Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Blockchain Frameworks
5 2,528
5 authors, including:
Abdullah Alharthy
King Abdulaziz University
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Tabrez Quasim on 14 March 2020.
1 Introduction
blockchain technology for extremely secure and transparent mechanism for tracking
ownership of assets across the boundaries.
2 Ethereum
Ethereum is open source framework where we can create virtually any decentralised
online services on the DApps that operate on the basis of smart contracts. The concept
Blockchain Frameworks 77
of Ethereum was proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, but it was only possible to
implement it in 2015 [5–7]. The Ethereum [1, 8, 9] is based on four important key
components as below:
The EVM is a quasi-Turing machine that has EMV bytecode [1]. The EVM is quasi
turning machine because computations performed by the machine are bound by
gas, that limits the number of computations. This is the also called “full Turing
environment” in which we can execute DApps written in one of several popular
programming languages. In other words, instead of creating a separate framework for
each language or application, they all work on the same blockchain. This makes
the Dapps development process efficient and simple.
Decentralised applications that use smart contracts for various purposes: putting
digital signatures, forecasting stock markets, guaranteeing the transfer of valuables,
and the like. More than half of live DApps –Ethereum applications [10].
78 M. T. Quasim et al.
2.4 Performance
There are many parameters to evaluate the performance of the framework. The
Ethereum uses Merkle trees to optimize transactional hashing and increase potential
for scalability. The Ethereum is the most popular framework as 80% of the project
are being developed in Ethereum [11–13]. The success of Ethereum is due to the fact
that this is the first platform on which full-fledged smart contracts are implemented.
Also, Ethereum is relatively quick and easy to launch Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
We summarise some of the important pros and cons of Ethereum in Table 2.
3 Hyperledger
Table 3 Components of
Component Description
Ledger An append-only distributed ledger
Consensus algorithm A consensus algorithm for agreeing to
changes in the ledger
Privacy Privacy of transactions through
permissioned access
Smart contracts Smart contracts to process transaction
Below are few pros and cons of the Hyperledger framework as shown in Table 5.
4 Bitcoin
The Bitcoin is the first and most prominent cryptocurrency in the financial world. A
group of people under the common alias Satoshi Nakamoto form the Bitcoin in year
2009 [20–24]. The Bitcoin blockchain is the progenitor of a significant part of the
first twenty of cryptocurrencies: Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin
SV and others [25–27]. This is also very interesting to know that to date nobody
knows who is the owner of the company, for example if we do search for domain
details on who is lookup then we will get below information as shown in Fig. 3.
The size of blockchain is also increasing day by day as shown in Fig. 4.
The Bitcoin has the largest capitalization and subscription. Some important pros
and cons of Bitcoin have been listed in Table 6.
5 Corda
Corda is a blockchain platform primarily developed for legal contracts and other
shared data between mutually trusting organizations, however, this makes it possible
for a diverse range of applications to interoperate on a single network [28, 29]. The
Corda is platform operate within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Corda was estab-
lished by the R3 consortium (R3CEV LLC) for recording, monitoring and synchro-
nizing financial agreements between regulated financial institutions. The consensus
algorithm uses “notarized” nodes to verify and sign contracts. Transaction informa-
tion is not broadcast to all network nodes i.e. restricted. The information is made
available only to nodes that have confirmed legitimate interests in those assets that
participate in the transaction. If the transaction is between A and B, then only the
nodes of these two structures will receive information.
The Corda’s has great potential to scale as compared to other frameworks. We
present some of the important pros and cons of Cordra in Table 7 [29].
Blockchain Frameworks 81
EOS blockchain platform is built for both public and private use cases. The EOS is
well suited for business needs across industries which requires role-based security
permissions, industry-leading speeds and secure application processing [30]. Almost
all the decentralised applications can be launched using EOS. The EOS managed to
collect 465 million dollars during the ICO [30].
The investor has the right in the income, property, copyrights, reputation in the
proportion of investment or token acquired. The holder of tokens may get access to
DApps developed under the new project, storage access, received divided etc. like a
stake holder in any company. We present some important pros and cons of EOS in
Table 8.
