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Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 12

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Nowadays, clothes.ren tt!st ctothes and the togoforthe London olympic Games
dr nks afen t j!st drinks: they fe bmnds .f 2012 co5t€400 000.nd took. ye..to
B!t what - apad Jfom a good prod!ct d-"sisf . and p.ovedto be unpopLta.with
makes a good bfand qfeat?

Et thin9. deatty t
A good name is the r
sho!td be memorabte and t shoutd be repr-csents Fasslof and er.ltement white
easylo say n anylang!!9e lth nkzara. of represents p!.ity and s mpl c ty lattho!gh
Coca Cotal When Steve Jobs aid Ste!-" in sone co!nt.ieswh te s the coto!.of
Woz.iak started the r complter.ompa.y deathJ BLue is the male cotou., yetlaw
ln the l9TOstheyconsidefed nemes tike is good for eye-catchln! messages
M:lrix Etectfon cs. But Jobs once worked wh te gfeen s gnif es ialufe, qu etness
on ai appte farm ln Catforiie and tlrat and calm. And of coufse yo! need a
gave h m the ldea for Appte Camplte.s. stogan. Stogans have to be s mpte and
easyto emember- b!t not necessr.ty
Spetting sn t mportant either Gooqte grummaticat: McDonatd s I n lavin it aft
was originatty Googot lwhich rcrer5 F.ench Connection s Yo,6remar? are
toa nlmbef l tottow€d by l00z."ro5 both not q!lte corect Enqtsh
indicating the amo!nt oi k.owl€d!e it
woaLd make:vaitabte on the nte.netJ It aho hetps fyo!rpmd!d s
supported by the. ght ceLebrty
surpris n9 o. qlns st.rb!cks is named When Bar:ck 0b:ma dr:nk irom a bottte
afte.a ch..act-"r in th€ Ame.lcan novet of Blrton mineratwaterd!rng avst
Mobyrrcl .ndthefou.de.s of Yahoo got to the UK, sales ol the w:ter incfeased
th€ name from the Engtish classic book mmedlatety Pfoduct ptacem€nt t ke
th s has become b g bls ness s nce the
1984s. rfthsfa.ners: Revehge afthe FaUen
You also need. qood toqo. Mittions of c!rre.tty hotds lhe record iof the mov e
dottafs a.e speft every yeaf by compan es wnh mast prod!ct ptacement. f you watch
took ngfofwaysto the consume.
9 ve caref!lly, you willsee that 47 difierent
a cteaf s mpte mage of the pfod!.1.
Afthough the pe.son who cfeated th-"
N ke swoosh received jlst $35 iof t
B!1 money doesn t q!afantee populafity

