Kottelat 2013 Suplemen - s27
Kottelat 2013 Suplemen - s27
Kottelat 2013 Suplemen - s27
Maurice Kottelat
COPYRIGHT AND EXCHANGES 2. Deeleman-Reinhold, C. L., 1995. The Ochyroceratidae of the Indo-Pacific region (Araneae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology,
Supplement 2: 1–103.
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4. Morioka, H. & C. M. Yang, 1996. A catalogue of the bird specimens in the Singapore Zoological Reference Collection Part I.
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Struthioniformes–Charadriiformes. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 4: 1–141.
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Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 5: 1–88.
6. Sodhi, N. S., H. S. Yong & P. K. L. Ng (eds.), 1999. The biodiversity of Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology • Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research • Department of Biological Sciences • National of Zoology, Supplement 6: 1–288.
University of Singapore • Block S6 : Level 3 • Science Drive 2 • Singapore 117546 • Republic of Singapore
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology is online at http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/
ISSN 0217-2445
(continues on back cover)
ISBN 978-2-8399-1344-7
Maurice Kottelat
Case postale 57, CH-2952 Cornol, Switzerland (address for correspondence), and
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore,
6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546, Republic of Singapore
Email: mkottelat@dplanet.ch
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ABSTRACT. — There are 3108 valid and named native fish species in the inland waters of
Southeast Asia between the Irrawaddy and Red River drainages, the small coastal drainages
between the Red River and Hainan, the whole Indochinese Peninsula, Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, Indonesia (excluding Papua Province, Waigeo, Aru [but Kai is included]), and the
Philippines. They belong to 137 families. Their taxonomy and nomenclature are reviewed. The
original descriptions of all 7047 recorded species-group names and 1980 genus-group names
have been checked in the original works for correct spelling, types, type locality and bibliographic
references. The bibliography includes about 4700 titles. Synonymies are given, based on
published information as well as unpublished observations.
The names of 49 introduced species and 347 extralimital taxa cited in the discussions have
also been checked. The original descriptions of all species not present in the covered area but
cited as type species of genera have been checked for availability, authorship, date and correct
spelling. The availability of some family-group names has been checked when there was suspicion
of possible nomenclatural problems.
Bibliographic notes include new informations on the dates of publication of works by, among
others, Bleeker, Bloch, Heckel and Steindachner and discussion of authorship of names in various
The main nomenclatural acts are listed below:
– type species designation for: Crayracion, Eleotris Scopoli, Eleotris Walbaum, Encheliopus
Cloquet, Gymnorhinus, Oonidus, Pristipoma Cuvier, Sargus Gronow;
– type species fixation under Code art. 70.3.1 for: Bdellorhynchus, Desmoprenes, Innoculus,
– type species fixation under Code art. 70.3.2 for: Centrurophis, Ovoides Duméril, Pseudoscarus,
Rabula, Waitea;
– lectotype designation for: Alausa argyrochloris, Atherina endrachtensis, Barbus gardonides,
Barbus lateristriga, Betta patoti, Betta rubra, Carcharhinus commersonii, Clupea cyprinoides,
Clupea gigantea, Clupea thrissoides, Crossochilus benasi, Cyprinus clupeoides, Cyprinus
lamta, Engraulis rhinorhynchos, Esox alepidotus, Esox argenteus Gmelin, Esox argenteus
Schneider, Equula longispinis, Gobiomoroides piso, Gobius niger, Gonorhynchus bimaculatus,
Hemiramphus buffonis, Hemiramphus brevirostris, Hemiramphus georgii, Hemiramphus
russelli Valenciennes, Johnius cataleus, Lobotes auctorum, Neostethus borneensis,
Parosphromenus parvulus Foersch & Korthaus, Pellona leschenaulti, Raja edentula, Raja
guttata Shaw, Raja narinari, Rasbora trilineata, Synaptura achira, Teuthis brevirostris, Teuthis
– neotype designation for: Engraulis dussumieri, Lutjanus gymnocephalus, Ovoides fasciatus,
Ovum commersoni, Platygaster megalopterus, Scarus schlosseri, Sciaena jaculatrix, Sciaena
– declaration as nomina protecta: Albula Scopoli, Aplocheilus, Clupea quadrimaculata, Cyprinus
bola, Hemiramphus georgii, Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, Kuhlia, Lateolabrax,
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, Oligolepis, Pelates, Phyllopteryx, Platycephalus japonicus,
Puntius proctozysron, Raja uarnak Gmelin, Selaroides, Toxotes microlepis Günther;
– declaration as nomina oblita: Albula Osbeck, Barbus carassioides, Centranodon japonicus,
Clupea mauritiana, Conorynchus, Cyprinus goha, Gobileptes, Hemiramphus brevirostris,
Hemiramphus russellii van Hasselt, Hippocampus Perry, Leptaspis, Mastacembelus catenatus,
Odontopsis, Percalabrax, Platerome, Platysoma, Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, Raja
ommescherit, Raja scherit, Raja schoukie, Sphyraena japonica Bloch, Toxotes microlepis
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
KEY WORDS. — freshwater fish, brackish water, mangrove, estuaries, taxonomy, nomenclature,
Southeast Asia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar,
Manipur, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku, Palawan, Sundaland, Indochina, Mekong,
Red River, Chao Phraya, Salween, Irrawaddy
The present catalogue aims to present the state of the art of human eyes. To these species I have not given the benefit of
our knowledge of the diversity of freshwater fishes of South- the doubt. The now fashionable discussions about cryptic
east Asia. Work began in 1986 when I compiled a list of the species do not change the situation: one nucleotide does not
freshwater fishes of the Indochinese region (Kottelat, 1989). make a species, be it ever so cryptic. Further, in fishes, the
The list expanded when I worked on a book on the fishes of cryptic species discovered by molecular techniques that I
western Indonesia (Kottelat et al., 1993; Kottelat & Whit- have been told about have been cryptic not because taxono-
ten, 1996). Initially it was intended to include only the fresh- mists could not distinguish them, but because no trained tax-
water species, but the work for the Indonesian fish book onomist ever had an opportunity to examine them.
required the inclusion of all species that had been recorded
in inland waters, that is, including estuaries, most mangroves, Another limitation of the precautionary approach in South-
etc. In September 2013, the list includes 3107 valid native east Asian fishes is shown by the huge number of 'new' fish
species, in 707 valid genera and 137 families. Only named species that have been described from Vietnam in recent
species are included. I am aware of about 300 species to be years. Their description is of a quality that makes it simply
named soon or already on museum shelves and a fair num- impossible to even guess whether or not they might be val-
ber of synonyms to re-validate. I expect an additional 500 id. The identity and possible distinctness of most will re-
species still awaiting discovery in the wild. In addition, there main in limbo as long as they are not competently re-de-
are 49 introduced and established species. scribed or evaluated.
This catalogue is not the ultimate inventory of the fishes of Similarly a number of families recognised in recent times
Southeast Asian inland waters. Many discoveries are still are not recognised. Cladistic molecular phylogeny (which
ahead of us and a great amount of work remains to be done uses principles and mathematical algorithms that were called
before we reach an acceptable level of knowledge. phenetics 30 years ago, an approach rejected by cladistics)
has the great particularism of creating fluctuating and tran-
Taxonomy and systematics have two main goals. One is pri- sient phylogenies. There is even a case of co-authors pub-
marily of academic interest: the study of the diversity of lishing contradictory phylogenies simultaneously in two
living organisms and their phylogenetic relationships. The papers (Mayden & Chen, 2010; Tang et al., 2010; see Britz
other is of immediate practical interest: inventories, surveys, & Conway, 2011a–b). This shows that it is imprudent to
documentation of biodiversity, and the compilation of iden- instantly adopt the latest theory and that naming every little
tification tools. For the proper management of natural re- temporary lineage uncovered by molecular analysis has lit-
sources, we need information on numbers of species and tle justification.
their identification now, not sometime in the distant future.
If definitive conclusions are not possible with the available For this catalogue I have examined personally the original
data, then tentative decisions are needed. As for other com- descriptions of all the species and genera recorded in the
ponents of environmental management strategies, the pre- inland waters of Southeast Asia, all their synonyms (mak-
cautionary approach should be the rule. In the present con- ing a total of about 7047 nominal species and about 1980
text, in case of doubt on the distinctness of two species, the nominal genera). I also examined the original descriptions
precautionary approach would be to retain them as distinct of the type species of all genera if they were not known in
awaiting (possible) further research. the area, and those of the 347 taxa cited in the Taxonomic
and Nomenclatural Notes but not present in area. All cited
This precautionary approach, however, has its limits. The nomenclatural acts were checked. The availability of all non-
development of molecular techniques has led some to rec- fish names cited as senior synonyms of fish genera was
ognise as 'species' populations distinguished only by a few checked. Synonyms based on fossil taxa and which have
nucleotides; complex statistics have been used to justify the never been used for recent taxa are not included.
recognition of 'species' otherwise not distinguishable by
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
About 6000 publications (in 22 languages) have been ex- Limitations. — One of the limitations of this catalogue is
amined and about 4700 relevant ones are listed. All cited that I started it in 1986; the work spanned 24 years and four
references have been checked in the original publications. operating systems and unavoidably this caused slight inter-
The references or the details that I could not check (for ex- nal inconsistencies in formatting. It has been updated con-
ample, a stolen plate in the only copy that I could access of tinuously so that the technical content is not affected by this
an antique book) are marked in bold face (3 out of 4700 'formatting evolution'. Further, between 1992 and today, two
titles). A few references have been checked by trusted col- different editions of the International Code of Zoological
leagues. Nomenclature (ICZN, 1985, 1999) have been in use, which
differ slightly. I have tried to update all entries affected by
After completion of the catalogue, all names have been cross- the changes but I may have missed some.
checked against other databases. Especially, all names were
cross-checked against Eschmeyer's (2013) Catalog of Fish- Another limitation is that the core target of this work and
es (CoF) in 2001. For each entry in CoF disagreeing with my own experience is the 'real' freshwater fishes. My treat-
my data, the data were verified again in the original descrip- ment of these taxa is probably close to complete. But I am
tions and literature. In 2010-2011 all names were cross- likely to have missed some records of estuarine species, or
checked one more time, and in cases of disagreement the some literature. When I encountered nomenclatural prob-
original literature was checked for a third time. Out of the lems concerning freshwater fishes I had no hesitation in tak-
about 9785 checked names, the data (spelling, author, date, ing the necessary actions to clear the problems. When it came
types, type locality, etc.) for about 3440 differs from those to the same situation with estuarine taxa, I tried to solve the
in CoF (35 %). Most of the differences are minor and of routine problems but decided not to address the more com-
little or no nomenclatural consequences (mainly related with plex ones. However, I discuss these cases and their possible
type localities), but a significant number of differences are solutions where pertinent. The number of marine taxa with
serious. The problems are more frequent with the pre-1860 nomenclatural problems was unexpectedly high, and many
non-English literature (type series, type localities, type-spe- well and long known genus and family names are involved.
cies fixations, dates). In these times of on-demand biodi-
versity informatics there are too many assumptions made A potential for small errors arose late in the preparation of
about the quality of the data and there seem to have been this catalogue. I had long tried to confirm or revise the chro-
few or no efforts to carefully evaluate the contents of such nology of the many papers published by Pieter Bleeker and
large databases. An analysis of the types of differences and it is only late that I obtained the data to establish the se-
errors is in preparation. quence of publication of some 270 papers he published dur-
ing his stay in Java (Kottelat, 2011a) and of the Atlas ich-
A significant number of nomenclatural problems were dis- thyologique (Kottelat, 2013c). A number of the names cre-
covered and the application of the International Code of ated by Bleeker appeared more or less simultaneously in
Zoological Nomenclature (hereunder Code) results in a num- different papers and journals. A consequence of this revised
ber of nomenclatural changes. In a few cases of changes chronology is that the now-established dates of availability
affecting family-group names or widely used names, requests of many names differ from those commonly recognised, and
have been presented to the International Commission on this has changed the precedence of the different description
Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) to retain these names in of a few species, which now may have a different type se-
their current usage (Scatophagidae, Ephippidae, Kottelat, ries, or of some new genera, which now may have different
2010b; Siganidae, Kottelat, 2013b; Mystus, Kottelat & Ng, originally included species, thus potentially invalidating
2007). In other cases, I considered that the name changes earlier type species designations. I have tried to eliminate
are minor and I simply applied the Code. At the genus level, this risk but I expect that some details would have escaped me.
I consider that changes resulting from the application of the
Code do not create more problems than do changes result- Geographic and habitat coverages. — The geographic
ing from the normal increase of our taxonomic knowledge coverage includes all inland water bodies of Southeast Asia
by the discovery of new taxa, new characters, etc. I consid- between (and including) the Kaladan, Irrawaddy and the Red
er it appropriate to ask the ICZN to retain the current usage River drainages, the small coastal drainages between the Red
in cases of potential confusion resulting from the discovery River and Hainan (included), the whole Indochinese Penin-
of overlooked type species designations. But I consider it sula, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indonesia (excluding
unjustified to ask for the suppression of names (usually se- Papua Province, Waigeo and Aru [but Kai is included]), and
nior homonyms and synonyms); to me, the argument of sup- the Philippines (Fig. 1).
pressing names for the sake of stability of nomenclature in
favour of reputedly 'well-known' names does not hold in a All freshwater species are included. Introduced species that
geographic area where new discoveries still abound and became established are listed (marked by asterisks, *), but
where the taxonomic system is still very unstable. Under without complete synonymies; only species that have es-
that logic, dozens of names should be suppressed and this tablished reproducing populations are listed. Species in-
would affect the stability of nomenclature by making the habiting the estuaries, brackish lower stetches of rivers,
purpose of the Code irrelevant. Also, writing applications mangroves, etc. are also included. Species occasionally re-
for all these minor cases would mean more applications than ported in freswaters are recorded, although some of the
the ICZN receives in a year. records or identifications need critical reevaluations (which
was beyond the goals of this work). I preferred to be too but they have been corrected in all other circumstances, es-
inclusive than too exclusive. For these species too, synony- pecially in the discussions under Nomenclatural notes.
mies are complete and include the nominal species described
from freshwater as well as the marine ones; similarly, the Families. — Families are listed following the sequence in
generic synonymies applying to these genera are complete. Nelson (2006), except within Cypriniformes, for which
Through a lack of familiarity with some groups I may have I follow Šlechtová et al. (2007) and my personal experience.
overlooked some synonyms. When there is disagreement between authors with regard to
the limits of families or higher categories, I generally fol-
Listed names. — All known names are listed, including lowed common practice, but have noted alternatives.
infrasubspecific names, which are given in their original
form. The only names that are not included are those sub- With a few exceptions I have not searched the synonymies
specific or infrasubspecific epithets typicus when they are of family-group names. Note that a family-group name keeps
merely intended to denote the nominotypical subspecies; its original author and date even if used at different ranks.
such names are usually not nomenclaturally available and For example Leuciscini Bonaparte, 1835 retains Bonaparte,
should not be used. 1835 as author, even if treated as subfamily Leuciscinae or
family Leuciscidae.
Spellings. — The headings of all generic and specific ac-
counts have the correct spelling of all valid names. In the Genera and species. — Genera are listed in alphabetical
synonymies, however, all names are given with their origi- sequence within family. Species are listed in alphabetical
nal combination (except that interpolated subgeneric names sequence within genera.
are omitted) and with their original spelling, including mis-
spellings, capitalised letters, and diacritic marks [ü, è, ñ, etc.]. Entries for genera include the valid name of the genus (in
Capitalised letters and diacritic marks are not permitted by bold, as a heading), the name of the genus with the spelling
the Code (arts. 27, 28, Glossary) and must be corrected. In- in the original description, the author, the year of publica-
correct original spellings are used only in the synonymies tion, the number of the page with principal information. This
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
is followed by information on possible subgeneric status in ed (separated by a slash [ / ] where clarity requires it). In
the original description, type species, mode of designation, very few cases (when the list of localities of syntypes is
information on possible nomenclatural acts associated with very extensive), I have merely given a general description
the name, and grammatical gender. This information is pro- of the localities. Localities are usually given with the origi-
vided for all names considered to be synonyms, in chrono- nal spelling; this sometimes results in different spellings
logical sequence. being used for the same locality under different headings;
I have tried to introduce some consistency, but only in cases
Entries for species include the valid name of the species (in where I was certain that the different spellings were really
bold, as the heading), the name of the species as spelt in the referring to the same place, or when the different spellings
original description, the author, the year of publication, the were used for the locality of the very same specimen, or
number of the page on which the actual description starts referring to the very same bibliographic source. Alternative
(or where the elements necessary to make the name avail- spellings or modern equivalents are given in square brack-
able occur) and the number of the main illustrations (ignor- ets, but this has not been systematically attempted. Locality
ing those showing maps, anatomical details, portrait of col- descriptions have been translated into English when possi-
lector, etc.). This is followed by a block in parentheses with ble and/or justified; in some cases, words meaning river,
information on type locality and primary types, and infor- lake, etc. are part of the name in the original language and
mation on possible nomenclatural acts associated with the they have not been deleted in order to avoid ambiguities
name. If the name is based largely or totally on references to when using local maps [but the word river, lake, etc. has
the older literature, this information is listed first in the pa- been added]. Local names have been used, except for a few
renthesed block). This information is provided for all names well known rivers and lakes with a common English name
considered to be synonyms, in chronological sequence. used in international literature (e.g. Mekong, Irrawaddy,
Salween, Ganges, Red River). For most localities, when fea-
Additional information, if needed, is listed under Nomen- sible I have tried to add information on present political
clatural notes and Taxonomic notes. When names are cited entities (country, province, state, etc.) and river basin as an
under Notes, which are not mentioned elsewhere in the text, aid to the reader. For larger topographic features that have
I usually (but not always) added the same data for that name several different names, a single one has been consistently
at the end of the paragraph, in brackets. used; this especially applies to those traversing different
countries (e.g. Mekong River); I usually retained the name
Transliteration of non-Latin alphabets. — Author names, easiest to find for readers not familiar with local toponymy
place names, and journal names in non-Latin alphabets, and or, when it exists, the English name used in international
in languages using other notations, have been transcribed; literature (e.g. Salween River and not Nu Jiang, Salawin,
titles of books and papers have been translated. When a tran- Thanlwin, Salouen, or fGyl mo rNGul chu [a transcription
scription is used in the original work (e.g. in the text, in an from Tibetan language]; Irrawaddy and not Ayeyarwady;
abstract, in a table of contents), the same spelling is used Red River and not Song Hong, Yuan Jiang or Fleuve Rouge).
here. There are some inconsistencies as it happens that tran-
scriptions or translations used in abstracts or tables of con- As the work on the check-list spanned more than 24 years,
tents may be different from the actual title of a paper. Fre- it is likely that some of the earlier entries might be in a slightly
quently, transcription systems have changed with time and different format than the latest ones.
no standardisation has been attempted here. Older bibliog-
raphies or indexes may have used earlier transcription sys- Infrasubspecific names and nomina nuda having no nomen-
tems and I consider that a standardised use could actually clatural status, they do not have type specimens and there-
complicate bibliographic search, especially for those not fore do not have a type locality and I thus list only a 'local-
familiar with these languages. ity', when justified. Localities are usually not indicated for
infrasubspecific names based on aberrant specimens; they
Unfortunately, some accents and diacritic marks may have are given only if the name has been created for a particular
disappeared as standard western European keyboards and geographical form.
software do not support them. This especially applies in the
case of the Vietnamese alphabet. When a neotype has been designated, the type locality is the
locality of the neotype. The original type locality [the local-
Type localities. — The type locality is the locality at which ity of the primary type mentioned in the original descrip-
the holotype, lectotype or neotype was collected. Although tion], if different, is usually listed in square brackets in or-
mentioned in the Code, the type locality has no nomencla- der not to lose that information.
tural role. Simply, it is a convenient wording, it is shorter to
say type locality than 'the locality at which the primary name- When a lectotype has been designated, the type locality is
bearing type was collected', or to give the locality data in the locality of the lectotype. The original type locality [the
full. sum of the localities of all the syntypes mentioned in the
original description], is not listed, unless justified.
In case there is no primary type but a series of syntypes
from different localities, the type locality is the sum of all Linnean species, pre-Linnean literature, unpublished
the localities of the syntypes, and all their localities are list- sources. — The identity and synonymy of species named
by Linnaeus [Linné] and other early authors present partic- ly is a member of Siluriformes, but cannot be placed in any
ular problems, since many of them named species not on family; it is therefore listed under Siluriformes, before the
the basis material they personally examined but by reference family accounts.
to earlier literature sources. For example, in his Systema
naturae, Linnaeus (1758) based most species names on ear- Species incertae sedis are listed at the beginning of the fam-
lier accounts by himself and others. These have been traced ily to which they belong. Sometimes they are placed in the
when possible and the exact bibliographic references given. genus in which my experience or that of knowledgeable
These secondary references have been examined too; very colleagues suggests they may belong. Alternatively, for spe-
often this actually creates additional problems because these cies placed in genera to which there is a suspicion they do
secondary authors themselves refer to older publications, etc. not belong, the generic name is placed in single quotation
I have not always included such secondary references and marks (e.g. 'Genus' species), sometimes with a comment
have only rarely searched the tertiary and earlier sources. under Taxonomic notes. The fate of a species incertae sedis
Additionally, several of these earlier works exist in various is to be placed in a genus.
editions and Linnaeus' (and other's) bibliographic references
are not detailed enough to decide which editions were used. A species inquirenda (plural: species inquirendae) is a spe-
For example, I have had the rare opportunity of examining cies of doubtful identity. Often they can be placed in a ge-
side by side different editions of Gesner's Nomenclator aqua- nus but the description and the known material do not allow
tilium and Fischbuch but could not find all texts to which a decision as to whether or not the species is valid. Such
Linnaeus referred. As these books usually are considered to names are listed immediately under the heading of the ge-
be antiquities or collector-items, interlibrary loans or photo- nus to which they belong. Species inquirendae that cannot
copies are not possible. Examination and comparison of the be placed in any genus are listed immediately under the head-
various editions would mean travelling to a number of li- ing of the family to which they belong. A species inquiren-
braries and investing a lot of time and money, beyond the da may have great similarity to a valid species but its iden-
limits of the present work. Although there is an obvious his- tity may remain open to doubt; these are listed in the synon-
torical and academic interest, the utility of the exercise is not ymy of that species, and are indicated by a question mark in
obvious in the context of biological research and usable out- front of the name. Some species inquirendae are poorly de-
puts. In such instances, I merely list the reference as given scribed but are nevertheless tentatively accepted as possi-
by the original author, updated into current bibliographic sys- bly valid, for example because an illustration in the original
tem. References to unpublished data are usually omitted un- description suggests they may be valid; awaiting confirma-
less they are relevant for nomenclatural purposes [for exam- tion or a usable description, they are listed as 'normal' spe-
ple, reference to an unpublished figure of a type]. Type lo- cies but with a question mark. It is noteworthy that a sub-
calities listed are those given by the author of the new name; stantial number of the taxa described from Vietnam in the
but the actual type locality is that listed by the author(s) on last 15 years falls into the category species inquirendae.
which the account is based. Where holotypes are extant, or if
lectotypes or neotypes have been designated, the locality of The fate of a species incertae sedis is that future studies will
these specimens of course becomes the type localities. To show to which genus or family they belong. The fate of a
identify the type specimens of nominal species described by species inquirenda is to be redescribed and either found to
these earlier authors, one has to follow about the same pro- be a valid species or a synonym of some other species.
cedure, that is, to find the specimens on which the accounts
cited by (e.g.) Linnaeus are based (for examples, see Wheel- A species inquirenda should not be confused with a nomen
er, 1958, 1985, 1991; Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983; Kottelat, dubium. A nomen dubium (plural: nomina dubia) is a name
2003c; Kottelat & Persat, 2005; Kottelat & Freyhof, 2009). of doubtful application that is impossible to link with a
Again, this is a tedious and time consuming task; I did search known species, or that may apply to several species. Typi-
some such cases when this was essential for solving nomen- cally, a nomen dubium would have been described in the
clatural problems, but did not search in detail all these cases. 18th or 19th century, with a few laconic sentences includ-
ing no diagnostic characters usable today, or based on a paint-
(Contrary to a common belief, names created by Linnaeus ing or on an artificially prepared specimen (examples in-
are not sacred, however, since Systema naturae has been clude species of Tetraodontidae based on deformed dried
designated by later taxonomists as the starting point of to- specimens brought to Europe by seamen in the 18th centu-
day's nomenclatural system, the names he used are the first ry; or many species described from Chinese paintings in the
available names for the concerned taxa. By the simple logic 19th century: these paintings usually were not based on a
of the principle of priority they will remain, regardless of given specimen but often were an artistic or idealised view
how usable or informative the descriptions are—and they of the species, copied from earlier classical paintings, or
usually are useless without recourse to other sources). sometimes simply imaginary). The fate of a nomen dubium
is not to remain so, but to become either a valid name or a
Incertae sedis, genera inquirenda, species inquirendae, synonym after either taxonomic examination or appropriate
nomina dubia. — Incertae sedis are valid family, genera nomenclatural decisions.
and species of uncertain taxonomic position. Genera incer-
tae sedis are listed at the beginning of the Order or Family A genus inquirendum (plural: genera inquirenda) is a ge-
to which they belong. For example, Pimelodus javus clear- neric name that can be placed in a family but whose de-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
scription and associated species (usually species inquirendae Available name. — An available name is a name that satis-
or nomina dubia) do not allow a decision as to whether or fies the criteria of the Code and may be used for a valid
not it is valid. Such names are listed immediately under the species. The main criteria is that a new name must be ac-
headings of the family to which they belong. companied by a description and the designation of a name-
bearing type (type specimen(s) for new species, type spe-
cies for new genera; see below). An available name is not
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NOMENCLATURE automatically a valid name.
A sad reality is that a majority of the users of scientific names, Since 2012, the Code allows the publication of new names
especially those in the geographic area covered by this list, in electronic-only publications if they fulfill a number of
have not had the opportunity to study the rules of nomen- conditions. Among them, the work must have an ISSN or
clature. This now also applies to most researchers complet- ISBN number, be archived, and be registered in Zoobank
ing their studies in western countries. For this reason it seems (www.zoobank.org).
necessary to start with a long introduction explaining basic
principles of nomenclature, terminology, and how to under- Valid name. — A valid name is the correct name applied to
stand the data in the present list. More experienced readers a species. To be valid, a name must first be available. But an
will probably not need to read this section. available name is not automatically valid (junior synonyms
are available names but invalid). A 'valid name' should not
The most basic principle of nomenclature is that it deals be confused with a 'valid species'.
with only the names of organisms not with the organisms
themselves. The confusion between animals and their names A nominal species is any of the available names created for
mars many taxonomic discussions and is becoming increas- a species, irrespective of its validity. If a valid species has x
ingly common and damaging. It is of concern that even the synonyms, the valid name and the x synonyms are x+1 nom-
editors of some scientific journals are no longer able to make inal species.
this distinction, especially in fashionable areas like molecu-
lar systematics. Species-group names, genus-group names, family-group
names. — The species-group includes all the names of taxa
Nomenclature is about the correct formation and treatment of the rank of species and subspecies. The genus-group in-
of names and the objective application of the 'legal' criteria cludes all the names of taxa of the ranks genus and subge-
of a code, irrespective of taxonomic concepts or philosoph- nus. The family group includes all the names of taxa ranked
ical approaches. Taxonomy is about the scientific study of above the genus-group: superfamily, family, subfamily,
organisms and includes a level of subjective interpretation tribes, etc.
of observations that may differ among scientists.
Spellings. — A basic principle of nomenclature is that the
Code. — Here, the word Code refers to the International original spelling (the ones created by the author in the orig-
Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The current (4th) edi- inal description) must be retained. There are a few excep-
tion was published in 1999 and superseded the previous tions and the Code is very precise about which spellings
editions with effect from 1 January 2000. The Code is pub- must be corrected (incorrect original spelling). There are
lished under the responsibility of the International Com- no spelling that may be corrected, there are only spellings
mission of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, www.iczn.org), that must be corrected or that must not be corrected. The
a body of zoologists (29 as of 2010), independent of politi- main categories of corrections is that if the species name is
cal or national entities. Under exceptional circumstances and a Latin adjective it must agree in grammatical gender with
following a prescribed procedure, the ICZN has the power the gender of the genus name. Incorrect original spellings
to suspend the application of any of the articles of the Code. should never be used. Corrections of incorrect original spell-
These decisions (called Opinions and Directions) are pub- ings allowed by the Code are called justified emendations.
lished in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. Any intentional (explained) corrections not allowed by the
Code is an unjustified emendation and should never be used;
Nomenclatural acts. — A nomenclatural act is any of pub- unjustified emendations are available names with their own
lished act that affects the nomenclatural status of a scientif- author and date, are objective synonyms of the emended
ic name. This includes the creation of names, emendations, names, may be homonyms and may be used as substitute
designation of types, rulings of the ICZN, etc. Nomencla- names. They are included in the list but I may have over-
tural acts are valid if they satisfy the provisions of the Code; looked some. Any unexplained change or error is called an
they are invalid and must be rejected if they do not follow incorrect subsequent spelling. Incorrect subsequent spell-
the Code. Treating a name as a subjective synonym is a tax- ings are not mentioned in synonymies, except if they have
onomic act, not a nomenclatural act. used erroneously at least occasionally (example: Noema-
cheilus and Nemachilus as commonly used incorrect spell-
Original descriptions. — Original description within the ings of Nemacheilus).
meaning of the Code (arts. 10–20) refers to the first use (cre-
ation) of an available name. Date of publication. — While in everyday's language the
publication date is more or less equivalent to the date of
printing, in the context of nomenclature, the Code defines tions of authors when one of 'their' species is treated as an
that the date of publication is the date at which a work could invalid synonym by others. Somehow, naming a new spe-
first be obtained (for sale or by free distribution). The date cies is the formulation of an hypothesis and there is no shame
of publication of a work is important to determine priority if an hypothesis is found to be erroneous. Vexed ego may
between two synonyms, two homonyms or two nomencla- never accept a synonymy.
tural acts. The Code rules that the earliest one has priority
over the youngest one (senior synonym vs. junior synonym; The name of an author is written in parentheses when the
senior homonym vs. junior homonym). Even a difference of name is moved to another genus by subsequent authors. For
one day is enough to give priority. The Code art. 23.9 al- example, Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch, 1794) was originally
lows exceptions (reversal of precedence), but only if very described as Silurus bimaculatus by Bloch (1794).
precise conditions are met.
For nomenclatural purposes, the Code (art. 50) defines the
The year of publication is retained as printed on the publi- author(s) of a work as the person(s) who first published a
cation. It may happen, however, that the work appeared at a name in a way that makes it available. In most cases the
date different from that printed on the publication. If a dif- author of a name is the person whose name appears as the
ferent date is documented by reliable information, this date author of the book or article. In some cases of works by
must be retained for nomenclatural purposes. I have not at- more than one author, if one author only is responsible for
tempted to check the effective publication date of all cited the name, then that person is author of the name and the
works; this would have been very time and effort-consum- name is then cited in the format Barbus binotatus Valenci-
ing. I have invested time for such search only when it was ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842. I personally think
necessary to establish the precedence between two works, that this kind of citation of authorship is contrary to the pur-
or if it is was necessary to determine if a given work ap- pose of mentioning authors only as a bibliographic refer-
peared before or after some of the dates important to the ence but introduces a ownership aspect; in this example it
Code, or if there was a suspicion that a stated date is far seems even less desirable since the authors of the work had
from the actual date. Otherwise, I consider that usage of the themselves decided that the work would appear under both
date printed on the publication is more important than the names. In my eyes it serves no nomenclatural purpose to
actual publication date (e.g. for retrieval on library shelves search who did what in such a work (of course I understand
or interlibrary loans). the historical interest). But the Code says so and even the
ICZN has ruled so on this precise case.
Problems relating to dates associated with taxa are discussed
under Nomenclatural Notes. Those associated with specific If it is established that a person other than the person named
publications are mentioned in the Literature Cited section, as the author(s) of a work is alone responsible for both the
under the respective titles. Some of the more complex cases name and the conditions making the name available, then
are discussed separately: see Bibliographic Notes. that person is the author of the name (often called second-
ary author). For example, in Schneider (1801), the name
If nomenclatural acts are available from a valid electronic- and the description of Mugil cirrhostomus are from unpub-
only publication, the date of publication is the date of first lished notes of Forster. Schneider had no specimen and no
distribution. New names and nomenclatural acts first made other source to describe the species; therefore Forster is
available in electronic publications as 'accepted manuscript' author of the name, and the name is cited as M. cirrhosto-
or 'uncorrect proofs' are not available. Taxonomists should mus Forster, in Schneider, 1801. [Forster's manuscript was
not circulate manuscripts or proofs because this is a serious later published by Lichtenstein (1844) and the two texts can
source of future problems. be compared.]
Priority, precedence. — There is a subtle difference be- If an external person is author of the description (for exam-
tween priority and precedence. Priority indicates seniority, ple personal notes) and the named author of the work cites
that a work, a name or a nomenclatural act was published him and proposes a name for the taxon, then the named au-
before another one. Precedence indicates that a name must thor of the work remains author of the name. For example,
be used instead of another, either by application of the prin- Schneider (1801) used some of Forster's descriptions but
ciple of priority, or because precedence is reversed for ex- choose other names (for example to avoid homonymy); in
ceptions prescribed by the Code or by rulings of the ICZN. this case, Forster is not responsible for both the name and
the conditions making it available, and therefore Schneider
Authorship. — The names of animals are usually followed alone is the author.
by the citation of their 'author'. For example the name of the
carp is Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, in which Linnaeus If an external person merely suggested a name for a species
is the author of the name C. carpio and 1758 the date of the described in a work, this does not make him the author of
original description. The citation of the author and year is the name. The author of the work is responsible for the con-
merely a bibliographic reference. It is in no case an indica- ditions making the name available (i.e., the description, des-
tion of ownership. Unfortunately, many scientists forget or ignation of types, etc.) and therefore is the sole author. For
ignore the purpose of the mention of the author's name and example, when Valenciennes (1846) described Cobitis fas-
this has sometimes resulted in unjustified emotional reac- ciata he commented that in their notes the collectors (Kuhl
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
and van Hasselt) had a drawing of this fish, which they had available, Spix is the author. And in the cases Agassiz wrote
labelled Naemacheilus fasciatus. Kuhl and van Hasselt trag- descriptions and used the names created by Spix on the
ically died before they could publish the description. Twen- plates, they are coauthors of the name.
ty-four years later, Valenciennes used the name for the new
species and wrote the description himself. This makes him Type species. — Each genus-group name has a type spe-
alone the author. The species must be cited as C. fasciata cies. The type species of a genus name is the species whose
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846 and not C. name determines the validity of a genus. If several species
fasciata Kuhl & van Hasselt, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846. are placed in genus X, with type species Xx and this genus
is later divided into two genera, the genus which include
Posthumous works belong to these categories but can be species Xx will continue to be genus X while the other ge-
more complex. Sometimes it is simply a matter of some- nus will have another name. If two genera have the same
body publishing a completed manuscript by a deceased type species, they are objective synonyms. Genus-group
friend or colleague; in such case, the author of the manu- names proposed after 1930 without the fixation of a type
script is clearly the author of the work and of the names. species are not available (Code art. 13.3) [note that art. 13.3
The Code art. 50.1.1 explicitly mentions "satisfying the cri- requires that the fixation be "in the original publication [Art.
teria of availability other than actual publication". This means 68]" and that art. 68 includes, as "type species fixed in the
that if both the names and the descriptions of the new taxa original publication", those established by original designa-
are entirely the work of a deceased person, then he is the tion, by monotypy, by absolute tautonymy and by Linnean
author. To organise the actual publication is excluded from tautonymy].
the conditions of authorship.
Type genus. — Each family-group name has a type genus.
If the description of a given species has been modified by The type genus is the genus whose name has been used to
the editor, both original writer and editor might be co-au- form the name of the family. For example Silurus is the name
thor of the name. If the description is completely rewritten of the genus used to form the family group names Siluridae,
by the editor, based on his own observations, then he is the Siluriformes, Silurinae, etc. For nomenclature purposes these
author of the name. three words are a single name. Whatever the rank within the
family-group, these names retain the same author and date.
Examples: Forsskål died during a travel around the Red Sea.
His notes were later assembled, organised and published by Type specimens. — Each species-group name has a type.
Niebuhr, using the names in Forsskål's notes and without The type of a species name is the specimen on which the
work on the content of the text. Forsskål is author of the name is based; the phrase name-bearing type is more ap-
names. For bibliographic (librarian) purposes, he is also treat- propriate but, in order to simplify texts, is not usually used.
ed as author the work (see also Bibliographic Notes). The type specimen is the type of a name, not of a species. It
is therefore erroneous to understand the type as a 'model'
The manuscript of Bloch's Systema ichthyologiae was to- representation of a species or a specimen to which all spec-
tally rewritten by Schneider, who also added numerous spe- imens must be identical to be called the same species. The
cies, the index etc. Schneider is author of the work, as indi- type concept is a nomenclatural standard and totally inde-
cated on title page, but Bloch is author of some taxa. pendent of any taxonomic judgements or philosophical the-
Schneider explicitly indicated the species he described. ory. The type is only used to objectively define to which
species the name must be applied. If the type specimen of
When he died, Spix had not written the text on the fishes he the name Yus belongs to species 1, then the name of species
collected in Brazil. He had supervised the preparation of 1 is Yus. If the type specimens of the names Yus and Xus
most plates and had named the species on the plates. Agas- belong to species 1, then the names Yus and Xus are syn-
siz was hired to write a text that could be distributed with onyms (and the senior one has priority).
the plates. He wrote the descriptions of all species. For some
he ignored the names on the plates and created new names, Only primary types (name bearing types) are listed here.
and he is author of these names. For the species names that Primary types are holotypes, lectotypes, neotypes and syn-
appear only in plates, created by Spix, because the plates types. Other type categories recognised by the Code are
alone are among the conditions sufficient to make a name paratypes and paralectotypes but have no nomenclatural
function. Other 'type' categories (e.g. allotypes, topotypes,
author author of and name then author paratopotypes, paraneotypes) are not recognised by the
of work conditions itself of name is Code, should not be used and are ignored here. Among them,
is making name created by allotype is sometime used to designate one of the paratypes
available is of a sex different from that of the holotype; topotype is used
A A A A as a shortened way to say 'a specimen collected at the local-
A A B A ity where the primary type was collected'.
A B B B, in A The holotype is the specimen that has been explicitly desig-
A A and B B A & B, in A nated so (or by a similar wording) in the original descrip-
A A and B A A & B, in A tion by the original author, or the only specimen available
to the author, if there is clear evidence that the author based of very serious instability in some groups, which would be
the nominal species on a single specimen. There is only one totally against the spirit of the Code. Many of the pre-2000
holotype per species. In all cases where there is clear evi- neotype designations do not have the statement required by
dence that the author based the nominal species on more the 1999 Code. I have retained as valid the neotypes validly
than one specimen (including literature records) but did not designated before 2000 under the 1985 Code.
designate a holotype, then all these specimens are syntypes.
When it is not possible to determine from the original de- After the original description, it may be necessary for later
scription if a name is based on one or several specimens, authors to re-examine the primary type of a nominal species
I usually use 'types' or 'holotype?'. in order to decide to which taxonomic species it applies, for
example in cases when several similar species are later dis-
If the nominal species is based on a specimen explicitly des- covered and the original description does not mention the
ignated as holotype and a number of additional specimens characters now decisive to determine to which of these spe-
are also explicitly designated as types, these are paratypes; cies the name must be applied. It is, however, not a necessi-
allotypes are thus paratypes. The sum of the holotype+para- ty to examine a primary type if the original description pro-
types or the sum of the syntypes is called the type series. In vides all the information needed for identification. In fact,
some cases (especially for species described by P. Bleeker), types may be fragile specimens, and they should not be han-
I indicate the size ranges of the type series in square brack- dled if not justified, and persons without experience should
ets since this can be an important tool to recognise them not be permitted to handle them. Primary types must be
(example: syntypes [12, 41–43 mm SL]). deposited in museums or other responsible institutions and
with staff able to conserve them and make them accessible
In cases where there is no holotype but only a series of syn- to later researchers. Even if there is political pressure in some
types, one of the syntypes may be designated as lectotype; it countries to consider types as national property, types do
then has the same value as the holotype. The remaining syn- not belong to a country but to science and must be accessi-
types then become paralectotypes and lose their status as ble to competent scientists irrespective of their nationality.
primary types. Lectotypes are designated when it is demon- Neotypes, by definition, must be deposited in a recognised
strated or suspected that the type series includes more than institution (e.g. museum).
one species; it allows the name to be definitively fixed to
the nominal species to which the lectotype belongs. Inci- A number of species described by earlier authors do not have
dentally, the designation of a lectotype also restricts the type known types or they have been lost since the original de-
locality to the locality of the lectotype, excluding the local- scription. This does not affect the availability of a name.
ities of the other syntypes. Paratypes and paralectotypes are For example, a specimen described in the field and later
not listed hereunder as they are not name-bearing types. eaten by an author remains the type specimen. Or a speci-
men used as model for a figure remains the type specimen,
If none of the specimens of the original type series remains, even if it has not been preserved.
or if the holotype or lectotype no longer exist (they have not
been preserved, are lost, or destroyed) and if the name can- When known, institutions in which primary types are de-
not be unambiguously linked to a valid species, then (and posited are listed, together with register number and, when
only then) a specimen can be designated as neotype that known, the number of specimens in square brackets (exam-
will have the same function as the holotype. Incidentally, ple: AAA 1234 [2], BBB 1233 [1]). When the primary types
the designation of a neotype also restricts the type locality were deposited in a collection but cannot presently be locat-
to the locality of the neotype. All designations of neotypes ed, the institution is listed as they may still be present (mis-
that do not fully satisfy these and several other conditions identified, misplaced, uncatalogued), or as a starting point
laid down in the Code are invalid and must be ignored. for further search. The source for the catalogue number is
given when it is not the original description; besides, many
A number of neotype designations are invalid because the of those listed in the original descriptions have also been
need for a neotype is not stated or demonstrated. This re- checked in published catalogues or in the institutions them-
quirement did not exist in the 1985 Code (art. 75(b)) and an selves. When there is a series of syntypes, I listed those
implicit justification was enough. The requirement became I could trace in the literature, but made no effort to trace the
explicit in the 1999 Code, with an added clause (art. 75.3.1) whole series; this would have been tedious, many of them
requiring "a statement that [the neotype] is designated with having possibly been used for exchanges between institu-
the express purpose of clarifying the taxonomic status or tions, etc. NT indicates that there is no (or apparently no)
the type locality of a nominal taxon". Unfortunately the 1999 preserved type material, LU that there was apparently pre-
Code is missing a clause explaining what should be done of served type material but that its whereabouts are not known.
neotype designation validly made before 2000 but invalid A question mark in front of the abbreviation of an institu-
under the 1999 Code because of the absence of the state- tion indicates that the type(s) is possibly there or that the
ment. Formally, they become invalid because art. 86.3 states type status of the specimen is not certain.
that all former editions of the Code have no force.
Institutional abbreviations used in the text are listed below.
This I interpret as an oversight of the editors of the 1999 For institutions for which no abbreviations have been used
Code and is unintentional, otherwise it could be the cause in literature, the abbreviations follow current use by work-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ers at these institutions (where possible) or Leviton et al. name. The substitute name is the next oldest synonym. If
(1985; Leviton & Gibbs, 1988) or Eschmeyer (2010). I did there is no available synonym, then a new replacement name
not automatically follow Leviton et al. and Eschmeyer as a is established. The new replacement name takes the same
standard because for non-US collections the abbreviations type as the replaced name. In the example above, Dekkers
they list are often not those actually used by the institutions (1975) treated Crayracion ocellatus as a valid species of
themselves. In case the abbreviations used in these lists dif- Tetraodon and made it a junior homonym of Tetraodon ocel-
fer from those used by workers at these institutions, I retain latus. He created the new replacement name T. steindachneri
the second one (as long as they make sense and do not rep- to replace the junior homonym.
resent personal, bureaucratic or chauvinistic idiosyncrasy).
A junior secondary homonym rejected and replaced before
Synonyms. — The word synonym is used with the meaning 1961 is definitively invalid (there may be exceptions; Code
it has in the Code, that is a new name applied to a species art. 59.3). But a junior secondary homonym rejected after
that already had a name. Names erroneously used for a spe- 1960 but later considered to be in a genus different from the
cies other than the one originally described under that name senior homonym becomes valid again (Code art. 59.4). In
are misidentifications. Misidentifications are not synonyms the above example,when Crayracion ocellatus Steindachner,
and are not included in this catalogue. The Code rules that 1870 was treated as a valid species of Tetraodon it had to be
in case an author thinks that two names actually refer to a replaced by Tetraodon steindachneri Dekker, 1975. But
single species (i.e., they are synonyms), the name published T. steindachneri is now considered to be a valid species of
first (senior synonym) is the valid name; the name published Dichotomyctere and the senior synonym must be reinstated
later (junior synonym) is invalid (cannot be used). The jun- and the valid name is now D. ocellatus (Steindachner, 1870),
ior synonym nevertheless remain available; should a later not D. steindachneri.
author find that the type specimens of the two names actual-
ly refer to different species, the junior synonym might be Occasionally, some authors have replaced names because
used again (if it satisfies conditions set by the Code). they overlooked an already available name that should have
been used as substitute name, or because they did not like
If the two synonyms are based on the same specimen (i.e., an existing name, or because they found it inappropriate, or
they have the same primary type), they are objective syn- to follow the nomenclature rules at the time, or under politi-
onyms and the junior synonym is invalid. If the two names cal pressure. These replacement names are invalid and can-
are based on different primary types that an author consid- not be used. These names are called unnecessary replace-
ers as belonging to a single species, they are subjective syn- ment names. In the above example, after the creation of the
onyms (they are subjective because this is the taxonomic new replacement name Tetraodon steindachneri Dekkers,
judgement of an author and other authors may disagree; in 1975 it was discovered that the misidentified T. biocellatus
the opposite case, objective synonymy is a purely nomen- Tirant, 1885 in fact was also a junior synonym of T. ocellatus
clatural issue, not depending on of taxonomic judgement). (Steindachner, 1870). Therefore T. biocellatus became the
valid substitute name for T. ocellatus (Steindachner, 1870)
Homonyms. — Two available names with identical spell- and T. steindachneri became a junior synonym of
ings and created independently for different taxa are called T. biocellatus. An later, after moving the species to Dycho-
homonyms. The Code rules that the name published first tomyctere as mentioned above, the replaced secondary jun-
(senior homonym) is the valid name; the name published ior homonym T. ocellatus was reinstated as D. ocellatus
later (junior homonym) cannot be used and must be replaced. (Steindachner, 1870).
Junior homonyms are permanently invalid, unless satisfy-
ing some precise conditions of the Code. Infrasubspecific names. — Infrasubspecific names are
names originally intended for categories below the subspe-
In the species-group, two homonyms created in the same cies level (for example: varieties, natios). These names are
genus are called primary homonym. Example: Barbus yun- not recognised as valid by the Code. They are nevertheless
nanensis Fowler, 1958 is a junior primary homonym of Bar- listed here. For infrasubspecific names, I have indicated the
bus yunnanensis Regan, 1904. locality stated by the original author, but have not listed
material. Even if these have sometime been called type lo-
Two species names originally established in different gen- calities and types in the literature, as the names are not avail-
era but later combined with the same genus name are called able for zoological nomenclature, these 'type localities' and
secondary homonyms. Example: Crayracion fluviatilis var. 'types' have no nomenclatural status.
ocellata Steindachner, 1870 was not a homonym of Tetra-
odon ocellatus Linnaeus, 1758 when established. Later (in Infrasubspecific names may become validated by a subse-
1975), it was treated as a valid species of Tetraodon and its quent use as subspecies or species name. Whenever I found
name became T. ocellatus (Steindachner, 1870), a junior an infrasubspecific name validated this way I noted it; if
secondary homonym of T. ocellatus Linnaeus, 1758. such subsequent uses are not listed, it does not mean there
is none, just that I did not find one. Most of these valida-
Replacement names. — If a species name becomes invalid tions have been accidental (the authors were not aware of
because it is a junior secondary homonym, it must be re- the nomenclatural implications of their use of the name) and
placed. The name used for replacement is called substitute appeared in non-taxonomic publications and often escaped
indexing. A search through the whole ichthyological litera- genus to another, if the two genera have names with differ-
ture for such accidental validations is not feasible and their ent grammatical genders, it may happen that the ending of
discovery is usually accidental. the name of the species must be changed to agree in gender
with the name of the genus (Code art. 31.2).
An additional problem with the search for infrasubspecific
names and their accidental validations is that access to the This may seem complicated, but actually it does not require
literature of some countries is limited or restricted, and it is to learn Latin, but only to follow a handful of trivial rules:
not a coincidence that such actions and biological concepts a) check the gender of the name of the genus in the original
were most frequently used in these very countries. publication or on a reliable list;
b) if the species name is a noun, its spelling remains un-
Ending and spelling of species names. — The following changed;
discussions refers only to scientific names, which are writ- c) if the species name is an adjective, the name must agree
ten in a language supposed to be Latin. When the system of in gender with the genus.
binominal nomenclature was created, the genus was the
important entity and the species was of secondary signifi- I provided elsewhere (Kottelat, 2012b: 8–12) guidelines on
cance. As a result, the names of the species were made of a how existing names should be analysed (Note, this is for
noun (the genus name) and a qualifying word (the species existing names not for creating new names). These guide-
name), in most cases an adjective or a noun in the genitive. lines apply to the vast majority of names; a few rare cases
As genus names are nouns, they have a grammatical gender make exceptions and are not discussed. Besides, answers to
(masculine, feminine or neuter). In Latin, French, German most questions can be found in dictionaries and in case of
and most western languages the ending of adjectives varies doubt, it does not take a great effort to ask knowledgeable
to agree with the gender of the noun (English is a notable colleagues. In the last resort, if nobody knows or if it seems
exception in which adjectives are not variable). When new too time consuming, one should treat the name as a noun in
research shows that a species must be transferred from one apposition and simply retain the original spelling.
e.g., exempli gratia (for example) BMNH Natural History Museum [formerly British Mu-
i.a., inter alia (among other things) seum, Natural History], London, U.K.
I., island BOC Bingham Oceanographic Collection, Yale Uni-
Is., islands versity, New Haven, USA [now YPM]
masl, meters above sea level BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA
q.v., quod vide (which see, see there) BSM Bureau of Science, Manila, Philippines [de-
s.l., sensu lato (in the wider sense) stroyed during World War II]
s.s., s.str., sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco,
viz., videlicet (that is, namely) USA
CM Carnegie Museum [now in FMNH]
Ichthyological collections CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO,
AFAQ Museum of Amateur Fishermen's Association of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Queensland, Australia [now in QM] CUMZ Chulalongkorn University Museum of Zoology,
AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New Bangkok, Thailand
York, USA DHFRI Dong Hai Fisheries Research Institute, Shang-
AMS Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia hai, China
ANFC see CSIRO DHMB Department of Harbours and Marine, Brisbane,
ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA Australia [now at QM]
ASIO Institute of Oceanography, Academia Sinica, DVZUT Department of Vertebrate Zoology, University of
Qingdao, China Tông-Hop, Hanoi, Vietnam
ASIZB Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing, ECSFI East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,
China Shanghai, China
ASIZP Biodiversity Research Museum, Academia Sini- FAKU Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyo-
ca, Taipei, Taiwan to, Japan
BDSSI Laboratory of the Biology Department, Shang- FESC Fisheries Experimental Station, Guangdong,
hai Science Institute, Shanghai, China [present China [now Pearl River Fishery Research Insti-
status unknown] tute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,
BLG Biological Laboratory, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China]
Guangdong, China FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
FRLM Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, MNHN Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris,
Mie, Japan France
GCM Department of Zoology, Government College MSNM Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano, Italy
University, Lahore, Pakistan MTD Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
GUZ Gauhati University, Gauhati, India MUMF Manipur University Museum of Fishes, Can-
HNUE Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and chipur, India
Agricultural Technology, Hanoi National Univer- MUS Muzium Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
sity of Education [also Hanoi University of Ped- MZB Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Cibinong, In-
agogy], Hanoi, Vietnam donesia
IBSD Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Devel- MZUB Museo Zoologico dell'Università de Bologna,
opment, Takyelpat, India Bologna, Italy
IHB Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, China MZUF Museo Zoologico 'La Specola', Università di
ION Museum of Marine Biodiversity, Institute of Firenze, Firenze, Italy
Oceanography, Nhatrang, Vietnam MZUSP Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo,
IPMB Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sa- São Paulo, Brazil
bah, Malaysia MZUT Museo Zoologico, Universita, Torino, Italy
IPPS Fisheries Research Institute Sarawak, Kuching, NCNTTSI Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 1 [Vien
Malaysia Nghien curu Nuoi trong Thuy san 1; earlier Dinh
IRSM Institut de la Recherche Scientifique de Mada- Bang Fish Research Station], Bac Ninh, Vietnam
gascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar [mostly now NHMG Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Sweden
in MNHN] NIG Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,
IRSNB Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Bruxelles, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Belgium NKMC National Kweiyang [Guiyang] Medical College,
ISBB Institutul Stiinte Biologice, Bucuresti, Romania Guiyang, Guizhou, China [present status un-
IZA Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Universi- known]
ta, L'Aquila, Italy NMBA Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland
IZPAN Zoology Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, NMBE Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern, Switzerland
Warszawa, Poland NMMB National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquar-
JNH Department of Biology, Jinan University, Guang- ium, Pingtung, Taiwan
zhou, China NMSL National Museum of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri
KIZ Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming, China Lanka
LSL Linnean Society, London, U.K. NMSZ National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scot-
LUG Lingnan University, Guangzhou, China [present land, U.K.
status unknown] NMV Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
MAMU Macleay Museum, University of Sydney, Syd- NMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
ney, Australia NPIB Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese
MARNM Maejo Aquatic Resources Natural Museum, Academy of Sciences, Xining, Qinghai, China
Chiang Mai, Thailand NRIBAS National Research Institute Biology, Academy
MCSNG Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova, Italy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Cambridge, NRM Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden
USA NSMT National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan
MCZL Musée Cantonal de Zoologie, Lausanne, Swit- NTM Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Terri-
zerland tory, Darwin, Australia
MFLB Marine Fisheries Laboratory, Department of NTUM National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand NZOI New Zealand Oceanographic Institute [now Na-
MGAB Museul de Istorie Naturala 'Gr. Antipa', Bucuresti, tional Center for Coasts and Oceans], Welling-
Romania; ton, New Zealand;
MGHNL Musée Guimet d'Histoire Naturelle, Lyon, France OUC Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
MHNG Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève, Switzer- PNM Philippines National Museum, Manila, Philip-
land pines
MHNN Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Neuchâtel, Switzer- QM Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia
land RCMMF Museum of Fishes, Research Center Manipur,
MIKU Marine Biological Institute, Kyoto University, Imphal, India
Japan [now at FAKU] RIAH see NCNTTSI
MMNHN Metropolitan Museum of Natural History, Nank- RMNH Naturalis Biodiversity Center [earlier Nationaal
ing, China [now Nanjing Museum, Chinese Natuurhistorisch Museum, earlier Rijksmuseum
Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China] van Natuurlijke Historie], Leiden, The Netherlands
MNCN Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, ROM Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada
Spain; RUSI J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Graham-
MNH Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest, Hungary stown, South Africa [now SAIAB]
SAIAB South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, URM Department of Marine Sciences, University of
Grahamstown, South Africa the Ryukyus, Japan
SAM South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa USNM National Museum of Natural History, Washing-
SAMA South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australia ton, USA
SBC Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching, Sarawak, UUZM Evolutions-Museet, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsa-
Malaysia la, Sweden
SBM Sabah Museum, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malay- VUP Vinh University of Pedagogy, Vinh, Vietnam
sia [see MUS] WAM Western Australian Museum, Perth
SCNU South China Normal University, College of Life WIAP Wistar Institute of Anatomy, Philadelphia, USA
Science, Department of Biology, Guangzhou, [now at ANSP]
China WURC Walailak University Reference Collection, Na-
SCSFRI South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, khon Si Thammarat, Thailand
Guangzhau, China YCM Yokosuka City Museum, Yokosuka, Japan
SFC Shanghai Fisheries College, Shanghai, China YPM Yale University, Peabody Museum, New Haven,
[now SFU] USA
SFI Shanghai Fisheries Institute, Shanghai, China YU School of Life Science, Yunnan University, Kun-
[now SFU] ming, China
SFU Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum
SMF Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Ger- Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany
many ZISP Zoological Institute of the Academy of Scien-
SMK Sarawak Museum, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia ces, St. Petersburg, Russia
SNMB Slovenské Národné Múseum, Bratislava, Slovakia ZIU Zoological Museum, University of Uppsala,
SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Sweden [now UUZM];
Germany ZMA Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amster-
SSCN Museum of the Biological Laboratory, Science dam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [now in
Society of China, Nanking, China [now NRIBAS] RMNH]
SU Stanford University [now at CAS] ZMAU Zoology Museum, Andhra University, Waltair,
SWFC Museum of Zoology, Southwest Forestry Col- Vishakhapatnam, India
lege, Kunming, China ZMB Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
TFRI Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, ZMFMIB Zoologial Museum, Fan Memorial Institute of
Taiwan Biology, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, China
THNHM Thailand Natural History Museum, National Sci- [now ASIZB]
ence Museum, Pathum Tani, Thailand ZMH Zoologisches Museum und Zoologisches Insti-
TINRO Museum Tinro, Vladyvostok, Russia tut, Hamburg, Germany
TISTR Thai Institute of Science and Technology, ZMMU Zoological Museum, Moscow State University,
Bangkok, Thailand Moscow, Russia
TMBU Museum of the Department of Zoology, Tilka- ZMUAS Zoological Museum, Academy of Sciences, Kiev,
manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, India Ukraine
TUF Laboratory of Fishery Biology, Tokyo Universi- ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, København, Denmark
ty of Fisheries [Museum of Fishery Sciences, ZMUO Universitetets I Oslo, Zoologisk Museum, Oslo,
Tokyo University of Marine Sciences and Tech- Norway
nology], Tokyo, Japan ZMUR Zoological Museum, University of Rangoon,
TUK Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Myanmar
Kathmandu, Nepal ZMUU Zoologiska Museet, Uppsala Universitet, Upp-
UBD Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam sala, Sweden [now UUZM]
UF Florida Museum of Natural History, University ZMZ Zoologisches Museum, Zürich, Switzerland
of Florida, Gainesville, USA ZRC Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Na-
UCDZ Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology, tional University of Singapore, Singapore
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India ZSI Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, India
UMB Ueberseemuseum, Bremen, Germany ZSI/CRS Central Regional Station, ZSI, Jabalpur, India
UMMZ University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann ZSI/NRS Northern Regional Station, ZSI, Dehra Dun, In-
Arbor, USA dia
UMSB University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sa- ZSI/SRS Southern Regional Station, ZSI, Madras, India
bah, Malaysia ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Germa-
UMZC University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, ny
U.K. ZUMT Department of Zoology, University Museum,
UNMF Ubonratchathani University Natural History University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Museum of Fisheries, Ubonratchathani, Thailand
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Chiloscyllium Müller & Henle, 1837 not Indian Ocean as reported by Gmelin]; holotype:
Chiloscyllium Müller & Henle, 1837a: 112 (type species: BMNH 1853.11.12.205, Wheeler, 1958: 203)
Scyllium plagiosum Bennett, 1830: 694, by subsequent Squalus tuberculatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 137 (ap-
monotypy in Smith, 1838b: 85; also in Müller & Henle, parently based only on Squale dentelé of La Cepède, 1798:
1837b: 395, 1838a: 17, 1838b: 34). Gender neuter. 281, pl. 11 fig. 1; type locality: unknown; holotype:
Synchismus Gill, 1862a: 407, 408 (type species: Squalus tu- MNHN; ZMB 4443 [2, Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 162]
berculatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 137, by original unlikely to be types)
designation; also in Gill, 1862h: 413). Gender mascu- Squalus Denticulatus Shaw, 1804b: 351 (based only on
line. Squale dentelé of La Cepède, 1798: 281, pl. 11 fig. 1;
Taxonomic notes. Revision by Dingerkus & DeFino (1983). type locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN; objective jun-
Nomenclatural notes. The original description of Chiloscyl- ior synonym of Squalus tuberculatus Bloch, in Schneider,
lium (Müller & Henle, 1837a: 112) was in a summary of 1801: 137)
their forthcoming monograph on plagiostomes (Müller & Squalus Gronovianus Shaw, 1804b: 353 (unnecessary re-
Henle, 1838a: 17). The same text also appeared in Müller & placement name for Squalus indicus Gmelin, 1789: 1503)
Henle (1837b: 395) and was translated in English (Müller & ? Squalus Variegatus Blainville, 1816: 121 (nomen nudum)
Henle, 1838b: 34), both without included species. The first Squalus Dentatus Blainville, 1816: 121 (nomen nudum)
mention of a species name in combination with Chiloscyl- ? Squalus Lambarda Blainville, 1816: 121 (nomen nudum)
lium is by Smith (1838b: 85) in the proceedings of a meeting Chiloscyllium phymatodes Bleeker, 1852a: 21 (type locali-
held on 12 September 1837, published on 13 February 1838. ty: Indonesia: Java: Samarang; holotype [383 mm TL]:
Smith listed various genera, commenting that he had just seen ? RMNH 7406 [1 of 2, smaller specimen], Dingerkus &
Müller & Henle's work (obviously 1837a or 1837b); he cited DeFino, 1983: 22)
Chiloscyllium, including a single species (C. plagiosum), Squalus caudatus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 8 (type locality:
making it type species [Incidentally, the article mentions that Indian Sea [East Indies; Gronovius, 1763: 34]; holotype:
Müller was present at the meeting]. The name was then next BMNH 1853.11.12.205, Wheeler, 1958: 203; objective
used by Müller & Henle (1838c: 83), without included spe- junior synonym of Squalus indicus Gmelin, 1789: 1503)
cies. In this article they announced that the first parts of 1838a Chiloscyllium colax Whitley, 1939a: 228 (available by indi-
will still appear the same year. Article 1838c cannot be dated, cation to Meuschen, 1781: [3], itself based on "n°150",
but the previous page in the volume (p. 82) mentions a meet- which is Squalus dentibus acutis of Gronovius, 1763: 34,
ing held in London on 5 December 1837. n°150; type locality: East Indies [Gronovius, 1763: 34];
holotype: BMNH 1853.11.12.205, Wheeler, 1958: 203;
Chiloscyllium indicum (Gmelin, 1789) objective junior synonym of Squalus indicus Gmelin,
[Squalus] colax Meuschen, 1781: [3] (not available, pub- 1789: 1503)
lished in a rejected work; ICZN, 1954e: 281, Opinion Taxonomic notes. Often enters freshwater and brackish ar-
261) eas (Last et al., 2010: 50). Synonymy based on Dingerkus &
Squalus indicus Gmelin, 1789: 1503 (based on Squalus den- DeFino (1983). Squalius colax Meuschen, 1781 treated as
tibus acutis of Gronovius, 1754: 61, n°133, 1763: 34, valid by some authors (e.g. Kharin, 1987: 69) is not an avail-
n°150; type locality: East Indies [Gronovius, 1763: 34; able name.
Taxonomic notes. For phylogeny and classification, see Goto Ocean; syntypes: material of these authors; junior prima-
(2001). ry homonym of Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781: 24)
Squalus longicaudus Gmelin, 1789: 1496 (based on
Stegostoma Müller & Henle, 1837 Gronovius, 1754: 62, n°136 [ex museo Sebae], 1763: 33,
Stegostoma Müller & Henle, 1837a: 112 (type species: n° 147 and Seba, 1759: 105 n° 1, pl. 34 fig. 1; type local-
Squalus fasciatus Bloch, 1784b: 19, by original designa- ity: no data; syntypes [2]: specimens mentioned by Seba)
tion; also in Müller & Henle, 1837b: 395, 1838b: 35). Squalus tigrinus Pennant, 1791: 92, pl. 13 fig. 2 (type local-
Gender neuter. ity: no data; syntypes [2]: specimens mentioned by Seba,
1759: 105; junior primary homonym of Squalus tigrinus
Stegostoma tigrinum (Forster, 1781) Forster, 1781: 24)
Squalus varius Seba, 1759: 105, pl. 34 fig. 1 (not available, Squalus zebra Shaw, 1804b: 352 (based on Artedi, 1738,
because binominal nomenclature not used consistently; Seba, 1759: pl. 34 fig. 1, Gmelin, 1789, Bloch, 1784b:
also applies to Index) pl. 113, type locality: Indian Seas; syntypes: at least ma-
Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781: 24, pl. 13 fig. 2 (type locali- terial mentioned by Seba [2])
ty: Indian Ocean / Sri Lanka [Singhalese name]; syntypes: Scyllia Quinquecornuatum van Hasselt, 1823a: 315 [trans-
Forster's material and 2 specimens of Seba, 1759: pl. 34 lated in Alfred, 1961b: 81] (type locality: Indonesia: Java;
fig. 1) syntypes: material of Kuhl & van Hasselt, and Seba, 1759:
Squalus fasciatus Hermann, 1783: 302, table (based on Seba, pl. 34 fig. 1)
1759: pl. 34 fig. 1; type locality: no data; lectotype: spec- Scyllium heptagonum Rüppell, 1837: 61, pl. 17 fig. 1 (type
imen figured in Seba, 1759: pl. 34 fig. 1, designated by locality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Didda [Jeddah]; holo-
Fricke, 1999a: 13; spelling Squalo fasciato on p. 302, a type: SMF 3152; lectotype designation by Klausewitz,
non-nominative declension to be corrected in Squalius 1960: 290 is invalid as Rüppell explicitly stated having
fasciatus (Code art. 11.9.2); mention of Linné, 1767: 401 seen a single specimen and did not give bibliographic
relates to Chimaera not S. fasciatus) indication to additional sources)
Squalus tigrinus Broussonet, 1784: 659 (based on Squalus Stegostoma carinatum Blyth, 1847: 725, pl. 25 fig. 1 (type
varius Seba, 1759: 105, pl. 34 fig. 1, Gronovius, 1754: locality: India; holotype: ? ZSI)
62, n°136 [itself based on Seba, 1759: 105], Forster, 1781: Squalus pantherinus Bleeker, 1852a: 23 (not available, name
24, pl. 13 fig. 2; type locality: "mer des Indes" [sea of the listed in synonymy)
Indies] / China: "rivière de Canton" [river of Canton]; Squalus cirrosus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 6 (based on
syntypes: material of Seba and Forster; junior primary Gronovius, 1763: 33, n° 147 [itself based on Gronovius,
homonym of Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781: 24) 1754: 62, n°136, itself on Seba], Seba, 1759: pl. 34 fig.
Squalus fasciatus Bloch, 1784b: 19, pl. 113 (type locality: 1; type locality: no data; syntypes [2]: specimens men-
India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; tioned by Seba)
syntypes: ZMB 4449 [1, listed as holotype], 7833 [1], Stegostoma varium Garman, 1913: 59 (type locality: India
22610 [1], Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 163; primary junior and East Indies to Africa; syntypes: MCZ 55-S [1, Phil-
homonym of Squalus fasciatus Hermann, 1783: 302); also ippines: Manila], ? 33437 [1, Mauritius], uncat. [1], Esch-
Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 130 (locality: "Indian Ocean meyer, 2010, and material on which cited references are
at the mouth of Coromandel") based)
Squalus tygrinus Bonnaterre, 1788: 8, pl. 8 fig. 23 (based on Stegostoma tigrinum naucum Whitley, 1939a: 229, fig. 2
Bloch, 1787b: 17, Forster, 1781: 24, pl. 13 fig. 2, Brous- (type locality: Australia: NSW: Hawkesbury River; ho-
sonet, 1784: 658; type locality: "la mer des Indes"; syn- lotype: AMS I.4174, Paxton et al., 1989: 92)
types: material on which are based the cited references) Scyllium quinquecarinatum Compagno, 1984: 200 (errone-
Squalus fasciatus Bonnaterre, 1788: 8 (based on 'galloné of ous subsequent spelling of Scyllia quinquecornuatum van
Broussonet, 1784: 659; type locality: South Africa: Cape Hasselt, 1823a: 315)
of Good Hope; holotype: BMNH) Taxonomic notes. Freshwater record from Philippines by
Squalus tigrinus Gmelin, 1789: 1493 (based on Forster, 1781: Herre (1925c: 126). Synonymy adapted from Compagno
pl. 13 fig. 2, Squalus fasciatus Bloch, 1784b: 19, pl. 4 (1984: 200). This species is commonly mentioned as Stego-
[113], Gronovius, 1754: 62, n°136 [ex museo Sebae], stoma fasciatum, but the name S. tigrinum has priority. As
1763: 33, n°147, Seba, 1759: 105, pl. 34 fig. 1, Hermann, the latter has been used after 1899, it cannot be suppressed
1783: 302, Broussonet, 1784: 658; type locality: Indian under Code art. 23.9.1.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816 isorrah Müller & Henle, 1839: 46, by original designa-
Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816: 121 (subgenus of Squalus tion). Gender masculine.
Linnaeus, 1758: 233; type species: Carcharhias melan- Isoplagiodon Gill, 1862a: 400, 401 (type species: Carchar-
opterus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 194, designated by ias sorrah Müller & Henle, 1839: 45, by original desig-
ICZN, 1965: 32 [Opinion 723.2c]; on Official List of nation; also Gill, 1862h: 410). Gender masculine.
Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1965: 32 [Opinion Gymnorrhinus Ehrenberg, in Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899:
723.3a]). Gender masculine. pl. 7 (type species: Gymnorrhinus pharaonis Ehrenberg,
Carcharias Cuvier, 1816a: 125 (subgenus of Squalus Lin- in Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899: pl. 7, by present desig-
naeus, 1758: 233; type species: Squalus carcharias Lin- nation; not a junior homonym of Gymnorhinus Wied,
naeus, 1758: 235, by absolute tautonymy; junior hom- 1841: 22, in Aves). Gender masculine.
onym of Carcharias Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 10; on Mapolamia Whitley, 1934b: 188 (type species: Carcharhias
Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in melanopterus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 194, by original
Zoology, ICZN, 1965: 33 [Opinion 723.5c]). Gender designation; junior objective synonym of Carcharhinus
masculine. Blainville, 1816: 121). Gender feminine.
Carcharinus Cloquet, 1817: 77 (incorrect subsequent spell- Gillisqualus Whitley, 1934b: 189 (type species: Gillisqualus
ing of Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816: 121; on Official amblyrhynchoides Whitley, 1934b: 189, by original des-
Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoolo- ignation). Gender masculine.
gy, ICZN, 1965: 33 [Opinion 723.5h]) Galeolamnoides Whitley, 1934b: 191 (type species: Carchar-
Carcharias Risso, 1827: 119 (on Official Index of Rejected ias macrurus Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, 1887: 163, by
and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1965: 33 original designation). Gender masculine.
[Opinion 723.5d]) Ogilamia Whitley, 1939a: 231 (subgenus of Galeolamna
Carcharias Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27 (on Official Index of Owen, 1853: 96; type species: Carcharias stevensi Ogil-
Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, by, 1911: 38, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
1965: 33 [Opinion 723.5e]) Longmania Whitley, 1939a: 231 (type species: Carcharias
Aprion Müller & Henle, 1839: 31 (subgenus of Carcharias brevipinna Müller & Henle, 1839: 31, by original desig-
Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27; type species: usually listed nation). Gender feminine.
as Carcharias isodon Müller & Henle, 1839: 32, by sub- Uranga Whitley, 1943b: 115 (type species: Uranga nasuta
sequent designation, but designation not researched; three Whitley, 1943b: 115, by original designation). Gender
species originally included; junior homonym of Aprion feminine.
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 543, in Uranganops Whitley, 1943b: 117 (subgenus of Galeolamna
Pisces). Gender masculine. Owen, 1853: 96; type species: Galeolamna fitzroyensis
Hypoprion Müller & Henle, 1839: 34 (subgenus of Carchar- Whitley, 1943b: 117, by original designation). Gender
ias Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27; type species: Carcharias masculine.
macloti Müller & Henle, 1838b: 34, by subsequent des- Lamnarius Whitley, 1943b: 119 (subgenus of Galeolamna
ignation by Gill, 1862a: 401). Gender masculine. Owen, 1853: 96; type species: Carcharias spenceri Ogil-
Carcharorhinus Agassiz, 1846: 65 (unjustified emendation by, 1910a: 3, by original designation). Gender masculine.
of Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816: 121; on Official Index Bogimba Whitley, 1943b: 123 (subgenus of Galeolamna
of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, Owen, 1853: 96; type species: Galeolamna bogimba
1965: 33 [Opinion 723.5i]) Whitley, 1943b: 123, by monotypy). Gender neuter.
Galeolamna Owen, 1853: 96 (type species: Galeolamna greyi Pterolamia Springer, 1950: 7 (type species: Squalus longi-
Owen, 1853: 96, by monotypy). Gender feminine. manus Poey, 1861: 338, pl. 19, by original designation;
Aprionodon Gill, 1861a: 59 (type species: Squalus puncta- junior homonym of Pterolamia Breuning, 1942: 128, in
tus Mitchill, 1815: 483, by monotypy). Gender mascu- Coleoptera; on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid
line. Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1965: 33 [Opinion
Hypoprionodon Gill, 1862a: 399, 401 (type species: Car- 723.5g])
charias hemiodon Müller & Henle, 1839: 35, by original Pterolamiops Springer, 1951: 244 (replacement name for
designation; also Gill, 1862h: 409). Gender masculine. Pterolamia Springer, 1950: 7; on Official List of Generic
Eulamia Gill, 1862a: 399, 401 (type species: Carcharias Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1965: 32 [Opinion 723.3e]).
milberti Müller & Henle, 1839: 38, by monotypy [Eu- Gender masculine.
lamia lamia Gill, 1862a, listed as type p. 401 is a nomen Taxonomic notes. Synonymy adapted from Compagno
nudum]; also Gill, 1862h: 409). Gender feminine. (1984: 449) and Garrick (1982: 19).
Platypodon Gill, 1862a: 401 (type species: Carcharias men- The names Gymnorrhinus pharaonis and G. abbreviatus
appeared on a plate prepared by Ehrenberg but posthumously on plate caption]: CAS-SU 11890, Böhlke, 1953: 9, Gar-
published by Carlgren et al. (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899), rick, 1982: 91)
with 4 pages of captions for the fish plates by Hilgendorf. In Carcharias spenceri Ogilby, 1910a: 3 (type locality: eastern
the captions, Hilgendorf listed the names on the plates and Australia: Brisbane River; holotype: QM [AFAQ 290])
commented on their identity. Eschmeyer (2010) considered Galeolamna bogimba Whitley, 1943b: 123, fig. 5 (type lo-
Ehrenberg's names as published in synonymy. They are avail- cality: Australia: Queensland: Fraser Island, Bogimbah;
able from the plates, authored by Ehrenberg. The comments holotype: AMS IB.1225, Garrick, 1982: 91)
by Hilgendorf, on the additional sheets, even if published Galeolamna greyi mckaili Whitley, 1945a: 2 (type locality:
simultaneously, are a different work revising Ehrenberg's Western Australia: Swan River District; holotype: AMS
work. As Hilgendorf (1899: 8) listed the names G. pharaonis IB.508, Garrick, 1982: 91)
and G. abbreviatus in synonymy, they are not available from Carcharhinus Vanrooyeni Smith, 1958a: 12, 28, figs. (type
the comment pages. Hilgendorf used the spelling locality: South Africa: Natal: St. Lucia; holotype: RUSI
Gymnorhinus, but since the name is not available from 175, Garrick, 1982: 91, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Hilgendorf it is not a simultaneous synonym and homonym Distribution notes. Inland records in area: Sumatra (Batang
of Gymnorrhinus Ehrenberg. Gymnorhinus also is not an al- Hari basin; Tan & Lim, 1998: 426), Philippines (Naujan Lake
ternative spelling of Gymnorrhinus and there is no need for [Taniuchi, 1979], Laguna de Bay, Argusan and Saug Riv-
a first reviser action. Gymnorrhinus is not a junior homonym ers), Malaysia (Sungai Perak and Sarawak), Vietnam (Dong-
of Gymnorhinus Wied, 1840. Note that the author of nai) (Compagno & Cook, 1995: 69).
Gymnorhinus is often erroneously cited as "Maxillian [sic],
1840" in ichthyological literature. The author is Wied (1840) Carcharhinus melanopterus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
and Maximilian was his first name. ? Squalus carcharias var. minor Forskål, 1775: viii, 20 (not
[Gymnorrhinus pharaonis Ehrenberg, in Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899: pl. available, not a scientific name, or at best infrasubspecific)
7 fig. 1 (type locality: Red Sea; holotype: model of figured specimen, Carcharias melanopterus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 194, pl.
apparently ZMB 4476, Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 167)].
[Gymnorrhinus abbreviatus Ehrenberg, in Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899: 43, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Waigeo Island;
pl. 7 fig. 2 (type locality: Red Sea; holotype: model of figured speci- lectotype: MNHN 1129, designated by Eschmeyer et al.,
men, apparently ZMB 4472, Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 167)]. 1998: 1055 [original description based on a sinle speci-
men from Waigeo and at least specimen figured in La
Carcharhinus hemiodon (Müller & Henle, 1839) Cepède, 1798: 169, pl. 8 fig. 1; paralectotypes listed by
Carcharrias hemiodon Müller & Henle, 1839: 35, pl. 19 (type Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1055 have no type status]; on
locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: MNHN 1040, Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1965:
designated by Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 718 [listed as ho- 32 [Opinion 723.4a])
lotype by Garrick, 1985: 17]) Squalus ustus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 194 (not available,
? Carcharinus watu Setna & Sarangdhar, 1946: 252, fig. 11 name listed in synonymy)
(type locality: India: Bombay coast; types: LU) Carcharias playfairii Günther, 1870: 362 (type locality: Zan-
? Hypoprion atripinnis Chu, 1960: 80, fig. 75 (type locality: zibar; holotype: BMNH 1867.3.9.427, Eschmeyer, 2010)
China: South China Sea: Gan Chong; holotype: SFI 54- Carcharias elegans Klunzinger, 1871: 658 (not available,
157 [text mentions holotype and paratypes; sentence con- name listed in synonymy)
struction implies first listed is holotype]; also in Chu et Carcharias elegans Ehrenberg, in Hemprich & Ehrenberg,
al., 1962: 26, fig. 19) 1899: pl. 4 fig. 2 (type locality: Red Sea; syntypes [2]:
Distribution notes. Recorded from Saigon River up to Thu- models of the figured specimens, size and sex indica-
dau-mot (Vietnam) by Tirant (1885a [1929: 61]); this identi- tions in caption suggest these could be MZB 4473 [1],
fication requires confirmation. 7813 [1], Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 164)
Carcharias marianensis Engelhardt, 1912: 647 (type locali-
Carcharhinus leucas (Müller & Henle, 1839) ty: Mariana Islands: Guam; holotype: ZSM, lost, pers. obs.)
Carcharias leucas Müller & Henle, 1839: 42 (type locality: Distribution notes. Reported from freshwater in Perak Riv-
Antilles; syntypes [4]: MNHN A.9650 [1], A.9652 [1], er (H. W. Smith, 1931: 281), Lake Naujan, Philippines (Tani-
Compagno, 1984: 478, Garrick, 1982: 91) uchi, 1979), and lakes and estuaries in Madagascar (Compag-
Carcharias zambezensis Peters, 1852a: 276 (type locality: no, 1984: 489).
Mozambique: Zambezi River near Tette and Sena, 17°S; Taxonomic notes. See Garrick (1982) for detailed synony-
holotype: MZB 4468, Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 167, my. See Gymnorrhinus (under Carcharhinus) for availabili-
Garrick, 1982: 91; also in Peters, 1868d: 7, pl. 1 fig. 2) ty of Carcharias elegans and names in Ehrenberg & Hemp-
Squalus platyodon Poey, 1860: 336, 1861: pl. 19 figs. 5–6 rich (1899).
(type locality: Cuba; holotype: LU) Nomenclatural notes. Squalius commersonii Blainville,
Squalus obtusus Poey, 1861: 337, pl. 19 figs. 7–8 (type lo- 1816 or 1825 is sometimes listed as a senior synonym of
cality: Cuba; holotype: LU) Carcharhinus melanopterus. Squalus (Carcharhinus) com-
Eulamia nicaraguensis Gill, in Gill & Bransford, 1877: 190 mersonii Blainville, 1816: 121 is a nomen nudum; also, it is
(type locality: Nicaragua: Lake Nicaragua; holotype: not a latinized name in Blainville, in Vieillot, 1825: 90; Com-
USNM 16887) merson's notes and figures are reproduced in Boeseman
Carcharias azureus Gilbert & Starks, 1904: 11, pl. 2 fig. 5 (1960: 91, fig. 1).
(type locality: Panama fish market; holotype [designated Carcharinus commersonii is first available from Garman
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
specimen, among ZMB 7818 [1], 22614 [1], listed as Scoliodon macrorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852)
syntypes by Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 164) Carcharias macrorhynchos Bleeker, 1852a: 25, 31, pl. 1 fig. 1
Scoliodon longmani Ogilby, 1912: 30 (type locality: Austra- (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holo-
lia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM I.292) type [218 mm TL]: LU, not part of RMNH 7369 [2],
Scoliodon vagatus Garman, 1913: 116 (type locality: Zanzi- White et al., 2010a: 70; also spelt macrorchynchos [p. 31]
bar; holotype: MCZ 401-S, Eschmeyer, 2010) and macrorhijnchos [pl.]; first reviser [apparently Esch-
Carcharias eumeces Pietschmann, 1913: 172, pl. 1 (type lo- meyer et al., 1998: 982] retained C. macrorhynchos as
cality: Cameroon: Bibundi; holotype: Stadt. Mus. Wies- correct original spelling)
baden 931, Eschmeyer, 2010) Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows White et al. (2010a:
Taxonomic notes. Specimens reported by Hora (1924a: 464) 63). Earlier identified as S. laticaudus, which is a species of
and Smith (1945: 39) from Pattalung River and inner lake of the Bay of Bengal and Western Indian Ocean. The species
Thale Sap as Scoliodon walbeehmii (Bleeker, 1856) might from the Bay of Bengal (southwards to Thailand) is S. lati-
belong to R. acutus or S. macrorhynchos. caudus, S. muelleri or an unnamed species; there are no in-
Nomenclatural notes. See Gymnorrhinus (under Carchar- land records from the Bay of Bengal basin. Inland records
hinus) for availability of Carcharias aaronis and names in from Saigon, Thu-dau-mot (Vietnam), Tonlé Sap (Cambo-
Ehrenberg & Hemprich (1899). dia), Perak and Muar Rivers (Malaysia), Barumun, Rokan,
Kampar, Indragiri, Batang Hari and Musi Rivers (Sumatra).
The species reported by Hora (1924a: 464) and Smith (1945:
Scoliodon Müller & Henle, 1837 39) from Pattalung River and Thale Sap as Scoliodon wal-
Scoliodon Müller & Henle, 1837a: 114 (type species S. lati- beehmi (Bleeker, 1856) might be S. macrorhynchos or
caudus Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27, by subsequent mono- Rhizoprionodon acutus.
typy in Müller & Henle, 1838a: 28 or Bonaparte, 1838b: [Scoliodon laticaudus Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27 (type locality: "India";
210 [p. 10 of reprint]; also in Müller & Henle, 1837b: holotype: ZMB 7830, Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 168; lectotype desig-
nation by Springer, 1964: 579 not valid, see Paepke & Schmidt, 1988:
397, 1838b: 35). Gender masculine. 168)].
Physodon Bonaparte, 1838b: 210 [p. 10 of reprint] (type spe- [Carcharias laticaudus Müller & Henle, 1839: 27, pl. 8 [not equal to previ-
cies: Carcharias muelleri Müller & Henle, 1839: 30, by ous account; a replacement text for Müller & Henle, 1838a: 27–28; see
subsequent monotypy). Gender masculine. Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 168] (type locality: India: Bombay; lectotype
MNHN 1123, designated by Springer, 1964: 579)].
[Carcharias Mülleri Müller & Henle, 1839: 30, pl. 19 (type locality: India:
Bengal; holotype: MNHN 1041, Bertin, 1939: 69, White et al., 2010b:
fig. 7b; incorrect original spelling, must be emended to muelleri, Code
Anoxypristis White & Moy-Thomas, 1941 Sakhon Province: Tha Chin]; 13°30'N 100°17'E]) and mea-
Oxypristis Hoffmann, 1912: 334 (type species: Pristis cus- sured 8 m, the saw was 2.5 m long and 40 cm wide at the
pidatus Latham, 1794: 279, by monotypy; junior hom- base. The 5 specimens reported from the Indragiri River at
onym of Oxypristis Signoret, 1860: 937, in Hemiptera). Rengat, Sumatra, by Taniuchi (1979) are likely Pristis mi-
Gender feminine. crodon. Monkolprasit (1984: 83) reported the species as en-
Anoxypristis White & Moy-Thomas, 1941: 397 (replacement tering rivers, without further details.
name for Oxypristis Hoffmann, 1912: 334). Gender fem-
Pristis Linck, 1790
Anoxypristis cuspidata (Latham, 1794) Pristis Linck, 1790: 31 (type species: Squalus pristis Lin-
Pristis cuspidatus Latham, 1794: 279, pl. 26 fig. 3 (type lo- naeus, 1758: 235, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
cality: unknown; syntypes [2]: NT [MNHN 1250, listed Pristis Latham, 1794: 276 (type species: Squalus pristis Lin-
as neotype by Séret & McEachran, 1986: 9, Eschmeyer, naeus, 1758: 235, by absolute tautonymy; junior hom-
2010, has no type status as the mentioned designation onym of Pristis Linck, 1790: 31). Gender feminine.
has never been publised and as information in Séret & Pristobatus Blainville, 1816: 121 (subgenus of Raja Lin-
McEchran, and Eschmeyer, do not satisfy conditions of naeus, 1758: 231; type species: Pistis antiquorum Latham,
Code art. 75.3]) 1794: 277, by subsequent designation by Jordan & Ever-
Distribution notes. Record from fresh waters in area by mann, 1896b: 60). Gender masculine.
Smith (1945: 40) cannot be checked as details are lacking. Pristobatys Blainville, 1818: 385 (incorrect subsequent spell-
The specimen was collected in Tachin River (Thailand [Samut ing of Pristobatus Blainville, 1816: 121)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pristibatis Blainville, in Vieillot, 1825: 49 (incorrect subse- Pristis serra Schneider, 1801: pl. 70 [upper] (listed as Pris-
quent spelling of Pristobatus Blainville, 1816: 121) tis pectinata pl. 70 fig. 1 on p. 351; type locality: not
Pristiopsis Fowler, 1905a: 459 (subgenus of Pristis Linck, stated; syntypes: material of P. pectinata of Latham, 1794:
1790: 31; type species: Pristis perotteti Müller & Henle, 278 and one specimen of Bloch)
1841: 108, by original designation). Gender feminine. Pristis megalodon Duméril, 1865: 476, pl. 9 fig. 4 (type lo-
cality: Guyane Française: Cayenne [footnote]; holotype:
Pristis microdon Latham, 1794 MNHN 3484, Séret & McEachran, 1986: 9)
Pristis microdon Latham, 1794: 280, pl. 26 fig. 4 (type lo- Pristis acutirostris Duméril, 1865: 479 (type locality: Antilles;
cality: not stated; holotype: LU) holotype: MNHN A.9476, Séret & McEachran, 1986: 9)
? Pristis perotteti Müller & Henle, 1841: 108, 192 (type lo- Pristobatus occa Duméril, 1865: 479 (type locality: unknown;
cality: Sénégal: Sénégal River in freshwater; holotype: holotype: ? MNHN)
MNHN, lost, Séret & McEachran, 1986: 36) ? Pristes Woermanni Fischer, 1884a: 39 (type locality: Cam-
Pristiopsis leichhardti Whitley, 1945b: 44, fig. 1 (type local- eroon; holotype: ZMH 6278, Wilkens & Dohse, 1993:
ity: Australia: Queensland: Lynd River; syntypes: LU, 410)
Paxton et al., 1989: 58) Pristis annandalei Chaudhuri, 1908b: 391, fig. (type locali-
Taxonomic notes. Tirant (1885b [1929: 71]) recorded P. perotteti, ty: Burma coast: Elephant Point; holotype: ZSI)
P. zijsron and P. cuspidatus from Cochinchina and Cambo-
dia, but without detailed locality data. He stated that all spe- Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851
cies of sawfishes enter rivers and that they had been seen in Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851p: 442 (type locality: Indonesia:
freshwater in Tanan, Chaudoc and Phnom-Penh. Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype
According to Last & Stevens (1994: 364), P. microdon is [a 390 mm rostrum]: RMNH D.7418, van Oijen et al.,
the only species of Pristidae recorded from freshwaters in 2007: 37, fig. 2; also in Bleeker, 1852a: 55)
Southeast Asia. There are occasional records of P. clavata in Pristis dubia Bleeker, 1852a: 56, pl. 4 fig. 11 (type locality:
lower courses of Australian rivers. It is expected to occur in not stated [Indonesia: possibly Java]; holotype: RMNH
Southeast Asia. Pristis perotteti is sometimes considered as 34134 [caudal fin only; earlier part of RMNH D.7418],
synonym of P. microdon but is possibly a distinct species. van Oijen et al., 2007: 37, figs. 1, 3, Séret & McEachran,
Pristiopsis leichhardti is considered as synonym of 1986: 36; spelt dubius on p. 56, dubia on pl. 4, correct
P. microdon by Last & Stevens (1994: 365) and of P. clavata spelling is dubia)
by Hoese et al. (2006: 171). Pristis leptodon Duméril, 1865: 480 (type locality: Red Sea;
[Pristis clavata Garman, 1906: 208 (type locality: Australia: Queensland; syntypes [2]: MNHN 3485 [1], 3486 [1], Séret &
holotype: MCZ 733)] McEachran, 1986: 9)
Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794 Distribution notes. The freshwater record from Banjarma-
Pristis pectinatus Latham, 1794: 278, pl. 26 fig. 2 (type lo- sin by Bleeker (1852o: 442, 1854c: 460) is based on a spec-
cality: not stated [localities of material in cited referenc- imen of P. microdon (van Oijen et al., 2007: 42, fig. 4). The
es]; syntypes: specimens in cited literature records) habitat of the holotype of P. zijsron (also from Banjarmasin)
Pristis granulosa Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 352 (based on is not known. Inland records in Labuk and Kinabatangan
Pez de Espada of Parra, 1787: 75, fig. 33; type locality: Rivers (Borneo) (Last et al., 2010: 145).
Cuba; types: material of Parra, 1787)
Taxonomic notes. Reported to live and breed in freshwater Several species are included in the type series (including the
(Last & Stevens, 1994: 291). Rhinobatus typus is available types of Raja rhinobatos Linnaeus, 1758: 232) belonging to
by indication to R. rhinobatus of Bloch (in Schneider, 1801: different genera. A lectotype designation is needed to fix the
353). The type series includes the specimen available to Ben- usage of the name. BMNH 1852.8.30.17 (Bennett's speci-
nett (1830: 694), 5 specimen available to Bloch and the spec- men) is not the holotype but a syntype. It is probably the best
imens on which are based the literature sources of Bloch. quandidate as lectotype.
Nomenclatural notes. See Steyskal (1980: 171) for correct Dasybatus Garman, 1885: 221 (not a new name; Garman
spelling of the family-group name. Dasyatidae is an incor- referred to Dasybatus Jordan & Gilbert, 1881: 35; if rec-
rect spelling. ognised as valid, then type species cannot be by monoty-
py since Garman included 34 species, and it would be a
Dasyatis Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810 junior homonym of Dasybatus Blainville, 1816: 112,
Dasybatus Klein, 1775: 991 (not available, work not using Dasybatus Bonaparte, 1838b: 203 in Rajidae and Dasyba-
binominal system), Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 581 (not tus Jordan & Gilbert, 1881: 35)
available, ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion 21], 1926b: 94 ? Brachioptera Gratzianov, 1906: 400 (type species: Bra-
[Opinion 21]) chioptera rhinoceros Gratzianov, 1906: 401, by monoty-
Dasyatis Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 16 (type species: py). Gender feminine.
Dasyatis ujo Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 16, by mono- Amphotistius Garman, 1913: 375, 392 (subgenus of Dasyba-
typy; also in Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 49, which tus Jordan & Gilbert, 1881: 35; type species: Trygon sa-
appeared later). Gender feminine. bina Lesueur, 1824: 109, by original designation). Gen-
Uroxis Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 48, 61 (type species: der masculine.
Dasyatis ujo Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 16, by mono- Toshia Whitley, 1933: 60 (type species: Dasyatis fluviorum
typy; junior objective synonym of Dasyatis Rafinesque- Ogilby, 1908c: 6, by original designation). Gender femi-
Schmaltz, 1810a: 16). Gender masculine. nine.
Trygonobatus Blainville, 1816 [July]: 112 (subgenus of Raja Bathytoshia Whitley, 1933: 61 (type species: Dasyatis theti-
Linnaeus, 1758: 231; type species: Raja pastinaca Lin- dis Ogilby, in Waite, 1899: 46, by original designation).
naeus, 1758: 232, by subsequent designation by Lesson, Gender feminine.
1830: 374 [see Notes]). Gender masculine. Urolophoides Lindberg, in Soldatov & Lindberg, 1930: 24
Trygon Cuvier, 1816a [Nov]: 136 (type species: Raja pasti- (type species: Urolophoides giganteus Lindberg, 1930:
naca Linnaeus, 1758: 232, by subsequent designation by 26, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828a: 99). Gender feminine. Nomenclatural notes. Whitley (1935c: 137) considered that
Hypanus Rafinesque, 1818: 272 (type species: Raja say Le Lesson (1830: 374) designated Raja pastinaca as type spe-
Sueur, 1817a: 42, by monotypy). Gender masculine. cies of Trygonobatus. Under the entry "Trigonobate", Les-
Trygonobatis Blainville, 1825: 35 (incorrect subsequent spell- son stated "the type of this genus is the pastenague, described
ing of Trygonobatus Blainville, 1816: 112) vol. 14 p. 448 of this dictionary", but he did not mention an
Anacanthe Cuvier, 1829: 400 (not available, not latinized; available name. This could be acceptable as a type designa-
spelling Anacanthus not used by Cuvier) tion if the 'pastenague' was linked to an available name. In-
Hemitrygon Müller & Henle, 1838b: 90 [Feb.] (subgenus of deed, in the text on "Raie" (ray, singular) authored by Bory
Trygon Cuvier, 1816a: 136; type species: Trygon bennet- de Saint-Vincent (1828b), there is (p. 8) a subheading "pas-
tii Müller & Henle, 1841: 160, apparently by subsequent tenagues" (stingrays; plural) of the entry "Raie" (ray; singu-
designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 82 [two spe- lar). There, Bory de Saint-Vincent listed "the most common spe-
cies originally included, but unnamed; designation not cies is Raja pastinaca" and "the other pastenagues" (17 avail-
by subsequent monotypy in Müller & Henle, 1841: 160, able names). In the writing style of the early 1800s it was
since Hemitrygon is mentioned nowhere in this work]; common sense that "the most common species" of pastenague
also in Müller & Henle, 1838c: 85 [no date], Bonaparte, mentioned in 1828 (p. 448) is the one intended as "the pas-
1838b: 203). Gender feminine. tenague" in 1830 (p. 374). In vol. 13 of the same dictionary,
Dasybatus Jordan & Gilbert, 1881: 35 (type species: Dasy- there is an entry "Pastenague" (singular), authored by Bory
batis dipterurus Jordan & Gilbert, 1880: 31, by monotypy; de Saint-Vincent (1828a: 99): "Species of the genus Raie,
junior homonym of Dasybatus Blainville, 1816: 112 and Raia Pastinaca L. [...]. See Raie". It is arguable whether this
Dasybatus Bonaparte, 1838b: 203 [p.7 of reprint] in should be accepted as a type species designation under present
Rajidae). Gender masculine. formal standards, but with the logic of the time and internal
consistency of this dictionary, I accept it as valid.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Dasyatis laosensis Roberts & Karnasuta, 1987 [Trygon Walga Müller & Henle, 1841: 159, pl. 51 (type locality: Red Sea /
Dasyatis laosensis Roberts & Karnasuta, 1987: 162, fig. 1 India: Ganges delta; syntypes [10]: MNHN 2337 [1], 2431 [1], MNHN
[4], BMNH [1], RMNH [3], Dor, 1984: 17, Séret & McEachran, 1986:
(type locality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Mekong 20, Eschmeyer, 2010)].
River in Chiang Kham District; holotype: BMNH
1985.9.26.1) Himantura kittipongi Vidthayanon & Roberts, 2006
Himantura kittipongi Vidthayanon & Roberts, 2006: 124,
Dasyatis microps (Annandale, 1908) figs. 2–4 (type locality: Thailand: Maekhlong near Kan-
Trygon microps Annandale, 1908: 393, pl. 27 (type locality: chanaburi; holotype: ZRC 50381)
Bangladesh: Bay of Bengal, off Chittagong coast; holo-
type: ZSI F2410/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 97) Himantura oxyrhynchus (Sauvage, 1878)
Distribution notes. Recorded from "estuaries, river mouths" Trygon oxyrhynchus Sauvage, 1878a: 91 (type locality: Viet-
by White et al. (2006: 226). nam: Saïgon; holotype: MNHN 9639, Séret &
McEachran, 1986: 19, Kottelat, 1984a: 794, Deynat &
Fermon, 2001: 162; compound noun, indeclinable [not
Himantura Müller & Henle, 1837 adjective because it did not agree in gender in original
Himantura Müller & Henle, 1837a: 117 (type species: Raja description])
uarnak Gmelin, 1789: 1509 [not available from Forskål, Dasybatus Krempfi Chabanaud, 1923a: 47, fig. 2 (type lo-
1775: viii, 18, where mentioned only as vernacular name], cality: Cambodia: Phnom Penh; syntypes: MNHN 1922-
by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 0077–0079 [3], Séret & McEachran, 1986: 18)
82; no species originally included, first inclusion appar-
ently by Duméril, 1865: 583 [Himantura nova sp. in Himantura polylepis (Bleeker, 1852)
Bonaparte, 1838b: 202 is not an included name but re- Trygon polylepis Bleeker, 1852a: 73 (type locality: Indone-
fers to an unnamed species of Müller & Henle]; also in sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], in sea; holotype [male, 310 mm
Müller & Henle, 1837b: 400, 1838: 90). Gender feminine. disk width]: RMNH 7452, Last & Manjaji-Matsumoto,
Pastinaca Swainson, 1838: 172 (unnecessary replacement 2008: 286, fig. 2b)
name for Himantura Müller & Henle, 1837a: 117). Gen- Himantura chaophraya Monkolprasit & Roberts, 1990: 204,
der feminine. fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Chao Phraya at Ayutthaya;
holotype: KUMF 2998)
Himantura bleekeri (Blyth, 1860) Distribution notes. First record of a Mekong stingray ("up
Trygon Bleekeri Blyth, 1860a: 41 (type locality: India: Cal- to 1.5 m") by Aymonier (1885: 83) from "Moun" at "Oubon"
cutta fish bazars; syntypes [2]: BMNH 1892.6.17.15 [1], [Mun River at Ubon Ratchatani, Thailand] and by Tirant
Eschmeyer, 2010) (1885a [1929: 76]); the size suggests it was probably H. poly-
Distribution notes. Record from outer lake of Thale Sap at lepis.
Singgora (Thailand) by Hora (1924a); identification needs Taxonomic notes. Eschmeyer (2010) retained H. chaophraya
confirmation. The specimen illustrated by Smith (1945: pl. 1) as valid instead of H. polylepis on the ground of prevailing
as H. bleekeri is H. oxyrhynchus. usage. This has no nomenclatural validity as this is not pub-
lished on paper. Also, reversal of precedence is only possi-
Himantura granulata (Macleay, 1883) ble under Code art. 23.9.2, whose conditions are not met.
Trygon granulata Macleay, 1883: 598 (type locality: Papua Further, prevailing usage cannot be invoked for a name first
New Guinea: Port Moresby; holotype: AMS I.9763, Esch- proposed in 1990 and whose validity was already dubious in
meyer, 2010) 1994 (Last & Stevens, 1994: 399; Kottelat, 1998a: 20).
Trygon ponapensis Günther, 1910: 493, pl. 180 (type local-
ity: Caroline Islands: Ponape, Kubary; holotype: BMNH Himantura signifer Compagno & Roberts, 1982
1879.5.22.105, Eschmeyer, 2010) Himantura signifer Compagno & Roberts, 1982: 333, fig. 4
Distribution notes. Recorded from "mangroves and estuar- (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
ies" by White et al. (2006: 242). mouth of Sungai Ketunggau near mainstream of Kapuas
River; holotype: MZB 3004; signifer proposed as a noun,
Himantura imbricata (Schneider, 1801) indeclinable)
Raja imbricata Schneider, 1801: 366 (type locality: India:
Coromandel coast; holotype: ZMB 7585, Paepke & Himantura uarnak (Gmelin, 1789)
Schmidt, 1988: 177) Raja sephen uarnak Forskål, 1775: viii, 18 (not available,
Raja obtusa Ehrenberg, in Klunzinger, 1871: 680 (not avail- uarnak mentioned as vernacular name)
able, name listed in synonymy; locality: Red Sea) ? Raja omm es scherit Forskål, 1775: ix (type locality: Red
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Vietnam (Saigon Sea; types: NT; incorrect original spelling, must be
and Thu-dau-mot) [as Trygon walga] by Tirant (1885b [1929: emended to ommesscherit, Code]; here declared a
77]), from Cambodia (Grand Lac) by Chevey (1936: 42) and nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been
Kottelat (1985a: 254) cannot be checked and probably part- used as a valid name since 1899 [Code art.], and
ly refer to H. polylepis or H. imbricata. Record from Sikao Raja uarnak Gmelin, 1789: 1509 has been used in at least
estuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2012a–b) but 25 works in the last 50 years [Code art.])
not clear if inland or in sea. ? Raja schoukie Forskål, 1775: ix (type locality: Red Sea:
Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Sudan: Suaken; syntypes: if thought to be distinct species. The designation of a com-
NT; here declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, mon neotype for the five names and an older synonym or
as it has not been used as a valid name since 1899 [Code H. uarnak would definitively eliminate them from the no-
art.], and Raja uarnak Gmelin, 1789: 1509 has menclature. Raja arnak, R. tajara and R. mula also listed as
been used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code synonyms of H. uarnak by Compagno & Roberts are syn-
art.]; if considered not available from Forskål, onyms of other species (Fricke, 2008: 11, 13).
then available from Bonnaterre, 1788: 6 as R. schoukia, List of 25 works in which Raja uarnak Gmelin, 1789:
and also declared a nomen oblitum for same reasons) 1509 is used as a valid name, published by at least 10 au-
Raia Scherit Bonnaterre, 1788: 6 (based on Raja ommes- thors, in the immediately preceeding 50 years and encom-
scherit Forskål, 1775: ix; type locality: Red Sea; types: passing a span of not less than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2):
NT; here declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, (1) Allen & Erdmann, 2012: 64; (2) Carpenter & Niem, 1999:
as it has not been used as a valid name since 1899 [Code 1491; (3) Compagno & Roberts, 1984: 4; (4) De Bruin et al.,
art.], and Raja uarnak Gmelin, 1789: 1509 has 1994: 87; (5) Deynat & Fermon, 2001: 161; (6) Dor, 1964:
been used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code 18; (7) Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola, 1984: 38; (8) Hutchins,
art.]) 2001: 15; (9) Jones & Kumaran, 1980: 31; (10) Kuiter &
Raja Uárnak Gmelin, 1789: 1509 (type locality: "all Euro- Debelius, 1994: 28; (11) Larson & Williams, 1997: 346;
pean Seas, Red Sea and Indian Sea"; syntypes: LU, in- (12) Last & Stevens, 1999: 408; (13) Masuda et al., 1984:
cludes material of Forskål, 1775: 18 [lost] and must have 16; (14) Munro, 1967: 15; (15) Myers, 1999: 38; (16) Naka-
included other sources; here declared a nomen protectum bo, 1993: 144; (17) Paxton et al., 1989: 42; (18) Randall,
under Code art. 23.9.2, used in at least 25 works in the 1995: 46; (9) (19) Randall & Lim, 2000: 583; (20) Sains-
last 50 years, listed under Nomenclatural notes [Code art. bury et al., 1985: 50; (21) Shen, 1993: 84; (22) Smith &]) Heemstra, 1986: 139; (23) Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 46;
Raja Uàrnak Walbaum, 1792: 534 (type locality: Red Sea; (24) van der Elst, 1981: 46; (25) Whitehead et al., 1984: 201.
types: NT, material of Forskål, 1775: 18; spelt uarnata
p. 713, as first reviser I select uarnak as the correct orig-
inal spelling; a junior homonym of Raja uarnak Gmelin, Pastinachus Rüppell, 1829
1789: 1509) Pastinachus Rüppell, 1829a: 51 (subgenus of Trygon Cu-
Trygon variegatus M'Clelland, 1841a: 60, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type vier, 1816a: 136; type species: Raja sephen Forskål, 1775:
locality: India: Salt-Water Lake, near Calcutta; syntypes: viii, 17, by subsequent designation by Garman, 1913:
LU) 375). Gender masculine.
Trygon maculata Bleeker, 1852a: 70 (not available, name Hypolophus Müller & Henle, 1837a: 117 (type species: Raja
listed in synonymy) sephen Forskål, 1775: viii, 17, by subsequent designa-
? Trygon Ellioti Blyth, 1860a: 41 (type locality: India: Cal- tion by Bonaparte, 1838b: 202 [p. 6 of reprint]; no spe-
cutta market; syntypes [at least 5]: ? ZSI) cies originally included, first inclusion by Bonaparte,
? Trygon punctata Günther, 1870: 474 (type locality: East 1838b: 202 [p. 6 of reprint]; also in Müller & Henle,
Indian archipelago; holotype: BMNH 1953.8.10.15) 1837b: 400, 1838b: 90; junior objective synonym of Pas-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy modified from Compagno & tinachus Rüppell, 1829a: 51). Gender masculine.
Robert (1982: 324). Compagno & Roberts (1982) could not Makararaja Roberts, 2007b: 286 (type species: Makararaja
find direct evidence of the presence of H. uarnak in fresh- chindwinensis Roberts, 2007b: 286, by original designa-
water. It was first recorded from freshwaters in Vietnam by tion). Gender feminine.
Tirant (1885a [1929: 77]) as the stingray reaching fartest
upriver (as he indicated that H. walga was fished at Thu- Pastinachus chindwinensis (Roberts, 2007)
dau-mot, this means he observed his H. uarnak upstream of Makararaja chindwinensis Roberts, 2007b: 286, fig. 3 (type
Thu-dau-mot). This identifications needs confirmation; it locality: Myanmar: Chindwin River about 20 km down-
possibly refers to H. oxyrhynchus. H. W. Smith (1931: 282) stream from Khamti; holotype: ZRC 50566)
reported H. uarnak from Telok Anson, Perak River (Malay-
sia) and this may refer to H. imbricata. Pastinachus ater (Macleay, 1883)
Nomenclatural notes. Raja uarnak is not an available name Taeniura atra Macleay, 1883a: 598 (type locality: Papua New
from Forskål (1775) as it is clearly listed as a vernacular Guinea [Port Moresby district; Eschmeyer, 2010]; holo-
name for a variety, as opposed to the name of a species (spe- type: AMS I.9762, Last et al., 2005: 15)
cies names are numbered in the Conspectus and are clearly Taxonomic notes. Valid, following Last et al. (2010: 222; as
binominal). The name R. uarnak is first available from Gmelin P. atrus).
(1789). If the synonymy of Compagno & Roberts (1982) is Nomenclatural notes. Atra is the feminine of the adjective
correct, then two names created by Forskål (1775) (Raja ater; as Pastinachus is a masculine word, the correct spell-
ommesscherit, Raja schoukie) and Raia scherit Bonnaterre, ing is ater.
1788 are senior synonyms of Raja uarnak Gmelin, 1789. As
they have apparently not been used since Walbaum (1792) Pastinachus sephen (Forskål, 1775)
and Schneider (1801), R. uarnak Gmelin, 1789 can be de- Raja sephen Forskål, 1775: viii, 17 (type locality: Red Sea:
clared a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, but both Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al Lu-
ommesscherit and schoukie can still be individually revived hayyah]; types: lost, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Raia sancur Hamilton, 1822: 2, 361 (type locality: India: Klausewitz, 1960: 294, pl. 43 fig. 4, Last et al., 2005: 14)
estuaries of the Ganges in fresh and salt water; types: Dasybatus Gruveli Chabanaud, 1923a: 45, fig. 1 (type local-
NT; Hamilton's unpublished drawing reproduced in Hora, ity: Gulf of Thailand; holotype: MNHN 1922-0076, Séret
1929a: pl. 13 figs. 1–2, but its identity is doubted by & McEachran, 1986: 18, Last et al., 2005: 15)
Roberts, 1998a) Taxonomic notes. A number of the records of P. sephen in
Raia fluviatilis Hamilton, 1822: 1 (type locality: India: Kan- inland waters in the area may refer to other species. The fig-
pur, Patna; types: NT; available because of the statement ure of a freshwater specimen from Sumatra in Taniuchi, 1979:
under Raia sancur Hamilton, 1822: 2 "except in wanting 274 (reproduced in Kottelat et al., 1993: pl. 3) shows P. stel-
the prickel on the tail, it has a strong resemblance to the lurostris.
first species", and also by characters in Index methodi-
cus, p. 361, which refer to present species as "Raia Lym- Pastinachus stellurostris Last, Fahmi & Naylor, 2010
na ?"; simultaneous subjective synonym of Raia sancur Pastinachus stellurostris Last, Fahmi & Naylor, 2010: 131,
Hamilton, 1822: 2, first reviser [Roberts, 1998a: 275] gave figs. 1–2 (type locality: Borneo: Indonesia: Kalimantan
precedence to R. sancur) Barat: Sungai Pinyuh fish market, caught near Pemangkat,
Trigon Forskålii Rüppell, 1829a: 53, pl. 13 fig. 2 (type lo- about 1°10'N 108°58'E; holotype: MZB 18226)
cality: Red Sea; lectotype: SMF 2538, designated by
Potamotrygon Garman, 1877 permit him to write the text. A note was published by
Potamotrygon Garman, 1877: 210 (type species: Pastinaca d'Orbigny himself (1847: 5), dated 25 June 1847; he com-
humboldtii Roulin, in [Lesson], 1829b: 465, by subse- mented that the lack of time and space forced him to be very
quent designation by Eigenmann, 1910: 378). Gender concise. He stated (p. 12) that the reptile plates 7–12 would
feminine. not be published. D'Orbigny also mentioned that the reptile
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Potamotrygon is plates had been labelled by Bibron.
usually listed as "Trygon hystrix Müller & Henle, 1841, by Valenciennes (1847) published a list of the fish species
subsequent designation by Jordan, 1919b: 389" (e.g. Esch- figured on the plates, with short comments. The introduction
meyer, 2010). This includes quite a number of errors. First, started with "the need to publish very succinctly the last sheets
T. hystrix is not available from Müller & Henle, 1841: 167 of the Voyage of Mr. d'Orbigny forced me to give only a
but from the caption of plate 13 in d'Orbigny (1836; see pub- simple catalogue", and referred to descriptions that had al-
lication date in Sherborn & Griffin, 1934: 131). The spelling ready been published in the various volumes of Cuvier &
used on the plate is T. histrix, which thus is the correct orig- Valenciennes' Histoire naturelle des poissons. In the text,
inal spelling. On the plate, the authorship of the name is in- Valenciennes (1847) used the spelling T. hystrix and com-
dicated as Müller & Henle, but they have no responsibility mented that the species had been described by Müller & Henle
for the conditions making the name available and therefore (in 1841).
are not authors. Valenciennes is sometimes listed as author There is no information as to who labelled the fish plates,
of the fish part in d'Orbigny's work. He is effectively the but as many of the species on the plates had been named and
author of the 1847 text on fishes collected by d'Orbigny, but described by Valenciennes, it seems he was involved. There
it is not clear whether he was involved with the labelling of is no indication that Müller & Henle had any responsibility
the plates. D'Orbigny published a series of volumes report- for the labelling of the plate. They identified and described
ing on his travel to South America. The work was intended the specimen in their then-unpublished work and Valencien-
to include sections on different animal groups. Text and plates nes used the name. Müller & Henle (1841: 167) did not in-
were issued as livraisons and were distributed as they were clude the plate in their bibliographic references, which sug-
ready, not in the sequence planned for the work. For exam- gests they were not aware of it. Valenciennes (in d'Orbigny),
ple, in volume 5, the extensive texts on molluscs, zoophytes or d'Orbigny, is author of T. histrix.
and foraminifera (which make parts 3, 4 and 5, respectively) In any case, the earliest type-species designation for Pot-
were published in several livraisons over the years 1835–1846. amotrygon seems to be by Eigenmann (1910: 378) who des-
Plates prepared for a fish chapter were published in 1834– ignated Pastinaca humboldtii Roulin, in Lesson, 1829, as
39 (Sherborn & Griffin, 1934). A text had been planned to type species. The first description of P. humboldtii, by Rou-
accompany all the plates. Plates were distributed for reptiles lin (1829), did not use a latinized name and the name is not
and fishes, but by 1847 no text had been published. For rea- available. A review of Roulin's paper appeared in Férussac's
sons I did not research (probably there were no funds for Bulletin Universel, in which the latinized P. humboldtii is
publishing more livraisons, or the number of pages had been used. The review is signed "L.", which apparently was Les-
fixed at the beginning), the series had to be terminated and son (one of the zoology editor of this journal). Given that all
abbreviated texts were issued for reptiles and fishes. Rep- the data are extracted from Roulin (1829), authorship is in-
tiles were to be described by Bibron, but his health did not dicated as Roulin, in Lesson.
[Trygon histrix Valenciennes, in d'Orbigny, 1836: pl. 13 (type locality: Ar- *Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle, 1841)
gentina: Buenos Aires [Müller & Henle, 1841: 167]; holotype: MNHN Taeniura motoro Müller & Henle, 1841: 197 (type locality:
A.2449; invalid lectotype designation by Castex, 1969: 8)].
[Pastinaca humboldtii Roulin, in Lesson, 1829b: 465 (based on Roulin, 1829: Brazil: Cuiabá River / Guapore River; syntypes [5]: ?
104, pl. 3; type locality: Colombia: San Martin Province: Meta River at NMW 77987 [1], ? 78613 [1], ? 78655 [1], ZMB 4662
Giramena; syntypes [2]: specimens possibly not preserved, but spine of [1], Paepke & Schmidt, 1988: 181, Eschmeyer, 2010)
one deposited in MNHN, possibly lost)]. Distribution notes. Introduced. Established in Singapore (Ng
et al., 2010).
Nomenclatural notes. See Steyskal (1980: 170) for correct batis N." [N. = Nobis, ours] and by stating so in the 1841
spelling of the family-group name commonly spelt Mylio- work (p. 179).
batidae. It is not Raja aquila Linnaeus, 1758: 232 [mentioned as
designated by Bory de St-Vincent, 1822a: 129 by Whitley,
Aetobatus Blainville, 1816 1935c: 137] because "R. Aquilae" in the sentence "Aëtoba-
Aëtobatus Blainville, 1816: 112 (subgenus of Raja Linnaeus, tus aut R. Aquilae" on the left margin in Blainville (1816:
1758: 231; type species: Raja narinari Euphrasén, 1790: 112) is not an included species, but means "Aëtobatus or the
217, by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, eagle rays" and is a vernacular name, also obvious by com-
1917: 95 [see below]). Gender masculine. parison with other names in similar positions in same text
Aetobatis Blainville, in Vieillot, 1825: 38 (incorrect subse- (e.g. "Dasybatus aut R. Communes", Dasybatus or the com-
quent spelling of Aetobatus Blainville, 1816: 112) mon rays; 'communes' is plural, if it were intended as a spe-
Aëtobatis Müller & Henle, 1837a: 118 (type species: Raja Nari- cies name it would have been singular).
nari Euphrasén, 1790: 217, by subsequent designation by The earliest valid designation seems to be by Jordan &
Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 88; no species originally Evermann (1917: 95).
included, first inclusion by Müller & Henle, 1841: 179,
198; designation of Ereegoodoo-tenkee of Russel, 1803 Aetobatus mula (Forskål, 1775)
by Bonaparte, 1838b: 201 invalid as this is not a binominal Raja mula Forskål, 1775: ix (type locality: Red Sea: Saudi
name; not a junior homonym of Aetobatis Blainville, in Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; types: NT; if considered not
Vieillot, 1825: 38 as this is an incorrect subsequent spell- available from Forskål, then available from Bonnaterre,
ing of Aetobatus Blainville, 1816: 112; also in Müller & 1788: 6)
Henle, 1837b: 401, 1838b: 91). Gender feminine. Raja tajara Forskål, 1775: ix (type locality: Red Sea: Saudi
Stoasodon Cantor, 1849: 1416 (unnecessary replacement Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al Luhayyah];
name for Aetobatis Müller & Henle, 1837a: 118). Gen- syntypes: NT; if considered not available from Forskål,
der masculine. then available from Bonnaterre, 1788: 6; simultaneous
Goniobatis Agassiz, 1858: 385 (type species: Raja flagel- subjective synonym of R. mula, precedence given here
lum Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 361, by subsequent des- to R. mula)
ignation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 88). Gender fem- Myliobatus ocellatus Kuhl, in van Hasselt, 1823a: 316 [trans-
inine. lated in Alfred, 1961b: 82] (type locality: Indonesia: Java:
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Aëtobatus Blain- Jakarta: Muara Angke fish landing site [original type lo-
ville, 1816: 112 is given in very different ways in the litera- cality: Java]; neotype: MZB 18225, designated by White
ture. The following published opinions are not correct. The et al., 2010c: 153, 162, fig. 1 [validity of neotype desig-
type species is not Raia (Aetobatus) vulgaris Blainville, 1816: nation arguable because the need of the neotype in order
112 by subsequent designation by Bory de Saint Vincent, to clarify the taxonomic status of the nominal species is
1822a: 129, because this is a nomen nudum. not very explicitly stated, Code art. 75.1, 75.3, 75.3.1];
It is not Raja vulgaris Olafsen, 1774: 191, 1775: 203, specimen figured by Russell, 1803a: pl. 8 [eel-tenkee],
which is in Rajidae; also, this is a nomen nudum as all dis- tentatively referred to this species and therefore not part
tinctive characters are listed as shared with Raja major, which of original type series)
is another nomen nudum. Raïa quinqueaculeata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 200, pl. 43
It is not Raia vulgaris Stephan, 1779: 23, which is in fig. 3 (type locality: Mariana Islands: Guam; holotype:
Rajidae (see Kottelat, 2010a: 65). MNHN A.8905, Séret & McEachran, 1986: 24)
It is not Raja narinari Euphrasén, 1790: 217, sometimes Myliobatis Eeltenkee Rüppell, 1837: 70, pl. 19 fig. 3 (type
indicated as "by subsequent designation by Müller & Hen- locality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Eri-
le", because such an action does not exist in any publication trea: Massawa / India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam];
by Müller & Henle (1837b, 1838b: 91, 1838c, 1841). Fur- syntypes: single specimen preserved by Rüppell and sev-
ther, in these works Müller & Henle made it explicit that eral observed but not preserved, specimen figured as Eel-
their Aetobatis is not Blainville's Aetobatus, by using "Aëto- tenkee by Russell, 1803a: pl. 8)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Aetobatis Indica Swainson, 1839: 321 (available by indica- Marcgrave (1648: 175) is designated here as lectotype. Raja
tion to Russell, 1803a: pl. 8; type locality: India: Vizaga- guttata is based on the eel-tenkee of Russell (1803: pl. 8),
patham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which the narinari of Marcgrave (1648: 175) and a mention by
is based Russell, 1803a: pl. 8 [eel-tenkee]) Commerson, without bibliographic reference; the type series
Myliobatis Macroptera M'Clelland, 1841a: 60, pl. 2 fig. 1 includes two species, A. narinari (narinari) and A. ocellatus
(type locality: India: Bengal; types: ? ZSI) (eel-tenkee); the model of the figure of narinari in Marcgrave
Goniobatis meleagris Agassiz, 1858: 385 (type locality: Sand- (1648: 175) is designated here as lectotype of R. guttata Shaw,
wich Islands [Hawaii]; types: LU) 1804, making it a junior objective synonym of R. narinari
Myliobatis punctatus Miklouho-Maclay & Macleay, 1886: Euphrasén, 1790.
675, pl. 46, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Admiralty and Lub Raja edentula is based on specimens from Vanuatu and
[or Hermit] Islands; holotype: lost) Tahiti and on narinari of Marcgrave (1648: 175). The type series
Distribution notes. Recorded from freshwaters in southern apparently includes two species, A. narinari and A. ocellatus;
Vietnam [Cochinchine] by Chevey (1932a: 7). Synonymy the model of the figure of narinari in Marcgrave (1648: 175)
follows White et al. (2010c). is designated here as lectotype of R. edentula Forster, in
Nomenclatural notes. The Indo-West Pacific species of Lichtenstein, 1844: 227, making it a junior objective synonym
Aetobatus was earlier considered a synonym of A. narinari, of R. narinari Euphrasén, 1790.
a species now restricted to the Atlantic and East Pacific [Raja Narinari Euphrasén, 1790: 217, pl. 10 (based on specimen and nari-
oceans. White et al. (2010c) used A. ocellatus for the Indo- nari of Marcgrave, 1648: 175; type locality: Brazil [original type local-
ity: West Indies: Saint-Barthélemy Island, Le Carénage haven [Gusta-
West Pacific species and they list Raja mula and R. tajara as via] / Brazil]; lectotype: model of figure of narinari in Marcgrave, 1648:
synonyms. The last two names have priority over A. ocella- 175, by present designation, lost)].
tus, and as A. ocellatus has almost never been used as a valid [Raja guttata Shaw, 1804b: 285, pl. 142 (based on Commerson [no refer-
name, Code art. 23.9.2 cannot be invoked to reverse prece- ence], eel-tenkee of Russell, 1803: pl. 8 and narinari of Marcgarve,
1648: 175, fig.; type locality: Brazil [original type locality: Madagas-
dence. Raja mula and R. tajara are simultaneous synonyms car / India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] / Brazil]; lectotype: model
and I give precedence to R. mula. The synonymy should be of figure of narinari in Marcgrave, 1648: 175, by present designation;
fixed by the designation of a common neotype; I leave this junior objective synonym of Raja narinari Euphrasén, 1790: 217; pri-
for researchers more familiar with these fishes. mary junior homonym of Raja guttata Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 361)].
[Raja edentula Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 227, 256 (based on speci-
Raja narinari is based on a specimen, figured, and the mens and narinari of Marcgrave, 1648: 175, fig.; type locality: Brazil
account in Willughby (1686: 66) itself based on Marcgrave [original type locality: Otahaitee [Tahiti] / Vanuatu: Tanna Island / Bra-
(1648: 175). The specimen examined by Euphrasén was in the zilian sea]; lectotype: model of figure of narinari in Marcgrave, 1648:
collection of his sponsor and was lost in a fire (S. O. Kullander, 175, by present designation; junior objective synonym of Raja narinari
Euphrasén, 1790: 217; alternatively might be considered as described
pers.comm., 2011). The model of the figure of narinari in based on Forster's manuscript and simultaneously placed in synonymy
by Lichtenstein)].
aureus and S. legendrei do not allow to decide whether or Scleropages inscriptus Roberts, 2012.
not they are valid species. In the absence of unambiguous Scleropages inscriptus Roberts, 2012: 115, figs. 1–2 (type
evidence of their distinctness they are treated as tentative locality: supposedly from Myanmar: Tananthayi district
synonyms of S. formosus following Kottelat & Widjanarti [Tenasserim]: Tananthayi [Tenasserim] River drainage,
(2005: 145). Scleropages legendrei is possibly valid. from aquarium fish vendor at Meik; holotype: THNHM-
Chitala Fowler, 1934 also in Bleeker, 1852i: 26; simultaneous subjective syn-
Chitala Fowler, 1934c: 244 (subgenus of Notopterus La onym of Notopterus borneensis Bleeker, 1851p: 437, first
Cepède, 1800: 189; type species: Mystus chitala Hamil- reviser [Bleeker, 1875a: 147] gave precedence to N. born-
ton, 1822: 236, by original designation). Gender femi- eensis)
nine. Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Kottelat & Widjanar-
ti (2005: 147).
Chitala blanci (d'Aubenton, 1965)
Notopterus blanci d'Aubenton, 1965: 261, fig. 1 (type local- Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822)
ity: Cambodia: Mekong River at Beng-Cha; holotype: Mystus chitala Hamilton, 1822: 236, 382 (type locality: In-
MNHN 1965-0280) dia: rivers of Bengal and Behar; types: NT; Hamilton's
unpublished figure reproduced in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl.
Chitala borneensis (Bleeker, 1851) 91 fig. 1)
Notopterus borneënsis Bleeker, 1851p: 437 (type locality: Notopterus maculatus Valenciennes, 1832b: 396, pl. 5 fig. 2
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype (type locality not stated [India: Bengal; according to la-
[235 mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.2, Roberts, 1992b: 370; bel]; lectotype: MNHN B.2193, designated by inference
also in Bleeker, 1852i: 26) of "holotype" [Code art. 74.6] by Roberts, 1992b: 367)
Notopterus maculosus Bleeker, 1851p: 438 (type locality: Notopterus Buchanani Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype ennes, 1848: 148 (unnecessary replacement name for
[216 mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.6, Roberts, 1992b: 370; Mystus chitala Hamilton, 1822: 226, 382)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Mystus chitala buchanani Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- ? Glanis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 135 (type species: Glanis
ciennes, 1848: 149 (not available, name listed in synony- imberbis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 155, by monotypy; jun-
my; erroneously referred to as authored by Gray, 1830– ior homonym of Glanis Agassiz, 1829: 10). Gender fem-
1834) inine.
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1992: 367) commented that
"as there is no indication in the original description of N. Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769)
maculatus that more than a single specimen was utilized, the Gymnotus notopterus Pallas, 1769: 40, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type lo-
specimen figured is ipso facto the holotype". I disagree with cality: Indonesia: Ambon [erroneous; Malay and Dutch
this interpretation. If there is no explicit statement that a sin- vernacular names suggest the locality might be in Indo-
gle specimen has been used, there is no way of knowing if nesia, most likely Java]; holotype: ? ZMB)
the illustrated specimen is the only one available to the au- Notopterus kapirat La Cepède, 1800: 189, 190 (type locali-
thor and it is more reasonable to treat it as syntype and to ty: Indonesia: "the sea near Ambon"; syntypes: material
designate it as lectotype. Code art. 73.1.2 requires that the used by Gmelin, 1789: 1139 [as Gymnotus notopterus;
holotype be so stated or implied in the original publication based on Pallas, 1769: 40, pl. 6 fig. 2, Renard, 1719: vol. 1:
or demonstrated from evidence from outside the work itself. pl. 16 fig. 90, Bontius, 1642] and Bontius, 1642: 78 [re-
Unless it is demonstrated that Valenciennes had a single spec- printed in van Andel, 1931: 270–271, pl.])
imen, the figured specimen is a syntype, and Roberts' action Clupea synura Schneider, 1801: 426 (type locality: India:
makes it a lectotype by inference of holotype (Code art. 74.6). Malabar / "China"; syntypes: ZMB 8806 [1], 32057 [1],
Paepke, 1999: 106 and specimen on which cited refer-
Chitala hypselonotus (Bleeker, 1852) ences are based)
Notopterus hypselonotus Bleeker, 1852i: 27 (type locality: Osteoglossum cynurus Swainson, 1839: 292 (incorrect sub-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Musi River in Palembang; holotype sequent spelling of Clupea synura Schneider, 1801: 426)
[372 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1867.11.28.3, Roberts, 1992b: Mystus Badgee Sykes, 1839a: 165 (type locality: India: Dec-
370; also in Bleeker, 1852r: 604) can [Mota Mola River at Poona / Beema River at Seed-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Kottelat & Widjanar- ataik]; syntypes: NT; also in Sykes, 1839b: 62, 1841: 376,
ti (2005: 147). pl. 67 fig. 2)
Notopterus Pallasii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Chitala lopis (Bleeker, 1851) nes, 1848: 130 (unnecessary replacement name for Gym-
Notopterus lopies Bleeker, 1845: 510 (nomen nudum; local- notus notopterus Pallas, 1769: 40 [text pp. 129–130 ex-
ity: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]) plicitly shows this is a replacement name]; material list-
Notopterus lopis Bleeker, 1849h: 12 (nomen nudum; locali- ed as syntypes [e.g. by Daget, 1984: 511, Eschmeyer,
ty: Indonesia: Java: Samarang) 2010] has no type status)
Notopterus lopis Bleeker, 1851h: 422 (type locality: Indone- Notopterus Bontianus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] and Samarang; syntypes [one nes, 1848: 147, pl. 613 (type locality: Burma: Irrawad-
preserved, 275 mm TL, and many larger ones seen]: pos- dy / Indonesia: Java; syntypes: MNHN 3616 [1], 3613–
sibly BMNH 1867.22.28.5 or MNHN 3609, Eschmeyer, 3615 [3], RMNH, Roberts, 1993b: 15)
2010; the specimen listed as syntype by Fricke, 1991: 16 ? Glanis imberbis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 155 (based on a
is too small to be the preserved syntype; also in Bleeker, specimen and on Valentyn, 1726: 506, fig. 512 [ikan
1851i: 17) marate djantan, Ambon]; type locality: India Orientalis
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Kottelat & Widjanar- [East Indies; Indonesia: probably Batavia]; syntypes:
ti (2005: 147). material of Valentyn and specimen in Van Hoey's collec-
Chitala ornata (Gray, 1831) Notopterus primaevus Günther, 1876a: 439, pl. 19 (fossil;
Notopterus ornatus Gray, 1831c: 16 (type locality: Indian type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang, freshwater
seas; types: LU) Tertiary lignite; holotype: ? BMNH)
Notopterus ocellifer Bleeker, 1864j: 176 (nomen nudum) Clupea didactyla Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name list-
ed in synonymy)
Notopterus osmani Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 64 (listed in
Notopterus La Cepède, 1800 synonymy, name not available; said to have been de-
Notopterus La Cepède, 1800: 189 (type species: Gymnotus scribed by Rahimullah & Das, 1936: 136, pl. 23, in which
notopterus Pallas, 1769: 40, by absolute tautonymy, in this name does not appear)
the synonymy of Gymnotus kapirat La Cepède, 1800:
190). Gender masculine.
Elops Linné, 1766 to Russell, 1803b: pl. 179; type locality: India: Vizaga-
Elops Linné, 1766: 518 (type species: Elops saurus Linné, patham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which
1766: 518, by monotypy). Gender masculine. is based Russell 1803b: pl. 179 [Jinagow])
Mugilomorus La Cepède, 1803: 397 (type species: Mugilo-
morus annacarolina La Cepède, 1803: 397, 398, by Elops machnata (Forskål, 1775)
monotypy). Gender masculine. Argentina machnata Forskål, 1775: xiii, 68 (type locality:
Trichonotus Rafinesque, 1815: 88 (unnecessary replacement Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: ZMUC
name for Mugilomorus La Cepède, 1803: 397; junior P 17153, Dor, 1984: 24, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965:
homonym of Trichonotus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 179 25, pl. 36 fig. 65, Nielsen, 1974: 10)
in Pisces). Gender masculine. ? Elops capensis Smith, 1840: unnumbered p., pl. 7 (type
Helops Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1825b: 111, Agassiz, 1846: locality: South Africa: Cape of Good Hope; syntypes: NT)
139 (unjustified emendation of Elops Linné, 1766: 518; Elops purpurascens Richardson, 1846a: 311 (type locality:
junior homonym of Helops Fabricius, 1775: 257 in Co- China: Chinese seas [area of Macao]; holotype: speci-
leoptera; senior homonym of Helops Brandt & Ratze- men on which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing,
burg, 1833: 3 in Pisces). Gender masculine. reproduced in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 7 fig. 2]; declared a
Ellops Minding, 1832: 124 (incorrect subsequent spelling of nomen oblitum by Whitehead, 1966: 45 [Code art. 23.12])
Elops Linné, 1766: 518)
Gularus Whitley, 1940b: 397 (subgenus of Elops Linné, Elops hawaiensis Regan, 1909
1766: 518; type species: Elops australis Regan, 1909a: Elops hawaiensis Regan, 1909a: 39 (type locality: U.S.A.:
39, by original designation). Gender masculine. Hawaii; syntypes: BMNH 1893.12.15.93–94 [2], White-
Alloelops Nybelin, 1979: 20 (subgenus of Elops Linné, 1766: head, 1962: 328)
518; type species: Elops lacerta Valenciennes, in Cuvier Elops australis Regan, 1909a: 39 (type locality: Australia:
& Valenciennes, 1847: 381, by original designation). Gen- New South Wales: Port Jackson; holotype: BMNH
der masculine. 1890.9.23.183, Whitehead, 1962: 328; simultaneous sub-
jective synonym of Elops hawaiensis Regan, 1909a: 39,
Species inquirenda first reviser [Whitehead, 1962: 326] gave precedence to
Elops Indicus Swainson, 1839: 292 (available by indication E. hawaiensis)
Megalops La Cepède, 1789 Brisbania Castelnau, 1878a: 241 (type species: Brisbania
Amia Browne, 1789: 442 (not available, name in a rejected staigeri Castelnau, 1875: 4, by monotypy). Gender fem-
work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) inine.
Megalops La Cepède, 1803: 289 (type species: Megalops
filamentosus La Cepède, 1803: 290, by monotypy). Gen- Megalops cyprinoides (Broussonet, 1782)
der masculine. Clupea Cyprinoides Broussonet, 1782: [39], pl. [9] (type
Oculeus Commerson, in La Cepède, 1803: 290 (not avail- locality: Vanuatu: Tanna Island [original type locality:
able, names of Commerson in footnotes of La Cepède, around Jamaica / Antigua / Brazil: Rio de Janeiro / Van-
1803, are on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Ge- uatu: Tanna Island]; lectotype: BMNH 1962.12.1.1, by
neric Names in Zoology, ICZN 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) present designation, Whitehead, 1969a: pl. 7)
Megalopus Minding, 1832: 124 (incorrect subsequent spell- Clupea thrissoides Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 424 (type lo-
ing of Megalops La Cepède, 1803: 289) cality: Vanuatu: Tanna Island [original type locality: nu-
Cyprinoïdes Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824a: 283 (not avail- merous localities in Atlantic and Pacific Oceans]; lecto-
able, name listed in synonymy; listed as "Syn. de Méga- type: BMNH 1962.12.1.1, by present designation, White-
lope Filament ou Apalike", but without description or head, 1969a: pl. 7 [earlier syntypes included material
indication in the sense of Code art. 12.2) listed by Plumier [ms., as Clupea cyprinoides], Bloch,
1795: pl. 403, Broussonet, 1782: pl. [9]; Gmelin, 1789:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
1407 [as Clupea cyprinoides, based on Broussonet, 1782], ity: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [317 mm
Forster [ms.]; objective junior synonym of Clupea cypri- TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.68, Whitehead et al., 1966: 23,
noides Broussonet, 1782: [39]) pl. 2 fig. 1; also in Bleeker, 1851i: 15)
Megalops filamentosus La Cepède, 1803: 290 [not pl. 13 Megalops kundinga Bleeker, 1865f: 288 (unjustified emen-
fig. 3] (type locality: Madagascar: Fort Dauphin; holo- dation of Cyprinodon cundinga Hamilton, 1822: 254)
type: MNHN B.2167, Eschmeyer, 2010) Megalops macropterus Bleeker, 1865f: 284 (type locality:
Clupea gigantea Shaw, 1804a: 173 (based on Marcgrave, [composite because lectotype was mixed with specimens
1648: 179, C. cyprinoides [of Broussonet, 1782: [39] ?], from different localities] Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakar-
and C. radio ultimo dorsali longissimo, pinna ani lunata ta], Perdana, Tjiringin, Samarang, Surabaya, Pasuruan /
of Bloch, 1795: pl. 403; type locality: Vanuatu: Tanna Sumatra: Telokbeton / Riau: Bintang / Sulawesi: Badjoa /
Island [original type locality: around Jamaica / Antigua / Ambon / Singapore; lectotype: BMNH 1867.11.28.69,
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro / Vanuatu: Tanna Island; lectotype: designated by Whitehead et al., 1966: 25)
BMNH 1962.12.1.1, by present designation, Whitehead, Megalops oligolepis Bleeker, 1865f: 292 (type locality: Ma-
1969a: pl. 7 [earlier syntypes included material listed by laysia: Penang; holotype: BMNH [4 1/8 inches skin of
Marcgrave, 1648, and Bloch, 1795: 32, pl. 403]; objec- Elops cundinga of Cantor, 1849: 1272, lost, Whitehead
tive junior synonym of Clupea cyprinoides Broussonet, et al., 1966: 26])
1782: [39]) Brisbania staigeri Castelnau, 1875: 4 (type locality: Austra-
Cyprinodon cundinga Hamilton, 1822: 254, 383 (type local- lia: Queensland: in a lagoon near Brisbane [from Upper
ity: India: salt water estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT; Brisbane River; Castelnau, 1878a: 241]; holotype: spec-
Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: imen on which drawing is based, apparently not pre-
pl. 18 fig. 4) served; also in Castelnau, 1878a: 241, pl. 3, with addi-
Megalops setipinnis Richardson, 1843d: 493 (type locality: tional specimen)
Australia: Northern Territory: Port Essington / Vanuatu: Nomenclatural notes. The type series of Clupea cyprinoi-
Tanna Island; syntypes: B, BMNH 1962.12.1.1 [1], des, C. thrissoides and C. gigantea each include two spe-
1853.1.4.20 [1], 1964.11.6.14 [1, listed as holotype by cies, one in the Indo-Pacific, and one in the Atlantic Ocean.
Whitehead, 1966: 44, 1968a: pl. 7], Eschmeyer, 2010) The type series of C. thrissoides includes the whole type se-
Megalops curtifilis Richardson, 1846a: 310 (type locality: ries of C. cyprinoides. The type series of C. gigantea includes
China: Chinese seas [area of Macao]; holotype: speci- a reference to C. cyprinoides in Bloch (1795, pl. 403 and the
men on which Reeves unpublished drawing is based, re- diagnostic sentence on p. 32). In turn, Bloch (1795: 32) in-
produced in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 6 fig. 3) cludes a reference to the original description of C. cyprinoi-
Megalops indicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, des Broussonet; therefore the whole type series of C. cyprinoi-
1847a: 388, pl. 576 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast, des is included in the type series of C. gigantea. The present
from Cochin to Cananor, Aleppey / Coromandel Coast at designation of BMNH 1962.12.1.1 as lectotype of C. cypri-
Pondicherry / Madagascar: Fort Dauphin / Isle-de-France noides, C. gigantea and C. thrissoides makes them objective
[Mauritius] / Indonesia: Buru / Java: Panimbang River / synonyms and restricts them to the Indo-Pacific species. This
Tahiti / Vanuatu: Tanna Island and various literature also avoids changing the name of the well-known Tarpon
records; syntypes: MNHN 3594 [1], 3595 [1], 3596 [1], atlanticus (Valenciennes, 1847), of which C. thrissoides and
3602 [1], 4596 [1], 3597–3601 [5], 3603 [1], 4597 [1], C. gigantea have been considered senior synonyms.
3604–3606 [3], ? B.2167 [1], Bertin, 1940: 259, and [Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 398
material on which literature records are based) (type locality: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico,
Brazil, Spanish Antilles; syntypes: MNHN 3177 [1], A.8839 [1], A-
Megalops macrophthalmus Bleeker, 1851h: 421 (type local- 8840 [1], Bertin, 1940: 260)].
Albula Scopoli, 1777 Albula Gronovius, 1763: 102 (not available, name in a re-
Conorynchus Nozeman, 1758: 381 (type species: Clupea jected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]).
macrocephala La Cepède, 1803: 460, by subsequent Vulpis Catesby, 1771: vol. 2: 1, pl. 1 (not available, name in
monotypy in Gill, 1861a: 55; declared a nomen oblitum a rejected work, ICZN, 1954c: 253 [Opinion 259])
by Whitehead, 1986: 215, but declaration invalid as after Albula Scopoli, 1777: 450 (type species: generally assumed
1973 [Code art. 23.12]; here declared a nomen oblitum to be Esox vulpes Linnaeus, 1758: 313, by subsequent
under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a valid designation; no species originally included, first inclu-
name since 1899 [Code art.], and Albula Sco- sion not researched [not Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 432
poli, 1777: 450 has been used in at least 25 works in the as their Albula is a different genus because there is no
last 50 years [Code art.])). Gender masculine. reference to Scopoli, 1777]; junior homonym of Albula
Osbeck, 1765: 309; declared a nomen protectum under 1847a: 354 (type locality: Tahiti; holotype: MNHN 4515,
Code art. 23.9.2 by Kottelat, 2001a: 57, but declaration Bauchot, 1969: 129, Randall & Wheeler, 1991: 761, fig. 1,
confirmed here [see Nomenclatural notes]). Gender fem- Randall & Bauchot, 1999: 81, Hidaka et al., 2008: 58,
inine. fig. 2; not a replacement name for but an objective junior
Albula Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 432 (type species: Albula synonym of Synodus argenteus Forster, in Schneider,
conorynchus Schneider, 1801: 432, by monotypy; junior 1801: 396, see below)
homonym of Albula Osbeck, 1765: 309 and Albula Sco- Albula Neoguinaica Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
poli, 1777: 450). Gender feminine. nes, 1847a: 350 (type locality: New Guinea [northwest-
Butyrinus La Cepède, 1803: 45 (type species: Butyrinus ba- ern Irian Jaya, Whitehead, 1986: 224]; holotype: MNHN
nanus La Cepède, 1803: 45, by monotypy). Gender mas- 3591, Hidaka et al., 2008: 55, Whitehead, 1986: 224,
culine. Randall & Bauchot, 1999: 81; simultaneous subjective
Glossodus Agassiz, 1829: 48 (type species: Glossodus for- synonym of Albula forsteri Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
skalii Agassiz, 1829: 49, by monotypy). Gender mascu- Valenciennes, 1847a: 354, first revisers [Randall & Bau-
line. chot, 1999: 81] gave precedence to Albula forsteri)
Esunculus Kaup, 1857: 143 (type species: Esunculus costai Albula seminuda Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Kaup, 1857: 144, by monotypy). Gender masculine. 1847a: 351 (type locality: New Guinea [northwestern Iri-
Atopichthys Garman, 1899: 325 (type species: Atopichthys an Jaya, Whitehead, 1986: 224]; holotype: MNHN 3592,
esunculus Garman, 1899: 327, by subsequent designa- Hidaka et al., 2008: 55, Randall & Bauchot, 1999: 81;
tion by Jordan, 1920: 486; misspelt Atopichthyes p. 325, simultaneous subjective synonym of Albula forsteri Va-
an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 354, first
art. 32.5.1]). Gender masculine. revisers [Randall & Bauchot, 1999: 81] gave precedence
Dixonina Fowler, 1911: 651 (type species: Dixonina nem- to Albula forsteri)
optera Fowler, 1911: 652, by original designation). Gen- Nomenclatural notes. Georg Forster was the son of Johann
der feminine. Reinhold Forster. They traveled together from 1772 to 1775
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies based on Whitehead (1986). on James Cook's second voyage. In 1777 the son published
Nomenclatural notes. Albula Scopoli, 1777 was declared a two volumes on their travels. The father had prepared de-
nomen protectum by Kottelat (2001a: 57), under Code art. scriptions of fishes that were never published but the manu-
23.9.2. This declaration is erroneous, because it should have script was available to Bloch, who included part of it in his
listed 25 works, published by at least 10 authors as required Systema Ichthyologiae. On his death in 1799, Bloch's manu-
by Code art. Accidentally, the list included only 24 script was edited and published by Schneider (1801) who
titles. Addition of Kottelat (2001a: 57) to that list makes the made significant additions. Lichtenstein (1844) later pub-
25th work, and now, from the present work, Albula Scopoli, lished J. R. Forster's manuscript.
1777 can be declared a nomen protectum and Albula Os- On p. 159 of vol. 1, G. Forster (1777a) provided a short
beck, 1765 a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2. description of a galaxiid from a lake in New Zealand: "he
Conorynchus Nozeman, 1758: 381 has not ben used as a observed no other inhabitant in it than a small species of fish
valid name since 1899. Albula Scopoli, 1777 has been used (esox), without scales, resembling a little trout; its colour was
as valid in at least 25 works published by at least 10 authors brown, and mottled with yellowish spots in the shape of some
in the last 50 years (see list of references in Kottelat, 2001a: ancient Asiatic characters". On p. 282 of vol. 2, G. Forster
57 and above). Albula Scopoli, 1777 is declared a nomen (1777b) mentioned among fishes of Tanna Island [Vanuatu],
protectum and Conorynchus Nozeman, 1758 is declared a New Hebrides: "particularly a sort common in the West In-
nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2. dies, and there called Ten pounders (Esox argenteus n. s.)".
A genus "Glossodonta Cuvier, 1815: 232, 233" is listed J. R. Forster's manuscript included the description of an Esox
in some bibliographies but does not exist (e.g. Eschmeyer, alepidotus [the galaxiid from New Zealand] and an Esox ar-
2010). Cuvier (1815a: 232) very explicitly listed Argentina genteus [the albulid from Tanna] (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
glossodonta Forskål, 1775, and commented that it is a new Valenciennes, 1846: 353).
genus, but did not name it. It is possible that some subse- The name Esox argenteus is not available from G. For-
quent authors may have used it in a way that unintentionally ster (1777a–b) because it is not accompanied by a descrip-
made Glossodonta available but I did not come across such tion of characters or an indication. There is also no link be-
a publication. tween the nomen nudum [Albulidae] in volume 2 and the
brief description of the 'esox' [Galaxiidae], without a species
Albula argentea (Forster, in Schneider, 1801) name, in volume 1. Gmelin (1789: 1393) described Esox
Esox argenteus Forster, 1777b: 282 (nomen nudum) argenteus [Galaxiidae] and referred only to the galaxiid in
Synodus argenteus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 396, 398 (type G. Forster (1777a; vol. 1 p. 159).
locality: Otaheitee [Tahiti]; holotype ?: MNHN 4515, On p. 395, after describing 11 species of Esox from
Hidaka et al., 2008: 58, fig. 2, Bauchot, 1969: 129, Ran- Bloch's manuscript, Schneider (1801) added, as "species non
dall & Bauchot, 1999: 80, Randall & Wheeler, 1991: 761, definiendae" [undefined species] an Esox argenteus (Gal-
fig. 1, Hidaka et al., 2008: 58, fig. 2; not a primary junior axiidae), with a reference to volumes 1 (p. 159) and 2 (p. 282)
homonym of Esox argenteus Gmelin, 1789: 1393, see of G. Forster (1777a–b) and the "Trepoonder of America".
below; see also Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 196) Schneider continued by stating "This is the Esox alepidotus
Albula Forsteri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, in J. R. Forster's manuscript, vol. 2, p. 62", followed by the
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
description. The description includes mention of the origin still be recognised (see Forster, in Lichenstein, 1844: 196).
(lakes and streams of the southern island of New Zealand) I therefore consider the authorship as Forster, in Schneider,
and is an abridged version of J. R. Forster's text. 1801. Synodus argenteus is the earliest available name for
This makes Esox argenteus in Schneider, 1801 available the species called Albula forsteri in recent years. Albula for-
and Esox alepidotus an unavailable name because it is cited steri Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 354)
as a synonym. is not a replacement name for Synodus argenteus Forster (in
After this description of the E. argenteus [Galaxiidae], Schneider, 1801) because Valenciennes did not refer to
Schneider continued (p. 396), commenting that "the argen- Schneider's Synodus argenteus. Valenciennes only mentioned
teus of J. R. Forster's manuscript, vol. 2, p. 122 differs from the Esox argenteus of Forster's manuscript, which is not an
it". After giving the description of this second species from available name. The holotype of Synodus argenteus and the
that same manuscript, Schneider concluded by stating: "it holotype of Albula forsterii are the same specimen and they
belongs to the next genus from Bloch's description". The are objective synonyms.
"next genus" (next line) is Synodus and indeed Synodus ar- [Esox argenteus Gmelin, 1789: 1393 (based on esox in G. Forster, 1777a:
genteus is listed p. 398 with the comment "see note under 159; type locality: New Zealand: Dusky Bay, a small lake half a mile
from the coast along a brook; lectotype: specimen measured by For-
the preceding genus". Schneider also gave the description of ster's [data in Lichtenstein, 1844: 143], by present designation)].
the Synodus argenteus, mentioning the origin as Otaheitee [Esox argenteus Schneider, 1801: 395 (based on esox in G. Forster, 1777a:
[Tahiti]. This is the albulid. 159, Esox argenteus in Forster, 1777b: 282 and Esox alepidotus of For-
In short: Schneider (1) identified the "esox" of G. Forster ster's manuscript; type locality: New Zealand: Dusky Bay, a small lake
half a mile from the coast along a brook; lectotype: specimen measured
(1777a: 159) and the "Esox argenteus" of G. Forster (1777b: by Forster [data in Lichtenstein, 1844: 143], by present designation;
282) as the species described as Esox alepidotus [Galaxiidae] junior objective synonym and junior homonym of Esox argenteus Gme-
in J. R. Forster's unpublished manuscript; and (2) consid- lin, 1789: 1393)].
ered that the "Esox argenteus" [Albulidae] of G. Forster [Esox alepidotus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 395 (type locality: New
Zealand: Dusky Bay, a small lake half a mile from the coast along a
(1777b: 282) is not the same as the Esox argenteus brook; lectotype: specimen measured by Forster [data in Lichtenstein,
[Albulidae] in the manuscript of J. R. Forster. He apparently 1844: 143], by present designation; listed as synonym, but available
did not realise that the mentions in volumes 1 and 2 refer to because used as valid before 1961, e.g. by Cuvier, 1829: 283, Code art.
different species. All the above was already very clearly dis- 11.6.1; simultaneous objective synonym of Esox argenteus Forster, in
Schneider, 1801: 395; first reviser action not needed since E. argenteus
cussed by Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 353). Forster is permanently invalid)].
Schneider (1801: 395) used Forster's manuscript descrip- [Galaxias Forsteri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 351 (un-
tion of E. alepidotus and abridged and slightly reworded it necessary replacement name for Esox alepidotus Forster, in Schneider,
(compare with the text in Lichtenstein, 1844: 142) and named 1801: 395)].
it E. argenteus. The author of E. argenteus is nevertheless
Schneider, because Forster is not author of the name and of Albula glossodonta (Forskål, 1775)
the conditions making it available (Code art. 50.1.1). The Argentina glossodonta Forskål, 1775: xiii, 68 (type locality:
description of Esox argenteus [Galaxiidae] Schneider, 1801 Red Sea: Djidda [Jeddah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al Lu-
does not mention Gmelin (1789) and it is a distinct, avail- hayyah]; syntypes: ZMUC P 17152 [1], Nielsen, 1974:
able name, with its own type series. It is also a junior prima- 10, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 25, pl. 36 fig. 63)
ry homonym and permanently invalid. Its type series includes Butyrinus bananus La Cepède, 1803: 45 [also pl. 8 fig. 2,
the material referred to in J. R. Forster's manuscript and in Whitehead, 1986: 221] (type locality: Mauritius; holo-
G. Forster (1777a: 159, 1777b: 282), that is, it includes two type: MNHN B.2166, Hidaka et al., 2008: 54, Randall &
species. A lectotype is needed to fix the name to a single Bauchot, 1999: 81)
species. Forster had prepared a figure, mentioned by Valen- Argentina bonuk La Cepède, 1803: 366 (based on Argentina
ciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 354). The speci- glossodonta Forskål, 1775: xii, 68, Gmelin, 1789: 1394
men measured by Forster (data later published in Lichten- [itself based on Forskål, 1775: xii, 68], Argentine bonuk
stein, 1844: 143) is here designated as lectotype. This spec- of Bonnaterre, 1788: 177 [based on Forskål, 1775: xii,
imen is also designated as lectotype of E. argenteus Gmelin, 68]; type locality: Red Sea: Saudia Arabia: Djidda [Jed-
1789, and this makes the two names objective synonyms. dah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; syntypes: ZMUC
Esox alepidotus is first mentioned by Schneider (1801: P 17152 [1])
395) as a synonym of E. argenteus and would therefore not Albula erythrocheilos Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
be available. But several authors (e.g. Cuvier, 1829: 283; nes, 1847a: 352, pl. 574 [not 540] (type locality: Tonga-
Gray, 1842b: 73; Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 142) treated tabou [Tonga Islands]; holotype: MNHN 3593, Hidaka
E. alepidotus as valid, which makes the name available, with et al., 2008: 54, Randall & Bauchot, 1999: 81)
Forster, in Schneider, 1801 as author (Code art. 11.6.1). Esox Conorhynchus glossodon Bleeker, 1872a: 83 (unjustified emen-
alepidotus is a simultaneous objective synonym and has the dation of Argentina glossodonta Forskål, 1775: xiii, 68)
same lectotype as E. argenteus Forster, in Schneider, 1801.
Galaxias forsteri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Albula oligolepis Hidaka, Iwatsuki & Randall, 2008
1846: 351 is an unnecessary replacement name for E. alepi- Albula oligolepis Hidaka, Iwatsuki & Randall, 2008: 59, fig.
dotus. 3 (type locality: South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban;
The description of Synodus argenteus in Schneider (1801: holotype: SAIAB 54385)
396) is based only on Forster's notes, and although much Distribution notes. Inland record from Mauritius (Hidaka
abridged and reworded by Schneider, the original text can et al., 2008: 59). No inland record in area.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Anguilla borneensis Popta, 1924 Muraena Pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 246, pl. 3 fig. 2 (type
Anguilla borneensis Popta, 1924: 73, 1 fig. (type locality: locality: China: streams near Tianjin and Beijing; types:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; synty- ? ZISP)
pes: RMNH 7654 [2]) Anguilla angustidens Kaup, 1856a: 56 (nomen nudum)
Taxonomic notes. Anguilla borneensis is considered to be Anguilla angustidens Kaup, 1857: 49, pl. 7 fig. 39 (type
a junior synonym of A. malgumora by Bauchot et al. (1993: locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN B.3153, Bauchot
95). Ege (1939: 138) treated A. malgumora as a synonym of et al., 1993: 93)
A. anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758: 245); he regarded its origin as Anguilla remifera Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 325, fig. 7
doubtful. Watanabe et al. (2004: 348) considered the holo- (type locality: Taiwan: Hokoto; holotype: ZUMT 12064
type of A. malgumora to be either a mislabelled A. anguilla (lost), Ho & Shao, 2011: 21)
or a distinct species. This is tentatively followed here. Anguilla manabei Jordan, 1913: 359, pl. 57 (type locality:
[Muraena Angvilla Linnaeus, 1758: 245 (based on Artedi [1738: spec. 66 Japan: Shikoku: Awa: rapid in tributary of Yoshino River
[24], gen. 24 [66], syn. 39, Muraena unicolor], Linnaeus [1746: 109, near Koyadaira, a village at foot of Mount Tsurugi; ho-
n. 290, idem], Fahlberg [1750: 194], and references therein; type lo-
cality: "Habitat in Europa; maxima in lacu Cornachio Ferrariensi" and lotype: USNM 74118, Ege, 1939: 127, Smith, 1994: 3)
localities mentioned in cited references; syntypes: material on which
are based cited references; invalid neotype designation by Fricke, Anguilla luzonensis Watanabe, Aoyama & Tsukamoto,
1999ab: 19 [need not demonstrated]; originally spelt angvilla, but 2009
anguilla deemed a justified emendation under Code art.].
[Anguilla malgumora Kaup, 1856a: 55 (nomen nudum)]. Anguilla luzonensis Watanabe, Aoyama & Tsukamoto, 2009
[Anguilla malgumora Kaup, 1857: 42, pl. 6 fig. 30 (type locality: Borneo; [Apr.]: 389, fig. 2 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon:
holotype: MNHN 9954, Ege, 1939: 127, Bauchot et al., 1993: 95 [not Pinacanauan River near Saua, a tributary of Cagayan
RMNH, Weber, 1912: 589])]. River; holotype: NSMT-P 90000)
Anguilla huangi Teng, Lin & Tzeng, 2009 [Nov.]: 812, fig. 2
Anguilla celebesensis Kaup, 1857 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cagayan River; ho-
Anguilla celebensis Kaup, 1856a: 55 (nomen nudum) lotype: ASIZP 0069360)
Anguilla celebesensis Kaup, 1857: 42, pl. 6 fig. 31 (type
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Tondano; holotype: Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824
MNHN 2150, Ege, 1939: 26, Bauchot et al., 1993: 94, Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 241, pl. 51
Watanabe et al., 2009: 388) fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Waigeu Island [Waigeo];
Anguilla amboinensis Peters, 1866: 523 (type locality: In- syntypes: MNHN A.4109 [1], 3130 [1], Bauchot et al.,
donesia: Ambon; holotype: ZMB 6178, Ege, 1939: 26 1993: 95, Ege, 1939: 65)
[as ZMB 6187], Watanabe et al., 2009: 388) Anguilla Mauritiana Bennett, 1831b: 128 (type locality:
Anguilla ancestralis Ege, 1939: 37, 40, 70–77, 80, 86, pl. 4 Mauritius; types: BMNH ?)
fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Paigar River Anguilla labrosa Richardson, 1848a: 113 (type locality:
near Manado; syntypes [158]: ZMUC P 31251–31262 South Seas; holotype: BMNH 1848.5.18.198, Ege, 1939:
[12], Nielsen, 1974: 52, Castle & Williamson, 1974: 569) 65)
Anguilla guttata Kaup, 1857: 43 (not available, name listed
? Anguilla interioris Whitley, 1938 in synonymy)
Anguilla interioris Whitley, 1938: 224, fig. 1 (type locality: Muraena manillensis Bleeker, 1864l: 31 (type locality: Phil-
Papua New Guinea: Gumanj, a creek of Wahgi River, ippines: Luzon: Manila; holotype: MNHN; also in
Mount Hagen District, upper Purari River; holotype: Bleeker, 1864c: 10, pl. 188 fig. 2)
AMS IA.6075, Watanabe et al., 2009: 388) Anguilla johannae Günther, in Playfair & Günther, 1867:
Taxonomic notes. Adults of A. interioris are known only from 124 (type locality: Comoro Islands: Anjouan: Johanna
New Guinea. Leptocephali have been recorded from along the Island, fresh water; holotype: BMNH 1867.3.9.419,
coasts of Sulawesi and Sumatra, suggesting that adults could also Eschmeyer, 2010)
be present in freshwater in the area (Wouthuyzen, 2009). Anguilla fidjiensis Günther, 1870: 26 (type locality: Fiji Is-
The identification of the leptocephali was based only on lands: Kandavu, Nairai; syntypes [2]: BMNH
mtDNA. Some records of A. celebesensis from Sulawesi and 1869.11.12.59 [1], Ege, 1939: 65)
A. reinhardti from Timor may be based on adult A. interioris. Anguilla Hildebrandti Peters, 1881a: 19 (type locality: north-
western Madagascar; holotype: ZMB 11385, Eschmey-
Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1847 er, 2010)
Anguilla clathrata Richardson, 1845b: 104 (type locality: Anguilla hildebrandti Sauvage, 1891: 499, pl. 49A fig. 1
China: Canton; holotype: UMZC F.2002, Whitehead & (type locality: northwest Madagascar / eastern slope of
Joysey, 1967: 129, 149; not available, on Official Index Madagascar; syntypes: ZMB 11385 [1], MNHN 1880-
of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology, 0508 [1], Ege, 1939: 65, Bauchot et al., 1993: 95; spelt
ICZN, 1970b: 217 [Opinion 901]) hildebrandtii on pl. 49A, first reviser not researched;
Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 258, pl. 113 junior homonym of Anguilla hildebrandti Peters, 1881a:
fig. 2 [fig. 1 on plate] (type locality: Japan; lectotype: 19 [Sauvage referred to a manuscript name of Peters in
RMNH 3661a, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 185; on ZMB collections, but not to Peters' publication])
Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1970b: Taxonomic notes. Molecular data in Minegishi et al. (2008)
217 [Opinion 901]) show that A. marmorata has at least four spawning sites and
that at least two groups of populations could represent dis- I.3497 [1], Paxton et al., 1989: 123, Ege, 1939: 66, 185,
tinct species (North Pacific [Sulawesi, Philippines, East Asia] Eschmeyer, 2010)
and South Pacific-Indian Ocean [Polynesia, Guam, Sumatra, Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Halmahera
western Indian Ocean]). Other populations were not exam- (Ege, 1939: 217).
ined. This means that two species could be recognised in Nomenclatural notes. According to Paxton et al. (1989:
area, for which the valid names would possibly be A. mar- 123), the type series of A. marginipinnis includes two spe-
morata (South Pacific–Indian Ocean) and A. manillensis cies: all syntypes are A. obscura, except AMS A.17998 which
(North Pacific). This is based on geographic position of type is A. reinhartdii. A lectotype should be designated to defini-
localities and should be confirmed by examination of pri- tively include the name in the synonymy of one or the other
mary types. name.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Moringua ferruginea Bliss, 1883: 57 (type locality: Mauri- Ptyobranchus multidentatus McClelland, 1844b: 201, 203,
tius; holotype: MCZ 6156, Castle, 1968: 23) 223, pl. 9 fig. 4 (type locality: India: Bengal; types: LU;
Moringua cagayana Seale, 1910a: 493 (type locality: Phil- spelt multidentata p. 201, 203, which is an incorrect origi-
ippines: Mindanao: sea near Cagayan; holotype: BSM nal spelling [does not agree in gender with generic name])
1621, lost) Ptyobranchus parvidentatus McClelland, 1844b: 202, 203,
? Moringua hawaiiensis Snyder, 1904: 517, pl. 3 fig. 6 (type 223, pl. 9 fig. 5 (type locality: India: Bengal; types: LU;
locality: U.S.A.: Hawaii: Honolulu reef; holotype: spelt parvidentata p. 202, 203, which is an incorrect origi-
USNM 50865, Smith, 1994: 13) nal spelling [does not agree in gender with generic name])
Aphthalmichthys intermedius Ogilby, 1907a: 9 (type local- Ptyobranchus gracilis McClelland, 1844b: 202, 204, 223,
ity: North coast of Australia, probably Darwin; holotype: pl. 9 fig. 6 (type locality: India: Bengal; syntypes: SMF
MAMU, ? lost, Paxton et al., 1989: 111) 972 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Nomenclatural notes. Ptyobranchus arundinaceus and P. Ptyobranchus Brevis McClelland, 1844b: 223 (type locali-
guthrianus are simultaneous synonyms. The first reviser ty: not stated [probably India: Bengal]; types: LU)
(Castle, 1968: 15) gave precedence to P. arundinaceus. Cas- Ptyobranchus medius McClelland, 1844b: 223 (nomen nu-
tle (1968: 23), after using continuously the name M. arun- dum)
dinacea throughout the paper, treated it as a nomen oblitum Moringua lumbricoidea Richardson, 1845b: 113, pl. 56 figs.
(which it apparently qualified) and used M. ferruginea in- 7–11 (type locality: not stated [China]; holotype: BMNH
stead. But he placed (admittedly tentatively) P. guthrianus uncat., Castle, 1968: 17)
in the same species and this therefore becomes the available ? Moringua macrochir Bleeker, 1855f: 71 (type locality:
name for this species. Indonesia; Batu; holotype: BMNH 1867.11.28.306,
Castle, 1968: 17)
Moringua javanica (Kaup, 1856) Moringua lumbriciformis Kaup, 1856a: 70 (type locality:
Aphthalmichthys javanicus Kaup, 1856a: 68 (type locality: India; holotype: BMNH uncat., Castle, 1968: 17, 29; also
Indonesia: Java; syntypes: BMNH [1], RMNH 36807 [1] in Kaup, 1857: 107)
or 3808 [1], Castle, 1968: 17, Eschmeyer, 2010; also in ? Aphthalmichthys macrocephalus Bleeker, 1863d: 165 (type
Kaup, 1857: 105, pl. 14 fig. 71 [as Apthalmichthys javani- locality: Indonesia: Timor; holotype [464 mm TL]:
cus]) BMNH 1867.11.28.276, Castle, 1968: 17, 29)
? Moringua floresiana Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 340, fig.
Moringua microchir Bleeker, 1853 167 (type locality: Indonesia: south coast of Flores; syn-
Moringua microchir Bleeker, 1853d: 124 (type locality: In- types: ZMA 112.615 [5], Nijssen et al., 1993: 213)
donesia: Ambon / Sumatra: Cauer [44°44'S 103°15'E, ? Moringua robusta Herre, 1923: 185, pl. 7 (type locality:
Randall & Greenfield, 2007: 305]; syntypes [2, 140–240 Philippines: Negros: Oriental Negros: Dumaguete; ho-
mm TL]: out of RMNH 7182 [1, Cauer], 7183 [many], lotype: BSM 9664, lost)
BMNH 1867.11.28.295 [1, Ambon], Castle, 1968: 16, ? Rataboura oculata Fowler, 1934c: 278, fig. 39 (type lo-
Eschmeyer, 2010; also in Bleeker, 1853p: 66) cality: Indonesia: Buru: Tifu Bay; holotype: USNM
Aphthalmichthys affinis Ogilby, 1907a: 9 (based on Aph- 92352, Smith, 1994: 14)
thalmichthys abbreviatus of Jordan & Snyder, 1901b: ? Rataboura amphomelaena Fowler, 1938b: 190, fig. 25
877; type locality: Japan: southern Ryukyu Islands: (type locality: Christmas Island; holotype: ANSP 68356,
Yaeyama; holotype: USNM ? or CAS ?) Castle, 1968: 22, Böhlke, 1984: 127)
? Aphthalmichthys Wui Fang, 1942a: 80 (type locality:
Moringua raitaborua (Hamilton, 1822) China: Fukien [Fujian]: Fou-Tchéou [Fuzhou]; holotype:
Muraena raitaborua Hamilton, 1822: 25, 364 (type locali- MNHN 1941-0121, Bauchot et al., 1993: 97)
ty: India: Ganges; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished Moringua latebrosa Schultz, in Schultz et al., 1953: 95, fig.
drawing is reproduced in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 95 fig. 4) 20a (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Kwandang; ho-
Moringua linearis Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 95 fig. 3 (type lotype: USNM 76772, Castle, 1968: 22, Smith, 1994: 13)
locality: India: Ganges; holotype: specimen on which ? Moringua penni Schultz, in Schultz et al., 1953: 96, fig.
figure is based, lost; diagnosed in Gray, 1831b: 9) 20b (type locality: New Guinea: Milne Bay, freshwater
Rataboura Hardwickii Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 95 fig. 4 (type stream; holotype: USNM 130660, Castle, 1968: 22,
locality: India: Ganges; holotype: specimen on which Smith, 1994: 13)
figure is based, lost; diagnosed in Gray, 1831b: 9) ? Moringua semperviridens McCann, 1967: 211, fig. 1 (type
Rataboura Hamiltonii Gray, 1831b: 9 (unnecessary replace- locality: Northern Cook Islands: Manihiki Atoll, south
ment name for Muraena raitaborua Hamilton, 1822: 25) end of Tauhunu Island; holotype: NZOI 20)
Anguilla maculatus Swainson, 1839: 334 (unnecessary re- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Day (1875–
placement name for Muraena raitaborua Hamilton, 78) and obviously requires revision. Moringua macrochir
1822: 25) is listed as valid by Eschmeyer (2010) by erroneous refer-
Ptyobranchus erythreus McClelland, 1844b: 201, 223, pl. 9 ence to Dingerkus & Séret (1992b: 175) who in fact dealt
fig. 3 (type locality: India: Bengal; syntypes: SMF 261 with M. microchir.
[1], 905 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Taxonomic notes. Checklist: Smith (2012). Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines
(Leyte) (pers. obs.).
Echidna Forster, 1788
Echidna J. R. Forster, 1788: 81 (type species: Echidna for- Echidna rhodochila Bleeker, 1863
steri Walbaum, 1792: 695, by subsequent monotypy in Echidna rhodochilus Bleeker, 1863g: 247 (type locality:
Walbaum, 1792: 695). Gender feminine. Indonesia: Rotti; holotype [338 mm TL]: BMNH
Megaderus Rafinesque, 1815: 220 (unnecessary replacement 1867.11.28.277, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 145)
name for Echidna Forster, 1788: 81). Gender masculine.
Molarii Richardson, 1848a: 79 (not available; not intended
as a generic name) Gymnothorax Bloch, 1795
Poecilophis Kaup, 1856a: 66 (type species: Gymnothorax Gymnothorax Bloch, 1795: 83 (type species: Gymnothorax
catenatus Bloch, 1795: 84, by subsequent designation reticularis Bloch, 1795: 85, designated by ICZN, 1926a:
by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 402; also in Kaup, 1857: 7 [Opinion 93]). Gender masculine.
98). Gender masculine. Gymnothorax Cuvier, 1800: tab. 3 (nomen nudum; on Offi-
Molarii [Molarius] Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 402, Jor- cial Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in
dan, 1919a: 223 (not available, listed in synonymy; Code Zoology, ICZN, 1956b: 343 [Direction 56]). Gender
art. 11.6.1) masculine.
Leihala E. K. Jordan, 1925: 5 (type species: Poecilophis Thaerodontis McClelland, 1844b: 154, 174, 187 (type spe-
tritor Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875: 287, by original desig- cies: Thaerodontis reticulata McClelland, 1844b: 188,
nation). Gender feminine. by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann,
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly based on Böhlke & 1896b: 392). Gender feminine.
Randall (2000: 216). Lycodontis McClelland, 1844b: 173, 185, 202 (type spe-
Nomenclatural notes. The name Molarii was not intended cies: Lycodontis literata McClelland, 1844b: 186, by
as a generic name but to designate a type of teeth. Anyway, original designation; not a junior homonym of Lycodontis
the name would not be available as it is not in the nomina- McClelland, 1844b: 173, 185, 202, which is an incor-
tive singular (Code art. 11.8). Jordan (1919a: 223) listed rect original spelling of Strophidon McClelland, 1844:
"Molarii (Molarius)" and commented "(plural form only)" 203 [replaced in erratum, thus not used as valid and there-
potentially making Molarius available, but the name would fore not available, Code art. 11.5; see Böhlke, 1995:
anyway be invalid as Jordan considered it to be a synonym 460]). Gender feminine.
of Echidna. Siderea Kaup, 1856a: 58 (type species: Muraena siderea
The type species of Echidna Forster, 1788 is listed in Richardson, 1848a: 85, by absolute tautonymy; also in
many different ways in different nomenclators, including Kaup, 1857: 70, as Sidera, an incorrect subsequent spell-
confusion between Johann Forster, his son Georg Forster ing). Gender feminine.
and Heinrich Lichtenstein who published J. Forster's manu- Thyrsoidea Kaup, 1856a: 60 (type species: Muraena thyr-
script in 1844. The original description does not mention soidea Richardson, 1845b [Oct.]: 111, by absolute tau-
species names. The first inclusion of species is sometimes tonymy [not Muraena thyrsoides Richardson, 1845a
credited to Gmelin (1789: 1135). Gmelin merely described [Apr.]: pl. 49 fig. 1, which is a different species (Böhlke,
Muraena echidna but did not mention the genus-group name 1995: 463) and whose name differs by one letter (Code
Echidna. The description ends with "Is it, as Forster says, a art. 57.6)]; also in Kaup, 1857: 73). Gender feminine.
distinct genus ?" As no genus-group name is mentioned it Polyuranodon Kaup, 1856a: 65 (type species: Polyuranodon
cannot be used as the first inclusion. The first inclusion of a kuhli Kaup, 1856a: 65, by monotypy; also in Kaup, 1857:
species-group name and designation of a type species by 96). Gender masculine.
subsequent monotypy is by Walbaum (1792: 695). Walbaum Neomuraena Girard, 1858a: 171 (type species Neomuraena
re-described the genus and included a single species, nigromarginata Girard, 1858a: 171, by monotypy). Gen-
Echidna forsteri, an unnecessary replacement name for der feminine.
Muraena echidna Gmelin, 1789. Priodonophis Kaup, 1859: 22 (type species: Gymnothorax
[Muraena Echidna Gmelin, 1789: 1135 (type locality: Palmerston Island; ocellatus Agassiz, 1829: 91, by monotypy). Gender mas-
types: NT)]. culine.
[Echidna Forsteri Walbaum, 1792. 695 (unnecessary replacement name
for Muraena echidna Gmelin, 1789: 1135)]. Taeniophis Kaup, 1860a: 1 (type species: Taeniophis west-
phali Kaup, 1860a: 1, by subsequent designation by Jor-
Echidna leucotaenia Schultz, 1943 dan & Davis, 1891: 589). Gender masculine.
Echidna leucotaenia Schultz, 1943: 22, pl. 3 (type locality: Phoe- Pseudomuraena Johnson, 1862: 167 (type species: Pseudo-
nix Islands: Enderbury Island reef, 3°08'30"S 171°05'34"W; muraena maderensis Johnson, 1862: 167, by monoty-
holotype: USNM 115949, Smith, 1994: 15) py). Gender feminine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Rabula Jordan & Davis, 1891: 589, 590 (subgenus of Gym- Thyrsoidea chlorostigma Kaup, 1856a: 63 (type locality: Sey-
nothorax Bloch, 1795: 83; type species: Rabula davisi chelles; holotype: MNHN 4427, Böhlke & Randall, 2000:
Fowler, 1912: 21 [footnote], by present fixation under 244, Bauchot et al., 1993: 102; also in Kaup, 1857: 89)
Code art. 70.3.2, misidentified as Muraena aquaedulcis Gymnothorax leucostictus Jenkins, 1903: 425, fig. 5 (type
Cope, 1872: 474, in original designation by Jordan & locality: Hawaii: coral reef at Honolulu; holotype: USNM
Davis, 1891: 589 [see McCosker & Rosenblatt, 1975: 50681, Smith, 1994: 18, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 121)
422, fig. 2]). Gender feminine. Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Böhlke & Randall
Ahynnodontophis Fowler, 1912: 25 (subgenus of Gymno- (2000: 244) and Smith (2012: 19). Gymnothorax buroensis
thorax Bloch, 1795: 83; type species: Gymnothorax and G. eurostus have sometimes been misidentified as
stigmanotus Fowler, 1912: 26, by original designation). G. meleagris. Hatooka (in Nakabo et al., 2002: 1453) con-
Gender masculine. sidered that the holotype of Muraena meleagris is a speci-
Verdithorax Whitley, 1931c: 311 (type species: Muraena men of the species presently called Gymnothorax eurostus
prasina Richardson, 1848a: 93, by original designation). and that the oldest available name for the present species is
Gender masculine. Gymnothorax chlorostigma. Because of ambiguous charac-
Notorabula Whitley, 1934c: 154 (type species: Muraena cal- hers Smith (2012: 20) preferred to retain the current usage,
lorhyncha Günther, 1870: 122, by original designation). which is followed here. Freshwater record from Philippines
Gender feminine. (Ambil) by Herre (1953a: 110).
Heteromyrus Pietschmann, 1935: 93 (type species: Hetero- [Thyrsoidea eurosta Abbott, 1860: 478 (type locality: Sandwich Islands
myrus atolli Pietschmann, 1935: 93, by monotypy). Gen- [Hawaii]; holotype: ANSP 984, Böhlke & Randall, 2000: 234].
[Muraena buroënsis Bleeker, 1857f: 79 (type locality: Indonesia: Buru:
der masculine. Kajeli; holotype [307 mm TL, in fact 207]: RMNH 7197, Böhlke &
Serranguilla Whitley & Phillipps, 1939: 228 (type species: Randall, 2000: 230, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 99].
Gymnothorax prionodon Ogilby, 1895: 720, by original
designation). Gender feminine. Gymnothorax polyuranodon (Bleeker, 1853)
Chasmenchelys Fowler, 1944a: 270 (type species: Murae- Muraena polyuranodon Bleeker, 1853p: 75 (type locality:
na panamensis Steindachner, 1876: 67, by original des- Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]; holotype [221 mm TL]: prob-
ignation). Gender feminine. ably lost, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 140; also in Bleeker,
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Böhlke & Randall 1854a: 248)
(2000: 226) and Smith (2012: 10). The record of Gymno- Polyuranodon Kuhli Kaup, 1856a: 65 (unnecessary replace-
thorax hepaticus from a creek on Andaman (Herre, 1939d: ment name for Muraena polyuranodon Bleeker, 1853p:
330) seems to be a misidentification. The species is marine 75; also in Kaup, 1857: 96, as P. kuhlii, an incorrect sub-
and apparently restricted to the Red Sea and western Indian sequent spelling)
Ocean (Randall & Golani, 1995: 859). Uropterygius fijiensis Fowler & Bean, 1923: 9 (type locali-
[Muraena hepatica Rüppell, 1830: 120 (type locality: Red Sea; holotype: ty: Fiji Islands: Lebukea; holotype: USNM 82774, Smith,
SMF 3554, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 114)]. 1994: 25, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 111)
Muraena blematigrina Roberts, 1993b: 14 (not available,
Gymnothorax fimbriatus (Bennett, 1832) manuscript name of Kuhl & van Hasselt)
Muraena fimbriata Bennett, 1832: 168 (type locality: Mau-
ritius; holotype ?: BMNH 1856.2.15.16, Böhlke & Smith, Gymnothorax tile (Hamilton, 1822)
2002: 110) Muraenophis tile Hamilton, 1822: 18, 363 (type locality:
Muraena bullata Richardson, 1848a: 86 (type locality: Sea India: estuaries near Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's
of Borneo; holotype: BMNH 2008.4.9.4, Böhlke & unpublished drawing reproduced in McClelland, 1844b:
Smith, 2002: 99, Smith, 2012: 15) pl. 8 fig. 1 and Hora, 1929a: pl. 15 fig. 3)
Muraena isingleenoïdes Bleeker, 1852s: 48 (type locality: Lycodontis literata McClelland, 1844b: 186, 202, 203, 215,
Indonesia: Sumatra: Sibogha; lectotype: RMNH 7191, pl. 7 fig. 2 (type locality: India: Bengal: Calcutta mar-
designated by Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 116) ket; holotype: probably lost, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 122;
Muraenophis tigrina Kaup, 1856a: 61 (not available, name Lycodontis changed into Strophidon in erratum p. 202)
published in synonymy) Lycodontis punctata McClelland, 1844b: 187, 202, 203, 215,
Muraenophis leopardina Kaup, 1856a: 61 (not available, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type locality: India: Bengal: vicinity of Calcutta;
name published in synonymy) syntypes: SMF 3497 [2], Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 142;
Muraenophis melanostigma Kaup, 1856a: 61 (not available, Lycodontis changed into Strophidon in erratum p. 202)
name published in synonymy) Strophidon maculata McClelland, 1844b: 203, 215, pl. 8
Enchelycore tamarae Prokoviev, 2005: 702, fig. 1 [p. 670 fig. 1 (unnecessary replacement name for Muraenophis
of translation] (type locality: India: Crusadan Island: tile Hamilton, 1822: 18)
Mangapam coral reef; holotype ZIN 53422) Muraena vermiculata Richardson, 1848a: 92 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Smith (2012: 15). India; holotype: BMNH 2008.4.21.2, Böhlke & Smith,
2002: 154, Smith, 2012: 28)
Gymnothorax meleagris (Shaw, 1795) Muraena gracilis Richardson, 1848a: 92 (type locality: In-
Muraena Meleagris Shaw, 1795: 2 unnumb. pp., pl. 220 dia; lectotype: BMNH 2008.4.9.5 [largest of 2], desig-
(type locality: Southern Ocean; holotype: BMNH nated by Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 113, Smith, 2012: 28)
1977.4.22.2, Böhlke & Randall, 2000: 244) Thyrsoidea microdon Kaup, 1856a: 62 (type locality: India:
Pondichéry harbour; holotype: MNHN B.2469, Bauchot invalid because not originally included). Gender mas-
et al., 1993: 102, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 126; also in culine.
Kaup, 1857: 89, pl. 13 fig. 64) Lycodontis McClelland, 1844b: 173, 185, 202 (name used
Gymnothorax borneënsis Bleeker, 1863p: 169 (type locali- in text, but replaced by Strophidon in erratum p. 202,
ty: Borneo; holotype: RMNH 3797, Böhlke & Smith, thus not used as valid and therefore not available, Code
2002: 98) art. 11.5 [Böhlke, 1995: 460]; since McClelland's
Lycodontis is not available, a later usage makes it avail-
able as Lycodontis Jordan & Evermann, 1896: 392 with
Scuticaria Jordan & Snyder, 1901 its own type species [Lycodontis literata McClelland,
Ichthyophis Lesson, 1828: 397 (type species: Ichthyophis 1844b: 186] and junior subjective synonym of Gymno-
tigrinus Lesson, 1829c: pl. 12, by monotypy; junior hom- thorax Bloch, 1795: 83, q.v.). Gender feminine.
onym of Ichthyophis Fitzinger, 1826: 36, 63, in Amphi- Evenchelys Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 327 (type species:
bia; also in Lesson, 1829c: pl. 12). Gender masculine. Muraena macrurus Bleeker, 1854x: 324, by original
Scuticaria Jordan & Snyder, 1901b: 886 (type species: Ich- designation). Gender feminine.
thyophis tigrinus Lesson, 1829c: pl. 12, by original des- Rhabdura Ogilby, 1907a: 12 (type species: Muraena
ignation). Gender feminine. macrurus Bleeker, 1854x: 324, by monotypy; objective
Nomenclatural notes. "Muraenoblenna Kaup, 1856" some- junior synonym of Evenchelys Jordan & Evermann,
times listed as replacement name or synonym of Ichthyophis 1902: 327). Gender feminine.
(e.g. Eschmeyer, 2010) does not exist. Kaup (1856b: 66) Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Böhlke (1993: 459,
explicitly indicated it as a name created by La Cepède (1803: 461).
[Muraenoblenna La Cepède, 1803: 652 (type species: Muraenoblenna Strophidon sathete (Hamilton, 1822)
olivacea La Cepède, 1803: 653, by monotypy). Gender feminine]. Muraenophis sathete Hamilton, 1822: 17, 363 (type locali-
ty: India: estuaries near Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's
Scuticaria marmorata (La Cepède, 1803) unpublished drawing reproduced in McClelland, 1844b:
Gymnomuraena marmorata La Cepède, 1803: 649 (type pl. 8 fig. 2 and Hora, 1929a: pl. 14 fig. 3)
locality: Bismark Archipelago: New Britain; holotype: Lycodontis longicaudata McClelland, 1844b: 187, 202, 203,
specimen figured or described by Commerson, lost, 215, pl. 8 fig. 2 (type locality: India: Bengal; syntypes:
Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 161) the specimen described and the specimen on which draw-
? Ichthyophis pantherinus Lesson, 1831: pl. 13 [15 June], ing is based [drawing is unpublished drawing of Mu-
p. 131 [13 Oct.] (type locality: Caroline Islands: Oualan raenophis sathete Hamilton, 1822]; spelt longicandata
[Strong Island]; holotype: lost, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: p. 215, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spell-
162 [plate in June, text appeared in October, therefore ing [Code art. 32.5.1]; Lycodontis changed into Strophi-
figured specimen is holotype]; not identifiable, Smith, don in erratum p. 202 [note that Code art. ap-
2012: 53) plies for spellings only, not for names])
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Böhlke & Randall (2000: Muraena macrurus Bleeker, 1854x: 324 (type locality: In-
270). Usually placed in Uropterygius (e.g. Smith, 2012: 37). donesia: Java: Anjer, in Strait of Sunda; holotype [2250
Generic position follows Loh et al. (2008: 140). mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.212, Böhlke & Smith, 2002:
Thyrsoidea longissima Kaup, 1856a: 61 (type locality: In-
Strophidon McClelland, 1844 dia: Bombay; holotype: MNHN 2134 [1], Bauchot et al.,
Strophidon McClelland, 1844b: 203, 214 (type species: Ly- 1993: 102, Böhlke & Smith, 2002: 122; also in Kaup,
codontis longicaudata McClelland, 1844b: 187, by sub- 1857: 82 [based on 3 specimens])
sequent designation by Jordan & Snyder, 1901b: 884; Strophidon ui Tanaka, 1918: 52 (type locality: Japan:
designation of Muraena brummeri Bleeker, 1858l: 137 Wakayama Pref.: Tanaba; holotype: ZUMT, lost, Esch-
meyer, 2010)
Taxonomic notes. Key to the genera of Ophichthidae: Allips concolor McCosker, 1972
Rosenblatt & McCosker, 1970. Synopsis: McCosker, 1977. Allips concolor McCosker, 1972: 117, figs. 4–5 (type local-
ity: Thailand: Ranong Province: "Goh Phi (10°57'42"N
Allips McCosker, 1972 98°35'18"E [this is in Myanmar; should probably read
Allips McCosker, 1972: 116 (type species: Allips concolor 9°57'42"N 98°35'18"E]), north of Ban Parknam Ranong,
McCosker, 1972: 117, by original designation). Gender at mouth of Pakehan River [should probably be: Ko Phi
masculine. Island (9°57'42"N 98°35'18"E), north of Ban Pak Nam
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Ranong, at mouth of Pakchan River]; holotype: CAS Calamuraena Whitley, 1944: 261 (type species: Ophichthys
13967) calamus Günther, 1870: 74, by original designation).
Distribution notes. Included because collected at river Gender feminine.
mouth in shallow water (0–1 m) in mangrove area. The co-
ordinates of the type locality are apparently erroneous and Cirrhimuraena chinensis Kaup, 1856
the spelling of most place names seems dubious. Cirrhimuraena chinensis Kaup, 1856a: 51 (type locality:
not stated [China / Indonesia: Sulawesi: Macassar; Kaup,
1857: 28]; syntypes: RMNH, BMNH 1851.12.27.227–
Bascanichthys Jordan & Davis, 1891 228, Eschmeyer, 2010; also in Kaup, 1857: 27)
Bascanichthys Jordan & Davis, 1891: 621 (type species:
Coecula bascanium Jordan, 1884: 43, by original desig-
nation). Gender masculine. Lamnostoma Kaup, 1856
Lamnostoma Kaup, 1856a: 49 (type species: Lamnostoma
Bascanichthys longipinnis (Kner & Steindachner, 1867) pictum Kaup, 1856a: 50, by subsequent designation,
Sphagebranchus longipinnis Kner & Steindachner, 1867: apparently by Jordan, 1919a: 271; also in Kaup, 1857:
390, pl. 5 fig. 14 (type locality: Samoa; holotype: BMNH 23). Gender neuter.
1866.12.27.10 [1, ex Museum Godefroy 2088], Esch- Anguisurus Kaup, 1856a: 50 (type species: Anguisurus
meyer, 2010 [as syntype]) punctulatus Kaup, 1856a: 50, by monotypy; also in Kaup,
Leptenchelys tenuis Tortonese, 1964b: 30, fig. 4 (type lo- 1857: 24, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 199; simultaneous
cality: Indonesia: New Guinea: [Vogelkop:] Andai; ho- subjective synonym of Lamnostoma Kaup, 1856a: 49,
lotype: MSNG 39721A) first reviser not researched). Gender masculine.
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Hainan (Kuang,
1986: 35). Lamnostoma kampeni (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916)
Brachysomophis kampeni Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 316,
figs. 150–151 (type locality: New Guinea: Humboldt Bay
Brachysomophis Kaup, 1856 near mouth of Mbai River; holotype: ZMA 101.351,
Brachysomophis Kaup, 1856a: 45 (type species: Brachyso- Nijssen et al., 1993: 213)
mophis horridus Kaup, 1856a: 45, by monotypy; also in Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines
Kaup, 1857: 9). Gender masculine. (Luzon) by Herre (1924d: 108; 1950b: 152).
Dendrophis Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 199 (type species: Bra-
chysomophis horridus Kaup, 1856a: 45, by monotypy; Lamnostoma mindora (Jordan & Richardson, 1908)
or nomen nudum if Duméril, 1856 appeared before Kaup, Coecula mindora Jordan & Richardson, 1908: 239, fig. 4
1856a: 45). Gender masculine. (type locality: Philippines: Mindoro [Baco River; Herre,
Achirophichthys Bleeker, 1864c: 35, 39 (type species: Achi- 1953a: 95]; holotype: CAS-SU 20209, Böhlke, 1953:
rophichthys typus Bleeker, 1864c: 39, by original desig- 49])
nation; also in Bleeker, 1864h: 41). Gender masculine. Distribution notes. Freshwater records in area from Timor
(Larson et al., 2007: 133) and Java (Rachmatika, 2003: 9).
Brachysomophis cirrocheilos (Bleeker, 1857) Nomenclatural notes. Mindora is a noun in apposition, not
Ophisurus cirrocheilos Bleeker, 1857e: 89 (type locality: an adjective, and should not be spelt mindorum.
Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes [2, 1205–1240 mm TL]:
RMNH 7170 [1], BMNH 1867.11.28.213 [1], McCosker Lamnostoma orientale (McClelland, 1844)
& Randall, 2001: 8; spelt cirrhocheilos in index, p. 102, Dalophis orientalis McClelland, 1844b: 213 (type locality:
first reviser [apparently Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 382] India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material
retained cirrocheilos as correct original spelling) on which is based Russell, 1803a: 26, pl. 37 [Mannti
Ophichthys cirrochilus Günther, 1870: 65 (unjustified emen- Bukaro Paumu])
dation of Ophisurus cirrocheilos Bleeker, 1857e: 89 Lamnostoma pictum Kaup, 1856a: 50 (type locality: India:
[mentioned by Günther in synonymy but misspelt Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] / Dekkan; syntypes:
cirrhocheilus]) RMNH and material on which is based Russell, 1803a:
Distribution notes. Present in area, but inland record is from 26, pl. 37 [Mannti Bukaro Paumu]; also in Kaup, 1857:
Mozambique (McCosker & Randall, 2001: 13). 23, pl. 2 fig. 11)
Distribution notes. Inland records in estuaries in India (Day,
1878: 665). Known from India, Sri Lanka and New Guinea
Cirrhimuraena Kaup, 1856 (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 321), last one requiring con-
Cirrhimuraena Kaup, 1856a: 51 (type species: Cirrhimu- firmation.
raena chinensis Kaup, 1856, by monotypy; also in Kaup,
1857: 27, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 199). Gender Lamnostoma polyophthalmum (Bleeker, 1853)
feminine. Dalophis polyophthalmus Bleeker, 1853f: 299 (type locali-
Jenkinsiella Jordan & Evermann, 1905: 83 (type species: ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman, in sea; syntypes [2,
Microdonophis macgregori Jenkins, 1903: 422, by orig- 166–230 mm TL]: LU; also in Bleeker, 1853p: 69)
inal designation). Gender feminine. Anguisurus punctulatus Kaup, 1856a: 50 (type locality: Java;
syntypes: RMNH [5]; also in Kaup, 1857: 24, pl. 2 fig. Ophithorax McClelland, 1844b: 212 (type species: Murae-
12) na ophis Linnaeus, 1758: 244, by subsequent designa-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Hatooka & Yoshino tion by Jordan, 1919a: 220; objective junior synonym of
(1998: 22). Inland record from Luzon (Philippines) (Herre, Ophichthus Thunberg, 1789: 5, 9). Gender masculine.
1953: 97) and Japan (Hatooka & Yoshino, 1998: 22). Centrurophis Kaup, 1856a: 42 (type species: Ophichthys
Nomenclatural note. Polyophthalmus is a compound ad- cephalozona Bleeker, 1864c: 49; type was fixed as Ophi-
jective and has to agree in gender with Lamnostoma. surus spadiceus Richardson, 1846a: 313, by subsequent
designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 381 but
Lamnostoma taylori (Herre, 1923) Ophisurus spadiceus in Kaup, 1856a is misidentified
Caecula taylori Herre, 1923: 183, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type locality: Ophichthys cephalozona Bleeker, 1864c: 49 [McCosk-
Philippines: Luzon: Zambales Province: Cabatoan River er, 1977: 79] and under Code art. 70.3.2, I fix here Oph-
near Iba; holotype: BSM, lost) ichthys cephalozona as type species of Centrurophis; also
Taxonomic notes. Hatooka & Yoshino (1998: 26) treated in Kaup, 1857: 2, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 198).
C. taylori as synonym of L. mindora but it is valid accord- Gender masculine.
ing to Chang & Tsai (2003: 78). Poecilocephalus Kaup, 1856a: 43 (type species: Poeciloce-
phalus bonaparti Kaup, 1856a: 43, by monotypy; also
in Kaup, 1857: 5, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 198).
Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853 Gender masculine.
Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853h: 505 (type species: Murae- Microdonophis Kaup, 1856a: 43 (type species: Microdono-
na gymnopterus Bleeker, 1852s: 52, by monotypy; re- phis altipennis Kaup, 1856a: 43, by monotypy; also in
peated in Bleeker, 1853p: 71, with spelling Muraenich- Kaup, 1857: 6, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 198). Gen-
thijs). Gender masculine. der masculine.
Taxonomic notes. Species synonymies follow Castle & Coecilophis Kaup, 1856a: 44 (type species: Ophisurus
McCosker (1999). compar Richardson, 1848a: 105, by monotypy; also in
Kaup, 1857: 6, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 198). Gen-
Muraenichthys gymnopterus Bleeker, 1852 der masculine.
Muraena gymnopterus Bleeker, 1852s: 52 (type locality: Herpetoichthys Kaup, 1856a: 44 (type species: Herpetoich-
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [215 mm thys ornatissimus Kaup, 1856a: 44, by subsequent des-
TL]: ? BMNH 1867.11.28.301 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010 [a ignation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 381; also in
single specimen p. 52; second specimen p. 71, but p. 71 Kaup, 1857: 7, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 199). Gen-
appeared later, see Bleeker, 1853p: 71]; also in Bleeker, der masculine.
1853h: 506) Scytalophis Kaup, 1856a: 46 (type species: Scytalophis
Muraenichthys microstomus Bleeker, 1864h: 39 (type lo- magnioculis Kaup, 1856a: 46, by subsequent designa-
cality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang]; tion by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 381; also in Kaup,
holotype [355 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1867.11.28.311, Esch- 1857: 13, and Kaup, in Duméril, 1856: 199). Gender
meyer, 2010) masculine.
Muraenichthys hattae Jordan & Snyder, 1901b: 862, fig. 12 Leptorhinophis Kaup, 1856a: 46 (type species: Ophisurus
(type locality: Japan: rock pool at Wakanoura; holotype: gomesii Castelnau, 1855: 84, by subsequent designation
CAS-SU 6473) by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 381; also in Kaup, 1857:
14). Gender masculine.
Muraenichthys malabonensis Herre, 1923 Cryptopterus Kaup, 1859: 11 (type species: Cryptopterus
Muraenichthys malabonensis Herre, 1923: 157, pl. 2 fig. 1 puncticeps Kaup, 1859: 11, by monotypy; not a junior
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province: pond homonym of Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857n: 472). Gen-
at Malabon; syntypes: BSM 839–842 [4], lost) der masculine.
Distribution notes. Inland records from Hainan (Kuang, Uranichthys Poey, 1867: 256 (type species: Muraena hauan-
1986: 32) and Philippines (Luzon). nensis Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 491, by subsequent
designation by Jordan & Davis, 1891: 624). Gender
Ophichthus Thunberg, 1787 Paramyrus Günther, 1870: 51 (type species: Conger cylin-
Innominado Parra, 1787: 96, pl. 37 fig. 2 (non binominal, droideus Ranzani, 1839: 81, by subsequent designation
vernacular, name not available) by Jordan & Davis, 1891: 641). Gender masculine.
Ophichthus Thunberg, 1789: 5, 9 (type species: Muraena Oxyodontichthys Poey, 1880: 254 (type species: Ophichthys
ophis Linnaeus, 1758: 244, by subsequent designation macrurus Poey, 1867: 256, by subsequent designation
by Bleeker, 1864c: 36; also in Thunberg, 1801: 3, 8). by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 381). Gender mascu-
Gender masculine. line.
Ophis Turton, 1807: 82, 87 (type species: Ophis maculata Omochelys Fowler, 1918: 3 (subgenus of Pisodonophis
Turton, 1807: 87, by monotypy). Gender masculine. Kaup, 1856a: 47; type species: Pisodonophis cruentifer
Cogrus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 62 (type species: Goode & Bean, 1895: 147, by original designation).
Cogrus maculatus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 62, by Gender feminine.
monotypy). Gender masculine. Syletor Jordan, 1919c: 343 (type species: Pisodonophis cru-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
entifer Goode & Bean, 1895: 147, by original designa- Taxonomic notes. Apparently not mentioned in literature
tion; junior homonym of Syletor Tschitschérine, 1899: since original description. Habitat unknown.
78 in Coleoptera; objective junior synonym of Omochelys
Fowler, 1918: 3). Gender masculine. Ophichthus apicalis (Bennett, 1830)
Acanthenchelys Norman, 1922: 296 (type species: Acanth- Ophisurus apicalis Bennett, 1830: 692 (type locality: Indo-
enchelys spinicauda Norman, 1922: 296, by subsequent nesia: Sumatra; types: ? BMNH; not anonymous, see pp.
designation by Jordan, 1923: 133). Gender feminine. xi, 629)
Cryptopterenchelys Fowler, 1925: 1 (unnecessary replace- Ophisurus spadiceus Richardson, 1846a: 313 (type locali-
ment name for Cryptopterus Kaup, 1859: 11). Gender ty: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH)
feminine. Ophisurus compar Richardson, 1848a: 105 (type locality:
Zonophichthus Whitley, 1930b: 250 (type species: Ophich- Indonesia: Sumatra; holotype: BMNH uncat., Eschmey-
thys cephalozona Bleeker, 1864c: 49, by original desig- er, 2010)
nation; objective junior synonym of Centrurophis Kaup, Ophisurus bangko Bleeker, 1853p: 67 (type locality: Indo-
1856a: 42). Gender masculine. nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [2, 340–360 mm
Giscenchelys Fowler, 1944a: 188 (subgenus of Ophichthus TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.233 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Thunberg, 1789: 5; type species: Ophichthys zophochir Ophisurus Diepenhorsti Bleeker, 1860a: 85 (type locality:
Jordan & Gilbert, 1882d: 347, by original designation). Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman; syntypes [5, 260–430 mm
Gender feminine. TL]: BMMH 1867.11.28.316 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Syletophis Whitley, 1950a: 44 (replacement name for Syletor
Jordan, 1919c: 343). Gender masculine. Ophichthus macrochir (Bleeker, 1852)
Antobrantia Pinto, 1970: 13 (type species: Antobrantia ribei- Ophisurus macrochir Bleeker, 1852s: 26 (type locality: In-
roi Pinto, 1970: 13, by original designation). Gender donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [145 mm from
feminine. snout tip to anus]: RMNH 7174, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Nomenclatural notes. The author of Ophichthus is usually
indicated as "Ahl, 1789". Ahl was a student of Thunberg. Ophichthus polyophthalmus Bleeker, 1864
As was customary at that time, Thunberg wrote the theses Ophichthys polyophthalmus Bleeker, 1864c: 47, pl. 186 fig. 3
to be defended by his students (Rookmaaker & Svanberg, (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [381 mm TL]:
1994). Thunberg is sole author of the names and of the con- LU; secondary junior homonym of Dalophis polyoph-
ditions making them available. This applies to a number of thalmus Bleeker, 1853f: 299 when placed in Ophichthys
names described in other theses, for which Thunberg has by Günther, 1870: 73; valid because substitute name
always been indicated as author (e.g. Plotosus lineatus). never used, Code art. 59.3; also in Bleeker, 1864h: 43)
Muraenopsis Kaup, 1856 is sometimes listed in the syn- Ophichthys bleekeri Volz, 1903b: 418 (replacement name
onym of Ophichthus. "Muraenopsis Lesueur" and "Murae- for Ophichthys polyophthalmus Bleeker, 1864c: 47)
nopsis ocellata Lesueur" in Kaup (1856a: 46) refer to Mu- Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines
raenophis in Lesueur (1825b) and Muraenophis ocellata (Luzon) by Herre (1953a: 97).
Lesueur, 1825. Lesueur did not use the spelling Muraenop-
sis. Muraenopsis Kaup is an incorrect subsequent spelling Ophichthus rutidoderma (Bleeker, 1852)
of Muraenophis La Cepède. This is also confirmed by the Ophisurus rutidoderma Bleeker, 1852s: 30 (type locality:
usage of Muraenophis instead of Muraenopsis in same po- Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [940 mm
sition in a similar list of genera in Kaup (in Duméril, 1856: TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.226, Hoese et al., 2006: 272)
199). Ophichthus rutidodermatoïdes Bleeker, 1852s: 31 (type lo-
Muraenophis La Cepède, 1803 is sometimes treated as cality: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [610 mm TL]:
an incorrect subsequent spelling of Murenophis Cuvier, 1797 BMNH 1867.11.28.292, Hoese et al., 2006: 272)
(e.g. by Eschmeyer, 2010). Cuvier is not mentioned by La Ophisurus lumbricoïdes Bleeker, 1852s: 32 (type locality:
Cepède, and Murénophis is not used in a latinized form by Java [see p. 6]; holotype [410 mm TL]: BMNH
La Cepède, only as a French vernacular name. Therefore 1867.11.28.300, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Muraenophis La Cepède cannot be an incorrect subsequent Ophichthus derbyensis Whitley, 1941a: 14, fig. 10 (type
spelling of Murenophis Cuvier. locality: N. W. Australia: Derby; holotype: AMS I.840,
[Murenophis Cuvier, 1797: 329 (type species: Muraena helena Linnaeus, Hoese et al., 2006: 272)
1758: 244, by monotypy). Gender masculine].
[Muraenophis La Cepède, 1803: 627 (type species: Muraena helena Lin-
naeus, 1758: 244, by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann,
1896b: 400 [not an incorrect subsequent spelling of Murenophis Cu- Pisodonophis Kaup, 1856
vier, 1797: 329 as there is no reference to Cuvier])]. Pisodonophis Kaup, 1856a: 47 (type species: Ophisurus
[Muraenopsis Kaup, 1856a: 46 (incorrect subsequent spelling of cancrivorus Richardson, 1848a: 97, by subsequent des-
Muraenophis La Cepède, 1803: 627)].
ignation by Bleeker, 1864c: 36). Gender masculine.
Species inquirenda Pisoodonophis Kaup, 1857: 15 (incorrect subsequent spell-
Ophichthys celebicus var. sumatranus Machan, 1930a: 67 ing of Pisodonophis Kaup, 1856a: 47)
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: market in Padang; Brachycheirophis Fowler, 1944a: 190 (type species: Piso-
syntypes: NMW 15867 [1], 15868 [1]; also in Machan, donophis daspilotus Gilbert, in Jordan & Evermann,
1930b: 429, figs. 3–4) 1898: 2843, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Pisodonophis boro (Hamilton, 1822) Ophisurus sinensis Richardson, 1848a: 98 (type locality:
Ophisurus boro Hamilton, 1822: 20, 363 (type locality: In- China: Canton; holotype: Cambridge Philosophical In-
dia: estuaries near Calcutta; syntypes; NT; Hamilton's stitution, Eschmeyer, 2010; simultaneous subjective syn-
unpublished drawing reproduced in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, onym of Ophisurus cancrivorus Richardson, 1848a: 97,
pl. 95 fig. 1; Richardson (1848a: 99) commented that first reviser [Kaup, 1856a: 47] gave precedence to
BMNH has a specimen which is probably the model of O. cancrivorus)
Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 91 [95] fig. 1, which would be a Ophiurus baccidens Cantor, 1849: 1302, pl. 5 fig. 1 (type
type but this requires confirmation) locality: Singapore / Malaysia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes:
Ophisurus harancha Hamilton, 1822: 21, 363 (type locali- BMNH 1860.3.19.397 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
ty: India: estuaries near Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's Ophisurus Schaapii Bleeker, 1852s: 53 (type locality: In-
unpublished drawing reproduced in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, donesia: Banka [Bangka]: Pangkalpinang; holotype [760
pl. 95 fig. 2; Richardson (1846a: 313) commented that mm TL]: LU; also in Bleeker, 1853b: 735)
BMNH has a specimen given by Hamilton to Hardwick, Ophisurus brachysoma Bleeker, 1852s: 55 (type locality:
but this requires confirmation; simultaneous subjective Indonesia: Sulawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang]; holo-
synonym of Ophisurus boro Hamilton, 1822: 20, first type [740 mm TL]: LU; also in Bleeker, 1853c: 776)
reviser [Bleeker, 1853o: 78] gave precedence to O. boro) Pisoodonophis moluccensis Bleeker, 1864c: 72, pl. 193 fig. 2
Anguilla immaculata Swainson, 1839: 334 (available by (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [525 mm TL]:
indication to Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 91 [95] fig. 1, which LU; also in Bleeker, 1865m: 214)
is original figure of Ophisurus boro Hamilton, 1822; type Myrophis chrysogaster Macleay, 1881d: 271 (type locality:
locality: India: estuaries near Calcutta; holotype: model Australia: Port Darwin; holotype: AMS I.16267-001,
of Gray's figure, lost [but see under Ophisurus boro]) Hoese et al., 2006: 273; reprinted as Macleay, 1884a:
Anguilla acuminata Swainson, 1839: 334 (available by in- vol. 2: 207)
dication to Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 91 [95] fig. 2, which Ophichthus chilkensis Chaudhuri, 1916: 445, fig. 12 (type
is original figure of Ophisurus harancha Hamilton, 1822; locality: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake, Rambha Bay; holo-
type locality: India: estuaries near Calcutta; holotype: type: ZSI F9177/1)
model of Gray's figure, lost [but see under Ophisurus Ophichthys madagascariensis Fourmanoir, 1961: 102, fig.
harancha]) 16 (type locality: Madagascar: Iranza Island [Nosy Iranja;
Ophisurus rostratus McClelland, 1844b: 184, 211 (based 13°36'S 47°49'E]; syntypes [5]: lost, McCosker, 2010: 2)
on unpublished drawing of Hamilton; type locality: In-
dia: Bengal; holotype: specimen on which drawing is Pisodonophis hijala (Hamilton, 1822)
based; junior primary homonym of Ophisurus rostratus Ophisurus Hijala Hamilton, 1822: 20, 363, pl. 5 fig. 5 (type
Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 242) locality: India: rivers of Bengal, both salt and fresh; types:
Ophisurus vermiformis McClelland, 1844b: 185, 204, 212, NT; Hamilton's drawing is reproduced in Hora, 1929a:
pl. 12 fig. 2 (type locality: India: Bengal; syntypes: ? SMF pl. 14 fig. 2)
701 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010) Anguilla puncticulata Swainson, 1839: 334 (available by
Ophisurus minimus McClelland, 1844b: 185, 204, 212, pl. 10 indication to Hamilton, 1822: fig. 5 [Ophisurus hijala];
figs. 3–4 (type locality: India: Bengal; types: LU) type locality: India: rivers of Bengal; holotype: model
Ophisurus caudatus McClelland, 1844b: 185, 204, pl. 12 of Hamilton's figure, lost)
fig. 3 (type locality: India: Bengal [p. 183]; syntypes:
SMF 296 [4], Eschmeyer, 2010) Pisodonophis hypselopterus (Bleeker, 1851)
? Conger microstoma Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 205, pl. 9 Ophiurus hypselopterus Bleeker, 1851j: 69 (type locality:
fig. 3 (type locality: China: Macao; holotype: MNHN Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
B.2736, Bauchot et al., 1982: 69) holotype [640 mm TL]: LU [not BMNH 1867.11.28.279
Ophisurus potamophilus Bleeker, 1853p: 68 (type locality: listed by Ji & Kim, 2011: 66, fig. 7c, which is too small])
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype
[825 mm TL]: LU; also in Bleeker, 1854c: 458)
Pisodonophis assamensis Sen, 1985: 241, fig. 1 (type local- Yirrkala Whitley, 1940
ity: India: Lower Assam: Silchar District: Dolu River at Yirrkala Whitley, 1940b: 410 (type species: Yirrkala chase-
Barakhola; holotype: ZSI FF2159) lingi Whitley, 1940b: 410, by original designation). Gen-
der feminine.
Pisodonophis cancrivorus (Richardson, 1848) Pantonora Smith, 1965a: 719 (type species: Ophichthys
? Ophisurus nigripennis Liénard, in Bouton, 1843: 90 (type tenuis Günther, 1870: 88, by original designation). Gen-
locality: Ile Maurice [Mauritius]; holotype: LU [not pa- der feminine.
ratypes; syntax makes it clear that 'ranges' in fact indi-
cate approximative counts of dorsal- and anal-fin rays]; Yirrkala kaupii (Bleeker, 1858)
if synonymy confirmed, must be declared a nomen Sphagebranchus Kaupii Bleeker, 1858p: 3 (type locality:
oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2) Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado Province: Klabat-diatas;
Ophisurus cancrivorus Richardson, 1848a: 97, pl. 50 figs. holotype [362 mm TL]: LU)
6–9 (type locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Port
Essington; holotype: LU)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Congresox Gill, 1890 nesox pp. 394, 408, Murænesox p. 409; also in McClel-
Congresox Gill, 1890a: 234 (type species: Muraena talabon land, 1844b: 210). Gender masculine.
Cuvier, 1829: 350, by original designation). Gender Nomenclatural notes. Bleeker (1864c: 19) designated "Mu-
masculine. raenesox bagio Kaup = Muraenesox hamiltoniae McClel-
land" as type species of Muraenesox. This designation is
Congresox talabon (Cuvier, 1829) not valid as these nominal species were not originally in-
Muraena talabou Cuvier, 1829: 350 (available by indica- cluded.
tion to Russell, 1803a: n° 38; type locality: India: Viza-
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton, 1822)
which is based Russell, 1803a: 27, pl. 38 [Tala Bon]; Muraena bagio Hamilton, 1822: 24, 364 (type locality: In-
spelling talabon is correct original spelling by virtue of dia: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT; Hamilton's un-
Code art. 33.3.1) published drawing is reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 14
? Muraenesox lanceolata M'Clelland, 1844a: 409 (type lo- fig. 1)
cality: India: around Calcutta; syntypes: LU/NT ?; also Muraenesox Hamiltonii McClelland, 1844b: 182, 203, 210,
in McClelland, 1844b: 181, 210 [not pl. 6 fig. 3]) pl. 8 fig. 3 (unnecessary replacement name for Muraena
? Muraenesox exodon M'Clelland, 1844a: 409 (type locali- bagio Hamilton, 1822; spelt hamiltoniae p. 203, first
ty: Burma: Arrakan; syntypes: LU/NT ?) reviser [Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 704] retained hamiltonii
Muraenesox serradentata M'Clelland, 1844a: 409 (type lo- as correct original spelling)
cality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: Conger moniliger Bleeker, 1864q: 124 (not available, name
specimen on which is based Russell, 1803a: 27, pl. 38 listed in synonymy)
[Tala Bon]; junior objective synonym of Muraena
talabon Cuvier, 1829: 350) Muraenesox cinereus (Forskål, 1775)
? Muraenesox exodentata McClelland, 1844b: 180, 203, Muraena cinerea Forskål, 1775: x, 22 (type locality: Red
210, pl. 8 fig. 4 [not pl. 6 fig. 3] (type locality: "Bay of Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: MZUC P
Bengal near the islands on the Arrakan coast"; syntypes 31250, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 13, pl. 1 fig. 1,
[2]: LU; spelt exodontata p. 203, first reviser not re- Nielsen, 1974: 53; spelt M. tota cinerea p. 22, first re-
searched) viser [apparently Dor, 1984: 31] gave precedence to ci-
Nomenclatural notes. Cuvier (1829: 350) made the name nerea)
Muraena talabou available by indication to Russell (1803a: Muraena arabica Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 488 (type lo-
n° 38), which is Tala Bon. This was probably an inadvertent cality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; types:
error and it was corrected by all subsequent users. I have Bloch's material if any, and MZUC P 31250, holotype of
not seen a single use of talabou. Therefore, talabon is in Muraena cinerea Forskål, 1775: x, 22)
prevailing usage and is deemed to be the correct original Ophisurus rostratus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 242, pl. 51 fig. 1
spelling under Code art. 33.3.1. (type locality: Bismark Archipelago: Rawak Island; ho-
lotype: MNHN A.8788, Bauchot et al., 1993: 118)
Congresox talabonoides (Bleeker, 1852) Conger longirostris Bennett, 1830: 692 (type locality: In-
Conger talabonoïdes Bleeker, 1852s: 20 (type locality: Indone- donesia: Sumatra; types: ? BMNH; not anonymous, see
sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [610 mm TL]: LU) pp. xi, 629)
Muraenesox pristis Kaup, 1856a: 74 (type locality: Asia Muraenesox tricuspidata M'Clelland, 1844a: 409, pl. 24 fig. 1
[MNHN syntype: India: Malabar Coast; and M'Clelland's (type locality: China: Chusan Island [Zhoushan Dao] &
material, see below]; syntypes: MNHN 8445 [1], Bauchot Ningpo [Chekiang [Zhejiang]: Ningbo] / India: Bengal:
et al., 1993: 118, RMNH [2] and material of Muraenesox about Calcutta; syntypes: LU)
lanceolata M'Clelland, 1844a: 409, Muraenesox exodon Muraenesox bengalensis McClelland, 1844b: 182 (type lo-
M'Clelland, 1844a: 409, Muraenesox serradentata cality: India: Bengal; syntypes: LU)
M'Clelland, 1844a: 409 and Muraenesox exodentata Conger Hamo Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 262, pl. 114
McClelland, 1844b: 203 [Kaup also referred to Cantor, fig. 2 (type locality: southwest coast of Japan; lectotype:
1849: 1294: 98, who only referred to M'Clellands's de- RMNH 2029, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 189)
scription]; also in Kaup, 1857: 116) Congrus protervus Richardson, 1848a: 110 (type locality: un-
known; holotype: BMNH 2008.4.9.8, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Congrus angustidens Richardson, 1848a: 110 (type locali-
Muraenesox McClelland, 1844 ty: China; holotype: BMNH, ? lost, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Muraenesox M'Clelland, 1844a: 408 (type species: Murae- Congrus brevicuspis Richardson, 1848a: 111 (type locality:
nesox tricuspidata M'Clelland, 1844a: 409, by subse- unknown; holotype: BMNH 2008.4.21.4, Eschmeyer,
quent designation by Jordan, 1919a: 220; spelt Murœ- 2010)
Nomenclatural notes. See Steyskal (1980: 172) for correct Pellona Grayana Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
spelling of the family-group name often spelt Pristigasteridae. 1847b: 315 (unnecessary replacement name for Clupea
affinis Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 96 fig. 2)
Ilisha Richardson, 1846 Pellona vimbella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Platygaster Swainson, 1838: 278, 280 (subgenus of Clupea 1847b: 317 (type locality: China: Macao; holotype:
Linnaeus, 1758: 317; type species: Clupea africana Bloch, MNHN 5148, Whitehead, 1967: 120, Whitehead &
1795: 45, by subsequent designation by Swain, 1883: Bauchot, 1985: 23)
281; junior homonym of Platygaster Latreille, 1809: 31 Pellona Schlegelii Bleeker, 1853n: 18 (type locality: Japan:
in Hymenoptera and Platygaster Schilling, 1829: 37, 82, Bay of Simabarai; syntypes: specimens on which are
226 in Hemiptera; Platygaster Zetterstedt, 1837: 34, in based Bürger's notes and drawing [material of Clupea
Hemiptera, is a nomen nudum). Gender feminine. melastoma of Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 237, pl. 108
Ilisha Richardson, 1846a: 306 (type species: Ilisha abnormis fig. 1]; also in Bleeker, 1854r: 418)
Richardson, 1846a: 306, by subsequent designation, Pristigaster Chinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 243 (type locali-
possibly Jordan, 1919a: 227). Gender feminine. ty: China: Gulf of Tschili and eastern sea; types: ? ZISP)
Zunasia Jordan & Metz, 1913: 7 (type species: Pristigaster Pristigaster sinensis Sauvage, 1881c: 107 (type locality:
chinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 243, by original designa- China: Swatow [Shantou]; holotype: MNHN A.2948,
tion). Gender feminine. Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 25)
Pseudochirocentrodon Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920: 8 (type spe-
cies: Pseudochirocentrodon amazonicum Miranda- Ilisha filigera (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Ribeiro, 1920: 8, by monotypy). Gender masculine. 1847)
Euplatygaster Fowler, 1934c: 246 (subgenus of Ilisha Rich- Pellona filigera Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ardson, 1846a: 306; type species: Pellona brachysoma 1847b: 322 (type locality: India: Bombay; holotype [Va-
Bleeker, 1851p: 440, by original designation). Gender lenciennes explicitly mentioned a single specimen]:
feminine. MNHN 3710, Whitehead, 1967: 117 [as lectotype],
Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 22)
Ilisha elongata (Bennett, 1830) Pellona xanthopterus Bleeker, 1851p: 439 (type locality:
Alosa elongata Bennett, 1830 [Feb]: 691 (type locality: In- Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype
donesia: Sumatra; holotype: BMNH 1852.9.13.107, [246 mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.14, Whitehead et al.,
Seshagiri Rao, 1976: 506, fig. 6; not anonymous, see 1966: 97; also in Bleeker, 1852j: 49)
pp. xi, 629)
Clupea affinis Gray, 1830 [15 Jul]: vol. 1, pl. 96 fig. 2 (type Ilisha indica (Swainson, 1839)
locality: Malaysia: Penang; holotype: specimen on which Clupea Melastoma Schneider, 1801: 427 (type locality: In-
figure is based) dian: near Coromandel; holotype: ZMB 3842, Paepke,
Illisha abnormis Richardson, 1846a: 306 (type locality: 1999: 65, Whitehead, 1969b: 270, Seshagiri Rao, 1976:
China: Chinese seas [area of Macao]; syntypes: BMNH 507, fig. 10; declared a nomen oblitum by Whitehead,
1964.11.6.4 [1], Whitehead, 1966: 30 and specimens on 1967: 11 [Code art. 23.12])
Reeves drawings, reproduced in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 3 Platygaster verticalis Swainson, 1838: 278 (type locality:
figs. 2–3) India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: speci-
Pellona Leschenaulti Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- men on which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 192
nes, 1847b: 311 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lec- [Ditchoee]; declared a nomen oblitum by Whitehead,
totype: MNHN 3435, by present designation [listed as 1967: 11 [Code art. 23.12])
holotype by Whitehead, 1967: 118, Whitehead & Platygaster Indicus Swainson, 1839: 294 (available by in-
Bauchot, 1985: 22; original description partly based on dication to Russell, 1803b: pl. 192; type locality: India:
bibliographic sources, which refer to other species]) Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 192 [Ditchoee]; ob- del Coast; lectotype: MNHN 3708, designated by White-
jective junior synonym of Platygaster verticalis Swain- head, 1967: 113, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 21; jun-
son, 1838: 278) ior objective synonym of Platygaster megalopterus
Pellona Ditchoa Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Swainson, 1839: 294)
1847b: 313 (based on Russell, 1803b: 74, pl. 192; type Pellona Russellii Bleeker, 1852b: 72 (type locality: Indone-
locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Samarang, Surabaya,
material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 74, pl. 192 Pasuruan / Madura: Kammal, Tandjong / Singapore; lec-
[Ditchoee]; objective junior synonym of Platygaster totype: BMNH 1867.11.28.13, designated by Whitehead
verticalis Swainson, 1838: 278 and Platygaster indicus et al., 1966: 102; also in Bleeker, 1852d: 23 [based on 3
Swainson, 1839: 294) specimens])
Pellona micropus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, ? Ilisha bleekeri Bertin, 1941: 24 (based on Ilisha novacula
1847b: 320 (type locality: India: Coromandel Coast; lec- of Bleeker, "1866" [Bleeker, 1870a: pl. 269, 1872a: 120],
totype: MNHN 3711, designated by Whitehead, 1967: of Günther, 1868a: 458 and of Weber & de Beaufort,
116, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 23) 1913: 92 [all based on the same specimen]; type locali-
Pellona brachysoma Bleeker, 1851p: 440 (type locality: ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: ? BMNH
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [170 mm 1867.11.28.19)
TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.16, Whitehead et al., 1966: 101; Nomenclatural notes. Whitehead & Bauchot (1985: 22)
also in Bleeker, 1852d: 22) listed MNHN 3708 as neotype of Clupea megalopterus
Swainson, 1839 and stated that it had been designated by
Ilisha kampeni (Weber & de Beaufort, 1913) Whitehead (1967: 113, 114). In fact, Whitehead merely stat-
Pellona kampeni Weber & de Beaufort, 1913: 87 (type lo- ed that "it is recommended as a suitable neotype". Seshagiri
cality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Borneo: Rao (1973: 737, 1976: 508) also ambiguously refers to this
Kalimantan Timur: Balikpapan; syntypes: ZMA 112.594 specimen as neotype. Both Whitehead and Seshagiri Rao
[3], 112.595 [1], Nijssen et al., 1993: 213, Seshagiri Rao, discussed the nomenclatural problems surrounding the iden-
1976: 508) tity of Platygaster megalopterus and Pellona dussumieri,
Ilisha whiteheadi Seshagiri Rao, 1974: 861 (type locality: showing that the problem cannot be solved without a neo-
India: Andhra Pradesh: Kakinada; holotype: BMNH type designation; but they did not explicitly designate a neo-
1975.9.24.36) type. In order to clarify this taxonomic problem [Code art.
75.3.1] I designate here MNHN 3708 (lectotype of Pellona
Ilisha macrogaster Bleeker, 1865 dussumieri) as neotype of Platygaster megalopterus; this
Ilisha macrogaster Bleeker, 1865g: 300 (type locality: In- specimen is described by Whitehead (1967: 113) [art. 75.3.3,
donesia: Borneo: Sambas; holotype [150 mm TL]: 75.3.7] and is from the Coromandel Coast, on which the
BMNH 1867.11.28.20, Whitehead et al., 1966: 98, original type locality Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] is lo-
Seshagiri Rao, 1976: 508, fig. 8) cated [art. 75.3.6]. Ilisha megalopterus is diagnosed by
Whitehead (1985: 270) [art. 75.3.2] and both the diagnosis
Ilisha megaloptera (Swainson, 1838) and the characters of the neotype agree with the informa-
? Clupanodon motius Hamilton, 1822: 251, 383 (type lo- tion that can be extracted from the plate on which the nom-
cality: India: Brahmaputra River; types: NT; Hamilton's inal species was originally based [art. 73.3.5]; the specimen
unpublished figure reproduced in Gray, 1834: vol. 2, on which this plate is based has not been preserved [art.
pl. 91 figs. 3–4) 75.3.4]). Clupanodon motius should probably be declared a
Platygaster macropthalma Swainson, 1838: 278 (available nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9 but I have not researched
by indication to Iangarloo in Russell, 1803b: pl. 191 [re- possible usages after 1899.
produced in Whitehead, 1967: pl. 8a]; type locality: In- The description of Pellona russellii was based on 3 speci-
dia: Visakhapatnam; neotype: BMNH 1972.5.12.25, des- mens and was included in Bleeker (1852d: 23). Later,
ignated by Seshagiri Rao, 1977: 73, fig. 1; declared a Bleeker received 2 more specimens and wrote a second de-
nomen oblitum by Whitehead, 1967: 11, 115 [Code art. scription. But this second description appeared first (Bleeker,
23.12]) 1852b: 72) and the 5 included specimens are syntypes.
Platygaster megalopterus Swainson, 1839: 294 (available Bertin's (1924: 24) description of I. bleekeri, based on
by indication to Russell, 1803b: pl. 191 [Iangarloo; re- the single specimen identified by Bleeker (1870a: pl. 269,
produced in Whitehead, 1967: pl. 8a]; type locality: 1872a: 120) as I. novacula seems to have remained unno-
Coromandel Coast [original type locality: India: Viza- ticed by most authors. Bleeker's figure and description have
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]]; neotype: MNHN 3708, by similarities with I. megaloptera as figured by Whitehead
present designation; a compound adjective) (1985: 270). The holotype seems to be BMNH 1867.11.28.19.
? Platygaster parva Swainson, 1839: 294 (available by in-
dication to Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 91 figs. 3–4 which is Ilisha novacula (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Hamilton's unpublished figure of Clupanodon motius nes, 1847)
Hamilton, 1822: 251; type locality: India: Brahmaputra Pellona novacula Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
River; holotype: model of Hamilton's figure, lost) 1847b: 319 (type locality: Burma: Rangoon; holotype:
Pellona Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- MNHN 3704, Whitehead, 1967: 121, Whitehead &
nes, 1847b: 316, pl. 596 (type locality: India: Coroman- Bauchot, 1985: 23)
Pellona sladeni Day, 1870c: 623 (type locality: Burma: Opisthopterus valenciennesi Bleeker, 1872
Irrawaddy River at Mandalay; lectotype: ZSI 2672, des- Opisthopterus Valenciennesi Bleeker, 1872a: 124 (type lo-
ignated by Talwar & Whitehead, 1971: 75, figured by cality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Singapore;
Seshagiri Rao, 1976: 505, fig. 3) lectotype: BMNH 1865.9.24.1, designated by Whitehead
et al., 1966: 106)
Ilisha pristigastroides (Bleeker, 1852)
Pellona pristigastroïdes Bleeker, 1852d: 20 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [185 mm Pellona Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847
TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.12, Whitehead et al., 1966: 94, Pellona Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 300
Seshagiri Rao, 1976: 503, fig. 4) (type species: Pellona orbignyana Valenciennes, in Cu-
Pellona amblyuropterus Bleeker, 1852d: 21 (type locality: vier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 302, by subsequent desig-
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [340 mm nation by Gill, 1861b: 38). Gender feminine.
TL]: RMNH 7120, Whitehead et al., 1966: 94; simulta- Neosteus Norman, 1923a: 17 (type species: Pellona ditchela
neous subjective synonym of Pellona pristigastroides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 314,
Bleeker, 1852d: 20, first reviser [Whitehead et al., 1966: by subsequent designation by Norman, 1924: 25). Gen-
94] gave precedence to P. pristigastroides) der masculine.
Ilisha sirishai Seshagiri Rao, 1975 Pellona ditchela Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Ilisha sirishai Seshagiri Rao, 1975: 464, fig. 1 (type locali- 1847
ty: India: Visakhapatnam; holotype: BMNH 1975.9.24.48) Pellona ditchela Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1847b: 314 (based on Russell, 1803b: 72, pl. 188; type
locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holo-
Opisthopterus Gill, 1861 type: specimen on which is based Russell, 1803b: 72, pl.
Opisthopterus Gill, 1861b: 38 (type species: Pristigaster 188 [Ditchelee; reproduced in Whitehead, 1967: pl. 7b])
tartoor Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: Pellona Hoevenii Bleeker, 1852d: 21 (type locality: Indo-
328, by original designation). Gender masculine. nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [140 mm TL]:
lost, Whitehead et al., 1966: 91 [no neotype designated,
Opisthopterus tardoore (Cuvier, 1829) only a 'putative neotype']; also in Bleeker, 1853a: 712
Pristigaster tardoore Cuvier, 1829: 321 (available by indi- [with additional material and localities])
cation to Russell, 1803b: n° 193 [p. 74, pl. 193; Tartoore; Pellona natalensis Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908: 202 (type
reproduced in Whitehead, 1967: pl. 9a]; type locality: locality: South Africa: South Head Tugela River; holo-
India: Pondicherry [original type locality: India: Viza- type: SAM 9934, Eschmeyer, 2010)
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]]; neotype: MNHN 1688,
designated by Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 25 [refer-
ence to discussion of this specimen as possible neotype Raconda Gray, 1831
in Whitehead, 1967: 122 is considered to satisfy all re- Raconda Gray, 1831b: 9 (type species: Raconda russeliana
quirements of Code art. 75.3]) Gray, 1831b: 9, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
Pristogaster elongata Swainson, 1838: 278 (available by Apterygia Gray, 1835: vol. 2, pl. 92 fig. 1 (type species:
indication to Russell, 1803b: Tartoore [p. 74: pl. 193]; Apterygia ramcarata Gray, 1835: pl. 92, by monotypy).
type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; Gender feminine.
types: material on which is based Tartoore of Russell,
1803b: 74, pl. 193 [erroneously as pl. 192 fig. 2]) Raconda russeliana Gray, 1831
Clupea Indicus Swainson, 1839: 294 (available by indica- Raconda Russeliana Gray, 1831b: 9 (type locality: India:
tion to Russell, 1803b: pl. 193; type locality: India: Viza- Saugar Roads [Sanger Rocks]; syntypes [2]: out of
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on BMNH 1979.7.5.18 [1], 1979.7.5.19–20 [2], Eschmey-
which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 193 [Tartoore]) er, 2010 [russeliana apparently is not an inadvertent er-
Pristigaster tartoor Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- ror but is based on the stem russel-])
nes, 1847b: 328 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lec- Apterygia ramcarata Gray, 1835: vol. 2, pl. 92, fig. 1 (type
totype: MNHN 1688, designated by Eschmeyer et al., locality: India: Sanger Rocks; holotype: specimen on
1998: 1653) which figure is based, part of BMNH 1979.7.5.18 [1],
Opisthopterus macrognathus Bleeker, 1865g: 299 (type lo- 1979.7.5.19–20 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010)
cality: Indonesia: Jakarta: Batavia [Jakarta] / Sumatra: Apterygia Hamiltoni Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Benkulen, Padang and Priaman / Borneo: Sinkawang and nes, 1847b: 333 (apparently a lapsus for Apterygia ram-
Sampit / Singapore; lectotype: RMNH 7125 [1], desig- carata Gray, 1835: pl. 92; treated as an unnecessary re-
nated by Whitehead et al., 1966: 104) placement name)
Opisthopterus tartur Zugmayer, 1913: 9 (incorrect subse-
quent spelling of Pristigaster tardoore Cuvier, 1829: 321)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Nomenclatural notes. See Steyskal (1980: 170) for correct ment name for Clupanodon La Cepède, 1803: 468; q.v.).
spelling of the family-group name commonly spelt Engrau- Thryssa Cuvier, 1829 is an incorrect subsequent spelling of
lidae. Thrissa Cuvier, 1816. In the respective editions of the same
Distribution notes. Encrasicholina devisi (Whitley, 1940) work, the two names were used in similar positions in the
is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui text, with the same characters, and the same included spe-
et al., 2012a–b) but it is not clear if it was inland or at sea. cies (listed in footnote). There is no statement that the change
[Encrasicholina Fowler, 1938b: 156 (type species: Encrasicholina punctifer is intentional; therefore it is an incorrect subsequent spell-
Fowler, 1938b: 157, by original designation). Gender feminine]. ing (Code art. 33.1, 33.3) and Thryssa cannot be used as a
[Amentum devisi Whitley, 1940b: 404, fig. 11 (type locality: Australia:
Queensland: Cape York [Norman River mouth; Hoese et al., 2006: substitute name.
311]; holotype: AMS IB.609 [ex AMS I.377], Hoese et al., 2006: 311)]. The incorrect spelling Thryssa Cuvier, 1829 has long
been used erroneously as a valid generic name, which has
Coilia Gray, 1830 to be replaced (see discussion under Thrissina). If Thryssa
Mystus La Cepède, 1803: 466 (type species: Mystus clupeo- Cuvier, 1829 were considered to be emendation of Thrissa
ides La Cepède, 1803: 467, by monotypy; junior hom- Cuvier, 1816, it still could not be use for Thrissina. Also,
onym of Mystus Scopoli, 1777: 451). Gender masculine. because it would have the same type species as Thrissa, it
Thrissa Cuvier, 1816a: 176 (type species: Clupea mystus would replace Coilia, creating more confusion.
Linnaeus, 1758: 319, by subsequent designation by Bory The use of Osteoglossum by Basilewsky (1855: 244) is
de Saint-Vincent, 1823b: 231 [reproduced in Whitehead, not a new name (contra Eschmeyer, 2010). For many gen-
1967: 141]; junior homonym of Thrissa Rafinesque, era (Carassius, Labrax, etc.) Basilewsky did not mention
1815: 88). Gender feminine. author names and this does not make them new names.
Thryssa Cuvier, 1829: 323 (incorrect subsequent spelling
for Thrissa Cuvier, 1816a: 176) Coilia borneensis Bleeker, 1852
Coilia Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 85 fig. 3 (subgenus of Engraulis Coilia borneënsis Bleeker, 1851j: 60 (nomen nudum), 1851l:
Cuvier, 1816a: 174; type species: Engraulis hamiltonii 197 (nomen nudum); 1851p: 421 (nomen nudum)
Gray, 1830: pl. 85, by monotypy; diagnosis in Gray, Coilia borneënsis Bleeker, 1852d: 45 (type locality: Indo-
1831b: 9). Gender feminine. nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; syn-
Thryssus Swainson, 1838: 279 (incorrect subsequent spell- types [4, 90–120]: part of BMNH 1867.11.28.78 [1],
ing of Thryssa Cuvier, 1829: 323 [Cuvier mentioned in RMNH 7075 [7], 8040 [1], Whitehead et al., 1966: 139;
footnote, p. 281]) also in Bleeker, 1852o: 437)
Chaetomus M'Clelland, 1844a: 393, 405 (type species usu- ? Coilia polyfilis Volz, 1903a: 559 (type locality: Indone-
ally listed as Chaetomus playfairii M'Clelland, 1844a: sia: Sumatra: Palembang: Banju Asin; holotype: NMBE
405, by subsequent designation; first designation not 1020304; also in Volz, 1903b: 408)
researched, possibly by Jordan, 1919a: 220; usually spelt
Choetomus, but original spelling uses a ligature (Chœ- Coilia coomansi Hardenberg, 1934
tomus); M'Clelland consistently used the ligature œ Coilia coomansi Hardenberg, 1934a: 294 (type locality: In-
where æ was meant, e.g. p. 408 for Murœnesox, whose donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: lower course of
etymology is explicitly stated to be derived from Muræna Kapuas River; syntypes [13]: LU)
and Esox; also, some typesetters and some fonts do not
make the difference between the two ligatures; Chaeto- Coilia dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
mus is derived from the Greek words χαιτε [chaeta, hairs] nes, 1848
and ωµος [omos, shoulder] [etymology given by Coilia Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
M'Clelland]). Gender masculine. 1848: 81, pl. 610 (type locality: India: Bombay; lecto-
Leptonurus Bleeker, 1849e: 14 (type species: Leptonurus type: MNHN 3749, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 154,
chrysostigma Bleeker, 1849e: 14, by monotypy). Gen- Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 30)
der masculine. Leptonurus chrysostigma Bleeker, 1849e: 14 (type locality:
Thrissocles Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 98 (replacement Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Sura-
name for Thrissa Cuvier, 1816a: 176). Gender mascu- baya; lectotype: RMNH 7033, designated by Whitehead
line. et al., 1966: 145)
Demicoilia Jordan & Seale [misspelt Steele], 1925: 28 (type Coilia quadrifilis Günther, 1868a: 403 (type locality: not
species: Coilia quadragesimalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier stated [Malaysia: sea and estuaries of Pinang, Malay
& Valenciennes, 1848: 83, by original designation). Gen- Peninsula and Singapore; localities of Coilia reynaldi of
der feminine. Cantor, 1849: 1292]; syntypes: BMNH 1979.7.5.30–31
Nomenclatural notes. Thrissa Cuvier, 1816 is a junior hom- [2], Eschmeyer, 2010)
onym of Thrissa Rafinesque, 1815 (an unnecessary replace- Demicoilia margaritifera Jordan & Seale, 1926: 363 (type
locality: Sri Lanka: Colombo; holotype: MCZ 31533 [ex ramcarati Hamilton, 1822: 233, but not a replacement
MCZ 17975], Eschmeyer, 2010) name as text differs sligthly, suggesting that other mate-
rial has been examined by M'Clelland; secondary junior
Coilia grayii Richardson, 1845 homonym of Engraulis hamiltonii Gray, 1830: pl. 85,
Coilia grayii Richardson, 1845a: pl. 54 figs. 1–2 (type lo- when treated as valid in Coilia)
cality: China Seas; holotype: BMNH 1855.9.19.1157, Coilia quadragesimalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Whitehead, 1966: 39, Whitehead, 1970a: 209; text in ennes, 1848: 83 (type locality: India: Ganges delta; ho-
Richardson, 1845b: 99) lotype: MNHN 3734, Whitehead, 1967: 152, Whitehead
& Bauchot, 1985: 31)
Coilia lindmani Bleeker, 1857 Coilia cantoris Bleeker, 1853o: 148, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type local-
Coilia Lindmani Bleeker, 1857a: 48 (type locality: Indone- ity: India: Hooghly River in Calcutta; holotype [105 mm
sia: Sumatra: Musi River in Palembang; holotype [176 TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.266, Whitehead et al., 1966:
mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.76, Whitehead et al., 1966: 136)
Coilia macrognathus aequidentata Chabanaud, 1924: 59 Coilia rebentischii Bleeker, 1858
(type locality: Vietnam: mouth of Saigon River; synty- Coilia Rebentischii Bleeker, 1858o: 5 (type locality: Indo-
pes [6]: MNHN 1923-0202–0205 [4], Whitehead & nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Singkawang; holotype
Bauchot, 1985: 30, Eschmeyer, 2010) [125 mm TL, error]: BMNH 1867.11.28.74, Whitehead
et al., 1966: 138)
Coilia macrognathos Bleeker, 1852 Coilia rutherfurdi Fowler, 1939a: 1, fig. 1 (type locality:
Coïlia macrognathos Bleeker, 1852j: 50 (type locality: In- Vietnam: Saigon; holotype: ANSP 68460)
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Pamangkat; lec-
totype: RMNH 7074, designated by Whitehead et al., Coilia reynaldi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1966: 141; also in Bleeker, 1852o: 436) 1848
Coilia Reynaldi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Coilia mystus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1848: 81 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River at
Mystus ensiformis Linnaeus, 1754a: 26, fig. 12 (not avail- Rangoon; lectotype: MNHN 3733, designated by White-
able, name published before 1758) head, 1967: 150, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 31)
Clupea mystus Linnaeus, 1758: 319 (type locality: 'Mari Coilia korua Dutt & Seshagiri Rao, 1972: 136, fig. (type
Indico'; syntypes: UUZM 108 [1], NRM LP 74 [1], locality: India: Andhra Pradesh: Krishna District:
Wheeler, 1991: 159, fig. 4, Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: Gollapalem; holotype: Museum of Department of Zoo-
210) logy, A. U. Post-graduate Centre, Guntur or BMNH,
Mystus clupeoïdes La Cepède, 1803: 467 (unnecessary re- Eschmeyer, 2010)
placement name for Clupea mystus Linnaeus, 1758: 319) Coilia whiteheadi Talwar & Jhingran, 1991. 131 (not avail-
Chaetomus Playfairii M'Clelland, 1844a: 405, pl. 24 fig. 3 able, name listed in synonymy)
(type locality: China; types: BMNH uncat., Eschmeyer,
Osteoglossum prionostoma Basilewsky, 1855: 244 (type Lycothrissa Günther, 1868
locality: China: Gulf of Tschili and eastern sea; types: ? Lycothrissa Günther, 1868a: 385, 399 (subgenus of
ZISP) Engraulis Cuvier, 1816a: 174; type species: Engraulis
Coilia mystus jiulongjiangensis Liu, 1995: 562 (type local- crocodilus Bleeker, 1850i: 15, by monotypy). Gender
ity: China: Jiulongjiang River; types: LU) feminine.
Odontengraulis Whitehead, Boeseman & Wheeler, 1966:
Coilia neglecta Whitehead, 1968 12 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Coilia neglecta Whitehead, 1968: 33, fig. 4 (type locality:
Arabian Sea at 21°23'N 69°46'E; holotype: USNM Lycothrissa crocodilus (Bleeker, 1850)
213489, Eschmeyer, 2010) Engraulis crocodilus Bleeker, 1850i: 15 (type locality: In-
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho-
Coilia ramcarati (Hamilton, 1822) lotype [176 mm TL]: RMNH 7015, Whitehead et al.,
Mystus ramcarati Hamilton, 1822: 233, 382 (type locality: 1966: 134; also in Bleeker, 1852d: 35)
India: saltwater estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT;
Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora,
1929a: pl. 21 fig. 2; spelt ramcarate p. 382, first reviser Setipinna Swainson, 1839
not researched, spelling ramcarate has apparently never Setipinna Swainson, 1839: 186, 292 (subgenus of Elops
been used) Linné, 1766: 518; type species: Elops megalura
Engraulis Hamiltonii Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 85, fig. 3 (type Swainson, 1839: 292, by subsequent designation by
locality: India; types: BMNH ?; diagnosis in Gray, 1831b: Swain, 1883: 280; spelt Setifinna p. 447, an inadvertent
9) error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]).
Chaetomus Hamiltonii M'Clelland, 1844a: 406 (type local- Gender feminine.
ity: India: Bengal; types: ? ZSI; indication to Mystus Telara Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1848: 54
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(type species: Clupea telara Hamilton, 1822: 241, by as synonyms of S. taty by Zhang (2001: 133) and of S. tenui-
absolute tautonymy). Gender feminine. filis by Whitehead et al. (1988: 458). As Zhang's review of
Heterothrissa Günther, 1868a: 385, 401 (subgenus of Chinese clupeiforms includes almost no reference to non-
Engraulis Cuvier, 1816a: 174; type species: Engraulis Chinese literature after 1940, and especially nowhere men-
breviceps Cantor, 1849: 1288, by monotypy). Gender tions any of the many papers by Whitehead (1966, 1967,
feminine. 1969b, 1970a–b, Whitehead et al., 1966) revising earlier
Pseudosetipinna Peng & Zhao, 1988: 355 (type species: type material and historical specimens, it is difficult to evalu-
Pseudosetipinna haizhouensis Peng & Zhao, 1988: 355, ate this synonymy and I follow Whitehead et al (1988). Be-
by original designation). Gender feminine. sides, S. gilberti is treated as valid by Wang et al. (2001: 58).
Anchoviella baganensis bengalensis Dutt & Babu Rao, 1959: Stolephorus insularum Jordan & Seale, 1926: 381 (type lo-
160 (type locality: India: East coast of India: Waltair and cality: Tahiti; holotype: MCZ 17936)
Kakinada; syntypes [85]: LU) Stolephorus extensus Jordan & Seale, 1926: 382 (type lo-
cality: Mauritius; holotype: MCZ 6133)
Stolephorus commersonnii La Cepède, 1803 ? Stolephorus indicus nanus Hardenberg, 1933b: 263 (type
Stolephorus commersonnii La Cepède, 1803: 382, pl. 12 fig. locality: not stated [most likely coasts of western Indo-
1 (type locality: Mauritius; holotype: specimen figured nesia]; types: LU; also in Hardenberg, 1934b: 355)
by Jossigny in MNHN Bibliothèque Centrale, Vélins,
93: 74 bis, Whitehead, 1967: 137, pl. 9c, Whitehead & Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg, 1933
Bauchot, 1985: 50) Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg, 1933b: 260 (type locali-
Stolephorus rex Jordan & Seale, 1926: 380 (type locality: ty: Indonesia: Java, Lingga Islands, Bawean, Kangean
India: Canara [Kerala: Cannanore, Malabar Coast]; ho- Islands, Moluccas; syntypes: LU; not a junior homonym
lotype: MCZ 4318) of Stolephorus insularum Jordan & Seale, 1926: 381 as
Nomenclatural notes. "Atherina Commersoniana Shaw, insularis is a Latin adjective, which has to agree in gen-
1804", sometimes cited in the literature, does not exist. In der with generic name, and insular[i]um is a substan-
Shaw (1804) there is only a figure of "Commersonian athe- tive, which does not have to agree in gender, see Code
rine" (pl. 113 fig. 1). There is neither text with an explicit art. 57.6; also in Hardenberg, 1933a: 250)
reference, nor caption for that figure. The text of "Transpar- Stolephorus insularis baweanensis Hardenberg, 1933b: 261
ent atherine", Atherina pinguis (p. 133) refers to La Cepède (type locality: Indonesia: Bawean [and other localities,
(1803: 371). The figure shows an anchovy and there is no but no information in paper]; syntypes: LU; also in
mention of a "Commersonian anchovy". There is mention Hardenberg, 1934b: 348)
(p. 176) of Clupea chrysoptera La Cepède, 1803: 461 [now Stolephorus insularis oceanicus Hardenberg, 1933b: 261
in Engraulididae] and Clupea fasciata La Cepède, 1803: 461 (type locality: Indonesia: southern coast of Java [and
[now in Leiognathidae], both recorded as observed by Com- other localities, but no information in paper]; types: LU;
merson. also in Hardenberg, 1934b: 350)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
der Coilia Gray, 1830, Thryssa of Cuvier, 1829: 323 is an 71°47'E [original type locality: not stated, probably In-
incorrect subsequent spelling of Thrissa Cuvier, 1816a: 176 dia]; neotype: BMNH 1966.11.30.1, designated by
and cannot be used. Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 48 [reference by White-
The next available names for this genus are Xenengraulis, head & Bauchot (1985: 48) to the discussion of this speci-
Scutengraulis and Thrissina, all created by Jordan & Seale men as 'putative' neotype in Whitehead (1967: 142) is
(1925) and thus simultaneous synonyms. As first reviser, I considered here to satisfy all requirements of Code art.
give precedence to Thrissina over Xenengraulis and Scuten- 75.3; however, some may consider that the wording in
graulis, and to Xenengraulis over Scutengraulis. Precedence Whitehead & Bauchot (1985: 48) is not formal enough,
is given to Thrissina because this name had been recognised in which case I designate here BMNH 1966.11.30.1 as
as valid by various authors (e.g. Whitehead, 1967: 139). neotype for the reasons explained by Whitehead (1967)])
Whitehead (1967: 140) discussed the nomenclatural Engraulis auratus Day, 1865b: 312 (type locality: India:
problems associated with Coilia and Thryssa, and the change Cochin on Malabar Coast; lectotype: BMNH
of names. He also commented that he would apply to the 1889.2.1.1779, designated by Talwar & Whitehead,
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to 1971: 77; also in Day, 1865c: 238, pl. 19 fig. 2)
retain the name Thryssa for the present genus. This has not
been done and consequently the names used here follow the Thrissina encrasicholoides (Bleeker, 1852)
provisions of the Code. Engraulis encrasicholoïdes Bleeker, 1851m: 214 (nomen
Thrissina baelama (Forskål, 1775) Engraulis encrasicholoïdes Bleeker, 1852d: 37 (type local-
Clupea baelama Forskål, 1775: 72 (type locality: Red Sea: ity: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Surabaya,
Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; syntypes: NT) Kammal; lectotype: RMNH 3536, designated by White-
Clupea tuberculosa La Cepède, 1803: 460 (type locality: head et al., 1966: 117; also in Bleeker, 1852e: 173 [with
Mauritius; types: not preserved, material on which Com- 1 additional specimen from Timor Kupang])
merson's notes are based, see Whitehead & Bauchot, Engraulis duodecim Cope, 1867a: 405 (type locality: U.S.A.:
1985: 46 [Fricke, 1999a: 78 comments that C. tubercu- New Jersey: Beasley's Point [erroneous, in fact Indo-
losa is based on same manuscript description as Stole- Pacific; see Nelson, 1983b: 50]; holotype: ANSP 1363,
phorus commersonnii La Cepède, 1803: 382, which is Böhlke, 1984: 101)
not correct as C. tuberculosa is based on Commerson's
notes and S. commersonnii on a drawing by Jossigny, Thrissina gautamiensis (Babu Rao, 1971)
see Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 46, 50]) Thryssa gautamiensis Babu Rao, 1970: 63 (nomen nudum)
Engraulis Neso-gallicus Bennett, 1832: 168 (type locality: Thryssa gautamiensis Babu Rao, 1971: 479, fig. 1 (type lo-
Mauritius; types: NT) cality: India: Andhra Pradesh: Gautami branch of
Engraulis saman Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouzier, Godavari estuary, off Bhairavapalem village; holotype:
1857: 487 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou]; syn- ZSI F 4600/2)
types: lost)
Engraulis polynemoides Günther, 1868a: 394 (type locali- Thrissina hamiltonii (Gray, 1835)
ty: Madagascar; holotype: BMNH uncat., Eschmeyer, Thrissa Hamiltonii Gray, 1835: pl. 92 fig. 3 (type locality:
2010) India; holotype: specimen on which figure is based)
Anchovia evermanni Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 188, fig. 4 (type Engraulis Grayi Bleeker, 1851q: 492 (type locality: Indo-
locality: Samoa: Upolu Island: Apia; holotype: USNM nesia: Rio [Riau] / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype:
51720 or 51719 [1 of 2, figured specimen], Böhlke, 1953: RMNH 7068, designated by Whitehead et al., 1966: 122;
12, Eschmeyer, 2010) also in Bleeker, 1852d: 41)
Engraulis macrops Kishinouye, 1911: 385, pl. 30 fig. 3 (type ? Engraulis nasutus Castelnau, 1878b: 51 (type locality:
locality: Japan: Bonin Islands [Ogasawara Island]: Australia: Queensland: Norman River, Gulf of
Habajima; syntypes: LU; spelt macropus on pl. 30, an Carpentarie; syntypes [2]: probably lost, Whitehead &
inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code Bauchot, 1985: 49)
art. 32.5.1])
Nomenclatural notes. Fricke (2008: 16) referred to Code Thrissina kammalensis (Bleeker, 1849)
art. 15.1 to consider Clupea baelama as invalid because Engraulis kammalensis Bleeker, 1849e: 13 (type locality:
Forsskål was apparently uncertain whether or not this spe- Indonesia: Madura Strait near Kammal and Surabaya;
cies is distinct from Clupea encrasicolus Linnaeus, 1758. lectotype: RMNH 7067, designated by Whitehead et al.,
Actually, art. 15.1 says the reverse, names proposed condi- 1966: 120)
tionally before 1961 are "not to be excluded on that account Engraulis rhinorhynchos Bleeker, 1852d: 40 (type locality:
alone". Art. 15.1 also explicitly states that "A new name [...] Indonesia: Madura Strait near Kammal and Surabaya /
proposed conditionally [...] before 1961 may be available". Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH 7067, by
present designation [not a replacement name for Engrau-
Thrissina dussumieri (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- lis kammalensis Bleeker, 1849e: 13 as not explicitly stat-
ciennes, 1848) ed so and based on a different set of specimens]; now a
Engraulis dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- junior objective synonym of Engraulis kammalensis
ennes, 1848: 69 (type locality: Arabian Sea, 20°22'N Bleeker, 1849e: 13)
Thrissina mystax (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801) Engraulis hornelli Fowler, 1924a: 41 (type locality: India:
Clupea mystax Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 426, pl. 83 (type Calicut; syntypes [total 4]: ? ANSP 51465, Böhlke, 1984:
locality: India: Malabar; holotype: ZMB 3884, Paepke, 101)
1999: 78, Whitehead, 1969b: 276, pl. 3c) Thryssa yanamensis Babu Rao, in Whitehead et al., 1988:
? Clupea sub-spinosa Swainson, 1839: 293 (available by 438 (unpublished name; nomen nudum; locality: India:
indication to Russell, 1803b: pl. 189; type locality: In- Godavari estuary)
dia: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen
on which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 189 [Poorawah]) Thrissina purava (Hamilton, 1822)
Thryssa porava Bleeker, 1849e: 14 (type locality: Indone- Clupea purava Hamilton, 1822: 238, 382 (type locality: In-
sia: Java: Madura Strait near Bangcallang, Kammal and dia: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT; Hamilton's un-
Surabaya; syntypes [up to 179 mm TL]: ? part of RMNH published figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 17 fig. 3)
7069 [1], 24966 [12], BMNH 1867.11.28.54 [1]) Clupea megastoma Swainson, 1839: 293 (available by in-
Engraulis mystacoïdes Bleeker, 1852d: 42 (type locality: dication to Russell, 1803b: pl. 190; type locality: India:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Samarang, Surabaya, Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on
Pasuruan, Tjilatjap / Madura: Bangcallang, Kammal, which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 190 [Peddah
Sumanap; lectotype: RMNH 7069, designated by White- Poorawah])
head et al., 1966: 124) Engraulis annandalei Chaudhuri, 1916a: 419, fig. 3 (type
Stolephorus valenciennesi Bleeker, 1865g: 306 (type local- locality: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake, off Nalbano Island;
ity: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Sumatra: holotype: ZSI F 8781/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 99)
Benkulen, Padang / Borneo: Sinkawang / Singapore; lec- Engraulis kempi Chaudhuri, 1916a: 421, fig. 4 (type local-
totype: RMNH 7071, designated by Whitehead et al., ity: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake, off Barkul; holotype: ZSI
1966: 125) F 8782/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 99)
Engraulis poorawah Bleeker, 1872a: 132, pl. 259 fig. 5 [as Engraulis rambhae Chaudhuri, 1916a: 423, fig. 5 (type lo-
Stolephorus hamiltoni] (type locality: Indonesia: Java: cality: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake, Rambha Bay; holo-
Batavia, Batam / Sumatra: Priaman, Palembang / type: ZSI F 8783/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 99)
Bintang: Rio / Bangka: Muntok, Pankalpinang / Borneo: Clupea ensiformis Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name
Sinkawang, Sundiguri / Sulawesi: Makassar, Badjoa / listed in synonymy)
Batjan: Labuha / Ceram [Seram]: Wahai / Singapore / and
numerous localities cited in the listed literature; synty- Thrissina setirostris (Broussonet, 1782)
pes: Bleeker's specimens [35, 100–210 mm TL] and those Clupea Setirostris Broussonet, 1782: [47], pl. [11] (type lo-
on which literature records are based; not a junior hom- cality: Vanuatu: Tanna Island; lectotype: specimen on
onym of a "Thryssa poorawah Jerdon, 1851: 145", which which is based Broussonet's plate [BMNH, lost ?, Esch-
does not exist [Jerdon explicitly refer to Valenciennes, meyer, 2010], designated by Fricke, 1999a: 78)
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1848: 65 who used Engraulis Clupea mystacina Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 428 (not avail-
purava Hamilton, 1822: 238]; not a new combination of able, name listed in synonymy)
"Thryssa poorawah Cuvier, 1829", which does not exist Clupea seticornis Rees, 1807: unpag. [under Clupea] (type
[poorawah is ony used as a non-binominal name; p. 323]; locality: Pacific Ocean; types: LU; publication date fol-
not an incorrect subsequent spelling of Thryssa porava lows Pestana, 1979: 355)
Bleeker, 1849e: 14, which is not cited in extensive syn- Thryssa macrognathos Bleeker, 1849e: 14 (type locality:
onymy) Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Bangcallang,
Kammal and Surabaya; syntypes [up to 108 mm TL]:
lost, Whitehead et al., 1966: 127)
Chirocentrus Cuvier, 1816 locality: Red Sea: Saudia Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] /
Chirocentrus Cuvier, 1816a: 178 (type species: Clupea Yemen: Mocha]; syntypes: lost, Klausewitz & Nielsen,
dorab Forskål, 1775: xiii, 72, by monotypy [single "taxo- 1965: 13; neotype: SMNS 1772, designated by Fricke,
nomic species" included, "regardless of any cited syn- 1999a: 80 [although 'withdrawn' by Fricke, 2000, ful-
onyms", Code art. 68.3]). Gender masculine. fills requirements of Code art. 75.3])
Neosudis Castelnau, 1873: 118 (type species: Neosudis vorax Clupea dentex Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 428 (type locali-
Castelnau, 1873: 113, by monotypy). Gender feminine. ty: Red Sea [Saudi Arabia: Jeddah / Yemen: Mocha];
syntypes: material of Forskål, 1775: xiii, 72 [also refer-
Chirocentrus dorab (Forskål, 1775) ence to Gmelin, 1789: 1409, which is based on Forskål,
Clupea dorab Forskål, 1775: xiii, 72 (type locality: Egypt: 1775: xiii, 72])
Kosseir [Al-Qusayr], 26°06'N 34°17'E [original type Esox chirocentrus La Cepède, 1803: 317, pl. 8 fig. 1 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: not stated; holotype: specimen on which is based probably been observed by Bleeker when he was sta-
Commerson's drawing) tioned there (Bleeker, 1973: 21) and have not been pre-
Esox clupeoides Richardson, 1846: 311 (not available, name served]; lectotype: RMNH 7104, designated by Esch-
listed in synonymy) meyer et al., 1998: 756; also in Bleeker, 1852i: 25)
Chirocentrus hypselosoma Bleeker, 1852b: 71 (type locali- Neosudis vorax Castelnau, 1873: 119 (type locality: New
ty: Singapore / Indonesia: Java: Samarang [probably Caledonia: Nouméa; syntypes: NMV 51862 [1], Esch-
Singapore; Bleeker listed two localities, but had a single meyer, 2010)
specimen assumed to be from Singapore because of the Taxonomic notes Record from fresh and brackish waters
title of the article, the specimens from Samarang having from Thailand (Talé Sap [Thale Sap, Songkhla Lake]) by
Hora (1924a). Identity requires confirmation.
Anodontostoma Bleeker, 1849 RMNH 27664, Eschmeyer, 2010; also in Bleeker, 1852p:
Gonostoma van Hasselt, 1823b: 329 [translated in Alfred, 458)
1961b: 83] (type species: Gonostoma javanicum Hyrtl, Chatoëssus breviceps Peters, 1877: 848 (type locality:
1855: 49, by subsequent monotypy; junior homonym of Bismark Archipelago: New Hanover Island; holotype:
Gonostoma Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 64). Gender ZMB 9818, Nelson & Rothman, 1973: 143)
neuter. Distribution notes. Record of Gonialosa manmina
Anodontostoma Bleeker, 1849e: 15 (type species: Anodon- (Hamilton, 1822: 247) from Andamans by Herre (1940: 335)
tostoma hasseltii Bleeker, 1849e: 15, by monotypy). seems unlikely and possibly based on Anodontosoma
Gender neuter. selangkat (see Whitehead, 1985: 257).
[Clupanodon manmina Hamilton, 1822: 247, 383 (type locality: India:
Anodontostoma chacunda (Hamilton, 1822) freshwater branches of Ganges; types: NT)].
Clupanodon chacunda Hamilton, 1822: 246, 383 (type lo-
cality: India: "Gangetic estuaries"; types: NT) Anodontostoma thailandiae Wongratana, 1983
? Clupanodon chanpole Hamilton, 1822: 249, 383, pl. 18 Anodontostoma thailandiae Wongratana, 1983: 394, fig. 11
fig. 74 (type locality: India: "pond and ditches of every (type locality: Gulf of Thailand: Songkhla; holotype:
part of Bengal"; types: NT; see also Nelson, 1983a: 196; CUMZ uncat.)
simultaneous subjective synonym of Clupanodon chacun-
da Hamilton, 1822: 246, first reviser [possibly Nelson &
Rothman, 1973: 142] gave precedence to C. chacunda) Clupanodon La Cepède, 1803
? Chatoessus Tampo Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Clupanodon La Cepède, 1803: 468 (type species: Clupea
nes, 1848: 117 (type locality: Malaysia: Malacca; holo- thrissa Linnaeus, 1758: 318, by subsequent designation
type: specimen on which is based drawing in MNHN by Bleeker, 1872a: 112). Gender masculine.
Bibliothèque Centrale, MS. 521 A, XXXI: 71, White- Thrissa Rafinesque, 1815: 88 (unnecessary replacement
head & Bauchot, 1985: 36) name for Clupanodon La Cepède, 1803: 468). Gender
Anodontostoma Hasseltii Bleeker, 1849e: 15 (type locality: feminine.
Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Sura-
baya / sea of Java near Batavia [Jakarta], Samarang, etc.; Clupanodon thrissa (Linnaeus, 1758)
syntypes [up to 135 mm TL]: part of RMNH 7082 [7], Clupea thrissa Linnaeus, 1758: 318 (type locality: China;
17775 [14], Whitehead et al., 1966: 88, 89, pl. 11 fig. 1) syntypes: UUZM 107, Wheeler, 1991: 158, fig. 3, Nelson
Gonostoma javanicum Bleeker, 1849e: 15 (not available, & Rothman, 1973: 169)
name listed in synonymy) Clupea triza Linnaeus, 1759: 251 (type locality: China; syn-
Gonostoma javanicum Hyrtl, 1855: 49 (type locality: Indo- types: UUZM 107, Nelson & Rothman, 1973: 169; objec-
nesia: Java [not stated, implied from name]; syntypes: tive junior synonym of Clupea thrissa Linnaeus, 1758: 318)
RMNH 2685 [2], Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 809) Chatoessus maculatus Richardson, 1846a: 308 (type local-
Chatoessus chacunda var. altior Günther, 1868a: 411 (type ity: China: Chinese seas [area of Macao] and Canton;
locality: India: Ganges / Siam / Borneo; syntypes [7]: syntypes: Cambridge Philos. Inst., lost [Whitehead, 1966:
BMNH) 37] and specimen on which Reeves' unpublished figure
Clupea fornicata Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name listed is based, reproduced in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 5 fig. 1,
in synonymy) Whitehead & Joysey, 1967: 128, pl. 1 fig. 1)
Chatoessus Osbeckii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Anodontostoma selangkat (Bleeker, 1852) nes, 1848: 106 (type locality: coast of China; lectotype:
Chatoessus selangkat Bleeker, 1852d: 47 (type locality: In- MNHN 3675, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 98,
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [147 mm TL]: Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 10)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Philippines: Iloilo; holotype: USNM 93136) Bassein River as high as Een-gay-gyee Lake; lectotype:
Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines ZSI 2695, designated by Talwar & Whitehead, 1971: 73)
(Palawan) by Fowler (1934c: 244). Identity requires confir-
mation. Marine species according to Whitehead (1985: 28). Gonialosa whiteheadi Wongratana, 1983
Gonialosa whiteheadi Wongratana, 1983: 394, fig. 10 (type
locality: Burma: Tenasserim: Kokariet; holotype: BMNH
Escualosa Whitley, 1940 1893.2.16.75)
Leptogaster Bleeker, 1870a: pl. 264 fig. 5 (type species:
Rogenia argyrotaenia Bleeker, 1852d: 26, by monotypy;
declared a nomen oblitum by Whitehead et al., 1966: 70 Gudusia Fowler, 1911
[Code art. 23.12]; junior homonym of Leptogaster Gudusia Fowler, 1911: 207 (subgenus of Sardinella Valen-
Meigen, 1803: 269 in Diptera, Leptogaster Selys, 1860: ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 261; type
12 in Odonata, and Leptogaster Signoret, 1860: 967 in species: Clupanodon chapra Hamilton, 1822: 248, by
Hemiptera). Gender feminine. original designation). Gender feminine.
Escualosa Whitley, 1940b: 402 (type species: Clupea
macrolepis Steindachner, 1879a: 31, by original desig- Gudusia variegata (Day, 1870)
nation). Gender feminine. Clupea variegata Day, 1870c: 623 (type locality: Burma:
Irrawaddy and its branches; lectotype: ZSI 2245, desig-
Escualosa thoracata (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- nated by Talwar & Whitehead, 1971: 70)
ennes, 1847)
? Clupea coval Cuvier, 1829: 318 (available by indication
to Russell, 1803b: n° 186; type locality: India: Herklotsichthys Whitley, 1951
Vizagapataham; syntypes [at least 2]: material on which Herklotsella Fowler, 1934c [Jan.]: 246 (subgenus of Haren-
is based Russell, 1803b: 70, pl. 186 [Kowal] [reproduced gula Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b:
in Whitehead, 1967: pl. 5a]; identification, see White- 277; type species: Harengula dispilonotus Bleeker, 1852j:
head, 1967: 70, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 38) 49, by original designation; junior homonym of Herklot-
? Clupea Kowal Rüppell, 1837: 79 (type locality: India: sella Herre, 1933a [Dec.]: 179). Gender feminine.
Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] / Saudi Arabia: Djidda Herklotsichthys Whitley, 1951a: 67 (replacement name for
[Jeddah] / Erithrea: Massawa; syntypes: ? SMF and Herklotsella Fowler, 1934c: 246). Gender masculine.
specimen on which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 186 Taxonomic notes. Herklotsella Herre is dated December
[Kowal]) 1933 but apparently appeared only in early 1934 (Eschmeyer,
Kowala thoracata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 2011) and Herklotsella Fowler, published on 20 January
1847b: 363 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: 1934, might have precedence.
MNHN 3172, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 71,
Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 16) Herklotsichthys dispilonotus (Bleeker, 1852)
Meletta lile Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: Harengula dispilonotus Bleeker, 1852j: 49 (type locality:
378 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: MNHN Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]; lectotype: BMNH
3173, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 72, Whitehead & 1867.11.28.28, designated by Whitehead, 1964a: 279,
Bauchot, 1985: 17) Whitehead et al., 1966: 40, pl. 4 fig. 1; also in Bleeker,
Rogenia argyrotaenia Bleeker, 1852d: 26 (type locality: 1852p: 456)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH Distribution notes. Recorded in the freshened part of Thale
7088, designated by Whitehead et al., 1966: 72, pl. 8 Sap, Thailand (Sirimontaporn, 1984: 7).
fig. 1; also in Bleeker, 1852p: 457 [spelt argijrotaenia
and with additional specimens from Bangka: Muntok]) Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Rüppell, 1837)
Clupea macrolepis Steindachner, 1879a: 31 (type locality: Clupea Mauritiana Bennett, 1833b: 32 (type locality: Mau-
not stated [Australia: Queensland: Townsville, Cleveland ritius; types: ? BMNH; here declared a nomen oblitum
Bay]; holotype: SMNS 2292, Fricke, 2005: 28, White- under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a valid
head, 1970b: 11; also in Steindachner, 1879b: 13) name since 1899 [Code art.], and Clupea quadri-
maculata Rüppell, 1837: 78 has been used in at least 25
works in the last 50 years [Code art.])
Gonialosa Regan, 1917 Clupea quadrimaculata Rüppell, 1837: 78, pl. 21 fig. 3 (type
Gonialosa Regan, 1917: 315 (type species: Chatoesssus locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Bay of Massawa; lectotype:
modestus Day, 1870c: 622, by subsequent designation SMF 4648, designated by Dor, 1984: 41; here declared
by Jordan, 1920: 560). Gender feminine. a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used in at
Indialosa Herre & Myers, 1931: 238 (type species: Clupa- least 25 works in the last 50 years, listed under Nomen-
nodon manmina Hamilton, 1822: 247, by original des- clatural notes [Code art.])
ignation). Gender feminine. Harengula bipunctata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1847b: 298 (type locality: Red Sea: Eritrea:
Gonialosa modesta (Day, 1870) Massawa; holotype: specimen on which Ehrenberg's
Chatoëssus modestus Day, 1870c: 622 (type locality: Burma: unpublished drawing is based; drawing in MNHN
Bibliothèque Centrale MS 519,XX:62, Whitehead & (2) Allen & Adrim, 2003: 24; (3) Carpenter & Niem, 1999a:
Bauchot, 1985: 42) 1801; (4) De Bruin et al., 1994: 176; (5) Debelius, 1993:
Sardinella lineolata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 56; (6) Dor, 1984: 41; (7) Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola, 1984:
nes, 1847b: 272 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trincomale; 49; (8) Hoese et al., 2006: 328; (9) Hutchins, 2001: 18;
lectotype: MNHN 666, designated by Whitehead et al., (10) Kimura & Matsuura, 2003: 16; (11) Kuiter, 1998: 32;
1966: 45, Whitehead, 1967: 31, Whitehead & Bauchot, (12–13) Kuiter & Debelius, 1994: 42, 2006: 98; (14) Laboute
1985: 27; simultaneous homym of Clupea lineolata Va- & Grandperrin, 2000: 342; (15) Masuda et al., 1984: 19;
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 256, when (16) Matsuura et al., 2000: 135; (17) Myers, 1989: 62;
placed in Clupea by Bleeker, 1872a: 108, who gave pre- (18) Nakabo, 1993: 206; (19) Paxton et al., 1989: 154; (20–
cedence to Clupea lineolata) 22) Randall, 1983: 24, 1995: 64, 1996: 37; (23) Randall &
Clupeonia fasciata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Lim, 2000: 587; (24) Randall et al., 1990: 47; (25) Rau &
nes, 1847b: 349 (type locality: Bourbon [Réunion]: Saint- Rau, 1980: 200; (26) Shen, 1993: 121; (27) Smith &
Denis; holotype: MNHN 895, Whitehead & Bauchot, Heemstra, 1986: 201; (28) Whitehead, 1985: 81.
1985: 12)
Meletta obtusirostris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1847b: 375 (type locality: Seychelles; lectotype: Hilsa Regan, 1917
MNHN 900, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 34, White- Paralosa Regan, 1916a: 167 (type species: Clupaea dur-
head & Bauchot, 1985: 18) banensis Regan, 1906a: 4, by monotypy [other included
Meletta venenosa Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, species not cited by name; Code art. 68.3]; junior hom-
1847b: 377 (type locality: Seychelles / Indian Ocean; onym of Paralosa Bleeker, 1868b: 300). Gender femi-
syntypes: lost, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 44) nine.
Alausa Schrammii Bleeker, 1849e: 11 (type locality: Indo- Hilsa Regan, 1917: 303 (replacement name for Paralosa
nesia: Bali: Boleling; lectotype: RMNH 7083, designat- Regan, 1916a: 167). Gender feminine.
ed by Whitehead et al., 1966: 42) Macrura Fowler, 1941a: 626 (type species: Clupea kelee
Spratella erythraea Rüppell, 1852: 26 (not available, name Cuvier, 1829: 320, by original designation; erroneously
listed in synonymy) attributed to van Hasselt, 1823b: 329 [translated in
Harengula moluccensis Bleeker, 1853i: 609 (type locality: Alfred, 1961b: 83] [Whitehead, 1965: 128; Kottelat,
Indonesia: Ambon; lectotype: RMNH 7098, designated 1987a: 370] [under the heading "Clupeae", van Hasselt
by Whitehead et al., 1966: 43) mentioned "one which I have had figured and have given
Harengula Kunzei Bleeker, 1856k: 209 (type locality: In- the name Macrura". This is a specific name and this is
donesia: Ternate; lectotype: RMNH 7097, designated by evidenced by Bleeker (1852d: 31) who reported a Kuhl
Whitehead et al., 1966: 44, pl. 5 fig. 1) and van Hasselt's drawing labelled Clupea macrura by
Clupea dubia Bleeker, 1872a: 108 (replacement name for van Hasselt]). Gender feminine.
Sardinella lineolata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1847b: 272) Hilsa kelee (Cuvier, 1829)
Clupea profundis De Vis, in Saville-Kent, 1889b: 11 (no- Clupea kelee Cuvier, 1829: 320 (available by indication to
men nudum) Russell, 1803b: n° 195; type locality: India: Vizagapa-
Clupea Ranelayi De Vis, in Saville-Kent, 1889b: 11 (no- tham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is based
men nudum) Russell, 1803b: 75, pl. 195 [Kelee])
Clupea torresiensis De Vis, in Saville-Kent, 1989b: 11 (no- Clupeonia Blochii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
men nudum) 1847b: 353 (based on Clupea sinensis sensu Bloch, 1795:
Harengula stereolepis Ogilby, 1898a: 759 (type locality: 38, pl. 405; type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangam-
Australia: Torres Strait: Darnley Island; holotype: AMS badi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; syntype: ZMB 6550 [also
I.12175, Paxton et al., 1989: 154) ZMB 21893], Paepke, 1999: 65, Whitehead, 1969b: 268,
Clupea mizun Kishinouye, 1907a: 98, pl. 20 fig. 3 (type lo- Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 41)
cality: Japan: Okinawa; syntypes: probably lost, Esch- Alosa brevis Bleeker, 1848c: 638 (type locality: Indonesia:
meyer, 2010) Sumbawa: Bima; holotype: lost, Bleeker, 1872a: 116,
Clupea rechingeri Steindachner, 1907: 1424 (type locality: Whitehead, 1965: 133, Whitehead et al., 1966: 79)
Samoa Island: Upolu; syntypes: NMW [2], not found by Alausa kanagurta Bleeker, 1850o: 160 (nomen nudum; lo-
Whitehead, 1970b: 7) cality: Indonesia: Banka [Bangka])
Harengula lippa Whitley, 1931b: 142, fig. 1 (type locality: Alausa kanagurta Bleeker, 1852d: 34 (type locality: Indo-
Western Australia: Port Hedland; holotype: AMS nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Banka [Bangka]: Muntok;
I.12228) lectotype: BMNH 1867.11.28.26 [1], designated by
Distribution notes. Inland water record from Philippines Whitehead et al., 1966: 80)
(Putoc River, Mindanao) by Fowler (1941a: 589). Alausa brachysoma Bleeker, 1854d: 527 (type locality: In-
Nomenclatural notes. List of 28 works using Clupea donesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: BMNH
quadrimaculata Rüppell, 1837 as a valid species-group 1867.11.28.24, Whitehead, 1965: 133, Whitehead et al.,
name, published by at least 10 authors, in the immediately 1966: 82; secondary junior homonym of Sardinella bra-
preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of not less chysoma Bleeker, 1852d: 19 when placed in Clupea by
than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Allen, 1997: 50; Günther, 1868a: 448)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Alosa malayana Bleeker, 1865g: 294 (type locality: Indo- Province, at mouth of Pakchan River; holotype: CAS
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Bantam, Cheribon, Sura- 17815)
baya, Pasuruan / Sumatra: Padang; lectotype: RMNH Distribution notes. Inland record from Vietnam (e.g.
7108 [1], designated by Whitehead et al., 1966: 84) Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 2012: 197).
Clupea platygaster Günther, 1868a: 448 (replacement name
for Alausa brachysoma Bleeker, 1854d: 527) Nematalosa nasus (Bloch, 1795)
Harengula zeylanica Hubrecht, 1879: 46 (nomen nudum) Clupea Nasus Bloch, 1795: 116, pl. 429 fig. 1 (type locali-
Clupaea durbanensis Regan, 1906a: 4, pl. 4 (type locality: ty: not stated [most material collected by John is from
South Africa: Durban Bay; syntypes: BMNH India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N
1905.6.8.19–20 [2], Whitehead, 1965: 133) 79°51'E]]; holotype: MZB 3898, Paepke, 1999: 65,
Harengula zeylanica Whitehead, 1965: 133, Witehead et al., Whitehead, 1969b: 272, pl. 2c, fig. 1b)
1966: 83 (not available, name listed in synonymy) Clupanodon nasica La Cepède, 1803: 470 (unnecessary re-
Harengula sumatrana Whitehead et al., 1966: 83 (not avail- placement name for Clupea nasus Bloch, 1795: 116)
able, name listed in synonymy) ? Chatoessus altus Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 91, fig. 2 (type lo-
cality: India; holotype: specimen on which figure is based)
? Chatoessus chrysopterus Richardson, 1846a: 308 (type
Konosirus Jordan & Snyder, 1900 locality: China: Chinese seas [area of Macao]; holotype:
Konosirus Jordan & Snyder, 1900: 349 (type species: specimen on which is based Reeves' unpublished draw-
Chatoessus punctatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 240, ing, reproduced by Whitehead, 1966: pl. 4 fig. 3)
by original designation). Gender masculine.
Nealosa Herre & Myers, 1931: 236 (type species: Chatoessus
punctatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 240, by original Sardinella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847
designation; objective junior synonym of Konosirus Jor- Sardinella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b:
dan & Snyder, 1900: 349). Gender feminine. 261 (type species: Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847b:
263, by original designation [p. 263]). Gender feminine.
Konosirus punctatus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) Clupeonia Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b:
Chaetoessus punctatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 240, 345 (type species: Clupanodon jussieu La Cepède, 1803:
pl. 109 fig. 1 (type locality: bays on coasts of southwest- 471, by subsequent designation by Gill, 1861b: 35; si-
ern Japan; lectotype: RMNH 3315a, designated by multaneous subjective synonym of Sardinella Valenci-
Boeseman, 1947: 177) ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 261, first re-
Chatoessus aquosus Richardson, 1846a: 307 (type locality: viser [apparently Fowler, 1941a: 601] gave precedence
Chinese sea [area of Macao]; holotype: BMNH to Sardinella). Gender feminine.
1964.11.6.5, Whitehead, 1966: 33 [or syntype if it is not Kowala Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 362
the specimen on which is based Reeves' drawing [pub- (type species: Kowala albella Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
lished in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 4 fig. 1]; declared a no- Valenciennes, 1847b: 362, by subsequent designation by
men oblitum by Whitehead, 1966: 34 [Code art. 23.12]) Gill, 1861b: 36; simultaneous subjective synonym of
Sardinella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1847b: 261, first reviser [Whitehead, 1964b: 42] gave
Minyclupeoides Roberts, 2008 precedence to Sardinella; simultaneous subjective syn-
Minyclupeoides Roberts, 2008: 125 (type species: Minyclu- onym of Clupeonia Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
peoides dentibranchialus Roberts, 2008: 126, by origi- ennes, 1847b: 345, first reviser [apparently Whitehead,
nal designation). Gender masculine. 1972: 179, 183] gave precedence to Clupeonia, by list-
ing K. albella in subgenus Clupeonia). Gender feminine.
Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus Roberts, 2008 Clupalosa Bleeker, 1849e: 12 (type species: Clupalosa bulan
Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus Roberts, 2008: 126, fig. 1 Bleeker, 1849e: 12, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
(type locality: Cambodia: Mekong basin: Takeo-Angkor Sardinia Poey, 1860: 311 (type species: Sardinia pseudo-
Borei flood plain near Takeo; holotype: ZRC 50699) hispanica Poey, 1860: 311, by monotypy). Gender fem-
Paralosa Bleeker, 1868b: 300 (subgenus of Harengula Va-
Nematalosa Regan, 1917 lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 277; type
Nematalosa Regan, 1917: 312 (type species: Clupea nasus species: Alausa melanura Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Bloch, 1795: 116, by subsequent designation by Jordan, Valenciennes, 1847b: 441, by monotypy). Gender femi-
1920: 560). Gender feminine. nine.
Fluvialosa Whitley, 1943a: 170 (type species: Chatoessus Wilkesina Fowler & Bean, 1923: 3 (subgenus of Harengula
elongatus Macleay, 1883b: 209, by original designation). Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b: 277;
Gender feminine. type species: Harengula fijiense Fowler & Bean, 1923:
3, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Nematalosa galatheae Nelson & Rothman Fimbriclupea Whitley, 1940b: 399 (type species: Fimbri-
Nematalosa galatheae Nelson & Rothman, 1973: 158, figs. clupea dactylolepis Whitley, 1940b: 399, by original
8B, 9 (type locality: Thailand: Andaman Sea off Ranong designation). Gender feminine.
Fiscina Whitley, 1940b: 400 (type species: Amblygaster Alausa macrurus Bleeker, 1852d: 31 (type locality: Indo-
posterus Whitley, 1931b: 144, by original designation). nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; neotype: RMNH 7112,
Gender feminine. designated by Whitehead, 1965: 143)
Nomenclatural notes. Macrurus is an adjective and has to
Sardinella fimbriata (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- agree in gender with Tenualosa.
ennes, 1847)
Spratella fimbriata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Tenualosa reevesii (Richardson, 1846)
nes, 1847b: 359, pl. 601 (type locality: India: Malabar ? Clupea sinensis Linnaeus, 1758: 319 (type locality: China;
Coast; lectotype: MNHN 3227, designated by White- types: NT)
head, 1967: 50, Whitehead & Bauchot, 1985: 29; on Alosa reevesii Richardson, 1846a: 305 (type locality: China:
Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1970b: Chinese seas [area of Macao]; holotype: BMNH
217 [Opinion 901]) 1963.8.20.2, Whitehead, 1965: 141, 1966: 30 [or syntype
Distribution notes. Entering river mouths in Philippines if this specimen is not the one figured by Reeves (repro-
(Herre, 1953a: 66) and Vietnam (Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 2012: duced in Whitehead, 1966: pl. 2 fig. 3)])
Tenualosa thibaudeaui (Durand, 1940)
Sardinella tawillis (Herre, 1927) Clupea Thibaudeaui Durand, 1940: 6, pl. 1 (type locality:
Harengula tawilis Herre, 1927a: 273, pl. 1 (type locality: Cambodia: Phnom Penh; holotype: ION)
Philippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Lake Bombon
[Lake Taal]; holotype: BSM 13198, lost) Tenualosa toli (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Alausa Toli Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847b:
Tenualosa Fowler, 1934 435 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: MNHN
Tenualosa Fowler, 1934c: 246 (subgenus of Hilsa Regan, 3939, designated by Whitehead, 1967: 93, Whitehead &
1917: 303; type species: Alosa reevesii Richardson, Bauchot, 1985: 9)
1846a: 305, by original designation). Gender feminine. Alausa argyrochloris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1847b: 440 (type locality: India: Bombay; lectotype:
Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) MNHN 2738, present designation, listed as holotype by
Clupanodon ilisha Hamilton, 1822: 243, 382, pl. 19 fig. 73 Whitehead, 1965: 147, 1967: 93, Whitehead & Bauchot,
(type locality: India: "Bay of Bengal and the large salt 1985: 7 [other syntypes belong to another species, see
water estuaries of the Ganges" / Agra and Kanpur / Patna Whitehead, 1967: 94])
on the Ganges / Goalpara on the Brahmaputra / Calcutta Alausa ctenolepis Bleeker, 1850o: 159 (nomen nudum; lo-
and Dhaka; types: NT) cality: Indonesia: Banka [Bangka])
Clupea palasah Cuvier, 1829: 320 (available by indication Alausa ctenolepis Bleeker, 1852b: 74 (type locality: Indo-
to Russell, 1803b: n° 198; type locality: India: Vizaga- nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Banka [Bangka]: Muntok;
patham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is lectotype: BMNH 1867.11.28.23, designated by White-
based Russell, 1803b: 77, pl. 198 [Palasah] [putative head et al., 1966: 85; also in Bleeker, 1852d: 32 [with-
neotype: MNHN 3685, suggested by Whitehead, 1967: out specimen from Singapore])
92 has no nomenclatural status]) Nomenclatural notes. Bleeker (1852d: 32) prepared the
Distribution notes. In area, freshwater record from Myan- description of A. ctenolepis based on 2 specimens 310–
mar (Nga-tha-lauk; Whitehead, 1985: 223). 420 mm TL from Batavia and Muntok. Later (1852b: 74)
he received an additional specimen (290 mm TL) from
Tenualosa macrura (Bleeker, 1852) Singapore and published another description. This second
[Clupea] Macrura van Hasselt, 1823b: 329 [translated in (1852b) description appeared first and the type series is made
Alfred, 1961b: 83] (nomen nudum), 1824: 92 (nomen of the three specimens. Whitehead et al. (1966: 85) desig-
nudum; Kottelat, 1987a: 369) nated the 420 mm TL specimen as lectotype; the type local-
ity therefore is Batavia and Muntok.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Chanos La Cepède, 1803 1833: vol. 2, part 1: 11, 1843: vol. 2, part 2: 107, in fos-
Chanos La Cepède, 1803: 395 (type species: Chanos sil fishes; also in Richardson, 1843d: 489, 1843f: 25).
arabicus La Cepède, 1803: 396, by monotypy). Gender Gender feminine.
masculine [Code art. 30.2.3].
Lutodeira van Hasselt, 1823b: 330 [translated in Alfred, Chanos chanos (Forskål, 1775)
1961b: 84] (type species: Lutodeira indica van Hasselt, Mugil chanos Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74 (type locality: Red Sea:
1823b: 330, by monotypy). Gender feminine. Jidda; holotype: ZMUC P 17154, Nielsen, 1974: 10,
Scoliostomus Rüppell, 1828: 17 (not available, name listed Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 26, pl. 37 fig. 69 [or lecto-
in synonymy ["when [Lutodeira] was still unknown to type by inference of a holotype, Code art. 74.6, with
me, I had formed the name Scoliostomus …]) additional syntypes ZMUC 17751 [2]])
Ptycholepis Gray & Richardson, in Richardson, 1843b: 218 Mugil salmoneus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: xxxii, 121
(subgenus of Leuciscus Cuvier, 1816a: 194; type spe- (type locality: not stated [Vanuatu: Tanna Island; Valen-
cies: Mugil salmoneus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 121, ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 202]; types:
by monotypy; junior homonym of Ptycholepis Agassiz, material of Forster)
Chanos arabicus La Cepède, 1803: 396 (based on Mugil type locality: India: Madepollam [in then Machilipatnam
chanos Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74, Gmelin, 1789: 1398 [based District]; holotype: specimen on which is based Russell,
on Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74] and Mugil chani of Bonna- 1803b: 85, pl. 208 [Tooleloo]; junior objective synonym
terre, 1788: 180 [based on Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74]; un- of Cyprinus tolo Cuvier, 1829: 276)
necessary replacement name for Mugil chanos Forskål, Chanos nuchalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1775: xiv, 74) 1847a: 196 (based on Russell, 1803b: 83, pl. 207; type
Lutodeira indica van Hasselt, 1823b: 330 [translated in locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types:
Alfred, 1961b: 84] (type locality: Indonesia: Java / In- material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 83, pl. 207
dia: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes: ? RMNH [Palah Bontah]; junior objetive synonym of Cyprinus
3369 and specimen figured by Russell, 1803b: pl. 207 pala Cuvier, 1829: 276)
[Palah Bontah], reproduced by Alfred, 1961b: pl. 7 fig. Chanos orientalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
7; Kottelat, 1987a: 370) 1847a: 197 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype:
Cyprinus pala Cuvier, 1829: 276 (available by indication to MNHN)
Russell, 1803b: n° 207; type locality: India: Vizagapa- Chanos cyprinella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
tham [Visakhapatnam]; types: specimen on which is 1847a: 198 (type locality: "Sandwich Islands: port
based Russell, 1803b: 84, pl. 207 [Palah Bontah]) d'Onorourou" [Hawaii: Honolulu harbour]; holotype:
Cyprinus tolo Cuvier, 1829: 276 (available by indication to MNHN 3624, Bauchot et al., 1982: 69)
Russell, 1803b: n° 208; type locality: India: Vizagapa- Chanos lubina Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
tham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which is 1847a: 199, pl. 567 [not 533] (type locality: Indonesia:
based Russell, 1803b: 85, pl. 208 [Tooleloo]) Buru; lectotype: MNHN A.9827, designated by Esch-
Leuciscus zeylonicus Bennett, 1833a: 184 (type locality: Sri meyer et al., 1998: 945)
Lanka; holotype: BMNH 1855.12.26.288, Eschmeyer, Lutodeira mossambicus Peters, 1852b: 684 (type locality:
2010) Mozambique: Querimba; holotype: ZMB 6614, Esch-
Butirinus Maderaspatensis Jerdon, 1849: 344 (type locali- meyer, 2010)
ty: India: Madras and Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; Lutodira elongata Peters, 1859: 412 (type locality: Sand-
syntypes: NT, except for specimen on which is based wich Islands [Hawaii]; types: ZMB)
figure of Palah Bontah in Russell, 1803b: pl. 207) Chanos salmonoides Günther, 1879: 471 (incorrect subse-
Chanos mento Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, quent spelling of Mugil salmoneus Forster, in Schneider,
1847a: 194 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius]: 1801: xxxii, 121)
syntypes [5]: MNHN 3627 [1], 3628 [2], 3629 [2], Bertin, Chanos gardineri Regan, 1902: 280 (type locality: Maldives:
1940: 276) Male Atoll: north pool of Hulule Island; syntypes [3]:
Chanos chloropterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- BMNH 1901.12.21.141–142 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010)
nes, 1847a: 195 (based on Russell, 1803b: 85, pl. 208;
Cyprinidae Rafinesque, 1815 Scardinii Bonaparte, 1839: punt. 126 [in text on Leuciscus
Ciprinidi Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 32 (vernacular, heegeri], 1841 [in Introduzione alla classe IV. Pesci] (not
apparently not available under Code art. 11.7.2) available, context suggests it was not a family-group
Cyprinia Rafinesque, 1815: 88 (type genus: Cyprinus name but the plural of Scardinius)
Linnaeus, 1758: 320) Squalii Bonaparte, 1841 [in Introduzione alla classe IV. Pes-
Paeonomiae McClelland, 1838: 943 (not available; not based ci] (not available, context suggests it was not a family-
on a type genus) group name but the plural of Squalius)
Sarcoborinae McClelland, 1838: 943 (not available; not Platycarinae Macleay, 1841: 271 (type genus: Platycara
based on a type genus) McClelland, 1838: 944, 947; also in Macleay, 1842:
Apalopterinae McClelland, 1838: 944 (not available; not 204)
based on a type genus) Schizothoracinae M'Clelland, 1842a: 575 (type genus:
Leuciscini Bonaparte, 1835: 14 [= 1840: 194] (type genus: Schizothorax Heckel, 1838: 11; sometimes considered
Leuciscus Cuvier, 1816a: 194; also in Bonaparte, 1837: to be a plural for Schizothorax, but the plural of a
7 [=1838a: 132], 1839: punt. 126 [in text on Leuciscus word ending in –thorax whould be –thoraces; the use
heegeri], 1845a: 387) of Schizothoracinae as the heading of a paragraph,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
the mention of the name of the author (mentioned only Daniones Bleeker, 1863e: 203 (type genus: Danio Hamil-
for new names in this work), the use of the ending - ton, 1822: 321)
inae elsewhere (pp. 562, 587) explicitly for subfami- Paralabeonini Bleeker, 1863e: 204 (not available; not based
lies, indicate that the name was intended for a sub- on a type genus [there is no genus Paralabeo])
family) Cochlognathi Bleeker, 1863e: 204 (type genus: Cochlogna-
Temnochilae Heckel, 1848d: 280 (not available; not based thus Baird & Girard, 1854b: 158)
on a type genus) Laviniae Bleeker, 1863e: 204 (type genus: Lavinia Girard,
Pachychilae Heckel, 1848d: 280 (not available; not based 1854: 137)
on a type genus) Aulopygini Bleeker, 1863e: 207 (type genus: Aulopyge
Chondrostomi Agassiz, 1855a: 94 (type genus: Chondro- Heckel, 1841a: 384, 1841b: 523)
stoma Agassiz, 1832: 132) Chedri Bleeker, 1863e: 207 (type genus: Chedrus Swain-
Pogonichthi Girard, 1858b: 242 (type genus: Pogonichthys son, 1839: 185, 285)
Girard, 1854: 136) Gobiones Bleeker, 1863e: 208 (type genus: Gobio Cuvier,
Alburni Girard, 1858b: 255 (type genus: Alburnus Rafines- 1816a: 193)
que, 1820b: 236, 1820c: 46) Phoxini Bleeker, 1863e: 208 (type genus: Phoxinus Rafi-
Labeonini Bleeker, 1859l: xxviii (type genus: Labeo Cu- nesque, 1820b: 236, 1820c: 46)
vier, 1816a: 194; also in Bleeker, 1860c: 423) Acanthobramae Bleeker, 1863e: 210 (type genus: Acantho-
Barbini Bleeker, 1859l: xxix (type genus: Barbus Cuvier, brama Heckel, 1843: 1033)
1816a [Nov]: 192 [not Cloquet, 1816b [Dec]: 6; not Bramae Bleeker, 1863e: 210 (type genus: Brama Bleeker,
"Cuvier & Cloquet, 1816: 4", which does not exist]; also 1863e: 211; invalid because type genus is junior hom-
in Bleeker, 1860c: 429) onym of Brama Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 98, type ge-
Phalacrognathini Bleeker, 1860c: 422 (not available; not nus of Bramini Bonaparte, 1831a: 157, 173, 1831b: 107)
based on a type genus) Aspii Bleeker, 1863e: 212 (type genus: Aspius Agassiz, 1832:
Cheilognathini Bleeker, 1860c: 427 (not available; not based 132)
on a type genus) Acheilognathini Bleeker, 1863e: 213 (type genus: Acheilog-
Amblygastri Bleeker, 1860c: 429 (not available; not based nathus Bleeker, 1859l: 259)
on genus Amblygaster Bleeker, 1849a: 73 [Clupeidae] Smiliogastrini Bleeker, 1863e: 214 (type genus: Smiliogaster
but the name of a "Series", based on descriptive terms, Bleeker, 1860c: 438)
not on a type genus) Laubucae Bleeker, 1863e: 215 (type genus: Laubuka Blee-
Acanthophori Bleeker, 1860c: 429 (not available; not based ker, 1859l: 261 [Laubuca is an incorrect subsequent spell-
on a type genus) ing])
Anacanthonoti Bleeker, 1860c: 432 (not available; not based Chelae Bleeker, 1863e: 215 (type genus: Chela Hamilton,
on a type genus) 1822: 258)
Oxygastri Bleeker, 1860c: 438 (not available; not based on Leptobarbi Bleeker, 1864a: 116 (type genus: Leptobarbus
genus Oxygaster van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 but the name Bleeker, 1859l: 153)
of a "Series" based on descriptive terms, not on a type Gardonini Walecki, 1864: 43 (type genus: Gardonus Bona-
genus; also, Oxygaster should at that time have been used parte, 1846: 29)
as the valid name of a genus [Code art.], which Rohteichthyina Günther, 1868: 191 (type genus: Rohteich-
was not the case) thys Bleeker, 1860c: 431)
Abramiformes Dybowski, 1862: 33, 35, 314 (type genus: Rasborina Günther, 1868: 193 (type genus: Rasbora Blee-
Abramis Cuvier, 1816a: 194) ker, 1859f: 361, 371)
Carpionini Bleeker, 1863e: 191 (type genus: Carpio Hec- Xenocypridina Günther, 1868: 205 (type genus: Xenocypris
kel, 1843: 1014) Günther, 1868a: 205)
Garrae Bleeker, 1863e: 191 (type genus: Garra Hamilton, Rhodeina Günther, 1868: 276 (type genus: Rhodeus Agas-
1822: 343) siz, 1832: 134)
Semiploti Bleeker, 1863e: 195 (type genus: Semiplotus Hypophthalmichthyina Günther, 1868: 298 (type genus:
Bleeker, 1860c: 424) Hypopthalmichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 433)
Opisthocheili Bleeker, 1863e: 196 (type genus: Opistochei- Plagopterinae Cope, 1874: 129 (type genus: Plagopterus
los Bleeker, 1860c: 425) Cope, 1874: 130)
Oreini Bleeker, 1863e: 196 (type genus: Oreinus McClel- Campostominae Jordan, 1877: 56 (type genus: Camposto-
land, 1838: 943, 946) ma Campostoma Agassiz, 1855b: 218
Gymnostomi Bleeker, 1863e: 197 (type genus: Gymnosto- Coelophori Jordan, 1877: 59 (not available; not based on a
mus Heckel, 1843: 1030) type genus)
Systomi Bleeker, 1863e: 199 (type genus: Systomus Mc- Exoglossinae Jordan, 1877: 60 (type genus: Exoglossum
Clelland, 1838: 943) Rafinesque, 1818d: 419)
Osteobramae Bleeker, 1863e: 201 (type genus: Osteobra- Graodontinae Jordan, 1877: 60 (type genus: Graodus
ma Heckel, 1843: 1033) Günther, 1868a: 485)
Catlae Bleeker, 1863e: 201 (type genus: Catla Valencien- Acrochili Jordan, 1878: 790 (type genus: Acrocheilus Agas-
nes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844: 410) siz, 1855a: 96 [Acrochilus is an incorrect subsequent
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Schizopygopsini Mirza, 1991: 341 (type genus: Schizopy- valid genera. The cohorts Phalacrognathini and Cheilogna-
gopsis Steindachner, 1866e: 785) thini describe two types of mouth morphology, the subseries
Lepidopygopsini Mirza, 1991: 341 (type genus: Lepidopy- Acanthophori and Anacanthophorini refer to the presence
gopsis Sundara Raj, 1941b: 210) vs. absence of a dorsal-fin 'spine', and the series Amblygas-
Poropuntii Rainboth, 1991b: 170 (not available, no diagno- tri and Oxygastri refer to a flat vs. keeled belly. These six
sis; made available as used by Menon, 1999: 68, Code names are not available as family-group names.
art. 13.2.1) There is no fish genus with a stem Phalacrognath-,
Oxygastrini Rainboth, 1991b: 170 (type genus: Oxygaster Cheilognath–, Acanthophor–, Anacanthophor–. There is a
van Hasselt, 1823c: 133; available by indication to Oxy- genus Amblygaster, but Bleeker would not have based a fam-
gastri of Bleeker, 1860c: 438 [Oxygastri of Bleeker is a ily-group name Ambligastri on it within Cyprinidae, since
descriptive term, not a name based on the valid name of Amblygaster is a genus of Clupeidae, which he knew very
an included genus, see above]; already established as well since he had created the name Amblygaster (Bleeker,
Oxygastrinae Fowler, 1951: 3, which this work made 1849a: 73). Oxygastri is formed to describe the opposite
available under Code art.13.2.1) condition of Amblygastri, it is not based on Oxygaster.
Squaliobarbinae Rainboth, 1991b: 170 (type genus: Squa- Code art. 17.1 requires that a family group name be based
liobarbus Günther, 1868a: 297; available by indication on the stem of an available generic name, indicated either
to Squaliobarbines of Howes, 1981: 40; earlier usages by express reference or by inference from its stem. It also
may exist) requires that the generic name be a name then used as valid.
Neobolini Rainboth, 1996b: 70 (not available; type genus The use of the stem alone is accepted as evidence that the
not cited; earlier usages may exist) author used the generic name as valid unless there is evi-
Thynnichthyini Menon, 1999: 54 (type genus: Thynnich- dence to the contrary.
thys Bleeker, 1859l: 153) Tang et al. (2013: 13) argued that Oxygastri is available
Aspidoparinae Mirza, 2000: 355 (type genus: Aspidoparia and formed on the available genus name Oxygaster. All el-
Heckel, 1848d: 288) ements of their reasoning, however, are flawed. As shown
Schizocyprini Mirza & Afridi, 2002: 172 (type genus: above Oxygastri was used as a descriptive term for a group
Schizocypris Regan, 1914a: 262) of genera that did not include the genus Oxygaster [see anal-
Ctenopharyngodoninae Hosoya, in Nakabo, 1993: 222, ogy with Code, last paragraph of examples after art.
1258 (type genus: Ctenopharyngodon Steindachner,]. There is no express reference to Oxygaster in Blee-
1866d: 782; available by indication to Squaliobarbine ker (1860c).
Group of Howes, 1981: 40; correct stem is Ctenopha- Tang et al. also argued that Oxygastri is available by in-
ryngodont– and correct spelling is Ctenopharyngodon- ference because Bleeker used the stem of Oxygaster; there
tidae) is in fact no such inference since the word Oxygastri de-
Puntioplitini Nguyen [T. T.] & Ho, 2003: 1129 (type genus: scribes a morphological character, and does not refer to the
Puntioplites Smith, 1929: 11) genus Oxygaster. If one were to follow Tang et al., as Blee-
Banganina Zhang & Chen, 2004: 25 (type genus: Bangana ker also had the series Ambligastri it would be available by
Hamilton, 1822: 277) inference to Amblygaster, which would be a non-sense since
Tanichthyidae Chen & Mayden, 2009: 549 (not available, Amblygaster is not in Cyprinidae.
no diagnosis) Tang et al. also argued that Bleeker considered Oxyga-
Leptobarbidae Chen & Mayden, 2009: 549 (not available, ster to be valid; Bleeker (1860c) nowhere mentioned the
no diagnosis; already established as Leptobarbi Bleeker, name Oxygaster and of course the absence of mention can-
1864a: 116) not support their statement.
Paedocyprididae Mayden & Chen, 2010: 172 (type ge- Tang et al. also argued that, by analogy with "the word-
nus: Paedocypris Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte, 2006: ing of the examples that accompany Art., there is
895) no evidence to contradict this, as Bleeker made no explicit
Sundadanionidae Mayden & Chen, 2010: 172 (type genus: statements that he considered Oxygaster to be invalid (ei-
Sundadanio Kottelat & Witte, 1999: 54) ther as a synonym or as part of a different group)". In fact,
Tanichthyidae Mayden & Chen, 2010: 172 (type genus: the example that applies is the last one: names that are de-
Tanichthys Lin, 1932b: 379) scriptive terms (as discussed above). Although Bleeker
Nomenclatural notes. List of family-group names proba- (1860c) listed all the cyprinid genera that he recognised as
bly not exhaustive. Several names may have earlier usages. valid, he did not list Oxygaster; this seems clear evidence
Bleeker (1860c) is a summary of Bleeker (1860j). In both, that he did not consider the name to be valid. One also
Bleeker listed all the genera of Cyprinidae that he recog- cannot argue that the genus was used as valid by other au-
nized as valid. In 1860c he listed only some of the synonyms, thors; it seems that by 1860 the name had never been used
not all. In 1860j he listed all the synonyms. In 1860c, he as valid after its its creation in 1823. That Bleeker did not
placed the genera in a hierarchy of family / subfamily / co- consider Oxygaster to be valid is further confirmed by his
hort / stirps / series / subseries. 1860j work (of which 1860c was a summary). Bleeker com-
For most of these ranks Bleeker used names formed on mented (1860j: 8, 475) that Oxygaster is a synonym of
the stem of an included genus. But for the ranks cohort, Chela and it is explicitly listed in the synonymy of Chela
series and subseries he used pairs of names which are de- on p. 469.
scriptive for a group of genera but not formed on included As Oxygastrinae Bleeker, 1860 is not available, if one
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Lake; syntypes: ZMB 7936 [2], IZPAN 6112 [2], Naseka & Boguts- Acrossocheilus Oshima, 1919: 206 (type species: Gymnos-
kaya, 2004: 281, pl. 1 fig. 3a, Holcik, 1962: 153 [neotype designation tomus formosanus Regan, 1908c: 149, by original des-
by Holcik not valid as syntypes are still extent])].
[Devario chankaënsis Dybowski, 1872: 212 (type locality: Russia: Lake ignation). Gender masculine.
Chanka; syntypes: NMW or IZPAN, lost, Naseka & Bogutskaya, 2004: Lissochilichthys Oshima, 1920: 124 (type species: Lisso-
281; treated by Holcik, 1963, as hybrid Acanthorhodeus asmussii (Dy- chilichthys matsudai Oshima, 1920: 124, by original des-
bowski, 1872) x Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas, 1776b: 704), which seems ignation). Gender masculine.
Masticbarbus Tang, 1942: 158 (type species: Masticbarbus
Acheilognathus nguyenvanhaoi Nguyen, Tran & Ta, 2013 pentafasciatus Tang, 1942: 158, by original designation).
Acheilognathus nguyenvanhaoi Nguyen [H. D.], Tran & Ta, Gender masculine.