This is new transaction settlement for the Internet of Things applications. It intro-
duced a new way to perform transaction through a peer to peer system, called a
tangle. The IOTA framework was released in 2016 and has a market capital more
than $10 billion [31–33]. The IoT devices perform PoW. The IOTA doesn’t support
smart contracts [34, 35].
Unlike the other frameworks such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, the IoTA has no tra-
ditional blockchain structure [36]. The IOTA uses the Tangle algorithm in which
transaction will be confirm from two other users.
The tangle is based on Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) as shown in Fig. 5. The
tangle data structure moves in one direction without looping back onto itself.
The time elapse from left to right in this graph. Each circle represents a transaction
issued by a device on the network. In blockchain, there are two distinct types of
participants in the system, those who issue transactions, and those who approve
transactions, however, in the tangle, every device or node works to maintain the
ledger. Every node is also a kind of miner. When a node wants to transfer some
value, then it must validate two previous transactions, which is shown by the arrows
in the Fig. 5. The validation of transaction requires a small amount PoW in order to
secure the network. Since, the node are miners as well therefore no transaction fees
is applicable. We discuss some of important pros and cons of IoTA are discuss in
Table 9.
8 Ripple (XRP)
The XRP is formerly known as OpenCoin Ripple [35]. The OpenCoin is built for pay-
ment and exchange network known as RippleNet which is on the top of a distributed
ledger database called as XRP Ledger. The objective of XRP is to connect banks,
payment providers and digital asset exchanges, enabling faster and cost-efficient
global payments. The XRP was first idealized in 2004 by Ryan Fugger, who devel-
oped the first prototype of Ripple known as RipplePay in 2005 [35]. In 2012, Jed
McCaleb and Chris Larsen et al. founded the US-based technology company Open-
Coin. The XRP Ledger is not based on a PoW consensus algorithm, instead, it uses a
customised algorithm known as the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA).
The XRP was ranked second in terms of capitalization, displacing Ethereum from
$ 9.5 billion to $12.3 billion as of December 10, 2018. This happened against the
background of another sinking of the market, which indicates a great confidence of
investors and users to the Ripple blockchain. In Table 10, we present some important
pros and cons of Ripple framework [35].
9 Waves
10 Quorum
The Quorum was developed by JP Morgan to address key issues in the financial
industry through a distribution registry and smart contract (Ethereum) capabilities.
The Quorum has generated institutional transaction volumes. The Quorum is able to
restrict access to transaction history with transparency of the system.
Quorum uses Raft/Istanbul BFT consensus algorithms. When a new transaction
appears then it is routed to main node that directs further to other nodes and request-
ing confirmation of authenticity without any communication. Quorum has focus on
enterprise, permissioned blockchain to cover all the use cases of financial sector.
Quorum is built on Ethereum. The components of Quorum are shown in Fig. 6.
Like every framework the Quorum has also some pros and cons as shown in
Table 12.
11 NEM (XEM)
The (New Economy Movement) NEM platform is designed from scratch to gain
high scalability and speed [35]. The NEM is a permissioned private blockchain with
a revolutionary consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Concept (POI). The POI is the
mechanism that is used to determine which network participants are more important,
thereby, eligible to add a block to the blockchain. The NEM uses ‘harvesting’ process
to determine the important participant. The accounts with a higher importance score
will have a higher probability of being chosen to harvest a block. To become eligible
the participant must hold at least 10,000 vested XEM.
86 M. T. Quasim et al.
The architectural design of NEM is open and scalable. The NEM Platform has
focus on trading, banking and charity. The NEM uses a different consensus algorithm
called Proof-of-Importance (PoI) [35].
The low transaction confirmation fee, energy consumption and performance are
major advantages of NEM. The NEM provides RESTful JSON API interface for
application development [35]. We present some of the pros and cons of NEM in
Table 13.
12 Conclusion
The blockchain technology has gained considerable popularity in the last couple
of years. The blockchain framework provides an infrastructure and environment
Blockchain Frameworks 87
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