tq3! aq1trq Fuoddns sr pnpord rno^l sdl.Lllt t
rea,( &e^a luads eip srellop ,Lo suortl € l
'suol$enb eql Ig ro] erg sre/v\sue
^q pue ssoLrF nb'arnleu seljluBls uaarD Z
paror aqt)ulqt no^leqaoPr)aP Pue red ur )rol q
'sut8po Sulspdrns aaeq saueu pue.rq .relndod eu-ro5 1
snlq PUe ola^'par ro anlq pue Molle^'uMorq ;suxoj a^!pe are q)!q/!^ Pue sur,ro, a^lssed aJe qflq^{
^ '/! oleq serueluss 3ql ul ploq ulsqre^ aql le )ool
000'€ lnoqE ro 00€ lnoqe
J(rou >)e q e iO JLluPd )Jelc e P
e)lN ro seplpv t $A!risrld ff$f mls .IussioJd
1rn4lo are d e ro q
rPq ^o1Pe
le)ll) P lo req srPh L Sn)O, JeUrUrerD
2looqrs ro )roM lP )earq P Bu!nP IoTue
ol Sulqlauros se paqLrsap srrpq eleloroqr qrqy' 2sauo qlql 2^llPuolleur.tur snourP]
9 a.re lpq],(]luno) rno^ uror+ spuerq {ue araql arv .
zlrPrej roj oSol aql uo pasn srleuruP lPrly'
ur lPeL!
Z^qy' ZoBol aqt ro aureu eql
2Salrlunol auros :PuPrq e rot luelodurl irour sl )ulql no( op q)lq/\ .
/(ddpq s,plpuocrh /ia^o ql^ aarJ papl^ord sFeq/^
Z^q,\ zaLueu
zPuoM aql punore plos iql q)lql .
lsaq seq txat oqt ul PauolluaLu PuPiq
arP relPM lPraurLujo spuerq luaro]llp MoH
eqt uo posn are srnolo) 'ssnrglP u!)loi
ZoSolSu ) ra&n€ ^ueuileqy'A Pue sdnoiB €
pr^ec,{q potoddns s reeMsuodslo puprq q1!,\ L :siawolsu ul
zuallel aqt Jo a6ua^ad
l-e ee/'^suP alqlssoo r.ll!/' gil suollsanD q)lPhl e2 Jr ooJ no'{ JPJ rr)rpoid tua-a-l p {uPJ MoH
rote/( lpr.urur uoun€ ssles plp {qy'
PFoM drlr PLr J-s rPa^ ^luappns
cpPd. puP sPodrlo suortlrl,,l lsarnln)
|las] I auros ursBurueaur ]uaretrP seq rnopl qrqy'
2oBol srldLu^lO
-ro+ azuoss€)rv PuP saqloll roJ uoosuoh :slled oMl
uuluu dU' Uo'\.U Ur.'Er
''' ' I|' |rrP SLol Moq
o ur (aPr^rPJ uoo(uol eqf I
'scoqs aorloJ
etsol ,qsoo^ s, 3)rN 3q1Jo reuBlsaP eql PrP qrnur MoH €
lsour ur (epr^ord) u-l^ serl 9 r1^l
'sMopur^ 2)rnqrels oqy' z
leur8uo aql sP^
Pue elSooD qloq ro, soBol eqt ur (ssn) e]aq/
2urej trnrl e uo qol P e^eq sqol e^ols Prp L
(uaar8 pue,\ olar'per 'enlq) enolor rnol s
',req-aleloror.p ueruaurv 'suollsenb aql raMsue Pue u!P3P uel3ql PPex
lsAlPsrd Aql, SP (AqU)(epJ S,AsqSJeH
p -oM e.l] r.^o lle (09 L8o)r'
zpauollueL! are sa!ueduro) sqlJo Lltr!Lly'
elol-erol,{uPduror quup tlos oqllo oBol a!1 aqlle )ioot q
\\rPPoo )dd D dqIrduP
'al)!ue aql Pear Pue uleSe soSol
(auJPuJ ^rol'r^Jo
elrN AJecr or redM(loo( sql
'ep sarlunor 001 ueqt luaaouu! l::,,
arour u (Pu ^p|o,\
sluerneFar pool lse, ll) L
'slellP]q ur sqre^ eql jo s^lssPd VItOt t2ucss)rq1 . NoosNoN
oldurls lFserd aqt ql!/r^ sa)ua1u6s eql atelduof L
t)t-Lfvud al8oo) (@t ,4
trEur rluolr]ala sauossetrJe
op ortM otdo.d/uorad aqr ro uotpe sr.ule4 saulsPo Ple aaJJol sreq aleloro!ll
s.ru.!as ut pooj 1sej re.Mslods au!3ua l]).reas Furarul
aql u! Pars.r.lu! .rou .M .re 't PUe € P
quLrp ljos spoo8 rluorpala saqloP
apnpord €qts.strra^pp oqa t€ru.las ut l
tsretppjo suolulu sp$ds otta €Du€ruasut q fpnPord ]o ad^l
auo ueqtarolu o)npord soluedluor auros) so3ol
et pue € s.ruatu€s lo D€lqns .qr s! reqa ro oq^\ eZ
aql ql/r\ xoq aL{l u! sarlNas/spnpord eql q)lEN eL
23^tss?o alourls
lu3sard.qr LllroJ.M op MoH L asl'lax€ u!t puP
€ seru.ruas .qr ur ppq utsqr.^.qt le uleBe lod. pn1:u:rl .tro sudl"1
/trelnqerorr pue Eu!pPeU
s Vocabulary
frri: .:i,ittt;t i il.l ti I,,

1a Work in pairs and discuss. Which ofthese things can

you s€e in the advertisements?
. jewettery
. cosmetlcs
. to tetnes
. narr prooucrs
. products for rnen

b Put the words in the box into the five groups above.

perf!me aftershave tipstick conrb earings

nailvamish shaving foam deodorant hairbrush
neckLace eyeliner haifget moist!rlser

Can you add one more item to each list? Compare

your ideas with other students.