2013: 19, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Crassilabiatus Wu, 1977: 274 (nomen nudum)
Province: Tien Yen River at Binh Lieu town; holotype: Nomenclatural notes. Crassilabiatus is listed as a synonym
HNUE VI.1-F01) of Lissochilichthys in Wu (1977: 274), who refers to "Chu &
Wang, 1963: 2". I could not find such a paper and search done
Acheilognathus polyspinus (Holcik, 1972) by Zhang E was unsuccessful too. We concluded that this is
Acanthorhodeus polyspinus Holcik, 1972: 183, figs. 5–6 actually an unpublished report and treat Crassilabiatus as a
(type locality: Vietnam: Red River (Hong Bo) near Ha- nomen nudum. See also under Bangana yunannensis.
noi; holotype: MNHN 1934-0205)
Acanthorhodeus dayeus Mai, 1978: 187, fig. 85 (type local- Acrossocheilus clivosius (Lin, 1935)
ity: Vietnam: Hoa Binh Province: Day River; syntypes: Lissochilus clivosius Lin, 1935a: 307, figs. 3–4 (type local-
DVZUT) ity: China: Guangxi: mountain stream of West Hill, near
Kweiping; holotype: FESC; spelt cliousius in caption of
Acheilognathus tonkinensis (Vaillant, 1892) Fig. 3, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spell-
Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis Vaillant, 1892: 127 (type lo- ing [Code art. 32.5.1])
cality: Vietnam: area of Lai-Chau or Muong-Lai: Nam ? Lissochilus laocaiensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 12
Kia, second creek crossing road from Muong Kia (type locality: Vietnam: Lao Cai Province: Ngoi Bo, Suoi
[22°07'N 100°30'E] to the west [details in Vaillant, 1904a: Trinh Quyen stream; lectotype: "NCNTTSI "173", des-
461]; holotype: MNHN 1892-0046, Vaillant, 1904a: 465, ignated by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 90 [possibly
pl. 23 fig. 4, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 76)) NCNTTSI H., erroneously listed as holotype
Acanthorhodeus robustus Holcik, 1972: 181, fig. 1 (type by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 377]; misspelt laocaieu-
locality: China: Yangtze basin, Yi-Hing; holotype: sis p. 12 and laocaiensi p. 16, first reviser [Kottelat,
MNHN 1934-0088) 2001b: 118] retained laocaiensis as correct original spell-
? Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis lamus Nguyen [T. T.], 1982: ing; original figure missing in original description, first
25 (nomen nudum) published in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 376, fig. 182,
? Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis lamensis Nguyen [T. T.], in again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 80, fig. 8; translation in
Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 249, fig. 117 (not avail- Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 69)
able; locality: Vietnam: Nge An Province: Song Lam;
material: VUP [30]) Acrossocheilus ikedai (Harada, 1943)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Chen (1998a: Lissochilus ikedai Harada, 1943: 23, pl. 7 fig. 23 (type lo-
428). cality: China: Hainan: Chang Jiang drainage; syntypes:
Nomenclatural notes. Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo (2001: 249) LU)
listed Nguyen [T. T.], 1983: 70, pl. 3 fig. 1) as author of A. t.
lamensis. Nguyen (1983) is an unpublished thesis and the Acrossocheilus iridescens (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
name is not available from it. As the description in Nguyen Cyclocheilichthys iridescens Nichols & Pope, 1927 [12
& Ngo (2001) is from Nguyen [T. T.] (1983), I treat the Sept]: 347, fig. 17 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa;
author as Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo. The holotype: AMNH 8369)
Code art. 16.1 requires that, after 1999, a new name must be ? Barbus barbodon Nichols & Pope, 1927: 345, fig. 16 (type
explicitly indicated as intentionally new. This is not the case locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH 8368)
for A. lamensis and the name is not available. Further, to be Barbus paradoxus quinquefasciatus Koller, 1926b: 76 (type
available, a new specific name published after 1999 must locality: China: Hainan: stream on Mt. Wu-tschi; synty-
be accompanied by the explicit designation of a holotype or pes: NMW 5102 [1], 5103 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010; also in
syntypes (art. 16.4). Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo (2001) mention Koller, 1927: 34, pl. 1 fig. 4)
that the description is based on 30 specimens but they are Taxonomic notes. Records of A. paradoxus from Hainan
not mentioned as a holotype or syntypes. refer to A. iridescens.
[Barbus paradoxus Günther, 1868a: 97 (type locality: Taiwan; syntypes:
BMNH 1865.5.2.20–23 [4], Ho & Shao, 2011: 26)].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
penheim, 1908: 97; Jiangxi: Pingxiang, Yuan & Zhang, Binh Province: Da Bac district: Da River at Thac Bo;
2010a: 41]; syntypes: BMNH 1907.11.26.1–2 [2], Yuan holotype: NCNTTSI H.
& Zhang, 2010b: 40, fig. 3)
Barbus hemispinus cincta Lin, 1931: 124, fig. (type locali- Acrossocheilus malacopterus Zhang, 2005
ty: China: Guangxi: Yaoshan [Lin, 1933b: 213]; holo- Acrossocheilus malacopterus Zhang, 2005a: 254, fig. 1 (type
type: BLG) locality: China: Guangdong: Zhu Jiang drainage: Lian
Taxonomic notes. In area, present in Nanliu Jiang, Guangxi, Jiang, a tributary of Bei Jiang, in Yangshan; holotype:
China (map in Yuan et al., 2006: 170). Acrossocheilus cinc- IHB 660286)
tus is distinct from A. hemispinus (see Yuan & Zhang,
2010b). Their map (p. 48) shows a widely disjunct range Acrossocheilus microstoma (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
(mislabeled as A. hemispinus) between the Yangtze and Xi Cyclocheilichthys microstoma Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b:
Jiang drainages; it is not clear whether this represents a real 227, fig. 5 (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: at Ban Mun,
separation or a sampling artifact. In a simultaneously pub- Nam So, a tributary of Black River; holotype: MNHN
lished paper (Yuan & Zhang, 2010a), A. cinctus is treated as 1935-0340; compound noun, indeclinable [not adjective
a junior synonym of A. kreyenbergii. Their's and Regan's because it did not agree in gender in original descrip-
(1908b: pl. 4) figures of the types differs from their photo- tion])
graphs of fresh material that they had (2010b) identified as Acrossocheilus iridescens yuanjiangensis Wu & Lin, in Wu,
A. cinctus in head shape, lower body profile, snout shape 1977: 290, pl. 7-37 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yuan-
(blunt vs. pointed) and position of the eye (closer to dorsal jiang [Red River] drainage: Hekou; syntypes: IHB 64-
profile of head); this need to be discussed. 40580, 581, 286, 50645 [4])
[Barbus hemispinus Nichols, 1925f: 2 (type locality: China: Fukien
[Fujian]: near Yenping [Yanping]; holotype: AMNH 8435)]. Acrossocheilus xamensis Kottelat, 2000
Acrossocheilus xamensis Kottelat, 2000a: 38, fig. 1 (type
? Acrossocheilus lamus (Mai, 1978) locality: Laos: Houaphan Province: Houay Tangoua,
Lissochilus lamus Mai, 1978: 101, fig. 43 (type locality: small stream entering Nam Xam in Ban Houatangoua;
northern Vietnam: Lam River; holotype: DVZUT) 20°09'24"N 104°32'50"E; holotype: ZRC 45297)
Acrossocheilus longipinnis (Wu, 1939) Acrossocheilus yunnanensis (Regan, 1904)
Lissochilus longipinnis Wu, 1939: 101 (type locality: Chi- Barbus yunnanensis Regan, 1904a: 191 (type locality: Chi-
na: Guizhou: Yangso in Li Kiang or Kwi Kiang [Yang- na: Yunnan: "Sea of Tien" at Yunnan Fu [Lake Dianchi
shuo in Zhuo Jiang or Gui Jiang Rivers, Xi Jiang drain- at Kunming]; holotype: BMNH 1904.1.26.28, Banister,
age]; syntypes [3]: [repository not stated] 191, 249, 604) 1973: 143)
Masticbarbus pentafasciatus Tang, 1942: 158, fig. 2 (type ? Barbus rendahli Lin, 1931: 122 (type locality: China:
locality: China: Kweichow: Kweiyang market [Guizhou: Guangdong: Shiu-Kwan near Kwangtung [Zhu Jiang
Guiyang]; holotype: NKMC P0080) drainage: Beijiang in Shaoguan; Zhang, 2005a: 258];
Acrossocheilus iridescens zhujiangensis Wu & Lin, in Wu, holotype: Chung Shan University 2943a, Eschmeyer,
1977: 291, pl. 7-38 (type locality: China: Guangdong: 2010)
Beijiang drainage / Guangxi: Xijiang drainage; synty- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy tentatively follows Zhang
pes [24]: IHB 58-0334, 58-0417, 58-0608, 58-7203, 58- (2005a).
7212, 58-7794, 189–190, 207, 0188, 0297–0299, 0770,
0786, 0823, 0922, 60-2086, 64-2126, 64-4238, 66-
IV0393, 66-0300, 73VI2022–2023) Akrokolioplax Zhang & Kottelat, 2006
Acrossocheilus stenotaeniatus Chu & Cui, in Chu & Chen, Akrokolioplax Zhang & Kottelat, 2006: 23 (type species:
1989: 205 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Funing Coun- Epalzeorhynchus bicornis Wu, in Wu, 1977: 357, by
ty: Bo-Yi [Bo'ai town, Tuoning-Jiang, a tributary of You- original designation). Gender feminine.
Jiang, Zhujiang drainage; now flooded by reservoir, not
equal with present Bo'ai; Yuan et al., 2012: 167]; holo- Akrokolioplax bicornis (Wu, in Wu, 1977)
type: KIZ 805283, Yuan et al., 2012: 161, fig. 1b) Epalzeorhynchus bicornis Wu, in Wu, 1977: 357, pl. 7-82
Taxonomic notes. Records in area from coastal drainages (type locality: China: Yunnan: Nujiang drainage [Sal-
of Guangxi (Zhou & Zhang, 2006: 19, 296). Yuan & Zhang ween], Liu Ku; holotype: IHB 64.8.1, Zhang & Kotte-
(2010b: 46) considered A. stenotaeniatus to be a synonym lat, 2006: 25, fig. 1)
of A. iridescens. Their A. iridescens is considered here to be
three species: A. iridescens, A. longipinnis and A. yuanjian-
gensis and this makes A. stenotaeniatus a junior synonym Albulichthys Bleeker, 1859
of A. longipinnis, as now confirmed by Yuan et al. (2012) Albulichthys Bleeker, 1859l: 153 (type species: Systomus
albuloides Bleeker, 1855l: 425, by monotypy; also in
? Acrossocheilus macrophthalmus Nguyen, in Nguyen & Bleeker, 1860c: 430, without included species). Gender
Ngo, 2001 masculine.
Acrossocheilus macrophthalmus Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.]
& Ngo, 2001: 390, fig. 191 (type locality: Vietnam: Hoa
Albulichthys albuloides (Bleeker, 1855) Mola Buchanani Blyth, 1860a: 164 (unnecessary replace-
Systomus albuloïdes Bleeker, 1855l: 425 (type locality: In- ment name for Cyprinus mola Hamilton, 1822: 334)
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in Amblypharyngodon saranensis Chaudhuri, 1912: 440, pl.
Pontianak; lectotype: RMNH 7033, designated by Esch- 39 fig. 2 (type locality: India: Bihar: Jharai River, Saran;
meyer et al., 1998: 68) syntypes: ZSI F 3779/1 [1], F 3780/1 [1], Menon &
Albulichthys Krempfi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1927: 304, fig. Yazdani, 1968: 104)
(type locality: Cambodia: Pnom-Penh; holotype: MNHN Cyprinus bilineatus Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name
1927-0167, Kottelat, 1985b: 956) listed in synonymy)
Amblypharyngodon gadigarhi Malhotra & Dutta, 1975: 154,
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Jammu: Gadigarh Nallaha
Amblypharyngodon Bleeker, 1860 Jammu; holotype: Dept. Biosciences, Univ. Jammu)
Mola Heckel, 1848f: 359 (type species: Cyprinus mola
Hamilton, 1822: 334, by monotypy; junior homonym of
Mola Linck, 1790: 37 and Mola Cuvier, 1797: 323, both Amblyrhynchichthys Bleeker, 1859
in Pisces). Gender feminine. Amblyrhynchichthys Bleeker, 1859c: 386 (type species:
Amblypharyngodon Bleeker, 1860c: 433 (replacement name Barbus truncatus Bleeker, 1850i: 13, by monotypy).
for Mola Heckel, 1848f: 359). Gender masculine. Gender masculine.
Mola Blyth, 1860b: 164 (type species: Mola buchanani
Blyth, 1860a: 164, by original designation; junior hom- Amblyrhynchichthys micracanthus Ng & Kottelat, 2004
onym of Mola Linck, 1790: 37, Mola Cuvier, 1797: 323 Amblyrhynchichthys micracanthus Ng & Kottelat, 2004a:
and Mola Heckel, 1848f: 359, all in Pisces). Gender fem- 426, fig. 1 (type locality: Cambodia: Kandal Province:
inine. Tonle Sap River 22 km upstream from Phnom Penh;
Brachygramma Day, 1865b: 304 (type species: Brachygram- holotype: UMMZ 232203)
ma jerdonii Day, 1865b: 304, by monotypy; [erroneous-
ly listed as a synonym of Garra by Banarescu [1999: Amblyrhynchichthys truncatus (Bleeker, 1850)
20] who misidentified the type species). Gender neuter. Barbus truncatus Bleeker, 1850i: 13 (type locality: Indone-
Nomenclatural notes. A "Mola Koelreuter, 1766: 337" is sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; lectotype:
cited by authors. As used by Koelreuter, Mola is clearny not RMNH 9091, designated by Ng & Kottelat, 2004a: 431)
binominal and "Mola aculeata, limbo abdominis producto,
etc." is not the name of a species but the use of a Latin ver-
nacular name 'mola' followed by a descriptive sentence. The Anabarilius Cockerell, 1923
name is not available. See also Welter-Schultes & Feuer- Anabarilius Cockerell, 1923: 532 (subgenus of Barilius
stein (2008). Hamilton, 1822: 266; type species: Barilius andersoni
Regan, 1904b: 416, by original designation). Gender
Amblypharyngodon atkinsonii (Blyth, 1860) masculine.
? Leuciscus harengula Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Nicholsiculter Rendahl, 1928: 118 (type species: Hemicul-
ennes, 1844: 303, pl. 500 (type locality: Burma: Irrawad- ter andrewsi Nichols, 1918: 17, by original designation).
dy; syntypes: MNHN A.9531 [3], A.9532 [4], Vaillant, Gender masculine.
1902: 105) Rohanus Chu, 1935: 11 (type species: Ischikauia transmon-
Mola Atkinsonii Blyth, 1860a: 164 (type locality: Burma: tana Nichols, 1925f: 7, by original designation). Gen-
Tenasserim; syntypes: possibly AMS B.7865 [1], Esch- der masculine.
meyer, 2010)
Anabarilius transmontanus (Nichols, 1925)
Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae Vidthayanon & Kot- Ischikauaia transmontana Nichols, 1925f: 7 (type locality:
telat, 1990 China: Yunnan: Yunnan Fu [Kunming]; holotype: AMNH
Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 8441, Banarescu, 1971a: 14)
1990: 47, figs. 2–3 (type locality: Thailand: Nong Khai
Province: Amphoe Muang, Nong Tua, 17°52'N 102°49'E;
holotype: KUMF 2993) Ancherythroculter Yih & Wu, 1964
Ancherythroculter Yih & Wu, 1964: 106 (type species: Cha-
Amblypharyngodon mola (Hamilton, 1822) nodichthys kurematsui Kimura, 1934: 88, by original
Cyprinus mola Hamilton, 1822: 334, 392, pl. 38 fig. 92 (type designation). Gender masculine.
locality: India: "every part of the Gangetic provinces";
types: NT) Ancherythroculter daovantieni (Banarescu, 1967)
? Leuciscus Chitul Sykes, 1839a: 161 (type locality: India: Erythroculter hypselonotus daovantieni Banarescu, 1967:
Inderanee River near Chakun; types: BMNH ?; also in 221, fig. 2, pl. 3 fig. 9 (type locality: Vietnam: Boi Riv-
Sykes, 1839b: 58, 1841: 363) er; holotype: IBTS 625)
Rhodeus macrocephalus Jerdon, 1849: 324 (type locality: Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus Nguyen [V.
India: Cavery River and tributaries, and Carnatic in tanks; H.] & Doan, 1969: 15 (type locality: Vietnam: Hanoi,
types: NT) Ha Tay [West Lake] / Nam Ha Province, in Song Hong
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
[Red River] and Song Da drainages; syntypes [10]: prob- Aphyocypris normalis Nichols & Pope, 1927
ably in NCNTTSI; neotype designation by Roberts & Aphyocypris normalis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 376, fig. 39,
Catania, 2007: 93 invalid as need not stated, Code art. pl. 26 fig. 4 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holo-
73.1; spelt macrathalnus p. 16, first reviser [Kottelat, type: AMNH 8381)
2001b: 121] retained macrothalmus as correct original
spelling; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007:
73; figure mentioned in original description never pub- Araiocypris Conway & Kottelat, 2008
lished) Araiocypris Conway & Kottelat, 2008: 101 (type species:
? Ancherythroculter lini Luo, 1994: 48 (based on Erythro- Araiocypris batodes Conway & Kottelat, 2008: 102, by
culter hypselonotus of Lin, 1934d: 621; type locality: original designation). Gender feminine.
China: Guangxi: Wuchow; syntypes: ? FESC [2] and
material in cited references) Araiocypris batodes Conway & Kottelat, 2008
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts & Catania (2007: 93) des- Araiocypris batodes Conway & Kottelat, 2008: 102, figs.
ignated IBTS 626 as neotype of E. p. macrothalmus. This 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Hai
neotype designation is not valid as the need is not stated Ninh District: forest creek near Khay Rau village, 10
expressly (Code art. 75.3). Roberts & Catania had not seen km on road from Bac Phong Sinh to Mong Cai;
the 'neotype' IBTS 626 but they stated that it is the holotype 21°33'44"N 107°43'55"E; holotype: ZRC 50942)
of E. h. daovantieni. The identity of IBTS 626 is not known
(I did not search) but, according to the original description,
the holotype of E. h. daovantieni is IBTS 625. Balantiocheilos Bleeker, 1859
Balantiocheilos Bleeker, 1859l: 149 (type species: Barbus
melanopterus Bleeker, 1850i: 11, by monotypy; also in
Aphyocypris Günther, 1868 Bleeker, 1860c: 430, without included species). Gender
Aphyocypris Günther, 1868a: 201 (type species: Aphyocy- masculine.
pris chinensis Günther, 1868a: 201, by monotypy). Gen- Balantiocheilus Bleeker, 1863e: 198 (incorrect subsequent
der feminine. spelling)
Yaoshanicus Lin, 1931: 50 (type species: Yaoshanicus ar-
cus Lin, 1931: 51, by monotypy). Gender masculine. Balantiocheilos ambusticauda Ng & Kottelat, 2007
Nicholsicypris Chu, 1935: 10 (type species: Aphyocypris Balantiocheilos ambusticauda Ng & Kottelat, 2007a: 14,
normalis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 376, by original desig- fig. 1a (type locality: Thailand: Nakhon Sawan Prov-
nation). Gender feminine. ince: Bung Borapet; holotype: MHNG 2689.096)
Pararasbora Regan, 1908e: 360 (type species: Pararasbo-
ra moltrechti Regan, 1908e: 360, by monotypy). Gen- Balantiocheilos melanopterus (Bleeker, 1850)
der feminine. Barbus melanopterus Bleeker, 1850i: 11 (type locality: In-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Liao et al. (2011: 662). donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho-
lotype [103 mm TL]: ? RMNH 7030, Eschmeyer, 2010
? Aphyocypris dorsohorizontalis (Nguyen & Doan, 1969) ['cotypes' listed by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 52 have no
Nicholsicypris dorsohorizontalis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, type status as they are too large])
1969: 10 (type locality: Vietnam: Ha Bac Province; Dong
Phai, Cam Son, Bac Giang; lectotype: NCNTTSI "1041",
designated by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 89 [possibly Bangana Hamilton, 1822
NCNTTSI H., erroneously listed as holotype Bangana Hamilton, 1822: 277, 385 (subgenus of Cyprinus
by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 44]; spelt dorsohrizon- Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus dero Hamil-
talis p. 3 and dorsohorizentalis p. 10, first reviser [Kot- ton, 1822: 277, by subsequent designation by Jordan &
telat, 2001b: 116] retained dorsohorizontalis as correct Evermann, 1917: 115). Gender feminine [Kullander et
original spelling; original figure first published in Nguy- al., 1999: 132].
en & Ngo, 2001: 44, fig. 8, again in Nguyen [V. H.], Bengana Gray, 1835: "Directions for arranging the plates
2007: 78, fig. 2; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, of the numbers XI to XX", p. 2 (incorrect subsequent
2007: 68) spelling of Bangana Hamilton, 1822: 277 [on same page,
the same word is also used as an incorrect subsequent
? Aphyocypris kyphus (Mai, 1978) spelling of Bengala Gray, 1834: pl. 96, which is another
Yaoshanicus kyphus Mai, 1978: 138, fig. 61 (type locality: genus])
Vietnam: Bac Thai Province: Ky Phu stream [not ex- Tylognathus Heckel, 1843: 1027 (type species: Varicorhi-
plicitly stated, implied from specific name and mention nus diplostomus Heckel, 1838: 67, by subsequent desig-
of a single specimen; mention that the species occurs nation by Bleeker, 1863e: 194, 1863m: 25). Gender
together with "Y. normalis" for which several localities masculine.
are listed might mean that additional material from at ? Rohitodes Bleeker, 1860j: 114, 159 (type species: Labeo
least two additional localities is involved]; holotype: cephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
DVZUT) 347, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 195,
1863m: 25). Gender masculine.
Tylorhynchus Blyth, 1860b: 160 (apparently an incorrect Bangana discognathoides (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
subsequent spelling [a lapsus] for Tylognathus Heckel, Varicorhinus discognathoides Nichols & Pope, 1927: 360,
1843: 1027) fig. 26 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype:
Altigena Lin, 1933d: 342 (subgenus of Osteochilus Günther, AMNH 8389)
1868a: 40; not available, no type species designated, Varicorhinus pogonifer Lin, 1931: 107, 109, fig. p. 113 (type
Code art. 13.3) locality: China: Hainan; types: LU, Eschmeyer, 2010;
Altigena Burton, 1934: 49 (subgenus of Osteochilus Günther, spelt ponogiler p. 109, an inadvertent error, thus incor-
1868a: 40; type species: Varicorhinus discognathoides rect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1])
Nichols & Pope, 1927, by original designation). Gender
feminine. Bangana elegans Kottelat, 1998
Mirolabeo Wu, 1977: 341 (nomen nudum) Bangana elegans Kottelat, 1998a: 23, fig. 16 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Most species earlier identified as mem- Laos: Nam Gnouang, a tributary of Nam Theun entering
bers of the genus Sinilabeo in fact belong to Bangana be- it downriver of Ban Thabak; 18°16'50"N 104°38'00"E;
cause the original type species designation for Sinilabeo was holotype: ZRC 41779)
based on a misidentified Sinilabeo hummeli (see Zhang et
al., 2006). Mirolabeo is listed as a synonym of Sinilabeo by Bangana lemassoni (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
Wu (1977: 341) and Chu & Chen (1989: 264) who refer to Varicorhinus Lemassoni Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936a: 19, fig.
"Chu & Wang, 1963: 4". I could not find such a paper and 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai-Chau / Bac Mé, Song-Gam,
search by Zhang E was unsuccessful too. We concluded that tributary of Rivière Claire [Song Lo]; syntypes: MNHN
this is actually an unpublished report and treat Mirolabeo as 1935-0319 [1, listed as holotype by Bertin & Estève,
a nomen nudum. See also under Bangana yunnanensis. 1948: 46, Banarescu, 1973: 106, fig. 6], MNHN 1935-
[Sinilabeo Rendahl, 1932: 81 (type species: Sinilabeo hummeli Zhang, 0320 [1])
Kullander & Chen, 2006: 97, designated under Code art. 70.3.2, mis- Altigena bibarbata Mai, 1978: 68, fig. 28 (type locality:
identified as Varicorhinus tungting Nichols, 1925e: 3 in original des-
ignation by Rendahl, 1932: 81). Gender masculine]. northern Vietnam; holotype: DVZUT)
[Sinilabeo hummeli Zhang, Kullander & Chen, 2006: 97, fig. 1 (type lo-
cality: China: Chongqing City, Jialing Jiang of upper Yangtze River Bangana lippa (Fowler, 1936)
basin, approx. 29°19'N 106°18'E; holotype: IHB 2003051)]. Labeo lippus Fowler, 1936a: 512, figs. 6–7 (type locality:
Burma: Shan States: Meng Pek, Mong Lin; holotype:
Bangana almorae (Chaudhuri, 1912) ANSP 64159, Böhlke, 1984: 81)
Labeo almorae Chaudhuri, 1912: 438, pl. 38 figs. 2 (type ? Sinilabeo tonkinensis laticeps Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977:
locality: India: Almora, Western Himalayas; holotype: 343, pl. 7-74 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Bu-Yuen
ZSI F 2014/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 112) Jiang and Meng-Yang He, Mekong drainage; syntypes:
IHB 59108 [1], 634039 [1])
? Bangana binhluensis (Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001) Sinilabeo longirostris Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Sinilabeo binhluensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 499, fig. 252 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau
2001: 504, fig. 255 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Dien Bien district [now Province]: Nam Rom
Province: Phong To district, Binh Lu stream; holotype: River [Mekong basin]; holotype: NCNTTSI
Sinilabeo brevirostris Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Bangana devdevi (Hora, 1936) 2001: 501, fig. 253 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau
? Labeo cephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Province: Dien Bien district [now Province]: Nam Rom
1842: 347, pl. 487 (type locality: Burma: river of River [Mekong basin]; holotype: NCNTTSI
Rangoon ["au Pégu" does not refer to the city of Pegu H.
but to a former name used for Burma]; syntypes: MNHN
3385 [2], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 21) Bangana musaei Kottelat & Steiner, 2011
Labeo devdevi Hora, 1936b: 324 (based on "Burmese and Bangana musaei Kottelat & Steiner, 2011: 314, fig. 1 (type
Siamese form" of Labeo dyocheilus (M'Clelland, 1839) locality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai drain-
reported by Mukerji, 1934: 58; type locality: Burma: age, "Grotte des Nuages", near Ban Nong Ping,
Myitkyina District: Mali Hka basin: Phungin Hka; lec- 17°22'54"N 106°53'05"E; holotype: MHNG 2723.038)
totype: ZSI FF 1442, designated by Jayaram & Das,
1980: 205, fig. 1A) Bangana sinkleri (Fowler, 1934)
? Sinilabeo cirrhinoides Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977: 344, pl. 7- Labeo sinkleri Fowler, 1934a: 130, figs. 93–94 (type local-
75 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yuanjiang [Red Riv- ity: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Metang River [Nam
er]; syntype: IHB 60315 [1], 60343 [1], 60344 [1], 60358 Mae Taeng], 35 miles north of Chiang Mai; holotype:
[1]) ANSP 58423, Böhlke, 1984: 91)
Taxonomic notes. Status of S. cirrhinoides follows Zhang &
Chen (2006: 48). It seems unlikely, however, that B. devdevi Bangana tonkinensis (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934)
would be present in the Irrawaddy, Salween and Red River Varicorhinus tonkinensis Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934: 338
drainages but missing in the Mekong drainage. (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Ngoi-Thia River at
Nghia Lô, tributary of Red River [Song Hong] upstream
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
of Yên Bay; holotype: MNHN 1934-0257, Banarescu, The name yunannensis is first made available, as Sini-
1973: 108, fig. 8) labeo yunnanensis by Wu & Lin (in Wu, 1977) and takes its
Varicorhinus Graffeuili Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936a: 21, fig. 2 types and type locality from the material they list. Consid-
(type locality: Vietnam: Phong To, Nam Lung stream, ering that Chu & Wang's material was from the Irrawaddy
tributary of Black River [Song Da]; holotype: MNHN drainage (China: Yunnan: Tengchong), it is not certain that
1935-0321, Banarescu, 1973: 108, fig. 9) Wu & Lin's material (from the Zhujiang and Mekong drain-
? Sinilabeo tonkinensis loos Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & ages) is conspecific, but this is not relevant for nomencla-
Ngo, 2001: 493, fig. 250 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen tural purposes.
Quang Province: Na Hang; holotype: NCNTTSI
? Sinilabeo tonkinensis daos Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Barbichthys Bleeker, 1859
Ngo, 2001: 495, fig. 251 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Barbichthys Bleeker, 1859l: 147 (type species: Barbus lae-
Chau Province: Song Da; holotype: NCNTTSI vis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 192,
H. by monotypy; also in Bleeker, 1860c: 424, without in-
cluded species). Gender masculine.
Bangana xanthogenys (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
Labeo xanthogenys Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 221 (type Barbichthys laevis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
locality: Vietnam: Than Son, a small tributary of Rivière ennes, 1842)
Claire [Song Lo]; holotype: MNHN 1935-0331, Banares- Labiobarbus Lipocheïlus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translat-
cu, 1973: 106, figs. 3, 5) ed in Alfred, 1961b: 86], 1824: 376 (nomen nudum,
Altigena dorsoarcus Mai, 1978: 71, fig. 30 (type locality: Kottelat, 1987a: 370)
northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT) Barbus laevis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
? Altigena tetrabarbata Mai, 1978: 72, fig. 31 (type locali- 192 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor]
ty: northern Vietnam; holotype: DVZUT) and Sarayevi; syntypes: ? RMNH 2531 [1], D1811 [1],
Sinilabeo xanthogenys songloensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. D1812 [1], Roberts, 1993b: 15, Kottelat, 2000d: 83)
H.] & Ngo, 2001: 486, fig. 246 (type locality: Vietnam: Barbus nudicephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang District; holotype: nes, 1842: 193 (not available, name listed in synonymy
NCNTTSI H. [unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt])
Barbus brachynemus Bleeker, 1849h: 18 (type locality: In-
Bangana yunnanensis (Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977) donesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; syn-
? Mirolabeo yunnanensis Chu & Wang, 1963: 4 (not avail- types [up to 197 mm TL]: ? RMNH)
able, in a work not published under criteria of Code arts. Barbus gobioïdes Bleeker, 1852r: 592 (type locality: Indo-
8.1.1, 8.1.2; locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchong, Ir- nesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [105 mm TL]: LU)
rawaddy drainage) Barbus taeniopterus Bleeker, 1857n: 475 (unnecessary re-
Sinilabeo yunnanensis Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977: 341, pl. 7-72 placement name for Barbus gobioides Bleeker, 1852r:
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna; lectotype: 592)
IHB 591033, designated by Zhang & Chen, 2006: 49) Barbichthys nitidus Sauvage, 1878b: 241 (type locality: In-
Nomenclatural notes. The original description of Sinilabeo dochina; lectotype: MNHN 8587, designated by Banares-
yunnanensis is often given as "Mirolabeo yunnanensis Chu cu, 1980a: 98, fig.)
& Wang, 1963: 4". I have tried for many years to obtain a Barbichthys laevis var. sumatranus Volz, 1904: 478 (type
copy of the original description of M. yunnanensis by Chu locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Indragiri drainage: Danau
& Wang (1963) and colleagues in China were not success- Sialong Lotong [near Japura; Schneider, 1905: 28]; syn-
ful in finding it either (Zhang E., pers. comm.; Fang F., pers. types: ? NMW, MHNG 683.26 [1], Weber, 1998: 6)
comm.). This paper was referred to, among others, by Wu
(1977: 341) and Chu & Chen (1989: 264) who indicated
that it is an abstract. It has not been possible to find it. It is Barbodes Bleeker, 1859
not clear whether the work was produced by "a method that Barbodes Bleeker, 1859f: 361, 371 (subgenus of Systomus
assures numerous identical and durable copies" as required McClelland, 1838: 943; type species: Barbus maculatus
by Code art. 8.1.3. But it is clear that it does not satisfy the Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 195, by
conditions of art. 8.1.1 ("issued for the purpose of provid- subsequent designation by Kottelat, 1999a: 595). Gen-
ing a public and permanent scientific record") and 8.1.2 ("ob- der masculine.
tained, when first issued, free of charge or by purchase"). If Mandibularca Herre, 1924a: 1568 (type species: Mandibu-
the work cannot be found in any library it provides neither larca resimus Herre, 1924a: 1568, by original designa-
public nor permanent information and is not a record. The tion; also in Herre, 1924b: 272, with same type species
question whether it was obtainable when first 'published' but by monotypy). Gender feminine.
remains open; it is doubtful that an abstract was obtainable Cephalakompsus Herre, 1924a: 1568 (type species: Ceph-
[including to foreigners, which a public record should be] if alakompsus pachycheilus Herre, 1924a: 1569, by origi-
it is not even found in the institutions in which the authors nal designation; also in Herre, 1924b: 276, with same
were working. Since the above was written, Zhang & Chen type species but by monotypy). Gender masculine.
(2006: 49) reached the same conclusion. Ospatulus Herre, 1924a: 1569 (type species: Ospatulus trun-
catulus Herre, 1924b: 278, by subsequent designation Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
in Herre, 1924b: 277; also in Herre, 1924b: 277, with ennes, 1842)
same type species but by original designation [p. 279]). Barbus maculatus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
Gender masculine. 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375
Spratellicypris Herre & Myers, 1931: 239 (type species: (nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 370)
Barbodes palata Herre, 1924b: 305, by original desig- Barbus striatus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translated in Al-
nation). Gender feminine. fred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375 (nomen nudum, Kottelat,
1987a: 370)
Species inquirenda: Barbus binotatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Barbus dorsimaculatus Ahl, 1923: 183 (type locality: pos- 1842: 168 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes:
sibly Indonesia: Sumatra; syntypes [20]: ZMB 20671 RMNH 2455 [3], Roberts, 1993b: 21 [not listed as syn-
[20], Paepke, 1995: 90) types])
Taxonomic notes. Identity not resolved. I have examined Barbus maculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
the syntypes, which are in part fish that died in aquarium 1842: 195 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg
and were already in poor state at the time fixation. I am [Bogor]; types: apparently based on a drawing by Kuhl
unable to place them in any genus known from Sumatra. and van Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 16
The black spot at the tip of the dorsal fin is reminiscent of [figured specimen possibly part of RMNH 2455, synty-
Discherodontus, but B. dorsimaculatus has the anus imme- pes of B. binotatus]; simultaneous subjective synonym
diately in front of anal-fin origin, while it is separated by of Barbus binotatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
3–5 scales in Discherodontus. The scale counts exclude Bar- ennes, 1842: 168, first reviser [Bleeker, 1855k: 408] gave
bonymus. The radii on the scales are radiating from the fo- precedence to B. binotatus)
cus, as in Puntius s.l. It could possibly be an Indian or an Barbus oresigenes Bleeker, 1849h: 17 (type locality: Indo-
African species. nesia: Java: Lake Diëng / lake and river Ambarawa; syn-
types [up to 139 mm TL]: LU)
Unavailable name Barbus blitonensis Bleeker, 1852c: 96 (type locality: Indone-
Puntius equalitus Nguyen & Le, in Eve et al., 2000: 49, sia: Belitung: Tjirutjup River; holotype [117 mm TL]: LU)
134, 137, 141 (not available, location of holotype not Barbus kusanensis Bleeker, 1852o: 429 (type locality: In-
mentioned, Code art. 16.4.2, and intention not explicit, donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Kusan River in
Code art. 16.1; locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh Province: Vu Prabakarta [Kusan River enters sea at about 3°33'40"S
Quang Nature Reserve: Huong Tho guard station) 115°59'35"E near Pagatan]; holotype [76 mm TL]: LU)
? Barbus bunter Bleeker, 1857i: 350 (type locality: Indone-
Barbodes amarus Herre, 1924 sia: Java: Tjidani River in Tjampea; holotype [115 mm
Barbodes amara Herre, 1924a: 1569 (nomen nudum) TL]: lost, description based on a drawing, Bleeker, 1857i:
Barbodes amara Herre, 1924b: 295 (type locality: Philip- 351)
pines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan; holotype: BSM Barbus polyspilos Bleeker, 1857i: 351 (type locality: Indo-
9167, lost) nesia: Java: Bantan Province: Perdana, Tjibiliong; syn-
types [7, 57–109 mm TL]: ? RMNH)
Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant, 1885) Systomus goniosoma Bleeker, 1860j: 349 (type locality: In-
Barbus aurotaeniatus Tirant, 1885 [1929: 160] (type local- donesia: Sumatra: Benkulen; holotype [146 mm TL]:
ity: Vietnam: Thu-dau-mot; lectotype: MGHNL BMNH 1866.5.2.193, Eschmeyer, 2010)
42000258, designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 8, fig. 2) Barbus striatus Bleeker, 1860j: 19 (not available, name list-
Puntius stigmatosomus Smith, 1931a: 13, fig. 6 (type local- ed in synonymy; a manuscript name of Kuhl and van
ity: Thailand: Chantaburi Province: waterfall in Pliew Hasselt)
stream, Kao Sabap; holotype: USNM 90296) ? Systomus macularius Blyth, 1860b: 159 (type locality:
Barbus pessuliferus Fowler, 1937: 196, figs. 157–158 (type Burma: Tenasserim [Sitang River; Day, 1869: 557]; syn-
locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68141, types: ZSI [2], Day, 1870b: 557)
Böhlke, 1984: 88) Puntius amblyrhynchus Bleeker, 1864a: 104, pl. 144 fig. 5
Puntius sametensis Smith, 1945: 176, fig. 28 (type locality: (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Tjampea; holotype [49
Thailand: Chantaburi Province: Nong Samet; holotype: mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.188, Eschmeyer, 2010)
USNM 117755) Barbus maculatus var. hagenii Popta, 1911a: 9 (type local-
ity: Indonesia: Lombok: Sembalun, Sadjang, Praya,
Barbodes banksi (Herre, 1940) Selong, Sapit; syntypes [95]: SMF 22299 [4], 22301 [1],
Puntius binotatus banksi Herre, 1940b: 31 (type locality: 22302 [10], 22303 [5], 22304 [1], 22305 [12], 22306
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: 18 miles east of Kuching; lec- [4], 22307 [1], 22308 [1], 22309 [7], 22310 [9], 22311
totype: CAS-SU 33900, designated by Böhlke, 1953: 37) [1], 22312 [23], 22313 [1], 22314 [2], RMNH 10501
[1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Barbodes baoulan Herre, 1926 ? Barbus simplex Schreitmüller, 1935a: 508, 1 fig. (type
Barbodes baoulan Herre, 1926a: 499, pl. 1 (type locality: locality: "Malay Archipelago"; syntypes [2]: apparently
Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao; syntypes [9]: BSM lost [not in ZMB or ZSM, H.-J. Paepke, pers. comm.;
[lost], CAS-SU 24469 [1], Böhlke, 1953: 30) pers. obs.])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Nomenclatural notes. Barbus binotatus Valenciennes, 1842 Barbodes ivis (Seale, 1910)
and B. maculatus Valenciennes, 1842 are simultaneous syn- Barbus ivis Seale, 1910a: 494, pl. 1 (type locality: Philip-
onyms (and possibly objective synonyms, one being based pines: Balabac: small stream near Balabac; holotype:
on specimens and the other on a drawing sent by van Has- BSM 5233 [lost])
selt from Java).
Barbodes joaquinae (Wood, 1968)
Barbodes bunau (Rachmatika, 2005) Puntius joaquinae Wood, 1968: 415, figs. 3–4 (type locali-
Puntius bunau Rachmatika, 2005: 182, figs. 1–2 (type lo- ty: Philippines: Mindanao: stream flowing from Basak
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Paya Se- Lake to Agus River, 100 m west of highway 1, nearest
turan: Sesayap basin, Sungai Belalang at 113 m [masl ?]; barrio is Saguiaren; holotype: FMNH 73395)
holotype: MZB 12074)
Barbodes katolo Herre, 1924
Barbodes cataractae (Fowler, 1934) Barbodes katolo Herre, 1924a: 1569 (nomen nudum)
Barbus cataractae Fowler, 1934c: 280, fig. 40 (type locali- Barbodes katolo Herre, 1924b: 301 (type locality: Philip-
ty: Philippines: Mindanao: Cascade River, Murcielagos pines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan; holotype: BSM
Bay; holotype: USNM 93137) 9161, lost)
Barbodes lindog Herre, 1924b: 304 (type locality: Philip- (type locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; ho-
pines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan; syntypes [25]: lotype: USNM 57840)
BSM, lost, CAS-SU 27714 [2], 24466 [3], Böhlke, 1953:
30, Eschmeyer, 2010) Barbodes resimus (Herre, 1924)
Mandibularca resimus Herre, 1924a: 1568 (type locality:
Barbodes manalak Herre, 1924 Philippines: Mindanao: rapids of Agus River below Dan-
Barbodes manalak Herre, 1924a: 1569 (nomen nudum) salan bridge; syntypes [7]: BSM [3, lost]; also in Herre,
Barbodes manalak Herre, 1924b: 302 (type locality: Philip- 1924b: 273, pl. 1, with spelling resinus)
pines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan; holotype: BSM Nomenclatural notes. Herre (1924a: 1568) used the spell-
9998, lost) ing resimus and in another paper published the same year
(1924b: 273) he used resinus. The precedence of the two
Barbodes manguaoensis (Day, 1914) papers is not certain but there are indications that the 1924a
Barbus manguaoensis Day, 1914: 189, pl. 1 fig. 3 (type lo- paper appeared first (see Bibliography). The etymology and
cality: Philippines: Palawan: Lake Manguao; holotype: spelling of resinus in Herre (1924b: 272) are erroneous.
Day's collection at University of Philippines, Herre, Herre stated that resinus means "turned upward". Actually,
1924b: 298) the correct spelling of "turned upward" is resimus. The 1924b
Barbus bantolanensis Day, 1914: 188, pl. 1 fig. 1 (type lo- spelling is either an obvious lapsus calami (Code art. 32.5.1)
cality: Philippines: Palawan: Lake Manguao, southwest that must be corrected if the 1924b paper appeared first, or
of Taytay; holotype: CAS-SU 29823, Böhlke, 1953: 30; an incorrect subsequent spelling if it appeared last.
subjective simultaneous synonym of B. manguaoensis
Day, 1914: 189, first reviser [Cervancia & Kottelat, 2007: Barbodes rhombeus (Kottelat, 2000)
145] gave precedence to B. manguaoensis) Puntius rhombeus Kottelat, 2000a: 49, fig. 16 (type locali-
ty: Thailand: Trat Province: stream near Ban Tha Kum,
Barbodes microps (Günther, 1868) 9 km north of Ban Noen Sung on road 3271 from Trat to
Barbus microps Günther, 1868a: 124 (type locality: Indo- Bo Rai; 12°32'N 102°37'E; holotype: ZRC 45312)
nesia: Java; syntypes: BMNH 1845.4.22.334–336 [3],
1845.4.22.341–342 [2]) Barbodes sealei (Herre, 1933)
Barbus elongatus Seale, 1910c: 265, pl. 2 fig. 1 (type local-
Barbodes montanoi (Sauvage, 1881) ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan; holotype: BSM
Puntius Montanoi Sauvage, 1881b: 103 (type locality: Phil- 2566, lost; junior primary homonym of Barbus elonga-
ippines: Mindanao: Simulao stream; syntypes: MNHN tus Rüppell, 1835b: 11)
3398 [1, listed as holotype], 3399 [12], Bertin & Estève, Barbodes sealei Herre, 1933b: 3 (replacement name for
1948: 29) Barbus elongatus Seale, 1910a: 265)
Puntius sibukensis Fowler, 1941a: 799, fig. 25 (type locali-
Barbodes pachycheilus (Herre, 1924) ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Silimpopon River, Sibuko
Cephalakompus pachycheilus Herre, 1924a: 1569 (type lo- Bay; holotype: USNM 99438)
cality: Philippines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan;
holotype: BSM, lost; also in Herre, 1924b: 276, pl. 2 fig. Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther, 1868)
2) Barbus fasciolatus Günther, 1868a: 140 (type locality: Chi-
na; holotype: BMNH 1851.12.27.185, Eschmeyer, 2010;
Barbodes palaemophagus (Herre, 1924) simultaneous primary homonym of Barbus fasciolatus
Ospatulus palaemophagus Herre, 1924a: 1569 (nomen nu- Günther, 1868a: 108; replaced in same work by Barbus
dum) semifasciolatus Günther, 1868a: 484)
Ospatulus palaemophagus Herre, 1924b: 279 (type locali- Barbus semifasciolatus Günther, 1868a: 484 (replacement
ty: Philippines: Mindanao: Lumbatan, south shore of name for Barbus fasciolatus Günther, 1868a: 140)
Lake Lanao; holotype: BSM 9200, lost) Puntius Güntheri Bleeker, 1871b: 9 (replacement name for
Barbus fasciolatus Günther, 1868a: 140)
Barbodes palata Herre, 1924 ? Barbus aureus Tirant, 1883: 96 (type locality: Vietnam:
Barbodes palata Herre, 1924a: 1569 (nomen nudum) river of Hué; lectotype: MGHNL 42000029, [formerly
Barbodes palata Herre, 1924b: 305 (type locality: Philip- 3566] designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 7, fig. 1; secondary
pines: Mindanao: Lake Lanao, Dansalan; syntypes [22]: junior homonym of Labeobarbus aureus Cope, 1867a:
BSM, lost) 406 when placed in Barbus by Boulenger, 1907: 390)
Barbus sachsii Ahl, 1923: 182 (type locality: unknown,
Barbodes palavanensis (Boulenger, 1895) possibly India, "Indo-Malay archipelago" or China ?;
Barbus palavanensis Boulenger, 1895b: 186 (type locality: syntypes [2]: ZMB 20670 [1], Paepke, 1995: 90)
Philippines: Palawan; syntypes: BMNH 1894.6.30.188– Barbus hainani Lohberger, 1929: 49, fig. 1 (type locality:
190 [3], Eschmeyer, 2010) China: Hainan: Kan-Kong stream; syntypes [92]: NMW
18424–73, 18383–422 [?], MSNM 4427 [1], Conci &
Barbodes quinquemaculatus (Seale & Bean, 1907) Michelangeli, 1974: 224, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Barbus quinquemaculatus Seale & Bean, 1907: 229, fig. 1 Puntius hainanensis Chevey & Lemasson, 1937a: 60 (un-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Barbonymus belinka (Bleeker, 1860) Systomus Schwanefeldi Bleeker, 1860a: 53 (justified emen-
Systomus belinka Bleeker, 1860j: 321 (type locality: Indo- dation of Barbus schwanenfeldii Bleeker, 1854d: 517)
nesia: Sumatra: Padang, Solok, Lake Singkarak; synty- Barbus Schwanefeldi var. rubra Vaillant, 1902: 95 (type lo-
pes [9, 61–113 mm TL]: RMNH 7020 [1], 7132 [1], cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam
BMNH 1866.5.2.192 [1], ? NMV 45938 [1], Eschmey- River at Tepoe ["3 hours upstream of Melak by steam-
er, 2010) er", Nieuwenhuis, 1900: 354; based on Nieuwenhuis'
map apparently today's Tering Lama [Tring]; about
Barbonymus collingwoodii (Günther, 1868) 0°04'10"S 115°38'40"E]; syntypes: RMNH [4])
Barbus collingwoodii Günther, 1868a: 483 (type locality: Nomenclatural notes. (1854d: 517) originally described this
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak; holotype: BMNH species with the spelling schwanenfeldii, dedicated to the
1868.1.27.15, Eschmeyer, 2010) collector "H. W. Schwanenfeld". Later, Bleeker (1860a: 63)
Barbus Boulengerii Popta, 1905a: 172 (type locality: Indo- emended it as schwanefeldi because the correct spelling of
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Bongan River / Kali- the collector's name Schwanefeld. Elsewhere in the same
mantan Timur: Howong River [about 0°15'N 115°30'E] issue of the journal including the 1854 description, but not
and Bo River; syntypes: RMNH 7598 [3], 7599 [1], 7600 in the same paper (p. 540, 545), Schwanefeld's name was in
[2]; also in Popta, 1906: 132, pl. 8 fig. 30) fact spelt correctly, as it is also in lists of members of societ-
ies (of which Bleeker was president or secretary) and sub-
Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1849) scribers to journals (edited by Bleeker) from at least 1844
Barbus gonionotus Bleeker, 1849h: 15 (type locality: Indo- (earliest in Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neêrland's
nesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; syn- Indië, 1: unnumbered page with list of subscribers) until his
types [up to 207 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.183 [1], Esch- death in December 1856 (Bleeker, 1857h: 30). In addition,
meyer, 2010) Schwanefeld was a colleague of Bleeker. The misspelling
Barbus javanicus Bleeker, 1855k: 403 (type locality: Indo- could not have been intentional. Despite all this, because
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] Province: Tjitarum and Be- we can know that the name was misspelt only from infor-
kassi Rivers / Pasuruan Province: Gempol River; syntypes mation external to the original work, some conclude that
[30, 143–315 mm TL]: RMNH 5218 [1], 8035 [2], BMNH the name cannot be corrected (this was my earlier point of
1866.5.2.196 [1], NMV 45903 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) view; Kottelat, 1999: 595). But, in the case of personal
Barbus koilometopon Bleeker, 1857i: 347 (type locality: names, when the original author himself corrected the spell-
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] Province: Tjiliwong ing and when it is shown from numerous sources that it is
[Ciliwong] and Becassi [Bekasi] Rivers; syntypes [2, misspelt, it is obvious that it was an inadvertent error and it
153–164 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.180 [1], should be corrected. Anyway, as nobody would like to have
1867.11.28.80 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) his own name misspelt, it seems that nobody should really
Puntius jolamarki Smith, 1934: 310 (type locality: Thailand: complain if the emended but incorrect spelling is used.
Menam Chao Phraya at Bangsorn; holotype: ? KUMF)
? Puntius viehoeveri Fowler, 1943a: 26, 2 figs. (type local- Barbonymus strigatus (Boulenger, 1894)
ity: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 70615, Böhlke, Barbus strigatus Boulenger, 1894a: 247 (type locality: Ma-
1984: 94) laysia: Borneo: Sabah: Bongon; holotype: BMNH
1893.5.30.56, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Barbonymus mahakkamensis (Ahl, 1922)
Barbus mahakkamensis Ahl, 1922a: 34 (type locality: Indo- Barbonymus sunieri (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916)
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: "Mahakkam Kutei"; Puntius sunieri Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 199 (type lo-
syntypes: ZMB 20533 [5]) cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Sedalit
River, a tributary of Sambakung River; holotype: ZMA
Barbonymus platysoma (Bleeker, 1855) 112.673, Nijssen et al., 1993: 215)
Barbus platysoma Bleeker, 1855k: 404 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Pepeh River in Surakarta; holotype [180 mm
TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.184, Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: Barilius Hamilton, 1822
190, Eschmeyer, 2010; also spelt platijsoma p. 404, ap- Barilius Hamilton, 1822: 266, 384 (subgenus of Cyprinus
parently no previous reviser, I retain platysoma as cor- Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus barila
rect original spelling) Hamilton, 1822: 267, by subsequent designation by
Bleeker, 1863e: 203, 1863l: 263, 1863m: 28). Gender
Barbonymus schwanefeldii (Bleeker, 1854) masculine.
Barbus Schwanenfeldii Bleeker, 1854d: 517 (type locality: Taxonomic notes. See Howes (1983) for diagnosis of genus.
Indonesia: Sumatra: Lake Singkarak, Muara Kompeh,
Palembang, Pangabuang; syntypes [8, 57–260 mm TL]: Barilius barila (Hamilton, 1822)
RMNH 7013 [1], RMNH 10322 [3], BMNH Cyprinus barila Hamilton, 1822: 267, 384 (type locality:
1866.5.2.178 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010 ['cotype' listed by India: rivers of Northern Bengal; types: NT; Hamilton's
Bertin & Estève, 1948: 28 has no type status as it is from unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839:
Borneo]; inadvertent error for schwanefeldii, must be pl. 48 fig. 8)
corrected, Code art. 32.5.1) Cyprinus chedrio Hamilton, 1822: 268, 384 (type locality:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
India: rivers of Northern Bengal; types: NT; simultaneous locality: Malaysia: Bukit Tray near Bandar Maharani;
subjective synonym of Cyprinus barila Hamilton, 1822: lectotype: ZMH 383 [formerly 8464], designated by
267, 384, first reviser [Bleeker, 1853o: 66] gave prece- Ladiges et al., 1958: 159)
dence to C. barila)
Opsarius anisocheilus M'Clelland, 1839: 298, 422, pl. 48 Boraras merah (Kottelat, 1991)
fig. 8 (type locality: India: rivers of northern Bengal; Rasbora merah Kottelat, 1991b: 183, fig. 4 (type locality:
syntypes: material on which are based Cyprinus barila Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Sungei Jelai Bila
Hamilton, 1822: 267 and C. chedrio Hamilton, 1822: basin: Nataik Sedawak, about 30 km south of Sukamara
268) [2°41'S 111°31'E]; holotype: ZSM 27975)
Barilius morarensis Günther, 1868a: 290 (type locality: In- Taxonomic notes. There has been speculation (in the aquar-
dia: Morar River at Gwalior; holotype: BMNH ium literature) on the identity of this species, fueled by in-
1867.5.12.18, Eschmeyer, 2010) terpretation of published data and observations and assump-
Barilius bonarensis Chaudhuri, 1912: 440, pl. 39 fig. 4 (type tions on fish bought in the aquarium-fish trade, whose real
locality: India: Uttar Pradesh: Bonar, Gharwal; synty- origin can never be certain. Females have a spotted pattern
pes [3]: ZSI) and were compared in the original description with B. bri-
gittae, which has a striped pattern in both sexes. Striped
individuals had been collected with B. merah and had been
Bengala Gray, 1834 originally identified as B. brigittae; it now seems they are
Bengala Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 fig. 3 (type species: Cy- males of B. merah (material no longer available for exami-
prinus elanga Hamilton, 1822: 281, by monotypy). Gen- nation). I have since examined more samples from known
der feminine. localities in central Borneo in which the two color patterns
Bengana Gray, 1835: "Directions for arranging the plates are present (although the stripe is never as well developed
of the numbers XI to XX", p. 2 (incorrect subsequent as in B. brigittae). This colour dichromatism is observed in
spelling of Bengala Gray, 1834: pl. 96 [on same page, offspring of individuals obtained from the aquarium-fish
the same word is also used as an incorrect subsequent trade, reportedly from Kalimantan Tengah (but without pre-
spelling of Bangana Hamilton, 1822: 277, which is an- cise origin), and this was seen as evidence that B. merah is
other genus; erratum on p. 2 does not apply as plate 96 is a synonym of B. brigittae (see, e.g. Körner, 2010).
not explicitly mentioned]) This author, however, incidentally also reported (p. 26)
Megarasbora Günther, 1868a: 193, 198 (subgenus of Rasbo- that in an 'east' population the colour pattern of both sexes
ra Bleeker, 1859f: 361; type species: Cyprinus elanga develops from the spotted to the striped pattern, long before
Hamilton, 1822: 281, by monotypy; objective junior reaching sexual maturity, while in the 'central' population
synonym of Bengala Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 fig. 3). the spotted pattern evolves into the striped pattern only in
Gender feminine. males, and only at sexual maturity. It is now my turn to spec-
ulate: it seems that by 'east' population is meant individuals
Bengala elanga (Hamilton, 1822) from the area of Banjarmasin (that is, close to the vague
Cyprinus elanga Hamilton, 1822: 281, 386 (type locality: type locality of B. brigittae) and by 'central' population is
India: rivers and ponds of Bengal; types: NT; Hamil- meant individuals exported from Palangkaraya. This seems
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in Gray, 1834: vol. to correspond to B. brigittae and B. merah, respectively, and
2, pl. 96 fig. 3) the different ontogenies support the recognition of two spe-
Leuciscus dystomus M'Clelland, 1839: 292, 406, pl. 56 fig. cies. The specimens of B. brigittae figured by Kottelat et al.
4 (type locality: India: Bengal and Assam / Bramapu- (1993: pl. 17) is a pair that had spawned in captivity
trah in Assam; types: LU) (K. Wilkerling, pers. comm., 1990) and that had been col-
lected by the original collector of the type series at the type
locality. Besides, the two species differ in the shape of the
Boraras Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993 caudal peduncle (more slender in B. merah) and details of
Boraras Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993: 162 (type species: the distribution of the pigments and the pale area around the
Boraras micros Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993, by orig- lateral blotches and stripe.
inal designation). Gender masculine. Further speculation based solely on information and/or
Taxonomic notes. See discussion under Rasbora. material from the aquarium-fish trade is better avoided. Still,
one should note that the type locality of B. merah is quite
Boraras brigittae (Vogt, 1978) distant from Palangkaraya and the areas where the exported
Rasbora urophthalma brigittae Vogt, 1978a: 155, figs. (type populations are collected (pers. obs.).
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: South
of Banjarmasin [area of Pelaihari; indirect information Boraras micros Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993
from aquarium-fish collector; Hudoro to K. Wilkerling, Boraras micros Kottelat & Vidthayanon, 1993: 169, figs.
to E. Ahlander, in litt.]; holotype: SMF [not received]) 7–8 (type locality: Thailand: Udon Thani Province:
Taxonomic notes. See under B. merah. Mekong basin: swamp 6 km north of Udon Thani where
road n° 2 crosses railway, 17°28'N 102°48'E; holotype:
Boraras maculatus (Duncker, 1904) ZRC 37718)
Rasbora maculata Duncker, 1904: 182, pl. 1 fig. 6 (type
Boraras naevus Conway & Kottelat, 2011 Brachydanio kyathit (Fang, 1998)
Boraras naevus Conway & Kottelat, 2011: 46, fig. 1 (type Danio kyathit Fang, 1998: 275, fig. 2 (type locality: Burma:
locality: Thailand: Surat Thani Province: swamp, east Kachin State: Hpa Lap Chaung stream, tributary of Ir-
of road north of Amphoe Tha Chana, 83 km before Su- rawaddy, about 16.5 km northwest of Myitkyina;
rat Thani on road from Lang Suan; holotype: ZRC 53120) 25°32'08"N 97°23'02"E; holotype: NRM 37291)
Brachydanio aesculapii (Kullander & Fang, 2009) Brachydanio quagga (Kullander, Liao & Fang, 2009)
Danio aesculapii Kullander & Fang, 2009a: 42, figs. 1–2 Danio quagga Kullander, Liao & Fang, 2009: 194, fig. 1
(type locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Thandwe: (type locality: Myanmar: Sagaing Division: Kamphat
Kananmae Chaung, near Leldee village, by foot 45 min River drainage (to Yu River): small river in Saw Bwa Ye
from Gwechaung village at km 18 on road Thandwe– Shan village, 46 km on road from Kalaymyo to Tamu,
Taunggok, 18°35'39"N 94°22'45"E; holotype: NRM 23°37'14"N 94°07'32"E; holotype: NRM 58705)
Brachydanio rosea (Fang & Kottelat, 2000)
Brachydanio albolineata (Blyth, 1860) Danio roseus Fang & Kottelat, 2000: 150, fig. 1 (type local-
Nuria albolineata Blyth, 1860b: 163 (type locality: Burma: ity: Thailand: Nong Khai Province: Mekong basin, Nam
Tenasserim; syntypes: ? ZSI, ? AMS B.7646 [1], B.7744 Tok Than Thip, 3 km off main road at Ban Tad Sone,
[1], Fang & Kottelat, 1999: 293, Ferraris et al., 2000: 13 km west of Sam Kon on road Loei–Nong Khai;
302) 18°07'30"N 102°11'11"E; holotype: NRM 44798)
Danio stoliczkae Day, 1870c: 621 (type locality: Burma:
Moulmein; syntypes [more than 100]: among ZSI A.832 Brachydanio tinwini (Kullander & Fang, 2009)
[lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.1363–1372 [10], AMS B.7646 Danio tinwini Kullander & Fang, 2009b: 224, figs. 1–3 (type
[1], B.7744 [1], NMW 53107 [5], 53108 [2], Whitehead locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River
& Talwar, 1976: 156, Ferraris et al., 2000: 302) drainage: stream from Shatrazyut (Sha Du Zup) village,
Danio tweediei Brittan, 1956: 41, pl. 3 (type locality: Ma- on road from Mogaung to Tanai, 25°54'54"N 96°39'48"E;
laysia: Kedah: Sungei Patani; holotype: CAS-SU 48130) holotype: NRM 60337)
Cyprinus quadrilobatus La Cepède, 1803: 554, pl. 18 fig. 3 1934-0014, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 12; also in Tchang,
(type locality: China; types: specimen[s] on which 1931a: 65)
figure[s] is based) Carassius auratus var. cantonensis Tchang, 1933: 27, fig. 8
Cyprinopsis aurata var. argentea Fitzinger, 1832: 334 (no- (type locality: China: Guangdong: Canton; holotype:
men nudum) ZMFMIB 9236)
Cyprinopsis aurata var. maculata Fitzinger, 1832: 334 (no- ? Carassius auratus argenteaphthalmus Nguyen, in Ngu-
men nudum) yen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 570, fig. 294 (type locality:
Cyprinopsis aurata var. fusca Fitzinger, 1832: 334 (nomen Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Dien Bien Phu city; holo-
nudum) type: NCNTTSI H.
Cyprinus Mauritianus Bennett, 1832: 167 (type locality:
Mauritius; types: NT)
Cyprinus gibelioides Cantor, 1842: 485 (type locality: Chi- Catlocarpio Boulenger, 1898
na: Chusan Island [Zhoushan Dao]; types: BMNH ?, Catlocarpio Boulenger, 1898: 450 (type species: Catlocar-
possibly material listed by Günther, 1868a: 33 as Cypri- pio siamensis Boulenger, 1898: 451, by monotypy).
nus nigrescens ?) Gender masculine.
Cyprinus thoracatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1842: 97, pl. 460 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mau- Catlocarpio siamensis Boulenger, 1898
ritius]; syntypes: MNHN 849 [2], 1043 [4], 3376 [1], Catlocarpio siamensis Boulenger, 1898: 451 (type locality:
3377–3378 [3], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 11) Thailand: Menam River [Mae Nam Chao Phraya]; holo-
Carassius encobia Bonaparte, 1845b: 3 (not available, name type: BMNH 1898.4.2.169, Eschmeyer, 2010)
listed in synonymy)
Cyprinus abbreviatus Richardson, 1846a: 292 (type locali-
ty: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based Celestichthys Roberts, 2007
Reeves unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, Celestichthys Roberts, 2007a: 132 (type species: Celestich-
1970a: 209, pl. 13b) thys margaritatus Roberts, 2007a: 132, by original des-
Leuciscus auratus Mauduyt, 1848: 32 (type locality: France: ignation). Gender masculine.
Vienne, introduced from southern China; syntypes: Taxonomic notes. Systematic position of Celestichthys is
Musée de Poitiers ?; potentially secondary junior hom- discussed by Conway et al. (2008) and Fang et al. (2009).
onym of Cyprinus auratus Linnaeus, 1758: 322) Although they concluded that Celestichthys is part of a Danio
Cyprinus chinensis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 181 (type local- clade and they therefore treated them as synonyms, their
ity: rivers of China; syntypes: BMNH 1853.11.12.149– trees show that a classification (Danio dangila + (Celes-
152 [4], Wheeler, 1958: 212) tichthys + Brachydanio)) just as well depicts the phyloge-
Carrassius Pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 229, pl. 3 fig. 3 ny. Inferences from other studies also support this conclu-
(type locality: China: around Beijing; types: ? ZISP) sion. All published molecular trees indicate that Danio (D.
Carassius coeruleus Basilewsky, 1855: 229, pl. 9 fig. 2 (type dangila) is the sister group of all Celestichthys and Brachy-
locality: northern China [around Beijing ?]; types: ? ZISP) danio. The trees in Liao et al. (2011), Mayden et al. (2008),
Carrassius discolor Basilewsky, 1855: 229 (type locality: Quigley et al. (2005) and Pramod et al. (2010: 44) support
northern China [around Beijing ?]; types: ? ZISP) the same conclusion. The classification (Danio + (Celes-
Cyprinus quadrilobatus Basilewsky, 1855: 230, pl. 5 fig. 5 tichthys + Brachydanio)) is used here as it depicts better the
(type locality: China [around Beijing ?]; types: ? ZISP; similarities between the three species of Celestichthys and
junior primary homonym of Cyprinus quadrilobatus La the differences between these three genera, and accomodates
Cepède, 1803: 554) the relationships shown by molecular analyses.
Cyprinus nigrescens Günther, 1868a: 33 (not available, name
listed in synonymy) Celestichthys choprae (Hora, 1928)
Cyprinus Maillardi Guichenot, 1862: 14 (type locality: Danio choprae Hora, 1928: 39, fig. 2 (type locality: Burma:
Réunion; holotype: MNHN 1319, Bertin & Estève, 1948: Myitkyina District: small rocky stream round about Ka-
12) maing [holotype locality from Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
Neocarassuis [sic] ventricosus Castelnau, 1872: 237 (type 108, Kullander, 2012: 246]; holotype: ZSI F 10811/1,
locality: Australia: Victoria: Saltwater River, Footscray; Kullander, 2012: 246, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 108;
syntypes [2]: LU) choprae is correct original spelling [Code art. 31.1.1 and
Carassius auratus var. 4-lobatus Károli, 1881: 179 (nomen Example], choprai is either an incorrect subsequent spell-
nudum) ing or an unjustified emendation)
Cyprinus auratus v. latipinnis Brind, 1914: 10, fig. (not avail-
able, infrasubspecific, explicitly proposed for a domes- Celestichthys erythromicron (Annandale, 1918)
ticated variety, Code art. 45.6.4) Microrasbora erythromicron Annandale, 1918: 51, pl. 2
Carassius auratus latipinnis var. macrophthalmus Brind, fig. 5, pl. 4 fig. 14 (type locality: Burma: Southern Shan
1915 35, fig. (not available, infrasubspecific, explicitly States: Lake Inlé; holotype: ZSI F 9385/1)
used for a domesticated variety, Code art. 45.6.4)
Carassius auratus var. wui Tchang, 1930a: 65 (type locali- Celestichthys flagrans (Kullander, 2012)
ty: China: Tche-Kiang [Zhejiang]; holotype: MNHN Danio flagrans Kullander, 2012: 252, figs. 1c–d, 9 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River name for Leptocephalus Basilewsky, 1855: 234; this is not
drainage: Nan Hto Chaung in Putao, about 1 mile from the case as Leptocephalus is not mentioned in Bleeker
46th regiment, close to rice mill; holotype: NRM 62257) (1860c).
Chanodichthys mongolicus (Basilewsky, 1855) ponds near the former"; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub-
Leptocephalus Mongolicus Basilewsky, 1855: 234, pl. 4 lished figure reproduced in Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96
fig. 2 (type locality: "in winter, brought to Beijing fro- fig. 2 and M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 46 fig. 4)
zen from Mongolia and Mandchuria"; lectotype: speci- ? Perilampus psilopteromus M'Clelland, 1839: 289, 396, pl.
men figured on pl. 4 fig. 2, designated by Bogutskaya & 46 fig. 4 (unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus
Naseka, 2004: 54; spelt mongolensis on pl. 4 fig. 2, first atpar Hamilton, 1822: 259; spelt psilopterus p. 314, an
reviser [Bogutskaya & Naseka, 2004: 54] gave prece- inadvertent error [see etymology p. 288], thus incorrect
dence to mongolicus) original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1])
Culter Mongolicus Basilewsky, 1855: 237 (type locality: "in Cyprinus loyukula M'Clelland, 1839: 289, 396 (not avail-
winter, brought to Beijing frozen from Mongolia"; syn- able, name listed in synonymy)
types: ZISP 2950 [2], 2951 [2], Berg, 1934: 266; simul- Cyprinus kachki M'Clelland, 1839: 290 (not available, name
taneous secondary homonym of Leptocephalus mongoli- listed in synonymy)
cus Basilewsky, 1855: 234, first reviser [Banarescu, ? Leuciscus anastoma Swainson, 1839: 285 (available by
1972b: 387] gave precedence to Leptocephalus mongoli- indication to Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 fig. 2 [no refer-
cus) ence to figure but this is the only Chela species on this
? Culter Pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 237 (type locality: plate; this is the unpublished figure of Cyprinus atpar
China: streams draining to the Gulf of Tschili; types: Hamilton, 1822: 259]; type locality: India: "Brahmapu-
? ZISP) tra and Yamuna [Jumna River] and [...] ponds near the
Culter rutilus Dybowski, 1872: 214 (type locality: Russia: former"; holotype: model of Hamilton's figure, lost)
Ussuri and Chanka; syntypes: ZMB 7934 [1, listed as Perilampus macropodus Jerdon, 1849: 325 (type locality:
holotype by Banarescu, 1967: 222, pl. 3 fig. 10], India: Cavery near its source in Coorg; types: NT)
? IZPAN 6082, Sinicyn, 1900: 47) Paradanio elegans Day, 1867a: 297 (type locality: India:
Erythroculter mongolensis elongatus He & Liu, 1980: 483, Bowany River; syntypes: BMNH 1867.7.24.2–3 [2],
fig. (type locality: China: Yunnan: Chenghai Lake; ho- Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155)
lotype: YU 730241) Taxonomic notes. Silas (1958: fig. 3) showed Chela ca-
Erythroculter mongolicus qionghaiensis Ding, 1990: 246, chius as occurring in Myanmar but he did not list any spec-
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Sichuan: Qionghai Lake, imen or reference. Cyprinus atpar and C. cachius are usual-
27°53'N 102°18'E; holotype: Sichuan Province Nat. Res. ly treated as synonyms (e.g. Silas, 1958); if this were cor-
Inst. 860166) rect, then the name C. atpar has precedence. Pethiyagoda et
al. (2008a: 24) were not convinced by the synonymy and
Chanodichthys recurviceps (Richardson, 1846) retained the name C. cachius, pending clarification of the
Leuciscus recurviceps Richardson, 1846a: 295 (type locali- identity of C. atpar.
ty: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based Nomenclatural notes. Cachius is a noun in apposition and
Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, the spelling of the species name remains cachius even with
1970a: 210, pl. 17a) a genus name of feminine gender as Chela (Pethiyagoda et
Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda Nichols & Pope, 1927: 371, al., 2008a: 25).
fig. 35 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype:
AMNH 8400)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Chen (1998a: Cirrhinus Oken, 1817
188). Cirrhinus Oken, 1817: 1182a (available by indication to "Les
Cirrhines" of Cuvier, 1816a: 193; type species: Cypri-
nus cirrhosus Bloch, 1795: 52, by monotypy in Cuvier,
Chela Hamilton, 1822 1816a: 193). Gender masculine.
Chela Hamilton, 1822: 258, 383 (subgenus of Cyprinus Lin- Isocephalus Heckel, 1843: 1029 (type species: Cyprinus
naeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus cachius Hamil- cirrhosus Bloch, 1795: 52, by subsequent designation
ton, 1822: 258, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, by Roberts, 1997b: 173; objective junior synonym of
1863e: 215, 1863m: 33, 1863l: 264). Gender feminine. Cirrhinus Oken, 1817: 1182a). Gender masculine.
Cachius Günther, 1868a: 339 (type species: Cyprinus atpar
Hamilton, 1822: 259, by monotypy). Gender masculine. Cirrhinus cirrhosus (Bloch, 1795)
Cyprinus cirrhosus Bloch, 1795: 52, pl. 411 (type locality:
Chela cachius (Hamilton, 1822) India: Malabar Coast; types: lost ?)
Cyprinus cachius Hamilton, 1822: 258, 384 (type locality: Cyprinus mrigala Hamilton, 1822: 279, 386, pl. 6 fig. 79
India: Ganges, "about the commencement of the Delta"; (type locality: India: "ponds and fresh water rivers of
types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in the Gangetic provinces"; types: NT)
M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 46 fig. 6; treated by some as si- Cyprinus mrigala var. Rewah M'Clelland, 1839: 276, 351,
multaneous synonym of Cyprinus atpar Hamilton, 1822: pl. 58 fig. 1 (type locality: India: vicinity of Calcutta;
259, if correct, then first reviser [Günther, 1868a: 339] types: LU)
gave precedence to C. atpar) Dangila Leschenaultii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
? Cyprinus atpar Hamilton, 1822: 259, 384 (type locality: ennes, 1842: 235, pl. 471 (type locality: India: Pondicher-
India: "Brahmaputra and Yamuna [Jumna River] and [...] ry; holotype: MNHN 3852, Roberts, 1997b: 177; a si-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
multaneous secondary homonym of Rohita leschenaultii Cirrhina aurata Sauvage, 1878b: 236 (type locality: Cam-
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 261 when bodia: Pnom-Peuh [Phnom Penh]; lectotype: MNHN
both are placed in Cirrhinus by Jerdon, 1849: 304, first 3849, designated by Banarescu, 1983: 17, Kottelat,
reviser [Jerdon, 1849: 304] gave precedence to Rohita 1984a: 797; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cir-
leschenaulti; names are homonym, despite differences rhina microlepis Sauvage, 1878b: 236, first reviser
in endings -i and -ii, Code art. 58.14) [Smith, 1945: 164] gave precedence to C. microlepis)
Cirrhina rubripinnis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Labeo aurovittatus Sauvage, 1878b: 239 (type locality:
nes, 1842: 288, pl. 479 (type locality: India: Calcutta; lec- "Laos Siamois" [Isarn, the northeastern part of Thailand];
totype: MNHN 3854, designated by Banarescu, 1983: 14) type[s]: lost, Kottelat, 1984a: 802; simultaneous subjec-
Cirrhina plumbea Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, tive synonym of Cirrhina microlepis Sauvage, 1878b:
1842: 289 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River at 236, first reviser [Kottelat, 1984a: 792, 802] gave pre-
Rangoon; holotype: MNHN A.3362, Bertin & Estève, cedence to C. microlepis)
1948: 14) Labeo pruol Tirant, 1885 [1929: 154] (type locality: Viet-
Cirrhina Blochii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, nam: Mekong and river of Saigon; lectotype: MGHNL
1842: 290 (unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus 42000032, designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 14)
cirrhosus Bloch, 1795: 52)
Cirrhinus Cuvierii Jerdon, 1849: 304 (replacement name for Cirrhinus molitorella (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
Dangila leschenaultii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- ciennes, 1844)
ciennes, 1842: 235) Leuciscus molitorella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Mrigala Buchanani Bleeker, 1860j: 226 (unnecessary re- ennes, 1844: 359 (type locality: China [original type lo-
placement name for Cyprinus mrigala Hamilton, 1822: cality: China, based on a painting obtained by Dussum-
279) ier in Canton, reproduced in Roberts, 1997b: 197, fig. 11];
? Cirrhina macrops Steindachner, 1870c: 636 (type locali- neotype: BMNH 1971.12.30.2, designated by Roberts,
ty: India: Madras; holotype: NMW) 1997b: 198)
Cyprinus mugul Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name list- Leuciscus chevanella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
ed in synonymy) nes, 1844: 358 (type locality: not stated [China; Rob-
Cirrhinus horai Lakshmanan, 1966: 59, fig. 1 (type locali- erts, 1997b: 192]; holotype: model of painting; simulta-
ty: India: Andhra Pradesh: Godavari River at Rajahmun- neous subjective synonym of Leuciscus molitorella Va-
dry; holotype: ZSI F 2083/2) lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844: 358, first
Cirrhinus chaudhryi Srivastava, 1968: 30, fig. 17 (type lo- reviser [Roberts, 1997b: 192] gave precedence to L.
cality: India: Uttar Pradesh: ponds near Naua Dumari, molitorella)
11 miles South of Gorkahpur; holotype: ZSI F 4205/2) Cirrhina chinensis Günther, 1868a: 36 (type locality: Chi-
? Bangana brevirostris Liu & Zhou, 2009: 62, fig. 1 (type na; syntypes [total 5]: BMNH 1971.12.30.2 [erroneous-
locality: China: Yunnan: Boluo River, a tributary of Lu- ly listed as holotype by Banarescu, 1972c: 253 and Rob-
osuo-Jiang (first-order tributary of Mekong) at Boluo erts, 1997b: 193], BMNH 1855.9.19.802 [1],
Village (22°37'N 101°18'E) of Yixiang Town in Puer 1855.9.19.872 [1], 1972.1.18.5 [1], Banarescu, 1972c:
City; holotype: SWFC 0512080) 253, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Roberts (1998: 177) Labeo Garnieri Sauvage, 1884a: 210, pl. 8 fig. 1 [not. pl. 7]
and may need confirmation. Rainboth et al. (2012: 48) con- (type locality: Vietnam: vicinity of Hanoï; lectotype:
sider that C. cirrhosus occurs in Peninsular India only, and MNHN 1884-0081, designated by Banarescu, 1972c:
that C. mrigala is a distinct species. The published data do 254, fig. 3)
not allow me to distinguish Bangana brevirostris from the Labeo jordani Oshima, 1919: 204, pl. 49 fig. 3 (type local-
non-indigenous C. cirrhosus, stocked or feral in the Mekong ity: Taiwan: Shori, introduced from South China: Swa-
drainage in Thailand and Laos. If it is really a valid species tow [Shantou]; lectotype: FMNH 59089 [ex CM 8226],
of Bangana, there is a potential homonymy problem with designated by Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 817, Ibarra &
Sinilabeo brevirostris Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, Stewart, 1987: 51)
2001, presently in the synonymy of Bangana lippa (Fow- Cirrhinus melanostigma Fowler & Bean, 1922: 4, fig. 1 (type
ler, 1936). locality: Taiwan: Koroton; holotype: USNM 84168 [er-
roneously designated as lectotype by Banarescu, 1972c:
Cirrhinus jullieni Sauvage, 1878 254])
Cirrhina Jullieni Sauvage, 1878b: 237 (type locality: Cam- Labeo collaris Nichols & Pope, 1927: 362, fig. 28 (type
bodia: Stung-Strang [Stung Treng]; lectotype: MNHN locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
8586, designated by Banarescu, 1983: 16 [type locality 8399)
erroneously as Mekong River in Vietnam], Kottelat, Labeo pingi Wu, 1931a: 20, fig. 3 (type locality: China:
1984a: 797) Foochow [Fuzhou] [basin of Ming River up to Yenping
[Yanping]]; holotype: ? MNHN [p. 1])
Cirrhinus microlepis Sauvage, 1878 Taxonomic notes. A molecular study of populations usual-
Cirrhina microlepis: Sauvage, 1878b: 236 (type locality: ly identified as C. molitorella (Nguyen & Sunnucks, 2012)
[Cambodia ?]: Mekong à Tma-Kré; holotype: MNHN reports a clear differentiation between the populations of
9648, Fang, 1942b: 168) the Mekong and those of the Red River drainage and East
Asia (which are C. molitorella s.s.). See under C. prose- Cosmochilus cardinalis Chu & Roberts, 1985
mion for the Mekong species. Cosmochilus cardinalis Chu & Roberts, 1985: 3, fig. 2 (type
locality: China: Yunnan: Lancang-jiang [Mekong] near
Cirrhinus prosemion (Fowler, 1934) Jinghong, 21°50'N 100°55'E; holotype: KIZ 735113)
Osteochilus prosemion Fowler, 1934a: 116, figs. 66–67 (type
locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 59095, Cosmochilus falcifer Regan, 1906
Böhlke, 1984: 88) Cosmochilus falcifer Regan, 1906c: 66 (type locality: Ma-
? Osteochilus macrosemion Fowler, 1935a: 116 (type local- laysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; syntypes [2]:
ity: Thailand: Srisawat [Si Sawat, on Khwae Yai, a branch BMNH 1906.10.29.4 [1], ZMA 114.319 [1], Nijssen et
of Mae Khlong, 94 miles north-northwest of Ratchaburi; al., 1993: 214 [BMNH 1905.11.14.8 [1], from Rajang,
Smith, 1945: 26; 14°41'21"N 99°01'39"E]; holotype: listed by Eschmeyer, 2010, is not a syntype])
ANSP 60809, Böhlke, 1984: 82)
? Osteochilus spilopleura Fowler, 1935a: 115, figs. 52–53 Cosmochilus harmandi Sauvage, 1878
(type locality: Thailand: Srisawat [Si Sawat, on Khwae Cosmochilus Harmandi Sauvage, 1878b: 240 (type locali-
Yai, a branch of Mae Khlong, 94 miles north-northwest ty: Laos; lectotype: MNHN 9555, designated by Banares-
of Ratchaburi; Smith, 1945: 26; 14°41'21"N 99°01'39"E]; cu, 1980a: 99, Kottelat, 1984a: 798)
holotype: ANSP 60808, Böhlke, 1984: 91; simultaneous Cosmochilus Pellegrini Durand, 1940: 10, pl. 3 (type local-
subjective synonyms of Osteochilus macrosemion Fow- ity: Cambodia: Stung Chinit; holotype: ION)
ler, 1935a: 116, first reviser [Karnasuta, 1993: 87] gave Papillocheilus ayuthiae Smith, 1945: 231, fig. 42 (type lo-
precedence to O. macrosemion) cality: Thailand: tributary of Menam Chao Phya [Chao
? Labeo stigmapleura Fowler, 1937: 202, figs. 169–170 Phraya] near Ayuthia; holotype: USNM 119495)
(type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP
68169, Böhlke, 1984: 91)
Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: 48, pl. 24) consid- Crossocheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1823
ered that C. prosemion is a distinct species present in the Crossocheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c:
Mekong. The molecular study by Nguyen & Sunnucks 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (type species: Cros-
(2012) of populations earlier identified as C. molitorella socheilus oblongus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132, by mono-
shows a strong differentiation between the populations of typy; also spelt Crostocheilus, first reviser [Kottelat,
the Mekong and those of the Red River drainage and East 1987a: 371] gave precedence to Crossocheilus). Gender
Asia (C. molitorella s.s.). It also shows that there are 3 or 4 masculine.
distinct populations within the Mekong drainage. Unfortu- Gonorhynchus McClelland, 1838: 943 (type species: Gono-
nately, Nguyen & Sunnucks' study does not allow taxonomic rhynchus brevis M'Clelland, 1839: 373, by subsequent
conclusions. Also, it does not include samples from the mid- designation by Jordan, 1919a: 194; no species original-
dle Mekong (type locality of L. stigmapleura), Chao Phraya ly included, first inclusion by M'Clelland, 1839: 366;
(type locality of O. prosemion) and Mae Khlong drainages not a junior homonym of Gonorynchus Scopoli, 1777:
(type locality of O. macrosemion and O. spilopleura) that 450). Gender masculine.
are needed to decide which names would apply if these pop- Crossocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859g: 335 (subgenus of Cros-
ulations represent more than one species. socheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c:
Nomenclatural notes. While it seems clear that C. molito- 132; type species: Lobocheilos cobitis Bleeker, 1854d:
rella is absent from the Mekong drainage (there might be 523, by monotypy; also in Bleeker, 1860j: 122). Gender
feral populations), it is not clear which name(s) should be masculine.
applied to the species of Southeast Asia. If all the popula- Crossochilus Günther, 1868a: 71 (unjustified emendation
tions from the Mekong, Chao Phraya and Mae Khlong drain- of Crossocheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
ages are conspecific (which is temporarily accepted here), 1823c: 132). Gender masculine.
then the valid name is C. prosemion. Holotylognathus Fowler, 1934a: 135 (type species: Holoty-
lognathus reticulatus Fowler, 1934a: 135, by original
Cirrhinus rubirostris Roberts, 1997 designation). Gender masculine.
Cirrhinus rubirostris Roberts, 1997b: 195, fig. 14 (type lo- Tariqilabeo Mirza & Saboohi, 1990: 405 (subgenus of La-
cality: Myanmar: Tenasserim River; holotype: MNHN beo Cuvier, 1816a: 194; type species: Labeo macmaho-
1992-1043) ni Zugmayer, 1912: 597, by original designation). Gen-
der masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
on the "Assamese and Burmese form" of Crossocheilus Crossocheilus nigriloba Popta, 1904
latius (Hamilton, 1822) reported by Mukerji, 1934: 52, Crossochilus oblongus var. nigriloba Popta, 1904: 200 (type
fig. 6; type locality: India: Manipur [material of Hora, locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo Riv-
1921a] / Burma: Mergui District: Kyenchaung River / er; syntypes: RMNH 7589 [3]; also in Popta, 1906: 120,
Myitkyina District: Mali Hka basin: Phungin Hka / Meet- pl. 8 fig. 27)
an [Mitan Chaung, rivulet flowing south from summit
of Mulayet Taung, 16°11'N 98°32'E; Ng & Kottelat, Crossocheilus oblongus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Has-
2001: 500] [listed by Vinciguerra, 1890: 280]; syntypes: selt, 1823
ZSI, MCSNG [2], Kottelat, 2003b: 400; spelt burmani- Crossocheilus Oblongus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Has-
cas p. 324, first reviser [Kottelat, 1989: 7] retained bur- selt, 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (type
manicus as correct original spelling) locality: Indonesia: Java; lectotype: RMNH D.1755,
Crossocheilus multirastellus Su, Yang & Chen, 2000: 217, designated by inference of holotype [Code art. 74.6], by
fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Upper Irrawaddy Alfred, 1971: 101)
drainage: Longchuanjiang, 25°00'N 98°41'E; holotype: Labeo oblongus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
KIZ 8310384) 1842: 357 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg
Taxonomic notes. Records of C. latius from Manipur and [Bogor]; lectotype: RMNH D.1755, designated by Tan
from the Irrawaddy in Yunnan (Chu & Chen, 1989: 243) & Kottelat, 2009: 32)
refer to C. burmanicus (Su et al., 2000: 217). Epalzeorhynchus siamensis Smith, 1931a: 20, fig. 9 (type
[Cyprinus latius Hamilton, 1822: 345, 393 (type locality: India: Tista Riv- locality: Thailand: Nakhon Sritamarat Province: upper
er; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, part of Tadi stream; holotype: USNM 90302, Kottelat,
1839: pl. 43 fig. 7)].
2000a: 39)
Crossocheilus cobitis (Bleeker, 1854)
Lobocheilos cobitis Bleeker, 1854d: 523 (type locality: In- Crossocheilus obscurus Tan & Kottelat, 2009
donesia: Sumatra: Padang / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syn- Crossocheilus obscurus Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 28, fig. 19
types [40, 32–44 mm TL]: part of RMNH 7006 [1], 10490 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatra Barat: mar-
[27], BMNH 1866.5.2.54 [1], SMNS 10589 [1], Fricke, ket at Kiliran Jao, a village along road from Sungai Dareh
1991: 13, Eschmeyer, 2010) to Solok; holotype: MZB 10706)
? Epalzeorhynchos kalliurus Smith, 1945: 264, fig. 51 (type
locality: Thailand: Mekong at Chiang Sen Kao; holo- Crossocheilus pseudobagroides Duncker, 1904
type: USNM 109764) Crossochilus pseudobagroides Duncker, 1904: 176, pl. 2
fig. 12 (type locality: Malaysia: Muar River near Tubing
Crossocheilus elegans Kottelat & Tan, 2011 Tinggi; holotype: ZMH 373 [formerly 8681], Ladiges et
Crossocheilus elegans Kottelat & Tan, 2011a: 195, fig. 1 al., 1958: 159)
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Danum Valley,
Kinabatangan drainage, stream at km 111 on main line Crossocheilus reticulatus (Fowler, 1934)
west after turnoff to Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Holotylognathus reticulatus Fowler, 1934a: 135, figs. 97–
5°01'06.0"N 117°32'38.4"E; holotype: ZRC 51184) 98 (type locality: Thailand: Bua Yai; holotype: ANSP
57568, Böhlke, 1984: 89)
Crossocheilus gnathopogon Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 ? Crossocheilus tchangi Fowler, 1935a: 126, figs. 71–72
Crossochilus gnathopogon Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 233, (type locality: Thailand: Srisawat [Si Sawat, on Khwae
fig. 95 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Fort de Kock Yai, a branch of Mae Khlong, 94 miles north-northwest
[Bukittinggi]; lectotype: ZMA 113745, designated by of Ratchaburi; Smith, 1945: 26; 14°41'21"N 99°01'39"E];
Banarescu, 1986: 150, Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 34, fig. 24 holotype: ANSP 61690, Böhlke, 1984: 93)
[Weber & de Beaufort stated "type of the species in" Crossocheilus reticulatus Fowler, 1935a: 128, figs. 73–74
ZMA; this is not a holotype designation as Code art. (type locality: Thailand: Khao Nam Poo; holotype: ANSP
73.1.1 requires that the authors indicate which specimen 61335, Böhlke, 1984: 88; secondary junior homonym
is the type and not where the type is. In addition no spec- of Holotylognathus reticulatus Fowler, 1934a: 135)
imen has been separated and can now be recognised as Tylognathus coatesi Fowler, 1937: 208, figs. 181–182 (type
the holotype; therefore, all specimens were syntypes]) locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68202,
Distribution notes. The mention of the type locality as "Lake Böhlke, 1984: 73)
Mannindjan, Fort de Kock" [Lake Maninjau, Bukittinggi]
by Banarescu (1986: 150) is erroneous. There is no data Crossocheilus stigmaeus (Smith, 1945)
suggesting the specimens were obtained in Lake Maninjau Epalzeorhynchos stigmaeus Smith, 1945: 267, fig. 53 (type
(Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 34). locality: Thailand: Mekhan [Mae Khan], tributary of
Meping [Mae Ping]; holotype: USNM 109765)
Crossocheilus langei Bleeker, 1860
Crossocheilos Langei Bleeker, 1860j: 127 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype: BMNH Ctenopharyngodon Steindachner, 1866
1866.5.2.106, Alfred, 1971: 100) Ctenopharyngodon Steindachner, 1866d: 782 (type species:
Ctenopharyngodon laticeps Steindachner, 1866d: 782,
by monotypy). Gender masculine. Culter Kneri Bleeker, 1870c: 252 (nomen nudum)
Pristiodon Dybowski, 1877: 26 (type species: Pristiodon Culter Kneri Bleeker, 1871b: 14 (based on Culter erythro-
siemionovii Dybowski, 1877: 26, by monotypy; junior pterus of Kner, 1867: 360, pl. 14 fig. 4; type locality:
homonym of Pristiodon Fitzinger, 1843: 35 in Reptilia). China: Shanghai; types: NMW)
Gender masculine. Culter tientsinensis Abbott, 1901: 489, fig. (type locality:
China: Hebei: Pei-Ho River at Tien-Tsin [Tianjin]; ho-
Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & lotype: USNM 49550 (ex CAS-SU 6297), Böhlke, 1953:
Valenciennes, 1844) 31, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Leuciscus idella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Chen (1998a: 186)
1844: 362 (type locality: China; holotype: the specimen except for identity of his C. alburnus, which is C. erythro-
figured on the drawing used by Valenciennes) pterus.
Leuciscus Tschiliensis Basilewsky, 1855: 233 (type locali- Nomenclatural notes. Bogutskaya & Naseka (2004: 57)
ty: China: Gulf of Tschili and tributary streams; types: designated ZISP 5585 as lectotype of Culter alburnus Ba-
? ZISP) silewsky, 1855. I consider that Berg (1934: 266) designated
Ctenopharyngodon laticeps Steindachner, 1866d: 782, pl. 18 the lectotype by inference of a holotype (Code art. 74.6) in
figs. 1–5 (type locality: China: Hongkong; holotype: the sentence "As indicated by me in 1909, the type speci-
NMW 79745, Eschmeyer, 2010) men of Culter alburnus Basilewsky, described from rivers
Sarcocheilichthys teretiusculus Kner, 1867: 356 (type lo- near Tien-tsin, is preserved in the Museum of Zoology, Acad-
cality: China: Shanghai / waters near Tianjin and drain- emy of Sciences, No. 5585". This English text is a transla-
ing to Gulf of Tschili [Basilewsky's material]; syntypes: tion of the Russian text preceeding it; it was not translated
NMW, and material of Leuciscus teretiusculus Basilew- by Berg himself. N. Bogutskaya (pers. comm.) informs me
sky, 1855: 232, pl. 4 fig. 1) that in his Russian texts, in general, when mentioning 'type'
Pristiodon siemionovii Dybowski, 1877: 26 (type locality: Berg was meaning a type (either the type or one of the types)
Russia: Amur, Ussuri, Sungacha and Sungari Rivers, and not the type. In the present case, however, the English
Lake Khanka; syntypes: LU) text explicitly mentions the type. It may not correspond to
Nomenclatural notes. Idella is a noun in apposition and Berg's intention or to the Russian text, but this does not
does not have to agree in gender with Ctenopharyngodon. change the conclusion.
Sarcocheilichthys teretiusculus Kner, 1867 is treated as
a new taxon because Kner added "m." (= mihi, mine) at the
end of the heading, which he used to do for new taxa. But Cyclocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859
clearly, as he listed Leuciscus teretiusculus Basilewsky, 1855: Cyclocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859f: 371 (type species: Bar-
232 in synonymy of his S. teretiusculus, all material of that bus apogon Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
species is part of the type series. Thus, the type series in- 1842: 392, by monotypy; declared a nomen protectum
cludes two species and a lectotype or neotype designation under Code art. 23.9.2 when treated as synonym of Cy-
might become necessary. Basilewsky's species is placed in clocheilos Bleeker, 1859c: 386, by Kottelat, 1999a: 597).
the synonymy of Squaliobarbus curriculus (Richardson, Gender masculine.
1846a: 299). Anematichthys Bleeker, 1859f: 371 (subgenus of Cy-
clocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859f: 371; type species: Bar-
bus apogon Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Culter Basilewsky, 1855 1842: 392, by monotypy; simultaneous objective syn-
Culter Basilewsky, 1855: 236 (type species: Culter albur- onym of Cyclocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859f: 371, which
nus Basilewsky, 1855: 236, by subsequent designation has precedence, Code art. 24.1 [Kottelat, 1999: 595]).
by Bleeker, 1863e: 214, 1863m: 33 and ICZN, 1958a: Gender masculine.
291 [Opinion 513]; on Official List of Specific Names Siaja Bleeker, 1859l: 149 (subgenus of Cyclocheilichthys
in Zoology). Gender masculine. Bleeker, 1859f: 371; type species: Capoeta siaja Blee-
Cultrichthys Smith, 1938b: 410 (type species: Culter brev- ker, 1851p: 432, by absolute tautonymy). Gender femi-
icauda Günther, 1868a: 329, by original designation). nine.
Gender masculine. Oxybarbus Vaillant, 1893a: 57 (type species: Barbus hete-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy of the type species of Culter ronema Bleeker, 1854c: 446, by monotypy; also in Vail-
and Cultrichthys follows Bogutskaya & Naseka (2004: 56). lant, 1893b: 83). Gender masculine.
Remarks. Cyclocheilos Bleeker, 1859c: 386, usually con-
Culter alburnus Basilewsky, 1855 sidered to be a synonym of Cyclocheilichthys, is treated as
Culter Alburnus Basilewsky, 1855: 236, pl. 8 fig. 3 (type valid following Pasco-Viel et al. (2012). These authors, how-
locality: China: rivers draining to the Gulf of Tschili; ever, used the name Anematichthys, which in fact is an ob-
lectotype: ZISP 5585, designated by Berg, 1934: 266, jective synonym of Cyclocheilichthys; it is, therefore, not
by inference of a holotype (Code art. 74.6), at least in available for the genus including C. enoplos (see Kottelat,
the English translation, see below) 1999a: 597, 2013: 480). The molecular tree in Yang et al.
Culter brevicauda Günther, 1868a: 329 (type locality: Tai- (2012: 34) places C. janthochir with C. armatus (the tree
wan; lectotype: BMNH 1865.10.29.29, designated by does not include other congeners), in agreement with osteo-
Banarescu, 1971a: 10) logical information in Pasco-Viel et al. (2013: 483). Pasco-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Viel et al. (2012, 2013) did not discuss the generic position [113 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1866.5.2.139, Eschmeyer, 2010)
of C. heteronema, a species that strikingly differ from other Cyclocheilichthys siaja Bleeker, 1860j: 365, 374 (type lo-
members of the genus. Its position should be investigated; cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas and
should it represent a distinct genus, the name Oxybarbus is Pontianak / Sumatra: Padang, Solok, Maninjau and
available for it. Singkarak; syntypes [8, 97–198 mm TL]: BMNH
1866.5.2.140 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Cyclocheilichthys macropus Bleeker, 1860j: 373 (type lo-
Valenciennes, 1842) cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Pontianak;
Barbus apogon Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, holotype [97 mm TL]: BMNH 1855.5.2.138, Eschmey-
1842: 392 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes: er, 2010)
? RMNH 2509 [1], 2446 [2], 2103 [1], 1735 [1], 1736 ? Barbus lineatus Popta, 1905a: 171 (type locality: Indone-
[1], Roberts, 1993b: 15) sia: Borneo: Bo River; syntypes: RMNH 7597 [3]; pri-
Systomus apogonoïdes Bleeker, 1855k: 410 (type locality: mary junior homonym of Barbus lineatus Duncker, 1904:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Bekassi, Kampong 180; also in Popta, 1906: 129, pl. 8 fig. 29)
Duwa, Surabaya, Pasuruan; syntypes [36, 82–176 mm TL]: ? Barbus Fowlerii Popta, 1906: 218 (replacement name for
RMNH 10837 [16], SMNS 10593 [3], BMNH 1866.5.2.144 Barbus lineatus Popta, 1905a: 171)
[1], ? MNHN 3845 [2], NMV 46095 [1], Eschmeyer, Barbus de Zwaani Weber & de Beaufort, 1912a: 525, pl. 11
2010, Fricke, 1991: 9, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 41) fig. 3 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Solok; holo-
Cyclocheilichthys rubripinnis Fowler, 1934b: 343, fig. 7 type: ZMA 112.644, Nijssen et al., 1993: 214)
(type locality: Thailand: Ban Thung Luang [85 miles Cyclocheilichthys tapiensis Smith, 1931a: 11, fig. 5 (type
south-southwest of Bangkok, Smith, 1945: 17; 12°41'N locality: Thailand: Tapi River near Bandon [Surat Thani];
99°51'E]; holotype: ANSP 60189, Böhlke, 1984: 90) holotype: USNM 90294)
Cyclocheilichthys rubripinnis var. microcephala Pellegrin Cyclocheilichthys mekongensis Fowler, 1937: 187, figs. 126–
& Chevey, 1940: 153 (type locality: Vietnam: Cochin- 127 (type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP
chine: Hatien Province: Tan-Khánh-Hoà, Rach Giang 68112, Böhlke, 1984: 83)
Thành; holotype: MNHN 1940-0038) Cosmochilus nanlaensis Chen, He & He, 1992: 100, fig. 1
Rohteichthys macrolepis Holly, 1927a: 9 (type locality: In- (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mengla
donesia: Sumba [doubtful as almost all species mentioned County; holotype: IHB 88XI0836)
in Holly, 1927b have never been reported from Sumba]; Taxonomic notes. Identification of Cosmochilus nanlaen-
holotype: NMW; also in Holly, 1927b: 199, fig. 1) sis as a synonym of Cyclocheilichthys armatus is based on
Leuciscus schlegelii Roberts, 1993b: 15 (not available, an my examination of the holotype. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl.
unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt) 19) consider C. tapiensis and C. mekongensis as valid spe-
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 15) listed 6 speci- cies.
mens of Barbus apogon in RMNH collected by Kuhl and
van Hasselt, but did not gave them a type status. Valencien- Cyclocheilichthys heteronema (Bleeker, 1854)
nes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 392) explicitly stated Barbus heteronema Bleeker, 1854c: 446 (type locality: In-
having examined specimens (plural) in RMNH and the spec- donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; syntypes
imens listed by Roberts seem to be potential syntypes. [2, 108–114]: BMNH 1866.5.2.140 [1], 1960.1.29.1 [1],
Eschmeyer, 2010)
Cyclocheilichthys armatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Valenciennes, 1842) Cyclocheilichthys janthochir (Bleeker, 1854)
Barbus armatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Systomus janthochir Bleeker, 1854c: 448 (type locality: In-
1842: 163 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes: donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in
RMNH 2502 [1], Roberts, 1993b: 16 [Valenciennes ex- Pontianak; syntypes [2, 195–202 mm TL]: RMNH 4959
plicitly stated having examined several specimens in [1], BMNH 1866.5.2.145 [1])
Barbus Valenciennesii Bleeker, 1849h: 17 (type locality: Cyclocheilichthys lagleri Sontirat, 1985
Indonesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; Cyclocheilichthys lagleri Sontirat, 1985: 45, fig. 2 (type lo-
syntypes [up to 154 mm TL]: LU) cality: Thailand: Ayuthaya Province: Chao Phraya Riv-
Capoeta enoplos Bleeker, 1851p: 431 (type locality: Indo- er, vicinity of Amphoe Maharaj; holotype: UMMZ
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype [198 198968; repeated in Sontirat, 1989: 101, fig. 2)
mm TL]: LU; if treated as valid, becomes secondary jun-
ior homonym of Barbus enoplos Bleeker, 1849h: 16) Cyclocheilichthys repasson (Bleeker, 1853)
Capoeta siaja Bleeker, 1851p: 432 (nomen nudum [Blee- Barbus repasson Bleeker, 1853f: 295 (type locality: Indo-
ker explains which characters distinguish C. enoplos from nesia: Sumatra: Lampong: Panguabang; syntypes [2,
C. siaja (black blotches, red fins) but does not explain 210–220 mm TL]: ? RMNH 1261 [1], 4958 [1], Esch-
the character state in C. siaja, therefore there is no de- meyer, 2010)
scription]) Cyclocheilichthys megalops Fowler, 1905a: 483, fig. 6 (type
Capoeta Deventeri Bleeker, 1855k: 413 (type locality: In- locality: Borneo [Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram
donesia: Java: Pasuruan Province: Lake Grati; holotype River; Böhlke, 1984: 83]; holotype: ANSP 114889 [for-
merly WIAP 13928], Böhlke, 1984: 83) Cyclocheilichthys amblyceps Fowler, 1937: 187, figs. 140–
Cyclocheilichthys coolidgei Smith, 1945: 144 (type locali- 141 (type locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP
ty: Thailand: Meping River [Mae Nam Ping] at Chiang 68133, Böhlke, 1984: 68)
Mai; holotype: MCZ 35519; fig. 19 does not represent
this species but same specimen as fig. 35, holotype of Cyclocheilos furcatus (Sontirat, 1985)
Acrossocheilus schroederi Smith, 1945: 203) Cyclocheilichthys furcatus Sontirat, 1985: 43, fig. 1 (type
locality: Thailand: Ubon Ratchatani Province: 8 km north
Cyclocheilichthys schoppeae Cervancia & Kottelat, 2007 of Huey Mak, Khong Chiam; holotype: UMMZ 198969;
Cyclocheilichthys schoppeae Cervancia & Kottelat, 2007: repeated in Sontirat, 1989: 99, fig. 1)
141, fig. 1 (type locality: Philippines: Palawan: Iraan
River, a tributary of Barbacan, between Iraan and Du-
marao villages, 10°25'49.6"N 119°22'25.5"E; holotype: Cyprinus Linnaeus, 1758
PNM uncat.) Cyprinus Linnaeus, 1758: 320 (type species: Cyprinus car-
pio Linnaeus, 1758: 320, by subsequent designation by
Jordan & Gilbert, 1883b: 254; on Official List of Gener-
Cyclocheilos Bleeker, 1859 ic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1922b: 73 [Opinion 77],
Cyclocheilos Bleeker, 1859c: 386 (type species: Barbus 1956b: 340 [Direction 56] [first designation in fact by
macracanthus Bleeker, 1854d: 516, by monotypy; de- Guichenot, 1835: 8 [also Desmarest, 1856: 287]). Gen-
clared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2 when treat- der masculine.
ed as synonym of Cyclocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859f: 371, Carpio Heckel, 1843: 1014 (type species: Cyprinus kollarii
by Kottelat, 1999a: 597). Gender masculine. Heckel, 1836: 223 [hybrid Cyprinus carpio x Carassius
Remarks. Cyclocheilos Bleeker, 1859c: 386, usually con- carassius, Günther, 1868a: 31], by subsequent designa-
sidered to be a synonym of Cyclocheilichthys, is treated as tion by Bleeker, 1863e: 191, 1863m: 24, 1863l: 262
valid following Pasco-Viel et al. (2012). These authors, how- [available, even if type species is of hybrid origin, Code
ever, used the name Anematichthys, which in fact is an ob- art. 17.2; may be used, as art. 23.8 only applies to spe-
jective synonym of Cyclocheilichthys; it is, therefore, not cies-group names, but the Code does not say how to fix
available for the genus including C. enoplos (see Kottelat, status of genus-group names whose type species is based
1999a: 597). on hybrid specimens; listed here as one of originally in-
Cyclocheilos was declared a nomen oblitum and prece- cluded nominal species, Cyprinus regina Bonaparte,
dence was given to Cyclocheilichthys, under Code art. 23.9.2, 1836: [fasc. 18, punta. 92], is not an hybrid but a Cypri-
when the two names are considered to be synonyms (Kotte- nus]). Gender masculine.
lat, 1999a: 597). But now that the two names are no longer Mesocyprinus Fang, 1936b: 690, 699 (type species: Cypri-
regarded as synonyms, the older name (Cyclocheilos) is nus micristius Regan, 1906b: 332, by original designa-
available and maybe used [last sentence of art. 23.9.2]. The tion). Gender masculine.
type species of Cyclocheilos is Barbus macracanthus, a jun- Mesocyprinus Cheng, 1950: 568 (type species: Cyprinus
ior synonym of C. enoplos; this makes Cyclocheilos the valid micristius Regan, 1906b: 332, by original designation;
nomen for the genus called Cyclocheilichthys by Pasco-Viel junior homonym and objective synonym of Mesocypri-
et al. (2012) (see Kottelat, 2013a: 480). nus Fang, 1936b: 699). Gender masculine.
Laichowcypris Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 9 (type spe-
Cyclocheilos enoplos (Bleeker, 1849) cies: Laichowcypris day Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969:
Barbus enoplos Bleeker, 1849h: 16 (type locality: Indone- 10, by original designation; spelt Laichoncypris p. 3,
sia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; synty- Laichwcypris p. 3, Laichoncypres p. 4, Laichowcypriris
pes [up to 225 mm TL]: part of RMNH 7012 [6], 11905 p. 9, Laichokypres p. 9, Laichoxcypris p. 10, Laichov-
[1], BMNH 1866.5.2.142 [1], NMV 46585 [1], Esch- vcyporis p. 18 and Laichvvcypris p. 19, first reviser [Kot-
meyer, 2010; enoplus is a frequent incorrect subsequent telat, 2001b: 116] retained Laichowcypris as correct orig-
spelling) inal spelling; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007:
Barbus macracanthus Bleeker, 1854d: 516 (type locality: 66). Gender feminine.
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; syntypes [2, 250–270
mm TL]: part of RMNH 7011 [1], 10478 [1], BMNH Species inquirenda
1866.5.2.136 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) Cyprinus hieni Nguyen [T. T.] & Ho, 2003: 1130, fig. 2 (type
Cyclocheilichthys Dumerili Bleeker, 1864g: 35 (nomen nu- locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh: Minh Hoa District:
dum), 1864j: 175 (nomen nudum) Thuong Hoa Commune, Cu Nhang dam, 17°35'N
Cyclocheilichthys Dumerilii Sauvage, 1881a: 163, 182 (type 105°55'E; holotype: ? VUP PN.96.03)
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; lectotype: MNHN 1828,
designated by Kottelat, 1984a: 800) Cyprinus acutidorsalis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977
Barbus enoploides Tirant, 1885 [1929: 157] (type locality: Cyprinus acutidorsalis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 410,
Vietnam: river of Saigon / Thu-dau-mot; lectotype: pl. 8-10 (type locality: China: Guangxi: Qinzhou; syn-
MGHNL 42000260, designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 9 types: IHB 75V3943–3947, 3962 [6])
[specimens listed as paralectotypes by Eschmeyer, 2010 Cyprinus acutidorsalis Wang, 1979: 424, fig. 1 (type local-
have no type status]) ity: China: Hainan: Qionghai District: Lecheng; holo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
type: Xiamen Fisheries College 65-1821; junior prima- necessary replacement name for Cyprinus rexcyprinorum
ry homonym of Cyprinus acutidorsalis Chen & Hwang, Bloch, 1781b: 107; junior primary homonym of Cypri-
in Wu, 1977: 410) nus macrolepidotus Meidinger, 1794: pl. 40)
Nomenclatural notes. Cyprinus acutidorsalis has been de- Cyprinus macrolepidotus Hartmann, 1827: 183 (type local-
scribed twice, with different type material. Each descrip- ity: Switzerland: Lake Konstanz; type material: NT ?;
tion is therefore to be regarded as a distinct available name. junior homonym of Cyprinus macrolepidotus Meidinger,
It is not clear whether the two descriptions apply to the same 1794: pl. 40 and Cyprinus macrolepidotus Schinz, in
species. Cuvier, 1822: 320)
Cyprinus carpio var. lacustris Fitzinger, 1832: 333 (avail-
Cyprinus barbatus Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977 able by indication to "Cyprinus 1 var." of Kramer, 1756:
Cyprinus pellegrini barbatus Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 390; type locality: Austria: lake Neusiedlersee [lacu
423, pl. 8-19 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Er Hai [Dali Nischiteriensi; Kramer]; syntypes: NMW ?; junior pri-
Lake]; syntypes [22]: IHB 646635–638, 640, 641, 710– mary homonym of Cyprinus lacustris Pallas, 1814: 314)
713, 717–721, 726, 727, 729, 731, 732, 734) Cyprinus Regina Bonaparte, 1836: [fasc. 18, punta. 92], pl.
108 fig. 1 (type locality: Italy: Arno, Tevere and Aniene
*Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 Rivers, lakes Trasimeno and Bracciano; syntypes:
Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus, 1758: 320 (based on Artedi MNHN 751 [1], Almaça, 1969: 1142, ANSP 6616–6623
[1738: gen. 4 [25], syn. 3, spec. 25 [4], Cyprinus cirris [8], USNM 2863 [2], Böhlke, 1984: 88, Eschmeyer,
quatuor ...], Linnaeus [1746: 120, n. 317, idem] and 2010)
Gronovius [1754: 5, n. 19, idem.]; type locality: "in Eu- Cyprinus hungaricus Heckel, 1836: 222, pl. 19 fig. 1 (type
ropa"; syntypes: BMNH 1853.11.12.139 [1], Wheeler, locality: Hungary: lake Neusiedlersee; syntypes: NMW
1958: 212) 10958 [1], 10959 [1])
Cyprinus cirrosus Schaeffer, 1760: 18, pl. 1 figs. 1–3 (not Cyprinus Elatus Bonaparte, 1836: [fasc. 18, punta. 92], pl. 108
available, work is on Index of Rejected Works, ICZN, fig. 3 (type locality: Italy: lakes Bracciano and Vico near
1955a: 358 [Opinion 345]) Ronciglione, and ditches leading to Lake Trajano; syn-
Cyprinus rex cyprinorum Bloch, 1781b: 107, 193, pl. 17 types: ANSP 6614, Böhlke, 1984: 75)
(type locality: Germany: Dresden: near Torgau / Fran- Cyprinus Nordmannii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ken / Czech Republic: Böhmen; syntypes: ZMB 3195 ennes, 1842: 66, pl. 456 (type locality: Ukraine: market
[2], 32626 [1], Kottelat, 1997: 56, Eschmeyer, 2010) in Odessa, from Dniester and Bug Rivers; holotype:
Cyprinus nudus Bloch, 1784a: 178 (type locality: Poland: MNHN 3375, Almaça, 1969: 1141)
Schlesien; type material: NT, Kottelat, 1997: 56) Cyprinus angulatus Heckel, 1843: 1013 (nomen nudum;
Cyprinus alepidotus Bloch, 1784a: 178 (not available, name locality: Hungary)
listed in synonymy) Cyprinus thermalis Heckel, 1843: 1013 (nomen nudum; lo-
Cyprinus regius Nau, 1791: 29 (unnecessary replacement cality: Hungary)
name for Rex cyprinorum Bloch, 1781b: 107, 193; jun- Cyprinus festetitzii Bonaparte, 1845a: 391 (not available,
ior primary homonym of Cyprinus regius Molina, 1782: name listed in synonymy; also in Bonaparte, 1845b: 3,
195, 225, 346) 1846: 26)
Cyprinus carpio var. caspicus Walbaum, 1792: 17 (avail- Cyprinus specularis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 178 (type lo-
able by indication to Lepechin, 1774: 321, pl. 23 [Ger- cality: Danube River; syntypes: BMNH 1853.11.12.140
man edition] and Güldenstaedt, 1778: 253; type locali- [1], Wheeler, 1958: 212 and material on which are based
ty: mouths of Volga and Tanais [Don] Rivers, Russia and accounts of Schaefer, 1760: 18, figs. 1–3, Klein, 1749:
Ukraine; type material: NT ?) 59, n° 2, Kramer, 1756: 390, Leske, 1774: 23; junior
Cyprinus rex Walbaum, 1792: 24 (type locality: Germany: primary homonym of Cyprinus specularis La Cepède,
Dresden: near Torgau / Franken / Czech Republic: Böh- 1803: 528)
men [localities listed by Bloch, 1781b: 107], probably Carpio vulgaris Rapp, 1854: 141 (type locality: Germany–
Germany: Regensburg [material of Schaeffer, 1760: 18]; Switzerland–Austria: Lake Konstanz; syntypes: LU)
syntypes: ZMB 3195 [2], 32626 [1] [Bloch's material], Cyprinus carpio var. gibbosus Kessler, 1856a: 357 (type
Kottelat, 1997: 56) locality: Ukraine: Kiev: Ekaterinoslaw [Dniepro-
Cyprinus macrolepidotus Meidinger, 1794: iii, pl. 40 (type petrowsk]; syntypes: ? ZISP; also in Kessler, 1856b: 35;
locality: Austria: Danube River; syntypes: LU) junior primary homonym of Cyprinus gibbosus Pallas,
Cyprinus specularis La Cepède, 1803: 528 (unnecessary 1814: 324)
replacement name for Cyprinus rexcyprinorum Bloch, Cyprinus Bithynicus Richardson, 1857: 372 (type locality:
1781b: 107, 193) Turkey: Lake Apollonitis [Apulyont]; holotype: BMNH
Cyprinus coriaceus La Cepède, 1803: 528 (unnecessary re- 1856.5.2.7, Eschmeyer, 2010)
placement name for Cyprinus nudus Bloch, 1784a: 178) Cyprinus acuminatus Heckel & Kner, 1858: 58, fig. 22 (type
Cyprinus viridescens La Cepède, 1803: 541, 543, pl. 17 fig. locality: Austria and Hungary: Danube River and lakes
1 (type locality: France: Rouen; holotype: LU) Neusiedlersee and Balaton; syntypes: NMW 52846 [2],
Cyprinus Rondeletii Shaw, 1802: 2 unnumb. pp., pl. 556 52854–855 [2], 52927–929 [3], 52950 [9], 53403 [2];
(type locality: France: Lyon; types: NT) junior primary homonym of C. acuminatus Richardson,
Cyprinus macrolepidotus Schinz, in Cuvier, 1822: 320 (un- 1846a: 289)
Cyprinus carpio var. elongatus Walecki, 1863: 359 (unnec- Hai [Dali Lake]; syntypes: IHB 646002, 004–006, 008,
essary replacement name for Cyprinus hungaricus Hec- 010, 113, 260, 276, 279, 281, 481, 530, 531, 534, 536,
kel, 1836: 222) 743–747, 749–754 [27])
Cyprinus carpio var. monstrosus Walecki, 1863: 359 (not
available, nomen nudum and infrasubspecific) Cyprinus exophthalmus Mai, 1978
Cyprinus carpio var. oblongus Antipa, 1909: 117, pl. 8 fig. 36 Cyprinus exophthalmus Mai, 1978: 34, fig. 13 (type locali-
(type locality: Romania: delta of Danube River; synty- ty: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT)
pes: LU)
Cyprinus coeruleus Brind, 1915: 25, fig. (type locality: Ja- Cyprinus hyperdorsalis Nguyen, 1991
pan; types: aquarium fishes probably not preserved) Cyprinus hyperdorsalis Nguyen [V. H.], 1991: 36 (type lo-
Cyprinus carpio anatolicus Hankó, 1924: 150, pl. 3 fig. 10 cality: Vietnam: Ha Son Binh Province: Suoi Rut; holo-
(type locality: Turkey: Pursak River near Eski-Chehir type [listed p. 37]: NCNTTSI H., Nguyen
[Eskişehir; 39°46'36"N 30°31'14"E] and Kötschke-Kiss- [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 595)
ik [Gökçekısık; 39°39'N 30°24'E]; syntypes [6]: ? MNH)
Cyprinus carpio morpha aralensis Spiczakow, 1935: 428, Cyprinus intha Annandale, 1918
fig. 7a (not available, infrasubspecific; locality: Aral Sea Cyprinus carpio intha Annandale, 1918: 47, pl. 3 fig. 1 (type
at St. Nikolaus and Lasarew Islands) locality: Burma: Southern Shan States: Lake Inlé, Heho
Cyprinus carpio fluviatilis Pravdin, 1945: 11 (type locality: plain, Kengtung / Mong Sit State: Loilem; syntypes: ZSI
Russia: flood-plain lakes of Volga River near Saratov F 9366/1 [11], ZSI F 9367/1 [9], Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
[Berg, 1949: 1327]; syntypes: LU) 107)
Cyprinus carpio morpha typica Misik, 1958: 70 (not avail-
able, infrasubspecific) Cyprinus longipectoralis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977
Cyprinus carpio morpha brevicirri Misik, 1958: 70 (not Cyprinus longipectoralis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 421,
available, infrasubspecific) pl. 8-17 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Erh Hai [Dali
Cyprinus carpio morpha longicirri Misik, 1958: 70 (not Lake]; syntypes: IHB 646059, 061–063, 065, 066, 070–
available, infrasubspecific) 074, 315–317, 321–325, 329, 561, 787, 788, 791, 792,
Distribution notes. Introduced. This species is native to 794, 795, 836 [27])
Europe and central Asia (basins of Black, Caspian and Aral
seas). The 'common carp' of East Asia are C. rubrofuscus or Cyprinus megalophthalmus Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang,
artificially produced hybrids. 1963
Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (2010) records a "Cypri- Cyprinus carpio megalophthalmus Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang,
nus vittatus Valenciennes, 1843: 70" (Canary Islands: 1963: 43 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Erhai [Dali
Lancerotte and Arecife). I could not find this species in Va- Lake]; syntypes: possibly IHB 579087, 5710019, 58019,
lenciennes (1843). 585468, 585471–472, 60609–612, 60615–616, 60176–
178, 60741, Wu, 1977: 420)
Cyprinus chilia Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang, 1963
Cyprinus carpio chilia Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang, 1963: 43 Cyprinus melanes (Mai, 1978)
(type locality: China: all lakes of Yunnan [but Qilu Lake, Carassioides cantonensis melanes Mai, 1978: 27, fig. 9 (type
in Wu, 1977: 416]; syntypes: possibly IHB 578070–073 locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: mouth of Kien
[4], 578081 [1], listed by Wu, 1977: 416) Giang River; syntypes: DVZUT)
Cyprinus crassilabris Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 419, Cyprinus centralus Nguyen [H. D.] & Mai, 1994: 20, fig. 1
pl. 8-15 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Erh Hai [Dali (type locality: Vietnam: Thua Thien Hue Province: Hué,
Lake]; syntypes: IHB 646035–037, 045, 049, 054, 093, Huong River; holotype: DVZUT)
284, 286, 293, 308, 397, 557, 605, 627, 629, 630, 706–
709, 735 [23]) Cyprinus multitaeniatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936
Cyprinus carpio var. multitaeniata Pellegrin & Chevey,
Cyprinus dai (Nguyen & Doan, 1969) 1936b: 220 (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Lake Babé
Laichowcypris dai Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 10 (type near Cho-Ra; holotype: MNHN 1935-0317)
locality: Vietnam: Da River, between Lai Chau and Hoa Cyprinus carpio var. triangulus Wu, 1939: 95, pl. 1 fig. 1
Binh; lectotype: NCNTTSI "1016", designated by Rob- (type locality: China: Li-Kiang: Yangso; syntypes: [re-
erts & Catania, 2007: 89, fig. 1 [possibly same as pository not stated] 206–207 [2], 609 [1])
NCNTTSI H., erroneously listed as holo- Cyprinus carpio triangulus Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang, 1963:
type by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 598]; original fig- 43 (type locality: China; syntypes: IHB; possibly Cypri-
ure of lectotype first published in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001: nus carpio var. triangulus Wu, 1939: 95, which is not
597, fig. 308, again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 78, fig. 1; cited)
translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 67)
Cyprinus quidatensis Nguyen, Le, Le & Nguyen, 1999
Cyprinus daliensis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977 Cyprinus quidatensis Nguyen [T. T.], Le, Le & Nguyen,
Cyprinus yunnanensis daliensis Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1999: 10, fig. (back cover) (type locality: Vietnam: Quang
1977: 426, pl. 8-21 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Erh Binh Province: Minh Hoa District: Thuong Hoa Com-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
mune, Hung Sac Valley in Phong Nha region, 17°56'05"– Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
17°58'08"N 106°00'24"E; holotype: VUP TH 9664) 1970a: 209, pl. 15a)
Cyprinus hybiscoides Richardson, 1846a: 289 (type locali-
Cyprinus rubrofuscus La Cepède, 1803 ty: China: Canton; syntypes: ? BMNH and specimen on
Cyprinus rubro-fuscus La Cepède, 1803: 530, pl. 16 fig. 1 which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
(type locality: China; holotype: specimen on which fig- in Whitehead, 1970a: 209, pl. 16a)
ure is based) Cyprinus sculponeatus Richardson, 1846a: 290 (type local-
Cyprinus nigro-auratus La Cepède, 1803: 547, pl. 16 fig. 2 ity: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
(type locality: China; types: specimen[s] on which Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
figure[s] is based; simultaneous subjective synonym of 1970a: 209, pl. 16b)
Cyprinus rubrofuscus La Cepède, 1803: 530, first revis- Cyprinus ? fossicola Richardson, 1846a: 291 (type locality:
ers [apparently Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 414] gave China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
precedence to C. rubrofuscus) Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
Cyprinus viridi-violaceus La Cepède, 1803: 547, pl. 16 fig. 3 1970a: 209, pl. 15b)
(type locality: China; types: specimen[s] on which Cyprinus Chinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 227, pl. 2 fig. 3 (type
figure[s] is based; simultaneous subjective synonym of locality: China: Khoun'-ks River and other streams drain-
Cyprinus rubrofuscus La Cepède, 1803: 530, first revis- ing to Gulf of Tschili [possibly Kunyu, a river in Beijing];
ers [apparently Chen & Hwang, in Wu, 1977: 414] gave types: ? ZISP; junior primary homonym of Cyprinus
precedence to C. rubrofuscus) chinensis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 181)
Cyprinus anna-carolina La Cepède, 1803: 544, pl. 18 fig. 1 ? Cyprinus obesus Basilewsky, 1855: 228, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type
(type locality: not stated; holotype: specimen on which locality: China: "Khoun'-ks River and others" [possibly
figure is based; simultaneous subjective synonym of Kunyu, a river in Beijing]; types: ? ZISP)
Cyprinus rubrofuscus La Cepède, 1803: 530, first revis- Cyprinus carpio var. mürgo Dybowski, 1869: 950 (type lo-
er [apparently Kottelat, 2006: 30] gave precedence to C. cality: Russia: Siberia: Onon River; syntypes: ? IZPAN,
rubrofuscus) Sinicyn, 1900: 42; spelt murgo p. 946 [emendation as
Cyprinus floripenna van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translated in muergo (e.g. in Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1128) is errone-
Alfred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375 (nomen nudum, Kotte- ous as name not derived from a German word; Dybows-
lat, 1987a: 370) ki explicitly stated it is the local vernacular name of the
? Cyprinus flavipinnis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- fish, Code art.])
ennes, 1842: 71, pl. 457 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Cyprinus carpio yuankiang Wu, Yang, Yue & Huang, 1963:
Buitenzorg [Bogor]; holotype: figured specimen [? pos- 43 (type locality: China; syntypes: IHB)
sibly MNHN B.674, Roberts, 1993b: 16; doubtful, Va- Cyprinus mahuensis Liu & Ding, 1982: 71, fig. (type local-
lenciennes would have used data from the specimen; ity: China: Sichuan: Lei Po County [Leibo; 28°17'N
instead Valenciennes explicitly stated that the descrip- 103°26'E]: Ma-Hu Lake; syntypes [15]: IHB 80-XI-3)
tion is based only on the figure by Kuhl and van Hasselt; Taxonomic notes. Often misidentified as Cyprinus carpio.
if pl. 457 is not based on Kuhl and van Hasselt's figure,
then the specimens illustrated on the two figures are syn-
types]) Danio Hamilton, 1822
Cyprinus vittatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Danio Hamilton, 1822: 321, 390 (subgenus of Cyprinus
1842: 72 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype (?): Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus dangila
? RMNH; original description ambiguous, based on a Hamilton, 1822: 321, by subsequent designation by Blee-
drawing and apparently also a specimen; junior primary ker, 1863e: 204, 1863l: 264, 1863m: 29). Gender mas-
homonym of Cyprinus vittatus Rafinesque, 1817: 121) culine.
Cyprinus haematopterus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 189, Taxonomic notes. Phylogeny and systematics discussed in
216, pl. 96 (type locality: Japan: large rivers of Kiusiu Fang (2003) and Fang et al. (2009). See comment under
Island; lectotype: RMNH 2400, designated by Boese- Celestichthys for classification retained here.
man, 1947: 152; junior primary homonym of Cyprinus
haematopterus Rafinesque, 1820a: 6) Danio dangila (Hamilton, 1822)
Cyprinus melanotus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 190, pl. 97 Cyprinus dangila Hamilton, 1822: 321, 390 (type locality:
fig. 1 (type locality: Japan; lectotype: RMNH 2399, des- India: mountain stream south from Mungger [Bihar:
ignated by Boeseman, 1947: 153) Munger]; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished drawing
Cyprinus conirostris Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 191, reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 45 fig. 1)
pl. 27 fig. 2 (type locality: Japan; lectotype: RMNH 1724, Perilampus reticulatus M'Clelland, 1839: 290, 397, pl. 45
designated by Boeseman, 1947: 153) fig. 1 (type locality: India: Calcutta / south of Monghyr
Cyprinus atro-virens Richardson, 1846a: 287 (type locali- [Bihar: Munger]; syntypes: [specimen examined by
ty: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based M'Clelland and basis of Cyprinus dangila Hamilton,
Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1822: 231])
1970a: 209, pl. 14a) Danio deyi Sen & Dey, 1985: 61, fig. 1 (type locality: India:
Cyprinus flammans Richardson, 1846a: 288 (type locality: Meghalaya: Umroi stream, Khasi Hills; holotype: ? ZSI)
China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based Danio meghalayensis Sen & Dey, 1985: 63, fig. 2 (type lo-
cality: India: Meghalaya: torrent near Barapani, Khasi Desmopuntius gemellus (Kottelat, 1996)
Hills; holotype: ? ZSI) Puntius gemellus Kottelat, 1996a: 305, fig. 3 (type locality:
Nomenclatural notes. The etymology of Danio deyi is ex- Indonesia: Sumatra: market in Jambi; holotype: MZB
plained as "the species has been named Danio deyi by the 5939)
first author [...] after the name of her teacher and guide,
Dr S. C. Dey" [who incidentally is the second author of the Desmopuntius hexazona (Weber & de Beaufort, 1912)
paper]. It is not clear what 'named' means; I interpret this Barbus hexazona Weber & de Beaufort, 1912a: 527, pl. 11
simply as 'coined the name', which is not equivalent to 're- fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Taluk / Gunung
sponsible for the conditions making the name available'. Sahilan; syntypes: ZMA 103.253 [1], 103.200 [13], Nijs-
Therefore I retain the authorship of the name as 'Sen & Dey'. sen et al., 1993: 214, Alfred, 1963b: 139)
Otherwise, it should be 'Sen, in Sen & Dey', which adds
nothing in terms of bibliographic information, which is the Desmopuntius johorensis (Duncker, 1904)
only justification for mentioning authorship. Barbus fasciatus Bleeker, 1853l: 190 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Bangka: Marawang; lectotype: RMNH 4015, des-
ignated by Kottelat, 1996a: 307; secondary junior hom-
Danionella Roberts, 1986 onym of Cirrhinus fasciatus Jerdon, 1849: 305, when
Danionella Roberts, 1986a: 232 (type species: Danionella placed in Puntius by Silas, 1956: 194)
translucida Roberts, 1986a: 233, by original designa- ? Barbus fasciatus var. Chaperi Vaillant, 1902: 13 (nomen
tion). Gender feminine. nudum)
Barbus tetrazona var. johorensis Duncker, 1904: 178, pl. 1
Danionella dracula Britz, Conway & Rüber, 2009 fig. 3 (type locality: Malaysia: Muar River near Tebing
Danionella dracula Britz, Conway & Rüber, 2009: 2180, Tinggi; lectotype: ZMH 371 [formerly 8438], designat-
fig, 1 (type locality: Myanmar: Kachin state: stream at ed by Ladiges et al., 1958: 158, Kottelat, 1993a: 188,
Sha Du Zup between Mogaung and Tanai; holotype: fig. 1)
BMNH 2008.1.1.1) Puntius eugrammus Silas, 1956: 194 (replacement name for
Barbus fasciatus Bleeker, 1853l: 190)
Danionella mirifica Britz, 2003 Puntius pentazona chiniensis Yoong, 1973: 35, fig. (type
Danionella mirifica Britz, 2003: 219, fig. 1 (type locality: locality: Malaysia: Selangor: Tasik Chini; holotype: LU)
Myanmar: Kachin Division: hill stream 8 miles from
Kamaing on road to Tanai; holotype: USNM 372847) Desmopuntius pentazona (Boulenger, 1894)
Barbus pentazona Boulenger, 1894a: 248 (type locality:
Danionella translucida Roberts, 1986 Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; syntypes [3]:
Danionella translucida Roberts, 1986a: 233, figs. 1–12 (type BMNH 1889.7.31.13 [3], Alfred, 1963b: 139)
locality: Burma: Pegu Division: Sittang River basin,
Dayama Chaung 1 mile north of Daik-u; holotype: NRM Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus (Koumans, 1940)
32232) Barbus tetrazona Bleeker, 1856m: 14 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Kahajan River; ho-
lotype [57 mm SL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.186, Alfred, 1963b:
Desmopuntius Kottelat, 2013 140; junior secondary homonym of Capoeta tetrazona
Desmopuntius Kottelat, 2013: 482 [appendix to present Bleeker, 1855h: 262 when placed in Systomus by Blee-
work] (type species: Barbus hexazona Weber & de Beau- ker, 1859l: 152 and in Barbus by Hoedeman, 1956:
fort, 1912a: 527, by original designation). Gender mas- 288)
culine. Puntius rhombo-ocellatus Koumans, 1940b: 189 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: about 15
? Desmopuntius endecanalis (Roberts, 1989) km from Bandjermasin in a canal along the highway from
Puntius endecanalis Roberts, 1989: 62, fig. 45 (type locali- Oelin to Bandjermasin; holotype: RMNH 16869, Alfred,
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: small tribu- 1963b: 140)
tary of Sungai Mandai 2–3 km upstream from its Barbus kahajani Hoedeman, 1956: 288, fig. (replacement
confluence with Kapuas, 17 km west-southwest of Pu- name for Barbus tetrazona Bleeker, 1856m: 14; also in
tussibau, 0°47'N 112°48'E; holotype: MZB 4003) Hoedeman, 1958: 201)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Devario Heckel, 1843 Leuciscus lineolatus Blyth, 1858b: 289 (type locality: India:
Devario Heckel, 1843: 1015 (type species: Cyprinus deva- Darjiling [West Bengal: Darjeeling]; holotype: ZSI ?)
rio Hamilton, 1822: 341, by absolute tautonymy). Gen- ? Danio yuensis Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 1998a: 3, fig.
der masculine. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Moreh Bazar, near area
Paradanio Day, 1865c: 219 (type species: Perilampus au- of Myanmar border; holotype: MUMF 3000/1A)
rolineatus Day, 1865b: 306, by monotypy). Gender mas-
culine. Devario affinis (Blyth, 1860)
Eustira Günther, 1868a: 331 (type species: Eustira ceylon- Perilampus affinis Blyth, 1860b: 163 (type locality: Bur-
ensis Günther, 1868a: 331, by monotypy). Gender fem- ma: Tenasserim; types: ? ZSI)
Rambaibarnia Fowler, 1934b: 341 (subgenus of Danio Hamil- Devario annandalei (Chaudhuri, 1908)
ton, 1822: 321; type species: Danio regina Fowler, Danio annandalei Chaudhuri, 1908a: 125 (type locality: Bur-
1934b: 342, by original designation). Gender feminine. ma: Tenasserim: Kawkareik, at base of Dawna Hills, in
Danioides Chu, 1935: 10 (type species: Danio kakhienensis the interior of Amherst district; syntypes: ZSI F 1599/1
Anderson, 1879: 868, by original designation). Gender [2], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 107, Barman, 1985c: 223,
masculine. fig. 1)
Parabarilius Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 117 (type species:
Parabarilius laoensis Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 118, by Devario apogon (Chu, 1981)
monotypy). Gender masculine. Danio apogon Chu, 1981b: 150, fig. 1 (type locality: Chi-
Daniops Smith, 1945: 91 (type species: Daniops myersi na: Yunnan: Jiucheng, Dayingjiang [Irrawaddy] drain-
Smith, 1945: 91, by original designation). Gender mas- age; holotype: KIZ 764394, Fang, 2000: 22, fig. 9)
Taxonomic notes. See under Inlecypris for discussion of Devario apopyris (Fang & Kottelat, 1999)
generic placement of 'D'. maetaengensis and 'D'. shanen- Danio apopyris Fang & Kottelat, 1999: 282, fig. 1 (type
sis. Phylogeny and systematics are discussed in Fang (2003) locality: Laos: Louang Namtha Province: Mekong ba-
and Fang et al. (2009). Their trees also show that Devario sin, Nam Youan watershed: stream near Ban Nakbon,
include a lineage with bold wide stripes and that the other 4 km east-southeast of Muang Sing; 21°10'47"N
species (D. chrysotaeniatus, D. apogon) are of uncertain 101°10'50"E; holotype: NRM 41278)
relationships within the genus. Unfortunately the analysis
included too few species of this clade to allow a definitive Devario browni (Regan, 1907)
conclusion to be reached. Danio browni Regan, 1907c: 395 (type locality: Burma:
A number of species of Devario have a colour pattern Northern Shan States; syntypes: BMNH 1907.10.22.1–
made of a midlateral stripe on the posterior half of the body 4 [4], ZSI F 1872/1 [5], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 107)
and a few bars anteriorly, with golden patches between them.
This group includes D. laoensis, D. apogon, D. apopyris, Devario chrysotaeniatus (Chu, 1981)
D. chysotaeniatus, D. interruptus, D. leptos, and D. salmo- Danio chrysotaeniatus Chu, 1981b: 151, fig. 2 (type local-
natus. Should they be recognised as a distinct genus, the ity: China: Yunnan: Mengla County: Manzhuo; holotype:
name Parabarilius is available for it. KIZ 736151)
Devario acrostomus (Fang & Kottelat, 1999) Devario fangfangae (Kottelat, 2000)
Danio acrostomus Fang & Kottelat, 1999: 287, fig. 4 (type Danio fangfangae Kottelat, 2000a: 40, fig. 3 (type locality:
locality: Laos: Vientiane Province: Mekong basin, Nam Laos: Bolikhamxai Province: Nam Phao at waterfall
Leuk, about 500 m upstream of Tad Leuk waterfall; immediately downstream of border post on road from
18°23'51"N 103°04'18"E; holotype: NRM 41281) Lak Sao to Vinh (Vietnam); 18°23'00"N 105°09'20"E;
holotype: NRM 44880)
Devario acuticephalus (Hora, 1921)
Danio acuticephala Hora, 1921a: 193, fig. 4 (type locality: Devario gibber (Kottelat, 2000)
India: Manipur: sluggish streams of Manipur valley and Danio gibber Kottelat, 2000a: 40, fig. 4 (type locality: Laos:
southern watershed of Naga Hills [exact locality of ho- Champasak Province: Xe Katam at bridge on road from
lotype not stated; Yaribuk, according to Menon & Attapu to Pakse, about 1 km upriver of Nam Tok Xe
Yazdani, 1968: 107; Ukang sang Road, 1 mile from Yari- Katam-Tok waterfall; 15°07'17"N 106°37'28"E; holo-
buk, according to Barman, 1991: 21, but catalogue num- type: NRM 44883)
ber listed for holotype (ZSI F 9986/1) is not same as
stated by Hora]; holotype: ZSI F 9981/1) Devario interruptus (Day, 1870)
Taxonomic notes. Briefly discussed by Fang (2000: 25). Barilius interrupta Day, 1870b: 559 (type locality: China:
Yunnan: Irrawaddy basin: Hotha [Husa]; lectotype: AMS
Devario aequipinnatus (M'Clelland, 1839) B.7745, designated by Fang, 2000: 18, fig. 1)
Perilampus aequipinnatus M'Clelland, 1839: 393, pl. 60
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Assam; syntypes: ? NMW Devario kakhienensis (Anderson, 1879)
78785, Eschmeyer, 2010) Danio kakhienensis Anderson, 1879: 868, pl. 79 fig. 2 (type
locality: Burma: Nampoung River [stream making the land: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP 68501, Böhlke,
Burma–China border; close to confluence with Tapeng 1984: 92)
River; Anderson, 1876: 84, 420, map; about 24°26'50"N Danio peninsulae Smith, 1945: 98, fig. 7 (type locality:
97°31'50"E; Irrawaddy drainage], Kakhyen hills; lecto- Thailand: Nakhon Sritamarat: base of Kao Luang; holo-
type: BMNH 1875.8.4.3, designated by Fang, 1997a: 291) type: USNM 107962)
Devario kysonensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Mua, 2010) Devario salmonatus (Kottelat, 2000)
Danio kysonensis Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen & Mua, 2010: Danio salmonata Kottelat, 2000a: 41, fig. 5 (type locality:
62, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Nghe An Province: Laos: Champasak Province: Huay Makchan-Gnai (Xe
Ky Son District: Nam Can commune: Nam Khien spring, Nam Noy drainage), south of Ban Taot, at turnoff to Xe
Song Lam drainage; holotype: NCNTTSI NA.09.01.001) Nam Noy Project, on road from Pakse to Attapu;
15°04'14"N 106°32'33"E; holotype: NRM 44885)
Devario laoensis (Pellegrin & Fang, 1940)
Parabarilius laoensis Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 118, fig. 4 Devario sondhii (Hora & Mukerji, 1934)
(type locality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km north- Danio sondhii Hora & Mukerji, 1934a: 128, fig. 1 (type
west of Ban Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; holo- locality: Burma: Southern Shan States: spring at mile
type: MNHN 1939-0217) 15¾ east of Taunggyi and 3½ miles east of Hopong;
Daniops myersi Smith, 1945: 92, fig. 6 (type locality: Thai- holotype [implied from use of "type specimen" in cap-
land: Huey Me Lao on Doi Hua Mot; holotype: USNM tion of fig. 1]: ZSI F 11513/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
107961) 108)
? Danio muongthanhensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] &
Ngo, 2001: 53, fig. 14 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Devario spinosus (Day, 1870)
Province: Dien Bien, Muong Thanh [Dien Bien Prov- Danio spinosus Day, 1870c: 621 (type locality: Burma: Pegu;
ince: Dien Bien Phu city: Muongthanh, 21°23'09"N potential syntypes [4]: among ZSI 2494 [1], 2495 [1],
103°01'15"E; Mekong drainage]; holotype: NCNTTSI A.851 [lost], 852 [1], BMNH 1889.2.1.1850–1851 [2],
H. AMS B.7503 [1], NMW 53109 [1], RMNH 2687, White-
head & Talwar, 1976: 156, Barman, 1991: 64, Ferraris
Devario leptos (Fang & Kottelat, 1999) et al., 2000: 302)
Danio leptos Fang & Kottelat, 1999: 284, fig. 3 (type local-
ity: Laos: Louang Namtha Province: Mekong basin, Nam Devario strigillifer (Myers, 1924)
Tha watershed: Nam Luang about 1 km upstream of Ban Danio strigillifer Myers, 1924: 1 (type locality: Burma: small
Namluang; 21°09'05"N 101°20'34"E; holotype: NRM stream entering Irrawaddy near Myaing; syntypes:
41279) AMNH 8351 [2])
Devario naganensis (Chaudhuri, 1912) Devario xyrops Fang & Kullander, 2009
Danio naganensis Chaudhuri, 1912: 441, pl. 40 fig. 1 (type Devario xyrops Fang & Kullander, 2009: 35, figs. 1 (type
locality: India: Manipur: Lungting River, Naga Hills; locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Thandwe: Thade Riv-
syntypes: ZSI F 5297–5302/1 [6], Menon & Yazdani, er drainage: Taunggok, Yan Khaw Chaung, about 4 km
1968: 108) on logging road from Gwetauk village, 23 km on road
Danio manipurensis Barman, 1987: 172, fig. 1 (type local- Taunggok–Pyay; holotype: NRM 45658)
ity: India: Manipur; holotype: ZSI FF 1999)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.105 [1], RMNH 6998 [1], Karna- calis and D. propeanalis (Zheng & Zhou, 2007).
suta, 1993: 38) [Discogobio brachyphysallidos Huang, 1989: 358, fig. 4 (type locality:
Lobocheilos rohitoïdes Bleeker, 1857i: 363 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Luoping County: Yiliang; syntypes: KIZ [23])].
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [68 mm TL]:
BMNH 1866.6.2.163, Karnasuta, 1993: 38) Discogobio microstoma (Mai, 1978)
Garra microstoma Mai, 1978: 60, fig. 25 (type locality: Viet-
nam: Bac Can Province: Na Ri stream, tributary of Song
Discherodontus Rainboth, 1989 Bang; syntypes: DVZUT)
Discherodontus Rainboth, 1989: 4 (type species: Barbus Distribution notes. Presence in area based on record by
ashmeadi Fowler, 1937: 193, by original designation). Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo (2001: 551) from Ha Giang, Song Lo, a
Gender masculine. tributary of Red River. This record needs confirmation.
Nomenclatural notes. Microstoma can be a noun or an ad-
Discherodontus ashmeadi (Fowler, 1937) jective. As used in the original description by Mai, it cannot
Barbus ashmeadi Fowler, 1937: 193, figs. 151–152 (type be decided if he regarded it as a noun or an adjective, and
locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68137, therefore it is a noun (Code art. 31.2.2).
Böhlke, 1984: 69)
Discogobio poneventralis Zheng & Zhou, 2008
Discherodontus colemani (Fowler, 1937) Discogobio poneventralis Zheng & Zhou, 2008: 262, fig. 5
Barbus colemani Fowler, 1937: 197, figs. 159–160 (type (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xichou County: Panlong-
locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream enter- he [a tributary of Red River] in Gaji (23°09'13"N
ing Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee, 104°27'23"E); holotype: SWFC 0111035)
1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP
68152, Böhlke, 1984: 73) Discogobio propeanalis Zheng & Zhou, 2008
Discogobio propeanalis Zheng & Zhou, 2008: 260, fig. 4
Discherodontus halei (Duncker, 1904) (type locality: China: Yunnan: Wenshan County: Shun-
Barbus Halei Duncker, 1904: 178, pl. 2 fig. 15 (type local- dianhe [a tributary of Panlonghe, itself a tributary of Red
ity: Malaysia: Pahang River near Kuala Tembeling, 301 River] in Xigu (23°22.915'N 104°06.171'E); holotype:
river-km from mouth; holotype: BMNH 1905.5.6.7 [for- SWFC 0201001)
merly Selangor Museum 678], Alfred, 1963e: 166) Taxonomic notes. See comment under D. antethoracalis.
Discherodontus parvus (Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977) Discogobio yunnanensis (Regan, 1907)
Barbodes parva Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977: 243, pl. 7-4 (type Discognathus yunnanensis Regan, 1907a: 63 (type locality:
locality: China: Yunnan: Jinghung; syntypes: IHB China: Yunnan: lake at Yunnan-fu [Dianchi Lake in Kun-
584101, 110, 114, 115, 135, 159, 164, 165, 185, 193, ming]; holotype: BMNH 1914.1.28.23–25 [1 of 3], Esch-
195, 196, 198, 209, 246 [15]) meyer, 2010)
Eirmotus octozona Schultz, 1959 locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68180,
Eirmotus octozona Schultz, 1959: 11, 2 figs. (type locality: Böhlke, 1984: 90)
Thailand: Bung Borapet [apparently erroneous; Kotte-
lat, 1982: 431]; holotype: USNM 177521, Tan & Kotte- Epalzeorhynchos kalopterum (Bleeker, 1850)
lat, 2008: 425, fig. 2) Barbus kalopterus Bleeker, 1850i: 13 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holo-
type [82 mm TL]: RMNH 12784, Alfred, 1971: 99
Elopichthys Bleeker, 1860 ['cotype' listed by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 53 has no type
Elopichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 436 (type species: Leuciscus status])
bambusa Richardson, 1845b: 141, by subsequent desig- Epalzeorhynchus callopterus Günther, 1868a: 76 (unjusti-
nation by Bleeker, 1863e: 212, 1863m: 32; no species fied emendation of Barbus kalopterus Bleeker, 1850i: 13)
originally included, first inclusion in Bleeker, 1860j: 286, Nomenclatural notes. Kalopterus is a compound adjective
428). Gender masculine. and the gender of the name Epalzeorhynchos is neuter, thus
Gymnognathus Sauvage, 1884a: 214 (type species: Gym- kalopterum is the correct spelling.
nognathus harmandi Sauvage, 1884a: 214, by monoty-
py; junior homonym of Gymnognathus Schönherr, 1826: Epalzeorhynchos munense (Smith, 1934)
38 [nomen nudum in Schönherr, 1823: 1135, no descrip- Labeo munensis Smith, 1934: 313, pl. 12 (type locality:
tion, no available species name included] in Coleoptera Thailand: Menam Mun at Tha Chang, East of Korat;
and Gymnognathus Solier, 1851: 136 in Coleoptera). holotype: KUMF 162, Monkolprasit, 1969: 5)
Gender masculine.
Scombrocypris Günther, 1889a: 226 (type species: Scom-
brocypris styani Günther, 1889a: 226, by monotypy). Esomus Swainson, 1839
Gender feminine. Esomus Swainson, 1839: 185, 285 (subgenus of Leuciscus
Cuvier, 1816a: 194; type species: Leuciscus vittatus
Elopichthys bambusa (Richardson, 1845) Swainson, 1839: 285, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Leuciscus bambusa Richardson, 1845b: 141, pl. 63 fig. 2 Nuria Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 238
(type locality: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH (type species: Nuria thermoicos Valenciennes, in Cuvier
1962.2.8.1, Whitehead, 1970a: 210) & Valenciennes, 1842: 238, by subsequent designation
Nasus Dauricus Basilewsky, 1855: 234, pl. 7 fig. 1 (type by Jordan, 1919a: 210). Gender feminine.
locality: "in winter, brought to Beijing frozen from Mon- Pogonocharax Regan, 1907b: 261 (type species: Pogono-
golia and Mandchuria"; types: ? ZISP; spelt Nasus dahu- charax rehi Regan, 1907b: 261, by monotypy). Gender
ricus on Pl. 7, treated here as an inadvertent error, thus masculine.
incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1], and dauri- Taxonomic notes. For discussion of Pogonocharax, see
cus is retained as correct original spelling) Myers (1956: 13).
Gymnognathus Harmandi Sauvage, 1884a: 214, pl. 8 fig. 2
(type locality: Vietnam: vicinity of Hanoï; holotype: Esomus ahli Hora & Mukerji, 1928
MNHN 1884-0077, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 68) Esomus ahli Hora & Mukerji, 1928: 47, fig. 3 (type locali-
Scombrocypris Styani Günther, 1889a: 226 (type locality: ty: Burma: Rangoon; syntypes: ZSI F 10794/1 [11])
China: Upper Yangtze and tributary near Kiu-Kiang; Nomenclatural notes. Hora & Mukerji described this spe-
syntypes: BMNH 1889.6.8.85-86 [2], Eschmeyer, cies on the basis of 6 series of specimens. They stated that
2010) series ZSI F 10794/1 was the type series and included 11
syntypes; 6 lines earlier they had stated that a type speci-
men had the same number, without providing further data.
Epalzeorhynchos Bleeker, 1855 Menon & Yazdani (1968: 108) listed 22 syntypes in this
Epalzeorhynchos Bleeker, 1855h: 270 (type species: Bar- series but did not provide any explanation. As there is no
bus kalopterus Bleeker, 1850i: 13, by monotypy; also clear statement of the designation of a holotype, the 11 spec-
spelt Epalzeorhijnchos, first reviser [apparently Esch- imens ZSI F 10794/1 indicated by Hora & Mukerji are syn-
meyer, 1990: 139] retained Epalzeorhynchos as correct types; the other specimens have no type status.
original spelling). Gender neuter.
Esomus altus (Blyth, 1860)
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor (Smith, 1931) Nuria alta Blyth, 1860b: 162 (type locality: Burma: Tenas-
Labeo bicolor Smith, 1931a: 9, fig. 4 (type locality: Thai- serim; syntypes: ZSI ASB 832 [2], Day, 1870b: 558 [two
land: small tributary of Mae Nam Chao Phraya near Pa- specimens examined, probaby syntypes], Menon &
knampo; holotype: USNM 90291) Yazdani, 1968: 109)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Esomus danrica (Hamilton, 1822) Esomus danricus jabalpurensis Visweswara Rao & Shar-
Cyprinus danrica Hamilton, 1822: 325, 390, pl. 16 fig. 88 ma, 1973: 434, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Madhya
(type locality: India: ponds and ditches of Bengal; types: Pradesh: Pariat River near Jabalpur, a tributary of Nar-
NT) bada River; holotype: ZSI/CRS V.2060)
Cyprinus jogia Hamilton, 1822: 326, 391 (type locality: In- Esomus manipurensis Tilak & Jain, 1990: 408, figs. 1–2 (type
dia: Kosi River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished fig- locality: India: Manipur: stream near Imphal; holotype:
ure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 46 fig. 2; simul- ZSI/NRS F 434)
taneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus danrica Hamil- Taxonomic notes. Identification of Pogonocharax rehi
ton, 1822: 325, first reviser [Bleeker, 1853o: 62, 130] based on my examination of the holotype in 1986; this re-
gave precedence to C. danrica) quires confirmation.
Cyprinus sutiha Hamilton, 1822: 327, 391 (type locality:
India: ponds of Gorakhpur district; types: NT; Hamil- Esomus longimanus (Lunel, 1881)
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: Nuria longimana Lunel, 1881: 296, pl. fig. 2 (type locality:
pl. 46 fig. 3; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cy- Cambodia; types: MCZL or MHNG, lost [pers. obs.];
prinus danrica Hamilton, 1822: 325, first reviser [Blee- invalid neotype designation by Fricke, 1999a: 82 [un-
ker, 1853o: 62, 130] gave precedence to C. danrica; si- necessary, Code 75.1; unsupported comment on type
multaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus jogia locality, which is explicitly stated by Lunel as Cambo-
Hamilton, 1822: 326, as first reviser, I give precedence dia, not Mauritius])
to C. jogia) Esomus goddardi Fowler, 1937: 170, fig. 106 (type locali-
Perilampus recurvirostris M'Clelland, 1839: 290, 398, pl. 46 ty: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream entering Mae
fig. 2 (type locality: India: Kosi River / Sunderbuns / Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee, 1946: 5;
Bengal, from Calcutta to Purnea [Purnia]; syntypes: [ma- see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP 68047,
terial examined by M'Clelland and basis of Cyprinus Böhlke, 1984: 77)
sutiha Hamilton, 1822: 327])
Perilampus macropterus M'Clelland, 1839: 291, pl. 46 fig. 3 Esomus malayensis (Matte & Reichelt, 1908)
[not pl. 46 fig. 6, which is Cyprinus cachius, see p. 290] Nuria danrica var. malayensis Matte & Reichelt, 1908: 19
(unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus sutiha (type locality: Hinterindien [Indochina; also mentioned
Hamilton, 1822: 327) as "this Malayan subspecies"]; syntypes: ? NT; also in
Perilampus thermophilus M'Clelland, 1839: 291, 399, pl. 54 Matte & Kuhnt, 1908: 10, fig. and Mandée, 1909: 11, fig.)
fig. 19 (type locality: India: hot springs at Pooree [Puri ?]; Esomus malayensis Ahl, 1924: 43 (type locality: "Malay
syntypes [2]: LU) peninsula or Archipelago ?"; syntypes [11]: ZMB 20668
Perilampus macrourus M'Clelland, 1839: 398, erratum, [1], Paepke, 1995: 90; junior secondary homonym of Nuria
pl. 46 fig. 3 [not pl. 46 fig. 6, which is Cyprinus cachius, danrica var. malayensis Matte & Reichelt, 1908: 19)
see p. 290] (type locality: India: Bengal; types: material
examined by M'Clelland and basis of Cyprinus sutiha Esomus metallicus Ahl, 1924
Hamilton, 1822: 327; spelt macrouru p. 398, an inad- Esomus metallicus Ahl, 1924: 42 (type locality: Thailand:
vertent error corrected in erratum, Code art. 24.2.4) Phet Buri [Petchaburi]; syntypes: ZMB 7686 [1], 21913
Leuciscus vittatus Swainson, 1839: 285 (unnecessary repla- [6], Paepke, 1995: 90, Eschmeyer, 2010)
cement name for Cyprinus danrica Hamilton, 1822: 325)
Esomus malabaricus Day, 1867a: 299 (type locality: India:
Trichoor in Malabar; syntypes: among ZSI 2450 [lost], Fangfangia Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012
BMNH 1889.2.1.4359–4360 [2], 1975.9.30.11 [1], Fangfangia Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012: 330 (type species:
? AMS B.7833, ZMB 11131, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: Fangfangia spinicleithralis Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012:
156, Ferraris et al., 2000: 299, Eschmeyer, 2010) 330, by original designation). Gender feminine.
? Pogonocharax rehi Regan, 1907b: 261, fig. (type locali-
ty: Argentina [erroneous]; holotype: BMNH Fangfangia spinicleithralis Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012
1907.6.28.50) Fangfangia spinicleithralis Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012: 330,
Nuria danrica var. grahami Chaudhuri, 1912: 440, pl. 39 fig. fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Ten-
3 (type locality: India: Uttar Pradesh: Kalinadi, Meerut; gah: Sebangau drainage: Sebangau River, blackwater
holotype: ZSI F 7701/1, Hora & Mukerji, 1928: 51) drainage canal, north side upstream from village,
Esomus lineatus Ahl, 1924: 42 (type locality: India: Calcut- 2°07'44"N 113°52'17"E; holotype: MZB 17186)
ta / Sri Lanka; syntypes: ZMB 20665 [5], 20667 [1],
20669 [1], 20890 [1], 20892 [2], 22208 [4], Paepke,
1995: 90, Eschmeyer, 2010 and sources for Nuria dan- Folifer Wu, in Wu, 1977
rica var. malabarica of Duncker, 1912b: 266 [ZMH Folifer Wu, in Wu, 1977: 327 (subgenus of Tor Gray, 1834:
11608 and 5 literature sources; these are probably Eso- pl. 96; type species: Barbus brevifilis Peters, 1881b:
mus thermoicos (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 1033, by original designation). Gender masculine.
nes, 1842: 238)])
Cyprinus barbiger Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name Folifer brevifilis (Peters, 1881)
listed in synonymy) Barbus brevifilis Peters, 1881b: 1033, pl. 1 fig. 4 (type lo-
cality: China: sent from Hong Kong; syntypes [2]: ZMB Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in -cola and meaning
11326 [1], 22290 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) 'inhabitant of' are nouns and should not agree in gender.
Barbus bonvaloti Vaillant, 1893c: 202 (type locality: Viet- But, when first proposed, rupicolus was treated as an ad-
nam: Black River; holotype: MNHN 1892-0262, Kotte- jective and therefore it has to agree in gender with the genus
lat, 2001a: 23) name.
Barbus szechwanensis Tchang, 1931b: 230, fig. 3 (type lo- [Gonorhynchus rupicolus M'Clelland, 1839: 281, 373, erratum, pl. 43 figs.
cality: China: Sichuan; syntypes: ZMFMIB [3]) 4–5 (type locality: India: Assam: Mishmee Mountains: Laeeh River a
few miles beyond Bramacund, 27°45'N 96°20'E; holotype: ? SMF 894
Barbus longirostrum Kimura, 1934: 114, pl. 4 fig. 2 (type [1], Eschmeyer, 2010; spelt rupiculus p. 281, rupeculus p. 373 and
locality: China: Sichuan: Chungking; syntypes: BDSSI 314, rupicolus in Index p. 469 and erratum; correct original spelling
[2]; spelt longiristrum p. 116, an inadvertent error, thus is rupicolus, Code art.; spelling "rupeculis" retained by Esch-
incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]) meyer [1998: 1488] is not correct because: a) no first reviser action
needed, by virtue of Code art., b) spelling "rupeculis" not
used in original description; rupicolus is formed as an adjective and
? Folifer hainanensis Wu, in Wu, 1977 has to agree in gender with Garra)].
Tor brevifilis hainanensis Wu, in Wu, 1977: 329, pl. 7-63 (type
locality: China: Hainan: Wuzhi Shan and Letung; synty- Garra apogon (Norman, 1925)
pes: IHB 60.2.326 [1], 60.2.330 [1], 60.2.160–164 [5]) Discognathus apogon Norman, 1925b: 570 (type locality:
Vietnam: [Lao Cai Province:] "Ngoi-Tio, Col des Nua-
ges, Tonkin"; syntypes: BMNH 1925.2.19.1–4 [4], Esch-
Garra Hamilton, 1822 meyer, 2010)
Garra Hamilton, 1822: 343, 393 (subgenus of Cyprinus
Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus lamta Hamil- Garra bispinosa Zhang, 2005
ton, 1822: 343, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, ? Garra lamta forma bicornuta Koller, 1927: 33, fig. 3 (not
1863e: 192, 1863m: 24, 1863l: 262). Gender feminine. available, not intended as a species name but as a mor-
Platycara McClelland, 1838: 944, 947 (type species: Platy- phological form, therefore not a junior primary homonym
cara nasuta McClelland, 1838: 947, by monotypy). Gen- of Garra bicornuta Narayan Rao, 1920: 57; based on
der neuter. material from "Vorderasien" [Southwest Asia])
Discognathus Heckel, 1843: 1027 (type species: Discog- Garra bispinosa Zhang, 2005b: 10, fig. 1 (type locality:
nathus variabilis Heckel, 1843: 1069, by subsequent China: Yunnan: Daying Jiang, a tributary of Yiluowadi
designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 192, 1863m: 24, 1863l: Jiang (Irrawaddy) in Yingjiang; holotype: IHB
262). Gender masculine. 78IV1537)
Lissorhynchus Bleeker, 1860c: 422 (type species: Platycara
lissorhynchus M'Clelland & Griffith, in M'Clelland, Garra borneensis (Vaillant, 1902)
1842a: 587, by subsequent monotypy in Bleeker, 1860j: Discognathus borneensis Vaillant, 1902: 91, figs. 25–26
85). Gender masculine. (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur:
Discognathichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 423 (type species: Dis- Bloeoe River [Bluu, 0°42'N 114°24'E]; holotype: RMNH
cognathus variabilis Heckel, 1843: 1069, by subsequent 7698, Eschmeyer, 2010)
designation by Bleeker, 1860j: 128; junior objective syn-
onym of Discognathus Heckel, 1843: 1027). Gender Garra bourreti (Pellegrin, 1928)
masculine. Discognathus Bourreti Pellegrin, 1928: 340 (type locality:
Mayoa Day, 1870b: 553 (type species: Mayoa modesta Day, Vietnam: Tonkin: Rivière Claire [Song Lo], 50 km up-
1870b: 553, by monotypy). Gender feminine. stream of Tuyen-Quang; holotype: MNHN 1928-0209,
Ageneiogarra Garman, 1912: 114 (subgenus of Garra Bertin & Estève, 1948: 55)
Hamilton, 1822: 343; type species: Garra imberba Gar-
man, 1912: 114, by monotypy). Gender feminine. Garra cambodgiensis (Tirant, 1884)
Discolabeo Fowler, 1937: 210 (type species: Discolabeo Cirrhina Cambodgiensis Tirant, 1884: 170, fig. 3 (type lo-
fisheri Fowler, 1937: 211, by original designation). Gen- cality: Cambodia: tributaries of Prek-Tenot in the hills
der masculine. of Samrong Tong, 75 km from Phnom Penh; holotype:
Horalabiosa Silas, 1954: 28 (type species: Horalabiosa MGHNL 42000002 [formerly 3465], Kottelat, 1987c:
joshuai Silas, 1954: 30, by original designation). Gen- 10, fig. 3a)
der feminine. Garra taeniata Smith, 1931a: 19, pl. 1 (type locality: Thai-
land: Nakhon Sritamarat Province: Tadi stream in Ban
Garra abhoyai Hora, 1921 Kiriwong; holotype: USNM 90300)
Garra abhoyai Hora, 1921a: 167 (nomen nudum; locality: Garra spinosa Fowler, 1934a: 138, figs. 104–106 (type lo-
India: Manipur: southern watershed of Naga Hills) cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Metang River
Garra abhoyai Hora, 1921b: 664, pl. 26 fig. 1 (type locali- [Nam Mae Taeng], 35 miles north of Chiang Mai; holo-
ty: India: Assam [Manipur]: Ukhral [Ukhrul], Naga Hills; type: ANSP 57306, Böhlke, 1984: 91)
holotype: ZSI F 5307/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 111) Garra taeniatops Fowler, 1935a: 129, figs. 75–77 (type lo-
Taxonomic notes. Specimens from the Chindwin drainage cality: Thailand: Khao Nam Poo; holotype: ANSP 61692,
earlier identified as Garra rupicola (M'Clelland, 1839) are Böhlke, 1984: 92)
G. abhoyai (see Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, 2008: 101). Garra parvifilum Fowler, 1939b: 73, figs. 21–22 (type lo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
cality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP apposition, and the original spelling is to be retained (Code
68507, Böhlke, 1984: 86) art. 31.2.1).
? Discogobio dienbieni Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
2001: 564, fig. 291 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Garra fuliginosa Fowler, 1934
Province: Nam Rom River in Dien Bien Phu city Garra fuliginosa Fowler, 1934a: 139, figs. 108–111 (type
[Mekong drainage]; holotype: NCNTTSI H. locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Metang River
[Nam Mae Taeng], 35 miles north of Chiang Mai; holo-
Garra compressa Kosygin & Vishwanath, 1998 type: ANSP 58006, Böhlke, 1984: 77)
Garra compressus Kosygin & Vishwanath, 1998: 45, figs. Discolabeo fisheri Fowler, 1937: 211, figs. 177–178 (type
1–2 (type locality: India: Manipur: Wanze stream at locality: Thailand: Tachin [Tha Chin, Samut Sakhon;
Khamson, 25°12'N 94°32'E [Irrawaddy drainage]; ho- 13°32'22"N 100°15'20"E]; holotype: ANSP 68219,
lotype: MUMF 2316) Böhlke, 1984: 76, Zhang, 2005b: 11, fig. 2b)
locality: Vietnam: Hagiang, Son Pak Xun, tributary of M'Clelland, 1842a: 587, pl. 18 fig. 2 (type locality: In-
Rivière Claire [Song Lo]; holotype: MNHN 1935-0328, dia: Assam: Kasyah mountains [Khasi Hills]; types: LU)
Kottelat, 2001a: 25) Lissorhynchus mcclellandi Bleeker, 1860j: 85 (unnecessary
Garra obturostris Mai, 1978: 55, fig. 22 (type locality: north- replacement name for Platycara lissorhynchus
ern Vietnam: fast flowing streams; holotype: DVZUT) M'Clelland & Griffith, in M'Clelland, 1842a: 587)
Discognathus macrochir Günther, 1868a: 70 (type locality:
Garra gravelyi (Annandale, 1919) India: Assam; syntypes: BMNH uncat. [1], 1860.3.19.96
Discognathus gravelyi Annandale, 1919: 133, pl. 2 figs. 3– [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
3a (type locality: Burma: Southern Shan States: Yawng- Mayoa modesta Day, 1870b: 553 (type locality: "Northern
he State: stream at He-Ho; holotype: ZSI F 9694/1, Me- India"; syntypes [2]: among ZSI 1426 [1], A.710a [1,
non & Yazdani, 1968: 109) lost], ? AMS uncat. [1, lost], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976:
156, Ferraris et al., 2000: 299)
Garra hainanensis Chen & Zheng, in Zheng & Chen,
1983 Garra litanensis Vishwanath, 1993
Garra pingi hainanensis Chen & Zheng, in Zheng & Chen, Garra litanensis Vishwanath, 1993: 62, fig. 1 (type locali-
1983: 74, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Hainan; syntypes ty: India: Manipur: Litan stream (a tributary of Imphal
[total 20]: JNH 76V9079, 9080, 9083, 9087, 9092, IHB River) at Litan; holotype: MUMF F 68/1)
76V9059–9061, 9065–9067, 9069, 9071–9076, 9090,
9242) Garra manipurensis Vishwanath & Sarojnalini, 1988
Garra manipurensis Vishwanath & Sarojnalini, 1988: 124,
Garra imberba Garman, 1912 fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Manipur River at
Garra imberba Garman, 1912: 114 (type locality: China: Sherou, 24°18'N 93°54'E [in fact, probably from Brah-
western Sichuan: Kiating [Loshan], Min River; holotype: maputra drainage; Nebeshwar et al., 2009: 201]; holo-
MCZ 29835; not a secondary junior homonym of Dis- type: Manipur University F-130 [MUMF 67/1 in Vish-
cognathus imberbus Vinciguerra, 1890: 277) wanath, 1993: 61])
Discognathus Pingi Tchang, 1929: 241, fig. 3 (type locali-
ty: China: Sichuan: Katin; syntypes: MNHN 1934-0030 Garra micropulvinus Zhou, Pan & Kottelat, 2005
[1], SSCN, Kottelat, 1998a: 33, Fang, 1943: 401; also in Garra micropulvinus Zhou, Pan & Kottelat, 2005: 451, fig. 7
Tchang, 1930a: 77, pl. 1 fig. 4, 1931a: 77, pl. 1 fig. 4) (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xichou County: Gaji
Garra alticorpora Chu & Cui, 1987: 96, fig. 3 (type locali- (23°09.216'N 104°27.383'E), from Panlonghe (a small
ty: China: Yunnan: Pingbian County, 22°58'N 103°40'E tributary of Yuanjiang [Red River]); holotype: SWFC
[Red River drainage]; holotype: KIZ 8540265) 0111011)
Nomenclatural notes. Contrary to comments by Koller
(1926c: 130) and later authors, Garra imberba Garman, Garra mirofrontis Chu & Cui, 1987
1912, is not a junior homonym of Garra imberbis (Vin- Garra mirofrontis Chu & Cui, 1987: 97, fig. 4 (type locali-
ciguerra, 1890). Imberba is feminine of the Latin adjective ty: China: Yunnan: Menglun, 21°58'N 101°20'E [Mekong
imberbus (neuter imberbum) and imberbis the Latin adjec- drainage]; holotype: KIZ 7890585)
tive imberbis (feminine imberbis, neuter imberbe). The two
names differ by at least one letter and are available (Code Garra naganensis Hora, 1921
art. 57.6) (Kottelat, 1998a: 33). Garra naganensis Hora, 1921b: 667, pl. 25 fig. 2 (type lo-
cality: India: Manipur: Senapati stream, near Kairong,
Garra imberbis (Vinciguerra, 1890) Naga Hills; holotype: ZSI F 9970/1)
Discognathus imberbis Vinciguerra, 1890: 277, pl. 9 fig. 7
(type locality: Burma: "Carin country": Taò [Salween Garra nambulica Vishwanath & Joyshree, 2005
drainage; map in Fea, 1896: pl. 3]; syntypes [11]: Garra nambulica Vishwanath & Joyshree, 2005: 1832, figs.
MCSNG 17355 [3], BMNH 1893.2.16.29 [1], Tortonese, on web supplement (type locality: India: Manipur: Singda
1961: 186, Eschmeyer, 2010) village, Ireng Lok, a tributary of Nambul River, Chind-
win drainage; holotype: MUMF 8003)
Garra kempi Hora, 1921
Garra kempi Hora, 1921b: 665, pl. 26 fig. 3 (type locality: Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012
India: Assam: Abor Hills, Siyom River below Damda; Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012a: 1,
holotype: ZSI F 7716/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 110) fig. 1 (not available; does not satisfy criteria of Code art.
? Garra tirapensis Datta & Barman, 1984: 283, fig. 1 (type 8.6 for works not printed on paper)
locality: India: Arunachal Pradesh: Tirap District: Nam- Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012b: 10,
dapha Wildlife Sanctuary: Hornbill Camp, 30 km north- fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Ukhrul district:
east of Miao; holotype: ZSI FF 1700) Chindwin drainage, Namya River, close to Indo-Myan-
mar border, 24°52'N 94°39'E; holotype: MUMF 12042)
Garra lissorhynchus (M'Clelland & Griffith, in
M'Clelland, 1842) Garra nasuta (M'Clelland, 1838)
Platycara lissorhynchus M'Clelland & Griffith, in Platycara nasuta McClelland, 1838: 947, pl. 55 figs. 2–2b
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(type locality: India: Assam: Kasya mountains [Khasi Garra qiaojiensis Wu & Yao, in Wu, 1977
Hills]; types: LU) Garra qiaojiensis Wu & Yao, in Wu, 1977: 381, pl. 7-96
Gonorhynchus caudatus M'Clelland, 1839: 375 (type local- (type locality: China: Yunnan: Qiaojie; holotype: IHB
ity: India: Assam: Mishmee mountains; types: LU) 60542)
Garra arabica Hora, 1921b: 677, fig. 5 (type locality: Ye-
men: Lahej near Aden [erroneous, see Menon, 1964: 240, Garra rakhinica Kullander & Fang, 2004
Krupp 1983: 616]; holotype: ZSI F8123/1, Menon & Garra rakhinica Kullander & Fang, 2004: 267, fig. 9 (type
Yazdani, 1968: 109) locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Taunggok, Thade
Taxonomic notes. Garra orientalis is often treated as a jun- River drainage: Yan Khaw Chaung, about 4 km on log-
ior synonym but variability observed within the range of ging road from Gwetauk village, 23 km on road Taung-
G. "nasuta" indicates that several species are involved. Kot- gok-Pyay, 18°47'48"N 94°21'46"E; holotype: NRM
telat (2001a: 24) considered that, on the basis on the avail- 49510)
able data, G. orientalis is restricted to East Asia. Red River
populations belong to G. bourreti (Pellegrin, 1928: 340). Garra rhynchota Koller, 1926
[Garra orientalis Nichols, 1925f: 4 (type locality: China: Fukien [Fujian]: Garra rhynchota Koller, 1926a: 121 (type locality: China:
near Yenping [Yanping]; holotype: AMNH 8437)]. Hainan: river on Mt. Wu-tschi; holotype: NMW?; also
in Koller, 1927: 32, fig. 2 [as Garra lamta forma rhyn-
Garra nigricollis Kullander & Fang, 2004 chota])
Garra nigricollis Kullander & Fang, 2004: 273, fig. 12 (type Garra schismatorhyncha Nichols & Pope, 1927: 358, fig. 25
locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Taunggok, Taunggok (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
market, 18°51'00"N 94°13'59"E; holotype: NRM 49507) 8373)
Garra notata (Blyth, 1860) Garra rotundinasus Zhang, 2006
Platycara notata Blyth, 1860b: 161 (type locality: Burma: Garra rotundinasus Zhang, 2006: 448, fig. 1 (type locality:
Tenasserim; syntypes: ZSI [3], Hora, 1921b: 670) China: Yunnan: Daying Jiang in Tengchong (Houqiao),
Yiluowadi (Irrawaddy) drainage; holotype: IHB
Garra nujiangensis Chen, Zhao & Yang, 2009 90IV1162)
Garra nujiangensis Chen, Zhao & Yang, 2009: 439, fig. 1
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Zhenkang County: Feng- Garra salweenica Hora & Mukerji, 1934
wei town, Dachahe River, 23°57.824'N 98°54.337'E; Garra salweenica Hora & Mukerji, 1934b: 365, figs. 4–5
holotype: KIZ 200304184) (type locality: Burma: Kengtung State: Salween at
Takaw; holotype: ZSI F 11602/1)
Garra paralissorhynchus Vishwanath & Shanta Devi,
2005 Garra spilota Kullander & Fang, 2004
Garra paralissorhynchus Vishwanath & Shanta Devi, 2005: Garra spilota Kullander & Fang, 2004: 266, fig. 7 (type
86, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Churachandpur locality: Myanmar: Ayeyarwaddy Division: Irrawaddy
District: Khuga River; holotype: MUMF 5054; com- drainage, Naung Pin Thar Chaung, a small stream at log-
pound noun, indeclinable [not adjective because it did ging road about 1 km from Ngathaingchaung-Gwa road,
not agree in gender in original description]) 17°31'44"N 94°48'46"E; holotype: NRM 49505)
Garra poecilura Kullander & Fang, 2004 Garra tengchongensis Zhang & Chen, 2000
Garra poecilura Kullander & Fang, 2004: 271, fig. 11 (type Garra tengchongensis Zhang & Chen, 2000: 460, fig. 1 (type
locality: Myanmar: Ayeyarwaddy Division: Irrawaddy locality: China: Yunnan: Daying Jiang [Upper Irrawad-
drainage, Naung Pin Thar Chaung, a small stream at log- dy drainage] in Tengchong County; holotype: IHB
ging road about 1 km from Ngathaingchaung-Gwa road, 92IV0242)
17°31'44"N 94°48'46"E; holotype: NRM 49506)
Garra theunensis Kottelat, 1998
Garra poilanei Petit & Tchang, 1933 Garra theunensis Kottelat, 1998a: 29, fig. 37 (type locality:
Garra Poilanei Petit & Tchang, 1933: 189 (type locality: Laos: Upper Nam Theun at 18°04'09"N 105°29'44"E;
Vietnam: Annam: Thanh Hoa Province: Lung Vân, vil- holotype: ZRC 41780)
lage "one long day walk north of La Han", 1000 masl;
syntypes: MNHN 1942-0051 [2], Kottelat, 1998a: 34) Garra vittatula Kullander & Fang, 2004
Garra vittatula Kullander & Fang, 2004: 263, fig. 5 (type
Garra propulvinus Kullander & Fang, 2004 locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Taunggok, Thade
Garra propulvinus Kullander & Fang, 2004: 259, fig. 1 (type River drainage, Yan Khaw Chaung, about 4 km on log-
locality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Thandwe, Kamyit ging road from Gwetauk village, 23 km on road Taung-
Chaung near Paukdu village, 18°15'57"N 94°30'03"E; gok-Pyay, 18°47'48"N 94°21'46"E; holotype: NRM
holotype: NRM 49509) 49508)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
by Bleeker, 1863e: 197). Gender masculine. neous subjective synonym of T. melanotaenia Fowler,
Mrigala Bleeker, 1859l: 259 (type species: Cirrhina benga- 1935a: 122 by Kottelat, 2001c: 59, who gave precedence
lensis Bleeker, 1853o: 136, by monotypy; also in Blee- to T. melanotaenia)
ker, 1860c: 427, without included species). Gender fem-
inine [Code art. 30.2.4]. Gymnostomus horai (Banarescu, 1986)
Cirrhinichthys Bleeker, 1863e: 202 (type species: Cirrhina Crossocheilus horai Banarescu, 1986: 153, fig. 11 (type lo-
dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, cality: Burma: Shan States: Inlé Lake, Salween drain-
1842: 291, by original designation; also in Bleeker, 1863l: age; holotype: USNM 191451; a junior secondary hom-
263, 1863m: 28). Gender masculine. onym of Cirrhinus horai Lakshmanan, 1966: 59 when
Henicorhynchus Smith, 1945: 256 (type species: Henico- transferred in Cirrhinus by Roberts, 1997b: 191 [see
rhynchus lobatus Smith, 1945: 257, by original desig- Kottelat, 2003b: 400]; reinstated under Code art. 59.4)
nation). Gender masculine. Cirrhinus lu Roberts, 1997b: 191 (replacement name for
Taxonomic notes. Species level synonymies partly follow Crossocheilus horai Banarescu, 1986: 153)
Roberts (1997b). Gymnostomus ariza belongs to a subgroup
of Cirrhinus species characterized by a short dorsal fin by Gymnostomus inornatus (Roberts, 1997)
Roberts (1997b) and recognized as constituting the genus Cirrhinus inornatus Roberts, 1997b: 187, fig. 5 (type local-
Henicorhynchus or the subgenus Cirrhinus (Henicorhyn- ity: Myanmar: Mandalay market; holotype: CAS 91772)
chus) by other authors (e.g. Banarescu, 1983, Kottelat, 1989, Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: 48) consider this
2001c). Rainboth et al. (2012: 48, pl. 24) considered Heni- species to be a member of Cirrhinus.
corhynchus to be a distinct genus, including H. caudigutta-
tus, H. caudimaculatus, H. cryptopogon, H. lobatus, H. or- Gymnostomus lineatus (Smith, 1945)
natipinnis and H. siamensis. They considered only the spe- Cirrhinus lineatus Smith, 1945: 163, fig. 25 (type locality:
cies recorded from the Mekong drainage. Thailand: Lam Ton Lang, a tributary of Menam Sak [Mae
Nomenclatural notes. Generic nomenclature discussed by Nam Pa Sak; Ban Lam Thong Lang, village northwest
Kottelat (2003: 400). Roberts (1997b: 172) commented that of Pakjong; Smith, 1945: 21]; holotype: USNM 107960)
even if recognised valid, Henicorhynchus would be a junior
synonym of Cirrhinichthys). But, as Cirrhina bengalensis Gymnostomus lobatus (Smith, 1945)
(type species as Mrigala) and C. dussumieri (type species Henicorhynchus lobatus Smith, 1945: 257, fig. 49 (type lo-
of Cirrhinichthys) are treated as synonyms of Cyprinus ari- cality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Mekok River near
za (type species of Gymnostomus) by Roberts, this makes Chiang Rai; holotype: USNM 119490)
Gymnostomus the valid name of this genus. The Indian Taxonomic notes. A molecular study by Hurwood et al.
C. reba, commonly treated as a valid species of Cirrhinus (2007) showed the existence of three distinct lineages among
(e.g. Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 173) is a junior synonym of populations identified as G. lobatus, potentially suggesting
G. ariza (Roberts, 1997b: 183). the existence of three species (Chao Phraya, Mun and rest
[Cyprinus ariza Buchanan, 1807: 344, pl. 31 (type locality: India: "a small of Mekong). They did not provide any information allow-
clear stream called the Vedawati" [a tributary of the Tungabara River, ing to confirm the identification of the material used and
Kishna drainage; Roberts, 1997b: 183]; types: NT; plate reproduced
in Roberts, 1997b: 180, fig. 3)]. therefore their results cannot be used to reach taxonomic
[Cyprinus reba Hamilton, 1822: 280, 386 (type locality: India: "ponds conclusions.
and rivers of Bengal and Behar, particularly in their northern parts";
types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, Gymnostomus ornatipinnis (Roberts, 1997)
1839: pl. 58 fig. 1)].
[Cirrhina Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 291, Cirrhinus ornatipinnis Roberts, 1997b: 195, fig. 13 (type
pl. 480 (type locality: India: Mysore; types: MNHN)]. locality: Thailand: roadside ditch on highway 24 at km
150 marker, 179 km by road east of Nakorn Ratchasi-
Gymnostomus caudimaculatus (Fowler, 1934) ma; holotype: CAS 91756)
Tylognathus caudimaculatus Fowler, 1934a: 133, figs. 89– ? Cirrhinus soi Roberts, 1997b: 199 (nomen nudum)
90 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP
58332, Böhlke, 1984: 72) Gymnostomus siamensis (Sauvage, 1881)
Crossocheilus caudiguttatus Fowler, 1934a: 137, fig. 103 Morara siamensis Bleeker, 1864g: 35 (nomen nudum);
(type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 1864j: 175 (nomen nudum)
58442 [not 58452], Böhlke, 1984: 72; simultaneous sub- Morara siamensis Sauvage, 1881a: 187, pl. 6 fig. 2 [misla-
jective synonym of Tylognathus caudimaculatus Fow- belled Cirrhina jullieni] (type locality: Thailand: Bangkok;
ler, 1934a: 133, first reviser [Roberts, 1997b: 186] gave syntypes: MNHN 1839 [4], Roberts, 1997b: 196)
precedence to T. caudimaculatus) Tylognathus siamensis de Beaufort, 1927: 5 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 24) consider Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Payao swamp; holotype:
G. caudiguttatus to be distinct species. ZMA 112.583, Nijssen et al., 1993: 216; potential junior
subjective homonym of Morara siamensis Sauvage,
Gymnostomus cryptopogon (Fowler, 1935) 1881a: 187 if considered to be valid)
Tylognathus cryptopogon Fowler, 1935a: 125, figs. 69–70 Tylognathus brunneus Fowler, 1934a: 131, figs. 87–88 (type
(type locality: Thailand: Khao Nam Poo; holotype: ANSP locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 58369,
61273, Böhlke, 1984: 74; considered to be a simulta- Böhlke, 1984: 70)
Tylognathus entmema Fowler, 1934a: 134, figs. 101–102 [about 0°15'N 115°30'E], Bo and Kajan Rivers; synty-
(type locality: Thailand: Bangkok: Silom canal; holo- pes: RMNH 7613 [3], 7614 [4], 7615 [3]; also in Popta,
type: ANSP 59092, Böhlke, 1984: 75) 1906: 147, pl. 8 fig. 32)
Cirrhinus marginipinnis Fowler, 1937: 173, figs. 108–109
(type locality: Thailand: Pitsanulok; holotype: ANSP Hampala dispar Smith, 1934
68069, Böhlke, 1984: 82) Hampala dispar Smith, 1934: 309, pl. 11 (type locality:
Cirrhina sauvagei Fang, 1942b: 168 (type locality: Mekong Thailand: Menam Mun at Ubon; holotype: USNM
[in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos]; syntypes: MNHN 8598 103366, Eschmeyer, 2010)
[1], B.2961 [7], Roberts, 1997b: 196)
Crossocheilus thai Fowler, 1944c: 49, 1 fig. (type locality: Hampala lopezi Herre, 1924
Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 71336, Böhlke, Hampala lopezi Herre, 1924b: 275 (type locality: Philip-
1984: 93) pines: Busuanga: creek at Langbuan; holotype: BSM
Taxonomic notes. A molecular study by Adamson et al. 9186, lost)
(2009) showed the existence of four distinct stocks in pop-
ulations identified as G. siamensis in the Mekong drainage Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1823
(lower Mekong, Middle Mekong, Nong Khai and Bokeo). Hampala Macrolepidota Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Has-
The stock in Nong Khai is apparently similar to that in Mae selt, 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (type
Khlong (and expectedly the Chao Phraya). They did not locality: Indonesia: Java: near Buitenzorg [Bogor]; syn-
provide information allowing to confirm the identification types: part of RMNH 2517 [1], 2518 [1], 1798 [1], 1799
of the material used and therefore their results cannot be [1], 383 [1], 388 [1], 16411 [1], MNHN 89 [1], Bertin &
used to reach taxonomic conclusions. Estève, 1948: 48, Roberts, 1993b: 16, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Barbus hampal Günther, 1868a: 139 (unnecessary replace-
ment name for Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & van
Hainania Koller, 1927 Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: 132)
Hainania Koller, 1927: 45 (type species: Hainania serrata Heterolenciscus Jullieni Sauvage, 1874: 339 (type locality:
Koller, 1927: 45, by monotypy; also spelt Heinania, first Vietnam: Cochinchine; lectotype: MNHN 8592, desig-
reviser [Myers, 1931: 256] retained Hainania as correct nated by Kottelat, 1984a: 802)
original spelling). Gender feminine. Barbus hampal var. bifasciata Popta, 1905a: 173 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Bo River; holotype: RMNH
Hainania serrata Koller, 1927 7612; also in Popta, 1906: 147, pl. 8 fig. 31)
Hainania serrata Koller, 1927: 45, fig. 5 (type locality: Nomenclatural notes. Contrary to Roberts' (1993: 16) in-
China: Hainan: Kang-Kong River; lectotype: NMW terpretation, Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & van Hasselt,
10420, designated by Banarescu, 1968a: 527, pl. 2 fig. 8) in van Hasselt (1823c: 132) is not a nomen nudum because
Hemiculter serracanthus Nichols & Pope, 1927: 373, fig. van Hasselt provides a (very brief) description ("comes near-
37 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: est to Leuciscus Cuv. but differs in having 2 filaments at
AMNH 8380) each corner of the mouth") (see Kottelat, 1987a: 370). All
the specimens collected by Kuhl and van Hasselt and listed
by Roberts are syntypes.
Hampala Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1823
Hampala Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 Hampala sabana Inger & Chin, 1962
[translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (type species: Hampa- Hampala macrolepidota sabana Inger & Chin, 1962: 81,
la macrolepidota Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, fig. 36 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: tribu-
1823c: 132, by monotypy). Gender feminine. tary of Kinabatangan River near Deramakot; holotype:
Heterolenciscus Sauvage, 1874: 339 (type species: Hetero- FMNH 68218)
lenciscus jullieni Sauvage, 1874: 339, by monotypy; the
mention "du groupe des Leuciscus" in the original de- Hampala salweenensis Doi & Taki, 1994
scription suggests that Heterolenciscus is an inadvertent Hampala salweenensis Doi & Taki, 1994: 405, figs. 1–2
error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]; (type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Mae
Leuciscus is used once and Heterolenciscus twice, but Surin River, a tributary of Mae Pai, at Ban Huei Phan;
in a capitalized font, which suggest that the error might holotype: NSMT-P 35838)
be a copyist's error). Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies partly follow Yue (1995) 1842: 195, when placed in Barbus by Günther, 1889a:
and Chen (1998a: 237). 224; these taxa are no longer considered congeneric and
the substitute name [Barbus semibarbus Günther, 1889a:
*Hemibarbus labeo (Pallas, 1776) 224] is not in use, so Hemibarbus maculatus is not re-
Cyprinus labeo Pallas, 1776a: 207 (nomen nudum) jected; Code art. 59.3)
Cyprinus labeo Pallas, 1776b: 703 (type locality: Russia: Barbus semibarbus Günther, 1889a: 224 (replacement name
Onon, "streams flowing through Dauria and draining to for Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker, 1871b: 19, rejected
the Amur" [p.207] / Dauria is mentioned p. 703 as "Rus- under Code art. 59.3)
sis in Dauria kon (Equus)"[called kon (horse) by the Hemibarbus joiteni Jordan & Starks, 1904: 241, pl. 64 (type
Russians of Dauria]; types: none; also in Pallas, 1778: locality: China: Pei Ho at Tientsin [Tianjin]; syntypes
appendix, p. 14) [4]: CAS-SU 8414 [1], USNM 51467 [1], 51468 [1],
Gobio barbus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 198, pl. 99 fig. 1 Böhlke, 1953: 32, Eschmeyer, 2010)
(type locality: Japan: Nagasaki; lectotype: RMNH Acanthogobio paltschevskii Nikolski, 1904: 356 (type lo-
D.1737, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 156; junior sec- cality: Russia: Lake Chanka at mouth of Santacheza Riv-
ondary homonym of Cyprinus barbus Linnaeus, 1758: er; holotype: ZISP 11720 [Banarescu & Nalbant, 1973:
320, when placed in Barbus by Günther, 1868a: 135) 194 listed type locality as Ussuri River and holotype as
? Barbus abramoides Brandt, in Maak, 1861: 196 (nomen ZISP 12720, which is in disagreement with original de-
nudum; locality: Russia, Ussuri) scription])
Barbus schlegelii Günther, 1868a: 135 (replacement name ? Hemibarbus longibarbis Fang, 1938b: 269 (type locality:
for Gobio barbus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 198; China: Kiangsi: Sau-hsui; holotype: NRIBAS)
"syntypes" listed and figured by Ho & Shao (2011: 25, Distribution notes. Records of H. maculatus from Vietnam
fig. 1) have no type status) and Laos are either mididentified material of other species,
Acanthogobio oxyrhynchus Nikolski, 1904: 358 (type local- or introduced stocks.
ity: Russia: Lake Chanka at mouth of Santacheza River;
holotype: ZISP 12721, Banarescu & Nalbant, 1973: 19) Hemibarbus medius Yue, 1995
Pseudogobio chaoi Evermann & Shaw, 1927: 106 (type lo- Hemibarbus longianalis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 14
cality: China: Nanking; holotype: CAS 501, Banarescu (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Muong Lay
& Nalbant, 1973: 191) District: Nam Lay stream [at Muong Tung village]; lec-
Hemibarbus longianalis Kimura, 1934: 123, pl. 4 fig. 1 (type totype: NCNTTSI "132", designated by Roberts & Cat-
locality: China: Sichuan: Suining and Howchwan; holo- ania, 2007: 93 [possibly NCNTTSI H., er-
type: BDSSI 180) roneously listed as holotype of replacement name
Distribution notes. Records of H. labeo from Vietnam and Hemibarbus lehoai Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Laos seem to be mididentified or introduced stocks. 2001: 201]; spelt longicenalis p. 14, first reviser [Kotte-
Nomenclatural notes. Barbus schlegelii Günther, 1868 was lat, 2001b: 121] retained longianalis as correct original
not a new species but a new replacement name for Gobio spelling; junior primary homonym of Hemibarbus lon-
barbus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846. This is clear from the gianalis Kimura, 1943: 123; original figure first pub-
synonymy and discussion. Günther placed the species in the lished in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 202, fig. 92 [as
genus Barbus, where it would have been a secondary junior H. lehoai], again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 83, fig. 16;
homonym of Barbus barbus (Linnaeus, 1758: 320), and translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 71)
therefore renamed it B. schlegelii. Hemibarbus medius Yue, 1995: 117, fig. 1 (type locality:
[Cyprinus Barbus Linnaeus, 1758: 320 (based on Artedi [1738: gen. [spec.] China: Hainan: Haikou, Jinjiang, Qionghai, "Fivefingers
4, syn. 8, Cyprinus maxilla superiore longiore ...], Gronovius [1754: Moutain"; syntypes: IHB 60.2.023–24, 64, 66, 358, 362,
5, n. 20. idem; 1756: 3, n. 20, idem] and on data from the then unpub-
lished Linnaeus, 1764: 107 [from Spain]; type locality: Netherlands: 366, 368, 517–519, 573 [12])
river Ijssel at Deventer, Netherlands [original locality: "in Europa Hemibarbus lehoai Nguyen [V. H.], in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
australis"]; lectotype: BMNH 1853.11.12:144 [Gronovius's specimen], 2001: 201, fig. 92 (replacement name for Hemibarbus
designated by Kottelat, 1997: 48; see also Wheeler, 1958: 212, Fern- longianalis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 14; material
holm & Wheeler, 1983: 217)].
listed as holotype and paratypes in fact are syntypes as
no holotype was designated in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan,
Hemibarbus macracanthus Luo, Le & Chen, in Wu, 1977 1969: 14; spelt llehoai p. 201, an inadvertent error)
Hemibarbus macracanthus Luo, Yue & Chen, in Wu, 1977:
448, pl. 9-3 (type locality: China: Guangxi: Guiping, Pai- Hemibarbus songloensis Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001
se and Lungzhou; syntypes: IHB 58-7-705 [1], 58-7-760 Hemibarbus songloensis Nguyen [V. H.], in Nguyen [V. H.]
[1], 58-7-761 [1], 58-7-999 [1], 011 [1]) & Ngo, 2001: 194, fig. 88 (Vietnam: Ha Giang Prov-
ince: Song Lo at Ha Giang; holotype: NCNTTSI
*Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker, 1871 H.
Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker, 1871b: 19, pl. 4 fig. 3 (type
locality: China: Yangtze River; syntypes: MNHN 5030 ? Hemibarbus umbrifer (Lin, 1931)
[1], 5031 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 88, Banarescu & Paraleucogobio umbrifer Lin, 1931: 86 (type locality: Chi-
Nalbant, 1973: 194; junior secondary homonym of Bar- na: Xijang basin [Guangxi: Yaoshan; Lin, 1934d: 6];
bus maculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, syntypes [5]: BLG 2826)
Taxonomic notes. Tentative identification of material from ly junior objective synonym of Hemiculter kneri War-
Nam Kading (Laos) basin (Kottelat, 2001a: 27, 2003 unpubl.). pachowski, 1888: 17)
? Parapelecus eigenmanni Jordan & Metz, 1913: 21, pl. 3
Hemibarbus thacmoensis Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001 fig. 1 (type locality: Korea: Suigen, south of Seoul; ho-
Hemibarbus thacmoensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, lotype: FMNH 55802 [CM 4565], Banarescu, 1971a: 11)
2001: 197, fig. 90 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang [treated as valid species by Kim & Lee, 1986: 13, Kim,
Province: Na Hang, Thac Mo [Mo waterfall]; holotype: 1997: 279]
NCNTTSI H. Cultriculus akoensis Oshima, 1920: 132, pl. 3 fig. 4 (type
locality: Taiwan: Ako [Pingtung]; holotype: ANSP
49953, Böhlke, 1984: 68)
Hemiculter Bleeker, 1860 Hemicultur [sic] clupeoides Nichols, 1925e: 7 (type locali-
Hemiculter Bleeker, 1860c: 432 (type species: Culter leu- ty: China: Hunan: Tungting Lake; holotype: AMNH
cisculus Basilewsky, 1855: 238, by subsequent monoty- 8433, Banarescu, 1971a: 11)
py in Bleeker, 1860j: 282, 401). Gender masculine. Kendallia goldsboroughi Evermann & Shaw, 1927: 108
Cultriculus Oshima, 1919: 252 (type species: Hemiculter (type locality: China: Hangchow; holotype: CAS 503)
kneri Kreyenberg & Pappenheim, 1908: 105, by origi- Taxonomic notes. Several species are probably confused
nal designation). Gender masculine. under this name.
Kendallia Evermann & Shaw, 1927: 108 (type species: Ken-
dallia goldsboroughi Evermann & Shaw, 1927: 108, by
original designation). Gender feminine. Hemiculterella Warpachowsky, 1888
Siniichthys Banarescu, 1970b: 161 (type species: Siniich- Hemiculterella Warpachowsky, 1888: 23 (type species:
thys brevirostris Banarescu, 1970b: 161, by original des- Hemiculterella sauvagei Warpachowsky, 1888: 23, by
ignation). Gender masculine. monotypy). Gender feminine.
Semiculter Chu, 1935: 4 (type species: Nicholsiculter
Species inquirenda et incertae sedis rendahli Wu, 1930a: 74, by original designation). Gen-
Hemiculter songhongensis Nguyen & Nguyen, in Ngu- der masculine.
yen & Ngo, 2001
Hemiculter songhongensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [V. Hemiculterella macrolepis Chen, in Chu & Chen, 1989
N.], in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 135, fig. 61 (type Hemiculterella macrolepis Chen, in Chu & Chen, 1989: 75,
locality: Vietnam: Song Hong [Red River] in Hanoi; fig. 70 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna:
holotype: NCNTTSI H. Mengla County; holotype: KIZ 745094)
Taxonomic notes. Generic position uncertain. Has affini-
Hemiculter krempfi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1938 ties with species of Anabarilius. If transferred to Anabari-
Hemiculter Krempfi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1938: 18 (type lius, becomes a junior secondary homonym of Anabarilius
locality: Vietnam: Nhatrang; lectotype: MNHN 1937- macrolepis Yih & Wu, in Wu, 1964: 75.
0056, designated by Banarescu, 1968a: 525, pl. 1 fig. 3) [Anabarilius macrolepis Yih & Wu, in Wu, 1964: 75, pl. 2–9 (type locali-
ty: China: Yunnan: Yi-Long lake; syntypes [18]: ? IHB)].
Hemiculter leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855)
Culter Leucisculus Basilewsky, 1855: 238 (type locality:
China: streams draining to Gulf of Tschili; syntypes: ZISP Hypophthalmichthys Bleeker, 1860
5272 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010) Cephalus Basilewsky, 1855: 235 (type species: Cephalus
Squaliobarbus annamiticus Tirant, 1883: 97 (type locality: mantschuricus Basilewsky, 1855: 235, by monotypy;
Vietnam: river of Hué; lectotype: MGHNL 42000041 [for- junior homonym of Cephalus Shaw, 1804b: 437 and
merly 3624], designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 17, fig. 11) Cephalus Bonaparte, 1845a: 396, both in Pisces). Gen-
Culter Balnei Sauvage, 1884a: 213, pl. 8 fig. 4 (type local- der masculine.
ity: Vietnam: vicinity of Hanoï; holotype: MNHN 1884- Hypopthalmichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 433 (type species: Leu-
0079, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 83, Banarescu, 1968a: 524, ciscus molitrix Valenciennes, 1844: 360, by subsequent
pl. 1 fig. 1) designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 201, 1863m: 28 [no spe-
Hemiculter Schrencki Warpachowski, in Warpachowski & cies originally included; next usage is by Bleeker, 1860j:
Herzenstein, 1887: 46, pl. fig. 4 (type locality: China: 283, 405 who included 3 species, plus 3 conditionally
Fu-Tschau [Fuchow]; holotype: ZISP 7032; also in War- included species not available for type species fixation,
pachowski, 1888: 18 [same data, but an additional spec- Code art. 67.2.5]). Gender masculine.
imen ZISP 7033]) Abramocephalus Steindachner, 1869b: 150 (type species:
Hemiculter kneri Warpachowski, 1888: 17 (based on Culter Abramocephalus microlepis Steindachner, 1869b: 150,
leucisculus of Kner, 1867: 362; type locality: China: by monotypy; also in Steindachner, 1870a: 302). Gen-
Shanghai; holotype: NMW) der masculine.
Hemiculter kneri Kreyenberg & Pappenheim, 1908: 105 Onychodon Dybowski, 1872: 211 (type species: Cephalus
(based in part on Culter leucisculus of Kner, 1867: 362; mantschuricus Basilewsky, 1855: 235, by monotypy;
type locality: China: Shanghai and Hankau; syntypes: junior homonym of Onychodon Agassiz, 1845b: 113 in
NMW ?, ZMB; junior primary homonym and potential- Coleoptera, which is an unjustified emendation of Oni-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
chodon Newman, 1838: 383; objective junior synonym if Reeves drawing is based on another specimen])
of Cephalus Basilewsky, 1855: 235). Gender masculine. ? Hypophthalmichthys simoni Bleeker, 1871b: 86 (not avail-
Aristichthys Oshima, 1919: 246 (type species: Leuciscus able, name listed in synonymy)
nobilis Richardson, 1845b: 140, by original designation). ? Hypophthalmichthys simoni Bleeker, 1878c: 311 (type
Gender masculine. locality: China: Yang-tse-kiang River; syntypes: MNHN
Taxonomic notes. Aristichthys is treated as a synonym of [2, 175–230 mm SL])
Hypophthalmichthys following Howes (1981). They defin-
itively are related but several researchers consider that they
are too dissimilar to be placed in the same genus. The syn- Hypsibarbus Rainboth, 1996
onym requires re-examination. Hypsibarbus Rainboth, 1996a: 20 (type species: Acrossoch-
eilus malcolmi Smith, 1945: 199, by original designa-
Hypophthalmichthys harmandi Sauvage, 1884 tion). Gender masculine.
Hypophthalmichthys Harmandi Sauvage, 1884a: 212, pl. 7
fig. 1 [not pl. 8] (type locality: Vietnam: vicinity of Ha- Hypsibarbus annamensis (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
noï; holotype: MNHN 1884-0075, Bertin & Estève, Barbus annamensis Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 225, fig. 3
1948: 76) (type locality: Vietnam: Annam: Quang Tri: Hang Gi-
ang; holotype: MNHN 1935-0337, Bertin & Estève,
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & 1948: 41)
Valenciennes, 1844)
Leuciscus molitrix Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hypsibarbus birtwistlei (Herre, 1940)
1844: 360 (type locality: not stated [China ?]; holotype: Puntius birtwistlei Herre, 1940b: 32 (type locality: Malay-
specimen on which is based the drawing used by Valen- sia: Perak: Chenderoh Dam; lectotype: CAS-SU 14172,
ciennes) designated by Böhlke, 1953: 37)
Leuciscus hypophthalmus Richardson, 1845b: 139, pl. 63
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH Hypsibarbus huguenini (Bleeker, 1853)
uncat., Eschmeyer, 2010 [or syntypes if Reeves unpub- Barbus Huguenini Bleeker, 1853f: 294 (type locality: Indo-
lished drawing is based on a different specimen]) nesia: Sumatra: Ombiling River; holotype [179 mm TL]:
Cephalus Mantschuricus Basilewsky, 1855: 235, pl. 7 fig. 3 BMNH 1866.5.2.185, Rainboth, 1996a: 72)
(type locality: China: Beijing / Mandchuria / Mongolia;
syntypes: ? ZISP) Hypsibarbus lagleri Rainboth, 1996
Hypophthalmichthys Basilewskii Kner, 1867: 350 (unnec- Hypsibarbus lagleri Rainboth, 1996a: 73, fig. 18 (type lo-
essary replacement name for Cephalus mantschuricus cality: Thailand: Ubon Ratchathani Province: Huay Hin
Basilewsky, 1855: 235) Taek near mouth into Mun River; holotype: UMMZ
Abramocephalus microlepis Steindachner, 1869b: 150 (type 228293)
locality: China; holotype: NMW 46326, Eschmeyer,
2010; also in Steindachner, 1870a: 302) Hypsibarbus macrosquamatus (Mai, 1978)
? Hypophthalmichthys Dabryi Bleeker, 1871b: 84 (not avail- Lissochilus macrosquamatus Mai, 1978: 99, fig. 42 (type
able, name listed in synonymy) locality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT)
? Hypophthalmichthys Dabryi Bleeker, 1878c: 210 (type
locality: China: Yang-tse-kiang River; syntypes: MNHN Hypsibarbus malcolmi (Smith, 1945)
[2, 160–212 mm SL]) Acrossocheilus malcolmi Smith, 1945: 199, fig. 34 (type
Hypophtalmichthys Dybowskii Herzenstein, in Warpachows- locality: Thailand: Mae Ping River at Raheng; holotype:
ki & Herzenstein, 1887: 38, 56 (type locality: Russia: USNM 117748)
Amur River / Amur between Emoron [49°362 003 N
136°322 003 E] and Chilusa / ? China: Fuchow; synty- Hypsibarbus myitkyinae (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929)
pes: ZISP 5510 [1], 5576 [1, not 5575 as mentioned p. Barbus myitkyinae Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 198, pl. 9 figs.
39], ? 7043 [1; not 7103, Eschmeyer, 2010]) 2–2b (type locality: Burma: Kachin State: Myitkyina
Pseudolaubuca clupeoides Duncker, 1904: 183, pl. 1 figs. District: north end of Indawgyi Lake near Nyaugbin vil-
1–1a (type locality: Malaysia: Sungai Bungus near Kua- lage; holotype: ZSI F 10912/1, Rainboth, 1996a: 91)
la Lumpur [introduced]; holotype: Selangor Museum ? Puntius jayarami Vishwanath & Tombi, 1986: 129, figs. 1–
1184 [now BMNH 1905.5.6.1], Alfred, 1963e: 166, 2 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chakpi stream and Chak-
Eschmeyer, 2010) pikarong (24°18'N 93°95'E [sic]), 80 km south of Imphal,
Distribution notes. In area: coastal drainages of Guangxi. Chindwin drainage; holotype: MU/LSD F21)
Records of H. molitrix from Vietnam are either misidenti-
fied material of H. harmandi, or introduced stocks. Hypsibarbus oatesii (Boulenger, 1893)
Barbus Oatesii Boulenger, 1893: 201 (type locality: Bur-
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson, 1845) ma: Southern Shan States: Nampandet; syntypes: BMNH
Leuciscus nobilis Richardson, 1845b: 140, pl. 63 fig. 3 (type 1893.6.30.15–24 [10], ZSI F 3002/1 [1], FMNH 5708
locality: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH 1968.3.11.4, [2], Rainboth, 1996a: 97, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 15)
Whitehead, 1970a: 210, Eschmeyer, 2010 [or syntypes
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
sia: Java: Tjiliwong River in Batavia [Ciliwong in Jakar- 346, by subsequent monotypy in Bleeker, 1860j: 114,
ta] and Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; syntypes [2, 191). Gender masculine.
86–108 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.203 [1], SMNS 24572 ? Tambra Bleeker, 1860c: 430 (nomen nudum)
[1, probably lost], Roberts, 1989: 41, Fricke, 2005: 34) ? Tambra Bleeker, 1860j: 275, 311 (subgenus of Hypselo-
Amblyrhynchichthys altus Vaillant, 1893a: 59 (type locali- barbus Bleeker, 1860c: 430; type species: Cyprinus abra-
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas Riv- mioides Sykes, 1839a: 158, by monotypy). Gender fem-
er; holotype: MNHN 1891-0355 [1891-3955 in Banares- inine [Code art. 30.2.4].
cu, 1980b: 472, fig. 1]; also in Vaillant, 1893b: 84, pl. 2 fig. 1) Taxonomic notes. Jayaram & Das (2000) revised the Indi-
an species of Labeo but the systematics of most species
Labeo are still in need of critical re-examination. Several of
Kottelatia Liao, Kullander & Fang, 2010 the species listed below may belong to Bangana and the
Kottelatia Liao, Kullander & Fang, 2010: 159 (type spe- status of several synonyms must be re-examined (at least
cies: Rasbora brittani Axelrod, 1976: 94, by original Morulius and Rohita).
designation). Gender feminine. Cyprinus abramioides Sykes, 1839a (type species of
Taxonomic notes. See discussion under Rasbora. Tambra Bleeker, 1860j) has been listed as a synonym of
Gibelion catla (Hamilton, 1822) since Day (1877a). Sykes's
Kottelatia brittani (Axelrod, 1976) figure (1841: pl. 61 fig. 2) shows a fish with a small head
Rasbora brittani Axelrod, 1976: 94, figs. (type locality: and a Labeo-like mouth and seems to exclude a synonymy
Malaysia: Johore River at Segamat; holotype: USNM with G. catla.
214847) Nomenclatural notes. Fricke (2008: 17) commented that
Cyprinus niloticus Forskål, 1775, the type species of La-
beo, was not a new species described by Forskål but was
Labeo Cuvier, 1816 based on Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus, 1758. As Linnaeus'
Labeo Cuvier, 1816a: 194 (type species: Cyprinus niloticus species is mentioned nowhere, there is no basis for this state-
Forskål, 1775: xiii, 71, by subsequent designation by ment, and Forsskål's species is valid and the neotype desig-
Rüppell, 1835b: 17). Gender masculine. nation by Reid (1985) is valid.
Morulius Hamilton, 1822: 331, 391 (subgenus of Cyprinus [Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus, 1758: 322 (based on cyprinus rufescens of
Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus morala Hasselqvist, 1757: 393 and specimen[s]; type locality: Egypt: Nile;
syntypes: NRM 8045 [2; Kullander in NRM on-line catalogue])].
Hamilton, 1822: 331, by subsequent designation by Blee- [Cyprinus niloticus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 71 (type locality: Sudan: Nile at
ker, 1863e: 195, 1863m: 25; spelt Marulius on p. 391, Wadi Halfa, 21°55'N 31°20'E; neotype: BMNH 1907.12.2.1074, des-
probably an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original ignated by Reid, 1985: 63)].
spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]; otherwise first reviser [pos- [Cyprinus Abramioides Sykes, 1839a: 158 (type locality: India: Deccan;
types: BMNH ?; also in Sykes, 1839b: 55, 1841: 353, pl. 61 fig. 2)].
sibly Reid, 1985: 292] retained Morulius as correct orig-
inal spelling). Gender masculine. Species inquirenda
Diplocheilus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred, Rohita tincoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1961b: 85], 1824b: 375 (nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 1842: 269 (type locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN
371) 3866, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 16)
Deplocheilus van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 [translated in Alfred,
1961b: 86] (nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 371) Labeo angra (Hamilton, 1822)
Nandina Gray, 1831b: 8 (type species: Nandina hamiltonii Cyprinus angra Hamilton, 1822: 331, 391 (type locality:
Gray, 1831b: 8, by monotypy). Gender feminine. India: Brahmaputra River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub-
Abrostomus Smith, 1841: pl. 12 (type species: Abrostomus lished drawing reproduced in Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 86
umbratus Smith, 1841: pl. 12 fig. 1, by subsequent des- fig. 1 as Cyprinus hamiltonii [M'Clelland, 1839: 277])
ignation by Bleeker, 1863e: 193, 1863m: 25). Gender Cyprinus morala Hamilton, 1822: 331, 391, pl. 18 fig. 91
masculine. (type locality: India: Bengal; types: NT; Hamilton's un-
Rohita Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 242 published drawing reproduced in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1,
(type species: Cyprinus rohita Hamilton, 1822: 301, by pl. 93 fig. 2; spelt morula on pl. 18, apparently an inad-
absolute tautonymy). Gender feminine. vertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art.
Habrostomus Agassiz, 1846: 2, 489 (unjustified emendation of 32.5.1], otherwise first reviser [possibly Eschmeyer et
Abrostomus Smith, 1841: pl. 12). Gender masculine. al., 1998: 1120] retained morala as correct original spell-
Diplocheilos Bleeker, 1859l: 144, 259 (subgenus of Labeo ing; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus an-
Cuvier, 1816a: 194; type species: Labeo erythropterus gra Hamilton, 1822: 331, first reviser [Day, 1878a: 541]
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 354, by gave precedence to C. angra)
subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 194, 1863m: ? Cyprinus pausius Hamilton, 1822: 332, 392 (type locali-
25). Gender masculine. ty: India: Kosi River; types: NT; simultaneous subjec-
Chrysophekadion Bleeker, 1860c: 424 (unnecessary replace- tive synonym of Cyprinus angra Hamilton, 1822: 331,
ment name for Morulius Hamilton, 1822: 331). Gender first reviser [Day, 1878a: 541] gave precedence to C.
neuter. angra; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus
Rohitichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 424 (type species: Labeo sene- morala Hamilton, 1822: 331, first reviser [Günther,
galensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 1864a: 56] gave precedence to C. morala)
? Cyprinus musiha Hamilton, 1822: 333, 392 (type locality: Cirrhine micropogon Valenciennes, 1832b: 372, pl. 3 fig. 1
India: Ganges at Patna; types: NT; simultaneous subjec- (type locality: India: Bengal; holotype: possibly part of
tive synonym of Cyprinus angra Hamilton, 1822: 331, MNHN 3868 [5] [listed as syntypes by Bertin & Estève,
first reviser [Day, 1878a: 541] gave precedence to C. 1948: 15] [or syntype if figured specimen is not the one
angra; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus described in text])
morala Hamilton, 1822: 331, first reviser [Günther, Rohita Belangeri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1864a: 56] gave precedence to C. morala; simultaneous 1842: 255 (unnecessary replacement name for Cirrhine
subjective synonym of Cyprinus pausius Hamilton, 1822: micropogon Valenciennes, 1832b: 372)
332, as first reviser I give precedence to C. pausius) Rohita Reynauldi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Cyprinus Hamiltonii Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 86 fig. 1 (type 1842: 247, pl. 474 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River
locality: India: Brahmaputra River; holotype: specimen at Rangoon; syntypes: MNHN 3860 [3], 3862 [2], Ber-
on which figure is based [figure is unpublished drawing tin & Estève, 1948: 15; spelt reinauldi on p. xiv, an in-
of Cyprinus angra Hamilton, 1822: 331, see M'Clelland, advertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code
1839: 277]; objective junior synonym of Cyprinus an- art. 32.5.1])
gra Hamilton, 1822: 331) Labeo Reynauldi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1842: 351 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River at
Labeo barbatulus (Sauvage, 1878) Rangoon; holotype: MNHN 3384, Bertin & Estève,
Rohita barbatula Sauvage, 1878b: 239 (type locality: Cam- 1948: 17)
bodia: Mekong upstream of Pnum-Peuh [Phnom Penh]; Labeo velatus Valenciennes, 1841: pl. 93 fig. 3 (type local-
holotype: MNHN 9641, Fang, 1942b: 166, Kottelat, ity: not stated; holotype: specimen on which figure is
1984a: 806) based)
? Cirrhinus affinis Jerdon, 1849: 303 (type locality: India:
Labeo bata (Hamilton, 1822) Cavery River at Seringapatam; holotype: lost)
Cyprinus bata Hamilton, 1822: 283, 386 (type locality: In- Cyprinus atratus Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name list-
dia: Bengal; types: NT; tracing of Hamilton's unpublished ed in synonymy)
drawing in Günther, 1872a: 765)
Cyprinus acra Hamilton, 1822: 284, 386 (type locality: In- Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker, 1849)
dia: Sunkos River, in northeastern part of Bengal; types: Rohita chrysophekadion Bleeker, 1849h: 20 (type locality:
NT; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus bata Indonesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya;
Hamilton, 1822: 283, first reviser [Day, 1877: 542] gave lectotype: RMNH 6994, apparently designated by Fricke,
precedence to C. bata) 1991: 13 [listed as lectotype, but actual designation as
Cyprinus cura Hamilton, 1822: 284, 386 ( type locality: there is apparently no prior designation] [syntypes up to
India: rivers of Bengal; types: NT; simultaneous subjec- 264 mm TL])
tive synonym of Cyprinus bata Hamilton, 1822: 283, Rohita cyanomelas Bleeker, 1852r: 597 (type locality: In-
first reviser [Day, 1877: 542] gave precedence to C. bata; donesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [380 mm TL]:
simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus acra RMNH 12288, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Hamilton, 1822: 284, first reviser [Bleeker, 1853o: 13] Rohita polyporos Bleeker, 1854d: 519 (type locality: Indo-
gave precedence to C. acra; figure of Cyprinus cora [sic] nesia: Sumatra: Muara Kompeh / Java: Batavia [Jakar-
in Gray, 1835: pl. 95 fig. 2, is possibly Hamilton's fig- ta]; syntypes [3, 151–310 mm TL]: RMNH 12320 [1],
ure]) 6994 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010 [SMNS 10944 [2], listed as
Gobio lissorhynchus M'Clelland, 1839: 277, 355, pl. 55 fig. 5 syntypes by Fricke, 1991: 13, are probably not part of
(type locality: India: large rivers of Bengal and Assam; type series])
syntypes: LU) Rohita koilogeneion Bleeker, 1857i: 359 (type locality: In-
Gobio anisurus M'Clelland, 1839: 278, 360, pl. 40 fig. 2 donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [291 mm TL]:
(type locality: India: higher parts of the Brahmaputra; RMNH 12346, Eschmeyer, 2010)
holotype: LU) Rohita sima Sauvage, 1878b: 238 (type locality: Cambo-
Distribution notes. Recorded in area from Chindwin drain- dia: Pnum-Peuh [Phnom Penh]; types: lost, Kottelat,
age by Selim & Vishwanath (2001: 292). Synonymy fol- 1984a: 807)
lows Day (1875: 542) and Menon (1999: 126). Rohita pectoralis Sauvage, 1878b: 238 (type locality: Cam-
bodia: Pnum-Peuh [Phnom Penh]; holotype: MNHN
Labeo boga (Hamilton, 1822) A.2405, Fang, 1942b: 168, Kottelat, 1984a: 806)
? Cyprinus falcatus Bloch, 1795: 53, pl. 412 (type locality: Morulius erythrostictus Fowler, 1934a: 127, figs. 85–86
India: Malabar Coast; types: LU) (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP
Cyprinus boga Hamilton, 1822: 286, 386, pl. 28 fig. 80 (type 57348, Böhlke, 1984: 75)
locality: India: Brahmaputra River; types: NT)
Labeo curchius (Hamilton, 1822)
Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822) Cyprinus curchius Hamilton, 1822: 289, 387 (type locality:
Cyprinus calbasu Hamilton, 1822: 297, 387, pl. 2 fig. 33 India: "fresh waters of Bengal"; types: NT)
(type locality: India: "rivers and ponds of Bengal, and ? Rohita chalybeata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
[...] western provinces"; types: NT) nes, 1842: 271 (type locality: Burma: Rangoon; holo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
type: MNHN 3867, Fang, 1942b: 166, Karnasuta, 1993: some details with the RMNH specimen (also illustrated in
85, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 16) Roberts, 1993b: figs. 5–6, 2007d: fig. 1a); most obvious is
the difference in the position of the pelvic-fin origin under
Labeo dyocheilus (M'Clelland, 1839) the dorsal-fin base. I consider that the drawing represents
Cyprinus dyocheilus M'Clelland, 1839: 268, 330, pl. 37 fig. 1 the stuffed specimen and that the differences are probably
(type locality: India: Brahmaputra River from Assam to due to an accumulation of slight inaccuracies in the original
the rapids at the extremity of the valley; types: LU) drawing, in the preparation of the copy (reproduced in Rob-
? Gobio bicolor M'Clelland, 1839: 278, 360, pl. 40 fig. 1 erts, 1993b) and in the preparation of the stuffed specimen.
(type locality: India: rapids of upper Brahmaputra; ho- The figured specimen is labelled as "Buitenzorg" [Bogor]
lotype: LU) while the description says that the origin is Bantam [van
Labeo kunki Chaudhuri, 1912: 438, pl. 38 fig. 3 (type local- Hasselt, 1823c: 133 mentions only Buitenzorg].
ity: India: Bihar: Gandak River at Saran; holotype: ZSI But, the possibility remains that the specimen figured
F 4659/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 112) by Kuhl and van Hasselt is not RMNH 2277. It could have
Labeo tezpurensis Chaudhuri, 1912: 439, pl. 39 fig. 1 (type been discarded or used for preparing the skeleton RMNH
locality: India: Assam: Belsiri River, Tezpur; syntypes 389. If this were the case, RMNH 2277 is not the holotype,
[3]: ZSI F 5788/1 [1], 5789/1 [1], 5790/1 [1], Menon & but should be considered to be lectotype by inference of a
Yazdani, 1968: 112) holotype (Code art. 74.6) in Roberts (1993b: 16).
Osteochilus sondhii Hora & Mukerji, 1934b: 359, fig. 2 (type
locality: Burma: Kengtung State: Salween River at Labeo gonius (Hamilton, 1822)
Takaw; holotype: ZSI F 11600/1, Menon & Yazdani, Cyprinus gonius Hamilton, 1822: 292, 387, pl. 4 fig. 82 (type
1968: 114) locality: India: "fresh water rivers and ponds of Ben-
Labeo dyocheilus pakistanicus Mirza & Awan, 1976: 43, gal"; types: NT)
fig. 2 (type locality: Pakistan: Punjab: Qadh Wala stream, Rohita lineata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Son-Sakesar Valley; holotype: GCM F.8) 1842: 260 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River [in
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Jayaram & Rangoon; Bertin & Estève, 1948: 16]; holotype: MNHN
Dhas (2000: 49). A.3560, Fang, 1942b: 166)
Labeo microlepidotus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- ennes, 1842: 352 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy Riv-
ennes, 1842 er in Rangoon; holotype: MNHN 3383, Bertin & Es-
Deplocheilus Erythropterus van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 [trans- tève, 1948: 17)
lated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (nomen nudum) ? Rohita microlepidota Günther, 1861b: 225 (type locality:
Diplocheilus erythropterus van Hasselt, 1824b: 376 (nomen Nepal; holotype: BMNH 1858.8.21.5, Eschmeyer, 2010)
nudum) Cyprinus gunea Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name listed
Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- in synonymy)
nes, 1842: 354 (Indonesia: Java: Bantam [or Bogor ?; Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Jayaram &
see below]; holotype [or lectotype, see below]: RMNH Dhas (2000: 11).
D.2277, Roberts, 1993b: 16, 2007d: 302, fig. 1a)
? Cirrhina breviceps Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Labeo indramontri Smith, 1945
nes, 1842: 293 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bantam; Labeo indramontri Smith, 1945: 251, fig. 46 (type locality:
holotype: RMNH, lost, Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 238, Thailand: Bung Borapet; holotype: USNM 107964)
drawing by Valenciennes reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: Taxonomic notes. A species whose identity has never been
fig. 72) critically reexamined.
Lobocheilos lucas Bleeker, 1857i: 362 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [20, 90–93 mm Labeo nandina (Hamilton, 1822)
TL]: RMNH 6997 [1], 12072 [12], BMNH 1866.5.2.147 Cyprinus nandina Hamilton, 1822: 300, 388, pl. 8 fig. 84
[1], ? NMV 46478 [1], 46479 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) (type locality: India: "Mahananda River, and in the large
Labeo scabrosus Roberts, 1993b: 15 (not available, an un- adjacent marshes or lakes which surround the ruins of
published manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt) ancient Gaur" / Gorakhpur District; types: NT)
? Labeobarbus seriatus Roberts, 1993b: 46 (not available, Nandina Hamiltonii Gray, 1831b: 8 (unnecessary replace-
an unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van Has- ment name for Cyprinus nandina Hamilton, 1822: 300)
selt) Catastomus filamentosus Swainson, 1839: 284 (unneces-
Nomenclatural notes. Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenci- sary replacement name for Cyprinus nandina Hamilton,
ennes, 1842: 354) described Labeo erythropterus on the basis 1822: 300)
of a stuffed specimen he examined and drew in RMNH. The Cirrhinus macronotus M'Clelland, 1839: 265, 318, pl. 41
coloration is described from a drawing sent by Kuhl and fig. 1 (type locality: India: Assam / Gorakhpur District;
van Hasselt [no longer extant]. If the specimen examined syntypes: BMNH uncat. [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
by Valenciennes and the specimen figured by Kuhl & van
Hasselt is the same, then this specimen is the holotype. The Labeo pierrei (Sauvage, 1880)
figure reproduced in Roberts (1993b: fig. 4; a copy of the Lobochilus Pierrei Sauvage, 1880d: 233 (type locality: Viet-
original drawing, prepared for Valenciennes) disagrees in nam: Bien Hoa Province: rapids on the Dung-nai [Dong
Nai]; holotype: MNHN A.4451, Sauvage, 1881a: pl. 5 Labeo stolizkae Steindachner, 1870
fig. 2, Kottelat, 1984a: 802) ? Labeo Stolizkae Steindachner, 1870c: 634 (type locality:
? Labeo yunnanensis Chaudhuri, 1911b: 14, pl. 1 fig. 1 (type Burma: Moulmein; holotype: NMW 53600, Eschmeyer,
locality: China: Yunnan: Lake Tali Fu [probably errone- 2010)
ous]; holotype: ZSI F 4748/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 112)
? Osteochilus ochrus Fowler, 1935a: 118, figs. 56–57 (type
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 61781, Labiobarbus van Hasselt, 1823
Böhlke, 1984: 85) Labiobarbus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred,
? Labeo cheveyi Fowler, 1937: 205, figs. 173–174 (type lo- 1961b: 86] (type species: Dangila leptocheila Valenci-
cality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream entering ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 234, by subse-
Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee, 1946: quent designation by Smith, 1945: 221; no available spe-
5; see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP 68184, cies name originally included, first inclusion by Smith,
Böhlke, 1984: 72) 1945: 221–228 [not Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1842: 235 as no species is explicitly included;
Labeo pietschmanni Machan, 1930 Code art. 67.2.2, 67.2.4]). Gender masculine.
Labeo pietschmanni Machan, 1930a: 67 (type locality: In- Labeobarbus van Hasselt, 1824b: 377 (incorrect subsequent
donesia: Sumatra: market in Padang; holotype: NMW spelling of Labiobarbus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132)
15866, Kottelat et al., 1993: 36, fig. 118; also in Machan, Dangila Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 229
1930b: 426, fig. 1) (type species: Dangila leptocheila Valenciennes, in Cu-
Taxonomic notes. Not recorded since the original descrip- vier & Valenciennes, 1842: 234, by subsequent designa-
tion. Possibly based on cultivated stock or mislabelled ma- tion by Bleeker, 1863e: 193, 1863m: 24; objective jun-
terial. ior synonym of Labiobarbus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132).
Gender feminine.
*Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) Cyrene Heckel, 1843: 1024 (type species: Cyrene ocellata
Cyprinus rohita Hamilton, 1822: 301, 388, pl. 36 fig. 85 Heckel, 1843: 1025, by subsequent designation by Jor-
(type locality: India: Gangetic and Ava provinces; lecto- dan, 1919a: 215; not a junior homonym of Cyrene
type: specimen on which figure is based, designated by Schlüter, 1838: 34, which is an incorrect subsequent
Fricke, 1999a: 84) spelling of Cyrena Lamark, 1818: 551 in Mollusca).
Rohita Buchanani Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Gender feminine.
1842: 251 (unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus
rohita Hamilton, 1822: 301; material listed as syntypes Labiobarbus fasciatus (Bleeker, 1853)
[MNHN 13, 3] by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 15 has no type Dangila fasciata Bleeker, 1853f: 297 (type locality: Indo-
status) nesia: Sumatra: Lampung Province: Pangabuang; holo-
Rohita Duvaucelii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, type [232 mm TL]: ? RMNH 4967, Roberts, 1993b: 323)
1842: 262, pl. 476 (type locality: not stated [India: Coro- Dangila taeniata Günther, 1868a: 38 (unnecessary replace-
mandel; Bertin & Estève, 1948: 16]; holotype: MNHN ment name for Dangila fasciata Bleeker, 1853)
3576, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 16)
Labeo Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Labiobarbus festivus (Heckel, 1843)
1842: 350 (type locality: India: Calcutta; syntypes: Cyrene festiva Heckel, 1843: 1025 (type locality: Borneo;
MNHN 3855 [2], Fang, 1942b: 166, Bertin & Estève, holotype: NMW 52775, Eschmeyer, 2010)
1948: 17; simultaneous secondary homonym of Rohita Dangila festiva var. sternus-muscarum Vaillant, 1902: 87
dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
1842: 258 when placed in Rohita by Bleeker, 1860j: 114 Pontianak, Smitau [Semitau] and Sibau River; syntypes
and when the latter is placed in Labeo by Day, 1877: [at least 7]: RMNH, MNHN)
538, first reviser [Bleeker, 1860j: 113, 114] gave prece-
dence to Rohita dussumieri) Labiobarbus lamellifer Kottelat, 1995
Labeo fimbriatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Labiobarbus lamellifer Kottelat, 1995c: 427, fig. 1 (type
1842: 353 (type locality: India: Bengal; holotype: MNHN locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Ma-
3864, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 17; junior secondary hom- hakam River, sandbank near Benanga, 0°07'S 115°46'E;
onym of Cyprinus fimbriatus Bloch, 1795: 50 when holotype: MZB 5904)
placed in Labeo by Day, 1878: 536) Taxonomic notes. Photographs of Figs. 1 and 2 of original
Rohita Valenciennesi Bleeker, 1860j: 114 (replacement name description have been erroneously interchanged by publisher.
for Labeo dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
ciennes, 1842: 350) Labiobarbus leptocheilus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Labeo horai Fowler, 1924b: 95, fig. 8 (type locality: India: Valenciennes, 1842)
Sutlej River near Loodianali [Ludhiana]; holotype: MCZ Labiobarbus Leptocheïlus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [trans-
25961) lated in Alfred, 1961b: 86] (nomen nudum, Kottelat,
Cyprinus denticulatus Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name 1987a: 370)
listed in synonymy) Labeobarbus leptocheilus van Hasselt, 1824b: 376 (nomen
Distribution notes. Introduced. nudum)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Dangila leptocheila Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Roberts identified the specimen RMNH 7567 (actually
nes, 1842: 234 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia 7566, viz. the holotype of D. koedjem) as L. leptocheila;
[Jakarta]; syntypes [number not stated, size given is to D. koedjem is therefore listed here as a synonym of L. lep-
be understood as maximum size of species, not size of a tocheila (instead of L. fasciatus as Roberts had concluded
single individual]: ? RMNH 2109 [1], 2110 [1], Roberts, on the basis of the specimen erroneously labelled RMNH
1993b: 17 [not listed as types], ? RMNH 2532 [1], 2533 7566) (see discussion in Kottelat, 1995b: 418).
[1] and specimen figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt)
Dangila Kuhlii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Labiobarbus ocellatus (Heckel, 1843)
1842: 231 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: Cyrene ocellata Heckel, 1843: 1025 (type locality: Borneo;
MNHN, lost, Roberts, 1993b: 17, 1993a: 320; simulta- holotype: NMW 53113, Eschmeyer, 2010)
neous subjective synonym of D. leptocheila, first revis- Dangila microlepis Bleeker, 1852r: 595 (type locality: In-
er [Bleeker, 1863e: 193, 1863m: 46] gave precedence to donesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [185 mm TL]:
D. leptocheila) RMNH 6987, Roberts, 1993a: 324)
Dangila Cuvieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1842: 230, pl. 470 (type locality: probably Indonesia: Labiobarbus sabanus (Inger & Chin, 1962)
Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: MNHN 3851, Bertin Dangila sabana Inger & Chin, 1962: 94, fig. 44 (type local-
& Estève, 1948: 13; simultaneous subjective synonym ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District:
of D. leptocheila, first reviser [Roberts, 1993a: 322] gave Danau Bukit Garam; holotype: FMNH 44778)
precedence to D. leptocheila)
Cyrene philippinia Heckel, 1843: 1025 (type locality: Phil- Labiobarbus siamensis (Sauvage, 1881)
ippines [erroneous ?]; holotype: NMW 52774, Eschmey- Dangila siamensis Bleeker, 1864g: 35, 1864j: 175 (nomen
er, 2010) nudum), Peters, 1868b: 272 (nomen nudum), Martens,
? Dangila urostigma Bleeker, 1845: 513 (nomen nudum; 1876: 401 (nomen nudum)
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; autorship Dangila siamensis Sauvage, 1881a: 162, 176 (type locality:
attributed to Valenciennes, but Valenciennes did not pub- Thailand: Petschaburi [Petchaburi] and Bangkok; syn-
lished this name) types: MNHN 1872 [2], Kottelat, 1984a: 801)
Dangila sumatrana Bleeker, 1852r: 596 (type locality: In- Dangila spilopleura Smith, 1934: 307, pl. 10 (type locality:
donesia: Sumatra: Solok; holotype [185 mm TL]: BMNH Thailand: Hangkraben, off the Menam Chao Phya north of
1866.5.2.220, Roberts, 1993a: 320) Ayuttaya; holotype: KUMF 159, Monkolprasit, 1969: 5)
Dangila Berdmorei Blyth, 1860b: 162 (type locality: Bur-
ma: Tenasserim Provinces; holotype: ZSI, Day, 1870b:
554) Laocypris Kottelat, 2000
Dangila lineata Sauvage, 1878b: 237 (type locality: "rap- Laocypris Kottelat, 2000a: 43 (type species: Laocypris hispi-
ids of Stung-Strang, Laos" [now Cambodia: Stung da Kottelat, 2000a: 43, by original designation). Gender
Treng]; syntypes: MNHN 9544 [3], Kottelat, 1984a: 801) feminine.
Dangila Burmanica Day, 1877a: 546, pl. 131 fig. 2 (type
locality: Burma: Moulmein and Tavoy; syntypes: ? AMS Laocypris hispida Kottelat, 2000
B.7854 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155, Ferraris et Laocypris hispida Kottelat, 2000a: 43, fig. 10 (type locali-
al., 2000: 295) ty: Laos: Saisomboun Special Zone: Houay Sala Yai, a
Dangila rosea Popta, 1904: 193 (type locality: Indonesia: tributary of Nam San; 18°35'17"N 103°05'00"E; holo-
Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; syntypes: RMNH type: ZRC 45305)
7569 [2], Roberts, 1993a: 321; also in Popta, 1906: 85,
pl. 5 fig. 18)
Dangila koedjem Popta, 1904: 192 (type locality: Indone- Laubuka Bleeker, 1859
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Boelit River [Kapuas Laubuka Bleeker, 1859l: 261 (type species: Cyprinus lau-
drainage; Popta, 1906: 112]; holotype: RMNH 7566; also buca Hamilton, 1822: 260, 384, by monotypy; Laubuca
in Popta, 1906: 81, pl. 5 fig. 17) Bleeker, 1860c: 438 and Lauuca Bleeker, 1863e: 215
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Roberts (1993a). Pos- are incorrect subsequent spellings). Gender feminine.
sibly includes several species. Rainboth et al. (2012: 46, Allochela Silas, 1958: 64, 87 (subgenus of Chela Hamilton,
pls. 24–25) considered that L. lineatus is a distinct species. 1822: 258; type species: Chela fasciata Silas, 1958: 87,
Nomenclatural notes. Popta (1904, 1906) gave the catalo- by original designation). Gender feminine.
gue number of the holotype of S. koedjem as RMNH 7566. Taxonomic notes. Neochela is morphologically very dis-
Banarescu & Bianco (1984: 63) listed the holotype as RMNH tinct and I retain it as a distinct genus, instead of subgenus
7567 instead of 7566. Roberts (1993: 323) listed RMNH of Laubuka (see comment in Pethiyagoda et al., 2008a: 20).
7566 as holotype, in which case the specimen with this num- Nomenclatural notes. The spelling Laubuca has long been
ber is not the holotype described by Popta. Roberts also used for this genus, based on Bleeker (1860c: 438). It has
examined the specimen labelled RMNH 7567 and this spec- often been noted that Bleeker (1859l: 261) also used the
imen is apparently the holotype of D. koedjem. It seems that spelling Laubuka. There has been uncertainties as to which
specimens 7566 (the holotype) and 7567 have been inter- of these spellings appeared first. It is now established (Kot-
changed in 1984 or earlier. telat, 2011a: 83) that the 1859l paper appeared before the
1860c one (22 Dec 1859 vs. 14 Feb 1860) and therefore Filirasbora Fowler, 1937: 172 (type species: Filirasbora
Laubuka is the correct spelling. The spelling Laubuca can- rubripinna Fowler, 1937: 172, by original designation).
not be retained under Code art. 33.3.1, because this article Gender feminine.
applies to a spelling (1) in prevailing usage, and (2) attrib-
uted to the publication of the original spelling. In recent Leptobarbus hoevenii (Bleeker, 1851)
times, Laubuca has been too little used as a valid genus to Barbus Hoevenii Bleeker, 1851l: 207 (type locality: Indo-
be deemed in prevailing usage; further, when using the spell- nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; lecto-
ing Laubuca authors were referring it to the description by type: RMNH 7035, designated by Eschmeyer et al., 1998:
Bleeker (1860c), not to that by Bleeker (1859l). 737)
[Neochela Silas, 1958: 64: 92 (subgenus of Chela Hamilton, 1822: 258; Gnathopogon javanicus Bleeker, 1863m: pl. 103, fig. 9 [text:
type species: Laubuca dadyburjori Menon, 1952: 2 [see Silas, 1958: 1864a: 117] (type locality: Indonesia: Java: holotype [61
92, for spelling emendation], by original designation). Gender femi-
nine]. mm TL]: BMNH, Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 176; jun-
ior secondary homonym of Capoeta javanica Bleeker,
Laubuka caeruleostigmata Smith, 1931 1855k: 412 when placed in Barbus by Günther, 1868a:
Laubuca caeruleostigmata Smith, 1931a: 5, fig. 3 (type lo- 137; also in Bleeker, 1864i: 137)
cality: Thailand: Mae Nam Chao Phraya below Nakhon Barbus aphya Günther, 1868a: 137 (replacement name for
Sawan; holotype: USNM 90287) Gnathopogon javanicus Bleeker, 1863m: pl. 103)
Chela mouhoti Smith, 1945: 80, fig. 4 (type locality: Thai-
land: Pasak River at Pechabun; holotype: USNM Leptobarbus hosii (Regan, 1906)
107959) Barbus Hosii Regan, 1906c: 66 (type locality: Malaysia:
Borneo: Sarawak: Baram District; holotype: BMNH
Laubuka laubuca (Hamilton, 1822) 1895.7.2.58, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Cyprinus laubuca Hamilton, 1822: 260, 342, 384 (type lo-
cality: India: "ponds of the northern parts of Bengal"; Leptobarbus melanopterus Weber & de Beaufort, 1916
types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in Leptobarbus melanopterus Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 97
M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 45 fig. 4) (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
Perilampus guttatus M'Clelland, 1839: 289, 394, pl. 45 fig. 4 Upper Kapuas at Selimbau; holotype: ZMA 114.963,
[pl. 56 fig. 10] (unnecessary replacement name for Cy- Nijssen et al., 1993: 214)
prinus laubuca Hamilton, 1822: 260)
? Perilampus perseus M'Clelland, 1839: 289, 395, pl. 46 Leptobarbus melanotaenia Boulenger, 1894
fig. 5 (type locality: India: Assam; types: LU) Leptobarbus melanotaenia Boulenger, 1894a: 249 (type
Perilampus fulvescens Blyth, 1860b: 163 (type locality: locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Bongon; syntypes:
Burma: Tenasserim; syntypes: ZSI [2], Day, 1870b: 559) BMNH 1893.5.30.59–60 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Danio menoni Barman, 1986: 602, fig. 1 (type locality: In-
dia: Andhra Pradesh: Mahbubnagar District: stream near Leptobarbus rubripinna (Fowler, 1937)
Mosampet village; holotype: ZSI FF 2282) Filirasbora rubripinna Fowler, 1937: 172, fig. 107 (type
? Chela khujairokensis Arunkumar, 2000d: 122, fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68068,
locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drainage: Khujairok Böhlke, 1984: 90)
stream, tributary of Yu River at Moreh, 110 km from
Imphal; holotype: MUMF 2010/1A)
? Laubuca brahmaputraensis Kulabtong, Suksri & Nonpa- Lobocheilos Bleeker, 1854
yom, 2012: 94, fig. 1 (type locality: Bangladesh: Lobocheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: 132
Brahmaputra River; holotype: NIFI 4532) [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86], 1824b: 376 (nomen
Taxonomic notes. Myanmar material identified as L. lau- nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 371; also spelt Labocheilus p.
buca is possibly a distinct species. In the original descrip- 133)
tion, L. brahmaputraensis is compared only with a litera- Lobocheilos Bleeker, 1854d: 520 (type species: Labeo fal-
ture description of L. laubuca, which does not allow to un- cifer Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 358,
ambiguously distinguish it. by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 194,
1863m: 25). Gender masculine.
Laubuka siamensis Fowler, 1939 Gobionichthys Bleeker, 1859l: 145 (subgenus of Lobocheilos
Laubuca siamensis Fowler, 1939b: 64, fig. 14 (type locali- Bleeker, 1854d: 520; type species: Gobio microcepha-
ty: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP 68496, lus Bleeker, 1857i: 357, by subsequent designation by
Böhlke, 1984: 90) Jordan, 1919b: 321). Gender masculine.
Nomenclatural notes. Bleeker (1863e: 194, 1863m: 25)
designated Chondrostoma lipocheilos Valenciennes, 1844
Leptobarbus Bleeker, 1859 as type species of Gobionichthys. This designation is not
Leptobarbus Bleeker, 1859l: 153 (type species: Barbus hoe- valid because C. lipocheilos was not among the species orig-
venii Bleeker, 1851l: 207, by monotypy; also in Blee- inally included in the genus.
ker, 1860c: 435, without included species). Gender mas-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Lobocheilos bo (Popta, 1904) his specimen. This information is most likely derived from
Tylognathus bo Popta, 1904: 199 (type locality: Indonesia: a figure by Kuhl and van Hasselt (not mentioned by Valen-
Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; lectotype: RMNH ciennes, but which we know to have existed (van Hasselt,
7588 [1], designated by Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 243; 1823c: 132; possibly the source for the one reproduced in
also in Popta, 1906: 116, pl. 7 fig. 26) Roberts, 1993b: fig. 8, with original caption "Lobocheilos
Tylognathus boïdes Popta, 1906: 119 (type locality: Indo- falcigerus", not L. falcifer). Unless it can be demonstrated
nesia: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; holotype: RMNH that specimen MNHN 3865 is also the specimen illustrated
7588 [294 mm SL specimen, then 1 out of 3, 2 speci- on the figure on which Valenciennes based his colour de-
mens now RMNH 27676, Eschmeyer, 2010]; objective scription, this specimen cannot be considered to be the ho-
junior synonym of Tylognathus bo Popta, 1904: 199) lotype, but as a syntype. The model(s) of the figure is prob-
ably among the RMNH material listed by Roberts.
Lobocheilos erinaceus Kottelat & Tan, 2008
Lobocheilos erinaceus Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 30, fig. 4 (type Lobocheilos ixocheilos Kottelat & Tan, 2008
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Danum Valley, stream Lobocheilos ixocheilos Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 38, fig. 7
at km 111 on main line west after turnoff to Borneo Rain- (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatera Barat: Batang Hari
forest Lodge; 5°01'06"N 117°32'38"E; holotype: ZRC basin, Saturday market at Kiliran Jao, village along road
51171) from Sungei Dareh to Solok; 0°53'29.0"S
101°21'43.0"E); holotype: MZB 10973)
Lobocheilos falcifer (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1842) Lobocheilos kajanensis (Popta, 1904)
Lobocheilus Falcifer Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, Tylognathus kajanensis Popta, 1904: 198 (type locality: In-
1823c: 133 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 86], 1824b: 376 donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Kajan River; syn-
(nomen nudum; Kottelat, 1987a: 371) types [5]: RMNH 7587 [1], 27678 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010
Labeo falcifer Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, [no lectotype designated; mention in Eschmeyer et al.,
1842: 358 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg 1998: 823 does not constitute a lectotype designation as
[Bogor]; holotype or syntypes [2]: MNHN 3865 [1] [as there is an explicit negation of the intention]; also in
holotype, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 52, Roberts, 1993b: Popta, 1906: 112, pl. 7 fig. 25)
17] and possibly one among RMNH 2482 [1], 2597 [3],
2614 [1], 1800 [1], 1801 [1], 1802 [1], 381 [1], 384 [1], Lobocheilos lehat Bleeker, 1858
SMF 2570 [1], 2576 [1]) Lobocheilus lehat Bleeker, 1858g: 428 (name listed in syn-
Labeo hispidus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, onymy, available because used as valid before 1961,
1842: 356 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg Code art. 11.6.1; type locality: Indonesia: Java: Parongka-
[Bogor]; syntypes: RMNH and specimen on which is long; lectotype: BMNH 1866.5.2.115 [1], designated by
based figure of Kuhl and van Hasselt, reproduced in Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 41, fig. 9)
Roberts, 1993b: fig. 9; simultaneous subjective synonym
of Labeo falcifer Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Lobocheilos melanotaenia (Fowler, 1935)
nes, 1842: 358, first reviser [Roberts, 1993b: 18] gave Tylognathus melanotaenia Fowler, 1935a: 122, figs. 65–66
precedence to L. falcifer) (type locality: Thailand: Khao Nam Poo; holotype: ANSP
Chondrostoma lipocheilos Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- 61502, Böhlke, 1984: 83)
lenciennes, 1844: 400, pl. 513 (type locality: Indonesia: ? Tylognathus quadrilineatus Fowler, 1935a: 124, figs. 67–
Java; holotype: MNHN 1894, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 68 (type locality: Thailand: Srisawat [Si Sawat, on Kh-
52, Roberts, 1993b: 17; spelt lipochailos on pl. 400, an wae Yai, a branch of Mae Khlong, 94 miles north-north-
inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code west of Ratchaburi; Smith, 1945: 26; 14°41'21"N
art. 32.5.1]) 99°01'39"E]; holotype: ANSP 61791, Böhlke, 1984: 88;
Gobio microcephalus Bleeker, 1857i: 357 (type locality: simultaneous subjective synonym of T. melanotaenia
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [71 mm TL]: Fowler, 1935a: 122, first reviser [Kottelat, 2001c: 59]
BMNH 1866.5.2.116, Eschmeyer, 2010) gave precedence to T. melanotaenia)
? Barbus Hasseltii Bleeker, 1857i: 355 (type locality: Indo- ? Tylognathus davisi Fowler, 1937: 208, figs. 179–180 (type
nesia: Java: Sadingwetan; holotype: specimen on which locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68201,
is based figure by Kuhl and van Hasselt) Böhlke, 1984: 74)
Gobio javanicus Bleeker, 1857i: 358 (type locality: Indo- ? Tylognathus Fowleri Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 222 (type
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [more than 200, locality: Vietnam: Annam: Ea Hléo, tributary of Srépok;
41–72 mm TL]: RMNH 7004 [240], Eschmeyer, 2010) holotype: MNHN 1935-0332)
Taxonomic notes. Roberts (1993b: 17) listed specimen ? Lobocheilus nigrovittatus Smith, 1945: 240, fig. 43 (type
MNHN 3865 as holotype of Labeo falcifer. Valenciennes locality: Thailand: Lam Tong Lang, eastern tributary of
(in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 360) explicitly stated that Pasag [Pasak] River; holotype: USNM 109772)
MNHN has a specimen, and it seems that he based his de- Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 25) considered
scription on this specimen. But the description of the color- L. davisi and L. quadrilineatus to be distinct species.
ation explicitly indicates that this is the fresh coloration,
information that Valenciennes could not have extracted from
Lobocheilos ovalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Danum Valley,
Lobocheilos ovalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 42, fig. 10 (type stream at km 111 on main line west after turnoff to Borneo
locality: Borneo: Brunei Darussalam: Temburong dis- Rainforest Lodge; 5°01'06"N 117°32'38"E; holotype:
trict: Belalong basin, Sungai Sitam, about 7 rapids up- ZRC 51177)
stream of Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre; holo-
type: ZRC 49250)
Longiculter Fowler, 1937
Lobocheilos rhabdoura (Fowler, 1934) Longiculter Fowler, 1937: 162 (type species: Longiculter
Tylognathus rhabdoura Fowler, 1934a: 133, figs. 99–100 siahi Fowler, 1937: 162, by original designation). Gen-
(type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP der masculine.
57683, Böhlke, 1984: 89)
? Tylognathus gracilis Fowler, 1937: 209, figs. 183–184 Longiculter siahi Fowler, 1937
(type locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream Longiculter siahi Fowler, 1937: 162, fig. 100 (type locality:
entering Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schau- Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream entering Mae
ensee, 1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee, 1946: 5;
ANSP 68203, Böhlke, 1984: 77) see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP 68014,
? Tylognathus trangensis Fowler, 1939b: 72, figs. 19–20 Böhlke, 1984: 90)
(type locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: Taxonomic notes. Only known from the two type speci-
ANSP 68506, Böhlke, 1984: 93) mens, from Mae Phun.
? Tylognathus Delacouri Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 112, fig. 1
(type locality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km north-
west of Ban Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; syn- Luciobrama Bleeker, 1870
types: MNHN 1939-0173–0175 [15]) Luciobrama Bleeker, 1870c: 253 (type species: Luciobra-
? Lobocheilus cornutus Smith, 1945: 242, fig. 44 (type lo- ma typus Bleeker, 1871b: 51, by subsequent monotypy
cality: Thailand: Klong Chawang, mountain stream east in Bleeker, 1871b: 51). Gender feminine.
of Bandon [Surat Thani]; holotype: USNM 107957)
? Lobocheilus cheveyi Smith, 1945: 245, fig. 45 (type lo- ? Luciobrama macrocephala (La Cepède, 1803)
cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Mekong basin: Synodus macrocephalus La Cepède, 1803: 321, pl. 9 fig. 1
Mae Nam Mao, tributary of Mae Nam Fang; holotype: (type locality: China; types: specimen[s] on which
USNM 107947) figure[s] is based)
? Lobocheilus thavili Smith, 1945: 247 (type locality: Thai- Luciobrama typus Bleeker, 1871b: 51, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type lo-
land: Meklong at Rajaburi [Mae Khlong at Ratchaburi]; cality: China: ? Yangtze River; holotype: MNHN 5080,
holotype: KUMF) Bertin & Estève, 1948: 68)
Luciobrama longiceps Pellegrin, 1907: 501 (type locality:
Lobocheilos schwanefeldii Bleeker, 1854 Vietnam: Hanoi; holotype: MNHN 1907-0284)
Lobocheilos Schwanenfeldii Bleeker, 1854d: 523 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Solok; syntypes [2, 95–212
mm TL]: RMNH ? 7002 [1], 10484 [1], Eschmeyer, Luciocyprinus Vaillant, 1904
2010; inadvertent error for schwanefeldii, must be cor- Luciocyprinus Vaillant, 1904b: 299 (type species: Luciocy-
rected, Code art. 32.5.1) prinus langsoni Vaillant, 1904b: 299, by monotypy).
Nomenclatural notes. See Kottelat (1999: 595) and above Gender masculine.
for discussion of spelling of Barbonymus schwanefeldii, Fustis Lin, 1932c: 517 (type species: Fustis vivus Lin, 1932c:
which applies equally to Lobocheilos schwanefeldii. 517, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Lobocheilos tenura Kottelat & Tan, 2008 Luciocyprinus striolatus Cui & Chu, 1986
Lobocheilos tenura Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 49, fig. 12 (type Luciocyprinus striolatus Cui & Chu, 1986: 81, fig. 2B (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Menglun,
basin, Sungai Sekedam Besar, tributary of Sungai Sibau, 21°55'N 101°10'E; holotype: KIZ 7890576)
about 3 km upstream from Sungai Potan; 1°03'14"N
113°01'00"E; holotype: MZB 10974; proposed as noun
in apposition, indeclinable) Luciosoma Bleeker, 1855
Luciosoma Bleeker, 1855h: 263 (type species: Barbus seti-
Lobocheilos terminalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008 gerus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
Lobocheilos terminalis Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 51, fig. 13 203, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1863e: 204,
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan 1863m: 29). Gender neuter.
basin, Danau Biandum, Sungai Kinabatangan near Ka- Trinematichthys Bleeker, 1859l: 153 (subgenus of Lucioso-
mpung Batu Puteh; holotype: ZRC 51175) ma Bleeker, 1855h: 263; type species: Leuciscus trine-
ma Bleeker, 1852r: 600, by monotypy). Gender mascu-
Lobocheilos unicornis Kottelat & Tan, 2008 line.
Lobocheilos unicornis Kottelat & Tan, 2008a: 54, fig. 14
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Luciosoma bleekeri Steindachner, 1879 Chela macrochir Günther, 1868a: 338 (erroneous subsequent
Luciosoma Bleekeri Steindachner, 1878: 156 (nomen nu- spelling of Leuciscus macrochirus Valenciennes, in Cu-
dum) vier & Valenciennes, 1844: 348)
Luciosoma Bleekeri Steindachner, 1879c: 391 (type locali- Macrochirichthys snyderi Fowler, 1905a: 487, fig. 7 (type
ty: Thailand: "Meinam-Fluss bei Bangkok" [Mae Nam locality: Borneo [Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram;
Chao Phraya near Bangkok]; syntypes: NMW 50799 [4], Böhlke, 1984: 91]; holotype: ANSP 57558 [ex WIAP
Eschmeyer, 2010) 13931], Böhlke, 1984: 91)
Luciosoma Harmandi Sauvage, 1880d: 231 (type locality: Macrocheirichthys laosensis Fowler, 1934a: 112, fig. 64
Laos; holotype: MNHN A.2398, Kottelat, 1984a: 803) (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Mekong
River at Chiang Sen; holotype: ANSP 57510, Böhlke,
Luciosoma pellegrinii Popta, 1905 1984: 80)
Luciosoma Pellegrinii Popta, 1905a: 178 (type locality: In-
donesia: Borneo: Bo River; lectotype: RMNH 7625,
designated by Banarescu, 1991: 36, fig. 8; also in Popta, Malayochela Banarescu, 1968
1906: 169, pl. 9 fig. 38) Malayochela Banarescu, 1968d: 59 (subgenus of Chela
Hamilton, 1822: 258; type species: Eustira maassi We-
Luciosoma setigerum (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- ber & de Beaufort, 1912a, by original designation). Gen-
ciennes, 1842) der feminine.
Barbus setigerus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1842: 203, pl. 469 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Pébak Malayochela maassi (Weber & de Beaufort, 1912)
River; holotype: RMNH, lost, Roberts, 1993b: 18) Eustira Maassi Weber & de Beaufort, 1912a: 531, pl. 11
Barbus podonemus Bleeker, 1849h: 18 (type locality: Indo- fig. 4 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Gunung Sa-
nesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; syn- hilan, Kampar Kiri River; holotype: ZMA 110.111, Nijs-
types [up to 172 mm TL]: LU [Bleeker, 1860k: 414 men- sen et al., 1993: 214)
tioned that all his specimens were lost but it is not clear
whether he meant all the specimens on which he based
his redescription, or also the types) Megalobrama Dybowski, 1872
Luciosoma Weberii Popta, 1905a: 177 (type locality: Indo- Megalobrama Dybowski, 1872: 212 (type species: Mega-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Boelit River [Kapuas lobrama skolkovii Dybowski, 1872: 213, by monotypy
drainage; Popta, 1906: 112]; syntypes: RMNH 27682 [M. carinatus explicitly listed as variety of M. skolkovii
[1], 7624 [1, not holotype as stated by Banarescu, 1991: and therefore Code art. 68.3 applies]). Gender feminine.
fig. 6], Eschmeyer, 2010; also in Popta, 1906: 166, pl. 9 Parosteobrama Tchang, 1930b: 50 (type species: Parosteo-
fig. 37) brama pellegrini Tchang, 1930b: 50, by monotypy).
Gender feminine.
Luciosoma spilopleura Bleeker, 1855 Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (1990: 239) considers that
Luciosoma spilopleura Bleeker, 1855h: 265 (type locality: two species were originally included in Megalobrama and
Indonesia: Sumatra: Lahat; holotype [108 mm TL]: that M. skoldovii is type species by subsequent designation
BMNH 1866.5.2.97, Alfred, 1963a: 132) by Jordan (1919b: 364). Dybowski explicitly listed M. cari-
natus as a variety of M. skoldovii. Code art. 68.3 states that
Luciosoma trinema (Bleeker, 1852) if a single species is included it is type species by monoty-
Leuciscus trinema Bleeker, 1852r: 600 (type locality: Indo- py, regardless of any cited subspecies. This applies in the
nesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [175 mm TL]: present case as the variety has to be treated as a subspecies
BMNH 1866.5.2.98, Alfred, 1963a: 132) (Code art. 45.6).
[Megalobrama Skolkovii Dybowski, 1872: 213 (type locality: Russia: mid-
dle and lower course of Amur River, Ussuri, Sungari and Chanka;
syntypes: ? IZPAN 6114 [2], Sinicyn, 1900: 48, ZMB 7938 [1], Boguts-
Macrochirichthys Bleeker, 1859 kaya & Naseka, 2004: 59].
Macrochirichthys Bleeker, 1859c: 386 (type species: Leu-
ciscus uranoscopus Bleeker, 1850i: 14, by monotypy). Megalobrama terminalis (Richardson, 1846)
Gender masculine. Abramis terminalis Richardson, 1846a: 294 (type locality:
China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
Macrochirichthys macrochirus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
& Valenciennes, 1844) 1970a: 209, pl. 12c)
Leuciscus macrochirus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Megalobrama hoffmanni Herre & Myers, 1931: 241 (type
ennes, 1844: 348 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holo- locality: China: "doubtless from the vicinity" [of Can-
type: RMNH 3338, Roberts, 1993b: 18, fig. 10) ton] [Guangzhou]; holotype: CAS-SU 24220, Böhlke,
Leuciscus uranoscopus Bleeker, 1850i: 14 (type locality: 1953: 33)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
holotype [320 mm TL]: RMNH 7494, Alfred, 1963a: 129
['cotypes' listed by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 81 have no type Mekongina Fowler, 1937
status as they are too small and from Sumatra and Java]) Mekongina Fowler, 1937: 200 (type species: Mekongina
erythrospila Fowler, 1937: 200, by original designation). 34382, Böhlke, 1953: 33)
Gender feminine. Rasborinus Yaii Harada, 1943: 37, pl. 13 figs. 43–44 (type
locality: China: Hainan: Jinghu Lake; syntypes: LU)
Species inquirenda et incertae sedis Taxonomic notes. May represent a distinct genus.
Mekongina bibarba Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001
Mekongina bibarba Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, Metzia lineata (Pellegrin, 1883)
2001: 458, fig. 229 (type locality: Vietnam: Kon Tum ? Clupea huae Tirant, 1883: 98 (type locality: Vietnam: riv-
Province: ["central highlands"]: Sesan River, Yaly Res- er of Hué; syntypes ?: MGHNL 42000038 [4, ex 3651],
ervoir; holotype: NCNTTSI H. Kottelat, 1987c: 12, fig. 5)
Ischikauia lineata Pellegrin, 1907: 502 (type locality: Viet-
Mekongina erythrospila Fowler, 1937 nam: Tonkin [northern Vietnam]; syntypes: MNHN
Mekongina erythrospila Fowler, 1937: 200, figs. 161–162 1907-0300–0301 [2], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 82)
(type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP Rasborichthys altior Regan, 1913b: 394 (type locality: Sin-
68158, Böhlke, 1984: 75) gapore; syntypes: BMNH 1913.3.6.9–10 [2], 1912.3.2.1
[1, Banarescu, 1971a: 15 as holotype; listed as lectotype
Mekongina lancangensis Yang, Chen & Yang, 2008 by Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 79, but explicitly not a lecto-
Mekongina lancangensis Yang, Chen & Yang, 2008: 2006, type designation])
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: a tributary of Lan- Rasborinus hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 377, fig. 40
cang [Mekong] in Mengla County; holotype: KIZ (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
96060478) 8382)
? Clupeoides huëensis Chevey, 1932a: 9 (unjustified emen-
dation of Clupea huae Tirant, 1883: 98; also in Chevey,
Metzia Jordan & Thompson, 1914 1934: 37, 113, 209)
Metzia Jordan & Thompson, 1914: 227 (type species: Achei- Taxonomic notes. Earlier considered to be a junior syn-
lognathus mesembrinum Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 323, onym of M. mesembrinum, which is now considered to be
by original designation). Gender feminine. valid and endemic to Taiwan (Chen & Fang, 2002: 73; Gan
Rasborinus Oshima, 1920: 130 (type species: Rasborinus et al., 2009: 59). The M. mesembrinum of Chinese authors
takakii Oshima, 1920: 130, by original designation). is probably an assemblage of several species (Gan et al.,
Gender masculine. 2009: 59).
[Acheilognathus mesembrinum Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 323, fig. 6 (type
? Metzia alba (Nguyen, 1991) locality: Taiwan: Kotosho [Botel Tobago or Lan-yu Island] [errone-
ous, should be: Taiwan: Suwata, Suwo Bay; Myers 1934: 43]; holo-
Rasborinus albus Nguyen [T. T.], 1991: 14 (type locality: type: CAS-SU 7130, Böhlke, 1953: 29)].
Vietnam: Nghe Tinh Province: Nghia Dan District:
Nghia Lien; holotype: VUP H.L.0.5)
Microphysogobio Mori, 1934
Metzia bounthobi Shibukawa, Phousavanh, Phongsa & Microphysogobio Mori, 1933a: 114 (no type species desig-
Iwata, 2012 nated, not available; Code art. 13.3)
Metzia bounthobi Shibukawa, Phousavanh, Phongsa & Iwa- Microphysogobio Mori, 1934: Japanese p. 9, English p. 39
ta, 2012: 265, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Laos: Luang Pha- (type species: Microphysogobio hsinglungshanensis
bang Province: Nyoi District: Sopvan, Mekong drain- Mori, 1934: Japanese p. 19, English p. 40, by monoty-
age; 20°36.5'N 102°39.1'E; holotype: NIFI 4680) py). Gender masculine.
Rostrogobio Taranetz, 1937: 114 (type species: Rostrogo-
? Metzia hautus (Nguyen, 1991) bio amurensis Taranetz, 1937: 114, by monotypy). Gen-
Rasborinus hautus Nguyen, 1991 [T. T.]: 14 (type locality: der masculine.
Vietnam: Nghe Tinh Province: Thanh Chuong District: Huigobio Fang, 1938a: 239 (type species: Huigobio chen-
Dong Van; holotype: VUP D.v.75 [hautus treated as noun hsienensis Fang, 1938a: 239, by monotypy). Gender
in apposition; Kottelat, 2001a: 28]) masculine.
Taxonomic notes. Rostrogobio and Huigobio are treated as
Metzia formosae (Oshima, 1920) synonyms of Microphysogobio, following Bogutskaya &
Rasborinus formosae Oshima, 1920: 131, pl. 3 fig. 1 (type Naseka (2004: 67) and Jiang et al. (2012: 216).
locality: Taiwan: Taihoku: small pond near Manka; ho- Nomenclatural notes. Microphysogobio koreensis Mori,
lotype: ANSP 49952, Banarescu, 1971a: 12, Ho & Shao, 1935: 173 is commonly listed as type species of Microphy-
2011: 30 [invalid lectotype designation]) sogobio. It was not an available name at the time of the origi-
Ishikauia hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 374, fig. 38 nal description of Microphysogobio, and therefore it cannot
(type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH be the type species.
8390; potentially junior secondary homonym of Rasbori- [Microphysogobio koreensis Mori, 1935: 173, pl. 13 figs. 3–4 (type local-
nus hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 377 if both are ity: Korea: South Chösen: Rakuto River at Ei-yo; holotype: Prepara-
treated as valid and congeneric) tory Department of Keijo Imperial University)].
Metzia fanlingensis Lin, 1939: 130, fig. 2 (type locality:
Hong Kong: New Territory: Fanling; holotype: CAS-SU
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Myloleucops Cockerell, 1913: 136 (replacement name for mentioned that it is a replacement name, therefore, formal-
Myloleucus Günther, 1873b: 247; objective junior syn- ly, Matsya is not a replacement name.
onym of Mylopharyngodon Peters, 1881c: 925). Gen-
der masculine. Mystacoleucus argenteus (Day, 1888)
Leucisculus Oshima, 1920: 128 (type species: Leucisculus Acanthonotus argenteus Day, 1888a: 807 (type locality:
fuscus Oshima, 1920: 129, by original designation). Burma: Tenasserim District; syntypes: NT)
Gender masculine. Nomenclatural notes. See under Mystacoleucus for com-
ments on authorship of names usually attributed to Tickell,
Mylopharyngodon piceus (Richardson, 1846) in Day (1888).
Leuciscus piceus Richardson, 1846a: 298 (type locality:
China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based Mystacoleucus atridorsalis Fowler, 1937
Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, Mystacoleucus atridorsalis Fowler, 1937: 176, figs. 112–
1970a: 210, pl. 18b) 113 (type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP
Leuciscus Aethiops Basilewsky, 1855: 233, pl. 6 fig. 1 (type 68084, Böhlke, 1984: 69)
locality: China: streams near Tianjin and Beijing, drain-
ing to Gulf of Tschili; syntypes: ZISP 5900 [1], ? BMNH Mystacoleucus chilopterus Fowler, 1935
1873.7.30.92–93 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010) Mystacoleucus chilopterus Fowler, 1935a: 112, fig. 46 (type
Leuciscus dubius Bleeker, 1864m: 19 (nomen nudum) locality: Thailand: Srisawat [Si Sawat, on Khwae Yai, a
Barbus tonkinensis Sauvage, 1884a: 211, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type branch of Mae Khlong, 94 miles north-northwest of
locality: Vietnam: surroundings of Hanoï; holotype: Ratchaburi; Smith, 1945: 26; 14°41'21"N 99°01'39"E];
MNHN) holotype: ANSP 61785, Böhlke, 1984: 73)
Myloleuciscus atripinnis Garman, 1912: 116 (type locality:
China: Hupeh: Shasi [erroneous; 100 mi below Ichang Mystacoleucus ectypus Kottelat, 2000
[Hubei: Ychang, 30°43'N 111°17'N]; catalogue data]; Mystacoleucus ectypus Kottelat, 2000a: 44, fig. 11 (type
holotype: MCZ 29817) locality: Laos: Vientiane Province: Nam Mang down-
Leucisculus fuscus Oshima, 1920: 129, pl. 5 fig. 1 (type lo- stream of Ban Thabok, between 18°22'25"N 103°13'30"E
cality: Taiwan: Ako [Pingtung]; holotype: ANSP 49950 and about 1 km upstream; holotype: ZRC 45306)
[missing], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Mystacoleucus greenwayi Pellegrin & Fang, 1940
Mystacoleus Greenwayi Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 114, fig. 2
Mystacoleucus Günther, 1868 (type locality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km north-
Mystacoleucus Günther, 1868a: 206 (type species: Capoeta west of Ban Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; syn-
padangensis Bleeker, 1852r: 593, by monotypy [although types: MNHN 1939-0183–0186 [7])
Günther mentioned "the type of the genus", he does not
refer to it by name, so this is not considered to be an Mystacoleucus lepturus Huang, 1979
original designation]). Gender masculine. Mystacoleucus lepturus Huang, 1979: 419, fig. 1 (type lo-
Acanthonotus Day, 1888a: 807 (type species: Acanthonotus cality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mengla Coun-
argenteus Day, 1888a: 807, by monotypy; junior hom- ty: Manzhuo; holotype: KIZ 736074)
onym of Acanthonotus Cuvier, 1800: tab. 3 [not nomen
nudum, characters mentioned in key], Acanthonotus Mystacoleucus obtusirostris (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Schneider, 1801: 390 in Pisces, Acanthonotus Goldfuss, Valenciennes, 1842)
1809: 308 in Mammalia, Acanthonotus Gray, 1830 Barbus obtusirostris Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
[6 Jan]: vol. 1, pl. 85 fig. 1 or 1831: 8 in Pisces, etc.). 1823c: 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375
Gender masculine. (nomen nudum; Kottelat, 1987a: 370)
Matsya Day, 1889: 292 (type species: Acanthonotus argen- Barbus obtusirostris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
teus Day, 1888a: 807, by monotypy). Gender feminine. nes, 1842: 167 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buiten-
Nomenclatural notes. The authorship of Acanthonotus is zorg [Bogor]; syntypes: ? RMNH 2102, 391, MNHN
usually given as Tickell, in Day (1888). Day (1888: 779) 4303, Eschmeyer, 2010, Kottelat, 2000d: 84)
explicitly stated that he had seen Tickell's unpublished draw- Barbus marginatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
ings and descriptions, but he nowhere stated that the pub- nes, 1842: 164 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Tjicani-
lished descriptions are written by Tickell. All descriptions gui River [Cikaniki, in Bogor] and Sijira River [? Cijeruk,
clearly are in the format and style Day used throughout his near Bogor]; syntypes: ? MNHN 4303, Kottelat, 2000d:
book and he is thus the author. His mention of Tickell as 84; simultaneous subjective synonym of Barbus obtusi-
author of the name simply follows the then usual practice of rostris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
listing as author the person who coined the name. Under 167, first reviser [Bleeker, 1864a: 107] gave precedence
today's nomenclature rules, the author is the person who to B. obtusirostris; as obtusirostris has been used as a
fulfills the conditions making the name available, hence Day. valid name after 1900 [Barbodes obtusirostris of Jordan
Eschmeyer (1990: 238) considered that Matsya Day, & Seale, 1907a: 538], precedence cannot be reversed
1889 is a replacement name for Acanthonotus Day, 1888, under Code art. 23.9)
but as Day explicitly indicated "gen. nov." and nowhere Puntius siamensis Sauvage, 1883b: 152 (type locality: Thai-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
land: Mé-Nam [Mae Nam Chao Phraya]; syntypes: by subsequent designation by Jordan, 1920: 561; junior
MNHN A.5058 [1, listed as A.5056, holotype, in Kotte- homonym of Lissochilus Zittel, 1883: 200 in Gastropo-
lat, 1984a: 805], A.5106 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 50) da and Lissochilus Fischer, 1887: 807 in Gastropoda).
Gender masculine.
Mystacoleucus padangensis (Bleeker, 1852) Neolissochilus Rainboth, 1985: 26 (type species: Barbus
Capoeta padangensis Bleeker, 1852r: 593 (type locality: stracheyi Day, 1871b: 307, by original designation).
Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [103 mm TL]: Gender masculine.
RMNH 4949 or ? BMNH 1960.3.9.1, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Neolissochilus baoshanensis (Chen & Yang, in Chen,
Yang & Chen, 1999)
Nematabramis Boulenger, 1894 Barbodes baoshanensis Chen & Yang, in Chen, Yang &
Nematabramis Boulenger, 1894a: 249 (type species: Nema- Chen, 1999: 85, fig. 3 (type locality: China: Yunnan:
tabramis everetti Boulenger, 1894a: 250, by monotypy). Baoshan; holotype: KIZ 839345)
Gender feminine.
Mearnsella Seale & Bean, 1907: 231 (type species: Mearn- Neolissochilus benasi (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
sella alestes Seale & Bean, 1907: 231, by original des- Crossochilus Benasi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 226, fig. 4
ignation). Gender feminine. (type locality: Vietnam: Laokay Province: Muong Hum
[22°31'45"N 103°42'42"E], Ngoi Pho Tao River, Red
Nematabramis alestes (Seale & Bean, 1907) River drainage; lectotype: MNHN 1935.338, by present
Mearnsella alestes Seale & Bean, 1907: 231, fig. 2 (type designation [listed as holotype by Bertin & Estève, 1948:
locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holotype: 54])
USNM 57841, Banarescu, 1971b: 109) Crossochilus namlenensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969:
Nematabramis verecundus Herre, 1924a: 1568 (nomen nu- 3, 11, 16, 18 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province
dum) [now Dien Bien Province]: Tuan Giao District
Nematabramis verecundus Herre, 1924b: 259 (type locali- [21°35'15"N 103°25'10"E]: Nam Len stream [Song Ma
ty: Philippines: Mindanao: Lanao Province: Titunod Riv- drainage]; syntypes [3]: NCNTTSI H. –
er, Kolambugan; holotype: BSM, lost) H., lost, Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 290,
Nguyen [V. H.], in Roberts & Catania, 2007: 90; neo-
Nematabramis borneensis Inger & Chin, 1962 type designation by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 90 invalid
Nematabramis alestes borneensis Inger & Chin, 1962: 47 because need not stated, Code art. 75.3.1; spelt namldn-
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kota Belud ensis p. 11, first reviser [Kottelat, 2001b: 118] retained
District: Kota Belud; holotype: FMNH 44791) namlenensis as correct original spelling; original figure
first published in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 289, fig.
Nematabramis everetti Boulenger, 1894 137, again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 79, fig. 5; transla-
Nematabramis Everetti Boulenger, 1894a: 250 (type locality: tion in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 69)
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Bongon River; lectotype: BMNH Crossocheilus benasi vuha Nguyen [T. T.], Nguyen & Le,
1893.5.30.61, designated by Banarescu, 1971b: 104) 1999: 26 (nomen nudum)
Crossocheilus benasi vuha Nguyen [T. T.] & Le, in Eve et
Nematabramis steindachnerii Popta, 1905 al., 2000: 49 (nomen nudum; locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh
Nematabramis Steindachnerii Popta, 1905a: 179 (type lo- Province: Vu Quang Nature Reserve: Huong Tho guard
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kajan; lectotype: RMNH 7628 station)
[1 of 4], designated by Banarescu, 1971b: 105, fig. 1; Taxonomic notes. The fish figured by Roberts & Catania
also in Popta, 1906: 176, pl. 10 fig. 39) (2007: 88, fig. 3) as Neolissochilus benasi does not have the
colour pattern of that species, but seems to be Spinibarbus
Neobarynotus Banarescu, 1980 Nomenclatural notes. Crossochilus namlenensis Nguyen
Neobarynotus Banarescu, 1980b: 475 (type species: Capoeta [V. H.] & Doan, 1969 was described on the basis of 3 spec-
microlepis Bleeker, 1851l: 206, by original designation). imens, 40–50 mm SL. Three specimens 40–50 mm SL,
Gender masculine. NCNTTSI H.–03, collected on 8 November
1965 [1969 on p. 288] are listed by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Neobarynotus microlepis (Bleeker, 1851) 2001: 290; they have the same locality data as given in the
Capoeta microlepis Bleeker, 1851l: 206 (type locality: In- original description and apparently are the syntypes. These
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho- specimens are lost (Nguyen [V. H.], in Roberts & Catania,
lotype: RMNH 7000 [135 mm TL], Banarescu, 1980b: 2007: 90). Roberts & Catania (2007: 90) designated as neo-
472, fig. 2) type the model of figure 4 (a syntype of C. benasi) in Pelle-
grin & Chevey (1936b: 226), making C. namlenensis a ob-
jective junior synonym of C. benasi. They did not search
Neolissochilus Rainboth, 1985 which of the syntypes had been figured by Pellegrin & Che-
Lissochilus Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 167 (type species: vey. This specimen is MNHN 1935-338 (R. Causse, pers.
Lissochilus sumatranus Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 169, comm.) and is made lectotype by present designation.
Roberts & Catania (2007: 90, 94) did not state expressly be simply recognised as a lectotype designation; treated
the need for a neotype designation, and therefore the desig- here as valid under Code art. 74.1.1; if not acceptable,
nation is invalid (Code art. 75.3). In fact they even stated then designated here as lectotype])
that there is "strong likelihood that this nominal species is
the same as Neolissochilus benasi", negating the need of Neolissochilus longipinnis (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916)
the neotype designation. The fish fauna of the area of Viet- Labeobarbus longipinnis Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 149
nam where the two species have been obtained is still poorly (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Deli, Lake Kawar
surveyed (or at least poorly reported) and since the respec- [Lake Tawar ?]; lectotype: ZMA 113.008, designated by
tive type localities are in distant and unconnected drainages, Rainboth, 1985: 30)
it seems premature to make the name C. namlenensis disap-
pear. Future surveys may show that the Neolissochilus of Neolissochilus nigrovittatus (Boulenger, 1893)
these two drainages are not conspecific. It will then be early Barbus nigrovittatus Boulenger, 1893: 202 (type locality:
enough to designate a neotype, if justified. Neolissochilus Burma: Southern Shan States: Fort Stedman; syntypes:
benasi was described from the Red River drainage and BMNH 1893.6.30.41–42 [2], Rainboth, 1985: 31)
C. namlenensis from the Song Ma, which enters the Gulf of
Tonkin South of the estuary of the Red River. Neolissochilus paucisquamatus (Smith, 1945)
Puntius paucisquamatus Smith, 1945: 178, fig. 29 (type lo-
Neolissochilus blanci (Pellegrin & Fang, 1940) cality: Thailand: Nakhon Sritamarat Prov: brook near
Barbus Blanci Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 115, fig. 3 (type lo- base of Kao Luang; holotype: USNM 119713)
cality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km northwest of Ban
Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; syntypes: MNHN Neolissochilus qiaojiensis (Wu, in Wu, 1977)
1939-0203–0205 [3]) Tor qiaojiensis Wu, in Wu, 1977: 326, pl. 7-61 (type local-
ity: China: Yunnan: Qiaojie; syntypes: IHB 60.6.650,
Neolissochilus blythii (Day, 1870) 60.6.546, 60.6.547 [3])
Barbus blythii Day, 1870b: 555 (type locality: Burma: Tenas-
serim provinces; holotype: ZSI A.787, Whitehead & Neolissochilus soro (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Talwar, 1976: 155, Rainboth, 1985: 29) ennes, 1842)
Barbus soro Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
Neolissochilus compressus (Day, 1870) 191 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bantam, Sadingwet-
Barbus compressus Day, 1870b: 555 (type locality: in a jar an River; syntypes: RMNH [stuffed specimen, lost ?,
"with an Oreinus from Cashmere" [erroneous, probably Roberts, 1993b: 22] and specimen illustrated by Kuhl
Burma; Mukerji, 1934: 62]; holotype: ZSI 5513/1, Muk- and van Hasselt [reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 21];
erji, 1934: 59, fig. 8, Rainboth, 1985: 29, or ZSI A.786, if simultaneous subjective synonym of Barbus tambra
Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155) Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 190, first
reviser [Roberts, 1993b: 22] gave precedence to B. tam-
Neolissochilus dukai (Day, 1878) bra, see under Tor tambra)
Barbus Dukai Day, 1878: 564, pl. 143 fig. 3 (type locality: Taxonomic notes. The species has long been placed in Tor.
India: Darjeeling: Teesta River; syntypes: among ZSI Roberts (1999a: 234) considered that T. soro could in fact
2388 [1], RMNH 2681 [1], ? 8659 [1], BMNH be a species of Neolissochilus.
1889.2.1.518–519 [2], AMS B.7983, NMW 54061, Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993b: 23) considered that
Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155, Rainboth, 1985: 29, there was a holotype of Barbus soro. Valenciennes exam-
Eschmeyer, 2010, Ferraris et al., 2000: 296) ined a 10-inch [about 270 mm] long specimen in RMNH
and he had also a copy of the figure by Kuhl and van Has-
Neolissochilus hendersoni (Herre, 1940) selt on which his colour description seems to have been
Lissochilus hendersoni Herre, 1940a: 10, pl. 4 (type locali- based. Unless it can be demonstrated that the specimen ex-
ty: Malaysia: creek on Penang Island; holotype: CAS- amined by Valenciennes is also the one on which the figure
SU 32632 [larger specimen of 2], Böhlke, 1953: 33) is based, there is no holotype but a series of syntypes. The
figure is 130 mm SL and is possibly close to natural size;
Neolissochilus heterostomus (Chen & Yang, in Chen, Yang the illustrated specimen is a juvenile (Roberts, 1993b: 65)
& Chen, 1999) and thus it is very unlikely to have been the 270 mm speci-
Barbodes heterostomus Chen & Yang, in Chen, Yang & men which Valenciennes used for the morphological descrip-
Chen, 1999: 84, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: tion; therefore this specimen is not a holotype but a syn-
Nabang, Yinjiang; holotype: KIZ 7801066) type. The size of one of the skeletons labelled as T. soro
(RMNH 367) is 206 mm long; if this is SL, it is close to the
Neolissochilus hexastichus (M'Clelland, 1839) size of the 270 mm TL of the specimen examined by Valen-
Barbus hexastichus M'Clelland, 1839: 269, 333, pl. 39 fig. 2 ciennes.
(type locality: India: "great rivers in the plains of India";
lectotype: SMF 547, designated by Rainboth, 1985: 27 Neolissochilus soroides (Duncker, 1904)
[designated as "provisional lectotype"; the Code does Barbus soroides Duncker, 1904: 178, pl. 1 fig. 7 (type lo-
not recognize this category but does not exclude this to cality: Malaysia: eastern slope of Sangka-Dua pass, head-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
waters of Pahang River; lectotype: ZMH 368 [formerly halsoueti Sauvage, 1878e: 87, by monotypy). Gender
8441], designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 158) masculine.
Onychostoma barbatum (Lin, 1931) ? Varicorhinus argentatus Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969:
Gymnosfomus barbatus Lin, 1931: 113 (type locality: Chi- 13 (type locality: Vietnam: Hoa Binh Province: Da Bac,
na: Guangxi: Yaoshan; lectotype: LU [118 mm SL], des- Suoi Rut stream; lectotype: NCNTTSI "67", designated
ignated by Lin, 1933b: 201 [Code art. 74.5]) by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 93 [syntypes [3]: out of
Distribution notes. Record in area from Shi Wan Da Shan NCNTTSI H. [3] and H. [1, erro-
(Zhao & Zhang, 2001b). neously listed as holotype by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001:
401]); spelt corgentatus p. 3, curgentatus p. 13 and ar-
Onychostoma elongatum (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934) gentotus p. 18, first reviser [Kottelat, 2001b: 119] retained
Crossochilus elongatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934: 340 (type argentatus as correct original spelling; original figure
locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Ngoi-Thia River at Nghia Lô, reproduced in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 401, fig.
tributary of Red River upstream of Yên Bay; holotype: 196; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 70)
MNHN 1934-0263, Kottelat, 2000d: 84; also in Pelle- ? Varicorhinus erythrogenys Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969:
grin & Chevey, 1935b: 467, fig. 3) 13 (type locality: Vietnam: Hoa Binh Province: Da Bac,
? Coreius tchangi Dao & Mai, 1959: 7 [? fig. 7] (type local- Suoi Rut stream; lectotype: NCNTTSI "1068", desig-
ity: Vietnam: Ben Yai Province: Ngoi Thia, a tributary nated by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 93 [possibly NCNTT-
of Red River; syntypes: ? DVZUT, ZMMUS 9450, SI H., erroneously listed as holotype by
Svetovidova, 1978: 260; figure apparently not published) Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 403]; spelt erythrogenus
p. 3, brythrogenys p. 13 and lrythrogenys p. 18, first re-
Onychostoma fangi Kottelat, 2000 viser [Kottelat, 2001b: 120] retained erythrogenys as
Varicorhinus elongatus Fang, 1940: 138 (type locality: Chi- correct original spelling; original figure published in
na: Kouang-Si Province: San-Fan, Lo-Chien-Hsien; ho- Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 402, fig. 197, again in
lotype: Natn. Res. Inst. Biol. Beijing 258; junior sec- Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 82, fig. 12; translation in Nguyen
ondary homonym of Crossochilus elongatus Pellegrin [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 70)
& Chevey, 1934: 340, when placed in Onychostoma by ? Varicorhinus microstomus Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969:
Kottelat, 2000d: 84) 13 (type locality: Vietnam: Son La Province: Nham Noc
Onychostoma fangi Kottelat, 2000d: 85 (replacement name Ta Khoa; syntypes [4]: NCNTTSI ? lost [material listed
for Varicorhinus elongatus Fang, 1940: 138) as holotype and paratypes by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
? Varicorhinus yeni Nguyen [H. D.] & Ngo, in Nguyen [V. are not types as they do not originate from the type lo-
H.] & Ngo, 2001: 410, fig. 201 (type locality: Vietnam: cality; also no holotype was designated in original de-
Yen Bai Province: Luc Yen district: Phuc Loi, Ngoi scription]; spelt microstonus pp. 16, 18, first reviser [Kot-
Thuong; holotype: NCNTTSI H. telat, 2001b: 120] retained microstomus as correct orig-
? Varicorhinus thacbaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: inal spelling; original figure published in Nguyen [V.
412, fig. 202 (type locality: (type locality: Vietnam: Yen H.] & Ngo, 2001: 399, fig. 195, again in Nguyen [V.
Bai Province: Luc Yen district: Phuc Loi, Ngoi Thuong; H.], 2007: 82, fig. 13; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] &
holotype: NCNTTSI H. Doan, 2007: 70, as V. microstoma)
Nomenclatural notes. Specimen MNHN 1940-0137 listed Onychostoma vietnamensis Banarescu, 1971c: 244 (type
as syntype of V. elongatus by Banarescu (1971: 245, fig. 5) locality: Vietnam: Song-Koi basin; holotype: MNHN
is a paratype as Fang unambiguously designated a holotype. B.2652)
Nomenclatural notes. Varicorhinus microstomus was de-
Onychostoma fusiforme Kottelat, 1998 scribed on the basis of 4 specimens from Nham Noc Ta Khoa,
Onychostoma fusiforme Kottelat, 1998a: 40, fig. 56 (type Son La Province, Vietnam. The 4 specimens NCNTTSI
locality: Laos: Nam Theun, from Ban Signo to about and listed as holotype and paraty-
6 km upriver; 17°50'50"N 105°03'00"E; holotype: ZRC pes by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo (2001: 403) have no type
41782) status as they are from a different locality, Hoa Binh Prov-
ince: Suoi Rut stream. The specimen "RIAH 1070" desig-
Onychostoma gerlachi (Peters, 1881) nated as lectotype by Roberts & Catania (2007: 93) is also
Barbus gerlachi Peters, 1881b: 1034, pl. 1 fig. 5 (type lo- from Suoi Rut and therefore cannot be the lectotype; this is
cality: China: sent from Hong Kong; holotype: ZMB probably one of the two specimens listed by Nguyen [V. H.]
11327) & Ngo. Alternatively, the locality data are erroneous either
? Capeta macrolepis imberbis Koller, 1926a: 121 (type lo- in the original description or on the label.
cality: China: Hainan: stream on Mt. Wu-tschi; syntypes
[3]: NMW) Onychostoma lini (Wu, 1939)
Varicorhinus lini Wu, 1939: 103 (type locality: China: Li
Onychostoma leptura (Boulenger, 1900) Kiang: Yangso; syntypes [3]: [repository not stated] 121
Gymnostomus lepturus Boulenger, 1900a: 961, pl. 69 fig. 1 [1], 137–138 [2])
(type locality: China: Hainan: Five-Fingers Mt.; holo-
type: BMNH 1899.11.30.21, Eschmeyer, 2010) Onychostoma meridionale Kottelat, 1998
Barbus roulei Wu, 1931a: 15, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Onychostoma meridionale Kottelat, 1998a: 42, fig. 58 (type
Foochow [Fuzhou] [basin of Ming River up to Yenping locality: Laos: Upper Xe Bangfai, about 1 km upriver of
[Yanping]]; holotype: ? MNHN [p. 1]) confluence with (unnamed) stream descending from
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Phou Taloun; 17°09'42"N 10°12'33"E; holotype: ZRC 2000: 12, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam: Son La Prov-
41783) ince: Song Ma River at Song Ma; holotype: NCNTTSI
Onychostoma ovale Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936 ? Opsariichthys dienbienensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen
Onychostoma ovalis Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936a: 22, fig. 3 [H. D.], 2000: 14, figs. 3–4 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai
(type locality: Vietnam: Phu-Thô, Song Bua, Red River; Chau Province: stream Nam Rom in Dien Bien Phu
holotype: MNHN 1935-0322, Banarescu, 1971c: 246) [Mekong basin]; holotype: NCNTTSI H.
? Opsariichthys dorsoarcus Nguyen, Nguyen, Do & Ngu-
Onychostoma simum (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, yen [H. D.], 2012: 19, fig. 1 (not available, no holotype
1874) designation; locality: Vietnam: Quang Tri Province:
Barbus simus Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 8 (type Dakrong District)
locality: China [probably Yangtze basin; locality listed ? Opsariichthys longianalis Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T. H.
as "Pé-Kia-Yu" by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 44 and Esch- T.], Do & Nguyen, 2012: 19, fig. 2 (not available, no
meyer et al., 1998: 2010, but this is French transcription holotype designation; locality: Vietnam: Quang Tri Prov-
of vernacular name, see Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 184, ince: Dakrong District)
pl. 42 fig. 5]; holotype: MNHN 7952, Bertin & Estève, ? Opsariichthys brevistomatus Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T.
1948: 44, Banarescu, 1971c: 243) H. T.], Do & Nguyen [T. D. P.], 2012: 19, fig. 3 (not
Onychostoma laticeps Günther, 1896: 211, pl. 1 fig. B (type available, no holotype designation; locality: Vietnam:
locality: China: southern Kansu: river near Hui-hsien Quang Tri Province: Dakrong District)
[Hui Xian, about 30°N 106°E]; holotype: ? ZISP)
Onychostoma laticeps var. fontouensis Tchang, 1930c: 85 Opsariichthys hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927
(type locality: China: Sichuan: Fontou [Feng-tou in Opsariichthys hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 367,
Tchang, 1931a: 68]; holotype: MNHN 1934-0017, Bertin fig. 33 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype:
& Estève, 1948: 45; also in Tchang, 1930a: 68, 1931a: 68) AMNH 8377)
Taxonomic notes. Validity follows Chen et al. (2008: 217).
Onychostoma uniforme (Mai, 1978)
Crossocheilus uniformis Mai, 1978: 105, fig. 45 (type lo-
cality: Vietnam: Bac Kan, Na Ri River; syntypes: DV- Opsarius McClelland, 1838
ZUT) Opsarius McClelland, 1838: 944 (type species: Opsarius
maculatus M'Clelland, 1839: 417, by subsequent desig-
nation by Jordan, 1919a: 195; no species originally in-
Opsariichthys Bleeker, 1863 cluded; first inclusion of species by M'Clelland, 1839:
Opsariichthys Bleeker, 1863e: 203 (type species: Leuciscus 413). Gender masculine.
uncirostris Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 211, pl. 102 Perilampus McClelland, 1838: 943, 947 (type species: Pe-
fig. 1, by original designation; also in Bleeker, 1863l: rilampus elingulatus McClelland, 1838: 947, by mono-
263, 1863m: 28). Gender masculine. typy; junior homonym of Perilampus Latreille, 1809:
30 in Hymenoptera; simultaneous subjective synonym
Opsariichthys bea Nguyen, 1987 of Opsarius McClelland, 1838: 944, first reviser action
Opsarichthys bea Nguyen [T. T.], 1987: 32, fig. 3 (type lo- not needed as Perilampus is invalid because junior hom-
cality: Vietnam: Nghe Tinh Province: Khe Bo; holotype: onym). Gender masculine.
VUP Kb 224) Chedrus Swainson, 1839: 185, 285 (subgenus of Catosto-
mus Le Sueur, 1817c: 89; type species: Catostomus grayii
Opsariichthys bidens Günther, 1873 Swainson, 1839: 285, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Opsariichthys bidens Günther, 1873b: 249 (type locality: Pachystomus Heckel, 1843: 1038 (type species: Cyprinus
China: Shanghai; holotype: BMNH 1873.7.30.96, Esch- shacra Hamilton, 1822: 271, by subsequent designation
meyer, 2010) by Bleeker, 1863e: 203, 1863l: 263; junior homonym of
Rasbora Blanchardi Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: Pachystomus Latreille, 1809: 286 in Diptera). Gender
12 (type locality: China: southern Shen-Si and western masculine.
Tche-Kiang [Zhejiang]; syntypes: MNHN 8152 [11], Shacra Bleeker, 1860c: 436 (nomen nudum)
8236 [5], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 71) Bendilisis Bleeker, 1860c: 436 (nomen nudum)
Opsariichthys Morrisonii Günther, 1898: 262, pl. 13 fig. A Shacra Bleeker, 1860j: 287, 431 (type species: Cyprinus
(type locality: North China: Liao-ho river at Newchwang shacra Hamilton, 1822: 271, by absolute tautonymy).
[Yingkow]; holotype: BMNH 1898.2.28.16, Eschmey- Gender feminine.
er, 2010) Bendilisis Bleeker, 1860j: 289, 431 (subgenus of Opsarius
Opsariichthys minutus Nichols, 1926b: 6, fig. 5 (type local- McClelland, 1838: 944; type species: Cyprinus bendeli-
ity: China: Fukien [Fujian]; holotype: AMNH 8478) sis Buchanan, 1807: 345, pl. 32, by subsequent designa-
Opsariichthys chekianensis Shaw, 1930: 113, fig. 3 (type tion by Bleeker, 1863e: 203 [correct spelling of type
locality: China: Chekiang [Zhejiang]: Shing-Tsong; ho- species is B. bendelisis, therefore type species not by
lotype: ZMFMIB 4441) absolute tautonymy in original description]). Gender
? Opsariichthys songmaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen, masculine.
Pteropsarion Günther, 1868a: 284 (type species: Barilius no holotype is designated, Code art. 16.4.1)
bakeri Day, 1865b: 305, by subsequent designation by ? Barilius chatriensis Vishwanath, 2002: 41 (nomen nudum
Jordan, 1919b: 351). Gender neuter. as no holotype is designated, Code art. 16.4.1)
Allodanio Smith, 1945: 96 (subgenus of Danio Hamilton, ? Barilius ngawa Vishwanath & Manojkumar, 2002: 86,
1822: 321; type species: Danio ponticulus Smith, 1945: fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Sherou River (trib-
100, by original designation p. 101). Gender masculine. utary of Manipur River), 24°18'N 93°54'E, 83 km south
Paradaniops Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1967: 123 (type spe- of Imphal; holotype: MUFM 149)
cies: Paradaniops macropterus Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, ? Barilius chatricensis Selim & Vishwanath, 2002: 267,
1967: 124, by original designation; repeated in Nguyen fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Ukhrul District:
[V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 9; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] Chatrickong River, 150 km from Imphal [Chindwin trib-
& Doan, 2007: 67). Gender masculine. utary, Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: MUMF F 530/1)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ently erroneous]; holotype: MZB 3043) coastal river stretches, it seems unlikely (although not total-
Danio menglaensis He & Chen, 1994: 375, fig. 1 (type lo- ly impossible) that after his official business Harmand would
cality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mengla Coun- have found the time to collect fish samples or to organise
ty: Manzhuang, 21°30'N 101°30'E; holotype: IHB local collectors (). Sauvage's manuscript with the descrip-
8810131) tion of B. ornatus was presented at the meeting of 7 July
Taxonomic notes. The type locality of B. borneensis is du- 1883 of the Société philomatique de Paris, which also sug-
bious. It is known from a single specimen. When present, gests a collection date before 1883.
Opsarius species are usually common, but this is the only It is possible that the species had an earlier larger range
specimen of the genus ever collected in Borneo. The photo- from which it has been extirpated, or that it awaits rediscov-
graph in the original description shows a specimen similar ery elsewhere. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 15) identified ma-
to O. koratensis, in poorer state than other specimens from terial from southern Laos as O. ornatus, which requires con-
same collection, which suggests it has another origin, pos- firmation.
sibly an accidental left-over in a recycled container. The
identity of Danio menglaensis is based on examination of Opsarius pulchellus (Smith, 1931)
the holotype. Barilius pulchellus Smith, 1931a: 17, fig. 8 (type locality:
Recent molecular data (Tang et al., 2010) suggest that Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Mekang at Pang Chao;
O. koratensis does not belong in Opsarius but might repre- holotype: USNM 90299)
sent a distinct genus (which general appearance suggested Barilius buddhae Fowler, 1934a: 142, fig. 116 (type locali-
already). The name Allodanio is potentially available for it, ty: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: foot of Chiang Dao;
depending of the identity of its type species (A. ponticulus). holotype: ANSP 58912, Böhlke, 1984: 71)
Barilius Pellegrini Fang, 1938c: 587 (type locality: China:
Opsarius ornatus (Sauvage, 1883) Yunnan: Szemao; lectotype: MNHN 1938-0025, desig-
Barilius ornatus Sauvage, 1883b: 153 (type locality: Thai- nated by Kottelat, 1984a: 796)
land: Mé-Nam [Mae Nam Chao Phraya] [possibly erro- Paradaniops macropterus Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1967:
neous; see below]; lectotype: MNHN A.5074, designat- 124, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province:
ed by Kottelat, 1984a: 794, fig. 1) Sinh Ho district: Ban-cang stream [Song Da drainage];
Taxonomic notes. Tejavej (2012b) identified as O. ornatus syntypes [5]: Dinh Bang Fish Research Station (Bac Ninh
a species possibly known only from the area of Chumphon province) 65-0345, now possibly NCNTTSI
(peninsular Thailand). The type locality of O. ornatus was H. [2] and H. [1], last one erro-
given as "Mé-Nam" in the original description, which has neously listed as holotype by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
been listed by later authors as "Chao Phraya". Tejavej 2001: 62; status of NCNTTSI "1036" designated as lec-
(2012b: 148) commented that 'menam' means river in Thai totype by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 89 not clear [they
and that this could refer to any river in Thailand. Although comment that the original drawing has the locality "Nam
this is correct, the fact is that in the French literature of that Mu Phong Tho"]; repeated in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan,
time, Mé-Nam was used for the Chao Phraya (e.g. see the 1969: 10, Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 61, fig. 18 and
many maps in the seven volumes of reports of the Mission Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 79, fig. 3; translation in Nguyen
Pavie Indochine, 1879–1895 [Pavie, 1901–1919] and its [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 68)
atlas [Pavie, 1903]). Tejavej noted that Jules Harmand [the Daniops nammuensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 11 (type
collector, then French consul in Bangkok] was involved in locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Tho Dis-
the project to open a navigable canal across the isthmus of trict: Nam Mu stream [Song Da drainage]; syntypes [2]:
Kra. He was on board the boat that had just carried the French NCNTTSI H. [1, erroneously listed as holo-
survey expedition at Chumphon back to Bangkok on 17 Jan- type by Nguyen & Nho, 2001: 60], NCNTTSI
uary 1883. Tejavej concluded that Harmand could have ob- H. [1]; lectotype designation by Roberts &
tained the specimens in Chumphon. This, combined with Catania, 2007: 90 apparently invalid because specimen
the absence of records of the species from the Chao Phraya not part of type series; numerous incorrect original spell-
since the original description, led Tejavej to conclude that ings, first reviser [Kottelat, 2001b: 117] retained nam-
the types might have been collected in Chumphon. muensis as correct original spelling)
It is difficult to follow this hypothesis. First, it is contra-
dicted by the MNHN catalogue that indicates that the type Opsarius signicaudus (Tejavej, 2012)
series was collected in 1882. Harmand was appointed con- Barilius signicaudus Tejavej, 2012a: 140, fig. 1 (type local-
sul in Bangkok from October 1881 to June 1883 (Finot, ity: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Sangklaburi dis-
1922), but I could not find the dates of his actual presence trict, Mae Khlong drainage; holotype: UNMF 07541)
in Thailand. Also, Harmand's connection with the survey Nomenclatural notes. The etymology of signicaudus is
for the Kra canal was very slight. He only accompanied the given as «a noun, is from the Latin [...] cauda, "tail"». Cau-
expedition as consul until Chumphon (in fact at the mouth da is effectively a noun; nouns are invariable and the spell-
of Chumphon River) where they arrived by boat from ing cauda should have been used. Unfortunately, the Code
Bangkok on 16 January 1883 afternoon and Harmand re- does not allow to correct misformed names.
turned to Bangkok the next day (Loftus, 1883: 2). Consid-
ering transport conditions of the time, Harmand's function Opsarius tileo (Hamilton, 1822)
and that Opsarius species are unknown in estuaries and Cyprinus tileo Hamilton, 1822: 276, 385 (type locality: In-
dia: Kosi River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished fig- M'Clelland, 1842: 570, not originally included]). Gen-
ure reproduced in Gray, 1832: vol. 1, pl. 94 fig. 1) der masculine.
Opsarius maculatus M'Clelland, 1839: 417, 470 (type lo- Englottogaster Gistel, 1848: x (unnecessary replacement
cality: India: Ganges and Bramaputrah; syntypes: SMF name for Oreinus McClelland, 1838: 943). Gender fem-
5402 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010; spelt maculosus pp. 297, inine.
315, 417, pl. 47 fig. 4, first reviser [apparently Tang et Opistocheilos Bleeker, 1860c: 425 (type species: Schizo-
al., 2010: 203] gave precedence to maculatus as correct thorax plagiostomus Heckel, 1838: 16, by subsequent
original spelling) designation by Jordan, 1919b: 287; no species original-
Opsarius brachialis M'Clelland, 1839: 297, 418, pl. 48 fig. 6 ly included, first inclusion by Bleeker, 1860j: 115). Gen-
(type locality: India: Assam; syntypes: SMF 811 [1], der masculine.
Eschmeyer, 2010) Taxonomic notes. See discussion under Schizothorax for
Barilius menoni Sen, 1976: 59, fig. 1 (type locality: India: taxonomic status and nomenclature. Species placed in Schi-
Bihar: Saharsa district: Gomatidhara, Madhepura; holo- zothorax by Wu & Wu (1992: 302) and Tilak (1987) belong
type: ZSI FF 750) to Oreinus. Taxonomy follows Wu & Wu (1992).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Oreinus rotundimaxillaris (Wu & Wu, 1992) Osteochilus bellus Popta, 1904
Schizothorax rotundimaxillaris Wu & Wu, 1992: 390, fig. Osteochilus bellus Popta, 1904: 197 (type locality: Indone-
102 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Tangchong County: sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; syntypes [6
Da Yingjiang River near Houqiao, Irrawaddy drainage; in 1906 paper, 3 in 1904, apparently a lapsus as other
holotype: NPIB 784495) data do not differ]: RMNH 7580 [5], 29317 [1], Esch-
Taxonomic notes. Treated as synonym of O. meridionalis meyer, 2010; also in Popta, 1906: 104, pl. 7 fig. 23)
by Chen (2013: 313).
Osteochilus bleekeri Kottelat, 2008
Osteochilus bleekeri Kottelat, 2008b: 249, figs. 1–2 (type
Osteobrama Heckel, 1843 locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas
Osteobrama Heckel, 1843: 1033 (type species: Cyprinus drainage, Sungai Engkayas, 2 km southeast of Sanggau
cotio Hamilton, 1822: 339, by subsequent designation on road to Sintang; holotype: MZB 6000)
by Jordan, 1919a: 211). Gender feminine. Taxonomic notes. This is the species described as O. tri-
Smiliogaster Bleeker, 1860c: 438 (type species: Leuciscus poros by Karnasuta (1993: 50). He designated a neotype for
belangeri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844: Rohita triporos Bleeker, 1852r: 598 but this designation is
99, by subsequent monotypy; no species originally in- invalid as the holotype still exists. Osteochilus triporos is a
cluded, first inclusion by Bleeker, 1860j: 296, 467) synonym of O. microcephalus. The species identified as
O. triporos by subsequent authors (e.g. Weber & de Beau-
Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- fort, 1916: 133; Roberts, 1989: 54; Kottelat et al., 1993: 41,
ciennes, 1844) pl. 13) is O. bleekeri.
Leuciscus Belangeri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1844: 99 (type locality: India: [Bengal, Bertin & Osteochilus borneensis (Bleeker, 1856)
Estève, 1948: 81]; syntypes: MNHN 3898 [3], Fang, Rohita borneënsis Bleeker, 1856m: 17 (type locality: Indo-
1942b: 165) nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in Pon-
Systomus microlepis Blyth, 1858b: 289 (type locality: un- tianak; holotype [80 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.173,
known [Burma: Moulmein; Blyth, 1860b: 158]; holo- Karnasuta, 1993: 73)
type: ? ZSI; junior secondary homonym of Barbus mi-
crolepis Bleeker, 1850i: 12 when placed in Systomus by Osteochilus brachynotopteroides Chevey, 1934
Bleeker, 1851j: 60) Osteochilus brachynotoptéroïdes Chevey, 1934: 34, figs. 2–
Rohtee Blythi Bleeker, 1860j: 281 (replacement name for 3 (type locality: Vietnam: Annam: Pleiku Province: Kon-
Systomus microlepis Blyth, 1858b: 289) tum Lake; syntypes: ? MNHN, ? ION)
Osteobrama brevipectoralis Tilak & Husain, 1989: 328,
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Manipur Valley; ho- Osteochilus chini Karnasuta, 1993
lotype: ZSI/NRS F.567) Osteochilus kahajanensis chini Karnasuta, 1993: 42, fig. 18
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan
Osteobrama cunma (Day, 1888) River at Deramakot; holotype: FMNH 68230)
Rohtee cunma Day, 1888a: 807 (type locality: Burma: Moul-
mein; types: NT) Osteochilus enneaporos (Bleeker, 1852)
Rohtee roeboides Myers, 1924: 3 (type locality: Burma: Rohita enneaporos Bleeker, 1852r: 596 (type locality: In-
Chindwin River at Monywa; holotype: AMNH 8350) donesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [246 mm TL]:
Nomenclatural notes. See under Mystacoleucus for com- BMNH 1866.5.2.172, Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 44, fig. 32;
ments on authorship of Rohtee cunma Day, 1888, and names material listed as syntype by Fricke, 1991: 13 has no
usually attributed to Tickell (in Day, 1888). Synonymy fol- type status)
lows Hora & Misra (1940: 168, pl. 4 fig. 1).
Osteochilus flavicauda Kottelat & Tan, 2009
Osteobrama feae Vinciguerra, 1890 Osteochilus flavicauda Kottelat & Tan, 2009: 1, figs. 1–2
Osteobrama Feae Vinciguerra, 1890: 311, pl. 10 fig. 10 (type (type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Kota Tinggi, Sungei Te-
locality: Burma: Kokarit [Kaw-ka-riet]; lectotype: mentang; holotype: ZRC 38216)
MCSNG 17131-A, designated by Tortonese, 1961: 187)
Osteochilus harrisoni Fowler, 1905
Osteochilus harrisoni Fowler, 1905a: 480, fig. 5 (type lo-
Osteochilus Günther, 1868 cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holo-
Osteochilus Günther, 1868a: 40 (type species: Rohita mel- type: ANSP 114892 [formerly WIAP 2392], Böhlke,
anopleura Bleeker, 1852o: 430, by subsequent designa- 1984: 78)
tion by Jordan, 1919b: 351). Gender masculine.
