CSE Syllebus of MBSTU

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Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Syllabus for the degree of B.Sc. Engg. (CSE) [Proposed]

(Effective from academic session 2010-2011)

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Undergraduate students of Department of CSE have to follow a particular course schedule,

which is given below according to semester-wise distribution of the courses:

First Year First Semester

Course Code Course Title Class hours/week Credit
Theory Lab
CSE1101 Computer Basics & Programming 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1102 Computer Basics & Programming 0.00 3.00 1.50
Fundamentals Lab
CSE1103 Electrical Circuit Analysis 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1104 Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE1105 Mathematics I (Differential Calculus , 3.00 0.00 3.00
Vector Analysis, Coordinates
CSE1107 English 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1109 Economics & Sociology 3.00 0.00 3.00
15.00 5.00 17.50

First Year Second Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Code Theory Lab
CSE1201 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE1203 Structured Programming 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1204 Structured Programming Lab 0.00 3.00 1.50
CSE1205 Discrete Mathematics 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1207 Physics 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE1209 Chemistry 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE1211 Mathematics II(Integral Calculus, 3.00 0.00 3.00
Ordinary Differential Equation,
Partial Differential Equation, Series
17.00 5.00 19.50

Second Year First Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit
Code Theory Lab
CSE2101 Object Oriented Programming 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2102 Object Oriented Programming Lab 0.00 3.00 1.50
CSE2103 Data Structure 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2104 Data Structure Lab 0.00 3.00 1.50
CSE2105 Digital Electronics 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2106 Digital Electronics Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE2107 Mathematics III ( Matrix, vector, 3.00 0.00 3.00
Special Function )
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CSE2109 Statistics 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2111 Accounting 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE2112 Software Development Project-I & 0.00 2.00 1.00
Industrial Tour
17.00 10.00 22.00

Second Year Second Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Code Theory Lab
CSE2201 Algorithm Design & Analysis 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2202 Algorithm Design & Analysis Lab 0.00 3.00 1.50
CSE2203 Computer Organization & 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2205 Computer Based Numerical Methods 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE2206 Computer Based Numerical Methods 0.00 1.00 0.50
CSE2207 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE2208 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE2209 Digital System Design 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE2210 Digital System Design Lab 0.00 1.00 0.50
CSE2211 Mathematic IV ( Theory of Matrices, 3.00 0.00 3.00
Fourier Analysis, Laplace Transforms
CSE2214 Visual Programming Lab-I 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE2216 Visual Programming Lab-II 0.00 2.00 1.00
16.00 11.00 21.50

Third Year First Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit
Code Theory Lab
CSE3101 Operating System 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3102 Operating System Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3103 Microprocessor & Assembly 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3104 Microprocessor & Assembly 0.00 2.00 1.00
Language Lab
CSE3105 Database Management Systems 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3106 Database Management Systems Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3107 Software Engineering 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3109 Data Communication 2.00 0.00 2.00

CSE3110 Data Communication Lab 0.00 1.00 0.50

CSE3111 Theory of Computing 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE3116 Software Development Project-II & 0.00 2.00 1.00
Industrial Tour
16.00 9.00 20.50

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Third Year Second Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Code Theory Lab
CSE3201 Compiler Design 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3202 Compiler Design Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3203 Computer Network 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3204 Computer Network Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3205 Computer Peripheral & Interfacing 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE3206 Computer Peripheral & Interfacing 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3208 Relational Database Management 0.00 2.00 1.00
System Lab
CSE3209 Multimedia & Web Engineering 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE3210 Multimedia & Web Engineering Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE3211 Communication Engineering 2.00 0.00 2.00
13.00 10.00 18.00

Fourth Year First Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Code Theory Lab
CSE4101 Artificial Intelligence & Expert 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4102 Artificial Intelligence & Expert 0.00 2.00 1.00
System Lab
CSE4103 VLSI Design 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4104 VLSI Design Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4105 Digital Image Processing and 3.00 0.00 3.00
Computer Vision
CSE4106 Digital Image Processing and 0.00 2.00 1.00
Computer Vision Lab
CSE4107 Network Routing & Switching 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE4108 Network Routing & Switching Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4113 IT Organization & Management 2.00 0.00 2.00
CSE4115 Optional-I 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4116 Optional-I Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE5000 Research Project 0.00 4.00 Continue
16.00 14.00 21.00
Optional-I (select anyone with lab)
Course Code Course Title Class hours/week Credit
Theory Lab
CSE4115 Client Server Technology 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4116 Client Server Technology Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4115 Machine Learning 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4116 Machine Learning Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4115 Digital Signal Processing 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4116 Digital Signal Processing Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
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Fourth Year Second Semester

Course Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Code Theory Lab
CSE4201 Computer Graphics & Animation 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4202 Computer Graphics & Animation Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4203 Neural Networks & Fuzzy System 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4204 Neural Networks & Fuzzy System 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Optional-II 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Optional-II Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4207 Optional-III 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE5000 Research Project 0.00 6.00 5.00
12.00 12.00 20.00

Optional-II (select any one with lab)

Course Code Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Theory Lab
CSE4205 Simulation and Modeling 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Simulation and Modeling Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Basic Multimedia Theory 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Basic Multimedia Theory Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Computational Geometry 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Computational Geometry Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Distributed Operating System 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Distributed Operating System Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Pattern Recognition 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Pattern Recognition Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00
CSE4205 Embedded System Design 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4206 Embedded System Design Lab 0.00 2.00 1.00

Optional-III (select any one)

Course Code Course Title Class hours/week Credit

Theory Lab
CSE4207 Robotics 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Large Scale Software Design 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Parallel Processing 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Information Security and Control 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Data Mining 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Machine Learning 3.00 0.00 3.00
CSE4207 Bio-Informatics 3.00 0.00 3.00
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Year Semester Credit

1st 1st 17.5(Theory 15 + Lab2.5)

1st 2nd 19.5(Theory 17 + Lab 2.5)
2nd 1st 22(Theory 17 + Lab 5)
2nd 2nd 21.5(Theory 16 + Lab 5.5)
3rd 1st 20.5(Theory 16 + Lab 4.5)
3rd 2nd 18(Theory 13 + Lab 5)
4th 1st 21(Theory 16 + Lab 5)
4th 2nd 20(Theory 12 + Lab 8)

Total 160(Theory 122 + Lab 38)

First Year First Semester

CSE1101 Computer Basics & Programming Fundamentals Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Number system, codes and computer logic.
Hardware: Basic components of a digital computer, I/O unit, CPU,
peripheral devices, Computer Hardware Organization, Bus organized
architecture. CPU Organization, Memory devices.
Software: Basic concepts; classification; system and application software.
Computer languages: introducing computer languages, machine language,
assembly language, High-level language, language translator-interpreter,
compiler and assembler.
Networking: Different types of Networks, network topologies,
communication media. Internet: Internet service, e-mail e-commerce.
Multimedia: Basic of audio, video& graphics.
Programming Concept: Problem analysis, Algorithm build-up, Flowcharts
and pseudo-coding.
Introduction to C: Evolution of C, lexical design and basic syntax, token,
operator, identifier, simple data types; variables ,constants, declarations;
block structure, expressions and statements, compound statements, built in
function, I/O functions, control statements, branching, looping , Array.

Recommended text:
1. Introduction to computers. Author: Peter Norton,
2. Computer fundamentals. Author: P.K.Sinha
3. Computer information systems. Author: Sarah F. hatchinson
4. C programming language. Author: Kernigham & Ritchie
5. Teach Yourself C. Author: Herbert Schildt
6. Programming in Ansi C. Author: Balagurushwami
7. Turbo C/C++.The Complement Reference.Author:Herbert Schildt

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CSE1102 Computer Basics & Programming Fundamentals Lab Credit: 1.50

Laboratory works based on CSE1101

CSE1103 Electrical Circuit Analysis Credit: 3.00

Fundamental electrical concepts and measuring units. Active and passive
components: resistor, properties of resistors, types of resistors, Ohm’s law,
DC-circuits, conductance and resistance, Kirchoff’s current law, current
divider rule, open circuit, short circuit, etc. Analysis of series-parallel
network. Methods of analysis for DC networks, current source, source
conversion, branch-current analysis, mesh analysis, nodal analysis, bridge
network, star delta, delta star.
Network theorems (DC): superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem,
Norton’s theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, Millman’s theorem,
substitution theorem, reciprocity theorem. Sinusoidal alternating waveforms,
the sine wave, general format for the sinusoidal voltage or current. phase
relations, etc. Response of basic R, L and C elements to a sinusoidal voltage
or current, frequency response, rectangular and polar form, conversion
between forms, phasors.
Analysis of series and parallel AC circuit: Impedance and phasor diagram,
voltage divider rule, frequency response of the R-C circuit, admittance and
susceptance, current divider rule, frequency response of the parallel R-L
network, etc. Analysis of series-parallel AC circuit. Methods of analysis for
AC network, independent and dependent controlled source and source
conversions, mesh analysis, nodal analysis, bridge network, etc.
Introduction to transformers: Single phase and three phase transformer.
Introduction to polyphase system.

Recommended text:
1. Introductory Circuit Analysis. Author: R. L. Boylestad
2. Basic Electric Circuit Analysis. Author: David E. Johnson , J.L.
Hilborn & J.R. Johnson
3. Alternating Current Circuits. Author: R. M. Kerchner, G. F.
4. Electric Machines. Author: J. Nagarath and D. P. Kothari
5. Lesson’s in Electrical Circuit. Author: Tony R. Kuphaldt
6. Introductory Circuitry for Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Author: Nilson.

CSE1104 Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE1103

MATH1105 Mathematics I Credit: 3.00

Differential Calculus: Functions, Limit, Continuity, Differentiation of
exponential and logarithmic functions, Successive differentiations,
Indeterminate forms, Maxima and minima, Partial differentiations, Partial
differentiations for a transformation of variables, Euler’s rule on homogenous
functions,Tangent, Normal, Sub-tangent and Sub-normal in Cartesian and
polar coordinates.
Coordinates Geometry: Change of axes, Pair of straight lines, General
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equation of second degree circles, Parabola, ellipse, hyperbola and the plane.

