SPAN CSP Volume 1
SPAN CSP Volume 1
SPAN CSP Volume 1
2nd Edition
Nixa, MO 65714
Phone: 888-589-6757
Fax 417-724-2883
Striving to Protect
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SPAN international
Safety Workshops
The information contained in this study guide is intended to be used in preparation for the Certified
Safety Professional examinations and should not be used as an authority in the professional practice
of safety, industrial hygiene, or environmental compliance. The opinions expressed are those of the
authors and no guarantee, warranty. or other representation is made as to the absolute correctness or
sufficiency of any information contained in this study guide.
All rights reserved. No pan of this material may be reproduced, by any means, without permission
in writing from the authors, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief excerpts in connection
with a review in a magazine or newspaper. Inquiries by phone: 888-589-6757, Fax 417-724-2883,
ISBN 978-1-891017-64-3 (set)
The major objective of this workbook is to serve as a guide in preparing for the Certified Safety Table of Contents
Professional (CSP) Comprehensive Practice examination. It is assumed that only fully qualified
safety practitioners will attempt to sit for the CSP examination, which means everyone using this
How to Use This Workbook ..................................................................................... 3
workbook has a solid foundation in the Safety and Health field. Given this assumption, no How to Study ............................................................................................................. 6
attempt has been made to provide a basic safety text. Rather, the problems presented in this book
are representative of questions that may be expected to appear on the CSP examination. The How To Use The "Q & A" Method Of Study........................................................... 7
workbook is designed to be used as the foundation document in your home-study effort. Study Techniques .................................................................................................... 10
However, it is imperative that you realize considerable additional reading and research will be
required to develop the study program required to pass the CSP examinations. About The CSP Exams ............................................................................................ 13
The material in this workbook is used during the CSP examination preparation workshops
conducted by SPAN International Training Safety Workshops. We sincerely believe attending Requirements for Certification ................................................................................ 15
our workshop is the fastest and easiest way to prepare for these challenging examinations.
The Examinations .................................................................................................... 16
The workbook is divided into two major volumes. The first volume contains the basic course of How to Select A Calculator ..................................................................................... 18
instruction given during the workshops along with the Exam Prep CD. It is by necessity brief
and covers an almost unbelievable amount of subject matter. The second volume and/or CD Exam References ................................................................................................. 21
contain self-evaluation home study sessions. After each section of the workbook you will find Comprehensive Practice Examination Weighting of Subject Areas ....................... 25
fully developed explanations for the answer selected for each question. In many cases
information about all the selections offered as possible answers will be included to assist in
CSP Examination Breakdown ................................................................................. 26
developing a better understanding of the subject. These sessions are designed to allow the safety About the Computer Examination .......................................................................... 27
professional to measure his or her progress during the extended program of self study that is
normally required to pass the certification exams. Questions from Students on the Computer Exam ............................................... 28
Please write in this book! You paid for it; why not use it to full advantage. If you simply look at
the math problems without actually performing the calculations, on paper, you will find yourself Calculator Warm-up Exercises ............................................................................ 34
ill prepared come exam day. Likewise, reading and paying attention to the explanations will Calculator Answers ............................................................................................. 36
result in learning. But remember, what's in these pages comes from us .... not from you. True Equations Most Often Used on the CSP Exam ....................................................... 38
learning, comprehension and significant growth comes only when you take up the ideas, test
them, ask questions and disagree. It is to your advantage to add your comments and/or
Scientific and Engineering Notation ....................................................................... 52
calculations to the pages of this workbook. Add your personal comments, questions, ideas, or Unit Conversions ..................................................................................................... 57
shortcuts to each page. Then see what happens the next time you review the workbook.
Unit Conversion "Prefixes" ................................................................................. 57
The process of gaining your certification is a difficult task that will challenge both your patience Unit Conversion Method ..................................................................................... 58
and ability. However, we are sure you will find it an extremely rewarding effort that will serve Equalities Between The Metric And English Systems ....................................... 59
you well as you progress in the safety and health field. Reciprocals ............................................................... ~ .......................................... 60
The material presented in this workbook has been carefully checked for accuracy, but errors may
Conversion Exercise Answers ............................................................................. 62
have been missed. Should you discover an error, it would be appreciated if you would bring it to
our attention via email Math and Physics Review Questions ...................................................................... 66
Chemistry............................................................................................................... 144
Following the concept of formal presentation coupled with home study, the
workbook is divided into two sections or volumes to allow both classroom material
Chemical Equations ........................................................................................... 144
and self-evaluation sections. If you are using this material as the foundation for a
"Partial" Periodic Table of the Elements ........................................................... 148
home study course without the benefit of the workshop, additional study effort will
Collecting Safety, Health, Environmental And Security Risk Information .......... 152
"Questions"........................................................................................................ 156
Considerable effort has been made to fully develop and explain the concepts and
Collecting Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Risk Information
techniques discussed. However, given the differences in the background and
"Answers" .......................................................................................................... 176
experience of the safety practitioners sitting for the CSP examinations, it is
Assessing Environmental Health Safety and Security Risk.................................. 202
impossible to explain all concepts to all students.
Assessing Environmental Health Safety and Security Risk "Questions" ......... 207
We suggest that you read the introductory pages of the workbook frrst and then
Assessing Safety, Health, Environmental and Security Risk "Answers" ......... 233
browse through the rest of the first volume stopping and actually reading whenever a
Managing Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Risk ............................... 273
subject or question piques your interest. Conversely, we recommend that you do not
Managing Environmental, Health Safety and Security Risk "Questions" ........ 278
read any o/volume two, although it is all right to browse quickly through the material
Managing Environmental, Health Safety and Security Risk "Answers" .......... 306
to get an idea what you are up against. The material in volume two is designed to be
used for self-evaluation as your study program progresses. If the material is to serve
that purpose you must refrain from studying the questions and explanations until
after you have used the material for a self-graded test. Remember, these are only
suggestions. You must use the study techniques that work for you.
After you have reviewed the workbook, you must establish a study plan. There are
many volumes of printed material available on the subject of setting up a home study
effort; we have provided some ideas later in this section and hope they prove useful.
However, at this point it is sufficient to simply say that you must have a plan. The
plan must provide adequate time to master the material and you must have a place
where you feel comfortable learning without distractions. We feel that the average
safety practitioner requires about 10 weeks of study for the Comprehensive Practice
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examination if he or she has the benefit of a workshop. Without the workshop add tell time. If you look you will be able to find someone willing to assist you for a
another 4 to 6 weeks. price (not necessarily money) you can afford.
This workbook is designed to allow you to make the most out of your study time. It From the introductory chapters, the workbook progresses to individual chapters on
has been developed to allow you to concentrate on areas that have historically been each of the three areas of the Comprehensive Practice examination. These three
presented on the test. There is no extraneous or "nice to know" information in this chapters also use the question and answer format and are designed to allow you to
workbook. All of the information is important. Concentrate on the areas emphasized become familiar with the type of questions offered on the exam. Explanations are
and you should be able to reduce your research and study time considerably. offered to reduce research time. The CSP examination covers a tremendous amount
However, keep in mind, the ASP and CSP tests have changed very dramatically in of subject matter and thus many questions can be developed from the areas covered.
recent times, major revisions have occurred. Therefore, you may be able to pass the
exam studying only the material in this workbook, and you may not! Most safety The workbook does not contain actual test questions. Rather the questions presented
professionals who have been out of school for a while would be well advised to are representative of the questions you will see on the actual examination. For this
.~pend additional time on a general safety and health review prior to taking the actual reason you must assure yourself that you understand the area or areas the question is
examination. We recommend you pay particular attention to the "How to Study" asking you about. Many times this will require additional study, however do not
section coming up in a few pages stray too far from the subject or you will lose the direction the workbook attempts to
This workbook uses a question and answer format with detailed explanations
provided for most answers. Difficult concepts or theories may have material Most safety professionals prefer to proceed straight through the workbook studying
presented in table or paraphrased format. This method is used to allow broad an area at a time. The workbook is presented in large type with plenty of room for
coverage of the material and is provided as a time saver. In almost all cases where you to complete the work on each question page. After completing volume one, we
tables are presented you will have to research the subject more thoroughly to gain an suggest that you use self-evaluation session number one as a mini-quiz. Do not look
in-depth understanding. You will find the answers to each chapter of the book at the answers until after you have graded the quiz. The results will show you areas
immediately following the questions. that require additional effort. Remember, the questions presented are tough, but the
actual test is a bear. You need about a 55-60% grade to pass the Comprehensive
Always Review All the Information in the Answers Practice examination, so you should aim for a better score on the self-evaluation
quizzes. Remember, there is always new information being added to the test. We
The [rrst chapters of the workbook are devoted to becoming familiar with your
estimate that we will cover only about 65% of the material you will be tested on!
calculator, performing conversions and reviewing elementary math and science
concepts. These chapters serve as warm-up exercises for the classroom presentations However, if you are very familiar with the subject areas contained in the
and should be used in the same manner if you are using the workbook as a home workbooks, you will be able to spend much more time on the not so familiar areas
study course. The workshops offer review sessions the last two days of study to of the examination come test day.
provide additional review for any weak areas.
Use the other three self-evaluation sessions to check your progress as your study
If you are using the workbook in a home study program without the workshop this program continues. The workbooks will provide direction for your program but you
may present a problem, since you will not have had the benefit of a guided review. must do the actual studying. The next few pages concern how to study using the Q &
The concepts illustrated in the first chapters require some elementary understanding A format.
before progressing. However, the trick is to learn the concepts and theories that
pertain and avoid costly research or study of material that will not be tested. Seek
help from co-workers, friends, or high-school science and math teachers. A void the
ones that want to teach you how to build a watch when you only need to learn how to
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
How to Study
This section is designed to assist you with mastering a learning methodology. How To Use The "Q & A" Method Of Study
This workbook uses a Question & Answer format that allows you to concentrate
The Q & A method of study is easy to master because most of the work has been
on areas that you are not familiar with and avoid over studying material in areas
done by someone else. The research done for you involves someone actually
where you already possess enough knowledge to pass the exam. Fundamental to
taking the test and recalling areas of interest from which desired learning
this technique is a good core of questions and your ability to take advantage of the
outcomes are developed. The desired learning outcomes are then reduced to
guided study aspects of the process. The technique is intended to be useful to
Questions, Answers and Explanations. If this process is accomplished correctly,
practitioners who have mastered the skills and tasks necessary to perform in the
you are presented with a series of questions that approach the same level of
safety and health arena. As adult learners most of us are not fond of the process
difficulty as used in the examination. The subject matter and format parallel the
of study, however we do enjoy the process of learning. The difference lies in the
actual test questions. This allows you to determine if you currently possess the
jlbility to retain what is important to the accomplishment of a goal and reject what
knowledge required or if you need to gain a more in-depth understanding. The
. is not important.
method is very much in concert with the traditional method of learning that is,
progressing from the known to the unknown. However, in this case you determine
If you use this workbook properly we believe you can do just that; master those
the known and unknown and save a lot of time in the process.
areas important to your goal (passing the CSP examination) and expend minimum
effort on research and actual study. The technique also has some very beneficial
The steps to using the Q & A Method of Study are also very similar to the
side effects. You will find that the learning process will make you a better and
traditional steps for reading, or reviewing a textbook.
more proficient safety and health practitioner. However, the process assumes you
have the discipline to do the research and study the material that you are weak on.
• First, using all your learned test taking strategies, attempt to answer the
If you attempt to study using only the material presented in this workbook, you
risk the very real chance of not being adequately prepared for the examination.
How do I do it? What is involved beyond reading the question and looking at the • Second, grade the results if you are doing a self-evaluation then read the
answers? OK -- Lets look at the process and then make some suggestions about
your study habits.
• Third, answer the question - Was this a known or an unknown? Did I have
the knowledge base to determine the answer to this question or did I get the
right answer by an educated guess or worse yet, dumb luck?
Note: This is a key step in the process and determines if you can proceed or need
to gain more knowledge on the subject. Additionally, you need to ask yourself if
your knowledge base on this subject is broad enough to answer questions of equal
difficulty about other aspects of the subject.
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- ----
.. .~~~- ,~~~~,
• Fourth, move on or take notes. If you are comfortable with your knowledge 1. We selected answer B because:
on the subject then move on to the next question. However, if you are not
comfortable with your current level of knowledge on the subject or other This area would require Class I, Div 2 electrical equipment in accordance with
aspects of the subject, then you should take notes about the information you OSHA 1910.107. Also see NFPA 70, ART. 500. The following table illustrates
need. We recommend you write in the margins of the workbook right next the classes and divisions of the NEC.
to the question.
,.' v ~ ,.,.~;.:c<', _-~_>"'A'_
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• Fifth, research and study. When you complete a set of questions and make
notes on the information you need to study, you have developed a I Normally explosive Not normally present
deficiency study plan. Now all that remains is to research and study the Gases, Vapors and hazardous in an explosive concentration
material necessary to master the required knowledge. However, remember and Liquids (but may accidentally exist)
to stick with your notes and stay on subject. It is very easy to stray onto (ART. 501)
some other interesting subject and lose sight of your desired learning II Ignitable quantities Dust not normally
outcome. of dust normally is suspended in an ignitable
Dusts or maybe in concentration (but may
A look at an actual question, answer and explanation will tend to illustrate and (ART. 502) suspenSIOn or accidentally exist). Dust
explain the process. conductive dust may layers are present
be present
1. A paint storage area when flammable paints are present in closed
containers that is located adjacent to and communicates with a spray booth III Textiles, woodworking Stored or handled
requires which of the following types of electrical fixtures. Fibers etc. (easily ignitable in storage
and Flyings but not likely to be (exclusive of manufacturing)
A.) Class I, Div 1
(ART. 503) explosive)
B.) Class I, Div 2
complicated subject and it is easy to see that many questions could be framed
around this subject. From very basic questions about what article defines the
explanation does not tell us a great deal, but does provide a table illustrating
some of the provisions of the NEC articles dealing with classified locations. If
you previously had substantial knowledge in this area, the table is detailed
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
So, the question you should be asking yourself at this point is, how much do I material. The area should also contain any supplies or materials you use
need to know about the subject of hazardous locations as defined by the NEC? ie; stapler, highlighter, calculator, scratch paper, etc. The intent is to
Well, if electrical theory is your strong suit, you probably know a lot about the make your stay comfortable and cut down on interruptions.
NEC and some articles and will feel comfortable with this question and the
general subject. Another possibility is that you are knowledgeable on the • Your study area must not have a stereo, TV, telephone, refrigerator, or a
subject but need a little brush up. Yet another option is that you know very little really good view.
about the NEC hazardous location classifications, in which case you need to do
a lot of investigation into the details of the concept and the application Having a good place to study goes a long way toward eliminating external
techniques. How deep into the subject matter do you need to dig? The level of distractions. Another very important consideration in developing a good study
detail in the question provides a good indicator. As we stated earlier this program is eliminating internal distractions. The total elimination of external
question is pretty detailed and you probably need to know quite a bit about the distractions is almost possible. The total elimination of internal distractions;,is
.:subject. An additional indicator is the repetition of the question in our impossible. However, we all know you can make much more progress if your
.. workbook. If a question keeps appearing with only minor changes in format, it mind is free from daydreams, worries and the constant feeling that you are not
is a sure indication that the subject matter is important and we anticipate the going to make a deadline. So - attempt to free your mind for studying. You
actual exam to have several questions dealing with that subject. must:
In summary, the Q & A method of studying is similar to the outline method. • Reduce indecision and daydreaming. Set realistic time limits, determine
The basic outline is presented with the questions. You then determine if you what you are going to study and stay on schedule. If you study a subject
have what it takes to feel comfortable with the subject or not. If you need too long at one time you tend to daydream which reduces your
additional knowledge, you research and study to develop the required effectiveness.
knowledge or skill. The system works well for many different levels of adult
learners because "you" determine what you need to study and how hard. • Don't let personal problems interfere. If personal factors distract your
studies you will not be able to concentrate on either and the result will be
more frustration. If you have serious personal problems you should
Study Techniques consider dealing with them and rescheduling your CSP study, maybe
One of the most important items to establishing a good study program is finding even delaying the test date one cycle.
a place to study. Your study area must meet the following conditions:
• Deal with outside details. Busy minds often produce random thoughts.
• Your study space must be specific to studying. You must not use a Keep a card in your study area and jot down appointments and details of
garage, den, workshop, or other area where you play. You must find a projects as these brainstorms come to you. You cannot prevent these
place that signals "study". The place becomes a clue to you; when you details from surfacing, but if you deal with them it may free your mind so
enter you study - no other activities, none. that you can return to your studies.
• Your study space must be comfortable. The area must have good
lighting, ventilation, be temperature controlled and quiet. You need a
large table or desk where you can spread out your reference materials.
The area must have readily available your health and safety reference
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
You must also be physically and mentally prepared to study. All of the About The CSP Exams
following factors are just common sense, but probably deserve repeating:
Shortly after the turn of the century there began appearing in this country,
• You should eat a well balanced diet. Remember, the four food groups! persons practicing the art and science of safety work. These practitioners came
Don't forget the protein. A proper level of blood sugar can go a long way from different academic backgrounds and had a multitude of work experience
in making sure you feel like studying. ranging from operations to engineering. They all had one thing in common,
they were trying to promote the safety and health of employees. Until the
• Get enough sleep! Establish and maintain a regular bedtime. Certified Safety Professional certification program began, they also had no
standard measure of qualification.
• Exercise! Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and stick with it.
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) was chartered by the
AI • Mental fatigue comes from simply trying to do too much. Allot yourself American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) in 1969 to establish a method of
time for breaks and don't try too hard. The average safety and health measuring qualifications for the safety profession. The Board established
practitioner should study for the CSP exam for 100 to 120 hours. Don't qualification standards and began issuing certification shortly after its founding.
try to do it in twenty. Although chartered as an independent, separately-incorporated board, the BCSP
has several sponsoring organizations which provide members to the BCSP Board
The suggestions above are just that, suggestions. You must establish a study of Directors. These sponsoring organizations are the following:
program that makes sense for you and one that you can fit into your lifestyle. If
some of the items we proposed make sense, then try them out. If they don't • American Society of Safety Engineers
make sense for you, then don't do them. Find out what works for you.
• American Industrial Hygiene Association
Many of our students that are studying for certification exams tell me that
finding a suitable place to study is the toughest hurdle to overcome. Some have • National Safety Council
suggested that returning to work in the evening or early in the morning has
proven to be the solution. You may want to consider it. • Institute of Industrial Engineers
One last word about the Question and Answer method of study. Be sure you • Society of Fire Protection Engineers
are actually studying rather than just reading the material. Studying using the
Q&A method involves constantly asking yourself questions. Do I really know • System Safety Society
this subject? How could the examination rephrase this question to "test" me in
the same general area? Do I understand the concept? By constantly asking • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
yourself questions you develop focus and purpose to your research, as opposed
to random reading. Today the CSP designation is the premier certification in the safety profession.
No other single means of measuring your qualifications is as widely accepted or
Best of luck on your study program and on the C S P, Comprehensive respected. There are currently about 12,000 Certified Safety Professionals and
Practice examination. almost 1,500 actively seeking the CSP designation.
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
Note: The following infonnation concerning the requirements for certification may have
The process of certification commands a considerable amount of effort. Many changed after publication. It is strong1y suggested that you contact the BCSP for current
safety practitioners wonder if the advantages of certification justify all the effort.
