Freshwater Ecosystems Notes
Freshwater Ecosystems Notes
Freshwater Ecosystems Notes
Think Back, Connect with your
• Describe a river and a lake that you have seen or
visited. Describe how the two are similar and
• List at least 2 differences between a freshwater and
a marine ecosystem.
• What is the chemical structure/makeup of water?
• What happens when water freezes? Is ice more or
less dense than water? (This is water’s unique
• What happens to organisms when water freezes?
Freshwater Ecosystems
The types of aquatic ecosystems are mainly
determined by the water’s salinity.
• Salinity = the amount of dissolved salts
contained in the water.
• Freshwater usually has a salinity less than 7ppt.
Freshwater ecosystems include:
• sluggish waters of lakes and ponds
• moving waters of rivers and streams
• Wetlands = areas of land periodically covered
by water.
Characteristics of Aquatic
Factors that determine where organisms live in
the water include:
• Temperature
• Sunlight
• Oxygen
• Nutrients O2
Ex.) Sunlight only reaches a certain distance
below the surface of the water, so most
photosynthetic organisms live on or near the
Characteristics of Aquatic
Aquatic organisms are grouped by their
location and their adaptation.
• There are 3 main groups of organisms in
the freshwater ecosystem:
• Plankton ‐ organisms that float near the
surface of the water
• Nekton – free‐swimming organisms
• Benthos – bottom‐dwelling organisms
Plankton - microscopic organisms that
float near the surface of the water
Two main types of plankton are:
• Phytoplankton – microscopic
plants that produce most of the
food for an aquatic ecosystem
• Zooplankton – microscopic
animals, some are large enough to
be seen with the eye.
• many are larvae of aquatic
mollusks or crustaceans.
Nekton – free-swimming organisms
• Fish, turtles, etc.
Benthos – bottom-dwelling organisms
• Mussels, worms, many decomposers.
• Many benthic organisms live attached to
the hard surfaces of the bottom.
• Many rivers originate from snow melt in mountains.
• At its headwaters, a river is usually cold and full of oxygen
and runs swiftly through a shallow riverbed.
• As a river flows down a mountain in may broaden,
become warmer, wider, slower, and decrease in oxygen.
• A river changes with the land and climate in runs through.
Life in Rivers
• Near the churning headwaters:
• Mosses anchor to rocks by using root‐like
structures called rhizoids, trout and minnows
are adapted to the cold, oxygen‐rich
headwaters too (powerful swimmers and
streamlined bodies provide little resistance
to strong currents).
• Farther downstream:
• Plankton can float in warmer, calmer waters
• Plants (like crowfoot) set roots down in the
rich sediment bottoms
• Fish (like catfish and carp) live in calmer,
darker, lower oxygenated waters.
Life in Rivers
Moss on rocks in headwaters of stream
Crowfoot in lower stream, with
rich sediment bottom
Plankton Catfish
Human Impact on Rivers
• Industries use river water in manufacturing
processes and as receptacles for waste
• For many years people have used rivers for
dumping sewage and garbage.
• Runoff from land puts pesticides and other poisons
into rivers and coat riverbeds with toxic sediments
• Dams also alter the ecosystems in and around the
All of these practices have polluted rivers with toxins,
which have killed river organisms and made river fish
inedible, as well as polluting some drinking water.
Human Impact on Rivers
Human Impact on Rivers
Federal and State Laws Help to
Regulate the Impacts on our Rivers
• Like the Clean Water Act of 1972
• Requires states to develop lists of impaired waters.
(Waters that are too polluted or degraded to meet the
water quality standards set by states). The list ranks the
polluted waterways and develops TMDLs for these
waters. (A Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, is a
calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that
a waterbody can receive and still safely meet water
quality standards.)
• Pollutants often assessed:
• Pathogens, nutrients, sediments, mercury, metals,
dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, pesticides
(they can also look at macroinvertebrates)
Lakes and Ponds
• Lakes, ponds, and wetlands can form naturally
where the groundwater reaches the Earth’s
• Beavers can also create ponds by damming up
• Humans’ intentionally create artificial lakes by
damming flowing rivers and streams to use them
for power, irrigation, water storage, and
Beaverdam Reservoir
REMEMBER: Factors that determine
where organisms live in the water
• Temperature
• Sunlight
• Oxygen
• Nutrients
Ex.) Sunlight only reaches a certain distance
below the surface of the water, so most
photosynthetic organisms live on or near the
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond
Lakes and ponds can be structured into horizontal
and vertical zones that include:
• Littoral zone – near the shore
• Limnetic zone – open waters, away from shore
• Profundal zone – darker open waters away from
• Benthic zone – the bottom of a pond or lake
The types of organism present in a pond or lake
ecosystem depend on the amount of sunlight
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond –
Depend of the amount of sunlight available
• Littoral Zone – nutrient‐rich, near shore,
aquatic life is diverse and abundant.
