Electric Cars and Enviro

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The Impacts of Electrical Vehicles to the environment :

An analysis for future vehicle adoption

M.R Tamjis, Hafed,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), University
Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.

Abstract— Electric vehicle technology has been identified as cars using lithium-ion batteries, and have found that they beat
being a key technology in reducing future emissions and energy their gas-fueled counterparts. When experts consider batteries'
consumption in the mobility sector. The nineties have brought us environmental footprint, they worry about a range of issues,
to an era of environmental crisis. We are faced with problems of including the impacts of mining the necessary metals, the
air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, acid rain, water pollution,
hazardous wastes, toxic landfills and leaking storage tanks in our
chemical manufacturing process, and whether the batteries end
soil, to name a few. Our rapid advances into the industrial and up in landfills or get recycled. According to the researchers'
technological age have contributed to these problems. However, analysis, about 15% of an electric vehicles' total
engineering tools have been analyzed and verified in providing environmental burden comes from manufacturing,
significant contribution in terms of environmental clean-up and a maintaining, and disposing of the lithium-ion battery. Most of
healthier world. those costs, about 50%, stem from mining and manufacturing
the copper and aluminum used in the battery and its
Keywords— Battery Electric Vehicles; Sustainable Mobility; Traffic connecting cables. Extracting the necessary lithium produces
Emissions, Greenhouse.
only 2.3% of the battery's total environmental footprint. In the
final stage, the impacts of Electrics were assessed for a
number of scenarios that reflect various possible futures. For
I. INTRODUCTION each scenario the impacts on the vehicle fleet, electricity and