Neorohita Fowler, 1937: 180 (subgenus of Osteochilus Osteochilus ingeri Karnasuta, 1993
Günther, 1868a: 40; type species: Rohita hasseltii Va- Osteochilus ingeri Karnasuta, 1993: 48, fig. 20 (holotype:
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 274, by Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Tawau District: Sungei Tawan,
original designation). Gender feminine. Kalabakan; holotype: FMNH 68540)
Osteochilus intermedius Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 Osteochilus microcephalus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Osteochilus intermedius Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 134 Valenciennes, 1842)
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi / Borneo: Ka- Rohita microcephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
limantan Barat: Kapuas River at Putusibau; syntypes ennes, 1842: 275 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Ban-
[29]: ZMA 112.609 [8], 112.610 [2], 119.011 [1], AMNH tam; syntypes: RMNH 2115 [2], 2117 [1], Karnasuta,
9289 [1, lost], Nijssen et al., 1993: 215, Karnasuta, 1993: 1993: 22, Roberts, 1993b: 20 [RMNH 2118, 220 mm SL
54, Eschmeyer, 2010) is too long; Valenciennes gave the maximum size as
7 inches (total length); BMNH 1866.5.23.170 listed by
Osteochilus jeruk Hadiaty & Siebert, 1998 Eschmeyer, 2010, unlikely to be a syntype; catalogue
Osteochilus jeruk Hadiaty & Siebert, 1998: 1, fig. 1 (type number suggests it is a Bleeker's specimen])
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh Selatan: Kecamatan Dangila lipocheila Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Kluet Selatan, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser: Sungai nes, 1842: 232 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes:
Lembang at Suag Balimbing Research Station; holotype: RMNH and specimen on which Kuhl and van Hasselt's
MZB 8645) drawing is based; simultaneous subjective synonym of
Rohita microcephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
Osteochilus kahajanensis (Bleeker, 1856) ciennes, 1842: 275, first reviser [Roberts, 1993b: 20]
Rohita kahajanensis Bleeker, 1856m: 18 (type locality: In- gave precedence to R. microcephalus)
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Kahajan River; Rohita triporos Bleeker, 1852r: 598 (type locality: Indone-
holotype [76 mm SL]: RMNH 4980, Karnasuta, 1993: sia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [130 mm TL]: BMNH
42) 1866.5.2.164, Kottelat, 2008b: 251, fig. 3; neotype des-
ignation by Karnasuta, 1993: 50 not valid as holotype is
Osteochilus kappenii (Bleeker, 1856) extant)
Rohita Kappenii Bleeker, 1856m: 19 (type locality: Indone- Rohita brachynotopterus Bleeker, 1855h: 266 (type locali-
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in Pontia- ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Lahat; holotype [90 mm TL]:
nak; holotype [120 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.174, Kar- BMNH 1866.5.2.171, Karnasuta, 1993: 22)
nasuta, 1993: 65) Nomenclatural notes. Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Osteochilus brevicauda Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 138 ennes (1842: 232) described Dangila lipocheila on the ba-
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: sis of a drawing sent by Kuhl and van Hasselt and speci-
Kapuas River at Putusibau and Putus Genting; synty- mens in RMNH (the use of the plurals "ces cyprins" and
pes: ZMA 100.167 [1], 112.675 [14], AMNH 9273 [1, "leur", p. 232, indicates that he had several specimens; the
lost], Nijssen et al., 1993: 215, Karnasuta, 1993: 65, use of "ce poisson", p. 234, apparently solely refers to the
Eschmeyer, 2010) model of Kuhl & van Hasselts' drawing).
Discussion about D. lipocheila possibly being a synonym
Osteochilus kerinciensis Tan & Kottelat, 2009 of Barbichthys laevis goes back to Bleeker (1863m: 48) who
Osteochilus kerinciensis Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 40, fig. 30 noted that Valenciennes reported the species as having 2/8
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Kerinci, Danau dorsal rays. Given that Valenciennes (p. 229) defined Dan-
Lingkat; holotype: MZB 10711) gila as having a long dorsal fin, 2/8 in D. lipocheila seems
to be a lapsus, probably for 2/18 which agrees with Kuhl
Osteochilus kelabau Popta, 1904 and van Hasselt's drawing reproduced in Roberts (1993:
Osteochilus kelabau Popta, 1904: 196 (type locality: Indo- fig. 14). The figure represents an Osteochilus (apparently
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; holotype: O. microcephalus). Valenciennes did not mention the dark
RMNH 7578; also in Popta, 1906: 99, pl. 6 fig. 21) midlateral stripe obvious on the figure. Plate 7, fig. 1, in
Osteochilus kükenthali Ahl, 1922a: 33 (type locality: Indo- Bleeker (1863m) is apparently based on the same drawing
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: "Mahakam Kutei"; but does not show the midlateral stripe.
lectotype: ZMB 20537 [1 of 2], designated by Kottelat, Karnasuta designated a neotype for Rohita triporos
1991c: 277; spelling should be emended to kuekenthali) (RMNH 4963) in order to retain the name for the species
then called O. triporos. As the holotype of R. triporos is still
Osteochilus lini Fowler, 1935 extant, the neotype designation is invalid. Osteochilus tri-
Osteochilus lini Fowler, 1935a: 118, figs. 54–55 (type lo- poros is a synonym of O. microcephalus and the species
cality: Thailand: Khao Nam Poo; holotype: ANSP 60812, usually called O. triporos is now named O. bleekeri Kotte-
Böhlke, 1984: 81) lat, 2008.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: about ity: Laos: Middle Xe Bangfai near Ban Kengkeo;
50–100 km north of Sampit [area of Sebabi and Palan- 17°28'35"N 105°31'05"E; holotype: ZRC 41785)
gan; Sebabi is about half a day by boat upriver of Palan-
gan on Sungai Seranau; Palangan is half-day upriver of Osteochilus vittatoides Popta, 1904
Sampit on Mentaya; Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; ho- Osteochilus vittatoides Popta, 1904: 195 (type locality: In-
lotype: MHNG 2059.02) donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Howong River
[about 0°15'N 115°30'E]; syntypes: RMNH 7575 [8],
Osteochilus repang Popta, 1904 29316 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010; also in Popta, 1906: 94,
Osteochilus repang Popta, 1904: 196 (type locality: Indo- pl. 6 fig. 20)
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; holotype:
RMNH 7579; also in Popta, 1906: 101, pl. 6 fig. 22) Osteochilus vittatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1842)
Osteochilus salsburyi Nichols & Pope, 1927 Rohita vittata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
Osteochilus salsburyi Nichols & Pope, 1927: 348, fig. 18 267 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bantam; holotype:
(type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH probably a specimen figured by Kuhl & van Hasselt or
8371) MNHN 3857, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 21, Guibé & Spill-
mann, 1957: 462; lectotype designation [RMNH 23368]
Osteochilus sarawakensis Karnasuta, 1993 by Banarescu & Bianco, 1984: 65 invalid as this speci-
Osteochilus sarawakensis Karnasuta, 1993: 55, fig. 23 (type men [from Borneo] not part of type series [Kottelat, 1989:
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Third Division: 9]; simultaneous subjective synonym of Rohita hasseltii
Sungai Putai, branch of Baleh River; holotype: FMNH Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 274, first
94182, Eschmeyer, 2010; spelt sarwakensis p. 56, an reviser [Guibé & Spillmann, 1958: 463] gave precedence
inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code to R. vittata [not Kottelat, 1989: 9 who gave precedence
art. 32.5.1]) to R. hasseltii])
Rohita Hasseltii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Osteochilus scapularis Fowler, 1939 1842: 274 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype [10
Osteochilus scapularis Fowler, 1939b: 69, figs. 17–18 (type inches TL]: among RMNH 2188 [1], 2177 [1], 2588 [2],
locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP Karnasuta, 1993: 60, Kottelat, 2000d: 85 [Roberts,
68505, Böhlke, 1984: 90) 1993b: 20, only lists RMNH 2120, 104 mm, too small to
be holotype]; simultaneous subjective synonym of Ro-
Osteochilus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1851) hita vittata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Rohita Schlegelii Bleeker, 1851p: 432 (type locality: Indone- 1842: 267, first reviser [Guibé & Spillmann, 1958: 463]
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype gave precedence to R. vittata [not Kottelat, 1989: 9 who
[120 mm TL]: ? among RMNH 6992 [5], Karnasuta, gave precedence to R. hasseltii])
1993: 75) Rohita rostellatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1842: 256 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy [at Rangoon;
Osteochilus serokan Hadiaty & Siebert, 1998 Bertin & Estève, 1948: 21]; holotype: MNHN 3856,
Osteochilus serokan Hadiaty & Siebert, 1998: 3, fig. 4 (type Fang, 1942b: 166, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 21; simulta-
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh Selatan: Sungai Lem- neous subjective synonym of Rohita hasseltii Valenci-
bang basin: swamp near Singgah Mata at Pasi Lembang, ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 274, first revis-
about 20 km on road from Desa Bakongan to Desa Kan- er [Karnasuta, 1993: 60] gave precedence to O. hasseltii;
dang; holotype: MZB 8642) simultaneous subjective synonym of Rohita vittata Va-
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 267, which
Osteochilus spilurus (Bleeker, 1851) is here given precedence])
Dangila spilurus Bleeker, 1851d: 272 (type locality: Indone- Rohita erythrura Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype 1842: 268 (type locality: Indonesia: Java [Buitenzorg
[75 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.78, Karnasuta, 1993: 46) (Bogor), according to figure]; holotype: a specimen fig-
Rohita oligolepis Bleeker, 1853l: 191 (type locality: Indo- ured by Kuhl and van Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts,
nesia: Banka [Bangka]: Marawang; syntypes [2, 100– 1993b: fig. 13; simultaneous subjective synonym of
103 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.167 [1], RMNH 4962 Rohita hasseltii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
[1], Karnasuta, 1993: 46) nes, 1842: 274, first reviser [Kottelat, 2000d: 85] gave
Labeo moszkowskii Ahl, 1922a: 35 (type locality: Indone- precedence to R. hasseltii [Roberts, 1993b: 20 action not
sia: Indonesia: Central Sumatra [upper and middle sec- explicit]; simultaneous subjective synonym of Rohita
tions of Rokan Kanan, Rokan Kiri and Siak drainages vittata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
("Sultanate of Siak" [Kabupaten Siak, Riau Province, 267, first reviser [Bleeker, 1860j: 180] gave precedence
Sumatra] and "Rokan states"; Moszkowski, 1909a–b: to R. vittata)
maps]; holotype: ZMB 20534, Kottelat, 1991c: 277) ? Cyrene cyanopareja Heckel, 1843: 1025 (type locality:
Philippines [doubtful]; holotype: NMW 10814)
Osteochilus striatus Kottelat, 1998 Rohita leiorhynchos Bleeker, 1849h: 19 (type locality: In-
Osteochilus striatus Kottelat, 1998a: 44, fig. 62 (type local- donesia: Java: Kalimas River [Brantas] in Surabaya; syn-
types [up to 185 mm TL]: RMNH 10854 [part of 76], RMNH [lost ?] and specimen(s) figured by Kuhl and
SMNS 10591 [3], Fricke, 1991: 13, Eschmeyer, 2010) van Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 15)
Rohita Artedii Bleeker, 1851p: 434 (type locality: Indone- Nomenclatural notes. Roberts assumed that there should
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; syntypes [2, have been a holotype of Cyprinus oxygaster in RMNH. In
112–125 mm TL]: RMNH 6991 [1], 10924 [1], Esch- fact, Valenciennes mentioned having examined the species
meyer, 2010) in RMNH, but nowhere does he mention having examined
Rohita Kuhli Bleeker, 1860j: 177 (type locality: Indonesia: only a single specimen. The indication "this fish [...] is
Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [160 mm TL]: BMNH 4 inches long" cannot be taken as automatically implying
1866.5.2.168 [not 1866.5.2.171, listed by Karnasuta, that a single specimen was measured; it can as well mean
1993: 60, which is the holotype of Rohita brachyno- this species is 4 inches long, which does not provide infor-
topterus Bleeker, 1855h: 266]) mation on the number of specimens, just on the size of the
Labeo neilli Day, 1870d: 99 (type locality: Burma: Sittoung largest (if more than one were available). The colour de-
[Sitang River ?] and Billing; syntypes [7]: among ZSI 668 scription cannot be derived from the specimen but from Kuhl
[1], 669 [2], 1119–1122 [4, lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.291– and van Hasselt's drawing and unless it can be demonstrat-
293 [3], 1889.2.1.1471 [1], NMW 51005 [1], RMNH 2603 ed that Valenciennes examined only a single specimen and
[1], ZISP 8303 [1], AMS B.8150 [1], Whitehead & Tal- that this specimen was the one illustrated by Kuhl and van
war, 1976: 156, Ferraris et al., 2000: 300) Hasselt, there is no holotype but a series of syntypes.
? Osteochilus melanopterus Tirant, 1883: 96 (type locality:
Vietnam: river of Hué; types: lost, Kottelat, 1987c: 15) Oxygaster pointoni (Fowler, 1934)
Osteochilus duostigma Fowler, 1937: 182, figs. 120–121 Chela pointoni Fowler, 1934a: 108, fig. 60 (type locality:
(type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 57456, Böhlke,
68096, Böhlke, 1984: 75) 1984: 87)
Osteochilus hasseltii tweediei Menon, 1954: 12, fig. 3a (type
locality: Malaysia: Pahang: Kuala Tahan; holotype: ZSI
F 324/2, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 113) Paedocypris Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte, 2006
Labeobarbus thysanocheilus Roberts, 1993b: 20 (not avail- Paedocypris Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte, 2006: 895 (type
able, an unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van species: Paedocypris progenetica Kottelat, Britz, Tan &
Hasselt) Witte, 2006: 895). Gender feminine.
Taxonomic notes. Identification of Cyrene cyanopareja is
based on a photograph of the holotype provided by Helmut Paedocypris carbunculus Britz & Kottelat, 2008
Wellendorf (NMW) and should be confirmed by examina- Paedocypris carbunculus Britz & Kottelat, 2008: 417, figs.
tion of the specimen. 2–3 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Ten-
gah: Kotawaringin basin: Sungei Pasir Panjang, outskirts
Osteochilus waandersii (Bleeker, 1853) of Pangkalan Bun, along road leading to Kumai;
Rohita Waandersii Bleeker, 1853b: 733 (type locality: In- 2°43.916'S 111°39.574'E; holotype: MZB 10981)
donesia: Bangka: Toboali Province; holotype [198 mm
TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.169, Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 45, Paedocypris micromegethes Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Wit-
fig. 34a) te, 2006
Labeo soplaoensis Fowler, 1934a: 131, figs. 95–96 (type Paedocypris micromegethes Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte,
locality: Burma: Shan States: Sop Lao; holotype: ANSP 2006: 896, fig. 2c–d (type locality: Borneo: Sarawak:
58045, Böhlke, 1984: 91) Sungai Gayao, about 40 km from Mukah (128 km from
Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 25) considered Sibu) on road from Mukah to Sibu; 2°54'29"N
O. soplaoensis to be a distinct species. 112°19'32"E; holotype: ZRC 49869)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
type: the model of the drawing used by Valenciennes) land: Klong Ranode, affluent of Thale Sap; holotype:
Abramis pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855: 239, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type KUMF 158 [ex USNM 103372], Monkolprasit, 1969: 5
locality: China: in rivers draining to Gulf of Tschili; syn- [not USNM 103373 listed by Banarescu, 1971a: 18])
types: ZISP 5637 [3], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Megalobrama Skolkovii var. carinatus Dybowski, 1872: 213 Parachela oxygastroides (Bleeker, 1852)
(type locality: Russia: middle and lower course of Amur Leuciscus oxygastroïdes Bleeker, 1852o: 431 (type locali-
River, Ussuri and Sungari Rivers, and Chanka Lake; ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Kusan Riv-
syntypes: LU) er at Prabukarta / Sumatra: Musi River in Palembang /
Chanodichthys stenzii Popta, 1907: 246, fig. (type locality: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: BMNH 1866.5.2.216,
China: Kiautschou [Chiao-Hsien], "Imperial Canal"; designated by Alfred, 1963a: 129 [specimens were mixed
holotype: SMNS) and exact origin of lectotype is not known])
Parabramis pekinensis forma strenosomus Yu, Xie & Yi, Chela megalolepis Günther, 1868a: 337 (unnecessary re-
1959: 227 (infrasubspecifc, but available because treat- placement name for Leuciscus oxygastroides Bleeker,
ed as valid subspecies by Wu, 1964: 117 [Code art. 1852o: 431)]; type locality: China: Heilong Jiang basin; Chela johorensis Steindachner, 1870c: 638 (type locality:
types: LU) Malaysia: Johor River; syntypes [10]: ? part of NMW
Parabramis liaohonensis Yih & Wu, in Wu, 1964: 117, 51458 [12], Eschmeyer, 2010)
fig. 2–51 (type locality: China: Liaoning: Liao-he, Tai- Oxygaster brachysoma Banarescu, 1971a: 18 (not available,
an; syntypes [14]: IHB) name listed in synonymy; locality: Thailand: Bangkok)
Taxonomic notes. Colour pattern figured in Bleeker (1864a)
apparently is that of P. hypophthalmus (see Kottelat & Wi-
Parachela Steindachner, 1881 djanarti, 2005: 153).
Parachela Steindachner, 1881c: 100 (type species: Para-
chela breitensteinii Steindachner, 1881: 100, by monoty- Parachela siamensis (Günther, 1868)
py; also in Steindachner, 1881e: 404). Gender feminine. Chela siamensis Günther, 1868a: 336 (type locality: Thai-
Grandisquamachela Fowler, 1934a: 111 (subgenus of Para- land: Pachebon [probably Phetchaburi, also spelt Pecha-
chela Steindachner, 1881c: 100; type species: Parache- burin, Petchabun; "Mouhot" listed as locality by Esch-
la williaminae Fowler, 1934a: 111, by original designa- meyer, 2010, in fact is the collector's name]; holotype:
tion). Gender feminine. BMNH 1861.10.8.17, Banarescu, 1971a: 17)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cam stream, Nam Mau village; holotype: Fish Collec- Percocypris tchangi (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)
tion of Thai Nguyen University of Forestry and Agricul- Leptobarbus tchangi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936c: 377, fig. 2
ture 89-02-002) (type locality: Vietnam: Mnong Hum, Red River basin
? Parazacco vinhi Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [T. D.], in [Lao Cai Province: Muong Hum; Chevey & Lemasson,
Nguyen [T. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], 2000: 226 (type lo- 1937a–b: 50]; holotype: MNHN 1936-0004)
cality: Vietnam: Bac Can Province: Ba Be district: Ban Percocypris pingi retrodorsalis Cui & Chu, 1990: 118, fig. 1a
Cam stream, Nam Mau village; holotype: Fish Collec- (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yanybi [Yangbi], 25°30'N
tion of Thai Nguyen University of Forestry and Agricul- 99°37'E; holotype: KIZ 866102)
ture 98.03.003)
Nomenclatural notes. Parazacco vuquangensis is described
by Nguyen [T. T.] (1995a: 77). He also published a descrip- Pethia Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura & Maduwage,
tion in Vietnamese (Nguyen, 1995b: 81). This second text 2012
seems to be a translation of Nguyen [T. T.] (1995a) in the Pethia Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012:
state it was when (as editor) I received it in October 1994. 80 (type species: Barbus nigrofasciatus Günther, 1868a:
The 1995a published version had been significantly edited 155, by original designation). Gender feminine.
and these changes are not in the 1995b paper, so that there
is a possibility that the two texts differ in some points. It also Pethia atra (Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2007)
cannot be excluded that the 1995b paper could have been Puntius ater Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2007: 46, fig. 1
published before the 1995a paper. (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drainage: Iril
River, tributary of Manipur River, at Bamonkampu; ho-
Parazacco spilurus (Günther, 1868) lotype: MUMF 6101)
Aspius spilurus Günther, 1868a: 311 (type locality: China:
inland mountainous region of Hong Kong; syntypes: Pethia conchonius (Hamilton, 1822)
BMNH 1956.2.25.1–5 [5], Eschmeyer, 2010) Cyprinus conchonius Hamilton, 1822: 317, 389 (type local-
ity: India: "north-east of Bengal, and in the rivers Kosi
and Ami"; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure re-
Pectenocypris Kottelat, 1982 produced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 44 fig. 8)
Pectenocypris Kottelat, 1982: 421 (type species: Pecteno- Systomus pyrropterus M'Clelland, 1839: 285, 383, erratum,
cypris korthausae Kottelat, 1982: 421, by original des- pl. 44 fig. 1 (type locality: India: Upper Assam; synty-
ignation). Gender feminine. pes: BMNH 1843.2.25.15–18 [5], ? 1843.2.25.14 [1],
Eschmeyer, 2010; spelt pyropterus pp. 285, 314, an in-
Pectenocypris balaena Roberts, 1989 advertent error corrected in erratum, Code art. 24.2.4)
Pectenocypris balaena Roberts, 1989: 58, fig. 42 (type lo- Puntius conchonius khagariansis Srivastava & Datta Mun-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Danau Piam shi, 1988: 186, pl. 23 fig. 4 (type locality: India: Bihar:
near Ketungau, 38 km north-northeast of Sintang, Khagaria District: Budhi Gandak and Bagmati Rivers
0°23.5'N 111°37.5'E; holotype: MZB 4006) (Santokh ghat); syntypes [5, p. 184]: ? TMBU)
Pectenocypris korthausae Kottelat, 1982 Pethia didi (Kullander & Fang, 2005)
Pectenocypris korthausae Kottelat, 1982: 421, fig. 1 (type Puntius didi Kullander & Fang, 2005: 294, fig. 4 (type lo-
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: about cality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River
50–100 km north of Sampit [area of Sebabi and Palan- drainage: Hpa Lap Chaung just south of Yuzana Myaing
gan; Sebabi was about half a day by boat upriver of Pa- village (8 km left from Myitkyina–Myitzon road km 11);
langan on Sungai Seranau; Palangan was half-day up- 25°31'25"N 97°22'19"E; holotype: NRM 50267)
river of Sampit on the Mentaya; Schaller & Kottelat, Distribution notes. Records of Puntius phutunio from
1989: 35]; holotype: MHNG 2073.72) Myanmar in fact are Pethia didi.
[Cyprinus phutunio Hamilton, 1822: 319, 390 (type locality: India: north-
Pectenocypris micromysticetus Tan & Kottelat, 2009 east of Bengal; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced
in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 44 fig. 2)].
Pectenocypris micromysticetus Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 45,
fig. 35 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Danau Pethia erythromycter (Kullander, 2008)
Semangkat, a lake connected to Batang Hari by Sungai Puntius erythromycter Kullander, 2008: 62, figs. 2–3 (type
Bangko, opposite Kampung Senaning; holotype: MZB locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River
10993) drainage: Hpa Lap Chaung just south of Yuzana Myaing
village (8 km left from Myitkyina–Myitzon road km 11);
holotype: NRM 56987)
Percocypris Chu, 1935
Percocypris Chu, 1935: 12 (type species: Leptobarbus pin- Pethia khugae (Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2007)
gi Tchang, 1930c: 84, by original designation). Gender Puntius khugae Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2007: 49,
feminine. fig. 4 (type locality: India: Manipur: Churachandpur Dis-
trict: Chindwin drainage: Khuga River, tributary of Ma-
nipur River; holotype: MUMF 6112)
Pethia macrogramma (Kullander, 2008) AMS B.7741–7743 [3], NMW 54560a [1], 54272 [2],
Puntius macrogramma Kullander, 2008: 71, figs. 9–10 (type ZISP 8318, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155, 156, Esch-
locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River meyer, 2010, Ferraris et al., 2000: 299; secondary junior
drainage: Nan Kywe Chaung, 17 km on road Myitkyi- homonym of Cyprinus mclellandi Valenciennes, in Cu-
na–Mogaung, 200 m south of road, 800 m east of Sha vier & Valenciennes, 1842: 390 when latter placed in
Dau village; holotype: NRM 36198) Barbus by Day, 1871b: 328)
Barbus Stoliczkanus Day, 1871b: 328 (replacement name
Pethia manipurensis (Menon, Rema Devi & Viswanath, for Barbus m'clellandi Day, 1870c 619)
2000) Distribution notes. Records of Puntius ticto from Myan-
Puntius manipurensis Menon, Rema Devi & Viswanath, in mar in fact are Pethia stoliczkana.
Menon, 1999: 96 (nomen nudum) [Cyprinus ticto Hamilton, 1822: 314, 389, pl. 8 fig. 87 (type locality: In-
Puntius manipurensis Menon, Rema Devi & Viswanath, dia: south-east parts of Bengal types: NT)].
2000: 263, pl. 1 figs. 1–3, pl. 2 fig. 1 (type locality: In-
dia: Manipur: Lake Loktak, Moirang, Chindwin drain- Pethia thelys (Kullander, 2008)
age; holotype: ZSI/SRS F.4261) Puntius thelys Kullander, 2008: 68, figs. 6–8 (type locality:
Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River drainage:
Pethia meingangbii (Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 2003) stream about 24 km on road Myitkyina–Myitzon; holo-
Puntius bizonatus Vishwanath, 2002: 71, fig. 42 (nomen type: NRM 56991)
nudum as no holotype is designated, Code art. 16.4.1;
locality: India: Manipur: Lokchao River at Moreh, Yu Pethia tiantian (Kullander & Fang, 2005)
River drainage [Chindwin drainage]) Puntius tiantian Kullander & Fang, 2005: 291, fig. 1 (type
Puntius meingangbii Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 2003: 483, locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River
fig. 2 (type locality: India: Manipur: Moreh, Moreh Ba- drainage: Nan Hto Chaung, in Putao, about 1.6 km from
zaar, 110 km from near Imphal, Yu River drainage 46th regiment; 27°19'44"N 97°22'36"E; holotype: NRM
[Chindwin drainage]; holotype: MUMF F 501/1A) 43006)
Puntius bizonatus Vishwanath & Laisram, 2004a: 131, fig. 1
(type locality: India: Manipur: Lokchao River at Moreh, Pethia yuensis (Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 2003)
Yu River drainage [Chindwin drainage]; holotype: Puntius yuensis Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 2003: 482, fig. 1
MUMF 3017) (type locality: India: Manipur: Maklang River, 21 km
from Moreh; holotype: MUMF 500/1A)
Pethia nankyweensis (Kullander, 2008)
Puntius nankyweensis Kullander, 2008: 65, fig. 4 (type lo-
cality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River Placocheilus Wu, in Wu, 1977
drainage: Nan Kywe Chaung, 17 km on road Myitkyi- Placocheilus Wu, in Wu, 1977: 382 (type species: Disco-
na–Mogaung, 200 m south of road, 800 m east of Sha gnathus caudofasciatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 223,
Dau village; holotype: NRM 37262) by original designation; misidentified type species, in
fact P. robustus Zhang, He & Chen, 2002: 214 accord-
Pethia ornata (Vishwanath & Laisram, 2004) ing to Zhang et al., 2002: 209 who fixed the type species
Puntius ornatus Vishwanath, 2002: 74, fig. 47 (nomen nu- as D. caudofasciatus under Code art. 70.3.1; misspelt
dum, no holotype is designated, Code art. 16.4.1) Placoheilus p. 593, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect
Puntius ornatus Vishwanath & Laisram, 2004a: 132, fig. 2 original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender masculine.
(type locality: India: Manipur: Lokchao River at Moreh, Taxonomic notes. Placocheilus is tentatively recognised as
Yu River drainage [Chindwin drainage]; holotype: valid following Zhang et al. (2002) and Zhang (2005c). Zhou
MUMF 3028 [helvetica font used in figure and table et al. (2005) treated it as a junior subjective synonym of
captions result in the name appearing almost as omatus, Garra Hamilton, 1822: 343.
first reviser action by Eschmeyer (2010) not justified and
anyway invalid as not in printed form]) ? Placocheilus bibarbatus Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001
Placocheilus bibarbatus Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Pethia padamya (Kullander & Britz, 2008) 2001: 552, fig. 284 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau
Puntius padamya Kullander & Britz, 2008: 57, figs. 1–3 Province: Phong Tho District: Tam Duong, km 41 on
(type locality: Myanmar: Mandalay Division: Aye- road [from Phong Tho ?] to Sa Pa [Song Da drainage];
yarwaddy River drainage, pond in Toe Gyi village, above holotype: NCNTTSI H.
Anisakan falls, near Pyin Oo Lwin, on road Mandalay– ? Placocheilus imbarbatus Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] &
Hsipaw; 21°58'36"N 96°23'24"E; holotype: USNM Ngo, 2001: 553, fig. 285 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai
385952) Chau Province: Phong Tho District: Tam Duong, km 41
on road [from Phong Tho ?] to Sa Pa [Song Da drain-
Pethia stoliczkana (Day, 1870) age]; holotype: NCNTTSI H.; simultaneous
Barbus m'clellandi Day, 1870c: 619 (type locality: Burma: subjective synonym of P. bibarbatus Nguyen, in Ngu-
Pegu and Moulmein; syntypes [21]: among ZSI F 2298 yen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 552, as first reviser I give pre-
[1], A.789–790 [2, lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.850–852 [3], cedence to P. bibarbatus)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Placocheilus caudofasciatus (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936) Yuanjiang County; holotype: IHB 601132)
Discognathus caudofasciatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: Taxonomic notes. Treated as synonym of P. caudofascia-
223, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Lai Chau, tus by Chen (2013: 312).
Black River; holotype: MNHN 1935-0327)
Garra angulostoma Mai, 1978: 59, fig. 24 (type locality:
northern Vietnam: fast running creeks; holotype: Placogobio Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001
DVZUT) Placogobio Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 555
(type species: Placogobio nahangensis Nguyen, in Ngu-
Placocheilus cryptonemus Cui & Li, 1984 yen & Ngo, 2001: 556, by original designation). Gender
Placocheilus cryptonemus Cui & Li, 1984a: 110, fig. 1 (type masculine.
locality: China: Yunnan: Xunlong County, Laowo [Sal-
ween basin], 25°51'N 99°01'E; holotype: KIZ 742035) Placogobio bacmeensis Nguyen & Vo, in Nguyen & Ngo,
Placocheilus dulongensis Chen, Pan, Xiao & Yang, 2012 Placogobio bacmeensis Nguyen & Vo, in Nguyen [V. H.] &
Placocheilus dulongensis Chen, Pan, Kong & Yang, 2006a: Ngo, 2001: 558, fig. 288 (type locality: Vietnam: Ha
308 (name not available, no fixation of a holotype, Code Giang Province: Bac Me district: Gam River; holotype:
art.16.4.1; locality: China: Yunnan: Dulong River, Ir- NCNTTSI H.
rawaddy drainage)
Placocheilus dulongensis Chen, Pan, Xiao & Yang, 2012: Placogobio nahangensis Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001
216, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Gongshan Placogobio nahangensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
County: Irrawaddy drainage: a tributary (altitude: 2001: 556, figs. 286–287 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen
1213 masl; 27°41'14.5"N 98°16'37.8"E) of Dulong Riv- Quang Province: Na Hang district: Gam River drainage,
er, near Qinlangdang village, Dulongjiang town; holo- Mo waterfall; holotype: NCNTTSI
type: KIZ041106082)
Nomenclatural notes. This species was first listed as "Pla-
cocheilus dulongensis sp. nov." by Chen, Pan, Kong & Yang Plagiognathops Berg, 1907
(2006a: 308) followed by a description. Six other species Plagiognathus Dybowski, 1872: 216 (type species: Plagio-
(already named) are also described in exactly the same for- gnathus jelskii Dybowski, 1872: 216, by monotypy; jun-
mat. The mention of "sp. nov." merely seems to indicate ior homonym of Plagiognathus Fieber, 1858: 320 in
that the species was discovered during that study, but there Hemiptera). Gender masculine.
is no explicit mention of intentionally establishing a new Plagiognathops Berg, 1907: 419 (replacement name for
taxon (Code art. 16.1). There is also no explicit fixation of a Plagiognathus Dybowski, 1872: 216). Gender mascu-
holotype or syntypes (Code art. 16.4.1). As the conditions line.
of art. 16 are not satisfied, the name is not available. Taxonomic notes. Often treated as synonym of Xenocypris.
The name is also mentioned in another paper by the same Treated as valid following, e.g. Bogutskaya & Naseka (2004:
authors (Chen et al., 2006b), in which they mention an in- 100) and Bogutskaya et al. (2008: 336).
press (in 2006) description of a new Placocheilus, indicat-
ing also that the mention in the 2006a paper was not intend- Plagiognathops microlepis (Bleeker, 1871)
ed as an original description. The "in press" paper has never Xenocypris microlepis Bleeker, 1871b: 58, pl. 9 (type local-
been published in the mentioned journal. ity: China: Yangtze River; holotype [328 mm TL]:
The name was finally made available in Chen et al. (2012: MNHN 5944, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 73; also in Blee-
216). ker, 1871d: 68)
Plagiognathus Jelskii Dybowski, 1872: 216 (type locality:
'Placocheilus' laichowensis (Nguyen & Doan, 1969) Russia: Lake Chanka and Ussuri River; syntypes: ZMB
Garra laichowensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 11 (type 7937 [1], ? IZPAN, Eschmeyer, 2010)
locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Tho Dis-
trict: Nam Mu stream [Song Da drainage]; lectotype:
NCNTTSI "1052", designated by Roberts & Catania, Pogobrama Luo, 1995
2007: 91 [possibly NCNTTSI H., erroneous- Pogobrama Luo, 1995: unpaginated, inside back cover (type
ly listed as holotype by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: species: Sinibrama barbatula Luo & Huang, 1985: 280,
543]; spelt laichonensis p. 3, laichowcensis p. 16 and by original designation). Gender feminine.
laichonveusis p. 18, first reviser [Kottelat, 2001b: 119]
retained laichowensis as correct original spelling; origi- Pogobrama barbatula (Luo & Huang, in Luo, Chen &
nal figure first published in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: Huang, 1985)
543, fig. 277, again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 81, fig. 9; Sinibrama barbatula Luo & Huang, in Luo, Chen & Huang,
translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 68) 1985: 280, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Guangxi: Qin-
zhou County; holotype: IHB 83-IV-0388)
Placocheilus robustus Zhang, He & Chen, 2002
Placocheilus robustus Zhang, He & Chen, 2002: 214, fig. 3B
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Yuanjiang [Red River] in
Poropuntius Smith, 1931 Bang Province: Nho Que, Bao Lac [22°56'60"N
Poropuntius Smith, 1931a: 14 (type species: Poropuntius 105°40'00"E], Song Hong [Red River] drainage; holo-
normani Smith, 1931a: 14, by monotypy). Gender mas- type: NCNTTSI H.
Poropuntius bolovenensis Roberts, 1998
Poropuntius alloiopleurus (Vaillant, 1983) Poropuntius bolovenensis Roberts, 1998b: 124, fig. 5 (mid-
Barbus alloiopleurus Vaillant, 1893c: 201 (type locality: dle) (type locality: Laos: Champasak Province: Bolavens
Vietnam: Black River; holotype: MNHN 1892-0261, Plateau, Sekong basin, Xe Nam Noi 300 m downstream
Kottelat, 2001a: 35) from primary dam site of Xe Nam Noi–Xe Pian hydro-
? Lissochilus longibarbis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 11 power scheme [15°03'27.0"N 106°36'10.0"E]; lectotype:
(type locality: Vietnam: Lao Cai Province: Ngoi Bo CAS 94251, designated by Kottelat, 2000a: 46)
stream; lectotype: NCNTTSI "1078", designated by
Roberts & Catania, 2007: 90 [possibly NCNTTSI ? Poropuntius brevispinus (Nguyen & Doan, 1969)
H., erroneously listed as holotype by Nguyen Lissochilus brevispinus Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 12
[V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 390]; spelt long barbis p. 18, first (type locality: Vietnam: Hoa Binh Province: Suoi Rut
reviser [Kottelat, 2001b: 118] retained longibarbis as stream; syntypes [3]: NCNTTSI H. (1, erro-
correct original spelling; original figure first published neously listed as holotype by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 389, fig. 190, again in 2001: 387), H. and H. (at most
Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 80, fig. 6; translation in Nguyen 2 of 10); spelt brevispisus p. 3, first reviser [Kottelat,
[V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 69) 2001b: 118] retained brevispinus as correct original spell-
? Barbodes huangchuchieni rhomboides Wu & Lin, in Wu, ing; original figure published in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
1977: 248, pl. 7-8 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yuan- 2001: 386, fig. 188, again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 80,
jiang [Red River]; syntypes: IHB 6440093, 392, 461, fig. 7; translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 69)
564, 6450172, 191, 207, 322, 614, 615, 617–619, 622,
624 [15]) Poropuntius burtoni (Mukerji, 1933)
Taxonomic notes. Roberts & Catania (2007: 95) consid- Barbus clavatus burtoni Mukerji, 1933: 831, pl. 3 fig. 1
ered Barbus alloiopleurus to be a senior synonym of Para- (figure only, nomen nudum, not satisfying the conditions
spinibarbus macracanthus (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936c: of Code art. 13.1)
376). They did not mention the procumbent predorsal spine Barbus clavatus burtoni Mukerji, 1934: 64, figs. 10–11 (type
and lower lip diagnostic of Paraspinibarbus. Roberts & locality: Burma: Myitkyina District: Mali Hka basin:
Catania also treated Lissochilus longibarbis (as "L. longi- Phungin Hka; holotype: ZSI F 11437/1, Vishwanath &
spinis") as a synonym of P. macracanthus (their P. alloiopleu- Kosygin, 2001: 32)
rus). The shape of the snout, mouth and caudal peduncle as
shown on the figure of L. longibarbis do not look like those Poropuntius carinatus Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977
of Paraspinibarbus but more like Poropuntius. I retain Barbodes shanensis carinatus Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977: 240,
B. alloiopleurus as valid in Poropuntius, with L. longibar- pl. 7-3 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Meng'a, Salween
bis as a tentative synonym (Kottelat, 2001b: 35). basin [error, actually Mekong basin; Chu & Chen, 1989:
185, Chen & Yang, 2003: 382]; syntypes: IHB 544, 568
Poropuntius aluoiensis (Nguyen, 1997) [2] [not 12209001 as listed by Roberts, 1998b: 122])
Lissochilus aluoiensis Nguyen [H. D.], 1997: 1, fig. 1 (type
locality: Vietnam: Thua Thien Hue Province: A Luoi Poropuntius cogginii (Chaudhuri, 1911)
District: A Sap stream at Nham, Se Kong basin, Barbus cogginii Chaudhuri, 1911b: 16, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type
16°15'32"N 107°13'31'E; holotype: HNUE) locality: China: Yunnan: Lake Tali Fu [Dali]; syntypes:
ZSI F 4680/1 [1], 4682/1 [1], 4685 [1], 4686 [1])
Poropuntius angustus Kottelat, 2000 Barbus gregorii Norman, 1923b: 562 (type locality: China:
Poropuntius angustus Kottelat, 2000a: 46, fig. 14 (type lo- Yunnan: Lake Tali [Dali]; syntypes [7]: BMNH
cality: Laos: Louangphabang Province: Houay Houn, 1923.2.21.29–36 [8], Banister, 1973: 143; primary jun-
about 3 km upstream of Ban Houay Lek, in gorges; ap- ior homonym of Barbus gregorii Boulenger, 1902a: 422)
prox. 20°32'32"N 102°40'51"E; holotype: ZRC 45308) Barbus yunnanensis Fowler, 1958a: 12 (replacement name
for Barbus gregorii Norman, 1923b: 562; primary jun-
Poropuntius bantamensis (Rendahl, 1920) ior homonym of Barbus yunnanensis Regan, 1904a: 191)
Barbus bantamensis Rendahl, 1920: 1, fig. 1 (type locality: Barbus susanae Banister, 1973: 143 (replacement name for
Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Ban Tam, east of Doi Barbus gregorii Norman, 1923b: 562)
Chiang Dao mountain, in a pond fed by a subterranean Barbodes daliensis Wu & Lin, in Wu, 1977: 251, pl. 7-11
stream; holotype: NRM 10969) (replacement name for Barbus gregorii Norman, 1923b:
? Poropuntius baolacensis (Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, Distribution notes. The type locality of Barbus gregorii is
2001) not known with accuracy. BMNH register indicates that the
Acrossocheilus baolacensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & specimens were from Lake Tali [Dali].
Ngo, 2001: 387, fig. 189 (type locality: Vietnam: Cao
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Poropuntius genyognathus Roberts, 1998 Poropuntius krempfi (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934)
Poropuntius genyognathus Roberts, 1998b: 127, fig. 7 (type Barbus Krempfi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1934: 339 (type local-
locality: Myanmar: Tenasserim: Chawa Kloh, upstream ity: Vietnam: Tonkin: Ngoi-Thia River at Nghia Lô, trib-
from Kita or Htee-tah; holotype: CAS 94485) utary of Red River upstream of Yên Bay; holotype:
MNHN 1934-0262; see also Pellegrin & Chevey, 1935b:
Poropuntius hampaloides (Vinciguerra, 1890) 467, fig. 2)
Barbus hampaloides Vinciguerra, 1890: 298, pl. 9 fig. 8 (type
locality: Burma: Meetan [Mitan Chaung, rivulet flow- Poropuntius laoensis (Günther, 1868)
ing south from summit of Mulayet Taung, 16°11'N Barbus laoensis Günther, 1868a: 115 (type locality: Laos
98°32'E; Ng & Kottelat, 2001: 500]; holotype: MCSNG Moutains; holotype: BMNH 1862.7.28.15, Kottelat,
17326, Tortonese, 1961: 185) 1998a: 48)
? Poropuntius scapanognathus Roberts, 1998b: 131, fig. 12 Barbus chondrorhynchus Fowler, 1934a: 123, fig. 81 (type
(type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Huay locality: Burma: Shan States: Keng Tung; holotype:
Kong just below mouth of Huay Long, near km 45 on ANSP 58062, Böhlke, 1984: 73)
highway 1126 northwest of Mae Hong Son; holotype:
CAS 94463) Poropuntius lobocheiloides Kottelat, 2000
Poropuntius bolovenensis glaridostoma Roberts, 1998b:
Poropuntius hathe Roberts, 1998 126, fig. 5 (bottom) (infrasubspecific, name not avail-
Poropuntius hathe Roberts, 1998b: 129, fig. 9 (type locali- able; locality: Laos: Champasak Province: Bolavens Pla-
ty: Thailand: rapids in Menam Moei next to highway teau, Sekong basin, Xe Nam Noi 300 m downstream from
1035, 129 km north of Mae Sot; holotype: CAS 94262) primary dam site of Xe Nam Noi–Xe Pian hydropower
scheme [15°03'27.0"N 106°36'10.0"E])
Poropuntius heterolepidotus Roberts, 1998 Poropuntius bolovenensis laticeps Roberts, 1998b: 127 (in-
Poropuntius heterolepidotus Roberts, 1998b: 129 (type lo- frasubspecific, name not available; locality: Laos: Cham-
cality: Thailand: Salween basin: Nam Khong near Nam pasak Province: Bolavens Plateau, Sekong basin, Xe
Tok Susa; holotype: CAS 94265) Nam Noi 300 m downstream from primary dam site of
Xe Nam Noi–Xe Pian hydropower scheme
[15°03'27.0"N 106°36'10.0"E])
Poropuntius lobocheiloides Kottelat, 2000a: 48 (type local- Poropuntius tawarensis (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916)
ity: Laos: Champasak Province: Bolavens Plateau, Xe Puntius tawarensis Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 185 (type
Nam Noi 300 m downstream from main dam site for Xe locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh: Lake Laut Tawar;
Nam Noi–Xe Pian hydropower scheme [15°03'27.0"N syntypes: ZMA 112.646 [11], Nijssen et al., 1993: 215
106°36'10.0"E], Bolavens Plateau, Sekong watershed; [Weber & de Beaufort stated "type of the species in"
holotype: CAS 94257) ZMA; this is not a holotype designation as Code art.
73.1.1 requires that the authors state "that one specimen
Poropuntius margarianus (Anderson, 1879) […] is the type"; the authors stated where the type is but
Barbus margarianus Anderson, 1879: 867, pl. 79 fig. 1 (type not which of their specimen is the type, so this is not a
locality: Burma: Nampoung River [stream making the holotype designation; in addition no specimen has been
Burma–China border; close to confluence with Tapeng separated and can now be recognised as the holotype;
River; Anderson, 1876: 84, 420, map; about 24°26'50"N therefore, all specimens are syntypes])
97°31'50"E; Irrawaddy drainage], Kakhyen hills; synty-
pes [2]: BMNH 1875.8.4.1 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) ? Poropuntius yalyensis (Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001)
Acrossocheilus yalyensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
Poropuntius melanogrammus Roberts, 1998 2001: 393, fig. 193 (type locality: Vietnam: Kon Tum
Poropuntius melanogrammus Roberts, 1998b: 130, fig. 11 Province: Sesan River; holotype: NCNTTSI
(type locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Huay H.
Sangkalia on road to Chedi Sam Ong, 7 km north of
Sangklaburi; holotype: CAS 94269)
Probarbus Sauvage, 1880
Poropuntius normani Smith, 1931 Probarbus Sauvage, 1880d: 232 (type species: Probarbus
Poropuntius normani Smith, 1931a: 15 (type locality: Thai- jullieni Sauvage, 1880d: 232, by monotypy). Gender
land: Chantaburi Province: Pliew waterfall [Nam Tok masculine.
Pliu] on Kao Sabap, near Chantaburi; holotype: USNM
90297) Probarbus jullieni Sauvage, 1880
Probarbus Jullieni Sauvage, 1880d: 232 (type locality: Laos;
Poropuntius opisthopterus (Wu, in Wu, 1977) lectotype: MNHN 9647, designated by Kottelat, 1984a:
Barbodes opisthoptera Wu, in Wu, 1977: 246, pl. 7-7 (type 804, 2000d: 85)
locality: China: Yunnan: Huizen Cho, Baoshan; synty- Cyclocheilichthys Jullieni Sauvage, 1880d: 230 (type local-
pes: IHB 585295, 326, 327, 329–336, 338–340, 345 [15]; ity: Laos; neotype: MNHN 9647, designated by Kotte-
a compound adjective) lat, 2000d: 86; simultaneous objective synonym and si-
multaneous secondary homonym of Probarbus jullieni
? Poropuntius schanicus (Boulenger, 1893) Sauvage, 1880d: 232, first reviser [Kottelat, 1984a: 800]
Barbus schanicus Boulenger, 1893: 201 (type locality: Bur- gave precedence to Probarbus jullieni)
ma: Southern Shan States: Toungyi and Fort Stedman; Barbus pahangensis Duncker, 1904: 179, pl. 1 fig. 4 (type
syntypes [6]: BMNH 1896.6.30.25–26 [4], 1893.6.30.27– locality: Malaysia: Pahang River upstream of Kuala Kit-
28 [2], Eschmeyer, 2010) chal, 88–120 river-km from the mouth [about between
Kampong Chini and Kampong Kuala Jempol]; lectotype:
Poropuntius shanensis (Hora & Mukerji, 1934) ZMH 362 [formerly 8442], designated by Ladiges et al.,
Barbus shanensis Hora & Mukerji, 1934b: 362, fig. 3 (type 1958: 158)
locality: Burma: S. Shan States: Lawksawk Canal at
Lawksawk; holotype: ZSI F 16625/1) Probarbus labeamajor Roberts, 1992
Probarbus labeamajor Roberts, 1992c: 45, fig. 5 (type lo-
Poropuntius smedleyi (de Beaufort, 1933) cality: Thailand: Mekong River near Khong Chiam; ho-
Lissochilus smedleyi de Beaufort, 1933: 34 (type locality: lotype: TISTR 2644)
Malaysia: Johor; syntypes: ZRC [1, missing], ZMA
101.007 [1], Nijssen et al., 1993: 214) Probarbus labeaminor Roberts, 1992
Probarbus labeaminor Roberts, 1992c: 46, fig. 6 (type lo-
Poropuntius solitus Kottelat, 2000 cality: Thailand: Mekong River near That Phanom; ho-
Poropuntius solitus Kottelat, 2000a: 48, fig. 15 (type local- lotype: TISTR 2647)
ity: Laos: Champasak Province: Bolavens Plateau, Huay
Makchan-Gnai (Xe Nam Noy basin), south of Ban Taot,
at turnoff to Xe Nam Noy Project, on road from Pakse to Procypris Lin, 1933
Attapu; 15°04'14"N 106°32'33"E; holotype: ZRC 45310) Procypris Lin, 1933c: 193 (type species: Procypris mera
Lin, 1933c: 194, by original designation). Gender femi-
Poropuntius speleops (Roberts, 1992) nine.
Barbus speleops Roberts, 1992e: 104, figs. 1–3 (type local- Paraprocypris Fang, 1936b: 707 (type species: Parapro-
ity: Thailand: Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Tham Phu cypris papillosolabiata Fang, 1936b: 708, by original
Khieo, 16°02'05"N 101°32'10"E; holotype: CAS 67194) designation). Gender feminine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Procypris mera Lin, 1933 Hemiculter hunanensis Tchang, 1930a: 134 (type locality:
Procypris merus Lin, 1933c: 194, fig. 1 (type locality: Chi- China: Middle Yangtze River, Hou-nan; syntypes [150–
na: Kwangsi: West River near Nanning; holotype: FESC 185 mm TL]: MNHN 1934-0135 [1], Bertin & Estève,
1300) 1948: 83 [as holotype]; also in Tchang, 1931a: 134)
Procypris niger Herre & Lin, 1934: 311, pl. 33 (type local- Hemiculter kinghwaensis Wang, 1935: 48, fig. 4 (type lo-
ity: China: Guangxi: Fu River near Wuchow; holotype: cality: China: Chekiang [Zhejiang]: Kinghwa; holotype:
FESC 1301) SSCN 15462)
? Hemiculter Jabouillei Chevey, 1936a: 431, fig. 3 (type
locality: China: Guangdong: "Surprise Lake, a crater lake
Pseudogobio Bleeker, 1860 a few km from Fort-Bayard [Zhanjiang], in French Con-
Pseudogobio Bleeker, 1860c: 425 (type species: Gobio cession of Kouang-Tchéou-Wan ["Guangzhou Bay"]";
esocinus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 196, by subse- syntypes: ? MNHN, ? ION)
quent monotypy in Bleeker, 1860i: 92, 1860j: 115, 215). Taxonomic notes. Valid species according to Chen (1998a:
Gender masculine. 177).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
tève (1948: 28) cannot be a type as it has been collected in locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Bunut; lectotype: ZMA
Sumatra, while the type locality is Borneo. 115.181, designated by Banarescu, 1978: 116, fig. 7
[Weber & de Beaufort stated "type of the species in"
Puntioplites falcifer Smith, 1929 ZMA; this is not a holotype designation as Code art.
Puntioplites falcifer Smith, 1929: 12 (type locality: Thai- 73.1.1 requires that the authors explicitly state which
land: Mekong / Nong Han at Sakon Nakon / Menam specimen is the holotype; Weber & de Beaufort stated
Mun; syntypes: USNM or KUMF ?) where the type is but not which of their specimens is the
type, so this is not a holotype designation; in addition no
Puntioplites proctozysron (Bleeker, 1864) specimen had been separated and can now be recogn-
? Barbus carassioides Heckel, 1843: 1019 (type locality: ised as the holotype in ZMA; therefore, all specimens
Borneo; types: ? NMW, lost; here declared a nomen obli- are syntypes])
tum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a
valid name since 1899 [Code art.], and Puntius
(Puntius) proctozysron Bleeker, 1864k has been used in Puntius Hamilton, 1822
at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code art.]) Puntius Hamilton, 1822: 310, 388 (subgenus of Cyprinus
Puntius proctozysron Bleeker, 1864g: 35 (nomen nudum); Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus sophore
1864j: 176 (nomen nudum) Hamilton, 1822: 310, by subsequent designation by Blee-
Puntius proctozysron Bleeker, 1864k: 200, pl. (type locali- ker, 1863e: 199, 1863l: 263, 1863m: 27). Gender mas-
ty: Thailand: Bangkok, Ayuttaya; lectotype: MNHN culine.
1830, designated by Banarescu, 1978: 114, fig. 2; here Distribution notes. Records of P. filamentosus from Myan-
declared a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used mar (e.g. Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 270 are unlikely as the
in at least 25 works in the last 50 years, listed under species is known only from Kerala, India (Pethiyagoda &
Nomenclatural notes [Code art.]) Kottelat, 2005: 130). Puntius filamentosus is now placed in
Barbus smithi Hora, 1923b: 156, pl. 11 fig. 1 (type locality: genus Dawkinsia (Pethiyagoda et al., 2012). Records of
Thailand: Bangkok; syntypes: ZSI F 10526/1 [2], Me- P. puntio from Myanmar are dubious; see also Kullander
non & Yazdani, 1968: 106) (2008: 80).
Taxonomic notes. The description of Barbus carassioides Nomenclatural notes. Capoeta Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
is very brief, but Heckel mentioned the serrated posterior Valenciennes, 1842: 278 is not available for Southeast Asian
edge of the last simple anal-fin ray. This character is known cyprinids. Its type species is not Capoeta amphibia Valen-
in a single species of Cyprinidae in Southeast Asia, Pun- ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 282, as designat-
tioplioplites proctozysron. This species, however, has never ed by Bleeker (1863e: 200, 1863m: 27), but Cyprinus ca-
been found in Borneo, the type locality of B. carassioides. poeta Gueldenstaedt, 1773: 508, by absolute tautonymy.
[Dawkinsia Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012: 80 (type
Unfortunately, the types cannot be located (H. Wellendorf, species: Leuciscus filamentosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
pers. comm.). ennes, 1844: 96, by original designation). Gender feminine].
Nomenclatural notes. As B. carassioides has not been used [Leuciscus filamentosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844:
as the name of a valid species since the original description 96, pl. 492 (type locality: India: Alypey; lectotype: MNHN 3908, des-
ignated by Pethiyagoda & Kottelat, 2005: 130, fig. 2)].
and P. proctozyson has been used more than 25 times by [Cyprinus puntio Hamilton, 1822: 318, 389 (type locality: India: southern
more than 10 authors in the last 50 years, under Code art. parts of Bengal; types: NT)].
23.9.2, I declare B. carassioides Heckel, 1843 a nomen obli-
tum and P. proctozysron Bleeker, 1864 a nomen protectum. Puntius brevis (Bleeker, 1849)
List of 25 works in which P. proctozysron is used as a valid Capoëta brevis Bleeker, 1849h: 21 (type locality: Indone-
name: (1) Banarescu, 1978: 114; (2) Boonchot & Wong- sia: Java: river in Gombong and Kalimas River [Bran-
sawad, 2005: 103; (3) Cheng & Zheng, 1987: 178; (4) Chin- tas] in Surabaya; syntypes [up to 70 mm TL]: BMNH
abut & Lim, 1994: 42; (5) Chu & Chen, 1989: 323; (6) Doi, 1866.5.2.210 [1], 1867.11.28.179–180 [2], Eschmeyer,
1997: 10; (7) Freyhof et al., 2000: 95; (8) Johnsen, 1963: 2010)
148; (9–12) Kottelat, 1985a: 265, 1989: 10, 1998a: 48, Capoeta javanica Bleeker, 1855k: 412 (type locality: Indo-
2001c: 72; (13) Magtoon & Arai, 1993: 77; (14) Rainboth, nesia: Java: Pasuruan in rivers and in Lake Grati; synty-
1996: 93; (15–16) Taki, 1968: 12, 1974b: 132; (17) Taki & pes [23, 65–90 mm TL]: RMNH 928 [16], 4974 [1],
Katsuyama, 1979: 255; (18) Wang, 1979: 421; (19) Wu, BMNH 1866.5.2.207 [1], 1863.12.4.85 [1], ? NMV
1977: 397; (20) Yue, 2000: 392; (21) Yue & Chen, 1998: 45902 [type status of cotypes listed by Bertin & Estève,
164; (22–23) Zakaria-Ismail, 1984: 24, 1988: 23; (24) Zhou, 1948: 28 doubtful]; a secondary junior homonym of
1989: 248; (25) Zhu, 1995: 96. Barbus javanicus Bleeker, 1855k, when placed in Sys-
tomus by Bleeker, 1859l: 151, 152)
Puntioplites waandersi (Bleeker, 1859) Systomus leiacanthus Bleeker, 1859l: 152 (replacement
Systomus Waandersi Bleeker, 1859b: 358 (type locality: name for Capoeta javanica Bleeker, 1855k: 412)
Indonesia: Java: Ngawi; holotype [310 mm TL]: BMNH Barbus liacanthus Günther, 1868a: 141 (unjustified emen-
1866.5.2.198, Eschmeyer, 2010 [information on type dation of Systomus leiacanthus Bleeker, 1859l: 152)
material not provided in Bleeker, 1859b, but given in ? Barbus spilopterus Fowler, 1934a: 122, fig. 78 (type lo-
1860j: 359]) cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 59112,
Puntius nini Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 202, fig. 75 (type Böhlke, 1984: 91)
Puntius leiacanthus malayensis Menon, 1954: 21, fig. 9 (type Systomus chrysopterus M'Clelland, 1839: 285, 381 (type lo-
locality: Malaysia: Kelantan: Kota Bharu; holotype: ZSI cality: Bramaputrah in lower Assam / Bengal; types: LU)
F 246/2, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 115) Leuciscus stigma Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
? Puntius ocellatus Mai, 1978: 107, fig. 46 (type locality: 1844: 93, pl. 489 (type locality: India: Mysore; holo-
Vietnam: Lam River; syntypes: DVZUT) type: MNHN 6414, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 26)
Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 23) considered Leuciscus sulphureus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
P. leiacanthus and P. spilopterus to be distinct species, but ennes, 1844: 96 (type locality: India: Mysore; holotype:
P. leiacanthus is a replacement name for P. brevis and can- MNHN 3880, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 27)
not be a distinct species. Leuciscus Duvaucelii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1844: 95, pl. 491 (type locality: India: Bengal;
Puntius burmanicus (Day, 1878) syntypes: MNHN 3575 [6], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 27)
Barbus burmanicus Day, 1878: 572, pl. 141 fig. 4 (type lo- Puntius modestus Kner, 1866: 547 (nomen nudum)
cality: Burma: Mergui and apparently other, unstated Puntius modestus Kner, 1867: 348, pl. 15 fig. 3 (type local-
localities; syntypes: among AMS B.7898, NMW 53977, ity: India: Madras; syntypes: NMW 54372 [4], 54373
Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 155, Ferraris et al., 2000: 295) [7], 54374 [4], 54375 [4], Eschmeyer, 2010)
Barbus annandalei Fowler, 1924b: 87, fig. 6 (type locality:
Puntius chola (Hamilton, 1822) India: Sutlej River near Loodianali [Ludhiana]; holotype:
Cyprinus chola Hamilton, 1822: 312, 389 (type locality: MCZ 18655)
India: north-eastern parts of Bengal; types: NT; Hamil- Barbus carletoni Fowler, 1924b: 89, fig. 7 (type locality:
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: India: Dehra Doon; holotype: MCZ 4104, Eschmeyer,
pl. 58 fig. 3) 2010)
Cyprinus titius Hamilton, 1822: 315, 389 (type locality: In- Cyprinus chrysopareius Hora, 1933: 135 (not available,
dia: ponds near Calcutta; types: NT; simultaneous sub- name listed in synonymy)
jective synonym of Cyprinus chola Hamilton, 1822: 312,
first reviser [apparently Menon, 1974: 37] gave prece- Puntius sophoroides (Günther, 1868)
dence to C. chola) Barbus sophoroides Günther, 1868a: 144 (type locality: In-
Systomus tetrarupagus M'Clelland, 1839: 285, 381, pl. 44 dia: Cachar and Hooghly River; syntypes [3]: BMNH
fig. 3 (type locality: India: Brahmaputra / Assam; types: 1866.5.2.205 [1])
LU) Distribution notes. Records from Myanmar require confir-
Leuciscus thermalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- mation.
nes, 1844: 94, pl. 490 (type locality: Sri Lanka: hot
springs of Cania; syntypes: MNHN 3364 [3], Bertin &
Estève, 1948: 27) Raiamas Jordan, 1919
? Systomus unimaculatus Blyth, 1860b: 159 (type locality: Bola Günther, 1868a: 293 (type species: Cyprinus bola
Burma: Tenasserim; syntypes: AMS B.7540, ? ZSI Hamilton, 1822: 274, by absolute tautonymy; junior hom-
[a number of fry; Day, 1870b: 557], Eschmeyer, 2010) onym of Bola Hamilton, 1822: 73). Gender feminine.
Puntius perlee Day, 1865c: 211 (type locality: India: Mala- Raiamas Jordan, 1919c: 344 (replacement name for Bola
bar; syntypes: BMNH 1865.7.17.12, Whitehead & Tal- Günther, 1868a: 293). Gender masculine.
war, 1976: 156) Taxonomic notes. Raiamas, as previously understood, in-
cluded two Asian species and several African species. As
Puntius masyai Smith, 1945 expected, a recent morphological and molecular study (Liao
Puntius masyai Smith, 1945: 171, fig. 26 (type locality: et al., 2013) found that the African species belong to dis-
Thailand: Chantaburi Province: Ban Ang on Kao Sabap; tinct clades for which the names Opsaridium and Sagit-
holotype: USNM 107954) tabarilius are available.
Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid by Rainboth et al. (2012: [Opsaridium Peters, 1854: 783 (type species: Leuciscus zambezensis Pe-
pl. 23). ters, 1852: 682, by monotypy). Gender neuter].
[Sagittabarilius Fowler, 1936b: 293 (subgenus of Barilius Hamilton, 1822:
266; type species: Barilius salmolucius Nichols & Griscom, 1917:
Puntius pugio Kullander, 2008 702, by original designation). Gender masculine].
Puntius pugio Kullander, 2008: 74, fig. 11 (type locality:
Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy River drainage: Raiamas bola (Hamilton, 1822)
Nan Kywe Chaung, 17 km on road Myitkyina–Mogaung, Cyprinus bola Hamilton, 1822: 274, 385 (type locality: In-
200 m south of road, 800 m east of Sha Dau village; dia: Brahmaputra; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished
holotype: NRM 56992) figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 48 fig. 5; here
declared a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used
Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822) in at least 25 works in the last 50 years, listed under
Cyprinus sophore Hamilton, 1822: 310, 389, pl. 19 fig. 86 Nomenclatural notes [Code art.])
(type locality: Bangladesh: Srimangal [Sreemangal] town Cyprinus goha Hamilton, 1822: 275, 385 (type locality: In-
market, from Hail Hoar floodplain near Moulvi Bazaar dia: Kosi, Yamuna and Son rivers; types: LU; Hamil-
[original type locality: India: Ganges]; neotype: ZRC ton's unpublished drawing reproduced in Gray, 1830: vol.
35064, designated by Pethiyagoda et al., 2012: 73, fig. 2) 1, pl. 86 fig. 2; simultaneous subjective synonym of
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cyprinus bola Hamilton, 1822: 274, first reviser nation by Bleeker, 1863e: 202, 1863m: 28 [see Kottelat,
[Günther, 1868a: 293] gave precedence to C. goha; here 1999a: 597]). Gender feminine.
declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it Parluciosoma Howes, 1980a: 183 (type species: Leuciscus
has not been used as a valid name since 1899 [Code art. argyrotaenia Bleeker, 1849h: 21, by original designa-], and Cyprinus bola Hamilton, 1822 has been tion). Gender neuter.
used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code art. Taxonomic notes. Rasbora has for long been known as an]) heterogeneous assemblage of lineages, several of them eas-
Opsarius gracilis M'Clelland, 1839: 297, 419, pl. 47 fig. 1 ily distinguished (see, e.g. species groups or complexes of
(type locality: India: Assam and rivers Kosi, Jumna, Brittan, 1954, Kottelat & Vidthyanon, 1993). It is thus no
Ganges and Soane; types: LU [material examined by wonder that several molecular studies have found the genus
M'Clelland and basis of Cyprinus goha Hamilton, 1822: to be paraphyletic (e.g. Rüber et al., 2007, Fang et al., 2009).
275]) Some of the most distinctive lineages have been named (e.g.
Opsarius megastomus M'Clelland, 1839: 298, 420, pl. 48 Boraras, Trigonostigma), but, for a variety of reasons, most
fig. 5 (unnecessary replacement name for Cyprinus bola remain unnamed.
Hamilton, 1822: 274) In a recent molecular study, Tang et al. (2010: 206) treated
Leuciscus salmoides Blyth, 1858b: 289 (type locality: In- all these genera as synonyms of Rasbora because "there
dia: Uttar Pradesh: Allahabad; holotype: ? ZSI) would not be enough available names to apply to all of the
Barilius jalkapoorei Shrestha, 1978: 34 (nomen nudum) monophyletic groups found in this polyphyletic assemblage".
Barilius corbetti Tilak & Hussain, 1980: 41, fig. 1 (type lo- This reasoning does not make sense and is not followed.
cality: India: Uttar Pradesh: Pauri Garhwal District: If the authors have confidence in their results and feel there
Patairpali Nana, Corbett National Park; holotype: ZSI/ is insufficient existing names, they should create those need-
NRS V-1194) ed. Or, if they do not have confidence in their results, then
Barilius jalkapoorei Shrestha, 1981: 34, fig. 13 (type local- there is no justification for changing the status of Boraras,
ity: Nepal: Chatra: Kosi River / Dolalghat: Indrawati Trigonostigma, Brevibora, Kottelatia, Rasbosoma and Tri-
River / Harincha / Birgunj, Bagmati River; holotype: gonopoma until better results are obtained.
Tribhuvan Univ.) Tang et al. also commented (p. 206) that "All of these
Nomenclatural notes. List of 25 works in which Cyprinus names remain available for future workers who wish to
bola Hamilton, 1822 is used as valid name, published by at recognise additional diversity within Rasbora sensu lato once
least 10 authors, in the immediately preceeding 50 years its relationships have been more fully explored". Diversity
and encompassing a span of not less than 10 years (Code either exists or does not exist: it is not something that work-
art. 23.9.2): (1) Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 2000b: 248; ers decide to recognise or not. Diversity exists, whether
(2) Banarescu & Coad, 1991: 148; (3) Daniels, 2002: 23; names exist or not.
(4) Datta Munshi & Srivastava, 1988: 131; (5) Dutta et al., More significantly, despite a tree based on a "limited"
1993: 2; (6–7) Jayaram, 1981: 88, 1999: 71; (8–9) Menon, (p. 206) taxonomic sampling, Tang et al. made nomencla-
1974: 12, 1999: 22; (10) Nath & Dey, 2000: 31; (11) Negi, tural changes, which they already expected to be reverted.
1994: 170; (12) Pillai & Yazdani, 1977: 4; (13) Rahman, They commented that "recognition" of these names "will
1989: 91; (14) N. Sen, 1995: 53: 2; (15) T. K. Sen, 1985: only increase taxonomic confusion within the already prob-
34; (16–18) J. Shrestha, 1978: 34, 1981: 33, 1994: 17; lematic genus Rasbora". The lineage Rasbora includes many
(19) T. K. Shrestha, 2008: 101; (20) Siddiqui, 2007: 85; species but its taxonomy is not confused, even with a large
(21) Srivastava, 1998: 26; (22) Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: number of new species still being described. Known no-
384; (23) Tilak & Husain, 1977: 272; (24) Uniyal & Kumar, menclatural issues have been resolved. It is the unnecessary
2006: 41; (25) Vishwanath et al., 2007: 24. changes and reversals that create confusion, not the recog-
nition of clearly identifiable and monophyletic lineages with-
Raiamas guttatus (Day, 1870) in a polyphyletic Rasbora sensu lato. On the contrary, nam-
Opsarius guttatus Day, 1870c: 620 (type locality: Burma: ing these well defined lineages simplifies communication
Irrawaddi from Prome to Mandalay; syntypes: among and reduces risks of confusion. The automatic but prema-
ZSI A.887, 2221, 2727 [lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.1157 [1], ture transposition into nomenclature of a molecular-only tree
AMS B.8224 [1], NMW 54875–54876, Whitehead & missing the majority of the species creates the very confu-
Talwar, 1976: 155, Ferraris et al., 2000: 297) sion that the authors pretend to avoid.
Bola Harmandi Sauvage, 1880d: 231 (type locality: Cam-
bodia: Great Lakes; holotype: MNHN A.2399, Kottelat, Species inquirenda
1984a: 797) Rasbora gerlachi Ahl, 1928: 205 (type locality: Cameroon
Luciosoma fasciata Yang & Huang, in Wu, 1964: 53, pl. 1- [erroneous]; syntypes: ZMB 21647 [2], Paepke, 1995:
41 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yun Jing Hong; synty- 91, Eschmeyer, 2010)
pes: IHB [7]) Taxonomic notes. Sometimes treated as synonym of
R. bankanensis. The most obvious character of R. bankan-
ensis is the black spot on the anterior edge of the anal fin.
Rasbora Bleeker, 1859 The anal fin is missing in one syntype. On the other synty-
Rasbora Bleeker, 1859f: 361, 371 (type species: Leuciscus pes the simple rays are missing and no pigment can be seen
cephalotaenia Bleeker, 1852c: 97, by subsequent desig- on the remaining rays.
Rasbora amplistriga Kottelat, 2000 Rasbora baliensis Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954
Rasbora amplistriga Kottelat, 2000a: 50, fig. 18 (type lo- Rasbora baliensis Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954: 45,
cality: Laos: Xekong Province: Nam Vi at ford downri- fig. 3 (type locality: Indonesia: Bali: Danau Bratan [Lake
ver (1.5 km NW) of Ban Kasang-Kan; 15°17'55"N Bratan]; holotype: UMMZ 157146)
106°54'10"E; holotype: ZRC 45313)
Rasbora bankanensis (Bleeker, 1853)
Rasbora api Lumbantobing, 2010 Leuciscus bankanensis Bleeker, 1853l: 192 (type locality:
Rasbora api Lumbantobing, 2010: 4, figs. 5a, 6a (type lo- Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Marawang; holotype
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Utara: Kabupaten [64 mm SL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.160, Alfred, 1963a: 129)
Tapanuli Tengah: irrigation canal of Aek Pinangsori River
(tributary of Batang Lumut River) on road between Si- Rasbora borapetensis Smith, 1934
bolga and Batangtoru, 1°33'59"N 98°54'62"E; holotype: Rasbora borapetensis Smith, 1934: 302 (type locality: Thai-
MZB 16457) land: Bung Borapet; holotype: KUMF 163, Monkolpra-
sit, 1969: 5)
Rasbora aprotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954 Nomenclatural notes. Brittan (1954: 174) indicated that
Rasbora aprotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954: 50, the holotype is USNM 107956. This is the catalogue num-
fig. 5 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Tjilowaeng River ber originally indicated by Smith (1945) for his R. palus-
[Ciliwung]; holotype: UMMZ 157126) tris.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Rasbora beauforti Hardenberg, 1937: 10 (type locality: In- Taxonomic notes. Identity discussed by Ng & Kottelat
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Kotawaringin (2013d: 67).
drainage; Sungei Karang Enyir, near Karang Panjang
village; 2°44'14"S 111°36'05"E [original type locality: Rasbora einthovenii (Bleeker, 1851)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Kumai River]; Leuciscus Einthovenii Bleeker, 1851p: 434 (type locality:
neotype: ZRC 52443, designated by Kottelat & Tan, Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype
2012a: 323, fig. 1b) [58 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1866.5.2.158 [1], Eschmeyer,
Rasbora chrysotaenia Ahl, 1937 Rasbora vegae Rendahl, 1926a: 1 (type locality: Malaysia:
Rasbora chrysotaenia Ahl, 1937: 114 (type locality: Indo- Borneo: Sabah: Labuan Island; syntypes: NRM 8094
nesia: Sumatra ?: syntypes [4]: ZMB 20874 [1], Kotte- [14], 8095 [5], Kottelat, 1991b: 190)
lat, 1991b: 179) Rasbora labuana Whitley, 1958: 28, fig. 1 (type locality:
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Labuan Island; holotype: AMS
Rasbora cryptica Kottelat & Tan, 2012 IB.1429, Kottelat, 1991b: 183)
Rasbora cryptica Kottelat & Tan, 2012b: 38, fig. 1 (type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Serian, stream at Rasbora elegans Volz, 1903
0.25 km towards Kampung Lanchang, tributary of Sun- Rasbora elegans Volz, 1903a: 558 (type locality: Indone-
gai Kuhas, 6.9 km left at Tebelu Tebakang turnoff, 5.8 km sia: Sumatra: small creeks in the interior of Palembang
into right trail; holotype: ZRC 41204) Residency; syntypes [15]: NMBE 1023512–1023519 [8],
1023520–1023526 [7]; also in Volz, 1903b: 402, pl. 26
Rasbora daniconius (Hamilton, 1822) fig. 4)
Cyprinus daniconius Hamilton, 1822: 327, 391, pl. 15 fig. 89
(type locality: India: southern Bengal; types: NT; co- Rasbora ennealepis Roberts, 1989
loured original of Hamilton's figure in Silva et al., 2010: Rasbora ennealepis Roberts, 1989: 74, fig. 51 (type locali-
46, fig. 23) ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai Sekum-
? Cyprinus anjana Hamilton, 1822: 328, 391 (type locality: pai, a tributary of Sungai Pinoh, 23 km south of Nanga-
India: Puraniya district; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub- pinoh, 0°32'S 111°39.5'E; holotype: MZB 3997)
lished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 23 fig. 2;
simultaneous subjective synonym of Cyprinus danico- Rasbora everetti Boulenger, 1895
nius Hamilton, 1822: 327, first reviser [Günther, 1864a: Rasbora everetti Boulenger, 1895b: 187 (type locality: Phil-
194] gave precedence to C. daniconius) ippines: Palawan; syntypes: BMNH 1894.6.30.191–192
? Leuciscus lateralis M'Clelland, 1839: 292, 405 (unneces- [2], Eschmeyer, 2010)
sary replacement name for Cyprinus anjana Hamilton,
1822: 328) Rasbora hobelmani Kottelat, 1984
? Rasbora zanzibarensis Günther, in Playfair & Günther, Rasbora hobelmani Kottelat, 1984b: 718, fig. 1a (type lo-
1867: 119, pl. 17 fig. 4 (type locality: Tanzania: Rovu- cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: 300 m north of
ma River [erroneous locality or identification]; holotype: Ban Na Hwai, 19°38'N 98°57'N; holotype: MHNG
BMNH 1867.3.9.506, Eschmeyer, 2010) 2160.46)
Cyprinus bivittatus Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name
listed in synonymy) Rasbora hosii Boulenger, 1895
Rasbora palustris Smith, 1945: 108, fig. 10 (type locality: Rasbora hosii Boulenger, 1895a: 247 (type locality: Malay-
Thailand: Nakhon Sawan Province: Bung Borapet; ho- sia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; lectotype: BMNH
lotype: USNM 107956) 1894.8.3.65, designated by Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 51,
fig. 38a)
Rasbora dies Kottelat, 2008 ? Rasbora sumatrana var. unicolor Vaillant, 1893b: 89 (not
Rasbora dies Kottelat, 2008a: 301, fig. 1 (type locality: In- available, infrasubspecific name [intrapopulational vari-
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Tarakan Island; ability, see Code art. 45.6.4, Glossary, p. 107, infrasub-
holotype: MZB 10980) specific entity]; locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
Barat: Sebroeng; material: MNHN 1891-0394–0397 [4])
Rasbora dorsinotata Kottelat, in Kottelat & Chu, 1988 ? Rasbora sumatrana var. taeniata Vaillant, 1893b: 89 (not
Rasbora dorsinotata Kottelat, in Kottelat & Chu, 1988a: 315, available, infrasubspecific name [intrapopulational vari-
fig. 2 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Mae ability, see Code art. 45.6.4, Glossary, p. 107, infrasub-
Nam Huey Bon, km 45 on road from Amphoe Tha Wang specific entity]; locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
Pha to Amphoe Chiang Kham; holotype: ZSM 26627) Barat: Sebroeng; material: MNHN 1891-0398–0402 [5])
Rasbora jacobsoni Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 Rasbora elbertii Popta, 1911a: 10 (type locality: Indonesia:
Rasbora jacobsoni Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 75 (type Lombok: Sembalun, Sadjang, Praya; syntypes [211]:
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Kaju Tanam, Arau, Lakes SMF 6487 [1], 6488 [59], 6489 [2], 6490 [142], RMNH
Singkarah and Manindjau, Fort de Kock [Bukittinggi], 10505 [1], 10506 [1], 10507 [1], 10508 [1], 10509 [1],
Pond Ajer Tegenang, and Siboga; syntypes: ZMA 10510 [4], 10511 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
100.646 [10], 109.265 [4], 109.266 [12], 109.267 [2],
109.268 [6], 109.269 [15], 109.270 [13], 109.276 [5], Rasbora laticlavia Siebert & Richardson, 1997
Nijssen et al., 1993: 215) Rasbora laticlavia Siebert & Richardson, 1997: 91, fig. 1a
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah:
Rasbora johannae Siebert & Guiry, 1996 Sungai Barito basin: tributary of Sungai Maruwei ap-
Rasbora johannae Siebert & Guiry, 1996: 397, fig. 1 (type prox. 1 km upstream from Desa Maruwei, 0°21'59"S
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Barito 114°44'06"E; holotype: MZB 6093)
basin: small tributary of Sungai Busang upstream from
Project Barito Ulu basecamp on Sungai Busang; holo- Rasbora leptosoma (Bleeker, 1855)
type: MZB 6094) Leuciscus leptosoma Bleeker, 1855h: 269 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sumatra: Lahat; lectotype: RMNH 4981, des-
Rasbora kalbarensis Kottelat, 1991 ignated by Alfred, 1963a: 131)
Rasbora kalbarensis Kottelat, 1991b: 181, fig. 3 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: swamp near Rasbora meinkeni de Beaufort, 1931
Palai, 15 km from Sosok on road to Tayan, about 0°10'N Rasbora meinkeni de Beaufort, 1931: 8, fig. (type locality:
110°08'E; holotype: MZB 5881) Indonesia: Sumatra; syntypes: ZMA 100.259 [2], Nijs-
sen et al., 1993: 215, Lumbantobing, 2010: 656)
Rasbora kalochroma (Bleeker, 1851)
Leuciscus kalochroma Bleeker, 1851d: 272 (type locality: Rasbora myersi Brittan, 1954
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; Rasbora myersi Brittan, 1954: 117, fig. 25 (type locality:
lectotype: RMNH 4983, designated by Alfred, 1963a: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Potoes Sibau
130) [Putussibau]; holotype: CAS-SU 17342)
Rasbora kluetensis Lumbantobing, 2010 Rasbora nematotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954
Rasbora kluetensis Lumbantobing, 2010: 661, fig. 10b (type Rasbora elegans nematotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan,
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Province Nanggroe Aceh 1954: 68, fig. 10 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra:
Darussalam: Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, irrigation canal Moesi River [Musi] at Moera Klinggi [Muara Klinggi];
of Kluet River, 3°09'14"N 97°24'43"E; holotype: MZB holotype: UMMZ 157138)
Rasbora nodulosa Lumbantobing, 2010
Rasbora kottelati Lim, 1995 Rasbora nodulosa Lumbantobing, 2010: 659, fig. 6d, 10a
Rasbora kottelati Lim, 1995: 66, figs. 2–4 (type locality: (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Province Nanggroe
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: ditch 34 km from Mukah Aceh Darussalam: Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya: Keca-
on road to Sibu; holotype: ZRC 37918) matan Tangan-tangan, Tangantangan River on road be-
tween Blang Pidie and Tapaktuan, 3°39'09"N
Rasbora lacrimula Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009 96°54'83"E; holotype: MZB 16465)
Rasbora lacrimula Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009c: 106, figs. 1–
2 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Rasbora notura Kottelat, 2005
Mahakam basin, Ulu Belayan, oil palm plantation area, Rasbora notura Kottelat, 2005b: 265, fig. 2 (type locality:
Damai Estate, gutter at block 3B, division 01, Malaysia: Terengganu: Sekayu waterfalls; 4°57'50"N
0°16'57.4"N 116°18'07.8"E; holotype: MZB 16669) 102°57'14"E; holotype: ZRC 21684)
Rasbora lateristriata (Bleeker, 1854) Rasbora ornata Vishwanath & Laisram, 2004
Leuciscus lateristriatus Bleeker, 1854v: 94 (type locality: Rasbora ornatus Vishwanath & Laisram, 2004b: 429, fig. 1
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Tandjongoost, Tjam- (type locality: India: Manipur: Moreh, Lokchao River, a
pea, Bandong, Garut; lectotype: RMNH 4969, designat- tributary of Yu River, Chindwin drainage; holotype:
ed by Alfred, 1963a: 131 [material from different local- MUMF 3032)
ities has been mixed and exact locality of lectotype un-
known]) Rasbora patrickyapi Tan, 2009
Rasbora macrocephalus Bleeker, 1863m: pl. 103 fig. 10 Rasbora patrickyapi Tan, 2009d: 505, fig. 1 (type locality:
[text: 1864a: 126] (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Rungan–Kahay-
Krawang; holotype: specimen on which plate is based, an drainage, Sungai Rijak, km 84 on road from Pa-
among RMNH 2635 [1], 7039 [2], 10458 [2], BMNH langkaraya to Telakin, 1°37.319"S 113°37.560'E; holo-
1866.5.2.150 [1] [lectotype designation by Alfred, 1963a: type: MZB 10707)
133 not valid]; also in Bleeker, 1864i: 139)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Rasbora paucisqualis Ahl, in Schreitmüller, 1935 tains; lectotype: ZMA 109.585, designated by Nijssen et
Rasbora paucisqualis Ahl, in Schreitmüller, 1935b [12 Feb al., 1993: 215)
1935]: 97 (type locality: aquarium specimens reported-
ly from Malay Peninsula; lectotype: ZMB 20873, desig- Rasbora rheophila Kottelat, 2012
nated by Siebert, 1997b: 31, Kottelat, 1991b: 184, fig. 5) Rasbora rheophila Kottelat, 2012a: 78, figs. 1–2 (type lo-
Rasbora paucisquamis Ahl, 1935 [1 Aug 1935]: 144 (type cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sungai Pangakatan
locality: aquarium specimens reportedly from Malay (tributary of Sungai Liwagu), near Ranau on road to hot
Peninsula; holotype: ZMB 20873, Kottelat, 1991b: 184, spring; holotype: IRSNB 874)
fig. 5)
Taxonomic notes. Siebert (1997: 35) showed that two spe- Rasbora rubrodorsalis Donoso-Büchner & Schmidt, 1997
cies have been confused under the name R. bankanensis in Rasbora rubrodorsalis Donoso-Büchner & Schmidt, 1997:
the Malay Peninsula and used the names R. paucisqualis 89, figs. 1, 3 (type locality: Thailand: Cha Am, "208/209
for the second one. He did not provide arguments support- km Hauptstr. 4" [possibly meaning between km-stones
ing the identification of the lectotype of R. paucisqualis as 208 and 209 on Highway 4"]; holotype: ZMB 32549)
the present species. Ahl (1935: 144) explicitly described the
anal fin of the preserved holotype of R. paucisquamis (and Rasbora rutteni Weber & de Beaufort, 1916
lectotype of R. paucisqualis) as transparent and described it Rasbora rutteni Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 68, fig. 26 (type
as transparent also in the live specimens (from Schreit- locality: Indonesia: Borneo: rivulet near Bontang [Kali-
müller's data); Siebert's R. paucisqualis has a black mark at mantan Timur, about 80 km north of Samarinda]; lecto-
the tip of the anal fin. type: ZMA 112.589, designated by Nijssen et al., 1993:
215 [Weber & de Beaufort stated "type of the species
Rasbora paviana Tirant, 1885 in" ZMA; this is not a holotype designation as Code art.
Rasbora paviana Tirant, 1885 [1929: 142] (type locality: 73.1.1 requires that the authors state "that one specimen
Vietnam: Song Cân-Lê, Thu-dau-mot; lectotype: […] is the type"; the authors stated where the type is but
MGHNL 42000256, designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 16, not which of their specimen is the type, so this is not a
fig. 10; paviana is an adjective, is correctly formed [Code holotype designation; in addition no specimen had been
art. 31.1] and does not need to be emended) separated and can now be recognised as the holotype;
Rasbora paviei Chevey, 1932a: 12 (unjustified emendation therefore, all specimens are syntypes])
of Rasbora paviana Tirant, 1885 [1929: 142])
Rasbora cromiei Fowler, 1937: 167, fig. 104 [not 103; see Rasbora sarawakensis Brittan, 1951
Brittan, 1954: 59] (type locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Rasbora sarawakensis Brittan, 1951: 1, fig. 1 (type locali-
Phun, a stream entering Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: 16 miles east of Kuching;
99°42'E; de Schauensee, 1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e: holotype: CAS-SU 15375 [15367 in original description],
207]; holotype: ANSP 68021, Böhlke, 1984: 74) Böhlke, 1953: 37)
Rasbora cheroni Fowler, 1937: 168, fig. 103 [not 104; see
Brittan, 1954: 59] (type locality: Thailand: Pitsanulok; Rasbora semilineata Weber & de Beaufort, 1916
holotype: ANSP 68011, Böhlke, 1984: 72) Rasbora semilineata Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 80 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: upper course of Sungei
Rasbora philippina Günther, 1880 Wain; syntypes: ZMA 112.588 [5], CAS-SU 15339 [1],
Rasbora philippina Günther, 1880a: 54 (type locality: Phil- Nijssen et al., 1993: 215, Böhlke, 1953: 30 [Weber & de
ippines: Mindanao: river at Pasananca near Zamboan- Beaufort stated "type of the species in" ZMA; this is not
ga; syntypes: BMNH 1879.5.14.646 [1], Kottelat & Vid- a holotype designation as Code art. 73.1.1 requires that
thayanon, 1993: 167) the authors state "that one specimen […] is the type";
Rasbora punctulatus Seale & Bean, 1907: 232, fig. 3 (type the authors stated where the type is but not which of
locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holotype: their specimen is the type, so this is not a holotype des-
USNM 57842) ignation; in addition no specimen has been separated and
can now be recognised as the holotype; therefore, all
Rasbora rasbora (Hamilton, 1822) specimens are syntypes])
Cyprinus rasbora Hamilton, 1822: 329, 391, pl. 2 fig. 90
(type locality: India: ponds of Bengal; types: NT) Rasbora septentrionalis Kottelat, 2000
Rasbora buchanani Bleeker, 1860j: 451 (unnecessary re- Rasbora septentrionalis Kottelat, 2000a: 51, fig. 19 (type
placement name for Cyprinus rasbora Hamilton, 1822: locality: Laos: Louangnamtha Province: stream said to
329) be Nam Sing near Ban Nakbon, 4 km east-southeast of
Cyprinus marginatus Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name Muang Sing; 21°10'47"N 101°10'50"E; holotype: ZRC
listed in synonymy) 45315)
Rasbora reticulata Weber & de Beaufort, 1915 Rasbora spilotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan, 1954
Rasbora reticulatus Weber & de Beaufort, 1915: 270 (type Rasbora elegans spilotaenia Hubbs & Brittan, in Brittan,
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Nias Island: Lolowua, about 1954: 70, fig. 11 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Pas-
5 hours southwest from Gunung Sitoli in chain of moun- sangrahan Ranau; holotype: UMMZ 157136)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Rhodeus Agassiz, 1832 Bogutskaya (2004: 282) treated them as three valid species.
Rhodeus Agassiz, 1832: 134 (type species: Cyprinus ama- Akai & Arai included Hainan records of P. lighti in the syn-
rus Bloch, 1781a: 52, by monotypy [R. latior and R. elon- onymy of R. sinensis; identification needs confirmation.
gatus were nomina nuda in 1832; they are available from [Pseudoperilampus lighti Wu, 1931a: 25, fig. 4 (type locality: China: Fukien
Agassiz, 1835a: vol. 5, pl. 54; publication date from Jean- [Fujian]: Foochow [Fuzhou] [basin of Ming River up to Yenping [Yan-
ping]]; holotype: ? [possibly MNHN, see p. 1])].
net, 1928: 121]). Gender masculine. [Pseudoperilampus uyekii Mori, 1934: 562, 573, fig. 1 (type locality: Ko-
rea: Kan River at Keijo [Seoul]; syntypes: LU, Akai & Arai, 1998:
Rhodeus haradai Arai, Suzuki & Shen, 1990 105)].
Rhodeus haradai Arai, Suzuki & Shen, 1990: 151, fig. 8 [Pseudoperilampus lighti amurensis Vronsky, 1967: 24 (type locality:
Russia: lower Amur drainage: Ussuri and Kiya Rivers, Lakes Khanka
(type locality: China: Hainan: Longtang; holotype: and Bolon', Amur River at Daerga and Leninsk; syntypes [78]: LU)].
NTUM 7600)
Rhodeus spinalis Oshima, 1926
Rhodeus laoensis Kottelat, Doi & Musikasinthorn, in Rhodeus spinalis Oshima, 1926: 16 (type locality: China:
Kottelat, 1998 Hainan: Ding'an [original type locality: Kachek River
Rhodeus laoensis Kottelat, Doi & Musikasinthorn, in Kot- near Kachek]; neotype: NSMT-P 31906, designated by
telat, 1998a: 52, fig. 81 (type locality: Laos: Nam Arai et al., 1990: 143, fig. 2a)
Theun, immediately upriver of confluence with Nam Pseudoperilampus hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 379,
Ong; 17°43'N 105°16'20"E; holotype: ZRC 41786) fig. 42 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype:
AMNH 8386, Arai et al., 1990: 145, fig. 2b)
Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner, 1866) Rhodeus ocellatus vietnamensis Mai, 1978: 179 (type lo-
Pseudoperilampus ocellatus Kner, 1866: 548 (type locali- cality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT)
ty: China: Shanghai; holotype: NMW 10837, Eschmey-
er, 2010; also in Kner, 1867: 365, pl. 15 fig. 6)
Rhodeus maculatus Fowler, 1910: 476, fig. 1 (type locality: Rohteichthys Bleeker, 1860
China: Pei Ho River at Tien Tsin; holotype: ANSP 29472) Rohteichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 431(type species: Barbus mi-
Rhodeus kurumeus Jordan & Thompson, 1914: 229, pl. 26 crolepis Bleeker, 1850i: 12, by subsequent monotypy in
fig. 2 (type locality: Japan: Kiusiu: Chikugo River at Bleeker, 1860j: 396). Gender masculine.
Kurume; holotype: CAS-SU 22605, Kimura & Nagata,
1992: 425, fig. 1a, Böhlke, 1953: 38) Rohteichthys microlepis (Bleeker, 1850)
Rhodeus hwanghoensis Mori, 1928b: 68 (type locality: Chi- Barbus microlepis Bleeker, 1850i: 12 (type locality: Indo-
na: Shang-tung: Hwang-ho at Tsi-nan; holotype: LU) nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holo-
Rhodeus wangkinfui Wu, 1930a: 77, fig. 5 (type locality: type [95 mm TL]: RMNH 7034, Eschmeyer, 2010)
China: Sichuan: Luchow; holotype: Metrop. Mus. Nat.
Hist. Beijing 1860)
Rhodeus pingi Miao, 1934: 176, fig. 30 (type locality: Chi- Salmostoma Swainson, 1839
na: Jiangsu: Chinkiang [Qingjiang]; holotype: SSCN Salmostoma Swainson, 1839: 184 (subgenus of Cyprinus
13200) Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus oblongus
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Chen (1998a: 445), Swainson, 1839: 284, by subsequent designation by
except that R. sinensis is treated as valid. Swain, 1883: 279). Gender neuter.
Salmophasia Swainson, 1839: 284 (subgenus of Cyprinus
Rhodeus rheinardti (Tirant, 1883) Linnaeus, 1758: 320; type species: Cyprinus oblongus
Danio Rheinardti Tirant, 1883: 97 (type locality: Vietnam: Swainson, 1839: 284, by subsequent designation by
river of Hué; lectotype: MGHNL 42000039 [formerly Swain, 1883: 279; simultaneous objective synonym of
3620], designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 13, fig. 7) Salmostoma Swainson, 1839: 184, first reviser [Jordan,
1919a: 198, 202] gave precedence to Salmostoma). Gen-
Rhodeus sinensis Günther, 1868 der feminine.
Rhodeus sinensis Günther, 1868a: 280 (type locality: Chi- Nomenclatural notes. Swainson (1839: 184) created the
na: Chikiang [Zhejiang]; lectotype [see below]: BMNH subgenus Salmostoma. On p. 284, he used the name Salmo-
1868.10.19.150, designated by Akai & Arai, 1998: 105, phasia for the same genus. These two names are simulta-
fig. 1a, Naseka & Bogutskaya, 2004: 282) neous objective synonyms. Bleeker (1860j: 469, 1863m: 33),
Taxonomic notes. Günther (1868: 280) described Rhodeus Day (1878: 599, 1889: 361) and Swain (1882: 279) had
sinensis on the basis of one male and two females. Akai & implicitly given precedence to Salmophasia by listing it
Arai (1998: 105) selected a lectotype from among two males, alone as a synonym of Chela but, because the name Salmo-
without comments. It remains to be clarified whether the stoma is not mentioned, this cannot be considered a first
designated lectotype was originally included in Günther's reviser action (Kottelat, 1998c: 117). Kottelat (1998c: 117)
material or whether Günther's indication on sexes was erro- considered that Jordan (1919a: 202) was the first reviser
neous. and gave precedence to Salmophasia. This is erroneous.
Rhodeus lighti (Wu, 1931), R. uyekii (Mori, 1934) and In fact, on p. 198, Jordan wrote "Salmostoma [...] page
R. amurensis (Vronsky, 1967) are treated as synonyms of 284, where the genus is called Salmophasia. Replaces Se-
R. sinensis by Akai & Arai (1998: 105), but Naseka & curicula". On p. 202, Jordan wrote "Salmophasia [...] Called
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Salmostoma on page 184. A synonym of Salmostoma, which cu, 1968c: 11, fig. 13)
replaces Securicula". In these two entries, Jordan gave pre- Salmostoma sardinella poonpuni Tilak, 1967a: 25, fig. 1
cedence to Salmostoma. One could argue that the statement (type locality: India: Bihar: Ponpuun River near Patna;
"A synonym of Salmostoma, which replaces Securicula" is holotype: ZSI F 6155/2; also in Tilak, 1971: 524 [but
stating the synonymy, but does not explicitly state which of with locality: India: Bihar: Ganges and its tributaries near
the synonyms is senior and which is junior. At that time, Patna; number and location of 'syntypes' unknown])
'synonym' was somehow equivalent to today's 'junior syn-
onym', and denoted an invalid name. Should one refuse to Salmostoma sladoni (Day, 1870)
consider Jordan as first reviser, then the earliest author Chela sladoni Day, 1870c: 622 (type locality: Burma: Ir-
I could find to have fixed precedence between the two names rawaddy, as high as Mandalay; syntypes: among ZSI
by mentioning both and using only one is Banarescu (1968c: 2628, 2541, A.916, BMNH 1889.2.1.259–262 [4], AMS
3); he gave precedence to Salmostoma. Although I do not B.7852 [1], NMW 52151, RMNH 2669, 8751 [1], White-
exclude the possibility of an other fixation earlier, I am not head & Talwar, 1976: 156, Eschmeyer, 2010, Ferraris et
aware of usage of the name Salmophasia between Jordan al., 2000: 302)
(1919) and Banarescu (1968c). Nomenclatural notes. As discussed by Vinciguerra (1890:
[Securicula Günther, 1868a: 332 (subgenus of Chela Hamilton, 1822: 258; 320) this species is likely named for Col. Sladen but as the
type species: Cyprinus gora Hamilton, 1822: 263, 384, by subsequent name is not mentioned in the original description, the orig-
designation by Jordan, 1919: 351). Gender feminine].
inal spelling must be retained.
Salmostoma balooke (Sykes, 1839)
Cyprinus clupeoides Bloch, 1795: 49, pl. 408 fig. 2 (type
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Sarcocheilichthys Bleeker, 1860
79°51'E]; syntypes [5]: ZMB 3425 [1], listed as holo- Sarcocheilichthys Bleeker, 1860c: 435 (type species: Leu-
type by Banarescu, 1971a: 16, fig. 3, Paepke, 1999: 72, ciscus variegatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 213,
pl. 26 fig. 2, designated here as lectotype; primary jun- pl. 102 fig. 2, by subsequent monotypy in Bleeker, 1860i:
ior homonym of Cyprinus clupeoides Pallas, 1776b: 704, 92, 1860j: 285, 426). Gender masculine.
see Kottelat, 1996b: 61, Wheeler, 1991: 158) Barbodon Dybowski, 1872: 216 (type species: Barbodon
Clupea cyprinoides Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 427 (repla- lacustris Dybowski, 1872: 216, by monotypy). Gender
cement name for Cyprinus clupeoides Bloch, 1795: 49; masculine.
primary junior homonym of Clupea cyprinoides Brous- Chilogobio Berg, 1914: 488 (type species: Chilogobio sol-
sonet, 1782: [39], pl. [9]) datovi Berg, 1914: 492, by original designation). Gen-
Chela Balookee Sykes, 1839a: 160 (type locality: India: der masculine.
Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E] [orig- Georgichthys Nichols, 1918: 17 (type species: Georgich-
inal type locality: India: "common in all rivers" [of Dec- thys scaphignathus Nichols, 1918: 17, by original des-
can]]; neotype: ZMB 3425, designated by Kottelat, ignation). Gender masculine.
1996b: 61; junior objective synonym of Cyprinus clupeo- Exoglossops Fowler & Bean, 1920: 311 (type species: Exo-
ides Bloch, 1795: 49; also in Sykes, 1839b: 57, 1841: 360) glossops geei Fowler & Bean, 1920: 311, by original
Chela Teekanee Sykes, 1839a: 161 (type locality: India: designation). Gender masculine.
Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E] [orig-
inal type locality: India: Beema River (at Pairgaon)]; Sarcocheilichthys hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927
neotype: ZMB 3425, designated by Kottelat, 1996b: 61; Sarcocheilichthys hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 352,
objective simultaneous synonym of Chela balookee Sykes, fig. 21, pl. 26 fig. 3 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa;
1839a: 160, first reviser [Kottelat, 1996b: 61] gave prece- holotype: AMNH 8370)
dence to C. balooke; also in Sykes, 1839b: 58, 1841: 362) Taxonomic notes. The identity of the material identified as
Leuciscus Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis from the coastal drainages of
ennes, 1844: xx, 342, avis au relieur, pl. 508 (type local- Guangxi in Zhou & Zhang (2006: 209) is not clear. They
ity: India: Mysore; holotype: MNHN; possibly intended are tentatively considered to be S. hainanensis, which these
as a replacement name for Cyprinus clupeoides Bloch, authors have included in the synonym of their S. nigripinnis.
[Gobio nigripinnis Günther, 1873b: 246 (type locality: China: Shanghai;
1795: 49, but ambiguous, therefore treated as distinct syntypes: BMNH 1872.7.30.101 [8], Banarescu & Nalbant, 1973: 40)].
Pelecus affinis Jerdon, 1849: 326 (type locality: India:
Mysore and Carnatic; types: ? NT) Saurogobio Bleeker, 1870
Distribution notes. Recorded from Myanmar and most of Saurogobio Bleeker, 1870c: 253 (type species: Saurogobio
India. The identity of Myanmar populations should be re- dumerili Bleeker, 1871b: 25, by subsequent designation
examined. by Jordan, 1919b: 355; no valid species originally in-
cluded, first inclusion by Bleeker, 1871b: 25). Gender
Salmostoma sardinella (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- masculine.
lenciennes, 1844) Gobiosoma Dybowski, 1872: 211 (type species: Gobioso-
Leuciscus sardinella Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- ma amurensis Dybowski, 1872: 211, by monotypy; jun-
nes, 1844: 344 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy; holo- ior homonym of Gobiosoma Girard, 1858a: 169, in Pis-
type: MNHN 3879, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 84, Banares- ces). Gender neuter.
Longurio Jordan & Starks, 1905: 196 (type species: Longu- type and paratype by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo (2001: 423)
rio athymius Jordan & Starks, 1905: 197, by monotypy; have no type status as they apparently are from a different
junior homonym of Longurio Loew, 1869: 3 in Diptera). locality, Phong To, Lai Chau Province. The specimen "RIAH
Gender masculine. 1405" designated as lectotype by Roberts & Catania (2007:
Armatogobio Taranetz, 1937: 113, 115 (type species: Sau- 93) is from Ban Trang, Lai Chau Province and therefore not
rogobio dabryi Bleeker, 1871b: 27, by original designa- part of the type series. Alternatively, the locality data are
tion). Gender masculine. erroneous either in the paper or on the label.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
1971: 24, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Thailand: Ubon Rat- species: Schizothorax oconnori Lloyd, 1908: 343, by
chathani Province: Mool River [Mun] at Bandan; holo- original designation). Gender masculine.
type: NIFI uncat.) Paraschizothorax Tsao, in Wu, 1964: 168 (type species:
Scaphognathops mekongensis Taki, 1974: 130, fig. 1–3 (type Schizothorax oconnori Lloyd, 1908: 343, by original
locality: Laos: Mekong River at Hatsalao near Pakse; designation; junior homonym of Paraschizothorax Blee-
holotype: NSMT-P 17881) ker, 1863l: 262; junior objective synonym of Tetrosti-
Taxonomic notes. Rainboth et al. (2012: pl. 22) consider chodon Tchang, Yueh & Hwang, 1964: 273). Gender
S. mekongensis to be a distinct species. masculine.
Taxonomic notes. Treated as subgenus of Racoma
Scaphognathops stejnegeri (Smith, 1931) M'Clelland & Griffith (in M'Clelland, 1842a) by Wu & Wu
Scaphognathus stejnegeri Smith, 1931a: 22, figs. 10–11 (1992: 349). See discussion under Schizothorax. Taxonomy
(type locality: Thailand: "Northern Siam": Mekong River follows Wu & Wu (1992).
near Ban Mekong; holotype: USNM 90303)
Schizopyge dolichonema (Herzenstein, 1889)
Scaphognathops theunensis Kottelat, 1998 Schizothorax dolichonema Herzenstein, 1889: 178, pl. 20
Scaphognathops theunensis Kottelat, 1998a: 56, fig. 86 (type fig. 1 (type locality: China: Dy-tschu in area of sources
locality: Laos: Nam Theun, from Ban Signo to about of Yangtsekiang, at 12700 ft; syntypes: ZISP 7382 [1],
6 km upriver; 17°50'50"N 105°03'00"E; holotype: ZRC 7383 [1])
41713) Distribution notes. Record from Mekong basin by Chen et
al. (2000: 294).
source. The reference they gave was "Wu Yun-Fei, Cao Wen- understood verbatim, that is as a type designation.
Xuan, Zhu Song-Quan and Chen Yi-Yu, in Cao Wen-Xuan M'Clelland's use of "Schizotorax proprius" supports this
(eds.). 1979. Fishes of Xizang (manuscript)". They also give second interpretation.
a reference to Wu & Wu (1989: 82–89) and this is the orig- Being unable to know whether M'Clelland (1842a) in-
inal description. tended to mean 'a structure typical of' or 'the type species
of', I agree with Kullander et al.'s (1999) interpretation.
M'Clelland's designation satisfies all the criteria of Code art.
Schizothorax Heckel, 1838 69.1 (he stated that "it is the type" and "it is clear that [he]
Schizothorax Heckel, 1838: 11 (type species: Schizothorax accepted it as the type species"). I therefore retain S. esocinus
esocinus Heckel, 1838: 48, by subsequent designation as type species of Schizothorax, as did Kullander et al. (1999).
by M'Clelland, 1842a: 570). Gender masculine. Tilak (1987) and Wu & Wu (1992), followed by others,
Racoma M'Clelland & Griffith, in M'Clelland, 1842a: 576 used S. plagiostomus as type species of Schizothorax and
(type species: Racoma labiata M'Clelland & Griffith, in placed S. esocinus in their subgenus Schizothoraichthys
M'Clelland, 1842a: 578, by subsequent designation by (Racoma) and Racoma (Racoma), respectively. After cor-
Bleeker, 1863e: 198, 1863m: 26). Gender feminine. recting the type species of Schizothorax as above:
Paraschizothorax Bleeker, 1863l: 262 (type species: Schi- – Schizothorax of Tilak (1987) and Wu & Wu (1992) must
zothorax huegelii Heckel, 1838: 36, by original desig- be called Oreinus, the genus in which is placed their S. pla-
nation). Gender masculine. giostomus;
Paratylognathus Sauvage, 1880: 227 (type species: Paraty- – the (sub)genus Racoma of these authors should be called
lognathus davidi Sauvage, 1880: 227, by monotypy). Schizothorax, because they place the type species of Raco-
Gender masculine. ma (R. labiata) in the same genus as the type species of
Aspiostoma Nikolski, 1897: 345 (type species: Aspiostoma Schizothorax (S. esocinus) [not Schizothorax (Racoma) as
zarudnyi Nikolski, 1897: 346, by monotypy; not a jun- by Kullander at al., 1999];
ior homonym of Aspiostoma [a misspelling of Apiosto- – Schizothoraichthys of Talwar (1987) should be called Schi-
ma Martens, 1869b: 488] in Mollusca [which anyway zothorax, because they have the same type species (S. esoci-
was not proposed as a new name but as a comment on nus);
how the name Pyrostoma should have been formed to – Racoma (Schizopyge) of Wu & Wu (1992) should be called
respect the intended etymology]). Gender neuter. Schizopyge or Schizothorax (Schizopyge) [not Schizothorax
Schizothoraichthys Misra, 1962: 48, 167 (type species: Schi- (Schizothorax) as by Kullander et al., 1999: 113, because
zothorax esocinus Heckel, 1838: 48, by original desig- their respective type species belong to different (sub)genera].
nation; junior objective synonym of Schizothorax Hec- A molecular study of Schizothorax by Yang, Yang &
kel, 1838: 11). Gender masculine. Chen (2012) showed great discrepancies between their re-
Nomenclatural notes. The genus-level taxonomy and no- sults and the genera recognised here, following mainly Wu
menclature of 'schizothoracine' cyprinids is still not clear & Wu (1992) (Schizothorax, Schyzopyge, Oreinus). Their
and this is partly due to nomenclatural issues involving the results also emphasized the confused species-level taxono-
earliest generic names to which most species of this group my, which should be clarified before reaching taxonomic
have been referred. This has been briefly summarised by conclusions at the genus level. Their study focused on spe-
Kullander et al. (1999: 112). A key issue is the fixation of cies of Southwestern China and more species of all recogn-
the type species of Schizothorax, which some authors have ised lineages from throughout their whole range should now
understood as being S. esocinus (designated by M'Clelland, also be analyzed together.
1842a: 570) and others as being S. plagiostomus (designat- [Schizothorax esocinus Heckel, 1838: 48, pl. 9 (type locality: India: Kash-
ed by Bleeker, 1863e: 196, 1863m: 26). The wording of mir: Tschilum River [Jhelum] and connected lakes; holotype: NMW
9011, Eschmeyer, 2010)].
M'Clelland (1842a: 570) is ambiguous: [Schizothorax plagiostomus Heckel, 1838: 16, pl. 1 (type locality: India:
"The annexed figures which represent the bones of the Kashmir: Tschilum River [Jhelum] and connected lakes; holotype:
head in these species, shew [sic] that as previously described NMW 51469, Eschmeyer, 2010)].
they embrace two distinct groups, known by the elongation
of the head. Fig. 1 represents the bones of the head and jaws Schizothorax heteri Yang, Zhen, Chen & Yang, 2013
in Schizothorax esocinus, Heck. and Fig. 2 the same bones Schizothorax heteri Yang, Zhen, Chen & Yang, 2013: 363,
in Schizothorax plagiostomus, id. The first is the type of fig. 4 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchong Coun-
Schizothorax proprius [Schizothorax proper], and the latter ty: Qushi township: Hongmu town, Longchuanjiang at
of Oreinus, a subdivision which the collections of Mr. Grif- Manmi village [25°12'22.8"N 98°38'38.2"E]; holotype:
fith are sufficent to establish, and which in the descriptions KIZ 2006012497)
which follow, we have noticed in more details." Taxonomic nots. Generic position tentative. See comment
The interpretations of Tilak (1987) and Kullander et al. under S. yunnanensis.
(1999) best summarise two alternative interpretations of this
text. Tilak (1987: 49) considered that by using 'type' Schizothorax lantsangensis Tsao, in Wu, 1964
M'Clelland was meaning a structure "type or typical of a Schizothorax lantsangensis Tsao, in Wu, 1964: 162, pl. 4-
group of fishes" and therefore M'Clelland did not designate 21 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Wei Xi, Yen Wa and
S. esocinus as type species of Schizothorax. Kullander et al. De Qin drainages; Lantsang drainage [Mekong]; synty-
(1999) considered that the phrase "is the type of" must be pes: IHB [9])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Schizothorax leukus Yang, Zhen, Chen & Yang, 2013 They recognised eight valid species (two of them new:
Schizothorax leukus Yang, Zhen, Chen & Yang, 2013: 362, S. leukus, S. heteri). One of these eight species is probably
fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchong County: S. yunnanensis.
Guyong town: Binlangjiang at Houqiao [25°22'39.8"N [Schizothorax griseus Pellegrin, 1931: 146, 289 [fig.] (type locality: Chi-
98°12'23.2"E]; holotype: KIZ 2006012490) na: Koei-Tchéou; syntypes: MNHN 1913-0157 [1], 1913-0158 [1],
Yang, Chen & Yang, 2009: 24, fig. 1, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 57)].
Taxonomic nots. Generic position tentative. See comment
under S. yunnanensis.
Semilabeo Peters, 1881
Schizothorax nudiventris Yang, Chen & Yang, 2009 Semilabeo Peters, 1881b: 1032 (type species: Semilabeo
Schizothorax nudiventris Yang, Chen & Yang, 2009: 30, notabilis Peters, 1881b: 1032, by monotypy). Gender
fig. 7 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Weixi County: Badi masculine.
town: Wulonglong village, Lancang Jiang River Amplolabrius Lin, 1933a: 81 (type species: Amplolabrius
[Mekong]; holotype: KIZ 20050507224) mirus Lin, 1933a: 82, by original designation). Gender
Schizothorax paoshanensis Tsao, in Wu, 1964
Schizothorax yunnanensis paoshanensis Tsao, in Wu, 1964: Semilabeo notabilis Peters, 1881
164, pl. 4-23 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Bao Shan Semilabeo notabilis Peters, 1881b: 1032, pl. fig. 3 (type lo-
County: Dong He; syntypes: IHB [11]) cality: China: sent from Hong Kong; holotype: ZMB
Taxonomic notes. Schizothorax paoshanensis is treated as 11324, Eschmeyer, 2010)
a synonym or subspecies of S. yunnanensis by earlier au- Amplolabrius mirus Lin, 1933a: 82, figs. 2–3 (type locality:
thors. Molecular data in Yang, Yang & Chen (2012) show China: northern Guangdong: Shiu Kwan; holotype: BLG
that the material they identified under these names are dis- 2946)
tinct species. See also under S. yunnanensis.
Semilabeo obscurus Lin, in Zheng, 1981
Schizothorax taliensis Regan, 1907 Semilabeo obscurus Lin, in Zheng, 1981: 106, fig. 82 (type
Schizothorax taliensis Regan, 1907a: 63 (type locality: Chi- locality: China: Guangxi: Yangxu in Bose; holotype
na: Yunnan: Tali Fu Lake; syntypes: BMNH 1907.5.4.63– [p. 107–108]: ASIZB 750690)
66 [4], Eschmeyer, 2010)
cality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Lancang River quasi-simultaneous homonymy with C. wui Lin, 1932c,
[Mekong] at Xiaoganlanba; 22°29'N 100°35'E; holotype: which is a junior synonym of S. macrops. Lin (1932c) ap-
KIZ 735161) peared 3 weeks before Rendahl (1932) and has precedence.
Therefore Rendahl's C. wui cannot be used as the name of a
Sikukia gudgeri (Smith, 1934) valid species. If considered to be distinct, the species called
Xenocheilichthys gudgeri Smith, 1934: 305, 1 fig. (type lo- "S. wui Rendahl, 1932" by Chinese authors should be called
cality: Thailand: Nan Province: upper Nan River near S. typus Yih & Wu, 1964, the next available name.
Nan city; holotype: USNM 103367, Eschmeyer, 2010 [Chanodichthys wui Rendahl, 1932 [8 Dec]: 105 (type locality: China:
Kiating [Loshan]; holotype: MMNHN 1702 or 2102 [specimen from
Kiating in Wu, 1930a: 73, explicitly designated by Rendahl]; junior
Sikukia longibarbata Li, Chen, Yang & Chen, 1998 primary homonym of Chanodichthys wui Lin, 1932c [15 Nov]: 516)].
Sikukia longibarbata Li, Chen, Yang & Chen, 1998: 454, [Sinibrama wui typus Yih & Wu, in Wu, 1964: 109 (replacement name for
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Chanodichthys wui Rendahl, 1932: 105)].
Menglun; holotype: KIZ 9606078)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
to Spinibarbichthys denticulatus. Spinibarbus sinensis is locality: Vietnam: Hoa Binh Province: Thac Bo, Da Bac,
definitively recorded only in Yangtze basin (Yue, 2000: 41). Da drainage; holotype: NCNTTSI 71.0678)
[Puntius sinensis Bleeker, 1871b: 17, pl. 3 fig. 2 (type locality: China:
? Yang-tse-kiang River; holotype [255 mm TL]: MNHN 5027, Bertin
& Estève, 1948: 28)].
Squalidus Dybowski, 1872
? Spinibarbichthys maensis (Nguyen, Duong & Tran, in Squalidus Dybowski, 1872: 215 (type species: Squalidus
Duong, Nguyen & Tran, 2007) chankaensis Dybowski, 1872: 215, by monotypy). Gen-
Spinibarbus maensis Nguyen, Duong & Tran, in Duong, der masculine.
Nguyen & Tran, 2007: 22, fig. (type locality: Vietnam: Sinigobio Chu, 1935: 11 (type species: Gobio sihuensis Chu,
Thanh Hoa Province: Camthuy district: Ma River; holo- 1932: 22, by original designation). Gender masculine.
type: HNUE) Parasqualidus Doi, 2000b: 233 (type species: Parasquali-
dus maii Doi, 2000b: 234, by original designation). Gen-
? Spinibarbichthys ovalius (Nguyen & Ngo, 2001) der masculine.
Spinibarbus ovalius Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 324,
fig. 154 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Squalidus argentatus (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant,
Na Hang district, Song Gam River; holotype: NCNTT- 1874)
SI H. Gobio argentatus Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 9
(type locality: China: Yang-Tse-Kiang; syntypes: MNHN
2064 [1], 5038 [1], 5039 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 87)
Spinibarbus Oshima, 1919 Gobio hsüi Wu & Wang, 1931: 227, fig. 3 (type locality:
Spinibarbus Oshima, 1919: 217 (type species: Spinibarbus China: Sichuan: Katin; holotype: SSCN; incorrect orig-
hollandi Oshima, 1919: 218, by monotypy [Oshima inal spelling, must be emended to hsui, Code art.
mentioned "the type of the present genus" but did not
explicitly name it, so there is no type by original desig- Gobio hsuei Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 746 (unjustified emen-
nation]). Gender masculine. dation of Gobio hsui Wu & Wang, 1931: 227 [as the
name hsüi was based on a Chinese word, it cannot be
? Spinibarbus babeensis Nguyen, in Nguyen & Ngo, 2001 emended in hsuei, which Code art. allows only
Spinibarbus babeensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, for names based on German words])
2001: 312, fig. 148 (type locality: Vietnam: Bac Kan
Province: Lake Ba Be; holotype: NCNTTSI Squalidus atromaculatus (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
H. Gnathopogon atromaculatus Nichols & Pope, 1927: 351
(type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
? Spinibarbus brevicephalus Nguyen & Nguyen, 1997 8442)
Spinibarbus brevicephalus Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. Squalidus chankaensis vietnamensis Banarescu & Nalbant,
H.], 1997: 25, fig. 2 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Nam 1964: 457, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Nam Lung
– Da Nang Province: Dai Loc district: Ha Tan, stream River, tributary of Black River [Song Da] at Phong-Thô;
Vu Gia in Thu Bon drainage; holotype: HNUE 0476) holotype: MNHN 1935-0344, Kottelat, 2001a: 42)
Distribution notes. Record in area from Shi Wan Da Shan Sundadanio gargula Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011
(Zhao & Zhang, 2001b). Identification requires confirma- Sundadanio gargula Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011: 266,
tion. fig. 14 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Bangka is-
land: blackwater stream in peat swamp forest, 5.5 km
North of Payung on road to Pangkalpinang; holotype:
Squaliobarbus Günther, 1868 MZB 17190)
Squaliobarbus Günther, 1868a: 297 (type species: Leuciscus
curriculus Richardson, 1846a: 299, by monotypy). Gen- Sundadanio goblinus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011
der masculine. Sundadanio goblinus Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 268, figs. 16–
17 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi, Berbak,
Squaliobarbus curriculus (Richardson, 1846) Batang Hari drainage; holotype: MZB 17192)
Leuciscus curriculus Richardson, 1846a: 299 (type locali-
ty: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH 1962.2.5.1, White- Sundadanio margarition Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011
head, 1970a: 210 [or syntype if Reeves drawing is based Sundadanio margarition Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011: 278,
on another specimen]) figs. 27–29 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak:
Leuciscus teretiusculus Basilewsky, 1855: 232, pl. 4 fig. 1 Sibu, Sungei Nibung, just north of Durin bridge over
(type locality: China: waters near Tianjin and draining Rajang River, 2°10'04.98"N 112°00'55.50"E; holotype:
to Gulf of Tschili; types: ? ZISP) ZRC 52383)
Squaliobarbus caudalis Sauvage, 1884a: 211, pl. 7 fig. 2
(type locality: Vietnam: vicinity of Hanoï; holotype: Sundadanio retiarius Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011
MNHN) Sundadanio retiarius Conway, Kottelat & Tan, 2011: 275,
Squaliobarbus jordani Evermann & Shaw, 1927: 107 (type figs. 24–25 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kaliman-
locality: China: Hangchow; holotype: CAS 502) tan Tengah: Kumai drainage: Sungei Nyeri, blackwater
Taxonomic notes. See also Sarcocheilichthys teretiusculus stream near Kampung Seitendang, 2°42.730'S
under Ctenopharyngodon idella. 111°43.274'E; holotype: MZB 17196)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
bus compressus Boulenger, 1893: 202) based Russel, 1803b: 82, pl. 204 [Kunnamoo])
Barbus lini Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 265 (incorrect subse- Cyprinus kunamo M'Clelland, 1839: 272, 340 (not avail-
quent spelling for Barbus liui Fowler, 1958a: 12) able, name listed in synonymy)
Barbus deliciosus M'Clelland, 1839: 272, 342, pl. 39 fig. 3
Systomus jacobusboehlkei (Fowler, 1958) (type locality: India: upper Assam; types: LU; incorrect
Puntius simus Smith, 1945: 185, fig. 32 (type locality: Thai- original spelling diliciosus corrected in erratum, Code
land: Chiang Mai Province: Huey Melin, branch of Me- art.
nam Mao [Mekong basin]; holotype: USNM 119452; Systomus immaculatus M'Clelland, 1839: 284, 380, pl. 44
secondary junior homonym of Barbus simus Sauvage & fig. 5 (type locality: India: Assam [original type locali-
Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 8, when placed in Barbus by ty: India: Assam]; neotype: AMS B.7920, designated by
Fowler, 1958a: 11) Pethiyagoda et al., 2012: 77, fig. 6)
Barbus jacobus-boehlkei Fowler, 1958a: 11 (replacement Systomus chrysosomus M'Clelland, 1839: 284, 381 (type
name for Puntius simus Smith, 1945: 185) locality: India: Bengal / all parts of India; types: LU)
Puntius takhoaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 1969: 12 (type Barbus kakus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
locality: Vietnam: Son La Province: Yen Chau, Suoi Nam 153 (based on Russell, 1803b: 83, n° 205; type locality:
Ta Khoa stream; lectotype: NCNTTSI "140", designat- India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] [tank near Tar-
ed by Roberts & Catania, 2007: 91 [possibly same as toor]; types: material on which is based Russell, 1803b:
NCNTTSI H., erroneously listed as holotype 83, n° 205 [no plate; Kakoo or Karoo])
by Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 343]; spelt taleloaen- Barbus subnasutus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
sis p. 12 and takloaensis p. 18, first reviser [Kottelat, nes, 1842: 154 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holo-
2001b: 119] retained takhoaensis as correct original spell- type: MNHN 3823, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 24)
ing; figure of a syntype in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: Barbus gibbosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
342, fig. 164, again in Nguyen [V. H.], 2007: 81, fig. 10; 1842: 155 (type locality: India: Alipey; holotype: MNHN
translation in Nguyen [V. H.] & Doan, 2007: 69) 3816, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 24; in Puntius or Barbus,
potentially a junior homonym of Systomus gibbosus
Systomus rubripinnis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- M'Clelland, 1839: 286, 385)
lenciennes, 1842) Barbus gardonides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Barbus rubripinna van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 [translated in nes, 1842: 156, pl. 465 (type locality: India: swamps of
Alfred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375 (nomen nudum, Kotte- Calcutta; lectotype: MNHN 3819 [1], by present desig-
lat, 1987a: 370) nation [type series includes material of Systomus sarana
Barbus rubripinnis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- and S. rubripinnis, now restricted to S. sarana], Bertin
nes, 1842: 194 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: syntypes: & Estève, 1948: 25)
? RMNH) Barbus chrysopoma Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Barbus orphoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, nes, 1842: 165, pl. 466 (type locality: India: Malabar
1842: 193 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes ?: coast; syntypes: MNHN 5776 [2], Fang, 1943: 399, Ber-
RMNH, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: 21; simultaneous tin & Estève, 1948: 24)
subjective synonym of Barbus rubripinnis Valenciennes, Barbus Duvaucelii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842: 193, first reviser [Blee- nes, 1842: 167 (type locality: India: Bengal; holotype:
ker, 1860j: 338; Günther, 1868a: 116] gave precedence MNHN 3817, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 25)
to Barbus rubripinnis) Barbus roseipinnis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Barbus sarananella Bleeker, 1849h: 16 (type locality: In- nes, 1842: 169 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; synty-
donesia: Java: Serayu River in Banjumas / Gombong / pes: MNHN 1405 [2])
Bugowonto River in Purworedjo; syntypes [up to 111 Barbus Polydori Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
mm TL]: ? RMNH) 1842: 170 (type locality: India: Bombay; holotype: MNHN
Barbus caudimarginatus Blyth, 1860b: 157 (type locality: 3827, Fang, 1943: 400, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 25)
Burma: Tenasserim Provinces; types: ? ZSI) Cyprinus M'clellandi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 21) considered that nes, 1842: 390 (unnecessary replacement name for Sys-
there was a holotype of Barbus orphoides in RMNH. Va- tomus immaculatus M'Clelland, 1839: 284, 380)
lenciennes stated having examined the species in RMNH Cyprinus kadoon Heckel, 1843: 1018 (type locality: India:
but never stated that there was a single specimen and there Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype [?]: specimen
is no reason in his account to believe there was only one. on which is based Russell, 1803b: 83, n° 206 [Kadoon;
authors cite a pl. 208, but Russell state thate there is no
Systomus sarana (Hamilton, 1822) figure; apparently based on a single specimen])
Cyprinus sarana Hamilton, 1822: 307, 388 (type locality: Barbus kadoon Bleeker, 1853o: 60 (type locality: India:
India: "ponds and rivers of India"; types: NT; Hamil- Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: which is based Russell, 1803b: 83, n° 206 [Kadoon; au-
pl. 23 fig. 5) thors cite a pl. 208, but Russell state that there is no fig-
? Cyprinus kunama Cuvier, 1829: 273 (available by indica- ure; apparently based on a single specimen; junior hom-
tion to Russell, 1803b: n° 204; type locality: India: Viza- onym and objective synonym of Cyprinus kadoon Hec-
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is kel, 1843: 1018)
Cyclocheilichthys pinnauratus Day, 1865b: 300 (type lo- see Weitzman & Chan, 1966: 286]; syntypes [at least
cality: India: Cochin; holotype: among ZSI 2728, BMNH the two figured specimens]: possibly not preserved; se-
1889.2.1.4332–4333 [2], NMW 54468–54470, RMNH nior homonym of Aphocypris pooni Lin, 1939 [April]:
2582, ZISP 8216 [2], FMNH 2309 [2], Whitehead & 129, Weitzman & Chan, 1966: 285)
Talwar, 1976: 156)
Barbus russellii Günther, 1868a: 121 (type locality: India: Tanichthys micagemmae Freyhof & Herder, 2001
Indus River at Sabzilkot; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.732 Tanichthys micagemmae Freyhof & Herder, 2001: 216,
[1], 1860.3.19.856 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) figs. 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province:
Puntius spilurus Günther, 1868a: 114 (type locality: Sri Lan- stream Bau Dung, a tributary of Ben Hai River;
ka; syntypes: BMNH 1852.2.19.124 [1], 1858.10.19.86–91 17°07.24'N 106°58.12'E; holotype: ZFMK 39098)
[6], 1859.5.31.47 [1])
Cyprinus rugosus Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name listed
in synonymy) Thryssocypris Roberts & Kottelat, 1984
? Puntius timbiri Deraniyagala, 1962: E13 (type locality: Thryssocypris Roberts & Kottelat, 1984: 142 (type species:
Sri Lanka: Valavé River at Timbirigas-mandaka; holo- Thryssocypris smaragdinus Roberts & Kottelat, 1984:
type: NMSL FF 801; also in Deraniyagala, 1963: 63, 146, by original designation). Gender feminine.
pl. 1 figs. 2–3)
Puntius saberi Datta & Karmakar, 1981: 179, fig. 1 (type Thryssocypris ornithostoma Kottelat, 1991
locality: India: Madhya Pradesh: Bastar District: Thryssocypris ornithostoma Kottelat, 1991c: 277, fig. 1 (type
Cheroguru Talao, Pujaripal Village, 23 km from Sukma; locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas
holotype: ZSI FF 1398) River mainstream at Nibung, between Jongkong [0°40'N
Taxonomic notes. Very tentative synonymy. A critical revi- 112°17'E] and Selimbau [0°37'N 112°08'E]; holotype:
sion is likely to show that several species are involved. Pop- MZB 5885)
ulations from Irrawaddy drainage are recognised as S. sewelli.
Thryssocypris smaragdina Roberts & Kottelat, 1984
? Systomus sewelli (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929) Thryssocypris smaragdinus Roberts & Kottelat, 1984: 146,
Barbus sewelli Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 197, pl. 9 figs. 1– fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
1b (type locality: Burma: Indawgyi Lake [exact locality Barat: Kapuas River 6 km west of Putussibau, 0°50.5'N
of holotype not stated]; holotype: ZSI F 10910/1, Me- 112°52'E; holotype: MZB 3435; an adjective)
non & Yazdani, 1968: 106)
? Puntius morehensis Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 1998b: Thryssocypris tonlesapensis Roberts & Kottelat, 1984
254, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin Thryssocypris tonlesapensis Roberts & Kottelat, 1984: 146,
drainage: Lairok Maru stream, tributary of Lokchao riv- fig. 2 (type locality: Cambodia: Prek Tamen at or near
er near Moreh, 2 km from Moreh Bazar; holotype: Snoc Trou; holotype: MNHN 1982-1032)
MUMF F 240/1A)
Taxonomic notes. Often treated as synonym of S. sarana, q.v. Thryssocypris wongrati Grudpan & Grudpan, 2012
Thryssocypris wongrati Grudpan & Grudpan, 2012: 229,
fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Chai-Nat Province: Bang
Tanichthys Lin, 1932 Nok Kra-Yang village, Sap-Phaya, Chao Phraya River;
Tanichthys Lin, 1932b: 379 (type species: Tanichthys al- 15°08'22.88"N 100°08'47.32"E; holotype: CAS 234133)
bonubes Lin, 1932b: 379, by monotypy). Gender mas-
Thynnichthys Bleeker, 1859
Species incertae sedis Thynnichthys Bleeker, 1859l: 153 (type species: Leuciscus
'Tanichthys' thacbaensis Nguyen & Ngo, 2001 thynnoides Bleeker, 1852r: 599, by monotypy [two spe-
Tanichthys thacbaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo, 2001: 47, cies originally included, but Thynnichthys polylepis is a
fig. 10 (type locality: Vietnam: Yen Bai Province: Thac nomen nudum in Bleeker, 1859l; also in Bleeker, 1860c:
Ba [lake], Yen Binh; holotype: NCNTTSI H. 433, without included species]). Gender masculine.
Taxonomic notes. The respective positions of the dorsal Thynnichthyina Fowler, 1937: 177 (subgenus of Thynnich-
and anal fins and the shape of the anal fin suggest that this thys Bleeker, 1859l: 153; type species: Thynnichthys thai
species does not belong to Tanichthys. Fowler, 1937: 177, by original designation). Gender fem-
Tanichthys albonubes Lin, 1932
Tanichthys albonubes Lin, 1932b: 379 (type locality: Chi- Thynnichthys polylepis Bleeker, 1860
na: Guangdong: streams in ravines of White Cloud Thynnichthys polylepis Bleeker, 1859l: 154 (nomen nudum)
Mountain; holotype: FESC 1097; figured in Lin, 1935b: Thynnichthys polylepis Bleeker, 1860j: 407 (type locality:
414, fig. 1) Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang / Borneo: Kalimantan
Aphyocypris pooni Herre, 1939b [February]: 176 (type lo- Barat: Pontianak; syntypes [3, 88–181 mm TL]: RMNH
cality: China: Hong Kong: New Territories [figured spec- 4966 [1], 10487 [1], 1866.5.2.90 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
imens in fact from Guangdong: White Cloud Mountain;
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Thynnichthys thynnoides (Bleeker, 1852) cality: India: Orissa: Hirakud stretch of Mahanadi Riv-
Leuciscus thynnoïdes Bleeker, 1852r: 599 (type locality: er; syntypes: LU [large numbers])
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [135 mm TL]:
?BMNH 1866.5.2.89, Eschmeyer, 2010 ['cotype' listed Tor polylepis Zhou & Cui, 1996
by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 50 cannot be type as it is from Tor polylepis Zhou & Cui, 1996: 135, figs. 7–8 (type local-
Borneo]) ity: China: Yunnan: Mengla County: Nanla River, a trib-
Thynnichthys thai Fowler, 1937: 177, figs. 114–115 (type utary of Lancangjiang [Mekong], near Mengla, 21°29'N
locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream enter- 101°34'E; holotype: KIZ 863563)
ing Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee,
1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP Tor putitora (Hamilton, 1822)
68086, Böhlke, 1984: 93) Cyprinus putitora Hamilton, 1822: 303, 388 (type locality:
India: eastern parts of Bengal; types: NT)
Thynnichthys vaillanti Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 Labeobarbus macrolepis Heckel, 1838: 60, pl. 10 fig. 2 (type
Thynnichthys vaillanti Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 122 (type locality: India: Kashmir: Tschilum River [Jhelum] and
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Ma- connected lakes; holotype: NMW 54284, Eschmeyer,
hakam River at Tepu and Kota Bangun; syntypes: ZMA 2010)
112.611 [1, listed as holotype], RMNH [2, Thynnichthys Barbus macrocephalus M'Clelland, 1839: 270, 335, pl. 55
thynnoides sensu Vaillant, 1902: 102], Nijssen et al., fig. 2 (type locality: India: rapids in Upper Assam; holo-
1993: 215) type: LU)
Taxonomic notes. Identity of specimens from Myanmar
requires confirmation. Material earlier recorded as T. puti-
Tor Gray, 1834 tora from the Irrawaddy in Yunnan has been described as
Tor Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 fig. 1 (type species: Tor hamil- T. yingjiangensis by Chen & Yang (2004), who did not real-
tonii Gray, 1834: pl. 96, by monotypy). Gender mascu- ly address the identity of the Myanmar records.
Hypselobarbus Bleeker, 1860c: 430 (type species: Barbus Tor sinensis Wu, in Wu, 1977
mussulah Sykes, 1839a: 159, by subsequent designation Tor tor sinensis Wu, in Wu, 1977: 325, pl. 7-60 (type local-
by Bleeker, 1863e: 199, 1863m: 27; no species original- ity: China: Yunnan: Luosuo Jiang [Bu-Yuan Jiang], Jing-
ly included, first inclusion by Bleeker, 1860j: 275, 311]). hong and Menghan; syntypes: IHB 00433, 7090, 584139,
Gender masculine. 584218, 584252, 584268, 634047, 634101, 638199,
Naziritor Mirza & Javed, 1985: 226 (subgenus of Tor Gray, 638241–243, 638245 [13])
1834: pl. 96; type species: Tor zhobensis Mirza, 1967:
54, by original designation). Gender masculine. Tor tambra (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Tor ater Roberts, 1999 Barbus tambra Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c:
Tor ater Roberts, 1999a: 231, fig. 3 (type locality: Laos: 132 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 85], 1824b: 375 (no-
Nam Theun at Ban Talang; holotype: ZRC 40356) men nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 370)
Barbus tambra Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Tor hemispinus Chen & Chu, 1985 1842: 190 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg
Tor hemispinus Chen & Chu, 1985: 80, fig. 1 (type locality: [Bogor]; syntypes: apparently RMNH D.2289 [1, Rob-
China: Yunnan: Liu-ku [Salween drainage]; holotype: erts, 1993b: 22, figs. 23–24] and specimen on which is
KIZ 742003) based Kuhl and van Hasselt's drawing [Roberts, 1993b:
fig. 22])
Tor laterivittatus Zhou & Cui, 1996 ? Barbus douronensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Tor laterivittatus Zhou & Cui, 1996: 138, fig. 10 (type lo- ennes, 1842: 187 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holo-
cality: China: Yunnan: Mengla County: Nanla River, a type ?: MNHN 3826, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 49, Rob-
tributary of Lancangjiang [Mekong], near Mengla city, erts, 1993b: 22; if junior subjective synonym of Barbus
21°29'N 101°34'E; holotype: KIZ 8840041) tambra Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1842:
Taxonomic notes. Possibly a junior synonym of Tor sinen- 190, first reviser [Roberts, 1993b: 22] gave precedence
sis Wu, 1977. to B. tambra)
? Puntius streeteri Myers, 1927: 1, fig. 1 (type locality:
Tor mosal (Hamilton, 1822) Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baloi River, near Paran
Cyprinus mosal Hamilton, 1822: 306, 388 (type locality: River, 150 miles above (south of) where the Linoh Riv-
India: Kosi River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished er enters the Baloi; holotype: AMNH 8481)
drawing published by Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 93 fig. 1) Barbus anisurus Roberts, 1993b: 22 (not available, an un-
Barbus megalepis M'Clelland, 1839: 271, 337 (type locali- published manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt)
ty: India: Kosi River; syntypes: LU [specimen examined Taxonomic notes. Roberts (1993b: 22) treated Barbus
by M'Clelland and types of Cyprinus mosal Hamilton, tambra, B. douronensis and B. soro as synonyms, without
1822: 306) providing much data. Later (1999a: 234), he considered that
Tor mosal mahanadicus David, 1953: 245, fig. 1a (type lo- B. soro in fact could be a Neolissochilus. The three species
have been described simultaneously. If they are treated as Tor Hamiltonii Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 fig. 1 (based on
synonyms, then Roberts (1993b: 22) is apparently the first Hamilton's unpublished figure of Cyprinus tor; type lo-
reviser and gave precedence to B. tambra over B. douro- cality: India: Mahananda River; holotype: specimen on
nensis and B. soro. As I am not able to see real differences which figure is based)
in the descriptions of T. douronensis and T. tambra by Va- ? Tor barakae Arunkumar & Basudha, 2003: 272, fig. 1 (type
lenciennes, Bleeker or Weber & de Beaufort, I tentatively locality: India: Manipur: Brahmaputra drainage: Barak
follow this synonymy. River at Barak Bridge; holotype: Institute of Bioresources
A molecular study (Nguyen [T. T. T.] et al., 2008) of and Sustainable Development, Imphal IBSD 01)
some species of Tor included a species that they identified
as T. douronensis made of three distinct lineages. Unfortu- Tor yingjiangensis Chen & Yang, 2004
nately, because of the absence of usable morphological in- Tor yingjiangensis Chen & Yang, 2004: 186, fig. 1 (type
formation, the absence of mention of voucher material on locality: China: Yunnan: Yingjiang River at Manyun
which identifications could be confirmed, and because no town; holotype: KIZ 164401)
material from Java is included, it is not possible to draw
taxonomic and nomenclatural conclusions. It seems possi-
ble, however, that their material from the Mekong drainage Toxabramis Günther, 1873
belongs to the species identified as T. douronensis by Zhou Toxabramis Günther, 1873b: 249 (type species: Toxabra-
& Cui (1996: 134) or T. tambra by Kottelat (2001c: 83). mis swinhonis Günther, 1873b: 250, by monotypy). Gen-
There is presently no name available for this species. Ngu- der feminine.
yen et al.'s material from Sumatra could be T. tambra (pend-
ing confirmation by including Javanese material in such an Species inquirendae
analysis). The name T. streeteri is potentially available for a Toxabramis maensis Nguyen & Duong, in Duong, Nguyen,
species of Tor from Sabah and Sarawak, pending a usable Tran & Ta, 2006: 17, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Thanh
diagnosis. The identity of material identified by other au- Hoa Province: Camthuy District: Nam Ma River, Quang
thors as T. douronensis or T. tambra from other localities in Hoa area; holotype: HNUE)
Borneo and from the Malay Peninsula requires investiga- Toxabramis nhatleensis Nguyen, Tran & Ta, in Duong, Ngu-
tion. yen, Tran & Ta, 2006: 19, fig. 2 (type locality: Vietnam:
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993b: 22) considers spec- Quang Binh Province: Le Thuy, Nhat Le River; holo-
imen RMNH 2289 to be the holotype of Barbus tambra. type: HNUE)
Valenciennes mentioned that he examined a large stuffed
specimen (possibly RMNH D.2289) 2 feet long (= 24 Pari- Toxabramis houdemeri Pellegrin, 1932
sian inches = 650 mm TL; Klimpert, 1896), figured in Rob- Toxabramis Houdemeri Pellegrin, 1932a: 156 (type locali-
erts (1993b: figs. 23–24). Valenciennes also had a drawing ty: Vietnam: market in Hanoï; lectotype: MNHN 1931-
of this species (reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 22), which 0171, designated by Banarescu, 1963: 462, pl. 1 fig. 2)
does not seem to represent the stuffed specimen (compare Toxabramis Houdemeri var. abbreviata Pellegrin, 1934b:
head shape, eye size and position, dorsal fin size, body 334 (type locality: Vietnam: ponds around Hanoï; holo-
depth). Therefore the species is apparently based on two type: MNHN 1934-0216, Banarescu, 1963: 462, pl. 1
syntypes, the stuffed specimen and the model of Kuhl and fig. 3)
van Hasselt's drawing. The colours described by Valencien- ? Toxabramis hotayensis Nguyen, in Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngo,
nes (and shown on the drawing) could not be observed on a 2001: 143, fig. 66 (type locality: Vietnam: Ho Tay (West
stuffed specimen (especially the blues, pinks and purples) Lake), Hanoi; holotype: NCNTTSI H.
and had to be done from a fresh individual, supporting the
idea that this description was based on Kuhl and van Has-
selt's drawing. Trigonopoma Liao, Kullander & Fang, 2010
Trigonopoma Liao, Kullander & Fang, 2010: 159 (type spe-
Tor tambroides (Bleeker, 1854) cies: Rasbora pauciperforata Weber & de Beaufort,
Labeobarbus tambroïdes Bleeker, 1854v: 92 (type locality: 1916: 78, by original designation). Gender neuter.
Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang, Pajakombo, Solok, Lake Taxonomic notes. See discussion under Rasbora.
Maninjau / Java: Tjampea, Buitenzorg [Bogor], Tjipanas;
syntypes [12, 88–430 mm TL]: part of RMNH 2089 [9], Trigonopoma gracile (Kottelat, 1991)
7026 [1], BMNH 1866.5.2.64 [1], AMS B.7654 [1], Rasbora gracilis Kottelat, 1991b: 179, fig. 2 (type locality:
NMV 46320 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai Pinyuh,
Nomenclatural notes. If Tor tambroides is treated as syn- 8 km SE of Anjungan on road to Pontianak, 0°20'N
onym of T. tambra, then T. tambra is the valid name. 109°08'E [erroneous; in fact Sungai Kepayung, 7 km SE
of Ajungan on road to Pontianak, 0°20'N 109°08'E; pers.
Tor tor (Hamilton, 1822) obs.]; holotype: MZB 5883)
Cyprinus tor Hamilton, 1822: 305, 388 (type locality: In- Taxonomic notes. This is the species referred to as Rasbo-
dia: Mahananda River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub- ra taeniata or R. agilis by earlier authors (Kottelat, 1991b:
lished figure reproduced in Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 96 179). Rasbora taeniata Ahl, 1922 is based on a poorly pre-
fig. 1) served aquarium fish of unknown origin and which is ap-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
parently a Cyprinodontiformes (Kottelat, 1991b: 185). Note locality: Malaysia: Negri Sembilan [erroneous; Selan-
that the type locality was erroneous in the original descrip- gor]: 2–3 milestone, Semenyih-Beranang road [approxi-
tion and must be corrected as above. mately on Sungei Rinching; see Alfred, 1963e: 166]; lec-
[Rasbora taeniata Ahl, 1922b: 295 (type locality: "Sumatra"; holotype: totype: ZMH 378 [formerly 8472], designated by Ladiges
ZMB 20646, Kottelat, 1991b: 185, fig. 6; not a junior homonym of et al., 1958: 159)
Rasbora sumatrana var. taeniata Vaillant, 1893b: 89, which is infra-
subspecific; also in Ahl, 1923: 181)].
Trigonostigma somphongsi (Meinken, 1958)
Trigonopoma pauciperforatum (Weber & de Beaufort, Rasbora somphongsi Meinken, 1958a [Mar.]: 67, 1 fig. (type
1916) locality: "Menam in southern Thailand" [Chao Phraya
Rasbora pauciperforata Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 78, drainage]; syntypes: Meinken collection: I.1958a–c [3,
fig. 28 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Gunung Sa- possibly ZMH 1190b; Wilkens, 1977: 158], ZSM 10155
hilan and Deli [type locality restriction by Brittan, 1954: [1]; also in Meinken, 1958b [Oct.]: 1, fig. 1)
164 not valid as no lectotype is designated]; syntypes:
ZMA 112.590 [118], CAS-SU 15335 [4], Nijssen et al.,
1993: 215, Böhlke, 1953: 37 [Weber & de Beaufort stat- Troglocyclocheilus Kottelat & Bréhier, 1999
ed "type of the species in" ZMA; this is not a holotype Troglocyclocheilus Kottelat & Bréhier, 1999: 350 (type spe-
designation as Code art. 73.1.1 requires that the authors cies: Troglocyclocheilus khammouanensis Kottelat &
state "that one specimen […] is the type"; the authors Bréhier, 1999, by original designation). Gender mascu-
stated where the type is but not which of their specimen line.
is the type, so this is not a holotype designation; in addi-
tion no specimen has been separated and can now be Troglocyclocheilus khammouanensis Kottelat & Bréhier,
recognised as the holotype; therefore, all specimens are 1999
syntypes]) Troglocyclocheilus khammouanensis Kottelat & Bréhier,
Rasbora agilis Ahl, 1937: 113 (type locality: Indonesia: 1999: 350, fig. 4 (type locality: Laos: Khammouan Prov-
Sumatra ?; lectotype: ZMB 20867, designated by Kotte- ince: Khoung Nam Don, resurgence of Nam Don [stream]
lat, 1991b: 178, fig. 1) near Ban Phondou [village]; 17°33'50"N 104°52'20"E;
? Rasbora vietnamensis Vasil'eva & Vasil'ev, 2013: 275 holotype: NRM 42535)
[323], fig. 5 (type locality: Vietnam: Phu Quoc Island:
Vung Bau River, 10°20.760'N 103°50.879'E; holotype:
ZMMU P-23040) Xenocypris Günther, 1868
Taxonomic notes. In the original description, R. vietnam- Xenocypris Günther, 1868a: 205 (type species: Xenocypris
ensis is not compared with T. pauciperforatum, which has argentea Günther, 1868a: 205, by monotypy). Gender
already been recorded from Southeastern Thailand, Cam- feminine.
bodia and Vietnam (e.g. Kottelat, 1985a, 1989; Rainboth,
1996b: 78; Bui, 2011: 33). I do not see characters to distin- Xenocypris davidi Bleeker, 1871
guish the two species. Xenocypris Davidi Bleeker, 1871b: 56, pl. 6 fig. 4 (type lo-
cality: China: ? Yangtze River; holotype: LU, Eschmey-
er, 2010)
Trigonostigma Kottelat & Witte, 1999 Xenocypris insularis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 363, fig. 29
Altorasbora Mayland, 1996: 85 (not available, name pro- (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
posed conditionally; Code art. 15.1) 8374)
Trigonostigma Kottelat & Witte, 1999: 54 (type species:
Rasbora heteromorpha Duncker, 1904: 182, by original Xenocypris macrolepis Bleeker, 1871
designation). Gender feminine. ? Leuciscus argenteus Basilewsky, 1855: 232 (type locali-
Taxonomic notes. See discussion under Rasbora. ty: China: near Beijing and Tien-tsin [Tianjin]; types: ?
ZISP; primary junior homonym of Leuciscus argenteus
Trigonostigma espei (Meinken, 1967) Fitzinger, 1832: 336 and Leuciscus argenteus Storer,
Rasbora heteromorpha espei Meinken, 1967: 14, 2 figs. 1839: 406)
(type locality: Thailand [aquarium specimens imported Xenocypris argentea Günther, 1868a: 205 (type locality: ?
from Bangkok]; syntypes: ZMH [4]) China; holotype: BMNH 1855.9.19.1147, Eschmeyer,
2010; secondary junior homonym of Leuciscus argen-
Trigonostigma hengeli (Meinken, 1956) teus Basilewsky, 1855: 232 when placed in Xenocypris
Rasbora hengeli Meinken, 1956: 281, figs. (type locality: by Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 13 and Warpa-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: "near confluence of Tembe- chowski & Herzenstein, 1887: 32)
si and Jambi Rivers" [dubious, based on aquarium spec- Xenocypris macrolepis Bleeker, 1871b: 53, pl. 5 fig. 2 (type
imens]; syntypes [11, 7 preserved and 4 alive]: ZMH locality: China: Yangtze River; holotype: MNHN 5060,
1184 [11 out of 13 ?], Wilkens, 1977: 158) Bertin & Estève, 1948: 74)
Xenocypris tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1871b: 55, pl. 11 fig. 1
Trigonostigma heteromorpha (Duncker, 1904) (type locality: China: Yangtze River; holotype: MNHN
Rasbora heteromorpha Duncker, 1904: 182, pl. 1 fig. 5 (type 5939, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 74; simulatneous subjec-
tive synonym of Xenocypris macrolepis Bleeker, 1871b: Zacco Jordan & Evermann, 1902
53, first reviser [Berg, 1909: 131] gave precedence to Zacco Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 322 (type species: Leu-
X. macrolepis) ciscus platypus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 207, by
Xenocypris Guntheri Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: original designation). Gender masculine.
13 (replacement name for Xenocypris argentea Günther, Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Zacco is Leu-
1868a: 205; correct spelling is guntheri not guentheri ciscus platypus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846. The same name
because no umlaut (ü) was used on the u in original de- is used by Richardson (1846a: 300) based on specimens in
scription) BMNH and with reference to the then unpublished text of
Xenocypris aenea Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 13 Temminck & Schlegel. The description of L. platypus ap-
(type locality: China [probably Yangtze basin]; holotype: peared in Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 207, in Decade 11,
MNHN 8139, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 74) issued on 26 August 1846 (Bauchot et al., 1982: 67); the
Xenocypris lampertii Popta, 1907: 243, fig. (type locality: description in Richardson (1846a: 300) appeared in June-
China: Kiautschou [Chiao-Hsien, 36°19'N 120°00'E; July 1846 (Bauchot et al., 1982: 66). The exact publication
Fricke, 2005: 34], "Imperial Canal"; holotype: SMNS date of Richardson (1846a) is not known but we know that
4319, Fricke, 2005: 34) it was being printed in March 1846. In the addenda dated
Xenocypris sungariensis Berg, 1907: 418 (type locality: April 1846 (p. 320), Richardson wrote that he had received
Russia: Siberia: Amur basin: Harbin / Hailin River at Decade 10, while sheet 7 was in the press. On page 272 he
Hailin railway station, a tributary of Mutang-kiang, Sun- also mentioned receiving Decade 9. Leuciscus platypus Rich-
gari basin; syntypes: ZISP 13765 [4], 14079 [2]) ardson, 1846a, being based on different material, is thus a
Xenocypris nitidus Garman, 1912: 117 (type locality: Chi- senior primary homonym of L. platypus Temminck & Schle-
na: Hupeh: Shasi [Shashi]; 30°16'N 112°20'E; syntypes: gel, 1846. The types of the two nominal species must be
MCZ 29822 [1], 29823 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010) compared to decide whether or not they are synonyms.
Xenocypris katinensis Tchang, 1930c: 84 (type locality: [Leuciscus platypus Richardson, 1846a: 300 (type locality: Japan; holo-
China: Sichuan: Katin; holotype: MNHN 1934-0076 [as type: ? BMNH)].
[Leuciscus platypus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 207, pl. 101 fig. 1 (type
paratype in Bertin & Estève, 1948: 74]; also in Tchang, locality: Japan; lectotype: RMNH 2858a, designated by Boeseman,
1930a: 104, 1931a: 104) 1947: 160; junior primary homonym of Leuciscus platypus Richard-
Xenocypris nankinensis Tchang, 1930a: 102 (type locality: son, 1846a: 300)].
China: Nankin; syntypes [2]: MNHN 1934-0073 [1],
Bertin & Estève, 1948: 74; also in Tchang, 1931a: 102) Zacco acutipinnis (Bleeker, 1871)
Xenocypris argentea fani Tchang & Shaw, 1931: 291, fig. 8 Barilius acutipinnis Bleeker, 1871b: 15, 81, pl. 13 fig. 1
(type locality: China: Hopei: Lai-say; holotype: ZM- (type locality: China: Yangtze River; holotype: MNHN
FMIB 4657) 5070, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 68)
Opsariichthys acanthogenys Boulenger, 1901a: 269, pl. 24
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Chekiang [Zhejiang]: Ning-
Xenocyprioides Chen, 1982 po; syntypes: BMNH 1901.3.6.10–15 [6], Eschmeyer,
Xenocyprioides Chen, 1982b: 425 (type species: Xenocy- 2010)
prioides parvulus Chen, 1982b: 425, by original desig- Squaliobarbus panwingi Lin, 1932b: 381 (type locality:
nation). Gender masculine. China: Guangdong: White Cloud Mountain; holotype:
FESC 1099)
Xenocyprioides parvulus Chen, 1982 Zacco macrophthalmus Kimura, 1934: 46, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type
Xenocyprioides parvulus Chen, 1982b: 425, fig. 1 (type lo- locality: China: Sichuan: Peng Hsien; holotype: BDSSI)
cality: China: Guangxi: Qinzhou City; holotype: IHB Zacco macrolepis Yang & Hwang, in Wu, 1964: 46, pl. 1-
75VI0852) 33 (type locality: China: Fujian, Sichuan and Hubei;
syntypes: IHB [14])
Psilorhynchidae Hora, 1926 nation by Jordan, 1919a: 195; no species originally in-
Psilorhynchidae Hora, 1926a: 460 (type genus: Psilorhyn- cluded, first inclusion by M'Clelland, 1839: 428). Gen-
chus McClelland, 1838: 944) der masculine.
Taxonomic notes. See Conway (2011) and Conway et al. Psilorhynchoides Yazdani, Singh & Rao, 1993: 16 (type spe-
(2012, 2013) for taxonomy and osteology. cies: Psilorhynchus homaloptera Hora & Mukerji, 1935b:
391, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Psilorhynchus McClelland, 1838
Psilorhynchus McClelland, 1838: 944 (type species: Cypri- Psilorhynchus brachyrhynchus Conway & Britz, 2010
nus sucatio Hamilton, 1822: 347, by subsequent desig- Psilorhynchus brachyrhynchus Conway & Britz, 2010: 32,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
fig. 1 (type locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Putao: Aye- Psilorhynchus microphthalmus Vishwanath & Manojku-
yarwaddy River drainage, Ma Kyaww Wa Chaung and mar, 1995
its tributary Nan Hto Chaung, about 1 mile from 46th Psilorhynchus microphthalmus Vishwanath & Manojkumar,
regiment, close to rice mill, 27°19'44"N 97°22'36"E; ho- 1995: 249, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: stream
lotype: NRM 40935) Chakpi [tributary of Manipur River, Chindwin drainage]
Distribution notes. Record of P. balitora from Myanmar at Mombi [24°15'N 93°55'E], 85 km south of Imphal;
(Mukerji, 1933: 828, pl. 1 figs. 2–4) are P. brachyrhynchus holotype: MUMF F 101)
(Conway & Britz, 2010: 38, fig. 5).
[Cyprinus balitora Hamilton, 1822: 348, 394 (type locality: Bangladesh: Psilorhynchus ngathanu Shangningam & Vishwanath,
Dinajpur: Mahanada River at Tetulia, near location of Dak Bungalow, 2013
26°28'59.9"N 88°19'59.9"E [original type locality: India: north-east of
Bengal]; neotype: UMMZ 248758, designated by Conway & Mayden, Psilorhynchus ngathanu Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2013c:
2008b: 216, fig. 1; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in 2, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chandel District:
M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 50 fig. 2)]. Dutah River at Larong village, Chindwin drainage,
[Psilorhynchus variegatus M'Clelland, 1839: 300, 430, pl. 50 fig. 2 (type 24°15'03.87"N 94°14'58.55"E; holotype: MUMF 12086)
locality: Bangladesh: Dinajpur: Mahanada River at Tetulia, near loca-
tion of Dak Bungalow, 26°28'59.9"N 88°19'59.9"E [original type lo-
cality: India: Upper Assam: rapids at the foot of mountains]; neotype: Psilorhynchus pavimentatus Conway & Kottelat, 2010
UMMZ 248758, designated by Conway & Mayden, 2008b: 216, fig. 1)]. Psilorhynchus pavimentatus Conway & Kottelat, 2010: 263,
figs. 4–5 (type locality: Myanmar: Rakhine state: head-
Psilorhynchus breviminor Conway & Mayden, 2008 waters of Ann Chaung drainage, approx. 19 km SE of
Psilorhynchus breviminor Conway & Mayden, 2008a: 112, Ann, 19°43'N 94°11'E; holotype: UMMZ 248831)
fig. 1 (type locality: Myanmar: Shan State: Ma Gawe
River, along Kalawi-Thazi highway, close to state bor- Psilorhynchus piperatus Conway & Britz, 2010
der between Mandalay and Shan near Nampandet, Psilorhynchus piperatus Conway & Britz, 2010: 39, fig. 6
20°43.33'N 96°29.91'E; holotype: ZRC 51222) (type locality: Myanmar: Magwe Division: Man Chaung
(Ayeyarwaddy River drainage), 0.5 miles from Zinpyo-
Psilorhynchus chakpiensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, ne village, 19°55'03"N 94°30'11"E; holotype: BMNH
2013 2010.4.14.8)
Psilorhynchus chakpiensis Shangningam & Vishwanath,
2013b: 383, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chan- Psilorhynchus robustus Conway & Kottelat, 2007
del district: Chakpi River at Chakpikarong, Psilorhynchus robustus Conway & Kottelat, 2007: 49, fig. 1
24°12'02.36"N 93°54'50.36"E, Chindwin drainage; (type locality: Myanmar: Kayin [Karen] State: stream
MUMF 12071) "Chon Son" between Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20
km northwest of Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at border with
Psilorhynchus gokkyi Conway & Britz, 2010 Thailand); about 15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype: ZRC 51111)
Psilorhynchus gokkyi Conway & Britz, 2010: 42, figs. 8–9
(type locality: Myanmar: Magwe Division: Pani Chaung Psilorhynchus rowleyi Hora & Misra, 1941
(Ayeyarwaddy River drainage), near Gokkyi village, Psilorhynchus homaloptera var. rowleyi Hora & Misra, 1941:
19°49'20"N 94°26'08"E; holotype: BMNH 2010.4.14.1) 481, pl. 1 figs. 1–2 (type locality: Burma: Kora, Chind-
win basin; lectotype: ZSI F 13461/1, designated by Shang-
Psilorhynchus maculatus Shangningam & Vishwanath, ningam et al., 2013: 250, fig. 1a; paralectotype in Con-
2013 way & Mayden, 2008a: 117, fig. 4b)
Psilorhynchus maculatus Shangningam & Vishwanath, Distribution notes. Records of P. homaloptera from Myan-
2013a: 58, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Ukhrul mar are H. rowleyi (Shangningam et al., 2013: 250).
District: Challou River at Poi Village (3545 ft above sea Nomenclatural notes. The species name homaloptera is not
level), 25°17'03.93"N 94°31'42.62"E; holotype: MUMF a compound adjective ending in -ptera but the genus-group
12084) name Homaloptera and therefore a noun in apposition and
indeclinable. The species was named for its resemblance with
Psilorhynchus melissa Conway & Kottelat, 2010 Homaloptera.
Psilorhynchus melissa Conway & Kottelat, 2010: 260, figs. 1– [Psilorhynchus homaloptera Hora & Mukerji, 1935b: 391, pl. 5 fig. 1 (type
2 (type locality: Myanmar: Rakhine state: headwaters of locality: India: Nagaland: Keleki stream at Emilomi; holotype: ZSI F
Ann Chaung drainage, approx. 19 km SE of Ann, 19°43'N 11792/1, Shangningam et al., 2013: 253, fig. 4a, Menon & Yazdani,
1968: 114)].
94°11'E; holotype: UMMZ 248829)
Gyrinocheilidae Gill, 1905 Gyrinocheilus kaznakovi Berg, 1906: 306, 365 (type locali-
Gyrinocheilidae Gill, 1905: 196 (type genus: Gyrinocheilus ty: Cambodia: Pailin, between Battambang and Schanta-
Vaillant, 1902: 107) bun [Chantaburi, in Thailand]; syntypes: ZISP 11254 [2],
Taxonomic notes. Check-list in Kottelat (2012d: 14). Roberts & Kottelat, 1993: 381, fig. 3a)
Gyrinocheilus monchadskii Krasyukova & Gusev, 1987: 67,
Gyrinocheilus Vaillant, 1902 fig. 1, pl. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Mekong River
Gyrinocheilus Vaillant, 1902: 107 (type species: Gy- near Tchili; holotype: ZISP 48103, Eschmeyer, 2010)
rinocheilus pustulosus Vaillant, 1902: 111, by monoty-
py). Gender masculine. Gyrinocheilus pennocki (Fowler, 1937)
Gyrinocheilops Fowler, 1937: 160 (type species: Gy- Gyrinocheilops pennocki Fowler, 1937: 161, figs. 98–99
rinocheilops pennocki Fowler, 1937: 161, by original (type locality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68102,
designation). Gender masculine. Böhlke, 1984: 112)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
claimed that the name in prevailing usage (Hymenophysa) Leptobotia Bleeker, 1870
should be maintained under Code art. 33.3.1. Nalbant inter- Leptobotia Bleeker, 1870d: 256 (type species: Botia elonga-
preted Hymenphysa and Hymenophysa as two different names ta Bleeker, 1870d: 254, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
and therefore art. 33.3.1 is irrelevant since it applies only in
cases of alternative spellings of a name, and not in case of Leptobotia pellegrini Fang, 1936
alternative names for a taxon. Leptobotia pellegrini Fang, 1936: 29 (type locality: China:
Even though Hymenophysa is not a distinct name but an Sichuan; holotype: NRIBAS 1779)
incorrect subsequent spelling of Hymenphysa, Code art. Taxonomic notes. The species figured as L. elongata by
33.3.1 could not be used the way interpreted by Nalbant. Kottelat (2001a: fig. 102) and Nguyen [V. H.] (2005a: 206,
This article states that an incorrect subsequent spelling has fig. 103) is apparently L. pellegrini.
to be preserved when it is "in prevailing usage and attributed [Botia elongata Bleeker, 1870d: 254, pl. (type locality: China: Yang-Tse-
to the publication of the original spelling". Nalbant wished Kiang [Yangtze]; holotype: MNHN 5930, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 94)].
to retain Hymenophysa as spelt by Bleeker [prevailing us-
age], without attributing it to M'Clelland [original spelling],
and to use it for the genus called here Syncrossus. Applica- Parabotia Dabry de Thiersant, 1872
tion of Code art. 31.3.1 would be possible only if Hymeno- Parabotia Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 191 (type species:
physa had been attributed to M'Clelland by that prevailing Parabotia fasciatus Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 191, by
usage. Anyway, even if the spelling Hymenophysa were at- subsequent designation by Fang, 1936a: 4). Gender mas-
tributed to M'Clelland, the type species remains Cobitis da- culine [Code art. 30.2.3].
rio and the result remains that Hymenophysa is a junior syn- Nomenclatural notes. Dabry de Thiersant (1872: 191) did
onym of Botia and cannot be used instead of Syncrossus. not indicate the gender of the genus Parabotia when he cre-
Further, Hymenophysa having almost never been used as the ated it. As Parabotia is neither a Latin, a Greek nor a West-
valid name of a genus, it is difficult to qualify it as 'prevail- ern European name (Code art. 30.2.1), its gender is deter-
ing usage'. mined by that of the adjectivial species-group names origi-
nally included. Two nominal species were originally includ-
Botia histrionica Blyth, 1860 ed, P. fasciatus and P. rubrilabris. Rubrilabris is a noun in
Botia histrionica Blyth, 1860b: 166 (type locality: Burma: apposition and therefore uninformative. Fasciatus is an ad-
Tenasserim; holotype: ZSI F 2634/1, Menon & Yazdani, jective with a masculine declension; therefore the gender of
1968: 120) Parabotia is masculine. This is unfortunate, since all other
Taxonomic notes. Records of Botia lohachata from Myan- genus names ending in -botia are feminine, but it cannot be
mar most likely refer to the present species. changed.
[Botia lohachata Chaudhuri, 1912: 441, pl. 40 fig. 2 (type locality: India:
Bihar: Gandak River in Saran; holotype: ZSI F 8068/1, Menon & Parabotia dubius Kottelat, 2001
Yazdani, 1968: 120)]. Botia elongata Mai, 1978: 240, fig. 110 (type locality: north-
ern Vietnam: Chay River, Thac Ba reservoir; holotype:
Botia kubotai Kottelat, 2004 DVZUT; junior primary homonym of Botia elongata
Botia kubotai Kottelat, 2004a: 2, fig. 1 (type locality: Myan- Bleeker, 1870d: 254)
mar: Kayin [Karen] State: stream "Chon Son" between Parabotia dubia Kottelat, 2001a: 50 (replacement name for
Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20 km northwest of Botia elongata Mai, 1978: 240)
Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at border with Thailand); about ? Parabotia kimluani Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 553, fig. 5 (type
15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype: MHNG 2644.24) locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang dis-
trict: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI)
Botia udomritthiruji Ng, 2007 ? Parabotia vancuongi Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 555, fig. 6
Botia udomritthiruji Ng, 2007a: 42, figs. 1–3 (type locality: (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang
Myanmar: Taninthayi Division: Tenasserim River drain- district: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI; subjective si-
age in the vicinity of Same, 13°36'N 99°02'E; holotype: multaneous synonym of Parabotia kimluani Nguyen [V.
UMMZ 248184) H.], 2005a: 553, first reviser [Kottelat, 2012d: 18] gave
precedence to P. kimluani; spelt vacuongi p. 686, first
reviser [Kottelat, 2012d: 18] selected vancuongi as the
Chromobotia Kottelat, 2004 correct original spelling)
Chromobotia Kottelat, 2004a: 13 (type species: Cobitis ma-
cracanthus Bleeker, 1852r: 603, by original designation). Parabotia fasciatus Dabry de Thiersant, 1872
Gender feminine. Parabotia fasciatus Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 191, pl. 49
fig. 7 (type locality: China: Yang-tsee-kiang; holotype:
Chromobotia macracanthus (Bleeker, 1852) MNHN 5088, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 92)
Cobitis macracanthus Bleeker, 1852r: 603 (type locality: Nemachilus xanthi Günther, 1888: 434 (type locality: Chi-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Kwanten River [Kuantan]; lectotype: na: Sichuan: Yangtsze-Kiang at Ichang [Hubei: Yangtze
RMNNH 7058, designated by Alfred, 1961a: 34; com- at Ychang, 30°43'N 111°17'N]; holotype: BMNH
pound noun, indeclinable [not adjective because it did 1888.5.15.43)
not agree in gender in original description]) Botia multifasciata Regan, 1905d: 389, pl. 5 fig. 3 (type lo-
cality: China [Tung-Kung, east of Guangdong, on East (Schistura) grandis in M'Clelland, 1839: 307, 444 in fact
River; Mahnert, 1976: 473]; holotype: MHNG 677.98, was a new combination of Botia grandis Gray, 1832:
Mahnert, 1976: 473) vol. 1, pl. 94 fig. 3). Gender masculine.
Leptobotia intermedia Mori, 1929: 384 (type locality: Chi- Nomenclatural notes. Hymenophysa Bleeker, 1858 has
na: Tsi-nan; holotype: LU) beem erroneously used for the present genus. It is an incor-
Leptobotia hopeiensis Shaw & Tchang, 1931: 70, fig. 3 (type rect subsequent spelling of Hymenphysa M'Clelland, 1839.
locality: China: Shao-ho, about 60 li [then about 25 km] See under Botia Gray, 1831.
north of Beijing; holotype: ZMFIB 5378)
Leptobotia kudoii Mori, 1933b: 13, fig. (type locality: Chi- Syncrossus beauforti (Smith, 1931)
na: Manchuria [now in Jilin Province]: Sungari River near Botia beauforti Smith, 1931a: 2, fig. 1 (type locality: Thai-
Kirin [Jilin City]; holotype: LU) land: Nakon Sritamarat Province: Tadi Stream at Ban
Botia kwangsiensis Fang, 1936a: 13 (type locality: China: Kiriwong; holotype: USNM 90285)
Guangxi: Ling-yüng-shien / Nan-gning / Pai-Sê; synty-
pes: NRIBAS 780, 808, 821–824, 907–909, 1085, 1188– Syncrossus berdmorei Blyth, 1860
1189 [13 ?], MNHN 1940-0142, AMNH 12971 [ex NRIB- Syncrossus Berdmorei Blyth, 1860b: 166 (type locality: Bur-
AS 1084], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 92, Eschmeyer, 2010) ma: Tenasserim provinces; syntypes: ZSI F 2636/1 [4],
Botia wui Chang, 1944: 48, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Si- Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 120)
chuan: Loshan in Min River basin; syntypes [2]: [repos-
itory not stated] 2134 [1], 2135 [1]) Syncrossus helodes (Sauvage, 1876)
Taxnomic notes. Probably includes more than one species. Botia helodes Sauvage, 1876: 99 (type locality: Cambodia:
Tma-Kré; holotype: MNHN 8595, Kottelat, 1984a: 807)
Parabotia parvus Chen, 1980
Parabotia parva Chen, 1980: 12, fig. 4 (type locality: Chi- Syncrossus hymenophysa (Bleeker, 1852)
na: Guangxi: Bopai [? Bobai, 22°132 003 N 109°552 003 Cobitis hymenophysa Bleeker, 1852r: 602 (type locality: In-
E]; syntypes: IHB 75V3614, 3616–3623, 3625–3632, donesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype: RMNH 7059,
3634–3637 [21]) Alfred, 1961a: 33)
Hymenophysa MacClellandi Bleeker, 1859b: 358 (unneces-
sary replacement name for Cobitis hymenophysa Blee-
Sinibotia Fang, 1936 ker, 1852r: 602; material listed as types by Fricke, 1991:
Sinibotia Fang, 1936a: 19 (subgenus of Botia Gray, 1831b: 8; 12 has no type status)
type species: Botia superciliaris Günther, 1892: 250, by
original designation). Gender feminine. Syncrossus lucasbahi (Fowler, 1937)
Botia lucas-bahi Fowler, 1937: 154, fig. 70 (type locality:
Sinibotia longiventralis (Yang & Chen, 1992) Thailand: Tachin [Tha Chin, Samut Sakhon; 13°32'22"N
Botia longiventralis Yang & Chen, 1992: 344, fig. 3 (type 100°15'20"E]; holotype: ANSP 68005, Grant, 2007b: fig.
locality: China: Yunnan: Weixi County: small stream and 80)
Lancangjiang [Mekong] near Baijixun [27°21'N 99°06'E]; Botia Beauforti var. formosa Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 119,
holotype: KIZ 748660) fig. 5 (type locality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km north-
west of Ban Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; synty-
Sinibotia pulchra (Wu, 1939) pes: MNHN 1939-0218–0220 [5])
Botia pulchra Wu, 1939: 124, pl. 2 fig. 4 (type locality: Chi- Botia yunnanensis Chen, 1980: 6, fig. 1 (type locality: Chi-
na: Guangxi: Li-Kiang at Yangso; syntypes: [repository na: Yunnan: Jinghong; holotype: IHB 638040, Grant,
not stated] 405–406 [2]) 2007b: fig. 84)
Botia gigantea Mai, 1978: 239, fig. 109 (type locality: north-
ern Vietnam; types: DVZUT) Syncrossus reversus (Roberts, 1989)
Botia reversa Roberts, 1989: 102, fig. 76 (type locality: In-
Sinibotia robusta (Wu, 1939) donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungei Pinoh, 37 km
Botia robusta Wu, 1939: 122, pl. 2 fig. 5 (type locality: Chi- south of Nangapinoh, 0°39.5'S 111°40'E; holotype: MZB
na: Guangxi: Li-Kiang at Yangso; syntypes: [repository 3521)
not stated] 278–285 [8])
Botia hexafurca Mai, 1978: 238, fig. 108 (type locality: north-
ern Vietnam: Tay Giang basin; types: DVZUT) Yasuhikotakia Nalbant, 2002
Yasuhikotakia Nalbant, 2002: 317 (type species: Botia mo-
desta Bleeker, 1864e: 11, by original designation). Gen-
Syncrossus Blyth, 1860 der feminine.
Syncrossus Blyth, 1860b: 166 (type species: Syncrossus berd-
morei Blyth, 1860b: 166, by subsequent designation by Yasuhikotakia caudipunctata (Taki & Doi, 1995)
Jordan & Fowler, 1903c: 772 [two species originally in- Botia caudipunctata Taki & Doi, 1995: 150, fig. 3 (type lo-
cluded: S. berdmorei and "Schistura grandis apud cality: Laos: Mekong River at Hatsalao, near Pakse; ho-
McClelland"; 'apud' means "in an author"; Cobitis lotype: NSMT P 35935)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Yasuhikotakia eos (Taki, 1972) 1948: 91; figure in Bleeker, 1870d: pl.)
Botia eos Taki, 1972: 66, fig. 1 (type locality: Laos: Nam Botia rubripinnis Sauvage, 1876: 100 (type locality: Cam-
Ngum at mouth of Nam Khon at Tha Ngon, about 22 km bodia: Phnom Penh; lectotype: MNHN 9545, designated
north of Vientiane; holotype: NSMT P 14537) by Kottelat, 1984a: 809)
Cobitidae Fitzinger, 1832 thalmus Bleeker, 1858i: 304, not Acantophthalmus van
Cobitidae Fitzinger, 1832: 360 (type genus: Cobitis Linnaeus, Hasselt, 1823: 132)
1758: 303; correct spelling confirmed by ICZN, 1988: Misgurninae Fowler, 1905a: 474 (type genus: Misgurnus La
178 [Opinion 1500]). See Steyskal (1980: 170) for gra- Cepède, 1803: 16)
matically correct (but nomenclaturally incorrect) spell- Taxonomic notes. See Šlechtová et al. (2008) for relation-
ing of the name. ships within the family Cobitidae and sexual dimorphism.
Acanthopsides Heckel & Kner, 1858: 296 (type genus: Acan-
thopsis Agassiz, 1832: 134, not Acantopsis van Hasselt, Acanthopsoides Fowler, 1934
1823: 133) Acanthopsoides Fowler, 1934a: 103 (type species: Acan-
Acanthophthalminae Gill, 1861: 7 (type genus: Acanthoph- thopsoides gracilis Fowler, 1934a: 103, by original des-
ignation). Gender masculine. ? Aperioptus pictorius Richardson, 1848b: 27, pl. 10 fig. 4
Neacanthopsis Smith, 1945: 297 (type species: Neacanthop- (type locality: Borneo; syntypes [2]: lost)
sis gracilentus Smith, 1945: 297, by original designa- Acanthopsis biaculeata Rüppell, 1852: 28 (nomen nudum)
tion). Gender feminine. Cobitis choirorhynchos Bleeker, 1854v: 95 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang: at confluence of Lama-
Acanthopsoides delphax Siebert, 1991 tang and Enim Rivers; lectotype: RMNH 4977, desig-
Acanthopsoides delphax Siebert, 1991a: 105, fig. 6 (type nated by Alfred, 1961a: 33)
locality: Thailand: Salween River at Mae Sahm [Mae Cobitis macrorhynchos Bleeker, 1854v: 95 (unnecessary re-
Sahm Leap], west of Mae Sariang; holotype: USNM placement name for Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt,
229043) 1823c: 133 [lectotype designation by Alfred, 1961a: 34,
is invalid as this is a replacement name and not a new
Acanthopsoides gracilentus (Smith, 1945) name])
Neacanthopsis gracilentus Smith, 1945: 297, fig. 61 (type
locality: Thailand: Mae Ping River, north of Chiang Mai; Acantopsis octoactinotos Siebert, 1991
holotype: USNM 107952) Acantopsis octoactinotos Siebert, 1991b: 910, fig. 2 (type
Acanthopsoides namromensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 559, locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District:
fig. 8 (type locality: Vietnam: Dien Bien Province: Mekong tributary of Kinabantangan River in lowlands near Sungei
drainage: Nam Rom River; holotype: NCNTTSI) Deramakot, approx. 5°18'N 117°33'E; holotype: FMNH
Acanthopsoides gracilis Fowler, 1934
Acanthopsoides gracilis Fowler, 1934a: 103, fig. 55 (type Acantopsis spectabilis (Blyth, 1860)
locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 56999) Prostheacanthus spectabilis Blyth, 1860b: 167 (type locali-
ty: Burma: Tenasserim provinces; types: ? ZSI)
Acanthopsoides hapalias Siebert, 1991 ? Acantopsis multistigmatus Vishmanath & Laisram, 2005:
Acanthopsoides hapalias Siebert, 1991a: 106, fig. 7 (type 433, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drain-
species: Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima Province: Mekong age: Lokchao stream, a tributary of Yu river; holotype:
basin: Mae Nam Mun about 2 km downstream from Phi- MUMF 3044; spelt mu/tistigmatus p. 435, an inadvert-
mai, 15°14'N 102°31'E; holotype: USNM 271723) ent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art.
Acanthopsoides molobrion Siebert, 1991
Acanthopsoides molobrion Siebert, 1991a: 107, fig. 8 (type Acantopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat, 1999
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Boh Riv- Acanthopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat, 1997: 99 (not available,
er; holotype: RMNH 31273) name published in meeting material, Code art. 9.9)
Acantopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat, 1999: 66, fig. 1 (type local-
Acanthopsoides robertsi Siebert, 1991 ity: Thailand: Uthaithani Province: Amphoe Lan Sak:
Acanthopsoides robertsi Siebert, 1991a: 109, fig. 10 (type Huey Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Huey Nam Khoon;
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: small holotype: KUMF 3131)
oxbow off Kapuas River opposite Empangau, 124 km
northeast of Sintang; 0°44'N 112°23'E; holotype: CAS
49345) Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758
Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758: 303 (type species: Cobitis taenia
Linnaeus, 1758: 303, designated by ICZN, 1988 [Opin-
Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823 ion 1500]). Gender feminine.
Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 (type species: Acantop- Acantophthalmus van Hasselt, 1823c: 132 (type species:
sis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823c: 133, by monotypy). Cobitis taenia Linnaeus, 1758: 303, by monotypy [see
Gender feminine. Kottelat, 1987a: 371]; on Official Index of Rejected and
Acanthopsis van Hasselt, 1824b: 376, 377 (incorrect subse- Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1988: 178
quent spelling of Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823c: 133) [Opinion 1500]). Gender masculine.
? Aperioptus Richardson, 1848b: 27 (type species: Aperiop- Acanthophthalmus van Hasselt, 1824b: 377 (incorrect sub-
tus pictorius Richardson, 1848b: 27 by monotypy). Gen- sequent spelling of Acantophthalmus van Hasselt, 1823c:
der masculine. 132; on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic
Prostheacanthus Blyth, 1860b: 167 (type species: Pros- Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1992b: 248 [Opinion 1695])
theacanthus spectabilis Blyth, 1860b: 167, by monoty- ? Acanthopsis Agassiz, 1832: 134 (type species: Acanthop-
py). Gender masculine. sis angustus Agassiz, 1835a: vol. 5, pl. 50 fig. 2, by sub-
sequent monotypy in Agassiz, 1835a: pl. 50; not a junior
Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823 homonym of Acanthopsis van Hasselt, 1824b: 377, which
Acantopsis Dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 (type locali- is an incorrect subsequent spelling of Acantopsis van
ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: RMNH Hasselt, 1823c: 133, thus does not enter into homonymy
2707 [1]; unpublished van Hasselt's figure reproduced in [Code art. 33.3]; based on a fossil species, possibly not a
Roberts, 1993b: fig. 25) cobitid; Kottelat, 1987a: 372). Gender feminine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cobitinula Hankó, 1924: 152 (type species: Cobitinula ana- rov, 2000b: 206]; holotype: MNHN A.840, Kottelat,
toliae Hankó, 1924: 152, by monotypy). Gender feminine. 1984a: 809, fig. 5)
Acanestrinia Bacescu, 1962: 435 (subgenus of Cobitis Lin- ? Cobitis longitaeniatus Ngo, 2008: 66, fig. 1 (type locality:
naeus, 1758: 303; type species: Cobitis elongata Heckel Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Bo Trach District, Phong
& Kner, 1858: 305, by original designation). Gender fem- Nha, Son Trach, 17°30'N 106°15'E; holotype: NCNTTSI;
inine. also spelt longitaenia p. 67, an obvious inadvertent error,
Bicanestrinia Bacescu, 1962: 436 (subgenus of Cobitis Lin- thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1])
naeus, 1758: 303; type species: Cobitis simplicispina ? Cobitis phongnhaensis Ngo, 2008: 68, fig. 3 (type locali-
Hankó, 1924: 153, by original designation). Gender fem- ty: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Bo Trach District:
ine. Phong Nha, Son Trach, Khe Mon, 17°30'N 106°15'E;
Iberocobitis Bacescu, 1962: 438 (subgenus of Cobitis Lin- holotype: NCNTTSI)
naeus, 1758: 303; type species: Acanthopsis paludica de
Buen, 1930: 33, by original designation). Gender femi- Cobitis microcephala Chen & Chen, 2011
nine. Cobitis microcephala Chen & Chen, 2011: 147, fig. 2 (type
Beyshehiria Erk'akan, Atalay-Ekmekçi & Nalbant, 1999: 20 locality: China: Guangxi: Bobai County: Nanliu River
(subgenus of Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758: 303; type species: drainage, 22°28'N 109°95'E; holotype: IHB 0605135)
Cobitis bilseli Battalgil, 1942: 292, by original designa-
tion). Gender feminine. Cobitis multimaculata Chen & Chen, 2011
Cobitis multimaculata Chen & Chen, 2011: 145, fig. 2 (type
Unavailable names locality: China: Guangxi: Bobai County: Nanliu River
Cobitis yeni Nguyen [T. T.], 1982: 26 (nomen nudum) drainage, 22°28'N 109°95'E; holotype: IHB 75v3203; an
Cobitis yeni Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 227, obvious adjective but declared to be 'used as a noun' in
fig. 114 (not available; locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh Prov- the original description, therefore indeclinable)
ince: stream Ngam Pho at Huong Son)
Nomenclatural notes. Nguyen [V. H.] (2005: 227) listed Cobitis sinensis Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874
Nguyen [T. T.] (1983: 83, pl. 3 fig. 2) as author of C. yeni. Cobitis sinensis Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 16
Nguyen [T. T.] (1983) is an unpublished thesis and the name (type locality: China: brooks of western Sichuan [proba-
is not available from it. As the description in Nguyen [V. H.] bly Pingwu County: Long'an; on Fu Jiang river, Jialing
(2005a) is from Nguyen [T. T.] (1983), I treat the author of Jiang system, Yangtze drainage; 32°24'31"N
the nomen nudum as Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.]. The 104°31'36"E; Kottelat, 2012b: 28]; syntypes: MNHN
Code art. 16.1 requires that, after 1999, a new name must be 6779 [4], Son & Kim, 2002: 241, fig. 1a, Bertin & Es-
explicitly indicated as intentionally new. This is not the case tève, 1948: 92)
for C. yeni in Nguyen [V. H.] (2005a) and the name is not Taxonomic notes. Identification of material from northern
available. Further, to be available, a new specific name pub- Vietham (Kottelat, 2001a: fig. 96) with material from China
lished after 1999 must be accompanied by the explicit desig- seems doubtful (see also Son & Kim, 2002). Cobitis doli-
nation of a holotype or syntypes (Code art. 16.4). Nguyen chorhynchus, sometimes considered to be a synonym of
[V. H.] (2005a) mentioned that the description is based on C. sinensis, is treated as valid following Kim et al. (1999:
19 specimens but they are not mentioned as a holotype or 377), Son & He (2005: 238) and Kottelat (2012d: 25).
syntypes. [Cobitis dolichorhynchus Nichols, 1918: 16 (type locality: China: Fukien
[Fujian]: Futsing; holotype: AMNH 7026)].
Species incertae sedis
'Cobitis' guttata (Nguyen, 2005) Cobitis ylengensis Ngo, 2003
Acantopsis guttatus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 557, fig. 7 (type Cobitis ylengensis Ngo, 2003: 18, fig. 2 (type locality: Viet-
locality: Vietnam: Ha Giang Province: Lo River, Bac nam: Quang Binh Province: Minh Hoa district: Dan Hoa
Quang district, Suoi Mu stream in Tan Thanh village; village: Bai Dinh; holotype: NCNTTSI)
holotype: NCNTTSI) ? Cobitis squataeniatus Ngo, 2008: 67, fig. 2 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Apparently the species tentatively identi- Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Minh Hoa District, Dan
fied as Acantopsis arenae by Kottelat (2001a: 49, fig. 95). Hoa, Quy Dat; holotype: NCNTTSI)
Apparently represents an unnamed genus close to Cobitis. Taxonomic notes. Figure 2 in the description of C. ylengen-
Nomenclatural notes. If placed in the genus Cobitis, then it sis is distorted and shows the fish more slender than described
is a junior secondary homonym of Cobitis guttata M'Clelland, in the text.
1839 [q.v., under Lepidocephalichthy guntea]. I do not pro-
pose a replacement name since it will soon be transfered into
another genus and the original name will then be valid. Kottelatlimia Nalbant, 1994
[Misgurnus arenae Lin, 1934b: 227, figs. 5–6 (type locality: China: Guang- Kottelatlimia Nalbant, 1994: 377 (type species: Lepidoce-
dong: Hwei-yang County: shallow stream near Western Lake; holotype:
FESC M 10)].
phalichthys katik Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 212, by original
designation). Gender feminine.
Cobitis laoensis (Sauvage, 1878)
Misgurnus laoensis Sauvage, 1878b: 241 (type locality: Laos Kottelatlimia hipporhynchos Kottelat & Tan, 2008
[apparently erroneous; possibly Vietnam; Freyhof & Se- Kottelatlimia hipporhynchos Kottelat & Tan, 2008b: 64, fig. 1
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype:
Kahayan drainage, blackwater stream at km 80 on road RMNH 4960, Alfred, 1961a: 33)
from Palangka Raya to Tumbang Telakian (35 km after Taxonomic notes. Tentatively recognised as valid (Kottelat
turn-off at km 45 on road from Palangka Raya to Kason- & Tan, 2008b: 70). Not observed since original description.
gan); 1°37.324'S 113°37.569'E; holotype: MZB 10977)
Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei (Blyth, 1860)
Kottelatlimia katik (Kottelat & Lim, 1992) Acanthopis Berdmorei Blyth, 1860b: 168 (type locality: Bur-
Lepidocephalichthys katik Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 212, fig. 6 ma: Tenasserim provinces; holotype: ZSI/F 2646/1, Kot-
(type locality: Malaysia; holotype: ZRC 9344) telat & Lim, 1992: 205 [contra statement in Eschmeyer,
2010, a single locality is mentioned in original descrip-
Kottelatlimia pristes (Roberts, 1989) tion and there is no reason to conclude to the existence of
Lepidocephalichthys pristes Roberts, 1989: 105, fig. 80 (type syntypes])
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: 30 km Lepidocephalus cataractus Fowler, 1939b: 60, fig. 10 (type
west of Sintang on road from Sanggau to Sintang, 0°00'N locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP
111°14'E; holotype: MZB 3527) 68470)
Lepidocephalus guntea birmanicus Rendahl, 1948: 64, fig. 30
(original description; type locality: Myanmar: Shweli
Lepidocephalichthys Bleeker, 1863 Kyaung, 24 miles East of 24°N 96°E; holotype: NRM
Cobitichthys Bleeker, 1858i: 304 (type species: Cobitis bar- 20829)
batuloides Bleeker, 1851p: 435, by monotypy; declared ? Acanthophthalmus longipinnis Menon, 1992: 93, fig. 10
a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2 by Kottelat & (type locality: India: Manipur: Kharungpat Lake, 20 km
Tan, 2008b: 70). Gender masculine. south of Imphal; holotype: ZSI/SRS 3371)
Lepidocephalichthys Bleeker, 1863i: 38 (type species: Co-
bitis hasselti Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Lepidocephalichthys furcatus (de Beaufort, 1933)
1846: 74, by original designation; also in Bleeker, 1863m: Lepidocephalus furcatus de Beaufort, 1933: 32 (type locali-
4, pl. 103; declared a nomen protectum under Code art. ty: Malaysia: Perak: Bukit Merah Reservoir; syntypes [6]:
23.9.2 by Kottelat & Tan, 2008b: 70). Gender masculine. ZRC 1445 [3], ZMA 100.979 [1], BMNH 1969.11.13.1
Platacanthus Day, 1865b: 296 (type species: Platacanthus [1], Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 207, Nijssen et al., 1993: 214,
agrensis Day, 1865b: 296, by monotypy; junior homonym Eschmeyer, 2010)
of Platacanthus Fischer von Waldheim, 1849: 80, in fos-
sil fishes; also in Day, 1865c: 204). Gender masculine. Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton, 1822)
Jerdonia Day, 1871c: 700 (type species: Platacanthus ma- Cobitis guntea Hamilton, 1822: 353, 394 (type locality: Ben-
culatus Day, 1868a: 941, by monotypy; junior homonym gal [Goalpara; Hora, 1935: 49]; types: NT; Hamilton's
of Jerdonia Blanford & Blanford, 1862: 348, in Mol- unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 51
lusca). Gender feminine. fig. 3)
Enobarbus Whitley, 1928b: 296 (replacement name for Jer- Cobitis balgara Hamilton, 1822: 356, 394 (type locality:
donia Day, 1871c: 700; not a junior homonym of Aeno- India: Kosi River [at Nathpur, near the Nepal frontier;
barbus Agassiz, 1842: 2, in Aves). Gender masculine. Hora, 1935a: 49]; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished fig-
Enobarbichthys Whitley, 1931a: 107 (unnecessary replace- ure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 53 fig. 2; simul-
ment name for Enobarbus Whitley, 1928b: 296). Gender taneous subjective synonym of Cobitis guntea Hamilton,
masculine. 1822: 353, first reviser [Day, 1878: 609] gave precedence
Madrasia Nalbant, 1963: 364 (unnecessary replacement to C. guntea)
name for Jerdonia Day, 1871c: 700). Gender feminine. Cobitis Maya Sykes, 1839a: 162 (type locality: India: Dec-
Nomenclatural notes. Whitley (1931: 107) proposed can [Mola Mola River at Poona; Sykes, 1841: 367 [Pune,
Enobarbichthys as a replacement name for Enobarbus which 18°28'N 73°48'E]]; syntypes: LU; also in Sykes, 1839b:
he considered to be preoccupied by "Aenobarbus Temminck, 59, 1841: 367)
1835". Aenobarbus Temminck" in fact is Aenobarbus Agas- Canthophrys vittatus Swainson, 1839: 310 (available by in-
siz, 1842: 2, in Aves (see discussion in Kottelat, 2012d: 32). dication to Hamilton, 1822 "Cob. No. 4" [p. 353, Cobitis
See Harant & Bohlen (2010) for identity of Platacanthus guntea]; type locality: Bengal [Goalpara; Hora, 1935: 49];
maculatus, type species of Enobarbus. types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in
M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 51 fig. 3)
Lepidocephalichthys alkaia Havird & Page, 2010 Cantophrys olivaceus Swainson, 1839: 310 (available by
Lepidocephalichthys alkaia Havird & Page, 2010: 140, fig. 4 indication to Hamilton, 1822 "Cob. No. 8" [p. 356, Cobi-
(type locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Hpa-Lap stream, tis balgara]; type locality: India: Kosi River [at Nathpur,
of Nam Chim Chaung, of Nan Kwe Chaung, northwest near the Nepal frontier; Hora, 1935: 49]; types: NT;
of Myitkyina, 25°31'36"N 97°22'45"E; holotype: USNM Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland,
372169) 1839: pl. 53 fig. 2)
? Cobitis guttata M'Clelland, 1839: 305, 438, pl. 52 figs. 5–
Lepidocephalichthys barbatuloides (Bleeker, 1851) 6 (type locality: India: tanks in vicinity of Joorhath; syn-
Cobitis barbatuloïdes Bleeker, 1851p: 435 (type locality: types: SMF 409 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010 [as holotype])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cobitis phoxocheila M'Clelland, 1839: 305, 439, pl. 52 fig. 4 latlimia katik in Kottelat & Lim (1992: 213, fig. 7c). The
(type locality: India: Arunachal Pradesh: Mishmee figure of the pectoral fin (fig. 3d) is based on that of K. katik
moutains; syntypes: ZSI [2]) in Kottelat & Lim (1992: fig. 7) in which the serrae have
? Schistura aculeata M'Clelland, 1839: 307 (type locality: been removed, a second simple ray has been added (unlikely
India: Assam; types: LU) in Cobitidae and contradicting the text) and a structure add-
Misgurnus lateralis Günther, 1868a: 346 (type locality: In- ed on branched ray 5 (not 6–7 as in text, and in all other
dia: Bengal; holotype: BMNH 1858.8.15.49, Eschmey- species of the genus).
er, 2010)
Lepidocephalus dibruensis Sen, 1979: 35, fig. 1 (type local- Lepidocephalichthys tomaculum Kottelat & Lim, 1992
ity: India: Assam: Dibru River, Guijan, 60 km from Di- Lepidocephalichthys tomaculum Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 216,
brugarh; holotype: ZSI FF 1203) fig. 9 (type locality: Malaysia: Selangor: Sungai Bernam
Lepidoce-phalichthys nepalensis Shrestha, 1978: 37 (nomen basin: North Selangor peat swamp forest, stream at
nudum) 34-km mark on road from Sungai Besar to Tanjong
Lepidocephalichthys nepalensis Shrestha, 1981: 129, fig. 63 Malim; approx. 3°40'N 101°20'E; holotype: ZRC 14938)
(type locality: Nepal: Biratnagar: Singhia River; holo-
type: TUK) Lepidocephalichthys zeppelini Havird & Tangjitjaroen, in
Havird, Page, Tangjitjaroen, Vidthayanon, Grudpan
Lepidocephalichthys hasselti (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & & Udduang, 2010
Valenciennes, 1846) Lepidocephalichthys zeppelini Havird & Tangjitjaroen, in
Cobitis Octocirrhus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, Havird, Page, Tangjitjaroen, Vidthayanon, Grudpan &
1823c: 133, 1824b: 376 (nomen nudum, see Kottelat, Udduang, 2010: 6, fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Ubon
1987a: 371) Ratchathani Province: Mun River (Mekong drainage),
Cobitis hasselti Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, isolated pools in rice field, Ubon Rajathani University
1846: 74 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Tjelankakan campus, 15°08'03.18"N 104°55'27.78"E; holotype: UF
River [Tjelankahan; Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 210]; holo- 174131)
type: LU; based on a drawing sent by Kuhl and van Has-
selt [reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 27])
Lepidocephalichthys nudus Machan, 1931: 221 (type local- Lepidocephalus Bleeker, 1858
ity: Indonesia: Java: Kalen reservoir near Surabaya; synty- Lepidocephalus Bleeker, 1858i: 303 (type species: Cobitis
pes: NMW 16151–16156 [6], Kottelat & Lim, 1992: 211) macrochir Bleeker, 1854v: 97, by subsequent designa-
Lepidocephalus taeniatus Fowler, 1939b: 63, figs. 11–12 tion by Bleeker, 1863i: 38, 1863m: 4). Gender mascu-
(type locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: line.
ANSP 68486)
Acanthophthalmus unistriatus Roberts, 1993b: 25 (not avail- Lepidocephalus macrochir (Bleeker, 1854)
able, name listed in synonymy) Cobitis macrochir Bleeker, 1854v: 97 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Palembang: confluence of Lamatang
Lepidocephalichthys kranos Havird & Page, 2010 [Lematang] and Enim Rivers / Central Java: Surakarta,
Lepidocephalichthys kranos Havird & Page, 2010: 149, fig. 8 Pepeh River; syntypes [5, 64–91 mm TL]: RMNH,
(type locality: Thailand: Ubon Ratchathani: Mun River BMNH 1866.5.2.55 [1], Eschmeyer, 2010)
(tributary of Mekong River), marsh near University Ubon Lepidocephalichthys pallens Vaillant, 1902: 153, fig. 47 (type
Ratchathani campus, 15°10'45.84"N 104°45'44.76"E; locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas
holotype: UF 171980) River, possibly at Sintang; holotype: RMNH 7783, Esch-
meyer, 2010)
Lepidocephalichthys lorentzi (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916) Acanthophthalmus pahangensis de Beaufort, 1933: 31 (type
Acanthophthalmus lorentzi Weber & de Beaufort, 1916: 32, locality: Malaysia: 'fish-drive' off Mentakab, Pahang Riv-
fig. 12 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan er, 0°04.5'N 111°28'E; holotype: ZRC 490, Alfred, 1970:
Barat: Upper Kapuas [at Putussibau; Roberts, 1989: 104]; 70)
holotype: ZMA 103.259, Nijssen et al., 1993: 213)
Lepidocephalus spectrum Roberts, 1989
Lepidocephalichthys micropogon (Blyth, 1860) Lepidocephalus spectrum Roberts, 1989: 106, fig. 81 (type
Acanthopis micropogon Blyth, 1860b: 168 (type locality: locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai
Burma: Tenasserim provinces; types: lost, Kottelat & Lim, Melawi near confluence with Kapuas, about 0.5 km up-
1992: 209) stream from Sintang; holotype: MZB 3533)
Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis Arunkumar, 2000b: 1097,
fig. 4 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drainage:
Chandel District: Lairok Maru, tributary of Lokchao River Microcobitis Bohlen & Harant, 2011
near Moreh; holotype: MUMF2250/1A) Microcobitis Bohlen & Harant, 2011: 296 (type species:
Taxonomic notes. The figure of the mouth of L. manipuren- Cobitis misgurnoides Rendahl, 1944: 21, by original des-
sis in the original description (Arunkumar, 2000b: 1099, ignation). Gender feminine.
fig. 5a) is a crude copy of the drawing of the mouth of Kotte-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
2010; Kitagawa et al., 2011; Perdices et al., 2012) suggest Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902)
that several species are confused under the name M. anguil- Acanthophthalmus anguillaris Vaillant, 1902: 151, fig. 46
licaudatus. (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
Kapuas River, possibly at Sintang; holotype: RMNH
Misgurnus multimaculatus Rendahl, 1944 7788, Eschmeyer, 2010 [a single specimen implied
Misgurnus mizolepis multimaculatus Rendahl, 1944: 13, p. 153])
fig. 6 (type locality: Vietnam: Annam: Thua Luu, 50 km Acanthophthalmus vermicularis Weber & de Beaufort, 1916:
south-east of Hué; holotype: NHMG) 34 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Kampar Kiri Riv-
er; holotype: ZMA 100.260, Nijssen et al., 1982: 26)
Misgurnus tonkinensis Rendahl, 1937 Cobitophis perakensis Herre, 1940a: 8, pl. 2 (type locality:
Misgurnus mizolepis tonkinensis Rendahl, 1937: 2, fig. 1 Malaysia: Perak: lake above Chenderoh Dam; holotype:
(type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Hanoi; holotype: NRM CAS-SU 33004, Böhlke, 1953: 39)
10653) Taxonomic notes. Several species are confused under this
name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011).
Kuching, west of Sungei Stinggang; holotype: ZRC Pangio myersi (Harry, 1949)
34913) Acanthophthalmus myersi Harry, 1949: 69 (type locality:
Southeastern Thailand: Nong Khor; holotype: USNM
Pangio kuhlii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 103300)
Acantophthalmus fasciatus van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 (nomen Pangio oblonga (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 371) 1846)
Acanthophthalmus fasciatus van Hasselt, 1824b: 377 (no- Acantophthalmus Javanicus van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 (no-
men nudum) men nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 371)
Cobitis kuhlii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: Acanthophthalmus javanicus van Hasselt, 1824b: 377 (no-
77 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Krawang [original type men nudum)
locality: Indonesia: Java: surroundings of Batavia [Jakar- Cobitis oblonga Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ta]]; neotype: RMNH 2688, designated by Burridge, 1992: 1846: 76 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bogor [original
182 [holotype listed by Bertin & Estève, 1948: 91, Esch- type locality: Indonesia: Java: surroundings of Buiten-
meyer, 2010, has no type status, see Burridge, 1992: 181]) zorg [Bogor]]; neotype: ZRC 35047, designated by Kot-
Acanthophthalmus fasciatus Bleeker, 1860j: 74 (type local- telat & Lim, 1993: 234 [RMNH 2710 listed as possible
ity: Indonesia: Java: Krawang [original type locality: In- syntypes by Eschmeyer, 2010 cannot be syntype as Va-
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Buitenzorg [Bogor], lenciennes based his description on a drawing of a single
Penawangan / Sumatra: Lahat]; neotype: RMNH 2688, specimen])
designated by Kottelat & Lim, 1993: 224; objective jun- Acanthophthalmus javanicus Bleeker, 1860j: 75 (type local-
ior synonym of Cobitis kuhlii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & ity: Indonesia: Java: Bogor [original type locality: Indo-
Valenciennes, 1846: 77) nesia: Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor], Tjampea / Sumatra:
Lahat]; neotype: ZRC 35047, designated by Kottelat &
Pangio lidi Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009 Lim, 1993: 235 [RMNH 7061 listed by Eschmeyer, 2010
Pangio lidi Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009b: 65, figs. 1–2 (type are not syntypes; a lectotype designation by Kottelat &
locality: Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam River Lim, 1993: 235 made them paralectotype if they were
drainage, Ulu Belayan, Sungai Petung Kanan (0°32'06"N syntypes; the lectotype is lost and a neotype was desig-
116°10'55"E); holotype: MZB 16528) nated]; junior objective synonym of Cobitis oblonga Va-
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 76)
Pangio longimanus Britz & Kottelat, 2010 Taxonomic notes. Several species are confused under this
Pangio longimanus Britz & Kottelat, 2010: 373, fig. 1 (type name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011).
locality: Laos: Vientiane Province: confluence of Nam
Leuk and Nam Gnong, 18°22'04"N 103°05'27"E; holo- Pangio pangia (Hamilton, 1822)
type: ZRC 51933; proposed as compound noun in appo- Cobitis pangia Hamilton, 1822: 355, 394 (type locality: In-
sition, indeclinable) dia: "north-eastern parts of Bengal" [Goalpara; Hora,
1935: 49]; types: NT; on Official List of Specific Names
Pangio lumbriciformis Britz & Maclaine, 2007 in Zoology, ICZN 1992b: 248 [Opinion 1695]; Hamil-
Pangio lumbriciformis Britz & Maclaine, 2007: 22, fig. 4 ton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839:
(type locality: Myanmar: Irrawaddy basin: Nan Kwe pl. 51 fig. 5, Britz & Maclaine, 2007: 25, fig. 6)
stream [near Myitkyna]; holotype: BMNH 2006.9.29.6) Cobitis cinnamomea M'Clelland, 1839: 304, 435, pl. 51 fig. 5
(unnecessary replacement name for Cobitis pangia Hamil-
Pangio malayana (Tweedie, 1956) ton, 1822: 335)
Acanthophthalmus kuhlii malayanus Tweedie, 1956: 58, Canthophrys rubiginosus Swainson, 1839: 310 (available by
pl. 6a (type locality: Malaysia: Pahang: Kuala Tahan; ho- indication to Hamilton, 1822: "Cob. No. 6" [which is
lotype: BMNH 1957.1.23.1) Cobitis pangia]; type locality: India: "north-eastern parts
of Bengal" [Goalpara; Hora, 1935: 49]; types: NT; Hamil-
Pangio mariarum (Inger & Chin, 1962) ton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839:
Acanthopthalmus mariae Inger & Chin, 1962: 118, fig. 56 pl. 51 fig. 5)
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan Taxonomic notes. At least two species are confused under
District: small tributary of Kinabatangan River at Dera- this name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011).
makot; holotype: FMNH 68161; incorrect original spell-
ing, must be emended to mariarum [Code art. 31.1.2], Pangio piperata Kottelat & Lim, 1993
Kottelat, 1989: 13; Kottelat, 2012d: 39) Pangio piperata Kottelat & Lim, 1993: 236, fig. 20 (type
locality: Malaysia: Terengganu: stream at about km 6 on
Pangio muraeniformis (de Beaufort, 1933) road from Kuala Brang to Kuala Terengganu, 6°04'25"N
Acanthophthalmus muraeniformis de Beaufort, 1933: 32 103°03'20"E; holotype: ZRC 35003)
(type locality: Singapore: Thomson Road; syntypes: ZRC Taxonomic notes. At least two species are confused under
1052 [2], ZMA 103.185 [3], CAS-SU 32602 [1], Nijssen this name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011).
et al., 1993: 213, Böhlke, 1953: 39)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pangio pulla Kottelat & Lim, 1993 locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Sarawak River near
Pangio pulla Kottelat & Lim, 1993: 238, fig. 21 (type local- Kuching; holotype: RMNH 7661)
ity: Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah: heath forest north- Taxonomic notes. Several species are confused under this
west of Palankaraya; blackwater stream, 28–29 km on name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011).
road to Tangkiling; tributary of Sungei Rungan, Sungei
Kahajan drainage; holotype: ZRC 35022) Pangio signicauda Britz & Maclaine, 2007
Pangio signicauda Britz & Maclaine, 2007: 26, fig. 7 (type
Pangio robiginosa (Raut, 1957) locality: Myanmar: Irrawaddy basin: Nanmate stream,
Acanthophthalmus robiginosus Raut, 1957: 31, figs. (type 25°23'03"N 97°00'38"E, between Myitkina and Hopin;
locality: Indonesia: Java: stream Tjipaja-en and tributar- holotype: USNM 378386)
ies near Rangkas-Betong village, Bantean area; holotype:
ZMB 21334) Pangio superba (Roberts, 1989)
Acantopthalmus superbus Roberts, 1989: 98, fig. 74 (type
Pangio semicincta (Fraser-Brunner, 1940) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: forest
Acanthophthalmus semicinctus Fraser-Brunner, 1940: 172, stream about 1 km up Sungai Tajan from Tajan, 87 km
fig. 3 (type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Mawai district; east of Pontianak, 0°02'S 110°07'E; holotype: MZB 3499)
holotype: BMNH 1938.12.1.113)
Acanthophthalmus kuhlii sumatranus Fraser-Brunner, 1940:
175, fig. 4B (type locality: Sumatra: Palembang Prov- Theriodes Kottelat, 2011
ince: Lahat; holotype: BMNH 1866.5.2.41; simultaneous Theriodes Kottelat, 2012d: 137 (type species: Acanthoph-
subjective synonym of Acanthophthalmus semicinctus thalmus sandakanensis Inger & Chin, 1962: 120, by orig-
Fraser-Brunner, 1940: 172, first revisers [Tan & Kotte- inal designation). Gender masculine.
lat, 2009: 61] gave precedence to A. semicinctus)
Taxonomic notes. Several species are confused under this Theriodes sandakanensis (Inger & Chin, 1962)
name. See also molecular data in Bohlen et al. (2011). Acanthophthalmus sandakanensis Inger & Chin, 1962: 120,
fig. 54E (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sanda-
Pangio shelfordii (Popta, 1903) kan District: Sepilok Forest Reserve; holotype: FMNH
Acanthophthalmus shelfordii Popta, 1903: 231, fig. (type 68158)
Balitoridae Swainson, 1839 ity: Cambodia: Boun Long [13°42'N 107°00'E], Grande
Balitorinae Swainson, 1839: 190 (type genus: Balitora Gray, Cascade; holotype: MNHN 1993-0253)
1830: vol. 1, pl. 88)
Homalopteraeformes Bleeker, 1860a: 422 (type genus: Balitora burmanica Hora, 1932
Homaloptera van Hasselt, 1823: 133) Balitora brucei var. burmanicus Hora, 1932: 291, pl. 11 fig. 6
Sinohomalopterini Chen, 1980b: 208 (type genus: Sinohoma- (type locality: Burma: Meekalan, Salween drainage; lec-
loptera Fang, 1930a: 26) totype: MCSNG 15171, designated by Kottelat, 1988b:
Taxonomic notes. The phylogeny followed here is that of 491)
Šlechtová et al. (2007) and Bohlen & Šlechtová (2009), but Balitora brucei var. melanosoma Hora, 1932: 291, pl. 10
the ranking of families, etc. follows Kottelat (2012d). fig. 6 (type locality: Burma: stream Megla, Thaugyin
River, on Thai-Burmese border; holotype: BMNH
1920.9.8.1; could be treated as infrasubspecific and un-
Balitora Gray, 1830 available, but use as a subspecies [e.g. Hora, 1950b: 52]
Balitora Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 88 (type species: Balitora before 1985 makes it available [Code art.]; si-
brucei Gray, 1830: pl. 88, by subsequent designation by multaneous subjective synonym of Balitora brucei bur-
Jordan, 1919a: 178). Gender feminine. manicus Hora, 1932: 291, first reviser [Kottelat. 1988b:
Sinohomaloptera Fang, 1930: 26 (as subgenus of Homa- 498] gave precedence to B. b. burmanica)
loptera van Hasselt, 1823c: 133; type species: Homa- Nomenclatural notes. Silas (1953: 207) listed specimen ZSI
loptera kwangsiensis Fang, 1930: 27, by original desig- F 11034/1 as holotype of B. burmanica. As Hora (1932) had
nation). Gender feminine. not designated a holotype, all the specimens he examined
Taxonomic notes. The validitidy of the many names created are syntypes (see Kottelat, 1988b: 491).
in recent years in the Vietnamese literature cannot be evalu-
ated. The descriptions are of little use and the quality of the Balitora kwangsiensis (Fang, 1930)
illustrations of most species does not allow to their identity Homaloptera Kwangsiensis Fang, 1930: 27, pl. 1 figs. 1–2
even to be guessed. As most species have very restricted (type locality: China: Guangxi: Lin-yueng-shien; holo-
range, it is expected that those from widely distant localities type: MMNHN 899)
might end up being valid, while the many species described Sinohomaloptera hoffmanni Herre, 1938: 429, fig. 1 (type
from exactly the same locality may end as a single species. locality: China: Hainan: Cheung Kon Ts'uen; holotype:
For some species, however, there are not even informative CAS-SU 33002, Hora, 1950b: 54])
locality data. Balitora heteroura Pan, Liu & Zheng, 1983: 105, fig. 1 (type
locality: China: Guangdong: Beijiang River; holotype (?):
Balitora annamitica Kottelat, 1988 SCNU 8012)
Balitora annamitica Kottelat, 1988b: 498, fig. 5 (type local- ? Balitora nigrocorpa Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 594, fig. 29
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(type locality: Vietnam: Ha Giang Province: Lo River; Balitoropsis batek (Tan, 2009)
holotype: NCNTTSI; as Sinohomaloptera in key and fig- Homaloptera batek Tan, 2009b: 49, figs. 1–4 (type locality:
ure caption; spelt nigrocopa p. 594 fig. 29, an inadvert- Indonesia: Borneo: Central Kalimantan: Katingan basin,
ent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. Mendawai sub-basin, Sungei Baha'e, km 64 logging road
32.5.1]) at buffer zone of Bukit Raya–Bukit Baka National Park,
? Balitora vanlani Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 597, fig. 31 (type 0°47.593'S 112°19.220'E; holotype: MZB 10990)
locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang Dis-
trict: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI; as Sinohoma- Balitoropsis leonardi (Hora, 1941)
loptera in key and figure caption) Homaloptera leonardi Hora, 1941: 61, pl. 5 figs. 5–6 (type
? Balitora haithanhi Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 599, fig. 32 (type locality: Malaysia: Pahang: King George V National Park
locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang Dis- [now Taman Negara National Park], Kuala Tahan; holo-
trict: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI; as Sinohoma- type: ZSI F 13213/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 118)
loptera in key and figure caption) Taxonomic notes. Tentatively placed in Balitoropsis.
? Hemimyzon songamensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 601,
fig. 33 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Balitoropsis ophiolepis (Bleeker, 1853)
Na Hang District: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI; spelt Homaloptera ophiolepis Bleeker, 1853e: 160 (type locality:
sorgamensis p. 302, songamensis p. 602 fig. 33, 691, Indonesia: Java: Bandong [Bandung]; lectotype: RMNH
songamenis p. 601, first reviser [Kottelat, 2012d: 45] se- 4986, designated by Alfred, 1961a: 35)
lected songamensis as correct original spelling [in fact,
none of these spellings is appropriate for a name based Balitoropsis sexmaculata (Fowler, 1934)
on Song Gam, but this cannot be corrected, Code art. Homaloptera sexmaculata Fowler, 1934a: 98, figs. 47–48
32.3]) (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP
Balitora lancangjiangensis (Zheng, 1980) Homaloptera septemmaculata Fowler, 1934a: 99, figs. 49–
Sinohomaloptera lancangjiangensis Zheng, 1980: 110, figs. 50 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP
1–2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Menghai Xian; syn- 56402; simultaneous subjective synonym of Homaloptera
types: IHB 78IV0565–569 [4], DBJU 78IV0432–435 [4]) sexmaculata Fowler, 1934a: 98, first reviser [Hora, 1950b:
? Balitora vanlongi Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 596, fig. 30 (type 51] gave precedence to H. sexmaculata)
locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang Dis-
trict: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI; as Sinohoma- Balitoropsis tatereganii (Popta, 1905)
loptera in key and figure caption) Homaloptera Tate Reganii Popta, 1905a: 180 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Bo River; holotype: RMNH 7632,
Balitora meridionalis Kottelat, 1988 Tan, 2009b: 57, fig. 7; also in Popta, 1906: 182, pl. 10
Balitora meridionalis Kottelat, 1988b: 498, fig. 4 (type lo- fig. 40; must be emended in tatereganii, Code art.
cality: Thailand: Chantaburi Prov: Kao Soi Dao, Chan
River headwaters; holotype: NIFI uncat.) Taxonomic notes. Tentatively placed in Balitoropsis.
? Balitora nantingensis Chen, Cui & Yang, 2005 Balitoropsis vulgaris (Kottelat & Chu, 1988)
Balitora nantingensis Chen, Cui & Yang, 2005: 22, fig. 2 Homaloptera vulgaris Kottelat & Chu, 1988c: 103, fig. 1
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Lincang Pref.: Yongde (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mong Han
County: Daxueshan township: Mangjiu River County, 21°50'N 101°E; holotype: KIZ 788229)
(23°58'55"N 99°41'17"E), a tributary of Nanting River
[Salween drainage]; holotype: KIZ 20026475) Balitoropsis yunnanensis Chen, 1978
Taxonomic notes. Differences between B. nantingensis and Balitoropsis yunnanensis Chen, 1978: 334, figs. 1–2 (type
B. burmanica (whose type locality is in the same drainage) locality: China: Yunnan: Lancang River [Mekong] in
seem slight, especially considering the variability observed Yongping Xian [25°28'01"N 99°32'24"E]; holotype: IHB
in large series of B. burmanica from the middle Salween. 60VII012)
The length of the caudal peduncle seems the less ambiguous
character to distinguish the two species. Balitoropsis yuwonoi (Kottelat, 1998)
Homaloptera yuwonoi Kottelat, 1998b: 267, fig. 1 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: vicinity of
Balitoropsis Smith, 1945 Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve: Sungai Hulu Leboy-
Balitoropsis Smith, 1945: 278 (type species: Balitoropsis an at Keluwin; 1°08'51"N 112°15'32"E; holotype: MZB
bartschi Smith, 1945: 279, by original designation). Gen- 5938)
der feminine. Taxonomic notes. Tentatively placed in Balitoropsis.
Pseudohomaloptera Silas, 1953: 204 (type species: Homa-
loptera tatereganii Popta, 1905a: 180, by original desig- Balitoropsis zollingeri (Bleeker, 1853)
nation). Gender feminine. Homaloptera Javanica van Hasselt, 1823c: 133, 1824b: 377
(nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 373)
Homaloptera Zollingeri Bleeker, 1853e: 159 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] and Bandong [Band- Nam Wa, Mae Nam Nan system, Chao Phraya drainage;
ung]; syntypes: lost, Bleeker, 1860j: 89) holotype: NSMT P 36130)
Homaloptera javanica Bleeker, 1860j: 89 (unnecessary re-
placement name for Homaloptera zollingeri Bleeker, Hemimyzon nujiangensis (Zhang & Zheng, in Zheng &
1853e: 159) Zhang, 1983)
Balitoropsis bartschi Smith, 1945: 279, fig. 56 (type locali- Balitora nujiangensis Zhang & Zheng, in Zheng & Zhang,
ty: Thailand: Trang Province: waterfall stream on Kao 1983: 66, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Nujiang
Chong; holotype: USNM 107963) [Salween River]: Liu-ku; holotype: IHB 81X4327)
Homaloptera nigra Alfred, 1969: 217, pl. 1 figs. 1–2 (type
locality: Malaysia: Pahang: King George V National Park Hemimyzon papilio Kottelat, 1998
[now Taman Negara National Park], Chegar Sireh, Tah- Hemimyzon papilio Kottelat, 1998a: 61, fig. 96 (type locali-
an River; holotype: ZRC 2009) ty: Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun, waterfall
at 18°01'40"N 104°58'54"E; holotype: ZRC 41788)
Cryptotora Kottelat, 1998 Hemimyzon pengi (Huang, in Zheng, Chen & Huang,
Cryptotora Kottelat, 1998b: 270 (type species: Homaloptera 1982)
thamicola Kottelat, 1988c: 288, by original designation). Balitora pengi Huang, in Zheng, Chen & Huang, 1982: 395,
Gender feminine. fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna:
Menghai County; syntypes: KIZ 73046–53 [8])
Cryptotora thamicola (Kottelat, 1988) Dienbienia namnuaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.],
Homaloptera thamicola Kottelat, 1988c: 228, fig. 4 (type 2002: 10, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Prov-
locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Tham Susa; ince: Dien Bien District: Nam Nua at Noongluong; holo-
19°28'N 98°08'E; holotype: AMS I.25987-001) type: NCNTTSI H.; spelt nammuaensis p. 14,
an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code
art. 32.5.1])
Hemimyzon Regan, 1911
Hemimyzon Regan, 1911a: 32 (type species: Homaloptera Hemimyzon tchangi (Zheng, in Zheng, Chen & Huang,
formosana Boulenger, 1894a: 463, by original designa- 1982)
tion). Gender masculine. Balitora tchangi Zheng, in Zheng, Chen & Huang, 1982:
Dienbienia Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.], 2002: 9 (type 396, fig. 3 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangban-
species: Dienbienia namnuensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngu- na: Jinghong Xian; holotype: IHB 78III0432)
yen [H. D.], 2002: 10, by original designation). Gender
Homaloptera van Hasselt, 1823
Hemimyzon confluens Kottelat, 2000 Homaloptera van Hasselt, 1823c: 133 (type species: Homa-
Hemimyzon confluens Kottelat, 2000a: 51, fig. 20 (type lo- loptera ocellata van der Hoeven, 1830: 211, by subse-
cality: Laos: Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Ngum, rap- quent monotypy in van der Hoeven, 1830: 211; spelt
ids downstream of Ban Latbouak; 19°36'28"N Homalophra p. 132, first reviser [Kottelat, 1987a: 373]
103°14'23"E; holotype: ZRC 45317) retained Homaloptera as correct original spelling). Gen-
der feminine.
Hemimyzon ecdyonuroides Freyhof & Herder, 2002 Helgia Vinciguerra, 1890: 328 (type species: Helgia bilineata
Hemimyzon ecdyonuroides Freyhof & Herder, 2002a: 54, Blyth, 1860b: 172, by subsequent designation by Jordan,
figs. 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam [Mekong drainage, Se- 1920: 448). Gender feminine.
san system]: Kontum Province: Pako River about 50 km
north of Kontum; 14°39.60'N 107°46.98'E; holotype: Homaloptera bilineata Blyth, 1860
ZFMK 22136) Homoloptera bilineata Blyth, 1860b: 172 (type locality:
Burma: Tenasserim provinces; syntypes: ? ZSI, ? AMS
Hemimyzon elongatus (Chen & Li, in Li & Chen, 1985) [? possibly the syntypes of Nemacheilus serpentarius Day,
Balitora elongata Chen & Li, in Li & Chen, 1985: 169, fig. 1 1870b: 551])
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Yangbi River; holotype: Nemacheilus serpentarius Day, 1870b: 551 (type locality:
KIZ 839072) unknown [Burma]; syntypes [3]: ZSI A.955 [2, lost],
? AMS [lost ?], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 157, Fer-
Hemimyzon khonensis Kottelat, 2000 raris et al., 2000: 301)
Hemimyzon khonensis Kottelat, 2000a: 52, fig. 21 (type locality:
Laos: Champasak Province: Mekong mainstream at Ban Homaloptera confuzona Kottelat, 2000
Hang Khone, below Khone Falls; holotype: ZRC 45320) Homaloptera confuzona Kottelat, 2000a: 53, fig. 22 (type
locality: Thailand: Trat Province: Khlong Fit at Ban
Hemimyzon nanensis Doi & Kottelat, 1998 Kraduk Chang, road 3157 from Trat to Borai, about 2–3
Hemimyzon nanensis Doi & Kottelat, 1998: 8, fig. 1 (type km after junction with road 3271; 12°28'N 102°38'E;
locality: Thailand: Nan Province: Mae Nam Wa at Ban holotype: ZRC 45319)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Homaloptera ocellata van der Hoeven, 1830 Homalopteroides rupicola (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929)
Homaloptera ocellata van den Hoeven, 1830: 211, 1833: Chopraia rupicola Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 188, pl. 8 fig. 3
pl. 12 fig. 13 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: (type locality: Burma: Myitkyina District: small streams
RMNH 2723, Roberts, 1993b: 24) around Kamaing; holotype: ZSI F 10879/1, Menon &
Balitora erythrorhina Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Yazdani, 1968: 118)
nes, 1846: 93, pl. 524 (type locality: Java: Buitenzorg ? Homaloptera manipurensis Arunkumar, 1999: 176, fig. 1
[Bogor]; syntypes: MNHN 3121 [3], Bertin & Estève, (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drainage,
1948: 100) Lokchao River near Moreh, 110 km from Imphal City;
Balitora pavonina Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, holotype: MUMF 3333/1A)
1846: 97 (type locality: Java [probably vicinity of Bogor]; Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in -cola and meaning
holotype: MNHN 3123, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 100) 'inhabitant of' are nouns and rupicola does not have to agree
Homaloptera salusur Bleeker, 1853e: 161 (type locality: in gender with Homalopteroides.
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] and Tjampea [Ciam-
pea]; lectotype: RMNH 5075, designated by Alfred, Homalopteroides smithi (Hora, 1932)
1961a: 35) Homaloptera smithi Hora, 1932: 286, pl. 11 fig. 3 (type lo-
Homaloptera polylepis Bleeker, 1853e: 162 (type locality: cality: Thailand: Nakon Sritamarat Province: Tadi Stream
Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor] and Tjipannas and Klong Pong at Ban Kiriwong; syntypes: KUMF 165
[Cipanas]; syntypes [2]: among RMNH 7049 [13], Al- [3], USNM 107941 [1], 109821 [5], 119459 [1], ZSI F
fred, 1961a: 35) 11293–11294/1 [4], 11295/1 [2], Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
118, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Homaloptera ogilviei Alfred, 1967 ? Homaloptera maxinae Fowler, 1937: 152, figs. 52–53 (type
Homaloptera ogilviei Alfred, 1967: 587, fig. 1 (type locali- locality: Thailand: Tachin [Tha Chin, Samut Sakhon;
ty: Malaysia: Negri Sembilan: Jelai River at 14th mile 13°32'22"N 100°15'20"E]; holotype: ANSP 68004)
along road from Tampin to Kuala Pilah; holotype: ZRC Homaloptera lineata Smith, 1945: 277, fig. 55 (type locali-
1555) ty: Thailand: Mekong at Chiangsen Kao; holotype:
USNM 199488)
Homaloptera orthogoniata Vaillant, 2002 ? Homaloptera indochinensis Silas, 1953: 192, fig. 2 (type
Homaloptera orthogoniata Vaillant, 1902: 122, figs. 33–35 locality: "Indo-China (? Tonkin)" [Vietnam: Kontum or
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Dakto; Kottelat. 1912d: 51]; holotype: BMNH
Bloeoe River [Bluu, 0°42'N 114°24'E]; lectotype: RMNH 1933.8.19.50)
7790A, designated by Tan & Ng, 2005a: 1 [abstract], 3) Taxonomic notes. Homaloptera indochinensis is based on a
single specimen without precise locality. From Silas's de-
Homaloptera parclitella Tan & Ng, 2005 scription, it appears to fall within the variation of H. smithi,
Homaloptera parclitella Tan & Ng, 2005a: 7, figs. 5–6 (type a very common species in the Mekong drainage. It was col-
locality: Malaysia: Terengganu basin: Sekayu waterfalls, lected by Delacour and Lowe.
rock pools about 5 minutes walk upstream of chalets [cha- Hennache & Dickinson (2000) provided details of Dela-
lets: 4°57.80'N 102°57.21'E]; holotype: ZRC 49257) cour's expeditions, and from them it appears that Delacour
and Lowe most likely collected this specimen in Kontum or
Dakto, Vietnam (Kottelat, 2012d: 51).
Homalopteroides Fowler, 1905
Homalopteroides Fowler, 1905a: 476 (type species: Homa- Homalopteroides stephensoni (Hora, 1932)
loptera wassinkii Bleeker, 1853a: 163, by original desig- Homaloptera stephensoni Hora, 1932: 281, pl. 11 fig. 1 (type
nation; misidentified type species, in fact Homaloptera locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Upper
weberi Hora, 1932: 284, according to Randall & Page, Mahakam River; holotype: RMNH 7633, Tan, 2009b: 61,
2013: 335, who fixed the type species as H. wassinkii, fig. 8)
under Code art. 70.3.1). Gender masculine. ? Homaloptera weberi Hora, 1932: 284, pl. 11 fig. 2 (type
Chopraia Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 188 (type species: Cho- locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Akar River; synty-
praia rupicola Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 188, by origi- pes: BMNH 1895.7.2.81 [1], ZMA 100.990 [1], ZSI F
nal designation). Gender feminine. 11292/1 [1], Nijssen et al., 1982: 29, Silas, 1953: 193,
Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 119, Eschmeyer, 2010)
Homalopteroides modestus (Vinciguerra, 1890) Taxonomic notes. Listed as Balitoropsis by Kottelat (2012d:
Helgia modesta Vinciguerra, 1890: 330, pl. 11 fig. 12 (type 46). Placed in Homalopteroides by Randall & Page (2012:
locality: Burma: Meekalan, Salween drainage; lectotype: 335). They also mention H. weberi but it is not clear whether
MCSNG 15173-A, designated by Tortonese, 1961: 188) as valid species or simply as a nominal species.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
van Hasselt, 1823c: 133; type species: Homaloptera jo- cies to be valid (in a key) but without discussion and without
horensis Herre, 1944a: 51, by original designation). Gen- access to material.
der feminine.
Sinogastromyzon lixianjiangensis Liu, Chen & Yang, 2010
Neohomaloptera johorensis (Herre, 1944) Sinogastromyzon lixianjiangensis Liu, Chen & Yang, 2010:
Homaloptera johorensis Herre, 1944a: 51 (type locality: 26, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Mojiang Coun-
Malaysia: Johor: brook near Simpang Rengam; holotype: ty: Sinanjiang River (tributary of Lixianjiang, tributary
CAS-SU 39840, Böhlke, 1953: 40) of Red River), 23°07'38.13"N 101°47'44.32"E; holotype:
KIZ 200401799)
Sinogastromyzon Fang, 1930 Sinogastromyzon macrostoma Liu, Chen & Yang, 2010
Sinogastromyzon Fang, 1930: 35 (type species: Sinogas- Sinogastromyzon macrostoma Liu, Chen & Yang, 2010: 31
tromyzon wui Fang, 1930: 36, by original designation). (type locality: China: Yunnan: Mojiang County: Amojiang
Gender masculine. River, 23°02'47.44"N 101°46'49.48"E; holotype: KIZ
Taxonomic notes. The validitidy of the many names created 200401820; compound noun, indeclinable [not adjective
in recent years in the Vietnamese literature cannot be evalu- because it did not agree in gender in original descrip-
ated. The descriptions are of little use and the quality of the tion])
illustrations of most species does not allow to their identity
even to be guessed. As most species have very restricted ? Sinogastromyzon maon Nguyen & Nguyen, 2005
range, it is expected that those from widely distant localities Sinogastromyzon maon Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.],
might end up being valid, while the many species described in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 607, fig. 36 (type locality: Viet-
from exactly the same locality may end as a single species. nam: Song La Province: Song Ma district: Ma River;
holotype: NCNTTSI)
Sinogastromyzon chapaensis Mai, 1978 Taxonomic notes. Liu et al. (2010: 35) considered this spe-
Sinogastromyzon chapaensis Mai, 1978: 220, fig. 102 (type cies to be valid (in a key) but without discussion and without
locality: Vietnam [Lao Cai Province: Sapa; Kottelat, access to material.
2001a: 101]; syntypes: DVZUT)
? Sinogastromyzon hexaocellum Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 612, ? Sinogastromyzon minutus Mai, 1978
fig. 39 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Sinogastromyzon minutum Mai, 1978: 222, fig. 104 (type
Tho district: Nam So stream at Muong So [Song Da drain- locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Muong Muon, Nam
age]; holotype: NCNTTSI; author indicated as "Hao & Muc; syntypes: DVZUT)
Duc", p. 307, 612 caption of fig. 39) Taxonomic notes. Liu et al. (2010: 35) considered this spe-
cies to be valid (in a key) but without discussion and without
? Sinogastromyzon daon Nguyen, 2005 access to material.
Sinogastromyzon daon Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 605, fig. 35
(type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Tho Sinogastromyzon multiocellum Nguyen, 2005
district: Nam So stream [Song Da drainage]; holotype: Sinogastromyzon multiocellum Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 614,
NCNTTSI; author indicated as "Hao & Duc", p. 306, 605 fig. 40 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong
caption of fig. 35) Tho district: Nam So stream at Muong So [Song Da drain-
Taxonomic notes. Liu et al. (2010: 35) considered this spe- age]; holotype: NCNTTSI; author indicated as "Hao &
cies to be valid (in a key) but without discussion and without Duc" pp. 307, 614 caption of fig. 40; spelt multiocelum
access to material. p. 613, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spell-
ing [Code art. 32.5.1])
? Sinogastromyzon hagiangensis Nguyen, 2005 Taxonomic notes. Considered to be valid following Liu et
Sinogastromyzon hagiangensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 608, al. (2010: 35).
fig. 37 (type locality: Vietnam: Ha Giang Province: Ha
Giang town, Lo River; holotype: NCNTTSI) Sinogastromyzon namnaensis Nguyen, 2005
Taxonomic notes. Liu et al. (2010: 35) considered this spe- Sinogastromyzon namnaensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 610,
cies to be valid (in a key) but without discussion and without fig. 38 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Lai
access to material. Chau town, Nam Na River; holotype: NCNTTSI)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Erromyzon sinensis (Chen, 1980) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai
Protomyzon sinensis Chen, 1980a: 106, fig. 4 (type locality: Tebelian where it flows into Sungai Pinoh, 19 km up-
China: Guangxi: West River in Lonsheng County, Lipu stream from Nangapinoh, 0°30'S 111°45'E; holotype:
County and Jinxiu County; syntypes [15]: IHB 75-IV- MZB 3447)
1801–1805, 2572–2574, 2579, 2581, 2804, 3217–3220
[15]) Gastromyzon cornusaccus Tan, 2006
Gastromyzon cornusaccus Tan: 2006: 68, fig. 26, pl. 10B
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kota Marudu,
Gastromyzon Günther, 1874 Sungai Kinarom; holotype: UMSB 02233)
Gastromyzon Günther, 1874b: 454 (type species: Gastromy-
zon borneensis Günther, 1874b: 454, by monotypy). Gen- Gastromyzon cranbrooki Tan & Sulaiman, 2006
der masculine. Gastromyzon cranbrooki Tan & Sulaiman, 2006: 3, figs. 1–
Lepidoglanis Vaillant, 1890: 82 (type species: Lepidoglanis 2 (type locality: Brunei Darussalam: Temburon district:
monticola Vaillant, 1890: 82, by monotypy). Gender fem- Temburong River drainage, Sungai Belalong, in front and
inine. near Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, 4°32'50.4"N
Nomenclatural notes. Vaillant (1890) did not indicate the 115°09'27.6"E; holotype: UBD uncat.)
gender of Lepidoglanis. He also did not provide the etymol-
ogy and it is not known if he used the Greek glanis (femi- Gastromyzon crenastus Tan & Leh, 2006
nine) or the Latin glanis (masculine). Because lepis is a Greek Gastromyzon crenastus Tan & Leh, 2006: 9, figs. 3–4 (type
word, I consider Lepidoglanis to be formed from the Greek locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Serian, Sungai
glanis, hence feminine. The stem for a family group named Kubas, 6.9 km from Tebelu Tebakang turnoff, 5.8 km
formed on Lepidoglanis therefore is Lepidoglanid– (e.g. inside right side road, 1°09°10.0"N 110°29'22.7"E; ho-
Lepidoglanididae Jordan, 1923: 149). lotype: SMK uncat.)
Gastromyzon borneensis Günther, 1874 Gastromyzon farragus Tan & Leh, 2006
Gastromyzon borneensis Günther, 1874b: 454 (type locali- Gastromyzon farragus Tan & Leh, 2006: 15, figs. 5–6 (type
ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Beaufort, sources of Ming- locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Serian, Sungai
along River [near Labuan]; lectotype: BMNH Kubas, 6.9 km from Tebelu Tebakang turnoff, 5.8 km
1874.11.24.1, designated by Roberts, 1982a: 502, Tan, inside right side road, 1°09'10.0"N 110°29'22.7"E; holo-
2006: 56, fig. 12) type: SMK uncat.)
Gastromyzon contractus Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon fasciatus Inger & Chin, 1961
Gastromyzon contractus Roberts, 1982a: 504, fig. 6 (type Gastromyzon fasciatus Inger & Chin, 1961: 173 (type local-
ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Third Division: Sungai fig. 1 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Lahad
Dapu, tributary of Baleh River near mouth of Sungai Datu: Kuamut, unnamed stream at km 111 on Main Line
Putai, 1°48'N 113°45'E; holotype: FMNH 68119, Tan, West logging track, 5°01'05"N 117°32'40"E; holotype:
2006: 94, fig. 48) MUS uncat.)
Gastromyzon ocellatus Tan & Ng, 2004 Gastromyzon spectabilis Tan, 2006
Gastromyzon ocellatus Tan & Ng, 2004: 269, figs. 1, 5 (type Gastromyzon spectabilis Tan, 2006: 161, pl. 16A, fig. 102
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Bau, Serikin area, (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Lahad Datu,
Sungai Petiak, 1°21.25'N 110°06.81'E; holotype: SBC Sungai Danum camp II; holotype: MUS 0366)
Gastromyzon stellatus Tan, 2006
Gastromyzon ornaticauda Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998 Gastromyzon stellatus Tan, 2006: 136, fig. 82, pl. 14C (type
Gastromyzon ornaticauda Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998: 367, locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Bau, Serikin area,
figs. 3–4 (type locality: Sabah: Lahad Datu: Kuamut, Sungai Petiak, 1°21.25'N 110°06.81'E; holotype: SMK
unnamed stream at km 113 on Main Line West logging uncat.)
track, 5°00'40"N 117°31'40"E; holotype: MUS uncat.)
Gastromyzon umbrus Tan, 2006
Gastromyzon pariclavis Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998 Gastromyzon umbrus Tan, 2006: 106, figs. 60–61 (type lo-
Gastromyzon pariclavis Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998: 362, cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Sungai
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Sebuku basin: Sungai Bantul at Bantul logging camp, Hypergastromyzon eubranchus Roberts, 1991
draining to Sungai Tulit, 4°08'54"N 116°48'18"E; holo- Hypergastromyzon eubranchus Roberts, 1991: 334, fig. 1
type: MZB 16471) (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Batang Ai near
Wong Mepal; holotype: BMNH 1984.11.15.1)
Gastromyzon venustus Tan & Sulaiman, 2006
Gastromyzon venustus Tan & Sulaiman, 2006: 13, figs. 5–6 Hypergastromyzon humilis Roberts, 1989
(type locality: Brunei Darussalam: Temburong district: Hypergastromyzon humilis Roberts, 1989: 92, fig. 72 (type
Temburong River drainage, Sungai Belalong, in front and locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungei
near Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, 4°32'50.4"N Tamang, a tributary of Sungei Pinoh entering it opposite
115°09'27.6"E; holotype: UBD uncat.) mouth of Sungei Kelawai, 0°35'S 111°44'E; holotype:
MZB 3480)
Gastromyzon viriosus Tan, 2006
Gastromyzon viriosus Tan, 2006: 165, fig. 107 (type locali-
ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Bintulu, Tatau district, Katibasia Kottelat, 2004
Sungai Sawi; holotype: ZRC 39709) Katibasia Kottelat, 2004c: 302 (type species: Katibasia in-
sidiosa Kottelat, 2004c: 303, by original designation).
Gastromyzon zebrinus Tan, 2006 Gender feminine.
Gastromyzon zebrinus Tan, 2006: 139, fig. 84, pl. 15A (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas Katibasia insidiosa Kottelat, 2004
basin: Bengkayan, about 60–70 km from Sarawak bor- Katibasia insidiosa Kottelat, 2004c: 303, fig. 2 (type locali-
der; holotype: MZB 9350) ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Song District: Sungai
Melinau, Ulu Katibas, Rajang drainage; holotype: ZRC
Glaniopsis Boulenger, 1899
Glaniopsis Boulenger, 1899b: 228 (type species: Glaniopsis
hanitschi Boulenger, 1899b: 228, by monotypy). Gender Liniparhomaloptera Fang, 1935
feminine. Liniparhomaloptera Fang, 1935a: 93 (type species: Par-
homaloptera disparis Lin, 1934b: 225, by original des-
Glaniopsis denudata Roberts, 1982 ignation). Gender feminine.
Glaniopsis denudata Roberts, 1982a: 517, fig. 17 (type lo-
cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sungai Kidikarok; ho- Liniparhomaloptera disparis (Lin, 1934)
lotype: BMNH 1957.2.27.1) Parhomaloptera disparis Lin, 1934b: 225, figs. 1–3 (type
locality: China: Guangdong: Poh-lo County: Loh Fau
Glaniopsis gossei Roberts, 1982 Shan; holotype: FESC H 15)
Glaniopsis gossei Roberts, 1982a: 518, fig. 18 (type locali-
ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Arur Dalan, a torrential ? Liniparhomaloptera monoloba (Mai, 1978)
headwater of Sungai Padapur, Baram basin, near Bario; Homaloptera monoloba Mai, 1978: 207, fig. 94 (type local-
holotype: IRNSB 621) ity: Vietnam: Bac Thai Province: Ky Phu stream; synty-
pes: DVZUT)
Glaniopsis hanitschi Boulenger, 1899
Glaniopsis Hanitschi Boulenger, 1899b: 228 (type locality: Liniparhomaloptera qiongzhongensis Zheng & Chen, 1980
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kadamaian River on Mount Liniparhomaloptera disparis qiongzhongensis Zheng &
Kinabalu; syntypes: BMNH 1898.8.19.17–18 [2], ZRC Chen, 1980: 91, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Hainan:
1753 [1], Alfred, 1970: 69, Eschmeyer, 2010) Wanquan River in Quiongzhong Xian; syntypes: IHB
76V9621–9624, 9626 [5], DBJU 76V9629, 9630, 9632,
Glaniopsis multiradiata Roberts, 1982 9634 [4]; spelt qiongzhengensis p. 89, an inadvertent er-
Glaniopsis multiradiata Roberts, 1982a: 521, fig. 20 (type ror, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1])
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Arur Dalan, a tor-
rential headwater of Sungai Padapur, Baram basin, near
Bario; holotype: IRNSB 619) Neogastromyzon Popta, 1905
Neogastromyzon Popta, 1905a: 180 (type species: Neogas-
tromyzon nieuwenhuisii Popta, 1905a: 181, by monoty-
Hypergastromyzon Roberts, 1989 py). Gender masculine.
Hypergastromyzon Roberts, 1989: 91 (type species: Hyper-
gastromyzon humilis Roberts, 1989: 92, by original des- Neogastromyzon brunei Tan, 2006
ignation; spelt Hypogastromyzon p. 83, an inadvertent Neogastromyzon brunei Tan, 2006: 194, fig. 127, pl. 18C
error as evidenced by etymology p. 92, thus incorrect (type locality: Brunei Darussalam: Temburong district:
original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender masculine. Belalong basin: Sungai Enkabang, about 15 minutes up-
stream of Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre,
4°32'13.5"N 115°09'35.0"E; holotype: UBD uncat.)
Neogastromyzon kottelati Tan, 2006 Protomyzon borneensis Hora & Jayaram, 1952
Neogastromyzon kottelati Tan, 2006: 192, fig. 125 (type lo- Protomyzon borneensis Hora & Jayaram, 1952: 193, fig. 2
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Danau Sen- (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Mount Kinabalu,
tarum area, Sungai Hulu Leboyan at Keluwin, 1°08'51"N Bohanan River between Jinompan and Ranan, Kampong
112°15'32"E; holotype: MZB 10704) Kundasang; holotype: MCZ 37207 [not 34801])
Neogastromyzon nieuwenhuisii Popta, 1905 Protomyzon griswoldi (Hora & Jayaram, 1952)
Neogastromyzon Nieuwenhuisii Popta, 1905a: 181 (type lo- Progastromyzon griswoldi Hora & Jayaram, 1952: 192, fig. 1
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Howong (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Mount Kina-
River [about 0°15'N 115°30'E]; holotype: RMNH 7640; balu: Kaddamayaa River at Kiau; holotype: MCZ 37206
also in Popta, 1906: 192, pl. 10 fig. 41) [not 34806])
Neogastromyzon pauciradiatus (Inger & Chin, 1961) Protomyzon whiteheadi (Vaillant, 1893)
Gastromyzon pauciradiatus Inger & Chin, 1961: 174 (type Homaloptera Whiteheadi Vaillant, 1893b: 92, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Third Division: locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabalu; syntypes:
unnamed tributary of Baleh River opposite Sungai Laie; MNHN 1889-0086 [1], 1889-0087 [1], 1889-0088 [5])
holotype: FMNH 68121, Tan, 2006: 185, fig. 118)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Sewellia analis Nguyen Sewellia monolobata (Nguyen & Nguyen, in Nguyen, 2005)
Sewellia analis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in Ngu- Parasewellia monolobata Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.],
yen [V. H.], 2005a: 587, fig. 25 (type locality: Vietnam: in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 546, fig. 2 (type locality: Viet-
Thua Thien Hue Province: A Luoi district, A Sap, Hong nam: Quang Nam Province: Thu Bon River [a coastal
Van, Tarinh; holotype: HNUE; spelt analus p. 278, 587 drainage south of Danang]; holotype: HNUE)
fig. 25, 689, first reviser [Kottelat, 2012d: 70] gave pre- Parasewellia polylobata Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.],
cedence to analis) in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 548, fig. 3 (type locality: Viet-
nam: Quang Nam Province: Thu Bon River [a coastal
Sewellia breviventralis Freyhof & Serov, 2000 drainage south of Danang]; holotype: HNUE; spelt poly-
Sewellia breviventralis Freyhof & Serov, 2000a: 231, figs. loba in caption of fig. 3, first reviser [Kottelat, 2012d:
9–10 (type locality: Vietnam: Kontum Province: Pako 71] retained polylobata as the correct original spelling;
River about 50 km north of Kontum, a tributary of Se- subjective simultaneous synonym of Parasewellia mono-
san, Mekong drainage; 14°39'60"N 107°46'98"E; holo- lobata Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in Nguyen [V.
type: ZFMK 20955) H.], 2005a 546, first reviser [Kottelat, 2012d: 70], gave
precedence to P. monolobata)
Sewellia diardi Roberts, 1998
Sewellia diardi Roberts, 1998c: 281, fig. 6 (type locality: Sewellia patella Freyhof & Serov, 2000
Laos: Attapeu Province: lower Xe Nam Noi 1.5 km down- Sewellia patella Freyhof & Serov, 2000a: 235, figs. 13–14
stream from bridge on route 232 to Attapeu, 26 km from (type locality: Vietnam: Gia Lai Province: stream Azun
Ban Nam Tang, 270 masl; holotype: ZRC 40364) about 30 km east of Pleiku; 14°02'34"N 108°21'07" E;
holotype: ZFMK 20962)
Sewellia elongata Roberts, 1998
Sewellia elongata Roberts, 1998c: 283, fig. 7 (type locality: Sewellia pterolineata Roberts, 1998
Laos: Champasak Province: Bolavens plateau: Xe Nam Sewellia pterolineata Roberts, 1998c: 277, fig. 4 (type lo-
Noi at proposed dam site for Xe Nam Noi–Xe Pian hy- cality: Vietnam: Nghia Bin Province: Trac Khuc River;
dropower dam [15°03'27.0"N 106°36'10.0"E], 16 km SE holotype: RMNH 31832)
of Ban Nam Tang, 730 masl; holotype: ZRC 40361)
Sewellia speciosa Roberts, 1998
Sewellia lineolata (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Sewellia speciosa Roberts, 1998c: 279, fig. 5 (type locality:
nes, 1846) Laos: Attapeu Province: lower Xe Nam Noi 1.5 km down-
Balitora lineolata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, stream from bridge on route 232 to Attapeu, 26 km from
1846: 99 (type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchine; syntypes: Ban Nam Tang, 270 masl; holotype: ZRC 40368)
MNHN 2906 [3], BMNH 1931.10.26.3 [1], RMNH 2011 [2],
ZSI F 11291/1 [1], Hora, 1932: pl. 11 fig. 10, Bertin & Sewellia trakhucensis Nguyen & Nguyen, in Nguyen, 2005
Estève, 1948: 104, Silas, 1953: 230, Kottelat, 1994b: 109) Sewellia trakhucensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in
Sewellia songboensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 583, fig. 23 (type locality: Viet-
Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 581, fig. 22 (type locality: Viet- nam: Quang Ngai Province: Son Ha, Tra Khuc River;
nam: Thua Thien Hue Province: A Luoi district: A Sap; holotype: HNUE)
holotype: HNUE)
illustrations of most species does not allow to their identity Vanmanenia crassicauda Kottelat, 2000
even to be guessed. As most species have very restricted Vanmanenia crassicauda Kottelat, 2000a: 75, fig. 66 (type
range, it is expected that those from widely distant localities locality: Laos: Houaphan Province: Houay Keap, water-
might end up being valid, while the many species described fall adjacent to road on creek entering Nam Xam at km 5
from exactly the same locality may end as a single species. on road from Xam Tai to Ban Houatangoua; 20°01'00"N
The colour pattern of Vanmanenia species strikingly chang- 104°35'44"E; holotype: ZRC 45390)
es with growth. ? Vanmanenia microlepis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 578, fig. 20
Nomenclatural notes. Boulenger (1901: 270) used the name (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Tho
Homalosoma, without mentioning it as a new genus. This district: Nam So stream [Song Da drainage]; holotype:
was a lapsus as he explained himself in a letter to Hora (1932: NCNTTSI)
309): "Homalosoma stenosoma is obviously a lapsus cala-
mi for Homaloptera stenosoma and only a lapsus memoriae Vanmanenia hainanensis Chen & Zheng, in Zheng &
could account for my using Homalosoma to denote a new Chen, 1980
genus, that name being in use for a well known genus of Vanmanenia hainanensis Chen & Zheng, in Zheng & Chen,
snakes". Therefore, Homalosoma is an incorrect subsequent 1980: 93, fig. 4 (type locality: China: Hainan: mountain
spelling of Homaloptera. Should one consider it to be avail- stream of Chang Jiang in Qiongzhong Xian; syntypes:
able, it would be permanently invalid as a junior homonym IHB 76V9142, 9168, 9173–9179 [9], DBJU 76V9181,
for Homalosoma Wagler, 1830 (see above). 9183, 9185, 9188, 9190, 9191 [6])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Serpenticobitis cingulata Roberts, 1997 slope of Bolavens Plateau, about 3 km downstream from
Serpenticobitis cingulata Roberts, 1997a: 113, fig. 6 (type ferry crossing road Saravan to Attapeu and 30 km from
locality: Thailand: Loei Province [actually Chiang Rai Ban Nam Tang; holotype: CAS 95165)
Province]: Huay Ngao where it enters Mekong main-
stream, 1 km south of Ban Chaem Pong, about 30 km Serpenticobitis zonata Kottelat, 1998
south of Chiang Khong; holotype: CAS 95170) Serpenticobitis zonata Kottelat, 1998a: 92, fig. 135 (type
locality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai basin:
Serpenticobitis octozona Roberts, 1997 about 3 km upriver of Ban Pakphanang; 17°24'20"N
Serpenticobitis octozona Roberts, 1997a: 112, fig. 5 (type 104°45'50"E; holotype: ZRC 41810)
locality: Laos: Attapeu Province: Xe Nam Noi, eastern
Nemacheilidae Regan, 1911 Taxonomic notes. With the published information, the char-
Nemacheilinae Regan, 1911: 31 (type genus: Nemacheilus acters mentioned to diagnose Paracanthocobitis do not jus-
Bleeker, 1863a: 37) tify a name (Kottelat, 2012b: 51, 2012d: 74). It is, however,
Adiposiidae Jordan, 1923: 145 (type genus: Adiposia An- possible that a proper study could show that A. pavonaceus
nandale & Hora, 1920: 182) (a supposed senior synonym of A. longipinnis, type species
Lefuini Prokofiev, 2010: 890 (type genus: Lefua Herzenstein, of Acanthocobitis) is not congeneric with the other species
1888: 3) currently placed in Acanthocobitis.
Yunnanilini Prokofiev, 2010: 890 (type genus: Yunnanilus [Cobitis pavonacea M'Clelland, 1839: 305, 437, pl. 52 fig. 1 (type locality:
Nichols, 1925b: 1) India: Assam; syntypes: ? SMF 68 [1], 9070 [1], 9090–9091 [2], Grant,
2007c: 2, fig. 5, Eschmeyer, 2010)].
Triplophysini Prokofiev, 2010: 892 (type genus: Triplophy- [Acanthocobitis longipinnis Peters, 1861: 712 (type locality: India: Ganges;
sa Rendahl, 1933: 21 [indicated as "Triple-space Rendahl, holotype: ZMB 4795, Grant, 2007c: 1, fig. 1)].
1933" [probably a software problem], treated as an in-
correct subsequent spelling of Triplophysa]) Acanthocobitis botia (Hamilton, 1822)
Cobitis botia Hamilton, 1822: 350, 394 (type locality: India:
Species inquirenda et incertae sedis "northeastern parts of Bengal" [Brahmaputra River at
Nemacheilus blythii Day, 1870a: 552 (type locality: unknown; Goalpara; Hora, 1929: 318, 1935a: 49]; types: NT; Hamil-
syntypes: ZSI A.960 [2, lost], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: ton's unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839:
156; noun in genitive, indeclinable) pl. 51 fig. 4)
Cobitis turio Hamilton, 1822: 358, 395 (type locality: India:
Brahmaputra River [at Goalpara; Hora, 1935: 49]; types:
Aborichthys Chaudhuri, 1913 NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in
Aborichthys Chaudhuri, 1913: 244 (type species: Aborich- M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 52 fig. 7; simultaneous subjective
thys kempi Chaudhuri, 1913: 245, by monotypy). Gen- synonym of Cobitis botia Hamilton, 1822: 350, first re-
der masculine. viser [Hora, 1935a: 52] gave precedence to C. botia)
Cobitis bilturio Hamilton, 1822: 358, 395 (type locality: In-
Aborichthys kempi Chaudhuri, 1913 dia: "along with the 10th species" [C. turio; Brahmaputra
Aborichthys kempi Chaudhuri, 1913: 245, pl. 7 figs. 1–1b at Goalpara; Hora, 1935: 49]; types: NT; Hamilton's un-
(type locality: N.E. India: Abor Hills: Egar Stream be- published figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 51
tween Renging and Rotung / Dihang River near Yem- fig. 6; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cobitis botia
bung / Sirpo River near Renging; syntypes: ZSI F 7721/ Hamilton, 1822: 350, first reviser [Günther, 1868a: 349]
1–7723/1 [3], ZSI F 7725/1–7727/1 [3], ZSI 7769/1– gave precedence to C. botia; simultaneous subjective
7770/1 [2], ZSI F 7778/1–7779/1 & 7878/1–7879/1 & synonym of Cobitis turio Hamilton, 1822: 358, first re-
8297/1–8298/1 [8], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 119) viser [Kottelat, 2012d: 75] gave precedence to C. turio)
Cobitis bimucronata M'Clelland, 1839: 304, 435, pl. 51 fig.
4 (unnecessary replacement name for Cobitis botia Hamil-
Acanthocobitis Peters, 1861 ton, 1822: 350)
Acanthocobitis Peters, 1861: 712 (type species: Acanthoco- Cobitis ocellata M'Clelland, 1839: 304, 436, pl. 51 fig. 6
bitis longipinnis Peters, 1861: 712, by monotypy). Gen- (unnecessary replacement name for Cobitis bilturio
der feminine. Hamilton, 1822: 358)
? Paracanthocobitis Grant, 2007c: 3 [2007d: unnumbered Cobitis gibbosa M'Clelland, 1839: 304, 436, pl. 52 fig. 7
p. 51] (type species: Cobitis zonalternans Blyth, 1860b: (unnecessary replacement name for Cobitis turio Hamil-
172, by original designation). Gender feminine. ton, 1822: 358)
Cobitis monocera M'Clelland, 1839: 305, 438, pl. 52 fig. 2 pl. 18 fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Phuket Island; holo-
(type locality: India: Assam; types: LU) type: SMF 3966)
Cobites argentata Swainson, 1839: 310 (available by indi- Taxonomic notes. Several species are presently confused
cation to Hamilton, 1822: 358, No. 10 [which is Cobitis under this name.
turio]; type locality: India: Brahmaputra River [at Goal-
para; Hora, 1935: 49]; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished
figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 52 fig. 7) Draconectes Kottelat, 2012
Canthophrys unispina Swainson, 1839: 311 (available by Draconectes Kottelat, 2012c: 342 (type species: Draconectes
indication to Hamilton, 1822: 350 [which is Cobitis botia]; narinosus Kottelat, 2012c: 342, by original designation).
type locality: India: "northeastern parts of Bengal" Gender masculine.
[Brahmaputra River at Goalpara; Hora, 1929b: 318, 1935:
49]; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced Draconectes narinosus Kottelat, 2012
in M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 51 fig. 4) Draconectes narinosus Kottelat, 2012c: 342, fig. 1 (type lo-
Cobitis arenata Valenciennes, in Jacquemont, 1839: pl. 15 cality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Ha Long Bay:
fig. 1 (type locality: Inde; holotype: MNHN 3811, Fang, island Dao Van Gio: phreatic lake in cave Dong Duc Tien,
1943: 404, Daget, 1984: 512]) 20°50.34'N 107°16.77'E; holotype: MHNG 2730.080;
Nemachilus mackenziei Chaudhuri, 1910: 183 (type locali- figure repeated in Kottelat, 2012e: 571)
ties: India: Uttar Pradesh: Cheriyadang near Kathgodam /
Jaulasal in Naini Tal District / Bengal: Jharai and Jam-
wari Nadi near Siripur, Saran / Jhil at Purnahia, P. O. Ghorasan, Homatula Nichols, 1925
Champaran District; syntypes [12]: ZSI F 2017/1 [1], ZSI Homatula Nichols, 1925c: 2 (subgenus of Barbatula Linck,
F 4170/1–4171/1 [2], ZSI F 4172/1–4173/1 [2], Menon 1790: 38; type species: Nemacheilus potanini Günther,
& Yazdani, 1968: 123) 1896: 20, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Taxonomic notes. Usually identified as Paracobitis by Chi-
Acanthocobitis mandalayensis (Rendahl, 1948) nese authors. Paracobitis is restricted to Southwest Asia.
[Paracobitis Bleeker, 1863a: 37 (type species: Cobitis malapterura Valen-
Nemacheilus rubidipinnis mandalayensis Rendahl, 1948: 21,
ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 88, by original designation;
figs. 7 A–B (type locality: Burma: Mandalay; holotype: also in Bleeker, 1863c: 3). Gender feminine].
NRM 13179 [ex MAL/1935139.3179], Kottelat, 1990e:
30]) Homatula acuticephala (Zhou & He, 1993)
Paracobitis acuticephala Zhou & He, 1993: 5, fig. 1 (type
Acanthocobitis pictilis Kottelat, 2012 locality: China: Yunnan: Eryuan County: Haixihai Lake
Acanthocobitis pictilis Kottelat, 2012b: 45, figs. 1 (type lo- near Niujie; holotype: YU 784141)
cality: Myanmar: Kayin State: stream 'Chon Son' between Taxonomic notes. Possibly a junior synonym of H. anguil-
Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20 km northwest of lioides according to Min et al. (2012: 89).
Payathouzu (at border with Thailand near Chedi Sam Ong,
Three Pagoda Pass); approx 15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype: Homatula anguillioides (Zhu & Wang, 1985)
MHNG 2727.066) Paracobitis anguillioides Zhu & Wang, 1985: 210, figs. 1–4
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Eryuan County: Longtang
Acanthocobitis rubidipinnis (Blyth, 1860) Spring, near Yousuo (26°N 99°50'E) [Mekong drainage];
Cobitis rubidipinnis Blyth, 1860b: 170 (type locality: Bur- holotype: NIG 820134 [now IHB 820134], Hu & Zhang,
ma: Rangoon [original type locality: Burma: Tenasserim 2010: 55, fig. 4a)
provinces]; neotype: NRM 13743 [ex NRM MAL
1935809.3743], designated by Kottelat, 1990e: 35) Homatula disparizona Min, Yang & Chen, 2013
Cobitis semizonata Blyth, 1860b: 171 (type locality: Bur- Homatula disparizona Min, Yang & Chen, 2013: 351, figs. 1–
ma: Rangoon [original type locality: Burma: Tenasserim 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Xichou County: Wens-
provinces]; neotype: NRM 13743 [ex MAL/ han City: Panlong River (Red River drainage);
1935809.3743], designated by Kottelat, 1990e: 35; si- 21°21'03.6"N 104°36'47.1"E [erroneous, 23°21'23.1"N
multaneous objective synonym of Cobitis rubidipinnis 104°37'06.4"E, X.-Y. Chen, in litt.]; holotype: KIZ
Blyth, 1860b: 170, first reviser [apparently Day, 1878: 2012000623)
614] gave precedence to C. rubidipinnis)
Homatula erhaiensis (Zhu & Cao, 1988)
Acanthocobitis zonalternans (Blyth, 1860) Paracobitis erhaiensis Zhu & Cao, 1988: 95, figs. 1–2 (type
? Cobitis chlorosoma M'Clelland, 1839: 305, 437, pl. 52 fig. 3 locality: China: Yunnan: Wase, eastern bank of Erhai
(type locality: India: Upper Assam; types: LU) Lake; holotype: IHB 64VI0012)
Cobitis zonalternans Blyth, 1860b: 172 (type locality: Thai-
land: Tak Province: Huai Mae Charno, 4 km south of Homatula pycnolepis Hu & Zhang, 2010
Amphoe Mae Ramat, 16°58'N 98°34'E [original type lo- Homatula pycnolepis Hu & Zhang, 2010: 52, fig. 1 (type
cality: Burma: Tenasserim provinces]; neotype: ZSM locality: China: Yunnan Province: Jianchuan County:
27468, designated by Kottelat, 1990e: 42) Yangbi River, a tributary of upper Mekong, at Shaxi
Noemacheilus phuketensis Klausewitz, 1957a: 195, fig. 1, Town; about 26°19'N 99°51'E; holotype: IHB 814045)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Homatula wuliangensis Min, Yang & Chen, 2012 lost ?], Paepke, 1995: 91)
Homatula wuliangensis Min, Yang & Chen, 2012: 315, fig. 1 Taxonomic notes. Species level identification will be possi-
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Jingdong County: Pu-Er ble only if the syntypes can be found, or after some nema-
City: "Wuliang Mountain (24°17'26.6"N 100°39'03.6"E cheilines are collected at the type locality and a neotype des-
– 24°20'37.5"N 100°41'18.2"E, 1274–1781 masl)", Lan- ignated.
cang River [Mekong]; holotype: KIZ 2008008158)
Nemacheilus arenicolus Kottelat, 1988
Nemacheilus arenicolus Kottelat, 1998a: 65, fig. 102 (type
Micronemacheilus Rendahl, 1944 locality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun ba-
Micronemacheilus Rendahl, 1944: 45 (subgenus of Nema- sin: Nam Xot in Ban Nam Xot; 17°53'20"N 105°05'10"E;
cheilus Bleeker, 1863i: 37; type species: Nemacheilus holotype: ZRC 41790; originally proposed as adjective)
cruciatus Rendahl, 1944: 37, by original designation). Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in -cola and meaning
Gender masculine. 'inhabitant of' are nouns and need not agree in gender. But
when proposed, arenicolus was explicitly proposed as an
Micronemacheilus cruciatus (Rendahl, 1944) adjective and therefore it has to agree in gender with the
Nemacheilus cruciatus Rendahl, 1944: 37, fig. 19 (type lo- genus name.
cality: Vietnam: Thua Luu, 50 km SE of Hué; holotype:
NHMG) Nemacheilus banar Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Nemacheilus banar Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 135, figs. 1–2
(type locality: Vietnam: Kontum Province: middle Pako
Nemacheilus Bleeker, 1863 River about 50 km north of Kontum; 14°39.6'N
Naunacheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: 107°46.98'E; holotype: ZFMK 28588)
132 (nomen nudum)
Noemacheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: Nemacheilus binotatus Smith, 1933
133, 1824b: 376 (nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a: 371) Nemacheilus binotatus Smith, 1933a: 61, pl. 1 fig. 4 (type
Naemacheilus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Mekhan, tribu-
26 (nomen nudum, name cited in synonymy) tary of Meping, southwest of Doi Sutep; holotype: KUMF
Nemacheilus Bleeker, 1863i: 37 (type species: Cobitis fas- 167, Monkolprasit, 1969: 6)
ciata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 25,
by original designation; also in Bleeker, 1863m: 4, Nemacheilus chrysolaimos (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
pl. 103). Gender masculine. Valenciennes, 1846)
Nemacheilos Kner, 1867: 366 (incorrect subsequent spelling) Cobitis chrysolaimos Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Nematocheilos Kner, 1867: 366 (incorrect subsequent spell- nes, 1846: 27, pl. 521 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; lec-
ing) totype: MNHN 3961, designated by Kottelat, 1984c: 241)
Nemachilus Günther, 1868a: 347 (unjustified emendation of
Nemacheilus Bleeker, 1863i: 37). Gender masculine. Nemacheilus cleopatra Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Modigliania Perugia, 1893a: 246 (type species: Modigliania Nemacheilus cleopatra Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 138, figs. 5–
papillosa Perugia, 1893a: 246, by monotypy). Gender 6 (type locality: Vietnam: Gia Lai Province: Sol River
feminine. near Plao Ganong about 60 km south of Pleiku;
Pogononemacheilus Fowler, 1937: 158 (subgenus of Nema- 13°31.82'N 108°18.63'E; holotype: ZFMK 27155)
cheilus Bleeker, 1863i: 37; type species: Nemacheilus
masyae Smith, 1933a: 58, by original designation). Gen- Nemacheilus elegantissimus Chin & Samat, 1992
der masculine. Nemacheilus elegantissimus Chin & Samat, 1992: 26, fig. 2
Nomenclatural notes. Noemacheilus Kuhl & van Hasselt is (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Lahad Datu
a nomen nudum. As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that District: Sungai Payau, a tributary of Sungai Segama,
this spelling, which has been used to form numerous genus- Danum Valley Conservation Area; holotype: FMNH
group names, is erroneous. The name is also spelt Nauna- 100749)
cheilus in the same work. Van Hasselt's text was not an arti- Nemacheilus ornatissimus Doi, 1997: 16 (nomen nudum;
cle but a letter he sent to Temminck. Several of the names in apparently lapsus for Nemacheilus elegantissimus Chin &
the published letter are misspelt or have aberrant or multiple Samat, 1992: 26, fig. 1)
spellings. Most likely the intended spelling was Naemacheilus
and a type setter probably confused the ligatures æ (ae) and Nemacheilus fasciatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
œ (oe) and it became printed oe. Some fonts also do not make ciennes, 1846)
the difference. Nemacheilus or Næmacheilus has an obvious Noemacheilus fasciatus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
etymology (ν µα, nema, a thread; χεϊλος, keilos, a lip; Greek), 1823c: 133, 1824b: 376 (nomen nudum, Kottelat, 1987a:
which Noemacheilus does not have. 371)
Cobitis fasciata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Species inquirenda 1846: 25 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg
Lepidocephalus weberi Ahl, 1922a: 32 (type locality: Indo- [Bogor]; holotype: MNHN B.2798, Kottelat, 1984c: 247,
nesia: Sumatra: Benkulen; syntypes: ZMB 7670 [2, fig. 18a [as lectotype], 1987a: 371, Roberts, 1993b: 26)
Cobitis suborbitalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- is either an incorrect subsequent spelling or an unjusti-
nes, 1846: 26 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: fied emendation)
MNHN 3930, Bertin & Estève, 1948: 96, Kottelat, 1984c:
250; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cobitis fascia- Nemacheilus olivaceus Boulenger, 1894
ta Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 25, first Nemachilus olivaceus Boulenger, 1894a: 250 (type locality:
reviser [Bleeker, 1860j: 79] gave precedence to C. fas- Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Bongon; lectotype: BMNH
ciata) 1893.5.30.63, designated by Kottelat, 1984c: 234)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Petruichthys brevis (Boulenger, 1893) 180, fig. 1 (type locality: Myanmar: Sagaing Division:
Nemachilus brevis Boulenger, 1893: 203 (type locality: Bur- Kalemyo fish markets [Kalaymio, 23°11'20"N
ma: Southern Shan States: Inlé Lake, Fort Stedman; lec- 94°04'00"E; Chindwin drainage]; holotype: CAS 88871)
totype: BMNH 1893.6.30.83, designated by Kottelat &
Chu, 1988b: 79)
Protonemacheilus Yang & Chu, 1990
Protonemacheilus Yang & Chu, 1990: 109 (type species:
Physoschistura Banarescu & Nalbant, in Singh, Sen, Ba- Protonemacheilus longipectoralis Yang & Chu, 1990:
narescu & Nalbant, 1982 110, by original designation; spelt Protenemacheilus
Physoschistura Banarescu & Nalbant, in Singh, Sen, Banares- p. 109, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spell-
cu & Nalbant, 1982: 208 (type species: Nemacheilus brun- ing [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender masculine.
neanus Annandale, 1918: 45, by original designation). Taxonomic notes. Possibly a junior synonym of Physoschis-
Gender feminine. tura or senior synonym of Pteronemacheilus.
Physoschitura brunneana (Annandale, 1918) Protonemacheilus longipectoralis Yang & Chu, 1990
Nemachilus brunneanus Annandale, 1918: 44, pl. 2 fig. 2 Protonemacheilus longipectoralis Yang & Chu, 1990: 110,
(type locality: Burma: Yawnghwe Valley and Inlé Lake; fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Luxi County: Mu-
holotype: ZSI F 9406/1, probably lost, Lokeshwor & Vish- kang, Fangmaqiao River, 24°30'N 98°37'E [Dehong Pre-
wanath, 2012d: 254) fecture; Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: KIZ 193001724
Physoschistura chindwinensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath,
Physoschistura chindwinensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, Pteronemacheilus Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011
2012a: 231, fig. 1 (India: Manipur: Lokchao River at Pteronemacheilus Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011a: 5 (type spe-
Moreh [Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: MUMF 11077) cies: Pteronemacheilus lucidorsum Bohlen & Šlechtová,
2011: 6, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Physoschistura pseudobrunneana Kottelat, 1982
Physoschistura pseudobrunneana Kottelat, 1990e: 81, fig. 49 Pteronemacheilus lucidorsum Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011
(type locality: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Nam Mae Pteronemacheilus lucidorsum Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011a:
Lao at km 62 and 65 along road from Chiang Mai to Chiang 5, figs. 4–5 (type locality: Myanmar: Shan State: stream
Rai; holotype: ZRC 38473 [was on loan as ZSM 27471]) Nam Paw west of Hsipaw city; 22°37'37"N 97°17'19"E
[Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: ZRC 52039)
Physoschistura raoi (Hora, 1929)
Nemachilus raoe Hora, 1929b: 332, pl. 15 figs. 7–8 (type Pteronemacheilus meridionalis (Zhu, 1982)
locality: Burma: Northern Shan States: Mongyai [22°26'N Nemachilus meridionalis Zhu, 1982a: 108, fig. 5 (type lo-
98°03'E]; holotype: ZSI F 11062/1, Menon & Yazdani, cality: China: Yunnan: Mengla County: Menglun; holo-
1968: 124; incorrect original spelling, must be emended type: NPIB 780503 [780530, p. 111])
to raoi, Code art. 31.1.2)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
The description of Longischistura is accompanied by other papers of the authors mainly corresponds to Schistura.
neither a diagnosis nor a discussion and it is impossible to The data in the original description does not allow to decide
know why the characters mentioned would diagnose a dis- on generic position.
tinct lineage; at best they seem to be autapomorphies. In ad-
dition, there is no clear indication of what material was ex- Schistura acuticephala (Hora, 1929)
amined. Nemachilus acuticephalus Hora, 1929b: 328, pl. 14 figs. 5–
Nomenclatural notes. Two species were originally includ- 6 (type locality: Burma: Northern Shan States: Hsipaw
ed in Schistura: S. rupecula and S. montana. Schistura is a State: Monglong Subdivision: Hwe-gna-sang River, Pazi
feminine noun because it ends with the Greek word ουρ (tail), Township [Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: ZSI F
which is feminine. Further, the species names rupecula and 6675/1)
montana are adjectives with feminine ending and also indi-
cate that the genus name was meant to be feminine (see also Schistura albirostris Chen & Neely, 2012
under S. rupecula). Schistura albirostris Chen & Neely, 2012: 222, fig. 1 (type
Schistura rupecula first appeared in McClelland (1838). locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchong County: Jie Tou
It was repeated in M'Clelland (1839: 309, 441). The erratum township: Longchuanjiang near Shuang Zhu Yuang vil-
sheet in the second work includes a correction of rupecula lage, approximately 3 km upstream of Qiao Tou village
into rupicola. Such a correction would have been valid only [Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype: KIZ 20060415122)
if included in the original description. The correction was Nomenclatural notes. The species name albirostris was stat-
linguistically correct but for nomenclature, formally, it is an ed to be an "adjective in the feminine nominative singular".
unjustified emendation. In fact, it ends with the noun rostris and is a compound noun
Names ending in -cola (of which -cula is a misspelling) that would have been indeclinable. This can no longer be
are nouns; they are often mistaken as adjectives. McClel- changed and, as an adjective, it must be declined.
land (1838) did not indicate if it was an noun or an adjective
and this is not apparent from the species account alone; there- Schistura alticrista Kottelat, 1990
fore it could be considered to be a noun in apposition (Code Schistura alticrista Kottelat, 1990e: 98, fig. 68 (type locali-
art. 31.2.2). But elsewhere in both the 1838 and 1839 works ty: Thailand: Salween basin: Mae Hong Son Province:
M'Clelland described a Gonorhynchus rupeculus, in which Mae La Ka, Huei Nong Heng, Tambon Muang Bon,
rupeculus is an adjective. I take this as an indication that, in Amphoe Khum Yuan; holotype: ZRC 38469 [was on loan
Schistura too, rupecula is an adjective. as ZSM 27472])
[Nemacheilus chindwinicus Tilak & Husain, 1990: 51, figs. 1–5 (type local-
ity: India: Manipur: tributary stream of Chindwin [erroneous; India: Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000
Manipur: Brahmaputra basin: Barak drainage, Lankha stream, a tribu-
tary of Irang River; Vishwanath & Nebeshwar, 2004: 329]; holotype: Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000a: 54, fig. 24 (type local-
ZSI/NRS F 613)]. ity: Laos: Louangnamtha Province: Nam Tha at Ban Fin-
[Schistura rupecula McClelland, 1838: 948, pl. 55 fig. 3 (type locality: In- ho, about 14 km north of Luang Nam Tha; 21°04'44"N
dia: Himachal Pradesh: Simla [Shimla, 31°06'12"N 77 10'20"E]; syn- 101°24'09"E; holotype: ZRC 45321)
types: SMF 8993 [6]; also in M'Clelland, 1839: 309, 441, erratum)].
[Schistura rupicola M'Clelland, 1839: erratum (unjustified emendation of
Schistura rupecula McClelland, 1838: 948)]. Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 140, figs. 8–9
Species incertae sedis (type locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh Province: stream at Son
Schistura sonlaensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang, 2010) Kim; 18°24.25'N 105°11.10'E; holotype: ZFMK 27934)
Oreias sonlaensis Nguyen [T. H.], Nguyen [V. H.] & Hoang,
2010: 45, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Son La Prov- Schistura aramis Kottelat, 2000
ince: Son La District: Chieng Xom commune [about Schistura aramis Kottelat, 2000a: 54, fig. 25 (type locality:
21°24'N 103°56'E], lake Born Hau [apparently a resur- Laos: Phongsali Province: Houay Chik, about 2 km east
gence], in Song Da drainage; holotype: NCNTTSI (?) of Muang Mai; 21°10'26"N 102°44'06"E, Mekong drain-
SL.08.11.001) age; holotype: ZRC 45323)
Taxonomic notes. Originally described in Oreias, which in
other papers of the authors mainly corresponds to Schistura. Schistura athos Kottelat, 2000
The data in the original description does not allow to decide Schistura athos Kottelat, 2000a: 55, fig. 26 (type locality:
on generic position. Laos: Louangphabang Province: Houay Houn, about
3 km upstream of Ban Houay Lek, in gorges; approx.
Species incertae sedis 20°32'32"N 102°40'51"E, Mekong drainage; holotype:
Schistura trilineata (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang, 2010) ZRC 45325)
Oreias trilineatus Nguyen [T. H.], Nguyen [V. H.] & Hoang, Oreias punctatus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 570, fig. 15 (type
2010: 47, fig. 2 (type locality: Vietnam: Son La Prov- locality: Vietnam: Dien Bien Province: Dien Bien dis-
ince: Son La District: Chieng Xom commune [about trict: Nua Ngam, Nam Ngam stream, Mekong drainage;
21°24'N 103°56'E], lake Born Hau [apparently a resur- holotype: NCNTTSI)
gence], in Song Da drainage; holotype: ? NCNTTSI
SL.08.11.011) Schistura atra Kottelat, 1998
Taxonomic notes. Originally described in Oreias, which in Schistura atra Kottelat, 1998a: 69, fig. 107 (type locality:
Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun basin: Upper Schistura callichroma (Zhu & Wang, 1985)
Nam Theun at 17°59'31"N 105°27'49"E, Mekong drain- Noemacheilus callichromus Zhu & Wang, 1985: 214, figs.
age; holotype: ZRC 41792) 13–17 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Jingdong County:
Babianjiang River [Red River drainage], 24°20'N
Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish, 2011 100°10'E; holotype: NGI 810233)
Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish, 2011:
170, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011
Province: Thong Pha Phum, Mae Khlong basin, Kwai Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011a: 2, figs. 1–2
Noi River system, Khayeng River at bridge on Route (type locality: Myanmar: Shan State: mouth of Nam Paw
3272, 14°39'35"N 98°32'01"E; holotype: UF 178532) at confluence with Myit Nge River at Hsipaw city,
22°37'24"N 97°18'12"E [Irrawaddy drainage]; holotype:
Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001 ZRC 52037)
Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 143, figs. 11–
12 (type locality: Vietnam: Thua Thien Hue Province: Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov, 2001
stream Suoi Voi at Thua Luu, 55 km south of Hue; Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 145, figs. 14–
16°14.58'N 107°59.39'E; holotype: ZFMK 27942) 15 (type locality: Vietnam: Thua Thien Hue Province:
stream Khe Vinh An at Nam Dong village about 40 km
Schistura bairdi Kottelat, 2000 south of Hue; 16°11.58'N 107°43.76'E; holotype: ZFMK
Schistura bairdi Kottelat, 2000a: 55, fig. 27 (type locality: 26593)
Laos: Champasak Province: Mekong mainstream at Ban
Hang Khone below Khone Falls; holotype: ZRC 45327) Schistura cataracta Kottelat, 1998
Schistura cataracta Kottelat, 1998a: 70, fig. 109 (type lo-
Schistura balteata (Rendahl, 1948) cality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun, water-
Nemacheilus balteatus Rendahl, 1948: 42, figs. 20–22 (type fall at 18°01'40"N 104°58'54"E, Mekong drainage; ho-
locality: Burma: Tenasserim: Malwedaung; holotype: lotype: ZRC 41793)
NRM 14741)
Schistura caudofurca (Mai, 1978)
Schistura bannaensis Chen, Yang & Qi, 2005 Barbatula caudofurca Mai, 1978: 233, fig. 106 (type locali-
Schistura bannaensis Chen, Yang & Qi, 2005: 147, fig. 1 ty: Vietnam: Nam Cong, Song Ma; syntypes: DVZUT)
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mengla Noemacheilus laterivittatus Zhu & Wang, 1985: 213, figs. 9–
County: Nanla River drainage; holotype: KIZ 200107) 12 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Jingdong County: Ba-
Taxonomic notes. Possibly a synonym of or related to bianjiang River [Red River drainage], 24°20'N
S. crabro or S. hoai. 100°10'E; holotype: NGI 810205)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Schistura coruscans Kottelat, 2000 2011: 194, fig. 1 (type locality: Cambodia: Stung Treng
Schistura coruscans Kottelat, 2000a: 57, fig. 30 (type local- province: Mekong River drainage, lower Sekong River
ity: Laos: Saisomboun Special Zone: Houay Sala Yai, a in Siem Pang district, 14º07'11.88"N 106º23'11.36"E;
tributary of Nam San, Mekong drainage; 18°35'17"N holotype: ZRC 53105)
103°05'00"E; holotype: ZRC 45332)
Schistura disparizona Zhou & Kottelat, 2005
Schistura crabro Kottelat, 2000 Schistura disparizona Zhou & Kottelat, 2005: 17, fig. 1 (type
Schistura crabro Kottelat, 2000a: 57, fig. 31 (type locality: locality: China: Yunnan: Cangyuan: Nangun River (a
Laos: Bolikhamsai Province: Nam Ngiap, Mekong drain- Salween tributary), 0.5 km to Manglai on road from Ban-
age; holotype: ZRC 45334) hong to Mangku, 23°16.49'N 99°04.34'E; holotype:
SWFC 00203035)
Schistura cryptofasciata Chen, Kong & Yang, 2005
Schistura cryptofasciata Chen, Kong & Yang, 2005: 28, fig. 2 Schistura dorsizona Kottelat, 1998
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Lincang Prefecture: Schistura dorsizona Kottelat, 1998a: 73, fig. 112 (type lo-
Yongde County: Great Snow Mountain township: Nant- cality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai drain-
ing River (23°58"N 99°39'E), a tributary of Salween Riv- age: Nam Phao about 10 km upriver of Ban Nape,
er; holotype: KIZ 20026453) Mekong drainage; approximately 18°22'N 105°08'E;
holotype: ZRC 41795)
Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 150, figs. 19– Schistura dubia Kottelat, 1990
20 (type locality: Vietnam: Lam Dong Province: Dai Tan Schistura dubia Kottelat, 1990e: 123, fig. 89 (type locality:
River about 30 km south of Da Lat; 11°46.64'N Thailand: Phrae Province: Nam Mae Kham Mi, near Ban
108°19.28'E; holotype: ZFMK 23906) Mae Krating, road from Nan to Phrae, km 66, Chao
Phraya drainage; 18°22'N 100°25'E; holotype: ZRC
Schistura daubentoni Kottelat, 1990 38474 [was on loan as ZSM 27475])
Schistura daubentoni Kottelat, 1990e: 118, fig. 85 (type lo-
cality: Cambodia: bridge on Prek Preas at km 369 on road Schistura ephelis Kottelat, 2000
from Saigon to Stung Treng, near Ph Khsang Hong, Schistura ephelis Kottelat, 2000a: 59, fig. 33 (type locality:
Mekong drainage, 13°09'N 106°09'E; holotype: MNHN Laos: Saisomboun Special Zone: Houay Sala Yai, a trib-
1988-0088) utary of Nam San, Mekong drainage; 18°35'17"N
103°05'00"E; holotype: ZRC 45337)
Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003
Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003: 168, Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
fig. 6 (type locality: Thailand: Phitsanulok Province: Homaloptera fasciolata Nichols & Pope, 1927: 339, fig. 11
Thung Salaeng Luang National Park: Tham Phra Sai (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
Ngam cave, about 200 m from entrance; 16°37'23"N 8365)
100°39'47"E; holotype: NIFI 3152) Nemachilus humilis Lin, 1932c: 515 (type locality: China:
Kweichow [Guizhou]: Yunkiang; holotype: BLG K.107)
Schistura defectiva Kottelat, 2000
Schistura defectiva Kottelat, 2000a: 58, fig. 32 (type locali- Schistura finis Kottelat, 2000
ty: Laos: Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Ngum at Ban Schistura finis Kottelat, 2000a: 59, fig. 34 (type locality: Laos:
Phianglouang, Mekong drainage; 19°31'21"N Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Kan, a small creek mak-
103°03'58"E; holotype: ZRC 45335) ing the border between Laos and Vietnam at Ban Xay-
den, Nam Mo drainage [Song Ca]; 19°28'19"N
Schistura desmotes (Fowler, 1934) 104°05'04"E; holotype: ZRC 45339)
Nemacheilus desmotes Fowler, 1934a: 107, fig. 59 (type lo-
cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai [Chao Phraya drainage]; Schistura fusinotata Kottelat, 2000
holotype: ANSP 60082) Schistura fusinotata Kottelat, 2000a: 60, fig. 35 (type local-
? Nemacheilus myrmekia Fowler, 1935a: 106, fig. 32 (type ity: Laos: Xekong Province: Nam Vi at ford downriver
locality: Thailand: Hua Hin Province: Keng Sok [about (1.5 km NW) of Ban Kasang-Kan, Mekong drainage;
20 km northwest of Hua Hin; near Ban Thung Luang, 15°17'55"N 106°54'10"E; holotype: ZRC 45341; see also
12°41'N 99°51'E]; holotype: ANSP 63546) Kottelat, 2005a: 65)
Taxonomic notes. Schistura myrmekia was treated as a syn-
onym of S. desmotes by Kottelat (1990e: 120) and later Schistura geisleri Kottelat, 1990
(2012d: 108) as a possible synonym. Singer & Page (2013) Schistura geisleri Kottelat, 1990e: 127, fig. 91 (type locali-
treated it as distinct and conjectured that it might be extinct. ty: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Nam Mae Taeng at
Ban Mae Ta Man, Chao Phraya drainage; 19°12'N
Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway, 98°53'E; holotype: ZRC 38475 [was on loan as ZSM
2011 27476])
Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Schistura pervagata Kottelat, 2000 Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura pervagata Kottelat, 2000a: 68, fig. 51 (type local- Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 170, figs. 37–
ity: Laos: Houaphan Province: small stream tributary of 38 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Tri Province: middle
Nam Hao, Nam Ma drainage; 20°31'09"N 104°21'44"E; Cam Lo River about 20 km west of Dong Ha; 16°47.00'N
holotype: ZRC 45366) 106°53.86'E; holotype: ZFMK 27015)
? Schistura phongthoensis (Nguyen, 2005) Schistura pumatensis Nguyen & Nguyen, 2007
Paracobitis phongthoensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 564, Schistura pumatensis Nguyen [X. K.] & Nguyen [H. D.],
fig. 11 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong 2007: 17, fig. (type locality: Vietnam: Nghe An Prov-
Tho district: Muong So [Song Da drainage]; holotype: ince: Khe Bu stream in Pumat National Park, Lam drain-
NCNTTSI) age; holotype: Pumat National Park PM020170)
Schistura poculi (Smith, 1945) Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013
Noemacheilus poculi Smith, 1945: 323, fig. 72 (type locali- Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013b: 86, figs. 1,
ty: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Doi Angka [Doi In- 2, 4 (type locality: Myanmar: Shan state: stream Nam
thanon], Chao Phraya drainage; holotype: MCZ 35525) Paw west of Hsipaw city, Irrawaddy drainage; 22°37'40''N
97°18'17''E; holotype: ZRC 53782)
Schistura polytaenia (Zhu, 1982)
Nemachilus polytaenia Zhu, 1982a: 106, fig. 3 (type locali- Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat, 1998
ty: China: Yunnan: tributary of Irrawaddy River in Teng- Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat, 1998a: 84, fig. 123 (type
chong County; holotype: NPIB 784092) locality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai basin:
Nam Kathang, 5 km north of Ban Gnomalat at Ban Ke-
Schistura porocephala Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013 ovilay, Mekong drainage; 17°39'N 105°10'20"E; holo-
Schistura porocephala Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013: [2], type: ZRC 41804)
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lunglei district: a
[tributary?] stream of Mat River near Thualthu, Koladyne Schistura quaesita Kottelat, 2000
drainage; 22°46'17"N 92°56'27" E, 547 masl; holotype: Schistura quaesita Kottelat, 2000a: 70, fig. 54 (type locali-
MUMF 11092) ty: Laos: Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Ngum, rapids
Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013 Schistura similis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013a: 22, Schistura similis Kottelat, 1990e: 210, fig. 156 (type locali-
figs. 1–2 (type locality: Myanmar: Magway devision: ty: Thailand: Tak Province: Amphoe Tha Song Yang: Huei
stream Man Chaung about 10 km upstream of Datkon Ki Teu, Tambon Kanei Jiu, Salween drainage; holotype:
village, Irrawaddy drainage; 19°55.008'N 94°30.104'E; ZRC 38478 [was on loan as ZSM 27483])
holotype: ZRC 53773)
Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura russa Kottelat, 2000 Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 172, figs. 40–41
Schistura russa Kottelat, 2000a: 71, fig. 57 (type locality: (type locality: Vietnam: Gia Lai Province: Azun River
Laos: Louangnamtha Province: Nam Tha at Ban Finho, about 30 km east of Pleiku, a tributary to Ba River;
about 14 km north of Luang Nam Tha, Mekong drain- 14°02.34'N 108°21.07'E; holotype: ZFMK 27116)
age; 21°04'44"N 101°24'09"E; holotype: ZRC 45377)
Schistura sombooni Kottelat, 1998
Schistura schultzi (Smith, 1945) Schistura sombooni Kottelat, 1998a: 88, fig. 125 (type lo-
Noemacheilus schultzi Smith, 1945: 317, fig. 69 (type local- cality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun basin:
ity: Thailand: Chiang Rai Province: Huey Melao on Doi Nam Phao 2 km upriver of Ban Lak Song (5 km upriver
Hua Mot, Mekong drainage; holotype: USNM 107953) of Ban Nape), tributary of Nam Theun, Mekong drain-
age; approx. 18°20'40"N 105°07'30"E; holotype: ZRC
Schistura sertata Kottelat, 2000 41806)
Schistura sertata Kottelat, 2000a: 71, fig. 58 (type locality:
Laos: Louangphabang Province: Mekong basin, Nam Xi Schistura spekuli Kottelat, 2004
below Kuang Xi waterfall, upstream of Ban Thapen, Schistura spekuli Kottelat, 2004b: 187, fig. 1 (type locality:
Mekong drainage; 19°45'10"N 102°00'10"E; holotype: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: cave in centre of Chin Chu
ZRC 45379) Chai village [10 km south of Tam Duong]; about 22°24'N
103°26'E; holotype: IRSNB 823)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003 Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat, 1998
Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003: 165, fig. 4 Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat, 1998a: 89, fig. 127 (type lo-
(type locality: Thailand: Phitsanulok Province: Thung cality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Nam Theun, from
Salaeng Luang National Park: upstream section of Tham Ban Signo to about 6 km upriver, Mekong drainage;
Phra Wang Daeng cave, 100–200 m from entrance; 17°50'50"N 105°03'00"E; holotype: ZRC 41808)
16°40'41"N 100°41'24"E; holotype: NIFI 3150)
Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2010
Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2010: 320,
ennes, 1846) figs. 1–2 (type locality: Thailand: Ranong Province: small
Cobitis spiloptera Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, stream draining into Andaman Sea upstream of Kapoe;
1846: 27, pl. 522 (type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchine; 9°34'14"N 98º41'40"E; holotype: ZRC 51724)
syntypes: MNHN 3434 [19], Bertin & Estève, 1948: 96)
Nemacheilus pellegrini Rendahl, 1944: 26, fig. 13 (type lo- Schistura vinciguerrae (Hora, 1935)
cality: Vietnam: Annam: Thua Luu, 50 km SE of Hué; Nemachilus vinciguerrae Hora, 1935: 62, pl. 3 fig. 12 (type
holotype: NHMG) locality: Burma: Meekalan; holotype: ZSI F 11754/1;
Vinciguerra is treated as a latinized name and vinciguer-
Schistura spilota (Fowler, 1934) rae is correct original spelling [Code art. 31.1.1 and Ex-
Nemacheilus spilotus Fowler, 1934a: 105, fig. 57 (type lo- ample], vinciguerrai is an incorrect subsequent spelling)
cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Metang River
[Nam Mae Taeng], 35 miles north of Chiang Mai, Chao Schistura waltoni (Fowler, 1937)
Phraya drainage; holotype: ANSP 56528) Nemacheilus waltoni Fowler, 1937: 157, figs. 77–79 (type
locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream enter-
Schistura suber Kottelat, 2000 ing Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E, Chao Phraya
Schistura suber Kottelat, 2000a: 72, fig. 60 (type locality: drainage; de Schauensee, 1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e:
Laos: Vientiane Province: unnamed small forest stream 207]; holotype: ANSP 68008)
along road from Thad Leuk to Nam Leuk dam site, Mekong Noemacheilus obscurus Smith, 1945: 316, fig. 68 (type lo-
drainage; 18°27'05"N 103°04'06"E; holotype: ZRC 45383) cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Doi Angka [Doi
Inthanon], Chao Phraya drainage; holotype: MCZ 35520;
Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov, 2001 junior secondary homonym of Cobitis obscura Swain-
Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 179, figs. 46–47 son, 1839: 310, when both placed in Schistura by Kotte-
(type locality: Vietnam: Quang Nam Danang Province: lat, 1990e: 90, 222)
stream Mong Mo south of Hai Van Pass at national high-
way Nr. 1; 16°09.67'N 108°07.73'E; holotype: ZFMK Schistura xhatensis Kottelat, 2000
28382) Schistura xhatensis Kottelat, 2000a: 74, fig. 63 (type locali-
ty: Laos: Louangphabang Province: Nam Xhat, upstream
Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish, 2012 of Ban Nam Sa, Mekong drainage; 20°06'43"N
Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish, 2012: 70, 103°19'56"E; holotype: ZRC 45388)
fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province:
Thong Pha Phum, Mae Khlong drainage, Kwai Noi [Kh- Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov, 2001
wae Noi] system, Pakkok River, 14°36'22"N 98°28'14"E; Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 186, figs. 52–53
holotype: UF 181417) (type locality: Vietnam: Lam Dong Province: small stream
running to Da Dung River south of Da Lat; 11°46.86'N
Schistura tenura Kottelat, 2000 108°25.04'E; holotype: ZFMK 23579)
Schistura tenura Kottelat, 2000a: 73, fig. 61 (type locality:
Laos: Vientiane Province: Nam Leuk about 1 km down- Schistura yingjiangensis (Zhu, 1982)
stream of dam site, Mekong drainage; 18°26'10"N Nemachilus yingjiangensis Zhu, 1982a: 107, fig. 4 (type lo-
102°57'01"E; holotype: ZRC 45384; compound adjec- cality: China: Yunnan: Yingjiang County: Daying River,
tive but proposed as noun in apposition, indeclinable) a tributary of Irrawaddy River; holotype: NPIB 784147)
Sectoria heterognathos (Chen, 1999) Khé, Phu Tho, Red River drainage; holotype: MNHN
Schistura heterognathos Chen, 1999: 301, fig. 1 (type local- 1935-0348)
ity: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Mengla County: Micronemacheilus bacmeensis Nguyen & Vo, in Nguyen [V.
Nanla River, Nazhao (21°40'55"N 101°35'20"E), about H.], 2005a: 562, fig. 10 (type locality: Vietnam: Ha Gi-
25 km from Mengla, Mekong drainage; holotype: IHB ang Province: Bac Me district: Minh Son stream, Red
8810240) River drainage; holotype: NCNTTSI)
Sectoria megastoma Kottelat, 2000a: 74, fig. 64 (type local-
ity: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: market in Mengla, Traccatichthys zispi (Prokofiev, 2004)
Mekong drainage; holotype: NRM 33232; originally pro- Micronemacheilus zispi Prokofiev, 2004: 158, fig. 2 [p. 195
posed as compound noun, indeclinable) in translation] (type locality: China: Hainan: Sanya, a
mountain stream 110 km from Duao-Lyu-Shan village;
holotype: ZISP 46740)
Speonectes Kottelat, 2012 Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid following Du et al. (2012).
Speonectes Kottelat, 2012d: 139 (type species: Sundoreo-
nectes tiomanensis Kottelat, 1990b: 52, by original des-
ignation). Gender masculine. Triplophysa Rendahl, 1874
Diplophysa Kessler, 1874: 57 (type species: Diplophysa
Speonectes tiomanensis (Kottelat, 1990) strauchii Kessler, 1874: 58, by subsequent designation
Sundoreonectes tiomanensis Kottelat, 1990c: 52, pl. 1 fig. 2 by Berg, 1916: 348; junior homonym of Diplophysa Ge-
(type locality: Malaysia: Pulau Tioman: cave in Gunung genbaur, 1850: 291 in Coelenterata). Gender feminine.
[Mount] Kajang, at 3400 feet; holotype: BMNH Triplophysa Rendahl, 1933: 21 (subgenus of Nemacheilus
1989.2.23.1) Bleeker, 1863i: 37; type species: Nemacheilus hutjertju-
ensis Rendahl, 1933: 28, by original designation). Gen-
der feminine.
Sundoreonectes Kottelat, 1990 Tauphysa Rendahl, 1933: 22 (subgenus of Nemacheilus Blee-
Sundoreonectes Kottelat, 1990c: 52 (type species: Nemachei- ker, 1863i: 37, type species: Diplophysa kungessana
lus obesus Vaillant, 1902: 134, by original designation). Kessler, 1878: 286, by original designation). Gender fem-
Gender masculine. inine.
Deuterophysa Rendahl, 1933: 23 (replacement name for
Sundoreonectes obesus (Vaillant, 1902) Diplophysa Kessler, 1874: 57; junior homonym of Deu-
Nemacheilus obesus Vaillant, 1902: 134, figs. 39–40 (type terophysa Warren, 1889: 272 in Lepidoptera). Gender
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bloeoe feminine.
River [Bluu, 0°42'N 114°24'E]; lectotype: RMNH 7780, Didymophysa Whitley, 1950a: 44 (replacement name for
designated by Kottelat, 1984c: 232) Diplophysa Kessler, 1874: 57 and Deuterophysa Rendahl,
1933: 23). Gender feminine.
Sundoreonectes sabanus (Chin, 1990) Diplophysoides Fowler, 1958a: 13 (replacement name for
Elxis sabanus Chin, 1990: 74, fig. 3 (type locality: Malay- Diplophysa Kessler, 1874: 57 and Deuterophysa Rendahl,
sia: Borneo: Sabah: Sipitang District: mountain stream 1933: 23). Gender masculine.
in Mendolong area; holotype: FMNH 98130) Linemacheilus Anonymous, 2005: 67 (nomen nudum)
Taxonomic notes. Records of T. brevicauda and T. orienta-
lis from the Mekong drainage (Zheng et al., 2010) are likely
Traccatichthys Freyhof & Serov, 2001 to be mis-identifications. The type locality of T. brevicauda
Traccatichthys Freyhof & Serov, 2001: 188 (type species: is in the Gobi Desert and that of T. orientalis in Qinghai.
Nemacheilus taeniatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936b: 229, Triplophysa is an artificial assemblage of species. Among
by original designation). Gender masculine. them some species have been grouped in a few diagnosable
lineages that have recently been named (Hedinichthys, Qing-
Traccatichthys pulcher (Nichols & Pope, in Nichols, 1925) haichthys, Labiatophysa, Indotriplophysa, Tarimichthys) and
Nemacheilus pulcher Nichols & Pope, in Nichols, 1925c: 1 treated as subgenera of Triplophysa, while the relationships
(type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa [possibly errone- of the majority are still unresolved. At this stage, these lin-
ous; Du et al., 2012: 309]; holotype: AMNH 8364 [ap- eages seem well supported but their interrelationships are
parently based on single specimen listed by Nichols & still not established. In such a situation, there does not seem
Pope, 1927: 339) to be reason or advantage in using a subgeneric rank, which
Distribution notes. Du et al. (2012: 309) commented that the implies that some relationship has been worked out. They
locality of the holotype is probably erroneous since the spe- are therefore treated as genera.
cies has not been observed again on Hainan Island. In area, [Nemachilus Stoliczkae brevicauda Herzenstein, 1888: 23, pl. 5 fig. 4 (type
recorded from coastal drainages of Guangxi and Guangdong. locality: "Dabsun-Gobi" [apparently China: Qinghai: Dabsan Nur Lake,
56°58'N 95°00'E]; lectotype: ZISP 7370, designated by Prokofiev,
2007b: 12, fig. 5a)].
Traccatichthys taeniatus (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936) [Nemachilus kungessanus orientalis Herzenstein, 1888: 44, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type
Nemacheilus pulcher var. taeniata Pellegrin & Chevey, locality: China: Qinghai: Zaidam [Quaidam basin]; syntypes: ZISP 7271
1936b: 229, fig. 6 (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Thiong [more than 6] "and others")].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Triplophysa gejiuensis (Chu & Chen, 1979) Distribution notes. Triplophysa stenura is recorded from
Noemacheilus gejiuensis Chu & Chen, 1979: 285, fig. 1 (type the upper Yangtze, Mekong, Salween and Brahmaputra drain-
locality: China: Yunnan: Gejiu County: Bajianjing near ages, which suggests that several species are confused under
Qiafang [Bajiaojing 4 km from Kafang, 23°16'N this name. Material from the Yalong (a Yangtze tributary)
103°09'E; Romero et al., 2009: 260]; holotype: KIZ earlier identified as T. stenura is now T. pseudostenura.
7803001) [Triplophysa pseudostenura He, Zhang & Song, 2012: 273, fig. 1a (type
locality: China: Sichuan: Ganzi Prefecture: Ganzi County: Yalong Riv-
er (Yangtze drainage) at Gala village, 31°37'02.76"N 99°58'02.20"E,
Triplophysa grahami (Regan, 1906) 3350 masl; holotype: HIB 20070703001)].
Nemachilus grahami Regan, 1906b: 333 (type locality: Chi-
na: Yunnan: Yunnan-Fu [Kunming]; syntypes: BMNH Triplophysa stolickai (Steindachner, 1866)
1905.10.28.16–17 [2]) Cobitis Stolič kai Steindachner, 1866: 793, pl. 14 fig. 2 (type
locality: India: Ladakh: Rupshu: rivulets in vicinity of
Triplophysa jianchuanensis Zheng, Du, Chen & Yang, Lake Tsumureri [Tso Morari] [contra Eschmeyer &
2010 Fricke, 2010, "Umgebung" is not the name of a river but
Triplophysa jianchuanensis Zheng, Du, Chen & Yang, 2010: the German word meaning vicinity]; syntypes [12]: NMW
22, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Lancangjiang 48436 [5], 48439 [1], 50477 [4], Eschmeyer, 2010; the
drainage: Dali Prefecture: Jianchuan County: Jiangkou č in original spelling must be emended in c, Code art.
spring, 26°31'22.6"N 99°57'30.4"E; holotype: KIZ
2008004424) Taxonomic notes. The identity of the species recorded in
the upper Mekong and Salween as T. stolickai is not clear.
Triplophysa laticeps Zhou & Cui, 1997 The synonymy of this species (e.g. Wu & Wu, 1992: 212,
Triplophysa laticeps Zhou & Cui, 1997: 179, figs. 2–3 (type 586) includes nominal species whose type localities are in
locality: China: Yunnan: Lufeng County: Luzhijiang, trib- the drainages of the Caspian Sea, Huang He and Yangtze
utary of Yuanjiang River [upper Red River], near Lufeng Rivers and in a number of endorheic basins of Central Asia
city [25°15'N 102°03'E, 1600 masl]; holotype: KIZ (Helmand, Tarim, Qaidam), which seems unrealistic consid-
914077) ering the huge area, the topography and the highly fragmented
habitats. Prokofiev (2007b: 4) recognised a number of them
Triplophysa microps (Steindachner, 1866) as valid subspecies. The type locality of T. stolickai is in
Cobitis microps Steindachner, 1866e: 794, pl. 13 figs. 3–3a Ladakh, in the upper Indus drainage.
(type localities: India: Ladakh: Rupshu: Leh and Phirse
stream near Manechan, alt. about 16000 ft.; syntypes [10]:
NMW 48562 [11 ?], Eschmeyer, 2010) Tuberoschistura Kottelat, 1990
Tuberoschistura Kottelat, 1990e: 232 (type species: Nema-
Triplophysa nujiangensa Chen, Cui & Yang, 2004 cheilus baenzigeri Kottelat, 1983a: 151, by original des-
Triplophysa nujiangensa Chen, Cui & Yang, 2004: 505, fig. 1 ignation). Gender feminine.
(type locality: China: Yunnan: about 20 km south of
Liuku, left bank tributaries of Nujiang River [Salween] Tuberoschistura baenzigeri (Kottelat, 1983)
in north of Shangjiang Xiang, altitude; 25°40'59"N Noemacheilus baenzigeri Kottelat, 1983a: 151, figs. 1–2 (type
98°52'27"E; holotype: KIZ 20007496) locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Mae Nam Taeng
at Mae Taeng, Chao Phraya drainage, 19°07'N 98°56'E;
Triplophysa stenura (Herzenstein, 1888) holotype: MHNG 2081.32)
Nemachilus stenurus Herzenstein, 1888: 64, pl. 1 fig. 1 (type
localities: China: Tibet: Dy-Tschu [Tongtian He, in up- Tuberoschistura cambodgiensis Kottelat, 1990
per Yangtze basin; He et al., 2008: 48]; lectotype ZISP Tuberoschistura cambodgiensis Kottelat, 1990e: 237, fig. 178
7355, designated by Prokofiev, 2009: 699) (type locality: Cambodia: Stung Chihreng, a northern trib-
? Nemachilus lhasae Regan, 1905c: 301 (type locality: Ti- utary of Grand Lac, at "Pont Khmer" on road from Siem
bet: Lhasa; holotype: BMNH 1905.2.8.16) Reap to Kompong Thom, Mekong drainage; holotype:
MNHN 1988-0099)
Nomenclatural notes. Family-group names updated from holotype: lost, Bleeker, 1863a: 61; Bleeker considered
Ferraris & de Pinna (1999) the origin of the specimen questionable and suggested
that it is possibly a neotropical Rhamdia)
Species inquirendae et incertae sedis Rhamdia javanica Bleeker, 1858j: 244 (unjustified emen-
Pimelodus javus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, dation of Pimelodus javus Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
1840b: 187 (type locality: reportedly Indonesia: Java; Valenciennes, 1840b: 187)
Hypostomus La Cepède, 1803 species probably refer to species of the genus Pterygoplich-
Hypostomus La Cepède, 1803: 144 (type species: Hyposto- thys.
mus guacari La Cepède, 1803: 145, by monotypy). Gen-
der masculine.
Pterygoplichthys Gill, 1858
*Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758) Pterygoplichthys Gill, 1858: 408 [48 of reprint] (type spe-
Acipenser plecostomus Linnaeus, 1758: 238 (based on spec- cies: Hypostomus duodecimalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier
imen [Linnaeus, 1754: 55, pl. 28 fig. 4] and Plecosto- & Valenciennes, 1840b: 498, by subsequent designation
mus dorso dipterygio of Gronovius, 1754: 24, pl. 3 figs. by Bleeker, 1862a: 2, 1863b: 78). Gender masculine.
1–2; type locality: Suriname; syntypes: NRM 32 (small- Liposarcus Günther, 1864a: 238 (type species: Hypostomus
est of 3), Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 222; invalid neo- multiradiatus Hancock, 1828: 246, by subsequent des-
type designation by Boeseman, 1968: 9, pl. 3 figs. 1–2) ignation by Jordan, 1919b: 332). Gender masculine.
Distribution notes. Introduced, but most mentions of this
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Amblycipitidae Day, 1873 (type locality: Burma: Putao plains; holotype: ZSI
Amblycepinae Day, 1873c: cclxviii (type genus: Amblyceps F 9736/1, Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 342)
Blyth, 1858b: 281; correct stem is Amblycipit- and cor-
rect spelling is Amblycipitinae) Amblyceps platycephalus Ng & Kottelat, 2000
Taxonomic notes. Molecular studies suggest that Ambly- Amblyceps platycephalus Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 343, fig. 8
cipitidae could be polyphyletic and that Liobagrus belongs (type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Nam
to a separate family (Sullivan et al., 2008). This requires Mae Pai basin, Nam Mae Sa-Nga at Ban Yang Top Sok,
confirmation. immediately downstream of Nam Tok Pa Sua,
19°29'00"N 97°57'50"E; holotype: ZRC 42745, Ng &
Amblyceps Blyth, 1858 Lim, 2008: 21, fig. 15; proposed as a noun in apposi-
Amblyceps Blyth, 1858b: 281 (type species: Amblyceps cae- tion, invariable)
cutiens Blyth, 1858b: 282, by monotypy). Gender neuter.