The primary advantage of certification is that it provides a credential. The CSP Requirements for Certification
indicates that a safety professional has achieved a standard level of qualification
as judged by their professional peers. This level of qualification is important in A candidate for certification must have a Bachelor's degree in safety that meets
establishing credibility within the ever growing field of Environment, Safety and the Board's minimum course requirements or a combination of education and
Health. Employment opportunities are much greater for personnel holding CSP experience recognized by the Board plus a minimum of four years of professional
certification, the courts recognize the certification as a step toward authentication safety experience. A degree at the Bachelors level in any discipline or an
.; as a expert witness, and it is almost always required to do consultant work in the Associate level degree in Safety and Health is required, without waiver.
. field of safety today.
For exact requirements, go to the BCSP web site at www and review the
Additionally, we think there are several reasons that should cause you to think candidate handbook. Along with the education and experience requirements.
about starting the process of obtaining your certification right now. First, there is candidates must successfully complete a series of two, one day examinations.
a growing trend by states to license safety professionals, much like physicians, Those candidates possessing other acceptable registration or certification may
engineers, architects and other professionals. The states have that authority under waive the first exam. Currently, the only acceptable means for waiving the first
their duty to "protect the health, safety and welfare of the pUblic." exam IS as a:
Second, federal legislation is constantly being proposed, there is substantial • Professional Engineer (P.E.) any state, any discipline
support to modify existing safety and health laws to include federally certified
"safety specialists". • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
Third, look at the help wanted ads in any major newspaper or talk to a safety and • Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
health recruiter. Certified Safety and Health professionals obtain employment
earlier and receive greater compensation.
• Certified Health Physicist (CHP)
Fourth, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals has recently decided not to
offer certification to any practitioner without a four year college degree or a two
• Member, Singapore Institute of Safety Officers (SISO)
year degree in safety or health. This requirement was effective I January 1998. As
the requirements increase, we think the examinations will become even more
• Chartered Member of IOSH (CMIOSH)
dynamic. complex. difficult to pass and expensive, both in time and money.
• Chartered Professional Member SIA (CPMSIA)
We think these and other recent developments add up to a future environment
where certification is going to be the desired/required credential. Being a CSP • Chartered Engineer (CE) from the Engineering Council (UK)
will become much more important, more lucrative, and it will be harder to obtain.
Like the other professional certification/registration examinations the ASP-CSP • American Board for Occupational Health Nurses (ABOHN)
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
A candidate for certification may take the first of the two examinations -- the The above information is accurate as of this printing. For more current
Safety Fundamentals, sometimes called the "ASP" or "CORE" exam -- after information, candidates should contact the Board at:
-; meeting the academic/experience requirements.
The second test in the series is the Comprehensive Practice Exam. Before taking
this examination, the academic/experience requirements must be met, passing (217) 359-9263
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How to Select A Calculator 2. In addition to the suggestions made by the Board, we believe the calculator
you select should have these functions (in order of importance):
The cSP exams all require the use of a good scientific calculator. It is suggested
in the material distributed by the Board that the calculator has functions for • A statistical function capable of calculating mean, standard
common logarithms, natural logarithms, trigonometric functions, powers and deviation and correlation.
examination~ any calculator brought into the examination must be from the
:. brands and models listed below.
• Scientific notation
Brand and Models • Combinations, Permutations and Factorials
Texas Instruments: TI-30, TI-34, TI-35, TI-36 3. Lastly, the calculator should be large enough so that you can use it. Many
of the modem calculators have keys so small that it is almost impossible to
Casio: FX-115, FX-250, FX-260, FX-300 hit just one key . You will be doing a considerable amount of work during
this study effort, so make it as easy on yourself as you can.
Hewlett Packard: hp 9, hp 10, hp 12, hp 30
Obviously, many of the items on this list are personal preference. You should
Different versions of the above brands and models will be permitted. For evaluate these suggestions with respect to your own science and math skills and
example, the TI-30X lIS and hp 30s calculators will be allowed, as they are determine which functions are the most important to you. Let us explain why we
versions of the permitted brands and models. choose to include the functions listed above.
However, we believe you should be very selective in your decision on a calculator During your course of study, you will encounter several statistical problems
for this study effort. Technology has brought the price of calculators down to a involving the calculation of standard deviation, both population and sample.
very affordable figure. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of calculators take the Determining standard deviation requires making a table, determining absolute
time or effort to supply a decent set of instructions with the machine. With the values, squaring numbers, etc. In other words, a lot of manipulation. Not the
complex manipulation required to operate many of these calculators, a good thing you want to do on a five hour test that allows you a minute and a half per
instruction manual is probably as important as the calculator itself. You will find question ~ If your calculator will perform this function with a single key stroke
that the instruction manual can be a very good friend as you progress through the (after you input the data), that is the way to go.
CSP study material, especially if you do not use a calculator in your everyday
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Likewise, coefficient of correlation calculations are very complicated and time Exam References
consuming to do with x and y tables. Operations that take seconds on a good The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) provides a small pamphlet
calculator may require five or more minutes to set up on paper. It is just good entitled "Examination Guide". In this pamphlet several pages are devoted to the
time management to obtain a machine to do the work for you. Additionally, you subject of study references. There are 94 references listed for the Comprehensive
save a lot of memory effort by not having to worry about applying the correct Practices examination. However, it has been our experience that the following
formula. nine references are the ones that have proven to be the most valuable to safety
practitioners studying for this exam.
The same rationale holds true for scientific notation, combinations, permutations ------
and factorials. The problems involving probability and reliability all require use
of these tools; some to a greater extent than others. Again, why not let the Reference
machine do the work for you. I I
. NSC Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry, Administration and Programs,
13 th Edition (1)
.. There are a selected number of calculators that will serve you well during your
NSC Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry, Engineering and Technology,
CSP study effort. SPAN International Training Safety Workshops includes the
13th Edition (2)
TI-30X liS series calculator as part of the workshop because it has an adequate
NSC Accident Prevention Manual for Business & Industry, Environmental Management, 2nd
instruction booklet, performs all the required functions, is easy to use and read
Edition (3)
and, should you wish to buy a spare, it can purchased through SPAN for $20.
ISafety and Health for Engineers (8)
IFire Protection Handbook, 2008 Edition, National Fire Protection Assn. (5)
1**Product Safety Management and Engineering.. 2 Edition (7)
INSC Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, 5iJi Edition (4)
1**Chemistry of Hazardous Materia]s, 3rd Edition (6)
Page 20 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 21
""!':tlt:7;~lI1"#"':;I!\',, ______,_,__
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
Suggested References All of the NSC publications are available at the larger libraries and many safety
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry, Administration and offices have several copies. They are expensive, so if you do not have ready
Programs (13th Edition). National Safety Council (NSC). This is volume access to a copy, it would be worthwhile to look around a bit. You might even
one of two in the latest series of Accident Prevention Manuals produced by try approaching the local safety council. Many times they will lend you a set for
NSC. It represents a combined effort of many authors but is assembled in a an extended basis. Also some American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
standardized manner that is very logical and prevents duplication or chapters have a library. Plus, many of the American Industrial Hygiene
conflicting theories. It is truly an exceptional text. Things are changing in Association local sections have excellent libraries.
safety and health so fast the most current is always the best, so really try to
get the 11th Edition. The 10th and 11th Editions are also very useful but the 1. Fire Protection Handbook (2008 Edition). National Fire Protection
12th has been restructured and is more current. Try to obtain the 12th Association. This is an outstanding reference book covering many other
Edition if possible. You may order this book from NSC, Itasca, Ill. 1-800 areas of mishap prevention in addition to fIfe prevention and protection.
621-7615. Website: The 16th edition or later are acceptable. Order from the NFPA, Quincy,
..... "
Page 22 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 23
Many of these publications can be ordered online via websites such as Comprehensive Practice Examination Weighting of
availability of these items for shipment. It won't do you much good to buy the
Comprehensive Practice Examination
NFPA Fire Protection Handbook for $50 if it won't be shipped for 6 - 8 weeks and
your test is scheduled for next month. Sec ISection Title %
'Collecting Safety, Health, Environmental and Security Risk
1 28.6
The purpose of our home study workbook is to give direction to your study effort. I
The book does a good job of narrowing down the enormous amount of material '---2--IAssessing Safety, Health, Environmental and Security Risk 36.6
that you could be tested on. However, knowing what to study is not enough. You 3 IManaging Safety, Health, Environmental and Security Risk 34.8
must also study the right material. That is, the right reference material. Finding
:: the right books to study from is probably the most important single element in
The Comprehensive Practice Examination was designed to test applied
developing your study plan. So take some time and do it right.
knowledge and the application of experience gained through professional
practice. The examination requires a greater depth of knowledge than what is
Some other references that may be useful in your studies include the following: required in the Safety Fundamentals Examination. The computerized test
consists of 200 questions.- You are allowed 6 consecutive hours to complete all
• ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Handbook, Manual ofRecommended questions. Laminated scratch paper (White Board) and a marker will be
Practices, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists provided by the testing service. You must provide your own calculators (two allowed). Mter you finish the computerized examination, you will receive an
immediate pass-fail grade. A detailed score report, sample shown on next page,
• Commercial Driver License (CDL) Manual, from your State will be mailed to you from the BCSP. As of this printing the passing score for
Department of Highway this examination is 55-63%.
However, we do believe that the majority of the information you need to pass the
CSP Safety Fundamentals exam is contained in the nine suggested references.
At the Pearson VUE centers, a candidate signs in, presents identifications and is
seated at a computer workstation. The center provides one sheet of laminated
paper and a marker. There is a short orientation and practice program to acquaint
you with the examination procedure and then the test begins. A small clock in the
comer of the monitor screen keeps track of the remaining time. When you finish
the examination you will immediately receive a pass or fail grade.
Page2S Copyright(C)2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 29
General Comments:
Question Do you need ID's?
We found the computer exam to be a positive, convenient way to take the exam.
Answer You need one ID: with your photo and signature. They also take The Pearson VUE people were friendly and helpful. The cubicles were quiet and
your photograph and a finger print during sign-in. well lit. The chairs were comfortable. There was plenty of table space and the
computer was user friendly and non-threatening.
Question Do you need your Authorization letter?
This information is based on a limited number of exams and Pearson VUE
Answer They usually don't ask, but take it just in case. You will need the ID centers. Conditions may vary considerably between testing locations. Feedback
number when you call to schedule your appointment. from you on your testing experience will help us keep this information current and
accurate. Please call us at 1-888-589-6757. We greatly appreciate your feedback.
. Question Can you schedule the exam any time? A listing of Pearson VUE center locations is on the BCSP web site or by calling
or faxing the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
Answer No. They usually have certain times set aside for professional exams.
Book your slot several weeks in advance to get the time and day you Good Luck on your exam!
Answer Yes, there are a limited number of graphs to read. They are a little
harder to read on the screen, but not much. Graphics are pretty
Page 30 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 31
__~_ _ _ _ _ __
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Conversions are an important part of the process used in solving many of the
problems encountered on the CSP exams, several pages are devoted to the process
using the Unit Conversion method.
The Math Review section provides a review of information dealing with the
application tested on the ASP exam.
A short Chemistry section discusses some of the chemistry concepts that may be
tested on the exam.
An Equations Section listing the equations that have historically been used most
often on the examination can be found in the front of volume two. All the terms
used in the formulas are fully defined and we are sure you will find this a most
useful section as you proceed through the workbook. We encourage you to refer
to it often.
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
4. Calculate .1X 6 ) .......
-J9 ...............
......................................... .
Calculate (4x5)
(5x4) ........... ................................................................... .
2 2 ........... ..
16. Calculate 12
............................................................................. - - - -
6. Calculate 4.87..J2535 ............................................................................- - - 5x5
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
Calculator Answers
11. Calculate - ...............................................................................................0.022
On the TI: (LJ2 x 6 ) I (-./9) = (4x5)
15. Calculate .............................................................................................. 1
6. Calculate 4.87~2535 ............................................................................................ 5 16. Calculate 12 ............................................................................................... 0.4
Page 36 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 3'
cos A = b
c Per) = (Atr e-
p poisson distribution
TanA= a r number of observed events or rate
b A = expected number of events or baseline
t = time
." j
Page 38 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 39
~ 1;, • • I·'I::t·:...g:!f;'.~'i:_.·':2:"':ii:·J;-:le:.~~.' _ _ _ _ _ _ __
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Reliability Notes Mechanics Notes
Pr = Probability (failure)
v = Final velocity
R(t) = Reliability (t)
v0 = Initial velocity
a = Acceleration
R(t)=e·"=e-~ I t = Time taken
s=v t+
R(t) = Reliability (t)
o 2
e = 2.71828
K.E.= mv
I F,d, = F,d, I 2
F = Force
K.E. = Kinetic Energy
d = Distance
m mass
v == velocity (ftlsee)
Page 40 Copyright@2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright@2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 41
v = Voltage
= Current (Amperage)
P = Pressure
R = Resistance (Ohms)
V = Volume
n = Number of Moles
.: I P = VI
= Constant
= Temperature
P = Power (Watts)
I = Current (Amperage)
V = Voltage
~Vl _ P2 V2
~ T2
Page 42 Copyright©2013 SPAN International-Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 43
_ [(S_R,)"54]
Q, -Q. (S _R.)"54
Q = Flow (gpm)
Q = Volume (CFM)
P=(~)' I
. I
v = 400S.J\TP m
Q 1 ~ TP = Total Pressure
= F, SP = Static Pressure
VP = Velocity Pressure
Q = Flow (gpm)
P = Pressure differential (S - R)
V= Q
P = 4.52 Q1.85 lOx +A
d Cl.85 d 4.81
V = Velocity
Page 44 Copyrlght©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page4S
+ ..... +----
Q,=G 12 =1 (dJ
C 1 (d 2 Y
d = distance
c= G (1- e-
I I ;: [ I
i;:< ~ ::
. _~#~~;C!rr .
C = Concentration (ppm)
= Generation rate (cfm) S = Roentgens!hour/foot
Q = Volumetric flow (cfm) Ci = Curie strength (curies)
t = time interval in minutes f = fractional yield
L =lOloglO W
W 0
dB, =dB o + 20l0glO [ ::]
L p =201og10 k
TWA = l6.6lI0g1o[~]
+ 901
T= 2[(L-90)/5]
Page4S Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 49
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Engineering Economy Notes Heat Stress Notes
WBGT = Wet bulb globe temp.
F=A((l+~n-lJ WB = Wet bulb temperature
GT = Globe temperature
( ) .
(l+iY -1 ~+o.;~~
P=A((I+i t -IJ
i(l+it WBGT = Wet bulb globe temp.
WB = Wet bulb temperature
A=P( i(l+it J GT = Globe temperature
(1 +it -1 DB = Dry bulb temperature
A = Series of payments (annuity)
ppm = mg/m x 24.45
1 = interest rate
n = number of periods
ppm = concentration
mg/m3 = milligrams/cubic meter
MW = Molecular weight
Page 50' Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC PageSl
11I"."i1!:#,zc#!'.lrJlil,'''YI#::"jJt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
SPAN Internatignal Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
1) Exponents and bases. A base can also have a negative exponent, for example, 10-6• We can always
write a base with a negative exponent as the reciprocal, with the sign of the
If you have been in the health & safety game long enough to be studying for the exponent changed to positive. The reciprocal of a number A is defined as 11A
ASP exam you are already familiar with the idea of raising a number to a
power. For example, 102 is read as 10 to the second power, and it is equal to 10
x 10, or 100. The 10 is known as the base and the 2 is called the exponent.
The exponent tells us the number of times the base is a factor in the Negative Exponent
mUltiplication. For example: ~ Reciprocal of Original
10.1 =(.J;)1;O.1
10' = 1
~ = 0.001
Since 10 1 = 10 and 10-
=0.1, then even a safety guy can figure out that 10° =1
Base t
Page 52 Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Copyright©2013 SPAN International Training, LLC Page 53
Decimal number
number of places you moved the decimal point.
If the number is equal to or greater than 1.0 and less than 10.0.
Between 1 and 10
1. Simply write down the number and multiply it by 10° (1), because no (zero)
movement of the decimal point is required.
3.92 E 05 because "E" = "x 10"
3) Converting scientific notation into ordinary decimal numbers.
The ordinary decimal number 0.00432 written in scientific notation looks like: To convert a number in scientific notation, such as 4.923 x 106 , into an ordinary
.decimal number, we start by examining the exponent. If the exponent is positive,
4.32 x 10-3 we move the decimal to the right a number of places equal to the value of the
or 4.32 E-03 exponent. You may have to fill in zeros. Remember that positive exponents are
Decimal number
Power of 10
If the exponent is negative, we move the decimal to the left a number of places
Between 1 and 10
equal to the value of the exponent. Again, you may have to fill in zeros.
Remember, negative exponents are associated with numbers that are less than 1.
~*'.i&.,.5::iIf" ••'JI,.G.'J:L'IIt.•_ _ _ _ _ __
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
5) Division of two numbers in scientific notation. Unit Conversions
The process of division in scientific notation is similar to that of multiplication. To Unit Conversion "Prefixes"
divide two numbers written in scientific notation, we divide one decimal number
by the other in the usual manner and then we subtract the exponent in the
denominator (divisor) from the exponent in the numerator (dividend), being careful
to treat this as the subtraction of signed numbers. The difference is the correct 1000000 000 000 000 000 = 10 I exa IE
The SI (System International) or metric measurement system functions to a great 1000000 000 = Itt giga IG
• extent by moving in units of three decimal places. For example, the prefix milli is 6
3 1000000 = 10 mega 1M
equal to 10-3 , micro is equal to 10-6 • Likewise, the prefix kilo is equal to 10 and
mega is equal to 106 • Engineering notation is very similar to scientific notation 1000= 1tY kilo Ik
except that the exponent is moved in units of three to take advantage of the metric 2
I hecto Ih
3 100 = 10
notations. For example, 100,000 in engineering notation is 100 x 10 • This would
not be permitted in scientific notation since the "100" is a number greater than 10. 10= 10 I deka Ida
Stated another way, engineering notation is expressed as a decimal number 0
1 = 10 I Base
between 1 and 1000 multiplied by a power of 10 in multiples of 3. -
0.1 = 10.1
Let's try some comparisons between the two systems to make sure you understand.
0.01 = 10.
0.001 = 10.3
1 deci
I milli
450,000 4.5 x 105 450 x 103
0.000 1 1 X 10'4 100 X 10-6
0.000 001 = 10-6 1 nllcro
9,900,000 9.9 X 10 6
9.9 X 106
0.000 000 001 = 10. 9
0.000 000 000 1 1 X 10- 10 100 X 10-12
So, if you see numbers that don't follow the rules for scientific notation, they may
The Unit Conversion Method depends on two mathematical facts: As you know, multiplication by 1 does not change the quantity that is being
multiplied, for example 8 foot x 1 = 8 foot. However, units might be changed when
• Any equality can be used to write a fraction equal to 1 multiplying by conversion factors. For example, if we multiply 8 kg by the factor
equal to 1, l000gl1kg, we get the answer 8000g:
• Like quantities in the numerators and denominators of fractions can be
example, clearly 8ft/8ft = 1. The equality 1 m = l00cm tells us that the I m and 100 We can be certain that 8000 g is the same quantity as 8 kg because the multiplication
i ern represent exactly the same distance. Therefore, dividing 1 m by 100 cm is the by 1, but we have done a "unit conversion", i.e., changed the units from kilograms
same as dividing 1 m by itself, and therefore the fraction to grams.
For this simple example we could have used the following reasoning: if 1 kg is 1000
~=1 Similarly 100 em
, 1m =1 g, then 8 kg must be 8000 g. Frequently the conversions we are required to make on
100 em
the CSP examination and in Health & Safety work are a tad more complicated! So,
It is always true that an equality can be made into a fraction that is equal to 1, we recommend the general method of problem solving that follows.
and we call that fraction a conversion factor.
