.56%) 10,062 (66.72%) Rural Santhamaguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
49 (0.36%) 6 (0.04%) 44 (0.32%) 46 (0.34%) 24 (0.18%) 10,132 (74.15%) Total Sub-District - Ballikurava
49 (0.36%) 6 (0.04%) 44 (0.32%) 46 (0.34%) 24 (0.18%) 10,132 (74.15%) Rural (2854905105)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
48 (0.25%) 9 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 9 (0.05%) 11,227 (57.74%) Total Sub-District - Martur
48 (0.25%) 9 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 9 (0.05%) 11,227 (57.74%) Rural (2854905106)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 184 (2.27%) 4,353 (53.71%) Total Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi
0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 184 (2.27%) 4,353 (53.71%) Rural (2854905107)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
0 (0%) 27 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.02%) 57 (0.36%) 7,678 (48.99%) Total Sub-District - Parchur
0 (0%) 27 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.02%) 57 (0.36%) 7,678 (48.99%) Rural (2854905108)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 116 (1.02%) 5,195 (45.63%) Total Sub-District - Karamchedu
0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 116 (1.02%) 5,195 (45.63%) Rural (2854905109)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
6 (0.04%) 129 (0.94%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 10 (0.07%) 7,037 (51.22%) Total Sub-District - Inkollu
6 (0.04%) 129 (0.94%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 10 (0.07%) 7,037 (51.22%) Rural (2854905110)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
9 (0.07%) 4 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 51 (0.4%) 23 (0.18%) 8,277 (64.83%) Total Sub-District -
9 (0.07%) 4 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 51 (0.4%) 23 (0.18%) 8,277 (64.83%) Rural Janakavarampanguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit
Urban households
Piped sewer Septic tank Other system With
system slab/Ventilated
improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 Sub-District - Addanki Total 23,256 800 (3.44%) 8,418 (36.2%) 73 (0.31%) 274 (1.18%)
(2854905112) Rural 23,256 800 (3.44%) 8,418 (36.2%) 73 (0.31%) 274 (1.18%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru Total 13,878 93 (0.67%) 1,720 (12.39%) 31 (0.22%) 278 (2%)
(2854905113) Rural 13,878 93 (0.67%) 1,720 (12.39%) 31 (0.22%) 278 (2%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
18 Sub-District - Darsi Total 20,761 521 (2.51%) 5,605 (27%) 53 (0.26%) 695 (3.35%)
(2854905114) Rural 20,761 521 (2.51%) 5,605 (27%) 53 (0.26%) 695 (3.35%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur Total 30,219 1,074 (3.55%) 11,098 (36.73%) 170 (0.56%) 2,695 (8.92%)
(2854905115) Rural 12,937 88 (0.68%) 1,564 (12.09%) 136 (1.05%) 907 (7.01%)
Urban 17,282 986 (5.71%) 9,534 (55.17%) 34 (0.2%) 1,788 (10.35%)
20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu Total 9,126 105 (1.15%) 1,193 (13.07%) 60 (0.66%) 740 (8.11%)
(2854905116) Rural 9,126 105 (1.15%) 1,193 (13.07%) 60 (0.66%) 740 (8.11%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Sub-District - Cumbum Total 12,376 167 (1.35%) 2,947 (23.81%) 52 (0.42%) 2,899 (23.42%)
(2854905117) Rural 8,642 104 (1.2%) 1,930 (22.33%) 28 (0.32%) 1,351 (15.63%)
Urban 3,734 63 (1.69%) 1,017 (27.24%) 24 (0.64%) 1,548 (41.46%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu Total 8,310 120 (1.44%) 370 (4.45%) 38 (0.46%) 651 (7.83%)
(2854905118) Rural 8,310 120 (1.44%) 370 (4.45%) 38 (0.46%) 651 (7.83%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Konakanamitla Total 11,788 33 (0.28%) 550 (4.67%) 102 (0.87%) 86 (0.73%)
(2854905119) Rural 11,788 33 (0.28%) 550 (4.67%) 102 (0.87%) 86 (0.73%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili Total 16,491 294 (1.78%) 4,555 (27.62%) 110 (0.67%) 549 (3.33%)
(2854905120) Rural 8,780 77 (0.88%) 489 (5.57%) 29 (0.33%) 58 (0.66%)
Urban 7,711 217 (2.81%) 4,066 (52.73%) 81 (1.05%) 491 (6.37%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur Total 12,103 117 (0.97%) 2,405 (19.87%) 42 (0.35%) 590 (4.87%)
(2854905121) Rural 12,103 117 (0.97%) 2,405 (19.87%) 42 (0.35%) 590 (4.87%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Korisapadu Total 13,177 137 (1.04%) 4,728 (35.88%) 52 (0.39%) 591 (4.49%)
(2854905122) Rural 13,177 137 (1.04%) 4,728 (35.88%) 52 (0.39%) 591 (4.49%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala Total 45,472 2,645 (5.82%) 24,609 (54.12%) 244 (0.54%) 619 (1.36%)
(2854905123) Rural 14,974 290 (1.94%) 4,724 (31.55%) 39 (0.26%) 216 (1.44%)
Urban 30,498 2,355 (7.72%) 19,885 (65.2%) 205 (0.67%) 403 (1.32%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem Total 21,155 314 (1.48%) 12,397 (58.6%) 98 (0.46%) 234 (1.11%)
(2854905124) Rural 9,275 91 (0.98%) 4,206 (45.35%) 63 (0.68%) 138 (1.49%)
Urban 11,880 223 (1.88%) 8,191 (68.95%) 35 (0.29%) 96 (0.81%)
29 Sub-District - Chinaganjam Total 11,803 35 (0.3%) 3,485 (29.53%) 79 (0.67%) 226 (1.91%)
(2854905125) Rural 11,803 35 (0.3%) 3,485 (29.53%) 79 (0.67%) 226 (1.91%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Naguluppala Total 18,746 168 (0.9%) 6,736 (35.93%) 91 (0.49%) 385 (2.05%)
Padu (2854905126) Rural 18,746 168 (0.9%) 6,736 (35.93%) 91 (0.49%) 385 (2.05%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of Latrine facility, 2011
having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District
Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/
disposed into Urban
Without Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open
slab/open pit open drain removed by serviced by
human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
13 (0.06%) 16 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 142 (0.61%) 13,517 (58.12%) Total Sub-District - Addanki
13 (0.06%) 16 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 142 (0.61%) 13,517 (58.12%) Rural (2854905112)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
22 (0.16%) 6 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.04%) 41 (0.3%) 11,682 (84.18%) Total Sub-District - Mundlamuru
22 (0.16%) 6 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.04%) 41 (0.3%) 11,682 (84.18%) Rural (2854905113)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
49 (0.24%) 111 (0.53%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.02%) 55 (0.26%) 13,667 (65.83%) Total Sub-District - Darsi
49 (0.24%) 111 (0.53%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.02%) 55 (0.26%) 13,667 (65.83%) Rural (2854905114)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
54 (0.18%) 56 (0.19%) 0 (0%) 73 (0.24%) 540 (1.79%) 14,459 (47.85%) Total Sub-District - Markapur
28 (0.22%) 12 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.08%) 145 (1.12%) 10,047 (77.66%) Rural (2854905115)
26 (0.15%) 44 (0.25%) 0 (0%) 63 (0.36%) 395 (2.29%) 4,412 (25.53%) Urban
147 (1.61%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 100 (1.1%) 268 (2.94%) 6,511 (71.35%) Total Sub-District - Ardhaveedu
147 (1.61%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 100 (1.1%) 268 (2.94%) 6,511 (71.35%) Rural (2854905116)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
133 (1.07%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 785 (6.34%) 5,391 (43.56%) Total Sub-District - Cumbum
116 (1.34%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 663 (7.67%) 4,448 (51.47%) Rural (2854905117)
17 (0.46%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 122 (3.27%) 943 (25.25%) Urban
81 (0.97%) 7 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 334 (4.02%) 6,709 (80.73%) Total Sub-District - Tarlupadu
81 (0.97%) 7 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 334 (4.02%) 6,709 (80.73%) Rural (2854905118)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
10 (0.08%) 15 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 3 (0.03%) 10,988 (93.21%) Total Sub-District - Konakanamitla
10 (0.08%) 15 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 3 (0.03%) 10,988 (93.21%) Rural (2854905119)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7 (0.04%) 26 (0.16%) 0 (0%) 24 (0.15%) 142 (0.86%) 10,784 (65.39%) Total Sub-District - Podili
5 (0.06%) 9 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 24 (0.27%) 127 (1.45%) 7,962 (90.68%) Rural (2854905120)
2 (0.03%) 17 (0.22%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 15 (0.19%) 2,822 (36.6%) Urban
53 (0.44%) 7 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 14 (0.12%) 219 (1.81%) 8,656 (71.52%) Total Sub-District - Thallur
53 (0.44%) 7 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 14 (0.12%) 219 (1.81%) 8,656 (71.52%) Rural (2854905121)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8 (0.06%) 9 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.06%) 213 (1.62%) 7,431 (56.39%) Total Sub-District - Korisapadu
8 (0.06%) 9 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.06%) 213 (1.62%) 7,431 (56.39%) Rural (2854905122)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
86 (0.19%) 115 (0.25%) 31 (0.07%) 242 (0.53%) 281 (0.62%) 16,600 (36.51%) Total Sub-District - Chirala
9 (0.06%) 4 (0.03%) 31 (0.21%) 15 (0.1%) 14 (0.09%) 9,632 (64.32%) Rural (2854905123)
77 (0.25%) 111 (0.36%) 0 (0%) 227 (0.74%) 267 (0.88%) 6,968 (22.85%) Urban
1 (0%) 3 (0.01%) 29 (0.14%) 158 (0.75%) 34 (0.16%) 7,887 (37.28%) Total Sub-District - Vetapalem
0 (0%) 3 (0.03%) 29 (0.31%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.23%) 4,724 (50.93%) Rural (2854905124)
1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 158 (1.33%) 13 (0.11%) 3,163 (26.62%) Urban
9 (0.08%) 5 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 52 (0.44%) 7,911 (67.03%) Total Sub-District - Chinaganjam
9 (0.08%) 5 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 52 (0.44%) 7,911 (67.03%) Rural (2854905125)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
11 (0.06%) 3 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 96 (0.51%) 113 (0.6%) 11,143 (59.44%) Total Sub-District - Naguluppala
11 (0.06%) 3 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 96 (0.51%) 113 (0.6%) 11,143 (59.44%) Rural Padu (2854905126)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit
Urban households
Piped sewer Septic tank Other system With
system slab/Ventilated
improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu Total 14,120 83 (0.59%) 4,674 (33.1%) 154 (1.09%) 444 (3.14%)
(2854905127) Rural 14,120 83 (0.59%) 4,674 (33.1%) 154 (1.09%) 444 (3.14%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi Total 19,366 185 (0.96%) 4,746 (24.51%) 121 (0.62%) 1,321 (6.82%)
(2854905128) Rural 19,366 185 (0.96%) 4,746 (24.51%) 121 (0.62%) 1,321 (6.82%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
33 Sub-District - Marripudi Total 9,858 25 (0.25%) 283 (2.87%) 85 (0.86%) 101 (1.02%)
(2854905129) Rural 9,858 25 (0.25%) 283 (2.87%) 85 (0.86%) 101 (1.02%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Total 7,245 22 (0.3%) 388 (5.36%) 45 (0.62%) 278 (3.84%)
Padu (2854905130) Rural 7,245 22 (0.3%) 388 (5.36%) 45 (0.62%) 278 (3.84%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
35 Sub-District - Bestawaripeta Total 13,062 75 (0.57%) 1,684 (12.89%) 54 (0.41%) 1,549 (11.86%)
(2854905131) Rural 13,062 75 (0.57%) 1,684 (12.89%) 54 (0.41%) 1,549 (11.86%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla Total 9,135 183 (2%) 1,298 (14.21%) 39 (0.43%) 764 (8.36%)
(2854905132) Rural 9,135 183 (2%) 1,298 (14.21%) 39 (0.43%) 764 (8.36%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur Total 21,789 779 (3.58%) 3,699 (16.98%) 133 (0.61%) 4,882 (22.41%)
(2854905133) Rural 13,090 344 (2.63%) 779 (5.95%) 112 (0.86%) 1,262 (9.64%)
Urban 8,699 435 (5%) 2,920 (33.57%) 21 (0.24%) 3,620 (41.61%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu Total 10,795 305 (2.83%) 929 (8.61%) 119 (1.1%) 1,429 (13.24%)
(2854905134) Rural 10,795 305 (2.83%) 929 (8.61%) 119 (1.1%) 1,429 (13.24%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla Total 8,046 52 (0.65%) 366 (4.55%) 42 (0.52%) 379 (4.71%)
(2854905135) Rural 8,046 52 (0.65%) 366 (4.55%) 42 (0.52%) 379 (4.71%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri Total 20,796 189 (0.91%) 6,230 (29.96%) 189 (0.91%) 371 (1.78%)
(2854905136) Rural 12,271 59 (0.48%) 899 (7.33%) 147 (1.2%) 201 (1.64%)
Urban 8,525 130 (1.52%) 5,331 (62.53%) 42 (0.49%) 170 (1.99%)
41 Sub-District - Kondapi Total 10,487 53 (0.51%) 2,423 (23.1%) 19 (0.18%) 351 (3.35%)
(2854905137) Rural 10,487 53 (0.51%) 2,423 (23.1%) 19 (0.18%) 351 (3.35%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Santhanuthala Total 16,686 393 (2.36%) 5,332 (31.95%) 192 (1.15%) 525 (3.15%)
Padu (2854905138) Rural 15,793 349 (2.21%) 4,966 (31.44%) 125 (0.79%) 523 (3.31%)
Urban 893 44 (4.93%) 366 (40.99%) 67 (7.5%) 2 (0.22%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole Total 63,253 3,750 (5.93%) 43,177 (68.26%) 467 (0.74%) 1,746 (2.76%)
(2854905139) Rural 12,863 342 (2.66%) 3,857 (29.99%) 278 (2.16%) 309 (2.4%)
Urban 50,390 3,408 (6.76%) 39,320 (78.03%) 189 (0.38%) 1,437 (2.85%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Patnam Total 13,526 104 (0.77%) 3,215 (23.77%) 95 (0.7%) 728 (5.38%)
(2854905140) Rural 13,526 104 (0.77%) 3,215 (23.77%) 95 (0.7%) 728 (5.38%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur Total 16,022 369 (2.3%) 6,057 (37.8%) 111 (0.69%) 424 (2.65%)
(2854905141) Rural 16,022 369 (2.3%) 6,057 (37.8%) 111 (0.69%) 424 (2.65%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of Latrine facility, 2011
having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District
Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/
disposed into Urban
Without Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open
slab/open pit open drain removed by serviced by
human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
20 (0.14%) 10 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 70 (0.5%) 187 (1.32%) 8,478 (60.04%) Total Sub-District - Maddipadu
20 (0.14%) 10 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 70 (0.5%) 187 (1.32%) 8,478 (60.04%) Rural (2854905127)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