Work in paks and discuss. Which ofthe items in the

1 is advertised a lot on TV?

2 is usua[y very expens]ve?
3 hav€ yo! glven to someone as a present?
4 would you like to receive as a present?
5 have yo! bought in the last month?
6 have yo! nevef bought?
7 have yo! used today?
I do you take with you when you go out / go on holiday?

3a Look atthe pictures on page'135 and tryto

rememberas many detaiLs about them asyou can.

'0 D' 12.1 Cover the pictures and listen to ten

questions aboutthe items, Write short answers for
.putJ uer no{suFl !^lssed aldulslsed.qr 1te autuaPun
5.rn;D pue sDe] 3uFnr6^Pe .ql le ute;e ioor
t16t !rs.rl.re3r rol sla^Pe Al Piuleq i.q] z
!r!a^pe a^ s!adla nou s,Ptroa.ql apeu faql
z(.)r arurs a\ r)e o5 t) Jo Pe.rsul
a^oqe s.)u.lu.s a^lssed aql asooLl) nof PlnoM e
za^ ssea.tdutsrsed aqx uroJ.M oP MoH z
'!t6t ! p.!!P!.r.n s.l1.re3r rol srra^Pe A1 z
o9L aSed 'z artrrerd t 'zt lun
II dpou o opoo !coel<ou<pt,ova!l
'(V = p&e!un3v) a3e| eu.roq slq pue
(l = p,telurl:) iuoq ,sluarpd srq'() ) slP l u uMo
s q relle AUecuror aql pauPu / Pauteu aN
'o8e srea,( OS ueql arollr Vl)l {LredLuor ornt urnl Zno^ Pasldrns sl)Pi
.qllto qrrqM sraMsue rno^ Paqr PUP ualsll rl iii r: r:
qsrpeMs . q1 page.ts se,r / paljPts perLue) rP^3Lr 8
tiuralur eql ]o isu
aq1qlr ueql aru s Poddorp sPq riqu-lnu eql lnq
')n aqt Lt Plos arel}l/pios srelela c^c Lo ll tu I l
'lods Bu sr]]e^PE
'1002 ut uedel Lr 166l L| Pdnpelnueu
a/ / PahTselnuew s]€,(qd c C lsrll alll 1 apululat / puo.as-c't l.trEa uo u3os sE^
Lro ll u.r 89 t5
ilr €s punore vsf aq] ! taoqrsons
rol 9002 u qtr^oLlrerqv uELuo! ar euolll! ru aql Bu|np'r'toz ul
aqr ]o 3! r oLts
[Pt\sl1Y l\9 r!6noq se^ / tq,noq \tDe[P
! 'eLU ur pssn
1atr es aql}E sa.rrunoc o0r ]a^o
sp^{ {e8: uo plog -ra^a urat a,|rsLradxa tsoLr.r iql sea u€Bo s aL|res aql asnecaq ilsraurp se/
sOE6L aqt ur !ad lutodlleq tsrL] s,pfoM '$.ip raqort u isnT:urrnlEa]'uFrPdtuE. ,1r ,ur^o
