Ls4Uae Focus Lesson - Tier 1: Slideshow

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School and Education

Lesson 1 – Recycling School Supplies
Subject: Date: Term 2 –
LS4UAE Level: 1A
English Week 1
1. Learners to read and understand the overall meaning of a text, and identify specific details
2. Discuss and respond to content of the text orally and in writing
NELCF Alignment LS4UAE Alignment
• En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific • Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between
information in simple texts on familiar topics. pieces information in a text that meet a single
• En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and condition.
concrete topics. • Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more
independent pieces of explicitly stated infor
Literacy Teaching Strategies
• Displaying Visual Elements Displaying visual elements refers to the use of photos, charts,
diagrams and other visuals to enhance instruction.
• Text Marking Text-marking is the use of any system of standardized marks for students to note
responses, questions and ideas as they read.
• Modelling Modelling is the process of showing how to use a specific skill or complete a process, often by
providing step-by-step instructions, showing a product at each stage, and providing visual elements or
concrete examples.

Differentiation Opportunities
• Teachers may choose to create a flexible, varied classroom layout that allows for both group and
individual work as well as peer support to meet the needs of learners.
• Teachers may choose to vary learning conditions by modifying the balance of time spent on individual
and collaborative group work based upon learners’ needs and preferences.
Links to Prior Learning:
Reading literary and informative texts, responding to text-based questions
Academic Vocabulary
Learners may not be familiar with the following lexis:
• reduce: to make less of something
• recycling: putting paper, glass, plastic etc through a process so they can be used again
• become greener: to do more to protect the environment.
Resources / Equipment Needed: Recycling School Supplies
student resources, digital or paper-based, and the Recycling School Supplies slideshow

Starter 10 Minutes
1. Introduce the lesson digitally, or in person, on the whiteboard, by displaying Slide 1.
2. Explain that students are going to read a piece of text, ‘Recycling School Supplies’. They will answer
questions to show their understanding of the texts.
3. Ask students: Do you know what recycling is? In small groups, students to brainstorm the word ‘recycling’
in a word cloud. Students to share their ideas with the rest of the class.
Concept and Skill Development 10 Minutes
1. Display Slide 2, and conduct a shared reading of the text, or direct learners to look at Slide 2
independently via LMS and read the text.
2. After reading, refer to classroom items that have been mentioned in the text. Ask students, what can be
3. Show Slide 3, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information needed
to answer the question is located.
4. Display slide 4 and ask the students, ‘Why do we recycle?’ Students to identify and underline where they
would find this information in the text. Students can work in partners to discuss answers, and then share
with the rest of the class.
5. Show Slide 5, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information needed
to answer the question is located.
6. Display Slide 6, and conduct a shared reading of the vocabulary, or direct learners to look at Slide 6
independently via LMS and read the text. Students to read the key vocabulary to their partner and explain
the defintition. They may explain in their own words or read from the descrition.
Practice and Application 15 Minutes
1. Explain that students are going to work independently to answer additional questions about the texts.
2. Distribute paper resources or direct students to open the assessment on LMS and respond to the
questions 1 & 2 found in the student resources.
3. Circulate to monitor student progress, support as needed.
Plenary 5 Minutes
1. Post the question below in a digital discussion on LMS or ask students to respond using sticky notes or
scrap paper.
2. Exit ticket question(s): Were you able to find information in the texts to help you answer questions? Did
you experience any challenges?
3. Collect student responses and analyze them to determine students’ progress in developing a key literacy
School and Education
Lesson: 1 - Let’s Go Back to School
Subject: Date: Term 1 –
LS4UAE Level: 1A
English Week 1
1. Learners to read and understand the overall meaning of a text, and answer questions on familiar
2. Learners to identify key information in a text.
NELCF Alignment LS4UAE Alignment
• En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific • Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between
information in simple texts on familiar pieces information in a text that meet a single
topics. condition.
• En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and • Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more
concrete topics. independent pieces of explicitly stated information.
Literacy Teaching Strategies
• Displaying Visual Elements Displaying visual elements refers to the use of photos, charts,
diagrams and other visuals to enhance instruction.
• Text Marking Text-marking is the use of any system of standardized marks for students to note
responses, questions and ideas as they read.
• Modelling Modelling is the process of showing how to use a specific skill or complete a process, often
by providing step-by-step instructions, showing a product at each stage, and providing visual elements
or concrete examples.

Differentiation Opportunities
• Teachers may choose to create a flexible, varied classroom layout that allows for both group and
individual work as well as peer support to meet the needs of learners.
• Teachers may choose to vary learning conditions by modifying the balance of time spent on
individual and collaborative group work based upon learners’ needs and preferences

Links to Prior Learning:

Reading literary and informative texts, responding to text-based questions
Academic Vocabulary
Learners may not be familiar with the following lexis:
• calculator: an electric device that is used to answer mathmatical questions
• ruler: a flat, staright stick that is used to measure things
• compass: a tool that us used to draw circles in maths.
Resources / Equipment Needed: Let’s Go Back to School student resources, digital or paper-
based, and the Let’s Go Back to School slideshow

