Inguinal Hernia in A Spitz Dog
Inguinal Hernia in A Spitz Dog
Inguinal Hernia in A Spitz Dog
Inguinal Hernia in Spitz Dog
genitor femoral nerve. The subcutaneous tissue saline was administered for 5 days. Suture
was sutured in a simple continuous pattern using removed on 8"" post operative day and animal
No. 0 Vicryl to eliminate dead space. The skin made an uneventful recovery.
was closed by No. 0 silk in a subcuticular pattern. References
The umbilical swelling eontained some omental Bojrab, M. J., Ellison.,G.W., Slocun., B. (1998). Current
fat with a small ring. The omentum was returned Techniques in Smaii Animai Surgery. 4"'ed. Williams and
baek and the ring was trimmed off from the Wilkins., pp. 552-554. RAB, M. J., G. W. ELLISON, B.
abdominal wall, then it was sutured by SLOCUM.
polyglycolic suture no.1 using a simple interrupted Nayar, K.N.M., Devanand, C.B., Amma, T.S. and
pattern. The fascia and the skin were apposed Balagopalan, T.P. (1977). Inguinal hernia in male dog- a
with simple interrupted suture paftern using silk. case report. J. Vet. Anim. Sei. 28:64-65.
Post operatively animal was given injection
Parks, J. (1981). Herniation. in: Pathophysioiogy in
Ceftriaxone @ 20 mg/kg, Meloxicam^ @ 0.5 mg/
Small Animai Surgery. Bojrab MJ, Ed. Philadelphia: Lea
kg body weight and 250 mL of 5% dextrose normal & Febiger, pp. 420-24.
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal
on 26-28* February,2011
Organised by:
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, New Delhi
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and
National Dairy Development Board, Anand
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