Branchiosteus Gill, 1861h: 52 (type species: Olyra laticeps Amblyceps protentum Ng & Wright, 2009
M'Clelland, 1842a: 588, by original designation). Gen- Amblyceps protentum Ng & Wright, 2009: 370, fig. 1 (type
der masculine. locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Amphoe
Khum Yuam: Tambon Muang Bon: Huai Nong Heng,
Amblyceps caecutiens Blyth, 1858 Mae La Ka, 18°37'N 97°55'E; holotype: UMMZ 248731)
Amblyceps caecutiens Blyth, 1858b: 282 (type locality:
Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province: Amphoe Khum Amblyceps serratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000
Yuam: Tambon Muang Bon: Huai Nong Heng, Mae La Amblyceps serratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 344, fig. 9 (type
Ka, 18°37'N 97°55'E; [original type locality: Burma: locality: Cambodia: Stung Treng Province: shallow chan-
Maulmein and Pegu]; neotype: UMMZ 248766, desig- nel across south end of Kaoh Han, 14 km northeast of
nated by Ng & Wright, 2009: 374) Stung Treng, 13°37'N 106°03'E; holotype: UMMZ
Amblyceps mucronatum Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 340, fig. 6 234708)
(type locality: Thailand: Loei Province: Mekong River
basin, Huang River tributary at 17°16'00.9"N Amblyceps torrentis Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2008
101°08'29.2"E; holotype: ZRC 41323, Ng & Lim, 2008: Amblyceps torrentis Linthoingambi & Vishwanath, 2008:
20, fig. 14) 168, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Ukhrul Dis-
trict: Laniye River, Chindwin drainage: Jessami village,
Amblyceps carinatum Ng, 2005 Manipur–Nagaland state border, 25°38'20"N
Amblyceps carinatum Ng, 2005b: 243, fig. 1 (type locality: 94°32'29"E; holotype: MUMF 6170)
Myanmar: Kachin State: Irrawaddy drainage: hillstreams
at Tonpan village, on road from Myitkyina to Tanai; ho- Amblyceps tuberculatum Linthoingambi & Vishwanath,
lotype: UMMZ 245588) 2008
Amblyceps tuberculatum Linthoingambi & Vishwanath,
Amblyceps foratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000 2008: 170, fig. 5 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chan-
Amblyceps foratum Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 338, fig. 4 (type del District: Lokchao River, Chindwin drainage: Moreh
locality: Malaysia: Terengganu: Sungai Brang just out- town at Indo-Myanmar border, 24°24'17"N 94°21'15"E;
side Sekayu Waterfall Park; 4°57'51"N 102°57'46"E; holotype: MUMF 6184)
holotype: ZRC 43718, Ng & Lim, 2008: 18, fig. 13)
Amblyceps variegatum Ng & Kottelat, 2000
Amblyceps kurzii (Day, 1872) Amblyceps variegatum Ng & Kottelat, 2000c: 345, fig. 10
Akysis kurzii Day, 1872: 703 (type locality: Burma: Pegu Yoma (type locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Mae
[range]; holotype: LU, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 157) Nam Khwae Noi basin, Nam Khung, upstream of Ban
Huai Pak Khung, riffles between second ford and reser-
Amblyceps murraystuarti Chaudhuri, 1919 voir, 14°37'20"N 98°31'24"E; holotype: ZRC 43719, Ng
Amblyceps murray-stuarti Chaudhuri, 1919: 272, pl. 22 fig. 1 & Lim, 2008: 22, fig. 16)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Acrochordonichthys platycephalus Bleeker, 1858j: 224 (type 113°47'47.4"E; holotype: ZRC 47288, Ng & Lim, 2008:
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [97 5, fig. 3)
mm TL]: BMNH 1863.12.4.152, Ng & Ng, 2001: 413)
Sosia chamaeleon var. pallida Vaillant, 1902: 87, figs. 22– Akysis ephippifer Ng & Kottelat, 1998
24 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Akysis ephippifer Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1078, fig. 11 (type
Kapuas, probably Sintang; lectotype: RMNH 7848, des- locality: Cambodia: Stung Santréa, 40 km from Pom-
ignated by Ng & Ng, 2001: 406, 413) nac; holotype: MNHN 1997-0034)
Acrochordonichthys obscurus Popta, 1904: 187 (type local-
ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Bongan Riv- Akysis fontaneus Ng, 2009
er; holotype: RMNH 7556; also in Popta, 1906: 55, pl. 3 Akysis fontaneus Ng, 2009a: 42, fig. 1 (type locality: Sumatra:
fig. 11) Jambi, Sungai Jernih at Desa Jernih, about 25 km on road
Acrochordonichthys Büttikoferi Popta, 1904: 188 (type lo- to Sarolangun after turnoff at Pauh, 2°00.215'S
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas 102°42.475'E; holotype: MZB 10989)
drainage, Bongan River / Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam Taxonomic notes. Presently known from a single specimen.
drainage, Bo River; syntypes: RMNH 7557 [1], 7558 Possibly a synonym of Akysis heterurus Ng, 1996: 4.
[2]; incorrect original spelling, must be emended to buet-
tikoferi, Code art.; also in Popta, 1906: 58, pl. 3 Akysis fuliginatus Ng & Rainboth, 2005
fig. 12) Akysis fuliginatus Ng & Rainboth, 2005: 35, fig. 4 (type
Acrochordonichthys varius Popta, 1904: 189 (type locality: In- locality: Cambodia: Stung Treng Province: Mekong Riv-
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; syntypes: er on western edge of Kaoh Han, 16 km northeast of
RMNH 7559 [2]; also in Popta, 1906: 63, pl. 4 fig. 13) Stung Treng; 13°38'N 106°03'E; holotype: UMMZ
Acrochordonichthys septentrionalis Ng & Ng, 2001
Acrochordonichthys septentrionalis Ng & Ng, 2001: 401, Akysis galeatus Page, Rachmatika & Robins, in Page,
fig. 12 (type locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Hadiaty, López, Rachmatika & Robins, 2007
Kwae Noi River; holotype: NIFI 3128) Akysis galeatus Page, Rachmatika & Robins, in Page, Had-
iaty, López, Rachmatika & Robins, 2007: 299, fig. 6 (type
Acrochordonichthys strigosus Ng & Ng, 2001 locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Lampung: Way Gedong-
Acrochordonichthys strigosus Ng & Ng, 2001: 403, fig. 13 wani (Way Sekampung drainage), 5°14.499'S
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: 105°29.060'E; holotype: MZB 15192)
Sungai Sibau, from mouth of Sungai Putan to 3 km down-
strean, 1°02'28"N 112°59'59"E; holotype: MZB 9333) Akysis hendricksoni Alfred, 1986
Akysis hendricksoni Alfred, 1966a: 467, fig. 1 (type locali-
ty: Malaysia: Terengganu: Terengganu River at Kuala
Akysis Bleeker, 1858 Brang; holotype: ZRC 1414, Ng & Lim, 2008: 8, fig. 4)
Akysis Bleeker, 1858g: 419 (type species: Pimelodus varie-
gatus Bleeker, 1846a: 53, by monotypy; also in Bleeker, Akysis heterurus Ng, 1996
1858j: 204, 234). Gender masculine. Akysis heterurus Ng, 1996: 4, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Sungai Alai at 19.5 km on road
Akysis bilustris Ng, 2011 from Muara Bungo to Muara Tebo; holotype: ZRC
Akysis bilustris Ng, 2011: 62, fig. 1 (type locality: Laos: 34194, Ng & Lim, 2008: 9, fig. 5)
Attapeu Province: Xe Kong where Houai Tamopat en-
ters it, downstream of Ban Khanmaknao, 14°36'31"N Akysis longifilis Ng, 2006
106°33'8"E; holotype: ZRC 53111) Akysis longifilis Ng, 2006a: 20, fig. 1 (type locality: Myan-
mar: Bago Division: Pyu township, Pyu stream (tribu-
Akysis brachybarbatus Chen, in He & Chen, 1981 tary of Sittang River) about 229 km from Yangon,
Akysis brachybarbatus Chen, in He & Chen, 1981: 210, fig. 2 18°29'N 96°26'E; holotype: UMMZ 246172)
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Manglian County: Nan-
rui River, a tributary of Mekong; holotype: KIZ 787162) Akysis maculipinnis Fowler, 1934
Akysis maculipinnis Fowler, 1934a: 97, fig. 46 (type locali-
Akysis clavulus Ng & Freyhof, 2003 ty: Thailand: Chantaboon [Chantaburi]; holotype: ANSP
Akysis clavulus Ng & Freyhof, 2003: 312, figs. 1–2 (type 59366, Böhlke, 1984: 18)
locality: Vietnam: Khanh Hoa Province: Song Duc My
about 10 km west of Ninh Hoa; 12°32.22'N 109°01.38'E; Akysis manipurensis (Arunkumar, 2000)
holotype: ZFMK 27159) Laguvia manipurensis Arunkumar, 2000c: 194, fig. 1 (type
locality: India: Manipur: Lairaok [Lairok] Maru stream
Akysis clinatus Ng & Rainboth, 2005 near Moreh, 110 km from Imphal, Yu River drainage
Akysis clinatus Ng & Rainboth, 2005: 34, fig. 1 (type lo- [Chindwin basin]; holotype: MUMF 300/1A, Vishwanath
cality: Cambodia: Stung Chhay River, Tok Kong village et al., 2007: 2675)
on road from Phnom Penh to Sianoukville; 10°56'37.8"N
Akysis microps Ng & Tan, 1999 1858j: 236]: mixed with RMNH 6881 [16], BMNH
Akysis microps Ng & Tan, 1999: 359, fig. 5 (type locality: Ma- 1863.12.11.187 [1], ? NMV 46004 [1], ? ZSI [1], Ng,
laysia: Johor: Sungai Kahang and tributary, about 44.4 km 1996: 9, Alfred, 1966a: 469, Ferraris, 2007: 15, Page et
from Mersing turnoff to Kluang just before side road to al., 2007: 293, fig. 1; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 177)
Endau Rompin Taman Negara, km 96 from Mersing to
Batu Pahat; 2°03'55.8"N 103°31'34.8"E; holotype: ZRC Akysis varius Ng & Kottelat, 1998
42596, Ng & Lim, 2008: 11, fig. 7) Akysis varius Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1093, fig. 18 (type lo-
cality: Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai about
Akysis pictus Günther, 1883 3 km upriver of Ban Pakphanang; holotype: ZRC 41015,
Akysis pictus Günther, 1883: 138 (type locality: Burma: Ng & Lim, 2008: 13, fig. 9)
Tenasserim; syntypes: BMNH 1880.12.1.25–26 [2], Al-
fred, 1966a: 469, Ng, 1999f: 542, fig. 1) Akysis vespa Ng & Kottelat, 2004
Akysis vespa Ng & Kottelat, 2004b: 194, figs. 1–3 (type
Akysis portellus Ng, 2009 locality: Myanmar: Kayin State: stream Chon Son be-
Akysis portellus Ng, 2009c: 3, figs. 1–5 (type locality: Myan- tween Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20 km northwest of
mar: Bago Division: Shwe Kyin, 17°55'N 96°53'E; ho- Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at border with Thailand),
lotype: ZRC 51138) 15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype: ZRC 46423, Ng & Lim,
2008: 15, fig. 10)
Akysis prashadi Hora, 1936
Akysis variegatus subsp. variegatus Prashad & Mukerji, Akysis vespertinus Ng, 2008
1929: 180, pl. 8, figs. 1 & 2 (type locality: Burma: My- Akysis vespertinus Ng, 2008d: 256, figs. 1, 4a, 5a (type lo-
itkyina District: south end of Indawgyi Lake and along cality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: headwaters of Ann
west shore near Lonton village [holotype data accord- Chaung drainage, approx. 19 km SE of Ann, 19°43'N
ing to Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 126]; holotype: ZSI 94°11'E; holotype: UMMZ 248755)
F 10873/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 126, Ng, 1999f:
545; secondary junior homonym of Pimelodus variega-
tus Bleeker, 1846a: 53) Breitensteinia Steindachner, 1881
Akysis prashadi Hora, 1936a: 200 (type locality: Burma: Breitensteinia Steindachner, 1881a: 46 (type species: Brei-
Myitkyina District: Indawgyi Lake: south end of In- tensteinia insignis Steindachner, 1881: 46, by monoty-
dawgyi Lake and along west shore near Lonton village py; also in Steindachner, 1881d: 213). Gender feminine.
[holotype data according to Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
126]; holotype: ZSI F 10873/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: Breitensteinia cessator Ng & Siebert, 1998
126; junior objective synonym of Akysis variegatus var- Breitensteinia cessator Ng & Siebert, 1998: 647, fig. 1 (type
iegatus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 180) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas
mainstream 58 km northeast of Sintang and 1 km down-
Akysis pulvinatus Ng, 2007 stream from Sebruang, 0°25'30"N 111°52'30"E; holo-
Akysis pulvinatus Ng, 2007b: 52, figs. 1, 2, 5a (type locali- type: MZB 3693)
ty: Thailand: Ranong Province: stream draining into
Andaman Sea upstream of Kapoe, 9°34'14"N Breitensteinia hypselurus Ng & Siebert, 1998
98°41'40"E; holotype: UMMZ 248249) Breitensteinia hypselurus Ng & Siebert, 1998: 650, fig. 3
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
Akysis recavus Ng & Kottelat, 1998 Kapuas basin: Sanggau; holotype: RMNH 16048; pro-
Akysis recavus Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1090, fig. 16 (type posed as a noun in apposition, indeclinable)
locality: Thailand: western Chao Phraya basin [Nakhon
Sawan province: Mae Nam Wong at confluence with Breitensteinia insignis Steindachner, 1881
Khlong Huai Sai, about 15 km west of Makha, Breitensteinia insignis Steindachner, 1881a: 46 (type local-
15°54'04"N 99°26'49"N; pers. obs., 1999, locality re- ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Teweh [Kalimantan Tengah:
visited with original collector]; holotype: ZRC 40716, Muara Teweh, Barito drainage]; holotype: NMW 55042,
Ng & Lim, 2008: 12, fig. 8) Ng & Siebert, 1998: 653; also in Steindachner, 1881d:
213, 1881b: pl. 1 fig. 2)
Akysis scorteus Page, Hadiaty & López, in Page, Hadia-
ty, López, Rachmatika & Robins, 2007
Akysis scorteus Page, Hadiaty & López, in Page, Hadiaty, Parakysis Herre, 1940
López, Rachmatika & Robins, 2007: 296, fig. 2 (type Parakysis Herre, 1940a: 11 (type species Parakysis verru-
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Lampung: Way Seputih, cosa Herre, 1940a: 12, by original designation). Gender
5°04.310'S 104°53.048'E; holotype: MZB 15191) masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ang, a tributary of Sungai Palin, 37 km west of Putussi- Pseudobagarius hardmani (Ng & Sabaj, 2005)
bau, 0°51.5'N 112°36'E; holotype: MZB 3702) Akysis hardmani Ng & Sabaj, 2005: 218, fig. 3 (type local-
ity: Thailand: Nakhon Sawan Province: Mae Nam Chao
Parakysis grandis Ng & Lim, 1995 Phraya and tributaries in the vicinity of Phayuha Khiri;
Parakysis grandis Ng & Lim, 1995: 260, fig. 7 (type local- holotype: ANSP 178858)
ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Riau: small stream near
Pangkalankasai, 43 km south of Rengat; holotype: ZRC Pseudobagarius inermis (Ng & Kottelat, 2000)
39111a, Ng & Lim, 2008: 16, fig. 11) Akysis inermis Ng & Kottelat, 2000a: 8, fig. 1 (type locali-
ty: Laos: Attapeu province: unnamed creek entering Xe
Parakysis hystriculus Ng, 2009 Kaman from north at proposed Xe Kaman dam site,
Parakysis hystriculus Ng, 2009b: 40, fig. 1 (type locality: 14°57'40"N 107°09'16"E; holotype: ZRC 45401, Ng &
Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Selatan, Lalang drainage, Lim, 2008: 10, fig. 6)
swamp forest at Sentang, about 5 km after turnoff about
12 km after Bayung Lencir on Bayung Lencir–Jambi Pseudobagarius leucorhynchus (Fowler, 1934)
road, 1°56.192'S 103º42.532'E; holotype: MZB 10985) Akysis leucorhynchus Fowler, 1934a: 97, figs. 44–45 (type
locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 59346,
Parakysis longirostris Ng & Lim, 1995 Böhlke, 1984: 18)
Parakysis longirostris Ng & Lim, 1995: 262, fig. 8 (type
locality: Singapore: Nee Soon swamp forest; holotype: Pseudobagarius macronema (Bleeker, 1860)
ZRC 34491, Ng & Lim, 2008: 17, fig. 12) Akysis macronema Bleeker, 1860h: 11 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Lahat; syntypes [4, 36–55 mm TL]:
Parakysis notialis Ng & Kottelat, 2003 RMNH 6729 [2], BMNH 1863.12.4.188 [1], Ng, 1996: 9,
Parakysis notialis Ng & Kottelat, 2003: 48, fig. 1 (type lo- Ng & Kottelat, 1998: 1095)
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Barito
River drainage, area of Tamiyang Layang, 2°01'S Pseudobagarius meridionalis (Ng & Siebert, 2004)
115°07'E; holotype: MZB 5994) Akysis meridionalis Ng & Siebert, 2004: 2, fig. 1 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Barito
Parakysis verrucosus Herre, 1940 drainage: Sungai Laung at Dessa Maruwei, 0°21.986'S
Parakysis verrucosa Herre, 1940a: 12, pl. 6 (type locality: 114°44.103'E; holotype: MZB 6102)
Malaysia: Johor: Mawai District; holotype: CAS-SU
33009, Ng & Lim, 1995: 264) Pseudobagarius nitidus (Ng & Rainboth, 2005)
Akysis nitidus Ng & Rainboth, 2005: 40, fig. 8 (type locali-
ty: Laos: Champasak Province: Mekong River at Ban
Pseudobagarius Ferraris, 2007 Han Khone, just downstream from Khone falls; holo-
Pseudobagarius Ferraris, 2007: 16 (type species: Akysis type: UMMZ 235400)
pseudobagarius Roberts, 1989: 138, by original desig-
nation). Gender masculine. Pseudobagarius pseudobagarius (Roberts, 1989)
Akysis pseudobagarius Roberts, 1989: 138, fig. 107 (type
Pseudobagarius alfredi (Ng & Kottelat, 1998) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: mouth
Akysis alfredi Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1063, fig. 5 (type lo- of Sungai Melawi in Sintang, 0°35'S 111°29'E; holotype:
cality: Malaysia: Pahang, Tasek Bera, approx. 300 m east MZB 3691)
of Fort Iskandar; holotype: ZRC 40714, Ng & Lim, 2008:
5, fig. 2) Pseudobagarius similis (Ng & Kottelat, 1998)
Akysis similis Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1074, fig. 9 (type lo-
Pseudobagarius baramensis (Fowler, 1905) cality: Vietnam: Kihn Thuy Cai canal 10 km east of Vinh
Akysis baramensis Fowler, 1905a: 472, fig. 4 (type locality: Long, at mouth of canal into Mekong; holotype: UMMZ
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holotype: 214902)
ANSP 114887 [formerly WIAP 14149], Böhlke, 1984: 17)
Pseudobagarius sinensis (He, in He & Chen, 1981)
Pseudobagarius filifer (Ng & Rainboth, 2005) Akysis sinensis He, in He & Chen, 1981: 209, fig. 1 (type
Akysis filifer Ng & Rainboth, 2005: 37, fig. 5 (type locality: locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna: Lancangjiang
Cambodia: Tonle Sap, Kandal, fishing lot 8, 22 miles [Mekong]; syntypes: IHB 638237 [1], 638283 [1], KIZ
upstream from Phnom Penh, 11°44'N 104°50'E; holo- 735007–008 [2])
type: UMMZ 235728)
Pseudobagarius subtilis (Ng & Kottelat, 1998)
Pseudobagarius fuscus (Ng & Kottelat, 1998) Akysis subtilis Ng & Kottelat, 1998a: 1076, fig. 10 (type
Akysis fuscus Ng & Kottelat, 1996: 20, fig. 1 (type locality: locality: Thailand: Nakhon Phanom Province: Mekong
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Danau Sentarum River, 21.5 km downstream from Ban Tha Kai, 21.5 km
area: Sungai Hulu Leboyan at Keluwin, 1°08'51"N downstream from Mukdahan; holotype: UMMZ 214910)
112°15'32"E; holotype: MZB 5934)
Sisoridae Silurus tegrinus Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name listed
Sisorichthyoidei Bleeker, 1858j: 48, 50 (type genus: Sisor in synonymy)
Hamilton, 1822: 208, 379)
Glyptosterni Gill, 1861h: 53 (type genus: Glyptosternon Bagarius rutilus Ng & Kottelat, 2000
M'Clelland, 1842a: 584) Bagarius rutilus Ng & Kottelat, 2000a: 10, fig. 3 (type lo-
Erethistides Bleeker, 1862c: 13 (type genus: Erethistes cality: Vietnam: market in Hanoi; holotype: ZRC 40440,
Müller & Troschel, 1849: 12) Ng & Lim, 2008: 58, fig. 46)
Bagarina Günther, 1864a: 183 (type genus: Bagarius Blee-
ker, 1853o: 121 Bagarius suchus Roberts, 1983
Exostomastina Günther, 1864a: 264 (type genus: Exostoma Bagarius suchus Roberts, 1983: 442, figs. 2c, 4 (type local-
Blyth, 1860b: 155) ity: Thailand: Kemarat, Mekong drainage; holotype:
Nangrina Pinna, 1996: 62 (type genus: Nangra Day, 1877a: ANSP 89521)
Pseudecheneidina Pinna, 1996: 64 (type genus: Pseudeche- Bagarius yarrelli (Sykes, 1839)
neis Blyth, 1860b: 154) Bagrus Yarrelli Sykes, 1839a: 163 (type locality: India: Mota
Glyptothoracini Pinna, 1996: 64 (type genus: Glyptothorax Mola River at Poona; types: BMNH ?; also in Sykes,
Blyth, 1860b: 154) 1839b: 60, 1841: 370, pl. 65 fig. 1)
Continae Pinna, 1996: 64 (type genus: Conta Hora, 1950a: Pimelodus Carnaticus Jerdon, 1849: 341 (type locality: In-
194) dia: Bowany River; types: NT)
Laguviini Pinna, 1996: 65 (type genus: Laguvia Hora, Bagarius lica Volz, 1903a: 557 (type locality: Indonesia:
1921d: 739) Sumatra: Moesi River [Musi] near Palembang; holotype:
Taxonomic notes. Compilation by Thomson & Page (2006). NMBE 10207663; also in Volz, 1903b: 391)
Placement of Erethistidae in Sisoridae follows Ng (2010b). Bagarius Nieuwenhuisii Popta, 1904: 190 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; holo-
Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001 type: RMNH 7561, Roberts, 1983: 438; also in Popta,
Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001: 83 (type species: Ayarnangra 1906: 66, pl. 4 fig. 14)
estuarius Roberts, 2001: 84, by original designation).
Gender masculine.
Caelatoglanis Ng & Kottelat, 2005
Ayarnangra estuarius Roberts, 2001 Caelatoglanis Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 14 (type species: Cae-
Ayarnangra estuarius Roberts, 2001: 84, figs. 1–3 (type lo- latoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 14, by original
cality: Myanmar: Pathein Chaung (= Ngawan Chaung) designation). Gender masculine.
near Pathein, lower Ayeyarwady basin; holotype: KUMF Nomenclatural notes. The word glanis can be Greek (fem-
3190) inine gender) or Latin (masculine gender). The original de-
scription explicitly indicated that the Latin glanis was used
to form the name, therefore it is masculine.
Bagarius Bleeker, 1853
Bagarius Bleeker, 1853o: 121 (type species: Bagarius bu- Caelatoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005
chanani Bleeker, 1853o: 121, by monotypy). Gender Caelatoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 14, fig. 2 (type
masculine. locality: Myanmar: Kayin State, stream "Chon Son" be-
tween Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20 km northwest of
Bagarius bagarius (Hamilton, 1822) Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at border with Thailand),
Pimelodus bagarius Hamilton, 1822: 186, 378, pl. 7 fig. 62 15°25'N 98°15'E; ZRC 49885, Ng & Lim, 2008: 56,
(type locality: India: Ganges basin [Calcutta; Hora, 1949: fig. 47)
70]; types: NT [Eschmeyer, 2010 recorded a syntype as
BMNH 1857.6.13.151, which is unlikely since Hamil-
ton's is not known to have preserved specimens]) Chimarrichthys Sauvage, 1874
? Pimelodus platespogon Valenciennes, in Jacquemont, Chimarrichthys Sauvage, 1874: 332 (type species: Chimar-
1839: pl. 18 fig. 3 (type locality: India: holotype: fig- richthys davidi Sauvage, 1874: 333, by monotypy; not a
ured specimen out of MNHN 2904 [2], Daget, 1984: 514) junior homonym of Cheimarrhichthys Haast, 1874 [June]:
Bagarius Buchanani Bleeker, 1853o: 121 (type locality: 103). Gender masculine.
India: Hooghly River in Calcutta / Indonesia: Java: Pepeh Euchiloglanis Regan, 1907e: 158 (unnecessary replacement
River in Surakarta; syntypes [3, 318–370 mm TL]: name for Chimarrichthys Sauvage, 1874: 332). Gender
? NMV 46015 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 383) feminine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Coraglanis Hora & Silas, 1952: 12 (type species: Euchilogla- Arunachal Pradesh]: Kameng Frontier Division: Norgum
nis kishinouyei Kimura, 1934: 178, by original designa- River at Kalaktang, 1372 masl; holotype: ZSI F 2105/2,
tion). Gender masculine (Code art. Zhou et al., 2011b: 235, fig. 7)
Nomenclatural notes. Regan (1907e: 158) created Eu-
chiloglanis as a replacement name for Chimarrichthys, which Creteuchiloglanis longipectoralis Zhou, Li & Thomson,
he considered preoccupied by Cheimarrhichthys Haast, 2011
1874: 103. Because the two names differ by one letter, they Creteuchiloglanis longipectoralis Zhou, Li & Thomson,
are not homonyms and Chimarrichthys is available. As Chi- 2011b: 236, fig. 8 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Lan-
marrichthys has been used as valid after 1900 (e.g. Regan, ping County: Yingpan, from mainstream of Lancang-
1905b: 183), it cannot be declared a nomen oblitum under Jiang [Mekong], 26°28.29'N 99°09.27'E; holotype:
Code art. 23.9.2 and must be used. SWFC 0411001)
Regan (1907) did not indicate the gender of Euchilogla-
nis. The word glanis can be Greek (feminine gender) or Latin Creteuchiloglanis macropterus (Ng, 2004)
(masculine gender). Because Regan used the Greek prefix Pareuchiloglanis macropterus Ng, 2004c: 3, fig. 1 (type
eu-, I conclude he intended the Greek glanis and therefore locality: China: Yunnan: Salween [Nu Jiang] drainage:
Euchiloglanis is feminine (Code art. 30.1.2). Laowo River, a tributary of Salween, about 5 km before
Hora & Silas (1938) did not indicate the gender of Cora- Liuku on Yongping–Liuku road; 25°50'18.6"N
glanis. I retain it as masculine under Code art. 98°53'46.8"E; holotype: ZRC 49124, Ng & Lim, 2008:
[Cheimarrichthys Haast, 1874: 103 (type species: Cheimarrichthys fos- 63, fig. 50)
teri Haast, 1874: 103, by monotypy). Gender masculine].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
gagata robusta Boeseman, 1966: 243, by original des- lowing Ng & Kottelat (2008b: 133). Synonymy follows Ng
ignation). Gender feminine [Code art. 30.2.3]. & Lalramliana (2012: 47) and Ng & Kullander (2013: 560).
Superglyptothorax Li, 1986: 524 (subgenus of Glyptotho- [Pimelodus cavia Hamilton, 1822: 188, 378 (type locality: India: "north-
rax Blyth, 1860b: 154; type species: Glyptothorax co- ern rivers of Bengal"; types: NT)].
heni Ganguly, Datta & Sen, 1972: 342, by original des-
ignation). Gender masculine. Glyptothorax callopterus Smith, 1945
Paraglyptothorax Li, 1986: 524 (subgenus of Glyptothorax Glyptothorax callopterus Smith, 1945: 400, fig. 87 (type
Blyth, 1860b: 154; type species: Glyptothorax pallozo- locality: Thailand: Trang Province: waterfall stream on
num Lin, 1934b: 228, by original designation). Gender Kao Chong, near Trang; holotype: USNM 109820)
Nomenclatural notes. Pteroglanis, being explicitly formed Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vish-
on the classical Greek word glanis (see Steyskal, 1980: 170), wanath, 2011
it is feminine (Code art. 30.1.2). The etymology of Ptero- Glyptothorax caudimaculatus Anganthoibi & Vishwanath,
psoglanis, a replacement for Pteroglanis, was not given; it 2011: 326, fig. 3 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawnt-
seems logical that the Greek word glanis was also used and lai District: Koladyne River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N
it too is feminine. 92°57'E; holotype: MUMF 10029)
Euclyptosternum Günther, 1864a: 183 is not an emen-
dation of Aglyptosternon Bleeker, 1862c: 12. Bleeker based Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anganthoibi & Vish-
the new genus and its name on the absence of the adhesive wanath, 2010
apparatus (the prefix a– means without). Günther observed Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensis Anaganthoibi & Vishwanath,
that in the type material of the type species this apparatus is 2010a: 57, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawnt-
present and therefore the name was not appropriate. As the lai District: Koladyne River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N
name was not appropriate, Günther "altered" it (his word) 92°57'E; holotype: MUMF 10022)
and renamed it with a more appropriate name (the prefix
eu– means true). In the present case, the "alteration" is not Glyptothorax churamanii Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012
the correction of a spelling (an emendation) but the correc- Glyptothorax churamanii Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012b:
tion of an unappropriate name (a new name), which formal- 80, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawntlai: Ka-
ly is a replacement name, whatever the wording used by ladan River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N 92°57'E; holotype:
Günther. Although Günther's action makes sense, it is not MUMF 14023)
allowed by the Code.
Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth, 2008
Nomen nudum Glyptothorax coracinus Ng & Rainboth, 2008: 61, fig. 1
Glyptothorax raobutensis Nguyen [T. T.], 2003: 44 (not (type locality: Cambodia: Pursat, Ket River on road be-
available, nomen nudum; locality: Vietnam: Phong Nha- tween Pramaoy and Thmor Da, 12°12'N 102°47'E; ho-
Ke Bang) lotype: UMMZ 248415)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2011 Glyptothorax cyanochloros (Bleeker, 1846)
Glyptothorax ater Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2011: 324, Pimelodus cyanochloros Bleeker, 1846d: 11 (type locality:
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawntlai District: Indonesia: Java: Solo River; syntypes: ? SMNS 10569
Koladyne River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N 92°57'E; holotype: [6], Fricke, 1991: 20; also in Bleeker, 1847d: 168)
MUMF 10044)
Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu, 1986
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith, 1945 Glyptothorax deqinensis Mo & Chu, 1986: 345, fig. 6 (type
Glyptothorax buchanani Smith, 1945: 402, fig. 89 (type lo- locality: China: Yunnan: Deqin County, 28°30'N 99°00'E
cality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Metum, small [Mekong drainage]; holotype: KIZ 748621)
swift affluent of Mechem, tributary of Meping [Mae Nam
Ping]; holotype: USNM 117754) Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra, 1890
Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra, 1890: 246, pl. 7 figs. 4–
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929 4a (type locality: Burma: Meetan [Mitan Chaung, rivu-
Glyptothorax burmanicus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 184, let flowing south from summit of Mulayet Taung,
fig. 5, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type locality: Burma: Myitkyina Dis- 16°11'N 98°32'E; Ng & Kottelat, 2001: 500]; holotype:
trict: stream Sankhla, midway between Kamaing and MCSNG 14417, Ferraris, 2007: 389)
Mogaung; holotype: ZSI F 10877/1, Menon & Yazdani, Glyptothorax minutus Hora, 1921a: 180, fig. 1 (type locali-
1968: 129) ty: India: Manipur: Imphal stream near Karong; synty-
Glyptothorax chindwinica Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, pes [4]: ZSI, lost, Hora, 1921a: 182)
2007: 2622 [+ fig. 6 in "web supplement"] (type locali-
ty: India: Manipur: Iril River, Urup, Chindwin drainage; Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika, 2005
holotype: MUMF 6366) Glyptothorax exodon Ng & Rachmatika, 2005: 251, fig. 1
Taxonomic notes. Glyptothorax burmanicus was earlier (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
considered to be a synonym of G. cavia; treated as valid fol- Sungai Tekelan; holotype: MZB 9940)
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof, 2008 beare, 1936: 189 is a junior secondary homonym, replaced
Glyptothorax filicatus Ng & Freyhof, 2008: 12, fig. 1 (type by G. indicus Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 654.
locality: Vietnam: Thua Thien Hue Province: Mekong
drainage, stream draining to Se Sap River, 12 km east of Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander, 2013
A Luoi, 16°20.57'N 107°09.41'E; holotype: ZFMK Glyptothorax igniculus Ng & Kullander, 2013: 553, fig. 1
34398) (type locality: Myanmar: Sagaing Region: left bank of
Myittha River approximately 8 km NE by E of Kalay-
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen, 2012 myo, 23°13'41"N 94°07'59"E; holotype: NRM 64520)
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen, 2012: 380,
fig. 10 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Lincang Prefec- Glyptothorax interspinalum (Mai, 1978)
ture: Cangyuan County: Banhong Township: Fugong Glyptosternon interspinalum Mai, 1978: 271, fig. 120 (type
Village, Fungong River (a tributary of Xiaohei, itself trib- locality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT)
utary of Nanting, Salween drainage), 963 masl, Glyptothorax merus Li, 1984a: 79, fig. 2 (type locality:
23°19'47.2"N 99°07'28.3"E; holotype: KIZ 20050410936) China: Yunnan: Jingdong County [Red River drainage];
holotype: KIZ 737159)
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler, 1934 Nomenclatural notes. Although they look like Latin words,
Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler, 1934a: 89, figs. 31–33 (type the words spinalum and interspinalum are not Latin (they
locality: Thailand: Chantaboon [Chantaburi]; holotype: do not exist in dictionaries) and therefore they do not have
ANSP 59358, Böhlke, 1984: 157) to agree in gender with the genus name (Code art. 31.2.3).
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen, 2012 Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang & Chen, 2012: 377, Glyptothorax jayarami Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012a:
fig. 9 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Nujiang Prefecture: 55, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawntlai Dis-
Lushui County: Liuku Township: Manbu Village, Man- trict: Kaladan River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N 92°57'E; ho-
bu River (a tributary of Salween), 25°52'44.4"N lotype: MUMF 14012)
98°50'27.8"E; holotype: KIZ 2000000586)
Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Rachmatika, 2009
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, Glyptothorax ketambe Ng & Rachmatika, 2009: 62, fig. 1
2007 (type locality: Sumatra: Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Prov-
Glyptothorax granulus Vishwanath & Linthoingambi, 2007: ince: Sungai Alas at Ketambe Research Station; holo-
2620 [+ fig. 5 in "web supplement"] (type locality: In- type: MZB 8694)
dia: Manipur: Ukhrul District: Iril River, Phungdar,
Chindwin drainage; holotype: MUMF 6151) Glyptothorax laak (Popta, 1904)
Glyptosternum laak Popta, 1904: 190 (type locality: Indo-
Glyptothorax hainanensis (Nichols & Pope, 1927) nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Howong River [about
Glyptosternon hainanensis Nichols & Pope, 1927: 333, fig. 7 0°15'N 115°30'E]; syntypes: RMNH 7562 [3]; also in
(type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH Popta, 1906: 71, pl. 4 fig. 15)
Taxonomic notes. Record of G. fokiensis from coastal drain- Glyptothorax lampris Fowler, 1934
ages of Guangxi (Shi Wan Da Shan) by Zhao & Zhang Glyptothorax lampris Fowler, 1934a: 91, figs. 34–36 (type
(2001b) is G. hainanensis. See also Chen et al. (2007). locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP 59357,
[Glyptosternum fokiensis Rendahl, 1925: 307 (type locality: China: Fok- Böhlke, 1984: 157)
ien [Fujian]: Lian Cheng County: Lieng-Cheng-Hsien, Lan-Hiao [Lian
Cheng, Lan Chiao bridge]; syntypes [2]: NRM 10018 [2])].
Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen, 2012
Glyptothorax honghensis Li, 1984 Glyptothorax lanceatus Ng, Jiang & Chen, 2012: 55: figs. 1–
Glyptothorax fukiensis honghensis Li, 1984b: 66, fig. 1 (type 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Baoshan Prefecture:
locality: China: Yunnan: Hekou [22°36'N, 103°58'E], Bawan township: Nujiang [Salween] at Mangdan vil-
Weisnan [Weishan County, 25°16'N 100°21'E], Nanjian lage; 24°56'00"N 98°53'29"E, 690 masl; holotype: KIZ
Xian [Nanjian County, 25°04'N 100°32'E], all in Hong 2006009835)
He drainage [Yuan Jiang, Red River, Song Hong]; syn-
types: KIZ 6440430, 474, 6507022, 133, 134, 137 [6]; Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler, 1934
spelt honghenensis p. 69, first reviser [Ferraris, 2007: Glyptothorax laosensis Fowler, 1934a: 88, figs. 28–30 (type
390] gave precedence to honghensis) locality: Thailand: Bua Yai, East Siam; holotype: ANSP
59412, Böhlke, 1984: 157)
Glyptothorax horai (Fowler, 1934)
Pteroglanis horai Fowler, 1934a: 92, figs. 37–40 (type lo- Glyptothorax longicauda Li, 1984
cality: Burma: S. Shan States: Sop Lao, in Maun Luang; Glyptothorax longicauda Li, 1984a: 80, fig. 3 (type locali-
holotype: ANSP 59462, Böhlke, 1984: 157) ty: China: Yunnan: Tengchong [upper Irrawaddy drain-
Nomenclatural notes. Glyptothorax horai Shaw & Sheb- age]; holotype: KIZ 764126)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Glyptothorax quadriocellatus (Mai, 1978) (type locality: China: Xizang: Changdu Zana, Nu Jiang
Glyptosternon quadriocellatum Mai, 1978: 272, fig. 121 drainage; syntypes: IHB 606164–166, 168, 170–174,
(type locality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT) 178, 651–653 [13], Jiang et al., 2012: 369, fig. 4a)
Glyptosternon minutum Mai, 1978: 274, fig. 122 (type lo-
cality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT; secondary
junior homonym of Glyptothorax minutus Hora, 1921a: Hara Blyth, 1860
180; simultaneous subjective synonym of Glyptosternon Hara Blyth, 1860b: 152 (type species: Hara buchanani
quadriocellatum Mai, 1978: 272, first reviser [Kottelat, Blyth, 1860b: 152, by original designation). Gender fem-
2001a: 54] gave precedence to G. quadriocellatum) inine.
Glyptothorax obscura Li, 1984a: 78, fig. 1 (type locality: Laguvia Hora, 1921d: 739 (type species: Pimelodus aspe-
China: Yunnan: Jingdon County [Red River drainage]; rus M'Clelland, 1844a: 404, by subsequent designation
holotype: KIZ 737197) by Jordan, 1923: 148). Gender feminine.
Glyptothorax spectrum Kottelat, 2001a: 55 (replacement Taxonomic notes. Synonymies follow Ng & Kottelat (2007b).
name for Glyptosternon minutum Mai, 1978: 274) Records of Hara hara in the area are mis-identifications.
[Pimelodus hara Hamilton, 1822: 190, 378 (type locality: India: Hooghly
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat, 2008 River south of Ranaghat [original type locality: India: Kosi River;
Nathpur; Hora, 1949: 70]; neotype: UMMZ 244697, designated by
Glyptothorax rugimentum Ng & Kottelat, 2008b: 129, fig. 1 Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 20; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced
(type locality: Myanmar: Kayin State: Ataran River drain- in Hora, 1929a: pl. 21 fig. 5, Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 20, fig. 6)].
age, stream "Chon Son" between Kyondaw and Phadaw,
about 20 km northwest of Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at Hara filamentosa Blyth, 1860
border with Thailand), 15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype: ZRC Hara filamentosa Blyth, 1860b: 152 (type locality: Myan-
50572) mar: Kayin state: Ataran River drainage: Megathat
Chaung system, stream "Chon Son" between Kyondaw
Glyptothorax schmidti (Volz, 1904) and Phadaw, about 20 km northwest of Payathouzu
Callomystax schmidti Volz, 1904: 470 (type locality: Indo- [Payathonzu] (at border with Thailand), 15°25'N 98°15'E
nesia: Sumatra: Simbolon hills [Dolok Simbolon; 3°01'N [original type locality: Burma: Tenasserim]; neotype:
98°54'E], 1400 masl, 4 hours from Talun Madear [see MHNG 2687.038, designated by Ng & Kottelat, 2007b:
also Schneider, 1905: 15]; syntypes [5]: NMBA 2827 502 [original potential syntypes: ZSI 585 [6, of which 1
[1], MHNG 682.22 [1], NMW, Weber & de Beaufort, is Erethistes pusillus Müller & Troschel, 1849: 12 ac-
1921: 71, Kottelat & Sutter, 1988: 54, Weber, 1998: 9) cording to Hora, 1950a: 188, 201]])
Erethistes maesotensis Kottelat, 1983b: 71, figs. 1–2 (type
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora, 1923 locality: Thailand: Tak Province: Mae Nam Moei, 5 km
Glyptothorax siamensis Hora, 1923b: 168, pl. 12 figs. 1–3 west of Mae Sot, 16°41'N 98°31'E; holotype: MHNG
(type locality: Thailand: Nakon Sritamarat hills; holo- 2096.63)
type: ZSI F 10548/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 129)
Hara koladynensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2009
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof, 2008 Hara koladynensis Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2009: 466,
Glyptothorax strabonis Ng & Freyhof, 2008: 16, fig. 4 (type fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawntlai District:
locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: market in Phong Koladyne River at Kolchaw, 22°23'N 92°57'E; holotype:
Nha; holotype: UMMZ 245669) MUMF 10001)
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu, 1981 Hara spinulus Ng & Kottelat, 2007
Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu, 1981: 74, fig. 1 Hara spinulus Ng & Kottelat, 2007b: 496, fig. 9 (type lo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
cality: Myanmar: Rakhine State: Baw Di Chaung at Baw ond Delacour and Lowe expedition (1925–1926) (see un-
Di bridge, 32 km from Gwa on road to Ngathaingchaung, der Homaloptera indochinensis). Hennache & Dickinson
17°34'15"N 94°43'47"E; holotype: NRM 52556) (2000) mentioned two localities near Xieng Khouang (the
name of a province and of its former capital [destroyed dur-
ing the war]) where Delacour collected while in Xieng Kh-
Myersglanis Hora & Silas, 1952 ouang: Muongsui [Muang Sui, nowaday Phu Kut, about
Myersglanis Hora & Silas, 1952: 19 (type species: Exosto- 19°40'N 103°E in Nam Ngum drainage, a Mekong tribu-
ma blythii Day, 1870a: 525, by monotypy). Gender mas- tary] and Phu Ké, which is not on my maps, possibly Phu
culine (Code art. Keng, a hill about 18 km west-northwest of Phonsavan and
Nomenclatural notes. Hora & Silas (1938) did not indi- also in Nam Ngum drainage. The species is recorded by Ng
cate the gender of Myersglanis. The word glanis can be & Kottelat (1999: 379) from headwaters of the Nam Ngiap
Greek (feminine gender) or Latin (masculine gender). I re- on the Plain of Jars, near the earlier Xieng Khouang.
tain it as masculine under Code art.
Oreoglanis frenata Ng & Rainboth, 2001
Myersglanis jayarami Vishwanath & Kosygin, 1999 Oreoglanis frenatus Ng & Rainboth, 2001: 7, fig. 6 (type
Myersglanis jayarami Vishwanath & Kosygin, 1999: 291, locality: Laos: Xieng Khouang Province: Nam Ka ba-
pl. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chindwin drainage: sin, Houay Kheua at Highway 7 bridge, 19°38'N
Laniye River at Jessami; 94°32'E 25°38'N; holotype: 103°28'E; holotype: UMMZ 236811)
MUMF 2138)
Oreoglanis heteropogon Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng &
Ng, 2009
Oreoglanis Smith, 1933 Oreoglanis heteropogon Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
Oreoglanis Smith, 1933: 70 (type species: Oreoglanis sia- 2009: 131, fig. 2 (type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son
mensis Smith, 1933: 72, by original designation). Gen- Province: Mae Yuam Luang stream, Salween drainage,
der feminine. 18°50'N 98°03'E; holotype: NIFI 3135)
Paroreoglanis Pellegrin, 1936: 244 (type species: Paroreo-
glanis delacouri Pellegrin, 1936: 244, by monotypy). Oreoglanis hypsiura Ng & Kottelat, 1999
Gender feminine. Oreoglanis hypsiurus Ng & Kottelat, 1999: 376, fig. 1 (type
Nomenclatural notes. Smith (1933) did not indicate the locality: Laos: Khammouan province: upper Nam The-
gender of Oreoglanis. The word glanis can be Greek (fem- un, about 1 km upstream of confluence with Houay Nuok
inine gender) or Latin (masculine gender). Because he used Lan, 18°04'09"N 105°29'44"E; holotype: ZRC 40440,
the prefix oreo- (from the Greek word oreos, mountain), Ng & Lim, 2008: 61, fig. 49)
I conclude he intended the Greek glanis. Therefore the gen-
der is feminine (Code art. 30.1.2). The same applies to Par- Oreoglanis immaculata Kong, Chen & Yang, 2007
oreoglanis. Oreoglanis immaculatus Kong, Chen & Yang, 2007: 225,
fig. 3 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Yongde County:
Unavailable name Nanjing River (tributary of Salween); holotype: KIZ
Oreoglanis libertis Nguyen [T. T.] & Le, in Eve et al., 2000: 200261015)
49, 135, 138, 139 (not available, location of holotype
not mentioned, Code art. 16.4.2, and intention not ex- Oreoglanis infulata Ng & Freyhof, 2001
plicit, Code art. 16.1; locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh Prov- Oreoglanis infulatus Ng & Freyhof, 2001: 1165, fig. 1 (type
ince: Vu Quang Nature Reserve: Saola camp) locality: Vietnam: Ha Tinh Province: stream at Son Kim,
a tributary of Song Lam; 18°24'25"N 105°11'10"E; ho-
Species inquirenda lotype: ZFMK 35719)
Oreoglanis pumatensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.],
in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 648, fig. 57 (type locality: Oreoglanis insignis Ng & Rainboth, 2001
Vietnam: Nghe An Province: Pu Mat; holotype: HNUE) Oreoglanis insignis Ng & Rainboth, 2001: 15, fig. 8 (type
locality: China: Yunnan: Baoshan Prefecture: Longchua-
Oreoglanis colurus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, njiang and Dajiang, near Qushi; holotype: KIZ 9810191)
Oreoglanis colurus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009: Oreoglanis jingdongensis Kong, Chen & Yang, 2007
129, fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Nan Province: Bhu- Oreoglanis Jingdongensis Kong, Chen & Yang, 2007: 224,
ka, Nam Dun, 19°29'N 101°08'E; holotype: NIFI 3190) fig. 2 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Jingdong County:
Mengpian River [Mekong drainage]; holotype: KIZ
Oreoglanis delacouri (Pellegrin, 1936) 200104003)
Paroreoglanis Delacouri Pellegrin, 1936: 244 (type locali-
ty: Laos: Xieng Khouang; lectotype: MNHN 1936-0031, Oreoglanis laciniosa Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
designated by Ng & Kottelat, 1999: 379) 2009
Taxonomic notes. The type series of Oreoglanis delacouri Oreoglanis laciniosus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
is part of material collected in 'Xieng Khouang' by the sec- 2009: 133, fig. 5 (type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong Son
Province: Pai, Mae Ya, 19°14'N 98°36'E; holotype: NIFI ed ZSI F 12233/1 as holotype. Smith described the species
3189) from a holotype and a paratype and mentioned that the 'to-
potype' [paratype] was in ZSI (see also Ferraris, 2007: 398).
Oreoglanis lepturus Ng & Rainboth, 2001 Hora & Silas (1952: 23) stated that a "topotype" was in ZSI
Oreoglanis lepturus Ng & Rainboth, 2001: 17, fig. 10 (type but was lost.
locality: Laos: Bolikamxai Province: Nam Phao stream
about 2 km from Vietnam border, 18°23'N 105°19'E; Oreoglanis sudarai Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
holotype: UMMZ 236814; proposed as noun in apposi- 2009
tion, indeclinable) Oreoglanis sudarai Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
Taxonomic notes. Possibly synonym of Oreoglanis hypsi- 2009: 139, fig. 10 (type locality: Thailand: Mae Hong
urus. Son Province: Ping Noi, Ban Tun at Mae La Noi, upper
Chao Phraya River drainage, 18°35' 98°10'E; holotype:
Oreoglanis macronemus Ng, 2004 NIFI 3193)
Oreoglanis macronemus Ng, 2004: 209, fig. 1 (type locali-
ty: Laos: Xieng Khouang; holotype: BMNH Oreoglanis suraswadii Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
1933.8.19.51) 2009
Taxonomic notes. The type series of Oreoglanis macrone- Oreoglanis suraswadii Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
mus is part of material collected in 'Xieng Khouang' by the 2009: 143, figs. 11–12 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang
second Delacour and Lowe expedition (1925–1926) (see Rai Province: Huay Mae Pern at Doi Tung, 20°20'N
under Homaloptera indochinensis). Hennache & Dickinson 99°50'E, Mekong River drainage; holotype: NIFI 3192)
(2000) mentioned two localities near Xieng Khouang (the
name of a province and of its former capital [destroyed dur- Oreoglanis tenuicauda Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng &
ing the war]) where Delacour collected while in Xieng Kh- Ng, 2009
ouang: Muongsui [Muang Sui, nowaday Phu Kut, about Oreoglanis tenuicauda Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
19°40'N 103°E in Nam Ngum drainage, a Mekong tribu- 2009: 145, figs. 13 (type locality: Thailand: Nan Prov-
tary] and Phu Ké, which is not on my maps, possibly Phu ince: Chalermprakiat, Nam Chang stream, 19°33'N
Keng, a hill about 18 km west-northwest of Phonsavan and 101°12'E; holotype: NIFI 3191)
also in Nam Ngum drainage.
Oreoglanis vicina Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng,
Oreoglanis macroptera (Vinciguerra, 1890) 2009
Exostoma macropterum Vinciguerra, 1890: 253, pl. 8 fig. 5 Oreoglanis vicinus Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, 2009:
(type locality: Burma: "paese dei Catcin" [Kachin State, 148, fig. 14 (type locality: Thailand: Nan Province: Pua,
probably near Bhamo]; syntypes: MCSNG 14410 [3], Silaphet waterfall, 19°7'N 100°57'E; holotype: NIFI
BMNH 1893.2.16.18 [1], NMW 46488 [1], RMNH 3194)
10236 [1], USNM 44805 [1], ZSI [1, lost], Tortonese,
1963a: 309, Ferraris & Vari, 1992: 40, Hora & Silas,
1952: 22, Eschmeyer, 2011; a compound adjective) Pareuchiloglanis Pellegrin, 1936
Pareuchiloglanis Pellegrin, 1936: 245 (type species:
Oreoglanis nakasathiani Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Pareuchiloglanis poilanei Pellegrin, 1936: 246, by mono-
Ng, 2009 typy). Gender feminine.
Oreoglanis nakasathiani Vidthayanon, Saenjundaeng & Ng, Nomenclatural notes. Pellegrin (1936) did not indicate the
2009: 135, figs. 7–8 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai gender of Pareuchilognalis. It was obviously based on Eu-
province: Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Nam Mae chiloglanis Regan, 1907. The word glanis can be Greek
Kok, 19°20'N 98°50'E; holotype: NIFI 3195) (feminine gender) or Latin (masculine gender). Because
Regan used the Greek prefix eu-, I conclude he intended the
Oreoglanis setigera Ng & Rainboth, 2001 Greek glanis and therefore Euchiloglanis and Pareuchilogla-
Oreoglanis setiger Ng & Rainboth, 2001: 23, fig. 12 (type nis are feminine (Code art. 30.1.2).
locality: Laos: Louang Namtha Province: Nam Ma Oun, The validitidy of the many names created in recent
21°05'N 101°04'E; holotype: UMMZ 236813) years in the Vietnamese literature cannot be evaluated. The
Nomenclatural notes. Oreoglanis is feminine. The species descriptions are of little use and the illustrations of most
name setiger was proposed as an adjective and must agree species are of such a poor quality that the identity cannot
in gender, therefore the spelling is setigera (see also exam- even be guessed. As most species have very restricted range,
ple under Code art. 31.2.2). it is expected that those from widely distant localities might
end up being valid, while the many species described from
Oreoglanis siamensis Smith, 1933 exactly the same locality may end as a single species.
Oreoglanis siamensis Smith, 1933: 72, fig. 4, pl. 3 (type
locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Kang River Species inquirendae
near base of Doi Angka [Doi Inthanon]; holotype: KUMF Pareuchiloglanis songdaensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen
172, Monkolprasit, 1969: 6) [V. H.], 2001: 67, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau
Nomenclatural notes. Menon & Yazdani (1968: 131) list- Province: Muong Tè District: Da River in Muong Tè;
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
holotype: HNUE LM.2001.01H) ity: China: Yunnan: Lo-ma Ho [Lamahe, now Jiduhe],
Pareuchiloglasus namdeensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 638, tributary of Mekong at Lanping [26°27'15"N
fig. 52 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong 99°25'19"E]; syntypes: BMNH 1923.2.21.40–49 [10],
Tho District: Nam De stream [Song Da drainage]; holo- ZSI F 10435/1 [1], Hora & Silas, 1952: 16, Chu et al.,
type: NCNTTSI; spelt Paseuchiloglanis namdenesis 1999: 171, Li et al., 2007: 15)
p. 639 fig. 52, 697, as first reviser I select namdeensis as Taxonomic notes. Norman (1923: 562) indicated the type
the correct original spelling) locality of E. myzostoma only as "Yunnan". The BMNH reg-
Paseuchiloglasus tamduongensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: ister indicates that the material was obtained in the Lo-ma
640, fig. 53 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Ho [Lamahe, now Jiduhe], a tributary of the Mekong at
Phong Tho District: Tam Duong town [Song Da drain- Lanping. See also the itinerary and maps of the collectors
age]; holotype: NCNTTSI) (Gregory & Gregory, 1923a–b).
Pareuchiloglasus brevicaudatus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 642,
fig. 54 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong Pareuchiloglanis nebulifera Ng & Kottelat, 2000
Tho District: Nam Na River [Song Da drainage]; Pareuchiloglanis nebulifer Ng & Kottelat, 2000a: 11, fig. 4
NCNTTSI; spelt Paseuchiloglanis brericaudatus p. 642, (type locality: Laos: Houaphan province, small creek,
an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling tributary of Houai Siam, upstream of Ban Kangpabong,
[Code art. 32.5.1]) 20°19'36"N 104°25'01"E; holotype: ZRC 45706, Ng &
Euchiloglanis dorsoarcus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 644, Lim, 2008: 64, fig. 51; nebulifer was proposed as an
fig. 55 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong adjective (p. 12) and has to agree in gender with the ge-
Tho District: Binh Lu, Nam Mu stream [Song Da drain- nus name, Code art. 31.2.2, Example)
age]; NCNTTSI; spelt dosoarcus p. 490, doroarcus p. ? Pareuchiloglanis songmaensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Ngu-
645 fig. 55, as first reviser I select dorsoarcus as the yen [V. H.], 2001, 2005a: 68, fig. 2 (type locality: Viet-
correct original spelling) nam: Son La Province: Song Ma District: Song Ma Riv-
Euchiloglanis phongthoensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 646, er in Muong Va; holotype: HNUE LM.2001.02H)
fig. 56 (type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Phong
Tho District: km 44 on road from Tam Duong to Sa Pa Pareuchiloglanis poilanei Pellegrin, 1936
[Song Da drainage]; NCNTTSI) Pareuchiloglanis Poilanei Pellegrin, 1936: 246 (type local-
ity: Vietnam: Nha Trang: Song Cai basin: Song Ko,
Pareuchiloglanis abbreviata Li, Zhou, Thomson, Zhang 680masl / confluence of Song Tan and Song Do, 420
& Yang, 2007 masl / Song Tan, 1400 masl; syntypes: MNHN 1936-
Pareuchiloglanis abbreviatus Li, Zhou, Thomson, Zhang 0005–0014 [10], 1936-0015–0018 [4], 1936-0019–0020
& Yang, 2007: 2, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: [5])
Jingdong County: Chuanghe (upper Lixianjiang, tribu-
tary of Red River), Mona (22°27'54"N 100°46'79"E Pareuchiloglanis prolixdorsalis Li, Zhou, Thomson,
[sic]); holotype: SWFC 0311021) Zhang & Yang, 2007
Pareuchiloglanis prolixdorsalis Li, Zhou, Thomson, Zhang
Pareuchiloglanis feae (Vinciguerra, 1890) & Yang, 2007: 15, fig. 8 (type locality: China: Yunnan:
Exostoma Feae Vinciguerra, 1890: 256, pl. 8 fig. 6 (type Jinghong County: Xiaonuoyou (22°14'04"N
locality: Burma: Taò [Salween drainage; map in Fea, 100°36'75"E), Nabanhe (small tributary of Lan-
1896: pl. 3] and Iadò; syntypes: MCSNG 14411 [4], cangjiang); holotype: SWFC 0105002)
14412 [3], BMNH 1893.2.16.19–20 [2], 1893.2.16.21–
22 [3], 1893.2.16.23 [1], MSNM 38 [ex 5117], NMW Pareuchiloglanis rhabdura Ng, 2004
9064–9065 [2], RMNH 10237 [3],USNM 44743 [3], ZSI Pareuchiloglanis rhabdurus Ng, 2004c: 7, fig. 3 (type lo-
F 10260/1 [1], Tortonese, 1963a: 309, Conci & Miche- cality: Vietnam: Ha Giang Province: Vi Xuyen District:
langeli, 1974: 226, Hora & Silas, 1952: 16, Ferraris & Red River [Song Hong] drainage, Cao Bo stream (Bac
Vari, 1992: 40, Ferraris, 2007: 398) Trao River); 22°45'18.0"N 104°52'11.4"E; holotype:
AMNH 211153)
Pareuchiloglanis gracilicaudata (Wu & Chen, 1979)
Euchiloglanis gracilicaudata Wu & Chen, 1979: 294, fig. 4
(type locality: China: Qinghai: Za Qu, upper Lancang Pseudecheneis Blyth, 1860
Jiang in Nangqen; syntypes [12]: NPIB) Pseudecheneis Blyth, 1860b: 154 (type species: Glyptoster-
non sulcatus M'Clelland, 1842a: 587, by monotypy).
Pareuchiloglanis macrotrema (Norman, 1925) Gender feminine.
Euchiloglanis macrotrema Norman, 1925b: 570 (type lo- Parapseudecheneis Hora, in Hora & Chabanaud, 1930: 216
cality: Vietnam: "Ngoi-Tio, Col des Nuages, Tonkin"; (type species: Pseudecheneis paviei Vaillant, 1892: 126,
syntypes: BMNH 1925.2.19.5–6 [2], Ng & Kottelat, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
2000a: 13) Propseudecheneis Hora, 1937b: 348 (type species: Propseu-
decheneis tchangi Hora, 1937b: 348, by monotypy [the
Pareuchiloglanis myzostoma (Norman, 1923) mention "gen. et sp. nov.", p. 349, does not constitute an
Euchiloglanis myzostoma Norman, 1923b: 562 (type local- original designation; conditions of Code art. 68.2.1 only
applies if two or more new nominal species are includ- China: Yunnan: Baoshan Prefecture, Longchuanjiang at
ed]). Gender feminine. Lianmengjie bridge, Irrawaddy River drainage; holotype:
KIZ 199811999)
Pseudecheneis brachyura Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008
Pseudecheneis brachyurus Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008: 108, fig. 1 Pseudecheneis sulcatoides Zhou & Chu, 1982
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Yingjiang County: Shu- Pseudecheneis sulcatoides Zhou & Chu, 1992: 111, fig. 1
dian (25°06.62'N 97°56.21'E) at a branch of Dayinjiang, (type locality: China: Yunnan: Mekong drainage, Yang-
a tributary of Irrawaddy; holotype: SWFC 200103294) bi, 25°40'N 99°57'E; holotype: KIZ 839059)
Pseudecheneis gracilis Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008 Pseudecheneis sympelvica Roberts, 1998
Pseudecheneis gracilis Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008: 111, fig. 7 Pseudecheneis sympelvicus Roberts, 1998d: 290, fig. 1 (type
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchong County: Qushi locality: Laos: Nam Theun drainage: Nam Veo, tribu-
(25°14'N 98°36.43'E) at upper edge of Longchuanjiang, tary of Nam Phao 25 km east of Lak Sao; holotype: ZRC
a tributary of Irrawaddy; holotype: SWFC 200102125) 40359, Ng & Lim, 2008: 67, fig. 54)
Pseudecheneis koladynae Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, Pseudecheneis ukhrulensis Vishwanath & Darshan, 2007
2010 Pseudecheneis ukhrulensis Vishwanath & Darshan, 2007:
Pseudecheneis koladynae Anganthoibi & Vishwanath, 2627 [+ fig. 1 on "web supplement"] (type locality: In-
2010b: 200, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Mizoram: Lawnt- dia: Manipur: Ukhrul district: Momo stream, Tusom C.V.,
lai district: Koladyne River, 22°23'N 92°57'E; holotype: Chindwin drainage; holotype: MUMF 2280)
MUMF 10020)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pseudolaguvia tenebricosa Britz & Ferraris, 2003 Pseudolaguvia tuberculata (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929)
Pseudolaguvia tenebricosa Britz & Ferraris, 2003: 2, fig. 1 Glyptothorax tuberculatus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 182,
(type locality: Myanmar: Kayin Division: Pathe Chaung, fig. 4, pl. 7 fig. 2 (type locality: Burma: Myitkyina Dis-
hill stream, 13 miles east of Taungoo, 19°01'11"N trict: stream Sankha, midway between Kamaing and
96°35'33"E; holotype: USNM 373293) Mogaung; holotype: ZSI F 10876/1, Menon & Yazdani,
1968: 129, Ng, 2005: 178)
Ceratoglanis pachynema Ng, 1999 of Cryptopterus Kaup, 1859: 11 in Pisces). Gender mas-
Ceratoglanis pachynema Ng, 1999b: 390, fig. 3 (type lo- culine.
cality: Thailand: Prachinburi market; holotype: CAS Cryptopterella Fowler, 1944d: 1 (type species: Cryptopter-
96577) ella beldti Fowler, 1944d: 2, by original designation).
Gender feminine.
Ceratoglanis scleronema (Bleeker, 1863)
Hemisilurus scleronema Bleeker, 1863a: 93, pl. 101 (type Kryptopterus baramensis Ng, 2002
locality: Indonesia: Java: Krawang; holotype [399 mm Kryptopterus baramensis Ng, 2002b: 68, fig. 1 (type local-
TL]: RMNH 2918, Ng, 1999b: 388; also in Bleeker, ity: Borneo: Sarawak: Sungai Akah, above Long Teban-
1863j: 74) gan, 300 m below confluence with Sungai Pahang, be-
low falls; 3°22'12"N 114°56'06"E; holotype: ROM
Hemisilurus Bleeker, 1857
Hemisilurus Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Wallago Kryptopterus bicirrhis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
heterorhynchus Bleeker, 1854d: 514, by monotypy; also ciennes, 1840)
in Bleeker, 1858j: 295). Gender masculine. Silurus bicirrhis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Diastatomycter Vaillant, 1891: 182 (type species: Diastato- 1840a: 367, pl. 411 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; ho-
mycter chaperi Vaillant, 1891: 182, by monotypy; also lotype: MNHN A.9932, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 22,
in Vaillant, 1893b: 66). Gender masculine. Bornbusch, 1995: 44)
Cryptopterus amboinensis Günther, 1864a: 40, 429 (type
Hemisilurus heterorhynchus (Bleeker, 1854) locality: Indonesia: Ambon [erroneous]; syntypes [2]:
Wallago heterorhynchus Bleeker, 1854d: 514 (type locali- BMNH 1855.3.24.14 [1, specimen of p. 40, Eschmeyer,
ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Muara Kompeh; holo- 2011], BMNH [1, listed p. 429])
type [326 mm TL]: RMNH 6849, Ferraris, 2007: 368)
Diastatomycter Chaperi Vaillant, 1891: 182 (type locality: Kryptopterus cryptopterus (Bleeker, 1851)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River Silurus cryptopterus Bleeker, 1851d: 270 (type locality: In-
[Knapei Stream near Smitow [Semitau]; Bertin & Es- donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho-
tève, 1950a: 22]; holotype: MNHN 1891-0458, Bertin lotype [110 mm TL]: RMNH 6840 [1 of 16], Ferraris,
& Estève, 1950a: 22; also in Vaillant, 1893b: 70, pl. 2 2007: 369)
fig. 2) Kryptopterus micropus Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (unnecessary
replacement name for Silurus cryptopterus Bleeker, 1851)
Hemisilurus mekongensis Bornbusch & Lundberg, 1989
Hemisilurus mekongensis Bornbusch & Lundberg, 1989: Kryptopterus dissitus Ng, 2001
435, fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Ubon Ratchatani Prov- Kryptopterus dissitus Ng, 2001b: 198, fig. 1 (type locality:
ince: Khong Chiam District: Mae Nam Mun at Ban Dan, Laos: Champasak Province: Mekong River at Ban Hang
3 km upstream of confluence with Mekong, 15°18'N Khone, just downstream from Khone falls; holotype:
105°31'E; holotype: UMMZ 214565) UMMZ 238017)
Hemisilurus moolenburghi Weber & de Beaufort, 1913 Kryptopterus geminus Ng, 2003
Hemisilurus moolenburghi Weber & de Beaufort, 1913: 212, Kryptopterus geminus Ng, 2003e: 2, fig. 1 (type locality:
figs. 84–85 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi Cambodia: Stung Treng, Mekong River 2 km down-
Province: Batang Hari River; syntypes: ZMA 113.564 stream from mouth of Tonle San on sandbars, 13°31'N
[2], Nijssen et al., 1993: 222, Bornbusch & Lundberg, 105°56'E; holotype: UMMZ 234664)
1989: 443)
Kryptopterus hesperius Ng, 2002
Kryptopterus hesperius Ng, 2002b: 70, fig. 3 (type locality:
Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857 Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Kwae Noi River at
Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Kryptopter- Sai Yok; holotype: ZMUC P28551)
us micropus Bleeker, 1857n: 472, by subsequent desig-
nation by Bleeker, 1862b: 395). Gender masculine. Kryptopterus lais (Bleeker, 1851)
Kryptopterichthys Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Silu- Silurus laïs Bleeker, 1851p: 428 (type locality: Indonesia:
rus palembangensis Bleeker, 1852r: 584, by subsequent Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype [125 mm
designation by Bleeker, 1862b: 395; simultaneous sub- TL]: RMNH 6839 [1 of 2], Ferraris, 2007: 370)
jective synonym of Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857n: 472,
first reviser [Günther, 1864a: 38] gave precedence to Kryptopterus limpok (Bleeker, 1852)
Kryptopterus). Gender masculine. Silurus limpok Bleeker, 1852r: 583 (type locality: Indone-
Kryptopterichthijs Bleeker, 1858j: 288 (incorrect subsequent sia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [175 mm TL]: ?
spelling of Kryptopterichthys Bleeker, 1857n: 472) BMNH 1863.12.4.100, Bornbusch, 1995: 44)
Cryptopterus Günther, 1864a: 38 (unjustified emendation
of Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857n: 472; junior homonym
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Kryptopterus lumholtzi Rendahl, 1922 species' after the name and does not mention the location of
Cryptopterus lumholtzi Rendahl, 1922b: 200 (type locality: the holotype in words and some wondered whether the name
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Kayan River near was available or not under Code art. 16.1. The text, abstract
Bulungan, from coast to Pipa River; holotype: ZMUO and running title make it obvious that the name was new;
J5310, Pethon, 1969: 4) the reference to Ferraris (2007) for the explanation of the
code of the institution explains where the holotype is locat-
Kryptopterus macrocephalus (Bleeker, 1858) ed. To avoid pointless discussions, these informations were
Kryptopterichthys macrocephalus Bleeker, 1858j: 293 (type spelled out in Ng & Kottelat (2013b: 299). Nevertheless,
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra ?: Padang ?; holotype I consider that the species name was validly made available
[113 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1863.12.4.99 or 1863.12.4.101, in the 2013b publication.
Bornbusch, 1995: 44, Roberts, 1989: 148)
? Cryptopterella beldti Fowler, 1944d: 2, fig. (type locality:
Borneo; holotype: ANSP 71571) Micronema Bleeker, 1857
Micronema Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Silurus
Kryptopterus minor Roberts, 1989 hexapterus Bleeker, 1851l: 203, by monotypy). Gender
Kryptopterus minor Roberts, 1989: 149, fig. 115 (type lo- neuter.
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai Pi-
noh at Nanga Saian, 45 km south of Nangapinoh, 0°43'S Micronema cheveyi (Durand, 1940)
111°38.5'E; holotype: MZB 3638; spelt minimus p. 146, Cryptopterus Cheveyi Durand, 1940: 19, pl. 4 (type locali-
first reviser [Ferraris, 2007: 370] gave precedence to mi- ty: Cambodia: stream of Kaskos; holotype: ION)
nor) ? Kryptopterus moorei Smith, 1945: 342, fig. 78 (type lo-
cality: Thailand: Menam Chao Phya [Chao Phraya] near
Kryptopterus mononema (Bleeker, 1846) Paknampo; holotype: USNM 109787)
Silurus mononema Bleeker, 1846d: 8 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Solo River [Surakarta, in Pepeh River; Blee- Micronema hexapterus (Bleeker, 1851)
ker, 1858j: 288]; syntypes [2; see Bleeker, 1858j: 288]: Silurus hexapterus Bleeker, 1851l: 203 (type locality: Indo-
? RMNH 6835 [2], ? BMNH 1863.12.4.93 [1], Ferraris, nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holo-
2007: 370; also in Bleeker, 1847d: 166) type [145 mm TL]: LU [not BMNH 1863.12.4.73, too
large, 159 mm SL; Bornbusch, 1995: 45]; compound
Kryptopterus palembangensis (Bleeker, 1852) adjective)
Silurus palembangensis Bleeker, 1852r: 584 (type locality: Nomenclatural notes. Hexapterus can be a noun or an ad-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [169 mm TL]: jective. As used in the original description by Bleeker, it
LU [not BMNH 1863.12.4.101, Ferraris, 2007: 370]) cannot be decided if he regarded it as a noun or an adjec-
tive, and therefore it is a noun (Code art. 31.2.2). At the
Kryptopterus paraschilbeides Ng, 2003 time of the creation of Micronema, he treated hexapterus as
Kryptopterus paraschilbeides Ng, 2003g: 3, fig. 1 (type lo- a noun (Bleeker, 1857n: 472).
cality: Cambodia: Kompong Chhnang: Tonle Sap River,
17 km upstream from Kompong Chhnang; holotype: Micronema platypogon (Ng, 2004)
UMMZ 238788) Kryptopterus platypogon Ng, 2004a: 2, fig. 1 (type locality:
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Rajang River drainage:
Kryptopterus piperatus Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, market at Sibu; 2°17'18.6"N 111°49'49.2"E; holotype:
2004 ZRC 45838, Ng & Lim, 2008: 46, fig. 35)
Kryptopterus piperatus Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2004:
92, fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh Sela-
tan: Sungai Lembang, Suag Balimbing Research Station, Ompok La Cepède, 1803
Gunung Leuser National Park; MZB 8717) Ompok La Cepède, 1803: 49 (type species: Ompok siluroi-
des La Cepède, 1803: 50, by monotypy). Gender mas-
Kryptopterus schilbeides (Bleeker, 1858) culine.
Hemisilurus schilbeides Bleeker, 1858j: 297 (type locality: Callichrous Hamilton, 1822: 149 (subgenus of Silurus Lin-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang / Borneo: Kalimantan Se- naeus, 1758: 304; type species: Silurus pabda Hamil-
latan: Banjarmasin; syntypes [2, 96–99 mm TL]: ? BMNH ton, 1822: 150, by subsequent designation by Bleeker,
1863.12.4.157 [1], 1864.5.15.6 [1], Ng, 2003g: 2) 1862b: 395, 1862c: 17). Gender masculine.
Silurodes Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Silurus ma-
Kryptopterus vitreolus Ng & Kottelat, 2013 cronema, Bleeker, 1851l: 203, by monotypy). Gender
Kryptopterus vitreolus Ng & Kottelat, 2013b: 309, figs. 1– masculine.
2 (type locality: Thailand: Trat Province: Amphoe Khao Pseudosilurus Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Wallago
Saming; holotype: UMMZ 249801; also in Ng & Kotte- leiacanthus Bleeker, 1853l: 189, by monotypy). Gender
lat, 2013c: 299) masculine.
Taxonomic notes. The original description of K. vitreolus
in Ng & Kottelat (2013: 309) did not include the words 'new
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Ompok pabo (Hamilton, 1822) of Ompok siluroides. But he mentioned "a label attached to
Silurus pabo Hamilton, 1822: 153, 375, pl. 17 [22] fig. 48 this individual indicated that the name given to this species
(type locality: India: "Brahmaputra River, towards in the country that it inhabited is Ompok". There is no rea-
Asam"; types: NT) son to doubt that 'ompok' is either an erroneous transcrip-
Silurus erythrogaster Swainson, 1839: 306 (available by tion, or a misreading of limpok, which is still the name of a
indication to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 17 [22] fig. 48 [Silurus number of Ompok and Kryptopterus species in Indonesia.
pabo]; type locality: India: "Brahmaputra River, towards At that time, freshwater fish material from Southeast Asia,
Asam"; holotype: model of Hamilton's figure, lost) especially material received in the Netherlands, did not usu-
Callichrous nigrescens Day, 1870c: 616 (type locality: Bur- ally originate from elsewhere than Batavia [Jakarta], on Java.
ma: Irrawaddy, Pegu and Sittoung Rivers; syntypes: ZSI Therefore the inference is that the type locality is probably
A.500 [2], AMS B.7636 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: Batavia, a conclusion already reached by Bleeker (1858j:
157, Ferraris et al., 2000: 300) 304). See also Ng & Hadiaty (2009: 56).
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Ng & Hadiaty (2009:
56) and Ng (2013: 165). Ompok supernus Ng, 2008
Ompok supernus Ng, 2008e: 60, figs. 2, 4 (type locality:
Ompok pinnatus Ng, 2003 Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah, Rungan River drainage in
Ompok pinnatus Ng, 2003a: 48, fig. 1 (type locality: Cam- vicinity of Tangkiling; holotype: MZB 10983)
bodia: Tonle Sap at Kompong Chhnang, fishing lot 9 in
second channel East of town; holotype: UMMZ 232679) Ompok urbaini (Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang, 1849)
Cryptopterus urbaini Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang,
Ompok platyrhynchus Ng & Tan, 2004 1949a: 197, fig. 2 (type locality: Cambodia; holotype:
Ompok platyrhynchus Ng & Tan, 2004: 2, fig. 1 (type local- MNHN 1966-0706 [1], Ng, 2003c: 1304 [as syntype],
ity: Borneo: Brunei Darussalam: Temburong District: Ferraris, 2007: 373)
Temburong basin, Belalong sub-basin, Sungai Esu, about
15 minutes upstream of Kuala Belalong Field studies Ompok weberi (Hardenberg, 1936)
Centre; 4°32'17.9"N 115°09'35.2"E; holotype: ZRC Callichrous weberi Hardenberg, 1936: 232 (type locality:
48678, Ng & Lim, 2008: 48, fig. 37) Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Padang Tikar Bay;
holotype: LU, probably lost, Ng & Siebert, 2002: 170)
Ompok pluriradiatus Ng, 2002
Ompok pluriradiatus Ng, 2002a: 28, fig. 3 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam River Phalacronotus Bleeker, 1857
drainage, a swift blackwater stream entering Mahakam Phalacronotus Bleeker, 1857n: 472 (type species: Silurus
River from the left side downriver of Muarapahu; 0°14'S phalacronotus Bleeker, 1851p: 429, by absolute tauton-
116°07'E; holotype: MZB 5951) ymy). Gender masculine.
see Bleeker, 1858j: 301]: RMNH 6841, Bornbusch, 1995: rus wynaadensis of Tchang, 1936: 35; type locality: Chi-
45; also in Bleeker, 1846c: 289) na: Guangxi: Lunchow; holotype: ASIZB [ex ZMFMIB
Silurus phalacronotus Bleeker, 1851p: 429 (type locality: 13692], Ferraris, 2007: 375; primary junior homonym
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype of Silurus sinensis La Cepède, 1803: 82, pl. 2 fig. 1 and
[220 mm TL]: LU) Silurus sinensis M'Clelland, 1844a: 402)
Phalacronotus micruropterus Bleeker, 1857n: 473 (unnec- Silurus gilberti Hora, 1938: 243 (replacement name for Si-
essary replacement name for Silurus phalacronotus Blee- lurus sinensis Hora, 1937b: 343)
ker, 1851p: 429)
Micronema typus Bleeker, 1858g: 420 (unnecessary repla- Pterocryptis berdmorei (Blyth, 1860)
cement name for Silurus micronemus Bleeker, 1846a: Siluricthys Berdmorei Blyth, 1860b: 156 (type locality:
18; also Bleeker, 1858j: 300) Burma: Tenasserim; holotype: ZSI 481, Hora, 1936c:
Kryptopterus deignani Fowler, 1937: 136, figs. 10–12 (type 355)
locality: Thailand: Me Poon [Mae Phun, a stream enter- Silurus torrentis Kobayakawa, 1989: 171, fig. 33 (type lo-
ing Mae Nam Yom at 17°40'N 99°42'E; de Schauensee, cality: Thailand: Trang Province: stream Lampae in Kha-
1946: 5; see Kottelat, 1990e: 207]; holotype: ANSP oluk village; holotype: NSMT-P 50234)
67884, Böhlke, 1984: 156) Silurus morehensis Arunkumar & Tombi Singh, 1997: 73,
fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Chandel District:
Phalacronotus parvanalis (Inger & Chin, 1959) Moreh Bazar [Chindwin drainage: headwaters of Yu
Kryptopterus parvanalis Inger & Chin, 1959: 284, fig. 46 River]; holotype: MUMF 2211/1A)
(type locality: Borneo: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kina-
batangan District: Kinabatangan River at Deramakot; Pterocryptis bokorensis (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1937)
holotype: FMNH 68014) Penesilurus bokorensis Pellegrin & Chevey, 1937: 315 (type
locality: Cambodia: Bokor, 800–1000 masl; holotype:
MNHN 1936-0167, Ng & Chan, 2005: 60)
Pterocryptis Peters, 1861
Pterocryptis Peters, 1861: 712 (type species: Pterocryptis Pterocryptis buccata Ng & Kottelat, 1998
gangelica Peters, 1861: 712, by monotypy). Gender fem- Pterocryptis buccata Ng & Kottelat, 1998c: 394, fig. 1 (type
inine. locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Amphoe Sai
Apodoglanis Fowler, 1905a: 463 (type species: Apodogla- Yok [district], Mae Khlong basin [Sai Yok village:
nis furnessi Fowler, 1905a: 463, by original designation). 14°14'N 99°04'E]; holotype: ZRC 41496, Ng & Lim,
Gender feminine. 2008: 51, fig. 39)
Penesilurus Herre, 1924a: 1570 (type species: Penesilurus
palavanensis Herre, 1924a: 1570, by original designa- Pterocryptis cochinchinensis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
tion; also in Herre, 1924c: 703). Gender masculine. Valenciennes, 1840)
Hitoichthys Herre, 1924a: 1570 (type species: Hitoichthys Silurus Cochinchinensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
taytayensis Herre, 1924a: 1570, by original designation; ciennes, 1840a: 352 (type locality: Vietnam: "Cochin-
precedence of Hito and Hitoichthys not fully certain but chine"; syntypes: MNHN 573 [1], B.602 [1, listed as
there are indications that Herre, 1924a appeared before holotype by Kobayakawa, 1989: 156], Bertin & Estève,
Herre, 1924c, see Bibliographic notes; if precedence 1950a: 23, Ng & Freyhof, 2001: 625)
cannot be determined, first reviser [Haig, 1952: 82] gave
precedence to Hito). Gender masculine. Pterocryptis crenula Ng & Freyhof, 2001
Hito Herre, 1924c: 702 (type species: Hito taytayensis Herre, Pterocryptis crenula Ng & Freyhof, 2001: 630, fig. 6 (type
1924c: 703, by original designation; objective junior locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Hai Ninh Dis-
synonym of Hitoichthys Herre, 1924a: 1570). Gender trict: torrent at km 5 on road from Bac Phong Sinh to
masculine. Mong Cai, 21°35'31"N 107°43'52"E; holotype: ZRC
Herklotsella Herre, 1933a: 179 (type species: Herklotsella 46317, Ng & Lim, 2008: 52, fig. 40)
anomala Herre, 1933a: 179, by original designation).
Gender feminine. Pterocryptis cucphuongensis (Mai, 1978)
Nomenclatural notes. Apodoglanis being explicitly formed Silurus cucphuongensis Mai, 1978: 245, fig. 112 (type lo-
on the classical Greek word glanis (see Steyskal, 1980: 170), cality: Vietnam: Thanh Hoa Province: Cuc Phuong Na-
it is feminine (Code art. 30.1.2). Herklotsella Herre is dated tional Park [from a cave, about 20°19'N 105°22'E; Esch-
December 1933 but appatrently appeared only in early 1934 meyer, 2011]; holotype: DVZUT 345, Ng & Freyhof,
(Eschmeyer, 2011) and Herklotsella Fowler, published on 2001: 633)
20 January 1934, might have precedence.
Pterocryptis furnessi (Fowler, 1905)
Pterocryptis anomala (Herre, 1933) Apodoglanis furnessi Fowler, 1905a: 463, fig. 2 (type local-
Herklotsella anomala Herre, 1933a: 179 (type locality: Chi- ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holotype:
na: Hong Kong market; holotype: CAS-SU 26769, ANSP 114894 [formerly WIAP 2485], Böhlke, 1984:
Böhlke, 1953: 42, Ng & Chan, 2005: 52) 157, Bornbusch, 1991: 1071)
Silurus sinensis Hora, 1937b: 343, fig. 8c–d (based on Silu-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pterocryptis inusitata Ng, 1999 its confluence, connected to Nyaru Menteng, 2°02'01.0"S
Pterocryptis inusitata Ng, 1999c: 372, fig. 1 (type locality: 113°47'05.5"E; holotype: MZB 17184)
Laos: Nam Theun drainage: Nam Ong [error for Nam
On] at Ban Don; holotype: ZRC 41455, Ng & Lim, 2008: Silurichthys marmoratus Ng & Ng, 1998
53, fig. 41) Silurichthys marmoratus Ng & Ng, 1998: 310, fig. 11 (type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Sungai Sebiris,
Pterocryptis taytayensis (Herre, 1924) 13.8 km after Kampung Puteh turnoff, towards Lundu
Hitoichthys taytayensis Herre, 1924a: 1570 (type locality: on Sematan–Lundu road; 1°41'32"N 109°47'00.8"E;
Phillipines: Palawan: small creek near Taytay; holotype: holotype: ZRC 40293, Ng & Lim, 2008: 55, fig. 43)
BSM 9357, lost; also in Herre, 1924c: 703 [as Hito tay-
tayensis]) Silurichthys phaiosoma (Bleeker, 1851)
Penesilurus palavanensis Herre, 1924a: 1570 (type locali- Silurus phaiosoma Bleeker, 1851p: 428 (type locality: In-
ty: Philipines: Palawan: Lake Manguao; holotype: BSM, donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype
lost; simultaneous subjective synonym of Hitoichthys [82 mm TL]: RMNH 6831)
taytayensis Herre, 1924a: 1570, first reviser [Haig, 1952:
102] gave precedence to H. taytayensis; also in Herre, Silurichthys sanguineus Roberts, 1989
1924c: 704) Silurichthys sanguineus Roberts, 1989: 151, fig. 119 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai
Pterocryptis verecunda Ng & Freyhof, 2001 Tekam where it enters Kapuas about 5–6 km upstream
Pterocryptis verecunda Ng & Freyhof, 2001: 636, fig. 9 (type from Sanggau, 0°06.5'N 110°37'E; holotype: MZB 3673)
locality: Vietnam: Hai Phong Province: Cat Ba Island,
stream near eastern entrance of Trung Trang cave, Silurichthys schneideri Volz, 1904
20°47'17"N 107°00'04"E; holotype: ZRC 46316, Ng & Silurichthys schneideri Volz, 1904: 463 (type locality: In-
Lim, 2008: 54, fig. 42) donesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Utara: Upper Langkat,
Danau near Sukaranda [Sukaranda Estate, north of
Serapit; 3°37'N 98°14'E; see also Schneider, 1905: 4];
Silurichthys Bleeker, 1856 holotype: NMW 44623, Ng & Ng, 1998: 318)
Silurichthys Bleeker, 1856h: 417, 418 (type species: Silu- Silurichthys leucopodus Fowler, 1939b: 56, figs. 4–6 (type
rus phaiosoma Bleeker, 1851p: 428, by monotypy). locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP
Gender masculine. 68463, Böhlke, 1984: 157)
Silurus dauuricus Pallas, 1787: 359, pl. 11 fig. 11 (type lo- hexanema Kner, 1866: 546, by monotypy). Gender mas-
cality: Russia: Dauuria: Onon, Ingoda and Argun drain- culine.
ages; types: ? ZMB, ? ZISP) Wallagonia Myers, 1938: 98 (type species: Wallago leerii
Silurus punctatus Cantor, 1842: 485 (type locality: China: Bleeker, 1851p: 427, by original designation). Gender
Chusan Island [Zhoushan Dao]; syntypes: BMNH feminine.
1968.3.11.29 [3], ? 1843.7.21.6 [1], ? 1843.7.21.24 [1],
? 1843. [1], ? 1860.3.19.736–737 [2], Wallago attu (Schneider, 1801)
? 1860.3.19.785–786 [2], Ferraris, 2007: 379; primary Silurus attu Schneider, 1801: 378, pl. 75 (type locality: In-
junior homonym of Silurus punctatus Rafinesque, 1818a: dia: "Habitat in lacubus Malabariae" [in lakes of Mala-
355) bar]; holotype: ZMB 8783, lost, Paepke, 1999: 139; spelt
Silurus xanthosteus Richardson, 1845b: 133, pl. 56 figs. 12– athu pp. xlviii, 378, first reviser [Bleeker, 1858j: 263,
14 (type locality: China: Chusan [Zhoushan Dao] and 1863a: 79] retained attu as correct original spelling)
Canton; syntypes: BMNH 1968.3.11.29 [3] and speci- Silurus boalis Hamilton, 1822: 154, 375, pl. 29 fig. 49 (type
men on which is based Reeves unpublished drawing, locality: "Gangetic provinces and all over India"; types:
Whitehead, 1970a: 210) NT)
Silurus japonicus Richardson, 1846a: 282 (type locality: Sea Silurus macrostomus Swainson, 1839: 306 (available by
of Japan; holotype: BMNH LU) indication to Hamilton, 1822: 154, pl. 29 fig. 49 [Silu-
Silurus japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 226, pl. 104 rus boalis]; type locality: "Gangetic provinces and all
fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Higo, Satzuma and Nagasa- over India"; types: NT)
ki [locality of lectotype not stated]; lectotype: RMNH Silurus Wallagoo Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
D.675, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 169) 1840a: 354 (type locality: India: Calcutta, Bengal, Viza-
? Silurichthys basilewskii Bleeker, 1858j: 256 (based on gapattam, Coromandel and Malabar Coast / Burma; syn-
Silurus asotus of Basilewski, 1855: 240, pl. 3 fig. 4; type types: MNHN and material on which are based Silurus
locality: China: flowing and standing waters, and in Gulf attu Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 378, Silurus boalis
of Tschili; types: LU) Hamilton, 1822: 154 and Wallagoo of Russell, 1803b:
Silurus cinereus Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 189, pl. 47 fig. 1 pl. 165)
(type locality: China: Yang-tse-kiang [Yangtze River]; Silurus Mülleri Bleeker, 1846a: 18 (type locality: Indone-
types: ? MNHN) sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU, but possibly in-
Silurus bedfordi Regan, 1908a: 61, pl. 2 fig. 3 (type locali- cluded in type series of Wallago Russellii Bleeker, 1853o:
ty: South Korea: Kimhoa and Chong-ju; syntypes: 108; incorrect original spelling, must be emended to
BMNH 1907.12.10.67 [1], 1907.12.10.66 [1, listed as muelleri, Code art.; also in Bleeker, 1846c: 289)
holotype by Kobayakawa, 1989: 156], Ferraris, 2007: Wallago Russellii Bleeker, 1853o: 108 (type locality: India:
379) Hooghly River in Calcutta / Indonesia: Java: Batavia
Parasilurus asotus var. longus Wu, 1930c: 255, fig. 1 (type [Jakarta]; syntypes [4: 285–485 mm TL, possibly includ-
locality: China: Tchekiang [Zhejiang]: creek on the hill ing type(s) of Silurus muelleri Bleeker, 1846]: LU)
of Tian-Tai; syntypes [2]: ? MNHN) ? Silurodon hexanema Kner, 1866: 546 (type locality: Chi-
Taxonomic notes. Silurus inermis Houttuyn, 1782, S. im- na: Shanghai [probably erroneous, Haig, 1952: 80];
berbis Gmelin, 1789 and Centranodon japonicus La Cepède, types: NMW; also in Kner, 1867: 305, pl. 12 fig. 2)
1803 are tentative synonyms of Sphyraena acutipinnis Day, Silurus pelorius Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name listed
1876. in synonymy)
Nomenclatural notes. Chen (1977: 216) designated "ten Wallago attu valeya Deraniyagala, 1953: 45 (type locality:
specimens [...] from the Heilung Kiang River [...] as neo- Sri Lanka: Western Province: Yakvala; holotype: NMSL
type" of Silurus asotus. As the neotype must be a single FF187, Pethiyagoda, 1991a: 336; holotype figured in
specimen, this designation is not valid. Deraniyagala, 1952: pl. 13)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Alfred, 1970: 68, Ng & Lim, 2008: 57, fig. 45, ZSI F Wallago micropogon Ng, 2004
13365/1 [right anterior gill-arch], Menon & Yazdani, Wallago micropogon Ng, 2004b: 93, fig. 1 (type locality:
1968: 125) Cambodia: Stung Treng market; 13°30'N 105°58'E; ho-
lotype: UMMZ 232320)
Wallago maculatus Inger & Chin, 1859
Wallago maculatus Inger & Chin, 1959: 279 (type locality:
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District: Kina-
batangan River at Deramakot; holotype: FMNH 68038)
Plotosus abbreviatus Boulenger, 1895 Plotosus marginatus Bennett, 1830: 691 (type locality: In-
Plotosus abbreviatus Boulenger, 1895a: 247 (type locality: donesia: Sumatra; syntypes: BMNH 1855.12.26.452 [1],
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: mouth of Baram River; Ferraris, 2007: 350; not anonymous, see pp. xi, 629)
holotype: BMNH 1894.8.3.35, Ng & Sparks, 2002: 567) Plotoseus ikapor Lesson, 1829a: 435 (type locality: Indo-
Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid by Yoshino & Kishimo- nesia: Waigiou: Offach Bay [Waigeo Island: Teluk Fo-
to (2008: 7). fak]; types: holotype: ? NT; also in Lesson, 1831: pl. 31
fig. 3 [5 Sept.], p. 132 [13 Oct.])
Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1822 Plotosus vittatus Swainson, 1839: 307 (available by indica-
Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1822: 142, 374, pl. 15 fig. 44 tion to Bloch, 1794: pl. 373 fig. 1 [Platystacus anguil-
(type locality: India: rivers of southern parts of Bengal; laris]; type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangamba-
types: NT) di, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB, model of
Plotosus caesius Cuvier, 1829: 297 (available by indication Bloch's figure)
to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 15 fig. 44; type locality: India: Plotosus lineatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
rivers of southern parts of Bengal; holotype: specimen 1840b: 412 (type locality: Red Sea / Seychelles / Isle-
figured by Hamilton) de-France [Mauritius] / Sri Lanka: Trinquemale / India:
Plotosus unicolor Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Pondicherry / Indonesia: Sulawesi and Ambon / Iles des
1840b: 426 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: Amis [Tonga Islands] / Society Islands / Macao / Phil-
MNHN A.8924, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 19) ippines; syntypes: MNHN 8932 [10 or 11], A.8930 [1],
Plotosus viviparus Bleeker, 1846a: 59 (type locality: Indo- A.8931 [2], A.8936 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 19, and
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: RMNH 8066 material on which are based the accounts of various au-
[1], 15875 [6], SMNS 10624 [1], Fricke, 1991: 18, 2005: thors cited; secondary junior homonym of Silurus linea-
54; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 182) tus Thunberg, 1787: 31 [Plotoseus lineatus of Temminck
Plotosus horridus Bleeker, 1846a: 59 (type locality: Indo- & Schlegel, 1846: 228 is not a new species but explicit-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Blee- ly said to have been described by Valenciennes])
ker, 1846b: 183) Plotosus malignus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Plotosus multiradiatus Bleeker, 1846a: 60 (type locality: 1840b: 420 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Plotosus castaneus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Bleeker, 1846b: 183) nes, 1840b: 421 (type locality: India: Mahé; holotype:
Plotosus caesius Hyrtl, 1859: 5, 6, 17 (type locality: not MNHN A.8929, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 19)
stated; types: LU; junior homonym of Plotosus caesius Plotosus castaneoïdes Bleeker, 1851q: 490 (type locality:
Cuvier, 1829: 297) Indonesia: Rio [Riau]; syntypes [2, 160–170 mm TL]:
Silurus unitus Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name listed RMNH)
in synonymy) Plotosus arab Bleeker, 1862a: 111 (available by indication
to Plotosus anguillaris of La Cepède, 1803: 130, pl. 3
Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1775) fig. 2, itself based on specimens and Platystacus anguil-
Silurus Arab Forskål, 1775: xvi (reference to "Silurus arab" laris Bloch, 1794: 61, pl. 373 fig. 1; type locality: India:
as a name available from Forskål is incorrect as Forskål Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]
used 'Arab' to indicate vernacular name in Arabian [the [Bloch; locality of Commerson's material reported by
section 'Nominati' is a glossary giving translation of each La Cepède not known]; syntypes: MNHN, ZMB 3078
name into different languages]; see Jordan & Fowler, [1], 3079 [1])
1903b: 898, Weber, 1913a: 30, Smith, 1941a: 15 and Plotosus flavolineatus Stuart, in Whitley, 1941b: 311, fig.
Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 24) (nomen nudum)
Silurus lineatus Thunberg, 1787: 31 (type locality: Indian Plotosus brevibarbus Bessednov, 1967: 446, fig. 3 (type
Ocean [Thunberg, 1791: 191]; syntypes: UUZM 285, locality: Vietnam: Tonkin Bay [Gulf of Tonkin], 21°10'N
ZMUC P 28555, Wallin, 1996: 62, Ferraris, 2007: 350; 108°30'E; holotype: TINRO 3667)
also in Thunberg, 1791: 191, pl. 6) Nomenclatural notes. See under Ophichthus for comments
Platystacus anguillaris Bloch, 1794: 61, pl. 373 fig. 1 (type on names in some of Thunberg's publication. The author of
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Plotosus lineatus is Thunberg and the respondent was
79°51'E]; lectotype: ZMB 3078, designated by Taylor & Holmer.
Gomon, in Daget et al., 1986: 160)
Plotosus thunbergianus La Cepède, 1803: 693, 694 (unnec-
essary replacement name for Silurus lineatus Thunberg,
1787: 31)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ennes, 1840b: 386 (type locality: China: Macao; synty- Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864
pes: MNHN A.9592 [2], Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 46) Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864a: 18 (type locality:
Clarias pulicaris Richardson, 1845b: 135, pl. 62 figs. 5–6 Thailand; lectotype: BMNH 1862.11.1.216, designated
(type locality: China: Canton; holotype: BMNH by Teugels et al., 1999: 287)
1868.3.11.21–22 [1 of 2], Whitehead, 1970a: 210 [or
syntype if Reeves drawing is based on another speci- Clarias magur (Hamilton, 1822)
men]) Macropteronotus magur Hamilton, 1822: 146, 374, pl. 26
Clarias sauteri Regan, 1908c: 151 (type locality: Formosa: fig. 45 (type locality: Ganges ["stagnis et fopis [sic; fos-
Kagi [Taiwan: Chia-yi]; syntypes: BMNH 1908.5.27.16– sis ?] Bengala inferioris in luto Post", Hora, 1949: 66];
22 [7], SMNS 4369 [12], Ho & Shao, 2011: 33, fig. 4, types: NT ["syntypes" listed by Sudarto et al., 2004: 9
Eschmeyer, 2013) have no type status])
Macropteronotus jagur Hamilton, 1822: 145, 374 (type lo-
*Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) cality: India: Ganges basin ["stagnis Bengala inferioris
Silurus Gariepinus Burchell, 1822: 425, fig p. 445 (type Lukipura", Hora, 1949: 66]; types: NT; simultaneous
locality: South Africa, Cape Province: Vaal River [tribu- subjective synonym of Macropteronotus magur Hamil-
tary of Orange River], at Smidtsdrift, above confluence ton, 1822: 146, 374, first reviser [Day, 1889: 115] gave
with Riet River, 28°42'10"S 24°04'29"E; neotype: RUSI precedence to M. magur)
520, designated by Skelton & Teugels, 1992: 1) Plotosus Hamiltonii Swainson, 1839: 307 (available by in-
Distribution notes. Introduced. dication to Hamilton, 1822: 146, pl. 26 fig. 45 [Macro-
pteronotus magur]; type locality: India: Ganges ["stag-
Clarias gracilentus Ng, Dang & Nguyen, 2011 nis et fopis Bengala inferioris in luto Post", Hora, 1949:
Clarias gracilentus Ng, Dang & Nguyen, 2011: 62, fig. 1 66]; types: NT)
(type locality: Vietnam: Phu Quoc Island: swamp drain- Clarias marpus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ing into Rach Vem, approx. 10°22'N 103°56'E; holotype: 1840b: 378 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visa-
UMMZ 248862) khapatnam], Calcutta and Pondicherry / Burma:
Rangoon / Syria: Alep; syntypes: MNHN B.685 [2],
Clarias insolitus Ng, 2003 Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 45, and specimens on which
Clarias insolitus Ng, 2003d: 2, fig. 1 (type locality: Indone- are based P. Russell, 1803b: pl. 168 [Marpoo], A. Rus-
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Barito drainage: small sell, 1756: pl. 12 fig. 1 and Gronovius, 1763: 100, pl. 8a
stream flowing into Sungai Rekut (tributary of Sungai figs. 3–5)
Busang) about 1.5 km upstream from Project Barito Ulu ? Cossyphus ater M'Clelland, 1844a: 403, pl. 22 fig. 3 (type
base camp on Sungai Busang; holotype: MZB 6112) locality: "China: Chusan" [Zhoushan Dao]; holotype: ?
Clarias intermedius Teugels, Sudarto & Pouyaud, 2001 Clarias Assamensis Day, 1877a: 485 (type locality: India:
Clarias intermedius Teugels, Sudarto & Pouyaud, 2001: 86, Assam: Goalpara and Suddya; syntypes: ZSI 1268 [1,
fig. 5 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Ten- lost], AMS B.7485 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158,
gah: Palangkaraya market; holotype: MZB 10574) Ferraris et al., 2000: 294)
Taxonomic notes. The records of Clarias batrachus from
Clarias kapuasensis Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003 Myanmar are tentatively identified as C. magur, but this
Clarias kapuasensis Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2003: 156, requires confirmation. It might be an unnamed species.
fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
Barat: upper Kapuas basin: peat swamp bordering Clarias meladerma Bleeker, 1846
Melawi River at Nanga Pinoh; holotype: MZB 10965) Clarias meladerma Bleeker, 1846a: 54 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH 13709,
Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851 designated by Teugels et al., 2001: 90 [but no evidence
Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851p: 430 (type locality: Indo- is given that this specimen is part of the type series: part
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; holotype [160 of A series of Bleeker's auction catalogue is not evidence
mm TL]: BMNH 1863.12.4.55, Sudarto et al., 2003: 154) of being part of type series]; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 178)
Clarias liacanthus Günther, 1864a: 20 (incorrect subsequent Clarias melasoma Bleeker, 1852o: 427 (type locality: In-
spelling of Clarias leiacanthus Bleeker, 1851p: 430) donesia: Borneo: Kusan River at Prabukarta / Sumatra:
Clarias Teijsmanni Bleeker, 1857i: 344 (type locality: In- Musi River in Palembang; syntypes [2, 170–300 mm TL]:
donesia: Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor] Province: Tjikoppo; ? RMNH 16413 [1], Teugels et al., 2001: 90)
holotype [110 mm TL]: RMNH 6803, Ng, 1999e: 29) Clarias melanoderma Bleeker, 1857n: 474 (unnecessary re-
? Clarias pulcher Popta, 1904: 179 (type locality: Indone- placement name for Clarias melasoma Bleeker, 1852o:
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Howong River [about 427)
0°15'N 115°30'E]; holotype: RMNH 7542; also in Pop- Clarias melanosoma Bleeker, 1858n: 1 (incorrect subsequent
ta, 1906: 21, pl. 1 fig. 2) spelling of Clarias melasoma Bleeker, 1852o: 427)
Phagorus cataractus Fowler, 1939b: 54, figs. 1–3 (type lo-
cality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP Clarias microspilus Ng & Hadiaty, 2011
68462, Böhlke, 1984: 59, Ng, 2001a: 161) Clarias microspilus Ng & Hadiaty, 2011: 1578, fig. 1 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Nangroe Aceh Darussal- Clarias sulcatus Ng, 2004
am Province: Kabupaten Aceh Selatan: Sungai Lembang Clarias sulcatus Ng, 2004f: 290, fig. 1 (type locality: Ma-
at Pasilembang, 3°01'N 97°21'E); holotype: MZB 8706) laysia: Terengganu: Pulau Redang, stream on east slope
of west ridge; holotype: ZRC 22665, Ng & Lim, 2008:
Clarias microstomus Ng, 2001 42, fig. 32)
Clarias microstomus Ng, 2001a: 158, fig. 1 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Kayan River
drainage, Ladang near Sungai Pingai, 2°00'09.6"N Encheloclarias Myers, in Herre & Myers, 1937
115°09'13.8"E; holotype: MZB 9336) Encheloclarias Myers, in Herre & Myers, 1937: 66 (type
species: Heterobranchus tapeinopterus Bleeker, 1853b:
Clarias nieuhofii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 732, by original designation; authorship as indicated
nes, 1840 p. 53). Gender masculine.
Clarias Nieuhofii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1840b: 386 (type locality: not stated [India: Bertin & Encheloclarias baculum Ng & Lim, 1993
Estève, 1950a: 47; apparently erroneous]; lectotype: Encheloclarias baculum Ng & Lim, 1993: 27, fig. 5 (type
MNHN B.300, designated by Ng, Dang & Nguyen, 2011: locality: probably Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Bar-
65 [listed as holotype by Lim & Ng, 1999: 165; synty- at: Sambas; holotype: BMNH 1863.12.11.162)
pes also included material on which is based Anguille
tachetée [bont-ael] of Nieuhof, 1682: (2) 271; figure re- Encheloclarias curtisoma Ng & Lim, 1993
produced in Ng, Dang & Nguyen, 2011: 65, fig. 3]) Encheloclarias curtisoma Ng & Lim, 1993: 32, figs. 9–11
Clarias pentapterus Bleeker, 1851l: 206 (type locality: In- (type locality: Malaysia: Selangor: north Selangor peat
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho- swamp forest, stream at 39-km stone on road from Sungei
lotype [350 mm TL]: RMNH 6804 [as syntype in Ng, Besar to Tanjong Malim; holotype: ZRC 14886, Ng &
1999e: 29]) Lim, 2008: 43, fig. 33)
Clarias gilli Smith & Seale, 1906: 74, fig. b (type locality:
Philippines: Mindanao: Rio Grande near Cotabato; ho- Encheloclarias kelioides Ng & Lim, 1993
lotype: USNM 55620, Ferraris & Vari, 1992: 17) Encheloclarias kelioides Ng & Lim, 1993: 30, figs. 7–8 (type
locality: Malaysia: Pahang: south of Pekan, 69-km stone
Clarias nigricans Ng, 2003 on road from Mersing to Pekan, near Kuantan; holotype:
Clarias nigricans Ng, 2003h: 393, fig. 1 (type locality: In- ZRC 29401, Ng & Lim, 2008: 44, fig. 341)
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: market in Samarin-
da; holotype: MZB 10705) Encheloclarias medialis Ng, 2012
Encheloclarias medialis Ng, 2012c: 112, fig. 1 (type local-
Clarias olivaceus Fowler, 1904 ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah, Mentaya
Chlarias olivaceus Fowler, 1904b: 499, pl. 28 (type locali- drainage, Pundu-Plantarang area, stream at km 142 on
ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: ANSP 27280, Palangkaraya–Sampit road, 2°01'39.9"S 112°59'48.2"E;
Ng, 1999e: 30) holotype: MZB 10984)
Clarias thienemanni Ahl, 1934: 235 (type locality: Indone-
sia: Sumatra: Lake Toba at Porsea; syntypes [4]: ZMB Encheloclarias prolatus Ng & Lim, 1993
20931 [2], 20934 [1], 20944 [1], Ng, 1999e: 29, 2001: Encheloclarias prolatus Ng & Lim, 1993: 29, fig. 6 (type
161, Paepke, 1995: 92) locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching; holotype:
SMK 5686)
Clarias planiceps Ng, 1999
Clarias planiceps Ng, 1999e: 22, fig. 1b (type locality: Encheloclarias tapeinopterus (Bleeker, 1853)
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Belakin area, Ulu Sungai Heterobranchus tapeinopterus Bleeker, 1853b: 732 (type
Anap; holotype: SMK uncat.) locality: Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Toboali Province;
holotype [124 mm TL]: RMNH 6806, Ng & Lim, 1993:
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, 25, fig. 3)
Clarias pseudoleiacanthus Sudarto, Teugels & Pouyaud, Encheloclarias velatus Ng & Tan, 2000
2003: 156, fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Ka- Encheloclarias velatus Ng & Tan, 2000: 536, fig. 1 (type
limantan Barat: Satong, peat swamp about 30 km after locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi, Angso Duo Mar-
Ketapang on road to Sukadana; holotype: MZB 10964) ket; holotype: MZB 9335)
1840b [Nov.]: 399 (type species: Silurus singio Hamil- Silurus singio Hamilton, 1822: 147, 374, pl. 37 fig. 46 (type
ton, 1822: 147, by monotypy). Gender masculine. locality: India: Ganges basin ["stagnorum et fossarum
Clarisilurus Fowler, 1937: 133 (type species: Clarisilurus luto", Hora, 1949: 66]; types: NT [specimens listed as
kemratensis Fowler, 1937: 133, by original designation). syntypes by Eschmeyer, 2011 unlikely to be types, needs
Gender masculine. confirmation])
Nomenclatural notes. Heteropneustes and Saccobranchus Silurus laticeps Swainson, 1838: 345, fig. 84 (type locality:
were both published in 1840. Volume 15 of Cuvier & Va- India [Swainson, 1839: 306, 393]; types: NT; also in
lenciennes (1840b) appeared in November, 1840 (Sherborn, Swainson, 1839: 306, 393)
1925: 600; Bailey, 1957a: 312). The date of publication of Silurus biserratus Swainson, 1839: 306, 393 (available by
Müller (1840) is not yet clear and formally it should be dat- indication to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 37 fig. 46 [Silurus sin-
ed to 31 December 1840. But this work was read on 11 gio]; type locality: India: Ganges basin ["stagnorum et
November and 9 December 1839 at meetings of the Acade- fossarum luto", Hora, 1949: 66]; holotype: model of
my of Sciences in Berlin and, although supporting evidenc- Hamilton's figure, lost)
es are not yet available, considering the practices of that Saccobranchus microps Günther, 1864a: 31 (type locality:
time the paper was probably published in the beginning of Sri Lanka [Dambuwa; Pethiyagoda & Bahir, 1998: 113];
1840, and likely before Valenciennes's work, which appeared syntypes: BMNH 1859.5.31.9–11 [3], Pethiyagoda &
close to the end of the year. Considering that the genus name Bahir, 1998: 113)
Heteropneustes is well established, it would not be appro- Saccobranchus microcephalus Günther, 1864a: 31 (type
priate to change usage as long as we do not know the exact locality: Sri Lanka; holotype: BMNH 1864.3.18.1, Fer-
publication date of Müller (1840). raris, 2007: 151)
Silurus pungentispinus Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name
Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794) listed in synonymy)
Silurus fossilis Bloch, 1794: 46, pl. 370 fig. 2 (type locality:
India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Heteropneustes kemratensis (Fowler, 1937)
79°51'E]; lectotype: ZMB 3074, designated by Paepke, Clarisilurus kemratensis Fowler, 1937: 133, figs. 5–7 (type
1999: 87, pl. 25 fig. 3) locality: Thailand: Kemrat [Kemarat]; holotype: ANSP
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pimelodus arius Hamilton, 1822: 170, by original des- India: Coromandel Coast / Madras; syntypes: ZSI 1304
ignation; objective junior synonym of Arius Valencien- [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158)
nes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 53). Gender mas-
culine. Arius jatius (Hamilton, 1822)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Kailola (1990: 4). Pimelodus jatius Hamilton, 1822: 171, 376 (type locality:
India: estuaries of Bengal; types: NT; jatius is a noun in
Arius acutirostris Day, 1877 apposition, indeclinable)
Arius acutirostris Day, 1877a: 459, pl. 107 fig. 1 (type lo-
cality: Burma: Salween River at Moulmein; types: among Arius leptonotacanthus Bleeker, 1849
ZSI 454, 500, A.569 [13], BMNH 1870.6.14.34 [1], Arius leptonotacanthus Bleeker, 1849e: 11 (type locality:
NMW 44358, 48327 [1], RMNH 2735, Whitehead & Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Sura-
Talwar, 1976: 158, Ferraris, 2007: 31) baya; holotype [211 mm TL, Bleeker, 1858j: 106]:
BMNH 1863.12.4.114 [1])
Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel, 1849)
Bagrus arenarius Müller & Troschel, 1849: 9 (type locali- Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792)
ty: China; syntypes: ZMB 3001 [1], Kailola, 2004: 156) Silurus maculatus Thunberg, 1792: 31, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type lo-
Arius fangi Chaux, in Chaux & Fang, 1949a: 194, fig. 1 cality: China, Japan; types: LU)
(type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin; holotype: MNHN 1966- Silurus ocellatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 379 (unneces-
0726, Kottelat, 2001a: 56) sary replacement name for Silurus maculatus Thunberg,
1792: 31)
Arius arius (Hamilton, 1822) Silurus thunberg La Cepède, 1803: 691, 692 (unnecessary re-
Pimelodus arius Hamilton, 1822: 170, 376 (type locality: placement name for Silurus maculatus Thunberg, 1792: 31)
India: estuaries of Bengal; types: NT) Bagrus gagorides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Arius falcarius Richardson, 1845b: 134, pl. 62 figs. 7–9 (type 1840a: 441 (type locality: India: Bengal: Ganges; holo-
locality: China: Canton; syntypes [2]: BMNH type: MNHN A.9330, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 3)
2005.9.12.1 [1], 2005.9.12.2 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 34, and Arius sinensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
specimen on which is based Reeves unpublished draw- 1840b: 72 (type locality: "Touraine" [Vietnam: Da Nang,
ing, Whitehead, 1970a: 210) earlier Tourane; not Touraine in France]; holotype:
Bagrus crinalis Richardson, 1846a: 282 (type locality: Chi- MNHN; secondary junior homonym of Tachysurus sin-
na: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based Reeves ensis La Cepède, 1803: 151 when both are placed in
unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: Tachysurus or Arius)
210, pl. 19c) Arius gagoroides Bleeker, 1846a: 42 (type locality: Indone-
Pimelodus mong Richardson, 1846a: 286 (type locality: sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? SMNS 10567
China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based [2], Fricke, 1991: 8; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 168)
Reeves unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, Arius Heckelii Bleeker, 1846a: 42 (type locality: Indonesia:
1970a: 210, pl. 20b) Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Bleeker,
Arius cochinchinensis Günther, 1864a: 170, figs. (type lo- 1846b: 169)
cality: Vietnam: Cochinchina [southern Vietnam]; holo- Arius pidada Bleeker, 1846a: 43 (type locality: Indonesia:
type: BMNH) Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? AMS B.7965 [1], ?
Arius Boakeii Turner, 1867: 82 (type locality: Sri Lanka: BMNH 1863.12.4.57 [1], NMV 45948 [1], Ferraris,
Caltura; syntypes [3]: BMNH 1866.7.11.1 [1], ? NMSZ 2007: 55; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 169; potential synty-
1987.030 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 34) pes also include material of Arius utik Bleeker, 1846a,
? Arius buchanani Day, 1877a: 463, pl. 105 fig. 6 (type lo- Kailola, 2004: 127; a lectotype is needed to fix the iden-
cality: India: Hooghly River at Calcutta / Burma: Ir- tity of this nominal species)
rawaddy; syntypes: ZSI 456 [1], 1302 [1, lost], White- Arius angulatus Bleeker, 1846a: 44 (type locality: Indone-
head & Talwar, 1976: 158, and material on which is based sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Bleeker,
Pimelodus arius Hamilton, 1822: 170) 1846b: 170)
Arius chondropterygioides Bleeker, 1846a: 44 (type locali-
Arius dispar Herre, 1926 ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in
Arius dispar Herre, 1926b: 405, pl. 1 fig. 6 (type locality: Bleeker, 1846b: 170)
Philippines: Luzon: Pacomarket, Manila; holotype: BSM, Arius viviparus Bleeker, 1846a: 45 (type locality: Indone-
lost) sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Bleeker,
1846b: 171)
Arius gagora (Hamilton, 1822) Arius borneënsis Bleeker, 1851j: 67 (type locality: Indone-
Pimelodus gagora Hamilton, 1822: 167, 376, pl. 10 fig. 54 sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; synty-
(type locality: India: estuaries of Bengal; types: NT) pes [2, 101–170 mm TL]: LU)
? Arius macracanthus Günther, 1864a: 167, 2 figs. (type Hemipimelodus bicolor Fowler, 1935a: 100, fig. 23 (type
locality: Thailand; holotype: BMNH 1862.11.1.222, Fer- locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60777,
raris, 2007: 36) Böhlke, 1984: 22)
? Arius jella Day, 1877a: 467, pl. 106 fig. 3 (type locality: Hemipimelodus atripinnis Fowler, 1937: 145, fig. 34 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cryptarius truncatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton, 1822)
ciennes, 1840) Pimelodus sagor Hamilton, 1822: 169, 376 (type locality:
Arius truncatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, India: estuaries of Bengal; types: NT)
1840b: 64 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: Bagrus Sondaicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
MNHN B.590, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 5) 1840a: 444 (type locality: Strait of Sunda; holotype:
Hemipimelodus cochlearis Fowler, 1935a: 101, fig. 25 (type MNHN B.604, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 4)
locality: Thailand: Paknam; holotype: ANSP 60767, ? Bagrus Javensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Böhlke, 1984: 22) 1840a: 445 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype:
Bagrus doroides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Hemiarius Bleeker, 1862 1840a: 447, pl. 418 (type locality: India: Pondicherry /
Hemiarius Bleeker, 1862c: 7, 29 (type species: Cephalo- Bengal: mouth of Ganges; syntypes [2]: MNHN A.8668
cassis stormii Bleeker, 1858j: 246, by original designa- [1], A.9349 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 4)
tion). Gender masculine. Hexanematichthys sundaicus Bleeker, 1858o: 2 (unjustified
Notarius Gill, 1863b: 171 (type species: Arius grandicassis emendation of Bagrus sondaicus Valenciennes, in Cu-
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 54, vier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 444)
pl. 427, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Ketengus typus Bleeker, 1846 Arius melanopterygius Bleeker, 1849e: 10 (type locality:
Ketengus typus Bleeker, 1846d: 9 (type locality: Indonesia: Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Sura-
Java: Madura Strait; syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.112 [1]; baya; holotype ? [301 mm TL]: LU)
also in Bleeker, 1847d: 167)
Pimelodus pectinidens Cantor, 1849: 1243 (type locality:
Malaysia: freshwater, Pinang; holotype: BMNH Netuma Bleeker, 1858
1860.3.19.499, Ferraris, 2007: 46) Catastoma Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b:
60 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Netuma Bleeker, 1858g: 415 (type species: Arius nasutus
Nemapteryx Ogilby, 1908 Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 60, by
Nemapteryx Ogilby, 1908b: 3, 10 (type species: Arius stir- monotypy; also in Bleeker, 1858j: 93). Gender feminine.
lingi Ogilby, 1898d: 281, by original designation). Gen- Sarcogenys Bleeker, 1858j: 96 (not available, name listed
der feminine. in synonymy)
Pararius Whitley, 1940b: 409 (subgenus of Tachysurus La
Nemapteryx bleekeri (Popta, 1900) Cepède, 1803: 150; type species: Arius proximus Ogil-
Arius Bleekeri Popta, 1900: 71 (type locality: not stated, by, 1898d: 280, by original designation). Gender mas-
possibly Indonesia; syntypes: RMNH 6825 [4]) culine.
Distribution notes. Records of Netuma thalassina from
Nemapteryx macronotacantha (Bleeker, 1846) inland waters seem erroneous.
Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker, 1846a: 32 (type locality: Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Netuma is Arius
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [290 mm nasutus by monotypy, not Bagrus netuma by tautonymy
TL; see Bleeker, 1858j: 108]: RMNH 6901 [1] or (contra Eschmeyer, 2011, Ferraris, 2007: 49).
? BMNH 1863.12.4.59, Ferraris, 2007: 47; also in Blee- [Bagrus thalassinus Rüppell, 1837: 75, pl. 20 fig. 2 (type locality: Eritrea:
ker, 1846b: 159) Massaua [Massawa]; syntypes: SMF 544 [1], 5414 [1], 2627 [1], 5740
[1], Kailola, 1986: 546, Ferraris, 2007: 49)].
? Arius parvipinnis Day, 1877a: 460 (type locality: India: [Bagrus netuma Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 438, pl.
Coromandel coast; types: LU; not pl. 113 fig. 1, which 417 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holotype: MNHN 9345, Kailola,
is A. macronotacanthus) 1986: 546)].
[Arius nasutus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 60 (type
locality: Indonesia: Java / India: Malabar Coast / Red Sea; syntypes:
Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton, 1822) MNHN A.9407 [1], A.9408 [1], A.9409 [1], Bertin & Estève, 1950a:
Pimelodus nenga Hamilton, 1822: 171, 376 (type locality: 4, and specimen on which Kuhl & van Hasselt's unpublished figure is
India: Ganges River; types: NT) based, possibly RMNH D.2390, Ferraris, 2007: 49)].
Bagrus arioides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1840a: 440 (type locality: India: Bengal; holotype: Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
MNHN) nes, 1840)
Arius caelatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Bagrus bilineatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1840b: 66 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakar- 1840a: 434 (type locality: India: Pondicherry and Viza-
ta] / India: Bombay; syntypes: MNHN B.589 [1], B.614 gapatham [Visakhapatnam] / Burma: Rangoon; synty-
[2], Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 5) pes: MNHN A.9344 [1, Pondicherry], Kailola, 1986: 546
Arius aequibarbis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, and material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 54,
1840b: 68 (type locality: Burma: Rangoon / India: Ben- pl. 169 [Deddi Jellah])
gal; syntypes [2]: MNHN 1200 [1 of 2], B.682 [1], Ber- Bagrus rhodonotus Bleeker, 1846a: 29 (type locality: Indone-
tin & Estève, 1950a: 5) sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: RMNH 15865 [5], SMNS
Arius granosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 10568 [1], Fricke, 1991: 8; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 157)
1840b: 69 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holotype: Arius andamanensis Day, 1871c: 699 (in part; type locality:
MNHN B.681, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 6) India: Andaman Islands; syntypes: possibly ZSI 1307
Arius caelatoides Bleeker, 1846a: 32 (type locality: Indo- [1, N. thalassinus], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158,
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Blee- AMS B.7931 [1, Netuma bilineatus], Kailola, 1986: 546,
ker, 1846b: 159) Ferraris et al., 2000: 294; type series includes two spe-
Arius microgastropterygius Bleeker, 1846a: 33 (type local- cies, a lectotype designation is needed)
ity: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also Netuma osakae Jordan & Kasawa, in Jordan & Hubbs, 1925:
in Bleeker, 1846b: 160) 157, pl. 9 fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Osaka market; holo-
Arius clijpeaster Bleeker, 1846a: 34 (type locality: Indone- type: FMNH 59388 [ex CM 7808], Kailola, 1986: 546)
sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Bleeker, Arius dayi Dmitrenko, 1974: 39, figs. 1a, 2 (type locality:
1846b: 161) Oman: Masir Strait, 19°47'08"N 58°28'03"E; holotype:
Arius clypeastroides Bleeker, 1846a: 34 (type locality: In- ZMUAS TNPMAN Pi 2/1–2)
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Blee- Distribution notes. In estuaries but probably not in fresh-
ker, 1846b: 161) water, see Kailola (1986: 540).
Arius chondropterygius Bleeker, 1846a: 35 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Netuma proxima (Ogilby, 1898)
Bleeker, 1846b: 162) Arius proximus Ogilby, 1898d: 280 (type locality: Austra-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
lia: Northern Territory: Port Darwin; holotype: AMS 1991: 7, Ferraris, 2007: 51; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 167)
I.25691-001 [ex MAMU F.1174], Eschmeyer, 2011) Arius macrocephalus Bleeker, 1846a: 40 (type locality: In-
Arius arafurensis Hardenberg, 1948: 409, fig. (type locali- donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [2, 370–401
ty: Indonesia: Aru Islands: Dobo market; holotype: LU, mm TL]: RMNH 6896 [1], BMNH 1863.12.4.78 [1],
probably lost) Ferraris, 2007: 51; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 167)
Arius Hamiltonis Bleeker, 1846a: 47 (type locality: Indone-
sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? part of RMNH
Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846 6895 [12], Ferraris, 2007: 51; also in Bleeker, 1846c: 291)
Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846b: 146, 173 (type species: Si- Arius Schlegeli Bleeker, 1863o: 146 (type locality: China:
lurus militaris Linnaeus, 1758: 305, by subsequent des- Amoy; syntypes [2, 206–266 mm TL]: RMNH, ? AMS
ignation by Bleeker, 1862c: 8). Gender masculine. B.8123 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 56)
Osteogeniosus Günther, 1864a: 181 (unjustified emenda- Tachysurus broadbenti Ogilby, 1908a: 8 (type locality: Aus-
tion of Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846b: 146, 173). Gen- tralia: Queensland: Cape York; syntypes [3]: QM I.9745
der masculine. [1], I.9746 [1], Paxton et al., 1989: 220)
Hemipimelodus colcloughi Ogilby, 1910a: 7 (type locality:
Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Australia: Northern Territory: Crocker Island; holotype:
Silurus militaris Linnaeus, 1758: 305 (type locality: 'Asia'; QM I.1538, Paxton et al., 1989: 218)
types: NT)
Osteogeneiosus macrocephalus Bleeker, 1846a: 49 (type Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? ciennes, 1840)
BMNH 1863.12.4.51 [1], ? NMV 45847 [1], Ferraris, Arius Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
2007: 51; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 173) 1840b: 84 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; holotype:
Osteogeneiosus longiceps Bleeker, 1846a: 50 (type locali- MNHN A.9401, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 6)
ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in ? Arius Belangerii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Bleeker, 1846b: 174) 1840b: 71 (type locality: India: Bombay; holotype:
Osteogeneiosus ingluvies Bleeker, 1846a: 50 (type locality: MNHN)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Arius goniaspis Bleeker, 1857a: 44 (type locality: Indone-
Bleeker, 1846b: 174) sia: Sumatra: Priaman; syntypes [2, 100–113 mm TL]:
Osteogeneiosus gracilis Bleeker, 1846a: 51 (type locality: BMNH 1863.12.4.159 [1])
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in Arius kirkii Günther, 1864a: 163, fig. (type locality: [Zam-
Bleeker, 1846b: 175) bia ?:] Zambezi River, Shupanga; holotype: BMNH
Osteogeneiosus Blochii Bleeker, 1846a: 51 (type locality: 1864.1.9.54, Ferraris, 2007: 52)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU; also in
Bleeker, 1846b: 175) Plicofollis layardi (Günther, 1866)
Osteogeneiosus Valenciennesi Bleeker, 1846a: 51 (type lo- Arius Layardi Günther, 1866b: 474, pl. 15 (type locality:
cality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? Sri Lanka; holotype: BMNH 1866.7.13.13, Ferraris,
BMNH 1863.12.4.53 [1], ? NMV 46593 [1], 46594 [1], 2007: 52)
Ferraris, 2007: 51; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 175) Arius tenuispinis Day, 1877: 466, pl. 107 fig. 5 (type local-
Osteogeneiosus Cantoris Bleeker, 1853o: 120, pl. 2 fig. 4 ity: India: Bombay; holotype: ZSI F482, Whitehead &
(type locality: India: Hooghly River at Calcutta; synty- Talwar, 1976: 152)
pes [2, 198–225 mm TL]: RMNH 6907 [1], Ferraris, Arius satparanus Chaudhuri, 1916a: 430, figs. 6–8 (type
2007: 51) locality: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake, channel between
Osteogeniosus sthenocephalus Day, 1877a: 469, pl. 108 Satpara and Barnikuda; holotype: ZSI F 8784/1, Me-
fig. 3 (type locality: Burma: Moulmein; holotype: ZSI non & Yazdani, 1968: 125)
1263, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158) Taxonomic notes. Validity and synonymy follow Kailola
(2004: 142).
Arius leiotetocephalus Bleeker, 1846a: 48 (type locality: Batavia and the other from Priaman; therefore the original
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: RMNH description was based on a single specimen. The size of the
16011 [5], 5277 [1], SMNS 817et [2, lost], Fricke, 1991: 2 specimens was 150 and 160 mm TL. The 121 mm SL spec-
8, Ferraris, 2007: 52; also in Bleeker, 1846c: 292) imen (BMNH 1863.12.4.98; Ferraris, 2002: 52) could be
Bagrus Meyenii Müller & Troschel, 1849: 9 (type locality: the holotype or the Priaman specimen.
not stated; holotype: ZMB 3002, Ferraris, 2007: 52)
Ariodes leiocephalus Bleeker, 1858j: 88 (unjustified emen- Plicofollis tonggol (Bleeker, 1846)
dation of Arius leiotetocephalus Bleeker, 1846a: 48) Arius tonggol Bleeker, 1846a: 48 (type locality: Indonesia:
Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: part of RMNH 6894
Plicofollis polystaphilodon (Bleeker, 1846) [3], BMNH 1863.12.4.56 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 52; also in
Arius polystaphylodon Bleeker, 1846a: 46 (type locality: Bleeker, 1846c: 292)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: ? BMNH Arius crossocheilos Bleeker, 1846a: 46 (type locality: Indo-
1863.12.4.98 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 52; also in Bleeker, nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: part of RMNH
1846b: 172) 6894 [3], Ferraris, 2007: 52; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 172;
Nomenclatural notes. Bleeker (1846a: 46) described A. simultaneous subjective synonym of Arius tonggol Blee-
polystaphilodon from Batavia without stating the number ker, 1846a: 48, first reviser [Bleeker, 1858j: 68, 84] gave
of specimens on which it is based. Later (Bleeker, 1858j: precedence to A. tonggol)
91) he mentioned having seen only 2 specimens, one from
Schilbeidae Bleeker, 1858 some pages are numbered 1779–1782, instead of 1179–1182.
Ailichthoidei Bleeker, 1858j: 49, 248 (type genus: Ailia Gray, There is also an unnumbered page between pages 1782 and
1830: vol. 1: pl. 85 fig. 2; proposed as subfamily rank 1183. It is indicated here as 1182a. The indication making
and has precedence over Schilbeini Bleeker, 1858j: 49 the name Schilbe available is on p. 1182a because it is the
proposed at a lower rank (phalanx), Code art. 24.1, but reference to the sequence of names mentioned by Cuvier
precedence reversed under Code art. 35.5) (1816a: 202). The mention on p. 1782 is not an indication.
Schilbeini Bleeker, 1858j: 49, 250, 256 (type genus: Schilbe Bleeker (1858j: 49) established the name Ailichtoidei at
Oken, 1817: 1182a) the subfamily rank and Schilbeini at a lower rank (phalanx),
Siluranodontinae Regan, 1911e: 568 (type genus: Siluran- and Ailichthoidei (Ailiidae) would have precedence over
odon Bleeker, 1858j: 253, 255, 256) Schilbeini (Schilbeidae), under Code art. 24.1. But, as Schil-
Horabagrinae Jayaram, 2006: 141 (type genus: Horabagrus beidae is in prevailing use at the family rank and Ailiidae in
Jayaram, 1955: 261) occasional use at the subfamily rank, Schilbeidae has pre-
Taxonomic notes. Systematics at genus level follows Vid- cedence under Code art. 35.5 [in which precedence under
thayanon & Roongthongbaisuree (1993). Morphological art. 24.1 is understood as equivalent to 'older' in art. 35.5]).
(Mo, 1991: 195) and molecular data (Hardman, 2005; Sul- [Schilbe Oken, 1817: 1182a (based on "les schilbé" of Cuvier, 1816a: 202;
livan et al., 2008) indicate that Schilbeidae as traditionally type species: Silurus mystus Linnaeus, 1758: 305, by monotypy). Gen-
der masculine].
understood is polyphyletic and that some of the Asian spe- [Horabagrus Jayaram, 1955: 261 (type species: Pseudobagrus brachyso-
cies they analysed are closely related to Horabagrus and ma Günther, 1864: 86, by original designation). Gender masculine].
may justify placement in a separate family for which the
name Horabagridae Jayaram (2006: 141) is available. The Clupisoma Swainson, 1838
African species they examined constitute a distinct lineage. Clupisoma Swainson, 1838: 347, 351, 354 (subgenus of Si-
Their taxonomic sampling, however, is limited and without lurus Linnaeus, 1758: 304; type species: Silurus garua
inclusion of a greater number of genera and species in such Hamilton, 1822: 156, by original designation). Gender
an analysis it is premature to formally transfer all Asian Schil- neuter.
beidae to Horabagridae. Schilbeichthys Bleeker, 1858j: 255, 256 (unnecessary re-
Nomenclatural notes. Schilbeidae is formed on Schilbe placement name for Clupisoma Swainson, 1838: 347).
Oken, 1817: 1182a, a transcription or mistranscription of the Gender masculine.
Egyptian name of the type species (schilbe). As the name is
not formed on a Latin or Greek word, it takes the stem used by the Clupisoma longianale (Huang, 1981)
author of the family-group name (Bleeker, 1858j: 49). This Platytropius longianalis Huang, 1981: 438, fig. 5 (type lo-
stem is Schilbe and the family name is Schilbeidae (Code cality: China: Yunnan: Simao Prefecture: Puer County:
art. 29.3.3). Schilbidae is an incorrect subsequent spelling. Tongxing township, a tributary of Pu-Er River at
There is a problem with the numbering of the pages in Xiaoganlanba [Mekong basin] [Chen et al., 2005: 570];
Oken (1817). The whole paper has pages 1145–1184, but holotype: KIZ 735118)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 67893, Pseudeutropius moolenburghae Weber & de Beaufort,
Böhlke, 1984: 136) 1913
Pseudeutropius moolenburghae Weber & de Beaufort, 1913:
249, fig. 100 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Batang
Proeutropiichthys Hora, 1937 Hari River; syntypes: ZMA 112.681 [6], AMNH 9283
Proeutropiichthys Hora, 1937a: 353 (type species: Eutropius [1], Nijssen et al., 1993: 224, Ferraris, 2007: 362)
macropthalmos Blyth, 1860b: 156, by original designa-
tion). Gender masculine.
Silonia Swainson, 1838
Proeutropiichthys macropthalmos (Blyth, 1860) Silonia Swainson, 1838: 345, 1839: 305 (subgenus of Age-
Eutropius macropthalmos Blyth, 1860b: 156 (type locality: neiosus La Cepède, 1803: 132; type species: Ageneio-
Burma: Tenasserim; syntypes: LU, Ferraris, 2007: 362, sus lurida Swainson, 1838: 345, by monotypy). Gender
or ? AMS B.7982 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) feminine.
Proeutropiichthys taakree burmanicus Tilak, 1981: 35, figs. Silundia Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b:
1, 3, 5 (type locality: Burma; holotype: ZSI FF 771, Fer- 48 (type species: Silundia gangetica Valenciennes, in
raris, 2007: 362) Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b: 49, by subsequent des-
ignation by Bleeker, 1862b: 399). Gender feminine.
Silondia Günther, 1864a: 65 (unjustified emendation of Si-
Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862 lundia Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b:
Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862b: 398 (type species: Eutropius 48). Gender feminine.
brachypopterus Bleeker, 1858j: 169, by original desig- Silonopangasius Hora, 1937a: 352 (type species: Ageneio-
nation). Gender masculine. sus childreni Sykes, 1839a: 165, by original designa-
tion). Gender masculine.
Pseudeutropius brachypopterus (Bleeker, 1858)
Eutropius brachypopterus Bleeker, 1858j: 169 (type locali- Silonia silondia (Hamilton, 1822)
ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [115 mm Pimelodus silondia Hamilton, 1822: 160, 375, pl. 7 fig. 50
TL]: LU) (type locality: India: "Gangetic estuaries"; types: NT)
Ageneious lurida Swainson, 1838: 345, fig. 85 (unneces-
Pseudeutropius indigens Ng & Vidthayanon, 2011 sary replacement name for Pimelodus silondia Hamil-
Pseudeutropius indigens Ng & Vidthayanon, 2011: 46, fig. ton, 1822: 160, pl. 7 fig. 50)
1 (type locality: Thailand: Narathiwat Province: Toh Silundia Gangetica Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Daeng peat swamp, Khlong Pak Pla, 6°11'11"N nes, 1840b: 49, pl. 426 (unnecessary replacement name
102°01'32"E; holotype: NIFI 3074) for Pimelodus silondia Hamilton, 1822: 160)
Silurus tonsus Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed
in synonymy)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pangasianodon Chevey, 1931 Pangasius elongatus Pouyaud, Gustiano & Teugels, 2002
Pangasianodon Chevey, 1931: 538 (type species: Panga- Pangasius elongatus Pouyaud, Gustiano & Teugels, 2002:
sianodon gigas Chevey, 1931: 538, by monotypy). Gen- 248, fig. 5 (type locality: Vietnam: "Lower Mekong River
der masculine. Delta"; holotype: MZB 10890)
? Pangasius delicatissimus Bleeker, 1863a: 73 (type locali- type locality: estuaries of Bengal; types: NT)
ty: Indonesia: Java: Krawang Province; holotype: mod- Pangasius Buchanani Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
el of the drawing [contra Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1991: ennes, 1840b: 45, pl. 425 (unnecessary replacement name
127, this name is available, Code art. 12.1]) for Pimelodus pangasius Hamilton, 1822: 163)
Pangasius siamensis Steindachner, 1878: 156 (nomen nu- Silurus sagittatus Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name list-
dum) ed in synonymy)
Pangasius siamensis Steindachner, 1879c: 393 (type local- Pangasius pangasius godavarii David, 1962: 151, fig. 3G
ity: Thailand: "Meinam-Fluss bei Bangkok" [Mae Nam (type locality: India: Andhra Pradesh: Godavari River at
Chao Phraya near Bangkok]; syntypes: NMW 45469 [1], Rajahmundry; syntypes: not preserved, or at Central In-
76998 [1], Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1991: 127) land Fisheries Tank Fisheries Unit, Bangalore)
? Pangasius aequilabialis Fowler, 1937: 140, figs. 20–23 Pangasius pangasius upiensis Srivastava, 1968: 97, fig. 60
(type locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP (type locality: India: Uttar Pradesh: Gorakhpur: Rohini
67897, Böhlke, 1984: 136) River at Bale-ka-Maidan; holotype: Zoological Muse-
Taxonomic notes. Comment in Kottelat (1989: 14) that um of Gorakhpur University)
Pangasius siamensis is possibly extinct is a typesetter's mis-
take; this actually applies to Platytropius siamensis, one line Pangasius polyuranodon Bleeker, 1852
below. Pangasius polyuranodon Bleeker, 1852o: 425 (type locali-
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma-
Pangasius mahakamensis Pouyaud, Gustiano & Teugels, sin; holotype [160 mm TL]: ? RMNH 6855, Roberts &
2002 Vidthayanon, 1991: 136)
Pangasius mahakamensis Pouyaud, Gustiano & Teugels, Pangasius juaro Bleeker, 1852r: 589 (type locality: Indo-
2002: 246, fig. 4 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Ka- nesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [336 mm TL]: part
limantan Timur: Mahakam River at Samarinda; holotype: of BMNH 1863.12.4.79 [1], RMNH 6855 [3 of 4], Rob-
MZB 10886) erts & Vidthayanon, 1991: 137)
Pangasius mekongensis Gustiano, Teugels & Pouyaud, Pangasius rheophilus Pouyaud & Teugels, 2000
2003 Pangasius rheophilus Pouyaud & Teugels, 2000: 194, figs.
Pangasius mekongensis Gustiano, Teugels & Pouyaud, 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur:
2003: 370, fig. 7 (type locality: Vietnam: Binh Dai, Bulungan Regency: Bahau River, tributary of Upper
Mekong delta; holotype: MZB 10847) Kayan at Longpujungan; holotype: MZB 10010)
Pangasius myanmar Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1191 Pangasius sabahensis Gustiano, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2002
Pangasius myanmar Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1991: 131, Pangasius sabahensis Gustiano, Teugels & Pouyaud, 2002:
fig. 17 (type locality: Myanmar: Rangoon; holotype: 372, fig. 8 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah:
CAS-SU 33787) Sukau, Kinabatangan River; holotype: MZB 10848)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
6856 [3], BMNH 1863.12.4.82 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 328; ? Pangasius hoeksi Hardenberg, 1948: 412 (type locality:
spelt Pangasiu smicronemus p. 8, an inadvertent error, Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River;
thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]; also holotype: LU, probably lost)
in Bleeker, 1847d: 166) Pangasius tubbi Inger & Chin, 1959: 287, fig. 47 (type lo-
Pangasius rios Bleeker, 1851l: 205 (type locality: Indonesia: cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District:
Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype [115 confluence of Deramakot and Kinabatangan Rivers; ho-
mm TL]: ? BMNH 1863.12.4.92 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 328) lotype: FMNH 68047)
Pseudolais tetranema Vaillant, 1902: 52, fig. 3 (type local-
ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam Pseudolais pleurotaenia (Sauvage, 1878)
River at Tepoe ["3 hours upstream of Melak by steam- Pangasius pleurotaenia Sauvage, 1878b: 235 (type locali-
er", Nieuwenhuis, 1900: 354; based on Nieuwenhuis' ty: Laos; lectotype: MNHN 9529, designated by Kotte-
map apparently today's Tering Lama [Tring]; about lat, 1984a: 813, fig 8)
0°04'10"S 115°38'40"E]; holotype: ? RMNH 7821, Fer- Pangasius cultratus Smith, 1931a: 25 (type locality: Thai-
raris, 2007: 328) land: Tapi River near Bandon [Surat Thani]; holotype:
Pangasius de Zwaani Weber & de Beaufort, 1912a: 535, pl. USNM 90306)
12 fig. 3 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Taluk, up- Pangasius fowleri Smith, 1931a: 28 (type locality: Thailand:
per Kuantan River; holotype: ZMA 113.011, Nijssen et Lopburi River at Lopburi; holotype: USNM 90309)
al., 1993: 223, Roberts & Vidthayanon, 1991: 130)
Bagridae Bleeker, 1858 fish and that its duplicate description from Siam is an error.
Bagrichthyoidei Bleeker, 1858j: 49, 54 (type genus: Bagrus Nomenclatural notes. Synonymy does not include all taxa
Bosc, 1816: 147 [not Bagrichthys; Bleeker used the suf- based on African genera.
fix -ichthyoidei for the subfamily level; on Official List
of Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1986b: 233 [Opin- Species inquirenda
ion 1402])) Pimelodinae (breviceps) Mason, 1850: 322 (not available,
Bagrini Bleeker, 1858j: 50, 53 (not a new name, same as name not published in combination with a generic name,
subfamily Bagrichthyoidei, stem bagr- and suffix -ini Code art. 11.9.3; locality: Myanmar: Tenasserim)
used by Bleeker for the cohort rank)
Bagrichthyes Bleeker, 1862a: 8, 48 (type genus: Bagrich- Bagrichthys Bleeker, 1857
thys Bleeker, 1857n: 473) Bagrichthys Bleeker, 1857n: 473 (type species: Bagrus
Ritae Bleeker, 1862a: 8 (type genus: Rita Bleeker, 1853o: 122) hypselopterus Bleeker, 1852r: 588, by monotypy). Gen-
Tachysurinae Jordan, 1888: 35 (type genus: Tachysurus La der masculine.
Cepède, 1803: 150; misidentified type genus [interpret- Pseudobagrichthys Bleeker, 1862c: 9, pl. 67 (type species:
ed in a sense other than defined by its type species] when Bagroides macropterus Bleeker, 1854d: 515, by origi-
established, the case should be referred to the ICZN if nal designation; also in Bleeker, 1863a: 49). Gender
the name were to be used [type species interpreted as a masculine.
member of Ariidae while it is a Bagridae], Code art. 65.2.1)
Olyrinae Gill, 1893: 132 (type genus: Olyra M'Clelland, Bagrichthys hypselopterus (Bleeker, 1852)
1842a: 588) Bagrus hypselopterus Bleeker, 1852r: 588 (type locality:
Porcinae Fowler, 1915: 219 (type genus: Porcus Geoffroy Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [260 mm TL]:
Saint-Hilaire, 1808: pl. 15; Porcus is on Official Index ? RMNH 6877, Ferraris, 2007: 82)
of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology,
ICZN, 1986b: 233 [Opinion 1402]) Bagrichthys macracanthus (Bleeker, 1854)
Mystidae Fowler, 1935c: 275 (nomen nudum; Code art. 13.2) Bagroïdes macracanthus Bleeker, 1854v: 88 (type locality:
Bagroidinae Jayaram, 1966b: 1066 (type genus: Bagroides Indonesia: Sumatra: confluence of Lamatang and Enim
Bleeker, 1851l: 204) Rivers; holotype [240 mm TL]: RMNH 5216 [1 of 27],
Pelteobagrini Jayaram, 1966b: 1071 (type genus: Pel- Ferraris, 2007: 82 or BMNH 1863.12.4.60, Desoutter,
teobagrus Bleeker, 1864d: 9) 1975: 458)
Batasinae Tilak, 1967b: 431 (type genus: Batasio Blyth,
1860b: 149) Bagrichthys macropterus (Bleeker, 1854)
Taxonomic notes. Pseudobagrus nudiceps is described by Bagroïdes macropterus Bleeker, 1854d: 515 (type locality:
Sauvage (1883a: 145) from Japan and 10 pages later (Sau- Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Muara Kompeh; holotype
vage, 1883b: 155) from Siam. Smith (1934: 296; 1945: 6) [256 mm SL]: BMNH 1863.12.4.108, Desoutter, 1975:
and Kottelat (1984a: 811) concluded that it is a Japanese 457 [not type, Eschmeyer, 2011])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Mystus havmolleri Smith, 1931a: 24, fig. 12 (type locality: 1877a: 451; also in Volz, 1903b: 387, pl. 26 [not 25] fig. 3)
Thailand: Peninsula: Khlong Thalerng near Ronpibun; Macrones fortis var. capitulum Popta, 1906: 48, pl. 3 fig. 9
holotype: USNM 90304) (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo
Mystus stigmaturus Fowler, 1934a: 94, figs. 41–42 (type River; holotype: RMNH 7552)
locality: Thailand: Nakon Sritamarat; holotype: ANSP Mystus pahangensis Herre, 1940a: 14, pl. 9 (type locality:
59338, Böhlke, 1984: 25) Malaysia: Pahang: Sungai Garam near Karak; holotype:
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Ng & Kottelat (2008: CAS-SU 33025, Böhlke, 1953: 42)
293). See under Mystacoleucus for comments on author- Mystus johorensis Herre, 1940a: 13, pls. 7–8 (type locality:
ship of names usually attributed to Tickell (in Day, 1888). Malaysia: Johor: Sungai Kayu, 16 miles north of Kota
Tinggi; holotype: CAS-SU 33026, Böhlke, 1953: 42,
Batasio procerus Ng, 2008 Ng & Rainboth, 1999: 559; simultaneous subjective syn-
Batasio procerus Ng, 2008b: 2, fig. 1 (type locality: Myan- onym of Mystus pahangensis Herre, 1940a: 14, as first
mar: Kachin State: Nan Hto Chaung in Putao; reviser I give precedence to M. pahangensis)
27°19'44"N 97°22'36"E; holotype: NRM 40927) Hemibagrus chrysops Ng & Dodson, 1999: 48, fig. 1 (type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Serian market, from
Batasio tigrinus Ng & Kottelat, 2001 Sadong River; holotype: ZRC 42653, Ng & Lim, 2008:
Batasio tigrinus Ng & Kottelat, 2001: 504, fig. 6 (type lo- 27, fig. 21)
cality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: Mae Nam
Khwae Noi basin, Huai Lia, km 49 on road from Thon Hemibagrus caveatus Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2001
Pha Phun to Sangkhla Buri, 15°04'25"N 98°33'51"E; Hemibagrus caveatus Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2001a:
holotype: ZRC 40624, Ng & Lim, 2008: 26, fig. 20) 359, fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh:
Sungai Soraya, a tributary of Sungai Alas; holotype:
MZB 8714)
Hemibagrus Bleeker, 1862
Hemibagrus Bleeker, 1862c: 9, pls. 69–72 (type species: Hemibagrus centralus Mai, 1978
Bagrus nemurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Hemibagrus centralus Mai, 1978: 253, fig. 115 [not fig. 116
nes, 1840a: 423, by original designation; placed on of erratum, see Ng & Kottelat, 2013a: 224] (type locali-
Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 2002: ty: Vietnam: Quang Binh [Kottelat, 2001a: 107]; synty-
220 [Opinion 2011]). Gender masculine. pes: DVZUT 409 [2])
Macropterobagrus Nichols, 1925f: 1 (subgenus of Hemi-
bagrus Bleeker, 1862c: 9; type species: Hemibagrus Hemibagrus divaricatus Ng & Kottelat, 2013
macropterus Bleeker, 1870e: 257, by monotypy). Gen- Hemibagrus divaricatus Ng & Kottelat, 2013a: 254, fig. 34
der masculine. (type locality: Malaysia: Perak: Sungai Perak at Kam-
Brachymystus Fowler, 1937: 148 (subgenus of Mystus Sco- pung Kenderong, 3 km from Gerik, 5°24'52.5"N
poli, 1777: 451; type species: Bagrus nemurus Valenci- 101°09'05.1"E; holotype: ZRC 41151)
ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 423, by origi-
nal designation; objective junior synonym of Hemibagrus Hemibagrus filamentus (Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang,
Bleeker, 1862c: 9). Gender masculine. 1949)
Remarks. Revised by Ng & Kottelat (2013). Macrones filamentus Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang,
1949a: 200, fig. 4 (type locality: Cambodia; holotype:
Hemibagrus baramensis (Regan, 1906) MNHN 1966-0728, Ng & Rainboth, 1999: 572)
Macrones baramensis Regan, 1906c: 68 (type locality:
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holotype: Hemibagrus fortis (Popta, 1904)
BMNH 1895.7.2.50, Ng & Dodson, 1999: 55) Macrones fortis Popta, 1904: 185 (type locality: Indonesia:
Hemibagrus furcatus Ng, Martin-Smith & Ng, 2000: 66, Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; syntypes: RMNH
figs. 1, 3 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: La- 7551 [4]; also in Popta, 1906: 44, pl. 2 fig. 8)
had Datu District: Danum Valley Conservation Area, Macrones howong Popta, 1904: 181 (type locality: Indone-
Sungai Segama; holotype: MUS uncat.) sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Howong River [about
0°15'N 115°30'E]; holotype: RMNH 7547; also in Popta,
Hemibagrus bongan (Popta, 1904) 1906: 32, pl. 1 fig. 4; simultaneous subjective synonym
Macrones bongan Popta, 1904: 182 (type locality: Indone- of Macrones fortis Popta, 1904: 185, first revisers [Tan
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Bongan River; syntypes: & Ng, 2000: 271] gave precedence to M. fortis)
RMNH 7548 [1], 7549 [1], Ferraris, 2007: 87; also in Macrones bo Popta, 1904: 183 (type locality: Indonesia:
Popta, 1906: 35, pl. 2 fig. 5) Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Bo River; holotype: RMNH
7549; also in Popta, 1906: 38, pl. 2 fig. 6; simultaneous
Hemibagrus capitulum (Popta, 1904) subjective synonym of Macrones fortis Popta, 1904: 185,
Macrones Bleekeri Volz, 1903a: 556 (type locality: Indone- first revisers [Tan & Ng, 2000: 271] gave precedence to
sia: Sumatra: Palembang: Banju Asin, brackish water; M. fortis)
holotype: NMBE 1020756, Ng & Dodson, 1999: 55; Macrones kajan Popta, 1904: 184 (type locality: Indonesia:
primary junior homonym of Macrones bleekeri Day, Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Kajan River; holotype:
RMNH 7550; also in Popta, 1906: 41, pl. 2 fig. 7; simul- ity: China: Sichuan: Howchwan; holotype: BDSSI; spelt
taneous subjective synonym of Macrones fortis Popta, amemiyae pp. 12 and 166, amemiyai on pl. 5, first revis-
1904: 185, first revisers [Tan & Ng, 2000: 271] gave ers [Kottelat et al., 1998: 570] gave precedence to
precedence to M. fortis) amemiyai)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
RMNH 15897 [4], van Oijen, 1999: 201; SMNS 10570 Hemibagrus variegatus Ng & Ferraris, 2000
[1, Fricke, 1991: 8] has no type status; based on a single Hemibagrus variegatus Ng & Ferraris, 2000: 139, fig. 12
specimen, Bleeker, 1858j: 155; also in Bleeker, 1846b: (type locality: Myanmar: Tenasserim River; holotype:
156; on Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, BMNH 1992.11.16.11)
ICZN, 2002: 220 [Opinion 2011])
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 30) listed specimen Hemibagrus velox Tan & Ng, 2000
MNHN B.615 as holotype of Bagrus planiceps. As Valen- Hemibagrus velox Tan & Ng, 2000: 272, fig. 2a (type lo-
ciennes explicitly stated having examined specimens (num- cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Barat: Sungai
ber not stated) 4 and 8 inches long [TL], however, there is Dareh, Pulau Punjung market; holotype: MZB 9305)
no holotype but a series of syntypes. All specimens collect-
ed by Kuhl and van Hasselt and of about this size should be Hemibagrus vietnamicus Mai, 1978
considered to be syntypes. Valenciennes explicitly stated that Hemibagrus vietnamicus Mai, 1978: 252, fig. 116 [of erra-
MNHN had received one specimen from RMNH. Accord- tum, not fig. 115, see Ng & Kottelat, 2013a: 224] (type
ing to Roberts, specimen MNHN B.615 is 102 mm SL, which locality: northern Vietnam [including Cho Moi, Cau Riv-
makes it too large to bethe 4-inch TL syntype and too small er; Kottelat, 2001a: 107]; syntypes: DVZUT 250 [15],
to be the 8-inch one. 260 [12], Ng & Kottelat, 2013a: 222; spelt vietnammicus
Roberts (1993: 30) listed specimen RMNH 2956 as ho- [p. 337], first reviser [Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1760] re-
lotype of Bagrus anisurus. Valenciennes based his descrip- tained vietnamicus as correct original spelling)
tion on a specimen 14 inches long (TL) but it is clear from Hemibagrus camthuyensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 632, fig.
his first sentence that he had seen more specimens ("Kuhl 49 (type locality: Vietnam: Thanh Hoa Province: Cam
and van Hasselt [...] sent samples [plural] to [RMNH]"). As Thuy District: Ma River; holotype: NCNTTSI)
these specimens are included by Valenciennes in his B. ani-
surus, they are syntypes and there is no holotype. Hemibagrus wyckii (Bleeker, 1858)
Bagrus Wijckii Bleeker, 1858g: 418 (nomen nudum)
Hemibagrus pluriradiatus (Vaillant, 1892) Bagrus Wyckii Bleeker, 1858j: 156 (type locality: Indone-
Macrones pluriradiatus Vaillant, 1892: 126 (type locality: sia: Java: Preanger Province: Tjitarum River [Citarum],
Vietnam: Tonkin: area of Lai-Chau or Muong-Lai: Nam near village Parongkalong; syntypes [2, 320–440 mm
Tiong Kong, a stream whose source is near Na-Ho vil- TL]: BMNH 1863.12.4.88 [1], RMNH 6897 [1], Des-
lage, first left-hand tributary of Nam Ma on which Pou- outter, 1975: 452, Ng & Rainboth, 1999: 575)
Fang [22°18'N 100°06'E] is located [details in Vaillant,
1904a: 461]; holotype: MNHN 1892-0048, Vaillant, Hemibagrus wyckioides (Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang,
1904a: 462, pl. 23 fig. 2, Jayaram, 1978: 226, fig. 1, 1949)
Kottelat, Ng & Ng, 1998: 568) Macrones Wyckioides Fang & Chaux, in Chaux & Fang,
Hemibagrus taybacensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 625, fig. 45 1949a: 199, fig. 3 (type locality: Cambodia; holotype:
(type locality: Vietnam: Lai Chau Province: Lai Chau MNHN 1966-0727, Ng & Rainboth, 1999: 575)
town; holotype: NCNTTSI) Macrones rubicauda Bardach, 1959: 32a (nomen nudum)
Hemibagrus chiemhoaensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 627, Mystus aubentoni Desoutter, 1975: 449, figs. 2–3 (type lo-
fig. 46 (type locality: Vietnam: Tuyen Quang Province: cality: Cambodia: Stung Treng; holotype: MNHN 1974-
Chiem Hoa District: Gam River; holotype: NCNTTSI) 0039)
Hemibagrus songdaensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 629, fig. 47
(type locality: Vietnam: Son La Province: Yen Chau, Van
Yen; holotype: NCNTTSI) Hemileiocassis Ng & Lim, 2000
Hemileiocassis Ng & Lim, 2000: 192 (type species:
Hemibagrus sabanus (Inger & Chin, 1959) Hemileiocassis panjang Ng & Lim, 2000: 192, by orig-
Mystus sabanus Inger & Chin, 1959: 294 (type locality: inal designation). Gender feminine.
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District: Kina-
batangan River at Deramakot; holotype: FMNH 68088) Hemileiocassis panjang Ng & Lim, 2000
Hemileiocassis panjang Ng & Lim, 2000: 192, fig. 1 (type
Hemibagrus semotus Ng & Kottelat, 2013 locality: Indonesia: Java: Bogor; holotype: ZMA
Hemibagrus semotus Ng & Kottelat, 2013a: 215, fig. 6 (type 121.529)
locality: Borneo: Sabah, Padas River at Tenom; holo-
type: ZRC 46121)
Hyalobagrus Ng & Kottelat, 1998
Hemibagrus spilopterus Ng & Rainboth, 1999 Hyalobagrus Ng & Kottelat, 1998b: 336 (type species:
? Macrones luridus Pétillot, 1911: 164 (nomen nudum) Pseudobagrus ornatus Duncker, 1904: 173, by original
? Macrones luridus Chevey, 1937: 250 (nomen nudum) designation). Gender masculine.
Hemibagrus spilopterus Ng & Rainboth, 1999: 562, fig. 5
(type locality: Cambodia: Kandal, Bassac River at vil- Hyalobagrus flavus Ng & Kottelat, 1998
lage of Prek Chey on Vietnamese border; 10°57'N Hyalobagrus flavus Ng & Kottelat, 1998b: 340, fig. 6 (type
105°06'E; holotype: UMMZ 232611) locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi, Danau Arang Arang
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
bagrus bocourti Bleeker, 1864b: 355, by original desig- Mystus bocourti (Bleeker, 1864)
nation). Gender masculine. Heterobagrus Bocourti Bleeker, 1864b: 355, pl. (type lo-
Prajadhipokia Fowler, 1934b: 338 (type species: Prajadhi- cality: "Siam" [Thailand: Chao Phraya in Bangkok; Ber-
pokia rex Fowler, 1934b: 339, by original designation). tin & Estève, 1950a: 30]; holotype: MNHN 1553, Des-
Gender feminine. outter, 1975: 455)
Prajadhipokia rex Fowler, 1934b: 339, figs. 3–4 (type lo-
Mystus abbreviatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- cality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60179,
ennes, 1840) Böhlke, 1984: 25)
Bagrus abbreviatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1840a: 420 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holo- Mystus castaneus Ng, 2002
type: RMNH 2942, Roberts, 1993b: 28, fig. 62) Mystus castaneus Ng, 2002c: 163, fig. 2 (type locality:
Bagrus gulioides Bleeker, 1846a: 24 (type locality: Indone- Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Serian market, from Sun-
sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: part of RMNH gai Sadong; holotype: ZRC 41848, Ng & Lim, 2008:
6862 [23]; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 152) 33, fig. 26)
Bagrus melas Bleeker, 1846a: 24 (type locality: Indonesia:
Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU, probably lost; also in Mystus cineraceus Ng & Kottelat, 2009
Bleeker, 1846b: 152) Mystus cineraceus Ng & Kottelat, 2009: 245, fig. 1 (type
Bagrus Schlegelii Bleeker, 1846a: 25 (type locality: Indo- locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: lower 300 m of Nant
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU, probably lost; Yen Khang Chaung, affluent of Lake Indawgyi, little
also in Bleeker, 1846b: 153) south of Lonton village, 25°06'00"N 96°16'59"E; holo-
Bagrus rhodopterygius Bleeker, 1846a: 25 (type locality: type: NRM 41017)
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; types: LU, probably
lost; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 153) Mystus falcarius Chakrabarty & Ng, 2005
Mystus falcarius Chakrabarty & Ng, 2005: 13, fig. 7 (type
Mystus alasensis Ng & Hadiaty, 2005 locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Myitkyina market;
Mystus alasensis Ng & Hadiaty, 2005: 86, fig. 3 (type local- holotype: CAS 89001)
ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh Province: Sungai Lem-
bang, Gunung Leuser National Park; holotype: MZB Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822)
8704) Pimelodus gulio Hamilton, 1822: 201, 379, pl. 23 fig. 66
(type locality: India: "higher parts of the Gangetic estu-
Mystus albolineatus Roberts, 1994 aries"; types: NT)
Mystus albolineatus Roberts, 1994a: 245, fig. 1 (type local- Bagrus albilabris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ity: Thailand: Bangpakong basin: Prachinburi market; 1840a: 416 (type locality: India: Calcutta, Bengal and
holotype: CAS 79030) Pondichery / Sri Lanka [Trincomalee harbour; Bertin &
Estève, 1950a: 26]; syntypes: MNHN A.8967 [6], A.9009
Mystus armatus (Day, 1865) [1], 4172 [1], 4336 [2], Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 26)
Macrones armatus Day, 1865b: 289 (type locality: India: Bagrus fuscus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a:
Kerala: Cochin; syntypes: among ZSI 1084 [lost], BMNH 417 (type locality: India: brackish pools near Cananor;
1865.7.17.21 [1], 1975.9.30.13 [1], NMW 45165, White- holotype: MNHN 590, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 27)
head & Talwar, 1976: 157, Pethiyagoda et al., 2008b: Bagrus birmannus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
239, fig. 5a; also in Day, 1865c: 187 [as Hypselobagrus 1840a: 419 (type locality: Burma: Irrawaddy River [at
armatus]) Rangoon; Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 27]; holotype: MNHN
Distribution notes. Recorded from Tenasserim by Jayaram 577, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 27, Ferraris, 2007: 95)
& Sanyal (2003: 38), but identification seems unlikely con- Silurus porosus Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name listed
sidering that the species is otherwise known only from pen- in synonymy)
insular India. Although recorded from Manipur by Jayaram
& Sanyal, it is not listed by Vishwanath et al. (1999) Mystus impluviatus Ng, 2003
Mystus impluviatus Ng, 2003b: 373, fig. 1 (type locality:
Mystus atrifasciatus Fowler, 1937 Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: small river on
Mystus atrifasciatus Fowler, 1937: 146, figs. 35–37 (type road 12.2 km from Sebulu crossroads towards forest and
locality: Thailand: Pitsanulok; holotype: ANSP 67907, 59 km from Air Putih crossroads; 0°16'S 117°00'E; ho-
Böhlke, 1984: 25) lotype: CAS 97049)
cality: Thailand: Prachinburi market; holotype: CAS Macrones bleekeri var. burmanicus Jenkins, 1910b: 138
76119) (nomen nudum; locality: Burma: Bhamo)
Taxonomic notes. The type series of Macrones bleekeri
Mystus mysticetus Roberts, 1992 includes material from three localities, two in India and one
Mystus mysticetus Roberts, 1992d: 84, fig. 3c (type locali- in Myanmar. At least two species are included, and the
ty: Thailand: Nakorn Phanom market; holotype: CAS Myanmar material is M. rufescens (Roberts, 1994: 246; Ng &
76121) Kottelat, 2009: 249). The designation of a lectotype by Shar-
ma & Dutt (1983: 334) restricted the name to a species from
Mystus ngasep Darshan, Vishwanath, Mahanta Barat, India (see Ng & Kottelat, 2009: 249).
2011 [Macrones Bleekeri Day, 1877a: 451, pl. 101 fig. 1 (type locality: appar-
Mystus ngasep Darshan, Vishwanath, Mahanta Barat, 2011: ently India: Sind: Jumna [Yamuna] [see discussion in Ng & Kottelat,
2009: 249; locality of lectotype not stated by Sharma & Dutt, 1983;
2178, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Irrawaddy confirmed as Yamuna in Darshan et al., 2011: 2182]; lectotype: ZSI
drainage, Nambul River at Bijoygovinda-Polemleikai 1076, designated by Sharma & Dutt, 1983: 334 [designation of RMNH
Bridge, 24°48'N 93°55’E; holotype: MUMF 9500) 3024 by Roberts (1994: 246) is not valid])].
Mystus nigriceps (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Mystus singaringan (Bleeker, 1846)
nes, 1840) Bagrus singaringan Bleeker, 1846a: 22 (type locality: In-
Bagrus nigriceps Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, donesia: western Java [original type locality: Java: Bat-
1840a: 412 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: avia [Jakarta]]; neotype: RMNH 2951, designated by
RMNH 2948, Ng, 2002c: 166 [invalid neotype designa- Roberts, 1994a: 253; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 150)
tion by Roberts, 1993b: 29]) Bagrus macronemus Bleeker, 1846a: 22 (type locality: In-
Bagrus micracanthus Bleeker, 1846a: 23 (type locality: In- donesia: western Java [original type locality: Java: Bat-
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; neotype [106 mm TL]: avia [Jakarta]]; neotype: RMNH 2951, designated by
RMNH 15857, designated by Roberts, 1989: 121 [des- Roberts, 1994a: 253 [designation might be invalid if
ignation might be invalid if some of the following are SMNS 10571 [2] are really syntypes, Fricke, 1991: 8];
syntypes: RMNH 5216 [29], AMS B.7574 [1], B.7979 junior primary homonym of Bagrus macronemus Ran-
[1], BMNH 1863.12.4.77 [1], NMV 46463 [1], Ferraris, zani, 1841a: 65 [also 1841b: 116, 1842a: 334, pl. 28];
2007: 96; reasons of invalidation listed by Ng, 2002c: simultaneous objective synonym of Bagrus singaringan
166 are not correct]; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 151) Bleeker, 1846a: 22, first reviser [Roberts, 1994a: 252]
Taxonomic notes. Mystus keletius was described on mate- gave precedence to B. singaringan; also in Bleeker,
rial from India and Java, which in fact belongs to two spe- 1846b: 150)
cies. A lectotype designation restricted the name to the Indi- Bagrus heterurus Bleeker, 1846a: 23 (type locality: Indo-
an species (Ng, 2002c: 166; Pethiyagoda et al., 2008: 238). nesia: western Java [original type locality: Java: Batavia
The Javanese material is Mystus nigriceps. [Jakarta]]; neotype: RMNH 2951, designated by Rob-
[Bagrus Keletius Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 411 (type erts, 1994a: 253; simultaneous objective synonym of
locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: MNHN A.9011, designated by Bagrus singaringan Bleeker, 1846a: 22, first reviser
Ng, 2002c: 166, Pethiyagoda et al., 2008b: 239, fig. 4a)]. [Roberts, 1994a: 252] gave precedence to B. singarin-
gan; also in Bleeker, 1846b: 151)
Mystus pulcher (Chaudhuri, 1911) Taxonomic notes. The fish earlier called M. micracanthus
Macrones pulcher Chaudhuri, 1911b: 20, pl. 1 fig. 4 (type (Bleeker, 1846) actually is M. nigriceps (Roberts, 1993b:
locality: Burma: Bhamo; syntypes: ZSI F 4716–4719/1 29); the fish earlier called M. nigriceps has been called
[4], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 126) M. macronema (Bleeker, 1846) by Roberts (1993: 28) and
actually is M. singaringan (Bleeker, 1846) (Roberts, 1994a:
Mystus punctifer Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2001 253).
Mystus punctifer Ng, Wirjoatmodjo & Hadiaty, 2001b: 356,
fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh: Gunung Mystus velifer Ng, 2012
Leuser National Park, trail in Suag Belimbing Research Mystus velifer Ng, 2012b: 59, figs. 1, 5 (type locality: Cam-
Station; holotype: MZB 8703) bodia: Kompong Thom Province: Tonlé Sap at exit to
Great Lake, 4 km NW of Chhnok Trou, at Kompong
Mystus rhegma Fowler, 1935 Thom fishing lot 2; holotype: UMMZ 232733)
Mystus rhegma Fowler, 1935a: 102, fig. 27 (type locality:
Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 61748, Böhlke, Mystus vittatus (Bloch, 1794)
1984: 25) Silurus vittatus Bloch, 1794: 50, pl. 371 fig. 2 (type locali-
ty: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N
Mystus rufescens (Vinciguerra, 1890) 79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB 2939, Paepke, 1999: 48)
Macrones rufescens Vinciguerra, 1890: 226, pl. 7 fig. 2 (type Mystus vittatus horai Jayaram, 1954: 536, fig. 4, pl. 19 (type
locality: Burma: Meetan [Mitan Chaung, rivulet flow- locality: India: Indus River, Kalabagh; syntypes: ZSI [4])
ing south from summit of Mulayet Taung, 16°11'N Silurus quadrivittatus Hora, 1933: 133 (not available, name
98°32'E; Ng & Kottelat, 2001: 500]; holotype: MCSNG listed in synonymy)
14585, Tortonese, 1963a: 307) Taxonomic notes. Included on the basis of various litera-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ture records from Myanmar, e.g. by Jayaram & Sanyal (2003: locality: Malaysia: Johor: Sungai Kahang and tributary
115), although presence seems doubtful (see Roberts, 1992d: about 44.4 km from Mersing turnoff to Kluang just be-
81). Mystus carcio and M. tengara are sometimes consid- fore side road to Endau Rompin Taman Negara, km 96
ered to be synonyms but are valid species (Darshan et al., from Mersing to Batu Pahat; 2°03.93'N 103°31.58'E;
2010). holotype: ZRC 42600, Ng & Lim, 2008: 34, fig. 27)
[Pimelodus carcio Hamilton, 1822: 181, 377 [pl. 23 fig. 60, erroneously
labelled P. batasius; Day, 1871a: 200, Hora, 1929a: 182, Jayaram, Nanobagrus stellatus Tan & Ng, 2000
1954: 538] (type locality: India: "ponds of northern parts of Bengal";
types: NT)]. Nanobagrus stellatus Tan & Ng, 2000: 278, fig. 5a (type
[Pimelodus Batasius Hamilton, 1822: pl. 23 fig. 60 (alternative name for locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi Province: Sungai
Pimelodus carcio Hamilton, 1822: 181; first reviser not researched)]. Alai; holotype: MZB 9306)
[Pimelodus tengara Hamilton, 1822: 183, 377, pl. 3 fig. 61 (type locality:
"ponds of India" ["stagnis Bengala inferioris", ponds of lower Ben-
gal; Hora, 1949: 70; Goalpara, Mukerji, in Darshan et al., 2013: 3539]; Nanobagrus torquatus Thomson, López & Hadiaty, in
types: NT)]. Thomson, López, Hadiaty & Page, 2008
Nanobagrus torquatus Thomson, López & Hadiaty, in
Mystus wolffii (Bleeker, 1851) Thomson, López, Hadiaty & Page, 2008: 68, fig. 1 (type
Bagrus Wolffii Bleeker, 1851l: 205 (type locality: Indone- locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Selatan: Air Ram-
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype bang about 80 km southwest of Palembang, Musi River
[131 mm TL]: RMNH 6866, Ng, 2004g: 887 [not BMNH drainage, 3°33'02"S 104°15'50"E; holotype: MZB
1863.12.4.94, listed by Desoutter, 1975: 447]) 15315)
Mystus armiger Ng, 2004g: 883, fig. 1 (type locality: Ma-
laysia: Kelantan: Kelantan River at Kampung Kuala
Besar, 200 m from sea; 6°12'N 102°12'E; holotype: CAS Olyra M'Clelland, 1842
218896) Olyra M'Clelland, 1842a: 588 (type species: Olyra longi-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Ng (2012a). caudata M'Clelland, 1842a: 588, by subsequent desig-
nation by Gill, 1861h: 51). Gender feminine [a classical
Latin noun, Code art. 30.1.2].
Nanobagrus Mo, 1991 Taxonomic notes. Earlier placed in a separate family Olyr-
Nanobagrus Mo, 1991: 125, 143 (type species: Akysis ar- idae.
matus Vaillant, 1902: 64, by original designation). Gen-
der masculine. Olyra burmanica Day, 1872
Olyra burmanica Day, 1872: 711 (type locality: Burma: Pegu
Nanobagrus armatus (Vaillant, 1902) Yoma [range]; lectotype: AMS B.7560 [1], designated
Akysis armatus Vaillant, 1902: 64, fig. 10 (type locality: by Jayaram, 1980: 19)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam River
at Tepoe ["3 hours upstream of Melak by steamer", Nieu- Olyra horae (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929)
wenhuis, 1900: 354; based on Nieuwenhuis' map appar- Amblyceps horae Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 173, fig. 1, pl. 7
ently today's Tering Lama [Tring]; about 0°04'10"S fig. 1 (type locality: Burma: Lake Indawgyi near Loi-
115°38'40"E]; holotype: RMNH 7844, Roberts, 1989: non; holotype: ZSI F 10854/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968:
117) 126; horae is correct original spelling [Code art. 31.1.1
and Example], horai is either an incorrect subsequent
Nanobagrus fuscus (Popta, 1904) spelling or an unjustified emendation)
Liocassis fuscus Popta, 1904: 186 (type locality: Indonesia:
Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Upper Mahakam; holotype: Olyra longicaudata M'Clelland, 1842
RMNH 7555; also in Popta, 1906: 52, pl. 3 fig. 10) Olyra longicaudatus M'Clelland, 1842a: 588, pl. 21 fig. 1
(type locality: India: "Khasya, Boutan, and Mishmee
Nanobagrus immaculatus Ng, 2008 Collections" [p. 586]; holotype: lost [p. 574]; invalid
Nanobagrus immaculatus Ng, 2008a: 93, fig. 1 (type local- neotype designation [need not justified, 3 'neotypes'] by
ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: blackwater Arunachalam et al., 2013: 56, fig. 6; spelt O. longicau-
stream about 14 km northwest of Palangkaraya, data p. 574)
2°05'06"S 113°46'23"E; holotype: MZB 10720) Olyra elongata Günther, 1883: 140 (type locality: Burma:
Tenasserim; syntypes: BMNH 1880.12.1.64–67 [7 ?],
Nanobagrus lemniscatus Ng, 2010 Ferraris, 2007: 97)
Nanobagrus lemniscatus Ng, 2010c: 61, fig. 1 (type locali- ? Heptapterus Collettii Steindachner, 1881b: 98 (type lo-
ty: Malaysia: Terengganu: Sungai Terengganu drainage: cality: Argentina: water bodies near Maldonado or from
unnamed stream 5 km from Kuala Brang in the direction the La Plata ?" [erroneous, see Bockmann & de Pinna,
of Kuala Terengganu, 5°04'25.0"N 103°03'19.8"E; ho- 2004: 665]; syntypes: NMW 46191 [2], Bockmann &
lotype: ZRC 51981) de Pinna, 2004: 666, fig. 1, Ferraris, 2007: 99; also in
Steindachner, 1882: 7, pl. 5 fig. 1)
Nanobagrus nebulosus Ng & Tan, 1999 Olyra kempi Chaudhuri, 1912: 443, pl. 41 figs. 4–4b (type
Nanobagrus nebulosus Ng & Tan, 1999: 357, fig. 3a (type locality: India: Assam: Dishnor River, Mangaldai Dis-
trict, Assam–Bhutan frontier; syntypes [5]: ZSI F 5387/ Pseudomystus leiacanthus (Weber & de Beaufort, 1912)
1 [1], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 131) Leiocassis leiacanthus Weber & de Beaufort, 1912a: 536,
Nomenclatural notes. Arunachalam et al. (2013: 56) des- pl. 11 fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Taluk on
ignated a neotype for Olyra longicaudata. This designation upper Kuantan River / Ringat on lower Kuantan River;
is invalid since it does not satisfy the requirements of Code syntypes: ZMA 112.671 [1], 112.672 [1], Nijssen et al.,
art. 75.3 (justification not explained, need not stated). Fur- 1993: 223)
ther, 3 specimens are listed as "neotype" (p. 56), which is
also incorrect. Pseudomystus mahakamensis (Vaillant, 1902)
Leiocassis mahakamensis Vaillant, 1902: 55, figs. 4–5 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Mahakam River at Tepoe
Pseudomystus Jayaram, 1968 ["3 hours upstream of Melak by steamer", Nieuwenhuis,
Pseudomystus Jayaram, 1968: 359 (subgenus of Leiocassis 1900: 354; based on Nieuwenhuis' map apparently to-
Bleeker, 1858g: 416; type species Bagrus stenomus Va- day's Tering Lama [Tring]; about 0°04'10"S 115°38'40"E];
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 415, by syntypes: RMNH 7838 [2], Ng & Siebert, 2005: 6, fig. 2)
original designation). Gender masculine.
Pseudomystus moeschii (Boulenger, 1890)
Pseudomystus bomboides Kottelat, 2000 Liocassis moeschii Boulenger, 1890: 39 (type locality: In-
Pseudomystus bomboides Kottelat, 2000a: 77, fig. 69 (type donesia: Sumatra: Deli [Medan]; lectotype: BMNH
locality: Laos: Vientiane Province: Mekong basin: con- 1889.11.12.66, designated by Ng & Lim, 2005: 14, Ng &
fluence of Nam Leuk and Nam Ngong [error for Nam Rachmatika, 1999: 179, Grant, 2009: 25, figs. 10–11)
Gnong]; 18°22'04"N 103°05'27"E; holotype: ZRC
45426, Ng & Lim, 2008: 35, fig. 28) Pseudomystus myersi (Roberts, 1989)
Leiocassis myersi Roberts, 1989: 117, fig. 92 (type locality:
Pseudomystus breviceps (Regan, 1913) Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: stream flowing
Liocassis breviceps Regan, 1913c: 551 (type locality: Indo- into Kapuas River, northeast of Gunung Setunggul,
nesia: Sumatra: Deli [Medan]; syntypes [3]: BMNH 53 km northwest of Sintang, about 0°24'N 11°51'E; ho-
1889.11.12.64–65 [2], Ng & Lim, 2005: 14) lotype: MZB 3588)
Pseudomystus carnosus Ng & Lim, 2005 Pseudomystus robustus (Inger & Chin, 1959)
Pseudomystus carnosus Ng & Lim, 2005: 7, fig. 5 (type Leiocassis robustus Inger & Chin, 1959: 290, fig. 48 (type
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sukadana; holotype: locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan Dis-
RMNH 15859) trict: Kinabatangan River at Deramakot; holotype:
FMNH 68001)
Pseudomystus flavipinnis Ng & Rachmatika, 1999
Pseudomystus flavipinnis Ng & Rachmatika, 1999: 175, Pseudomystus rugosus (Regan, 1913)
fig. 5 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Liocassis rugosus Regan, 1913c: 552 (type locality: Malay-
Barat: Sungai Embaloh at Benua Martinus; holotype: sia: Borneo: Sarawak: Poeh; holotype: BMNH 1893.3.
MZB 6593) 6.172)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Sperata acicularis Ferraris & Runge, 1999
Sungai Laung at Desa Maruwei; holotype: MZB 6103) Sperata acicularis Ferraris & Runge, 1999: 403, fig. 3 (type
Pseudomystus ornatus Ng & Siebert, 2005: 3, 4 [captions locality: Myanmar: Yangon Div.: South Oak-ka-lar-pa
of Figs. 1, 3a] (a simultaneous objective synonym of P. market; holotype: CAS 209024)
stenogrammus Ng & Siebert, 2005: 2, obviously pub-
lished by inadvertence, first reviser [Ferraris, 2007: 104] Sperata seenghala (Sykes, 1839)
gave precedence to P. stenogrammus) Platystoma Seenghala Sykes, 1839a [May]: 164 (type lo-
cality: India: Deccan [Mota Mola River at Poona]; holo-
Pseudomystus stenomus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- type: lost; also in Sykes, 1839b: 61, 1841: 371, pl. 65
lenciennes, 1840) fig. 2)
Bagrus stenomus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Bagrus aorinus Valenciennes, in Jacquemont, 1839 [after
1840a: 415 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: October]: pl. 17 fig. 1 (type locality: India; holotype:
RMNH 2986, Roberts, 1993b: 27, fig. 61, Grant, 2009: lost, Daget, 1984: 513; figure reproduced in Ferraris &
16, figs. 1–2, 8) Runge, 1999: 419, fig. 8)
Leiocassis Ellenriederii Bleeker, 1860h: 10 (type locality: Bagrus Lamarrii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Indonesia: Sumatra: Lahat; syntypes [3, 105–120 mm 1840a: 407, pl. 415 (type locality: India [Ganges River;
TL]: RMNH 6874 [2], BMNH 1863.12.4.156 [1], Grant, Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 26]; holotype: MNHN A.9343,
2009: 16, figs. 3–5) Bertin & Estève, 1950a: 26, Ferraris & Runge, 1999: 416)
Tachysurus. Rhinobagrus dumerili is usually listed as a jun- locality: China: Fujian: Min River, near Yenping [Yan-
ior synonym of L. longirostris (e.g. Lee & Kim, 1990: 132), ping; 26°51'50"N 117°50'50"E]; holotype: AMNH 8445)
following Günther (1873b: 245) who listed them as pub-
lished in April 1864 and February 1864, respectively. In fact, Tachysurus fulvidraco (Richardson, 1846)
these dates are not the dates of publication but the dates at Pimelodus fulvi-draco Richardson, 1846a: 286 (type local-
which the respective manuscripts were completed (Bleeker, ity: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
1864d: 10; Günther, 1864a: vi). Rhinobagrus dumerili was Reeves unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
published between May and August 1864 and has prece- 1970a: 210, pl. 1b and Ng & Kottelat, 2007c: 41, fig. 3a)
dence over L. longirostris, published on 10 December 1864 Taxonomic notes. Known in area from coastal drainages of
(see Bibliography; Rendahl, 1927b: 2). Guangxi. Records from Vietnam apparently refer to one or
[Rhinobagrus dumerili Bleeker, 1864d [May–Aug.]: 7 (type locality: more of the species listed as species inquirendae. Tachysu-
China; holotype: ? MNHN)]. rus sinensis La Cepède, 1803 is sometimes listed as a syn-
[Liocassis longirostris Günther, 1864a [10 Dec.]: 87 (type locality: Japan
[erroneous; China; Ferraris, 2007: 93]; holotype: BMNH 1862.11.1.1, onym but is a distinct species; Pimelodus tachisurus is a syn-
Ferraris, 2007: 93)]. onym. Silurus calvarius and Pseudobagrus wittenburgii are
tentative synonyms of T. sinensis (Ng & Kottelat, 2007c: 37).
Unavailable names [Tachysurus sinensis La Cepède, 1803: 151, pl. 5 fig. 2 (type locality:
Pelteobagrus virgatus vinhensis Nguyen [T. T.], 1982: 26 China: Beijing: Huairou County: Huairou Reservoir, approx. 2 km
northeast of observatory, 40°19'00"N 116°37'31"E [original type lo-
(nomen nudum) cality: China]; neotype: USNM 336888, designated by Ng & Kotte-
Leiocassis vinhensis Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.], lat, 2007c: 37, fig. 1, 2008d: 154].
2005a: 334, fig. 170 (not available; locality: Vietnam: [Pimelodus tachisurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840b:
Song Ngan Pho, Lam Nghe An; material: VUP [2]) 163 (unnecessary replacement name for Tachysurus sinensis La
Cepède, 1803: 151)].
Nomenclatural notes. Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 334) listed [? Silurus calvarius Basilewsky, 1855: 241, pl. 9 fig. 1 (type locality: Chi-
Nguyen [T. T.], 1983: 91) as author of Pseudobagrus vinh- na: running and stagnant waters of Gulf of Tschili; types: ? ZISP)].
ensis. Nguyen (1983) is an unpublished thesis and the name [? Pseudobagrus Wittenburgii Popta, 1911b: 335, fig. (type locality: Rus-
is not available from it. As the description in Nguyen [V. sia: Blagoweschtensk a. Amur ["Blagoweschtensk on Amur";
Blagoveshch; 50°16'N 127°32'E]; syntypes: SMNS 4390 [2], Fricke,
H.] (2005a) is from Nguyen [T. T.] (1983), I treat the author 1995: 5)].
as Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.]. The Code art. 16.1
requires that, after 1999, a new name must be explicitly in- Tachysurus intermedius (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
dicated as intentionally new. This is not the case for L. vinh- Pseudobagrus intermedius Nichols & Pope, 1927: 331, fig. 5
ensis and the name is not available. Further, to be available, (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH 8360)
a new specific name published after 1999 must be accom- ? Aoria henryi Herre, 1932b: 432 (type locality: China: Can-
panied by the explicit designation of a holotype or syntypes ton [Guangzhou] fish market; holotype: CAS-SU 25724,
(art. 16.4). Nguyen [V. H.] (2005a) mentions that the de- Böhlke, 1953: 42)
scription is based on two specimens but they are not men-
tioned as a holotype or syntypes. Tachysurus kyphus (Mai, 1978)
Pseudobagrus kyphus Mai, 1978: 261, fig. 119 (type local-
Species inquirendae ity: Vietnam [Thai Nguyen Province: Dai Tu District:
Pelteobagrus tonkinensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 615, fig. 41 Ky Phu stream; Kottelat, 2001a: 108, Watanabe et al.,
(type locality: Vietnam: vicinity of Hanoi; holotype: 2002: 385]; syntypes: DVZUT, ASIZB 72830, Watanabe
NCNTTSI) et al., 2002: 385, fig. 1)
Leiocassis longispinalis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 617, fig. 42
(type locality: Vietnam: Lao Cai Province: Bao Thang Tachysurus nubilosus (Ng & Freyhof, 2007)
District: Gia Phu, Ngoi Bo; holotype: NCNTTSI; spelt Pseudobagrus nubilosus Ng & Freyhof, 2007: 10, fig. 1 (type
longispinnis p. 328, as first reviser I select longispinalis locality: Vietnam: Binh Dinh Province: Nuoc Choc
as the correct original spelling) stream, tributary of Song Vinh Thanh about 60 km north-
Leiocassis brevirostris Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 619, fig. 43 west of Qui Nhon, 14°12'37.2"N 108°45'42.6"E; holo-
(type locality: Vietnam: Lao Cai Province: Bat Sat Dis- type: UMMZ 246370)
trict: Trinh Quyen stream; holotype: NCNTTSI)
Leiocassis yeni Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in Ngu- Tachysurus spilotus Ng, 2009
yen [V. H.], 2005a: 621, fig. 44 (type locality: Vietnam: Tachysurus spilotus Ng, 2009d: 17, fig. 1 (type locality:
Nam Dinh Province: Giao Thien, Giao Thuy; holotype: Vietnam: Da Nang province: Song Thuy Loan drainage,
NCNTTSI) Suoi Mo, Ba Na foothills, 16°00'28.8"N 108°02'35.0"E;
holotype: ZRC 51722)
Tachysurus crassilabris (Günther, 1864)
Liocassis crassilabris Günther, 1864a: 88 (type locality: Tachysurus vachellii (Richardson, 1846)
China; holotype: BMNH 1864.7.9.9, Ferraris, 2007: 92) Bagrus vachellii Richardson, 1846a: 284 (type locality:
? Liocassis crassirostris Regan, 1913: 552 (type locality: China: Chekiang [Zhejiang] [original type locality: Chi-
China: Sichuan: Kia-ting-fu [Loshan]; syntypes [2]: na: Canton]; neotype: BMNH 1855.3.27.9, designated
BMNH 1891.6.13.23) by Jayaram, 1968: 300 [holotype: UMZC, lost, White-
Leiocassis crassilabris macrops Nichols, 1926a: 2, fig. 2 (type head & Joysey, 1967: 130])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
? Adelopeltis laticeps Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 190, pl. 48 ? Pseudobagrus wui Miao, 1934: 210, fig. 42 (type locali-
fig. 5 (type locality: China: Yang-tsee-kiang [Yangtze]; ty: China: Jiangsu: Chinkiang [Zhenjiang, Jingjiang];
types: ? MNHN) holotype: SSCN 12495)
Pseudobagrus chinensis Wu, 1930b: 53, fig. 4 (type locali-
ty: China: Sichuan; holotype: ? SSCN) Tachysurus virgatus (Oshima, 1926)
? Pseudobagrus fangi Wu, 1930a: 84, fig. 8 (type locality: Aoria virgatus Oshima, 1926: 4 (type locality: China: Hain-
China: Sichuan: Kiating [Loshan]; holotype: MMNHN) an: Kachek River, about 40 miles above Kachek; holo-
type: LU)
Taxonomic notes. See comment on family-level classifica- Plecoglossus altivelis chinensis Wu & Shan, in Shan, Wu &
tion under Salangidae. Kang, 2005: 63, fig. 1 (type locality: China: Shandong:
Qingdao, Baisha River; holotype: OUC 79803030)
Plecoglossus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Taxonomic notes. Based on published data (especially
Plecoglossus Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 229 (subgenus Nishida, 1988, Shan et al., 2005), I consider the Ryukyu
of Salmo Linnaeus, 1758: 308; type species: Salmo al- 'subspecies' as a valid species, P. ryukyuensis. The status of
tivelis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 229, by monotypy). the Japanese and Chinese 'subspecies' should be re-evaluat-
Gender masculine. ed, using more populations from China and Korea.
[Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis Nishida, 1988: 236, fig. 1 (type local-
Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) ity: Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Amami-oshima Island, Sumiyo River,
27°16.0'N 129°24.5'E; holotype: URM P18462)].
Salmo altivelis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 229, pl. 105
fig. 1 (type locality: Japan; lectotype: RMNH 3179a,
designated by Boeseman, 1947: 170)
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Roberts (1984), based on a Neosalanx brevirostris (Pellegrin, 1923)
limited number of samples, so that the identity of several Protosalanx brevirostris Pellegrin, 1923: 351 (type locali-
taxa is still not clear. The geographic distribution of the spe- ty: Vietnam: Tonkin ["abundant in Hanoï"]; syntypes:
cies recognised by Roberts is usually not given (and cannot MNHN 1922-0184–0189 [6])
be reconstructed from the literature) and the following spe- ? Salanx argentea Lin, 1932a: 63 (type locality: China:
cies are tentatively recognised as occurring in area. Guangdong: Sanchang stream / Heungchow Bay /
Salangidae is considered by some to be a tribe Salangini Guangdong market; syntypes: ? FESC [7])
and sister-group of Osmerini. Together they would form the Protosalanx brevirostralis Fang, 1934a: 232, 236, 240 (in-
subfamily Osmerinae in the family Osmeridae, with Pleco- correct subsequent spelling of Protosalanx brevirostris
glossinae and Hypomesinae being two additional subfami- Pellegrin, 1923: 351)
lies (Johnson & Patterson, 1996). In this system, Osmeridae Taxonomic notes. Neosalanx hubbsi is treated as a synonym
is the only family of the Superfamily Osmeroidea. Treating of N. brevirostris by Roberts (1984: 212) and as valid by,
the three subfamilies and the two tribes as families within e.g., Kim & Park (2007: 271). Protosalanx tangkahkeii is
Osmeroidea is equivalent and allows the family level clas- treated as a synonym of N. brevirostris by Roberts (1984:
sification in current use to be retained; I see no reason not to 212) but is treated as valid by most recent authors (e.g. Zhang
retain it. et al., 2007: 336).
[Protosalanx tangkahkeii Wu, 1931b: 219 (type locality: China: Amoï
[Amoy, Xiamen]; syntypes [3]: ? MNHN)].
Neosalanx Wakiya & Takahasi, 1937
[Neosalanx hubbsi Wakiya & Takahasi, 1937: 284, pl. 17 figs. 9–10, pl. 21
Neosalanx Wakiya & Takahasi, 1937: 282 (type species: figs. h1–h2 (type locality: China: Tien-tsin and Swatow [Shantou] /
Neosalanx jordani Wakiya & Takahasi, 1937: 282, by Korea: Orykkô (Yalu River), Daidôkô (Tadon River) and Kanko (Han
original designation). Gender masculine. River); syntypes: UMMZ 180146 [1])].
Microsalanx Zhang, Li, Xu, Takita & Wei, 2007: 337 (not
available, no type species designated, Code art. 13.3)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. Besides the species listed below Trachi- Alcock, in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891: 127, by orig-
nocephalus miops is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, inal designation). Gender masculine.
Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it
was inland or at sea. Harpadon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822)
[Trachinocephalus Gill, 1861a: 53 (type species: Salmo myops Schneider, Osmerus nehereus Hamilton, 1822: 209, 380 (type locality:
1801: 421, by monotypy). Gender masculine].
India: Ganges River mouths / Vizagapatham [Visakhap-
[Salmo Myops Schneider, 1801: 421 (type locality: Saint Helena Island;
types: NT ?)]. atnam; Wana Motta of Russell, 1803b: pl. 181 [error for
171]]; syntypes: Hamilton's material [not preserved] and
Harpadon Lesueur, 1825 model of figure in Russell; spelt neherius p. 380, ne-
Harpadon Lesueur, 1825a: 51 (subgenus of Salmo Linnaeus, hareus p. 210, first reviser not researched)
1758: 308; type species: Salmo microps Lesueur, 1825a: Salmo microps Lesueur, 1825a: 48, pl. 3 (type locality: East
48, by original designation). Gender masculine. Indian Seas; types: LU)
Harpodon Cuvier, 1829: 314 (incorrect subsequent spell- Saurus ophiodon Cuvier, 1829: 314 (based on Russell,
ing of Harpadon Lesueur, 1825a: 51) 1803b: n° 171; type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visa-
Triurus Swainson, 1839: 185, 288 (subgenus of Laurida khapatnam]; types: material on which is based Russell,
Swainson, 1838: 242, 246; type species: Triurus micro- 1803b: 55, pl. 171 [Wanna Mottah])
cephalus Swainson, 1839: 288, by monotypy; junior Distribution notes. Records in inland waters from Myan-
homonym of Triurus La Cepède, 1800: 200 in Pisce). mar (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1850: 494;
Gender masculine. Vidthayanon et al., 2006: 122) and from Sumatra. Saurus
Sauridichthys Bleeker, 1858o: 2 (type species: Saurus ophi- ophiodon in Cuvier & Valenciennes (1850: 490) is not a
odon Cuvier, 1829: 314, by monotypy). Gender mascu- distinct name as the text explicitly refers to S. ophiodon
line. Cuvier, 1829. Record of H. translucens from the Mekong
Peltharpadon Fowler, 1934c: 281 (subgenus of Harpadon delta seems erroneous as the species is presently known only
Lesueur, 1825a: 51; type species: Harpodon squamosus from Australia.
[Harpodon translucens Saville-Kent, 1889a: 222, 234, pl. 13 fig. 2 (type 5405 [2] and specimen on which is based Russell, 1803b:
locality: Australia: Cambridge Gulf: Ord River; lectotype: AMS I.2772, pl. 172).
designated by Whitley, 1937: 121)].
Salmo tumbel Swainson, 1839: 288 (incorrect subsequent
spelling of Salmo tumbil Bloch, 1795: 112)
Saurida Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1850 Saurus argyrophanes Richardson, 1846: 302 (type locality:
Saurida Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1850: 499 "most probably China seas"; holotype: specimen on
(type species: Salmo tumbil Bloch, 1795: 112, by subse- which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
quent designation by Jordan, Tanaka & Snyder, 1913: in Whitehead, 1970a: 209, pl. 12b)
53). Gender feminine. Saurida tombil Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1850: 500 (incorrect subsequent spelling of Salmo
Saurida tumbil (Bloch, 1795) tumbil Bloch, 1795: 112)
Salmo tumbil Bloch, 1795: 112, pl. 430 (type locality: In- Saurida australis Castelnau, 1879: 393 (type locality: Aus-
dia: not stated [Tranquebar, Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N tralia: Port Jackson; holotype: LU)
79°51'E; Schneider, 1801: 405]; holotype: ZMB 32625 Saurida truculenta Macleay, 1881d: 219 [1884a: 2: 155]
[1], Paepke, 1999: 147) (type locality: Australia: Port Jackson; holotype: AMS
Saurus badi Cuvier, 1829: 314 (available by indication to I.6270-001 [ex MAMU F174], Stanbury, 1969: 205)
Russell, 1803b: n° 172; type locality: India: Vizagapa- Saurida ferox Ramsay, 1883: 177 (type locality: Australia:
tham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which is Port Jackson; holotype: AMS, lost, Eschmeyer, 2011)
based Russell, 1803b: 56, pl. 172 [Badi Mottah]) Distribution notes. Inland water record from Singapore
Saurus Badimottah Rüppell, 1837: 77 (type locality: Gulf mangroves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.).
of Suez; syntypes: SMF 1056 [1], 3070–3072 [3], 5404–
Taxonomic notes. See Cohen et al. (1990: 16), D'Ancona Bregmaceros mcclellandi Thompson, 1840
& Cavinato (1965) for revision. Synonymy commented by Bregmaceros Mcclellandi Thompson, 1840: 184, fig. (type
Masuda et al. (1986: 398). locality: India: Ganges Delta; syntypes [2]: lost, Torii et
al., 2003: 130; spelt mcclellandii in figure caption, first
Bregmaceros Thompson, 1840 reviser [apparently Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1040] retained
Bregmaceros Thompson, 1840: 185 (type species: Bregma- mcclellandi)
ceros mcclellandi Thompson, 1840: 185, by monotypy). Bregmaceros macclellandii Günther, 1862a: 368 (unjusti-
Gender masculine. fied emendation of Bregmaceros mcclellandi Thompson,
Calloptilum Richardson, 1845a: 94 (type species: Callopti- 1840: 184)
lum mirum Richardson, 1845a: 95, by monotypy). Gen- Asthenurus Atripinnis Tickell, 1865: 32, pl. 1 (type locality:
der neuter. Burma: Arakan: Akhyab harbor and estuary of Koladyn
Asthenurus Tickell, 1865: 32 (type species: Asthenurus at Akyab; syntypes [4 or 5]: ZSI ?)
atripinnis Tickell, 1865: 32, by monotypy). Gender mas- Bregmaceros atripinnis Day, 1870a: 522 (type locality: prob-
culine. ably Myanmar; syntypes: NMW 43192 [1], 43196 [1],
RMNH 9563 [1], 10797 [1], ZMB 2001 [1], 4333 [1],
Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158)
Encheliophis Müller, 1842 Enchelyophis Müller, 1846: 177 (incorrect subsequent spell-
Encheliophis Müller, 1842a: 205 (type species Encheliophis ing of Encheliophis Müller, 1842a: 205)
vermicularis Müller, 1842a: 205, by monotypy; also in Oxybeles Richardson, 1846b: 73 (type species: Oxybeles
Müller, 1842b: 323). Gender masculine. homei Richardson, 1846b: 74, by monotypy). Gender
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Oxybelus Bleeker, 1851e: 278 (incorrect subsequent spell- Encheliophiops Reid, 1940: 47 (type species: Encheliophi-
ing of Oxybeles Richardson, 1846b: 73; spelt Oxijbelus ops hancocki Reid, 1940: 47, by original designation).
on plate) Gender masculine.
Rhizoiketicus Vaillant, 1893d: 746 (type species: Rhizoiketi-
cus carolinensis Vaillant, 1893d: 746, by monotypy). Species inquirenda
Gender masculine. Fierasfer frantii Popta, 1912: 185 (type locality: Indonesia:
Jordanicus Gilbert, 1905: 656 (type species: Fierasfer um- Sulawesi Tenggara: Muna Island: Raha, brackishwater
bratilis Jordan & Evermann, 1903: 206, by original des- [4°52'S 122°43'E; see Elbert, 1911: map 3]; holotype:
ignation). Gender masculine. SMF 6499, Eschmeyer, 2011; justified emendation trautii
in Table of content for vol. 34, Code arts., 32.2.2)
Taxonomic notes. A larval form of Encheliophis according
to Nielsen et al. (1999: 16).
Diancistrus Ogilby, 1899 Parabrosmolus Machida, 1996: 147 (type species: Parabros-
Diancistrus Ogilby, 1899: 743 (type species: Diancistrus molus novaeguineae Machida, 1996: 148, by original
longifilis Ogilby, 1899: 744, by monotypy). Gender designation). Gender masculine.
masculine. Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Schwarzhans et al.
Calcarbrotula Fowler, 1946: 193 (type species: Calcarbro- (2005: 82).
tula erythraea Fowler, 1946: 193, by original designa-
tion). Gender feminine. Diancistrus typhlops Nielsen, Schwarzhans & Hadiaty,
Brotulina Fowler, 1946: 195 (type species: Brotulina fusca 2009
Fowler, 1946: 195, by original designation). Gender fem- Diancistrus typhlops Nielsen, Schwarzhans & Hadiaty, 2009:
inine. 241, fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Sulawesi
Tenggara: Muna Island: Tongkuno District: Oempo vil-
lage, Walengkabola, Alam Moko cave, 5°10'27.5"S
122°35'00.6"E; holotype: MZB 17174)
Taxonomic notes. See Greenfield et al. (2008) for system- Nomenclatural notes. Enchelyopus, established by Klein
atics. (1744: 52, 1775: 32), is not available. Though used regular-
ly in the early literature, the name is not available before
Allenbatrachus Greenfield, 1997 Bloch. Cloquet (1821) used Encheliopus, with a diagnosis,
Encheliopus Jarocki, 1822: 307 (type species: Cottus grun- in a discussion of Klein's system, which makes the name
niens of Bloch, 1786: 157, pl. 179 [= Cottus grunniens available. Because Bloch's Enchelyopus is not mentioned,
Linnaeus, 1758: 264; Greenfield, 1997: 309], by mono- Cloquet's is not an emendation or an incorrect spelling, but
typy; junior homonym of Encheliopus Cloquet, 1821: a distinct name, and a senior homonym of Encheliopus Jaroc-
456; not homonym of Encheliopus Walbaum, 1792: 583 ki (1822). To my knowledge Encheliopus Cloquet has not
[not available, part of work rejected, ICZN, 1910: 51, been used since and no species has been included before.
Opinion 21], Enchelyopus Gronovius, 1760: 259 [not I designate Gadus cimbrius as type species of Encheliopus
available, work not consistently binominal], Enchelyo- Cloquet. This makes Encheliopus Cloquet an objective jun-
pus Klein, 1744: 52, 1775: 32 [not available, work not ior synonym of Enchelyopus Bloch. This allows Allenbatra-
consistently binominal] and Enchelyopus Bloch, in chus to be maintained.
Schneider, 1801: xxvi, 50 [one letter difference, Code If Encheliopus Cloquet is not accepted as an available
art. 56.2]). Gender masculine. name, then Encheliopus Jarocki, 1822 would be a senior
Allenbatrachus Greenfield, 1997: 307 (type species: Cottus synonym of Allenbatrachus. Encheliopus Jarocki cannot be
grunniens Linnaeus, 1758: 264, by original designation; declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, because
objective junior synonym of Encheliopus Jarocki, 1822: Allenbatrachus, since its description in 1997, has not yet
307). Gender masculine. been been used in at least 25 works. Also, Encheliopus Jaroc-
ki is not a homonym of Enchelyopus Bloch, in Schneider, – Gronovius, 1754: 46 [itself based on the Brazilian batra-
1801, because they differ by one letter. choid of Marcgrave and Piso, 1648: 45, on the East Indies
[Enchelyopus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: xxvi, 50 (type species: Gadus one of Willughby, and Artedi's manuscript for Seba (1759:
cimbrius Linné, 1766: 440, by subsequent designation by Jordan & 80, pl. 28 fig. 4)].
Evermann, 1898: 2560). Gender masculine].
[Encheliopus Cloquet, 1821: 456 (type species: Gadus cimbrius Linné, Linnaeus (1758) indicated the locality as "America" al-
1766: 440, by present designation; no originally included species; not though the bibliographic references include material from
homonym of Encheliopus Walbaum, 1792: 583 [not available, part of the East Indies. In the detailed description of 1764, he indi-
work rejected, ICZN, 1910: 51, Opinion 21], Enchelyopus Gronovius, cated the locality of C. indus [the 'real' C. grunniens of 1758]
1760: 259 [not available, work not consistently binominal], Enche-
lyopus Klein, 1744: 52 [not available, work not consistently binomi- as "India" and the locality of C. grunniens [the 'varietas alia'
nal] and Enchelyopus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: xxvi, 50 [one letter of 1758] as "Mari Mediterraneo".
difference, Code art. 56.2]). Gender masculine]. Linnaeus' (1758) account is based on possibly up to 4
species: (1) his own material of 'true' C. grunniens, from
Allenbatrachus grunniens (Linnaeus, 1758) India (= C. indus); (2) his own material of 'varietas alia',
Cottus grunniens Linnaeus, 1758: 264 (based on Linnaeus, apparently NRM 5633 which is the gadid Raniceps raninus
1764: 65, 66 [then unpublished], Marcgrave, 1648: 178 (Linnaeus, 1758) from "lakes of Sweden" (Fernholm &
[Niqui], Willughby, 1686: appendix p. 3, pl. 4 fig. 1 Wheeler, 1983: 225; see also Hutchins, 1981: 337). (3) Marc-
[Knorhaen, gallus gruniens; from Nieuhof, 1682: (2) grave's account refers to a South American toadfish (which
271], Gronovius, 1754: 46, n°106 [based on Artedi's I have not attempted to identify). (4) Nieuhof's account re-
manuscript for Seba, 1759: 80, pl. 28 fig. 4, Marcgrave, fers to a species from the East Indies to which Willughby
1648: 178, Piso, 1648: 45, Willughby, 1686: 1, fig. 1, gave the name gallus grunniens and which has usually been
appendix pl. 4 fig. 1], and on specimens; type locality: identified as today's Batrachus grunniens, but could as well
"America" ["India", see below]; syntypes: NRM 5633 be another Asian species.
[1, lakes of Sweden], Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 225 A neotype is needed in order to definitively link the name
[actually a Raniceps raninus (Linnaeus, 1758: 258)]; Cottus gruniens to the species for which it has been used
appears as grunmens in some copies, apparently the re- since its original description. This will be done in a separate
sult of a damaged letterpress type [see below]) publication.
Cottus indus Linnaeus, 1764: 66 (type locality: "India"; The species name appears as grunniens in some copies
holotype: lost; junior synonym of Cottus grunmens Lin- of Linnaeus (1758: 264) (e.g. the copy on www.biodiversity
naeus, 1758: 264) library.org) and as grunmens in others (e.g. the 1956 reprint
Batrachoides gangene Hamilton, 1822: 34, 365, pl. 14 fig. 8 and the copy on animalbase.org). This probably resulted from
(type locality: India: salt-water estuaries of the Ganges; the replacement of a damaged letterpress type. This makes
types: NT ['holotype' listed by Hutchins, 1981: 336 has grunmens a typesetter or copyist error for grunniens and it
no type status]) must be corrected [Code art. 32.5.1]. The correct spelling is
Nomenclatural notes. Linnaeus' (1758) original descrip- grunniens as Linnaeus mentions the Gallus grunniens of
tion of Cottus grunniens is based on his own data and liter- Willughby in the list of synonyms. The spelling grunniens
ature reference. His own data include a first set of counts. is also used by Linnaeus (1764). A similar case of damaged
A second set appears as "varietas alia" [a different variety]. letterpress type is reported by Bogutskaya et al. (2005).
His data are extracted from his manuscript "Mus. Ad. Fr.
2. p.", which is Linnné (1764), with page number then still Allenbatrachus reticulatus (Steindachner, 1870)
unknown (1764: 65, 66). In 1764, the data of the 'real' Batrachus reticulatus Steindachner, 1870b: 564 (type lo-
C. grunniens and the 'varietas alia' are interchanged: on p. cality: "Singapore and immediate vicinity" [original type
65, under C. grunniens the data are the same as those under locality: near Singapore]; neotype: CAS 82188, desig-
'varietas alia' in 1758, while those on p. 66, under C. indus nated by Greenfield, 1997: 311)
are the same as those on the first line (the 'real' grunniens) Distribution notes. Inland record from Singapore. Fresh-
in 1758. The heading on p. 66 is Cottus [indus] "(an prioris water record from Vietnam by Rainboth et al. (2012: 75).
varietas ?)" [a variety of the preceeding ?].
The specimen(s) that Linnaeus (1758: 264) referred to
as 'varietas alia' is excluded from the type series (Code art. Batrachomoeus Ogilby, 1908
72.4.1). This means that the material of C. grunniens of 1764 Pseudobatrachus Castelnau, 1875: 24 (type species:
is not part of the type series, while the C. indus of 1764 Pseudobatrachus striatus Castelnau, 1875: 24, by mono-
actually is the 'real' C. grunniens of 1758. This makes typy; junior homonym of Pseudobatrachus Peters, 1873:
C. indus an objective junior synonym of C. grunniens. 414 in Amphibia). Gender masculine.
It is not clear whether the bibliographic references listed Pelophiletor Ogilby, 1906: 9 (nomen nudum)
by Linnaeus (1758: 265) refer to the 'true' C. grunniens or Batrachomoeus Ogilby, 1907c: 10 (nomen nudum)
to the 'varietas alia', but they include at least two species. Batrachomoeus Ogilby, 1908b: 46, 54 (type species: Batra-
The references are: chomoeus broadbenti Ogilby, 1908b: 49, by subsequent
– Willughby, 1686: appendix p. 3, pl. 4 fig. 1 [itself based designation by Jordan, 1920: 529). Gender masculine.
on "knorhaen", a batrachoidid from the East Indies in Nieu- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Hutchins (1976: 20) and
hof, 1682: (2) 271]; Greenfield et al. (2008: 681).
– Marcgrave, 1648: 178 [niqui, a batrachoid from Brazil];
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies from Pietsch & Grobecker Capellaria Gistel, 1848: viii (replacement name for Chi-
(1987). ronectes Cuvier, 1817: 418). Gender feminine.
Saccarius Günther, 1861a: 183 (type species: Saccarius
Antennarius Daudin, 1816 lineatus Günther, 1861a: 183, by monotypy). Gender
Antennarius Commerson, in La Cepède, 1798: 327 (sup- masculine.
pressed by ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]; anyway not Phrynelox Whitley, 1931c: 328 (type species: Lophius stri-
available, not binominal) atus Shaw, 1794: 2 unnumb. pp., pl. 175, by original
Antennarius Daudin, 1816 [Oct]: 193 (type species: Loph- designation). Gender masculine.
ius chironecte Anonymous, 1798b: 681 [predates L. chi- Fowlerichthys Barbour, 1941: 12 (type species: Fowlerich-
ronectes Latreille, 1804a: 73] by subsequent designa- thys floridanus Barbour, 1941: 12, by original designa-
tion by Bleeker, 1865n: 5; no species originally includ- tion). Gender masculine.
ed [only vernacular names included], under Code art. Kanazawaichthys Schultz, 1957: 62 (type species: Kanaza-
67.7 first inclusion by Cuvier, 1816a [Nov]: 310]). Gen- waichthys scutatus Schultz, 1957: 63, by original desig-
der masculine. nation). Gender masculine.
Antennarius Cuvier, 1816a [Nov]: 310 (type species: Loph- Abantennarius Schultz, 1957: 66 (type species: Antenna-
ius commersonii Shaw, 1804b: 387, by subsequent des- rius duescus Snyder, 1904: 537, pl. 13 fig. 24, by origi-
ignation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 104 ["Antenna- nal designation). Gender masculine.
rius princeps Commerson" designated by Gill, 1863h: Triantennatus Schultz, 1957: 74 (subgenus of Phrynelox
90 does not exist, may be Chironectes principis Valenci- Whitley, 1931c: 328; type species: Phrynelox zebrinus
ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 416 ?, which Schultz, 1957: 75, by original designation). Gender mas-
was not originally included; only name of Commerson culine.
included: "lophius antenna tricorni", which is not an Uniantennatus Schultz, 1957: 83 (subgenus of Lophiocharon
available name [Commerson's name in La Cepède, 1798: Whitley, 1933: 104; type species: Antennarius horridus
325]; mention of Lophius histrio Linnaeus, 1758: 237 Bleeker, 1853j: 83, by original designation). Gender
by Jarocki, 1822: 410 is not a type designation but an masculine.
exemple ["n.p." means "i.e."]). Gender masculine. Phymatophryne Le Danois, 1964: 115 (type species: Chi-
Chironectes Cuvier, 1817: 418, 433 (type species: Anten- ronectes maculatus Desjardins, 1840: 1, pl. 2, by mono-
narius chironectes Anonymous, 1798b: 681, by abso- typy). Gender feminine.
lute tautonymy (p. 433; also Code art. 67.7); junior hom-
onym of Chironectes Illiger, 1811: 76 in Mammalia and Antennarius biocellatus (Cuvier, 1817)
Chironectes Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1814: 19). Gender Chironectes biocellatus Cuvier, 1817: 427, pl. 17 fig. 3 (type
masculine. locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN A.4620, Pietsch &
Antennaria Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822a: 411 (incorrect Grobecker, 1987: 174, Pietsch et al., 1986: 139)
subsequent spelling of Antennarius Daudin, 1816: 193) Antennarius notophthalmus Bleeker, 1854e: 544 (type lo-
Artennarius Garthe, 1837: table 4 (incorrect subsequent cality: Indonesia: Java: Djungkulan [Ujung Kulong] in
spelling of Antennarius Daudin, 1816: 193) the strait of Meeuwenbaai; holotype: RMNH 6280, Pi-
etsch & Grobecker, 1987: 174)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies mostly follow Thomson Crenimugil crenilabis (Forskål, 1775)
(1997). Mugil crenilabis Forskål, 1775: xiv, 73 (type locality: Red
Sea; types: NT; invalid neotype designation by Fricke,
Species inquirenda 1999a: 358 [need not demonstrated])
Myxus malayanus Herre, 1936b: 286 (type locality: Indo- Mugil cirrhostomus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 121 (type
nesia: north end of Sulawesi [Lembeh Strait; Böhlke, locality: Pacific Ocean; types: NT [specimen listed as
1953: 64]; holotype: CAS-SU 30975 [1 of 5], Böhlke, holotype by Thomson, 1997: 509 has no type status])
1953: 64) Mugil fasciatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1836: 125 (type locality: Red Sea; holotype: MNHN
A.3637, Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 692)
Cestraeus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836 Mugil macrocheilos Bleeker, 1854u: 43 (type locality: Co-
Cestraeus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: cos-Keeling Islands: Nova Selma; holotype [310 mm
157 (type species: Cestraeus plicatilis Valenciennes, in TL]: LU)
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 157, by subsequent des- Mugil rüppellii Günther, 1861a: 458 (type locality: Red Sea;
ignation by Jordan, 1919a: 85). Gender masculine. syntypes: BMNH 1945.10.29.57, SMF [specimens of
Gonostomyxus Macdonald, 1869: 39 (type species: Gono- Mugil crenilabris of Rüppell, 1838: 132]; must be emend-
stomyxus loaloa Macdonald, 1869: 39, by original des- ed to rueppellii, Code art.
ignation [in title]). Gender masculine. Mugil neocaledonicus Castelnau, 1873: 116 (type locality:
Aeschrichthys Macleay, 1883d: 5 (type species: Aeschrich- New Caledonia: Nouméa; syntypes: ? NMV 51860
thys goldiei Macleay, 1883d: 5, by monotypy). Gender [A9739] [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
masculine. Mugil tearlachi Curtiss, 1938: 47 (type locality: Society Is-
lands: Tahiti: lagoon near Tautira; syntypes: probably not
Cestraeus goldiei (Macleay, 1883) preserved)
Aeschrichthys Goldiei Macleay, 1883d: 5, figs. 1–2 (type Distribution notes. Occasional records in lower reaches of
locality: New Guinea: Goldie River; lectotype: AMS estuaries.
I.13395, designated by Thomson, 1997: 470)
Crenimugil heterocheilos (Bleeker, 1855)
Cestraeus oxyrhyncus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- Mugil heterocheilos Bleeker, 1855g: 198 (type locality: In-
ciennes, 1836 donesia: Batjan; syntypes [5, 100–114 mm TL]: RMNH
Cestraeus oxyrhyncus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- 6408 [part of 5], Thomson, 1997: 510)
ennes, 1836: 162 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi, in Mugil papillosus Macleay, 1883c: 270, fig. (type locality:
freshwater; holotype: MNHN A.4313, Blanc & Hureau, Papua New Guinea: Normanby Island, freshwater; syn-
1972: 678) types: AMS I.13392 [1], I.13393 [1], 13394 [1], Esch-
meyer, 2011)
Cestraeus plicatilis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Mugil banksi Seale, 1910a: 501, pl. 5 (type locality: Philip-
nes, 1836 pines: Siquijor Island; holotype: BSM 1412, lost)
Cestraeus plicatilis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1836: 157, pl. 315 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawe-
si, in freshwater; holotype: MNHN A.2894, Blanc & Ellochelon Whitley, 1930
Hureau, 1972: 679) Ellochelon Whitley, 1930b: 251 (type species: Mugil vaigien-
Gonostomyxus loa-loa Macdonald, 1869: 38, pl. 1 (type lo- sis Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 337, by original designa-
cality: Fiji Islands: Na Viti Levu: Wai Manu, tributary of tion). Gender masculine.
Rewa River; holotype: Haslar Museum; must be emend- Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid following Senou (in
ed to loaloa) Randall & Lim, 2000: 625; in Nakabo, 2002: 1510).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
as holotype by Thomson, 1997: 482 has no type status) Liza alata (Steindachner, 1892)
Mugil melanochir Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Mugil alatus Steindachner, 1892a: 133 (type locality: Mada-
1836: 143 (type locality: Indonesia: Java / Guam; syn- gascar: rivers [interior of Madagascar in neighborhood
types: MNHN A.844 [1], A.3630 [1], Blanc & Hureau, of Antananarivo]; holotype: NMW 86329, Eschmeyer,
1972: 695) 2011; also in Steindachner, 1892b: 364)
Mugil Rossii Bleeker, 1854u: 45 (type locality: Cocos Islands: Mugil diadema Gilchrist & Thompson, 1911: 42 (type lo-
Nova Selma; holotype [264 mm TL]: RMNH 1641 [Esch- cality: South Africa: Natal: Durban Bay; holotype: LU)
meyer, 2011] or RMNH 6397 [Thomson, 1997: 538]) Moolgarda ordensis Whitley, 1945a: 17, fig. 9 (type locali-
Mugil tegobuan Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouzier, ty: Australia: Ord River, Carlton Reach; holotype: WAM
1857: 462 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou]; syn- P.2758-001, Hutchins & Smith, 1991: 32)
types: lost)
Mugil occidentalis Castelnau, 1873: 135 (type locality: "riv- Liza haematocheila (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
ers of western Australia" [Dampierre archipelago; Blanc Mugil haematocheilus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 135,
& Hureau, 1972: 696]; syntypes: MNHN A.3654 [3], pl. 72 fig. 2 (type locality: Japan: small streams near
A.3655 [3], NMV 51852 [ex A.9732] [1], Blanc & Nagasaki; lectotype: RMNH D.1160, designated by
Hureau, 1972: 696, Eschmeyer, 2011) Boeseman, 1947: 117)
Mugil ventricosus Castelnau, 1875: 32 (type locality: Aus- Mugil xanthurus Richardson, 1846a: 248 (type locality:
tralia: Dampier Archipelago: Nicol Bay; syntypes: China: Canton and Seas of China; types: specimen on
MNHN A.3725 [3], Blanc & Hureau, 1971: 700; junior which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
homonym of Mugil ventricosus Richardson, 1846a: 249) in Whitehead, 1970a: 215, pl. 24b)
Mugil So-iuy Basilewsky, 1855: 226, pl. 4 fig. 3 (type local-
ity: China: Gulf of Tschili and tributary streams; synty-
Liza Jordan & Swain, 1884 pes: ZISP 5901 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011; must be emended
Liza Jordan & Swain, 1884: 261 (subgenus of Mugil Lin- as M. soiuy)
naeus, 1758: 316; type species: Mugil capito Cuvier, Mugil sinensis Bleeker, 1872c: 143 (available by indication
1829: 232, by original designation). Gender feminine. to Mugil haematocheilus of Richardson, 1846a: 249, it-
Protomugil Popov, 1930: 64, 117 (subgenus of Liza Jordan self based on Mugil haematocheilus Temminck & Schle-
& Swain, 1884: 261; type species: Mugil saliens Risso, gel, 1845: 135, figure β.49 of Reeves, and figure "Acanth.
1810: 345, by original designation). Gender masculine. 262" of Hardwicke [which is probably the same Reeves'
Gracilimugil Whitley, 1941a: 18 (type locality: Mugil ram- figure]; type locality: Seas of China / Japan; syntypes:
sayi Macleay, 1883b: 208, by original designation). Gen- material of Temminck & Schlegel, and Reeves)
der masculine. Mugil Joyneri Günther, 1878: 486 (type locality: Japan:
Planiliza Whitley, 1945a: 17 (subgenus of Moolgarda Whit- Tokei [Tokyo]; syntypes: BMNH 1878.4.5.90–91 [2],
ley, 1945a: 14; type species: Moolgarda ordensis Whit- Thomson, 1997: 523)
ley, 1945a: 17, by original designation). Gender feminine. Liza menada Tanaka, 1916: 394 (type locality: Japan: To-
Heteromugil Schultz, 1946: 394 (type species: Mugil tri- kyo fish market; syntypes: ZUMT 3338 [1, lost], Esch-
cuspidens Smith, 1935a: 618, by original designation). meyer, 2011)
Gender masculine. Liza borealis Popov, 1930: 80, 119, pl. 2 fig. 1, pl. 4 fig. 1
Pteromugil Smith, 1948b: 837 (type species: Mugil diade- (type locality: Russia: Vladivostok and Tumangan Riv-
ma Gilchrist & Thompson, 1911: 42, by original desig- er / Yellow Sea / Japan: Hokkaido: Hokodate; syntypes:
nation). Gender masculine. ZISP 1573 [1], 8401 [1], 9570 [1], 12533 [1], 12606 [1],
Strializa Smith, 1948b: 838 (type species: Mugil canalicu- 22249 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
latus Smith, 1935a: 630, by original designation). Gen- Taxonomic notes. Earlier recorded as Mugil lauvergnii
der feminine. Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850 (Harrison, in Miller, 2004: 470).
Oxymugil Whitley, 1948b: 271 (type species: Mugil acutus
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 140, by Liza lauvergnii (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850)
original designation ["as identified below", which means Mugil Lauvergnii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 174, pl. 4 fig. 3
that Whitley apparently considered that his material could (type locality: China: Macao; holotype: MNHN 8138,
be misidentified]). Gender masculine. Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 693, Thomson, 1997: 523)
Paramugil Ghasemzadeh, Ivantsoff & Aarn, 2004a: 12 (type Mugil affinis Günther, 1861a: 433, fig. (type locality: Chi-
species: Mugil parmatus Cantor, 1849: 1076, by origi- na: Amoy; holotype: BMNH 1860.7.20.11, Thomson,
nal designation). Gender masculine. 1997: 514, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Taxonomic notes. The genus Liza is possibly not mono- Myxus profugus Mohr, 1927: 184, fig. 6 (type locality: Ja-
phyletic (Rossi et al., 2004). Senou (in Nakabo, 2002: 1511; pan and Taiwan; syntypes: ZMB 20287 [2], Ho & Shao,
in Randall & Lim, 2000: 625) considered that Liza is a jun- 2011: 39)
ior synonym of Chelon. [See Bibliographic Notes, Cuvier Myxus philippinus Roxas, 1934: 424, pl. 2 fig. 1 (type lo-
1816, for comments on etymology of Chelon.] cality: Philippines: Palawan: Lumbucan Island, near
[Chelon Artedi, 1793: 118 (type species: Mugil chelo Cuvier, 1829: 232, Balabac; holotype BSM 28473, lost)
by subsequent designation, possibly Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 52). Taxonomic notes. Liza lauvergnii is usually listed as a syn-
Gender masculine].
onym of L. haematocheila and L. affinis as a valid species.
The holotype of L. lauvergnii is conspecific with L. affinis Liza parmata (Cantor, 1849)
(Harrison, in Miller, 2004: 470) and this makes L. lauverg- Mugil parmatus Cantor, 1849: 1076 (type locality: Indone-
nii the valid name of the species earlier called L. affinis. sia: Borneo: Pamangkat and Sampit [original type local-
ity: Malaysia: Pinang]; neotype: RMNH 6405, designated
Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846) by Ghasemzadeh et al., 2004b: 96 [designation in
Mugil Macrolepis A. Smith, 1846: unnumb. p., pl. 28 fig. 2 Ghasemzadeh et al., 2004a: 15 invalid because speci-
(type locality: rivers and lakes of South Africa; holo- men cannot be recognised, Code art. 75.3.3])
type: BMNH 1859.5.7.56, Dor, 1984: 191, Thomson, Mugil macrolepis Bleeker, 1852o: 422 (type locality: Indo-
1997: 525) nesia: Borneo: Pamangkat and Sampit; lectotype: RMNH
Mugil borneënsis Bleeker, 1851l: 201 (type locality: Indo- 6405, designated by Ghasemzadeh et al., 2004b: 96; jun-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; lecto- ior homonym of Mugil macrolepis Smith, 1846: pl. 28
type: RMNH 6403 [1 of 14], designated by Thomson, fig. 2; junior objective synonym of Mugil parmatus Can-
1997: 525) tor, 1849: 1076)
Mugil adustus Bleeker, 1854d: 503 (type locality: Indone- Mugil oligolepis Bleeker, 1857n: 461 (replacement name
sia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [153 mm TL]: LU) for Mugil macrolepis Bleeker, 1852o: 422)
Mugil Troschelii Bleeker, 1858g: 386 (nomen nudum)
Mugil Troschelii Bleeker, 1858h: 277 (name available from Liza parsia (Hamilton, 1822)
key; type locality: not stated [Sumatra, Borneo]; synty- Mugil parsia Hamilton, 1822: 215, 380, pl. 17 fig. 71 (type
pes: RMNH 6402 [2], AMS B.8007 [1], Dor, 1984: 191, locality: India: fresh water rivers of Bengal; types: NT
Thomson, 1997: 525, Eschmeyer, 2011) [status of 'syntypes' listed by Eschmeyer, 2011, Thom-
Mugil smithii Günther, 1861a [14 Dec]: 447, fig. (unneces- son, 1997: 529, doubtful])
sary replacement name for Mugil macrolepis Smith, 1846: Mugil latus Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name listed in
pl. 28 fig. 2, considered to be a junior homonym of Mugil synonymy)
macrolepidotus Rüppell, 1830: 140, pl. 35 fig. 2; senior Distribution notes. Recorded in area from Andaman Islands.
[?] homonym of Mugil smithii Castelnau, 1861: 47)
Mugil smithii Castelnau, 1861: 47 (type locality: South Af- Liza subviridis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
rica: Table Bay market; types: NT; junior [?] homonym 1836)
of Mugil smithii Günther, 1861a: 447) Mugil subviridis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Mugil crenilepis Castelnau, 1861: 49 (type locality: South Af- 1836: 115 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast [Bom-
rica: Cape Province: mouth of Comptoos River; types: NT) bay], Ganges and Pondicherry; syntypes: MNHN A.3649
? Mugil cunnumboo Day, 1865c: 141, fig. (type locality: [1], A.3650 [1], A.3651 [1], 1990-132 [1, ex A.3649],
India: Malabar; holotype: ? ZSI F1418, Whitehead & ? ZMB 1834 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 699, Eschmeyer,
Talwar, 1976: 160) 2011)
Mugil rodericensis Günther, 1876b: 397 (type locality: Ro- Mugil Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
driguez Island in freshwater; syntypes: BMNH 1836: 147 (type locality: India: Bombay and Coroman-
1876.3.11.11–14 [4], 1876.3.11.30 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011; del Coast; syntypes: MNHN A.3634 [1], 1990-0134 [2],
repeated in Günther, 1879: 471) Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 691, Eschmeyer, 2011; simulta-
Mugil olivaceus Day, 1876a: 357 (type locality: "Seas of neous subjective synonym of Mugil subviridis Valenci-
India, ascending rivers"; types: among ZSI F 2142, ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 115, first revis-
BMNH 1889.2.1.3753–3756 [2], MZUF 4701, White- er [Thomson, in Fischer & Bianchi, 1984: MUGIL Liza
head & Talwar, 1976: 160) 14] gave precedence to M. subviridis)
Agonostoma dorsalis Streets, 1877: 102 (type locality: Sa- Mugil ventricosus Richardson, 1846a: 249 (type locality:
moa Island; holotype: USNM 15111) China: Canton and Chinese seas; holotype: specimen on
Liza pescadorensis Oshima, 1922: 254, pl. 12 fig. 1 (type which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
locality: Taiwan: Pescadores Islands: Bakô; holotype: in Whitehead, 1970a: 215, pl. 24a [specimens listed as
FMNH 59147 [ex CM 8285], Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 53) syntypes by Thomson, 1997: 538 have no type status])
Mugil javanicus Bleeker, 1853a: 701 (type locality: not stat-
Liza melinoptera (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- ed, but name implies Indonesia: Java; types: not stated;
nes, 1836) name available because accompanied by very brief di-
Mugil melinopterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- agnosis)
nes, 1836: 146, pl. 313 (type locality: Solomon Islands: Mugil sundanensis Bleeker, 1853f: 265 (type locality: In-
Santa Cruz Islands: Vanikoro [11°37'S 166°59'E]; holo- donesia: Sumatra: Benculen [Bengkulu] / Java: Batavia
type: MNHN A.3669, Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 696; a [Jakarta]; syntypes [8, 150–216]: part of RMNH 6387
compound adjective) [8], ? BMNH 1880.4.21.162–163 [2], Thomson, 1997:
Mugil ceramensis Bleeker, 1853a: 699 (type locality: Indo- 534)
nesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai; syntypes [3, 87–100 mm Mugil Cantoris Bleeker, 1853o: 100, pl. 1 fig. 4 (type local-
TL]: ? RMNH 640 [part of 4], Thomson, 1997: 527) ity: India: Calcutta, in Hooghly River; syntypes [5, 68–
? Mugil compressus Günther, 1861a: 451 (type locality: 130 mm TL]: RMNH 6402 [3], Thomson, 1997: 534)
Australia: New South Wales; syntypes [3]: BMNH Mugil brachysoma Bleeker, 1855k: 399 (type locality: In-
1928.8.3.21 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) donesia: Java: Pasuruan; holotype [94 mm TL]: LU
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
[specimens in RMNH 6387 listed by Thomson, 1997: to Bontah of Russell, 1803a: n° 180; type locality: In-
534 are too large to be holotype]) dia: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on
Mugil Valenciennesii Bleeker, 1858g: 386 (nomen nudum) which is based Bontah of Russell, 1803a: 64, pl. 180
Mugil Valenciennesii Bleeker, 1858h: 277 (name available [Bontah]; material listed as syntypes by Thomson, 1997:
from key; type locality: not mentioned [East Indies]; 536 has no type status; also in Bleeker, 1857i: 336)
types: ? RMNH 6389 [3], Thomson, 1997: 534) Mugil belanak Bleeker, 1857i: 337 (type locality: Indone-
Mugil nepalensis Günther, 1861a: 424 (type locality: Ne- sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [6, 130–201 mm
pal: holotype: BMNH 1853.8.16.25, Thomson, 1997: 534) TL]: part of RMNH 6388 [8], SMNS 10616 [3], BMNH
Mugil laevis Day, 1871a: 203 (unnecessary replacement 1860.3.19.367–370 [4], Thomson, 1997: 536, Fricke,
name for Mugil nepalensis Günther, 1861a: 424) 1991: 17)
Mugil Meyeri Günther, 1872c: 439 (type locality: Indone- Mugil poicilus Day, 1865a: 33 (type locality: India: Kerala;
sia: Sulawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang]; syntypes: Cochin; syntypes: among ZSI 2135, BMNH 1865.1.19.8
BMNH 1872.3.12.25–26 [2], Thomson, 1997: 534) [1], NMW 67381, ZMB 10775, RMNH 1638, ZISP 8272,
Mugil jerdoni Day, 1876a: 352 (type locality: "Seas of In- FMNH 2448, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160; also in
dia" / material listed by Day, 1865c: 138 as Mugil sun- Day, 1865c: 140, pl. 9)
danensis; types: among ZSI 1404–1405 [4, lost], 2909 Taxonomic notes. In recent years some authors have con-
[1, lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.3702–3705 [4], AMS B.7983 sidered L. tade to be a junior synonym of L. planiceps (e.g.
[1], ? B.7967 [1], NMW 67694, ZISP 8238, FMNH 2449, Harrison & Senou, in Carpenter & Niem, 1999: 2091, Esch-
Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160, Thomson, 1997: 534, meyer, 2011), which is not possible since tade is older. Fricke
Ferraris et al., 2000: 298) et al. (2011: 369) treated them as distinct species.
Mugil stevensi Ogilby, 1908a: 19 (type locality: Australia:
Queensland: Rockhingham Bay, Gold Island; holotype:
QM I.774, Eschmeyer, 2011) Moolgarda Whitley, 1945
Mugil alcocki Ogilby, 1908a: 21 (type locality: India: Ma- Moolgarda Whitley, 1945a: 14 (type species: Moolgarda
dras; holotype: BMNH [specimen of Mugil subviridis pura Whitley, 1945a: 15, by original designation). Gen-
of Günther, 1861a: 423]) der feminine.
Mugil tadopsis Ogilby, 1908a: 27 (type locality: Australia: Valamugil Smith, 1948b: 841 (type species: Mugil seheli
Queensland: Moreton Bay: Brisbane market; syntypes Forskål, 1775: xiv, 73, by original designation). Gender
[3]: QM I.1570 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) masculine.
Mugil ruthveni Fowler, 1918: 3, fig. 1 (type locality: Philip- Osteomugil Luther, 1975: 107 (nomen nudum)
pines; holotype: ANSP 47478) Osteomugil Luther, 1982: 7 (type species: Mugil cunnesius
Mugil ogilbyi Fowler, 1918: 5, fig. 2 (type locality: Philip- Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 114, by
pines; holotype: ANSP 47479) original designation). Gender masculine.
Mugil philippinus Fowler, 1918: 7, fig. 3 (type locality: Taxonomic notes. Moolgarda pura is type species of Mool-
Philippines; holotype: ANSP 47481) garda. Thomson (1997: 534) treated M. pura as a synonym
Mugil lepidopterus Fowler, 1918: 9, fig. 4 (type locality: of Liza subviridis, but, judging from the locality of the
Philippines; holotype: ANSP 47483) specimen(s) he examined, he had not seen the holotype. From
Mugil anpinensis Oshima, 1922: 245, pl. 11 fig. 2 (type lo- Whitley's description and Thomson's comments (1997: 512),
cality: Taiwan: Anpin near Tainan, or Kwaren River at it appears likely that Whitley had two species. The holotype
Kada, Kwarenke; holotype: FMNH 59143 [ex CM 8281], of M. pura is a specimen of M. seheli according to Senou
Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 58) (in Nakabo, 2002: 1511). The figured holotype keys out as
Mugil medius Machan, 1931: 221 (type locality: Indonesia: M. seheli or possibly M. buchanani using the keys in Harri-
Java: coastal waters near Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: son & Senou (in Carpenter & Niem, 1999a: 2070) and in
NMW) Thomson (1997: 500). This makes Moolgarda a senior syn-
onym of Valamugil.
Liza tade (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
Mugil crenilabis tâde Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74 (not available, Moolgarda cunnesius (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
vernacular name [in Forskål, names preceded by Greek ciennes, 1836)
letters in the conspectus are varieties recognized by ver- Mugil Cunnesius Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
nacular names, binominal names of earlier authors or 1836: 114 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakha-
descriptive words or phrases; even if made of a single patnam] and Bombay / Indonesia: Moluccas; syntypes:
word, these are clearly not intended as scientific names]) MNHN A.4636 [1], A.3701 [2], A.3702 [2], A.3726 [2],
Mugil crenilabis var. täde Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 116 (based A.3727 [1], B.2678 [1], B.2629 [1], 1992-0561 [1], Blanc
on Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74; type locality: Red Sea; types: & Hureau, 1972: 688, Eschmeyer, 2011, and specimen
lost, Nielsen, 1974: 73, Trewavas & Ingham, 1972: 24) on which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 181 [Kunnesee])
Mugil planiceps Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Mugil Ophuysenii Bleeker, 1858h: 279 (name available from
1836: 122 (type locality: India: Bengal, Calcutta; synty- key; type locality not stated, but apparently Sumatra:
pes: MNHN A.3647 [1], A.3648 [2], A.3659 [2], Blanc Benkulen [see below]; holotype or syntypes [1 or 2, 110–
& Hureau, 1972: 698) 144 mm TL]: RMNH 6394 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011 or
Mugil bontah Bleeker, 1853o: 48 (available by indication RMNH 4394 [2], Thomson, 1997: 502)
Mugil atherinoides Duncker & Mohr, 1926: 133, figs. 7–8 there is no way to recognize which ones they are]. Howev-
(type locality: Bismarck Archipelago: New Britain Is- er, it is not possible to exclude Benkulen from the type lo-
land: 1 nautical mile west of Cap Beechy; lectotype: ZMH cality because Bleeker might have had other specimens from
163 [ex 16190], designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 162) some other earlier collections received from Benkulen. The
? Mugil tehu Curtiss, 1938: 46 (type locality: Society Is- type locality is thus Batavia, Benkulen and Boleling.
lands: Tahiti: lagoon near Tautira; syntypes: probably not
preserved) Moolgarda malabarica (Shaw, 1804)
Nomenclatural notes. The original description of Mugil Mullus Malabaricus Shaw, 1804a: 137 (available by indi-
ophuysenii appeared in a key, without information on the cation to Peddaraki Sovere of Russell, 1803b: pl. 182;
number of types and their locality. The species is mentioned type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam];
next in Bleeker (1860a: 78); Bleeker listed 2 specimens from holotype: specimen on which is based Russel, 1803b:
Benkulen. pl. 182)
On pp. 1–15 of his 1860a article, Bleeker listed material Mugil peradak Cuvier, 1829: 232 (available by indication
in various collections obtained from Sumatra, only one of to Russel, 1803b: n° 182; type locality: India: Vizagapa-
which included M. ophuysenii, received from Mr. Ophuys- tham [Visakhapatnam]; holototype: specimen on which
en in Bankulen on 5 January 1859, that is after the 1858h is based Russell, 1803b: 66, pl. 182 [Peddaraki Sovere];
key was written (see Nomenclatural notes under Moolgar- junior objective synonym of Mullus malabaricus Shaw,
da engeli). The same list includes other material sent earlier 1804a: 137; note that correct original spelling is per-
by Mr. Ophuysen, but no M. ophuysenii. These earlier lists adak, not pedarak)
had been published in previous issues of Natuurkundig Tijd- Mugil pedaraki Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, one of them on the same 1836: 137 (based on Russell, 1803b: pl. 182; type local-
page as the 1858h key. This suggests that the account of ity: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype:
M. ophuysenii was possibly based on a single specimen and specimen on which is based Russell, 1803b: pl. 182 [Ped-
that a second one was received later. daraki Sovere]; junior objective synonym of Mullus
malabaricus Shaw, 1804a: 137)
Moolgarda engeli (Bleeker, 1858) Mugil buchanani Bleeker, 1853o: 99 (type locality: India:
Mugil Engeli Bleeker, 1858g: 385 (nomen nudum) Hooghly River in Calcutta; holotype [128 mm TL]:
Mugil Engeli Bleeker, 1858h: 277 (name available from key; RMNH 6383, Thomson, 1997: 500)
type locality not stated, possibly Indonesia: Java: Bata- ? Mugil radians Castelnau, 1861: 49 (type locality: South
via [Jakarta] / Sumatra: Benkulen / Bali: Boleling [see Africa: Natal; types: NT)
below]; lectotype: RMNH 6392, designated by Thom- Mugil ceylonensis Günther, 1861a: 446, fig. (type locality:
son 1997: 503) Sri Lanka; syntypes [4]: BMNH 1860.3.19.792–794 [3],
Mugil kandavensis Günther, 1877: 215 (type locality: Fiji Thomson, 1997: 500, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Islands: Kandavu Island; holotype: BMNH 1877.4.18.4 Oedalechilus kesteveni Whitley, 1943a: 178 (type locality:
[ex Mus. Godeffroy 5141], Thomson, 1997: 503, Esch- Australia: Northern Territory: Port Essington; holotype:
meyer, 2011) AMS A.4797, Thomson, 1997: 500)
Mugil rechingeri Steindachner, 1907: 1416 (type locality: Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Senou (in Ran-
Samoa Islands: Upolu; syntypes [6]: NMW 67390 [1], dall & Lim, 2000: 625; in Nakabo, 2002: 1511).
67395 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011) Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (2011) "reversed the pri-
Agonostoma Birarae Duncker & Mohr, 1926: 134, fig. 9 ority" between M. pedaraki and M. peradak because the
(type locality: New Pommerania [Bismarck Archipela- second name had not been used as valid after 1899. Rever-
go: New Britain Island]: southwest coast, Liebliche In- sal of precedence requires that the procedure prescribed by
seln [Gracious Isles; Arawe]; lectotype: ZMH 155 [ex Code art. 23.9.1 be followed, which has not been done. Fur-
16241], designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 162) ther, it has not been demonstrated that the conditions of art.
Nomenclatural notes. The original description of Mugil have been satisfied. This species is still commonly
engeli appeared in a key, without information on type mate- called M. buchanani; the name M. pedaraki having been re-
rial and locality. The species is next mentioned in Bleeker introduced only recently,is still little used, and its validity
(1858m: 147) from material collected in 1856 in Bali (Bo- or identity with M. buchanani is still doubted (even Esch-
leling). Bleeker dated most of his papers (date of writing, meyer, 2011, is confused on this); it is therefore difficult to
not date of publication), but the key (1858h) is not dated; justify that M. pedaraki was the prevailing usage before 2011.
article 1858m appeared in the next volume of the same jour-
nal and is dated June 1858. Moolgarda perusii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
The next use of the name appeared, with a description, ennes, 1836)
in Bleeker (1860a: 78). Bleeker listed 7 specimens, 131– Mugil Perusii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836:
133 mm TL from three localities (Indonesia: Java: Batavia 116 (type locality: Solomon Islands: Santa Cruz Islands:
[Jakarta] / Sumatra: Benkulen / Bali: Boleling). Among these Vanikoro [11°37'S 166°59'E]; holotype: MNHN A.3645,
7 specimens, one or several from Benkulen are probably Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 697)
those listed (p. 13) as received on 5 February 1859; as Bleek- ? Mugil amarulus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
er's key (1858h) was probably written before June 1858, 1836: 133 (type locality: Indonesia: Java / India: Coro-
these specimens are probably not part of the type series [but mandel Coast [Bombay] and Pondicherry in Arian-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Coupan River; syntypes: MNHN A.3720 [1], A.3721 [4], bonicus]: LU)
A.3722 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 680; subjective si- Mugil decem-radiatus Günther, 1861a: 452 (type locality:
multaneous synonym of Mugil perusii Valenciennes, in Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Timor Kupang; syn-
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 116, first reviser not re- types [4, 90–212 mm TL, material listed by Bleeker,
searched, possibly Harrison & Senou, in Carpenter & 1852e: 166 as Mugil parsia]: LU)
Niem, 1999b: 2106, who gave precedence to M. perusii) Mugil delicatus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 341, pl. 15 fig. 1
Mugil strongylocephalus Richardson, 1846a: 249 (type lo- (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Cape York; synty-
cality: Hong Kong; holotype: BMNH 1972.11.27.1, pes: AMS I.16294-001 [4, ex MAMU F306], Eschmey-
Eschmeyer, 2011, Thomson, 1997: 502) er, 2011)
Mugil longimanus Günther, 1861a: 428 (type locality: East Mugil delicatulus Saville-Kent, 1889b: 10 (nomen nudum)
Indies / Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Muntok / Java: Ba- Mugil splendens De Vis, 1885: 871 (type locality: Austra-
tavia [Jakarta], Bantam, Tegal, Pekalongan, Samarang, lia: Queensland: Cardwell; holotype: QM I.967)
Surabaja, Bezuki, Pasuruan / Madura: Kammal / Liza formosae Oshima, 1922: 251, pl. 12 fig. 2 (type local-
Sumatra: Telokbetong, Benculen [Bengkulu], Padang and ity: Taiwan: Anpin near Tainan; holotype: FMNH 59145
Trussan [Tarusan] / Sulawesi: Manado / Buru: Kajeli / [ex CM 8283], Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 53)
Ambon; syntypes: BMNH 1858.8.15.24 [1], Eschmey- ? Moolgarda pura Whitley, 1945a: 15, fig. 8 (type locality:
er, 2011 and material of Mugil cunnesius in Bleeker, Western Australia: Point Cloates; holotype: ? AMS
1852p: 454 [12, 140–188 mm TL], 1860h: 8 [13, 140– I.13225, Eschmeyer, 2011)
223 mm TL]) Taxonomic notes. Mugil delicatus is considered to be a valid
Mugil kelaartii Günther, 1861a: 429 (type locality: Sri Lan- species of Moolgarda by Senou (in Randall & Lim, 2000:
ka: Point de Galle / Philippines; syntypes [2]: BMNH 625). Liza formosae is considered to be a valid species of
1843.8.17.9 [1], 1859.5.7.38 [1], Thomson, 1997: 502, Moolgarda by Chang et al. (1999: 39).
Eschmeyer, 2011)
Liza akame Tanaka, 1916: 395 (type locality: Japan: Urado, Moolgarda speigleri (Bleeker, 1858)
near Kochi city; holotype: ZUMT, lost, Eschmeyer, 2011) Mugil Speigleri Bleeker, 1858g: 386 (nomen nudum)
Liza parva Oshima, 1922: 253, pl. 11 fig. 2 (type locality: Mugil Speigleri Bleeker, 1858h: 279 (name available from
Taiwan: Anpin near Tainan; holotype: FMNH 59146 [ex key; type locality not stated, possibly Indonesia: Java:
CM 8284], Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 53) Batavia [Jakarta] / Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
Sinkawang / Halmahera: Sindangole; syntypes [possi-
Moolgarda seheli (Forskål, 1775) bly 17, 116–225 mm TL]: RMNH 6395 [12], Thomson,
Mugil seheli Forskål, 1775: xiv, 73 (type locality: Red Sea: 1997: 507)
Yemen Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; holotype: ZMUC P ? Myxus trimaculatus Klunzinger, 1870: 832 (type locality:
71373, Nielsen, 1974: 73, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: Red Sea: Egypt: Kosseir [Al-Quseir]; syntypes: SMNS
26, pl. 37 fig. 68 [as Mugil tade]; neotype [BMNH 1749 [several, lost], ZMB 8000 [4], ZISP 2603 [2],
1869.2.8.2, Red Sea, designated by Thomson, 1997: 506] Fricke, 1992: 14)
apparently is not valid; see Trewavas & Ingham, 1972: ? Mugil sordidus Duncker & Mohr, 1926: 132, fig. 6 (type
24 [although listed as a variety by Forskål, the species is locality: New Pomerania [Bismarck Archipelago: New
clearly given a binominal name on p. 73; it also has the Britain Island]: south coast, Möwe-Hafen [Sea-Mew
typography and punctuation of binominal names]) Harbour; Kandrian, 6°13'S 149°33'E], stream mouth,
Mugil caeruleomaculatus La Cepède, 1803: 385, 389 (based brackish water; lectotype: ZMH 158 [ex 16188], desig-
on Commerson's manuscripts; type locality: not stated nated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 162)
[possibly from Mauritius, Java or India]; types: NT) ? Mugil speigleri naziri Rizvi & Iqbal, 1986: 85, fig. 2 (type
Mugil axillaris Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, locality: Pakistan: Baluchistan: Hub River; holotype:
1836: 131 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius] / "F.Z.R 1982 M.A.I.")
New Guinea; syntypes [2]: MNHN A.842 [1], A.3622 Nomenclatural notes. The original description of Mugil
[1], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 682, Dor, 1984: 193) speigleri is in a key, without information on type material
Mugil cylindricus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, and locality. The species is then mentioned next in Bleeker
1836: 132 (type locality: Indonesia: Java [Batavia (Jakar- (1860g: 58); Bleekers listed 17 specimens from Java, Borneo
ta); label data]; holotype: MNHN A.3618, Blanc & and Halmahera. They are tentatively treated as syntypes.
Hureau, 1972: 690)
Mugil melancranus Richardson, 1846a: 248 (type locality:
China: Canton and Chinese seas; syntypes: BMNH, lost, Mugil Linnaeus, 1758
and specimen on which is based Reeves' unpublished Mugil Linnaeus, 1758: 316 (type species: Mugil cephalus
drawing, Whitehead, 1970a: 215) Linnaeus, 1758: 316, by monotypy; on Official List of
Mugil suppositus Günther, 1861a: 437 (type locality: Ma- Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1922a: 35 [Opinion
laysia: Penang, Penang River; holotype: BMNH 75]). Gender masculine.
1860.3.19.361, Thomson, 1997: 506, Eschmeyer, 2011) Mugil Catesby, 1771: vol. 2: 6, pl. 6 (not available, name in
Mugil bleekeri Günther, 1861a: 445 (type locality: Indone- a rejected work; ICZN, 1910a: 22 [Opinion 13], 1925:
sia: Banka [Bangka]: Blinju; syntypes [2, 110–112 mm 27 [Opinion 89], 1947: 351 [Opinion 13], 1950: 568,
TL, material listed by Bleeker, 1859f: 376 as Mugil bor- 1954c: 253 [Opinion 259], 1955c: 351 [Opinion 13])
Cestreus Walbaum, 1792: 584 (not available, in a part of [lib. 9. cap. 3]; type locality: Italy: Sicily and localities
work rejected for nomenclatural purposes, ICZN, 1910b: cited by Rondelet; types: NT)
51, Opinion 21) Mugil cephalus var. myxone Rafinesque Schmaltz, 1810b:
Cephalus La Cepède, 1800: 589 (not available, name listed 33, 56 (based on material and/or Rondelet, 1554: 265
in synonymy) [lib. 9. cap. 4]; type locality: Italy: Sicily and localities
Mugie Macklot, 1830: 177 (incorrect subsequent spelling cited by Rondelet; types: NT)
of Mugil Linnaeus, 1758: 316; on Official Index of Re- Mugil cephalus var. chelone Rafinesque Schmaltz, 1810b:
jected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 33, 56 (based on material and/or Rondelet, 1554: 266
1956b: 345, 359 [Direction 56]) [lib. 9. cap. 5]; type locality: Italy: Sicily and localities
Arnion Gistel, 1848: x (unnecessary replacement name for cited by Rondelet; types: NT)
Mugil Linnaeus, 1758: 316). Gender neuter. Mugil Provensalis Risso, 1810: 346 (type locality: France:
Ello Gistel, 1848: 109 (unnecessary replacement name for Var River, near Nice; syntypes: apparently lost)
Mugil Linnaeus, 1758: 316; also in Gistel, in Gistel & ? Mugil curtus Yarrell, 1836 [March]: 210, fig. (type local-
Bromme, 1850: 356). Gender masculine. ity: England: between Brownsey Island and South Ha-
Querimana Jordan & Gilbert, 1883a: 588 (type species: ven, at mouth of Poole Harbour; holotype: LU)
Myxus harengus Günther, 1861a: 467, by original des- Mugil lineatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ignation). Gender feminine. 1836: 96 (type locality: U.S.A.: New York; syntypes:
Xenomugil Schultz, 1946: 386 (type species: Mugil thobur- MNHN 5485 [3], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 694)
ni Jordan & Starks, in Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 812, Mugil Constantiae Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
by original designation). Gender masculine. 1836: 107 (type locality: South Africa: freshwaters near
Constance [Constantia, Cape Town]; syntypes [2]: MNHN
Mugil broussonnetii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- A.3663 [1], A.3664 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 688)
ennes, 1836 Mugil cephalotus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Mugil broussonnetii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 1836: 110 (type locality: India: Pondicherry and Mala-
nes, 1836: 117 (type locality: "mer du Sud" [southern bar Coast [Dussumier's material] / Red Sea; syntypes:
sea]; holotype: MNHN A.3656, Bauchot, 1969: 130, MNHN 8102 [1], A.4645 [1], A.4698 [1], Blanc &
Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 681) Hureau, 1972: 685, ZMUC P 71372 [material of Mugil
crenilabis our of Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74])
Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 Mugil borbonicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758: 316 (type locality: "Habi- 1836: 113 (type locality: Bourbon Island [Réunion];
tat in Oceano Europaeo, fluvios subiens" [inhabits the holotype: MNHN A.3660, Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 681)
European Ocean, moves up the streams; also Turkey: Mugil ciliilabis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Smyrna and "est etiam in Nilo frequens" [also frequent 1836: 151 (type locality: Peru: Callao de Lima; synty-
in the Nile; reference to Hasselqvist, 1757: 385]; synty- pes: MNHN A.3627 [7], A.3628 [6], Blanc & Hureau,
pes: NRM 43 [1], 44 [2], 143 [1], Fernholm & Wheeler, 1972: 687)
1983: 258) Mugil japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 134, pl. 72
Mugil Albula Linné, 1766: 520 (type locality: U.S.A.: South fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Cape Nomo, and bays of
Carolina: Charleston / Jamaica; syntypes: LSL 139, Nagasaki and Simabara; lectotype: RMNH D.1166, des-
Wheeler, 1985: 63 and material on which are based Cates- ignated by Boeseman, 1947: 116)
by, 1754: vol. 2: 6, pl. 6 [Albula bahamensis] and Mugil rammelsbergii Tschudi, 1845: 20 (type locality: Peru:
Browne, 1756: 450 [Mugil argenteus etc.]) San Lorenzo Island; syntypes: MZB 1853 [1], 1854 [1],
Mugil crenilabis Öûr Forskål, 1775: xiv, 74 (not available, Kottelat, 1987b: 51; specimens listed as syntype by Tor-
a vernacular name) tonese, 1963b: 334 probably have no type status, Kotte-
Mugil cephalus var. minor Forskål, 1775: xvi (nomen nu- lat, 1987b: 51)
dum, not available) Mugil Vulpinus Nardo, 1847: 127 (not available, name list-
Mugil tang Bloch, 1794: 171, pl. 395 (type locality: Acara ed in synonymy)
on the Guinean coast [Ghana: Accra]; lectotype: ZMB Mugil Chaptalii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 171, pl. 4 fig. 1
1785, designated by Paepke, 1999: 102 [but this speci- (type locality: U.S.A.: Sandwich Islands [Hawaii]; ho-
men is labelled "Red Sea", status need confirmation]) lotype: MNHN 8100, Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 685)
Mugil Plumieri Bloch, 1794: 173, pl. 396 (type locality: Mugil berlandieri Girard, 1858a: 167 (type locality: U.S.A.:
streams on St. Vincent Island; types: NT) Texas: Indianola, Brazos Santiago, Galveston and St. Jo-
Mugil crenilabis Öur Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 116 (avail- seph Island; syntypes: USNM 763 [4], 764 [12], 765 [5],
able by indication to Mugil crenilabris our of Forskål, 766 [8], 767 [12], Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Girard, 1859:
1775: xiv, 74; type locality: Red Sea; holotype: ZMUC 20, pl. 10 figs. 1–4 [with additional locality: Brazos])
P 71372, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 26, pl. 36 fig. 67, Mugil dobula Günther, 1861a: 420, fig. (type locality: Aus-
Nielsen, 1974: 73) tralia: Perth / Aneiteum; syntypes [10]: BMNH
Cephalus americanus La Cepède, 1803: 388 (not available, 1844.2.15.51–52 [2], 1847.6.17.23 [1], 1848.10.25.30
name listed in synonymy) [1], 1848.10.25.32 [1], 1851.2.20.7–8 [2], 1860.7.18.3
Mugil cephalus var. cestreo Rafinesque Schmaltz, 1810b: [1], Eschmeyer, 2011, Thomson, 1997: 485)
33, 56 (based on material and/or Rondelet, 1554: 265 ? Mugil Camptosiensis Castelnau, 1861: 48 (type locality:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
South Africa: Comptoos River near Algoa Bay; types: NT) Myxus niger Mohr, 1927: 183, fig. 5 (type locality: Peru:
Mugil ashanteënsis Bleeker, 1864r: 91, pl. 19 fig. 2 (type Lima; lectotype: ZMH 174 [ex ZMB 1844], designated
locality: Guinea [now Ghana]: Ashanti; holotype: RMNH by Ladiges et al., 1958: 162)
1631, Boeseman, 1963: 14, pl. 2 fig. 4) Myxus tincoides Mohr, 1927: 186, fig. 8 (type locality:
Myxus superficialis Klunzinger, 1870: 831 (type locality: U.S.A.: North Carolina: Cape Hatteras; lectotype: ZMH
Egypt: Al-Qusayr [Dor, 1984: 192]; syntypes: SMF 1869 72 [ex 8875], designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 163)
[2 or 3], SMNS 1743 [3], MCZ 3813 [2], ZISP 2640 [2], Mugil bangon Hora, 1933: 135 (not available, name listed
ZMB 10511 [1], 7999 [3], Fricke, 1992: 13, Dor, 1984: in synonymy)
192, Eschmeyer, 2011) Mugil peruanus Hildebrand, 1946: 424, fig. 82 (type local-
Mugil gelatinosus Klunzinger, 1872: 35 (type locality: Aus- ity: Peru: Independencia Bay, near La Lagunilla; holo-
tralia: ? Murray River [Hobson Bay, Victoria; Fricke, type: USNM 127877)
1992: 13]; holotype: SMNS 1563, Fricke, 1992: 13) Mugil catalarum Whitley, 1951b: 394 (type locality: New
? Mugil trichilus Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875: 281 (type lo- Caledonia: Bogny River at La Foa; holotype: AMS
cality: Iles Sandwich [Hawaii]: Honolulu [Blanc & IB.2242)
Hureau, 1971: 700]; syntypes: MNHN 8073 [3], 8074 Mugil galapagensis Ebeling, 1961: 296, fig. 1 (type locali-
[3], A-0467 [2], Blanc & Hureau, 1971: 699) ty: Galapagos Islands: southeast corner of Barrington
Myxus caecutiens Günther, 1876b: 397 (type locality: Indian Island; holotype: USNM 190589)
Ocean: Rodriguez Island; syntypes: BMNH 1876.3.11.31–
32 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011, Thomson, 1997: 485)
Mugil mexicanus Steindachner, 1876: 86, pl. 8 (type locali- Rhinomugil Gill, 1863
ty: Mexico: Acapulco; holotype: NMW 67346, Eschmey- Rhinomugil Gill, 1863b: 169 (type species: Mugil corsula
er, 2011) Hamilton, 1822: 221, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Mugil grandis Castelnau, 1879: 386 (type locality: Austra- Squalomugil Ogilby, 1908a: 3, 28 (type species: Mugil na-
lia: N.S.W.: Port Jackson; syntypes: LU) sutus De Vis, 1883a: 621, by original designation). Gen-
Mugil tongae Günther, 1880a: 58 (type locality: Tonga Is- der masculine.
lands: Tongatabu; holotype: BMNH 1879.4.14.497,
Thomson, 1997: 485; also in Günther, 1881: 217) Rhinomugil corsula (Hamilton, 1822)
Mugil Mülleri Klunzinger, 1879: 259 (type locality: West- Mugil corsula Hamilton, 1822: 221, 381, pl. 9 fig. 97 (type
ern Australia: King George Sound [Klunzinger, 1880: locality: India: "most rivers of the Gangetic provinces";
395]; holotype: SMNS 2572, lost, Fricke, 1992: 13; in- types: NT)
correct original spelling, must be emended to muelleri Mugil squamipinnis Swainson, 1839: 234, 413 (type local-
[Code art.]; also in Klunzinger, 1880: 395) ity: India: Ganges; holotype: LU; spelt squamopennis
Mugil marginalis De Vis, 1885: 870 (type locality: Austra- pp. 413, 452, first reviser not researched, possibly Esch-
lia: Queensland: Brisbane; syntypes: ? QM I.121 [1, listed meyer et al. (1998: 1598) who retained squamipinnis as
as holotype by Thomson, 1997: 486], I.9774 [1], Esch- correct original spelling)
meyer, 2011) Mugil protuberans Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name
Sparus cetaceus Cabrera, Pérez & Haenseler, in Graells, listed in synonymy)
1887: 154, 179 (type locality: Spain: "Sea of Andalu-
sia"; types: NT)
Mugil marginatus Saville-Kent, 1889b: 10 (nomen nudum) Sicamugil Fowler, 1939
Mugil marginatus Saville-Kent, 1893: 370 (incorrect sub- Sicamugil Fowler, 1939c: 9 (type species: Mugil hamiltonii
sequent spelling of Mugil marginalis De Vis, 1885: 870) Day, 1870c: 614, by original designation). Gender mas-
Mugil hypselosoma Ogilby, 1897b: 74 (type locality: Aus- culine.
tralia: New South Wales: Port Jackson and Botany Bay;
syntypes [2]: ? QM) Sicamugil hamiltonii (Day, 1870)
Myxus barnardi Gilchrist & Thompson, 1914: 83 (type lo- Mugil hamiltonii Day, 1870c: 614 (type locality: Burma:
cality: South Africa: Natal: Durban Bay; holotype: SAM Irrawaddy, Pegu and other rivers; syntypes: among ZSI
12428, Eschmeyer, 2011) 1401 [1], B.150 [1], A.355 [1], BMNH 1889.2.1.3724–
Myxus lepidopterus Mohr, 1927: 181, fig. 3 (type locality: 3725 [2], AMS B.7993, NMW 67653, MCZ 17525 [1],
Peru; holotype: ZMH 127 [ex 2704], Wilkens & Dohse, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160, Eschmeyer, 2011, Fer-
1993: 405) raris et al., 2000: 297)
Myxus flavus Mohr, 1927: 182, fig. 4 (type locality: Mexi-
co: Sinaloa: Mazatlan; lectotype: ZMH 58 [ex 2853],
designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 162)
Marosatherina Aarn, Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1998 Telmatherina albolabiosa Tantu & Nilawati, 2008
Marosatherina Aarn, Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1998: 319 (type Telmatherina albolabiosus Tantu & Nilawati, 2008: 21, fig. 1
species: Telmatherina ladigesi Ahl, 1936: 175, by origi- (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Matano; syn-
nal designation). Gender feminine. types [5]: LU)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Parenti (1989). Philippines: Panay: Capiz; holotype: CAS-SU 36539,
Böhlke, 1953: 68, Parenti, 1989: 275)
Gulaphallus Herre, 1925
Gulaphallus Herre, 1925b: 508 (type species: Gulaphallus
eximius Herre, 1925b: 509, by subsequent designation Neostethus Regan, 1916
by Myers, 1928: 9). Gender masculine. Neostethus Regan, 1916b: 2 (type species: Neostethus
Mirophallus Herre, 1926c: 539 (type species: Mirophallus lankesteri Regan, 1916b: 2, by original designation [use
bikolanus Herre, 1926c: 540, by monotypy). Gender of "gen. et sp. nov.", Code art. 68.2.1]). Gender mascu-
masculine. line.
Acanthostethus Herre, 1939c: 142 (type species: Gulaphal- Plectrostethus Myers, 1935a: 5 (type species: Plectrostethus
lus falcifer Manacop, 1936: 375, by original designa- palawanensis Myers, 1935a: 5, by original designation).
tion; junior homonym of Acanthostethus Smith, 1869: Gender masculine.
306 in Hymenoptera). Gender masculine. Ceratostethus Myers, 1937: 141 (type species: Neostethus
Manacopus Herre, 1940c: 141 (replacement name for Acan- bicornis Regan, 1916b: 14, by original designation).
thostethus Herre, 1939c: 142). Gender masculine. Gender masculine.
Solenophallus Aurich, 1937: 264 (no type species designat-
Gulaphallus bikolanus (Herre, 1926) ed, name not available)
Mirophallus bikolanus Herre, 1926c: 540, pl. 3 (type local- Ctenophallus Herre, 1939c: 144 (type species: Solenophal-
ity: Philippines: Luzon: Camarines Sur Province: Lake lus ctenophorus Aurich, 1937: 272, by monotypy). Gen-
Bato; lectotype: CAS-SU 24475, designated by Böhlke, der masculine.
1953: 68; spelt bicolanos on pl. 3, considered to be an Sandakanus Herre, 1942b: 151 (subgenus of Neostethus
inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code Regan, 1916b: 2; type species: Neostethus borneensis
art. 32.5.1]) Herre, 1939c: 143, by original designation). Gender
Gulaphallus eximius Herre, 1925 Solenophallus Herre, 1953a: 242 (type species: Solenophal-
Gulaphallus eximius Herre, 1925b: 509, pl. 1, pl. 2 figs. 1– lus thessa Aurich, 1937: 264, by original designation).
2 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Nueva Vizcaya Prov- Gender masculine.
ince: creek at Santa Fe; lectotype: CAS-SU 24474, des-
ignated by Böhlke, 1953: 68) Neostethus amaricola (Villadolid & Manacop, 1935)
Gulaphallus amaricola Villadolid & Manacop, 1935: 194,
Gulaphallus falcifer Manacop, 1936 pl. 1 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province:
Gulaphallus falcifer Manacop, 1936: 375, pl. 1 (type local- sloughs of Manila Bay near Pasay; syntypes: College of
ity: Philippines: Luzon: Pampanga Province: pond at Agriculture, University of Philippines, lost ?, Parenti,
Barrio Laput, Mexico; holotype: BSM 31778, lost) 1989: 270)
Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in -cola and meaning
Gulaphallus mirabilis Herre, 1925 'inhabitant of' are nouns and amaricola does not have to
Gulaphallus mirabilis Herre, 1925b: 511, pl. 2 figs. 3–5 (type agree in gender with Neostethus.
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Bulacan Province: mouth
of Ibo Creek, tributary of Angat River, about 60 km north- Neostethus bicornis Regan, 1916
east of Manila; syntypes [48]: USNM 104412 [2], BSM, Neostethus bicornis Regan, 1916b: 14, fig. 11 (type locali-
lost, Eschmeyer, 2011) ty: Malaysia: Kuala Langat, brackish water; lectotype:
BMNH 1937.12.9.4, designated by Parenti, 1989: 270)
Gulaphallus panayensis (Herre, 1942)
Neostethus panayensis Herre, 1942b: 153 (type locality:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
A. pinguis [figured specimen not conspecific with La Fricke designated SMNS 20821 as neotype of both
Cepède's description, see Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- A. affinis and A. punctata. These neotype designations are
lenciennes, 1835: 448]; type locality: not stated, but Isle- not valid. A neotype can be designated only if the author
de-France in Commerson's manuscript [Réunion; Valen- considers that the neotype is necessary to define the nomi-
ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 450]; holo- nal taxon (Code art. 75.1), which was not the case since
type: model of figured specimen) Fricke mentioned that the original descriptions of both agree
Atherina pectoralis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- well with his understanding of A. lacunosus.
nes, 1835: 447 (type locality: Mauritius; lectotype:
MNHN A.4305, designated by Kimura et al., 2007: 155,
fig. 9b) Craterocephalus McCulloch, 1912
Nomenclatural notes. The original type material of A. pin- Craterocephalus McCulloch, 1912: 48 (type species: Cra-
guis is lost. Because he could not determine its identity on terocephalus fluviatilis McCulloch, 1912: 49, by origi-
the basis of the original description and illustration, Fricke nal designation) Gender masculine.
(1999a: 112) designated SMNS 20821 as neotype. Later, Allanetta Whitley, 1943b: 132, 135 (type species: Atherina
Fricke (2000) "withdrew" this neotype designation. The mugiloides McCulloch, 1912: 47, by original designa-
Code does not allow the withdrawal of nomenclatural acts. tion). Gender feminine.
The neotype designation fulfilled all the requirements of the Quiris Whitley, 1950b: 239 (type species: Quiris stramineus
Code and therefore it is valid. Whitley, 1950b: 239, by original designation; junior
Kimura et al. (2007) showed that two species have been homonym of Quiris Pate, 1946: 105 in Hymenoptera).
mixed in the synonymy of A. lacunosus and they retained Gender feminine.
A. pinguis as the name of the second species. They desig- Quirichthys Whitley, 1951a: 63 (replacement name for Qui-
nated a neotype for A. pinguis (probably misled by Fricke's ris Whitley, 1950b: 239). Gender masculine.
invalid "withdrawal" of his earlier designation). This sec-
ond neotype designation is invalid. Kimura et al. (2007: 152) Craterocephalus laisapi Larson, Ivantsoff & Crowley,
identified the neotype of A. pinguis (SMNS 20821) as 2005
A. lacunosus, which makes A. pinguis a junior synonym of Craterocephalus laisapi Larson, Ivantsoff & Crowley, 2005:
A. lacunosus. 82, figs. 2–3 (type locality: East Timor: Lautem Prov-
Therefore, the valid name of A. 'pinguis' of Kimura et al. ince: Ira Siquero River, 8°27.68'S 127°09.87'E; holo-
should be the oldest of the synonyms that they listed. They type: NTM S.15776-001)
listed only A. pectoralis Valenciennes, 1835 for which they
designated a lectotype. They discussed A. affinis Bennett,
1832 and A. punctata Bennett, 1833a and concluded that Hypoatherina Schultz, 1948
they cannot be identified and they left them as nomina dubia. Hypoatherina Schultz, 1948: 23 (type species: Atherina uisi-
Kimura et al. did not mention the earlier A. nesogallica la Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 216, by original designation).
Cuvier, 1829, which is based on the figure in the original Gender feminine.
description of A. pinguis by La Cepède (1803: pl. 11 fig. 1).
The model of the figured specimen is the holotype of Hypoatherina valenciennei (Bleeker, 1854)
A. nesogallica. This specimen is also part of the type series Atherina Valenciennei Bleeker, 1854d: 507 (type locality:
of A. pectoralis. Cuvier (1829) and later Valenciennes (in Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 448) commented that the spec- [specimens have been mixed and locality of lectotype
imen figured by La Cepède does not belong to the species cannot be determined]; lectotype: RMNH 6377, desig-
he described in the text. nated by Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1988: 143)
La Cepède's figure is reproduced in Kimura et al. (2007: Atherina bleekeri Günther, 1861a: 398 (type locality: China
158, fig. 10). They wrote "the original figure [pl. 11 fig. 1] [probably Canton or Hong Kong, as most Reeves ma-
clearly indicated a somewhat narrow midlateral band in spite terial] / Japan: Nagasaki; syntypes: BMNH
of incorrect scale sizes and arrangement (Fig. 10). There- 1851.12.27.181–184 [6], Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1988: 143
fore, we here recognize Atherina pinguis as the valid name and specimen [130 mm TL] of Atherina japonica of Blee-
for the species of the Atherinomorus lacunosus complex with ker, 1853n: 40, pl. fig. 2)
the narrowest midlateral band". Haplocheilus argyrotaenia Tirant, 1883: 95 (type locality:
This makes A. nesogallica the earliest name available Vietnam: river of Hué; syntypes: MGHNL 42000043 [22,
for the A. 'pinguis' of Kimura et al. (2007). As they had no formerly 3436], USNM 48006 [1], Kottelat, 1987c: 17
difficulty to identify the figured species, there is presently Ivantsoff & Kottelat, 1988: 143)
no justification to designate a neotype. Nomenclatural notes. The specific name valenciennei is
Kimura et al. (2007: 153) listed A. affinis and A. puncta- often incorrectly emended to valenciennesi. Valenciennei is
ta as nomina dubia, possibly synonyms of A. lacunosus or formed on the stem Valencienne– (Code art. 31.1.1) and is
A. pinguis. No type specimens are known and it is impossi- correct. Bleeker probably used the stem valencienne– in-
ble to identify these nominal species on the basis of the data stead of valenciennes– because the final 's' of Valenciennes
in their original descriptions. I tentatively list them in the is not pronounced in French.
synonymy of A. lacunosus. Should it become needed, a neo-
type designation would clear their identity.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. The formerly recognized families Oryzi- Oryzias dancena (Hamilton, 1822)
idae and Horaichthyidae are treated as synonyms of Adrian- Cyprinus dancena Hamilton, 1822: 342, 393 (type locality:
ichthyidae by Parenti (2008). Horaichthyidae posseses apo- India: estuary below Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's
morphies in the anal fin modified into a copulatory organ unpublished figure reproduced in M'Clelland, 1839:
and a unique reproductive biology (Kulkarni, 1940) and is pl. 55 fig. 4)
the sister group of Oryziidae + Adrianichthyidae. It is treat- ? Aplocheilus melastigmus M'Clelland, 1839: 301, 427,
ed here as a distinct family. The correct spelling of the fam- pl. 42 fig. 3 (type locality: India: Calcutta; types: LU)
ily-group name commonly spelt Oryziatidae is Oryziidae Aplocheilus McClellandi Bleeker, 1854x: 323 (based on
(Steyskal, 1980: 172). Hamilton's unpublished drawing reproduced by
M'Clelland, 1839: pl. 55 fig. 4; type locality: not stated
Adrianichthys Weber, 1913 [India: estuary below Calcutta]; holotype: lost)
Adrianichthys Weber, 1913b: 204 (type species: Adrianich- Aplocheilus MacClellandi Bleeker, 1860j: 487, 491 (incor-
thys kruyti Weber, 1913b: 205, by monotypy). Gender rect subsequent spelling of Aplocheilus mcclellandi Blee-
masculine. ker, 1854x: 323)
? Panchax cyanopthalma Blyth, 1858b: 288 (type locality:
Adrianichthys kruyti Weber, 1913 India: Calcutta market; syntypes: ? ZSI)
Adrianichthys Kruyti Weber, 1913b: 205, fig. 4 (type local- Panchax argenteus Day, 1868b: 706 (type locality: India:
ity: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso; holotype: ZMA neighbourhood of Madras; syntypes: part of ZSI A.637
100.643, Kottelat, 1990a: 57) [1, lost], 1479 [1], BMNH 1868.4.15.10 [1], ? AMS
B.7492 [1, lost], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158, Fer-
Adrianichthys roseni Parenti & Soeroto, 2004 raris et al., 2000: 294, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Adrianichthys roseni Parenti & Soeroto, 2004: 11, fig. 2 (type Haplochilus melanostigma Day, 1889: 415 (unjustified
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso; holotype: MZB emendation of Aplocheilus melastigmus M'Clelland,
6732) 1839: 427)
Distribution notes. Record in area from Andaman Islands
Oryzias asinua Parenti, Hadiaty, Lumbantobing & Herd- (Devi & Rao, 2007: 39) are introduced O. carnaticus (Paren-
er, 2013 ti, 2008: 557).
Oryzias asinua Parenti, Hadiaty, Lumbantobing & Herder,
2013: 406, figs. 1a, 5a, 6a (type locality: Indonesia: Su- Oryzias eversi Herder, Hadiaty & Nolte, 2012
lawesi: Sulawesi Tenggara: Regency of Konawe: Dis- Oryzias eversi Herder, Hadiaty & Nolte, 2012: 468, figs. 1,
trict of Asinua: village of Asipako, Sungai Asinua near 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Sulawesi Selatan:
where crossed by bridge, 80 masl, 3°42'77.2"S Tana Toraja: Salo Sadang drainage, stream near Tilanga
121°47'92.1"E; holotype: MZB 20782) village, about 8 km south of Rantepao, 859 masl,
3°02.126'S 119°53.232'E; holotype: MZB 20780)
Oryzias Jordan & Snyder, 1906 Taxonomic notes. General appearance and reproduction
Oryzias Jordan & Snyder, 1906: 289 (type species: Poecilia suggest that this species might belong to Xenopoecilus.
latipes Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 224, pl. 102 fig. 5,
by original designation). Gender masculine. Oryzias hadiatyae Herder & Chapuis, 2010
Oryzias hadiatyae Herder & Chapuis, 2010: 271, fig. 3 (type
Oryzias carnaticus (Jerdon, 1849) locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Sulawesi Selatan: Larona
Aplocheilus Carnaticus Jerdon, 1849: 331 (type locality: drainage, Lake Masapi, southern shore between
India: Carnatic: river that passes in Waniambaddy; syn- 2°50.837'S 121°21.116'E and lake's outlet, approx. 600
types: NT) m westwards; holotype: MZB 18491)
Oryzias curvinotus (Nichols & Pope, 1927) Oryzias hubbsi Roberts, 1998
Aplocheilus curvinotus Nichols & Pope, 1927: 380, fig. 43 (type Oryzias hubbsi Roberts, 1998e: 222, fig. 2g (type locality:
locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH 8398) Indonesia: Java: Jakarta; holotype: CAS 58029)
Oryzias javanicus (Bleeker, 1854) age]: "rice paddy near Laksao, Nakai plateau" [Laksao
Aplocheilus javanicus Bleeker, 1854x: 323 (type locality: is not on Nakai plateau]; holotype: CAS 92320)
Indonesia: Java: Panimbang River at Perdana; syntypes
[14, 24–34 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6979 [15], BMNH Oryzias profundicola Kottelat, 1990
1866.5.2.101 [1], Uwa & Parenti, 1988: 161) Oryzias profundicola Kottelat, 1990b: 161, figs. 8–9 (type
Haplochilus javanicus var. trilineata Popta, 1911a: 13 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towuti at Tandjung
locality: Indonesia: Lombok: Sembalun and Praya; syn- Posombuwang, about 3 km south of Timampu; holotype:
types: SMF 17482 [1], 17483 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011) MZB 5868)
Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in -cola and meaning
Oryzias luzonensis (Herre & Ablan, 1934) 'inhabitant of' are nouns and profundicola does not have to
Aplocheilus luzonensis Herre & Ablan, 1934: 275, pl. 1 (type agree in gender with Oryzias.
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Ilocos Norte, Solsona; ho-
lotype: Fish and Game Administration Manila 41062, Oryzias sinensis Chen, Uwa & Chu, 1989
lost) Oryzias latipes sinensis Chen, Uwa & Chu, 1989: 240, fig. 1
(type locality: China: Yunnan: Kunming; holotype: KIZ
Oryzias marmoratus (Aurich, 1935) 8610002)
Aplocheilus marmoratus Aurich, 1935a: 102, fig. 1b (type Oryzias latipes iliensis Baensch & Riehl, 1997: 462 (no-
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towuti, small rivu- men nudum; locality: Kazakhstan: tributaries of Caspi-
lets flowing into the lake on a sandy beach at an Sea [Ili River])
Lingkoburanga, about 6 km south of Timampu [original
type locality: Lakes Towuti and Mahalona]; neotype: Oryzias songkhramensis Magtoon, 2010
ZRC 38449 [was on loan as ZSM 27172], designated by Oryzias songkhramensis Magtoon, 2010: 112, figs. 1–2 (type
Kottelat, 1990b: 155, fig. 2b) locality: Thailand: Nong Khai Province: Ban Nong Phai,
Ratanawapi, 18°13'12"N 103°10'48"E; holotype: KUMF
Oryzias matanensis (Aurich, 1935) 7021)
Aplocheilus matanensis Aurich, 1935a: 103, fig. 1a (type
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Matano east of So- Oryzias timorensis (Weber & de Beaufort, 1922)
roako [original type locality: Lake Matano]; neotype: Aplocheilus timorensis Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 373
ZRC 38450 [was on loan as ZSM 27368], designated by (type locality: Indonesia: Timor: Mota Talau in middle
Kottelat, 1990b: 159, fig. 6a) Timor; lectotype: ZMA 100.571, designated by Parenti,
2008: 590, fig. 57)
Oryzias mekongensis Uwa & Magtoon, 1986
Oryzias mekongensis Uwa & Magtoon, 1986: 474, fig. 1 Oryzias uwai Roberts, 1998
(type locality: Thailand: Kalasin Province: Yang Talat, Oryzias uwai Roberts, 1998e: 218, fig. 2c (type locality:
16°24'N 103°23'E; holotype: USNM 268540) Myanmar: Rangoon; holotype: CAS-SU 40208)
Oryzias minutillus Smith, 1945 Oryzias wolasi Parenti, Hadiaty, Lumbantobing & Herd-
Oryzias minutillus Smith, 1945: 424, fig. 95 (type locality: er, 2013
Thailand: small canal in Bangkok; holotype: USNM Oryzias wolasi Parenti, Hadiaty, Lumbantobing & Herder,
107958) 2013: 411, figs. 1b, 5b, 6b (type locality: Indonesia:
Sulawesi: Sulawesi Tenggara: Regency of Konawe Se-
Oryzias nebulosus Parenti & Soeroto, 2004 latan: District of Wolasi: village of Andambao, Sungai
Oryzias nebulosus Parenti & Soeroto, 2004: 14, fig. 5 (type Andambao near where crossed by road, 85 masl,
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso at Peura, east- 3°15'05.2"S 122°29'03.0"E; holotype: MZB 20784)
ern shore of lake, approx. 10 km south of Tentena; holo-
type: MZB 11649) Oryzias woworae Parenti & Hadiaty, 2010
Oryzias woworae Parenti & Hadiaty, 2010: 269, figs. 1–3
Oryzias nigrimas Kottelat, 1990 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi Tenggara: Muna Is-
Oryzias nigrimas Kottelat, 1990a: 52, fig. 2 (type locality: land: Muna Regency, Parigi District, Wakumoro village,
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso, eastern shore between Mata air Fotuno (Fotuno oe), 5°04'39.7"S 122°30'25.7"E;
Tentena and Peura; holotype: MZB 5859) holotype: MZB 15398)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Xenopoecilus bonneorum (Parenti, 2008) so; syntypes [11]: ZMA 100.644 [6], NMBA 3090 [1],
Oryzias bonneorum Parenti, 2008: 554, fig. 38 (type local- AMNH 20480 [2], CAS-SU 33909 [2], Nijssen et al.,
ity: Indonesia: Sulawesi Tengah: Lake Lindu: holotype: 1993: 226, Kottelat, 1990a: 62, Kottelat & Sutter, 1988:
MZB 15499) 55, Eschmeyer, 2011 [BMNH 1913.12.15.6 [1], proba-
bly not a syntype])
Xenopoecilus oophorus Kottelat, 1990
Xenopoecilus oophorus Kottelat, 1990a: 59, figs. 5–6 (type Xenopoecilus sarasinorum (Popta, 1905)
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso, eastern shore Haplochilus Sarasinorum Popta, 1905b: 239, fig. (type lo-
between Tentena and Peura; holotype: MZB 15396) cality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Lindu; syntypes [25]:
NMBA 1014–1020 [7], 1032–1037 [6], 1040 [1], ZMA
Xenopoecilus poptae Weber & de Beaufort, 1922 100.648 [1], RMNH 7664 [3], CAS-SU 54741 [1], NMW
Xenopoecilus poptae Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 379, 84094 [2], BMNH 1914.2.13.26–27 [2], Kottelat & Sut-
fig. 100 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Pos- ter, 1988: 55, Nijssen et al., 1993: 226, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Taxonomic notes. Synopsis in Collette (2004). Zenarcho- onstrated; erroneously treated as a replacement name for
pteridae is treated as a distinct family; remaining genera are E. gladius])
kept in Hemiramphidae following current practice, but this Hemirhamphus obesus Castelnau, 1861: 64 (type locality:
might change in future (Lovejoy et al., 2004). South Africa: Port Natal [Durban]; holotype: LU, Col-
lette et al., 1997: 24)
Hemiramphus Cuvier, 1816 Hemiramphus mocquardianus Thominot, 1886: 165 (type
Hemi-Ramphus Cuvier, 1816a: 186 (type species: Esox bra- locality: Cambodia: sources of Pursat River, a tributary
siliensis Linnaeus, 1758: 314, by subsequent designa- of lake Tonle Sap; holotype: MNHN 1886-0002, Col-
tion by Gill, 1863g: 273; must be emended as Hemiram- lette & Su, 1986: 254, Collette et al., 1997: 18)
phus, Code art. 32.5.2). Gender masculine. Nomenclatural notes. This species has been known only
Farhians Whitley, 1930b: 250 (type species: Hemiramphus as H. far in the last 60 years. I treat far as an available name
commersonii Cuvier, 1829: 286, by original designation). in Forskål (1775: xiii, 67). But the organisation of the text
Gender masculine. shows that names preceeded by Greek letters in the 'Con-
Ardeapiscis Whitley, 1931c: 314 (type species: Hemirham- spectus' are varieties recognized by vernacular names, bi-
phus welsbyi Ogilby, 1907b: 91, by original designation). nominal names of earlier authors, or descriptive words or
Gender masculine. phrases; even if made of a single word, they were not in-
tended as scientific names. But, considering that there is
Hemiramphus far (Forskål, 1775) disagreement or doubt in the way the names in Forskål's
Esox marginatus far Forskål, 1775: xiii, 67 (type locality: work should be interpreted, and considering that far has been
Red Sea: Yemen Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; types: lost, treated as an available and valid name for about 180 years,
Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12; invalid neotype desig- it would serve no purpose to argue to absolutely treat it as
nation by Fricke, 1999a: 118 [need not demonstrated]) vernacular. Whitley (1930b: 250) already mentioned that
Esox gladius La Cepède, 1803: 295, 313, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type far is not available.
locality: Egypt: Kosseir [Al-Qusayr], 26°06'N 34°17'E] If one does not wish to accept H. far available from For-
[original type locality: East and West Indies]; neotype: skål, then Esox gladius La Cepède, 1803 would be the first
SMNS 20567, designated by Fricke, 1999a: 119 [al- available name, with the name H. far becoming available
though 'withdrawn' by Fricke, 2000, apparently fulfills from Rüppell (1837: 74). Esox gladius could be declared a
all requirements of Code art. 75.3; original holotype: nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, but then the name of
specimen on which La Cepède's figure was based]) the species would be H. commersonii Cuvier, 1829, which
Hemiramphus Commersonii Cuvier, 1829: 286 (type local- cannot be declared a nomen oblitum because it has been
ity: Indian Ocean; syntypes: specimens on which are used after 1899. [I am aware that in the similar case of Raja
based figures of Esox gladius La Cepède, 1803: pl. 7 uarnak (above), I consider the name as vernacular; but in
fig. 3 and Demi-bec de Baguewall of Renard, 1719: that case the name uarnak is available from a later use by an
vol. 2: pl. 5 fig. 21 [material listed as syntypes of H. other author and there was no other name published inbe-
commersonii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, tween, so that the valid name for the species remains un-
1847a: 28 by Paepke & Seegers, 1986: 144 has no type changed. This would not be the case with far. I could not
status as Valenciennes [p. 31] explicitly stated using the find an author who used far as valid name between 1775
name created by Cuvier, 1829: 286]; invalid neotype des- and 1837].
ignation by Fricke, 1999a: 119 [need not explicitly dem-
Hemiramphus lutkei Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Hemiramphus gorakhpurensis Srivastava, 1967: 93, fig.
ennes, 1847 (type locality: India: Uttar Pradesh: Gorakhpur, Ma-
Hemiramphus Lutkei Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- heshera Tal; holotype: ZSI F 4203/2, Collette & Su, 1986:
nes, 1847a: 49 (type locality: Indonesia: Buru; lectotype: 270; also in Srivastava, 1968: 109, fig. 66)
MNHN 4339, designated by Parin et al., 1980: 115) Taxonomic notes. Occasionally appears as Hyporhamphus
Hemiramphus fasciatus Bleeker, 1853j: 89 (type locality: unifasciatus (Ranzani, 1842a: 326) in the literature. Hy-
Indonesia: Solor: Lawajong; holotype [64 mm TL]: porhamphus unifasciatus is a valid species restricted to the
BMNH 1866.5.2.19, Parin et al., 1980: 117) Atlantic Ocean.
? Hemiramphus japonicus Brevoort, 1856: 280 [p. 28 of [Hemiranphus unifasciatus Ranzani, 1841a: 63 (type locality: Brazilian
separate] (type locality: Japan: Lew Chew [Ryukyu Is- seas; holotype: MZUB 932, Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Ranzani, 1842a:
326, pl. 26 [not 25])].
lands]; holotype: specimen on which figure is based, LU,
Eschmeyer, 2011) Hyporhamphus neglectus (Bleeker, 1865)
Taxonomic notes. In area: inland record from Philippines Hemirhamphus neglectus Bleeker, 1865d: 157 (type locali-
(Herre, 1959: 71), as H. marginatus; H. marginatus is a spe- ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Sumatra: Padang /
cies from the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean. Record of Ambon [syntypes mixed, exact locality of lectotype un-
H. robustus from Hainan (Kuang, 1986: 195) apparently is known]; lectotype: BMNH 1866.5.2.18, designated by
H. lutkei; H. robustus is a species from Australia. Collette, 1974: 59)
[Esox marginatus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 67 (type locality: Red Sea: Saudi
Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: ZMUC P 342523, Klausewitz &
Nielsen, 1965: 25, pl. 35 fig. 62, Nielsen, 1974: 54)]. Hyporhamphus quoyi (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
[Hemirhamphus robustus Günther, 1866a: 270 (type locality: Australia: ciennes, 1847)
Van Dieman's Land [Tasmania]: Long Island; holotype: BMNH un- Hemiramphus Quoyi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
cat., Collette, 1974: 44)].
nes, 1847a: 35 (type locality: New Guinea: Port-Dorey;
holotype: MNHN B.1068, Collette & Su, 1986: 282,
Hyporhamphus Gill, 1859 Collette et al., 1997: 18)
Hyporhamphus Gill, 1859b: 131 (type species: Hyporham- Hemiramphus Gaimardi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
phus tricuspidatus Gill, 1859b: 131, by monotypy). Gen- ciennes, 1847a: 36 (type locality: New Guinea; lecto-
der masculine. type: MNHN B.1058, designated by Collette, 1974: 81,
Eulepidorhamphus Fowler, 1919: 7 (subgenus of Hyporham- Collette & Su, 1986: 283)
phus Gill, 1859b: 131; type species: Hemiramphus sa- Hemiramphus melanurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
jori Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 246, pl. 110 fig. 2, by ciennes, 1847a: 42 (type locality: Indonesia: Celebes
original designation). Gender masculine. [Sulawesi]; holotype: MNHN B.1057, Collette & Su,
Reporhamphus Whitley, 1931c: 314 (type species: Hemi- 1986: 283, Collette et al., 1997: 18)
ramphus australis Steindachner, 1866g: 471, by origi- Hemiramphus mioprorus Jordan & Dickerson, 1908: 111,
nal designation). Gender masculine. fig. (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki; holotype: USNM
Odontorhamphus Weed, 1933: 51 (type species: Odon- 61053, Collette & Su, 1986: 282)
torhamphus chancellori Weed, 1933: 52, by original Reporhamphus caudalis Whitley, 1951b: 393 (type locali-
designation). Gender masculine. ty: Australia: Queensland: Cape York; holotype: AMS
Ichthyacus Fernández-Yépez, 1948: 1 (type species: Ich- I.444, Collette & Su, 1986: 282)
thyacus breederi Fernández-Yépez, 1948: 1, by original
designation). Gender masculine.
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below H. af- Melapedalion Fowler, 1934
finis is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tong- Melapedalion Fowler, 1934c: 326 (type species: Oxy-
nunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was inland or at porhamphus brevis Seale, 1910a: 495, by original des-
sea. ignation). Gender neuter.
[Hemirhamphus affinis Günther, 1866a: 267 (type locality: South Seas
[South Pacific]; lectotype: BMNH uncat., designated by Collette, 1974: Melapedalion breve (Seale, 1910)
86)]. Oxyporhamphus brevis Seale, 1910a: 495, pl. 2 (type local-
ity: Philippines: Palawan: Paawacan; holotype: BSM
Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- 5301, lost)
lenciennes, 1847)
Hemiramphus limbatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1847a: 44 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; Rhynchorhamphus Fowler, 1928
lectotype: MNHN B.1060, designated by Parin et al., Rhynchorhamphus Fowler, 1928: 75 (subgenus of Hemi-
1980: 17) ramphus Cuvier, 1816a: 186; type species: Hemiram-
Hemiramphus tridentifer Cantor, 1849: 1231 (type locality: phus georgii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Malaysia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.487– 1847a: 37, by original designation). Gender masculine.
488 [2], Collette & Su, 1986: 270) Loligorhamphus Whitley, 1931a: 105 (type species: Loli-
Hemirhamphus sinensis Günther, 1866a: 265 (type locali- gorhamphus normanni Whitley, 1931a: 105, by original
ty: China; lectotype: BMNH 1851.12.27.224, designat- designation). Gender masculine.
ed by Parin et al., 1980: 18)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Rhynchorhamphus georgii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Hemiramphus Eclancheri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
Valenciennes, 1847) ciennes, 1847a: 51 (type locality: Marquesas Islands
Hemiramphus Russelii van Hasselt, 1823c: 131 [translated [probably erroneous; Collette, 1976: 94]; holotype:
in Alfred, 1961b: 84] (type locality: India: Vizagapatham MNHN 4592, Collette & Su, 1986: 288, Collette et al.,
[Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which is based 1997: 16; simultaneous subjective synonym of H. georgii
Kuddera B in Russell, 1803b: pl. 177; also in van Has- Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 37, first
selt, 1824b: 374; unambiguously named for Russell, reviser [Collette, 1974: 90] gave precedence to H. georgii)
misspelt as Russel p. 130, the name should be emended Hemirhamphus plumatus Blyth, 1858b: 288 (type locality:
to russellii, an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1; here Sri Lanka; lectotype: ZSI 625, designated by Collette,
declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it 1976: 92, Collette & Su, 1986: 288)
has not been used as a valid name since 1899 [Code art. Hemirhamphus Cantori Bleeker, 1865d: 145 (type locality:], and Hemiramphus georgii Valenciennes, in East Indies [lectotype is from mixed specimens of fol-
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 37, pl. 555 has been used lowing origin: Indonesia: Java: Batavia, Surabaya / Bali:
in at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code art. Boleling / Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sinkawang / Ma-]) laysia: Penang / Singapore]; lectotype: BMNH
Hemiramphus brevirostris Cuvier, 1829: 286 (available by 1866.5.2.16, designated by Collette, 1976: 92, Collette
indication to Russell, 1803b: n° 177 and Willughby, & Su, 1986: 288)
1686: appendix p. 4, pl. 6 fig. 4; type locality: India: Hemirhamphus cantoris Günther, 1866a: 264 (unjustified
Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; lectotype: specimen on emendation of Hemirhamphus cantori Bleeker, 1865d:
which is based Kuddera B in Russell, 1803b: pl. 177, by 145)
present designation; junior objective synonym of Hemi- Loligorhamphus normanni Whitley, 1931a: 105, pl. 12 figs. 2–
ramphus russellii van Hasselt, 1823c: 131; here declared 3 (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Townsville; AMS
a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not IA.2319, Collette, 1974: 91, Collette & Su, 1986: 288)
been used as a valid name since 1899 [Code art.], Nomenclatural notes. Hemiramphus russellii van Hasselt,
and Hemiramphus georgii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- 1823 is based on plate 177 in Russell (1803b). Hemiram-
lenciennes, 1847a: 37, pl. 555 has been used in at least phus brevirostris Cuvier, 1829 is partly based on the same
25 works in the last 50 years [Code art.]) plate and on Willughby (1686). Collette (2004: 28) consid-
Hemiramphus Georgii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- ered them to be incertae sedis. Hemiramphus russelli Va-
ennes, 1847a: 37, pl. 555 (type locality: India: Bombay; lenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a) is a junior
lectotype: MNHN B.1062, by present designation [list- homonym of Hemiramphus russellii van Hasselt, 1823 but
ed as holotype by Collette, 1974: 91]; here declared a not a junior synonym: the original description is based on
nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used in at least the same plate 177 in Russell (1803b) and on specimens,
25 works in the last 50 years, listed under Nomenclatur- one of which is designated as lectotype and this allows the
al notes [Code art.]) species to be identified as a simultaneous synonym of
Hemiramphus Russeli Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- H. georgii Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a).
ennes, 1847a: 32 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lec- As H. russelli of Valenciennes is not available because of
totype: MNHN B.1067, by present designation [listed homonymy, H. georgii has precedence.
as holotype by Collette & Su, 1986: 288, Collette et al., Rhynchorhamphus georgii is widely used while H. rus-
1997: 19, but a syntype because specimen of Russell, sellii van Hasselt, 1823 and H. brevirostris Cuvier, 1829
1803b: 61, pl. 177 [n° 177, Kuddera B] is also part of have not been used as valid names for valid species after
type series]; junior primary homonym of Hemiramphus 1899; they are declared a nomina oblita under Code art.
russellii van Hasselt, 1824b: 131, Code art. 58.14; si- 23.9.2. List of 26 works in which R. georgii is used as valid
multaneous subjective synonym of Hemiramphus georgii name, published by at least 10 authors, in the immediately
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 37, first preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of not less
reviser [Collette, 1974: 90] gave precedence to than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Al-Jufaili et al., 2010:
H. georgii; unambiguously named for Russell, misspelt 19; (2) Carpenter & Niem, 1999b: 2196; (3) Carpenter et
as Russel p. 33, the name should be emended to russelli, al., 1997: 131; (4) Chu et al., 1963: 165; (5) Coad, 1991:
an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1) 25; (6–8) Collette, 1974: 90, 1976: 90, 2004: 13; (9) Col-
Hemiramphus leucopterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- lette & Su, 1986: 287; (10) Collette et al., 1997: 16; (11) De
lenciennes, 1847a: 48 (type locality: India: vicinity of Bruin et al., 1994: 214; (12) Hoese et al., 2006: 738;
Bombay; holotype: MNHN B.1065, Collette & Su, 1986: (13) Hutchins, 2001: 24; (14) Jawad et al., 2011: 47;
288, Collette et al., 1997: 17; simultaneous subjective (15) Kuang, 1986: 193; (16) Li & Zhang, 2011: 258;
synonym of Hemiramphus georgii Valenciennes, in Cu- (17) Munro, 1967: 113; (18) Nguyen [V. H.], 2005b: 73;
vier & Valenciennes, 1847a: 37, first reviser [Collette, (19) Ni & Kwok, 1999: 137; (20) Pan, 1991: 333; (21) Parin
1974: 90] gave precedence to H. georgii) et al., 1980: 108; (22) Paxton et al., 1989: 339; (23) Prabhu
& Kulkarni, 2012: 60; (14) Quiazon et al., 2008: 29;
(25) Randall, 1995: 89; (26) Randall & Lim, 2000: 600.
Taxonomic notes. See Lovejoy et al. (2004) for systematics. Dermogenys pusilla Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
Dermogenys Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823 Dermogenys Pusillus Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt,
Dermogenys Kuhl & van Hasselt, in van Hasselt, 1823c: 1823c: 131 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 85] (type local-
131 [translated in Alfred, 1961b: 85] (type species: Der- ity: Indonesia: Java: pond in botanical garden, Buiten-
mogenys pusillus van Hasselt, 1823c: 131, by monoty- zorg [Bogor]; neotype: UMMZ 237500, designated by
py). Gender feminine. Meisner, 2001: 226, fig. 23b [original syntypes lost, in-
Dermatogenys Peters, 1865: 133 (unjustified emendation cluding at least the specimen figured by Kuhl and van
of Dermogenys Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1823c: 131). Gen- Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 35])
der feminine. Hemiramphus fluviatilis Bleeker, 1850l: 95 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Tandjong Oost,
Dermogenys bispina Meisner & Collette, 1998 Buitenzorg [Bogor] and Tjampea; syntypes [26, 25–58
Dermogenys bispina Meisner & Collette, 1998: 375, fig. 2 mm TL]: BMNH 1866.5.2.29 [1], Meisner, 2001: 226
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Danum Valley, [listed as holotype], Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Bleeker,
Sungei Malua; holotype: ZRC 40391) 1850p: 16)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Hemirhamphodon byssus Tan & Lim, 2013 lage on Sungei Sarano, near Sungei Sampit, 75 km north-
Hemirhamphodon byssus Tan & Lim, 2013: 740, fig. 9 (type west of Sampit; holotype: ZSM 27902)
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Matang Wildlife
Centre, Sungai Rayu; holotype: ZRC 54067)
Nomorhamphus Weber & de Beaufort, 1922
Hemirhamphodon chrysopunctatus Brembach, 1978 Nomorhamphus Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 141 (type spe-
Hemirhamphodon chrysopunctatus Brembach, 1978: 342 cies: Nomorhamphus celebensis Weber & de Beaufort,
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: 1922, by subsequent designation by Jordan, 1923:
Sampit River and northwest of Banjarmasin [Sebabi, index A, unnumb. p. 30). Gender masculine.
about half a day by boat upriver of Palangan on Sungai Rhamphodermogenys Fowler & Bean, 1922: 15 (subgenus
Seranau; Palangan is half-day upriver of Sampit on the of Dermogenys van Hasselt, 1823c: 131; type species:
Mentaya; Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; holotype: ZMH Dermogenys bakeri Fowler & Bean, 1922: 15, by origi-
5952, Anderson & Collette, 1991: 169) nal designation). Gender feminine.
Nomenclatural notes. Nomorhamphus and Rhamphoder-
Hemirhamphodon kapuasensis Collette, in Anderson & mogenys were published in 1922 and their precedence is
Collette, 1991 not known. Pending more research I retain Nomorhamphus
Hemirhamphodon kapuasensis Collette, in Anderson & has having precedence because it has been widely used while
Collette, 1991: 169, fig. 7 (type locality: Indonesia: Rhamphodermogenys has not been used since 1922. The
Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Insiluk, 16 km west-north- Introduction of Weber & de Beaufort (1922: viii) is dated
west of Sanggau on road to Pontianak; holotype: ZRC May 1922, but the actual publication date is not known.
38461 [was on loan as ZSM 27958]) Fowler & Bean (1922) appeared on 28 July 1922.
Hemirhamphodon kecil Tan & Lim, 2013 Nomorhamphus bakeri (Fowler & Bean, 1922)
Hemirhamphodon kecil Tan & Lim, 2013: 742, fig. 12 (type Dermogenys bakeri Fowler & Bean, 1922: 15, fig. 3 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Ma- locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holo-
hakam drainage: downstream of Taman Wisata Air Ter- type: USNM 84275, Meisner, 2001: 245, Collette et
jun at Tanah Merah; holotype: MZB 17211) al., 1992: 8)
Nomorhamphus hageni (Popta, 1912) Nomorhamphus rex Huylebrouck, Hadiaty & Herder,
Hemiramphus hageni Popta, 1912: 190 (type locality: In- 2012
donesia: Sulawesi: Penango [4°18'N 121°58'E; see El- Nomorhamphus rex Huylebrouck, Hadiaty & Herder, 2012:
bert, 1911: 262, fig. 131]; lectotype: SMF 6521, desig- 479, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Su-
nated by Meisner, 2001: 253 [not Brembach, 1991: 177]) lawesi Selatan: small creak in Laroeha village, a few
hundred meters upstream of Wewu River, a headwater
Nomorhamphus kolonodalensis Meisner & Louie, 2000 of Cerekang River drainage west of Lake Matano,
Nomorhamphus kolonodalensis Meisner & Louie, 2000: 2°28.226'S 121°04.125'E; holotype: MZB 20724)
363, fig. 2 (type locality: Sulawesi Tengah: city of Poso:
district of Kolonodale: stream along road to Tiu, near Nomorhamphus rossi Meisner, 2001
bridge at home No. 53 in Mondowe village; holotype: Nomorhamphus rossi Meisner, 2001: 272, fig. 68 (type lo-
MZB 8638) cality: Philippines: Luzon Island: Cagayan Province:
Baggao Municipality, Barrovia Barangay hot springs,
Nomorhamphus liemi Vogt, 1977 Intel River; holotype: USNM 333262)
Nomorhamphus liemi Vogt, 1977: 8, fig. (type locality: In-
donesia: Sulawesi: Maros highland: creek in hills near Nomorhamphus towoetii Ladiges, 1972
Malawa; holotype: ZMH 7617, Wilkens & Dohse, 1993: Nomorhamphus towoetii Ladiges, 1972: 207, pl. 11 (type
415) locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towuti; holotype:
Nomorhamphus liemi snijdersi Vogt, 1978b: 224, figs. [one ZMH 4532)
fig. appears as N. liemi in Vogt, 1977: 8] (type locality:
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Maros highland [creek in hills near Nomorhamphus viviparus (Peters, 1865)
Malawa; Brembach, 1991: 182]; holotype: ZMH 7155, Hemirhamphus viviparus Peters, 1865: 132 (type locality:
Wilkens & Dohse, 1993: 415 [material listed as paratype Philippines: Samar: Basey River; syntypes [13]: ZMB
has no type status as it is not cited in original descrip- 6267 [1], Paepke & Seegers, 1986: 145)
tion]) Dermogenys viviparus var. mindanensis Herre, 1944b: 86
(type locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Agusan Province:
Nomorhamphus manifestus Meisner, 2001 outlet of Lake Mainit, at Jabonga; syntypes: CAS-SU
Nomorhamphus manifesta Meisner, 2001: 270, fig. 64 (type 37631 [74])
locality: Philippines: Luzon Island: Ilokos Norte Prov-
ince: Solsona; holotype: CAS 129706) Nomorhamphus weberi (Boulenger, 1897)
Hemirhamphus weberi Boulenger, 1897b: 429, pl. 28 fig. 4
Nomorhamphus megarrhamphus (Brembach, 1982) (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Matano; holo-
Dermogenys megarrhamphus Brembach, 1982: 55, fig. (type type: NMBA 1065, Kottelat & Sutter, 1988: 55)
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towoeti [Towuti];
lectotype: ZMH 7151, designated by Wilkens & Dohse,
1993: 414 [not Meisner, 2001: 256] [as this specimen is Tondanichthys Collette, 1995
out of a series of 53 specimens of which only 25 are Tondanichthys Collette, 1995: 172 (type species: Tondan-
syntypes, it should be demonstrated that it is really one ichthys kottelati Collette, 1995: 172, by monotypy).
of the syntypes]; paralectotypes or other syntypes [24]: Gender masculine.
out of ZMH 7152 [1], 7153 [23 of 52]; see Kottelat,
1993b: 268]) Tondanichthys kottelati Collette, 1995
Tondanichthys kottelati Collette, 1995: 172, figs. 1–2 (type
Nomorhamphus pectoralis (Fowler, 1934) locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Tondano, approx.
Dermogenys pectoralis Fowler, 1934c: 326, fig. 80 (type 1°10'N 124°53'E; holotype: ZRC 38699)
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Bubucan; holotype: USNM
93068 [not 93058], Meisner, 2001: 260, fig. 54a, Col-
lette et al., 1992: 8) Zenarchopterus Gill, 1864
Zenarchopterus Gill, 1864: 273 (type species: Hemirham-
Nomorhamphus philippinus (Ladiges, 1972) phus dispar Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Dermogenys philippinius Ladiges, 1972: 210, pl. 10 (type 1847a: 58, by original designation). Gender masculine.
locality: Philippines: Cebu: Kulaman Plateau; holotype: Labidorhamphus Fowler, 1905a: 493 (subgenus of Zenar-
ZMH 4534; spelt philippinus on pl. 10, first reviser chopterus Gill, 1863g: 273; type species: Hemiramphus
[Brembach, 1991: 163] retained philippinus as correct amblyurus Bleeker, 1849e: 11, by original designation).
original spelling) Gender masculine.