Recommended text:
1. Vector Analysis, Schaum’s Outline Series. Author: M. R. Spiegel.
2. A text book on differential calculus. Author: Mohammad,
Bhattacharjee and Latif.
3. Differential Calculus. Author: B.C. Das and B.N. Mukherjee.
4. A text book on Coordinate geometry. Author: Rahman and

ENG1107 English Credit: 3.00

English phonetics: The place and manners of articulation of the English
sounds, Vocabulary,
English grammar: construction of sentence, some grammatical problems;
preposition, phrasal verbs, idioms, derivatives, Comprehension; Paragraph
writing, Prices writing, Amplification, Report writing, Business
communication and tenders, Short stories written by some well known classic
Speaking: How to ask questions, make requests and give instructions, How
respond to queries, invitations, statements, How to introduce and thank,
express gratitude, regret or appreciations, How to communicate in particular
every day situations, How to express different concepts, ability, possibility,
futurity, necessity, obligation, assumption, regularity, continuity, arrangement,
comparison, etc.
Reading: For skimming, For comprehension, For interpretation.
Writing: Spelling, punctuation, indenting, brackets, abbreviation, numbers
and fractions, capitalization, underlining, hyphenation, etc, Organization of
writing of sentences in paragraph, and of paragraphs, in essays and letters.
Practical writhing: personal and office correspondence, job application, CV.
Vocabulary: Clues to the meaning of a word, Position in the clause, prefixes,
suffixes, roots, revising and expanding vocabulary.
Listening Comprehension/ Movie show: Introducing audio visual materials
and/or movies to develop listing skills.

Recommended text:
1. Applied English Grammar & Composition. Author: P.C. Das
2. High school English Grammar S. Chand & Company. Author: Wren &
3. The Craft of Business Letter Writing. Author: Matthew M Monippally
4. The Princeton Review GRE Verbal Workout. Author: Yung-Yee Wu
5. Intermediate English Grammar. Author: Raymond Murphy
6. Communicative Grammar Practice. Author: Jones Leo

ECO1109 Economics & Sociology Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Definition of economics, Economics and engineering;
Principles of economics.
Micro-Economics: Introduction to various economic systems-capitalist,
command and mixed economy; Fundamental economic problems and the
mechanism through which these problems are solved; Theory of demand and
supply and their elasticity’s; Theory of consumer behavior; Cardinal and
ordinal approaches of utility analysis; Price determination; Nature of an
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economic theory; Applicability of economic theories to the problems of
developing countries; Indifference curve techniques; Theory of production,
production function, types of productivity; Rational region of production of
an engineering firm; Concepts of market and market structure; Cost analysis
and cost function; Small scale production and large scale production;
Optimization; Theory of distribution; Use of derivative in economics:
maximization and minimization of economic functions, relationship among
total, marginal and average concepts.
Macro-economics: Savings; investment, employment; National income
analysis; Inflation; Monetary policy; Fiscal policy and trade policy with
reference to Bangladesh; Economics of development and planning.
Introduction of Sociology: Bureaucracy as a organ of modern state,
Marxism, Power authority, Pressure Group. What is Sociology? Nature and
scope of Sociology, Development of Sociology.
Primary concept: Society, Community, Association, and Institution.
Culture: Components of culture, norms, values, folkways, mores, custom,
fashion etc., Culture and Civilization types of Society: Orientate & Occidental
Social Institution: Family, Religion.
Social satisfaction and Mobility: functionalist & Conflict perspective.
Social Change: Theories of social change.
Social Structure: Components of social structure.

Recommended text:
1. Economics. Author: Samuelson
2. Modern economic theory: Author: K. K. Dewett
3. Sociology. Author: P.B. Horton, C.L. Hunt
4. Sociology. Author: R.T Schaefer
5. The Government of Modern States. Author: W.F. Willoughby

First Year Second Semester

CSE1201 Electronic Devices and Circuits Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Introduction to semiconductors, p-type and n-type
semiconductors; p-n junction diode characteristics.
Diode applications: half and full wave rectifiers, clipping and clamping
circuits, regulated power supply using zener diode.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): principle of operation, I-V
characteristics; Transistor circuit configurations (CE, CB, CC), BJT biasing,
load lines; BJTs at low frequencies; Hybrid model, h parameters, simplified
hybrid model; Small-signal analysis of single and multi-stage amplifiers,
frequency response of BJT amplifier.
Field Effect Transistors (FETs): Principle of operation of JFET and
MOSFET; Depletion and enhancement type NMOS and PMOS; Biasing of
FETs; Low and high frequency models of FETs, Switching circuits using
FETs; Introduction to CMOS.
Operational Amplifiers (OP-AMPs): Linear applications of OP-AMPs,
gain, input and output impedances, active filters, frequency response and
noise. Introduction to feedback, Oscillators, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers
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TRIAC, DIAC and UJT: Characteristics and applications; Introduction to IC
fabrication processes.

Recommended text:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Author: R. L. Boylestad, L.
2. Integrated Electronics. Author: Millman & Halkiasa
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits. Author: Millman & Halkias
4. Basic Electronics. Author: Grob
5. Microelectronic Circuits. Author: S. Sedra, K. C. Smith
6. Principles of Electronic Circuits. Author: R. K. Mozumder

CSE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE1201.

CSE1203 Structured Programming Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Need for multifunction programs, return values, types and
some examples, Calling functions and arguments, Recursions, passing
arrays to functions, Storage class.
Array: Introduction to arrays. One-dimensional array. Some sample
programs, Two-dimensional array. Some sample programs, String handling
in C and some examples.
Structure and Union:
Definition of Structure, Union, Structure union applications, Self-referential
Structure, Linked list, Array of structure and some examples.
Understanding pointers, Pointers and arrays. Dynamic memory allocation,
Pointers and functions, pointers and structures, Some special features of C
(Macros, Enumerations), Bitwise operations.
File management:
File management concept in C, Defining, opening and closing a file,
Input/output operations in file, Error handling and command line
arguments, Introduction to graphics, Drawing some geometric objects.

Recommended text:
1. C programming language. Author: Kernigham & Ritchie
2. Turbo C/C++.The Complement Reference.Author:Herbert Schildt
3. Teach Yourself C. Author: Herbert Schildt
4. Let Us C. Author: Y. Kanitkar
5. Pointers in C. Author: Y. Kanitkar
6. Programming in Ansi C. Author: Balagurushwami
CSE1204 Structured Programming Lab Credit: 1.50

Laboratory works based on CSE1203

CSE1205 Discrete Mathematics Credit: 3.00

Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Structure: Set theory,
Mathematical reasoning and proof techniques, Prepositional calculus and
predicate calculus.
Elementary Number Theory: Relations, Functions, Algebraic structures,
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Graph theory, Path and trees, Generating Functions, Permutation groups.
Discrete Probability: Induction, contradiction and recursion, counting,
Principles of inclusion & exclusion, recurrence relations, rings and groups.

Recommended text:
1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. Author: Rosen, K. H
2. Discrete Mathematics. Author: Olympid Nicodemi
3. Number Theory. Author: S.G. Telang
4. Element of Discrete Mathematics. Author: C.L. Liu
5. Concrete Mathematics. Author: Knuth

PHY1207 Physics Credit: 3.00

Charge, Electric field & Gauss’s law: Simple phenomena in electrostatics;
Electrostatics induction and charge density; Coulomb’s law; Electric field &
field strength; Point charge in an electric field; Dipole in an electric field;
Electric flux; Gauss’s law and some applications; Electric potential; Potential
due to a point charge; Equipotential surfaces; Potential energy, Potential
gradient; Capacitance and its calculation; Parallel plate capacitor with
dielectric; Dielectric & Gauss’s law; Electric vectors; Energy stored in an
electric field.
Electric current, Simple circuits and Electrical Measurement: Current and
Ohm’s law; E.M.F. and potential difference; Kirchhoff’s laws; Whetstone
bridge; Simple loop & multi loop circuits; Simple RC and LC circuits, The
potentiometer; Moving coil galvanometer; Ammeter; Voltmeter; Multimeter;
Wattmeter & Energy meter; Measurements of Voltage, Current, Resistance,
Induction; Capacitance, Power and Energy.
Magnetic Field & Force on Current: Coulomb’s law; Magnetic field and
field strength; Magnetic force on current; Ampere’s law; Directions of current
and field; Maxwell’s cork screw rule; Fleming’s left hand rule; Magnetic field
near long wire; Magnetic field for solenoid; Biot-savart law. Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction; Fleming’s right hand rule; Lenz’s law.
Magnetic properties of matter: Poles and dipoles; Coulomb’s law for
magnets and Gauss’s theorem of magnetism; Dia- magnetism, Para-
magnetism and Ferro- magnetism; Magnetomotive force and field intensity;
Concept of self and mutual inductance; Coefficient of magnetic coupling;
Rise of current and decay of current in inductive circuits; Energy of magnetic
field; Inductance in series and parallel; Hysteresis and eddy current losses.
Optics: Refraction and total internal reflection; Group velocity and Phase
velocity of light; Dispersion; Interference; Holography; Fresnel and
Fraunhofer diffraction; Polarization of light wave.

Recommended text:
1. Physics part-II. Author: Robert Resnic & David Halliday
2. Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Author: D. K. Cheng
3. Fundamentals of Magnetism and Electricity. Author: D. N. Vasudeva
4. Electricity and Magnetism with Electronics. Author: K. K. Tewari
5. A Textbook of Optics. Author: N Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal

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CHEM1209 Chemistry Credit: 2.00
Solution: Definition, Ways of expressing concentration, Types of solution,
Mechanism of dissolution, Solubility and Solubility Curve, Evolution of heat,
Solutions of gases in gases: Henry’s Law, Solution of gases in liquids,
Solution of liquids in liquids. Distribution law, Application of distribution
Theory of dilute solution: Properties of dilute solutions, Vapor pressure,
Raoult’s law-its application, Elevation of boiling point, Depression of freezing
point and Osmotic pressure. Colloids and Properties of Colloidal System.
Chemical Equilibrium: Reversible and irreversible reactions, Law of mass
action, Equilibrium constants of some typical reaction, The Le-chatelier’s
Principle, Application of Le-chatetier’s Principle. Problems involving acid-
base titration.
Chemical Kinetics: Rate of reaction, Factors affecting the reaction rate,
Molecularity and Order of reaction, Rate law, First order, second order, third
order, pseudo-order and zero order reaction.
Thermo-chemistry: Enthalpy, Heat of reaction, Heat of formation, Heat of
combustion and heat of neutralization, Thermo chemical laws.
Electrochemistry: Electrolytes, Mechanism of electrolytic conduction,
Transport number and electrolytic conductance.
Structure of atom: The atom, Nuclear Charge and atomic number,
Rutherford Atomic Model and Bohr Atomic Model, Quantum numbers, Pauli
exclusion principle, Ionization energies, electron affinity, Wave nature of
Chemical Bonds: Electronic Concept of Chemical Bonds, Types of bonds,
General properties of ionic and covalent compounds, Modern approach of
covalent bond.

