1 Planning Housekeeping Operations
1 Planning Housekeeping Operations
1 Planning Housekeeping Operations
Housekeeping is a 24/7 operation. It is imperative that the executive housekeeper plans and
organizes the work of the department for smooth and efficient functioning. Planning is the
executive housekeeper’s most important management function, providing direction and focus
to all activities.
When this planning is done methodically, half the battle is won. If the executive housekeeper
plans out the work well, he/she and the staff are clear about the responsibilities of the
department as well as their individual tasks. Planning the work of the housekeeping
department requires a step by step, systematic approach to ensure that the work is not only
done, but also done correctly, efficiently, on time, and with the least cost to the department.
Systematic planning makes the enormous task of housekeeping seems easier. On other hand,
haphazard planning or no planning will lead to crisis situation on a day-to-day basis:
increasing stress level for many, increasing departmental expenses, and sometime
dissatisfaction amongst guests (and consequently, the management)
The scope of the planning to be undertaken by the executive housekeeper is vast, and only the
basic planning activities are discussed in this unit. Advance planning activities such as
budgeting and controlling expenses, and so on, are discussed in later chapters.
The step-by-step planning may differ slightly from one hotel’s housekeeping department to
another’s and different terminology may be in use across companies ,but essentially the sub-
processes and task are the same. The planning process is depicted in fig 1. Housekeeping
planning should be done on paper and needed to be properly documented.
Figure no 1
Hotel : ___________________________________________
Dimensions :_________
It is necessary to produce a detailed inventory for each room on area type, identifying the
surfaces, furniture and fitting located there and noting their condition, state of repair and any
initial or previous treatments.
This survey can be greatly assisted by the use of the working plans of the building. The
database can be manually or computerized.
Unless data base is developed it is impossible to determine in specific terms the cleaning and
maintenance tasks that need to be done and thus quantify the work to be done. The concept of
a room inventory can be useful when implementing:
Frequency schedule indicates how often items on inventory list are to be cleaned or
maintained. Items that must be cleaned on a daily or weekly basis become part of the routine
cleaning cycle and are incorporated into standard work procedures.
Some of the following factors will affect the frequency of the task to be performed
Performance standards of housekeeping department describe how and to what standards the
work is to be done. In other words, performance standards lay down the required quality
levels for employee’s performance. The best-developed performance standards are the ones
that are prepared in consultation with the staff who actually perform the tasks.
Productivity standards of housekeeping department communicate the quantity of work
expected to be completed by each employee of the department. Housekeeping managers must
know how long it should be take an employee to perform the main tasks in the area inventory
lists, as this knowledge helps in determining staffing requirements. Efficient housekeeping is
achieving a balance between performance standards and productivity standards. Standards
time rates have been calculated for specific tasks under standard condition of equipment,
agents, and method. Practically speaking, though, every hotel must develop their own
productivity standards, as there are several factors that influence these standards, which vary
from one property to the other.