at+ Pawa^u!set\\ I Papa^uJ or€ olzsgl uerrpSunH lLr, , paq3un€t s€M uBr€durp3 ?t']sr!3^pe
'so66L all r) PernPo4u! e^ eool? lsrt sp euoqcN'/OOZ / €OOZ rl
/ parrpo4ul)relq puP PloS'arlq o)rlsrnolor r.qlo
'saldrnd pup spar trluo arar srnolor aql lsrt] tV r66t / tl6t ul pauueq ralet ara,, ssnarp?rc
s0z6L rql u Pslua^ursPlll/ palua ul qsrure^ lreN rol sxa^pe A.L 996T ur uaas lsrl arsM
'))r]sc1l uriPour tsrg .ql plotselA I Plos sred slra^p€ anareB. !elr oroqtre!\lsnouei 3q1
u ,{updLlror aLunJrad p t88L ut sueLld{31tuir)r.lv
'lr;ledu]e. s,oze.r
all [9 uo^se/,. I u)o] )rtsd I ]o pu ) lsrq .qf aranc I e^eqs4)e acrts pto lnlss€..ns
'uo rllror\ are faql 90oz ur s]auSrsap
llrLu s 8s Ita;nq €!r iol uasoq. seM a! uaqM snouel
fu.11.^\af uotsu M Jo osnoH aq] Iq pat€a-t) aure3€q i,€re
pauur3q 0toz Arenrqs: ul
ea I pelee.D )a\a sSrurea e^ su.dxa lsou-r all 'tr3^pp lsrti srq u parels aq 3rol3q lMouil loa
'oBe srea^ 0ol lnoqe auallrD du.tel3uL) lou seM PletsnN qeres ueusl]ocs pu€ roFV
pepe^ulse^ I pawe^u/ rozpr alqesods p aq, W-.N
^9 -sslualues aql olaldLuo) ')lro/,^ ,s^ep rno] rol uot llrl, SS uot,l!@ I5 pied
seM aLtS UErrpry a ocrN Suurels surn!3d 9"N
01{a^rssed ro a^ll)e) uxo, perro) aqt tssooqf rr;\pe alnurL!€r4 e sea
tsirpqS ro] I tooz u
ape!! se( /3ipe 3^ s€ora lsour s,plro^ 3q.L
l)lrlvud 'saqtte,t e otna / q.edqloot sqqle
rol xe^pP puo.as 0z € se \ lj It6I !! vsn aql
!r uaoLrs se$ ptror' 3ql ur lre^pE Al ]sr4 aqt
$ed.!1t! .srDerd '))eLP pue !.1sr'],:1'r i €
p.trodanr paq.q
pe\or. pa^.ra
p.paau Parip suol
,r io q e.llr Parunouoi
,(eqr.iv s.ldDued rsed retnBar lo lstl.qlrp )oor 'sJo/\\suellallol aql esooql
p.L|tpM 3. /r/ r pauE! 3 a /p/ q pllers :; /pI/ E pup srled ur uollPturorul 3ql pest I ;,
)rol ^\oloq
:aq uer
s.tdr)t!ed 1sed retn; ro uotret)unuord aq1 1eq1 orFoN
z sn)o' JPlriuel9
Iliu.,i .
. ,' 'il .r.
,..' 'i' lj'
l ].::.]
llt j]:

Present a new product

Preparation ,, ,.r , r

-l Look at the photo and read the paragraph about

theDrcgons'Den'N ptogramrne. Work in pairs and
discuss the questions,
. What is the alm of th€ programrne?
. What is one of the rnost successful products from
the show?
. Do yo! have any slmilar progranmes n yolr fia fr rz.q Listen to someone presenting a new product
country? and complete the tabte.

Dr(Lgon,s' DelLisaTV series ir the UK. ln each

Lruljfa "lr- F..i v^n
products and busirtess ideas lo live rich and
successful businesspeople, called the tlragons'.
Each pclso ialks about thcir ncw product or idea
and then asks the dragons for money to invesi
in their nex- companics. Aman called Levi Roots
presented one olthe mosl successfii ideas on
lr pf gf nm' rlF l-,pnp.da ai -fon
lra.lilional Jamricar recipe and cailed it Rcggac
Reggae Sauce. He made it in his owll kjtchen ano
clesp,.rately needed investment, as he only had
S20 left. The 'dmgons' invested in his produci and
now his business is worth over S30 milLion
b Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the
lJseful Language box.

Work in groups and discuss.

. What do you think abolt this rew product?
. Would yolr change anythlng about t, e.g. the name,
the slogan, important points?
. Do you think this product co!ld be successful?
Why / Why not?
'^qr\ pue tsaq oql
5!lurql no,(pnpord qrq/v\ appaC sdnor8 u!)iro,{
'stuePnls Jsqlo ol pnpord rnofluaserd e€
r Pue q '|e aSPnBuq tnlasn <
'uolletuesardrno^u! sessqd elpudorddeepnllul
ol raqLuaLuau nox dleq ol xoq aSpnSuel lnlasn aql
Sulsn supd eerql olur uolleluoso.rd rno^ apr^rc q
etltt/I e - tqFl V lop llD +nq ra lDLrts
'uo o9
l! ]aL ':tt
i6ulrr.tour P0(}6 lran
i',ffi{ iSrilEJdlLl P()oS I
i ;
I roveL! 1.&el i
I eqrrnoqe inoqr
I : lsrD nox
I I sainlPt, telr.ds
: : uetots
t : auPN
'ou l rno^ rol no^)ueql
'3!tualsrt roj qrnu,ta^ nof t!eqt : : rrnPodrood{r l
'- rot no^)se 01otll Piel
s.rou rnol .
" Ple dt.q auos s Pa.! aM leLll .
uo!reruas.id rnor( Bu!qs!u!l r
'u/r o Jno^ a^ulro no^ dqaq ol rvrolaq sarnp;d aq1
PUe uo PaFalsPA pnpord.ql ul seapl aqlro eluos asn .lqel aql u! salou Bu!)el!r
''' (qr qMDnpord)SuDEUe ue padoF^ap.^€q a/M uollelueserd rno^ro, ereder6 lled u|1jo7q e7
- P alEur or p.pr.p 3/^ ^q
" 1Eql3^3f3q (r'^oul 3r'
€uoqd e rol ernteal Mau e ro au 'l.BppB p ,
f.s,re:aql ^
padola^ap se^^ (a Llzzll rol) e.p .ql
^q atelo)oqr ')uLp,{zzll Be))uDp ro tEa otBulqtauros
Eap!rno^rnoqg n!PFP 3u!^t9 q "
(se -q.lrot'fualle^ af'srrteursor '3 e) uetl leuoeod e .
''' s tnoqe io^llalol e)t p,t1Pqr'
'/v\olaq tsl eql ul qfnPord aql ro auo
''' oqe no^01)tPl oliuror.^ ti^Ppot
uolrPruasdd rnof BulrnPo4ut e asooqr pup srled u! )irol uee ,suobal ot )ellwls
euuiprSoid e ulUed aletolSuloB are no^eulSeul L
tlurqead5 1sel
Making and responding to suggestions I @ watctr ana Ust"n to *€ key phEses for making and
responding to suggestions.
Work in pairs and discuss.
2 Pradise saying them. Add the ph€ses to the groups betow.
. Have you bought any expensive iterrs il the lasr
few months/years? Makingsuggesiions I Agreeing I Disagreeing
. What decisions did you make before you bought
them, e.g. brand, price, cotour, etc.? Allright. ; ldontthinkso.
. What suggestions or advice did you get from
friends, famity or shop assistants?

2 O Watch the video and answer the questions. ::i

1 What does the wornan want to buy?
2 How many peopLe give hef suggestions?
4a Work in pairs and choose one of the situations
beLow. Prepare a conversation of 8-10 tines.
3 Watch again and compLet€ the gaps in the sentences
betou . Your partner is going to stay with an ,
Engtish-speaking family for a month and li/ants
'I don tyou buy a new one? to buy a present to give them. He/She only has a
smatL space in his/her suitcase. Make suggestions
How _ a smartphone? about what to buy.
Cood _. You are trying to decide what to buy to wear for
We _go there now a gpec al oc(asion (e.9. a wedd nB or a party). YoJ
Att right. _ go!
don'twant to spend too much money, Your paftner
7 _ we look at some over here? will make some suggestions.
8 Yoil _ get one ofthese.
You and your partner are going to cook dinner for
9 WetL _ but... some friends. one ofthe friends is a vegetarian.
Male sJg8estiors together about wl'€t ro cool