Recommended text:
1. Chemistry. Author: D. Lygre, W. Smith, G.T. Miller
2. Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Author: W.H. Brown
3. Buffers for pH and Metal Ion Control. Author: D.D. Perin, P.

MATH1211 Mathematics II Credit: 3.00

Integral Calculus: Definitions of Integration; Integration by the method of
substitutions; Integration by parts; Standard integrals; Integration by the
method of successive reduction; Definite integrals and its properties and use
in summing series; Walli’s formula, Improper integrals, Beta function and
Gamma function; Area under a plane curve in Cartesian and polar co-
ordinates, Area of the region enclosed by two curves in Cartesian and polar
co-ordinates; Trapizoidal rule, Simpson’s rule. Arc lengths of curves in
Cartesian and polar co-ordinates; parametric and pedal equations; Intrinsic
equation; Volume of solids of revolution; Volume of hollow solids of
revolution by shell method. Area of surface of revolution; Jacobian, multiple
integrals and their application.
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): Degree and order of ordinary
differential equations; Formation of differential equations; Solution of first
order differential equations by various method; Solution of first order but
higher degree ordinary differential equations; differential equations; Solution
of general linear equations of second and higher orders with constants
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coefficients; Solution of homogeneous linear equations and its applications;
Solution of differential equations of higher order when dependent and
independent variables are absent; Solution of differential equations by the
method based on factorization of operators.
Partial Differential Equation (PDE): Four rules for solving simultaneous
dx dy dz
equations of the form   ; Lagrange’s method of solving PDE of
order one; Integral surfaces passing through a given curve; Nonlinear PDE of
order one (complete, particular, singular and general integrals): standard
forms f ( p, q)  0, z  px  qy  f ( p, q), f ( p, q, z )  0, f1 ( x, p)  f 2 ( x, p) ;
Charpit’s method; Second order PDE; its nomenclature and classifications to
canonical (standard)- parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic; Solution by separation of
variables. Linear PDE with constant coefficients.
Series Solution: Solution of differential equations in series by the method of
Frobenius; Bessel’s functions, Legendre’s polynomials and their properties.

Recommended text:
1. Calculus and the Computer. Author: S.P. Gordon
2. Differential Equations. Author: B.O. Sharma
3. Ordinary and Partial differential equations. Author: M.D.
Raisingha mia
4. Integral Calculus. Author: P.K. Bhattacharjee
5. Differential Equations. Author: F. Ayres
6. Differential Equations. Author: Piaggio

Second Year First Semester

CSE2101 Object Oriented Programming Credit: 3.00
Introducing C++: Definition of OOP, C++ Console I/O, Introduction to
Classes, Basic concept of Object Oriented Programming, Difference between
Structured Programming and Object Oriented Programming, Difference
between C/C++, Introducing Function Overloading, Benefits of OOP,
Characteristics of Procedure Oriented Programming, Characteristics of Object
Oriented Programming and Application of Object Oriented Programming.
Introducing Classes, Arrays, Pointers and References: Constructor and
Destructor functions, Constructors with parameters, Introducing Inheritance,
Object Pointers, Relation between Classes, Structures and unions, In-line
functions, Automatic in-line functions, Assigning objects, Passing objects to
functions, Returning objects from function, Defining member functions, Friend
functions, Static member functions. Array of objects, Pointer to objects, the
pointer, using new and delete, passing references, returning references
independent references.
Function Overloading and Operator Overloading: Constructor
Overloading, Copy constructor, Default arguments, Overloading ambiguity,
Address of overloaded function. Binary operator overloading, Unary operator
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overloading, Relational and logical operator overloading, Operator overloading
using friend functions, Limitations of operator overloading.
Inheritance: Defining derived classes, Single inheritance, multiple
inheritance, multilevel inheritance, Hierarchical inheritance, Virtual base
classes, Constructors in derived classes, Nesting of classes.
C++ I/O System: Streams, Stream classes, Unformatted I/O, Binary I/O,
formatted I/O, I/O manipulators, Inserters, Extractors, File I/O streams,
Opening and closing files, Random access files, I/O status checking,
Customized I/O and files.
Virtual Functions: Pointers to derived classes, Applying Polymorphism using
virtual functions, Polymorphic class, Pure Virtual functions, Abstract classes,
early binding, and late binding.
Template Exception Handling and Standard Template Library: Generic
functions, Generic classes, Exception handling, Throwing mechanism,
Catching mechanism, Rethrowing mechanism, Specifying exceptions
Templates, Components of STL, Container, Algorithms.

Recommended text:
1. C++: The Complete Reference. Author: H. Schildt
2. C++: How to program, Author: Deitel H M and Deital P J
3. Object-Oriented programming with C++. Author: Robert Lafore
4. Teach Yourself C++. Author: Herbert Schildt
5. Turbo C++. Author: H Schildt
6. C++ Object Oriented Programming. Author: Irvine

CSE2102 Object Oriented Programming Lab Credit: 1.50

Laboratory works based on CSE2101

CSE2103 Data Structure Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Concept of data types, abstract data types.
Array: Insertion, Deletion, Matrix representation of arrays, Multidimensional
arrays, Pointers arrays, Record structures, Representation of records in
memory; parallel arrays. Sparse matrices. Usefulness of sparse matrices.
Stack: Push and Pop operations. Arithmetic expression: polish notation
implementation using stack.
Queue: Insert and Delete operations. Double ended queue, Priority queue.
Recursion: Direct and indirect recursion, Simulation of recursion, Depth of
recursion, Removal of recursion. Towers of Hanoi using recursion.
Linked lists: One way and two way linked lists. Traversing, Searching,
Insertion and Deletion operations. Concept of algorithm analysis.
Tree: Traversing (inorder, preorder, postorder). Insertion and deletion
operations in Binary search trees. Threaded Binary Tree, Application of trees.
Set representation, decision trees, game trees and counting binary trees. B-tree
and basic operations on B-tree. Binomial tree and binomial heap, operation on
binomial heaps. Fibonacci heaps and operations. Heap sort. Huffman codes
and compression algorithm. Disjoint set and operations and disjoint set forests.
Red black tree and operations. General trees.
Graphs: Graph representation, Adjacency matrix, Path matrix, Linked

Page 14 of 41
representation. Shortest paths: Warshall 's algorithm. Operations on graphs:
Insertion of an edge or a node. Deletion of an edge or a node. Traversing a
graph: Breadth first, Depth first. Posets: Topological sorting. Spanning trees
and connected component. Finding minimum cost spanning tree using Prim's
algorithm. Critical paths, enumerating all paths. Symbol tables: Static and
dynamic tree tables.
String Processing: Basic terminology, sorting strings, character data type,
string operations, word processing, pattern matching algorithms, etc.
Sorting: Bubble sort, Quick sort Merge sort, Selection sort, Inserting sort,
Radix sort, Shell sort.
Searching: Linear searching, Binary searching.
Hashing: Hash function and overflow handling, Open hashing (Separate
chaining) Close hashing (Open addressing), Linear probing, Quadratic probing,
Double hashing.
Files: File queries sequential organization. Indexing Technique: Cylinder,
surface indexing, Hash indexes trees, Indexing-Btrees, Tree indexing.

Recommended text:
1. Data Structure. Author: Edward M. Reinggold
2. Theory and Problem of Data Structures. Author: S. Lipschutz
3. Data Structure Fundamentals. Author: Md. Rafiqul Islam, M. A.
4. Data Structure. Author: E. Horowitz
5. Pascal plus data structure and Advance programming. Author: N.
Data, S. Nilly
6. Data Structure and program design in C. Author: Kruse/Tondo/Leung

CSE2104 Data Structure Lab Credit: 1.50

Laboratory works based on CSE2103

CSE2105 Digital Electronics Credit: 3.00

Number System: Review of number system, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal,
Boolean Algebra and Minimization: Introductory concept of number systems
and codes. Boolean constants and variables, truth tables. Basic logic function.
Boolean expressions. Implementing circuits from Boolean expressions.
Boolean theorems, DeMorgan’s theorem. Sum-of-product and product -of-Sum
forms. Simplifying logic circuits, algebraic simplification, the karnaugh map
method, Qnine McCkuskey design method.
Logic Gates and Combination Circuits: Different types of logic gates.
Circuit design using NAND or NOR gates only. Alternate logic-gate
representations. Designing combinatorial logic circuits .Exclusive OR and
NOR circuits. Logic circuits with multiple outputs. Designing without a truth
Flip-flops: SR, JK, D and T flip flops. The D latch. Master slave FF. Flip flop
application. FF synchronization. Data stores and transfer. Frequency division
counting. One shot.
Arithmetic circuits: Adder circuits. Carry propagation, carry look-ahead
adder. IC parallel adder. The 2’s complement addition and subtraction system.
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The BCD adder. Binary multiplier.
Counters and Register: Asynchronous Counter, Ripple counters, counters
with mod numbers2”, IC asynchronous counters, asynchronous down
counter, propagation delay and ripple counters. Synchronous down and up
/down counters. Decoding a counter. Decoding glitches. Cascading BCD
counters, Shift- register.
Counter Application: frequency counter, digital clock. IC register. MSI Logic
Circuits: Decoders, BCD-to-decimal decoders, BCD-to-7-segment
decoder/drivers. Encoders. Multiplexes applications. Demultiplexer.
Integrated-Circuit Logic Families: Digital IC terminologies, TTL series
characteristics, open- collector TTL, ECL family, MOS digital ICs, MOSFET,
CMOS tristate logic, TTL-CMOS-TTL interfacing.
Memory Devices: Memory terminology, general memory operation,
semiconductor memory technologies, different types of ROMs, semiconductor
RAMs, static and dynamic RAMs Magnetic bubble memory, CCD memory,
VHDL & FPGA Concept.

