The Stress of Caring To Case Study On Pa

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A Term Paper on
‘The Stress of Caring’

Prof. Dr. Md. Mahmodul Hasan
Faculty of Business Administration


Group Name Logo

Vhottum Pecha

Sl. No. Student Name Student ID Signature

01 Ashiqur Rahman

02 Md. Mahadi Hoque

03 Md. Saiadul Mursalin

04 Saiful Islam

Date of Submission: 31st October 2019

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Date: 31 October 2019


Prof. Dr. Md. Mahmodul Hasan

Faculty of Business Administration
MBA/ EMBA Program, School of Business
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Subject: Letter of Transmittal

Dear Sir,

We are please to submit our group term paper on “The Stress of Caring” to you. The assignment
has been completed mainly based on the knowledge, book and internets that we have gathered
from the course “Organizational Behavior”.

We have tried our label best to complete this assignment meaningfully and correctly, as much as
possible. We do believe that our tiresome effort will help you to get ahead with this sort of
venture. In this case it will be meaningful to us. However, please feel free for any query or
clarification that you would like us to explain. Hope you will appreciate our hard work and
excuse the minor errors.

Thanking you for your cooperation.


The Group ‘Vhottum Pecha’

Sl. No. Student Name Student ID Signature

01 Ashiqur Rahman

02 Md. Mahadi Hoque

03 Md. Saiadul Mursalin

04 Saiful Islam

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First and foremost, we would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving us the strength, knowledge,
ability and opportunity to undertake the course and to persevere and complete it satisfactorily.
Without his blessings, this achievement would not have been possible.

Then we would like to express our deep gratitude to Professor Dr. Md. Mahmodul Hasan,
Faculty of Business Administration, MBA/ EMBA Program, School of Business, Ahsanullah
University of Science and Technology (AUST), for his patient guidance, enthusiastic
encouragement and useful critiques of this term paper work.

We would like to thankful and show our acknowledgement to the authors of books, research
paper, website contents and other sources of information that has been used in our work.

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We dedicate the work to our beloved family.

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Parkway nursing care is a reputed health service organization and it was founded in 1972 in
Phoenix, Arizona (State of USA).

Parkway nursing care is an organization which is all ways known for its very high quality of
services, because of that it was very famous among the people from past 30 years. Now a day's
parkway is facing lot of problem. The main problems were encountered staffing, physical
demands of employees and documentation. As a result, employee injuries, incidents, absences
and turnover rate increasing rapidly.

To overcome from the situation management of Parkway nursing organization are going to
implement some massive changes in it. There would be some resistance to change like
adaptation of new technologies to old caregivers. But the changes are necessary to overcome the
situation. The changes could be in leadership (all top, mid and first line managers), proper stress
management to the employees, better security to the employees etc.

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Table of Contents

Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Organization Behavior ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08
1.2 Fundamental Elements of Organizational Behavior ------------------------------------------ 08-09
1.3 Importance of Organizational Behavior ------------------------------------------------------- 09
1.4 Three Levels of Analysis of Organizational Model ------------------------------------------ 09
1.5 The Job Characteristics Model ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
1.6 Job Satisfaction Factors -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.7 Job Dissatisfaction Factors ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.8 Affective Events Theory and Identify Its Applications -------------------------------------- 11
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.2 Stress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
2.3 Types of Stress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.4 Common Causes of Stress at Workplace ------------------------------------------------------- 13-14
2.5 A Model of Stress ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.6 Potential Sources of Stress ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
2.7 Consequences of Stress ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.8 Organizational Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.9 Emotions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.10 Leadership ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
CHAPTER 3: Existing Situation
3.1 Background of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.2 Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
3.3 Objectives of the Study -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
3.4 Significance of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19
3.5 Scope of the Study -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
3.6 Assignment Questions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-27
CHAPTER 4: Discussion
4.1 Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-29
4.2 Recommendation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.3 Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

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Stress is a condition of mental pressure for particular individual or group facing problems from
workplace and social well-being which leads to so many psychological & physical injuries. In
today’s competitive global environment, employee productivity is an essential element of a
company’s success. Employee productivity can be significantly hindered by high levels of stress
experienced in the work environment. Stress is a universal element and persons from nearly
every walk of life have to face stress.

The most important resource in any organization is the employee; therefore maintaining and
supporting their health is vital to ensure their ability to work, maintain standards and
continuously improve standards of care. Leadership styles within organizations must facilitate
staff to be involved in decision making; thereby staff feels more valued and works in an
autonomous way. This article identifies and discusses the effect of stress on health and its
relationship to nursing.

