Interview Questions

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Interview Questions:-

1.What is Sales area?

Sales area combination of sales organisation +dist channel+division

2.What is Sales Line?

3.How Warehouse will determined?

4.What is shipping Point and how it wil be determined?

5.if there is more than one material in sales order how different shipping points will be determined?

6.what are the master data we will be using in SAP SD?

7.Loading group will be maintained in?

8.where will be maintained in shipping conditions?

9.what is the importance of account group?

10.what is difference between XD01 and VD01?

11.what is Transfer order and what is the tcode for this when it will be created?

12.Effects of PGI?

13.what are gl accounts will be affected after PFI and Billing?

14.How plant will be determined in sales document?

15.what is structure of sales document? to make quotation mandatory while creating sales order?

17.alert message PO number is entered twice? Header division is to be copied to the item in sales order? make requested delivery date aprox around 15days from current date? item categoery will be determined?

21.what is item category group?

22.What is General Item Categoery?

23.How scedule line catoery will be determined?

24.what is the movement type is used while posting the stock?

25.What is the movement type is used while PGI?

26.what is the difference between the rush order and Cash sales?

27.what are complaints are using in sap?

28.what is returns in sap?what is the movement type is used for returns?

29.explain about consingment process?

30.what is pricing elements?

31.what is condition technique?how condition technique will be used in pricing?

32.what is importance of excusive indicator in access sequence?

33.what if there is no fields in field catelog while creating the condition table?

34.what is access sequence?

35.what is manual condtion types? pricing will be determined?

37.explain about 16 colomns in pricing procedure?

38.controlling elements of condition type?

39.what is header condition type?

40.what are the limitation of free goods in sap?

41.what are the condition type,requirement,alt condition base value used in free goods?

42.what is centralised credit check?

43.what is difference between automatic andsimple credit check?

44.what is difference between dynamic and static credit check?

45.what is horizon date?

46.what are the other credit checks available in SAP? storage location will be determined? delivery item categoery will be determined?

49.what is the importance of default order type in delivery documents?

50.what is delivery doucment type used for returns?

51.what is delivery doucment type used for delivery with out order?

52.what is billing douemnt is used for invoice cancillation,credit memo cancilation,cash sales cancilation?

53.what is proforma invoice what are accounts will be updated afer generating it?

54.what is copy controles explaing with examples?

55.what is data transfer routienes and requirements?

56.explain about third party order process? PR will created automatically after saving the SO?

58.what is movement type used for third party order processing? GL account will be determined?

60.what is link between credit check and pricing? can we create delivery with out reference to order?

62.what is individula purchase order expalin the process? Route will be determined?

64.explain the intercompany process?

65.what is table for sales document header,item and scedule lines?

66.what is the table used for status header and item

67.table for document flow?

68.what are the basic setting for the availabilty check?

69.what is scope of avaialabitlity check?

70.requirement type determination?

71.what is valuation class and valuation type?

72.basic trasaction codes for Idocs?

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