The steps to be taken in reading a problem and setting up a calculation by the "Unit
Conversion Method" are:
Write conversion factors for the following:
1 liter = 1000 mL f. l000mm = 1m 1. Identify the given quantity and unit and write it down.
b. 1 kg = 2.21bs g. 760 mm Hg = 14.71b/in2 2. Identify the new quantity to be determined and write down the new units it is
to have.
e. 2.2lbs = 1 kg h. 760 mm Hg = 29.92 in Hg
3. Determine the conversion factors that will change the given into the new
d. 1000 g = 1 kg 1. 160z = 454 g quantity and unit. The factor will have given units in the denominator and
new units in the numerator.
e. l000m = 1 km J. lIb = 454 g
3. 0.034 liters to milliliters.
Reciprocals 4. 5 inches to mm cm
Because of the relationship with 1, if you know one conversion factor you can use
the reciprocal to find the reverse process. For example:
39.4 inches = 1 meter. How many meters equal one inch? Answer: 39.4-] (or 1 5. 273 g to lbs.
divided by 39.4) equals 0.02538, so 1 inch must equal .025 meters! If you know
anyone conversion, you can easily compute the reciprocal.
6. 32 ftIsec meters per sec2•
7. 12 mg to lbs.
9. 400 mm Hg to Ib/in 2
CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I
1 1000g 1 kg
4) 5 inches to mm em
7) 12 mg to lbs.
5 inch x 2.54 em x 10 mm = 127 mm 12mg Ig lIb 12
1 linch lcm --=-x x =
1 1000 mg 454 g 454,000
w,._·..·__.__ _._
JlI7!~1 f ilfHJI .Utkit'«'. .
SPAN Internati,onal Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self StudY Workbook Volume I CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I
8) 5,000 g/ee to kg/m3 Notes
= 5,000,000 kg/m 3
=5 X 106 kg/m3
9) 400 mm Hg to Ib/in2
1 760 mm Hg
Math and Physics Review Questions How many moles of sulfur are there in 22 grams of the element?
Note: The atomic weight of sulfur is 32.
1) Which equation represents this problem? A laborer is paid time and a half A.) 6.8 moles
for all time over forty hours. Last week he worked 50 hours and earned B.) 0.68 moles
The rule of thumb for determining the pressure exerted by a column of water
C.) 7.7 psia
D.) 19.7 psia
3) If a vessel contains 70% air and 30% hydrocarbons, what is the oxygen
C.) divide each foot of rise by 62.4
A.) 21%
B.) 14.7%
What i s the volume in gallons of 400 pounds of gasoline with a specific
C.) 18%
gravity of 0.68? One gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds.
D.) 16.5%
A.) 170 gallons
B.) 1700 gallons
4) What is the molecular weight of dry air?
C.) 70 gallons
A.) 30
D.) 700 gallons
B.) 45
C.) 1
A large water storage tank is located on plant property. The tank is 32 feet in
D.) 90
diameter and 22 feet high. How much will this tank hold when filled to two
thirds capacity?
A.) 19,700 barrels
. . . . . . . . .s'JI',~·:IJ,',.v'.ac:.i!l':<..v"•.•,..,.., .. v_.,_____. _ _ _ _ _
10) If 3500 cfm of air is drawn through an 8 inch diameter duct, what is the What radioactivity would remain from 1 Ci (curie) of Co-60 (5.24 years
velocity in feet per minute?
half-life) after a 20 year period?
A.) 1023 fpm
D.) 7.1
11) Given a velocity pressure reading of 0.60 in a circular duct, what is the
velocity in feet per minute?
If a source of Co-60 was discovered in a laboratory and had a reading of 2
A.) 3102 fpm
Ci, and the half-life of Co-60 is 5.24 years, what was the original reading for
B.) 15 fpm
the source? Paperwork found in the Lab indicates that the source was
• C.) 29 fpm
obtained 10 years ago .
D.) 1023m
A.) 3.4
B.) 5.2
A= Ao
12) Find the velocity pressure in a 1.5 inch (actual diameter) open ended pipe C.) 7.5
B.) 14 psi
C.) 44 psi
Your plant has had 50 serious vehicle accidents in the past 10 years, three
D.) 254 psi
involving fork trucks. What is the probability that the next serious accident
will involve a fork truck?
A.) 10%
13) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a mixture of gases and may be a mixture B.) no way to tell
of propane and n-butane. Based on the following LELs and that a sample C.) 9%
was found to be 2% LPG, what is the fractional volume of propane in the D.) 6%
Acetylene 2.5% Benzene 1.2% Methane 5%
Propane 2.1 % n-butane 1.8%
A.) .30
B.) .60
C.) .67
D.) .85
... ~ H
B.) 5 inches
C.) 9 inches
3ft I E
I G 3 ft D.) 2.3 feet
A water tank (tank A) that is filled half
full has a diameter of 25 feet. A smaller
17) Using the truss illustrated above determine the reactions at points RA and RH·
tank (tank B) has a diameter of 10 feet
A.) RA = 2 Kips, and RH = 2 Kips. and is floating in tank A as shown. When
B.) RA =4 Kips, and RH =4 Kips. a crane us used to lift tank B the water
C.) RA = 2 Kips, and RH = 1 Kips. level in tank A drops. When the water
D.) RA = 1 Kips, and RH =2 Kips. level in tank A drops 5 feet and tank B is
still partially submerged, the lift line
18) If the loading at point "D" is increased from 2 Kips to 8 Kips, what would breaks. What is the estimated load on the
the reaction be at RH? line when it breaks?
A.) RH = 10 kips A.) 24,5051bs
B.) RH = 8 kips B.) 95,000 Ibs
C.) RH =5 kips C.) 128,6501bs
D.) RH = 2 kips D.) 153,1521bs
19) Which of the following truss members could be replaced with a cable and a
~ ....
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
23) Which of the following correctly illustrates the load radius of the lattice A microprocessor controlled multi-station elevator system detects an
boom crane shown below? unbalance condition on a cargo elevator and applies emergency braking. The
A.) Center of load to center of rotation rate of travel is 50 feet per second and the hoist will stop during a
B.) Center of load to remote tipping point malfunction in .5 seconds. What stress is placed on the single wire rope used
C.) Remote edge of load to remote tipping point to raise and lower the elevator during a malfunction, which, with cargo,
D.) Center of load to closest tipping point weighs 1.5 tons?
A.) 9,0001bs
B.) 12,3201bs
C.) 11 tons
Safety requirements for the general public require a use zone of 6 feet to
surround stationary playground equipment. What are the minimum
measurements for the placement of monkey bars that are 7 feet tall and have
an 8 foot x 6 foot footprint?
Radius A.) 8 feet x 6 feet
Safety requirements for the general public require a use zone of 6 feet to
surround stationary playground equipment. If a second set of monkey bars
were to be placed with the 8 foot sides facing each other, the minimum area
needed would be _ _ _ _'
A.) 8 feet x 18 feet
lIf~g!I"""~"""""",, ____________
27) A motor vehicle carrying hazardous materials was required to apply all Modifications to the operations would allow a push with 42 pounds of force.
wheel brakes and make an emergency stop on a straight, level section of Consider an additional 10% of the rolling friction is required for starting.
interstate highway. The area was under construction and posted at 45 MPH. What weight could be carried in the "B" carts when pushed by employees?
The investigating official measured the average skid mark as 232 feet. A.) 144lbs
Assuming a coefficient of friction of .66 (dry asphalt), approximately what B.) 158lbs
speed was the vehicle traveling prior to the emergency stop? C.) 213lbs
A.) 50MPH
D.) 245lbs
B.) 60MPH
C.) 70MPH
D.) 80MPH
You have just received a report on the percentage of your workforce affected
by a chemical's toxicity. The toxic effects criteria are defined as a function
of concentration (C) and time (T), which yields dose (d) or d = C x T. Toxic
28) A pallet that weighs 100 kilograms falls off of a K-Ioader when the locks doses are as indicated below. If your workforce is exposed to a release of
fail. It lands flat and level on the tarmac and skids 30 meters before it come Gas Z for 30 minutes, what is the predicted minimum concentration that will
to rest. What was the approximate speed of the k-Ioader in KPH at the time cause fatalities in 50% of your personnel?
the pallet fell? (assume the coefficient of friction between the pallet and LTLso 50% population mortality
tarmac is 0.53.) LTLos 5% population mortality
A.) 22 KPH TLso 50% population irreversible effects
B.) 45 KPH
C.) 64KPH Gas Exponent LTLso LTLos TLso TLV STEL
D.) 75 KPH X (C}l·f)(T) 1.52 x lOll 4.05 X 1010 1.32 X 109 100 150
Y (C)l.O)(T) 3.77 x 104 1.66 X 10) 5.31 X 103 150 225
Z (C)L.)u(T) 3.4 x lOIS 1.7 X lOIS 1.6 X lOIS 10 15
29) Your plant manufactures electronic parts. These parts are moved throughout
the plant using two types of four wheel handcarts, type "A" which weigh 65 A.) 63 ppm
pounds and type "B" which weigh 105 pounds. The coefficient of friction B.) 3171 ppm
for both carts is 0.12. What weight can be carried in the "A" cart with a 22 C.) 733 ppm
pound pushing force? D.) 663 ppm
A.) 167lbs
B.) 118lbs
C.) 135 lbs
D.) 15lbs
Math and Physics Review Answers
We selected answer A because:
40x + 10 ( ~ ) x = 462
40x + 15x =462
Normal air contains 21 % oxygen by volume. The vessel only contains 70%
The atomic weight of sulfur is 32, which means that one mole of sulfur
weighs 32 grams. So 22 grams divided by 32 = 0.68 moles of sulfur.
tan A=~
b= _a Q=A V
tan A
900 A
tan 36
. b=1239 ft
-; 7) We selected answer D because:
The Weight density of water is 62.4 lbs/fe. To convert to inch per foot of V= 3500
rise you must divide by 144 (square inches in a foot). This equals about 0.349
0.433 psi per foot of water.
V =10,029
8) We selected answer C because:
The gasoline weighs .68 times as much as water. 400 pounds of water is We selected answer A because:
about 48 gallons divided by .68 equals 70.5 gallons of gasoline.
9) We selected answer B because: 2
V=n:d Xh
Step 1: Determining capacity v = 4005 x ..).60
in cubic feet
3.14x(32)2 x 22 =17,693euft
V= 4 V =4005x.77459
p v--~
_ 250 lei
A= ~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~ lCi _ 1Ci =0.071Ci
= e 2~64j - 14.08
891x1.5 4 e
An alternate solution would be to plug and chug the answers into the Probability is the number of fork truck accidents divided by the number of
formula total accidents.
...... ..
~ , .,. ... ..... ..,.~--.
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
17) We selected answer A because: 2: Solve for the external reactions. Taking moments about point H and
solving for RA we get.
The truss is a simple skeletal structure. In design theory, the individual
members of a simple truss are only subject to tension and compression
forces and not bending forces. 2:M H =O
Thus, for the most part, all beams in a truss bridge are straight. Trusses are (lx3)+(2x6)+(1x9)-(R Ax12) 0
comprised of many small beams that together can support a large amount of
weight and span great distances. In most cases the design, fabrication, and (3) + (12)+ (9)== 12 RA
erection of trusses is relatively simple. However, once assembled trusses
take up a greater amount of space and, in more complex structures, can serve
• as a distraction to drivers. RA == 24 ==2 Kips i
symmetrical it
appears obvious the
reactions must be
equal. However, 2+R H -1-2-1=0
solving for RH we
3fl 3ft 3ft 3ft RH =2 Kips t
the Truss.
Load radius of mobile cranes is measured from the center of rotation to the
much water 337 800xdepth load hook. Selection "A" offers a measurement to the center of the load,
which may not always be correct, however it is the best selection available.
Note: The center of the load may not always be the center of gravity, which
337 ft3 = 0.42 ft is where the load blocklhook should be located.
800ft 3
The six foot "use zone" is a requirement from the American Society for From ASTM F1487, 9.2.3, two play structures exceeding 30 inches in height
Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard F1487, Playground Equipment for must be separated by a use zone of 9 feet (l08 in.). As can be seen in the
Public Use. A portion of this standard is reprinted below: figure, if the structures are separated by 9 feet and surrounded by a 6 foot
9.2 Stationary Play Equipment -- Stationary play equipment may be free-standing safety zone, it would add 12 feet to the length and 21 feet to the width (20' x
structures, may be in combination with other play equipment, or may be part(s) of a 33').
composite play structure.
9.2.1 The use zone for stationary play equipment shall extend no less than 72 in. (1830 6
mm) from all sides of the play structure. 6 8 6
.... I
9.2.2 The use zones for two or more stationary play structures that are not physically
attached but are play-functionally linked shall be determined as if the separate equipment
f'.. /
were parts of a composite play structure. 1"- /
9.2.3 The use zones of two stationary pieces of equipment that are positioned adjacent to
V "-
one another may overlap if the adjacent designated play surfaces of each structure are no
more than 30 in. (760 mm) above the protective surface (that is, they may be located a
V ~
minimum distance of 72 in. (1830 mm) apart). If adjacent designated play surfaces on
either structure exceed a height of 30 in. (760 mm), the minimum distance between the
structures should be 108 in. (2740 mm).
As can be seen in the figure, if the monkey bars are surrounded by a 6 foot safety
zone, it would add 12 feet to each footprint dimension.
6 i'.. /
6 6 "- /
/ .......
V "-
Jl = V~PH
Step 5: Multiply the givens X1.47
Y=68MPH 2Sg
. and simplify
Jl = VMPH x 2.15
Note: Acceleration of
Note: This formula is not given in the formula sheet provided by the BCSP on gravity is 32.2 ftls 2 64.4xS
examination day. It must be derived from the series of formulas shown on V2
the next few pages, which are given. 30xS
a = 2S yields F = 2Sg
V MPH = .,j30xSxJl
squared + by 2 times
Step 7: This formula is
known as the locked wheel VMPH = -j30xSx J.l
skid mark formula and can or
be shown in either format.
Step 3: F is substituted
note that N = W on a level
y2 V MPH = 5.5-JSx J.l
surface which allows W to [ F = WV2
Note: If you do the conversions to make Velocity in KPH and the S in meters, the
conversion number is 255 instead of 30.
~,,""''.JJI'T.SI<,._.,"''',,_, __.__
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
Note: The fonnula can be used for various physics problems involved with detennining 42 38.2=0.12xN
the velocity of moving objects when the coefficient of friction is known. X=-=38.21bs
N = 38.2 =318
28) We selected answer C because: 0.12
.. <
VMilesPH =~30 X S X f.1 N =318 - 105 = 213 Ibs
Force to move the cart = the force of friction times the weight of the cart
plus the load. 25 3.4x108 == 11,333,333
C . == 30
2</C 2.5 = 2</11,333,333
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
The fonnulas shown here are the same as those you will be provided in the fonnula
book provided at the test. They are shown here in several fonns to assist you in
solving for the various unknowns. However, you must be able to perfonn these
transpositions, without assistance, on the actual examination.
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
plant. How much money should you invest at 10% to have the required 6) What is the lump sum of money required now to avoid an annual end-of
amount when needed?
year expense of $2,000 for 7 years with interest at 11.25%?
A) $310,789 A) $8741
B) $300,526 B) $9456
C) $287,565 C) $9122
D) $293,824 D) $9349
3) It is anticipated that in 5 years from now you will need a new piece of
4) You are proposing to replace an old piece of equipment with a newer model,
A) $5872
because you are having a high accident rate on the old equipment. The
B) $5761
useful life of the new equipment is 10 years and the annual cost of the
C) $5963
accidents averages $1,000 per year. Considering only the cost of accidents
D) $6020
and that the annual rate for monies is 8%, what is the maximum investment
above the cost of the new equipment that would justify the purchase?
A) $6652
B) $7265
C) $6710
D) $6842
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
8) Your company needs a shimshot machine. After searching you find two
Engineering Economy Answers
options. First, you can lease the machine for 10 years at $1,500 per year.
Second, you can buy the machine for $10,000 with a maintenance agreement I) If $1 ,000 is invested in an investment account paying 8% interest. How
that costs $500 per year. After 10 years, you can sell the machine as scrap much will be accumulated in the account at the end of 10 years?
for $5,000. Assuming the value of money will be 15% for the ten years, is
buying or leasing the better option?
i=.08 0=10 P=$l,OOO ?
A) $7634
B) $7389
C) $7528
D) $7495
F P(1+it
9) If the $500 per year maintenance agreement was required for leasing, as well F= 1,000 (1 +.08)10
as buying the shimshot machine, which would be the better option (buying
or leasing) and what would be the percentage saved?
A) Buying 13.21 %
B) Leasing 12.31 %
C) Buying 11.45%
plant. How much money should you invest at 10% to have the required
i .1 0 n = 3 F =$400,000 P =?
P F (I+itn
P =400,000 x (
Keystrokes for the TI-30X lIS calculator: 400 000 x 1/1.10/\ 3 =300,526
3) It is anticipated that in 5 years from now you will need a new piece of
instrumentation. Assuming that the device can be purchased for $30,000 5) What is the uniform annual payment that will amortize a loan of $400,000
and that money is worth 15%, how much must be deposited yearly in an in 8 years with a 14% interest rate?
investment account to have the required amount?
i=.14 n=8 P=$400,OOO A=?
i =.15 n 5 F = $30,000 A = ?
A=F CI+ii)"_IJ
• 8
A 400,ooox(.14 x 1.14 J=$86,228
A = 30,000 x ( .15 5 J $4,449
(1+.15) -1
On the TI-30X lIS calculator: 400 000 x (.14 X 1.14 A8) I (1.l4 A8 -1) = 86,228
1(1 +i)"
P=I,OOOX( (1+.08)10- 1 ]
.08x(1 + .08i o =$6,710 On the TI-30X lIS: 2000 x (1.1125 A7-1) I (.1125 x 1.1125 A7) = 9,349
Keystrokes for the TI-30XIIS: 1 000 x (1.08 A 10-1) 1(.08 x 1.08 A10)=6,710
••I. . . . . . . . . . . . .- -
Step 2: Calculate the present value of the maintenance agreement expense. Step 4: Calculate the present expense of buying the machine by adding the
present value of maintenance costs and subtracting the present value of revenue
for selling the machine as scrap in ten years.
i 0.15 n = lOA = $500 P ?
Pbuy = Pprice + Pmaint - Pscrap
Pbuy =$11,273
" P =500X[ (1.15)10_ 1 ]
maint .15x(1.15)JO =$2,509
As can be seen from the calculations, it would be cheaper to lease the
On the TI-30X lIS: 500 X (LIS" 10 - I) I (.15 X LIS" 10) = 2,509 9) If the $500 per year maintenance agreement was required for leasing, as
well as buying the shimshot machine, which would be the better option
(buying or leasing) and what would be the percentage saved?
Step 3: Calculate the present value of selling the machine for scrap in 10 years.
The cost to buy the machine remains the same as in the previous question at
$11,273. Using our answers from the previous question:
i=0.15 n=IO F $5,000 P=?
Step 1: Calculate the cost of leasing the machine by adding the present value of
maintenance costs to the present value of leasing the machine.
Pscrap = F [I + it"
P = Please + P maint
Pscrap = 5,000 x [1.15ro=$1,236
On the TI-30X lIS: 5000 X 1.15" -10 = 1,236 P =7,528 + 2,509 =$10,037
11 ,273 -10,037 xl 00
%saved = 10,037
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
%saved = 12.31 %
The "nonnal" curve has a single peak (bell shaped). The two tails extend
indefinitely, never touching the horizontal axis. The mean is represented by the
symbol X-BAR. The mean lies in the center. The median is the middle value of
the series. The number that occurs most often is called the mode. The standard
deviation is represented by the Greek letter sigma "0" or the small letter "s". No
matter what the value of the mean and the standard deviation, the area under the
curve is 1.00.
