Why Does A Project Need A Project Manager and A Business Analyst?

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Why Does a Project Need a

Project Manager and a Business Analyst?

Similarities, differences and how they work together
Barbara Carkenord, Sponsor. They both understand the most of each other’s strengths.
President, B2T Training ultimate goal of the project – to meet the It is the healthy tension between the
project objectives. They each work on PM and the BA—the PM pushing to
their own tasks within the project to move forward and the BA cautiously
he best way to guarantee achieve these objectives. There are some wanting to gather just one more detail

T success of any type of project is

to have a strong, experienced
Project Manager and a strong,
experienced Business Analyst. These two
individuals, working together from the
areas of a project where the PM and BA
work together or serve as a back-up for
each other. There are many other areas
where the two individuals diverge and do
very different types of tasks.
before going forward—that makes the
combination so successful. They are
inter-dependent because their goals are in
At the beginning of the project there are
beginning of the project, set the stage for The PM is responsible for ensuring areas of overlapping responsibilities such as
success by accurately planning and clearly that the product is delivered to the project scope definition, development of
defining the expected outcomes. Both customer on time and within budget. the project statement of purpose, project
roles are necessary because they are each The BA is responsible for ensuring that objectives and identification of business
responsible for a different set of tasks and the product is built according to the
they each possess a set of skills that requirements and is built correctly. This The Project Manager
complement each other. • Is usually the first person
difference in focus is the reason that
assigned to the project.
The two roles are closely tied, but having both roles on the team is critical.
exactly what are the similarities and The product will be built correctly, • Is responsible for planning the
project and ensuring the team
differences, and why does a project need according to requirements, on time and follows the plan.
both? In many organizations, one within budget!
• Manages changes, handles
individual is being asked to play both problems and keeps the project
roles. This article discusses the importance Working Together moving.
of assigning different individuals to each So how do the PM and BA work • Manages people, money and risk.
role to ensure project success. together to make the project a success? • Is the chief communicator of
Fundamentally, the PM manages project good or bad news to the Business
Why Does a Project Need a resources (people, money) and the BA Sponsors and IT Management.
PM and a BA? manages the business stakeholders. The
The Business Analyst
Having both a Project Manager (PM) BA reports to the PM on his or her • Is usually assigned to the project
and a Business Analyst (BA) is critical to progress on the tasks in the work after it has started.
a project’s success. Each role provides breakdown structure (WBS) in relation • Is responsible for bridging the
specialized capabilities that make the to requirements. Usually at the beginning gap between the business area
difference between whether a project of the project the PM and BA work very and IT.
succeeds or struggles. PMs and BAs each closely together and often work on the • Learns the business inside and out.
have unique skills and knowledge areas same tasks. Later as the project gets • Essentially serves as the architect
that, when used together, produce a high going, they each focus on their particular of effective business systems.
quality product. They both want the responsibilities and talk frequently to • Is viewed inconsistently across
project to be successful and want to share their progress. Excellent PMs and the industry in regard to job title,
satisfy their customer – the Executive BAs will work hand-in-hand to make the definition and responsibilities.

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risks. A strong PM will utilize the analysis Unfortunately, it is also common in you are also assigned to other project
skills of the BA to make sure that the scope organizations where there is a lack of responsibilities (i.e., you are also the
is feasible and well defined. understanding of the BA role and where technical architect) or assigned to work
As requirements are gathered, the expectation is that business analysis is on other projects. Your project schedule,
analyzed and documented by the BA, the just another task a PM performs. budget and product quality may be
PM is closely involved, reviewing the For the individual playing this dual affected. Be sure to plan for adequate
time needed to do both jobs effectively.
SKILLS COMPARISON - SIMILARITIES If you find yourself in this situation
Project Manager Business Analyst frequently in your organization, use your

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• Strong communication skills • Strong communication skills excellent communication skills to heighten
• Understanding of the SDLC • Understanding of the SDLC awareness regarding the conflicting roles
• Negotiation/consensus building • Negotiation/consensus building to your managers. Make management
• Strong interpersonal and client • Strong interpersonal and client and your project team aware of your
management skills management skills conflicting responsibilities and challenges
associated with them. Seek help in
requirements and adjusting the plan as role, the challenge is to be aware of the managing the schedule and help to
necessary. The PM also reviews the conflicting focus and to try to act in one gather and document the requirements.
decisions made when the BA and role at a time. You may find you are If possible, try to minimize involvement
technical architect design the solution. having disagreements with yourself, and on other concurrent projects. We cannot
Typically the PM reviews all project it may be helpful to have a fellow PM or always have the ideal situation so make the
deliverables at a high level looking for BA listen to your internal debate to try best of what you have and communicate
project adjustments and issues. The BA and help you make decisions. Be aware the issues as clearly as possible.
reviews all project deliverables that are that you probably have a preference for
related to requirements, solution design one role or the other and you may find Dynamic Duos
and testing; looking in detail to make yourself neglecting the tasks of the role When assigning PMs and BAs to a
sure that the business needs are being that you enjoy the least. If you prefer project, executive management should be
addressed. doing PM work, you may miss aware of the importance of this dynamic
During the project both the BA and requirements. If you prefer doing BA duo. Their success depends on their
the PM will maintain a relationship with work, you may allow the schedule to slip respective experience, knowledge and skill
their “customers.” The BA is the advocate or forget to direct your team members. sets. The results will vary depending on
for the business area and the PM will This situation is further complicated if the individuals selected.
report project status and work to resolve
issues. Both roles also have an ongoing
Project Manager Business Analyst
dialogue with the technical team members:

• Ability to see the “big picture” • Detail-oriented

the BA working with the technical for the project
architects to design a solution, the PM
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• Directs the project team • Listens to people (SMEs)

watching the progress of the team and
• Helps people (project team) • Helps SMEs describe how and
adjusting the plan as decisions are made. get things done why they perform tasks

• Ensures the product is delivered • Ensures the product is built right

When One Person Performs on time, within budget according to the requirements
Both Roles

• Removes issue barriers • Identifies business issues

There are many projects where one • Manages project change control • Manages requirements change
person is assigned to act as both the PM requests

and the BA. This is common and • Manages the Work Breakdown • Performs requirements-related
probably appropriate on small projects or Structure (WBS) tasks in the WBS

when the organization is short staffed. • Possesses management skills • Possesses investigative skills

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If a strong PM is assigned to work BA, too much time may be spent in individuals in each role have the
with a weak (inexperienced, unskilled or requirements gathering and the project appropriate skill set. Training and cross
insecure) BA, the requirements gathering will fall behind schedule. BAs want to get training is important because a successful
and analysis tasks may be rushed and every single detail, 100% correct before BA understands what the PM does and
important requirements may be missed. moving forward and if the PM lets the an excellent PM understands the role of
The PM will be pushing for the project to BA try to accomplish this virtually the BA.
progress and the BA will not be strong impossible task, the schedule will be In summary, all projects need business
enough to convince the PM that complete, jeopardized. Also, if the PM does not analysis and project management skills.
accurate requirements are critical to project strictly enforce the change control The PM and BA roles intersect and
success. This may result in rework late in procedure, BAs may allow business support each other. Some of the skills
the project when the missing requirements people to add more and more required by these two individuals are
are identified. Rework may result in requirements resulting in “scope creep” similar but many are different.
schedule and budget overruns. and project delays. Cooperation results in project success. n
In the opposite situation, if a weak Obviously, the worse case situation is
PM is assigned to work with a strong a project with a weak PM and a weak
“Business Analysts are responsible
BA. No matter how involved the subject for identifying business needs.
“Project management is the matter experts are, and how good the The Business Analyst is
application of knowledge, skills, technical team is, this project is responsible for requirements
tools, and techniques to a broad development and requirements
guaranteed to fail without strong
range of activities in order to meet management. Specifically, the
the requirements of a particular
leadership and clear requirements.
Business Analyst elicits, analyzes,
project. Project management is Therefore, the best case situation is a validates and documents business,
comprised of five Project project with a strong PM and a strong organizational and/or operational
Management Process Groups – BA. Assuming the rest of the project requirements. Solutions are not
Initiating Processes, Planning team is competent, this project will be predetermined by the Business
Processes, Executing Processes, Analyst, but are driven solely by
well run and the end product will be of
Monitoring and Controlling the requirements of the business.
Processes, and Closing Processes – the highest quality. There is a great
Solutions often include a systems
as well as nine Knowledge Areas. balance between thorough requirements development component, but
These nine Knowledge Areas center gathering and project progress. The may also consist of process
on management expertise in project will be on schedule and meet the improvement or organizational
Project Integration Management, change.
expectations of the Executive Sponsor.
Project Scope Management, Project The Business Analyst is a key
Time Management, Project Cost facilitator within an organization,
Management, Project Quality How to Achieve Specialized acting as a bridge between the client,
Management, Project Human PM and BA Roles stakeholders and the solution team.
Resources Management, Project Professional organizations like the IIBA Business analysis is distinct
Communications Management, and PMI are working to promote the from financial analysis, project
Project Risk Management and management, quality assurance,
career progression of PM and BA roles.
Project Procurement Management.” organizational development,
Companies should recognize the
A Guide to the Project Management testing, training and documentation
importance of each role by giving them development.”
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide),
- Third Edition appropriate job titles, job descriptions, IIBA.com
evaluation criteria and making sure that

B2T Training has specialized in business analysis training for over 15 years. We offer Business Analyst training that focuses on proven skills and
techniques to define and scope the business problem, elicit and analyze requirements, document the requirements, model the requirements,
and follow through with the development of business requirements test plans to ensure the project has met its defined objectives.
Our training is offered nationally and on a limited international basis. Most of our classes are taught onsite and are tailored to the unique
environments of each organization. Public classes are also available in various cities around the US.
CEO, Executive VP, Sales/Marketing President VP, Business Development
Tina Joseph Barbara A. Carkenord Angie Perris

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