I N recent years, The relatively limited data in the sample,

together with the fact that some of the vehicles are still
announcements or prototypes of which specifications might
fuel use, electricity production, emissions and government
revenues were assessed. The aim of these scenarios is to
describe the possible playing field. To achieve this, the key
change in the coming year(s), calls for caution when drawing variables that impact the development but are currently still
firm conclusions. Nonetheless, the analysis resulted in a uncertain are varied in these scenarios:
number of valuable insights which can be useful when  Cost of the vehicles and/or batteries, in combination
considering the future of Electric vehicles. The developments with the vehicle and battery lifetime.
in battery technology and other Electric Vehicles components  Customer response to cost and ranges of PHEVs,
are a critical issue in the future market uptake of EVs. The EREVs and FEVs.
main trends and expectations are summarized. Since these  Charging point availability and grid limitations to
systems are very new and technologies are developing rapidly, charging.
a detailed forecast of the future development of these  Government policy.
technologies is based on the opinions of experts at battery  Battery and EV production capacity limitations.
manufacturers, car manufacturers and research institutes. The
range of Fully Electric Vehicles continue to be a major
determinant of costs as it drives the size of the battery and the II. BACKGROUND
cost of energy storage continues to be relatively high. Battery
cost and performance still is the single greatest challenge to The development of electric vehicles will offer many
the commercialization of all type of EV models. The impacts new opportunities and challenges to the power electronics
of EV market uptake are not limited to the transport sector, but industry, especially in the development of the main
also affect the electricity sector. The environmental impacts, traction motor drive. Many current and future designs will
for example, depend for a large part on the interaction with incorporate the use of induction motors as the primary
electricity generation. Also, EV market uptake adds to the grid source for traction in electric vehicles. International interest
load, requires charging infrastructure and creates opportunities in electric transportation, particularly electric vehicles and
for smart charging. This interaction means that the battery electric vehicles, has increased dramatically over the
developments in the electricity sector and related policy are past several years. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a promising
very relevant to the EV developments. . Now researchers have technology for drastically reducing the environmental
published the first in-depth environmental analysis of electric burden of road transport. More than a decade ago and also
more recently, they were advocated by various actors as an look at alternative fueled vehicles that will not harm the
important element in reducing CO2 emissions of particularly environment, but will still provide us with a reliable source of
passenger cars and light commercial vehicles as well as transportation. it is much easier to deal with isolated pollution
emissions of pollutants and noise. At the same time, the sources such as power plants than it is to deal with millions of
electric passenger cars that are being developed are not yet automobiles, each a source of pollution. As more and more
competitive with conventional vehicle technology. Costs are power plants become "clean" and as more people realize what
still high and battery technology is still being developed, Electric Vehicles can do for the environment, Electric Vehicle
and there exist many uncertainties with respect to crucial use will increase, and our environment will become much
issues such as: nicer.
 The battery technology (energy capacity in relation Electric vehicles have been thought of as one answer to our
to vehicle range, charging speed, durability, dependence on fossil fuel burning vehicles. Their main appeal
availability and environmental impacts of is that they produce no air pollution at the point of use so
materials). provide a way of shifting emissions to less polluted areas.
 Well–to-wheel impacts on emissions. Unfortunately also "out of sight" are the environmental
 Interaction with the electricity generation. consequences of manufacturing and recycling the lead- acid
 Cost and business case of large scale introduction. batteries electric vehicles require to run on. A recent drew
attention to the problem of lead batteries in electric cars:
"Smelting and recycling the lead for these batteries will result
III. THE BENEFITS TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF ELECTRIC in substantial releases of lead to the environment". The
VEHICLES researchers compared the power, efficiency and environmental
effects of electric cars with gas powered vehicles. Not only are
A- Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment than electric cars comparatively slower and far more restricted in
Gas-Powered Ones? the distance they can travel but release more lead into the
environment as well. The study showed that an electric car
Comparing electric and gas-powered versions of the same with batteries made from newly mined lead releases 60 times
car show the environmental benefits of electric vehicles and more lead than that of a car using leaded gas. Although the
providing a fair assessment by comparing an electric vehicles lead discharged in lead smelting and reprocessing is generally
version with gas and diesel-powered cars versions of the same less available to humans than that dispersed by leaded gasoline
car. And it makes clear that electric cars are, indeed, better for cars driving where people are still using leaded gasoline. Even
the environment. a life-cycle assessment, a “cradle to grave” when precautions are taken there are still significant hazards.
analysis, including not only the emissions involved in using Lead processing facilities release lead into the air and
the car, but also the emissions from making it, the resources waterways, and lead in solid waste leaches slowly into the
consumed in manufacturing, and a range of environmental environment. Clearly electric cars, despite their "good for the
impacts. It looked at not only greenhouse-gas emissions, but environment" image create far more of a problem than leaded
impacts on acid rain, ozone pollution, algae blooms, gas cars and unleaded gas cars. In addition if a large number
consumption of water and materials such as steel and copper, of electric cars are produced, the demand for lead for batteries
and total energy demand. will surge, requiring more lead to be mined. Manufacture
The study found that while the environmental impact of needs to be halted until an alternative safer power source is
making electric vehicles is greater than for making gas and found. These rules out current alternatives such as nickel-
diesel vehicles, this is more than made up for by the greater cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries which are also
impact of gas and diesel vehicles while they’re being used. highly toxic and far more expensive. Researchers speculate
This is true in terms of total energy consumption, use of that lithium-polymer technologies may eventually be used.
resources, greenhouse gases, and ozone pollution. The electric Electric vehicles have more than technical hurdles to
vehicles were assumed to be charged from a grid that includes overcome: Some experts fear that the vehicles' environmental
significant amounts of fossil fuels. (Other studies show that impact is no lighter than that of gas-powered vehicles. And the
electric vehicles beat gas-powered ones in terms of biggest concerns center on the vehicles' all-important batteries
greenhouse gas emissions even if they’re charged in regions still, the largest contributor to electric vehicles' total
that depend heavily on coal. Here’s one such study. In some environmental burden comes from recharging the battery.
areas, hybrids are a better choice than electric cars.) Electric These operational costs were three times greater than the
vehicles come out behind in two areas. They contribute battery alone, but they fluctuated when the researchers looked
slightly more to acid rain. And they’re slightly worse in terms at other electricity sources besides the typical European power
of causing algae blooms than gasoline cars (but better than mixture that includes nuclear power, hydropower, and fossil
diesel). fuels, when the vehicles charged up on electricity from coal-
