Let S Talk 3
Let S Talk 3
Let S Talk 3
Optional Activities
Let’s Talk 3 Unit 1
Option Instead of having the students form small groups, do the above activity
with the entire class. Have half the class form an inner circle facing outward and
the other half form an outer circle facing inward.
Option Tell students to use symbols to write their own sentences or to develop
a new code. Then have the students exchange papers and try to guess what their
partner’s sentences mean.
Correct sentences:
11. The f+@ c+@ s+@ in the 3-h. The fat cat sat up in the tree.
12. U R B+U+T+ful & 1+der+ful. You are beautiful and wonderful.
2. Y R U so L8? 2. Y R U so L8?
11. The f+@ c+@ s+@ in the 3-h. 11. The f+@ c+@ s+@ in the 3-h.
Option Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Give a
background sheet to each student, but do not give out the clues. Instead, have the
students use their background sheet to create their own murder mystery using the
list of suspects.
1. Alfred and Margaret had a dinner party 1. Alfred and Margaret had a dinner party
starting at 8:30 P.M. The guests were: starting at 8:30 P.M. The guests were:
• John Jameson; • John Jameson;
• John’s wife, Janet; • John’s wife, Janet;
• Alfred’s business partner, Neil Martin; • Alfred’s business partner, Neil Martin;
• Neil’s wife, Shannon; • Neil’s wife, Shannon;
• Margaret’s sister, Tabitha; and • Margaret’s sister, Tabitha; and
• Tabitha’s husband, Mark. • Tabitha’s husband, Mark.
2. At 10:30, Margaret went to bed saying that 2. At 10:30, Margaret went to bed saying that
she had a headache. She says she took she had a headache. She says she took
some medication for her headache that some medication for her headache that
made her very sleepy. made her very sleepy.
3. Earlier in the week, Alfred threatened to 3. Earlier in the week, Alfred threatened to
fire Parker after 30 years of service fire Parker after 30 years of service
because he dropped an antique vase. because he dropped an antique vase.
4. John and Alfred argued after dinner. John 4. John and Alfred argued after dinner. John
and Janet left at about 11:00. and Janet left at about 11:00.
5. John has a gambling problem and is in 5. John has a gambling problem and is in
debt for over $500,000. debt for over $500,000.
6. Neil “borrowed” $1,000,000 from the 6. Neil “borrowed” $1,000,000 from the
company and promised to pay it back six company and promised to pay it back six
months ago, but still hasn’t returned the months ago, but still hasn’t returned the
money. money.
7. A knife from Alfred’s antique knife and 7. A knife from Alfred’s antique knife and
weapons collection is missing. weapons collection is missing.
8. Margaret is pregnant. Alfred did not want 8. Margaret is pregnant. Alfred did not want
any more children. any more children.
9. Three months ago, Alfred threatened to 9. Three months ago, Alfred threatened to
take John out of his will if he didn’t stop take John out of his will if he didn’t stop
gambling. gambling.
10. Margaret and Alfred argued earlier in 10. Margaret and Alfred argued earlier in
the week when Margaret found a letter the week when Margaret found a letter
to Alfred’s new girlfriend promising to Alfred’s new girlfriend promising
to divorce Margaret. Alfred promised to to divorce Margaret. Alfred promised to
break up with his girlfriend. break up with his girlfriend.
11. Two days ago, Alfred threatened to call the 11. Two days ago, Alfred threatened to call the
police if Neil didn’t pay the money back to police if Neil didn’t pay the money back to
the company. the company.
12. John returned at around 12:45 and 12. John returned at around 12:45 and
threatened to kill his father. threatened to kill his father.
13. A pair of Alfred’s size 10 shoes was found 13. A pair of Alfred’s size 10 shoes was found
in his closet, covered in mud that matched in his closet, covered in mud that matched
the dirt from outside the study window. the dirt from outside the study window.
14. Parker has access to Alfred’s collection 14. Parker has access to Alfred’s collection
of antique knives and reported a knife of antique knives and reported a knife
missing two weeks ago. missing two weeks ago.
15. Blood tests were done on everyone at 15. Blood tests were done on everyone at
the dinner party. No traces of medicine the dinner party. No traces of medicine
were found in Margaret’s bloodstream. were found in Margaret’s bloodstream.
