A Survey On Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends
A Survey On Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends
A Survey On Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends
achieving it is fragmented. This fact makes it challenging for academics and the industry to achieve interoperability among blockchains
seamlessly. Given this new domain’s novelty and potential, we conduct a literature review on blockchain interoperability by collecting
284 papers and 120 grey literature documents, constituting a corpus of 404 documents. From those 404 documents, we systematically
analyzed and discussed 102 documents, including peer-reviewed papers and grey literature. Our review classifies studies in three
categories: Public Connectors, Blockchain of Blockchains, and Hybrid Connectors. Each category is further divided into sub-categories
based on defined criteria. We classify 67 existing solutions in one subcategory using the Blockchain Interoperability Framework,
providing a holistic overview of blockchain interoperability. Our findings show that blockchain interoperability has a much broader
spectrum than cryptocurrencies and cross-chain asset transfers. Finally, this paper discusses supporting technologies, standards, use
cases, open challenges, and future research directions, paving the way for research in the area.
CCS Concepts: • Computer systems organization → Dependable and fault-tolerant systems and networks;
Peer-to-peer architectures.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: survey, blockchain interoperability, standards, interconnected blockchains, cross-chain
transactions, cross-blockchain communication
ACM Reference Format:
Rafael Belchior, André Vasconcelos, Sérgio Guerreiro, and Miguel Correia. 2021. A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present,
and Future Trends. 1, 1 (March 2021), 63 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn
Blockchain technology is maturing at a fast pace. The development of real-world applications shows real interest
from both industry and academia [213, 240]. For instance, applications have been developed in the areas of public
administration [20, 24], access control [22, 184], and others [55]. Additionally, blockchain is progressing towards the
performance of centralized systems: for example, the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is predicted to achieve 50,000
transactions per second [96, 97]. Figure 1 depicts the number of search results per year for “blockchain interoperability”
Authors’ addresses: Rafael Belchior, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, Rua Alves Redol, 9, Lisboa, 1000-029,
rafael.belchior@tecnico.ulisboa.pt; André Vasconcelos, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, Rua Alves Redol, 9, Lisboa,
1000-029, andre.vasconcelos@tecnico.ulisboa.pt; Sérgio Guerreiro, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, Rua Alves
Redol, 9, Lisboa, 1000-029, sergio.guerreiro@tecnico.ulisboa.pt; Miguel Correia, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal,
Rua Alves Redol, 9, Lisboa, 1000-029, miguel.p.correia@tecnico.ulisboa.pt.
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that Google Scholar returned. In 2015, only two documents were related to blockchain interoperability. In 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019, and 2020, the results were 8, 15, 64, 130, and 207, respectively, showing a steep increase regarding interest in
this research area.
Serving multiple use cases and stakeholders requires various block-
chain features and capabilities [224]. The need for adaptability is a
motivating factor for creating different blockchains, leading to a het- 200
erogeneous ecosystem [101, 168, 230]. Choosing new blockchains 175
end-user to use different blockchain for data objects with different privacy requirements), and creates new business
opportunities. Given the complexity of this research area, we attempt to answer three research questions:
RQ1: What is the current landscape concerning blockchain interoperability, both in industry and academia?
RQ2: Are technological requirements for blockchain interoperability currently satisfied?
RQ3: Are there real use cases requiring blockchain interoperability?
1.1 Contributions
As a systematization of knowledge on blockchain interoperability, this paper yields four-fold contributions:
• Introduce the blockchain interoperability research area, presenting the necessary background and highlighting
definitions tailored both for industry and academia. We define blockchain interoperability and discuss different
blockchain interoperability architectures and standards.
• Propose the Blockchain Interoperability Framework (BIF), a framework defining criteria to assess blockchain
interoperability solutions.
• Present a systematic literature review, where we identify and discuss blockchain interoperability solutions,
accordingly to BIF, in three categories: Public Connectors, Blockchain of Blockchains, and Hybrid Connectors. In
particular, our analysis is based on several sources (e.g., peer-reviewed papers, whitepapers, blog posts, technical
reports), enabling an in-depth understanding of each solution’s current state and its roadmap, i.e., its creator’s
plans. To achieve this, we systematically contacted the authors of grey literature papers and industrial solutions: this
is our innovative attempt to provide the reader with high-quality information in this rapidly emerging research
area. This method allows us to obtain up-to-date, reliable information that often is cumbersome to obtain.
• We identify and propose use cases that benefit from a multiple blockchain approach, pinpoint challenges and
obstacles to the development of blockchain interoperability solutions and standards, and propose future research
directions, paving the way for systematic research in this area.
1.2 Organization
Section 2 provides background on blockchain consensus algorithms, previous results on blockchain interoperability, and
blockchain interoperability definitions and architecture. Next, Section 3 presents and discusses related literature reviews,
while Section 4 introduces the Blockchain Interoperability Framework. Next, a systematic review and analysis of
blockchain interoperability categories is conducted, distributed across three categories, in Section 5: Public Connectors
(Section 5.1), Blockchain of Blockchains (Section 5.2), and Hybrid Connectors (Section 5.3). For each category, we
provide a detailed analysis and discussion. To provide a holistic view of the blockchain interoperability landscape, we
promote a general discussion in Section 6. This discussion compares solutions across categories (Section 6.1), presents
standardization efforts (Section 6.2), informs readers regarding use case scenarios with multiple blockchains (Section
6.3), answers to the research questions (Section 6.4), and indicates challenges related to interoperability (Section 6.5).
We present research directions (Section 7), and, finally, we conclude the paper (Section 8). Six appendices complement
this survey. Appendix A presents the methodology employed. Appendix B presents an architecture for blockchain
interoperability, reviewing the various efforts on that topic. Appendix C, D and E presents a description of the surveyed
public connectors, blockchain of blockchains, and hybrid connector approaches, respectively. Finally, Appendix F
complements the use case section, by presenting more cross-blockchain use cases.
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4 Belchior et al.
In this section, we provide the necessary background to the understanding of this survey.
governmental needs. Hyperledger Fabric [9], Corda [47], Quorum [119], Tendermint [130], and Multichain [98] are
examples of permissioned blockchains.
Figure 2 depicts two blockchains: Hyper-
ledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain; and Hyperledger Fabric Bitcoin
Bitcoin, a permissionless blockchain. The sup-
Application Application
porting layers (e.g., networking, storage, en- Consensus Blocks Consensus Blocks
cryption) [120] provide a basis for the con- P₁
N₁ 4
appends them to the chain of blocks. In Hy- 2 N₂
perledger Fabric, the consensus is modular,
based on endorsement policies. In Fabric, a Supporting Layers Supporting Layers
client (C) sends a transaction proposal to the
peer nodes (P), and obtains a signed transac- Fig. 2. Representation of two blockchains, Hyperledger Fabric [9], and Bitcoin
tion, called an endorsement (steps 1 and 2). [158].
An orderer validates the endorsements and
builds a block with valid transactions, appending it to the ledger (steps 3 and 4). In Bitcoin, the consensus is based on
the notion of Proof-of-Work (PoW), a cryptographic puzzle that mining nodes need to solve in order to build a valid
block. This corresponds roughly to Fabric’s steps 1-3. After a node finds a solution to PoW, it then can propose a block
of transactions to be appended to the ledger (step 4).
Blockchain trust is based on the incentive models that guide the behavior of the nodes. For instance, in Bitcoin,
nodes have the incentive to produce blocks of transactions and support the network because they are rewarded Bitcoins.
Conversely, nodes do not have the incentive to disrespect the protocol, as attacks are expensive and nodes can get
punished [61]. In Hyperledger Fabric, where nodes are identified, they have the business incentive to follow the protocol
because parties cooperate towards a common goal, and misbehavior can be punished according to the law or applicable
governance model. Decentralization, different goals, and incentives support the trust on the blockchain – parties can
share the ledger without relying on a trusted, centralized party.
The ability to distribute trust on a global state fostered the appearance of decentralized applications (dApps) [10].
A dApp is a computer program running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. For example, Steemit1 is a social
blogging dApp that rewards content-creators with cryptocurrency. Thus, dApps are based on smart contracts running
on a blockchain, but they also have other components that should equally be decentralized.
1 https://steemit.com/
A CCCP defines the process by which a pair of blockchains interact to synchronize cross-chain transactions correctly.
Hence, a CCCP allows homogeneous blockchains to communicate. For instance, sidechains typically use a CCCP
(e.g., Zendoo allows communication between Bitcoin-like blockchains systems [93]). Conversely, a cross-blockchain
communication protocol (CBCP) defines the process by which a pair of blockchains interact to synchronize cross-
blockchain transactions correctly. CBCPs allow heterogeneous blockchains to communicate (e.g., the Interledger Protocol
allows any blockchains that implement the protocol to exchange “money packets” [115]). The differentiation between
CCCPs and CBCPs is important because CCCPs typically can leverage the interoperating blockchains’ constructs and
functionality (e.g., utilize smart contracts to implement a relay [131]), whereas CBCPs normally require blockchains
to be adapted. However, CBCPs may leverage specific functionalities of both blockchains [79]. Cross-blockchain, or
cross-chain communication, is a requirement for blockchain interoperability. This section provides a few theoretical
results regarding cross-blockchain communication, and thus also blockchain interoperability.
Zamyatin et al. [233] prove that “there exists no asynchronous CCC [cross-chain communication] protocol tolerant
against misbehaving nodes”. The authors use a reduction to the fair exchange problem [13] to prove that correct cross-
chain communication is as hard as the fair exchange problem. As a consequence of the presented theorem, the authors
state that “there exists no CCC protocol tolerant against misbehaving nodes without a trusted third party”. A trusted
third party can be centralized or decentralized. Centralized trusted parties are, for example, trusted validators [155]. A
decentralized trusted party can be another blockchain, in which their participants agree on the global ledger state via a
consensus algorithm. However, the trusted party has to ensure that most participants are honest, guaranteeing the
correctness of the process is guaranteed. Cross-chain protocols, therefore “use the consensus of the distributed ledgers as
an abstraction for a trusted third party.” [233]. Borkowski et al. [43] derive the “lemma of rooted blockchains” that states
that a source blockchain cannot verify the existence of data on a target blockchain with practical effort. In particular, the
source blockchain would need to be able to mimic consensus from the target blockchain, and it would have to store a
(potentially large) subset of the target blockchain’s block history. On a recent endeavor, Lafourcade and Lombard-Platet
[133] formalize the blockchain interoperability problem, arguing that fully decentralized blockchain interoperability is
not possible. More specifically, there is no protocol assuming a full-client that can realize its interoperability functions,
such as asset transfer, without a third party’s aid. However, a blockchain with two ledgers offers the possibility of
interoperability (there is, in fact, the possibility of moving assets from one ledger to the other). This study applies
mainly to public blockchains.
The results above are relevant because they lead to an important consideration: cross-blockchain transactions are
not feasible in practice without the participation of a trusted third party. In other words, although trust assumptions
vary greatly from permissionless to permissioned networks, cross-blockchain transactions, as well as cross-chain
transactions, require a trusted third party to assure the correctness of the underlying protocol. Most solutions presented
throughout this paper present at least one decentralized trust anchor.
with assurances of validity”. Pillai and Biswas refer that “cross-communication is not intended to make direct state
changes to another blockchain system. Instead, cross-communication should trigger some set of functionalities on the
other system that is expected to operate within its own network” [167].
A technical report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines blockchain interoperability
as “a composition of distinguishable blockchain systems, each representing a unique distributed data ledger, where
atomic transaction execution may span multiple heterogeneous blockchain systems, and where data recorded in one
blockchain are reachable, verifiable, and referable by another possibly foreign transaction in a semantically compatible
manner” [231]. Hardjono et al. define blockchain survivability as “the completion (confirmation) of an application-level
transaction [composed of subtransactions] independent of blockchain systems involved in achieving the completion of
the transaction.”[103] The concept of transactions and subtransactions relates to “best effort delivery”, that applications
must comply to, by ensuring that transactions and their subtransactions are completed (i.e., committed) within a certain
time frame.
Regarding types of blockchain interoperability, Besançon et al. highlight three [29]: interoperability between different
blockchains, interoperability between dApps using the same blockchain, and interoperability blockchain and other
technologies (such as integration with enterprise systems). While different definitions tackle different dimensions of
interoperability, there is room for improvement. We define several terms that encompass the whole scope of technical
interoperability to later provide a holistic definition of technical interoperability (see Figure 3). To recall the definition
presented in Section 2.2, a source blockchain is a blockchain that issues transactions against a target blockchain. A
source node is a node from the source blockchain, and a target node belongs to the target blockchain. When several
participants elect a source node and a target node, we achieve decentralization in the context of interoperability [117].
A Cross-Chain Transaction (CC-Tx), where “CC” stands for cross-chain, and “Tx” for transaction, is a transaction
between different chains, which belong to the same blockchain system (homogeneous blockchains), for example,
between EVM-based blockchains. We use the CC-Tx, inter-chain transaction, and inter-blockchain transaction terms
interchangeably. A Cross-Blockchain Transaction (CB-Tx) is a transaction between different blockchains (heterogeneous
blockchains), for example, between Hyperledger Fabric and Bitcoin. Note that the terms CC-Tx and CB-Tx are used as
synonyms in the industry, as currently, most solutions connect homogeneous blockchains. A Cross-Chain Decentralized
Application (CC-dApp) is a dApp that leverages cross-blockchain transactions to implement its business logic. We use
the terms CC-dApp and cross-blockchain decentralized application (CB-dApp) interchangeably. Other terms with the
same meaning in the literature are inter-chain decentralized application and inter-blockchain decentralized application.
A Internet of Blockchains (IoB) is a system “where homogeneous and heterogeneous decentralized networks commu-
nicate to facilitate cross-chain transactions of value” [206]. We use this definition of IoB throughout this paper.
The term Blockchain of Blockchains (BoB) is not used consistently [143, 215]. Verdian et al. use it to describe
the structure that aggregates blocks from different blockchains into “meta blocks”, organized through a consensus
mechanism using posets (partially ordered sets) and total order theory [215], thus producing a blockchain of blockchains.