Decision Theory
The general procedure in decision theory is to state a hypothesis and then evaluate
against a model distribution that approximates the data available. If we reject a
hypothesis when it should have been accepted, we have committed a Type I error.
If we accept a hypothesis when it should have been rejected we have committed a
Type II error. When testing a hypothesis the confidence level or significance level 1. State the hypothesis. "This test was conducted with a fair coin"
indicates the probability of the test being in error. The following example defines
the process. Ho Accept the hypothesis if the number of heads in 100 tosses of the coin in
question is between 40 and 60. Otherwise reject.
If we wished to test a coin to see if it was fair. We could conduct a test and then
compare the results with known data. The dispersion of heads and tails obtained 2. Specify the level of significance. In this case we picked 95%, which
when tossing a known fair coin follows this standard distribution: indicates a 5% chance of the hypotheses being rejected. Most confidence
- testing is conducted at the 95% or 99% levels of confidence.
/ I \
heads in 100 tosses would indicate within a 95% confidence that the coin
was fair. A result outside of this 40 to 60 range would force us to reject the
hypothesis. We would say that this result differed significantly from what
would be expected if the hypothesis were true. The probability for a Type I
error would be 5%. We would reject at the 5% significance level.
Assuming that we can accept a 95% confidence that the coin used in our test is fair,
the next step is to establish a zone of acceptance and rejection. Since we know that If one wished to be quite confident that they were not rejecting a possible fair coin,
approximately 95% of the values in a standard distribution will be within about + the confidence level could be increased to 99% or about + or - 2.4 standard
or - 2 standard deviations from the mean. We can develop the following model. deviations. The model would then appear as follows.
0=5 0=5
For example, if one obtained 63 heads in 100 tosses of a coin the coin would be
rejected at the 1% significance level. We would be 99% confident in the results of
This model indicates that with 100 tosses of a fair coin, a head would be observed the test. There would still remain however, a 1% chance that we could be making a
40 to 60 times. Type I error (rejecting a fair coin). So, in this case, we would reject at the 1%
significance level. This is very confusing terminology since a more significant test
corresponds to a lower significance level.
In practice, the significant level of 0.05 or 0.01 is used, however other values can
be selected. If you use the 0.05 level, then there are 5 chances out of 100 that the Formula
hypothesis would be rejected when it should be accepted or there is a 95%
confidence level that the hypothesis is correct.
s= ~L(X2) WHERE (x = X - X)
Statistic Sample Problems n-l
1. Given the following numbers 10, 10, 15,25,35 compute the (sample)
standard deviation.
Note: To solve this problem without the use of the stat function on our calculator n-l
we must build a table and then apply the formula .
s= ~ 4701 =10.839
X X X-X (X_X)2
10 19 -9 81
10 19 -9 81
Note: Most modern scientific calculators perform statistical functions. I
15 19 -4 16 recommend you learn to do standard deviation calculations on your calculator
25 19 6 36 prior to the exam. You will save yourself some time and avoid the possibility of
35 19 16 256
IX=95 I(X_X)2=470
On the TI 30X lIS: Set to STAT Mode then select I-VAR and enter: Press
DATA Xt=lO down arrow FRQ=1 down arrow X2=10 down arrow FRQ=1
down arrow X3=15 down arrow FRQ=1 down arrow ~=25 down arrow
FRQ=1 down arrow Xs=35 down arrow FRQ=1 down arrow, then press
STA TVA T select Sx = 10.839
2. What is the standard deviation of the following complete set of data points?
100 ppm, 124 ppm, 115 ppm, 93 ppm, 85 ppm, 102 ppm, 109 ppm, 111
ppm, 114 ppm, 102 ppm, 104 ppm.
cr = ~'f.~') WHERE (x = X - X)
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SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
3. Calculate the sample standard deviation of the following X - X values: Often in statistical work the coefficient of variance (CV) is used to describe the
relationship between the standard deviation and the mean of the distribution.
3.8,0.8, -0.2, -1.2, -3.2
• -0.2 0.04
Which of the following exposures has a wider distribution:
CV = 100a CV = looa
CV=8.89 CV=6.67
The data with a lower CV is more tightly clustered around its mean. Therefore, the
data with a CV = 8.89 would have the wider distribution.
Calculating "z" scores to detennine the percentile and the area under the curve 4. We selected answer B because:
4. The data shown in this chart depicts the reliability data for failure of a X-f.1
critical component in a subsystem assembly. Assuming the data follows a (J
A.) 99.9%
0.09 I
B.) 94.5% Z=
~ 0.07 250
C.) 87.7% '! 0.06
D.) 82.5%
"'CI 0.05
~'" 0.01 Area under the curve; 1.6 = 0.4452
Pf =94.5%
side to 1.6 standard deviations on the other o
side of the mean. Z = standard deviation
and X-bar = mean. This is the area we are looking for.
Table of the Nonnal Distribution (BCSP fonnu1a sheet) 5. What is the probability of the component failing if operated until 1400
z o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1.5 .4332
1.6 .4452 .4463 .4474 .4484 .4495 .4505 .4515 .4525 .4535 .4545
B.) about 8.33%
400 =-1.6
z= 250
0.5 + 0.4452 =0.9452 Note: Tables for the nonnal distribution can be found in the BCSP Examination
Reference Handout.
6. What is the overall probability of the component failing between 1600 and
This time we are looking for the area x 2,000 hours.
under the curve from the beginning of
the curve on the extreme left side to A.) 33.3%
1.6 .4452 1.4463 I .4474 1.4484 I .4495 1.4505 1.4 .4525 1.4535 I .4545 2000-1800 1600-1800
z=---- z=---
250 250
Table of the Normal Distribution (BCSP formula sheet) Step 3: Subtract from 1 to find the x
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 small area of the curve.
2.3 .4893 .4896 .4898 .4901 .4904 .4906 .4909 .4911 .4913 .4916
2.4 .4918 .4920 .4922 .4925 .4927 .4929
1-.9918=.0082 From the table
.4931 .4932 .4934 .4936 2.4 0.4918
from the X -bar to a Z of
From the table
Alternately, like some problems presented earlier you could have simply
2.4 =0.4918 subtracted the table value for 2.4, that is, 0.4918 from 0.5, with the same
8. You passed the CSP exam (of course) with a score of 139. The mean was Coefficient of Correlation
115 and the standard deviation was 15.8. If 300 people took the exam, how The CSP examinations have traditionally required examinees to compute one of
many scored higher than you? two different types of coefficient of correlation. The Pearson - Product Moment
Coefficient of Correlation (r), which is explained in this workbook, or the
A.) 38
Spearman - Rank Order Coefficient of Correlation (p), which is explained in the
B.) 19
Candidate Examination Guide obtained from the BCSP. Although, the
C.) 6
calculations are demonstrated on the following pages you are advised to learn how
D.) 169
to solve these problems using the "stat" functions on your calculator. As with the
standard deviation calculations, there are just too many steps required to do this
8. We selected answer B because: type of calculation by building tables and applying the formula.
~iep 1. Calculate Z score X-JI 9. Which of the following coefficient of correlation best describes the
z= relationships shown in this chart?
A.) + .90
B.) ,90
--.- ·~-i...
15.8 C.) + .05 30
D.) .05 25
...... . .
. - . ~ -... '.
. .":1:."
'.. ).ow:. . -.
-. I
. ..• ••••
• • ... 1
' ....
Step 3. Add .5 for left side of curve
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
The two sets of data are
D.) 0.72
inversely related. The only selection that offers a strong negative correlation
is liB". If the data had a strong positive correlation, it could be represented
by the chart shown here. In which case selection "A" would be the best Supervisor Hours Scores H Supervisor Hours Scores
choice. Answer "C" & "D" show almost no correlation and the scatter -
diagram depicting that condition would show a very random pattern. A 124 75 G 16 71
B 23 83 H 15 68
C 19.5 98 I 14.5 59
D 18 80 J 14 62
E 17 74 K 13.5 70
F 1 16.5 69 L 10 54
N L(XY) - (L X)(LY)
10. We selected answer D because: Step 2: Apply the formula. r=t=========~========
~N L(X 2) - (LX)2 ~N L(y2) - (L y)2
Step 1: Build a table
Hint: Most scientific calculators
Supervisor X Y X2 y2 XY have a "stat" function, which
will allow you to compute 12 (14,821)- (201)(863)
A 24 75 576.00 5,625.00 1,800.00 r=~========~r==========
B.) 0.943
30 [························••·••••••••••···•··... ·1 ,
25 ....................................." ~
6 (3,450) - (135)(135)
~6 (3,475) - (135)2 ~6 (3,475) - (135)2
• 20t··..•·•·••..•••··•..•·..··.. 1
15 I"'''''''''! ·
10 I..........l ........,
··· .... · 20,700-18,225
5 ··· ... · -.)20,850 -18,225 -.)20,850 -18,225
·· . ·
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Step 1: Build a table Hint: Most scientific calculators have a "stat" function, which will allow you to
compute coefficient of correlation with a single key stroke, after entering the
y2 individual data points. Consult your calculator instruction book.
x Y X2 XY
35 35 1,225.00 1,225.00 1,225.00
On the TI 30X lIS: Set to STAT Mode then select 2-VAR and enter:
30 30 900.00 900.00 900.00
Press DATA X 1=35 down arrow Y 1=35 down arrow X2=30 down
25 25 625.00 625.00 625.00 arrow Y2=30 down arrow X3=25 down arrow Y3=25 down arrow
20 20 400.00 400.00 400.00 Xt=20 down arrow Y4=20 down arrow X5= 15 down arrow Y5=10
down arrow, ~=1 0 down arrow Y6=15, then press STATVAT, select
15 10 225.00 100.00 150.00
r= 0.943.
10 15 100.00 225.00 150.00
13. As a consultant you have been given the task of investigating the safety at a
Probability calculations involving the Poisson Distribution
dangerous intersection. Police reports indicate that there are an average of 5
accidents per month. Your employer tells you to develop an action report to
12. Your supervisor has asked you to calculate statistics on the accidents at one
change the intersection if the probability of more than three accidents is .65
of your plants. The safety technician at the plant indicates that the total
or greater. What is the probability that there will be more than three
average number of accidents that occur during a given month is 5. What is
accidents at the intersection this month?
the probability that there will be exactly four accidents in the upcoming
month? A.) .26502 Develop report
B.) .26502 Take action
A.) .0067 C.) .73498 Develop report
B.) .0033 D.) .73498 Take no action
C.) .0842
•"" D.) .1755
P (r) = e-U{At y In order to solve this problem we must calculate the probability of 0, 1, 2, 3,
The value of "t" in this problem is 1. r1 accidents occurring, add these together, and then subtract from 1. The value
of "t" in this problem is 1.
e5 54
Note: Find the probability of P4 =
"exactly" four accidents alerts us to use e'5 50
P =-=0.00674 P = e'5 51 = 0.03369
the Poisson distribution. P =(0.00674) x (625) o O! ) l!
4 4x3x2xl
P = e- 52 = 0.08422 p = e'5 53 =0.14037
= 4.2125 0.1755 2 2! 3 3!
Select basic f~ihula and solve
14. You have a machine in your shop that has gone out of service unexpectedly
12 times in the last two years. What is the probability that the machine will The "t" test is used to
difference between a
C.) 50%
chance. The "t"
traditionally used
.. AI
t distribution - has higher tails and a lower mean than the nonnal distribution
PIT) - (ILt)'e- using the "t"
as the degrees of freedom increase, it approaches the nonnal distribution.
distribution the
failures happened in 24 months, then for two months we would expect one
failure or A = 1. The "t" distribution uses the tails of the normal distribution .
Rate (r) to solve for is "0". The "t" distribution is lower at the mean and higher at the tails than the normal
P(0) (It e- - 37
The procedure for solving "t" distribution is as follows:
1. State a hypothesis, designate it Ho 4. Test the decision from the sample
I study.
2. State the alternate hypothesis, 5. Decide on the statistical hypothesis
designate it as HI to be tested.
3. Specify the level of significance. 6. The results are used to accept or
reject the hypothesis.
I/o The mean is equal to 19,000 lbs. The manufacturer's claim is correct.
NJ p--7 0.750 0.90 0.95 0.99
2. State the alternate hypothesis. 1 1.0 3.078 6.314 31.82
5 0.727 1.476 2.015 3.365
HI The mean is less than 19,000 lbs. The manufacturer's claim is not correct.
3. Specify the level of significance. In this case 99%. Which indicates a 1% 10 0.700 1.372 1.812 2.764 , , '
chance of the null hypotheses being rejected. 15 0.691 1.341 1.753 2.602
4&5. Test the decision from the sample study by computing the value of the t-test
and rejecting if greater than table value:
t = 2.764
t " x
= X-fl JD
t= 750 xJlQ
-1,250 x3.16=-5.27
t= 750
16. Accident costs and probability in for the past year are reflected in the
following table. What is the expected value of accident costs?
5.27 A.) $6,000
B.) $11,500 Accident Costs Probability
C.) $9,000 0 .1
D.) $0
,-~ ~~-~~
$5,000 .5
Reject ~~
. $10,000 .3
f-~~ ~-~
All calculated values for the t-distribution are read positive, thus the -5.27 $15,000 .4 i,\~,1~>\
calculated becomes 5.27. The calculated value of 5.27 is outside the table
value of 2.764 so reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative
hypothesis. That is, 99% of the time the calculated value should be 2.764 or
Note: Tables for this distribution can be found in the Examination Reference 16. We selected answer B because:
Handout distributed by the BCSP and will be provided by the testing service at the
site of your CSP examination. The expected value of accident costs is the sum of the costs times the
probability of each occurrence.
If we reject a hypothesis when it should be accepted, a Type I error has been made.
The 99% confidence used in this example indicates that we have a 1 % chance of Accident Cost Probability Expected Losses
making a Type I error. That is, rejecting the manufacturer's claim when it is in fact
true. Another way of saying this is, "we had a 1% chance of being wrong in our
rejection of the manufacturer's claim".
= $ °
$ 2,500
$10,000 x .3 = $ 3,000
$15,000 x .4 $ 6,000
Software analysts are able to predict software errors using selected statistical
models. The following information estimates error rates versus project
development phases of a system.
Type I
:-~ \
Phase Errors/l00 Object Instructions
ValidationlAcceptance 0.597
Integration 0.899
Operational Demo 0.234
PerOp Exercise 0.433
If you have 2.163 errors per 400 instructions. then you have approximately 1
error per 200 instructions.
Chemistry In order for an equation to be balanced, an equal number of each kind of atom has to
be present on each side of the equation. The number of atoms is found by
Chemical Equations multiplying the coefficient times the subscript. Balancing is always accomplished by
inserting proper coefficients. The coefficients must always be whole numbers. Piece
To balance equations, one must be certain the equation has the same number of of cake, right?
atoms of each kind on both sides of the arrow. An equation must be balanced in order
to satisfy the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MATTER, which states, "matter
H2 + 02 - - - - -..
~ H20
can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction".
1 x 2 ::2H lx2=20 1 x 2 = 2H 1 x 1 = 10
Chemical reactions are "rearrangements" or "reshuffling" of atoms, but no new atoms subscript x coefficient subscript x coefficient subscript x coefficient
This equation is balanced because on each side of the arrow there are one carbon and Hz + 02 • 2H20
two oxygen atoms. What has changed is the way they are hooked together. Large
1 x 2 =2H 1 x 2 = 20 2 x 2 =4H 2 x 1 =20
numbers in front of the symbols are coefficients. The small numbers after the
subscript x coefficient subscript x coefficient SUbscript x coefficient
2H2~t ~
_, __, r":""l r - ; ' ' - ~ "":0-. "
_: ,--, ,''l'r
':'> !II
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
Now there are two oxygen on each side of the equation, but the hydrogen balance is
upset. To correct this we put a 2 before H2 : Are the following equations balanced?
UNBALANCED If you are still confused, better review again. Chances are excellent that you will see
three or four more of these "balance the equation" questions!
CaC03 + HCI - - - - - - - . . . CaCl2 + CO2 + H20
Left Side 1 I 3 1 1 Right Side 1 1 3 2 2
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
I Key
Actinium Ac 227 Mercury Hg
H 2A
Atomic Number
Mendelevium Md 258
Task 1
1. Mathematics and statistics
2. Qualitative, quantitative, deductive, and inductive risk assessment
Identify and characterize hazards, threats, and vulnerabilities using equipment
and field observation methods in order to evaluate safety, health,
I2.Intemet resources
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Task 4
Research applicable laws, regulations, consensus standards, best practices, and
published literature using internal and external resources to develop
benchmarks for assessing an organization's safety, health, environmental, and
security performance and to support the evaluation of safety, health,
environmental, and security risk.
Knowledge Areas
professional interacts
8. Internet resources
Collecting Environmental, Health, Safety And Security Risk Information 5) In accordance with 49 CFR part 391, at what alcohol level will a
"Questions" commercial driver be disqualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle?
I) When testing for chromium (VI) using the Biological Exposure Indices A.) .01
(BEIs), what determinate do you test for? B.) .02
A.) chromium in the urine
C.) .03
B.) chromium in the blood
D.) .04
C.) mandelic acid in the urine
?) Which of the following provides the best fire protection policy for B.) Open Ended
building as possible
B.) Fire bottles should be available on all floors 7) Loss reduction means any action which reduces the losses incurred. The
C.) The Fire Marshal should make monthly visits to all areas of reduction may be by decrease of the physical destruction (e.g. as by
construction or demolition reducing the amount of material burned or the number of individuals
D.) A fire watch should be hired as soon as debris starts to injured) or by reducing the operational loss from a given amount of
accumulate destruction (e.g. by having stand by equipment or more effective medical
care for the injured). Which of the following is not considered loss
3) Which of the following is not a reason that people resist change? A.) Having a CPR-First Aid person on each work team
A.) Fear of the unknown
B.) By installing a modernized fire suppression system
B.) False confidence
C.) By doing emergency planning for possible scenarios
C.) Loss of face
D.) By storing back up files at an off site location
D.) Lack of purpose
10) Catastrophe insurance for the insurers is most closely related to which of 15) Which of the following is not a safety precaution normally associated
the following? with the use of the chemical acrylonitrile (AN)?
Disaster Liability
Goggles anytime possibility of contact exists
Must protect against skin contact (a NIOSH occupational
Chromium (VI) and you have begun testing these employees at the end of
the work shift on Fridays. Where should you file the test results?
17) What is the primary function of a loss control system?
A.) on your computer A.) Assess risk, establish effective risk control measures,
B.) in your file cabinet eliminate risk
24) An employee was injured on the job and had lost workdays associated 28) Which of the following is characteristic of a root eause of an incident?
with the injury. When he returned to work, he was physically unable to
perform his previous job. He was given another job at less pay. The A.) Human error
legal doctrine that would keep the employee for suing the employer is? B.) A management system problem
C.) An error made by a manager or supervisor
A.) Exclusive Remedy
D.) Intentional unsafe act made by an employee or work team
B.) Gross Negligence
C.) Tort
29) You make a visit to a company to price a piece of air sampling
D.) Special Damage
equipment, however at the time of the visit, no purchase agreement is
made. Later the company mails you a proposed contract for the
equipment and states that the offer is valid until July 1 and that
25) Which of the following would best relate to the term "privity"? acceptance will be the contract signed and returned by US Mail. On June
-: A.) Group Negligence
15, you fax a copy of the signed contract to the company. Is there a valid
B.) Term Insurance
C.) A direct relationship
A.) Yes, an offer was made and accepted.