Recommended text:
1. Digital Systems, Principles and Applications. Author: Ronald J Tocci
2. Digital Computer Electronics. Author: A P Malvino
3. Digital Electronics. Author: Taub & Schilling
4. Digital Electronics. Author: R. P. Jain
CSE2106 Digital Electronics Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE2105

CSE2107 Mathematics III Credit: 3.00

Theory of Matrices: Concepts of matrices, types of matrices, transposes,
inverses, adjoints, determinants, cramer’s Rule; System of linear equations, the
characteristics roots and the characteristic equation of eigen values and eigen
vectors of a square matrix; Caley Hamilton theorem.

Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, vector addition and subtraction, scalar
and vector products, scalar triple and vector triple products, Linear dependence
and independence of vectors, Vector differentiation and integration, Gradient,
divergence and curl of a vector, Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems.

Special Functions: Gamma and Beta functions; Bessel functions; Orthogonal

functions; Legendre, Leguerre and Hermite polynomials.

Recommended text:
1. Complex variables (S. series)
2. Complex variables. Author: M.L. Khanna
3. Special functions. Author: P.N. Chatergee.

STAT2109 Statistics Credit: 3.00

Elements of Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean median, mode and other
measures of central tendency.
Measures of Dispersion: Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion.
Moments, skew ness and kurtosis.
Probability Distributions: Elementary probability theory and discontinuous
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probability distribution, e.g. binomial, poison and negative binomial.
Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential.
Characteristics of distributions. Hypothesis testing and regression analysis.
Random variables; Stochastic process;
Markov chains: Discrete parameter, continuous parameter, birth-death
Queuing models: birth-death model, Markovian model, open and closed
queuing network; Application of queuing models.

Recommended text:
1. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability. Author: M. Nurul Islam
2. Statistics. Author: Murray R. Spiegel
3. Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Author: Johnson R.A, Miller
& Freud’s
4. Methods of Statistics. Author: Ahmed and Bhuiya
5. Introduction to Theory of Statistics. Author: Shil and Debnath

ACC2111 Accounting Credit: 2.00

Financial Accounting: Objectives and importance of accounting; Accounting
as an information system; Recording system: double entry mechanism;
accounts and their classification; Accounting equation; Accounting cycle:
journal, ledger, trial balance; Preparation of financial statements considering
adjusting and closing entries; Accounting concepts (principles) and
Financial statement analysis and interpretation: ratio analysis.
Cost and Management Accounting: Cost concepts and classification;
Overhead cost: meaning and classification; Distribution of overhead cost;
Overhead recovery method/rate; Job order costing: preparation of job cost
sheet and quotation price; Inventory valuation: absorption costing and
marginal/variable costing technique; Cost-Volume-Profit analysis: meaning,
breakeven analysis, contribution margin approach, sensitivity analysis.
Short-term investment decisions: relevant and differential cost analysis.
Long-term investment decisions: capital budgeting, various techniques of
evaluation of capital investments.

Recommended text:
1. Principle of Accounting 8th ed. 2006. Author: J. J. Weygandt, D.E.
2. Principle of Accounting. Author: Pyle and White
3. Principle of Accounting. Author: Pyle and Larson
4. Financial Management Theory and Practice. Author: Eugene F.

CSE2112 Software Development Project-I & Industrial tour Credit: 1.00

Students will develop some Programs and a Project with proper documentation
assigned by teacher.

Page 17 of 41
Second Year Second Semester

CSE2201 Algorithm Design & Analysis Credit: 3.00

Introduction to Algorithm and Mathematical Induction: Introductory
concepts and definitions related to algorithm formula, notation for describing
algorithms, introduction to mathematical induction, examples, counting
regions in the plane, simple coloring problem, simple inequality, Euler’s
formula, Finding edge-disjoint paths in a graph, Arithmetic versus geometric
means, loop invariant etc.
Analysis of Algorithms Complexity and Design of Algorithm by
Induction: The O notation, time and space complexity, recurrence relations:
intelligent guesses divide and conquer relations, recurrence relation with full
history, design by induction: evaluation polynomials, maximal induced
subgraph. Finding one-to-one mapping2s, the Celebrity problem, The skyline
problem, computing balance factors in binary trees, finding the maximum
consecutive subsequence, strengthening the induction hypothesis, dynamic
programming: the Knapsack problem, etc.
Algorithm Involving Sequences and Sets: introduction, Binary search and
variations, Interpolation search, sorting: Bucket sort, Radix sort, Insertion
sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap sort, order statistics, data
compression, string matching, sequence comparisons, probabilistic
algorithms, finding a majority, etc.
Graph and Geometric Algorithms: introduction, Eulerian graphs, graph
traversals: Dept-first Search, Breadth-first Search, Topological Sorting,
minimum-cost Spanning trees, network flows, Hamiltonian tours,
decompositions of graphs, construction polynomials, convex hulls, closest
pair, intersection of horizontal and vertical line segments, etc.
Reductions and NP-Completeness: introduction, examples of reductions,
reductions involving linear programming reductions for lower bounds,
polynomial time reductions, nondeterminism and Cook’s Theorem, examples
of NP-completeness Proofs, techniques for dealing with NP-complete
problems, etc.
Parallel Algorithms: introduction, models of parallel computation,
algorithms for shared-memory machines, algorithms for interconnected
networks, systolic computation, etc.

Methods for the design of efficient algorithms: divide and conquer, greedy
method, dynamic programming, back tracking, branch and bound;

Recommended text:
1. Introduction to Algorithms. Author: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles
E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms. Author: Ellis Horowitz &
Sartaj Sahni
3. Introduction to Algorithm: A creative Approach (Hardcover),
Addison Wesley (January 1, 1989). Author: Udi Manber.
4. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(Paperback), Addison Wesley; 1st edition (October 30, 2002).
Author: Anany V. Levitin.
5. Algorithms. Author: Robert Sedgewick
6. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Author:
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CSE2202 Algorithm Design & Analysis Lab Credit: 1.50

Laboratory works based on CSE2201

CSE2203 Computer Organization & Architecture Credit: 3.00

Computer abstraction and technology: Information representation;
Measuring Performance.
Instructions and data access methods: operations and operands of computer
hardware, representing instruction, addressing styles.
Arithmetic of Computer: Arithmetic and logical operations, floating point
operations, designing ALU. Processor design: data paths –single cycle and
multicycle implementations, Control Unit design- hardwired and micro
Enhancing performance with pipelining: Pipeline: pipelined data path and
control, super scalar and dynamic pipelining, Hazards, Exceptions, Buses;
Multiprocessors: types of multiprocessors, performance, single bus
multiprocessors, multiprocessors connected by network, clusters.
Memory organization: cache, virtual memory, channels, DMA and

Recommended text:
1. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface,
Third Edition. Author: D. Patterson and J. Hennessy.
2. Computer Architecture and Organization. Author: J. P. Hayes
3. Computer Organization. Author: V. C. Hamacher, Z. G. Vranesic and
S. G. Zaky
4. Computer System Architecture. Author: M. M. Mano

CSE2205 Computer Based Numerical Methods Credit: 2.00

Introduction: Numerical computing, Errors in Computation, stability and
Roots of Nonlinear Equations: Bisection, false position and Newton-
Raphson method.
Solution of Linear Equations: Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Method,
Jacobi’s Method, Gauss-Seidal Method.
Regression: Linear and exponential.
Interpolation: Lagrange and Newton polynomials.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson.
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation: Taylor series,
Picard, Runge-Kutta, Euler’s method.
Solution of partial Differential Equations: Determination of characteristics
equation of a matrix using Fadeev-Leverrier method; Eigen value and Eigen
vector and matrix inversion.

Recommended text:
1. Applied Numerical Method for Engineers, Thomson Books, 2002.
Author: Robert J. Schilling and Sandra L Harries.
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2. Numerical methods for Engineer. Author: Steven C. Chapra
3. Numerical Mathematical Analysis. Author: Cheny & Kinkaid
4. Numerical Method. Author: Jain & Iyenger
5. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods. Author: Rajaraman, V.

CSE2206 Computer Based Numerical Methods Lab Credit: 0.50

Laboratory works based on CSE2205

CSE2207 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Credit: 3.00

Object Oriented Concepts, Analysis and Design: OO Concepts, abstraction
and modeling. Software architecture, Object Oriented analysis and design and
Object modeling: identification, classification, association, generalization
and aggregation, inheritance, metadata and notation for object modeling; use
case, dynamic modeling- state transition diagrams and object life cycles; State
chart, class diagram, design pattern.
Object-oriented development methodologies: object modeling technique,
object oriented analysis, object oriented design; object communication models
and integration of models.

Recommended text:
1. OOAD with application. Author: Grady Booch
2. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide. Auther: Booch,
Rumbaugh, Jacobson.
3. Object Oriented Modeling and Design. Author: Raumbugh
4. Unified Modeling system. Author: Raumbugh
5. Applying UML and Patterns Author: Craig Iarman
6. The Unified S/W development process. Author: Jacobson, Booch

CSE2208 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE2207

CSE2209 Digital System Design Credit: 2.00

Memory Devices: Design of memory subsystem using SRAM and DRAM.
Design of Computer registers.
Processor Logic Design: ALU, memory and control unit – hardwired and
micro-programmed, design of Shifter & Accumulator.
Control Logic Design: Control organization, Control of processor unit, PLA
Control, Micro program Sequencer, Design using MSI and LSI components.
Design using special purpose controllers.
Microcomputer system design: Microprocessor based designs. Computer
bus standards.

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Recommended text:
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design. Author: M. M. Mano
2. Computer Engineering. Author: M. M. Mano
3. Fundamentals of Digital Systems design, 2003 PHI. Author: V.T.
4. Digital Computer Electronics. Author: A. P. Malvino

CSE2210 Digital System Design Lab Credit: 0.50

Laboratory works based on CSE2209

MATH2211 Mathematic IV Credit: 3.00

Complex variables: Complex functions; Analytic functions; Cauchy
Riemann equations; Cauchy integral theorem; Cauchy integral formula;
Taylor’s theorem; Laurent’s theorem; Lorenz theorem; Differentiation of
complex functions; poles and singularities; Residue theorem; Evaluation of
definite integrals.

