"In Your Defense": A Defensive Strategy For Helicopter Pilots
"In Your Defense": A Defensive Strategy For Helicopter Pilots
"In Your Defense": A Defensive Strategy For Helicopter Pilots
Much like defensive driving, defensive flying involves reflected in the overall results. It’s always better to
using specific strategies for keeping one step ahead of over prepare for a flight than to be caught off-guard
the curve when it comes to helicopter safety. As we and surprised by the unexpected.
drive to the airport in preparation for our upcoming
flight, we are bombarded with opportunities to exercise A great defensive technique to implement before any
our defensive driving skills to elude potential danger. flight is to mentally rehearse the mission from start to
Most of us have experienced situations involving finish. Think through the mission as planned, but
drivers who exceed speed limits, text while driving, develop contingency plans should the flight have to
ignore traffic signals, and fail to pay attention — change because of weather, mechanical problems, or
period. It’s a true jungle out there! other unforeseen conditions. It’s much easier to
execute a well-thought-out contingency plan than it is
to make radical decisions during flight.
phases of flight from start to finish can help train the
mind to respond correctly in less time.