D.) Failure to exercise care
B.) Yes, a fax can be used in lieu of the US Mail
C.) Yes, an offer was made and accepted before July 1
D.) No, the acceptance was not as stated in the offer
26) A determination of the extent to which program operations have
contributed to achieving an objective related to accident or injury 30) With the growing concern over litigation involving improper use of
reduction is called a? products, warning labels are becoming an integral part of the
A.) effectiveness evaluation
manufacturing process. The labels are intended to warn users about the
B.) general evaluation
potential hazards of the product and may warn against improper use.
C.) procedural evaluation
Which of the following fundamental legal principles is involved in not
D.) administrative evaluation
labeling a large blade, hunting knife?
A.) Res ipsa loquitur
27) Which of the following is first item to be analyzed when implementing a C.) Foreseeability
D.) The jobs exposing the most workers B.) Strict liability
C.) Privity
A.) The product is a certified electrical device
D.) 6%
37) Some types of gas and vapor sample collectors are based on Fick's Law
B.) The product is a listed on the European Union certified
equipment list. of Diffusion. Based on the formula Q =(DA)t(Ce - Co)/L, the amount of
material collected is?
C.) The product can be exported from the European Union to
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39) The Poisson distribution is used when the occurrences of an event are
small, but the number of cases is large enough to assure a few 43) Which of the following field instruments would be used to measure air
occurrences. velocity in the opening of a paint spray booth?
A.) True
A.) Rotating Vane Anemometer
B.) False
B.) Velometer
40) If mean accidents are 10 and standard deviation is 3, what is the 44) "Any action which reduces the losses incurred" is the definition of?
probability of less than 7 accidents at a location? A.) loss control
• B.) 5%
C.) risk management
C.) 16%
D.) loss reduction
D.) 32%
45) The principle employed in wet collectors type ventilation system air
41) A study method that requires a multidisciplinary team, guided by an filters is to get the dust into direct contact with a liquid. Which of the
experienced leader and uses specific guide words (such as "no", following ventilation wet collector systems uses high velocity air through
"increase", "decrease", "reverse") that are systematically applied to a venturi throat to break up water that is also fed through the throat. The
parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure, flow) to identify the system results in a pressure drop of from 10 to 15 in. wg.?
consequences of deviations (e.g., reduced flow) from design intent for A.) Spray chamber
C.) Wet centrifugal
D.) Venturi-type
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47) Of the areas of product development, manufacture and use, which area is
52) The notion of the "fire triangle" is that an ignition source must come
the most important to ensure that a safe product is placed in the hands of together with both fuel and oxidant, the latter usually being atmospheric
the consumer? oxygen, in order to initiate and sustain a fire. One method used to reduce
A.) Design the possibility of a fire hazard is to use an inert gas to reduce the oxidant
B.) Testing concentration. The most important inerting property of the inert gas is?
C.) Production A.) heat capacity
D.) Maintenance B.) molecular weight
C.) vapor pressure
48) What metal fume hazard may be present when stainless steel is welded?
D.) content of hydrogen
A.) Hexavalent chromium
54) Two sets of sampling data are compared; the coefficient of variation for
51) When completing the initial hazard recognition part of evaluating a new method "A" is 0.09, the coefficient of variation for method "B" is 0.08.
Assuming that the mean for each method is approximately equal, what
process, all the following are questions that should be answered except?
inferences can be made given this data?
A.) what are the raw materials
A.) The data from method A has a smaller chance of error
B.) what intermediate products are formed in the process
B.) Method A was developed from larger database then B
C.) what by-products may be released
C.) The standard deviation is larger for A than B
D.) when should you provide PPE
D.) The data for method A is clustered closer to the mean than
for method B
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55) You have designed a system that you want computerized. You give it to 59) All of the following are required steps to perform chain-of-custody on
the programmer to translate it into a programming language, this is evidence collected during an accident investigation except?
known as?
A.) collect
A.) assembly
B.) track
B.) programming C.) identify
C.) coding D.) log movement
D.) data entry
56) A CIH is involved in a monitoring operation using a Carbon Monoxide 60) is helpful in goal setting while is best
direct reading instrument. The instrument has been reading 35 ppm for 4
utilized in formulating realistic predictions of performance.
hours. Suddenly without any change in the conditions in the plant the
A.) Trend analysis; past history
D.) search engine
A.) Prevent reoccurrence of similar events
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63) The primary benefit of an extranet is to? 66) Your company is having above average incident and accidents at one of
A.) enhance your intranet your locations. You have been instructed to implement action to reduce
B.) allow information to be down loaded thru the internet these rates. What is your first action?
not later cause injury to a user. D.) you do not have enough information to make a valid
B.) A person may be held liable for actions that result in injury
or damage only when he was able to foresee dangers and
C.) A wrongful act or failure to exercise due care for which civil
68) Which of the following is the common language of client/server database
legal action can result.
negligence or fault.
71) Which of the following best describes the use of the Critical Incident A.) A and not-A or A and B equals A and B
Technique method during an incident investigation? B.) A plus not-A and A plus B equals A plus B
C.) A plus A BAR and A plus B equals A plus B
A.) A method to identify mechanical integrity issues in chemical
process equipment D.) A or not-A and A or B equals A or B
B.) An open-ended retrospective method of interviews that
identify the critical aspects of an incident.
75) Immediately following an incident investigation, the investigator prints
C.) A guided discussion as part of pre emergency planning
the digital pictures taken at the scene and makes notes on the pictures
describing the context, orientation of the photographer, lighting. date.
D.) A sampling of human behaviors through observations
time and other information that may be helpful later in the investigation.
What does this process describe?
72) According to the HAZCOM Standard. Material Safety Data Sheets shall
be readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are A.) Chain of custody procedures
in their work area. The most effective way to handle this tasking is to? B.) Spoiled evidence protocols
C.) Forensic quality procedures
A.) Maintain copies of the MSDSs in each work area
D.) Evidentiary preservation regulations
B.) Maintain a central data base of MSDSs
C.) Provide a copy of MSDSs by CDRom
D.) Post the MSDSs on the company local area network
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Col/ecting Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Risk Information 5) We selected answer D because:
1) We selected answer A because: 49 Cf~ part 391.15 (c) (2)(i)(A) Driving a commercial motor vehicle
while a person's alcohol concentration is 0.04% or more.
The test for Chromium (VI) is for the "total chromium in the urine to be
6) We selected answer B because:
conducted at the end of shift at end of workweek."
According to the Root Cause Analysis Handbook, 2005 Edition, to gather
2) We selected answer A because:
data from people, the analyst must be a skilled interviewer. During the
The threat of fire during construction, alteration or demolition projects is interview the interviewer must ask open ended questions that require the
extremely high due to the presence of large quantities of combustible interviewee to respond with a long, descriptive answer
materials and debris and the many ignition sources available from
construction or destruction operations. Additionally, the arson threat is 7) We selected answer D because:
greater during construction than at any other time. The maintenance of an
.. operational fire sprinkler system with adequate water supply is the single
Storing back up files at an off site location would be considered loss
prevention and not loss reduction. Other examples of loss prevention are
most important fire prevention action one can take during these
replacing physical guards on saws, installing GFCIs or performing
operations. Fire sprinklers should be the first system enabled and the last
HAZCOM training. An example of loss reduction would be to equip and
system disabled during construction or demolition.
train a fire brigade.
3) We selected answer B because:
Some of the common reasons that people resist change are: 8) We selected answer B because:
• Fear of the unknown As described in Counter Terrorism for Emergency Responders, 2nd
• Disrupted habits Edition, a chemical explosion, like fire, requires oxidizer, fuel, ignition,
• Loss of confidence and chemical reaction but more importantly it requires confinement of
• Loss of control the oxidizer and fuel. Without confinement, the materials will not
• Poor timing explode; they will merely bum with great intensity.
• Work overload 9) We selected answer C because:
• Loss of face
• Lack of purpose In the Hazardous Materials Desk Reference, it is considered impractical
to coat or clad unprotected steel USTs. Answer choice A, B, & D are
A manager has to realize that sensitivity to change is a key element in the
characteristics of an effective manager. acceptable methods for corrosion protection.
cost of an insured loss and a catastrophic event results in an extremely 12) We selected answer D because:
large number of claims being filed at the same time. This makes it
difficult for catastrophe insurance issuers to effectively manage According to 1910, employee exposure records are part of medical
risk. Reinsurance and retrocession are used along with catastrophe records.
insurance to manage catastrophe risk. Reinsurance (insurance for 1910.1020(c)(5): "Employee exposure record" means a record
insurers) for catastrophic losses allows the insurance industry the ability containing any of the following kinds of information:
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Not all costs and benefits can be converted to quantitative terms, some
may only be expressed in qualitative terms. This can be the most
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A legal doctrine that an employer who is normally immune from tort 26) We selected answer A because:
actions by employees because of workers' compensation laws may be
held liable for additional damages as a party who has committed a An effectiveness evaluation is defined as "a determination of the extent
wrongful or negligent act beyond its role as employer. Example: An to which program operations have contributed to achieving an objective
employee of an aerosol shaving cream manufacturer is injured by an related to accident or injury reduction. It involves (a) determining the
exploding can while handling stock. The manufacturer is liable to the change achieved in accident or injury involvement, (b) relating program
employee under workers' compensation laws, but it may also be held operations to the achieved change and (c) relating the program cost to the
responsible for manufacturing a defective can. The employee then may benefit derived from what the program accomplished.
choose to bring a civil suit, where the potential recovery is greater than
the statutory remedy of workers' compensation. 27) We selected answer C because:
In the NSC Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry:
Special Damages: Special damages are one actually sustained, rather Administration and Programs. 121h Edition, the jobs selected for job
than implied by law. They are either added to general damages arising safety analyses should not be selected at random. The order of analysis
from an act injurious in itself; such as when some particular loss arises should be guided by the following factors.
from the uttering of slanderous words, actionable in themselves; or are • Frequency of incidents
such as arise from an act not actionable in itself, but injurious only in its • Rate of disabling injuries
consequences; such as when the words become actionable only by reason • Severity potential
of special damage ensuing. To constitute special damage, the legal and
• New jobs
natural consequence must arise from the tort - not from a mere wrongful
act of a third person or a remote consequence. 28) We selected answer B because:
25) We selected answer C because: As described in Root Cause Analysis Handbook, An Effective Guide to
Incident Investigation. 2005 Edition, management system problems are
In product safety work Privity is defined as "A direct relationship unifying characteristics of root causes of incidents. Human errors and
between the injured party and the party whose negligence caused an equipment malfunction; are example of causal factors driving root
accident". Early English law held that there could be no negligence causes.
without privity. However, this rule was broken in the U.S. in the early
1900s when Judge Benjamin Cardozo ruled that an automobile 29) We selected answer D because:
manufacturer was liable for an injury accident involving a failed wheel.
The automobile manufacturer based its defense on the privity rule. The To be a valid contract, all requirements outlined in the offer must be
company had sold the car to a dealer, had no contract with the injured completed.
party, and was therefore not liable to the plaintiff. The dealer was not
liable since he had not built the car. The ruling however indicated that
the car manufacturer had a duty to inspect the product sold for defects,
anything less was negligence.
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We selected answer B because: 33) We selected answer D because:
A manufacturer or distributor would not have to label a large blade This is a European marking that states the electrical equipment shall be
hunting knife because the product involves an obvious peril, sometimes (a) safe; (b) constructed in accordance with principles generally
called an obvious hazard that is well known to the public. accepted within the member States as constituting good engineering
practice in relation to safety matters and in particular shall be designed
The term Res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself) is involved in and constructed to ensure that it is safe when connected to the electricity
accidents where the damage producing agent was under the sole control supply system by providing a level of protection against electric shock
of the defendant and the accident would not have happened if the which relies on a combination of insulation and the protective earthing
defendant would have exercised proper control. conductor contained within the electricity supply system or which
Foreseeability involves the liability for actions that a normal person achieves that level of protection by other means; and (c) in conformity
would have known to exist and would have taken precautions to prevent. with the principal elements of the safety objectives for electrical
.• equipment.
Tort is a wrongful act or a failure to exercise due care that results in
damage or injury in the broadest sense. Similar to the UL and FM listing in the United States, the CE marking is
used on many types or products offered for sale in the European Union
31) We selected answer B because: and indicates that that the product conforms to established safety and
Strict liability is the concept whereby the plaintiff need not show health standards though in the European Union. The implication is that
these standards are government-adopted.
negligence or fault to prove liability.
Negligence is the failure to exercise a reasonable amount of care or to 34) We selected answer B because:
carry out a legal duty so that injury or property damage occurs to another.
An example would be you were a landlord and did not provide adequate According to author Dev Raheja in Assurance Technologies, Fault tree
security and the renter was robbed. analysis is a commonly used method for assessing system availability. A
system is analyzed in the context of its work environment and actual
We selected answer C because: operation to find all credible ways in which the system can fail.
DOT regulations require physical examination of any driver who has not 35) We selected answer C because:
been medically examined and certified as physically qualified to operate
a commercial motor vehicle during the preceding 24 months. Any driver
authorized to operate a commercial motor vehicle only within an exempt
intracity zone must be medically examined every 12 months.
Additionally, a driver may be required to be physically examined if
hislher ability to perform their normal duties has been impaired by a
physical or mental injury or disease. (Reference 49 CFR Part 391.43 &
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Loss reduction means any action which reduces the losses incurred. In a Time Division Multiplex system the information is discrete in time,
The reduction may be by decrease of the physical destruction (as by therefore, transmission scheme can provide rest periods between
• reducing the amount of material burned or the number of persons injured) transmissions. This form of multiplexing provides a simpler and cheaper
or by reducing the operational loss from a given amount of destruction form of multiplexing than frequency division multiplexing, however it only
(as having standby equipment or more effective medical care for the accesses one device at a time.
injured). It includes the concepts of loss prevention and control as well
as the concept of risk avoidance-the refusal to accept a given risk. 47) We selected answer A because:
Planning actions are not generally considered part of loss reduction. The According to Willie Hammer in "Product Safety Management and
four steps required in an effective loss control program are problem Engineering", management responsibilities throughout the process is the
identification, selection of corrective measures, implementation and most important, however during the design phase, the designers are the
feedback and control.
most important in producing a safe product.
45) We selected answer D because:
48) We selected answer A because:
As the name implies the Venturi-type is the correct answer. The According to the NSC Accident Prevention Manual for Business and
questions on the CSP examinations about the various wet collector Industry: Since chromium is used in all stainless steel alloys, welding
systems are usually not this friendly and require you to understand the stainless steel can cause fumes of trivalent or hexavalent form of
difference between at least seven types of wet collectors systems chromium to be released into the Wielder's breathing zone.
commonly employed in industry today. We suggest a good review of
this subject in the National Safety Council's Fundamentals of Industrial 49) We selected answer D because:
Hygiene. One of the oldest methods of spray cleaning is spray chambers
which result in a pressure drop of about 2.5 to 6 in. wg. Packed towers The definition of correlation is a statistical technique that measures the
are used by the chemical industry for gas absorption and sometimes for degree of relationship between two variables. It measures the tendency
toxic dusts. They have a pressure drop of only 1.5 to 3.5 in. wg. Wet of one set of data to vary with another set of data. It does not imply a
centrifugals use a combination of centrifugal force and water contact to casual relationship between variables. Two sets of data that has no
capture dust particles. Pressure drop is in the area of 2.5 to 6 in. wg. variation is said to have perfect correlation.
Another type of wet collector is the Orifice type, that has a pressure drop
from 1 to 20 in wg.
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
not life threatening (the IDLH is 1200 ppm) and recalibration should be A bench mark is defined as a standard or point of reference used for
able to be accomplished in fresh air in a very short time. measuring or judging quality, value, efficiency, etc. Bench marking
takes into consideration what is the standard for the industry and
If hydrogen sulfide was present, since it is an interference agent with compares the current status of your company in relation to reference
carbon monoxide sensors, it would cause the CO readings to be incorrect. point or data. Trend analysis is the process of examining past
performance for trends and then using these trends, or tendencies to make
57) We selected answer D because: a prediction of what will take place under certain circumstances (e.g.;
As referenced in by the Center for Chemical Process Safety Guidelines changes, modifications, presumed improvements).
for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 2nd Edition, subject matter experts
familiar with the process and sections of the process being studied are
61) We selected answer C because:
essential. A process hazard analysis leader familiar with the analytical In the book Safety Culture and Effective Safety Management, author
method is important, but it is not essential for the study leader to be Swartz explains that before collecting data and developing a system to
personally familiar with the actual process being studied. collect and manipulate the data, it is essential to define how the data will
be used.
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some means of viewing the contents of nodes (or "pages") and of 64) We selected answer D because:
navigating from one node to another. Netscape Navigator, NCSA The first step you must always take when collecting date is to determine
Mosaic, Lynx, and W3 are examples for !:>rowsers for the World-Wide the use of the data and restrict it to only that use.
or similar means of user authentication, encryption of messages, and the known as "Strict Liability".
use of virtual private networks (VPNs) that tunnel through the public
network. 66) We selected answer A because:
The most common computer networks are peer-to-peer and client/server. You must always base your findings and recommendations on facts, that
Peer-to-peer networks are generally described as having three to five means that your first action should always be to survey the situation and
users (more than that can be confusing), they can share printers, scanners collect the facts that may impact the situation.
and fax machines and generally the workstations have the same
capabilities. Intemets, intranets and extranets were created to permit 67) We selected answer C because:
communications among a variety of users and all systems are built using The sampling instrument is at or near its capabilities and its
TCPIIP protocols, the domain name system and Internet Protocol measurements are suspect at best. The device has detected some level of
addresses are the same on all systems and web browsers and e-mail can the contaminant, however using this information to perform any valid
be used on all of these systems. statistical analysis is not possible. The only real conclusion is that there
is a presence of the contaminant and that it is at or below the detection
Local Area Networks (LANs) are a common means of making limits of the device.
information available to multiple users. They consist of a network
operating system that is specifically designed for transmitting data, 68) We selected answer A because:
communication links are both software and hardware designed to SQL is the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. It is a
facilitate data transfer and ethernet is a LAN technology. standardized application language for relational databases that is used to
enter data into a database, modify data, delete date and retrieve data.
URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator, the global address
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CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. purification. Adsorption, ion exchange, and chromatography are sorption
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used for web processes in which certain adsorbates are selectively transferred from the
publishing. fluid phase to the surface of insoluble, rigid particles suspended in a
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is a file transfer vessel or packed in a column.
NNTP stands for Network News Transfer Protocol and is used to the 70) We selected answer B because:
and technical specifications that enable information to be routed from one
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Assessing Environmental Health Safety and Security Risk 23.Fire prevention, protection, and suppression
This section of the workbook provides questions and answers similar to those 25.Hazardous waste management
on the Comprehensive Practice examination. The following Responsibilities 26.Healthcare safety (including patient safety)
are found on the examination. There are a maximum of 73 questions from 27.Industrial hygiene
Evaluate the risk of injury, illness, environmental harm, and property damage to 31.Mining safety
which the public or an organization is exposed associated with the 32.Multi-employer worksite issues
organization's facilities, products, systems, processes, equipment, and 33.Mutual aid agreements
employees by applying quantitative and qualitative threat, vulnerability, and 34.Physical and chemical characteristics of hazardous materials
36.Product safety
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CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
1) Given a 2 rope sling supporting 20,000 pounds, what is the tension on the
left sling? Sling angle to load is 60 degrees.
A.) 12,333 pounds
B.) 8,754 pounds
C.) 9,967 pounds
D.) 11,547 pounds
2) A 180 pound worker equipped with a fall arrest system slips and falls 6 j
feet. The total arresting force placed on the restraining anchor fixture is 1
900 pounds. How many additional "G" forces did this worker I
. experience?