16. Parker saw Margaret in the kitchen 16. Parker saw Margaret in the kitchen
at around 1:45 A.M., claiming she was at around 1:45 A.M., claiming she was
hungry and couldn’t sleep. hungry and couldn’t sleep.
Option Have students form small groups and share their amusing stories. The
group then chooses the most amusing story and presents it to the rest of the class.
1. Nancy and Martin went on a blind date. Because Martin is shy, he was very quiet and didn’t make
eye contact. Nancy was also nervous, so she talked too much. When Martin barely answered her
questions, she became annoyed. Since neither of them made a very good impression, there was
never a second date.
2. Maria and Nathan met on the first day of classes. Maria made a very good impression on
Nathan because she remembered his name, made good eye contact, and listened attentively.
Maria and Nathan are now very good friends and enjoy each other’s company.
3. Jacob had a really bad day. He was irritated because he had a huge problem he couldn’t solve.
He also had a headache and a stomachache because he skipped lunch and drank too much coffee.
At the end of the day, he went to his car and found that it had been towed away!
4. Traffic was backed up early this morning because of a small accident. Police reported that the
cars collided when the driver made a left turn onto a one-way street. Luckily, no one was injured in
the accident.
5. Poor Ricardo! He missed his flight because the departure board was broken. Instead of a “3,”
the sign said, “8.” The plane left at 3:15 P.M., but he thought it was delayed until 8:15 P.M.
He had to wait two days for another flight.
6. The teachers at the school were always confusing Min Kyung, a man, and Kyung Min, a woman,
because their names were so similar and they always worked together. To solve the problem, Min
and Kyung chose nicknames, which helped the teachers a lot.
7. Different people have different ways of solving problems. For example, when Koji has a problem, he
likes to think about it alone and then ask for help. Katarina, on the other hand, usually likes
to solve problems with other people.
8. Stories that are hard to believe but are nevertheless believed by many people are called
“urban myths” or “urban legends.” One common urban legend is that baby alligators
were once released in the sewers of New York City and now there are thousands of alligators living
in the city’s sewers.
Option When students have finished their discussions, have them come up
with their own tips on how to be successful.
Here are seven tips for success. Discuss with your group members how and/or why these seven
tips could or would help you succeed.
1. Always get up early.
2. Do the jobs that nobody else wants to do.
3. Always work an extra hour after everyone else has finished for the day.
4. Learn when to lead and when to follow.
5. Do your research.
6. Listen to people.
7. Ask the right questions.
Here are seven tips for success. Discuss with your group members how and/or why these seven
tips could or would help you succeed.
1. Always get up early.
2. Do the jobs that nobody else wants to do.
3. Always work an extra hour after everyone else has finished for the day.
4. Learn when to lead and when to follow.
5. Do your research.
6. Listen to people.
7. Ask the right questions.
Here are seven tips for success. Discuss with your group members how and/or why these seven
tips could or would help you succeed.
1. Always get up early.
2. Do the jobs that nobody else wants to do.
3. Always work an extra hour after everyone else has quit for the day.
4. Learn when to lead and when to follow.
5. Do your research.
6. Listen to people.
7. Ask the right questions.
Here are seven tips for success. Discuss with your group members how and/or why these seven
tips could or would help you succeed.
1. Always get up early.
2. Do the jobs that nobody else wants to do.
3. Always work an extra hour after everyone else has quit for the day.
4. Learn when to lead and when to follow.
5. Do your research.
6. Listen to people.
7. Ask the right questions.
Culture shock
Activity type Small-group discussion
Option Working in groups of four to six students, tell them to imagine that
they work as volunteers for an agency that helps recent immigrants get settled in a
new country. As volunteers, they should come up with a list of suggestions that
would help newly arrived immigrants feel more comfortable.
Imagine that you and your family have just emigrated from your country. Discuss the following
questions with your group members.
1. How much would you want to assimilate into a new culture? Consider different aspects of both
cultures, for example: clothing, food, manners, holidays, language, and laws. Is it important to be
seen as a member of the new culture, or would you be comfortable always being viewed as an
2. Is keeping a part of your cultural heritage important? If so, why is it important and how would
keeping your cultural heritage affect your children?
3. Every culture around the world has both positive and negative aspects. What are some positive
aspects of your culture that you would like to keep? Would keeping these cultural aspects interfere
with assimilation into a new culture? Would that make a difference in your decision to keep or
reject this part of your culture?
