Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 12
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 12
Cutting Edge Pre-Int Unit 12
Nowadays, tt!st ctothes and the togoforthe London olympic Games
dr nks afen t j!st drinks: they fe bmnds .f 2012 co5t€400 000.nd took.
B!t what - apad Jfom a good prod!ct d-"sisf . and p.ovedto be unpopLta.with
makes a good bfand qfeat?
Et thin9. deatty t
A good name is the r
sho!td be memorabte and t shoutd be repr-csents Fasslof and er.ltement white
easylo say n anylang!!9e lth nkzara. of represents p!.ity and s mpl c ty lattho!gh
Coca Cotal When Steve Jobs aid Ste!-" in sone co!nt.ieswh te s the coto!.of
Woz.iak started the r complter.ompa.y deathJ BLue is the male cotou., yetlaw
ln the l9TOstheyconsidefed nemes tike is good for eye-catchln! messages
M:lrix Etectfon cs. But Jobs once worked wh te gfeen s gnif es ialufe, qu etness
on ai appte farm ln Catforiie and tlrat and calm. And of coufse yo! need a
gave h m the ldea for Appte Camplte.s. stogan. Stogans have to be s mpte and
easyto emember- b!t not necessr.ty
Spetting sn t mportant either Gooqte grummaticat: McDonatd s I n lavin it aft
was originatty Googot lwhich rcrer5 F.ench Connection s Yo,6remar? are
toa nlmbef l tottow€d by l00z."ro5 both not q!lte corect Enqtsh
indicating the amo!nt oi k.owl€d!e it
woaLd make:vaitabte on the nte.netJ It aho hetps fyo!rpmd!d s
supported by the. ght ceLebrty
surpris n9 o. qlns st.rb!cks is named When Bar:ck 0b:ma dr:nk irom a bottte
afte.a ch..act-"r in th€ Ame.lcan novet of Blrton mineratwaterd!rng avst
Mobyrrcl of Yahoo got to the UK, sales ol the w:ter incfeased
th€ name from the Engtish classic book mmedlatety Pfoduct ptacem€nt t ke
th s has become b g bls ness s nce the
1984s. rfthsfa.ners: Revehge afthe FaUen
You also need. qood toqo. Mittions of c!rre.tty hotds lhe record iof the mov e
dottafs a.e speft every yeaf by compan es wnh mast prod!ct ptacement. f you watch
took ngfofwaysto the consume.
9 ve caref!lly, you willsee that 47 difierent
a cteaf s mpte mage of the pfod!.1.
Afthough the pe.son who cfeated th-"
N ke swoosh received jlst $35 iof t
B!1 money doesn t q!afantee populafity
tq3! aq1trq Fuoddns sr pnpord rno^l sdl.Lllt t
rea,( &e^a luads eip srellop ,Lo suortl € l
'suol$enb eql Ig ro] erg sre/v\sue
^q pue ssoLrF nb'arnleu seljluBls uaarD Z
paror aqt)ulqt no^leqaoPr)aP Pue red ur )rol q
'sut8po Sulspdrns aaeq saueu pue.rq .relndod eu-ro5 1
snlq PUe ola^'par ro anlq pue Molle^'uMorq ;suxoj a^!pe are q)!q/!^ Pue sur,ro, a^lssed aJe qflq^{
^ '/! oleq serueluss 3ql ul ploq ulsqre^ aql le )ool
000'€ lnoqE ro 00€ lnoqe
J(rou >)e q e iO JLluPd )Jelc e P
e)lN ro seplpv t $A!risrld ff$f mls .IussioJd
1rn4lo are d e ro q
rPq ^o1Pe
le)ll) P lo req srPh L Sn)O, JeUrUrerD
2looqrs ro )roM lP )earq P Bu!nP IoTue
ol Sulqlauros se paqLrsap srrpq eleloroqr qrqy' 2sauo qlql 2^llPuolleur.tur snourP]
9 lpq],(]luno) rno^ uror+ spuerq {ue araql arv .
zlrPrej roj oSol aql uo pasn srleuruP lPrly'
ur lPeL!
Z^qy' ZoBol aqt ro aureu eql
2Salrlunol auros :PuPrq e rot luelodurl irour sl )ulql no( op q)lq/\ .