The sources of stress among them and how they can cope with the stress is very important. The
researcher found that the stress mainly comes from academic tests, interpersonal relations,
relationship problems, life changes, and career exploration.

Majority of the respondents reported to work under pressure and that they feel uncared for by the
organization. The fact that majority of respondents thought of leaving their job, and felt
that the organization did not care about them was a reflection of huge dissatisfaction that
undoubtedly lowered productivity.

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1.1 Organization
rganization Behavior

Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups,
and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

Organizational behavior is the study of the way people interact within groups. Normally this
study is applied in an attempt to
to create more efficient business organizations. The central idea of
study of organizational behavior is that a scientific approach can be applied to the management
of workers. Organizational behavior theories are used for human resource purposes to maximize
the output from individual group members.

1.2 Fundamental Elements of Organizational Behavior

There are various aspects of Organizational Behavior which it has to deal with, to know the soul
of particular Organization. Below mentioned are some of the fundamental aspects of
Organizational Behavior-

i) People: This element is the soul of the Organization because people work to achieve
the target of Organization and Organization works to fulfill the needs of individual or
group of individuals.

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ii) ructure: It is the body of the Organization which is to be taken care of to bring
coordination between different
different levels of Organization.
iii) Technology: Organizations work on technologies to help people in efficiently doing
their work.
iv) Environment: Organizations
ns are influenced by the environment in which they work,
at a substantial level.

1.3 Importance of Organizational Behavior:

1. It builds better relationship by achieving people,

people, organizational, and social objectives.
2. It covers a wide array of human resource like behavior, training and development, change
management, leadership, teams etc.
3. It brings coordination which is the essence of management.
4. It improves goodwill of the organization.
5. It helps to achieve objectives quickly.
6. It makes optimum utilization of resources.
7. It leads to higher efficiency.

1.4 Three Levels of Analysis of Organizational Model

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1.5 The Job Characteristics Model

1.6 Job Satisfaction Factors

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1.7 Job Dissatisfaction Factors

1.8 Affective Events Theory and Identify Its Application


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Literature Review
2.1 Introduction

This chapter of the study will provide in-depth insight on the nature of stress and the impact
there of on productivity. Opinions from different authors will be utilized to provide a better
theoretical understanding of the nature of stress, its causes, and then the impact it will have
on productivity.

2.2 Stress

A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or

demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both
uncertain and important.

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought
that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge
or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or
meet a deadline.

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2.3 Types of Stress

According to Taylor Shelley states that, there are four major types of stress and she explains
them as follows:
• Acute stress.
• Chronic stress.
• Traumatic Stress
• Episodic Stress

2.4 Common Causes of Stress at Workplace

It's important to recognize the common causes of stress at work so that you can take steps to
reduce stress levels where possible. . Workplace stress can be caused by a number of factors –
from heavy workloads and over-promotion to bullying and blame culture.

Some common causes of stress in the workplace include:

• Excessively high workloads, with unrealistic deadlines making people feel rushed, under
pressure and overwhelmed.
• Insufficient workloads, making people feel that their skills are being underused.
• A lack of control over work activities.

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• A lack of interpersonal support or poor working relationships leading to someone feeling
• Concerns about job security, lack of career opportunities, or level of pay.
• Bullying or harassment.
• Multiple reporting lines for employees, with each manager asking for their work to be

2.5 A Model of Stress

2.6 Potential Sources of Stress

Environmental Factors
Organizational Factors

Individual Factors
Individual Differences

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2.7 Consequences of Stress

2.8 Organizational Change

Organizational change is about the process of changing an organization's strategies, processes,
procedures, technologies, and culture, as well as the effect of such changes on the organization.

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2.9 Emotions
Intense feeling that are directed at someone, something.

2.10 Leadership
The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.

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Existing Situation

3.1 Background of the Study

In today’s world, stress has become a worldwide phenomenon, which occurs in various forms in
every workplace. Now a day’s work life, employees are generally working for longer hours, as
the rising levels of responsibilities require them to exert themselves even more strenuously to
meet rising expectations about work performance. According to Journal of Human Resource
Management, work related stress has been a topic that has received increasing attention, in the
area of occupational health, over the last three decades. These authors were of the opinion that
the world, especially the world of work and business, has become increasingly subject to fast
changing forces like increased competition, the pressure of quality, innovation and an increase in
the pace of doing business. The demands on employees grew equally dramatically and this
created stress within employees. Apart from stress that arose from the work situation, other
sources of stress could relate to personal factors such as relationships with others and use of free

Stress can therefore be described as the adverse psychological and physical reactions that occur
in an individual as a result of his or her inability to cope with the demands being made. That is
tension from extra-ordinary demands on an individual.

