Marriage: To Marry, or To Not Marry?

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To Marry, or to not Marry?

Marriage is commonly viewed as a happy way to continue someone’s life and provides love,
companionship, and fulfillment. But, like all things, there is a good and bad thing for everything.
Presenting here are the pros and cons of marriage;


● Someone to Talk to/ Help you.

Life is full of hardships. When we run into one of them, our partner will be ready to help us out.
This is commonly a great example to encourage one to marry, s they will not have to go through
obstacles alone.

● Channel their Desires.

Everyone in the world pretty much has a sexual desire. People will often channel this through
girlfriends/boyfriends, random people, and rape. This is absolutely haram. The one and only way to do
so is to get married. This is why traditionally people marry young because their desires are strongest and
it’s the best way to channel it.

● Help each other Financially

This is not a good reason, but it definitely shouldn’t be ignored. Sometimes, someone living
single will have the trouble of ways to make money. With a spouse, it will be easier to make money with
two people working together. Of course, this can sometimes be a problem when they have children, as
one has to stay at home and look after them.


● Little of What you Want.

Marriage isn’t easy. When two people get together and marry each other, almost every decision
made has to be approved by one another. They can’t make any more personal decisions.

● Chance of Divorce.
Unfortunately, nearly 3 out of 1000 people in America are divorced. While that may not sound
like much, it is. Unless your sure you’ve selected the right spouse for you, divorce is possible. Fights
occur all the time, even between spouses, but sometimes it will get out of hand and, sadly, result in
divorce. This can keep someone depressed over long periods.

● Weddings are Pricey.

When preparing for your wedding, this will surely cause a boulder of stress to fall on you. Prices,
contracts, and shopping will fill you 24/7 until the wedding day has come. Of course, additional help
from family and friends is encouraged.

Islamic Perspective on Marriage

Islam highly encourages marriage. The purpose of marriage in Islam is to preserve the religion
through the creation of a family. The family is meant to be productive and constructive, helping and
encouraging one another to be good and righteous, and competing with one another rightfully.

In most Islamic societies and communities it is not a common practice for young people to
actively seek a partner for themselves by following modern and Western rituals, such as dating. Young
Muslim men and women are strongly encouraged to marry as soon as possible since the family is
considered the foundation of Islamic society.

Preparing for Marriage

The wedding is one thing, marriage is another. How to prepare for it? Here are a couple of tips:

First, attend premarital counseling. Eighty-nine percent of married couples who attended
premarital education before marriage found it to be helpful down the road. Worthwhile classes will
teach you communication skills and conflict management tools, along with addressing appropriate

Find a mentor couple. Seek out an older, more experienced, happily married couple to provide
wisdom and support to you as you begin your adventure together.
Talk about your expectations for marriage. What are your goals for your marriage? How will you
decide who does what around the house? Who will manage the money? Discuss your goals to help
ensure a successful marriage. Unrealistic expectations often lead to resentment.
Be committed. Since commitment is a choice, believing in the permanence of your marriage will
help your relationship over the long haul.
Talk about money. Save yourselves a lot of headaches by discussing your spending habits and
spending plans and goals. Always spend less than you make, save a little for a rainy day, and try to avoid
Talk about children. Will you have kids? If so, how many children would you like to have? When
would you like to have kids? Will both of you work or will one of you stay home?
Yes, marriage is difficult, but an organized marriage will keep both husband and wife happy.

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