A.) 1
B.) 2 1
C.) 4 1
D.) 14
3) Determine the required pressure for a fire protection sprinkler with a "K"
factor of 5.6, protecting 120 ft2 with a density of 0.22 gpm per ft2.
p; (~
A.) at least 7 psi
B.) 22.2 psi
C.) 33.3 psi
D.) 11.1 psi
2 x
"The fire protection sprinkler system is made from Schedule 40 black Upt06 4x4 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x6 4 NR - 6
piping ranging from three inch to 1 inch (id= 1.049) at the most remote UptoS 4x4 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x6 4 NR - 2x6
heads. The pipe has a "c" factor of 120 and 12 feet of equivalent length 5 Up to
4x6 4x6 4x6 6x6 6x6 4 SxS 4 2x6
2 to 10 --
between each sprinkler. Density is assigned at 0.178 gpm per ft for an IO
Up to 2 x
Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 occupancy with each sprinkler protecting 120 4x6 4x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 4 SxS 4
12 6
ft2 and a typical "K" factor of 5.8." Upt06 4x4 4x4 4x6 6x6 6x6 4 NR - 3 x
A.) at least 7 psi
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Table C-l.3 8) You need to select shoring material for a trench in Type C soil that is 13
B.) 8x8
Depth C.) 8 x 10
to to Close
t04 to 6 t09
15 12 feet deep and 8 feet wide. The cross braces will be spaced at 10 feet
5 5 2x6
10 12 B.) 6x6
5 10
Up to
8xlO 8xlO 8xlO 8xlO x
12 x C.) 8x8
5 5 2x6
:!i 10 12 D.) 8 x 10
:1» 10 10
:; See
Note 1 10) You need to select shoring material for a trench in Type C soil that is 25
8 x lOx feet deep and 5 feet wide. The cross braces will be spaced at 4 feet
12 x
Upt08 8xlO 8xlO 8xlO 8xlO x 5 5 2x6
12 A.) 8 x 10
10 10
to See B.) 10 x 10
Note 1
Upt06 8xlO 8xlO 8xlO 8xlO x 5
12 x
5 3x6 For the following 4 questions, refer to the following information:
See There are two tank farms on your plant. Tank farm number one contains one
15 Note 1
fuel storage tank 132 feet in diameter and 42 feet high. This tank farm has no
to See
20 Note 1 diking. Tank farm number two is completely diked and contains four fuel
See storage tanks. Tank number one is 100 feet in diameter and 35 feet high. Tank
Note 1 ,- 2 and 3 are 50 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. Tank number four is 40 feet in
Over diameter and 15 feet high. The area enclosed by the diking is 220 feet by 330
See Note 1
* Mixed oak or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 850 pSI. feet.
* Mixed oak or equivalent with a bending strength not less than 850 psi
** Manufactured members of equivalent strength may be substituted for wood.
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11) What is the capacity of the fuel tank located in tank fann number one?
15) A welding shop exhaust has some stationary ductwork that has a 12 inch
A.) 4,300,000 gallons
by 12 inch flanged exhaust duct opening that is fed by a 6 inch circular
B.) 200,000 barrels
duct. If the velocity of airflow measured at the face of the flanged
C.) 3,400,000 gallons
opening is 600 fpm, the velocity of air flowing in the duct is most nearly?
D.) 575,000 gallons
A.) 1,600 fpm
12) What is the required dike capacity for the storage tank located in tank C.) 2,000 fpm
A.) 500,000 cu ft
B.) 575,000 cu ft
16) Your company has purchased a machine that is belt driven. The machine
C.) 600,000 cu ft
may present a serious hazard if the belt is not guarded. The following
" D.) 750,000 cu ft
four situations could contribute to an accident or injury. Which Boolean
expression could result in an injury to the operator?
13) Engineering has proposed a new dike for tank fann number one that is A=The belt guard is not in place
425 feet on each side and 3 feet high. Assuming that this dike meets all B=The belt breaks
the other distance requirements is it acceptable?
C-The belt is broken by an outside source
A.) NO, it is short on capacity by 250,000 gallons D=The belt guard will protect the operator
B.) YES, more than adequate
C.) NO, it is short on capacity by 25,000 gallons A.) . BD+CD
Note: The following information is extracted from NFPA 30 for your D.) (A+B)D+BC
B.) 4 feet
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CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
18) The reliability department has determined that the MTBF (Mean Time 21) During a flow test on a fire supply water system, determining the number
Between Failure) for a computer disk drive is 95,000 hours. What is the of hydrants to flow is important. Most often it is advisable to obtain a
probability that the disk drive will experience at least one failure in the 25% drop from static to residual pressure. Some insurance carriers
first 10 years of operation (87,000 hrs)? recommend a minimum of 15 psi differential. During one water system
A.) 60 % test the flow at 800 gpm reduced the pressure from a no-flow reading of
B.) 40 % 95 psi to 45 psi (a 50 psi drop). Without the use of special hydraulic
C.) 75 % graph paper, what is the approximate pressure with a flow of 400 gpm?
D.) 25 % A.) 12.5 psi
B.) 25 psi
19) Using the information provided in the illustration below, calculate the C.) 70 psi
24) To assess a company's loss control perfonnance, several Key 28) One method of controlling noise is by the use of enclosures. Enclosures
Perfonnance indicators (KPI) are captured and analyzed. One of these is are designed to:
"Number of lost time cases experienced during the past year." This A.) isolate the individual from the noise source
measurement is an example of a: B.) reduce the noise level at the source
A.) Leading indicator
C.) reduce the internal sound pressure build up
B.) Lagging indicator
D.) increase the distance between to source and the receiver
C.) Optional indicator
B.) Good
B.) No, 50% of the LEL
C.) Fair
C.) No, 25% of the LEL
D.) Poor
D.) Yes, 10% over LEL
27) Whenever hazardous waste is being poured, mixed, spread, or othelWise 31) A large walk-in freezer has been leaking 60 cubic feet a day of gaseous
handled, all personnel involved in the operation must have immediate Freon 12. What is the dilution volume required to reach the TLV of 120
access to an internal alarm or emergency communication device. 'The ppm?
system must do all the following except. A.) 3,500 cfm
B.) All employees must be notified by the alarm system C.) 690 cfm
C.) The system must be identified in the evacuation plan D.) 1,800 cfm
32) The vapor from a process tank is being generated at 1.2 cfm. The process 35) When using the formula S == 6 CiEf for gamma emitters, depicted on the
is located in a large room that measures 110 feet by 100 feet by 10 feet. BCSP formula sheet as S== 6CE, ensure that you understand the
Due to a broken fan, the dilution ventilation for this process has been differences between the formulas. What radiation reading would result
reduced to 2,000 cfm. What will the concentration be in the room, after from a unshielded 5 millicurie source of cesium-137 at a distance of one
the process has operated for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes? foot, given an MEV of .662 and a .9 gamma-radiation per second
A.) 28.4 ppm, 78 ppm, 120 ppm
B.) 809 ppm, 2223 ppm, 3,430 ppm
A.) 17.8 Rlhr/lft
33) Your company generates toxic hazardous material on one of the upper
floors of your facility and it has to be moved to the first level for 36) If the disintegration constant (k) of radium is 1.36 x 10- ll sec- I , what is the
disposal. The standard recommends that the least hazardous means of half life of radium?
transporting toxic and hazardous materials must always be used. Which
of the following would be considered the least hazardous? -ln l
T= 2
A.) stairway
B.) dumbwaiter
A.) 1600 yrs
D.) 6 months
34) Lighting, radiation and sound are energy sources that follow the inverse
square rule, which states: "The propagation of energy through space is 37) During an industrial inspection an enclosed parts cleaning operation
inversely proportional to the square of the distance it must travel". using a spray gun is observed. The operation results in one half pint of
Accordingly, if a lighting source has a illumination reading of 500 methylene chloride (MW=84.94 and SG= 1.336) being released each
footcandles at 1 foot, what will the illumination be at 8 feet? hour. You measure concentrations of 60 ppm methylene chloride which
is above the TLV of 50 ppm. How much dilution ventilation is required
A.) 4 footcandles
to lower the concentration to half the TLV? You may assume a K factor
B.) 40 footcandles
of 4.
C.) 80 footcandles
D.) 8 footcandles
A.) 50,710 cfm
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44) When auditing a company's confonnance with ISO 14001 and OHSAS
1800 I management systems, which of the following best provides
The next 3 questions refer to the following information:
minimally acceptable verification that the company is reviewing
proposed or new legal requirements for applicability to the organization?
A.) A document identifying the date of any review of new or
RWL(lbs) = 51 (~) (1-.00751 V-3D/) (.82+ 1~)(1-(D.0032XA) )(FM)(CM)
proposed legal requirements and a statement detennining
B.) A certified letter from an attorney stating that the company Where
complies with all legal requirements H= Horizontal distance of hands from midpoint between the ankles
C.) An e-mail from a legal update review service demonstrating V= Vertical distance of the hand from the floor
that new legal requirements are routinely transmitted to the D= Vertical travel distance between origin and destination
• company A= Angle of asymmetry, the angular displacement of the load from the
D.) A signed consultants report outlining the legal requirements sagittal plane in degrees
45) What characterizes a Class II, Division 2 location (according to the Notes and Modifications:
National Electrical Code)?
H= Must be between 10 and 25 inches
A.) A location where flammable or combustible vapors may be V= Must be between 0 and 70 inches
present in sufficient quantities to be hazardous
V= Is an, absolute value indicating the absolute deviation from 30
B.) A location where combustible dust is nonnally present in
inches ie; if V =36 the absolute value would be 6, likewise if V =
sufficient quantities to be hazardous
24 the absolute value would also be 6.
C.) A location where flammable or combustible vapors are not D= Must be between 10 inches and (70 - V) inches if less than 10
nonnally present, but might be due to abnonnal or periodic inches, D = 10
F= Must be between .2 (one lift every five minutes) and 15 lifts per
D.) A location where combustible dust is not nonnally present minute - duration ranges up to 8 hours
but might be due to abnonnal or periodic operations A= Must be between 00 and 1350 angular displacement
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Coupling Multiplier (CM) 46) The 1991 NIOSH lifting equation is a specialized risk assessment tool. It
has been designed to meet selected lifting related criteria and
Coupling Multiplier
H Coupling Type V < 30 inches
(75 cm)
V ~30 inches
encompasses biomechanical, work physiology and psychophysical
elements in a practical application framework that, if followed, will result
(75 cm)
I :I , Good 1.00 1.00 in a reduced number of work place mishaps. Based on the 1991 NIOSH
Fair 0.95 1.00
lifting formula, what is the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) for the.
following conditions: Weight to be lifted =20 lbs, Distance between
r- J--,
Poor 0.90 0.90
I body and hand grip on the object to be lifted = 24 inches, Vertical
Frequency Multiplier Table (FM) position at the beginning of the lift = 36 inches, Vertical position at end
I Work Duration of lift = 46 inches, Frequency of lift = once every 5 minutes for eight
:51 Hour > 1 but :52 > 2 but :58 hours. Note: Hand coupling is poor and this job requires a twist from the
Lifts/min. Hours Hours
(F)** "eyes front" position of 15°.
V< V~ v< V~ V~
30* 30 30 V<30 A.) 14.81bs
30 30
:5 0.2 1.00 1.00 .95 .95 .85 .85 B.) 16.81bs
T 2
47) What is the Lifting Index for the conditions cited in the question shown
A.) '0.55
B.) 1.35
C.) 0.82
]4 .00 .31 .00 .00 .00 .00 coupling is good and this job does not require any twisting movement.
minutes, set F =.2 lifts/minute.
15 .00 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 A.) 14.0 kg
C.) 13.6 kg
RWL = 51 O~) (1- .00751 V - 30 f) (.82 + It) (1- (0.0032 X A) ) (PM) (CM) D.) 12.8 kg
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C.) Objectives, targets, and programs that ensure continual 3 I 119 I 1821 I 98 I 1384 I 137 I 1,129,565
D.) Management activities that control the occupational health 5 I 122 I J234 I 98 I 740 I 494 I 1,834,225
and safety risks. 53) Given the information in the accident information chart shown above,
determine the DART rate for year 4.
50} The ratio of the risk exposure to the project cost is called: A.) 2.16
A.) Cost ratio B.) 27.6
offset these costs. Indirect costs are five times direct costs and there is a B.) 11.8
profit margin of 15% on each unit sold and the worker's compensation C.) 31.4
for the last year were $90,000. What is the volume in sales needed to D.) 2.76
offset the worker's compensation losses, when the losses are treated as
production costs? 55) Determine the cumulative DART incident rate for the 5 years shown in
A.) $ 600,000 the chart used in the preceding question.
B.) $ 3,000,000 E.) 27.7
H.) 11.7
57) The 5-Whys is an analytical technique used to identify which of the 60) Which of the following techniques are not normally considered to be
system safety techniques?
A.) Root causes of incidents
58) Organic azides differ in degrees of stability and sometimes pose a 61) Which of the following is a correct interpretation of this Pareto Diagram?
~~ ~ 90
disposal problem. Which of the following best describes the hazards of
disposal of azides down a laboratory sink?
A.) Cause toxic fumes 10
'" 60
B.) Will plug up collection systems
C.) Causes fire when mixed with water
D.) Can become highly explosive when in contact with metals 30
Back Hand
59) According to William G. Johnson in "MORT Safety Assurance Systems",
"Change is the Mother of Trouble". Which of the following is not
o I Arm
I Other 1== 0
A.) Backs represent 20 percent of the injuries
included in Mr. Johnson's description of change analysis. B.) The combined number of Hand and Arm injuries total 30
A.) Change analysis in safety should reflect the multiple C.) Arm injuries account for 10 Percent of injuries
sequence realities rather than rely on possibly simplistic D.) Back and Hand account for 70% of all injuries
detection-correction of a single causative change.
B.) If a system has been operating in a stable manner but now 62) A consists of the equipment used to keep an
has troubles, change is probably not the cause of the employee from reaching a fall point. such as the edge of a roof or the
problem. edge of an elevated working surface?
C.) Sensitivity to impending or probable change is a key A.) fall restraint system
component in the work of a good, experienced manager or B.) fall protection system
D.) In complex systems, attention must be given to the D.) safety net system
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64) The fire tetrahedron states that combustion requires an oxidizer, fuel, heat 65) A building at an explosive processing laboratory contains a number of
and which of the following? ovens used for environmental testing of explosive materials by heating.
A.) Confinement This type of oven has rarely been known to heat excessively due to faulty
B.) Surface area heat controls and cause detonation. Considering that a passerby fatality
C.) Chain reaction is the most likely consequence and safety controls and on each oven
D.) Deflagration make this event failure remotely possible. A proposed corrective action
of a barricade outside of the building with a 75% effectiveness for
Use the following chart for the next question. protecting a passerby from an explosion with a cost of $5000. The
critical justification rating has been arbitrarily set at 10. Using the rating
Factor Classification Rating factors in the hazard evaluation system exhibited, calculate the
1.Consequences a. catastrophe, numerous fatalities: damage
over$1.000 ,000: major disruption of activities...... " .. " ..... . 100
justification score and detennine if the suggested corrective action is
~st Probable resutt of b. Multiple fataJities; damage $5000.000 to $999,999............ 50 justified.
Hie potential accident c. Fatality, damage $100,000 to $500.000 ........... . 25
d. Extremely serious injury: damage $1,000 to $99.999 ........ 15 A.) 18.75; yes it is justified
a. Continuously (or many times daily)............... ............... 10 D.) 4.20; no it is not justified
1. =~:jr:os::e·~;re~~e·(has·n~hawen~i·.·... Ig:~
4.Cost Factor Over $50,000... ...... ... ..,.. .""'" ... ... .................. 10
$25.000 to $50.000................................................ ..... 6
EStimated dollar cost of $10,000 to $24.999............... ......... ............ ......... ..... 4
proposed oorrective $1000 to 59.999......................... ............. .................. 3
action. $100 to 5999................ .............................................. 2
$25 to $99................... ....... ........................................ 1
Under $25.. ... ... ...... ................................ 0.5
5.Degree of Correction Hazard positively eliminated 100%........................................... 1
Hazard reduced at least 75% ................................................... 2
Degree to Which haZard Hazard reduced by 50%-74%................................................... 3
wII be reduced. Hazard reduced by 25%-49%................................................... 4
Slight effect on Hazard (Jess than 25%)........................... 6
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Sin A
HINT: Double divided SLINGS are SIN full. Divide the load by the number of
sling legs and then divide again by the SIN of the angle.
"-.~-----. ----'--..--
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Step I: Detennine quantity of water required for this application 4.52 X Ql.85
P d =----.::..
120fe 264 C ,S5 X d4,87
Q = 0.22gpm
=. gpm
P=(~J d = 4.8..71_4_.5_2_X_4_0-=-00-=-1_,85
1001.85 X 0.04
p- 6 . 4.7142
d = 4'~7/20842481.2
P=22.2 psi
d = 4.8';./1 03965.5
Note: While selection "B" is the best answer, selection "A" may well be true
considering that, in general, NFPA requires all sprinkler heads to have at least 7
d =10.72 in
Reference NFPA 13,5-3.6 Exposure Protection.
Assuming this is a fire protection question, use the Hazen-Williams fonnula.
"5-3.6.1 Piping shall be hydraulically calculated in accordance with Section
6-4 to furnish a minimum of 7 psi (48 kPa) at any sprinkler with all sprinklers Note: The calculated size of 10.72 is larger than 10 inch unlined pipe (lOx
facing the exposure operating." 102.4% = 10.24 in.) and so the best selection would be the more common 12
inch pipe.
.,. .~-.".
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0.178 gpm x 120 fe = 21.4 gpm Step 3: Calculate the flow from the second sprinkler
Q= fe 1
p=(~)' Q=K X FP
8 =3.692 Q = 5.8 X -J15.38 = 5.8 X 3.92
Q=18.46 gpm
Pd =1.77 psi
Note: The length between sprinklers has been added to the basic formula
as a time saving measure.
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
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l rl
Step 2: Calculate protection area of each sprinkler alternative, paragraph (c)(3); or, i the alternative, paragraph (c)(4) as
Area = 9 ft X 9 ft follows:
Density = 18.46 gpm 1926.652(c)(4)(i): Support systems, shield systems, and other
81 ft protective systems not utilizing Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3,
above, shall be approved by a registered professional engineer.
Density=0.228 gpm per fe 11) We selected answer A because:
8) We selected answer B because: V 1t d xh
According to the table for Type C soil, 8 x 8 timber is required.
V = 3.14x(132Y x42
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l --------------~.-~
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V=ltd Xh
Step 2: Determine the footage occupied by tank 2,3 and 4.
Tank #2and3
x42 = 574,760 cu ft
V -=-=-=--~-'--- A= It d
V=ltd Xh
A = 1963 sq ft each
• x42
v = 574,760 Cll ft
Tank #4
425 ftx425 ft 180,625x 3 ft =541,875cu ft
The proposed dike is too small to hold all the material that could be A = ltd
TOTAL =5,183 sq ft
Step 3: Determine total area not occupied by smaller tanks 15) We selected answer D because: Q=AV
Total area - Tank area = Area available Discussion: The principle involved is the
v = 1t d xh
Step 1: Determine area of hood
A =Length x Height
v = 3.14x(100Y x35
41 4
A=I ftxl ft
v = 274,889cu ft
Step 4: Determine volume in the largest tank
Step 2: Determine the volume of air flowing thm hood
Step 5: Divide volume in largest tank (cu ft) by total area available Q=600xl
(sq ft) to determine required height of diking
Note: The difference between answer B and C is about 35,000 gallons Q=600cfm
of product that would not be contained.
A-3.14x (3)2
A=O.196ft 2
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&4 Jl;~IijiilH • 4;' -,X
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Pf =1 - e- =1 - e 1m
V=Q= 600
Pc = 1 - e -87000/95000
A 0.196
V =4005xO.5
Step 2: Determine the area of the duct in branch "A". Step 5: Determine the area of the duct in branch "B".