4. What are some aspects of your culture that you do not like? What are some things about your new
culture that you do not like?
5. What are some of the positive things about your new culture? Would adopting these things make
you take anything away from your native culture?
6. What do you think the sentence “Language is culture” means? If this is true, what language would
you speak at home? Is it more important for your children to learn a new language quickly or to
keep their native tongue?
Imagine that you and your family have just emigrated from your country. Discuss the following
questions with your group members.
1. How much would you want to assimilate into a new culture? Consider different aspects of both
cultures, for example: clothing, food, manners, holidays, language, and laws. Is it important to be
seen as a member of the new culture, or would you be comfortable always being viewed as an
2. Is keeping a part of your cultural heritage important? If so, why is it important and how would
keeping your cultural heritage affect your children?
3. Every culture around the world has both positive and negative aspects. What are some positive
aspects of your culture that you would like to keep? Would keeping these cultural aspects interfere
with assimilation into a new culture? Would that make a difference in your decision to keep or
reject this part of your culture?
4. What are some aspects of your culture that you do not like? What are some things about your new
culture that you do not like?
5. What are some of the positive things about your new culture? Would adopting these things make
you take anything away from your native culture?
6. What do you think the sentence “Language is culture” means? If this is true, what language would
you speak at home? Is it more important for your children to learn a new language quickly or to
keep their native tongue?
Activity type Information-gap puzzle
Option Set up a contest where the pair that uses the most idioms properly in
grammatically correct sentences wins.
Correct answers:
1. Internet junkie – someone who is addicted to 2. dot-com millionaire – someone who has made
being on the Internet a lot of money by working on the Internet,
usually by starting a website
3. surf the net – to browse through the Internet 4. garbage in, garbage out – the quality of the
output from a computer program is dependent
on the quality of the data that goes into it
5. computer bug – a fault or defect in a system 6. technobabble – complicated language used
that negatively affects the hardware or software by people in technology fields, usually to seem
educated or superior
7. glued to the computer – your attention 8. computer nerd – someone who finds
is completely on the computer and you computers completely engrossing
cannot stop
9. state-of-the-art – the latest technological 10. techie – a shortened version of the term
advancement in a field “computer technician”
a. Philip is such a computer nerd because he would rather spend time on the computer
than with friends.
b. Marty became a dot-com millionaire last year when he sold his website for $20 million.
c. We are going to have to call the computer techie again to fix this mainframe problem.
d. George needed six hours to track down the computer bug that was disrupting his program.
f. We surfed the net to find our vacation in France and saved a lot of money!
g. The technobabble the computer programmer used was completely incomprehensible to me.
h. The new computer system does not work very well, but it’s not surprising because the
programming was not very good. Garbage in, garbage out!
i. I’m worried about John becoming an Internet junkie. He’s always on the Internet.
It’s like a drug to him!
j. That new computer game must be good because John has been glued to the computer for hours!
Student A
1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart.
Student B
1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart.
What to eat
Activity type Pair puzzle
Option Have students create a nutritionally balanced day for their partner
using the information they have been given.
1. You are a dietician who needs to create a healthy diet for the following clients. Use the profiles
and charts below to figure out the caloric needs of each client.
Jane: aerobics instructor Thomas: computer programmer
155 pounds 225 pounds
works out 6 times a week never exercises
teaches 3 one-hour classes per week works all day at his computer
Don: teacher Samantha: nurse
185 pounds 130 pounds
works out 3 times a week works out 3 times a week
sits and stands for half the day stands for 12 hours, 4 days a week
For people who are completely inactive (no aerobic exercise per week):
Multiply your weight, in pounds*, by 10 calories.
For people who are somewhat active (30 minutes of aerobic exercise 2–3 times per week):
Multiply your weight, in pounds, by 13 calories.
For people who are very active (30 minutes of aerobic exercise 4–6 times per week):
Multiply your weight, in pounds, by 15 calories.
* 1 pound = 0.45 kg
1 kg = 2.2 pounds
2. Now that you have figured out your clients’ caloric needs, choose one client and create a healthy,
nutritionally balanced daily menu for him or her using the following information.