24 (0.12%) 28 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 48 (0.25%) 168 (0.87%) 12,725 (65.71%) Total Sub-District - Chimakurthi
24 (0.12%) 28 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 48 (0.25%) 168 (0.87%) 12,725 (65.71%) Rural (2854905128)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
73 (0.74%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 4 (0.04%) 9,284 (94.18%) Total Sub-District - Marripudi
73 (0.74%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 4 (0.04%) 9,284 (94.18%) Rural (2854905129)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
25 (0.35%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.25%) 1 (0.01%) 6,467 (89.26%) Total Sub-District - Hanumanthuni
25 (0.35%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.25%) 1 (0.01%) 6,467 (89.26%) Rural Padu (2854905130)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
82 (0.63%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.07%) 232 (1.78%) 9,376 (71.78%) Total Sub-District - Bestawaripeta
82 (0.63%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.07%) 232 (1.78%) 9,376 (71.78%) Rural (2854905131)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
17 (0.19%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 405 (4.43%) 6,424 (70.32%) Total Sub-District - Racherla
17 (0.19%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 405 (4.43%) 6,424 (70.32%) Rural (2854905132)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
69 (0.32%) 49 (0.22%) 0 (0%) 25 (0.11%) 873 (4.01%) 11,280 (51.77%) Total Sub-District - Giddalur
42 (0.32%) 24 (0.18%) 0 (0%) 25 (0.19%) 637 (4.87%) 9,865 (75.36%) Rural (2854905133)
27 (0.31%) 25 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 236 (2.71%) 1,415 (16.27%) Urban
126 (1.17%) 8 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 65 (0.6%) 7,810 (72.35%) Total Sub-District - Komarolu
126 (1.17%) 8 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 65 (0.6%) 7,810 (72.35%) Rural (2854905134)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
30 (0.37%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 7,167 (89.08%) Total Sub-District - Veligandla
30 (0.37%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 9 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 7,167 (89.08%) Rural (2854905135)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
37 (0.18%) 17 (0.08%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%) 18 (0.09%) 13,744 (66.09%) Total Sub-District - Kanigiri
31 (0.25%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 10,930 (89.07%) Rural (2854905136)
6 (0.07%) 16 (0.19%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 16 (0.19%) 2,814 (33.01%) Urban
9 (0.09%) 5 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 176 (1.68%) 7,450 (71.04%) Total Sub-District - Kondapi
9 (0.09%) 5 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 176 (1.68%) 7,450 (71.04%) Rural (2854905137)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
22 (0.13%) 17 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 61 (0.37%) 316 (1.89%) 9,828 (58.9%) Total Sub-District - Santhanuthala
18 (0.11%) 17 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 30 (0.19%) 302 (1.91%) 9,463 (59.92%) Rural Padu (2854905138)
4 (0.45%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 31 (3.47%) 14 (1.57%) 365 (40.87%) Urban
32 (0.05%) 507 (0.8%) 0 (0%) 171 (0.27%) 871 (1.38%) 12,532 (19.81%) Total Sub-District - Ongole
12 (0.09%) 3 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 61 (0.47%) 138 (1.07%) 7,863 (61.13%) Rural (2854905139)
20 (0.04%) 504 (1%) 0 (0%) 110 (0.22%) 733 (1.45%) 4,669 (9.27%) Urban
42 (0.31%) 19 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 52 (0.38%) 268 (1.98%) 9,003 (66.56%) Total Sub-District - Kotha Patnam
42 (0.31%) 19 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 52 (0.38%) 268 (1.98%) 9,003 (66.56%) Rural (2854905140)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8 (0.05%) 15 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 102 (0.64%) 243 (1.52%) 8,693 (54.26%) Total Sub-District - Tangutur
8 (0.05%) 15 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 102 (0.64%) 243 (1.52%) 8,693 (54.26%) Rural (2854905141)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit
Urban households
Piped sewer Septic tank Other system With
system slab/Ventilated
improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli Total 10,855 22 (0.2%) 2,876 (26.49%) 18 (0.17%) 45 (0.41%)
(2854905142) Rural 10,855 22 (0.2%) 2,876 (26.49%) 18 (0.17%) 45 (0.41%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru Total 9,987 118 (1.18%) 1,123 (11.24%) 30 (0.3%) 121 (1.21%)
(2854905143) Rural 9,987 118 (1.18%) 1,123 (11.24%) 30 (0.3%) 121 (1.21%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle Total 8,446 19 (0.22%) 495 (5.86%) 39 (0.46%) 148 (1.75%)
(2854905144) Rural 8,446 19 (0.22%) 495 (5.86%) 39 (0.46%) 148 (1.75%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
49 Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Total 10,868 58 (0.53%) 999 (9.19%) 64 (0.59%) 408 (3.75%)
Puram (2854905145) Rural 10,868 58 (0.53%) 999 (9.19%) 64 (0.59%) 408 (3.75%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur Total 14,851 183 (1.23%) 3,224 (21.71%) 60 (0.4%) 859 (5.78%)
(2854905146) Rural 10,173 19 (0.19%) 892 (8.77%) 35 (0.34%) 312 (3.07%)
Urban 4,678 164 (3.51%) 2,332 (49.85%) 25 (0.53%) 547 (11.69%)
51 Sub-District - Voletivaripalem Total 9,369 110 (1.17%) 1,188 (12.68%) 41 (0.44%) 156 (1.67%)
(2854905147) Rural 9,369 110 (1.17%) 1,188 (12.68%) 41 (0.44%) 156 (1.67%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
52 Sub-District - Kandukur Total 23,984 396 (1.65%) 10,996 (45.85%) 79 (0.33%) 562 (2.34%)
(2854905148) Rural 10,193 57 (0.56%) 2,466 (24.19%) 41 (0.4%) 211 (2.07%)
Urban 13,791 339 (2.46%) 8,530 (61.85%) 38 (0.28%) 351 (2.55%)
53 Sub-District - Singarayakonda Total 17,293 269 (1.56%) 7,150 (41.35%) 89 (0.51%) 870 (5.03%)
(2854905149) Rural 10,640 39 (0.37%) 2,898 (27.24%) 55 (0.52%) 483 (4.54%)
Urban 6,653 230 (3.46%) 4,252 (63.91%) 34 (0.51%) 387 (5.82%)
54 Sub-District - Lingasamudram Total 9,317 30 (0.32%) 1,083 (11.62%) 47 (0.5%) 367 (3.94%)
(2854905150) Rural 9,317 30 (0.32%) 1,083 (11.62%) 47 (0.5%) 367 (3.94%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru Total 11,330 116 (1.02%) 1,723 (15.21%) 126 (1.11%) 309 (2.73%)
(2854905151) Rural 11,330 116 (1.02%) 1,723 (15.21%) 126 (1.11%) 309 (2.73%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu Total 14,551 48 (0.33%) 4,101 (28.18%) 57 (0.39%) 204 (1.4%)
(2854905152) Rural 14,551 48 (0.33%) 4,101 (28.18%) 57 (0.39%) 204 (1.4%)
Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam (28549) Total 857,276 16,486 (1.92%) 257,380 (30.02%) 5,090 (0.59%) 37,315 (4.35%)
Rural 692,542 7,892 (1.14%) 151,636 (21.9%) 4,295 (0.62%) 26,475 (3.82%)
Urban 164,734 8,594 (5.22%) 105,744 (64.19%) 795 (0.48%) 10,840 (6.58%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by type of Latrine facility, 2011
having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District
Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/
disposed into Urban
Without Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open
slab/open pit open drain removed by serviced by
human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
8 (0.07%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.09%) 7,872 (72.52%) Total Sub-District - Zarugumilli
8 (0.07%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.09%) 7,872 (72.52%) Rural (2854905142)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
14 (0.14%) 16 (0.16%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 10 (0.1%) 8,553 (85.64%) Total Sub-District - Ponnaluru
14 (0.14%) 16 (0.16%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 10 (0.1%) 8,553 (85.64%) Rural (2854905143)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
6 (0.07%) 3 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.21%) 7,718 (91.38%) Total Sub-District - Pedacherlo
6 (0.07%) 3 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.21%) 7,718 (91.38%) Rural Palle (2854905144)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
12 (0.11%) 8 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 25 (0.23%) 3 (0.03%) 9,291 (85.49%) Total Sub-District - Chandra
12 (0.11%) 8 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 25 (0.23%) 3 (0.03%) 9,291 (85.49%) Rural Sekhara Puram
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
12 (0.08%) 5 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.14%) 25 (0.17%) 10,462 (70.45%) Total Sub-District - Pamur
9 (0.09%) 5 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 8,901 (87.5%) Rural (2854905146)
3 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.45%) 25 (0.53%) 1,561 (33.37%) Urban
7 (0.07%) 6 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 90 (0.96%) 7,767 (82.9%) Total Sub-District - Voletivaripalem
7 (0.07%) 6 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.04%) 90 (0.96%) 7,767 (82.9%) Rural (2854905147)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
5 (0.02%) 27 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.05%) 106 (0.44%) 11,801 (49.2%) Total Sub-District - Kandukur
1 (0.01%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 88 (0.86%) 7,324 (71.85%) Rural (2854905148)
4 (0.03%) 23 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 11 (0.08%) 18 (0.13%) 4,477 (32.46%) Urban
12 (0.07%) 8 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 32 (0.19%) 20 (0.12%) 8,843 (51.14%) Total Sub-District - Singarayakonda
12 (0.11%) 6 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 32 (0.3%) 17 (0.16%) 7,098 (66.71%) Rural (2854905149)
0 (0%) 2 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.05%) 1,745 (26.23%) Urban
2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.06%) 154 (1.65%) 7,626 (81.85%) Total Sub-District - Lingasamudram
2 (0.02%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.06%) 154 (1.65%) 7,626 (81.85%) Rural (2854905150)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
4 (0.04%) 7 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.07%) 2 (0.02%) 9,035 (79.74%) Total Sub-District - Gudluru
4 (0.04%) 7 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.07%) 2 (0.02%) 9,035 (79.74%) Rural (2854905151)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
19 (0.13%) 7 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.03%) 54 (0.37%) 10,056 (69.11%) Total Sub-District - Ulavapadu
19 (0.13%) 7 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.03%) 54 (0.37%) 10,056 (69.11%) Rural (2854905152)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,830 (0.21%) 1,463 (0.17%) 127 (0.01%) 1,641 (0.19%) 9,218 (1.08%) 526,726 (61.44%) Total District - Prakasam (28549)
1,643 (0.24%) 721 (0.1%) 127 (0.02%) 1,020 (0.15%) 7,361 (1.06%) 491,372 (70.95%) Rural
187 (0.11%) 742 (0.45%) 0 (0%) 621 (0.38%) 1,857 (1.13%) 35,354 (21.46%) Urban

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011
Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of
Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet
Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Total 14,599 1,179 (8.08%) 3,758 (25.74%) 9,662 (66.18%)
Sub-District - Yerragondapalem
Rural 14,599 1,179 (8.08%) 3,758 (25.74%) 9,662 (66.18%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Total 12,499 378 (3.02%) 2,749 (21.99%) 9,372 (74.98%)
Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu (2854905098) Rural 12,499 378 (3.02%) 2,749 (21.99%) 9,372 (74.98%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Total 14,494 819 (5.65%) 3,802 (26.23%) 9,873 (68.12%)
Sub-District - Tripuranthakam
Rural 14,494 819 (5.65%) 3,802 (26.23%) 9,873 (68.12%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Total 11,011 648 (5.89%) 2,081 (18.9%) 8,282 (75.22%)
Sub-District - Dornala (2854905100) Rural 11,011 648 (5.89%) 2,081 (18.9%) 8,282 (75.22%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Total 10,175 863 (8.48%) 3,246 (31.9%) 6,066 (59.62%)
Sub-District - Peda Araveedu
Rural 10,175 863 (8.48%) 3,246 (31.9%) 6,066 (59.62%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Total 11,421 237 (2.08%) 2,841 (24.88%) 8,343 (73.05%)
Sub-District - Donakonda (2854905102) Rural 11,421 237 (2.08%) 2,841 (24.88%) 8,343 (73.05%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Total 9,521 356 (3.74%) 3,610 (37.92%) 5,555 (58.34%)
Sub-District - Kurichedu (2854905103) Rural 9,521 356 (3.74%) 3,610 (37.92%) 5,555 (58.34%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Total 15,082 554 (3.67%) 8,357 (55.41%) 6,171 (40.92%)
Sub-District - Santhamaguluru
Rural 15,082 554 (3.67%) 8,357 (55.41%) 6,171 (40.92%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Total 13,665 905 (6.62%) 7,110 (52.03%) 5,650 (41.35%)
Sub-District - Ballikurava (2854905105) Rural 13,665 905 (6.62%) 7,110 (52.03%) 5,650 (41.35%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Total 19,445 1,202 (6.18%) 10,958 (56.35%) 7,285 (37.46%)
Sub-District - Martur (2854905106) Rural 19,445 1,202 (6.18%) 10,958 (56.35%) 7,285 (37.46%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Total 8,105 459 (5.66%) 4,779 (58.96%) 2,867 (35.37%)
Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi (2854905107) Rural 8,105 459 (5.66%) 4,779 (58.96%) 2,867 (35.37%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Total 15,671 1,004 (6.41%) 8,183 (52.22%) 6,484 (41.38%)
Sub-District - Parchur (2854905108) Rural 15,671 1,004 (6.41%) 8,183 (52.22%) 6,484 (41.38%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Total 11,385 1,614 (14.18%) 5,417 (47.58%) 4,354 (38.24%)
Sub-District - Karamchedu (2854905109) Rural 11,385 1,614 (14.18%) 5,417 (47.58%) 4,354 (38.24%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Total 13,738 729 (5.31%) 7,075 (51.5%) 5,934 (43.19%)
Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110) Rural 13,738 729 (5.31%) 7,075 (51.5%) 5,934 (43.19%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Total 12,767 561 (4.39%) 5,605 (43.9%) 6,601 (51.7%)