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3.2 Statement of the Problem

Most organizations with the aim of attaining higher productivity end up saddling employees
with overload of work in order to meet deadline and this might have psychological and
physical effects on the employees which may result in something contrary to what these
organizations want to achieve. Although organizations are paying more attention than in the
past to the consequences of the trauma their employees go through when they place extra-
ordinary demands on them, there is still more room for improvement. Again to generate
enough revenue to be self-sustaining and to be able to fund the acquisition of modern
equipment meant efficient service provision and optimal employment of resources.

For this reason there has been the need for a continuous change in management strategies and
administration, and the demands on employees to perform have been increasing. This has
brought a lot of pressure on the employees, who are expected to deliver a world class service
without the corresponding increase resources and training, yet those who fail to deliver are
threatened with dismissal and other forms of punishment. With jobs very difficult to come by
these days in Ghana, many employees are crumbling under this pressure. Cases of employee
stress are therefore on the ascendancy.

It is in this view that this study is being conducted to identify the effects stress has on the
productivity of employees.

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3.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to:

i. Ascertain the causes of stress in Parkway Nursing Care.

ii. Find out whether stress has any effect on the productivity of employees in Parkway
Nursing Care.
iii. Find out how employees at Parkway Nursing Care handle stress.

3.4 Significance of the Study

The purpose of the study was to find out the effects or impacts of stress on employees’
productivity. The researcher believes that this study was very important and would go a long
way to notifying all organizations, most especially those in the service sector on the need to
ensure the effective management of stress for their employees. The study will also add to
existing store of knowledge. Thus, the findings will add to studies that have been done, so
that people in other part of the country can also appreciate the problem. It will also provide
suggestions on how to reduce the effects of stress on output. Again, it will be a source for
further research and of relevance to stakeholders.

3.5 Scope of the Study

The study focused on Parkway Nursing Care and makes the research meaningful.

Stress is an inevitable part of almost every venture individuals carry out and overcoming
them prepares or fortifies one for other tasks ahead. Even though these challenges to some
extent hampered the progress of the study, they also helped in putting researchers on their
toes to work tirelessly around the clock in making the success of this study a reality.

In as much as lots of commitment and zeal was employed in conducting an intensive and
thorough study, certain impediments were encountered

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3.6 Assignment Questions

The following questions guided the study:

1. What do the data on employee’s injuries, incidents, absences, and turnover suggest to
do? Is there reason for concern about the company’s direction?
Answer: According to above given data table, the parkway nursing care employee’s injuries,
incidents, absences, and turnover rate gradually increasing day by day.

The figure shows that the fluctuation on every category has been increased year on year.
Numbers of patients increase since the year 2000 till 2016. As numbers of patients thus rate of an
incidents per one patient increases. As in incidents per one patient increase, injuries per one staff
member also increases. Incremental number of injuries per one staff
staff member has led to an
increase of a certified absence per one staff.

Company direction has been to make sure that it keeps good position and should continue for
expanding rapidly. There have been reasons of concern about direction of the company
depending on increasing of figures on the injuries per one staff member, the incident per one
patient and the absences staff. It may incur the higher cost and much staff is being stressed. But
company must emphasis on their staff and the patients.

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Figure: Reason of Employee turnover

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2. The company is going to be making some significant changes based on the AI process,
and most change efforts are associated with resistance. What are the most common
forms of resistance, and which would you expect to see at Parkway?

Answer: The Parkway company making some significant changes based on the AI process,
and most change efforts are associated with resistance ‘Resistance towards change’s may be
termed as the emotional and the behavioral response towards the real and the imagined threat to
the established work routines.3 factors which lead to the resistance have been the recipient
characteristic, the change agent characteristic & also the change agent recipient relationships.
Most commonly the forms of resistance have been related with the characteristic of the recipient
in its previous success.

As per the case provided, conflict in between younger caregivers & the order care gives has been
about methods of keeping documents of the patients. It shows that older care gives have been
resisted & not fully ready for changing the method of keeping patients document.

Other obstacle for the amendment which may be seen at the Parkway Nursing Care has been
company failure to the legitimize change. It is the problem which arises when there have been
the staffs which are not satisfied with HR management.