Grecarchopterus Mohsen, 1962: 119 (type species: Hemi-
Nomorhamphus pinnimaculatus Meisner, 2001 ramphus novaeguineae Weber, 1913: 553, by original
Nomorhamphus pinnimaculata Meisner, 2001: 271, fig. 66 designation). Gender masculine.
(type locality: Philippines: Leyte: creek at eastern end
of Tunga; holotype: ZRC 46173)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Zenarchopterus buffonis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- Zenarchopterus dunckeri Mohr, 1926
lenciennes, 1847) Zenarchopterus Dunckeri Mohr, 1926: 255, fig. 17 (type
Hemiramphus Buffonis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- locality: New Guinea, Friedrich Wilhelm Hafen
ennes, 1847a: 48 (type locality: Pulo-Pinan [? Malaysia: [Madang; 5°13'00"S 145°48'00"E] / Segaar Bay in Mac
Pinang]; lectotype: MNHN B.1076, by present designation) Cluer Gulf [Bay south of Ogar Island in Berau Gulf] /
Hemiramphus cirrhatus Day, 1874b: 709 (type locality: In- Neu-Pommern [New Britain]: Rein Bay [5°34'00"S
dia: Bombay; holotype: ZSI 1297, Whitehead & Talwar, 149°13'00"E] / Neu Mecklenburg [New Ireland], Ke-
1976: 158) wieng Nusa; syntypes: ZMH 12011 [3], ZMB 13155 [3],
Nomenclatural notes. The type series of H. buffonis in- ZMB 9832 [2], ZMH 16159 [1], ZMH 13968 [1], ZMH
cludes 2 species (Collette & Su, 1986: 289). MNHN B.1076 16160 [5] and material listed by Bleeker, 1854s: 498 [44–
(74.0 mm SL) is designated as lectotype following sugges- 45] and Kner, 1860: 537, pl. figs. 3–3c as Hemiramphus
tion of B. B. Collette, who provided the following informa- dispar [= Zenarchopterus kneri Fowler, 1934c: 325];
tion. The specimen is a female with the diagnostic snout treated as a replacement name by Collette & Su, 1986:
stripe and 12 dorsal and 9 anal-fin rays (12 and 8, respec- 290; as "nom. nov." in heading of original description,
tively, in the original description). Valenciennes also wrote but text unambiguously indicates that it is a new spe-
that he had examined the swimbladder and this specimen cies, based on both new material and misidentified ma-
had the ventral surface slit. The remaining 5 specimens in terial of earlier authors)
MNHN B.1076 are now MNHN 2013-1198. The other 3
syntypes (MNHN B.2186) have 11–12 dorsal and 12–13 Zenarchopterus dux Seale, 1910
anal-fin rays and are not yet identified to species. Zenarchopterus dux Seale, 1910c: 267, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan; holotype:
Zenarchopterus clarus Mohr, 1926 BSM 2679, lost)
Zenarchopterus clarus Mohr, 1926: 241 (type locality: Thai-
land: Bangkok; syntypes: Museum Lübeck 1005 [1], Zenarchopterus ectuntio (Hamilton, 1822)
ZMH 16166 [1]) Esox ectuntio Hamilton, 1822: 212, 380 (type locality: In-
dia: "smaller rivers and ponds of the Gangetic provinc-
Zenarchopterus cotnog (Smith, 1902) es"; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced
Hemirhamphus cotnog Smith, 1902b: 170 (type locality: in Hora, 1929a: pl. 21 fig. 1)
Philippines: Luzon: Camarines Sur Province: Lake Buhi; Hemirhamphus amblyurus Bleeker, 1849e: 11 (type locali-
holotype: USNM 50537) ty: Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and
Surabaya; syntypes: part of RMNH 6981 [12], BMNH
Zenarchopterus dispar (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- 1866.5.2.11 [1], AMS B.7614 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
lenciennes, 1847) Hemiramphus borneënsis Bleeker, 1850p: 23 (type locali-
Hemiramphus dispar Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma-
nes, 1847a: 58, pl. 558 (type locality: possibly Mada- sin, in river; holotype [175 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6981
gascar / Indonesia: Java: Labouane River [Labuan]; syn- [12], ? SMNS 10598, Fricke, 1991: 15, Eschmeyer, 2011;
types: MNHN 4594 [3, Madagascar], 4595 [2, Mada- also in Bleeker, 1851d: 273)
gascar], Collette et al., 1997: 16, and specimen figured Hemirhamphus Bleekeri Kner, 1860: 537, pl. 5 fig. 4 (type
by Kuhl and van Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: locality: Indonesia [material without locality data, re-
fig. 69) ceived from Bleeker in 1856]; syntypes [2]: Zoologis-
Zenarchopterus maculosus Garman, 1903: 239, pl. 5 fig. 4 ches Museum der Universität Wien)
(type locality: Fiji Islands: Suva: Viti Levu; holotype: Hemirhamphus neglectus Day, 1870a: 526 (type locality:
MCZ 28299, Eschmeyer, 2011) India: Calcutta bazar / Burma; syntypes: among ZSI
Zenarchopterus vaisiganis Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 208, A.620–621 [23], A.623 [9], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976:
fig. 11 (type locality: Samoa: Upolu Island: Vaisigano 158; junior primary homonym of Hemirhamphus neglec-
River at Apia; holotype: USNM 51718 [figured speci- tus Bleeker, 1865d: 157)
men; lectotype designation by Collette et al., 1992: 11 Zenarchopterus hendersoni Fowler, 1919: 8, fig. 2 (type
invalid as figured specimen is indicated as 'type' by Jor- locality: reportedly Japan [possibly Thailand; Collette
dan & Seale, thus holotype) & Su, 1986: 291]; holotype: ANSP 7584, Collette & Su,
Zenarchopterus Beccarii Vinciguerra, 1926: 601 (type lo- 1986: 291)
cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak; syntypes: MSNG
13985 [4], ZMH 16390 [1], Tortonese, 1963a: 312, Mohr, Zenarchopterus kampeni (Weber, 1913)
1934: 12) Hemiramphus Kampeni Weber, 1913b: 554 (type locality:
Dermogenys antennarius Roberts, 1993b: 36 (not available, Papua New Guinea: Kaiserin Augusta River [Sepik] at
an unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt) "Pionierbiwak"; lectotype: ZMA 116.220, designated by
Taxonomic notes. Roberts (1993: 36) commented about the Collette, 1982: 275)
use of "Moluques" in Valenciennes' description of Hemir- Zenarchopterus basudensis Fowler, 1934c: 326, fig. 79 (type
amphus dispar: "it seems he confused Java with the Moluc- locality: Philippines: Luzon: Camarines Norte Province:
cas". There is no confusion, toponymy of that time was some- Basud River in freshwater; holotype: USNM 93061,
what flexible and Java was considered part of Moluccas. Collette et al., 1992: 11)
Zenarchopterus sepikensis Herre, 1935c: 391 (type locali- ? Zenarchopterus cagayensis Herre, 1926c: 537 (type lo-
ty: Papua New Guinea: Sepik River at Koragu; holo- cality: Philippines: Luzon: Cagayan Province: Pinacanauan
type: FMNH 17213, Collette, 1982: 275) River, Tuguegarao; syntypes [9]: LU, possibly lost)
Zenarchopterus magatensis Herre, 1934a: 26 (type locali-
Zenarchopterus kneri Fowler, 1934 ty: Philippines: Luzon: Nueva Vizcaya Province: Magat
Hemirhamphus brevirostris Günther, 1866a: 274 (type lo- River and tributary creeks at Bagabag; holotype: CAS-
cality: East Indian archipelago [Indonesia, received from SU 25509 [1 of 71], Böhlke, 1953: 52)
Bleeker in 1857; Kner, 1860: 537]; syntypes [3]: Zoolo-
gisches Museum der Universität Wien [material of Kner, Zenarchopterus quadrimaculatus Mohr, 1926
1860: 537, fig. 3]; primary junior homonym of Hemi- Zenarchopterus quadrimaculatus Mohr, 1926: 257, figs. 18–
rhamphus brevirostris Cuvier, 1829: 286) 19 (type locality: Malaysia: Selangor: Kuala Selangor,
Zernarchopterus kneri Fowler, 1934c: 325, fig. 78 (type Selangor and Muar River; syntypes: ZMH 16154 [1],
locality: East Indies [Indonesia, received from Bleeker 8529 [1], Museum Lübeck 698 [6])
in 1857; Kner, 1860: 537]; syntypes [3]: Zoologisches
Museum der Universität Wien [material of Kner, 1860: Zenarchopterus rasori (Popta, 1912)
537, fig. 3]; objective junior synonym of Hemirhamphus Hemiramphus rasori Popta, 1912: 192 (type locality: Indo-
brevirostris Günther, 1866a: 274) nesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Raha [4°52'S 122°43'E;
Zenarchopterus gilli Smith, 1945: 432 (replacement name see Elbert, 1911: map 3]; holotype: SMF 6520, Collette,
for Hemirhamphus brevirostris Günther, 1866a: 274) 1974: 99, Paxton et al., 1989: 340)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Strongylura Broié, in van Hasselt, 1824 Belone caudimacula Cuvier, 1829: 285 (available by indi-
Strongylura Broié, in van Hasselt, 1824b: 374 (type spe- cation to Russell, 1803b: n° 176; type locality: India:
cies: Strongylura caudimaculata Broié, in van Hasselt, Vizagapattam; types: material on which is based Rus-
1824b: 374, by monotypy; reprinted in Mees, 1962a: 67; sell, 1803b: 61, pl. 176 [Kuddera A])
see vol. 2: 206 of same journal for authorship). Gender Belone oculata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
feminine. 1846: 449 (unnecessary replacement name for Belone
Stenocaulus Ogilby, 1907b: 91 (subgenus of Tylosurus Coc- caudimacula Cuvier, 1829: 285, created by inadvertence;
co, 1833: 18; type species: Belone krefftii Günther, 1866a: evidenced by reference to the use of the vernacular name
250, by original designation). Gender masculine. Pampin-kola on pp. 449 and 454, and mention p. 449
Lewinichthys Whitley, 1933: 67 (type species: Belone ferox that the species is described 'below' [p. 452] as Orphie
Günther, 1866a: 242, by original designation). Gender ocellée [sub-heading B. caudimacula])
masculine. Belone caudimaculata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Rhaphiobelone Fowler, 1934c: 322 (type species: Raphio- ennes, 1846: xviii (unjustified emendation of Belone
belone dammermani Fowler, 1934c: 323, by original caudimacula Cuvier, 1829: 285; in Strongylura, junior
designation). Gender feminine. homonym of Strongylura caudimaculata Broié, in van
Dorybelone Fowler, 1944a: 215 (type species: Belone stolz- Hasselt, 1824b: 374)
manni Steindachner, 1879c: 397, by original designa- Belone saigonensis Sauvage, 1879b: 208 (type locality: Viet-
tion). Gender feminine. nam: Saïgon, Cochinchine / Mekong, in freshwater [in
Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos]; syntypes: MNHN 9645
Strongylura leiura (Bleeker, 1850) [5], 9646 [1], B.2975 [1], BMNH 1883.7.4.52 [ex
Belone leiurus Bleeker, 1850l: 94 (type locality: Indonesia: MNHN], Collette et al., 1997: 7, Kottelat, 1984a: 816,
Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [14, 260–550 mm TL]: Mees, 1962a: 68)
BMNH 1866.5.2.4 [1], RMNH 6946 [part of 9], SMNS
10573 [1], Fricke, 1991: 9, Paxton et al., 1989: 342; also
in Bleeker, 1850p: 13) Xenentodon Regan, 1911
Belone tenuirostris Blyth, 1858b: 287 (type locality: India: Xenentodon Regan, 1911b: 332 (type species: Esox cancila
Sandheads, at mouth of Hughli [Hooghly] River; synty- Hamilton, 1822: 213, by subsequent designation by Jor-
pes: ? ZSI) dan, 1920: 540). Gender masculine.
Belone ferox Günther, 1866a: 242 (type locality: Australia:
Sydney; holotype: BMNH 1865.5.8.1, Paxton et al., Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton, 1822)
1989: 342) Esox cancila Hamilton, 1822: 213, 380, pl. 27 fig. 70 (type
Belone natalensis Günther, 1866a: 243 (type locality: South locality: India: "ponds and smaller rivers of the Ganget-
Africa: Port Natal; syntypes: BMNH 1855.9.19.1085– ic provinces"; types: NT)
1086 [2], 1862.12.19.35–36 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011) Belone Graii Sykes, 1839a: 163 (type locality: India: Dec-
Rhaphiobelone dammermani Fowler, 1934c: 323, fig. 76 can [Mota Mola River at Poona]; types: BMNH ?; also
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Taal Anchorage; ho- in Sykes, 1839b: 60, 1841: 367, pl. 63 fig. 4)
lotype: USNM 93065) Esox indica M'Clelland & Griffith, in M'Clelland, 1842a:
582 (type locality: Afghanistan: Loodianah; holotype:
Strongylura strongylura (van Hasselt, 1823) lost [p. 173, 175])
Belone strongylura van Hasselt, 1823c: 130 [translated in Esox Hindostanicus Falconer, 1868: 589 (type locality: In-
Alfred, 1961b: 84] (type locality: Indonesia: Java / In- dia: Hindostan: nullah [temporary stream] and stagnant
dia: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes: ? RMNH water at Suharunpoor; syntypes: ? BMNH)
2797 [1], 2799 [1], Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1623 and Esox scoloplax Hora, 1933: 134 (not available, name listed
specimen on which is based figure of Kuddera A in Rus- in synonymy)
sell, 1803b: pl. 176 [reproduced by Alfred, 1961b: pl. 8
fig. 8], Kottelat, 1987a: 370) Xenentodon canciloides (Bleeker, 1854)
Strongylura caudimaculata Broié, in van Hasselt, 1824b: Belone canciloïdes Bleeker, 1854c: 454 (type locality: In-
374 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapat- donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in
nam] / Indonesia: Java; syntypes: ? RMNH 2797 [1], Pontianak / Sumatra: Lampung: Pangaboeang; syntypes
2799 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011 and specimen on which is [4, 195–266 mm TL]: RMNH 6947 [2], BMNH
based figure of Kuddera A in Russell, 1803b: pl. 176 1866.5.2.6 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
[reproduced by Alfred, 1961b: pl. 8 fig. 8]; see vol. 2:
206 of same journal for authorship)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Aplocheilus panchax siamensis Scheel, 1968: 398 (replace- 17), with A. panchax marginatus, A. p. rubropunctatus and
ment name for Aplocheilus panchax rubropunctatus A. p. siamensis as synonyms. Costa (2008: 18) gives the
Meinken, 1964: 146) distribution of A. panchax as "Ganges river basin, eastern
Taxonomic notes. Aplocheilus kuhlii is treated as valid spe- coastal plains of India and adjacent regions". The identity
cies from "Indonesian islands" by Costa (2008: 17) with P. of the populations from Myanmar and most of mainland
melanopterus as synonym; if a valid species, then A. arma- Southeast Asia is not discussed. While there is probably more
tus is the valid name. Aplocheilus dorsomarginatus is treat- than one species under the name A. panchax, I am unable to
ed as valid species from "southern Thailand" by Costa (2008: recognise them in the absence of published data.
Indostomidae Prashad & Mukerji, 1929 Indostomus paradoxus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929
Indostomidae Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 219 (type genus: Indostomus paradoxus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 220, pl. 10
Indostomus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 220) figs. 1–3 (type locality: Burma: north end of Indawgyi
Lake near Nyaungbin; syntypes [total number not stat-
Indostomus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929 ed]: F 11013/1–11014/1 [59], BMNH 1937.9.25.1–5 [5],
Indostomus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 220 (type species: MCZ 32698 [2], CAS-SU 33880 [2], USNM 100633 [1],
Indostomus paradoxus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 220, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 139, Eschmeyer, 2011)
by original designation). Gender masculine.
Indostomus spinosus Britz & Kottelat, 1999
Indostomus crocodilus Britz & Kottelat, 1999 Indostomus spinosus Britz & Kottelat, 1999: 329, fig. 3a–b
Indostomus crocodilus Britz & Kottelat, 1999: 333, fig. 3d–e (type locality: Laos: Bolikhamsai Province: confluence
(type locality: Thailand: Narathiwat Province: Mae Nam of Nam Leuk and Nam Ngang [error for Nam Gnong];
Tod Deng, about 6 km north of Sungai Kolok; 6°04'35"N 18°22'04"N 103°05'27"E; holotype: ZRC 43683)
101°57'48"E; holotype: ZRC 43685)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Parabelonichthys kellersi Fowler, 1943b: 58, fig. 7 (type sis, no indication, and all included species were nomina
locality: Philippines: Panay Island: Jaro River; holotype: nuda in 1853)
USNM 108466, Dawson, 1984: 142) Doryichthys Kaup, 1856b: 56 (type species: Doryichthys
bilineatus Kaup, 1856b: 56, by subsequent designation
by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 773 [Syngnathus cun-
Coelonotus Peters, 1855 calus Hamilton, 1822: 12, designated by Duncker, 1912a:
Hemimarsupium Kaup, 1853: 234 (nomen nudum) 230 is not originally included and is designated for Do-
Coelonotus Peters, 1855a: 278 (type species: Syngnathus ryichthys Duncker, not Doryichthys Kaup]). Gender
argulus Peters, 1855a: 278, by monotypy; also in Pe- masculine.
ters, 1855b: 465 but name not available because there is Kaupia Smith, 1963: 533 (type species: Syngnathus boaja
neither diagnosis, indication nor available included spe- Bleeker, 1850i: 16, by original designation). Gender fem-
cies]). Gender masculine. inine.
Hemithylacus Kaup, 1856b: 61, 76 (type species: Syngnathus
leiaspis Bleeker, 1854h: 20, by monotypy; spelt Hemi- Nomen nudum
thylacum p. 27, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect orig- Dorichthys heraldi Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 140 (nomen
inal spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender masculine. nudum)
Taxonomic notes. Treated as subgenus of Microphis by
Dawson (1985). Doryichthys boaja (Bleeker, 1850)
Syngnathus boaja Bleeker, 1850i: 16 (type locality: Indo-
Coelonotus argulus (Peters, 1855) nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holo-
Syngnathus argus Peters, 1852b: 685 (type locality: Comoro: type [370 mm SL]: BMNH 1867.11.28: 343, Dawson,
Anjouan Island; syntypes: ZMB 6232 [1], Dawson, 1984: 1981: 14 or SMNS 10640, Fricke, 1991: 21)
127; junior primary homonym of Syngnathus argus Rich- Doryichthys spinosus Kaup, 1853: 233 (nomen nudum)
ardson, 1840: 29) Doryichthys spinosus Kaup, 1856b: 57, 75 (type locality:
Syngnathus argulus Peters, 1855a: 278 (replacement name Indonesia: Java / Borneo / Sulawesi: Macassar [Ujung
for Syngnathus argus Peters, 1852b: 685; also in Peters, Pandang]; syntypes: MNHN, BMNH, RMNH 3846 [2],
1855b: 465 but a nomen nudum) Dawson, 1981: 14)
Syngnathus Jullieni Sauvage, 1874: 338 (type locality: Viet-
Coelonotus biocellatus Günther, 1870 nam: Cochinchine; lectotype: MNHN 8527, designated
Coelonotus biocellatus Günther, 1870: 188 (type locality: by Kottelat, 1984a: 816)
"? East Indian Archipelago"; holotype: BMNH Syngnathus zonatus Károli, 1881: 185 (type locality: Ma-
1868.11.17.37, Dawson, 1984: 126) laysia: Borneo: Sarawak; syntypes: MNH [3])
Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid, following Kuiter (2009:
271). Doryichthys contiguus Kottelat, 2000
Doryichthys contiguus Kottelat, 2000a: 78, fig. 70 (type lo-
Coelonotus leiaspis (Bleeker, 1854) cality: Laos: Vientiane Province: confluence of Nam
Syngnathus leiaspis Bleeker, 1854h: 20 (type locality: In- Leuk and Nam Ngang [error for Nam Gnong];
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [2, 142–147 18°22'04"N 103°05'27"E; holotype: ZRC 45395)
mm TL]: RMNH 7252 [1], Dawson, 1984: 130)
Hemimarsupium Goudotii Kaup, 1853: 234 (nomen nudum) Doryichthys deokhatoides (Bleeker, 1854)
Syngnathus micrognathus Kaup, 1853: 234, 1856: 27, 61 Syngnathus Fluviatilis van Hasselt, 1823b: 329 [translated
(not available, name listed in synonymy; in part, see in Alfred, 1961b: 83], 1824a: 91 (Batavia; nomen nu-
Dawson, 1984: 133) dum, Alfred, 1964: 157, Kottelat, 1987a: 369)
Syngnathus compressus Kaup, 1853: 234, 1856: 27, 61 (not Doryichthys bilineatus Kaup, 1853: 233 (nomen nudum)
available, name listed in synonymy; in part, see Daw- Doryichthys Hasselti Kaup, 1853: 233 (nomen nudum)
son, 1984: 133) Syngnathus deokhatoïdes Bleeker, 1854h: 17 (type locality:
Syngnathus budi Bleeker, 1856f: 77 (type locality: Indone- Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang / Borneo: Kalimantan
sia: Sulawesi: Manado / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes Barat: Pontianak; syntypes [4, 131–158 mm TL]: RMNH
[7, 96–104 mm TL]: RMNH 7236 [3], Dawson, 1984: 135) 7242 [2], ZMA 115.989 [1], BMNH 1867.11.28.356 [1],
Hemithylacum Goudoti Kaup, 1856b: 27 (nomen nudum; Dawson, 1981: 9, Eschmeyer, 2011)
could possibly be treated as an unnecessary replacement Syngnathus fluviatilis Bleeker, 1854h: 18 (type locality; In-
name for Syngnathus leiaspis Bleeker, 1854h: 20) donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: model of
Typhlus Goudoti Kaup, 1856b: 61 (not available, name list- drawing of van Hasselt; junior primary homonym of
ed in synonymy) Syngnathus fluviatilis Peters, 1852b: 685)
Typhlus Goudotii Duméril, 1870: 599 (not available, name Doryichthys bilineatus Kaup, 1856b: 56, 75, pl. 1 fig. 8 (type
listed in synonymy) locality: ? Asia [Borneo on label; Dawson, 1981: 9];
holotype: NMW 40150, Dawson, 1981: 9)
Dorichthys fluviatilis Duncker, 1904: 188, pl. 2 fig. 10 (type
Doryichthys Kaup, 1856 locality: Malaysia: surroundings of Kuala Lumpur
Doryichthys Kaup, 1853: 233 (nomen nudum; no diagno- (creeks along railway to Rawang) / Muar River near Bu-
loh Kesap; syntypes: Selangor Museum 1237 & 1324 ite; holotype: CAS-SU 9240, Böhlke, 1953: 61, Daw-
[5], BMNH 1905.5.6.17–18 [2], ZMH 8561, 8562 [lost], son, 1978: 154)
Alfred, 1963e: 166, Dawson, 1981: 9; potential junior sec- Parasyngnathus wardi Whitley, 1948a: 77 (type locality:
ondary homonym of Syngnathus fluviatilis Peters, 1852b: Australia: Queensland: Lindeman Island; holotype: AMS
685 and Syngnathus fluviatilis Bleeker, 1854h: 18) IB.1911, Dawson, 1978: 153)
Microphis annandalei Hora, 1924a: 472, fig. 1 (type local-
ity: Thailand: Patalung: edge of Thale Sap at Lampam; Hippichthys heptagonus Bleeker, 1849
holotype: ZSI F 10377/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 140, Hippichthys heptagonus Bleeker, 1849e: 15 (type locality:
Dawson, 1981: 9) Indonesia [Java or Bali; Dawson, 1978: 140] [original
type locality: Madura]; neotype: RMNH 7234, designat-
Doryichthys heterosoma (Bleeker, 1851) ed by Dawson, 1978: 140, fig. 2)
Syngnathus heterosoma Bleeker, 1851p: 441 (type locality: Ichthyocampus Pondicerianus Kaup, 1853: 231 (nomen
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; synty- nudum)
pes [3, 235–290 mm TL]: RMNH 7240 [2 of 3], BMNH Syngnathus djarong Bleeker, 1854h: 22 (type locality: In-
1867.11.28.345 [1], Dawson, 1981: 16, Eschmeyer, donesia: Java: Panimbang; holotype: specimen on which
2011) van Hasselt's drawing is based [status of RMNH 7232
listed as holotype by Eschmeyer, 2011 needs confirma-
Doryichthys martensii (Peters, 1868) tion])
Syngnathus Martensii Peters, 1868c: 459 (type locality: In- Syngnathus Helfrichii Bleeker, 1855l: 428 (type locality:
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Pulo Matjan [Pulau Indonesia: Borneo; Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
Majan, a lake and village in upper Kapuas basin]; holo- syntypes [2, 103–133 mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.348
type: ZMB 6789, Dawson, 1981: 11) [1], RMNH 7232 [1 of 2], Dawson, 1978: 140)
Microphis ignoratus Vaillant, 1902: 40, figs. 1–2 (type lo- Ichthyocampus ponticerianus Kaup, 1856b: 31, 74 (unnec-
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: mouth of essary replacement name for Hippichthys heptagonus
the Raoen [Raun, 0°39'N 113°10'E], Mandai basin; syn- Bleeker, 1849e: 15)
types: RMNH 7855 [2], Dawson, 1981: 11) Syngnathus spicifer var. rivalis Peters, 1868b: 276 (type
Doryichthys brachyrhynchops Fowler, 1934a: 145, figs. locality: Philippines: Samar: Basey River / Leyte: Taclo-
119–120 (type locality: Thailand: Chantaboon [Chant- ban; syntypes: ZMB 732 [1], 6631 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
aburi]; holotype: ANSP 59832, Böhlke, 1984: 159) Syngnathus parviceps Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, 1886b:
475 (type locality: Australia: NSW: Clarence River; ho-
lotype: AMS I.191, Dawson, 1978: 140)
Hippichthys Bleeker, 1849 Corythroichthys pullus Smith & Seale, 1906: 75, fig. (type
Hippichthys Bleeker, 1849e: 15 (subgenus of Syngnathus Lin- locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Rio Grande near Co-
naeus, 1758: 336; type species: Hippichthys heptagonus tabato; holotype: USNM 55621, Dawson, 1978: 141)
Bleeker, 1849e: 15, by monotypy). Gender masculine. Corythroichthys matterni Fowler, 1918: 11, fig. 5 (type lo-
Parasyngnathus Duncker, 1915: 79 (subgenus of Syngnathus cality: Philippine Islands; holotype: ANSP 47484,
Linnaeus, 1758: 336; type species: Syngnathus argyros- Böhlke, 1984: 159)
tictus Kaup, 1856b: 33, by original designation). Gen- Bombonia luzonica Herre, 1927a: 275, pl. 2 (type locality:
der masculine. Philippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Lake Taal be-
Bombonia Herre, 1927a: 274 (type species: Bombonia luzon- tween Ambulong and Talisay; holotype: BSM, lost)
ica Herre, 1927a: 275, by monotypy). Gender feminine. Bombonia uxorius Herre, 1935c: 395 (type locality: Indo-
Oxleyana Whitley, 1937: 121 (type species: Syngnathus nesia: Waigiu Island [Waigeo]: mouth of a small fresh-
parviceps Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, 1886b: 475, by water stream flowing into Majalibit Inlet; holotype:
original designation). Gender feminine. FMNH 17493, Dawson, 1978: 141, Ibarra & Stewart,
1987: 16)
Hippichthys cyanospilos (Bleeker, 1854) Syngnathus djarong luzonica Aurich, 1935b: 98 (type lo-
Syngnathus Kuhlii Kaup, 1853: 232 (nomen nudum) cality: Philippines: Luzon: Lake Taal; syntypes [11]: LU,
Syngnathus variegatus Kaup, 1853: 232, 1856: 34 (not avail- apparently lost; potential secondary junior honomym of
able, name listed in synonymy) Bombonia luzonica Herre, 1927a: 275)
Syngnathus cyanospilos Bleeker, 1854g: 114 (type locality:
Indonesia: Banda Neira; holotype [123 mm TL]: RMNH Hippichthys penicillus (Cantor, 1849)
7228, Dawson, 1978: 152) Syngnathus argyrostictus Kaup, 1853: 231 (nomen nudum)
Syngnathus Mossambicus Peters, 1855a: 277 (type locality: Syngnathus penicillus Cantor, 1849: 1368 (type locality:
Mozambique [Lumbo; Eschmeyer, 2011]; holotype ?: Malaysia: Pinang; holotype: BMNH 1860.3.19.526,
ZMB 6235, Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Peters, 1855b: 465) Dawson, 1985: 100)
Syngnathus Kuhlii Kaup, 1856b: 34, 74 (type locality: In- Syngnathus argyrostictus Kaup, 1856b: 33, 74 (type locali-
donesia: Java; syntypes: MNHN 6138 [1], RMNH [7, ty: Indonesia: Java; holotype: RMNH 3849, Dawson,
lost], Dawson, 1978: 152) 1985: 100)
Doryichthys spaniaspis Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 10, fig. 3 Syngnathus biserialis Kaup, 1856b: 33, 74 (type locality:
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cavite Province: Cav- India; holotype: BMNH 1982.5.12.1, Dawson, 1985: 100)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Syngnathus altirostris Ogilby, 1890: 55 (type locality: Aus- Syngnathus to be a genus distinct from Hippocampus. The
tralia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; lectotype: AMS I.385, type species is Hippocampus foliatus Perry, 1810 by mono-
designated by Whitley, 1943a: 177, fig. 8) typy, and this makes Hippocampus Perry, 1810 a senior syn-
Corythroichthys quinquarius Snyder, 1911: 526 (type lo- onym of the well-known Phyllopteryx Swainson, 1839: 332.
cality: Japan: Osumi Island: Tanegashima; holotype: The name Hippocampus is used again in Perry (1810),
USNM 68227) in the text [signature Aa1-2] for pl. 45 [H. erectus]. This Plate
Hippichthys gazella Whitley, 1947: 148 (type locality: Aus- 45 is dated 1 December 1810 (Petit, 2009: 14) and is there-
tralia: Broome; holotype: WAM P.2871-001, Hutchins fore irrelevant for the fixation of the type species.
& Smith, 1991: 15) Hippocampus Perry, 1810 is a senior homonym of Hip-
pocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a. Rafinesque-
Hippichthys spicifer (Rüppell, 1838) Schmaltz (1810a) appeared before his 1810b work, which
Syngnathus spicifer Rüppell, 1838: 143, pl. 33 fig. 4 (type appeared after 1 September 1810 (Wheeler, 1988: 8). As
locality: Egypt: Red Sea: Tor; holotype: part of SMF 937 the exact date of the 1810a work is not known, we have to
[1], 4908 [1] [Dor, 1984: 77 listed a lectotype, but Rüp- treat it as published on 31 August 1810, thus posterior to
pell mentions only one specimen]) Perry (1810: pl. 18), and this makes Hippocampus Rafines-
? Syngnathus perlatus Lay & Bennett, 1839: 68, pl. 21 fig. 1 que-Schmaltz a junior homonym of Hippocampus Perry.
(type locality: Japan: Loo-Choo [Ryukyu Islands]; ho- Hippocampus Perry, 1810 has not been used as a valid
lotype: Zool. Soc. London) name after 1899 and Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz,
Syngnathus gastrotaenia Bleeker, 1853a: 713 (type locali- 1810 has been used in thousands of works [see below a list
ty: Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai; syntypes [5, 102– of 26 works by at least 10 authors in the last 50 years]; Hip-
125 mm TL]: RMNH 7230 [3 of 5], ? BMNH pocampus Perry, 1810 is here declared a nomen oblitum and
1867.11.28.347 [1], ? MNHN 6023 [1], Dawson, 1978: Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810 is here declared
149, Eschmeyer, 2011) a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2. Similarly, Hip-
Syngnathus tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1854q: 376 (type locali- pocampus Perry, 1810 has not been used as a valid name
ty: Indonesia: Java: Anjer; holotype [99 mm TL]: RMNH after 1899 and Phyllopteryx Swainson, 1839 has been used
7229, Dawson, 1978: 150) for the same genus in a large number of works [see below a
? Microphis tenuis Blyth, 1858a: 272 (type locality: India: list of 27 works by at least 10 authors in the last 50 years]
Andaman Islands: Port Blair; syntypes [2]: lost, Daw- and is here declared a nomen protectum.
son, 1978: 141) List of 26 works in which Hippocampus Rafinesque-
Syngnathus Hunnii Bleeker, 1860a: 70 (type locality: Indo- Schmaltz, 1810 is used as the name of a valid genus, pub-
nesia: Sumatra: Tandjong, in strait of Samangka; holo- lished by at least 10 authors, in the immediately preceeding
type [140 mm TL]: RMNH 7231, Dawson, 1978: 150) 50 years and encompassing a span of not less than 10 years
Syngnathus gracilis Steindachner, 1901: 458, pl. 18 fig. 1 (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Allen, 1997: 72; (2) Carpenter & Niem,
(type locality: Indonesia: Ternate; holotype: SMF) 1999: 2272; (3) Casey et al., 2004; (4) Dor, 1984: 78; (5) Fos-
Micrognathus suvensis Herre, 1935c: 396 (type locality: Fiji ter & Vincent, 2004; (6) Horne, 2001; (7) Hureau & Mon-
Islands: Viti Levu: Suva Harbor; holotype: FMNH od, 1973: 278; (8) Kottelat, 2001c: 146; (9) Kottelat & Frey-
17229, Dawson, 1978: 150) hof, 2007: 500; (10–13) Kuiter, 1993: 97, 2001, 2003, 2009;
(14) Kuiter & Debelius, 2006: 150; (15) Lourie et al., 1999;
(16) Masuda et al., 1984: 89; (17) Myers, 1989: 84; (18) Pax-
Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810 ton et al., 1989: 420; (19–22) Randall, 1989: 33, 1995: 98,
Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18 (type spe- 2005: 110, 2007: 162; (23) Randall et al., 1990: 75;
cies: Syngnathus hippocampus Linnaeus, 1758: 338, by (24) Shen, 1993: 228; (25) Smith & Heemstra, 1986: 452;
absolute tautonymy; junior homonym of Hippocampus (26) Whitehead et al., 1986: 630.
Perry, 1810: unnumb. pp., here declared a nomen pro- List of 26 works using Phyllopteryx Swainson, 1839 as
tectum). Gender masculine. the name of a valid genus, published by at least 10 authors,
Hippocampus Leach, 1814: 103 (type species: Hippocam- in the immediately preceeding 50 years and encompassing
pus antiquorum Leach, 1814: 104, by subsequent desig- a span of not less than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Casey
nation, apparently by Eschmeyer, 1990: 185; junior hom- et al., 2004; (2) Dawson, 1985: 158; (3) Forsgren & Lowe,
onym and junior subjective synonym of Hippocampus 2006; (4) Garner et al., 2008; (5) Gomon et al., 2008: 471;
Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18). Gender masculine. (6) Hoese et al., 2006: 839; (7) Hutchins, 2001: 27; (8) Ken-
Hippocampus Cuvier, 1816a: 157 (type species: Syngnathus drick & Hyndes, 2005; (9) Koch & Seitz, 2000; (10–12) Kuit-
hippocampus Linnaeus, 1758: 338, by absolute tauton- er, 1993: 95, 2000: 77, 2009: 158; (13) Kuiter et al., 1987;
ymy; junior homonym and junior objective synonym of (14) Kvarnemo & Simmons, 2004; (15) Martin-Smith & Vin-
Hippocampus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18). Gen- cent, 2006; (16) Monteiro et al., 2005; (17) Paxton et al., 1989:
der masculine. 428; (18) Rossteuscher et al., 2008; (19) Sanchez-Camara &
Nomenclatural notes. Hippocampus is used twice in Perry Booth, 2004; (20–21) Sanchez-Camara et al., 2004, 2005;
(1810). It was first used in the text [signature K5] with pl. 18 (22) Santos et al., 2000; (23) Thayib, 1977; (24) Umehara,
as "Genus—Syngnathus, or Hippocampus. Species—folia- 2003; (25) Upton et al., 2000; (26) Wetzel et al., 1997.
tus". This Plate 18 is dated 1 May 1810 (Petit, 2009: 12). In Hippocampus arnei was described from the Mekong, in
the text to pl. 18, Perry explicitly stated that he considered rapids near Kemmarat, but this is an obvious error (possibly
an hoax or a joke played on Roule or on the collector). The Ichthyocampus carce (Hamilton, 1822)
presence of a seahorse in the Mekong is unlikely. Lourie et Syngnathus carce Hamilton, 1822: 13, 362 (type locality:
al. (1999: 165]) commented that one of the syntypes is H. India: tide-ways [of the Ganges near Calcutta]; types:
spinosissimus and the other is H. barbouri. Kuiter (2009: not preserved; neotype designation by Dawson, 1977:
98) treated H. arnei as a valid species. If the type series 603 invalid as not fulfilling conditions of Code art. 75.3.1,
effectively includes two species, then a lectotype should be 75.3.4, 75.3.5 ["neotype": BMNH 1889.2.1.4077–4079:
designated to definitively link the name arnei to the species India: Calcutta]; Hamilton's unpublished drawing is re-
recognised by Kuiter. produced in Gray, 1830: vol.1, pl. 89 fig. 1)
[Hippocampus Perry, 1810 [May]: unnumb. pp., sign. K5, [pl. 18] (type Syngnathus platygnathus Kaup, 1853: 231, 1856: 30 (not
species: Hippocampus foliatus Perry, 1810: unnumb. pp. [pl. 18], by available, name listed in synonymy)
monotypy [see also Mathews & Iredale, 1912: 15]). Gender mascu-
[Phyllopteryx Swainson, 1839: 332 (subgenus of Hippocampus Rafines-
que-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18; type species: Syngnathus foliatus Shaw, Lophocampus Dawson, 1984
1804b: 456, pl. 180, by monotypy). Gender feminine]. Lophocampus Dawson, 1984: 166 (subgenus of Microphis
[Hippocampus Aimei Roule, 1916a: 11, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Laos:
Mekong, near rapids of Kemmarat, between Savannakhet and Kong, Kaup, 1853: 234; type species: Syngnathus retzii Bleeker,
about 300 km upstream of the falls [erroneous; type material includes 1856f: 76, by original designation). Gender masculine.
two species, see Lourie et al., 1999: 165]; syntypes [2]: MNHN B.1256 Taxonomic notes. Treated as subgenus of Microphis by
[2]; typographical error, incorrect original spelling, emended to arnei Dawson (1985).
by Roule, 1916b: 383, Code art.].
[Hippocampus Arnei Roule, 1916b: 383 (emendation of Hippocampus
aimei Roule, 1916a: 11, under Code art.]. Lophocampus brevidorsalis (de Beaufort, 1913)
[Hippocampus spinosissimus Weber, 1913a: 120, fig. 44 (type locality: Doryrhamphus brevidorsalis de Beaufort, 1913: 103 (type
Indonesia: Sapeh Strait; syntypes: ZMA 104.665 [2], Nijssen et al., locality: Indonesia: Buru: stream near Kajeli; holotype:
1993: 228)].
[Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908: 247, fig. 8 (type lo- ZMA 109.184, Nijssen et al., 1993: 228)
cality: Philippines: Cuyo Island; holotype: USNM 61683)].
Lophocampus ocellatus (Duncker, 1910)
Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852 Doryichthys ocellatus Duncker, 1910: 28, pl. fig. A (type
Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852b: 82 (type locality: Sin- locality: Sri Lanka: Kalu-ganga, near Galatura tea es-
gapore; syntypes [2, 95–120 mm SL]: RMNH 5167 [1 tate, 32 miles up river / Mahaweli-ganga, below Thala-
out of several], BMNH 1867.11.28.360 [1], Eschmeyer, vai estate, near Trincomalee / Gin-ganga at Wakwella;
2011) syntypes [17]: ZSI F 10073/1 [1], CMS [1, lost], BMNH
Hippocampus rhynchomacer Duméril, 1870: 519 (type lo- 1913.5.24.1 [1], ZMH 11559 [6, lost], 11560 [9, lost],
cality: Mer des Indes / Singapore / China / Cochinchi- Dawson, 1984: 173, De Silva, 1956: 38, Menon &
na; syntypes: MNHN 5987 [1], 5988 [2], 5989 [1], 5990 Yazdani, 1968: 140, Eschmeyer, 2011)
[1, model of Kaup, 1856b: pl. 2 fig. 4], 5991 [3] [one of
them probably model of Kaup, 1856b: pl. 4, fig. 1, 4], Lophocampus retzii (Bleeker, 1856)
Bertin & Estève, 1950: 53) Syngnathus retzii Bleeker, 1856f: 76 (type locality: Indone-
Hippocampus taeniops Fowler, 1904b: 501, pl. 7 (type lo- sia: Sulawesi: Manado; syntypes [37, 60–67 mm TL]):
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: ANSP part of RMNH 7236 [30], BMNH 1867.11.28.350 [2],
27469 [not 27409, Böhlke, 1984: 160]) ZMA 115.996 [1], NMV 46624–46625 [2], Dawson,
Hippocampus horai Duncker, 1925: 475, fig (type locality: 1984: 167, Eschmeyer, 2011)
India: Andaman Islands; holotype: ZSI F11836, Me- Microphis caudatus Peters, 1868b: 276 (type locality: Phil-
non & Yazdani, 1968: 140) ippines: Samar: freshwater stream in Loquilócun / Indo-
Hippocampus kuda multiannularis Sundara Raj, 1941a: 156 nesia: Java; syntypes [3]: ZMB 6646 [1], ? 6686 [1],
(type locality: India: Madras; syntypes: Madras Aquari- Eschmeyer, 2011)
um, if preserved; primary junior homonym of Hippoc- Microphis torrentius Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 215, fig. 22
ampus guttulatus multiannularis Ginsburg, 1937: 540) (type locality: W. Samoa: Upolu Island: Vaivase River
Hippocampus raji Whitley, 1955: 44 (replacement name for near Vailele, east of Apia; holotype: USNM 51725)
Hippocampus kuda multiannularis Sundara Raj, 1941a: Doryichthys retzii albadorsum Fowler, 1944b: 161, figs. 10–
156) 11 (type locality: New Hebrides [Vanuatu]: "very rapid
Distribution notes. Occurs in lower reaches of rivers and fresh water river, at point about 3 miles from the ocean";
estuaries (Kuiter, 2009: 110). Recorded in mangrove in Sin- holotype: ANSP 71351, Böhlke, 1984: 158)
gapore, but not inland (Tan H. H., pers. comm. 2004). Syn-
onymy follows Kuiter (2009).
Microphis Kaup, 1853
Microphis Kaup, 1853: 234 (type species: Syngnathus cun-
Ichthyocampus Kaup, 1853 calus Hamilton, 1822: 12, by subsequent designation by
Ichthyocampus Kaup, 1853: 231 (type species: Syngnathus Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 773 [as cuneatus, an incor-
carce Hamilton, 1822: 13, by monotypy). Gender mas- rect subsequent spelling, deemed to have been cited in
culine. its correct original spelling, Code art. 67.6]). Gender
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Doryichthys Duncker, 1910: 27 (type species: Syngnathus Doryichthys Hasselti Kaup, 1856b: 57, 75 (unnecessary re-
cuncalus Hamilton, 1822: 12, by subsequent designa- placement name for Syngnathus brachyurus Bleeker,
tion by Duncker, 1912a: 230; junior homonym and jun- 1854h: 16)
ior objective synonym of Doryichthys Kaup, 1853: 233 ? Doryichthys pristipeltis Kaup, 1856b: 58, 76 (type locali-
[treated as a new genus by authors, but "Doryichthys, ty: unknown; holotype: NMW)
mihi" possibly should be understood as "Doryichthys Doryichthys auronitens Kaup, 1856b: 59, 76 (type locality:
Kaup sensu Duncker"]). Gender masculine. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Macassar [Ujung Pandang]; holo-
Paramicrophis Klausewitz, 1955b: 325 (type species: type: RMNH 3850)
Paramicrophis schmidti Klausewitz, 1955b: 326, by orig- Doryichthys millepunctatus Kaup, 1856b: 60, 76 (type lo-
inal designation). Gender masculine. cality: Madagascar: Tamatave [original type locality:
Madagascar / Isle of Bourbon (Réunion)]; neotype:
Microphis cuncalus (Hamilton, 1822) MNHN 1901-0011, designated by Dawson, 1979: 473)
Syngnathus cuncalus Hamilton, 1822: 12, 362 (type locali- Microphis Bleekeri Day, 1865c: 265, fig. (type locality: In-
ty: India: estuaries near Calcutta; types: NT) dia: river at Cochin; holotype: ZSI 7163 [lost] [ZSI 2623
Typhlus Dussumierii Kaup, 1853: 234, 1856: 64 (not avail- listed by Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 158, is not a type;
able, name listed in synonymy) Dawson, 1978: 149])
Paramicrophis schmidti Klausewitz, 1955b: 326, fig. 1 (type Microphis Jouani Duméril, 1870: 592 (type locality: New
locality: India: sea and brackish water near Bombay; ho- Caledonia in freshwaters; holotype: MNHN 1519, Ber-
lotype: SMF 3570 [actually 3743, Dawson, 1984: 148]) tin & Estève, 1950b: 43)
Doryichthys chokderi Rahman, 1976: 47 [109], fig. 1 (type Doryichthys philippinus Fowler, 1918: 13, fig. 6 (type lo-
locality: Bangladesh: Dhalewswari River near Munshi- cality: Philippine Islands; holotype: ANSP 47485,
ganj; holotype: Museum of the Freshwater Fisheries Sta- Böhlke, 1984: 160)
tion, Chandpur) Taxonomic notes. Microphis brachyurus millepunctatus is
treated as a subspecies of M. brachyurus by Dawson (1985)
Microphis dunckeri (Prashad & Mukerji, 1929) but is probably a distinct species.
Doryichthys dünckeri Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 222, pl. 10
fig. 4 (type locality: Burma: Myitkyina District: Nam- Oostethus insularis (Hora, in Annandale & Hora, 1925)
kawng Chaung at Kamaing; holotype: ZSI F 11018/1, Doryichthys insularis Hora, in Annandale & Hora, 1925: 38,
Dawson, 1984: 150; incorrect original spelling [based pl. 2 fig. 1 (type locality: India: Andaman Islands: South
on name of Duncker], must be emended to dunckeri Andaman: Birchgunge; syntypes [6]: ZSI F 10705/1 [5],
[Code art. 32.5.1]) Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 140, Dawson, 1984: 163 [ZSI
F 10706/1 [2] are possibly the two additional specimens
reported by Hora, 1926a: 467])
Oostethus Hubbs, 1929
Microphis Duncker, 1910: 26 (type species: Syngnathus Oostethus jagorii (Peters, 1868)
brachyurus Bleeker, 1854h: 16, by monotypy; junior Microphis Jagorii Peters, 1868b: 280 (type locality: Philip-
homonym of Microphis Kaup, 1853: 234 [treated as a pines: Samar: Loquilocun; holotype: ZMB 6647, Daw-
new genus by authors, but "Microphis, mihi" possibly son, 1984: 164)
should be understood as "Microphis Kaup sensu Dun-
cker"]). Gender masculine. Oostethus manadensis (Bleeker, 1856)
Oostethus Hubbs, 1929: 3 (type species: Doryichthys linea- Syngnathus manadensis Bleeker, 1856f: 78 (type locality:
tus Kaup, 1856b: 59, by original designation). Gender Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado; syntypes [5, 66–80 mm
masculine. TL]: RMNH 7248 [4], BMNH 1867.11.28.357 [1], Daw-
Taxonomic notes. Treated as subgenus of Microphis by son, 1984: 159)
Dawson (1985). Doryichthys bernsteini Bleeker, 1867a: 398, pl. 21 (type
locality: Indonesia: Halmahera; holotype [212 mm TL]:
Oostethus brachyurus (Bleeker, 1854) RMNH 7245, Dawson, 1984: 160)
Doryichthys Hasselti Kaup, 1853: 233 (nomen nudum) Doryichthys stictorhynchus Ogilby, 1912: 34 (type locality:
? Doryichthys pristipeltis Kaup, 1853: 234 (nomen nudum) Australia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM
Doryichthys millepunctatus Kaup, 1853: 234 (nomen nu- I.1552 [ex AFAQ 1741], Dawson, 1984: 160)
Doryichthys auronitens Kaup, 1853: 234 (nomen nudum) Oostethus pleurostictus (Peters, 1868)
Syngnathus brachyurus Bleeker, 1854h: 16 (type locality: Microphis pleurostictus Peters, 1868b: 278 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] and Panimbang / Philippines: Luzon: Province S. Camarine: Lake Batu /
Sumatra: Priaman [material mixed, therefore no exact Province Albay: creek Yassot; syntypes: ZMB 6633 [8],
locality for lectotype]; lectotype: RMNH 7249, desig- 6634 [?], 6692 [2], BMNH 1868.7.10.1 [5], MNHN 6036
nated by Dawson, 1979: 469) [3], Dawson, 1984: 162, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Syngnathus polyacanthus Bleeker, 1856f: 77 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado; syntypes [2, 85–90]:
RMNH 7246 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Syngnathus Linnaeus, 1758 gnathus fuscus Storer, 1839: 504, by original designa-
Syngnathus Linnaeus, 1758: 336 (type species: Syngnathus tion). Gender masculine.
acus Linnaeus, 1758: 337, by subsequent designation Nomenclatural notes. Syngnathus Rafinesque-Schmaltz,
by Fowler, 1906: 93, also by ICZN, 1912c: 101 [Opin- 1810 is included in the above synonymy only because it has
ion 45], 1922b: 73 [Opinion 77], 1956: 340 [Declaration been placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid
56], 1958b: 177 [Direction 100]). Gender masculine. Generic Names in Zoology by ICZN (1956b: 346 [Direc-
Tiphle Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18 (type species: Tiphle tion 56]). I do not see the justification for placing the name
hexagonus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18, by subse- in the Index as this is not a new genus in Rafinesque but
quent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 78). clearly Syngnathus Linnaeus ("I leave the name Syngnathus
Gender feminine. for the division of this Linnean genus that has the above
Siphostoma Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18 (type species: characters, which includes, beside the next species, the
Syngnathus pelagicus Linnaeus, 1758: 337, by subse- S. aequorum of Linnaeus").
quent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 761). There are mentions of a genus "Typhle Lacepède, 1800"
Gender neuter. in mammals but no bibliographic reference is given. The only
Typhle Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 36 (incorrect subse- mention of a 'typhle' in mammals in any work of Lacepède is
quent spelling of Tiphle Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18) in the discussion of Caecilia branderiana La Cepède, 1800:
Syngnathus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810b: 57 (listed as jun- 136, in which he mentioned "a mammal called typhle" but
ior homonym of Syngnathus Linnaeus, 1758: 336 and this is not a new genus name (=Mus typhus according to
placed on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Gener- Desmarest, 1819: 72 [typhle is used as a vernacular in Des-
ic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1956b: 346 [Direction 56]; marest] = Spalax zemni Erxleben, 1777, a mole rat).
but the name does not exist, see Nomenclatural notes).
Typhlinus Rafinesque, 1815: 90 (nomen nudum). Syngnathus schlegeli Kaup, 1853
Typhle Agassiz, 1845a: 65 (unjustified emendation of Ti- Syngnathus tenuirostris Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 273,
phle Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18). Gender feminine. pl. 120, fig. 5 (type locality: Japan; holotype: RMNH, lost,
Siphonostoma Agassiz, 1846: 342 (unjustified emendation Boeseman, 1947: 195; junior primary homonym of Syng-
of Siphostoma Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18). Gen- nathus tenuirostris Rathke, 1837: 313, pl. 2 figs. 11–12)
der neuter. Syngnathus Schlegeli Kaup, 1853: 232 (replacement name
Siphonostomus Kaup, 1856b: 48, 49 (incorrect subsequent for Syngnathus tenuirostris Temminck & Schlegel, 1847:
spelling of Siphostoma Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 18). 273)
Gender masculine. Syngnathus acusimilis Günther, 1873c: 380 (type locality:
Dermatostethus Gill, 1862f: 283 (type species: Dermato- China: Chefoo; syntypes: BMNH 1873.9.23.28–31 [4],
stethus punctipinnis Gill, 1862f: 283, by monotypy; also Dawson, 1985: 189)
spelt Dermatosthus p. 283, an inadvertent error, thus in- Syngnathus schlegeli soldatovi Lindberg, in Soldatov &
correct original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender Lindberg, 1930: 79, fig. 22 (type locality: Russia: Peter
masculine. The Great Bay; syntypes: ZISP 12611 [10], 12612 [11],
Syrictes Jordan & Evermann, 1927: 504 (type species: Syn- 13115 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Synbranchidae Swainson, 1838 locality: India: Abor Hills: Upper Rotung, alt. 2000 ft;
Synbranchidae Swainson, 1838: 216, 222 (type genus: Syn- syntypes [6]: ZSI F 7830/1–7834/1 [5], 7838/1 [1], Me-
branchus Bloch, 1795: 86) non & Yazdani, 1968: 133)
Pneumabranchini Bleeker, 1865a: 117 (type genus: Pneum-
abranchus M'Clelland, 1844a: 410)
Amphipnoina Günther, 1870: 12 (type genus: Amphipnous Macrotrema Regan, 1912
Müller, 1840: 117) Macrotrema Regan, 1912b: 390 (type species: Symbranchus
Monopteridae Cope, 1871: 455 (type genus: Monopterus caligans Cantor, 1849: 1316, by monotypy). Gender
La Cepède, 1800: 138, 139) neuter.
Macrotreminae Rosen & Greenwood, 1976: 49 (type ge-
nus: Macrotrema Regan, 1912b: 390) Macrotrema caligans (Cantor, 1849)
Nomenclatural notes. Synonymy not complete. Symbranchus caligans Cantor, 1849: 1316, pl. 7 figs. 1–3
(type locality: Malaysia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes [2]:
Species incertae sedis BMNH 1860.3.19.943 [1, listed as holotype by Rosen
Moringua hodgarti Chaudhuri, 1913: 255, pl. 9 fig. 3 (type & Greenwood, 1976: 50])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
hidden under this name. Matsumoto et al. (2010) reported Pluto Hubbs, 1938: 291 (type species: Pluto infernalis
large molecular differences between three populations, as Hubbs, 1938: 292, by original designation; junior hom-
well as differences in reproductive biology, suggesting that onym of Pluto Pate, 1937: 51 in Hymenoptera). Gender
at least 3 species are involved, one in East Asia (China from masculine.
Shanghai northwards, Japan, Korea), one in the Ryukyu Is- Furmastix Whitley, 1951a: 67 (replacement name for Pluto
lands, and at least one in Southeast Asia (from Fujian [Chi- Hubbs, 1938: 291). Gender feminine.
na] to Indonesia). The Southeast Asian populations may in Anommatophasma Mees, 1962b: 27 (type species: Anom-
fact represent several species. The name M. albus must be matophasma candidum Mees, 1962b: 27, by original
retained for the East Asian species. The oldest name for the designation). Gender neuter.
Southeast Asian species is M. javanensis, and there is no
name available for the Ryukyu species. This is congruent Ophisternon bengalense McClelland, 1844
with the observation of Collins (2002). Ophisternon bengalensis McClelland, 1844b: 197, 204, 220,
[Muraena alba Zuiew, 1793: 299, pl. 7 fig. 2 (type locality: unknown [as- pl. 11 fig. 1 (type locality: India: Bengal ["lectotype":
sumed to be Asiatic Russia; Nichols, 1943]; syntypes [2 ("ambo")]: Hoogly River]; lectotype: BMNH 1860.3.19.765, des-
ZISP [from Dhalbergh's collection])].
ignated by Rosen & Greenwood, 1976: 51 is apparently
not part of type series; McClelland did not list speci-
Ophisternon McClelland, 1844 mens and description is apparently based on a single
Ophisternon McClelland, 1844b: 175, 197 (type species: specimen 2 feet long])
Ophisternon bengalensis McClelland, 1844b: 197, by ? Ophisternon hepaticus McClelland, 1844b: 198, 204, 221,
subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: pl. 11 fig. 2 (type locality: Burma: Arrakan coast; holo-
342). Gender neuter. type (?): LU)
Tetrabranchus Bleeker, 1851j: 69 (type species: Tetrabran- Tetrabranchus microphthalmus Bleeker, 1851j: 69 (type
chus microphthalmus Bleeker, 1851j: 69, by monotypy). locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Ban-
Gender masculine. jarmasin; holotype [240 mm TL]: LU)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Chendol Kottelat & Lim, 1994 Nagaichthys filipes Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991
Chendol Kottelat & Lim, 1994: 183 (type species: Chendol Nagaichthys filipes Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991c: 285,
keelini Kottelat & Lim, 1994: 183, by original designa- fig. 6 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
tion). Gender masculine. Barat: Sungei Pinyuh, 8 km SE of Anjungan on road to
Pontianak, 0°20'N 109°08'E; holotype: ZRC 38454 [was
Chendol keelini Kottelat & Lim, 1994 on loan as ZSM 27979])
Chendol keelini Kottelat & Lim, 1994: 183, figs. 2–3 (type
locality: Malaysia: Selangor: 800 m from road junction
to Batu Arang on road from Rawang to Kuala Selangor; Pillaia Yazdani, 1972
holotype: ZRC 16829) Pillaia Yazdani, 1972: 134 (type species: Pillaia indica
Yazdani, 1972: 134, by original designation). Gender
Chendol lubricus Kottelat & Lim, 1994 feminine.
Chendol lubricus Kottelat & Lim, 1994: 186, fig. 5 (type Garo Yazdani & Talwar, 1981: 287 (type species: Pillaia
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Ma- khajuriai Talwar, Yazdani & Kundu, 1977: 53, by origi-
hakam basin: Sungei Behernas, a blackwater tributary nal designation). Gender masculine.
of Mahakam River entering it immediately upriver of
Merimun, 0°05'S 115°47'N; holotype: MZB 5899) Pillaia kachinica Kullander, Britz & Fang, 2000
Pillaia kachinica Kullander, Britz & Fang, 2000: 328, fig. 1
(type locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Ayeyarwaddy
Nagaichthys Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991 River drainage, Myitkyina, Nan Kywe Chaung under
Nagaichthys Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 1991c: 284 (type bridge on road south to Mogaung; 25°20'20"N
species: Nagaichthys filipes Kottelat & Lim, in Kottelat, 97°16'57"E; holotype: NRM 40671)
1991c: 285, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Mastacembelidae Swainson, 1839 valid (Code art. 11.7.2). Otherwise, it would be available
Mastecemblinae Swainson, 1839: 175 (type genus: Masta- from Bleeker (1859l: xxiii).
cembelus Scopoli, 1777: 458; Mastecemblus is an erro-
neous subsequent spelling; correct stem is Mastacem- Macrognathus La Cepède, 1800
bel– and correct spelling is Mastacembelidae) Macrognathus La Cepède, 1800: 283 (type species: Ophi-
Rhynchobdelloiden Bleeker, 1850 (shared cover for Blee- dium aculeatum Bloch, 1786: 72, by subsequent desig-
ker, 1850f and 1850g; type genus: Rhynchobdella Bloch, nation by Bleeker, 1865e: 217). Gender masculine.
in Schneider, 1801: 478; originally not latinized but avail- Rhynchobdella Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 478 (type spe-
able under Code art. 11.7.2; also in Troschel, 1852: 90) cies: Ophidium aculeatum Bloch, 1786: 72, by subse-
Macrognathidae Fowler, 1904b: 501 (type genus: Macrog- quent designation by Bleeker, 1865e: 217; spelt Rynchob-
nathus La Cepède, 1800: 283) della in index p. liv [xliv], an inadvertent error, thus in-
Afromastacembelinae Travers, 1984b: 144 (type genus: Afro- correct original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender fem-
mastacembelus Travers, 1984b: 145) inine.
Nomenclatural notes. The family-group name Rhynchob- Rhynchophorus van Hasselt, in Bleeker, 1853o: 98 (not avail-
dellidae is available from the shared cover page of Bleeker, able, name listed in synonymy)
1850f and 1850g. The two papers have separate titles but Pararhynchobdella Bleeker, 1874a: 368 (type species: Mas-
are printed as a single brochure. Some copies were distrib- tacembelus maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
uted as preprints and have a cover with the title "Bijdrage 1832: 461, by original designation). Gender feminine.
tot de kennis der Teuthieden en Rhynchobdelloiden van den Bdellorhynchus Jordan & Tanaka, 1927: 391 (type species:
Soenda-Molukschen archipel". Unfortunately I have not Mastacembelus maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci-
been able to see a copy but this preprint is cited by Troschel ennes, 1832: 461, by original designation; misidentified
(1852: 90) and as books received in the minutes of meet- type species, in fact Sinobdella sinensis Bleeker, 1870b:
ings of the Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch In- 249 [see below]; M. maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Va-
dië in Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 4: lenciennes, 1832: 461 is here fixed as the type species of
211 (1853) and 6: 10 (1854) (Kottelat, 2011a). If not ac- Bdellorhynchus under Code art. 70.3.1). Gender mascu-
cepted as available from Bleeker in 1850, then its usage by line.
Troschel (1852: 90) makes the name available. Nomenclatural notes. Jordan & Tanaka (1927: 391) listed
That Rhynchobdelloiden was not latinized in 1850 does the type species of Bdellorhynchus as Mastacembelus ma-
not affect its availability, because it was published before culatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 461, a
1900, has been latinized by later authors, and accepted as South-East Asian species. Thus, judging from the origin of
the material examined by Jordan & Tanaka [Taiwan], they ? Rhynchobdella ocillata Mason, 1850: 308 (type locality:
cannot have examined M. maculatus [absent in Taiwan] but Myanmar: Tenasserim; types: NT; technically an avail-
must instead have examined Sinobdella sinensis (Bleeker, able name based on Tenasserim material, although
1870b: 249). They probably confused M. maculatus Cuvier guessed to be an incorrect subsequent spelling of Rhyn-
with its junior homonym M. maculatus Dabry de Thiersant, chobdella ocellata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1872: 186, which is a junior synonym of S. sinensis. Under 1832: 445 or Ophidium aculeatum Bloch, 1786: 72)
Code art. 70.3.1, M. maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valen- ? Rhynchobdella dhanashorii Hora, 1921a: 205, fig. 5, pl. 9
ciennes, is fixed here as type species of Bdellorhynchus. fig. 2 (type locality: India: Assam: Dhanashori stream,
about 1 mile from Dimapur; holotype: ZSI F 9989/1,
Macrognathus aculeatus (Bloch, 1786) Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 162)
Ophidium aculeatum Bloch, 1786: 261, pl. 159 fig. 2 (based Macrognathus jammuensis Malhotra & Dutta, 1975: 156,
on material and on vijfoog of Nieuhof, 1682: (2) 278, fig. 2 (type locality: India: Jammu: Small Nallaha near
Willughby, 1686: appendix p. 6, pl. 10 fig. 1 [viis oog, Salhar; holotype: Dept. Biosciences, Univ. Jammu)
pentopthalmos; East Indies; from Nieuhof, 1682: (2) Rhynchobdella rostratus Paepke, 1999: 98 (not available,
278], Ray, 1713: 152, n. 19 [as Willughby, 1686], [P. L. name listed in synonymy)
S.] Müller, 1774: 60, pl. 4 fig. 4 [figure from Willughby, ? Macrognathus jacobbi Tekriwal & Rao, 1999: 56, 133,
1686]; type locality: Indonesia: Java: Java Timur: Kali fig. (nomen nudum; locality: India: North Bengal)
Brantas basin: channelized stream through drained
(formerly swampy) area at Campurdarat south to Tulun- Macrognathus aureus Britz, 2010
gagung; 8°10'S 111°20'E [original type locality: fresh- Macrognathus aureus Britz, 2010: 56, figs. 1–2 (type local-
waters of Eastern India]; neotype: ZRC 49866, desig- ity: Myanmar: Kachin State: small hill stream near Sa
nated by Kottelat & Widjanarti, 2005: 168, fig. 15) Mow, 14 miles on road from Mogaung to Taung Ni, Aye-
Rhynchobdella orientalis Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 478 yarwaddy drainage; holotype: BMNH 2010.5.24.26)
(type locality: Indonesia: Java: Java Timur: Kali Bran-
tas basin: channelized stream through drained (formerly Macrognathus caudiocellatus (Boulenger, 1893)
swampy) area at Campurdarat south to Tulungagung; Mastacembelus caudiocellatus Boulenger, 1893: 199 (type
8°10'S 111°20'E [original type locality: "Eastern India locality: Burma: Southern Shan States: Fort Stedman; syn-
near Ceylon"]; neotype: ZRC 49866, designated by types [5]: BMNH 1893.6.30.130–132 [3], Sufi, 1956: 111)
Pethiyagoda et al., 2008c: 43 [lectotype is lost; it was
the model of Bloch, 1786: pl. 159 fig. 2; designated by Macrognathus circumcinctus (Hora, 1924)
Pethiyagoda et al., 2008c: 43]) Mastacembelus circumcinctus Hora, 1924a: 475, fig. 3 (type
Ophidium Rostratum Shaw, 1803b: 73, pl. 7 (based on locality: Thailand: mouth of Patelung River, inner lake
Ophidium aculeatum of Gmelin, 1789: 1147 [itself based of Thale Sap; holotype: ZSI F 10342/1, Menon &
on Bloch, Willughby and Nieuhof], Ophidium aculea- Yazdani, 1968: 161)
tum Bloch, 1786: 72 ["60" is page number of French ? Mastacembelus taeniagaster Fowler, 1935a: 136, figs. 97–
Edition], pl. 159 fig. 2, and Willughby, 1686: appendix 101 (type locality: Thailand: Chantaboon [Chantaburi];
p. 6, pl. 10 fig. 1 [viis oog, pentopthalmos; East Indies; holotype: ANSP 59852)
figure from Nieuhof, 1682: (2) 278]; type locality: not
stated ["freshwaters of East Indies"]; types: LU; BMNH Macrognathus dorsiocellatus Britz, 2010
uncat. listed as holotype by Roberts, 1980: 388 cannot Macrognathus dorsiocellatus Britz, 2010a: 296, fig. 2 (type
have type status as name obviously based on [or on same locality: Myanmar: Bago Division: roadside stream about
sources as] O. aculeatum Bloch, 1786: 72 [now BMNH 64 km on road from Taungoo to Nyaunglaybin,
2006.4.5.4, Eschmeyer, 2010]) 18°19'05"N 96°30'07"E; holotype: NRM 60293)
Macrognathus ocellatus Hamilton, 1822: 29 (unnecessary
replacement name for Ophidium aculeatum Bloch, 1786: Macrognathus keithi (Herre, 1940)
72) Mastacembelus keithi Herre, 1940a: 24, pl. 19 (type locali-
Rhynchobdella Tetrophthalmus Paepke, 1999: 98 (not avail- ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: brook tributary of Segali-
able, name listed in synonymy) ud River, a stream entering Sandakan Bay; holotype:
CAS-SU 33016, Böhlke, 1953: 143)
Macrognathus aral (Schneider, 1801)
Rhynchobdella aral Schneider, 1801: 479, pl. 89 (type lo- Macrognathus maculatus (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci-
cality: India: rivers of Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, ennes, 1832)
11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; lectotype: ZMB 1420, designated Mastacembelus maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
by Paepke, 1999: 98, pl. 22 fig. 1) nes, 1832: 461 (type locality: Indonesia: Moluccas [East
Rhynchobdella ocellata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Indies]; syntypes: MNHN 5378 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
1832: 445, pl. 239 (type locality: India: Bengal, Mastacembelus maculatus var. chrysogaster Bleeker, 1852c:
Pondicherry; syntypes: MNHN A.4810 [1], A.4811 [1], 93 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor],
Eschmeyer, 2011 and material listed in the cited refer- Tjipannas / Sumatra: Pajacombo, Solok; syntypes [num-
ences; secondary junior homonym of Macrognathus ber not stated; total for varieties dictyogaster and chryso-
ocellatus Hamilton, 1822: 29) gaster: 16, 125–280 mm TL]: ? RMNH)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Mastacembelus maculatus var. dictyogaster Bleeker, 1852c: Macrognathus tapirus Kottelat & Widjanarti, 2005
93 (type locality: Indonesia: Belitung; syntypes [num- Mastacembelus paucispinis Fowler, 1939b: 75, fig. 23 (type
ber not stated; total for varieties dictyogaster and chryso- locality: Thailand: waterfall at Trang; holotype: ANSP
gaster: 16, 125–280 mm TL]: ? RMNH) 68517, Böhlke, 1984: 127; primary junior homonym of
Rhynchophorus ocellatus Bleeker, 1853o: 98 (not available, Mastacembelus paucispinis Boulenger, 1899a: 55, pl. 28
name listed in synonymy) fig. 3)
Mastacembelus vaillanti Fowler, 1905a: 491, fig. 8 (type Macrognathus tapirus Kottelat & Widjanarti, 2005: 167 (re-
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; ho- placement name for Mastacembelus paucispinis Fow-
lotype: ANSP 114888 [formerly WIAP 14206, not ler, 1939b: 75)
14150], Böhlke, 1984: 127)
Mastacembelus billitonensis de Beaufort, 1939: 194 (type Macrognathus zebrinus (Blyth, 1858)
locality: Indonesia: Billiton [Belitung] / Sumatra: Lam- Mastacembelus zebrinus Blyth, 1858b: 281 (type locality:
pung: Wai Lima; syntypes [6]: ZMA 111.583 [3], Nijs- Burma: Moulmein; syntypes: ? ZSI)
sen et al., 1993: 234)
ennes, 1832: 461 (type locality: India: Mysore; syntypes: than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Atack, 2006: 87;
MNHN 5348 [2, listed as holotype by Sufi, 1956: 138]) (2) Britz & Kottelat, 2003: 4; (3) Imaki et al., 1981: 43;
? Mastacembelus armatus Sykes, 1839a [May]: 158 (type (4) Jeanes, K. & E. Meijaard, 2000: 182; (5–6) Kottelat,
locality: India: Deccan; types: BMNH ?; junior second- 1985a: 275, 1989: 20; (7) Kottelat & Lim, 1995: 249;
ary homonym of Macrognathus armatus La Cepède, 1800: (8) Kottelat & Widjanarti, 2005: 169; (9) Kottelat et al.,
286; also in Sykes, 1839b: 55, 1841: 350, pl. 60 fig. 2) 1993: 168; (10) Mohsin & Ambak, 1983: 238; (11) P. K. L.
Mastacembelus venosus Valenciennes, in Jacquemont, 1839 Ng & Tan, 1997: 81; (12) H. H. Ng & Tan, 1999: 364;
[after Oct]: pl. 14 fig. 1 (type locality: India; holotype: (13) Nguyen [P. B. H.] et al., 2007: unpaginated; (14) Ngu-
MNHN 5702, Daget, 1984: 515) yen [V. H.], 2005b: 131; (15) Puripong & Ukkatawewat,
Macrognathus caudatus M'Clelland & Griffith, in 1987: 130; (16–17) Rainboth, 1996b: 180, 2013: pl. 54;
M'Clelland, 1842a: 586 (type locality: "Afghanistan"; (18) Riehl & Baensch, 1997: 848; (19–20) Roberts, 1986b:
holotype: BMNH 1860.3.19.918) 105, 1989: 181; (21) Sterba, 1987: 873; (22) Travers, 1984b:
Macrognathus Hamiltonii M'Clelland, 1844a: 393 (avail- 143; (23) Vidthayanon, 2004: 191; (24) Vidthayanon et al.,
able by indication to Macrognathus armatus of Hamil- 1997: 51; (25) Vreven, 2005: 354.
ton, 1822: 28, 364, pl. 37 fig. 6; type locality: India: riv-
ers of Bengal; types: NT) Mastacembelus favus Hora, 1923
Mastacembelus Malabaricus Jerdon, 1848: 147 (type lo- Mastacembelus armatus var. favus Hora, 1923b: 180 (type
cality: India: Malabar; types: ? NT) locality: Thailand: Nontaburi / Talé Sap: mouth of Pata-
Mastacembelus hodgsonii Günther, 1861a: 543 (not avail- lung River [Hora, 1924a: 474]; syntypes: ZSI F 10340/
able, a museum name listed in synonymy) 14 [1], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 161; also in Hora,
Mastacembelus manipurensis Hora, 1921a: 206, pl. 9 fig. 3 1924a: 474, fig. 2)
(type locality: India: Manipur: Khurda stream near
Thanga Island; holotype: ZSI F 9990/1 [Hora, 1921a: Mastacembelus notophthalmus Roberts, 1989
207] or 13630/1 [Sufi, 1956: 138, Menon & Yazdani, Mastacembelus notophthalmus Roberts, 1989: 181 (type
1968: 161]) locality: Malaysia: Perak: Tapah Fisheries Station; ho-
Mastacembelus triolobus Zhou & Yang, in Yang & Zhou, lotype: CAS-SU 39403)
2011: 329, fig. 4 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Tengchon
County: Tuantian, 24°41'N 98°39'N; holotype: KIZ Mastacembelus oatesii Boulenger, 1893
764223) Mastacembelus Oatesii Boulenger, 1893: 199 (type locali-
ty: Burma: Southern Shan States: Fort Stedman; synty-
Mastacembelus dayi Boulenger, 1912 pes [8]: BMNH 1893.6.30.113–118 [6], FMNH 5707 [1],
Mastacembelus dayi Boulenger, 1912: 200 (based on Mas- Sufi, 1956: 126, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 55)
tacembelus unicolor sensu Day, 1876a: 339, pl. 72 fig. 2
and Vinciguerra, 1890: 179; type locality: Burma: Mastacembelus pantherinus Britz, 2007
Rangoon / Mandalay; syntypes: specimen figured by Day Mastacembelus pantherinus Britz, 2007: 263, figs. 5–6 (type
and MCSNG [3, Vinciguerra's specimens]) locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Lake Indawgyi: lower
300 m of Nant Yen Khan Chaung, affluent of Lake In-
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia Bleeker, 1850 dawgy, little south of Lonton village; 25°06'00"N
Mastacembelus catenatus Heckel, 1848d: 248, 1848f: 360 96°16'59"E; holotype: NRM 55321)
(type locality: Borneo; holotype: NMW 73350, Roberts,
1989: 181; spelling M. eatenatus [p. 248] is an incorrect Mastacembelus tinwini Britz, 2007
original spelling, see erratum p. 360 [Code art. 32.5.1]; Mastacembelus tinwini Britz, 2007: 258, figs. 2–3 (type lo-
here declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, cality: Myanmar: Mon State: Thaton market; holotype:
as it has not been used as a valid name after 1899 [Code NRM 55468)
art.], and Mastacembelus erythrotaenia Blee- ? Mastacembelus strigiventus Zhou & Yang, in Yang &
ker, 1850g: 20 has been used in at least 25 works in the Zhou, 2011: 328, fig. 3 (type locality: China: Yunnan:
last 50 years [Code art.]) Yingjiang County: Nabang, 24°40'N 97°34'N; holotype:
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia Bleeker, 1850g: 20 (type lo- KIZ 7801024)
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjar-
masin; holotype [301 mm TL]: RMNH 6437 [1 of 6], Mastacembelus undulatus (M'Clelland, 1844)
Sufi, 1956: 132; here declared a nomen protectum under Macrognathus undulatus M'Clelland, 1844a: 393, 398, pl. 22
Code art. 23.9.2, used in at least 25 works in the last 50 fig. 1 (type locality: China: Chusan Island [Zhoushan
years, listed under Nomenclatural notes [Code art. Dao] [doubtful, probably India; Rendahl, 1927a: 180,]; also in Bleeker, 1850i: 10) Ng & Kottelat, 2005: 18]; types: LU)
Mastacembelus argus Günther, 1861a: 542 (type locality: Thai- ? Mastacembelus thacbaensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 705
land; holotype: BMNH 1859.7.1.46, Eschmeyer, 2011) ? Mastacembelus thacbaensis Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen
Nomenclatural notes. List of 25 works in which Masta- [H. D.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005b: 633, fig. 4 (type lo-
cembelus erythrotaenia Bleeker, 1850 is used as a valid cality: Vietnam: Yen Bai Province: Yen Binh District:
name, published by at least 10 authors, in the immediately Thac Ba reservoir; holotype: NCNTTSI; authors listed
preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of not less as "Duc, Hao & Van" in caption of fig. 4)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Paracentropogon Bleeker, 1876 Tetraroge barbata (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829)
Paracentropogon Bleeker, 1876i: 5, 66 (type species: Apis- Apistus barbatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b:
tus longispinis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829: 413 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bouana River near
408, by original designation; also in Bleeker, 1876j: 297). the sea [Jakarta]; holotype: RMNH 707, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Gender masculine. Apistus melas Bleeker, 1850j: 26 (type locality: Indonesia:
Daia Ogilby, 1903: 9 (type species: Centropogon indicus Sumatra: Padang; holotype [50 mm SL]: ? part of RMNH
Day, 1875: 155, by monotypy). Gender feminine. 5880 [5], Eschmeyer, 2011)
? Tetraroge albifrons Duncker & Mohr, 1929: 70 (type lo-
Paracentropogon longispinis (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valen- cality: New Guinea: east coast, Langemak Bay, fresh-
ciennes, 1829) water, immediately below the waterfall; lectotype: ZMH
Apistus longispinis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 145 [ex 11834], designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 167)
408 (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes: MNHN
5287 [4], ZMB 810 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 6, Paep- Tetraroge nigra (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829)
ke & Fricke, 1992: 268) Apistus niger Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 415
Apistus fusco-virens Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, (type locality: India: Pondicherry, mouth of Arian-
1829b: 409 (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes: Coupang River; syntypes: MNHN 6638 [2], Blanc &
apparently based only on notes and drawings; simulta- Hureau, 1968: 6)
neous subjective synonym of Apistus longispinis Cuvier, Apistus amblycephalus Bleeker, 1850j: 27 (type locality:
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 408, first reviser [ap- Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [66 mm SL]: part
parently Bleeker, 1876i: 68] gave precedence to A. lon- of RMNH 5887 [8], Eschmeyer, 2011)
gispinis) Apistus amblycephaloïdes Bleeker, 1853f: 250 (type locali-
? Apistus Bougainvillii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman; holotype [66 mm TL]:
1829b: 411 (type locality: not stated; holotype: MNHN part of RMNH 5887 [8], Eschmeyer, 2010)
5255, Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 5–6; simultaneous sub- Tetraroge albomarginata Perugia, 1896: 51 (type locality:
jective synonym of Apistus longispinis Cuvier, in Cu- Indonesia: Mentawai Island: Sereinu River; syntypes [3]:
vier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 408, apparently no first re- MCSNG 12575 [3], Tortonese, 1963b: 346)
viser action, precedence given here to A. longispinis)
Apistus multicolor Richardson, 1848b: 3, pl. 4 figs. 3–4 (type
locality: Sea of China; syntypes [2]: LU) Trichosomus Swainson, 1839
? Apistus hypselopterus Bleeker, 1851n: 238 (type locality: Trichosomus Swainson, 1839: 180, 265 (subgenus of Apis-
Indonesia: Banda: Banda Neira; holotype: RMNH 5878) tus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 391; type
? Apistus leucoprosopos Bleeker, 1856b: 35 (type locality: species: Apistus trachinoides Cuvier, in Cuvier & Va-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
lenciennes, 1829b: 401, by subsequent designation by Trichosomus trachinoides (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Swain, 1883: 277; spelt Trichosoma on pp. 65, 71, first ennes, 1829)
reviser [Eschmeyer, 1990: 412] retained Trichosomus as Apistus trachinoides Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
correct original spelling; not a homonym of Trichosoma 1829b: 401, pl. 92 fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Java;
Swainson, 1838: 281; not a homonym of Trichosoma syntypes: MNHN 4610–4611 [3], 6643 [2], RMNH 708
Rudolphi, 1819: 13 in Vermes). Gender masculine. [1], 28736 [or 28789, 1], ? SMF 497 [1], Blanc & Hureau,
Vespicula Jordan & Richardson, 1910: 52 (type species: 1968: 7, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Prosopodasys gogorzae Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 792, by Prosopodasys Bottae Sauvage, 1878c: 132, pl. 1 fig. 11 (type
original designation). Gender feminine. locality: Red Sea [erroneous ?]; holotype: MNHN 6753,
Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 8)
Prosopodasys gogorzae Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 792, fig. 11
(type locality: Philippines: southern shore of Negros;
holotype: USNM 52054)
Taxonomic notes. See Eschmeyer & Rama Rao (1973) for 1905a: 224] gave precedence to Trachicephalus). Gen-
a synopsis of the family. der feminine.
Polycaulus Günther, 1860: 175 (type species: Synanceia
Leptosynanceia Bleeker, 1874 elongata Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 456, by mono-
Leptosynanceia Bleeker, 1874d: 17 (type species: Syanceia typy; objective junior synonym of Trachicephalus Swain-
asteroblepa Richardson, 1844a: 69, by monotypy). Gen- son, 1839: 181, 268). Gender masculine.
der feminine. Uranoblepus Gill, 1861a: 5 (unnecessary replacement name
for Trachicephalus Swainson, 1839: 268). Gender mas-
Leptosynanceia asteroblepa (Richardson, 1844) culine.
Synanceia asteroblepa Richardson, 1844a: 69, pl. 39 figs. 1–
3 (type locality: coast of New Guinea; syntypes: LU) Trachicephalus uranoscopus (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
Leptosynanceia greenmani Fowler, 1905a: 507, fig. 12 (type Synanceia uranoscopa Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 195, 573
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; ho- (type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi,
lotype: ANSP 114884 [formerly WIAP 2349], Böhlke, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; syntypes, ZMB 824 [2], Paepke,
1984: 153) 1999: 145)
Synanceia elongata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1829b: 456 (type locality: India: Coromandel, Pondicher-
Trachicephalus Swainson, 1839 ry / Indonesia: Java; syntypes: MNHN A.905 [3], A.980
Trachicephalus Swainson, 1839: 181, 268 (subgenus of [1], ? SMF 1394 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 28, Esch-
Synanceia Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: xxxvii, 194, 573 meyer, 2011)
[incorrect subsequent spelling Synanchia in Swainson, Uranoscopus indicus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1839: 180, 267]; type species: Synanceia elongata Cu- 1829b: 456 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 456, by monoty- Synanceia breviceps Richardson, 1845a: 71 (type locality:
py; not junior homonym of Trachycephalus Tschudi, China Seas; syntypes [4]: BMNH [1], Cambridge Philo-
1838: 33, 74 in Amphibia). Gender masculine. sophical Society [3])
Trichophasia Swainson, 1839: 61 (an alternative name for Uranoscopus adhaesipinnis Blyth, 1860b: 142 (type local-
Trachicephalus Swainson, 1839: 268, first reviser [Gill, ity: India: Calcutta markets; syntypes: ZSI ASB 119,
Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 146)
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below Inego- senior subjective synonym of I. japonica (Cuvier, in Cuvier
cia japonica is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thai- & Valenciennes, 1829); Imamura & Nagao (2011: 167) de-
land) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was clared them nomen oblitum and nomen protectum, respec-
inland or at sea. tively, under Code art. 23.9.2. They overlooked the exist-
Nomenclatural notes. Silurus imberbis Gmelin, 1789 is a ence of Centranodon japonicus La Cepède, 1803: 138, 139
(a replacement name for Silurus imberbis Gmelin, 1789: by Krusenstern (1812: iv). The first use of the name P. cro-
1361; itself based on the invalid Silurus inermis Houttuyn, codilus is by Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256),
1782: 338) and Sphyraena japonica Bloch, in Schneider, with a description based only on the plate. The same applies
1801: 110 (a replacement name for Silurus inermis Hout- to P. japonicus. The type locality of both is Nagasaki be-
tuyn, 1782: 338); both are senior subjective synonyms of cause Rezanov's embassy was confined there. Further, Langs-
Platycephalus japonicus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, dorff (1812: 260) explicitly mentioned that the only possible
1829b: 256 and Sphyraena japonica would also be a senior scientific activity of the embassy was that Tilesius and he
secondary homonym once transferred to Platycephalus or could examine the fish supplied as food and that they man-
Inegocia. To my knowledge, Centranodon japonicus and aged to bribe the Japanese officer in charge of food supplies
Sphyraena japonica have not been used after 1899 and are to bring each time different species of fishes. Part of this
here declared nomina oblita under Code art. 23.9.2 and conclusion was also reached by Imamura & Yoshino (2009).
P. japonicus is declared a nomen protectum. Imamura & [Platycephalus crocodilus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256
Nagao (2011: 167) listed 26 references in which P. japoni- (based on Krusenstern, 1814: pl. 59 fig. 2; type locality: Japan: Na-
gasaki; holotype: specimen on which figure is based; not an adjective
cum is used as the name of a valid species in the last 50 but a noun in apposition)].
years. The designation of a common neotype would defini-
tively fix the synonymy. Cocciella punctata (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
[Inegocia Jordan & Thompson, 1913: 70 (type species: Platycephalus 1829)
japonicus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256, type by orig-
inal designation). Gender feminine]. Platycephalus punctatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
[Platycephalus japonicus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256 1829b: 243 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trincomalee / Va-
(based on Krusenstern, 1814: pl. 59 fig. 1; type locality: Japan: Na- nicolo [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E] / and material of
gasaki; holotype: specimen on which figure is based; declared a Péron of unknown locality; syntypes: MNHN 6836 [1],
nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2 by Imamura & Nagao, 2011:
167 and here; see list of 26 usages by at least 10 authors, in the imme- 6851 [1], 6852 [1], Knapp, 1996: 24)
diately preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of not less than Platycephalus malabaricus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
10 years in Imamura & Nagao, 2011: 167 [Code art.])]. nes, 1829b: 245 (type locality: India: Mahe; holotype:
[Silurus Inermis Houttuyn, 1782: 338 (type locality: Japan [presumably MNHN 6848, Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 44; simultaneous
around Deshima [Nagasaki], Boeseman, 1995: 2]; types: lost, Boese-
man, 1995. 4; junior primary homonym of Silurus inermis Linné, 1766: subjective synonym of Platycephalus punctatus Cuvier,
503)]. in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 243, first reviser [ap-
[Silurus imberbis Gmelin, 1789: 1361 (based on Silurus inermis Hout- parently Imamura & Yoshino, 2009: 312] gave prece-
tuyn, 1782: 338; type locality: Japan [presumably around Deshima dence to P. punctatus)
[Nagasaki], Boeseman, 1995: 2]; types: lost, Boeseman, 1995. 4; not
a replacement name because the name S. inermis is not mentioned; Platycephalus Quoyi Bleeker, 1856k: 206 (type locality:
declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2 by Imamura & Na- Indonesia: Ternate, Ambon; syntypes [3, 155–198 mm
gao, 2011: 167)]. TL]: RMNH 5915 [2 of 3], Eschmeyer, 2011)
[Centranodon japonicus La Cepède, 1803: 138, 139 (unnecessary repla- Platycephalus fasciatus Günther, 1872d: 397 (type locality:
cement name for Silurus imberbis Gmelin, 1789: 1361; here declared
a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a Philippines: Bay of Manila; holotype: BMNH
valid name since 1899 [Code art.], and Platycephalus japoni- 1872.10.18.117, Knapp, 1996: 24)
cus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256 has been used in at Suggrundus hunti Fowler, 1937: 244, fig. 250 (type locali-
least 25 works in the last 50 years, see list of 26 usages in Imamura & ty: Thailand: Rayong; holotype: ANSP 68247)
Nagao, 2011: 167 [Code art.])].
[Sphyraena japonica Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 110 (unnecessary repla- Grammoplites jacksoni Fowler, 1944b: 175, figs. 25–26
cement name for Silurus inermis Houttuyn, 1782: 338; here declared (type locality: New Hebrides [Vanuatu]; holotype: ANSP
a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a 71382)
valid name since 1899 [Code art.], and Platycephalus japoni-
cus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 256 has been used in at
least 25 works in the last 50 years, see list of 26 usages in Imamura &
Nagao, 2011: 167 [Code art.])]. Cymbacephalus Fowler, 1938
Cymbacephalus Fowler, 1938a: 90 (type species: Platyce-
Cociella Whitley, 1940 phalus nematophthalmus Günther, 1860: 184, by origi-
Cocius Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 286 (type species: Platyce- nal designation). Gender masculine.
phalus crocodilus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1829b: 256, by original designation; junior homonym Cymbacephalus nematophthalmus Günther, 1860
of Cocius Navás, 1921: 296 in Neuroptera). Gender Platycephalus nematophthalmus Günther, 1860: 184 (type
masculine. locality: Australia: Port Essington / Victoria; syntypes
Cociella Whitley, 1940c: 243 (replacement name for Co- [2]: BMNH 1855.9.19.96 [1], 1858.12.27.28 [1], Esch-
cius Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 286). Gender feminine. meyer, 2011)
Nomenclatural notes. Revised by Knapp (1996). The au- Distribution notes. Inland water record from Singapore
thor of Platycephalus crocodilus is usually listed as "Tile- mangroves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.).
sius, 1812: pl. 59 fig. 2". This actually refers to Plate 59 in
Krusenstern (1814). This plate shows two species, both la-
belled "Platycephalus" but none with a species-group name Grammoplites Fowler, 1904
in Latin. They only have species names in Russian and there- Grammoplites Fowler, 1904b: 550 (type species: Cottus
fore there is no name available from these plates. The plate scaber Linnaeus, 1758: 265, by original designation).
is by Tilesius. There is no text for these plates, as explained Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Grammoplites scaber (Linnaeus, 1758) Planiprora Whitley, 1931c: 327 (type species: Platycepha-
Cottus scaber Linnaeus, 1758: 265 (type locality: not stated; lus fuscus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 241,
holotype: NRM LP 24, Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 234) by original designation). Gender feminine.
Platycephalus neglectus Troschel, 1840: 272 (type locality: Trudis Whitley, 1931c: 327 (type species: Platycephalus
India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N bassensis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829b: 247,
79°51'E]; syntypes [2]: ZMB 729 [1], Paepke & Fricke, by original designation). Gender feminine.
1992: 279) Longitrudis Whitley, 1931c: 327 (type species: Platycepha-
Platycephalus americanus Sauvage, 1878c: 148, pl. 2 fig. 3 lus longispinis Macleay, 1884b: 170, by original desig-
(type locality: U.S.A.: Potomac River [erroneous, real nation). Gender feminine.
locality unknown; Imamura, 1997: 427]; holotype: Colefaxia Whitley, 1935b: 249 (subgenus of Neoplatyce-
MNHN 6839, Blanc & Hureau, 1968: 41, Imamura, phalus Castelnau, 1872: 87; type species: Platycepha-
1997: 423, fig. 1) lus macrodon Douglas-Ogilby, 1885: 226, by monoty-
py). Gender feminine.
Ambassidae Klunzinger, 1870 clared a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, by
Bogodoidei Bleeker, 1856m: 13 (type genus: Bogoda Blee- Kottelat, 2003a: 17); also Ambassini Bleeker, 1874c: 85
ker, 1853o: 89; declared a nomen oblitum under Code Parambassidae Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 780 (type genus:
art. 23.9.2, by Kottelat, 2003a: 17) Parambassis Bleeker, 1874c: 86, 102)
Ambassoidei Klunzinger, 1870: 718 (type genus: Ambassis Chandidae Fowler, 1905a: 500 (type genus: Chanda Hamil-
Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 175, 176; de- ton, 1822: 103, 370)
Ambassis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828 er, 2011 [not Red Sea material supposedly misidentified
Ambassis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 175, 176 by Bleeker since there is no reference])
(type species: Centropomus ambassis La Cepède, 1802: Apogon roseus Fischer, 1884b: 66 (type locality: Mozam-
252, 273, by original designation). Gender feminine. bique coast; holotype: ZMH 3432)
Priopis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 503 Ambassis Gründleri Popta, 1918: 3 (type locality: Indone-
(type species: Priopis argyrozona Valenciennes, in Cu- sia: Sumbawa: Brang Nee River; holotype: SMF 13710,
vier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 503, by monotypy). Gen- Eschmeyer, 2011; incorrect original spelling, must be
der feminine. emended to gruendleri, Code art.
Ambassus Swainson, 1839: 18, 168 (incorrect subsequent Nomenclatural notes. The type series of Ambassis com-
spelling of Ambassis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, mersonii includes material now placed into four species
1828b: 175) (A. ambassis (La Cepède, 1802), A. gymnocephala (La
Ambasis Agassiz, 1846: 16 (unjustified emendation of Am- Cepède, 1802), A. nalua (Hamilton, 1822), A. safgha (For-
bassis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 175). skål, 1775)). A lectotype designation is needed to fix it as a
Gender feminine. junior synonym of one of these species.
Pseudoambassis Castelnau, 1878b: 43 (type species: [Sciaena safgha Forskål, 1775: xii, 53 (type locality: Red Sea; types: lost,
Pseudoambassis macleayi Castelnau, 1878b: 43, by sub- Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12)].
sequent designation by Jordan, 1919b: 393; not hom-
onym of Pseudambassis Bleeker, 1874c: 86). Gender Ambassis buruensis Bleeker, 1856
feminine. Ambassis buruënsis Bleeker, 1856g: 396 (type locality: In-
Blandowskiella Iredale & Whitley, 1932: 95 (unnecessary donesia: Buru: Kajeli; syntypes [3, 71–78 mm TL]:
replacement name for Pseudoambassis Castelnau, 1878b: BMNH 1880.4.21.94–95 [2])
43). Gender feminine.
Austrochanda Whitley, 1935a: 357 (unnecessary replace- Ambassis buton Popta, 1918
ment name for Pseudoambassis Castelnau, 1878b: 43). Ambassis buton Popta, 1918: 6 (type locality: Indonesia:
Gender feminine. Buton: Baubau River [5°29'S 122°39'E; see Elbert, 1911:
Priopidichthys Whitley, 1935a: 364 (type species: Pseudo- map 3]; syntypes [57]: SMF 13697 [1], 13698 [44], Esch-
ambassis ramsayi Macleay, 1881a: 340 [40 in 1884 edi- meyer, 2011)
tion], by original designation). Gender masculine.
Velambassis Whitley, 1935a: 365 (type species: Pseudoam- Ambassis gymnocephala (La Cepède, 1802)
bassis jacksoniensis Macleay, 1881a: 340 [40 in 1884 Lutjan gymnocéphale La Cepède, 1801: pl. 23 fig. 3 (not
edition], by original designation). Gender feminine. available, vernacular name)
Konopickia Whitley, 1937: 133 (type species: Ambassis Lutjanus gymnocephalus La Cepède, 1802: 181, 216 (based
muelleri Klunzinger, 1880: 346, by original designation). on a manuscript drawing by Commerson; type locality:
Gender feminine. India: Malabar coast [original type locality: "grand Océan
équinoxial, ou dans les parties de ce grand Océan voisines
Species inquirenda des tropiques" (great equinoxial Ocean or in the parts of
Bogoda infuscata Blyth, 1860b: 139 (type locality: Burma: this great Ocean near the tropics"; Indo-Pacific Ocean)];
Mutla River [Mutha ?]; holotype: ZSI ?) neotype: MNHN 9335, by present designation)
Ambassis dussumieri Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Ambassis ambassis (La Cepède, 1802) 1828b: 181 (type locality: India: Malabar coast; lecto-
Centropomus ambassis La Cepède, 1802: 252, 273 (type type: MNHN 9335, designated by Anderson & Heem-
locality: Réunion: étang du Gol; syntypes: MNHN stra, 2003: 202)
A.5470 [3], Maugé, 1984a: 212, Bauchot & Desoutter, ? Priopis argyrozona Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
1986: 99) nes, 1830b: 504 (type locality: not stated [Indonesia:
Ambassis Commersonii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Java; based on a drawing from Kuhl & van Hasselt show-
1828b: 176, pl. 25 (type locality: Bourbon [Réunion]: ing a fish from Java]; holotype: specimen on which fig-
Etang Dugol / India: Pondycherry, mouth of Arian- ure of Kuhl and van Hasselt in based)
Coupang River / India: Malabar Coast: Mahe / Indone- Ambassis denticulata Klunzinger, 1870: 719 (type locality:
sia: Java / Red Sea [reference to Sciaena safgha For- Red Sea [Egypt: Kosseir (Al-Quseir); Eschmeyer, 2011];
skål, 1775: xii, 53] / India: Bengal [reference to Chanda syntypes: SMF 1324 [1], 76668–7669 [2], Eschmeyer,
nalua Hamilton, 1822: 107]; syntypes: MNHN A.5470 2011)
[3, Réunion], 9164 [4, Pondicherry], 2955 [1, Java], 9352 Ambassis bleekeri Maugé, 1984a: 216, fig. 1 (type locality:
[1, Java], RMNH [Java], MHNG 148.04, Bauchot & De- Indonesia; holotype: RMNH 29222)
soutter, 1986: 70, Maugé, 1984a: 212, Weber, 1998: 12) Nomenclatural notes. La Cepède (1802: 181, 216) based
Ambassis productus Guichenot, 1866: 130 (type locality: Lutjanus gymnocephalus on a drawing found in Commer-
Madagascar, in freshwaters; holotype: MNHN 4173, son's manuscripts. According to Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valen-
Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 70) ciennes, 1828b: 176), the drawing was not accompanied by
Ambassis Klunzingeri Steindachner, 1880a: 238 (type lo- notes or locality information. On the basis of the original
cality: Madagascar: Tohizona; syntypes [7]: NMW 10879 drawing (not the copy in La Cepède, 1801: pl. 23 fig. 3),
[1], 10880 [1], 34621–34624 [4], 41597 [1], Eschmey- Cuvier identified the species as identical with Centropomus
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ambassis La Cepède, 1802, also based on Commerson's new species, not a replacement name and it has its own types.
material. Maugé (1984: 212) gave the type locality as Etang Maugé's (1984, 1986 [in Daget et al., 1986: 298]) treatments
du Gol, Réunion, but there are no data supporting this. Maugé of C. dussumieri are very different and there is no explana-
interpreted Cuvier as stating that all the data were derived tion about his change of opinion.
from the same material from Réunion. My reading of Cu- See under A. ambassis for comment on status of A. com-
vier does not allow me to reach this conclusion. Maugé also mersonii.
listed syntypes, which cannot exist since the description was [Ambassis fontoynonti Pellegrin, 1932b: 425 (type locality: Madagascar:
based on a drawing. a small tributary of Faraony River, 40 masl; lectotype: MNHN 1932-
0175, designated by Anderson & Heemstra, 2003: 203)].
The name L. gymnocephalus has been used for a num-
ber of species (most commonly as a senior synonym of Ambassis interrupta Bleeker, 1853
A. dussumieri). Anderson & Heemstra (2003: 201) treated Ambassis interrupta Bleeker, 1853a: 696 (type locality: In-
L. gymnocephalus as a nomen dubium and A. dussumieri as donesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai / Java: Batavia [Jakar-
valid. To treat as nomen dubium a name that has been so ta]; syntypes [total 8: 90–120 mm TL]: RMNH 5560 [5],
frequently used as A. gymnocephala will create confusion ? BMNH 1880.4.21.96–97 [2], Allen & Burgess, 1990:
and it always remains possible to revive the name and threat- 167, Eschmeyer, 2011)
en stability. In order to stabilize the use of these names Ambassis elevatus Macleay, 1881a: 338 [38 in 1884 edi-
I designate MNHN 9335 (the lectotype of A. dussumieri) as tion] (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Endeavour
neotype of L. gymnocephalus. This satisfies the conditions River; syntypes: AMS I.16314-001 [6], Allen & Bur-
of Code art. 75.3 (neotype needed for claryfing taxonomic gess, 1990: 167)
status, bibliographic reference to diagnostic characters in Ambassis dalyensis Rendahl, 1922a: 187 (type locality:
Anderson & Heemstra (2003), catalogue number, from with- Australia: Northern Territory: Daly River; holotype:
in the very vague original type locality). ZMUO J2145)
The neotype differs from what is known of the speci-
men figured by La Cepède in one noteworthy character: the Ambassis kopsii Bleeker, 1858
lateral line seems continuous on the plate while it is inter- Ambassis Kopsii Bleeker, 1858f: 253 (type locality: Sin-
rupted in the neotype. I do not consider this difference as a gapore; holotype [92 mm TL]: LU)
real problem because the plate does not even otherwise seem
to be very accurate. While the figured fish unambiguously Ambassis macracanthus Bleeker, 1849
seems to be an Ambassis, it is described as without scales Ambassis macracanthus Bleeker, 1849c: 30 (type locality:
on head, a character which applies only to A. fontoynonti Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: part of
Pellegrin, 1932, a species endemic to Madagascar that has a RMNH 5560 [6], Allen & Burgess, 1990: 173; compound
conspicuously different appearance (see Anderson & Heem- noun, indeclinable [not adjective because it did not agree
stra, 2003: 203). Also, Cuvier already pointed out that the in gender in original description])
fish on La Cepède's plate has too many soft-dorsal-fin rays. Ambassis batjanensis Bleeker, 1855g: 196 (type locality:
This strengthens the hypothesis that the plate is inaccurate. Indonesia: Batjan; syntypes [2, 73–79 mm TL]: LU)
The original drawings were certainly copied several times Ambassis vaivasensis Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 254, fig. 47
before publication and accuracy has been lost. Also because (type locality: W. Samoa: Upolu Island: Vaivase River,
of the political situation at the time he wrote the descrip- Apia; holotype: USNM 51819 [1 of 20], Eschmeyer,
tion, La Cepède had only his notes and no access to the 2011)
original texts, material or drawings [he was exiled to the
countryside by the Terror regime; Cuvier, in Cuvier & Va- Ambassis miops Günther, 1872
lenciennes, 1828a: 174; Cuvier, 1995: 164]. The size of the Ambassis miops Günther, 1872b: 655 (type locality: Cook
fish, its small scales, the method of preparation and the Islands: Rarotonga; holotype: BMNH 1871.9.13.217,
method of examination may also have contributed to an in- Allen & Burgess, 1990: 176)
accurate depiction. Ambassis lafa Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 253, fig. 46 (type
It would have been easy to fix L. gymnocephalus as a locality: W. Samoa: Upolu Island: near mouth of Vaisi-
synonym of A. ambassis by an appropriate neotype desig- gano River, Apia; holotype: USNM 51818, Eschmeyer,
nation. The two names would have been simultaneous syn- 2011)
onyms and the first reviser (Maugé, 1984a: 214) gave pre- Ambassis flores Popta, 1918: 4 (type locality: Indonesia:
cedence to L. gymnocephalus. But this would have intro- Flores: Ipi River; syntypes: SMF [4])
duced nomenclatural changes much greater than the above
solution because A. ambassis is much more widely used and Ambassis nalua (Hamilton, 1822)
L. gymnocephalus has been used before for very different Chanda nalua Hamilton, 1822: 107, 371, pl. 6 fig. 36 (type
species. locality: India: "rivers of lower parts of Bengal"; types:
Maugé (1984: 216) described "Ambassis bleekeri nom. NT [status of syntypes listed by Eschmeyer, 2011 needs
nov.". The use of "nom. nov." would imply that it is a repla- confirmation]; spelt natua on pl. 6, a type setter error
cement name taking the same types as the name it replaces. [local name explicitly nalua, p. 108])
Maugé's text, however, makes it clear that he was propos- Taxonomic notes. See under A. ambassis for comment on
ing a name for what he considered to be a misidentification status of A. commersonii.
(A. gymnocephalus sensu Bleeker). Thus A. bleekeri is a
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
sis apogonoides Bleeker, 1851l: 200, by original desig- replacement name for Bogoda macrolepis Bleeker,
nation). Gender feminine. 1856m: 13; junior secondary homonym of Ambassis
Pseudambassis Bleeker, 1874c: 86 (type species: Chanda microlepis Martens, 1868: 9)
lala Hamilton, 1822: 114, by original designation; si-
multaneous subjective synonym of Parambassis Blee- Parambassis pulcinella Kottelat, 2003
ker, 1874c: 86, first reviser [apparently Roberts, 1989: Parambassis pulcinella Kottelat, 2003a: 10, figs. 1–2, 6–7
161] gave precedence to Parambassis). Gender femi- (type locality: Myanmar: Kayin [Karen] State: stream
nine. "Chon Son" between Kyondaw and Phadaw, about 20
Acanthoperca Castelnau, 1878b: 44 (type species: Acantho- km northwest of Payathouzu [Payathonzu] (at border
perca gulliveri Castelnau, 1878b: 45, by monotypy). with Thailand); about 15°25'N 98°15'E; holotype:
Gender feminine. MHNG 2640.23)
Whitleyia Fowler & Bean, 1930: 2, 148, 163 (subgenus of
Ambassis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 175; Parambassis ranga (Hamilton, 1822)
type species: Ambassis wolffii Bleeker, 1850i: 9, by orig- Chanda ranga Hamilton, 1822: 113, 371, pl. 16 fig. 38 (type
inal designation; spelt Whitleyina p. vii, 163, 334, first locality: India: "fresh waters of all parts of the Gangetic
reviser [Fraser-Brunner, 1955: 202] retained Whitleyia provinces"; types: NT)
as correct original spelling; junior homonym of Whit- Ambassis Barlovi Sykes, 1839a: 158 (type locality: India:
leyia Chabanaud, 1930: 8, 16). Gender feminine. Deccan [Beema River at Pairgaon]; syntypes: ? BMNH
uncat. [2], Roberts, 1995a: 281; also in Sykes, 1839b:
Parambassis alleni (Datta & Chaudhuri, 1993) 55, 1841: 350, pl. 60 fig. 1)
Pseudambassis alleni Datta & Chaudhuri, 1993: 2, fig. 2 (type ? Ambassis indica M'Clelland & Griffith, in M'Clelland,
locality: Myanmar: Rangoon; holotype: ZSI F 7900/2) 1842a: 585 (type locality: Afghanistan: Loodianah; syn-
Parambassis tenasserimensis Roberts, 1995a: 283, fig. 8 types [2, p. 573]: LU; figured in M'Clelland, 1841b: pl. 4
(type locality: Myanmar: Tenasserim basin: Tapoleh fig. 1)
Kloh; holotype: CAS 79082) ? Ambassis notatus Blyth, 1860b: 138 (type locality: Bur-
Taxonomic notes. Ambassis notatus Blyth, 1860 is possi- ma: Sittang River at Pegu; lectotype: ZSI F ASB 28 [now
bly a senior synonym. It is presently in the synonymy of 7696/2], designated by Guha & Talwar, 1983: 16, fig. 1,
P. ranga. Eschmeyer, 2011)
Zeus percoides Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name listed
Parambassis apogonoides (Bleeker, 1851) in synonymy)
Ambassis apogonoïdes Bleeker, 1851l: 200 (type locality: Zeus percoides var. auratus Hora, 1933: 131 (not available,
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; name listed in synonymy)
holotype [88 mm SL]: RMNH 5558 [1 of 3], Roberts, Taxonomic notes. Ambassis notatus is possibly a senior
1989: 162) synonym of P. alleni.
Parambassis lala (Hamilton, 1822) Parambassis robertsi (Datta & Chaudhuri, 1993)
Chanda lala Hamilton, 1822: 114, 371, pl. 21 fig. 39 (type Pseudambassis roberti Datta & Chaudhuri, 1993: 1, fig. 1
locality: India: "along with the last described" [Chanda (type locality: Myanmar: Lake Indawgyi; holotype: ZSI
ranga: "all parts of the Gangetic provinces"]; types: NT) F 7898/2; incorrect original spelling, species explicitly
Ambassis alta Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 183 named for T. R. Roberts, name must be emended to rob-
(type locality: India: Bengal; syntypes: MNHN 9341 [3], ertsi, Code arts. 31.1.2, 32.5.1)
9340 [3, actually P. ranga], Roberts, 1995a: 276, Bau-
chot & Desoutter, 1986: 69, SMF 1279 [1], MHNG Parambassis siamensis (Fowler, 1937)
148.06, Eschmeyer, 2011, Weber, 1998: 12) Chanda siamensis Fowler, 1937: 230, fig. 228 (type locali-
Equula lata Swainson, 1839: 250 (available by indication ty: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68233, Böhlke,
to Hamilton, 1822: fig. 37 [fig. 39; see Whitehead et al., 1984: 39)
1974: 109]; type locality: India: Gangetic provinces; Chanda punctulata Fraser-Brunner, 1955: 206, fig. 3 (type
holotype: model of Hamilton's figure) locality: Malaysia: Pahang: Tasek Bera; holotype: BMNH
Taxonomic notes. The type series of Ambassis alta includes 1931.7.20.56)
two species. A lectotype designation is needed to fix it as a
junior synonym of either P. lala or P. ranga. Parambassis vollmeri Roberts, 1995
Parambassis vollmeri Roberts, 1995a: 286, fig. 9 (type lo-
Parambassis macrolepis (Bleeker, 1856) cality: Thailand: Salween basin: Mae Nam Moei rapids
Bogoda macrolepis Bleeker, 1856m: 13 (type locality: In- at km 129 north of Mae Sot on highway 1085; holotype:
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in CAS 79220)
Pontianak; holotype [82 mm TL]: RMNH 5564, Esch-
meyer, 2011) Parambassis waikhomi Geetakumari & Basudha, 2012
Ambassis microlepis Martens, 1868: 9 (unnecessary repla- Parambassis waikhomi Geetakumari & Basudha, 2012:
cement name for Bogoda macrolepis Bleeker, 1856m: 13) 3328, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Manipur: Loktak Lake,
Parambassis microlepis Bleeker, 1874c: 104 (unnecessary Chindwin drainage, 24°33'29"N 93°48'58"E; holotype:
Lates Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828 Perca maxima Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b:
Lates Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 88 (type 96 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
species: Labrus niloticus Linnaeus, 1758: 286, by sub- Pseudolates cavifrons Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 262, pl. 3
sequent designation by Gill, 1861c: 52 [designation by (type locality: New Guinea: Torres Strait; holotype: lost,
Desmarest, 1856: 203 invalid as he explicitly listed two Pethiyagoda & Gill, 2012: 11 [not AMS I.514, Paxton et
types]). Gender masculine. al., 1989: 482])
Pseudolates Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 262 (type species: Lates Darwiniensis Macleay, 1878: 345 (type locality: Aus-
Pseudolates cavifrons Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 262, tralia: Northern Territory: Port Darwin; holotype: AMS
by monotypy). Gender masculine. I.16319-001, Hoese et al., 2006: 967, Pethiyagoda & Gill,
Luciolates Boulenger, 1914: 442 (type species: Luciolates 2012: 11)
stappersii Boulenger, 1914: 442, by subsequent desig- Taxonomic notes. Lates cavifrons is treated as valid fol-
nation by Jordan, 1920: 552). Gender masculine. lowing Katayama et al (1977: 46). Synonymy follows Pethiy-
Nomenclatural notes. "Ptertopomus Goldfuss, 1820: 66" agoda & Gill (2012: 11).
listed as synonym of Lates by Eschmeyer (2010) is an in-
correct subsequent spelling of Plectropomus (Pethiyagoda Lates uwisara Pethiyagoda & Gill, 2012
& Gill, 2012: 11). Lates uwisara Pethiyagoda & Gill, 2012: 6, fig. 3 (type lo-
[Plectropomus Oken, 1817: 1182, 1782 (available by indication to Cuvier, cality: Myanmar: river estuaries between Yangon and
1816a: 277; type species: Bodianus maculatus Bloch, 1790: 48, by Sittang; holotype: CSIRO H.6316.10)
monotypy). Gender masculine].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Taxonomic notes. Tentatively placed in family Moronidae wa & Seki, 1995: 437; (24) Zhu, 1995: 170; (25) Zhuang et
by some authors. al., 2006: 196; (26) Zhou & Zhang, 2006: 437.
Taxonomic notes. Coreoperca and Siniperca are consid- Coreoperca Herzenstein, 1896
ered to form the family Sinipercidae by some authors. Mo- Coreoperca Herzenstein, 1896: 11 (type species: Coreoper-
lecular data in Chen et al. (2007) suggests that Siniperca ca herzi Herzenstein, 1896: 11, by monotypy). Gender
and Coreoperca are only distantly related and that Coreo- feminine.
perca does not belong to the families Percichthyidae or Sini- Bryttosus Jordan & Snyder, 1900: 354 (type species: Serra-
percidae. nus kawamebari Temminck & Schlegel, 1843: 5, by
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies follow Randall & Heem- alopholis argus Schneider, 1801: 311, by monotypy).
stra, 1991 Gender feminine.
Uriphaeton Swainson, 1839: 168, 202 (subgenus of Etelis
Cephalopholis Schneider, 1801 Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 127; type spe-
Cephalopholis Schneider, 1801: 311 (type species: Ceph- cies: Uriphaeton microleptes Swainson, 1839: 202, by
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
leoptera). Gender masculine. Homalogrystes Guntheri Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 269,
Homalogrystes Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 268 (type spe- pl. 6 fig. 3 (type locality: New Guinea: 12 miles South
cies: Homalogrystes guntheri Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: of coast at Katow; holotype: LU)
269, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Itaïara Vaillant & Bocourt, 1878: 70, 90 (subgenus of Ser- Epinephelus lanceolatus (Bloch, 1790)
ranus Cuvier, 1816a: 276; type species: Serranus itajara Holocentrus lanceolatus Bloch, 1790: 92, pl. 242 fig. 1 (type
Lichtenstein, 1822: 279, by monotypy). Gender feminine. locality: Ostindien [East Indies; Indonesia]; syntypes:
Hyposerranus Klunzinger, 1884: 3 (subgenus of Serranus ZMB 169 [1], Paepke, 1999: 136, Randall & Heemstra,
Cuvier, 1816a: 276; type species: Serranus morrhua 1991: 179)
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 434, by Serranus geographicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: ennes, 1828b: 322 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syn-
1148). Gender masculine. types [at least 2]: RMNH D.132 [1, listed as holotype by
Phrynotitan Gill, 1885: 255 (type species: Batrachus gigas Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 179])
Günther, 1869a: 131, by monotypy). Gender masculine. Serranus abdominalis Peters, 1855a: 237 (type locality:
Garrupa Jordan, in Jordan & Eigenmann, 1890: 350 (sub- Mozambique at 15°S; holotype: ZMB 32501, Eschmey-
genus of Epinephelus Bloch, 1793: 11; type species: er, 2011; also in Peters, 1855b: 430)
Serranus nigritus Holbrook, 1855: 173, pl. 25 fig. 2 Batrachus gigas Günther, 1869a: 131 (type locality: Sey-
[1860: 177, pl. 25 fig. 2], by original designation). Gen- chelles; holotype: BMNH 2007.8.13.1, Eschmeyer, 2011)
der feminine. Oligorus terrae-reginae Ramsay, 1880: 93, pl. 9 (type lo-
Enneistus Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 1143, 1147 (subge- cality: Australia: Queensland: Brisbane; holotype: AMS
nus of Bodianus Bloch, 1790: 33; type species: Bodia- A.7506, Paxton et al., 1989: 495)
nus acanthistius Gilbert, 1892: 552, by original desig- Oligorus Goliath De Vis, 1882a: 318 (type locality: Austra-
nation). Gender masculine. lia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM; second-
Stereolepoides Fowler, 1923b: 382 (type species: Stereole- ary junior homonym of Serranus goliath Peters, 1855a:
poides thompsoni Fowler, 1923b: 382, by original des- 237 when both placed in Epinephelus)
ignation). Gender masculine. Serranus phaeostigmaeus Fowler, 1907b: 255, fig. 2 (type
Vivero Jordan & Evermann, 1927: 505 (subgenus of Epi- locality: Hawaiian Islands; holotype: ANSP 13463,
nephelus Bloch, 1793: 11; type species: Serranus morio Böhlke, 1984: 156, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 179)
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 285, Stereolepoides thompsoni Fowler, 1923b: 382 (type locali-
by original designation). Gender masculine. ty: Hawaii Islands: Oahu Island: Honolulu; holotype:
Serrihastaperca Fowler, 1944b: 384 (type species: Serri- BPBM 3406, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 179)
hastaperca exsul Fowler, 1944: 385, by original desig-
nation). Gender feminine. Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
Altiserranus Whitley, 1947: 150 (type species: Serranus Holocentrus malabaricus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 319,
jayakari Boulenger, 1889: 237, by original designation). pl. 63 (type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangamba-
Gender masculine. di, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]: holotype: ZMB 190, Paepke,
Distribution notes. Synonymy follows Randall & Heem- 1999: 137, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 197)
stra (1991: 77). Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein, 1822) Holocentrus salmoïdes La Cepède, 1802: 346, 389 (type
sometimes recorded in the area actually is restricted to the locality "Grand Océan" [Indo-Pacific Ocean]; syntypes:
Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific coast of America (Heemstra MNHN A.5444 [2], Bauchot et al., 1984: 17, Randall &
& Randall, 1993: 171). Epinephelus tauvina (Forskål, 1775: Heemstra, 1991: 197; figured in La Cepède, 1801: pl. 34
xi, 39) is recorded from the Philippines (Herre, 1953a: 360), fig. 3 but with vernacular name only)
but the presence of the species in this area is not confirmed Serranus semi-punctatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
(Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 271) ciennes, 1828b: 341 (type locality: India: Pondicherry;
syntypes [2]: MNHN 743 [1], Bauchot et al., 1984: 35,
Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton, 1822) Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 197)
Bola coioides Hamilton, 1822: 82, 369 (type locality: India: Serranus salmonoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
"large salt-water estuaries of the Ganges" / Vizagapatham ennes, 1828b: 343 (incorrect subsequent spelling of
[Visakhapatnam]; types: NT and material on which is Holocentrus salmoides La Cepède, 1802: 389)
based Russell, 1803b: 22, pl. 128 [Madinawa Bontoo]) Serranus crapao Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
Serranus nebulosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 494 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta];
nes, 1828b: 313 (type locality: unknown; holotype: holotype: MNHN 7332, Bauchot et al., 1984: 27, Ran-
MNHN 7421, Bauchot et al., 1984: 32, Randall & Heem- dall & Heemstra, 1991: 197)
stra, 1991: 125) Serranus polypodophilus Bleeker, 1849c: 37 (type locality:
Serranus suillus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: ? BMNH
1828b: 335 (type locality: India: Coromandel coast: 1880.4.21.1–3 [3], ? RMNH 5486 [7], ? SMNS 10637
Pondicherry / Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes: [2], Fricke, 1991: 20, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 197)
MNHN 7288 [1], A.7710 [1], Bauchot et al., 1984: 36, ? Serranus estuarius Macleay, 1883b: 200 (type locality:
Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 124, and material on which Australia: Queensland: Mary River; holotype: MAMU,
is based Bontoo of Russell, 1803b: 20, pl. 27) lost, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 197, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Epinephelus cylindricus Postel, 1965: 124, fig. 1 (type lo- Epinephelus trimaculatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
cality: New Caledonia: Nouméa market; holotype: stat- lenciennes, 1828)
ed to be in MNHN, but never received, Bauchot et al., ? Perca fario Thunberg, 1793: 296, pl. 9 (type locality: Ja-
1984: 40, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 197; secondary pan; types: NT)
junior homonym of Serranus cylindricus Günther, 1859: Serranus trimaculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
151 when placed in Epinephelus) ennes, 1828b: 331 (based on "Iapanisches Blödauge" in
Krusenstern, 1814: pl. 64 fig. 2; type locality: Japan;
Epinephelus polystigma (Bleeker, 1853) holotype: specimen figured in Krusenstern, 1814: pl. 64
Serranus polystigma Bleeker, 1853f: 244 (type locality: In- fig. 2, not preserved)
donesia: Sumatra: Benculen [Bengkulu] / Ambon; syn- Serranus ura Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
types [2, 142–245 mm TL]: RMNH 5491 [1], 29577 [1], 1828b: 332 (type locality: Japan; holotype: ZMB 5529,
Eschmeyer, 2011) Bauchot et al., 1984: 48)
Serranus australis Castelnau, 1875: 7 (type locality: Aus- Serranus Ara Temminck & Schlegel, 1843: 9 (unjustified
tralia: Queensland: Cape York; holotype: LU, Bauchot emendation of Serranus ura Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
et al., 1984: 45, Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 235) Valenciennes, 1828b: 332)
Epinephelus rahanus Popta, 1918: 1 (type locality: Indone- Distribution notes. Inland water record from Hainan
sia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Raha [4°52'S 122°43'E; see (Kuang, 1986: 222). The fish described and figured as Per-
Elbert, 1911: map 3]; lectotype: SMF 4904, designated ca fario by Thunberg (1793) is not identifiable (Bauchot et
by Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 235) al., 1984: 48; Randall & Heemstra, 1991: 276) and the Epi-
nephelus fario of later authors is E. trimaculatus. Identity
of Hainan material as well as actual occurrence in inland
waters may need confirmation.
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies from Winterbottom (1986) Congrogadus subducens (Richardson, 1843)
& Winterbottom et al. (1984), emended. Machaerium subducens Richardson, 1843e: 69 (type local-
ity: Australia: Port Essington; holotype: BMNH
Congrogadus Günther, 1862 1843.6.15.45, Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Richardson,
Machaerium Richardson, 1843e: report p. 69 (type species: 1843g: 176, pl. 6)
Machaerium subducens Richardson, 1843e: 69, by Machaerium nebulatum Bleeker, 1852b: 76 (type locality:
monotypy; junior homonym of Machaerium Haliday, Singapore; holotype [370 mm TL]: RMNH 6721, Win-
1832: 351, in Diptera; also in Richardson, 1843g: 176). terbottom et al., 1984: 1609)
Gender neuter. Machaerium reticulatum Bleeker, 1853b: 734 (type locali-
Congrogadus Günther, 1862a: 388 (replacement name for ty: Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Marawang / Lepar; syn-
Machaerium Richardson, 1843e: 69). Gender masculine. types [2, 162–365 mm TL]: RMNH 6720, Winterbot-
Stenophus Castelnau, 1875: 26 (type species: Stenophus tom et al., 1984: 1609)
marmoratus Castelnau, 1875: 27, by subsequent desig- Stenophus marmoratus Castelnau, 1875: 27 (type locality:
nation by Jordan, 1919b: 378). Gender masculine. Australia: Queensland: Gulf of Carpentaria; holotype:
Conyrodus Lydekker, 1896: 439 (incorrect subsequent spell- MNHN A.6717, Bauchot, 1967: 40)
ing of Congrogadus Günther, 1862a: 388) Stenophus obscurus Castelnau, 1875: 27 (type locality: Aus-
Hierichthys Jordan & Fowler, 1902: 744 (type species: Hier- tralia: Queensland: Gulf of Carpentaria; holotype:
ichthys encryptes Jordan & Fowler, 1902: 744, by orig- MNHN A.6716, Bauchot, 1967: 40)
inal designation). Gender masculine. Hierichthys encryptes Jordan & Fowler, 1902: 744, fig. 1
Congrogadoides Borodin, 1933: 141 (type species: Congro- (type locality: Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Myiako-shima
gadoides spinifer Borodin, 1933: 141, by monotypy). [Miyaka] Island; holotype: CAS-SU 7120, Böhlke, 1953:
Gender masculine. 95, Winterbottom et al., 1984: 1609)
Congrodus Fowler, 1958b: 324 (not available, name listed Congrogadus subulatus Fowler, 1938c: 226 (not available,
in synonymy; incorrect subsequent spelling of Congro- name listed in synonymy; incorrect spelling of Machaeri-
gadus Günther, 1862a: 388) um nebulatum Bleeker, 1852b: 76)
Pilbaraichthys Gill, Mooi & Hutchins, 2000: 71 (subgenus
of Congrogadus Günther, 1862a: 388; type species: Con-
grogadus winterbottomi Gill, Mooi & Hutchins, 2000:
74, by original designation)
Apogon La Cepède, 1801 [Amia albomarginata Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912: 438, pl. 35
fig. 2 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cavite, fish market; holo-
Amia Gronovius, 1763: 80 (not available, name published
type: USNM 68402)].
in a rejected work; ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89])
Amia Meuschen, 1781: [2] (not available, name published Apogon amboinensis Bleeker, 1854
in a rejected work; ICZN, 1954e: 281 [Opinion 261]) Apogon amboinensis Bleeker, 1854b: 329 (type locality:
Apogon La Cepède, 1801: 411 (type species: Apogon ruber Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes [3, 87–98 mm TL]: LU)
La Cepède, 1801: 411, 412, by monotypy). Gender mas-
culine. Apogon diversus (Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912)
Macrolepis Rafinesque, 1815: 86 (nomen nudum) Amia diversa Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912: 434,
Amia Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 173 (type species: Amia per- pl. 37 fig. 1 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: small
caeformis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 173, by monotypy; stream in Canmahala Bay, Ragay Gulf; USNM 70246,
junior homonym of Amia Linné, 1766: 500). Gender fem- Eschmeyer, 2011)
Monoprion Poey, 1860: 123 (type species: Monoprion ma- Apogon hyalosoma Bleeker, 1852
culatus Poey, 1860: 123, by subsequent designation by Apogon hyalosoma Bleeker, 1852b: 63 (available by indi-
Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 1106; junior homonym of cation to "Apogon thermalis Blkr. nec CV." which is a
Monoprion Barrande, 1850: 15 in Coelenterata). Gen- reference to Bleeker, 1845: 526, 1848c: 635, 1849a: 27,
der masculine. 1849h: 7; type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakar-
Gronovichthys Whitley, 1929c: 302 (replacement name for ta], Samarang / Sumbawa: Bima; syntypes: part of:
Amia Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 173). Gender masculine. RMNH 5568 [1], 23962 [9], 23961 [3], BMNH
Asperapogon Smith, 1961: 384 (type species: Asperapogon 1880.4.21.69–70, 72–73 [4], Fricke, 1991: 9 [size indi-
rubellus Smith, 1961: 384, by original designation). cation quoted from the original description are errone-
Gender masculine. ous and apply to A. amboinensis described on same page],
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below, Apogon Eschmeyer, 2011)
albomarginatus is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thai- Mionurus bombonensis Herre, 1925a: 341, pl. 1 (type lo-
land) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was cality: Philippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Lake Taal
inland or at sea. [Laguna de Bombon]; holotype: BSM 10464, lost)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Apogon tickelli Day, 1888a: 785 (based on Tickell's manu- type: USNM 51736 [1 of 4, figured specimen], Esch-
script and figure; type locality: Burma: Akyab; syntypes meyer, 2011)
[2]: not preserved)
Taxonomic notes. Revised by McKay (1985, 1992). Gen- gender is indicated as feminine, it actually is masculine (Code
era follow phylogenetic conclusions of Kaga (2013). art. 30.1.2).
2011 [MNHN A.3131 listed as syntype by same authors Sillago sihama (Forskål, 1775)
has apparently been collected between 1816 and 1822 Atherina sihama Forskål, 1775: xiii, 70 (type locality: Red
when Leschenault was in Pondicherry and cannot be a Sea: Yemen: Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; holotype: ZMUC P
type; Bauchot et al., 1990: 103]) 45164, Nielsen, 1974: 62, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965:
Cheilodipterus panijus Hamilton, 1822: 57, 367 (type lo- 27, pl. 38 fig. 71, Golani et al., 2011: 467)
cality: India: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT; Hamil- Sciaena malabarica Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 81, pl. 19
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: (type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi,
pl. 20 fig. 6) 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; syntypes: ZMB 576 [2], Paepke,
Nomenclatural notes. The first description of Sillago do- 1999: 139)
mina is by Cuvier (1816a: 258), not by Cuvier (in Cuvier & Sillago acuta Cuvier, 1816a: 258 (type locality: India: Tran-
Valenciennes, 1829a: 415), and is a senior subjective syn- quebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E] and Viza-
onym of Cheilodipterus panijus. Sillago domina has been gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes: ZMB 576 [2, syn-
used as a valid species name after 1899 (e.g. Lloyd, 1907: types of Sciaena malabarica Bloch, in Schneider, 1801:
228, Mookerjee et al., 1946: 564) and therefore precedence 81] and material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 9, pl.
cannot be reversed under Code art. 23.9 in favour of the 113 [Soring]; lectotype designated by McKay, 1985: 7
commonly used Sillaginopsis panijus. is not part of the type series as MNHN 5270 was collect-
ed by Dussumier who travelled to Asia between 1816
and 1840 [Bauchot et al., 1990: 46])
Sillago Cuvier, 1816 Sillago erythrea Cuvier, 1829: 409 (type locality: Red Sea:
Sillago Cuvier, 1816a: 258 (type species: Sillago acuta Cu- Eritrea: Massuah [Massawa]; lectotype: MNHN A.3137,
vier, 1816a: 258, by subsequent designation by Gill, designated by McKay, 1985: 7, Golani et al., 2011: 468,
1861g: 503 under Code art. 69.2.2 [Gill designated Athe- fig. 3 [designation of MNHN A.3127 by Golani et al.,
rina sihama Forskål, 1775: xiii, 70, which he treated as 2011: 468, fig. 2 is invalid])
senior synonym of the originally included S. acuta]). Nomenclatural notes. Golani et al. (2011: 467) showed that
Gender feminine. two species have been confused under the name S. sihama
Parasillago McKay, 1985: 13 (subgenus of Sillago Cuvier, in the Red Sea. They considered that S. sihama is restricted
1816a: 258; type species: Sillago ciliata Cuvier, in Cu- to the southern Red Sea and that the records of this species
vier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 415, by original designa- in the Indo-Pacific in the literature represent one or more
tion). Gender feminine. additional species. They indeed commented on some mate-
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below S. aeo- rial from Queensland and Hong Kong that differs from S.
lus and S. intermedia are recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, sihama but did not present data allowing it to be concluded
Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it that S. sihama is restricted to the Red Sea and that all the
was inland or at sea. Indo-Pacific records refer to other species. They did not dis-
[Sillago aeolus Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 360, fig. 24 (type locality: Tai- cuss the status of S. malabarica and S. acuta, which McKay
wan: Keerun; holotype: CAS-SU 7135, Böhlke, 1953: 75, McKay, (1985) had placed in the synonymy of S. sihama. Kaga
1985: 27)].
[Sillago intermedius Wongratana, 1977: 258, pls. 9–10 (type locality: East (2013: 99) disagreed with their conclusions.
coast of the Gulf of Thailand, Bangkok fish market; holotype: MFLB Golani et al. (2011: 466) showed that two species are
1975-8-4-1)]. included in the type series of S. erythrea and designated
MNHN A.3127 as lectotype, thus retaining the name for a
Sillago burra Richardson, 1842 species from the northern Red Sea and immigrant to the
Sillago burrus Richardson, 1842a: 128 (type locality: Aus- Mediterranean. This designation is invalid because McKay
tralia: Western Australia: Dampier Archipelago [origi- (1987: 7) had already designated MNHN A.3137 as lecto-
nal type locality: north-west coast of Australia]; neotype: type, making S. erythrea a synonym of S. sihama, and leav-
CSIRO C2591, designated by McKay, 1985: 25) ing Golani et al.'s northern Red Sea–Mediterranean species
without name.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Hynnis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 195 (type Selar Hasseltii Bleeker, 1851a: 53 (type locality: Indone-
species: Hynnis goreensis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci- sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Cheribon / Surabaya; lecto-
ennes, 1833: 195, by monotypy). Gender feminine. type: RMNH 26967 [ex RMNH 6078], by subsequent
Gallichtys Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 164, designation not researched, possibly Fricke, 1991: 10;
168 (type species: Gallichtys major Cuvier, in Cuvier & also in Bleeker, 1851f: 359)
Valenciennes, 1833, by subsequent designation by Jor- ? Selar Broekmeyeri, Bleeker, 1855k: 398 (type locality:
dan, 1919a: 178). Gender masculine. Indonesia: Java: Pasuruan; holotype [97 mm TL]:
Gallichthys Agassiz, 1845a: 26 (incorrect subsequent spell- RMNH, Eschmeyer, 2011)
ing of Gallichtys Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: ? Decapterus fasciatus Bleeker, 1872c: 151 (type locality:
164, 168) China; holotype: model of painting)
Blepharichthys Gill, 1861a: 36 (type species: Zeus crinitus Carangus politus Jenkins, 1903: 445, fig. 17 (type locality:
Mitchill, 1826: 146, pl., by monotypy). Gender masculine. Hawaiian Islands: Oahu Island: Honolulu; holotype:
USNM 50709)
Alectis indica (Rüppell, 1830) Decapterus lundini Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 229, fig. 27 (type
Scyris indicus Rüppell, 1830: 128, pl. 33 fig. 1 (type local- locality: Samoa: Pago Pago; holotype: USNM 51727)
ity: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Jiddah [Jeddah]; holotype: Decapterus normani Bertin & Dollfus, 1948: 21, fig. 7 (type
SMF 1647, Dor, 1984: 122) locality: Madagascar: Nossi-Bé; holotype: MNHN 1947-
Gallichtys major Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 0007, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 22)
168, pl. 254 (type locality: India: Pondicherry and Viza- Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Tioman Island
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes: MNHN A.5704 (Ng et al., 1999 176).
[1], A.5705 [2], A.6851 [1], 1103 [2], Smith-Vaniz et
al., 1979: 23 and material on which is based Russell,
1803a: 45, n° 57 [Gurrah Parah]) Caranx La Cepède, 1801
Gallichtys chevola Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: Caranx La Cepède, 1801: 57 (type species: possibly Ca-
175 (based on Russel, 1803a: 46, pl. 58; type locality: ranx carangua La Cepède, 1801: 59, 74, by subsequent
India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material designation but author not researched, possibly Esch-
on which is based Russell, 1803a: 46, pl. 58 [Cheoola meyer, 1990: 75; not by Desmarest, 1856: 242 (referred
Parrah]) to by Whitley, 1939b: 222) [Desmarest mentioned "Ca-
Hynnis insanus Valenciennes, 1862: 1203 (type locality: ranx carougous, Bloch" as type of "CAROUGES, Cuv.,
Bourbon [Réunion Island]; holotype: MNHN, lost ?, Val."; no such genus exists and Scomber carangus Bloch
Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 39) was not originally included]; not Scomber carangus
Carangoïdes gallichthys Bleeker, 1851a: 68 (type locality: Bloch, 1793 by Jordan & Gilbert, 1883b: 970, not orig-
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Samarang, Pasuruan inally included; not Caranx ruber Bloch, 1793: 75, pl.
and Banjuwangi [material mixed, locality of lectotype 342, by Jordan & Evermann, 1896: 915, not originally
unknown]; lectotype: RMNH 26962, apparently desig- included]). Gender masculine.
nated by Fricke, 1991: 10) Tricropterus Rafinesque Schmaltz, 1810a: 41 (type species:
Hynnis momsa Herre, 1927c: 235, pl. 1 (type locality: Phil- Scomber carangus Bloch, 1793: 69, by subsequent des-
ippines: Manila market; holotype: BSMP 15216, lost) ignation by Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 915; no species
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines originally included, first inclusion not researched). Gen-
(Luzon) by Herre (1953a: 261). der masculine.
Carangus Griffith & Smith, 1834: 355 (nomen nudum)
Trichopterus Agassiz, 1845a: 66 (incorrect subsequent spell-
Atule Jordan & Jordan, 1922 ing of Tricropterus Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810a: 41)
Atule Jordan & Jordan, 1922: 38 (type species: Caranx affi- Carangus Girard, 1858a: 168 (type species: Scomber ca-
nis Rüppell, 1836: 49, pl. 14 fig. 1, by original designa- rangus Bloch, 1793: 69, by absolute tautonymy; objec-
tion). Gender feminine. tive junior synonym of Tricropterus Rafinesque
Schmaltz, 1810a: 41). Gender masculine.
Atule mate (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833) Paratractus Gill, 1862g: 330 (type species: Caranx pisque-
Caranx mate Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 54 tus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 97, by orig-
(type locality: India: Pondicherry / Seychelles / New inal designation). Gender masculine.
Guinea / Strait of Antjer; syntypes: MNHN A.5489 [1], Vexillicaranx Fowler, 1905b: 76 (subgenus of Caranx La
A.5523 [1], 5837 [1], 5838 [1], 5839 [1], Smith-Vaniz et Cepède, 1801: 57; type species: Caranx africanus Stein-
al., 1979: 14) dachner, 1883: 196, by original designation). Gender
Caranx xanthurus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: masculine.
55 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes: MNHN A- Carangulus Jordan & Evermann, 1927: 505 (subgenus of
6118 [1], RMNH D.925 [1], SMF 2895 [1], Smith-Va- Caranx La Cepède, 1801: 57; type species: Caranx la-
niz et al., 1979: 20, Eschmeyer, 2011) tus Agassiz, 1831: 105, by original designation). Gen-
Caranx affinis Rüppell, 1836: 49, pl. 14 fig. 1 (type locali- der masculine.
ty: Red Sea: Eritrea Massawa; syntypes: SMF 1606 [3], Distribution notes. The record of Caranx carangus inland
2859 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) in the Philippines (Luzon) by Herre (1953a: 264) is a misi-
dentification. Scomber carangus is a synonym of Caranx lection] and Caranx coeruleopinnatus of Cuvier & Va-
hippos, a species from the Atlantic. lenciennes, 1833: 119; type locality: New Guinea; holo-
[Scomber Carangus Bloch, 1793: 69, pl. 340 (type locality: East and West type: MNHN 5836 [Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 43, as 'his-
Indies [numerous bibliographic references]; syntypes: MZB 1542 [1], torical specimen' of C. coeruleopinnatus])
Paepke, 1999: 54)]
[Scomber Hippos Linné, 1766: 494 (type locality: U.S.A.: Carolina; holo- Caranx Moresbyensis Macleay, 1882d: 358 (type locality:
type or syntype: LSL 130, Wheeler, 1985: 55)]. New Guinea: Port Moresby; holotype: AMS 16305-001
[ex MAMU F369], Stanbury, 1969: 206)
Caranx ignobilis (Forskål, 1775) Caranx medusicola Jordan & Starks, in Jordan, 1895: 430,
Somber ignobilis Forskål, 1775: xii, 55 (type locality: Red pl. 34 (type locality: Mexico: Sinaloa: surf outside the
Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al harbor at Mazatlan; syntypes: CAS-SU 2845 [42, not
Luhayyah]; syntypes: ZMUC P 46439 [1], P 46440 [1], CAS-SU 2645], 63326 [1], BMNH 1895.5.27.108 [1],
Nielsen, 1974: 63, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 22, pl. Böhlke, 1953: 75, Eschmeyer, 2011)
26 fig. 47) Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Mind-
Scomber kirm Forskål, 1775: 55 (alternative name for oro) by Herre (1953a: 271, as C. stellatus).
Scomber ignobilis Forskål, 1775: xii, 55, first reviser not
researched) Caranx papuensis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877
Scomber sansun Forskål, 1775: xii, 56 (type locality: Red Caranx Papuensis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 325, pl. 10
Sea: Yemen: Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; types: NT; simulta- fig. 3 (type locality: New Guinea: Hall Sound; syntypes:
neous subjective synonym of Somber ignobilis Forskål, AMS I.16304-001 [1], I.16304-002 [1], Paxton et al.,
1775: xii, 55, first reviser not researched) 1989: 578)
Caranx korab La Cepède, 1801: 59, 75 (unnecessary repla- Caranx regularis Garman, 1903: 232 (type locality: Fiji Is-
cement name for Scomber ignobilis Forskål, 1775: xii, 55) lands: Viti Levu: Suva; holotype: MCZ 28300, Eschmey-
Caranx Lessonii Lesson, 1831: pl. 31 fig. 1 [5 Sept.], p. 155 er, 2011)
[13 Oct.] (type locality: coasts of New Guinea; holo- Caranx celetus Smith, 1968: 182, pl. 39 figs. A–B (type
type: MNHN A.6048, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 14) locality: Zanzibar; holotype: RUSI 442, Eschmeyer,
Caranx ekala Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 117 2011)
(type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam],
Malabar and Bombay; syntypes: MNHN A.6116 [1], Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825
Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 11 and specimen described by Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 358, pl. 65
Russell, 1803b: 35, pl. 146 [Ecalah Parah]) fig. 4 (type locality: "we believe it inhabits the islands of
Carangus hippoides Jenkins, 1903: 443, fig. 15 (type local- the Papus" [Indonesia: Waigeo Island]; holotype: MNHN
ity: Hawaiian Islands: Oahu Island: Honolulu; holotype: A.6054, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 19)
USNM 50710) Caranx Forsteri Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 107
(type locality: Ile de France [Mauritius]; lectotype: MNHN
Caranx melampygus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, A.563, designated by Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 11)
1833 ? Caranx xanthopygus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Caranx melampgygus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 109 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius];
1833: 116 (type locality: Indonesia: Waigeo and Buru syntypes: MNHN, lost, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 38)
Islands / Rauwack [Rawak Island] / Vanicolo [Vaniko- Caranx Peronii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833:
ro; 11°37'N 166°59'E] / Ile de France [Mauritius]; syn- 112 (type locality: unknown; lectotype: MNHN 6324,
types: MNHN A.6028 [1], A.6069 [1], A.6083 [1], designated by Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1319, Smith-Va-
A.6162 [1], A.6163 [1], Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 19) niz et al., 1979: 16 [as holotype])
Caranx bixanthopterus Rüppell, 1836: 49, pl. 14 fig. 2 (type Caranx Belengerii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833:
locality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Jidda [Jeddah]; holo- 116 (type locality: India: Malabar; syntypes: MNHN
type: SMF 2876, Eschmeyer, 2011) A.540 [2], Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 9; belengerii is an
Caranx stellatus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 167, pl. 3 fig. 2 incorrect original spelling as there is clear evidence of
(type locality: Sandwich Islands [Hawaii]; holotype: an inadvertent error [see Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 7]
MNHN A.6068, Bauchot et al., 1982: 69, Smith-Vaniz and it must be emended to belangeri, Code art. 32.5.1)
et al., 1978: 19) Caranx flavocoeruleus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 110,
Caranx janthinospilos Bleeker, 1856b: 45 (type locality: pl. 59 fig. 2 (type locality: southwestern coasts of Japan;
Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [449 mm TL]: RMNH 6082, lectotype: RMNH D.933, designated by Boeseman,
Eschmeyer, 2011) 1947: 100)
Caranx valenciennei Castelnau, 1873: 102 (type locality: Caranx margarita Richardson, 1846: 276 (type locality:
Australia: Queensland: Torres Strait: Nob or Knob Is- China: Canton / Sea of China; holotype: specimen on
land [Noble Island, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 19]; synty- which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
pes: MNHN A.6434 [2], Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 19 in Whitehead, 1970a: 213, pl. 21c)
[Castelnau commented that correct spelling is valencien- Caranx paraspistes Richardson, 1848a: 136, pl. 58 figs. 6–7
nei, not valenciennesii, p. 103]) (type locality: Australia: Port Essington; holotype:
Carangus quoyi Bleeker, 1878d: 50 (based on Caranx punc- BMNH 1846.8.11.6 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
tatus of Quoy & Gaimard [name in manuscript or in col- Caranx tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1856b: 44 (type locality: In-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
donesia: Ambon; holotype [455 mm TL]: RMNH 6080, Ferdauia Jordan, Evermann & Wakiya, in Jordan, Evermann
Eschmeyer, 2011) & Tanaka, 1927: 662 (type species: Carangoides jor-
Carangus marginatus Gill, 1863b: 166 (type locality: Pan- dani Nichols, 1922: 2, by original designation). Gender
ama; holotype: USNM 30958, Eschmeyer, 2011) feminine.
Carangus elacate Jordan & Evermann, 1903: 177 (type lo- Elaphrotoxon Fowler, 1905c: 76 (subgenus of Caranx La
cality: Hawaii Islands: Honolulu; holotype: USNM Cepède, 1801: 57; type species: Scomber ruber Bloch,
50638) 1793: 75, by original designation). Gender neuter.
Caranx thompsoni Seale, in Jordan & Evermann, 1905: 535 Xurel Jordan & Evermann, 1927: 505 (type species: Ca-
(type locality: Hawaiian Islands; holotype: BPBM 3358, ranx vinctus Jordan & Gilbert, 1882d: 349, by original
? lost, Eschmeyer, 2011) designation). Gender masculine.
Carangus rhabdotus Jenkins, 1903: 444, fig. 16 (type lo- Turrum Whitley, 1932c: 337 (type species: Turrum emburyi
cality: Hawaiian Islands: Oahu: Honolulu; holotype: Whitley, 1932c: 337, by original designation). Gender
USNM 50711) neuter [Code art. 30.2.4].
Caranx butuanensis Seale, 1910a: 506, pl. 7 (type locality: Kaiwarinus Suzuki, 1962: 204 (type species: Caranx equu-
Philippines: Mindanao: Butuan Bay; holotype: BSMP la Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 111, by original desig-
1896, lost) nation). Gender masculine.
Caranx oshimai Wakiya, 1924: 189, pl. 27 fig. 1 (type lo- Nomenclatural notes. Olistus malabaricus (type species
cality: Formosa [Taiwan]; holotype: FMNH 59492 [ex of Olistus) and Caranx praeustus (type species of Caran-
CM 7731], Henn, 1928: 90, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 20) goides) are placed in the same genus (Carangoides) by most
recent authors (e.g. Smith-Vaniz, in Carpenter & Niem,
1999b; Senou, in Nakabo, 2002: 807). If they are congener-
Megalaspis Bleeker, 1851 ic, then the oldest and valid name is Olistus. As Olistus has
Megalaspis Bleeker, 1851f: 342, 352 (type species: Caranx been used by several authors after 1899 it cannot be de-
rottleri Bloch, 1793: 88, by monotypy). Gender femi- clared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9. Senou (in
nine. Nakabo, 2002: 804, 1547) considered Carangichthys and
Kaiwarinus to be valid genera.
Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758)
Scomber cordyla Linnaeus, 1758: 298 (type locality: Indo- Olistus armatus (Rüppell, 1830)
nesia: Riau: Selat Riau, 0°57'N 104°12'E [original type ? Sciaena armata Forskål, 1775: xii, 53 (type locality: Red
locality: America]; neotype: SMNS 3819, designated by Sea; types: lost, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12; see
Fricke, 1999a: 252 [although 'withdrawn' by Fricke, discussion in Smith, 1973: 352)
2000, fulfills conditions of Code art. 75.3]) ? Citula ciliaria Rüppell, 1830: 102, pl. 25 fig. 8 (type lo-
Scomber guara La Cepède, 1800: 598, 604 (unnecessary cality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; syntypes: SMF 9457
replacement name for Scomber cordyla Linnaeus, 1758: [1], 14129 [1], Williams et al., 1980: 19)
298) Citula armata Rüppell, 1830: 103 (type locality: Red Sea:
Scomber Rottleri Bloch, 1793: 88, pl. 346 (type locality: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF 1601, designated by
not stated [lectotype label: East India]; lectotype: MZB Williams et al., 1980: 19)
8763, designated by Paepke, 1999: 55, pl. 29 fig. 2) Caranx citula Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 126,
Citula plumbea Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 361 (type locality: pl. 250 (type locality: Red Sea / New Guinea; syntypes:
Ile-de-France [Mauritius]; syntypes [2]: lost, Smith, MNHN A.6102 [1], A.6181 [1], A.6182 [1], B.2881 [1],
1973: 353, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 39) ZMB 1571 [1], 1572 [1], Williams et al., 1980: 16, Smith-
Caranx besselii Agassiz, 1874: pl. 1 (type locality: Indian Vaniz et al., 1979: 10)
Ocean; holotype: MHNN 2125, Kottelat, 1984d: 149) Caranx cirrhosus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833:
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines 126 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
(Mindoro) by Herre (1953a: 279). ? Caranx ciliaris Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833:
129 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]
and Pondicherry / Indonesia: Java; syntypes: MNHN
Olistus Cuvier, 1829 A.5547 [1], ? RMNH [Kuhl and van Hasselt's specimen]
Olistus Cuvier, 1829: 209 (type species: Olistus malabari- and model of plate 151 in Russell, 1803b, Smith-Vaniz
cus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 137, by et al., 1979: 10; not a junior homonym of Citula ciliaria
subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: Rüppell, 1830: 102)
129; no species originally included, first inclusion by Olistus Ruppelii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833:
Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 137, 141, 144). 144 (unnecessary replacement name for Citula ciliaria
Gender masculine. Rüppell, 1830: 102; unambiguously named for Rüppell,
Carangoïdes Bleeker, 1851f: 343, 352 (type species: Ca- misspelt as Ruppel p. 144, the name should be emended
ranx praeustus Bennett, 1830: 689, by subsequent des- to ruppellii, an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1)
ignation by Jordan, 1919a: 248). Gender masculine. Caranx rastrosus Jordan & Snyder, 1908: 37, pl. 51 (type
Carangichthys Bleeker, 1853c: 760 (type species: Caran- locality: Taiwan: Takao; holotype: FMNH 55363 [ex CM
gichthys typus Bleeker, 1853c: 760, by monotypy). Gen- 411], Williams et al., 1980: 16, Ho & Shao, 2011: 45
der masculine. [invalid lectotype designation])
Caranx schlegeli Wakiya, 1924: 172, pl. 20 fig. 2 (unneces- Rhaphiolepis Fowler, 1905c: 59 (subgenus of Scomberoi-
sary replacement name for Caranx ciliaris Cuvier, in des La Cepède, 1801: 50; type species: Chorinemus tol
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 129) Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 385, by origi-
? Citula pescadorensis Oshima, 1924: 1575 (type locality: nal designation). Gender feminine.
Taiwan: Pescadores Islands [Peng-hu]: Bako; holotype:
"Mus. Govt. Res. Inst., Formosa", probably lost, Ho & Scomberoides commersonnianus La Cepède, 1801
Shao, 2011: 45; also in Oshima, 1925: 395, pl. 1 fig. 2) Scomberoides commersonnianus La Cepède, 1801: 50, 53
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines (type locality: Madagascar: near Fort Dauphin; types:
(Luzon) by Herre (1953a: 271). material on which Commerson's notes and drawing are
Olistus dinema (Bleeker, 1851) Chorinemus delicatulus Richardson, 1846a: 269 (type lo-
Carangoïdes dinema Bleeker, 1851a: 63 (type locality: In- cality: Chinese Sea; holotype: specimen on which is
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [220 mm TL]: based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in
LU; also in Bleeker, 1851f: 365) Whitehead, 1970a: 213, pl. 22a)
Carangichthys typus Bleeker, 1853c: 760 (type locality: Chorinemus exoletus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Indonesia: northern Celebes [Sulawesi]: Kema; holotype 1832: 379 (type locality: Red Sea: Yemen: Lohaia; ho-
[115 mm TL]: RMNH 26973, Eschmeyer, 2011) lotype: specimen on which is based Ehrenberg's draw-
Caranx deani Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 775, fig. 2 (type lo- ing [description entirely written by Cuvier, thus Ehren-
cality: Philippines: Negros, reefs of southern shore; ho- berg is not author])
lotype: USNM 51951) Chorinemus leucopthalmus Richardson, 1846a: 269 (type
Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Mindoro) locality: Sea of China / Canton; holotype: specimen on
by Roxas & Agco (1941: 35) and Herre (1953a: 265). Placed which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced
in genus Carangichthys by Senou (in Nakabo, 2002: 804). in Whitehead, 1970a: 213, pl. 22b)
Distribution notes. Inland water record from Singapore
Olistus praeustus (Bennett, 1830) mangroves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.).
Caranx praeustus Bennett, 1830: 689 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra; types: ? BMNH; not anonymous, see pp. Scomberoides lysan (Forskål, 1775)
xi, 629) Scomber lysan Forskål, 1775: xii, 54 (type locality: Red Sea:
Caranx ire Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 57 (type Saudia Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah] / Yemen: Lohaja [Al-
locality: India: Bay of Pondicherry; holotype: MNHN Luhayya]; lectotype: ZMUC P46435, designated by
5847, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 12) Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 22, pl. 25 fig. 44)
Caranx praeustus var. ocellata Bleeker, 1851f: 363 (type Scomber forsteri Schneider, 1801: 26 (type locality: Pacific
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: LU) Ocean; types: NT; based on Scomber maculatus of For-
Caranx praeustus var. xanthopterus Bleeker, 1851f: 364 ster's manuscript, see Lichtenstein, 1844: 195)
(type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; synty- Centronotus lyzan La Cepède, 1801: 309, 316 (incorrect
pes: LU) subsequent spelling of Scomber lysan Forskål, 1775: 54)
Caranx melanostethos Day, 1865a: 23 (type locality: India: Lichia toloo-parah Rüppell, 1829: 91 (type locality: Red
Malabar coast: Cochin; syntypes: ? BMNH 1865.7.17.1 Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF 386, designated
[1], ZSI 3053 [1, lost], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 159; by Dor, 1984: 130)
also in Day, 1865c: 83, pl. 6) Chorinemus Sancti Petri Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Distribution notes. Inland water record from Singapore 1832: 379, pl. 236 vol 8 (type locality: India: Malabar
mangroves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.). coast; lectotype: MNHN 0000-5893, designated by Esch-
meyer et al., 1998: 1502, Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 21
[as holotype]; incorrect original spelling, must be emend-
Scomberoides La Cepède, 1801 ed to sanctipetri, Code art.
Scomberoides La Cepède, 1801: 50 (type species: Scombe- Chorinemus moadetta Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
roides noelii La Cepède, 1801: 50, 51, by subsequent 1832: 382 (type locality: Eritrea: Massuah [Massawa] /
designation by Jordan & Gilbert, 1883: 446). Gender Sri Lanka: Trinquemalé [Trincomalee]; syntypes: MNHN
masculine. A.0569 [1], Smith-Vaniz et al., 1979: 20)
Pelamis La Cepède, 1801: 55 (non-binominal, listed in syn- Lichia moadetta Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832:
onymy, not available) 382 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Orcynus Rafinesque, 1815: 84 (unnecessary replacement Chorinemus mauritianus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
name for Scomberoides La Cepède, 1801: 50). Gender 1832: 382 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius] /
masculine. India: Mahe / Indonesia: Célébes [Sulawesi] / Vanicolo
Chorinemus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 367 Island [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E]; syntypes: MNHN
(unnecessary replacement name for Scomberoides La A.0570 [1], A.6612 [2], A.6649 [1], Smith-Vaniz et al.,
Cepède, 1801: 50). Gender masculine. 1979: 20)
Eleria Jordan & Seale, 1905: 774 (type species: Eleria phil- Elacate maculatus Swainson, 1839: 244 (available by indi-
ippina Jordan & Seale, 1905: 774, by monotypy). Gen- cation to Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: pl. 236 [Cho-
der feminine. rinemus sanctipetri])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Scomber maculatus Richardson, 1843h: 24 (not available, appeared before Leptaspis; Leptaspis has apparently not been
name listed in synonymy) used since.
Scomber maculatus Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 195 (type Although the complete vol. 24 of Verhandelingen was
locality: Pacific Ocean; types: NT; objective junior syn- only distributed in 1852, Bleeker's paper (1851a [= 1852g
onym of Scomber forsteri Schneider, 1801: 26) minus appendix]) had already been printed by December
Chorinemus orientalis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 106, 1850 (Bleeker, 1852g: 89) and preprints distributed soon
pl. 57 fig. 1 (type locality: coasts of Japan; lectotype: after (Kottelat, 2011a: 41). This means that Leptaspis was
RMNH D852, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 98 ) published first and is the valid name.
Thynnus Moluccensis Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 121 (type lo- Bleeker did not explain his change from Leptaspis to
cality: Molucca Islands; syntypes: BMNH 1853.11.12.29 Selaroides, but this might have been to avoid homonymy
[1], Wheeler, 1958: 220 [as holotype]) with the genus Leptaspis used in botany. In any case, to my
Scomberoides formosanus Oshima, 1924: 1572 (type local- knowledge, Leptaspis has not been used as the valid name
ity: Taiwan: Keelung; holotype: LU, probably lost, Ho & of a genus after 1899. Under Code art. 23.9.2, Leptaspis
Shao, 2011: 45; not a junior homonym of Scomberoides Bleeker, 1851 is declared a nomen oblitum and Selaroides
formosanus Wakiya, 1924: 236 [1 July]; also in Oshima, Bleeker, 1851 is declared a nomen protectum, as the latter is
1925: 349, pl. 1 fig. 1) widely used. List of 25 works in which Selaroides is used as
Scomberoides oshimae Whitley, 1951a: 65 (unnecessary a valid name, published by at least 10 authors, in the imme-
replacement name for Scomberoides formosanus Oshi- diately preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of not
ma, 1924: 1572) less than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Adrim et al., 2004:
Nomenclatural notes. Whitley (1951a: 65) proposed 120; (2) Allen, 1997: 116; (3) Allen & Adrim, 2003: 38;
Scomberoides oshimae as new replacement name for S. for- (4) Allen et al., 2003: 129; (5) Carpenter & Niem, 1999b:
mosanus Oshima, 1925: 349, which he considered to be a 2737; (6) Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola, 1984: 167; Hoese et al.,
junior homonym of S. formosanus Wakiya, 1924: 236. In 2006: 1166; (8) Hutchins, 2001: 33; (9) Kimura & Matsuu-
fact, the description of S. formosanus Oshima had already ra, 2003: 81; (10) Kimura et al., 2009: 126; (11) Kong, 1998:
appeared in the proceedings of a conference published in 71; (12) Kuiter & Debelius, 2006: 399; (13) Kyushin et al.,
late 1923 or early 1924 (see Bibliographic notes for Herre, 1982: 215; (14) Masuda et al., 1984: 155; (15–16) Nakabo,
1924a–c). Wakiya (1924) is dated 1 July 1924 and appar- 1993: 696, 2002: 798; (17) Okamura & Amaoka, 2004: 324;
ently is the junior homonym. (18) Rainboth, 1996b: 184; (19–20) Randall, 1995: 186,
[Scomberoides formosanus Wakiya, 1924: 236, pl. 38 fig. 3 (type locality: 2005: 210; (21) Randall & Lim, 2000: 616; (22) Randall et
Japan: Kii [Wakayama Prefecture]; holotype: FMNH 59499 [ex CM al., 1990: 166; (23) Rau & Rau, 1980: 151; (24) Sainsbuiry
7765], Henn, 1928: 90, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 78; junior primary
homonym of Scomberoides formosanus Oshima, 1924: 1572)]. et al., 1985: 178; (25) Shen, 1993: 340.
termedia Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 116, by original Seriola Ruppelii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
designation). Gender feminine. 1833: 216 (unnecessary replacement name for Nomeus
nigrofasciatus Rüppell, 1829a: 92; unambiguously
Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell, 1829) named for Rüppell, misspelt as Ruppel p. 216, the name
Nomeus nigrofasciatus Rüppell, 1829a: 92, pl. 24 fig. 2 (type should be emended to ruppellii, an inadvertent error,
locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; syntypes [2]: part Code art. 32.5.1)
of SMF 1655 [2], 17520 [1], Paxton et al., 1989: 585, Seriola intermedia Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 116 (type
Eschmeyer, 2011) locality: Japan; holotype: RMNH D.859 [1], Boeseman,
Seriola binotata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1947: 105)
1833: 215 (type locality: unknown [probably Indian Seriola cretata Fowler, 1904: 506, pl. 11 (type locality: In-
Ocean; for Peron's itinerary, see Bauchot et al., 1983a: donesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: ANSP 27499)
7]; lectotype: MNHN A.6648, designated by Eschmey- Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Luzon)
er et al., 1998: 231) by Roxas & Agco (1941: 71).
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below Gazza Equula profunda de Vis, 1884c: 544 (type locality: Austra-
dentex is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand) lia: Queensland Coast; holotype: QM I.9818, Jones,
(Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was in- 1985: 610)
land or at sea.
[Equula dentex Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 91 (type Deveximentum megalolepis (Mochizuki & Hayashi, 1989)
locality: Mauritius; lectotype: MNHN A.578, designated by Yamash- Secutor megalolepis Mochizuki & Hayashi, 1989: 86, fig.
ita et al., 1998: 272, fig. 1a, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: 19)].
8a–b (type locality: Thailand: Songkhla; holotype: URM
Deveximentum Fowler, 1904 14964-2)
Deveximentum Fowler, 1904b: 517 (type species: Zeus insi-
diator Bloch, 1787a: 41, by original designation). Gen-
der neuter. Equulites Fowler, 1904
Nomenclatural notes. Species of this genus have usually Equulites Fowler, 1904b: 513 (subgenus of Leiognathus La
been placed in Secutor. As Secutor is a replacement name Cepède, 1802: 448; type species: Leiognathus vermicu-
for Equula Cuvier, 1815c (a synonym of Leiognathus La latus Fowler, 1904b: 513, by original designation). Gen-
Cepède, 1802), it cannot be used for the present genus. der masculine.
Photoplagios Sparks, Dunlap & Smith, 2005: 314 (type spe-
Deveximentum hanedai (Mochizuki & Hayashi, 1989) cies: Equula elongata Günther, 1874d: 369, by original
Secutor hanedai Mochizuki & Hayasi, 1989: 93, fig. 9e–f designation). Gender masculine.
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan; ho- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follow Kimura, Motomura
lotype: YCM HLP 180-1) & Iwatsuki (2008: 204). Besides the species listed below,
E. leuciscus is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thai-
Deveximentum indicium (Monkolprasit, 1973) land) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was
Secutor indicius Monkolprasit, 1973: 14, figs. 3–4 (type inland or at sea.
[Equula leuciscus Günther, 1860: 503 (type locality: Indonesia: Amboyna
locality: Thailand: Songhkla; types: KUMF 1369) [Ambon]; holotype: BMNH 1858.4.21.243)].
Deveximentum insidiator (Bloch, 1787) Equulites stercorarius (Evermann & Seale, 1907)
Zeus insidiator Bloch, 1787a: 41, pl. 192 figs. 2–3 (type Leiognathus stercorarius Evermann & Seale, 1907: 67, fig. 6
locality: India: Suratte [Surat], in freshwaters; syntypes: (type locality: Philippines, Bulan, Sorsogon; holotype:
ZMB 1676 [2], Paepke, 1999: 94, Baldwin & Sparks, USNM 55906)
2011: 46, fig. 4b) Distribution notes. Inland record from Singapore man-
groves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.).
Deveximentum interruptum (Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
Valenciennes, 1835)
Equula interrupta Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Eubleekeria Fowler, 1904
1835: 102 (type locality: not stated [India: Pondicher- Eubleekeria Fowler, 1904b: 516 (subgenus of Leiognathus
ry]; syntype: A.6740 [2], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: La Cepède, 1802: 448; type species: Equula splendens
20 [not MNHN A.6763 listed by Jones, 1985: 610, which Cuvier, 1829: 212, by original designation). Gender fem-
are syntypes of Equula brevirostris Valenciennes, in inine.
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 83; Bauchot & Desoutter, Taxonomic notes. Taxonomic status follows Kimura, Ike-
1989: 19]) jima & Iwatsuki (2008: 202). Besides the species listed be-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
low E. rapsoni (Munro, 1964) is recorded from Sikao estu- Gazza achlamys Jordan & Starks, 1917
ary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is Gazza achlamys Jordan & Starks, 1917: 446, pl. 45 (type
not clear if it was inland or at sea. locality: Sri Lanka: Colombo; holotype: FMNH 58939
[Leiognathus rapsoni Munro, 1964: 171, fig. 14 (type locality: Papua New [ex CM 8074a], Kimura et al., 2000: 7)
Guinea: Gulf of Papua, off Red Scar Bay; holotype: CSIRO A.2137, Gazza shettyi Jayabalan, 1986: 42, fig. 1 (type locality: India:
Jones, 1985: 601, Kimura et al., 2005: 283, fig. 9a)].
Porto Novo, 11°29'N 79°46'E; holotype: ZSI F7861/2)
Eubleekeria jonesi (James, 1971) Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Rio
Leiognathus jonesi James, 1971: 316, fig. 1 (type locality: Grande, Mindanao) by Kimura et al. (2000: 7).
India: Palk Bay, vicinity of Mandapam; holotype: Cen-
tral Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Gazza minuta (Bloch, 1795)
Camp, India, apparently lost, Kimura et al., 2005: 281) Scomber equula var. melliet Walbaum, 1792: 220 (not a new
Distribution notes. Possible freshwater record from "mouth name but reference to a vernacular name in Forskål, 1775:
of Mekong River" (Kimura et al., 2005: 279). 58)
Scomber minutus Bloch, 1795: 110, pl. 429 fig. 2 (type lo-
Eubleekeria splendens (Cuvier, 1829) cality: India: Malabar [error; Tranquebar, Tharangam-
Equula splendens Cuvier, 1829: 212 (available by indica- badi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E], in seas and estuaries; holo-
tion to Russell, 1803a: n° 61 [p. 49, pl. 61; Goomorah type: ZMB 1670, Paepke, 1999: 94, Yamashita et al.,
Karah], reproduced in Kimura et al., 2005: 289, fig. 11; 1998: 276)
type locality: India: Chennai [original type locality: In- Zeus argentarius Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 96 (type lo-
dia: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]]; neotype: RMNH cality: Pacific Ocean [Vanuatu: Tana Island, Günther,
1441, designated by Kimura et al., 2005: 289, fig. 10a) 1860: 507]; syntypes: BMNH 1879.6.13.1–2 [2], Esch-
Equula gomorah Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, meyer, 2011)
1835: 80 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: Caranxomorus pilitschei La Cepède, 1802: 709, 710 (un-
MNHN A.6724 [1], designated by Kimura et al., 2005: necessary replacement name for Scomber minutus Bloch,
289, fig. 10c, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: 20) 1795: 110)
Equula splendens var. novemaculeata Klunzinger, 1880: 379 Gazza equulaeformis Rüppell, 1835a: 4, pl. 1 fig. 3 (type
(type locality: Australia: Queensland: Endeavour River; locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; holotype: SMF
holotype: SMNS 2448, Fricke, 1992: 12) 1384, Yamashita et al., 1998: 279; spelt G. equuliformis
Equula argentea de Vis, 1884c: 542 (type locality: Austra- on pl. 1, as first reviser I select equulaeformis as the
lia: Queensland: Cape York; lectotype: QM I.1699, des- correct original spelling)
ignated by Whitley, 1932b: 104, fig. 1, Kimura, Kimura Gazza tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1853f: 260 (type locality: In-
& Ikejima, 2008: 35, fig. 12; secondary junior homonym donesia: Sumatra: Priaman / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syn-
of Leiognathus argenteus La Cepède, 1802: 448, 449) types [36, 58–106 mm TL]: LU [BMNH 1979.6.13.1–2
Equula ovalis de Vis, 1884c: 543 (type locality: Australia: listed as syntype by Yamashita et al., 1998: 279 cannot
Queensland: Cape York; lectotype: QM I.1703, desig- be type as they are from New Hebrides])
nated by Whitley, 1932b: 110, Jones, 1985: 601, Kimu- Sparus scombroides Günther, 1860: 507 (not available, name
ra et al., 2005: 289, fig. 10d) listed in synonymy)
Equula simplex de Vis, 1884c: 544 (type locality: Australia: Equula dispar de Vis, 1884c: 542 (type locality: Australia:
Queensland: Cape York; lectotype: QM I.1702, desig- Queensland: Cape York; holotype: AMS IA.4898 [ex QM
nated by Whitley, 1932b: 111, Jones, 1985: 601, Kimu- I.1701], Jones, 1985: 569, Yamashita et al., 1998: 279,
ra et al., 2005: 289, fig. 10e; simultaneous subjective Hoese et al., 2006: 1177)
synonym of Equula ovalis de Vis, 1884c: 543, Whitley, Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Yamashita et al.
1932b: 109 gave precedence to E. simplex) (1998: 276).
Leiognathus spilotus Fowler, 1904b: 516, pl. 14 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; ANSP 27529, Kimu-
ra et al., 2005: 285, fig. 10f) Karalla Chakrabarty & Sparks, 2008
Leiognathus philippinus Fowler, 1918: 15, fig. 7 (type lo- Karalla Chakrabarty & Sparks, 2008: 7 (type species: Equu-
cality: Philippine Islands; holotype: ANSP 47486, Kimu- la daura Cuvier, 1829: 212, by original designation).
ra et al., 2005: 285, fig. 10g) Gender feminine.
Leiognathus devisi Whitley, 1929b: 113, fig. 2 (replacement Taxonomic notes. The diagnosis lists only very subtle dif-
name for Equula argentea de Vis, 1884c: 542) ferences between Karalla and Nuchequula.
Taxonomic notes. Placement of Equula argentea and Leio-
gnathus devisi follows Kimura, Kimura & Ikejima (2008: 35). Karalla dussumieri (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1835)
Equula Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Gazza Rüppell, 1835 nes, 1835: 77, pl. 283 (type locality: India: Coromandel
Gazza Rüppell, 1835a: 3 (type species: Gazza equulaefor- Coast; syntypes: MNHN A.6720 [1], A.6721 [1], Bau-
mis Rüppell, 1835a: 4, by monotypy). Gender feminine. chot & Desoutter, 1989: 20)
Taxonomic notes. See key in Yamashita & Kimura (2001:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Equula caballa Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 84, by origi-
1835: 73 (type locality: Red Sea / India: Malabar Coast, nal designation). Gender feminine.
Bombay and Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] / Guam; Taxonomic notes. See Kimura, Kimura & Ikejima (2008:
syntypes: MNHN A.6618 [1], A.6722 [1], 3091 [1], 22) for revision and key.
ZMB, Dor, 1984: 135, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: 19,
and material on which is based Russell, 1803a: 50, pl. 63 Nuchequula blochii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
[Komah Karah]) ennes, 1835)
Nomenclatural notes. Scomber edentulus has long been Equula Blochii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
considered to be a synonym of Leiognathus equula. Sparks 1835: 84 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; lectotype:
& Dunlap (2004: 16) considered the synonymy unlikely, MNHN A.6757, designated by Kimura, Kimura & Ikeji-
but the state of the lectotype and holotype, respectively, of ma, 2008: 26, fig. 6a, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: 19)
the two species makes it impossible to reach any conclusion Zeus notatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835:
as to the identity of both. The problem can probably be solved 84 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
only by the use of the ICZN's plenary powers to designate Leiognathus pan Wongratana, 1988: 496, fig. 1 (type local-
neotypes for either species. ity: Gulf of Thailand; holotype: CUMZ 2528.2.9.1,
Equula is a classical Latin noun of feminine gender mean- Kimura, Kimura & Ikejima, 2008: 26, fig. 6b)
ing a young female horse. As a noun it is invariable and does Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Kimura, Kimura &
not have to agree in gender with the generic name, therefore Ikejima (2008: 22). Chakrabarty & Sparks (2007: 20) treat-
the correct species name is L. equula, not L. equulus. ed Nuchequula pan as valid species.
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies based on Allen & Talbot Pagrus La Cepède, 1802: 293 (not available, name listed in
(1985) and Allen (1985). synonymy)
Diacope Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 89 (type species: Dia-
Lutjanus Bloch, 1790 cope sebae Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 89, by subse-
Hobar Forskål, 1775: 44 (a subdivision of Sciaena Linnaeus, quent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 1247;
1758: 288 but a vernacular name, not available; actually not a junior homonym of Diacope Hübner, 1820: 204,
error spelling for bohar; if treated as genus-group name, in Lepidoptera; also in Cuvier, 1815b: 360). Gender fem-
then a nomen nudum [not among new genus names list- inine.
ed p. vi]) Mesoprion Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 439
Naqua Forskål, 1775: xvii (not available, vernacular name (type species: Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, 1790: 107, by
[not among new genus names listed p. vi]) subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917:
Lutjanus Bloch, 1790: 105 (type species: Lutjanus lutjanus 124; objective junior synonym of Lutjanus Bloch, 1790:
Bloch, 1790: 107, by absolute tautonymy; spelt Lutianus 105). Gender masculine.
on pl. 245, first reviser not researched, presently Lutjan- Genyoroge Cantor, 1849: 994 (unnecessary replacement
us is treated as correct original spelling). Gender mascu- name for Diacope Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 89). Gen-
line. der feminine.
Neomaenis Girard, 1858a: 167 (type species: Lobotes emar- 18, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 21)
ginatus Baird & Girard 1855: 332, by original designa- Mesoprion griseoides Guichenot, 1862: 2 (type locality:
tion). Gender feminine. Réunion; holotype: MNHN 1323, Bauchot et al., 1981:
Evoplites Gill, 1862e: 236 (type species: Mesoprion 16, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 21)
pomacanthus Bleeker, 1855i: 407, by monotypy). Gen- Mesoprion garretti Günther, 1873a: 15, pl. 13 fig. B (type
der masculine. locality: Kingsmill Islands [southern Gilbert Islands,
Neomesoprion Castelnau, 1875: 8 (type species: Neomeso- Kiribati]; holotype: not preserved)
prion unicolor Castelnau, 1875: 8, by monotypy). Gen- Lutianus jahngarah Day, 1875: 40 (type locality: seas of
der masculine. India; syntypes: ZSI 2942 [lost], Whitehead & Talwar,
Rabirubia Jordan & Fesler, 1893: 432, 438 (subgenus of 1976: 159)
Lutjanus Bloch, 1790: 105; type species: Mesoprion iner- Diacopus superbus Castelnau, 1878a: 228 (type locality:
mis Peters, 1869: 705, by original designation). Gender Australia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: LU,
feminine. Eschmeyer, 2011)
Raizero Jordan & Fesler, 1893: 432, 438 (subgenus of Lut- Mesoprion obscurus Macleay, 1881a: 331 [31 in 1884 edi-
janus Bloch, 1790: 105; type species: Mesoprion aratus tion] (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Endeavour
Günther, 1864e: 145, by monotypy). Gender masculine. River; holotype: AMS I. 16329-001, Allen & Talbot,
Bennettia Fowler, 1904b: 524 (subgenus of Lutjanus Bloch, 1985: 21)
1790: 105; type species: Anthias johnii Bloch, 1792: 113, Mesoprion roseigaster Macleay, 1881a: 331 [31 in 1884
by original designation). Gender feminine. edition] (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Rocking-
Parkia Fowler, 1904b: 525 (subgenus of Lutjanus Bloch, ham Bay; holotype: AMS I. 16331-001, Allen & Talbot,
1790: 105; type species: Lutianus furvicaudatus Fowler, 1985: 21)
1904b: 525, by original designation). Gender feminine. Mesoprion sexfasciatus Macleay, 1883c: 255 (type locality:
Rhomboplitoides Fowler, 1918: 33 (type species: Rhombopli- New Guinea: Normanby Island in freshwater; holotype:
toides megalops Fowler, 1918: 33, by original designa- AMS I.9459, Eschmeyer, 2011)
tion). Gender masculine. Lutianus salmonoides Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908: 146
Jordanichthys Evermann & Clark, 1928: 687 (type species: (type locality: South Africa: harbour at Natal / East Lon-
Jordanichthys holei Evermann & Clark, 1928: 687, by don; syntypes [2]: SAM 9948 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
original designation). Gender masculine.
Loxolutjanus Fowler, 1931c: 90, 165 (subgenus of Lutjan- Lutjanus biguttatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
us Bloch, 1790: 105; type species: Lutjanus erythropte- ennes, 1830)
rus Bloch, 1790: 115, by original designation). Gender Serranus biguttatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
masculine. nes, 1830b: 507 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trinquemale /
Percaprionodes Fowler, 1944a: 399 (subgenus of Prionodes Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes: MNHN 7147 [1], 7148 [3],
Jenyns, 1840: 46; type species: Prionodes macropus 7149 [3], 7150 [4], ZMB 136 [1], Bauchot et al., 1981:
Fowler, 1944a: 399, by original designation). Gender 19, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 24, Eschmeyer, 2011)
masculine. Mesoprion elongatus Jacquinot & Guichenot, 1854: 38 (type
locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN 8392, Bauchot et
Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forskål, 1775) al., 1981: 15, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 24; figures in Hom-
Sciaena argentimaculata Forskål, 1775: xi, 47 (type locali- bron & Jacquinot, 1843: pl. 2 fig. 3, with vernacular name
ty: Red Sea; types: lost, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12) only; publication dates from Clark & Crosnier, 2000)
Sciaena argentata Gmelin, 1789: 1300 (unnecessary repla- Mesoprion bleekeri Günther, 1859: 208 (type locality: In-
cement name for Sciaena argentimaculata Forskål, 1775: donesia: Ambon / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes:
xi, 47) BMNH 1858.4.21.34 [1], 1858.4.21.240 [1],
Alphestes sambra Schneider, 1801: 236, 575, pl. 51 (type 1858.4.21.262 [1], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 24 and materi-
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N al of Mesoprion lineolatus of Bleeker, 1849c: 46)
79°51'E] [anadromous]; holotype: ZMB 354, Paepke, Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Panguauran
1999: 96; spelling gembra [p. 236, pl. 51] is an incorrect River (Busuanga Island, Philippines; Fowler, 1931c: 138)
original spelling, see corrigendum p. 575 [Code art. requires confirmation.
Mesoprion flavipinnis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Lutjanus bohar (Forskål, 1775)
1828b: 475 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holotype: Sciaena bohar Forskål, 1775: xi, 46 (type locality: Red Sea;
MNHN A.2843, Bauchot et al., 1981: 15, Allen & Tal- holotype: ZMUC P 4779, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965:
bot, 1985: 21) 19, pl. 14 fig. 27, Nielsen, 1974: 63; spelt hobar on p. 44,
Mesoprion olivaceus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, a lapsus calami)
1828b: 478 (type locality: Indonesia: Waigiu Island Sparus Cynodon Bloch, 1791: 114, pl. 278 (type locality:
[Waigeo]; holotype: MNHN 8381, Bauchot et al., 1981: Japan [erroneous, apparenty Dutch East Indies, because
18, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 21) of the Malay vernacular name]; types: ZMB ?, lost ?,
Mesoprion taeniops Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Paepke, 1999: 86)
nes, 1830b: 543 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi in Sparus lepisurus La Cepède, 1802: 45, 141 (type locality:
fresh water; holotype: MNHN 8382, Bauchot et al., 1981: "grand Océan équinoxial" [Indo-Pacific Ocean]; holo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
type: specimen on which Commerson's figure is based, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forskål, 1775)
redescribed by Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 427, lost, Sciaena fulviflamma Forskål, 1775: xi, 45 (type locality: Red
Bauchot et al., 1981: 27; invalid neotype designation by Sea; lectotype: ZMUC P 4775, designated by Klausewitz
Fricke, 1999a: 267 [need not demonstrated, Code art. & Nielsen, 1965: 18, pl. 12 fig. 25, Nielsen, 1974: 63)
75.1]; figured with vernacular name Sparus lépisure by Centropomus hober La Cepède, 1802: 248, 256 (unneces-
La Cepède, 1801: pl. 15 fig. 2) sary replacement name for Sciaena fulviflamma Forskål,
Diacope quadriguttata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1775: xi, 45)
1828b: xvii, 427 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauri- Lutjanus unimaculatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 304 (type
tius]: north coast / Red Sea: Eritrea: Massuah [Massa- locality: Indonesia: Waigeu [Waigeo] and Rawak Islands;
wa] / Seychelles; syntypes: MNHN 72 [1], 8180 [1], 8181 syntypes: MNHN 8196 [1], listed as holotype by Bau-
[1], Bauchot et al., 1981: 15, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 26) chot et al., 1981: 13)
Mesoprion rangus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: Mesoprion auro-lineatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
481 (type locality: India: Coromandel: Vizagapatham 1829a: 496 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trinquemale; ho-
[Visakhapatnam] / Indonesia: Java; syntypes: RMNH lotype: MNHN 8383, Bauchot et al., 1981: 14)
D.209 [1], SMF 2979 [1], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 26, and Mesoprion terubuan Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouz-
specimen on which is based Russell, 1803a: 74, pl. 94 ier, 1857: 424 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou];
[Rangoo]) syntypes: lost)
Diacope labuan Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouzier, Mesoprion aureovittatus Macleay, 1879: 61 (type locality:
1857: 424 (type locality: Papua New Guinea: Woodlark Solomon Islands; syntypes [2]: ? AMS [1])
Island [Moiou]; syntypes: lost)
Mesoprion rubens Macleay, 1882c: 232 (type locality: Lutjanus fulvus (Forster, in Schneider, 1801)
Papua New Guinea: Port Moresby; syntypes [2]: AMS Holocentrus fulvus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 318 (type
I.9464 [1], I.9465 [1, listed as holotype by Allen & Tal- locality: Ota-haitee [Tahiti]; holotype: BMNH
bot, 1985: 26], Eschmeyer, 2011) 1979.6.13.6, Eschmeyer, 2013)
Lutianus nukuhivae Seale, 1906: 40, fig. 5 (type locality: ? Lutjanus elliptico-flavus La Cepède, 1802: 194, 240, 241
Marquesas Islands: Nukuhiva; holotype: BPBM 2164, (based on Commerson's manuscript; type locality: Mau-
Allen & Talbot, 1985: 26) ritius; types: NT [not elliptico-fuscus as cited by authors])
Lutjanus coatesi Whitley, 1934a: 176, pl. 26 fig. 2 (type Diacope vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 307 (type lo-
locality: Australia: Queensland: Helix Reef off Towns- cality: Indonesia: Waigeu Island [Waigeo]; syntypes:
ville; holotype: AMS I.4977, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 26) B.3113 [1], MNHN 7986 [1, listed as holotype by Bau-
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Pucot River chot et al., 1981: 11, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41])
(Luzon, Philippines; Fowler, 1931c: 111) requires confir- Diacope marginata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
mation. 1828b: 425 (type locality: India: Pondicherry / Caroline
Islands: Oualan / Waigeo Island [Freycinet's specimen;
Lutjanus decussatus (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Bauchot et al., 1981: 9]; syntypes: MNHN 7986 [2], 7985
1828) [1], B.3113 [1], Bauchot et al., 1981: 9, Allen & Talbot,
Mesoprion decussatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1985: 41, Eschmeyer, 2011)
1828b: 487 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: RMNH Diacope immaculata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
D.201, listed as syntype by Allen & Talbot, 1985: 31) 1828b: 430 (type locality: Waigeu Island [Waigeo]; syn-
Mesoprion therapon Day, 1870a: 514 (type locality: Sri types: lost, Bauchot et al., 1981: 15, Allen & Talbot, 1985:
Lanka / India: Andaman Islands; syntypes [2]: among 41; simultaneous secondary homonym of Mesoprion
ZSI 1713, BMNH 1870.5.18.48 [1], Whitehead & Tal- immaculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b:
war, 1976: 159, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 31) 474, when placed in Mesoprion by Bleeker, 1859l: 23,
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Santiago Riv- who gave precedence to M. immaculatus of p. 474)
er (Luzon, Philippines; Fowler, 1931c: 106) requires con- Diacope xanthopus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
firmation. 1829a: 495 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trinquemale; ho-
lotype: MNHN 127, Bauchot et al., 1981: 13)
Lutjanus ehrenbergii (Peters, 1869) Diacope flavipes Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Mesoprion Ehrenbergii Peters, 1869: 704 (type locality: Red 1830b: 534 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Vanicolo Is-
Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; syntypes [2]: ZMB 359 [1], 360 land [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E]; syntypes: MNHN 8215
[1], Eschmeyer, 2011 [not NMW 35771–35772 [2], list- [2], Bauchot et al., 1981: 9, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41)
ed as syntypes by Allen & Talbot, 1985: 33]) Diacope analis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Lutjanus oligolepis Bleeker, 1873c: 17 (type locality: Indo- 1830b: 534 (type locality: Isle de France [Mauritius];
nesia: Sumatra: Padang / Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Su- syntypes: MNHN 8216 [1], 8217 [1], Bauchot et al.,
lawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang] / Ternate / Ambon; 1981: 7, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41; potentially a junior
syntypes [7, 116–228 mm TL]: RMNH 5557 [4 of 6], secondary homonym of Mesoprion analis Cuvier, in Cu-
? BMNH 1880.4.21.40 [1], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 33, vier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 452)
Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Bleeker, 1873a: 43) Diacope aurantiaca Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1830b: 535 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Van-
icolo [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E]; holotype: MNHN
6367, Bauchot et al., 1981: 7, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41) and Malabar Coast; syntypes: MNHN 8200 [1, Malabar
Mesoprion argenteus Jacquinot & Guichenot, 1854: 39 (type Coast, listed as holotype by Bauchot et al., 1981: 19,
locality: unknown; holotype: MNHN 8391, Bauchot et Allen & Talbot, 1985: 47] and specimen on which is
al., 1981: 14, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41; figured in Hom- based Russell, 1803a: pl. 95 [Yapilli])
bron & Jacquinot, 1843: pl. 2 fig. 4, with vernacular name Serranus pavoninus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
only; publication dates from Clark & Crosnier, 2000) nes, 1831: 443 (type locality: India: Bombay; holotype:
Mesoprion maus Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouzi- MNHN 5390, Bauchot et al., 1981: 20, Allen & Talbot,
er, 1857: 425 (type locality: Papua New Guinea: Wood- 1985: 47)
lark Island [Moiou]; syntypes: lost) Diacope xanthozona Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Mesoprion Gaimardi Bleeker, 1859l: 23 (replacement name 1828b: 441 (nomen nudum); Bleeker, 1845: 526 (nomen
for Diacope immaculata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien- nudum; locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta])
nes, 1828b: 430) Perca Catcoïs Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed
Mesoprion kagoshimana Döderlein, in Steindachner & in synonymy)
Döderlein, 1883: 236 (not available, name listed in syn-
onymy) Lutjanus malabaricus (Schneider, 1801)
Mesoprion marginipinnis Macleay, 1883c: 254 (type locality: Sparus malabaricus Schneider, 1801: 278 (type locality:
Papua New Guinea: Normanby Island in freshwater; ho- India: Coromandel; holotype: ZMB 8161, Paepke, 1999:
lotype: AMS I.1908, lost, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41) 98, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 57)
Genyoroge nigricauda De Vis, 1884a: 391 (type locality: Mesoprion dodecacanthus Bleeker, 1853d: 104 (type local-
Australia: Queensland coast; holotype: QM, missing, ity: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [101 mm TL]: RMNH
Allen & Talbot, 1985: 41) 27705, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 57, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Lutianus marginatoides Kendall & Goldsborough, 1911: Distribution notes. Identification of inland material from
287, pl. 4 fig. 1 (type locality: French Polynesia: Pau- the Philippines (Mindanao) by Smith & Seale (1906: 78)
motu Islands [Tuamotu]: Makemo; holotype: USNM needs confirmation.
Lutjanus maxweberi Popta, 1921
Lutianus max weberi Popta, 1921: 203 (type locality: Indo-
Lutjanus fuscescens (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
nesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Kali La River, in fresh-
ennes, 1830)
water; holotype: SMF 6602, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 58)
Mesoprion fuscescens Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1830b: 538 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi in Lutjanus palmeri Fowler, 1931c: 94 (type locality: Philip-
freshwater; holotype: MNHN 8277, Bauchot et al., 1981: pines: Mindanao: Malabang; holotype: USNM 89995,
16, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 42) Allen & Talbot, 1985: 58)
Mesoprion hoteen Richardson, 1846a: 229 (type locality:
Lutjanus russellii (Bleeker, 1849)
China: Canton; syntypes: BMNH 1968.3.11.5–6 [2],
Mesoprion Russellii Bleeker, 1849c: 41 (type locality: In-
Allen & Talbot, 1985: 42, and specimen on which is based
donesia: Java [p. 9; probably Batavia (Jakarta) as ver-
Reeves unpublished drawing, Whitehead, 1970a: 214)
nacular name in Batavia is stated]; syntypes: part of
Distribution notes. Freshwater records from Sulawesi and
RMNH 5526 [26], ? BMNH 1880.4.21.27 [1], ? NMV
46318 [1], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 69, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Lutianus nishikawae Smith & Pope, 1906: 474 (type local-
Lutjanus indicus Allen, White & Erdmann, 2013
ity: Japan: Shima Province: Hamashima; holotype:
Lutjanus indicus Allen, White & Erdmann, 2013: 35, figs. 1–
USNM 55614, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 69)
3 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trincomalee, Lively Rocks
Lutianus orientalis Seale, 1910a: 513 (type locality: Philip-
(8°21.761'N 81°23.664'E); holotype: BPBM 18803)
pines: Luzon: Limbones Cove; holotype: BSM 2201,
Distribution notes. Inland records of juveniles from south
lost, Allen & Talbot, 1985: 69)
coast of Java (brackish water; Indonesia) and Phangna
(stream at upper limit of tidal influence; Thailand) Lutjanus vitta (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
(pers. obs.). Serranus vitta Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 315, pl. 58 fig. 3
(type locality: Indonesia: Waigiu Island [Waigeo]; holo-
Lutjanus johnii (Bloch, 1792) type: MNHN 8346, Bauchot et al., 1981: 20, Allen &
Anthias Johnii Bloch, 1792: 113, pl. 318 (type locality: In- Talbot, 1985: 77)
dia: Suratta [Surat]; syntypes: ZMB 336 [2], Allen & Mesoprion enneacanthus Bleeker, 1849c: 40 (type locality:
Talbot, 1985: 47 [doubted by Paepke, 1999: 97 who iden- Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: RMNH 31732
tified them as Lutjanus madras (Valenciennes, in Cu- [ex 5542], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 77, Eschmeyer, 2011)
vier & Valenciennes, 1831: 446)]) Mesoprion phaiotaeniatus Bleeker, 1849c: 43 (type locality:
Sparus Tranquebaricus Shaw, 1803c: 471 (unnecessary re- Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype: RMNH 31731
placement name for Anthias johnii Bloch, 1792: 113) [ex 5542], Allen & Talbot, 1985: 77, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Coïus catus Hamilton, 1822: 90, 369, pl. 38 fig. 30 (type Mesoprion Ophuysenii Bleeker, 1860a: 74 (type locality:
locality: India: larger estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT) Indonesia: Sumatra: Benkulen / Japan: Nagasaki; syn-
Mesoprion yapilli Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: types [2, 120–199 mm TL]: RMNH 31722 [1], 31774
483 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam] [1] [ex 5542], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
DatnioididaeFowler, 1931 Coius polota Hamilton, 1822: 95, 370, pl. 38 fig. 31 (type
Datnioidinae Fowler, 1931c: 323 (type genus: Datnioïdes locality: India: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT)
Bleeker, 1854c: 440) Coius binotatus Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 89 fig. 2 (type local-
ity: India; holotype: lost)
Datnioides Bleeker, 1854 Lobotes hexazona Bleeker, 1850i: 9 (type locality: Indone-
Datnioïdes Bleeker, 1854c: 440 (type species: Coius polota sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype
Hamilton, 1822: 95, by subsequent designation by Blee- [101 mm TL]: LU)
ker, 1876d: 272). Gender masculine. Perca bifurca Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed
in synonymy)
Datnioides microlepis Bleeker, 1854
Datnioïdes microlepis Bleeker, 1854c: 442 (type locality: Datnioides pulcher (Kottelat, 1998)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in Coius pulcher Kottelat, 1998a: 112 (type locality: Thailand:
Pontianak; syntypes [5, 95–201 mm TL]: ? BMNH Bung Boraphet; holotype: MHNG 2158.83 [figured in
1880.4.21.41 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) Roberts & Kottelat, 1994: fig. 5])
Datnioides polota (Hamilton, 1822) Datnioides undecimradiatus (Roberts & Kottelat, 1994)
Chaetodon quadrifasciatus Sevastianov, 1809: 448, pl. 18 Coius undecimradiatus Roberts & Kottelat, 1994: 264, fig. 6
fig. 2 (type locality: not stated; holotype: ZISP, proba- (type locality: Laos: Mekong River a few km downstream
bly lost, Roberts & Kottelat, 1994: 260; junior primary from Lee Pee [Khone] falls; holotype: ZRC 35114)
homonym of Chaetodon quadrifasciatus Bloch, in
Schneider, 1801: 229)
Lobotes Cuvier, 1829 [1], 7748 [1], 7790 [2], A.7810 [1], ? SMF 17519 [1], Bau-
Lobotes Cuvier, 1829: 177 (type species: Holocentrus suri- chot & Desoutter, 1989: 21, Eschmeyer, 2011, and spec-
namensis Bloch, 1790: 98, by monotypy ["Holocentrus imen on which Kuhl & van Hasselt drawing is based)
surinamensis ou Bodianus triurus Mitchill, 3: f. 10" = Lobotes Farkharii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a:
Bodianus triourus Mitchill, 1815: 418]). Gender femine. 324 (type locality: Malaysia: Malacca; holotype: speci-
Verrugato Jordan, 1923: 195 (type species: Lobotes pacifi- men on which drawing is based)
cus Gilbert, in Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 2857, by orig- Lobotes somnolentus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
inal designation). Gender masculine. 1830a: 324, pl. 126 (type locality: Santo Domingo; ho-
Taxonomic notes. Use of "Les Lobotes. N." in Cuvier (1829: lotype: MNHN 7793, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989: 22)
177) indicates that the name is latinized; "N." elsewhere in Lobotes incurvus Richardson, 1846a: 237 (type locality:
same volume appears only after new Latin names. "N." China: Canton and "China seas" [area of Macao]; synty-
stands for 'nobis' [ours]. pes: specimen on which is based Reeves' unpublished
drawing and BMNH 1968.3.11.7–8 [2], Günther, 1859:
Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) 338, Whitehead, 1970a: 212)
Holocentrus surinamensis Bloch, 1790: 98, pl. 243 (type Lobotes citrinus Richardson, 1846a: 237 (type locality:
locality: Surinam; lectotype: ZMB 5089, designated by China: Canton and "China seas" [area of Macao]; synty-
Paepke, 1999: 95, pl. 8 fig. 1) pes: specimen on which is based Reeves' unpublished
Holocentrus surinam La Cepède, 1802: 384 (incorrect sub- drawing [reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 214, pl. 6a]
sequent spelling of Holocentrus surinamensis Bloch, and "Chinese Collection in Hyde Park" [several])
1790: 98, pl. 243) Lobotes auctorum Günther, 1859: 338 (based on numerous
Bodianus triourus Mitchill, 1815: 418, pl. 3 fig. 10 (type bibliographic sources and specimens, including reference
locality: U.S.A.: New Jersey: Prowles Hook; types: NT) to Holocentrus surinamensis Bloch, 1790: 98, whose lec-
Lobotes erate Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 322 totype is here designated lectotype of L. auctorum; type
(type locality: India: Pondicherry, Mahe, Malabar / Indone- locality: Surinam; lectotype: ZMB 5089)
sia: Java / Sri Lanka: Trinquemale; syntypes: MNHN 7745 Taxonomic notes. Lobotes surinamensis is often consid-
ered to occur in all oceans. There are indications that it might individuals from the Indo-West Pacific is not yet clear; await-
actually be restricted to the Atlantic and western Indian ing clarification I retain them as L. surinamensis.
Oceans (Kharin et al., 2009). The species from the Pacific [Lobotes pacificus Gilbert, in Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 2857 (type lo-
slope of South America is L. pacifica. The identity of the cality: Panama; holotype: CAS-SU 5883, Gilbert & Starks, 1904: 254,
pl. 14 fig. 28)].
Nomenclatural notes. See ICZN (1971: 41, Opinion 962) Japan [probably erroneous; probably India: Tranquebar
for spelling of family name. [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; Paepke, in Iwat-
suki et al., 1998: 165]; holotype: ZMB 8596, Paepke,
Gerres Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 1999: 82, Iwatsuki et al., 1998: 167, fig. 1a)
Gerres Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 292 (type species: Gerres Gerres abbreviatus Bleeker, 1850c: 11 [p. 27 of reprint] (type
vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 292, by subsequent locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype:
designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 117; on Offi- RMNH 6682, designated by Iwatsuki et al., 1998: 170,
cial List of Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1971: 41 fig. 1b; also in Bleeker, 1850n: 103)
[Opinion 962]; not a junior homonym of Gerris Fabri- Gerres singaporensis Steindachner, 1870b: 568 (type local-
cius, 1794: 187 in Hemiptera). Gender masculine. ity: Singapore; syntypes: NMW 72388 [2], Iwatsuki et
Podager Gistel, 1848: ix (unnecessary replacement name al., 1998: 167)
for Gerres Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 292; a junior hom- Gerres Cheverti Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 272, pl. 7 fig. 1
onym of Podager Wagler, 1832: 277 in Aves). Gender (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Cape Greenville;
masculine. holotype: AMS I.16345-001, Iwatsuki et al., 1998: 167)
Catochaenum Cantor, 1849: 1037 (unnecessary replacement Gerres profundus Macleay, 1878: 350, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type lo-
name for Gerres Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 292). Gender cality: Australia: Port Darwin; syntypes [2]: AMS 16346-
neuter. 001 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Synistius Gill, 1862e: 238 (type species: Gerres longiros- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Iwatsuki et al. (1998).
tris Günther, 1861c: 189, which is Xystaema rappi Bar- Juveniles observed in estuaries. Freshwater record from
nard, 1927b: 630, by monotypy [Gerres longirostris Luzon, Philippines (Fowler, 1933: 232, as G. abbreviatus).
Günther, 1861c: 189 is a junior secondary homonym of
Labrus longirostris La Cepède, 1801: 427, 468]). Gen- Gerres filamentosus Cuvier, 1829
der masculine. Gerres filamentosus Cuvier, 1829: 188 (available by indi-
Gerreomorpha Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 274 (type spe- cation to Wodawahah of Russell, 1803a: pl. 68 [error for
cies: Gerreomorpha rostrata Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: pl. 67]; type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Vanicolo Is-
274, by monotypy). Gender feminine. land [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E] [original type local-
Xystaema Jordan & Evermann, in Jordan, 1895: 471 (type ity: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]]; neotype:
species: Mugil cinereus Walbaum, 1792: 228, by origi- MNHN 9481, designated by Iwatsuki et al., 1996: 427,
nal designation). Gender neuter. fig. 1b [neotype designated by Bauchot & Desoutter,
Pertica Fowler, 1904b: 530 (subgenus of Gerres Quoy & 1989: 15 invalid, need not stated, Code art. 75.2, see
Gaimard, 1824: 292; type species: Gerres filamentosus Iwatsuki et al., 1996: 427])
Cuvier, 1829: 188, by original designation; junior hom- ? Gerres punctatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b:
onym of Pertica Simon, 1903: 24 in Arachnida). Gen- 480 (type locality: India: Pondicherry, mouth of Arian-
der feminine. Coupang River / Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syn-
Parochusus Whitley, 1930c: 16 (type species: Gerres pro- types: MNHN 9495 [1], 9496 [2], 1988-0254 [1], Bau-
fundus Macleay, 1878: 350, by original designation). chot & Desoutter, 1989: 17, Iwatsuki et al., 1996: 427,
Gender masculine. Eschmeyer, 2011, and material on which is based Rus-
Victor Whitley, 1951a: 68 (replacement name for Pertica sell, 1803a: 53, pl. 68 [Woodan])
Fowler, 1904b: 530). Gender masculine. Sparus edentulus Günther, 1859: 346 (not available, name
listed in synonymy)
Gerres decacanthus (Bleeker, 1864) Gerres philippinus Günther, 1862a: 258 (type locality: Phil-
Diapterus decacanthus Bleeker, 1864n: 58 (type locality: ippines; holotype: BMNH 1984.6.1.2, Iwatsuki et al.,
China: Amoy [Xiamen]; holotype [75 mm TL]: RMNH 1996: 427)
1502, Iwatsuki et al., 1999a: 31)
Distribution notes. Inland record from Hainan. Gerres limbatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830
Gerres limbatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b:
Gerres erythrourus (Bloch, 1791) 476 (type locality; India: Malabar; lectotype: MNHN 9474,
Sparus erythrourus Bloch, 1791: 26, pl. 261 (type locality: designated by Iwatsuki et al., 2001a: 309, fig. 1a–b)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Gerres lucidus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH
477 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; lectotype: MNHN 6686, designated by Iwatsuki et al., 1996: 418, fig. 1a)
9476, designated by Iwatsuki et al., 2001a: 309, fig. 1c;
simultaneous subjective synonym of Gerres limbatus Gerres oyena (Forskål, 1775)
Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 476, first re- Labrus öyena Forskål, 1775: xi, 35 (type locality: Red Sea:
viser [Iwatsuki et al., 2001a: 313] gave precedence to Egypt: Suez / Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; syntypes:
G. limbatus) ZMUC P 48209 [1], Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 16,
pl. 7 fig. 15a [as holotype], Nielsen, 1974: 64, Iwatsuki
Gerres longirostris (La Cepède, 1801) et al., 1998: 172, fig. 1c, 1999b: 385, Fricke, 2008: 35
Labrus longirostris La Cepède, 1801: 427, 468, pl. 19 fig. 1 [as lectotype]; incorrect original spelling, must be emend-
(based on a manuscript by Commersson; type locality: ed to oyena, Code art.
Madagascar [original type locality: "Great Gulf of In- Cichla argyrea Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 344 (type local-
dia" (Bay of Bengal)]; neotype: MNHN 1965-0388, des- ity: Vanuatu: Tanna Island; types: lost, Iwatsuki et al.,
ignated by Iwatsuki et al., 2001b: 955, fig. 2c) 1999b: 389)
Sparus britannus La Cepède, 1802: 41, 132, 134 (type lo- Gerres vaigiensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 292 (type local-
cality: Isle de France [Mauritius]; syntypes: material on ity: "les îles Rawak et Vaigiou" [Bismarck Archipelago:
which Commerson's manuscript is based) Rawak Island / Indonesia: Waigeo Island]; holotype or
Sparus Commersonii Shaw, 1803c: 428 (unnecessary repla- syntypes: MNHN 9489 [1], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1989:
cement name for Sparus britannus La Cepède, 1802: 41, 17, Iwatsuki et al., 1999b: 385; on Official List of Spe-
132, 134) cific Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1971: 41 [Opinion 962])
Gerres poieti Cuvier, 1829: 188 (available by indication to Gerres kapas Bleeker, 1851q: 482 (type locality: Indone-
Renard, 1719: vol. 1: pl. 2 fig. 9, Valentyn, 1726: 458, sia: Riau / Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [7, 90–145
fig. 354 [Ikan Mata Bezâr]; type locality: Indonesia: mm TL]: RMNH 6683 [6 of 10], ? NMV 46117 [1], Iwat-
Ambon; holotype: lost [neotype designated by Bauchot suki et al., 1999a: 37, 2007: 181, Eschmeyer, 2011)
& Desoutter, 1989: 16 invalid, need not stated, Code art. Gerres australis Castelnau, 1875: 43 (type locality: Austra-
75.2, see Iwatsuki & Kimura, 1997: 5; figured by Iwat- lia: Swan River; syntypes: MNHN A.4568 [2], Bauchot
suki & Heemstra, 2001: 1045, fig. 1c]) & Desoutter, 1989: 14)
Gerres acinaces Bleeker, 1854n: 194 (type locality: Indo- Gerres carinatus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 273, pl. 7 fig. 4
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [292 mm TL]: (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Darnley Island;
RMNH 6686, Iwatsuki et al., 2001b: 959, fig. 1c) syntypes [2]: AMS I.16344-001 or I.16347-001 [2], Iwat-
Gerres lineolatus Günther, in Playfair & Günther, 1867: 110, suki et al., 1999b: 385, Eschmeyer, 2011)
pl. 16 fig. 2 (type locality: Arabia [now Yemen]: Aden / ? Gerres bispinosus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 273, pl. 7
Zanzibar; syntypes: BMNH 1866.1.10.10–11 [2], Esch- fig. 3 (type locality: Papua New Guinea: Hall Sound;
meyer, 12011) syntypes [2]: AMS I.16348-001 [2], Iwatsuki et al.,
Gerres longicaudus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 272, pl. 7 1999b: 385)
fig. 2 (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Cape Green- Gerreomorpha rostrata Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 274, pl. 8
ville; syntypes: AMS I.16344-001 [4, ex MAMU F615], fig. 3 (type locality: "somewhere in Torres Strait"; holo-
Stanbury, 1969: 207, Eschmeyer, 2011; spelt longicau- type: lost, Iwatsuki et al., 1999b: 389)
dis p. 281, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original Gerres splendens De Vis, 1884a: 400 (type locality: Austra-
spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]) lia: Queensland: Cardwell; holotype: QM I.94, Iwatsuki
Gerres Rüppellii Klunzinger, 1884: 48 [text mentions pl. 5 et al., 1999b: 388)
fig. 6, pl. 13 fig. 2, which are erroneous; caption of pl. 5 Gerres socotranus Steindachner, 1902: 316 (type locality:
fig. 1b says that references in text are not correct] (based Yemen: Socotra: brackish water bassin Lebine; synty-
on Labrus oyena var. b of Forskål, 1775: 35, Smaris pes: NMW, probably lost, Iwatsuki et al., 1999b: 389;
oyena of Rüppell, 1828: 11, pl. 3 fig. 2, part of Gerres also in Steindachner, 1903: 137)
oyena Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 472, Taxonomic notes. Status of G. kapas follows Iwatsuki et al.
Gerres oyena of Klunzinger, 1870: 772, Gerres oyena (2007: 181), although not all syntypes were examined; a
of Day, 1875: 99, pl. 25 fig. 4 [but not Day's references lectotype should be designated.
to Forskål and Günther]; type locality: Erythrea: Mas- Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (2011) commented that
saua [and localities of material of cited authors]; synty- "Originally as öyena, spelling is German (author Fabricius)
pes: MSNS 891 [2] and material of cited authors, Fricke, and therefore change to "oe" is mandatory according to ICZN
1992: 10, Iwatsuki et al., 1999a: 37; incorrect original Art. (see Fricke, 2008: 35)". Fricke (2008: 35) wrote
spelling, must be emended to rueppellii, Code art. "as the 'ö' is the Latin equivalent of 'oe', the species name must be spelled 'oeyena' ". Code art. is very clear,
Xystaema darnleyense Ogilby, 1913: 86, pl. 23 (type local- the diacritic mark must be deleted, except if the name [not
ity: Australia: Queensland: Darnley Island; holotype: QM the spelling] is based on a German word. Öyena is explicit-
I.1074) ly the transcription of an Arabian word into the Latin alpha-
bet in a Latin text, therefore not a German word, therefore
Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854 the name must be spelled oyena.
Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854n: 195 (type locality:
Gerres setifer (Hamilton, 1822) Clara Gill, 1862c: 127 (type species: Equula longimana
Chanda setifer Hamilton, 1822: 105, 370 (type locality: In- Cantor, 1849: 1134, by original designation). Gender
dia: estuaries of the Ganges; syntypes: not preserved; feminine.
Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced by Day, 1875:
pl. 25 fig. 1; setifer is treated as a noun in apposition, see Pentaprion longimanus (Cantor, 1849)
Code art. 31.2.2, Example) Equula longimana Cantor, 1849: 1134 (type locality: Sea
Gerres altispinis Günther, 1862a: 258 (type locality: India: of the Malayan Peninsula and islands / Straits of Malac-
Ganges; holotype: BMNH 1858.8.15.78, Iwatsuki et al., ca; holotype: ? BMNH 1860.3.19.184, Eschmeyer, 2010)
1999a: 35) Pentaprion gerreoides Bleeker, 1850c: 13 [p. 29 of reprint]
(type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; synty-
pes: LU; also in Bleeker, 1850n: 104)
Pentaprion Bleeker, 1850
Pentaprion Bleeker, 1850c: 13 [p. 29 of reprint] (type spe-
cies: Pentaprion gerreoides Bleeker, 1850c: 13 [p. 29 of
reprint], by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Diagramma crassispinum Rüppell, 1838: 125, pl. 30 fig. 4 Sciaena nageb Forskål, 1775: 51 (alternative name for Sciae-
(type locality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Jidda [Jeddah]; na argentea Forskål, 1775: xii, 51, first reviser not re-
syntypes: SMF 978 [1], 3033 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) searched, but S. argentea is the name commonly used
Diagramma gibbosus Hombron & Jacquinot, 1843: pl. 5 for the species; S. nageb in Bonnaterre, 1788: 121 is not
fig. 2 (type locality: Samoa; holotype: model of figured a new name since it explicitly refers to Forskål, 1775: 51)
specimen, not preserved; description by Jacquinot & Lutjanus Hasta Bloch, 1790: 109, pl. 246 fig. 1 (type local-
Guichenot, in Hombron & Jacquinot, 1854: 46; junior ity: Japan; lectotype: ZMB 8713, designated by Paepke,
secondary homonym of Holocentrus gibbosus La 1999: 85, pl. 15 fig. 2)
Cepède, 1802: 344, 389, 391) Anthias lineatus Bloch, 1793: 7, pl. 326 fig. 1 (type locality:
Distribution notes. Inland redord from Vietnam (Bui, 2011: East Indies; syntypes: ZMB 8714 [1], Paepke, 1999: 84)
22) and Java (pers. obs.). Lutjanus microstomus La Cepède, 1802: 181, 216 (type lo-
cality: "grand Océan équinoxial" [Indo-Pacific Ocean];
holotype: specimen on which is based Commerson's
Pomadasys La Cepède, 1802 drawing, earlier reproduced in La Cepède, 1801: pl. 34
Pomadasys La Cepède, 1802: 515 (type species: Sciaena fig. 2 with vernacular name Lutjan microstome)
argentea Forskål, 1775: xii, 51, by monotypy). Gender Lutjanus orientalis La Cepède, 1802: 192, 235 (unnecessary
masculine. replacement name for Anthias lineatus Bloch, 1793: 7)
Pristipomus Oken, 1817: 1782 [error for 1182], 1182a (avail- Sparus trilineatus Shaw, 1803c: 472 (unnecessary replace-
able by indication to "Les Pristipomes" of Cuvier, 1816a: ment name for Anthias lineatus Bloch, 1793: 7)
279; type species: Lutianus hasta Bloch, 1790: 109, by Coius gudgutia Hamilton, 1822: 94, 370 (type locality: In-
monotypy). Gender feminine. dia: "mouths of the Ganges"; types: NT)
Anomalodon Bowdich, 1825: xii, 237, fig. 51 (type species: Pristipoma chrysobalion Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Anomalodon incisus Bowdich, 1825: 237, by monoty- 1830a: 248 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype:
py). Gender masculine. RMNH, missing, Bauchot et al., 1983b: 48)
Pristipoma Cuvier, 1829: 176 (type species apparently nev- Pristipoma nageb Rüppell, 1838: 124, pl. 30 fig. 2 (type
er designated because of confusion with Pristipomus locality: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Jiddah [Jeddah]; lecto-
Oken, 1817: 1782 and Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, type: SMF 1756, designated by by Dor, 1984: 151; jun-
1824: 320; Lutianus hasta Bloch, 1790: 109 is designat- ior secondary homonym of Sciaena nageb Forskål, 1775:
ed here type species; junior homonym of Pristipoma 51)
Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320 [not a synonym of Pristi- Pristipoma manadense Günther, 1872b: 657 (type locality:
poma Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 because its type species Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado; holotype: BMNH
was not originally included in Pristipoma Cuvier, 1829]). 1871.9.1.8, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Gender feminine.
Polotus Blyth, 1858b: 283 (type species: Polotus nitidus Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Blyth, 1858b: 283, by monotypy). Gender masculine. 1830)
Rhencus Jordan & Evermann, 1896a: 387 (subgenus of Po- Pristipoma kaakan Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a:
madasys La Cepède, 1802: 515; type species: Pristipo- 244 (type locality: India: Pondicherry, Arian-Coupang
ma panamense Steindachner, 1875: 36, by original des- River and Mahe; syntypes: MNHN 74 [2], 7685 [1], 7687
ignation). Gender masculine. [1], 7688 [1], A.7815 [1], B.2982 [1], ZMB 8721 [1], Bau-
Rhonciscus Jordan & Evermann, 1896a: 387 (subgenus of chot et al., 1983b: 40, Dor, 1984: 151, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Pomadasys La Cepède, 1802: 515; type species: Pristi-
poma crocro Cuvier 1830a: 264, by original designa- Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793)
tion). Gender masculine. Anthias maculatus Bloch, 1793: 9, pl. 326 fig. 2 (type local-
Dacymba Jordan & Hubbs, 1917: 464 (type species: Pristi- ity: East Indies; lectotype: ZMB 8703, designated by
poma bennettii Lowe, 1838: 176, by original designa- Paepke, 1999: 84, pl. 15 fig. 1)
tion). Gender feminine. Pristipoma caripa Cuvier, 1829: 176 (available by indica-
Pomadasyina Fowler, 1931c: 304 (subgenus of Pomadasys tion to Russell, 1803b: n° 124 [p. 18 pl. 124, Caripe]
La Cepède, 1802: 515; type species: Anthias grunniens and Anthias maculatus Bloch, 1793: [9] pl. 326 fig. 2;
Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 308, by original designa- type locality: East Indies / India: Vizagapatham [Visa-
tion). Gender feminine. khapatnam]; syntypes: specimens on which are based
Nomenclatural notes. See also Pristipoma Quoy & Gai- Russell's Caripe and Bloch's figure, among ZMB 8702
mard, 1824 under Pelates Cuvier, 1829 (Terapontidae). [1, lost], 8703 [1], 8712 [1, lost], Paepke, 1999: 84, pl. 15
fig. 1; also in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 261)
Pomadasys argenteus (Forskål, 1775) Pristipoma therapon Bleeker, 1849g: 22 (type locality: In-
Sciaena argentea Forskål, 1775: xii, 51 (type locality: Red donesia: Java: Batavia; types [up to 114 mm TL]: LU;
Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: ZMUC P also in Bleeker, 1850n: 100)
48218, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 20, pl. 19 fig. 38, Distribution notes. Inland record from Hainan.
pl. 20 fig. 38, Nielsen, 1974: 65 ["aliis" is not part of
type locality but refers to the name of the species being
naqem in 'other languages'])
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Russell (1990). Dentex Smithii Steindachner, 1868: 978, pl. 3 fig. 1 (type
locality: South Africa: Cape of Good Hope; holotype:
Nemipterus Swainson, 1839 NMW; spelt smithi on p. 1008, first reviser not reserched)
Nemipterus Swainson, 1839: 172, 223 (subgenus of Sparus Nemipterus oveniides Popta, 1921: 204 (type locality: In-
Linnaeus, 1758: 277; type species: Dentex filamentosus donesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Tiworo; syntypes [4]:
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 254, SMF 6603 [1], 6604 [1], 6605 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
by monotypy). Gender masculine. Nemipterus samsonensis Scott, 1959: 77 fig. 2 (type locali-
Synagris Günther, 1859: 373 (type species: Dentex furco- ty: Western Australia: Point Samson; holotype: SAMA
sus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 244, F2966)
by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1898:
1288; not preoccupied by Synagris Klein, 1749: 49, 1775:
442 or Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 586 which are not avail- Scolopsis Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814
able, ICZN, 1925: 27 (Opinion 89), 1956a: 312 (Direc- Ghanan Forskål, 1775: 44 (not available, vernacular name)
tion 32)). Gender feminine. Scolopsis Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 90 (type species: Sco-
Anemura Fowler, 1904b: 527 (subgenus of Dentex Cuvier, lopsis curite Cuvier, 1815b: 361, by subsequent mono-
in Desmarest, 1814: 92; type species: Dentex notatus typy in Cuvier, 1815b: 361). Gender feminine.
Day, 1871c: 684, by original designation). Gender fem- Scolopsides Cuvier, 1829: 178 (incorrect subsequent spell-
inine. ing of Scolopsis Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 90). Gen-
Euthyopteroma Fowler, 1904b: 527 (subgenus of Dentex der masculine.
Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 92; type species: Dentex Lycogenis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 346
blochii Bleeker, 1851k: 176, by original designation). (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Gender neuter. Ctenoscolopsis Fowler, 1931c: 273, 300 (subgenus of Scol-
Odontoglyphis Fowler, 1904b: 527 (subgenus of Dentex opsis Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 90; type species: Ho-
Cuvier, in Desmarest, 1814: 92; type species: Dentex tolu locentrus ciliatus La Cepède, 1802: 333, 367, by origi-
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 248, nal designation). Gender feminine.
by original designation). Gender feminine. Nomenclatural notes. The description of Scolopsis by Cu-
vier (in Desmarest, 1814) is only a summary of Cuvier's
Nemipterus balinensoides (Popta, 1918) 1815b work. Scolopsis curite is considered to be available
Synagris balinensoides Popta, 1918: 7 (type locality: Indo- from Cuvier (1815b: 361), making it type species of Scol-
nesia: Sumbawa: Brang Nee River, in freshwater; holo- opsis by subsequent monotypy and corresponding to the
type: SMF) present usage of Scolopsis in Nemipteridae. It is debatable
whether Cuvier's mention of curite is not as a scientific name
Nemipterus peronii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- but rather the vernacular name of the only species included
ennes, 1830) in his new genus. Not accepting S. curite as available from
Dentex Peronii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Cuvier (1815b) would create a number of serious nomen-
1830b: 245, pl. 154 (type locality: unknown, collected clatural problems
by Péron [probably northwestern Australia or Timor; If curite is considered not to be available from
Bauchot et al., 1983a: 7]; holotype: MNHN 9040, Bau- Cuvier (1815b), then the type species of Scolopsis would be
chot & Daget, 1972: 84, Bauchot et al., 1983a: 7) Scolopsis sayanus Gilliams, 1824: 81, pl. 3, by subsequent
Dentex tolu Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: monotypy. This would make Scolopsis a senior synonym of
248 (type locality: India: Pondicherry / New Guinea, Aphredoderus, the North American pirate perch. I have not
syntypes: MNHN A.6151 [1], A.8066 [1], 8772 [1], 9038 researched the precedence between the family-group names
[2], Bauchot & Daget, 1972: 85, Bauchot et al., 1983a: 7) Aphredoderidae and Scolopsidae, but there is also a poten-
Cantharus guliminda Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- tial for confusion since Scolopsidae is still occasionally used
nes, 1830b: 344 (based on Russell, 1803b: n° 107; type instead of Nemipteridae.
locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: [Aphredoderus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833a: 445 (type
material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 6: pl. 107 species: Aphredoderus gibbosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ennes, 1833: 448, by monotypy [text explicitly written by Valencien-
[Lama Guliminda]) nes, p. 447]). Gender: masculine].
Dentex obtusus Bleeker, 1849a: 66, 68 (nomen nudum), [Scolopsis sayanus Gilliams, 1824: 81, pl. 3 (type locality: U.S.A.: Penn-
1851m: 212 (nomen nudum), 1860l: 27 (nomen nudum), sylvania: fish pond at Harrowgate, near Philadelphia; syntypes: ANSP
1873e: 21 (nomen nudum) 12690 [1], Böhlke, 1984: 20)].
Dentex mulloïdes Bleeker, 1852r: 576 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Sibogha; syntypes [2, 225–235 mm TL]: Scolopsis ciliata (La Cepède, 1802)
? RMNH) Holocentrus ciliatus La Cepède, 1802: 333, 367, 370 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
locality: not stated ["Mer des Indes"; Bauchot et al., gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on
1983a: 8]; holotype: MNHN A.8091, Bauchot et al., which is based Russell, 1803b: 5, pl. 106 [Kurite])
1983a: 7) Scolopsis kurite Rüppell, 1828: 9 pl. 2 fig. 3 (type locality:
Scolopsides lycogenis Cuvier, 1829: 178 (unnecessary re- Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF 1326, des-
placement name for Holocentrus ciliatus La Cepède, ignated by Dor, 1984: 146)
1802: 333, 367; also in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: Scolopsis kurita Cuvier, 1829: 178 (incorrect subsequent
346, pl. 127) spelling of Scolopsis curite Cuvier, 1815b: 361)
Lycogenis argyrosoma Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Scolopsides kate Cuvier, 1829: 178 (unnecessary replace-
1830a: 346 (not available, name listed in synonymy) ment name for Anthias japonicus Bloch, 1793: 5; also in
? Scolopsis specularis De Vis, 1882b: 369 (type locality: Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 329)
Australia: Queensland; holotype: ? QM, missing, Esch- Scolopsides Ruppelii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
meyer, 2011) 1830a: xx, 332 (type locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massa-
Scolopsis luzonia Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 22, fig. 8 (type wa; syntypes: MNHN 3047 [2], SMF 1326 [1], 5478
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cavite; holotype: CAS-SU [2], Dor, 1984: 146, Eschmeyer, 2011; unambiguously
9243, Böhlke, 1953: 77) named for Rüppell, misspelt as Ruppel p. 332, the name
Distribution notes. Inland records by Fowler (1931: 302) should be emended to ruppellii, an inadvertent error,
from the Philippines (Busuanga Island: Pangauron River). Code art. 32.5.1)
Scolopsis argyrosomus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Scolopsis vosmeri (Bloch, 1792) 1830a: 333 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Anthias Vosmeri Bloch, 1792: 120, pl. 321 (type locality: Scolopsides torquatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Sea of Japan; holotype: ZMB 8729, Paepke, 1999: 105, 1830a: 335 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakar-
Dor, 1984: 146) ta]; holotype: MNHN 7835, Bauchot et al., 1983a: 11)
Anthias japonicus Bloch, 1793: 5, pl. 325 fig. 2 (type local- Scolopsides pomotis Richardson, 1846a: 237 (type locality:
ity: Japan; holotype: ZMB 5090, lost, Paepke, 1999: 105) China: Canton and "Chinese sea" [area of Macao]; holo-
Pomacentrus enneadactylus La Cepède, 1802: 505, 508, 509 type: specimen on which is based Reeves unpublished
(type locality: not stated [label data: "Mer des Indes" drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 215, pl. 7b)
[Indo-Pacific]]; holotype: part of MNHN A.8089 [2], Scolopsides collaris Günther, 1859: 356 (not available, name
Bauchot et al., 1983a: 9 [listed as syntypes]) listed in synonymy)
Scolopsis curite Cuvier, 1815b: 361 (available by indica- Distribution notes. Inland record from Malaysia (Sabah)
tion to Russell, 1803b: n° 106; type locality: India: Viza- by Herre (1953a: 427).
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Carpenter & Allen (1989). Lethrinichthys Jordan & Thompson, 1912: 558 (type spe-
cies: Lethrinus nematacanthus Bleeker, 1854r: 403, by
Lethrinus Cuvier, 1829 original designation). Gender masculine.
Schöur Forsskål, 1775: 45 (subdivision of Sciaena Linnaeus,
1758: 288 but a vernacular name, not available; if treat- Lethrinus harak (Forskål, 1775)
ed as scientific name, then a nomen nudum; mention of Sciaena harak Forskål, 1775: xii, 52 (type locality: Red Sea;
schöura, p. 33, does not refer to a fish but to mangrove lectotype: ZMUC P 49346, designated by Klausewitz &
tree Sceura, a synonym of Avicennia) Nielsen, 1965: 21, pl. 22 fig. 41, Nielsen, 1974: 66)
Lethrinus Cuvier, 1829: 184 (type species: Sparus choero- Lethrinus azureus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
rhynchus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 278, by subsequent 1830b: 300 (type locality: New Ireland: Havre-Carteret
designation by Jordan & Thompson, 1912: 558 [not [Carteret Harbour]; holotype: MNHN 9087, Bauchot et
Lethrinus atlanticus by Bleeker, 1876d: 281, not origi- al., 1983c: 66, Sato, 1978: 15)
nally included]). Gender masculine. Lethrinus rhodopterus Bleeker, 1852b: 65 (type locality:
Maina Gistel, 1848: ix (unnecessary replacement name for Singapore; holotype [342 mm TL]: RMNH 5758 [1 of
Lethrinus Cuvier, 1829: 184; junior homonym of Maina 10], Sato, 1978: 15, pl. 1 fig. A)
Hodgson, 1837: 771 in Aves). Gender feminine. Lethrinus bonhamensis Günther, 1874a: 65, pl. 47 (type lo-
Neolethrinus Castelnau, 1875: 11 (type species: Neolethri- cality: Bonham Island; holotype: BMNH 1873.4.3.160,
nus similis Castelnau, 1875: 12, by monotypy). Gender Sato, 1978: 15, pl. 1 fig. B; spelt banhamensis on plate,
masculine. an inadvertent error, thus incorrect original spelling
Lethrinella Fowler, 1904b: 529 (subgenus of Lethrinus Cu- [Code art. 32.5.1])
vier, 1829: 184; type species: Sparus miniatus Forster, Lethrinus Papuensis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 276, pl. 8
in Schneider, 1801: 281, by original designation). Gen- fig. 1 (type locality: New Guinea: Hall Sound; holotype:
der feminine. AMS I.16339-001 [ex MAMU F590], Stanbury, 1969:
207, Eschmeyer, 2011) lotype: MNHN 9086, Bauchot et al., 1983c: 68, Sato,
Lethrinus Bleekeri Klunzinger, 1884: 41 (based on L. harak 1978: 31, pl. 3 fig. C)
of Bleeker, 1876b: pl. 327 fig. 3, Day [? 1875: 137, pl. 33 Lethrinus erythrurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
fig. 3] and Kner [1865: 81]; type locality: Australia: Syd- nes, 1830b: 293 (type locality: Sri Lanka; syntypes:
ney [Kner], no data for Bleeker's and Day's material; MNHN 5635 [2], Bauchot et al., 1983c: 67, Sato, 1978:
syntypes: NMW [1, Kner's specimen], model of 31, pl. 4 fig. A)
Bleeker's figure, material of Day (and included refer- Lethrinus centurio Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ences), and "small specimens from Bleeker" in SMNM) 1830b: 301, pl. 158 (type locality: Seychelles; syntypes:
Distribution notes. Freshwater records by Fowler (1933: MNHN 688 [2], Bauchot et al., 1983c: 67, Sato, 1978:
25) from the Philippines (river at Pasacao, Luzon). 31, pl. 4 fig. B)
Lethrinus karwa Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Lethrinus miniatus (Forster, in Schneider, 1801) 1830b: 311 (based on Russell, 1803a: n° 89; type local-
Sparus miniatus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 281 (type lo- ity: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype:
cality: Pacific Ocean [Namocka (Tonga Islands), New specimen on which is based Russell, 1803a: 71, pl. 89
Caledonia; Randall & Wheeler, 1991: 763]; types: ma- [Karwa])
terial on which Forster based his description and draw- Lethrinus alboguttatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
ing [reproduced in Randall & Wheeler, 1991: pl. 1c]) ennes, 1830b: 314 (type locality: Bonin Islands; holo-
Lethrinus chrysostomus Richardson, 1848a: 118, pl. 60 type: specimen on which is based figure by Mertens and
figs. 6–7 (type locality: Norfolk Island; holotype: BMNH Ketlitz)
2012.11.10.6, Sato, 1978: 45, pl. 9 fig. C) Lethrynus esculentus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Lethrinus imperialis De Vis, 1884b: 146 (type locality: Aus- nes, 1830b: "avis au relieur", pl. 158 (type locality: Sey-
tralia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: ? AMS) chelles; holotype: MNHN 688 [1 of 2], one of the synty-
Lethrinus amamianus Akazaki, 1962: 259, 363, fig. 46 (type pes of Lethrinus centurio Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
locality: Japan: Amami Islands: Kagoshima Prefecture: Valenciennes, 1830b: 301)
Nase; holotype: FAKU [ex MIKU 1980], Sato, 1978: Lethrinus cyanoxanthus Richardson, 1843a: 7, pl. 4 fig. 1
23, pl. 1 fig. C, Eschmeyer, 2011) (type locality: Australia: Houtmans Abrolhos; holotype:
Distribution notes. Freshwater records by Fowler (1933: specimen on which plate is based, not preserved)
10–11) from the Philippines (Nato River, Luzon; river at Lethrinus anatarius Richardson, 1845b: 145 (type locality:
Port Dupon, Leyte; Pangauron River, Busuanga). China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
Reeves' unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
Lethrinus nebulosus (Forskål, 1775) 1970a: 213, pl. 5a)
Sciaena nebulosa Forskål, 1775: xii, 52 (type locality: Red Lethrinus nebulosus var. chumchum Klunzinger, 1870: 754
Sea; holotype: ZMUC P 49345, Klausewitz & Nielsen, (type locality: Egypt: Quseir [Dor, 1984]; syntypes: SMF)
1965: 21, pl. 20 fig. 39, Nielsen, 1974: 67, Dor, 1984: 154) Lethrinus Güntheri Bleeker, 1873d: 153, pl. 2 bottom fig.
Sciaena hamrur Forskål, 1775: 52 (alternative name for (type locality: Japan: Kiusiu: Nagasaki; holotype [120
Sciaena nebulosa Forskål, 1775: xii, 52, first reviser not mm TL]: RMNH 5766, Sato, 1978: 31; incorrect origi-
researched; simultaneous homonym of Sciaena hamrur nal spelling, must be emended to guentheri, Code art.
Forskål, 1775: xi, 45, first reviser not researched but
S. hamrur Forskål, 1775: 52 has apparently never been Lethrinus nebulosus var. ochrolineata Kossmann, in Koss-
treated as the name of a valid species) mann & Räuber, 1876: 390 (type locality: Red Sea; syn-
Sparus choerorhynchus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 278 (type types [2]: ZMB 9847 [1, listed as holotype by Eschmey-
locality: Japan; holotype: ZMB 8743, Paepke, 1999: 94, er, 2011]; also in Kossmann & Räuber 1877: 12)
Sato, 1978: 30, pl. 2 fig. C) Lethrinus aurolineatus Macleay, 1882c: 247 (type locality:
Lethrinus Gothofredi Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- New Guinea; syntypes [2]: AMS I.16341-001 [2, ex
nes, 1830b: 286 (type locality: Egypt: Suez; holotype: MAMU F1159], Eschmeyer, 2011)
MNHN 9089, Bauchot et al., 1983c: 68) Lethrinus ornatus De Vis, 1884e: 458 (type locality: Aus-
Lethrinus fasciatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- tralia: Queensland: Wide Bay; holotype: QM; junior pri-
nes, 1830b: 290 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trincomalee; mary homonym of Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes, in
holotype: MNHN 9081, Bauchot et al., 1983c: 68, Sato, Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 310)
1978: 30) Lethrinus scoparius Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908: 168 (type
Lethrinus fraenatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- locality: South Africa: Natal; holotype: SAM 9927, Esch-
nes, 1830b: 291 (type locality: Sri Lanka; holotype: meyer, 2011)
MNHN 9072, Bauchot et al., 1983c: 68, Sato, 1978: 30, Lethrinus carinatus Weber, 1913a: 289, fig. 68, pl. 2 fig. 1
pl. 3 fig. A) (type locality: Indonesia: Irian Jaya: Seget, entrance of
Lethrinus korely Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Galewo Strait / Indonesia: "Niedrig-Kei" [Lesser Kai,
1830b: 292 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holotype: Kai Kecil]: Tual; syntypes: ZMA 111.064 [1], 112.619
MNHN 7845, Bauchot et al., 1983c: 68, Sato, 1978: 30, [1], Nijssen et al., 1993: 230)
pl. 3 fig. B) Lethrinus devisianus Whitley, 1929b: 122 (replacement
Lethrinus maculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- name for Lethrinus ornatus De Vis, 1884e: 458)
nes, 1830b: 292 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; ho- Lethrinus perselectus Whitley, 1933: 75 (type locality: Aus-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Acanthopagrus Peters, 1855 the 'syntypes'. Iwatsuki et al. (2011: 123, fig. 7a) consid-
Mylio La Cepède, 1802: 131 (not available, name listed in ered 'Chrysophrys calamara' to be a synonym of A. berda
synonymy) and designated MNHN 5261 as lectotype, restricting the 'type
Acanthopagrus Peters, 1855a: 242 (subgenus of Chryso- locality' to Madras (in fact Malabar coast; Bauchot & Dag-
phrys Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 299; type species: Chry- et, 1972: 43). The second specimen, from Java, belongs to
sophrys vagus Peters, 1852b: 681, by monotypy). Gen- A. pacificus. In fact, Chrysophrys calamara is a new com-
der masculine. bination of Sparus calamara Cuvier, 1829: 182, not a new
Mylio Munro, 1949b: 185 (type species: Sparus mylio La name and the lectotype designation is not valid.
Cepède, 1802: 4: 41, 131, by original designation). Gen-
der masculine. Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782)
Neosparus Akazaki, 1994: 327, 336 (type species: Chae- Sparus Latus Houttuyn, 1782: 322 (type locality: Japan:
todon bifasciatus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 64, by original des- Hirado Bay, Nagasaki [original type locality: presum-
ignation). Gender masculine. ably around Deshima [Nagasaki], Boeseman, 1995: 2];
Taxonomic notes. Key in Iwatsuki (2013: 88). neotype: MUFS 36814, designated by Iwatsuki, 2013:
Nomenclatural notes. See under Datnia, Terapontidae. 73, fig. 1a)
Chrysophrys auripes Richardson, 1846: 241 (type locality:
Acanthopagrus berda (Forskål, 1775) China: Chinese Seas / Canton; syntypes (?): BMNH
Sparus berda Forskål, 1775: xi, 32 (type locality: Red Sea: 2004.10.17.1 [1], Whitehead, 1970a: 213, Iwatsuki,
Yemen: Lohaja [Al Luhayyah]; holotype: ZMUC P 2013: 73 [as holotype]; description based on a specimen
50555 [1], Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 16, pl. 6 fig. 13, and a figure)
Nielsen, 1974: 67, Iwatsuki & Carpenter, 2006: 3, fig. 2a, Chrysophris xanthopoda Richardson, 1846: 241 (type lo-
Iwatsuki et al., 2006: 411, fig. 1c, Iwatsuki & Heemstra, cality: Canton, Chinese Seas; syntypes: BMNH
2010: 124, fig. 1a) 2010.12.6.1 [1], Whitehead, 1970a: 213, Iwatsuku, 2013:
Sparus hasta Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 275 (type locality: 73 [as holotype]; description based on a specimen and a
India: Coromandel; types: ? ZMB 8796 [type status not figure)
discussed by Paepke, 1999: 142]) Chrysophrys rubroptera Tirant, 1883: 86 (type locality: Viet-
Sparus calamara Cuvier, 1829: 182 (available by indica- nam: river of Hué; syntypes: MGHNL 4200-0044 [2;
tion to Calamara of Russel, 1803a: n° 92; type locality: formerly MGHNL 2478], Kottelat, 1987c: 18, fig. 12)
India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: speci- Chrysophrys novae caledoniae Castelnau, 1873: 110 (type
men on which is based Russell, 1803a: 73, pl. 92 [Ca- locality: New Caledonia: Nouméa; types: NMV 51854,
lamara] [explicit mention of a single specimen]) Iwatsuki, 2013: 76; incorrect original spelling, must be
Chrysophrys madagascariensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & emended to novaecaledoniae, Code art.
Valenciennes, 1830b: 135 (type locality: Madagascar: Sparus chrysopterus Kishinouye, 1907b: 327 (type locali-
Fort Dauphin; holotype: based on figure [reproduced in ty: Japan: Kiusiu / Shikoku / Inland Sea / Japan: Pacific
La Cepède, 1801: vol 3: pl. 17 fig. 3, "variété du spare coast of Hondo; holotype: LU, Eschmeyer, 2011)
brunâtre"], Bauchot & Daget, 1972: 65). Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Iwatsuki (2013: 67).
Chrysophrys robinsoni Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908: 170 Molecular data suggest this species might belong to Spari-
(type locality: South Africa: Natal; holotype: SAM dentex (Chiba et al., 2009).
10000, Iwatsuki et al., 2006: 411)
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy partly follows Kume & Yoshi- Acanthopagrus pacificus Iwatsuki, Kume & Yoshino,
no (2008: 53). "Chrysophrys berda var. calamara Day, 1875: 2010
140" appears in some synonymies. This is not a new name Acanthopagrus pacificus Iwatsuki, Kume & Yoshino, 2010:
but a new combination of Chrysophrys calamara Valenci- 116, fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Yaeya-
ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 117. ma group: Iriomote Island (24°21'32.4"N 123°44'52.4"E)
Nomenclatural notes. Iwatsuki & Carpenter (2009: 52) and from Okinawa Central Fish Market; holotype: NSMT-P
Iwatsuki & Heemstra (2010: 129) treated Chrysophrys ca- 93818)
lamara of Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b:
117) as an available name and recognised two species among
Sparidentex Munro, 1948 locality: India: Malabar Coast; syntypes: MNHN 9054 [2], Bauchot
Sparidentex Munro, 1948: 276 (type species: Dentex hasta & Daget, 1972: 48; secondary junior homonym of Sparus hasta Bloch,
in Schneider, 1801: 275)].
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 255, [Chrysophrys Cuvieri Day, 1875: 141 (replacement name for Dentex has-
by original designation). Gender masculine. ta Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 255)].
Nomenclatural notes. Dentex hasta Valenciennes, in Cu-
vier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 255 (type species) is a second- Sparidentex datnia (Hamilton, 1822)
ary junior homonym of Sparus hasta Bloch, in Schneider, Coïus datnia Hamilton, 1822: 88, 369, pl. 9 fig. 29 (type lo-
1801: 275; replaced by Chrysophrys cuvieri Day, 1875: 141. cality: India: "all the mouths of the Ganges"; types: NT)
See also Datnia, Terapontidae. Datnia Buchanani Cuvier, 1829: 148 (unnecessary replace-
[Sparus hasta Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 275 (type locality: India: Coro- ment name for Coius datnia Hamilton, 1822: 88)
mandel coast; holotype: ZMB 8796, Paepke, 1999: 142)]. Taxonomic notes. Generic position follows Iwatsuki &
[Dentex hasta Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830b: 255 (type
Carpenter (2006: 13) and Kume & Yoshino (2008: 52).
Taxonomic notes. See Motomura (2004b) for review of Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] and Pasuruan; synty-
family. pes: RMNH 6012 [1], Motomura et al., 2002: 56 [as
holotype; Bleeker mentioned two localities thus had at
Eleutheronema Bleeker, 1862 least two syntypes])
Eleutheronema Bleeker, 1862a: 110 (type species: Polyne-
mus tetradactylus Shaw, 1804a: 155, by monotypy; also
in Bleeker, 1862e: 124). Gender neuter. Filimanus Myers, 1936
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Motomura et al. (2002). Filimanus Myers, 1936b: 380 (type species: Filimanus per-
plexa Feltes, 1991: 307, by original designation [misi-
Eleutheronema rhadinum (Jordan & Evermann, 1902) dentified as Polynemus melanochir Valenciennes, in
Polydactylus rhadinus Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 351, Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 513] and by ICZN, 1994b:
fig. 20 (type locality: Taiwan: Taipei: Linkou [original 81 [Opinion 1761]). Gender feminine.
locality: Taiwan]; neotype: ASIZP 60745, designated by Taxonomic notes. Revised by Feltes (1991).
Motomura et al., 2002: 50, fig. 2)
Filimanus heptadactyla (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804) nes, 1829)
Polynemus Tetradactylus Shaw, 1804a: 155 (based on Maga Polynemus heptadactylus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Jellee of Russell, 1803b: n° 183 [p. 67, pl. 183]; type nes, 1829a: 390 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia
locality: India: West Bengal: Gariahat, Calcutta [origi- [Jakarta]; holotype: specimen on which drawing is based,
nal locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]]; neo- reproduced in Feltes, 1991: 313, fig. 9a)
type: NSMT-P 60912, designated by Motomura et al., Distribution notes. Enters estuaries.
2002: 52, fig. 4)
Polynemus teria Hamilton, 1822: 224, 381 (type locality:
India: "Gangetic estuaries" / Vizagapatham [Visakhapat- Leptomelanosoma Motomura & Iwatsuki, 2001
nam] [Russell, 1803b: n° 183]; syntypes: NT, also spec- Leptomelanosoma Motomura & Iwatsuki, 2001a: 14 (type
imen on which is based Maga jellee of Russell, 1803b: species: Polynemus indicus Shaw, 1804a: 155, by origi-
67, pl. 183]; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced nal designation). Gender neuter.
in Gray, 1831a: vol. 1, pl. 92 fig. 2)
Polynemus coecus Macleay, 1878: 354, pl. 9, fig. 1 (type Leptomelanosoma indicum (Shaw, 1804)
locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Darwin; synty- Polynemus Indicus Shaw, 1804a: 155 (based on Russell,
pes [2]: AMS I.9791 [1], I.16295-001 [1], Motomura et 1803b: pl. 184 [and text data]; type locality: India: Viza-
al., 2002: 52) gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on
Nomenclatural notes. "Polynemus salliah Cantor, 1839" which is based Maga Booshee of Russell, 1803b: 68,
is sometimes listed as a synonym of P. tetradactylum. In pl. 184 [reproduced in Motomura & Iwatsuki, 2001a: 16,
fact Cantor (1839: 166) only mentioned 'salliah', a vernacu- fig. 5a])
lar name. Polynemus sele Hamilton, 1822: 226, 381 (type locality:
India: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT; Hamilton's
Eleutheronema tridactylum (Bleeker, 1849) unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 17
Polynemus tridactijlus Bleeker, 1845: 524 (nomen nudum; fig. 4)
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]) Polynemus uronemus Cuvier, 1829: 155 (available by indi-
Polynemus tridactylus Bleeker, 1849c: 57 (type locality: cation to Russell, 1803b: n° 184; type locality: India:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on nation; neotype designation by Fricke, 1999a: 306 in-
which is based Maga Booshee of Russell, 1803b: 68, valid)
pl. 184; also in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 385) Polynemus emoi La Cepède, 1803: 410, 412 (based on
Polynemus gelatinosus M'Clelland, 1842b: 181, pl. 6 (un- Polynemus plebeius Broussonet, 1782: [35], pl. [8] and
necessary replacement name for Polynemus sele Hamil- of Gmelin, 1789: 1401, Polynème émoi of Bonnaterre,
ton, 1822: 226, 381) 1788: pl. 74 fig. 309 [p. 183; based on Broussonet] and
Bloch, 1795: pl. 400; type locality: Tahiti / southern
America / Gulf of Bengal / India: Tranquebar [Tharan-
Polydactylus La Cepède, 1803 gambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E], Malabar and Coroman-
Trichidion Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 585 (not available, del; syntypes: LU)
ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion 21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]). Polynemus lineatus La Cepède, 1803: 410, 412, 416, pl. 13
Gender neuter. fig. 2 (based on Commerson's manuscripts; type locali-
Polydactylus La Cepède, 1803: 419 (type species: Polydac- ty: Mauritius [Réunion; according to Cuvier, in Cuvier
tylus plumierii La Cepède, 1803: 419, 420, by monoty- & Valenciennes, 1829a: 482; Society Islands: Tahiti,
py). Gender masculine. according to Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 718, 727, probably
Trichidion Gill, 1861a [February]: 40 (type species: Polyne- erroneous]; holotype: MNHN A.5440, Blanc & Hureau,
mus americanus Cuvier, 1829: 155, sensu Storer, 1846: 1972: 727 [Tahiti] [not A.5540, as on p. 718], Motomu-
300 [= Polynemus virginicus Linnaeus, 1758: 317; Esch- ra et al., 2001: 119 [Réunion])
meyer, 1990: 411] by monotypy; also in Gill, 1861f [19 Polynemus Niloticus Shaw, 1804a: 151 (type locality: "Nile
March]: 276 [but with Polydactylus plumierii La Cepède, River as far up as Syene and first cataract" [Bruce, 1790:
1803: 419, 420 listed as type]). Gender neuter. pl. 41 mentioned explicitly only "at Girgé, a large town
opposite, or at Achmim itself"; reference to Syene does
Polydactylus luparensis Lim, Motomura & Gambang, not refer to this species; actually Red Sea; Cuvier, in
2010 Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 383]; syntypes: material
Polydactylus luparensis Lim, Motomura & Gambang, 2010: on which is based description and figure of Binny in
64, fig. 1 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Bruce, 1790: pl. 41)
mouth of Batang Lupar River, 1°27'68"N 111°01'83"E; Polynemus Commersonii Shaw, 1804a: 156 (unnecessary
holotype: IPPS 08-01) replacement name for Polynemus lineatus La Cepède,
1803: 410, 412)
Polydactylus macrophthalmus (Bleeker, 1858) Pogonais barakuan Montrouzier, 1857: 428 (not available,
Polynemus macrophthalmus Bleeker, 1858n: 10 (type lo- name listed in synonymy)
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang, in estuary of Polynemus lineatus Günther, 1860: 327 (type locality: In-
Musi River; lectotype: RMNH 6015, designated by donesia: Ambon / Guatalcana [Guadalcanal]; syntypes:
Motomura et al., 2001: 290, fig. 1) BMNH 1858.4.21.85 [1], 1855.11.7.35 [1], Motomura
et al., 2001: 119; junior primary homonym of Polyne-
Polydactylus microstoma (Bleeker, 1851) mus lineatus La Cepède, 1803: 410, 412)
Polynemus microstoma Bleeker, 1851m: 217 (type locality: Polynemus taeniatus Günther, 1860: 526 (replacement name
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Bulucomba; holotype [74 mm TL]: for Polynemus lineatus Günther, 1860: 327)
RMNH 6044, Motomura & Iwatsuki, 2001b: 339, Polydactylus agonasi Jordan & McGregor, 1906: 814, fig.
fig. 3A; compound noun, indeclinable [not adjective be- (type locality: Japan: Tokyo; holotype: USNM 55608,
cause it did not agree in gender in original description]) Motomura et al., 2001: 119])
Polydactylus zophomus Jordan & McGregor, in Jordan & Polynemus lydiae Curtiss, 1938: 43 (type locality: Society
Seale, 1907b: 11, fig. 4 (type locality: Philippines: Lu- Islands: Tahiti: lagoon near Tautira; holotype: probably
zon: Cavite; holotype: stated to be USNM 55598, but not preserved)
apparently CAS-SU 20113, Motomura & Iwatsuki, Nomenclatural notes. Fricke (1999a: 306) designated the
2001b: 344) specimen on which Broussonet's figure of P. plebeius is based
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines in as lectotype of P. plebeius. Motomura et al. (2001: 122),
Motomura et al. (2001: 303). referring to Code art. 72, erroneously claimed that this des-
ignation is invalid. The lectotype designation is explicitly
Polydactylus plebeius (Broussonet, 1782) permitted by art. 74.4. As the figure is unambiguously iden-
Polynemus Plebeius Broussonet, 1782: [35], pl. [8] (type tifiable by the criteria listed by Motomura et al. (2001: 121),
locality: Society Islands: Tahiti [original type locality: their neotype designation was not justified. Nevertheless,
Tahiti / New Hebrides: Tanna Island [Vanuatu]]; lecto- art. 75.1 does not require that a neotype be needed, but that
type: specimen on which Broussonet's figure is based, the author of the designation considers that a neotype is
designated by Fricke, 1999a: 306 [lost]; neotype: FMNH necessary. Art. 75.3 requires that the need be stated explic-
108655, designated by Motomura et al., 2001: 119, itly; it does not require that the need be justified, correct or
fig. 1a) real. Thus the neotype designation is valid.
Sciaena pentadactyla La Cepède, 1802: 310, 322, 323 (type Fricke (1999a: 306) also designated the lectotype of
locality: Society Islands: Tahiti [original type locality: P. plebeius as neotype of Sciaena pentadactyla La Cepède,
Mauritius]; neotype: FMNH 108655, by present desig- 1802: 310. Although Fricke (2000) 'withdrew' this neotype
designation, this action is irrelevant as there is no provision 1926: 9 [Opinion 93]; on Official List of Generic Names
in the Code that permits a nomenclatural act to be with- in Zoology). Gender masculine.
drawn. What is relevant is whether or not the designation Polistonemus Gill, 1861f: 277 (type species: Polynemus
satisfied the criteria of art. 75. Motomura et al. (2001: 122) multifilis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 29, by monoty-
considered that the designation was invalid because it was py). Gender masculine.
"a matter of faunal work (not revisory work), such an action
being expressly prohibited by" art. 75.2. The Code does not Polynemus aquilonaris Motomura, 2003
make a distinction between faunal and revisory works and Polynemus aquilonaris Motomura, 2003: 155, fig. 1 (type
does not define (anything like) a revisory work. A faunal locality: Thailand: Chao Phraya River, Samyan market;
work obviously can be a revisory work as it revises a fauna. holotype: URM-P 13930)
Art. 75.2 further says that a neotype is not to be designated
as an end in itself or as a matter of curatorial routine; Fricke's Polynemus bidentatus Motomura & Tsukawaki, 2006
designation in this case was clearly with the purpose of clar- Polynemus bidentatus Motomura & Tsukawaki, 2006: 460,
ifying the taxonomic status of a name (whether the need is fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: My Tho Province: Cho
real or not is irrelevant; see above). Fricke's designation, Gao canal in Mekong drainage; holotype: UMMZ
however, is nevertheless invalid, but for a reason overlooked 213346)
by Motomura et al. Code Art. 75.3.7 requires that the neo-
type be deposited in a scientific institution, thus (contrary Polynemus dubius Bleeker, 1853
to the lectotype) the neotype has to be an extant specimen. Polynemus dubius Bleeker, 1853o: 92 (available by diag-
The glossary also defines the neotype as a specimen. nosis and reference to Polynemus longifilis of Bleeker,
Motomura (2004a: 14) listed Sciaena pentadactyla La 1851d: 268, 1852o: 418 [not Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valen-
Cepède, 1802 as a nomen nudum. The species is diagnosed ciennes, 1829a: 365]; type locality: Indonesia: Borneo:
on pp. 310 and 323 and the name is available. If, as stated Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin / Kalimantan Tengah:
by Motomura et al. (2001: 122), the taxonomic position of Sampit (Bleeker, 1852o) / Sumatra: Palembang (Blee-
this nominal species cannot be cleared, the straightforward ker, 1852o) [material from several localities mixed in
way to resolve its status is to designate the neotype of same jar, exact locality of lectotype unknown]; lecto-
P. plebeius as neotype of S. pentadactyla. The need for the type: RMNH 6014, designated by Motomura, 2003: 158,
neotype is explained by Motomura et al. Further, the vari- fig. 4A)
ous misinterpretations of the Code listed above and the mis- Polynemus longipectoralis Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 213
reading of the original description are additional evidence (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah:
of that need. I designate here FMNH 108655 as neotype of Banjarmasin market; holotype: ZMA 112.570, Nijssen
S. pentadactyla. I consider that the neotype is necessary (art. et al., 1993: 231, Motomura, 2003: 159, fig. 4B)
75.1) and is designated to clarify the taxonomic status of
the name (art. 75.3.1), the characters are listed by Motomu- Polynemus hornadayi Myers, 1936
ra et al. (art. 75.3.2), the specimen is deposited in a museum Polynemus hornadayi Myers, 1936b: 376, fig. 1 (type lo-
and identifiable by its catalogue number (art. 75.3.3, 75.3.7), cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Ensengi River, a
there is no extant type material as the species is described creek entering Sadong River from the west about 6 miles
only on the basis of Commerson's notes (art. 75.3.4), the below Simujan; holotype: USNM 100632)
neotype is consistent with what is known of the former types
inasmuch as one may rely in a description by La Cepède Polynemus kapuasensis Motomura & van Oijen, 2003
based on a drawing (art. 75.3.5) and it comes from as nearly Polynemus kapuasensis Motomura & van Oijen, 2003: 394,
as 'practicable' from the original type locality (art. 75.3.6; fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
the Code does not define 'practicable'; the meanings of prac- Barat: Kapuas basin, fish market in Sintang; holotype:
ticable are feasible and usable for a specified purpose; the CAS 47198)
specimen is from as nearly as feasible [to me] and as nearly
usable for the purpose of a neotype designation, and it satis- Polynemus melanochir Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
fies all requirement of art. 75. ciennes, 1831
Polynemus melanochir Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Polydactylus siamensis Motomura, Iwatsuki & Yoshino, ennes, 1831: 513 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sa-
2001 rawak: Kuching Bay [original type locality: Indonesia:
Polydactylus siamensis Motomura, Iwatsuki & Yoshino, Sumatra]; neotype: ZRC 37829, designated by Moto-
2001a: 122, fig 1B (type locality: Thailand: Bangkok: mura & Sabaj, 2002: 184, fig. 3 [Valenciennes' unpub-
Samyan market; holotype: URM-P 14050) lished drawing of non-preserved holotype reproduced
Distribution notes. Inland record (freshwater ?) in Mekong in Feltes, 1991: 305, fig. 1])
delta (Vidthayanon, 2008: 194). Polynemus macronema Bleeker, 1852o: 419 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Banjarmasin, Pontianak and Sampit;
syntypes [3, 185–245 mm TL]: RMNH 6013 [3], Moto-
Polynemus Linnaeus, 1758 mura & Sabaj, 2002: 185; not a junior primary hom-
Polynemus Linnaeus, 1758: 317 (type species: Polynemus onym of Polynemus macronemus Pel, 1851: 9, pl.)
paradiseus Linnaeus, 1758: 317, designated by ICZN, Polynemus borneënsis Bleeker, 1856m: 3 (unnecessary re-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
placement name for Polynemus macronema Bleeker, Polynemus aureus Hamilton, 1822: 232, 381(type locality:
1852o: 419) India: below Calcutta; types: NT)
Galeoides microps Steindachner, 1869a: 126 (type locality: Polynemus longifilis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
China [probably erroneous]; holotype: NMW 77568, 1829a: 365 (type locality: India: Pondicherry and mouth
Motomura et al., 2001: 270, fig. 1; also in Steindachner, of Ganges / Philippines: Manila [probably erroneous] /
1869c: 136) Isle-de-France [Mauritius]; syntypes: MNHN 2200 [3],
Polynemus melanopus Sauvage, 1881b: 101 (type locality: A.3045 [1], A.4803 [1], ? SMF 439 [1], MHNG 148.24
Vietnam: Saigon; syntypes: MNHN A.3048 [2], A.3049 [1], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 718, 729, Weber, 1998: 13,
[2], Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 718) Motomura et al., 2002: 311, and material cited in nu-
Trichidion hilleri Fowler, 1905a: 502, fig. 11 (type locality: merous bibliographic references)
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holotype: Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Motomura et al. (2002:
ANSP 114895 [formerly WIAP 2400], Böhlke, 1984: 144) 311).
Polynemus melanochir dulcis Motomura & Sabaj, 2002: 182, Nomenclatural notes. Parenti & Desoutter-Meniger (2007)
fig. 1 (type locality: Cambodia: [lake] Tonle Sap; holo- considered Polynemus paradiseus of Cuvier (in Guérin,
type: ANSP 178011) 1827: pl. 27) to be a homonym [of P. paradiseus Linnaeus,
1758] (p. 395). They listed it in Table 2 ("New names";
Polynemus multifilis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844 p. 400) among "all original combinations and new combi-
Polynemus multifilis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 29 (type nations erected by Cuvier" with the note "homonym (not
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: southern coast near Banjar- new name)". If the meaning is that there is a P. paradiseus
masin; holotype: RMNH 436, Motomura & van Oijen, available from another work of Cuvier and homonym of
2003: 397, fig. 2a; also in Schlegel, 1852: 11, pl.) that of Linnaeus, then it seems erroneous. Cuvier (1816a:
Polynemus quatordecimfilis Pel, 1851: 10 (type locality: 347) had already used the name P. paradiseus, but he ex-
Indonesia: Borneo: southern coast near Banjarmasin; plicitly attributed it to Linnaeus in the footnote "polyn. para-
holotype: RMNH 436, Motomura & van Oijen, 2003: diseus, L. Edw. 208", in which "L." means Linnaeus and
397, fig. 2a; objective junior synonym of Polynemus "Edw. 208" means Edwards (1751: 208), a reference already
multifilis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844: 29) mentioned by Linnaeus (1758: 317).
Polynemus polydactylus Bleeker, 1852o: 417 (type locali- Plates in Guérin (1827) are the same as Seba's (1759)
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma- [in fact, printed from the same original copper plates]. The
sin; holotype [185 mm TL]: RMNH 6001, Motomura & fish on plate 27 (fig. 2) is the holotype of P. quinquarius,
van Oijen, 2003: 397; junior primary homonym of and P. paradiseus of Cuvier (in Guérin, 1827) is a misiden-
Polynemus polydactylus Vahl, 1798: 164) tification, not a new name, not a homonym. Cuvier (1816a:
347) considered that P. quinquarius (that is, the fish on Se-
Polynemus paradiseus Linnaeus, 1758 ba's plate [1759: pl. 27 fig. 2]) was a specimen of P. paradi-
Polynemus paradiseus Linnaeus, 1758: 317 (type locality: seus and treated them as synonyms (see in Cuvier & Valen-
India: West Bengal: Gariahat [original locality: India: ciennes, 1829a: 366). The fish on Seba's plate was called
Bengal; Motomura et al., 2002: 311]; neotype: NRM Pentanemus by Artedi; Gronovius (1754: 31) referred to
47529, designated by Motomura et al., 2002: 311, fig. 4) Artedi and described the specimen in Seba's collection; Lin-
Cephalus barbatus Bloch, 1795: 28 (not available, name naeus (1758: 317) based P. quinquarius on Gronovius' de-
listed in synonymy) scription, thus Seba's fish is the holotype of P. quinquarius.
Polynemus risua Hamilton, 1822: 228, 381 (type locality: Polynemus quinquarius is now a valid species of Pentane-
India: vicinity of Lukhipur; types: NT) mus.
Polynemus toposui Hamilton, 1822: 232, 381 (type locali- [Polynemus quinquarius Linnaeus, 1758: 317 (based on Polynemus ossi-
ty: India: "one of the middle estuaries of the Ganges"; culis filiformibus etc. Gronovius, 1754: 31; type locality: America
[erroneous]; holotype: examined by Gronovius in Seba's collection,
types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished figure reproduced in apparently figured in Seba, 1759: pl. 27 fig. 2; Gronovius also re-
Hora, 1929a: pl. 16 fig. 1) ferred to Pentanemus in Artedi's manuscripts on Seba's fishes; refer-
ence to Edwards, 1751: pl. 208, from Bengal, explicitly says it is a
different species)].
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below, Pen- agree in gender with Pennahia, which is not correct. There
nahia aneus (Bloch, 1793) is recorded from Sikao estuary is no Latin adjective aneus. The name aneus is a latinized
(Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not form for anei, the local name of the fish in Malabar. There-
clear if it was inland or at sea. Note that the correct spelling fore it is a noun in apposition, and the spelling aneus must
is P. aneus and not P. anea. Anea was probably used on the be retained (Code art. 31.2.1).
asumption that aneus is a Latin adjective that would have to [Pennahia Fowler, 1926: 776 (subgenus of Johnius Bloch, 1793: 132; type
species: Otolithus macrophthalmus Bleeker, 1849g: 16, designated Otolithoides aeneocorpus Fowler, 1935a: 150, fig. 119 (type
by ICZN, 1982: 260 [Opinion 1237] [original type species was Johnius locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 62510)
aneus Bloch, 1793: 135]). Gender feminine].
[Johnius Aneus Bloch, 1793: 135, pl. 357 (type locality: India: Malabar;
syntypes [3 ?]: ZMB 8726 [1, lost], Paepke, 1999: 128, Sasaki, 1994:
498)]. Chrysochir Trewavas & Yazdani, 1966
Chrysochir Trewavas & Yazdani, 1966: 250 (type species:
Species inquirenda Otolithus aureus Richardson, 1846a: 224, by original
Sciaenoides asper Blyth, 1860b: 140 (type locality: India, designation). Gender feminine.
Bengladesh: "mouth of gangetic rivers"; types: ? ZSI; un-
identifiable juveniles according to Trewavas, 1977: 449) Chrysochir aurea (Richardson, 1846)
Otolithus aureus Richardson, 1846a: 224 (based on speci-
mens and Reeves unpublished drawing, reproduced in
Aspericorvina Fowler, 1934 Trewavas & Yazdani, 1966: pl. 6 fig. A; type locality:
Aspericorvina Fowler, 1934a: 153 (subgenus of Johnius China: Canton; lectotype: BMNH 1975.11.17.1, desig-
Bloch, 1793: 132; type species: Johnius melanobrachi- nated by Trewavas, 1977: 345 [invalid neotype designa-
um Fowler, 1934a: 154, by original designation). Gen- tion by Trewavas & Yazdani, 1966: 251])
der feminine. Sciaena ophiceps Alcock, 1889: 300 (type locality: India:
Orissa Coast, off Mahanadi delta and off Godavari delta;
Aspericorvina jubata (Bleeker, 1855) syntypes: BMNH 1890.12.4.6–7 [2], ZSI F.12099–12101
Corvina jubata Bleeker, 1855c: 160 (type locality: Indone- [3], 12103 [1], 12170 [1], 12171 [1], 12336 [1], 12381
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype [1], Trewavas, 1977: 345, Sasaki, 1996: 88, Menon &
[127 mm TL]: BMNH 1880.4.21.150, Trewavas, 1977: Yazdani, 1968: 144, Menon & Rama Rao, 1976: 39)
369, not type according to Eschmeyer, 2011) Sciaena incerta Vinciguerra, 1926: 578 (type locality: Ma-
Johnius melanobrachium Fowler, 1934a: 154, fig. 122 (type laysia: Borneo: Sarawak; syntypes [2]: MCSNG 23308
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 59956) [1], Tortonese, 1963b: 336)
Johnius birtwistlei Fowler, 1931b: 446 (type locality: Sin-
gapore: Clyde Terrace market; holotype: ANSP 53467,
Bahaba Herre, 1935 Böhlke, 1984: 151, Sasaki, 1996: 88)
Bahaba Herre, 1935b: 603 (subgenus of Otolithes Oken, Distribution notes. Freshwater record from mouths of the
1817: 1782 [error for 1182]; type species: Otolithes lini Ganges (Sasaki, 1996: 88).
Herre, 1935b: 603, by original designation). Gender fem-
Dendrophysa Trewavas, 1964
Bahaba chaptis (Hamilton, 1822) Dendrophysa Trewavas, 1964: 110 (type species: Umbrina
Bola chaptis Hamilton, 1822: 77, 368, pl. 10 fig. 25 (type russellii Cuvier, 1829: 174, by original designation).
locality: India: Chinsura, Hooghly estuary [original type Gender feminine.
locality: estuaries of the Ganges]; neotype: ZSI F 6229/
2, designated by Talwar & Datta, 1972: 171) Dendrophysa russellii (Cuvier, 1829)
Bola Chaptis var. Nuria Hamilton, 1822: [78], 368 (type lo- Omb. [Umbrina] Russelii Cuvier, 1829: 174 (available by
cality: India: Yasor [Jessore] District; types: NT; simul- indication to Russell, 1803b: n° 118 [p. 13, pl. 118,
taneous subjective synonym of Bola chaptis Hamilton, Qualar Katchelee]; type locality: India: Andaman Islands
1822: 77; B. chaptis has precedence under Code art. 24.1) [original type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhap-
atnam]]; neotype: BMNH 1889.2.1.3087, designated by
Bahaba polykladiskos (Bleeker, 1852) Trewavas, 1964: 111; unambiguously named for Rus-
Corvina polykladiskos Bleeker, 1852o: 420 (type locality: sell, misspelt as Russel p. 174, the name should be
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; emended to russellii, an inadvertent error, Code art.
holotype [230 mm TL]: RMNH 5983, Trewavas, 1977: 32.5.1; also in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 178)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pseudomycterus Ogilby, 1907b: 94 (type species: Pseudo- 1970a: 213, Trewavas, 1977: 417)
mycterus maccullochi Ogilby, 1907b: 96, by monoty- Sciaena nasus Steindachner, 1866b: 771, pl. 15 fig. 1 (type
py). Gender masculine. locality: India: Calcutta; holotype: NMW 76435, Sasa-
Wak Lin, 1938: 378 (unnecessary replacement name for Bola ki, 1996: 90)
Hamilton, 1822: 73). Gender masculine. Johnius fasciatus Chu, Lo & Wu, 1963: 23, 88, figs. 11, 44,
Blythia Talwar, 1971: 23 (type species: Umbrina dussum- 70 (type locality: China: Guangdong: Kwanghai; holo-
ieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 481, type: SFU College 56-20)
by original designation; junior homonym of Blythia
Theobald, 1868: 44 in Reptilia). Gender feminine. Johnius borneensis (Bleeker, 1851)
Johnieops Mohan, 1972: 85 (type species: Sciaena osseus Otolithus borneënsis Bleeker, 1851d: 268 (type locality:
Day, 1876a: 193, by original designation). Gender Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
masculine. holotype [92 mm TL]: RMNH 5980, Trewavas, 1977:
Blythsciaena Talwar, 1975: 17 (replacement name for Blythia 444, figs. 43c, 45d)
Talwar, 1971: 23). Gender feminine. Otolithus Vogleri Bleeker, 1853f: 253 (type locality: Indone-
sia: Sumatra: Benculen [Bengkulu], in sea; syntypes [2,
Johnius amblycephalus (Bleeker, 1855) 180–206 mm TL]: RMNH 5979 [2], Trewavas, 1977: 444)
Umbrina dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Corvina Goldmanni Bleeker, 1855a: 371 (type locality: In-
nes, 1833: 481 (type locality: India: Coromandel Coast; donesia: Batjan: Soengi Puan [Sungei Puan]; holotype
holotype: MNHN 9623, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 19; [174 mm TL]: RMNH 5977, Sasaki, 1999: 278)
secondary junior homonym of Corvina dussumieri Cu- Corvina canina De Vis, 1884c: 538 (type locality: Austra-
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 119 when both lia: Queensland: Brisbane River; holotype: QM I.951,
placed in Johnius by Trewavas, 1977: 426, 437) Eschmeyer, 2011)
Umbrina amblycephalus Bleeker, 1855i: 412 (type locality: Corvina papuensis Hase, 1914: 531, fig. 4 (type locality:
Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes [2, 96–113 mm TL]: RMNH northeastern New Guinea: Tami estuary; syntypes [4]:
8289 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011) ZMB 19138 [3], Sasaki, 1999: 278)
Umbrina Mülleri Klunzinger, 1879: 256 (type locality: New- Sciaena siamensis Hora, 1924b: 487, fig. 4 (type locality:
Holland [Australia: Queensland: Endeavour Strait; Thailand: Thale Sap at Singgora; holotype: ZSI)
Fricke, 1992: 17]; syntypes: SMNS 2440 (2), Fricke, Taxonomic notes. Placed in Johnius by Sasaki (1996: 90).
1992: 17; also in Klunzinger, 1880: 372; incorrect orig-
inal spelling, must be emended to muelleri, Code art. Johnius carouna (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830)
Taxonomic notes. Valid according to Sasaki (1996: 90). Corvina carouna Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a:
125 (type locality: India: Malabar; syntypes: MNHN
Johnius belangerii (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 7529 [1, listed as holotype by Trewavas, 1977: 417],
1830) Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 8)
Corvina Belengerii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: Taxonomic notes. Valid according to Sasaki & Kailola
120 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; syntypes: (1991: 122).
MNHN 7613 [2], ZMB 890 [1], Bauchot & Desoutter,
1987: 7 [Cuvier mentioned "our specimen" at the end of Johnius coitor (Hamilton, 1822)
the description, which suggests the description is based Bola coitor Hamilton, 1822: 75, 368, pl. 27 fig. 24 (type
on a single specimen; but "the only specimen we have locality: India: Ganges, from the sea up as far at least as
dissected" indicates that several specimens were avail- Kanpur, and in the Jumna (Yamuna) as far as Agra / Viza-
able, of which only one was dissected]; belengerii is an gapatham [Visakhapatnam] [Russell, 1803b: n° 111 (not
incorrect original spelling as there is clear evidence of 110)]; syntypes: NT and material on which is based Rus-
an inadvertent error [see Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 7] sell, 1803a: 8, pl. 111)
and it must be emended to belangerii, Code art. 32.5.1) Perca Catoa Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed in
Corvina Kuhlii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: synonymy)
121 (based on a drawing sent by Kuhl and van Hasselt;
type locality: Indonesia: Java: river of Labouane [La- Johnius plagiostoma (Bleeker, 1849)
buan]; holotype: model of drawing) Corvina plagiostoma Bleeker, 1849e: 10 (type locality: In-
Corvina lobata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: donesia: Java: Madura straits near Surabaya and Kamal;
122, pls. 107, 139 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; syntypes: RMNH 5984 [2]; also in Bleeker, 1849g: 10, 17)
syntypes: MNHN 7587 [2], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 9, Taxonomic notes. Valid according to Sasaki (1996: 93).
Trewavas, 1977: 417) Nomenclatural notes. Plagiostoma can be a noun or an
? Corvina grypota Richardson, 1846a: 225 (type locality: adjective. As used in the original description by Bleeker, it
China: Canton; syntypes: BMNH, lost, Trewavas, 1977: cannot be decided if he regarded it as a noun or an adjec-
448, and specimen on which is based Reeves unpub- tive, and therefore it is a noun and indeclinable (Code art.
lished drawing, Whitehead, 1970a: 213) 31.2.2).
Corvina nalla-katshelee Richardson, 1846: 226 (type local-
ity: China: Canton; syntypes [2]: BMNH [1], Whitehead,
Johnius trachycephalus (Bleeker, 1851) Corvina celebica Bleeker, 1854w: 244 (type locality: Indo-
Corvina trachycephalus Bleeker, 1851d: 269 (type locality: nesia: Sulawesi: Macassar; holotype [255 mm TL]:
Indonesia: Borneo: Sumatra Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho- RMNH 5982 [1 of 20], Trewavas, 1977: 381)
lotype [105 mm TL]: RMNH 5975 or 5973 [1 of 4], Tre- Sciaena Mülleri Steindachner, 1879a: 29 (type locality:
wavas, 1977: 422, Eschmeyer, 2011) Southern Australia [Australia: Queensland: Cleveland
Otolithoides siamensis Fowler, 1935a: 153, fig. 121 (type Bay near Townsville, 19°16'S 146°48'E; Fricke, 2005:
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60171; 57]; holotype: SMNS 2267, Fricke, 2005: 57; also in
secondary junior homonym of Sciaena siamensis Hora, Steindachner, 1879b: 1; incorrect original spelling, must
1924b: 487, when placed in Johnius by Trewavas, 1977: be emended to muelleri, Code art.
441) Corvina argentea Macleay, 1883b: 204 (type locality: Aus-
tralia: Queensland: lower Burdekin River; lectotype:
Johnius weberi Hardenberg, 1936 AMS I.14578, designated by Ogilby, 1918: 83)
Johnius weberi Hardenberg, 1936: 251 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Telok Pekadai / mouth
of Peniti River / Padang Tikar Bay; syntypes [6]: ZMA Panna Mohan, 1969
113.119 [1], 113.120 [2], Trewavas, 1977: 412) Panna Mohan, 1969: 296 (type species: Otolithes micro-
don Bleeker, 1849e: 10, by original designation). Gen-
der feminine.
Macrospinosa Mohan, 1969 Taxonomic notes. Revised by Sasaki (1995).
Macrospinosa Mohan, 1969: 295 (type species: Bola cuja
Hamilton, 1822: 81, by original designation; spelt Macro- Panna microdon (Bleeker, 1849)
spinos p. 295, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect origi- Otolithus microdon Bleeker, 1849e: 10 (type locality: Indo-
nal spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender feminine. nesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Surabaya /
Cantor Talwar, 1970: 68 (type species: Bola cuja Hamilton, Samarang / Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: part of RMNH
1822: 81, by original designation; objective synonym of 5978 [6], BMNH 1880.4.21.134–135 [2], SMNS 10630
Macrospinosa Mohan, 1969: 295). Gender masculine. [1], Trewavas, 1977: 306, Sasaki, 1995: 28, Fricke, 1991:
18; also in Bleeker, 1849g: 16, 1850n: 99)
Macrospinosa cuja (Hamilton, 1822)
Bola cuja Hamilton, 1822: 81, 369, pl. 12 fig. 27 (type lo- Panna perarmata (Chabanaud, 1926)
cality: India: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT) ? Sciaenoides cochinchinensis Pétillot, 1911: 161 (nomen
Distribution notes. See Sasaki (1996: 84) for records in area. nudum; locality: Vietnam: Phuoc Haï), Chevey, 1937:
248 (not available, name listed in synonymy)
Sciaenoides perarmatus Chabanaud, 1926: 266 (type local-
Nibea Jordan & Thompson, 1911 ity: Gulf of Siam / Indochina; syntypes [7 or 8]: MNHN
Nibea Jordan & Thompson, 1911: 244, 246 (subgenus of 8988 [1], A.4214 [4], A.4215 [1], Lab. Pêches Coloniales
Sciaena Linnaeus, 1758: 288; type species: Pseudoto- [1, lost], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 18)
lithus mitsukurii Jordan & Snyder, 1900: 356, by origi- Taxonomic notes. Valid according to Sasaki (in Carpenter
nal designation). Gender feminine. & Niem, 2001a: 3167).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
1830a: 132 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: Otolithus bispinosus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
specimen on which Kuhl & van Hasselt's unpublished 1830a: 65 (type locality: Burma: Rangoon; holotype:
figure is based; see Trewavas, 1977: 448) MNHN 7619, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1987: 15, Trewa-
Johnius Valenciennii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 159, pl. 1 vas, 1977: 355)
fig. 2 (type locality: Seas of China near Macao; holo- Otolithus submaculatus Blyth, 1860b: 141 (type locality:
type: MNHN 7623, Bauchot et al., 1982: 69, Bauchot & "obtained in the bazar" [India: Calcutta market, as obvi-
Desoutter, 1987: 12) ous from text; not Burma as usually stated]; syntypes
Sciaena goma Tanaka, 1915b [Dec.]: 615 (type locality: [2]: lost, Trewavas, 1977: 355)
Japan: Nagasaki market; syntypes: ZUMT 6392 [1],
Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Tanaka, 1916 [Apr.]: 392,
pl. 107 fig. 327) Sciaenoides Blyth, 1860
Corvina nigromaculata Borodin, 1930: 53, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type Sciaenoides Blyth, 1860b: 139 (type species: Otolithus bi-
locality: Sri Lanka [? Vietnam: Saigon; Eschmeyer, auritus Cantor, 1849: 1039, by subsequent designation
2011]; holotype: AMNH [ex VMM 497 (not 512)], Esch- by Bleeker, 1876e: 330; not a junior homonym of Sciae-
meyer, 2011) noides Richardson, 1843f: 18, 19, 1850: 62, which is
Sciaena antarctica rex Whitley, 1945a: 26 (type locality: not available). Gender masculine.
Western Australia: Onslow; syntypes [2]: LU) Pama Fowler, 1933: 360 (type species: Bola pama Hamil-
ton, 1822: 79, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Otolithoides Fowler, 1933: 364 (type species: Otolithus bi-
Pterotolithus Fowler, 1933 auritus Cantor, 1849: 1039, by original designation; jun-
Pterotolithus Fowler, 1933: 354, 359 (subgenus of Otolithes ior objective synonym of Sciaenoides Blyth, 1860b: 139).
Oken, 1817: 1782 [error for 1182]; type species: Otoli- Gender masculine.
thus maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a:
64, by original designation). Gender masculine. Sciaenoides pama (Hamilton, 1822)
Bola pama Hamilton, 1822: 79, 368, pl. 32 fig. 26 (type
Pterotolithus lateoides (Bleeker, 1849) locality: India: all estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT)
Otolithus lateoides Bleeker, 1845: 523 (nomen nudum) Sciaenoides Hardwickii Blyth, 1860b: 139 (type locality:
Otolithus lateoides Bleeker, 1849g: 16 (type locality: Indo- India, Bengladesh: "mouth of gangetic rivers"; synty-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: RMNH 5990 pes: ? ZSI 884 [3], Talwar, 1995: 29)
[3, 1 listed as holotype by Trewavas, 1977: 357], Esch-
meyer, 2011)
Otolithus dolorosus Seale, 1910c: 280, pl. 3 (type locality: Sonorolux Trewavas, 1977
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan; holotype: BSM Sonorolux Trewavas, 1977: 389 (type species: Sonorolux
2485, lost) fluminis Trewavas, 1977: 390, by original designation).
Gender feminine.
Pterotolithus maculatus (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1830) Sonorolux fluminis Trewavas, 1977
Otolithus maculatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Sonorolux fluminis Trewavas, 1977: 390, fig. 32 (type lo-
1830a: 64 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: speci- cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak; holotype: BMNH
men figured by Kuhl & van Hasselt) 1895.2.28.47)
1829a: 475 (type locality: Sri Lanka: Trinquemale; ho- in Bianconi, 1857b: 452). Gender feminine.
lotype: MNHN 1696, Bauchot et al., 1985: 7) Pennon Whitley, 1941a: 32 (type species: Upenoides filifer
Upeneus pleurospilos Bleeker, 1853d: 110 (type locality: Ogilby, 1910b: 95 [repeated in Whitley, 1941a: 33], by
Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes [4, 125–136 mm TL]: original designation). Gender masculine.
RMNH 5743 [1], ? 25005 [1], Ben-Tuvia & Kissil, 1988: Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Kim (2002). Revised
7, Eschmeyer, 2011) by Lachner (1954). Besides the species listed below, Upe-
Pseudupeneus xanthopurpureus Fourmanoir, 1957: 69, neus sundaicus (Bleeker, 1855) is recorded from Sikao es-
fig. 51 (type locality: Madagascar: off Berafia Island; tuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is
holotype: IRSM Nossi Bé) not clear if it was inland or at sea.
Pseudupeneus seychellensis Smith & Smith, 1963: 22, pl. 88 Nomenclatural notes. Desmarest (1856: 210) is usually
fig. B (type locality: Seychelles; holotype: RUSI 32, indicated as the author of the designation of the type spe-
Eschmeyer, 2011) cies of Upeneus. This is not correct. Desmarest wrote: "nous
Distribution notes. Inland records from Philippines (river ne citerons comme type que l'Upénéus rayé (Mullus vitta-
at Port Dupon, Leyte) by Fowler (1933: 275, as U. pleuro- tus, Forskal)" [as type, we will only cite the striped upeneus
spilos). Synonymy follows Ben Tuvia & Kissil (1988: 7), (Mullus vittatus, Forskal)]. In this sentence, the words 'com-
Bauchot et al. (1985: 14) and Randall (2004: 30). me type' are used with the meaning 'as example' and cannot
be a type species designation (Code art. 67.5.1).
Parupeneus indicus (Shaw, 1803) [Upeneoïdes sundaicus Bleeker, 1855i: 411 (based on Upeneus vittatus
Mullus Indicus Shaw, 1803c: 614 (based on Russell, 1803b: sensu Bleeker, 1849c: 63; type locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia, Sa-
marang and Surabaya; syntypes [up to 177 mm TL]: part of RMNH
pl. 157 [and data from text]; type locality: India: Viza- 5735 [6], Eschmeyer, 2011)].
gapatam; types: material on which is based Russell,
1803b: 42, pl. 157 [Rahtee Goolivinda]) Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker, 1855)
Upeneus Russelii Cuvier, 1829: 157 (available by indica- Upeneoïdes moluccensis Bleeker, 1855i: 409 (type locality:
tion to Russell, 1803b: n° 157; type locality: India: Viza- Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [143 mm TL]: RMNH 5722,
gapatam; types: material on which is based Russell, Dor, 1984: 164)
1803b: 42, pl. 157 [Rahtee Goolivinda]; named for Rus- Upeneoides fasciolatus Day, 1868c: 151 (type locality: India:
sell, misspelt as Russel p.157, incorrect original spell- Madras; holotype: ? MNHN uncat., ? AMS B.8186 [1],
ing, must be emended to russellii, an inadvertent error, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160, Ferraris et al., 2000: 297)
Code art. 32.5.1; objective junior synonym of Mullus ? Upenoides roseus Castelnau, 1875: 11 (type locality: Aus-
indicus Shaw, 1803c: 614; also in Cuvier & Valencien- tralia: Queensland: Cape York; holotype: LU)
nes, 1829a: 465) Distribution notes. Inland records from Philippines (Nato
Upeneus waigiensis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, River, Luzon) by Fowler (1933: 329).
1829a: 466 (type locality: Indonesia: Waigeo Island;
holotype: MNHN 9564, Bauchot et al., 1985: 9) Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Upeneus malabaricus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829
1829a: 467 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; holo- Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
type [or syntype ? Cuvier also described a skeleton]: 1829a: 450 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Anther
MNHN 537, Bauchot et al., 1985: 8) [Anjer], Strait of Sunda; syntypes: MNHN A.3458, Bau-
Upeneus griseofrenatus Kner, 1868a: 27 (type locality: Fiji chot et al., 1985: 9)
Islands: Kandavu Island; holotype: NMW 61291, Ran- Upeneus bivittatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
dall, 2004: 34; also in Kner, 1868b: 305, pl. 3 fig. 7) nes, 1831: 520 (type locality: India: Coromandel Coast
Distribution notes. Inland records from Philippines (Ali- [or Bombay according to register data, see Bauchot et
mango River, Burias; river at Port Dupon, Leyte) by Fowler al., 1985: 7]; syntypes: MNHN A.3816 [1, listed as ho-
(1933: 289). lotype by Bauchot et al., 1985: 7])
Upeneus bilineatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1831: 525 (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon; holo-
Upeneus Cuvier, 1829 type: MNHN 4064, Bauchot et al., 1985: 7)
Upeneus Cuvier, 1829: 157 (type species: Mullus vittatus Mullus erythrinus Bleeker, 1857e: 46 (not available, name
Forskål, 1775: x, 31, by subsequent designation by Blee- listed in synonymy)
ker, 1876e: 333). Gender masculine. Mulloides pinnivittatus Steindachner, 1870c: 624 (type lo-
Hypeneus Agassiz, 1846: 190, 384 (unjustified emendation cality: Japan: Nagasaki; syntypes: NMW [2])
of Upeneus Cuvier, 1829: 157). Gender masculine. Upeneoides belaque Fowler, 1918: 40, fig. 16 (type locali-
Upeneoïdes Bleeker, 1849c: 62, 63 (type species: Mullus ty: Philippines; holotype: ANSP 47512)
vittatus Forskål, 1775: x, 31, by subsequent designation Distribution notes. Freshwater records from Phillippines by
by Jordan, 1919a: 240). Gender masculine. Fowler (1933: 332; river at Pasacao, Nato River, Luzon) and
Hypeneoides Douglas-Ogilby, 1886: 17 (unjustified emen- Herre & Montalban (1928: 104; Agusan River, Mindanao).
dation of Upeneoides Bleeker, 1849c: 62, 63). Gender
masculine. Upeneus tragula Richardson, 1846
Megalepis Bianconi, 1857a: 100 (type species: Megalepis Upeneus tragula Richardson, 1846a: 220 (type locality:
alessandrini Bianconi, 1857a: 100, by monotypy; also China: Canton; syntypes: specimen on which is based
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Reeves' unpublished drawing, BMNH 1968.3.11.12 [1] Upeneus vittatus (Forskål, 1775)
(Ben-Tuvia & Kissil, 1988, Whitehead, 1970a: 214), and Mullus vittatus Forskål, 1775: x, 31 (type locality: Red Sea,
Richardson's collection [2]) "most probably off Eritrea" [original type locality: Red
Upeneoïdes variegatus Bleeker, 1849c: 64 (type locality: Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]]; neotype: SMF 1185,
Indonesia; Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH designated by Uiblein & Heemstra, 2010: 56, 61, pl. 2
5720, designated by Fricke, 1991: 17) fig. H [ZMUC P 49344 listed as holotype by Nielsen,
Megalepis Alessandrini Bianconi, 1857a: 100 (type locali- 1974: 66, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 15, pl. 4 fig. 9
ty: Mozambique; holotype: LU; also in Bianconi, 1857b: has no type status])
453, pl. 24) Mullus Bandi Shaw, 1803c: 615 (based on Russell, 1803b:
Upeneoides kiuskiuana Döderlein, in Steindachner & Döder- pl. 158 [and data from text]; type locality: India: Viza-
lein, 1884: 22 (not available, name listed in synonymy) gapatam; types: material on which is based Russell,
Upeneus sundaicus var. caudalis Popta, 1921: 206 (type 1803b: 43, pl. 158 [Bandi Goolivinda])
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Tiworo, Upeneus bitaeniatus Bennett, 1831a: 59 (type locality: Mau-
freshwater; holotype: SMF 6601, Eschmeyer, 2011) ritius; types: ? BMNH)
Upeneus niebuhri Guézé, 1976: 596 (type locality: Gulf of Upeneoides caeruleus Day, 1868d: 194 (type locality: In-
Suez, 28°54'–29°N 32°39'–32°45'E; holotype: MNHN dia: Madras; syntypes: among ZSI 405 [lost], BMNH
1977-0174, Bauchot et al., 1985: 8) 1975.9.30.20, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160)
Upeneus oligospilus Lachner, 1954: 525, pl. 14 fig. D (type Upeneoides philippinus Fowler, 1918: 37, fig. 15 (type lo-
locality: Persian Gulf: Tarut Bay, Ras Tannura; holotype: cality: Philippines; holotype: ANSP 47508)
USNM 153988) Distribution notes. Freshwater records from Philippines by
Distribution notes. Freshwater records from Phillippines Fowler (1933: 337; Santiago River, Nato River, Luzon) and
(Santiago River, river at Pasacao, Luzon; Pangaruon River, Herre & Montalban (1928: 107; Agusan River, Mindanao).
Busuanga) by Fowler (1933: 343) and Leyte (pers. obs.),
from Sulawesi by Popta (1921: 206).
lorentzi Weber, 1910: 232, by original designation). Gen- available from 26 November 1860. But it seems likely that
der masculine. more bibliographic work could demonstrate that Blyth's
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Allen (1978). name appeared first.
Nomenclatural notes. Toxotes is a classical Greek word As T. microlepis Blyth has not been used as a valid name
meaning archer and is masculine. Also Cloquet and Cuvier after 1899 and as T. microlepis Günther has been used as
(in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 310) clearly treat it as a valid in at least 25 works by at least 10 authors in the pre-
masculine word. ceding 50 years, T. microlepis Blyth is declared a nomen
The publication date of Cloquet (1816a) follows Cassi- oblitum and T. microlepis Günther is declared a nomen pro-
ni (1826: l), Mathews & Iredale (1915: 6) and Sherborn tectum and is given precedence under Code art. 23.9.2. List
(1922: xliv). Precedence is sometimes given to Toxotes Cu- of 26 works: (1–2) Allen, 1978: 372, 2004: 225; (3–4) Baird
vier, 1816, which appeared in November, on the asumption et al., 1999: 128, 2001: 29; (5) Berra, 2001: 422; (6) Car-
that Cloquet (1816a) was published after Cuvier (1816a). penter & Niem, 2001a: 3214; (7) Eschmeyer et al., 1998:
This is based on comments by Cloquet (p. 116 [of suppl.]) 1083; (8) Freyhof et al., 2000: 97; (9) Imaki et al., 1981: 42;
and reportedly by Cassini (1834: 47). In fact, Cloquet mere- (10) Jeanes & Meijaard, 2000: 179; (11–12) Kottelat, 1989:
ly mentioned that Cuvier had "newly formed the genus" 18, 1998a: 109; (13) Kottelat & Lim, 1995: 245; (14) Kot-
[Toxotes], but this does not mean that Cuvier (1816a) was telat & Widjanarti, 2005: 164; (15) Kottelat et al., 1993:
already published. Cuvier and Cloquet exchanged informa- 120; (16) Monkolprasit et al., 1997: 186; (17) Ng & Rain-
tion and Cloquet was aware of the name before Cuvier's both, 2005: 39; (18) Rainboth, 1996b: 190; (19) Roberts,
work appeared. I found no relevant information in Cassini 1989: 165; (20) Suvatti, 1981: 181; (21) Taki, 1974b: 192;
(1834: 47). But Cassini (1826: l) gives October 1816 as (22) Talwar & Jhingran, 1991: 870; (23) Tan & Kottelat,
publication date for his own contributions to the same vol- 2009: 21; (24–25) Vidthayanon, 2004: 194, 2008: 206;
ume and Mathews & Iredale (1915: 6) reported that volume (26) Vidthayanon et al., 1997: 52.
2 of Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, which includes
Cloquet (1816a), was listed by Bibliographie de la France Toxotes chatareus (Hamilton, 1822)
as received on 12 October 1816. Coius chatareus Hamilton, 1822: 101, 370, pl. 14 fig. 34
(type locality: India: mouths of the Ganges; types: NT)
Toxotes blythii Boulenger, 1892 Toxotes jaculator var. malaccensis Cantor, 1849: 1159 (lo-
Toxotes microlepis Blyth, 1860 [after 6 June, before 26 Nov.]: cality: Malaysia: Sea of Pinang, Malay Peninsula, Sin-
142 (type locality: Burma: Sitang River; types: ? ZSI; gapore; syntypes: ? BMNH and specimen on which is
primary [junior ?] homonym of Toxotes microlepis based the figure cited by Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Günther, 1860: 68; here declared a nomen oblitum un- nes, 1831: 320)
der Code art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a valid Toxotes carpentariensis Castelnau, 1878b: 47 (type locali-
name since 1899 [Code art.], and T. microlepis ty: Australia: Queensland: Norman River; syntypes [3]:
Günther, 1860 has been used in at least 25 works in the MNHN A.4294 [1], Bauchot, 1963: 152 [as holotype])
last 50 years [Code art.]) Chaetodon lusua Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name list-
Toxotes Blythii Boulenger, 1892: 143 (replacement name for ed in synonymy)
Toxotes microlepis Blyth, 1860b: 142 [lectotype desig- Toxotes dorsalis Whitley, 1950b: 242, fig. 5 (type locality:
nated by Allen, 1978: 355 has no type status as it was Australia: Queensland: Flinders River, near Hughenden
not part of Blyth's material]) and Richmond; holotype: AMS I.13056 [listed as syn-
Nomenclatural notes. Boulenger (1892: 143) treated type by Allen, 1978: 368])
T. microlepis Blyth as a junior homonym of T. microlepis Toxotes ulysses Whitley, 1950b: 243, pl. 17 fig. 3 (type lo-
Günther and proposed T. blythii as replacement name. Bou- cality: Australia: Queensland: Townsville; holotype:
lenger considered that Blyth's name was published in 1861. AMS IA.2220, Allen, 1978: 368)
1861 is the date on the cover of the bound volume 29, is-
sues 1–4. The date 1860 appears on issue 2 with the de- Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas, in Schlosser, 1767)
scription of T. microlepis Blyth. Issue 2 includes the min- Sciaena jaculatrix Pallas, in Schlosser, 1767: 186, pl. 8 fig. 6
utes of the April, May and June monthly meetings of the (type locality: Singapore: Raffles Marina at Tuas (west-
Asiatic Society of Bengal. The June meeting was on 6 June ern entrance of Johor Straits) [original type locality: In-
1860, so that Blyth's paper appeared after 6 June. Issue 3 donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]]; neotype: ZRC 49266,
includes minutes of the July, August and September meet- by present designation)
ings. The September meeting was on 5 September. There Scarus Schlosseri Gmelin, 1789: 1282 (type locality: Sin-
are no precise publication dates for the different issues and gapore: Raffles Marina at Tuas (western entrance of Jo-
issue 2 might have appeared before 13 October 1860, the hor Straits) [original type locality: Indonesia: Java]; neo-
publication date of Günther's Catalogue (Eschmeyer et al., type: ZRC 49266, by present designation; junior objec-
1998: 2631). Issue 2 for 1860 is listed among books received tive synonym of Sciaena jaculatrix Pallas, in Schlosser,
between 28 November 1859 and 26 November 1860 by the 1767: 186)
Asiatic Society of Bombay (abstract of proceedings in Jour- Archer asium Montrouzier, 1857: 449 (not available, name
nal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, 6: xv–xx). For the listed in synonymy)
time being, formally, there is no evidence that Blyth's spe- Nomenclatural notes. The original species name jacula-
cies appeared before Günther's and it should be dated as trix is often considered as an adjective and made to agree in
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Nomenclatural notes. See ICZN, 1976: 222 [Opinion 1046] Cryptosmilia Cope, 1867a: 401 (type species: Cryptosmilia
for correct spelling of family name. For revision, see Lloris luna Cope, 1867a: 401, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
& Rucabado (1989).
Drepane longimana (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
Drepane Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 Chaetodon longimanus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 229 (type
Drepane Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 129, 132 locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N
(type species: Chaetodon punctatus Linnaeus, 1758: 273, 79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB 8165, Paepke, 1999: 77)
by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: Ephippus terla Cuvier, 1829: 191 (available by indication
136; not junior homonym of Drepana Paula von Schrank, to Russell, 1803a: n° 81; type locality: India: Vizagapa-
1802: 155 in Insecta and Drepanis Rafinesque, 1815: 69 tham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is based
[nomen nudum] in Aves; on Official List of Generic Russell, 1803a: 64, pl. 81 [Terla B])
Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1976: 222 [Opinion 1046]).
Gender feminine. Drepane punctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Drepanichthys Bonaparte, 1831a: 172, 1831b: 106 (subge- Chaetodon punctatus Linnaeus, 1758: 273 (type locality:
nus of Ephippus Cuvier, 1816a: 335; unnecessary repla- Asia; types: LU; invalid neotype designation by Fricke,
cement name for Drepane Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci- 1999a: 324 [need not demonstrated]; on Official List of
ennes, 1831: 129; on Official Index of Rejected and In- Specific Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1976: 222 [Opinion
valid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1976: 322 1046])
[Opinion 1046]). Gender masculine. Chaetodon falcatus La Cepède, 1802: 452, 471 (unneces-
Enixe Gistel, 1848: ix (unnecessary replacement name for sary replacement name for Chaetodon punctatus Lin-
Drepane Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 132; naeus, 1758: 273)
on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names Nomenclatural notes. Drepane punctata in Richardson
in Zoology, ICZN, 1976: 222 [Opinion 1046]). Gender (1842b: 28) was not a new name, but the citation of a manu-
masculine. script name of Solander with the conclusion that it is the
Harpochirus Cantor, 1849: 1143 (unnecessary replacement same as that of Cuvier, which is Chaetodon punctatus Lin-
name for Drepane Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: naeus, 1758. The heading 'Drepane punctata' does not in-
129; on Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic clude an author name.
Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1976: 222 [Opinion 1046]).
Heniochus Cuvier, 1816 species. As the Opinion is not a ruling about the type spe-
Heniochus Cuvier, 1816a: 335 (type species: Chaetodon cies, an earlier type designation (if any) would have priority.
macrolepidotus Linnaeus, 1758: 274, designated by
ICZN, 1912b: 92 [Opinion 40]; not junior homonym of Heniochus macrolepidotus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Henioche Hübner, 1819: 157 in Lepidoptera). Gender Chaetodon macrolepidotus Linnaeus, 1758: 274 (type lo-
masculine. cality: Indies; types: LU; invalid neotype designation by
Taurichthys Cuvier, 1829: 192 (type species: Taurichthys Fricke, 1999a: 343 [need not demonstrated])
varius Cuvier, 1829: 192, by subsequent designation by Chaetodon acuminatus Linnaeus, 1758: 272 (type locality:
Bleeker, 1876e: 304). Gender masculine. Indies; holotype: NRM LP 53, Fernholm & Wheeler,
Diphreutes Cantor, 1849: 1141 (unnecessary replacement 1983: 251, fig. 1; simultaneous subjective synonym of
name for Heniochus Cuvier, 1816a: 335). Gender mas- macrolepidotus Linnaeus, 1758: 274, first reviser (Cu-
culine. vier, 1816a: 335) gave precedence to Chaetodon mac-
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Heniochus is rolepidotus [later again Bleeker, 1877b: 29, 1877e: 47];
designated by ICZN (1912b: 92 [Opinion 40]). The Opin- precedence confirmed by ICZN, 1912b: 92 [Opinion 40])
ion is about precedence of Chaetodon macrolepidotus over Chaetodon Bifasciatus Shaw, 1803c: 342 (unnecessary re-
C. acuminatus. The Opinion is not about the type species of placement name for Chaetodon macrolepidotus Lin-
Heniochus, but the mention of H. macrolepidotus as type naeus, 1758: 274; junior primary homonym of Chae-
species, in the absence of prior designation, makes it type todon bifasciatus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 64)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Chaetodon mycteryzans Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 76 (type Heniochus diphreustes Jordan, 1903: 694, fig. 3 (type lo-
locality: not stated [Ambon; Valentyn, 1726: 448]; syn- cality: Japan: Nagasaki; holotype: CAS-SU 7247,
types: apparently two specimens "Vidi in Museo D. van Böhlke, 1953: 80)
Hoey, n. 411, 284" and material on which is based Valen- Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Luzon)
tyn, 1726: 448, fig. 324 [Ikan Pampus Tereloc]) by Fowler & Bean (1929: 156) needs confirmation.
Nandus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 Perca nebulosa Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed
Nandus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 481 in synonymy)
(type species: Nandus marmoratus Valenciennes, in Nandus meni Hossain & Sarker, 2013: 2, fig. 2a (type local-
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 482, by monotypy). Gen- ity: Bangladesh: freshwater swamp of Begumgonj
der masculine. (22°55'N 90°58'E), Noakhali; holotype: MMSF 2013E1;
Bedula Gray, 1835: vol. 2, pl. 88 fig. 2 (type species: Bedu- published on internet, apparently not satisfying condi-
la nebulosus Gray, 1835: pl. 88, by subsequent designa- tions of Code art. 8.5 and not available until published
tion by Jordan, 1919a: 170). Gender masculine. on paper)
Taxonomic notes. See Ng & Jaafar (2008: 29) for a key to
the species of Nandus. Nandus nebulosus (Gray, 1835)
Bedula nebulosus Gray, 1835: vol. 2, pl. 88 fig. 2 (type lo-
Nandus mercatus Ng, 2008 cality: "India" [obviously erroneous]; holotype: speci-
Nandus mercatus Ng, 2008c: 44, figs. 1a, 2a (type locality: men on which figure is based, BMNH ?)
Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Selatan: market at Sekayu, Nandus borneensis Steindachner, 1901: 422 (type locality:
2°51'S 103°51'E, Musi drainage; holotype: MZB 10987) Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram River; holotype:
Nandus nandus (Hamilton, 1822)
Coius nandus Hamilton, 1822: 96, 370, pl. 30 fig. 32 (type Nandus oxyrhynchus Ng, Vidthayanon & Ng, 1996
locality: India: "ponds of the Gangetic provinces"; types: Nandus oxyrhynchus Ng, Vidthayanon et Ng, 1996: 12,
NT) figs. 1, 2a (type locality: Thailand: Sisaket Province: Am-
Bedula Hamiltonii Gray, 1835: vol. 2, pl. 88 fig. 3 (type phoe Phrai Bung; holotype: ZRC 39246)
locality: India; holotype: specimen on which figure is
based) Nandus prolixus Chakrabarty, Oldfield & Ng, 2006
Nandus marmoratus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Nandus prolixus Chakrabarty, Oldfield & Ng, 2006: 52, fig. 2
nes, 1831: 482, pl. 207 (unnecessary replacement name (type locality: Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan District: km 26,
for Coius nandus Hamilton, 1822: 96) North Road, Sandakan; holotype: FMNH 44907)
Pristolepididae Regan, 1913 Paranandus Day, 1865c: 130 (type species: Catopra mala-
Pristolepidae Regan, 1913e: 129 (type genus: Pristolepis barica Günther, 1864c: 375, by monotypy). Gender
Jerdon, 1848: 141; correct stem is Pristolepid– and cor- masculine.
rect spelling is Pristolepididae)
Nomenclatural notes. See Steyskal (1980: 170) for correct Pristolepis fasciata (Bleeker, 1851)
spelling of the family-group name commonly spelt Pristo- Catopra fasciata Bleeker, 1851j: 65 (type locality: Indone-
lepidae. sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype
[105 mm TL]: RMNH 6357, Britz et al., 2012: 67)
Pristolepis Jerdon, 1848 Catopra nandoïdes Bleeker, 1851j: 61 (nomen nudum; lo-
Pristolepis Jerdon, 1848: 141 (type species: Pristolepis cality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta])
marginata Jerdon, 1848: 141, by monotypy). Gender Catopra nandoïdes Bleeker, 1851k: 172 (type locality not
feminine. stated, but the vernacular name Ikan katoprak is said to
Catopra Bleeker, 1851j: 65 (type species: Catopra fasciata be used by Malays of Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [169
Bleeker, 1851j: 65, by monotypy). Gender feminine. mm TL]: LU; simultaneous subjective synonym of Cato-
pra fasciata Bleeker, 1851j: 65 [different articles but Pristolepis grootii (Bleeker, 1852)
same issue of journal], first reviser [Bleeker, 1874f: 463] Catopra Grootii Bleeker, 1852c: 90 (type locality: Indone-
gave precedence to fasciata) sia: Belitung: Tjirutjup River; holotype [184 mm TL]:
Catopra siamensis Günther, 1862c: 191, pl. 26, fig. A (type RMNH 6358, Britz et al., 2012: 67)
locality: Thailand; syntypes: BMNH 1859.7.1.76–77
[2 ?], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Badidae Barlow, Liem & Wickler, 1968 Badis pyema Kullander & Britz, 2002
Badidae Barlow, Liem & Wickler, 1968: 444 (type genus: Badis pyema Kullander & Britz, 2002: 346, fig. 28 (type
Badis Bleeker, 1853o: 106) locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Irrawaddy River drain-
age, Nan Hto Chaung, in Putao, about 1 mile from 46th
Badis Bleeker, 1853 regiment; 27°19'44"N 97°22'36"E; holotype: NRM
Badis Bleeker, 1853o: 106 (type species: Labrus badis 43005)
Hamilton, 1822: 70, by absolute tautonymy). Gender
masculine. Badis ruber Schreitmüller, 1923
Badis badis var. rubra Schreitmüller, 1923: 254 (type lo-
Badis corycaeus Kullander & Britz, 2002 cality: Myanmar: Bago Division: Irrawaddy River drain-
Badis corycaeus Kullander & Britz, 2002: 342, fig. 26 (type age, roadside ditch, about 48 km on road Pyay-Yangon,
locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Myitkyina district: Ir- 18°30'41"N 95°24'48"E [original locality: reportedly
rawaddy River drainage, Nan Kywe Chaung about 200 India (aquarium material)]; neotype: NRM 36194, des-
m South of Sha Dau village, about 18 km on road Myit- ignated by Kullander & Britz, 2002: 325, fig. 13a)
kyina–Mogaung; 25°20'03"N 97°16'40"E; holotype: Badis badis burmanicus Ahl, in Arnold & Ahl, 1936: 449,
NRM 36193) fig. (type locality: Burma: Rangoon; syntypes [3]: ZMB
31904 [1], Paepke, 1993b: 93, fig. 1; also in Ahl, 1937: 118)
Badis ferrarisi Kullander & Britz, 2002
Badis ferrarisi Kullander & Britz, 2002: 332, fig. 19 (type Badis siamensis Klausewitz, 1957
locality: Myanmar: Saigaing Division: Chindwin River Badis badis siamensis Klausewitz, 1957a: 199, fig. 3 (type
drainage, Kalaymyo markets: reported to come from locality: Thailand: Phuket Island: Phuket; holotype: SMF
Myit-tha River and nearby hillstreams of Myit-tha drain- 3978)
age; holotype: NRM 48424)
Badis juergenschmidti Schindler & Linke, 2010 Dario Kullander & Britz, 2002
Badis juergenschmidti Schindler & Linke, 2010: 210, Dario Kullander & Britz, 2002: 354 (type species: Labrus
figs. 2–5 (type locality: Myanmar: Ka Dat Chaung Riv- dario Hamilton, 1822: 72, 368, by original designation).
er, at Kammon Chaung village, about 8 km northwest of Gender masculine.
Kyaiktiyo, 17°24'22"N 97°04'20"E; holotype: MTD
F 32325) Dario dayingensis Kullander & Britz, 2002
Dario dayingensis Kullander & Britz, 2002: 364, fig. 39
Badis khwae Kullander & Britz, 2002 (type locality: China: Yunnan: Ying Jiang County: Ir-
Badis khwae Kullander & Britz, 2002: 328, fig. 18 (type rawaddy River drainage: Jiu Cheng town: small stream
locality: Thailand: Kanchanaburi Province: small stream tributary to Da Ying Jiang River, at upstream end of Bing
near Ban Chong Lu, about 13 km northwest of Sangkhla- Han Cun village; 24°45'50"N 98°8'54"E; holotype: NRM
buri; 15°10'21"N 98°20'00"E; holotype: NRM 47959) 21118)
Badis kyar Kullander & Britz, 2002 Dario hysginon Kullander & Britz, 2002
Badis kyar Kullander & Britz, 2002: 350, fig. 30 (type lo- Dario hysginon Kullander & Britz, 2002: 359, figs. 36–37
cality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Myitkyina district: Ir- (type locality: Myanmar: Kachin State: Myitkyina dis-
rawaddy River drainage, Nan Kywe Chaung about 200 m trict: Irrawaddy River drainage: Nan Kywe Chaung un-
south of Sha Dau village, about 18 km on road Myitky- der bridge on road south to Mogaung; 25°20'20"N
ina–Mogaung; 25°20'3"N 97°16'40"E; holotype: NRM 97°16'57"E; holotype: NRM 44004)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Terapontidae Richardson, 1842 apontid from Java but Cuvier (p. 143) identified it as con-
Datninae Swainson, 1839:169 (type genus: Datnia Cuvier, specific with C. datnia of Hamilton, 1822 (a sparid). This
1829: 148; correct stem is Datni– and correct spelling is shows that Cuvier misidentified Coius datnia, thus Datnia
Datniinae; apparently not used after 1899 and precedence has a misidentified type species. The type species of Datnia
should be reversed under Code art. 23.9.2) was fixed under Code art. 70.3.2 as D. argentea, the species
Helotinae Swainson, 1839: 208 (type genus: Helotes Cu- actually involved in the misidentification (Kottelat, 2000b:
vier, 1829: 148; alternative name for Datninae Swain- 93).
son, 1839: 169, first reviser not researched; senior syn- This type fixation allowed to retain the name Datnia for
onym of Helotidae Chapuis, 1876: 15; apparently not a member of the family Terapontidae, with which it had al-
used after 1899 and precedence should be reversed un- ways been associated. Otherwise, Datnia would have be-
der Code art. 23.9.2; see also Bouchard et al., 2011: 354, come a sparid and, in 2000, it would have replaced the very
883) well known and commercially important Acanthopagrus.