A poset consists of a set of elements and their binary relationships that are ordered according to a specific set of rules
Influenced by those authors, we define a BoB as a system in which a consensus protocol organizes blocks that contain a
set of transactions belonging to CC-dApps, spread across multiple blockchains. Such a system should provide accountability
for the parties issuing transactions on the various blockchains and providing a holistic, updated view of each underlying
blockchain. Note that BoB solutions belong to the category with the same name. Therefore, the notion of IoB directly
refers to the connection relationships among blockchains, whereas the term BoB refers to an architecture made possible
by IoB. BoB approaches are concerned with the validation and management of cross-blockchain transactions.
Figure 3 shows the relationship between the differ-
ent concepts concerning blockchain interoperability. A
CC-dApp realizes the blockchain of blockchains ap-
proach. This approach can provide the semantic level
interoperability (i.e., concerned at transmitting the mean-
ing of the data, which corresponds to the value level
interoperability) required by organizations, mappable by
the applicational layer. However, it relies on the existence
of an IoB – a network of blockchains. For an IoB to exist,
technical interoperability (or mechanical interoperabil-
ity) is required. In the context of a CC-dApp, cross-chain
transactions are ordered by a cross-chain dApp protocol.
Such protocols should assure transaction atomicity and
resolve possible conflicts in transactions spawning across
homogeneous and heterogeneous blockchains.
From the several definitions we encountered during
our research, we envision blockchain interoperability as:
the ability of a source blockchain to change the state of a
target blockchain (or vice-versa), enabled by cross-chain or Fig. 3. Concept map, illustrating the relationship between different
cross-blockchain transactions, spanning across a composi- concepts related to blockchain interoperability
tion of homogeneous and heterogeneous blockchain systems,
the IoB. IoB transactions are delivered via a cross-blockchain communication protocol, thereby granting technical
interoperability, enabling CC-dApps. CC-dApps provide semantic interoperability via the BoB. The BoB approach is
realized by a cross-blockchain dApp protocol, which provides consensus over a set of cross-chain transactions, thus
enabling cross-chain dApps.
a comprehensive discussion on
standards, use cases, and archi- Table 2. Comparison of related literature reviews: PC (Public Connectors), Blockchain of
Blockchains (BoB), HC (Hybrid Connectors), AR (architectures for blockchain interoperability),
tecture for interoperability was ST (standards), CC (cross-comparison), UC (use cases), OI (open-issues). Each criterion can
possible. be “fulfilled” (“+” in green background), “partially fulfilled” (“±” in orange background) or
“not fulfilled” (“-‘” in red background), if it addresses all, between one and all, or none of its
sub-criteria, respectively.
This section presents the Block-
chain Interoperability Framework (BIF), a framework classifying solutions collected through our methodology. To drive
criteria for assessing the categories (and specific solutions) of blockchain interoperability, we analyzed the solution
space using the six “W” questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. The “Why” was determined irrelevant to
our analysis because its purpose is constant – connecting different chains (CC-Txs), different blockchains (CB-Txs), or
even to arbitrary systems (e.g., enterprise legacy systems). This is instead addressed by the “where” question.
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10 Belchior et al.
operate in semi-trusted environments (e.g., private blockchain, regulated blockchain), and can be operated via a (semi)
trusted third party [19, 105, 155]. Escrowed cross-claims are the standard mechanism for asset transfers, operating
similarly to cross-claims, but in an untrusted environment, leveraging dispute-resolution mechanisms (e.g., via smart
contracts requiring inclusion proofs [2]) or by parties holding custody of assets and collateral, [45, 53, 234]. Inclusion
proofs include applying Merkle tree proofs to block header transfer via a coordinating blockchain, block header transfer,
or direct signing [182]. Collateralization is the process in which a party performing the transfer of assets provides a
certain amount of their assets as a guarantee of following the protocol (e.g., not to steal assets from the end-user). If
a party misbehaves (e.g., steals assets), the deposit is given to the victim party. Finally, a mediated CC-Tx includes
(an offline) trusted party [155]. In case of a dispute about an asset transfer between a public blockchain and a private
blockchain (P-NP) or a public blockchain and an enterprise system (also P-NP), there needs to be a dispute-resolution
mechanism. This is due to NP systems’ private nature, although several mechanisms exist to prove internal state
belonging to private blockchains. Hence, CC-Txs have a trade-off risk-performance: the less centralization there is on
the CC-Tx settlement, the worst the performance, but the lesser the risk.
The “how” also relates to the extent to which the implementation of the solution is tested. Solutions might be
implemented, tested, and validated (application to a real-world scenario). Testing regards correctness guarantees:
behavioral correctness or formal correctness. Behavioral correctness is the ability to guarantee that CC-Txs are issued
as intended, without unintended consequences (e.g., asset lock, asset theft). While in practice, behavioral correctness
depends on formal correctness, we say a solution has behavioral correctness if it has a suite of test cases [157].
Formal correctness assures that an algorithm is correct with respect to a specification. Formal verification checks the
correctness of algorithms against a specification using, for instance, formal methods. Smart contract verification tools
allow developers to reduce the probability of creating bugs, thus incurring penalties, as smart contracts are generally
difficult to update once deployed [75]. Another point of providing trust to the user is the solution to have an open-source
implementation, where the code can be peer-reviewed and corrected if needed.
(2) NP: This criterion is fully fulfilled if more than two non-public blockchains are supported. It is partially fulfilled if one or
two non-public blockchains are supported.
• Trust Establishment: this category refers to how a solution provides trust to the users.
– Decentralization: who operates the solution instance?
(1) End-user
(2) Consortium
(3) Trusted (third) party
If multiple criteria are selected, it indicates a solution supports more than one mode of operation.
– Channel: where are CC-Tx validated?
(1) On-chain: This criteria is partially fulfilled if proofs are created on-chain but validation occurs off-chain.
(2) Off-chain: This criteria is partially fulfilled if proofs are created off-chain but validation occurs on-chain.
• CC-Tx Realization: this category refers to how and where a CC-Tx is settled.
– Mechanism: how are CC-Txs agreed-upon multiple parties?
(1) Cross-claim
(2) Escrowed cross-claim
(3) Mediated
• Extra-functional: this category refers to the design of the solution itself.
(1) Tests: the approach provides a set of test cases.
(2) Implementation: the approach provides an open-source implementation and is validated in the industry. This criterion is
partially fulfilled if the implementation is closed-source.
(3) Validation: the approach is validated in an actual use case scenario.
(4) Run-time: the business logic of the solution can be changed dynamically, as needed. This criterion is considered not fulfilled
if logic is settled when the solution is instantiated, i.e., changing logic requires a new instance.
5.1.1 Sidechains & Relays. A sidechain (or secondary chain, or satellite chain, or child chain) is a mechanism for two
existing blockchains to interoperate [15, 94], scale (e.g., via blockchain sharding [128]), and be upgraded [235] in which
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A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 13
one blockchain (main chain or mainchain) considers another blockchain as an extension of itself (the sidechain). The
mainchain maintains a ledger of assets and is connected to the sidechain, a separate system attached to the main
chain via a cross-chain communication protocol [93]. An example is a two-way peg, a mechanism for transferring
assets between the main chain and the sidechain [199]. Main chains can be sidechains of each other [52], creating each
chain’s possible to connect to others. Sidechains are considered layer one solutions (built on top of layer 0 solutions
- blockchains) to implement layer-2 solutions, such as payment channels [124]. The second layer allows off-chain
transactions between users through the exchange of messages tethered to a sidechain [99]. A sidechain is then a
construct that allows for offloading transactions from the mainchain, processes it, and can redirect the outcome of such
processing back to the main chain.
For instance, state channels are off-chain sidechains used to implement, for example, payment channels, by offloading
transactions of the blockchain [174]. In a payment channel, participants interact, collecting cryptographically signed
messages. Those messages update the current state without publishing it to the mainchain. When the payment channel
is closed, the final state is published onto the main chain, where an on-chain dispute/closure phase may occur [124].
Payment channels are appropriated for use cases requiring several transactions that can be combined in a single one.
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14 Belchior et al.
Main chains communicate with sidechains via a CCP, often tightly coupled with the functionality of both chains.
The basic components of sidechain design are the mainchain consensus protocol, the sidechain consensus protocol, and
the cross-chain communication protocol [93]. Sidechains allow different interactions between participating blockchains,
being the most common the transfer of assets between the main chain and the sidechain (two-way peg) [125, 199]. A
two-way peg works in the following manner: a user, operating on the mainchain, sends X tokens to a custom address
that locks assets. Those funds are locked on the mainchain, and a corresponding number of tokens are created on the
sidechain. The user can now use the tokens on the sidechain. Eventually, the user can transfer back the tokens to the
main chain, which causes assets on the sidechain to be locked or destroyed, depending on the implementation. There are
three major types of two-way pegs: simplified payment verification, centralized two-way pegs, and federated two-way
pegs. Simplified payment verification (SPV) [37, 158] is done by light clients, which consist of blockchain clients that
can verify transactions on the blockchain without having its entire state. The SPV client only needs the block headers;
verifying that a transaction is in a block is to request a Merkle tree proof [205] including that transaction. In particular,
transactions are represented as Merkle tree leaves. Given a leaf node as a target and a path comprised of nodes and its
siblings to the target, verifying a Merkle tree proof of including the target is to reconstruct a partial Merkle tree root.
A relay solution is an SPV client for a source blockchain running on a target blockchain, enabling verification of
transactions [89]. This verification enables conditional logic to occur on a target blockchain. Since relays are between
blockchains and those blockchains are using behavior from others (bidirectionally or unidirectionally), relays include
the presence of sidechains. This is saying, without a sidechain, there are no relay solutions.
Centralized two-way pegs, on the contrary, trust a central entity, benefiting in terms of efficiency. An example is
an exchange, an organization, typically a company, that trades cryptocurrencies on behalf of its clients. However,
Exchanges are a Notary Scheme, so we defer their explanation to Section 5.1.2. Disadvantages include a single point of
failure and centralization. Federated two-way pegs try to decentralize the previous solution. In this solution, a group is
responsible for locking and unlocking funds instead of just one. Standard implementations rely on multi-signature
schemes, in which a quorum of entities must sign transactions to be deemed valid by the network. Although a better
option, it does not eliminate centralization.
Figure 4 depicts a system based on the BTC Re-
lay [79]. In BTC Relay, parties called relayers keep
track of the block headers of the main chain (the Source (mainchain)
for payments [93]. The authors consider a parent-child relationship, where nodes from the sidechain can observe the
mainchain’s state, but the main chain can only observe the sidechains via cryptographically authenticated certificates.
Zk-SNARKSs enable the authentication, validation, and integrity of the information provided by the sidechains via
verifiable proofs [27]. Such proofs are used to generate certificate proofs for the mainchain, enabling a secure verification
5.1.2 Notary Schemes. A notary scheme involves a notary that is an entity that monitors multiple chains, triggering
transactions in a chain upon an event (e.g., a smart contract is deployed) taking place on another chain [52]. Notary
schemes are, in practice, instantiated as centralized exchanges (EXs) or decentralized exchanges (DEXs). The most
popular centralized exchanges, by volume, as of the 8th of February 2021 are Binance2 , Coinbase3 , and Huobi Global4 .
Exchanges facilitate signaling between market participants by managing an order book and matching buyers and sellers.
If the trust anchor is put on a centralized party, where it holds users’ private keys or funds, the notary is a centralized
exchange. Otherwise, if exchanges do not execute the trades on behalf of the users, only providing a matching service,
they are considered decentralized exchanges. We present the protocols of two decentralized exchanges: 0x [223], and
Uniswap [4].
0x implements a decentralized exchange as a set of smart contracts (called automated market makers), replacing
an on-chain order book with a real-time price-adjustment model. 0x uses a hybrid implementation, “off-chain order
relay with on-chain settlement”, combining the idea of a state channel with settlement smart contracts. Two parties
participate: makers and takers. Makers place orders on the exchange, providing liquidity for the network (a set of
decentralized exchanges), while takers place orders matched with the makers’ orders. 0x uses the ZRX token and
the Ethereum blockchain to incentivize users to host and maintain order books (provide liquidity). In exchange, 0x
makers choose the rewards they obtain for each trade - although they have to comply with the DEX policies under
the possibility of the order not being disseminated. This approach relies on a smart contract set (smart contract) and
several smart contracts representing the different tokens supported. First, a maker creates an order to exchange token
A for B, at a given rate, right after it approves a DEX to access its balance of token A. A taker discovers this order and
wishes to trade its tokens B for tokens A. The taker grants permission to the DEX to access its tokens, and the DEX
performs the exchange after several validations (e.g., the order has not expired, and it has not been filled).
Uniswap is a set of smart contracts implementing an automated liquidity pool, serving as a decentralized exchange
[4]. Each Uniswap pool provides liquidity for two assets based on the constant set as the reserves’ product. Prices for
each asset are provided by an on-chain price oracle smart contract. Uniswap can support ERC-20 to ERC-20 trades and
even flash loans, a theme explored in the decentralized finance area. A flash loan is a type of loan that does not require
collateral, as the debt is repaid within the transaction. Flash loans work because the borrowed asset to be paid within
the transaction requesting it [4].
5.1.3 Hashed Time-Lock Contracts. Hashed time-locks contracts (HTLCs) initially appeared as an alternative to central-
ized exchanges, as they enable cross-chain atomic operations [34]. HTLCs techniques use hashlocks [35] and timelocks
[36] to enforce atomicity of operations, normally between two parties. A trader commits to make the transaction by
providing a cryptographic proof before a timeout to the other. This scheme allows for the creation of multiple outputs
(such as multiple payments), depending on solely one hashlock. HTLCs are used in Bitcoin for conditional payments, or
2 https://www.binance.com/en
3 https://www.coinbase.com/
4 https://www.huobi.com/
cross-chain payments (Bitcoin-Ethereum), i.e., atomic swaps [38, 68, 107]. Atomic swaps can be thought as a form of
distributed commitment resilient to Byzantine adversaries. Thus, an atomic cross-chain swap is a distributed atomic
transaction [108], settled on-chain.