• Plants, such as cattails and reeds are rooted in
the mud underwater, and their upper leaves
and stems emerge above the water.
• Plants with floating leaves, like pond lillies, are
also rooted here.
• Many fish live here as there is good hiding and
food in the plants.
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond –
Depend of the amount of sunlight available
• Limnetic Zone – well‐lit, open surface
waters, away from the shore
• Further out from the shore in the open waters there
are other plants, algae, and some bacteria that make
food through photosynthesis.
• Many fish swim freely in this zone.
• Algae, phytoplankton, and zooplankton live (float
freely) here as well.
• Most photosynthesis occurs in this part of the lake.
• Near the surface there is plenty of light penetrating
down through the waters. As waters deepen it
becomes darker.
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond –
Depend of the amount of sunlight available
• Profundal Zone (aphotic zone) – deeper
open waters away from shore, colder and
darker zone
• located below the range of light penetration –
so little to no light.
• Temperatures typically colder (because
sunlight does not penetrate)
• Fish adapted to live in darker, cooler water live
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond –
Depend of the amount of sunlight available
• Benthic Zone – bottom of a pond or lake,
predominately inhabited by decomposers,
insect larvae, and clams.
• Sometimes little to no light, depending on the
• Bacteria live here to decompose dead plants
and animals that drift down from the land and
water above.
• Fish adapted to live in darker, cooler water also
live here.
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond
Life Zones in a Lake or Pond
Adaptations of Lake and Pond
Organisms have many different adaptations to
help them better survive in their environment.
Below are some adaptations that lake or pond
organisms may have:
• Water beetles – use hairs under their bodies to trap
surface air so that they can breathe during their dives for
• Catfish – have whiskers to help sense food as they swim
over dark lake bottoms.
• Amphibians – burrow into the littoral muds to avoid
freezing temperatures when the lakes may freeze or
partially freeze in winter.
How Nutrients Affect Lakes
• Eutrophication – increase in the amount of nutrients in
an aquatic ecosystem.
• A lake with large amounts of plant growth due to
nutrients is known as a eutrophic lake.
• As the amount of plants and algae grows, the # of
bacteria feeding on decaying organisms grows. These
bacteria use oxygen dissolved in the lake’s waters, &
eventually use so much it kills other living organisms in
the water (suffocate) .
• Lakes naturally become eutrophic over time, but it can be
accelerated by runoff (fertilizers, remember the nutrient
How Nutrients Affect Lakes
• Mesotrophic lake is intermediate in most characteristics
between the oligotrophic and eutrophic stages.
• Production of plankton is intermediate so we have
some organic sediment accumulating and some loss of
oxygen in the lower waters.
• The oxygen may not be entirely depleted except near
the bottom (the relative depth of the lake has a
bearing on this).
• The water is moderately clear. Mesotrophic lakes
usually have some scattered weed beds and within
these beds the weeds are usually sparse.
How Nutrients Affect Lakes
• Oligotrophic lakes contain very low concentrations of those nutrients
required for plant growth and thus the overall productivity of these lakes
is low.
• Phytoplankton, the zooplankton, the attached algae, the macrophytes
(aquatic weeds), the bacteria, and the fish are all present as small
• Many species of organisms, but not very many of each species or type.
• Little production of organic matter, so very little accumulation of
organic sediment on the bottom, and therefore small populations of
• Lots of oxygen from surface to bottom.
• The bottom are most often sandy and rocky and usually their
watersheds are the same, resulting in few nutrients entering the lake.
• Nice clean water, no weed problems and poor fishing.
• They are seldom in populated or agricultural areas ‐‐ too many people
and heavy use tends to eventually shift them out of the oligotrophic
category and more towards eutrophic.
Freshwater Wetlands
Freshwater wetlands – areas of land
covered with freshwater for at least part of
the year.
• Are identified based on their water, soil
types (hydric soils), and vegetation.
• Wetlands are important environmental
functions that are needed to help
protect our land and water sources.
What classifies an area as a
• Water typically floods the areas
consecutively for at least 7.5% of the
growing season.
• Hydric soil (wetland soils) remains wet
long enough to create oxygen –poor
• Plants in wetlands are hydrophylic –
adapted to growing in wet soil with little
Wetland Delineations
• Environmentalists conduct Wetland
Delineations, using the criteria listed to
determine if an area is considered a wetland.
• If considered a wetland, laws may prohibit
development of the area – so that the area
may be preserved as a wetland habitat.