Sub-District - Janakavarampanguluru
Rural 12,767 561 (4.39%) 5,605 (43.9%) 6,601 (51.7%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Total 23,256 2,071 (8.91%) 9,080 (39.04%) 12,105 (52.05%)
Sub-District - Addanki (2854905112) Rural 23,256 2,071 (8.91%) 9,080 (39.04%) 12,105 (52.05%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
17 Total 13,878 441 (3.18%) 5,128 (36.95%) 8,309 (59.87%)
Sub-District - Mundlamuru (2854905113) Rural 13,878 441 (3.18%) 5,128 (36.95%) 8,309 (59.87%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011
Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of
Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet
Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 Total 20,761 1,879 (9.05%) 8,596 (41.4%) 10,286 (49.54%)
Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114) Rural 20,761 1,879 (9.05%) 8,596 (41.4%) 10,286 (49.54%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Total 30,219 4,691 (15.52%) 13,073 (43.26%) 12,455 (41.22%)
Sub-District - Markapur (2854905115) Rural 12,937 1,379 (10.66%) 3,605 (27.87%) 7,953 (61.47%)
Urban 17,282 3,312 (19.16%) 9,468 (54.79%) 4,502 (26.05%)
20 Total 9,126 1,226 (13.43%) 1,929 (21.14%) 5,971 (65.43%)
Sub-District - Ardhaveedu (2854905116) Rural 9,126 1,226 (13.43%) 1,929 (21.14%) 5,971 (65.43%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Total 12,376 2,362 (19.09%) 5,318 (42.97%) 4,696 (37.94%)
Sub-District - Cumbum (2854905117) Rural 8,642 1,793 (20.75%) 3,259 (37.71%) 3,590 (41.54%)
Urban 3,734 569 (15.24%) 2,059 (55.14%) 1,106 (29.62%)
22 Total 8,310 422 (5.08%) 1,198 (14.42%) 6,690 (80.51%)
Sub-District - Tarlupadu (2854905118) Rural 8,310 422 (5.08%) 1,198 (14.42%) 6,690 (80.51%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Total 11,788 394 (3.34%) 2,616 (22.19%) 8,778 (74.47%)
Sub-District - Konakanamitla (2854905119) Rural 11,788 394 (3.34%) 2,616 (22.19%) 8,778 (74.47%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Total 16,491 880 (5.34%) 8,128 (49.29%) 7,483 (45.38%)
Sub-District - Podili (2854905120) Rural 8,780 155 (1.77%) 2,926 (33.33%) 5,699 (64.91%)
Urban 7,711 725 (9.4%) 5,202 (67.46%) 1,784 (23.14%)
25 Total 12,103 346 (2.86%) 3,690 (30.49%) 8,067 (66.65%)
Sub-District - Thallur (2854905121) Rural 12,103 346 (2.86%) 3,690 (30.49%) 8,067 (66.65%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Total 13,177 929 (7.05%) 5,097 (38.68%) 7,151 (54.27%)
Sub-District - Korisapadu (2854905122) Rural 13,177 929 (7.05%) 5,097 (38.68%) 7,151 (54.27%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Total 45,472 3,895 (8.57%) 12,008 (26.41%) 29,569 (65.03%)
Sub-District - Chirala (2854905123) Rural 14,974 179 (1.2%) 3,173 (21.19%) 11,622 (77.61%)
Urban 30,498 3,716 (12.18%) 8,835 (28.97%) 17,947 (58.85%)
28 Total 21,155 616 (2.91%) 2,719 (12.85%) 17,820 (84.24%)
Sub-District - Vetapalem (2854905124) Rural 9,275 159 (1.71%) 1,030 (11.11%) 8,086 (87.18%)
Urban 11,880 457 (3.85%) 1,689 (14.22%) 9,734 (81.94%)
29 Total 11,803 277 (2.35%) 2,372 (20.1%) 9,154 (77.56%)
Sub-District - Chinaganjam (2854905125) Rural 11,803 277 (2.35%) 2,372 (20.1%) 9,154 (77.56%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Total 18,746 1,193 (6.36%) 6,126 (32.68%) 11,427 (60.96%)
Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu
Rural 18,746 1,193 (6.36%) 6,126 (32.68%) 11,427 (60.96%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Total 14,120 466 (3.3%) 5,750 (40.72%) 7,904 (55.98%)
Sub-District - Maddipadu (2854905127) Rural 14,120 466 (3.3%) 5,750 (40.72%) 7,904 (55.98%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Total 19,366 1,385 (7.15%) 10,409 (53.75%) 7,572 (39.1%)
Sub-District - Chimakurthi (2854905128) Rural 19,366 1,385 (7.15%) 10,409 (53.75%) 7,572 (39.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
33 Total 9,858 137 (1.39%) 2,658 (26.96%) 7,063 (71.65%)
Sub-District - Marripudi (2854905129) Rural 9,858 137 (1.39%) 2,658 (26.96%) 7,063 (71.65%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Total 7,245 205 (2.83%) 887 (12.24%) 6,153 (84.93%)
Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu
Rural 7,245 205 (2.83%) 887 (12.24%) 6,153 (84.93%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011
Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of
Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet
Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
35 Total 13,062 916 (7.01%) 3,185 (24.38%) 8,961 (68.6%)
Sub-District - Bestawaripeta (2854905131) Rural 13,062 916 (7.01%) 3,185 (24.38%) 8,961 (68.6%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Total 9,135 1,973 (21.6%) 1,734 (18.98%) 5,428 (59.42%)
Sub-District - Racherla (2854905132) Rural 9,135 1,973 (21.6%) 1,734 (18.98%) 5,428 (59.42%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Total 21,789 3,577 (16.42%) 6,898 (31.66%) 11,314 (51.93%)
Sub-District - Giddalur (2854905133) Rural 13,090 966 (7.38%) 2,804 (21.42%) 9,320 (71.2%)
Urban 8,699 2,611 (30.01%) 4,094 (47.06%) 1,994 (22.92%)
38 Total 10,795 1,649 (15.28%) 2,059 (19.07%) 7,087 (65.65%)
Sub-District - Komarolu (2854905134) Rural 10,795 1,649 (15.28%) 2,059 (19.07%) 7,087 (65.65%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Total 8,046 332 (4.13%) 1,719 (21.36%) 5,995 (74.51%)
Sub-District - Veligandla (2854905135) Rural 8,046 332 (4.13%) 1,719 (21.36%) 5,995 (74.51%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Total 20,796 898 (4.32%) 7,928 (38.12%) 11,970 (57.56%)
Sub-District - Kanigiri (2854905136) Rural 12,271 104 (0.85%) 2,372 (19.33%) 9,795 (79.82%)
Urban 8,525 794 (9.31%) 5,556 (65.17%) 2,175 (25.51%)
41 Total 10,487 327 (3.12%) 4,289 (40.9%) 5,871 (55.98%)
Sub-District - Kondapi (2854905137) Rural 10,487 327 (3.12%) 4,289 (40.9%) 5,871 (55.98%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Total 16,686 1,091 (6.54%) 7,903 (47.36%) 7,692 (46.1%)
Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu
Rural 15,793 1,009 (6.39%) 7,589 (48.05%) 7,195 (45.56%)
Urban 893 82 (9.18%) 314 (35.16%) 497 (55.66%)
43 Total 63,253 12,978 (20.52%) 37,914 (59.94%) 12,361 (19.54%)
Sub-District - Ongole (2854905139) Rural 12,863 1,463 (11.37%) 4,630 (35.99%) 6,770 (52.63%)
Urban 50,390 11,515 (22.85%) 33,284 (66.05%) 5,591 (11.1%)
44 Total 13,526 95 (0.7%) 2,206 (16.31%) 11,225 (82.99%)
Sub-District - Kotha Patnam (2854905140) Rural 13,526 95 (0.7%) 2,206 (16.31%) 11,225 (82.99%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Total 16,022 913 (5.7%) 7,845 (48.96%) 7,264 (45.34%)
Sub-District - Tangutur (2854905141) Rural 16,022 913 (5.7%) 7,845 (48.96%) 7,264 (45.34%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Total 10,855 244 (2.25%) 4,665 (42.98%) 5,946 (54.78%)
Sub-District - Zarugumilli (2854905142) Rural 10,855 244 (2.25%) 4,665 (42.98%) 5,946 (54.78%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Total 9,987 243 (2.43%) 2,931 (29.35%) 6,813 (68.22%)
Sub-District - Ponnaluru (2854905143) Rural 9,987 243 (2.43%) 2,931 (29.35%) 6,813 (68.22%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Total 8,446 91 (1.08%) 1,485 (17.58%) 6,870 (81.34%)
Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle
Rural 8,446 91 (1.08%) 1,485 (17.58%) 6,870 (81.34%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
49 Total 10,868 1,175 (10.81%) 1,863 (17.14%) 7,830 (72.05%)
Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Puram
Rural 10,868 1,175 (10.81%) 1,863 (17.14%) 7,830 (72.05%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Total 14,851 1,142 (7.69%) 4,215 (28.38%) 9,494 (63.93%)
Sub-District - Pamur (2854905146) Rural 10,173 697 (6.85%) 1,835 (18.04%) 7,641 (75.11%)
Urban 4,678 445 (9.51%) 2,380 (50.88%) 1,853 (39.61%)
51 Total 9,369 193 (2.06%) 1,462 (15.6%) 7,714 (82.34%)
Sub-District - Voletivaripalem (2854905147) Rural 9,369 193 (2.06%) 1,462 (15.6%) 7,714 (82.34%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011
Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of
Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet
Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
52 Total 23,984 2,476 (10.32%) 9,589 (39.98%) 11,919 (49.7%)
Sub-District - Kandukur (2854905148) Rural 10,193 273 (2.68%) 3,161 (31.01%) 6,759 (66.31%)
Urban 13,791 2,203 (15.97%) 6,428 (46.61%) 5,160 (37.42%)
53 Total 17,293 1,396 (8.07%) 4,539 (26.25%) 11,358 (65.68%)
Sub-District - Singarayakonda
Rural 10,640 146 (1.37%) 1,771 (16.64%) 8,723 (81.98%)
Urban 6,653 1,250 (18.79%) 2,768 (41.61%) 2,635 (39.61%)
54 Total 9,317 321 (3.45%) 1,959 (21.03%) 7,037 (75.53%)
Sub-District - Lingasamudram
Rural 9,317 321 (3.45%) 1,959 (21.03%) 7,037 (75.53%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Total 11,330 213 (1.88%) 1,712 (15.11%) 9,405 (83.01%)
Sub-District - Gudluru (2854905151) Rural 11,330 213 (1.88%) 1,712 (15.11%) 9,405 (83.01%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Total 14,551 220 (1.51%) 2,640 (18.14%) 11,691 (80.34%)
Sub-District - Ulavapadu (2854905152) Rural 14,551 220 (1.51%) 2,640 (18.14%) 11,691 (80.34%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Total 857,276 67,786 (7.91%) 307,093 (35.82%) 482,397 (56.27%)
District - Prakasam (28549) Rural 692,542 40,107 (5.79%) 225,016 (32.49%) 427,419 (61.72%)
Urban 164,734 27,679 (16.8%) 82,077 (49.82%) 54,978 (33.37%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen
No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking
Urban households
Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have
kitchen kitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sub-District - Total 14,599 4,906 (33.61%) 5,344 (36.61%) 979 (6.71%) 3,340 (22.88%) 30 (0.21%)
Yerragondapalem Rural 14,599 4,906 (33.61%) 5,344 (36.61%) 979 (6.71%) 3,340 (22.88%) 30 (0.21%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Total 12,499 2,545 (20.36%) 3,678 (29.43%) 1,007 (8.06%) 5,251 (42.01%) 18 (0.14%)
Pullalacheruvu Rural 12,499 2,545 (20.36%) 3,678 (29.43%) 1,007 (8.06%) 5,251 (42.01%) 18 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Total 14,494 4,769 (32.9%) 3,384 (23.35%) 1,041 (7.18%) 5,279 (36.42%) 21 (0.14%)
Tripuranthakam Rural 14,494 4,769 (32.9%) 3,384 (23.35%) 1,041 (7.18%) 5,279 (36.42%) 21 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Total 11,011 3,675 (33.38%) 2,987 (27.13%) 768 (6.97%) 3,552 (32.26%) 29 (0.26%)
Dornala Rural 11,011 3,675 (33.38%) 2,987 (27.13%) 768 (6.97%) 3,552 (32.26%) 29 (0.26%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Total 10,175 2,915 (28.65%) 4,393 (43.17%) 492 (4.84%) 2,359 (23.18%) 16 (0.16%)
Araveedu Rural 10,175 2,915 (28.65%) 4,393 (43.17%) 492 (4.84%) 2,359 (23.18%) 16 (0.16%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Total 11,421 3,228 (28.26%) 2,478 (21.7%) 1,271 (11.13%) 4,365 (38.22%) 79 (0.69%)
Donakonda Rural 11,421 3,228 (28.26%) 2,478 (21.7%) 1,271 (11.13%) 4,365 (38.22%) 79 (0.69%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Total 9,521 3,123 (32.8%) 2,392 (25.12%) 519 (5.45%) 3,465 (36.39%) 22 (0.23%)
Kurichedu Rural 9,521 3,123 (32.8%) 2,392 (25.12%) 519 (5.45%) 3,465 (36.39%) 22 (0.23%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Total 15,082 3,899 (25.85%) 4,156 (27.56%) 888 (5.89%) 6,092 (40.39%) 47 (0.31%)
Santhamaguluru Rural 15,082 3,899 (25.85%) 4,156 (27.56%) 888 (5.89%) 6,092 (40.39%) 47 (0.31%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Total 13,665 3,269 (23.92%) 4,176 (30.56%) 821 (6.01%) 5,365 (39.26%) 34 (0.25%)
Ballikurava Rural 13,665 3,269 (23.92%) 4,176 (30.56%) 821 (6.01%) 5,365 (39.26%) 34 (0.25%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur Total 19,445 6,450 (33.17%) 5,625 (28.93%) 1,232 (6.34%) 6,067 (31.2%) 71 (0.37%)
(2854905106) Rural 19,445 6,450 (33.17%) 5,625 (28.93%) 1,232 (6.34%) 6,067 (31.2%) 71 (0.37%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Total 8,105 2,872 (35.43%) 1,754 (21.64%) 650 (8.02%) 2,793 (34.46%) 36 (0.44%)
Yeddana Pudi Rural 8,105 2,872 (35.43%) 1,754 (21.64%) 650 (8.02%) 2,793 (34.46%) 36 (0.44%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Total 15,671 5,782 (36.9%) 4,870 (31.08%) 658 (4.2%) 4,283 (27.33%) 78 (0.5%)
Parchur Rural 15,671 5,782 (36.9%) 4,870 (31.08%) 658 (4.2%) 4,283 (27.33%) 78 (0.5%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Total 11,385 4,553 (39.99%) 3,952 (34.71%) 541 (4.75%) 2,289 (20.11%) 50 (0.44%)
Karamchedu Rural 11,385 4,553 (39.99%) 3,952 (34.71%) 541 (4.75%) 2,289 (20.11%) 50 (0.44%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu Total 13,738 5,604 (40.79%) 3,625 (26.39%) 536 (3.9%) 3,888 (28.3%) 85 (0.62%)
(2854905110) Rural 13,738 5,604 (40.79%) 3,625 (26.39%) 536 (3.9%) 3,888 (28.3%) 85 (0.62%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Total 12,767 3,665 (28.71%) 3,601 (28.21%) 893 (6.99%) 4,557 (35.69%) 51 (0.4%)
Janakavarampangul Rural 12,767 3,665 (28.71%) 3,601 (28.21%) 893 (6.99%) 4,557 (35.69%) 51 (0.4%)
uru (2854905111)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Sub-District - Total 23,256 8,881 (38.19%) 5,008 (21.53%) 1,035 (4.45%) 8,232 (35.4%) 100 (0.43%)
Addanki Rural 23,256 8,881 (38.19%) 5,008 (21.53%) 1,035 (4.45%) 8,232 (35.4%) 100 (0.43%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
17 Sub-District - Total 13,878 3,375 (24.32%) 3,653 (26.32%) 1,269 (9.14%) 5,542 (39.93%) 39 (0.28%)
Mundlamuru Rural 13,878 3,375 (24.32%) 3,653 (26.32%) 1,269 (9.14%) 5,542 (39.93%) 39 (0.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen
No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking
Urban households
Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have
kitchen kitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
18 Sub-District - Darsi Total 20,761 7,308 (35.2%) 4,630 (22.3%) 1,591 (7.66%) 7,154 (34.46%) 78 (0.38%)
(2854905114) Rural 20,761 7,308 (35.2%) 4,630 (22.3%) 1,591 (7.66%) 7,154 (34.46%) 78 (0.38%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Total 30,219 15,675 (51.87%) 9,395 (31.09%) 1,211 (4.01%) 3,856 (12.76%) 82 (0.27%)
Markapur Rural 12,937 5,011 (38.73%) 4,533 (35.04%) 745 (5.76%) 2,623 (20.28%) 25 (0.19%)
Urban 17,282 10,664 (61.71%) 4,862 (28.13%) 466 (2.7%) 1,233 (7.13%) 57 (0.33%)