Several projects implement HTLCs differently, providing different correctness guarantees. However, the general
algorithm is quite similar in most of the solutions. Let us consider an HTLC-supported atomic swap between Alice
(holding assets of type 𝑎 in blockchain B𝑎 ) and Bob (holding assets of type 𝑏 in blockchain B𝑏 ). An atomic swap can be
realized as follows [26, 236]: 1) Alice generates and hashes a secret 𝑠, yielding ℎ. The protection of a smart contract
with hash ℎ is called a hashlock because it will lock a smart contract - only parties with knowledge of secret 𝑠 can know
it since secure hash functions are pre-image resistant (i.e., a hash function cannot be inverted). Alice also creates a
timelock 𝑡𝑏 , corresponding to an upper bound in which the created hashlock can be unlocked, i.e., Bob can unlock the
smart contract up to 𝑡𝑏 , where 𝑡𝑏 corresponds to a specified future time or block height; 2) Alice publishes the smart
contract in B𝑎 . Bob verifies the deployment, and records ℎ and 𝑡𝑏 ; 3) Bob publishes a smart contract in B𝑏 locking 𝑏
with hashlock ℎ, but with timelock 𝑡𝑎 such that 𝑡𝑎 < 𝑡𝑏 , i.e., Alice can claim 𝑏 before 𝑡𝑎 . 4) Alice checks that Bob’s smart
contract has been published and gives as input secret 𝑠, before 𝑡𝑎 , acquiring asset 𝑏. In practice, this triggers a transfer; 5)
Bob now sends 𝑠 to Alice’s smart contract in the interval [𝑡𝑎 , 𝑡𝑏 ], acquiring 𝑎. Note that if Bob issues the transaction after
𝑡𝑏 , Bob will not obtain access to 𝑏. Some solutions utilize the notion of HLTC and enhance it, providing an additional
on-chain trust anchor. In particular, two solutions are presented: XCLAIM [234] and the Ligthning Network (LN) [174].
XClaim uses a combination of HLTCs, collateralization, and escrow parties, realizing non-interactive cross-chain
atomic swaps [234]. This protocol includes several actors: the requester, the sender, the receiver, the redeemer, the
backing vault, and the issuing smart contract. Requesters lock coins to issue tokens, while the redeemer burns tokens
to receive coins. The sender sends tokens, while the receiver receives them. After that, the vault smart contract fulfills
requests of asset backing and ensures correct redeeming. An issuing smart contract issues and exchanges representations
of a token (cryptocurrency-backed assets) and enforces the vault’s correct behavior. Considering a transaction between
Bitcoin and Ethereum, firstly, the vault locks collateral in Ethereum smart contracts. This collateral defines the amount
of CBA that the vault can issue. A user that wants to issue Bitcoin-backed tokens sends Bitcoin to the vault. User A then
sends a proof of transaction submitted to the Bitcoin mainchain to a chain relay, e.g., BTC Relay. The chain relay verifies
the submitted transaction and alerts the issuing smart contract. The smart contract releases the Bitcoin-backed assets
to the user. On the other hand, a user issues a transaction against the smart contract, locking/burning its backed tokens.
The vault releases the Bitcoin to the user, and it submits a proof of the involved operations to the chain relay. The chain
relay verifies the proof and only then releases the collateral to the vault. XClaim currently supports exchanges between
Bitcoin and Ethereum5 . The protocol execution consumes substantially lower Ether than traditional HTLCs.
LN enables high-volume, low latency micro-payments on the Bitcoin network [174]. LN is a payment scheme (i.e.,
an off-chain sidechain). LN allows several parties to open a payment channel, transact amongst them, and when all
the intermediary payments are completed, the final output is sent to the mainchain. LN works as follows: 1) funds are
placed into a multi-signature Bitcoin address (two-party multi-signature if only two people are transacting). In order
for funds to be changed, two signatures are required. After that, the funds will be managed off-chain via commitment
transactions (i.e., a commitment to pay part of the available funds to the other party); 2) Parties can now transact offline
under the regime they choose; 3) To settle the payments performed off-chain, both parties sign a new exit transaction.
Note that parties can unilaterally close the payment channel in case of conflict. LN is considered a precursor of HLTCs
5 https://github.com/crossclaim/xclaim-sol
because its bi-directional payment channels allow payments to be routed across multiple payment channels using
5.1.4 Discussion on Public Connectors. Public Connectors started emerging as early as 2015 [241], when researchers
and practitioners alike saw the potential in cross-chain transactions to support, for instance, atomic swaps [38, 68, 107],
and payment channels [174]. Sidechains are the solutions increasing the main network’s scalability by processing
and batching large amounts of transactions before submission on the main blockchain [135, 173, 199]. Relays can
fetch block headers from sidechains, enabling data verification [79, 131, 132]. While sidechains are mainly used on
public blockchains, there are also permissioned blockchain sidechains [137]. We note that some sidechains may have a
cross-chain mechanism realization HLTCs, being a solution belonging to multiple categories (e.g., [174]).
Most sidechains use Ethereum and have a sidechain consensus mechanism, which is allusive to bidirectional transfers
[93]. Simple relay schemes, which verify transactions on other chains, such as BTC Relay, have a simple sidechain
consensus, as the information flow is unidirectional [79]. In particular, validators can sign events that happened on
the source chain (if validation happens across EVM-based chains) or transfer block headers (via users or aggregation
chains) [182]. Liquid [74], and POA [11] rely on a consortium of validators running trusted hardware to execute smart
contracts and validate transactions. Other solutions, such as Wanchain [85] rely on a trusted consortium, but without
running trusted hardware.
However, sidechains suffer from several limitations. Safe cross-chain interactions are rooted in the assumption that the
main chain is secure, i.e., the network cannot be successfully attacked. Compromising the main chain would invalidate
the sidechain logic. Conversely, centralization in sidechains tends to exist to a higher degree than on mainchains,
because typically there is a trade-off between decentralization-performance (e.g., lesser validating nodes versus higher
throughput). Consequently, if an attacker can obtain control on a (potentially small) set of validators, funds can be stolen
from users. Therefore, it is important to have different stakeholders with different incentives, diminish the likelihood of
collusion, and rely on a reasonable quorum of validators to sign each transaction (e.g., 8 out of 11 versus 3 out of 10).
If a sidechain has a strong security model, it may lead to a slow transaction settlement, stalling assets, and lowering
liquidity. For example, the RSK sidechain [135] takes approximately the time to confirm 100 Bitcoin blocks (around 15
hours) to convert BTC to RBTC6 . Finally, sidechains typically do not allow for arbitrary code to specify conditions on
the pegging mechanism, thus not empowering them to develop more complex applications.
Notaries on the Public Connectors category are cryptocurrency exchanges. EXs have the majority of the market
share, comparatively to DEXs. While EXs provide services to the end-user, decentralized exchanges tend to provide
better exchange fees and security. The trade-off is, therefore, comfort and speed - security. This subcategory provides
great flexibility at run-time because EXs and smart contracts that DEXs support triggers (e.g., stop-loss orders).
Notary schemes have to capture the logic of smart contracts in both chains. Although they can capture the full
spectrum of interoperability – both at the value and mechanical levels (see Section 5.3), practical applications are limited.
In summary, notary schemes are intermediaries between blockchains. EXs are notaries because they execute actions on
behalf of the end-user (e.g., buy cryptocurrencies conditionally). DEXs are notaries because they provide matching for
the end-users by pinning and advertising trade offers encoded in smart contracts.
The HTLCs category was the first one to allow asset exchange in a trustless way. HTLCs allow atomic swaps between
different blockchains, funding bidirectional payment channels. HTLCs are flexible because they can be chained after
each other [236], and therefore enable trades even if there is no direct connection between the trading parties. As they
6 https://developers.rsk.co/rsk/
serve as programmable escrows, they represent the most trustless and practical approach of the three. However, hashed
timelocks might lead to capital retention and unfair trade, as the trader issuing a cross-blockchain asset transfer may
only provide the secret on specific conditions (exploring the spread of the cryptocurrency exchange rate) [234]. Many
solutions are hybrid, sharing characteristics of HTLCs and sidechains, either exploring collateralization-punishment
schemes rooted on smart contracts ([187, 194, 234], or locking-in and locking-out assets [45, 91, 151, 152]. HLTCs are
practical solutions across public blockchains. HLTCs could also provide asset transfers between private blockchains, but
only under the participation of a third party blockchain and a semi-trust environment [101], or if both parties belong to
both private blockchains. Current efforts to address these limitations include Hyperledger Cactus [155].
Concluding, Public Connectors are the best approach to perform cryptocurrency trades and moving fungible and
non-fungible assets across public blockchains. We encourage the reader to refer to some related surveys focusing on
sidechains to complement this survey (see Section 3).
recover the original tokens. This scheme allows for interoperability among Tendermint blockchains. Other kinds of
blockchains can interoperate with a Cosmos chain via peg zones. Peg zones resemble the pegged sidechain mechanism
[15], in which a representation of the locked token of the source blockchain is created on the target blockchain.
Cosmos abstracts the development of a blockchain into three layers: networking, consensus, and application.
Tendermint BFT realizes the networking and consensus layers. The Tendermint BFT engine is connected to the
application layer by a protocol called: the Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI). The Cosmos SDK realizes the
applicational layer, allowing developers to develop smart contracts in languages that can be compiled to WASM8 .
5.2.1 Discussion on Blockchain of Blockchains. Blockchain of Blockchains implementations are similar to relays and
sidechains, as there is typically the main chain (often called relay chain) that connects the secondary chains, which can
be application-specific blockchains. This scheme allows high throughput and flexibility to the end-users, providing
interoperability capabilities between their platform instances. For example, Cosmos’s Tendermint-based blockchains
interoperate (instant finality assured), while Polkadot provides interoperability on Substrate-based blockchains (for
instance, via Cumulus9 , a tool for connecting a blockchain to Polkadot). To connect to other chains, Cosmos, Polkadot,
AION, and utilize a mechanism similar to pegged sidechains or hashlock time contracts (ARK [12]) to interact with
other blockchains, commonly called bridges.
Table 4 maps out the current blockchain engine landscape by extracting and evaluating their main characteristics.
Some information was not possible to obtain due to the lack of details on the whitepapers. It is possible to observe
that Blockchain of Blockchains is very recent: Polkadot’s test network, Kusama [171], was released in November
2019; Cosmos’ main network was launched in March 2019. ARK launched in May 2019. AION launched in April 2018.
Blockchain of Blockchains has different cross-chain communication protocol, e.g., in Polkadot, cross-chain message
passing10 ; in Cosmos, the inter-blockchain communication protocol [130]. Cosmos and Polkadot have some differences
regarding their approach: in Cosmos, the idea is to provide blockchains tailored to specific applications. IBC is more
generic than XCMP, letting users customize their zones with higher freedom: security and validation are decided per
zone. Polkadot restricts this customization but offers a shared security layer, making a trade-off security-customization.
The security assumptions criteria depict the number of nodes assumed to be honest. A supermajority (SM) assumes
that at least two-thirds of the nodes are honest, a common condition required by Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus
algorithms (𝑛 > 23 ), while the majority (M) assumes at least half of the nodes are honest (> 21 ). The validator number on
a network comes with a trade-off: while a higher number is generally better for decentralization and robustness, it
8 https://blog.cosmos.network/announcing-the-launch-of-cosmwasm-cc426ab88e12
9 https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/build-cumulus
10 https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-crosschain
comes with an increase of latency towards block production – and consequently lower throughput. Polkadot currently
has around 297 validators, and this number is gradually increasing in the short-term to support up to 100 first-level
parachains. At the time of writing, Polkadot is developing bridges for Bitcoin [234], Tendermint, Libra [140], and
Ethereum. Interoperability between parachains is provided by Substrate.
Currently, Cosmos has 125 validators. The number of validators can rise to 300. Currently, there are around 70 zones,
and “the number is growing”. While Cosmos does hold a limit for zones (as each zone is self-sovereign), there is no limit
for how many zones can be attached to a Hub. Cosmos can interoperate with Etheruem. The Cosmos SDK provides
interoperability between zones. Cosmos supports multiple peg zone implementations for Bitcoin and one for Ethereum.
ARK has 51 validators, which can validate the transactions of a number of blockchains bound to the company’s physical
resources (instances managed by ARK). ARK can send and receive ERC-20 tokens to the Ethereum blockchain. We
found no information regarding AION’s validator number, throughput, or maximum sub-chains [201]. The theoretical
throughput of the presented solutions varies: Polkadot’s relay chain supports around 1000 transactions per second,
considering that a block can include around 7,000 transactions at a 6-second block time (considering current weights,
March 2021). Cosmos theoretical throughput can achieve up to dozens of thousands of transactions per second (tps)
with two validators. With 64 validators, it falls into several thousand transactions per second. ARK can achieve around
18.5 transactions per second, relying on a proof of work consensus. The number of validators is set to 51. ARK is not a
completely decentralized solution, as it manages instances of ARK blockchains. There is no theoretical limit of bridge
chains, except the service provider resources. Several optimizations are being done in Cosmos, Polkadot, and ARK,
to increase the throughput. The AION The project looks deprecated and stalled. As stated, the “white paper is both
ambitious and experimental” [201]. AION is now a part of a larger project called the Open Application Network (OAN).
Cosmos and Polkadot support smart contracts in languages compilable to WASM (Web Assembly), which means
developers can write them in languages such as Go, C++, and JavaScript. AION would support domain-specific languages,
Aion language. Blockchain of Blockchains instances achieve inter-chain interoperability by a common point of contact,
the “connector”, analogous with Hyperledger Fabric channels [9]. The connectors are the relay chain, the Cosmos
Hub, the AION-1 blockchain, and the ARK main net if the technology is Polkadot, Cosmos Network, AION, or ARK,
respectively. In Polkadot, the connector provides shared security. The relay-chain (the chain that coordinates consensus
and communication between parachains and external blockchains) connects parachains and parachains to bridges. In
Cosmos, the connector is loosely coupled to blockchains, providing greater flexibility than Polkadot. We could not
extract meaningful considerations about AION’s connector. In ARK, it looks like the connector is centralized at the
expense of developability and ease of use. Concerning cross-blockchain interoperability, all solutions rely on bridges or
adapters that route transaction from a particular blockchain type to another.
While the provided features can be desirable for end-users, blockchain-engines do not interoperate with each other.
In light of this fact, end-users are obligated to choose between existing solutions, leading to sub-optimal leveraging of
available resources. Therefore, participant networks have constraints on interoperability, ending at relying on a single
blockchain engine solution. Some authors defend that blockchain engine approaches are not universally accepted and
cannot eliminate fragmentation [1]. Some solutions are even centralized, in the sense that its code is not open-source,
and the end-user needs to use an SDK to access core functionalities (e.g., [12, 201]). However, ongoing work on building
a Tendermint light client for GRANDPA, which would allow Polkadot to interact with Cosmos may allow blockchain
engine interoperability in the short-medium term. Thus, in theory, interoperability across Blockchain of Blockchains
can also be achieved via the relay chain technique (i.e., a blockchain engine can be a sidechain of other blockchain
engines; validation can happen via SPV).