1800 9 5 5 6 2 4
2000 11 5 5 6 2 5
2100 12 5 5 6 2 5
2200 12 6 5 6 2 6
2300 12 6 5 7 2 6
2600 13 6 6 7 4 7
Frightening weather
Activity type Trivia game
Option Divide the class into groups of four to six students. Give each student a
game sheet. Assign one category to each group. Tell them to discuss and answer
the questions. Then have each group present their answers to the class. Involve the
other groups by asking them if they agree or disagree with the answers. If the
original group is correct, award them the points; if they are incorrect, award the
points to the group or groups that disagreed.
Correct Answers:
Tornadoes The swirling effect A tornado is a The average What happens to a Tornadoes get their
of a tornado is strong downdraft of thunderstorm vortex when it is energy from the
called the: air from a releases energy disturbed? heat released when
thundercloud. equivalent to a: water vapor
b) vortex b) The tornado condenses to form
False c) 20-kiloton hops. cloud droplets.
nuclear bomb
Emergency Enough supplies How much water Which of the How often should Before using fire to
preparedness should be stored to needs to be stored? following should you rotate your cook, you must
last at least: you NOT have canned food? make sure that:
b) 4L/person in your stored food
c) 72 hours supply? c) once a year b) there are no gas
leaks in the area
b) potato chips
Floods Which of the A flood is a Monsoons are Which surface Flooding can
following is NOT a common, normal storms that absorbs the most benefit an
cause of flooding? accumulation of occur in: water? environment by:
c) volcanoes b) summer b) forest b) depositing
False fertile silt good
for farming
Volcanoes The difference The lava The largest volcano When did Mount How many people
between magma from Hawaiian is in: Saint Helens erupt? died in the Mount
and lava is: volcanoes is: Saint Helens
d) Hawaii b) 1980 eruption?
a) location c) 1175°C
b) 57
Earthquakes The first A seismograph The earth’s The great San The San Andreas
seismograph was records: outermost surface Francisco Fault separates:
invented in: is broken into 7 earthquake of
a) waves rigid plates that are 1906 killed: b) the Pacific Plate
c) China 80–100m thick. and the North
c) as many as 700 American Plate
False people
Hurricanes What is the A hurricane is a The word hurricane: The wind direction A storm is classified
difference between high-pressure of a hurricane is as a hurricane
a hurricane and a system. c) comes from the counterclockwise when wind speed
typhoon? name Hurican, in the Northern exceeds:
False the Caribbean Hemisphere and
b) location god of evil clockwise in the b) 119 kph
Game Sheet
Tornadoes The swirling effect A tornado is a strong The average What happens to a Tornadoes get their
of a tornado is called downdraft of air thunderstorm vortex when it is energy from the heat
the: from a thundercloud. releases energy disturbed? released when water
a) whirlpool True or False? equivalent to a: a) The tornado vapor condenses to
b) vortex a) 100-ton nuclear stops. form cloud droplets.
c) eye bomb b) The tornado hops. True or False?
b) 1-kiloton nuclear c) The tornado gains
bomb energy.
c) 20-kiloton nuclear
Emergency Enough supplies How much water Which of the How often should Before using fire to
preparedness should be stored to needs to be stored? following should you you rotate your cook, you must
last at least: a) 2L/person NOT have in your canned food? make sure that:
a) 24 hours b) 4L/person stored food supply? a) every 3 months a) there is enough
b) 48 hours c) 6L/person a) hard candy b) every 8 months fuel to burn
c) 72 hours b) potato chips c) once a year b) there are no gas
c) canned meat leaks in the area
c) there is good
Floods Which of the A flood is a Monsoons are Which surface Flooding can benefit
following is NOT a common, normal storms that occur in: absorbs the most an environment by:
cause of flooding? accumulation of a) spring water? a) taking toxins out
a) heavy rains water. b) summer a) farmland of the soil
b) strange tidal True or False? c) fall b) forest b) depositing fertile
activity d) winter c) clay embankments silt good for
c) volcanoes d) city street farming
c) both
Volcanoes The difference The lava from The largest volcano When did Mount How many people
between magma and Hawaiian volcanoes is in: Saint Helens erupt? died in the Mount
lava is: is: a) Indonesia a) 1967 Saint Helens
a) location a) 670°C b) Japan b) 1980 eruption?