Practise your conversations and take turnsto make

suggestions and respond to them.
'oL rtv (r\
pL-re.ldoad raqlo ol lr puauuror.r plnoM no{}l
lrnPord aqt tnoqe slulod Peq
lrnPord rql lnoqp slr.l od pooS
lllqBnoq no^
ruoqe uolpLurolu! aPnpu! Pue sProM
o0L-oS lnoqe asn trnPord aqlro Mar^ar P allr,{A
( 1po d iro I rJ(o tell;vil rq |oro rc P
eu-re3 oipr^ ro cl 'cAc P
(erauel e sauoLlcpeaq
]o rLed p latndllrol leuos-r.d e 3 a) la8pe8 ' e
(sreute:1 11qs-1
'sasselSuns re.MLu r'^s B a) 3u qlop Jo Llr3lr ue .
'(^llua)ar lq8noq s^eq
no^pnpord e ro).Molsq spnpord aqlJo auo asooqf pg
ZpnPord aql lnoqP slurod a^llP8au Z
.1)rPord aq- | olP ' r' odr'.trcod -
:^ oLls rlrllll Ploq ur sesPrqd
/spro^ eqt le )ool pue ulp8e s,a^ar^ aq1 peaU Z
;a,r 1e3au ro a,rrl sod ,(11eraua3 Mal^ar q)ee Z s
;3urr,rar,r:-r uorad q:ee s rrnpo.rd qrrq^ !
'suollsanb aql rarv\suP PUP
al!sqo^\ Sulddoqs aulluo ue urolj s/r^ol^al ,laurnsuol
eLll Peo! soloqd 3qt ulsl]nPord asrql oqlle lool
3!Aar rauolsn) v
'r\euotu rol enle ir( uret atoqM ipepueururo.ar Itq6!H
oor uaLI perapro relt9 s/\Ep o^{l ,{ Lro
poo6 lou sD/{ I sP stql puerurlocar aql ro, poo9 roqte0ot SaLUED
trLU,{rp or aLUt 6Lo E bu Ie d .{olLra a^\ /'roN I)l.nb tsod aL| u pa^r! tra!1 'iouou 3ql
l.uop I rE!
eur )too1t p!€ eq ot sE rr3qord aLt] pa/'tos eM os n].l eLl quoM at ! ]ap 3re/!r )Lr Lll l!E]
I peFeoxe ^eql sEM aclrd
u oot^ atqeuoseer ira^
nla&ocrs! tou s!tr]1 osv Nro! lr€l ]!€^ ala^\ pLrE seu llo e onm E ,,
sE,\^ re.!p aLt] ! Eq
,{r 0L tup sE^/r ^eq] aql ood D! LLru eqt tE ar,nol
t-roddis E3uqlat p3uoq.lt A1,{!r ol ^/'s
ueLtm rot l.o!a.l atqEllolttloc tua^
LreqM lt qlrM patu|oooeslp se/!\ | l pe!!o. o] I ncup et no sEr t sP/'^
uralqord Ituo aql seue6 to a3oql er.Ieqt cs sE^uE3lo apeui er,IaqI
tnq (anjq)rnotoc aql a)I I pLrE xoq 'etqeuo!qsPl pLrE pau6ts€p1tor\ I
arlt uracru pa)loolaLro s Lll t€u€tu tearD e sLareq-L lEp € srnoq 9t I
E3r erE ,iaql pLre LrEdS
eqt Lro euo,\ eLrE inq o] papsap 6u,(ed s,aLtr',{ou puE uos otrE|ra3t tur
u lpp oq,{LLr Lro rEa^( ot.saLlllltonoq
os uaforq sE,u retupr|ELt po I,",1 rol Nas3r.1,{Epqf q E sE sr{ tqbnoq
(puEOur ocd€^ l) \
prt\ tsa^rJ lprollEl,\)
euoqs lE ,(E
u6I.Xi fraiBo- n8
iScvHr^vn o'tf s E LNfsSud tvfolNv z /'vor'10H uno,\ Hol lcfrufd I
2 Put th€ PresentsimpLe passive form ofthe velbs in brackets in
the coffect place inthese sentences.
Present simple passive 1 Thousa'rds of mobile phones every year. (lose)
2 All the tickets over the intemet. Getl)
We fom the Presentsimple passivewith ihe subject + ar1l6/are 3 A lot ofthe wortd'sgotd in south Africa. (produce)
+ pastparticiple. Regutarpast participtesend in -ed. Fora listof 4 rhe rcoms eve.y morning. (clean)
inegularpast participles, see page I75. s l4itlions of baiiels ofoitto Europe. (import)
6 Five hundred peopLe in the new ractory. (employ)
7 Tle coss at6 o clocl Fven, tro.lC. ('eed)
"- -:.:. ...
I cheese frcm milk. (make)
+ He/she/lt is made.
vou/we/ rhey.re made
: :l::-::l=*: j Past simple passive
:-r:":fl,"li'"i:*ei:':ll':d,": . :