fired plants alone, their total environmental impact increased
B- Electric Vehicles and their impacts on Society by 13%, but it dropped by 40% when the electricity came
Environmental solely from hydropower. Overall, when the researchers
compared battery-powered vehicles to their gas-fueled
With the depletion of the earth's ozone layer and the counterparts, they calculated that a car with an internal
shortage of our oil supply becoming an issue, we have had to combustion engine would need a fuel economy of about 60 to
80 mpg to achieve a lower environmental impact than a The electric car (EV) is a relatively new concept in the world
battery-powered electric vehicle that recharged using Unites of the automotive industry. Although some companies have
States power sources. Overall, Electric Vehicles are starting to based their entire model of cars around being proactive and
change the way people think about, with the advancement of using electricity, some also offer hybrid vehicles that work off
battery technology and alternative fuels, these vehicles are both electricity and gas. An electric car such as Nissan Leaf,
producing fewer emissions and going further than ever before. Ford Focus Electric or Tesla Model (S), Chevrolet Volt is a
We need to start relying on these technologies to start great way for you to not only save money, but also help
reducing our carbon footprint. As the years continue to pass, contribute towards a healthy and stable environment.
these vehicles are going to start changing the way we live, and Cars produce a lot of carbon emissions that are ejected into
operate in society. our natural atmosphere, leaving us vulnerable to things like
Throughout modern times we have witnessed much pollution and greenhouse gases. In order to help positively the
advancement in technology. These advancements are results environment we live in, an electric car is a great step forward.
of research and data collected about our world and society, By buying an electric car, you can also receive government
helping us to better understand the most efficient ways we can subsidies for being environmentally conscious. Although you
work. With this increased knowledge, we have become more may end up paying more for your vehicle, the positives greatly
aware of the footprint humans leave on the environment. In an overshadow the negatives. However there are still two sides to
effort to better our environment, with this knowledge we have consider when you’re thinking about investing in an electric
become a more environmentally conscious world. One major vehicle.
advancement we have seen in environmentally friendly EV’s get their power from rechargeable batteries installed
technology includes the electric vehicle. Electric vehicles have inside the car. These batteries are not only used to power the
brought about many advantages and impacts including: car but also used for the functioning of lights and wipers.
decreased emissions, minimal gas usage, and increased safety. Electric cars have more batteries than normal gasoline car. It’s
Electric vehicles assist with emissions released into the air the same kind of batteries that are commonly used when
by traditional modes of transportation. Car emissions have starting up a gasoline engine. The only difference comes in the
been attributed to global warming and the deterioration of a fact that in electric vehicles, they have more of them which are
healthy atmosphere. With more drivers purchasing electric used to power the engine.
vehicles, we have been able to decrease these harmful
emissions. By using electricity or a combination of electricity  Advantages of an Electric Car
and gas, electric vehicles operate with fewer pollutants.
Although the environmentally beneficial factors that come An electric car is a great way for you, as a consumer, to save
into play with electric vehicles, drivers always enjoy the a lot of money on gas. However, there are so many different
advantage of minimal gas usage. Electric vehicles rely only on reasons why you should invest in an electric car in the modern
electric power to operate. Any outlet with the proper voltage day of technology.
can be used to charge up your electric car, and get you from 1) No Gas Required: Electric cars are entirely charged
point A to point B while completely eliminating your gas by the electricity you provide, meaning you don’t
expenses. Similarly to the electric vehicle, the electric vehicle need to buy any gas ever again. Driving fuel based
runs different than your traditional car. The electric vehicle cars can burn a hole in your pocket as prices of fuel
uses both electric and gas, with no external power source have gone all time high. With electric cars, this cost
needed. The electric car will use you automobiles moment can be avoided as an average American spends $2000
while running on gas to charge up its electric power sources. – $4000 on gas each year. Though electricity isn’t
In addition to the environmental and monetary benefits of free, an electric car is far cheaper to run.
electric and electric vehicles, these are also safer automobiles. 2) Savings: These cars can be fuelled for very cheap
Crash tests of traditional cars compared to electric vehicles prices, and many new cars will offer great incentives
show the difference in safety. The fluid batteries featured in for you to get money back from the government for
low emission transportation handle impact better than that of going green. Electric cars can also be a great way to
the battery found in a gas-powered car. save money in your own life.
With the knowledge of modern society, there is no reason 3) No Emissions: Electric cars are 100 percent eco-
why we should not all be doing everything we can to better friendly as they run on electrically powered engines.
our environment. Electric vehicles have immense advantages It does not emit toxic gases or smoke in the
and impacts that make for a savvy choice in car. With environment as it runs on clean energy source. They
decreased emissions, minimal gas usage, and increased safety, are even better than hybrid cars as hybrids running on
the electric vehicle is surely a smart consideration or purchase. gas produce emissions. You’ll be contributing to a
healthy and green climate.
4) Popularity: EV’s are growing in popularity. With
IV. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC popularity comes all new types of cars being put on
VEHICLES the market that are each unique, providing you with a
wealth of choices moving forward.
 What is an Electric Car?
5) Safe to Drive: Electric cars undergo same fitness and
testing procedures test as other fuel powered cars. In
case an accident occurs, one can expect airbags to make journey for other two passengers bit
open up and electricity supply to cut from battery. uncomfortable.
This can prevent you and other passengers in the car 7) Battery Replacement: Depending on the type and
from serious injuries. usage of battery, batteries of almost all electric cars
6) Cost Effective: Earlier, owing an electric car would are required to be changed every 3-10 years.
cost a bomb. But with more technological 8) Not Suitable for Cities Facing Shortage of Power: As
advancements, both cost and maintenance have gone electric cars need power to charge up, cities already
down. The mass production of batteries and available facing acute power shortage are not suitable for
tax incentives has further brought down the cost, electric cars. The consumption of more power would
thus, making it much more cost effective. hamper their daily power needs.
7) Low Maintenance: Electric cars run on electrically 9) Some governments do not provide money saving
powered engines and hence there is no need to initiatives in order to encourage you to buy an
lubricate the engines. Other expensive engine work is electric car.
a thing of past. Therefore, the maintenance cost of 10) Some base models of electric cars are still very
these cars has come down. You don’t need to send it expensive because of how new they are and the
to service station often as you do a normal gasoline technology it took to develop them.
powered car. Just because there is a variety of factors doesn’t mean they
8) Reduced Noise Pollution: Electric cars put curb on have to be overwhelming. Doing a fair bit of research into
noise pollution as they are much quieter. Electric different models, and maybe even hybrids, will help you make
motors are capable of providing smooth drive with an accurate decision moving forward. However, no matter
higher acceleration over longer distances. how you look at it, an electric car can save our precious
 Disadvantages of an Electric Car