b) temperature b) 990°C c) Greece c) 1984 a) 34
c) composition c) 1175°C d) Hawaii b) 57
c) 72
Earthquakes The first A seismograph The earth’s The great San The San Andreas
seismograph was records: outermost surface is Francisco earthquake Fault separates:
invented in: a) waves broken into 7 rigid of 1906 killed: a) the Atlantic Plate
a) India b) pressure plates that are a) fewer than 300 and the North
b) England c) temperature 80–100m thick. people American Plate
c) China True or False? b) 300–500 people b) the Pacific Plate
d) Turkey c) as many as 700 and the North
people American Plate
c) the Atlantic Plate
and the South
American Plate
Hurricanes What is the A hurricane is a The word hurricane: The wind direction A storm is classified
difference between a high-pressure system. a) means “huge of a hurricane is as a hurricane when
hurricane and a True or False? storm” in Spanish counterclockwise in wind speed exceeds:
typhoon? b) means “angry” in the Northern a) 55 kph
a) wind speed the Caribbean Hemisphere and b) 119 kph
b) location c) comes from the clockwise in the c) 130 kph
c) wind direction name Hurican, Southern
the Caribbean god Hemisphere.
of evil True or False?
Point Values
Press conference
Activity type Group role play
Option During the press conference, ask students to take notes. When they
finish, have them write an article about the couple for a gossip column.
The following is a press release about two famous people who have announced their engagement to each other.
Lisa Thomlinson, 24, and her boyfriend, writer, director, and producer Bradford Wainwright, 36, announced their
engagement today. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple declared that they are “madly in love” and want to spend
the rest of their lives together. Thomlinson, Oscar-nominated for her role in The Tragic Last Dance, met Wainwright,
responsible for such blockbuster hits as Hard Hitter, Johnny Get Your Gun, and Return of the Hard Hitter, three months
ago. No wedding date has been set.
The following is a press release about two famous people who have announced their engagement to each other.
Lisa Thomlinson, 24, and her boyfriend, writer, director, and producer Bradford Wainwright, 36, announced their
engagement today. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple declared that they are “madly in love” and want to spend
the rest of their lives together. Thomlinson, Oscar-nominated for her role in The Tragic Last Dance, met Wainwright,
responsible for such blockbuster hits as Hard Hitter, Johnny Get Your Gun, and Return of the Hard Hitter, three months
ago. No wedding date has been set.
The following is a press release about two famous people who have announced their engagement to each other.
Lisa Thomlinson, 24, and her boyfriend, writer, director, and producer Bradford Wainwright, 36, announced their
engagement today. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple declared that they are “madly in love” and want to spend
the rest of their lives together. Thomlinson, Oscar-nominated for her role in The Tragic Last Dance, met Wainwright,
responsible for such blockbuster hits as Hard Hitter, Johnny Get Your Gun, and Return of the Hard Hitter, three months
ago. No wedding date has been set.
The following is a press release about two famous people who have announced their engagement to each other.
Lisa Thomlinson, 24, and her boyfriend, writer, director, and producer Bradford Wainwright, 36, announced their
engagement today. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple declared that they are “madly in love” and want to spend
the rest of their lives together. Thomlinson, Oscar-nominated for her role in The Tragic Last Dance, met Wainwright,
responsible for such blockbuster hits as Hard Hitter, Johnny Get Your Gun, and Return of the Hard Hitter, three months
ago. No wedding date has been set.
The following is a press release about two famous people who have announced their engagement to each other.
Lisa Thomlinson, 24, and her boyfriend, writer, director, and producer Bradford Wainwright, 36, announced their
engagement today. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple declared that they are “madly in love” and want to spend
the rest of their lives together. Thomlinson, Oscar-nominated for her role in The Tragic Last Dance, met Wainwright,
responsible for such blockbuster hits as Hard Hitter, Johnny Get Your Gun, and Return of the Hard Hitter, three months
ago. No wedding date has been set.
Personal ads
Activity type Pair interview
Option Hang the personal ads around the classroom, and ask students to guess
which student each ad describes.
2. Now it’s your turn. Use the following questions as a guide to interview your partner.
Then write a personal ad for your partner. Don’t forget to give the ad a title.