Theraponini Richardson, 1842c: 107 (type genus: Terapon Today, it would have been a senior synonym of Sparidentex.
Cuvier, 1816a: 295; correct stem is Terapont– and cor-
rect spelling is Terapontini, because type genus is Tera- Datnia argentea Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829
pon, not Therapon) Datnia argentea Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
Nomenclatural notes. The spellings Theraponidae and Ter- 139, pl. 54 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; lectotype:
aponidae are not correct. MNHN, ? lost, designated by Kottelat, 2000b: 92, Bau-
chot & Desoutter, 1986: 106; two species originally in-
Datnia Cuvier, 1829 cluded in type series, identity fixed by lectotype desig-
Datnia Cuvier, 1829: 148 (type species: Datnia argentea nation)
Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 139, fixed by Mesopristes macracanthus Bleeker, 1845: 523 (nomen nu-
Kottelat, 2000b: 93 under Code art. 70.3.2 [Coius dat- dum), 1849c: 52, 1873b: 383 (not available, name listed
nia Hamilton, 1822: 88, the original type species by ab- in synonymy)
solute tautonymy, was based on a misidentified speci- Datnia cancellatoïdes Bleeker, 1853f: 247 (type locality:
men of Datnia argentea in Cuvier, 1829: 148]). Gender Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman / Ambon; lectotype: RMNH
feminine. 5630, designated by Yoshino et al., 2002: 237)
Mesopristes Bleeker, 1845: 523 (nomen nudum) Therapon nasutus Macleay, 1883c: 258 (type locality: New
Mesopristes Bleeker, 1873b: 372, 383 (listed in synonymy, Guinea: freshwater on Normanby Island; syntypes: AMS
validated by use as valid genus by Fowler, 1918: 36; I.13048 [1], I.13049 [1], I.9758 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
type species: Datnia argentea Cuvier, in Cuvier & Va- Therapon chalybeus Macleay, 1883c: 259 (type locality:
lenciennes, 1829a: 139, under Code art. 67.12; objec- New Guinea: freshwater on Normanby Island; holotype:
tive junior synonym of Datnia Cuvier, 1829: 148). Gen- AMS I.9215, Eschmeyer, 2011)
der masculine. Therapon acutirostris De Vis, 1884a: 398 (type locality:
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Datnia Cuvier, Australia: Queensland; lectotype: AMS I.424 [1], desig-
1829 was Coius datnia Hamilton, 1822 by absolute tauton- nated by Yoshino et al., 2002: 238)
ymy. In the Règne animal, Cuvier (1829: 148) gave a very
brief diagnosis of Datnia and he mentioned the two includ- Datnia cancellata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829
ed species: D. cancellata and "Datnia buchanani, ou Coius Datnia cancellata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
datnia, Buchanan, pl. ix, f. 29; et Cuv. et Val., III, lv". Cu- 144 (type locality: Indonesia: Java [locality not stated,
vier had renamed C. datnia into C. buchanani to avoid tau- but as collectors are Kuhl and van Hasselt, inferred to be
tonymy, and he also explained that his C. datnia was made Java]; holotype: RMNH 347, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986:
of Hamilton's material and his own material, described in 106)
the Histoire naturelle des poissons, volume 3, plate 55. Vol- Datnia Rosenbergii Bleeker, 1860m: 237 (type locality: In-
ume 3 of the Histoire naturelle was under the press at that donesia: Ceram [Seram]: Ruwata River; holotype [153
time and the Règne animal already mentioned pages and mm TL]: LU)
plates of the Histoire naturelle, and referred to it for more Therapon interruptus Macleay, 1883c: 258 (type locality:
details of many genera. New Guinea: freshwater on Normanby Island; syntypes:
Volume 3 of the Histoire naturelle (Cuvier & Valencien- AMS I.9145 [1], I.9146 [1], I.13668 [1], Eschmeyer,
nes, 1829a) appeared a few days later. It effectively includ- 2011)
ed (p. 138) a description of Datnia and the two included
species. In this work, Cuvier called them D. cancellata and Datnia iravi (Yoshino, Yoshigou & Senou, 2002)
D. argentea (D. argentea in fact is pl. 54). The description Mesopristes iravi Yoshino, Yoshigou & Senou, 2002: 234,
of D. argentea is very detailed and entirely based on a ter- figs. 1a, 2a (type locality: Japan: Ryukyu Islands: Irio-
mote Island: Urauchi-gawa River, 24°21'27"N pes: MNHN 2963 [10], SMF 1081 [1], MHNG 148.22,
123°47'34"E; holotype: URM-P 31874) Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 87, Weber, 1998: 13)
Distribution notes. Record from Borneo by Yoshino et al. Therapon rubricatus Richardson, 1842a: 127 (type locali-
(2002: 238) said to be based on Kottelat et al. (1993: pl. 52, ty: northwest coast of Australia; holotype: specimen on
juvenile) is erroneous; the figured individual (USNM which drawing is based)
224826) is from Negros Island (Philippines). ? Therapon microlepis Rüppell, 1852: 4 (type locality: In-
dian Ocean; types: SMF)
Perca indica Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 114 (type locality: In-
Eutherapon Fowler, 1904 dia; holotype: collection of D. van Hoey, whereabouts
Eutherapon Fowler, 1904b: 527 (subgenus of Terapon Cu- unknown, and a manuscript drawing in BMNH)
vier, 1816a: 295; type species: Therapon theraps Cu- Therapon nigripinnis Macleay, 1881a: 366 [66 in 1884 edi-
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 129, by original tion] (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Rockingham
designation). Gender masculine. Bay; holotype: AMS I.16428-001)
Pseudoterapon Lee & Tsai, 1999: 283 (type species: Thera-
pon therap Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
129, by original designation; objective junior synonym Lagusia Vari, 1978
of Eutherapon Fowler, 1904b: 527). Gender masculine. Lagusia Vari, 1978: 247 (type species: Datnia micracan-
thus Bleeker, 1860l: 55, by original designation). Gen-
Eutherapon theraps (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, der feminine.
Perca argentea Linnaeus, 1758: 294 (type locality: Ameri- Lagusia micracanthus (Bleeker, 1860)
ca [Linnaeus, 1764: 86]; holotype: NRM 4295-1, Parenti Datnia micracanthus Bleeker, 1860l: 55 (type locality: In-
et al., 2013: 305, figs. 2–3; refers to then unpublished donesia: Sulawesi: Lagusi [river]; syntypes [3, 33–
Linnaeus, 1764: 86; declared a nomen oblitum by Parenti 105 mm TL]: RMNH 5632 [3], Vari, 1978: 249; com-
et al., 2013: 306) pound noun, indeclinable [not adjective because it did
Therapon theraps Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: not agree in gender in original description])
129, pl. 53 (type locality: Indonesia: Java / India: Kera-
la: Mahe; syntypes: MNHN A.5518 [1], A.210 [2], 7901
[1], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 90, Paxton et al., 1989: Leiopotherapon Fowler, 1931
537; declared a nomen protectum by Parenti et al., 2013: Leiopotherapon Fowler, 1931c: 328, 353 (subgenus of
306) Terapon Cuvier, 1816a: 295; type species: Datnia plum-
Therapon obscurus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, bea Kner, 1864: 484, by original designation). Gender
1829a: 135 (type locality: "Mer des Indes" [Gulf of Ben- masculine.
gal, Dussumier's specimens]; syntypes: MNHN 2933 [4], Madigania Whitley, 1945c: 10 (type species: Therapon uni-
Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 89; simultaneous subjec- color Günther, 1859: 277, by original designation). Gen-
tive synonym of Therapon theraps Cuvier, in Cuvier & der feminine.
Valenciennes, 1829a: 129, first reviser [Bleeker, 1873b:
381] gave precedence to T. theraps) Leiopotherapon plumbeus (Kner, 1864)
Therapon squalidus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Datnia plumbea Kner, 1864: 484 (type locality: Cape of
1829a: 136 (type locality: no data; holotype: MNHN Good Hope or St Paul Island [erroneous, a Philippine
7926, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 90; simultaneous sub- endemic]; syntypes: NMW 38325 [3], 76470 [1], Esch-
jective synonym of Therapon theraps Cuvier, in Cuvier meyer, 2011; also in Kner, 1865: 48, pl. 3 fig. 1)
& Valenciennes, 1829a: 129, first reviser [Bleeker, Therapon brevispinis Peters, 1868b: 256 (type locality: Phil-
1873b: 381] gave precedence to T. theraps) ippines: Luzon: Province Bulacan, Quingoa River; syn-
Therapon transversus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, types: ZMB 6681 [6], Eschmeyer, 2011; junior second-
1829a: 137 (type locality: India: Malabar Coast; synty- ary homonym of Datnia brevispinis Steindachner, 1867a:
pes: MNHN 937 [2], 939 [2], 7918 [2], 7934 [2], Bau- 309 when placed in Therapon by Peters, 1869: 704)
chot & Desoutter, 1986: 91; simultaneous subjective Therapon brachycentrus Peters, 1869: 705 (replacement
synonym of Therapon theraps Cuvier, in Cuvier & Va- name for Therapon brevispinis Peters, 1868b: 256)
lenciennes, 1829a: 129, first reviser [Bleeker, 1873b:
381] gave precedence to T. theraps)
Therapon cinereus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: Pelates Cuvier, 1829
138 (type locality: "Mers des Indes" [Indian Ocean]; ho- Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320 (type species: Pris-
lotype: MNHN 7927, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 89; tipoma sexlineatum Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320, by
simultaneous subjective synonym of Therapon theraps monotypy; here declared a nomen oblitum under Code
Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 129, first re- art. 23.9.2, as it has not been used as a valid name after
viser [Bleeker, 1873b: 381] gave precedence to T. ther- 1899 [Code art.], and Pelates Cuvier, 1829: 176
aps) has been used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years,
Datnia virgata Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, see below [Code art.]). Gender neuter.
1831: 480 (type locality: India: Bay of Bengal; synty- Pelates Cuvier, 1829: 148 (type species: Pelates quinque-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
lineatus Cuvier, 1829: 148, by monotypy; here declared ? MNHN 7936 [2], Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 88)
a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used in at Pelates quinque lineatus Cuvier, 1829 [11 April]: 148 (type
least 25 works in the last 50 years, see below [Code art. locality: not stated [Australia: Port Jackson]; holotype:]). Gender masculine. MNHN 7896, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 88; also in
Helotes Cuvier, 1829: 148 (type species: Terapon sexlinea- Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 148; incorrect original
tus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 340, by monotypy; simulta- spelling, must be emended to quinquelineatus, Code art.
neous subjective synonym of Pelates Cuvier, 1829: 148,
first reviser [apparently Vari, 1978: 249] gave precedence Therapon xanthurus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
to Pelates). Gender masculine. 1829a [Apr.]: 135 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holo-
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Pristipoma and type: RMNH 339, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Pelates are considered to be junior synonyms of Holocen- Pelates quadrilineatus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
trus quadrilineatus Bloch, 1790 (see below), and this makes 1829a [Apr.]: 146, pl. 55 (type locality: Australia: Port
Pelates a junior synonym of Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, Jackson; syntypes [2]: MNHN B.3035 [1], Bauchot &
1824. Desoutter, 1986: 88; a secondary junior homonym of
Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 has almost never Holocentrus quadrilineatus Bloch, 1790: 82)
been used since its original description, except for an erro- Pelates sexlineatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a
neous type-species designation (see Pristipoma Cuvier, [Apr.]: 147 (type locality: Australia: Port Jackson / Sand-
1829, under Pomadasys La Cepède, 1802). Under Code art. wich Islands [Hawaii Islands; erroneous; Vari, 1978: 249;
23.9.2, Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 is declared a probably Australia: Port Jackson, Bauchot & Desoutter,
nomen oblitum and Pelates Cuvier, 1829 is declared a no- 1986: 88]; syntypes: MNHN 7936 [2], 2931 [1], Bau-
men protectum, as the latter is widely used. chot & Desoutter, 1986: 88; secondary junior homonym
List of 30 works in which Pelates Cuvier, 1829 is used of Pristipoma sexlineatum Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320
as a valid name, published by at least 10 authors, in the im- and Therapon sexlineatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 340)
mediately preceeding 50 years and encompassing a span of Helotes polytaenia Bleeker, 1854f: 53 (type locality: Indone-
not less than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2): (1) Adrim et al., sia: Halmahera: Sindangole; holotype [205 mm TL]: LU)
2004: 120; (2) Allen, 1997: 98; (3) Bilecenoglu et al., 2002: Therapon Cuvieri Bleeker, 1854o: 211 (type locality: Indo-
80; (4) Carpenter & Niem, 2001a: 3311; (5) Chen & Fang, nesia: Timor Kupang; syntypes [10, 49–72 mm TL]: LU)
1999: 136; (6) Chu, 1985: 216; (7) De Bruin et al., 1994: ? Helotes qinglanensis Sun, 1991: 254, fig. 1 (type locality:
347; (8) Dor, 1984: 108; (9) Fricke, 1999a: 216; (10) Fricke China: Hainan: Qinglan harbour; holotype: ASIO 36468)
et al., 2007: 91; (11) Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola, 1984: 141; Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Vari (1978: 249). Vari
(12) Heemstra & Heemstra, 2004: 180; (13) Hoese et al., listed Pristipoma sexlineatum Quoy & Gaimard as a syn-
2006: 1337; (14) Hutchins, 2001: 31; (15) Kimura & Mats- onym of Pelates quadrilineatus and Terapon sexlineatus
uura, 2003: 124; (16) Kottelat et al., 1993: 108; (17) Kuang, Quoy & Gaimard as a valid species of Pelates. Hoese et al.
1986: 249; (18) Kuiter, 1993: 147; (19) Kuiter & Debelius, (2006: 1338) listed Pristipoma sexlineatum as a valid spe-
2006: 335; (20) Lee & Tsai, 1999: 279; (21) Liu, 1985: 144; cies of Pelates and Terapon sexlineatus as a synonym of
(22) Masuda et al., 1984: 174; (23) Munro, 1967: 322; Pelates octolineatus. Awaiting clarification, I follow Vari
(24)Nakabo, 1993: 646; (25) Okamura et al., 2004: 421; (1978: 249, 253). Pelates sexlineatus is a marine species.
(26) Randall, 1995: 151; (27) Randall & Lim, 2000: 612; To add to the confusion there is also a Pelates sexlinea-
(28) Smith & Heemstra, 1986: 544; (29) Talwar & Jhing- tus Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a). The synty-
ran, 1991: 809; (30) Whitehead et al., 1984: 798. pes of Pelates sexlineatus Cuvier (MNHN 7936) are also
Almost all literature references to Pristipoma Quoy & the probable syntypes of Pristipoma sexlineatum Quoy &
Gaimard are confusions with Pristipoma Cuvier, 1829 or Gaimard, 1824: 320 (Bauchot & Desoutter 1986: 88).
Pristipomus Oken (1817: 1782 [1182]). Pristipoma Cuvier, Vari (1978: 249) listed Pelates quinquelineatus Cuvier,
1829 is a junior homonym of Pristipoma Quoy & Gaimard, 1829 (as P. quinquilineatus Lesson, 1831) as a synonym of
1824. Pristipoma Cuvier was widely used for a genus of P. quadrilineatus; Hoese et al. (2006: 1338) listed it as a
Haemulidae; it is now considered as synonym of Pomada- synonym of their P. sexlineatus (which is not the same as
sys La Cepède, 1802. I have not been able to find 25 works Vari's).
using Pristipoma Cuvier, 1820 in the last 50 years and there- [Terapon sexlineatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 340, pl. 60 fig. 1 (type lo-
fore am unable to declare it nomen protectum under Code cality: Australia: Baie des Chiens marins [Sharks Bay]; holotype:
MNHN 7941, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 90; junior secondary hom-
art. 23.9. onym of Pristipoma sexlineatum Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320)].
[Helotes octolineatus Jenyns, 1840: 18 (type locality: Australia: King
Pelates quadrilineatus (Bloch, 1790) George Sound; holoype: BMNH 1917.7.14.41, Hoese et al., 2006:
Holocentrus quadrilineatus Bloch, 1790: 82, pl. 238 fig. 2 1338)].
(type locality: "Orient" [label: "Indian Ocean"]; synty-
pes: ZMB 449 [2], Paepke, 1999: 147)
Grammistes quadrivittatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 189 Rhynchopelates Fowler, 1931
(unnecessary replacement name for Holocentrus quadri- Rhynchopelates Fowler, 1931c: 358, 363 (subgenus of Pe-
lineatus Bloch, 1790: 82) lates Cuvier, 1829: 148; type species: Therapon oxyrhyn-
Pristopoma sexlineatum Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 320 (type chus Temminck & Schlegel, 1843: 16, by original des-
locality: Australia: Sydney, Port Jackson; syntypes [3]: ignation). Gender masculine.
Kuhlia Gill, 1861 ed as available for the following procedure: not used as
Platerome E. Liénard, in Desjardins, 1831: 49 (type spe- a valid name since 1832, Randall & Randall, 2001: 229
cies: Holocentrus caudavittatus La Cepède, 1802: 332, gave precedence to Kuhlia Gill, 1861c: 48, but as they
367, by subsequent monotypy in Anonymous, 1832: 112; do not explicitly refer to Code art. 23.9.2, their action is
Platerome has not been used as a valid name since 1832 not valid [Code art. 23.9.2]; Platysoma has not been used
and Kuhlia Gill, 1861c: 48 has been used in at least 25 as a valid name after 1899 and Kuhlia Gill, 1861c: 48
works by at least 10 authors in the last 50 years [see list has been used in at least 25 works by at least 10 authors
below], Platerome is here declared a nomen oblitum in the last 50 years [see list below], Platysoma is here
under Code art. 23.9.2). Gender neuter. declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2; junior
Platysoma E. Liénard, in Anonymous, 1832: 112, 214 (Platy- homonym of Platysoma Leach, 1817: 77 in Coleoptera).
some used p. 112 apparently a vernacular name; latinized Gender neuter.
as Platysoma p. 214 [index]; incorrect subsequent spell- Kuhlia Gill, 1861c: 48 (type species: Perca ciliata Cuvier,
ing of Platerome E. Liénard, in Desjardins, 1831: 49; in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 52, by original desig-
status as an incorect spelling possibly disputable, so treat- nation; here declared a nomen protectum under Code art.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
23.9.2, used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years, Anthias nato Curtiss, 1938: 86 type locality: Tahiti: Vaitapi-
listed under Nomenclatural notes [Code art.]). ha River, near the ford, Tautira township; types: NT)
Gender feminine.
Moronopsis Gill, 1863a: 82 (type species: Dules margina- Kuhlia mugil (Forster, in Schneider, 1801)
tus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 116, by Sciaena mugil Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 541 (type local-
monotypy). Gender feminine. ity: near Otahaite Island [Tahiti]; types: lost, Randall &
Paradules Bleeker, 1863h: 257 (type species: Dules mar- Wheeler, 1991: 762; invalid neotype designation by
ginatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 116, Fricke, 1999a: 220 [need not demonstrated, Code art.
by monotypy; junior objective synonym of Moronopsis 75.1])
Gill, 1863a: 82). Gender masculine. Dules taeniurus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
Platysoma Scudder, 1882: 268 (unjustified emendation of 114 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: RMNH 325,
Platerome E. Liénard, in Desjardins, 1831: 49; junior Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 102, Paxton et al., 1989: 540)
homonym of Platysoma Leach, 1817: 77 in Coleoptera). Perca argentea Bennett, 1830: unnumb., pl. 22 (type local-
Gender neuter. ity: Sri Lanka: "shoal waters of the cora banks" / Point
Herops De Vis, 1884a: 392 (type species: Herops munda de Galle; syntypes: LU, Pethiyagoda et al., 1994: 45;
De Vis, 1884a: 392, by monotypy). Gender masculine. primary junior homonym of Perca argentea Linnaeus,
Boulengerina Fowler, 1907a: 512 (subgenus of Dules Cu- 1758: 294)
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 111; type spe- Dules Bennetti Bleeker, 1853o: 32 (replacement name for
cies: Dules malo Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Perca argentea Bennett, 1830: pl. 22)
nes, 1831: 479 [mentioned as Dules mato Lesson, 1831: Kuhlia arge Jordan & Bollman, 1890: 159 (type locality:
223, which is an unjustified emendation; Code art. 67.6, Galapagos Islands: Chatham Island [San Cristobal]; syn-
67.7], by original designation; junior homonym of Bou- types: USNM 41169 [2], Randall & Randall, 2001: 237)
lengerina Dollo, 1886: 159, in Reptilia). Gender femi- Kuhlia Sterneckii Steindachner, 1898a: 107 (type locality:
nine. Red Sea: northern part of Gulf of Akabah [Aqaba]; syn-
Safole Jordan, 1912: 655 (replacement name for Boulenge- types [3]: NMW 41045 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011; also in
rina Fowler, 1907a: 512). Gender feminine. Steindachner, 1898b: 461, pl.)
Nomenclatural notes. List of 25 works in which Kuhlia Dules taeniurus malpeloensis Fowler, 1944a: 301, fig. 176
Gill, 1861 is used as a valid name, published by at least 10 (type locality: Colombia: Malpelo Island; holotype:
authors, in the immediately preceeding 50 years and encom- ANSP 70250)
passing a span of not less than 10 years (Code art. 23.9.2):
(1) Allen, 1991b: 129; (2) Allen & Adrim, 2003: 34; (3) Allen Kuhlia rupestris (La Cepède, 1802)
& Coates, 1990: 83; (4) Allen & Robertson, 1994: 119; Centropomus rupestris La Cepède, 1802: 252, 273, 274 (type
(5) Carpenter & Niem, 2001a: 3319; (6) Daget et al., 1986: locality: Réunion: Ravine du Gol; neotype: MNHN 2006-
307; (7) Dor, 1984: 109; (8) Keith, Vigneux & Bosc, 1999: 0811, designated by Loiselle & Stiassny, 2007: 3, pl. 1
100; (9) Kottelat et al., 1993: 108; (10) Kuiter, 1993: 148; fig. A [original syntypes: material examined by Com-
(11) Laboute & Grandperrin, 2000: 208; (12) Marquet, Keith merson, not preserved, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 101])
& Vigneux, 2003: 182; (13) Masuda et al., 1984: 142; Perca ciliata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828b: 52
(14) Munro, 1967: 255; (15) Myers, 1989: 125; (16) Naka- (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bantam; holotype:
bo, 1993: 650; (17) Paxton et al., 1989: 540; (18) Pethiya- RMNH)
goda, 1991: 213; (19) Pusey et al., 2000: 72; (20–21) Ran- Dules fuscus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 118
dall, 1973: 187, 1996: 71; (22) Randall & Earle, 2000: 12; (type locality: Bourbon Island [Réunion]; syntypes:
(23) Randall & Lim, 2000: 612; (24) Randall & Randall, MNHN 862 [1], 2006-0811 [1], Bauchot & Desoutter,
2001: 229; (25) Smith & Heemstra, 1986: 508. 1986: 74, Loiselle & Stiassny, 2007: 3, pl. 1 fig. A)
Dules guamensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Kuhlia marginata (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 474 (type locality: Mariana Islands: Guam; holo-
1829) type: MNHN A.3060, Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 75)
Dules marginatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: Dules vanicolensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
116, pl. 52 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype: nes, 1831: 478 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Vani-
MNHN 9002, Randall & Randall, 2001: 228) colo Island [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E], in fresh wa-
Dules maculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, ter; holotype: MNHN, missing, Bauchot & Desoutter,
1831: 475 (type locality: Indonesia: freshwaters of 1986: 102)
Celebes [Sulawesi]; syntypes [2]: MNHN A.990 [2] Dules Haswellii Macleay, 1881a: 359 [59 in 1884 edition]
[MNHN A.3006, A.3007 [2], from Java, listed as holo- (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Rockingham Bay;
type and paratypes by Bauchot & Desoutter, 1986: 75 syntypes [3]: AMS I.6325-001 [2], Paxton et al., 1989:
have no type status as Valenciennes explicitly mentioned 540, Eschmeyer, 2011)
only two specimens from Celebes]) Kuhlia rupestris hedleyi Ogilby, 1898b: 767 (type locality:
Dules papuensis Macleay, 1883c: 257 (type locality: Papua New Caledonia; syntypes [11]: LU)
New Guinea: Goldie River; syntypes: AMS I.9139 [1], Kuhlia caerulescens Regan, 1913d: 376, fig. 68 (type local-
9140 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) ity: Solomon Islands: Stirling Island; holotype: BMNH
1884.3.24.95, Randall & Randall, 2001: 244)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(Plésiops). The presence of a diacritic mark is irrelevant *Geophagus surinamensis (Bloch, 1791)
(Code art. Sparus surinamensis Bloch, 1791: 112, pl. 277 fig. 2 (type
[Plésiops Cuvier, 1816a: 266 (type species: Pharopteryx nigricans Rüp- locality: Suriname; holotype: ZMB 2825, Kullander &
pell, 1828: 15, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1876e: 322). Nijssen, 1989: 38, fig. 22, Paepke, 1999: 63)
Gender masculine].
Distribution notes. Introduced in Singapore (Tan et al.,
Species incertae sedis 2010).
*'Cichlasoma' festae (Boulenger, 1899)
Heros festae Boulenger, 1899c: 6 (type locality: Ecuador:
Río Guayas, Guayaquil; syntypes [2]: BMNH Herichthys Baird & Girard, 1854
1898.12.31.36 [1], MZUT 1504 [1], Tortonese, 1940: 143) Herichthys Baird & Girard, 1854a: 25 (type species: Heri-
Distribution notes. Introduced. Sustaining population in chthys cyanoguttatus Baird & Girard, 1854a: 25, by
Singapore (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.). monotypy). Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Nexilarius Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 1559 (unjustified AMS I.95, NMW 60982, ZSI 1434, Ferraris et al., 2000:
emendation of Nexilaris Jordan & Evermann, 1896a: 298, Eschmeyer, 2011)
512). Gender masculine. Abudefduf tridentatus Clark, 1938: 181 (type locality: Mar-
Indoglyphidodon Fowler, 1944e: 25 (type species: Indogly- quesas Islands: Nukuhiva Island: Taiohae Bay; holotype:
phidodon abbotti Fowler, 1944e: 26, by original desig- CAS 5533)
nation). Gender masculine. ? Glyphisodon gigas Allen, 1991: 234 (not available, name
Nomenclatural notes. Abu-defduf was used for a subdivi- listed in synonymy)
sion of Chaetodon in Forskål (1775: 59) but most-likely it Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Tioman Island
was not intended as a formal name; it was only the vernac- by Ng et al. (1999: 177).
ular name of a species (Chaetodon sordidus Forskål, 1775:
62). It is not in the list of new genera (p. vi) while Acanthu-
rus (the other subdvision of Chaetodon) is listed. Neverthe- Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839
less the name is now widely used; I treat it as available, Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839: 171, 216 (subgenus of Glyph-
since it would serve no purpose to argue on whether or not isodon La Cepède, 1802: 542; type species: Glyphysod-
it is available. This is different from my treatment of the on azureus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a:
subdivisions of Sciaena (q.v.; abu hamrur, hobar, farer, gha- 479, by subsequent designation by Swain, 1883: 273;
nan, djabur, gaterin, schöur and tahhmel) which have ap- not a junior homonym of Chrysoptera Berthold, in La-
parently never been treated as available until the recent list- treille, 1827: 483, in Lepidoptera; not a junior homonym
ing by Eschmeyer (2011). I do not treat these names as avail- of Chysoptera [Zincken, 1817: 75] [available by indica-
able because (1) they were totally forgotten; (2) they have tion to 'Familie VIII' of Ochsenheimer, 1816: 26, and
apparently never been treated as available, or at least never included references; misspelt Chrysoptera in Prout, 1903:
used as valid; (3) they are clearly vernacular names listed 93] in Lepidoptera). Gender feminine.
elsewhere in the text; (4) they are not mentioned in the list Chrysoptera Agassiz, 1846: 84, 85 (unjustified emendation
of new genra (p. vi). of Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839: 171, 216; junior hom-
onym of Chrysoptera Berthold, in Latreille, 1827: 483,
Abudefduf bengalensis (Bloch, 1787) in Lepidoptera; not a junior homonym of Chysoptera
Chaetodon abudafur hanni Forskål, 1775: xiii, 65 (not avail- [Zincken, 1817: 75] [misspelt Chrysoptera in Prout,
able, a vernacular name) 1903: 93] in Lepidoptera). Gender feminine.
Chaetodon Bengalensis Bloch, 1787a: 110, pl. 213 fig. 2 Paraglyphidodon Bleeker, 1876h: 387 (type species: Para-
(type locality: Bengal; syntypes: ? ZMB 2722 [2], 8771 glyphidodon oxycephalus Bleeker, 1876h: 387, by sub-
[1, lost] [possible type status not discussed by Paepke, sequent designation by Jordan, 1919b: 384; also in Blee-
1999: 119]) ker, 1877b: pls. 403–409, 1877c: 40, 1877d: 116). Gen-
Labrus macrogaster La Cepède, 1801: 430, 477, 478, pl. 19 der masculine.
fig. 3 (type locality: "Grand Golfe de l'Inde" [Gulf of Glyphidodontops Bleeker, 1877d: 128 (unnecessary repla-
Bengal ?] or "Grand Océan" [Indian plus Pacific Oceans]; cement name for Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839: 171; also
holotype or syntypes: specimen(s) on which Commer- in Bleeker, 1877c: 41 which possibly predates Bleeker,
son's drawing is(are) based, MNHN A.8126 [1], 9442 1877d and where Glyphidodontops is not explicitly a
[1], Bauchot et al., 1978: 20) replacement name). Gender masculine.
Glyphidodon affinis Günther, 1862a: 41 (type locality: Chi- Iredaleichthys Whitley, 1928b: 296 (unnecessary replace-
na; holotype: BMNH 1851.12.27.175, Eschmeyer, 2011) ment name for Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839: 171, 216).
Glyphysodon palmeri Ogilby, 1913: 87, pl. 22 fig. 2 (type Gender masculine.
locality: Australia: Queensland: Moreton Bay: Bulwer; Similiparma Hensley, 1986: 858 (type species: Glyphisodon
holotype: QM I.1059, Eschmeyer, 2011) hermani Steindachner, 1887: 230, by original designa-
Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Busu- tion). Gender feminine.
anga) by Fowler & Bean (1928: 128). Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (1990: 517, 2013) com-
mented that the article by Bleeker (1876h) is dated Decem-
Abudefduf sordidus (Forskål, 1775) ber 1876 and that the volume's cover bears the date 1876.
Chaetodon sordidus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 62 (type locality: Despite this, he assumed that it has been published in 1877.
Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: Although possible, without evidence, I do not see reasons
ZMUC P56264, Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 24, pl. 34 to doubt that the volume could have been printed and avail-
fig. 57) able in 1876.
? Glyphisodon Géant F. Liénard, in Bouton, 1839: 25 (ver- As noted by Eschmeyer (1990: 294), Paraglyphydodon
nacular name, not available; locality: Mauritius; listed has also been used in Bleeker (1877d [December]: 116) from
as "Glyphisodon gigas Liénard" by Allen, 1991: 234 but which the type would also be P. oxycephalus by subsequent
latinized form does not exist) designation, and in Bleeker (1877c [March]: 40) from which
Glyphidodon adenensis Günther, in Playfair & Günther, the type would be Glyphidodon melas. An additional refer-
1867: 83, pl. 11 fig. 1 (type locality: Aden; holotype: ence is Bleeker (1877b [December]: pls. 403–409) from
BMNH 1867.3.9.317, Eschmeyer, 2010) which the type would also be P. oxycephalus by subsequent
Glyphidodon leucopleura Day, 1877: 385, pl. 83 fig. 4 (type designation.
locality: India: Andaman Islands; syntypes [2]: part of
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
by Fowler & Bean (1928: 162). Pomacentrus brachialis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Nomenclatural notes. Although usually listed as authored nes, 1830
by Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a), the descrip- Pomacentrus brachialis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
tion of Glyphisodon melas is authored by Valenciennes, as 1830a: 420 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes [2]:
explicitly stated p. 473. See Kurtus indicus for a similar case. MNHN 8240 [1], RMNH 936 [1], Bauchot et al., 1978:
22, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Pomacentrus melanopterus Bleeker, 1852q: 562 (type lo-
Neopomacentrus Allen, 1975 cality: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [101 mm TL]: LU)
Neopomacentrus Allen, 1975: 39, 166 (type species: Glyphi- Pseudopomacentrus rainfordi Whitley, 1935b: 236 (type
sodon anabatoides Bleeker, 1847b: 28, by original desig- locality: Australia: Queensland: Hayman Island; holo-
nation; type species misidentified [actually Glyphidodon type: AMS IA.6389)
filamentosus Macleay, 1882d: 365]; type species fixed as
G. anabatoides Bleeker, 1847b: 28, by Randall et al., 2005: Pomacentrus littoralis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
92, under Code art. 70.3.1). Gender masculine. 1830
Pomacentrus littoralis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Neopomacentrus taeniurus (Bleeker, 1856) 1830a: 425 (type locality: Indonesia: Java and Moluc-
Pomacentrus taeniurus Bleeker, 1856b: 51 (type locality: cas; syntypes: MNHN 9445 [1], RMNH 946 [1], Bau-
Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [52 mm TL]: LU) chot et al., 1978: 24, Eschmeyer, 2011, and specimen
? Glyphisodon fallax Peters, 1855a: 266 (type locality: figured by Martens)
Mozambique; syntypes: ZMB 2739 [3], BMNH Distribution notes. Inland records from Philippines (Lu-
1861.5.2.67 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Peters, 1855b: zon, Palawan) by Fowler & Bean (1928: 78).
Glyphisodon amboinensis Bleeker, 1857e: 72 (type locali- Pomacentrus taeniometopon Bleeker, 1852
ty: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [77 mm TL]: LU) Pomacentrus taeniometopon Bleeker, 1852f: 283 (type lo-
Glyphidodon cochinensis Day, 1865a: 38 (type locality: In- cality: Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai; holotype [67
dia: Cochin; syntypes [3]: among BMNH 1889.2.1.4293– mm TL]: ? RMNH 27434, Eschmeyer, 2011)
4295 [3], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 160; also in Day, Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Tioman Island
1865c: 156, pl. 12) by Ng et al. (1999: 177) and from Anambas Islands by Tan &
Pomacentrus rathbuni Jordan & Snyder, 1901a: 754, pl. 34 Lim (2004: 110).
(type locality: Japan: near Yokohama, "doubtless from
Misaki or Boshu"; holotype: USNM 49706) Pomacentrus tripunctatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Pomacentrus inhacae Smith, 1956c: 894 (type locality: ennes, 1830
Mozambique: Inhaca Island, 26°S 33°E; holotype: RUSI Pomacentrus tripunctatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
285) nes, 1830a: 421 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Van-
icolo [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E]; syntypes (?):
MNHN 8245 [4], Bauchot et al., 1978: 28)
Pomacentrus La Cepède, 1802 Pomacentrus vanicolensis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Pomacentrus La Cepède, 1802: 505 (type species: Chae- nes, 1830a: 421 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Vani-
todon pavo Bloch, 1787a: 60, by subsequent designa- colo [Vanikoro; 11°37'N 166°59'E]; syntypes: MNHN
tion by Guichenot, 1839: 302). Gender masculine. 8270 [4], Bauchot et al., 1978: 28; simultaneous subjec-
Pseudopomacentrus Bleeker, 1877d: 39 (subgenus of Poma- tive synonym of Pomacentrus tripunctatus Cuvier, in
centrus La Cepède, 1802: 505; type species: Pomacen- Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 421, first reviser [appar-
trus littoralis Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: ently Jordan & Snyder, 1902d: 604; more research need-
425, by subsequent designation by Fowler & Bean, 1928: ed] gave precedence to P. tripunctatus; earlier also treat-
65; also in Bleeker, 1877c: 39). Gender masculine. ed as simultaneous subjective synonym of Pomacentrus
Parapomacentrus Bleeker, 1877d: 65 (type species: Poma- trilineatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830a: 428,
centrus polynema Bleeker, 1853f: 283, by subsequent first reviser [apparently Bleeker, 1877c: 39; more re-
designation by Jordan, 1919b: 387; also in Bleeker, search needed] gave precedence to P. trilineatus)
1877c: 39 [if predates Bleeker, 1877d, then Glyphisod- Pristotis fuscus Bleeker, 1849e: 9 (type locality: Indonesia:
on bankieri Richardson, 1846a: 253 is type by monoty- Bali: Boleling; syntypes: LU)
py]). Gender masculine. Pomacentrus katunko Bleeker, 1852e: 169 (type locality:
Omopomacentrus Fowler, 1944a: 363 (subgenus of Poma- Indonesia: Timor Kupang; holotype [61 mm TL]: RMNH
centrus La Cepède, 1802: 505; type species: Pomacen- 27433 [1 of 40], Eschmeyer, 2011)
trus acapulcoensis Fowler, 1944a: 363, by original des- Pomacentrus Montrouzieri Thiollière, in Montrouzier, 1857:
ignation). Gender masculine. 478 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou]; syntypes:
Lepidopomacentrus Allen, 1975: 39, 43 (subgenus of Poma- lost)
centrus La Cepède, 1802: 505; type species: Pomacen- Pomacentrus kumkum Montrouzier, 1857: 478 (not avail-
trus lepidogenys Fowler & Bean, 1928: 98, by original able, name listed in synonymy)
designation). Gender masculine. Pomacentrus catunco Peters, 1868b: 270 (erroneous subsequent
spelling of Pomacentrus katunko Bleeker, 1852e: 169)
Pomacentrus bilineatus Castelnau, 1873: 89 (type locality: Pomacentrus elongatus Seale, 1910a: 518, pl. 12 fig. 2 (type
Australia: Northern Territory: Darwin; syntypes[2]: locality: Philippines: Luzon: Limbones Cove at entrance
MNHN, lost, Bauchot et al., 1978: 35) to Manila Bay; holotype: BSM 2214, lost)
Pomacentrus punctato-lineatus Cartier, 1874: 98 (type lo- Pomacentrus macleayi Whitley, 1928a: 221 (replacement
cality: Philippines: Bohol and Cavite; syntypes [2]: LU) name for Pomacentrus obscurus Alleyne & Macleay,
Pomacentrus obscurus Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 343, pl. 15 1877: 343)
fig. 2 (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Torres Strait; Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines
syntypes: AMS I.16358-001 [4], Eschmeyer, 2011; jun- (Luzon) by Herre (1953a: 634).
ior homonym of Pomacentrus obscurus Montrouzier &
Thiollière, in Montrouzier, 1857: 478)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Xiphochilus Günther, 1862a: 98 (unjustified emendation of Xiphochilus quadrimaculatus Günther, 1880a: 45, pl. 20
Xiphocheilus Bleeker, 1856l: 223). Gender masculine. fig. C (type locality: Arafura Sea; holotype: BMNH
1879.5.14.34, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Xiphocheilus typus (Bleeker, 1856) Distribution notes. Freshwater record by Fowler & Bean
Xiphocheilos typus Bleeker, 1856l: 224 (type locality: In- (1928: 191) from Philippines (Mariquina River, above Mon-
donesia: Nias; holotype [128 mm TL]: LU) alban [about 40 km upriver from sea], Luzon).
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies modified from Parenti & Indonesia: Sumbawa: Bima; holotype: ? BMNH
Randall (2000: 54). Phylogeny and review of genera: Bell- 1862.2.28.59 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
wood (1994). Reviews: Schultz (1969), Choat & Randall Scarus gymnognathos Bleeker, 1853h: 498 (type locality:
(1986). Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype [220 mm
TL]: LU)
Chlorurus Swainson, 1839 Scarus celebicus Bleeker, 1854w: 253 (type locality: Indo-
Chlorurus Swainson, 1839: 173, 227 (subgenus of Ptero- nesia: Sulawesi: Macassar [Ujung Pandang]; holotype
nason Swainson, 1839: 226; type species: Scarus gib- [206 mm TL]: LU)
bus Rüppell, 1829a: 81, pl. 20 fig. 2, by monotypy; spelt Pseudoscarus margaritus Cartier, 1874: 105 (type locality:
Chlorogaster p. 172, first reviser to fix correct original Philippines: Cebu; holotype: LU)
spelling not researched [listing of Chlorurus as subge- Callyodon rostratus Seale, 1910a: 524 (type locality: Philip-
nus of Crenilabrus on p. 173 apparently an error as this pines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holotype: BSM 2928, lost)
genus does not appear on p. 229; listed characters seem Callyodon albipunctatus Seale, 1910a: 526 (type locality:
to correspond to present genus]). Gender masculine. Philippines: Jolo Islands: Sitanki Island; holotype: BSM
Xanothon Smith, 1956a: 4 (type species: Callyodon bipalli- 4876, lost)
dus Smith, 1956a: 5, by original designation). Gender Xanothon bipallidus Smith, 1956a [Jan]: 5, pl. 41D (type
masculine. locality: Mozambique: Pinda; holotype: RUSI 67, Dor,
Ypsiscarus Schultz, 1958: 47 (subgenus of Scarus Forskål, 1984: 217; junior homonym of Callyodon bipallidus
1775: 25; type species: Callyodon oedema Snyder, 1909: Smith, 1955b: 936; also in Smith, 1956d [18 Feb]: 936)
603, by original designation). Gender masculine. Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Ragay
River, Luzon) by Fowler & Bean (1928: 405).
Chlorurus oedema (Snyder, 1909) Taxonomic notes. Chlorurus sordidus is usually considered
Callyodon oedema Snyder, 1909: 603 (type locality: Japan: to range throughout the Indo-Pacific. Unpublished molecu-
Ryukyu Islands: Okinawa Island, Naha market; holotype: lar studies have shown that the populations from the central
USNM 62951, Schultz, 1958: 48) and western Pacific are a distinct species, for which C. spi-
Distribution notes. Inland record from Philippines (Santi- lurus is the earliest available name (Randall, 2007: 362).
ago River, Luzon) by Fowler & Bean (1928: 385). The divide between the two species "appears to be between
the islands of the Indo-Malayan region and those of Ocean-
Chlorurus sordidus (Forskål, 1775) ia" (Parenti & Randall, 2011: 37), which is not very clear
Scarus sordidus Forskål, 1775: x, 30 (type locality: Egypt: and which I tentatively understand to be the Weber Line
Red Sea off Hurghada, 27°17'23"N 33°48'52"E [origi- between Wallacea (Sulawesi, Timor, etc.) and the Philip-
nal type locality: Red Sea]; neotype: USNM 202297, pines to the West and Australia, New Guinea to the East.
designated by Schultz, 1969: 20) But there is a contradiction in that Parenti & Randall (2011:
Scarus nigricans Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 40) mentioned having examined the holotype of Pseudo-
1840a: 213 (type locality: Red Sea; holotype: ZMB 2679, scarus Troschelii var. flavoguttata (from the Gilbert Islands)
Dor, 1984: 217) and treated it as a synonym of C. sordidus. This suggests
Scarus mentalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, that the record from the Philippines, as well as the nominal
1840a: 233 (type locality: Gulf of Aqaba; holotype: ZMB species based on material from the Philippines, refer to
2683, Eschmeyer, 2011) C. sordidus; this obviously needs confirmation. The nomi-
Scarus erythrodon Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, nal species treated as synonyms of C. sordidus but which
1840a: 255 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius]; apparently are C. spilurus are listed below.
holotype: MNHN 575, Bauchot & Guibé, 1960: 294) Nomenclatural notes. The description of Xanothon bipal-
Scarus variegatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, lidus Smith, 1956a is dated January 1956 and appeared ear-
1840a: 256 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauritius]; lier than its description (as Callyodon bipallidus) in Smith
lectotype: MNHN 555, designated by Guichenot, 1865: (1956d), which appeared on 18 February 1956 (Evenhuis,
50, Bauchot & Guibé, 1960: 298) 2003: 53). The 1956a description is based on a single spec-
? Scarus sumbawensis Bleeker, 1848c: 638 (type locality: imen, which is therefore the holotype. The additional mate-
rial mentioned in the 1956d description have no type status. 1801: 312, by subsequent designation, author of desig-
[Scarus purpureus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 277 nation not researched). Gender masculine.
(type locality: Caroline Islands: Ulea; holotype: specimen on which Odax La Cepède, 1802: 12 (not available, name listed in
figure is based, apparently not preserved; junior homonym of Scarus
purpureus Forskål, 1775: x, 27)]. synonymy)
[Scarus spilurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 279 (type Petronason Swainson, 1839: 172, 226 (type species: Scarus
locality: Caroline Islands: Ulea; holotype: specimen on which figure psittacus Forskål, 1775: 29], by subsequent designation
is based, apparently not preserved; spelt pilurus p. xvii, an inadvert- by Swain, 1883: 274; objective junior synonym of Scarus
ent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1])].
[Pseudoscarus Goldiei Macleay, 1883a: 590 (type locality: Papua New Forskål, 1775: x, 25). Gender masculine.
Guinea: Port Moresby; syntypes: AMS I.16375-001 [2, ex MAMU Erychthys Swainson, 1839: 172, 226, 443 (subgenus of
F1165, Stanbury, 1969: 208])]. Petronason Swainson, 1839: 172, 226 (type species:
[? Pseudoscarus Troschelii var. flavoguttata Steindachner, 1888: 63 (type Scarus croicensis Bloch, 1790: 27, pl. 221, by subse-
locality: Kingsmill Islands [Gilbert Islands]; holotype: NMW 72975,
Parenti & Randall, 2011: 40)]. quent designation by Swain, 1883: 274; spelt Erycthys
[Pseudoscarus platodoni Seale, 1901: 96 (type locality: Mariana Islands: p. 172, first reviser not researched, possibly Eschmeyer,
Guam [Agaña; Eschmeyer, 2011]; holotype: one of BPBM 162 [1], 1990: 142 who retained Erychthys as correct original
ANSP 98889 [1, ex BPBM 162], Böhlke, 1984: 151 [Seale only listed spelling). Gender masculine.
one specimen, BPBM 162; this specimen is thus holotype, but this lot
apparently included more than one specimen; no size stated])]. Hemistoma Swainson, 1839: 172, 226 (subgenus of Scarus
[Callyodon cyanogrammus Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 330, fig. 63 (type lo- Forskål, 1775: 25; type species: Scarus reticulatus
cality: Samoa: Apia; holotype: USNM 51756)]. Swainson, 1839: 226, by monotypy). Gender neuter.
[Pseudoscarus vitriolinus Bryan, 1906: 281 (type locality: Hawaii: Hono- Pseudoscarus Bleeker, 1861g: 70 (type species here fixed
lulu market; holotype: BPBM 3364, Eschmeyer, 2011)].
[Scaridea leucotaeniata Fowler, 1944b: 180, fig. 35 (type locality: New [under Code art. 70.3.2] as Pseudoscarus cantori Blee-
Hebrides [Vanuatu]; holotype: ANSP 71391, Böhlke, 1984: 150)]. ker, 1861h: 240, misidentified as Scarus psittacus For-
skål, 1775: x, 29 [as "Pseudoscarus psittacus Blkr.", a
misidentification corrected by Bleeker, 1861h: 240]).
Scarus Forskål, 1775 Gender masculine.
Callyodon Gronovius, 1763: 72 (not available, name pub- Loro Jordan & Evermann, 1896b: 418 (type species: Scarus
lished in a rejected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) guacamaia Cuvier, 1829: 265, by original designation).
Scarus Gronovius, 1763: 67 (not available, name published Gender masculine.
in a rejected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) Margaritodon Smith, 1956a: 15 (type species: Callyodon
Novacula Catesby, 1771: vol. 2: 18 (not available, name pub- verweyi de Beaufort, 1940: 298, by original designation;
lished in a rejected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) spelt Margaritdon p. 4, an inadvertent error, thus incor-
Scarus Forskål, 1775: x, 25 (type species: Scarus psittacus rect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender mas-
Forskål, 1775: x, 29, by subsequent designation by culine.
Swain, 1883: 274 [2 January; predates Jordan & Gil- Scarops Schultz, 1958: 17, 18 (type species: Scarus rubro-
bert, 1883b [April]: 938]; not a junior homonym of violaceus Bleeker, 1847d: 162, by original designation).
Scarus Gronovius, 1763: 67, which is not available). Gender masculine.
Gender masculine. Xenoscarops Schultz, 1958: 16, 23 (subgenus of Scarops
Callyodon Scopoli, 1777: 449 (type species listed by Parenti Schultz, 1958: 16, 18; type species: Scarus perrico Jor-
& Randall, 2000: 54 as Scarus croicensis Bloch, 1790: dan & Gilbert, 1882d: 357, by original designation).
27, by subsequent designation but author of designation Gender masculine.
not stated; not researched, but there is possibly confu- Distribution notes. The record by Fowler & Bean (1928:
sion with Callyodon Bloch, 1789: 242 and Calliodon 482) of Scarus dubius from inland (freshwater ?) in the Phil-
Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 312, and apparently there is ippines (Ragay River, Luzon) is based on a misidentifica-
no valid type species designation and Parenti & Ran- tion as this species is endemic to Hawaii Islands.
dall, 2000: 54 might be authors of actual type designa- Nomenclatural notes. Some authors (e.g. Parenti & Ran-
tion; no species originally included; first inclusion not dall, 2000: 60, Eschmeyer, 2011) have recognised a genus
researched). Gender masculine. or subgenus "Scarus Bleeker, 1847e: 4, 9, 42, 44". It is ob-
Mormyra Browne, 1789: 446 [1756: 446] (not available, vious that the discussion p. 42 refers to Scarus as used by
name published in a rejected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840a: 152) who
[Opinion 89]) explicitly referred to Forskål (1775). The comment, p. 9,
Callyodon Bloch, 1789: 242 (type species not researched, "Scarus. Vide sub genere Scaro" is not the mention of a
listed by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 45 as presumably subgenus but the last line of the key to genera and species
Scarus croicensis Bloch, 1790: 27; this is not possible and it means "Scarus. See [key to species] under genus
because this species was not originally included [origi- Scarus".
nally included: C. japanensis Bloch, 1789: 244, C. iseri [Scarus dubius Bennett, 1828: 37 (type locality: U.S.A.: Sandwich Islands
Bloch, 1789: 245, Labrus cretensis Linnaeus, 1758: 282]; [Hawaii]; holotype: BMNH 1852.9.13.105, Eschmeyer, 2011)].
junior homonym of Callyodon Scopoli, 1777: 449 [not
identical to Callyodon Scopoli because Scopoli is not Scarus dimidiatus Bleeker, 1859
mentioned]). Gender masculine. Scarus dimidiatus Bleeker, 1859k: 17 (type locality: Indo-
Calliodon Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 312 (type species usu- nesia: New Guinea: Irian Jaya: Doreh; holotype [230 mm
ally listed as Calliodon lineatus Bloch, in Schneider, TL]: LU)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Callyodon zonularis Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 321, fig. 60 locality: Samoa: Pago Pago; holotype: USNM 51745,
(type locality: Samoa: Pago Pago; holotype: USNM Eschmeyer, 2011)
51752) Distribution notes. Inland (freshwater ?) record from Phil-
Callyodon fumifrons Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 326, pl. 34 (type ippines (Ragay River, Luzon) by Fowler & Bean (1928: 428)
requires confirmation.
Istiblennius Whitley, 1943 edentulus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 172, which has
Istiblennius Whitley, 1943a: 185 (type species: Salarias precedence)
muelleri Klunzinger, 1879: 258, by original designation). Salarias quadricornis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Gender masculine. ennes, 1836: 329, pl. 329 (type locality: Isle-de-France
Halmablennius Smith, 1948a: 340 (type species: Salarias [Mauritius]; lectotype: MNHN A.2003, designated by
unicolor Rüppell, 1838: 136, by original designation). Springer & Williams, 1994: 121)
Gender masculine. Salarias melanocephalus Bleeker, 1849d: 18 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Springer & Williams (1994). Indonesia: southern Java: sea near Pagotang; lectotype:
RMNH 6297, designated by Springer & Williams, 1994:
Istiblennius edentulus (Schneider, 1801) 121, but there is no clear evidence that Bleeker had more
Blennius edentulus Schneider, 1801: 172 (based on unpub- than one specimen [95 mm TL])
lished drawing and description of Forster's Blennius trun- Salarias sumatranus Bleeker, 1851c: 256 (type locality:
catus, drawing reproduced in Springer & Williams, 1994: Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [85 mm TL]: lost,
121, fig. 42; type locality: Society Islands: Tahiti [origi- Springer & Williams, 1994: 121)
nal type locality: Huahine Island]; neotype: USNM Salarias diproktopterus Bleeker, 1857f: 69 (type locality:
292529, designated by Springer & Williams, 1994: 120) Indonesia: Buru: Kajeli; holotype [94 mm TL]: RMNH
Blennius truncatus Forster, in Schneider, 1801: 172 (listed 4468, Springer & Williams, 1994: 122)
in synonymy, but made available by use in Bleeker, Blennius cinereus Castelnau, 1875: 26 (type locality: Aus-
1860a: 44 [Code art. 11.6.1; not in Forster, in Lichten- tralia: Queensland: One Tree Island [original type local-
stein, 1844: 231 where only listed in synonymy]; type ity: Queensland]; neotype: USNM 291700, designated
locality: Society Islands: Tahiti [original type locality: by Springer & Williams, 1994: 122)
Huahine Island]; neotype: USNM 292529, designated ? Salarias atratus Macleay, 1882d: 361 (type locality: Pa-
by Springer & Williams, 1994: 121, and under Code art. pua New Guinea: Port Moresby Bay; syntypes: MAMU
72.4.3; simultaneous objective synonym of Blennius F1047 [2, lost], Springer & Williams, 1994: 122)
Salarias insulae Ogilby, 1899: 741 (type locality: Austra- Petroscirtes kulambangrae Herre, 1935c: 436 (type local-
lia: Lord Howe Island; holotype: lost, Springer & Will- ity: Solomon Islands: Kulambangra Island: fresh-wa-
iams, 1994: 122) ter creek; holotype: FMNH 17392, Smith-Vaniz, 1976:
Scartichthys enosimae Jordan & Snyder, 1902a: 460, fig. 9 83)
(type locality: Japan: Yogashima, an island at Misaki;
holotype: CAS-SU 7068, Böhlke, 1953: 94, Springer &
Williams, 1994: 122) Omobranchus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Salarias gilberti Bryan & Herre, 1903: 135 (type locality: 1836
Marcus Island; holotype: BPBM 2454 [1 of 2], Springer Omobranchus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
& Williams, 1994: 122) 1836: 287 (published in synonymy, name not available;
Salarias marcusi Bryan & Herre, 1903: 137 (type locality: subsequently made available by Swainson, 1839: 274
Marcus Island; holotype: BPBM 2456, Springer & Wil- [Code art. 11.6.1]; type species: Blennechis fasciolatus
liams, 1994: 123) Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 287,
Scartichthys basiliscus Fowler, 1904b: 552, pl. 25 upper fig. under Code art. 67.12). Gender masculine.
[not 19] (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; ho- Graviceps Fowler, 1903a: 170 (type species: Petroscirtes
lotype: ANSP 27802, Springer & Williams, 1994: 123) elegans Steindachner, 1876: 217, by original designa-
Salarias azureus Seale, 1906: 87, fig. 8 (type locality: Aus- tion). Gender neuter.
tral Islands: Tubuai; holotype: BPBM 783, Springer & Cyneichthys Ogilby, 1910a: 55 (subgenus of Petroscirtes
Williams, 1994: 123) Rüppell, 1830: 110; type species: Blennechis anolius
Salarias sindonis Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 427, fig. 105 (type Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836: 288, by
locality: Samoa: Pago Pago; neotype: USNM 51793, original designation). Gender masculine.
designated by Springer & Williams, 1994: 123) Poroalticus Fowler, 1931d: 403 (type species: Poroalticus
Salarias garmani Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 429, fig. 107 (type sewalli Fowler, 1931d: 403, by original designation).
locality: Samoa: Upolu Island: Apia; holotype: USNM Gender masculine.
51792, Springer & Williams, 1994: 123) Pauloscirtes Whitley, 1935a: 351 (type species: Petroscir-
Salarias rechingeri Steindachner, 1907: 1411 (type locali- tes obliquus Garman, 1903: 237, by original designa-
ty: Western Samoa: Upolu Island: Plum Pudding Rock tion). Gender masculine.
[original type locality: Samoa: Savaii]; neotype: USNM Cruantus Smith, 1959b: 234 (type species: Omobranchus
293747, designated by Springer & Williams, 1994: 103) dealmeida Smith, 1949b: 104, by original designation).
Salarias fluctatus Fowler, 1945: 70, figs. 15–16 (type local- Gender masculine.
ity: Saipan Islands; holotype: ANSP 71603, Springer &
Williams, 1994: 103) Omobranchus elongatus (Peters, 1855)
Salarias atrimarginatus Fowler, 1946: 182, fig. 46 (type Petroscirtes elongatus Peters, 1855a: 249 (type locality:
locality: Japan: Ryu Kyu Islands: Aguni Shima; holo- Mozambique; syntypes: ZMB 1940 [2], Springer, 1972:
type: ANSP 72052, Springer & Williams, 1994: 103) 14; also in Peters, 1855b: 440)
Taxonomic notes. Freshwater record from Philippines Petroskirtes kallosoma Bleeker, 1858e: 227 (type locality:
(Leyte) (pers. obs.). Japanese and Korean authors (e.g. Aiza- Indonesia: western Belitung; holotype [60 mm TL]:
wa, in Nakabo, 2002: 1592) considered I. enosimae to be a RMNH 4452, Springer, 1972: 14)
valid species. Petroscirtes dispar Fowler, 1937: 258, fig. 287 (type local-
ity: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68255, Böhlke,
1984: 28, Springer, 1972: 14; junior primary homonym
Meiacanthus Norman, 1944 of Petroscirtes dispar Günther, 1861a: 232)
Meiacanthus Norman, 1944: 805 (type species: Petroscir- Distribution notes. Included on the basis of type locality
tes oualanensis Günther, 1880a: 35, by original desig- of P. dispar. According to Springer & Gomon (1975: 31)
nation). Gender masculine. habitat is "Shallow (0–4) coastal waters and tide pools with
Holomeiacanthus Smith-Vaniz, 1976: 82 (subgenus of rocks and little coral. Occasionally recorded from brackish
Meiacanthus Norman, 1944: 805; type species: Petroscir- waters and stream mouths and from rocks with oysters".
tes anema Bleeker, 1852f: 273, by original designation).
Gender masculine. Omobranchus ferox (Herre, 1927)
Allomeiacanthus Smith-Vaniz, 1976: 87 (subgenus of Meia- Petroscirtes ferox Herre, 1927a: 277, pl. 3 figs. 2–3 (type
canthus Norman, 1944: 805; type species: Meiacanthus locality: Philippines: Luzon: Lake Bombon [original type
ditrema Smith-Vaniz, 1976: 87, by original designation). locality: Philippines: Luzon: Ambulong, Talisay and
Gender masculine. Volcano Island in Lake Taal]; neotype: CAS-SU 67264,
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Smith-Vaniz (1976, 1987). designated by Springer & Gomon, 1975: 40)
Petroscirtes kranjiensis Herre, 1940a: 25, pl. 20 (type lo-
Meiacanthus anema (Bleeker, 1852) cality: Singapore: mangrove swamp drained by Kranji
Petroskirtes anema Bleeker, 1852f: 273 (type locality: In- River; holotype: CAS-SU 33007, Böhlke, 1953: 93,
donesia: Ambon; holotype [62 mm TL]: RMNH 26468, Springer, 1972: 14)
Smith-Vaniz, 1976: 83) Petroscirtes waterousi Herre, 1942c: 112 (type locality:
Petroscirtes kulambangrae Herre, 1931: 9 (nomen nudum) Philippines: Mindoro: Mangarin: swamp on Waterhouse
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Hacienda; holotype: CAS-SU 36673, Böhlke, 1953: 93, 232, Springer, 1972: 14)
Springer, 1972: 15) Poroalticus sewalli Fowler, 1931d: 403, fig. 4 (type locali-
Petroscirtes feliciana Herre, 1942c: 112 (type locality: Phil- ty: West Indies: Trinidad: tide pools at Brighton Beach;
ippines: Mindanao: Oriental Misamis: mangrove swamp holotype: ANSP 53318, Böhlke, 1984: 30, Springer &
beside Fishery Station at Cagayan; holotype: CAS-SU Gomon, 1975: 58)
36671, Böhlke, 1953: 93, Springer, 1972: 14) Petroscirtes masyae Smith, 1934: 316 (type locality: Thai-
Omobranchus dealmeida Smith, 1949b: 104 (type locality: land: Chantaburi Province: tide pool on Koh Chula, a
Mozambique: Delagoa Bay: rock pool at Ponte Maone; rocky islet in the Gulf of Siam off Lem Sing; holotype:
syntypes: RUSI 232 or 233 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011, Spring- KUMF 176, Springer, 1972: 14, Monkolprasit, 1969: 7)
er, 1972: 13) Omobranchus japonicus scalatus Smith, 1959b: 232, pl. 19
figs. D–E (type locality: Mozambique: Delagoa Bay:
Omobranchus germaini (Sauvage, 1883) Ponte Maone; holotype: RUSI 239, Springer, 1972: 14)
Petroscirtes Germaini Sauvage, 1883c: 158 (type locality:
New Caledonia; holotype: MNHN A.4891, Springer, Omobranchus smithi (Viswesvara Rao, 1974)
1972: 14, Bauchot, 1967: 22) Cruantus smithi Viswesvara Rao, 1971c: 180 (nomen nu-
Graviceps alexanderi Whitley, 1945a: 33 (type locality: dum)
Western Australia: Fremantle; holotype: WAM P.671- Cruantus smithi Visweswara Rao, 1974: 483, fig. 4 (type
001, Springer, 1972: 13) locality: India: Godavari estuary; holotype: ZMAU)
Distribution notes. In area, recorded from Singapore, Omobranchus meniscus Springer & Gomon, 1975: 52,
Flores, Halmahera, Ambon, Cebu. Records from estuaries fig. 25 (type locality: Thailand: mouth of river at Chant-
and freshwater outside area (Springer & Gomon, 1975: 41; abun [Chantaburi]; holotype: USNM 119685)
Springer, 1981: 701). Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Springer (1981: 703).
Praealticus Schultz & Chapman, in Schultz, Chapman, Praealticus striatus Bath, 1992
Lachner & Woods, 1960 Praealticus striatus Bath, 1992: 280, figs. 60–71 (type lo-
Praealticus Schultz & Chapman, in Schultz, Chapman, cality: Philippines: Cuyo Islands: Cocoro Island;
Lachner & Woods, 1960: 368 (type species: Salarias 10°52'54"N 121°12'14"E; holotype: USNM 317941)
natalis Regan, 1909b: 405, by original designation). Distribution notes. Record from inland waters in Natuna
Gender masculine. Islands (Tan & Lim, 2004: 110).
Taxonomic notes. Revision by Bath (1992).
Eleutherochir Bleeker, 1879 Taxonomic notes. Inland record from Philippines (Agusan
Eleutherochir Bleeker, 1879: 80, 102 (type species: Cal- River, Mindanao) as Callionymus calauropomus by Herre
lionymus opercularioides Bleeker, 1850k: 32, by origi- (1953a: 777). Fricke (1981: 72, 1983: 582) commented that
nal designation). Gender feminine. F. calauropomus is known only from southern Australia,
Brachycallionymus Herre & Myers, in Herre, 1936c: 12 (type that the material of C. calauropomus of Herre (1953a) actu-
species: Brachycallionymus mirus Herre, 1936c: 12, by ally includes several species and that the Agusan River record
original designation). Gender masculine. (among others) "may be based on Synchiropus delandi or S.
altivelis". I tentatively retain the name F. altivelis as this is
Eleutherochir opercularis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & the species with the widest distribution range and known
Valenciennes, 1837) from shallowest waters, but this needs confirmation; addi-
Callionymus opercularis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- tional species have also been recorded from shallow waters
ciennes, 1837: 305 (type locality: India: Pondicherry, in the Philippines.
mouth of Arian-Coupan River; holotype: MNHN A.1514, Nomenclatural notes. Richardson (1846a: 319) noted that
Fricke et al., 1984: 106) he had seen plate 79 (C. altivelis) of Temminck & Schlegel
Callionymus opercularioïdes Bleeker, 1850k: 32 (type lo- (1846) but that he had not [yet ?] received the text; this is
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; syntypes [14: 55– surprising as the text is on p. 155, which is in Decade 9 and
73 mm TL]: RMNH 4813 [5], BMNH 1880.4.21.153 [1], Richardson, p. 316, mentioned that he had received De-
? NMV 46686–46687 [2], A.907 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011) cade 9; if it were confirmed that the plate appeared before
Callionymus kellersi Fowler & Bean, 1927: 12, fig. 2 (type the text, then the figured specimen (not preserved) is the
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Benkoelen; holotype: holotype.
USNM 87935) [Callionymus calauropomus Richardson, 1844b: 10, pl. 7 figs. 4–5 (type
Brachycallionymus mirus Herre, 1936c: 12 (type locality: locality: western Australia; holotype: BMNH 1855.9.19.183, Fricke,
1982: 75)].
Indonesia: north coast of Sulawesi [Lembeh Strait; [Synchiropus delandi Fowler, 1943b: 81, fig. 20 (type locality: Malaysia:
Böhlke, 1953: 103]; holotype: CAS-SU 30978, Böhlke, Borneo: Sabah: Mabul Islands off Sibuko Bay, 4°12'10"N 118°38'08"E;
1953: 103) holotype: USNM 99524)].
Eleutherochir mccaddeni Fowler, 1941c: 27, fig. 16 (type
locality: Philippines: Leyte: Hinunañgan Bay; holotype:
USNM 99435) Repomucenus Whitley, 1931
Pogonymus goslinei Visweswara Rao, 1976: 27, fig. 1 (type Repomucenus Whitley, 1931c: 323 (type species: Calliony-
locality: India: Ennore estuary; holotype: ZSI F 6853/2) mus calcaratus Macleay, 1881b: 628 [263 in 1884 edi-
tion], by original designation). Gender masculine.
Callimucenus Whitley, 1934d: [8] (type species: Calliony-
Foetorepus Whitley, 1931 mus macdonaldi Ogilby, 1911: 56, by original designa-
Foetorepus Whitley, 1931c: 323 (type species: Callionymus tion). Gender masculine.
calauropomus Richardson, 1844b: 10, by original des- Velesionymus Whitley, 1934d: [8] (type species: Calliony-
ignation). Gender masculine. mus limiceps Ogilby, 1908a: 35, by original designation).
Gender masculine.
Foetorepus altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below R. hind-
Callionymus altivelis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 155, pl. sii (Richardson, 1844) and R. schaapii (Bleeker, 1852) are
79 fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki: Ohomura Bay; recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui
lectotype: RMNH D.1012, designated by Boeseman, et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was inland or at sea.
1947: 134]) Repomucenus schaapii is known from mangrove in Sin-
Callionymus pallidus Fowler, 1941c: 23, fig. 14 (type lo- gapore (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.), but offshore.
cality: Philippines; holotype: USNM 99437) [Callionymus Linnaeus, 1758: 249 (type species: Callionymus lyra Lin-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
naeus, 1758: 249, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1879: 80; on bo et al., 1991: 255, fig. 1; on Official List of Specific
Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1922b: 72 [Opin- Names in Zoology)
ion 77], 1956b: 339 [Direction 56]). Gender masculine].
[Callionymus hindsii Richardson, 1844a: 64, pl. 37 figs. 3–4 (type locali- Callionymus serrato-spinosus Gray, 1835: pl. 90 figs. 3,
ty: Pacific Ocean [? Hong Kong, Fricke, 1983: 57; ? China or Sin- 3a–b (type locality: India; types: not preserved)
gapore, Fricke, 1982: 61]; syntypes [4]: BMNH 1844.9.11.31, BMNH Callionymus macdonaldi Ogilby, 1911: 56, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type
1855.9.19.911 [4], Fricke, 1982: 61)]. locality: Australia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype:
[Callionijmus Schaapii Bleeker, 1852p: 455 (type locality: Indonesia:
Banka [Bangka]; holotype [95 mm TL]: ? RMNH)]. QM I.2473 [ex AFAC 1491], Nakabo et al., 1991: 257)
Distribution notes. In area, freshwater records from Bang-
Repomucenus fluviatilis (Day, 1876) pakong River (Thailand) and Mekong delta (Vidthayanon,
Callionymus fluviatilis Day, 1876a: 322 (type locality: In- 2008: 210). Callionymus macdonaldi is treated as a valid
dia: Hooghly River at Calcutta; syntypes: among ZSI species by Fricke (2002: 30), who recorded samples from
2083–2084, BMNH 1889.2.1.3557–3564 [8], NMW river mouths in New Guinea.
76490 [1], 76840 [1], ZSI F 2083 [1], F 2084 [1], White-
head & Talwar, 1976: 161, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Tonlesapia Motomura & Mukai, 2006
Repomucenus richardsonii (Bleeker, 1854) Tonlesapia Motomura & Mukai, 2006: 44 (type species:
Callionymus Richardsonii Bleeker, 1854r: 414 (type locali- Tonlesapia tsukawakii Motomura & Mukai, 2006: 47,
ty: Japan: Nagasaki; syntypes [3, 196–250 mm TL]: by original designation). Gender feminine.
RMNH 6216 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Distribution notes. Inland records from Hainan. Treated as Tonlesapia amnica Ng & Rainboth, 2011
synonym of Repomucenus curvicornis by Fricke (2002: 17). Tonlesapia amnica Ng & Rainboth, 2011: 63, figs. 1, 3 (type
[Callionymus curvicornis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: locality: Vietnam: An Giang Province: Song Hau Giang
298 (type locality: Bourbon [Réunion; error for China ?, Fricke, 1982: [Bassac River], 4 km downstream from Long Xuyen,
60]; syntypes [at least 2]: MNHN 5469 [1], Fricke et al., 1984: 105)]. 10°20'N 105°29'E; holotype: UMMZ 246104)
Repomucenus sagitta (Pallas, 1770) Tonlesapia tsukawakii Motomura & Mukai, 2006
Callionymus sagitta Pallas, 1770: 29, pl. 4 figs. 4–5 (type Tonlesapia tsukawakii Motomura & Mukai, 2006: 47, fig. 1
locality: India: Bengal: mouth of Hooghli River, Sundar- (type locality: Cambodia: northwestern part of Lake Ton-
bans, about 21°50'N 88°00'E; neotype: CAS-SU 41392, le Sap, near Siem Reap, from market in Phsar Krom,
designated by ICZN, 1986a: 132 [Opinion 1388], Naka- Siem Reap; holotype: AMS I.43624-001)
There has been many recent studies of and hypotheses re- Alternative classifications include, among others, that
lating to the phylogeny and systematics of gobies. As re- of Thacker (2009) who recognised the following families
search on gobies is very active, several new classifications based on molecular characters: Rhyacichthyidae, Odonto-
are to be expected in the coming years and I prefer to use butidae, Butidae, Eleotrididae (including Xenisthmidae),
here a 'classical' classification with the families Rhyacich- Gobionellidae (including Oxudercinae, Amblyopinae, Sicy-
thyidae, Odontobutidae, Eleotrididae, Kraemeriidae, Gobi- diinae) and Gobiidae (including Microdesmidae, Ptereleot-
idae, Amblyopidae and Ptereleotrididae. Amblyopidae is a rididae, Kraemeriidae and Schindleriidae).
senior synonym of Gobioididae.
Platyptera Cuvier, 1829: 248). Gender masculine. [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 47, Dingerkus & Séret, 1992a:
Taxonomic notes. Two species are tentatively recognised, 174, RMNH ? D2114 [1], 2113 [1], 173 [1], Roberts,
R. aspro and R. guilberti Dingerkus & Séret, 1992, from 1993b: 42, and specimens figured by Quoy, and Kuhl
New Caledonia. A critical review might show that more spe- and van Hasselt, reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 46)
cies are involved. Platypterus flavescens Valenciennes, 1842: pl. 83 fig. 1 (type
[Rhyacichthys guilberti Dingerkus & Séret, 1992a: 175, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bentam [Bantam]; types:
locality: New Caledonia: Province Nord: rivière Tite at 80 masl; holo- MNHN ?)
type: MNHN 1992-0018)].
Rhiacichthys novae-guineae Boulenger, 1903: 124, pl. 11
Rhyacichthys aspro (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- (type locality: Papua New Guinea: Dinawa: Owen Stan-
ennes, 1837) ley Range; syntypes [3]: BMNH [not 1903.3.10.22–25
Platyptera melanocephala Cuvier, 1829: 248 (nomen nudum) [4], listed by Eschmeyer, 2011)
Platyptera trigonocephala Cuvier, 1829: 248 (nomen nudum) Platypterus flavipinnis Roberts, 1993b: 41 (erroneous sub-
Platyptera aspro Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, sequent spelling of Platypterus flavescens Valenciennes,
1837: 321, pl. 360 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Ban- 1842: pl. 83 fig. 1)
tam / Sulawesi; syntypes: MNHN A.2006 [2], A.2139
Odontobutidae Hoese & Gill, 1993 Neodontobutis Chen, Kottelat & Wu, 2002
Odontobutidae Hoese & Gill, 1993: 434 (type genus: Odon- Neodontobutis Kottelat, 2001a: 59 (nomen nudum)
tobutis Bleeker, 1874b: 305) Neodontobutis Kottelat, 2001c: 153 (not available, disclaim-
Nomenclatural notes. See Kottelat & Freyhof (2009: 85) er on p. 4; Code art. 8.3)
for a discussion of the correct spelling of Odontobutidae. Neodontobutis Iwata & Sakai, 2002: 109 (not available, not
Odontobutididae is an incorrect spelling. Spelling also dis- intended as a new taxon, no type species designated,
cussed by Gill & Hoese (2011) who reached the same con- Code art. 16.4)
clusion. See also Kottelat (2011b). Neodontobutis Chen, Kottelat & Wu, 2002: 230 (type spe-
cies: Hypseleotris hainanensis Chen, in Chen & Zheng,
Micropercops Fowler & Bean, 1920 1985: 76, by original designation; spelt Neodontobitis
Micropercops Fowler & Bean, 1920: 318 (type species: once on p. 230, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect orig-
Micropercops dabryi Fowler & Bean, 1920: 319, by orig- inal spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]). Gender feminine.
inal designation). Gender masculine.
Neodontobutis aurarmus (Vidthayanon, 1995)
Micropercops compressocephalus (Chen, in Chen & Odontobutis aurarmus Vidthayanon, 1995: 236, figs. 1–2
Zheng, 1985) (type locality: Thailand: Nong Khai Province: Kud Thing
Philypnus compressocephalus Chen, in Chen & Zheng, marsh, 18°19'N 104°41'E; holotype: NIFI 2427; noun in
1985: 77, fig. 3 (type locality: China: Guangdong: Lian- apposition, indeclinable)
hua Shan, Haifeng Xian; holotype: IHB 74XII 007)
Neodontobutis hainanensis (Chen, in Chen & Zheng,
Micropercops hotayensis Mai, 1978 1985)
Micropercops hotayensis Mai, 1978: 313, fig. 138 (type lo- Hypseleotris hainanensis Chen, in Chen & Zheng, 1985:
cality: northern Vietnam [Ho Tay (West Lake), Hanoi; 76, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Hainan: ponds in Quion-
Kottelat, 2001a: 112]; syntypes: DVZUT 357 [8], H. K. gzhong County; holotype: IHB 76V9321)
Larson, pers. comm.) Philypnus macrolepis Wu & Ni, in Kuang, 1986: 263,
Taxonomic notes. Placement follows H. K. Larson (pers. fig. 150 (type locality: China: Hainan: Qiongzhong
comm., 2012). County: Shuei-Man village in Changhua Jiang drainage,
near Wu-Ji-Shan mountains [data from Chinese text,
*Micropercops swinhonis (Günther, 1873) English text slightly different]; holotype: SFU
Eleotris Swinhonis Günther, 1873b: 242 (type locality: Chi- HN833286)
na: Shanghai; syntypes: BMNH 1873.7.30.44 [8],
Wongrat, 1977: 17) 'Neodontobutis' macropectoralis (Mai, 1978)
Distribution notes. Introduced. Generic position follows Micropercops macropectoralis Mai, 1978: 312, fig. 137 (type
Iwata et al. (2001: 91). locality: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT uncat. [at
least 2, H. K. Larson, pers. comm.])
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Neodontobutis ngheanensis Nguyen & Nguyen, 2011 Odontobutis sinensis Wu, Chen & Chong, 2002
Neodontobutis ngheanensis Nguyen [X. K.] & Nguyen [H. Odontobutis sinensis Wu, Chen & Chong, 2002: 7, fig. 1
D.], 2011: 12, fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Nghe An (type locality: China: Hubei: Liang-tzi Hu [lake], 30°15'N
Province: Pumat National Park: upstream of Khe Khang 114°20'E; holotype: SFU 2080)
stream [tributary of Song Giang, itself tributary of Song
Ca]; holotype: HNUE PM60176)
Sineleotris Herre
Neodontobutis tonkinensis (Mai, 1978) Sineleotris Herre, 1940e: 293 (type species: Sineleotris sac-
Percottus tonkinensis Mai, 1978: 310, fig. 136 (type locali- charae Herre, 1940e: 293, by original designation). Gen-
ty: northern Vietnam; syntypes: DVZUT 349 [15], H. K. der feminine.
Larson, pers. comm.)
Sineleotris chalmersi (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
Philypnus chalmersi Nichols & Pope, 1927: 390, fig. 50
Odontobutis Bleeker, 1874 (type locality: China: Hainan: Nodoa; holotype: AMNH
Odontobutis Bleeker, 1874b: 305 (type species: Eleotris 8384)
obscura Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 149, by original Taxonomic notes. Often placed in Philypnus, which is a
designation). Gender masculine [Code art. 30.2.4]. junior objective synonym of Gobiomorus, a South Ameri-
can genus.
Species inquirenda [Gobiomorus La Cepède, 1800: 583 (type species: Gobiomorus dormitor
Gobiomorphus Pellegrini Fang, 1942a: 81 (type locality: La Cepède, 1800: 583, 588, by subsequent designation by Jordan &
Gilbert, 1883b: 972). Gender masculine].
China: Fukien [Fujian]: Fou-Tchéou [Fuzhou]; holotype: [Philypnus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 255 (type spe-
MNHN 1941-0174, Bauchot et al., 1991: 51) cies: Platycephalus dormitator Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 60, by
monotypy). Gender masculine].
Odontobutis potamophilus (Günther, 1861)
Eleotris potamophila Günther, 1861a: 557 (type locality: Sineleotris namxamensis Chen & Kottelat, 2004
China: Yangtze River 230 miles from mouth / Yangtze Sineleotris namxamensis Kottelat, 2001a: 59, fig. 128 (no-
River at Chikiang; syntypes: BMNH 1855.3.27.10 [1], men nudum)
1861.11.7.4 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) Sineleotris namxamensis Chen & Kottelat, 2004: 44, fig. 1
Eleotris varius Dabry de Thiersant, 1872: 178, pl. 36 fig. 6 (type locality: Laos: Houaphan Province: Houay Cha
(type locality: China: Yang-tsee-kiang; syntypes: MNHN Khou, small creek entering Nam Xam on road from Xam
5024 [1], 5025 [1], Bauchot et al., 1991: 10) Tai to Ban Tao, about 16 km from Xam Tai; 19°55'09"N
Eleotris Davidi Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874: 3 (type 104°43'57"E; holotype: ZRC 48664)
locality: China: Ning Po; syntypes: MNHN 6778 [4],
Bauchot et al., 1991: 11)
Taxonomic notes. Record from area (as O. obscura) based Terateleotris Shibukawa, Iwata & Viravong, 2001
on Herre (1927: 55; Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga) Terateleotris Shibukawa, Iwata & Viravong, 2001: 231 (type
and seems to be based on a misidentification. Wu et al. (1993: species: Odontobutis aspro Kottelat, 1998a: 113, by orig-
53) and Iwata & Sakai (2002: 110) treat O. obscura and inal designation). Gender feminine.
O. potamophila as distinct species.
[Eleotris obscura Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 149, 1846: pl. 77 figs. 1–3 Terateleotris aspro (Kottelat, 1998)
(type locality: Japan: streams entering the Bay of Nagasaki; lecto- Odontobutis aspro Kottelat, 1998a: 113, fig. 178 (type lo-
type: RMNH 2040a, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 129, Iwata et cality: Laos: Xe Bangfai about 3 km upriver of Ban Pak-
al., 1985: 374)].
phanang; 17°24'20"N 104°45'50"E; holotype: ZRC
Nomenclatural notes. Eleotris is a Greek word (see Cuvier spelling Eleotrididae has been used about as frequently as
& Valenciennes, 1837: 218) and the correct family group Eleotridae, and therefore 'prevailing usage' can no longer
name is Eleotrididae (see Steyskal, 1980: 170). The spell- be invoked to retain the spelling Eleotridae.
ing Eleotridae could be retained under Code art. if
it were the 'prevailing usage'. The definition of 'prevailing Genus et species inquirendae
usage' in the Code is very vague and any decision based on Parviparma Herre, 1927b: 81 (type species: Parviparma
this criterion can only be subjective. Therefore I prefer a straminea Herre, 1927b: 82, by original designation).
strict application of art. 29.3.1. Further, in recent years, the Gender feminine.
Parviparma straminea Herre, 1927b: 82, pl. 6 fig. 2 (type of Ictiopogon Rafinesque, 1815: 91). Gender masculine.
locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Saug River, southern Boroda Herre, 1927b: 58 (type species: Boroda expatria
coast of Cotabato Province; holotype: BSM, lost) Herre, 1927b: 59, by original designation). Gender fem-
Hanno Herre, 1946: 123 (type species: Eleotris africana
Belobranchus Bleeker, 1856 Steindachner, 1880b: 153, by original designation; jun-
Belobranchus Bleeker, 1856n: 300 (type species: Belobran- ior homonym of Hanno Gray, 1821: 297 in Mammalia).
chus quoyi Bleeker, 1856n: 300, by subsequent designa- Gender masculine.
tion by Bleeker, 1874b: 304 [use of the word "type" in the Hannoichthys Herre, 1950c: 198 (replacement name for
Dutch remarks is not a type designation but a reference Hanno Herre, 1946: 123). Gender masculine.
to the genus: "A second species discovered by me, adds Remarks. Borada is listed as synonym of Bostrychus by
a new similar shape to this type [of fish], the most prom- Larson (2008).
inent character of which is …"]). Gender masculine.
Bostrychus expatrius (Herre, 1927)
Belobranchus belobranchus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Boroda expatria Herre, 1927b: 59, pl. 5 fig. 1 (type locali-
Valenciennes, 1837) ty: Philippines [no detail stated, possibly Palawan: Lake
Eleotris belobrancha Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Manguao]; holotype: BSM 11468, lost)
nes, 1837: 243 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Ma-
nado; syntypes: MNHN A.1569 [5], Bauchot et al., 1991: Bostrychus microphthalmus Hoese & Kottelat, 2005
10, Keith, Hadiaty & Lord, 2012: 480) Bostrychus microphthalmus Hoese & Kottelat, 2005: 185,
Belobranchus Quoyi Bleeker, 1856n: 300 (unnecessary re- figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Gua Tanette
placement name for Eleotris belobrancha Valenciennes, [cave], Kapang; holotype: MZB 5942)
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 243)
Belobranchus taeniopterus Bleeker, 1856n: 301 (type lo- Bostrychus scalaris Larson, 2008
cality: Indonesia: Bali: Boleling; syntypes [5, 18–57 mm Bostrychus scalaris Larson, 2008: 148, figs. 1–3 (type lo-
TL]: ? RMNH) cality: Malaysia: Selangor: mangrove pool at Sementa
Eleotris poecilopterus Koumans, 1953: 362 (not available, River, 3°04.84'N 101°21.35'E, near Klang; holotype:
name listed in synonymy), Roberts, 1993b: 42 (not avail- NTM S.15552-003)
able, unpublished manuscript name)
Bostrychus sinensis La Cepède, 1801
Belobranchus segura Keith, Hadiaty & Lord, 2012 Bostrychus sinensis La Cepède, 1801: 140, 141, 142 (type
Belobranchus segura Keith, Hadiaty & Lord, 2012: 480, locality: China; holotype: specimen on which drawing
fig. 1 (type locality: Indonesia: Halmahera: Ake Jira, is based; drawing was in La Cepède, 1800: pl. 14 fig. 2,
Leililef Waibulen; holotype: MZB 20786). as Bostryche chinois, a vernacular name)
Philypnus ocellicauda Richardson, 1844a: 59 (type locali-
ty: China: Bocca Tigris; holotype: ? BMNH; also in Rich-
Bostrychus La Cepède, 1801 ardson, 1845: 149, pl. 56 figs. 15–16)
Bostrychus La Cepède, 1801: 140 (type species: Bostrychus Philypnus ophicephalus Bleeker, 1849d: 20 (type locality:
sinensis La Cepède, 1801: 140, 141, by subsequent des- Indonesia: Java: Surabaya and Madura Strait; syntypes
ignation by Bleeker, 1874b: 301 [for replacement name [71–111 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4502 [6], Eschmeyer,
Bostrichthys Duméril, 1805: 120, 332]; not a junior hom- 2011)
onym of Bostrichus Geoffroy, 1762: 301 [also 1764: 301]
in Coleoptera [one letter difference; Code art. 56.2; see
ICZN, 1954b: 211 [Opinion 228], 1994a: 61 [Opinion Bunaka Herre, 1927
1754] for availability] [Bostrichus Geoffroy, in Fourcroy, Bunaka Herre, 1927b: 60 (type species: Bunaka pinguis Herre,
1785: 133 is not a new name]) Gender masculine. 1927b: 61, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Bostrichthys Duméril, 1805: 120, 332 (unnecessary repla- Lizettea Herre, 1936b: 275 (type species: Lizettea pelewen-
cement name for Bostrychus La Cepède, 1801: 140). sis Herre, 1936b: 276, by original designation). Gender
Gender masculine. feminine.
Psilus Fischer, 1813: 111 (unnecessary replacement name for
Bostrychus La Cepède, 1801: 140). Gender masculine. Bunaka gyrinoides (Bleeker, 1853)
Bostrictis Rafinesque, 1815: 84 (incorrect subsequent spell- Eleotris gyrinoïdes Bleeker, 1853f: 272 (type locality: In-
ing of Bostrichthys Duméril, 1805: 120, 332) donesia: Sumatra: Benculen [Bengkulu], Priaman; syn-
Ictiopogon Rafinesque, 1815: 91 (unnecessary replacement types [3, 136–161 mm TL], RMNH 4751 [3], Eschmey-
name for Bostrychus La Cepède, 1801: 140). Gender er, 2011)
masculine. Eleotris Canarensis Day, 1876a: 313, pl. 69 fig. 2 (type lo-
Bostrychichthys Agassiz, 1846: 49 (unjustified emendation cality: India: Mangalore; syntypes: ZSI 2094 [1, lost],
of Bostrichthys Duméril, 1805: 120, 332). Gender mas- 2507 [1], AMS B.8271 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976:
culine. 161, Eschmeyer, 2011, Ferraris et al., 2000: 296)
Ichthyopogon Agassiz, 1846: 193 (unjustified emendation Bunaka pinguis Herre, 1927b: 61, pl. 27 fig. 2 (type locality: Phil-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ippines: Negros: Oriental Negros, Dumaguete River; holotype: nied by the citation of a list of 25 usages of the nomen pro-
BSM 10594, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 182) tectum in the previous 50 years. Further, I do not see in Os-
Lizettea pelewensis Herre, 1936b: 276, pl. 1 fig. 1 (type lo- beck's description characters that would allow Sparus chi-
cality: Pelew Islands: brook on a small islet; holotype: nensis to be identified as Butis butis; it does not even appear
CAS-SU 29074, Böhlke, 1953: 107) to be a gobioid. The Chinese vernacular name 'small man-
Boroda francoi Roxas & Ablan, 1940: 303, pl. 2 (type lo- darinfish' suggests a Siniperca (Percichthyidae).
cality: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Province: Dagu- [Sparus chinensis Osbeck, 1765: 340 (type locality: China: Canton [p. 337];
pan River; holotype: BSM 31947, lost) types: NT)].
Bunaka sticta Herre, 1942a: 119 (type locality: Philippines:
Mindanao: Oriental Misamis Province: Tagaloan River at Butis gymnopomus (Bleeker, 1853)
Tagaloan; holotype: CAS-SU 36534, Böhlke, 1953: 105) Eleotris gymnopomus Bleeker, 1853f: 274 (type locality:
Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [115 mm TL]:
Butis Bleeker, 1856
Butis Bleeker, 1856g: 412 (type species: Cheilodipterus butis Butis humeralis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Hamilton, 1822: 57, by absolute tautonymy; also in Blee- nes, 1837)
ker, 1856l: 215). Gender masculine [Code art. 30.2.4]. Eleotris humeralis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Themistocles Whitley, 1939c: 296 (subgenus of Prionobut- 1837: 246 (type locality: India: Bengal; holotype: MNHN
is Bleeker, 1874b: 305; type species: Prionobutis wardi A.1563, Bauchot et al., 1991: 13)
Whitley, 1939c: 296, by original designation). Gender Eleotris melanostigma Bleeker, 1849d: 23 (type locality:
masculine. Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kam-
mal; holotype ? [98 mm TL]: ? RMNH 6202, Eschmey-
Butis amboinensis (Bleeker, 1854) er, 2011)
Eleotris amboinensis Bleeker, 1854b: 343 (type locality: Eleotris Wolffii Bleeker, 1851c: 253 (type locality: Indone-
Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [113 mm TL]: ? RMNH sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holotype
4801, Eschmeyer, 2011) [48 mm TL]: ? RMNH)
Eleotris squamifrons Perugia, 1893b: 254 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sumatra: Engano Island: Kifa-juc; holotype: Butis koilomatodon (Bleeker, 1849)
MCSNG 12691, Tortonese, 1963b: 342) Eleotris koilomatodon Bleeker, 1849d [Aug]: 21 (type lo-
? Butis leucurus Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 794, fig. 13 (type cality: Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and
locality: Philippines: southern shore of Negros; holotype: Kammal; holotype ? [80 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4818
USNM 51953, Koumans, 1940a: 123) [11], Miller et al., 1989: 312, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Eleotris caperatus Cantor, 1849 [Nov]: 1179 (type locality:
Butis butis (Hamilton, 1822) Malaysia: Pinang; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.575 [1],
Cheilodipterus butis Hamilton, 1822: 57, 367 (type locali- 1860.3.19.583 [1], Miller et al., 1989: 312)
ty: India: river below Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's Prionobutis serrifrons Rutter, 1897: 84 (type locality: Chi-
unpublished figure reproduced in Gray, 1835: vol. 2, na: Swatow [Shantou]; holotype: CAS-SU 4995, Böhlke,
pl. 93 fig. 3) 1953: 107)
Checlodipterus Bhutibue M'Clelland, 1839: 222 (available Eleotris delagoensis Barnard, 1927a [July]: 70 (type local-
by indication to Cheilodipterus butis of Gray, 1835: pl. 93 ity: Mozambique: Delagoa Bay; holotype: SAM 15548,
fig. 3, which is original figure of Cheilodipterus butis Miller et al., 1989: 312; also in Barnard, 1927b [Oct.]:
Hamilton, 1822: 57, 367; type locality: India: river be- 811)
low Calcutta; holotype: lost; possibly should be treated Prionobutis wardi Whitley, 1939c: 296, fig. 1 (type locali-
as an erroneous subsequent spelling of Cheilodipterus ty: Australia: Northern Territory: off Point Charles, near
butis Hamilton, 1822: 57, 367) Darwin; holotype: AMS IA.7849)
Eleotris melanopterus Bleeker, 1853a: 706 (type locality: Hypseleotris raji Herre, 1945: 401 (type locality: India:
Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai / Sulawesi: Balucom- Madras: Adyar River [comment by Thacker & Unmack,
ba and Kema; syntypes [4, 131 mm TL]: ? RMNH) 2005: 9 that type locality is given as Hong Kong in orig-
Eleotris longicauda De Vis, 1884: 691 (type locality: Aus- inal publication is erroneous]; holotype: CAS-SU 39863,
tralia: Queensland: Brisbane River; holotype: QM I.98, Böhlke, 1953: 107)
Hoese et al., 2006: 1598)
Eleotris papa Ogilby, 1910a: 24 (not available, name listed
in synonymy) Eleotris Scopoli, 1777
Nomenclatural notes. Eschmeyer (2011) considered Sparus Eleotris Gronovius, 1763: 83 (not available, name in a re-
chinensis Osbeck, 1765 to be a senior synonym of Butis jected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89])
butis, without explanation or reference. He then stated that Eleotris Scopoli, 1777: 456 (first published in synonymy of
it is a nomen oblitum under Code art. This is erro- "Gobius Pallas"; used as valid before 1961, therefore
neous. To be valid, a declaration as nomen oblitum under available [Code art. 11.6.1]; type species: Gobius piso-
art. should be in a published work (in the sense of nis Gmelin, 1789: 1206, by present designation [Code
the Code), which an on-line database is not, and accompa- arts. 67.2, 67.12.1, 69]; no species originally included,
first inclusion by Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 65). Gen- Mentzel's figure. This means that the specimen on which
der feminine. the figure is based is the holotype of G. pisonis Gmelin, 1789
Eleotris Walbaum, 1792: 651, 706 (available by use as a and also one of the syntypes of Gobiomoroides piso; the
generic name in the index [p. 706; Code art. 11.4.3] and second syntype is the specimen examined by La Cepède.
by indication to Eleotris of Gronovius, 1763: 83 [p. 651]; The specimen on which Mentzel's figure is based is here
type species: Gobius pisonis Gmelin, 1789: 1206, by designated as lectotype of G. piso La Cepède, 1800. This
present designation [Code arts. 67.2, 67.12.1, 69]; no makes G. piso an objective junior synonym of G. pisonis. [It
species originally included, first inclusion by Bloch, in is further arguable whether G. piso is not an unjustified emen-
Schneider, 1801: 65; junior homonym and junior objec- dation of G. pisonis]. Nobody seems to have examined Ment-
tive synonym of Eleotris Scopoli, 1777: 456). Gender zel's drawing since Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Valencien-
feminine. nes, 1837: 222) and its identity should be confirmed as the
Gobiomoroïdes La Cepède, 1800: 592 (type species: Go- identity of three generic names are based on it. This is prob-
biomoroides piso La Cepède, 1800: 592, 593, by mono- ably a case that could justify a neotype designation.
typy; junior objective synonym of Eleotris Scopoli, 1777: Pezold & Cage (2002: 37) commented that Gobiomo-
456; must be emended into Gobiomoroides, Code art. roides is not a synonym of Eleotris. This might apply to La Gender masculine. Cepède's specimen, but is no longer nomenclaturally rele-
Eleotris Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 65 (type species: Go- vant after the above lectotype designation. Epiphthalmus is
bius pisonis Gmelin, 1789: 1206, designated by ICZN, a replacement name for Gobiomoroides, therefore not in
1956: 342, 350 [Direction 56] [erroneously listed as Ele- Channidae as listed by Eschmeyer (2011).
otris gyrinus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Eleotris is usually attributed to Bloch (in Schneider,
1837: 220, by ICZN, 1926: 6 [Opinion 93]; junior ob- 1801) and its type is G. pisoni, designated by ICZN, 1926: 6
jective synonym and junior homonym of Eleotris Sco- [Opinion 93], 1956b: 342 [Direction 56]. In fact, Eleotris
poli, 1777: 456 and Eleotris Walbaum, 1792: 651, 706). first appeared in Scopoli (1777: 456) where it is listed in the
Gender feminine [Code art. 30.2.3]. synonymy of a "Gobius Pallas" (probably referring to Pal-
Epiphthalmus Rafinesque, 1815: 86 (unnecessary replace- las, 1770: 1–18). Because the name has been widely used as
ment name for Gobiomoroides La Cepède, 1800: 592). a valid generic name before 1961 it is available under Code
Gender masculine. art. 11.6.1. Its type species should be the "nominal species
Eleotris Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1825a: 417 (subgenus of (cited by an available name) first directly associated with
Gobius Linnaeus, 1758: 262; appears as Eleotrides, con- it" (art. 67.12) or selected among the originally included
text [use of Periophthalmi] indicates it is nominative nominal species, which art. 67.12.1 defines as the species
plural of Eleotris and must be corrected to Eleotris, Code first directly associated with the name in the case of genera
art.; type species Gobius pisonis Gmelin, 1789: first published as synonyms. Then the action of the first re-
1206, by monotypy; junior objective synonym and jun- viser determines the type species (art. 69). Scopoli listed no
ior homonym of Eleotris Scopoli, 1777: 456, Eleotris nominal species, and the first association of nominal spe-
Walbaum, 1792: 651 and Eleotris Bloch, in Schneider, cies with the name Eleotris Scopoli is by Bloch (in Schneider,
1801: 65). Gender masculine. 1801: 65–68) who listed 11 nominal species, including
? Cestreus M'Clelland, 1841b: 151 (type species: Cestreus Gobius pisonis Gmelin. There has not yet been a first revis-
minimus M'Clelland, 1841b: 149, by monotypy; not a er action and I designate Eleotris pisoni Gmelin, 1789 as
junior homonym of Cestreus Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: type species of Eleotris Scopoli, which makes it a senior
584, which is not available, ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion objective synonym of Eleotris Bloch.
21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]). Gender masculine. It remains to be demonstrated that Southeast Asian Eleo-
Culius Bleeker, 1856g: 411 (type species: Cheilodipterus tris species are congeneric with the American ones. The fig-
culius Hamilton, 1822: 55, by absolute tautonymy). Gen- ure of the lectotype of G. piso in Marcgrave (1648) could
der masculine. possibly represent a Sicydium.
Kieneria Maugé, 1984b: 98 (subgenus of Eleotris Bloch, in [Gobius pisonis Gmelin, 1789: 1206 (based on Gronovius, 1756: 16, n°168,
Schneider, 1801: 65; type species: Eleotris vomeroden- itself based on unpublished drawing 'amorecima' of Mentzel; type lo-
cality: South America; holotype: model of Mentzel's figure)].
tata Maugé, 1984b: 98, by original designation). Gen- [Gobiomoroides piso La Cepède, 1800: 592, 593 (based on a specimen
der feminine. and on Amoré-Pixuma of Piso [1658: 72], Amore pixuma of Ray [1713:
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Gobiomoroides 80], Gronovius [1756: 16, n°168, 1763: 83, n°279], Gobius pisoni
is G. piso La Cepède, 1800, which is based on a specimen Gmelin, 1789: 1206 [all based on unpublished drawing 'amorecima'
of Mentzel]; type locality: South America; lectotype: model of Ment-
and on Amoré-Pixuma of Piso (1658: 72), Amore pixuma zel's figure, by present designation)].
of Ray (1713: 80), Gronovius (1756: 16, n°168, 1763: 83,
n°279) and Gobius pisoni Gmelin, 1789. Gobius pisonis Species inquirenda
Gmelin itself is based on Gronovius (1756: 16, n°168). Atherina danius Hamilton, 1822: 222, 381 (type locality:
Gronovius (1756) and Ray (1713) are based on Marcgrave's India: Mahananda River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub-
'Amore pixuma' (1648: 166 [and Piso, 1658: 72]), itself based lished drawing is reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 23 fig. 7)
on 'amorecima' in Liber Mentzelii (no. 59 in a collection of Cestreus minimus M'Clelland, 1841b: 149, 151, pl. 4 fig. 2
unpublished drawing by C. Mentzel [see Pietsch, in Cuvier, (type locality: India: Calcutta; syntypes: ? ZSI)
1995: 53]) and seems to be based on a South American fish.
All these references thus seem to refer to a single source,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Eleotris acanthopomus Bleeker, 1853 Eleotris incerta Blyth, 1860b: 146 (type locality: India:
Eleotris acanthopomus Bleeker, 1853f: 275 (type locality: Calcutta fish bazaar; syntypes: ? ZSI)
Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [115 mm TL]: Eleotris soaresi Playfair, in Playfair & Günther, 1867: 74,
? RMNH 4815, Akihito, 1967: 154 or RMNH 25934, pl. 9 fig. 4 (type locality: Mozambique; syntypes: BMNH
Miller, 1998: 278) 1864.11.15.127 [1], 1865.3.15.26–27 [2], 1867.3.9.521
Eleotris acanthopoma hainanensis Wu, in Pan, 1991: 432, [1], Miller, 1998: 278)
fig. 258 (type locality: China: Hainan: Chaoyang, Qion- Eleotris Klunzingerii Pfeiffer, 1893: 142, pl. 3 fig. 8 (type
ghai, Wanquan River; holotype: SFC 603; junior prima- locality: Zanzibar; holotype: ZMH 411 or 412 [ex ZMH
ry homonym of Eleotris hainanensis Chen, 1933: 370) 6818 or 527], Ladiges et al., 1958: 166, Wilkens &
Taxonomic notes. See also under Eleotris fusca. Dohse, 1993: 408)
? Eleotris eigenmanni Popta, 1921: 206 (type locality: In-
Eleotris andamensis Herre, 1939 donesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island, Raha; syntypes [7]:
Eleotris andamensis Herre, 1939d: 344 (type locality: In- SMF 6594 [1], 6595–6599 [5], Eschmeyer, 2011))
dia: Andaman Islands: stream near Machligaon, Port Sparus melagaster Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name
Blair; holotype: CAS-SU 37152, Miller, 1998: 278, listed in synonymy)
Böhlke, 1953: 106 [not ZSI F 13632/1 listed by Menon Nomenclatural notes. Because the type series of Eleotris
& Yazdani, 1968: 151]) nigra Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 includes two species, a lecto-
type is needed to fix its identity. The lectotype should be
Eleotris fusca (Schneider, 1801) one of the specimens of E. fusca. Otherwise, if the E. acan-
Poecilia fusca Schneider, 1801: 453 (based on unpublished thopomus specimen is selected, this would make E. nigra
description of Cobitis pacifica of Forster; type locality: a senior synonym of E. acanthopomus.
streams of Oriadea island [Raiatea, Society Islands; Eschmeyer (2011) considered that Cottus niger La
Fricke, 1999a: 495]; holotype: LU [specimen mentioned Cepède is a senior synonym of Eleotris fusca and since it
by Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 235]) has not been used after 1899 there is reversal of precedence
Cobitis pacifica Schneider, 1801: 453 (not available, name under Code art. 23.9. Art. 23.9 prescribes a procedure and
listed in synonymy; usage as valid by Forster, in Licht- conditions for reversal of precedence, which are not satis-
enstein, 1844: 235 makes it available under Code art. fied, and therefore the reversal of precedence is not valid.
11.6.1) Further, there are neither references nor information show-
Cheilodipterus culius Hamilton, 1822: 55, 367, pl. 5 fig. 16 ing that C. niger is a synonym of E. fusca and therefore no
(type locality: India: "ponds and ditches of Bengal" [Put- reason to accept this synonymy. La Cepède's original de-
tahaut (6 miles north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles scription of C. niger (whose geographical origin is not
from Calcutta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; types: NT) known) does not exclude the synonymy but could apply to
Eleotris niger Quoy & Gaimard, 1824: 259, pl. 60 fig. 2 other species as well.
(type locality: Indonesia: Waigeu Island [Waigeo]; syn- [? Cottus niger La Cepède, 1801: 231, 250 (type locality: not stated; types:
NT, base on Commerson's manuscript)].
types [only 2 mentioned]: part of MNHN A.1578 [1],
A.1581 [1], 1989-1846 [1, E. acanthopomus], Bauchot Eleotris lutea Day, 1876
et al., 1991: 14) Eleotris lutea Day, 1876a: 314 (type locality: India: Anda-
Cobitis pacifica Forster, in Lichtenstein, 1844: 235 (type man Islands; holotype (?): ZSI 2095, Whitehead & Tal-
locality: streams of Oriadea island [Raiatea, Society Is- war, 1976: 161)
lands; Fricke, 1999a: 495]; holotype: LU; objective jun-
ior synonym of Poecilia fusca Schneider, 1801: 453) Eleotris melanosoma Bleeker, 1853
Eleotris brachyurus Bleeker, 1849d: 20 (type locality: In- Eleotris melanosoma Bleeker, 1853a: 705 (type locality:
donesia: Java: Patjitan; holotype ? [86 mm TL]: part of Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai / western Sumatra;
RMNH 5182 [50], Eschmeyer, 2011) syntypes [4, 60–108 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4815 [16],
Eleotris melanurus Bleeker, 1849d: 21 (type locality: Indo- Akihito, 1967: 153, Eschmeyer, 2011)
nesia: Java: Pasuruan; holotype ? [50 mm TL]: part of Culius macrocephalus Bleeker, 1857f: 70 (type locality:
RMNH 5182 [50], Miller, 1998: 278, Eschmeyer, 2011) Indonesia: Buru: Kajeli; holotype [105 mm TL]: RMNH
Eleotris pseudacanthopomus Bleeker, 1853f: 276 (type lo- 4757, Akihito, 1967: 136)
cality: Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [86 mm Culius insulindicus Bleeker, 1875c: 107 (type locality: In-
TL]: ? SMNS 10595, Fricke, 1991: 14 or RMNH 5182 donesia: Sumatra: Padang / Buru: Kajali / Ambon / Timor
[1 of 50], Miller, 1998: 278) Kupang / Singapore; syntypes [13, 62–114 mm TL]:
Eleotris Fornasini Bianconi, 1858a: 52 (type locality: RMNH 4804 [12], Akihito, 1967: 136, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Mozambique; holotype: ? MZUB [BMNH 1852.9.13.179 Culius macrolepis Bleeker, 1875c: 109 (type locality: Indo-
according to Eschmeyer, 2011, but seems unlikely]; also nesia: Ambon; syntypes [2, 70–81 mm TL]: RMNH 4759
in Bianconi, 1858b: 441, pl. 28, 1859: 267, pl. 8) [2], Akihito, 1967: 136)
Eleotris cavifrons Blyth, 1860b: 145 (type locality: Anda- Eleotris fortis Tanaka, 1912: 106, pl. 27 figs. 108–109, pl. 28
man Islands: Port Blair; syntypes: ? ZSI [material listed fig. 113 (type locality: Taiwan: Tansui River near Tai-
as syntype by Wongrat, 1977: 203 cannot have type sta- hoku; holotype: ZUMT, lost, Ho & Shao, 2011: 55)
tus as it has been catalogued in BMNH in 1855 and does Eleotris hainanensis Chen, 1933: 370, figs. 1–2 (type local-
not have correct locality data]) ity: China: Hainan: Hoihow; holotype: ? MNHN)
Eleotris oxycephala Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 Eleotris aporocephalus Macleay, 1884a: 33 (replacement
Eleotris oxycephala Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 150, 1846: name for Eleotris planiceps Macleay, 1883b: 206)
pl. 77 figs. 4–5 (type locality: Japan; syntypes: RMNH Hypseleotris agilis Herre, 1927b: 38, pl. 2 fig. 3 (type local-
[2, lost], Boseman, 1947: 129) ity: Philippines: Mindanao: Surigao Province: creek
Eleotris cantherius Richardson, 1846a: 209 (type locality: flowing into Lake Mainit, near barrio of Mainit; holo-
China: Macao; holotype: specimen on which is based type: BSM 10143, lost)
Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, Ophiocara aporos var. güntheri Koumans, 1937b: 19 (type
1970a: 217, pl. 26b) locality: Pelew [Palau Islands]; holotype: RMNH 11422;
Eleotris balia Jordan & Seale, 1905b: 526, fig. 6 (type lo- incorrect original spelling, must be emended to guen-
cality: China: probably Hong kong; holotype: USNM theri, Code art.
52082) Ophiocara aporos rigonis Whitley, 1938: 230 (type locali-
Eleotris pisonis oxycephala form tanakae Tomiyama, 1936: ty: Papua New Guinea: creek near Rigo; holotype: AMS
42 (name not available, infrasubspecific; locality: Japan: I.5785, Wongrat, 1977: 181)
Siduoka-ken to Kagosima-ken) Mogurnda fulvescens Koumans, 1940a: 176 (name on a la-
bel, unpublished, not available)
Mogurnda flavescens Koumans, 1940a: 176 (name on a la-
Giuris Sauvage, 1880 bel, unpublished, not available)
Giuris Sauvage, 1880a: 54 (subgenus of Eleotris Bloch, in Lairdina hopletupus Fowler, 1953: 386, fig. 1 (type locali-
Schneider, 1801: 65; type species: Eleotris vanicolensis ty: Fiji Islands: South Viti Levu: Hoofprint pools at edge
Sauvage, 1880a: 54, by subsequent designation by Jor- of ponded creek, Singatoka; holotype: ANSP 71968,
dan, 1919b: 401). Gender masculine [Code art. 30.2.4]. Böhlke, 1984: 107)
Ophieleotris Aurich, 1938: 132 (no type species designat- Taxonomic notes. The wide distribution and the obversed
ed, name not available). variability of G. margaritaceus suggests that more than one
Ophieleotris Regan, Norman & White, 1939: 56 (type spe- species might be confused under this name.
cies: Eleotris aporos Bleeker, 1854f: 59, by original des- Nomenclatural notes. Akihito & Meguro (1974: 83) con-
ignation). Gender feminine. sidered that Eleotris margaritacea had to be rejected as a
Lairdina Fowler, 1953: 385 (type species: Lairdina hople- nomen oblitum according to the Code because it had never
tupus Fowler, 1953: 386, by original designation). Gen- been used as a valid name since originally proposed. There
der feminine. is, however, no such obligation: this merely was an option
given by the 1964 Code. Anyway, this was only possible
Giuris margaritaceus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- between 6 November 1961 and 1 January 1973 (Code art.
ciennes, 1837) 23.12, Glossary 'nomen oblitum'). As Akihito & Meguro's
Eleotris margaritacea Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- work appeared in 1974, the rejection of E. margaritacea
ennes, 1837: 240 (type locality: Santa Cruz Islands: Van- was no longer possible; thus it is the oldest available and
ikolo; holotype: MNHN A.1575, Bauchot et al., 1991: valid name for the present species.
14, Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73)
Eleotris aporos Bleeker, 1854f: 59 (type locality: Indone-
sia: Halmahera: Sindangole / Ternate; syntypes [4, 190– Hypseleotris Gill, 1863
220 mm TL]: RMNH 5178 [2 of 6], Akihito & Meguro, Hypseleotris Gill, 1863e: 270 (type species: Eleotris cypri-
1974: 73, Eschmeyer, 2011) noides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837:
Eleotris Hoedtii Bleeker, 1854s: 496 (type locality: Indone- 248, by original designation). Gender feminine.
sia: Ambon; holotype: RMNH 5180 [1 of 17], Akihito & Carassiops Ogilby, 1897a: 732 (type species: Eleotris com-
Meguro, 1974: 73, Eschmeyer, 2011) pressus Krefft, 1864: 184, by original designation). Gen-
Eleotris Tolsoni Bleeker, 1854t: 542 (type locality: Indone- der masculine.
sia: Java: freshwater near Djunkulon; holotype [85 mm Caulichthys Ogilby, 1898c: 784 (subgenus of Carassiops
TL]: RMNH 5180 [1 of 17], Akihito & Meguro, 1974: Ogilby, 1897a: 732; type species: Asterropteryx guen-
73, Eschmeyer, 2011) theri Bleeker, 1875c: 112, by original designation). Gen-
Eleotris vanicolensis Sauvage, 1880a: 54 (type locality: der masculine.
Solomon Islands: Santa Cruz Islands: Vanikoro [11°37'S Austrogobio Ogilby, 1898c: 784, 785 (subgenus of Caras-
166°59'E]; holotype: MNHN A.1675, Bauchot et al., siops Ogilby, 1897a: 732; type species: Carassiops galii
1991: 15) Ogilby, 1898c: 788, by original designation). Gender
Eleotris Laglaizei Sauvage, 1880a: 54 (type locality: Phil- masculine.
ippines: Manilla; holotype: MNHN A.1690, Bauchot et Shipwayia Whitley, 1954b: 155 (type species: Eleotris au-
al., 1991: 13) rea Shipway, 1950: 75, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
Eleotris planiceps Macleay, 1883b: 206 (type locality: Aus- Taxonomic notes. Review by Thacker & Unmack (2005:
tralia: Queensland: Lillesmere Lagoon, Burdekin River; 5), but several nominal species not mentioned.
syntypes: AMS A.17825 [1], A.17826 [1], A.17832 [1],
A.17833 [1], A.17836 [1], A.17837 [1], Eschmeyer, Species inquirendae
2011; junior homonym of Eleotris planiceps Castelnau, Eleotris taenionotopterus Bleeker, 1856n: 298 (type locali-
1878b: 49 and Eleotris planiceps Macleay, 1882b: 69) ty: Indonesia: Bali: Boleling; syntypes [2, 40–53 mm
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
TL]: RMNH 4752 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011) ? Paloa polylepis Herre, 1927b: 56, pl. 4 fig. 3 (type local-
Asterropteryx everetti Boulenger, 1895b: 186 (type locali- ity: Philippines: Panay: Iloilo; holotype: BSM, lost)
ty: Philippines: Palawan; syntypes: BMNH ? Paloa villadolidi Roxas & Ablan, 1940: 304, pl. 3 [not
1894.6.30.172–177 [6], Wongrat, 1977: 184) 30] (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Prov-
Hypseleotris pangel Herre, 1927b: 42, pl. 3 fig. 2 (type lo- ince: Dagupan; holotype: BSM 31946, lost)
cality: Philippines: "believed to have been collected in
Cavite Province"; syntypes: BSM 207 [20, lost], Thack-
er & Unmack, 2005: 9) Ophiocara Gill, 1863
Hypseleotris quisumbingi Roxas & Ablan, 1940: 301, pl. 1 Ophiocara Gill, 1863e: 270 (type species: Eleotris ophi-
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: La Union Province: cephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837:
San Fernando Market; holotype: BSM 31952, lost) 237, by original designation). Gender neuter.
Meuschenula Whitley, 1931c: 325 (type species: Agonosto-
Hypseleotris leuciscus (Bleeker, 1853) ma darwiniense Macleay, 1878: 360, by original desig-
Eleotris leuciscus Bleeker, 1853f: 278 (type locality: Indo- nation). Gender feminine.
nesia: western Sumatra; holotype [59 mm TL]: RMNH Lindemanella Whitley, 1935b: 241 (type species: Linde-
4669, Thacker & Unmack, 2005: 5) manella iota Whitley, 1935b: 242, by original designa-
Asterropteryx modestus Bleeker, 1875c: 111 (type locality: tion). Gender feminine.
Singapore / Indonesia: Sumatra: Benkulen; syntypes [3,
50–62 mm TL]: RMNH 4805 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011; Ophiocara ophicephalus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
potentially secondary junior homonym of Eleotris mo- lenciennes, 1837)
desta Castelnau, 1873: 85 if latter is treated as valid in Eleotris ophicephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Hypseleotris, not researched) ennes, 1837: 239 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holo-
? Asterropteryx Güntheri Bleeker, 1875c: 112 (available by type: MNHN A.1549, Roberts, 1993b: 43, Akihito &
indication to the Eleotris cyprinoides of Günther, 1861a: Meguro, 1974: 73, Bauchot et al., 1991: 14 or A.1569,
118; type locality: Caroline Islands: Oualan; holotype: Eschmeyer, 2011; compound noun, indeclinable [not
BMNH 2003.8.7.1, Thacker & Unmack, 2005: 5; incor- adjective because it did not agree in gender in original
rect original spelling, must be emended into guentheri, description])
Code art. Eleotris porocephala Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
? Hypseleotris bipartita Herre, 1927b: 39, pl. 3 fig. 1 (type nes, 1837: 237 (type locality: Seychelles / Bismarck
locality: Philippines: Albay Province: creek at barrio Archipelago: New Ireland; syntypes: MNHN A.1573 [5],
Puru, Legaspi; holotype: BSM, lost) A.1574 [2], Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73, Bauchot et
Taxonomic notes. Thacker & Unmack (2005) included the al., 1991: 15; simultaneous subjective synonym of Eleo-
above nominal species in the synonymy of Hypseleotris tris ophicephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
cyprinoides, a species described from Réunion (Keith, nes, 1837: 237, first reviser [apparently Günther, 1861a:
Vigneux & Bosc, 1999: 108). Besides H. cyprinoides has 107] gave precedence to ophicephalus)
been recorded only from Zanzibar (Wongrat, 1977: 22) and Eleotris Madagascariensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
South Africa (Skelton, 1993: 362). As recognized by Thacker lenciennes, 1837: 240 (type locality: Madagascar; syn-
& Unmack (2005) the species extends from South Africa to types: MNHN A.1683 [1], A.2709 [2], Bauchot et al.,
Caroline Islands but is absent from the area between Mada- 1991: 13, Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73; simultaneous
gascar and Indonesia. The range of the species is unexpect- subjective synonym of Eleotris porocephala Valencien-
edly large for a species spending at least part of its life in nes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 237, first reviser
pure fresh water, and with locally very restricted range. The [apparently Smith, 1958b: 148] gave precedence to
synonymy of Thacker & Unmack (2005) is not followed porocephala; simultaneous subjective synonym of Eleo-
here. I retain H. leuciscus as the name for the species de- tris ophicephalus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
scribed from Indonesia. The synonymy is very tentative. nes, 1837: 239, precedence given here to ophicephalus)
[Eleotris cyprinoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 248 Eleotris viridis Bleeker, 1849d: 22 (type locality: Indone-
(type locality: Bourbon Island [Réunion]: Saint-Maurice River; syn- sia: Java: straits of Madura near Surabaya and Kammal;
types: MNHN A.1568 [1], 2099 [1], Bauchot et al., 1991: 11)].
holotype ? [101 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6197 [36],
Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73)
Odonteleotris Gill, 1863 Eleotris porocephaloïdes Bleeker, 1854d: 511 (type locali-
Odonteleotris Gill, 1863e: 270 (type species: Eleotris mac- ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman; holotype [74 mm TL]:
rodon Bleeker, 1853o: 104, by original designation). RMNH 6198, Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73)
Gender feminine. Eleotris kuak Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouzier,
Paloa Herre, 1927b: 56 (type species: Paloa polylepis Herre, 1857: 465 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou], in
1927b: 56, by original designation). Gender feminine. streams; syntypes: lost, Bauchot et al., 1991: 49)
Eleotris scintillans Blyth, 1860b: 146 (type locality: Anda-
Odonteleotris macrodon (Bleeker, 1853) man Islands: Port Blair; holotype: ? ZSI)
Eleotris macrodon Bleeker, 1853o: 104, pl. 2 fig. 1 (type Eleotris cantoris Günther, 1861a: 108 (type locality: Ma-
locality: India: Hooghly River in Calcutta; holotype [134 laysia: Penang / Indonesia: Ambon [Eleotris porocepha-
mm TL]: RMNH 4472, Eschmeyer, 2011) lus of Bleeker, 1854b: 344]; syntypes [2]: BMNH
1860.3.19.581 [2], Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73, ? NMW Oxyeleotris siamensis (Günther, 1861)
22552 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011 and material on which Eleotris siamensis Günther, 1861a: 129 (type locality: Thai-
Bleeker's record is based [3, 152–194 mm TL]) land; syntypes: BMNH 1859.7.1.64–66 [3], Wongrat,
Agonostoma Darwiniense Macleay, 1878: 360, pl. 9 fig. 8 1977: 193, Eschmeyer, 2011)
(type locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Port Dar-
win; syntypes: AMS I.14855, I.16385-001 [14, ex Oxyeleotris urophthalmoides (Bleeker, 1853)
MAMU F970], Akihito & Meguro, 1974: 73, Eschmey- Eleotris urophthalmoïdes Bleeker, 1853f: 273 (type locali-
er, 2010) ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang, Lake Maninjau /
Eleotris litoralis Day, 1876a: 314 (type locality: India: An- Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; syntypes [7, 95–172
daman Islands; holotype: ZSI 111 [lost], Whitehead & mm TL]: part of RMNH 6206 [19], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Talwar, 1976: 161) ? Oxyeleotris boddaerti Hardenberg, 1936: 253 (nomen
Lindemanella iota Whitley, 1935b: 242 (type locality: Aus- nudum)
tralia: Queensland: freshwater creek on Lindeman Island;
holotype: AMS IA.6411, Wongrat, 1977: 201) Oxyeleotris urophthalmus (Bleeker, 1851)
Eleotris limosus Smith, 1936b: 52, pls. 4 (type locality: South Eleotris urophthalmus Bleeker, 1851l: 202 (type locality:
Africa: Isipingo lagoon; holotype: RUSI 95 [ex AMG], Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
Eschmeyer, 2010) syntypes [2, 110–140 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6205,
Eschmeyer, 2011; compound noun, indeclinable [not
adjective because it did not agree in gender in original
Oxyeleotris Bleeker, 1874 description])
Oxyeleotris Bleeker, 1874b: 302 (type species: Eleotris Oxyeleotris urophthalmus var. novae-guineae Koumans,
marmorata Bleeker, 1852o: 424, by original designa- 1936: 130 (type locality: Indonesia: Irian Jaya: Lorentz
tion). Gender feminine. River; syntypes [8]: ZMA 104.113 [7], Nijssen et al.,
Gigantogobius Fowler, 1905a: 511 (type species: Gigan- 1993: 233)
togobius jordani Fowler, 1905a: 511, by original desig-
nation). Gender masculine.
Callieleotris Fowler, 1934a: 155 (type species: Callieleo- Pogoneleotris Bleeker, 1875
tris platycephalus Fowler, 1934a: 156, by original des- Pogoneleotris Bleeker, 1875c: 107 (type species: Eleotris
ignation). Gender feminine. heterolepis Günther, 1869b: 445, by original designa-
Borodamirus Whitley, 1935b: 250 (unnecessary replacement tion). Gender feminine.
name for Callieleotris Fowler, 1934a: 155). Gender
masculine. Pogoneleotris heterolepis (Günther, 1869)
Eleotris heterolepis Günther, 1869b: 445 (type locality:
? Oxyeleotris albooculata (Herre, 1927) Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak; syntypes: MCSNG 6805
Boroda albo-oculata Herre, 1927b: 58 (type locality: Phil- [1], BMNH 1863.6.9.16 [1], Tortonese, 1963b: 342,
ippines: Palawan: stream at Taytay; holotype: BSM Wongrat, 1977: 16)
10577, lost)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Distribution notes. Besides the species listed below, Sil- nesia: Java: Surabaya; holotype ? [61 mm TL]: ? RMNH)
houettea evanida is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Gobius Kuhlii Bleeker, 1851c: 251, fig. 9 (type locality:
Thailand) (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it Indonesia: Java: Bantam Province: Tjiurang River in
was inland or at sea; the species is otherwise only known as Menes; holotype: illustrated specimen [55 mm TL])
marine (H. K. Larson, pers. comm.). Gobius rhombomaculatus Károli, 1881: 165 (type locality:
[Silhouettea Smith, 1959a: 213 (type species: Silhouettea insinuans Smith, Borneo: Santabug River; syntypes [8]: MNH 626, 627)
1959: 214, by original designation). Gender feminine].
[Silhouettea evanida Larson & Miller, 1986: 111, figs. 4–5 (type locality:
Australia: Northern Territory: Mindil Beach, Darwin, 12°27'S
130°49.5'E; holotype: NTM S.10001-002)]. Acentrogobius Bleeker, 1874
Acentrogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 321 (type species: Gobius
Species inquirendae chlorostigma Bleeker, 1849d: 27, by original designa-
Boleophthalmus laokus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- tion). Gender masculine.
ennes, 1837: 214 (type locality: Malaysia: Malacca; ho- Creisson Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 43 (type species: Creisson
lotype: specimen on which figure is based) validus Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 43, by original designa-
Gobius modestus Bleeker, 1849d: 28 (type locality: Indo- tion). Gender masculine [Code art. 30.2.3].
Amoya Herre, 1927b: 225 (type species: Gobius breviros- Acentrogobius gracilis (Bleeker, 1875)
tris Günther, 1861a: 41, by original designation). Gen- Ctenogobius gracilis Bleeker, 1875d: 127 (type locality:
der feminine. Singapore; syntypes [65, 40–73 mm TL]: part of RMNH
Mindorogobius Herre, 1945a: 11 (type species: Mindorogo- 6180 [33], ? 4508 [7], Eschmeyer, 2011)
bius lopezi Herre, 1945a: 13, by original designation). Taxonomic notes. Placed in Amoya by Lim & Larson (1995:
Gender masculine. 258) and in Acentrogobius by Larson & Lim (2005: 59) and
Taxonomic notes. Amoya (with Mindorogobius as synonym) Larson et al. (2008: 145).
is treated as a synonym of Acentrogobius by, i.a., Larson &
Murdy (in Carpenter & Niem, 2001b: 3594) and valid by, Acentrogobius janthinopterus (Bleeker, 1853)
i.a., Hoese & Larson (in Hoese et al., 2006: 1623) and Wu & Gobius janthinopterus Bleeker, 1853a: 702 (type locality:
Zhong (2008: 249). Among species listed here as Acentrogo- Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: Wahai; holotype [82 mm TL]:
bius, the following species have been placed in Amoya: A. RMNH 6167, Eschmeyer, 2011)
brevirostris, A. madraspatensis, A. moloanus, A. multifas- Gobius hemigymnopomus Bleeker, 1856f: 50 (type locali-
ciatus, A. suluensis and A. viganensis. ty: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang];
syntypes [2, 76–79 mm TL]: ? RMNH 6167 [2], Esch-
Acentrogobius brevirostris (Günther, 1861) meyer, 2011 [same number as holotype of G. janthi-
Gobius brevirostris Günther, 1861a: 41 (type locality: Chi- nopterus ?])
na; holotype: BMNH 2005.10.3.1, Eschmeyer, 2010) Gobius Modiglianii Perugia, 1893b: 252 (type locality: In-
Distribution notes. Recorded in area from Hainan. donesia: Sumatra: Engano Island: Kifa-juc; syntypes:
MCSNG 12659 [6], Tortonese, 1963b: 343)
Acentrogobius caninus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va- Creisson validus Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 43, fig. 16 (type
lenciennes, 1837) locality: Philippines: Luzon Island: Cavite; holotype:
Gobius caninus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, CAS-SU 9251, Böhlke, 1953: 109)
1837: 86 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes:
MNHN A.1369 [1], 7193 [1], 7194 [1], ? RMNH 1867 Acentrogobius madraspatensis (Day, 1868)
[1, doubtful type status; Valenciennes wrote "our speci- Gobius madraspatensis Day, 1868c: 152 (type locality: In-
mens" which seems to imply that the description is based dia: backwaters in Madras; syntypes [3]: among ZSI 180
only on MNHN specimens], Bauchot et al., 1991: 28) [lost], A.217 [1], 2820 [lost], BMNH 1868.4.15.5–8 [4],
Gobius quadriporus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- 1889.2.1.4301–4302 [2], 1889.2.1.4378–4379 [2], ?
nes, 1837: 87 (type locality: "said to be from Suriname" AMS B.8090, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 161, Ferraris
[probably erroneous]; holotype: MNHN A.1264, Bau- et al., 2000: 299)
chot et al., 1991: 38; simultaneous subjective synonym Ctenogobius grammatogaster Bleeker, 1875d: 124 (type
of Gobius caninus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- locality: Singapore; syntypes [3, 52–53 mm TL]: RMNH
ennes, 1837: 86 [Hoese and Larson in Eschmeyer, 2011], 4494 [3], Koumans, 1953: 181, Eschmeyer, 2011)
first reviser not researched, possibly none, in which case Ctenogobius notophthalmus Bleeker, 1875d: 126 (type lo-
precedence given here to G. caninus) cality: Singapore / Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes [3, 56–71
Gobius grandinosus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 177, pl. 5 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4999 [4], Koumans, 1953: 182)
fig. 4 (type locality: Seas of China at Macao; holotype: Taxonomic notes. Generic position follows Randall & Lim
MNHN A.1366, Bauchot et al., 1991: 33, Bauchot et al., (2000: 635). Placed in Acentrogobius by Larson & Lim
1982: 70) (2005: 41) et Larson et al. (2008: 145). Synonymy partly
Gobius Philipi Tirant, 1883: 90 (type locality: Vietnam: River follows Lim & Larson (1995: 258).
of Hué; lectotype: MGHNL 42000055 [formerly 2758],
designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 18, fig. 13) Acentrogobius moloanus (Herre, 1927)
Coryphopterus bernadoui Jordan & Starks, 1905: 207, fig. 9 Aparrius moloanus Herre, 1927b: 207, pl. 16 fig. 3 (type
(type locality: "probably Korea"; holotype: USNM locality: Philippines: Panay: Iloilo Province: Molo /
51499) Capiz / Antique Province: San Jose; syntypes [17]: BSM
Rhinogobius caninus magnisquamatus Herre, 1927b: 188 12369 [1], 24389–24392 [4], 12370 [1], 26911–26918
(type locality: Philippines: Rizal Province: Malabon / [8], lost, Koumans, 1940a: 187)
Manila / Cavite / Camarines Sur Province: San Miguel Mindorogobius lopezi Herre, 1945a: 13 (type locality: Phil-
Bay and Buhi River / Masbate: Guinobatan / Panay: Il- ippines: Mindoro: Mangarin: mangrove swamp at Haci-
oilo / Iloilo Province: Zarraga / Guimaras: Navalas / enda Waterous; holotype: CAS-SU 36822, Böhlke, 1953:
Cebu / Davao / Balabac; syntypes [46]: BSM, lost) 115)
Rhinogobius similis Smith, 1931a: 43 (type locality: Thai- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows H. K. Larson (pers.
land: Gulf of Thailand: Bandon Bight [Surat Thani]; ho- comm. 2004). Placed in Acentrogobius by Larson & Lim
lotype: USNM 90320, Monkolprasit, 1969: 7; primary (2005: 62) and Larson et al. (2008: 145).
junior homonym of Rhinogobius similis Gill, 1859c: 145)
Rhinogobius simulans Smith, 1931c: 64 (replacement name Acentrogobius multifasciatus (Herre, 1927)
for Rhinogobius similis Smith, 1931a: 43) Rhinogobius multifasciatus Herre, 1927b: 190, pl. 14 fig. 1
Taxonomic notes. Placed in Yongeichthys by Chen & Fang (type locality: Philippines: Panay: Iloilo: mouth of Jaro
(1999: 256). River; syntypes [65]: BSM, lost)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
coast of western Australia: Bynoe Harbour; syntypes [Richardson locality: Philippines: Tablas: Odiongan; holotype: BSM
wrote "specimens", p. 2]: BMNH uncat., Eschmeyer, 2011)]. 12067, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 191, Murdy, 1989: 10)
Apocryptodon malcolmi Smith, 1931a: 47, fig. 22 (type lo-
cality: Thailand: mouth of Chantaburi River; holotype:
Apocryptes Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837 USNM 90323, Murdy, 1989: 9)
Apocryptes Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: Apocryptodon lomboyi Ablan, 1940: 373, pl. 1 (type locali-
142 (type species: Gobius bato Hamilton, 1822: 40, by ty: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Province: Dagupan;
subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1874b: 327). Gen- holotype: BSM 31128, lost, Murdy, 1989: 10)
der masculine. Taxonomic notes. Apocryptodon glyphisodon and A. mal-
Nomenclatural notes. See discussion of Apocryptes Os- colmi are treated as distinct species by Wu & Zhong, 2008:
beck, 1757 under Boleophthalmus. 688.
Apocryptes bato (Hamilton, 1822)
Gobius bato Hamilton, 1822: 40, 365, pl. 37 fig. 10 (type Arcygobius Larson & Wright, 2003
locality: India: estuaries of the Ganges [Puttahaut (6 miles Isthmogobius Koumans, 1931: 86 (not available, name list-
north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from Calcut- ed in synonymy)
ta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; types: NT) Isthmogobius Bleeker, 1983: 17, pls. 434, 434a (nomen nu-
Scartelaos chrysophthalmus Swainson, 1839: 280 (avail- dum)
able by indication to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 37 fig. 10 [Go- Arcygobius Larson & Wright, 2003: 129 (type species: Go-
bius bato]; type locality: India: estuaries of the Ganges bius baliurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
[Puttahaut (6 miles north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 1837: 61, by original designation). Gender masculine.
miles from Calcutta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; holotype: model
of Hamilton's figure, lost) Arcygobius baliurus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Apocryptes batoides Day, 1876a: 301, pl. 66 fig. 3 (type ennes, 1837)
locality: Burma: Moulmein; holotype: probably ZSI Gobius baliurus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
2014, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 161) 1837: 61 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; holotype:
Gobius bidentatus Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name list- MNHN 733, Bauchot et al., 1991: 26, Larson & Wright,
ed in synonymy) 2003: 128, fig. 1 [or syntypes if drawing of Kuhl and
van Hasselt was based on another specimen])
Gobius atherinoides Peters, 1855b: 445 (type locality:
Apocryptodon Bleeker, 1874 Mozambique; syntypes [2 or more]: ZMB 2102 [2], Esch-
Apocryptodon Bleeker, 1874b: 327 (type species: Apocryptes meyer, 2011; also in Peters, 1855a: 254)
madurensis Bleeker, 1849d: 35, by original designation). Gnatholepis calliurus Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 796, fig. 14
Gender masculine. (type locality: Philippines: southern shore of Negros;
holotype: USNM 51944, Koumans, 1940a: 123, Larson
Apocryptodon madurensis (Bleeker, 1849) & Wright, 2003: 128, fig. 2)
Apocryptes madurensis Bleeker, 1849d: 35 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Bang-
callang; syntypes [up to 74 mm TL]: RMNH 4520 [3], Aulopareia Smith, 1945
Murdy, 1989: 9) Aulopareia Smith, 1945: 534 (type species: Aulopareia jane-
Apocryptes glyphisodon Bleeker, 1849d: 36 (type locality: tae Smith, 1945: 535, by original designation). Gender
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype ? [73 mm feminine.
TL]: part of RMNH 4765 [12], Murdy, 1989: 9; simulta-
neous subjective synonym of Apocryptes madurensis Aulopareia atripinnata (Smith, 1931)
Bleeker, 1849d: 35, first reviser [Koumans, 1953: 254] Rhinogobius atripinnatus Smith, 1931a: 45 (type locality:
gave precedence to A. madurensis) Thailand: Gulf of Thailand off mouth of Tachin River
Apocryptes Bleekeri Day, 1876a: 300, pl. 64 fig. 3 (type [Tha Chin, 13°30'N 100°17'E]; holotype: USNM 90321)
locality: India: Madras / seas of India to Malay Archi- Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid by Randall & Lim (2000:
pelago; syntypes: among ZSI 103 [lost], 134 [lost], 2887 635).
[lost], AMS B.7501 [1], BMNH 1889.2.1.3460–3461 [2],
1889.2.1.4288–4289 [2], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: Aulopareia cyanomos (Bleeker, 1849)
161, Murdy, 1989: 9, Ferraris et al., 2000: 295) Gobius cyanomos Bleeker, 1849d [Aug]: 25 (type locality:
Apocryptodon montalbani Herre, 1927b: 277, pl. 22 fig. 2 Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kam-
(type locality: Philippines: Panay: Iloilo Province: Zarra- mal; syntypes [up to 108 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4524,
ga; holotype: BSM 12390, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 191, Eschmeyer, 2011 [syntypes because description includes
Murdy, 1989: 10) coloration of both sexes])
Apocryptodon sealei Herre, 1927b: 278 (type locality: Phil- Gobius cyanoclavis Cantor, 1849 [Nov.]: 1167 (type locali-
ippines: Luzon: Manila market; holotype: BSM 176, lost, ty: Malaysia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes: BMNH
Koumans, 1940a: 191, Murdy, 1989: 10) 1860.3.19.561 [2], Koumans, 1953: 65, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Apocryptodon taylori Herre, 1927b: 279, pl. 22 fig. 3 (type
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Aulopareia janetae Smith, 1945 Platygobius Bleeker, 1874b: 316 (type species: Gobius
Aulopareia janetae Smith, 1945: 535, fig. 105 (type locali- macrorhynchus Bleeker, 1867b: 403, by original desig-
ty: Thailand: Nakon Bay, off east coast of Peninsular nation). Gender masculine.
Thailand; holotype: USNM 119548) Trichopharynx Ogilby, 1898b: 769 (type species: Gobius
crassilabris Günther, 1861a: 63, by original designation).
Aulopareia masoni (Day, 1873) Gender masculine.
Gobius masoni Day, 1873a: 107 (type locality: India: Bom- Suiboga Pinto, 1960: 1 (type species: Suiboga travassosi
bay; types: among ZSI 80 [lost], A.218, BMNH Pinto, 1960: 2, by original designation). Gender femi-
1889.2.1.3378 [1], AMS B.8089 [1], NMW 33926 [1], nine.
RMNH 1883, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 161, Ferraris Chiramenu Visweswara Rao, 1971a: 183 (type species:
et al., 2000: 299) Chiramenu fluviatilis Visweswara Rao, 1971a: 184, by
Taxonomic notes. Generic placement follows H. K. Larson original designation). Gender neuter [Code art. 30.2.4].
(pers. comm.). Taxonomic notes. Generic synonymy follows Watson
(1992: 163).
Aulopareia spiloptera (Smith, 1932) Nomenclatural notes. Contrary to statements of some au-
Acentrogobius spilopterus Smith, 1932a: 259, pl. 23 fig. 2 thors, Awaous was not used as a vernacular name by Valen-
(type locality: Thailand: mouth of Tachin River [Tha ciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 97), but clearly
Chin, 13°30'N 100°17'E]; holotype: KUMF 1832, Esch- as a genus-group name.
meyer, 2011)
Awaous grammepomus (Bleeker, 1849)
Aulopareia unicolor (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- Gobius grammepomus Bleeker, 1849d: 34 (type locality:
ennes, 1837) Indonesia: Java: Purworedjo in Bogowonto River; ho-
Gobius unicolor Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, lotype ? [69 mm SL]: RMNH 4939, Eschmeyer, 2011)
1837: 88 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes: Gobius stoliczkae Day, 1871c: 692 (type locality: India:
MNHN A.1120 [1], Bauchot et al., 1991: 40 and speci- Andaman Islands, brackish water; types: LU, Whitehead
men figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt, reproduced in & Talwar, 1976: 162)
Roberts, 1993b: fig. 47 [or holotype, if MNHN speci-
men and model of figure are the same] [Kuhl and van Awaous litturatus (Steindachner, 1861)
Hasselt's specimens: RMNH 1819, Reuvens, 1895: 152 Gobius litturatus Steindachner, 1861: 289, pl. 1 figs. 4–5
or RMNH 1919 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011]) (type locality: Philippines; holotype: NMW 29507, Esch-
Gobius chlorostigmatoides Bleeker, 1849d: 26 (type local- meyer, 2011)
ity: Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Euctenogobius striatus Day, 1868e: 272, fig. (type locality:
Kammal; holotype ? [85 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6168 India: backwaters around Madras / Conjeveram / Arcot;
[12], Eschmeyer, 2011) syntypes: among ZSI 104, 155–157 [lost], BMNH
Gobius phaiomelas Bleeker, 1849d: 28 (type locality: Indo- 1868.5.14.10 [1], 1889.2.1.4287 [1], 1975.9.30.23 [1],
nesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kammal; AMS B.8146 [1], NMW 30096 [1], 31026 [1], RMNH
holotype ? [88 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6168 [12], Esch- 1884, MZUF 4703, MNHN A.7 [1], Whitehead & Tal-
meyer, 2011) war, 1976: 162, Bauchot et al., 1991: 23, Eschmeyer,
Taxonomic notes. Placement of Gobius chlorostigmatoides 2011, Ferraris et al., 2000: 302; a secondary junior hom-
follows H. K. Larson (pers. comm.). onym of Gobius striatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 71,
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 43) listed specimen pl. 16 when placed in Gobius by Day, 1876a: 202)
MNHN A.1120 as holotype of Gobius unicolor. Valencien-
nes based his description on a specimen in MNHN and on Awaous melanocephalus (Bleeker, 1849)
the figure sent by Kuhl and van Hasselt. Unless it can be Gobius melanocephalus Bleeker, 1849d: 33 (type locality:
demonstrated that this specimen is the same as the one on Indonesia: Java: Purworedjo in Bogowonto River; ho-
the drawing, there is no holotype but a series of syntypes. lotype ? [107 mm SL]: RMNH 33132, Eschmeyer, 2011)
? Gobius hoepplii Wu, 1931a: 38, fig. 6 (type locality: Chi-
na: coast of Foochow and Ming River; syntypes [2]:
Awaous Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837 ? MNHN)
Awaous Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 97
(subgenus of Gobius Linnaeus, 1758: 262; type species: Awaous personatus (Bleeker, 1849)
Gobius ocellaris Broussonet, 1782: [15], pl. [2], by sub- Gobius personatus Bleeker, 1849d: 34 (type locality: Indo-
sequent designation by Bleeker, 1874b: 320). Gender nesia: Java: Banjumas in Seraiju River; holotype ? [67
masculine. mm SL]: RMNH 31310, Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Blee-
Euctenogobius Gill, 1859a: 45 (type species: Euctenogo- ker, 1851c: pl. fig. 4)
bius badius Gill, 1859a: 47, by monotypy). Gender mas-
Chonophorus Poey, 1860: 274 (unnecessary replacement Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878
name for Awaous Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878d: 54 (type species: Gobius nebu-
nes, 1837: 97). Gender masculine. lopunctatus Valenciennes, 1837: 58, by subsequent des-
ignation by Jordan, 1919b: 393). Gender masculine. locality: Micronesia: Saipan Island; holotype: ANSP
Mapo Smitt, 1899: 551 (subgenus of Gobius Linnaeus, 1758: 71600, Böhlke, 1984: 111)
262; type species: Gobius soporator Valenciennes, in
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 56, by monotypy). Gen- Bathygobius cotticeps (Steindachner, 1880)
der masculine. Gobius cotticeps Steindachner, 1880b: 137, pl. 1 fig. 2 (type
Chlamydes Jenkins, 1903: 503 (type species: Chlamydes locality: Society Islands; holotype: NMW 30439, Aki-
laticeps Jenkins, 1903: 503, by original designation). hito & Meguro, 1980: 229)
Gender feminine. Chlamydes laticeps Jenkins, 1903: 503, fig. 43 (type local-
Pyosicus Smith, 1960: 312 (type species: Pyosicus niger ity: Hawaii: Honolulu; holotype: USNM 50716, Akihito
Smith, 1960: 312, by original designation). Gender mas- & Meguro, 1980: 228)
culine. Chlamydes leytensis Herre, 1927b: 118, pl. 8 fig. 3 (type
Koumansiasis Visweswara Rao, 1967: 17 (type species: locality: Philippines: Leyte: Cabalian; lectotype: BSM
Koumansiasis macrocephalus Visweswara Rao, 1967: 9550, lost, designated by Koumans, 1940a: 183)
17, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Bathygobius cyclopterus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
Bathygobius coalitus (Bennett, 1832) lenciennes, 1837)
Gobius coalitus Bennett, 1832: 166 (type locality: Mauri- Gobius cyclopterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
tius; holotype: BMNH 1856.2.15.20, Hoese et al., 2006: nes, 1837: 59 (type locality: Bismarck Archipelago: New
1626) Ireland: Carteret haven; holotype: MNHN A.1355, Bau-
Gobius albopunctatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- chot et al., 1991: 31, Goren, 1978: 270, fig. 4, Akihito &
ennes, 1837: 57 (type locality: Ile de France [Mauritius]; Meguro, 1980: 228)
lectotype: MNHN 1044, designated by Goren, 1988: 38, Gobius nox Bleeker, 1851c: 248 (type locality: Indonesia:
Bauchot et al., 1991: 25) western Sumatra; syntypes [7: 32–55 mm TL]: part of
Gobius padangensis Bleeker, 1851c: 249 (type locality: In- RMNH 4532 [4], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 228)
donesia: Sumatra: Padang; syntypes [23: 35–72 mm TL]: Gobius variabilis Steindachner, 1901: 430, pl. 18 fig. 4 (type
RMNH 4531 [1], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 223, Hoese locality: Indonesia: Ternate; syntypes: SMF 885 [2], 1679
et al., 2006: 1626) [4], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 228, Eschmeyer, 2011;
? Gobius homocyanus Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875: 280 (type spelt varius in caption of pl. 18, first reviser not re-
locality: Sandwich Islands [Hawaii]; syntypes: MNHN searched, possibly none, in which case I select variabi-
8046 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 34, Akihito & Meguro, lis as correct original spelling)
1980: 235) Mapo crassiceps Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 403, fig. 92 (type
Gobius graeffii Günther, 1877: 179 (type locality: Viti Levu: locality: Samoa: Apia; holotype: USNM 51777 [1 of 5,
Namusi; holotype: BMNH 1869.11.12.30) figured specimen], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 228, Esch-
Bathygobius fuscus swainsensis Schultz, 1943: 232, fig. 18 meyer, 2011)
(type locality: American Samoa: Swains Island: Lake Mapo mearnsi Evermann & Seale, 1906: 510, fig. 2 (type
Namo [freshwater lake at surface]; holotype: USNM locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holotype:
116117) USNM 55624 [1 of 3], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 228,
Eschmeyer, 2011)
Bathygobius cocosensis (Bleeker, 1854) Bathygobius laoe Roxas & Ablan, 1940: 306, pl. 4 (type
Gobius cocosensis Bleeker, 1854u: 47 (type locality: Cocos locality: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Province: Dagu-
Islands [original type locality: Cocos Islands: Nova Sel- pan; holotype: BSMP 31948, lost)
ma]; neotype: RMNH 4533, designated by Akihito &
Meguro, 1980: 225) Bathygobius fuscus (Rüppell, 1830)
Gobius sandvicensis Günther, 1880a: 60 (type locality: Ha- Gobius fuscus Rüppell, 1830: 137 (type locality: Red Sea;
waii: Honolulu, freshwater; holotype: BMNH holotype: SMF 1716, Goren, 1978: 269, fig. 1, Akihito
1879.5.14.562, Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 225) & Meguro, 1980: 221)
Rhinogobius corallinus Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 400, fig. 89 Gobius punctillatus Rüppell, 1830: 138 (type locality: Red
(type locality: Samoa: Pago Pago; holotype: USNM Sea; lectotype: SMF 1635, designated by Dor, 1984: 240
51780, Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 235) [SMF 1679 listed as holotype by Goren, 1978: 269, fig. 2,
Gobius ophthalmicus Weber, 1909: 150 (type locality: In- Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 221])
donesia: Lombok: Pidjot Bay; syntypes: ZMA 111.886 Gobius nebulo-punctatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
[3], RMNH 14355 [1], Nijssen et al., 1993: 233, Akihito ciennes, 1837: 58 (type locality: Isle-de-France [Mauri-
& Meguro, 1980: 225, Eschmeyer, 2011) tius] / Red Sea; syntypes: MNHN A.1330 [1, listed as
Gobius elmeri Herre, 1940: 358, pl. 1 (type locality: Philip- holotype], A.1331 [5], 2730 [1], ZMB 2053 or 2056 [2],
pines: Luzon: Batangas Province: tide pool at Nasugbu; MCSNG 12609 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 36, Goren,
holotype: CAS-SU 32989, Böhlke, 1953: 113) 1978: 269, fig. 3, Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 221, Tor-
Bathygobius fuscus pulcher Fowler, 1945: 67, figs. 10–11 tonese, 1963b: 344, Eschmeyer, 2011)
(type locality: Micronesia: Saipan Island; holotype: Gobius tjilankahanensis Bleeker, 1851c: 251, fig. 12 (type
ANSP 71596, Böhlke, 1984: 109) locality: Indonesia: Java: Bantan Province: Tjilankah-
Chlamydes versicolor Fowler, 1945: 68, figs. 12–13 (type an; holotype: an illustrated specimen 65 mm TL)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Gobius obscurus Peters, 1855b: 441 (type locality: Mozam- Gobius villosus Weber, 1909: 151 (type locality: Indonesia:
bique; syntypes: ZMB 2104 [3]; also in Peters, 1855a: 250) Sulawesi: beach at Menado [Manado]; holotype: ZMA
Gobius breviceps Blyth, 1858a: 271 (type locality: Anda- 110.945, Nijssen et al., 1993: 233, Akihito & Meguro,
man Islands: Great Andaman: Port Blair; syntypes: ? ZSI) 1980: 227)
Gobius Darnleyensis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 331, pl. 12
fig. 1 (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Torres Strait:
Darnley Island; syntypes: AMS I.16390-001 [3], Akihi- Boleophthalmus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
to & Meguro, 1980: 221) 1837
Gobius nigripinnis Alleyne & Macleay, 1877: 332, pl. 12 Apocryptes Osbeck, 1757: 130, 131 (pre-Linnean, not avail-
fig. 2 (type locality: Australia: Queensland: Torres Strait: able)
Palm Island; syntypes: AMS I.16389-001 [6], Akihito & Apocryptes Linnaeus, 1758: 263, 264 (not available, name
Meguro, 1980: 221; junior primary homonym of Go- listed in synonymy [Code art. 11.6.2])
bius nigripinnis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Boleophthalmus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
nes, 1837: 101) 1837: 198 (type species: Gobius boddarti Pallas, 1770:
Gobius caledonicus Sauvage, 1880a: 46 (type locality: New 11, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1874b: 328).
Caledonia; syntypes: MNHN A.1324 [2], Bauchot et al., Gender masculine.
1991: 28, Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 221) Nomenclatural notes. Apocryptes first appeared in Osbeck
Gobius filamentosus Sauvage, 1883c: 157 (type locality: (1757: 130, 131) but is not available from that work as it
New Caledonia; holotype: MNHN A.4886, Bauchot et appeared before 1758. Linnaeus (1758: 263) listed Apo-
al., 1991: 31, Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 221; junior pri- cryptes cantonensis of Osbeck (1757: 131) as a synonym of
mary homonym of Gobius filamentosus Risso, 1827: 285 his Gobius niger [see Periophthalmus cantonensis] and on
and Gobius filamentosus Castelnau, 1875: 19) p. 264 he listed Apocryptes chinensis of Osbeck (1757: 130)
Gobius marginalis De Vis, 1884f: 686 (type locality: Aus- as a synonym of his Gobius pectinirostris [see Boleophthal-
tralia: Cape York; syntypes: AMS I.443 [5], QM I.2739 mus pectinirostris], and the names are not available (Code
[3], Akihito & Meguro, 1980: 221, Eschmeyer, 2011) art. 11.6.2). Apocryptes cantonensis and A. chinensis are not
Gobius poecilichthys Jordan & Snyder, 1901c: 52, fig. 4 used in the German and English translations (Osbeck, 1765:
(type locality: Japan: Misaki, Sagami; holotype: CAS- 170, 171, 291; 1771: vol. 2: 200, 201); they are replaced by
SU 6448, Böhlke, 1953: 114) Gobius niger and G. pectinirostris. Apocryptes Valenciennes,
? Bathygobius bravoi Herre, 1927b: 112, pl. 8 fig. 1 (type in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 142 is a valid genus (q.v.).
locality: Philippines: Romblon Province: coral reef pool
at Romblon; lectotype: BSM 13019, lost, designated by Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas, 1770)
Koumans, 1940a: 183) Gobius boddarti Pallas, 1770: 11, pl. 2 figs. 4–5 (type lo-
? Amblygobius inornatus Herre, 1927: 228 (type locality: cality: Indian Ocean; holotype: lost, Murdy, 1989: 16)
Philippines: Sulu Province: Siasi: tide pool on Martin ranch; Gobius striatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 71, pl. 16 (type
holotype: BSMP 13223 [lost], Koumans, 1940a: 189) locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N
Drombus whitleyi Fowler, 1931a: 362 (replacement name 79°51'E]; syntypes: ZMB 2145 [2], Paepke, 1999: 83)
for Gobius filamentosus Sauvage, 1883c: 157) Gobius plinianus Hamilton, 1822: 45, 366, pl. 35 fig. 13
Gobius atripinnis Fowler, 1934a: 81, figs. 21–22 (type lo- (type locality: India: "most common [goby] species [in
cality: Indonesia: Bali: Sanoer [Sanur]; holotype: ANSP Ganges, in estuaries, p. 43] [Puttahaut (6 miles north of
56285, Böhlke, 1984: 105) Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from Calcutta); Hora,
Acentrogobius scrutarius Whitley, 1955: 54 (type locality: 1934b: 485]; types: NT)
Australia: Queensland: Gladstone; holotype: AMS Boleophthalmus inornatus Blyth, 1860b: 148 (type locali-
IA.6092) ty: Burma: Tenasserim; syntypes: ? ZSI)
Boleophthalmus sculptus Günther, 1861a: 104 (type locali-
Bathygobius meggitti (Hora & Mukerji, 1936) ty: India; holotype: BMNH uncat., Murdy, 1989: 15)
Ctenogobius meggitti Hora & Mukerji, 1936: 30, fig. 6, pl. 1 Apocryptes punctatus Day, 1868a: 941 (type locality: India:
figs. 3–4 (type locality: Burma: Tavoy District: rocky Madras; syntypes: ZSI 165 [1], Whitehead & Talwar,
pools, Maungmagan; holotype: ZSI F 11871/1) 1976: 161)
Bathygobius blancoi Roxas & Ablan, 1940: 306, pl. 5 (type
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Province: Dagu- Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (Linnaeus, 1758)
pan; holotype: BSM 31949, lost) Gobius pectinirostris Linnaeus, 1754a: 25, pl. fig. 3 (pre-
Linnean, name not available)
Bathygobius petrophilus (Bleeker, 1853) Apocryptes chinensis Osbeck, 1757: 130 (pre-Linnean, name
Gobius petrophilus Bleeker, 1853h: 476 (type locality: In- not available; identified by Linnaeus, 1758: 264 as Go-
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], near Onrust Island; bius pectinirostris; named G. pectinirostris in Osbeck,
holotype [59 mm TL]: RMNH 4534, Akihito & Meguro, 1765: 170, 291 [German translation], 1771: vol. 1: 200
1980: 227) [English translation])
Gobius petrophilus var. ocellata Kner, 1868b: 326 (type Gobius pectinirostris Linnaeus, 1758: 264 (type locality:
locality: Fiji Islands: Viti Levu; holotype: Museum Go- China [Canton]; types: UUZM 106, Wheeler, 1991: 183,
deffroy 767 [? NMW]) fig. 22)
Apocryptes chinensis Linnaeus, 1758: 264 (pre-Linnean Brachygobius nunus (Hamilton, 1822)
name first published as a synonym, not available, Code Gobius nunus Hamilton, 1822: 54, 366 (type locality: In-
art. 11.6.2) dia: "river below Calcutta"; types: NT; Hamilton's un-
Apocryptes polyophthalmus Günther, 1867b: 117 (type lo- published figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 14 fig. 5)
cality: China; syntypes: BMNH 1867.2.23.11–12 [2], Gobius alcockii Annandale, 1906: 201, fig. 1 (type locality:
Eschmeyer, 2011) India: Lower Bengal: Port Canning and Calcutta; synty-
Boleophthalmus chinensis Jordan & Snyder, 1902c: 47 (type pes: ZSI ?, ZMA 114.487 [3], Nijssen et al., 1993: 232)
locality: Japan: Bay of Tokyo / Nagasaki / localities of
material in cited references; syntypes: ? CAS-SU and Brachygobius sabanus Inger, 1958
material on which are based Gobius pectinirostris of Brachygobius sabanus Inger, 1958: 113, fig. 20 (type local-
Gmelin, 1789: 1200, Apocryptes pectinirostris of Cu- ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District:
vier & Valenciennes, 1837: 150, B. pectinirostris of Rich- Lamag; holotype: FMNH 47990)
ardson, 1846: 208, Günther, 1861a: 102 and Ishikawa,
1897: 38, B. boddaertii of Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: Brachygobius xanthomelas Herre, in Herre & Myers,
148, pl. 76 fig. 3, and Apocryptes chinensis in Osbeck, 1937
"1757: 170" [? 1757: 130, 1765: 170], 1771: vol. 1: 200, "1754: Brachygobius xanthomelas Herre, in Herre & Myers, 1937:
29, fig. 23 Aman. Acad., Coll. Lagerstrom" [Linnaeus, 43, pl. 4 (type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Mawai District:
1754a: n°29 (p. 25), fig. 2]; junior primary homonym of 55 miles north of Singapore in wayside ditches; holo-
Boleophthalmus chinensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & type: CAS-SU 30953, Böhlke, 1953: 108; authorship as
Valenciennes, 1837: 215) indicated p. 53)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
onym of Galera Gray, 1843: xx, 67 [nomen nudum in FMNH 17374, Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 112)
1842: 12, 16], in Mammalia). Gender feminine. Doryptena snyderi Fowler, 1946: 206, figs. 67–68 (type lo-
Gunnamatta Whitley, 1928a: 225 (type species: Gunnamatta cality: Japan: Riu Kiu Islands: Aguni Shima [Okinawa
insolita Whitley, 1928a: 225, by original designation). Pref.: Agunijima]; holotype: ANSP 72078, Akihito &
Gender feminine. Meguro, 1977: 114)
Metagobius Whitley, 1930a: 122 (type species: Eleotris scla- Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Akihito & Meguro
teri Steindachner, 1880b: 157, by original designation). (1975, 1977).
Gender masculine.
Herrea Whitley, 1930a: 123 (replacement name for Galera Callogobius stellatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978
Herre, 1927b: 103 [often listed a junior homonym of a Callogobius stellatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978b: 716,
Herrea Gray, 1842a: 12, 16, but there is no such name in figs. 1, 3 (type locality: Indonesia: Flores: 5 km west of
Gray; possibly confusion with Galera which is on these Nangapanda, stone reef in tide pools; holotype: USNM
pages]). Gender feminine. 217429)
Crossogobius Koumans, 1931: 111 (type species: Gobius
depressus Ramsay & Douglas-Ogilby, 1886a: 4, by Callogobius tanegasimae (Snyder, 1908)
monotypy). Gender masculine. Doryptena tanegasimae Snyder, 1908: 104 (type locality:
Batracheleotris Fowler, 1938a: 129 (type species: Eleotris Japan: Kagoshima Pref.: Osumi Island: Tanegashima;
sclateri Steindachner, 1880b: 157, by original designa- holotype: USNM 62241, Akihito & Meguro, 1977: 114)
tion; junior objective synonym of Metagobius Whitley, Galera producta Herre, 1927b: 104, pl. 7 fig. 3 (type local-
1930a: 122). Gender feminine. ity: Philippines: Mindoro: Puerto Galera; holotype: BSM
7417, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 183)
Species inquirenda
Gobiomorphus illotus Herre, 1927b: 45, pl. 3 fig. 4 (type
locality: Philippines: Polillo; holotype: BSM 11531, lost, Cristatogobius Herre, 1927
Koumans, 1940a: 182) Cristatogobius Herre, 1927b: 170 (type species: Cristatogo-
bius lophius Herre, 1927b: 170, by original designation).
Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851) Gender masculine.
Eleotris Hasseltii Bleeker, 1851c: 253, fig. 13 (type locali-
ty: Indonesia: Westen Java: Anjer; holotype: model of Cristatogobius lophius Herre, 1927
figure on which description is based [74 mm TL]) Cristatogobius lophius Herre, 1927b: 170, pl. 13 fig. 1 (type
Gobius coelidotus Sauvage, 1880a: 50 (type locality: Indo- locality: Philippines: Sulu Province: wharf at Bungau;
nesia: Java; holotype: MNHN 2968, Bauchot et al., 1991: lectotype: BSM 12106, lost, designated by Koumans,
29, Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 112) 1940a: 186, Akihito & Meguro, 2000: 256)
Macgregorella moroana Seale, 1910a: 533 (type locality:
Philippines: Jolo Island: Jolo; holotype: BSM 3575, lost, Cristatogobius nonatoae (Ablan, 1940)
Koumans, 1940a: 183) Lophogobius nonatoae Ablan, 1940: 376, pl. 2 (type local-
Macgregorella badia Herre, 1935c: 415 (type locality: Fiji: ity: Philippines: Luzon: Pangasinan Province: fishponds
Ovalau Island; holotype: FMNH 17373, Akihito & Me- at Dagupan; holotype: BSM 31129, lost, Akihito & Me-
guro, 1975: 112) guro, 2000: 259)
Cristatogobius albius Chen, 1959: 209, fig. 1 (type locali-
Callogobius hastatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978 ty: Taiwan: Tong-Kang; holotype: TFRI 3929, Akihito &
Callogobius hastatus McKinney & Lachner, 1978a: 206, Meguro, 2000: 257)
fig. 1 (type locality: Palau Islands: west end Koror Is- Taxonomic notes. Cristatogobius albius is listed as valid
land, south end of Arakabesan–Madalai causeway, by Larson & Murdy (2001: 3596).
7°20'36"N 134°28'13"E, Madalai District; holotype:
USNM 216811) Cristatogobius rubripectoralis Akihito, Meguro & Saka-
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines moto, 2003
(Mindanao: Cascade River: Murcielagos Bay) in paratype Cristatogobius rubripectoralis Akihito, Meguro & Sakamo-
series. to, 2003: 117, fig. 1 (type locality: Australia: Queensland:
Saunders Beach, north of Townsville; holotype: ROM
Callogobius okinawae (Snyder, 1908) 72479)
Doryptena okinawae Snyder, 1908: 103 (type locality: Ja-
pan: Okinawa: Naha; holotype: USNM 62240, Akihito
& Meguro, 1975: 112) Cryptocentroides Popta, 1922
Macgregorella intonsa Herre, 1927b: 100, pl. 7 fig. 2 (type Cryptocentroides Popta, 1922: 32 (type species: Cryptocen-
locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Saub, south coast of troides dentatus Popta, 1922: 33, by subsequent desig-
Cotabato Province; syntypes: BSM 12807, 25734 [2], nation by Koumans, 1931: 98). Gender masculine.
lost, Koumans, 1940a: 183) Amblycentrus Goren, 1979: 22 (type species: Biat magnusi
Macgregorella santa Herre, 1935c: 416 (type locality: New Klausewitz, 1968: 13, by original designation). Gender
Hebrides: Espiritu Santo Island: Hog Harbor; holotype: masculine.
Cryptocentroides insignis (Seale, 1910) [Cryptocentrus maudae Fowler, 1937: 254, fig. 283 (type locality: Thai-
Amblyogobius insignis Seale, 1910b: 116, pl. 2 fig. 1 (type land: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68253)].
[Cryptocentrus wehrlei Fowler, 1937: 256, fig. 284 (type locality: Thai-
locality: Philippines: Cebu: Bantayan Island; holotype: land: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68254, Böhlke, 1984: 111)].
BSM 5779, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 189)
Gobius stigmatophorus de Beaufort, 1912: 136 (type local- Cryptocentrus callopterus Smith, 1945
ity: Indonesia: Waigeo Island: reef of Saonek near south- Cryptocentrus callopterus Smith, 1945: 552, pl. 9 fig. B (type
ern coast; holotype: ZMA 111.983, Nijssen et al., 1993: locality: Thailand: Chantaburi Province: Chantaburi Riv-
233; also in de Beaufort, 1913: 141) er estuary; holotype: USNM 119572)
Cryptocentroides dentatus Popta, 1922: 33 (type locality: Remarks. Hoese & Larson (2004: 169) commented that this
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island: Raha; holotype: SMF species likely does not belong to Cryptocentrus.
6583, Eschmeyer, 2011)
?Gobiosoma pallida Herre, 1934a: 91 (type locality: Phil- Cryptocentrus leonis Smith, 1931
ippines: Sulu Province: Sitankai; holotype: CAS-SU Cryptocentrus leonis Smith, 1931a: 46, fig. 21 (type locali-
28609, Böhlke, 1953: 113) ty: Thailand: Chantaburi Province: estuary of Chantaburi
Taxonomic notes. Gobiosoma pallida is considered to be a River at Lem Sing; holotype: USNM 90322)
valid species of Schismatogobius by Chen, Shao & Fang
(1995: 202) and Chen, Séret, Pöllabauer & Shao (2001: 141).
The presence of scales and other characters exclude it from Drombus Jordan & Seale, 1905
Schismatogobius (Koumans, 1940: 149, 1953: 384; Keith, Drombus Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 797 (type species: Drom-
Marquet & Watson, 2004: 237). Placement in Cryptocen- bus palackyi Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 797, by monoty-
troides and tentative synonymy follows H. K. Larson (pers. py). Gender masculine.
comm., 2012).
Drombus bontii (Bleeker, 1849)
Gobius Bontii Bleeker, 1849d: 27 (type locality: Indonesia:
Cryptocentrus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kammal; holo-
1837 type or syntypes [up to 72 mm TL]: RMNH 4658 [1],
Cryptocentrus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Eschmeyer, 2011; possibly syntypes because apparently
1837: 111 (in synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus, 1758: 262; ranges of values)
available by subsequent use in Bleeker, 1874b: 322 [Code Acentrogobius elberti Popta, 1921: 209 (type locality: In-
art. 11.6.1]; type species: Gobius cryptocentrus Valen- donesia: Sulawesi: Muna Island: Raha; syntypes: SMF
ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 111, under 6639 [1], 6640–6641 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Code art. 67.12). Gender masculine. Ctenogobius waigiensis Herre, 1935c: 424 (type locality:
Alepidogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 310 (type species: Gobioso- Indonesia: Waigeo Island: mouth of small freshwater
ma fasciatum Playfair, in Playfair & Günther, 1867: 72, stream flowing into Majalibit Inlet; holotype: FMNH
by original designation). Gender masculine. 17413, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 29)
Mars Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 408 (type species: Mars stri-
gilliceps Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 408, by original desig- Drombus dentifer (Hora, 1923)
nation). Gender masculine. Ctenogobius dentifer Hora, 1923c: 747, fig. 29 (type local-
Obtortiophagus Whitley, 1933: 90 (type species: Obtortio- ity: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake: Rambha Bay, Satpara
phagus koumansi Whitley, 1933: 91, by original desig- and Barnikuda; syntypes [8]: ? ZSI F 10187/1 [1],
nation). Gender masculine. RMNH, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 152 [locality listed as
Smilogobius Herre, 1934a: 88 (type species: Smilogobius Manikpatna, which does not appear in original descrip-
inexplicatus Herre, 1934a: 88, by original designation). tion], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Gender masculine.
Batman Whitley, 1956: 36 (type species: Batman insignitus Drombus globiceps (Hora, 1923)
Whitley, 1956: 36, by original designation). Gender Ctenogobius globiceps Hora, 1923c: 744, fig. 24 (type lo-
masculine. cality: India: Orissa: Chilka Lake: off Samal Island /
Iotogobius Smith, 1959a: 195 (type species: Iotogobius Rambha Bay / Satpara / between Cherriakuda and main-
malindiensis Smith, 1959: 195, by original designation). land / Serua Nadi / Mahosa, Barhampur Island / off Bal-
Gender masculine. ugaon / off Nalbano / off Barkul bungalow / South of
Taxonomic notes. Synopsis by Hoese & Larson (2004). Kalibai; syntypes: ZSI F 10214/1 [2], Menon & Yazdani,
Gobius melanopus, sometimes listed in area, is a marine 1968: 152)
species. Placement in Cryptocentrus follows Lim & Larson Ctenogobius kranjiensis Herre, 1940a: 22, pl. 17 (type lo-
(1995: 259) and identification follows Russell et al. (2010: cality: Singapore: Kranji stream; holotype: CAS-SU
99). Cryptocentrus maudae and C. wehrlei were described 32999, Böhlke, 1953: 110)
from Bangkok but are assumed to be from marine origin, Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Larson et al. (2008:
possibly market specimens. 148).
[Gobius melanopus Bleeker, 1860d: 456 (type locality: Singapore; holo-
type: specimen on which is based Castelnau's drawing, reproduced in
Russell et al., 2010: 99, fig. 17)].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Drombus ocyurus (Jordan & Seale, 1907) Eugnathogobius microps Smith, 1931
Rhinogobius ocyurus Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 42, fig. 14 Eugnathogobius microps Smith, 1931a: 37, fig. 18 (type
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cavite; holotype: locality: Thailand: lower Bangpakong River; holotype:
CAS-SU 9249 [USNM 53070], Eschmeyer, 2011) USNM 90316, Larson, 2001a: 68, fig. 60)
Quisquilius malayanus Herre, 1936a: 11, pl. 8 (type locali- Taxonomic notes. See Pseudogobiopsis oligactis for com-
ty: Singapore: Pulau Ubin; holotype: CAS-SU 30963 [1 ment on Glossogobius mas Hora, 1923c: 742, which is pos-
of 4], Böhlke, 1953: 116) sibly a senior synonym of E. microps.
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Larson et al. (2008:
148). Eugnathogobius mindora (Herre, 1945)
Vaimosa mindora Herre, 1945a: 13 (type locality: Philip-
Drombus triangularis (Weber, 1909) pines: Mindoro: brackish swamp on Hacienda Waterous,
? Acentrogobius oligactis Bleeker, 1875d: 132 (type locali- Mangarin; holotype: CAS-SU 36826, Böhlke, 1953: 119,
ty: Singapore; syntypes [3, 41–48 mm SL]: RMNH 4493, Larson, 1999a: 266, fig. 5)
Eschmeyer, 2010) Vaimosa zebrinus Herre, 1950a: 74 (type locality: Philip-
Gobius triangularis Weber, 1909: 150 (type locality: Indo- pines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Layia; holotype:
nesia: reef on Ambon; syntypes: ZMA 111.562 [2], Nijs- USNM 202515, Larson, 1999a: 266, fig. 11)
sen et al., 1993: 233)
? Vaimosa umbra Fowler, 1934a: 84, fig. 26 (type locality: Eugnathogobius polylepis (Wu & Ni, 1985)
Indonesia: Bali: Den Pasar; holotype: ANSP 56344, Mugilogobius polylepis Wu & Ni, 1985: 95, fig. 2 (type lo-
Böhlke, 1984: 110) cality: China: Shanghai: Fengxiang: Zhonggang; holo-
Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid by Larson et al. (2008: type: SFC S-0001, Larson, 2009: 143, fig. 14)
148). Vaimosa umbra is probably a synonym; its holotype Taxonomic notes. Record in area: Larson et al. (2008: 141,
is a Drombus (H. K. Larson, pers. comm. 2011). The synty- fig. 2) and Larson (2009: 143).
pes of Acentrogobius oligactis Bleeker, 1875d are in poor
condition. Two of them belong to the genus Drombus but Eugnathogobius siamensis (Fowler, 1934)
cannot be identified to species (Larson et al., 2008: 148). Vaimosa siamensis Fowler, 1934a: 157, fig. 125 (type lo-
cality: Thailand: Bangkok, Silom Canal; holotype: ANSP
60025, Böhlke, 1984: 110)
Eugnathogobius Smith, 1931 Vaimosa mawaia Herre, 1936a: 9, pl. 6 (type locality: Ma-
Eugnathogobius Smith, 1931a: 37 (type species: Eugna- laysia: Johor: ditch in Mawai District, 55 miles north of
thogobius microps Smith, 1931a: 37, by monotypy). Singapore; holotype: CAS-SU 29080, Böhlke, 1953: 119)
Gender masculine. Vaimosa jurongensis Herre, 1940a: 18, pl. 13 (type locality:
Calamiana Herre, 1945c: 79 (type species: Calamiana ma- Singapore: brook at Jurong; holotype: CAS-SU 32982,
gnoris Herre, 1945c: 80, by original designation). Gen- Böhlke, 1953: 119, Larson, 2009: 151, fig. 20)
der feminine. Vaimosa oratai Herre, 1940a: 20, pl. 15 (type locality: Ma-
Gnathogobius Smith, 1945: 522 (type species: Gnathogo- laysia: Borneo: Sabah: brook at Tawau; holotype: CAS-
bius aliceae Smith, 1945: 523, by original designation). SU 32988, Böhlke, 1953: 119)
Gender masculine. Vaimosa singapurensis Tweedie, 1940: 75 (not available;
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Larson (2009). nomen nudum; apparently only a museum name, Larson
et al., 2008: 143)
Eugnathogobius illotus (Larson, 1999) Pseudogobiopsis wuhanlini Zhong & Chen, 1997: 79, fig. 3
Calamiana illota Larson, 1999a: 260, figs. 1, 4 (type local- (type locality: China: Fujian: Sharngan, Minhou, Min
ity: Singapore: Sungei Buloh mangroves; holotype: ZRC River; holotype: SFU 3585)
? Eugnathogobius umbra (Herre, 1927)
Eugnathogobius kabilia (Herre, 1940) Tamanka umbra Herre, 1927b: 223 (type locality: Philip-
Vaimosa kabilia Herre, 1940a: 19, pl. 14 (type locality: pines: Palawan; holotype: BSM 10600, lost, Koumans,
Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kabili River; holotype: CAS- 1940a: 188, Larson, 2001a: 197)
SU 32978, Böhlke, 1953: 119, Larson, 2009: 135, fig. 5)
Calamiana magnoris Herre, 1945c: 80 (type locality: Phil- Eugnathogobius variegatus (Peters, 1868)
ippines: Busuanga: Coron; holotype: CAS-SU 39881, Apocryptes variegatus Peters, 1868b: 267 (type locality:
Böhlke, 1953: 108, Larson, 2009: 140, fig. 9) Singapore; lectotype: ZMB 6749, designated by Larson,
Gnathogobius aliceae Smith, 1945: 523, fig. 104 (type lo- 1999a: 273, fig. 12)
cality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: USNM 119604, Tamanka ubinensis Herre, in Herre & Myers, 1937: 41, pl.
Larson, 2009: 139, fig. 10) 3 (type locality: Singapore: Pulau Ubin; holotype: CAS
Taxonomic notes. See Pseudogobiopsis oligactis for com- 30964, Larson, 1999a: 273, fig. 19)
ment on Glossogobius mas Hora, 1923c: 742, which is pos-
sibly a senior synonym of E. kabilia.
Exyrias Jordan & Seale, 1906
Exyrias Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 405 (type species: Gobius
puntangoides Bleeker, 1854a: 242, by original designa- nesia: Java: Patjitan / Purworedjo in Bogowonto River;
tion). Gender masculine. syntypes [up to 77 mm TL]: RMNH 31309 [1], ? 26334
[part of 3], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Species inquirenda Gobius pavo Steindachner, 1867b: 120 (type locality: Phil-
Gnatholepis volcanus Herre, 1927b: 131 (type locality: Phil- ippines; holotype: NMW 29826 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011;
ippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Lake Taal; holotype: also in Steindachner, 1867c: 80, 1867d: 715)
BSM 10569, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 184) ? Gobius sauroides Castelnau, 1878b: 48 (type locality:
Nomenclatural notes. The holotype is likely to have been Australia: Queensland: Norman River; holotype: LU;
an Exyrias (Larson & Wright, 2003: 128; see also Koumans, possibly not a gobiid, Hoese et al., 2006: 1697)
1940a: 184). A neotype designation is needed to fix the sta-
tus of the name. Glossogobius aureus Akihito & Meguro, 1975
? Gobius Boscii Sauvage, 1880a: 44 (type locality: Martin-
Exyrias puntang (Bleeker, 1851) ique [doubtful]; syntypes: MNHN A.1922 [5], A.1923
Gobius puntang Bleeker, 1851q: 486 (type locality: Indo- [6], Bauchot et al., 1991: 27)
nesia: Rio [Riau]; holotype [85 mm TL]: RMNH 6170, Glossogobius aureus Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 128, figs.
Murdy, 1985: 11) 1–2 (type locality: Japan: Okinawa Pref.: Sumiyoshi,
Gobius puntangoïdes Bleeker, 1854a: 242 (type locality: Iriomotejima; holotype: NSMT P 18200)
Indonesia: Ambon / Ceram [Seram]: Wahai; syntypes [5,
116–141 mm TL]: RMNH 28666 [5], Murdy, 1985: 11) Glossogobius bicirrhosus (Weber, 1894)
Gobius andamanensis Day, 1871c: 691 (type locality: In- Gobius bicirrhosus Weber, 1894: 412 (type locality: Indo-
dia: Andaman Islands, brackish waters; syntypes: BMNH nesia: Sulawesi: river near Maros; syntypes [10]: ZMA
1870.6.14.10 [1], AMS B.8030 [1], Ferraris et al., 2000: 110.979 [8], Nijssen et al., 1993: 232)
294, Murdy, 1985: 11) Illana cacabet Smith & Seale, 1906: 80, fig. (type locality:
Gobius Canalae Sauvage, 1881b: 102 (type locality: New Philippines: Mindanao: Rio Grande near Cotabato; ho-
Caledonia: Canala; holotype: MNHN A.3703, Bauchot lotype: USNM 55622, Koumans, 1940a: 129)
et al., 1991: 28, Murdy, 1985: 11)
Gobius maculipinnis Macleay, 1883c: 267 (type locality: Glossogobius celebius (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
Papua New Guinea: freshwater on Normanby Island; ciennes, 1837)
holotype: AMS I.9241, Murdy, 1985: 11) Gobius Celebius Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Gobius concolor De Vis, 1884f: 689 (type locality: Austra- 1837: 74 (type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi; syntypes:
lia: Queensland: Cape York; holotype: QM I.86, Esch- MNHN A.1385 [2], 2731 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 10,
meyer, 2011) Hoese & Allen, 2012: 270)
Gnatholepis sindonis Snyder, 1908: 101 (type locality: Ja-
pan: Ryukyu Islands: Okinawa: Naha market; holotype: Glossogobius clitellus Hoese & Allen, 2012
USNM 62238, Murdy, 1985: 11) Glossogobius clitellus Hoese & Allen, 2012: 280, fig. 11
(type locality: Papua New Guinea: Bougainville: Tekan
River road crossing west of Arigua plantation, 5°57'S
Glossogobius Gill, 1859 155°20'E; holotype: WAM P.28164-005)
Glossogobius Gill, 1859a: 46 (type species: Gobius platy-
cephalus Richardson, 1846a: 204, by monotypy). Gen- Glossogobius flavipinnis (Aurich, 1938)
der masculine. Stupidogobius flavipinnis Aurich, 1938: 149 (type locality:
Cephalogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 320 (type species: Gobius Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towuti; syntypes: ZMH 419
sublitus Cantor, 1849: 1163, by original designation). [1], Ladiges et al., 1958: 166)
Gender masculine.
Illana Smith & Seale, 1906: 79 (type species: Illana caca- Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822)
bet Smith & Seale, 1906: 80, by original designation). Gobius giuris Hamilton, 1822: 51, 366, pl. 33 fig. 15 (type
Gender feminine. locality: India: "all the ponds and fresh water rivers of
Stupidogobius Aurich, 1938: 149 (type species: Stupidogo- the Gangetic provinces" [Puttahaut (6 miles north of
bius flavipinnis Aurich, 1938: 149, by monotypy). Gen- Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from Calcutta); Hora,
der masculine. 1934b: 485]; lectotype: model of Hamilton's figure, des-
Aloricatogobius Munro, 1964: 179 (type species: Glosso- ignated by Fricke, 1999a: 512)
gobius asaro Whitley, 1959: 318, by original designa- Gobius gutum Hamilton, 1822: 50, 366 (type locality: In-
tion). Gender masculine. dia: lower parts of Padda or Padma River; types: NT;
Hamilton's unpublished drawing is reproduced in Hora,
Species inquirendae 1929a: pl. 14 fig. 7; simultaneous subjective synonym
Gobius phaiosoma Bleeker, 1849d: 30 (type locality: Indo- of Gobius giuris Hamilton, 1822: 51, first reviser [pos-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype or syntypes [up sibly Hora, 1934b: 485] gave precedence to G. giuris)
to 84 mm TL]: RMNH 5174 [part of 53], Eschmeyer, Gobius Russelii Cuvier, 1829: 244 (available by indication
2011) to Russell, 1803a: n° 53; type locality: India: Vizagapa-
Gobius fusiformis Bleeker, 1849d: 30 (type locality: Indo- tham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is based
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Russell, 1803a: 42, pl. 53 [Bullee Kokah]; unambigu- [Gobius kokius Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 68 (type
ously named for Russell, misspelt as Russel p. 244, the locality: India: Pondicherry, Malabar and Alipey / Ile de France [Mau-
ritius]; syntypes: MNHN A.1381 [1, Pondicherry], A.1387 [2, Mala-
name should be emended to russellii, an inadvertent er- bar], A.1383 [5, Mauritius], 991 [14, Mauritius], Bauchot et al., 1991:
ror, Code art. 32.5.1) 34, Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 130)].
Gobius catebus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, [Sparus nobilis Osbeck, 1765: 336 (type locality: China. Guangdong:
1837: 76 (type locality: Burma: Rangoon / India: Huam-pu (or Wampo), anchorage for all European boats in the river
of Canton (or Ta-ho), 4 Swedish miles from the mouth of the river at
Pondicherry, Bengal and Malabar; syntypes: MNHN Boca Tiger and 1.5 miles from Canton; types: LU)].
A.1390 [1], A.1907 [4], A.2538 [1], 7199 [2], ? ZMB
2025 [1], Bauchot et al., 1991: 29, Hoese & Allen, 2009: Glossogobius illimis Hoese & Allen, 2012
2, Eschmeyer, 2011) Glossogobius illimis Hoese & Allen, 2012: 272, figs. 3, 5–7
? Gobius kora Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, (type locality: Australia: Queensland: north of Cooktown,
1837: 77 (based on Russell, 1803a: 40, pl. 50; type lo- "15°26'S" [Cooktown: 15°28'S 145°15'E]; holotype
cality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; syntypes AMS I.21272-010)
[at least 2]: material on which is based Russell, 1803a:
40, pl. 50 [Korah Motta]) Glossogobius intermedius Aurich, 1938
? Gobius Kurpah Sykes, 1839a: 1581 (type locality: India: Glossogobius intermedius Aurich, 1938: 147, fig. 14 (type
Deccan [Beema River at Pairgaon]; types: BMNH ?; also locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lakes Mahalona and
in Sykes, 1839b: 55, 1841: 352, pl. 61 fig. 1) Towuti; syntypes: LU (? ZMH), lost, pers. obs.)
Gobius platycephalus Richardson, 1846a: 204 (type locali-
ty: China: Macao; syntypes: one specimen (LU) and Glossogobius matanensis (Weber, 1913)
model of Reeve's drawing) Gobius matanensis Weber, 1913b: 209, fig. 7 (type locality:
? Gobius phaiospilosoma Bleeker, 1849d: 30 (type locali- Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Matano at Soroako / Lake
ty: Indonesia: Java: Pasuruan / Sumanap in eastern Ma- Towuti at Timampu; syntypes [14]: ZMA 112.665 [6],
dura; syntypes [up to 46 mm TL]: RMNH 4456 [1], Esch- 112.666 [5], RMNH 13792 [1], 13793 [1, listed as holo-
meyer, 2011) type by Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 130], Nijssen et al.,
? Gobius sublitus Cantor, 1849: 1163 (type locality: Malay- 1993: 232, Eschmeyer, 2011)
sia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.563,
Eschmeyer, 2011) Glossogobius obscuripinnis (Peters, 1868)
? Gobius platycephalus Peters, 1852b: 681 (type locality: Gobius obscuripinnis Peters, 1868b: 263 (type locality:
Mozambique: Tette and Boror; syntypes: ZMB 21308 Philippines: Luzon: Bicol River in Albay Province and
[3]; junior primary homonym of Gobius platycephalus creek Kolabós near Daraga; syntypes: ZMB 6498 [4],
Richardson, 1846a: 204) MNHN 6161 [3], ? BMNH 1868.7.10.7–9 [3], Bauchot
Gobius spectabilis Günther, 1861a: 45 (type locality: India; et al., 1991: 37, Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 131, Hoese &
holotype: BMNH [1853.3.15:?, Eschmeyer, 2011]) Allen, 2009: 2, Eschmeyer, 2011)
? Gobius grandidierii Playfair, 1868: 10 (type locality:
Madagascar: some miles up Mouroundava River on the Glossogobius olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
west coast; syntypes: MNHN [2, lost ?], Bauchot et al., Gobius olivaceus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 [11 Oct.]:
1991: 57) 143, pl. 74 fig. 3 (type locality: Japan; holotype: speci-
Eleotris laticeps De Vis, 1884f: 692 (type locality: Austra- men on which figure is based, not preserved, Boeseman,
lia: Queensland coast; holotype: QM I.220, Akihito & 1947: 124)
Meguro, 1975: 130) Gobius fasciato-punctatus Richardson, 1845b [Oct.]: 145,
Nomenclatural notes. Glossogobius kokius is considered pl. 62 figs. 13–14 (type locality: China: Canton; holo-
to be a valid species, e.g. by Akihito & Meguro (1975: 130), type: BMNH 1968.5.11.18, Whitehead, 1970a: 217,
based on the Mauritius material. But the type series includes Hoese & Allen, 2009: 2 [or syntypes if Reeves's unpub-
also material from India which is G. giuris. A lectotype des- lished drawing is based on another specimen])
ignation is needed in order to definitively link the name with Taxonomic notes. Precedence between G. olivaceus and G.
the Mauritius species. fasciopunctatus is discussed by Akihito (1966: 92).
Eschmeyer (2011) considered Sparus nobilis Osbeck to
be a senior synonym of Glossogobius giuris, without an Glossogobius sandakanensis Inger, 1957
explanation or reference for this identification. He then stated Glossogobius sandakanensis Inger, 1957: 393, fig. 6 (type
that it is a nomen oblitum under Code art. This is locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Mankala River, Mile
erroneous. To be valid, a declaration as nomen oblitum un- 2, North Road, Sandakan; holotype: FMNH 59526)
der art. should be in a published work (in the sense Distribution notes. Record of Glossogobius circumspec-
of the Code), which an on-line database is not, and accom- tus from Singapore by Lim & Larson (1995: 259) and of
panied by the citation of a list of 25 usages of the nomen G. koragensis from Cambodia by Rainboth (1996b: 201)
protectum in the previous 50 years. Further, I do not see in and Vidthayanon (2008: 220) seem to refer to present spe-
Osbeck's description characters that would allow Sparus cies.
nobilis to be identified as Glossogobius giuris; it does not [Gobius circumspectus Macleay, 1883c: 267 (type locality: Papua New
even seem to be a gobioid. The vernacular name mandarin- Guinea: freshwater of Milne Bay; holotype: AMS I.9186, Akihito &
fish suggests a Siniperca (Percichthyidae). Meguro, 1975: 129)].
[Glossogobius koragensis Herre, 1935c: 419 (type locality: Papua New
Guinea: Sepik River at Koragu; holotype: FMNH 17365, Ibarra & Gobiopsis Steindachner, 1861
Stewart, 1987.40)]. Gobiopsis Steindachner, 1861: 291 (type species: Gobiop-
sis macrostomus Steindachner, 1861: 291, by monoty-
Glossogobius sparsipapillus Akihito & Meguro, 1976 py). Gender feminine.
Glossogobius sparsipapillus Akihito & Meguro, 1976: 9, Pogonogobius Smith, 1931a: 37 (type species: Gobius plani-
figs. 1–2 (type locality: Vietnam: Can Tho River, vicin- frons Day, 1873a: 108, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
ity of Cantho City; holotype: NSMT-P.18240) Pipidonia Smith, 1931a: 39 (type species: Pipidonia quin-
quecincta Smith, 1931a: 39, by monotypy). Gender fem-
Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874 Herreogobius Koumans, 1940a: 139 (type species: Ctenogo-
Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874b: 318 (subgenus of Stenogobius bius malekulae Herre, 1935c: 423, by original designa-
Bleeker, 1874b: 317; type species: Gobius anjerensis tion). Gender masculine.
Bleeker, 1851c: 251, by original designation). Gender Barbatogobius Koumans, 1941: 241 (type species: Barba-
feminine. togobius asanai Koumans, 1941: 242, by original des-
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Larson & Buckle (2012). ignation). Gender masculine.
Abranches Smith, 1947: 813 (type species: Abranches pin-
Gnatholepis anjerensis (Bleeker, 1851) to Smith, 1947: 813, by original designation). Gender
Gobius anjerensis Bleeker, 1851c: 251, pl. fig. 11 (type lo- masculine.
cality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Boenaken Island, off Ujung Taxonomic notes. Revised by Lachner & McKinney (1978).
Pandang, bay on southwest side [original locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Anjer]; neotype: BPBM 26651, designated Gobiopsis macrostomus Steindachner, 1861
by Randall & Greenfield, 2001: 3, fig. 2) Gobiopsis macrostomus Steindachner, 1861: 291, pl. 1 fig. 6
Gobius capistratus Peters, 1855a: 251 (type locality: (type locality: India: Bombay; syntypes: NMW 29593–
Mozambique: Ibo, 12°S; syntypes: ZMB 2103 [2], Sau- 29595 [3], Lachner & McKinney, 1978: 20 or NMW
vage, 1891: 353, pl. 38 fig. 5, Larson & Buckle, 2012: 29594–29596 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011; compound noun,
21, fig. 7; also in Peters, 1855b: 443) indeclinable [not adjective because it did not agree in
Gobius deltoides Seale, 1901: 125 (type locality: Guam gender in original description])
[Agaña; Eschmeyer, 2011]; syntypes: ANSP 84134 [10], Gobius planifrons Day, 1873a: 108 (type locality: India:
BPBM 267 [4], USNM 109399 [1], Larson & Buckle, Bombay; holotype: ZSI 97, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976:
2012: 21, Randall & Goren, 1993: 13) 161, Lachner & McKinney, 1978: 20)
Taxonomic notes. Marine species but inland record from Barbatogobius asanai Koumans, 1941: 242 (type locality:
mouth of creeks (Bali; pers. obs.; Moorea, Larson & Buck- India: Gujarat: Kosamba Creek near Bulsan; holotype:
le, 2012: 16). Gobius cauerensis, considered to be a syn- ZSI 5283/2, Lachner & McKinney, 1978: 20)
onym of Gnatholepis anjerensis by Thacker (2004: 580), is Nomenclatural notes. Macrostomus apparently can be a
a valid, marine species (Randall & Greenfield, 2007: 303; noun or an adjective. As used in the original description by
Larson et al., 2008: 141; Larson & Buckle, 2012: 21). Steindachner, it is a noun because it does not agrees in gen-
[Gobius cauerensis Bleeker, 1853f: 269 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra:
Cauer, in sea [44°44'S 103°15'E, Randall & Greenfield, 2007: 305]; der with the gender of the feminine Gobiopsis.
holotype [39 mm TL]: RMNH 4523 [1 of 2], Bleeker, 1993: pl. 435b,
fig. 1, Larson & Buckle, 2012: 37, fig. 18)].
Gobiopterus Bleeker, 1874
Gnatholepis ophthalmotaenia (Bleeker, 1854) Gobiopterus Bleeker, 1874b: 311 (type species: Apocryptes
Gobius ophthalmotaenia Bleeker, 1854u: 46 (type locality: brachypterus Bleeker, 1855k: 401, by original designa-
Cocos Islands: Nova Selma; syntypes [4, 58–64 mm TL]: tion). Gender masculine.
part of RMNH 4526 [4 of 13], Larson & Buckle, 2012: 48) Leptogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 311 (type species: Gobius oxy-
Gnatholepis davaoensis Seale, 1910a: 537 (type locality: pterus Bleeker, 1855k: 400, by original designation; si-
Taiwan: south end at Hou Pi Hoo [original locality: Phil- multaneous subjectice synonym of Gobiopterus Blee-
ippines: Mindanao: Gulf of Davao: Samal Island]; neo- ker, 1874b: 311, first reviser [Kottelat et al., 1993: 145]
type: BPBM 18670, designated by Randall & Greenfield, gave precedence to Gobiopterus). Gender masculine.
2001: 12, pl. 2 fig. F) Micrapocryptes Hora, 1923c: 751 (type species: Micrapo-
Gnatholepis gemmeus Herre, 1927b: 135, pl. 9 fig. 3 (type cryptes fragilis Hora, 1923c: 751, by original designa-
locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Gulf of Davao: Samal tion). Gender masculine.
Island; holotype: BSM, lost) Gobiella Smith, 1931a: 33 (type species: Gobiella pelluci-
Gnatholepis corlettei Herre, 1935c: 418 (type locality: Vanu- da Smith, 1931a: 33, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
atu: Malekula Island: Bushman Bay; holotype: FMNH Mirogobius Herre, 1927b: 91 (type species: Mirogobius stel-
17367, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 40) latus Herre, 1927b: 92, by original designation). Gen-
Distribution notes. Marine species but inland records from der masculine.
Cebu, Sulawesi and Solomon Is. (Larson & Buckle, 2012: 44). Paraphya Munro, 1949a: 233 (type genus: Paraphya semi-
vestita Munro, 1949a: 234, by original designation; not
a homonym of Paraphia Guenée, 1857: 271 in Lepi-
doptera and Paraphyia Gumppenberg, 1895: 444 in Lep-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
idoptera). Gender feminine. Baños, Lumbang and Santa Cruz; syntypes: BSM, lost,
Munrogobius Whitley, 1951a: 67 (unnecessary replacement ZMA 115.798 [5], ? CAS-SU 15490, ? MNHN 1932-
name for Paraphya Munro, 1949a: 233). Gender mas- 0206 [5], Nijssen et al., 1993: 233, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Gobiopterus mindanensis (Herre, 1944)
? Gobiopterus batonensis Aurich, 1938 Mistichthys mindanensis Herre, 1944c: 109 (type locality:
Gobiopterus luzonensis batonensis Aurich, 1938: 175, 178, Philippines: Mindanao: near Fisheries Station at Zam-
figs. 24, 25 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Camarin boanga; syntypes: CAS-SU 39882 [9], 39883 [27],
Sur Province: Lake Bato; syntypes: ? ZMH or lost) Böhlke, 1953: 115)
Nomenclatural notes. Aurich (1938) referred to a descrip-
tion of Mistichtys luzonensis batonensis by D. M. Buñag Gobiopterus panayensis (Herre, 1944)
but does not provide any bibliographic reference. I have been Mistichthys panayensis Herre, 1944c: 108 (type locality:
able to find only one publication by this author (Buñag, Philippines: Panay: Capiz Province: nipa swamp near
1934), in which this name is not mentioned. It seems, there- Capiz; lectotype: CAS-SU 36819, designated by Böhlke,
fore, that this description has never been published and 1953: 115)
Aurich is author of the name.
Gobiopterus pasayensis Aurich, 1938
Gobiopterus birtwistlei (Herre, 1934) Gobiopterus pasayensis Aurich, 1938: 175, 178, figs. 26–
Gobiella birtwistlei Herre, 1934b: 85 (type locality: Sin- 27 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Ilocos Norte Prov-
gapore: brackish water tidal creeks; syntypes: CAS-SU ince: Lake Pasay; syntypes: ? ZMH or lost)
29078 [99], 30961 [204], BMNH 1969.11.13.2–6 [5], Nomenclatural notes. Aurich (1938) referred to a descrip-
ZSI F 13513/1 [3; 4 according to Mukerji, 1936: 9], ZRC tion of Mistichtys luzonensis batonensis by D. M. Buñag
225 [31], ZMH 418 [ex 17467] [8], FMNH 47158 [12], but does not provide any bibliographic reference. I have been
47230 [6], USNM 101303 [12], Böhlke, 1953: 113, Al- able to find only one publication by this author (Buñag,
fred, 1970: 72, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 153, Ladiges et 1934), in which this name is not mentioned. It seems, there-
al., 1958: 166, Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 41, Eschmeyer, fore, that this description has never been published and
2011 [lectotype designated by Koumans, 1940a: 148, but Aurich is author of the name.
specimen has apparently not been separated from CAS-
SU 30961 and all specimens remain syntypes]) ? Gobiopterus smithi (Menon & Talwar, 1972)
Kraemericus smithi Menon & Talwar, 1972: 55, fig. 1 (type
Gobiopterus brachypterus (Bleeker, 1955) locality: India: Great Nicobar Island: Dogma River near
Apocryptes brachypterus Bleeker, 1855k: 401 (type locali- Shampen village; holotype: ZSI 5522/2)
ty: Indonesia: Java: Pasuruan Province: Lake Grati; syn- Taxonomic notes. The figure in the original description does
types [18, 23–29 mm TL]: RMNH 4497 [11], Eschmey- not show a member of Kraemeriidae but apparently a spe-
er, 2011) cies of Gobiopterus.
Gobius oxypterus Bleeker, 1855k: 400 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Pasuruan Province: Lake Grati; syntypes [15, Gobiopterus stellatus (Herre, 1927)
23–28 mm TL]: RMNH 4500 [13], Eschmeyer, 2011; Mirogobius stellatus Herre, 1927b: 92, pl. 6 fig. 4 (type lo-
simultaneous subjective synonym of Apocryptes brachy- cality: Philippines: Luzon: Albay Province: moutain lake
pterus Bleeker, 1855k: 401, first reviser [Kottelat et al., beside sitio Lanigay, Polangui; syntypes [110]: BSM
1993: 145] gave precedence to G. brachypterus) 13054, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 182)
(type locality: China: Hainan: Haikou; holotype: ECSFI Istigobius ornatus (Rüppell, 1830)
66-1064) Gobius ornatus Rüppell, 1830: 135 (type locality: Red Sea:
Massaua; lectotype: SMF 1738, designated by Dor, 1984:
Hemigobius melanurus (Bleeker, 1849) 238)
Gobius melanurus Bleeker, 1849d: 31 (type locality: Indo- Gobius elegans Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
nesia: Java; holotype ? [33 mm TL]; no evidence that 1837: 58 (type locality: Indonesia: Java / Vanikolo / New
Bleeker had more than one specimen; RMNH 4501 [3: Guinea / India: Bombay; syntype: MNHN A.1401 [1,
40.5–55.0 mm SL] are too large to be the holotype or listed as holotype], A.1398 [1], A.1399 [2], A.1400 [1],
syntypes and lectotype designation of the 55.0 mm spec- Bauchot et al., 1991: 31, possibly RMNH 1873, Murdy
imen by Larson, 1999b: 41 is not valid; not a primary & Hoese, 1985: 11)
junior homonym of Gobius melanurus Broussonet, 1782: Gobius Ehrenbergii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
[18] [a nomen nudum; Gobiis melanuro is a non-nomi- nes, 1837: 63 (type locality: Egypt: sent from Alexan-
native declension to be corrected to Gobius melanurus, dria [but probably from Red Sea; Murdy & Hoese, 1985:
Code art. 11.9.2]; not a junior homonym of Gobius mela- 11]; syntypes: MNHN 1398 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991:
nuros Gmelin, 1789: 1201 [one letter difference, Code 31, Murdy & Hoese, 1985: 11)
art. 57.6]; not a junior homonym of Gobioides melanu- Gobius ventralis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
rus La Cepède, 1800: 576, 582, which has never been 1837: 113 (type locality: Ethiopia: Massaua; holotype:
placed in Gobius; not a junior homonym of Gobius mela- specimen on which figure is based)
nurus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 74 [incorrect subsequent Gobius interstinctus Richardson, 1844b: 3, pl. 5 figs. 3–6 (type
spelling of Gobius melanuros Gmelin, 1789: 1201]) locality: northwest coast of Australia; syntypes: BMNH
Gnatholepis mingi Herre, 1936a: 8, pl. 4 (type locality: Sin- 1844.9.11.40 [1], 1845.9.19.621–622 [2], 1978.1.19.1
gapore: Pulau Ubin island; holotype: CAS-SU 30960, [1], Murdy & Hoese, 1985: 11, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Böhlke, 1953: 113, Larson, 1999b: 34, fig. 9) Gobius periophthalmoïdes Bleeker, 1850h: 249 (type local-
Sphenentogobius vanderbilti Fowler, 1940: 396, figs. 8–10 ity: Indonesia: western Sumatra; syntypes [33, 30–76 mm
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Medan; holotype: TL]: part of RMNH 6171 [64], ? NMW 21092–21093
ANSP 68714, Larson, 1999b: 34, fig. 10) [2], Murdy & Hoese, 1985: 11, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Hemigobius bleekeri Koumans, 1953: 191 (unnecessary re- Gobius ornatus Day, 1871c: 691 (type locality: India: An-
placement name for Gobius melanurus Bleeker, 1849d: 31) daman Islands; types: LU; primary junior homonym of
Gobius ornatus Rüppell, 1830: 135)
Gobius thurstoni Day, 1888a: 793 (type locality: India:
Istigobius Whitley, 1932 Madras; holotype: BMNH 1889.2.1.3445, Whitehead &
Istigobius Whitley, 1932a: 301 (subgenus of Gobius Lin- Talwar, 1976: 161, Murdy & Hoese, 1985: 11)
naeus, 1758: 262; type species: Gobius stephensoni Gobius venustulus Fowler, 1904b: 551, pl. 27 (type locali-
Whitley, 1932a: 301, by original designation). Gender ty: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: ANSP 27799,
masculine. Böhlke, 1984: 111)
Innoculus Whitley, 1952: 25 (type species: Gobius nigro- Gobius calderae Everman & Seale, 1906: 511, fig. 3 (type
ocellatus Günther, 1873d: 173 [101], by original desig- locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga: Caldera
nation; type species misidentified [actually Gobius or- Bay; holotype: USNM 55625 [not 53625], Murdy &
natus Rüppell, 1830: 135], see Murdy & Hoese, 1985: 9; Hoese, 1985: 11)
type species here fixed as G. nigroocellatus Günther, 1873d Gobius stephensoni Whitley, 1932a: 301 (type locality:
under Code art. 70.3.1 [arts. 11.10 and 67.13 cannot ap- Australia: Queensland: Murray Island; holotype: AMS
ply as they require the use of a deliberate misidentifica- I.11704 [figured as Gobius ornatus in McCulloch &
tion by an earlier author; this is not the case as Whitley Ogilby, 1919: 227, pl. 33 fig. 2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
explicitly stated that this was the first record of the spe-
cies since its original description]). Gender masculine.
Pallidogobius Herre, 1953c: 184 (type species: Pallidogo- Lentipes Günther, 1861
bius rigilius Herre, 1953c: 185, by original designation). Sicyogaster Gill, 1860: 101, 102 (type species: Sicyogaster
Gender masculine. concolor Gill, 1860: 102, by original designation; jun-
Bikinigobius Herre, 1953c: 186 (type species: Bikinigobius ior homonym of Sicyogaster Brisout de Barneville, 1846:
welanderi Herre, 1953c: 186, by original designation). 144, in Pisces). Gender feminine.
Gender masculine. Lentipes Günther, 1861a: 96 (replacement name for Sicyo-
gaster Gill, 1860: 101). Gender masculine.
Istigobius diadema (Steindachner, 1876) Raogobius Mukerji, 1935b: 262 (type species: Raogobius
Gobius diadema Steindachner, 1876: 232 (type locality: andamanicus Mukerji, 1935b: 264, by original designa-
Hong Kong; holotype: NMW 29171, Eschmeyer, 2011) tion). Gender masculine.
Ctenogobius perspicillatus Herre, 1945e: 5 (type locality:
India: Tamil Nadu: salt water creek east of steam ferry at Lentipes adelphizonus Watson & Kottelat, 2006
Vizagapatam; holotype: CAS-SU 36810, Murdy & Lentipes adelphizonus Watson & Kottelat, 2006: 122, fig. 1
Hoese, 1985: 11) (type locality: Indonesia: Kaluku: Halmahera: Sungei
Okitai; holotype: MZB 5933)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Lentipes andamanicus (Mukerji, 1935) 256, pl. 23 fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Chantabun
Raogobius andamanicus Mukerji, 1935b: 264, pl. 6 fig. 1 River estuary at Lem Sing; holotype: KUMF 180, Esch-
(type locality: India: Andaman Islands: Port Blair: south- meyer, 2011)
west of golf course, Aberdeen; holotype: ZSI F 12980/1 Mahidolia duque Smith, 1947: 812 (type locality: Mozam-
[ex 11788/1], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 153) bique: Delagoa Bay: Inhaca Island; holotype: SAIAB
262, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Lentipes mindanaoensis Chen, 2004 Waitea buchanani Visweswara Rao, 1972: 130, fig. 1 (type
Lentipes mindanaoensis Chen, 2004: 38, figs. 1–2 (type lo- locality: India: Andhra Pradesh: Godavari River estu-
cality: Philippines: Mindanao: small creek in eastern part ary; holotype: ZMAU)
of Mindanao; holotype: NMMB P.4821; spelt mainda- Oligolepis fasciatus Wu & Lin, 1983: fig. 1 (type locality:
naoensis p. 39, an inadvertent error, thus incorrect orig- China: Fujian [Fukien]: Xiamen: Jimei; holotype: SFC
inal spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]) HB2-16)
Nomenclatural notes. See discussion under Oligolepis.
Lentipes whittenorum Watson & Kottelat, 1994
Lentipes whittenorum Watson & Kottelat, 1994: 353, fig. 1
(type locality: Indonesia: Bali: Gilgit [Gitgit] waterfall, Mangarinus Herre, 1943
Sungei Buleleng upstream from Singaraja; holotype: Mangarinus Herre, 1943: 94 (type species: Mangarinus
ZRC 38285) waterousi Herre, 1943: 94, by original designation).
Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
117, Larson, 2001a: 149, fig. 146) been used in at least 25 works in the last 50 years [Code
Vaimosa layia Herre, 1953a: 769 (nomen nudum), 1953d: art.], see below). Gender feminine.
13 (type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874b: 318 (subgenus of Stenogobius
Layia; holotype: USNM 202503 [UW 18959], Larson, Bleeker, 1874b: 317; type species: Gobius melanostig-
2001a: 150) ma Bleeker, 1849d: 32, by original designation; here
Stigmatogobius inhacae Smith, 1959a: 198, pl. 9 fig. G (type declared a nomen protectum under Code art. 23.9.2, used
locality: Mozambique: Inhaca; holotype: RUSI 207, in at least 25 works in the last 50 years, listed under
Larson, 2001a: 149, fig. 145) Nomenclatural notes [Code art.]). Gender fem-
Mugilogobius platystoma (Günther, 1872) Waitea Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 407 (type species: by present
Gobius platystoma Günther, 1872b: 664, pl. 63 fig. B (type fixation: Waitea stomias Smith, 1941b: 411, under Code
locality: Australia: Queensland: Port Mackay; holotype: art. 70.3.2 [misidentified as Gobius mystacinus Valenci-
BMNH 1871.9.13.179, Larson, 2001a: 165, fig. 163; ennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 124 in the orig-
compound noun, indeclinable [not adjective because it inal designation by Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 407]). Gen-
did not agree in gender with genus name in original de- der feminine.
scription]) Aparrius Jordan & Richardson, 1908: 278 (type species:
Gobius acutipennis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Mugilogobius rambaiae (Smith, 1945) ennes, 1837: 80, by original designation). Gender mas-
Vaimosa rambaiae Smith, 1945: 538, pl. 9 fig. A (type local- culine.
ity: Thailand: Bangkok [klong behind Department of Fish- Nomenclatural notes. Smith (1945b: 410) showed that
eries, central Bangkok, Nai Pongse; Larson, 2001a: 170]; when establishing Waitea, with Gobius mystacinus Valen-
holotype: USNM 119646, Larson, 2001a: 170, fig. 169) ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837 as type species,
Jordan & Seale (1906a: 407) in fact based it on a misidenti-
Mugilogobius rexi Larson, 2001 fied type species. Under the Code then in force, such a case
Mugilogobius rexi Larson, 2001a: 174, figs. 174, 176 (type had to be submitted to the Commission but this was not pos-
locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Towuti: mouth of Bat- sible during World War II and Smith decided that the type
uopa River, 3 km south of Timampu; holotype: MZB 5949) species of Waitea should be the species that Jordan & Seale
actually examined (Waitea stomias Smith, 1941b: 411).
Mugilogobius sarasinorum (Boulenger, 1897) Gobius mystacinus would then be placed in the genus Ma-
Gobius sarasinorum Boulenger, 1897b: 427, pl. 28 fig. 1 hidolia.
(type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Lake Poso; lecto- The situation had not been legitimised when the Com-
type: NMBA 1844, designated by Larson, 2001a: 182, mission resumed its activity after the war (H. M. Smith died
fig. 182, 2001b: 67, Kottelat & Sutter, 1988: 56) in 1941) and some authors now use Waitea and others Ma-
hidolia for G. mystacinus. Under the 1999 Code, it is no
? Mugilogobius schultzei (Herre, 1927) longer necessary to refer such a case to the Commission
Rhinogobius schultzei Herre, 1927b: 185 (type locality: and, under Code art. 70.3, and following Smith's (1945)
Philippines: Negros: Oriental Negros: river at Fabrica; action, I fix Waitea stomias (misidentified as Gobius mysta-
syntypes [2]: BSM 12407 [1, lost], 26833 [1, lost], Kou- cinus) as type species of Waitea. Waitea is treated as a syn-
mans, 1940a: 186, Larson, 2001a: 197) onym of Oligolepis following Chen & Fang (1999: 219),
Randall & Lim (2000: 638) and Larson & Murdy (in Car-
Mugilogobius tigrinus Larson, 2001 penter & Niem, 2001b: 3601).
Mugilogobius tigrinus Larson, 2001a: 189, fig. 189 (type Gobileptes Swainson, 1839 has not been used as the name
locality: Singapore: mangrove creek, Sungei Pandan; of a valid taxon after 1899; it is declared nomen oblitum with
holotype: ZRC 40283) precedence given to Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874 which has been
used as a valid name in at least 25 works published by at
? Mugilogobius villa (Herre, 1927) least 10 authors, in the immediately preceeding 50 years and
Vaimosa villa Herre, 1927b: 154, pl. 12 fig. 2 (type locality: encompassing a span of not less than 10 years (Code art.
Philippines: Panay: Iloilo Province: Villa; holotype: BSM, 23.9.2): (1) Allen, 1991b: 189; (2) Allen et al., 2008: 173;
13195, Koumans, 1940a: 186, lost, Larson, 2001a: 197) (3) Carpenter & Niem, 2001b: 3601; (4–5) Chen & Fang,
1999: 218, 2001: 143; (6) Chu, 1985: 349; (7) Fang et al.,
1996: 175; (8) Hayashi & Shiratori, 2004: 173; (9) Kawanabe
Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874 et al., 2001: 570; (10) Kottelat, 1989: 19; (11) Kottelat et al.,
Gobileptes Swainson, 1839: 183 (subgenus of Gobius Lin- 1993: 147; (12) Larson et al., 2008: 142; (13) Mai et al., 1992:
naeus, 1758: 262; type species: Gobius acutipennis Va- 314; (14) Masuda et al., 1984: 253; (15) Myers, 1985: 225;
lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 80, by sub- (16) Nakabo, 1993: 1072; (17) Nguyen [V. H.] (2005b: 451;
sequent designation by Jordan, 1919a: 198; no species (18) Pan, 1991: 474; (19) Rainboth, 1996b: 2005; (20) Ran-
originally included, first inclusion by Jordan, 1919a: 198; dall & Lim, 2000: 638; (21) Senou et al., 2004: 402; (22) Shen,
here declared a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2, 1993: 533; (23) Smith & Heemstra, 1986: 795; (24) Talwar
as it has not been used as a valid name after 1899 [Code & Jhingran, 1991: 938; (25) Wu & Zhong, 2008: 507.
art.], and Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874b: 318 has
Oligolepis acutipennis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- Apocryptes nexipinnis Cantor, 1849: 1170 (type locality:
ciennes, 1837) Malaysia: Sea of Penang; syntypes: BMNH 1869.3.19.568
Gobius acutipennis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- –569 [2], Murdy, 1989: 21, Eschmeyer, 2011)
nes, 1837: 80 (type locality: India: Malabar; syntypes: Apocriptichthys sericus Herre, 1927b: 264, pl. 21 fig. 1 (type
MNHN A.1356 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 25) locality: China: Amoy [Xiamen]; holotype: BSM 11009,
Gobius setosus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 191)
1837: 81 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; syntypes: Apocryptes pellegrini Wu, 1931a: 48, fig. 8 (type locality:
MNHN 987 [3], Bauchot et al., 1991: 39; simultaneous China: Foochow [basin of Ming River up to Yenping
subjective synonym of Gobius acutipennis Valencien- [Yanping]]; holotype: ? MNHN [p. 1])
nes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 80, first reviser Apocryptichthys livingstoni Fowler, 1935a: 162, figs. 131–
[apparently Günther, 1861a: 44] gave precedence to 132 (type locality: Thailand: Paknam; holotype: ANSP
G. acutipennis) 63091, Böhlke, 1984: 107)
Gobius pasuruensis Bleeker, 1849d: 32 (type locality: In-
donesia: Java: Pasuruan; holotype ? [41 mm TL]: ? part
of RMNH 4821, Eschmeyer, 2011) Oxyurichthys Bleeker, 1857
Gobius melanostigma Bleeker, 1849d: 32 (type locality: Oxyurichthys Bleeker, 1857n: 464 (type species: Gobius
Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype ? [115 mm belosso Bleeker, 1854x: 316, by subsequent designation
TL]: part of RMNH 4821, Eschmeyer, 2011) by Bleeker, 1874b: 324). Gender masculine.
Gobius spilurus Bleeker, 1849d: 32 (type locality: Indone- Gobiichthys Klunzinger, 1871: 479 (subgenus of Apocryptes
sia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kammal; Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 142; type
holotype ? [42 mm TL]: ? part of RMNH 4821, Esch- species: Apocryptes petersii Klunzinger, 1871: 480, by
meyer, 2011) monotypy). Gender masculine.
Gobius Temminckii Bleeker, 1849d: 33 (type locality: Indo- Pselaphias Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 406 (type species: Go-
nesia: Java: Surabaya; holotype ? [45 mm TL]: ? part of bius ophthalmonema Bleeker, 1856k: 208, by original
RMNH 4821, Eschmeyer, 2011) designation). Gender masculine.
Oxyurichthys formosanus Nichols, 1958: 4, fig. 1 (type lo- Paeneapocryptes Herre, 1927b: 261 (subgenus of Parapo-
cality: Taiwan: Tam-Sui River; holotype: AMNH 20323) cryptes Bleeker, 1874b: 327; type species: Parapocryptes
? Oxyurichthys nijsseni Menon & Govindan, 1977: 13, fig. mindanensis Herre, 1927b: 262, by monotypy). Gender
1 (type locality: India: Tamil Nadu: Ennore estuary; ho- masculine.
lotype: ZSI F 250/76) Distribution notes. Records of O. uronema from estuaries
are misidentifications as this is a marine, off-shore species
Oligolepis cylindriceps (Hora, 1923) (H. K. Larson, pers. comm. 2004).
[Gobius uronema Weber, 1909: 153 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumbawa:
Ctenogobius cylindriceps Hora, 1923c: 745, fig. 26 (type Bima Bay; syntypes: ZMA 111.336 [2], Nijssen et al., 1993: 233)].
locality: India: Chilka Lake [18 stations, details omitted
here]; syntypes [18 series, total 155 ex.]: ZSI F 10189/1 Oxyurichthys microlepis (Bleeker, 1849)
[9], RMNH 12061, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 153, Esch- Gobius microlepis Bleeker, 1849d: 35 (type locality: Indo-
meyer, 2011) nesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Sumanap;
holotype ? [115 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6179 [44], Esch-
Oligolepis oligolepis (Bleeker, 1854) meyer, 2011)
Gobius oligolepis Bleeker, 1854d: 508 (type locality: Indo- Euctenogobius cristatus Day, 1873a: 109 (type locality: In-
nesia: Sumatra: Priaman; holotype [66 mm TL]: part of dia: Bombay and Madras [but all preserved specimens
RMNH 4821, Eschmeyer, 2011) possibly from Bombay]; syntypes: part of ZSI 75 [1],
190–191 [2], A.222 [1, lost], BMNH 1889.2.1.3398–
Oligolepis stomias (Smith, 1941) 3407 [11], RMNH 1910, MNHN A.14 [1], NMW 76911
Waitea stomias Smith, 1941b: 411, fig. 1 (type locality: Sa- [1], AMS B.8198 [1], ZMB 1910 [1], Whitehead & Tal-
moa: Upolu Island: Apia; holotype: USNM 51816) war, 1976: 161, Bauchot et al., 1991: 23, Eschmeyer,
Distribution notes. Freshwater record from Philippines 2011, Ferraris et al., 2000: 296)
(Mindanao) by Smith (1941: 412). Gobius longicauda Steindachner, 1893: 151 (type locality:
China: Swatow [Shantou]; syntypes: NMW 29504 [3],
Eschmeyer, 2011; not a primary junior homonym of
Oxuderces Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850 Gobius longicaudus Jenkins & Evermann, 1889: 146;
Oxuderces Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 181 (type species: also in Steindachner, 1893: 232)
Oxuderces dentatus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 182, by
monotypy). Gender masculine. Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema (Bleeker, 1856)
Gobius ophthalmonema Bleeker, 1856k: 208 (type locality:
Oxuderces dentatus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850 Indonesia: Ternate; holotype [83 mm TL]: RMNH 4542
Oxuderces dentatus Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 182, pl. 8 [1 of 6], Eschmeyer, 2011)
fig. 3 (type locality: China: Macao; holotype: MNHN Euctenogobius andamanensis Day, 1871c: 693 (type local-
A.1822, Springer, 1978: 4, figs. 2b, 3b, Bauchot et al., ity: India: Andaman Islands, brackish water; syntypes
1982: 69, Bauchot et al., 1991: 42) [3]: BMNH 1870.5.18.85 [2], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
148). It is retained as valid following Kovačić & Bogorod- about 1 km east of Ban Phathang; 19°36'33"N
sky (2013: 378). 103°42'10"E; holotype: ZRC 47855)
[Favonigobius Whitley, 1930a: 122 (type species: Gobius lateralis Ma-
cleay, 1881b: 602, by original designation). Gender masculine].
[Rhinogobius melanobranchus Fowler, 1934a: 82, figs. 24–25 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Bali: Den Pasar; holotype: ANSP 56333)]. Paragobius Bleeker, 1872
Paragobius Bleeker, 1872c: 128, 152 (type species: Gobius
Papillogobius reichei (Bleeker, 1849) knutteli Bleeker, 1857g: 16, by subsequent designation
? Gobius baliuroides Bleeker, 1849d: 26 (type locality: In- by Koumans, 1931: 97). Gender masculine.
donesia: eastern Madura: Sumanap; holotype ? [57 mm Myersina Herre, 1934a: 89 (type species: Myersina macro-
SL]: lost, Koumans, 1953: 380) stoma Herre, 1934a: 90, by original designation). Gen-
Gobius Reichei Bleeker, 1854d: 509 (type locality: Indone- der feminine.
sia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [55 mm TL]: RMNH Remarks. According to Hoese & Larson (2004: 168) Go-
4672, Gill & Miller, 1990: 523) bius knutteli is a junior synonym of G. filifer, which is placed
Gobius neilli Day, 1868c: 152 (type locality: India: Madras; in Myersina by Winterbottom (2002: 70) and Shibukawa &
syntypes: among ZSI 79 [lost], 173 [lost], 158 [lost], 2777 Satapoomin (2006: 29). Gobius knutteli is the type species
[lost], BMNH 1868.4.15.9 [1], 1889.2.1.4304–4309 [6], of Paragobius, which therefore has precedence over Myers-
uncat. [2], AMS B.8312 [1], NMW 33897 [1], MZUF ina.
4702, Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 162, Eschmeyer, 2011, [Gobius filifer Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 106 (type
locality: Sea of Indies; holotype: MNHN 994, Bauchot et al., 1991:
Ferraris et al., 2000: 300) 32)].
Ctenogobius cylindricus Bleeker, 1875d: 129 (type locali- [Gobius Knutteli Bleeker, 1857g: 16, 1858b: pl. 1 fig. 2 (type locality:
ty: Singapore; syntypes [2]: RMNH 4495 [2 of 3], Esch- Japan: Nagasaki; holotype: RMNH 4507, Hoese & Larson, 2004:
meyer, 2011) 174)].
Gobius zanzibarensis Sauvage, 1891: 365, pl. 41 fig. 1 (type
locality: Zanzibar; holotype: MNHN 2397, Bauchot et Paragobius macrostoma Herre, 1934
al., 1991: 41) Myersina macrostoma Herre, 1934a: 90 (type locality: Phil-
Rhinogobius robinsoni Fowler, 1934d: 428, fig. 13 (type ippines: reef in Culion harbor; holotype: CAS-SU 26770,
locality: South Africa: Natal coast; holotype: ANSP Böhlke, 1953: 115)
53437, Böhlke, 1984: 109) Nomenclatural notes. Macrostoma can be a noun or an
Aboma aliciae Herre, 1936a: 10, pl. 7 (type locality: reef in adjective. As used in the original description by Herre, it
Singapore harbor; holotype: CAS-SU 30952, Böhlke, cannot be decided if he regarded it as a noun or an adjec-
1953: 107, Koumans, 1953: 78) tive, and therefore it is a noun and indeclinable (Code art.
Ctenogobius godavariensis Rao, 1971b: 51, fig. 3b (type 31.2.2).
locality: India: lower reaches of Godavary estuary; ho-
lotype: ZMAU)
Pomatoschistus bacescui Nalbant & Mayer, 1975: 237, pl. 2 Parapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
fig. 5 (type locality: Tanzania: Bagamoyo, about 45 miles Parapocryptes Bleeker, 1874b: 327 (type species: Apoc-
north of Dar-es-Salaam, about 300 m south of river ryptes macrolepis Bleeker, 1851j: 66, by original desig-
mouth; holotype: MGAB 359) nation). Gender masculine.
Acentrogobius ennorensis Menon & Rema Devi, 1982: 54,
pl. A, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Madras, Ennore estu- Parapocryptes maculatus (Oshima, 1926)
ary; holotype: ZSI F.555, Eschmeyer, 2010) Apocryptes maculatus Oshima, 1926: 21 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy in part from Lim & Larson China: Hainan: Haiho; syntypes [9]: LU)
(1995: 259) and Hoese & Larson (in Eschmeyer, 2011).
Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson, 1846)
Apocryptes serperaster Richardson, 1846a: 206 (type lo-
Papuligobius Chen & Kottelat, 2003 cality: China: Macao; syntypes: specimen on which is
Papuligobius Kottelat, 2001a: 61 (nomen nudum) based Reeves' unpublished drawing [reproduced in
Papuligobius Chen & Kottelat, 2003a: 244 (type species: Whitehead & Joysey, 1967: 144, pl. 3 fig. 2], and UMZC,
Papuligobius uniporus Chen & Kottelat, 2003: 245, by now BMNH 1965.8.12.51 [1, listed as holotype by
original designation). Gender masculine. Murdy, 1989: 24], Whitehead, 1970a: 217)
Apocryptes Henlei Bleeker, 1849d: 37 (type locality: Indo-
Papuligobius ocellatus (Fowler, 1937) nesia: Java: Madura Strait near Surabaya and Kammal;
Tukagobius ocellatus Fowler, 1937: 250, fig. 261 (type lo- holotype ? [153 mm TL]: part of RMNH 4547 [3], Murdy,
cality: Thailand: Kemarat; holotype: ANSP 68248, 1989: 24)
Böhlke, 1984: 108) Apocryptes macrolepis Bleeker, 1851j: 66 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin;
Papuligobius uniporus Chen & Kottelat, 2003 syntypes [2, 220–230 mm TL]: lost, Murdy, 1989: 24)
Papuligobius uniporus Kottelat, 2001a: 61 (nomen nudum) Parapocryptes cantonensis Herre, 1932b: 441 (type locali-
Papuligobius uniporus Chen & Kottelat, 2003a: 245, fig. 2 ty: China: Canton fish market; holotype: CAS-SU 25721,
(type locality: Laos: Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Mat Böhlke, 1953: 116, Murdy, 1989: 24)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Boleophthalmus smithi Fowler, 1934a: 160, fig. 129 (type 69059 on p. 29], designated by Murdy, 1989: 29, 30)
locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60020, Gobius tredecemradiatus Hamilton, 1822: 48, 366 (type
Böhlke, 1984: 110) locality: India: Ganges [in estuaries, p. 43] [Calcutta;
Hora, 1934b: 485]; types: NT; simultaneous subjective
synonym of Gobius septemradiatus Hamilton, 1822: 46,
Parawaous Watson, 1993 first reviser [Murdy, 1989: 30] gave precedence to
Parawaous Watson, 1993: 178 (type species: Chaenogo- G. septemradiatus)
bius megacephalus Fowler, 1905a: 516, by original des- Periophthalmus borneënsis Bleeker, 1850i: 11 (type locali-
ignation). Gender masculine. ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma-
sin; syntypes [2, 85–90 mm TL]: RMNH 6193 [2], Esch-
Parawaous megacephalus (Fowler, 1905) meyer, 2011)
Chaenogobius megacephalus Fowler, 1905a: 516, fig. 15
(type locality: Borneo [? Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak:
Baram]; holotype: ANSP 114891 [ex WIAP 13900], Periophthalmus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801
Böhlke, 1984: 108) Periophthalmus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 63 (type spe-
cies: Periophthalmus papilio Bloch, in Schneider, 1801:
63, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1874b: 326).
Periophthalmodon Bleeker, 1874 Gender masculine.
Periophthalmodon Bleeker, 1874b: 326 (type species: Go- Euchoristopus Gill, 1863f: 271 (type species: Gobius koel-
bius schlosseri Pallas, 1770: 3, by original designation). reuteri Pallas, 1770: 8, by monotypy). Gender mascu-
Gender masculine. line.
Taxonomic notes. See Jaafar & Larson (2008: 950) for key.
? Periophthalmodon freycineti (Valenciennes, in Quoy & Nomenclatural notes. It is often assumed that the descrip-
Gaimard, 1824) tion of Gobius koelreuteri is based on a single specimen,
Periophthalmus Freycineti Valenciennes, in Quoy & Gai- thus holotype. However, Pallas (1770: 9) described the anal
mard, 1824: 257 (type locality: Indonesia: Timor: stream and first-dorsal fins of one specimen and he added in paren-
of Babao; holotype: lost, Bauchot et al., 1991: 61, Murdy, theses a second value (e.g. "in alio specimine", in another
1989: 27) specimen), which implies the existence of an additional spec-
Periophthalmus australis Castelnau, 1875: 22 (type locali- imen. He also gave a range for the caudal-fin ray count.
ty: Australia: north of Queensland; holotype: lost, Murdy, [Gobius koelreuteri Pallas, 1770: 8, pl. 2 figs. 1–3 (type locality: unknown;
syntypes: 2 specimens of Pallas and material of Koelreuter, 1763: 421,
1989: 27, Bauchot et al., 1991: 60) pl. 8 figs. 5–6)].
Distribution notes. The only Burmese record of this spe-
cies is probably erroneous Murdy (1989). The species is Species inquirenda
otherwise known only from Australia, New Guinea and the Periopthalmus scintillans Blyth, 1858a: 271 (type locality:
Philippines. Myanmar: Mergui; types: ZSI)
lost, Murdy, 1989: 39) fig. 14 (type locality: Indonesia: Flores: Mbawa; lecto-
Periophthalmus koelreuteri albostriatus Eggert, 1935: 73, type: ZMA 113.218 [1 out of 2], designated by Esch-
fig. 10 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Poeloe Popole; meyer et al., 1998: 104)
syntypes [2]: Universität Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 39) Periophthalmus melanotaeniatus Eggert, 1935: 93 (not
Periophthalmus koelreuteri velox Eggert, 1935: 75 (type available, name listed in synonymy; label on material in
locality: Indonesia: Java: sand beach opposite Amster- RMNH collected by Kuhl & van Hasselt)
dam Island near Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: Universität Periophthalmus argentilineatus striopunctatus Eggert, 1935:
Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 39) 94, pl. 9 fig. 36 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kali-
Periophthalmus koelreuteri africanus Eggert, 1935: 78, pl. 5 mantan Timur: Balikpapan; syntypes [5]: Universität
fig. 21 (type locality: Tanzania: Dar es Salaam; holo- Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 35)
type: ZMB 18365 [or 18364, Eschmeyer, 2011]) Periophthalmus sobrinus Eggert, 1935: 95, pl. 9 figs. 37–
Periophthalmus musgravei Whitley, 1961: 69 (type locali- 38 (type locality: Red Sea: Loe Arafali; possible synty-
ty: Papua New Guinea: Southeast Division: Misima Is- pes [2]: part of MCSNG 23257 [2], 7892 [1], Murdy,
land; holotype: AMS IA.5868) 1989: 32 [Murdy provided no detailed locality data;
Nomenclatural notes. This is the Periophthalmus kalolo Eggert explicitly listed only the Loe Arafali specimens
in Murdy (1989: 38), but the lectotype designation for as types])
P. kalolo by Eschmeyer et al. (1998: 824) makes P. kalolo a Nomenclatural notes. This is the Periophthalmus argenti-
senior synonym of Murdy's P. argentilineatus, and P. kal- lineatus of Murdy (1989: 32). Lesson (1831: 146) recorded
lopterus becomes the valid name for the present species. a single species of Periophthalmus from Waigeo and de-
scribed it as P. kalolo. The collection in MNHN includes a
Periophthalmus kalolo Lesson, 1831 single specimen collected by Lesson and Garnot in Waigeo,
Periophtalmus kalolo Lesson, 1831: 146 (type locality: In- MNHN A.1499 (Bauchot et al.,1991: 42, 43); it is either a
donesia: Waigiou Island [Waigeo]: Hoffack harbour; syntype or the holotype of P. kalolo. Valenciennes (in Cu-
holotype or lectotype: MNHN A.1499, designated by vier & Valenciennes, 1837) identified Lesson's material from
Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 824 [not by Murdy, 1989: 35]) Waigeo as P. koelreuteri (p. 181, with the common name
Periophthalmus argentilineatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & kalolo indicated p. 187) and P. argentilineatus (p. 192). It
Valenciennes, 1837: 191 (type locality: Indonesia: can only be conjectured whether he had two or more speci-
Waigeu Island [Waigeo]: Hoffack harbour; lectotype: mens, or whether he referred twice to the same specimen. In
MNHN A.1499, designated by Murdy, 1989: 35, Bau- any case, as Lesson recorded a single species of Perioph-
chot et al., 1991: 42; objective junior synonym of Peri- thalmus from Waigeo, the Waigeo syntype of P. argentili-
ophtalmus kalolo Lesson, 1831: 146) neatus was already part of the type series of P. kalolo.
Periophthalmus dipus Bleeker, 1854v: 320 (type locality: Murdy (1989: 35) had distinguished P. kalolo and
Indonesia: Java: Banten Province: Tjiringin / Sumatra: P. argentilineatus as two species and designated MNHN
Padang / Flores: Larantuka; syntypes [10, 75–112 mm TL]: A.1499 as lectotype of P. argentilineatus. The same speci-
probably part of RMNH 4593 [19], Murdy, 1989: 32) men was designated as lectotype of P. kalolo by Eschmeyer
Euchoristopus kalolo regius Whitley, 1931c: 326 (type lo- et al. (1998: 824), making it an objective senior synonym of
cality: northwestern Australia: King Sound; holotype: P. argentilineatus. As a result, the P. kalolo of Murdy has to
AMS I.14140, Murdy, 1989: 34 [specimen figured as be called P. kallopterus (q.v.) and the well-known P. argen-
Periophthalmus koelreuteri var. argentilineatus by Mc- tilineatus has to be called P. kalolo.
Culloch & Ogilby, 1919: 194, pl. 31 fig. 1])
Periophthalmus vulgaris Eggert, 1935: 81, pl. 6 figs. 23– Periophthalmus malaccensis Eggert, 1935
26, pl. 7 figs. 27–28 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Ba- Periophthalmus malaccensis Eggert, 1935: 62, figs. 3–4
tavia [Jakarta]; holotype: Universität Tübingen, lost) (type locality: Singapore; syntypes: Universität Tübin-
Periophthalmus vulgaris notatus Eggert, 1935: 83, pl. 7 gen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 39)
fig. 29 (type locality: Indonesia: Soengei [stream] on
Poeloe Klappa [Pulau Klappa, Klappa Island; in Malay- Periophthalmus minutus Eggert, 1935
sia according to Murdy, but spelling of Soengei [Sungei] Periophthalmus minutus Eggert, 1935: 90, figs. 15–16, pl. 8
and Poeloe [Pulu, Pulau] is Dutch, therefore locality is fig. 33 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Deli River and
likely to be in Indonesia; collection date given as 13 Sept. Brandan; syntypes: Universität Tübingen, lost, Murdy,
1929 and same collector [Harms] was in Ambon on 19 1989: 41)
Sept. 1939]; holotype ?: Universität Tübingen, lost,
Murdy, 1989: 35) Periophthalmus modestus (Cantor, 1842)
Periophthalmus vulgaris ceylonensis Eggert, 1935: 85 (type Apocryptes cantonensis Osbeck, 1757: 131 (pre-Linnean,
locality: Sri Lanka: Galle; syntypes [2]: possibly in Zo- name not available; identified by Linnaeus, 1758: 263 as
ologisches Institut der Universität Jena, Murdy, 1989: Gobius niger; named G. niger in Osbeck, 1765: 171 [Ger-
35 [Periophthalmus koelreuteri of Vasiliu, 1931: 353]) man translation], 1771: vol. 1: 201 [English translation])
Periophthalmus dipus parvus Eggert, 1935: 88, pl. 8 fig. 32 Apocryptes cantonensis Linnaeus, 1758: 263 (pre-Linnean
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Belawan; holotype name first published as a synonym, not available, Code
?: Universität Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 35) art. 11.6.2)
Periophthalmus dipus angustiformis Eggert, 1935: 89, Periophthalmus modestus Cantor, 1842: 484 (type locality:
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
China: Chusan Island [Zhoushan Dao]; syntypes [?]: (type locality: India: Uttarbhag, Ganges delta [original
BMNH 1860.3.19.39 [1]) type locality: India: Ganges (in estuaries, p. 43); Put-
Periophthalmus modestus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 147, tahaut (6 miles north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles
pl. 76 fig. 2 (type locality: Japan; syntypes: RMNH 1956 from Calcutta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; neotype: CAS-SU
[6], Boeseman, 1947: 127; junior primary homonym of 34776 [erroneously listed as 69060], designated by
Periophthalmus modestus Cantor, 1842: 484) Murdy, 1989: 43, Jaafar et al., 2009: 310, fig. 1)
Gobius tannoao Richardson, 1846: 206 (type locality: Chi- Periophthalmus pearsei Eggert, 1935: 57, pl. 3 fig. 10 (type
na: Canton; types: material on which is based Apocryptes locality: India: Port Canning, shores of Matla River; syn-
cantonensis of Osbeck, 1757: 131) types [8]: ? Universität Tübingen [if so, lost, Murdy,
Periophthalmus cantonensis Jordan & Snyder, 1902c: 49 1989: 43])
(type locality: Japan: Yotoku, Bay of Tokyo and locali- Distribution notes. See under P. variabilis. In area, record
ties of material in cited references; syntypes: ? CAS-SU from Rayong (Thailand) (Jaafar et al., 2009: 311).
and material on which are based P. modestus Cantor,
1842: 484, P. modestus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: Periophthalmus spilotus Murdy & Takita, 1999
147, P. modestus in Richardson, 1846: 208, 319, Günther, Periophthalmus spilotus Murdy & Takita, 1999: 367, figs. 1–
1861a: 98, Periophthalmus koelreuteri in Ishikawa, 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: [Riau:] Tebing Ting-
1897: 38, Gobius tannonao Richardson, 1846: 206, Apo- gi Island, 0°59'N 102°43'E; holotype: NSMT-P 54466)
cryptes cantonensis in Osbeck, "1757: 171" [? 1757: 131,
1765: 171], 1771: 201) Periophthalmus variabilis Eggert, 1935
Nomenclatural notes. Apocryptes cantonensis first ap- Periophthalmus variabilis Eggert, 1935: 63, fig. 5, pl. 3
peared in Osbeck (1757: 131) but is not available from that fig. 13 (type locality: Indonesia: Central Java: Hutan
work as it appeared before 1758 (Code art. 3). Linnaeus Payau, Tritih, Cilacap [original type locality: Indonesia:
(1758: 263) listed it as a synonym of his Gobius niger. Pre- Java: Tjilatjap]; neotype: MZB 15501, designated by Jaa-
Linnean names first published after 1758 in synonymy are far et al., 2009: 311, 313)
not available (Code art. 11.6.2). The name was later made Periophthalmus variabilis sumatranus Eggert, 1935: 65,
available when used by Jordan & Snyder (1902c: 49). See fig. 6, pl. 4 figs. 14–15 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra:
also under Boleophthalmus for discussion of Apocryptes Di Lido near Belawan, Baknan Brandan, Deli River, river
Osbeck, 1757. mouth in Padang, Perbaoengan near Medan / Mentawai
Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758 is based on material of at Island: Sipoerah / Java: Batavia [Jakarta] in "Kali 10";
least two species, an European one presently still called syntypes: Universität Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 43)
G. niger (and type species of Gobius Linnaeus, 1758, type Periophthalmus variabilis asiaticus Eggert, 1935: 66, fig. 7
genus of Gobiidae) and Periophthalmus modestus (material (type locality: Thailand: Paknam; syntypes [2]: Univer-
of Apocryptes cantonensis of Osbeck, 1757). The syntype sität Tübingen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 43)
NRM 103 is here designated as lectotype of G. niger. It has Periophthalmus variabilis tidemani Eggert, 1935: 67, fig. 8
been identified as the Gobius niger of modern European (type locality: Indonesia: Halmahera: Baboe Island in
literature by Fernholm & Wheeler (1983: 267). The identity the bay of Sidagnoli; syntypes [3]: Universität Tübin-
of the lectotype as G. niger has been confirmed by Sven gen, lost, Murdy, 1989: 43)
Kullander (NRM; pers. comm.). Taxonomic notes. Periophthalmus variabilis was earlier
Eschmeyer (2011) listed Cyprinus cantonensis Osbeck considered to be a synonym of P. novemradiatus and records
as a valid species of Periophthalmus. The original descrip- of the last species mostly refer to P. variabilis (Jaafar et al.,
tion of C. cantonensis is based on a cyprinid, certainly not a 2009: 311).
gobioid. The references cited by Eschmeyer do not mention
Cyprinus cantonensis, but Apocryptes cantonensis discussed Periophthalmus walailakae Darumas & Tantichodok,
above. 2002
[Gobius Linnaeus, 1758: 262 (type species: Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758: Periophthalmus walailakae Darumas & Tantichodok, 2002:
262, by subsequent designation by Gill, 1863e: 268; on Official List 102, figs. 2–3 (type locality: Thailand: Ranong Prov-
of Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1922b: 73 [Opinion 77], 1956b:
340 [Direction 56]). Gender masculine]. ince: Ngo; holotype: WURC 321)
[Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758: 262 (based on "Gobius ex nigricante vari-
us" of Artedi, 1738: gen 28, syn 46 [Gobius niger auctorum; littora et
lacus marini Italiae et Angliae], "Gobius niger" of Linnaeus, 1754b: Polyspondylogobius Kimura & Wu, 1994
74 and Apocryptes cantonensis of Osbeck, 1757: 131; type locality:
Mediterranean Sea [if specimen mentioned by Linné, 1764: 64]; lec- Polyspondylogobius Kimura & Wu, 1994: 421 (type spe-
totype: NRM 103, present designation, http://artedi.nrm.se/nrmfish/ cies: Polyspondylogobius sinensis Kimura & Wu, 1994:
imgfind.php?Category=catalogNumber&FormData=103, Fernholm & 422, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Wheeler, 1983: 267)].
[Cyprinus cantonensis Osbeck, 1765: 155 (type locality: China. Guang-
dong: Huam-pu (or Wampo), anchorage for all European boats in the Polyspondylogobius sinensis Kimura & Wu, 1994
river of Canton (or Ta-ho), 4 Swedish miles from the mouth of the Polyspondylogobius sinensis Kimura & Wu, 1994: 422, fig. 1
river at Boca Tiger and 1.5 miles from Canton; types: LU)]. (type locality: China: Guangdong: Yangjiang: estuary of
Beijin River, 21°50'N 112°00'E; holotype: SFC 926)
Periophthalmus novemradiatus (Hamilton, 1822)
Gobius novemradiatus Hamilton, 1822: 47, 366, pl. 2 fig. 14
Psammogobius Smith, 1935 nes, 1837: 148 (type locality: India: Pondicherry / Ben-
Psammogobius Smith, 1935b: 215 (type species Psammo- gal / Calcutta; syntypes: MNHN A.1370 [2], A.2528 [1],
gobius knysnaensis Smith, 1935b: 215 by original des- Bauchot et al., 1991: 18, Murdy, 1989: 48)
ignation). Gender masculine. Scartelaos calliurus Swainson, 1839: 280 (available by in-
dication to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 5 fig. 10 [Gobius
Psammogobius biocellatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & changua]; India: estuaries of the Ganges [Puttahaut (6
Valenciennes, 1837) miles north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from
Gobius biocellatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- Calcutta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; holotype: model of Hamil-
nes, 1837: 73 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holo- ton's figure, lost)
type: MNHN 990, Bauchot et al., 1991: 27) Gobius subunitus Hora, 1933: 130 (not available, name list-
Gobius eleotrioides Bleeker, 1849d: 25 (type locality: In- ed in synonymy)
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; holotype ? [78 mm TL]: Boleophthalmus taylori Fowler, 1934a: 159, fig. 128 (type
part of RMNH 4539 [4], Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 129) locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60019,
Gobius sumatranus Bleeker, 1854v: 83 (type locality: In- Böhlke, 1984: 110; secondary junior homonym of Apo-
donesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [64 mm TL]: RMNH cryptodon taylori Herre, 1927b: 279 when placed in
4539 [1 of 4], Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 129, Eschmey- Apocryptodon by Fowler, 1937: 257)
er, 2011) Apocryptodon edwardi Fowler, 1937: 257 (replacement
Gobius Zelei Sauvage, 1880c: 223 (type locality: Indone- name for Boleophthalmus taylori Fowler, 1934a: 159)
sia: Sulawesi: Macassar; holotype: MNHN A.1895, Bau-
chot et al., 1991: 41)
Glossogobius aglestes Jordan & Seale, 1905a: 798, fig. 16 Pseudogobiopsis Koumans, 1935
(type locality: Philippines: southern shore of Negros; Pseudogobiopsis Koumans, 1935: 131 (type species: Go-
holotype: USNM 51948, Akihito & Meguro, 1975: 129) biopsis oligactis Bleeker, 1875d: 113, by original desig-
Glossogobius vaisiganis Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 403, fig. 93 nation). Gender feminine.
(type locality: Western Samoa: Upolu Island: lower Taxonomic notes. Revised by Larson (2009).
reaches of Vaisigano River near Apia; holotype: USNM
51774 [1 of 2, figured specimen], Akihito & Meguro, Pseudogobiopsis festiva Larson, 2009
1975: 129, Eschmeyer, 2011) Pseudogobiopsis festivus Larson, 2009: 155, figs. 22, 24
Glossogobius abacopus Jordan & Richardson, 1909: 200, (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: 8.6 km after
pl. 74 (type locality: Taiwan: Takao [Kao-Hsiung]; ho- turnoff to Sungei Cina Matang after entrance to Matang
lotype: FMNH 52210 [designated on plate], Eschmeyer, Reserve, near Kuching; holotype: ZRC 40279)
Pseudobiopsis oligactis (Bleeker, 1875)
Gobiopsis oligactis Bleeker, 1875d: 113 (type locality: In-
Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874 donesia: Ambon; holotype [26 mm TL]: RMNH 4459,
Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874b: 328 (type species: Eleo- Larson, 2001a: 69)
tris lanceolata Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 67, by origi- Glossogobius campbellianus Jordan & Seale, 1907a: 542,
nal designation). Gender masculine. fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buytenzorg
[Bogor]; holotype: USNM 61051)
Pseudapocryptes borneensis (Bleeker, 1855) ? Gobius bombayensis Annandale, 1919: 138, pl. 1 fig. 5
Apocryptes borneënsis Bleeker, 1855l: 421 (type locality: (type locality: India: Bombay Presidency: Satara Dis-
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; trict: Yenna stream at Medha; holotype: ZSI F 9698/1)
syntypes [7, 60–112 mm TL]: lost, Murdy, 1989: 47) ? Glossogobius mas Hora, 1923c: 742, fig. 23 (type locali-
ty: India: Chilka Lake, off Samal Island / Rambha Bay /
Pseudapocryptes elongatus (Cuvier, 1816) off Barkul; syntypes [6]: ZSI, lost, Eschmeyer, 2011 [pos-
Eleotris lanceolata Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 67, pl. 15 sibly a synonym of Calamiana kabilia or Eugnathogo-
(type locality: India: Madras: Ennore estuary [original bius microps, Larson, 2001a: 68, 69])
type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, Pseudogobius neglectus Koumans, 1931: 102 (name on a
11°01'37"N 79°51'E]]; neotype: USNM 279321, desig- label, listed in synonymy, not available)
nated by Murdy, 1989: 48; secondary junior homonym Stigmatogobius neglectus Koumans, 1932: 5 (type locality:
of Gobius lanceolatus Bloch, 1783a: 8, pl. 38, when both Indonesia: western Java, in fresh and brackish estuaries;
placed in Gobius by Cuvier, 1816a: 255). syntypes: RMNH 4550 [16], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Gobius elongatus Cuvier, 1816a: 255 (replacement name Vaimosa perakensis Herre, 1940a: 21, pl. 16 (type locality:
for Eleotris lanceolata Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 67, Malaysia: Perak: lake above Chenderoh Dam; holotype:
pl. 15) CAS-SU 32975, Böhlke, 1953: 119)
Gobius changua Hamilton, 1822: 41, 365, pl. 5 fig. 10 (type Taxonomic notes. Tentative generic placement of Gobius
locality: India: estuaries of the Ganges [Puttahaut (6 miles bombayensis follows H. K. Larson (pers. comm. 2011); the
north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from Calcut- description and figure resemble P. oligactis.
ta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; types: NT)
Apocryptes dentatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pseudogobiopsis paludosa (Herre, 1940) holotype: CAS-SU 30984, Böhlke, 1953: 119)
Ctenogobius paludosus Herre, 1940a: 23, pl. 18 (type lo- Vaimosa adyari Herre, 1945d: 402 (type locality: India:
cality: Malaysia: Johor: 5 miles north of Kota Tinggi; Madras: Adyar River, opposite "The Anchorage", not far
holotype: CAS-SU 32998, Böhlke, 1953: 111, Larson, from Bay of Bengal; holotype: CAS-SU 39864, Larson,
2009: 163, fig. 27 2001a: 203)
Gobius flavescens De Vis, 1884f: 689 (type locality: Aus- Lophogobius wera Popta, 1922: 27 (type locality: Indone-
tralia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; syntypes: AMS I.434 sia: Sumbawa: Wera River, 40–50 masl; holotype: SMF
[2], Larson, 2010: 140; primary junior homonym of 6551, Larson, 2001a: 208, 2010: 170)
Gobius flauescens Fabricius, 1779: 322 [Code art. 58.4];
not homonym of Gobius flavescens La Cepède, 1800: Redigobius penango (Popta, 1922)
557, which was first listed in synonymy and therefore Pseudogobius penango Popta, 1922: 36 (type locality: In-
not available) donesia: Sulawesi Tenggara: Penango [4°18'N 121°58'E;
Vaimosa bikolana Herre, 1927b: 151, pl. 11 fig. 2 (type lo- see Elbert, 1911: 262, fig. 131, map 3]; lectotype: SMF
cality: Philippines: Luzon: Albay Province: creek at bar- 6579, designated by Larson, 2010: 179)
rio Puru, Legaspi; syntypes [6]: BSM 13232, lost, Kou-
mans, 1940a: 185) Redigobius tambujon (Bleeker, 1854)
Parvigobius immeritus Whitley, 1930a: 122 (replacement Gobius tambujon Bleeker, 1854x: 319 (type locality: Indo-
name for Gobius flavescens De Vis, 1884f: 689) nesia: Java: Panimbang River in Perdana / Tjiliwong
Vaimosa osgoodi Herre, 1935c: 420 (type locality: Fiji Is- River [Ciliwong] in Buitenzorg [Bogor]; lectotype:
lands: Viti Levu: river flowing into Suva harbor; holo- RMNH 4458, designated by Larson, 2010: 184)
type: FMNH 17387, Herre, 1936f: 360, fig. 22, Ibarra & Acentrogobius leptochilus Bleeker, 1875d: 131 (type local-
Stewart, 1987: 84, Larson, 2001a: 205, 2010: 135) ity: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [36 mm TL]: RMNH
Vaimosa chinensis Herre, 1935d: 287 (type locality: Hong 4663, Larson, 2001a: 208, 2010: 180)
Kong: tide pool; holotype: CAS-SU 30966, Böhlke, Gobius Römeri Weber, 1911: 39, fig. 8 (type locality: Indo-
1953: 118, Larson, 2010: 135) nesia: Aru Islands: Panua Bori River near Sungi [Sungei]
Vaimosa montalbani Herre, 1936d: 359, pl. 1 fig. 3 (type Manumbai, Wokam; lectotype: SMF 6703, designated
locality: Philippines: Mindoro: Lake Naujan; holotype: by Larson, 2010: 184; incorrect original spelling, must
CAS-SU 30967 [1 of 60], Böhlke, 1953: 119, Larson, be emended into roemeri, Code art.
2001a: 205, 2010: 141) Gobius reticularis Weber, 1911: 39, fig. 7 (type locality:
Mahidolia pagoensis Schultz, 1943: 240, fig. 20 (type lo- Indonesia: Aru Islands: creek near Wokamar, Wokam;
cality: Samoa: Tutuila Island: stream at Pago Pago; ho- lectotype: ZMA 112.661, designated by Larson, 2010: 184)
lotype: USNM 116113, Larson, 2001a: 205, 2010: 135) Vaimosa macrognathos Herre, 1927b: 145, pl. 10 fig. 2 (type
Vaimosa novae-hebudorum Fowler, 1944b: 180, figs. 27– locality: Philippines: Luzon: Batangas Province: Lake
28 (type locality: New Hebrides [Vanuatu]: in river; ho- Taal; lectotype: BSM 13059 [1 of 13], lost, designated
lotype: ANSP 71392, Larson, 2001a: 207, 2010: 135) by Koumans, 1940a: 185)
Stigmatogobius minutus Takagi, 1957: 114, fig. 5, pl. 6E Vaimosa sapanga Herre, 1927b: 152, pl. 11 fig. 3 (type lo-
(type locality: Japan: Kagoshima Pref.: Satsuma Penin- cality: Philippines: Luzon: Bulacan Province: Sapanga
sula, Tomary estuary; holotype: TUF 38, Akihito & Creek, Angat / Pampanga Province: Gumay River / Min-
Meguro, 1975: 49) danao: Misamis Province: brook on Allen ranch near
Stigmatogobius versicolor Smith, 1959a: 197, fig. 12 (type Cagayan; syntypes [26]: BSM 13229 [19], lost, Kou-
locality: Seychelles: Mahé, tidal stream; holotype: RUSI mans, 1940a: 185)
209, Larson, 2010: 135) Vaimosa koumansi Mukerji, 1935b: 268, pl. 6 fig. 3 (type
Stigmatogobius amblystoma Zander, 1972: 109, fig. 1 (type locality: India: Andaman Islands: North Andaman: hill
locality: Sri Lanka: Vakvella in southwest Sri Lanka; stream, half a mile from camp, Austen Straits; holotype:
holotype: ZMH H4635, Wilkens, 1977: 160, Larson, ZSI F 11789/1, apparently lost, Larson, 2010: 185)
2010: 135) Vaimosa horiae Herre, 1936b: 280 (type locality: Palau Is-
lands: creek on Bab-el-Thuap [Babeldaob]; lectotype:
Redigobius chrysosoma (Bleeker, 1875) largest specimen in CAS-SU 29070, designated by Lar-
Lophogobius chrysosoma Bleeker, 1875d: 114 (type locali- son, 2010: 185)
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma- Vaimosa cardonensis Herre, 1940d: 358, pl. 2 (type locali-
sin / Ambon; syntypes [4, 46–49 mm TL]: RMNH 4489, ty: Philippines: Luzon: Cardona, north coast of Laguna
Larson, 2001a: 207, 2010: 142) de Bay; holotype: CAS-SU 32980, Böhlke, 1953: 118,
Larson, 2010: 185)
Redigobius dispar (Peters, 1868) Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Larson (2010).
Gobius dispar Peters, 1868b: 264 (type locality: Philippines:
Luzon: Lake Batu; lectotype: ZMB 6702, designated by
Larson, 2010: 153, fig. 12) Rhinogobius Gill, 1859
Gobius sternbergi Smith, 1902b: 169, fig. (type locality: Rhinogobius Gill, 1859c: 145 (type species: Rhinogobius si-
Philippines: Luzon: Lake Buhi; syntypes [6]: USNM milis Gill, 1859c: 145, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
50536 [3], Larson, 2001a: 207, 2010: 153) Tukugobius Herre, 1927b: 119 (type species: Rhinogobius
carpenteri Seale, 1910a: 535, by original designation).
Redigobius oyensi (de Beaufort, 1913) Gender masculine.
Gobius oyensi de Beaufort, 1913: 137, fig. 4 (type locality: Sinogobius Liu, 1940: 215 (subgenus of Gobius Linnaeus,
Indonesia: Ceram [Seram]: upper course of Tubah River; 1758: 262; type species: Gobius szechuanensis Liu, 1940:
lectotype: ZMA 113.263, designated by Larson, 2010: 174) 213, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pseudorhinogobius Zhong & Wu, 1998: 148 (type species: Rhinogobius imfasciocaudatus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 717
Pseudorhinogobius aporus Zhong & Wu, 1998: 149, by (nomen nudum)
original designation). Gender masculine. Rhinogobius imfasciocaudatus Nguyen & Vo, in Nguyen
Taxonomic notes. Several of the following species were at [V. H.], 2005b: 638, fig. 7 (type locality: Vietnam: Ha
some time placed in Ctenogobius, a name now applied to a Giang Province: Song Lo in Ha Giang city; holotype:
genus of Atlantic gobies (see Robins & Lachner, 1966: 867; NCNTTSI; spelt imfasciocaudalus p. 638, an inadvert-
Reis et al., 2003: 658). See also under Synechogobius. ent error, thus incorrect original spelling [Code art.
Unavailable names
Rhinogobius nganfo Nguyen [T. T.], 1982: 28 (nomen nu- Rhinogobius albimaculatus Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1999
dum) Rhinogobius albimaculatus Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1999:
Rhinogobius nganfoensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 717 (no- 23, figs. 4–5 (type locality: Laos: Vientiane Province:
men nudum) Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San; 18°35'17"N
Rhinogobius nganfoensis Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 103°05'00"E; holotype: ZRC 45288)
2005b: 449, fig. 235 (not available; locality: Vietnam: Nghe
An Province: Lam River, Da Dung; material: VUP [2]) Rhinogobius boa Chen & Kottelat, 2005
Nomenclatural notes. Nguyen [V. H.] (2005b: 449) listed Rhinogobius boa Chen & Kottelat, 2005: 1409, fig. 10 (type
Nguyen [T. T.] (1983: 131, pl. 3 fig. 1) as author of R. nga- locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Hai Ninh Dis-
nfoensis. Nguyen [T. T.] (1983) is an unpublished thesis and trict, torrent at km 5 on road Bac Phong Sinh to Mong
the name is not available from it. As the description in Ngu- Cai, 21°35'31"N 107°43'52"E; holotype: ZRC 49206)
yen [V. H.] (2005b) is from Nguyen [T. T.] (1983), I treat
the author as Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.]. The Code Rhinogobius brunneus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
art. 16.1 requires that, after 1999, a new name must be ex- Gobius brunneus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 142, pl. 74
plicitly indicated as intentionally new. This is not the case fig. 2 (type locality: Japan: mouth of rivers entering the
for R. nganfoensis and the name is not available. Further, to bay of Nagasaki; lectotype: RMNH 1923, designated by
be available, a new specific name published after 1999 must Koumans, 1935: 149 [Code art. 74.5]; description based
be accompanied by the explicit designation of a holotype or on lectotype; plate based on a different species; Kou-
syntypes (art. 16.4). Nguyen [V. H.] (2005b) mentioned that mans, 1935: 149, Boeseman, 1947: 123)
the description wa based on two specimens but they were Ctenogobius bedfordi Regan, 1908a: 62, pl. 3 fig. 1 (type
not mentioned as a holotype or syntypes. locality: South Korea: Chong-ju; syntypes [2, 70–75 mm
TL]: BMNH 1907.12.30.42–46 [2 out of 5])
Rhinogobius vinhensis Nguyen, 1982: 28 (nomen nudum) Rhinogobius nagoyae Jordan & Seale, 1906b: 147, fig. 5
Rhinogobius vinhensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 717 (nomen (type locality: Japan: sent from Nagoya; holotype: CAS-
nudum) SU 9262, Böhlke, 1953: 116)
Rhinogobius vinhensis Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.], Distribution notes. In area, recorded from northern Viet-
2005b: 450, fig. 236 (not available; locality: Vietnam: nam (possibly introduced).
Ha Tinh Province: Huong Son District; material: VUP [2])
Nomenclatural notes. Nguyen [V. H] (2005b: 450) listed Rhinogobius bucculentus (Herre, 1927)
Nguyen [T. T.] (1983: 131, pl. 3 fig. 6) as author of R. vinh- Tukugobius bucculentus Herre, 1927b: 121, pl. 8 fig. 4 (type
ensis. Nguyen [T. T.] (1983) is an unpublished thesis and locality: Philippines: Luzon: Nueva Vizcaya Province:
the name is not available from it. As the description in Ngu- creek at Santa Fé; holotype: BSM 11543, lost, Koumans,
yen [V. H.] (2005b) is from Nguyen [T. T.] (1983), I treat 1940a: 183)
the author as Nguyen [T. T.], in Nguyen [V. H.]. The Code
art. 16.1 requires that, after 1999, a new name must be ex- Rhinogobius carpenteri Seale, 1910
plicitly indicated as intentionally new. This is not the case Rhinogobius carpenteri Seale, 1910a: 535 (type locality:
for R. vinhensis and the name is not available. Further, to be Philippines: Luzon: Trinidad River, Baguio; holotype:
available, a new specific name published after 1999 must BSM 914, lost)
be accompanied by the explicit designation of a holotype or
syntypes (art. 16.4). Nguyen [V. H.] (2005b) mentioned that Rhinogobius changjiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang,
the description was based on two specimens but they were 2002
not mentioned as a holotype or syntypes. Rhinogobius changjiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang,
2002: 260, fig. 2 (type locality: China: Hainan: upper
Species inquirendae hill stream of Changhwajiang River; holotype: NMMB
Rhinogobius longipinnis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 717 (no- P-1901)
men nudum)
Rhinogobius longipinnis Nguyen & Vo, in Nguyen [V. H.], Rhinogobius chiengmaiensis Fowler, 1934
2005b: 636, fig. 6 (type locality: Vietnam: Thai Nguyen Rhinogobius chiengmaiensis Fowler, 1934a: 157, fig. 126
Province: Dai Tu district: Nui Coc reservoir; holotype: (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai; holotype: ANSP
NCNTTSI) 59774, Böhlke, 1984: 105)
*Rhinogobius cliffordpopei (Nichols, 1925) Rhinogobius linshuiensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang, 2002
Gobius cliffordpopei Nichols, 1925f: 5 (type locality: Chi- Rhinogobius linshuiensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang, 2002:
na: Hunan: Tungting Lake; holotype: AMNH 8438) 264, fig. 3 (type locality: China: Hainan: hill stream 5 km
Distribution notes. Introduced. SE of Pauting, Linshui River; holotype: NMMB P-1902)
Rhinogobius duospilus (Herre, 1935) Rhinogobius maculicervix Chen & Kottelat, 2000
Ctenogobius duospilus Herre, 1935d: 286 (type locality: Rhinogobius maculicervix Chen & Kottelat, 2000: 82, fig. 1
China: Hong Kong: a brook in the hills of the New Ter- (type locality: Laos: Mekong basin: Louang Namtha
ritory; holotype: CAS-SU 30955, Böhlke, 1953: 110) Province: Nam Youan at ford south of Ban Muang Mon;
Ctenogobius whitleyi Herre, 1936e: 184 (type locality: Chi- 21°19'28"N 101°10'19"E; holotype: ZRC 45294)
na: Hong Kong: New Territory: brook at Sha Tin; holo-
type: CAS-SU 31666, Eschmeyer, 2011) Rhinogobius mekongianus (Pellegrin & Fang, 1940)
Ctenogobius wui Liu, 1940: 215, fig. 2 (type locality: Chi- Gobius mekongianus Pellegrin & Fang, 1940: 122, fig. 6
na: Guangxi: Yaoshan; syntypes: LU [35]) (type locality: Laos: Ban Nam Khueng, 30 km north-
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Pan (1991). west of Ban Houei Sai, about 6 km from Mekong; syn-
types: MNHN 1939-0261 [3], Bauchot et al., 1991: 36)
Rhinogobius flavoventris Herre, 1927 Ctenogobius cephalopardus Smith, 1945: 546, fig. 106 (type
Rhinogobius flavoventris Herre, 1927a: 276, pl. 1 fig. 1 (type locality: Thailand: Chiang Mai Province: Huey Melao
locality: Philippines: Luzon: Lake Taal; syntypes [37]: on Doi Hua Mot, tributary of Mekok itself tributary of
BSM, lost) Mekong; holotype: USNM 119580)
Rhinogobius giurinus (Rutter, 1897) Rhinogobius milleri Chen & Kottelat, 2003
Gobius giurinus Rutter, 1897: 86 (type locality: China: Rhinogobius milleri Kottelat, 2001a: 61, 2001c: 157 (no-
Swatow [Shantou]; holotype: CAS-SU 4990, Böhlke, men nudum)
1953: 113) Rhinogobius milleri Chen & Kottelat, 2003b: 88, fig. 1 (type
Ctenogobius hadropterus Jordan & Snyder, 1901c: 60, fig. 7 locality: Laos: Xiangkhouang Province: Nam Kuang (a
(type locality: Japan: Hizen: Nagasaki; holotype: CAS- tributary of Nam Mat), about 2 km southwest of Ban
SU 6449, Böhlke, 1953: 110) Lao, 19°38'35"N 103°28'52"E; holotype: ZRC 46581)
Aboma tsinanensis Fowler, 1930b: 30, fig. 2 (type locality: Nomenclatural notes. Comment by Eschmeyer (2011) that
China: Tsinan: Da Ming Hu; holotype: ANSP 52020, the name Rhinogobius milleri is available from Kottelat
Böhlke, 1984: 110) (2001c: 157) is erroneous. The name is not available from
Ctenogobius lini Herre, 1934c: 289 (type locality: China: this work since there was no explicit intention to establish a
Guangxi: Fu River at Wuchow; holotype: CAS-SU 29089 new taxon and no fixation of holotype (Code arts. 16.1,
[1 of 4], Böhlke, 1953: 110) 16.4.1). There is also an explicit mention that the original
Distribution notes. Recorded in area in Hainan and coastal description was published elsewhere.
drainages of Guangxi. Introduced in middle Salween (Thai-
land; pers. obs.) and Singapore (Larson et al., 2008: 144). Rhinogobius nammaensis Chen & Kottelat, 2003
Rhinogobius nammaensis Kottelat, 2001a: 61, 2001c: 157
Rhinogobius honghensis Chen, Yang & Chen, 1999 (nomen nudum)
Rhinogobius honghensis Chen, Yang & Chen, 1999: 47, Rhinogobius nammaensis Chen & Kottelat, 2003b: 90, fig. 2
fig. 1 (type locality: China: Yunnan: small hill stream of (type locality: Laos: Houaphan Province: Nam Et up-
Pingbien, Honghe River basin; holotype: KIZ 846815) stream of Muang Et, Nam Ma basin, 20°48'25"N
104°00'18"E; holotype: ZRC 46582)
Rhinogobius leavelli (Herre, 1935) Nomenclatural notes. Comment by Eschmeyer (2011) that
Ctenogobius leavelli Herre, 1935a: 396 (type locality: Chi- the name Rhinogobius nammaensis is available from Kotte-
na: Kwangsi: hill streams around Wuchow; holotype: lat (2001c: 157) is erroneous. The name is not available from
CAS-SU 29077 [1 of 55], Böhlke, 1953: 110) this work since there was no explicit intention to establish a
? Ctenogobius cervicosquamus Wu, Lu & Ni, in Kuang, new taxon and no fixation of holotype (Code arts. 16.1,
1986: 291, fig. 167 (type locality: China: Hainan: Qion- 16.4.1). There is also an explicit mention that the original
gzhong County: Changhua River; holotype: Pearl River description was published elsewhere.
Fisheries Research Institute HN 833124)
Rhinogobius nandujiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang,
Rhinogobius lineatus Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1999 2002
Rhinogobius lineatus Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1999: 27, Rhinogobius nandujiangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang,
figs. 6–7 (type locality: Laos: Bolikhamxai Province: rap- 2002: 265, fig. 4 (type locality: China: Hainan: small hill
ids on Nam Gnouang, a tributary of Nam Theun downri- stream of Nandujiang River; holotype: NMMB P-1903)
ver of Ban Thabak; 18°16'50"N 104°38'00"E; holotype:
ZRC 45290) Rhinogobius philippinus (Herre, 1927)
Tukugobius philippinus Herre, 1927b: 124 (type locality:
Philippines: Luzon: Rizal Province: Irid River, Santa
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Ines / Bulacan Province: Banaban River, Angat / and 8 hill creek of Wangchuang River; holotype: NMMB P-
additional localities listed p. 126; syntypes [88]: BSM 1904)
12406, 26469–26489, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 184)
Rhinogobius taenigena Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1998 Scartelaos cantoris (Day, 1871)
Rhinogobius taenigena Chen, Kottelat & Miller, 1998: 29, Apocryptichtes cantoris Day, 1871c: 693 (type locality: In-
fig. 8 (type locality: Laos: Savannakhet Province: Xe dia: Andaman Islands; lectotype: BMNH 1870.5.18.23,
Bang Hiang basin: Xe Pon between rapids upstream and designated by Springer, 1978: 9, fig. 6)
downstream of Ban Fuang; 16°37'06"N 106°33'30"E; Boleopthalmus glaucus Day, 1876a: 306, pl. 65 fig. 3 (type
holotype: ZRC 45293) locality: Andaman Islands: part of ? ZSI 168 [1], RMNH
2009 [1], AMS B.8121 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976:
Rhinogobius variolatus Chen & Kottelat, 2005 161, Murdy, 1989: 50, fig. 49, Eschmeyer, 2011, Fer-
Rhinogobius variolatus Chen & Kottelat, 2005: 1417, fig. 12 raris et al., 2000: 297)
(type locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Cam Pha
District, small coastal stream, at about km 10 on road Scartelaos histophorus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
from Mong Duong to Tien Yen, 21°05'38"N lenciennes, 1837)
107°21'02"E; holotype: ZRC 49202) Gobius viridis Hamilton, 1822: 42, 366, pl. 32 fig. 12 (type
locality: India: estuaries of the Ganges [Puttahaut (6 miles
Rhinogobius vermiculatus Chen & Kottelat, 2003 north of Luckipore) or Baruipur (18 miles from Calcut-
Rhinogobius vermiculatus Kottelat, 2001a: 62, 2001c: 158 ta); Hora, 1934b: 485]; types: NT; junior primary hom-
(nomen nudum) onym of G. viridis Otto, 1821a: 1, 1821b: 7)
Rhinogobius vermiculatus Chen & Kottelat, 2003b: 91, fig. 3 Boleophthalmus histophorus Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
(type locality: Laos: Houaphan Province: Houay Tan- Valenciennes, 1837: 210 (type locality: India: Bombay /
goua, small stream entering Nam Xam in Ban Houtan- Ganges; syntypes: MNHN A.1477 [2], A.1478 [3],
goua, 20°09'24"N 104°32'50"E; holotype: ZRC 46583) A.1479 [2], A.1480 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 19, Murdy,
Nomenclatural notes. Comment by Eschmeyer (2011) that 1989: 52)
the name Rhinogobius vermiculatus is available from Kot- Boleophthalmus sinicus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
telat (2002a: 61) is erroneous. The name is not available ciennes, 1837: 215 (type locality: China; holotype: spec-
from this work since there was no explicit intention to es- imen on which unpublished figure is based; simultaneous
tablish a new taxon and no fixation of holotype (Code arts. subjective synonym of Boleophthalmus histophorus Va-
16.1, 16.4.1). There is also an explicit mention that the orig- lenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 210, first
inal description was published elsewhere. reviser [apparently Murdy, 1989: 52] gave precedence
to B. histophorus)
? Rhinogobius vexillifer (Fowler, 1937) Boleophthalmus chinensis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
Ctenogobius vexillifer Fowler, 1937: 252, fig. 282 (type lo- lenciennes, 1837: 215 (type locality: China: Canton;
cality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 68252, holotype: specimen on which unpublished figure is
Böhlke, 1984: 111) based; simultaneous subjective synonym of Boleophthal-
mus histophorus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
Rhinogobius virgigena Chen & Kottelat, 2005 nes, 1837: 210, first reviser [apparently Murdy, 1989:
Rhinogobius virgigena Chen & Kottelat, 2005: 1423, fig. 13 52] gave precedence to B. histophorus)
(type locality: Vietnam: Quang Ninh Province: Ba Che Boleophthalmus aucupatorius Richardson, 1845b: 148, pl. 62
District, tributary of Ba Che River, about 11 km from Ba figs. 1–4 (type locality: China: Woosung and Canton; syn-
Che on road to Tien Yen, 21°17'10"N 107°20'02"E; ho- types: BMNH 1848.3.18.57–58 [2], 1965.8.12.52–53 [2],
lotype: ZRC 49204) Whitehead, 1970a: 217, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Boleophthalmus campylostomus Richardson, 1846a: 209
Rhinogobius wangchuangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang, (type locality: China: Canton; holotype: ? BMNH
2002 1917.7.14.89, Whitehead & Joysey, 1967: 144, 155,
Rhinogobius wangchuangensis Chen, Miller, Wu & Fang, Murdy, 1989: 52 [only if it is the specimen on which is
2002: 266, fig. 5 (type locality: China: Hainan: small based Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
also in Day, 1876a: 299, pl. 64 fig. 7) tributary of Nanpil-Kiepw River; holotype: CAS 67387)
Taxonomic notes. Sicydium franouxi is listed as a synonym Taxonomic notes. Watson et al. (2000: 13) listed numerous
of S. fasciatus by Bauchot et al. (1991: 44) but is a valid nominal species as synonyms of their S. lagocephalus, in-
species (Sparks & Nelson, 2004: 4). cluding the Mascarene S. coeruleus and S. laticeps, which
[Sicydium Franouxi Pellegrin, 1935: 71 (type locality: Madagascar: Ankon- Sparks & Nelson (2004) considered to be a distinct species.
dro, a hill stream near Tsimelahy, near Ranopitso, area of Port Dau- Their synonymy also included several nominal species from
phin; holotype: MNHN 1935-0017, Bauchot et al., 1991: 44, Sparks
& Nelson, 2004: 4, fig. 2)]. islands of the Pacific Ocean, which I consider to be one or
several distinct species. Sicyopterus macrostetholepis is the
Sicyopterus hageni Popta, 1921 earliest name available for them.
Sicyopterus hageni Popta, 1921: 211 (type locality: Indone- Nomenclatural notes. In recent years, this species has been
sia: Lombok: Sapit / Sumbawa: Brang Nee River / Wetar: identified as Sicyopterus lagocephalus (e.g. Watson et al.,
stream near Ilmedo; syntypes [20]: SMF 6621 [1], 6622– 2000: 13, Keith, Vigneux & Bosc, 1999: 116, Marquet, Keith
6637 [16], 6638 [1], Watson et al., 2000: 22) & Vigneux, 2003: 234). The identity of the type series of
Gobius lagocephalus has been unclear as the two syntypes
Sicyopterus longifilis de Beaufort, 1912 were lost; one was from "America" (Pallas, 1770: 14) and
Sicyopterus longifilis de Beaufort, 1912: 140 (type locality: the other had no locality information (Koelreuter, 1764: 428).
Indonesia: West Ceram [Seram]: upper course of Tubah A neotype designation (Kottelat, 2007: 694) cleared the iden-
River; syntypes [3]: ZMA 112.562 [2], Nijssen et al., tity of the species and fixed the type locality as Réunion.
1993: 233; also in de Beaufort, 1913: 146, fig. 8) [Gobius lagocephalus Pallas, 1770: 14, pl. 2 figs. 6–7 (type locality: local-
ity: Réunion: Ravine St Gilles [original type locality: "America"]; neo-
Sicyopterus lacrymosus Herre, 1927b: 303, pl. 24 fig. 1 (type type: SMF 28571, designated by Kottelat, 2007: 694; neotype desig-
locality: Philippines: Abra Province: Abra River, nation by Fricke, 1999a: 522 invalid as it does not satisfy requirement
Bangued / Ilocos Norte Province: Laoag River / Mind- of Code art. 75.3, 75.3.2, 75.3.4, 75.3.5, 75.3.6; neotype designation
anao: Lanao Province: Titunod River, Kolambugan; syn- by Watson et al., 2000: 13 invalid as it does not satisfy requirement of
Code art. 75.3.1, 75.3.4, 75.3.5, 75.3.6; figure reproduced in Bonna-
types [29]: BSM 12995 [1], 26205–26212 [8], 10618 terre, 1788: pl. 36 fig. 141; see also ICZN, 2009: 373 [Opinion 2239])].
[1], lost, Koumans, 1940a: 193) [Gobius coeruleus La Cepède, 1800: 537, 560 (type locality: Réunion;
syntypes: specimens on which Commerson's manuscripts are based;
Sicyopterus macrostetholepis (Bleeker, 1853) spelt caeruleus p. 537, first reviser [Bauchot et al., 1991: 55] retained
coeruleus as correct original spelling)].
Sicydium macrostetholepis Bleeker, 1853f: 271 (type local- [Sicydium laticeps Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 177
ity: Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [77 mm TL]: (type locality: Bourbon Island [Réunion]; syntypes: MNHN 841 [1],
? part of RMNH 6188, Eschmeyer, 2011) 918 [1], Watson et al., 2000: 19, Bauchot et al., 1991: 44)].
? Sicydium xanthurus Bleeker, 1853f: 271 (type locality:
Indonesia: western Sumatra; holotype [64 mm TL]: LU; Sicyopterus microcephalus (Bleeker, 1855)
simultaneous subjective synonym of Sicydium macro- Sicydium microcephalus Bleeker, 1855b: 437 (type locali-
stetholepis Bleeker, 1853f: 271, first reviser [apparently ty: Indonesia; Java: Banten Province: Tjibiliong; synty-
Kottelat et al., 1993: 153] gave precedence to S. macro- pes [2, 105–112 mm TL]: RMNH 4768 [2 of 4], Esch-
stetholepis) meyer, 2011)
Sicydium gymnauchen Bleeker, 1858c: 11 (type locality: Sicyopterus garra Hora, in Annandale & Hora, 1925: 35,
Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado; syntypes [more than 300, pl. 2 figs. 2–5 (type locality: India: Andaman Islands:
23–34 mm TL]: part of RMNH 6191 [1946], Eschmey- South Andaman: Birchgunge / streamlet out of reservoir
er, 2011) at base of Mount Harriet; syntypes [total 8]: ZSI F 10831/
Sicydium tæniurum Günther, 1877: 183, pl. 112 fig. C (type 1 [2], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 154)
locality: Fiji Islands: Viti Levu: Aneiteum and Namusi;
syntypes: ? BMNH, NMW [material of Sicydium lago- Sicyopterus micrurus (Bleeker, 1854)
cephalum of Kner, 1868b: 327] [doubtful type status: Sicydium micrurus Bleeker, 1854b: 341 (type locality: In-
MHNG 660.58 [3], SMNS 2787 [1], Watson et al., 2000: donesia: Ambon; holotype [80 mm TL]: RMNH 4666,
21]) Eschmeyer, 2011)
Sicydium halei Day, 1888a: 794 (type locality: Sri Lanka; Sicyopterus zurstrasseni Popta, 1921: 213 (type locality:
holotype: NMSL, probably lost, Pethiyagoda, 1991: 336) Indonesia: Wetar; holotype: SMF 6552, Watson et al.,
? Sicyopterus tauae Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 410, fig. 96 (type 2000: 22)
locality: W. Samoa: Upolu Island: Vaisigano River, Apia;
holotype: USNM 51787 [not 51786], Koumans, 1940a: Sicyopterus panayensis Herre, 1927
126) Sicyopterus panayensis Herre, 1927b: 313, fig. 5 (type lo-
Sicyopterus extraneus Herre, 1927b: 311 (type locality: cality: Philippines: Panay: Antique Province: San Jose;
Philippines: Leyte: Cabalian; lectotype: BSM 10588, lost, lectotype: BSM 13137, lost, designated by Koumans,
designated by Koumans, 1940a: 193) 1940a: 193)
Bryanina inana Fowler, 1932: 10, fig. 5 (type locality: Ta-
hiti: Papenoo Valley, Vai Tuoru River; holotype: BPBM Sicyopterus parvei (Bleeker, 1853)
3494, Koumans, 1940a: 157) Sycidium Parvei Bleeker, 1853g: 426 (type locality: Indo-
? Sicyopterus eudentatus Parenti & Maciolek, 1993: 964, nesia: Java: Preanger Province: Garut; syntypes [3, 70–
fig. 10 (type locality: Caroline Islands: Ponape: fourth 119 mm TL]: RMNH 4504 [3], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Sicyopterus wichmanni (Weber, 1894) RMNH 4766 [2], Watson, 1995b: 87, 1995c: 271, 1999:
Sicydium wichmanni Weber, 1894: 413 (type locality: Indo- 97; simultaneous subjective synonym of Sicydium zos-
nesia: Timor: river near Kupang; lectotype: ZMA terophorum Bleeker, 1856n: 296, first reviser [Watson,
111.274, designated by Koumans, 1953: 226) 1995b: 87] gave precedence to S. zosterophorum)
Taxonomic notes. Material illustrated as Sicyopus balinen-
sis by Kottelat et al. (1993: 153) is S. discordipinnis, a spe-
Sicyopus Gill, 1863 cies known only from New Guinea, New Hannover and
Sicyopus Gill, 1863d: 262 (type species: Sicyopus zostero- Bougainville Islands.
phorum Bleeker, 1856n: 296, by subsequent designation Nomenclatural notes. Zosterophorum is a compound name
by Bleeker, 1874b: 311). Gender masculine. ending in a latinized adjective (phorus, -a, -um, from the
Juxtastiphodon Watson, 1999: 94 (subgenus of Sicyopus Greek phoros, bearing), thus it has to agree in gender with
Gill, 1863d: 262; type species: Sicyopus nigriradiatus the generic name Sicyopus (Code art. 31.2.1).
Parenti & Maciolek, 1993: 958, by original designation). [Sicyopus discordipinnis Watson, 1995c: 273, fig. 1 (type locality: Papua
Gender masculine. New Guinea: Letak creek, 25 km southeast of Wewak; holotype: WAM
? Akihito Watson, Keith & Marquet, 2007: 342 (type spe-
cies: Akihito vanuatu Watson, Keith & Marquet, 2007:
344, by original designation). Gender masculine. Stenogobius Bleeker, 1874
Taxonomic notes. Smilosicyopus was originally described Stenogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 317 (type species: Gobius gym-
as subgenus of Sicyopus but is a distinct genus, following nopomus Bleeker, 1853f: 270, by original designation).
Keith et al. (2011). Gender masculine.
[Smilosicyopus Watson, 1999: 96 (subgenus of Sicyopus Gill, 1863d: 262;
type species: Sicyopus leprurus Sakai & Nakamura, 1979: 43, by orig- Insularigobius Watson, 1991: 606 (subgenus of Stenogo-
inal designation). Gender masculine]. bius Bleeker, 1874b: 317; type species: Gobius genivit-
tatus Valenciennes, 1837: 64, by original designation).
Species inquirenda Gender masculine.
Gobius polycynodon Bleeker, 1849d: 25 (type locality: In-
donesia: Java: Pasuruan; holotype ? [39 mm TL]: RMNH Stenogobius blokzeyli (Bleeker, 1860)
4767 [disintegrated], Koumans, 1953: 385, Eschmeyer, Gobius Blokzeyli Bleeker, 1860n: 240 (type locality: Indo-
2011) nesia: Bali; syntypes [2, 76–97 mm TL]: RMNH 4511
[2], Watson, 1991: 632)
Sicyopus auxilimentus Watson & Kottelat, 1994
Sicyopus auxilimentus Watson & Kottelat, 1994: 358, fig. 5 Stenogobius gymnopomus (Bleeker, 1853)
(type locality: Philippines: Leyte: Lagu Lagu creek, about Gobius gymnopomus Bleeker, 1853f: 270 (type locality:
2 km from sea, southern margin of Visayan State Col- Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman; holotype [89 mm TL]:
lege of Agriculture, about 7 km north of Baybay; holo- RMNH 4552 [1 of 5], Watson, 1991: 532)
type: ZRC 38286) Gobius Richardsonii Bleeker, 1854d: 508 (type locality:
Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype [70 mm TL]:
Sicyopus cebuensis Chen & Shao, 1998 RMNH 4552 [1 of 5] or 4990 [1], Watson, 1991: 582,
Sicyopus cebuensis Chen & Shao, 1998: 98, figs. 1–2 (type Eschmeyer, 2011)
locality: Philippines: Cebu: Ulin brook, tributary of Naga
River; holotype: ASIZP 057825) Stenogobius ingeri Watson, 1991
Stenogobius ingeri Watson, 1991: 586, fig. 8 (type locality:
Sicyopus exallisquamulus Watson & Kottelat, 2006 Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Tawau District: Sungei
Sicyopus exallisquamulus Watson & Kottelat, 2006: 125, Marikut, Kalabakan; holotype: FMNH 68462)
fig. 4 (type locality: Indonesia: Maluku: Halmahera:
Sungei Okitai, about 10 km upstream from coast, just Stenogobius kyphosus Watson, 1991
below waterfalls; holotype: MZB 5918) Stenogobius kyphosus Watson, 1991: 639, fig. 29 (type lo-
cality: Philippines: Camiguin: Mahinog River; holotype:
Sicyopus multisquamatus de Beaufort, 1912 USNM 99878)
Sicyopus multisquamatus de Beaufort, 1912: 142 (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: West Ceram [Seram]: brook in the Stenogobius mekongensis Watson, 1991
mountains near Honitetu; holotype: ZMA 110.982, Wat- Stenogobius mekongensis Watson, 1991: 592, fig. 11 (type
son, 1995c: 276; also in de Beaufort, 1913: 145, fig. 7) locality: Vietnam: Upper Mekong delta: Bassac River at
Chau-Doc; holotype: NSMT P.23911)
Sicyopus zosterophorus (Bleeker, 1856)
Sicydium zosterophorum Bleeker, 1856n: 296 (type locali- Stenogobius ophthalmoporus (Bleeker, 1854)
ty: Indonesia: Bali: Boleling; holotype [51 mm TL]: Gobius ophthalmoporus Bleeker, 1854b: 340 (type locali-
RMNH 4462, Watson, 1995c: 271, 1999: 97) ty: Indonesia: Ambon; syntypes: RMNH 4510 [2 of 3],
Sicydium balinense Bleeker, 1856n: 297 (type locality: In- Watson, 1991: 595)
donesia: Bali: Boleling; syntypes [2, 48–51 mm TL]: Gobius lacrymosus Peters, 1868b: 265 (type locality: Phil-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ippines: Luzon: Bulacan Province: Quingoa River; syn- Ida Pfeiffer in 1853 in Teweh]; syntypes [2]: NMW
types: ZMB 6679 [4], 6680 [1], ? BMNH 1868.7.10.10– 30107 [1], 30108 [1], Larson, 2001a: 211, 2005: 366)
11 [2], ? 1870.3.29.4 [1], MNHN 6159 [2], Watson, 1991: Gobius Beccarii Perugia, 1892: 1010 (type locality: Malay-
597, Bauchot et al., 1991: 34, Eschmeyer, 2011) sia: Borneo: Sarawak; syntypes: MCSNG 12656 [16],
Rhinogobius hainanensis Oshima, 1926: 23 (type locality: Tortonese, 1963b: 342, Larson, 2005: 366, fig. 11)
China: Hainan: Kachek River near Kachek; holotype: LU) Vaimosa brocki Herre, 1936a: 9, pl. 5 (type locality: Singapore
? Aparrius sabagensis Roxas & Blanco, 1940: 165, pl. 1 Harbor; holotype: CAS-SU 30965, Böhlke, 1953: 118)
(type locality: Philippines: Luzon: Cagayan Province:
Cagayan River, barrio Catayaoan, Lallo; holotype: BSM Stigmatogobius signifer Larson, 2005
41994, lost, Watson, 1991: 600) Stigmatogobius signifer Larson, 2005: 366, fig. 13 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kabu-
Stenogobius zurstrasseni (Popta, 1911) paten Sambas: tributary of Sungai Sambas, Sungai Sin-
Gobius zurstrasseni Popta, 1911a: 15 (type locality: Indo- abar; holotype: MZB 10716)
nesia: Lombok: Sembalun; holotype: SMF 17481, Wat-
son, 1991: 644)
Stiphodon Weber, 1895
Stiphodon Weber, 1895: 269 (type species: Stiphodon semo-
Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874 ni Weber, 1895: 270, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 323 (type species: Gobius Vailima Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 398 (type species: Vailima
pleurostigma Bleeker, 1849d: 28, by original designa- stevensoni Jordan & Seale, 1906a: 398, by original des-
tion). Gender masculine. ignation). Gender feminine.
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Larson (2005). Taxonomic notes. Most species of the genus have at some
time been called Stiphodon elegans, a species actually re-
Stigmatogobius borneensis (Bleeker, 1850) stricted to Society, Tubuai and Samoa Islands (Watson,
Gobius borneënsis Bleeker, 1850i: 10 (type locality: Indo- 1995a: 44).
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; holo- [Sicydium elegans Steindachner, 1880b: 152 (type locality: Society Islands;
lectotype: NMW 57858-2, designated by Watson, 1995a: 42)].
type [50 mm TL]: RMNH 6175 [1 of 8], Larson, 2005:
351, fig. 1)
Stiphodon atratus Watson, 1996
Stigmatogobius singapurensis Bleeker, 1878b: 204 (type
Stiphodon atratus Watson, 1996: 115, fig. 8 (type locality:
locality: Singapore; holotype [47 mm TL]: RMNH 4460,
Indonesia: Waigeo Island: stream at end of long narrow
Koumans, 1932: 8, Larson, 2001a: 209, 2005: 350)
bay; holotype: SMF 27242)
Stigmatogobius elegans Larson, 2005 Stiphodon atropurpureus (Herre, 1927)
Stigmatogobius elegans Larson, 2005: 354, fig. 5 (type lo- Microsicydium atro-purpureum Herre, 1927b: 296 (type
cality: Philippines:Luzon: Cagayan Province: Imurung locality: Philippines: Leyte: Lagu Lagu creek about 1 km
River, Barrio San Miguel; holotype: USNM 314469) from sea, southern margin of Visayan State College of
Agriculture, about 7 km north of Baybay [original type
Stigmatogobius pleurostigma (Bleeker, 1849) locality: Luzon: Rizal Province: Irid River, Santa Ines];
Gobius pleurostigma Bleeker, 1849d: 28 (type locality: In- neotype: ZRC 38392, designated by Watson & Kottelat,
donesia: Java: Surabaya; syntypes [up to 58 mm TL]: 1995: 4)
part of RMNH 6173 [33], Larson, 2001a: 211, 2005: 358 ? Microsicydium formosum Herre, 1927b: 297, pl. 23 fig. 3
[syntypes because range of values and indication of sex- (type locality: Philippines: Mindanao: Lanao Province:
ual dimorphism]) Titunod, a small stream near Kolambugan; holotype:
Vaimosa spilopleura Smith, 1933: 66, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type lo- BSM 12443, lost, Koumans, 1940a: 192, Watson & Kot-
cality: Thailand: Chantaburi Province: estuary of Chant- telat, 1995: 4)
aburi River; holotype: KUMF 182, Larson, 2001a: 211,
2005: 358) Stiphodon aureorostrum Chen & Tan, 2005
Stiphodon aureorostrum Chen & Tan, 2005: 238, figs. 3–4
Stigmatogobius sadanundio (Hamilton, 1822) (type locality: Malaysia: Pahang: Pulau Tioman: Juara,
Gobius sadanundio Hamilton, 1822: 52, 366 (type locality: Sungai Keliling; holotype: ZRC 46412)
India: estuaries near Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's
unpublished drawing is reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. Stiphodon birdsong Watson, 1996
18 fig. 32) Stiphodon birdsong Watson, 1996: 118, fig. 13 (type local-
Gobius apogonius Cantor, 1849: 1164 (type locality: Ma- ity: Papua New Guinea: Letak Creek, 25 km SE of
laysia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.554– Wewak; holotype: WAM P.27834-007)
555 [3], Larson, 2005: 363)
Stiphodon carisa Watson, 2008
Stigmatogobius sella (Steindachner, 1881) Stiphodon carisa Watson, 2008: 44, fig. 3 (type locality:
Gobius sella Steindachner, 1881d: 212 (type locality: Borneo Indonesia: Sumatra: Lampung Province: Way Ngarip,
[reported in same paper as other specimens obtained by 5°27'59.22"S 104°31'03.2"E; holotype: MZB 15194)
Stiphodon maculidorsalis Maeda & Tan, 2013 by subsequent monotypy). Gender masculine.
Stiphodon maculidorsalis Maeda & Tan, 2013: 756, fig. 10 Acanthogobius Gill, 1859c [May or June]: 145 (type spe-
(type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Barat: South cies: Gobius flavimanus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845:
Painan; holotype: MZB 17213) 141, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Actinogobius Bleeker, 1874b: 319 (type species: Gobius
Stiphodon multisquamus Wu & Ni, in Kuang, 1986 ommaturus Richardson, 1845b: 146, by original desig-
Stiphodon elegans multisquamus Wu & Ni, in Kuang, 1986: nation). Gender masculine.
302, fig. 174 (type locality: China: Hainan: Baoting Taxonomic notes. Acanthogobius and Synechogobius are
County: Lingshui River; holotype: SFU HN831879) sometimes considered to be distinct genera, with Synechogo-
bius including only S. hasta.
Stiphodon ornatus Meinken, 1974 Nomenclatural notes. Ctenogobius has long been used for
Stiphodon elegans ornatus Meinken, 1974: 197, 3 figs. (type species now placed in Rhinogobius and later applied also to
locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: "Middlewest Sumatra", a genus of Atlantic gobies (see Robins & Lachner, 1966:
Barung Belantai River; syntypes [2]: SMF, never re- 867; Reis et al., 2003: 658). The type species of Ctenogo-
ceived, lost, Watson, 1994: 87) bius is usually listed as Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, 1858:
374, by original designation on p. 430 (e.g. by Eschmeyer,
Stiphodon pulchellus (Herre, 1927) 2010). There is no such designation. In fact, on p. 430 Gill
Microsicydium pulchellum Herre, 1927b: 299, pl. 23 fig. 4 only mentioned "the bare space extends, in the typical spe-
(type locality: Philippines: Negros: Negros Oriental: cies, to the front of the dorsal fin". No name is mentioned p.
Tanjay River near Dumaguete [original type locality: 430 and this cannot be a type species designation. On p. 376,
Dumaguete River, Dumaguete]; neotype: CAS-SU Gill wrote: "Several species of Chinese and Japanese Go-
26360, designated by Maeda, Yoshino & Tachihara, bies, of which Gobius flavimanus of Temminck and Schle-
2012: 326, fig. 4a [holotype: BSM 13026, lost, Koumans, gel may be considered to be the type, appear to be referable
1940a: 192]) to this or a closely allied genus". The wording is ambiguous
? Stiphodon olivaceus Watson & Kottelat, 1995: 8, fig. 4 but cannot be interpreted as a type designation for Ctenogo-
(type locality: Philippines: Leyte: Hilosig creek, 1.3 km bius [in which case, it would make Ctenogobius a senior
north of Mahaplag junction on road from Baybay to objective synonym of Synechogobius and Acanthogobius].
Tacloban; holotype: ZRC 38396) In that sentence, I consider that 'type' is used as meaning
Taxonomic notes. Stiphodon olivaceus "could be" a syn- 'model' or 'example' not as 'type species'. Further Gill (p. 374)
onym of S. pulchellus (Maeda, Yoshino & Tachihara, 2012: was uncertain as to whether G. flavimanus was included in
327). Ctenogobius or in another genus; this makes it doubtfully
included, thus not originally included (Code art. 67.2.5). This
Stiphodon semoni Weber, 1895 leaves Ctenogobius with a single originally included spe-
Stiphodon semoni Weber, 1895: 270 (type locality: Indone- cies; therefore C. fasciatus is type species by monotypy.
sia: Ambon; lectotype: ZMA 110.972, designated by [Ctenogobius Gill, 1858: 374, 430 [pp. 14, 70 of reprint] (type species:
Watson, 1996: 124) Gobius fasciatus Gill, 1858: 376, by monotypy). Gender masculine].
[Ctenogobius fasciatus Gill, 1858: 376 (type locality: Trinidad Island; lec-
totype: USNM 7549, designated by Robins & Lachner, 1966: 868)].
Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995 [Gobius flavimanus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 141, pl. 74 fig. 1 (type
Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995: 13, fig. 8 (type locality: Japan: mouth of rivers entering Nagasaki Bay; lectotype:
locality: Philippines: Leyte: Lagu Lagu creek about 2 km RMNH 1905a, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 121)].
from sea, southern margin of Visaya State College of
Agriculture, about 7 km north of Baybay; holotype: ZRC Synechogobius hasta (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
38394) Gobius hasta Temminck & Schlegel, 1845 [11 Oct]: 144,
pl. 75 fig. 1 (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki; holotype:
Stiphodon weberi Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998 RMNH 1909, Boeseman, 1947: 124 [authors explicitly
Stiphodon weberi Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998: 299, mentioned that description and figure are based on their
figs. 5, 8 (type locality: Indonesia: Maluku: Ambon; ho- only specimen; not lectotype by inference of holotype,
lotype: ZMA 121.253) contra Paepke, 2001: 330, Eschmeyer, 2010; ZMB 2095
has no type status]
Stiphodon zebrinus Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998 Gobius ommaturus Richardson, 1845b [Oct.]: 146, pl. 55
Stiphodon zebrinus Watson, Allen & Kottelat, 1998: 301, figs. 1–4 (type locality: China: Woosung, at mouth of
fig. 9 (type locality: Indonesia: Halmahera: Sungei Iga, Yangtze River / Canton; syntypes: ? lost, Whitehead,
about 5 km upstream from sea, just below a narrow rocky 1970: 217)
gorge; holotype: MZB 5917) Gobius ommaturus var. breviodontus Wu, 1931: 44, fig. 7
(type locality: China: Fukien [Fujian]: coast of Foochow
or basin of Ming River up to Yanping; syntypes [2]: pos-
Synechogobius Gill, 1859 sibly MNHN, see p. 1)
Synechogobius Gill, 1859a [Jan]: 46 (no species originally Taxonomic notes. Synonymy of S. hasta and S. ommaturus
included, first inclusion by Gill, 1863d: 266; type spe- follows Song et al. (2010) and Wu & Zhong (2008: 211).
cies: Gobius hasta Temminck & Schlegel, 1845: 144, Nomenclatural notes. Wu & Zhong treated G. ommaturus
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
as senior synonym of Gobius hasta, whose original descrip- ? Tamanka maculata Aurich, 1938: 154 (type locality: Phil-
tion they date to December 1845. Richardson's work has ippines: Jolo Island: Lake Timpuk; syntypes: ? ZMH,
the date 'October' on the cover; in the absence of other men- lost, Larson, 2001a: 77, 197, 216)
tion it is deemed to be published on 31 October 1845 (Code
art. 21.3.1). The date "26 August 1845" at the end mentioned
by Bauchot et al. (1982: 66) is the date the manuscript was Yongeichthys Whitley, 1932
completed, not the publication date. Pages 144–145 of Tem- Yongeichthys Whitley, 1932a: 302 (type species: Gobius
minck & Schlegel (1845) were published on 11 October criniger Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837:
(Mees, 1962: 79) and therefore G. hasta has precedence over 82, by original designation). Gender masculine.
G. ommaturus.
Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forskål, 1775)
Synechogobius luridus (Ni & Wu, 1985) Gobius nebulosus Forskål, 1775: x, 24 (type locality: Red
Acanthogobius luridus Ni & Wu, 1985: 384, fig. 2 (type Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; types: lost, Klause-
locality: China: Shanghai: Yangtze River off Baozhen, witz & Nielsen, 1965: 12)
Chongming, Chuansha; holotype: DHFRI SN-1286) Gobius criniger Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1837: 82 (type locality: New Guinea: Dorey haven / In-
dia: Malabar; syntypes: MNHN A.1348 [1, listed as ho-
Tamanka Herre, 1927 lotype], A.1350 [1], Bauchot et al., 1991: 30)
Tamanka Herre, 1927b: 220 (type species: Tamanka siiten- Gobius brevifilis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
sis Herre, 1927b: 220, by original designation). Gender 1837: 90 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; syntypes:
feminine. MNHN A.1357 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 27)
Gobius festivus De Vis, 1884f: 687 (type locality: Australia:
Tamanka siitensis Herre, 1927 Queensland: Cape York; syntypes: AMS I.398, QM
Tamanka siitensis Herre, 1927b: 220, pl. 17 fig. 3 (type local- I.9934 [23 ?], Eschmeyer, 2011)
ity: Philippines: Jolo Island: Lake Siit; neotype: USNM Rhinogobius lungi Jordan & Seale, 1907b: 41, fig. 13 (type
87128, designated by Larson, 2001a: 213, fig. 214) locality: Philippines: Panay Island [Iloilo; p. 3]; holo-
type: USNM 53069, Koumans, 1940a: 126)
Amblyopidae Günther, 1861 make the stem Amblyopod-. Valenciennes (in Cuvier & Va-
Amblyopina Günther, 1861a: 133 (type genus: Amblyopus lenciennes, 1837: 157) gave the etymology of Amblyopus
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 157) as 'with a bad sight'. This is a latinized Greek word and the
Trypauchenina Günther, 1861a: 137 (type genus: Trypau- stem is Amblyop-.
chen Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 152;
simultaeous synonym of Amblyopina Günther, 1861a, Brachyamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
133, first reviser [Bleeker, 1874b: 300] gave precedence Brachyamblyopus Bleeker, 1874b: 329 (type species: Am-
to Amblyopina) blyopus brachysoma Bleeker, 1854d: 510, by original
Gobioidinae Jordan & Evermann, 1887: 2192 (type genus: designation). Gender masculine.
Gobioides La Cepède, 1800: 576) Trypauchenopsis Volz, 1903a: 554 (type species: Trypau-
Taenioididae Hora, 1924d: 157 (type genus: Taenioides La chenopsis intermedia Volz, 1903a: 555, by monotypy;
Cepède, 1800: 532) also Volz, 1903b: 366). Gender feminine.
Nomenclatural notes. Commonly called Gobioididae, but
Amblyopidae and Trypauchenidae have priority. The last Brachyamblyopus brachysoma (Bleeker, 1854)
two are simultaneous synonyms and Bleeker (1874b: 300) Amblyopus brachysoma Bleeker, 1854d: 510 (type locality:
gave precedence to Amblyopidae. Presently Amblyopidae Indonesia: Sumatra: Priaman; holotype [105 mm TL]:
seems most commonly used. In recent years it has often been RMNH 4670, Eschmeyer, 2011)
placed within Gobiidae (e.g. Hoese & Gill, 1993, Nelson,
2006: 422), sometimes as a subfamily, and more recently in Brachyamblyopus burmanicus Hora, 1926
a familly Gobionellidae (Thacker, 2009) [until the next phy- Brachyamblyopus burmanicus Hora, 1926a: 455, fig. 2 (type
logenetic study moves it elsewhere...]. Therefore I decided locality: Burma: small pond opening into Rangoon Riv-
to retain it as a valid family, awaiting a more mature and er about 3 miles below Rangoon; syntypes: ZSI F 10746/
stable system. 1 [2], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 152 [although Hora in-
Note that Bleeker used an erroneous stem (Amblyopod-), dicate a "type specimen", he did not indicate how this
probably because he misinterpreted the ending -pus in Am- specimen is distinguished and it has not been kept sepa-
blyopus as the Greek word meaning foot, which would then rately; therefore all specimens are syntypes])
Brachyamblyopus intermedius (Volz, 1903) Odontamblyopus rebecca Murdy & Shibukawa, 2003
Trypauchenopsis intermedius Volz, 1903a: 555 (type local- Odontamblyopus rebecca Murdy & Shibukawa, 2003a: 2,
ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang: Banju Asin; holo- fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: market on east side of
type: NMBE 1021655; also in Volz, 1903b: 367) Haiphong; 20°52'N 106°41'E; holotype: ROM 72279)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Pseudotrypauchen multiradiatus Hardenberg, 1931b: 418, 62]; holotype: specimen on which figure is based)
fig. 8 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Bagan Si Api Amblyopus Hermannianus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
Api; holotype: LU, Murdy & Shibukawa, 2002: 253) lenciennes, 1837: 159, pl. 350 (type locality: India: Cal-
cutta / Burma: Rangoon; syntypes: MNHN 4630 [1],
7348 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: 64; not an emendation of
Taenioides La Cepède, 1800 Taenioides hermannii La Cepède, 1800: 532, as Valen-
Taenioïdes La Cepède, 1800: 532 (type species: Taenioides ciennes explicitly stated that he was not sure whether
hermannii La Cepède, 1800: 533, by monotypy). Gen- this is the same species to which La Cepède gave the
der masculine. name "taenioïde hermannien" but he decided to himself
Gymnurus Rafinesque, 1815: 84 (unnecessary replacement give the name hermannianus to his own species; also, as
name for Taenioides La Cepède, 1800: 532). Gender hermannii is not mentioned, hermannianus cannot be
masculine. an emendation)
Amblyopus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: Amblyopus rugosus Richardson, 1846a: 207 (unnecessary
157 (unnecessary replacement name for Taenioides La replacement name for Taenioides hermannii La Cepède,
Cepède, 1800: 532). Gender masculine. 1800: 532)
Psilosomus Swainson, 1839: 183, 279 (type species: Tae-
nioides hermannii La Cepède, 1800: 532, by subsequent Taenioides buchanani (Day, 1873)
designation by Jordan, 1919a: 198; spelt Spilosoma Amblyopus buchanani Day, 1873a: 110 (type locality: In-
p. 279; junior objective synonym of Taenioides La dia: Calcutta; syntypes: part of ZSI F 76 [1], AMS B.7583
Cepède, 1800: 532). Gender masculine. [1], NMW 76500a [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: 162,
Leme De Vis, 1883b: 286 (type species: Leme mordax De Eschmeyer, 2011, Ferraris et al., 2000: 295, Menon &
Vis, 1883b: 286, by monotypy). Gender feminine. Yazdani, 1968: 154 [ZSI F 2113 [1] from Moulmein is
Nomenclatural notes. Psilosomus Swainson, 1839 is usu- not a syntype as this locality is not mentioned by Day])
ally considered as an unnecessary replacement name for Distribution notes. Recorded in area based on tentative iden-
Amblyopus. Swainson explained (p. 279, footnote) that the tification of material from Sumatra (Koumans, 1953: 273).
