Inguinal Hernia in A Spitz Dog

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Intas Polivet (2010) Vol.

11 (II): 337-338 Short Communication

Inguinal Hernia in a Spitz Dog

R.V. Suresh Kumar', P. Veena^ N. Dhana Lakshmi^

P. Sankar* and S. Kokila'
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
College of Veterinary Science
Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University
Tirupati-517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)

Introduction painful and reducible swelling was palpated on

Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ or physical examination. It was painful and doughy
tissue through a normal body opening. An in nature. Plain radiograph revealed descent of
inguinal ring defect allows the abdominal contents intestinal loop at inguinal region adjacent to the
to enter the subcutaneous space. Its exact body of the penis. Ultrasonography of the
etiopathogenesis in small animals is unknown abdomen using 5.5 MHZ probe revealed hyper
(Bojrab et al., 1998; Parks, 1981). The Pekingese echoic concentric areas adjacent to the body of
appears to be the best model to determine the the penis suggesting intestinal loops. Based on
method of genetic transmission for both defects the history, clinical examination, plain radiography
in the same animal, the Basenji dog for excessive and ultrasonography the case was diagnose as
occurrence of both umbilical and inguinal hernia, inguinal hernia.
the Airedale Terrier for excessive occurrence.
Incidence of inguinal hernia is reported to be more Treatment and Discussion
common in female dogs but its occurrence in The dog was premedicated by xylazine @ 1.0 mg/
male dogs has also been reported. Heredity, kg body weight. The anesthesia was induced by
various stress factors and obesity were considered Ketamine hydrochloride @ 5.0 mg/kg body weight
responsible for this condition. Nayar et ai. (1977) and diazepam @ 0.3 mg/kg body weight
reported a case of incarcerated inguinal hernia intravenously. After preparation of the surgical
with ileum as the content in a male dog. Inguinal
hernia in dogs has been classified as congenital
or acquired (Bojrab ef ai., 1998). Clinical signs
often reflect the size of the hernia and the hernia
contents and range from a painless inguinal mass
to signs related to incarcerated or nonviable small
intestine. Diagnosis of inguinal hernia might be
accomplished by radiography demonstrating a
gas loop filled with intestine or the appearance of
an ossifying fetal skeleton after 43 to 45 days of Fig.1: Inguinal hernia- dog Fig. 2: Herniated-
gestation. In the present paper a case of inguinal Intestine and omentum
hernia in a Spitz dog and its successful surgical sites, an incision was made over each inguinal
management is reported. canal separately to allow exposure of the hernial
sac. Hernial sac contains intestine and omentum
History and Diagnosis (Fig. 2). Adhesion between the intestines was
A male Spitz dog aged about 13 years was dissected free. All contents were returned to the
pr(3sented with a history of swelling near left side abdominal cavity by twisting the redundant sac.
of the penis (Fig.1) for one month. On clinical The sac was transligated and trimmed at the
examination the swelling was found extending margin of the abdominal ring. The hernial ring
from left inguinal region to the penis. General was sutured by a simple interrupted suture pattern
condition, appetite, capillary refill time and using No. 0 Vicryl. Enough room was left for
hydration status were also normal. A soft, non crossing the external pudendal vessels and

Inguinal Hernia in Spitz Dog

genitor femoral nerve. The subcutaneous tissue saline was administered for 5 days. Suture
was sutured in a simple continuous pattern using removed on 8"" post operative day and animal
No. 0 Vicryl to eliminate dead space. The skin made an uneventful recovery.
was closed by No. 0 silk in a subcuticular pattern. References
The umbilical swelling eontained some omental Bojrab, M. J., Ellison.,G.W., Slocun., B. (1998). Current
fat with a small ring. The omentum was returned Techniques in Smaii Animai Surgery. 4"'ed. Williams and
baek and the ring was trimmed off from the Wilkins., pp. 552-554. RAB, M. J., G. W. ELLISON, B.
abdominal wall, then it was sutured by SLOCUM.
polyglycolic suture no.1 using a simple interrupted Nayar, K.N.M., Devanand, C.B., Amma, T.S. and
pattern. The fascia and the skin were apposed Balagopalan, T.P. (1977). Inguinal hernia in male dog- a
with simple interrupted suture paftern using silk. case report. J. Vet. Anim. Sei. 28:64-65.
Post operatively animal was given injection
Parks, J. (1981). Herniation. in: Pathophysioiogy in
Ceftriaxone @ 20 mg/kg, Meloxicam^ @ 0.5 mg/
Small Animai Surgery. Bojrab MJ, Ed. Philadelphia: Lea
kg body weight and 250 mL of 5% dextrose normal & Febiger, pp. 420-24.

a - Brand of Intas Animal Health, Ahmedabad

National Dairy i\/leia'2O11

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal
on 26-28* February,2011

Organised by:
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, New Delhi
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and
National Dairy Development Board, Anand

For further details, please contact:

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