Fourier Analysis: Fourier series, Fourier integrals and Fourier transforms.

Laplace Transforms: Laplace transform of some elementary functions, some
important properties of Laplace Transform (linearity property, First shifting
property, Laplace Transform of derivatives, periodic functions etc.); Inverse
Laplace transform, some important properties inverse Laplace transform; The
convolution theorem; Application of Laplace transform to differential
equations and Electrical circuits.

Recommended text:
1. Fourier series and Boundary Value Problems. Author: Charchill
2. Laplace Transformation. Author: M. R. Spiegel
3. Linear Algebra, (S. series). Author: M. R. Spiegel
4. Mathematical Methods. Author: Md. Abdur Rahman

CSE2214 Visual Programming Lab-I Credit: 1.00

CSE2216 Visual Programming Lab-II Credit:1.00

Third Year First Semester

CSE3101 Operating System Credit: 3.00

Operating System: its role in computer systems; Operating system concepts;
Operating system structure;
Process: process model and implementation, Inter-Process Communication
(IPC), classical IPC problems, process scheduling, multiprocessing and time-
sharing; CPU management.
Memory management: swapping, paging, segmentation, virtual memory;
Input/Output: hardware, software, disk, terminals, clocks;
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Deadlock: resource allocation and deadlock, deadlock detection, prevention
and recovery;
File Systems: files, directories, security, protection; Case study of some
operating systems.

Recommended text:
1. Operating System: Design and Implementation, Prentice Hall
International. Author: Andrew S. Tanenvbaum.
2. Operating system Concepts. Author: J. L. Peterson & A. Silberschartz
3. Operating system. Author: Madnick & Donovan
4. Operating system Concept and Design. Author: M. milenkovic

CSE3102 Operating System Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3101

CSE3103 Microprocessors & Assembly Language Credit: 3.00

Microprocessors: Concept of microprocessor, Evolution of microprocessors,
Internal architecture of Intel 8085,8086/8088 microprocessors: Instruction
set and format, Programming in machine assembly language, Interrupt
structure, DMA, I/O operation, Microprocessor interface ICs, peripheral
interfacing, Microprocessor based system design, Coprocessor,
Multiprocessor system.
Intel 80286, 80386 microprocessor: memory management scheme,
Protection mechanism, 80386 modes; Pentium microprocessor; Advanced
Interfacing with analog word: A/D conversion, digital ramp ADC,
successive approximation ADC, flush ADC, tristate ADC, D/A converter,
DAC specifications, DAC applications, Data acquisition, sample-and hold
circuits, multiplexing.

Recommended text:
1. Microprocessors and Microcomputer based system Design. Author:
Md. Rafiquzzaman
2. Microprocessors and System Design. Author: Gibson & Cheu
3. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Hardware and Software. Author: D.
V. Hall
4. Language Programming Technique in IBM PC. Author: Miller

CSE3104 Microprocessor & Assembly Language Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3103

CSE3105 Database Management Systems Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Database system concepts; Purpose of database system; View
of data; Data models; Conventional file processing; Transaction management;
Storage management; Database administrator.
Database Model: Entity-relationship model; Relational model, Network
model; Hierarchical model, Database languages, SQL, Relational algebra,
Integrity constraint, Some applications of SQL.
Database Design: Functional dependencies and normal forms; Object-
Page 22 of 41
oriented databases; Distributed database; multimedia database, object-
relational database, Intelligent database.
File System Structure: File organization and retrieval; File indexing;
Database Components: Data dictionary, security, transaction and recovery;
Concurrency control.

Recommended text:
1. Database System Concepts. Author: Henry F. Korth & Abraham
2. Fundamentalsn of Database Systems, Pearson Education. Author:
Ramez Elmasri & S.B. Navathe.
3. Database concepts. Author: D. Kroenke and D. Auer
4. Beginning Database Design, From Novice to Professional. Author: C.

CSE3106 Database Management Systems Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3105

CSE3107 Software Engineering Credit: 3.00

Software Engineering Paradigms: Definition of software engineering, The
classical life cycle, prototyping fourth generation technique, The product and
the process, measurement matrices.
Software Project Planning: Project planning objectives, S/W slope,
Resources, Metrics for S/W productivity and quality, S/W project estimation,
Decomposition techniques, Empirical Estimation Models, Automated
Estimation tools, S/W project scheduling.
Requirement Analysis Fundamentals: Analysis principle, Software
Prototyping Specification, Requirement analysis Methodologies, Structured
and Object oriented analysis, Data Flow-oriented Analysis methods.
Software Design fundamentals: Design process, Design Fundamentals, S/W
architecture, Program structure, Data structure, S/W procedure, Modularity,
abstraction, Effective modular design, Procedural design, Data flow-oriented
design, Top-down and bottom-up design, Design Process Considerations,
Transform analysis, Transaction analysis, Data structure-oriented design,
Logical construction of programs and systems, Data structured systems
development, object-oriented design, Design concepts, methods & strategy.
Real-time Design. Coding style, Code documentation, Data declaration,
statement construction, Input/output.
Software reliability and availability models: Software quality factors, software
review, software quality metrics, Software reliability, Software quality
assurance approach.
Software Testing Techniques: Testing fundamentals, White box testing,
Basis path testing, Loop testing, Black Box testing.
Software Testing Strategies: Verification and validation, Organization for
software testing, Unit testing, Integration testing, Validation testing, System
testing, The art of debugging.
Software Maintenance and Configuration Management: Definition,
Maintenance Characteristics, Maintainability, Maintenance tasks, Software
configuration Management.
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Recommended text:
1. Software Engineering: Ian Sommerville.
2. Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach. Author: R.S.
3. Software Architecture: Prospective on an Emerging Discipline.
Author: Wilson
4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Author: Ohezzi, M. Jazayeri
5. Designing Object-oriented Software. Author: R. Wirfs-Brock et.al

CSE3109 Data Communication Credit: 2.00

Introduction: Basic concept of information; Overview on data
communication, Entropy; Information rate; Channel and channel capacity,
Transmission modes, Transmission impairments, Guided and unguided media,
Fiber optics communication, Satellite communications: frequency bands and
Data Encoding & Multiplexing: Sampling principal; Nyquist sampling rate;
PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, DPCM; Delta modulation; A-law &  -law
commanding; ASK, FSK, PSK & QPSK; NRZ, Bipolar AMI, Manchester,
B8ZS, HDB3 coding, constellation, bit error rate(BER); Noise; Echo
cancellation; Intersymbol Interference; Concepts of channel coding and
capacity; Concepts of multiplexing, FDM,TDM.
Data Link Control: Flow control; Error detection; Error control; HDLC;
Other data link control protocols.
Circuit Switching & Packet Switching: Switching network; Circuit
switching network; Circuit switching concepts; Routing in CS; Control
signaling; Packet switching principles; Routing in PS; X.25.
ATM and Frame Relay: Protocol architecture; ATM logical connection;
ATM cells; Transmission of ATM cells; ATM service categories; ATM
adaptation layer; Frame relay.
ISDN: Overview; ISDN channels; ISDN protocols; Broadband ISDN.
Recommended text:
1. Data Communications and networking. Author: Behrouz A.Forouzan
2. Data and Computer Communication. Author: William Stallings
3. Communication Systems. Author: S. Haykin
4. Data Communication. Author: Hajkins
5. Data Communication. Author: Taub
6. Information, Transmission, Modulation and Noise: A Unified
Approach to Communication Systems. Author: Schwartz, M

CSE3110 Data Communication Lab Credit: 0.50

Laboratory works based on CSE3109

CSE3111 Theory of Computing Credit: 2.00

Introduction: Basic concept, automata theory, computability theory, etc;

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Mathematical notions and terminology: sets, sequences and tuples, functions
and relations, graphs, strings and languages, Boolean logic, etc; Proofs:
concepts of definition, theorem and proofs, finding proofs, types of proofs-
proof by construction, proof by contradiction, proof by induction.
Automata and Languages: Regular Languages, finite automata,
nondeterminism, regular expressions, non-regular languages, etc; Context-free
languages: context-free grammars, pushdown automata, non-context-free
languages, etc.
Computability Theory: The Church-Turing thesis, Turing machines, variants
of Turing machines, the definition of algorithm- Hilbert’s problems, etc.;
Decidability: decidable languages, the Halting problem, etc.; undecidable
problems from language theory, Post Correspondence Problem (PCP),
mapping reducibility, etc.; Advanced topics in computability theory: the
recursion theorem, decidability of logical theories, Turing reducibility, a
definition of information, etc.
Complexity Theory: Time complexity: measuring complexity, the class P,
the class NP, NP-completeness, additional NP-complete problems, etc.; Space
complexity: Savitch’s theorem, the class PSPACE, PSPACE-completeness,
the classes L and NL, NL-completeness, NL equals coNL, etc.; Intractability:
hierarchy theorems, relativization, circuit complexity, etc.; Advanced topics in
complexity theory: approximation algorithms, probabilistic algorithms,
alternation, interactive proof systems, parallel computation, cryptography, etc.

Recommended text:
1. Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Author: Michel Sipser.
2. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation.
Author: Hopcroft and Ullman
3. Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation. Author:
John C. Martin.
4. Elements of the Theory of Computation. Author: Harry R. Lewis and
Christos H. Papadimitriou.
5. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata. Author: Peter
CSE3114 Software Development Project-II & Industrial Tour Credit: 1.00
Students will develop some Programs and a Project with proper
documentation assigned by teacher.

Page 25 of 41
Third Year Second Semester

CSE3201 Compiler Design Credit: 3.00

Compiler Design Principles and Techniques: Introduction; A simple
syntax-directed translator; Lexical analysis; Syntax analysis; Syntax directed
translation; Intermediate code generation; Run-time environments; Code
generation; Machine-Independent optimizations; Instruction level parallelism;
Optimizing for parallelism and locality; Interprocedural analysis, etc.
Tools for Programming, Parser Generation, Debugging and Testing in
Linux: Programming tools: the GNU compiler tool chain, building software
with GNU make, building and using libraries, coverage testing with GNU
gcov, profiling with GNU gprof, building packages with automake/autoconf,
etc.; parser generation with flex and bison; Debugging and Testing: software
unit testing frameworks, debugging with GDB, code hardening, etc.