: :t: T:l lld:

Wefom the Pastsimple passivewith the subject + waslw€rc +
: ,'::l*:nf :I ::"1::- !,= :

! :l.Tl.T'd.:i :

,! : vre/sle4t
!? r..l'-.Tl:h:1llT"'d.:i i
l/re/s1e/lt was seen,

r *),::1y,:1'h"vn9:1
.r :
' ' You^te/They were seen.
. We use the pasive when the pe6on who does the action: l/-e/she/ltwas not (- warn r)seen.
'is not importdrt.
This chacalate is nade in switzeland. (= it s not important who i i l9:1w:/Tl:I YT ::: !: -:::: ll ::::: i
makes it) Ws /r^he/it se€n?

were you/we^ney seen,

Hundrcds af ca6 are stoteh eve'y week. (= we don't know who
. As withthe Presentsimpte passive, we usethe Past simple
- means peopte in generat. passivewhen the action is more importantthan the person who
His fa.e is re<ognised aLt over i,rie world. (= people in general did ir.
' The Pastsimple passive is commonwhenwe are speaking
ll we wa.r to say who or wh.t is Ll-e 'doer'o'the acrior. we formalty, or ii written repods-
t'tate thanthnry peaplewercinjurcd in the explosion.
Allny cLathes arc designed by federica Pirani. rr.-:dea wardevetopedv|h a-eaa af \d"..9....
Active or passjve? Comparethe following examplesl Creat Expectations warw'tten by Cha esDi.keht.
a Manihe nakes aU her own brcad at home.
b fhe brcadisnade in a larye bakeryoutsidetown.
In sentence a, we usethe active fom becaus€we are more
iiterested inwho makesthe bread, so Martine is the subj€ct (of
l Comptete the sentenceswith the coffe.tform of the verb5 in
Insentence b, we usethe passive fom becausewe are more
interested inthe b€ad (noi in who makes it), so the bread isth€
subject (of a passive verb).
arrest bite build design repair steal take dar.age

1 lhe paintings dlingthe night-
'l Choo$ the corect answers. 2 lhis car by a Ko€an company.
3 lhethree men _atabout 6 o'clockthis morning.
1 Coca-CoLaseils/trioldaLl overth€ world. 4 When _ (this photogGph)?
? ftdnnks / isdrunk by millions of people. 5 l-by a dogwhen lwas a child.
3 94 percent of peopLe reco gnise / arc rccognised it. 6 The new shopping centre _ by an Amedcan company
4 Rotex watches cort / are cost p to 520,000. u
7_ (yourcarjatthis garage?
s Ihey wear / arcwonW thousands ofpeopte. 8 The Harry Potterbooks byl K RowLing.
6 Ihey show I arcshown differeittime zones. 9 He to a sarden Danv atthe Datace.
7 l'4ercedes cars come / are core frcm Oemany. 10 The ca.- in the accidert.
I rhey dive / atedriven by many rich and famous peopte.
9 The companyrall'er /isramedafterthe own€r's daughter.