20 Sub-District - Total 9,126 3,789 (41.52%) 3,780 (41.42%) 322 (3.53%) 1,224 (13.41%) 11 (0.12%)
Ardhaveedu Rural 9,126 3,789 (41.52%) 3,780 (41.42%) 322 (3.53%) 1,224 (13.41%) 11 (0.12%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Sub-District - Total 12,376 6,386 (51.6%) 4,034 (32.6%) 560 (4.52%) 1,369 (11.06%) 27 (0.22%)
Cumbum Rural 8,642 3,893 (45.05%) 3,217 (37.23%) 448 (5.18%) 1,065 (12.32%) 19 (0.22%)
Urban 3,734 2,493 (66.76%) 817 (21.88%) 112 (3%) 304 (8.14%) 8 (0.21%)
22 Sub-District - Total 8,310 2,256 (27.15%) 2,980 (35.86%) 290 (3.49%) 2,686 (32.32%) 98 (1.18%)
Tarlupadu Rural 8,310 2,256 (27.15%) 2,980 (35.86%) 290 (3.49%) 2,686 (32.32%) 98 (1.18%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Total 11,788 2,501 (21.22%) 2,855 (24.22%) 882 (7.48%) 5,443 (46.17%) 107 (0.91%)
Konakanamitla Rural 11,788 2,501 (21.22%) 2,855 (24.22%) 882 (7.48%) 5,443 (46.17%) 107 (0.91%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili Total 16,491 6,649 (40.32%) 3,330 (20.19%) 1,126 (6.83%) 5,330 (32.32%) 56 (0.34%)
(2854905120) Rural 8,780 1,704 (19.41%) 2,203 (25.09%) 894 (10.18%) 3,961 (45.11%) 18 (0.21%)
Urban 7,711 4,945 (64.13%) 1,127 (14.62%) 232 (3.01%) 1,369 (17.75%) 38 (0.49%)
25 Sub-District - Total 12,103 3,093 (25.56%) 3,675 (30.36%) 644 (5.32%) 4,660 (38.5%) 31 (0.26%)
Thallur Rural 12,103 3,093 (25.56%) 3,675 (30.36%) 644 (5.32%) 4,660 (38.5%) 31 (0.26%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Total 13,177 3,998 (30.34%) 3,689 (28%) 992 (7.53%) 4,446 (33.74%) 52 (0.39%)
Korisapadu Rural 13,177 3,998 (30.34%) 3,689 (28%) 992 (7.53%) 4,446 (33.74%) 52 (0.39%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Total 45,472 24,631 (54.17%) 9,469 (20.82%) 1,572 (3.46%) 9,605 (21.12%) 195 (0.43%)
Chirala Rural 14,974 4,750 (31.72%) 3,976 (26.55%) 565 (3.77%) 5,606 (37.44%) 77 (0.51%)
Urban 30,498 19,881 (65.19%) 5,493 (18.01%) 1,007 (3.3%) 3,999 (13.11%) 118 (0.39%)
28 Sub-District - Total 21,155 10,050 (47.51%) 4,457 (21.07%) 534 (2.52%) 5,999 (28.36%) 115 (0.54%)
Vetapalem Rural 9,275 3,513 (37.88%) 1,966 (21.2%) 246 (2.65%) 3,513 (37.88%) 37 (0.4%)
Urban 11,880 6,537 (55.03%) 2,491 (20.97%) 288 (2.42%) 2,486 (20.93%) 78 (0.66%)
29 Sub-District - Total 11,803 2,873 (24.34%) 2,168 (18.37%) 368 (3.12%) 6,340 (53.72%) 54 (0.46%)
Chinaganjam Rural 11,803 2,873 (24.34%) 2,168 (18.37%) 368 (3.12%) 6,340 (53.72%) 54 (0.46%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Total 18,746 5,942 (31.7%) 4,997 (26.66%) 1,431 (7.63%) 6,302 (33.62%) 74 (0.39%)
Naguluppala Padu Rural 18,746 5,942 (31.7%) 4,997 (26.66%) 1,431 (7.63%) 6,302 (33.62%) 74 (0.39%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Sub-District - Total 14,120 4,319 (30.59%) 4,514 (31.97%) 830 (5.88%) 4,401 (31.17%) 56 (0.4%)
Maddipadu Rural 14,120 4,319 (30.59%) 4,514 (31.97%) 830 (5.88%) 4,401 (31.17%) 56 (0.4%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Total 19,366 5,885 (30.39%) 4,110 (21.22%) 1,537 (7.94%) 7,765 (40.1%) 69 (0.36%)
Chimakurthi Rural 19,366 5,885 (30.39%) 4,110 (21.22%) 1,537 (7.94%) 7,765 (40.1%) 69 (0.36%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
33 Sub-District - Total 9,858 1,335 (13.54%) 2,211 (22.43%) 960 (9.74%) 5,330 (54.07%) 22 (0.22%)
Marripudi Rural 9,858 1,335 (13.54%) 2,211 (22.43%) 960 (9.74%) 5,330 (54.07%) 22 (0.22%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Total 7,245 993 (13.71%) 2,507 (34.6%) 665 (9.18%) 3,068 (42.35%) 12 (0.17%)
Hanumanthuni Padu Rural 7,245 993 (13.71%) 2,507 (34.6%) 665 (9.18%) 3,068 (42.35%) 12 (0.17%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen
No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking
Urban households
Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have
kitchen kitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
35 Sub-District - Total 13,062 4,198 (32.14%) 5,943 (45.5%) 639 (4.89%) 2,245 (17.19%) 37 (0.28%)
Bestawaripeta Rural 13,062 4,198 (32.14%) 5,943 (45.5%) 639 (4.89%) 2,245 (17.19%) 37 (0.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Total 9,135 3,268 (35.77%) 4,318 (47.27%) 421 (4.61%) 1,105 (12.1%) 23 (0.25%)
Racherla Rural 9,135 3,268 (35.77%) 4,318 (47.27%) 421 (4.61%) 1,105 (12.1%) 23 (0.25%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Total 21,789 10,529 (48.32%) 7,863 (36.09%) 940 (4.31%) 2,420 (11.11%) 37 (0.17%)
Giddalur Rural 13,090 4,166 (31.83%) 5,897 (45.05%) 869 (6.64%) 2,136 (16.32%) 22 (0.17%)
Urban 8,699 6,363 (73.15%) 1,966 (22.6%) 71 (0.82%) 284 (3.26%) 15 (0.17%)
38 Sub-District - Total 10,795 4,283 (39.68%) 4,887 (45.27%) 658 (6.1%) 956 (8.86%) 11 (0.1%)
Komarolu Rural 10,795 4,283 (39.68%) 4,887 (45.27%) 658 (6.1%) 956 (8.86%) 11 (0.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Total 8,046 1,632 (20.28%) 1,544 (19.19%) 1,301 (16.17%) 3,550 (44.12%) 19 (0.24%)
Veligandla Rural 8,046 1,632 (20.28%) 1,544 (19.19%) 1,301 (16.17%) 3,550 (44.12%) 19 (0.24%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Total 20,796 7,506 (36.09%) 4,510 (21.69%) 1,953 (9.39%) 6,741 (32.41%) 86 (0.41%)
Kanigiri Rural 12,271 1,961 (15.98%) 2,914 (23.75%) 1,817 (14.81%) 5,533 (45.09%) 46 (0.37%)
Urban 8,525 5,545 (65.04%) 1,596 (18.72%) 136 (1.6%) 1,208 (14.17%) 40 (0.47%)
41 Sub-District - Total 10,487 1,781 (16.98%) 1,750 (16.69%) 875 (8.34%) 6,040 (57.6%) 41 (0.39%)
Kondapi Rural 10,487 1,781 (16.98%) 1,750 (16.69%) 875 (8.34%) 6,040 (57.6%) 41 (0.39%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Total 16,686 5,094 (30.53%) 4,508 (27.02%) 1,019 (6.11%) 5,983 (35.86%) 82 (0.49%)
Santhanuthala Padu Rural 15,793 4,627 (29.3%) 4,336 (27.46%) 943 (5.97%) 5,805 (36.76%) 82 (0.52%)
Urban 893 467 (52.3%) 172 (19.26%) 76 (8.51%) 178 (19.93%) 0 (0%)
43 Sub-District - Total 63,253 41,785 (66.06%) 11,489 (18.16%) 1,225 (1.94%) 8,449 (13.36%) 305 (0.48%)
Ongole Rural 12,863 4,039 (31.4%) 3,181 (24.73%) 757 (5.89%) 4,791 (37.25%) 95 (0.74%)
Urban 50,390 37,746 (74.91%) 8,308 (16.49%) 468 (0.93%) 3,658 (7.26%) 210 (0.42%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Total 13,526 3,032 (22.42%) 2,900 (21.44%) 1,210 (8.95%) 6,350 (46.95%) 34 (0.25%)
Patnam Rural 13,526 3,032 (22.42%) 2,900 (21.44%) 1,210 (8.95%) 6,350 (46.95%) 34 (0.25%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Total 16,022 4,749 (29.64%) 3,216 (20.07%) 1,329 (8.29%) 6,652 (41.52%) 76 (0.47%)
Tangutur Rural 16,022 4,749 (29.64%) 3,216 (20.07%) 1,329 (8.29%) 6,652 (41.52%) 76 (0.47%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Sub-District - Total 10,855 1,818 (16.75%) 1,502 (13.84%) 1,148 (10.58%) 6,349 (58.49%) 38 (0.35%)
Zarugumilli Rural 10,855 1,818 (16.75%) 1,502 (13.84%) 1,148 (10.58%) 6,349 (58.49%) 38 (0.35%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Total 9,987 1,938 (19.41%) 1,609 (16.11%) 980 (9.81%) 5,438 (54.45%) 22 (0.22%)
Ponnaluru Rural 9,987 1,938 (19.41%) 1,609 (16.11%) 980 (9.81%) 5,438 (54.45%) 22 (0.22%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Total 8,446 1,011 (11.97%) 1,726 (20.44%) 1,677 (19.86%) 4,011 (47.49%) 21 (0.25%)
Pedacherlo Palle Rural 8,446 1,011 (11.97%) 1,726 (20.44%) 1,677 (19.86%) 4,011 (47.49%) 21 (0.25%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
49 Sub-District - Total 10,868 2,806 (25.82%) 2,458 (22.62%) 1,602 (14.74%) 3,963 (36.46%) 39 (0.36%)
Chandra Sekhara Rural 10,868 2,806 (25.82%) 2,458 (22.62%) 1,602 (14.74%) 3,963 (36.46%) 39 (0.36%)
(2854905145) Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur Total 14,851 5,036 (33.91%) 2,810 (18.92%) 1,455 (9.8%) 5,505 (37.07%) 45 (0.3%)
(2854905146) Rural 10,173 2,134 (20.98%) 2,184 (21.47%) 1,262 (12.41%) 4,570 (44.92%) 23 (0.23%)
Urban 4,678 2,902 (62.04%) 626 (13.38%) 193 (4.13%) 935 (19.99%) 22 (0.47%)
51 Sub-District - Total 9,369 1,153 (12.31%) 1,013 (10.81%) 1,166 (12.45%) 6,006 (64.11%) 31 (0.33%)
Voletivaripalem Rural 9,369 1,153 (12.31%) 1,013 (10.81%) 1,166 (12.45%) 6,006 (64.11%) 31 (0.33%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen
No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking
Urban households
Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have
kitchen kitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
52 Sub-District - Total 23,984 9,331 (38.91%) 4,120 (17.18%) 1,369 (5.71%) 9,062 (37.78%) 102 (0.43%)
Kandukur Rural 10,193 1,769 (17.36%) 1,834 (17.99%) 825 (8.09%) 5,731 (56.22%) 34 (0.33%)
Urban 13,791 7,562 (54.83%) 2,286 (16.58%) 544 (3.94%) 3,331 (24.15%) 68 (0.49%)
53 Sub-District - Total 17,293 5,542 (32.05%) 2,462 (14.24%) 1,364 (7.89%) 7,882 (45.58%) 43 (0.25%)
Singarayakonda Rural 10,640 1,674 (15.73%) 1,683 (15.82%) 994 (9.34%) 6,270 (58.93%) 19 (0.18%)
Urban 6,653 3,868 (58.14%) 779 (11.71%) 370 (5.56%) 1,612 (24.23%) 24 (0.36%)
54 Sub-District - Total 9,317 1,471 (15.79%) 1,897 (20.36%) 674 (7.23%) 5,259 (56.45%) 16 (0.17%)
Lingasamudram Rural 9,317 1,471 (15.79%) 1,897 (20.36%) 674 (7.23%) 5,259 (56.45%) 16 (0.17%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Total 11,330 1,707 (15.07%) 2,162 (19.08%) 1,115 (9.84%) 6,310 (55.69%) 36 (0.32%)
Gudluru Rural 11,330 1,707 (15.07%) 2,162 (19.08%) 1,115 (9.84%) 6,310 (55.69%) 36 (0.32%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Total 14,551 3,014 (20.71%) 2,054 (14.12%) 1,167 (8.02%) 8,286 (56.94%) 30 (0.21%)
Ulavapadu Rural 14,551 3,014 (20.71%) 2,054 (14.12%) 1,167 (8.02%) 8,286 (56.94%) 30 (0.21%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam Total 857,276 303,878 (35.45%) 214,618 (25.03%) 55,402 (6.46%) 280,259 (32.69%) 3,119 (0.36%)
(28549) Rural 692,542 194,905 (28.14%) 184,095 (26.58%) 51,439 (7.43%) 259,662 (37.49%) 2,441 (0.35%)
Urban 164,734 108,973 (66.15%) 30,523 (18.53%) 3,963 (2.41%) 20,597 (12.5%) 678 (0.41%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by
No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/
Urban households charcoal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Yerragondapalem Total 14,599 12,285 (84.15%) 241 (1.65%) 3 (0.02%) 9 (0.06%)
(2854905097) Rural 14,599 12,285 (84.15%) 241 (1.65%) 3 (0.02%) 9 (0.06%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu Total 12,499 11,256 (90.06%) 468 (3.74%) 10 (0.08%) 110 (0.88%)
(2854905098) Rural 12,499 11,256 (90.06%) 468 (3.74%) 10 (0.08%) 110 (0.88%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Tripuranthakam Total 14,494 12,053 (83.16%) 187 (1.29%) 9 (0.06%) 16 (0.11%)
(2854905099) Rural 14,494 12,053 (83.16%) 187 (1.29%) 9 (0.06%) 16 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala Total 11,011 9,100 (82.64%) 160 (1.45%) 4 (0.04%) 9 (0.08%)
(2854905100) Rural 11,011 9,100 (82.64%) 160 (1.45%) 4 (0.04%) 9 (0.08%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Araveedu Total 10,175 8,787 (86.36%) 172 (1.69%) 6 (0.06%) 11 (0.11%)
(2854905101) Rural 10,175 8,787 (86.36%) 172 (1.69%) 6 (0.06%) 11 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Donakonda Total 11,421 9,959 (87.2%) 131 (1.15%) 10 (0.09%) 19 (0.17%)
(2854905102) Rural 11,421 9,959 (87.2%) 131 (1.15%) 10 (0.09%) 19 (0.17%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu Total 9,521 8,080 (84.87%) 109 (1.14%) 5 (0.05%) 7 (0.07%)
(2854905103) Rural 9,521 8,080 (84.87%) 109 (1.14%) 5 (0.05%) 7 (0.07%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Santhamaguluru Total 15,082 10,850 (71.94%) 365 (2.42%) 13 (0.09%) 34 (0.23%)
(2854905104) Rural 15,082 10,850 (71.94%) 365 (2.42%) 13 (0.09%) 34 (0.23%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava Total 13,665 9,509 (69.59%) 470 (3.44%) 11 (0.08%) 28 (0.2%)
(2854905105) Rural 13,665 9,509 (69.59%) 470 (3.44%) 11 (0.08%) 28 (0.2%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur (2854905106) Total 19,445 12,054 (61.99%) 299 (1.54%) 37 (0.19%) 29 (0.15%)
Rural 19,445 12,054 (61.99%) 299 (1.54%) 37 (0.19%) 29 (0.15%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi Total 8,105 4,261 (52.57%) 589 (7.27%) 7 (0.09%) 8 (0.1%)
(2854905107) Rural 8,105 4,261 (52.57%) 589 (7.27%) 7 (0.09%) 8 (0.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur Total 15,671 6,948 (44.34%) 658 (4.2%) 215 (1.37%) 12 (0.08%)
(2854905108) Rural 15,671 6,948 (44.34%) 658 (4.2%) 215 (1.37%) 12 (0.08%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Karamchedu Total 11,385 3,589 (31.52%) 161 (1.41%) 1,099 (9.65%) 6 (0.05%)
(2854905109) Rural 11,385 3,589 (31.52%) 161 (1.41%) 1,099 (9.65%) 6 (0.05%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu (2854905110) Total 13,738 6,406 (46.63%) 236 (1.72%) 29 (0.21%) 21 (0.15%)
Rural 13,738 6,406 (46.63%) 236 (1.72%) 29 (0.21%) 21 (0.15%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Total 12,767 7,604 (59.56%) 99 (0.78%) 16 (0.13%) 29 (0.23%)
Janakavarampanguluru Rural 12,767 7,604 (59.56%) 99 (0.78%) 16 (0.13%) 29 (0.23%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Sub-District - Addanki Total 23,256 13,365 (57.47%) 331 (1.42%) 16 (0.07%) 64 (0.28%)
(2854905112) Rural 23,256 13,365 (57.47%) 331 (1.42%) 16 (0.07%) 64 (0.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru Total 13,878 10,303 (74.24%) 202 (1.46%) 26 (0.19%) 19 (0.14%)
(2854905113) Rural 13,878 10,303 (74.24%) 202 (1.46%) 26 (0.19%) 19 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011
availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District
Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
62 (0.42%) 1,924 (13.18%) 7 (0.05%) 18 (0.12%) 20 (0.14%) 30 (0.21%) Total Sub-District -
62 (0.42%) 1,924 (13.18%) 7 (0.05%) 18 (0.12%) 20 (0.14%) 30 (0.21%) Rural Yerragondapalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7 (0.06%) 560 (4.48%) 21 (0.17%) 48 (0.38%) 1 (0.01%) 18 (0.14%) Total Sub-District - Pullalacheruvu
7 (0.06%) 560 (4.48%) 21 (0.17%) 48 (0.38%) 1 (0.01%) 18 (0.14%) Rural (2854905098)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
23 (0.16%) 2,142 (14.78%) 4 (0.03%) 37 (0.26%) 2 (0.01%) 21 (0.14%) Total Sub-District - Tripuranthakam
23 (0.16%) 2,142 (14.78%) 4 (0.03%) 37 (0.26%) 2 (0.01%) 21 (0.14%) Rural (2854905099)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
30 (0.27%) 1,647 (14.96%) 7 (0.06%) 24 (0.22%) 1 (0.01%) 29 (0.26%) Total Sub-District - Dornala