Agent-recipients relationship is also been one of hurdles for a change. Basically people who
have been positive and trusting with the others are much easily adopting changes in a job

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3. Given the board of directors’ desire to reenergize the workforce, what advice would you
provide for creating a leadership strategy? What leader behaviors should nursing home
directors and nurse supervisors demonstrate?

Answer: There has been always some leadership strategy which may be used for re-energize
workforce and they are:

• Participative Theory has been the idle leadership style which takes in consideration input
of their associates.
• Situational Theories also propose that the leders must choose best course of an action
depending on the situational variables.
• Contingency Theory is focused on the environment variables & it may determine which
type off leadership has been suitable for the specific situation
• Management theories provide much importance to role of an organization, the
supervision and much importantly group performances.
• Transformational theories also focus on connections which have been formed in between
the followers and the leader.

Best leadership strategies which we advise the parkway for using is the situational theory.
Nursing home directors and the nurse supervisors must be the telling leader.

In the selling and the coaching leadership behavior, nursing home director and the nurse
supervisors are still having prerogatives while making decisions however in such a set up
communication process has been no longer single sided. Next behavioral process in the
situational leadership has been the participating and the supporting. Nursing home directors and
the nurse supervisors have been still is involved in a decision making process however the
delegation of tasks and the processes has been totally given to employees for making the
decision and monitoring progress of the task.

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Figure: Strategic Leadership Style

Figure: DISC Model of Strategic Leadership

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4. What are the major sources of job stress at parkway? What does the research on
employee stress suggest you should do to help minimize the experience of psychological
strain for employees? Create a plan for how to reduce stress among employees.

Answer: Main sources of the job stress at a parkway as the organization facing the big and
huge change, parkway has remained committed for providing the dignity and the health to each
resident in their facilities. Board of the directors is willing of seeing the renewed commitment for
firm’s mission and the core value has not of their culture.

For helping & minimizing experiences of the psychological strain to the employees, company
must create the change and re-energize their sense of mission which has been the appreciative
inquiry. The appreciative inquiry of procedures collects the employee inputs and then for
creating the change message which everybody may support.

There have been various kind of steps for reducing the stress in between the employees.1st best
way has been to produce the nice and the comfortable work environment. After that employers
must allow employee for making the decision of how to improve its work performance. 3rd if
there had been the lot of sound on workplace then we must make sure that employer may create
the quiet room for employees for having the break. When most employees achieve their goals,
the employer may choose best furniture provided on market and best tools. After this, make sure
the employees must meet and create the work relationships. Lastly create the gym a firm as
employer may reduce the employee stress easily.

Figure: Sources of Job Stress

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5. Based on the information collected in the focus groups, design a survey to hand out to
employees. What sort of data should the survey gather? What types of data analysis
methods would you like to employ for these data?

Answer: Most data

data are usually collected through qualitative and quantitative methods. Both
methods are essential and have their strengths and weaknesses. Qualitative
Qualitative approaches are very
good for further exploring the effects and unintended consequences of a program. nevertheless,
expensive and time consuming to implement. Additionally the findings cannot be generalized to
participants outside of the program and are only indicative of the group involved.

Quantities approaches that have the advantage that they are cheaper to implement, are
standardized so comparisons can be easily made and the size of the effect can usually be
measured. Quantitative approaches besides
besides are limited in their capacity for the investigation and
explanation of similarities and unexpected differences. It is important to note that for peer-
peer based
programs quantitative data collection approaches often prove to be difficult to implement for
ncies as lack of experienced low participation and loss to follow updates are commonly
experienced factors.

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4.1 Analysis

After carefully analyzing the situation at Parkway nursing care. It was realized that the most
effective way to ensure that the organization continued to thrive was by changing the perspective
by which work was being done at the organizational level. The employees, although not most of
them, have no idea about what nursing care entails. Consequently, the patients in the care of the
staff at the Institute are at sometimes treated as products of some kind and not human beings.
Therefore, as we see there are a lot of changes that need to be put in place to neutralize the
situation and ensure that the organization moves towards ensuring better care for their patients
above all other things.

Most of the information collected was through interviews. Some of the interviews created a basis
for the report. The foundation of the report was considered to be the included I=in the following
points of discussion.

Firstly, the government has since structured a policy that would increase the documentation to
avoid cases of inappropriate billing and cover-up of patient abuse. Consequently, the government
has also requested that the documentation be done in such a way that it would be easy to correct
and alter the information.