Manuscript submitted to ACM
A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 21
Moreover, Blockchain of Blockchains requires transaction fees to keep the network operating. Given enterprise
blockchain systems, a question could be posed: at which point shall an organization pay fees to sustain its business
model across several blockchains? While Cosmos can provide flexibility configuring a zone, on Polkadot, this can be
harder. Therefore, Blockchain of Blockchains can provide an optimal leveraging for public infrastructures, but that is
not necessarily the case for private blockchains.
5.3.1 Trusted Relays. Trusted relays are trusted parties that redirect transactions from a source blockchain to a target
blockchain, allowing end-users to define arbitrary business logic. These solutions imply managing different APIs, in
which cross-chain consensus may be modular.
Hyperledger Cactus (Cactus), previously known as Blockchain Integration Framework, uses an interoperability
validator network that validates cross-chain transactions, optionally using a trusted escrow party [155]. However,
decentralized validators are implemented as well – making this project move towards a decentralized trusted relay.
Cactus allows a party or a set of parties to issue transactions against several ledgers, similarly to some notary scheme
solutions [106, 190]. The interoperability is enabled through a set of interoperability validators, which are participants
from the source and target blockchains. Such validators collect cross-chain transaction requests, sign and deliver
them. A CB-Tx is deemed valid, given that a quorum of validators signs them. It is then assumed that the blockchains
participating in the network know how to address each other. However, trusted escrows can be replaced by decentralized
parties. Currently, Hyperledger Cactus11 supports Hyperledger technologies (e.g., Fabric, Besu), Corda, and Quorum.
The roadmap predicts integration with public blockchains and blockchain migration capabilities.
11 https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus
to CC-dApps, spread across multiple blockchains. Such system should provide accountability for the parties issuing
transactions on the various blockchains and providing a holistic, updated view of each underlying blockchain” (Section
2.3). Typically, the cross-chain consensus is fixed, and business logic is more restricted.
The Interledger Protocol (ILP) can be considered a decentralized, peer-to-peer payment network [209]. It firstly adopted
a generalized hash locking scheme to enable asset transfers, and it was directed to cryptocurrency transfers. Nowadays,
ILP is technology-agnostic, defining a “lowest unit common denominator” across distributed ledgers, blockchains, fiat
payment networks, the ILP packet.
ILP sends payment information in packets by leveraging a network of connectors, which route such packets. At the
core of Interledger is the Interledger Protocol (ILPv4) [115], which defines how senders, routers (or node, or connector),
and receivers interact. Typically, the connector is a money packet router. The root of trust is then the connector, which
has to be trusted: companies can settle payments via the routers, given that clearance of such payments is done afterward
while being protected by the law. A sender is an entity that initiates a value transfer. A router applies currency exchange
and forwards packets of value. The receiver obtains the value transmitted. ILPv4 is a request/response protocol enabled
by ILPv4 packets. Each packet contains transaction information, and can be divided into prepare, fulfill, and reject
packets. A sender node initiates an exchange of value by sending a prepare ILPv4 packet to a receiver. When a receiver
obtains the prepared packet, it sends the response back to the sender via routers. The response may be a fulfill packet,
whereby a transaction has been successfully executed, or a reject packet.
Several specifications for Interledger and related protocols are available12 . The Interledger Protocol is discussed by
a W3C community group13 and has a proposal that “describes data structures and formats, and a simple processing
model, to facilitate payments on the Web”14 . The interledger protocol cannot integrate with existing blockchains: each
one must be adapted to use ILP. A disadvantage is that Interledger does not support the transfer of non-fungible tokens
(such as ERC-72115 tokens).
5.3.3 Blockchain Migrators. Blockchain migrators allow an end-user to migrate the state of a blockchain to another.
Currently, it is only possible to migrate data across blockchains, although moving smart contracts is also predicted
Fynn et al. present an abstraction for smart contracts to switch to another blockchain consistently, moving the state
required by the transaction to the target blockchain and execute it [92]. The authors call such abstraction the Move
operation. The operation works as follows: first, it locks a smart contract on the source blockchain; next, the Move
protocol recreates the smart contract in the target blockchain. This method allows arbitrary states to be transferred
between blockchains. For example, it allows transferring cryptocurrencies by creating tokens on the target blockchain
backed-up by locked tokens on the source blockchain (similarly to pegged sidechains). This method was tested on
Ethereum and Hyperledger Burrow (based on Ethereum). The solution assumes the same cross-blockchain smart
contracts utilize the same virtual machine, which can be limiting. Furthermore, for such a solution to be deployed, it
requires Solidity changes and possibly a soft fork on Ethereum.
5.3.4 Discussion on Hybrid Connectors. This section defined the hybrid connector category and its sub-categories:
trusted relays, blockchain-agnostic protocols, and blockchain migrators.
12 https://github.com/interledger/rfcs
13 https://www.w3.org/community/interledger/
14 https://w3c.github.io/webpayments/proposals/interledger/
15 http://erc721.org/
Regarding centralization, almost all adopt a decentralized model. Permissioned blockchain solutions are less flexible,
as all involved participants are identified. In particular, trusted relays endorse connections made in a peer-to-peer
fashion, upon previous agreement [1, 95]. However, Abebe et al.’s work pose some limitations: interoperating networks
require a priori knowledge of each other’s identities and configurations, hence being static. A discovery service could be
implemented using a blockchain registry or a pub-sub mechanism [95], in which networks could be added and removed.
In trusted relays, it is not completely clear the mechanisms to minimize malicious relay services, apart from replication
(whereby the risk of a censorship attack is reduced but not erased). Hyperledger Cactus could be a true enabler of
interoperability, given that a (decentralized) trusted blockchain registry would be deployed, and public escrow parties
could replace the overlay of trusted parties. Cactus could, therefore, make the transition between a trusted relay to a
semi-trusted relay or even a trustless relay.
Blockchain-agnostic protocols will be better positioned to offer interoperability to existing and yet to-exist blockchains,
but most do not grant backward compatibility and lack the flexibility to define business logic. This inflexibility is
inherent to the provided homogeneous interfaces (containing roles, methods, data, message formats, for instance,
[83]); at least such solutions scale slowly, as adding methods compatible with all the supported blockchains incur in
a polynomial effort. However, this category might resemble some of the trusted relay solutions. In particular, both
Cactus [155], and SCIP [83] rely on connectors and validators and gateways, to access the underlying blockchains. The
gateway paradigm implies a (semi) trusted gateway having read/write access to the shared ledger of the blockchain, and
often they are expected to participate in the consensus mechanism of the blockchain [101]. While there is a higher trust
requirement, gateway approaches might be the most suitable to solve interoperability across private blockchains if
gateways are framed in a legal and regulatory framework. Proper solutions for enterprises, gateways need infrastructure
comprising, for example, public identifiers, a set of connectors, and validators (which Cactus could provide), among
From the blockchain of the blockchains category, we highlight Hyperservice, a peer-reviewed paper, and Overledger.
Hyperservice tries to achieve full dApp atomicity by introducing the concept of stateless smart contracts. Using a stateless
smart contract, a CC-dApp can load a clean state for a contract, using a valid block. While it can partially solve forks in
the underlying blockchains, a CC-dApp utilizes, the application of this concept paves a direction to decouple smart
contract execution from the consensus layer [143]. Overledger is a sorted list of messages that are interpreted as the
state of a cross-blockchain application. While this is an exciting approach to blockchain interoperability, the solution is
proprietary, hindering community efforts for more complex solutions.
Blockchain migrators respond to an enterprise need: migration in case of disaster or performance issues [16, 21].
The two presented solutions can only provide data portability across a small set of public blockchains. It is currently
impossible to reproduce the chain of events via smart contracts, as that requires a smart-contract translator functionality.
A limitation that we identified in the context of Hybrid Connectors is that most solutions do not support hard forks
(i.e., the separation of a blockchain into two different blockchains) nor propose a solution for eventual forks, unlike
some public connectors (most HTLCs and notary schemes). Forks do not happen regularly, and some solutions offer a
quick analysis of the problem and acknowledge their importance [116, 155, 215]. However, this is still a problem that
can affect the dependability of cross-chain dApps; dealing with forks is still an open issue. For instance, the protocol
used in Hyperservice is unable to revert any state update to smart contracts when a dApp terminates prematurely, i.e.,
it does not grant atomicity. If one does not have atomicity guarantees, it forces the cross-blockchain application into
an inconsistent state when a fork occurs. This can put at risk the purpose of the project: functional cross-blockchain
applications. The same problem applies to, for instance, Overleder [177].
Manuscript submitted to ACM
24 Belchior et al.
While one might be tempted to conclude that standardization could improve cross-blockchain API design, some
argue that APIs are unlikely to generalize well across radically different technologies. Blockchain-agnostic protocols
are more likely to be standardized than APIs, as shown historically by successful standards efforts such as HTTP or the
TCP/IP family. Finally, solutions that prove cross-smart contract capabilities are emerging, but still in development
[1, 116, 143, 189, 215].
6.1 Discussion
Although blockchain interoperability is a complex technology, connecting blockchains ends up being a manageable
approach, despite differences in, for example, data structures, digital signature schemes, transmission protocols, verifi-
cation mechanisms, consensus mechanisms, token issue mechanisms, and smart contract language. However, “there
is a scant effort today to address the standardization of the various infrastructure building blocks – messages, data
formats, and flows – to support the interoperability across blockchains” [101].
Different categories of solutions approach the interoperability problem differently. Our paper firstly introduced
Public Connectors in Section 5.1 and stressed their importance. Token exchange is arguably no longer the whole scope
of blockchain interoperability [143]. Instead, various interoperability approaches emerged in the last years, whereby
many of them aimed at generalizing blockchain interoperability. In particular, emerging solutions can be categorized as
Hybrid Connectors, which provide cross-blockchain communication, and Blockchain of Blockchains, which allow an
end-user to create customized, interoperable blockchains at the expense of vendor lock-in.
Public connectors are the most cited among industry and academia, as they provide practical solutions to real-world
problems: asset transfers. As these were the first solutions to emerge, not surprisingly, some may not succeed. It seems
that the merge of sidechain and protocols relying on an escrow party (enforced by smart contracts) are the most suitable
solutions for interoperability among public blockchains. We argue that the flexibility, decentralization, and security of
such proposals can be utilized for secure interoperability. However, creating and maintaining a decentralized application
using several blockchains was difficult - and hence the Blockchain of Blockchains solutions appeared. Those can
facilitate blockchain adoption while providing built-in interoperability among instances of the same platform, whereas
variations of the solutions mentioned above can be used to bridge Blockchain of Blockchains to other blockchains.
While Blockchain of Blockchains, such as Cosmos or Polkadot provide a consensus engine and a security infrastructure
to build blockchains, blockchain of blockchains aims at developing solutions using different infrastructures. In particular,
Cosmos and Polkadot might progress towards homogenity, as they support only the creation of Tendermint-based
blockchains and Substrate-based blockchains, respectively. While they provide interoperability capabilities, mainly
on the chains relying on their technology and other desirable features (shared layer of security, decentralization,
governance, better scalability), the end-users choice will be tied to specific implementations. Paradoxically, such
solutions might contribute to data and value silos, as solutions built with them cannot connect with an arbitrary
blockchain [1]. Despite this fact, one could argue that this problem can be alleviated by building bridges/adapters. These
solutions are promising but are challenging to integrate with legacy systems and, generally, private blockchains - and
hence the hybrid connectors started appearing.
Manuscript submitted to ACM
A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 25
Hybrid Connectors, specifically blockchain migrators and blockchain of blockchains, progress towards a user-centric,
blockchain-agnostic view, enabling enterprise-connected CC-dApps. Arguably, the most suitable solution for connecting
private blockchains is the usage of blockchain-agnostic protocols; however, they do not grant backward compatibility
(as all previous solutions have to be adapted to integrate the adopted communication protocol). To overcome this fact,
the short-medium-term solution would be using trusted relays. An interesting way for trusted relays to venture is by
decentralizing the escrow party: from a set of trusted validators to a network of public nodes. It then follows from this
survey that one could perceive trusted relays and blockchain-agnostic protocols to be good solutions to link private
blockchains; and sidechain, smart-contract-based protocols suitable to solve interoperability among public blockchains.
A network of blockchain engine-powered blockchains can be leveraged using Hybrid Connectors. For instance, there
is a possible synergy between Cosmos and the Interledger Protocol: when a user wants to make an in-app payment
with fiat currency (e.g., dollars) within a Cosmos zone, he or she can rely on the interledger protocol as a payment rail.
If using cryptocurrencies to pay (e.g., Bitcoin), the interledger router can route the transactions for a payment channel
(e.g., Lightning Network), providing more trustful interaction. To connect this ecosystem to private blockchains, bridges
have to be developed. To make such bridges trustable, a possible solution would be to elect a group of validator nodes,
via an overlay network, that participates in the consensus of public blockchains and private blockchains. This way,
cross-chain, and cross-blockchain transactions can be endorsed.
It is worth mentioning that several cross-chain programming languages are appearing, such as the Hyperservice
Language [142] and DAML [72]. DAML provides a unified Blockchain programming model by abstracting the underlying
blockchains and exposing a higher-level abstract ledger on top, similarly to HSL. DAML has different integration
degrees: DAML as an application on the target platform; and integration where the DAML runtime engine validates
transactions. Programs compiled on such languages can run on top of a BoB platform.
To conclude this discussion, we recall to the reader that blockchain development has been done in silos since its
inception. New solutions for blockchain interoperability started emerging as of 2017, and, perhaps not surprisingly,
such solutions are also being adopted in silos. While Public Connectors methods are commonly used nowadays, we
focus on Blockchain of Blockchains and Hybrid Connectors. Blockchain of Blockchains and Hybrid Connectors allows
interoperability between blockchains and other distributed ledger technologies and enterprise systems in the medium
term. This promotes the development of blockchain interoperability standards. While blockchain matures, industries
will tend to incorporate this technology into their business processes. Then, we predict that mass adoption will follow.