30 (0.27%) 1,647 (14.96%) 7 (0.06%) 24 (0.22%) 1 (0.01%) 29 (0.26%) Rural (2854905100)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7 (0.07%) 1,128 (11.09%) 4 (0.04%) 42 (0.41%) 2 (0.02%) 16 (0.16%) Total Sub-District - Peda Araveedu
7 (0.07%) 1,128 (11.09%) 4 (0.04%) 42 (0.41%) 2 (0.02%) 16 (0.16%) Rural (2854905101)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
36 (0.32%) 1,170 (10.24%) 6 (0.05%) 10 (0.09%) 1 (0.01%) 79 (0.69%) Total Sub-District - Donakonda
36 (0.32%) 1,170 (10.24%) 6 (0.05%) 10 (0.09%) 1 (0.01%) 79 (0.69%) Rural (2854905102)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
15 (0.16%) 1,278 (13.42%) 2 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.23%) Total Sub-District - Kurichedu
15 (0.16%) 1,278 (13.42%) 2 (0.02%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.23%) Rural (2854905103)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
70 (0.46%) 3,680 (24.4%) 7 (0.05%) 16 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 47 (0.31%) Total Sub-District - Santhamaguluru
70 (0.46%) 3,680 (24.4%) 7 (0.05%) 16 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 47 (0.31%) Rural (2854905104)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
34 (0.25%) 3,386 (24.78%) 4 (0.03%) 189 (1.38%) 0 (0%) 34 (0.25%) Total Sub-District - Ballikurava
34 (0.25%) 3,386 (24.78%) 4 (0.03%) 189 (1.38%) 0 (0%) 34 (0.25%) Rural (2854905105)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
139 (0.71%) 6,780 (34.87%) 4 (0.02%) 28 (0.14%) 4 (0.02%) 71 (0.37%) Total Sub-District - Martur
139 (0.71%) 6,780 (34.87%) 4 (0.02%) 28 (0.14%) 4 (0.02%) 71 (0.37%) Rural (2854905106)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
44 (0.54%) 3,159 (38.98%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 36 (0.44%) Total Sub-District - Yeddana Pudi
44 (0.54%) 3,159 (38.98%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 0 (0%) 36 (0.44%) Rural (2854905107)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
194 (1.24%) 7,551 (48.18%) 4 (0.03%) 7 (0.04%) 4 (0.03%) 78 (0.5%) Total Sub-District - Parchur
194 (1.24%) 7,551 (48.18%) 4 (0.03%) 7 (0.04%) 4 (0.03%) 78 (0.5%) Rural (2854905108)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
123 (1.08%) 6,326 (55.56%) 6 (0.05%) 20 (0.18%) 5 (0.04%) 50 (0.44%) Total Sub-District - Karamchedu
123 (1.08%) 6,326 (55.56%) 6 (0.05%) 20 (0.18%) 5 (0.04%) 50 (0.44%) Rural (2854905109)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
193 (1.4%) 6,754 (49.16%) 2 (0.01%) 11 (0.08%) 1 (0.01%) 85 (0.62%) Total Sub-District - Inkollu
193 (1.4%) 6,754 (49.16%) 2 (0.01%) 11 (0.08%) 1 (0.01%) 85 (0.62%) Rural (2854905110)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
36 (0.28%) 4,913 (38.48%) 2 (0.02%) 13 (0.1%) 4 (0.03%) 51 (0.4%) Total Sub-District -
36 (0.28%) 4,913 (38.48%) 2 (0.02%) 13 (0.1%) 4 (0.03%) 51 (0.4%) Rural Janakavarampanguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
143 (0.61%) 9,158 (39.38%) 10 (0.04%) 57 (0.25%) 12 (0.05%) 100 (0.43%) Total Sub-District - Addanki
143 (0.61%) 9,158 (39.38%) 10 (0.04%) 57 (0.25%) 12 (0.05%) 100 (0.43%) Rural (2854905112)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
42 (0.3%) 3,060 (22.05%) 10 (0.07%) 156 (1.12%) 21 (0.15%) 39 (0.28%) Total Sub-District - Mundlamuru
42 (0.3%) 3,060 (22.05%) 10 (0.07%) 156 (1.12%) 21 (0.15%) 39 (0.28%) Rural (2854905113)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by
No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/
Urban households charcoal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18 Sub-District - Darsi (2854905114) Total 20,761 13,653 (65.76%) 286 (1.38%) 20 (0.1%) 30 (0.14%)
Rural 20,761 13,653 (65.76%) 286 (1.38%) 20 (0.1%) 30 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur Total 30,219 15,777 (52.21%) 208 (0.69%) 18 (0.06%) 74 (0.24%)
(2854905115) Rural 12,937 10,563 (81.65%) 108 (0.83%) 12 (0.09%) 25 (0.19%)
Urban 17,282 5,214 (30.17%) 100 (0.58%) 6 (0.03%) 49 (0.28%)
20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu Total 9,126 7,881 (86.36%) 113 (1.24%) 3 (0.03%) 8 (0.09%)
(2854905116) Rural 9,126 7,881 (86.36%) 113 (1.24%) 3 (0.03%) 8 (0.09%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
21 Sub-District - Cumbum Total 12,376 7,122 (57.55%) 81 (0.65%) 15 (0.12%) 4 (0.03%)
(2854905117) Rural 8,642 5,569 (64.44%) 60 (0.69%) 3 (0.03%) 3 (0.03%)
Urban 3,734 1,553 (41.59%) 21 (0.56%) 12 (0.32%) 1 (0.03%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu Total 8,310 6,928 (83.37%) 82 (0.99%) 10 (0.12%) 12 (0.14%)
(2854905118) Rural 8,310 6,928 (83.37%) 82 (0.99%) 10 (0.12%) 12 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Konakanamitla Total 11,788 10,008 (84.9%) 331 (2.81%) 7 (0.06%) 11 (0.09%)
(2854905119) Rural 11,788 10,008 (84.9%) 331 (2.81%) 7 (0.06%) 11 (0.09%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili (2854905120) Total 16,491 9,848 (59.72%) 180 (1.09%) 11 (0.07%) 65 (0.39%)
Rural 8,780 7,092 (80.77%) 137 (1.56%) 7 (0.08%) 36 (0.41%)
Urban 7,711 2,756 (35.74%) 43 (0.56%) 4 (0.05%) 29 (0.38%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur Total 12,103 8,351 (69%) 100 (0.83%) 3 (0.02%) 13 (0.11%)
(2854905121) Rural 12,103 8,351 (69%) 100 (0.83%) 3 (0.02%) 13 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Korisapadu Total 13,177 7,723 (58.61%) 72 (0.55%) 15 (0.11%) 30 (0.23%)
(2854905122) Rural 13,177 7,723 (58.61%) 72 (0.55%) 15 (0.11%) 30 (0.23%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala Total 45,472 19,664 (43.24%) 951 (2.09%) 345 (0.76%) 96 (0.21%)
(2854905123) Rural 14,974 9,561 (63.85%) 593 (3.96%) 285 (1.9%) 31 (0.21%)
Urban 30,498 10,103 (33.13%) 358 (1.17%) 60 (0.2%) 65 (0.21%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem Total 21,155 9,199 (43.48%) 168 (0.79%) 43 (0.2%) 137 (0.65%)
(2854905124) Rural 9,275 5,084 (54.81%) 69 (0.74%) 32 (0.35%) 114 (1.23%)
Urban 11,880 4,115 (34.64%) 99 (0.83%) 11 (0.09%) 23 (0.19%)
29 Sub-District - Chinaganjam Total 11,803 7,895 (66.89%) 263 (2.23%) 13 (0.11%) 13 (0.11%)
(2854905125) Rural 11,803 7,895 (66.89%) 263 (2.23%) 13 (0.11%) 13 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Naguluppala Padu Total 18,746 9,223 (49.2%) 321 (1.71%) 15 (0.08%) 38 (0.2%)
(2854905126) Rural 18,746 9,223 (49.2%) 321 (1.71%) 15 (0.08%) 38 (0.2%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu Total 14,120 6,659 (47.16%) 213 (1.51%) 9 (0.06%) 21 (0.15%)
(2854905127) Rural 14,120 6,659 (47.16%) 213 (1.51%) 9 (0.06%) 21 (0.15%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi Total 19,366 12,691 (65.53%) 245 (1.27%) 15 (0.08%) 51 (0.26%)
(2854905128) Rural 19,366 12,691 (65.53%) 245 (1.27%) 15 (0.08%) 51 (0.26%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
33 Sub-District - Marripudi Total 9,858 8,254 (83.73%) 256 (2.6%) 5 (0.05%) 16 (0.16%)
(2854905129) Rural 9,858 8,254 (83.73%) 256 (2.6%) 5 (0.05%) 16 (0.16%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Hanumanthuni Padu Total 7,245 6,735 (92.96%) 95 (1.31%) 4 (0.06%) 2 (0.03%)
(2854905130) Rural 7,245 6,735 (92.96%) 95 (1.31%) 4 (0.06%) 2 (0.03%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011
availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District
Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
149 (0.72%) 6,346 (30.57%) 8 (0.04%) 182 (0.88%) 9 (0.04%) 78 (0.38%) Total Sub-District - Darsi
149 (0.72%) 6,346 (30.57%) 8 (0.04%) 182 (0.88%) 9 (0.04%) 78 (0.38%) Rural (2854905114)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
286 (0.95%) 13,649 (45.17%) 13 (0.04%) 107 (0.35%) 5 (0.02%) 82 (0.27%) Total Sub-District - Markapur
17 (0.13%) 2,172 (16.79%) 3 (0.02%) 11 (0.09%) 1 (0.01%) 25 (0.19%) Rural (2854905115)
269 (1.56%) 11,477 (66.41%) 10 (0.06%) 96 (0.56%) 4 (0.02%) 57 (0.33%) Urban
7 (0.08%) 1,038 (11.37%) 0 (0%) 64 (0.7%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.12%) Total Sub-District - Ardhaveedu
7 (0.08%) 1,038 (11.37%) 0 (0%) 64 (0.7%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.12%) Rural (2854905116)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
65 (0.53%) 5,027 (40.62%) 1 (0.01%) 33 (0.27%) 1 (0.01%) 27 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Cumbum
23 (0.27%) 2,931 (33.92%) 0 (0%) 33 (0.38%) 1 (0.01%) 19 (0.22%) Rural (2854905117)
42 (1.12%) 2,096 (56.13%) 1 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.21%) Urban
27 (0.32%) 1,150 (13.84%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 98 (1.18%) Total Sub-District - Tarlupadu
27 (0.32%) 1,150 (13.84%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 98 (1.18%) Rural (2854905118)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
11 (0.09%) 1,274 (10.81%) 0 (0%) 39 (0.33%) 0 (0%) 107 (0.91%) Total Sub-District - Konakanamitla
11 (0.09%) 1,274 (10.81%) 0 (0%) 39 (0.33%) 0 (0%) 107 (0.91%) Rural (2854905119)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
117 (0.71%) 6,099 (36.98%) 5 (0.03%) 101 (0.61%) 9 (0.05%) 56 (0.34%) Total Sub-District - Podili
15 (0.17%) 1,445 (16.46%) 2 (0.02%) 28 (0.32%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.21%) Rural (2854905120)
102 (1.32%) 4,654 (60.36%) 3 (0.04%) 73 (0.95%) 9 (0.12%) 38 (0.49%) Urban
102 (0.84%) 3,383 (27.95%) 1 (0.01%) 117 (0.97%) 2 (0.02%) 31 (0.26%) Total Sub-District - Thallur
102 (0.84%) 3,383 (27.95%) 1 (0.01%) 117 (0.97%) 2 (0.02%) 31 (0.26%) Rural (2854905121)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
85 (0.65%) 5,139 (39%) 2 (0.02%) 53 (0.4%) 6 (0.05%) 52 (0.39%) Total Sub-District - Korisapadu
85 (0.65%) 5,139 (39%) 2 (0.02%) 53 (0.4%) 6 (0.05%) 52 (0.39%) Rural (2854905122)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,306 (2.87%) 22,648 (49.81%) 3 (0.01%) 149 (0.33%) 115 (0.25%) 195 (0.43%) Total Sub-District - Chirala
127 (0.85%) 4,212 (28.13%) 1 (0.01%) 15 (0.1%) 72 (0.48%) 77 (0.51%) Rural (2854905123)
1,179 (3.87%) 18,436 (60.45%) 2 (0.01%) 134 (0.44%) 43 (0.14%) 118 (0.39%) Urban
434 (2.05%) 10,810 (51.1%) 11 (0.05%) 202 (0.95%) 36 (0.17%) 115 (0.54%) Total Sub-District - Vetapalem
169 (1.82%) 3,567 (38.46%) 9 (0.1%) 181 (1.95%) 13 (0.14%) 37 (0.4%) Rural (2854905124)
265 (2.23%) 7,243 (60.97%) 2 (0.02%) 21 (0.18%) 23 (0.19%) 78 (0.66%) Urban
56 (0.47%) 3,503 (29.68%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 54 (0.46%) Total Sub-District - Chinaganjam
56 (0.47%) 3,503 (29.68%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 54 (0.46%) Rural (2854905125)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
108 (0.58%) 8,712 (46.47%) 6 (0.03%) 203 (1.08%) 46 (0.25%) 74 (0.39%) Total Sub-District - Naguluppala
108 (0.58%) 8,712 (46.47%) 6 (0.03%) 203 (1.08%) 46 (0.25%) 74 (0.39%) Rural Padu (2854905126)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
60 (0.42%) 7,056 (49.97%) 2 (0.01%) 39 (0.28%) 5 (0.04%) 56 (0.4%) Total Sub-District - Maddipadu
60 (0.42%) 7,056 (49.97%) 2 (0.01%) 39 (0.28%) 5 (0.04%) 56 (0.4%) Rural (2854905127)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
238 (1.23%) 5,862 (30.27%) 12 (0.06%) 127 (0.66%) 56 (0.29%) 69 (0.36%) Total Sub-District - Chimakurthi
238 (1.23%) 5,862 (30.27%) 12 (0.06%) 127 (0.66%) 56 (0.29%) 69 (0.36%) Rural (2854905128)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
165 (1.67%) 1,097 (11.13%) 2 (0.02%) 39 (0.4%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Marripudi
165 (1.67%) 1,097 (11.13%) 2 (0.02%) 39 (0.4%) 2 (0.02%) 22 (0.22%) Rural (2854905129)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
9 (0.12%) 381 (5.26%) 2 (0.03%) 5 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.17%) Total Sub-District - Hanumanthuni
9 (0.12%) 381 (5.26%) 2 (0.03%) 5 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.17%) Rural Padu (2854905130)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by
No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/
Urban households charcoal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
35 Sub-District - Bestawaripeta Total 13,062 9,686 (74.15%) 146 (1.12%) 20 (0.15%) 8 (0.06%)
(2854905131) Rural 13,062 9,686 (74.15%) 146 (1.12%) 20 (0.15%) 8 (0.06%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla Total 9,135 7,260 (79.47%) 92 (1.01%) 50 (0.55%) 3 (0.03%)
(2854905132) Rural 9,135 7,260 (79.47%) 92 (1.01%) 50 (0.55%) 3 (0.03%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur Total 21,789 13,560 (62.23%) 305 (1.4%) 44 (0.2%) 18 (0.08%)
(2854905133) Rural 13,090 10,929 (83.49%) 254 (1.94%) 41 (0.31%) 14 (0.11%)
Urban 8,699 2,631 (30.24%) 51 (0.59%) 3 (0.03%) 4 (0.05%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu Total 10,795 8,743 (80.99%) 106 (0.98%) 7 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%)
(2854905134) Rural 10,795 8,743 (80.99%) 106 (0.98%) 7 (0.06%) 1 (0.01%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla Total 8,046 7,188 (89.34%) 83 (1.03%) 4 (0.05%) 8 (0.1%)
(2854905135) Rural 8,046 7,188 (89.34%) 83 (1.03%) 4 (0.05%) 8 (0.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri Total 20,796 13,252 (63.72%) 164 (0.79%) 17 (0.08%) 20 (0.1%)
(2854905136) Rural 12,271 10,625 (86.59%) 131 (1.07%) 14 (0.11%) 11 (0.09%)
Urban 8,525 2,627 (30.82%) 33 (0.39%) 3 (0.04%) 9 (0.11%)
41 Sub-District - Kondapi Total 10,487 6,784 (64.69%) 61 (0.58%) 4 (0.04%) 18 (0.17%)
(2854905137) Rural 10,487 6,784 (64.69%) 61 (0.58%) 4 (0.04%) 18 (0.17%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Santhanuthala Padu Total 16,686 9,383 (56.23%) 429 (2.57%) 116 (0.7%) 58 (0.35%)
(2854905138) Rural 15,793 9,030 (57.18%) 425 (2.69%) 115 (0.73%) 56 (0.35%)
Urban 893 353 (39.53%) 4 (0.45%) 1 (0.11%) 2 (0.22%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole Total 63,253 14,539 (22.99%) 542 (0.86%) 60 (0.09%) 88 (0.14%)
(2854905139) Rural 12,863 6,807 (52.92%) 148 (1.15%) 12 (0.09%) 22 (0.17%)
Urban 50,390 7,732 (15.34%) 394 (0.78%) 48 (0.1%) 66 (0.13%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Patnam Total 13,526 9,314 (68.86%) 105 (0.78%) 16 (0.12%) 13 (0.1%)
(2854905140) Rural 13,526 9,314 (68.86%) 105 (0.78%) 16 (0.12%) 13 (0.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur Total 16,022 9,402 (58.68%) 164 (1.02%) 48 (0.3%) 18 (0.11%)
