Gee 1993
Gee 1993
Gee 1993
SPE 26742
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore European Conference held in Aberdeen, 7-10 September 1993.
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The main reason behind the move to monobore is • That the tool should also be capable of being run
that through tubing workovers are made possible on electric line for depth correlation
where full bore access to the liner exists. For example requirements, and on coiled tubing for horizontal
in the past water zone shut off relied upon inflatable applications.
devices which were limited in performance, or
required a full workover. The monobore allows this • That the tool would be compatible with standard
type of operation to be reliably performed through wireline plug tools such as pump open devices in
tubing. order that the bridge plug would provide a
straightforward alternative to nipple and lock type
As the industry started to complete wells in the The design of a bridge plug that is set and retrieved
monobore fashion the service industry produced only by mechanical manipulation of slickline presents
tools to suit this new type of completion. Through a number of engineering challenges.
tubing retrievable bridge plugs and straddles were
designed. These tools were initially deployed on • Achieving the forces required to pack off the
electric line and set using explosive methods. Whilst plug was the major challenge of the project. In
these plugs fulftl the requirements for plugging the electric line set tools a known and direct force is
wells they are expensive to deploy since they require gradually applied to the tool systems. In a
electric line methods and crews. In addition the slickline set plug the force has to be input by
requirement for radio silence to arm the setting tool is impacting means through jarring. Since upward
a major inconvenience for the fully integrated jarring imparts more force than downward
production platforms of the North Sea. jarring, a system was developed to transmit
upward force into the lower end of the packing
Development of a slickline set and retrievable bridge element. Progressive build up of pack off force is
plug began in 1991 with the intention of providing a achieved by using a ratchet mechanism.
method of running and setting a through tubing plug
by mechanical methods only. The use of slickline • In most slip/cone/element type systems the
technology provides operational flexibility as the plug majority of force is not transferred to the element
can be set when conditions dictate and requires only itself, but lost via the slips to the tubing wall. In
a slickline crew, who are generally present during any the slickline bridge plug a mechanism was
well servicing operations. developed which allows the majority of force to
be transferred to the element.
Priorities for the design of the plug were:
• The set/unset mechanism works like a retractable
• To minimise the diameter of the tool in order to ball point pen. In one position the lower slips are
maximise access through the completion. held away trom the cone, and in the other
position the slips ride up the cone to contact the
• To make the tool suitable for as wide a range of tubing. This feature was required so that correct
tubing weights within each size range. e.g. for a depth setting of the tool could be achieved. The
5-1/2" plug to cover weights from 17 Ib/ft to 23 challenge here lay in designing a mechanism that
Ib/ft. did not tum the entire tool. This would not be
feasible downhole in high deviations; the tool
• That all sizes of the plug up to and including 7" \vould simply not tum. The set/unset mechanism
should be deployable by slickline manipulation itself therefore had to tum independently of the
only i.e. to avoid the requirement for hydraulic rest of the tool.
setting if possible.
• On retrieval of the tool the upper slips must be • The Element (b)
desupported by the retrieval mechanism.
However, during setting the upper slips must be • The Lower Slips and set/unset mechanism (c)
forced upwards and outwards by the cone and
desupporting the slips is in direct contrast to the • The Drag Mechanism (d)
setting needs. Retrieval is achieved by running a
prong to the plug and jarring down to move the • The Load Transfer Sleeve (e)
upper cone support before latching the plug with
a standard wireline pulling tool. The tool is nm on a conventional slickline tool string.
In the nmning position both sets of slips are
• The element itself was designed to be self retracted. Once lowered close to setting depth the
energising i.e. once the element contacts the plug is picked up. Lowering the plug again will set
tubing wall pressure differential tends to further the lower slips. They can be retracted again by
pack off the element. picking up the plug. This allows repeated pick-up
and set-down of the plug to determine depth
The fIrst plug to be developed was the 3-112" size correlation.
and this provided the prototype for the development
of all other sizes. This size was seen as a manageable Once the lower slips are set and the plug lowered on
and low cost tool given the likelihood of numerous to them, downward jarring sets the upper slips and
development modifications during early stages of partially expands the element as shown in Figure 4.
prototype testing. Once consistent ambient testing Once the upper slips are set upward jarring will shear
results were achieved with the tool set by mechanical the load transfer sleeve. This allows the majority of
methods, heated tests and gas tests were pertormed. jarring force to be transferred to the element itself
Once this testing had been successfully completed and avoids loss of torce through the slips into the
and 3rd party witnessed, a 3-112" production model tubing wall. Continued upward jarring will fully
was produced. The development of the plug from energise the element. Finally the running tool is
design to production took 1 year. Immediately sheared off the plug. The plug is now set and can be
following the production of the 3-1/2" model, the 4- tested.