The issue has caused a lot of problems at the Parkway nursing care institute. One of the problems
regards the use of an electronic software system that would make use of current technology to
implement the documentation of patients. Moreover, the old nurses that are not so equipped with
technology have some resistance to the adoption of the new system and would like to keep the
old system of documentation in use. But, the younger nurses vouch for the new system
considering that they can type faster than they can write. Thus, a lot of time is saved from the
documentation process that can be used in more serious work.

Secondly, from the data provider about employee injuries and other aspects. Per staff, member
absences have increased to a high of 4.28, and that is not good for any business. The absences
that have gone unnoticed in the institution have caused a lot of stress to other staff members. For
instance, licensed nurse does almost all of the work in the organization. Reason being most of
them have the expertise regarding nursing and care.

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Therefore, when a licensed nurse takes time off. All the other staff members are forced to work
extra hard, and this causes some stress on their performance. Eventually, the quality of service
offered goes down. Employee job satisfaction decreases. More staff members ask for time off
due to excess fatigue and the cycle continues. The situation above is dangerous for such an
organization. The organization should try and find ways to neutralize the situation before it gets
out of hand.

Thirdly, the appreciative inquiry that was used to depict what type of change the organization
requires. The AI process went smoothly apart from some resistance to change from some staff
members. One thing the organization needs to consider is that change will happen one time or
another time, but eventually it will happen. Then it is crucial to consider the benefits of this
change happening earlier than later in spite of all the resistance it is going to face. It is quite
normal for change not to be accepted. However, from a management perspective, change is
inevitable. Therefore, it most happens. But for the change to be of positive effect on the
organization. There must be some ways put in place to counter the resistance that will be faced.
To effectively manage the resistance, we have to understand the common types of resistance that
might be witnessed in this situation. The most common type of resistance might be shown
through reduced employee performance or morale. To counter this, it is prudent that the
management considers creating a change message that would be a motivating factor that would
put the staff in the organization in support of the proposed changes for the betterment of the

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4.2 Recommendation

The most crucial part of an organization is considered to be the leadership (Perrewé et al., 2013).
In this case, job stress at Parkway has been there, and the management has considered doing
some changes to solve the issue. However, if the leadership structure and behavior of the
organization are not changed, the proposed changes will have no significant effect on the
organization. Therefore, it is wise first to ensure that the leadership is up to today’s standards and
will uphold the core values of the organization. Hence, the board of directors needs to ensure that
the leadership behavior in the organization is bent towards the betterment of the quality of
service provided.

Another key aspect of the organization is the number of staffs. The staff seems to be less and
overworked at some point. For instance, when one staff member gets tie off work. The result is
the other staff members working very hard to counter the absence of one of them. Therefore, it is
wise to employee new staff members with diverse skills to reduce work stress at the
organization. Increasing the number of staffs will not only reduce the work ration per employee
but also increase the individual attention or care given to the patient (Chung et al., 2011). Hence,
in the long run, increasing the quality of services offered at Parkway nursing care.

Lastly, the organization needs to keep up with technology. In these modern times, technology
has become the backbone of most businesses and eventually the global economy. It is considered
a crucial aspect of the success of any business or organization. Therefore, the organization needs
to adopt a software system that would solve the issue of documentation. The system must be
modern, easy to use and have tight security to maintain the integrity of the documents.

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4.3 Conclusion

In conclusion, of a combination of physical factors, administrative and organizational

malfunction, psychological factors and interpersonal conflict are the major sources of stress for
nurses working in hospitals. These important factors work in isolation and in combination with
other factors to cause graded level of stress for nurses. The effect of the stress on the nurses in
dependent on the nurses’ individual traits & other environmental factors. The combination of
personal coping skills, effective organizational plans and social support is the best effective way
managing and /or coping with stress in nurse.

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1. ‘Organizational Behavior’ 15th ed. Authors- Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge
2. “The effect of stress on health and its implications for nursing”. O’Donovan, R., Doody, O.
and Lyons, R. (2013) , British Journal of Nursing, 22(16), 969-973
3. “A Study of Causes of Stress and Stress Management among Youth” Dr. Deepti Bhargava&
Hemant Trivedi, IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences, ISSN 2455-
2267; Vol.11, Issue 03 (June 2018)
of Distance Learning Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
5. Chung, C. E. E. (2011). Job stress, mentoring, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction
among nursing faculty.
6. Monash University
7. Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University

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