(2854905141) Rural 16,022 9,402 (58.68%) 164 (1.02%) 48 (0.3%) 18 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli Total 10,855 7,171 (66.06%) 34 (0.31%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.11%)
(2854905142) Rural 10,855 7,171 (66.06%) 34 (0.31%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.11%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru Total 9,987 7,521 (75.31%) 155 (1.55%) 15 (0.15%) 25 (0.25%)
(2854905143) Rural 9,987 7,521 (75.31%) 155 (1.55%) 15 (0.15%) 25 (0.25%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Pedacherlo Palle Total 8,446 7,348 (87%) 72 (0.85%) 5 (0.06%) 5 (0.06%)
(2854905144) Rural 8,446 7,348 (87%) 72 (0.85%) 5 (0.06%) 5 (0.06%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
49 Sub-District - Chandra Sekhara Total 10,868 9,421 (86.69%) 101 (0.93%) 16 (0.15%) 10 (0.09%)
Puram (2854905145) Rural 10,868 9,421 (86.69%) 101 (0.93%) 16 (0.15%) 10 (0.09%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur Total 14,851 10,522 (70.85%) 78 (0.53%) 13 (0.09%) 39 (0.26%)
(2854905146) Rural 10,173 8,733 (85.84%) 51 (0.5%) 10 (0.1%) 10 (0.1%)
Urban 4,678 1,789 (38.24%) 27 (0.58%) 3 (0.06%) 29 (0.62%)
51 Sub-District - Voletivaripalem Total 9,369 7,217 (77.03%) 71 (0.76%) 12 (0.13%) 31 (0.33%)
(2854905147) Rural 9,369 7,217 (77.03%) 71 (0.76%) 12 (0.13%) 31 (0.33%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011
availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District
Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
70 (0.54%) 3,049 (23.34%) 1 (0.01%) 41 (0.31%) 4 (0.03%) 37 (0.28%) Total Sub-District - Bestawaripeta
70 (0.54%) 3,049 (23.34%) 1 (0.01%) 41 (0.31%) 4 (0.03%) 37 (0.28%) Rural (2854905131)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
7 (0.08%) 1,677 (18.36%) 4 (0.04%) 16 (0.18%) 3 (0.03%) 23 (0.25%) Total Sub-District - Racherla
7 (0.08%) 1,677 (18.36%) 4 (0.04%) 16 (0.18%) 3 (0.03%) 23 (0.25%) Rural (2854905132)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
215 (0.99%) 7,533 (34.57%) 6 (0.03%) 44 (0.2%) 27 (0.12%) 37 (0.17%) Total Sub-District - Giddalur
42 (0.32%) 1,714 (13.09%) 5 (0.04%) 42 (0.32%) 27 (0.21%) 22 (0.17%) Rural (2854905133)
173 (1.99%) 5,819 (66.89%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 15 (0.17%) Urban
14 (0.13%) 1,803 (16.7%) 5 (0.05%) 104 (0.96%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.1%) Total Sub-District - Komarolu
14 (0.13%) 1,803 (16.7%) 5 (0.05%) 104 (0.96%) 1 (0.01%) 11 (0.1%) Rural (2854905134)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
11 (0.14%) 704 (8.75%) 5 (0.06%) 23 (0.29%) 1 (0.01%) 19 (0.24%) Total Sub-District - Veligandla
11 (0.14%) 704 (8.75%) 5 (0.06%) 23 (0.29%) 1 (0.01%) 19 (0.24%) Rural (2854905135)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
320 (1.54%) 6,901 (33.18%) 5 (0.02%) 29 (0.14%) 2 (0.01%) 86 (0.41%) Total Sub-District - Kanigiri
21 (0.17%) 1,393 (11.35%) 1 (0.01%) 29 (0.24%) 0 (0%) 46 (0.37%) Rural (2854905136)
299 (3.51%) 5,508 (64.61%) 4 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.02%) 40 (0.47%) Urban
31 (0.3%) 3,420 (32.61%) 3 (0.03%) 124 (1.18%) 1 (0.01%) 41 (0.39%) Total Sub-District - Kondapi
31 (0.3%) 3,420 (32.61%) 3 (0.03%) 124 (1.18%) 1 (0.01%) 41 (0.39%) Rural (2854905137)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
226 (1.35%) 6,207 (37.2%) 3 (0.02%) 172 (1.03%) 10 (0.06%) 82 (0.49%) Total Sub-District - Santhanuthala
219 (1.39%) 5,685 (36%) 3 (0.02%) 171 (1.08%) 7 (0.04%) 82 (0.52%) Rural Padu (2854905138)
7 (0.78%) 522 (58.45%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.11%) 3 (0.34%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,609 (2.54%) 45,113 (71.32%) 50 (0.08%) 868 (1.37%) 79 (0.12%) 305 (0.48%) Total Sub-District - Ongole
42 (0.33%) 5,707 (44.37%) 9 (0.07%) 19 (0.15%) 2 (0.02%) 95 (0.74%) Rural (2854905139)
1,567 (3.11%) 39,406 (78.2%) 41 (0.08%) 849 (1.68%) 77 (0.15%) 210 (0.42%) Urban
63 (0.47%) 3,855 (28.5%) 7 (0.05%) 117 (0.87%) 2 (0.01%) 34 (0.25%) Total Sub-District - Kotha Patnam
63 (0.47%) 3,855 (28.5%) 7 (0.05%) 117 (0.87%) 2 (0.01%) 34 (0.25%) Rural (2854905140)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
153 (0.95%) 5,785 (36.11%) 5 (0.03%) 364 (2.27%) 7 (0.04%) 76 (0.47%) Total Sub-District - Tangutur
153 (0.95%) 5,785 (36.11%) 5 (0.03%) 364 (2.27%) 7 (0.04%) 76 (0.47%) Rural (2854905141)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
47 (0.43%) 3,547 (32.68%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 38 (0.35%) Total Sub-District - Zarugumilli
47 (0.43%) 3,547 (32.68%) 2 (0.02%) 4 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 38 (0.35%) Rural (2854905142)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
19 (0.19%) 2,107 (21.1%) 34 (0.34%) 8 (0.08%) 81 (0.81%) 22 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Ponnaluru
19 (0.19%) 2,107 (21.1%) 34 (0.34%) 8 (0.08%) 81 (0.81%) 22 (0.22%) Rural (2854905143)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8 (0.09%) 976 (11.56%) 2 (0.02%) 8 (0.09%) 1 (0.01%) 21 (0.25%) Total Sub-District - Pedacherlo
8 (0.09%) 976 (11.56%) 2 (0.02%) 8 (0.09%) 1 (0.01%) 21 (0.25%) Rural Palle (2854905144)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
28 (0.26%) 1,116 (10.27%) 7 (0.06%) 129 (1.19%) 1 (0.01%) 39 (0.36%) Total Sub-District - Chandra
28 (0.26%) 1,116 (10.27%) 7 (0.06%) 129 (1.19%) 1 (0.01%) 39 (0.36%) Rural Sekhara Puram (2854905145)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
194 (1.31%) 3,926 (26.44%) 3 (0.02%) 30 (0.2%) 1 (0.01%) 45 (0.3%) Total Sub-District - Pamur
13 (0.13%) 1,305 (12.83%) 3 (0.03%) 25 (0.25%) 0 (0%) 23 (0.23%) Rural (2854905146)
181 (3.87%) 2,621 (56.03%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.11%) 1 (0.02%) 22 (0.47%) Urban
30 (0.32%) 1,943 (20.74%) 5 (0.05%) 20 (0.21%) 9 (0.1%) 31 (0.33%) Total Sub-District - Voletivaripalem
30 (0.32%) 1,943 (20.74%) 5 (0.05%) 20 (0.21%) 9 (0.1%) 31 (0.33%) Rural (2854905147)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by
No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/
Urban households charcoal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
52 Sub-District - Kandukur Total 23,984 11,706 (48.81%) 273 (1.14%) 22 (0.09%) 49 (0.2%)
(2854905148) Rural 10,193 6,745 (66.17%) 72 (0.71%) 13 (0.13%) 28 (0.27%)
Urban 13,791 4,961 (35.97%) 201 (1.46%) 9 (0.07%) 21 (0.15%)
53 Sub-District - Singarayakonda Total 17,293 11,351 (65.64%) 116 (0.67%) 12 (0.07%) 43 (0.25%)
(2854905149) Rural 10,640 8,682 (81.6%) 83 (0.78%) 11 (0.1%) 20 (0.19%)
Urban 6,653 2,669 (40.12%) 33 (0.5%) 1 (0.02%) 23 (0.35%)
54 Sub-District - Lingasamudram Total 9,317 7,253 (77.85%) 82 (0.88%) 9 (0.1%) 13 (0.14%)
(2854905150) Rural 9,317 7,253 (77.85%) 82 (0.88%) 9 (0.1%) 13 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru Total 11,330 9,116 (80.46%) 147 (1.3%) 14 (0.12%) 32 (0.28%)
(2854905151) Rural 11,330 9,116 (80.46%) 147 (1.3%) 14 (0.12%) 32 (0.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu Total 14,551 11,345 (77.97%) 146 (1%) 8 (0.05%) 21 (0.14%)
(2854905152) Rural 14,551 11,345 (77.97%) 146 (1%) 8 (0.05%) 21 (0.14%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam (28549) Total 857,276 533,102 (62.19%) 12,315 (1.44%) 2,579 (0.3%) 1,585 (0.18%)
Rural 692,542 486,599 (70.26%) 10,951 (1.58%) 2,418 (0.35%) 1,264 (0.18%)
Urban 164,734 46,503 (28.23%) 1,364 (0.83%) 161 (0.1%) 321 (0.19%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011
availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District
Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
269 (1.12%) 11,417 (47.6%) 4 (0.02%) 125 (0.52%) 17 (0.07%) 102 (0.43%) Total Sub-District - Kandukur
20 (0.2%) 3,266 (32.04%) 2 (0.02%) 11 (0.11%) 2 (0.02%) 34 (0.33%) Rural (2854905148)
249 (1.81%) 8,151 (59.1%) 2 (0.01%) 114 (0.83%) 15 (0.11%) 68 (0.49%) Urban
252 (1.46%) 5,378 (31.1%) 1 (0.01%) 87 (0.5%) 10 (0.06%) 43 (0.25%) Total Sub-District - Singarayakonda
38 (0.36%) 1,765 (16.59%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.18%) 3 (0.03%) 19 (0.18%) Rural (2854905149)
214 (3.22%) 3,613 (54.31%) 1 (0.02%) 68 (1.02%) 7 (0.11%) 24 (0.36%) Urban
30 (0.32%) 1,865 (20.02%) 2 (0.02%) 46 (0.49%) 1 (0.01%) 16 (0.17%) Total Sub-District - Lingasamudram
30 (0.32%) 1,865 (20.02%) 2 (0.02%) 46 (0.49%) 1 (0.01%) 16 (0.17%) Rural (2854905150)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
41 (0.36%) 1,880 (16.59%) 2 (0.02%) 56 (0.49%) 6 (0.05%) 36 (0.32%) Total Sub-District - Gudluru
41 (0.36%) 1,880 (16.59%) 2 (0.02%) 56 (0.49%) 6 (0.05%) 36 (0.32%) Rural (2854905151)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
40 (0.27%) 2,955 (20.31%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 3 (0.02%) 30 (0.21%) Total Sub-District - Ulavapadu
40 (0.27%) 2,955 (20.31%) 1 (0.01%) 2 (0.01%) 3 (0.02%) 30 (0.21%) Rural (2854905152)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
8,100 (0.94%) 290,947 (33.94%) 327 (0.04%) 4,562 (0.53%) 640 (0.07%) 3,119 (0.36%) Total District - Prakasam (28549)
3,553 (0.51%) 181,401 (26.19%) 260 (0.04%) 3,199 (0.46%) 456 (0.07%) 2,441 (0.35%) Rural
4,547 (2.76%) 109,546 (66.5%) 67 (0.04%) 1,363 (0.83%) 184 (0.11%) 678 (0.41%) Urban

Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Total number of Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of households availing Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptop-
Urban house- banking services With Internet Without Internet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sub-District - Total 14,599 7,737 (53%) 653 (4.47%) 5,625 (38.53%) 58 (0.4%) 668 (4.58%)
Yerragondapalem Rural 14,599 7,737 (53%) 653 (4.47%) 5,625 (38.53%) 58 (0.4%) 668 (4.58%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
2 Sub-District - Total 12,499 6,784 (54.28%) 734 (5.87%) 4,373 (34.99%) 34 (0.27%) 692 (5.54%)
Pullalacheruvu Rural 12,499 6,784 (54.28%) 734 (5.87%) 4,373 (34.99%) 34 (0.27%) 692 (5.54%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
3 Sub-District - Total 14,494 8,057 (55.59%) 578 (3.99%) 5,640 (38.91%) 37 (0.26%) 593 (4.09%)
Tripuranthakam Rural 14,494 8,057 (55.59%) 578 (3.99%) 5,640 (38.91%) 37 (0.26%) 593 (4.09%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4 Sub-District - Dornala Total 11,011 7,637 (69.36%) 639 (5.8%) 4,256 (38.65%) 14 (0.13%) 639 (5.8%)
(2854905100) Rural 11,011 7,637 (69.36%) 639 (5.8%) 4,256 (38.65%) 14 (0.13%) 639 (5.8%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5 Sub-District - Peda Total 10,175 7,337 (72.11%) 897 (8.82%) 3,655 (35.92%) 27 (0.27%) 161 (1.58%)
Araveedu (2854905101) Rural 10,175 7,337 (72.11%) 897 (8.82%) 3,655 (35.92%) 27 (0.27%) 161 (1.58%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
6 Sub-District - Donakonda Total 11,421 6,560 (57.44%) 630 (5.52%) 4,026 (35.25%) 22 (0.19%) 468 (4.1%)
(2854905102) Rural 11,421 6,560 (57.44%) 630 (5.52%) 4,026 (35.25%) 22 (0.19%) 468 (4.1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
7 Sub-District - Kurichedu Total 9,521 6,139 (64.48%) 689 (7.24%) 4,038 (42.41%) 20 (0.21%) 271 (2.85%)
(2854905103) Rural 9,521 6,139 (64.48%) 689 (7.24%) 4,038 (42.41%) 20 (0.21%) 271 (2.85%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 Sub-District - Total 15,082 9,750 (64.65%) 896 (5.94%) 8,348 (55.35%) 71 (0.47%) 615 (4.08%)
Santhamaguluru Rural 15,082 9,750 (64.65%) 896 (5.94%) 8,348 (55.35%) 71 (0.47%) 615 (4.08%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
9 Sub-District - Ballikurava Total 13,665 9,067 (66.35%) 929 (6.8%) 7,289 (53.34%) 35 (0.26%) 401 (2.93%)
(2854905105) Rural 13,665 9,067 (66.35%) 929 (6.8%) 7,289 (53.34%) 35 (0.26%) 401 (2.93%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
10 Sub-District - Martur Total 19,445 8,846 (45.49%) 699 (3.59%) 11,407 (58.66%) 84 (0.43%) 836 (4.3%)
(2854905106) Rural 19,445 8,846 (45.49%) 699 (3.59%) 11,407 (58.66%) 84 (0.43%) 836 (4.3%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
11 Sub-District - Yeddana Total 8,105 4,723 (58.27%) 316 (3.9%) 4,568 (56.36%) 28 (0.35%) 114 (1.41%)
Pudi (2854905107) Rural 8,105 4,723 (58.27%) 316 (3.9%) 4,568 (56.36%) 28 (0.35%) 114 (1.41%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 Sub-District - Parchur Total 15,671 9,600 (61.26%) 613 (3.91%) 9,438 (60.23%) 64 (0.41%) 528 (3.37%)
(2854905108) Rural 15,671 9,600 (61.26%) 613 (3.91%) 9,438 (60.23%) 64 (0.41%) 528 (3.37%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 Sub-District - Total 11,385 7,520 (66.05%) 550 (4.83%) 7,138 (62.7%) 74 (0.65%) 364 (3.2%)
Karamchedu Rural 11,385 7,520 (66.05%) 550 (4.83%) 7,138 (62.7%) 74 (0.65%) 364 (3.2%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
14 Sub-District - Inkollu Total 13,738 8,787 (63.96%) 480 (3.49%) 8,576 (62.43%) 62 (0.45%) 505 (3.68%)
(2854905110) Rural 13,738 8,787 (63.96%) 480 (3.49%) 8,576 (62.43%) 62 (0.45%) 505 (3.68%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
15 Sub-District - Total 12,767 7,727 (60.52%) 405 (3.17%) 7,247 (56.76%) 24 (0.19%) 194 (1.52%)
Janakavarampanguluru Rural 12,767 7,727 (60.52%) 405 (3.17%) 7,247 (56.76%) 24 (0.19%) 194 (1.52%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
16 Sub-District - Addanki Total 23,256 14,077 (60.53%) 2,445 (10.51%) 13,708 (58.94%) 153 (0.66%) 996 (4.28%)
(2854905112) Rural 23,256 14,077 (60.53%) 2,445 (10.51%) 13,708 (58.94%) 153 (0.66%) 996 (4.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
17 Sub-District - Mundlamuru Total 13,878 7,628 (54.96%) 617 (4.45%) 6,486 (46.74%) 27 (0.19%) 593 (4.27%)
(2854905113) Rural 13,878 7,628 (54.96%) 617 (4.45%) 6,486 (46.74%) 27 (0.19%) 593 (4.27%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
18 Sub-District - Darsi Total 20,761 10,905 (52.53%) 662 (3.19%) 10,794 (51.99%) 106 (0.51%) 1,101 (5.3%)
(2854905114) Rural 20,761 10,905 (52.53%) 662 (3.19%) 10,794 (51.99%) 106 (0.51%) 1,101 (5.3%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
19 Sub-District - Markapur Total 30,219 16,606 (54.95%) 2,391 (7.91%) 17,924 (59.31%) 282 (0.93%) 1,039 (3.44%)
(2854905115) Rural 12,937 6,971 (53.88%) 851 (6.58%) 5,448 (42.11%) 23 (0.18%) 365 (2.82%)
Urban 17,282 9,635 (55.75%) 1,540 (8.91%) 12,476 (72.19%) 259 (1.5%) 674 (3.9%)