1/2" plug suitable for 12.6 Iblft to 13.5 Ib/ft tubing
was developed. Retrieval of the tool "'lith a standard wireline type
latching pulling tool and a pulling probe requires only
In parallel with the development of the plug and the light downward jamng to achieve collapse of the
mechanical running tool, a hydraulic setting tool was element and retrieval of the upper slips. Some time is
developed and tested. Despite the aim of setting all allowed for the element to fully relax before pulling
sizes of the plug by mechanical means, some doubt out of hole. Before finally pulling out the set/unset
existed about the feasibility of achie"ing this on the mechanism is cycled to ensure that the bottom slips
larger size plugs. This tool was successfully tested on will open should the plug be dropped for any reason
the 3-1/2" size blidge plug. The principle of the (e.g. wire break) on the way out of the hole.
hydraulic nmning tool is that a force in excess of
20,000 Ibs can be generated using a line pull of 700
The Beryl Field is situated in the UK sector of the scale deposition. At this point the preplanned
North Sea, 346 kilometres North East of Aberdeen. alternative of running a \virelinc set bridge plug \vas
The field was discovered in May 1972, and oil instigated. A 4-1/2" slickline set and retrievable
production started from Beryl Alpha in June 1976. bridge plug W,IS selected for the job. This plug has a
Beryl Bravo is situated to the N0l1h of Beryl Alpha. maximum o.d. in the unset position of 3.600", and is
Production began from Beryl Bravo in July 1984. designed to set in 12.6 Ibitt and 13.5 IbiH 4-1/2"
The Beryl field is surrounded by a number of smaller tubing.
fields which are developed as subsea facilities and
tied back to either the Belyl Alpha or the Beryl Having set a valve catcher in the 3.75" nipple the
Bravo platforms (see Figure 5). slickline retrievable bridge plug vvith pump open plug
attached was run in hole, and set at 14,681' \VL
Beryl Bravo well B18 vvas completed as a Linnhe RKB where well deviation is about 47 degrees. Note
formation oil producer in August 1988. Initial that this is above the lowelmost gas lift mandrel.
production rates were over 9000 bpd \'lith a GOR of Some difliculty \vas experienced in shearing off the
673 scf/bbl and negligible water. By August 1991 plug '<'lith the running tool. Lack of tield experience
production rates had declined to about 3000 bpd with with the tool had led to the selection of too high a
a GOR of 5370 scf'bbl. No dedicated pressure rating for the shearing device. However, after
support could be provided for the Linnhe iormation prolonged janing the running tool released and was
at that time and the well was plugged and retrieved to sUlf'lce. The tubing was vented down
recompleted in the Beryl III unit. Initial production and thc plug was inflow tested successfully.
rates were in the order of 2500 bpd \vith a 13.5~o
BS&W. Water cut remained constant at about 10~o Aftcr having iilled both tubing and annulus with
until October 1992 when an increase to over 70% inhibited sea water, the plug was tested to 3000 psi
was observed. fi-om above. lvfonitOling the well for pressure build
up as prescribed in the workover programme
The increase in water production was identitied as highlighted continued problems with residual gas
being caused by sea water injection breakthrough build up in the tubing and thc annulus. Thc cause of
from a nearby water injector. Sea water mi'cing with this build up was identitied as gas leaking hom the
formation water lead to scale deposition in the 10welIDost gas lift mandrel into the tubing. The pump
completion. The water production zone was open plug on the bridge plug was pumped open to
successfully isolated and oil production, with gas lift equalise across the plug. The bridge plug was
assistance, continues. retrieved on slickline, having waited 30 minutes after
latching the plug to ensure full collapse of the
During programmed preventative maintenance on the clement.
B18 xmas tree during November 1992, it was
decided to change out the xmas tree due to its Ha"ing redressed the bridge plug, it was again run in
condition. The original changeout programme called hole and set at 14,793' WL RKB, i.e. below the
for the setting of a pump open plug in the 3.75" lowermost gas lift mandrel. The annulus was topped
nipple at 14820' MD RKB (refer to Figure 6 for the up with sea water and 60 bbl's circulated irom
completion diagram). This would be followed by annulus to tubing. The plug tested to 3000 psi ii-om
ftlling tubing and annulus with inhibited sea water, above successfully. No problems with residual gas
testing and closing the DHSV and setting a back were experienced and the programme to change out
pressure valve in the tubing hanger. the tree proceeded as per the planned programme.