1. What three adjectives would you use to describe your physical appearance?
2. What three adjectives would you use to describe your personality?
3. What are your hobbies and interests?
4. What physical characteristics are you looking for in an ideal mate?
5. What five personality traits are most important to you in an ideal mate?
6. (Create one question of your own.)
Option Have students work in groups to share stories about trips or other
situations where things didn’t turn out as planned. Encourage them to say what
they should/could/might have done differently.
Option When students have finished discussing the questions, ask them to
come up with their own list and explain their choices to the class.
Here are ten ways to become popular. In small groups, read the list and then discuss the questions below.
1. Always remember a person’s name and use it.
2. Always memorize the names of a person’s family members and ask questions about them.
3. Always find out what a person is interested in and ask questions about his or her interests.
4. Never say negative things about a person.
5. Always agree with someone, even if you think he or she is wrong.
6. Always smile, even when you are angry or sad.
7. Always make eye contact when you are talking to someone.
8. Always listen when someone is speaking to you.
9. Never gossip about someone.
10. Laugh at a person’s jokes, even if they are not funny.
What suggestions from the list do you agree make a person popular?
What suggestions do you disagree with?
What suggestions would you add or change?
What suggestions are essential to becoming popular?
What suggestions are essential to being a good friend?
What qualities are good to have, but are not necessary to be popular?
Is being popular the same as having many friends? Why or why not?
What do you think is the difference between an acquaintance and a friend?
Here are ten ways to become popular. In small groups, read the list and then discuss the questions below.
1. Always remember a person’s name and use it.
2. Always memorize the names of a person’s family members and ask questions about them.
3. Always find out what a person is interested in and ask questions about his or her interests.
4. Never say negative things about a person.
5. Always agree with someone, even if you think he or she is wrong.
6. Always smile, even when you are angry or sad.
7. Always make eye contact when you are talking to someone.
8. Always listen when someone is speaking to you.
9. Never gossip about someone.
10. Laugh at a person’s jokes, even if they are not funny.
What suggestions from the list do you agree make a person popular?
What suggestions do you disagree with?
What suggestions would you add or change?
What suggestions are essential to becoming popular?
What suggestions are essential to being a good friend?
What qualities are good to have, but are not necessary to be popular?
Is being popular the same as having many friends? Why or why not?
What do you think is the difference between an acquaintance and a friend?
Traveler or tourist?
Activity type Large-group activity
Option When students finish sharing and analyzing the quotes, ask them to
discuss the differences between being a “traveler” and being a “tourist.”
The world is a book and those who do not Follow your bliss. – Joseph Campbell
travel read only a page. – St. Augustine
We do not take a trip; a trip takes us. I find the great thing in life is not so much
– John Steinbeck where we stand; as in what direction we are
moving. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
I have wandered all my life and I have also Not all those who wander are lost.
traveled; the difference between the two being – J. R. R. Tolkein
this: We wander for distraction, we travel for
fulfillment. – Hillaire Belloc
Every exit is an entrance to somewhere else. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-
– Tom Stoppard mindedness. – Mark Twain
One time seen is better than one hundred times Travel is flight and pursuit in equal parts.
heard about. – Czech saying – Paul Theroux
Travel makes you wiser but less happy. To travel, hopefully, is a better thing than to
– Thomas Jefferson arrive. – Robert Louis Stevenson
A good traveler is one who does not know The use of traveling is to regulate imagination
where he is going to, and a perfect traveler does by reality, and instead of thinking how things
not know where he came from. – Lin Yutang may be, to see them as they are.
– Samuel Johnson
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not I dislike feeling at home when I’m abroad.
intent on arriving. – Lao Tzu – George Bernard Shaw
. . . Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is Traveling carries with it the curse of being at
a change that goes on deep and permanent, in home everywhere and yet nowhere, for
the ideas of living. – Miriam Beard wherever one is, some part of oneself remains
on another continent. – Margot Fonteyn
Take only memories, leave only footprints. The real voyage of discovery consists not in
– Chief Seattle seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
– Marcel Proust
If an ass goes traveling, he’ll not come home a A man travels the world over in search of what
horse. – Thomas Fuller he needs and returns home to find it.
– George Moore
Help wanted
Activity type Role play
Option Have students form pairs. Give each student a job advertisement sheet.
Tell students to pick a job and to create a resume/CV that will help them get the
position. If time allows, ask them to write a cover letter to accompany their