/(ddpq s,plpuocrh /ia^o ql^ aarJ papl^ord sFeq/^
Z^q,\ zaLueu
zPuoM aql punore plos iql q)lql .
lsaq seq txat oqt ul PauolluaLu PuPiq
arP relPM lPraurLujo spuerq luaro]llp MoH
eqt uo posn are srnolo) 'ssnrglP u!)loi
ZoSolSu ) ra&n€ ^ueuileqy'A Pue sdnoiB €
pr^ec,{q potoddns s reeMsuodslo puprq q1!,\ L :siawolsu ul
zuallel aqt Jo a6ua^ad
l-e ee/'^suP alqlssoo r.ll!/' gil suollsanD q)lPhl e2 Jr ooJ no'{ JPJ rr)rpoid tua-a-l p {uPJ MoH
rote/( lpr.urur uoun€ ssles plp {qy'
PFoM drlr PLr J-s rPa^ ^luappns
cpPd. puP sPodrlo suortlrl,,l lsarnln)
|las] I auros ursBurueaur ]uaretrP seq rnopl qrqy'
2oBol srldLu^lO
-ro+ azuoss€)rv PuP saqloll roJ uoosuoh :slled oMl
uuluu dU' Uo'\.U Ur.'Er
''' ' I|' |rrP SLol Moq
o ur (aPr^rPJ uoo(uol eqf I
'scoqs aorloJ
etsol ,qsoo^ s, 3)rN 3q1Jo reuBlsaP eql PrP qrnur MoH €
lsour ur (epr^ord) u-l^ serl 9 r1^l
'sMopur^ 2)rnqrels oqy' z
leur8uo aql sP^
Pue elSooD qloq ro, soBol eqt ur (ssn) e]aq/
2urej trnrl e uo qol P e^eq sqol e^ols Prp L
(uaar8 pue,\ olar'per 'enlq) enolor rnol s
',req-aleloror.p ueruaurv 'suollsenb aql raMsue Pue u!P3P uel3ql PPex
lsAlPsrd Aql, SP (AqU)(epJ S,AsqSJeH
p -oM e.l] r.^o lle (09 L8o)r'
zpauollueL! are sa!ueduro) sqlJo Lltr!Lly'
elol-erol,{uPduror quup tlos oqllo oBol a!1 aqlle )ioot q
\\rPPoo )dd D dqIrduP
'al)!ue aql Pear Pue uleSe soSol
(auJPuJ ^rol'r^Jo
elrN AJecr or redM(loo( sql
'ep sarlunor 001 ueqt luaaouu! l::,,
arour u (Pu ^p|o,\
sluerneFar pool lse, ll) L
'slellP]q ur sqre^ eql jo s^lssPd VItOt t2ucss)rq1 . NoosNoN
oldurls lFserd aqt ql!/r^ sa)ua1u6s eql atelduof L
t)t-Lfvud al8oo) (@t ,4
trEur rluolr]ala sauossetrJe
op ortM otdo.d/uorad aqr ro uotpe sr.ule4 saulsPo Ple aaJJol sreq aleloro!ll
,uope.qt!as ut pooj 1sej re.Mslods au!3ua l]).reas Furarul
aql u!! .rou .M .re 't PUe € P
quLrp ljos spoo8 rluorpala saqloP
apnpord €qts.strra^pp oqa t€ru.las ut l
tsretppjo suolulu sp$ds otta €Du€ruasut q fpnPord ]o ad^l
auo ueqtarolu o)npord soluedluor auros) so3ol
et pue € s.ruatu€s lo D€lqns .qr s! reqa ro oq^\ eZ
aql ql/r\ xoq aL{l u! sarlNas/spnpord eql q)lEN eL
23^tss?o alourls
lu3sard.qr LllroJ.M op MoH L asl'lax€ u!t puP
€ seru.ruas .qr ur ppq utsqr.^.qt le uleBe lod. pn1:u:rl .tro sudl"1
/trelnqerorr pue Eu!pPeU
s Vocabulary
frri: .:i,ittt;t i il.l ti I,,
b Put the words in the box into the five groups above.
! :l.Tl.T'd.:i :
,! : vre/sle4t
!? r..l'-.Tl:h:1llT"'d.:i i
l/re/s1e/lt was seen,
r *),::1y,:1'h"vn9:1
.r :
' ' You^te/They were seen.
. We use the pasive when the pe6on who does the action: l/-e/she/ltwas not (- warn r)seen.
'is not importdrt.
This chacalate is nade in switzeland. (= it s not important who i i l9:1w:/Tl:I YT ::: !: -:::: ll ::::: i
makes it) Ws /r^he/it se€n?
1 lhe paintings dlingthe night-
'l Choo$ the corect answers. 2 lhis car by a Ko€an company.
3 lhethree men _atabout 6 o'clockthis morning.
1 Coca-CoLaseils/trioldaLl overth€ world. 4 When _ (this photogGph)?
? ftdnnks / isdrunk by millions of people. 5 l-by a dogwhen lwas a child.
3 94 percent of peopLe reco gnise / arc rccognised it. 6 The new shopping centre _ by an Amedcan company
4 Rotex watches cort / are cost p to 520,000. u
7_ (yourcarjatthis garage?
s Ihey wear / arcwonW thousands ofpeopte. 8 The Harry Potterbooks byl K RowLing.
6 Ihey show I arcshown differeittime zones. 9 He to a sarden Danv atthe Datace.
7 l'4ercedes cars come / are core frcm Oemany. 10 The ca.- in the accidert.
I rhey dive / atedriven by many rich and famous peopte.