10 Samsung products make /aremade in South Korea.
P.u8u.Pll.M oSol e
si!ratrol ^t!3rq
alqeuo qsel
t3rleu raFret e aFerroruor
ueFoF e Gp^uDAouot ro apeu a! 01
Eutltouos puausoar 01 qra
P.}u oddestp a! o1
'^ep)jaquo touuea
//!rra,{a puouetp'.^tsu.dxa suos raq U8noq.F OL
1asllntslow / qque^^ra^
eu par alt l,!oP I 6
'Issaur ^Iear
slaS rretl
asneraq Seqpueq fu ut gao, e ,(]]e. r^€Mle I
/ ar?t rau^r3^
^u 8
u eol 6u!^eq' / a^eqslale
stq ltaLl]s flarPlPaururt Ptnor P.^Dre oq uaqn
'fepor rotunor srnaursor.ql uo )r!sd,
/ sturrer 10 arud .q1uo lunorstp poo? e sEA.r.'ll 9
)atyn$lou s.tl.llor as
I I as
',(lp &o^ sraS uqs fw 5 e3ute4
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rF t rn)
ra latauq I tfilanEaq e 3uue.M seM .qs € 3ut3u3 qrreasFUra ue
'Det,3au oqr
sa)| aq .rls Poo, rsel
utrt€,.]stq d33) or ,rt4?{ / qsrrq4eq to 1o1e sasn 3H z tieu r uorp.ta
e!]eutor vaoPoap )no(]itua!
l,uoP os eqlooJSur,(eld r.lle laus 01 rueM l,uop nol L
sr.Msue Daxo) €ql€sooq) z
.uoqd sllqour
luor).ta lraqr I 0t puel;ul'uoplot ! {ptoq) saueg )rdu{to !,1+ z r oz ut or
^! ^llPnsr 'xud Puu9 outrer{ ues t66L
ipuuas -uo!^v !€^!p tu trer ue|Eer€ eql
r€d M.u E l.t olNeM tos Slrlunr pa!e$ .qr ur (I))- 6
3.qlop ueus .6861! (uMopInd)-lter' ! a€.ql I
reraf eq_ rv '/qpr€9 ulll sql u lqPueD sP
tensn tspL;t;e4
' aletoroql IaF3u t) ua€ Iq (uti,^) rprso ropv 1s€€ aL-]1 '286 r ul
fueu os 1ee l,uplnoqs no,( 1q3r.M .sot or rueM nof ]l 'u^srruott4oS raPUex.tV !.uaueFsn!
)Frq aqlSuunP qurp Pue qreus.q llasFql 9 aql ol (3^13) 3rnlEr3rrr io] azui laqoN aql 016t u 9
isauoqd Pue t.rnduor '6s6! uraur lsru.qlrol (asn)-s1laq leasre) 5
.)| sPoo8 - '9t6 L r't uopuot u L (u3do) MortlP. H 1e rrodr e aau v
]o.;uer aPr^{ eliB tuer.r.ru
)..4 e
a)uo lnoqe eatd pu€ sr.Srnq a)llpooJ 1Ea I
uts€61 ut(3teu.i) rPlrn8rlDat. lsru aqr €
'^{oF oo1 '1s 1!. rs r.ls uors
s,trssnE)aq q)rEas l.uratut
fu Sut3uEqr L!,1 e'8u!uou r.puexaN fq (ra^orsLp) u|tr. !.d '826! !l
'uauoMrol '.!.ll! duet 3ut) uEussauFnq uE.ua|r'v ue
- ^q
raqto pue s8eqp!Pq'fralt.^^.l5ller do'.ts srtlt z t06t uraurl lsr!.qt rol (ornPord) s.pPlqrozer
z-pue 'sl.lruq ulqr.^ aqr
sato rol r.uror .rll uo ?le) a!11 01 oB 3M l,uop fq/\^ ! lo uFl a^Fsed.lduts1sed aqr qllAs.ruatuas aql.r.lduo:)
j prerl rno^/ PUno]/ sea / MoH / ltp3D 8
srsuter lteLu
I no^/ uroq / ara!/ / Pue / sroa / uotta
sE!$Pd $Er 3ut3u3 rluorDala
z s€M / fq / P.ilred / oq,\ / eaaolurs 9
'xoq.qr ulsProM €ql qIM $ru.luas 5q1 3laldlrlo) L
: rno^ / l.IeM/ uo4 / u.lo15/ l.uour / seM/MoH / qrnul 5
I11.1/ uo /rnof/ sel / ralnduo)
e o!11 / u.lqord / ptol / .ra/\ / no^ / lnoqe E
Z fq / sSeq / pa1u3^utl P.l/ oq/^ /.r.M z
lf,trfvud I
z €snoq / u3qr'A /srql/1lrnq / seM
'suo+sanb.)eu 01r€pFrr€ror aql ursProa eqlrnd z

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