Some dApps16 already leverage the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) [28] to create a common storage, adjacent to
the blockchain. The InterPlanetary File System provides a peer-to-peer network for storing and delivering arbitrary
data in a distributed file system, potentially facilitating the transfer of data across blockchains [23]. Organizations are
working on standardizing digital assets. The Token Taxonomy Initiative17 is a consortium dedicated to digital token
standardization. It proposes a standard to identify tokens’ behavior, properties, and control interfaces according to a
token classification hierarchy. This project allows application developers to utilize a standard code set for interacting
with tokens regardless of the blockchain platform, thus incentivizing blockchain interoperability. In the context of
general interoperability, the Ethereum ERCs are a de facto standard18 .
Oracles are mechanisms that software systems provide an external source of truth for blockchains [156], and they
can be centralized or decentralized [5]. Typically, centralized oracles are not as dependable as decentralized oracles, as
they constitute a single point of failure.
Hyperledger Avalon [147] defers intensive processing from the main blockchain to an off-chain channel to support
centralized yet trustable oracles (by using trusted execution environments). Since multiple blockchains can use the
same data, it fosters interoperability.
Open source projects like Hyperledger Indy19 and Hyperledger Aries20 operate in the field of digital identity and self-
sovereign identity. Central concepts of self-sovereign identity are decentralized identifiers (DIDs) [179] and verifiable
credentials [50]. Decentralized Identifiers can be created, managed, and shared using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
mechanism, even allowing to create new access control models [22]. Such technologies allow for identity portability,
enabling cross-blockchain identities [110].
So far, the presented standards are called DLT/Blockchain Enabling Technology Standards because they focus on
standardizing elements that blockchains can use, as opposed to DLT/Blockchain Generic Framework Standards [141].
These refer to standardization of blockchain interoperability data and metadata formats, identity, and protocols, namely
the IETF, ISO, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, IEEE, The EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum, and W3C.
At the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), work is being done defining a set of drafts that guide the implementation
of ODAP, a protocol using gateways [19, 102, 105]. The ISO Technical Committee 307 works towards the “standardization
of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies”21 , but did not produce any standard yet. Subgroup 7 (ISO/TC/SG7)
focuses specifically on interoperability. The Enterprise Ethereum Client Specification, currently on its seventh version,
“defines the implementation requirements for Enterprise Ethereum clients, including the interfaces to external-facing
components of Enterprise Ethereum and how they are intended to be used”, including cross-chain interoperability [6].
The IEEE Blockchain Initiative22 and the IEEE Standards Association23 , through the IEEE Standards P3203, P3204, and
P3205 24 work at providing “interfaces and protocols of data authentication and communication for homogeneous and
heterogeneous blockchain interoperability”. The EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum by the European Commission
aims to 1) the monitoring of blockchain activities in Europe, 2) the management of the source of blockchain knowledge,
3) the creation of a forum for sharing information, and 4) the creation of recommendations on the role the EU could play
16 https://ethlance.com/
17 https://tokentaxonomy.org/
18 https://eips.ethereum.org/erc
19 https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/hyperledger-indy
20 https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/hyperledger-aries
21 https://www.iso.org/committee/6266604.html
22 https://blockchain.ieee.org/standards
23 https://standards.ieee.org/
24 https://blockchain.ieee.org/standards
in blockchain [81]. The same entity points out the likelihood of an increasing number of standards and adoption within
governments [64]. The W3C, via the Interledger Payments Community Group 25 , is connecting payment networks,
including decentralized ledgers. Other organizations working in the area include BIA, BiTA, BRIBA, BSI, CESI, DCSA,
EBP, GS1, and MOBI [224].
Standardization efforts focused on a specific blockchain (DLT/Blockchain Platform-Specific Standards) are, for
example, the 0302 Aries Interop Profile 26 and the Hyperledger Fabric Interoperability working group 27 .
Multiple standards will likely arise and be used, for each vertical industry, as there is a lack of generalized inter-
operability standards. Standards are then reused across industries (e.g., IEEE P2418.5). Solving interoperability in a
specific sector would then pave the way for standards in other industries because the main requirement is domain
expertise (ontologies are good starting points for standardization) [141]. The heterogeneity created by standards will
pose a regulation challenge, as blockchains may spread across different jurisdictions [25].
25 https://www.w3.org/community/interledger/
26 https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/concepts/0302-aries-interop-profile
27 https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Fabric+Interop+Working+Group
Finally, identity and data portability can be provided by an IoB approach. Identity paradigms like self-sovereign
identity [22] can increase identity portability by providing users control of their identities. Typically, this is achieved
by rooting user credentials in a blockchain. Hence, if blockchains can communicate with identity providers that are
blockchains, one can use the same identity in different blockchains. Data portability complies with blockchains, allowing
blockchain users to use their data outside of a blockchain without requiring significant effort.
(1) What is the current landscape concerning blockchain interoperability solutions, both from the in-
dustry and the academia? i.e., what is the current state of blockchain interoperability solutions?
The first step towards blockchain interoperability has been creating mechanisms allowing the exchange of
tokens (e.g., cryptocurrencies). We categorized such solutions as Public Connectors (Section 5.1). Such category
comprises Sidechains and Relays (Section 5.1.1), Notary Schemes (Section 5.1.2), and Hash Time Lock Contracts
(Section 5.1.3). This category provides an idea of the emergence of blockchain interoperability - but this area no
longer applies solely to token exchanges between homogeneous blockchains.
Novel blockchain interoperability approaches are Blockchain of Blockchains (see Section 5.2) and Hybrid
Connectors (Section 5.3). Hybrid Connectors fall into four sub-categories: trusted relays (Section 5.3.1), blockchain-
agnostic protocols (Section E.2), and blockchain migrators (Section 5.3.3. We also analyzed related literature
reviews on blockchain interoperability, in Section 3.
(2) Is the set of technological requirements for blockchain interoperability currently satisfied?
There are two requirements for realizing technical interoperability [52]: a pair of sufficiently mature blockchains to
build artifacts that promote interoperability and “some application or need that cannot be served by implementing
it on a single blockchain.” There are several blockchains that can be considered mature enough to support
applications built on top of them [9, 97, 130, 227]. On the other hand, interoperability regarding blockchain needs to
have the necessary infrastructure and facilitating technologies. In particular, the production of standards [110, 212]
technologies like decentralized identifiers [179], verifiable credentials [50], cross-blockchain communication
protocols [45, 233, 234], and the representation of blockchain smart contracts [110] can foster the likelihood
for blockchain interoperability standards and solutions, as they remove considerable barriers to blockchain
On the other hand, there is a set of cross-blockchain use cases that validate the need for interoperability, which
will inevitably foster it [25]. In conclusion, the set of critical requirements for blockchain interoperability is
currently satisfied, but there is still work to be done at standardization and interoperability across public-private
and private-private blockchains.
(3) Are there real use cases enabling a value chain coming from blockchain interoperability?
Regarding the third research question, some authors defend that blockchain interoperability is important and
crucial for the survivability of this technology [103, 143? ]. Standards are paving the way for blockchain adoption
[71, 110]. It is likely that “forward-looking interoperability standards are most likely to result in successful
standards creation and facilitate industry growth” [110]. Conversely, standardization is a requirement for
mass adoption that is being developed. Given the multiple blockchain interoperability solutions, both Hybrid
Connectors, and Blockchain of Blockchains, some of them with considerable weight on the industry, we believe
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A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 29
this is a very likely scenario. In Section 6.3, we expose multiple use-cases that may benefit from cross-blockchain
technology, which can foster adoption by enthusiasts and enterprises. In conclusion, we envision reliable solutions
and standards emerging in the following years and a steady increase in blockchain adoption by enterprises and
individuals alike.
As a value enhancer and maturing key factor, interoperability will ultimately decide the survival of this technology.
Based on the evidence collected and analyzed, we foresee increased attention to this research area, with blockchain
interoperability gaining traction among the academia and the industry.
This adds challenges to governance: whereas a private consortia can use Hybrid Connectors at will to interoperate
systems (decentralized and/or decentralized), the governance model is not straightforward within community projects,
supported by public blockchains.
In short, the most relevant open issues towards blockchain interoperability are:
• The gap between theory and practice, including the lack of standardization and implementations [101, 239],
• Discoverability [1, 143, 215],
• Privacy and Security [206, 209, 227, 233],
• Governance [103, 104, 175, 224].
Notwithstanding, security [138, 178], privacy [55], and scalability (e.g., using sharding [232] or novel blockchain
systems [162]) remain the most prominent areas to be improved in the blockchain space.
New tools, frameworks, standard proposals, and even programming models are emerging and need further development.
Programming models such as Polkadot and Cosmos offer developers a way to create their blockchains effectively and
connect them to other blockchains. Protocols such as ILP and UIP allow cross-blockchain transactions. Programming
languages such as HSL and DAML aim at embedding different blockchain models, providing an abstraction for cross-
blockchain dApps.
Although one can have good reasons to utilize blockchain interoperability solutions for public or private blockchains,
few solutions are available for connecting them. The problem of obtaining state from permissioned blockchains
effectively [2] makes interoperating with private blockchains a challenge [114, 224]. Thus, connecting public and private
blockchains bidirectionally remains an open problem.
One of the problems that bidirectional communication across permissioned and permissionless ledgers poses is
semantic compatibility. Technical interoperability does provide the technical foundation that realizes interoperability
but does not grant semantic interoperability per se [103]. There is, therefore, a gap: how can we effectively combine
both blockchain types to enable new use cases? How to make sure a solution complies with the goals of all involved
stakeholders? Disciplines as view integration can help to provide an answer [21]. View integration is the process
that combines views of the same business process into a consolidated one by combining the different views of the
stakeholders participating in different blockchains.
Another considerable obstacle for blockchain adoption is its fast-paced development. The development of blockchain
interoperability standards may provide a way for more flexibility regarding backward compatibility.
In the light of the present study and the identified open issues and challenges, we propose research directions based
on some sections of our survey: research on architecture for enabling blockchain interoperability, Public Connectors,
Blockchain of Blockchains, Hybrid Connectors, and supporting technologies, standards, use cases, and others.
Architecture for Blockchain Interoperability (Section B):
• Define a blockchain interoperability maturity model, modeling interoperability at its various layers (e.g., techno-
logical, semantic, organizational).
• Model the different views on the various types of interoperability, according to different stakeholders (e.g., the
provider’s technical view on a cross-blockchain dApp versus the semantic view of the end-user on the same
cross-blockchain dApp).
• Study blockchain interoperability semantics by exploring, for example, the research area of view integration [59].
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A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 31
In this paper, we performed a systematic literature review on blockchain interoperability. We systematically analyzed,
compared, and discussed 80 documents, corresponding to 45 blockchain interoperability solutions. By including grey
Manuscript submitted to ACM
32 Belchior et al.
literature, we expect to thwart intrinsic limitations regarding the blockchain interoperability research area, such as a
considerable presence of the industry. By exploring each solution methodologically, this study provides interesting
insights, distributed across three categories: Public Connectors, Blockchain of Blockchains, and Hybrid Connectors.
Despite sidechain and HLTC solutions are gaining traction in the industry, blockchain interoperability are not solely
Public Connectors solutions. New approaches started emerging since 2017. Hybrid Connectors provide a varied
landscape of solutions, adapted for the majority of the use cases. They are likely to be used to produce cross-blockchain
dApps. Blockchain of Blockchains are likely to be adopted by the industry in the short-medium term, by leveraging
easy-to-produce, customizable blockchains.
Our findings allow us to conclude that conditions to research on blockchain interoperability are fulfilled, allowing a
multitude of new use cases. Thus, we expect interest in this research area to raise considerably.
This work is towards making the blockchain ecosystem more practical, by easing work for developers and researchers.
We expect that this study provides a robust and dependable starting point whereby developers and researchers can
work in the blockchain interoperability research area.
The authors would like to thank to the anonymous reviewers that constructively provided suggestions that significantly
improved this paper. Thanks to Peter Somogyvari, Paul DiMarzio, Jag Sidhu, Sergio Lerner, Andy Leung, Travis Walker,
Bill Laboon, Josh Lee, Austin King, Oliver Birch, Thomas Hardjono, and Miguel Matos for fruitful discussions regarding
blockchain interoperability. We thank Daniel Hardman and Ken Elbert for constructive discussions about DIDs and
verifiable credentials. Special thanks go to Iulia Mihaiu, Cláudio Correia, Benedikt Putz, Francisco Braga, Gavin Wood,
João Ferreira, Miguel Pardal, Jonas Gehrlein, and Dilum Bandara for constructive comments and suggestions that greatly
contributed to improving the paper. The authors express their gratitude to the Linux Foundation for providing the
Diversity & Inclusion scholarship. This work was partially supported by the EC through project 822404 (QualiChain), and
by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with reference UIDB/50021/2020 (INESC-ID).
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This section presents the methodology we followed in conducting the systematic literature review about blockchain
interoperability. Our methodology follows several phases, as advised by several authors, [126, 185]. In the planning
phase, we select the research questions, the data sources, the search terms, the practical screening criteria, and the
methodological screening criteria. In the review phase, we abstract data from selected papers, identifying the underlying
conceptual mechanisms for interoperability. We then correlate approaches intra-category and inter-category (via the
discussion subsections). Finally, we report the review and synthesize the findings.
We give special attention to grey literature, as some authors defend that it includes “a broader scope of literature,
providing a more comprehensive view of the available evidence” [126, 146]. In particular, we analyze grey literature as
a way to include recent endeavors. In particular, we argue that including grey literature is relevant, as: (i) blockchain
interoperability is in active development, and there is still a reduced number of academic studies, (ii) some research is
concentrated on the industry, and (iii) grey literature reduces the publication bias [126].
Notwithstanding, grey literature is not often updated (e.g., whitepapers [11, 116, 201, 227]). To the best of our
knowledge, we picked the most recent whitepaper versions and made the effort of looking through the documentation
for updates. Nonetheless, it is possible that a newer version is available, or that we missed out on relevant information.
That is why we systematically contacted the authors of the projects (see Section A.3). This methodology allows us to
validate or view of the project at hand while addressing some shortcomings of researching grey literature. Hence, we
built a list of references and contacts, which we engaged during our research. We indicate when we obtained feedback
from authors on their projects, using the “checkmark” sign (✓). More specifically, the checkmark typically indicates
that we have taken the authors or their respective team’s feedback into consideration, regarding a specific project.
Exceptions occur whenever the legend of a table indicates so (for example, in Table 2, the checkmark indicates that
an author discusses the referenced criteria. A caveat of our approach is that grey literature is not, necessarily, quality
scientific work, as it is not peer-reviewed [180].