Synopsis part (pp. 167–197), in which he established Psilo-
somus, had already been printed when he received Cuvier Taenioides caniscapulus Roxas & Ablan, 1938
& Valenciennes (1837), and on p. 279 he replaced Psiloso- Taenioides caniscapulus Roxas & Ablan, 1938: 261, pls. 1–
mus by Amblyopus. Psilosomus was clearly proposed inde- 2 (type locality: Philippines: Negros: Occidental Negros:
pendently, without knowledge of the existence of Amblyo- Hinigaran, Government Experimental Fish Farm; holo-
pus, and then synonymised with it. Two species are includ- type: BSM 41389, lost)
ed (p. 279): Gobioides rubicundus Hamilton, 1822 and "Her-
mannianus Cuv.", which is "tenioïde hermannien" in Cu- Taenioides cirratus (Blyth, 1860)
vier (1816a: 256), which is Taenioides hermannii La Cepède, Amblyopus cirratus Blyth, 1860b: 147 (type locality: India:
1800; hermannianus is an incorrect subsequent spelling of "origin unknown but probably obtained in the Calcutta
hermannii. bazaar"; holotype: ? ZSI)
"Poecilosomus Swainson, 1839: 183" cited, e.g. by Esch- Amblyopus brachygaster Günther, 1861a: 134 (type locali-
meyer, 2010, does not exist. Probably a lapsus for Psiloso- ty: East Indies; syntypes [3]: BMNH 1852.9.13.233 [1],
mus. Murdy & Randall, 2002: 3, Eschmeyer, 2011)
? Amblyopus sumatranus Volz, 1903a: 554 (type locality:
Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang: brackish water of Ban-
Gobius anguillaris Linnaeus, 1758: 264 (type locality: Chi- ju Asin; syntypes: NMBE 1021650–1021651 [2]; also
na; holotype: UUZM 185, Wheeler, 1991: 186, fig. 24) in Volz, 1903b: 364)
? Taenioïdes Hermannii La Cepède, 1800: 532, 533, pl. 14 ? Taenioides snyderi Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 310 (type lo-
fig. 1 (type locality: not stated [based on a Chinese draw- cality: Japan: Wakayama Prefecture: Wakanoura; lecto-
ing, Bauchot et al., 1991: 62]; holotype: specimen on type: FMNH 58831 [ex CM 7941], designated by Henn,
which figure is based) 1928: 97; based on Taenioides lacepedei of Jordan &
Gobioïdes anguilliformis La Cepède, 1800: 577 (unneces- Snyder, 1901c: 128, fig. 33)
sary replacement name for Gobius anguillaris Linnaeus,
1758: 264) Taenioides eruptionis (Bleeker, 1849)
Cepola coecula Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 241, pl. 54 (type Amblyopus eruptionis Bleeker, 1849d: 38 (type locality:
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Indonesia: Java: Kalimas River or Kali Kediri [Bran-
79°51'E]; holotype: specimen on which figure is based, tas], near Surabaya; syntypes [5, up to 340 mm TL]:
apparently not preserved) RMNH 4816 [5], Eschmeyer, 2011 or RMNH 4806,
? Cepola Hermanniana Shaw, 1803c: 191 (based on Tae- Murdy & Randall, 2002: 3)
nioide Hermannien of La Cepède, 1800: 533, pl. 14 [not
an unnecessary replacement name for or an emendation Taenioides gracilis (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
of Taenioides hermannii La Cepède, 1800: 532, because ennes, 1837)
only vernacular name mentioned]; type locality: not stat- Amblyopus gracilis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
ed [based on a Chinese drawing, Bauchot et al., 1991: nes, 1837: 166 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; holo-
type: MNHN A.1465, Bauchot et al., 1991: 18) dia: estuary below Calcutta; types: NT; Hamilton's unpub-
Taenioides gracilis typicus Chabanaud, 1927: 405, 412 (un- lished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 18 fig. 2)
necessary replacement name for Amblyopus gracilis
Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: 166)
Taenioides gracilis tonkinensis Chabanaud, 1927: 405, 413, Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860
fig. 9 (type locality: Vietnam: Tonkin: Hué; syntypes: Tripauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860b: 331 (type species: Try-
MNHN A.2411 [2, lost], A.2412 [2], Bauchot et al., 1991: pauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860g: 63, by original
45) designation by use of the name typus for a new species
Taenioides gracilis madagascariensis Chabanaud, 1927: [Code art. 68.2.2] among the originally included species
405, 414, figs. 10–11 (type locality: Madagascar: Prov- [as defined by art. 67.2.2]; also in Bleeker, 1860g: 4,
ince Tamatave: mouth of Marimbo River at Soanierana; 63). Gender masculine.
holotype: MNHN 1927-0287, Bauchot et al., 1991: 45) Nomenclatural notes. Trypauchenichthys is first available
from a statement in Bleeker (1860b: 331): "close to Try-
Taenioides nigrimarginatus Hora, 1924 pauchen, [...] this genus is distinguished from Trypauchen
Taenioides nigrimarginatus Hora, 1924b: 496, fig. 8 (type mainly by the entirely free pelvic fins, largely separated from
locality: Thailand: Thale Sap at Singgora; syntypes [4]: each other". No species were originally included. The first
ZSI 10465/1 [1], 10466/1 [2], Menon & Yazdani, 1968: inclusion of species is by Bleeker (1860g: 4, 63) who de-
154 [as holotype and paratypes] scribed T. typus, which forms the "originally included nom-
inal species" (Code art. 67.2.2). Since this species is called
T. typus, it is type species by original designation (Code art.
Trypauchen Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837 68.2.2); although making no difference, a type species fixa-
Trypauchen Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1837: tion by original designation has precedence over a fixation
152 (type species: Gobius vagina Bloch, in Schneider, by monotypy (Code art. 68.1).
1801: 73, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Taxonomic notes. In part following Murdy (2006). Trypauchenichthys sumatrensis Hardenberg, 1931
Tripauchenichthys sumatrensis Hardenberg, 1931a: 146 (no-
Trypauchen pelaeos Murdy, 2006 men nudum)
Trypauchen pelaeos Murdy, 2006: 65, fig. 6 (type locality: Tripauchenichthys sumatrensis Hardenberg, 1931b: 417, fig.
Malaysia: south of Penang, south of Pu Kendi Island, 7 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Bagan Si Api Api;
5°11'N 100°10'E; holotype: USNM 339609) syntypes [4]: ? Labor. Onderz. Zee, Batavia [1], lost ?,
Koumans, 1940a: 177)
Trypauchen vagina (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
Gobius vagina Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 73 (type locality: Trypauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860
India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Trypauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860g: 63 (type locality:
79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB 2127, Paepke, 1999: 83) Indonesia: Borneo: Sungi-Duri; lectotype: RMNH 4808,
Gobioides ruber Hamilton, 1822: 38, 365 (type locality: In- designated by Murdy, 2008a: 67, fig. 3)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
swamps in Papua New Guinea. Parioglossus taeniatus is Parioglossus raoi (Herre, 1939)
known in the area but has not been recorded from inland Amblyeleotris raoi Herre, 1939d: 346 (type locality: Anda-
waters; outside the area it has been recorded in a creek on man Islands: Middle Andaman: West Coast, Guitar Is-
Suva, Fiji Islands. Parioglossus interruptus is known from land; holotype: ZSI ?)
southern Japan and New Guinea, where it is found in man-
grove swamps; it is expected to occur in the area too.
[Parioglossus rainfordi McCulloch, 1921: 471, pl. 41 fig. 4 (type locality: Ptereleotris Gill, 1863
Australia: Queensland: Bowen, 20°01'S 148°15'E; holotype: AMS Ptereleotris Gill, 1863e: 271 (type species: Eleotris micro-
IA.176, Rennis & Hoese, 1985: 184)].
[Parioglossus taeniatus Regan, 1912a: 302 (type locality: Aldabra: Pac- lepis Bleeker, 1856d: 102, by original designation). Gen-
ard Lagoon; syntypes: BMNH 1912.5.3.28–29 [2], Rennis & Hoese, der feminine.
1985: 187)]. Ioglossus Goode & Bean, 1882a: 236 (nomen nudum)
[Parioglossus interruptus Suzuki & Senou, 1994: 281, figs. 1–2 (type lo- Ioglossus Bean, in Jordan & Gilbert, 1882a [15 Aug.]: 297
cality: Japan: Iriomote: Nakama River, 24°16'30"N 123°52'40"E; ho-
lotype: NSMT P46413)]. (type species: Ioglossus calliurus Jordan & Gilbert,
1882a: 297, by monotypy; also in Bean, in Goode &
Parioglossus formosus (Smith, 1931) Bean, 1882b [18 Sept.]: 419). Gender masculine.
Herrea formosa Smith, 1931a: 40 (type locality: Thailand: Vireosa Jordan & Snyder, 1901c: 38 (type species: Vireosa
tide pool on Koh Chula (Kite Island), off mouth of Chan- hanae Jordan & Snyder, 1901c: 38, by original designa-
taburi River; holotype: KUMF 178 [originally USNM tion). Gender feminine.
90324], Monkolprasit, 1969: 7; invalid neotype desig- Encaeura Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 303 (type species: En-
nation by Smith, 1945: 505) caeura evides Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 303, by original
designation). Gender feminine.
Parioglossus palustris (Herre, 1945) Laccoeleotris Fowler, 1935b: 403 (type species: Laccoeleo-
Andameleotris palustris Herre, 1945e: 2 (type locality: Phil- tris lineopinnis Fowler, 1935b: 403, by original desig-
ippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga, nipa swamp near fish- nation). Gender femine.
eries station; holotype: CAS-SU 36808, Böhlke, 1953: Pogonoculius Fowler, 1938a: 134 (type species: Pogono-
105, Rennis & Hoese, 1985: 181) culius zebra Fowler, 1938a: 134, by original designa-
Parioglossus borneensis Koumans, 1953: 363, fig. 89 (type tion). Gender masculine.
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Balik- Gracileotris Herre, 1953b: 189 (type species: Gracileotris
papan Bay; holotype: ZMA 110.139, Rennis & Hose, bockensis Herre, 1953b: 190, by original designation).
1985: 181) Gender femine.
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy from Randall & Hoese (1985).
Parioglossus philippinus (Herre, 1945)
Herreolus philippinus Herre, 1945ab: 14 (type locality: Phil- Ptereleotris heteroptera (Bleeker, 1855)
ippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga Province: Santa Maria; Eleotris heteropterus Bleeker, 1855l: 422 (type locality:
holotype: CAS-SU 36812, Böhlke, 1953: 114, Rennis Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin, in
& Hoese, 1985: 182) river; holotype: RMNH 4680 [49 mm TL], Randall &
Ptereleotris stigmaturus Smith, 1945: 511, fig. 102 (type Hoese, 1985: 17)
locality: Thailand: Chantaburi Province: estuary of Chan- Distribution notes. Bleeker (1855l: 423) recorded that the
tabun River [Chantaburi]; holotype: USNM 119639) holotype had been collected in river but since the species
has only been observed in the sea.
Kurtus blochianus La Cepède, 1800: 517, pl. 7 fig. 3 (un- drum Kara Mooddee]; also in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
necessary replacement name for Kurtus indicus Bloch, 1833: 426)
1786: pl. 169) Kurtus Blochii Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1833: 421, pl. 277
Kurtus macrolepidotus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 164 (type (incorrect subsequent spelling of Kurtus blochianus La
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N Cepède, 1800: 517)
79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB ?) Nomenclatural notes. Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Kurtus cornutus Cuvier, 1829: 215 (based on Somdrum Kara 1833: 424) explicitly stated that the osteological descrip-
Mooddee of Russell, 1803a: 37, pl. 48; type locality: tion of their Kurtus blochii had been written by Valencien-
India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: speci- nes, so that authorship of this account and of the name should
men on which is based Russell, 1803a: 37, pl. 48 [Som- be listed as Cuvier & Valenciennes. See Neoglyphydodon
melas for a similar case.
Ephippiinae Gill, 1861a: 34 (type genus: Ephippus Cuvier, Platax orbicularis (Forskål, 1775)
1816a: 335) Chaetodon orbicularis Forskål, 1775: xii, 59 (type locality:
Plataciformes Bleeker, 1876e: 308 (type genus: Platax Cu- Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; syntypes:
vier, 1816a: 334) ZMUC P 5168 [1, listed as holotype by Klausewitz &
Proteracanthiformes Bleeker, 1876e: 296 (type genus: Prot- Nielsen, 1965: 23, pl. 30 fig. 52, Nielsen, 1974: 68, Dor,
eracanthus Günther, 1859: 426; simultaneous subjective 1984: 168])
synonym of Platacidae Bleeker, 1876e: 308, first reviser Chaetodon Vespertilio Bloch, 1787a: 67, pl. 199 fig. 2 (type
[Kottelat, 2010b: 305] gave precedence to Platacidae) locality: East Indies; syntypes: ZMB 8573 [1], lost, Paep-
Chaetodipteriformes Bleeker, 1876e: 300 (type genus: Chae- ke, 1999: 79)
todipterus La Cepède, 1802: 503; simultaneous subjec- Chaetodon pentacanthus La Cepède, 1802: 454, 473, pl. 11
tive synonym of Platacidae Bleeker, 1876e: 308, first re- fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Java [original type local-
viser [Kottelat, 2010b: 305] gave precedence to Platacidae) ity: Great Ocean [Indo-Pacific Ocean]]; neotype: SMNS
Ilarchidae Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 356 (type genus: 10727, designated by Fricke, 1999a: 528 [although 'with-
Ilarches Cantor, 1849: 1142) drawn' by Fricke, 2000, designation fulfills requirements
Rhinoprenidae Munro, 1964: 177 (type genus: Rhinoprenes of Code art. 75.3])
Munro: 1964: 179) Platax albipunctatus Rüppell, 1829a: 69, pl. 18 fig. 4 (type
Nomenclatural notes. The type genus of Ephippidae is locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF
Ephippus and the type species of Ephippus was originally 1472, designated by Dor, 1984: 168)
Chaetodon argus Linné, 1766, now Scatophagus argus. This Chaetodon guttulatus Cuvier, 1829: 193 (based on Renard,
means that Scatophagus should have been replaced by 1719: vol. 1: pl. 24 fig. 129; type locality: East Indies [be-
Ephippus and Scatophagidae should have been replaced by cause of the Malay name cambing [Ikan kambing] on
Ephippidae, that a new name should have been created for Renard's plate]; holotype: specimen figured by Renard)
Ephippus as currently used and that Ephippidae in current Platax Ehrenbergii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831:
use should have been replaced by Platacidae. In order to 221 (type locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massauah [Massa-
preserve the current usages, ICZN designated Chaetodon wa] and Lohaia / southern coast of Sri Lanka / Isle-de-
orbis Bloch, 1787 as type species for Ephippus (Kottelat, France [Mauritius]; syntypes: MNHN A.175 [1], A.176
2010b; ICZN, 2012: 157). [1], A.186 [1], A.3835 [1], Dor, 1984: 168, and material
The correct spelling of the family-group name is Ephip- on which is based Chaetodon vespertilio of Bennett,
pidae, not Ephippiidae or Ephippididae (Kottelat, 2010b: 305). 1830: unnumb., pl. 5)
[Ephippus Cuvier, 1816a: 335 (type species: Chaetodon orbis Bloch, 1787a: Platax Blochii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 222
81, designated by ICZN, 2012: 157, Opinion 2302 [original type spe-
(unnecessary replacement name for Chaetodon vesper-
cies was Chaetodon argus Linné, 1766: 464, by subsequent designa-
tion by Bleeker, 1876e: 302]; not a junior homonym of Ephippium tilio Bloch, 1787a: 67)
Latreille, 1805: 341). Gender masculine]. ? Chaetodon albicauda Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 73 (based
[Chaetodon orbis Bloch, 1787a: 81, pl. 2002 fig. 2 (type locality: India: on specimen, on figure of Chaetodon quadratus nigrescens
Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; lectotype: ZMB
of Seba, 1759: pl. 25 fig. 15 and tentatively on Ikan kœlœr
8166 [1], designated by Paepke, 1999: 78, pl. 7 fig. 1)].
hidjœ of Valentyn, 1726: "361, n. 48, fig. 18" [lapsus for
Platax Cuvier, 1816 48 ? fig. 18 shows an Heniochus, fig. 48 a Platax]; type
Platax Cuvier, 1816a: 334 (type species: Chaetodon teira locality: India / Ambon [Seba gave no locality but he also
Forskål, 1775: xiii, 60, by subsequent designation by refers to zeebotje from Ambon of Ruysch, 1718: 18, pl.
Bleeker, 1876e: 309). Gender masculine. 10 fig. 1, who refers to Willughby but his pl. 10 fig. 1
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
seems copied from Valentyn, 1726: 389 n°136]; synty- Proteracanthus Günther, 1859
pes: specimen in collection of van Hoey [in Den Hague], Proteracanthus Günther, 1859: 426 (type species: Creni-
nr. 170, and models of figure in Seba [model of figure in dens sarissophorus Cantor, 1849: 1034, by monotypy).
Valentyn not in type series because listed with question Gender masculine.
mark]; Seba's figure identified as P. ehrenbergii by Cu-
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 221) Proteracanthus sarissophorus (Cantor, 1849)
Taxonomic notes. Inland records from Philippines (Leyte, Crenidens sarissophorus Cantor, 1849: 1034, pl. 1 figs. 1–
Mindanao) by Fowler & Bean (1929: 20) and Herre & Mon- 4 (type locality: Malaysia: Pinang and coast of Malacca;
talban (1927: 107). syntypes [2]: BMNH 1860.3.19.455 [1], Eschmeyer,
Nomenclatural notes. Scatophagidae in Pisces is not a jun- (e.g. under Code art. 70.3.2) would make Desmoprenes a
ior homonym of Scatophagidae in Diptera. The latter is a senior synonym of Selenotoca. Therefore, under Code art.
misspelling of Scathophagidae, based on the genus Scatho- 70.3.1, C. tetracanthus is here fixed as type species of Des-
phaga Meigen, 1803: 277. moprenes, making it a junior synonym of Scatophagus.
[Chaetodon tetracanthus La Cepède, 1802: 726, 727 (type locality: not
stated; holotype: MNHN A.2685, Bauchot, 1963: 151, figure in La
Scatophagus Cuvier, 1816 Cepède, 1801: pl. 25 fig. 2, not latinized].
Scatophagus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 136
(type species: Chaetodon argus Linné, 1766: 464, by Scatophagus argus (Linné, 1766)
subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: Chaetodon Argus Linné, 1766: 464 (based on manuscript
136; not junior homonym of Scatophaga Fabricius, 1805: by Brünnich [see Boddaert, 1770: 16–17]; type locality:
203, emendation of Scathophaga Meigen, 1803: 277 in "India" in Linné, but "Kross-Zee" [Great Sea] in the
Diptera). Gender masculine. Dutch text and "Maris Indicis" in the Latin text of Bod-
Prenes Gistel, 1848: x (unnecessary replacement name for daert, 1770: 40, 41; holotype: LU, specimen in Schloss-
Scatophagus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: er's collection figured and described by Boddaert, 1770:
136). Gender masculine. 17, pl.)
Cacodoxus Cantor, 1849: 1145 (unnecessary replacement Chaetodon pairatalis Hamilton, 1822: 122, 372, pl. 14 fig. 41
name for Scatophagus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien- (type locality: India: mouths of the Ganges; types: NT)
nes, 1831: 136). Gender masculine. Chaetodon atro-maculatus Bennett, 1830: unnumb., pl. 18
Sargus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 65 (type species: Sargus (type locality: Sri Lanka; syntypes: LU, Pethiyagoda et
maculatus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 65, by present desig- al., 1994: 45)
nation; junior homonym of Sargus Fabricius, 1798: 549 Scatophagus Bougainvillii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
in Diptera and Sargus Cuvier, 1816a: 272 in Pisces). nes, 1831: 142 (type locality: not stated; holotype:
Gender masculine. MNHN, missing, Bauchot, 1963: 150)
Desmoprenes Fowler & Bean, 1929: 35, 40 (subgenus of Scatophagus ornatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Scatophagus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 1831: 143, pl. 180 (type locality: Indonesia: Ambon in
136; type species: Chaetodon tetracanthus La Cepède, freshwater; syntypes: MNHN A.273 [2], A.274 [2], Bau-
1802: 726, 727, by original designation; misidentified chot, 1963: 150)
type species, in fact material of Scatophagus multifas- Scatophagus purpurascens Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
ciatus Richardson, 1846b: 57 [see below], here fixed as nes, 1831: 144 (type locality: Indian Ocean; holotype:
C. tetracanthus under Code art. 70.3.1). Gender mascu- specimen figured on Mertens' drawing, apparently un-
line. published)
Nomenclatural notes. Desmoprenes has a misidentified type Scatophagus macronotus Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nu-
species (Code art. 70.3). Fowler & Bean's Scatophagus tet- dum; locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta])
racanthus includes material of Selenotoca multifasciata Sargus maculatus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 65 (type locality:
[known from Sulawesi to Australia] and bibliographic ref- Indian Ocean [apparently partly based on Boddaert,
erences to C. tetracanthus, a name then commonly used for 1770]; syntype: BMNH 1853.11.12.82 [1], Wheeler,
the Australian Selenotoca multifasciata while the real 1958: 223, pl. 29 fig. 1 and material on which is based
Scatophagus tetracanthus is known from the Western Indi- Chaetodon argus Linné, 1766: 464, Boddaert, 1770: 40,
an Ocean. The diagnostic data they provide ("back and sides pl. 2, Willughby, 1686: appendix pl. 2 fig 2, Valentyn,
above with dark vertical bands or stripes, below with dark 1726: 403, fig. 180 [Ikan Cacatoeba Babintang])
spots") only apply to Selenotoca multifasciata. But select- Scatophagus altermans Castelnau, 1878b: 47 (not available,
ing Selenotoca multifasciata as type species of Desmoprenes proposed conditionally; treated as valid in Castelnau,
1879: 376 and available from that date) lection communicated by Brünnich (Boddaert, 1770: 16–
Scatophagus alternans Castelnau, 1879: 376 (type locality: 17). This specimen is described in detail and figured by
Australia: Norman River; syntypes: MNHN A.4284 [1], Boddaerts (1770).
Bauchot, 1963: 150, Whitley, 1940b: 424, pl. 31 fig. 39) [Chaetodon striatus Linnaeus, 1758: 275 (type locality: Indies; syntypes:
Scatophagus argus var. ocellata Klunzinger, 1880: 363 (type BMNH 1853.11.12.67 [1], NRM 61 [1], UUZM 50 [1], Wheeler, 1958:
225, Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 249, Wheeler, 1991: 175, fig. 14)].
locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Port Darwin; ho-
lotype: SMNS 2611, Fricke, 1992: 17)
Scatophagus quadratus De Vis, 1882c: 5 (type locality: Selenotoca Myers, 1936
Australia: Queensland: Cardwell; holotype [?]: QM Selenotoca Myers, 1936a: 84 (type species: Scatophagus
I.1847, Eschmeyer, 2010) multifasciatus Richardson, 1846b: 57, by original des-
Scatophagus quadranus De Vis, 1884e: 455 (De Vis, 1884e: ignation). Gender feminine.
455 (type locality: Australia: Queensland coasts; synty-
pes: LU [Pethon, 1969: 1, 6 commented that ZMUO Selenotoca multifasciata (Richardson, 1846)
J2357, labelled as syntype is not a type but did not ex- Scatophagus multifasciatus Richardson, 1846b: 57, pl. 35
plain]; treated by Eschmeyer, 2010, as an incorrect sub- figs. 4–6 (type locality: Western Australia: King George's
sequent spelling of S. quadratus De Vis, 1882c: 5, not Sound; holotype: BMNH 2006.5.19.2, Eschmeyer, 2010)
followed because S. quadratus is not mentioned and type ? Scatophagus semistrigatus De Vis, 1882c: 5 (type locali-
series different]) ty: Australia: Brisbane; syntypes: QM I.1281–1287 [7],
Scatophagus brunneus Saville-Kent, 1893: 369 (nomen Eschmeyer, 2010)
nudum) ? Scatophagus aetate-varians De Vis, 1884e: 456 (type lo-
Scatophagus chameleon Saville-Kent, 1893: 369 (nomen cality: Australia: Queensland coast; syntypes: QM I.96
nudum) or I.209 [not holotype as stated by Eschmeyer, 2010; De
Scatophagus rubrifrons Stoye, 1932: 198, pl. 165 (not avail- Vis described adult and juvenile colour patterns] [Pe-
able, no description, Code art. 13.1.1; plate repeated in thon, 1969: 1, 6 commented that ZMUO J2350, labelled
Stoye, 1935: pl. 167, but with different caption) as syntype, is not a type but did not explain])
Scatophagus rubifrons Myers, 1936a: 84 (type locality: not Scatophagus semi-striatus Saville-Kent, 1889a: 239 (nomen
stated [aquarium material]; syntypes: at least the four nudum)
specimens figured by Stoye, 1932: 198, pl. 165 [repeat- Scatophagus semi-strigena [Innes], 1933: 301 (erroneous
ed 1935: pl. 167, but with different caption]) subsequent spelling of S. semistrigatus "Saville-Kent,
Nomenclatural notes. Chaetodon striatus in Rosenthal 1893: 369", which actually is De Vis, 1882c: 5)
(1821: 12, pl. 13 fig. 2) was not a new name but a misiden- Selenotoca papuensis Fraser-Brunner, 1938: 78, fig. 2 (type
tification of Chaetodon striatus Linnaeus, 1758: 275. locality: New Guinea; holotype: BMNH 1938.6.11.1,
Linné (1766: 464) described C. argus on the basis of Eschmeyer, 2010)
information and/or drawing of a specimen in Schlosser's col-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
spelling of Teuthis Linné, 1766: 507). Gender feminine. Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797)
Teuthys Linck, 1790: 32 (incorrect subsequent spelling of Chaetodon canaliculatus Park, 1797: 33 (type locality: In-
Teuthis Linné, 1766: 507; on Official Index of Rejected donesia: coast of Sumatra [possibly Bengkulu, then the
and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, ICZN, 1957: 391 only British Settlement on Sumatra]; holotype: BMNH
[supplement to Direction 56]) 1863.11.12.17, Wheeler, 1974: 475, Woodland, 1990: 54)
Amphacanthus Schneider, 1801: 206 (type species: Teuthis ? Amphacanthus guttatus var. oramin Schneider, 1801: 207,
javus Linné, 1766: 507, by subsequent designation by pl. 48 [Amphacanthus oramin on plate] (type locality:
Desmarest, 1856: 246). Gender masculine. India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N
Buro La Cepède, 1803: 421 (type species: Buro brunneus 79°51'E]; syntypes: ZMB 1689 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011 [not
La Cepède, 1803: 421, 422, by monotypy). Gender mas- ZMB 1688, Paepke, 1999: 139])
culine. Amphacanthus dorsalis Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Buronus Rafinesque, 1815: 88 (unnecessary replacement name ennes, 1835: 143 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Bata-
for Buro La Cepède, 1803: 421). Gender masculine. via [Jakarta]; holotype: specimen on which is based fig-
Amphiscarus Swainson, 1839: 172, 227 (type species: Si- ure by Kuhl & van Hasselt [Woodland, 1990: 54 listed
ganus fuscus Griffith & Smith, 1834: pl. 35, by monoty- RMNH 1549 as holotype; this needs confirmation])
py). Gender masculine. Taxonomic notes. Based on molecular data Hsu et al. (2011)
Siganites Fowler, 1904b: 546 (subgenus of Teuthis Linné, have recently concluded that S. canaliculatus is a colour
1766: 507; type species: Chaetodon canaliculatus Park, morph of S. fuscescens.
1797: 33, by original designation). Gender masculine.
Lo Seale, 1906: 71 (type species: Amphacanthus vulpinus Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn, 1782)
Schlegel & Müller, 1844: 12, by original designation; Centrogaster Fuscescens Houttuyn, 1782: 333 (type locali-
also in Seale, in Jordan & Seale, 1906a [15 Dec.]: 360). ty: Japan [presumably around Deshima [Nagasaki],
Gender masculine. Boeseman, 1995: 2; types: lost, Boeseman, 1995: 4, pos-
Nomenclatural notes. Revised by Woodland (1990). Teuthis sibly RMNH 1557, Woodland, 1990: 58)
has priority over Siganus. The ICZN has been requested to ? Amphacanthus ovatus Marion de Procé, 1822: 133 (type
suppress the name (Woodland, 1972, 1973) and the usage locality: Philippines: Luzon: Manila Bay; types: lost
prevailing in 1972 is to be maintained until the ruling [Code [p. 129])
art. 82.1]; the prevailing usage is Siganus. Hopefully, after Amphacanthus nebulosus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 369 (type
waiting four decades, if it one day rules on the case, the locality: Australia: Sydney Bay at Port Jackson, Sydney;
ICZN will decide to maintain the prevailing usage. Recent- holotype: lost, Bauchot, 1965: 575)
ly, the ICZN has been asked to rule on the case (Kottelat, Amphacanthus maculosus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825: 370 (type
2013b). locality: Australia: Sydney Bay at Port Jackson, Sydney;
Hepatus Scopoli, 1777 is sometimes listed in the synon- holotype: lost, Bauchot, 1965: 575)
ymy of Signanus, with S. javus as type species. Hepatus Amphacanthus margaritiferus Valenciennes, in Cuvier &
was first proposed by Gronovius (1763: 113), which is not Valenciennes, 1835: 145 (type locality: Solomon Islands:
an available work, then listed in synonymy by Scopoli (1777: Santa Cruz Islands: Vanikoro [11°37'S 166°59'E] / In-
455), then treated as valid and made available by Walbaum donesia: Ambon / Sumatra; syntypes: MNHN A.6942 [1],
(1792). Walbaum (1792) included two species (Teuthis jav- A.6943 [1], Bauchot, 1965: 573, Woodland, 1990: 62
us Linné, 1766: 507, T. hepatus Linné, 1766: 507). There- and BMNH 1863.11.12.17 [holotype of Chaetodon ca-
fore, T. hepatus is type species by absolute tautonymy. This naliculatus Park, 1797: 33])
makes Hepatus a senior objective synonym of Paracanthu- Amphacanthus tumifrons Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
rus Bleeker, 1863n: 252 (Code art. 68.4). There has been ciennes, 1835: 159 (type locality: Australia: Western
uncertainty about the type species of Paracanthurus because Australia: Baie des Chiens-Marins [Shark Bay] / Thai-
Bleeker did not mention T. hepatus Linné but Acanthurus land; syntypes: MNHN 2949 [1], A.6936 [1], Bauchot,
hepatus of Bloch (in Schneider, 1801: 211) (e.g. Eschmey- 1965: 574, Woodland, 1990: 62, and specimen on which
er, 2010). Bleeker made the name Paracanthurus available is based drawing by Finlayson)
in listing "Paracanthurus hepatus Blkr = Acanthurus hepa- ? Amphacanthus gymnopareius Richardson, 1843c: 174
tus Bl.". Following the practice of that time (and consistent- (type locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Coral Bay,
ly in his work), Bleeker did not mention the original author Port Essington; holotype: BMNH 1843.6.15.37, Wood-
of Teuthis hepatus but the author of the new combination land, 1990: 62)
Acanthurus hepatus, that is Bloch. Therefore, T. hepatus Amphacanthus albopunctatus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845:
Linné, 1766 is unambiguously type species, and Hepatus 128 (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki Bay; holotype:
has priority over Paracanthurus. RMNH D.1097, Boeseman, 1947: 112, Woodland, 1990:
[Hepatus Scopoli, 1777: 455 (first published as a synonym of Teuthis Lin- 62; spelt albipunctatus p. 319, first reviser not researched,
né, 1766: 507; available because of use as valid by Walbaum, 1792: but albipunctatus apparently never used)
655 and many subsequent authors, Code art. 11.6.1; type species:
Teuthis hepatus Linné, 1766: 507, by absolute tautonymy among orig- Amphacanthus aurantiacus Temminck & Schlegel, 1845:
inally included species, Code art. 68.4 [original inclusion for purpose 128, pl. 68 fig. 2 (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki Bay;
of art. 68 by first association of specie group names in Walbaum, 1792: types: material on which Bürger's manuscript and draw-
655, Code art. 67.12]). Gender masculine]. ing are based)
[Paracanthurus Bleeker, 1863n: 252 (type species: Teuthis hepatus Lin-
né, 1766: 507, by monotypy). Gender masculine]. ? Amphacanthus Kopsii Bleeker, 1851q: 483 (type locality:
Indonesia: Riau; holotype [145 mm TL]: RMNH 6302 Nomenclatural notes. A lectotype designation is needed
[1 of 5], Woodland, 1990: 62, Eschmeyer, 2011) for Teuthis javus Linnaeus, 1758. Linnaeus based his ac-
? Teuthis gibbosus De Vis, 1884e: 461 (type locality: Aus- count on Gronovius (1763) and Valentyn (1726). Gronovius'
tralia: Queensland "Court" [coast ?]; holotype: QM, lost, account is based on the species presently called S. javus and
Woodland, 1990: 59) on literature accounts of Stromateidae (see below); Valen-
Siganus consobrinus Ogilby, 1912: 54, pl. 13 (type locality: tijn's figure clearly shows a acanthurid. The specimen on
Australia: Queensland: Myora Bank, Moreton Bay; ho- which Gronovius' (1763) figure is based is here designated
lotype: QM I.291 [1 of 2], Woodland, 1990: 62) as lectotype.
? Siganus concavocephalus Paradice, in Paradice & Whit- Teuthis brevirostris was based on specimen BMNH
ley, 1927: 99, pl. 12 fig. 2 (type locality: Australia: North- 1853.11.12.30 and Gronovius (1763: 113, n° 352, pl. 8 fig.
ern Australia: Sir Edward Pellew Islands, Gulf of Car- 4), T. javus Linné, 1766 (p. 507), stromateo of Boussuet
pentaria; holotype: AMS IA.2553, Woodland, 1990: 62) (1558a: 25) [a Stromateidae], stromatheus of Charleton
Taxonomic notes. Inland records from the Philippines by (1668: "23, n. 19" [stromatheus is in part 1, p. 142, no 20]).
Herre (1934: 64) and Fowler & Bean (1929: 317). The specimen on which Gronovius' (1763) figure is based
is here designated as lectotype; this makes T. brevirostris a
Siganus guttatus (Bloch, 1787) junior objective synonym of T. javus.
Chaetodon guttatus Bloch, 1787a: 55, pl. 196 (type locali-
ty: Japan [label: "East indies"]; syntype: ZMB 8154 [1], Siganus vermiculatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
1688 [1], Paepke, 1999: 138, Eschmeyer, 2011 [ZMB ciennes, 1835)
8154 listed as holotype by Woodland, 1990: 98]) Amphacanthus vermiculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Va-
Amphacanthus concatenatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & lenciennes, 1835: 126 (type locality: New Guinea; lecto-
Valenciennes, 1835: 127 (type locality: Indonesia: Buru / type: MNHN A.6956, designated by Woodland, 1990: 100)
Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes: MNHN A.7052 [1], ? Amphacanthus Russelii Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen-
A.7053 [1], Bauchot, 1965: 572, Woodland, 1990: 69) ciennes, 1835: 123 (based on Russell, 1803b: n° 103;
Amphacanthus firmamentum Valenciennes, in Cuvier & type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam];
Valenciennes, 1835: 142 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: types: material on which is based Russell, 1803b: 3,
Samarang; holotype: specimen on which figure is based) pl. 103 [Worahwah]; unambiguously named for Russell,
misspelt as Russel p. 123, the name should be emended
Siganus javus (Linné, 1766) to russellii, an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1; simul-
Teuthis javus Linné, 1766: 507 (based on Gronovius, 1763: taneous subjective synonym of Amphacanthus vermicu-
113, n° 352, pl. 8 fig. 4 [a siganid] and Valentyn, 1726: latus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 126,
339, 476, fig. 410 [Ikan Batoe Badoeri; an acanthurid]; first reviser not researched)
type locality: Indonesia: Indian Ocean around Java: Siganus shortlandensis Seale, 1906: 69, fig. 17 (type local-
Onrust Island [Valentyn, 1726: 339]; lectotype: speci- ity: Solomon Islands: Shortland Island; holotype: BPBM
men on which Gronovius' figure is based, by present 1276, Woodland, 1990: 101)
designation [BMNH 1853.11.12.30, designated as lec-
totype by Taylor, 1970: 179, Wheeler, 1958: 231, pl. 30, Siganus virgatus (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien-
is invalid as specimen does not belong to type series; nes, 1835)
Woodland, 1973: 7, 1990: 52, 69]) Amphacanthus virgatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci-
Teuthis brevirostris Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 142 (type lo- ennes, 1835: 133 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; lecto-
cality: Indonesia: Java; lectotype: specimen on which type: MNHN A.6705, designated by Woodland, 1990: 88)
Gronovius' figure is based, by present designation; jun- Amphacanthus notostictus Richardson, 1843c: 172 (type
ior objective synonym of T. javus) locality: Australia: Northern Territory: Port Essington,
Amphacanthus javanus Castelnau, 1875: 29 (unjustified Coral Bay; holotype: BMNH 1843.6.15.36, Woodland,
emendation of Teuthis javus Linné, 1766: 507) 1990: 88)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
pterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: species 88 to 91 of the text: C. unicornis, C. sohal, C. nigro-
215 by Valenciennes, 1840: pl. 71 fig. 2, of Teuthis hepa- fuscus and C. bifasciatus.
tus Linné, 1766: 507, by Desmarest, 1856: 246, and of It is generally accepted (e.g. Eschmeyer, 2010) that the
Chaetodon chirurgus Bloch, 1787a: 99 by Desmarest, type species of Acanthurus is Teuthis hepatus Linné, 1766:
1856: 247 are invalid as these species are not originally 507, by subsequent designation by Desmarest, 1856: 246.
included]; originally included species listed on p. ii). Gen- This is not possible because T. hepatus was not among the
der masculine. species originally included. [Besides, T. hepatus is also type
Harpurus Forster, 1778: 195, 205, 1788: 84 (unnecessary species of Paracanthurus Bleeker, 1863n: 252 and Hepatus
replacement name for Acanthurus Forskål, 1775: 59). Scopoli, 1777: 455, which then would be junior objective
Gender masculine. synonyms of Acanthurus. Paracanthurus is a well known
Rhombotides Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 582 (not available, valid genus in common use, but in fact a junior synonym of
ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion 21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]) Hepatus; see discussion under Siganus above.]
Acanthus Bloch, 1795: 105 (incorrect subsequent spelling On the next page (p. 247), Desmarest also designated
of Acanthurus Forskål, 1775: ii, 59) Chaetodon chirurgus Bloch, 1787a: 99 as type ("as type,
Aspisurus La Cepède, 1802: 556 (type species: Chaetodon we will cite"), which also was not originally included. And
sohal Forskål, 1775: xiii, 63, by monotypy). Gender still on the same page, he wrote "Forskal gave to the type
masculine. species the denomination Harpurus", confusing Forskål and
Ctenodon Bonaparte, 1831a: 175, 1831b: 109 (nomen nudum) Forster, who is the author of Harpurus.
Ctenodon Swainson, 1839: 178, 255 (subgenus of Acanthu- The designation of Acanthurus xanthopterus Valencien-
rus Forskål, 1775: 59; type species: Acanthurus ruep- nes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 215 by Valenciennes
pellii Swainson, 1839: 256 by subsequent designation (1840: pl. 71 fig. 2) is also invalid as this species too was
by Swain, 1883: 276 [original spelling Rüppelii, unam- not originally included.
biguously named for Rüppell, as indicated by biblio- The first valid type species designation I could find is
graphic reference, an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1; Chaetodon unicornis Forskål, 1775: xiii, 63, by subsequent
the name should be emended to rueppellii]; junior hom- designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 1689. This cre-
onym of Ctenodon Wagler, 1830: 153 in Amphibia and ates a problem because this species is currently placed in
Ctenodon Ehrenberg, 1838: 432 in Rotifera; not a hom- Naso, another well known genus. Later, Jordan & Evermann
onym of Ctenodon Bonaparte, 1831a: 175 in Pisces, (1917: 33) listed Chaetodon sohal Forskål, 1775: xiii, 63 as
which is a nomen nudum). Gender masculine. type species of Acanthurus, but this designation is invalid.
Acronurus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 190 (type species: I have decided to continue to use Acanthurus because I might
Acronurus fuscus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 191, by sub- have overlooked an earlier designation, by lack of experi-
sequent designation, possibly by Eschmeyer, 1990: 14). ence with the literature on marine fishes. If Jordan & Ever-
Gender masculine. mann (1898) are the authors of the valid designation, how-
Rhombotides Bleeker, 1863f: 235 (type species: Chaetodon ever, then either the names of today's Acanthurus and Naso
triostegus Linnaeus, 1758: 274, by subsequent designa- should be changed, or the ICZN should be requested to des-
tion, apparently by Jordan, 1919b: 322). Gender mascu- ignate another type species for Acanthurus.
line. [Naso La Cepède, 1801: 105 (type species: Naso fronticornis La Cepède,
Hepatus Snodgrass & Heller, 1905: 403 (type species: ap- 1801: 106, by subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917:
61). Gender masculine].
parently never designated; junior homonym of Hepatus [Chaetodon unicornis Forskål, 1775: xiii, 63 (type locality: Saudi Arabia:
Scopoli, 1777: 455, Hepatus Artedi, 1793: 113). Gender Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; lectotype: specimen figured
masculine. in Niebuhr, 1776: pl. 23, designated by Fricke, 1999a: 549, repro-
Harpurina Fowler & Bean, 1929: 253 (subgenus of Hepatus duced by Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 8, fig. 3)].
[Teuthis hepatus Linné, 1766: 507 (based on Teuthis fusca caeruleo of
Scopoli, 1777: 455 [listed as "Jordan & Evermann, 1905: Browne, 1756: 454, Hepatus mucrone of Gronovius, 1763: 113, n. 353,
383"]; type species: Hepatus nubilus Fowler & Bean, Chaetodon caerulescens of Seba, 1759: 104, pl. 33 fig. 3, Turdus rhom-
1929: 253, by original designation). Gender feminine. boidalis of Catesby, 1754: vol. 2: 10. t. 1. f. 1, and Valentyn, 1726:
Rhomboteuthis Fowler, 1944a: 109 (subgenus of Teuthis 371, fig. 77 [ikan maroeke], 466, fig. 383 [ikan tetombo bertandoc di
moeloetnja], 473, fig. 404 [ikan biroe langit mata-nja]; type locality:
Linné, 1766: 507; type species: Acanthurus coeruleus Mare Indico [in fact: Jamaica / Mediterranean and India / Bahamas
Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 214, by original designation). Islands / Ambon]; syntypes: BMNH 1853.11.12.101 [1], LSL 84 [1],
Gender feminine. Wheeler, 1958: 230, pl. 31, 1985: 67)].
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Randall (1955a: 363, 1956). [Chaetodon chirurgus Bloch, 1787a: 99, pl. 208 (based on Plumier's un-
published figure; type locality: Antilles [Martinique; Cuvier & Valen-
Nomenclatural notes. The type species designation for ciennes, 1837: 168]; holotype: model of figure, not preserved)].
Acanthurus has a confusing history. Forskål (1775: 59) de- [Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835:
scribed Acanthurus as one of three subgenera of Chaetodon: 215 (type locality: Seychelles; lectotype: MNHN A.7087, designated
Chaetodon s.s., Abudefduf and Acanthurus. He then de- by Bauchot & Randall, 1996: 60)].
[Chaetodon sohal Forskål, 1775: xiii, 63 (type locality: Red Sea; lecto-
scribed all the species of Chaetodon without explicitly indi- type: ZMUC P 6749, designated by Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 24,
cating which ones are placed in each genus, so that many pl. 34 fig. 58, Nielsen, 1974: 72)].
authors concluded that there was no species originally in- [Chaetodon bifasciatus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 64 (type locality: Red Sea:
cluded. In fact, on p. ii there is a list of new genera, which Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; holotype: ZMUC P 50557, Klause-
witz & Nielsen, 1965: 24, pl. 35 fig. 59, Nielsen, 1974: 67)].
includes "Acanthurus (Chaetodon 88–91.)". This means
Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forskål, 1775) starts with a discussion that twice mentions "scopas-like
Chaetodon nigrofuscus Forskål, 1775: xiii, 64 (type locali- forms" and ends with the recognition of three genera, one
ty: Red Sea: Saudi Arabia: Djidda [Jeddah]; types: lost, of them being Scopas. The last usage is explicitly as a genus
Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 12; invalid neotype desig- name, but the first usage is as "Scopas-ähnlichen Formen"
nation by Fricke, 1999a: 540 [need not demonstrated]) [the Scopas-like forms] and I understand it as a species name,
Acanthurus niger Rüppell, 1829a: 58 (nomen nudum) regardless of the capitalised S. It made sense in the struc-
Acanthurus rubropunctatus Rüppell, 1829a: 59, pl. 15 fig. 1 ture of Kner's text to refer to a group of species as "[A.]
(type locality: northern Red Sea; syntypes: SMF 1944 scopas-like" and end by making them [= A. scopas plus sim-
[4], Eschmeyer, 2011) ilar species] become his new genus Scopas; further, it would
Acanthurus matoides Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valencien- have been logically flawed to refer to a group of species as
nes, 1835: 204 (type locality: Caroline Islands: Oualan; "genus Scopas-like" and create for them [= genus Scopas
holotype: MNHN A.597, Bauchot & Randall, 1996: 58) plus Scopas-like species] the new genus Scopas. Kner did
? Acanthurus lineolatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valen- not use any other generic name in a phrase such as 'Acan-
ciennes, 1835: 207 (type locality: Mer des Indes [Indian thurus-like' or 'Acronorus-like' in his text. Should one not
Ocean]; holotype: MNHN, lost, Bauchot & Randall, agree that the first mention of scopas in Kner's text is as a
1996: 66) species-group name, then the genus Scopas has no original-
Acronurus lineolatus Klunzinger, 1871: 511 (type locality: ly included species, and the type species would be Acanthu-
not stated [Red Sea: Egypt: Kosseir (Al-Qusair); Esch- rus scopas Cuvier, 1829: 224, by subsequent designation
meyer, 2011]; syntypes: ZMB 8011 [1]) by, or subsequent monotypy in, Jordan, 1919a: 175 [Code
Hepatus lucillae Fowler, 1938b: 231, pl. 10 fig. 23 (type art. 67.7]. Apparently nobody has ever searched for the first
locality: Hawaii Islands: Honolulu; holotype: ANSP inclusion of species in Scopas; it is apparently in Jordan
68447, Böhlke, 1984: 17) (1919a: 175).
Taxonomic notes. Inland record from Philippines (Pucot Acanthurus scopas Cuvier, 1829: 224 is available by
River, Luzon) by Fowler & Bean (1929: 240) and from Timor indication to Renard (1719: vol. 1: pl. 41 fig. 201). Fricke
(Dili, as A. matoides) by Bleeker (1857k: 388) and Weber (1999a: 552) designated a neotype for A. scopas. He assert-
& de Beaufort (1912b: 236). Part of Fowler & Bean's mate- ed that Cuvier's reference to pl. 40 fig. 201 is in error and
rial of A. nigrofuscus is reidentified as A. nigrofuscus and that "the only illustration by Renard referable to the Z. sco-
A. auranticavus by Randall (1956: 210) and A. grammopti- pas of present usage" is in vol. 2: pl. 38 fig. 170. Fricke
lus Richardson, 1843c: 176 by Randall (1956: 210, 211). gave neither information nor reasoning that explain this state-
ment. Cuvier wrote: "On peut aussi en remarquer qui ont
Acanthurus thompsoni (Fowler, 1923) une sorte de brosse de poils roides, en avant de l'épine
Hepatus thompsoni Fowler, 1923b: 386 (type locality: Ha- latérale" [One may also observe some [Acanthurus] that have
waii Islands: Honolulu; holotype: BPBM 3394) a kind of brush of stiff hairs, in front of the lateral spine].
Acanthurus philippinus Herre, 1928: 434, pl. 5 fig. 1 (type Pl. 40 fig. 201 shows marks, which can be interpreted as
locality: Philippines: Mindoro: Calapan; syntypes [9]: this character, although not comparable with the structure
BSM, lost) present in the species presently called Z. scopas; and no
Taxonomic notes. Inland record from Philippines (stream such structure is shown on pl. 38 fig. 170 [the spine is not
at Maagnas, Luzon) by Fowler & Bean (1929: 216). Synon- figured in either drawing]. Cuvier's identification of A. sco-
ymy follows Randall (1956: 182). pas with Renard's fig. 201 is confirmed by Valenciennes (in
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 245). Valenciennes further
commented that this figure 201 (bazuin) and pl. 4 fig. 29
Zebrasoma Swainson, 1839 (bazuin femelle) are based on (and interchanged) figures 220
Scopas Bonaparte, 1831a: 175, 1831b: 109 (nomen nudum) and 221 in a portfolio of unpublished drawing by Vlaming,
Zebrasoma Swainson, 1839: 178, 256 (type species: Acan- showing fishes caught on 26 September 1698 in Banda Neira
thurus velifer Bloch, 1795: 106, by monotypy). Gender [original figures actually by Lamotius, reproduced by Holth-
neuter. uis & Pietsch, 2006: 248, figs. 81-220, 81-221]. Valencien-
Scopas Kner, 1865: 212 (type species: Acanthurus scopas nes further mentioned that these figures are also copied in
Cuvier, 1829: 224, by monotypy, see below). Gender Valentyn (1726) as nr. 23 (ikan nafiri; p. 354) and nr. 124
masculine. (orangie tompetter; p. 387). Renard's figures 201 and 29 show
Zabrasoma Seale, 1901: 110 (incorrect subsequent spelling Siganus vulpinus and this would make A. scopas a senior
of Zebrasoma Swainson, 1839: 178, 256) synonym of S. vulpinus, Scopas a junior subjective synonym
Laephichthys Ogilby, 1916: 173 (type species: Acanthurus of Siganus and a senior objective synonym of Lo. However,
rostratus Günther, 1875: 117, by original designation). Fricke's neotype designation is valid. That the author con-
Gender masculine. sidered the designation needed to define the taxon objective-
Taxonomic notes. Revised by Randall (1955b). Generic ly satisfies Code art. 75.1 and the errors resulting from the
synonymy modified from Randall (1955a: 363). speculation are irrelevant, or in themselves they are evidence
Nomenclatural notes. The type species of Scopas is usual- for the need. Fricke (1999: 553) simultaneously designated
ly indicated as fixed by subsequent designation because there the neotype of A. scopas as neotype of A. suillus.
was no originally included species. In the original descrip- [Acanthurus scopas Cuvier, 1829: 224 (type locality: New Caledonia:
tion of Scopas, Kner used the name three times. The text Grande Terre Island, southeast coast: Touaourou, 6 km southeast of
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Yaté, 22°10'36"S 166°57'51"E [original type locality: Indonesia: Banda Acanthurus kipas Bleeker, 1854p: 327 (type locality: Indo-
Neira]; neotype: SMNS 21217, designated by Fricke, 1999: 553 [orig- nesia: Ambon; holotype: specimen on which is based
inal holotype: specimen on which is based Renard, 1719: vol. 1: pl. 40
fig. 201)]. Ikan kipas djantang of Valentyn, 1726: 493, fig. 449 and
[Acanthuru suillus Cuvier, 1829: 224 (type locality: New Caledonia: Courkipas of Renard, 1719: vol. 1: pl. 19 fig. 107)
Grande Terre Island, southeast coast: Touaourou, 6 km southeast of Acanthurus maristarum Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Mon-
Yaté, 22°10'36"S 166°57'51"E [original type locality: unknown]; neo- trouzier, 1857: 458 (type locality: Woodlark Island
type: SMNS 21217, designated by Fricke, 1999: 553 [original holo-
type: specimen on which is based Renard, 1719: vol. 1: pl. 14 fig. 82]; [Moiou]; syntypes: lost; incorrect original spelling, must
simultaneous objective synonym of Acanthurus scopas Cuvier, 1829: be emended into maristorum, Code art. 31.1.2, 32.5.1)
224, first reviser not researched)]. Acanthurus viaged Montrouzier, 1857: 458 (not available,
[Amphacanthus vulpinus Schlegel & Müller, 1844: 12 (type locality: In- name listed in synonymy)
donesia: Ternate Island; lectotype: RMNH 1552, designated by Wood-
land, 1990: 111)]. Acanthurus virgatus Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875: 283 (type
locality: Isles Sandwich [Hawaiian Islands]; syntypes:
Zebrasoma veliferum (Bloch, 1795) MNHN 9014 [1], 9015 [2], BMNH 1883.7.4.36 [1],
Acanthurus Velifer Bloch, 1795: 106, pl. 427 fig. 1 (type Bauchot & Randall, 1996: 60, Eschmeyer, 2011)
locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N ? Naseus strigatus De Vis, 1884c: 539 (type locality: Aus-
79°51'E]; holotype: ZMB 1753, Paepke, 1999: 41 [velifer tralia: Queensland coast; types: NT)
is a noun in apposition, Code art. 31.2.2 and example]) Zebrasoma veliforum novae caledoniae Borodin, 1932: 88
Acanthurus Blochii Bennett, 1836: 207 (unnecessary repla- (type locality: New Caledonia: Nouméa; holotype:
cement name for Acanthurus velifer Bloch, 1795: 106; AMNH [ex VMM 929], Eschmeyer, 2011; incorrect orig-
junior primary homonym of Acanthurus blochii Valen- inal spelling, must be emended to novaecaledoniae, Code
ciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1835: 209) art.
Acanthurus hypselopterus Bleeker, 1854p: 327 (type local- Taxonomic notes. Inland record from Philippines (Yaua
ity: Indonesia: Flores: Larantuka; holotype [139 mm TL]: River, Batan) by Fowler & Bean (1929: 258).
RMNH 6427, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Sphyraena Walbaum, 1792 Australuzza Whitley, 1947: 136 (type species: Sphyraena
Sphyraena Klein, 1778: 464 (not available, published in a novaehollandiae Günther, 1860: 335, by original desig-
work not using binominal nomenclature) nation). Gender feminine [Code art. 30.2.4].
Sphyraena Walbaum, 1792: 576 (type species: Esox sphyrae- Sphyraenella Smith, 1956b: 38 (type species: Sphyraena
na Linnaeus, 1758: 313, by monotypy). Gender feminine. flavicauda Rüppell, 1838: 100, pl. 25 fig. 3, by original
Sphyraena Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 584 (not available, designation). Gender feminine.
ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion 21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]). Indosphyraena Smith, 1956b: 38, 39 (type species: Sphyrae-
Gender feminine. na africana Gilchrist & Thompson, 1909: 256, by orig-
Sphyraena Artedi, 1793: 112 (type species not researched, inal designation). Gender feminine.
possibly Esox sphyraena Linnaeus, 1758: 313, by sub- Callosphyraena Smith, 1956b: 38, 42 (type species:
sequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 52; Sphyraena toxeuma Fowler, 1904b: 502, by original
junior homonym and objective synonym of Sphyraena designation). Gender feminine.
Walbaum, 1792: 576). Gender feminine. Taxonomic notes. Besides the species listed below, S. put-
Sphyraena Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 109 (type species: namae is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand)
Esox sphyraena Linnaeus, 1758: 313, by absolute tau- (Tongnunui et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was in-
tonymy; junior homonym and objective synonym of land or at sea.
Sphyraena Walbaum, 1792: 576). Gender feminine. [Sphyraena putnamae Jordan & Seale, 1905c: 4, pl. 13 (type locality: China:
Centranodon La Cepède, 1803: 138 (type species: Centra- Hong Kong; holotype: CAS-SU 9063 [also cataloged as SU 9263,
Böhlke, 1953: 64]; spelt putnamae in pl. 13, putnamiae pp. 1, 4; both
nodon japonicus La Cepède, 1803: 138, 139, by mono- spellings are correct (Code arts. 33.4, 58.14), first reviser [apparently
typy). Gender masculine. Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 1410] retained putnamae as correct original
Acus La Cepède, 1803: 327 (not available, name listed in spelling)].
Agrioposphyraena Fowler, 1903c: 749 (subgenus of Sphyraena acutipinnis Day, 1876
Sphyraena Walbaum, 1792: 576; type species: Esox bar- ? Sphyraena japonica Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
racuda Walbaum, 1792: 706, by original designation). 1829a: 354 (type locality: Japan; holotype: specimen on
Gender feminine. which drawing is based, not preserved; junior primary
homonym of Sphyraena japonica Bloch, in Schneider, Sphyroena kadanar Montrouzier & Thiollière, in Montrouz-
1801: 110 [Cuvier stated: "If this difference [more equal ier, 1857: 427 (type locality: Woodlark Island [Moiou];
teeth than S. vulgaris] were real, this would be a species holotype: specimen on which Montrouzier's figure is
that would deserve the name S. japonica better than the based, lost)
one, which has been established with the would-be Silu- Sphyraena snodgrassi Jenkins, 1901: 388, fig. 2 (type lo-
rus imberbis of Houttuyn [=Sphyraena japonica Bloch, cality: Hawaii: Oahu Island: Honolulu; syntypes: USNM
in Schneider, 1801: 110]"]) 49693 [5], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Sphyraena acutipinnis Day, 1876a: 342, pl. 79 fig. 1 (type Sphyraena akerstromi Whitley, 1947: 131, pl. 11 fig. 1 (type
locality: Pakistan: Sind; holotype: ZSI F1599, Eschmey- locality: Australia: off Lowendal Island, between Bar-
er, 2011) row Island and Monte Bello Group; holotype: apparent-
Sphyraena natalensis von Bonde, 1923: 10, pl. 3 fig. 2 (type ly not preserved)
locality: South Africa: Natal coast, 24°35'40"N Sphyraena microps Marshall, 1953: 54, pl. 2 fig. 2 (type
31°21'17"E; holotype: ? part of RUSI 82 [no syntypes locality: Australia: Queensland: off Comboyuro, More-
as listed by Winterbottom, 1974: 9, Eschmeyer, 2011, ton Bay / Cape Moreton; syntypes [2]: QM I.30811 [1,
because von Bonde explicitly listed a single specimen]) ex DHMB 1374], other not preserved)
Taxonomic notes. Apparently the Sphyraena japonica of Taxonomic notes. Synonym partly follows De Sylva (1975).
Chinese authors. Freshwater record from Hainan (Kuang,
1986: 201). Sphyraena jello Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829
Nomenclatural notes. Silurus inermis Houttuyn, 1782: 338 Esox sphyraena minor Forskål, 1775: xvi (not available, a
and its objective junior synonyms Silurus imberbis Gmelin, phrase, not a binominal name [in Forskål, names pre-
1789: 1361, Centranodon japonicus La Cepède, 1803: 138, ceded by Greek letters in the conspectus are varieties
139 and Sphyraena japonica Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 110 recognized by vernacular names, binominal names of
have earlier been listed as a species of Sphyraena. They are earlier authors or descriptive words or phrases; even if
now treated as synonyms of Inegocia japonica, see made of a single word, these are clearly not intended as
Platycephalidae. scientific names])
Sphyraena jello Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a:
Sphyraena barracuda (Edwards, in Catesby, 1771) 349 (type locality: India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapat-
Esox barracuda Edwards, in Catesby, 1771: vol. 2: 1 (Cates- nam] / Indian Ocean [Leschenault specimen]; syntypes:
by is a rejected work, but appendix by Edwards is avail- material on which is based Jellow of Russell, 1803b: 59,
able, ICZN, 1950: 571 [clarification of Opinion 89], pl. 174 and MNHN A.8411 [listed as holotype by Blanc
1954c: 253 [Opinion 259]; type locality: "shallow Seas & Hureau, 1972: 676])
of the Bahama Islands and in many other places between ? Sphyraena altipinnis Ogilby, 1910a: 8 (type locality: In-
the Tropicks [sic]"; types: NT) donesia: Aru Islands; holotype: AFAQ 1066, lost, Esch-
Sphyraena sphyraena var. picuda Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: meyer, 2011)
110, pl. 29 fig. 1 (type locality: West Indies; types: ma- Sphyraena permisca Smith, 1956b: 45, pl. 2 fig. 8 (type lo-
terial of Parra, 1787: 90, pl. 35 fig. 2) cality: Mozambique: Bazaruto Island; holotype: RUSI
Sphyraena becuna La Cepède, 1803: 325, 327, 329, pl. 9 83, Dor, 1984: 194)
fig. 3 (based on unpublished drawing and manuscript by
Plumier; type locality: not stated [Martinique Island]; Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
types: NT) 1829
Sphyraena Commersonii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1829a: 352 (type locality: Indian Ocean; syntypes: 1829a: 350 (type locality: India: Pondichery, Malabar
MNHN A.8414, Blanc & Hureau, 1972: 676 [as holo- Coast; lectotype: MNHN A.5486, designated by Doiu-
type], and material on which is based Allualu Brochet of chi & Nakabo, 2005: 137, fig. 5a)
Renard, 1719: vol 1: pl. 40 fig. 202, based on Vlaming Sphyraena langsar Bleeker, 1855a: 367 (type locality: In-
[unpublished drawing; actually Lamotius, see Holthuis & donesia: Batavia [Jakarta] and Batjan; lectotype: RMNH
Pietsch, 2006: 86, fig. 3–6] and Valentyn, 1726: 369, 6023, designated by Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: 142, fig.5c)
fig. 70 [ikan tsjakalan]) Sphijraena brachijgnathos Bleeker, 1855a: 368 (type locali-
Sphyraena Dussumieri Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenci- ty: Indonesia: Batavia [Jakarta] and Batjan; syntypes [3,
ennes, 1831: 508 (type locality: Indian Ocean, between 252–328 mm TL]: RMNH 6024 [2], Doiuchi & Naka-
Maldives and the eastern coast of Africa, 8°N 60°E [of bo, 2005: 142, fig. 5d)
Paris meridian]; holotype: MNHN) Sphyraena brachygnathus Günther, 1860: 340 (incorrect
Sphyraena affinis Rüppell, 1838: 98 (type locality: Red Sea: subsequent spelling of Sphyraena brachijgnathos Blee-
Saudi Arabia: Jiddah [Jeddah]; syntypes: SMF 2805 [1], ker, 1855a: 368)
2801 [1], Dor, 1984: 193, Eschmeyer, 2011) Sphyraena grandisquamis Steindachner, 1866f: 51 (type
Sphyraena Agam Rüppell, 1838: 99, pl. 25 fig. 2 (type lo- locality: Australia: New South Wales: Port Jackson; ho-
cality: Red Sea; syntypes: SMF 2818 [1], 17529 [2], Dor, lotype: NMW 5479, Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: 142,
1984: 194, Eschmeyer, 2011; description obviously based fig. 5e; also in Steindachner, 1866g: 446)
on several specimens [Rüppell stated "I have seen it up Sphyraena strenua De Vis, 1883b: 287 (type locality: Aus-
to 5 feet long] and skeletons) tralia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM I.1317,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: 142, fig. 5f) situtes a lectotype designation and makes S. flavicauda a
Sphyraena lineata Stead, 1908: 47, pl. 15 (type locality: not junior subjective synonym of S. pinguis. Doiuchi & Naka-
stated [Australia: New South Wales: Tuggerah lakes]; bo (2005: 141) considered that the lectotype designated by
lectotype: QM I.1523, designated by Doiuchi & Naka- Dor has "no status" and designated SMF 6776 as lectotype;
bo, 2005: 147, fig. 5f) this would make S. flavicauda a junior subjective synonym
Sphyraena aureoflammea Seale, 1910a: 502 (type locality: of S. obtusata. The lectotype is unambiguously SMF 506
Philippines: Mindanao: Zamboanga; holotype: BSM and S. flavicauda is a junior synonym of S. pinguis.
4138, lost) [Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell, 1838: 100, pl. 25 fig. 3 (type locality:
Nomenclatural notes. Synonymy largely follows Doiuchi Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF 506, designated by Dor,
1984: 194, Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: fig. 6d; designation of SMF
& Nakabo (2005, 2007). Doiuchi & Nakabo (2005: 141) 6776 by Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: 141, fig. 5b is invalid)].
commented that the type series of S. flavicauda includes [Sphyraena pinguis Günther, 1874c: 157 (type locality: China: Shantung
two species, which they identified as S. obtusata and S. pin- Province: Chefoo [Yantai], Pohai Sea; syntypes: BMNH 1874.1.16.15–
guis. Dor (1984: 194) listed SMF 506 as lectotype; this con- 16 [2], Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005: 148, fig. 6a)].
Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Collette (2003b). Cepède, 1801: 292; type species: Cybium cavalla Cuvier,
1829: 200, by original designation). Gender feminine.
Scomberomorus La Cepède, 1801 Sawara Jordan & Hubbs, 1925: 214 (type species: Cybium
Scomberomorus La Cepède, 1801: 292 (type species: Scom- niphonium Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 180,
beromorus plumierii La Cepède, 1801: 292, 293, by by original designation). Gender feminine.
monotypy). Gender masculine. Pseudosawara Munro, 1943: 68 (subgenus of Scombero-
Polipturus Rafinesque, 1815: 84 (unnecessary replacement morus La Cepède, 1801: 292; type species: Cybium
name for Scomberomorus La Cepède, 1801: 292). Gen- kuhlii Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 178, by
der masculine. original designation). Gender feminine.
Cybium Cuvier, 1829: 199 (type species: Scomber commer- Indocybium Munro, 1943: 68 (subgenus of Scomberomorus
son La Cepède, 1800: 600, by subsequent designation La Cepède, 1801: 292; type species: Cybium semifas-
by Gill, 1862c: 126). Gender neuter. ciatum Macleay, 1883b: 205, by original designation).
Apolectus Bennett, 1831c: 146 (type species: Apolectus im- Gender neuter.
munis Bennett, 1831c: 146, by subsequent designation Taxonomic notes. See Collette & Russo (1985) for generic
by Gill, 1862c: 126 of a type for the replacement name revision.
Apodontis Bennett, 1832: 169; not a junior homonym of
Apolectus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832: 438). Scomberomorus sinensis (La Cepède, 1800)
Gender masculine. Scomber sinensis La Cepède, 1800: 599 (based on a Chinese
Apodontis Bennett, 1832: 169 (unnecessary replacement drawing; type locality: China; holotype: model of draw-
name for Apolectus Bennett, 1831c: 146). Gender femi- ing; diagnosis only, description in La Cepède, 1801: 23)
nine. Cybium chinense Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832:
Chriomitra Lockington, 1879: 133 (type species: Chriomi- 180 (type locality: China; holotype: specimen on which
tra concolor Lockington, 1879: 134, by monotypy). is based Scomber sinensis La Cepède, 1800: 599)
Gender feminine. Cybium cambodgiense Durand, 1940: 37, pl. 6 (type local-
Sierra Fowler, 1905b: 766 (subgenus of Scomberomorus La ity: Cambodia: Phnom Penh; holotype: ION)
Anabantidae Bonaparte, 1831 nus: Spirobranchus Cuvier, 1829: 229, junior homonym
Anabatini Bonaparte, 1831a: 176, 1831b: 92, 110 (type ge- of Spirobranchus Oken, 1818: 2062 in Vermes; invalid
nus: Anabas Cloquet, 1816a: 35; correct stem is Ana- because type genus is a junior homonym, Code art. 39)
bant– and correct spelling is Anabantini) Anabantina Fowler, 1951: 4 (available when published, but
Spirobranchidae Swainson, 1839: 28, 174, 235 (type ge- now not available under 1961, 1985 and 1999 editions
of the Code art. 13.1; already made available as Ana- fact a French vernacular name, not available)
bantidae Bonaparte, 1831a: 176) Anabas variegatus Bleeker, 1851m: 220 (based on a draw-
Ctenopominae Cambray, 1997: 299 (type genus: Ctenopo- ing; type locality: Indonesia: North Sulawesi: Kema;
ma Peters, 1844: 34; correct stem is Ctenopomat– and holotype: model of drawing [201 mm TL], not preserved)
correct spelling is Ctenopomatinae) Anabas macrocephalus Bleeker, 1855b: 430 (type locality:
Coiidae Fowler, 1905a: 504 (type genus: Coïus Hamilton, Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Tandjongoost, Tjam-
1822: 85, 369) pea; syntypes [9, 78–172 mm TL]: SMNS 10564 [1],
Nomenclatural notes. Although unintentionally, Ctenopo- Fricke, 1991: 7)
minae is available from Cambray (1997: 299) who referred Anabas oligolepis Bleeker, 1855c: 161 (type locality: Indo-
to the unpublished thesis of Norris (1994) and mentioned nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; syn-
diagnostic characters, satisfying Code art. 13.2. The spell- types [9, 82–115 mm TL]: RMNH 5160, Reuvens, 1895:
ing Ctenopominae is incorrect since Ctenopoma ends with 148)
the Greek word poma and the stem is pomat-, thus the cor- Anabas microcephalus Bleeker, 1857e: 58 (type locality:
rect spelling is Ctenopomatinae. Indonesia: Ambon; holotype [173 mm TL]: RMNH 5161,
[Ctenopoma Peters, 1844: 34 (type species: Ctenopoma multispinis Pe- Reuvens, 1895: 147)
ters, 1844: 34, by monotypy). Gender neuter]. Anabas trifoliatus Kaup, 1860b: 124, pl. 6 fig. A (type lo-
cality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes [2]: "Die Grossherzogli-
Anabas Cloquet, 1816 che Sammlung" [Darmstadt])
Anabas Cloquet, 1816a [Oct.]: 35 [of supplement] (type Anabas elongatus Reuvens, 1895: 147 (type locality: "Ma-
species: Perca scandens Daldorff, 1797: 62, by mono- lay Archipelago"; holotype: RMNH 5162)
typy). Gender masculine. Perca vagabunda Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed
Coïus Hamilton, 1822: 85, 369 (type species: Coius cobojius in synonymy)
Hamilton, 1822: 98, by subsequent designation by Cu- Anabas testudineus kavaiya Deraniyagala, 1952: 111, fig. 53
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829a: 144 [see Kotte- atlas (type locality: Sri Lanka; holotype: NMSL FF 869,
lat, 2000b: 92]). Gender masculine. Pethiyagoda, 1991a: 336)
Anabas testudineus riveri Das, 1966: 93 (type locality: In-
Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) dia: Uttar Pradesh: Rapti River in Basti / Kathina River,
Anthias testudineus Bloch, 1792: 121, pl. 322 (type locali- Lakhimpur Kheri; syntypes: LU)
ty: Japan [erroneous; lectotype catalogued as from "In- Anabas testudineus lacustri Das, 1966: 93 (type locality: In-
dian Ocean"; likely to be India: Tranquebar [Tharangam- dia: Uttar Pradesh: fish tank at Balrampur; syntypes: LU)
badi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]]; lectotype: ZMB 1370, des- Anabas testudineus ricei Das, 1966: 93 (type locality: India:
ignated by Paepke, 1994a: 313) Uttar Pradesh: rice fields at Balrampur; syntypes: LU)
Perca scandens Daldorff, 1797: 62 (type locality: India: Taxonomic notes. Two species of Anabas occur in India,
Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; distinguished by chromosome numbers and morphology
types: probably none preserved) (Seshagiri Rao, 1968; Dutt & Ramaseshaiah, 1982, 1983;
Amphiprion scansor Schneider, 1801: 204 (unnecessary re- Ramaseshaiah & Dutt, 1984). They have been identified as
placement name for Perca scandens Daldorff, 1797: 62) A. testudineus and A. oligolepis but without explanation of
Lutjanus testudo La Cepède, 1802: 192, 235, 237 (unjusti- the criteria used to establish to which species the name
fied emendation of Anthias testudineus Bloch, 1792: 121) A. testudineus applies and why A. oligolepis (type locality:
Coius cobojius Hamilton, 1822: 98, 370, pl. 13 fig. 33 (type southeastern Borneo) should be the name of the second spe-
locality: Ganges [everywhere in India]; types: NT) cies from India. Awaiting clarification of the names of the
Anabas spinosus Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 89 fig. 1 (type lo- Indian species I retained all nominal species as synonyms
cality: "India"; holotype: specimen on which figure is of A. testudineus. There are indications that several species
based) are confused under the name A. testudineus in Southeast
Anabas sennal Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 333, Asia but there are no indications whether one or the other of
pl. 193 (sometime listed as an available name, but in the Indian species effectively occurs in Southeat Asia.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
vier & Valenciennes, 1831: 341]; syntypes [material used of the soft anatomy and osteology, stated to have been writ-
by Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 342, pl. 194]: RMNH ten by Valenciennes in Leiden (p. 352).
1081 [1, stuffed specimen], 136 [1, skeleton] and speci- It is not clear whether the size indicated by Cuvier &
men figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt, reproduced in Valenciennes is TL or SL. The Parisian inch was one twelth
Roberts, 1993b: fig. 42; named for Temminck, should of a foot or 27.1 mm (Klimpert, 1896). The specimen was
be emended to temminckii, an inadvertent error, Code thus 176 mm long and 68 mm deep. If the species was then
art. 32.5.1 [Temmink explicitly mentioned in volume 3, really known from only a single specimen, the skeleton
Cuvier, 1830: 420]) RMNH 136 listed by Roberts (1993: 40) could be the holo-
Helostoma tambakkan Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nudum; type. But it seems difficult to imagine that if only a single
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]) alcohol-preserved specimen was available in RMNH, this
Helostoma oligacanthum Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nu- was used to prepare a skeleton. Roberts indicated that only
dum; locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]) two specimens collected by Kuhl and van Hasselt were
Helostoma striolatum Bleeker, 1878g: 16 (not available, present in RMNH: a stuffed specimen 182 mm SL (RMNH
name listed in synonymy) 1081) and a skeleton 202 mm SL (RMNH 136). It should be
Helostoma rudolfi Machan, 1931: 221 (type locality: Indo- investigated whether the skeleton could have been extract-
nesia: Java: Djoto reservoir near Surabaya; holotype: ed from the stuffed specimen; x-rays could indicate which
NMW 16058, Eschmeyer, 2011) bones are still present in the stuffed specimen and it could
Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 40) commented that be checked whether these bones are present in the skeleton.
the holotype of Helostoma temminckii is presumably in If they are missing, this could be strong indication that they
MNHN but cannot be found. Cuvier (1829) did not mention are the same specimen and that Cuvier & Valenciennes gave
specimens. The text summarises information later published the SL (the size differences can be explained as a result of
in Cuvier & Valenciennes (1831); therefore the type series the preparation, stretching, glue added between vertebrae,
is made of all material available to Cuvier in 1829. Cuvier etc.). If the skeleton and the stuffed specimen are indeed
& Valenciennes (1831) explicitly stated (p. 341) that Kuhl two specimens, it is reasonable to conclude that there was
[and van Hasselt ?] sent a unique specimen to RMNH with- no holotype but a series of syntypes. The skeleton is proba-
out notes, that the description and plate 194 were based on bly the one on which the osteological description is based
this specimen in RMNH, (p. 345) that the colour descrip- (one should check if all the described bones are present).
tion is based on a specimen in alcohol, that there is a figure Roberts suggested that the stuffed specimen could be the
of the fresh specimen and that the specimen is 6½ inches one figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt.
long and 21/3 deep. They also gave an extensive description
1831: 353, pls. 195, 205 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; mentioned that a neotype designation has been proposed
syntypes: MNHN A.358 [2], RMNH 1078 [1], 1079 [1], to the ICZN, until then this specimen has no type status)
140 [1], Blanc, 1963: 73, Roberts, 1993b: 37, and spec-
imen figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt) Betta antoni Tan & Ng, 2006
Polyacanthus Kuhlii Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nudum; Betta antoni Tan & Ng, 2006: 98, fig. 1 (type locality: Indo-
locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]) nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas basin, Sang-
Polyacanthus Einthovenii Bleeker, 1851p: 423 (type local- gau area; holotype: MZB 9340)
ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; ho-
lotype [58 mm TL]: LU) Betta apollon Schindler & Schmidt, 2006
Polyacanthus Helfrichii Bleeker, 1855c: 162 (type locality: Betta apollon Schindler & Schmidt, 2006: 50, fig. 3 (type
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; locality: Thailand: Narathiwat Province: about 20 km
syntypes [2, 112–125 mm TL]: LU) west of Narathiwat on road to Marubo, about 6°23'N
Polyacanthus olivaceus Bleeker, 1878g: 13 (not available, 101°38'E; MTD F 30341)
name listed in synonymy)
Betta aurigans Tan & Lim, 2004
Betta aurigans Tan & Lim, 2004: 113, figs. 5–6 (type local-
Betta Bleeker, 1849 ity: Indonesia: Natuna Islands: Pulau Natuna Besar:
Betta Bleeker, 1849h: 14 (type species: Betta trifasciata blackwater tributary of Sungai Sekeram; 3°50'28.6"N
Bleeker, 1849h: 14, by monotypy; also in Bleeker, 1850d: 108°03'47.1"E; holotype: MZB 10709)
12). Gender feminine [Code art. 30.2.3].
Anostoma Bleeker, 1859l: 82, 1860j: 489 (not available, Betta balunga Herre, 1940
name listed in synonymy) Betta balunga Herre, 1940b: 44 (type locality: Malaysia:
Micracanthus Sauvage, 1879a: 95 (type species: Micracan- Borneo: Sabah: brook tributary of Balung River, 45 miles
thus marchei Sauvage, 1879a: 96, by monotypy; not a from Tawau; holotype: CAS-SU 33203, Tan & Ng,
junior homonym of Microcanthus Swainson, 1839: 170, 2005b: 69, fig. 19)
215; suppressed by ICZN, 2003a: 171 [Opinion 2043];
see Tan & Ng, 2000: 29). Gender masculine. Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884
Parophiocephalus Popta, 1905a: 184 (type species: Par- Betta bellica Sauvage, 1884b: 217, fig. (type locality: Ma-
ophiocephalus unimaculatus Popta, 1905a: 184, by laysia: Selangor: north Selangor peat swamp forest, ad-
monotypy). Gender masculine. jacent to Perak, 43 km towards Sungai Besar,
Oshimia Jordan, 1919c: 342 (unnecessary replacement name 3°39'12.9"N 101°18'004"E [original type locality: Ma-
for Micracanthus Sauvage, 1879a: 95). Gender feminine. laysia: Pengkalan-Pegou, on Kinta River, 150 km up-
Pseudobetta Richter, 1981: 272 (type species: Macropodus stream of mouth of Perak River]; neotype: ZRC 39196,
pugnax Cantor, 1849: 1066, by original designation). designated by Tan & Ng, 1996: 144, fig. 4a)
Gender neuter [Code art. 30.2.4]. Betta fasciata Regan, 1910: 782, pl. 77 fig. 4 (type locality:
Taxonomic notes. The phylogeny of the genus based on Indonesia: Sumatra: Deli [Medan]; lectotype: BMNH
molecular data is discussed by Rüber et al. (2004). Revision 1889.12.26.30, designated by Tan & Ng, 1996: 149,
by Tan & Ng (2005b–c). fig. 4b)
Betta akarensis Regan, 1910 Betta breviobesa Tan & Kottelat, 1998
Betta akarensis Regan, 1910: 779, pl. 77 fig. 3 (type local- Betta breviobesus Tan & Kottelat, 1998a: 46, fig. 2 (type
ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: River Akar; holotype: locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: stream
BMNH 1895.7.2.44, Tan & Ng, 2004: 282, 2005b: 67, about 1 km up Sungei Tajan from Tajan, 87 km east of
fig. 17a) Pontianak; 0°02'S 110°07'E; holotype: MZB 3866)
Betta climacura Vierke, 1988: 336, figs. 1–2, 5–6 (type lo-
cality: Brunei: near Rampayoh, about 60 miles south- Betta brownorum Witte & Schmidt, 1992
west of Brunei; holotype: ZFMK 15532) Betta brownorum Witte & Schmidt, 1992: 312, figs. 5–6
(type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: 3rd Division:
Betta albimarginata Kottelat & Ng, 1994 2.5 km south of Batang Rejang ferry on road from Sibu
Betta albimarginata Kottelat & Ng, 1994: 67, figs. 1–3 (type to Kuching, 2°08'N 112°00'30"E; holotype: ZSM 28090)
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Sungei
Sebuku basin: Sungei Sanul, a tributary of Sungei Betta burdigala Kottelat & Ng, 1994
Tikung, about at km 7 on logging road from Semunad, Betta burdigala Kottelat & Ng, 1994: 70, fig. 4 (type local-
4°04'05"N 117°00'24"E; holotype: ZRC 38485 [ex CMK ity: Indonesia: Bangka: 4 km north of Bikang village on
9541]) road from Koba to Toboali; holotype: ZRC 35162)
Betta anabatoides Bleeker, 1851 Betta channoides Kottelat & Ng, 1994
Betta anabatoïdes Bleeker, 1851d: 269 (type locality: Indo- Betta channoides Kottelat & Ng, 1994: 71, fig. 5 (type lo-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; syn- cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam
types [2, 101–115 mm TL]: ? RMNH; Tan, 2009a: 60 River basin: unnamed stream entering Mahakam River
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
on northern side near Mujub, 0°01'S 115°43'E; holotype: ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Sungai Alai, km 19.5 on
ZRC 43067) Muara Bungo–Muara Tebo road [bridge at Sungai Alai:
1°28'42.6"N 102°18'31.7"E]; holotype: MZB 9308)
Betta chini Ng, 1993
Betta chini Ng, 1993: 290, figs. 1–3 (type locality: Malay- Betta ferox Schindler & Schmidt, 2006
sia: Borneo: Sabah: Beaufort area, peat swamps along Betta ferox Schindler & Schmidt, 2006: 53, fig. 5 (type lo-
logging trail about 12 km from Beaufort on road from cality: Thailand: Hat Yai Province: about 30 km south-
Kota Kinabalu to Beaufort, about 5°33'06"N west of Rattsphun, Bori Pat, on national road 406, 150
115°50'23"E; holotype: ZRC 35086) m before junction into Bori Pat waterfall park, 7°00'05"N
100°08'55"E; holotype: MTD F 30355)
Betta chloropharynx Kottelat & Ng, 1994
Betta chloropharynx Kottelat & Ng, 1994: 72, fig. 6 (type Betta foerschi Vierke, 1979
locality: Indonesia: Bangka: km-mark 99.4 south of Betta foerschi Vierke, 1979: 386, 4 figs. (type locality: In-
Pangkalpinang on road to Toboali, 41.4 km south of donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Mentaya basin,
Koba; holotype: ZRC 35166, Tan, 2009b: 502, fig. 6) 250 km northwest of Banjarmasin [Palangan, about half-
day by boat upriver of Sampit on the Mentaya; Schaller
Betta coccina Vierke, 1979 & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; holotype: ZMH 6058)
Betta coccina Vierke, 1979: 288, figs. (type locality: Indo- ? Betta strohi Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 32, figs. 2, 5 (type
nesia: Sumatra: Jambi; holotype: ZMH 6056) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Nataik
Sedawak, about 30 km south of Sukamara, 2°31'S
Betta compuncta Tan & Ng, 2006 111°13'E; holotype: ZSM 26718)
Betta compuncta Tan & Ng, 2006: 109, fig. 6 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Long Iram sub- Betta fusca Regan, 1910
district: Mahakam basin: tributary of Sungai Hajuq, about Betta fusca Regan, 1910: 780, pl. 78 fig. 2 (type locality:
800 m east of northeast Lampunut camp [camp: 0°03.92'S Indonesia: Sumatra: around Medan [Tanjong Slamat, Bah-
114°55.34'E]; holotype: MZB 9344) soemboe near Tebing Tinggi, or foothills of Mt. Surbo
Dolok; Morton, 1908: 165–174]; lectotype: BMNH 1908.
Betta cracens Tan & Ng, 2005 7.13.18, designated by Tan & Ng, 2005c: 122, fig, 3)
Betta cracens Tan & Ng, 2005c: 120, fig. 2 (type locality: Distribution notes. Morton, the collector of the types se-
Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi Province: Sungai Berliung ries of B. fusca, obtained his collections around Medan:
Bata, Bertam, about 1 km into turnoff to Permata Biru Tanjong Slamat, Bahsoemboe near Tebing Tinggi, or foot-
Indah, 10 km from Jambi towards Palembang, after main hills of Mt. Surbo Dolok (Morton, 1908: 165–174). Most of
bus terminus; holotype: MZB 9309) Morton's material is in MCZL but the collection does not
include fishes.
Betta dennisyongi Tan, 2013
Betta dennisyongi Tan, 2013: 326, figs. 7–8. (type locality: Betta gladiator Tan & Ng, 2005
Indonesia: Sumatra: Aceh: Kabupaten Nagan Raya: Betta gladiator Tan & Ng, 2005b: 75, figs. 25, 47f (type
Lamie, Alue Rayeuk, stream along road Meulaboh- locality: Borneo: Sabah: Maliau Basin, northeast of base-
Blangpidie; holotype: MZB 17207) camp 1996 (ca. 5°14'N 116°53'E), stream at right trail
about 2 km into Jalan Babi towards Maliau falls; holo-
Betta dimidiata Roberts, 1989 type: MUS uncat.)
Betta dimidiata Roberts, 1989: 172, fig. 130 (type locality:
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sungai Seriang, Betta hendra Schindler & Linke, 2013
37 km west of Putussibau, approx. 0°51.5'N 112°36'E; Betta hendra Schindler & Linke, 2013: 36, figs. 1–3 (type
holotype: MZB 3849) locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: about
3 km south-east of Palangkaraya in direction of Bereng-
Betta edithae Vierke, 1984 bengkel; 2°16.5'S 113°56.6'E; holotype: MTD 32875)
Betta edithae Vierke, 1984: 60, figs. (type locality: Indone-
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: "Barito Delta" near Betta hipposideros Ng & Kottelat, 1994
Banjarmasin; holotype: SMF 18712) Betta hipposideros Ng & Kottelat, 1994: 597, fig. 6 (type
locality: Malaysia: Selangor: North Selangor Peatswamp
Betta enisae Kottelat, 1995 Forest, 39 km stone on road from Sungai Besar to Tan-
Betta enisae Kottelat, 1995a: 60, fig. 4 (type locality: Indo- jong Malim; holotype: ZRC 18688)
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas basin: Sungai
Santik, a tributary of Sungai Tawang immediately west Betta ibanorum Tan & Ng, 2004
of Danau Sentarum Field Centre, 0°50'21"N Betta ibanorum Tan & Ng, 2004: 273, figs. 3, 7 (type local-
112°03'50"E; holotype: MZB 5907) ity: Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching, Bako National Park,
Bukit Gondol; holotype: SBC uncat. [ZRC 41584, Tan
Betta falx Tan & Kottelat, 1998 & Ng, 2005b: 70])
Betta falx Tan & Kottelat, 1998b: 564, figs. 2–3 (type local-
Betta ideii Tan & Ng, 2006 Betta miniopinna Tan & Tan, 1994
Betta ideii Tan & Ng, 2006: 111, fig. 7 (type locality: Indo- Betta miniopinna Tan & Tan, 1994: 42, fig. 1 (type locality:
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: north of Baturicin Indonesia: Riau archipelago: northern Pulau Bintan:
area, coastal basin draining into Laut Strait and adjacent swamp forest at Tanjong Bintan end near Pasir Segiling,
to Pulau Laut; 3°16'15–18"S 115°58'17–23"E; holotype: 1°10'N 104°30'E; holotype: ZRC 32504)
MZB 10713)
Betta obscura Tan & Ng, 2005
Betta imbellis Ladiges, 1975 Betta obscura Tan & Ng, 2005b: 90, fig. 41 (type locality:
Betta imbellis Ladiges, 1975: 262, figs. (type locality: Ma- Borneo: Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah: Sungai Barito
laysia: swamp near Kuala Lumpur; holotype: ZMH 4644) basin: Desa Kerendan, Sungai Lahei and tributaries;
holotype: MZB 9331)
Betta krataios Tan & Ng, 2006
Betta krataios Tan & Ng, 2006: 102, fig. 3 (type locality: Betta ocellata de Beaufort, 1933
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Mandor area; Betta ocellata de Beaufort, 1933: 35 (type locality: Malay-
holotype: MZB 10715) sia: Borneo: Sabah: Bettotan near Sandakan; holotype:
BMNH 1959.7.7.1, Tan & Ng, 2005: 72, fig. 24a)
Betta kuehnei Schindler & Schmidt, 2009
Betta kuehnei Schindler & Schmidt, 2009: 40, figs. 1–2 (type Betta pallifina Tan & Ng, 2005
locality: Malaysia: Kelantan: Kota Bharu, about 35 km Betta pallifina Tan & Ng, 2005b: 93, figs. 44, 49h (type
south of Panjang, 5°48'40"N 101°57'20"E; holotype: locality: Borneo: Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah: Muara
ZMB 33884) Teweh, Kec. Laung Tuhup, Desa Maruai, Rawa/Sungai
Laung, tributary of Sungai Barito; holotype: MZB 9238)
Betta lehi Tan & Ng, 2005
Betta lehi Tan & Ng, 2005b: 65, figs. 16, 46e (type locality: Betta pardalotos Tan, 2009
Borneo: Sarawak: Sungai Stuum Muda (1°28'51.3"N Betta pardalotos Tan, 2009c: 501, figs. 1–5 (type locality:
109°58'18.1°E), about 58 km to Sematan on road from Indonesia: Sumatra: Sumatera Selatan: Musi drainage,
Bau to Lundu, 21.1 km before Lundu ferry over Batang Palembang, Laut Kenten, Sungai Gelam; holotype: MZB
Kayan; holotype: ZRC 39267) 10999)
Betta livida Ng & Kottelat, 1992 Betta patoti Weber & de Beaufort, 1922
Betta livida Ng & Kottelat, 1992: 177, fig. 3 (type locality: Betta patoti Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 359 (type locality:
Malaysia: Selangor: North Selangor peat swamp forest, Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Balikpapan, riv-
800 m from 45-km mark on road from Tanjong Malim ulet 25 km east of Balikpapan bay; lectotype: ZMA
to Sungai Besar; holotype: ZRC 15287) 112.513, by present designation [listed as lectotype by
Tan & Ng, 2005b: 92, fig. 43a, but not validly designat-
Betta macrostoma Regan, 1910 ed, Code art. 74.7.3])
Betta macrostoma Regan, 1910: 778, pl. 78 fig. 3 (type lo-
cality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak; holotype: BMNH Betta persephone Schaller, 1986
1898.11.2.2, Tan & Ng, 2005: 71, fig. 22a) Betta persephone Schaller, 1986: 298, figs. (type locality:
Malaysia: Johor: about 3 km north of Ayer Hitam along
Betta mahachaiensis Kowasupat, Panijpan, Ruenwong- Asian Highway 2; holotype: ZFMK 14226, Schaller &
sa & Sriwattanarothai, 2012 Kottelat, 1989: 36)
Betta mahachaiensis Kowasupat, Panijpan, Ruenwongsa &
Sriwattanarothai, 2012: 50, figs. 1–3 (type locality: Thai- Betta pi Tan, 1998
land: Samut Sakhon Province: Muang district: Tha Sai Betta pi Tan, 1998: 285, figs. 3–4 (type locality: Thailand:
subdistrict: behind Pattarachai food factory, 13°34'N Narathiwat Province: Mae Nam Tod Deng, about 6 km
100°15'E; holotype: THNHM F-01630) north of Sungai Kolok; holotype: ZRC 40289)
Betta mandor Tan & Ng, 2006 Betta picta (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Betta mandor Tan & Ng, 2006: 104, fig. 4 (type locality: 1846)
Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Mandor area; Panchax pictum Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
holotype: MZB 9342) 1846: 385 (type locality: Indonesia: Java: Buitenzorg
[Bogor], Sadingwetang [not a vernacular name, but a
Betta midas Tan, 2009 place name]; syntypes: lost, Tan & Kottelat, 1998b: 557,
Betta midas Tan, 2009a: 64, figs. 4–8 (type locality: Indo- including specimen figured by Kuhl and van Hasselt,
nesia: Borneo: West Kalimantan: Kabupaten Pontianak: reproduced in Roberts, 1993b: fig. 39)
small stream draining into Sungai Sepatah, a tributary to Betta trifasciata Bleeker, 1849h: 14 (type locality: Indone-
Sungai Mandor, 24 km northeast of Pontianak, 0°07.5'N sia: Java: Ambarawa; type(s): apparently part of and
109°30'E; holotype: MZB 3846) mixed with RMNH 6370 [30]; also in Bleeker, 1850d:
12, 1850n: 107)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Betta pinguis Tan & Kottelat, 1998 by boat upstream (1°36'45.7"S 103°27'00.0"E; holotype:
Betta pinguis Tan & Kottelat, 1998a: 43, fig. 1 (type locali- MZB 9315)
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas basin,
Sungai Letang, near Kampung Kandung Suli (Kecama- Betta renata Tan, 1998
tan Jongkong); holotype: MZB 5936) Betta renata Tan, 1998: 282, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Rantau Panjang, 1°21'57.6"N
Betta prima Kottelat, 1994 103°54'55.2"E; holotype: MZB 9310, Tan & Ng, 2005c:
Betta prima Kottelat, 1994c: 298, figs. 1–2 (type locality: 126)
Thailand: Chantaburi Province: creek at about km 1 on
road to Nam Tok Phliu, after leaving Chantaburi–Trat Betta rubra Perugia, 1893
highway; 12°32'N 102°11'E; holotype: ZRC 48653 [ex Betta rubra Perugia, 1893a: 242 (type locality: Indonesia:
CMK 10798]) Sumatra: Siboga; lectotype: MCSN 13019a, by present
? Betta pallida Schindler & Schmidt, 2004: 2, figs. 2–3 (type designation [listed as lectotype by Tan & Ng, 2005b: 86,
locality: Thailand: Narathiwat Province: about 30 km 2005c: 119, fig. 1a, Tan, 2013: 324, fig. 2a, but not val-
west of Narathiwat "at the street to Ruso", approx. 6°21'N idly designated, Code art. 74.7.3])
101°38'E; holotype: MTD F 28389)
Taxonomic notes. Betta pallida is tentatively listed as a Betta rutilans Witte & Kottelat, in Kottelat, 1991
synonym of B. prima. A comparison of fresh material of Betta rutilans Witte & Kottelat, in Kottelat, 1991c: 278, fig. 2
both nominal species (including paratypes of B. prima) (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat:
shows that they do not differ in any of the characters used in Sungei Kepayang, 7 km SE of Anjungan on road to Pon-
the diagnosis except for a slightly more pointed caudal fin tianak, 0°20'N 109°08'E; holotype: ZRC 38452 [was on
in B. pallida. No comparison material is listed and the loan as ZSM 27977])
comparative data are said to be from Kottelat (1994c) and
Tan & Kottelat (1998b). The diagnostic colour pattern ele- Betta schalleri Kottelat & Ng, 1994
ments attributed to B. prima in the diagnosis of B. pallida Betta schalleri Kottelat & Ng, 1994: 74, figs. 9–11 (type
(p. 2) (posteriorly interrupted central lateral stripe, posteri- locality: Indonesia: Bangka: 5.5 km north of Payung on
orly uninterrupted lower lateral stripe, presence of small dark road to Pangkalpinang; holotype: ZRC 35170)
spot at caudal-fin base) are all contradicted by the figures in
the original description of B. prima. However, further re- Betta siamorientalis Kowasupat, Panijpan, Ruenwongsa
search might show that B. pallida is distinct when other & Jeenthong, 2012
characters are used. Betta siamorientalis Kowasupat, Panijpan, Ruenwongsa &
Jeenthong, 2012: 389, figs. 1–3 (type locality: Thailand:
Betta pugnax (Cantor, 1849) Chachoengsao Province: Bang Khla District: Tha Thong-
Macropodus pugnax Cantor, 1849: 1066, pl. 2 figs. 1–3 (type lang Subdistrict: Sai Hai village, 13°42'N 101°13'E; ho-
locality: Malaysia: Pinang; lectotype: BMNH lotype: THNHM F-01540)
1860.3.19.930, designated by Alfred, 1963c: 147, Tan
& Tan, 1996: fig. 3a) Betta simorum Tan & Ng, 1996
Betta bleekeri Regan, 1910: 780 (based on Betta picta sen- Betta simorum Tan & Ng, 1996: 151, figs. 3c, 4c (type lo-
su Bleeker, 1877b: pl. 395 fig. 3, 1878g: 26; type local- cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: swamp in Rantau
ity: Malaysia: Pinang; lectotype: BMNH 1860.3.19.930, Panjang; holotype: MZB 6256)
designated by Tan & Ng, 2005b: 62, fig. 11a; junior ob-
jective synonym of Macropodus pugnax Cantor, 1849: Betta simplex Kottelat, 1994
1066) Betta simplex Kottelat, 1994c: 301, figs. 3–4 (type locality:
Betta macrophthalma Regan, 1910: 781, pl. 77 fig. 2 (type Thailand: Krabi Province: northwest of Krabi, springs
locality: Singapore; holotype: BMNH 1868.7.10.28, Tan (small lake) of Tham Sra Kaew and Nine Ponds, behind
& Tan, 1996: 421, fig. 4c) Ban Nai Sra village, 2.2 km from National Highway
Betta brederi Myers, 1935b: 25 (type locality: Malaysia: 4034; holotype: ZRC 38486 [ex CMK 10635])
Johor: stream emptying into Johor Strait west of Johor
River, possibly Sungai Tebrau; holotype: USNM 94400, Betta smaragdina Ladiges, 1972
Tan & Tan, 1996: fig. 4a) Betta smaragdina Ladiges, 1972d: 190, figs. (type locality:
Thailand: Korat [erroneous, actually Nongkhai; Schaller
Betta pulchra Tan & Tan, 1996 & Kottelat, 1991: 448]; holotype: ZMH 4639)
Betta pulchra Tan & Tan, 1996: 428, figs. 2, 4c (type local-
ity: Malaysia: Johor: Pontian, Kampong Jasa Sepakat; Betta spilotogena Ng & Kottelat, 1994
holotype: ZRC 28860) Betta spilotogena Ng & Kottelat, 1994: 606, fig. 8 (type
locality: Indonesia: Riau Archipelago: northern Pulau
Betta raja Tan & Ng, 2005 Bintan; holotype: ZRC 35417)
Betta raja Tan & Ng, 2005c: 123, fig. 4 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Sumatra: Jambi Province: Sungai Ayer Merah, Betta splendens Regan, 1910
feeder stream to Danau Souak Padang, about 15 mins. Micracanthus marchei Sauvage, 1879a: 96 (type locality:
Central Africa: 'Ogooué, Doumé' [obviously erroneous]; Tan & Ng, 2005b: 91, fig. 42a; also in Popta, 1906: 10,
holotype: MNHN A.964, Blanc, 1963: 73, Tan & Ng, pl. 1 fig. 1)
2000: 30; suppressed by ICZN, 2003a: 171 [Opinion
2043]) Betta waseri Krummenacher, 1986
Betta splendens Regan, 1910: 782 (type locality: Thailand: Betta waseri Krummenacher, 1986: 177, figs. (type locali-
Menam River [Mae Nam Chao Phraya]; lectotype: ty: Malaysia: road from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur,
BMNH 1898.11.8.95, designated by Schaller & Kotte- 22.5 km after Kuantan, 500 m after km 232 to Kuala
lat, 1989: 36, fig. 6) Lumpur; holotype: ZMZ 129201, Ng & Kottelat, 1994:
Betta splendens var. abbreviata Pellegrin, 1925: 180, fig. 595, Tan & Ng, 2005b: 83, fig. 36a)
(type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchina: from breeder in
Rach-Gia; holotype: MNHN 1925-0082, Blanc, 1963:
70; originally described as domesticated variety [p. 182], Luciocephalus Bleeker, 1850
but treated as valid subspecies by Blanc, 1963: 70 and Diplopterus Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 87 fig. 1 (type species:
therefore available from Pellegrin, 1925, Code art. Diplopterus pulcher Gray, 1830: pl. 87, by monotypy; junior homonym of Diplopterus Boie, 1826: 977, in Aves;
Betta splendens f. longicaudata Stoye, 1932: pl. 108 (no- diagnosis in Gray, 1831b: 8). Gender masculine.
men nudum and infrasubspecific) Luciocephalus Bleeker, 1850p: 24 (replacement name for
Diplopterus Gray, 1830: pl. 87; also in Bleeker, 1851d:
Betta stigmosa Tan & Ng, 2005 273). Gender masculine.
Betta stigmosa Tan & Ng, 2005b: 64, figs. 14, 46d (type
locality: Malaysia: Terengganu: Sekayu waterfalls Luciocephalus aura Tan & Ng, 2005
(4°57'49.7"N 102°57'14.0"E), near swampy stream; ho- Luciocephalus aura Tan & Ng, 2005c: 129, fig. 6 (type lo-
lotype: ZRC 43392) cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: Pijoan area; holotype:
MZB 9311)
Betta stiktos Tan & Ng, 2005
Betta stiktos Tan & Ng, 2005b: 95, fig. 45 (type locality: Luciocephalus pulcher (Gray, 1830)
Cambodia: Mekong basin: small swampy stream from Diplopterus pulcher Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 87 fig. 1 (type
Stung Treng to Ban Lung (ca. ¾ to bridge over Tonle locality: Malaysia: Johor: Mersing area, stream about km
Srepok), about 13°30'N 106°30'E; holotype: CAS 66 to Kluang, km 166 to Batu Pahat [original type local-
204326) ity: "India" (obviously erroneous; possibly Singapore,
Wheeler, 1998: 345)]; neotype: ZRC 42520, designated
Betta taeniata Regan, 1910 by Tan & Ng, 2005c: 129, fig. 5b; diagnosed in Gray,
Betta taeniata Regan, 1910: 781, pl. 78 fig. 1 (type locality: 1831b: 8)
Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Senah River; lectotype:
BMNH 1893.3.6.147, designated by Tan & Ng, 2005b:
78, fig. 26a) Macropodus La Cepède, 1801
Macropodus La Cepède, 1801: 416 (type species: Macropo-
Betta tomi Ng & Kottelat, 1994 dus viridiauratus La Cepède, 1801: 416, 417, by mono-
Betta tomi Ng & Kottelat, 1994: 603, fig. 7 (type locality: typy). Gender masculine.
Malaysia: Johor: tributary of Sungai Mupor, about 15 km Macropus Günther, 1861a: 381 (unjustified emendation of
on road from Kota Tinggi to Mersing, 1°52'N 103°56'E; Macropodus La Cepède, 1801: 416). Gender masculine.
holotype: ZRC 35409) Pedites Gistel, 1848: ix (unnecessary replacement name for
Macropodus La Cepède, 1801: 416). Gender masculine.
Betta tussyae Schaller, 1985
Betta tussyae Schaller, 1985b: 350, figs. (type locality [as Macropodus erythropterus Freyhof & Herder, 2002
emended by Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]: Malaysia: Macropodus erythropterus Freyhof & Herder, 2002b: 162,
Pahang: 17 km south of Pekan, about 77 km south of figs. 13–14 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Prov-
Kuantan on the road parallel to East Coast, about 2 km ince: stream at Quyêt Tiên; 17°11.54'N 106°37.53'E;
from sea; holotype: ZSM 27336, Schaller & Kottelat, holotype: ZFMK 38945)
1989: 36) ? Macropodus phongnhaensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 720
(nomen nudum)
Betta uberis Tan & Ng, 2006 ? Macropodus lineatus Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 720 (nomen
Betta uberis Tan & Ng, 2006: 105, fig. 5 (type locality: In- nudum)
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Arut basin: ? Macropodus oligolepis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 720 (no-
Pankalanbun; holotype: MZB 9338) men nudum)
? Macropodus phongnhaensis Ngo, Nguyen [V. H.] & Ngu-
Betta unimaculata (Popta, 1905) yen [H. D.], in Nguyen [V. H.] (2005b: 640, fig. 8 (type
Parophiocephalus unimaculatus Popta, 1905a: 184 (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Phong Nha-
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Kajan Ke Bang area: Son Trach market; holotype: NCNTTSI)
River [Kayan]; lectotype: RMNH 7660-A, designated by ? Macropodus lineatus Nguyen [V. H.], Ngo & Nguyen [H.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
D.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005b: 641, fig. 9 (type locality: Macropodus opercularis concolor Schreitmüller, 1936b [12
Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Son Trach District: Nov.]: 501 (unnecessary replacement name for M. o.
stream Mon; holotype: NCNTTSI) spechti Schreitmüller, 1936a: 181; see also ICZN, 2006:
? Macropodus oligolepis Nguyen [V. H.], Ngo & Nguyen 78, Opinion 2145)
[H. D.], in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005b: 643, fig. 10 (type Macropodus opercularis concolor Ahl, 1937 [Feb.]: 117
locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh Province: Phong Nha- (type locality: "Dutch Indies" [Indonesia; erroneous,
Ke Bang area: Son Trach market; holotype: NCNTTSI) possibly Vietnam: Hue; see Paepke, 1994a: 81]; lecto-
Taxonomic notes. Winstanley & Clements (2008) consid- type: ZMB 31380, designated by Paepke, 1994b: 316,
ered M. erythropterus to be a synonym of M. spechti. This fig. 1 or 1994a: 75; junior homonym of M. o. concolor
might be correct, but the published data are not convincing. Schreitmüller, 1936b: 501 and junior objective synonym
The conclusion is not based on topotypes or material from of M. spechti Schreitmüller, 1936a: 181, Kottelat et al.,
close to the type locality of M. erythropterus and the dis- 2004: 114; see also ICZN, 2006: 78)
cussion mentions only the red colouration in the unpaired ? Macropodus tramiensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.],
fins and not the other diagnostic characters used by Freyhof in Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.], 2004: 92, fig. 1
& Herder (2002b). This should be re-examined, also in tak- (type locality: Vietnam: Quang Nam Province: Tra Mi
ing into account all the nominal species of Macropodus that District: Tranh River basin; holotype: HNUE)
had been omitted. ? Macropodus yeni Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], in
Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.], 2004: 93, fig. 2 (type
locality: Vietnam: Quang Nam Province: Phuoc Son
Macropodus opercularis (Linnaeus, 1758) District: Daksa spring in Phuoc Doc commune; holo-
Labrus opercularis Linnaeus, 1758: 283 (type locality: Asia type: HNUE)
[probably around Guangdong; Rendahl, 1958: 146]; ? Macropodus nigrocorpus Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V.
holotype: lost, Rendahl, 1958: 146) H.], in Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.], 2004: 93, fig. 1
Labrus operculatus Gmelin, 1789: 1286 (incorrect subse- (alternative name for Macropodus yeni Nguyen [H. D.]
quent spelling of Labrus opercularis Linnaeus, 1758: 283) & Nguyen [V. H.], in Nguyen [V. H.] & Nguyen [H. D.],
Chaetodon Chinensis Bloch, 1790: 5, pl. 218 fig. 1 (type 2004: 93, probably an inadvertent error; as first reviser,
locality: China; holotype: ZMB 1389, Paepke, 1990: 74, I give precedence to M. yeni)
pl. 1)
Macropodus viridi-auratus La Cepède, 1801: 416, 417, pl.
16 fig. 1 (type locality: China; syntypes: MNHN, ? SMF Osphronemus La Cepède, 1801
571 [3, ex MNHN], Eschmeyer, 2011) Osphronemus La Cepède, 1801: 116 (type species: Osphro-
Macropodus venustus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, nemus goramy La Cepède, 1801: 117, by subsequent
1831: 375, pl. 197 (type locality: China: Canton; synty- designation by Bleeker, 1878g: 17–19). Gender mascu-
pes: specimens on which Dussumier's drawings are based) line.
Macropodus filamentosus Oshima, 1919: 278, pl. 52 fig. 2 Osphromenus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 377
(type locality: Taiwan: Kotosho, Botel Tobago Island (unjustified emendation of Osphronemus La Cepède,
[Lan-yu Island]; holotype: FMNH 59123 [ex CM 8261], 1801: 116). Gender masculine.
Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 54)
? Macropodus baviensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005a: 720 (no- Osphronemus exodon Roberts, 1994
men nudum) Osphronemus exodon Roberts, 1994b: 68, figs. 1–2 (type
? Macropodus baviensis Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [V. H.], locality: Cambodia: Stung Treng market; holotype: NRM
in Nguyen [V. H.], 2005b: 644, fig. 11 (type locality: 28231)
Vietnam: Ha Tay: Ba Vi district: Suoi Hai stream; holo-
type: HNUE) Osphronemus goramy La Cepède, 1801
Taxonomic notes. Macropodus ctenopsoides, usually list- Osphronemus goramy La Cepède, 1801: 116, 117, pl. 8 fig. 2
ed as a synonym of M. opercularis has a rounded lanceolate (type locality: "Isle de France [Mauritius], brought from
caudal fin and seems to be M. ocellatus, if it is really from China and Batavia [Jakarta]"; types: ? NT [status of ZMB
China. 1386 listed as syntype by Paepke, 1994a: 318, needs
[Macropodus ctenopsoides Brind, 1915: 38, fig. (type locality: China: confirmation]; invalid neotype designation by Fricke,
Hankow [Wuhan]; types: aquarium fishes, probably not preserved)]. 1999a: 569 [need not demonstrated as species said to be
[Macropodus ocellatus Cantor, 1842: 484 (type locality: China: Chusan
Island [Zhoushan Dao]; lectotype: BMNH 1843.7.21.28, designated identifiable from La Cepède's figure; Code art. 75.1])
by Paepke, 1990: 76, pl. 3)]. Trichopodus mentum La Cepède, 1801: 125, 126, pl. 8 fig. 3
(type locality: not stated; types: material on which Com-
Macropodus spechti Schreitmüller, 1936 merson's manuscripts and drawing are based)
Macropodus opercularis var. spechti Schreitmüller, 1936a Trichopus Satyrus Shaw, 1803c: 391, pl. 55 (based on Tri-
[Oct.]: 181, fig. (type locality: "Dutch Indies" [Indone- chopode Mentonier of La Cepède, 1801: 126 [not an
sia], from aquarium importer in Le Havre, France [erro- unnecessary replacement name for or emendation of Tri-
neous]; lectotype: ZMB 31380, designated by Freyhof & chopodus mentus La Cepède, 1801: 125, 126, because
Herder, 2002: 160; see also Schreitmüller, 1936b: 501; only vernacular name mentioned]; type locality: not stat-
see also ICZN, 2006: 78, Opinion 2145) ed; types: material on which Commerson's manuscripts
Parasphaerichthys lineatus Britz & Kottelat, 2002 Parosphromenus gunawani Schindler & Linke, 2012
Parasphaerichthys lineatus Britz & Kottelat, 2002: 244, figs. Parosphromenus gunawani Schindler & Linke, 2012: 401,
1–2 (type locality: Myanmar: 35 km from Yangon on figs. 1–2 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Jambi: about
road to Pathein [Hmoain pool, 7.5 miles southwest from 45 km northeast of Jambi, approx. 1°22'N 103°56'E
Einme, 16°47'51"N 95°04'4"E; Britz, 2010c: 67]; holo- [which is in Singapore; probably 1°22'S 103°56'E]; ho-
type: NRM 48010) lotype: MTD 32798)
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929 Parosphromenus harveyi Brown, 1987
Parasphaerichthys ocellatus Prashad & Mukerji, 1929: 217, Parosphromenus harveyi Brown, 1987: 34, fig. (type local-
pl. 8 fig. 4 (type locality: Burma: Myitkyina District: ity: Malaysia: Selangor: Batu Arang; lectotype: ZRC
muddy streams a few miles from Kamaing on Kamaing 50234, designated by Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 108)
Jade Mines Road; holotype: ZSI F 11011/1, Menon &
Yazdani, 1968: 151) Parosphromenus linkei Kottelat, 1991
Parosphromenus linkei Kottelat, 1991c: 282, fig. 4 (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: creeks
Parosphromenus Bleeker, 1877 in Pudukuali [6 km northeast of Sukamara], 2 km north
Parosphromenus Bleeker, 1877b: pl. 395 fig. 1 (type spe- of Sukamara, and Tarantang [6 km south of Sukamara];
cies: Osphromenus deissneri Bleeker, 1859f: 376, by holotype: ZSM 27978)
monotypy; text appeared later). Gender masculine.
Taxonomic notes. Synopsis in Kottelat & Ng (2005). Parosphromenus nagyi Schaller, 1985
Parosphromenus nagyi Schaller, 1985a: 302, figs. (type lo-
Parosphromenus alfredi Kottelat & Ng, 2005 cality: Malaysia: 16 km south of Kuantan on Asian High-
Parosphromenus alfredi Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 102, fig. 1 way N° 18; lectotype: ZFMK 14186, designated by
(type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Kota Tinggi, Mawai– Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35)
Desaru road; holotype: ZRC 28377)
Parosphromenus opallios Kottelat & Ng, 2005
Parosphromenus allani Brown, 1987 Parosphromenus opallios Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 103, fig. 2
Parosphromenus allani Brown, 1987: 34, fig. (type locali- (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah:
ty: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: roadside pool, east side Kalimati, area of Pangkalanbun, Arut River basin; 2°45'S
of Jalan Ulu Oya, 106 km from junction with Jalan Tang 111°36'E; holotype: MZB 5996)
Sang, outskirts of Sibu [locality of fish on figure is out-
skirst of Sibu; Brown & Brown, 1987: 157]; lectotype: Parosphromenus ornaticauda Kottelat, 1991
ZRC 50243, designated by Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 110) Parosphromenus ornaticauda Kottelat, 1991c: 283, fig. 5
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Parosphromenus tweediei Kottelat & Ng, 2005
Sungei Pinyuh, 8 km SE of Anjungan on road to Pontia- Parosphromenus tweediei Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 106, fig. 7
nak, 0°20'N 109°08'E; holotype: MZB 5889) (type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Pontian, Sri Bunian,
Kampong Pt. Tekong, 1°27'59.2"N 103°26'07.7"E; ho-
Parosphromenus pahuensis Kottelat & Ng, 2005 lotype: ZRC 24460)
Parosphromenus pahuensis Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 104, fig. 3
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur:
Mahakam River basin: stream entering Mahakam River Sphaerichthys Canestrini, 1860
downriver of Muarapahu at 0°14'S 116°07'E; holotype: Sphaerichthys Canestrini, 1860: 702, 707 (type species:
MZB 5995) Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestrini, 1860: 707,
by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Parosphromenus paludicola Tweedie, 1952
Parosphromenus paludicola Tweedie, 1952: 69, fig. 2 (type Sphaerichthys acrostoma Vierke, 1979
locality: Malaysia: Terengganu: Merchang; holotype: Sphaerichthys acrostoma Vierke, 1979: 342, 3 figs. (type
ZRC, now in BMNH 1952.31.12.22–24 [1 of 3], Alfred, locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Men-
1970: 72, Eschmeyer, 2011) taya basin, 250 km northwest of Banjarmasin [Sebabi,
Nomenclatural notes. Words ending in –cola and meaning about half a day by boat upriver of Palangan on Sungai
'inhabitant of' are nouns and paludicola does not have to Seranau; Palangan is half-day upriver of Sampit on the
agree in gender with Parosphromenus. Mentaya; Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; holotype: ZMH
6055; compound noun, indeclinable [not adjective be-
Parosphromenus parvulus Vierke, 1979 cause it did not agree in gender in original description])
Parosphromenus parvulus Vierke, 1979: 247, 2 figs. (type
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: Mentaya Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestrini, 1860
basin, 250 km northwest of Banjarmasin [Palangan, about Sphaerichthys osphromenoides Canestrini, 1860: 707 (type
half-day by boat upriver of Sampit on the Mentaya; locality: 'India'; syntypes [2]: NMW)
Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; holotype: ZMH 6051) ? Osphromenus malayanus Duncker, 1904: 163, pl. 1 fig. 8
Parosphromenus parvulus Foersch & Korthaus, 1979: 250 (type locality: Malaysia: Negri Sembilan: surroundings
(type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Tengah: of Kuala Lumpur; lectotype: ZMH 411a [formerly 8510],
Mentaya basin, 250 km northwest of Banjarmasin [Pa- designated by Ladiges et al., 1958: 166)
langan, about half-day by boat upriver of Sampit on the
Mentaya; Schaller & Kottelat, 1989: 35]; lectotype: ZMH Sphaerichthys selatanensis Vierke, 1979
6051, by present designation; simultaneous homonym Sphaerichthys osphromenoides selatanensis Vierke, 1979:
and objective synonym of Parosphromenus parvulus 339, fig. (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan
Vierke, 1979: 247; under Code art. 50.6, precedence giv- Selatan: surroundings of Banjarmasin; holotype: ZMH
en here to P. parvulus Vierke, 1979) 6053)
Parosphromenus phoenicurus Schindler & Linke, 2012 Sphaerichthys vaillanti Pellegrin, 1930
Parosphromenus phoenicurus Schindler & Linke, 2012: 402, Sphaerichthys Vaillanti Pellegrin, 1930: 243 (type locality:
figs. 3–4 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Riau: Lang- Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sebroéang [Seb-
gam (about 40 km southeast of Pekanbaru, near Kota ruang]; syntypes: MNHN 1891-0509–0514 [6], Blanc,
Kerincikiri), approx. 0°11'N 101°38'E; holotype: MTD 1963: 73)
Parosphromenus quindecim Kottelat & Ng, 2005 Trichogaster Bloch, in Schneider, 1801
Parosphromenus quindecim Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 104, figs. Trichogaster Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 164 [31 Dec 1801]
4–5 (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan (type species: Trichogaster fasciatus Bloch, in Schneider,
Barat: Sungai Pawan basin: Sungai Liong, 4 km north 1801: 164, by subsequent designation by Jordan & Ev-
of Nanga Tayap on road to Sandai; 1°30'02"S ermann, 1917: 58). Gender feminine.
110°34'19"E; holotype: MZB 5997) Colisa Hamilton, 1822: 116 (a vernacular name, not avail-
Parosphromenus rubrimontis Kottelat & Ng, 2005 Polyacanthus Cuvier, 1829: 227 (type species: Trichopodus
Parosphromenus rubrimontis Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 105, colisa Hamilton, 1822: 117, by subsequent designation
fig. 6 (type locality: Malaysia: Perak: after km-stone 21 by Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 129; as Polyacanthus has
from Taiping to Segama, Sungai Beriang; 5°07'18"N been used as a valid name after 1899 [e.g. Weber & de
100°39'04"E; holotype: ZRC 50264) Beaufort, 1922: 337] precedence with Colisa Cuvier, in
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 359 cannot be reversed
Parosphromenus sumatranus Klausewitz, 1955 under Code art. 23.9.2; junior homonym of Polyacan-
Parosphromenus deissneri sumatranus Klausewitz, 1955a: thus Kaup, 1827: 622, in Pisces). Gender masculine.
320, fig. 7 (type locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: creek near Colisa Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 359 (type
Jambi; holotype: SMF 3566, Kottelat & Ng, 2005: 109) species: Colisa vulgaris Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1831: 362, by absolute tautonymy of listed synonym nation). Gender feminine.
Trichopodus colisa Hamilton, 1822: 117). Gender fem- Nomenclatural notes. The Trichogaster of earlier authors
inine. and aquarium literature. Contrary to statement in Derijst
Nomenclatural notes. The Colisa of earlier authors and (1997: 223), Cuvier (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 388)
aquarium literature. Contrary to comments by Derijst (1997: did not designate a type species for Trichopodus. He used
222), Colisa is not available from Hamilton (1822) as it is the wording "le véritable trichopode" and this does not con-
clearly not intented as a scientific name (Code art. 1.1 and stitute a type species designation (Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 62).
Trichopodus leerii (Bleeker, 1852)
Trichogaster fasciata Bloch, in Schneider, 1801 Trichopus Leerii Bleeker, 1852r: 577 (type locality: Indo-
Trichogaster fasciatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 164, pl. 36 nesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [101 mm TL]: LU)
(type locality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11° Trichopus Cantoris Sauvage, 1884b: 218 (type locality:
01'37"N 79°51'E]; types: ZMB, lost, Paepke, 1994a: 317) Malaysia: Perak: "Kinta district, mainly at Pengkalan-
? Trichopodus colisa Hamilton, 1822: 117, 372, pl 15 fig. Pegou, on Kinta River, 150 km from mouth of Perak
40 (type locality: India: Gangetic provinces [p. 115]; River"; holotype: MNHN)
types: NT; if considered a distinct species, then a simul- Nomenclatural notes. Contrary to the statement in Paepke
taneous subjective synonym of Trichopodus bejeus (2009a: 58), Trichopus cantoris Sauvage, 1884 is not a sec-
Hamilton, 1822: 118, first reviser [Schäfer, 2001: 106] ondary junior homonym of Osphromenus trichopterus var.
gave precedence to C. bejeus) cantoris Günther, 1861a since they have never been used in
? Trichopodus bejeus Hamilton, 1822: 118, 372 (type local- combination with the same genus name [Code art. 57.3.1].
ity: India: Gangetic provinces [p. 115]; types: NT; Hamil- Even though Trichopus cantoris Sauvage is a junior syn-
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: onym of a species of Trichopodus, this is irrelevant as the
pl. 19 fig. 1) combination 'Trichopodus cantoris (Sauvage)' has never
Trichopodus cotra Hamilton, 1822: 119, 372 (type locality: been used.
India: Gangetic provinces [p. 115]; types: NT; Hamil-
ton's unpublished figure reproduced in Hora, 1929a: Trichopodus microlepis (Günther, 1861)
pl. 20 fig. 4) Osphromenus microlepis Günther, 1861a: 385 (type locali-
Colisa vulgaris Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: ty: Cambodia; holotype: BMNH 1861.4.12.41, Eschmey-
362, pl. 196 (unnecessary replacement name for Tri- er, 2011)
chopodus colisa Hamilton, 1822: 117) Trichopus parvipinnis Sauvage, 1876: 98 (type locality: Laos
Colisa ponticeriana Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: cambodgien [Cambodia: Phnom Penh; Sauvage, 1881a:
370 (type locality: India: Pondicherry; syntypes: MNHN 165, pl. 6 fig. 3]; lectotype: MNHN 9536, designated by
A.5414 [4], Blanc, 1963: 71) Kottelat, 1984a: 818)
Perca setacea Hora, 1933: 132 (not available, name listed Deschauenseeia chryseus Fowler, 1934a: 147, fig. 117 (type
in synonymy) locality: Thailand: Bangkok; holotype: ANSP 60017,
Böhlke, 1984: 18)
Trichogaster labiosa Day, 1877
Trichogaster labiosus Day, 1877a: 374, pl. 79 fig. 4 (type Trichopodus pectoralis Regan, 1910
locality: Burma: Irrawaddy at Rangoon; syntypes: ZSI Trichopodus pectoralis Regan, 1910: 784, pl. 79 fig. 1 (type
1566 [1], AMS B.7582 [1], Whitehead & Talwar, 1976: locality: Thailand; lectotype: BMNH 1862.11.1.232,
162, Ferraris et al., 2000: 298) designated by Alfred, 1966b: 51)
Osphronemus saigonensis Borodin, 1930: 48 (type locali-
ty: Vietnam: Saigon; holotype: AMNH 222124 [VMM
Trichopodus La Cepède, 1801 493], Paepke, 2009a: 59, fig. 4)
Trichopodus La Cepède, 1801: 125 (type species: Labrus
trichopterus Pallas, 1770: 45, by subsequent designa- Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770)
tion by Bleeker, 1878g: 21). Gender masculine. Labrus trichopterus Pallas, 1770: 45 (type locality: East
Trichopus Shaw, 1803c: 387 (type species: Trichopus pal- Indies, Java and Ambon [see Koelreuter, 1764: 452, pl. 10
lasii Shaw, 1803c: 392, by subsequent designation by fig. 1]; types: ZISP ?)
Jordan & Evermann, 1917: 73). Gender masculine. Trichopus Pallasii Shaw, 1803c: 392 (based on Labrus pin-
Lithulcus Gistel, 1848: xi (unnecessary replacement name nis ventralibus uniradiatis [Labrus trichopterus)]of
for Trichopodus La Cepède, 1801: 125 [listed as "Tri- Gmelin, 1789: 1286, Pallas, 1770: 45 and Sparus of
chopus (Valenc. poiss. VI)"]). Gender neuter. Koelreuter, 1764: 452, pl. 10 fig. 1 [not an unnecessary
Stethochaetus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 174 (type species: replacement name for Labrus trichopterus Pallas, 1770:
Stethochaetus biguttatus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 174, 45 because this name not explicitly mentioned; Shaw
by monotypy). Gender masculine. only mentioned that Pallas described it as a Labrus]; type
Nemaphoerus Bleeker, 1878g: 21 (not available, name list- locality: Indian Sea; types: ZISP ? [same as Labrus tri-
ed in synonymy; spelt Nemaphaerus on p. 22) chopterus Pallas, 1770: 45, as all references are based
Deschauenseeia Fowler, 1934a: 147 (type species: Deschau- on this account])
enseeia chryseus Fowler, 1934a: 147, by original desig- Colisa maculatus Swainson, 1839: 235 (available by indi-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
cation to Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: pl. 199; type lo- Trichopsis Canestrini, 1860
cality: locality of the specimen of Trichopus trichopter- Trichopsis Canestrini, 1860: 702, 708 (type species: Tricho-
us figured by Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: pl. 199 [pos- pus striatus Bleeker, 1850d: 11, by monotypy). Gender
sibly Indonesia: Java ?]; holotype: ? MNHN, specimen feminine.
on which figure is based) Nomenclatural notes. Canestrini (1860: 708) listed Kner
Trichopus sepat Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nudum; locali- as author of the name Trichopsis, but there is no evidence in
ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; material listed as the text that Kner is responsible for the conditions making
types by Fricke, 1991: 9 has no type status) the name available. Therefore Canestrini is sole author.
Stethochaetus biguttatus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 174 (type
locality: "India"; holotype: BMNH 1853.11.12.77, Trichopsis pumila (Arnold, 1936)
Wheeler, 1958: 235) Ctenops pumilus Arnold, 1936: 3rd cover page, fig. (type
Osphromenus trichopterus var. cantoris Günther, 1861a: 384 locality: Vietnam: Saigon / Indonesia: Sumatra [figure
(type locality: Malaysia: Penang; holotype: BMNH dated 1913 based on specimens reportedly imported from
1860.3.19.319, Paepke, 2009b: 144, fig. 1) Sumatra]; syntypes: ZMB 21154 [4], Paepke, 1994a: 315
Osphromenus trichopterus var. koelreuteri Günther, 1861a: and additional live specimens; also in Ahl, 1937: 116)
384 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes: BMNH [6], Trichopsis pumilus var. siamensis Herms, 1953: 279, fig. 3
MNHN [1, specimen on which is based Cuvier & Valen- (type locality: Thailand: Bangkok; syntypes: CAS-SU
ciennes, 1831: pl. 199]) 50200 [4], Eschmeyer, 2011)
Osphromenus siamensis Günther, 1861a: 385 (type locali-
ty: Thailand; syntypes: BMNH 1859.7.1.83–87 [5], Esch- Trichopsis schalleri Ladiges, 1962
meyer, 2011) Trichopsis schalleri Ladiges, 1962: 102, 2 figs. (type locali-
Nemaphaerus maculosus Bleeker, 1878g: 22 (not available, ty: Thailand: Nam Mun near Korat; holotype: ZMH 1646)
name listed in synonymy)
Osphromenus insulatus Seale, 1910a: 530 (type locality: Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Philippines: Sulu: crater lake on Cagayan Sulu Island; 1831)
holotype: BSM 4951, lost) Osphromenus vittatus Cuvier, 1829: 228 (nomen nudum)
Trichogaster sumatranus Ladiges, 1934: 169 (type locality: Osphromenus vittatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Indonesia: Sumatra; types: NT) 1831: 387 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; neotype:
Trichopus trichogaster Roberts, 1993b: 38 (not available, RMNH 1605, designated by Roberts, 1993b: 38)
name listed in synonymy; erroneously attributed to Cu- Trichopus striatus Bleeker, 1845: 520 (nomen nudum; lo-
vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: pl. 199) cality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta])
Nomenclatural notes. The author of Trichopterus sumatra- Trichopus striatus Bleeker, 1850d: 11 (type locality: Indone-
nus is usually listed as "Ladiges, 1933". Ladiges (1957: 155) sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Serang / Borneo: Kalimantan
explained that the name appeared first in the catalogue of Selatan: Banjarmasin; syntypes [up to 52 mm TL]: SMNS
an aquarium fish trading company and that he had used the 10621 [1], Fricke, 1991: 9; also in Bleeker, 1850n: 106)
name T. trichopterus in the manuscript. This name had been Trichopsis harrisi Fowler, 1934b: 348, figs. 11–12 (type
replaced by T. sumatranus in proofs by Brüning, without locality: Thailand: Kratt [Trat]; holotype: ANSP 60234,
Ladiges being informed. As this is not explicit in the work Böhlke, 1984: 136)
itself, Ladiges is author of the name (Code art. 50.1.1).
Channidae Fowler, 1934 (1831) Channa is a senior synonym of Ophicephalus. This is not
Channidae Fowler, 1934b (1831): 352 (type genus: Channa allowed under the present Code (art. 40.1) and Ophicepha-
Scopoli, 1777: 459; has priority over Ophiocephalini lidae should be used. It was, however, a common practice in
Bonaparte, 1831a: 176, under Code art. 40.2) earlier times and art. 40.2 allows such a replacement name
Ophiocephalini Bonaparte, 1831a: 176, 1831b: 110 (type to be retained if it is in prevailing usage. The Code does not
genus: Ophicephalus Bloch, 1793: 137; must be emend- provide an objective definition of prevailing usage and this
ed into Ophicephalini because correct spelling of type ge- leaves room for interpretation. The definition requires "at
nus is Ophicephalus, not Ophiocephalus, Code art. 35.4.1) least a substantial majority of the most recent authors con-
Taxonomic notes. See Courtenay & Williams (2004) for a cerned with the relevant taxon, irrespective of how long ago
general review. their work was published", or, in other words, 'almost all
Nomenclatural notes. Channidae Fowler, 1934 was pro- living authors who at some time mention the family'. Ophi-
posed to replace Ophicephalidae Bonaparte, 1831, because cephalidae is still occasionally used in the aquaculture and
aquatic-biochemistry literature but is almost never used by Channa sinensis Sauvage, 1880b: 58 (type locality: China
taxonomists and it seems to satisfy the definition of prevail- [probably Yangtze basin]; syntypes: MNHN A.666 [2],
ing usage. I therefore give priority to Channidae as the val- Blanc, 1963: 75)
id name of the family. Channa formosana Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 331, fig. 11
(type locality: Taiwan: Sowo or Suwata; holotype: CAS-
Channa Scopoli, 1777 SU 107132, Böhlke, 1953: 138)
Channa Gronovius, 1763: 135 (not available, name in a re- ? Channa hoaluensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2011: 9, fig. 1 (type
jected work, ICZN, 1925: 27 [Opinion 89]) locality: Vietnam: Ninh Binh Province: Hoa Lu district:
Channa Scopoli, 1777: 459 (type species: Channa orienta- Truong An commune; holotype: NCNTTSI NB.10.05.001)
lis Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 496, by subsequent mono- ? Channa ninhbinhensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2011: 11, fig. 3 (type
typy in Schneider, 1801: lvi, 496). Gender feminine. locality: Vietnam: Ninh Binh Province: Bia Vien district:
Ophicephalus Bloch, 1793: 137 (type species: Ophiceph- Ninh Hai commune; holotype: NCNTTSI NB.10.05.011)
alus striatus Bloch, 1793: 141, by subsequent designa-
tion by Desmarest, 1856: 235). Gender masculine. Channa bankanensis (Bleeker, 1853)
Bostrychoïdes La Cepède, 1801: 144 (type species: Bostry- Ophicephalus bankanensis Bleeker, 1853b: 726 (type lo-
choides oculatus La Cepède, 1801: 144, 145, by mono- cality: Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Toboali Province;
typy). Gender masculine. holotype [97 mm TL]: LU [not BMNH 1880.4.21.74 [183
Psiloides Fischer, 1813: 111 (unnecessary replacement name mm SL], listed by Musikasinthorn & Taki, 2001: 322])
for Bostrychoides La Cepède, 1801: 144). Gender mac-
uline. Channa baramensis (Steindachner, 1901)
Pterops Rafinesque, 1815: 84, 91 (unnecessary replacement Ophiocephalus baramensis Steindachner, 1901: 435, pl. 17
name for Bostrychoides La Cepède, 1801: 144). Gender fig. 3 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Baram
masculine. River; lectotype: SMF 860, designated by Ng et al., 1995:
Ophiocephalus Hamilton, 1822: 59, 367 (incorrect subse- 222)
quent spelling of Ophicephalus Bloch, 1793: 137)
Philypnoides Bleeker, 1849d: 19 (type species: Philypnoides Channa cyanospilos (Bleeker, 1853)
surakartensis Bleeker, 1849d: 19, by monotypy). Gen- Ophicephalus cyanospilos Bleeker, 1853f: 256 (type local-
der masculine. ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Telok Betong; holotype [102
Channa Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 99 (type species: Channa mm TL]: lost, Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 319)
indica Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 100, by monotypy; jun-
ior homonym of Channa Scopoli, 1777: 459). Gender Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822)
feminine. Ophiocephalus gachua Hamilton, 1822: 68, 367, pl. 21 fig.
Ophiocephalus Günther, 1861a: 468 (unjustified emenda- 21 (type locality: India: ponds and ditches of Bengal;
tion of Ophicephalus Bloch, 1793: 137). Gender mas- types: NT; BMNH 1858.8.15.54 [1], 1858.8.15.144 [1]
culine. listed as possible syntypes by Eschmeyer, 2011, are prob-
ably not type)
Channa asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758) Ophiocephalus aurantiacus Hamilton, 1822: 69, 368, pl. 23
Gymnotus asiaticus Linnaeus, 1758: 246 (type locality: Asia; fig. 22 (type locality: India: mountain stream near Goy-
holotype: UUZM 171, Wheeler, 1991: 187, fig. 26) alpara on the North East frontier of Bengal; types: NT;
Notopterus squamosus La Cepède, 1800: 189, 193 (unnec- spelt aurantianis on pl. 23, an inadvertent error, thus
essary replacement name for Gymnotus asiaticus Lin- incorrect original spelling [Code art. 32.5.1]; simulta-
naeus, 1758: 246) neous subjective synonym of Ophiocephalus gachua
? Bostrychoïdes oculatus La Cepède, 1801: 144, 145 (type Hamilton, 1822: 68, first reviser [Günther, 1861a: 471]
locality: China; holotype: model of plate in La Cepède, gave precedence to O. gachua)
1800: pl. 14 fig. 3, Bostrychoïde oeillé]) Ophicephalus marginatus Cuvier, 1829: 230 (available by
? Ophicephalus miliaris Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, indication to Russel, 1803b: "pl. 164" [error for n° 164];
1831: 439 (type locality: China: Canton; holotype: model type locality: India: Vizagapattam; holotype: specimen
of Dussumier's drawing, not preserved) on which is based Kora Motta in Russell, 1803b: 49
? Ophicephalus iris Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: [n° 164, no plate, see p. 2 of Alphabetical index] [see
439 (type locality: China: Canton; holotype: model of Kottelat, 2000c: 95])
Dussumier's drawing, not preserved) Ophicephalus cora-mota Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
? Ophicephalus puticola Richardson, 1846a: 252 (type lo- 1831: 414 (based on Russell, 1803b: 49; type locality:
cality: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is India: Vizagapatham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: speci-
based Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in men on which is based Russell, 1803b: 49 [Kora Mot-
Whitehead, 1970a: 211, pl. 20c) ta]; objective junior synonym of Ophicephalus margina-
Channa ocellata Peters, 1864b: 392 (type locality: unknown tus Cuvier, 1829: 230)
[China or East Indies; Paepke, 1993a: 255]; holotype: Ophicephalus fuscus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ZMB 5411, Paepke, 1993a: 255) 1831: 414 (type locality: India: Bengal / Maissour
Channa fasciata Steindachner, 1866a: 481, pl. 6 fig. 1 (type [Mysore]; syntypes: MNHN A.398 [1], A.623 [1], Blanc,
locality: China: Ningpo; holotype: NMW) 1963: 75)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Ophicephalus limbatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, Channa harcourtbutleri (Annandale, 1918)
1831: pl. 201 (type locality: Indonesia, Java [Kottelat, Ophiocephalus harcourt-butleri Annandale, 1918: 54, fig. 2,
2000c: 96]; holotype: MNHN A.396, Kottelat, 2000c: 96) pl. 2 fig. 7 (type locality: Burma: Southern Shan States:
Ophicephalus montanus M'Clelland & Griffith, in Fort Stedman, Lake Inle; holotype: ZSI F 9439/1, Ng et
M'Clelland, 1842a: 583 (type locality: India [Afghani- al., 1999: 58)
stan ?]: Baisoot, Jullalabad, Himalaya and Sadoo; synty-
pes [p. 173]: BMNH 1843.2.25.59 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) Channa lucius (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831)
Philypnoides surakartensis Bleeker, 1849d: 19 (type local- Ophicephalus lucius Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
ity: Indonesia: Java: Kali Pepeh River near Surakarta; 1831: 416 (type locality: Indonesia: Java / Sea of Indies;
syntypes [up to 44 mm TL]: LU [syntypes because use syntypes: RMNH 1138 [1], 1140 [1], MNHN, Musikas-
of plural 'speciminibus']) inthorn & Taki, 2001: 322)
Ophiocephalus kelaarti Günther, 1861a: 472 (type locality: Ophicephalus polylepis Bleeker, 1852r: 578 (type locality:
Sri Lanka; syntypes [12]: BMNH 1852.2.19.106 [1], Indonesia: Sumatra: Solok; holotype [114 mm TL]: LU)
1858.10.19.108 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) Ophiocephalus siamensis Günther, 1861a: 476 (type local-
Ophiocephalus gachua var. basalis Günther, 1861a: 472 ity: Thailand; holotype: BMNH 1859.7.1.71, Musika-
(type locality: East Indies; syntypes: BMNH [3]) sinthorn & Taki, 2001: 319, fig. 1)
Ophiocephalus apus Canestrini, 1861: 77, pl. 4 fig. 7 (type Ophiocephalus bivittatus Károli, 1881: 170 [or p. 24 of re-
locality: Indonesia: Java; lectotype: MCSNG 39373, print dated 1882] (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sa-
designated by Tortonese, 1964a: 1) rawak; syntypes: MNH 848 [8]; not a junior homonym
Ophiocephalus guachua var. malaccensis Peters, 1868b: 262 of Ophicephalus bivittatus Bleeker, 1845: 519 which is
(type locality: Singapore: Kranji River; syntypes: ZMB a nomen nudum)
5152 [2], Paepke, 1993a: 257, Ng et al., 1999: 62) Ophicephalus spiritalis Fowler, 1904b: 530, pl. 9 lower (type
? Channa burmanica Chaudhuri, 1919: 284, pl. 22 fig. 4 locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Padang; holotype: ANSP
(type locality: Burma: Putao Plains: Sen-Bin-Ti River; 27664)
holotype: ZSI F 9755/1, Menon & Yazdani, 1968: 142) Ophiocephalus marmoratus Brind, 1914: 11, fig. (type lo-
Sparus vagabundus Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name cality: Singapore / Malaysia: Malacca; syntypes [about
listed in synonymy) 60]: kept alive in aquarium, probably not preserved)
? Channa longistomata Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T. H. P.] Ophiocephalus bistriatus Weber & de Beaufort, 1922: 322
& Nguyen [T. D. P.], 2011: 13, fig. 1e–f (not available, (type locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur:
no holotype designation; locality: Vietnam: "provinces Balikpapan, Sungei Manggar / Malaysia: Borneo: Sa-
of Da River basin (Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Son La, Hoa rawak; syntypes: ZMA 103.187 [3], Alfred, 1963d: 1256,
Binh) and the wetlands adjacent limestones of two prov- and syntypes of O. bivittatus Károli, 1881: 170])
inces of Ninh Binh and Ha Nam") Nomenclatural notes. Roberts (1993: 40) commented that
? Channa quangtriensis Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T. H. P.] the holotype of Ophicephalus lucius should be in RMNH.
& Nguyen [T. D. P.], 2011: 13, fig. 1g–h (not available, There is no holotype for this species but a series of synty-
no holotype designation; locality: Vietnam: Quang Tri pes. Cuvier explicitly stated that there was a specimen in
Province) RMNH from Java 9 inches long (244 mm TL) and one in
? Channa centrala Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T. H. P.] & MNHN 6 inches long (163 mm). Specimen RMNH 1138,
Nguyen [T. D. P.], 2011: 14, fig. 1i–k (not available, no 214 mm SL, could possibly the RMNH syntype. The MNHN
holotype designation; locality: Vietnam: Quang Binh, syntype is not mentioned by Blanc (1963).
Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces)
? Channa longistomata Nguyen [V. H.], Nguyen [T. H. P.] & Channa maculata (La Cepède, 1801)
Nguyen [T. D. P.], 2012: 159, fig. 1 (type locality: Viet- Bostrychus maculatus La Cepède, 1801: 140, 143 (based
nam: Ha Nam Province: Kim Bang district: Tam Chuc on a Chinese drawing [p. 141]; type locality: China; ho-
Lake, Ba Sao town [Da River system]; holotype: lotype: specimen on which drawing is based)
NCNTTSI H.Na.011.04.001) ? Ophicephalus jovis Richardson, 1846a: 252 (type locali-
Taxonomic notes. Sometimes reported from the area, ty: China: Canton; holotype: specimen on which is based
C. orientalis is restricted to Sri Lanka (Pethiyagoda, 1991a: Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
282) and possibly Peninsular India. Obviously more than 1970a: 211, pl. 2a)
one species are confused under the name C. gachua and a Ophicephalus aspilotus Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant,
revision is needed. The name C. limbata has been used in 1874: 4 (type locality: China; holotype: MNHN 7351,
recent years for some Indochinese populations, but without Blanc, 1963: 75)
demonstration that it is distinct and that the Indochinese Ophicephalus Guntheri Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant,
populations are conspecific with the Javanese ones (type 1874: 4 (type locality: not stated [China: Macao, accord-
locality). ing to catalogue data]; holotype: MNHN 5756, Blanc,
[Channa orientalis Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 496, pl. 90 fig. 2 (type lo- 1963: 76)
cality: "India orientali"; based on Gronovius, 1763: 135, no. 408, pl. 9 Ophicephalus tadianus Jordan & Evermann, 1902: 330,
fig. 1; holotype: specimen figured by Gronovius)].
fig. 10 (type locality: Taiwan; holotype: Imperial Fish-
eries Institute 3xx, apparently lost, Ho & Shao, 2011: 60)
Channa marulioides (Bleeker, 1851) Ophicephalus mystax Bleeker, 1853l: 188 (type locality:
Ophicephalus marulioïdes Bleeker, 1851p: 424 (type local- Indonesia: Bangka: Marawang, Toboali; syntypes [4,
ity: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; ho- 169–223]: LU)
lotype [270 mm TL]: RMNH 6421, Musikasinthorn, Ophiocephalus melanosoma Bleeker, 1856l: 214 (incorrect
2000: 36) subsequent spelling of Ophicephalus melasoma Blee-
ker, 1851p: 424)
Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822)
Ophiocephalus marulius Hamilton, 1822: 65, 367, pl. 17 Channa micropeltes (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
[not 22] fig. 19 (type locality: "all parts of India that 1831)
I have visited"; types: NT) Ophicephalus micropeltes Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
? Ophicephalus sowara Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, nes, 1831: 427 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes
1831: 426 (based on Russell, 1803b: 48, pl. 163; type [at least 3: "les plus grands individus" [the largest indi-
locality: India: Lake Ankapilly near Vizagapatham [Visa- viduals] implies at least 2 individuals larger than the
khapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which is based Rus- other(s)]: RMNH D.2318 [1], D1131 [1], D1132 [1],
sell, 1803b: 48, pl. 163 [Sowarah]) Roberts, 1993b: 41)
Ophicephalus grandinosus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien- Ophicephalus serpentinus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valencien-
nes, 1831: 434, pl. 203 (type locality: China: Canton / nes, 1831: 429 (type locality: Thailand; holotype: BMNH
India: Massour [Mysore]; syntypes: model of drawing 1860.3.19.144 [1, specimen figured by Finlayson], Esch-
by Dussumier [Canton] and MNHN A.1959 [Mysore], meyer, 2011)
Blanc, 1963: 76 [as holotype]) Ophicephalus bivittatus Bleeker, 1845: 519 (nomen nudum;
Ophicephalus leucopunctatus Sykes, 1839a [May; Duncan, locality: Java)
1937: 79]: 158 (type locality: India: all rivers of Dec- Ophicephalus Stevensii Bleeker, 1854c: 444 (type locality:
can; types: BMNH ?; also in Sykes, 1839b: 55, 1841: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas River in
352, pl. 60 fig. 3) Pontianak / Sumatra: Jambi: Moara Kompeh; syntypes
? Ophicephalus Theophrasti Valenciennes, in Jacquemont, [2, 279–394 mm TL]: LU)
1839: pl. 13 fig. 1 (type locality: India: Bombay; holo- ? Ophiocephalus flos Tirant, 1885: 193 [1929: 171] (nomen
type: figured specimen, part of MNHN A.665 [1], A.668 nudum)
[1], A.669 [1] [listed as syntypes by Blanc, 1963: 77, Ophiocephalus Studeri Volz, 1903a: 535 (type locality: In-
Daget, 1984: 515]; for publication date, see Bibliography) donesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype: NMBE
Ophiocephalus pseudomarulius Günther, 1861a: 478 (type 1020938; also in Volz, 1903b: 376, pl. 26 fig. 2)
locality: East Indian continent; holotype: BMNH ? Ophiocephalus flos Pétillot, 1911: 29, 163, pl. 7 (type lo-
1857.6.13.123, Eschmeyer, 2011) cality: Cambodia; types: MGHNL)
Ophiocephalus aurolineatus Day, 1870d: 99 (type locality: Taxonomic notes. Channa diplogramma is usually listed
Burma: Moulmein; holotype: LU, Whitehead & Talwar, as a synonym of C. micropeltes but is a distinct species; the
1976: 158) ranges of the two species are widely disjunct, with C. diplo-
Sparus spilotus Hora, 1933: 131 (not available, name listed gramma in Peninsular India and C. micropeltes in South
in synonymy) East Asia [see Kottelat, 1998a: 116; Benziger et al., 2011].
Ophiocephalus marulius ara Deraniyagala, 1945: 93 (type Nomenclatural notes. Day (1865a) used the spelling Ophio-
locality: Sri Lanka; holotype: NMSL uncat., Pethiyago- cephalus diplogramma and later (Day, 1865c) he corrected
da, 1991a: 336) it to O. diplogramme. The Greek word gramme means 'line'
? Channa marulius issabella Tekriwal & Rao, 1999: 130, (no other meaning), while gramma means inscription, let-
fig. (nomen nudum; locality: India) ter, music note, diagram, papers, documents, books, writ-
Taxonomic notes. The species reported as C. marulius in ings, laws, rules [hence: grammar]). Diplogramme makes
the Mekong drainage is an unnamed species (Kottelat, 2001c: sense for a fish with two stripes, while diplogramma does
162). The type series of O. grandinosus includes two spe- not make sense. However, diplogramma is an incorrect lat-
cies and a lectotype is needed to fix its identity. inization and cannot be corrected (Code art. 32.5.1). One
might also argue that it is an inadvertent error.
Channa melanoptera (Bleeker, 1855) [Ophiocephalus diplogramma Day, 1865a: 36 (type locality: India: Cochin;
Ophicephalus melanopterus Bleeker, 1855l: 420 (type lo- holotype: ZSI 1389 or BMNH 1865.7.17.24, Whitehead & Talwar,
1976: 158; also in Day, 1865c: 147, pl. 10 as O. diplogramme)].
cality: Indonesia Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas
River in Pontianak; holotype [601 mm TL]: RMNH 6416,
Channa nox Zhang, Musikasinthorn & Watanabe, 2002
Musikasinthorn, 2000: 36; a compound adjective)
Channa nox Zhang, Musikasinthorn & Watanabe, 2002: 140,
Channa melasoma (Bleeker, 1851) fig. 1 (type locality: China: Guangxi: market at Hepu
Ophicephalus melasoma Bleeker, 1851p: 424 (type locali- (Nanliujiang River basin) near Beihai City, 21°42'N
ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; ho- 106°48'E; holotype: ASIZB 70028)
lotype [230 mm TL]: LU)
Ophicephalus rhodotaenia Bleeker, 1851p: 425 (type lo- Channa ornatipinnis Britz, 2008
cality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Sambas; Channa ornatipinnis Britz, 2008: 336, figs. 1–3 (type local-
holotype [59 mm TL]: LU) ity: Myanmar: Rakhine state: Waloun Chaung,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
19°51'05"N 94°26'18"E; holotype: BMNH 2007.5.14.7) new name, but an explicit use of La Cepède's wrahl])
Ophiocephalus chena Hamilton, 1822: 62, 307 (type local-
Channa panaw Musikasinthorn, 1998 ity: India: Bengal: Goyalpara / Vizagapatham [Visakha-
Channa panaw Musikasinthorn, 1998: 356, fig. 1 (type lo- patnam] [Muttah of Russell, 1803b: pl. 162]; syntypes:
cality: Myanmar: Yangon fish market; holotype: KUMF NT)
3050) Ophicephalus planiceps Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
1831: 424 (type locality: Indonesia: Java; syntypes [at
Channa pleurophthalma (Bleeker, 1851) least 3]: MNHN A.629 [1], RMNH 1131–1135 [5],
Ophicephalus pleurophthalmus Bleeker, 1851d: 270 (type Blanc, 1963: 77, Roberts, 1993b: 41)
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Ban- Ophiocephalus vagus Peters, 1868b: 260 (type locality: Phil-
jarmasin; holotype [350 mm TL]: RMNH 6422, Musikas- ippines: Luzon: Calumpit, Lake Batu, Buhi, Yriga, Bicol
inthorn, 2000: 36) River, creek Kolabós and Laguna de Bay / Samar: Lo-
Ophicephalus urophthalmus Bleeker, 1852r: 578 (type lo- quilócun, Boróngan and Láuang / Leyte: Lake Churuánon
cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [345 and Bito River / Sumatra / Borneo / Burma: Mergui / Ma-
mm TL]: LU) laysia: Malacca / India: Malabar Coast; syntypes: ZMB
1397 [1], 1398 [1], 1399 [1], 6511 [1], 6512 [3], 6513
Channa pulchra Britz, 2008 [1], 6514 [2], 6515 [1], 6516 [1], 6517 [2], 6518 [9], 6519
Channa pulchra Britz, 2008: 341, figs. 6–7 (type locality: [2], 6520 [1], 6521 [8], 6524 [1], 6528 [1], 6539 [1], 7160
Myanmar: Rakhine state: Kyeinthali Chaung; holotype: [1], 15593 [20], Paepke, 1993a: 258 [material listed as
BMNH 2007.14.5.1) syntypes from Singapore and Bangkok are not part of the
type series as these localities are not mentioned by Pe-
Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) ters; unless Peters' Malacca includes Singapore ?])
Ophicephalus striatus Bloch, 1793: 141, pl. 359 (type lo- Ophiocephalus philippinus Peters, 1868b: 262 (not avail-
cality: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N able, name listed in synonymy)
79°51'E] [p. 138]; syntypes: ZMB 1400 [2], 6522 [1], Ophiocephalus striatus var. qualamudensis Gianferrari,
Paepke, 1993a: 257, fig. 1, Paepke, 1999: 61, pl. 6 fig. 1) 1930: 159, fig. 1 (type locality: Malaysia: Malacca: es-
Ophiocephalus wrahl La Cepède, 1801: 551, 552 (unneces- tuary of Quala Muda [Kuala Muda]; holotype: MCSN
sary replacement name for Ophicephalus striatus Bloch, 4331, Conci & Michelangeli, 1974: 228)
1793: 141 [Hamilton, 1822: 60 use of O. wrahl is not a
Platessa balteata Richardson, 1846a: 278 (type locality: Pseudorhombus andersoni Gilchrist, 1904: 9, pl. 26 (type
China: Canton and coasts of China [area of Macao]; ho- locality: South Africa: Durban Harbor; holotype: SAM
lotype: specimen on which is based Reeves's unpublished 15366, Eschmeyer, 2011)
drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 218, pl. 9b)
Rhombus polyspilos Bleeker, 1853h: 503 (type locality: In- Pseudorhombus malayanus Bleeker, 1865
donesia: Java: Batavia / Sumatra: Telok Betong; synty- Pseudorhombus malayanus Bleeker, 1865h: 43 (type local-
pes [2, 216–290 mm TL]: LU) ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Telokbetong, Benkulen /
Teratorhombus excisiceps Macleay, 1881c: 126, pl. 2 (type Borneo: Pamangkat / Sulawesi: Makassar / Ambon / Sin-
locality: Australia: New South Wales: Port Jackson; syn- gapore; syntypes [10, 120–221 mm TL]: BMNH
types: AMS I.12662 [1], I.16277-001 [1, ex MAMU 1880.4.21.187 [1])
F218], Stanbury, 1969: 205; also in Macleay, 1884a: 126)
Pleuronectes Mortoniensis De Vis, 1882b: 370 (type local- Pseudorhombus neglectus Bleeker, 1865
ity: Australia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM) Pseudorhombus neglectus Bleeker, 1865h: 44 (type locali-
Neorhombus occellatus De Vis, 1886: 5 (nomen nudum) ty: Indonesia: Sulawesi: ? Makassar [Ujung Pandang];
holotype [160 mm TL]: LU)
Tephrinectes Günther, 1862 specimen on which figure is based [now MNHN Bibl.
Tephritis Günther, 1862a: 406 (type species: Pleuronectes Centr., MS 558 XXV 55, Desoutter et al., 2001: 339])
sinensis La Cepède, 1802: 595, 635, by monotypy; jun- Platessa chinensis Gray, 1834: vol. 2: pl. 94 fig. 1 (type lo-
ior homonym of Tephritis Latreille, 1804b: 196 in cality: China; holotype: specimen on which figure is based)
Diptera). Gender feminine. Platessa chinensis var. caeruleo-oculea Richardson, 1846a:
Tephrinectes Günther, 1862b: 475 (replacement name for 277 (type locality: China: Canton and Chinese coasts
Tephritis Günther, 1862a: 406). Gender masculine. [area of Macao]; holotype: specimen on which is based
Velifracta Jordan, 1907: 239 (replacement name for Tephri- Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead,
tis Günther, 1862a: 406). Gender feminine. 1970a: 218, pl. 10a)
Platessa velafracta Richardson, 1846a: 278 (type locality:
Tephrinectes sinensis (La Cepède, 1802) China: Canton and coasts of China [area of Macao]; ho-
Pleuronectes sinensis La Cepède, 1802: 595, 635, 638, pl. 14 lotype: specimen on which is based Reeves's unpublished
fig. 1 (type locality: China ["based on a Chinese paint- drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 218, pl. 27b)
ing"; see also Bauchot & Daget, 1996: 236]; holotype: Distribution notes. Inland report from Hainan.
Achiroides Bleeker, 1851 on ZMH [1, ex 8642], BMNH [1, ex Selangor Museum
Achiroïdes Bleeker, 1851d: 262 (type species: Plagusia 642], ? ZRC [1] and material on which are based ac-
melanorhijnchus Bleeker, 1850i: 15, by monotypy). counts of Achiroides melanorhynchus of Bleeker, 1870a:
Gender masculine. 26 [11, 61–116 mm TL, Palembang, Sintang, Banjarma-
Eurypleura Kaup, 1858a: 100 (unnecessary replacement sin], Synaptura melanorhyncha of Günther, 1862a: 487
name for Achiroides Bleeker, 1851d: 262). Gender fem- [based on reference to Bleeker, 1850i: 15, 1851b: 19
inine. (holotype only), one of Bleeker's specimen and one spec-
imen from Cambodia], Achiroides leucorhynchos of
Achiroides leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851 Bleeker, 1870a: 26 [7, 30–58 mm TL, Surakarta, proba-
Achiroïdes leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851g: 411 (type local- bly, RMNH 6771 (6)] and Synaptura leucorhyncha of
ity: Indonesia: Java: Surakarta; holotype [58 mm TL]: Günther, 1862a: 486 [based on one of Bleeker's speci-
RMNH 6771 [1 of 6], Eschmeyer, 2011) men from Surakarta])
Synaptura achira Duncker, 1904: 168 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Surakarta; lectotype: holotype of Achiroi- Achiroides melanorhijnchus (Bleeker, 1850)
des leucorhynchos Bleeker, 1851g: 411 [part of RMNH Plagusia melanorhijnchus Bleeker, 1850i: 15 (type locali-
6771, Eschmeyer, 2011], by present designation; based ty: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarma-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
sin; holotype [78 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1880.4.21.186 [1], Whitehead, 1970a: 218, pl. 10b)
NMV 46409 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011) ? Synaptura cinerascens Günther, 1862a: 482 (type locali-
ty: Sri Lanka; holotype: BMNH 1854.3.29.30, Eschmey-
er, 2011)
Brachirus Swainson, 1839 Brachirus sundaicus Bleeker, 1865b: pl. 236 fig. 4, pl. 239
Brachirus Swainson, 1839: 303 (subgenus of Solea Quensel, fig. 2 (type locality: Indonesia: Belitung: Tjirutjup / Riau:
1806: 53, 229; type species: Pleuronectes orientalis Bintang / Singapore; syntypes [2, 115–245 mm TL]: LU
Schneider, 1801: 157, by subsequent designation by Swain, [figured specimens]; text in Bleeker, 1870a: 20)
1883: 281; not a junior homonym of Brachirus Swain- Synaptura filamentosa Sauvage, 1878d: 93 (type locality:
son, 1838: 71, a misspelling of Brachyrus Swainson, "Laos Cambodgien"; holotype: MNHN 9643, Kottelat,
1838: 264, see Kottelat, 1998a: 117). Gender masculine. 1984a: 817, Desoutter et al., 2001: 327)
Synaptura Cantor, 1849: 1204 (unnecessary replacement Synaptura cinerea De Vis, 1883b: 288 (type locality: Aus-
name for Brachirus Swainson, 1839: 303 [spelt Brachyu- tralia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM I.118,
rus by Cantor]). Gender feminine. Eschmeyer, 2011)
Euryglossa Kaup, 1858a: 99 (type species: Pleuronectes Nomenclatural notes. Brachirus sundaicus is first avail-
orientalis Schneider, 1801: 157, by monotypy; objec- able from plates 236 and 239 of Bleeker (1865b). The text
tive junior synonym of Brachirus Swainson, 1839: 303; was published later, in Bleeker (1870a: 20). Thus, the two
junior homonym of Euryglossa Smith, 1853: 17, in Hy- figured specimens are the syntypes; the figures measure 115
menoptera) and 245 mm TL and are probably natural size as are all draw-
Anisochirus Günther, 1862a: 480 (subgenus of Synaptura ings of small-size fishes in Bleeker's Atlas. The mention "Aet.
Cantor, 1849: 1204; type species: Synaptura panoides Prov." in the caption of pl. 239. fig. 3 means "aetate provec-
Bleeker, 1851p: 440, by subsequent designation by Jor- tus" [of a greater age, older]. Bleeker (1870a: 20) based the
dan, 1919b: 319; not a junior homonym of Anisocheirus description on 4 specimens (88–260 mm TL) and commented
Westwood, 1832: 330, in Crustacea; junior homonym of that this species was misidentified as Solea pan and Synap-
Anisochirus Agassiz, 1846: 23, which is an unjustied tura pan in his earlier works. He mentioned only two earlier
emendation of Anisocheirus Guérin-Méneville, 1844: works: Bleeker, 1851g: 410, 1852k: 30. Both accounts are
262, in Coleoptera). Gender masculine. based on the same specimen, 243 mm TL from Belitung.
Heterobuglossus Chabanaud, 1931: 293 (type species: Sy- Bleeker (1870a: 20) mentioned Belitung and two additional
naptura aspilos Bleeker, 1852b: 74, by original desig- localities, Bintang and Singapore. From this, it can be in-
nation). Gender masculine. ferred that plate 239 shows the 243 mm specimen from Be-
Chabanaudetta Whitley, 1931c: 322 (replacement name for litung (a syntype) and that the second syntype (115 mm TL,
Anisochirus Günther, 1862a: 480). Gender feminine. shown on plate 236) and the 2 other specimens (88 and
260 mm TL) are from Bintang and Singapore. Bleeker first
Brachirus elongatus (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1940) obtained specimens of S. pan from Bintang in 1851 (1851q:
Typhlachirus elongatus Pellegrin & Chevey, 1940: 155, fig. 1 472 as Riouw, but as Bintang in 1856a) and from Singapore
(type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchine: more or less brack- in 1858 (1858f: 243). Additional material from Belitung is
ish waters of canal from Bac Lieu to Vinh Chau; synty- not mentioned in Bleeker's papers between 1851 and 1870.
pes: MNHN 1939-0270 [2], Desoutter et al., 2001: 328)
Brachirus pan (Hamilton, 1822)
Brachirus harmandi (Sauvage, 1878) Pleuronectes pan Hamilton, 1822: 130, 373, pl. 24 fig. 42
Synaptura Harmandi Sauvage, 1878d: 94 (type locality: (type locality: Bangladesh: eastern estuaries of the Gang-
Mekong [in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos]; holotype: es from Dhaka downwards; types: NT)
MNHN 9517, Kottelat, 1984a: 816, Desoutter et al., ? Pleuronectes canus Gronow, in Gray, 1854: 91 (type lo-
2001: 327) cality: Indian Ocean; holotype ?: lost ? [not listed in
Synaptura aenea Smith, 1931a: 32, fig. 15 (type locality: Wheeler, 1958] ["Vidi Hagae apud D. van Hoey, n. 135"
Thailand: Lopburi River at Lopburi; holotype: USNM (seen in Den Haag at D. van Hoey, number 135)])
Brachirus panoides (Bleeker, 1851)
Brachirus orientalis (Schneider, 1801) Synaptura panoïdes Bleeker, 1851p: 440 (type locality: In-
Pleuroncetes orientalis Schneider, 1801: 157 (type locali- donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; syn-
ty: India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N types [2, 130–140 mm TL]: ? BMNH 1862.6.3.7 [1],
79°51'E]; syntypes [2]: ZMB 7404 [1], 7407 [1], Paep- Eschmeyer, 2011, or lost, Kottelat, 1984a: 817; also in
ke, 1999: 139) Bleeker, 1852k: 30)
Solea foliacea Richardson, 1846a: 279 (type locality: Chi-
na: Canton and coasts of China [area of Macao]; synty- Brachirus siamensis (Sauvage, 1878)
pes: specimen on which is based Reeves's unpublished Synaptura siamensis Sauvage, 1878d: 94 (type locality:
drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 218, pl. 28a) Laos: Stung Strang [Cambodia: Stung Treng]; holotype:
? Solea ovalis Richardson, 1846a: 279 [type locality: "Coasts MNHN 9644, Kottelat, 1984a: 817, Desoutter et al.,
of China" [area of Macao]; holotype: specimen on which 2001: 328)
is based Reeves's unpublished drawing, reproduced in Synaptura Krempfi Durand, 1940: 39, pl. 7 (type locality:
Cambodia: Grand Lac [Tonle Sap]; holotype: ION) Achirus napai Montrouzier, 1857: 488 (not available, name
Chabanaudetta smithi Joglekar, 1971: 370, fig. 1 (type lo- listed in synonymy)
cality: Thailand: Nontaburi; holotype: ZSI F 6284/2) Solea persimilis Günther, 1909: 346 (type locality: Bismarck
Archipelago: New Pomerania [New Britain]; holotype:
BMNH 1880.3.17.8)
Dagetichthys Stauch & Blanc, 1964 Aseraggodes ocellatus Weed, 1961: 293, fig. 1 (type local-
Dagetichthys Stauch & Blanc, 1964: 172 (type species: ity: Sri Lanka: Trincomalee: north end of Sweat Bay;
Dagetichthys lakdoensis Stauch & Blanc, 1964: 173, by holotype: YPM 1288)
monotypy). Gender masculine. Taxonomic notes. Synonymy follows Randall & Johnson
Taxonomic notes. This genus has long been called Synap- (2007).
tura, but Synaptura is an objective junior synonym of
Brachirus, which is a distinct genus. Revision by Vachon et Pardachirus poropterus (Bleeker, 1851)
al. (2007). Achirus poropterus Bleeker, 1851b: 19 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta] / Sumatra: Padang; synty-
Dagetichthys albomaculatus (Kaup, 1858) pes [5, 48–66 mm TL]: probably part of RMNH 6262
Synaptura albomaculata Kaup, 1858a: 96 (type locality: [10], Randall & Johnson, 2007: 15; also in Bleeker,
India: Coromandel; holotype: MNHN 3436, Vachon et 1851g: 410)
al., 2007: 405, fig. 2b, Desoutter et al., 2001: 327) Achirus Thepassii Bleeker, 1854s: 500 (type locality: Indo-
Distribution notes. Inland record from Myanmar. nesia: Ambon; holotype [67 mm TL]: LU)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Zebrias zebra (Bloch, 1787) and Sea of Borneo [South China Sea ?]; syntypes: spec-
Pleuronectes zebra Bloch, 1787a: 27, pl. 187 (type locality: imen on which is based Reeves' unpublished drawing
East Indies [label: Indian Ocean]; lectotype: ZMB 2423, and UMZC [2], lost, Whitehead & Joysey, 1967: 134,
designated by Paepke, 1999: 140) Whitehead, 1970a: 218; figure reproduced in Whitehead
? Pleuronectes jerreus Cuvier, 1829: 343 (available by indi- & Joysey, 1967: pl. 1 fig. 4)
cation to Russell, 1803a: n° 71; type locality: India: Viza- Solea fasciata Basilewsky, 1855: 261 (type locality: China:
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is "in the sea which borders the Province Shan-Dun" [Sha-
based Russell, 1803a: 56 pl. 71 [Jerree Potoo B]) tung]; types: ? ZISP)
Solea zebrina Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 [March]: 185, ? Aesopia helotes Kaup, 1858b: 99 (available by indication
pl. 95 fig. 1 (type locality: Japan; lectotype: RMNH to Russell, 1803a: pl. 71; type locality: India: Vizagapa-
D.1308, Boeseman, 1947: 151) tham [Visakhapatnam]; holotype: specimen on which is
Solea ommatura Richardson, 1846a [June–July]: 279 (type based Russell, 1803a: pl. 71 [Jerree Potoo B]; objective
locality: China: Canton, Coasts of China [area of Macao] junior synonym of Pleuronectes jerreus Cuvier, 1829: 343)
pan: Tokei [Tokyo]; lectotype: BMNH 1878.4.5.94, des- pl. 28b; simultaneous subjective synonym of Plagusia
ignated by Chabanaud, 1951: 269) puncticeps Richardson, 1846a: 280, first reviser [Fow-
Cynoglossus lighti Norman, 1925c: 270 (type locality: Chi- ler, 1934e: 221] gave precedence to P. puncticeps)
na: Amoy; lectotype: BMNH 1924.12.15.87, designat- Plagiusa nigro-labeculata Richardson, 1846a: 280 (type lo-
ed by Chabanaud, 1951: 270, Menon, 1977: 48) cality: China: Canton and coasts of China [area of
Areliscus tenuis Oshima, 1927: 201 (type locality: Taiwan: Macao]; holotype: specimen on which is based Reeves's
Tainan fish market; holotype: lost, Ho & Shao, 2011: 61) unpublished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a:
Cynoglossus tshusanensis Chabanaud, 1951: 270 (type lo- 218, pl. 29b; simultaneous subjective synonym of Pla-
cality: China: Tshusan Archipelago, about 30°N 122°E; gusia puncticeps Richardson, 1846a: 280, first reviser
holotype: BMNH 1892.12.12.32) [Fowler, 1934e: 221] gave precedence to P. puncticeps)
Taxonomic notes. Li & Wang (1995: 363) and Yamada (in Plagusia javanica Bleeker, 1851b: 24 (type locality: Indone-
Nakabo, 2002: 1630) treated Cynoglossus lighti as valid and sia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH 6797, des-
distinct from C. joyneri. Inland record in Hainan. ignated by Menon, 1977: 77; also in Bleeker, 1851g: 414)
Plagusia brachyrhynchos Bleeker, 1851b: 24 (type locali-
Cynoglossus kapuasensis Fowler, 1905 ty: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype: RMNH
Cynoglossus kapuasensis Fowler, 1905a: 519, fig. 16 (type 6796, designated by Menon, 1977: 78; also in Bleeker,
locality: Indonesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Kapuas 1851g: 414)
River; holotype: ANSP 109737 [formerly WIAP 2402], Cynoglossus brevis Günther, 1862a: 500 (type locality: In-
Böhlke, 1984: 67 [not ANSP 72348 as stated by Menon, dia: Ganges; holotype: BMNH 1855.12.26.602, Menon,
1977: 91]) 1977: 78)
Cynoglossus puncticeps var. immaculata Pellegrin & Che-
Cynoglossus lingua Hamilton, 1822 vey, 1940: 154 (type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchine: Bac
Cynoglossus lingua Hamilton, 1822: 32, 365 (type locality: Lieu; holotype: MNHN 1940-0039)
India: "Calcutta, in estuaries that are strongly impreg-
nated with salt"; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished Cynoglossus purpureomaculatus Regan, 1905
drawing reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 15 figs. 1–2) Cynoglossus purpureomaculatus Regan, 1905a: 26 (type
Pleuronectes potous Cuvier, 1829: 344 (available by indi- locality: inland sea of Japan; holotype: BMNH
cation to Russell, 1803a: n° 73; type locality: India: Viza- 1905.6.6.248, Menon, 1977: 94)
gapatham [Visakhapatnam]; types: material on which is Cynoglossus Pellegrini Wu, 1932: 159 (type locality: Chi-
based Russell, 1803a: 57, pl. 73 [Jerree Potoo D]) na: Hainan; holotype: LU)
Plagusia macrorhynchos Bleeker, 1851b: 22 (type locality:
Indonesia: Java: Bantam Province: Tjilankahan; holo- Cynoglossus trigrammus Günther, 1862
type: model of figure of Kuhl and van Hasselt [190 mm Cynoglossus trigrammus Günther, 1862a: 494 (type locali-
TL]); also in Bleeker, 1851g: 413) ty: China; lectotype: BMNH, designated
Cynoglossus acinaces Jenkins, 1910b: 130 (type locality: by Menon, 1977: 95)
Bangladesh: Kulna District: off Morelganj; lectotype: ZSI Taxonomic notes. Menon (1977: 93) treated C. trigram-
4149/1, designated by Menon, 1977: 67) mus as a synonym of C. abbreviatus. Li & Wang (1995:
373) treated C. abbreviatus as distinct from C. trigrammus
Cynoglossus microlepis (Bleeker, 1851) and restricted to Chinese waters.
Plagusia microlepis Bleeker, 1851g: 413 (type locality: In- [Plagusia abbreviata Gray, 1834: vol. 2, pl. 94 fig. 3 (type locality: China;
donesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Selatan: Banjarmasin; ho- holotype: part of BMNH 2004.11.2.1–2 [2], Menon, 1977: 95, Esch-
meyer, 2013 [BMNH 2004.11.2.1 as lectotype, but no designation
lotype [194 mm TL]: RMNH 6784, Menon, 1977: 98; found])].
also in Bleeker, 1852k: 31)
Cynoglossus xiphoideus Günther, 1862a: 495 (type locali- Cynoglossus trulla (Cantor, 1849)
ty: Thailand; lectotype: BMNH 1859.7.1.52, designated Plagusia trulla Cantor, 1849: 1213 (type locality: Malay-
by Menon, 1977: 98) sia: Sea of Pinang; syntypes: BMNH 1860.3.19.431 [2],
Cynoglossus solum Sauvage, 1878d: 95 (type locality: Menon, 1977: 35)
Mekong [in Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam]; lectotype: Trulla cantori Kaup, 1858b: 109 (unnecessary replacement
MNHN 9516, designated by Kottelat, 1984a: 818 [erro- name for Plagusia trulla Cantor, 1849: 1213)
neously as 9517], Desoutter et al., 2001: 332) Plagusia borneënsis Bleeker, 1858n: 6 (type locality: Indo-
nesia: Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Singkawang; holotype
Cynoglossus puncticeps (Richardson, 1846) [213 mm TL]: RMNH 6792, Menon, 1977: 35)
Plagiusa puncticeps Richardson, 1846a: 280 (type locality: Cynoglossus sinicus Wu, 1932: 146 (type locality: China:
not stated [China: Canton and area of Macao]; holotype: Chekiang [Zhejiang]: muddy estuaries at Wen-Tchou:
specimen on which is based Reeves's unpublished draw- syntypes [3]: LU)
ing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 218, pl. 29c) Taxonomic notes. Menon (1977: 35) used C. borneensis as
Plagiusa auro-limbata Richardson, 1846a: 280 (type local- valid name, but C. trulla has precedence. Li & Wang (1995:
ity: China: Canton and coasts of China [area of Macao]; 353) treated C. sinicus as specifically distinct (and valid)
holotype: specimen on which is based Reeves's unpub- from C. borneensis (or from a species locally misidentified
lished drawing, reproduced in Whitehead, 1970a: 218, as C. borneensis).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cynoglossus waandersii (Bleeker, 1854) Plagusia acumineata Castelnau, 1875: 44 (type locality:
Plagusia Waandersii Bleeker, 1854v: 98 (type locality: In- Western Australia: Fremantle; syntypes: MNHN A.5189
donesia: Sumatra: Palembang Province: confluence of [1], Desoutter et al., 2001: 333)
Lamatang and Enim Rivers; holotype [145 mm TL]: Plagusia unicolor Macleay, 1881c: 138 (type locality: Aus-
RMNH 6781, Menon, 1977: 91) tralia: N. S. W.: Port Jackson; syntypes: AMS
I.16284.001 [ex MAMU 1162] [2], Stanbury, 1969: 205)
Plagusia notata De Vis, 1883b: 288 (type locality: Austra-
Paraplagusia Bleeker, 1865 lia: Queensland: Moreton Bay; holotype: QM I.107,
Paraplagusia Bleeker, 1865c: 274 (type species: Pleuro- Hoese & Bray, 2006: 1856)
nectes bilineatus Bloch, 1787a: 29, by subsequent des- Plagusia robinsoni Regan, 1919: 203, fig. 6 (type locality:
ignation; earliest designation not researched, apparently South Africa: Natal: Durban; holotype: BMNH
Jordan, 1919b: 336). Gender feminine. 1919.4.1.34, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Rhinoplagusia Bleeker, 1870a: 27 (subgenus of Parapla- Rhinoplagusia australis Rendahl, 1922: 190 (type locality:
gusia Bleeker, 1865c: 274; type species: Plagusia japo- Nortwestern Australia: Roebuck Bay; holotype: ZMUO
nica Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 187, by monotypy). J5232, Pethon, 1969: 6)
Gender feminine. Paraplagusia formosana Oshima, 1927: 200 (type locality:
Usinostia Jordan & Snyder, 1900: 380 (type species: Pla- Taiwan: Taihoku fish market; holotype: LU, apparently
gusia japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1846: 187, by lost, Ho & Shao, 2011: 62)
monotypy; junior objective synonym of Rhinoplagusia Distribution notes. Record in freshwaters from Mekong
Bleeker, 1870a: 27). Gender feminine. delta (Vidthayanon, 2008: 252).
Nomenclatural notes. Paraplagusia blochii Bleeker, 1851
Paraplagusia bilineata (Bloch, 1787) is not a valid species but an unnecessary replacement name
Pleuronectes bilineatus Bloch, 1787a: 29, pl. 188 (type lo- for Pleuronectes bilineatus Bloch, 1787. The use of the name
cality: Indian Ocean; lectotype: model of figure, lost, by P. blochii for a distinct species is based on a misreading of
subsequent designated by Kottelat, 2013d: 763 [not ZMB Bleeker (1851b) (see Kottelat, 2013d). The species called
2432, designated by Paepke, 1999: 68]) P. blochii by authors (e.g. Menon, 1980: 16, Chapleau &
Plagusia dipterigia Rüppell, 1830: 123, pl. 31 fig. 3 (type Renaud, 1993, Munroe, in Carpenter & Niem, 2001b: 3895)
locality: Northern Red Sea; holotype: SMF 3455, Dor, is Paraplagusia bleekeri. "Achirus bilineatus La Cepède,
1984: 273) 1802" listed by authors was not a new species but a new
Plagusia marmorata Bleeker, 1851b: 20 (type locality: In- combination of Pleuronectes bilineatus; it should be called
donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; syntypes [15, 95–220 Cynoglossus quadrilineatus (Bleeker, 1851) (see Kottelat,
mm TL]: ? NMV 46253 [1], RMNH 8501 [11], SMNS 2013d).
10587 [2], Fricke, 2005: 30, Eschmeyer, 2011; also in [Plagusia quadrilineata Bleeker, 1851b: 21 (type locality: Indonesia: Java:
Bleeker, 1851g: 411) Batavia [Jakarta] / Sumatra / Bangka: Muntok; syntypes [18, 75–300
mm TL]: part of RMNH 6789 [9], Eschmeyer, 2011)].
Plagusia Blochii Bleeker, 1851b: 21 (unnecessary replace- [Paraplagusia bleekeri Kottelat, 2013d: 765 (type locality: Indonesia: Java:
ment name for Pleuronectes bilineatus Boch, 1787a: 29; Batavia, Cheribon, Tegal, Tjilatjap, Samarang, Rembang, Surabaja or
also in Bleeker, 1851g: 411) Pasuruan; holotype: RMNH 17879)].
Taxonomic notes. Synonymies follow Tyler (1968). Phy- pl. 129 fig. 2 (type locality: Japan: Nagasaki; lectotype:
logeny: Santini & Tyler (2002a). RMNH 4123, designated by Boeseman, 1947: 211)
Triacanthus Russelli Bleeker, 1851l: 197 (nomen nudum),
Triacanthus Oken, 1817 1851m: 214 (nomen nudum)
Triacanthus Oken, 1817: 1183 (available by indication to Triacanthus russellii Bleeker, 1851o: 25 (type locality: In-
"Les Triacanthes" of Cuvier, 1816a: 153; type species: donesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], Samarang, Surabaya,
Balistes biaculeatus Bloch, 1786: 17, by monotypy in Pasuruan / Madura: Kammal / Sumatra: Padang, Siboga /
Cuvier, 1816a: 153). Gender masculine. Sulawesi: Makassar [Ujung Pandang], Bulucomba [spec-
imens were mixed, so that locality of lectotype cannot
Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch, 1786) be determined]; lectotype: RMNH 25404, designated by
Balistes biaculeatus Bloch, 1786: 17, pl. 148 fig. 2 (type Tyler, 1968: 271)
locality: East Indies; lectotype: ZMB 4148 [1 of 3, 95.8 Triacanthus rhodopterus Bleeker, 1851o: 25, pl. 4 fig. 8 (type
mm SL], designated by Tyler, 1968: 271) locality: Indonesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta]; lectotype:
Triacanthus brevirostris Temminck & Schlegel, 1850: 294, RMNH 25045, designated by Tyler, 1968: 271)
Triacanthus indicus Regan, 1903b: 184 (type locality: In- Tripodichthys blochii (Bleeker, 1852)
dia: Andaman Islands: Port Blair; lectotype: BMNH Triacanthus Blochii Bleeker, 1852b: 81 (type locality: Sin-
1889.2.1.4096, designated by Tyler, 1968: 271) gapore; holotype: RMNH 7262, Eschmeyer, 2011)
Distribution notes. Inland record from Singapore man-
groves (H. H. Tan, pers. comm.).
Tripodichthys Tyler, 1968
Tripodichthys Tyler, 1968: 298 (type species: Triacanthus
blochii Bleeker, 1852b: 81, by original designation).
Gender masculine.
Distribution notes. Monacanthus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) [Acreichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1941: 183 (subgenus of Pervagor Whitley,
is recorded from Sikao estuary (Trang, Thailand) (Tongnunui 1930a: 120; type species: Balistes tomentosus Linnaeus, 1758: 328,
by original designation). Gender masculine].
et al., 2002a–b) but it is not clear if it was inland or at sea. [Balistes tomentosus Linnaeus, 1758: 328 (based on Gronovius, 1754: 51,
Acreichthys tomentosus (Linnaeus, 1758) is recorded in n° 114, Clusius, 1605: 143 [monoceros], Ray, 1713: 47 [monoceros],
mangroves in Singapore, but offshore (H. H. Tan, pers. Pira Aca of Marcgrave, 1648: 154 [itself based on Clusius, 1605: 143];
comm.). type locality: "America" [Brazil; but also Indonesia: Batavia [Jakar-
ta], see Clusius, 1605: 143]; types: NT)].
[Monacanthus Oken, 1817: 1183 (available by indication to "les Mona-
[Balistes chinensis Osbeck, 1765: 147 (type locality: South China Sea,
canthes" of Cuvier, 1816a: 152; species listed by Cuvier are the orig-
"Piedra Blanca" Rock, near "Lan-tå" Island [Lantau, Hong Kong],
inally included species; type species: usually listed as Balistes chi-
22°04'N [pp. 144–148; mouth of Zhu Jiang [Pearl River] between Hong
nensis Osbeck, 1765: 147, by subsequent designation, author not re-
Kong and Macao]; types: NT)].
searched). Gender masculine].
Nomenclatural notes. Linnaeus (1758) used two spelling 2010: 27]; spelling Tetraodon is preserved under Code art. 33.3.1).
for Tetraodon: Tetraodon on p. 332–334 and Tetrodon on Gender masculine].
[Orbis Fischer, 1813: 79 (type species: Tetraodon lineatus Linnaeus, 1758:
p. 243. Later, Linné (1766: 349, 410–412) used only Tetro- 333, apparently designated by Abe, 1949: 120, by subsequent desig-
don. As nobody acted as first reviser between 1758 and 1766, nation; no species originally included, first inclusion apparently by
Linné (1766) is deemed to be first reviser under Code art. Abe, 1949: 120; Fischer listed the author as La Cepède, 1880: 504,
24.2.4. The correct spelling of the family-group name is thus but La Cepède used a non-binominal name)].
[Brachycephalus Hollard, 1857: 322, 326, 327, 328 (type species: Tetra-
Tetrodontidae and not Tetraodontidae (Code art. 35.4.1). As odon lineatus Linnaeus, 1758: 333, by subsequent monotypy in Jor-
Tetraodon and Tetraodontidae are in prevailing usage and dan, 1919a: 275 [not proposed as a replacement name; explicitly
as Tetrodon and Tetrodontidae are now virtually unused by [p. 322] a combination of Dichotomyctere Bibron, in Duméril, 1855:
taxonomists, Tetraodon is preserved under Code art. 33.3.1 279 and Tetraodon Linnaeus, 1758: 332). Gender masculine].
and the spelling of the family group name Tetraodontidae is
preserved under Code art. 35.4.1. Ovoides Anonymous, 1798a is possibly the oldest name
The type species of Tetraodon is T. lineatus Linnaeus, available for the genus presently called Arothron. It is based
1758, which was based on material of Hasseqvist (1757: on a drawing only. Unfortunately, it is not possible to de-
400) and one specimen later described in detail by Linné clare it a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.2 since it has
(1764: 55), now NRM 82 (S. Kullander, pers. comm.). NRM been used in numerous publications after 1899, at least un-
82 is here designated as lectotype. til 1932 (Whitley, 1932a: 310). The type species of Ovoides
Following the discussion by Tyler (1980), Tetraodon is Anonymous, 1798a is O. fasciatus Anonymous, 1798b.
restricted to African waters. As the name (and its synonyms) Ovoides fasciatus is available by indication to "ovoïde fas-
has been used for species in Southeast Asia, as a prelimi- cé" of La Cepède (1798: 521, pl. 25 fig. 2, opposite p. 490).
nary to further discussions it is necessary to list the syn- Desmarest (in Lacépède, 1829: 220) identified it as a muti-
onyms and to clarify some nomenclatural details. Synonyms lated Tetraodon lineatus Linnaeus, 1758.
of Tetraodon: For the time being O. fasciatus cannot be identified with
[Tetraodon Linnaeus, 1758: 332 (type species: Tetraodon lineatus Lin- certainty with any of the known species of Tetraodontidae,
naeus, 1758: 333, by subsequent designation by Lesson, 1830: 199; or to any genus, but it potentially threatens the widely used
spelt Tetrodon p. 243, first reviser [Linné, 1766: 349, 410–412] gave Arothron or some other genera. Obviously this cannot per-
precedence to Tetrodon [Code art. 24.2.4; see also Dubois, 2007: 96, dure and the name should be either validated by a neotype
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 530, by monotypy). Gender neuter]. Dilobomycter Hollard, 1857: 319 (incorrect subsequent
[Oonidus Rafinesque, 1815: 90 (available by indication to 'ovoïdes' of La spelling of Dilobomyctere Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 279)
Cepède, 1798: 520; no species originally included; type species: ap-
parently never fixed, Ovoides fasciatus Anonymous, 1798b: 684 by Crayracion Bleeker, 1865n: pls. 205–214 (type species:
present designation). Gender masculine]. Tetrodon immaculatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 507
[Tetraodon lineatus Linnaeus, 1758: 333 (based on Hasselqvist, 1757: 400 by present designation; not "Crayracion laevissimus
[Tetraodon (Fahaka)] and material later described in Linnaeus, 1764: Klein" [?Tetraodon laevissimus Cuvier, 1829: 368] by
55; type locality: Nile River; lectotype: NRM 82, by present designa-
tion, Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 276)]. Bleeker, 1865n: 49, 1865i: 18, which was not originally
[Tetrodon stellatus Anonymous, 1798b: 683 (based on Tetrodon étoilé of included [and pre-Linnaean, not available], not Tetro-
La Cepède, 1798: 483, itself based on manuscript by Commerson; don spengleri Bloch, 1785: 135, by Jordan & Snyder,
type locality: Mauritius; holotype: specimen examined by Commer- 1901: 249), which was not originally included; not a jun-
son, not preserved)].
[Ovoides fasciatus Anonymous, 1798b: 684 (type locality: Nile River; ior homonym of Crayracion Klein, in Walbaum, 1792:
neotype: NRM 82, by present designation [originally based on 'ovoïde 580, which is not available, ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion
fascé' of La Cepède, 1798, 521, pl. 25 fig. 2 (opposite p. 490); origi- 21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]; also in Bleeker, 1865c:
nal type locality: "mer des Indes" [Indian Ocean]; original syntypes: 271). Gender masculine.
specimens on which are based notes of Commerson and Deschamps,
lost])]. Kanduka Hora, 1924c: 579 (type species: Kanduka michiei
[Tetrodon fasciatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 508 (based on Seba, 1759: Hora, 1924c: 579, by monotypy). Gender feminine.
60, n° 1–2, pl. 24 figs. 1–2; type locality: unknown; syntypes: lost ?)]. Cyprichthys Whitley, 1936b: 51 (type species: Tetraodon
[Tetrodon fasciatus M'Clelland, 1844a: 412, pl. 21 fig. 2 (type locality: mappa Lesson, 1831: pl. 5, by original designation).
China: Chusan Island [Zhoushan Dao] and Ningpo; types: ? ZSI; pri-
mary junior homonym of Tetrodon fasciatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: Gender masculine.
508)]. Boesemanichthys Abe, 1952: 40 (type species: Tetraodon
[Tetrodon fasciatus Macleay, 1878: 365, pl. 10 fig. 5 (type locality: Aus- firmamentum Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 280, pl. 126
tralia: Northern Territory: Port Darwin; syntypes: AMS I.16426-001 fig. 2, by original designation). Gender masculine.
[ex MAMU F1138; 11], Stanbury, 1969: 210, Hardy, 1982: 16; prima-
ry junior homonym of Tetrodon fasciatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: Taxonomic notes. Ovoides Anonymous, 1798a was poten-
508 and Tetrodon fasciatus M'Clelland, 1844a: 412)]. tially the oldest name available for the genus presently called
[Tetrodon commersoni Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 508 (based on 'tétrodon Arothron. As it potentially threaned the widely used Aro-
moucheté' of La Cepède, 1798: 491; type locality: Pralin Island [Sey- thron, a neotype has been designated for its type species,
chelles; La Cepède, 1798: 491; not Indian Ocean around Mauritius,
as stated by Bloch]; types: material on which are based Commerson's which made it a junior synonym of Tetraodon; see under
notes, lost)]. family introduction.
[Ovum commersoni Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 530, pl. 108 (based on Crayracion is an old name that appeared in a number of
'ovoïde fascé' of La Cepède, 1798, 521, pl. 25 fig. 2 (opposite p. 490); pre-Linnean works. Crayracion was first made available
type locality: Nile River; neotype: NRM 82, by present designation;
original type locality: "mer des Indes" [Indian Ocean]; original synty- when it was used on the plates of livraison 18 (pls. 205–
pes: specimens on which are based notes of Commerson and Des- 216) of Bleeker's Atlas ichthyologique, volume 5 (Bleeker,
champs, lost; spelt commersonii on pl. 108, first reviser [Eschmeyer 1865n), published on 19 April 1865 (Mees, 1962a: 77,
et al., 1998: 398] retained commersoni)]. Boeseman, in Bleeker, 1983: 4; see Bibliographic Notes).
The corresponding text appeared later, pp. 67–75, in livrai-
Arothron Müller, 1841 son 20, published in December 1865. The type species should
Crayracion Klein, 1777: vol. 4: 788 (not available, pub- be selected from among the species originally included, that
lished in a work not using binominal nomenclature) is those placed in Crayracion on plates 205–216: Crayra-
Crayracion Klein, in Walbaum, 1792: 580 (not available, cion laterna [= Arothron hispidus], C. lineatus [type spe-
ICZN, 1910b: 51 [Opinion 21], 1926b: 94 [Opinion 21]) cies of Tetraodon; misidentified by Bleeker], C. nigropunc-
Arothron Müller, 1841: 252 (subgenus of Tetraodon Lin- tatus [valid species of Arothron], C. manillensis [valid spe-
naeus, 1758: 332; type species: Tetrodon testudinarius cies of Arothron], C. palembangensis [valid species of Pao],
Müller, 1841: 252, by monotypy; repeated in Müller, C. stellatus [valid species of Arothron], C. meleagris [valid
1843: 330, 1846: 195 [not in Müller, 1839a: 186, 1839b: species of Arothron], C. mappa [valid species of Arothron],
196, 1841: 196 (vol. for 1839)]). Gender masculine. C. fluviatilis [valid species of Dichotomyctere], C. immacu-
Dilobomyctère Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 279 (type species: latus [valid species of Arothron], C. testudineus [valid spe-
Tetrodon reticularis Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 506, by cies of Sphoeroides], C. leiurus [valid species of Pao],
subsequent designation by Jordan & Snyder, 1901d: C. astrotaenia [undetermined status, probably an Arothron],
249). Gender masculine. and C. erythrotaenia [valid species of Dichotomyctere].
Catophorhynque Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (type spe- In the text of the Atlas, Bleeker (1865n: 49) designated
cies: Tetraodon scaber Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 214, "Crayracion laevissimus Klein" as type species. This is re-
by subsequent designation [ambiguous] or subsequent peated in Bleeker (1865i: 18). As this nominal species was
monotypy in Le Danois, 1959: 208; no species original- not originally included, this designation is invalid. Further
ly included, first inclusion by Le Danois, 1959: 208 [Kot- "C. laevissimus" is a pre-Linnean name and not available; it
telat, 2001d: 614]). Gender masculine. has sometimes been identified as Tetraodon laevissimus
Dilobomycterus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent Cuvier, 1829: 368, which is a nomen nudum. Cuvier did not
spelling of Dilobomyctere Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 279) provide a description and simply listed "T. laevissimus, Bl.,
Catophorhynchus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent Schn.", which is Schneider (1801), but there is no T. laevis-
spelling of Catophorhynque Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: simus in Schneider, 1801. Maybe that laevissimus in Cuvier
280) is a lapsus for T. laevigatus Linné, 1766: 411, which is men-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
tioned in Schneider (1801: 506). India: Tranquebar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]; holotype:
Jordan & Snyder (1901: 249) listed Tetrodon spengleri ZMB 4283, Paepke, 1999: 149, pl. 20 fig. 2; incorrect original spell-
ing, must be emended into nigropunctatus, Code art.].
Bloch, 1785: 135 as type species for Crayracion, but this [Tetraodon mappa Lesson, 1831: pl. 5 [15 June], p. 102 [13 Oct.] (type
too is invalid as it was not among the originally included locality: Papua New Guinea: Baie de Doréry [Doreh Bay]; holotype:
species. To date, there is no valid type species designation MNHN 3507, Le Danois, 1962: 463; plate appeared in July, text in
for Crayracion. I considered the possibility of designating November)].
[Tetraödon astrotaenia Bleeker, 1853d: 129 (type locality: Indonesia:
T. leiurus as type species in order to use an existing name Ambon; holotype [26 mm TL]: ? RMNH)].
for the genus described below as Pao, but this does not seem [Tetraodon laevissimus Cuvier, 1829: 368 (nomen nudum; Cuvier listed
advisable because of uncertainties as to the dates of publi- "T. laevissimus, Bl., Schn.", but there is no T. laevissimus in Schneider,
cation of other papers that Bleeker published in 1865. 1801; possibly lapsus for T. laevigatus Linné, 1766: 411, mentioned
in Schneider, 1801: 506)].
Bleeker used the name Crayracion in three other works
published in 1865 (1865c, 1865i, 1865j). The 1865c paper Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758)
appeared in volume 2 of Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Tetraodon hispidus Linnaeus, 1758: 333 (based on Artedi,
Dierkund. Papers 1865i and 1865j appeared later, in vol- 1738 and "Chin[ensia] Lagerstr[omiana] 23", which is
ume 3, and can be ignored for the discussion of precedence. the then unpublished Linnaeus, 1759: 247, n°23; type
Bleeker (1865c: 271) is a list of the fishes of Ambon. locality: "India"; syntypes: UUZM 102a-b [2], Wheeler,
Among them are 10 species of Crayracion. The following 1991: 192, Wallin, 2001: 120)
species are present on both the 1865c paper and the plates Tetraodon perspicillaris Rüppell, 1829a: 63 (type locality:
of 1865n: C. astrotaenia, C. erythrotaenia, C. immacula- Red Sea; syntypes: SMF 260 [1], 196–199 [4], 6200 [1],
tus, C. lineatus, C. manillensis, C. mappa, C. nigropuncta- 6201 [1], 8184 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
tus, C. testudineus. Tetraodon semistriatus Rüppell, 1837: 58, pl. 16 fig. 3 (type
A comparison of the plates and the text of the Atlas (Blee- locality: Red Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; lectotype: SMF
ker, 1865n) shows that figure 3 of plate 205 is labeled 6202, designated by Dor, 1994: 284)
"Crayracion laterna" while in the text this figure is listed in Tetrodon implutus Jenyns, 1842: 152 (type locality: Cocos-
the synonymy of C. implutus (p. 71), and Bleeker explained Keeling Islands; holotype: ? BMNH 1917.7.14.79, Esch-
(p. 72) the reasons of establishing the synonymy. This indi- meyer, 2011)
cates that plate 205 was already engraved (and possibly Tetrodon laterna Richardson, 1845b: 124, pl. 61 fig. 2 (type
printed) at the time Bleeker discovered the synonymy. In locality: China: Canton; holotype: specimens figured on
paper 1865c, Bleeker listed (p. 271) "Crayracion implutus plate [Reeves's figure; Whitehead, 1970a: 204])
Blkr = Tetrodon implutus Jen. = Tetr. laterna Rich." This Tetrodon bondarus Cantor, 1849: 1359 (type locality: Ma-
indicates that 1865c was written after pl. 205 was engraved. laysia: Sea of Pinang / India: Vizagapatham [Visakha-
Page 145 of Atlas has a list of Bleeker's publications patnam]; syntypes: BMNH and specimen on which is
between 1863 and 1865. The list was written in July 1865 based Russell, 1803a: 19, pl. 27 [Bondaroo Kappa])
and includes papers in Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Tetrodon pusillus Klunzinger, 1871: 645 (type locality: not
Dierkunde with exact page numbers for vol. 2 (including stated [Red Sea: Egypt: Kosseir [Al-Qusair]; Eschmey-
1865c) and vol. 3 until p. 52 (including 1865h–j), indicat- er, 2011]; syntypes: SMF 121 [1], ZMB 8080 [1], Esch-
ing that these papers where at least printed before July 1865 meyer, 2011)
(and most likely circulated, be it only as separates). Paper Tetraodon sazanami Tanaka, 1915: pl. 105 fig. 324, 1916:
1865c is listed under 1864, which, in Bleeker's style was 384, pl. 110 fig. 333 (type locality: Japan: Tokyo mar-
the date of writing, not the date of publication. The text of ket; holotype: ZUMT 6745, Eschmeyer, 2011)
volume 5 of the Atlas is dated October 1864 (p. 144). Distribution notes. Occasionally found in estuaries, but
Conclusion: with the first part of volume 3 of Nederland- most records apparently are A. reticularis (Randall, Bogor-
sch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde already published in July odsky & Rose, 2012: 52).
1865, the final part of volume 2, which includes 1865c, is
estimated to have been published around March–April 1865, Arothron immaculatus (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801)
or even earlier. This is very close to the date of publication Tetrodon immaculatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 507 (avail-
of plates 205–216 of the Atlas (19 April 1865). It is present- able by diagnosis and indication to Tétrodon sans-tache
ly impossible to know which was published first, but it may of La Cepède, 1798: 486, pl. 24 fig. 1; type locality: not
become known later with additional historical research. To stated; holotype: specimen on which is based Commer-
ensure stability, I decided to select as type species one of son's drawing, reproduced by La Cepède; invalid neo-
the species listed in both 1865c and the plates 205–216 of type designation by Fricke, 1999a: 604 [need not dem-
1865n. This way, possible future changes in the sequence of onstrated])
the publications will have no impact on nomenclature. Tet- Tetrodon sordidus Rüppell, 1829a: 64 (type locality: Red
rodon immaculatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 507 is here Sea: Eritrea: Massawa; types: part or all among SMF
designated as type species of Crayracion Bleeker, 1865. This 276 [1], 7618 [1], MNHN A.8360 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011)
makes Crayracion a junior synonym of Arothron. Tetraodon parvus Joannis, 1835: unnumbered p. 45, pl. 15
[Tetrodon meleagris Anonymous, 1798b: 684 (based on 'tétrodon méléa-
gris' of La Cepède, 1798: 505, itself based on manuscript by Com- (type locality: Red Sea: Egypt: Cosseir [Al-Quseir]; ho-
merson; type locality: seas of Asia; types: material on which Com- lotype: ? MNHN)
merson's manuscript is based, not preserved)]. Tetraodon scaber Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850: 214, pl. 10
[Tetrodon nigro-punctatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 507 (type locality: fig. 1 (type locality: China: Macao; holotype: MNHN
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
valentini Bleeker, 1853d: 130, by subsequent designa- Carinotetraodon lorteti (Tirant, 1885)
tion by Jordan & Evermann, 1898: 1741; also spelt Tro- ? Chelonodon Dumerili Bleeker, 1864g: 33, 37 (nomen nu-
pidichthijs, first reviser [Eschmeyer, 1990: 414] select- dum); 1864j: 172 (nomen nudum)
ed Tropidichthys as correct original spelling). Gender Tetrodon Lorteti Tirant, 1885: 175 [1929: 96] (type locali-
masculine. ty: Vietnam: Thu-dau-mot; lectotype: MGHNL 42000006
Anosmius Peters, 1855a: 274 (subgenus of Tetraodon Lin- [ex 3907bis], designated by Dekkers, 1975: 97, Kotte-
naeus, 1758: 332; type species: Tetrodon taeniatus Pe- lat, 1987c: 19)
ters, 1855a: 275, by subsequent designation by Jordan Tetraodon somphongsi Klausewitz, 1957c: 205, figs. 1–2 (type
& Evermann, 1898: 1741; junior homonym of Anosmius locality: Thailand, freshwater [possibly Nakorn Chaisri
Müller, 1846: 195; also in Peters, 1855b: 462). Gender River; see Sontirat et al., 1971: 5]; holotype: SMF 4083)
masculine. Carinotetraodon chlupatyi Benl, 1957b: 1, 1 fig. (type lo-
Rhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281 (type species: cality: Thailand: [north of Bangkok; holotype's label];
Tetraodon peronii Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281, by holotype: ZSM 15419, Dekkers, 1975: 97)
subsequent designation by Jordan & Evermann, 1898: Tetraodon werneri Benl & Chlupaty, 1957: 228 (nomen nu-
741). Gender masculine. dum)
Rhynchotes Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent spell- Monotreta tiranti d'Aubenton & Blanc, 1966: 556, fig. 2
ing of Rhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281). Gen- (type locality: Cambodia: Tonlé Sap, km 9; holotype:
der masculine. MNHN 1966-0048)
Rhynchotus Hollard, 1857: 319 (incorrect subsequent spell- Nomenclatural notes. The "holotype" of T. lorteti listed by
ing of Rhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281). Gen- Le Danois (1961) is a paralectotype. The two "paratypes"
der masculine. of Chelonodon dumerilii she listed have no type status as
Eumycterias Jenkins, 1901: 399 (type species: Eumycterias this is a nomen nudum.
bitaeniatus Jenkins, 1901: 400, by monotypy; not a jun-
ior homonym of Eumycterus Schönherr, 1838: 1083 in Carinotetraodon salivator Lim & Kottelat, 1995
Coleoptera). Gender masculine. Carinotetraodon salivator Lim & Kottelat, 1995: 359,
Lucubrapiscis Whitley, 1931c: 334 (unnecessary replace- figs. 1–4 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Sun-
ment name for Eumycterias Jenkins, 1901: 399). Gen- gai Bejit, km 10 on road to Simunjan after it branches
der masculine. from Kuchin–Sri Aman road, 1°08'39"N 110°54'43"E;
Taxonomic notes. Genus revised by Allen & Randall (1977). holotype: ZRC 37465)
Tetraodon bourouensis Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (no- Dichotomyctere Duméril, 1855
men nudum) Dichotomyctère Duméril, 1855: 279 (type species: Tetrao-
Tetrodon fornicatum Hora, 1933: 130 (not available, name don fluviatilis Hamilton, 1822: 6, by monotypy). Gen-
listed in synonymy) der masculine.
Chelonodon bourouensis Le Danois, 1959: 158, figs. 115 (type Dichotomycterus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent
locality: Indonesia: Bourou [Buru]; holotype: MNHN spelling of Dichotomyctere Duméril, 1855: 279). Gen-
B.1472, Le Danois, 1962: 467 [author stated to be Bi- der masculine.
bron, but actual author is Le Danois; said to be based on Dichotomycter Hollard, 1857: 319 (incorrect subsequent
3 specimens, "among them the type of Bibron's species: spelling of Dichotomyctere Duméril, 1855: 279). Gen-
Tetraodon bourouensis" [holotype of Le Danois' species]) der masculine.
Taxonomic notes. Chelonodontops patoca has long been
placed in Chelonodon, but the type species of Chelonodon Dichotomyctere erythrotaenia (Bleeker, 1853)
is Tetraodon cutcutia. Tyler (1980: 336) had placed T. pato- Tetraödon erythrotaenia Bleeker, 1853k: 174 (type locali-
ca in the same genus as T. fluviatilis and related species, ty: Indonesia: Sulawesi: Maros / Ambon [cannot be sort-
which he called Chelonodon. The oldest available name for ed because syntypes were mixed]; lectotype: RMNH
a genus including T. fluviatilis is in fact Dichotomyctere. 7356, designated by Dekkers, 1975: 117)
However, T. patoca has rarely been treated as congeneric Epipedorhynchus Gernaerti Bleeker, 1865n: 68, 1865i: 36
with T. fluviatilis. It is treated as belonging to a distinct ge- (not available, name listed in synonymy)
nus, for which the only available name is Chelonodontops.
Recent molecular analyses are congruent with this conclu- Dichotomyctere fluviatilis (Hamilton, 1822)
sion (Igarashi et al., 2013). Tetrodon fluviatilis Hamilton, 1822: 6, 362, pl. 30 fig. 1 (type
Nomenclatural notes. Le Danois (1962: 467) listed "para- locality: India: Ganges River at Allahabad [original type
types" of Tetraodon kappa Bleeker, 1852, which she con- locality: freshwater rivers of the lower parts of Bengal];
sidered to be a synonym of T. patoca. One "paratype" listed neotype: BMNH 1934.10.17.139, designated by Dek-
by her, MNHN 807, is "two specimens" collected in Manila kers, 1975: 97)
in 1861; as the species was described in 1852, these cannot Arothron dorsovittatus Blyth, 1860b: 173 (type locality:
be types. The remaining one, MNHN B.1571, is 89 mm (she India: Calcutta, fish bazaar; syntypes: LU, Dekkers,
did not indicate whether SL or TL) and is too large for being 1975: 127)
one of the syntypes (40–85 mm TL). ? Arothron semimaculatus Rüppell, 1852: 35 (nomen nudum)
Tetrodon pulvinatus Hora, 1933: 130 (not available, name
listed in synonymy)
Chonerhinos Bleeker, 1854 Dichotomycterus rangoonensis Le Danois, 1959: 133, figs.
Chonerhinos Bleeker, 1854w: 259 (type species Tetraodon 84–88 (type locality: Burma: freshwaters of the area of
naritus Richardson, 1848b: 18, by subsequent designa- Rangoon / India: Bengal; syntypes [7]: MNHN B.1564
tion by Bleeker, 1865n: 49 [see Kottelat, 1999a: 597]). [5], Le Danois, 1962: 462)
Gender masculine. Dichotomycterus javanicus Le Danois, 1959: 135 (not avail-
Xénoptère Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281 (type species: able, name listed in synonymy)
Xenoptere belangerii Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281, by Leiuropygia indica Le Danois, 1962: 462 (not available,
monotypy). Gender masculine. name listed in synonymy)
Xenopterus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent spell-
ing of Xenoptere Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281) Dichotomyctere kretamensis (Inger, 1853)
Chonerhinus Bleeker, 1865n: 49 (incorrect subsequent spell- Tetraodon kretamensis Inger, 1953: 149, fig. 27 (type local-
ing of Chonerhinos Bleeker, 1854w: 259) ity: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinabatangan District:
Nomenclatural notes. Chonerhinos has been used errone- Pinang River, a tributary of Kretam Kechil; holotype:
ously for the species now placed in Auriglobus (see Kotte- FMNH 51558, Dekkers, 1975: 121)
lat, 1999a: 597).
Dichotomyctere nigroviridis (Marion de Procé, 1822)
Chonerhinos naritus (Richardson, 1848) Tetrodon nigroviridis Marion de Procé, 1822: 130 (type lo-
Tetrodon naritus Richardson, 1848b: 18, pl. 8 figs. 1–3 (type cality: Indonesia: Sumatra: Deli [Medan] [original type
locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sarawak: Sarawak: River; locality: Indonesia: Sumatra: northeastern coast]; neo-
holotype: ? BMNH uncat., Eschmeyer, 2011) type: ZMA 113.020, designated by Dekkers, 1975: 126)
Tetrodon grandispina van der Hoeven, 1850–51: 275 (type Tetraödon potamophilus Bleeker, 1849e: 16 (type locality:
locality: Borneo; types: RMNH) Indonesia: Java: Madura Strait near Kammal and Sura-
Xénoptère Bellangerii Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281 (type baya / sea of Java and estuaries near [Batavia], Sama-
locality: not stated [India: Bengal, Coromandel / Bur- rang, etc.; syntypes: part of RMNH 7357 [61], BMNH
ma: "mouth of Rangoon"; syntypes: MNHN A.9539 [4], 1867.11.28.108 [1], Dekkers, 1975: 125, Eschmeyer, 2011)
A.9540 [3], 2166 [4], B.1554 [1], B.1555 [1], Le Danois, Tetrodon simulans Cantor, 1849: 1356 (type locality: Ma-
1959: 128, 1961: 281) laysia: sea and estuaries of Pinang, Malay Peninsula and
Singapore; syntypes: BMNH–589 [2], Dek-
kers, 1975: 123)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Tetraodon melanochloris Roberts, 1993b: 46 (not available, Gastrophysus Müller, 1843: 330 (replacement name for
unpublished manuscript name of Kuhl and van Hasselt) Physogaster Müller, 1841: 252; also in Müller, 1846:
195; Gastrophysus has been used as a valid name after
Dichotomyctere ocellatus (Steindachner, 1870) 1899 and therefore precedence over Takifugu cannot be
Crayracion fluviatilis var. ocellata Steindachner, 1870c: 640, reversed under Code art. 23.9; not junior homonym of
pl. 5 fig. 2 (type locality: Malaysia: Johor: Pengulon Pa- Gastrophysa Dejean, 1835: 405 (nomen nudum) and
tie [Pengkalan Petai ?, Duncker, 1904: 181]; syntypes: Gastrophysa Gebler, 1842: 39 in Coleoptera). Gender
NMW [4]; junior secondary homonym of Tetraodon ocel- masculine.
latus Linnaeus, 1758: 333, Tetrodon ocellatus Bennett, Aphanacanthe Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 279 (nomen nudum)
1830: [21], pl. 21 and Tetrodon ocellatus Peters, 1855b: Aphanacanthus Troschel, 1856: 88 (nomen nudum)
462 when placed in Tetraodon by Dekkers, 1975: 132) Aphanacanthus Hollard, 1857: 319 (nomen nudum)
Tetrodon biocellatus Tirant, 1885 [1929: 95] (type locality: Torafugu Abe, 1939: 336, 1949: 90 (not available because
Vietnam: Thu-dau-mot; lectotype MGHNL 42000004, no type species designated, Code art. 13.3)
designated by Kottelat, 1987c: 20, fig. 15) Takifugu Abe, 1949: 90 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anony-
Tetraodon steindachneri Dekkers, 1975: 132, figs. 38–40 mous, 1798: 676; type species: Tetraodon oblongus
(replacement name for Crayracion fluviatilis var. ocel- Bloch, 1786: 6, by monotypy; junior objective synonym
lata Steindachner, 1870c: 640) of Gastrophysus Müller, 1843: 330). Gender masculine.
Nomenclatural notes. When placed in Tetraodon by Dek- Shosaifugu Abe, 1949: 92 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anon-
kers (1975: 132), Crayracion fluviatilis var. ocellata Stein- ymous, 1798: 676; not available because no type spe-
dachner, 1870c became a junior secondary homonym of cies designated, Code art. 13.3)
Tetraodon ocellatus Linnaeus, 1758, Tetrodon ocellatus Higanfugu Abe, 1949: 93 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anon-
Bennett, 1830 and Tetrodon ocellatus Peters, 1855b. Dek- ymous, 1798: 676; type species: Tetraodon pardalis Tem-
kers proposed Tetraodon steindachneri as new replacement minck & Schlegel, 1847: 282, pl. 123 fig. 2, by monoty-
name, but the name T. biocellatus Tirant, 1885 was already py; simultaneous subjective synonym of Takifugu Abe,
available for the species. Tetraodon ocellatus Linnaeus is 1949: 90, first reviser [Matsuura, 1990: 17] gave prece-
now in Gastrophysus, T. ocellatus Bennett is now Canthi- dence to Takifugu). Gender masculine.
gaster bennetti (Bleeker, 1854s), T. ocellatus Peters is now Torafugu Abe, 1950: 199 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anony-
C. margaritatus, and C. ocellata Steindachner is now in mous, 1798: 676; type species: Tetraodon rubripes Tem-
Dichotomyctere. Since the four nominal species are now minck & Schlegel, 1847: 283, pl. 123 fig. 1, by original
placed in different genera and since C. ocellata Steindachner designation). Gender masculine.
had been replaced after 1960, the name must be reinstated Shosaifugu Abe, 1950: 199 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anon-
(Code art. 59.4). ymous, 1798: 676; type species: Tetraodon vermicularis
In fact, in 1975 T. ocellatus Linnaeus was no longer Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 278 [spelt vermiculatus
placed in Tetraodon but treated as a valid Takifugu (now on pl. 124 fig. 1], by original designation). Gender mas-
Gastrophysus) and replacement was not needed. culine.
[Tetrodon ocellatus Bennett, 1830: [21], pl. 21 (type locality: southern Fugu Abe, 1952: 36 (type species: Tetraodon rubripes Tem-
coast of Ceylon [Sri Lanka]; holotype [figured specimen]: lost, Pethiy- minck & Schlegel, 1847: 283, pl. 123 fig. 1, by original
agoda et al., 1994: 45; junior primary homonym of Tetraodon ocella-
tus Linnaeus, 1758: 333)]. designation). Gender masculine.
[Tetrodon ocellatus Peters, 1855b: 462 (type locality: Mozambique; holo- Akamefugu Abe, 1954: 122 (subgenus of Fugu Abe, 1952:
type: ? ZMB; junior primary homonym of Tetraodon ocellatus Lin- 36; type species: Tetrodon chrysops Hilgendorf, 1879:
naeus, 1758: 333 and Tetrodon ocellatus Bennett, 1830: [21], pl. 21; 80, by original designation). Gender masculine.
also in Peters, 1855a: 274)].)
[Tropidichthys Bennetti Bleeker, 1854s: 504 (type locality: Indonesia: Nomenclatural notes. Physogaster Müller, 1841 is a jun-
Ambon; syntypes [9, 45–81 mm TL]: BMNH 1867.11.28.126 [1], part ior homonym of Physogaster Lacordaire, 1830 and was re-
of RMNH 7360 [29], Eschmeyer, 2013; also based on Tetrodon ocel- placed by Gastrophysus Müller, 1843. Müller included two
latus Bennett, 1830: [21], pl. 21)]. nominal species in Physogaster: Tetrodon oblongus Bloch,
[Tetraodon margaritatus Rüppell, 1829a: 66 (type locality: Egypt: Tor [El-
Tor, Sinai coast]; holotype: SMF (lost), Eschmeyer, 2013)]. 1786 and T. lunaris Bloch, in Schneider, 1801. He did not
designate a type species. The first type species designation
Dichotomyctere sabahensis (Dekkers, 1975) is by Bleeker (1865n: 46) who designated T. oblongus. Jor-
Tetraodon fluviatilis sabahensis Dekkers, 1975: 130, figs. dan (1919a: 216) listed T. lunaris as type species. This is
35–37 (type locality: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Kinana- incorrect but has been accepted by many subsequent work-
batangan District: Pinang River, 5°30'N 118°33'E; holo- ers who therefore erroneously considered Gastrophysus to
type: FMNH 51564) be a junior synonym of Lagocephalus.
The type species of Takifugu Abe, 1949 is also T. oblon-
gus and this makes Takifugu an objective junior synonym
Gastrophysus Müller, 1843 of Gastrophysus. Gastrophysus has been used as a valid
Physogaster Müller, 1841: 252 (subgenus of Tetraodon Lin- name after 1899 [e.g. Smith, 1949a: 418, Munro, 1955: 280]
naeus, 1758: 332; type species: Tetrodon oblongus Bloch, and therefore precedence over Takifugu cannot be reversed
1786: 6, by subsequent designation by Bleeker, 1865n: under Code art. 23.9. The only way to continue to use Taki-
46; junior homonym of Physogaster Lacordaire, 1830: fugu as a valid name would be to ask the ICZN to reverse
276 in Coleoptera). Gender feminine. precedence or to suppress Gastrophysus.
Gastrophysus is not a junior homonym of Gastrophysa spelling of Amblyrhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855)
Dejean, 1835: 405 (in Coleoptera), which is a nomen nu- Nomenclatural notes. Geneion has been used as valid af-
dum and has a different spelling, or Gastrophysa Gebler, ter 1899 (Le Danois, 1959: 185) and it is not possible to
1842: 39 (in Coleoptera), which has a different spelling. declare it a nomen oblitum under Code art. 23.9.1. Synony-
my from Hardy (1983a: 2).
Gastrophysus niphobles (Jordan & Snyder, 1845)
? Tetrodon ocellatus var. guttulatus Richardson, 1845b: 121, Geneion honckenii (Bloch, 1785)
pl. 58 fig. 3 (type locality: China Seas / China: Canton; Tetrodon Honckenii Bloch, 1785: 133, pl. 143 (type locali-
holotype: BMNH) ty: waters of East Indies and China; syntypes: ZMB 4295
? Tetrodon albo-plumbeus Richardson, 1845b: 121, pl. 58 [2], Paepke, 1999: 148, erratum)
figs. 6–7 (type locality: China Seas / China: Canton; syn- Geneion maculatum Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (type
types [2]: BMNH 1860.3.6.1 [1], Eschmeyer, 2011 [as locality: not stated [South Africa: Cape of Good Hope;
holotype]) holotype's data]; holotype: MNHN B.1522, Le Danois,
? Tetraodon niveatus Brevoort, 1856: 284 (type locality: Ja- 1959: 191, 1962: 470)
pan: Simoda; holotype: specimen on which figure is Tetrodon atratus Richardson, 1848b: 15, pl. 7 figs. 1–3 (type
based) locality: China Sea; holotype: BMNH 1855.9.19.1320,
Spheroides niphobles Jordan & Snyder, 1901d: 246, fig. 6 Eschmeyer, 2011)
(type locality: Japan: Tokyo; holotype: CAS-SU 6526,
Böhlke, 1953: 145)
Lagocephalus Swainson, 1839
Gastrophysus oblongus (Bloch, 1786) Lagocephalus Swainson, 1839: 194, 328 (type species:
Tetrodon oblongus Bloch, 1786: 6, pl. 146, fig. 1 (type lo- Lagocephalus stellatus Swainson, 1839: 328, by subse-
cality: East Indies [label: Indian Ocean]; syntypes: ZMB quent designation by Swain, 1883: 283). Gender mas-
4228 [1], 32982 [1], Paepke, 1999: 149) culine.
? Tetraödon Waandersii Bleeker, 1853l: 194 (type locality: Promécocéphale Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 279 (type spe-
Indonesia: Banka [Bangka]: Marawang; holotype: cies: Tetrodon argenteus Lacépède, 1804: 211, by sub-
BMNH 1867.11.28.112, Dekkers, 1975: 135) sequent designation by Jordan & Snyder, 1901d: 232
? Tetrodon Woodlarkensis Montrouzier & Thiollière, in [see Kottelat, 2001d: 612]). Gender masculine.
Montrouzier, 1857: 489 (type locality: Woodlark Island Promecocephalus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent
[Moiou]; syntypes: lost) spelling for Promecocephale Bibron, in Duméril, 1855:
Gastrophysus micropthalmos Blyth, 1860b: 174 (type lo- 279)
cality: India: Calcutta fish-bazars [p. 173]; syntypes: ? Apsicephalus Hollard, 1857: 324, 327 (type species: Tetro-
ZSI; note: correct original spelling is –opthalmos, not don laevigatus Linné, 1766: 411, by monotypy). Gen-
–ophthalmos) der masculine.
Pleuranacanthus Bleeker, 1865n: 59, 65, 1865j: 36 (not
Gastrophysus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758) available, name listed in synonymy)
Tetraodon ocellatus Linnaeus, 1758: 333 (type locality: Asia Laeviphysus Li, in Su & Li, 2002: 196, 442 (type species:
and Egypt in freshwater; syntypes: NRM 8813 [1], Tetraodon inermis Temminck & Schlegel, 1847: 278, by
? UUZM 166 [1], Fernholm & Wheeler, 1983: 277, original designation). Gender masculine.
Wheeler, 1991: 192, Wallin, 2001: 121) Nomenclatural notes. Lagocephalus Swainson, 1839 was
Tetrodon Conspicillum Walbaum, 1779: 1577 (unnecessary established with two included nominal species, "L. stella-
replacement name for name for Tetraodon ocellatus Lin- tus. Bl. pl. 143 [L.]" and "Pennantii. Yarrell, ii. 347". Swain
naeus, 1758: 333) (1883: 283) designated "L. stellatus. Bl. pl. 143" as type
species. Plate 143 of Bloch (1785) shows Tetrodon honcke-
nii, a fish totally unrelated to the diagnosis given by Swain-
Geneion Bibron, in Duméril, 1855 son.
Geneion Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (type species: Ge- The name Tetrodon stellatus does not appear in Bloch
neion maculatum Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280, by (1785) or in the other volumes of this work but is a name
monotypy; simultaneous subjective synonym of Ambly- created by Swainson. Reference by Swainson to plate 143
rhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280, first reviser of Bloch is a lapsus for pl. 140 (Tyler, 1964: 124; Kottelat,
[Le Danois, 1959: 185; Shipp, 1974: 19] retained Ge- 2001: 616). Plate 140 is labelled "Tetrodon lagocephalus –
neion as having precedence [Kottelat, 2001d: 614]). Sternbauch – Orbe étoilé – Starry Globe-Fish". Sternbauch
Gender neuter. is the German name of the fish and means starry belly, the
Amblyrhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (type spe- French Orbe étoilé means starry globe; and Starry Globe-
cies: Tetraodon honckenii Bloch, 1785: 133, by subse- Fish is the English name. The Latin stellatus means starry
quent designation by Jordan, 1919a: 263). Gender mas- (garnished with stars [it does not mean stellate, star-shaped]).
culine. This shows that plate 140 includes all the elements explain-
Amblyrhynchotes Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent ing the "Lagocephalus stellatus. Bl. pl. 143" of Swainson: a
spelling of Amblyrhynchote Bibron, in Duméril, 1855) fish in agreement with the diagnosis, the Latin name Lago-
Amblyrhynchotus Hollard, 1857: 318 (incorrect subsequent cephalus, and three vernacular names meaning starry, mean-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ing stellatus. None of these elements is in plate 143. This is sion by Rüppell, 1852: 35; objective junior synonym of
evidence that the reference by Swainson to "pl. 143" is a Leiodon Swainson, 1839: 194). Gender masculine.
lapsus for plate 140. Monotrète Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281 (type species:
"[L.]" is an obvious reference to Linnaeus, but there is Tetraodon cutcutia Hamilton, 1822: 8, by monotypy;
no fish species named stellatus in Linnaeus' works known objective junior synonym of Leiodon Swainson, 1839:
to me. There is of course Tetraodon lagocephalus Linnaeus, 194). Gender masculine [a French word whose gender
1758: 332. Therefore, L. stellatus is a new name available is not known; Code art. 30.2.4].
from Swainson, 1839, by indication to plate 140 in Bloch Monotretus Troschel, 1856: 88 (incorrect subsequent spell-
(1785). It has never been placed in the genus Tetraodon and ing of Monotrete Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281). Gen-
therefore is not a junior secondary homonym of T. stellatus der masculine.
Anonymous, 1798, T. lagocephalus stellatus Bloch, in Monotreta Hollard, 1857: 319 (incorrect subsequent spell-
Schneider, 1801: 503, or T. stellatus Donovan, 1804. There ing of Monotrete Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 281). Gen-
has been early confusion about usage of the names lago- der feminine.
cephalus and stellatus; Bonaparte (1841) summarised the Nomenclatural notes. Swainson (1839) proposed a classi-
confusion and proposed L. blochii as a (unnecessary) repla- fication of pufferfishes, which he divided in five genera:
cement name for L. stellatus Swainson, 1839. Tetraodon, Leiodon, Lagocephalus, Cirrhisomus and Can-
[Tetrodon stellatus Anonymous, 1798b: 683 (based on Tetrodon étoilé of thigaster. He repeated this on p. 328, with the same diagno-
La Cepède, 1798: 483; type locality: Mauritius; holotype: probably sis but the name Leiodon was changed into Leiosomus. In
not preserved or MNHN)].
[Tetrodon lagocephalus var. stellatus Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 503 (based the index (p. 444) he listed only Leiodon, with reference to
on Tetrodon étoilé of La Cepède, 1798: 483; type locality: Indian Ocean p. 194. Leiosomus is unambiguously the same genus as Lei-
around Mauritius; holotype: probably not preserved or MNHN; pri- odon; it is an alternative name for Leiodon and a simulta-
mary junior homonym and objective synonym of Tetrodon stellatus neous objective synonym. Bleeker (1865n: 45) gave prece-
Anonymous, 1798b: 683)].
[Tetrodon stellatus Donovan, 1804: [6 unnumbered pp.], pl. 66 (type lo- dence to Leiodon).
cality: Penzance, Cornwall / Cornish coast / European seas / South Swainson included two species in Leiodon/Leiosomus
Carolina; syntypes: LU [2 specimens and material cited by Pennant, (p. 328): “T. laevissimus Sch.” and “marmoratus. Hamilt.
1776: 132, pl. 20; junior homonym of Tetrodon stellatus Anonymous, pl.18. fig. 3”. “Sch.” refers to Schneider (1801) where the
1798b: 683 and Tetrodon lagocephalus var. stellatus Bloch, in
Schneider, 1801: 503)]. name laevissimus does not exist (see under Arothron). This
[Lagocephalus stellatus Swainson, 1839: 328 (available by indication to makes L. marmoratus type species of Leiodon by monoty-
Bloch, 1785, pl. 143 [lapsus for 140; see Tyler, 1964: 124, Kottelat, py. Leiodon marmoratus is a junior synonym of T. cutcutia.
2001d: 616]; type locality: that of the figured specimen, unknown; Tetrodon patoca is usually treated as type species of
holotype: model of plate 140, was in cabinet of Duke of Braunsch-
weig [Bloch, 1785: 127])]. Chelonodon. No species was included when the genus was
[Lagocephalus Blochi Bonaparte, 1841: fasc. 30, punt. 159 [503] (unnec- created and T. patoca was not mentioned when species were
essary replacement name for Lagocephalus stellatus Swainson, 1839: first included by Rüppell, 1852: 35, so T. patoca cannot be
328)]. the type species. Tyler (1964: 125) designated T. cutcutia
Hamilton, 1822 as type species, but he later (1980: 336)
Lagocephalus lunaris (Bloch, in Schneider, 1801) placed T. cutcutia in Monotrete. Tetraodon patoca, T.
Tetrodon lunaris Bloch, in Schneider, 1801: 505 (type lo- fluviatilis and related species were treated as congeneric by
cality: "Pilatsei Malabarice" [lectotype: India: Tranque- Tyler (1980: 336), who called them Chelonodon; but the
bar [Tharangambadi, 11°01'37"N 79°51'E]]; lectotype: first name available for a genus including T. fluviatilis is
ZMB 4227, designated by Paepke, 1999: 149, pl. 20 fig. 1) Dichotomyctere (see below). Tetraodon patoca is placed in
Tetrodon tepa Hamilton, 1822: 10, 362 (type locality: In- Chelonodontops.
dia: estuaries of the Ganges; types: NT) Tetraodon cutcutia was placed in Monotrete by Tyler
Tetraodon leiopleura Gray, 1830: vol. 1, pl. 87 fig. 2 (type (1980: 336), together with T. gularis, T. leiurus and T. pale-
locality: "India"; holotype: BMNH ?) mbangensis. The oldest name available for a genus includ-
Pleuranacanthus argentatus Bleeker, 1865n: 65, 1865j: 36 ing these species is Leiodon. Externally T. cutcutia is in-
(not available, name listed in synonymy) stantly distinguished by general appearance from all other
Southeast Asian Tetraodontidae and by its striking sexually
dimorphic colour pattern, a character shared only with Car-
Leiodon Swainson, 1839 inotetraodon. It is, however, quite surprising that T. cutcu-
Leiodon Swainson, 1839: 194 (type species: Leiosomus mar- tia would be congeneric with T. leiurus and T. palemban-
moratus Swainson, 1839: 328, by monotypy ["Tetraodon gensis. Tyler (p. 338) commented that if more species are
laevissimus Sch." does not exist]). Gender masculine. examined and confirm the differences he observed, they
Leisomus Swainson, 1839: 328 (an alternative name for and might have to be considered at least subgenerically distinct.
simultaneous objective synonym of Leiodon Swainson, Dekkers (1975: 94) treated T. gularis as a synonym of
1839: 194, first reviser [Bleeker, 1865n: 45] gave prece- T. cutcutia but Tyler (1980: 337) commented not only that
dende to Leiodon). Gender masculine. his T. gularis was distinct from his T. cutcutia but also (p.338)
Chelonodon Müller, 1841: 252 (subgenus of Tetraodon Lin- that its identification needs verification. And within his ge-
naeus, 1758: 332; type species: Tetraodon cutcutia nus Monotreta, Tyler distinguished his T. gularis from the
Hamilton, 1822: 8, by subsequent designation by Tyler, three other species by a suite of osteological characters,
1964: 125; no species originally included, first inclu- which suggest that it could represent an independent genus.
In fact it seems that Tyler's T. cutcutia and T. gularis were Tetrodon gularis Hamilton, 1822: 10, 362 (type locality:
misidentified and that his T. gularis in fact is the real T. cut- India: "along with the preceeding" [Kosi River]; types:
cutia and his T. cutcutia in fact is T. cochinchinensis (see NT; simultaneous subjective synonym of Tetrodon cut-
below). cutia Hamilton, 1822: 8, first reviser [Bleeker, 1853o:
Based on the suite of osteological characters (listed by 78] gave precedence to T. cutcutia; simultaneous sub-
Tyler, 1980: 337) and colour-pattern characters I recognise jective synonym of Tetrodon caria Hamilton, 1822: 9;
two genera among Tyler's Monotreta, T. cutcutia (T. gularis as first reviser I give precedence to T. caria)
in Tyler) vs. the others. Molecular data published after the present Leisomus marmoratus Swainson, 1839: 328 (available by
text was written are congruent with this conclusion, even indication to Hamilton, 1822: pl. 18 fig. 3 [Tetraodon
though based on few species of the concerned lineages (Ya- cutcutia]; type locality: India: Ganges; holotype: model
manoue et al., 2011; Igarashi et al., 2013). of Hamilton's figure, lost)
Tyler's material of T. gularis was USNM 44811, from Tetrodon laevis Hora, 1933: 130 (not available, name listed
Myanmar (Bhamo; USNM on-line catalogue; material col- in synonymy)
lected by Fea, and therefore part of material reported by
Vinciguerra, 1890: 359) well within the geographic range
of L. cutcutia in Myanmar and in an area from which no Pao Kottelat, 2013
other Tetraodontidae are recorded. USNM 44811 is a cleared Pao Kottelat, 2013: 483 [appendix to present work] (type
and stained specimen, now unidentifiable externally. Vin- species: Tetraodon leiurus Bleeker, 1850m: 97, by orig-
ciguerra's brief description of this material also agrees with inal designation). Gender masculine.
L. cutcutia.
Tyler's material of 'M. cutcutia' is from Thailand (p. 396). Pao abei (Roberts, 1998)
There is apparently no published record of L. cutcutia in Tetraodon abei Roberts, 1998f: 228, fig. 3 (type locality:
Thailand, although I observed it (or a similar species) at Laos: Khammouan Province: Xe Bangfai at Ban Geng
several localities along the western coast of the Peninsula in Sahwang; holotype: CAS 91016)
Ranong Province, at the border with Myanmar. Tyler's ma-
terial of 'M. cutcutia' is ANSP 63132, from Bangkok, from Pao baileyi (Sontirat, 1985)
where no L. cutcutia has ever been recorded, and ANSP Tetraodon baileyi Sontirat, 1985: 47, fig. 3 (type locality:
59928–37, from the Mae Nam Ping in Chiang Mai (Thai- Thailand: Ubon Ratchatani Province: Mekong River in
land; identified as Tetraodon leiurus by Fowler, 1934a: 161) Boondharik District; holotype: KUMF 2874; repeated
(ANSP on-line catalogue; M. Sabaj, pers. comm.). ANSP in Sontirat, 1989: 104, fig. 3 with holotype listed as
63132 is a cleared and stained specimen, now unidentifi- KUMF 3874)
able externally. 'Chelonodon' cochinchinensis is the only
tetraodontid known from the upper Mae Nam Ping and Pao bergii (Popta, 1905)
around Chiang Mai (pers. obs.; see Tan & Kottelat, 2009: 64). Tetrodon Bergii Popta, 1905a: 186 (type locality: Indonesia:
Leiodon cutcutia represents a lineage distinct from the Borneo: Kalimantan Barat: Boelit River [Kapuas drain-
remaining species of Monotrete sensu Tyler (1980). The old- age; Popta, 1906: 112]; holotype: RMNH 7657, Dek-
est available name for a genus including T. cutcutia is Lei- kers, 1975: 109; also in Popta, 1906: 215, pl. 10 fig. 44)
odon, of which Chelonodon and Monotrete are junior ob-
jective synonyms. The other species of Monotrete sensu Tyler Pao brevirostris (Benl, 1957)
remain without generic name. I would have liked to re-use Tetraodon leiurus brevirostris Benl, 1957a: 64, figs. 1–3
the name Crayracyion Bleeker, 1865 for them but, as dis- (type locality: unknown [aquarium-fish trade, guessed
cussed under Arothron, the name first appeared almost simul- to originate from Thailand]; holotype: BMNH
taneously in two different works, with different included spe- 1957.1.7.1, Dekkers, 1975: 112)
cies. Only one of these works listed species included here in Tetraodon palustris Saenjundaeng, Vidthayanon & Grud-
'Monotrete'. To designate one of them as type species bears pun, 2013: 78, figs. 1–2 (type locality: Thailand: Nong
the risk that bibliographic research could show that the oth- Khai Province: Amphoe Muang: Nonkomkoh swamp;
er work appeared first, nullifying the designation. For the holotype: KUMF 8834)
sake of stability, such a designation is not advisable and a
new name is created for this genus. See Pao below. Pao cambodgiensis (Chabanaud, 1923)
Tetrodon cambodgiensis Chabanaud, 1923b: 137 (type lo-
Leiodon cutcutia (Hamilton, 1822) cality: Cambodia: Phnom Penh; syntypes: MNHN 1922-
Tetrodon cutcutia Hamilton, 1822: 8, 362, pl. 18 fig. 3 (type 0080–0083 [6])
locality: India: "everywhere watered by the Ganges and Tetraodon barbatus Roberts, 1998f: 230, fig. 4 (type local-
its branches"; types: NT) ity: Thailand: Loei Province: Huay Huang, 30 km west
Tetrodon caria Hamilton, 1822: 9, 362 (type locality: India: of Chiang Khan; holotype: CAS 79100)
Kosi River; types: NT; Hamilton's unpublished drawing Nomenclatural notes. The four specimens listed as "holo-
reproduced in Hora, 1929a: pl. 16 figs. 2–3; simulta- type" of T. cambodgiensis by Le Danois (1961) are syntypes.
neous subjective synonym of Tetrodon cutcutia Hamil-
ton, 1822: 8, first reviser [Bleeker, 1853o: 78] gave pre- Pao cochinchinensis (Steindachner, 1866)
cedence to T. cutcutia) Crayacion cochinchinensis Steindachner, 1866a: 480, pl. 5
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
fig. 1 (type locality: Vietnam: Cochinchina; syntypes [2]: Pao turgidus (Kottelat, 2000)
NMW 16835 [2], Kottelat, 1998: 120) Monotrete turgidus Kottelat, 2000a: 79, fig. 73 (type local-
ity: Laos: Savannakhet Province: Xe Pon between rap-
Pao fangi (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1940) ids upstream and downstream of Ban Fuang; 16°37'06"N
Tetrodon fangi Pellegrin & Chevey, 1940: 157, fig. 2 (type 106°33'30"E; holotype: ZRC 45399)
locality: Vietnam: Cochinchine: Rach-Gia Province: Vi-
Thanh, Xano canal; holotype: MNHN 1940-0042, Saen-
jundaeng et al., 2013: fig. 3d) Torquigener Whitley, 1930
Taxonomic notes. Treated as valid following Saenjundaeng Uranostoma Bleeker, 1865n: 49, 59, 61, 1865j: 34 (not avail-
et al. (2013: fig. 3d). able, name listed in synonymy)
Torquigener Whitley, 1930c: 31 (type species: Spheroides
Pao hilgendorfii (Popta, 1905) tuberculiferus Ogilby, 1912: 27, by original designation).
Tetrodon Hilgendorfii Popta, 1905a: 185 (type locality: In- Gender masculine.
donesia: Borneo: Bo River; syntypes: RMNH 7658 [6], Shippofugu Abe, 1949: 90 (subgenus of Sphoeroides Anony-
Dekkers, 1975: 108; also in Popta, 1906: 211, pl. 10 fig. 43) mous, 1798: 676; type species: Tetraodon hypselogeneion
Bleeker, 1852f: 300, by monotypy). Gender masculine.
Pao leiurus (Bleeker, 1850) Uranostoma Whitley, 1970: 247 (not available because 'type
Tetraödon leiurus Bleeker, 1850m: 97 (type locality: Indo- species' [Uranostoma guttata Bleeker, 1865j: 34] is a
nesia: Java: Batavia [Jakarta], in sea and estuaries; syn- nomen nudum, Code art. 13.3)
types [5: 60–98 mm TL]: part of RMNH 7342 [4], ? Taxonomic notes. Key in Hardy (1989: 121).
SMNS 10641 [2], ? NMV 46396 [1], ZMA 102.308 [1],
Dekkers, 1975: 108, Fricke, 1991: 21, Eschmeyer, 2011; Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker, 1852)
also in Bleeker, 1851b: 18) Tetraodon hypselogeneion Bleeker, 1852f: 300 (type local-
Nomenclatural notes. As Tetraodon leiurus was described ity: Papua New Guinea: Bootless Bay, about 5 miles east
from Batavia, Java, the 'paratype' from Borneo listed by Le of Port Moresby [original type locality: Indonesia: Am-
Danois (1961) is not a type. bon / Ceram [Seram]: Wahai]; neotype: USNM 236937,
designated by Hardy, 1983b: 67, fig. 1, probably invalid,
Pao ocellaris (Klausewitz, 1957) Eschmeyer et al., 1998: 756; original syntypes [12, 44–
Tetraodon ocellaris Klausewitz, 1957a: 201, fig. 4, pl. 18 71 mm TL]: part of RMNH 7312 [21], BMNH [1],
fig. 2 (type locality: Thailand: southern peninsula, area ? NMW 46655 [1], ? AMS B.7269 [1], B.7778–79 [2],
of Patalung; holotype: SMF 3975) Eschmeyer, 2011; also in Bleeker, 1852l: 24 [but 3 spec-
Taxonomic notes. Possibly a synonym of Pao fangi. imens, 44–63 mm TL])
Tetraodon rüppelii Bibron, in Duméril, 1855: 280 (avail-
Pao palembangensis (Bleeker, 1851) able by indication to Tetraodon honckenii (non Bloch,
Tetraödon palembangensis Bleeker, 1851b: 25 (type local- 1785: 133, pl. 143) sensu Rüppell, 1829a: 65, pl. 17 fig. 2
ity: Indonesia: Sumatra: Palembang; holotype [210 mm [Kottelat, 2001d: 613]; type locality: Red Sea: Tor; ho-
TL]: probably part of RMNH 7341 [5], Dekkers, 1975: lotype: SMF; unambiguously named for Rüppell, mis-
105; also in Bleeker, 1852r: 605) spelt as Rüppel p. 280, the name should be emended to
Tetraodon ocellatus Bleeker, 1865n: 67 (not available, name rueppellii, an inadvertent error, Code art. 32.5.1 [al-
listed in synonymy) though the name is always abbreviated as "Rüpp.", the
Tetraodon pinguis Vaillant, 1902: 38 (type locality: Indone- bibliographic references make it clear that Rüppell was
sia: Borneo: Kalimantan Timur: Mahakam River at Te- intended)
poe ["3 hours upstream of Melak by steamer", Nieuwen- Uranostoma guttata Bleeker, 1865j: 34 (not available, name
huis, 1900: 354; based on Nieuwenhuis' map apparently listed in synonymy)
today's Tering Lama [Tring]; about 0°04'10"S 115° Uranostoma guttata Le Danois, 1962: 469 (not available,
38'40"E]; holotype: RMNH 7928 Dekkers, 1975: 105) name listed in synonymy; 'holotype' has no type status)
Nomenclatural notes. Tetraodon palembangensis was ap- Amblyrhynchotes hypselogenion rufopunctatus Chu et al.,
parently based on a single specimen; thus the specimen list- 1962: 1086, fig. 834 (type locality: China: northern part
ed as paratype by Le Danois (1961) is not a paratype. Idem of Gulf of Tonkin: Guangxi: Beihei and Weizhou island;
for T. pinguis. syntypes [5]: ? SFI, ? ASIZB, 30378 [1], 30613 [1],
31127 [1], 56-230 [1], 56-231 [1], Zhang, 1996: 503;
Pao suvattii (Sontirat & Soonthornsatit, 1985) author indicated as 'Li' by Zhang, 1996: 503 but appar-
Tetraodon suvattii Sontirat & Soonthornsatit, 1985: 49 (type ently no such information in book itself, therefore au-
locality: Thailand: Nong Khai Province: Mekong River thorship attributed to all coauthors)
[Nam Oon, Sakhon Nakhon; Sontirat, 1989: 107]; holo-
type: KUMF 2917; repeated in Sontirat, 1989: 106,
figs. 4–5, with author as Sontirat alone)
Taxonomic notes. For phylogeny see Santini & Tyler Masturus lanceolatus (Liénard, 1840)
(2002b). Orthagoriscus lanceolatus E. Liénard, 1840: 292 (type lo-
cality: Mauritius: Port Louis / Baie de la Grande Riv-
Masturus Gill, 1884 ière; syntypes [2]: probably not preserved; also in
Masturus Gill, 1884b: 425 (type species: Orthagoriscus Liénard, 1841: 1, pl. 4)
oxyuropterus Bleeker, 1873f: 151, by original designa- Orthagoriscus oxyuropterus Bleeker, 1873f: 151, pl. (type
tion). Gender masculine. locality: Indonesia: Ambon; holotype: RMNH)
Pseudomola Cadenat, 1959: 1115 (type species: Pseudomola Pseudomola lassarati Cadenat, 1959: 1115, figs. 10–11 (type
lassarati Cadenat, 1959: 1115, by monotypy). Gender locality: Ivory Coast: off Vridi; holotype: apparently not
feminine. preserved)
Distribution notes. Inland record from Malaysia: Borneo:
Sarawak: Samarahan River about 60 km from Kuching
(Anonymous, 1992: 22).
1. New genus names for the South-East Asian species of ised several groups. Barbodes as recognised by Pethiyago-
Puntius s. l. (Cyprinidae) da et al. is an artificial assemblage.
Now, after its re-introduction by Rainboth, the name Sys-
Since Weber & de Beaufort (1916), most small barbs of tomus has come into frequent usage and it does not make
Southeast Asia have been placed in the catch-all genus Pun- sense to retain all these species in 'Puntius'. With the work
tius. This system was followed, for example, by Smith of Pethiyagoda et al. (2012), it appears that most Southeast
(1945), who moved some of the species with diagnostic Asian 'Systomus' are not Systomus either. This again leaves
morphological features in smaller genera (Chagunius, Ore- a number of species without genus name, or left in 'Puntius'
ichthys, Sikukia, Puntioplites, Acrossocheilus, Poropuntius). by default, or in 'Systomus', also by default. We are in a
Since, a few more small genera have been recognised situation in which some of the earlier Barbus became 'Bar-
(Hypsibarbus, Discherodontus, Eirmotus, Laocypris, Bar- bus', then Puntius, then 'Puntius', then Systomus, then Bar-
bodes [=Barbonymus]; Rainboth, 1989, 1996a–b, Tan & bodes, and would now be 'Systomus' or 'Barbodes' awaiting
Kottelat, 2008, Kottelat, 2000a, 2001c). In a review of the for more changes until recognised as genera that we long
fishes of Cambodia, Rainboth (1996b) restricted Puntius to know to exist and with reasonable diagnostic characters.
two species in the area he covered and placed the other six Further, various molecular analysis published in recent
in Systomus. This system was followed by some authors, years (Fang et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2010, 2012; Pethiyago-
but others (e.g. Kottelat, 2000a, 2001c) did not, because this da et al., 2012; Anonymous, 2013) show the distinctess of
was based on only eight species, from a small part of the all the genera that had been recognised almost intuitively
range of Puntius s.l.; a much greater number of species are for years.
known from outside this area and their generic placement For the present work I considered using only the exist-
was left in limbo. ing names and keeping all the remaining species in Puntius
Taki et al. (1978) recognised 7 groups within Puntius s.l., or 'Systomus' or 'Barbodes'. It soon appeared that in the
s.l. based on infraorbital and pharyngeal bones, barbels, and context of a catalogue it would be counterproductive to in-
colour pattern. The probable generic distinctness of some dicate that these genera exist, are well identified, are diag-
groups of Southeast Asian Puntius s.l. have been mentioned nosable, but are abandoned unnamed.
by Kottelat (1993a, 1996a) for P. lineatus and related spe- I have, therefore, decided to make names available for
cies and Tan & Kottelat (2008) for P. oligolepis. the Southeast Asian lineages that can be distinguished by
Recently. Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) examined the South morphological characters, even though I admit that the di-
Asian species of Puntius s.l. Based on morphological and agnoses remain quite superficial at this stage.
molecular characters, they recognised five genera in Sri
Lanka and South India. Some of these genera also have spe- Puntius Hamilton, 1822
cies in Southeast Asia and Pethiyagoda et al. also discussed Puntius Hamilton, 1822: 310, 388 (type species: Cyprinus
the Southeast Asian species. They placed most of them in sophore Hamilton, 1822: 310). Gender masculine.
Systomus and Barbodes, in which they tentatively recogn- Diagnosis. Puntius s.s. is distinguished from the other gen-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
era formerly included in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by and caudal fin with conspicuous black dorsal and ventral
the combination of the following characters (none unique margins. Meristic characters not checked on all species. See
to the genus): last simple dorsal-fin ray not serrated posteri- Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) for osteological characters.
orly; rostral barbels absent; maxillary barbels present or Included species. In Southeast Asia: Systomus binduchi-
absent; lips smooth and thin, postlabial groove interrupted tra, S. compressiformis, S. jacobusboehlkei, S. rubripinis
medially; lateral line complete, with 22–28 pored scales on (= S. orphoides auct.), S. sarana, S. sewelli.
body; 12–20 gill rakers on first gill arch; a black spot in Remarks. Pethiyagoda et al. (2012: 77) rediagnosed Systo-
middle of caudal peduncle. Meristic characters not checked mus, redescribed S. immaculatus (type species) and desig-
on all species. See Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) for osteologi- nated a neotype, which makes it a synonym of S. sarana.
cal characters.
Included species. In Southeast Asia: Puntius brevis, P. bur- Barbodes Bleeker, 1859
manicus, P. chola, ? P. masyai, P. pugio, P. sophore, Barbodes Bleeker, 1859f: 361, 371 (type species: Barbus
P. sophoroides (record needs confirmation). maculatus Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes,
Remarks. Pethiyagoda et al. (2012: 73) rediagnosed Pun- 1842: 195). Gender masculine.
tius, redescribed P. sophore (type species) and designated a Diagnosis. Barbodes is distinguished from the other genera
neotype. formerly placed in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by its co-
lour pattern and ontogeny: small juveniles have 3-5 dots
Pethia Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, along midlateral scale row, including one at middle of cau-
2012 dal-fin base, and an additional one at dorsal-fin origin; with
Pethia Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012: increasing size, the spots on midlateral row may become
80 (type species: Barbus nigrofasciatus Günther, 1868a: more numerous and may fuse to form a stripe or broad band,
155). Gender feminine. and the spot at dorsal-fin origin may become a large blotch
Diagnosis. Pethia is distinguished from the other genera or a broad bar (see examples of B. binotatus, B. lateristriga
formerly included in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by the and B. everetti in Kottelat et al., 1993: pl. 15). The combina-
combination of the following characters (none unique to the tion of the following characters, although none unique to
genus): last simple dorsal-fin ray strongly serrated posteri- the genus, also allows identification: last simple dorsal-fin
orly; rostral barbels absent; maxillary barbels absent or ray serrated posteriorly; rostral barbels present (except in
minute; lips smooth and thin, postlabial groove interrupted B. aurotaeniatus); maxillary barbels present; lips smooth
medially; lateral line complete, interrupted, or incomplete, and thin, postlabial groove interrupted medially; lateral line
with 19–24 scales in lateral line row on body; ½9½ scale complete or not, with 22–32 scales on lateral line row on
rows between dorsal-fin origin and ventral midline in front body; ½4/1/4½ scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and
of pelvic-fin base; 12 circumpeduncular scale rows; 3–8 gill ventral midline in front of pelvic-fin base; 12 circumpedun-
rakers on first gill arch; a black blotch on caudal peduncle, cular scale rows; 12–15 gill rakers on first gill arch. Meris-
usually vertically elongated, and usually other blotches or tic characters not checked on all species.
bars on body especially above and behind pectoral-fin base. Included species. Barbodes aurotaeniatus, B. banksi,
Meristic characters not checked on all species. See Pethiya- B. binotatus, B. bunau, B. dunckeri, B. everetti, B. kuching-
goda et al. (2012) for osteological characters. ensis, B. lateristriga, B. microps, B. rhombeus, B. sealei,
Included species. In Southeast Asia: Pethia atra, P. con- B. semifasciolatus, B. xouthos.
chonius, P. didi, P. erythromycter, P. khugae, P. macrogram- All the species of 'Puntius' known from the Philippines
ma, P. manipurensis, P. meingangbii, P. nankyweensis, have been referred to a P. binotatus group and they thus
P. ornata, P. padamya, P. stoliczkana, P. thelys, P. tiantian, seem to belong to Barbodes: B. amarus, B. bantolanensis,
P. yuensis. B. baoulan, B. cataractae, B. clemensi, B. disa, B. flavifus-
cus, B. hemictenus, B. herrei, B. ivis, B. joaquinae, B. kato-
Systomus McClelland, 1838 lo, B. lanaoensis, B. lindog, B. manalak, B. manguaoensis,
Systomus McClelland, 1838: 943 (type species: Systomus B. montanoi, B. pachycheilus, B. palaemophagus, B. pala-
immaculatus M'Clelland, 1839: 284, 380). Gender mas- ta, B. palavanensis, B. quinquemaculatus, B. resimus,
culine. B. sirang, B. tras, B. truncatulus, B. tumba, B. umalii.
Diagnosis. Systomus is distinguished from the other genera Barbodes semifasciolatus is tentatively retained in Bar-
formerly included in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by the bodes but may represent a distinct lineage.
combination of the following characters (none unique to the
genus): last simple dorsal-fin ray strongly serrated posteri- Desmopuntius, new genus
orly; rostral and maxillary barbels present; lips smooth and Type species. Barbus hexazona Weber & de Beaufort, 1912.
thin, postlabial groove interrupted medially; lateral line com- Diagnosis. Desmopuntius is distinguished from the other
plete, with 27–34 pored scales on body; ½4–5/1/4–5½ scale genera formerly placed in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by
rows between dorsal-fin origin and ventral midline in front its unique colour pattern made of 4–6 bars at least in juve-
of pelvic-fin base; 16 circumpeduncular scale rows; 6–8 gill niles, anterior bar across eye, 2nd bar behind gill opening,
rakers on first gill arch; horizontally elongate oval black 3rd bar at dorsal-fin origin, 4th bar at anal-fin origin, 5th
blotch on caudal peduncle; often black pigments on scale bar at middle of caudal peduncle, and 6th at caudal-fin base;
pockets forming rows of spots along flank; in several spe- often a black spot at posterior extremity of dorsal-fin base.
cies, a small black spot immediately below dorsal-fin origin In D. gemellus, D. johorensis and D. trifasciatus the barred
pattern is present only in juveniles and with increasing size Puntius and tigrus, a word created to sound like the Latin
transforms into a striped pattern (see figures in Kottelat, word tigris (tiger). Allusion to the barred color pattern and
1993a, 1996a). The following characters, although not the common name tiger barb often used for some species of
unique to the genus, also help identification: last simple this genus. Gender masculine.
dorsal-fin ray serrated posteriorly; rostral and maxillary Included species. Puntigrus anchisporus, P. navjotsodhii,
barbels present; lips smooth and thin, postlabial groove in- P. partipentazona, P. pulcher, P. tetrazona.
terrupted medially; lateral line complete, with 25–27 pored Remarks. See Tan (2012) for an overview of the genus.
scales on body; ½4/1/4½ scale rows between dorsal-fin or-
igin and ventral midline in front of pelvic-fin base; 12 cir- Striuntius, new genus
cumpeduncular scale rows; 7–11 gill rakers on first gill arch. Type species. Barbus lineatus Duncker, 1904.
Meristic characters not checked on all species. Diagnosis. Striuntius is distinguished from the other genera
Etymology. Desmopuntius is made from the the Greek word formerly placed in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by having
δεσµ της (desmotes; prisoner) and Puntius, referring to the fleshy lips, especially lower lip, with postlabial groove not
barred pattern often associated with prisonners. Gender interrupted (see Kottelat, 1996a: fig. 1), and a colour pat-
masculine. tern made of 4–6 stripes on flank, extending on whole length
Included species. Desmopuntius endecanalis, D. foerschi, of body and present at all life stages. The following charac-
D. gemellus, D. hexazona, D. johorensis, D. pentazona, ters, although not unique to the genus, also help identifica-
D. rhomboocellatus, D. trifasciatus. Desmopuntius ende- tion: rows of papillae on sides of snout, and infraorbital and
canalis is tentatively included. interorbital areas (absent in the other genera except Oliotius);
last simple dorsal-fin ray serrated posteriorly; rostral bar-
Oliotius, new genus bels absent; maxillary barbels absent or short; lateral line
Type species. Capoeta oligolepis Bleeker, 1853. complete, with 25–28 pored scales on body; ½5/1/5½ scale
Diagnosis. Oliotius is distinguished from the other genera rows between dorsal-fin origin and ventral midline in front
formerly placed in Puntius s.l. in Southeast Asia by its unique of pelvic-fin base; 12 circumpeduncular scale rows; 17–20
colour pattern made of conspicuous black crescentic marks gill-rakers on first gill arch (vs. 3–15 in other genera, ex-
on all scales, and its large scales (8 circumpeduncular rows, cept Puntius s.s.).
17 in lateral line row on body; ½3/1/3½ between dorsal-fin Etymology. Striuntius is made from the juxtaposition of part
origin and ventral midline in front of pelvic-fin base). The of the words striatus (striped) and part of the genus name
following characters, although not unique to the genus, also Puntius, referring to the striped colour pattern. Gender mas-
help identification: rows of papillae on sides of snout, in- culine.
fraorbital area, opercle, interorbital area and throat (absent Included species. Striuntius lineatus.
in the other genera except Striuntius); last simple dorsal-fin Remarks. See Kottelat (1996a) for description and discus-
ray not serrated; rostral barbels absent; maxillary barbels sion.
present; lips smooth and thin, postlabial groove interrupted
medially; lateral line incomplete, with 6–7 pored scales; 3–
5 gill rakers on first gill arch. 2. A genus name for Southeast Asian freshwater puffer-
Etymology. Oliotius is made from the juxtaposition of part fishes earlier placed in Monotrete
of the species name oligolepis and part of the genus name As discussed under Leiodon, there is no available name for
Puntius. Gender masculine. the genus including 'Monotrete' leiurus, 'M.' palembangen-
Included species. Oliotius oligolepis. sis and related species.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Etymology. Pao, from the local name of pufferfishes in Thai with Carinotetraodon among Asian freshwater pufferfishes
and Lao languages, pla pao and pa pao, respectively, with (Lim & Kottelat, 1995; Tan, 1999a; Britz & Kottelat, 1999c).
pla and pa meaning fish, and pao meaning purse. Gender Some species of Pao may show weak sexual dichromatism;
masculine. males have a dark grey to black belly, with a whitish reticu-
Remarks. Leiodon is distinguished from Pao by its strong- lated pattern.
ly sexually dimorphic colour pattern, a character shared only
First of all, I have a great debt of gratitude towards my wife Bogutskaya (ZISP), Jörg Bohlen (Institute of Animal Phys-
Antoinette Kottelat-Kloetzli for her unconditional support iology and Genetics, Liběchov, Czechia), Ralf Britz
over almost 30 years. She helped in library work, but espe- (BMNH), Romain Causse (MNHN), Bruce Collette
cially she endured: my frequent absences, my colleagues (USNM), Kevin Conway (Texas A&M University, College
[not all amiable], five years in an unpleasant surroundings, Station, USA), Neal Evenhuis (BPBM), Carl Ferraris (Port-
shaking aircrafts in storms and typhoon over Sulawesi and land, USA), Renny Hadiaty (MZB), Alain Hennache (Parc
Hong Kong, and the recurrent and notorious giant gourami Zoologique, Clères, France), Isaäc Isbrücker (ZMA),
story. She has been victim of years of discussions on fishes, Philippe Keith (MNHN), Sven Kullander (NRM), Helen K.
of course, ... but also on nomenclature, syntax and grammar Larson (QM), Kelvin K. P. Lim (ZRC), James Maclaine
in various languages, slide shows and travel stories, philos- (BMNH), John E. McCosker (CAS), Ng Heok Hee (ZRC),
ophy of sciences, applied parasitology, exploration of cen- Peter K. L. Ng (ZRC), Martien van Oijen (RMNH), Hielke
tral Asia in the 19th century, the maps of Ptolemeus, mouth Praagman (ZMA), Jack Randall (BPBM), Mark Sabaj
soft anatomy of balitorids, etc. She contributed to ichthyol- (ANSP), Fabienne Schall (MNHN), David G. Smith
ogy a great number of the new names created in the last 20 (USNM), Tan Heok Hui (ZRC), Ronald Vonk (ZMA) and
years by me and others (often unknown to them). Helmut Wellendorf (NMW).
A significant part of the bibliographic work has been done A number of works needed translation and I was helped by:
at the Universitätsbibliothek, Basel and at the ichthyologi- Nina Bogutskaya (ZISP), Fang Fang (NRM), Katsuma
cal library of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Kubota (Bangkok, Thailand), Kelvin K. P. Lim (ZRC), Ng
in the 1990s and early 2000s. Heok Hee (ZRC), Martien van Oijen (RMNH), Maria Stoum-
boudi (Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Athens,
Over the years, numerous colleagues helped in locating or Greece), Tran Anh Duc (Hanoi University of Science, Ha-
supplying literature, especially rare antiquities or secretive noi, Vietnam) and Zhang E (IHB).
journals, in checking bibliographic details: Peter Bartsch
(ZMB), Nina Bogutskaya (ZISP), Ralf Britz (BMNH), Chen Parts of the text were read or reviewed by: Ralf Britz
I-Shiung (National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Tai- (BMNH), Bruce Collette (USNM), Helen K. Larson (QM),
wan), Chen Xiao-Yong (KIZ), Kevin Conway (Texas A&M Ng Heok Hee (ZRC) and Rohan Pethiyagoda (AMS). This
University, College Station, USA), Martine Desoutter does not mean that they agreed with my ideas and decisions.
(MNHN), Bill Eschmeyer (CAS), Roland Eve (then WWF All errors and omissions are still mine.
Laos, Vientiane, Laos), Sonia Fisch-Müller (MHNG),
Joerg Freyhof (Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland At many stages during the preparation of this work I bene-
Fisheries, Berlin, Germany), Neil Furey (then Hanoi, Viet- fitted from the help and hospitality of Kelvin Lim, Tan Heok
nam), Kim Ik-Soo (Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Hui, Ng Heok Hee, and all the past and present friends and
South Korea), Sven Kullander (NRM), Helen Larson (QM), staff at the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research and
Jeffrey Leis (AMS), Kelvin K. P. Lim (ZRC), Volker Mah- the Ecology Lab, Department of Biological Sciences, Na-
nert (MHNG), Mai Dinh Yen (DVZUT), Keiichi Matsuura tional University of Singapore. Thank you for your time and
(NSMT), Ng Heok Hee (ZRC), Henri Persat (Université enduring your share of my discussions.
Claude Bernard, Villeurbanne, France), Rohan Pethiyago-
da (AMS), Mark Sabaj (ANSP), Paul Skelton (SAIAB), Jos Finally, early in my carreer I have had the good fortune to
Snoeks (MRAC), Melanie Stiassny (AMNH), Tan Heok Hui meet Tony Whitten, Peter K. L. Ng and Rohan Pethiyagoda.
(ZRC), Ekaterina Vasil'eva (ZMMU), Waikhom Vishwanath You deserve special thanks for your direct and indirect con-
(MUMF), Claude Weber (MHNG), Tran Anh Duc (Hanoi tributions, in providing or organising funding, logistics and
University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam), Miguel Zarazaga publications, for projects often unrelated, but which bene-
(MNCN) and Zhang E (IHB). It is probably impossible to fitted to this inventory. Without your help and friendship,
cite all and I apologise to those I forgot. much of my work would not have been possible. Without
you, our knowledge of the natural history of Southeast and
Numerous colleagues also helped with comments, informa- South Asia would be much less advanced.
tion, photographs, checking catalogues, specimens: Nina
Artedi, 1793. Usually listed as "Röse, 1793", but Röse was imen that is figured. And in at least one case the colouration
the publisher. This is the 4th part of a revised edition of Arte- and colour pattern of two species have been interchanged:
di (1738). Parts 1–3 have been updated by Walbaum (see Parachela oxygastroides has the colour pattern of P. hy-
Walbaum, 1792). Part 4 is a reprint of Artedi's (1738) Syno- pophthalmus and vice versa (Kottelat & Widjanarti, 2005:
nymia, apparently without changes even in layout. Since it is 153).
an unmodified text, the author of the names is Artedi.
Bloch, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische. Between
Bleeker. See Kottelat (2011a) for a list of zoological works 1781 and 1795, Bloch published 12 volumes collectively
published by Bleeker during his stay in Java (1842–1860) know as Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische [General
and their exact dating. Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer natural history of the fishes]. It is composed of 3 volumes
to the number given to each paper by Weber & de Beaufort on fishes of Germany [Öconomische Naturgeschichte der
(1911, 1964), supplemented by Lamme (1972). Fische Deutschlands (Economic natural history of the fishes
of Germany)] and 9 volumes on foreign fishes [Naturge-
Bleeker, Atlas ichthyologique. See Table 1 for publication schichte der ausländischen Fische (Natural history of the
dates of the 36 livraisons. See Bleeker (1878e) for informa- foreign fishes)]. It seems assumed that they appeared as com-
tion on history, etc. of the Atlas ichthyologique. Regarding plete volumes and I am not aware of a bibliographic exami-
plates, Bleeker explained that the colours were based on draw- nation of these volumes or of attempts to date the various
ings made before his return to the Netherlands, while the parts. See Karrer (1978) for a biography and Wells (1981)
shapes etc. were based on his best specimens, drawn by art- for a brief account of the books. In fact the volumes appeared
ists in the Netherlands. This means that in some cases the as livraisons, whose details are summarised in Table 2.
colouration or colour pattern are not those of the very spec-
Table 1. Publication dates, or latest possible publication dates, of livraisons of Bleeker’s Atlas ichthyologique based on Mees
(1962: 77), Boeseman (1983: 4), Norman & Whitehead (1984: 302) and Kottelat (2013c).
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 1. Continued.
The work was first announced in a notice published in printed and distributed with the last fascicle and bears the
the weekly journal Allerneueste Mannigfaltigkeiten (Bloch, date of that fascicle.
1781a). The notice, dated 20 March 1781, appeared around Otto (1781) reviewed the just published fascicles 1 and 2
mid-April 1781. The book was offered at a subscription rate in mid-June 1781 in Allerneueste Mannigfaltigkeiten, vol-
valid until Easter 1782 [31 March] (p. 96). A fascicle of ume 1, week 15. The foreword of the journal is dated 22
6 plates and the accompanying text were to be published ev- February 1781 and, by the common practice of the time, this
ery third month (p. 95). The work was apparently planned to must have been the approximate date the text was sent to the
appear in two volumes only, under the title Ökonomische printer. This gives an estimated publication date of the first
Naturgeschichte der Fische, vorzüglich derer in den preus- issue of the journal on 1 March 1781. Bloch's notice of 20
sischen Staaten. The text of the Notice is partly repeated in March 1781 was in Week 6, which could have appeared in
the Vorerinnerung [Preface] of volume 1. early April. This gives a publication of Week 15 at the latest
In fact the first volume was distributed as 3 livraisons of in mid-June 1781; and the publication of the first livraison at
two fascicles. The first two livraisons appeared in 1781 with the latest in very early June. As Otto and Bloch were ac-
the title Ökonomische Naturgeschichte der Fische, vorzü- quainted, Otto knew the work before it was printed and it
glich derer in den preussischen Staaten. The 3rd livraison cannot be excluded that the publication of the review could
appeared in 1782, with the modified title Öconomische have slightly anticipated the actual publication.
Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands. The title page was The catalogue of the books presented at 1781 Ostermesse
[Easter Fair] in Frankfurt and Leipzig (Anonymous, 1781: livraison was published in 1784. It included pages 1–72 and
17) recorded fascicles 1–2, pls. 1–12 among "completed 18 plates (109–126). The reviewer also commented on the 3
works", which would suggest that they were already pub- first livraisons of the French edition.
lished in April. There are, however, indications that some Anonymous (1786) reviewed the second livraison of vol-
books listed in the catalogues of the Easter and Michaelis ume 1 of Ausländische Fische and the first livraison of vol-
[August–September] fairs (Allgemeines Verzeichniss der ume 2 in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume 66 part 1,
Bücher, welche in der Frankfurter und Leipziger Ostermesse which was the 3rd of 10 parts published in 1786, with an
[Michaelismesse] etc.; hereunder AVL) were not all published estimated publication in April 1786. The reviewer mentioned
within the meaning of the Code and that some were present- 36 plates for volume 2, that is pls.109–144, of which pls.
ed as proofs (see under Schneider, 1801), so that this infor- 109–126 had been published in a previous livraison. Of vol-
mation should be handled cautiously . Nevertheless, these ume 2, the reviewer had pages 1–80 of text and pls. 145–
fairs were very important for the book trade; publishers tried 161. He commented that volume 1 ended with Diodon and
to have books printed early enough to be included in the volume 2 started with Ostracion and ended with blennies. In
catalogues. Mention in the catalogues, especially mention of fact, Diodon are in volume 1, which ends with pl. 144 (Te-
the exact plate numbers, indicates that the book was pub- trodon spengleri), and volume 2 starts with pl. 145 (Tetro-
lished or at a very advanced stage of production. don ocellatus). The first blenny (Blennius fasciatus) is on
Otto (1782a) reviewed livraison 2 (fascicles 3–4) in pl. 162.
Allerneueste Mannigfaltigkeiten, volume 1, Week 45. Cal- Anonymous (1787) reviewed the second volume of Aus-
culation as above gives an estimated publication date of Week ländische Fische in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume
45 in early January 1782 and for livraison 2 at the latest in 74 part 1, which was the 7th of 14 parts published in 1785,
late December 1781. with an estimated publication in July 1787. The reviewer
Otto (1782b) reviewed livraison 3 (fascicles 5–6) in recorded that the livraison was published in 1786. The title
Allerneueste Mannigfaltigkeiten, volume 2, Week 15. A sim- of the review mentions 36 plates but only 24 (163–180) are
ilar calculation gives an estimated publication date of Week mentioned in text. The 36 refers to the number of plates for
15 in mid-June 1782 and for livraison 3 at the latest in early the whole of volume 2 (which ends with pl. 180), not to the
June 1782. number of new plates.
Gmelin (1782) also reviewed fascicles 1–4. He gave the Volume 3 (fascicles 30–36) of Ausländische Fische is
date 1781 for fascicles 1–2 but no date for fascicles 3–4. His mentioned in AVL for Easter 1787, p. 523.
review appeared in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume Anonymous (1790) reviewed volume 4 of Ausländische
49, part 1. This journal appeared more or less regularly, with Fische in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume 92 part
several volumes each year [number variable], each volume 2, which was the 4th of 14 parts published in 1790, with a
made of two parts. It published 8 parts in 1782 (from vol. 48 publication estimated in April 1790. The reviewer recorded
part 2 to vol. 52 part 1). Volume 49 part 1 was the second that the livraison included 3 fascicles with 18 plates (217–
part published in 1782, which makes a likely publication date 234). He also commented that a new publisher would con-
in February 1782. tinue the series and would also publish a supplement with
Fascicles 5–6 are mentioned in AVL for Easter 1782, p. (uncolored) drawings of all the fish species already described
267. by other authors. Volume 4 in fact includes 36 plates, 217–
Anonymous (1783) reviewed livraison 4 (fascicles 7–9) 252. This means that the volume appeared in 2 livraisons
in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume 54, part 1, which and that plates 235–252 appeared later, in the second livrai-
was the third of the 7 parts published in 1783, with an esti- son.
mated publication date around May 1783. No date was giv- The title Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische first
en for livraison 4, but the latest possible publication date is appeared on volume 4 on the half-title page as Allgemeine
May 1783. Livraison 4 included pls. 38–54 and page sheets Naturgeschichte der Fische. Siebenter Theil. oder der aus-
A–L [pp. 1–88]. The text was published in a quarto format ländischen Fische. Vierter Theil [General natural history of
but the reviewer announced that volume 2 would also be the fishes. Seventh part. or of the Ausländische Fische. Fourth
available in octavo and that an octavo edition of volume 1 part].
would also be printed. Only the first five volumes, however, Volume 4 of Ausländische Fische is mentioned in AVL
were produced in octavo. for Easter 1790, p. 19.
Fascicles 7–9 are mentioned in AVL for Easter 1783, The date of publication of volume 5 is uncertain. The
p. 411. Fascicles 13–15 are mentioned in AVL for September date on the cover is 1791, but it is mentioned in AVL for
1783, p. 686. September 1790, p. 230, but it was probably not published at
Fascicles 16–18 (pls. 91–108) are mentioned in AVL for that time. Anonymous (1791) reviewed volume 5 of Auslän-
Easter 1784, p. 794. The first fascicle of the first volume of dische Fische in Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek, volume
Ausländische Fische (pls. 109–114) is mentioned on the same 103 part 2, which was the 13th of 17 parts published in 1791,
page. with a publication estimated in September 1791. The reviewer
Anonymous (1785) reviewed the first livraison of the first recorded that the livraison was published in 1791. The title
volume of Ausländische Fische in Allgemeine Deutsche Bi- of the review mentions 36 plates. The reviewer listed the
bliothek, volume 60 part 2, which was the 2nd of 8 parts content of pls. 217–288, but pls. 217–234 belong to volume
published in 1785, publication estimated to have taken place 4 and were already mentioned by Anonymous (1790) and
in February–March 1785. The reviewer recorded that the pls. 235–252 also belong to volume 4. Only pls. 253–288
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 2. Latest possible publication dates of the livraisons of the various editions of Bloch's Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der
Fische. Mentions in the catalogues of the Leipzig Easter and September Fairs (AVL) are listed separately, since they may not
all be reliable.
German French
quarto octavo
latest possible mention in AVL year mention in AVL
volume / livraison publication date year: page year: page
Fische Deutschlands
1: pp. 1–?, pls. 1–12 early Jun 1781 fasc. 1–2 1783 vol. 1 early 1785
Apr 1781: 17 Sept. 1783: 686
2: pp. 1–88, pls 38–54 May 1783 fasc. 7–9; 1784 pls. 37–72 1785
Apr 1783: 411 Apr 1784: 784
3: pp. 1–104, pls. 73–90 Sept 1783 fasc. 13–15 1785 fasc. 2–3 1786
text sheets A–N pls. 73–90
Sept 1783: 686 Sept 1784: 952
Ausländische Fische
1: 1–72, pls. 109–126 Apr 1784 ? fasc. 1 1785 pls. 109–126 as vol. 4
pls. 109–114 Apr 1786: 165 1787
Apr 1784: 784
2: 1–80, pls. 145–161 (162 ?) Apr 1786 1786 fasc. 7–9 as vol. 5
pls. 145–162; 1787
Apr 1786: 165
3: 146 pp., pls. 181–216 Apr 1787 third and last vol. – plates for as vol. 6
or fasc. 30–36 fasc. 25–36 1788
Apr 1787: 523 – Apr 1787: 523
Table 2. Continued.
German French
quarto octavo
latest possible mention in AVL year mention in AVL
volume / livraison publication date year: page year: page
9: 192 pp., pls. 397–429 Apr 1795 vol. 12 and last – as vol. 12
Apr 1795: 14 1797
belong to volume 5. The reviewer commented that the work mentioned that it was based on 2 specimens and that, mean-
was too expensive and already caused two publishers to fall while, he had received 2 additional specimens (see also Kot-
into difficulty, and there was the risk of terminating the se- telat, 2013d). The author of the 1788 translation is C. J. T. de
ries. In fact, 3 years had elapsed between the publication of Laveaux. I did not search for the history and Bloch's involve-
volumes 3 (1787) and 4 (1790) of Ausländische Fische. Spon- ment in the translation as this is irrelevant as far as nomen-
sors were found to subsidise each plate and their names are clature is concerned. Volumes 1–6 were published by De La
printed on plates 271–344. Garde in Berlin, Didot in Paris & White in London. The pub-
Volume 6 of Ausländische Fische is mentioned in AVL lication of the first French edition was interrupted by the
for Easter 1792, p. 19; volume 7 in AVL for April 1793, p. 16, French Revolution; volumes 7–12 were published in 1797
volume 8 in AVL for April 1794, p. 22; and volume 9 in AVL The second, abridged, edition appeared in 1796, in one
for April 1795, p. 14. volume and 216 plates, under the title Ichthyologie ou his-
Volume 1 on German fishes was published in octavo in toire naturelle des poissons.
1783, vol. 2 in 1784, vol. 3 in 1785; volume 1 of Auslän- A third French translation, edited by Castel, was pub-
dische Fische in 1785, vol. 2 in 1786, and volumes 3–9 were lished in An IX [Year 9] of the French "Republican Calen-
not published in octavo (Paepke, 1999: 202). It seems that dar" [23 September 1800–22 September 1801, taken here as
the octavo edition always appeared after the quarto edition. 1801]. Because the original 12-volumes work was too ex-
The octavo edition is mentioned as follows in AVL: volume 1 pensive for most potential buyers and also too bulky, the
in AVL for September 1783, p. 686; plates 37–72 in AVL for publisher Déterville had asked René-Richard Castel to pre-
Easter 1784, p. 794; fascicles 2–3 (pls. 73–90) in AVL for pare a new edition, "portable" and cheaper. Castel re-organ-
September 1784, p. 952. Plates 109–126 of the first volume ised the text in a systematic sequence, did some editing, and
of Ausländische Fische in AVL for Easter 1786, p. 165. Fas- added some chapters of his own on cetaceans. Figures were
cicles 4–9 (pls. 127–162) of Ausländische Fische are men- copied, black and white, in smaller size and organised in fewer
tioned in AVL for April 1786, p. 165; fascicles 4–6 (pls. 127– plates. For bibliographic purposes, the work should be cited
144) belong to volume 1 and fascicles 7–9 (pls. 145–162) as Castel (1801). All 10 volumes were published in 1801: as
belong to volume 2. The plates for fascicles 25–36 (volumes the text is completely reorganised it cannot be compared with
2–3 of Ausländische Fische) are mentioned in AVL for Eas- the original German and French editions.
ter 1787, p. 523.
The Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische was trans- Boussuet, 1558a–b. These two works are usually bound to-
lated into French and three editions were published, in dif- gether and cited as Boussuet's Epigraph in bibliographies.
ferent formats, one as Ichtyologie ou histoire naturelle, The title of 1558a here is as it appears on the copy I exam-
générale et particulière des poissons in 12 volumes, pub- ined. 1558a and 1558b are often cited with interchanged page
lished between 1785 and 1797. I have not researched wheth- numbers.
er they were published as volumes or livraisons. As the trans-
lation was published some time after the German text, Bloch Bouton, 1839. Fishes are on pp. 31–47. This is a summary
had the opportunity to make changes and include additional of, or based on, a text by F. Liénard. See Monod (1976).
information or material. For example, the text on Plagusia
bilineata in volume 3 of Ausländische Fische (Bloch, 1787: Bouton, 1843. Fishes are on pp. 57–99. This is a summary
29, pl. 188) was based on an unspecified number of speci- of, or based on, a text by F. Liénard. See Monod (1976).
mens, but in volume 6 of the translation Bloch (1788: 22)
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Cloquet, 1816–1821. Publication dates of these accounts in name Mugil chelo, which, how amazing!, is the grey mullet.
Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles follow Cassini (1826) The same databases mess things further in giving the ety-
who authored botany accounts in the same volumes. See also mology of Chelon as being the ancient Greek word meaning
Evenhuis (1997: 182). turtle; the word for turtle, however, is χελων ς (chelonos). In
fact, Chelmon is derived, how unexpected!, from chelmon
Cuvier, 1816. Cuvier's Règne animal includes descriptions χελµ ν, the name of an unknown fish in ancient Greek liter-
of all then known animal genera. For most of them Cuvier ature. This is not difficult to know; it was explained by Va-
used both French and latinized names. For some he used a lenciennes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831: 87, 1836: 55,
single name; a few are clearly vernacular names but for new and especially 1849: index p. 19 where Chelon is one line
names that Cuvier created he used either Latin, Greek, galli- below Chelmon). Literature is not made only to be cited but
cized Latin or gallicized Greek, or vernacular names in other also to be read.]
languages. These names have been variably treated as avail- Other kinds of inconsistencies exist. Some names were
able or not. Following Gill (1903), ichthyologists have adopt- treated differently by different authors. For example, "Leb-
ed a kind of rule that such genera preceded by the article ias" (p. 199) was treated as Lebia by Oken (1817: 1183) and
"les" [= the, plural] and ending by 's' [the most common plu- as Lebias by Goldfuss (1820: 16). Comments by Valencien-
ral ending in French] were vernacular and not available, and nes (in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1846: 145) show that Lebias
the others were available. This is why names as "Plectro- in Cuvier's "Les Lebias" was not a plural of a word lebia
pomes. Cuv." or "Lebias. (Cuv.)" have been considered as (which does not exist in French and is neither gallicized Lat-
not available. This system leads to very inconsistent treat- in nor gallicized Greek) but was intended as Lebias (λεβ ας),
ment of the new names. For example, on p. 434, two genera a word used in ancient Greek literature for a kind of fish
are described by lists of characters and the descriptions end (apparently not identifiable today).
by "nous les appellerons CHELMONS" [we will call them CHEL- One further point with Code art. 11.8 is that a name "must
MONS] and "nous les appellerons PLATAX" [we will call them be ... a noun in the nominative singular" or "must be ... treat-
PLATAX]. ed as a noun in the nominative singular". This phrase allows
Why would Platax be available and not Chelmons? Or that any non-nominative singular word can be treated as being
on p. 251, why is Salarias an available name ("nous distin- in the nominative singular, in which case all Cuvier's names
guons ..., sous le nom de SALARIAS, les espèces dont les dents could be accepted as available.
...." [we distinguish ..., under the name SALARIAS, the species Volume 4 includes the plates and the index to all 4 vol-
[plural] whose teeth ...]). These names are listed as "Platax. umes. All genus names are listed, in both French and Latin,
C[uvier].", "Chelmons. C[uvier]." in the Table of contents. each in both formats, for example "Toxotes (Archers)" and
Since, Platax has been treated as available, but not Chel- "Archers (Toxotes)". The exceptions are the genera for which
mons. a single name was mentioned in the text; these are listed with
The words plectropomes or chelmons did not exist in the same spelling as in the text (Platax, Salarias, Chelmons,
French but were created by Cuvier and they are therefore Plectropomes, Lebias, etc.).
not vernacular as defined in the Glossary of the Code [use Schilbé is used in the singular in the text (p. 202) and
the French definition, the English definition is syntaxically index (p. 245); this is because it is not a French word but
and semantically incoherent]. Words such as the German apparently Arabian; in French, the plural of a foreign word
Pfrille, the Arabian Abudefduf, the Bengali Danio, the Japa- is the one it would have in the original language, or if not
nese Fugu are used for fish genera; not being a Latin or a known they are treated as invariable (the use of the plural
latinized name does not exclude names from zoological no- schilbés in the Table of contents (p. viii) is erroneous). The
menclature. The only point that can be invoked to exclude same applies for Bagre (pp. viii, 204, 198, respectively).
some of the names created by Cuvier is that Code art. 11.8 Chelmons or chelmon is not a French word (it may be a Greek
requires that a genus-group name "must be, or be treated as, word) and should be invariable. Plectropomes is obviously a
a noun in the nominative singular". The syntax of the sen- latinized or gallicized Greek word.
tences mentioning Chelmons or Platax make clear that they In conclusion, although Cuvier was consistent in his treat-
are nouns in nominative plural. Both are Greek words. ment of names, later authors treated them inconsistently. They
A gallicized Greek word ending in –on in the singular would were all proposed in the nominative plural and some have
end with an 's' in the plural (the plural 's' is not pronounced in later been treated as if they were in the nominative singular,
French, contrary to English); but a name ending in 'x' in the others not. Logically all should have been rejected as plural
singular will remain invariable. If chelmons is in nominative nouns or all treated as being in the nominative singular. In
plural and not available, Platax too, being in nominative plu- the case of Cuvier's genera it would create too many prob-
ral, should not be available. Should they be treated different- lems now to treat them all in a unique and consistent way. To
ly because of this grammatical difference? maintain stability, I classify them in different categories based
[I cannot refrain to observe the panurgism invading data- on syntax, grammar and etymology and treat them consis-
bases and the internet. It sufficed to have one of them listing tently within these categories. These categories are used only
the etymology of Chelmon as derived from the Greek Cheilon for genera created by Cuvier and should not be indiscrimi-
meaning a grey mullet and all others take over the same ety- nately used for other works in French, whose status should
mology, without checking its accuracy. Alas, the grey mul- be examined and evaluated one by one. It is possible that
let's name is chelon χελ ν (from χε λος, lip), which is also non-fish names are treated differently in the respective fields
the etymology of the genus name Chelon and of the species of research.
The categories are: authors for the whole series and it would have been conve-
– names clearly French vernaculars: not available; nient to retain the two authors for nomenclature purposes,
– names clearly Latin or Greek and invariable when galli- too.
cized: available (e.g. Ephippus, Heniochus, Lebias, Platax, Alas, because different researchers continued to refer to
Salarias, Salanx); the work in different ways, in the interest of stability, the
– names in other languages for which Cuvier indicated him- ICZN was requested to rule on the way in which the author-
self as author (e.g. "Les Bagre. Cuv."): available (used here: ship of the different taxon-names in the work should be cit-
Bagre); ed. It was proposed that the authorship of each name should
– names in other languages for which Cuvier indicated no be given to the individual author who wrote it (that is: Cu-
author (e.g. "Les Schilbé"): not available, assumed not to vier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, or Valenciennes, in Cuvier
have been intended as scientific names; & Valenciennes). Unfortunately, despite articulate opposi-
– names apparently Greek or Latin, and gallicized with an tion, the ICZN ruled in favor of this proposal (ICZN, 1959,
ending suggesting the plural and pronounceable in French Opinion 580). This decision forces us to use the cumber-
without pronouncing the plural ending (–s, –es, –aux): not some author combination, which is even more unfortunate
available (mentioned here: chelmons, cirrhines, monacan- as this applies to the names of more than 2400 genera and
thes, plectropomes, pristipomes, triacanthes). species. As the purpose of the citation of authors is purely a
Most of the unavailable names have been made available bibliographic tool, and not to indicate 'property' or credit,
by Oken (1817), q.v. these details add nothing to the efficiency of the system. On
This problem of ambiguous decisions as to whether names the contrary, it is a source of confusion and errors. Further, if
are Latin, Greek or French is not unique to Cuvier but can be Valenciennes had decided that the two names should remain
found in the works of many French authors until about 1860. cited together after Cuvier's death, why should we deny the
Although it is also not restricted to ichthyology, I have not surviving author the right to this? I do not perceive the need
searched how such names have been treated outside ichthy- to sort what each author contributed (history might have a
ology. Similar situations also seem to exist in works in Ital- legitimate interest in this, not nomenclature). The ICZN
ian but apparently not in other languages. This problem seems would have been better inspired to rule in favour of citing
specific to works in French and Italian because these two the authorship of the content of the whole work as 'Cuvier &
languages are closely derived from Latin, with which they Valenciennes'. This is shorter to write, does not require to
share the way of forming new words. check who wrote which page, and saves a lot of time (and
also makes nomenclature and taxonomy look less pedantic).
Cuvier & Valenciennes' Histoire naturelle des poissons. I considered to ignore Opinion 580, but this would be
This work appeared in 22 volumes between 1828 and 1849. against the aims of this work, to present the correct nomen-
Volume 1 is a history of ichthyology (see Cuvier, 1995, for clature as governed by the Code. I do not exclude, however,
an English translation; a suggesting reading for all ichthyol- asking the ICZN to revisit the case and hopefully decide on
ogists). The remaining volumes include the description of a more straightforward expression of authorship.
4055 species, 2311 of them then new to science (Bauchot et
al., 1990: 5). Volume 22 ends with an index. Although the Daudin, 1816. See Cloquet, 1816–1821 above.
work was unfinished, with several groups of fishes remain-
ing untreated, the publishers did not want to continue the Forsskål, 1775. See Friis & Thulin (1984) for spelling of
series. The work exists in two editions, octavo (called the Forsskål's name. Although incorrect, for bibliographic pur-
Paris edition) and royal octavo (called De Luxe or Stras- poses I retain here the spelling appearing on the title page of
bourg edition). The text of the two editions apparently is iden- the work (Forskål).
tical. The Paris edition is the most common and is also the Authorship of the work. Fricke (2008) considered that
edition that was reprinted in 1969. The two editions are si- the author of the book should be indicated as Niebuhr, since
multaneous, but obviously the actual dates of publication may Forsskål had only left notes edited and published by Niebu-
differ; I have not investigated this aspect, but this is possible hr. As Niebuhr did not contribute to the actual content, I see
at least for volume 22, for which the royal octavo edition has no reason to attribute authorship of the book to him.
the date 1849 on the title page while the octavo edition has Authorship of names. Fricke (2008: 7) commented that
the date 1850. Most authors refer to the Paris edition and it is Code art. 50.1 ("If a work is by more than one person but it is
the only one referred to here. Dates of publication follow clear from the content that only one of these is responsible
Sherborn (1925) and have been fixed by the ICZN (1959, for the name or act, then that person is the author") desig-
Opinion 580). nates Niebuhr as author. I disagree; first, this article refers to
The accounts of the various families were written by ei- work with more than one author, while we are dealing here
ther Cuvier or Valenciennes and the author of each text can with the work of a single person; second, it cannot be dem-
be identified; for many species the account written by one onstrated that Niebuhr alone is responsible for any particu-
author in fact also includes information or text provided by lar name.
the other (for example the description of Helostoma tem- Fricke (2008) also commented that there are indications
minckii in vol. 7 includes texts written by both co-authors). that Forsskål's notes were actually organised and reworked
Cuvier died in 1832 and Valenciennes decided to continue by Fabricius and commented that authorship of names should
the series and to retain the name of Cuvier as first author. be attributed, case by case, to Forsskål in Niebuhr or Fabri-
Therefore, for bibliographic purposes, the work has the same cius in Niebuhr. Fabricius' name is nowhere mentioned in
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
the book. Although there are indications, all these indica- only if there is an exceptional need and that the need must be
tions are external to the work and there is no proof of Fabri- explained. These conditions are met for some of the neo-
cius' contribution, and even if he did contribute, his contri- types, but not for all. Similarly, Motomura (2001) comment-
bution could have been based only on Forsskål's notes. Code ed that "none of these "neotypes" satisfied ICZN require-
art. 50.1.1 states: "if it is clear from the content that some ments. Accordingly, they should not be used". Here again,
person other than an author of the work is alone responsible these designations cannot be rejected bulk, they must be eval-
for both the name or act and for satisfying the criteria of uated one by one. Reference to "[Article] 75B", is mislead-
availability other than actual publication, then that other ing; this is only a recommendation, therefore not mandatory.
person is the author of the name or act". There is nothing in Neotype designation is a very convenient procedure to
the work itself that would make it "clear" that Fabricius con- get rid of nomina dubia that otherwise remain a permanent
tributed to the work, or that he was "alone responsible" for threat to well established name. The erroneous bulk rejec-
the conditions making names available: therefore he cannot tion of all neotypes designated by Fricke has led authors to
be the author of names. Niebuhr is obviously responsible for ignore several validly designated neotypes and to designate
organising Forsskål's notes or having them organised for 'new' neotypes. These second neotypes being invalid, they
publication, but being responsible for publication is explic- create confusion. See example under Atherinomorus lacun-
itly excluded from circumstances qualifying as author of a osus.
work. Further, Code art. 50.1.1 also says that "if the identity
of that person is not explicit in the work itself, then the au- Graells, 1887. This is an unpublished manuscript by Ca-
thor is deemed to be the person who publishes the work". As brera, Pérez & Haenseler, annotated by Graells. A list of spe-
Fabricius' name is not mentioned in the book, again, he can- cies (names only) extracted from this manuscript had already
not be author of any name in it. been published by Cabrera et al. (1817), but without men-
Availability of names. In the part 'Descripti' [pp. x–xiv] tion of the name of the authors (Graells, 1887: 141). The list
of the 'Conspectus', species names preceded by Greek letters is reprinted on pp. 175–189. It contains several nomina nuda;
are varieties recognized by vernacular names, binominal several of them are included and made available in the 1887
names of earlier authors or descriptive words or phrases; even text. Their authorship is Cabrera, Pérez & Haenseler, in
if made of a single word, these are clearly not intended as Graells, 1887.
scientific names. Most are not used in the main text. These
names are all treated as unavailable. Several names have been Hamilton, 1822. Often erroneously cited as 'Hamilton-
used as available names by later authors and became avail- Buchanan', especially in Indian literature. 'Hamilton' is the
able from such subsequent usage. The only exception is Esox name used in the book and the one used here. As stated on
marginatus far (q.v.); treating this name as not available the title page, Buchanan was Hamilton's previous name, but
would result in changing the name of one of the most abun- the combination 'Hamilton-Buchanan' is used nowhere and
dant species of the family Hemiramphidae and I do not see it is erroneous and misleading to use it for bibliographical
any benefit at this. The section 'Nominati' [pp. xiv–xvii] is a purposes. See Prain (1905) for a biography.
list of equivalent names in different languages; in these pag-
es, scientific names are in italics preceded by a roman letter. Heckel, 1843. Dated 1843 by Heckel himself (1848a: 354)
New genera are listed p. vi. Other names are used in the and Troschel (1844: 228). Six of the 13 plates were pub-
text for "subdivisions". Some have recently been considered lished in 1843 (Troschel, 1844: 228). In the copy I have ex-
as available names (abu hamrur, hobar, farer, ghanan, djabur, amined all plates are bound in volume 2, part 3.
gaterin, etc.), but the text makes it clear that they are vernac-
ular names. They are not available; these words have never Heckel, 1848a. The title page of fascicle 2 has the date 1848;
been used as available names and (erroneously) treating them the second title page has the date 1844. The back cover has
now as available names would make them senior synonyms the mention "Gredruckt bei J. P. Sollinger in Wien. 1848"
of widely used names and would then require the declara- [Printed by Sollinger in Vienna]. This is the original cover.
tion of each of them as a nomen oblitum. The only exception
is Abudefduf, a name used for one of the subdivisions of Heckel, 1848c–h. These papers are in the same volume. The
Chaetodon (Chaetodon, abu-defduf and Acanthurus); the text of 1848c was completed on 22 March 1847 (see p. 290).
context shows that it is a vernacular name. However, the name Pages 334 of 1848e refers to plate opposite p. 392 in Cuvier
is now widely used. I treat it as available, since it would & Valenciennes, 1847b, which is dated 1 September 1847
serve no purpose to argue on whether or not it is available. (p. xi). Page 326 of 1848e includes a list of records by year
and the names included in that very paper are dated to be
Fricke, 1999a–b. These two works include numerous neo- published in 1847. 1848a includes a number of references to
types designations. Fricke (2000) later published a note in "Fische Syriens" (which is Heckel, 1843) with references to
which he 'withdrew' these designations. Such a withdrawal page numbers (reprint's pagination) but no reference to 1848c,
has no nomenclatural validity as the Code does not allow which includes actual descriptions of species mentioned in
such a procedure. Each designation has to be analysed inde- 1843. 1848d refers to 1848a but without mention of year or
pendently to decide whether it is valid or not. The only way page numbers while references to other works often include
to have all these designations rejected in a single action is by page numbers, suggesting that 1848a was not yet set at the
asking a ruling from the ICZN. There is apparently no pre- time pf writing 1848d. Cover of volume for 1848c–e indica-
cedent. Code art. 75.3 requires that a neotype be designated tes 1846–49. Pages before 290, written on 22 March 1847,
may have appeared in 1847. But it seems unlikely that page BSNG; also known as Férussac's Bulletin, by the name of its
after 290 could have appeared before 1848 because of the chief editor).
mention p. 326 of a work written 1 September 1847 (Cuvier The prospectus (BSNG 8: 28) indicated that there would
& Valenciennes, 1847b) and published later. Without con- be two zoology volumes and an atlas of 145 pls. There would
trary evidence, I retain 1848 as publication year for all fish be 25 livraisons, each of 6 plates and "several sheets of text".
papers in this volume. Subscribers could choose between three paper qualities (and
three prices).
Herre, 1924a–c. The 1924b paper was issued on 28 April The first livraison was announced in BSNG 9: 337, livrai-
1924. Herre (e.g. 1953) himself gave the publication date of sons 2–3 in BSNG 11: 378, livraisons 4–5 in BSNG 12: 389,
the 1924a paper as 1924. The last page has a printer imprint livraisons 6–7 in BSNG 15: 128, livraisons 8–9 in BSNG 16:
"Sydney: Alfred James Kent, government printer, 1923" (R. 272, livraison 11 in BSNG 17: 267, livraisons 12–13 in BSNG
Pethiyagoda, pers. comm.), which indicates that at least the 19: 329, livraisons 14–17 in BSNG 21: 309, livraisons 18–
type was set in 1923, thus a publication in early 1924 is like- 19 in BSNG 24: 196, livraisons 20–21 in BSNG 24: 346,
ly. Therefore I consider that 1924a appeared before 1924b. livraisons 22–24 in BSNG 25: 334. No livraison mentioned
Paper 1924c is a continuation of 1924b, it therefore also ap- in BSNG 25–27. BSNG was discontinued after volume 27.
peared after 1824a. Most plates included in each livraison are listed in BSNG.
Mengel (1983: 168–172) compiled dates for each livraisons
Jacquemont, 1835–1844. A posthumous work based on Jac- and their content from a complete set with original wrap-
quemont's notes. No text on fishes, only plates 13–18 of At- pers. Cretella (2010) compiled a list of the content of each
las 2. Daget (1984: 511) considered that the fish plates ap- livraison based on the same complete set. He also compiled
peared in 1840 because some catfish plates are not mentioned the publication dates based on various sources. For livrai-
in volume 14 of Cuvier & Valenciennes' Histoire Naturelle sons 1–16 dates are from Bibliographie de la France, an
(1840a; published January 1840) while others are in volume official daily record of French publications. Livraisons 17–
15 (1840b; published November 1840). In fact the Preface 27 include plates with insects. Because of a conflictual situ-
of volume 14 is dated October 1839 and that of volume 15 is ation, Guérin-Méneville (1838: 278), the author of the in-
dated August 1840 and these plates could have appeared al- sect chapter, listed the exact publication dates for livraisons
ready in 1839, after October. Six plates were published with 17–27. These dates are anterior to those in Bibliographie de
each 'livraison' and it is possible that plates 13–18 were is- la France by 12–54 days. This suggests that livraisons 1–16
sued together, and possibly as early as the third livraison which, probably also appeared some weeks before being recorded
according to Daget, might have appeared as early as 1836. in Bibliographie de la France.
Plate 15 is cited by M'Clelland (1839: 293, 408) in a work The dates of publication of the livraisons and the fish
that had been presented to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta on plates included in each livraison are listed in Table 3, based
5 September 1838, which makes a publication date in 1840 on Mengel (1983) and Cretella (2010) (I had independently
impossible, at least for some plates. reached some of these conclusions; I cross-checked the two
lists and removed discrepencies between the two).
La Cepède, 1798–1803. The name of this author appears as Noteworthy is that plate 31 (Caranx lessonii) is not men-
La Cepède, Lacepède, La Cépède and Lacépède in different tioned by Cuvier & Valenciennes (1833: 113), and plate 15
works. The correct spelling for authorship is the one used (Thyrsites lepidopodea) is not mentioned in (1832: 205).
for bibliographical reference, that is the one used in the work. Further, the name Thynnus vagans (pl. 32) is not mentioned
The spelling 'La Cepède' is used in most ichthyological pub- by Cuvier & Valenciennes (1832).
lications of this author, especially in the five volumes of the
Histoire naturelle des poissons; see Kottelat (2001d). For a M'Clelland, 1839. It is not always clear whether names pub-
biography, see Bertin (1945). lished in M'Clelland (1839) should be treated as new species
or replacement names. As M'Clelland (p. 291) explains, he
Lesson, 1826–1831. The dates of publication of the zoology was "more anxious to identify Buchanan's species than to
volumes in Duperrey's Voyage autour du monde were first describe new ones, and to reserve his names than to substi-
investigated by Sherborn & Woodward (1901a: 391, 1906: tute other". I treat his new names as new species, except in
335). Their data do not allow an exact dating of the fish chap- the cases where it is clear that his account is based entirely
ter (Lesson, 1826–1831). The work was issued in 28 livrai- on Hamilton's account. Mention of additional localities or
sons, most made of 6 plates and 5–7 sheets of text (1 sheet = specimens is taken as evidence of the account being based
8 pages). Although Sherborn & Woodward could establish on additional material [although it is possible that the addi-
the date of publication of each livraison and the text pages tional localities may in fact have been recorded from Hamil-
included in them, they did not provide informations for the ton's unpublished figures etc.].
plates. It has been assumed (e.g. Pietsch, in Cuvier, 1995:
319) that the plates appeared in 1826 and the text in 1831, M'Clelland, 1842a. Authorship of names follows informa-
which means that a number of new names are available from tion on pp. 573–574. Authorship is also indicated for most
the plates and not from the text. It is possible to provide dates taxa, with "nob." [nobis = ours] denoting species authored
for most plates. Publication of the livraisons is mentioned in by M'Clelland & Griffith, text extracted from or based on
Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie, 2e Section, Griffith's notes and figures. Taxa authored by M'Clelland are
Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie (hereunder explicitly mentioned as such.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 3. Publication dates of livraisons of Duperrey's Voyage autour du monde including fish plates of Lesson (1826–1831)
and the included fish species.
Montrouzier, 1857. The text of Montrouzier had been edit- Quoy & Gaimard, 1824–1825. Often cited as work "Pois-
ed, updated and complemented by Thiollière. The respective sons, pp. 183–401, pls. 43–65", but in fact the whole volume
texts by Montrouzier and Thiollière are in different fonts. is a single work. Fishes are in Chapter VII, pp. 183–191,
Thiollière was obviously equally responsible for the condi- "Remarques sur quelques poissons de mer"; and Chapter IX,
tions making the names available; therefore he is co-author pp. 192–401, "Description des poissons".
of most names, and sole author of others. The material on
which this work is based was lost, see p. 419. Rafinesque, Rafinesque Schmalz. The author name Rafi-
nesque Schmaltz was used in the 1810 works, and Rafines-
Oken, 1817. Oken published a review of Cuvier's (1816) Règne que was used in the later works. For bibliographic purposes
animal (q.v.). Cuvier had based his system on comparative the name is retained as used in the title of the respective
anatomy and grouped animals by shared structures. Oken works.
was defending a philosophy that deducted a priori a system
based on an idealised conception of nature. He forced the Russell. 1803. Russell himself is not author of any available
class Pisces into seven orders so to parallel his division of name. Several authors (Cuvier, Cuvier & Valenciennes,
the animal kingdom into seven classes. Each order was then Swainson, Bleeker, etc.) have referred to Russell's work in
divided into 4 families, and each family was divided into 4 their descriptions of new species. Several nominal species
genera (see Cuvier, 1828a: 228–237 [1995: 204–206, 227– are based only on Russell's text and figures. In most cases it
233]). His philosophical principles could not accept a sys- is not possible to know whether Russell had one or several
tem in which some orders would include only a few families specimens. If an author mentioned only the plate, the speci-
while others would include a large number of families. In men on which the plate is based is the holotype. Some au-
addition the introduction of his review was very chauvinist. thors referred simply to a vernacular name or a species num-
For a number of genera Cuvier had given names only in ber in Russell; in such cases, all of the material seen, de-
French or in a gallicized form. Oken listed all the genera, all scribed or figured by Russell constitutes the type series. Many
with latinized names, in the same sequence as Cuvier, which authors referred to this work by plate number (which would
makes several names available by indication. See also Gill make the model of the plate the holotype) but their text obvi-
(1903). ously includes information extracted from Russel's text, such
Most of the names made available by Oken are not ac- as colouration; in this case too, there is a type series. How-
companied by available species-group names in Oken. It has ever, it seems that the description and figure of most species
generally been accepted that for nomenclatural purposes the are based on a single specimen.
species included by Cuvier in the respective genera should
be considered as the species originally included in Oken's Schneider, 1801. Karrer et al. (1994: 101) and Paepke (1999:
names. Common sense certainly agrees as they are mainly 18) commented on the publication in 1800 of a 'preprint' of
some kind of 'replacement' names (analogy with Code art. the first 80 pages of Schneider (1801) and retain 1800 as
67.8); however this may not fully satisfy Code art. 67.2.1, publication date for the names on these pages. There is only
which requires the species-group names to be cited in the one known surviving copy of this 'preprint' and it is ques-
original description. I have decided to conserve the species tionable whether a 1800 'preprint', which remained unno-
included by Cuvier as the originally included species. Doing ticed (or at least not cited) until 1994, for which there is no
otherwise would create a great number of nomenclatural evidence that there existed more than two copies, and which
problems since it could result in different type species fixa- is virtually inaccessible to scientists, should be considered
tion for many very commonly used names. as published for nomenclatural purposes.
The 'preprint' includes 80 pages (5 sheets), but later
Osbeck, 1765. This work is often considered as not using Schneider added material that makes these 80 pages corre-
the binominal system. In fact all names are clearly binomi- spond to the 126 first pages of Schneider (1801).
nal and hence available My reading of Karrer et al. (1994), Paepke (1999) and
Schneider (1801: introduction) does not allow me to consid-
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Dates er this 'preprint' as a work published in the sense of the Code.
of publication: Duncan, 1937. The exact name of the journal The Code Glossary, p. 113, defines a preprint as "a work
has varied as follow: published, with its own specified date of publication (im-
1830–1832 Proceedings of the Committee of Science and print date), in advance of its later reissue as part of a collec-
Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London; tive or cumulative work. Preprints may be published for the
1833–1860 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon- purpose of zoological nomenclature. See separate". Thus a
don; preprint must have its own specified date of publication. This
1861–1890 Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the is not the case of the 'preprint' of Schneider (1801), at least
Zoological Society of London; as described by Karrer et al. (1994) and Paepke (1999), which
1861–1890 Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the is not dated, has no title page and no indication of printer.
Zoological Society of London; Also, it was not published in advance of a later re-issue as
1891–1936 Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scien- part of a collective or cumulative work. Therefore it is not a
tific Business of the Zoological Society of London; preprint within the meaning of the Code.
1837–1965 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon- The history of this 'preprint' as extracted from Karrer et
don. al. (1994), based on Schneider's (1801: xi) introduction, leads
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
me to conclude that these five sheets are proofs (of which indication 'Schn.' at the end are credited to Schneider, and
more than one set was printed, a normal practice), and as those without this indication are credited to Bloch, in
such it is not available for nomenclatural purposes (Code, Schneider. Others have credited the whole work to Bloch
art. 9.3). In Karrer et al.'s (1994: 108, line 20) translation, (which is not correct) or to Bloch & Schneider. Some ac-
the work is described as "five proof-sheets". My understand- counts taken more or less verbatim from Forster's manuscripts
ing of Schneider's introduction (p. xi) is that there were among are credited to Forster, in Schneider. Forster's manuscripts
Bloch's document 5 sheets of proofs, and that Bloch's heir were later published by Lichtenstein (1844). A comparison
thought that these five pages ['quem foliis illis quinque am- of the descriptions of a few species showed that the text in
icus statuerat'] were not enough to show the importance of Schneider is merely a rewriting and reorganisation of For-
his book (then largely completed in manuscript). [The inten- ster's texts and it seems justified to retain Forster as the sole
tion was to have the whole manuscript published.] He then author. In a few cases, however, Schneider did not use the
entrusted Schneider with the job of prepairing the whole text name created by Forster: the author of such names is
for publication. Schneider used the opportunity to correct Schneider (Code art. 50.1.1; see Introduction).
and complete it.