20 Sub-District - Ardhaveedu Total 9,126 6,490 (71.12%) 474 (5.19%) 3,937 (43.14%) 23 (0.25%) 91 (1%)
(2854905116) Rural 9,126 6,490 (71.12%) 474 (5.19%) 3,937 (43.14%) 23 (0.25%) 91 (1%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011
having each of the following specified assets Total/ Name of Sub-
Land line Mobile Telephone Both Land line Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Car/ Jeep/ Van None of the Rural/ District
Telephone and Cycle/ Moped specified asset Urban

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2
348 (2.38%) 6,514 (44.62%) 256 (1.75%) 3,032 (20.77%) 888 (6.08%) 95 (0.65%) 5,215 (35.72%) Total Sub-District -
348 (2.38%) 6,514 (44.62%) 256 (1.75%) 3,032 (20.77%) 888 (6.08%) 95 (0.65%) 5,215 (35.72%) Rural Yerragondapalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
244 (1.95%) 5,362 (42.9%) 119 (0.95%) 2,038 (16.31%) 587 (4.7%) 243 (1.94%) 4,600 (36.8%) Total Sub-District -
244 (1.95%) 5,362 (42.9%) 119 (0.95%) 2,038 (16.31%) 587 (4.7%) 243 (1.94%) 4,600 (36.8%) Rural Pullalacheruvu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
164 (1.13%) 6,563 (45.28%) 189 (1.3%) 2,920 (20.15%) 1,071 (7.39%) 74 (0.51%) 5,071 (34.99%) Total Sub-District -
164 (1.13%) 6,563 (45.28%) 189 (1.3%) 2,920 (20.15%) 1,071 (7.39%) 74 (0.51%) 5,071 (34.99%) Rural Tripuranthakam
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
157 (1.43%) 4,545 (41.28%) 146 (1.33%) 1,675 (15.21%) 311 (2.82%) 30 (0.27%) 4,077 (37.03%) Total Sub-District -
157 (1.43%) 4,545 (41.28%) 146 (1.33%) 1,675 (15.21%) 311 (2.82%) 30 (0.27%) 4,077 (37.03%) Rural Dornala
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
349 (3.43%) 4,840 (47.57%) 125 (1.23%) 2,052 (20.17%) 444 (4.36%) 89 (0.87%) 3,387 (33.29%) Total Sub-District - Peda
349 (3.43%) 4,840 (47.57%) 125 (1.23%) 2,052 (20.17%) 444 (4.36%) 89 (0.87%) 3,387 (33.29%) Rural Araveedu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
197 (1.72%) 4,837 (42.35%) 122 (1.07%) 1,891 (16.56%) 584 (5.11%) 61 (0.53%) 4,149 (36.33%) Total Sub-District -
197 (1.72%) 4,837 (42.35%) 122 (1.07%) 1,891 (16.56%) 584 (5.11%) 61 (0.53%) 4,149 (36.33%) Rural Donakonda
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
80 (0.84%) 4,653 (48.87%) 174 (1.83%) 1,755 (18.43%) 791 (8.31%) 49 (0.51%) 3,104 (32.6%) Total Sub-District -
80 (0.84%) 4,653 (48.87%) 174 (1.83%) 1,755 (18.43%) 791 (8.31%) 49 (0.51%) 3,104 (32.6%) Rural Kurichedu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
487 (3.23%) 7,549 (50.05%) 305 (2.02%) 5,704 (37.82%) 1,615 (10.71%) 182 (1.21%) 3,297 (21.86%) Total Sub-District -
487 (3.23%) 7,549 (50.05%) 305 (2.02%) 5,704 (37.82%) 1,615 (10.71%) 182 (1.21%) 3,297 (21.86%) Rural Santhamaguluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
452 (3.31%) 6,383 (46.71%) 296 (2.17%) 4,813 (35.22%) 1,817 (13.3%) 80 (0.59%) 3,104 (22.71%) Total Sub-District -
452 (3.31%) 6,383 (46.71%) 296 (2.17%) 4,813 (35.22%) 1,817 (13.3%) 80 (0.59%) 3,104 (22.71%) Rural Ballikurava
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
553 (2.84%) 9,562 (49.17%) 497 (2.56%) 7,160 (36.82%) 2,907 (14.95%) 169 (0.87%) 4,079 (20.98%) Total Sub-District -
553 (2.84%) 9,562 (49.17%) 497 (2.56%) 7,160 (36.82%) 2,907 (14.95%) 169 (0.87%) 4,079 (20.98%) Rural Martur
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
477 (5.89%) 3,100 (38.25%) 245 (3.02%) 2,864 (35.34%) 890 (10.98%) 58 (0.72%) 2,027 (25.01%) Total Sub-District -
477 (5.89%) 3,100 (38.25%) 245 (3.02%) 2,864 (35.34%) 890 (10.98%) 58 (0.72%) 2,027 (25.01%) Rural Yeddana Pudi
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
786 (5.02%) 7,017 (44.78%) 466 (2.97%) 6,160 (39.31%) 2,016 (12.86%) 145 (0.93%) 3,338 (21.3%) Total Sub-District -
786 (5.02%) 7,017 (44.78%) 466 (2.97%) 6,160 (39.31%) 2,016 (12.86%) 145 (0.93%) 3,338 (21.3%) Rural Parchur
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
654 (5.74%) 4,866 (42.74%) 326 (2.86%) 4,598 (40.39%) 1,172 (10.29%) 126 (1.11%) 2,240 (19.68%) Total Sub-District -
654 (5.74%) 4,866 (42.74%) 326 (2.86%) 4,598 (40.39%) 1,172 (10.29%) 126 (1.11%) 2,240 (19.68%) Rural Karamchedu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
401 (2.92%) 7,518 (54.72%) 315 (2.29%) 5,126 (37.31%) 1,783 (12.98%) 132 (0.96%) 2,502 (18.21%) Total Sub-District -
401 (2.92%) 7,518 (54.72%) 315 (2.29%) 5,126 (37.31%) 1,783 (12.98%) 132 (0.96%) 2,502 (18.21%) Rural Inkollu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
416 (3.26%) 6,416 (50.25%) 321 (2.51%) 5,163 (40.44%) 1,581 (12.38%) 62 (0.49%) 2,738 (21.45%) Total Sub-District -
416 (3.26%) 6,416 (50.25%) 321 (2.51%) 5,163 (40.44%) 1,581 (12.38%) 62 (0.49%) 2,738 (21.45%) Rural Janakavarampangu
luru (2854905111)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
712 (3.06%) 13,856 (59.58%) 497 (2.14%) 7,458 (32.07%) 4,143 (17.81%) 320 (1.38%) 4,465 (19.2%) Total Sub-District -
712 (3.06%) 13,856 (59.58%) 497 (2.14%) 7,458 (32.07%) 4,143 (17.81%) 320 (1.38%) 4,465 (19.2%) Rural Addanki
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
400 (2.88%) 6,174 (44.49%) 120 (0.86%) 3,862 (27.83%) 1,451 (10.46%) 56 (0.4%) 4,011 (28.9%) Total Sub-District -
400 (2.88%) 6,174 (44.49%) 120 (0.86%) 3,862 (27.83%) 1,451 (10.46%) 56 (0.4%) 4,011 (28.9%) Rural Mundlamuru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
470 (2.26%) 10,203 (49.15%) 281 (1.35%) 5,901 (28.42%) 3,098 (14.92%) 190 (0.92%) 5,268 (25.37%) Total Sub-District - Darsi
470 (2.26%) 10,203 (49.15%) 281 (1.35%) 5,901 (28.42%) 3,098 (14.92%) 190 (0.92%) 5,268 (25.37%) Rural (2854905114)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
747 (2.47%) 17,548 (58.07%) 597 (1.98%) 8,341 (27.6%) 3,195 (10.57%) 183 (0.61%) 6,401 (21.18%) Total Sub-District -
229 (1.77%) 6,318 (48.84%) 106 (0.82%) 3,262 (25.21%) 781 (6.04%) 18 (0.14%) 4,038 (31.21%) Rural Markapur
518 (3%) 11,230 (64.98%) 491 (2.84%) 5,079 (29.39%) 2,414 (13.97%) 165 (0.95%) 2,363 (13.67%) Urban
156 (1.71%) 4,440 (48.65%) 115 (1.26%) 1,456 (15.95%) 335 (3.67%) 24 (0.26%) 3,030 (33.2%) Total Sub-District -
156 (1.71%) 4,440 (48.65%) 115 (1.26%) 1,456 (15.95%) 335 (3.67%) 24 (0.26%) 3,030 (33.2%) Rural Ardhaveedu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban

Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Total number of Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of households availing Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptop-
Urban house- banking services With Internet Without Internet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
21 Sub-District - Cumbum Total 12,376 7,717 (62.35%) 520 (4.2%) 7,179 (58.01%) 52 (0.42%) 699 (5.65%)
(2854905117) Rural 8,642 5,459 (63.17%) 381 (4.41%) 4,537 (52.5%) 34 (0.39%) 564 (6.53%)
Urban 3,734 2,258 (60.47%) 139 (3.72%) 2,642 (70.76%) 18 (0.48%) 135 (3.62%)
22 Sub-District - Tarlupadu Total 8,310 5,089 (61.24%) 623 (7.5%) 2,855 (34.36%) 12 (0.14%) 419 (5.04%)
(2854905118) Rural 8,310 5,089 (61.24%) 623 (7.5%) 2,855 (34.36%) 12 (0.14%) 419 (5.04%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
23 Sub-District - Total 11,788 7,283 (61.78%) 622 (5.28%) 4,058 (34.42%) 23 (0.2%) 333 (2.82%)
Konakanamitla Rural 11,788 7,283 (61.78%) 622 (5.28%) 4,058 (34.42%) 23 (0.2%) 333 (2.82%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
24 Sub-District - Podili Total 16,491 8,967 (54.38%) 516 (3.13%) 8,914 (54.05%) 80 (0.49%) 763 (4.63%)
(2854905120) Rural 8,780 4,296 (48.93%) 253 (2.88%) 3,351 (38.17%) 10 (0.11%) 231 (2.63%)
Urban 7,711 4,671 (60.58%) 263 (3.41%) 5,563 (72.14%) 70 (0.91%) 532 (6.9%)
25 Sub-District - Thallur Total 12,103 7,394 (61.09%) 427 (3.53%) 6,640 (54.86%) 21 (0.17%) 371 (3.07%)
(2854905121) Rural 12,103 7,394 (61.09%) 427 (3.53%) 6,640 (54.86%) 21 (0.17%) 371 (3.07%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
26 Sub-District - Korisapadu Total 13,177 8,489 (64.42%) 403 (3.06%) 7,300 (55.4%) 48 (0.36%) 381 (2.89%)
(2854905122) Rural 13,177 8,489 (64.42%) 403 (3.06%) 7,300 (55.4%) 48 (0.36%) 381 (2.89%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
27 Sub-District - Chirala Total 45,472 23,295 (51.23%) 2,170 (4.77%) 30,321 (66.68%) 726 (1.6%) 2,602 (5.72%)
(2854905123) Rural 14,974 7,526 (50.26%) 679 (4.53%) 8,111 (54.17%) 63 (0.42%) 550 (3.67%)
Urban 30,498 15,769 (51.71%) 1,491 (4.89%) 22,210 (72.82%) 663 (2.17%) 2,052 (6.73%)
28 Sub-District - Vetapalem Total 21,155 11,103 (52.48%) 1,095 (5.18%) 14,348 (67.82%) 305 (1.44%) 751 (3.55%)
(2854905124) Rural 9,275 4,589 (49.48%) 492 (5.3%) 6,189 (66.73%) 125 (1.35%) 248 (2.67%)
Urban 11,880 6,514 (54.83%) 603 (5.08%) 8,159 (68.68%) 180 (1.52%) 503 (4.23%)
29 Sub-District - Total 11,803 6,336 (53.68%) 363 (3.08%) 6,314 (53.49%) 29 (0.25%) 715 (6.06%)
Chinaganjam Rural 11,803 6,336 (53.68%) 363 (3.08%) 6,314 (53.49%) 29 (0.25%) 715 (6.06%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
30 Sub-District - Naguluppala Total 18,746 12,120 (64.65%) 723 (3.86%) 11,608 (61.92%) 81 (0.43%) 803 (4.28%)
Padu (2854905126) Rural 18,746 12,120 (64.65%) 723 (3.86%) 11,608 (61.92%) 81 (0.43%) 803 (4.28%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
31 Sub-District - Maddipadu Total 14,120 8,637 (61.17%) 602 (4.26%) 8,578 (60.75%) 37 (0.26%) 650 (4.6%)
(2854905127) Rural 14,120 8,637 (61.17%) 602 (4.26%) 8,578 (60.75%) 37 (0.26%) 650 (4.6%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
32 Sub-District - Chimakurthi Total 19,366 9,016 (46.56%) 731 (3.77%) 12,249 (63.25%) 113 (0.58%) 1,231 (6.36%)
(2854905128) Rural 19,366 9,016 (46.56%) 731 (3.77%) 12,249 (63.25%) 113 (0.58%) 1,231 (6.36%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
33 Sub-District - Marripudi Total 9,858 5,881 (59.66%) 516 (5.23%) 4,459 (45.23%) 25 (0.25%) 362 (3.67%)
(2854905129) Rural 9,858 5,881 (59.66%) 516 (5.23%) 4,459 (45.23%) 25 (0.25%) 362 (3.67%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
34 Sub-District - Total 7,245 4,159 (57.41%) 226 (3.12%) 1,748 (24.13%) 4 (0.06%) 371 (5.12%)
Hanumanthuni Padu Rural 7,245 4,159 (57.41%) 226 (3.12%) 1,748 (24.13%) 4 (0.06%) 371 (5.12%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
35 Sub-District - Total 13,062 7,340 (56.19%) 519 (3.97%) 5,331 (40.81%) 22 (0.17%) 629 (4.82%)
Bestawaripeta Rural 13,062 7,340 (56.19%) 519 (3.97%) 5,331 (40.81%) 22 (0.17%) 629 (4.82%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
36 Sub-District - Racherla Total 9,135 6,228 (68.18%) 396 (4.33%) 3,802 (41.62%) 18 (0.2%) 274 (3%)
(2854905132) Rural 9,135 6,228 (68.18%) 396 (4.33%) 3,802 (41.62%) 18 (0.2%) 274 (3%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
37 Sub-District - Giddalur Total 21,789 13,602 (62.43%) 1,152 (5.29%) 11,814 (54.22%) 73 (0.34%) 933 (4.28%)
(2854905133) Rural 13,090 7,662 (58.53%) 657 (5.02%) 5,257 (40.16%) 21 (0.16%) 566 (4.32%)
Urban 8,699 5,940 (68.28%) 495 (5.69%) 6,557 (75.38%) 52 (0.6%) 367 (4.22%)
38 Sub-District - Komarolu Total 10,795 6,474 (59.97%) 441 (4.09%) 4,350 (40.3%) 12 (0.11%) 599 (5.55%)
(2854905134) Rural 10,795 6,474 (59.97%) 441 (4.09%) 4,350 (40.3%) 12 (0.11%) 599 (5.55%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
39 Sub-District - Veligandla Total 8,046 4,318 (53.67%) 508 (6.31%) 2,661 (33.07%) 24 (0.3%) 229 (2.85%)
(2854905135) Rural 8,046 4,318 (53.67%) 508 (6.31%) 2,661 (33.07%) 24 (0.3%) 229 (2.85%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
40 Sub-District - Kanigiri Total 20,796 11,369 (54.67%) 667 (3.21%) 11,051 (53.14%) 93 (0.45%) 1,215 (5.84%)
(2854905136) Rural 12,271 6,178 (50.35%) 406 (3.31%) 4,588 (37.39%) 15 (0.12%) 760 (6.19%)
Urban 8,525 5,191 (60.89%) 261 (3.06%) 6,463 (75.81%) 78 (0.91%) 455 (5.34%)

number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011
having each of the following specified assets Total/ Name of Sub-
Land line Mobile Telephone Both Land line Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Car/ Jeep/ Van None of the Rural/ District
Telephone and Cycle/ Moped specified asset Urban

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2
259 (2.09%) 7,499 (60.59%) 134 (1.08%) 3,707 (29.95%) 1,106 (8.94%) 36 (0.29%) 2,715 (21.94%) Total Sub-District -
221 (2.56%) 4,871 (56.36%) 86 (1%) 2,312 (26.75%) 736 (8.52%) 22 (0.25%) 2,262 (26.17%) Rural Cumbum
38 (1.02%) 2,628 (70.38%) 48 (1.29%) 1,395 (37.36%) 370 (9.91%) 14 (0.37%) 453 (12.13%) Urban
98 (1.18%) 3,955 (47.59%) 74 (0.89%) 1,592 (19.16%) 421 (5.07%) 17 (0.2%) 2,970 (35.74%) Total Sub-District -
98 (1.18%) 3,955 (47.59%) 74 (0.89%) 1,592 (19.16%) 421 (5.07%) 17 (0.2%) 2,970 (35.74%) Rural Tarlupadu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
159 (1.35%) 5,819 (49.36%) 121 (1.03%) 1,356 (11.5%) 762 (6.46%) 166 (1.41%) 4,099 (34.77%) Total Sub-District -
159 (1.35%) 5,819 (49.36%) 121 (1.03%) 1,356 (11.5%) 762 (6.46%) 166 (1.41%) 4,099 (34.77%) Rural Konakanamitla
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
354 (2.15%) 8,962 (54.34%) 408 (2.47%) 3,295 (19.98%) 2,023 (12.27%) 204 (1.24%) 4,008 (24.3%) Total Sub-District - Podili
145 (1.65%) 4,068 (46.33%) 83 (0.95%) 1,398 (15.92%) 747 (8.51%) 97 (1.1%) 2,980 (33.94%) Rural (2854905120)
209 (2.71%) 4,894 (63.47%) 325 (4.21%) 1,897 (24.6%) 1,276 (16.55%) 107 (1.39%) 1,028 (13.33%) Urban
299 (2.47%) 5,840 (48.25%) 166 (1.37%) 3,875 (32.02%) 1,790 (14.79%) 53 (0.44%) 2,945 (24.33%) Total Sub-District -
299 (2.47%) 5,840 (48.25%) 166 (1.37%) 3,875 (32.02%) 1,790 (14.79%) 53 (0.44%) 2,945 (24.33%) Rural Thallur
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
500 (3.79%) 6,319 (47.95%) 388 (2.94%) 4,420 (33.54%) 1,778 (13.49%) 107 (0.81%) 3,044 (23.1%) Total Sub-District -
500 (3.79%) 6,319 (47.95%) 388 (2.94%) 4,420 (33.54%) 1,778 (13.49%) 107 (0.81%) 3,044 (23.1%) Rural Korisapadu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
1,793 (3.94%) 24,188 (53.19%) 1,334 (2.93%) 16,635 (36.58%) 6,017 (13.23%) 492 (1.08%) 8,107 (17.83%) Total Sub-District -
427 (2.85%) 6,901 (46.09%) 147 (0.98%) 4,705 (31.42%) 1,016 (6.79%) 44 (0.29%) 3,825 (25.54%) Rural Chirala
1,366 (4.48%) 17,287 (56.68%) 1,187 (3.89%) 11,930 (39.12%) 5,001 (16.4%) 448 (1.47%) 4,282 (14.04%) Urban
562 (2.66%) 11,609 (54.88%) 599 (2.83%) 6,660 (31.48%) 2,743 (12.97%) 271 (1.28%) 3,736 (17.66%) Total Sub-District -