Recommended text:
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition),
PEARSON. Author: Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi,
Jeffery D. Ullman.
2. Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall of India (PHI) private limited.
Author: Allen I. Holub.
3. GNU/LINUX Application Programming, Charles River Media, Inc.
Author: M. TIM. JONES.
4. Crafting a Compiler with C, the Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company. Author: Charles N. Fischer, Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
5. Practice and Principles of Compiler Building with C, Prentice-Hall of
India (PHI) Private limited. Author: Henk Alblas and Albert Nymeyer.

CSE3202 Compiler Design lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3201

CSE3203 Computer Network Credit: 3.00

Introduction: Introduction to Computer Networks, Network Goals,
Applications of Networks, Network Structure, Network Architecture, The OSI
Reference Model, Data Transmission in the OSI Terminology, Connection-
Oriented and connectionless Service Primitives, Public Networks, The
Physical layer: Transmission media, PSTN, Mobile telephone system, ADSL.
Data Link Layer: Data link layer design issues, Error detection and
correction, Elementary data link protocols, Sliding window protocols, HDLC,
The data link layer in the internet.
Medium access sub-layer: Multiple access protocols, ALOHA, CSMA/CD
Protocol; Collision-free protocols, Wireless LAN protocols, Ethernet,
Bluetooth, Data link layer switching.
Network Layer: Network layer design issues, Routing algorithms,
Congestion control algorithms, Inter networking, Network layer in the
internet, Network layer in ATM networks.
Transport Layer: The transport service, Elements of transport protocols, The
internet transport protocols.
Application Layer: DNS-domain name system, Electronic mail, The world
Page 26 of 41
wide web, multimedia.
Network Security: Secrecy, Authentication, Digital signature.

Recommended text:
1. Computer Networks. Author: Tanenbaum
2. Data Communications and Computer Networks. Author: Willium
3. Data Communications and networking. Author: Behrouz A.Forouzan
4. Computer Network A System Approach. Author: Peterson and Davie

CSE3204 Computer Network Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3203

CSE3205 Computer Peripheral & Interfacing Credit: 3.00

Input Devices: Keyboard, Key switching mechanism and coding techniques,
Static encoder, Lockout and rollover, Scanning encoder, Keyboard without
Modern data-entry devices: Scanners overview, Bar code reader, Optical
mark reader(OMR), Optical Character Reader(OCR), Digitizer, Reading
technique, Capacitive Electrostatic scanning digitizer.
Display devices: CRT, Basic CRT operations, Timing and frequencies, CRT
controllerICs, LCDs, LCD technologies, Passive and active matrix, Guest-host
techniques, Twisted pneumatic LCDs, LCD reliability, Electroluminescent
Printers: Impact printers, Dot matrix printers, niddle principle, Laser printing,
Ink-jet printing, Color printing, Plotters.
Storage devices: Floppy disk, Floppy disk controller, Position control with
stepping actuators, Magnetic hard disk and controller, Compact disk.
Introductory Concept of interfacing: I/O interface, memory interface,
interfacing components and their characteristics.
Serial and parallel interface: Characteristics of memory and I/O interface,
Synchronous and asynchronous communication, Serial I/O interface, RS232,
8251A communication interface, RS-232 interface, 8155A Programmable
peripheral Interface, parallel adapter, parallel port.
Interfacing components: 8284A Programmable timer, Bus architecture, Bus
Timing, Bus Controller, analog and digital interface, Interrupt sources, types
of interrupt, 8259A priority interrupt controller, Daisy chain.
I/O Controller: 8237A DMA Controller, Floppy and Hard disk Controller.

Recommended text:
1. Computer Peripherals. Author: Klilkinm
2. Embedded system design. Author: P.Marwedel
3. Embedded System Design: An introduction to processes, tools and
techniques. Author: Arnold Berger, Arnold S. Berger

CSE3206 Computer Peripheral & Interfacing Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3205

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CSE3208 Relational Database Management System Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3207

CSE3209 Multimedia and Web Engineering Credit: 2.00

Multimedia: Introduction to multimedia systems; Multimedia hardware and
software; Multimedia development tools; Multimedia compression techniques
and standards; Multimedia storage and retrival.
Web Engineering: Introduction to web engineering, requirements
engineering for web applications, modeling web applications, web application
architectures, technology-aware web application design, technologies for web
applications, testing web applications, operation and maintenance of web
applications, web project management, the web application development
process, usability of web applications, performance of web applications,
security for web applications, the semantic web- the of meanings in the
network of documents, etc.
Web Programming: Introduction to the Internet, the web, web 2.0 and Ajax,
browser basics, XHTML, cascading style sheets (CSS), JavaScript, Dynamic
HTML, XML, RSS, building Ajax-enabled web application, Macromedia
Flash, Adobe ® Flex TM , Macromedia ®, Dreamweaver ®, web servers (IIS
and Apache), database: SQL, MySQL, DBI and ADO.NET 2.0, web services,
PHP, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, ASP>NET, web forms and web controls,
JavaServer Pages web applications, Perl and CGI (Common Gateway
Interface), etc.

Recommended text:
1. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systemetic Development of Web
Applications, Wiley. Author: Gerti Kappel (Editor), Birgit Prýýll
(Editor), Siegfried Reich (Editor).
2. Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, Prentice Hall. Author:
Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel and Andrew B. Goldberg.
3. Programming the World Wide Web, Addison Wesley. Author: Robert
W. Sebesta.
4. Web Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Idea Group Publishing.
Author: Woojong Suh (Editor).

CSE3210 Multimedia and Web Engineering Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE3209

CSE3211 Communication Engineering Credit: 2.00

Basic concepts: Synchronous and asynchronous communications, Hardware
interfaces, multiplexers, concentrators and buffers.
Transmission Media: Magnetic Media, Guided Media, unguided media,
transmission impairment, performance, wavelength, media comparison, Data
link control and flow control.
Error detection: VRC, LRC, CRC and Checksum.
Error control codes: linear block codes, cyclic codes, MDLC codes,
convolution codes, Trellis code modulation.
The PSTN: PSTN infrastructure, GSM Architecture, CDMA Architecture,
The T-, E-, and J- Carrier Standards, Digital subscriber line(DSL), Fibre to the
Page 28 of 41
curb(FTTC), Signaling system, SS7 architecture, Intelligent Network(IN).
Optical Communications: Evolution of optical communication, principle of
optical communication, optical sources, optical detectors, optical amplifiers,
multiple channel optical system, connector, splices.
Satellite communications: Frequency bands and characteristics, Satellite
network segments, types of satellites, multiple access techniques, VSAT,
Emerging Applications and innovations in satellite.

Recommended text:
1. Wireless communication. Author: Rappaport.
2. Wireless & Mobile Network Architectures. Author: Yi bing Lin
3. Data communication and Networking, Author: Behrouz A. Forouzan.
4. Computer Data communication, Author: Stallings

Fourth Year First Semester

CSE4101 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System Credit: 3.00

What is Artificial Intelligence: The AI problems, the underlying
assumption, what is an AI technique.
The Foundations of Logic: First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL), propositional
Problems, problem spaces and Search: defining the problem is a state space
search, Production system Problem characteristics.
Searching Techniques: Search strategies, Uniformed (blind) search strategies
like BFS, Uniform cost search, DFS etc. Informed or Heuristic search
strategies like Gene3erate and Test, Hill Climbing, Best First Search, Problem
Reduction, constraint Satisfaction, Means-End Analysis.
Knowledge Representation Issues: Representation and Mapping,
Approaches to knowledge Representation, Issues in knowledge representation.

Using Predicate Logic: Representing simple facts in logic, Representing

Instance and Isa relationships, Computable functions and predicates,
Representing Knowledge using Rules: Procedural versus Declarative
Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward versus Backward Reasoning,
Game Playing: Overview, The Minimax Search Procedure, Adding, Alpha –
Beta cutoffs, Additional refinements, iterative Deepening, Planning: Overview
An example Domain: The blocks Word, Components of a planning system,
Goal stack planning, Understanding: What is understanding, What makes
understanding hard, Understanding as constraint satisfaction.
Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic
analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing.
Expert System: Definition, characteristics and basic principles of expert
systems; Architecture and description of modules; Knowledge based inference
engine; Rule-based expert systems; Formal and behavioral learning; Medical
diagnostics; Financial design and Manufacturing planning;
AI Programming Language: Prolog, LISP.

Recommended text:
Page 29 of 41
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Author: Stuart Russell and
Peter Norvig
2. Artificial Intelligence Application Programming. Author: M. Tim Jones
3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Author: D.W
4. Artificial Intelligence. Author: Rich, E. et al
5. Advanced Turbo PROLOG. Author: Herbert Schildt
6. PROLOG: Programming for Artificial Intelligence. Author: Ivan Bratko
7. Common LISP Language. Author: Guy L. Steele Jr.
8. LISP. Author: Patrick Henry Winston, Berthold Klaus Paul
9. Introduction to Turbo Prolog. Author: Townsend

CSE4102 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4101

CSE4103 VLSI Design Credit: 3.00

VLSI design methodology: Top-down design approach, technology trends.
NMOS, CMOS inverters, pass transistor and pass gates, DC and transient
Fabrication process: Brief overview of NMOS, CMOS, Bi-CMOS process.
NMOS and CMOS layout, stick diagram and design rules. CMOS circuit
characteristics and performance estimation: resistance and capacitance, rise
and fall time, power estimation. Buffer circuit design. Introduction to Bi-
CMOS circuits. Complex CMOS circuits. Complex CMOS gates. CMOS
building block: multiplexer, barrel shifter, adder, counter, multipliers. Data
Path and memory structures. Design style: FPGA and PLDs.

Introduction to HDL: basic digital design using VHDL.