Moreover, in order for our grey literature search to be “systematic, transparent, and reproducible,” we adopt rec-
ommendations from Mahood et al. [146]. In particular, they recommend “that searches include online databases, web
search engines and websites, university, and institutional repositories, library catalogs, as well as contacting subject
specialists, hand-searching and consulting reference lists of relevant documents”. We then include grey literature, as
the result of retrieving references from scientific articles, and consultation with both academics and professionals in
the area of blockchain interoperability. We, therefore, define grey literature as: Github documentation, whitepapers,
technical and institutional reports, initial coin offer plans, magazine articles, academic dissertations, consultant reports,
book chapters, and blog posts. With such sources, we believe that it is possible to construct a reliable, updated, and
extensive understanding of blockchain interoperability.
We believe this approach leads to adequate coverage and transparency in blockchain interoperability research and,
consequently, provides accurate information to the reader in a research area evolving so quickly. In a research area
on its inception, and given its fragmentation, we acknowledge that we may have missed some advances in this field.
We commit to updating our knowledge base in the light of the new information being produced, to yield the most
comprehensive results possible.
28 https://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/help.html#coverage
Google Scholar’s coverage is arguably the biggest across other academic search engines for Computer Science [82], and
it meets the criteria recommended in guidelines for conducting systematic literature reviews [46, 82]. Fagan critiques
Google Scholar for giving too much importance to the citation count and therefore suggests the usage of additional
search tools to conduct the review [82]. However, as we are aiming for a bigger coverage, by studying most work
concerning blockchain interoperability up to this date, the bias introduced by the citation count does not significantly
impair our study. Hence, and to simplify our research process, we rely on Google Scholar.
Furthermore, in order to add resiliency to our study, we compiled a list of appropriate search terms from our
knowledge of the literature – previous searches on this topic, well-known projects on the community and suggestions
from other researchers, to identify additional references not previously captured. Such references were included in the
In terms of the included documents (papers, grey literature), we first examined the title, abstract, and keywords.
When these three elements do not provide enough insights to decide on whether include the document on this study,
we examined the full-text body of the documents. This first screening aims to conclude about the feasibility of a given
document to answer the proposed research questions.
Due to the small number of available papers, we had a lenient approach regarding the exclusion criteria: we only
excluded papers that do not comprehensively tackle blockchain interoperability. For example, papers which focus is
Manuscript submitted to ACM
44 Belchior et al.
state of the art on blockchain applications, security, scalability, consensus mechanisms, and economic models, even if
they tackle blockchain interoperability, are excluded. In contrast, papers with at least a section dedicated to blockchain
interoperability are taken into consideration. The process above leads to a total number of 404 documents. After
excluding 178 non-related papers, 10 duplicates, 16 not relevant papers, and 98 support papers (papers that, although
crucial for the understanding of this topic, they are not included in the comparison of solutions), we achieve a total of
102 documents, from which 67 were systematically compared.
Fig. 6. Architecture for Interoperable Blockchains: a network comprised of five blockchains (A to E) and a cross-chain decentralized
application (CC-dApp).
Hardjono et al. proposed an architecture inspired by the architecture of the Internet [103]. The proposed architecture
has as central concepts the Autonomous System (AS) (or routing domain) and gateway. A routing domain is a network
ecosystem operating with specific rules, under an administrative domain. An AS is a set of IP networks that form a
single administrative domain, which maps to a blockchain network. A gateway supports cross-domain routing in order
Manuscript submitted to ACM
A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 45
to allow communication among networks in different ASs. Gateways are nodes that support interoperability, such as
smart contracts or trusted third parties.
Our proposal is influenced by previous work: in particular, we envision each blockchain as an autonomous system,
which communicates to others via a cross-blockchain protocol. Most nodes on public and private blockchains can serve
as interoperability gateways. To facilitate communication among blockchains, one can rely on decentralized blockchain
registries, that can identify and address oracles, blockchains, and their components (e.g., smart contracts, and certificate
authorities) [206]. A registry for both public and private blockchains could be written in a public blockchain with
strong security assumptions (e.g., a high degree of decentralization). Alternatively, the contents of the registry can be
recorded in a custom public blockchain maintained by the stakeholders of major blockchains, or enforced by trusted
hardware [103]. The decentralized registry would act as a (preferably) decentralized domain name system [153], but
for blockchains instead of domains. A simple implementation would be leveraging a multi-signature Ethereum smart
contract where a consortium could manage a registry of gateway nodes.
We leave further discussions on a decentralized blockchain registry for future work. Note that this registry is optional,
and it is not essential for enabling an IoB.
Figure 6 illustrates our proposal for an architecture for the IoB, the enabler of technical interoperability. Although
we represent a BoB in the figure, we do not detail its architecture at this stage. Blockchain𝐴 (A) and Blockchain𝐵 (B) are
both public, EVM-based blockchains, namely Ethereum and POA Network. Blockchain𝐷 (D) and Blockchain𝐸 (E) are
private blockchains, namely Hyperledger Fabric and Quorum. A blockchain node belonging to the Ethereum network,
Blockchain𝐴 , registers its communication endpoint (i.e., IP address) on the blockchain registry (step 1). After that, it
looks up for the address of a node belonging to Blockchain𝐶 (C), Bitcoin (step 2). CCCP and CBCP protocols can provide
unilateral or bidirectional interoperability. In step 3, a CBCP establishes communication between the Ethereum node
and the Bitcoin node, unilaterally, since the Ethereum node can read Bitcoin’s blocks headers (e.g., via [79]), but not the
other way around. Blockchain𝐷 and Blockchain𝐸 are heterogeneous, thus connected by a CBCP. A CC-dApp is already
connected to blockchain𝐶 and blockchain𝐷 , and further connects with blockchain𝐸 , after fetching its address on the
blockchain registry (steps 4 and 5). Step 4 assumes the necessary credentials to access the private blockchain are held
by the CC-dApp user(s) (e.g., private keys, X.509 certificates). A CC dApp protocol allows an end-user to realize the
semantic interoperability, by leveraging blockchain𝐶 , blockchain𝐷 , and blockchain𝐸 (step 6). These steps accomplish
connectivity among blockchains, thus forming an IoB, and therefore enabling a BoB.
CCCPs (e.g., XClaim [234]) and CBCPs (e.g., inter-blockchain protocol [113] or the Interledger Protocol [115]) can be
employed to manage the end-to-end communications between blockchain networks, addressable by the blockchain
registry. While such protocols can provide seamless interoperability for future blockchains, via standardization, they are
not compatible with existing blockchains. Existing blockchains would require to refactor several layers: the network,
consensus, contract, and application layers [239], would need to be changed.
In Figure 7, we model the layers of blockchain interoperability that correspond to the proposed architecture, using
the Archimate modeling language [211], a standard for enterprise architecture modeling. Blockchain interoperability,
technical interoperability and semantic interoperability are capabilities, abilities that the business processes “Internet of
Blockchains” and “Blockchain of blockchains” possesses (as they enable interoperability at different levels). “Cross-chain
protocols” and “cross-chain dApp protocols” are applicational components that realize the “cross-chain transaction”
function. Other interoperability layers are left for future work.
Regardless of the interoperability solution employed, it is likely that the network layer has to suffer refactoring, and
consequently the consensus layer since there are blockchains with different transaction finalities [67]. Transaction
Manuscript submitted to ACM
46 Belchior et al.
finality can be probabilistic or deterministic, and refers to when parties involved in a transaction can consider it
committed to the blockchain. For example, Bitcoin needs around 6 confirmed blocks to consider a transaction final with
a high probability (probabilistic), whereas Tendermint transactions are final right after their execution (deterministic).
Several abstractions that include transactions from other blockchains can be implemented on the contract layer. These
changes have repercussions on the application layer, as now it can handle more complex operations. The application
can now expose APIs to dispatch cross-blockchain transactions, as illustrated in some works [143, 155, 215]. The data
layer would not necessarily have to be changed.
Although this could be a viable solution, it is logistically cumbersome to adjust all blockchains in production to use a
specific set of inter-blockchain protocols and to adapt their different layers. As this solution is not feasible in practice,
at least in the short term, blockchain interoperability solutions are typically tailored for a specific blockchain or a set of
specific blockchains. Nevertheless, we believe that as the technology matures blockchain interoperability standards will
guide technical efforts, leading to convergence towards interoperability within the blockchain space.
Throughout this paper, blockchain-agnostic solutions, as well as specific solutions will be presented and discussed.
Reference Mainchain Summary Strong points Weak points Roadmap
Simple solution
Ethereum smart contract
BTC Relay [79] ✓ Ethereum × relying on verifying Limited functionality None
reading Bitcoin’s blockchain
block headers
SPV on EVM-based It is expensive to verify
Peace Rekay [131] Ethereum × Allows two way pegs None
blockchains Ethereum block headers
EVM-based blockchains Mainly support EVM- Batch submission
Testimonium [89] Ethereum × Effiecient validation
SPV based blockchains of block headers
Validators confined to
Proof of Applicational interoperability POA-based
POA Network [11] ✓ Ethereum Inexpensive consensus one country
authority to EVM-based dApps stable token
(geographic concentration)
Strong federation of
Strong Strong federation-based Consensus secured by Wallet and
Liquid [15? ] ✓ Bitcoin functionaries
federations settlement network specialized hardware mining services
maintain the network
dApp platform with Support for a high number Integrations with
Loom Network [144] ✓ Ethereum proof Closed source solution
interoperability capabilities of tokens major blockchains
of stake
zk-Snark solution allows the
zk-Snarks are
mainchain to verify the Further specification
Zendoo [93] Bitcoin Proof of stake Sidechain creation platform computationally
sidechain without disclosing of the protocol
sensitive information
Federated sidechain, in which Merge mining allows Relies on PoW, Decentralized bridge
RSK [135] ✓ Bitcoin DECOR+
RBTC is tethered to BTC reutilization of work energetically inneficient with Ethereum
Blocknet protocol
Proof EVM-based blockchain Currently limited EOS/NEO/other
Blocknet [65] ✓ Ethereum allows trustless
of stake with interoperability capabilities to digital assets integrations
blockchain interoperability
C.1 Sidechains
We now describe some of sidechain solutions we identified in the literature. Table 5 summarizes these solutions. An
analysis of this table is conducted in the discussion.
The Peace Relay is inspired by BTC Relay, allowing communication between EVM-based blockchains [131]. Peace
allows Ethereum contracts to verify account states and transactions from Ethereum Classic, and vice-versa, allowing a
two-way peg (given that the Peace relay smart contract is deployed on both chains).
Testimonium is a relay solution that follows a validation-on-demand pattern, validating blockchain block headers
on-chain [89]. As block headers are accepted optimistically, validation-on-demand locks block headers for a specific
lock time, where off-chain clients (disputers) can challenge their validity.
POA Network encompasses an EVM-based blockchain as well as the POA Bridge [11]. The POA Bridge is a component
that enables cross-application transactions with Ethereum, providing support for ERC-20 tokens. For instance, the
POA20 token represents the POA token available to use on the Ethereum main network. The sidechain achieves
consensus through proof of authority.
A newer feature from POA, Arbitrary Message Bridge,29 allows transferring arbitrary data between EVM-based
chains (e.g., POA, Loom, Ethereum Classic). This feature can be used for cross-chain smart contract invocations. POA
implemented a POA-based stable token, through the xDai chain.30 POA is an open-source project.31
Elements32 is a sidechain-capable blockchain platform. Liquid is a federated pegged sidechain [15? ], based on
Elements, relying on the concept of strong federations [74]. Strong federations introduce the concepts of a federated
two-way peg, in which entities move assets between two chains. In strong federations, a role called block-signers
maintains the consensus of the blockchain, while the watchmen realize cross-chain transactions. Software running on
hardware security modules achieve consensus. Hardware security modules (HSMs) are physical computing devices that
actively hides and protects cryptographic material, e.g., via limited network access and features that provide tamper
evidence [183]. Moreover, a k-of-n multi-signature scheme is also used to endorse block creation.
Liquid supports several assets, including fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. When Bitcoins are
pegged to the Liquid sidechain, they are backed by an L-BTC token, which represents one Bitcoin. The roadmap predicts
updates to wallet and mining services33 . Liquid is an open-source project34 .
Loom Network is a dApp platform, which relies on sidechains connected to Ethereum, Binance Chain, and Tron [144].
Loom is a federated two-way peg, whereby a set of 21 validators and token delegators validate cross-asset transactions.
Loom uses Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) as the consensus mechanism for transactions happening on the sidechain.
Proof of Stake (PoS) is an alternative to PoW that aims to reduce energy consumption [63]. In PoS, the ability for
nodes to append blocks to the ledger depends on their stake, that often depends on the amount of currency they own.
In DPoS only a subset of the nodes participate in the consensus, which is based on PoS.
The roadmap predicts integration with more blockchain networks35 . Loom is open-source components36 .
RSK is a general-purpose smart contract platform pegged to the Bitcoin network that offers improvements in security
and scalability of the latter [135], and the first sidechain solution in production (January 2018). It relies on a combination
of a federated sidechain with an SPV. Each smart Bitcoin (RBTC), the native token of RSK, is tethered to one Bitcoin.
In order to get RBTCs, a user has to send Bitcoin to a specific multi-signature address (an address controlled by
several parties, through the several signatures) located at the Bitcoin network. That address is controlled by the RSK
Federation, which is composed of several stakeholders. The federation members use hardware security modules. By
leveraging HSMs, each validator can protect its private keys, and enforce the transaction validation protocol [135].
Moreover, an additional layer of security that prevents any corrupt collaborator from forcing the HSM from each
stakeholder to sign a fake peg-out transaction: nodes automatically follow the blockchain with the highest cumulative
proof of work.
After the transaction is finished, a proof of transfer (via SPV) is generated and given as an input to a smart contract
on the RSK network, called the bridge contract. The bridge contract then sends a corresponding amount of RBTC tokens
to the address present at the RSK network that corresponds to the Bitcoin address sending Bitcoin to the RSK address.
RSK has a virtual machine that executes smart contracts in the Bitcoin network.
