"In Your Defense": A Defensive Strategy For Helicopter Pilots

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“In Your Defense”: A Defensive Strategy for Helicopter Pilots

Contact: Nick Mayhew

Phone: 321-567-0386

Much like defensive driving, defensive flying involves reflected in the overall results. It’s always better to
using specific strategies for keeping one step ahead of over prepare for a flight than to be caught off-guard
the curve when it comes to helicopter safety. As we and surprised by the unexpected.
drive to the airport in preparation for our upcoming
flight, we are bombarded with opportunities to exercise A great defensive technique to implement before any
our defensive driving skills to elude potential danger. flight is to mentally rehearse the mission from start to
Most of us have experienced situations involving finish. Think through the mission as planned, but
drivers who exceed speed limits, text while driving, develop contingency plans should the flight have to
ignore traffic signals, and fail to pay attention — change because of weather, mechanical problems, or
period. It’s a true jungle out there! other unforeseen conditions. It’s much easier to
execute a well-thought-out contingency plan than it is
to make radical decisions during flight.

Another advantage of a pre-constructed alternative

flight plan is that it allows helicopter pilots to make
small adjustments as opposed to reacting to
circumstances that could have been mitigated from
the very start. Pilots who approach flying using a
defensive mentality often experience greater
satisfaction in knowing they have thought through
various safety options beforehand and haven’t left
much to chance. Contingency plans well thought out
on the ground often yield positively when decisively
executed in flight.

Checklists, Discipline, and SOPs

Disciplined use of checklists, standard operating
procedures (SOPs) and logical Aeronautical Decision
The principle behind using a defensive strategy when
Making (ADM) has a profound influence on helicopter
flying is to never assume other pilots, air traffic safety. As required under Title 14 Code of Federal
controllers, ground personnel, or even Mother Nature
Regulations (14 CFR) section 91.103, pilots must be
is looking out for your safety. Helicopter pilots often aware of all available information pertaining each and
get trapped in difficult situations, because they lose
every flight. This level of awareness will increase
situational awareness about their environment. safety and improve overall enjoyment of the flight.
Unfortunately, complacency and the loss of situational
awareness can lead even the most experienced
aviators down the wrong path.

Proper Pre-Flight Preparation

When flying helicopters, mental preparation plays a
key role in determining overall success. Whether a
particular mission involves training, a cross-country, or
a practical test, the amount of preparation is usually

phases of flight from start to finish can help train the
mind to respond correctly in less time.

In regards to transition altitudes,

many pilots believe helicopters will
not fly above 500 feet AGL….WRONG!
When transitioning from point A to point B, if
conditions allow, why not transition at 1,000 or even
2,000 feet AGL? For those pilots who add additional
safety margin to their final transition altitude will be
afforded extra valuable seconds compared to pilots
who do not. For instance, by increasing a transition
altitude by 1,000 or 1,500 feet can give pilots another
30-45 seconds of added time to fly the helicopter,
select a suitable landing area and touch down safely!
As for routing, conservative flight planning can also
pay huge dividends in terms of time and safety. Why
Many pilots believe SOPs exist only fly over the forest, lake, or city when you can go
for crew members flying large around them at a minimal cost and inconvenience. It’s
much better to plan and fly conservatively than to be
helicopters involved in Part 135 caught in dangerous situations that may be fatal.
operations…………………… WRONG!
A Good Offense Is Still Your Best
SOPs can help prevent unfortunate circumstances
from occurring by preparing pilots to handle both Defense
normal and abnormal events in the most effective
ways. Preparation is a key ingredient for successfully flying
helicopters. Proper pre-flight planning and good
Helicopter pilots should be encouraged to develop and mental preparation pays huge dividends for pilots who
implement SOPs for all flight operations, regardless of take into consideration the known and unknown. From
the type of operation being conducted. SOPs add beginning to end, safety starts before we get into the
structure and an enhanced level of safety by helping helicopter and ends only when we’ve secured it after
pilots implement best practices and techniques landing.
applicable to all situations.

Appropriate checklist usage is another resource pilots

can use to deal with abnormal and emergency
situations in the cockpit. Unfortunately, many pilots
allow the habit of using a checklist to fade over time.
Remember, appropriate checklist usage is required on
all checkrides with the intentions of improving pilot
performance and safety. Even for pilots flying the
same helicopter over and over, disciplined checklist
usage is a must, because complacency kills.

UP, UP and AWAY!!!!

Part of our defensive flying strategy should emphasize Acknowledgement
the importance of maximizing altitude and distance
from the ground and obstructions. Just because Thanks to Dr. Steve Sparks for authoring this Fact
helicopters are capable of flying in close proximity to Sheet and the helicopter Rotor Rooter educational
“things”, does not mean pilots should linger around training series in sponsorship by the FAA Safety Team
“things” beyond a reasonable amount of time for (FAASTeam).
completing the mission.
This document is a peer reviewed publication by an
Human Factor studies reveal most pilots react slowly expert panel of the IHST Implementation Team. More
and incorrectly to abnormal and/or emergency information about the IHST, its reports, its safety tools,
situations. Research reveals that it can take as much and presentations can be obtained at its web site:
as seven to eight seconds for pilots to properly (www.IHST.org)
respond to a startling/unexpected event in the cockpit.
Simply put, performing “what if” scenarios during all

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