A = 1t r2 A = 7t r2
V=4005-JVP Qc=1573+176
.e~<r ... ,:;;:::as ge;;; , ." _"-;--";'7: ~~
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CSP Self Stud], Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
S = static pressure
Step 2: Transpose
Jp; = .J5O x 400
Q2 = QI[(S - RJO. ] 800
(S- RJ°.54
- (2828)2 =12.5 psi
P2 - 800
Q = 5700 x (70- 20t'54
Step 3: Subtract from no-flow
pressure to obtain residual
pressure 95 - 12.5 = 82.5 psi
Q2 =5700x1.2315 =7020gpm
22) We selected answer C because:
21) We selected answer D because: Step I: Determine the area of the panel
AREA = Length x Width
This problem can be solved by using either of the two formulations
shown below. Since the question asked for approximate pressure we AREA 8x4
chose the easiest one to transpose
QJ _ jP;
Q2 - -JP;
Q2 _ (S - R2 )0_54
Step 2: Determine pressure at the nominal value of 20 feet (top of
QI - (S- R 1 t 54
panel 18 feet) (bottom of panel 22 feet)
r LA
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Step 1: Using the combined gas law detennine how many fe at Step 1: Determine Volume in m
15 ft x ·305 m =4.6 m
PI VI P2 V 2
8 ft x .305 m = 2.44 m
PI VI = P2 V 2
84 x 1000 = 14.7 x V 2
4.6 x 4.6 x 2.44 =51.6 m3
Step 2: Determine weight
Step 3: Convert-Ibs to mg
= 11 ,362,500
Using the lb-mol conversion and remembering that a Ib-mol occupies 359 fe: =1.14x 10 7
1 359 fe
mg/m x 24.45
ppm =
(1.14x 10 /51.6) x 24.45
ppm = 117,043
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15 x15 x8 = 1800 fe
. Step 2: Detennine 60
......... weight 24x60 =0.0412 cfrn
I gal
Step 2: Apply general dilution fonnula and solve. Note that the
Step 3: Detennine the volume occupied by the Ethyl alcohol room size is not used in the equation.
46lbs 25 lbs
C 10
X= 25 x 392
Q= G X106
X 213 fe
! I
Step 6: Apply formula and solve for 25 minutes of exposure.
1.2 (1 -e -(1.09><5}/6O)
C =--x C = G x (I - e -Ntl6O )
2000 Q
C = 0.0006 x (1- e-o·(9 ) C = ~x (I e-(1.09x25/6O))
'~~."."" ;'~r*:~oX~""!¥'W%;:;;;;;;:;;::Jii'?W t _~~,--c·
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
We would select the dumbwaiter because it is the only option of those -lnl
listed that has the material isolated from personnel during the transport T= _2
h=ll x (dl)2
(IY Convert to years:
12 = Il x (8y
5.096670441 X 1010 sec 1 min 1 hour 1 day 1 yr
T= x x x x---=
_ 1 1 60 sec 60 min 24 hours 365.25 days
T = 1615 years
12 = 7.8 ftc
The formula depicted on the BCSP of S 6CE is a "shortcut" formula for
cobalt-60, since the "f' value for cobalt-60 is one. See the formula
Q=8,416 cfm
Cost incurred x 1000 I total work-hours is the formula for cost factor. 43) We selected answer B because:
RWL = 51 (~~) (1- .0075 X 6) (.82 + ~>g) (1- (0.0032 x 15)) (0.85) (0.9) 48) We selected answer D because:
R~(kg)= 23xO.555xlxlxlxlxl
R~(kg) = 12.77 kg
· ~l',
Page 262 COPYrig~013 SPAN International Training, LLC
safety risks.
• Monitoring of the occupational health and safety system
perfonnance. Rate = 18,000,000
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CSP Self StudY Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
56) We selected answer D because: • In complex systems, attention must be given to the compounding
of change, for example a change made two years ago combined
Biological monitoring to determine the effectiveness of recent changes
with a change made a month ago may produce the undesired event.
N3 radical. For example, lead azide PbN 3 , one of the most important
Lead azide forms violent explosive salts if mixed with carbon disulfide.
hands 30%, arms 20%, and all other were 10%. To construct a Pareto
diagram, the category that accounted for the greatest percentage of cases
is placed to the left of the diagram and the remaining categories are
heating and can form shock sensitive and highly explosive mixtures if
, ~
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Fall protection systems consist of: Guardrail systems; Safety net systems 64) We selected answer C because:
• Personal fall arrest systems
According to The NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, for combustion to
• Positioning device systems
occur, four components are necessary: Oxygen (oxidizing agent);
• Warning line systems Fuel(substrate); Heat(ignition); and a self sustained chemical reaction
• Controlled access zones (also referred to as the chain reaction). These components can be
• Safety monitoring systems graphically described as the "fire tetrahedron". Each component of the
• Covers tetrahedron must be in place for combustion to occur. Remove anyone of
• Protection from falling objects the four components and combustion will not occur. If ignition has
• Fall protection plan (limited) already occurred, the fire is extinguished when one of the components is
Personal Fall Arrest Systems must include 4 elements referred to as removed from the reaction.
ABCD's of Fall Arrest:
• A - Anchorage - a fixed structure or structural adaptation, 65) We selected answer D because
often including an anchorage connector, to which the other In Techniques of Safety Management, you must first calculate the Risk
components of the PFAS are rigged. Score. Risk Score = Consequences X Exposure X Probability.
• B - Body Wear - a full body harness worn by the worker. Considering that fatality was most likely, consequence =25. Exposure is
• C - Connector - a subsystem component connecting the rarely = 1. Probability is remotely happens = 1. Risk Score = (25 x 1 x
harness to the anchorage - such as a lanyard. 1) = 25
• D - Deceleration Device - a subsystem component designed Second, you must calculate the Justification. The Justification formula
to dissipate the forces associated with a fall arrest event. IS:
Justification = Risk Score/Cost Factor X Degree of Correction
63) We selected answer B because: Justification = (25x 1x 1)/(3x2) or J= 25/6 = 4.20.
studies the field of science concerned with radiation physics and radiation
CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
I5.Business planning
I6.Business software
17.Adult learning
19.Training methods
22.Biological safety
24.Change management
27.Construction safety
29.Emergency/crisis/disaster management
Task 2
30.Emergency/crisis/disaster response planning
Educate and influence decision makers to adopt effective risk management
31.Employee assistance programs
methods by illustrating the business-related benefits associated with
32.Employee/stakeholder incentive programs
implementing them to eliminate or reduce safety, health, environmental, and
33.Environmental protection and pollution prevention
security risks.
35.Equipment safety
Knowledge Areas
36.Ergonomics and human factors
1. Risk-based decision-making tools
37.Facility safety
2. Budgeting, finance, and economic analysis techniques
38.Facility security and access control
3. Business planning
.;39.Facility siting and layout 4. Business software
." 40.Fire prevention, protection, and suppression 5. Education and training methods
41. Hazardous materials management
6. Interpersonal communications
42.Hazardous waste inanagement
7. Mathematics and statistics
43.Healthcare safety (including patient safety)
8. Organizational and behavioral sciences
44.Incident command methods
9. Management sciences
45.1ndustrial hygiene
10.Management principles of authority, responsibility, and accountability
46.1nfectious diseases
11.Organizational protocols
49.Maritime safety
14.Project management concepts
50.Mining safety
15.Target audience background
55.Product safety
57.Radiation safety
58.System safety
60.Transportation safety and security
61.Ventilation systems
62.Workplace violence
63.Competencies of other professionals with whom the safety professional interacts
64.Sources of information on risk management options (e.g., subject matter experts,
relevant best practices, published literature)
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Task 3 Task 4
Lead projects to implement the risk management methods adopted by decision Promote a positive organizational culture that is conscious of its safety, health,
makers using internal and external resources to eliminate or reduce safety, environmental, and security responsibilities by communicating these
health, environmental, and security risks. responsibilities to all stakeholders and by training all stakeholders as part of the
organization's overall risk management program.
Knowledge Areas
1. Project management concepts Knowledge Areas
2. Management sciences 1. Management sciences
3. Management principles of authority, responsibility, and accountability 2. Management principles of authority, responsibility, and accountability
4. Methods of achieving project stakeholder acceptance of project goals 3. Methods of achieving project stakeholder acceptance of project goals
5. Financial management principles
4. Organizational and behavioral sciences
~'6. Schedule management principles
5. Organizational protocols
'". 7. Risk-based decision-making tools
6. Cultural norms and population stereotypes
8. Organizational and behavioral sciences 7. Group dynamics
9. Business software
8. Interpersonal communications
1O.Project management software
9. Labels, signs, and warnings (including international symbols) II'"!
II.Change management
IO.Multi-employer worksite issues
I2.Group dynamics
II.Organized labor/management relations
I3.Interpersonai communications
I2.Presentation media and technologies
I4.Methods of facilitating teamwork
I3.Presentation strategies
15.Organizational protocols I4.Protocols for public announcements
16. Presentation media and technologies I5.Public communication techniques
I7.Presentation strategies I6.Risk communication techniques
I8.Principles of supervising people 17.Stakeholder participation committees
I9.Competencies of other professionals with whom the safety professional 18.Target audience background
22.Training methods
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
Managing Environmental, Health Safety and Security Risk IIQuestions" 5) Verbs or actions words used in learning objectives must be as specific as
1) Which of the following factors is the MOST important when the possible. The behavior must be observable and measurable. Which of
supervisor is evaluating a subordinate during the annual employee the following verbs does not meet this criterion?
performance report cycle? A.) understand
A.) Zero Risk is attainable given the correct task analysis was A.) Offering advise about safety performance
performed B.) Counseling about personal hygiene habits that affect job
B.) Zero Risk does not practically exist performance
C.) Zero Risk can occur with the proper safety culture C.) Rating performance based on measurable objective criteria
D.) Zero Risk is the ultimate goal of any safety program D.) Providing definitive comments about the worker's potential
to fail in industry or business.
3) All of the following would be covered under a contractor's Completed
Operations Liability insurance policy except? 7) All of the following are methods of performing a task analysis except?
A.) Use of the wrong epoxy to seal a pipe results in occupant A.) Observing the task
illness. B.) Performing the task
B.) A cabinet falls because it is screwed into the plaster wall C.) Developing the task procedures from scratch
instead of the wooden studs. D.) Reviewing company written SOPs and policies
C.) The homeowner trips over a wrench left behind by a
D.) Someone becomes sick as a result of an improper chimney 8) In order for Health and Safety Training to provide maximum
cap. effectiveness, firm training objectives should be established and used.
Which of the following requirements of training objectives is the least
4) Which of the following training methods is primarily used to find new, important?
innovative approaches to issues? A.) Training objectives should be Reasonable
A.) Meeting B.) Training objectives should be Measurable
B.) Brainstorming C.) Training objectives should be Obtainable
C.) Case Study D.) Training objectives should be Written
D.) Role Playing
plans to: Recover critical files and infonnation that had been stored
A.) Emergency Management/Emergency Response 13) Which of the following is true concerning the use of the signal word
B.) Situational Awareness "DANGER" on product warning labels? Danger is used where there is an
C.) Disaster RecoverylBusiness Continuity Planning immediate hazard which if encountered will result in:
D.) Business Impact Analysis
... A.) Death or severe personal injury
B.) Death, severe personal injury, or extensive property damage
10) Insurance contracts are unilateral, meaning that only the insurer makes
C.) Death, extensive property damage, extensive product
legally enforceable promises in the contract. The insured is not required
damage and severe personal injury
to pay the premiums, but the insurer is required to pay the benefits under
D.) Death, loss of livelihood, and property damage
the contract if the insured has paid the premiums and met certain other
basic provisions. Which of the following represent the general parts of
an insurance contract? 14) You are the Safety Director of a textile plant that has received an OSHA
inspection. You were cited for several violations and your citations have
A.) Declarations, Definitions, Insuring agreement, Exclusions, been received at the main plant. Which of the following actions is most
Conditions, endorsements correct?
that purpose
C.) how to identify specific hazards associated with the
D.) Making it look like a product that will accomplish the equipment.
D.) when specific safe guards can be removed.
17) A learning objective is a brief, clear statement of what the trainee should 21) The primary purpose of ISO 19011 is to provide guidance on?
. - be able to do as a result of training. All of the following should be A.) developing S&H systems
accomplished prior to learning objective development except?
B.) developing environmental control systems
A.) Needs analysis C.) Implementing an ES&H management system
B.) Task analysis D.) Managing and conducting quality and environmental
C.) Lesson plan management system audits
22) Which of the following is not considered a major premise when
conducting a risk assessment to estimate, evaluate, and reduce risks
associated with machine tools?
18) Which of the following list the required four parts of any legal contract?
A.) probability of occurrence
19) What principle is employed to identify the "vital few", whether 23) Which of the following lists basic elements of a safety plan?
customers, customer needs, product features, or inputs to help assure that
resources and attention is concentrated where they will do the most A.) Manuals, procedures, policies
good? B.) List of actions, implementation schedule, cost
C.) Requirements, standards, specifications
A.) Hystograph Principle D.) Departmental listing, roles and responsibilities, corrective
B.) Juran Principle actions
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
24) What are the three basic legal principles that can be used by plaintiffs in 28) The risk remaining after preventive measures have been taken is called:
product liability cases?
A.) Acceptable risk
A.) Negligence, strict liability, Res Ipsa Ioquitar B.) Tolerable risk
B.) Strict liability, express warranty, implied warranty C.) Unacceptable risk
C.) Negligence, strict liability, breach of warranty D.) Residual risk
D.) Negligence, strict liability, tort
29) When you develop the tests and evaluations for your training program,
25) One training technique especially useful when dealing with craft you should use all of the following guidelines except?
employees during safety and health training is the case study. Which of
A.) Test items must be reliable.
the following is the most correct concerning a case study?
B.) Evaluations are norm-referenced
A.) Case studies must always involve fictitious situations or C.) Each test item must have criterion-related validity
.. accidents so that no one group or person will have hurt D.) The evaluation tool should be developed before the training
feelings begins
B.) Case studies should be written and passed out as handouts to
D.) Want to learn things that will make them more effective and
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
31) Risk can be expressed as the frequency of an event multiplied by the 34) Which of the following is NOT considered a basic principle of loss
consequence of the event. Usually, consequence is expressed in units of control?
monetary value used as a comparison of financial risk across different
A.) "An unsafe act, an unsafe condition, and an accident are all
areas. Which of the following scenarios has the higher annual risk?
symptoms of something wrong in the management system."
Scenario A: Minor employee injuries occur about twice per month and B.) We can predict that certain sets of circumstances will
cost the company about $3,500 in lost work productivity and $2,500 in produce severe injuries. These circumstances can be
medical and insurance compensation. identified and controlled."
Scenario B: Catastrophic incidents occur about once every 30 years and C.) "The key to effective line safety performance is management
cost the company about $1,500,000 in lost work productivity and procedures that fix accountability."
equipment damage, and $2,500,000 in legal fees and other compensation. D.) "Safety must be managed as a special company function
A.) Scenario A has the higher risk set apart from the normal planning process to ensure
. B.) Scenario B has the higher risk management's commitment to safety is clearly visible among
C.) Scenarios A and B both have about the same risk
employees. "
D.) Risk value for these scenarios show a frequency ratio of 1:2
35) The integration of hazard analysis and risk assessment methods early in III
r 32) As manager of the safety and health function, you are privy to all the cost the design and redesign processes and taking the actions necessary so that
! data that relate to insurance, medical, wages and operations. How would
the risks of injury or damage are at an acceptable level is termed:
you determine the total cost of an incident?
A.) Severity
A.) Combine insurance cost for medical and compensation paid B.) Prevention through design
to claimant C.) Safety through design
B.) Sum the insured and non-insured costs
D.) Hierarchy of controls
C.) Determine the direct cost and multiply it by a factor of ten
D.) Determine the direct cost and add 50% 36) Safety and health training can involve many different delivery systems
and training techniques. Often group methods are used to increase the
33) A company operating as a manufacturing facility doing contract jobs for effectiveness of training and the active participation by students. Which
their customers is in worker's compensation Class 3650. The company
of the following would be the best use of the role playing technique?
employs 65 people and the average salary per person is $42,000 with a
A.) In human relations training
worker's compensation Class has a manual rate of $11.50. The company B.) For job instruction training in a one-on-one situation
has a current experience modification factor on workers' compensation C.) To illustrate the complexities of a step-by-step detailed
insurance of 1.1. Next year, it will drop to 0.90. What is the firm's industrial task
estimated worker's compensation premium for the next year? D.) For in-depth technical subjects
A.) $185,834
B.) $282,555
C.) $78,500
D.) $24,329
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
37) One technique often used in safety and health training in the industrial 41) Which of the following is not a valuable attribute of interactive
environment is the conference method. Which of the following is the computer-assisted training, sometimes called distance learning?
most correct concerning this important training tool?
A.) works well for organizations with small workforces
A.) Individual knowledge is not particularly important during a B.) works well for organizations that cannot remove large
conference session groups from their jobs at one time
B.) The conference technique is not particularly suited to C.) allows instructors to interact with each other without
problem solving restrictions
C.) The success of the conference technique depends on the D.) trainees can work at their own pace
ability of the main presenter
D.) The success of the conference depends almost entirely on 42) Reinforcement of desired behaviors is best accomplished by:
the ability of the facilitator
A.) cash incentive
38) What defines successful communications? B.) negative reinforcement at the end of the work shift
C.) positive reinforcement as soon as possible
A.) sender and message D.) not required, employees will change their behaviors only if
B.) sender and receiver the desire to do so
C.) message and receiver
I 39)
D.) sender, message and receiver
D.) Feedback
44) Successful adult training can be measured by all of the following except?
40) To effectively administer a safety & health management system, safety
directors should as many levels of management as possible. A.) Demonstrate the application
B.) Show a tape of a previous experience
A.) report to C.) Let the trainee practice the new skill
B.) acquire access to D.) Discuss how the new skills can be applied
C.) cite violations of standards for
D.) Have budget approved by 45) When performing instructor duties for a Health and Safety Training
session, it is most important to?
A.) Dress for the occasion
46) All of the following are considered to be benefits of safety training. 49) A company was charged for failure to use engineering controls to reduce
Which is considered to be the primary benefit? the noise levels below those depicted in Table G-16, 29CFRI910.95.
A.) reduced costs The ruling was overturned because OSHA failed to prove economic
B.) improved performance feasibility. What was this ruling based on? .
C.) fewer incidents/accidents A.) This is not a violation
D.) reinforcement of the operational goals of the organization B.) no cost-benefit analysis was provided
C.) the company provided hearing protection with
47) Risk is a combination of: administrative controls in lieu of engineering controls
A.) Frequency of occurrence of an adverse event and the D.) economic feasibility is not defined and can not be used as a
probability of occurrence of the adverse event. reason for a fine
B.) The probability that an adverse event will occur and the
,., .,
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CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
52) Fire detection and alarm systems protect property and processes and are 56) The OHSAS 18001 specification requires only minimal documentation.
widely used in the United States. These fire protection systems use three It is important that documented OH&S procedures are developed and
distinct types of fire alarm signals: supervisory, alarm and ? adequately controlled. A compilation of documents that form the basis
A.) Trouble for the management system is normally called?
B.) Activation A.) List of Documents
C.) Warning B.) Safety Policy Manual
D.) Sabotage C.) Master List
D.) Document Inventory Index
53) A rate-of-rise detector responds to which condition?