29 https://docs.tokenbridge.net/amb-bridge/about-amb-bridge
30 https://www.poa.network/roadmap
31 https://github.com/poanetwork
32 https://elementsproject.org
33 https://blockstream.com/2020/02/10/en-blockstream-2019-review-building-foundations/
34 https://github.com/Blockstream?q=liquid&type=&language=
35 https://medium.com/loom-network/5183ce02267
36 https://github.com/loomnetwork
RSK uses consensus mechanism designated DECOR+ and a technique called merge-mining, which allows users to
mine in both the RSK and Bitcoin networks without performance penalties. RSK introduces shrinking-chain scaling, a
technique to compress blocks after they are mined.
The RSK roadmap predicts the development of a decentralized bridge between RSK and Ethereum37 . RSK is an
open-source project38 .
Blocknet is blockchain based on PoS that includes a protocol for interoperability among public and private blockchains
[65]. At its core, Blocknet has several components: the XBridge, XRouter, and XCloud [39, 40]. XBridge allows exchanging
digital assets, powered by a set of APIs, and relying on SPV. XRouter actuates as an inter-chain address system, providing
lookup capabilities to the network. XCloud, relying on XRouter, provides a decentralized oracle network, that can be
used to obtain trusted data.
Fig. 8. Alice and Bob buy cryptocurrencies via a centralized exchange. The assets are held by a custodial wallet.
Figure 8 represents the task of a user acquiring cryptocurrencies via centralized exchanges. Users buy cryptocurrencies
with fiat currencies, and are credited the bought assets on their respective wallets, owned by the exchange, i.e., the
exchange also known as custodial wallets. Exchanges acquire such cryptocurrencies directly on the network, or via an
intermediary, and provide arbitrage services.
Although a simple way to obtain cryptocurrencies, some attacks have been conducted to exchanges, leading to loss
of very large cryptocurrency sums [3].
Decentralized exchanges can be implemented with hashed timelocks (see Section 5.1.3), or other technologies (see
Section 6.3). Figure 9 depicts users exchanging assets via a decentralized exchange (e.g., Nash, AtomicDEX, IDEX).
When trading via a decentralized exchange, users typically do not disclose their private keys, eliminating the single
point of failure inherent with centralized exchanges.
37 https://blog.rsk.co/noticia/hawkclient-building-a-fully-decentralized-bridge-between-rsk-and-ethereum/
38 https://github.com/rsksmart
39 https://www.cryptocompare.com/exchanges/#/overview
Fig. 9. Alice can send cryptocurrencies directly to Bob, and vice-versa. Each user holds their private keys. The exchange is a facilitator
of the transactions.
Reference Architecture Summary Strong points Weak points Roadmap
Leverage HTLC to provide
Inneficient (atomic swaps);
Black et al. [38] × Lender, borrower fiat/stablecoinaccess for Decentralized solutions ×
requires over-collateralization
cryptocurrency holders
Bitcoin, Vouchers, validators, Connects major Cross-Chain Bridge Storemen are not General
Wanchain [145] ✓
Ethereum storemen (Wan protocol) currency exchanges Node Staking Rewards completely decentralized interoperability
Relies on Increases Bitcoin
High volume, low latency
LN [174] Bitcoin multi-signature performance, Timelock expiration exploits ×
micropayment enabler
channel addresses solution in production
Derivative tokens
Bitcoin, Liquidity provider nodes, Atomic swap Provides a framework All products are
Komodo [129] ✓ on the decentralized
Ethereum buyers, sellers decentralized exchange for cross-chain atomic swaps “highly experimental"
Open protocol facilitating
Bitcoin, Adds negotiation phase Does not support Protocol for privacy
COMIT [60] Traders, COMIT protocol trustless cross-blockchain
Ethereum to the atomic swap negotiation protocols preserving swaps
Agent Chain is a project aiming to exchange assets between blockchains using a multi-signature scheme [136]. A
trader maps the possessed assets to AgentChain, which combines several trading operators in a trading group. Members
of that group generate an account using a multi-signature, to serve as a deposit pool, containing the assets. Tokens are
then locked. An arbitration mechanism is introduced in case of a malicious trading group.
When a party that has a representation of the original tokens wants to send them to a third party, the locked assets
in a smart contract are released to the beneficiary of the transaction. As Wanchain creates a representation of tokens
as a means of exchanging assets, we can consider that such a solution is a notary scheme, although decentralized
(several validator nodes operate the network). Wanchain’s architecture includes the following nodes: vouchers, the
cross-chain transaction proof nodes; validators, the verification nodes; and storeman, the locked account management
nodes. Vouchers check whether a transaction has been confirmed on a source blockchain. Validators verify the asset
registry from the source blockchain: in case it is a new asset, it is registered and added into the registry. Storeman
manages locked accounts, facilitating cross-chain transactions. An incentive mechanism rewards the participants to
perform their functions. More recently, Wanchain is working towards more general interoperability, by promoting
cross-chain integration with enterprise blockchains and supporting Web Assembly (WASM) smart contracts [85].
COMIT is a protocol allowing for atomic swaps, based on HLTCs [60]. COMIT defines several atomic swap protocols
that support different cryptocurrencies and tokens, such as HAN (HTLCs for Assets that are Native to the ledger),
HErc20 (HTLCs for the Erc20 asset), and HALight (HTLCs for Assets on the Lightning ledger). COMIT nodes can trade
Bitcoin for Ether or ERC-20 tokens. The COMIT protocol40 allows one to exchange assets directly with another user
(e.g., Bitcoin for Ether).
Apart from HLTCs and sidenchains, there is a set of approaches that share characteristics from several subcategories
presented, for instnace, using distributed private key schemes or collateralization with HLTCs. Distribute private key
approaches rely on the distribution of users’ and organizations’ private keys, i.e., in splitting each private key in a set of
parts [69]. This leads to distributing the control of assets among several parties. Such schemes can be used to implement
decentralized two-way pegs, as well as decentralized notaries. Other approaches combine sidechains and protocols
based on escrow parties, relying on smart contracts. An escrow is an arrangement in which a third party regulates a
transaction or group of transactions between two parties. An escrow typically holds assets (e.g., cryptocurrency) from
one of the parties that serves as the collateral of a transaction (assets pledged by a borrower to protect the interests of
the lender). Some of those solutions include:
Tokrex enables the exchange of cryptocurrencies between different blockchains in a decentralized way, by leveraging
the concept of meta-swap [? ]. A meta swap happens when a sender transmits his private key instead of signing
an on-chain transaction. For that, a domain-specific language, Tokrex TLQ, allows developers to write cross-chain
applications that run on a decentralized network infrastructure. Tokrex relies on escrow nodes distributing the generated
keys, a modularized distributed key generator, cross-chain swaps, and an Incentivization scheme to keep the escrow
and validator nodes honest.
Fusion is an interoperable blockchain, focused on financial use cases [91]. Fusion owns a proprietary technology,
DCRMS (Distributed Control Rights Management System), which allows users to lock-in and lock-out assets across
blockchains. DCRMS is a decentralized custodian model, which tries to prevent private keys from being a single point
of failure: asset control is decentralized along network nodes, instead of them relying on individuals and centralized
organizations. The distributed storage and generation of a private key keeps a single entity of obtaining full control of
an asset. Fusion supports any chain that uses EcDSA signatures, which includes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other EVM-based
TAST (Token Atomic Swap Technology) is a project41 that aims to create the first multi-blockchain token system [165].
TAST includes several components explained in a set of documents.
40 https://github.com/comit-network/comit-rs/
41 https://dsg.tuwien.ac.at/projects/tast/
Main Supported
Reference Architecture Summary Strong points Weak points Roadmap
Both sender and receiver
Validation and escrow nodes, Cryptocurrency exchange Allows “real time"
Tokrex [? ] ✓ × know the private key used ×
distributed key generation enabling meta-swaps value exchange
for asset transfer
Distributed storage of a Distributes trust and
FUSION distributed control Does not provide Decentralized oracle
Fusion [91] ✓ Ethereum private key and responsability of
rights services instant atomic swaps services
cryptoasset mapping managing private keys
Neutral observers monitor Trustees can choose Trustees that choose
Behaviour of malicious
Sai et al. [187] Ethereum Neutral observers transactions to avoid any node to be an observers are assumed
double spending observer to be honest
Requester, sender, Asymmetric and
HTLC-based trustless Good performance
Bitcoin, receiver, redeemer, Over-collateralization non-fungible
XClaim [234] protocol that manages compared to
Ethereum the backing vault, can lead to locked funds cryptocurrency-backed
crpytocurrency-backed assets traditional HLTCs
issuing smart contract assets
A protocol implementing
Ensures eventual Veto contest poses strict
DeXTT PBTs, claim-first transactions, eventual consistency for DeXTT implementation
Ethereum consistency of balances requirements towards
[43–45, 198] deterministic witnesses cross-blockchain on OmniLayer
across blockchains signed PoIs
token transfers.
Directed graph, 3PP: Generates custom smart
A 3PP for general Only applicable to
XChain [194] Ethereum contract creation, secret contracts for performing ×
cross-chain transactions Ethereum
release, and secret relay cross atomic swaps
In one of these documents, the authors present claim-first transactions, a protocol for decentralized blockchain asset
transfers. [43]. The protocol includes the role of witness, who verifies cross-blockchain transactions and is rewarded for
that. Another document presents the notion of Proof of Intent (PoI) [44], a cryptographic construction that implements
claim first transactions. The notion of deterministic witnesses is introduced as the mechanism for assigning rewards to
parties observing claim-first transactions.
In [41], the authors present the design of a blockchain interoperability solution based on an atomic cross-chain token
transfer protocol. Other documents summarize the work developed [87, 197] and discuss the requirements for more
efficient cross-blockchain token transfers.
In [198], the authors propose an incentive structure for blockchain relays, presenting an enhanced prototype based
on SPV. The presented solution showed that the solution incurred in high operation costs. The most recent whitepaper,
[88], introduces optimizations that reduce such costs. This paper shows the applicability of a cross-blockchain token,
relying on token incentives and simplified payment verification.
DeXTT is an atomic cross-chain token transfer protocol that migrates assets – Pan-Blockchain Tokens (PBTs) – that
can exist in different blockchains simultaneously [45]. DeXTT is part of the TAST project.
DeXTT provides eventual consistency of asset balances across blockchains. Eventual consistency, guarantees that
eventually all accesses to an item that has not been updated after the access request will return the latest value. To
achieve eventual consistency, the authors use a technique called claim first transactions [43], and observers. The claim
transaction, immediately claims the asset before it is marked as spent, through a SPEND transaction. The party creating a
SPEND transaction is called a witness, the rewarded party. Observers observe a transfer and propagate such information
across blockchains. As several observers might compete for a reward, a solution called deterministic witnesses is proposed
[44, 45]. Deterministic witnesses solve the problem of assigning witness awards by defining a witness context, whereby
observers participate.
A cross-blockchain asset transfer starts with a transfer initiation. In a transfer initiation, a wallet𝑎 expresses the
intent of transferring an asset to a wallet𝑏 , by signing a transaction with its private key. Wallet𝑏 then countersigns the
Manuscript submitted to ACM
A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends 53
transaction, using its private key, (creating a PoI). A PoI proves that a transfer is authorized by both the sender and the
receiver. After that, the receiver can then publish the PoI using a CLAIM transaction, used to redeem the assets. Only
one PoI from a source wallet is valid at each time, eliminating double-spends.
Right after a PoI is published on a blockchain𝑎 , the balance of both wallets has not been updated. In order to propagate
this information to the other blockchains, in particular blockchain𝑏 , the protocol follows the witness contest phase.
Here, observers become contestants that propagate the PoI to other blockchains, through a CONTEST transaction. After
that, in the deterministic witness selection phase, the destination wallet, wallet𝑏 , posts a FINALIZE transaction on each
blockchain, finalizing the contest and awarding an observer. The double-spending problem is eliminated via VETO
transactions, which can be called by any party, and discloses conflicting PoI (e.g., a source wallet tries to send more
assets than it owns to several destination wallets).
DeXTT tolerates blockchain failures, as long as at least one blockchain remains functional. It is meant to be a
blockchain agnostic solution, but the most straightforward framing is within public blockchains. The authors presented
a proof of concept using Solidity42 .
XChain includes a three-phase-protocol that generalizes atomic cross-chain swaps, in which two entities, the leaders
and the followers exchange assets [194]. Hashed timelock contracts are leveraged to resolve the order of issuing
contracts and reedeming locked funds from smart contracts. Nodes that create the HLTCs are called leaders, which first
release the secrets; followers execute transactions that react to the leaders’ actions (i.e., when a leader shares the secret
of the HTLC to a follower, the follower unlocks its smart contract, and receives funds from other entity, by sharing the
received secret). This solution is based on HLTCs and a protocol that guarantees end-to-end and uniformity properties.
We now describe some of sidechain solutions we identified in the literature. Research on Blockchain of Blockchains
required substantial ad-hoc research, including blog posts, roadmaps, and update announcements, for us to build an
updated understanding regarding the latest capabilities of each blockchain engine.
The Polkadot network has several entities engaged in handling transactions: collator, validator, nominator, and
fisherman. Collators produce proofs for the validators. Transactions are then executed and aggregated in blocks. There
is the possibility of collators to pool, to coordinate and share the rewards coming from creating blocks on the parachains
they actuate. Validators produce and finalize blocks on the relay chain. The validator role is contingent on a stake that
is put on hold to foment good behavior. Validators who misbehave can have their block rewards denied or, in case of
recurrence, have their security bond confiscated. Validators are the equivalent to groups of cooperating miners that
share block rewards proportionally to their contribution (mining pools) on PoW systems (e.g., Bitcoin). Nominators
provide their own stake to validators, whereby sharing the rewards and incurring in potential slashing, in case of
misbehaving.Fishermen get bounties for reporting validators’ misbehavior, such as helping to ratify an invalid block.
Figure 10 depicts the several components constituting Polkadot. Polkadot’s relay chain uses Substrate. Polkadot’s
state machine is compiled to WASM, a virtual environment that can execute the state transition functions [218]. Libp2p
is a network library for peer-to-peer applications, written in the Rust programming language. Parachains run the
application logic, creating transactions as needed. Collators group those transactions and redirect them to Validators,
who then deem blocks as valid or invalid. After that, the valid ones are added to the relay-chain.