Starter 10 Minutes
1. Introduce the lesson digitally, or in person, on the whiteboard, by displaying Slide 1.
2. Explain that students are going to read a piece of literacy text about a story set at school. They will be
answering questions to show their understanding of the texts.
3. Display pictures of different settings and characters of familiar stories and elicit students responses to
sort into either settings or characters.
4. Ask students: What does ‘setting’ mean? What do we mean by ‘characters’?
Concept and Skill Development 10 Minutes
1. Display Slide 2, and conduct a shared reading of the text, or direct learners to look at Slide 2
independently via LMS and read the text.
2. After reading, ask students: Where is the story set? Teacher to model how to retrieve this information
from the text and answer in a full sentence. Who are the characters in the story?
3. Show Slide 3, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information
needed to answer the question is located.
4. Display slide 4, with a picture from the literacy text. Ask learners, what gave Mohammed the idea to
recycle school supplies?
5. Show Slide 5, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information
needed to answer the question is located.
6. Display Slide 6, and conduct a shared reading of the vocabulary, or direct learners to look at Slide 6
independently via LMS and read the text. Students to highlight the meaning of each new word.
Practice and Application 15 Minutes
1. Explain that students are going to work independently to answer additional questions about the texts.
2. Distribute paper resources or direct students to open the assessment on LMS and respond to the
questions 3 &4 found in the student resources.
3. Circulate to monitor student progress, support as needed.
Plenary 5 Minutes
1. Show slide 7 which displays a picture of various materials and objects. Direct students to think
about which items can be recycled and which cannot then work with a partner to share their
2. Collect student responses and analyze them to determine students’ progress in developing a key
literacy skill.
School and Education
Lesson: 3 - Mohammed and Abdullah’s Shopping List
Date: Term 1 –
Subject: English LS4UAE Level: 1A
Week 1
1. Learners to read and understand the overall meaning of a text, and answer questions on familiar topics.
2.Learners to identify key information in a text.
NELCF Alignment LS4UAE Alignment
• En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific • Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between
information in simple texts on familiar topics. pieces information in a text that meet a single
• En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and concrete condition.
topics. • Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more
independent pieces of explicitly stated information.
Literacy Teaching Strategies
• Displaying Visual Elements Displaying visual elements refers to the use of photos, charts,
diagrams and other visuals to enhance instruction.
• Text Marking Text-marking is the use of any system of standardized marks for students to note
responses, questions and ideas as they read.
• Modelling Modelling is the process of showing how to use a specific skill or complete a process, often by
providing step-by-step instructions, showing a product at each stage, and providing visual elements or concrete

Differentiation Opportunities
• Teachers may choose to create a flexible, varied classroom layout that allows for both group and
individual work as well as peer support to meet the needs of learners.
• Teachers may choose to vary learning conditions by modifying the balance of time spent on individual
and collaborative group work based upon learners’ needs and preferences
Links to Prior Learning:
Reading literary and informative texts, responding to text-based questions
Academic Vocabulary: Not applicable
Resources / Equipment Needed: Mohammed and Abdullah’s Shopping List resources, digital or
paper-based, and Mohammed and Abdullah’s Shopping List slideshow

Starter 10 Minutes
1. Introduce the lesson digitally, or in person, on the whiteboard, by displaying Slide 1
2. Explain that students are going to look at a graph which show 2 shopping lists.
3. Ask students: What are shopping lists? Why are they useful? What would you add to your shopping list?
Concept and Skill Development 10 Minutes
1. Display Slide 2, and conduct a shared reading of the text, or direct learners to look at Slide 2
independently via LMS and read the text. This slide will only include the Mohammed and Abdullah’s
Shopping List Graphic Organizer.
2. After reading, ask students: How many new pens did Mohammed buy? How much were they altogether?
How do you know this?
3. Show Slide 3, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information needed to
answer the question is located.
4. Display slide 4.
5. After reading, ask students: How many more pencils did Mohamed buy, in comparison to Abdullah? How
do you know this?
6. Show Slide 5, with the correct answer to the question, and show learners where the information needed to
answer the question is located.
Practice and Application 15 Minutes
1. Explain that students are going to work independently to answer questions about the texts.
2. Distribute paper resources or direct students to open the assessment on LMS and respond to the
questions 5-8.
3. Once the questions have been completed, the students will be completeing the intergrated task – creating
a poster. students can create a digital poster or use paper if instruction is face-to-face.
4. Circulate to monitor student progress. Support as needed.
Plenary 5 Minutes
1. Select students to share their poster (activity 8) to the rest of the class and discuss. Students to have the
opportunity to take questions from the rest of the class.


LS4UAE Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between C – cups, pens, rulers
pieces information in a text that meet a single
LS4 condition. 1
NELCF En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific
information in simple texts on familiar topics.
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more B - To recycle at schools.
independent pieces of explicitly stated information.
2 1
NELCF En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and concrete
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between C - Made a list of supplies
pieces information in a text that meet a single they would need to buy for
3 condition. Grade 8. 1
NELCF En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and concrete
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between C- reusing the math
pieces information in a text that meet a single supplies that belonged to
condition. Abdullah’s brother and
4 1
NELCF En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific
information in simple texts on familiar topics.
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more
independent pieces of explicitly stated information. A - Mohammed
5 1
NELCF En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and concrete
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.M.1 Make simple connections between
pieces information in a text that meet a single
A How to recycle at school
6 condition.
En.4.R.RS.2 Read texts on familiar and concrete
NELCF topics.
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more A If we reuse school
independent pieces of explicitly stated information. supplies, we can become
En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific greener.
NELCF information in simple texts on familiar topics.
LS4UAE Lit.L1A.L.1 Locate one or more 5 – Learner has followed all
independent pieces of explicitly stated information. instructions and
NELCF En.3.R.CS.2 Read and identify specific demonstrates a strong
information in simple texts on familiar topics. ability to create a fact file.
3 – Learner has followed
some instructions and
demonstrates some ability
8 5
to create a fact file.
1 – Learner has not
followed task instructions
and / or demonstrates a
limited ability to create a
fact file.

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