Although the evidence of the positives has become very

clear, there are also some downsides that each individual V. CONCLUSION
needs to consider before they decide to make an electric car
their next big investment. These reasons are: The emissions impact of electric vehicle adoption on
individual and statewide greenhouse gas emissions profiles is
1) Recharge Points: Electric fuelling stations are still in clearly ascertained.. Emissions profiles for all vehicles types
the development stages. Not a lot of places you go to will decrease over time and these reductions have the most
on a daily basis will have electric fuelling stations for significant impact on electric vehicles technology
your vehicle, meaning that if you’re on a long trip advancement. A battery electric vehicle yields approximately
and run out of a charge, you may be stuck where you a 90 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over its
are. vehicle lifetime, compared to a conventional vehicle. Electric
2) Electricity isn’t Free: Electric cars can also be a vehicle adoption on the fleet level yields an important
hassle on your energy bill if you’re not considering emissions reduction. The mass adoption scenarios presented
the options carefully. If you haven’t done your demonstrates how encouraging electric vehicle adoption can
research into the electric car you want to purchase, greatly reduce statewide and regional greenhouse gas
then you may be making an unwise investment. emissions providing healthier environment.
Sometimes electric cars require a huge charge in
order to function properly – which may reflect poorly
on your electricity bill each month.
3) Short Driving Range and Speed: Electric cars are ACKNOWLEDGMENT
limited by range and speed. Most of these cars have
range about 50-100 miles and need to be recharged The author would like to thank Professor Dr. Mohamad Rom
again. You just can’t use them for long journeys as of bin Tamjis, FKE, UTeM, for leading this research and Mesia
now, although it is expected to improve in future. (m) SDN BHD for giving the opportunity to work and
4) Longer Recharge Time: While it takes couple of research.
minutes to fuel your gasoline powered car, an electric
car take about 4-6 hours to get fully charged. REFERENCES
Therefore, you need dedicated power stations as the
time taken to recharge them is quite long.
5) Silence as Disadvantage: Silence can be a bit [1] http://www.green-technology.org/what.htm
disadvantage as people like to hear noise if they are [2] https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/42612/Collins_Paul_GEOG_
coming from behind them. An electric car is however 419_2012.pdf?sequence=1
[3] http://www.technologyreview.com/view/517146/are-electric-vehicles-
silent and can lead to accidents in some cases. better-for-the-environment-than-gas-powered-ones/
6) Normally 2 Seaters: Most of the electric cars [4] http://www.top100educationsites.com/essay-sample-on-advantages-and-
available today are small and 2 seated only. They are impacts-of-electric-vehicles.php
not meant for entire family and a third person can [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_vehicle
[6] http://www.ukessays.com/essays/environmental-sciences/reduction-of-
[7] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11367-014-0788-0#page-1
[8] http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/docs/d1_en.pdf
[9] http://www.enveurope.com/content/24/1/14
[10] http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/docs/d1_en.pdf
[11] http://www.green-technology.org/what.htm
[12] http://www.ecologic.eu/8271
[13] http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-

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