42 https://github.com/pantos-io/dextt-prototype
Polkadot uses the DOT token as an incentive for nodes to behave correctly. DOT has several purposes: (i) decentralize
governance (i.e., protocol updates), (ii) operation (i.e., rewarding good actors), and (iii) bonding (i.e., adding new
Polkadot’s relay chain achieves consensus using BABE and GRANDPA [172]. BABE is the block production algorithm,
and GRANDPA is the finalizing algorithm. To determine a set of validators, Polkadot uses selection based on PoS,
designated Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS). Allying NPoS with the rewarding mechanism helps to diminish the impact
of attacks such as short-range attack (when a validator attempts to ratify both branches of a fork) or the nothing-at-stake
attack (where the risk of simultaneously validating several forks is exploited). The roadmap comprises the launch of the
main network43 .
Cosmos is another popular Blockchain of Blockchains. Figure 11 gives a general overview on the Cosmos Network
stack. Wrappers can be developed to allow the usage of other programming languages. The applicational layer can be
developed with the Cosmos SDK, a framework. This layer connects to the Tendermint BFT Engine (the component
responsible for consensus).
Cosmos was limited to asset token on its original inception, now it supports arbitrary data transfers. For CC-Txs,
the relayer pays a transaction fee on behalf of the transaction sender. The relayer can whitelist any type of financial
incentives to keep CC-Txs free.
43 https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-roadmap
In Cosmos, validators process blocks of transactions. Validators need to stake ATOM tokens to process blocks and
earn transaction fees. Delegators can offload transaction processing to validators, and earn transaction fees. As a way
to promote an open-governance model, participants (e.g., validators and delegators) can hold the ATOM token and vote
on proposals that can change the parameters of the system. Decisions about the network governance, to vote, validate,
or delegate transaction validation to other validators are made as a function of how many Atoms are held, similarly to a
PoS view. Atoms can also be used to pay transaction fees.
In Cosmos each zone is sovereign, i.e., it can define, for instance, authentication of accounts and transactions, on-chain
governance proposals and voting, validator punishment mechanisms, fee distribution and staking token provision
distribution, and creation of new units of staking token.
ARK utilizes smart bridges to make instances of its platform interoperable [12]. A smart bridge has two components.
The first, Protocol-Specific SmartBridge (or bridgechain), achieves inter-blockchain communication, by interconnecting
the various chains based on ARK. The Protocol-Agnostic SmartBridge achieves communication between blockchains that
use different consensus mechanisms.
ARK’s public network (or the ARK main blockchain) provides the foundation for other blockchains to issue and read
transactions. Forging delegates are the entities that create blocks of transactions, analogous to miners in the Bitcoin
The consensus mechanism is a modified version of Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS). Holders of the ARK token vote
to elect the top 51 delegates, who are randomly chosen to secure the network by validating transactions. By fixing
the number of delegators (or forging nodes) at 51, the “ARK main net strikes a balance between decentralization and
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56 Belchior et al.
performance”. The ARK token is also used to pay cross-chain transaction fees, which can be triggered by smart contracts,
coded languages such as JavaScript, Go, Java, and C#.
The ARK Contract Execution Services (ACES) has “demonstrated two-way transfers between ARK and Bitcoin,
Litecoin, and Ethereum, including issuing smart contracts from ARK to Ethereum, regardless of the underlying
protocols”. While the ARK project defends cross-blockchain interoperability, ACES is on its inception. ACES can only
provide interoperability on an ad hoc basis. Connectors have to be implemented to connect ARK to other blockchains.
Furthermore, ACES is that it is not entirely decentralized, as intermediary nodes are necessary to achieve interoperability.
ARK plans to add several features to its platform44 , such as integrating HLTCs to provide ARK bridgechains atomic
swap capabilities. ARK is a proprietary solution – it is not open-source. All ARK blockchains are powered by the ARK
AION was originally an ERC-20 token implemented on Ethereum [201]. Later, it evolved to a PoS blockchain system
designed to provide the foundation for “custom blockchain architectures”. A token bridge was built to swap tokens
from the Ethereum blockchain to the AION blockchain. AION-compliant blockchains communicate through CC-Txs,
issued by participating networks and routed by connecting networks. CC-Txs are created and processed on a source
blockchain and routed by bridges. Bridges connect participating networks with connecting networks.
Bridges would sign and broadcast CC-Txs upon payment of a fee and the validation by the source network. They
would act as observers, reporting state changes via Merkle tree hashes to the communicating network.
AION’s Transwarp Conduit45 is a smart-contract based solution that enables developers to create interchain smart
contracts, by listening to the source blockchain contract adapter, and calling the corresponding target blockchain. Users
can call such contract, triggering a transwarp conduit node to validate the request. After that, the request is processed
by the contract.
The AION project was divided into two distinct brands: the Open Application Network (The OAN)46 and AION
itself. The OAN network is no longer focusing on interoperability; it is an open source public infrastructure for the
creation and hosting of “open apps”. AION is now the digital asset powering such apps. AION plans to develop the
OAN tech stack, as stated by the roadmap47 .
Komodo is a blockchain infrastructure that allows one to create chains pegged to the Komodo blockchain, which is
pegged to Bitcoin. Komodo uses delayed Proof of Work to create checkpoints of the Komodo’s state that are added
to Bitcoin from time to time (a process called notarization). Among other use cases, Komodo-based infrastructure
allows atomic swaps, via the AtomicDEX feature [129]. To foster adoption, Komodo promotes liquidity provider nodes,
which are trading parties that act as market-makers, by buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Komodo is an open-source
composable smart chain platform48 , built on top of Bitcoin and ZCash, which take Merkle tree roots from a smart chain
set of blocks and merge them with other Merkle roots, that represent other smart chains. This generates a single Merkle
root out of the various Merkle roots, referring to blocks of all smart chains. The mainchain, the KMD ledger, then
synchronizes the state of each smart chain, providing interoperability capabilities. This mechanism works similarly to
Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW). dPoW allows securing a chain with another chain by leveraging a high hash rate (like
KMD or even Bitcoin itself). This way, the risk of 51% attacks is reduced.
44 https://ark.io/roadmap
45 https://github.com/aionnetwork/transwarp_conduittree/master/aion
46 https://developer.theoan.com/community
47 https://medium.com/theoan/2019-q4-foundation-report-b3a38a28d2b1
48 https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo
Table 8. Comparison between Polkadot, Ethereum 2.0, and Cosmos [78, 160, 218]
We now compare the Blockchain of Blockchains with highest adoption, Polkadot, and Cosmos. As a baseline, we
use Ethereum 2.0 [76–78], a major upgrade to the current Ethereum public mainnet, to be launched in three phases
across 2020-2023. Ethereum 2.0 is an advance in blockchain inteoperability, as it will be composed by shards that
interoperate with each other. It features a new execution environment for smart contracts, running on a new virtual
machine, eWASM. We compare Polkadot, Ethereum 2.0, and Cosmos in Table 8.
In phase 0, the beacon chain of the Ethereum 2.0 network will be launched, implementing PoS and managing the
validator registry. The beacon chain is meant for testing purposes and does not have functionality: Ethereum 1.0 will
continue to operate. In phase 1, the old main chain and the beacon chain are merged, resulting in a single consolidated
chain. Blockchain sharding techniques are used to raise Ethereum 2.0 throughput. Phase 2 focuses on enabling ether
accounts, transactions, smart contract execution, and possibly further interoperability features [80].
Ethereum 2.0 is suitable to serve as a baseline, as its performance in terms of throughput will be close to Blockchain
of Blockchains; and furthermore, Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchains regarding dApps and industrial use
Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0 have a different approach to interoperability than Cosmos. Cosmos relies on a bridge-hub
architecture, making it challenging to scale; Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0 have a shared-security/sharded approach, thus
providing better scalability.
Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0 have block production protocols, BABE and RanDAO + LMD Casper, respectively.
Moreover, Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0 have finality sub-protocols, GRANDPA, and Casper FFG. Those protocols have to
be implemented to provide sharding functionalities. Polkadot can achieve up to 100 shards while Ethereum 2.0 can
support 64 shards. Cosmos do not support horizontal scalability via sharding. However, a shared security layer, similar
to Polkadot’s, is being idealized. In particular, it would allow a zone to inherit the validator set from another zone,
allowing for transaction offload.
On Polkadot, the main chain is the relay-chain, relying on the DOT token. Ethereum’s 2.0 main chain is the Beacon
chain, using Ether. Cosmos’ main chain is the Cosmos Hub, and the token used is ATOM. The main chain state transition
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function in Polkadot is an abstract meta protocol relying on web assembly. Cosmos and Ethereum 2.0 utilize fixed
The finality fault tolerance, i.e., the minimum required number of faulty nodes to compromise the network, is one
third of the nodes less one) for all solutions, with different latencies. Although those solutions have different finality
times, one should note that Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0 rely on a sharding strategy.
Polkadot and Cosmos utilize smart contracts and state transaction functions (provide an interface for smart contract
execution [218]). Ethereum 2.0 only supports smart contracts. All solutions have robust governance mechanisms, namely
decision making and decision enactment mechanisms (e.g., multicameral governance mechanism with conviction voting
in Polkadot, coin-vote signaling in Cosmos). Polkadot has enhanced governance with a tech committee and an on-chain
treasury. In Cosmos, validators can vote on behalf of the ATOMs staked to them, although it is possible to ATOM
holders directly vote, canceling the staked validators’ vote.
Regarding compatibility and bridging, Polkadot and Cosmos have two-way pegs to the Bitcoin and Ethereum
networks. Ethereum 2.0 has a one-way peg with Ethereum, in which only Ethereum users can send Ether to Ethereum
2.0. Both Polkadot and Cosmos can communicate with sidechains. Polkadot further implements bridging capabilities,
by leveraging substrate, achieving shard compatibility.
We now describe some of sidechain solutions we identified in the literature. Table 9 summarizes each solution and
aggregates them into the corresponding subcategory. One can assert that from the 14 solutions identified, 3 are trusted
relays, 4 are blockchain-agnostic protocols, 4 blockchain of blockchains, and 3 blockchain migrators.
Falazi et al. [83] propose an abstraction layer that provides a uniform interface for external client applications to
communicate with blockchains and smart contracts. The proposed protocol, Smart Contract Invocation Protocol (SCIP),
exposes a interface with several elements (roles, methods, data, and message format), which can be used by applications
to issue transactions against different ledgers. The available request messages include (i) the invocation of a smart
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contract function, (ii) the subscription to notifications regarding function invocations or event occurrences, (iii) the
unsubscription from live monitoring, and (iv) the querying of past invocations or events.
49 https://tradecoin.mit.edu/
50 https://github.com/interledger/rfcs/blob/master/0027-interledger-protocol-4/0027-interledger-protocol-4.md
51 https://github.com/hyperledger/quilt
52 http://interledger.rs/
53 https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp-connector
in a verification block are modeled as a total poset, in which a binary relationship is used to compare the order of
transactions within a block [215].
Overledger achieves blockchain interoperability using a protocol for message-oriented middleware that implements
a protocol similar to 2-phase-commit scheme, instead of relying on adapters between a central blockchain and external
blockchains, but no details are given.
Block Collider enables smart contract communication among smart contracts located in different chains [116]. The
goal is to alleviate the developer’s work while building decentralized apps that use several blockchains.
Block Collider unifies the latest blocks on each bridged chain via blocks’ base tuples: every block references the
header of the block from each of the bridged chains. This allows Block Collider to be a decentralized unifying chain.
The consensus mechanism for determining the following block head is the proof of distance, a variation of proof of
work. Proof of distance uses an algorithm in which a string edit distance scheme is used. In this scheme, the idea is to
hash to be filtered within some distance of a reference set. Block Collider is an open-source project54 , and supports
various cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, USDT, WAV, LSK, NEO, DAI, and Tether Gold.
54 https://github.com/blockcollider
55 https://github.com/pf92/blockchain-interop
Example use cases related to cryptocurrency-related techniques are cross-chain payment channels [15, 116, 145, 196],
efficient multi-party swaps [45, 89, 234], point of sales and utility tokens [196], and decentralized exchanges [52, 234].
As a notable use case, we highlight decentralized exchanges [? ], leveraging HLTC techniques to allow users to exchange
assets from different blockchains directly with other users.
Blockchain of Blockchains [12, 130, 201, 227] do implement decentralized exchanges, and predict decentralized
banking as use cases. For example, the decentralized exchange Binance [31] utilizes the Cosmos SDK. Blockchain
gaming platforms56 , and stablecoins57 have been implemented with Polkadot. Moreover, Blockchain of Blockchains
can stimulate blockchain adoption by enterprises. By using Cosmos, zones can serve as blockchain-backed versions of
enterprise systems, whereby services that are traditionally run by an organization or a consortium are instead run as an
application blockchain interface on a particular zone. Some authors proposed an IoB approach for a central bank digital
currency [202], which could be realized with a blockchain engine solution.
Regarding Hybrid Connectors, we highlight blockchain migrators, as solutions that can reduce the risk for enterprises
and individuals when investing in blockchain. By reducing risks, investors can expect a higher return on investment
[222]. Hyperledger Cactus, a blockchain interoperability project includes a blockchain migration feature, which allows a
consortium of stakeholders operating a blockchain to migrate their assets (data, smart contracts) to another blockchain
[155]. Other use cases can be realized: cross-blockchain asset transfer, escrowed sale of data for coins, pegging stable
coins to fiat currency or cryptocurrencies, healthcare data sharing with access control lists, integration of existing food
traceability solutions, and end-user wallet access control.
More generally, a blockchain of blockchains approach can be leveraged to solve current problems. In [30, 62], the
authors argue that accidental failures and security events (in particular internal data breaches) is a problem for the
end-user. This problem can be alleviated by creating a “cloud-of-clouds” for extra security and dependability, on top of
individual cloud providers that do not offer enough trust. One could argue that one can use a blockchain of blockchains
approach to increase the dependability of services, as well as their security.
Collecting, storing, accessing, and processing data is not only a common practice across industries but also essential
to their thriving. Often, a use-case has several stakeholders with different needs, who belong to different organizational
boundaries. Those stakeholders might have different access rights to data [20, 24]. Thus, developers adapt the features
of the blockchain they are using to the (sometimes conflicting) needs of their stakeholders. It is important to underline
that developers want flexibility regarding their blockchain choice, as they might want to change it in the future [86].
This particular need is related to the possibility of vendor lock-in, which also happens in cloud environments [123].
The need for this flexibility can be achieved by leveraging blockchain migration or multiple blockchains.
56 https://xaya.io/
57 http://bandot.io/
Use Case
+ + +
- ± +
- ± +
Enabling Enterprise
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Business Processes