9 The companyrall'er /isramedafterthe own€r's daughter.
10 Samsung products make /aremade in South Korea.
P.u8u.Pll.M oSol e
si!ratrol ^t!3rq
alqeuo qsel
t3rleu raFret e aFerroruor
ueFoF e Gp^uDAouot ro apeu a! 01
Eutltouos puausoar 01 qra
P.}u oddestp a! o1
'^ep)jaquo touuea
//!rra,{a puouetp'.^tsu.dxa suos raq U8noq.F OL
1asllntslow / qque^^ra^
eu par alt l,!oP I 6
'Issaur ^Iear
slaS rretl
asneraq Seqpueq fu ut gao, e ,(]]e. r^€Mle I
/ ar?t rau^r3^
^u 8
u eol 6u!^eq' / a^eqslale
stq ltaLl]s flarPlPaururt Ptnor P.^Dre oq uaqn
'fepor rotunor srnaursor.ql uo )r!sd,
/ sturrer 10 arud .q1uo lunorstp poo? e sEA.r.'ll 9
)atyn$lou as
I I as
',(lp &o^ sraS uqs fw 5 e3ute4
3' n ro! qqr .^pqe.y'elrozer c.q qt a .su L
rF t rn)
ra latauq I tfilanEaq e 3uue.M seM .qs € 3ut3u3 qrreasFUra ue
'Det,3au oqr
sa)| aq .rls Poo, rsel
utrt€,.]stq d33) or ,rt4?{ / qsrrq4eq to 1o1e sasn 3H z tieu r uorp.ta
e!]eutor vaoPoap )no(]itua!
l,uoP os eqlooJSur,(eld r.lle laus 01 rueM l,uop nol L
sr.Msue Daxo) €ql€sooq) z
.uoqd sllqour
luor).ta lraqr I 0t puel;ul'uoplot ! {ptoq) saueg )rdu{to !,1+ z r oz ut or
^! ^llPnsr 'xud Puu9 outrer{ ues t66L
ipuuas -uo!^v !€^!p tu trer ue|Eer€ eql
r€d M.u E l.t olNeM tos Slrlunr pa!e$ .qr ur (I))- 6
3.qlop ueus .6861! (uMopInd)-lter' ! a€.ql I
reraf eq_ rv '/qpr€9 ulll sql u lqPueD sP
tensn tspL;t;e4
' aletoroql IaF3u t) ua€ Iq (uti,^) rprso ropv 1s€€ aL-]1 '286 r ul
fueu os 1ee l,uplnoqs no,( 1q3r.M .sot or rueM nof ]l 'u^srruott4oS raPUex.tV !.uaueFsn!
)Frq aqlSuunP qurp Pue qreus.q llasFql 9 aql ol (3^13) 3rnlEr3rrr io] azui laqoN aql 016t u 9
isauoqd Pue t.rnduor '6s6! uraur lsru.qlrol (asn)-s1laq leasre) 5
.)| sPoo8 - '9t6 L r't uopuot u L (u3do) MortlP. H 1e rrodr e aau v
]o.;uer aPr^{ eliB
)..4 e
a)uo lnoqe eatd pu€ sr.Srnq a)llpooJ 1Ea I
uts€61 ut(3teu.i) rPlrn8rlDat. lsru aqr €
'^{oF oo1 '1s 1!. rs uors
s,trssnE)aq q)rEas l.uratut
fu Sut3uEqr L!,1 e'8u!uou r.puexaN fq (ra^orsLp) u|tr. !.d '826! !l
'uauoMrol '.!.ll! duet 3ut) uEussauFnq|r'v ue
- ^q
raqto pue s8eqp!Pq'fralt.^^.l5ller do'.ts srtlt z t06t uraurl lsr!.qt rol (ornPord) s.pPlqrozer
z-pue 'sl.lruq ulqr.^ aqr
sato rol r.uror .rll uo ?le) a!11 01 oB 3M l,uop fq/\^ ! lo uFl a^Fsed.lduts1sed aqr qllAs.ruatuas aql.r.lduo:)
j prerl rno^/ PUno]/ sea / MoH / ltp3D 8
srsuter lteLu
I no^/ uroq / ara!/ / Pue / sroa / uotta
sE!$Pd $Er 3ut3u3 rluorDala
z s€M / fq / P.ilred / oq,\ / eaaolurs 9
'xoq.qr ulsProM €ql qIM $ru.luas 5q1 3laldlrlo) L
: rno^ / l.IeM/ uo4 / u.lo15/ l.uour / seM/MoH / qrnul 5
I11.1/ uo /rnof/ sel / ralnduo)
e o!11 / u.lqord / ptol / .ra/\ / no^ / lnoqe E
Z fq / sSeq / pa1u3^utl P.l/ oq/^ /.r.M z
lf,trfvud I
z €snoq / u3qr'A /srql/1lrnq / seM
'suo+sanb.)eu 01r€pFrr€ror aql ursProa eqlrnd z