Contrary to Karrer et al. (1994), I do not consider that Shaw, 1789–1813a. Authorship of The naturalist's miscel-
Schneider (1801: xi) wrote that too few copies were print- lany is often given as Shaw & Nodder. Nodder in fact may
ed of the five 'proof-pages' "to enhance the importance of refer to Frederick Polydore Nodder, Elizabeth Nodder (his
the book"; instead, he wrote that too few pages were proof- wife) or Richard Nodder (his son). The Nodders were illus-
set [for example to show them at a fair and pre-sell the trators and publishers. They are mentioned in the dedica-
book]. tions (Frederick for volumes 1–12, Elizabeth and Richard
Schneider (1801: xii) further explained that he corrected for volumes 13–14, and Elizabeth for volume 15–24), but
the proofs up to p. 144 (apparently of the published text) and this does not make them co-authors of the work. Nothing in
that it was the intention to present the book at the 1800 Leipzig the examined volumes allows them to be considered as co-
Easter Fair. It is not clear whether it was effectively present- authors. Focusing on bird names, Dickinson et al. (2006)
ed. Paepke (1999: 18) refers to its presence in the catalogue investigated the publication dates of the whole work (fol-
of the Leipzig and Frankfurt Easter Fairs. It is effectively lowed here) and its history, and reached the same conclusion
mentioned in the catalogue (Anonymous, 1800: 21) among on authorship for nomenclatural purposes. Their conclusions
"Fertig gewordene Schriften" [writings that have been com- are also valid for the references to fishes that I have exam-
pleted], with the mention of 108 plates but no mention of ined.
text pages. The 108 plates are not mentioned by Karrer et al.
(1994). The book is not mentioned in the catalogues for 1801 Steindachner and publications by the Austrian Academy
and 1802. of Sciences in Vienna. Steindachner's works appeared mostly
I conclude that there is no evidence that this 'preprint' in journals issued by the Mathematics and Natural Sciences
was published within the meaning of the Code, that is, that it Class of the Imperial [Austrian] Academy of Sciences in
could be bought or obtained for free; it was in fact no more Vienna [Matematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Kai-
than a set of proofs. The mention in the Leipzig Easter Fair serliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien]. The Acade-
catalogue is not evidence that the book was effectively pub- my issued 3 series of works, for each of its three classes. The
lished but more the hope that it would be published. Schneider Anzeiger [gazette] started 1864; it included more or less ex-
wrote that the intention was to present the book at the 1800 tensive minutes and summaries of lectures presented at the
book fair, not that it was presented; it is possible that proofs meetings and various announcements. The Sitzungsberichte
of the first 144 pages were presented, which does not mean [proceedings] are minutes of the meetings and included the
that these pages were sold. The mention of the plates in the full text of communications presented at each meeting. The
catalogue but their absence in the 'preprint' support this con- Denkschriften [memoirs] included larger works and were
clusion. published at irregular intervals. Of interest is that Anzeiger
Concerning the 'copy' in Göttingen library, Schneider appeared immediately after each meeting, as explained in
explicitly stated that those curious to judge by themselves the foreword of volume 1. Before the publication of Anzeiger,
how much he modified or added to Bloch's work could con- this information was published in the Wiener Zeitung (the
sult copies of these 5 sheets deposited in the libraries in Ber- official government newspaper). The Class had meetings
lin and Göttingen. To me, these are not copies of a published every week or every second week, except between late July
work (in the sense of the Code), but sets of proofs which had and early October, and the Anzeiger, of very variable size,
been deposited in these libraries in order to prevent anybody was published within days after each meeting. Livraisons
from complaining about Schneider's appropriating part of were apparently folded and mailed as letters and some have
Bloch's work. The fact that these sheets are catalogued in the post marks printed on them. For example:
manuscript department of the Göttingen library (Paepke, – Page 160 of vol. 14 (minutes of 5 July 1877) of the digi-
1999) suggests that the librarians of the time did not consid- tised volume on BHL (http://www.biodiversitylibrary. org/
er them as a published work, either. item/89078#page/190/mode/1up) has an incomplete post
Authorship. As the title of the book is "The ichthyologi- mark on which can be read "Jul 77 8–9 V" [July 1877, 8–
cal system of M. E. Boch illuminated by 110 figures, com- 9 am]; the part of the mark with the day is missing, but
pleted, corrected and interpolated by J. G. Schneider", I cite this indicates that the minutes of the meeting in early July
the whole work as Schneider (1801). The accounts with the were mailed at the latest by the end of that month.
Table 4. Dates of meetings of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Class of the Vienna Academy of Sciences at which
complete volumes of the Denkschriften (Abteilung 1) were presented, based on notices in the Anzeiger (volumes 20–56).
Note that volumes are collections of memoirs and that individual memoirs usually appeared earlier as preprints.
Table 5. Dates of meetings of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Class of the Vienna Academy of Sciences at which
livraisons of volumes 60–127 of the Sitzungsberichte (Abteilung 1) were presented, based on notices in the Anzeiger (volumes
7–56). Asterisks (*) indicates livraisons not mentioned in Anzeiger.
Table 5. Continued.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 5. Continued.
Table 5. Continued.
10 Oct 1901 110 1–4 Jan–Apr 1901 1–158 38: 213 published during vacation
13 Feb 1902 110 5–7 May–Jul 1901 159–306 39: 31
10 Jul 1902 110 8–10 Oct–Dec 1901 307–592 39: 233
9 Oct 1902 111 1–3 Jan–Mar 1902 1–148 39: 257 published during vacation
20 Nov 1902 111 4–5 Apr–May 1902 149–312 39: 315
5 Feb 1903 111 6 Jun 1902 313–472 40: 21
5 Mar 1903 111 7 Jul 1902 471–716 40: 43 471–472 duplicate pagination
7 May 1903 111 8–9 Oct–Nov 1902 717–872 40: 99
2 July 1903 111 10 Dec 1902 873–1208 40: 189
22 Oct 1903 112 1–3 Jan–Mar 1903 1–318 40: 253
14 Jan 1904 112 4–7 Apr–Jul 1903 319–706 41: 13
5 May 1904 112 8–10 Oct–Dec 1903 707–890 41: 169
6 Oct 1904 113 1–2 Jan–Feb 1904 1–118 41: 295 published during vacation
6 Oct 1904 113 3–4 Mar–Apr 1904 119–250 41: 295 published during vacation
5 Jan 1905 113 5–7 May–Jul 1904 251–466 42: 1
2 Mar 1905 113 8–9 Oct–Nov 1904 467–574 42: 79
16 Mar 1905 113 10 Dec 1904 575–688 42: 117
23 Jun 1905 114 1–2 Jan–Feb 1905 1–150 42: 267
12 Oct 1905 114 3–4 Mar–Apr 1905 151–328 42: 349 published during vacation
9 Nov 1905 114 5 May 1905 329–496 42: 405
18 Jan 1906 114 6–7 Jun–Jul 1905 497–660 43: 37
8 Feb 1906 114 8 Oct 1905 661–807 43: 79
26 Apr 1906 114 9–10 Nov–Dec 1905 807–822 43: 157
11 Oct 1906 115 1 Jan 1906 1–156 43: 367 published during vacation
11 Oct 1906 115 2 Feb 1906 157–262 43: 367 published during vacation
11 Oct 1906 115 3 Mar 1906 263–474 43: 367 published during vacation
11 Oct 1906 115 4 Apr 1906 475–598 43: 367 published during vacation
— 115 5 May 1906 599–792 —*
24 Jan 1907 115 6 Jun 1906 793–1094 44: 39
28 Feb 1907 115 7 Jul 1906 1095–1518 44: 77
7 Mar 1907 115 8–9 Oct–Nov 1906 1519–1674 44: 97
16 May 1907 115 10 Dec 1906 1675–1769 44: 235
10 Oct 1907 116 1 Jan 1907 1–162 44: 347 published during vacation
10 Oct 1907 116 2 Feb 1907 163–378 44: 347 published during vacation
10 Oct 1907 116 3 Mar 1907 379–600 44: 347 published during vacation
5 Dec 1907 116 4–5 Apr–May 1907 601–852 44: 451 published during vacation
2 Jan 1908 116 6 Jun 1907 45: 1 probably available in late 1907
20 Feb 1908 116 7 Jul 1907 45: 81
14 May 1908 116 8 Oct 1907 45: 183
14 May 1908 116 9 Nov 1907 45: 183
19 Jun 1908 116 10 Dec 1907 45: 305
15 Oct 1908 117 1 Jan 1908 1–118 45: 391 published during vacation
15 Oct 1908 117 2 Feb 1908 119–256 45: 391 published during vacation
29 Oct 1908 117 3 Mar 1908 257–368 45: 465
10 Dec 1908 117 4 Apr 1908 369–518 45: 517
14 Jan 1909 117 5–6 May–Jun 1908 519–710 46: 9
4 Feb 1909 117 7 Jul 1908 711–970 46: 19
29 Apr 1909 117 8 Oct 1908 971–1124 46: 115
11 Jun 1909 117 9–10 Nov–Dec 1908 1125–1422 46: 225
1 Jul 1909 118 1–2 Jan–Feb 1909 1–182 46: 271
14 Oct 1909 118 3 Mar 1909 183–272 46: 311 published during vacation
14 Oct 1909 118 4 Apr 1909 273–486 46: 311 published during vacation
14 Oct 1909 118 5 May 1909 487–634 46: 311 published during vacation
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 5. Continued.
Table 5. Continued.
23 Oct 1919 127 6–7 Jun–Jul 1918 413–518 56: 305 possibly published during
23 Oct 1919 127 8–9 Oct–Nov 1918 519–668 56: 305 vacation and presented at 2nd
23 Oct 1919 127 10 Dec 1918 669–795 56: 305 meeting after vacation
– Page 92 of volume 2 (minutes of 18 May 1865) (http:// meeting. These are also probably the dates of publication of
www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/28508#page/111/ the last fascicle of each volume, but for nomenclatural pur-
mode/1up) has a postmark of arrival or transit in Stras- poses these dates are of limited use since separates of earlier
bourg (France) on 1 June 1865. works in the volume had already been distributed. Dates of
– Page 24 of vol. 49 (minutes of 25 January 1912) (http:// the individual papers should be reconstructed by other sourc-
www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/89124#page/ 72/mode/ es, for example Naturae Novitates. The production of some
1up) has a post mark of arrival in Washington D.C. on 14 volumes spanned over several years.
February. There is no evidence that separates of papers in the Sit-
The Sitzungsberichte and Denkschriften were announced zungsberichte were available before the livraisons. This was
at meetings immediately upon publication and, starting with probably not needed given that several livraisons were pub-
volume 7 (1870), this was mentioned immediately in the lished every year; if separates were available before the livrai-
corresponding Anzeiger (Tables 4–5). The Sizungsberiche sons this could have been only for a short time and the dates
also included the minutes of meetings, but with less detail; below could apply to separates too.
they sometimes also listed the works presented at the meet- The Sitzungsberichte and Anzeiger also include announce-
ings. ments of books published by the Academy or received from
The Anzeiger also mentioned that each paper of Sitzungs- authors, societies or other academies. These allow other
berichte and Denkschriften could be bought as a separate. A works (for example, Kner (1865–1867) on the fishes of the
table of contents of each new livraison of Sitzungsberichte Novara Expedition) to be dated.
and Denkschriften was distributed with the Anzeiger; it also The Sitzungsberiche had three Abteilungen, correspond-
indicated the price of the separates. The dates of the meet- ing to different specialties. Abteilung one included works on
ings on which each livraison was presented is the publica- mineralogy, botany, zoology, geology and palaeontology.
tion date of the respective livraisons. There are, however,
exceptions since there were "Academy vacations" in August– Temminck & Schlegel, 1842–1850. This work was issued
September and work published in these months were first in decades (groups of 10 plates and usually 20 pages of text).
reported at the first meeting of October (in 1919 at the sec- For publication dates: see Sherborn & Jentink (1895: 149),
ond meeting). Each livraison has a date of publication (year) Mees (1962: 78), Akihito (1966) and Bauchot, Whitehead &
printed on the cover; this is not the year of publication, but Monod (1982: 67) (Table 6). However, Richardson (1846a:
the year the meetings were held. 272, 316) had received Decades 9 and 10 in March 1846 (vs.
Separates of the papers in the Denkschriften were avail- 1 May 1846, as mentioned by above authors) and Troschel
able for sale apparently as soon as they were printed, before (1847: 346) recorded Decade 14 among publications for
the complete volumes. The memoirs were then assembled in 1846. See under Acheilognathus and Zacco.
a volume under a single cover. The volumes were more or Plates lettered 2A to 66A are not mentioned in the text,
less annual and often presented near the end of the year. The only in the list, p. 315–323, prepared after the text was print-
separates have their own pagination while the volumes have ed. The plates were not issued in the sequence of the num-
a continuous pagination. The dates for Denkschriften in Ta- bering (see Akihito, 1966: fig. 24), which means that with
ble 4 are the dates of presentation of complete volumes at a present knowledge only plates in Decades 7 (71–73, 80, 83,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Table 6. Publication dates of the text of Temminck & 83A, 84, 85, 87–89) and 9 (pls. 62, 63, 65, 69, 70, 77, 82, 86,
Schlegel's fish volume in Fauna japonica, compiled from 86bis, 93) are accurately dated. For some species, plates and
Mees (1962), Akihito (1966), Bauchot et al. (1982) and data text were issued together, for others we know that they were
herein, based on the assumption that most decades were not issued together and case by case we know or do not know
effectively 20 pages long: which appeared first, and for others we do not know. For
example, for Erythrichthys the text is on p. 117 in Decade 7
and plate 63 was in Decade 9. See also under Foetorepus
decas pages date text
altivelis. For the unsorted cases I retain the date of publica-
tion of the text.
1 1–20 11 February 1843
2–4 21–72 19 March 1844
Vaillant & Bocourt, 1874–1915. Vaillant died before com-
5–6 73–112 18 December 1844
pleting this work and its publication was interrupted. The
7–8 113–152 11 October 1845
title page was never printed so that the volume does not have
9 153–172 March 1846
a formal title.
10 173–188 March 1846
11–12 189–(? 228) 26 August 1846
13 (? 229)–(? 248) 22 November 1846
14 (? 249)–272 12 January 1847
15 273–(? 292) 26 June 1847
16 (? 293)–324 19 July 1850
Titles of publications in languages using the Latin alphabet appear as on original. For publications using other alphabets, if
a translation of the title in a language using the Latin alphabet is given in the paper, this translation is used, in the language of
the translation; if no translation is given, the title is translated into English. For journal names in languages not using the Latin
alphabet, I use the translation in the language on the cover; otherwise the title is translated into English. When relevant,
bibliographic notes are included in square brackets at the end of the reference. This includes information on dates of publica-
tion, references to reviews and translations, reprint editions, authorship, works placed on Official Indexes by the ICZN, etc.
When several works were published by an author in the same year, they are listed in the sequence they were entered in the
database; no attempt was made to list them in the chronological sequence of publication (except for the publications of
P. Bleeker before 1860 which are in the chronological sequence).
When relevant, bibliographic notes are included in brackets at the end of the references. This includes information
on dates of publication, references to reviews and translations, reprint editions, authorship, works placed on Official Indexes
by the ICZN, etc. For cases where the Notes are too extensive or include new information not yet presented elsewhere, this
information is presented under Bibliographic Notes. These references are marked by asterisks (*) in front of the title.
Aarn, W. Ivantsoff & M. Kottelat. 1998. Phylogenetic anal- nese Journal of Ichthyology, 3 (3/4/5): 121–128, pl. 1.
ysis of Telmatherinidae (Teleostei: Atherinomorpha), Ablan, G. L. 1940. Two new Philippine gobioids. Philip-
with description of Marosatherina, a new genus from pine Journal of Science, 71 (4): 373–379, pls. 1–2.
Sulawesi. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, Adamson, E. A. S., D. A. Hurwood, A. M. Baker & P.
9 (3): 311–323. B. Mather. 2009. Population subdivision in Siamese mud
Abbott, C. C. 1860. Description of new species of apodal carp Henicorhynchus siamensis in the Mekong River
fishes in the museum of the Academy of Natural Scien- basin: implications for management. Journal of Fish
ces, of Philadelphia. Proceedings of the Academy of Biology, 75 (6): 1371–1392.
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 12: 475–479. [Publica- Adrim, M., I-S. Chen, Z.-P. Chen, K. K. P. Lim, H. H. Tan,
tion date: Eschmeyer, 2010]. Y. Yusof & Z. Jaafar. 2004. Marine fishes recorded from
Abbott, J. F. 1901. List of fishes collected in the river Pei- the Anambas and Natuna Islands, South China Sea. Raf-
Ho, at Tien-tsin, China, by Noah Fields Drake, with de- fles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. 11: 117–130.
scriptions of seven new species. Proceedings of the Unit- Agassiz, L. 1829. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in
ed States National Museum, 23 (1221): 483–491. itinere per Brasiliam annis MDCCCXVII–MDCCCXX
Abe, T. 1939. Notes on Sphoeroides xanthopterus (Tem- [...] collegit et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix [...]
minck et Schlegel) (Tetraodontidae, Teleostei). Zoolog- digessit, descripsit et observationibus anatomicis illus-
ical Magazin, Tokyo, 51: 334–337. travit Dr. L. Agassiz. Martius, Monachii. 1829: i–xvi +
Abe, T. 1949. Taxonomic studies on the puffers (Tetraodon- 1–82, pls. 1–45; 1831: 83–138, pls. 46–76. [Dates of pub-
tidae, Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent regions. lication of various pages more complex, see Kottelat, 1988a: 11].
V. Synopsis of the puffers from Japan and adjacent re- Agassiz, L. 1832. Untersuchungen über die fossilen Süss-
gions. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, wasser-Fische der tertiären Formationen. Jahrbuch für
14 (13): 89–140, pls. 1–2. Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten-
Abe, T. 1950. Taxonomic studies on the puffers kunde, 3: 129–138.
(Tetraodontidae,Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent re- Agassiz, L. 1833–1844. Recherches sur les poissons fos-
gions – VI. Variation of pectoral fin. (With some addi- siles. L'Auteur [Agassiz], Neuchâtel. 5 vols. text, 5 vols.
tions to the previous reports of the present series). Japa- atlas, 1: xlix+188 pp., pls. H–K; 2: 310+336 pp., pls. A–
nese Journal of Ichthyology, 1 (3): 198–206. F, 1–75; 3: 390+32 pp., pls. A–S, 1–47; 4: 296+22 pp.,
Abe, T. 1951. Taxonomic studies on the puffers pls. A–L, 41–44; 5: 122+160 pp., pls. A–M, 1–64. [Pub-
(Tetraodontidae,Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent re- lication dates: see Jeannet, 1928, 1929].
gions. – VI. Variation of pectoral fin. (With some addi- Agassiz, L. 1835a. See 1833–1844.
tions to the previous reports of the present series). [contd]. Agassiz, L. 1835b. Description de quelques espèces de cy-
Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 1 (4): 272–283. prins du Lac de Neuchâtel, qui sont encore inconnues
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gions. – VII. Concluding remarks, with the introduction Agassiz, L. 1842. Nomina systematica generum avium, tam
of two new genera, Fugu and Boesemanichthys. Japa- viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeti-
nese Journal of Ichthyology, 2 (1): 35–44, (2): 93–97, cum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris in quibus repe-
(3) 117–127. riuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas
Abe, T. 1954. Taxonomic studies on the puffers from Japan pertinent. In: Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomi-
and adjacent regions – corrigenda and addenda. Pt. I. Japa- na systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam
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relle (suite) (famille des Sparidae). Bulletin du Muséum Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & R. J. McKay. 1983b. Cata-
National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 3, 24 (Zoolo- logue critique des types de poissons du Muséum natio-
gie, 18): 33–99. nal d'Histoire naturelle (suite) (famille des Haemulidae
Bauchot, M.-L. & J. Daget. 1996. Un bicentenaire: le trans- et des Sillaginidae). Bulletin du Muséum National
fert à Paris du cabinet du Stathouder. Son importance d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 4, Sect. A, 5 (2, Suppl.):
pour l'ichtyologie. Cybium, 20 (3): 219–250. 27–62.
Bauchot, M.-L., J. Daget & R. Bauchot. 1990. L'ichtyologie Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & J. E. Randall. 1984. Cata-
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Sér. 4, 12 (1, Suppl.): 1–142. Sér. 4, 6 (A, 3, suppl.): 3–82.
Bauchot, M.-L. & M. Desoutter. 1986. Catalogue critique Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & B. C. Russell. 1983a. Cat-
des types de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire alogue critique des types de poissons du Muséum natio-
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Apogonidae, Centrarchidae, Centropomidae, Dinoles- dae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle,
tidae, Glaucosomatidae, Grammatidae, Kuhliidae, Per- Paris, Sér. 4, Sect. A, 5 (2, Suppl.): 3–25.
cidae, Percichthyidae, Plesiopidae, Priacanthidae, Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & T. Sato. 1983c. Catalogue
Pseudochromidae, et Teraponidae). Bulletin du Muséum critique des types de poissons du Muséum national
National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 4, 8 (4, suppl.): d'Histoire naturelle (suite) (famille des Lethrinidae).
51–130. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris,
Bauchot, M.-L. & M. Desoutter. 1987. Catalogue critique Sér. 4, Sect. A, 5 (2, Suppl.): 63–78.
des types de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire Bauchot, M.-L. & J. Guibé. 1960. Catalogue des types de
naturelle (suite) (famille des Sciaenidae). Bulletin du poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 4, Famille des Scaridae. Bulletin du Muséum National
Sect. A, 9 (3, Suppl.): 1–43. d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 2, 32 (4): 290–300.
Bauchot, M.-L. & M. Desoutter. 1989. Catalogue critique Bauchot, M.-L. & J. E. Randall. 1996. Catalogue critique
des types de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire des types de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire
naturelle (suite). Sous-ordre des Percoidei (familles des naturelle. Familles des Acanthuridae et des Zanclidae.
Aplodactylidae, Apolectidae, Arripidae, Cepolidae, Cybium, 20 (8): 55–74.
Cheilodactylidae, Chironemidae, Cirrhitidae, Eche- Bauchot, M.-L., P. J. P. Whitehead & T. Monod. 1982. Date
neidae, Enoplosidae, Embiotocidae, Gerreidae, Lactari- of publication and authorship of the fish names in Eydoux
idae, Latrididae, Leiognathidae, Lobotidae, Mala- & Souleyet's zoology of La Bonite, 1841–1852. Cybium,
canthidae, Menidae, Nandidae, Oplegnathidae, Owsto- 6 (3): 59–73.
niidae, Pomatomidae et Rachycentridae). Bulletin du Bauer, A. M., R. Günther & M. Klipfel. 1995. The herpeto-
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 4, logical contributions of Wilhelm C. H. Peters (1815–
Sect. A, 11 (2, Suppl.): 1–58. 1883). A collection in facsimile of 174 titles. With an
Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & G. R. Allen. 1978. Catalo- introduction, annotated bibliography, and synopsis of
gue critique des types de poissons du Muséum national taxa. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles,
d'Histoire naturelle (suite) (famille des Pomacentridae). Ithaca, 714 pp.
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Bean, T. H. 1883. Description of a new species of Alepido-
Sér. 3, Suppl. 1: 1–56. saurus (A. aesculapius) from Alaska. Proceedings of the
Bauchot, M.-L., M. Desoutter & G. R. Allen. 1981. Catalo- United States National Museum, 5 (342): 661–663.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Bellotti, C. 1892. Un nuovo siluroide giapponese. Atti della fishes, forming part of a collection from Mauritius, pre-
Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali di Milano, 34 (1): sented by M. Julien Desjardins. Proceedings of the Zoo-
99–101. logical Society of London, 1835 (3): 206–208. [Title in
Bellwood, D. R. 1994. A phylogenetic study of the parrot- table of contents: Characters of several fishes from the
fishes family Scaridae (Pisces: Labroidei), with a revi- Isle of France]. [Authorship indicated p. iii; published 8 April
sion of genera. Records of the Australian Museum, Suppl., 1836].
20: 1–86. Bennett, J. W. 1828–1830. A selection from the most re-
Benl, G. 1957a. Tetraodon leiurus brevirostris, subsp. nova. markable and interesting fishes found on the coast of
Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschift [DATZ], 10 (3): Ceylon. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, Lon-
63–65. don, ii+30 pp., 30 pls. [Pls. 1–5, 6 May 1828; pls. 6–10,
Benl, G. 1957b. Carinotetraodon chlupatyi nov. gen., nov. 8 June 1828; pls. 11–15. 26 October 1829; pls. 16–20, 10
spec., ein Kugelfisch mit Kamm und Kiel [Pisces, Fam. February 1830; pls. 21–25, ? 15 April 1830; pls. 26–30,
Tetraodontidae] (vorläufige Mitteilung). Opuscula Zoo- 15 April 1830]. [Publication dates and history, see Pethiyagoda et
logica, 5: 1–4. al., 1994].
Benl, G. & P. Chlupaty. 1957. Carinotetraodon, eine neue Ben-Tuvia, A. & G. W. Kissil. 1988. Fishes of the family
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Zeitschift [DATZ], 10 (9): 227–229. Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. Ichthyological
Benl, G. & W. Klausewitz. 1962. Puntius somphongsi n. sp. Bulletin, J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, 52: 1–16.
aus Thailand (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Senckenbergiana Bio- Benziger, A., S. Philip, R. Raghavan, P. H. Anvar Ali,
logica, 43 (1): 21–26, pl. 2. M. Sukumaran, J. C. Tharian, N. Dahanukar, F. Baby,
Bennett, E. T. 1828. Observations on the fishes contained in R. Peter, K. Rema Devi, K. V. Radhakrishnan, M. A.
the collection of the Zoological Society. On some fishes Haniffa, R. Britz & A. Antunes. 2011. Unraveling a 146
from the Sandwich Islands. Zoological Journal, 4: 31–42. years old taxonomic puzzle: validation of Malabar snake-
Bennett, E. T. 1830. [Catalogue of zoological specimens]. head, species-status and its relevance for channid sys-
Class Pisces. Pp. 686–694 in: S. Raffles, Memoirs of tematics and evolution. PLoS ONE, 6 (6): 1–12.
the life and public services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raf- Berg, L. S. 1906. [Ueber Gyrinocheilus kaznakovi n. sp.
fles […], particularly in the government of Java, 1811– (Cyprinidae, subfam. Gyrinocheilini) aus Siam]. Trudy
1816, and of Bencoolen and its dependencies, 1817– St.-Petersburgskago Obscestvo Estestvoispytatelej
1824; with details of the commerce and resources of the [Travaux de la Société des Naturalistes de St.-Péters-
eastern archipelago, and selections from his correspon- bourg], 37: 305–307, 364–366. [In Russian and German].
dence, by his widow. Murray, London, xv+723+100 pp., Berg, L. S. 1907. Beschreibungen einiger neuer Fische aus
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630; published February 1830, Sherborn, 1922: civ]. gique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St-Péters-
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Mauritius]. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Akademii Nauk, Sankt-Peterburg], 12: 418–423.
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1830–1831 (5): 59–60. l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St-Pétersbourg,
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fishes formed at the Mauritius by Mr. Telfair]. Proceed- 269, pls. 1–3. [In Russian].
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of the Zoological Society of London, 1830–1831 (10): phes. Poissons (Marsipobranchii et Pisces). Vol. 3. Os-
126–128. tariophysi. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk, St-Pétersbourg,
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of London, 1830–1831 (12): 145–148. Berg, L. S. 1932–1933. [Les poissons des eaux douces de
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Mauritius by Charles Telfair]. Proceedings of the Com- augmentée]. Institut de Pêches et de Pisciculture, Lenin-
mittee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological grad, 1 (1932 [after mid-December]): 1–543, 2 (1933):
Society of London, 1830–31 (13): 165–169. [Published 545–903. [Publication date from N. Bogutskaya, pers. comm.].
16 January 1832, Duncan, 1937: 78]. Berg, L. S. 1934. [Notes on Culter recurviceps (Rich.) (Cy-
Bennett, E. T. 1833a. [A numerous collection of fishes was prinidae)]. Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences
exhibited which had been formed in Ceylon by Dr. Sib- de l'URSS, 1934: 264–266. [In Russian, English sum-
bald]. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Cor- mary].
respondence of the Zoological Society of London, 1832 Berg, L. S. 1938. On some south China loaches (Cobitidae,
(24): 182–184. [Published 14 January 1833, Duncan, 1937: 78]. Pisces). Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes de
Bennett, E. T. 1833b. [Fishes presented by Mr. Telfair]. Pro- Moscou, Section Biologique, 47 (5–6): 314–318.
ceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1833 (1– Berg, L. S. 1940. Classification of fishes, both recent and
3): 32. fossil. Trudy Zoologiceskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk
Bennett, E. T. 1836. Specimens were exhibited of various SSSR, 5 (2): 87–517. [In Russian, pp. 87–345, in English, pp. 346–
500; reprinted 1947 by Edwards, Ann Arbor; English title of transla- bicana. Fasciculus X. Memorie della Accademia delle
tion as above, Russian text actually: Classification of the ichthyoides Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, 8: 451–465, pls. 24–27.
and fishes, both living and fossils].
Bianconi, G.-G. 1858a. [Il decimno fascicolo de' suoi Speci-
Berg, L. S. 1948–1949. [Freshwater fishes of the U. S. S. R. mina zoologica mosambicana]. Rendiconto delle Sessioni
and adjacent countries]. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna,
SSSR, Moskva & Leningrad, vol. 1 (1948): 1–466, vol. 2 1857–58: 52–53.
(1949): 467–926, vol. 3 (1949): 927–1382, 1 map. [Trans- Bianconi, G. G. 1858b. Specimina zoologica mosambicana.
lation: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1965,
1: vi+504 pp., 2: vi+496 pp., 3:vi+510 pp. ].
Fasciculus XI. Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze
Berra, T. M. 2001. Freshwater fish distribution. Academic dell'Istituto di Bologna, 9: 435–444, pls. 28–29.
Press, San Diego, xxxviii+604 pp. Bianconi, G. G. 1859. Fasciculus XIII. Pp. 259–270, pls. 8–9
Berti, R. & A. Ercolini. 1991. Caecogobius cryptophthal- in: G. G. Bianconi (1850–62), Specimina zoologica mo-
mus n. gen. n. sp. (Gobiidae Gobiinae), the first stygo- sambicana quibus vel novae vel minus notae animalium
bic fish from Philippines. Tropical Zoology, 4: 129–138. species illustrantur. Academia Scientiarum, Bononiae
Bertin, L. 1939. Catalogue des types de Poissons du Mu- [Bologna], ii+363 pp., 48 pls. [Fascicles 13 dated 6 April
séum national d'Histoire naturelle – 1re partie Cyclos- 1859, p. 270].
tomes et Sélaciens. Bulletin du Muséum National Bilecenoglu, M., E. Taskavak, S. Mater & M. Kaya. 2002.
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 2, 11 (1): 51–98. Checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Zootaxa, 113:
Bertin, L. 1940. Catalogue des types de Poissons du Mu- 1–194.
séum national d'Histoire naturelle – 2e partie dipneustes, Blainville, H. de [H. M. Ducrotay de Blainville]. 1816. Pro-
chondrostéens, holostéens, isospondyles. Bulletin du drome d'une nouvelle distribution systématique du règne
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 2, 2 animal. Bulletin des Sciences de la Société Philomathi-
(6): 244–322. que de Paris, 1816: 105–124. [Published in July 1816, see
p. 16: "Livraison de juillet"]. [Pagination problem: there is no pages
Bertin, L. 1941. Mise au point sur quelques espèces de 113–120].
clupéidés. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, Blainville, H. de [H. M. Ducrotay de Blainville]. 1818. Pois-
66: 18–25. sons fossiles. Pp. 310–394 in: Nouveau dictionnaire
Bertin, L. 1945. Cent-cinquantenaire de la chaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'agriculture, à
d'Ichthyologie et d'Herpétologie. Bulletin du Muséum l'économie rurale et domestique, à la médecine, etc. par
National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 2, 17: 353–372. une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouvelle
Bertin, L. & R. P. Dollfus. 1948. Révision des espèces du édition presque entièrement refondue et considérable-
genre Decapterus (Téléostéens Scombriformes). Mémoi- ment augmentée. Vol. 27. Déterville, Paris, 586 pp. [Also
res du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, as: Sur les ichthyolites ou les poissons fossiles. Lanoé, Paris, 91 pp.;
Nouvelle Série, 26 (1): 1–29, pls. 1–2. published 26 December 1818, Evenhuis, 1997: 199].
Bertin, L. & R. Estève. 1948. Catalogue des types de pois- Blainville, H. de [H. M. Ducrotay de Blainville]. 1825.
sons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. 4e partie. Vertébrés. Classe V. Poissons. In L.-P. Vieillot et al.,
Ostariophysaires (Cypriniformes). Muséum National 1820–30. Faune francaise ou histoire naturelle générale
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 117 pp. et particulière des animaux qui se trouvent en France,
Bertin, L. & R. Estève. 1950a. Catalogue des types de pois- constamment ou passagèrement, à la surface du sol, dans
sons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. 5e partie les eaux qui le baignent, et dans le littoral des mers qui
Ostariophysaires (Siluriformes). Muséum National le bornent. Levrault, Paris & Strasbourg, 96 pp. [Publica-
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 85 pp. tion date: see Sherborn & Woodward, 1901b: 493].
Bertin, L. & R. Estève. 1950b. Catalogue des types de pois- Blanc, M. 1963. Catalogue des types d'Anabantidae et
sons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. 6e partie. d'Ophicephalidae (poissons téléostéens perciformes) en
Haplomes, hétéromes, catostéomes. Muséum National collection au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 60 pp. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris,
Bessednov, L. N. 1967. [Sea stinging catfishes of the genus Sér. 2, 35: 70–77.
Plotosus Lacépède from the Tonkin Bay]. Zoologiceskij Blanc, M. & J.-C. Hureau. 1968. Catalogue critique des types
Zhurnal, 46: 443–447. [In Russian, English summary]. de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Bianconi, G.-G. 1854a. [Fascicolo VIII de' suoi Saggi zoo- (poissons à joues cuirassées). Publications Diverses du
logici mozambicani]. Rendiconto delle Sessioni della Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 23: 1–71.
Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, 1853– Blanc, M. & J.-C. Hureau. 1972. Catalogue critique des types
54: 68–69. de Poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Bianconi, G.-G. [J. J.] 1854b. Specimina zoologica mosam- (Suite) (Mugiliformes et Polynémiformes). Bulletin du
bicana. Fasciculus VIII. Memorie della Accademia delle Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 3, 15
Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, 6: 139–151, pls. 1–3. (Zoologie, 15) (1971 [1972]): 673–734.
Bianconi, G.-G. 1857a. [Fascicolo XI de' suoi Specimina Blanford, W. T. & H. F. Blanford. 1862. Contributions to
zoologica mosambicana]. Rendiconto delle Sessioni della Indian malacology. Journal of the Asiatiatic Society of
Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, 1856– Bengal, 30 (1861 [1862]): 347–366, pls. 1–2.
57: 99–102. * Bleeker, P. 1845 [2]. Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige to-
Bianconi, G.-G. [J. J.] 1857b. Specimina zoologica mosam- pographie van Batavia. III. Fauna en derzelver Producten
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
[continued]. Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neêr- gladschubbige Labroiëden [lipvisschen], met beschrijv-
land's Indië, 2 (3): 497–534. [Fishes, pp. 505–528]. ing van 11 nieuwe species. Verhandelingen van het Ba-
Bleeker, P. 1846a [5]. Siluroideorum bataviensium conspec- taviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,
tus diagnosticus [Overzigt der Siluroiden, welke te Ba- 22 [3]: 1–64. [August, 1849; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1847e].
tavia voorkomen]. Typis Societatis Artium et Scientiarum Bleeker, P. 1849c [13]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Percoïden
Bataviensis, Batavia, 60 pp. [Before April 1846; preprint of van den Malaijo-Molukschen archipel, met beschrijv-
Bleeker, 1847a]. ing van 22 nieuwe soorten. Verhandelingen van het Ba-
Bleeker, P. 1846b [3]. Overzicht der Siluroieden, welke te taviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,
Batavia voorkomen. Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief 22 [4]: 1–64 + errata. [Errata on a separate slip, glued in bound
voor Neêrland's Indië, 3 (2): 135–184. [July 1846; same volume. August 1849; volume given as 23 on pp. 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41,
text as Bleeker, 1846a: 1–49; also exists as separate, 1846, Typis So- 49, 57, but actually in vol. 22].
cietatis Artium et Scientiarum Bataviensis, Batavia, 50 pp.]. Bleeker, P. 1849d [15]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Blen-
Bleeker, P. 1846c [4]. Siluroideus bataviensium species nu- nioïden en Gobioïden van den Soenda-Molukschen ar-
perrime detectae. Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor chipel, met beschrijving van 42 nieuwe species. Verhan-
Neêrland's Indië, 3 (2): 284–293. [July 1846]. delingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten
Bleeker, P. 1846d [7]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der en Wetenschappen, 22 [6]: 1–40. [August 1849; volume given
Siluroieden van Java. Drukkerij van het Bataviaasch as 23 on pp. 9, 17, 25, 33, but actually in vol. 22].
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 12 pp. Bleeker, P. 1849e [17]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo-
[Preprint of Bleeker, 1847c]. logische fauna van het eiland Bali, met beschrijving van
Bleeker, P. 1847a [5]. Siluroideorum bataviensium conspec- eenige nieuwe species. Verhandelingen van het Batavia-
tus diagnosticus [Overzigt der Siluroiden, welke te Ba- asch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 22
tavia voorkomen]. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch [7]: 1–11. [August 1849].
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 21 [2]: Bleeker, P. 1849f [16]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyolo-
1–60. [Also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1846a]. gische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving
Bleeker, P. 1847b [6]. Labroideorum ctenoideorum batavi- van eenige nieuwe soorten. Verhandelingen van het Ba-
ensium diagnoses et adumbrationes [Overzigt der te taviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,
Batavia voorkomende soorten van kamschubbige la- 22 [8]: 1–16. [August 1849; volume given as 23 on p. 9, but actu-
broieden, met beschrijving van 5 nieuwe species]. Ver- ally in vol. 22].
handelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- Bleeker, P. 1849g [18]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sciaenoï-
sten en Wetenschappen, 21 [3]: 1–33. den van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel, met
Bleeker, P. 1847c [7]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der beschrijving van 7 nieuwe soorten. Verhandelingen van
Siluroieden van Java. Verhandelingen van het Batavia- het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en
asch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 21 Wetenschappen, 23 (5): 1–31. [Preprint of Bleeker, 1850a; pp.
[4]: 1–12. [Also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1846d]. 9, 17, 25 have the erroneous mention "23ste deel. 1842"].
Bleeker, P. 1847d [8]. Pharyngognathorum siluroideorum- Bleeker, P. 1849h [25]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo-
que species novae javanenses. Natuur- en Geneeskun- logische fauna van Midden- en Oost-Java, met beschrij-
dig Archief voor Neêrland's Indië, 4: 155–169. ving van eenige nieuwe species. Verhandelingen van het
Bleeker, P. 1847e [11]. Overzigt der te Batavia voorkomende Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschap-
gladschubbige labroiëden [lipvisschen], met beschrijving pen, 23 (12): 1–23. [Preprint of Bleeker, 1850h].
van 11 nieuwe species. Drukkerij van het Bataviaasch Bleeker, P. 1850a [18]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sciaenoï-
Genootschap, 64 pp. [December 1847; preprint of Bleeker, 1849b; den van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel, met beschr-
also in French, Bleeker, 1848a, 1848b]. ijving van 7 nieuwe soorten. Verhandelingen van het Ba-
Bleeker, P. 1848a [12]. Coup d'oeil sur les labroïdes à écailles taviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen,
lisses qui se présentent à Batavia; – description de onze 23 (5): 1–31. [October 1850; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1849g;
espèces nouvelles. Moniteur des Indes Orientales et pp. 9, 17, 25 have the erroneous mention "23ste deel. 1842"].
Occidentale, 3 (2, part 1): 41–65. [April 1848; continued in Bleeker, P. 1850b [19]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sparoïden
Bleeker, 1848b; translation of Bleeker, 1847e]. van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Verhandelingen
Bleeker, P. 1848b [12]. Coup d'oeil sur les labroïdes à écailles van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wet-
lisses qui se présentent à Batavia; – description de onze tenschappen, 23 (6): 1–16. [October 1850; exists also as pp.
espèces nouvelles. Moniteur des Indes Orientales et 1–16 of a preprint with shared cover with Bleeker, 1850c, with title:
Occidentale, 3 (3, part 1): 97–112. [May 1848; continued "Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sparoïden en Maenoïden van den Soenda-
from Bleeker, 1848a; translation of Bleeker, 1847e]. Moluksch Archipel, met beschrijving van 5 nieuwe soorten"].
Bleeker, P. 1848c [9]. A contribution to the knowledge of Bleeker, P. 1850c [20]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Maenoïden
the ichthyological fauna of Sumbawa. Journal of the van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel. Verhandelingen
Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, 2 (9): 632–639. van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten-
[Error of translation corrected in 1849, vol. 3 (3): xviii]. schappen, 23 (7): 1–13. [October 1850; exists also as pp. 17–
Bleeker, P. 1849a [10]. A contribution to the knowledge of 29 of a preprint with shared cover with Bleeker, 1850b, with title:
"Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sparoïden en Maenoïden van den Soenda-
the ichthyological fauna of Celebes. Journal of the Indi- Moluksch Archipel, met beschrijving van 5 nieuwe soorten"].
an Archipelago & Eastern Asia, 3: 65–74. [January 1849]. Bleeker, P. 1850d [21]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der visschen
Bleeker, P. 1849b [11]. Overzigt der te Batavia voorkomende met doolhofvormige kieuwen van den Soenda-Moluk-
schen archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 24 (10):
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 23 (8): 1–20. [December 1850; preprint of Bleeker, 1852l; appendix (pp.
1–15. [October 1850]. 21–26) not included in preprint, see Bleeker, 1852l].
Bleeker, P. 1850e [22]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chaeto- Bleeker, P. 1851a [57]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der
dontoïden van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel. Ver- makreelachtige visschen van den Soenda-Molukschen
handelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genoot-
sten en Wetenschappen, 23 (9): 1–31. [October 1850]. schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 24 (5): 1–88. [Jan-
Bleeker, P. 1850f [23]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Teuthieden uary 1851; preprint of Bleeker, 1852g; second appendix (pp. 89–93)
van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Verhandelingen not included in preprint, see Bleeker, 1852g].
van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wet- Bleeker, P. 1851b [61]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Pleuronec-
tenschappen, 23 (10): 1–13. [October 1850; exists also as pp. teoïden van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel. Verhan-
1–14 of a preprint with shared cover with Bleeker, 1850g, with title delingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten
"Bijdrage tot de kennis der Teuthieden en Rhynchobdelloiden van den en Wetenschappen, 24 (9): 1–28. [January 1851; preprint of
Soenda-Molukschen archipel"]. Bleeker, 1852k; second appendix (pp. 29–32) not included in preprint,
Bleeker, P. 1850g [24]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Notacan- see Bleeker, 1852k].
thini van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel. Verhandelin- Bleeker, P. 1851c [34]. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van
gen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Blennioïden en Gobioïden van den indischen archipel.
Wetenschappen, 23 (11): 1–6. [October 1850; exists also as Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië,
pp. 15–20 of a preprint with shared cover with Bleeker, 1850f, with 1: 236–258, 1 pl. [February 1851].
title "Bijdrage tot de kennis der Teuthieden en Rhynchobdelloiden van Bleeker, P. 1851d [35]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der
den Soenda-Molukschen archipel"]. ichthyologische fauna van Borneo met beschrijving van
Bleeker, P. 1850h [25]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Natuur-
logische fauna van Midden- en Oost-Java, met beschrij- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 259–275.
ving van eenige nieuwe species. Verhandelingen van het [February 1851].
Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschap- Bleeker, P. 1851e [36]. Oxybelus Brandesii Blkr. eene nieu-
pen, 23 (12): 1–23. [October 1850; also as separate, see Bleeker, we soort van Ophidini van Banda Neira. Natuurkundig
1849h]. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 276–278, 1 pl.
Bleeker, P. 1850i [26]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyolo- [February 1851].
gische fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van 16 nieu- Bleeker, P. 1851f [37]. Over eenige nieuwe geslachten en
we soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Natuurkundig Tijd- soorten van makreelachtige visschen van den Indischen
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 1–16. [October 1850]. archipel. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch
Bleeker, P. 1850j [27]. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Scle- Indië, 1: 341–372. [April 1851].
roparei van den indischen archipel. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, P. 1851g [38]. Over eeniger nieuwe soorten van
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 17–27. [October 1850]. pleuronecteoïden van den indischen archipel. Natuur-
Bleeker, P. 1850k [28]. Over twee nieuwe soorten van Cal- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 401–416.
lionymus van den indischen archipel. Natuurkundig Tijd- [April 1851].
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 28–32. [October 1850]. Bleeker, P. 1851h [39]. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van
Bleeker, P. 1850l [29]. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Be- Megalops, Dussumieria, Notopterus en Astronesthes.
lone en Hemiramphus van Java. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië,
voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 93–95. [December 1850]. 1: 417–424. [April 1851].
Bleeker, P. 1850m [30]. Over drie nieuwe soorten van Te- Bleeker, P. 1851i [59]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chirocen-
traödon van den indischen archipel. Natuurkundig Tijd- troïdei, Lutodeiri, Butirini, Elopes, Notopteri, Salmones,
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 96–97. [December 1850]. Echeneoïdei en Ophidini van den Soenda-Molukschen
Bleeker, P. 1850n [31]. Faunae ichthyologicae Javae insu- archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genoot-
larumque adjacentium genera et species novae. Natuur- schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 24: 1–24. [April
kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 98–108. 1851; preprint of Bleeker, 1852i; appendix (pp. 25–32) not included
[December 1850]. in preprint, see Bleeker, 1852i].
Bleeker, P. 1850o [32]. Visschen van Banka. Natuurkundig Bleeker, P. 1851j [42]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich-
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 1: 159–161. [De- thyologische fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van
cember 1850]. eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Natuur-
Bleeker, P. 1850p [58]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der snoekacht- kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 2: 57–70.
ige visschen van den Soenda-Molukschen archipel. Ver- [May–June 1851].
handelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kun- Bleeker, P. 1851k [44]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der
sten en Wetenschappen, 24 (6): 1–24. [December 1850; pre- Percoïdei, Scleroparei, Sciaenoïdei, Sparoïdei, Maenoï-
print of Bleeker, 1852h; appendix (pp. 25–28) not included in pre- dei, Chaetodontoïdei en Scombreoïdei van den Soenda-
print, see Bleeker, 1852h]. Molukschen archipel. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor
Bleeker, P. 1850q [62]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Gymno- Nederlandsch Indië, 2: 163–179. [May–June 1851].
gnathen van den indischen archipel [Title on cover page: Bleeker, P. 1851l [45]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich-
Bijdrage tot de kennis der blootkakige visschen van den thyologische fauna van Borneo met beshrijving van
Soenda-Molukschen archipel, met beschrijving va eenige eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Natuur-
nieuwe soorten]. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 2: 193–208.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
cember 1852; preprint of Bleeker, 1854j; appendix (pp. 63–75) and het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten-
post scriptum are a separate paper, see Bleeker, 1853p, 1854k]. schappen, 25 (8): 1–164. [November–December 1853; preprint
Bleeker, P. 1853a [69]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der of Bleeker, 1854m; appendix (pp. 165–166) first in Bleeker, 1854m;
ichthijologische fauna van Ceram. Natuurkundig Tijd- plates 1–6 published with vol. 26, see Bleeker, 1857c].
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 3: 689–714. [17 Febru- Bleeker, P. 1853p [88 suppl]. Aanhangsel op de bijdrage tot
ary 1853]. de kennis der Muraenoïden en Symbranchoïden van den
Bleeker, P. 1853b [70]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der indischen archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch
ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Banka. Natuurkun- Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (5):
dig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 3: 715–738. [17 63–76. [December 1853; preprint of Bleeker, 1854k, appendix to
February 1853]. Bleeker, 1852s].
Bleeker, P. 1853c [71]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- Bleeker, P. 1854a [83]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich-
thijologische fauna van Celebes. Natuurkundig Tijd- thyologische fauna van Ceram. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 3: 739–782. [17 Febru- voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 233–248. [January 1854].
ary 1853]. Bleeker, P. 1854b [84]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1853d [72]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. Natuurkundig Tijd-
thyologische fauna van Amboina. Natuurkundig Tijd- schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 317–352. [January
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 4: 91–130. [April 1853]. 1854].
Bleeker, P. 1853e [74]. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Bleeker, P. 1854c [85]. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der
Homaloptera v. Hass. (Balitora Gray), van Java en ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. Zoetwatervisschen
Sumatra. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch van Sambas, Pontianak en Pangaron. Natuurkundig Tijd-
Indië, 4: 155–164. [April 1853]. schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 427–462. [February
Bleeker, P. 1853f [76]. Diagnostische beschrijvingen van 1854].
nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten van Sumatra. Bleeker, P. 1854d [86]. Nieuwe tientallen diagnostische be-
Tiental V–X. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederland- schrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten
sch Indië, 4: 243–302. [July 1853]. van Sumatra. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederland-
Bleeker, P. 1853g [77]. Sycidium Parvei Blkr, eene nieuwe sch Indië, 5: 495–534. [February 1854].
soort van de Preanger regentschappen. Natuurkundig Bleeker, P. 1854e [87]. Antennarius notophthalmus eene
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 4: 426–427. [July nieuwe soort van de Meeuwenbaai. Natuurkundig Tijd-
1853]. schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 543–545. [February
Bleeker, P. 1853h [78]. Diagnostische beschrijvingen van 1854].
nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten van Batavia. Bleeker, P. 1854f [94]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthijol-
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 4: ogische fauna van Halmaheira (Gilolo). Natuurkundig
451–516. [September 1853]. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 49–62. [April 1854].
Bleeker, P. 1853i [79]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Bleeker, P. 1854g [95]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ich-
ichthyologische fauna van Ternate en Halmaheira (Gilo- thyologische fauna van de Banda-eilanden. Natuurkun-
lo). Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, dig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 89–114. [April
4: 595–610. [September 1853]. 1854].
Bleeker, P. 1853j [80]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyolo- Bleeker, P. 1854h [89]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der troskieu-
gische fauna van Solor. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor wige visschen van den indischen archipel. Verhandelin-
Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 67–96. [November 1853]. gen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en
Bleeker, P. 1853k [81]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Wetenschappen, 25 (6): 1–30. [May 1854].
ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, P. 1854i [–]. Overzigt van der geschiedenis van het
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 153–174. [November Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wettenschap-
1853]. pen van 1778–1853. Verhandelingen van het Batavia-
Bleeker, P. 1853l [82]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologische asch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25
fauna van het eiland Banka. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift (4): 1–23. [May 1854; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1853m].
voor Nederlandsch Indië, 5: 175–194. [November 1853]. Bleeker, P. 1854j [88]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Mu-
Bleeker, P. 1853m [–]. Overzigt van der geschiedenis van raenoïden en Symbranchoïden van den indischen ar-
het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetten- chipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootsc-
schappen van 1778–1853. Verhandelingen van het Bat- hap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (5): 1–62. [May
aviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1854; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1852s].
25 (4): 1–23. [November–December 1853; preprint of Bleeker, Bleeker, P. 1854k [88 suppl]. Aanhangsel op de bijdrage tot
1854i]. de kennis der Muraenoïden en Symbranchoïden van den
Bleeker, P. 1853n [90]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologie van indischen archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch
Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (5):
van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (7): 1–56, 1 pl. [No- 63–76. [May 1854; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1853p].
vember–December 1853; preprint of Bleeker, 1854l, plate published Bleeker, P. 1854l [90]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologie van
with vol. 26, see Bleeker, 1857d]. Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap
Bleeker, P. 1853o [91]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologische van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (7): 1–56, 1 pl. [May
fauna van Bengalen en Hindostan. Verhandelingen van 1854; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1853n; plate published with vol.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
26, see Bleeker, 1857d]. Bleeker, P. 1855e [126]. Visschen van de Duizendeilanden.
Bleeker, P. 1854m [91]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologische Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 8:
fauna van Bengalen en Hindostan. Verhandelingen van 344. [May 1855].
het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- Bleeker, P. 1855f [131]. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der
schappen, 25 (8): 1–166, pls. 1–6. [May 1854; also as pre- ichthyologische fauna van de Batoe-eilanden. Natuur-
print, see Bleeker, 1853o; appendix (pp. 165–166) first published here; kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 9: 65–72.
plates 1–6 published with vol. 26, see Bleeker, 1857c]. [July 1855].
Bleeker, P. 1854n [97]. Species piscium Bataviensium no- Bleeker, P. 1855g [135]. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der
vae vel minus cognitae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor ichthyologische fauna van Batjan. Zoetwatervisschen.
Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 191–202. [June 1854]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië,
Bleeker, P. 1854o [98]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der 9: 191–202. [July 1855].
ichthyologische fauna van Timor. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, P. 1855h [136]. Nalezingen op de vischfauna van
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 203–214. [June 1854]. Sumatra. Visschen van Lahat en Sibogha. Natuurkundig
Bleeker, P. 1854p [99]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 9: 257–280. [July
logische fauna van het eiland Floris. Natuurkundig Tijd- 1855].
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 311–338. [June 1854]. Bleeker, P. 1855i [128]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1854q [100]. Syngnathus tapeinosoma, eene nieu- ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. Natuurkundig Tijd-
we zeenaald van Anjer. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 8: 391–434. [August 1855].
Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 375–376. [June 1854]. Bleeker, P. 1855j [129]. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1854r [102]. Faunae ichthyologicae japonicae ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. Natuurkundig Tijd-
species novae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederland- schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 8: 435–444. [August 1855].
sch Indië, 6: 395–426. [August 1854]. Bleeker, P. 1855k [138]. Verslag van eenige verzamelingen
Bleeker, P. 1854s [103]. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der van visschen van Oost-Java. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. Natuurkundig Tijd- voor Nederlandsch Indië, 9: 391–414. [November 1855].
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 455–508. [August 1854]. Bleeker, P. 1855l [139]. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1854t [104]. Eleotris Tolsoni, eene nieuwe soort ichthijologische fauna van Borneo. Zoetwatervisschen
van Java's westhoek nabij de Meeuwnbaai. Natuurkun- van Pontianak en Bandjermasin. Natuurkundig Tijd-
dig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6: 542–543. schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 9: 415–430. [November
[August 1854]. 1855].
Bleeker, P. 1854u [105]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- Bleeker, P. 1855m [118]. Nieuwe nalezingen op de ichthy-
logische fauna van de Kokos-eilanden. Natuurkundig ologie van Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 7: 37–48. [Septem- Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 26 (4):
ber, 1854]. 1–132, 8 pls. [December 1855; preprint of Bleeker, 1857b].
Bleeker, P. 1854v [106]. Overzigt der ichthyologische fau- Bleeker, P. 1856a [144]. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der
na van Sumatra, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Bintang. Natuur-
soorten. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 10: 345–356.
Indië, 7: 49–108. [September, 1854]. [April 1856].
Bleeker, P. 1854w [109]. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Bleeker, P. 1856b [142]. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en wein-
ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. Natuurkundig Tijd- ig bekende vischsoorten van Amboina, verzameld op
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 7: 225–260. [November eene reis door den Molukschen archipel, gedaan in het
1854]. gevolg van den Gouverneur Generaal Duymaer van
Bleeker, P. 1854x [110]. Ichthyologische waarnemingen, Twist, in September en Oktober 1855. Acta Societatis
gedaan op verschillende reizen in de Residentie Banten. Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 1 (5): 1–72. [April 1856;
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, preprint of Bleeker, 1856i; supplement (pp. 73–76) not included in
7: 309–326. [November 1854]. preprint, see Bleeker, 1856e].
Bleeker, P. 1855a [112]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- Bleeker, P. 1856c [148]. Verslag omtrent eenige vischsoorten
logische fauna van Batjan. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor gevangen aan de zuidkust van Malang in Oost-Java.
Nederlandsch Indië, 7: 359–378. [January 1855]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië,
Bleeker, P. 1855b [113]. Specierum piscium Javanensium 11: 81–92. [June 1856].
novarum vel minus cognitarum diagnoses adumbratae. Bleeker, P. 1856d [149]. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, ichthyologische fauna van de Banda-Eilanden. Natuur-
7: 415–448. [January 1855]. kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 11: 93–110.
Bleeker, P. 1855c [121]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der [June 1856].
ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. Zoetwatervisschen Bleeker, P. 1856e [142]. Aanhangsel op de beschrijvingen
van Bandjermasin. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Neder- van nieuwe en weinig bekende vischsoorten van Am-
landsch Indië, 8: 151–168. [March 1855]. boina. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae,
Bleeker, P. 1855d [125]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- 1 (5): 73–76. [July 1856; supplement to Bleeker, 1856b; preprint
logische fauna van de Batoe Eilanden. Natuurkundig of Bleeker, 1856j].
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 8: 305–328. [May Bleeker, P. 1856f [143]. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en wein-
1855]. ig bekende vischsoorten van Manado en Makassar, groo-
tendeels verzameld op eene reis door den Molukschen Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap
archipel, gedaan in het gevolg van den Gouverneur Gen- van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25 (7): 1 pl. [February
eraal Duymaer van Twist, in September en Oktober 1855. 1857, plate for Bleeker, 1853n, 1854l].
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 1 (6): Bleeker, P. 1857e [163]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der
1–80. [August 1856; preprint of Bleeker, 1856j]. vischfauna van Amboina. Acta Societatis Scientiarum
Bleeker, P. 1856g [151]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- Indo-Neêrlandicae, 2 (7): 1–102. [April 1857; preprint of
logische fauna van het eiland Boeroe. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, 1857m].
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 11: 383–414. [Septem- Bleeker, P. 1857f [164]. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der
ber 1856]. ichthyologische fauna van Boero. Natuurkundig Tijd-
Bleeker, P. 1856h [152]. Verslag van eenige verzamelingen schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 13: 55–82. [April 1857].
van zee- en zoetwatervisschen van het eiland Banka. Bleeker, P. 1857g [175]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, ichthyologische fauna van Japan. Acta Societatis Scien-
11: 415–420. [September 1856]. tiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (10): 1–46. [May 1857; pre-
Bleeker, P. 1856i [142]. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en wein- print of Bleeker, 1858b; plates distributed in February 1858].
ig bekende vischsoorten van Amboina, verzameld op Bleeker, P. 1857h [–]. Algemeen verslag der werkzaamhe-
eene reis door den Molukschen archipel, gedaan in het den van de Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch
gevolg van den Gouverneur Generaal Duymaer van Indië voorgelezen in de zevende algemeene vergadering,
Twist, in September en Oktober 1855. Acta Societatis gehouden te Batavia den 12n Februarij 1857. Natuur-
Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 1 (5): 1–76. [September kundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië, 13: 1–35.
1856; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1856b, 1856e]. [April 1857].
Bleeker, P. 1856j [143]. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en wein- Bleeker, P. 1857i [166]. Descriptiones specierum piscium
ig bekende vischsoorten van Manado en Makassar, groo- javanensium novarum vel minus cognitarum diagnosti-
tendeels verzameld op eene reis door den Molukschen cae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië,
archipel, gedaan in het gevolg van den Gouverneur Gen- 13: 323–368. [Separate: June 1857; journal: August 1857].
eraal Duymaer van Twist, in September en Oktober 1855. Bleeker, P. 1857j [167]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo-
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 1 (6): logische fauna van de Sangi-eilanden. Natuurkundig
1–80. [September 1856; also as preprint, Bleeker, 1856f]. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 13: 369–380. [Sep-
Bleeker, P. 1856k [155]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der arate: June 1857; journal: August 1857].
ichthyologische fauna van Ternate. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, P. 1857k [169]. Verslag omtrent eenige vischsoorten
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 12: 191–210. [November van Timor-Koepang en Timor-Delhi. Natuurkundig Tijd-
1856]. schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 13: 387–390. [Separate:
Bleeker, P. 1856l [156]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyo- June 1857; journal: August 1857].
logische fauna van het eiland Nias. Natuurkundig Tijd- Bleeker, P. 1857l [162]. Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 12: 211–228. [November ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. Visschen van de
1856]. rivieren Barito, Kahajan en Kapoeas. Acta Societatis
Bleeker, P. 1856m [162]. Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 2 (6): 1–21. [July 1857;
ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. Visschen van de also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1856m].
rivieren Barito, Kahajan en Kapoeas. Acta Societatis Bleeker, P. 1857m [163]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der
Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 2 (6): 1–21. [December vischfauna van Amboina. Acta Societatis Scientiarum
1856; preprint of Bleeker, 1857l]. Indo-Neêrlandicae, 2 (7): 1–102. [July 1857; also as pre-
Bleeker, P. 1856n [159]. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der print, see Bleeker, 1857e].
ichthyologische fauna van Bali. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Bleeker, P. 1857n [172]. Index descriptionum specierum
voor Nederlandsch Indië, 12: 291–302. [separate: Decem- piscium Bleekerianarum in voluminibus I ad XIV diarii
ber 1856; journal: February 1857]. Societatis Scientiarium Indo-Batavae. Natuurkundig
Bleeker, P. 1857a [174]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 14: 447–486. [De-
vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Padang, Troes- cember 1857].
san, Priaman, Sibogha en Palembang. Acta Societatis Bleeker, P. 1858a [174]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (9): 1–50. [January vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Padang, Troes-
1857; preprint of Bleeker, 1858a]. san, Priaman, Sibogha en Palembang. Acta Societatis
Bleeker, P. 1857b [118]. Nieuwe nalezingen op de ichthyo- Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (9): 1–50. [February
logie van Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch 1858; also as preprint, see Bleeker 1857a].
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 26 (4): Bleeker, P. 1858b [175]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der
1–132, 8 pls. [February 1857; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1855m]. ichthyologische fauna van Japan. Acta Societatis Scien-
Bleeker, P. 1857c [91]. Zes platen behoorende bij de Nale- tiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (10): 1–46, 4 pls. [February
1858; also as preprint, see Bleeker 1857g].
zingen op de ichthyologie van Bengalen en Hindostan
(25e deel der Verhandelingen). Verhandelingen van het Bleeker, P. 1858c [176]. Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschap- vischfauna van Celebes. Acta Societatis Scientiarum
pen, 25 (5): pls. 1–6. [February 1857; plates for Bleeker, 1853o, Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (11): 1–16. [February 1858].
Bleeker, P. 1858d [179]. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1857d [90]. Nalezingen op de ichthyologie van vischfauna van Amboina. Acta Societatis Scientiarum
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Indo-Neêrlandicae, 3 (14): 1–6. [February 1858]. chen Archipel beschreven en toegelicht. Deel 1. Siluri.
Bleeker, P. 1858e [185]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 4 (2):
vischfauna van Biliton. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor 1–370 + i–xii. [April 1859; also as book and preprint, see Bleeker,
Nederlandsch Indië, 15: 219–240. [March 1858]. 1858j, 1858k].
Bleeker, P. 1858f [186]. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Bleeker, P. 1859e [234]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfau-
vischfauna van Singapore. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor na van Bawean. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Neder-
Nederlandsch Indië, 15: 241–254. [March 1858]. landsch Indië, 18: 351–358. [May 1859].
Bleeker, P. 1858g [187]. Enumeratio specierum piscium Ja- Bleeker, P. 1859f [235]. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der
vanensium hucusque cognitarum. Natuurkundig Tijd- vischfauna van Banka. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 15: 359–456. [Juillet Nederlandsch Indië, 18: 359–378. [May 1859].
1858]. Bleeker, P. 1859g [236]. Over eenige vischsoorten van de
Bleeker, P. 1858h [218]. Conspectus specierum Mugilis ar- zuidkust-wateren van Java. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
chipelagi indici analyticus. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor voor Nederlandsch Indië, 19: 329–352. [Separate: July 1859;
Nederlandsch Indië, 16: 275–280. [September 1858]. journal: August, 1859].
Bleeker, P. 1858i [220]. [... het 2de deel van ... Ichthyolo- Bleeker, P. 1859h [190]. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der
giae Archipelagi Indici Prodromus, handelende over de vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Palembang. Acta
Cobitinen]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederland- Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (6): 1–12.
sch Indië, 16: 302–304. [September 1858]. [October 1859; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1858m].
Bleeker, P. 1858j [189a]. Ichthyologiae archipelagi indici Bleeker, P. 1859i [191]. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis der
prodromus. Vol. 1. Siluri. Lange, Batavia, xii+370 pp. vischfauna van Borneo. Visschen van Sinkawang. Acta
[23 September 1858; translation in van Oijen et al., 2009; see also Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (7): 1–10.
Bleeker, 1858k, 1859d]. [October 1859; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1858n].
Bleeker, P. 1858k [189]. Ichthyologiae archipelagi indici Bleeker, P. 1859j [192]. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis der
prodromus. Vol. 1. Siluri. De visschen van den Indis- vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen van Manado. Acta
chen Archipel beschreven en toegelicht. Deel 1. Siluri. Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (8): 1–4.
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 4 (2): [October 1859; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1858o].
1–370 + i–xii. [23 September 1858 or later; Preprint of Bleeker, Bleeker, P. 1859k [232]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfau-
1859d; same text as Bleeker, 1858j]. na van Nieuw-Guinea. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-
Bleeker, P. 1858l [230]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Neêrlandicae, 6 (2): 1–24. [October 1858; preprint of Bleeker,
ichthyologische fauna van Timor. Visschen van Atapoe- 1860e].
poe. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, Bleeker, P. 1859l [233]. Enumeratio specierum piscium hu-
17: 129–140. [separate: October 1858; journal: December 1858]. cusque in archipelago indico observatarum, adjectis ha-
Bleeker, P. 1858m [231]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der bitationibus citationibusque, ubi descriptiones earum re-
ichthyologische fauna van Bali. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift centiores reperiuntur, nec non speciebus Musei Bleeke-
voor Nederlandsch Indië, 17: 141–175. [separate: October riani Bengalensibus, Japonicis, Capensibus Tamani-
1858; journal: December 1858]. cisque. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae,
Bleeker, P. 1858n [190]. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der 6 (3): i–xxxvi + 1–276. [December 1859; preprint of Bleeker,
vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Palembang. Acta 1860f].
Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (6): 1–12. Bleeker, P. 1860a [270]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der
[December 1858; preprint of Bleeker, 1859h]. vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Benkoelen, Pria-
Bleeker, P. 1858o [191]. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis man, Tandjong, Palembang en Djambi. Acta Societatis
der vischfauna van Borneo. Visschen van Sinkawang. Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (2): 1–88. [Jan-
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (7): uary 1860; preprint of Bleeker, 1861c].
1–10. [December 1858; preprint of Bleeker, 1859i]. Bleeker, P. 1860b [255a]. [... vischsoorten, verzameld op
Bleeker, P. 1858p [192]. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis Borneo's westkust te Soengei-doeri en Bankayang ...].
der vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen van Manado. Acta Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 20:
Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 5 (8): 1–4. 331. [February 1860; summary of Bleeker, 1861e].
[December 1858; preprint of Bleeker, 1859j]. Bleeker, P. 1860c [261]. Conspectus systematis cyprinorum.
Bleeker, P. 1859a [224]. [... de verzameling van Palembang Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 20:
...]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 421–441. [February 1860].
16: 338–341. [January 1859]. Bleeker, P. 1860d [263]. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der
Bleeker, P. 1859b [225]. [... vischsoorten en slangen, vischfauna van Singapoera. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
verzameld in de omstreken van Ngawi ...]. Natuurkun- voor Nederlandsch Indië, 20: 446–456. [See Russell et al.,
dig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 16: 357–359. 2010 for material on which this paper is based]. [February 1860].
[January 1859]. Bleeker, P. 1860e [232]. Bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfau-
Bleeker, P. 1859c [226]. [... Visschen verzameld in de rivier- na van Nieuw-Guinea. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-
en Saleh, Padang en Kommering ...]. Natuurkundig Tijd- Neêrlandicae, 6 (2): 1–24. [February 1860; also as preprint,
schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 16: 384–388. [April 1859]. see Bleeker, 1859k].
Bleeker, P. 1859d [189]. Ichthyologiae archipelagi indici Bleeker, P. 1860f [233]. Enumeratio specierum piscium hu-
prodromus. Vol. 1. Siluri. De visschen van den Indis- cusque in archipelago indico observatarum, adjectis hab-
itationibus citationibusque, ubi descriptiones earum re- vischfauna van Sumatra (visschen uit de Lematang-Enim
centiores reperiuntur, nec non speciebus Musei Bleeke- en van Benkoelen). Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum
riani Bengalensibus, Japonicis, Capensibus Tamani- Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (3): 1–12. [March 1861; also as pre-
cisque. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, print, see Bleeker, 1860h; summary in Bleeker, 1860b].
6 (3): i–xxxvi + 1–276. [February 1860, also as preprint, see Bleeker, P. 1861e [272]. Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis
Bleeker, 1859l]. der vischfauna van Borneo. Acta Societatis Regiae Sci-
Bleeker, P. 1860g [272]. Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis entiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (4): 1–64. [March 1861;
der vischfauna van Borneo. Acta Societatis Regiae Sci- also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1860g].
entiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (4): 1–64. [March 1860; Bleeker, P. 1861f [275]. Dertiente bijdrage tot de kennis der
preprint of Bleeker, 1861e; see also Bleeker, 1860b]. vischfauna van Celebes (visschen van Bonthain, Badjoa,
Bleeker, P. 1860h [271]. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der Sindjai, Lagoesi en Pompenoea). Acta Societatis Regiae
vischfauna van Sumatra (visschen uit de Lematang-Enim Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (7): 1–60. [March 1861;
en van Benkoelen). Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1860l].
Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (3): 1–12. [April 1860; preprint of Blee- Bleeker, P. 1861g [288]. Iets over de vischfauna van het
ker, 1861d]. eiland Pinang. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Konin-
Bleeker, P. 1860i [269]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der klijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuur-
vischfauna van Japan. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum kunde, 12: 64–80.
Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (1): 1–104, 2 pls. [July 1860; preprint Bleeker, P. 1861h [290]. Iets over de geslachten der Sca-
of Bleeker, 1861b]. roïden en hunne Indisch-Archipelagische soorten. Ver-
Bleeker, P. 1860j [265]. [De visschen van den Indischen slagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van
Archipel beschreven en toegelicht. Deel 2]. Ordo Cypri- Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 12: 228–244.
ni, karpers. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo- Bleeker, P. 1862a [296]. Sixième mémoire sur la faune ich-
Neêrlandicae, 7 (2): i–xiv + 1–492. [2 August 1860; preprint thyologique de l'île de Batjan. Verslagen en Mededeelin-
of Bleeker, 1861a; also as book, see Bleeker, 1860k]. gen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen,
Bleeker, P. 1860k [265a]. Ichthyologiae archipelagi indici Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 14: 99–112.
prodromus. Vol. II. Cyprini. Lange, Batavia, xiv+492 pp. Bleeker, P. 1862b [299]. Notices sur les genres Parasilurus,
[2 August 1860; translation in van Oijen & Loots, 2012; see Bleeker, Eutropiichthys, Pseudeutropius et Pseudopangasius.
1860j, 1861a]. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie
Bleeker, P. 1860l [275]. Dertiente bijdrage tot de kennis der van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 14: 390–
vischfauna van Celebes (visschen van Bonthain, Badjoa, 399.
Sindjai, Lagoesi en Pompenoea). Acta Societatis Regiae * Bleeker, P. 1862c–1863a [301/2]. Atlas ichthyologique des
Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (7): 1–60. [August 1860; Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Tome II. Siluroïdes, cha-
preprint of Bleeker, 1861f]. coïdes et hétérobranchoïdes. Müller, Amsterdam, 1862c:
Bleeker, P. 1860m [283]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der pp. 1–32, pls. 49–72, 1863a: pp. 33–112, i–xxi, pls. 73–
vischfauna van Ceram. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor 101. [See Kottelat, 2013c, for dates of publication].
Nederlandsch Indië, 22: 228–238. [Separate: August 1860; Bleeker, P. 1862d [294]. Sur quelques genres de la famille
journal: March 1861]. des pleuronecteoïdes. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der
Bleeker, P. 1860n [284]. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling
vischfauna van Bali. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Ne- Natuurkunde, 13: 422–429.
derlandsch Indië, 22: 239–242. [Separate: August 1860; jour- Bleeker, P. 1862e. [297]. Notices ichthyologiques (I–X).
nal: March 1861]. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie
Bleeker, P. 1860o [286]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 14: 123–
vischfauna van Timor. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor 141.
Nederlandsch Indië, 22: 247–261. [Separate: 16 ugust 1860; Bleeker, P. 1863a. See 1862c.
journal: March 1861]. Bleeker, P. 1863b [306]. Systema silurorum revisum. Ne-
Bleeker, P. 1861a [265]. [De visschen van den Indischen derlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (2–3): 77–
Archipel beschreven en toegelicht. Deel 2]. Ordo Cypri- 80, (4–5): 81–122.
ni, karpers. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo- Bleeker, P. 1863c [309]. Troisième mémoire sur la faune
Neêrlandicae, 7 (2): i–xiv + 1–492. [March 1861; also as ichthyologique de l'île de Halmahéra. Nederlandsch Tijd-
preprint, see Bleeker, 1860j, 1860k]. schrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6–9): 153–159.
Bleeker, P. 1861b [269]. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Bleeker, P. 1863d [311]. Notice sur deux espèces inédites
vischfauna van Japan. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum du genre Aphthalmichthys Kp. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift
Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (1): 1–104, 2 pls. [March 1861; also voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6–9): 163–166.
as preprint, see Bleeker, 1860i]. Bleeker, P. 1863e [314]. Systema cyprinoideorum revisum.
Bleeker, P. 1861c [270]. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6–9):
vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van Benkoelen, Pria- 187–218.
man, Tandjong, Palembang en Djambi. Acta Societatis Bleeker, P. 1863f [315]. Onzième notice sur la faune ich-
Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae, 8 (2): 1–88. thyologique de l'île de Ternate. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift
[March 1861; also as preprint, see Bleeker, 1860a]. voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6–9): 228–238
Bleeker, P. 1861d [271]. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der Bleeker, P. 1863g [317]. Sur une nouvelle espèce d'Echidna
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
de l'île de Rotti. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de édites de Cobitioïdes. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 246–247. Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 11–14. [Date on cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–
Bleeker, P. 1863h [319]. Septième notice sur la faune ich- 112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 September 1864,
thyologique de l'île de Céram. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
voor de Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 253–261. Bleeker, P. 1864f [344]. Paralaubuca, un genre nouveau de
Bleeker, P. 1863i [323]. Sur les genres de la famille des cyprinoïdes de Siam. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
Cobitioïdes. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 15–17. [Date on cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–
Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 September 1864,
Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
15: 32–44. [Reproduced in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 361–368].
Bleeker, P. 1864g [347]. Nouvelle notice sur la faune ich-
Bleeker, P. 1863j [324]. Description de trois espèces nou- thyologique de Siam. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
velles de Siluroïdes de l'Inde archipélagique. Verslagen Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 33–37. [Date on cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–
112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 September 1864,
en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
schappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 15: 70–76. [Reproduced Bleeker, P. 1864h [348]. Poissons inédits indo-archipélagi-
in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 368–371].
ques de l'ordre des murènes. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift
Bleeker, P. 1863k [328]. Sur une nouvelle espèce de pois- voor de Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 38–54. [Date on cover of (1–3)
son du Japon, appartenant à un nouveau genre. Verslagen (pp. 1–112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 Septem-
en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- ber 1864, Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
schappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 15: 257–260. [Repro- Bleeker, P. 1864i [353]. Description de deux espèces inédites
duced in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 382– de Gnathopogon et de Rasbora de l'île de Java. Neder-
landsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): 137–140.
Bleeker, P. 1863l [329]. Notice sur les noms de quelques [Date on cover of (4–6) (pp. 113–212): 1864; apparently after 1 Sep-
genres de la famille des Cyprinoïdes. Verslagen en Me- tember 1864 according to Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dick-
dedeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- inson, 2005: 107].
pen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 15: 261–264. [Reproduced in: Bleeker, P. 1864j [356]. Sixième notice sur la faune ich-
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 65–67 (1864)]. thyologique de Siam. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
* Bleeker, P. 1863m–1864a [301/3]. Atlas ichthyologique Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): 171–176. [Date on cover of (4–6) (pp. 113–
des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Tome III. Cyprins. 212): 1864; apparently after 1 September 1864 according to Rendahl,
Müller, Amsterdam, 1863m: pp. 1–48, pls. 102–132, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
1864a: pp. 49–150, pls. 133–144. [See Kottelat, 2013c, for Bleeker, P. 1864k [360]. Sur une nouvelle espèce de Pun-
dates of publication]. tius à épine anale dentelée. Verslagen en Mededeelingen
Bleeker, P. 1863n [318]. Deuxième notice sur la faune ich- der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeel-
thyologique de l'île de Flores. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift ing Natuurkunde, 17: 198–202, 1 pl. [Exact date of fascicle
voor de Dierkunde, 1 (10–12): 248–252. not known; 1865 is date on table of content of volume; manuscript
accepted for publication on 30 January 1864 and should have ap-
Bleeker, P. 1863o [307]. Description de quelques espèces peared before reproduced in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
de poissons, nouvelles ou peu connues de la Chine, en- Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): 196–198 (apparently after 1 September 1864 ac-
voyées au musée de Leide par M.- G. Schlegel. Neder- cording to Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005:
landsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6–9): 135–150. 107)].
Bleeker, P. 1863p [312]. Sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou Bleeker, P. 1864l [346]. Notice sur quelques poissons de la
peu connues de Gymnothorax Bl. de l'Inde archipélagi- Baie de Manille. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dier-
que. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 1 (6– kunde, 2 (1–3): 30–32. [Date on cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–112):
1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 September 1864,
9): 167–171. Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
Bleeker, P. 1864a. See 1863m. Bleeker, P. 1864m [345]. Notices sur quelques genres et
Bleeker, P. 1864b [337]. Notice sur la faune ichthyologique espèces de cyprinoïdes de Chine. Nederlandsch Tijd-
de Siam. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke schrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 18–29. [Date on cover
Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, of (1–3) (pp. 1–112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1
16: 352–358. [Reproduced in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de September 1864, Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson,
Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 96–99 (after 1 May 1864 and apparently before 1 2005: 107].
September 1864, Rendahl, 1927: 2)]. Bleeker, P. 1864n [349]. Notice sur les poissons envoyés de
* Bleeker, P. 1864c–1865a [301/4]. Atlas ichthyologique des Chine au Musée de Leide par M. G. Schlegel. Neder-
Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Tome IV. Murènes, syn- landsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 55–62.
branches, leptocéphales. Müller, Amsterdam, 1864c: pp. [Date on cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and
1–72, pls. 145–192, 1865a: pp. 73–132, pl. 193. [See Kot- apparently before 1 September 1864, Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Piet-
telat, 2013c, for dates of publication]. ers & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
Bleeker, P. 1864d [342]. Rhinobagrus et Pelteobagrus deux Bleeker, P. 1864o [358]. Enumération des espèces de pois-
genres nouveaux de Siluroïdes de Chine. Nederlandsch sons actuellement connues de l'île de Céram. Nederland-
Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (1–3): 7–10. [Date on sch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): 182–193. [Date
cover of (1–3) (pp. 1–112): 1864; after 1 May 1864 and apparently on cover of (4–6) (pp. 113–212): 1864; apparently after 1 September
before 1 September 1864, Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dick- 1864 according to Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson,
inson, 2005: 107]. 2005: 107].
Bleeker, P. 1864e [343]. Description de deux espèces in- Bleeker, P. 1864p [351]. Systema Muraenorum revisum.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): centiores reperiuntur. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
113–122. [Date on cover of (4–6) (pp. 113–212): 1864; apparently Dierkunde, 3: 20–40. [Published in 1865, see also Pieters &
after 1 September 1864 according to Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pie- Dickinson, 2005: 107].
ters & Dickinson, 2005: 107]. Bleeker, P. 1865k [365]. Notice sur les ostracions, confon-
Bleeker, P. 1864q [352]. Synonyma muraenorum Indo-Ar- dus sous le nom d'Ostracion quadricornis L. et descrip-
chipelagicorum hucusque observatorum revisa, adjectis tion des Ostracion notacanthus et guineënsis. Nederland-
habitationibus ubi descriptiones figuraeque eorum recen- sch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (7–12): 298–305,
tiores reperiuntur. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de 1 pl. [Published in 1865, date on cover of fascicle; see also Pieters
Dierkunde, 2 (4–6): 123–136. [Date on cover of (4–6) (pp. & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
113–212): 1864; apparently after 1 September 1864 according to Bleeker, P. 1865l [371]. Description d'une espèce inédite de
Rendahl, 1927: 2; see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
Triacanthus de l'Inde archipélagique. Nederlandsch Tijd-
Bleeker, P. 1864r [302]. Mémoire sur les poissons de la côte schrift voor de Dierkunde, 3: 51–52. [Published in 1865, see
de Guinée. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hol- also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
landsche Maatschapij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem, Bleeker, P. 1865m [361]. Description des deux espèces in-
Ser. 2, 18 (2): 1–136, 28 pls. [Mentioned as 'in press' in Atlas, édites des genres Callechelys et Pisoodonophis. Neder-
vol. 1, p. xxi, which was published 26 November 1862; published lat-
est in April 1864].
landsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (7–12): 213–
Bleeker, P. 1865a. See 1864c. 216. [Published in 1865, date on cover of fascicle; see also Pieters
& Dickinson, 2005: 107].
* Bleeker, P. 1865b–1875a [301/6]. Atlas ichthyologique des
Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Tome VI. Pleuronectes, * Bleeker, P. 1865n–1869a [301/5]. Atlas ichthyologique des
scombrésoces, clupées, clupésoces, chauliodontes, sau- Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Tome V. Baudroies, os-
rides. Müller, Amsterdam, 1865b: pls. 232–240 [or 246 tracions, gymnodontes, balistes. Müller, Amsterdam,
?], 1869b: pls. 241 [or 247 ?]–258, 1870a: pp. 1–40, 1865n: pp. 1–96, pls. 194–231, 1869a: pp. 97–152. [See
Kottelat, 2013c, for dates of publication].
pls. 259–276 [?], 1871a: pp. 41–60, pls. 277–278, 1872a:
pp. 61–140, 1875a: pp. 141–170. [See Kottelat, 2013c, for Bleeker, P. 1867a [382]. Quatrième notice sur la faune ich-
dates of publication].
thyologique de l'île de Halmahéra. Archives Néerlandai-
Bleeker, P. 1865c [364]. Enumération des espèces de pois- ses des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, 2 (5): 397–399,
sons actuellement connues de l'île d'Amboine. Neder- pl. 21. [Published probably in 1867, latest in January 1868].
landsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 2 (7–12): 270– Bleeker, P. 1867b [384]. Description de quelques espèces
293. [1865 on cover of fascicle; pagination 273–276 used twice]. nouvelles de Gobius de Madagascar. Archives Néerlan-
Bleeker, P. 1865d [375]. Révision des hémirhamphes de daises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, 2 (5): 403–
l'Inde archipélagique. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de 420. [Published probably in 1867, latest in January 1868].
Dierkunde, 3: 136–170. [Published in 1865, see also Pieters & Bleeker, P. 1868a [392]. Description de deux espèces nou-
Dickinson, 2005: 107].
velles de blennioïdes de l'Inde archipélagique. Verslagen
Bleeker, P. 1865e [379]. Révision des espèces de Masta- en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten-
cembelus (Belone Cuv.). de l'Inde archipélagique. Ne- schappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 2: 278–280.
derlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 3: 214–236. Bleeker, P. 1868b [397]. Notice sur la faune ichthyologique
[Published in 1865, see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
de l'île de Waigiou. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der
Bleeker, P. 1865f [380]. Sur la pluralité des espèces indo- Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling
archipélagiques du genre Megalops Lac. Nederlandsch Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 2: 295–301.
Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 3: 278–292. [Published in Bleeker, P. 1868c [402]. Notice sur le Parupeneus bifascia-
1865, see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
tus (Mullus bifasciatus Lac.) de l'île de la Réunion. Ver-
Bleeker, P. 1865g [381]. Descriptions de quelques espèces slagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van
inédites ou peu connues de clupéoïdes de l'Inde archipé- Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 2: 342–
lagique. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 3: 348.
293–308. [Published in 1865, see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: Bleeker, P. 1869a. See 1865n.
Bleeker, P. 1869b. See 1865b.
Bleeker, P. 1865h [370]. Description de quelques espèces Bleeker, P. 1869c [408]. Neuvième notice sur la faune ich-
inédites des genres Pseudorhombus et Platophrys de thyologique du Japon. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der
l'Inde archipélagique. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling
Dierkunde, 3: 43–50. [Published in 1865, see also Pieters & Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 3: 237–252.
Dickinson, 2005: 107].
Bleeker, P. 1869d [403]. Sur les espèces confondues sous le
Bleeker, P. 1865i [367]. Systema Balistidorum, Ostracioni- nom de Genyoroge bengalensis Günth. Verslagen en
dorum, Gymnodontidorumque revisum. Nederlandsch Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten-
Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, 3: 8–19. [Published in 1865, schappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 3: 64–77.
see also Pieters & Dickinson, 2005: 107].
Bleeker, P. 1870a. See 1865b.
Bleeker, P. 1865j [368]. Synonyma Balistidorum, Ostracio- Bleeker, P. 1870b [410]. Description et figure d'une espèce
nidorum, Gymnodontidorumque indo-archipelagicorum inédite de Rhynchobdella de Chine. Verslagen en Mede-
hucusque observatorum revisa, adjectis habitationibus deelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap-
citationibusque ubi descriptiones figuraeque eorum re- pen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 4: 249–250, 1 pl.
Bleeker, P. 1870c [411]. Mededeeling omtrent eenige nieu-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Ia. Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Na- klijke Akademie van Wetenschappen gevestigd te Am-
turelles, 11 (3): 247–288. [Published probably in 1876, latest sterdam, 1877 [1878]: 133–144. [From an unfinished manu-
in February 1877]. script edited by A. A. W. Hubrecht; also in Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
Bleeker, P. 1876e [468/2]. Systema percarum revisum. Pars voor Nederlandsch Indië, 40: 131–142, 1880; English translation by
van Oijen, 2005].
II. Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Na- Bleeker, P. 1878f. Levensbericht van Pieter Bleeker, door
turelles, 11 (4): 289–340. [Published latest in October 1876]. hemzelven. Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Akademie voor
Bleeker, P. 1876f [469]. Description de quelques espèces Wetenschappen gevestigd te Amsterdam, 1877 [1878]:
insulindiennes inédites des genres Oxyurichthys, Par- 5–55. [Foreword by P. Harting]. [Also in Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
oxyurichthys et Cryptocentrus. Verslagen en Mededeelin- voor Nederlandsch Indië, 40: 1–48, 1880].
gen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Bleeker, P. 1878g [498]. Mémoire sur les poissons à phar-
Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 9: 138–148. yngiens labyrinthiformes de l'Inde archipélagique. Ver-
Bleeker, P. 1876g [471]. Sur la pluralité des espèces insulin- handelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap-
diennes de Toxotes. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der pen te Amsterdam, 19: 1–56. [Separate dated 1878; journal
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling dated 1879].
Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 9: 155–167. Bleeker, P. 1878h [496]. Sur quelques espèces inédites ou
Bleeker, P. 1876h [476]. Description de quelques espèces peu connues de poissons de Chine appartenant au
inédites de pomacentroïdes de l'Inde archipélagique. muséum de Hambourg. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke
Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling
van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 10: Natuurkunde, 18 [5]: 1–17, 2 pls. [Separate dated 1878, jour-
384–391. nal dated 1879].
Bleeker, P. 1876i [475]. Mémoire sur les espèces insulindi- Bleeker, P. 1879a [494]. Révision des espèces insulindiennes
ennes de la famille des scorpénoïdes. Verhandelingen de la famille des callionymoïdes. Verslagen en Med-
der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Am- edeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap-
sterdam, 16: 1–99, 5 pls. pen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 13: 47–59.
Bleeker, P. 1876j [473] Genera familiae Scorpaenoideorum Bleeker, P. 1879b [495]. Contribution à la faune ichthyolo-
conspectus analyticus. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der gique de l'île Maurice. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afdeeling
Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 9: 294–300. Natuurkunde, 18 [3]: 1–23, 3 pls. [Volume dated 1879, sepa-
Bleeker, P. 1876k. See 1871c. rate probably appeared earlier].
Bleeker, P. 1877a. See 1875b. Bleeker, P. 1972. Papers on fishes in particular of the Indo-
Bleeker, P. 1877b. See 1876c. nesian archipelago, published in the Natuurkundig Tijd-
Bleeker, P. 1877c [483]. Notice sur les espèces nominales schrift voor Nederlandsch Indië vols. I–XXII, 1851–
de pomacentroïdes de l'Inde archipélagique. Archives 1861, collected and edited by W. H. Lamme. Asher,
Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, 12 (1– Vaals-Amsterdam, 4 vols.
2): 38–41. [Published latest in March 1877]. Bleeker, P. 1973. Biographical notices concerning P. Blee-
Bleeker, P. 1877d [485]. Mémoire sur les chromides marins ker by himself. Pp. 11–42 in P. Bleeker, Collected fish
ou pomacentroïdes de l'Inde archipélagique. Natuurkun- papers of Pieter Bleeker, collected and edited by W. H.
dige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschapij Lamme. Volume 1. Junk, The Hague. [Translation by M.
der Wetenschappen te Haarlem, Ser. 3, 2 (6): 1–166. Boeseman of Bleeker, 1878f].
[Published latest in December 1877].
Bleeker, P. 1973–1976. Collected fish papers of Pieter Blee-
Bleeker, P. 1877e [481]. Révision des espèces insulindiennes ker, collected and edited by W. H. Lamme. Junk, The
de la famille des Chétodontoïdes. Verhandelingen der Hague, 14 vols.
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Bleeker, P. 1983. Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales
17 [2]: 1–174. Néêrlandaises. Plates originally prepared for planned
Bleeker, P. 1878a. See 1876c. tomes XI–XIV published here for the first time. Smith-
Bleeker, P. 1878b [489]. Description des espèces insulindi- sonian Institution, Washington, 22 pp., pls. 421–447.
ennes du genre Stigmatogobius. Verslagen en Med- Bliss, R. 1883. Descriptions of new species of Mauritian
edeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- fishes. Transactions de la Société Royale des Arts et des
pen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, Ser. 2, 12: 199–208. Sciences de Maurice, New Series, 13: 45–63.
Bleeker, P. 1878c [490]. Sur les espèces du genre Hypoph- Bloch, M. E. 1781a. Nachricht. Allerneueste Mannigfal-
thalmichthys Blkr, Cephalus Bas (nec Bl. nec al.). Ver- tigkeiten, 1 (1. Quartal) (6. Woche): 93–96.
slagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van * Bloch, M. E. 1781b–1782. Oeconomische Naturgeschichte
Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, ser. 2, 12: 209– der Fische Deutschlands. Erster Theil. Berlin, 258 pp.,
218. pls. 1–37. [Fascicles 1–4, pls. 1–24 appeared in 1781 under title
Bleeker, P. 1878d [491]. Quatrième mémoire sur la faune 'Ökonomische Naturgeschichte der Fische, vorzüglich derer in den
ichthyologique de la Nouvelle-Guinée. Archives Néer- preussischen Staaten'; pl. 25–37 appeared in 1782; dates for pages
landaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, 13 (1): 35– unknown].
66. [Published latest in July–September 1878]. * Bloch, M. E. 1783a. Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der
Bleeker, P. 1878e. Notice sur l'Atlas Ichthyologigue des In- Fische Deutschlands. Zweeter Theil. Berlin, 192 pp.,
des Orientales Néerlandaises. Jaarboek van de Konin- pls. 38–72.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
* Bloch, M. E. 1783b–1784a. Oeconomische Naturgeschich- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 29 (1): 35–45.
te der Fische Deutschlands. Dritter Theil. Berlin, 234 pp., Blyth, E. 1860b. Report on some fishes received chiefly from
pls. 73–108. [Pp. 1–104, pls. 73–90 published in 1783, pp. 105– the Sitang river and its tributary streams, Tenasserim
234, pls. 91–108 in 1784]. Provinces. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 29
* Bloch, M. E. 1784b–1785. Naturgeschichte der Auslän- (2): 138–174. [1861 is date on cover page; fascicle 2 published
dischen Fische. Erster Theil. Berlin, vi+136 pp., pls. 109– between 6 June and 26 November 1860, Journal of the Asiatic Society
144. [Pp. 1–72, pls 109–126 published in 1784; pp. 73–136, pls. 127– of Bombay, 6: xv–xx; see under Toxotes microlepis].
144 in 1785]. Bockmann, F. A. & M. C. de Pinna. 2004. Heptapterus col-
* Bloch, M. E. 1786. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen lettii Steindachner, 1881: a member of the Asian bagrid
Fische. Zweiter Theil. Berlin, vi+160 pp., pls. 145–180. genus Olyra erroneously assigned to the Neotropical
* Bloch, M. E. 1787a. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen fauna (Siluriformes: Ostariophysi). Copeia, 2004 (3):
Fische. Dritter Theil. Berlin, xii+146 pp., pls. 181–216. 665–675.
Bloch, M. E. 1787b. Ichtyologie ou histoire naturelle, Bocourt, F. 1866. Notes sur les reptiles, les batraciens et les
générale et particulière des poissons. Quatrième partie. poissons recueillis pendant un voyage dans le royaume
De La Garde, Berlin, Didot, Paris & White, London, de Siam. Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Na-
136 pp., pls. 109–144. turelle de Paris, 2 (Bulletin): 4–20, pl. 1. [Article is in 'bul-
Bloch, M. E. 1788. Ichtyologie ou histoire naturelle, générale letin' part of this volume].
et particulière des poissons. Sixième partie. De La Garde, Boddaert, P. 1770. Epistola ad virum Johannem Burman-
Berlin, Didot, Paris & White, London, viii + 151 pp., num […] de chaetodonte argo descripto atque accuratis-
pls. 181–216. sima icone illustrato ex museo viri celeberrimi Johannis
Bloch, M. E. 1789. Charactere und Beschreibung des Ge- Alberti Schlosseri. Brief […] aan den weledelen hooggel-
schlechts der Papageyfische, Callyodon. Abhandlungen eerden Heere Johannes Burmannus […] behelzende eene
der Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, nauuwkeurige beschrijving, en naar het leven vervaar-
4 (1788 [1789]): 242–248, pls. 1–3. digde afbeelding, van den gevlakten klipvisch, uit de
* Bloch, M. E. 1790. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen verzameling van wylen den weledelen zeer geleerden
Fische. Vierter Theil. Morino, Berlin, x+128 pp., Heere Johannes Albertus Schlosser in zijn weled. Van
pls. 217–252. Tongerlo, Amsterdam, 43 pp., pl. 2.
* Bloch, M. E. 1791. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen Boeseman, M. 1947. Revision of the fishes collected by
Fische. Fünfter Theil. Morino, Berlin, iv+152 pp., Burger and Von Siebold in Japan. Zoologische Med-
pls. 253–288. edelingen, 28: 1–242, pls. 1–5.
* Bloch, M. E. 1792. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen Boeseman, M. 1957. On a collection of East Asian fishes.
Fische. Sechster Theil. Morino, Berlin, 126 pp., pls. 289– Zoologische Mededelingen, 35: 69–78, pl. 3.
324. Boeseman, M. 1960. A tragedy of errors: the status of Car-
* Bloch, M. E. 1793. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen charhinus Blainville, 1816; Galeolamna Owen, 1853;
Fische. Siebenter Theil. Morino, Berlin, xii+144 pp., Eulamia Gill, 1861; and the identity of Carcharhinus
pls. 325–360. commersonii Blainville, 1825. Zoologische Mededelin-
* Bloch, M. E. 1794. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen gen, 37: 81–100, pls. 7–8.
Fische. Achter Theil. Morino, Berlin, iv+174 pp., Boeseman, M. 1962. Triodon macropterus versus Triodon
pls. 361–396. bursarius: an attemps to establish the correct name and
* Bloch, M. E. 1795. Naturgeschichte der Ausländischen authorship. Zoologische Mededelingen, 38: 77–85.
Fische. Neunter Theil. Morino, Berlin, 192 pp., pls. 397– Boeseman, M. 1966. A new sisorid catfish from Java, Sun-
429 dagagata robusta gen. et spec. nov. Proceedings, Konin-
Bloch, M. E. 1796. Ichthyologie ou histoire naturelle des klijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Se-
poissons. En six parties avec 216 planches dessinées et ries C, Biological and Medical Sciences, 69: 242–247.
enluminées d'après nature. Chez l'auteur [Bloch], Ber- Boeseman, M. 1968. The genus Hypostomus Lacépède,
lin, xxxii+1291 pp, 216 pls. 1803, and its Surinam representatives (Siluriformes,
Bloch, M. E. 1801. See Schneider [J. G.], 1801 or Castel, Loricariidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 99: 1–89,
1801. pls. 1–18.
Bloch, M. & J. G. Schneider, 1801. See Schneider, 1801. Boeseman, M. 1970. The vicissitudes and dispersal of Al-
Blyth, E. 1847. Zoological Department. – Mr. Blyth's re- bertus Seba's zoological specimens. Zoologische Mede-
port. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 16 (7): delingen, 44 (13): 177–206, pls. 1–4.
725–727, pl. 25. Boeseman, M. 1983. Introduction. Pp. 1–22 in: P. Bleeker
Blyth, E. 1858a. [On fishes collected at Port Blair, Great (1983), Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêr-
Andaman]. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic So- landaises. Plates originally prepared for planned tomes
ciety of Bengal, 1858 (3): 267–273. XI–XIV published here for the first time. Smithsonian
Blyth, E. 1858b. A small collection from Major Berdmore, Institution, Washington
sent by him from the Sitang valley, Pegu. Journal and Boeseman, M. 1995. Martinus Houttuyn (1720–1798) and
Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1858 (3): his Japanese fishes. U O, 43: 1–9.
281–290. Boeseman, M. & W. de Ligny. 2004. Martinus Houttuyn
Blyth, E. 1860a. The cartilaginous fishes of lower Bengal. (1720–1798) and his contributions to the natural scienc-
es, with emphasis on zoology. Zoologische Verhandelin- Bohlen, J., V. Šlechtová, H. H. Tan & R. Britz. 2011. Phy-
gen, 349: 1–222. logeny of the Southeast Asian freshwater fish genus
Boewe, C. 2003. Profiles of Rafinesque. University of Ten- Pangio (Cypriniformes; Cobitidae). Molecular Phylo-
nessee Press, Knoxville, xli+411 pp. genetics and Evolution, 61 (3): 854–865.
Bogutskaya, N. G. 1990s. [Morphological fundamentals in Böhlke, E. B. 1984. Catalog of type specimens in the ich-
classification of the subfamily Leuciscinae (Cyprinidae). thyological collection of the Academy of Natural Scien-
Communication 1]. Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 30: 355–367. [In ces of Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences of
Russian; translation in Journal of Ichthyology, 30 (3): Philadelphia, Special Publication, 14: 1–246.
63–77)]. Böhlke, E. B. 1995. Notes on the muraenid genera Strophi-
Bogutskaya, N. G. 1990b. [The morphological basis for the don, Lycodontis, Siderea, Thyrsoidea, and Pseudechid-
classification of cyprinid fishes (Leuciscinae, Cyprini- na, with a redescription of Muraena thyrsoidea Rich-
dae). Communication 2]. Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 30 (6): ardson, 1845. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
920–933. [In Russian, translation in Journal of Ichthy- Sciences of Philadelphia, 146: 459–466.
ology, 31 (1): 66–82]. Böhlke, E. B. & J. E. Randall. 2000. A review of the moray
Bogutskaya, N. G., I. M. Kerzhner & V. V. Spodareva. 2005. eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) of the Hawaiian Is-
On the spelling of the scientific name of the lake min- lands, with descriptions of two new species. Proceed-
now Phoxinus percnurus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ich- ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-
thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (1): 93–95. phia, 150: 203–278, pls. 1–9.
Bogutskaya, N. G. & A. M. Naseka. 1996. [Cyclostomata Böhlke, E. B. & D. G. Smith. 2002. Type catalogue of Indo-
and fishes of Khanka lake drainage area (Amur River Pacific Muraenidae. Proceedings of the Academy of
basin). An annotated check-list with comments on tax- Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 152: 89–172.
onomy and zoogeography of the region]. Nautchnyie Böhlke, J. E. 1953. A catalogue of the type specimens of
Tetradi Vchusk, GosNIORKh, St. Petersburg, 3: 1–89. recent fishes in the Natural History Museum of Stanford
[In Russian, English summary]. University. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin, 5: 1–168.
Bogutskaya, N. G. & A. M. Naseka. 2004. [Catalogue of Boie, F. 1826. Generalübersicht der ornithologischen Ord-
agnathans and fishes of fresh and brackish waters of nungen, Familien und Gattungen. Isis (Oken), 1826
Russia with comments on nomenclature and taxonomy]. [Zweyter Band] (10): 969–981. [Often listed as vol. 19].
KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, 389 pp. [In Russian]. Bonaparte, C. L. 1831b. Saggio d'una distribuzione metod-
Bogutskaya, N. G., A. M. Naseka, S. V. Shedko, E. D. ica degli animali vertebrati a sangue freddo. Giornale
Vasil'eva & I. A. Chereshnev. 2008. The fishes of the Arcadico di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 52: 129–176, 53:
Amur River: updated check-list and zoogeography. Ich- 177–209. [Volume numbers on pp. 129, 145, 161 (vol. 52), 177, 193,
thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 19 (4): 301–366. 209, 379 (vol. 53) and Table of contents].
Bohlen, J. & R. Harant. 2011. Microcobitis, a new genus Bonaparte, C. L. 1831b. Saggio d'una distribuzione metod-
name for Cobitis misgurnoides (Teleostei: Cobitidae). ica degli animali vertebrati. Boulzaler, Roma, 144 pp.
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 21 (4) (2010 Bonaparte, C. L. 1832–41. Iconografia della Fauna italica
[2011]): 295–300. per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Tomo 3,
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2009. Phylogenetic position of Pesci. Roma. [Pages and plates unnumbered; dates of publication
the fish genus Ellopostoma (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) follow Salvadori, 1888].
using molecular genetic data. Ichthyological Explora- Bonaparte, C. L. 1835. Prodromus systematis ichthyologiae.
tion of Freshwaters, 20 (2): 157–162. 21 pp. [Separate of Bonaparte, 1840; journal apparently after Sep-
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2010. Schistura udomritthiruji, tember 1840, p. after 244, but 20 August 1840 on cover of fascicle].
a new loach from southern Thailand (Cypriniformes: Bonaparte, C. L. 1836. See 1832–1841.
Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwa- Bonaparte, C. L. 1837. Synopsis vertebratorum systematis.
ters, 20 (4) (2009 [2010]): 319–324. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali, Bologna, Ser. 1, 2:
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2011a. A new genus and two 105–133. [Separate of Bonaparte, 1838a, pp. 1–30, Eschmeyer,
new species of loaches (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from 2013].
Myanmar. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters Bonaparte, C. L. 1838a. Synopsis vertebratorum systematis.
22 (1): 1–10. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali, Bologna, Ser. 1, 2:
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2011b. Nemacheilus paucima- 105–133. [Separate already published as Bonaparte, 1837; new
culatus, a new species of loach from the southern Malay taxa date to separate in 1835].
Peninsula (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Raffles Bulletin of Bonaparte, C. L. 1838b. Selachorum tabula analytica. Nuovi
Zoology, 59 (2): 201–204. Annali delle Scienze Naturali, Bologna, Ser. 1, 2: 195–
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2013a. Two new species of Schis- 214. [Also as separate, 1838 or 1839, 22 pp., text with slight differ-
tura from Myanmar (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). ences; also in Mémoires de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (1): 21– Naturelles, 2 (1838 [1839]: 16 pp.].
30 Bonaparte, C. L. 1840. Prodromus systematis ichthyologiae.
Bohlen, J. & V. Šlechtová. 2013b. Schistura puncticeps, a Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali, Bologna, Ser. 1,
new species of loach from Myanmar (Teleostei: Nema- 4 (1): 181–196, 272–277. [Separate already published as Bo-
cheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, naparte, 1835; journal apparently published in or after September
1840, p. after 244, but 20 August 1840 on cover of fascicle; new taxa
24 (1): 85–92. available from 1835 separate].
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Bonaparte, C. L. 1845a. Cyprinidarum Europae catalogus River, with comments on its relationships and historical
methodicus. Pp. 391–400 in: Atti della Sesta Riunione biogeography. Copeia, 1989 (2): 434–444.
degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Milano nel Settembre Borodin, N. A. 1930. Scientific results of the yacht "Ara"
MDCCCXLIV. Pirola, Milano. expedition during the years 1926 to 1930, while in com-
Bonaparte, C. L. 1845b. Catalogo metodico dei ciprinidi mand of William K. Vanderbilt. Fishes (collected in
d'Europa, e rilievi sul volume XVII dell’ istoria naturale 1929). Bulletin of the Vanderbilt Marine Museum, 1 (2):
dei pesci del sig. Valenciennes. Pirola, Milano, 1845, 20 39–64, pls. 1–2.
pp. Borodin, N. A. 1932. Scientific results of the yacht "Alva"
Bonaparte, C. L. 1845c. Specchio generale dei sistemi er- World Cruise, July, 1931 to March, 1932, in command
petologico et anfibiologico. Pp. 376–378 in: Atti della of William K. Vanderbilt. Bulletin of the Vanderbilt Ma-
Sesta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Milano rine Museum, 1: 65–101, pls. 1–2.
nel Settembre MDCCCXLIV. Pirola, Milano. [Also as sep- Borodin, N. A. 1933. A new Australian fish. Copeia, 1933:
arate: Bonaparte, 1845e]. 141–142.
Bonaparte, C. L. 1845d. Specchio generale del sistema ittio- Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. M. G. 1822–31. [Fish accounts
logico. Pp. 386–390 in: Atti della Sesta Riunione degli in:] Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. Rey et
Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Milano nel Settembre MDC- Gravier, Paris & Baudoin, Paris, 17 vols.; 1 (27 May
CCXLIV. Pirola, Milano. [Also as separate: Bonaparte, 1845e]. 1822a, [A–ARZ]): xvi+604 pp.; 2 (28 September 1822b,
Bonaparte C.L. 1845e. Specchio generale dei sistemi erpe- [ASA–CAC]): 621 pp.; 3 (6 September 1823a, CAD–
tologico, anfibiologico ed ittiologico. Pirola, Milano, CHI): 592 pp.; 4 (15 September 1823b, CHI–COZ):
11 pp. [Combined separate of Bonaparte, 1845c–d]. 628 pp.; 5 (April 1824a, CRA–D): 653 pp.; 6 (13 Au-
Bonaparte, C. L. 1846. Catalogo metodico dei pesci Europei. gust 1824b, E–FOUQ): 597 pp.; 7 (February 1825a,
Pp. 1–96 in Atti della Settima Adunanza degli Scienzati FOUR–G): 626 pp.; 8 (10 September 1825b, H–INV):
Italiani tenuta in Napoli. Parte Seconda. Fibreno, Napo- 609 pp.; 9 (25 February 1826a, IO–MACIS): 596 pp.;
li. [Also distributed as a reprint; possibly already published in 1845 ?, 10 (26 April 1826b, MACL–MN): 642 pp.; 11 (January
96 pp.]. 1827a, MO–NSO): 615 pp.; 12 (18 August 1827b, NUA–
Bonnaterre, [J. P.]. 1788. Tableau encyclopédique et méthod- PAM): 634 pp.; 13 (January 1828a, PAN–PIV): 648 pp.;
ique des trois règne de la nature. Ichthyologie. Panckou- 14 (September 1828b, PLA–ROY): 710 pp.; 15 (May
ke, Paris, lvi+215 pp., 102 pls. [For dates of publication, see 1829, RUA–S): 754 pp.; 16 (30 October 1830, T–Z):
Sherborn & Woodward, 1893: 582]. 748+141 pp. [Vol. 16 published by Rey et Gravier, Paris & Gobin,
Bonde, C. von 1922. The Heterosomata (flat fishes) collected Paris; publication dates: see Evenhuis, 1997: 111].
by the S. S. "Pickle". Report, Fisheries & Marine Bio- Bosc, L. A. G. 1803. Myste. P. 325 in: Nouveau dictionnaire
logical Survey, Union of South Africa, 2: 1–27, pls. 1–6. d'histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, principalement à
Bonde, C. von. 1923. Shallow water fishes procured by the l'agriculture et à l'économie rurale et domestique: par
S. S. "Pickle". Report, Fisheries & Marine Biological une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Vol. 15.
Survey, Union of South Africa, 3: 1–40, pls. 1–9. Déterville, Paris, 580 pp, pls. 23–36. [Published 20 July 1803,
Bontius [Bondt], J. 1642. De medicina Indoru. Lib. IV. 1. No- Evenhuis, 1997: 198].
tae in Garciam ab Orta. 2. De diaeta sanorum. 3. Meth. Bosc, L. A. G. 1816. Bagre. P. 147 in: Nouveau dictionnaire
memdendi indica. 4. Observationes e cadaveribus. Hack, d'histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'agriculture, à
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden], 212 pp. [Parts reprinted and l'économie rurale et domestique, à la médecine, etc. par
translated in van Andel, 1931]. une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Nouvelle
Boonchot, K. & C. Wongsawad. 2005. A survey of helm- édition presqu'entièrement refondue et considérablement
inths in cyprinoid fish from the Mae Ngad Somboon- augmentée. Vol. 3. Déterville, Paris, 560 pp. [Published 14
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Boonyaratpalin, S. & M. Srirungroj. 1971. Scaphognathops C. A. M. Reid, M. Schmitt, S. A. ZlipiDski & A. B. T.
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Bornbusch, A. H. 1991. Redescription and reclassification Heterochrony in jaw morphology of needlefishes (Te-
of the silurid catfish Apodoglanis furnessi Fowler (Silu- leostei: Belonidae). Systematic Zoology, 40 (3): 329–354.
riformes: Siluridae), with diagnoses of three intrafamil- Boulenger, G. A. 1889. Second account of the fishes ob-
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rice, lus dans les séances anniversaires du 24 août 1841 division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, especes
et du 24 septembre 1842. Société d'Histoire Naturelle de & leurs variétés. A laquelle on a joint une description
l'Ile Maurice, Port-Louis, 12e: 1–24, 13e: 25–111, 1 pl. exacte de chaque espece, avec les citations des auteurs
[Fishes by F. Liénard, pp. 57–95; see Monod, 1976. 22]. qui en ont traité, les noms qu'ils leur ont donnés, ceux
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1823, while on his third voyage to Africa. Whittaker, Brittan, M. R. 1951. New cyprinid fishes of the genus Rasbo-
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tion of Louis Agassiz's Nomenclator Zoologicus. Jour- Brittan, M. R. 1954. A revision of the Indo-Malayan fresh-
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ry, 5 (1): 35–36. of Science and Technology, Manila, 3: 1–224, 3 pls.
Brandt, J. F. &. J. T. C. Ratzeburg. 1833. Medizinische Zoo- Brittan, M. R. 1956. A new species of the fish genus Danio
logie oder getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der (Cyprinidae) from Kedah, Malaya. Bulletin of the Raf-
Thiere, die in der Arzneimittellehre in Betracht kommen, fles Museum, 27: 41–44, pl. 3.
in systematischer Folge herausgeben. Trowitzsch und Brittan, M. R. 1976. Rasbora axelrodi, a new cyprinid from
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Breder, C. M. 1927. Scientific results of the first oceano- 96, 98.
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tin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection, 1: 1–90. ciformes, Anabantoidei) with a revised hypothesis of
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tan (Süd Borneo). Vorläufige Beschreibung von Linnaean Society, 112: 491–508.
Hemirhamphodon chrysopunctatus spec. nov. Das Britz, R. 2003. Danionella mirifica, a new species of minia-
Aquarium, 12 (110): 340–344. ture fish from Upper Myanmar (Ostariophysi: Cyprin-
Brembach, M. 1982. Drei neue Dermogenys-Arten aus Su- idae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 14 (3):
lawesi: D. montanus, D. vogti, D. megarrhamphus. Die 217–222.
Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschift [DATZ], 35 (2): 51– Britz, R. 2007. Two new species of Mastacembelus from
55. Myanmar (Teleostei: Synbranchiformes: Mastacembel-
Brembach, M. 1991. Lebendgebärende Halbschnäbler. Un- idae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 18 (3):
tersuchungen zur Verbreitung, Morphologie, Systema- 257–268.
tik und Fortpflanzungsbiologie der lebendgebärenden Britz, R. 2008. Channa ornatipinnis and C. pulchra, two
Halbschnäbler der Gattungen Dermogenys und No- new species of dwarf snakeheads from Myanmar (Te-
morhamphus (Hemirhamphidae [sic], Pisces). Natur & leostei: Channidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Fresh-
Wissenschaft, Solingen, 201 pp. waters, 18 (4) (2007 [2008]): 335–344. [Available on-line
Breuning, S. 1942. Novae species Cerambycidarum XI. Fo- since 6 December 2007].
lia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga, 11 (2): 113–175. Britz, R. 2010a. Species of the Macrognathus aculeatus
Brevoort, J. C. 1856. Notes on some figures of Japanese group in Myanmar with remarks on M. caudiocellatus
fish. Vol. 2, pp. 253–288 in: Narrative of the expedition (Teleostei: Synbranchiformes: Mastacembelidae). Ich-
of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan: thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (4) (2009
performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the [2010]): 295–308.
command of Commodore M.C. Perry [...] compiled from Britz, R. 2010b. Macrognathus aureus, a new spiny eel of
the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and the M. aculeatus species group from the Upper Aye-
his officers, at his request and under his supervision by yarwaddy River Drainage, Myanmar (Teleostei: Syn-
Francis L. Hawks. Appleton, New York, vii+624 pp. [also branchiformes: Mastacembelidae). Zootaxa, 2514: 55–
distributed separately as: Notes on some figures of Jap- 60.
anese fish taken from recent specimens by the artists of Britz, R. 2010c. A new earthworm eel of the genus Chaudhu-
the U. S. Japan Expedition. Washington, 36 pp., 9 pls.]. ria from the Ayeyarwaddy River drainage, Myanmar
Brind, W. L. 1914–1915. Domesticated fish; an illustrated (Teleostei: Synbranchiformes: Chaudhuriidae). Zootaxa,
text-book of reliable information for amateur and pro- 2571: 62–68.
fessional aquarists on the identification, care and cul- Britz, R. & K. W. Conway. 2011a. The Cypriniformes Tree
ture of such species of ornamental domestic and foreign of Confusion. Zootaxa, 2946: 73–78.
fish. The Author, New York, 1 (1914): 1–14; 2 (1914): Britz, R. & K. W. Conway. 2011b. Additions to "The Cypri-
15–22; 3 (1915): 23–30; 4 (1915): 31–40. niformes Tree of Confusion". Zootaxa, 2946: 142.
Brind, W. L. 1918. A new subspecies of Thorichthys helleri. Britz, R., K. W. Conway & L. Rüber. 2009. Spectacular mor-
Aquatic Life, 3: 119–120. phological novelty in a miniature cyprinid fish, Danio-
Brisout de Barneville, C. N. F. 1846. Note sur le groupe des nella dracula n. sp. Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
Gobiésoces. Revue Zoologique par la Société Cuvierien- 276 (1665): 2179–2186. [Also published on-line 11 March
ne, 9: 143–146. 2009].
Brisson, M. J. 1760. Ornithologie, ou méthode contenant la Britz, R. & C. J. Ferraris. 2003. A new species of the Asian
catfish genus Pseudolaguvia from Myanmar (Teleostei: Browne, P. 1756. The civil and natural history of Jamaica.
Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Erethistidae). Zootaxa, 388: In three parts. Containing […] a history of the natural
1–8. productions, including the various sorts of native fos-
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 1999a. Two new species of gaster- sils. [Published by author], London, viii+503 pp., 49 pls.
osteiform fishes of the genus Indostomus (Teleostei: In- Browne, P. 1789. The civil and natural history of Jamaica.
dostomidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, Containing [...] II. An history of the natural productions
10 (4): 327–336. [...]. [Published by author], London, viii + 490 pp., 49 pls.
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 1999b. Sundasalanx mekongensis, [Reprint of Browne, 1756, with small changes; on Official Index; ICZN,
a new species of clupeiform fish from the Mekong basin 1925: 27 (Opinion 89), 1956a: 312 (Direction 32)].
(Teleostei: Sundasalangidae). Ichthyological Exploration Bruce, J. 1790. Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in
of Freshwaters, 10 (4): 337–344. the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. Vol. 5.
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 1999c. Carinotetraodon imitator, Appendix. Select specimens of natural history, collect-
a new freshwater pufferfish from India. Journal of South ed in travels to discover the sources of the Nile, in Egypt,
Asian Natural History, 4 (1): 39–47. Arabia, Abyssinia, and Nubia. Robinson, London,
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 2002. Parasphaerichthys lineatus, xiv+230+10 pp., 43 pls., 2 maps.
a new species of labyrinth fish from southern Myanmar Brüning, C. 1910. Ichthyologisches Handlexikon heraus-
(Teleostei: Osphronemidae). Ichthyological Exploration gegeben unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Aqua-
of Freshwaters, 13 (3): 243–250. rienkunde. Wenzel, Braunschweig, 288 pp.
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 2003. Descriptive osteology of the Brüning, C. 1914. Barbus lateristriga Val. und ein neuer
family Chaudhuriidae (Teleostei, Synbranchiformes, Xiphophorus (X. montezumae?). Wochenschrift für Aqua-
Mastacembeloidei), with a discussion of its relationships. rien- und Terrarienkunde, 11 (24): 469–471.
American Museum Novitates, 3418: 1–62. Brünnich [Brünniche, Brünnicke, Brunnichius], M. T. 1768.
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 2008. Paedocypris carbunculus, Ichthyologia massiliensis, sistens piscium descriptiones
a new species of miniature fish from Borneo (Teleostei: eorumque apud incolas nomina. Accedunt spolia Maris
Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoolo- Adriatici. Rothii Viduam & Proft, Hafniae & Lipsiae,
gy, 56 (2): 415–422. xvi+110 pp.
Britz, R. & M. Kottelat. 2010. Pangio longimanus, a minia- Bryan, A. 1906. Three new Hawaiian fishes. Occasional
ture species of eel-loach from Central Laos (Teleostei: Papers of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, 2: 276–
Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration 291 [22–37].
of Freshwaters, 20 (4) (2009 [2010]): 371–376. Bryan, A. & A. C. Herre. 1903. Annotated list of the Marcus
Britz, R., M. Kottelat & H. H. Tan. 2012. Fangfangia spino- Island fishes. Occasional Papers of the Bernice Pauahi
cleithralis, a new genus and species of miniature cyp- Bishop Museum, 2: 126–139.
rinid fish from the peat swamp forests of Borneo (Te- Buchanan, F. 1807. A journey from Madras through the
leostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. Cadell &
Freshwaters, 22 (4) (2011 [2012]): 327–335. Davies, & Black, Parry & Kingsbury, London, vol. 3.
Britz, R., K. Kumar & F. Baby. 2012. Pristolepis rubripin- Buen, F. de. 1930. Notas sobre la fauna ictiologica de nues-
nis, a new species of fish from southern India (Teleostei: tras aguas dulces. Notas y Resumenes, Instituto Espanol
Percomorpha: Pristolepididae). Zootaxa, 3345: 59–68. de Oceanografia, Ser. 2, 46: 1–62, figs.
Britz, R. & J. Maclaine. 2007. A review of the eel-loaches, Bui, H. M. 2011. Checklist of freshwater fish of Phu Quoc.
genus Pangio, from Myanmar (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Va Ky Thuat [Science and Tech-
Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, nology Publishing House], Ha Noi, 50 pp.
18 (1): 17–30. Buñag, D. M. 1934. A supplement to our knowledge of two
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ical Bulletin, St. John's University, Shanghai, 2: 1–225, connoissances, soit relativement a l'utilité qu'en peuvent
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sur des poissons d'autres mers, plus ou moins liés avec pls. 41–71. [Published April 1829; after Cuvier, 1829].
eux. Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 1: 226– Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1829b. Histoire naturelle des
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tiques sur différens poissons de la Méditerranée, et à leur Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1830a. Histoire naturelle des
occasion sur des poissons d'autres mers, plus ou moins poissons. Tome cinquième. Levrault, Paris, xxviii+4+499
liés avec eux. Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturel- pp., pls. 100–140. [Published July 1830].
le, 1: 353–363. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1830b. Histoire naturelle des
Cuvier, G. 1815c. Suite des observations et recherches cri- poissons. Tome sixième. Levrault, Paris, xxvi+559 pp.,
tiques sur différens poissons de la Méditerranée, et à leur pls. 141–169. [Published September 1830].
occasion sur des poissons d'autres mers, plus ou moins Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1831. Histoire naturelle des
liés avec eux. Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturel- poissons. Tome septième. Levrault, Paris, xxix+531 pp.,
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organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome huitième. Levrault, Paris, (1831 [1832]),
animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. xix+509 pp., pls. 209–245. [Published January 1832].
Tome II, contenant les reptiles, les poissons, les mol- Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1833. Histoire naturelle des
lusques et les annélides. Déterville, Paris, xvii+532 pp. poissons. Tome neuvième. Levrault, Paris, xxix+512 pp.,
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* Cuvier, G. 1816b. Le règne animal distribué d'après son Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1835. Histoire naturelle des
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animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. pls. 280–306. [Published September 1835].
Tome IV, contenant les zoophytes, les tables, et les Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1836. Histoire naturelle des
planches. Déterville, Paris, viii+255 pp., 15 pls. [Published poissons. Tome onzième. Levrault, Paris, xx+506 pp.,
before 2 December 1816, Roux, 1976]. pls. 307–343. [Published July 1836].
* Cuvier, G. 1817. Sur le genre Chironectes Cuv. (Antenna- Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1837. Histoire naturelle des
rius. Commers.). Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Na- poissons. Tome douzième. Levrault, Paris, xxiv+507 pp.,
turelle, 3: 418–435, pls. 16–18. pls. 344–368.[Published March 1837].
Cuvier, G. 1822. Das Thierreich eingetheilt nach dem Bau Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1839. Histoire naturelle des
der Thiere als Grundlage ihrer Naturgeschichte und der poissons. Tome treizième. Pitois-Levrault, Paris, xix+
vergleichenden Anatomie. Aus dem Französischen frey 505 pp., pls. 369–388. [Published April 1839].
übersetzt und mit vielen Zusätzenversehen von H. R. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1840a. Histoire naturelle des
Schinz. Vol. 2. Cotta, Stuttgart & Tübingen, xvi+835 pp. poissons. Tome quatorzième. Pitois-Levrault, Paris (1839
Cuvier, G. 1829. Le règne animal distribué d'après so organi- [1840]), xxii+464 pp., pls. 389–420. [Published January
sation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des ani- 1840].
maux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Tome II. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1840b. Histoire naturelle des
Déterville, Paris, xv+406 pp. [Published 11 April 1829, Even- poissons. Tome quinzième. Pitois, Paris, xxxi+540 pp.,
huis, 1997: 174, Boeseman, 1962: 80; before vol. 3 of Cuvier & Va- pls. 421–455. [Published November 1840].
lenciennes also April 1829; see Cuvier, 1830 for plates, index, bibli- Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1842. Histoire naturelle des
ography and information on authors cited)].
poissons. Tome seizième. Bertrand, Paris, xx+472 pp.,
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isation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des ani- Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1844. Histoire naturelle des
maux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Tome III. poissons. Tome dix-septième. Bertrand, Paris, xxiii+
Déterville, Paris, xvi+504 pp., 20 pls. [Published 27 March 497 pp., pls. 487bis–519.[Published July 1844].
1830, Evenhuis, 1997: 174; index pp. 441–504, bibliography and in-
formation on authors cited pp. 329–428].
Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1846. Histoire naturelle des
Cuvier, G. 1995. Historical portrait of the progress of ich- poissons. Tome dix-huitième. Bertrand, Paris, xix+
thyology, from its origin to our own time. Edited by T. W. 505 pp., pls. 520–553. [Published August 1846].
Pietsch. Translated by A. J. Simpson. John Hopkins Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1847a. Histoire naturelle des
University Press, Baltimore, xxiv+366 pp. [Translation of poissons. Tome dix-neuvième. Bertrand, Paris, xix+
Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828a].
544 pp., pls. 554–590. [Published May 1847].
* Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1828a. Histoire naturelle Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1847b. Histoire naturelle des
des poissons. Tome premier. Levrault, Paris, xvi+576 pp., poissons. Tome vingtième. Bertrand, Paris, xviii+472 pp.,
pls. 1–8. [Published October 1828; English translation: Cuvier, pls. 591–606.[Published November 1847].
Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1848. Histoire naturelle des
Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1828b. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome vingt et unième. Bertrand, Paris, xiv+
poissons. Tome second. Levrault, Paris, xxi+490 pp., 536 pp., pls. 607–633. [Published September 1848].
pls. 9–40. [Published October 1828]. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes. 1849. Histoire naturelle des
poissons. Tome vingt-deuxième. Bertrand, Paris,
xx+532+92 pp., pls. 634–650. [Recorded in bibliographies in Noemacheilus (Pisces: Cobitidae) from Arunachal
January 1850, thus probably published in late 1849; date 1850 re- Pradesh, India. Bulletin of the Zoological Survey of In-
tained here; royal octavo edition dated 1849 on title page, octavo dia, 6 (1–3): 275–277, pl. 14.
edition dated 1850; page numbers correspond to octavo edition].
Datta, A. K. & A. K. Karmakar. 1981. On a new species of
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nam]. tions without figures, or of figures very ill designed, are
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ihren natürlichen Verwandtschaften nebst einer Ver- einer kurzen vorläufigen Abhandlung über den Umfang
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croy’s prologue; Cameron, 1988, Aguilar & Raimbault, 1960; publi- delphia, 71 (1): 2–15.
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Sciences of Philadelphia, 58: 77–113. pheridae, Priacanthidae, Lutjanidae, Pomadasyidae, and
Fowler, H. W. 1907a. Some new and little-known percoid Teraponidae, collected by the United States Bureau of
fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences Fisheries steamer "Albatross", chiefly in Philippine seas
of Philadelphia, 58: 510–528. and adjacent waters. Bulletin of the United States Natio-
Fowler, H. W. 1907b. Notes on Serranidae. Proceedings of nal Museum, 100 (11): i–xi + 1–388.
Fowler, H. W. 1931d. Fishes obtained by the Barber As- batros", chiefly in Philippine Seas and adjacent waters.
phalt Company in Trinidad and Venezuela in 1930. Pro- Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 85:
ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- 31–135.
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in 1907 to 1910, chiefly in the Philippine Islands and reau of Fisheries steamer "Albatross" in 1907 to 1910,
adjacent seas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural chiefly in the Philippine Islands and adjacent seas. Bul-
Sciences of Philadelphia, 85: 233–367. letin of the United States National Museum, 100 (13):
Fowler, H. W. 1934d. Natal fishes obtained by Mr. H. W. Bell- 1–879.
Marley. Annals of the Natal Museum, 7 (3): 403–433. Fowler, H. W. 1941b. The George Vanderbilt Oahu Survey
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V, continued. The cods, opahs, flounders, soles, john Sciences of Philadelphia, 93: 247–279.
dories, berycoids, pipe fishes, silversides, mullets, bar- Fowler, H. W. 1941c. New fishes of the family Callionymi-
racudas and thread fishes. The Hong Kong Naturalist, 5 dae, mostly Philippine, obtained by the united States
(3): 210–225. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer "Albatros". Proceedings of
Fowler, H. W. 1935a. Zoological results of the Third de the United States National Museum, 90 (3106): 1–31.
Schauensee Siamese Expedition, part VI. – Fishes ob- Fowler, H. W. 1943a. A new barb from Siam (Puntius vie-
tained in 1934. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural hoeveri). Fish Culturist, 23 (4): 25–28.
Sciences of Philadelphia, 87: 89–163. Fowler, H. W. 1943b. Descriptions and figures of new fish-
Fowler, H. W. 1935b. South African fishes received from es obtained in Philippine seas and adjacent waters by
Mr. H. W. Bell-Marley in 1935. Proceedings of the Acad- the Unites States Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Alba-
emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 87: 361–408. tross". Bulletin of the United States National Museum,
Fowler, H. W. 1935c. Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang 100 (14, 3): 53–91.
Kalahari Expedition, March to September, 1930. Fresh- Fowler, H. W. 1944a. Results of the Fifth George Vander-
water fishes. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 16 (2): bilt Expedition (1941) (Bahamas, Caribbean Sea, Pana-
251–293, pls. 6–9. ma, Galapagos Archipelago and Mexican Pacific Is-
Fowler, H. W. 1936a. Zoological results of the Third de lands). The fishes. Monographs of the Academy of Nat-
Schauensee Siamese Expedition, part VII. – Fishes ob- ural Sciences of Philadelphia., 6: 57–529, pls. 1–20.
tained in 1935. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Fowler, H. W. 1944b. Fishes obtained in the New Hebrides
Sciences of Philadelphia, 87: 509–513. by Dr. Edward L. Jackson. Proceedings of the Academy
Fowler, H. W. 1936b. Zoological results of the George of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 96: 155–199.
Vanderbilt African Expedition of 1934. Part III, – The Fowler, H. W. 1944c. A new barb-like fish from Siam (Cros-
fresh water fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natu- socheilus thai). Fish Culturist, 23: 49–51.
ral Sciences of Philadelphia, 88: 243–335. Fowler, H. W. 1944d. A new glass catfish from Borneo. Fish
Fowler, H. W. 1937. Zoological results of the Third de Schau- Culturist, 24: 1–2.
ensee Siamese Expedition, part VIII, – Fishes obtained Fowler, H. W. 1944e. A new demoiselle fish from the trop-
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ces of Philadelphia, 89: 125–264. Fowler, H. W. 1945. Fishes from Saipan island, Micronesia.
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like vertebrates. The Fish Culturist, 30 (10) (Supple- thophthalmus, with description of a new species. Annals
ment): 1–4. and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 11, 6 (32): 170–
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Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 81 (3): Fraser-Brunner, A. 1941. Notes on the plectognath fishes. –
385–388. VI. A synopsis of the genera of the family Aluteridae,
Fowler, H. W. 1958a. Some new taxonomic names of fish- and descriptions of seven new species. Annals and Mag-
like vertebrates. Notulae Naturae, 310: 1–16. azine of Natural History, Ser. 11, 8 (45): 176–199.
Fowler, H. W. 1958b. A synopsis of the fishes of China. Part Fraser-Brunner, A. 1955. A synopsis of the centropomid fish-
VIII. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 11: 147– es of the subfamily Chandidae, with descriptions of a
339. new genus and two new species. Bulletin of the Raffles
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fishes from Soochow, China, with descriptions of two Freyhof, J. 2003. Sewellia albisuera, a new balitorid loach
new species. Proceedings of the United States National from Central Vietnam (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae). Ich-
Museum, 58 (2338): 307–321. thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 14 (3): 225–230.
Fowler, H. W. & B. A. Bean 1922. Fishes from Formosa Freyhof, J. & F. Herder. 2001. Tanichthys micagemmae, a
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gions. The fishes of the series Capriformes, Ephippi- gica, 49 (Suppl. 1): 205–214.
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[Also as reprint, pp.1–70]. Gill, T. N. 1862d. Catalogue of the fishes of Lower Califor-
Gill, T. N. 1859a [Jan]. Description of a new generic form nia in the Smithsonian Institution, collected by Mr. J.
of Gobinae from the Amazon River. Annals of the Lyce- Xantus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Scien-
um of Natural History, New York, 7: 45–48. [Published in ces of Philadelphia, 14: 140–151.
January 1859; usually date 1862, which is date of printing of table of Gill, T. N. 1862e. Remarks on the relations of the genera and
content and cover; fascicle dated January 1858 (p. 33), which is a other groups of Cuban fishes. Proceedings of the Acad-
typesetter error for 1859 since previous fascicle is dated December
1858 (p. 17), and following one is dated March 1859 (p. 49)].
emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 235–242.
Gill, T. N. 1859b. Description of Hyporhamphus, a new Gill, T. N. 1862f. Synopsis of the species of lophobranchiate
genus of fishes allied to Hemirhamphus Cuv. Proceed- fishes of western North America. Proceedings of the Acad-
ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 282–284.
phia, 11: 131. Gill, T. N. 1862g. Note on some genera of fishes of western
Gill, T. N. 1859c [May or June]. Notes on a collection of North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
Japanese fishes, made by Dr. J. Morrow. Proceedings of Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 329–332.
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 11: Gill, T. N. 1862h. Squalorum generum novorum descrip-
144–149. [Mentioned in post-scriptum dated June 1860 in Bleeker, tiones diagnosticae. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural
History of New York, 7: 409–413.
Gill, T. N. 1860. Conspectus piscium in expeditione ad Gill, T. N. 1863a. Catalogue of the fishes of Lower Califor-
Oceanum Pacificum septentrionalem, C. Ringold et nia, in the Smithsonian Institution, collected by Mr. J.
J. Rodgers ducibus, a Gulielmo Stimpson collectorum. Xantus. Part IV. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
Sicydianae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 15: 80–88.
Sciences of Philadelphia, 12: 100–102. Gill, T. N. 1863b. Descriptive enumeration of a collection
Gill, T. N. 1861a [February]. Catalogue of the fishes of the of fishes from the western coast of Central America, pre-
eastern coast of North America, from Greenland to Geor- sented to the Smithsonian Institution, by Capt. John M.
gia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Dow. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences
Philadelphia, 13 (Suppl.): 1–63. of Philadelphia, 15: 162–174.
Gill, T. N. 1861b. Synopsis of the subfamily of Clupeinae, Gill, T. N. 1863c. Synopsis of the pomacentroids of the
with descriptions of new genera. Proceedings of the Acad- western coast of North and Central America. Proceed-
emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: 33–38. ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-
Gill, T. N. 1861c [19 March or 2 April]. Synopsis of the phia, 15: 213–221.
subfamily of Percinae. Proceedings of the Academy of Gill, T. N. 1863d. Descriptions of the gobioid genera of the
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: 44–52. western coast of temperate North America. Proceedings
Gill, T. N. 1861d. Revision of the genera of North Ameri- of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 15:
can Sciaeninae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural 262–267.
Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: 79–89. Gill, T. N. 1863e. On the gobioids of the eastern coast of the
Gill, T. N. 1861e. [Two new species of marine fishes]. Pro- United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- Sciences of Philadelphia, 15: 267–271.
delphia, 13: 98–99. Gill, T. N. 1863f. On the genus Periophthalmus of Schneider.
Gill, T. N. 1861f. Synopsis of the polynematoids. Proceed- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil-
ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- adelphia, 15: 271–272.
phia, 13: 271–282. Gill, T. N. 1863g–1864. Note on the genera of Hemirham-
Gill, T. N. 1861g. Synopsis of the sillaginoids. Proceedings phinae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Scien-
of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: ces of Philadelphia, 15: 272–273. [page 272 published
501–505. in 1863, p. 273 in 1864]
Gill, T. N. 1861h. Synopsis of the genera of the sub-family Gill, T. N. 1863h. Descriptions of some new species of Pedi-
of Pimelodinae. Proceedings of the Boston Society of culati, and on the classification of the group. Proceed-
Natural History, 8: 46–55. ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-
Gill, T. N. 1861i. On the classification of the Eventognathi or phia, 15: 88–91.
Cyprini, a suborder of Teleocephali. Proceedings of the Gill, T. N. 1865. On a new genus of Serranidae. Proceed-
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13: 6–9. ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-
Gill, T. N. 1862a. Analytical synopsis of the order of Squa- phia, 17: 104–106.
li; and revision of the nomenclature of the genera. An- Gill, T. N. 1872. Arrangement of the families of fishes, or
nals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York, 7: 367– classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii. Smith-
408. [Page numbers 367–370 used twice in volume]. sonian Miscellaneous Collections, 247: i–xlvi, 1–49.
Gill, T. N. 1862b. Appendix to the synopsis of the subfam- Gill, T. N. 1884a. Synopsis of the genera of the superfamily
ily of Percinae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Teuthidoidea (families Teuthidae and Siganidae). Pro-
Sciences of Philadelphia, 14: 15–16. ceedings of the United States National Museum, 7: 275–
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Gill, T. N. 1884b. Synopsis of the plectognath fishes. Pro- 8, 13–14, 17–18, 22c, 26, 29–30, 34, 37, 40–41, 48, 53,
ceedings of the United States National Museum, 7: 411– 59, 61, 64–65, 71 in: General report upon zoology of the
427. several Pacific railroad routes, 1857. In: Reports of ex-
Gill, T. N. 1885. Sub-order VIII – Acanthopterygii. Pp. 181– plorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable
262 in: J. S. Kingsley (ed.), The riverside natural histo- and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi
ry. Vol. 3. Lower vertebrates. Houghton, Mifflin and River to the Pacific Ocean, v. 10. [Also separately under
Company, Boston. title: Fishes of North America, observed on a survey for
Gill, T. N. 1890a. Osteological characteristics of the family a railroad route from the Mississippi river to the Pacific
Muraenesocidae. Proceedings of the United States Na- ocean. Washington, 1858]. [Part of Senate Ex. Doc. No. 78,
tional Museum, 13: 231–234. 33d Congress, 2d Session].
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The Century dictionary. An encyclopedic lexicon of the 85+2 pp., 41 pls. In: United States and Mexican bound-
English language. Vol. 4 . The Century Co., New York. ary survey, under the order of Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory,
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of the United States National Museum, 26: 965–967. Gistel, J. 1857. Achthundert und zwanzig neue oder unbe-
Gill, T. N. 1905a. Note on the genera of synanceine and schriebene wirbellose Thiere. Schorner, Straubing, 94 pp.
pelorine fishes. Proceedings of the United States Natio- [Apparently also published as Pp. 516–606 in: J. Gistel (1857), Vacu-
nal Museum, 28 (1394): 221–225. na oder die Geheimnisse aus der organischen und leblosen Welt. Vol.
2. Schorner, Straubing, 1031 pp.].
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195–217, pls. 45–58. te aller drei Reiche, fur Lehrer and Lernende, fur Schule
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lake Nicaragua. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia, 29: 175–191. Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. & P. J. Kailola. 1984. Trawled fishes of
Gilliams, J. 1824. Description of a new species of fish of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Austra-
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Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 4: 80–82, pl. 3. torate General of Fisheries, Jakarta & German Agency
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Dr. A. L. Heermann, naturalist attached to the Survey of Naturgeschichte der Fische, vorzüglich derer in den
the Pacific Railroad Route, under Lieut. R. S. William- preussischen Staaten [...]. Allgemeine Deutsche Biblio-
son, U. S. A. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural thek, 49 (1. St.): 155–156.
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Girard, C. F. 1856. Researches upon the cyprinoid fishes gna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, spe-
inhabiting the fresh waters of the United States of Amer- cies cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis.
ica, west of the Mississippi Valley, from specimens in Beer, Lipsiae, vol. 1, pars 3: 1033–2224. [Published 30
November 1789, Evenhuis, 1997: 309, Hopkinson, 1908: 1035].
the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings
of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 8: Golani, D., R. Fricke & Y. Tikochinski. 2011. Rehabilita-
165–213. [Date of volume 1857, date of fascicle unknown, appar- tion of Sillago erythraea Cuvier, and redescription of
ently late 1856].
Sillago sihama (Forsskal) (Teleostei: Sillaginidae) from
Girard, C. 1857. Descriptions of some new reptiles, collect- the Red Sea. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue
ed by the U. S. Exploring Expedition, under the com- Serie, 4: 465–471.
mand of Capt. Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Third Part. – Goldfuss, G. A. 1809. Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der
Including the species of ophidians, exotic to North Amer- Säugethiere. Walther, Erlangen, xix+314 pp., 36 pls.
ica. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, zum
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species of fishes, in the museum of the Smithsonian In- Schrag, Nürnberg, (Erste Abtheilung); xlvi + 696, pls. 1–
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treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, 2pp., 1+100 pls.; Richter, London & Parbury, Allen and
based chiefly upon the collections made by the steamers Co., London, Vol. 2 (1832–1835): 2 pp., 102 pls. [For
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Atlantic. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 30: Sawyer, 1953: 51, Wheeler, 1998, Richardson, 1846a: 188].
i–xxxv, 1–553, 31: i–xxiii, pls. 1–123. [Also as: Memoirs of Gray, J. E. 1831a. See Gray, 1830–1835.
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of the United States National Museum, 2 (1895 [23 Aug. 1896]): i– in the British Museum. The Zoological Miscellany, 1831:
xxxv, 1–26, 1–553, pls. 1–123]. [Publication date: see Jordan & Ev-
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Goren, M. 1978. Comparative study of Bathygobius fuscus Gray, J. E. 1831c. Description of three species of Notopte-
(Rüppell) and related species of the Red Sea, including rus, found by Gen. Hardwicke, in the Indian Seas. The
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caractere des divers genres rangés par classes & par or- British Museum, London, x+160 pp., 2 pls.
dres. König, Argentorati [Strasbourg], i–xviii + 1–252, Gray, J. E. 1854. Catalogue of fish collected and described
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9. [Said to exist as printed document and PDF file dated 29 October Journal, 61 (3): 153–179, 5 pls.
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Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher first. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoo-
[Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Caroli- logical Society of London, 1864 (1): 144–154.
nae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum], 64 (6): 367–512. Günther, A. 1864f. On some new species of Central-Amer-
Günther, A. 1859. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fish- ican fishes. Proceedings of the General Meetings for
es in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 1. Gas- Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London,
terosteidae, Berycidae, Percidae, Aphredoderidae, Pris- 1864 (1): 23–27, pls. 3–4.
tipomatidae, Mullidae, Sparidae. British Museum, Lon- Günther, A. 1866a. Catalogue of the fishes in the British
don, xxxi+524 pp. [Published 10 December 1859, Sherborn, 1934: Museum. Vol. 6. British Museum, London, xv+368 pp.
310]. [Published 13 October 1866, Sherborn, 1934: 310].
Günther, A. 1860. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fish- Günther, A. 1866b. Description of a new siluroid fish from
es in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2. Squa- Ceylon. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 3,
mipinnes, Cirrhitidae, Triglidae, Trachinidae, Sciaenidae, 18 (108): 473–474, pl. 15.
Polynemidae, Sphyraenidae, Trichiuridae, Scombridae, Günther, A. 1867a. Additions to the knowledge of Austra-
Carangidae, Xiphiidae. British Museum, London, lian reptiles and fishes. Annals and Magazine of Natural
xxi+548 pp. [Published 13 October 1860, Sherborn, 1934: 310]. History, Ser. 3, 20 (115): 45–68.
Günther, A. 1861a. Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fish- Günther, A. 1867c. On the fishes of the states of Central
es in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 3. Brit- America, founded upon specimens collected in fresh and
ish Museum, London, xxv+586 pp. [Published before 2 De- marine waters of various parts of that country by Messrs.
cember 1861, Norman & Whitehead, 1984: 303]. Salvin and Godman and Capt. J. M. Dow. Proceedings
Günther, A. 1861b. List of the cold-blooded vertebrata col- of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of
lected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., in Nepal. Proceedings of London, 1866 (3): 600–604. [Published April 1867, Duncan,
the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of Lon- 1937: 72].
don, 1861 (2): 213–227. Günther, A. 1868a. Catalogue of the fishes in the British
Günther, A. 1861c. On a new species of fish of the genus Museum. Vol. 7. British Museum, London, xx+512 pp.
Gerres. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series [Published 14 March 1868, Sherborn, 1934: 310].
3, 8 (44): 189. [Published 1 August 1861; also Günther, 1861d]. Günther, A. 1868b. Description of two new gobioid fishes
Günther, A. 1861d. On a new species of fish of the genus from Sarawak. Annals and Magazine of Natural Histo-
Gerres. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the ry, Ser. 4, 1 (4): 264–266, pl. 12.
Zoological Society of London, 1861d (2): 142–143, Günther, A. 1869a. Notice of a gigantic species of Batra-
pl. 24. [Published September, 1861]. chus from the Seychelle Islands. Annals and Magazine
Günther, A. 1862a. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii Pharyn- of Natural History, Ser. 4, 3 (14): 131–132.
gognathi and Anacanthini in the collection of the British Günther, A. 1869b. Descriptions of two new species of fishes
Museum. Vol. 4. British Museum, London, xxi+534 pp. discovered by the Marquis J. Doria. Annals and Maga-
[Published 8 November 1862, Sherborn, 1934: 310]. zine of Natural History, Ser. 4, 3 (18): 444–445.
Günther, A. 1862b. Note on Pleuronectes sinensis, Lacép. Günther, A. 1870. Catalogue of the fishes in the British
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 3, 10 (60): Museum. Vol. 8. British Museum, London, xxv+549 pp.
475. [Published 25 June 1870, Sherborn, 1934: 310].
Günther, A. 1862c. Descriptions of new species of reptiles Günther, A. 1872a. Examination of certain "Remarks on
and fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Pro- Indian fishes" made by Mr. Francis Day in the 'Proceed-
ceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological ings of the Zoological Society'. Proceedings of the Sci-
Society of London, 1862 (2): 188–194, pls. 25–27. entific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London,
Günther, A. 1864a. Catalogue of the fishes in the British 1871 (3): 761–766. [Published April 1872, Duncan, 1937: 72;
Museum. Vol. 5. British Museum, London, xxii+455 pp. see also Dickinson, 2005: 428].
[Published 10 December 1864, Sherborn, 1934: 310] . Günther, A. 1872b. Report on several collections of fishes
Günther, A. 1864b. On a new generic type of fishes discov- recently obtained for the British Museum. Proceedings
ered by the late Dr. Leichardt in Queensland. Annals and of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of
Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 3, 14 (81): 195–197, London, 1871 (3): 652–675, pls. 53–70. [Published April
pl. 7. 1872, Duncan, 1937: 72].
Günther, A. 1864c. Descriptions of three new species of fish- Günther, A. 1872c. Notice of two new fishes from Celebes.
es in the collection of the British Museum. Annals and Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 4, 9 (54):
Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 3, 14 (83): 374–376. 438–440.
Günther, A. 1864d. List of the new species of fresh-water Günther, A. 1872d. Notice of some species of fishes from
fishes discovered by the late M. Mouhot in Siam and the Philippine Islands. Annals and Magazine of Natural
Cambodia. Pp. Appendix 174–180 in: H. Mouhot, Trav- History, Ser. 4, 10 (59): 397–399.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Günther, A. 1873a. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee – ing the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger in the years 1873–
Heft I. Journal des Museum Godeffroy – Geographische, 1876. Pp. 1–82, pls. 1–32 in: C. W. Thomson (ed.), Re-
ethnographische und naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilun- port on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S.
gen, 2 (3): 1–24, pls. 1–20. [Publication date: see Dor, 1984: Challenger during the years 1873–1876 under the com-
315]. mand of Captain George S. Nares and the late Captain
Günther, A. 1873b. Report on a collection of fishes from Frank Tourle Thomson. Zoology, vol. 1, fasc. 6. His
China. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 4, Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
12 (69): 239–250. Günther, A. 1880b. A contribution to the knowledge of the
Günther, A. 1873c. On a collection of fishes from Chefoo, fish-fauna of the Rio de la Plata. Annals and Magazine
North China. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, of Natural History, Ser. 5, 6 (31): 7–13, pl. 2.
Ser. 4, 12 (71): 377–380. Günther, A. 1881. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee –
Günther, A. 1873d. Erster ichthyologischer Beitrag nach Band II, Heft VII. Journal des Museum Godeffroy –
Exemplaren aus dem Museum Godeffroy. Journal des Geographische, Ethnographische und Maturwissen-
Museum Godeffroy – Geographische, ethnographische schaftliche Mittheilungen, 4 (15): 217–256, pls. 121–
und naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungen, 1 (2): 169– 140. [Publication date: see Dor, 1984: 315].
175 [of volume; 97–103 of fascicle]. Günther, A. 1883. Notes on some Indian fishes in the col-
Günther, A. 1874a. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee – lection of the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of
Heft III. Journal des Museum Godeffroy – Geogra- Natural History, Ser. 5, 11 (62): 137–140.
phische, ethnographische und naturwissenschaftliche Günther, A. 1888. Contribution to our knowledge of the fish-
Mittheilungen, 2 (7): 57–96, pls. 21–60. [Publication date: es of the Yangtsze-Kiang. Annals and Magazine of Nat-
see Dor, 1984: 315]. ural History, Ser. 6, 1 (6): 429–435.
Günther, A. 1874b. Descriptions of new species of fishes in Günther, A. 1889a. Third contribution to our knowledge of
the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural reptiles and fishes from the Upper Yangtze-Kiang. An-
History, Ser. 4, 14 (84): 453–455. nals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 6, 4 (21):
Günther, A. 1874c. Third notice on a collection of fishes 218–229.
made by Mr. Swinhoe in China. Annals and Magazine Günther, A. 1889b. On some fishes from the Kilima-njaro
of Natural History, Ser. 4, 13 (74): 154–159. district. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the
Günther, A. 1874d. Descriptions of new species of fishes in Zoological Society of London, 1889 (1): 70–72, pl. 8.
the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural Günther, A. 1892. List of the species of reptiles and fishes
History, Ser. 4, 14 (83): 368–371. collected by Mr. A. E. Pratt on the Upper Yang-tze-ki-
Günther, A. 1875. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee – Heft ang and in the province Szechuen, with description of
IV. Journal des Museum Godeffroy – Geographische, the new species. Pp. 238–250, 4 pls. in: A. E. Pratt, To
ethnographische und naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilun- the snows of Tibet through China. Longmans, Green &
gen, 2 (9): 97–128, pls. 61–83. [Publication date: see Dor, Co., London, xviii+268 pp., 26+4 pls.
1984: 315]. Günther, A. 1894a. Descriptions of the reptiles and fishes
Günther, A. 1876a. Contributions to our knowledge of the collected by Mr. E. Coode-Hore on Lake Tanganyika.
fish-fauna of the Tertiary deposits of the highlands of Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Busi-
Padang, Sumatra. Geological Magazine, New Series, ness of the Zoological Society of London, 1893 (4): 628–
Series 2, 3 (10): 433–440, pls. 16–19. [Series 3 = Series 2 of 632, pl. 58. [Published April 1894, Duncan, 1937: 74].
New Series]. Günther, A. 1894b. Report on the collection of reptiles and
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new species in the British Museum, chiefly from south- to Mount Kenia. Proceedings of the General Meetings
ern seas. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 4, for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of Lon-
17 (101): 389–402. don, 1894 (1): 84–91, pls. 8–11.
Günther, A. 1877. Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee – Günther, A. 1896. Report on the collections of reptiles, batra-
Band II, Heft VI. Journal des Museum Godeffroy – Geo- chians and fishes made by Messrs. Potanin and Bere-
graphische, Ethnographische und Naturwissenschaftli- zowski in the Chinese provinces Kansu and Sze-chuen.
che Mittheilungen, 4 (13): 169–216, pls. 101–120. [Pub- Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impéria-
lication date: see Dor, 1984: 315]. le des Sciences de St-Pétersbourg [Ezegodnik Zoo-
Günther, A. 1878. Notes on a collection of Japanese sea- logiceskago Muzeja Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk,
fishes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 5, Sankt-Peterburg], 1 (3): 199–219, 2 pls.
1 (6): 485–487. Günther, A. 1898. Report on a collection of fishes from
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Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 168 (extra schaftliche Mittheilungen, 4 (16): iv, 261–388, pls. 141–
volume): 470–472. 160. [Publication date: see Dor, 1984: 315].
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sicht auf die naturwissenschaftlichen Verhältnisse der be- tano, with an annotated checklist of fish species intro-
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280, pls. 1–3. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1936d. Notes on fishes in the Zoölogical
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China Sea. Monographs of the Bureau of Sciences, Ma- pine fishes from the Herre 1933 Philippine expedition.
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236, pl. 1. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1936f. Fishes of the Crane Pacific Expe-
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lomon Is. Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institute, Herre, A. W. C. T. 1939a. A new cyprinid fish of the genus
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ia, 1932 (3): 139–142. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1939b. Tanichthys albonubes and Aphyo-
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and Hainan Island, China. Lingnan Science Journal, 11: Herre, A. W. C. T. 1939c. The genera of Phallostethidae.
423–443. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 52:
Herre, A. W. C. T. 1933a. Herklotsella anomala – a new 139–144.
fresh water cat-fish from Hong Kong. Hong Kong Natu- Herre, A. W. C. T. 1939d. On a collection of littoral and
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genus of Phallostethidae. Copeia, 1940 (2): 141. Museum of Stanford University: XX, new fishes from
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ippine gobies from the Herre 1936–1937 Oriental expe- 399–404.
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Museum of Stanford University, VIII. A new genus and Herre, A. W. C. T. 1946. New genera of Eleotridae and Gobi-
two new species of Chinese gobies with remarks on some idae and one new species from West Africa. Proceedings
other species. Philippine Journal of Science, 73 (3): 293– of the Biological Society of Washington, 59: 121–126.
298, pl. 1. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1950a. Two new gobies from the Philip-
Herre, A. W. C. T. 1941. A list of the fishes known from the pines with notes on a third rare goby. Proceedings of the
Andaman Islands. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 13: Biological Society of Washington, 63: 73–76.
331–403. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1950b. A new labrid and other interesting
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eleotrid fish. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin, 2 (4): 119– 78 (2) (1949 [1950]): 149–153.
120. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1950c. A new name for Hanno, a genus
Herre, A. W. C. T. 1942b. New and little known phal- of African gobies. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin, 3 (4):
lostethids, with keys to the genera and Philippine spe- 198.
cies. Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin, 2 (5): 137–156. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1953a. Check list of Philippine fishes.
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species. Copeia, 1942 (2): 111–116. era and two new species from the Marshall Islands. Phil-
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and species. With key to the genera of gobies with vomer- ine teeth. Philippine Journal of Science, 82: 181–188.
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of Washington, 58: 73–76. nen Reisen. Band 3, Abth. 2. Fische. Kaiserliche Akad-
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Museum of Stanford University. XIX. Two new Philip- i–vi, 1–90, pls. 1–8, 2 (1889): 91–180, pls. 9–13, 3 (1891):
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49–65. [Repeated in Mélanges Biologiques, tirés du Bulletin Phys- ea. Zootaxa, 1981: 1–14.
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Hidaka, K., Y. Iwatsuki & J. E. Randall. 2008. A review of Part 2: xxi + 671–1472, Part 3: xxi + 1473–2178.
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[1837]): 770–781. sell, Charleston, 182 pp., 27 pls. [Text distributed in 1855, but
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de substitution pour Barbus tetrazona Bleeker, 1857, un na and Acanthorhodeus polyspinus sp. n. from Vietnam,
homonyme secondaire de Barbus tetrazona Bleeker, two new species of Acheilognathinae fishes (Teleostei:
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lier sur leur ostéologie et sur les indications qu'elle peut Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 5: 739–769.
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(5/6): 143. VI. On a new genus of gobioid fishes (subfamily Try-
Holthuis, L. B. 1969. Albertus Seba's "Locupletissimi re- paucheninae) with notes on related forms. Records of
rum naturalium thesauri …" (1734–1765) and the the Indian Museum, 26 (2): 155–163.
"Planches de Seba" (1827–1831). Zoologische Medede- Hora, S. L. 1926a. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum.
lingen, 43 (19): 239–252, pls. 1–3. IX. On a new variety of Polynemus sextarius Bl. & Schn.
Holthuis, L. B. 1998. F. C. Meuschen (1719–1811), an eigh- X. On a new species of Brachyamblyopus Bleeker.
teenth-century diplomat-naturalist. Archives of Natural XI. On the fishes of the genus Parapsilorhynchus Hora.
History, 25 (1): 75–85. XII. The systematic position of the cyprinoid genus Psi-
Holthuis, L. B. & M. Boeseman. 1977. Notes on C. S. Rafi- lorhynchus McClelland. XII. On certain new and rare
nesque Schmaltz's (1810) Caratteri di alcuni nuovi ge- species of "pipe fish" (Fam. Syngnathidae). XIV. On a
neri e nuove specie di animali e piante della Sicilia. Jour- new species of the genus Kanduka Hora. Records of the
nal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural Histo- Indian Museum, 27: 454–469, pl. 11. [Published in January
ry, 8 (3): 231–234. 1926, Eschmeyer, 2013].
Holthuis, L. B. & T. W. Pietsch. 2006. Les planches inédites Hora, S. L. 1926b. On a new species of the genus Ctenotry-
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Pacifique d'Isaac Johannes Lamotius. Publications Scien- 28: 221–223.
tifiques du Muséum, Paris, 290 pp. Hora, S. L. 1928. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum.
Hombron, J. B. & H. Jacquinot. 1842–1854. Voyage au Pôle XV. Notes on Burmese fishes. Records of the Indian
Sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et La Museum, 30: 37–40.
Zélée […] pendant les années 1837–1838–1839–1840 Hora, S. L. 1929a. An aid to the study of Hamilton Buchan-
sous le commandement de M. Dumont-d'Urville. Atlas an's "Gangetic Fishes". Memoirs of the Indian Museum,
zoologique. Gide, Paris. [Publication dates: see Clark & Cros- 9: 169–192, pls. 13–23.
nier, 2000, Sherborn & Woddward, 1901a: 390; fish plate published Hora, S. L. 1929b. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum.
as follow: 1842: pl. 4, 1843: pls. 1–3, 5]. XVII. Loaches of the genus Nemachilus from Burma.
Hopkinson, J. 1908. Dates of publication of the separate Records of the Indian Museum, 31: 311–334, pls. 14–15.
parts of Gmelin's Edition (13th) of the 'Systema Naturae' Hora, S. L. 1930. On a new homalopterid fish from Annam.
of Linnaeus. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 10, 6 (35):
Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London, 582–586, pl. 15.
1907 (4): 1035–1037. [Published 4 June 1908; Duncan, 1937: Hora, S. L. 1932. Classification, bionomics and evolution
76]. of homalopterid fishes. Memoirs of the Indian Museum,
Hora, S. L. 1921a. Fish and fisheries of Manipur with some 12: 263–330, pls. 10–12.
observations on those of the Naga hills. Records of the Hora, S. L. 1933. Buchanan's ichthyological manuscript
Indian Museum, 22: 165–214, pls. 9–12. entitled "Piscium Bengalae Inferioris Delineationes".
Hora, S. L. 1921b. Indian cyprinoid fishes belonging to the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Ser., 27 (1):
genus Garra, with notes on related species from other 123–135.
countries. Records of the Indian Museum, 22: 633–687, Hora, S. L. 1934a. The fish of Chitral. Records of the Indian
pls. 24–26. Museum, 36: 280–319, pls. 3–5.
Hora, S. L. 1921d. Notes on the occasional absence of the Hora, S. L. 1934b. The systematic position of Hamilton's
paired fins in fresh water fishes, with some observations species of gobioid fishes from the Ganges. Records of
on the two apodal genera Channa, Gronow and Apua, the Indian Museum, 36: 483–490.
Blyth. Records of the Indian Museum, 22: 27–32. Hora, S. L. 1935. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum.
Hora, S. L. 1923a. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XXIV. Loaches of the genus Nemachilus from eastern
V. – On the composite genus Glyptosternon McClelland. Himalayas, with the description of a new species from
Records of the Indian Museum, 25: 1–44, pls. 1–4. Burma and Siam. Records of the Indian Museum, 37:
Hora, S. L. 1923b. On a collection of fish from Siam. Jour- 49–67, pl. 3.
nal of the Natural History Society of Siam, 6 (2): 143– Hora, S. L. 1936a. Siluroid fishes of India, Burma and Cey-
184, pls. 10–12. lon. II. Fishes of the genus Akysis Bleeker. III. Fishes of
Hora, S. L. 1923c. Fauna of the Chilka Lake. Fish (Part V). the genus Olyra McClelland. IV. On the use of the ge-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
neric name Wallago Bleeker. V. Fishes of the genus He- Hora, S. L. & K. S. Misra. 1940. Notes on fishes in the
teropneustes. Records of the Indian Museum, 38: 199– Indian Museum. XL. On fishes of the genus Rohtee
209. Sykes. Records of the Indian Museum, 42: 155–172, pl. 4.
Hora, S. L. 1936b. On as further collection of fish from the Hora, S. L. & K. S. Misra. 1941. Fishes collected by the
Naga Hills. Records of the Indian Museum, 38: 317–331. Vernay-Hopwood Upper Chindwin Expedition, 1935.
Hora, S. L. 1936c. Siluroid fishes of India, Burma and Cey- Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 42 (3):
lon. VI. Fishes of the genus Clarias Gronovius. VII. Fish- 478–482, 1 pl.
es of the genus Silurus Linnaeus. VIII. Fishes of the ge- Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji. 1928. Notes on fishes in the
nus Callichrous Hamilton. Records of the Indian Muse- Indian Museum. XVI. On fishes of the genus Esomus
um, 38: 347–361. Swainson. Records of the Indian Museum, 30: 41–56.
Hora, S. L. 1937a. Geographical distribution of Indian fresh- Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji. 1934a. Notes on fishes in the
water fishes and its bearing on the probable land con- Indian Museum. XXII. On a collection of fish from the
nections between India and the adjacent countries. Cur- S. Shan States and the Pegu Yomas, Burma. Records of
rent Science, 7: 351–356. the Indian Museum, 36: 123–138.
Hora, S. L. 1937b. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji. 1934b. Notes on fishes in the
XXX. On the systematic position of Cyprinus cosuatis Indian Museum. XXIII On a collection of fish from the
Hamilton. XXXI. On a small collection of fish from San- S. Shan States, Burma. Records of the Indian Museum,
doway, Lower Burma. XXXII. On a small collection of 36: 353–370.
fish from the Upper Chindwin drainage. XXXIII. On a Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji. 1935a. Notes on fishes in the
collection of fish from the Kummaon Himalayas. Indian Museum. XXV. On two new species of cyprinid
XXXIV. On a new catfish from Kwangsi, China. fishes from Deolali, Nasik District, Bombay Presiden-
XXXV. A further note on Hamilton's Cyprinus (Garra) cy. Records of the Indian Museum, 37: 375–380.
lamta. XXXVI. On a new genus of Chinese catfishes Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji. 1935b. Fish of the Naga hills,
allied to Pseudecheneis Blyth. Records of the Indian Assam. Records of the Indian Museum, 37: 381–404, pl. 7.
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Hora, S. L. 1937c. The game fishes of India. III. 'Garua Indian Museum. XXVII. On two collections of fish from
Bachcha or Gaurchcha'. Clupisoma garua (Hamilton) Maungmagan, Tavoy District, Lower Burma. Records
and two allied species. Journal of the Bombay Natural of the Indian Museum, 38: 15–39, pls. 1–2.
History Society, 39 (4): 659–678, 1 pl. Hora, S. L. & E. G. Silas. 1952. Notes on fishes in the Indi-
Hora, S. L. 1937d. A new genus of Siamese catfishes. Jour- an Museum. XLVII. Revision of the glyptosternoid fishes
nal of the Siam Society, Natural History Supplement, of the family Sisoridae, with descriptions of new genera
11 (1): 39–46, pl. 11. and species. Records of the Indian Museum, 49 (1951
Hora, S. L. 1937e. The game fishes of India. II. The Bachh- [1952]): 5–29, pl. 1.
wa or Butchwa. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Horne, M. L. 2001. A new seahorse species (Syngnathidae:
Society, 39: 431–446. Hippocampus) from the Great Barrier Reef. Records of
Hora, S. L. 1938. A new name for Silurus sinensis Hora. the Australian Museum, 53: 243–246.
Records of the Indian Museum, 40: 243. Hossain, M. S. & S. Sarker. 2013. New species of leaf fish
Hora, S. L. 1949. Systematic position of siluroids in Hamil- Nandus meni (Perciformes: Nandidae) from Noakhali,
ton's "Gangetic fishes". Records of the Indian Museum, Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology, http://dx.doi.org/
46: 63–72. 10.1080/21658005.2013.817517. [Apparently only available
Hora, S. L. 1950a. Siluroid fishes of India, Burma and Cey- on internet and does not satisfy criteria of availability of Code art.8.5].
lon. XIII. Fishes of the genera Erethistes Müller & Houttuyn, M. 1782. Beschryvingvan eenige japanse viss-
Troschel, Hara Blyth and of two new allied genera. Re- chen, en andere zee-schepzelen. Natuurkundige Verhan-
cords of the Indian Museum, 47 (1949 [1950]): 183– delingen van de Hollandsche Maatschapij der Weten-
202, pls. 1–2. schappen te Haarlem, 20 (2): 311–350. [See Boeseman, 1995,
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lections of certain American museums. Records of the Howe, J. C. & V. G. Springer. 1993. Catalog of type speci-
Indian Museum, 48: 45–57. mens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natu-
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Pseudecheneis and an allied new genus. Records of the drichthyes: Selachii). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoo-
Indian Museum, 32: 215–221. logy, 540: 1–19.
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Clariidae. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, 17: 12–43, thys macrochirus (Valenciennes), 1844, with comments
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Hora, S. L. & K. C. Jayaram. 1952. On two new gastromy- ish Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 36 (3): 147–200.
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Howes, G. J. 1980b. A new genus of cheline cyprinid fishes. ales du nouveau continent, fait en 1799, 1800, 1801,
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nus fuscescens and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus ca- Hureau, J.-C. & T. Monod. 1973 (eds.). Check-list of the fishes
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Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 28: 1–22, Records of the Western Australian Museum, Suppl., 38:
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Hubbs, C. L. 1938. Fishes from the caves of Yucatan. Car- Huylebrouck, J., R. H. Hadiaty & F. Herder. 2012. Nomo-
negie Institution of Washington Publication 491: 261– rhamphus rex, a new species of viviparous halfbeak
295, pls. 1–4. (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae) en-
Hubbs, C. L. & J. D. Black. 1947. Revision of Ceratich- demic to Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin
thys, a genus of American cyprinid fishes. Miscellaneous of Zoology, 60 (2): 477–485.
Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michi- Hwang, S. [Huang, S.]. 1979. [Notes on fishes of the genus
gan, 66: 1–56, 2 pls. Mystacoleucus from southern Yunnan, China, with de-
Hübner, J. 1816–1826. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmettlinge. scription of a new species]. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,
[2nd part:] Anzeiger der im Verzeichnisse bekannter 4 (4): 419–421. [In Chinese, English summary].
Schmetterlinge angenommenen Benennungen ihrer Hwang, S. 1985. [On five new species and subspecies of
Horden, Rotten, Stämme, Familien, Vereine und Gattun- the genus Schizothorax Heckel from Yunnan, China].
gen. Verfasser [author], Augsburg, 431+72 pp. [Publica- Zoological Research, 6 (3): 209–217. [In Chinese, En-
tion dates: see Durrant, 1899: 298; dates of publication for zoologi- glish summary].
cal nomenclature: 1816: 1–16; 1819: 17–176; 1820: 177–208; 1821: Hyrtl, J. 1855. Uber die accessorischen Kiemenorgane der
209–256; 1823: 257–304; 1825: 305–431; 1826 [Anzeiger]: 1–72; Clupeaceen, nebst Bemerkungen über den Darmcanal
ICZN, 1987: 315, Direction 4]. derselben. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der
Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1879. Catalogue des collections formées Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissen-
et laissées par M.- P. Bleeker. De Breuk & Smits, Leide, schaftliche Classe, 10:: 47–57, 3 pls.
iv+71 pp. Hyrtl, J. 1859. Anatomische Untersuchung des Clarotes
Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1881.On a collection of fishes from the (Gonocephalus) heuglini Kner. Mit einer Abbildung und
St. Paul's River, Liberia, with description of three new einer osteologischen Tabelle der SiluroidenDenkschrift-
species. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 3 (2): 66–71. en der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in
Humboldt, A. de & A. Valenciennes. 1817–1821. Recher- Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 16:
ches sur les poissons fluviatiles de l'Amérique équinox- 1–18, 1 pl.
iale. Pp. 145–216, pls. 45–51 in: A. de Humboldt & Ibarra, M. & D. J. Stewart. J. 1987. Catalogue of type spec-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
imens of recent fishes in Field Museum of Natural His- International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
tory. Fieldiana, Zoology, New Ser., 35: 1–112. held at the Sorbonne in the Amphithéâtre Louis-Liard
ICZN [International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- on Monday, 26th July, 1948 at 2030 hours. ...]. Edwards'
ture]. 1910a. Opinion 13. The specxific name of the sand edition (1771) of Catesby (M), "Natural History of Caro-
crab. Pp. 22–24 in: Opinions rendered by the Interna- lina" (status of names in): clarification of decisions in
tional Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Opin- "Opinion" 89 relating to. Bulletin of Zoological Nomen-
ions 1 to 25. Smithsonian Institution Publications, 1938: clature, 4 (19–21): 568–571.
1–61. ICZN. 1954a. Opinion 212. Designations of the dates to be
ICZN. 1910b. Opinion 21. Shall the genera of Klein, 1744, accepted as the dates of publication of the several vol-
reprinted by Walbaum, 1792, be accepted ? Pp. 51–52 umes of Pallas (P. S.), "Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica". Opin-
in: Opinions rendered by the International Commission ions and Declarations Rendered by the International
on Zoological Nomenclature. Opinions 1 to 25. Smith- Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 4 (2): 15–24.
sonian Institution Publications, 1938: 1–61. ICZN. 1954b. Opinion 228. Rejection for nomenclatorial
ICZN. 1912a. Opinion 39. On the status of the Latin names purposes of Geoffroy, 1762, Histoire abrégée des insectes
in Cuvier, 1800. P. 91 in: Opinions rendered by the In- qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. Opinions and
ternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Declarations Rendered by the International Commission
Opinions 38 to 51. Smithsonian Institution Publications, on Zoological Nomenclature, 4 (18): 211–220. [See also
2060: 89–117. ICZN, 1994b, Opinion 1754].
ICZN. 1912b. Opinion 40. Salmo eriox vs. S. trutta and ICZN. 1954c. Opinion 259. Rejection of the names used by
S. fario; Heniochus acuminatus vs. H. macrolepidotus. Mark Catesby in the Natural History of Carolina, as re-
Pp. 92–93 in: Opinions rendered by the International Com- published by Edwards in the edition of 1771, but accep-
mission on Zoological Nomenclature. Opinions 38 to 51. tance of names formed in accordance with the Linnean
Smithsonian Institution Publications, 2060: 89–117. system inserted by Edwards in that edition. Opinions and
ICZN. 1912c. Opinion 45. The type of Syngnathus Linnaeus, Declarations Rendered by the International Commission
1758. Pp. 101–103 in: Opinions rendered by the Inter- on Zoological Nomenclature, 5 (20): 253–264.
national Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. ICZN. 1954d. Opinion 260. Rejection for nomenclatorial
Opinions 38 to 51. Smithsonian Institution Publications, purposes of the work by Meuschen (F. C.) issued in 1778
2060: 89–117. under the title "Museum Gronovianum". Opinions and
ICZN. 1914. Opinion 57. Names dating from Hasselquist's Declarations Rendered by the International Commission
"Iter Palaestinum," 1757, and the translation, 1762, are on Zoological Nomenclature, 5 (21): 265–280.
untenable. Pp. 131–134 in: Opinions rendered by the ICZN. 1954e. Opinion 261. Rejection for nomenclatorial
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. purposes of the index to the "Zoophylacium
Opinions 38 to 51. Smithsonian Institution Publications, Gronovianum" of Gronovius prepared by Meuschen (F.
2256: 131–169. C.) and published in 1781. Opinions and Declarations
ICZN. 1922a. Opinion 75. Twenty-seven generic names of Rendered by the International Commission on Zoologi-
Protozoa, Vermes, Pisces, Reptilia and Mammalia includ- cal Nomenclature, 5 (22): 281–296.
ed in the Official List of Zoological Names. Smithso- ICZN. 1955a. Opinion 345. Rejection of a proposal for the
nian Miscellaneous Collections, 73 (1): 35–37. use of the Plenary Powers for the benefit of the generic
ICZN. 1922b. Opinion 77. Thirty-five generic names in Pro- name Rhina Latreille, [1802–1803] (Class Insecta, Or-
tozoa, Coelenterata, Trematoda, Cestoda, Cirripedia, der Coleoptera) and addition of the generic name Rhina
Tunicata, and Pisces placed in the Official List of Ge- Schneider, 1801 (Class Elasmobranchii) to the Official
neric Names. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, List of Generic Names in Zoology; designation under the
73 (1): 71–73. Plenary Powers for the genera Rhinostomus Rafinesque,
ICZN. 1925. Opinion 89. Suspension of the Rules in the 1815, and Magdalis Germar, 1817 (Class Insecta, Order
case of Gronow 1763, Commerson 1803, Gesellschaft Coleoptera) of type species in harmony with accustomed
Schauplatz 1775 to 1781, Catesby 1771, Browne 1789, usage: validation under the Plenary Powers of the spe-
Valmont de Bomare 1768 to 1775. Smithsonian Miscel- cific name barbicornis Latreille, [1803–1804], as pub-
laneous Collections, 73 (3): 27–33. lished in the combination Rhina barbicornis (Class In-
ICZN. 1926a. Opinion 93. Twelve generic names of fishes secta, Order Coleoptera). Opinions and Declarations
placed in the Official List, by suspension of the rules. Rendered by the International Commission on Zoologi-
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 73 (4): 5–11. cal Nomenclature, 10 (12): 353–388.
[ICZN]. 1926b. International rules of zoological nomencla- ICZN. 1955b. Opinion 375. Designation under the plenary
ture. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washing- powers of a type species in harmony with the current
ton, 39: 75–104. [A reprint edition of the Code, with in Appendix usage for the genus "Heterandria" Agassiz (J. L. R.),
the summaries of Opinions 1–90]. 1853 (Class Osteichthyes). Opinions and Declarations
ICZN. 1947. Opinion 13. The specific name of the sand crab. Rendered by the International Commission on Zoologi-
Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the Internation- cal Nomenclature, 11 (25): 379–390.
al Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1 (22): 207– ICZN. 1955c. Appendix 1. Action in regard to individual
234, 2 pls. names or books cited in "Opinions 1 to 16 taken by the
ICZN. 1950. [Conclusions of the Fourteenth Meeting of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
in the period 1948–1955. Opinions and Declarations ICZN. 1967. Opinion 801. Moehring, 1758, Geslachten der
Rendered by the International Commission on Zoologi- Vogelen: suppressed under the plenary powers. Bulletin
cal Nomenclature, 1A (A.26): 309–330. of Zoological Nomenclature, 24 (1): 13.
ICZN. 1956a. Direction 32. Addition to the "Official List of ICZN. 1968. Opinion 846. Mullus auriflamma Forsskal,
Works Approved as Available for Zoological Nomen- 1775 (Pisces): suppressed under the Plenary Powers.
clature" of the titles of certain works dealt with in "Opin- Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 25 (1): 14–15.
ions" rendered in the period up to the end of 1936 and to ICZN. 1970a. Opinion 900. Three specific names in the fam-
the "Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Works in ily Belonidae (Pisces): suppressed under the Plenary
Zoological Nomenclature" of certain works similarly Powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 26 (5–6):
dealt with in the same period and matters incidental there- 213–216.
to. Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the Interna- ICZN. 1970b. Opinion 901. Richardson fish names: sup-
tional Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1 (Sect. pressed under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin of Zoologi-
C) (Part C.21): 307–328. cal Nomenclature, 26 (5–6): 217–220.
ICZN. 1956a. Direction 56. Completion and in certain cas- ICZN. 1971. Opinion 962. Gerridae in Pisces and Hemi-
es correction of entries relating to the names of genera ptera: removal of homonymy in family-group names.
belonging to the Classes Pisces, Amphibia and Reptilia Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 28 (1–2): 41–43.
made in the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology in ICZN. 1976. Opinion 1046. Drepanididae Cabanis, 1847
the period up to the end of 1936. Opinions and Declara- (Aves) and Drepaneidae Gill, 1847 (Pisces): placed on
tions Rendered by the International Commission on Zoo- Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology. Bulle-
logical Nomenclature, 1 (Sect. D) (Part D.17): 337–364. tin of Zoological Nomenclature, 32 (4): 222–229.
ICZN. 1957. Supplement to Direction 56. Instructions re- ICZN. 1979. Opinion 1121. Chanda nama Hamilton-Bucha-
garding the generic names "Teuthys" Linck, 1790 (Class nan, 1822, designated under the Plenary Powers as type
Pisces) and Supplementary Instructions relating to the species of Chanda Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 (Pisces).
generic name "Teuthis" Schneider, 1804 (Class Cepha- Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 35 (4): 223–226.
lopoda). Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the ICZN. 1982. Opinion 1237. Pennahia Fowler, 1926 (Pis-
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, ces, Sciaenidae): designation of type species. Bulletin of
1 (Sect. D) (Part D.19): 389–392. Zoological Nomenclature, 39 (4): 260–261.
ICZN. 1958a. Opinion 513. Determination of the species to ICZN. 1985. International code of zoological nomenclature.
be accepted respectively as the type species of the gen- Third edition. International Trust for Zoological Nomen-
era "Culter" and "Nasus", both of Basilewsky, 1855 clature, London, xx+338 pp.
(Class Pisces). Opinions and Declarations Rendered by ICZN. 1986a. Opinion 1388. Callionymus sagitta Pallas, 1770
the International Commisssion on Zoological Nomen- (Osteichthyes, Callionymidae): neotype designated. Bul-
clature, 18 (17): 291–302. letin of Zoological Nomenclature, 43 (2): 132–133.
ICZN. 1958b. Direction 100. Determination of the gender ICZN. 1986b. Opinion 1402. Bagrus Bosc, 1816 (Osteich-
to be attributed to certain generic names having the ter- thyes, Siluriformes): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological
mination "–gnathus" or, as the case may be, the termina- Nomenclature, 43 (3): 233–234.
tion "–rhynchus" placed on the "Official List of Generic ICZN. 1987. Official Lists and Indexes of names and works
Names in Zoology" in the period up to the end of 1936. in zoology (edited by R. V. Melville & J. D. D. Smith).
Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the Internation- International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, Lon-
al Commisssion on Zoological Nomenclature, 1 (Sect. don, 368 pp.
F) (Part F.11): 175–179. ICZN. 1988. Opinion 1500. Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758 (Oste-
ICZN. 1958c. Direction 87. Completion and, in part, cor- ichthyes, Cypriniformes): Cobitis taenia Linnaeus, 1758
rection of the entries on the Official List of Generic designated as the type species, and the original spelling
Names in Zoology in regard to the generic names Cottus of the family-group name Cobitidae Swainson, 1839
Linnaeus, 1758, and Conger Oken, 1817 (Class Pisces) confirmed. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 45 (2):
made by the Rulings given respectively in Opinions 77 178–179.
and 93 published in the period up to the end of 1936 and ICZN. 1992a. Opinion 1672. Muraena Linnaeus, 1758 and
matters incidental thereto. Opinions and Declarations Anguilla Schrank, 1798 (Osteichthyes, Anguilliformes):
Rendered by the International Commisssion on Zoolog- placed on the Official List of Generic Names. Bulletin
ical Nomenclature, 1 (Sect. F) (Part F.1): 1–16. of Zoological Nomenclature, 49 (1): 93–94.
ICZN. 1959. Opinion 580. Determination of authorship and ICZN. 1992b. Opinion 1695. Acanthophthalmus van Has-
date of the parts of the Histoire Naturelle des Poissons selt in Temminck, 1824 (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes):
by Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828–1850. Bulletin of Zoo- not conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 49
logical Nomenclature, 17 (3–5): 148–152. (3): 248–249.
ICZN. 1965. Opinion 723. Repeal of the ruling given in ICZN. 1994a. Opinion 1754. Histoire abregée des insectes
Opinion 47 together with the stabilisation of the generic qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris (Geoffroy, 1762):
names Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816, Carcharodon some generic names conserved (Crustacea, Insecta).
Smith, 1838, and Odontaspis Agassiz, 1838, in their ac- Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 51 (1): 58–70.
customed sense (Pisces). Bulletin of Zoological Nomen- ICZN. 1994b. Opinion 1761. Filimanus Myers, 1936 (Os-
clature, 22: 32–36. teichthyes, Perciformes): Filimanus perplexa Feltes,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
1991 designated as the type species. Bulletin of Zoolog- and Scatophagidae Bleeker, 1876 (Osteichthyes): usage
ical Nomenclature, 51 (1): 81. conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 69 (2):
ICZN. 1996. Opinion 1840. Bagrus hoevenii Bleeker, 1846 157–158.
(currently Hemibagrus hoevenii; Osteichthyes, Siluri- Igarashi, Y., H. Doi, Y. Yamanoue, S. Kinoshita, T. Ishibashi,
formes): neotype designated. Bulletin of Zoological No- H. Ushio, S. Asakawa, M. Nishida & S. Watabe. 2013.
menclature, 53 (2): 138–139. Molecular phylogenetic relationship of Tetraodon puff-
ICZN. 1999. International code of zoological nomenclature. erfish based on mitochondrial DNA analysis. Fisheries
Fourth edition. International Trust for Zoological No- Science, 79 (2): 2423–250.
menclature, London, 306 pp. Illiger, K. 1807. Vergleichung der Gattungen der Hautflü-
ICZN. 2000a. Opinion 1946. Osphronemus deissneri Blee- gler, Piezata Fabr. Hymenoptera Linn. Jur. Magazin für
ker, 1859 (currently Parosphromenus deissneri; Oste- Insektenkunde, 6: 189–199.
ichthyes, Perciformes): holotype replaced by a neotype. Illiger, C. [K.] 1811. Prodromus systematicis mammalium
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 57 (1): 60. et avium – additis terminis zoographicis utrusque clas-
ICZN. 2000b. Opinion 1954. Labrus Linnaeus, 1758, Cichla- sis eorumque versione germanica. Salfeld, Berolini [Ber-
soma Swainson, 1839 and Polycentrus Müller & Troschel, lin], xviii+302 pp.
1849 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): conserved by the des- Imaki, A., A. Kawamoto & A. Suzuki, 1981. Results of an
ignation of Labrus mixtus Linnaeus, 1758 as the type ichthyological survey in the Kapuas River, West Kali-
species of Labrus and L. bimaculatus Linnaeus, 1758 as mantan, Indonesia. Research Institute of Evolutionary
the type species of Cichlasoma; and Polycentrus schom- Biology Special Publication, 1: 33–54.
burgkii Müller & Troschel, 1849: specific name given Imamura, H. 1997. Platycephalus americanus Sauvage,
precedence over L. punctatus Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin 1878, a junior synonym of Grammoplites scaber (Lin-
of Zoological Nomenclature, 57 (2): 131–136. naeus, 1758) (Scorpaeniformes: Platycephalidae). Ich-
ICZN. 2002. Opinion 2011. Hemibagrus Bleeker, 1862 (Os- thyological Research, 44 (4): 425–428.
teichthyes, Siluriformes), Bagrus nemurus Valenciennes Imamura, H. & T. Nagao. 2011. Silurus imberbis Gmelin
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840, B. planiceps Valenci- 1789, a senior synonym of the platycephalid Inegocia
ennes, 1840, B. flavus Bleeker, 1846 and B. sieboldii japonica (Cuvier 1829), with a proposal to suppress the
Bleeker, 1846: previous fixation of type specimens not name. Ichthyological Research, 58 (2): 166–169.
to be set aside. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 59 Imamura, H., & T. Yoshino. 2009. Authorship and validity
(3): 220–222. of two flatheads, Platycephalus japonicus and Platyce-
ICZN. 2003a. Opinion 2043. Betta Bleeker, 1850 (Osteich- phalus crocodilus (Teleostei: Platycephalidae). Ichthyo-
thyes, Perciformes): specific names conserved by the logical Research, 56 (3): 308–313.
suppression of the generic and specific names Micra- Inger, R. F. 1953. A new fish from North Borneo – genus
canthus marchei Sauvage, 1879. Bull. Zoll. Nom., 60 Tetraodon. Fieldiana, Zoology, 34 (11): 149–152.
(2): 171–172. Inger, R. F. 1957. Report on a collection of marine fishes from
ICZN. 2003b. Opinion 2058. Macropodinae Hoedeman, North Borneo. Fieldiana, Zoology, 36 (3): 341–405.
1948 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): spelling emended to Inger, R. F. 1958. Notes on fishes of the genus Brachygo-
Macropodusinae so removing the homonymy with bius. Fieldiana, Zoology, 39 (14): 107–117.
Macropodinae Gray, 1821 (Mammalia, Marsupialia). Inger, R. F. & P. K. Chin. 1959. New species of fresh-water
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 60 (3): 253–254. catfishes from North Borneo. Fieldiana, Zoology, 39
ICZN. 2006. Opinion 2145 (Case 3255). Macropodus spechti (27): 279–296.
Schreitmüller, 1936 (Osteichthyes, Perciformes): prior- Inger, R. F. & P. K. Chin. 1961. The Bornean cyprinoid fishes
ity maintained. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, of the genus Gastromyzon Günther. Copeia, 1961 (2):
63 (1): 78–79. 166–176.
ICZN. 2008. Opinion 2209 (Case 3382). Mystus Scopoli, Inger, R. F. & P. K. Chin. 1962. The fresh-water fishes of
1777 (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes): usage conserved by North Borneo. Fieldiana, Zoology, 45: 1–268. [Reprinted
designation of Bagrus halepensis Valenciennes in Cu- 1990, with 47 additional pages, Sabah Zoological Society, Kota Kin-
vier & Valenciennes, 1840 as the type species. Bulletin abalu; reprinted 2002, with 78 additional pages, Natural History
Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu].
of Zoological Nomenclature, 65 (3): 237–238.
ICZN. 2009. Opinion 2239 (Case 3383). Gobius lagoce- Innes, W. T. 1933. New importations – Scatophagus tetra-
phalus Pallas, 1770 (currently Sicyopterus lagocepha- canthus. The Aquarium, 1 (11): 301.
lus; Osteichthyes, Teleostei, Gobiidae): specific name not Iredale, T. & G. P. Whitley. 1932. Blandowski. Victorian
suppressed. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 66 (4): Naturalist, 49: 90–96.
373–374. Ishikawa, C. 1897. Preliminary catalogue of fishes, includ-
ICZN. 2011. Opinion 2274 (Case 3455). Pseudobagrus Blee- ing Dipnoi, Cyclostomi and Cephalochorda, in the col-
ker, 1859 (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes, Bagridae): con- lection of the natural history department, Imperial Mu-
servation by suppression of senior synonym not ap- seum. Imperial Museum, Tokyo, 64 pp.
proved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 68 (2): Ivantsoff, W. & L. E. L. M. Crowley. 1991. Review of the
152–153. Australian silverside fishes of the genus Atherinomorus
ICZN. 2012. Opinion 2302 (Case 3528). Ephippus Cuvier, (Atherinidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Fresh-
1816, Ephippidae Gill, 1861, Scatophagus Cuvier, 1831 water Research, 42: 479–505.
Ivantsoff, W. & M. Kottelat. 1988. Redescription of Hy- idae). Ichthyological Research, 46 (4): 377–395.
poatherina valenciennei and its relationships to other Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 2001a. Gerres limba-
species of Atherinidae in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. tus Cuvier and G. lucidus Cuvier from the Indo-Malay
Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 35 (2): 142–149. archipelagos, the latter corresponding to young of the
Iwata, A., S. Hosoya & H. K. Larson. 2001. Paedogobius former (Perciformes: Gerreidae). Ichthyological Re-
kimurai, a new genus and species of goby (Teleostei: search, 48 (3): 307–314.
Gobioidei: Gobiidae) from the West Pacific. Records of Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 2001b. Redescription
the Australian Museum, 53: 103–112. of Gerres longirostris (Lacepède, 1801) and Gerres
Iwata, A., Sakai, H. 2002. Odontobutis hikimius n. sp.: a oblongus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830, in-
new freshwater goby from Japan, with a key to species cluded in the Gerres longirostris complex (Perciformes:
of the genus. Copeia, 2002 (1): 104–110. Gerreidae). Copeia, 2001 (4): 954–965.
Iwata, A., H. Sakai, K. Shibukawa & S.-R. Jeon. 2001. De- Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 2006. A new sparid,
velopmental characteristics of a freshwater goby, Micro- Acanthopagrus akazakii, from New Caledonia with notes
percops swinhonis, from Korea. Zoological Science, 18: on nominal species of Acanthopagrus. Ichthyological
91–97. Research 53 (4): 406–414.
Iwatsuki, Y. 2013. Review of the Acanthopagrus latus com- Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 2007. A review of the
plex (Perciformes: Sparidae) with descriptions of three Gerres subfasciatus complex from the Indo-West Pacif-
new species from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Journal ic, with three new species (Perciformes: Gerreidae). Ich-
of Fish Biology, 83 (1): 64–95. thyological Research, 54 (2): 168–185.
Iwatsuki, Y. & K. E. Carpenter. 2006. Acanthopagrus tai- Iwatsuki, Y., M. Kume & T. Yoshino. 2010. A new species,
wanensis, a new sparid fish (Perciformes), with com- Acanthopagrus pacificus from the western Pacific (Pis-
parisons to Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål, 1775) and ces, Sparidae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Na-
other nominal species of Acanthopagrus. Zootaxa, 1202: ture and Science, Series A, 36 (4): 115–130.
1–19. Jaafar, Z. & H. K. Larson. 2008. A new species of mudskip-
Iwatsuki, Y. & K. E. Carpenter. 2009. Acanthopagrus ran- per, Periophthalmus takita (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Oxu-
dalli (Perciformes: Sparidae), a new black seabream from dercinae), from Australia, with a key to the genus. Zoo-
the Persian Gulf. Zootaxa, 2267: 43–54. logical Science, 25 (9): 946–952.
Iwatsuki, Y. & P. C. Heemstra. 2001. Gerres phaiya: a new Jaafar, Z., M. Perrig & L. M. Chou. 2009. Periophthalmus
species of gerreid fish (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gerre- variabilis (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Oxydercinae), a valid
idae) from India, with comments on Gerres poieti and species of mudskipper, and a re-diagnosis of Perioph-
the Gerres erythrourus complex. Copeia, 2001 (4): 1043– thalmus novemradiatus. Zoological Science, 26: 309–
1049. 314.
Iwatsuki, Y. & P. C. Heemstra. 2010. Taxonomic review of Jaafar, Z., D. C. J. Yeo, H. H. Tan & R. M. O'Riordan. 2012.
the western Indian Ocean species of the genus Acantho- Status of estuarine and marine non-indigenous species
pagrus Peters, 1855 (Perciformes: Sparidae), with de- in Singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. 25: 79–
scription of a new species from Oman. Copeia, 2010 (1): 92.
123–136. James, P. S. B. R. 1971. A new species of silver-belly, Leio-
Iwatsuki, Y. & S. Kimura. 1997. Gerres methueni Regan, gnathus jonesi (family Leiognathidae: Pisces) from the
1920, a senior synonym of G. rappi (Barnard, 1927) (Per- Indian seas. Journal of the Marine Biological Associa-
ciformes: Gerreidae). Ichthyological Research, 44 (1): tion of India, 11 (1–2) (1969 [1971]): 316–319. [Pub-
1–7. lished in 1971, Eschmeyer, 2011].
Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura, H. Kishimoto & T. Yoshino. 1996. * Jacquemont, V. 1835–1844. Voyage dans l'Inde, par Vic-
Validity of the gerreid fish, Gerres macracanthus Blee- tor Jacquemont, pendant les années 1828 à 1832, publié
ker, 1854, with designation of a lectotype, and designa- sous les auspices de M. Guizot, ministre de l'instruction
tion of a neotype for G. filamentosus Cuvier, 1829. Ich- publique. Didot, Paris, (4 volumes text; 2 volumes atlas)
thyological Research, 43 (4): 417–429. 1: 2+iii+526 pp.; 2: 2+490 pp.; 3: 2+644 pp; 4: 2+90+
Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 1998. Redescription 31+183 pp.; Atlas 1: 87 pls.; Atlas 2: 207 pls.
of Gerres erythrourus (Bloch, 1791), a senior synonym Jacquinot, H. & A. Guichenot. 1854. Reptiles et poissons.
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Iwatsuki, Y., S. Kimura & T. Yoshino. 1999a. Description "L'Astrolabe" et "La Zélée". Zoologie. 3. Gide & Baudry,
of Gerres chrysops sp. nov. from Thailand and redescrip- Paris. [Publication dates: see Clark & Crosnier, 2000, Sherborn &
tion of Gerres setifer (Hamilton, 1822) and G. decacan- Woddward, 1901a: 390; plate published by Hombron & Jacquinot,
thus (Bleeker, 1865) (Perciformes: Gerreidae). Ichthyo- 1842–43].
logical Research, 46 (1): 27–41. Jarocki, F. P. 1822. Zoologiia czyli zwierzetopismo ogolne
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tions of Gerres baconensis (Evermann & Seale, 1907), 464+37 pp., 4 pls.
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(Forsskal, 1775), included in the "G. oyena complex", Yarubi, H. K. Al-Busaidi & D. S. Al-Mamary. 2011. Oto-
with notes on other related species (Perciformes: Gerre- lith mass asymmetry in Rhynchorhamphus georgi (Va-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
lenciennes, 1846) (Family: Hemiramphidae) collected cal Survey of India, Occasional Papers, 183: 1–143, 2 pls.
from the Sea of Oman. Journal of the Black Sea/Medi- Jayaram, K. C. & A. Sanyal. 2003. A taxonomic revision of
terranean Environment, 17 (1): 47–55. the fishes of the genus Mystus Scopoli (family Bagridae).
Jayabalan, N. 1986. A new species of silverbelly, Gazza Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional
shettyi (Pisces: Leiognathidae) from the Bay of Bengal. Papers, 207: i–iv + 1–136, 5 pls.
Matsya, 11: 42–45. Jean, C.-T., S.-C. Lee, C.-T. Chen & C.-F. Hui. 1998. Vari-
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Jayaram, K. C. 1966b. Contributions to the study of the fishes lée: les poissons fossiles originaux conservés à l'Institut
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er) basin, Hubei Province, South China. Zootaxa, 3586: tional Museum, 32 (1523): 235–239.
211–221. Jordan, D. S. 1912. Note on the generic name Safole, re-
Joannis, L. de. 1835. Observations sur les poissons du Nil, et placing Boulengerina, for a genus of kuhliid fishes. Pro-
description de plusieurs espèces nouvelles. Magasin de ceedings of the United States National Museum, 42
Zoologie, 5: Classe IV: 54 unnumbered pp., pls. 1–15. (1922): 655.
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Zoologischer Anzeiger, 187 (5–6): 369–371. nal Museum, 44 (1957): 359–360, pl. 57.
Johnsen, P. 1963. Notes on fishes along the river Kwae Noi Jordan, D. S. 1919a. The genera of fishes, part II, from Agas-
in Western Thailand. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam siz to Bleeker, 1833–1858, twenty-six years, with the
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tional Museum, 10: 1–120, pls. 1–45. Edwards, with descriptions of three new species. Pro-
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1241–2183, (3 [26 Nov 1898]): i–xxiv + 2183–3136, (4 es collected by Mr. John Xantus at Cape San Lucas,
[26 Jun 1900]): i–ci + 3137–3313, pls. 1–392. [Publica- which are now in the United States National Museum,
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of the Hawaiian islands. Part I. – The shore fishes of the 365.
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na. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23 (1) teen new species of fishes from the Bay of Panama. Bul-
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1–670. tained by David Starr Jordan in Japan, 1922. Memoirs of
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Hawaii, with notes and descriptions of new species. seum, 23 (1213): 335–380, pls. 9–20.
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pan. Proceedings of the United States National Muse- of six new species. Proceedings of the United States
um, 30 (1470): 813–815. National Museum, 23 (1235): 739–769, pls. 31–38.
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Museum, 4 (4): 159–204, pls. 63–74. odont fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States
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go. Bureau of Science Publications, 1: 1–78. nioid fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States
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Hongkong, China. Proceedings of the United States Na- noid fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States
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Hong Kong by Captain William Finch, with description fishes and related forms found in the waters of Japan.
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emy of Sciences, 10: 1–17, pls. 1–13. (1266): 595–662.
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cies (Teleostei: Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, Cobitidae, Coi- of glassperch (Teleostei: Ambassidae) from the Ataran
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Freshwaters, 9 (1): 1–128. group names Ambassidae, Chandidae and Bogodidae.
Kottelat, M. 1998b. Homaloptera yuwonoi, a new species Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 14 (1): 9–
of hillstream loach from Borneo, with a new generic name 18.
for H. thamicola (Teleostei: Balitoridae). Ichthyological Kottelat, M. 2003b. Nomenclatural status of Crossocheilus
Exploration of Freshwaters, 9 (3): 267–272. burmanicus, C. horai and C. multirastellatus (Osteich-
Kottelat, M. 1998c. On the valid generic names for the Indi- thyes: Cyprinidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 51 (2):
an fishes usually referred to Salmostoma and Somileptes 399–401.
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae and Cobitidae). Journal of South Kottelat, M. 2003c. Neotype designation for Perca asper
Asian Natural History, 3 (1): 117–119. Linnaeus, 1758. Cybium, 27 (2): 163–164.
Kottelat, M. 1999a. Nomenclature of the genera Barbodes, Kottelat, M. 2004a. Botia kubotai, a new species of loach
Cyclocheilichthys, Rasbora and Chonerhinos (Teleos- (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from the Ataran River basin
tei: Cyprinidae and Tetraodontidae), with comments on (Myanmar), with comments on botiine nomenclature and
the definition of the first reviser. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- diagnosis of a new genus. Zootaxa, 401: 1–18.
logy, 47 (2): 591–600. Kottelat, M. 2004b. Schistura spekuli, a new species of cave
Kottelat, M. 1999b. Comment on the proposed designation fishes from northern Vietnam (Teleostei: Balitoridae). Ich-
of a single neotype for Hemibagrus nemurus (Valencien- thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 15 (2): 187–191.
nes, 1840) (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes) and H. sieboldii Kottelat, M. 2004c. On the Bornean and Chinese Protomyzon
(Bleeker, 1846), and the lectotype of H. planiceps (Va- (Teleostei: Balitoridae), with description of two new
lenciennes, 1840) as a neotype for H. flavus (Bleeker, genera and two new species from Borneo, Vietnam and
1846). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 56 (4): 271– China. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 15 (4):
272. 301–310.
Kottelat, M. 2000a. Diagnoses of a new genus and 64 new Kottelat, M. 2005a. Fishes of Laos: corrigenda and a figure
species of fishes from Laos (Teleostei: Cyprinidae, Ba- of Schistura leukensis (Teleostei: Balitoridae). Ichthyo-
litoridae, Bagridae, Syngnathidae, Chaudhuriidae and logical Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (1): 65–66.
Tetraodontidae). Journal of South Asian Natural Histo- Kottelat, M. 2005b. Rasbora notura, a new species of cyp-
ry, 5 (1): 37–82. rinid fish from the Malay Peninsula (Teleostei: Cyprin-
Kottelat, M. 2000b. The type species of the genus-group idae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (3):
names Coius Hamilton, 1822 and Datnia Cuvier, 1829 265–270.
and the type genus of the family-group name Datnioidi- Kottelat, M. 2006. Fishes of Mongolia - A check-list of the
dae Bleeker, 1858. Journal of South Asian Natural His- fishes known to occur in Mongolia with comments on
tory, 5 (1): 91–94. systematics and nomenclature. Environment and Social
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Development Sector, East Asia and Pacific Region, The Kottelat, M. 2013d. Nomenclature and identity of the tongue
World Bank, Washington xii + 103 pp. soles Paraplagusia bilineata, "Cynoglossus bilineatus"
Kottelat, M. 2007. Nomenclatural status and identity of and Paraplagusia blochii (Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes).
Gobius lagocephalus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Molecular Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 61 (2): 763–766.
Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43: 693–695. Kottelat, M. & F. Bréhier. 1999. Troglocyclocheilus kham-
Kottelat, M. 2008a. Rasbora dies, a new species of cyprinid mouanensis, a new genus and species of cave fish from
fish from eastern Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ich- the Khammouan karst, Laos (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
thyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 18 (4) (2007 Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 106 (2): 347–359.
[2008]): 301–305. [On-line since 6 December 2007]. Kottelat, M., R. Britz, H. H. Tan & K. E. Witte. 2006. Pae-
Kottelat, M. 2008b. Osteochilus bleekeri, a new species of docypris, a new genus of Southeast Asian cyprinid fish
fish from Borneo and Sumatra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). with a remarkable sexual dimorphism comprises the
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 19 (3): 249– world's smallest vertebrate. Proceedings of the Royal
253. Society: Biological Sciences, 273 (1589): 895–899.
Kottelat, M. 2010a. The nominal species of rays (Chondrich- Kottelat, M. & X.-L. Chu. 1987. The botiine loaches (Oste-
thyes) described by Stephan (1779). Zootaxa, 2646: 63– ichthyes: Cobitidae) of the Lancangjiang (Upper
68. Mekong) with description of a new species. Zoological
Kottelat, M. 2010b. Case 3528. Ephippus Cuvier, 1816, Research, 8 (4): 393–400.
Ephippidae Gill, 1861, Scatophagus Cuvier, 1831 and Kottelat, M. & X.-L. Chu. 1988a. Two new species of Rasbo-
Scatophagidae Bleeker, 1876 (Osteichthyes): proposed ra Bleeker, 1860 from southern Yunnan and northern
conservation of current usage by designation of Chae- Thailand. Spixiana, 10 (3) (1987 [1988]): 313–318.
todon orbis Bloch, 1787 as type species of Ephippus. Kottelat, M. & X.-L. Chu. 1988b. Revision of Yunnanilus
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 67 (4): 303–306. with descriptions of a miniature species flock and six
Kottelat, M. 2011a. Pieter Bleeker in the Netherlands East new species from China (Cypriniformes: Homalopteri-
Indies (10 March 1842 – ca. 21 September 1860): new dae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 23 (1–2): 65–93.
biographical data and a chronology of his zoological Kottelat, M. & X.-L. Chu. 1988c. The genus Homaloptera
publications. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes, Homalopteridae) in Yun-
22 (1): 11–94. nan, China. Cybium, 12 (2): 103–106.
Kottelat, M. 2011b. The grammatical gender of fish generic Kottelat, M. & J. Freyhof. 2007. Handbook of European
nomina based on the stem –butis (Teleostei: Perciformes: freshwater fishes. Kottelat, Cornol & Freyhof, Berlin,
Gobioidei). Zootaxa, 3120: 67–68. xiv + 646 pp.
Kottelat, M. 2012a. Rasbora rheophila, a new species of Kottelat, M. & J. Freyhof. 2009. Notes on the taxonomy and no-
fish from northern Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Re- menclature of some European freshwater fishes. Ichthyo-
vue Suisse de Zoologie, 119 (1): 77–87. logical Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (1): 75–90.
Kottelat, M. 2012b. Acanthocobitis pictilis, a new species Kottelat, M. & J. Géry. 1989. Nemacheilus troglocatarac-
of loach from Myanmar and Thailand (Teleostei: Nema- tus, a new blind cavefish from Thailand. Spixiana, 11
cheilidae). Zootaxa, 3327: 45–52. (3): 273–277.
Kottelat, M. 2012c. Draconectes narinosus, a new genus Kottelat, M., S. O. Kullander, F. Fang, R. Britz & C. J. Fer-
and species of cave fish from an island of Halong Bay, raris. 2004. Comments on the proposed conservation of
Vietnam (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Revue Suisse de the specific name Macropodus concolor Ahl, 1937 (Os-
Zoologie, 119 (3): 341–349. [Figure reprinted in Kottelat, teichthyes: Osphronemidae). Bulletin of Zoological No-
2012e: 571, fig. 1]. menclature 61 (2): 114–116.
Kottelat, M. 2012d. Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory of Kottelat, M. & C. Leisher. 2012. Fishes from Phuong
the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Co- Hoang cave, northern Vietnam, with description of a new
bitoidea). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement, 26: species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyolo-
1–199. gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (3): 237–244.
Kottelat, M. 2012e. Corrigendum: Draconectes narinosus, Kottelat, M. & K. K. P. Lim. 1992. A synopsis of the Malay-
a new genus and species of cave fish from an island of an species of Lepidocephalichthys, with descriptions of
Halong Bay, Vietnam (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Re- two new species (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Raffles Bulletin
vue Suisse de Zoologie, 119 (4): 571. [Figure 1 of Kottelat, of Zoology, 40 (2): 201–220.
2012, reprinted because of resolution problem]. Kottelat, M. & K. K. P. Lim. 1993. A review of the eel-
Kottelat, M. 2013a. The valid generic names for the fish loaches of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from
species usually placed in Cyclocheilichthys (Pisces: Cyp- the Malay Peninsula, with descriptions of six new spe-
rinidae). Zootaxa, 3640 (4 [error, 3]): 479–482. cies. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 41 (2): 203–249.
Kottelat, M. 2013b. Comment on the proposed 'validation' Kottelat, M. & K. K. P. Lim. 1994. Diagnoses of two new
of Siganus Forskål, 1775 (Pisces, Siganidae): awaiting genera and three new species of earthworm eels from
a ruling since 1968. Bulletin of Zoological Nomencla- the Malay Peninsula and Borneo (Teleostei: Chaudhuri-
ture, 70 (2): 114–120. idae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 5 (2):
Kottelat, M. 2013c. Dates of publication of Bleeker's Atlas 181–190.
ichthyologique and Poissons de Madagascar. Zootaxa, Kottelat, M. & K. K. P. Lim. 1995. Freshwater fishes of Sa-
3681 (3): 281–285. rawak and Brunei Darussalam: a preliminary annotated
check-list. Sarawak Museum Journal, 48 (69): 227–256. Cyprinidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 59 (2): 195–199.
Kottelat, M., K. K. P. Lim & P. K. L. Ng. 1994. Bagrus Kottelat, M. & H. H. Tan. 2011b. Systomus xouthos, a new
hoevenii Bleeker, 1846 (currently Hemibagrus hoeve- cyprinid fish from Borneo, and revalidation of Puntius
nii; Osteichthyes, Siluriformes): proposed designation pulcher (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Explo-
of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 51 ration of Freshwaters, 22 (3): 209–214.
(4): 320–322. Kottelat, M. & H. H. Tan. 2011c. Rasbora atranus, a new
Kottelat, M. & H. H. Ng. 1999. Belodontichthys truncatus, species of fish from central Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprin-
a new species of silurid catfish from Indochina (Teleos- idae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (3):
tei: Siluridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwa- 215–220.
ters, 10 (4): 387–391. Kottelat, M. & H. H. Tan. 2012a. Identity of Rasbora beau-
Kottelat, M. & H. H. Ng. 2007. Mystus Scopoli, 1777 (Os- forti, a cyprinid fish from Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
teichthyes, Siluriformes): proposed conservation of us- Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (4) (2011
age by designation of Bagrus halepensis Valenciennes [2012]): 319–326.
in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840 as the type species. Bul- Kottelat, M. & H. H. Tan. 2012b. Rasbora cryptica, a new
letin of Zoological Nomenclature, 64 (2): 100–102. species of fish from Sarawak, Borneo (Teleostei: Cypri-
Kottelat, M., H. H. Ng & P. K. L. Ng. 1998. Notes on the nidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23
identity of Hemibagrus elongatus (Günther, 1864) and (1): 37–44.
other East Asian species allied to H. guttatus (La Cepède, Kottelat, M. & C. Vidthayanon. 1993. Boraras micros, a
1803) (Teleostei: Bagridae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, new genus and species of minute freshwater fish from
46 (2): 565–572. Thailand (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Explo-
Kottelat, M. & P. K. L. Ng. 1994. Diagnoses of five new ration of Freshwaters, 4 (2): 161–176.
species of fighting fishes from Banka and Borneo (Te- Kottelat, M. & A. J. Whitten. 1996. Freshwater fishes of
leostei: Belontiidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi: additions and correc-
Freshwaters, 5 (1): 65–78. tions. Periplus, Hong Kong, 8 pp.
Kottelat, M. & P. K. L. Ng. 1998. Parosphromenus bintan, Kottelat, M., A. J. Whitten, S. N. Kartikasari & S. Wirjoat-
a new osphronemid fish from Bintan and Bangka islands, modjo. 1993. Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and
Indonesia, with redescription of P. deissneri. Ichthyolo- Sulawesi. Periplus, Hong Kong, 259 pp., 84 pls.
gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 8 (3): 263–272. Kottelat, M. & E. Widjanarti. 2005. The fishes of Danau
Kottelat, M. & P. K. L. Ng. 2005. Diagnoses of six new Sentarum National Park and the Kapuas Lakes area,
species of Parosphromenus (Teleostei: Belontiidae) from Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoolo-
Malay Peninsula and Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoolo- gy, Supplement, 13: 139–173.
gy, Supplement 13: 101–113. Kottelat, M. & K.-E. Witte. 1999. Two new species of Mi-
Kottelat, M., J. Nielsen & H. Nijssen. 1993. Survey of ich- crorasbora from Thailand and Myanmar, with two new
thyological resources in European museums and collec- generic names for small Southeast Asian cyprinid fishes
tions. Societas Europaea Ichthyologorum, Paris, 24 pp. (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Journal of South Asian Natural
Kottelat, M. & H. Persat. 2005 The genus Gobio in France, History, 4 (1): 49–56.
with redescription of G. gobio and description of two Kottelat, M. & E. Zhang. 2003. Type fixation for Parasini-
new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Cybium, 29 (3): labeo Wu, 1939 (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). Ichthyolo-
211–234. gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 14 (3): 223-224.
Kottelat, M. & H. Steiner. 2011. Bangana musaei, a new Koumans, F. P. 1931. A preliminary revision of the genera
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Kottelat, M. & E. Sutter. 1988. Catalogue des types de pois- gische Mededelingen, 15 (1–2): 1–16.
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torisches Museum Basel). Verhandlungen der Naturfor- onymy of some species from the Indo-Australian archi-
schende Gesellschaft Basel, 98: 51–57. pelago. Zoologische Mededelingen, 18 (1–3): 121–150.
Kottelat, M. & H. H. Tan. 2008a. A synopsis of the genus Koumans, F. P. 1936. Notes on gobioid fishes. 7. On the
Lobocheilos in Java, Sumatra and Borneo, with descrip- Indo-Australian species of Oxyeleotris Bleeker. Zoolo-
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ration of Freshwaters, 13 (4): 293–372. Paris, 8+cxlvii+532 pp., 25 pls.
Kullander, S. O. & R. Britz. 2008. Puntius padamya, a new La Cepède, [E.] [Lacepède, La Cépède, Lacépède]. An VIII
species of cyprinid fish from Myanmar (Teleostei: Cypri- [20 Jul 1800]. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome se-
nidae). Electronic Journal of Ichthyology, 4 (2): 56–66. cond. Plassan, Paris, lxiv+632 pp., 20 pls. [Publication date:
Kullander, S. O., R. Britz & F. Fang. 2000. Pillaia kachini- see Hureau & Monod, 1973: 2: 323].
ca, a new chaudhuriid fish from Myanmar, with obser- La Cepède, [E.] [Lacepède, La Cépède, Lacépède]. An X
vations on the genus Garo (Teleostei: Chaudhuriidae). [18 Oct 1801]. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 11 (4): 327– troisième. Plassan, Paris, lxvi+558 pp., 34 pls. [Publica-
334. tion date: see Hureau & Monod, 1973: 2: 323].
Kullander, S. O. & F. Fang. 2004. Seven new species of La Cepède, [E.] [Lacepède, La Cépède, Lacépède]. An X
Garra (Cyprinidae: Cyprininae) from the Rakhine Yoma, [6 Apr 1802]. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome qua-
southern Myanmar. Ichthyological Exploration of Fresh- trième. Plassan, Paris, xliv+728 pp., 16 pls. [Publication
waters, 15 (3): 257–278. date: see Hureau & Monod, 1973: 2: 323].
Kullander, S. O. & F. Fang. 2005. Two new species of Pun- La Cepède, [E.] [Lacepède, La Cépède, Lacépède]. An XI
tius from northern Myanmar (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). [11 Jul 1803]. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome
Copeia, 2005 (2): 290–302. cinquième. Plassan, Paris, xlviii+803 pp., 21 pls. [Foot-
Kullander, S. O. & F. Fang. 2009a. Danio aesculapii, a new notes by Commerson on Official Index, ICZN, 1925: 27 (Opinion 89),
species of danio from south-western Myanmar (Teleos- 1956a: 312 (Direction 32)]. [Publication date: see Hureau & Monod,
1973: 2: 323].
tei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 2164: 41–48.
Kullander, S. O. & F. Fang. 2009b. Danio tinwini, a new * Lacépède, E. 1804. Mémoire sur plusieurs animaux de la
species of spotted danio from northern Myanmar (Te- Nouvelle-Hollande dont la description n'a pas encore été
leostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of publiée. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturel-
Freshwaters, 20 (3): 23–228. le, 4: 184–211, pls. 55–58. [Spelling 'Lacépède' is used on cov-
Kullander, S. O., F. Fang, B. Delling & E. Ahlander. 1999.
The fishes of the Kashmir Valley. Pp. 99–167 in: L. Ny- Lacépède, [E.]. 1829. Oeuvres du Comte de Lacépède. Nou-
man (ed.), River Jhelum, Kashmir Valley. Impacts on velle édition, dirigée par. M. A. G. Desmarest. Tome VI.
the aquatic environment. Swedmar, Göteborg, 198 pp. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Tome II. Lagrange et
Kullander, S. O. & E. J. G. Ferreira. 2006. A review of the Verdière, Paris, 596 pp.
South American cichlid genus Cichla, with descriptions Lacépède, [E.]. 1831. Oeuvres du Comte de Lacépède, com-
of nine new species (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyologi- prenant l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares, des
cal Exploration of Freshwaters, 17 (4): 289–398. serpents, des poissons et des cétacés, dirigée par M. A.
Kullander, S. O. & K. E. Hartel. 1997. The systematic sta- G. Desmarest. Tome VI. Poissons II. Histoire naturelle
tus of cichlid genera described by Louis Agassiz in 1859: des poissons. Pillot, Paris, 399 pp., pls. 64–74.
Amphilophus, Baiodon, Hypsophrys and Parachromis Lacépède, [E.]. 1835. Oeuvres du Comte de Lacépède, com-
(Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyological Exploration of prenant l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares, des
Freshwaters, 7 (3): 193–202. serpents, des poissons et des cétacés, avec la synonymie
Kullander, S. O., T. Y. Liao & F. Fang. 2009. Danio quag- des auteurs modernes les plus célèbres. Nouvelle édi-
ga, a new species of striped danio from western Myan- tion, avec planches coloriées, dirigée par M. A. G. Des-
mar (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration marest, et augmentée des éléments des sciences naturel-
of Freshwaters, 20 (3): 193–199. les par A. M. Constant Duméril. Tome troisième. Pois-
Kullander, S. O. & H. Nijssen. 1989. The cichlids of Suri- sons. Lejeune, Bruxelles, 531 pp.
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532, 2 pls. 7 (1): 1–53, 3 pls.
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four new species (Pisces: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Con- Vaimosa mindora (Gobioidei: Gobiidae: Gobionellinae),
tributions to Zoology, 262: 1–52, 11 pls. with description of a new species. Raffles Bulletin of
Lacordaire, J. T. 1832. Mémoire sur les habitudes des in- Zoology, 47 (1): 257–281.
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Lakshmanan, M. A. V. 1966. Cirrhinus horai, a new cyprin- Larson, H. K. 2010. A review of the gobiid fish genus
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Larson, H. K. 1990. A revision of the commensal gobiid Freshwaters, 3 (3): 225–234.
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Larson, H. K. & P. J. Miller. 1986. Two new species of Sil- pls. 97(bis)–103.
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Ng, H. H. 2001a. Clarias microstomus, a new species of grid catfish from southwest Myanmar (Siluriformes:
clariid catfish from eastern Borneo (Teleostei: Siluri- Bagridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters,
formes). Zoological Studies, 40 (2): 158–162. 15 (1): 67–70.
Ng, H. H. 2001b. Kryptopterus dissitus, a new silurid cat- Ng, H. H. 2004e. Oreoglanis macronemus, a new species
fish from Indochina (Teleostei, Siluridae). Folia Zoolo- of glyptosternine catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes:
gica, 50 (3): 197–200. Sisoridae) from northern Laos. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo-
Ng, H. H. 2002a. Ompok binotatus and Ompok pluriradia- logy, 52 (1): 209–213.
tus, two new species of silurid catfish from Borneo (Te- Ng, H. H. 2004f. Clarias sulcatus, a new walking catfish
leostei: Siluriformes). Ichthyological Exploration of (Teleostei: Clariidae) from Pulau Redang. Ichthyologi-
Freshwaters, 13 (1): 25–31. cal Exploration of Freshwaters, 15 (4): 289–294.
Ng, H. H. 2002b. Descriptions of two new species of Kryp- Ng, H. H. 2004g. New estuarine species of Mystus (Teleos-
topterus from Thailand and Borneo in the K. limpok spe- tei: Bagridae) from the Malay Peninsula. Copeia, 2004
cies group (Teleostei: Siluridae). Ichthyological Explo- (4): 883–887.
ration of Freshwaters, 13 (1): 67–72. Ng, H. H. 2005a. Pseudolaguvia foveolata, a new catfish
Ng, H. H. 2002c. The identity of Mystus nigriceps (Valen- (Teleostei: Erethitidae) from northeast India. Ichthyolo-
ciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840), with the de- gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (2): 173–178.
scription of a new bagrid catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) Ng, H. H. 2005b. Amblyceps carinatum, a new species of
from southeast Asia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 50 (1): hillstream catfish from Myanmar (Teleostei: Amblyci-
161–168. pitidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 53 (2): 243–249.
Ng, H. H. 2002d. Bagrichthys majusculus, a new catfish Ng, H. H. 2006a. Akysis longifilis, a new species of catfish
from Indochina (Teleostei, Bagridae). Folia Zoologica, (Teleostei: Akysidae) from Myanmar. Zootaxa, 1150: 19–
51 (1): 49–54. 30.
Ng, H. H. 2003a. Ompok pinnatus, a new species of silurid Ng, H. H. 2006b. The identity of Pseudecheneis sulcata
catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Siluridae) from main- (M'Clelland, 1842), with descriptions of two new spe-
land Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the Biological So- cies of rheophilic catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from
ciety of Washington, 116 (1): 47–51. Nepal and China. Zootaxa, 1254: 45–68.
Ng, H. H. 2003b. Mystus impluviatus: a new species of ba- Ng, H. H. 2007a. Botia udomritthiruji, a new species of
grid catfish (Teleostei: Bagridae) from eastern Borneo. botiid loach from southern Myanmar (Teleostei: Boti-
Copeia, 2003 (2): 373–378. idae). Zootaxa, 1608: 41–49.
Ng, H. H. 2003c. A review of the Ompok hypophthalmus Ng, H. H. 2007b. Akysis pulvinatus, a new species of cat-
group of silurid catfishes with the description of a new fish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from southern Thailand.
species from South–East Asia. Journal of Fish Biology, Zootaxa, 1608: 51–58.
62: 1296–1311. Ng, H. H. 2008a. A new species of Nanobagrus (Teleostei:
Ng, H. H. 2003d. Clarias insolitus, a new species of clariid Bagridae) from southern Borneo. Copeia, 2008 (1): 93–
catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from southern Borneo. 98.
Zootaxa, 284: 1–8. Ng, H. H. 2008b. Batasio procerus, a new species of cat-
Ng, H. H. 2003e. Kryptopterus geminus, a new species of fish from northern Myanmar (Siluriformes: Bagridae).
silurid catfish (Teleostei: Siluridae) from mainland South- Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 19 (1): 1–6.
east Asia. Zootaxa, 305: 1–11. Ng, H. H. 2008c. Nandus mercatus (Teleostei: Perciformes:
Ng, H. H. 2003f. Arius verrucosus, a new species of fresh- Nandidae), a new leaf fish from Sumatra. Zootaxa, 1963:
water ariid catfish (Teleostei: Ariidae) from the Mekong 43–53.
River. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Ng, H. H. 2008d. Akysis vespertinus, a new species of cat-
University of Michigan, 734: 1–14. fish from Myanmar (Siluriformes: Akysidae). Ichthyo-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
logical Exploration of Freshwaters, 19 (3): 255–262. mar, with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa,
Ng, H. H. 2008e. Ompok supernus, a new catfish (Teleos- 3254: 55–68.
tei: Siluridae) from Borneo. Zootaxa, 1877: 59–68. Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2001a. A review of the catfish ge-
Ng, H. H. 2009a. Akysis fontaneus, a new species of catfish nus Pterocryptis (Siluridae) in Vietnam, with the descrip-
(Siluriformes: Akysidae) from Sumatra. Zootaxa, 1973: tion of two new species. Journal of Fish Biology, 59 (3):
41–50. 624–644.
Ng, H. H. 2009b. Parakysis hystriculus, a new species of Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2001b. Oreoglanis infulatus, a new
catfish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from Sumatra. Zootaxa, species of glyptosternine catfish (Siluriformes: Sisoridae)
1977: 39–48. from central Vietnam. Journal of Fish Biology, 59 (5):
Ng, H. H. 2009c. Akysis portellus sp. nov., a new species of 1164–1169.
catfish (Teleostei: Akysidae) from the Sittang River Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2003. Akysis clavulus, a new spe-
drainage, Myanmar. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 1 (1): cies of catfish (Teleostei: Akysidae) from central Viet-
2–8. nam. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 14 (4):
Ng, H. H. 2009d. Tachysurus spilotus, a new species of cat- 311–316.
fish from central Vietnam (Teleostei: Bagridae). Zoot- Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2005. A new species of Pseudomys-
axa, 2009: 16–28. tus (Teleostei: Bagridae) from central Vietnam. Copeia,
Ng, H. H. 2010a. Pseudomystus funebris, a new species of 2005 (4): 745–750.
catfish from Borneo (Teleostei: Bagridae). Raffles Bul- Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2007. Pseudobagrus nubilosus, a
letin of Zoology, 58 (1): 87–91. new species of catfish from central Vietnam (Teleostei:
Ng, H. H. 2010b. The monophyly and composition of the Bagridae), with notes on the validity of Pelteobagrus
Asian hillstream catfish family Sisoridae (Teleostei: Si- and Pseudobagrus. Ichthyological Exploration of Fresh-
luriformes): evidence from morphology. Ichthyological waters, 18 (1): 9–16.
Exploration of Freshwaters, 21 (3): 247–278. Ng, H. H. & J. Freyhof. 2008. Two new species of Glyp-
Ng, H. H. 2010c. A new species of miniature catfish from tothorax (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from central Vietnam.
the Malay Peninsula (Teleostei: Bagridae: Nanobagrus). Zootaxa, 1873: 11–25.
Zootaxa, 2677: 60–68. Ng, H. H., Y. Y. Goh, P. K. L. Ng & J. Dodson. 1999. Hemi-
Ng, H. H. 2011. Akysis bilustris, a new species of catfish bagrus Bleeker, 1862 (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes): pro-
from southern Laos (Siluriformes: Akysidae). Zootaxa, posed stability of nomenclature by the designation of a
3066: 61–68. single neotype for both Bagrus nemurus Valenciennes,
Ng, H. H. 2012a. The status of the catfish Mystus wolffii 1840 and B. sieboldii Bleeker, 1846, and the designa-
Bleeker, 1851 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Bagridae) tion of the lectotype of B. planiceps Valenciennes, 1840
in Singapore, with notes on its taxonomy. Nature in Sin- as the neotype of B. flavus Bleeker, 1846. Bulletin of
gapore, 5: 73–77. Zoological Nomenclature, 56: 34–41.
Ng, H. H. 2012b. Mystus velifer, a new species of catfish Ng, H. H. & R. K. Hadiaty. 2005. Two new bagrid catfishes
from Indochina (Teleostei: Bagridae). Zootaxa, 3398: (Teleostei: Bagridae) from the Alas River drainage, north-
58–68. ern Sumatra. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters,
Ng, H. H. 2012c. Encheloclarias medialis, a new catfish 16 (1): 83–92.
from southern Borneo (Teleostei: Clariidae). Ichthyolo- Ng, H. H. & R. K. Hadiaty. 2008. Glyptothorax plectilis,
gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (2): 111–116. a new species of hillstream catfish from northern Sumatra
Ng, H. H. 2013. Ompok karunkodu, a new catfish (Teleos- (Teleostei: Sisoridae). Proceedings of the Academy of
tei: Siluridae) from southern India. Zootaxa, 3694 (2): Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 157: 137–147.
161–166. Ng, H. H. & R. K. Hadiaty. 2009. Ompok brevirictus, a new
Ng, H. H. & B. P. L. Chan. 2005. Revalidation and rede- catfish (Teleostei: Siluridae) from Sumatra. Zootaxa,
scription of Pterocryptis anomala (Herre, 1933), a cat- 2232: 50–60.
fish (Teleostei: Siluridae) from southern China. Zoot- Ng, H. H. & R.K. Hadiaty. 2011. Clarias microspilus, a new
axa, 1060: 51–64. walking catfish (Teleostei: Clariidae) from northern
Ng, H. H., K. H. Dang & V. T. Nguyen. 2011. Clarias gra- Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Threatened Taxa 3 (3):
cilentus, a new walking catfish (Teleostei: Clariidae) from 1577–1584.
Vietnam and Cambodia. Zootaxa, 2823: 61–68. Ng, H. H. & Z. Jaafar. 2008. A new species of leaf fish,
Ng, H. H. & J. J. Dodson. 1999. Morphological and genetic Nandus andrewi (Teleostei: Perciformes: Nandidae) from
descriptions of a new species of catfish, Hemibagrus northeastern India. Zootaxa, 1731: 24–32.
chrysops, from Sarawak, East Malaysia, with an assess- Ng, H. H. W.-S. Jiang & X.-Y Chen. 2012 Glyptothorax
ment of phylogenetic relationships (Teleostei: Bagridae). lanceatus, a new species of sisorid catfish (Teleostei:
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 47 (1): 45–57. Siluriformes) from southwestern China. Zootaxa, 3250:
Ng, H. H. & C. J. Ferraris. 2000. A review of the genus 54–62.
Hemibagrus in southern Asia, with descriptions of two Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1996. Akysis fuscus, a new spe-
new species. Proceedings of the California Academy of cies of catfish (Teleostei: Akysidae) from the Kapuas
Sciences, 52 (11): 125–142. basin, Borneo. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwa-
Ng, H. H., C. J. Ferraris & D. A. Neely. 2012. The catfish ters, 7 (1): 19–26.
genus Erethistoides (Siluriformes: Sisoridae) in Myan- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1997. Silurichthys citatus, a new
species of silurid catfish from western Borneo (Teleos- genus Hara, with the description of four new species
tei: Siluriformes). Ichthyological Exploration of Fresh- (Siluriformes: Erethistidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie,
waters, 7 (3): 203–208. 114 (3): 471–505.
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1998a. The catfish genus Akysis Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2007c. The identity of Tachysu-
Bleeker (Teleostei: Akysidae) in Indochina, with descrip- rus sinensis La Cepède, 1803, with the designation of a
tions of six new species. Journal of Natural History, 32 neotype (Teleostei: Bagridae) and notes on the identity
(7): 1057–1097. of T. fulvidraco (Richardson, 1845). Electronic Journal
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1998b. Hyalobagrus, a new ge- of Ichthyology, 2: 35–45.
nus of miniature bagrid catfish from Southeast Asia (Te- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2008a. Batasio feruminatus, a new
leostei: Siluriformes). Ichthyological Exploration of species of bagrid catfish from Myanmar (Siluriformes:
Freshwaters, 9 (4): 335–346. Bagridae), with notes on the identity of B. affinis and
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1998c. Pterocryptis buccata, a new B. fluviatilis. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters,
species of catfish from western Thailand (Teleostei: Si- 18 (4) (2007 [2008]): 289–300. [On-line since 6 December
luridae) with epigean and hypogean populations. Ich- 2007].
thyological Research, 45 (4): 393–399. Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2008b. Glyptothorax rugimentum,
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1999. Oreoglanis hypsiurus, a new a new species of catfish from Myanmar and western
species of glyptosternine catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) Thailand (Teleostei: Sisoridae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoo-
from Laos. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, logy, 56 (1): 129–134.
10 (4): 375–380. Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2008c. The identity of Clarias
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2000a. Descriptions of three new batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758), with the designation of a
species of catfishes (Teleostei: Akysidae and Sisoridae) neotype (Teleostei: Clariidae). Proceedings of the Lin-
from Laos and Vietnam. Journal of South Asian Natural naean Society of London, 153 (4): 725–732.
History, 5 (1): 7–15. Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2008d. Confirmation of the neo-
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2000b. Cranoglanis henrici (Vail- type designation for Tachysurus sinensis La Cepède,
lant, 1893), a valid species of crenoglanid catfish from 1803 (Teleostei: Bagridae). Ichthyological Exploration
Indochina (Teleostei, Cranoglanididae). Zoosystema, 22 of Freshwaters, 19 (2): 153–154.
(4): 847–852. Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2009. A new species of Mystus
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2000c. A review of the genus from Myanmar (Siluriformes: Bagridae). Copeia, 2009
Amblyceps (Osteichthyes: Amblycipitidae) in Indochi- (2): 245–250.
na, with descriptions of five new species. Ichthyologi- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2012. Chaca serica, a new spe-
cal Exploration of Freshwaters, 11 (4): 335–348. cies of frogmouth catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2000d. Helicophagus leptorhyn- southern Borneo. Zootaxa, 3258: 37–45.
chus, a new species of molluscivorous catfish from In- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2013a. Revision of the Indian cat-
dochina (Teleostei: Pangasiidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- fish genus Hemibagrus Bleeker, 1862 (Teleostei: Siluri-
logy, 48 (1): 55–58. formes: Bagridae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 61 (1):
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2001. A review of the genus Bata- 205–291.
sio (Teleostei: Bagridae) in Indochina, with the descrip- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2013b. After eighty years of mis-
tion of B. tigrinus sp. n. from Thailand. Revue Suisse de identification, a name for the glass catfish (Teleostei:
Zoologie, 108 (3): 495–511; erratum, 109 (1): 241. Siluridae). Zootaxa, 3630 (2): 308–316.
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2003. Parakysis notialis, a new Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2013c. A name for the glass cat-
species of akysid catfish from Borneo (Siluriformes: fish (Teleostei: Siluridae) revisited. Zootaxa, 3640 (2):
Akysidae). Ichthyological Research, 50 (1): 48–51. 299–300.
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2004a. Amblyrhynchichthys mi- Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2013d. The identity of the cyprin-
cracanthus, a new species of cyprinid fish from Indoch- id fishes Rasbora dusonensis and R. tornieri (Teleostei:
ina (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Revue Suisse de Zoo- Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 3635 (1): 62–70.
logie, 111 (2): 425–432. Ng, H. H. & S. O. Kullander. 2013. Glyptothorax ignicu-
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2004b. Akysis vespa, a new spe- lus, a new species of sisorid catfish (Teleostei: Siluri-
cies of catfish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from the Ataran formes) from Myanmar. Zootaxa, 3681 (5): 552–562.
River drainage (Myanmar). Ichthyological Exploration Ng, H. H. & Lalramliana. 2012. Glyptothorax maceriatus, a
of Freshwaters, 15 (3): 193–200. new species of sisorid catfish (Actinopterygii: Siluri-
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2005. Caelatoglanis zonatus, a new formes) from north-eastern India. Zootaxa, 3416: 44–52.
genus and species of the Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluri- Ng, H. H., Lalramliana, S. Lalronunga & Lalnuntluanga.
formes) from Myanmar, with comments on the nomen- 2013. Pseudolaguvia nubila, a new sisorid catfish (Te-
clature of Laguvia and Hara species. Ichthyological leostei: Sisoridae) from northeastern India. Zootaxa,
Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (1) 13–22. 3647: 518–526.
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2007a. Balantiocheilos ambusti- Ng, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 1995. A revision of the Southeast
cauda, a new and possibly extinct species of cyprinid Asian catfish genus Parakysis (Teleostei: Akysidae), with
fish from Indochina (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zoot- descriptions of two new species. Ichthyological Explo-
axa, 1463: 13–20. ration of Freshwaters, 6 (3): 255–266.
Ng, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2007b. A review of the catfish Ng, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2000. Hemileiocassis panjang,
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
a new genus and new species of bagrid catfish from Java land. Ichhthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 16 (3):
(Teleostei, Siluriformes). Beaufortia, 50 (11): 191–195. 215–222.
Ng, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2005. The identity of Pseudomys- Ng, H. H. & D. J. Siebert. 1998. A revision of the akysid
tus moeschii (Boulenger, 1890), with the description of catfish genus Breitensteinia Steindachner with descrip-
two new species of bagrid catfishes from Southeast Asia tions of two new species. Journal of Fish Biology, 53
(Teleostei: Bagridae). Zootaxa, 851: 1–18. (3): 645–657.
Ng, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2006. Two new species of Leio- Ng, H. H. & D. J. Siebert. 2002. Rediscovery and redescrip-
cassis (Teleostei: Bagridae), riverine catfishes from tion of Ompok weberi (Hardenberg, 1936), a poorly-known
northeast Borneo. Ichthyological Exploration of Fresh- species of silurid catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from
waters 17 (2): 165–172. Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 50 (1): 169–173.
Ng, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2008. Catalogue of the siluri- Ng, H. H. & D. J. Siebert. 2004. A new species of the cat-
form (Teleostei: Ostariophysi) types in the Raffles Mu- fish genus Akysis (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from south-
seum of Biodiversity Research, National University of ern Borneo. Zootaxa, 733: 1–8.
Singapore. Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Ng, H. H. & D. J. Siebert. 2005. Pseudomystus stenogram-
Singapore, 74 pp. mus, a new species of bagrid catfish from Borneo (Te-
Ng, H. H., K. M. Martin-Smith & P. K. L. Ng. 2000. Hemi- leostei, Bagridae). Zootaxa, 813: 1–7.
bagrus furcatus, a new species of bagrid catfish (Teleos- Ng, H. H. & J. S. Sparks. 2002. Plotosus fisadoha, a new
tei: Siluriformes) from Sabah, East Malaysia. Raffles species of marine catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Plo-
Bulletin of Zoology, 48 (1): 65–69. tosidae) from Madagascar. Proceedings of the Biologi-
Ng, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 1998. A revision of the South-East cal Society of Washington, 115 (3): 564–569.
Asian catfish genus Silurichthys. Journal of Fish Biolo- Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 1999. The fishes of the Endau Drain-
gy, 52 (2): 291–333. age, Peninsular Malaysia with descriptions of two new
Ng, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2001. A revision of the akysid cat- species of catfishes (Teleostei: Akysidae, Bagridae).
fish genus Acrochordonichthys Bleeker. Journal of Fish Zoological Studies, 38 (3): 350–366.
Biology, 58 (2): 386–418. Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2000. A new species of Enchelo-
Ng, H. H., P. K. L. Ng & Britz. 1999. Channa harcourtbut- clarias from Sumatra. Journal of Fish Biology, 57 (2):
leri (Annandale, 1918): a valid species of snakehead 536–540.
(Perciformes: Channidae) from Myanmar. Journal of Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2002. Redescription of Acrochor-
South Asian Natural History, 4 (1): 57–63. donichthys ischnosoma Bleeker, 1858, a poorly-known
Ng, H. H. & I. Rachmatika. 1999. The catfishes (Teleostei: species of akysid catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from
Siluriformes) of Bentuang Karimun National Park, West Sumatra and Java. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 50 (2):
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 47 449–452.
(1): 167–183. Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2004. Ompok platyrhynchus, a new
Ng, H. H. & I. Rachmatika. 2005. Glyptothorax exodon, a new silurid catfish (Teleostei: Siluridae) from Borneo. Zoot-
species of rheophilic catfish from Borneo (Teleostei: Siso- axa, 580: 1–11.
ridae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 53 (2): 251–255. Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2007. Pseudecheneis maurus, a new
Ng, H. H. & I. Rachmatika. 2009. Glyptothorax ketambe, species of glyptosternine catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae)
a new catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from northern from Central Vietnam. Zootaxa, 1406: 25–32.
Sumatra. Zootaxa, 2085: 61–68. Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2010. An annotated checklist of the
Ng, H. H. & W. J. Rainboth. 1999. The bagrid catfish genus non-native freshwater fish species in the reservoirs of
Hemibagrus (Teleostei: Siluriformes) in central Indoch- Singapore. Cosmos, 6 (1): 95–116.
ina with a new species from the Mekong River. Raffles Ng, H. H. & H. H. Tan. 2011. Silurichthys ligneolus, a new
Bulletin of Zoology, 47 (2): 555–576. catfish (Teleostei: Siluridae) from southern Borneo, In-
Ng, H. H. & W. J. Rainboth. 2001. A review of the sisorid donesia. Zootaxa, 2793: 56–62.
catfish genus Oreoglanis (Siluriformes: Sisoridae) with Ng, H. H., H. H. Tan. & K. K. P. Lim. 1999. The inland fishes
descriptions of four new species. Occasional Papers of of Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin
the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 732: of Zoology, Suppl. 6: 169–187.
1–34. Ng, H. H., S. H. Tan & P. K. L. Ng. 1995. Revalidation of
Ng, H. H. & W. J. Rainboth. 2005. Four new species of Aky- Channa baramensis (Steindachner 1901), a species of
sis (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Akysidae) from mainland snakehead from northern Borneo (Teleostei: Channidae).
Southeast Asia, with comments on A. similis. Raffles Sarawak Museum Journal, 48 (69): 219–226.
Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 13: 33–42. Ng, H. H., H. H. Tan, D. C. J. Yeo & P. K. L. Ng. 2010. Sting-
Ng, H. H. & W. J. Rainboth. 2008. Glyptothorax coracinus, ers in a strange land: South American freshwater stin-
a new species of hillstream catfish from Cambodia (Te- grays (Potamotrygonidae) in Singapore. Biological In-
leostei: Sisoridae). Zootaxa, 1839: 60–68. vasions, 12: 2385–2388.
Ng, H. H. & W. J. Rainboth. 2011. Tonlesapia amnica, a new Ng, H. H. & C. Vidthayanon. 2011. Pseudeutropius indi-
species of dragonet (Teleostei: Callionymidae) from the gens, a new species of schilbeid catfish (Teleostei: Sil-
Mekong delta. Zootaxa, 3052: 62–68. uriformes) from peninsular Thailand. Zootaxa, 3037: 45–
Ng, H. H. & M. H. Sabaj. 2005. Akysis hardmani (Siluri- 50.
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308 pp., pls.1–46; vol. 2: viii+369+xvi, pls. 47–109; Norman, J. R. 1925b. Two new fishes from Tonkin, with
Annex: 1 map. [Additional map in Nieuwenhuis, 1898; German notes on the siluroid genera Glyptosternum, Exostoma,
translation: Quer durch Borneo. Ergebnisse seiner Reisen in den Jahr- etc. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 9, 15
en 1894, 1896–1897 und 1898–1900. Brill, Leiden, 1 (1904): xv+495 (91): 570–575.
pp., pls. 97 pls., 2 (1907): xiii+559 pp., 91 pls.; no annex].
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of Taxonomic Zoology (Zoölogisch Museum), Universi- 1–40.
ty of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Verslagen en Tech- Norman, J. R. 1931. Two new flatfishes from the Indo-Aus-
nische Gegevens, Instituut Taxonomische Zoölogie (Zoö- tralian Archipelago, with a synopsis of the species of the
logisch Museum), Universiteit van Amsterdam, 173 pp. genera Poecilopsetta and Nematops. Treubia, 13 (3–4):
Nijssen, H., L. van Tuijl & I. J. H. Isbrücker. 1993. Revised 421–427.
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H. sieboldii (Bleeker, 1846), and of the lectotype of Osbeck, P. 1771. A voyage to China and the East Indies.
H. planiceps (Valenciennes, 1840) as a neotype for Together with A voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen […]
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clature, 56 (3): 200–201. Charles Gustavus Eckeberg. Translated from the Ger-
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und zur Rehabilitation von M. ocellatus Cantor, 1842 Pallas, P. S. 1767. See also Schlosser, J. A., 1767.
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illustrated catalog and historical account. Gantner, Rug- Dritter Theil. Fleischer, Frankfurt & Leipzig, viii+488+
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Paepke, H.-J. 2009a. The nomenclature of Trichopodus pec- um animalium in extenso Imperio Rossico et adjacenti-
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tei: Perciformes: Osphronemidae). Vertebrate Zoology, Vol. 3. Animalia monocardia seu frigidi sanguinis im-
59 (1): 53–60. perii rosso-asiatici recensente P. S. Pallas. Supplendis
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353–361. cops, Labrax, Labracoglossa, Nematocentris, Serranus,
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Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, demie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1866: 509–526, 1
1844: 32–37. [Read at meeting of 5 February 1844]. pl. [Read at meeting of 23 July 1866].
Peters, W. 1852a. Einige neue Säugethiere und Flussfische Peters, W. 1868a. Mittheilung über eine neue Untergattung
aus Mossambique. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung der Flederthiere, so wie über neue Gattungen und Arten
Geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen von Fischen. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1852: 273–277. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1868 (2): 145–
[Read at meeting of 17 May 1852]. 148. [Read at meeting of 27 February 1868].
Peters, W. 1852b. Diagnosen von neuen Flusssfischen aus Peters, W. 1868b. Über die von Hrn. Dr. F. Jagor in dem
Mossambique. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung ostindischen Archipel gesammelten un dem Königl. zo-
Geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen ologischen Museum übergebenen Fische. Monatsberich-
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1852: 681–685. te der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissen-
[Read at meeting of 16 December 1852; probably not published be- schaften zu Berlin, 1868 (4): 254–281. [Read at meeting of
fore 1853]. 30 April 1868].
Peters, W. 1854. [... nachträgliche Mittheilung über die Süss- Peters, W. 1868c. Mittheilung über eine neue Nagergattung,
wasserfische von Mossambique]. Bericht über die zur Chiropodomys penicillatus, so wie über einige neue oder
Bekanntmachung Geeigneten Verhandlungen der weniger bekannte Amphibien und Fische. Monatsber-
Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu ichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissen-
Berlin, 1853: 783. [Read at meeting of 22 December 1853; un- schaften zu Berlin, 1868 (7): 448–460. [Read at meeting of
likely to have been published before 1854]. 16 July 1868].
Peters, W. 1855a. Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobach- Peters, W. 1868d. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mos-
teten Fische. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, 21 (1): sambique auf befehl Seiner Mäjestat des Königs
234–282. Friedrich Wilhelm IV in den jahren 1842 bis 1848 Aus-
Peters, W. 1855b. Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobach- geführt. Zoologie. IV. Flussfische. Reimer, Berlin, viii +
teten Seefische. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung 116, pls. 1–20.
Geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Peters, W. 1869. Neue oder weniger bekannte Fische des
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1855: 428–466. Berliner zoologischen Museums. Monatsberichte der
[Read at meeting of 10 May 1855]. Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Peters, W. 1859. Eine neue von Hrn. Jagor im atlantischen Berlin, 1869: 703–711. [Read at meeting of 5 August 1869].
Meere gefangene Art der Gattung Leptocephalus [...] und Peters, W. 1873. Über neue oder weniger bekannte Gattun-
[...] über einige andere neue Fische des zoologischen gen und Arten von Batrachiern. Monatsberichte der
Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1859: 411–413. Berlin, 1873: 411–417, pls. 1–4. [Read at meeting of 19 May
[Read at meeting of 9 June 1859]. 1873].
Peters, W. 1861. Über zwei neue Gattungen von Fischen Peters, W. 1877. Uebersicht der während der von 1874 bis
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1876 [1877]: 831–854. [Read at meeting of 11 December 1876; les poissons. Challamel, Paris, 169 pp., 14 pls.
published in 1877, Bauer et al., 1995: 22]. Petit, G. & T.-L. Tchang. 1933. Un cyprinidé nouveau
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1881: 17–19. Petit, R. L. 2009. Perry's Arcana: a facsimile edition with a
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al., 1995: 22]. sces, reptilia, insecta, vegetabilia; item fossilia, corpora
Peters, W. 1881c. Ueber die von der chinesischen Regierung marina & stirpes minerales è terra eruta, lapides figurâ
zu der internationalen Fischerei-Ausstellung gesandte insignes &c. Descriptionibus brevibus & iconibus illus-
Fischsammlung aus Ningpo. Monatsberichte der trantur. Hisce annexa erit supellex antiquaria, numisma-
Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu ta, gemmæ excisæ, & sculpturæ, opera figulina, lucernæ,
Berlin, 1880 [1881]: 921–927. [Read at meeting of 4 Novem- urnæ, instrumenta varia, inscriptiones, busta, reliquaque
ber 1880; published in 1881, Bauer et al., 1995: 22]. ad rem priscam spectantia: item machinæ, effigies clar-
Pethiyagoda, R. 1991a. Freshwater fishes of Sri Lanka. orum virorum, omniaque arte producta. Bateman, Lon-
Wildlife Heritage Trust of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 362 pp. don, 96 pp., pls. 1–50. [Decades 1–5; 1 (1702), 2 (1703), 3–4
Pethiyagoda, R. 1991b. Monodactylus kottelati, ein neues (1704), 5 (1706); table of content in Petiver, 1709].
Flossenblatt aus Sri Lanka (Pisces: Monodactylidae). Die Petiver, J. 1709–1711a. Catalogus classicus et topicus om-
Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschift [DATZ], 44 (3): 162, nium rerum figuratum in v decadibus sere I. et II. volu-
164–167. mine gazophylacii naturae et artis, singulis ad proprias
Pethiyagoda, R. & M. M. Bahir. 1998. Heteropneustes mi- tabulas et nemuros relatis. Bateman, London, 1709: 4
crops, a junior synonym of H. fossilis (Osteichthyes: pp., 1711: 4 pp. [1709: Table of content of Petiver, 1702–1704;
Heteropneustidae). Journal of South Asian Natural His- 1711: table of content of Petiver, 1711b; usually bound with Petiver,
tory, 3 (1): 113–114. 1711b].
Pethiyagoda, R. & A. C. Gill. 2012. Description of two new Petiver, J. 1711b. Gazophylacii naturae & artis decas sexta
species of sea bass (Teleostei: Latidae: Lates) from Myan- [-decima]. Descriptionibus brevibus & iconibus illust-
mar and Sri Lanka. Zootaxa, 3314: 1–16. rantur. Bateman, London, 16 pp., pls. 51–100. [Decades
Pethiyagoda, R. & M. Kottelat. 2005. A review of the barbs 6–10; table of content in Petiver, 1711a].
of the Puntius filamentosus group (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) Pezold, F. & B. Cage. 2002. A review of the spinycheek
of southern India and Sri Lanka. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- sleepers, genus Eleotris (Teleostei: Eleotridae), of the
logy Supplement 12: 127–144. western hemisphere, with comparison to the West Afri-
Pethiyagoda, R., M. Kottelat, A. Silva, K. Maduwage & M. can species. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany, 31:
Meegaskumbura. 2008a. A review of the genus Laubu- 19–63.
ca in Sri Lanka, with description of three new species Pfeffer, G. 1893. Ostafrikanische Fische gesammelt von
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Herrn Dr. F. Stuhlmann im Jahre 1888 und 1889. Jahr-
Freshwaters, 19 (1): 7–26. buch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten,
Pethiyagoda, R., M. Meegaskumbura & K. Maduwage. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in
2012. A synopsis of the South Asian fishes referred to Hamburg, 10 (1892 [1893]): 129–177, pls. 1–3.
Puntius (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration Pham, D. T. & M. Kottelat. 2001. Translation of selected
of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 69–95. parts of Mai D. Y. (1978) Identification of the freshwa-
Pethiyagoda, R., I. Raheem & B. C. Russell. 1994. J. W. ter fishes of northern Vietnam. Pp. 74–112 in: M. Kotte-
Bennett, his fish names and the dates of publication of lat (2001), Freshwater fishes of northern Vietnam. A pre-
"Fishes of Ceylon". Journal of South Asian Natural His- liminary check-list of the fishes known or expected to
tory, 1 (1): 35–48. occur in northern Vietnam with comments on systemat-
Pethiyagoda, R., A. Silva & K. Maduwage. 2008b. Mystus ics and nomenclature. World Bank, Washington, iii+
ankutta, a new catfish from Sri Lanka (Teleostei: Ba- 140 pp., 15 pls.
gridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 19 Phillips, M. E. 1955. An unpublished fish plate by Lesueur.
(3): 233–242. Notulae Naturae, 267: 1–4.
Pethiyagoda, R., A. Silva, K. Maduwage & L. Kariyawasam. Pieters, F. F. J. M. & E. C. Dickinson. 2005. The specified
2008c. The Sri Lankan spiny eel, Macrognathus pen- dates of publication of Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de
tophthalmos (Teleostei: Mastacembelidae), and its enig- Dierkunde volumes 1–5 (1863–1884). Archives of Nat-
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ural History, 32 (1): 107–109. icanis aquatilibus, aereis & terrestribus edulibus. Elzevir-
Pietsch, T. W. 1995a. Fishes, crayfishes, and crabs. Louis ios, Amstelaedami, 332 pp. [Liber III is pp. 47–106].
Renard's natural history of the rarest curiosities of the Playfair, R. L. 1867. On the fishes of Cachar. Proceedings
seas of the Indies. I. Commentary and English text. John of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London, xxii + London, 1867 (1): 14–17, pl. 3.
214 pp. Playfair, R. L. 1868. On a collection of fishes from Mada-
Pietsch, T. W. 1995b. Fishes, crayfishes, and crabs. Louis gascar. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the
Renard's natural history of the rarest curiosities of the Zoological Society of London, 1868 (1): 9–12.
seas of the Indies. II. Facsimile and plates. John Hop- Playfair, R. L. & A. Günther. 1867. The fishes of Zanzibar.
kins University Press, Baltimore & London, viii + 224 pp. Acanthopterygii by R. L. Playfair. Pharyngognathi etc.
Pietsch, T. W., M.-L. Bauchot & M. Desoutter. 1986. Cata- by A. Günther. Van Voorst, London, xiv + 153 pp., 21
logue critique des types de poissons du Muséum nation- pls. [For authorship, see pp. vii–xiv; for date of publication, see fore-
al d'Histoire naturelle (suite). Ordre des Lophiiformes. word in reprint, 1971, Gregg, Kentfield].
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sér. 4, Plessis, Y. & P. Fourmanoir. 1966. Pleurosycia taisnei, nou-
Section A, 8 (4, Suppl.): 131–156. velle espèce de Gobiidae de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bulle-
Pietsch, T. W. & D. B. Grobecker. 1987. Frogfishes of the tin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris,
world. Systematics, zoogeography and behavioral ecol- Sér. 2, 37 (5) (1965 [1966]): 764–765.
ogy. Stanford University Press, Stanford, xxii + 420 pp., Plongsesthee, R., L. M. Page & W. Beamish. 2011. Schistu-
55 pls. ra aurantiaca, a new species from the Mae Khlong ba-
Pietschmann, V. 1913. Fische des Wiesbadener Museums. sin, Thailand (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyologi-
Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, cal Exploration of Freshwaters 22 (2): 169–178.
66: 170–201, pls. 1–2. Poey, F. 1851–1854. Memorias sobre la historia natural de
Pietschmann, V. 1935. Eine neue Aalfamilie aus den hawai- la isla de Cuba, acompañadas de sumarios latinos y ex-
ischen Gewässern. Anzeiger, Akademie der Wissen- tractos en frances. Tomo 1. Habana, 1–463 pp. [Publica-
schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche tion dates: Nov. 1851: pp. 1–40, pls. 1–8; Apr. 1852: pp. 40–120, pls.
Klasse, 72 (11): 93–94. 9–14; Oct. 1852: pp. 121–200, pls. 15–22; May 1853: pp. 201–280,
pls. 23–30; Jun. 1854: pp. 281–463, pls. 31–34; see p. 449; and Nor-
Pillai, R. S. & G. M. Yazdani. 1977. Ichthyo-fauna of Garo man, 1938, Evenhuis, 1997: 620].
Hills, Meghalaya (India). Records of the Zoological Sur- Poey, F. 1856–1861. Memorias sobre la historia natural de
vey of India, 72: 1–22. la Isla de Cuba, acompañadas de sumarios latinos y ex-
Pillay, T. V. R. 1951. A morphometric and biometric study tractos en frances. Tomo 2. Habana, 442 pp., 19 pls. [Pub-
of the systematics of certain allied species of the genus lication dates: Oct. 1858: pp. 1–96, pls. 1–9; Jul. 1860: pp. 97–336,
Barbus Cuv. & Val. Proceedings of the National Insti- pls. 10–12, 14; Jun. 1861: pp. 337–442, pls. 13, 15–19; see p. 427
tute of Sciences of India, 17 (5): 331–348. and Norman, 1938, Evenhuis, 1997: 620].
Pinna, M. C. C. de. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships of neo- Poey, F. 1867. Peces cubanos, especies nuevas. Pp. 229–
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of hypotheses. Pp. 279–330 in L. R. Malabarba, R. E. de Cuba. Vol. 2. Imprenta del Gobierno y Capitania
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seu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Zoologia, New Series, Poey, F. 1871. Genres des poissons de la faune de Cuba,
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tia, nôvo gênero de ofictídeo do Brasil (Actinopterygii, ceum of Natural History, New York, 10: 27–79.
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ficio Illustriss. I. Mauritii Com. Nassau illius Provincjae 261].
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nae), with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pacif- Raut, H. 1957. Acanthophthalmus cuneovirgatus spec. nov.
ic Fishes, 20: 1–332, 41 pls. und Acanthophthalmus robiginosus spec. nov., mit ein-
Randall, J. E. & D. F. Hoese. 1985. Revision of the Indo- er Übersicht über die in Deutschland eingeführten Acan-
Pacific dartfishes, genus Ptereleotris (Perciformes: Go- thophthalmus-Arten und einem Bericht über ihre Hal-
bioidei). Indo-Pacific Fishes, 7: 1–36, 4 pls. tung im Aquarium. Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-
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fish genus Pardachirus. Indo-Pacific Fishes, 39: 1–22. Ray, J. 1713. Synopsis methodica avium et piscium; opus
Randall, J. E. & K. K. P. Lim. 2000. A checklist of the fishes posthumum, quod vivus recensuit & perfecit ipse insig-
of the South China Sea. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Sup- nissimus author; in quo multas species, in ipsius orni-
pl. 8: 569–667. thologiâ & ichthyologia desideratas, adjecit: methodum-
Randall, J. E. & H. A. Randall. 2001. Review of the fishes que suam piscium naturae magis convenientem reddid-
of the genus Kuhlia (Perciformes: Kuhliidae) of the Cen- it. Cum appendice, & iconibus. Vol. 2. Synopsis method-
tral Pacific. Pacific Science, 55 (3): 227–256. ica piscium. Innys, London, 166+12 pp., 2 pls. [Reprinted
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the damselfishes Neopomacentrus anabatoides and Rees, A. 1807. The cyclopedia; or, universal dictionnary of
N. azysron (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) from Japan. arts, sciences and literature. Vol. 8. Longman, Hurst,
Biogeography, 7: 91–96. Rees, Orme and Brown, London, unnumb. pp. [Publica-
Randall, J. E. & A. Wheeler. 1991. Reidentification of sev- tion date: see Pestana, 1979: 353; also an American edition, posteri-
en tropical Pacific fishes collected and observed by the or to British one; Clupea in vol. 9].
Forsters during the voyage of HMS Resolution, 1772– Regan, C. T. 1902. On the fishes from the Maldive islands.
75. Copeia, 1991: 760–767, 1 pl. Pp. 272–281 in: J. S. Gardiner, The fauna and geogra-
Randall, Z. S. & L. M. Page. 2012. Resurrection of the ge- phy of the Maldive and Laccadive archipelagoes being
nus Homalopteroides (Teleostei: Balitoridae) with a re- the account of the work carried on and of the collections
description of H. modestus (Vinciguerra 1890). Zootaxa, made by an expedition during the years 1899 and 1900.
3586: 329–346. Volume 1. University Press, Cambridge.
Ranzani, C. 1839. De novis speciebus piscium. Dissertatio Regan, C. T. 1903a. On the classification of the fishes of the
prima. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Insti- suborder Plectognathi; with notes and descriptions of new
tuti Bononiensis, 4: 65–83, pls. 8–13. [Volume dated 1840, species from specimens in the British Museum collec-
but some fascicles already distributed in 1839; p. 33 of this volume tion. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific
already mentioned at meeting of 5 December 1839 of the Accademia Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1902 (vol.
delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Nat- 2) (2): 284–303, pls. 24–25. [Published April 1903, Duncan,
urali, 4: 137); also as separate distributed apparently in 1839 (pp. 1–
1937: 75].
39), Eschmeyer, 2010].
Ranzani, C. 1841a [22 February]. [De nonnulis novis specie- Regan, C. T. 1903b. A revision of the fishes of the genus
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Scienze Naturali, 5: 60–66. Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London,
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della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Instituto di sant partie de la collection du Musée d'Histoire Naturel-
Bologna, 1840–41: 111–117. le de Genève. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 11 (2): 413–
Ranzani, C. 1842a. De nonnulis novis speciebus piscium. 418, pls. 13–14.
Opusculum tertium [title on reprint: De nonnulis novis Regan, C. T. 1904a. On a collection of fishes made by Mr.
speciebus piscium. Dissertatio III]. Novi Commentarii John Graham at Yunnan Fu. Annals and Magazine of
Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis, 5: 307– Natural History, Ser. 7, 13 (75): 190–194.
338, pls. 23–28. Regan, C. T. 1904b. Descriptions of two new cyprinid fish-
Ranzani, C. 1842b. De novis speciebus piscium. Disserta- es from Yunnan Fu. Annals and Magazine of Natural
History, Ser. 7, 14 (84): 416–417. and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 2 (10): 356–
Regan, C. T. 1905a. On a collection of fishes from the In- 357.
land Sea of Japan made by Mr. R. Gordon Smith. Annals Regan, C. T. 1908e. Descriptions of new fishes from Lake
and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7, 15 (85): 17– Candidius, Formosa, collected by Dr. A. Moltrecht. An-
26, pls. 2–3. nals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 2 (10):
Regan, C. T. 1905b. A synopsis of the species of the silurid 358–360.
genera Parexostoma, Chimarrhichthys and Exostoma. Regan, C. T. 1908f. A synopsis of the fishes of the subfam-
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7, 15 (86): ily Salanginae. Annals and Magazine of Natural Histo-
182–185. ry, Ser. 8, 2 (11): 444–446.
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es from Tibet. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Elops. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8,
Ser. 7, 15 (87): 300–301. 3 (13): 37–40.
Regan, C. T. 1905d. Description de six poissons nouveaux Regan, C. T. 1909b. A collection of fishes made by Dr. C.
faisant partie de la collection du Musée d'Histoire na- W. Andrews, F.R.S., at Christmas Island. Proceedings
turelle de Genève. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 13: 389– of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the
393, pls. 5–6. Zoological Society of London, 1909 (2): 403–406, pls.
Regan, C. T. 1905e. A revision of the fishes of the American 65–66.
cichlid genus Cichlosoma [sic] and of the allied genera. Regan, C. T. 1910. The Asiatic fishes of the family Anaban-
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 7, 16 tidae. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientif-
(91): 60–77, (92): 225–243, (93): 316–340, (94): 433–445. ic Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1909
Regan, C. T. 1906a. Descriptions of new or little-known fish- (4): 767–787, pls. 77–79. [Published 8 April 1910, Duncan,
es from the coast of Natal. Annals of the Natal Govern- 1937: 76].
ment Museum, 1 (1): 1–6, pls. 1–5. Regan, C. T. 1911a. The classification of the teleostean fishes
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es from Yunnan Fu, collected by Mr. John Graham. An- Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 8 (43): 13–32, pl.
nals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7, 17 (99): 2.
332–333. Regan, C. T. 1911b. The classification of the teleostean fishes
Regan, C. T. 1906c. Descriptions of five new freshwater of the order Synentognathi. Annals and Magazine of
fishes from Sarawak, Borneo, collected by Dr. C. Hose. Natural History, Ser. 8, 7 (40): 327–33, pl. 9.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7, 18 (103): Regan, C. T. 1911c. On some fishes of the family Poecili-
66–68. idae. 1. A new Xiphophorus from Guatemala. 2. The
Regan, C. T. 1907a. Descriptions of three new fishes from poeciliid fishes of Celebes and Lombok. Annals and
Yunnan, collected by Mr. J. Graham. Annals and Maga- Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 8 (45): 373–374.
zine of Natural History, Ser. 7, 19 (109): 63–64. Regan, C. T. 1911d. The osteology and classification of the
Regan, C. T. 1907b. Descriptions of two new characinid fish- gobioid fishes. Annals and Magazine of Natural Histo-
es from Argentina. Annals and Magazine of Natural His- ry, Ser. 8, 8 (48): 729–733.
tory, Ser. 7, 19 (111): 261–262. Regan, C. T. 1911e. The classification of the teleostean fishes
Regan, C. T. 1907c. Description of a new cyprinid fish of of the order Ostariophysii. – 2. Siluroidea. Annals and
the genus Danio from Upper Burma. Records of the In- Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 8 (47): 553–577.
dian Museum, 1: 395. Regan, C. T. 1912a. New fishes from Aldabra and Assump-
Regan, C. T. 1907d. Report on the marine fishes collected tion, collected by Mr J. C. F. Fryer. Transactions of the
by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner in the Indian Ocean. Trans- Linnean Society of London, Series 2, Zoology, 15 (2):
actions of the Linnean Society of London, Series 2, Zoo- 301–302.
logy, 12 (2): 217–255, pls. 23–32. Regan, C. T. 1912b. The anatomy and classification of the
Regan, C. T. 1907e. Reports on a collection of batrachia, symbranchoid eels. Annals and Magazine of Natural
reptiles and fish from Nepal and the western Himalayas. History, Ser. 8, 9 (52): 387–390, pl. 9.
Fishes. Records of the Indian Museum, 1: 157–158. Regan, C. T. 1912c. The classification of the blennioid fish-
Regan, C. T. 1908a. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological es. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 10
Exploration in Eastern Asia. – VIII. A collection of fresh- (57): 265–280.
water fishes from Corea. Proceedings of the General Regan, C. T. 1913a. A revision of the fishes of the genus
Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Soci- Kuhlia. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scien-
ety of London, 1908 (1): 59–63, pls. 2–3. tific Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1913
Regan, C. T. 1908b. Descriptions of three new freshwater (3): 374–381.
fishes from China. Annals and Magazine of Natural His- Regan, C. T. 1913b. Description of a new cyprinid fish from
tory, Ser. 8, 1 (1): 109–111, pl. 4. Singapore. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser.
Regan, C. T. 1908c. Descriptions of new freshwater fishes 8, 11 (64): 394.
from China and Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural Regan, C. T. 1913c. A synopsis of the siluroid fishes of the
History, Ser. 8, 1 (2): 149–153. genus Liocassis, with descriptions of new species. An-
Regan, C. T. 1908d. Description of three new cyprinoid fish- nals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 8, 11 (66):
es from Yunnan, collected by Mr. John Graham. Annals 547–554.
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
ing descriptions of the objects of natural history collect- Richardson, J. 1845a. Ichthyology. Part 2. Pp. 71–98,
ed on the late Northern Land Expeditions, under com- pls. 45–54 in: R. B. Hinds (ed.), The zoology of the voy-
mand of Captain Sir John Franklin, R. N. Part third. The age of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain
fish. Bentley, London, xv + 327 pp., pls. 74–97. [Pub- Sir Edward Belcher [...] during the years 1836–42. Smith,
lished 23 October 1837, Evenhuis, 1997: 646]. Elder & Co., London. [Date on cover April 1845].
Richardson, J. 1840. On a collection of fishes. Proceedings Richardson, J. 1845b. Ichthyology. Part 3. Pp. 99–150,
of the Zoological Society of London, 1840 (87): 25–30. pls. 55–64 in: R. B. Hinds (ed.), The zoology of the voy-
Richardson, J. 1842a. Contributions to the ichthyology of age of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain
Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9 Sir Edward Belcher [...] during the years 1836–42. Smith,
(56): 120–131. Elder & Co., London. [Date on cover October 1845].
Richardson, J. 1842b. Contributions to the ichthyology of Richardson, J. 1845c. See 1844–1848.
Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 10 Richardson, J. 1846a. Report on the ichthyology of the seas
(62): 25–34. of China and Japan. Reports of the meetings of the Brit-
Richardson, J. 1843a. Icones piscium, or plates of rare fish- ish Association for the Advancement of Science, 1845
es. Part 1. Taylor, London, 8 pp., 5 pls. [1846]: 187–320. [Published in June–July 1846; Bauchot et al.,
Richardson, J. 1843b. List of fish hitherto detected on the 1982: 66, Kottelat, 2011a; see maintext (Acheilognathus, Zacco) for
coasts of New Zealand […]; with the description, by J. details].
E. Gray, Esq., and Dr. Richardson, of the new species Richardson, J. 1846b. See 1844b–1848a.
brought home by Dr. Dieffenbach. Pp. 206–228 in: E. Richardson, J. 1848a. See 1844b–1848a.
Dieffenbach, Travels in New Zealand; with contributions Richardson, J. 1848b. Fishes. Pp. 1–28, pls. 1–10 in: A.
to the geography, geology, botany, and natural history of Adams (ed.), The zoology of H. M. S. Samarang; under
that country. Vol. 2. Murray, London. the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, during the
Richardson, J. 1843c. Contributions to the ichthyology of years 1843–1846. Reeve & Benham, London.
Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 11 Richardson, J. 1850. Notices of Australian fish. Proceed-
(69): 169–182. ings of the Zoological Society of London, 1850 (204):
Richardson, J. 1843d. Contributions to the ichthyology of 58–77, pls. 1–3.
Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 11 Richardson, J. 1854. Vertebrals, including fossil mammals.
(Suppl. 73): 489–498. Fish. Pp. 156–171, pls. 30–33 in: E. Forbes (ed.), The
Richardson, J. 1843e. On a specimen of Machaerium sub- zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Herald, under the
ducens from Port Essington, New Holland, belonging to command of captain Henry Kellett, R. N., C. B., during
the collection made by Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Gould's Assis- the years 1845–51. Reeve, London.
tant. Report of the Meeting of the British Association for Richardson, J. 1857. On some fish from Asia Minor and
Advancement of Science, 12 (1842 [1843]): Report pp. Palestine. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon-
69–70. [Text in Report section of volume, numbered separately]. don, 1856 (224): 371–377. [Published 8 May 1857, Duncan,
Richardson, J. 1843f. Report on the present state of the ich- 1937: 82].
thyology of New Zealand. Reports of the Meetings of Richter, H.-J. 1981. Ein notwendiger Schritt – Einführung
the British Association for the Advancement of Science, eines neuen Gattungsnamens für die maulbrütende Ka-
12 (1842 [1843]): 12–29. mpffische unter besonderer Betrachtung von Pseudobetta
Richardson, J. 1843g. Description of the lurking machete pugnax (Cantor, 1849). Aquarien Terrarien, 28 (7): 272–
(Machaerium subducens) from the northern coast of New 275.
Holland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 12 Riehl, R. & H. A. Baensch. 1997. Aquarien Atlas. Band 1.
(76): 175–178, pl. 6. 11th edition. Mergus, Melle, 1052 pp.
Richardson, J. 1843h. Contributions to the ichthyology of Risso, A. 1810. Ichthyologie de Nice, ou histoire naturelle
Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 11 des poissons du Département des Alpes Maritimes.
(67): 22–28. Schoell, Paris, xxxvi+388 pp., 11 pls.
Richardson, J. 1844a. Ichthyology. Part 1. Pp. 55–70, Risso, A. 1827. Histoire naturelle des principales produc-
pls. 35–44 in: R. B. Hinds (ed.), The zoology of the voy- tions de l'Europe méridionale et particulièrement de celles
age of H. M. S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. Tome
Sir Edward Belcher [...] during the years 1836–42. Smith, troisième. Levrault, Paris, 480 pp., 16 pls. [Publication date:
Elder and Co., London. [Date on cover April 1844]. see Forest, 1957: 474].
Richardson, J. 1844b–1848a. Ichthyology of the voyage of Rizvi, S. N. & M. A. Iqbal. 1986. A new species Mugil huben-
H. M. S. Erebus & Terror under the command of Cap- sis and a new subspecies Mugil speigleri naziri (Pisces;
tain Sir Jamers Clarck Ross. Pp. 1–139, pls. 1–60 in: Mugilidae) from Hub River (Baluchistan: Pakistan). Bi-
J. Richardson & J. E. Gray (eds.), The zoology of the ologia (Lahore), 32 (Suppl.): 83–87, 1 pl.
voyage of H. M. S. Erebus and Terror under the com- Roberts, T. R. 1971. The fishes of the Malaysian family
mand of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R. N., F. R. S., Phallostethidae (Atheriniformes). Breviora, 374: 1–27.
during the years 1839–43. Janson, London, Vol. 2, Part Roberts, T. R. 1972. An attempt to determine the systematic
2: viii+139 pp., 60 pls. [1844: 1–16; 1845: 17–52; 1846: position of Ellopostoma megalomycter, an enigmatic
53–74; 1848: i–viii, 75–139]. [Publication dates: see Hureau freshwater fish from Borneo. Breviora, 384: 1–16.
& Monod, 1973: vol. 2, 127; dates of plates unknown]. Roberts, T. R. 1980. A revision of the Asian mastacembelid
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fish genus Macrognathus. Copeia, 1980 (3): 385–391. Thailand misidentified as Mystus vittatus, with descrip-
Roberts, T. R. 1981a. Sundasalangidae, a new family of tions of two new species (Pisces: Bagridae). Ichthyolo-
minute freshwater salmoniform fishes from southeast gical Exploration of Freshwaters, 3 (1): 77–88.
Asia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Scien- Roberts, T. R. 1992e. Barbus speleops new species, a blind
ces, 42 (9): 295–302. cavefish from Tham Phu Khieo, Mekong basin, Thai-
Roberts, T. R. 1981b. Identification of the presumed Afri- land. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society, 39
can freshwater fishes Micracanthus marchei (Belonti- (1991 [1992]): 103–109. [Published July 1992, Dickinson et
idae) and Chonerhinos africanus (Tetraodontidae). al., 2011: CD].
Cybium, Sér. 3, 5 (2): 91–92. Roberts, T. R. 1993a. Systematic revision of the Southeast
Roberts, T. R. 1982a. The Bornean gastromyzontine fish Asian cyprinid fish genus Labiobarbus (Teleostei: Cy-
genera Gastromyzon and Glaniopsis (Cypriniformes, prinidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 41: 315–329.
Homalopteridae), with descriptions of new species. Pro- Roberts, T. R. 1993b. The freshwater fishes of Java, as ob-
ceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 42 (20): served by Kuhl and van Hasselt in 1820–23. Zoologische
497–524. Verhandelingen, 285: 1–94.
Roberts, T. R. 1982b. The Southeast Asian freshwater puff- Roberts, T. R. 1994a. Systematic revision of Asian bagrid
erfish genus Chonerhinos (Tetraodontidae), with descrip- catfishes of the genus Mystus sensu stricto, with a new
tions of new species. Proceedings of the California Acad- species from Thailand and Cambodia. Ichthyological
emy of Sciences, 43 (1): 1–16. Exploration of Freshwaters, 5 (3): 241–256.
Roberts, T. R. 1982c. A revision of the south and southeast Roberts, T. R. 1994b. Osphronemus exodon, a new species
Asian angler-catfishes (Chacidae). Copeia, 1982 (4): of giant gouramy with extraordinary dentition from the
895–901. Mekong. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society,
Roberts, T. R. 1982d. Systematics and geographical distri- 42: 67–77.
bution of the Asian silurid catfish genus Wallago, with a Roberts, T. R. 1995a. Systematic revision of tropical Asian
key to the species. Copeia, 1982 (4): 890–894. freshwater glassperches (Ambassidae), with descriptions
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of a new species from the Mekong. Copeia, 1983 (2): Roberts, T. R. 1995b. Botia splendida, a new species of
435–445. loach (Pisces: Cobitidae) from the Mekong basin in Laos.
Roberts, T. R. 1984. Skeletal anatomy and classification of Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 43 (2): 463–467.
the neotenic Asian salmoniform superfamily Salangoidea Roberts, T. R. 1997a. Serpenticobitis, a new genus of cobit-
(icefishes or noodlefishes). Proceedings of the Califor- id fishes from the Mekong basin, with two new species.
nia Academy of Sciences, 43 (13): 179–220. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society, 45 (1): 107–
Roberts, T. R. 1986a. Danionella translucida, a new genus 115.
and species of cyprinid fish from Burma, one of the small- Roberts, T. R. 1997b. Systematic revision of the tropical
est living vertebrates. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Asian labeoin cyprinid fish genus Cirrhinus, with de-
16 (4): 231–241. scriptions of new species and biological observations on
Roberts, T. R. 1986b. Systematic review of the Mastacem- C. lobatus. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society,
belidae or spiny eels of Burma and Thailand, with de- 45: 171–203.
scription of two new species of Macrognathus. Japa- Roberts, T. R. 1998a. Francis Hamilton and the freshwater
nese Journal of Ichthyology, 33 (2): 95–109. stingrays described in his Gangetic fishes (1822). Ar-
Roberts, T. R. 1989. The freshwater fishes of western Borneo chives of Natural History, 25 (2): 267–280.
(Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia). Memoirs of the Califor- Roberts, T. R. 1998b. Review of the tropical Asian cyprinid
nia Academy of Sciences, 14: 1–210. fish genus Poropuntius, with descriptions of new spe-
Roberts, T. R. 1991. Hypergastromyzon eubranchus, a new cies and trophic morphs. Natural History Bulletin of the
species of gastromyzontin loach (Homalopteridae) from Siam Society, 46: 105–135.
Sarawak. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 37 (4): 333– Roberts, T. R. 1998c. Systematic revision of the balitorid
336. loach genus Sewellia of Vietnam and Laos, with diag-
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Asian anabantoid fish genus Osphronemus, with descrip- 46 (2): 271–288.
tions of two new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Roberts, T. R. 1998d. Pseudecheneis sympelvicus, a new
Freshwaters, 2 (4): 351–360. species of rheophilic sisorid catfish from laos (Mekong
Roberts, T. R. 1992b. Systematic revision of the Old World basin). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 46 (2): 289–292.
freshwater fish family Notopteridae. Ichthyological Roberts, T. R. 1998e. Systematic observations on tropical
Exploration of Freshwaters, 2 (4): 361–383. Asian medakas or ricefishes of the genus Oryzias, with
Roberts, T. R. 1992c. Revision of the Southeast Asian cyp- descriptions of four new species. Ichthyological Re-
rinid fish genus Probarbus, with two new species threat- search, 45 (3): 213–224.
ened by proposed construction of dams on the Mekong Roberts, T. R. 1998f. Freshwater fugu or pufferfishes of the
River. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 3 (1): genus Tetraodon from the Mekong basin, with descrip-
37–48. tions of two new species. Ichthyological Research, 45
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Roberts, T. R. 1999a. Fishes of the cyprinid genus Tor in the perches, with a new species from the Mekong basin (Pis-
Nam Theun watershed (Mekong basin) of Laos, with ces: Coiidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwa-
description of a new species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoolo- ters, 5 (3): 257–266.
gy, 47 (1): 225–236. Roberts, T. R. & C. Vidthayanon. 1991. Systematic revision
Roberts, T. R. 1999b. Pangasius bedado, a new species of of the Asian catfish family Pangasiidae, with biological
molluscivorous catfish from Sumatra (Pisces, Siluri- observations and descriptions of three new species. Pro-
formes, Pangasiidae). Natural History Bulletin of the ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila-
Siam Society, 47 (1): 109–115. delphia, 143: 97–144.
Roberts, T. R. 2001. Ayarnangra estuarius, a new genus and Robins, C. R., R. M. Bailey, C. E. Bond, J. R. Brooker, E. A.
species of sisorid catfish from the Ayeyarwaddy basin, Lachner, R. N. Lea & W. B. Scott. 1991. World fishes
Myanmar. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society, important to North Americans exclusive of species from
49 (1): 81–87. the continental waters of the United States and Canada.
Roberts, T. R. 2007a. The “Celestial Pearl Danio”, a new American Fisheries Society Special Publication, 21: i–
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Roberts, T. R. & M. Kottelat. 1993. Revision of the South- pls. ?; Part 4 (Knorpelfische) (6; 1825): 20 pp., pls. ?–
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gation: are the Mediterranean species of Liza monophyl- 3 pls.
etic? Biochemical Genetics, 42 (9–10): 301–315. Rüppell, E. 1835a–1838. Fische des rothen Meeres. Pp. i–
Rossteuscher, S., C. Wenker, T. Jermann, T. Wahli, E. Old- ii, 1–148, pls. 1–33 in Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna
enberg & H. Schmidt-Posthau. 2008. Severe scuticocil- von Abyssinien gehörig. Schmerber, Frankfurt, 1835a:
iate (Philasterides dicentrarchi) infection in a popula- pp. 1–28, pls. 1–7; 1836: pp. 29–52, pls. 8–14; 1837:
tion of sea dragons (Phycodurus eques and Phyllopteryx pp. 53–80, pls. 15–21; 1838: pp. 81–148, pls. 22–33.
taeniolatus). Veterinary Pathology, 45: 546–550. [Publication dates: see Sawyer, 1952: 407].
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Stearn, 1938: 156].
Naturelle, Paris, Sér. 2, 1916: 383.
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Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, diseases particularly of the plague, with the methods used
35: 427–440. by the Europeans for their preservation. Millar, London,
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(2): 261–265, pls. 1–2. natural productions in its neighbourhood. Together with
Roxas, H. A. & G. L. Ablan. 1940. New Philippine gobioid an account of the climate, inhabitants, and diseases; par-
fishes. Philippine Journal of Science, 73 (3): 301–311, ticularly of the plague. Second edition. Robinson, Lon-
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Rüppell, E. 1828–1830. Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen 90.
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26, pls. 1–6; 1829: pp. 27–94, pls. 7–24; 1830: pp. 95– toribus tam antiquis quam recentioribus, [...] & aliis
141, pls. 25–35. [Publication dates: see Eschmeyer, 1998]. maxima cura a J. Jonstonio collectum. ac plus quam tre-
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6 March 1879]. Steindachner, F. 1892a. Über einige neue und seltene Fisch-
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Classe, Abt. 1, 82 (2): 238–266, pls. 1–6. [Published latest schaftliche Classe, 29: 130–134. [Minutes of meeting of 17
on 7 October 1880]. Juni 1892, usually published within ca. 1 month].
Steindachner, F. 1880b. Ichthyologische Beiträge (VIII.). Steindachner, F. 1892b. Über einige neue und seltene Fisch-
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- arten aus der ichthyologischen Sammlung des K. K.
schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Denkschriften der Kai-
Classe, Abt. 1, 80 (1): 119–191, pls. 1–3. [Published 22 serlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathe-
January 1880]. matisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Abt. 1, 59: 357–
Steindachner, F. 1881a. Ichthyologische Beiträge (X.). An- 383, pls. 1–6.
zeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Steindachner, F. 1893a. Ichthyologische Beiträge (XVI).
in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
18: 45–46. [Minutes of meeting of 17 February 1881, usually pub- in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe,
lished within ca. 1 month]. 30: 150–152. [Minutes of meeting of 18 May 1893, usually pub-
Steindachner, F. 1881b. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der lished within ca. 1 month].
Flussfische Südamerika's (III). Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Steindachner, F. 1893b. Ichthyologische Beiträge (XVI.).
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch- Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen-
Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 18: 97–99. [Minutes of schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche
meeting of 5 May 1881, usually published within ca. 1 month]. Classe, Abt. 1, 102 (4–5): 215–243, pls. 1–3. [Published
Steindachner, F. 1881c. Ichthyologische Beiträge (XI). An- latest 12 October 1893].
zeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Steindachner, F. 1896. Bericht über die während der Reise
in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Sr. Maj. Schiff "Aurora" von Dr. C. Ritter v. Mieros-
18: 99–100. [Minutes of meeting of 5 May 1881, usually published zewski in den Jahren 1895 und 1896 gesammelten Fische.
within ca. 1 month]. Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen
Steindachner, F. 1881d. Ichthyologische Beiträge (X.). Sit- Hofmuseums, 11: 197–230, pl. 4.
zungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- Steindachner, F. 1898a. Über eine noch unbeschriebene
schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Kuhlia-Art. Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der
Classe, Abt. 1, 83 (2): 179–219, 8 pls. [Published 5 May Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissen-
1881]. schaftliche Classe, 35: 107. [Minutes of meeting of 21 April
Steindachner, F. 1881e. Ichthyologische Beiträge (XI.). Sit- 1898, usually published within ca. 1 month].
zungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- Steindachner, F. 1898b. Über eine neue Kuhlia-Art aus dem
schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Golfe von Akabah. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen
Classe, Abt. 1, 83 (4): 393–408, 1 pl. [Published latest 6 Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-
October 1881]. Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Abt. 1, 107 (6): 461–464.
Steindachner, F. 1882. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Flussfische 1 pl. [Published after 14 July 1898]. [Fascicle 5 mentioned in meet-
Südamerika's. III. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akad- ing of 14 July 1898, Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen-
emie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Natur- schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 35:
193; fascicle 7 mentioned in meeting of 19 January 1899, Anzeiger
wissenschaftliche Classe, 44: 1–18, pls. 1–5. der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathema-
Steindachner, F. 1883. Ichthyologische Beiträge" (XIII). tisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 36: 13].
Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Steindachner, F. 1901. Fische. [In: W. Kükenthal, Ergeb-
in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, nisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Moluk-
20: 194–197. [Minutes of meeting of 25 October 1883, usually ken und Borneo. Zweiter Teil: Wissenschaftliche Rei-
published within ca. 1 month]. seergebnisse. Band 3]. Abhandlungen der Senckenber-
Steindachner, F. 1884. Ichthyologische Beiträge (XIII). gischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 25 (2): 409–464,
1. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fische Australiens. Sit- pls. 17–18. [Mentioned in March 1901 in Naturae Novitates, 23
zungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- (5): 167].
schaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Steindachner, F. 1902. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der
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Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
Tan, H. H. 2009c. Betta pardalotos, a new species of fight- luriformes) of central Sumatra. Journal of Natural His-
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donesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57 (2): 501–504. Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 1996. Redescription of Betta bel-
Tan, H. H. 2009d. Rasbora patrickyapi, a new species of lica Sauvage, 1884 (Teleostei: Belontiidae), with descrip-
cyprinid fish from central Kalimantan, Borneo. Raffles tion of a new allied species from Sumatra. Raffles Bulle-
Bulletin of Zoology, 57 (2): 505–509. tin of Zoology, 44: 143–155.
Tan, H. H. 2012. Systomus navjotsodhii, a new cyprinid fish Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2000. Case 3113. Betta Bleeker,
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Zoology, Suppl. 25: 285–289. tion of specific names by the suppression of Micracan-
Tan, H. H. 2013. The identity of Betta rubra (Teleostei: thus marchei Sauvage, 1879. Bulletin of Zoological No-
Osphronemidae) revisited, with description of a new menclature, 57: 29–31.
species from Sumatra, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2004. Two new species of fresh-
logy, 61 (1): 323–330. water fish (Teleostei: Balitoridae, Osphronemidae) from
Tan, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1998a. Two new species of Betta southern Sarawak. Sarawak Museum Journal, Special
(Teleostei: Osphronemidae) from the Kapuas basin, Ka- Issue, 6: 267–284.
limantan Barat, Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 46 Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2005a. Homaloptera parclitella,
(1): 41–51. a new species of torrent loach from the Malay Peninsu-
Tan, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 1998b. Redescription of Betta la, with redescription of H. orthogoniata (Teleostei: Ba-
picta (Teleostei: Osphronemidae) and description of B. litoridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 16
falx sp. n. from central Sumatra. Revue Suisse de Zoolo- (1): 1–12.
gie, 105 (3): 557–568. Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2005b. The fighting fishes (Te-
Tan, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2008. Revision of the cyprinid leostei: Osphronemidae: genus Betta) of Singapore,
fish genus Eirmotus, with description of three new spe- Malaysia and Brunei. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Sup-
cies from Sumatra and Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- plement 13: 43–99.
logy, 56 (2): 423–433. Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2005c. The labyrinth fishes (Te-
Tan, H. H. & M. Kottelat. 2009. The fishes of Batang Hari leostei: Anabantoidei, Channoidei) of Sumatra, Indone-
drainage, Sumatra, with description of six new species. sia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 13: 115–138.
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (1): 13– Tan, H. H. & P. K. L. Ng. 2006. Six new species of fighting
69. fish (Teleostei: Osphronemidae: Betta) from Borneo. Ich-
Tan, H. H. & C. U. M. Leh. 2006. Three new species of thyological Exploration of Freshwaters 17 (2): 97–114.
Gastromyzon (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from southern Sa- Tan, H. H. & Z. H. Sulaiman. 2006. Three new species of
rawak. Zootaxa, 1126: 1–19. Gastromyzon (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from the Tembu-
Tan, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 1998. Freshwater elasmobranchs rong River basin, Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. Zootaxa,
from the Batang Hari basin of Central Sumatra, Indone- 1117: 1–19.
sia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 46 (2): 425–429. Tan, H. H. & S. H. Tan. 1994. Betta miniopinna, a new spe-
Tan, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2002. A new species of Elloposto- cies of fighting fish from Pulau Bintan, Riau Archipela-
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lar Thailand. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 50 (2): 453–457. Exploration of Freshwaters, 5 (1): 41–44.
Tan, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2004. Inland fishes from the An- Tan, H. H. & S. H. Tan. 1996. Redescription of the Malay-
ambas and Natuna Islands, South China Sea, with des- an fighting fish Betta pugnax (Teleostei: Belontiidae),
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midae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Suppl. 11: 107–115. insular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 44 (2): 419–
Tan, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2008. Acarichthys heckelii 434.
(Müller & Troschel), an introduced cichlid fish in Sin- Tan, T. H. T. & P. K. L. Ng. 1996. Catfishes of the Ompok
gapore. Naure in Singapore, 1: 129–133. leiacanthus (Bleeker, 1853) species group (Teleostei:
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perch from Belitung Island, Indonesia (Teleostei: Am- species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 44 (2): 531–542.
bassidae: Gymnochanda). Zootaxa, 3085: 55–62. Tanaka, S. 1911–1930. Figures and descriptions of the fish-
Tan, H. H. & K. K. P. Lim. 2013. Three new species of fresh- es of Japan, including Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands,
water halfbeaks (Teleostei: Zenarchopteridae: Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea ans southern Sakhalin.
Hemirhamphodon) from Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoo- Maruzen, Tokyo, 960 pp., 190 pls.; 1911 (1–4): 1–70,
logy, 61 (2): 735–747. pls. 1–20; 1912 (5–10): 71–186, pls. 21–50; 1913 (11–
Tan, H. H., M. E. Y. Low & K. K. P. Lim. 2010. Fishes of the 14): 187–246, pls. 51–70; 1914 (15–18): 247–318,
Marina basin, Singapore, before the erection of the Mari- pls. 71–90; 1915 (19–21): 319–382, pls. 91–105; 1916
na Barrage. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 58 (1): 137–144. (22–24): 383–440, pls. 106–120; 1917 (25–26): 441–
Tan, H. H. & K. M. Martin-Smith. 1998. Two new species 474, pls. 121–130; 1918 (27–29): 475–538, pls. 131–
of Gastromyzon (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from the Kua- 139; 1919 (30): 539–557, pls. 140–141; 1921 (31): 559–
mut headwaters, Kinabatangan basin, Sabah, Malaysia. 582, pls. 142–144; 1922 (32): 583–606, pls. 145–147;
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 46 (2): 361–371. 1924 (33): 607–628, pls. 148–150; 1925 (34): 629–644,
Tan, H. H. & H. H. Ng. 2000. The catfishes (Teleostei: Si- pls. 151–153; 1927 (35–41): 645–808, pls. 154–171;
Kottelat: Inland fishes of Southeast Asia
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Tang, D.-S. 1937. A study of sciaenoid fishes of China. Amoy de cyprinidés de Chine. Bulletin de la Société Zoolo-
Marine Biology Bulletin, 2 (2): 47–88, pl. 1. gique de France, 55: 46–52.
Tang, D.-S. 1942. Fishes of Kweiyang, with descriptions of Tchang, T.-L. 1930c. Description de cyprinidés nouveaux
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um of Natural History, Zoology, 1: 187–249, pls. 26–34. pidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 13,
Wheeler, A. 1974. Mongo Park's contribution to the ichthy- 5 (54): 321–329.
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cal Association of India, 14 (1972 [1974]): 468–479, replace Harengula Valenciennes 1847 for Indo-Pacific
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nean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Lin- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1964b. A redescription of the holotype
naean Society, 84: 1–76. of Clupalosa bulan Bleeker, and notes on the genera
Wheeler, A. 1988. An appraisal of the Zoology of C. S. Ra- Herklotsichthys, Sardinella and Escualosa (Pisces: Clu-
finesque. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 45 (1): peidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser.13,
6–12. 7 (73): 33–47.
Wheeler, A. 1991. The Linnean fish collection in the Zoo- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1965. A preliminary revision of the Indo-
logical Museum of the University of Uppsala. Zoologi- Pacific Alosinae (Pisces: Clupeidae). Bulletin of the Brit-
cal Journal of the Linnaean Society, 103: 145–195. ish Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 12 (4): 115–156.
Wheeler, A. 1998. Dates of publication of J. E. Gray's Illus- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1966. The elopoid and clupeoid fishes in
trations of Indian Zoology (1830–1835). Archives of Richardson's "Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Ja-
Natural History, 25 (3): 345–354. pan" 1846. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural His-
Wheeler, A. & A. Baddokwaya. 1981. The generic nomen- tory), Zoology, 14 (2): 15–54, 7 pls.
clature of the marine catfishes usually referred to the Whitehead, P. J. P. 1967. The clupeoid fishes described by
genus Arius (Osteichthyes – Siluriformes). Journal of Lacepède, Cuvier & Valenciennes. Bulletin of the Brit-
Natural History, 15 (5): 769–773. ish Museum (Natural History), Zoology, Suppl. 2: 3–180,
White, E. I. & J. A. Moy-Thomas. 1940. Notes on the no- pls. 1–11.
menclature of fossil fishes. – Part I. Homonyms A–C. Whitehead, P. J. P. 1968. Indian Ocean anchovies collected
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 11, 5 (30): by the Antoon Bruun and Te Vega, 1963–64. Journal of
502–507. the Marine Biological Association of India, 9 (1) (1967
White, E. I. & J. A. Moy-Thomas. 1941. Notes on the nome- [1968]): 13–37.
clature of fossil fishes. – Part III. Homonyms M–Z. An- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1969a. Forty drawings of fishes made by
nals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 11, 7 (40): the artists who accompanied Captain James Cook on his
395–400. three voyages to the Pacific, 1768–71, 1772–75, 1776–
White, J. 1790. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales 80, some being used by authors in the description of new
with sixty-five plates of non descript animals, birds, liz- species. British Museum (Natural History), London, 31
ards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural pp., 36 pls. [Date of publication: see Whitehead, 1971].
productions. Debrett, London, 15 + 299 + 35 pp., 65 pls. Whitehead, P. J. P. 1969b. The clupeoid fishes described by
[Reprint 2004, Routledge, London; French translation: White, J. 1795. Bloch and Schneider. Bulletin of the British Museum
Voyage à la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, à Botany Bay, au Port Jackson, (Natural History), Zoology, 17 (7): 263–279, pls. 1–3.
en 1787, 1788, 1789, ouvrage où l'on trouve de nouveaux détails sur
le caractère et les usages des habitans du Cap de Bonne-Espérance, Whitehead, P. J. P. 1970a. The Reeves collection of Chinese
de l'île Ténériffe, de Rio-Janeiro et de la Nouvelle Hollande, ainsi fish drawings. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural
qu'une description exacte de plusieurs animaux inconnus jusqu'à History), Historical Series, 3 (7) (1969 [1970]): 191–
présent. Pougin, Paris, xii+206 + 256 pp.]. 233, 29 pls. [Date of publication: see Whitehead, 1971].
White, W. T., P. R. Last, J. D. Stevens, G. K. Yearksley, Fah- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1970b. The clupeoid fishes described by
mi, Dharmadi. 2006. Economically important sharks and Steindachner. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural
rays of Indonesia. Australian Centre for International History), Zoology, 20 (1): 3–46, pls. 1–3.
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spadenose shark from the Western Pacific (Carcharhini- Whitehead, P. J. P. 1985. Clupeoid fishes of the world. An
formes: Carcharhinidae). CSIRO Marine and Atmospher- annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sar-
ic Research Paper, 32: 61–76. dines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings.
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Resurrection and redescription of the Borneo broadfin FAO Fisheries Synopsis, 125 (7, 1): 1–303.
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(Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei, Albulidae). Cybium, 10 (3): Whitley, G. P. 1931b. Studies in ichthyology. No. 5. Records
211–230. of the Australian Museum, 18: 138–160, pls. 20–21.
Whitehead, P. J. P. & M.-L. Bauchot. 1985. Catalogue cri- Whitley, G. P. 1931c. New names for Australian fishes. Aus-
tique des types de poissons du Muséum national tralian Zoologist, 6 (4): 310–334, pls. 25–27.
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eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean [FNAM]. of the Australian Museum, 18: 321–348, pls. 36–39.
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Whitehead, P. J. P., M. Boeseman & A. Wheeler. 1966. The of the Australian Museum, 19: 60–112, pls. 11–15.
types of Bleeker's Indo-Pacific elopoid and clupeoid fish- Whitley, G. P. 1934a. A new fish, reputed to be poisonous,
es. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 84: 1–159, pls. 1–19. from Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum,
Whitehead, P. J. P., P. H. Greenwood & E. Trewavas. 1974. 10: 175–179, pl. 26.
Further comment on Chanda Ham. Buch., Hamiltonia Whitley, G. P. 1934b. Notes on some Australian sharks.
Swainson, and their type species (Pisces). Z. N.(S.) 1946. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 10: 180–200, pls.
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 31 (3): 107–110. 27–29.
Whitehead, P. J. P. & W. Ivantsoff. 1983. Atherina lacunosa Whitley, G. P. 1934c. Studies in ichthyology. No. 8. Records
and the fishes described by J. R. Forster. Japanese Jour- of the Australian Museum, 19: 153–163.
nal of Ichthyology, 29 (4): 355–364. Whitley, G. P. 1934d. Supplement to the check-list of the
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lection of Chinese fishes in Cambridge. Bulletin of the A. R. McCulloch, The fishes and fish-like animals of
British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 15 (3): 123– New South Wales. Third edition. Royal Zoological So-
165, pls. 1–3. ciety of New South Wales, Sydney.
Whitehead, P. J. P., G. Nelson, G. & T. Wongratana. 1988. Whitley, G. P. 1935a. Fishes from Princess Charlotte Bay,
FAO species catalogue. Vol.7. Clupeoid fishes of the North Queensland. Records of the South Australian
world (Suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrat- Museum, 5 (3): 345–365.
ed catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, Whitley, G. P. 1935b. Studies in ichthyology. No. 9. Records
shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 2 – Engraulid- of the Australian Museum, 19: 215–250, pl. 18.
idae. FAO Fisheries Synopsis, 125 (7, 2): 305–579. Whitley, G. P. 1935c. Ichthyological genotypes. Australian
Whitehead, P. J. P. & P. K. Talwar. 1976. Francis Day (1829– Zoologist, 8 (2): 136–139.
1889) and his collections of Indian fishes. Bulletin of Whitley, G. P. 1936a. Ichthyological genotypes: some sup-
the British Museum (Natural History), Historical Series, plementary remarks. Australian Zoologist, 8: 189–192.
5 (1): 1–189, 4 pls. Whitley, G. P. 1936b. More ichthyological miscellanea.
Whitley, G. P. 1928a. Studies in ichthyology. No. 2. Records Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 11 (1): 23–51, pl. 4.
of the Australian Museum, 16: 211–239, pls. 16–18. Whitley, G. P. 1937. Further ichthyological miscellanea.
Whitley, G. P. 1928b. Fishes from the Great Barrier Reef Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 11 (2): 113–148,
collected by Mr. Melbourne Ward. Records of the Aus- pls. 11–13.
tralian Museum, 16: 294–304. Whitley, G. P. 1938. Descriptions of some New Guinea fish-
Whitley, G. P. 1929a. Additions to the check-list of the fish- es. Records of the Australian Museum, 20 (3): 223–233.
es of New South Wales. Australian Zoologist, 5 (4): 353– Whitley, G. P. 1939a. Taxonomic notes on sharks and rays.
357. Australian Zoologist, 9: 227–262, pls. 20–22.
Whitley, G. P. 1929b. Studies in ichthyology. N. 3. Records Whitley, G. P. 1939b. Ichthyological genotypes: Desmarest's
of the Australian Museum, 17: 101–143, pls. 30–34. designations, 1874. Australian Zoologist, 9 (3): 222–226.
Whitley, G. P. 1929c. Names of fishes in Meuschen's Index Whitley, G. P. 1939c. A new fish, of the genus Prionobutis,
to the "Zoophylacium Gronovanium". Records of the from northern Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland
Australian Museum, 17: 297–307. Museum, 11: 296–298.
Whitley, G. P. 1929d. Fishes from Ongtong Java, Melane- Whitley, G. P. 1940a. The fishes of Australia. Part 1. The
sia. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South sharks, rays, devil-fish, and other primitive fishes of
Wales, 54 (2): 91–95, 1 pl. Australia and New Zealand. Royal Zoological Society
Whitley, G. P. 1930a. Additions to the check-list of the fishes of New South Wales, Sydney, 280 pp.
of New South Wales. Australian Zoologist, 6: 117–123. Whitley, G. P. 1940b. Illustrations of some Australian fish-
Whitley, G. P. 1930b. Five new generic names for Austra- es. Australian Zoologist, 9 (4): 397–428, pls. 30–31.
lian fishes. Australian Zoologist, 6 (3): 250–251. Whitley, G. P. 1940c. The Nomenclator zoologicus and some
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Museum Magazine, 7: 306–312. Zoologist, 15 (3): 242–247, pl. 12.
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(Part 2). Australian Zoologist, 10: 167–187. some New Zealand fishes. Transactions and Proceed-
Whitley, G. P. 1943b. Ichthyological descriptions and notes. ings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 69 (2): 228–
Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales, 236, pls. 21–22.
68: 114–144. Wied, M. [Prinz] zu. 1838–1841. Reise in das innere Nord-
Whitley, G. P. 1944. New sharks and fishes from Western America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834. Hoelscher,
Australia. Australian Zoologist 10: 252–273. Coblenz, 2 vols., atlas: pls. 1–84. [1 (1838): 1–392,
Whitley, G. P. 1945a. New sharks and fishes from western (1839): 393–654; 2 (? 1839): 1–168, (1840): 169–504,
Australia. Part 2. Australian Zoologist, 11: 1–42, pl. 1. (? 1841): 505–687]. [Dates of publication: see Isis, 31: 794, 32:
Whitley, G. P. 1945b. Leichhardt's sawfish. Australian Zo- 405, 33: 334, 34: 946, 37: 297].
ologist, 11: 43–45. Wildekamp, R. H. 1995. A world of killies. Atlas of the ovip-
Whitley, G. P. 1945c. The Simpson Desert Expedition, 1939 arous cyprinodontiform fishes of the world. Vol. 2. The
scientific reports: No. 5 Biology – Fishes. Transactions genera Aplocheilichthys, Aplocheilus, Austrofundulus,
of the Royal Society of South Australia, 69 (1): 10–13. Campellolebias, Crenichthys, Cualac, Cubanichthys,
Whitley, G. P. 1947. New sharks and fishes from Western Cynolebias, Cynopoecilus and Cyprinodon. American
Australia. Australian Zoologist, 11: 129–150, pl. 11. Killifish Association, Mishawaka, Indiana, 384 pp.
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cords of the Australian Museum, 22: 70–94. lung des Zoologischen Instituts und Zoologischen Mu-
Whitley, G. P. 1948b. New sharks and fishes from Western seums der Universität Hamburg (ZMH). Teil III. Mittei-
Australia. Part 4. Australian Zoologist, 11 (3): 259–276, lungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum
pls. 24–25. und Institut, 74: 155–163.
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cords of the Australian Museum, 22: 234–245, pl. 17. Museum und Institut, 90: 401–426.
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USA) • S. Yamagishi (Kyoto University, Japan) • H. S. Yong (University of Malaya, Malaysia) Literature cited. — All references cited in the text, including taxonomic authorities for any scientific names, should
be included in the LITERATURE CITED section. References are to be cited in the text by the author’s family name
MANAGING EDITORIAL BOARD or surname and year of publication, e.g., (King et al., 1975; Nakasone & Agena, 1984; Murphy, 1990). Citations are
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Peter K. L. Ng (NUS, Singapore) listed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical and chronological order. Journal references should include year of
publication, title of paper, full title of journal, volume number, and page numbers. Book references should include year
MANAGING EDITOR: Tan Heok Hui (NUS, Singapore) of publication, title of book chapter, editor (if any), title of book, publisher, city of publication, and the page numbers
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Kevin Conway (Texas A&M University, USA) • Hwang Wei Song (NUS, Singapore) • of the chapter or the book.
Zeehan Jaafar (NUS, Singapore) • Sebastian Klaus (Johan Wolgang Goethe-Universität Biologicum, Germany) • Jeffrey
Kwik Teik Beng (NUS, Singapore) • Leong Tzi Ming (NUS, Singapore) • Li Daiqin (NUS, Singapore) • Norman Lim Review. — All manuscripts will be sent to an Associate Editor who will have them reviewed by two referees. The
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Singapore) • Tohru Naruse (University of Ryukyus, Japan) • James Reimer (University of Ryukyu, Japan) • Frank acceptance, the manuscript must be revised and emailed to the Associate Editor for verification.
E. Rheindt (NUS, Singapore) • Tan Koh Siang (TMSI, Singapore) • Tan Siong Kiat (NUS, Singapore) • Peter A.
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COPYRIGHT AND EXCHANGES 2. Deeleman-Reinhold, C. L., 1995. The Ochyroceratidae of the Indo-Pacific region (Araneae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology,
Supplement 2: 1–103.
All articles published by the RBZ may be downloaded from http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/biblio/ for research purposes. A
condition of publication is that authors assign publication rights to The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. After publication, 3. Ng, P. K. L. & C. T. N. Chuang, 1996. The Hymenosomatidae (Brachyura) of Southern Asia, with notes on other species. Raffles
authors may use the article without prior permission from the Journal provided acknowledgement is given to the Journal Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 3: 1–82.
as the original source of publication. It is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission to use copyright material
4. Morioka, H. & C. M. Yang, 1996. A catalogue of the bird specimens in the Singapore Zoological Reference Collection Part I.
from other sources. For permissions and copyright matters, please contact the Managing Editor at heokhui@nus.edu.sg.
Struthioniformes–Charadriiformes. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 4: 1–141.
For queries on the purchase of back issues or journal exchanges, please contact the Editorial Administrator at dbsgs@
nus.edu.sg. 5. Kurahashi, H., N. Benjaphong & B. Omar, 1997. Blow flies (Insecta: Diptera: Calliphoridae) of Malaysia and Singapore. Raffles
Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 5: 1–88.
6. Sodhi, N. S., H. S. Yong & P. K. L. Ng (eds.), 1999. The biodiversity of Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology • Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research • Department of Biological Sciences • National of Zoology, Supplement 6: 1–288.
University of Singapore • Block S6 : Level 3 • Science Drive 2 • Singapore 117546 • Republic of Singapore
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology is online at http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/
ISSN 0217-2445
(continues on back cover)
ISBN 978-2-8399-1344-7
Maurice Kottelat