A sprinkler system was designed to cover Ordinary Hazard, Group I
Occupancies. It requires a minimum of 225 gpm for sprinkler operation
and an additional gpm to support exterior hose streams.
construct the sling
a nondestructive tension test performed by the sling
manufacture or an equivalent entity to verify construction
A.) 100 and workmanship of a sling
B.) 250
C.) 500
D.) No additional flow needed 58) All of the following are included in ANZI/AIHA ZIO except?
A.) S&H policy development
55) Which statement best characterizes the implication of substituting the B.) employee participation
term "design to achieve minimum risk" with the term "design to achieve C.) management review
acceptable risk"? D.) evaluation and corrective action
A) The two terms are synonymous.
. ,,
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60) A company has adopted OHSAS 1800 1 to maintain continuous 63) The Management Grid® by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, illustrates
improvement in their safety and health management system. Based on management styles by drawing a grid which has on the "Y" axis Concern
the OHSAS 1800 1 guidelines that the management system should be for People and the "X" axis concern for production. Thus a 9,1
suitable, adequate and effective, which of the following should indicate supervisor could be called a:
that a management evaluation should be performed?
A.) Country Club Manager
A.) profits are down from the preceding year B.) Dictator
66) If the storage facility described in the preceding question was used to
store flammable products, where the possibility of explosion if involved 69) Advanced emergency management planning is the best way to minimize
in a fire was high, what would be the maximum travel distance to exits, potential loss from natural or human caused disasters and accidents. The
with and without a fire sprinkler system installed, allowed by NFPA primary responsibilities of emergency planning must include all the
101 ®, Life Safety Code®? following except:
A.) 75 feet without and 150 feet with an approved fire sprinkler A.) continuation of operations for the sake of the customers
system B.) provide for the safety of the employees and the public
B.) 100 feet without and 150 feet with an approved fire sprinkler C.) protect property and the environment
system D.) establish methods to restore operations to nonnal as soon as
C.) 200 feet without and 200 feet with an approved fire sprinkler possible
D.) 75 feet without and 100 feet with an approved fire sprinkler
system 70) According to current safety philosophy, which would have the most
impact on changing safety behavior?
A.) a sign stating "Wear Your Eye Protection"
67) A needs assessment does all the following except B.) turn off all machines when you are finished
A.) Identifies the type of training required C.) complementing an employee for wearing their eye
C.) Saves time and money by ensuring that solutions effectively D.) a free meal for a safe month on the plant floor
68) Which of the following is not required under Total Quality Management B.) Recognition
--_...I.·•••••••...........___.. . . . -=""iii'*iii:Ii:i',
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
72) You have been hired as the Safety Director of a company that has 75) A process that seeks to verify documented expectations, typically
traditionally had a "paper safety program". You have a staff of three and regulations and policies, by conducting interviews, reviewing records and
report to one of three vice presidents. The rates for the company are making first-hand observations is called a?
much higher than the rates for companies in the same SIC. Your initial
assessment is that there is very little interest in safety at all levels. You
A.) Environmental visit
have been given the authority to increase the safety staff and have been
B.) Environmental audit
given a sizable increase in the department's budget. You have hired new
C.) Environmental site assessment
staff and reorganized the department, the next step would be to: D.) Standardization and Evaluation assessment
A.) increase the safety training effort for all employees 76) The behavioral management safety concept is often criticized as only
B.) organize a safety committee and get management to appoint dealing with behavioral modification. The major flaw in this view of
behavioral based safety management is that it overlooks the fact that
... C.) start an inspection program to identify areas that need behavioral safety also plays a key role in?
D.) integrate safety accountability into job descriptions, A.) securing management involvement
appraisals, objectives, etc. B.) establishing employee involvement in the planning process
C.) identifying the behavioral aspects of design and engineering
for facilities, tools and equipment
73) How long should a manufacturer keep records relating to product safety? D.) establishing a feedback loop to report the status of safe and
unsafe actions by observers
A.) As long as possible
83) Which of the following characteristics of a Product Recall is the most
A.) specialized jobs
B.) 10000
A fire occurred in your manufacturing business. As a direct result of the
C.) 12000
fire, one wall and the ceiling were damaged, and the building contents
D.) 14000
(raw materials, goods in progress, merchandise, furniture and office
supplies) were damaged by smoke. Your company made a total of
$265,000 last year and was in operation for 265 days. The operation was
82) The steps for the continuous improvement safety process are the same as shut down for 72 hours while repairs were being made. Cleanup and
in the continuous quality improvement process. These include all of the start-up costs after repairs were completed cost you $1,000.
following except:
A.) specify standards
88) A staff safety engineer is given the authority by the General Manager to 91) As a safety professional, you may need to have insurance protection,
stop operations on a construction site whenever he or she observes an depending on your business status. There are numerous types of
imminent danger situation. Which of the following correctly identifies coverage, one type for safety consultants is professional liability that
the authority granted by the General Manager? covers all the following except?
A.) Staff authority
A.) errors and omissions
89) According to Willie Hammer, hazards fall into three broad categories.
These are all of the following except: 92) The basic principle of the modem method of estimating the uninsured
costs of work injuries and "accidents" includes which of the following?
A.) Inherent properties or characteristics of equipment
B.) Failures of materials or humans A.) lost time cases, doctor's cases, first-aid cases, no-injury
C.) Environmental stresses accidents
D.) Mechanical stresses B.) lost time cases, doctor's cases, first-aid cases, injury
C.) lost time cases, doctor's cases, first-aid cases, property
D.) lost time cases, property damage, first-aid cases, no-injury
94) In the history of the chemical and petroleum industries, causal factors for
major events have often related to inadequacies in these four
i management processes:
A) maintenance of mechanical integrity; action items follow-up;
management of change; process safety training and competency
B) near miss reports, accident trends analysis, incident investigation
reports, management of change
C) training assessment, near miss reports, leading indicators, lagging
D) leading indicators, accident reports, balanced score cards,
behavior based observations
95) Understanding cost effectiveness has become a more important element
in risk acceptance decision making. Which of the commonly used
acronyms in the risk assessment and applied risk reduction literature best
promotes a management review, the intent of which is to achieve
acceptable risk levels?
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
or not. It is used later in the training process to develop training insuring company, what risks or property are covered, the policy
objectives and to develop ways to test the performance. limits (amount of insurance), any applicable deductibles, the policy
8) We selected answer D because: that is filled out by the insurer based on the insured's application and
Training objectives should above all be reasonable, measurable and attached on top of or inserted within the first few pages of the
obtainable. It is very desirable, but not imperative that the objectives and standard policy form.
goals for any program be written, so as not to be misplaced or relegated • Definitions - define important terms used in the policy language.
• Insuring agreement - describes the covered perils, or risks assumed, or
When writing training objective use action verbs such as add, answer,
promises of the insurance company, as well as stating what is covered.
compare, line up and not words such as understand, know, as these are
difficult to measure. • Exclusions - take coverage away from the Insuring Agreement by
To gain a competitive edge, training had to involve more than basic job causes which are not covered by the policy.
skills. Included now are advanced skills and understanding of customers • Conditions - provisions, rules of conduct, duties and obligations
required for coverage. If policy conditions are not met, the insurer can
and the manufacturing system. The training is linked to strategic
business goals and objectives and uses an instructional designed process deny the claim.
• Endorsements - additional forms attached to the policy form that
According to Risk Analysis and the Security Survey, 3rd Edition, business Because it is very risky to allow nonlawyer underwriters to directly
continuity planning is a key part of a loss control program. Such plans rewrite core policy language with word processors, insurers usually
should include recovering corporate information, setting up operations, direct underwriters to modify standard forms by attaching
and financing temporary operations until a new facility can be endorsements preapproved by counsel for various common
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
in minor personal injury, product damage, or property damage. 19) We selected answer C because:
This is the definition of the Pareto Principle, sometimes referred to as the
Evaluation of the adequacy of the warning requires consideration of at 80-20 rule that indicates that 80% of the problems come from 20% of the
least the dangerousness of the product, the intensity of and form of the operations. It is also true that 20% of the corrective actions and risk
warning given, the likelihood that the particular warning will be reduction actions can mitigate 80% of the risk, when the risk is
adequately communicated and the burden is upon the manufacturer to understood.
provide the warning.
20) We selected answer A because:
14) We selected answer D because:
During a training session you want to explain what the operator need to
You are required by OSHA to post the citation at or near the location of know and not all the extraneous data connected with the equipment.
the violation for three days or until corrected whichever is longer. Teach them how to tell time, not how to build a watch.
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l ·
CSP Self Studv Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
• probability of occurrence-very likely, likely, unlikely, or remote well as the tragic consequences. The case study is an excellent problem
• severity of hann--catastrophic, serious, moderate, or minor solving technique thatfadUtates interactive learning. Normally case
• exposure to hazard-frequency and duration, extent of exposure, studies are presented to a group that has the goal of evaluating the
or number of people exposed mistakes made in the situation and providing real world solutions. The
ANSI B 11.TR3 explains that zero risk does not exist and is therefore technique is particularly effective when the group is allowed to come to
unattainable. Some amount of residual risk remains even after the the conclusion that they can benefit from the mistakes of other
application of machine safeguarding. Cost benefit is not part of a Risk organizations and thus prevent accidents. The case study is an excellent
Assessment. In essence, the common primary objective in both ANSI tool for developing analytical skills.
systems to establish various risk reduction categories. The European actually relate to the training situation
Machinery Standard EN 1050 (now ISO 14121) follows the same general
format and addresses risk assessment in the same manner, however, It 26) We selected answer C because:
utilizes terms and phrases which are common to European standards.
According Clay Carr in Smart Training, The Manager's Guide to
23) We selected answer B. Training for Improved Performance, adults have four basic training
According to numerous safety texts, a safety plan must have these basic 1. Adults need to know why they are learning a particular topic or skill,
elements: list of actions, implementation schedule and cost. because the need to apply learning to immediate, real-life challenges.
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
The evaluation tool should always be developed before training begins. 32) We selected Answer B because:
Pretest and posttest should cover equivalent subject matter, however it Incident costs include both those that are insured and those that are not
should not be the same test or test questions. insured. The insured include medical and compensation costs paid to the
claimant by the insurance company. The non insured include time lost by
Well developed multiple-choice questions on knowledge assessment tests others who observed or rendered assistance at the time of the incident,
permit the most objective pass or fail decisions to be made and the most time lost to investigate the incident, time to train a replacement, cost for
reliable performance statistics can be calculated. damaged materials, etc.
After the training is completed, ensure that you obtain trainee feedback
along with your statistical data to ensure continuous improvement.
SPAN International Training Safety Workshops
40) We selected answer B because: When discussing the "carrot and stick" management philosophy, some
experts believe that the stick is no longer available and the carrot is
Access to managers throughout an organization will assist the safety becoming less of an incentive.
. director in developing an accepted, consistent, effective safety
-: management system. It is critical that the top management understand 43) We selected answer B because:
and support the safety & health management system. If the safety
function reports at a high level in a company that does not value safety, Media used for any purpose takes advantage of the two senses people use
the level of reporting is irrelevant. most when learning, sight and hearing. The scale in increasing order is:
• Words, spoken or written
41) We selected answer C because: • Auditory aids
• Still pictures
According to the NSC, the valuable attributes of interactive computer
• Motion pictures
assisted training, sometimes called computer based training (CBT) or
distance learning are: • Live television
• Workers can work at their own pace. • Displays
• Records can be automatically kept of all training. • Familiarization
• Correct answers are required before the student can proceed. • Demonstration
• Workers receive training as time is available. • Simulations
• Instructors can guide workers step by step thm the lesson plan. • Actual experience
• Works extremely well for organizations with a small workforce or that •
44) We selected answer B because:
cannot remove large groups from their jobs at anyone time.
When someone completes course work away from an actual training Adults want satisfactory answers to the following questions to accept and
facility, it is generally called distance learning. This is an umbrella term apply learning.
for many types of learning, including online training and training 1.) Why is it important?
available through the maiL Before implementing CBT or any type of 2.) How can I apply it?
training, a needs analysis should be completed to ensure that the best 3.) How does it work?
CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
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more specific than the signal word and that indicates the specific
53) We selected answer D because:
hazardous condition or the instruction to be communicated to the
employee. Examples include: "High Voltage," "Close Clearance," There are three types of heat detectors you should be familiar with
"Do Not Start," or "Do Not Use" or a corresponding pictograph for the examination. They are listed below with their general
used with a written text or alone. characteristics:
"Signal word" means that portion of a tag's inscription that Fixed-Temperature Designed to alarm when the temperature
contains the word or words that are intended to capture the of the operating element reaches a
employee's immediate attention. specified point. These units are
susceptible to "thermallag".
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CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I CSP Self Study Workbook Volume I
systems be designed and operated to minimum risk levels, that risks be adults
minimized, is impractical because the investments necessary to do so • BSL-2 - agents associated with human disease, hazard is from
may be so high that the cost of the product required to recoup the percutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
investment and make a reasonable profit would not be competitive in the • BSL-3 - indigenous or exotic agents with potential for aerosol
56) ..,'.:. We selected answer C because: agents with unknown risk of transmission .
. According to author Joe Kausek of OHSAS 18001 Designing and Additional information can be found in "Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene"
Implementing an Effective Health and Safety Management System,
clause 4.4.4 requires electronic or hard copy of the information that 60) We selected answer D because:
provides an overall description of the main elements of the HSMS, how :1
The purpose of adopting OHSAS 18001 health and safety management ;I
these elements interact and reference to any documents that describe system is to maintain continuous improvement. If the management
these activities in more detail. Normally the first step in establishing system finds a significant reduction in the company's safety performance,
control is to develop a master listing of the procedures, instructions, it should indicate that a comprehensive management review of the items
forms, and other documents that form the basis for the management causing the reduction.
system. This is normally called the master list. A Safety Policy Manual
may serve as the Master List, but is not specifically mentioned, nor 61) We selected answer A because:
therefore required.
According to the National Safety Council, some of the elements of an
effective culture are:
57) We selected answer D because:
• the CEO has to express support for safety and show it by their actions
and decisions.
Answer D is the definition listed in the definitions of 29CFRI910.184. • the management team has to consistently support safe work conditions
ANSI/AIHA Z10 provides the blueprint for widespread benefits in health the right equipment.
and safety, as well as in productivity, financial, performance, quality, and • the workers must want to be safe and work as a team.
other organizational and business objectives. The seven sections include • the union must make safety part of its role in protecting the members.
Management Leadership and Employee Participation, Planning,
Implementation and Operation, Evaluation and Corrective Action, A total safety culture requires continual attention in the domains of
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1'1,9 9,9/ product, the staff manager who has special technical expertise to advise and
support the line manager and function managers that are responsible for a
t}le interests of their People or 5
Relationships 4 support area such as finance, marketing, personnel, etc. A Safety
employees and thus would
3 Professional can have line authority if he works under the plant manager in
be labeled a Dictator or
organizational manager.
2 /1,1 9,1, an operational extension (extended or extensio) capacity. They should also
be sensitive to changes in management styles and be able to characterize
Conversely a 1,9 manager 23456189
them, so that they can understand them and develop programs accordingly.
might be referred to as a Concern for Production or Task
• Distinguishes between training and nontraining needs 69) We selected answer A because:
• Identifies the problem or need before designing a solution
• Saves time and money by ensuring that solutions effectively
According to the National Safety Council, advanced emergency
address the problems they are intended to solve
management planning should include the following and they should be
• Identifies factors that will impact the training before its ranked as they are sequenced.
• provide for the safety of the employees and the public
After the needs assessment, training goals are developed and during that
• protect property and the environment
process you will determine what knowledge the trainee needs to know to
• establish methods to restore operations to normal as soon as
eliminate the problem. Remember, if you want them to tell time, then
teach them how to tell time, not how to build a watch. possible
When developing a risk management plan, one must anticipate what will
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go wrong and make timely attempts to overcome identified loss 72) We selected answer D because:
scenarios. The risk management process consists of the following steps:
According to Dr. Roger l. Brauer in "Safety and Health for Engineers",
• Identify the loss scenarios
making safety part of a supervisor's or manager's daily responsibilities
• Develop alternatives to control them
and including it in their appraisals, job descriptions, apply to possible
• Implement the best solution(s)
promotions and salary increases is the primary requirement for a
• Manage and control the risk successful safety program.
70) We selected answer C because: When determining the staffmg level at a given locations, areas to
consider are the injury rate, the number of recognized hazards and the
Most experts agree that there are two primary actions that influence worker compensation costs per employee. The number of employees
.})ehavior change the most, positive reinforcement and reinforcing the will impact the final decision, but is not as important as the previous
behavior as close to the time of the action as possible. three considerations.
The first step in improving behavior in an organization is to establish an 73) We selected answer A because:
ethics program to address the organization culture issues.
Due to product liability claims, a manufacturer should keep product
71) We selected answer A because: safety records as long as possible. The time varies from state to state.
Frederick Herzberg in his book "Work and the Nature of Man" develops 74) We selected answer D because:
a motivation-hygiene theory. The theory attempts to explain how The key concepts in empowerment strategies are generally felt to include:
. persons are satisfied by certain job factors while being motivated by
• Ownership. Ownership implies trust and should come with delegation
other factors that are quite peripheral to the job being performed.
of authority commensurate with the tasking. No self-directed work
team is truly productive until the team members hold themselves
mutually accountable.
• All contributions are valuable. It is important to value all input and in
Money Achievement
many cases a "try it you will like if' attitude is in order. Every idea is
Status Recognition important to the originator.
• Everyone has a value. All jobs have dignity, treat everyone with
Relationships with Boss Enjoyment of work
Company policies Possibility of promotion • Listen to the smallest voice. Contributions come from all comers,
often the greatest offering will come from the lowest stature
Work rules Responsibility
Working conditions Chance for growth • Delegate authority to the lowest possible level. If the employees are
As is shown in the chart money is a hygiene or satisfaction factor as competent then let them do their job. No one knows more about the
opposed to a motivation factor. particulars of a job than the person doing it.
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understand that there are mUltiple arrangements that will produce the best
result with minimum difficulty in the situation in which the organization The ISO 14000 family addresses "environmental management". This
operates. Given the discretion and the fact that some configurations means what the organization does to:
appear to influence employee performance and satisfaction, managers • minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its
should consider carefully the behavioral implications when they make activities, and to
structural decisions.
• achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance.
80) We selected answer A because:
82) We selected answer C because:
According to the National Safety Council, SH&E audits are performed Most of the Behavior Based Safety experts define the "continuous
for the following reasons (listed in order of importance).
improvement safety process as consisting of:
J. determine and document compliance status
• specifying standards
;2. improve overall SH&E performance
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and physical well being. The top two needs in the pyramid are the high 92) We selected answer A because:
order needs that satisfy psychological development and growth. Maslow's
needs are often used as the most elementary model in the complex study According to Grimaldi and Simonds in "Safety Management" the basic
of mans needs and desires. The chart below shows how needs are principle of the modem method of estimating the uninsured costs of work
satisfied in life and in business. injuries and "accidents" includes lost time cases, doctor's cases, first -aid
cases and no-injury accidents.
Life in general ~ Human ---7 On the job
93) We selected answer B because:
Need for self fulfillment; to grow and Self Providing creative-challenging work, allow
use abilities to fullest and most ~ Actualization ~ participation in decision making, flexibility
creative extent and autonomy According the NFPA Hazardous MaterialslWMD Response Handbook (2008),
Need for esteem in eyes of others, Esteem Responsibility for important jobs,
All of the answers are tasks for the Incident Commander. A vital step during
need for respect,'prestige, recognition ~ ~ promotion to higher status, praise and
\ ,
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integrity; action items follow-up; management of change; process safety
training and competency (and training competency assessment).
Companies should identify which of these components are most
important for ensuring the safety of their facilities, and should select the
most meaningfu] leading metrics from the examples [above], and where
significant performance improvement potentially exists. Other leading
metrics may be defined as well if applicable.