Recommended text:

1. Basic VLSI Design. Author: Douglas A. Pucknell, K. Eshraghian

2. Practical Low Power Digital Vlsi Design. Author: Gary K Yeap
3. Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital Author: Vishwani D
4. Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits. Author: David A

CSE4104 VLSI Design Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4103

CSE4105 Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision Credit: 3.00

Digital Image Fundamentals: Digital Image Fundamentals, A simple Image
Model, Sampling and Quantization, Basic Relationship between pixels, Image
Image Transform: Introduction to the Fourier Transform, The Discrete
Fourier Transform, Properties of 2D Fourier Transform, The Fast Fourier
Transform, Other Separable Image Transform.
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Image Enhancement: Background, Enhancement by point Processing,
Spatial Filtering, Enhancement in Frequency Domain, Color Image
Image Restoration: Degradation Model, Diagonalization of Circulant and
Block- Circulant Matrices, algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse
Filtering, Geometric Transformation.
Morphological Image and Single Processing: The Principle of Mathematical
Morphology, Erosion and Dilation in the Euclidean Space, Closing and
Opening, Grayscale Morphology, Links between Links and Sets, Grayscale
Morphological Transformations.
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge Linking and
Boundary Detection, Thresholding, Region-Oriented Segmentation, The use
of Motion in Segmentation.

Recommended text:
1. Digital image processing. Author: Gonzalez R.C, Woods R.E
2. Fundamentals of digital image processing. Author: Anil.K.Jain
3. Computer vision and image processing. Author: Umbaugh S.E
4. Digital image processing. William K. Pratt

CSE4106 Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision Lab Credit 1.00
Laboratory works based on CSE4105

CSE4107 Network Routing & Switching Credit: 2.00

IP addressing: IPv4 Addressing, IPv6 addressing, packet format, ICMPv6,
Unicast Routing (IPv4 and IPv6): RIP, OSPF, BGP. Multicast Routing (IPv4
Switching/Advanced Routing: ATM, Optical Routing, MPLS, NEMO.
Routing for MANET / Ad-hoc Network: AODV, DVMRP etc.
QoS Routing: QoS Network, Packet Scheduling, TCP/IP Queue
QoS IntServ: Admission control, Signaling Protocol(RSVP), Traffic Policing
QoS DiffServ: Policy based routing, Bandwidth Broker etc, QoS in Wireless
Realtime Traffic over Internet: VoIP, RTP, RTCP, Security Issues in

Recommended text:
1. …
2. ////

CSE4108 Network Routing & Switching Lab Credit: 1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4107

CSE4113 IT Organization & Management Credit:2.00

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CSE4115 Optional-I Credit:3.00
Students will complete one course selected from Optional-I.

CSE4116 Optional-I Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on the selected course from Optional-I

CSE5000 Research/Project Continue

Students will complete a research work/project with proper documentation as

assigned by teacher.

Option I (select any one with lab)

CSE4115 Client Server Technology Credit:3.00

Course related updated topics.
CSE4116 Client Server Technology Lab Credit:1.00
Lab work based on CSE4205.
CSE4115 Digital Signal Processing Credit:3.00

Introduction to DSP, classifications of signals, continuous time and discrete

time (DT) sinusoids, concept of frequency, advantages and limitations of
DSP, applications of DSP, steps of ADC, sampling theorem, abasing,
quantization, coding. Classification of DT signals, classification of DT
systems, impulse response, FIR and IIR, block diagram of DT systems,
analysis of LTI systems, convolution, properties of convolution, causality and
stability of LTI systems, recursive and non-recursive systems, correlation,
properties and applications of correlations. Z-transform, ROC, Inverse z-
transform, properties of ztransform, concept of pole-zero, one-sided z-T.
Frequency analysis, Fourier series and Fourier transforni for continuous time
and discrete time signals, power density and energy density spectrums, DFT,
properties of FT and DFT, invertibility of LTI systems, DFT as linear
transformation, FFT, divide and conquer approach, radix-2 FFT. Structures of
DT systems: Direct form, lattice structure, transposed structure. State-space
system analysis. Digital filter: advantages and limitations of digital filters,
adaptive filters, applications: inverse modeling, system identification, noise
cancellation etc., characteristics of ideal and practical filters. Filter design:
designing steps, window method, optimal method, IIR filter design methods.

Recommended text:
1. Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Apporach. Author: Immanuel
C.Ifrehor, Barrier W. Jervis.
2. Introduction to Digital signal processing. Tatsuo Higuchi,
3. Digital Signal Processing. Author: A. V. Oppenheim & R. W. Schafe
4. Digital Time Signal Processing. Author: A.V. Oppenheim & R. W.
5. Digital Signal Processing in Communication Systems. Author: Marvin
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E Frerking
6. Detection Theory: Applications and Digital. Author: Ralph D

CSE4116 Digital Signal Processing Lab Credit:1.00

Lab works based on CSE4115.
CSE4115 Machine Learning Credit:3.00
Introduction: Basic concepts,
Supervised Learning: Supervised learning setup, LMS, Logistic regression,
Perceptron, Exponential family, Generative learning algorithms, Gaussian
discriminant analysis, Naïve Bayes, Support vector Machines, Model
selection and feature selection.
Ensemble Methods: Bagging, boosting, ECOC, Evaluating and debugging
learning algorithms.
Learning theory: Bias/variance tradeoff, Union and Chernoff/Hoeffding
bounds, VC dimension, Online learning, Practical advice on how to use
learning algorithms.
Unsupervised learning: Clustering, K-means, EM, Mixture of Gaussians,
Factor analysis, PCA, MDS, nPCA, Independent components analysis (ICA).
Reinforcement learning and control: MDPs. Bellman equations, Value
iteration and policy iteration, Linear quadratic regulation(LQR), LQG, Q
learning, Value function approximation, Policy search, Reinforce, POMDPs.

Recommended Text:
1.Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Author Christopher M.
2.Information theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms: Author David
J.C. MacKay.
CSE4116 Machine Learning Lab Credit:3.00
Lab works based on CSE4115.

Fourth Year Second Semester

CSE4201 Computer Graphics & Animation Credit:3.00

Graphics hardware: display devices, input devices etc;
Basics: Basic raster graphics algorithm for drawing 2D primitives; Two-
dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations;
Three-dimensional object representations: polygon surface, B-Spline
curves and surfaces, BSP trees, Octrees, Fractal-Geometry methods;
Visible surface detection methods: Z-buffer method, BSP tree method,
Ray casting method: Illumination models;
Surface rendering methods: polygon rendering, ray tracing, terrain
visualization with height mapping, modeling surface with texture mapping;
Color models;
Graphics Animation: Real-time graphics, Graphic display & updates,
Keyframing systems, Motion specification.
Computer Animation: Overview of design animation sequences, basic rules
of animation, problems in animation, techniques of animation, morphing, etc.
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Recommended text:
1. Outline of Computer Graphics (2nd Edition).Author: Zhigang Xian,
Roy A. Plastock, Schaum’s.
2. Interactive Computer Graphics: A top-down Approach Using
OpenGL (4th Ed.) Author: Angel.
3. Computer Graphics Using OpenGL (3rd Ed.) Author: Francis
S.Hill Jr., Stephen M. Kelley.
4. OpenGL: A Primer (2nd Ed.). Author: Angel.
5. Computer Graphics Principles and Practice in C ( 2nd Ed.) . Author:
James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F.
6. The Computer Animator’s Technical Handbook. Author: Lynn
Pocock. Judson Rosebush, Morgan-Kaufmann.

CSE4202 Computer Graphics & Animation Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4201

CSE4203 Neural Networks & Fuzzy System Credit:3.00

Introduction: Biological Neural network and artificial neural network,
modeling and learning a single neuron, network properties, types, layers,
Neural network models: Single layer perceptrons and multi layer
perceptrons, Backpropagation algorithm and network, Nearest Neighbour
network, Hopfield network, Biodrectional Associative Memory(BAM),
Adaptive Resonance Theory(ART) network, Kohonen network, Boltzman
Neural network learning: definition of learning, Supervised and
Unsupervised learning; Hebbian learning, Competitive learning, Error
correction learning.
Fuzzy System: Fuzziness vs. probability, fuzzy associative memory, FUZZY
Associative Memory(FAM),comparison of fuzzy and neural truck backer-
upper control systems, adaptive FAMs, fuzzy image transform coding.
Comparison of fuzzy and kalman filter, Fuzzy and Neural control systems,
Genetic algorithm.

Recommended text:
1. Neural Networks—a Comprehensive Foundation. Simon Haykin.
2. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. Author: Bart kosko.
3. Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence. Author: LiMin Fu.
4. Neural Computing. Author: Beale, Jackson
5. Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms. Author:
S.Rajasekaran, G.A Vijayalakshmi pai
CSE4204 Neural Networks & Fuzzy System Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4203

CSE4205 Optional-II Credit:3.00

Students will complete one course selected from Optional-II

Page 34 of 41
CSE4206 Optional II-Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on the selected course from Optional-II

CSE4207 Optional-III Credit:3.00

Students will complete one course selected from Optional-III

CSE5000 Research/Project Credit:3.00

Students will continue the research work, which will be assigned by teacher in
4th year 1st semester.

Option II (select any one with lab)

CSE4205 Simulation and Modeling Credit:3.00

Simulation modeling basics: Systems, models and simulation; Classification
of simulation models; Steps in a simulation study; Concepts in discrete-event

simulation: Event-scheduling vs. process-interaction approaches, time-

advance mechanism, organization of a discrete-event simulation model;
Continuous simulation models; Combined discrete-continuous models; Monte
Carlo simulation; Simulation of queuing systems.

Building valid and credible simulation models: Validation principles and

techniques, statistical procedures for comparing real-world observations and
simulation outputs, input modeling; Generating random numbers and random
variates; Output analysis.

Application of Simulation: Simulation languages; Analysis and modeling of

some practical systems. Concepts covered in lecture applied in computer
laboratory assignments.

Recommended text:
1. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. Author: Law Kelton.
2. Elements of Simulation. Author: Byron J. T. Morgan
3. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. Author: Law, Keltan
4. System Simulation. Author: D.S.Hira
5. System Simulation. Author: Geoferry Goedon

CSE4206 Simulation and Modeling Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4205

CSE4205 Basic Multimedia Theory Credit:3.00

Multimedia system- introduction; Coding and compression standards;
Architecture issues in multimedia; Operating system issues in multimedia-
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real –time OS issues, synchronization, interrupt handling; Database issues in
multimedia- indexing and storing multimedia data, disk placement, disk
scheduling, searching for a multimedia document; Networking issues in
multimedia – Quality- of-service guarantees, resource reservation, traffic
specification, haping, and monitoring , admission control; Multicasting
issues; Session directories; Protocols for controlling sessions; Security issues
in multimedia- digital watermarking, partial encryption schemes for video on
demand, voice over IP.