Largest Wetlands in U.S. – Florida Everglades
Freshwater Wetlands –
Important Environmental Functions
They improve water quality of lakes, reservoirs, and rivers
• Wetlands act as filters or sponges – they absorb and
remove pollutants from the water that flows through
• They control flooding by absorbing extra water when
rivers overflow. (protecting farms, urban, and residential
areas from damage)
• Provide feeding and spawning grounds for fish
• Provide home for native and migratory wildlife, including
blue herons
• Wetland vegetation traps carbon (that would otherwise
be released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere)
• Buffering shorelines against erosion
Example of Natural Succession
• Beavers – build dams that can create ponds and divert streams to
create areas of wetlands.
• Water in pond is standing water and seeps into the ground
increasing the moisture in the soil in the surrounding area.
• Higher soil moisture allows different communities of plants to
• The ponds and associated wetlands provide homes and food
for dozens of different species that otherwise could not
survive in the area.
• Dams trap sediments that wash off the land during floods.
• As the beaver pond slowly fills with sediments, the pond is
converted into a meadow.
How could the decrease in beavers in the US (from trapping
and hunting) affect the ecosystem?
Natural Succession – Beaver dam
Freshwater Wetlands
Three main types of freshwater wetlands:
• Marsh – contains non‐woody plants, such as
cattails, good pH, and nutrients
• Swamps – dominated by woody plants, such
as trees and shrubs, nutrient rich soils
• Bogs ‐ spongy peat deposits, acidic waters,
and a floor covered by a thick carpet of
sphagnum moss (gets water from
(there are also vernal pools ‐ pools that dry up in
certain times of year and do not house fish. We
will talk about those next.)
Freshwater Wetlands ‐ Marshes
• Freshwater Marsh – contains non‐woody plants,
such as cattails
• Tend to occur on low, flat lands and have little water movement.
• In the shallow waters of marshes plants such as reeds, rushes,
and cattails root themselves in the rich bottom sediments. (the
leaves of these plants stick out above the water surface all year
• Benthic zones of marshes are nutrient rich and contain plants,
numerous decomposers, and scavengers.
• Waterfowl (like grebes, ducks) have flat beaks adapted for sifting
through the water for fish and insects.
• Water birds (like herons) have spear‐like beaks that they use to
grasp small fish and to probe for frogs buried in the mud.
• Home to many migratory birds from temperate and tropical
Freshwater Wetlands ‐
Freshwater Wetlands ‐ Swamps
• Swamps – dominated by woody plants,
such as trees and shrubs
• Occur on flat, poorly drained land, often near streams.
• Dominated by woody shrubs or water‐loving trees, depending on
the latitude and climate in the swamp.
• Mangrove swamps occur in warm climates near the ocean, so
their water is salty.
• Freshwater swamps are ideal habitat for many amphibians (like
frogs and salamanders) because of the continuously moist
• Attraction for birds (like wood ducks) that nest in hollow tress
near or over the water.
• Reptiles (like the American alligator) are the predators of swamps
and will eat almost any organism that crosses their path.
Freshwater Wetlands ‐
Freshwater Wetlands ‐ Bogs
Dominated by sphagnum moss, acidic peat, and evergreen
shrubs and trees.
• sphagnum moss grows over a lake or pond and slowly fills it or blankets dry
land and prevents water from leaving the surface.
• acidic peat ‐ result in plant and animal communities that have adaptations
to low nutrient levels, waterlogged conditions, and acidic waters.
• regulate global climate by storing large amounts of carbon in peat deposits.
• mostly found in glaciated northeast and Great Lakes regions or along the
Atlantic Coast from VA to FL –called Pocosins.
• Usually, no standing water present, but a shallow water table leaves the soil
saturated for much of the year.
• soil is mixture of peat and sand with large amounts of charcoal. Natural fires
because very dry in the spring or summer. The fires are important because
increase diversity of shrub types in pocosins.
• important habitat for some endangered species like the red‐cockaded
woodpecker. And especially important as the last refuge for Black Bears in
coastal VA and NC. Red Wolf has recently been reintroduced in NC
Freshwater Wetlands ‐ Bogs
Human Impact on Wetlands
• Humans have drained, filled, and cleared many wetlands
for farms, residential, and commercial development
(wetlands were thought of as a breeding ground for
insects and needed to get rid of them).
• Ex.) Florida Everglades once covered 8 million acres of south
Florida but now cover less than 2 million acres.
• Humans now realize the importance of wetlands
• Good purifiers of wastewater
• flood prevention
• Habitats for wildlife
• State and federal laws now protect many wetlands
and many prohibit destruction of certain wetlands.
Florida Everglades Restoration