Hypospadias and Megacolon in A Persian Cat
Hypospadias and Megacolon in A Persian Cat
Hypospadias and Megacolon in A Persian Cat
Abstract : A 9-month-old intact male Persian cat (3.2 kg of body weight) was referred with primary complaint of
constipation. Diagnostic studies found severe constipation and megacolon. After immediate medical treatment (e.g.
enema), the physical examination was performed and revealed that the unusual urethral opening was found
approximately 0.5 cm ventral to the tip of the penis where a 3.5 fr tomcat catheter was easily advanced into the bladder.
The case was diagnosed as hypospadias. The cat was treated with castration and medical therapy for constipation.
To our best knowledge, this case is the first case report for feline hypospadias complicated with chronic constipation
in Korea.
Key words : hypospadias, constipation, megacolon, urethral opening, cat.
Introduction mg/kg, slow IV, Jurox, Australia). Warm saline enema was
performed to empty the colonic feces in this cat. After imme-
Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the urethra in the diate medical treatment, the thorough physical examination
male and is characterized by an abnormal location of ure- was performed again and revealed that the unusual urethral
thral orifice (opening). In this condition, the urethral opening opening was found approximately 0.5 cm ventral to the tip of
locates anywhere along a line (the urethral groove) running the penis (Fig 2A). The scrotum was found to be divided,
from the tip along the underside (ventral aspect) of the shaft with the penis lying within the division of the scrota1 sac.
to the junction of the penis and scrotum or perineum, instead The penis was under-developed and not fully covered with
of opening at the tip of the glans of the penis. Several case prepuce. A 3.5 Fr tomcat catheter was easily advanced into
reports have been described in domestic animal species, in- the bladder through the abnormally located urethral opening
cluding goats (8), cattle (5) and sheep (1), dogs (6) and cats (Fig 2B). Cystocentesis was performed to collect urine sam-
(3). Hypospadias in cats has been associated with recurrent ple. However, urinalysis found no particular abnormalities
chronic cystitis due to urinary incontinence and bacterial con- and evidence of bacterial infection. The cat was released with
tamination from fecal materials (3). In this case report, we medical prescription of lactulose (10 mL, PO, BayPharma,
described the clinical presentation of a case of hypospadias in Australia), mosapride (1 mg/kg, PO, Roche, Switzerland) and
a male Persian cat suffering of chronic constipation and ranitidine (3.5 mg/kg, PO, Glaxo-Smithkline, Korea). After
megacolon. medical treatment, the cat has never been constipated again.
Prophylactic castration was performed after week of medical
A 9-month-old intact male Persian cat (3.2 kg of body
weight) was referred with primary complaint of constipation.
According to referring veterinarian, the cat had recurrent
constipation unresponsive to lactulose enema. On the physi-
cal examination, the cat was slightly depressed but all vital
signs were within normal range. The abdominal radiograph
revealed massive fecal retention from the colon to the rec-
tum (Fig 1). The blood sample was taken for pre-anesthetic
evaluation and found no abnormalities in the hemogram and
blood chemistry. The cat was anesthetized using butorphanol
(0.2 mg/kg, IM, Myoung-moon, Korea) and alfaxalone (5
Hypospadias and Megacolon in a Persian Cat 455
Fig 2. The hypospadias in this cat. A: Preoperative view of the cat showing the urethral opening (black arrow) and rectal mucosa at
the anal opening (hollow arrow). P, penis. B: Preoperative view of the cat showing urinary catheter inserted into the ventral opening
of the urethra.
treatment. To date, there were no complications related to metic defect and have little effect on function except for
hypospadias (e.g. cystitis, constipation). To our best knowl- direction of the urinary stream. However, the second or third
edge, this case is the first case report for feline hypospadias degree hypospadias can cause messy urination, impair deliv-
complicated with chronic constipation in Korea. ery of semen into the vagina, or interference with erections.
Therefore, surgical repair may not be necessary for cat,
Discussion unless the cat is used for breeding. Surgical repair of severe
hypospadias may require multiple procedures and mucosal
In human, hypospadias can be classified by the location. grafting in human (2).
The first degree hypospadias is defined as the urethral opening In conclusion, we described a rare case of feline hypospa-
locates on the underside of the glans penis (~50-75% of cases), dias complicated with chronic constipation in a 9-month-old
while second and third degree are defined as the urethral intact male Persian cat. The cat was treated with prophylac-
opening locates on the shaft and the perineum (~20 and 30% tic castration and medical therapy for constipation.
of cases), respectively. In this case, the opening locates at
0.5 cm ventral to the tip of the penis, so that it is close to the Acknowledgement
first degree of hypospadias in human.
In human, the cause of this birth defect has not been This study was supported by Human Resource Training
clearly defined, although the treatment with hormones such Project for Regional Innovation from National research foun-
as progesterone during pregnancy may increase the risk of dation of Korea (NRF).
hypospadias (4). Therefore, increased risk of hypospadias in
infant males conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) has References
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456 Sung-Eon Kim, Ran Choi, Jasil Park, Hye-Mi Yang and Changbaig Hyun
요 약 : 9개월령 페르시안종 수컷 고양이(체중 3.2 kg)가 변비를 주증으로 내원하였다. 진단검사상 심한 변비와 거대
결장증이 확인되었다. 관장을 비롯한 즉각적인 응급처치를 실시한 후 신체검사를 실시하였고, 검사결과 음경구 0.5 cm
복측에서 비정상적인 요도구를 확인하였다. 이 요도구를 통해 3.5 fr tomcat catheter를 방광내부를 쉽게 삽입할 수 있
었다. 영상진단과 신체검사를 통해 본 증례는 요도밑 열림증으로 진단되었다. 본 고양이는 중성화 수술과 함께 변비에
대한 내과적 처치가 실시되었다. 본 증례는 우리나라에서 처음으로 보고되는 만성 변비를 동반한 고양이의 요도밑 열
주요어 : 요도밑 열림증, 변비, 거대결장, 요도구, 고양이