CSE4206 Basic Multimedia Theory Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE438

CSE4205 Computational Geometry Credit:3.00

Introduction: Historical perspective, algorithmic background, geometric
preliminaries, models of Computation. Geometric searching, point location
problem and range searching problems, Divide & conquer, amortization,
multi- dimensional search, space sweep, duality and randomization. Convex
Proximity, Closest pair problems, Intersections, Voronoi diagram and
Delaunay triangulation, arrangements of lines and points, Geometry of
rectangles, hidden surface removal, polygon triangulation, art gallery
theorems, shortest paths, and lower bounds.

Recommended text:

1. Computational Geometry. Author: Shamos

2. Computational Geometry & Computer Graphics in C++. Author:
Michael J. Laszlo
3. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2. Seminumerical
Algorithms. Author: Knuth

CSE4206 Computational Geometry Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4205

CSE4205 Distributed Operating System Credit:3.00

Introduction to Distributed Systems Communication in Distributed Systems.
Synchronization in Districted Systems. Clock Synchronization, Mutual
Exclusion, Election Algorithm, Atomic Transactions. Deadlocks in
Distributed systems. Processes and processor in Distributed Systems:
Threads, Systems Models, Processors Allocation, and Scheduling in
Distributed Systems. Fault tolerance, Real-Time Distributed Systems.
Distributed File Systems: Distributed File System Design, Distributed File
System Implementation. Trends in Distributed File Systems. Distributed
Shared Memory: Consistency Model, Page-Based Distributed Shared
Memory, Shared-Variable Distributed Shared Memory, Object-Based
Distributed Shared Memory, Comparison.

Page 36 of 41
Recommended text:
1. Distributed Operating System. Author: Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
2. Distributed operating System. P.K.Sinha

CSE4206 Distributed Operating System Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4205

CSE4205 Pattern Recognition Credit:3.00

Introduction to pattern recognition: Classification Statistical Methods,
Structural Methods and Hybrid method. Introduction to passen grammar and
languages. Applications to character recognition medical imaging area.
feature detection, classification, Review of probability and some linear
algebra. Bayesian Decision making, linear discriminants, reparability, multi-
class discrimination; quadratic classifiers, Fisher discriminant, sufficient
statistics, coping with missing or noisy features, Bayesian estimation; non-
parametric estimation; Non-parametric classification, density estimation,
Parzen estimation,training methods, maximum likelihood, Bayesian
parameter estimation, MAP. Linear discriminant functions.. Template-based
recognition, eigenvector analysis, feature extraction, Eigen vector analysis.
Clustering, unsupervised learning, vector quantization, K-means and E/M,
neural nets. Sequence analysis, HMMs. k-nearest-neighbor classification,
Mixture modeling, Optimization by ExpectationMaximization, Hidden
Markov models, Viterbi algorithm, Baum-Welch algorithm, Linear dynamical
systems, Kalman filtering and smoothing, Bayesian networks, independence
diagrams, Decision trees, Multi-layer Perceptrons.

Recommended text:

1. Pattern Recognition Principles. Author: Gonzaleg

2. Pattern Recognition: Statistical structural and neural approaches.
Author: Robert J. schalkoff, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Latest edition.

CSE4206 Pattern Recognition Lab Credit:1.00

Laboratory works based on CSE4205

Page 37 of 41
CSE4205 Embedded System Design Credit:3.00
Concepts, classification; Characteristics; Requirements; Introduction to
embedded system design process, Unified Modeling language (UML);
Embedded microcontroller cores; Embedded memories; Technological
aspects; Interfacing between analog and digital blocks; Signal conditioning
digital signal processing, sub-system interfacing; interfacing with external
systems, user interfacing; Design trade-offs, thermal considerations;
Networked embedded systems; the 12C bus, the CAN bus, the FlexRay;
Example of applications.
Recommended text:
1. Embedded Systems Design – Arnold S. Berger.
2. Embedded Systems: World Class Design- Jack G Ganssle.
3. Embedded System Design-Frank Vahid and Tony Givergis.
CSE4206 Embedded System Design Lab Credit:1.00
Laboratory works based on CSE4209

Option III (select any one)

CSE4207 Robotics Credit:3.00

Robotic manipulation, direct kinematics; the Arm Equation, Inverse
Kinematics: Solving the arm equation, work space analysis and trajectory
planning, differential motion and static, manipulator dynamics, robot control,
task planning.

Relationship between image and structure, image representation,

segmentation pattern, perspective transformation, camera calibration, shape
analysis, object recognition and picture languages.

Recommended text:

1. Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control. Author: Robert J

2. Robot Building for Beginners. Author: David Cook
3. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control. Author: John J.
4. Robot Programming: A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics.
Author: Joe Jones

CSE4207 Large Scale Software Design Technique Credit:3.00

Course related updated topics.

Page 38 of 41
CSE4207 Parallel Processing Credit:3.00
Parallel Computing architectures: Overview of the major classes of
architectures and their evolution. Parallel programming models and
performance analysis: Modeling, Performance analysis, efficiency, and
benchmarking. Programming parallel computers: Overview of parallel
programming, parallel languages, parallel zing compilers, message passing
and data parallel Programming models. Message passing programming and
MPI: Uses, historical background and use on MIMD machines; current
implementations; programming using the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
Data parallel programming and HPF: Data parallel programming paradigm;
historical background and use of SIMD machines; array syntax; Fortran 90
and High Performance FORTRAN (HPF). Shared memory programming,
threads and Open MP: Use of shared memory machines; threads; mutual
exclusion; locks, semaphores and monitors; parallel Java; programming using
Open MP. Case Study: Monte Carlo Simulation of the Ising Model- Case
study from computational physics; different approaches to parallelism;
regular vs irregular problems; techniques and tricks for parallel
implementation in MPI, HPF, Open MP and threads. Distributed computing:
Distributed and concurrent computing on loosely coupled distributed systems;
motivation and applications; transparency and met computing; networks and
clusters of workstations; cluster systems. Distributed computing middleware:
Middleware, RPC; DCE; CORBA; Java RMI Middleware, DCE CORBA
Java RMI. Grid computing: The Grid; Grid computing (met computing over
wide-area networks): grid computing environments (Globes Legion, DISC
World...); Internet computing (SETI@Home, etc.) Grid computing: Internet

Recommended text:

1. Distributed and Parallel Computing. Author: Crichlow, J. M.

2. Semantic Cognition: A Parallel Distributed. Author: Timothy T
3. A Parallel Distributed Processing. Author: Minyi Guo
4. Parallel Processing. Author: Raman
5. Parallel Processing. Author: M. J. Quin

CSE4207 Information Security and Control Credit:3.00

Introduction; Cryptology and simple cryptosystems; Conventional encryption
techniques; Stream and block ciphers; DES; More on Block Ciphers; The
Advanced Encryption Standard; Confidentiality & Message authentication:
Hash functions; Number theory and algorithm complexity; Public key
Encryption; RSA and Discrete Logarithms; Public key encryption
(continued): Elliptic curves; Digital signatures; Key management schemes;
Identification schemes; Dial-up security; E-mail security, PGP, S-MIME;
Kerberos and directory authentication; Emerging Internet security standards;
SET; SSL and IPsec; VPNs; Firewalls; Viruses; Miscellaneous topics;

Recommended text:
1. Security in Computing. Author: Charles P. Pfleeger and Shari
Lawrence Pfleeger
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2. Cryptography and Network Security. William Stallings.

CSE4207 Data Mining Credit:3.00

Data Mining: Definitions, KDD(Knowledge Discovery Database) versus
Data Mining, DBMS versus Data Mining, Data Mining Techniques, Issues
and Challenges, Applications of Data Warehouse & Data mining in

Association Rules: A priori algorithm, partition algorithm, Dynamic insert

counting algorithm, FP- tree growth algorithm, Generalized association rule.
Clustering Techniques: Clustering paradigm, CLARA, CLARANS,
Hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, BIRCH, CURE, Categorical clustering,
Classification Techniques: Bayesian rule, KNN algorithm.
Decision Trees: Tree construction principle, Best split, Splitting indices,
Splitting criteria, Decision tree construction with presorting.
Web Mining: Web content Mining, Web structure Mining, web usage
Mining, Text Mining.
Temporal and Spatial Data Mining: Basic concepts of temporal data
Mining, The GSP algorithm, SPADE, SPIRIT, WUM.

Recommended text:
1. Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics. Author: Margaret
H. Dunhan.
2. Data Mining Techniques. Author A.K.Pujari, Universities Press.
3. Data Mining: Concepts and techniques. Author: Han & Kamber.
4. Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP, Alex Berson and
Stephen J Smith, TMH.
CSE4207 Bio-informatics Credit:3.00
Review of DNA, Transcription, Translation, Protein Structures, Amino Acids,
etc. General Introduction to Genomics and Proteomics Methods. BLAST,
Advanced BLAST, Psi-BLAST, Phi-BLAST. Motif searches. Prosite,
Profilescan. How to submit a sequence to Genbank (BankIt, SeqIn).
Navigating the NCBI web site. Genbank, EMBL, OMIM, PubMed.
Introduction to the VectorNTI Suite of software. Navigating other genome
database sites (Ensembl, Celera). Refseq, LocusLink, Unigene. 2-D Gel
Electrophoresis. Gene expression, genetic engineering, applications to
transgenic plants and animals. Knockout genes. Introduction to a
comprehensive sequence analysis suite (Lasergene). Protein structure
analysis: alpha and beta structure, hydropathy, membrane topology,
antigenicity, post-translational modifications, targeting signals.

Recommended text:
1.Fundamental concepts of Bioinformatics. D.E. krane and M.L. Raymer,
Benjamin Cummings
2.An introduction to bioinformatics algorithms. Author: Neil C. Jones,
Pavel A. Pevzner
3.Bioinformatics for dummies. Author: Jean-Michel Claverie
4.Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome analysis. Author: David W.

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