Electric Cars and Enviro
Electric Cars and Enviro
Electric Cars and Enviro
Abstract— Electric vehicle technology has been identified as cars using lithium-ion batteries, and have found that they beat
being a key technology in reducing future emissions and energy their gas-fueled counterparts. When experts consider batteries'
consumption in the mobility sector. The nineties have brought us environmental footprint, they worry about a range of issues,
to an era of environmental crisis. We are faced with problems of including the impacts of mining the necessary metals, the
air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, acid rain, water pollution,
hazardous wastes, toxic landfills and leaking storage tanks in our
chemical manufacturing process, and whether the batteries end
soil, to name a few. Our rapid advances into the industrial and up in landfills or get recycled. According to the researchers'
technological age have contributed to these problems. However, analysis, about 15% of an electric vehicles' total
engineering tools have been analyzed and verified in providing environmental burden comes from manufacturing,
significant contribution in terms of environmental clean-up and a maintaining, and disposing of the lithium-ion battery. Most of
healthier world. those costs, about 50%, stem from mining and manufacturing
the copper and aluminum used in the battery and its
Keywords— Battery Electric Vehicles; Sustainable Mobility; Traffic connecting cables. Extracting the necessary lithium produces
Emissions, Greenhouse.
only 2.3% of the battery's total environmental footprint. In the
final stage, the impacts of Electrics were assessed for a
number of scenarios that reflect various possible futures. For
I. INTRODUCTION each scenario the impacts on the vehicle fleet, electricity and