167 (1.8%) 5,086 (54.84%) 227 (2.45%) 3,243 (34.96%) 1,258 (13.56%) 93 (1%) 1,673 (18.04%) Rural Vetapalem
395 (3.32%) 6,523 (54.91%) 372 (3.13%) 3,417 (28.76%) 1,485 (12.5%) 178 (1.5%) 2,063 (17.37%) Urban
295 (2.5%) 5,627 (47.67%) 219 (1.86%) 2,796 (23.69%) 781 (6.62%) 65 (0.55%) 3,135 (26.56%) Total Sub-District -
295 (2.5%) 5,627 (47.67%) 219 (1.86%) 2,796 (23.69%) 781 (6.62%) 65 (0.55%) 3,135 (26.56%) Rural Chinaganjam
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
849 (4.53%) 9,743 (51.97%) 506 (2.7%) 5,937 (31.67%) 2,189 (11.68%) 136 (0.73%) 3,610 (19.26%) Total Sub-District -
849 (4.53%) 9,743 (51.97%) 506 (2.7%) 5,937 (31.67%) 2,189 (11.68%) 136 (0.73%) 3,610 (19.26%) Rural Naguluppala Padu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
586 (4.15%) 7,347 (52.03%) 316 (2.24%) 4,696 (33.26%) 2,056 (14.56%) 143 (1.01%) 2,752 (19.49%) Total Sub-District -
586 (4.15%) 7,347 (52.03%) 316 (2.24%) 4,696 (33.26%) 2,056 (14.56%) 143 (1.01%) 2,752 (19.49%) Rural Maddipadu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
422 (2.18%) 10,841 (55.98%) 298 (1.54%) 5,412 (27.95%) 3,035 (15.67%) 238 (1.23%) 3,481 (17.97%) Total Sub-District -
422 (2.18%) 10,841 (55.98%) 298 (1.54%) 5,412 (27.95%) 3,035 (15.67%) 238 (1.23%) 3,481 (17.97%) Rural Chimakurthi
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
177 (1.8%) 5,257 (53.33%) 109 (1.11%) 1,505 (15.27%) 1,053 (10.68%) 237 (2.4%) 2,760 (28%) Total Sub-District -
177 (1.8%) 5,257 (53.33%) 109 (1.11%) 1,505 (15.27%) 1,053 (10.68%) 237 (2.4%) 2,760 (28%) Rural Marripudi
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
111 (1.53%) 3,171 (43.77%) 62 (0.86%) 518 (7.15%) 246 (3.4%) 30 (0.41%) 3,202 (44.2%) Total Sub-District -
111 (1.53%) 3,171 (43.77%) 62 (0.86%) 518 (7.15%) 246 (3.4%) 30 (0.41%) 3,202 (44.2%) Rural Hanumanthuni
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
131 (1%) 6,501 (49.77%) 74 (0.57%) 2,521 (19.3%) 814 (6.23%) 54 (0.41%) 4,464 (34.18%) Total Sub-District -
131 (1%) 6,501 (49.77%) 74 (0.57%) 2,521 (19.3%) 814 (6.23%) 54 (0.41%) 4,464 (34.18%) Rural Bestawaripeta
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
240 (2.63%) 4,386 (48.01%) 103 (1.13%) 1,823 (19.96%) 459 (5.02%) 27 (0.3%) 3,005 (32.9%) Total Sub-District -
240 (2.63%) 4,386 (48.01%) 103 (1.13%) 1,823 (19.96%) 459 (5.02%) 27 (0.3%) 3,005 (32.9%) Rural Racherla
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
659 (3.02%) 11,826 (54.28%) 279 (1.28%) 6,674 (30.63%) 2,183 (10.02%) 103 (0.47%) 5,171 (23.73%) Total Sub-District -
261 (1.99%) 5,790 (44.23%) 97 (0.74%) 3,658 (27.94%) 683 (5.22%) 17 (0.13%) 4,212 (32.18%) Rural Giddalur
398 (4.58%) 6,036 (69.39%) 182 (2.09%) 3,016 (34.67%) 1,500 (17.24%) 86 (0.99%) 959 (11.02%) Urban
232 (2.15%) 5,600 (51.88%) 118 (1.09%) 2,251 (20.85%) 667 (6.18%) 29 (0.27%) 3,516 (32.57%) Total Sub-District -
232 (2.15%) 5,600 (51.88%) 118 (1.09%) 2,251 (20.85%) 667 (6.18%) 29 (0.27%) 3,516 (32.57%) Rural Komarolu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
134 (1.67%) 3,812 (47.38%) 83 (1.03%) 972 (12.08%) 487 (6.05%) 40 (0.5%) 2,897 (36.01%) Total Sub-District -
134 (1.67%) 3,812 (47.38%) 83 (1.03%) 972 (12.08%) 487 (6.05%) 40 (0.5%) 2,897 (36.01%) Rural Veligandla
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
474 (2.28%) 12,393 (59.59%) 297 (1.43%) 4,884 (23.49%) 2,578 (12.4%) 214 (1.03%) 4,668 (22.45%) Total Sub-District -
193 (1.57%) 6,757 (55.06%) 81 (0.66%) 2,192 (17.86%) 1,060 (8.64%) 92 (0.75%) 3,651 (29.75%) Rural Kanigiri
281 (3.3%) 5,636 (66.11%) 216 (2.53%) 2,692 (31.58%) 1,518 (17.81%) 122 (1.43%) 1,017 (11.93%) Urban

Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Total number of Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of households availing Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptop-
Urban house- banking services With Internet Without Internet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
41 Sub-District - Kondapi Total 10,487 7,320 (69.8%) 179 (1.71%) 6,280 (59.88%) 29 (0.28%) 463 (4.41%)
(2854905137) Rural 10,487 7,320 (69.8%) 179 (1.71%) 6,280 (59.88%) 29 (0.28%) 463 (4.41%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
42 Sub-District - Total 16,686 8,870 (53.16%) 610 (3.66%) 9,836 (58.95%) 187 (1.12%) 970 (5.81%)
Santhanuthala Padu Rural 15,793 8,422 (53.33%) 586 (3.71%) 9,200 (58.25%) 156 (0.99%) 910 (5.76%)
Urban 893 448 (50.17%) 24 (2.69%) 636 (71.22%) 31 (3.47%) 60 (6.72%)
43 Sub-District - Ongole Total 63,253 40,836 (64.56%) 4,916 (7.77%) 49,916 (78.91%) 2,175 (3.44%) 4,760 (7.53%)
(2854905139) Rural 12,863 7,182 (55.83%) 569 (4.42%) 8,032 (62.44%) 68 (0.53%) 606 (4.71%)
Urban 50,390 33,654 (66.79%) 4,347 (8.63%) 41,884 (83.12%) 2,107 (4.18%) 4,154 (8.24%)
44 Sub-District - Kotha Total 13,526 7,032 (51.99%) 425 (3.14%) 6,830 (50.5%) 32 (0.24%) 311 (2.3%)
Patnam (2854905140) Rural 13,526 7,032 (51.99%) 425 (3.14%) 6,830 (50.5%) 32 (0.24%) 311 (2.3%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
45 Sub-District - Tangutur Total 16,022 9,599 (59.91%) 817 (5.1%) 10,159 (63.41%) 69 (0.43%) 785 (4.9%)
(2854905141) Rural 16,022 9,599 (59.91%) 817 (5.1%) 10,159 (63.41%) 69 (0.43%) 785 (4.9%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
46 Sub-District - Zarugumilli Total 10,855 7,986 (73.57%) 159 (1.46%) 5,744 (52.92%) 25 (0.23%) 282 (2.6%)
(2854905142) Rural 10,855 7,986 (73.57%) 159 (1.46%) 5,744 (52.92%) 25 (0.23%) 282 (2.6%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
47 Sub-District - Ponnaluru Total 9,987 5,809 (58.17%) 225 (2.25%) 4,345 (43.51%) 17 (0.17%) 331 (3.31%)
(2854905143) Rural 9,987 5,809 (58.17%) 225 (2.25%) 4,345 (43.51%) 17 (0.17%) 331 (3.31%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
48 Sub-District - Pedacherlo Total 8,446 4,592 (54.37%) 230 (2.72%) 3,153 (37.33%) 11 (0.13%) 183 (2.17%)
Palle (2854905144) Rural 8,446 4,592 (54.37%) 230 (2.72%) 3,153 (37.33%) 11 (0.13%) 183 (2.17%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
49 Sub-District - Chandra Total 10,868 5,565 (51.21%) 270 (2.48%) 3,799 (34.96%) 30 (0.28%) 241 (2.22%)
Sekhara Puram Rural 10,868 5,565 (51.21%) 270 (2.48%) 3,799 (34.96%) 30 (0.28%) 241 (2.22%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
50 Sub-District - Pamur Total 14,851 8,234 (55.44%) 422 (2.84%) 7,434 (50.06%) 36 (0.24%) 356 (2.4%)
(2854905146) Rural 10,173 5,594 (54.99%) 277 (2.72%) 3,859 (37.93%) 5 (0.05%) 237 (2.33%)
Urban 4,678 2,640 (56.43%) 145 (3.1%) 3,575 (76.42%) 31 (0.66%) 119 (2.54%)
51 Sub-District - Total 9,369 4,822 (51.47%) 307 (3.28%) 4,348 (46.41%) 35 (0.37%) 366 (3.91%)
Voletivaripalem Rural 9,369 4,822 (51.47%) 307 (3.28%) 4,348 (46.41%) 35 (0.37%) 366 (3.91%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
52 Sub-District - Kandukur Total 23,984 13,365 (55.72%) 785 (3.27%) 15,110 (63%) 261 (1.09%) 1,036 (4.32%)
(2854905148) Rural 10,193 5,626 (55.19%) 205 (2.01%) 5,233 (51.34%) 33 (0.32%) 348 (3.41%)
Urban 13,791 7,739 (56.12%) 580 (4.21%) 9,877 (71.62%) 228 (1.65%) 688 (4.99%)
53 Sub-District - Total 17,293 8,729 (50.48%) 574 (3.32%) 9,957 (57.58%) 95 (0.55%) 711 (4.11%)
Singarayakonda Rural 10,640 4,583 (43.07%) 332 (3.12%) 5,054 (47.5%) 30 (0.28%) 391 (3.67%)
Urban 6,653 4,146 (62.32%) 242 (3.64%) 4,903 (73.7%) 65 (0.98%) 320 (4.81%)
54 Sub-District - Total 9,317 5,434 (58.32%) 352 (3.78%) 4,431 (47.56%) 30 (0.32%) 220 (2.36%)
Lingasamudram Rural 9,317 5,434 (58.32%) 352 (3.78%) 4,431 (47.56%) 30 (0.32%) 220 (2.36%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
55 Sub-District - Gudluru Total 11,330 5,962 (52.62%) 369 (3.26%) 5,088 (44.91%) 34 (0.3%) 817 (7.21%)
(2854905151) Rural 11,330 5,962 (52.62%) 369 (3.26%) 5,088 (44.91%) 34 (0.3%) 817 (7.21%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
56 Sub-District - Ulavapadu Total 14,551 6,609 (45.42%) 690 (4.74%) 7,539 (51.81%) 42 (0.29%) 429 (2.95%)
(2854905152) Rural 14,551 6,609 (45.42%) 690 (4.74%) 7,539 (51.81%) 42 (0.29%) 429 (2.95%)
Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
District - Prakasam Total 857,276 497,558 (58.04%) 40,847 (4.76%) 468,022 (54.59%) 6,151 (0.72%) 37,460 (4.37%)
(28549) Rural 692,542 398,953 (57.61%) 30,717 (4.44%) 343,077 (49.54%) 2,369 (0.34%) 27,401 (3.96%)
Urban 164,734 98,605 (59.86%) 10,130 (6.15%) 124,945 (75.85%) 3,782 (2.3%) 10,059 (6.11%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011
having each of the following specified assets Total/ Name of Sub-
Land line Mobile Telephone Both Land line Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Car/ Jeep/ Van None of the Rural/ District
Telephone and Cycle/ Moped specified asset Urban

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2
349 (3.33%) 5,544 (52.87%) 199 (1.9%) 1,246 (11.88%) 1,303 (12.42%) 71 (0.68%) 2,407 (22.95%) Total Sub-District -
349 (3.33%) 5,544 (52.87%) 199 (1.9%) 1,246 (11.88%) 1,303 (12.42%) 71 (0.68%) 2,407 (22.95%) Rural Kondapi
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
693 (4.15%) 8,516 (51.04%) 412 (2.47%) 4,334 (25.97%) 2,331 (13.97%) 265 (1.59%) 3,500 (20.98%) Total Sub-District -
677 (4.29%) 7,905 (50.05%) 396 (2.51%) 4,029 (25.51%) 2,129 (13.48%) 252 (1.6%) 3,417 (21.64%) Rural Santhanuthala
16 (1.79%) 611 (68.42%) 16 (1.79%) 305 (34.15%) 202 (22.62%) 13 (1.46%) 83 (9.29%) Urban
2,516 (3.98%) 42,817 (67.69%) 3,448 (5.45%) 20,960 (33.14%) 18,898 (29.88%) 2,420 (3.83%) 5,940 (9.39%) Total Sub-District -
476 (3.7%) 6,631 (51.55%) 333 (2.59%) 3,393 (26.38%) 1,900 (14.77%) 126 (0.98%) 2,525 (19.63%) Rural Ongole
2,040 (4.05%) 36,186 (71.81%) 3,115 (6.18%) 17,567 (34.86%) 16,998 (33.73%) 2,294 (4.55%) 3,415 (6.78%) Urban
453 (3.35%) 6,441 (47.62%) 250 (1.85%) 1,826 (13.5%) 1,016 (7.51%) 89 (0.66%) 4,014 (29.68%) Total Sub-District -
453 (3.35%) 6,441 (47.62%) 250 (1.85%) 1,826 (13.5%) 1,016 (7.51%) 89 (0.66%) 4,014 (29.68%) Rural Kotha Patnam
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
754 (4.71%) 8,508 (53.1%) 511 (3.19%) 3,823 (23.86%) 2,180 (13.61%) 238 (1.49%) 3,138 (19.59%) Total Sub-District -
754 (4.71%) 8,508 (53.1%) 511 (3.19%) 3,823 (23.86%) 2,180 (13.61%) 238 (1.49%) 3,138 (19.59%) Rural Tangutur
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
304 (2.8%) 6,460 (59.51%) 182 (1.68%) 1,498 (13.8%) 1,321 (12.17%) 74 (0.68%) 2,470 (22.75%) Total Sub-District -
304 (2.8%) 6,460 (59.51%) 182 (1.68%) 1,498 (13.8%) 1,321 (12.17%) 74 (0.68%) 2,470 (22.75%) Rural Zarugumilli
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
281 (2.81%) 4,918 (49.24%) 180 (1.8%) 1,374 (13.76%) 1,378 (13.8%) 51 (0.51%) 2,994 (29.98%) Total Sub-District -
281 (2.81%) 4,918 (49.24%) 180 (1.8%) 1,374 (13.76%) 1,378 (13.8%) 51 (0.51%) 2,994 (29.98%) Rural Ponnaluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
155 (1.84%) 4,727 (55.97%) 63 (0.75%) 1,440 (17.05%) 915 (10.83%) 59 (0.7%) 2,558 (30.29%) Total Sub-District -
155 (1.84%) 4,727 (55.97%) 63 (0.75%) 1,440 (17.05%) 915 (10.83%) 59 (0.7%) 2,558 (30.29%) Rural Pedacherlo Palle
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
347 (3.19%) 5,369 (49.4%) 187 (1.72%) 604 (5.56%) 550 (5.06%) 69 (0.63%) 3,795 (34.92%) Total Sub-District -
347 (3.19%) 5,369 (49.4%) 187 (1.72%) 604 (5.56%) 550 (5.06%) 69 (0.63%) 3,795 (34.92%) Rural Chandra Sekhara
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
242 (1.63%) 8,568 (57.69%) 264 (1.78%) 2,447 (16.48%) 1,278 (8.61%) 92 (0.62%) 3,735 (25.15%) Total Sub-District -
187 (1.84%) 5,428 (53.36%) 99 (0.97%) 1,378 (13.55%) 621 (6.1%) 30 (0.29%) 3,247 (31.92%) Rural Pamur
55 (1.18%) 3,140 (67.12%) 165 (3.53%) 1,069 (22.85%) 657 (14.04%) 62 (1.33%) 488 (10.43%) Urban
217 (2.32%) 5,054 (53.94%) 157 (1.68%) 1,633 (17.43%) 1,114 (11.89%) 55 (0.59%) 2,430 (25.94%) Total Sub-District -
217 (2.32%) 5,054 (53.94%) 157 (1.68%) 1,633 (17.43%) 1,114 (11.89%) 55 (0.59%) 2,430 (25.94%) Rural Voletivaripalem
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
704 (2.94%) 14,418 (60.12%) 579 (2.41%) 8,737 (36.43%) 4,532 (18.9%) 259 (1.08%) 4,161 (17.35%) Total Sub-District -
219 (2.15%) 5,733 (56.24%) 140 (1.37%) 3,158 (30.98%) 1,461 (14.33%) 64 (0.63%) 2,268 (22.25%) Rural Kandukur
485 (3.52%) 8,685 (62.98%) 439 (3.18%) 5,579 (40.45%) 3,071 (22.27%) 195 (1.41%) 1,893 (13.73%) Urban
414 (2.39%) 8,543 (49.4%) 358 (2.07%) 4,120 (23.82%) 1,836 (10.62%) 136 (0.79%) 4,153 (24.02%) Total Sub-District -
262 (2.46%) 4,468 (41.99%) 151 (1.42%) 2,099 (19.73%) 668 (6.28%) 31 (0.29%) 3,262 (30.66%) Rural Singarayakonda
152 (2.28%) 4,075 (61.25%) 207 (3.11%) 2,021 (30.38%) 1,168 (17.56%) 105 (1.58%) 891 (13.39%) Urban
310 (3.33%) 5,090 (54.63%) 110 (1.18%) 1,630 (17.49%) 1,237 (13.28%) 61 (0.65%) 2,519 (27.04%) Total Sub-District -
310 (3.33%) 5,090 (54.63%) 110 (1.18%) 1,630 (17.49%) 1,237 (13.28%) 61 (0.65%) 2,519 (27.04%) Rural Lingasamudram
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
271 (2.39%) 6,213 (54.84%) 166 (1.47%) 1,780 (15.71%) 1,058 (9.34%) 32 (0.28%) 2,985 (26.35%) Total Sub-District -
271 (2.39%) 6,213 (54.84%) 166 (1.47%) 1,780 (15.71%) 1,058 (9.34%) 32 (0.28%) 2,985 (26.35%) Rural Gudluru
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
482 (3.31%) 7,229 (49.68%) 291 (2%) 3,095 (21.27%) 1,126 (7.74%) 70 (0.48%) 3,934 (27.04%) Total Sub-District -
482 (3.31%) 7,229 (49.68%) 291 (2%) 3,095 (21.27%) 1,126 (7.74%) 70 (0.48%) 3,934 (27.04%) Rural Ulavapadu
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban
25,076 (2.93%) 451,056 (52.62%) 18,557 (2.16%) 226,045 (26.37%) 105,940 (12.36%) 9,071 (1.06%) 205,121 (23.93%) Total District -
19,123 (2.76%) 344,125 (49.69%) 11,794 (1.7%) 170,078 (24.56%) 70,280 (10.15%) 5,282 (0.76%) 186,186 (26.88%) Rural Prakasam (28549)
5,953 (3.61%) 106,931 (64.91%) 6,763 (4.11%) 55,967 (33.97%) 35,660 (21.65%) 3,789 (2.3%) 18,935 (11.49%) Urban

English - (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations,

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1st Floor ,Kendriya Sadan, Sultan Bazaar ,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
Hyderabad – 500 095

Email: dco-and.rgi@censusindia.gov.in
Website: http://www.censusindia.gov.in

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