Wireline was rigged up on 12 November 1992. Once the tree was in place and tested, the back
Attempts to pass the 3.75" nipple with a 3.7" gauge pressure valve was retrieved and slickline rigged up.
cutter were unsuccessfu~ and a 3.49" drift was run The pump open plug was pumped open before
to PBTD. The 3.75" plug was made up and run to running in and retrieving the plug. Following some
the nipple but the plug could not be set due to the
SPE 26742 N.GEE, S.BRO\VN, C l\IcHARDY 5
minor problems in retrieving the valve catcher the Because the plug can be quickly and easily run and
well \-vas gas lifted on stream. redressed it has found use in tubing leak
investigation. The plug is set in the tubing which is
then pressure tested. If a leak is detected the plug is
retrieved and redressed. It is then set higher in the
tubing and retested. Thus the leak is "chased" up the
The case history described above highlights a typical well. Equally if no leak is detected on the first test the
use of a slickline retrievable bridge plug; as a simple leak is chased downhole. This method of leak
replacement of a lock mandrel/nipple type plug. In detection has been employed by a number of
the case described above the nipple was not available operators.
lor use due to scaling problems, but other deposition
problems caused by, for example asphaltenes, or Another operator has proposed the use of slickline
cotTosion problems can also compromise the use of set bridge plugs to run 2 velocity strings within an
nipples. In a recent field application the tubing existing completion. One plug with several thousand
hanger proftles in a number of wellheads had been feet of 1. 75" coiled tubing hung off below would be
eroded due to sand production. Several xmas trees set just below the existing downhole safety valve
needed to be changed out and a tubing hanger plug (DHSV). A second plug would be set below the
was required as a secondary bamer. A slickline set tubing hanger, with 1. 75" coiled tubing hanging from
bridge plug was set in the tubing just below the the plug to just above the DHSV. Whilst this may
tubing hanger profile and work continued. A whole not be ideal in terms of lift characteristics, it provides
campaign of tree changeouts was performed in this a simple and cost effective solution to the cutTent lift
way. problems.
In other cases the required nipple may simply not be OTHER DEVELOPtvlENTS
present. This may be by design (nippleless
completions) or because through bore limitations on As the use of a slickline set and retrievable bridge
the completion design have forced the omission of a plug becomes more common, a number of further
nipple profile. For example the deviated \-vells of the applications for the technology of such plugs has
North Sea often contain a nipple proftle used for become apparent. For example the leak detection
plugging the well when drilling adjacent wells in case methods described above would be even more
of collision. Operational use of these profiles is expeditious if the plug could be unset and reset
infrequent. The inclusion of a large number of downhole without having to retrieve it to surface and
profiles in the completion string can in some cases redress it between each test. Work is in progress to
lead to access problems through the completion for modifY the bridge plug to achieve this, and produce a
particular tools. In these cases nipple profiles such as tool specifically for downhole leak detection.
the infrequently used isolation nipple described above
can be omitted and a slickline set bridge plug A through tubing straddle type de"ice using the same
employed to plug the well when required. technology as the bridge plug is also under
investigation. This has particular application in the
The most ob\lious application for the plug in monobore type completions where zonal isolation
monobore type completions is to set a number of can be achieved through tubing. Given the depth
bamers in the liner during workover operations. The accuracy required for this type of application it is
plugs can be run and set through the completion likely that the straddle device would be run by
before circulating out well contents to kill fluid and electric line methods.
performing the workover. No drilling fluids come
into contact with the formation, and formation An alternative type of completion that has been
damage is avoided. Once the new completion is run proposed since the introduction of slickline set bridge
the plugs can be retrieved through the completion. plugs is the non-proftle nipple completion. The idea
proposes the combined use of wireline nipple profiles
for standard wireline plugs and tlow couplings of demand from Operating Companies who are
decreasing diameter in which various sizes of bridge striving to manage the changes in the industry.
plug can be set. The advantage of this is that
completion throughbore can be optimised in cases • The field uses for which the bridge plug has been
where the well design dictates extremely limited employed show how developments for one
access, yet the completion requires a number of application find use in other related areas. This
barrier points. fuels further development of products for other
applications which in tum become more cost
CONCLUSIONS efticient.
• The development of through tubing bridge plugs \VI... RKB - Wireline Depth below Rotary Kelly
over the last 3 to 4 years provides a clear example Bushing
of the responsiveness of the supply side of the oil
industry to Operating Company demands. Where PBTD - Plugged Back Total Depth
the Operating Companies have lead the way in
new completion designs, the equipment ACKNO~VI...EDGE~NTS
manufacturers have followed with innovative and
increasingly sophisticated products to fulfIl the The authors would like to thank Mobil North Sea Ltd
needs of these completions. and Petroline Wireline Services Ltd for their
permission to publish this paper.
• The changes arising out of the oil price
tluctuations of the eighties have lead to a demand
for reliable equipment that is cost efficient to
operate. The development of a slickline set and
retrievable through tubing bridge plug is a good
example of how well operation costs can be
reduced. The product is developed due to
<0 PBR
15 .7851 - - - - - 5.B75" NIPPLE
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