Vermont Hydroelectric Development Handbook

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VermontHydroelectric Handbook
lsanbar uodn oaJlolqel!e^V
pJe ogaolAJoScllqnd lu oullon aLlllo sacldsneaLl lJapunpetedaJd
sl uellnsuoc0uluueld
ol ^o g 'r ocuajJollo oclt lo
JOl lpo'sulepveuuesns
This book representsthe efforts of staff membersof the VermontPublicServiceBoardand the
VermontAgencyof Environmental Conservation. PublicServiceBoardengineersWayneFosterand
GordonStensrudcontributedto writingand editing.ThomasWillard,LeonardGerardi,AngeloIncerpi,
and EldonMorrisonof the Agencyof Environmental Conservation reviewedand commentedon sec'
tionspertainingto environmental impact.
Theauthorswouldliketo thankthe followingpersonsfor information R.StephenKlein'
schmidt,FredAyer,and B. HaywardAdamsof Kleinschmidt and Duttinggavegenerously of timeand
experience to critiquethe technicaland licensingaspectsof the manual.PhilRettgerof EssexDevelop-
mentsAssociates,RogerLamson,and RichardHungerfordcontributedtheirexperience as developers
of small hydro.StephenCarrof the ChittendenBankofferedadviceon privatef inancing.Raymond
De Forgeof GreenMountainPowercritiquedthe operations and maintenance section.PorterCleveland
of GMPf urnishedmanywonderful photosof facilitiesin earlieryears.


Figures2.3,2.7,3.2,3.3,8.1 and9.1 arereprintedwith permissionof GreenMountainPowerCompany,

d h p e rmis s i o n .
Re. p rin t ewit
Fi gu r e2 modifiedf roman originald ra win gb y A llis -Ch a lme rs
The Na'
FiguresAandB are reprintedwith permissionfrom HansHaumberger,
tionalCenterfor Appropriate P.O.Box3838,
Technology, MT.
Figures3.1,4.1,5.1 aremodifiedf romthoseprepared and Dutting,Pittsfield,ME.
by Kleinschmidt
Aqder0ol l ql B ' n I xl P uaddY
' l l l xl puaddV
gVZuollcas 'V'S'A0e - /v\elal el s
' l l xl puaddy
sa!cuaOyalels pue l eropa3
stural lo fuessol C ' l xl P uaddY
acueuolu!enl P ue suo!l el adg ' X l
uol l cnrl suoc ' l l l A
euol uc ,sJapual
0ul cueu!J ' l l A
AlcU l col :l 0u ;l al ren ' l A
suJocuocl el cos
suJocuocoul ec
sujocuoc sal JaLl s!J JaLl l o
i,:ffifil-ffi::il, =
sa!pnl s c!urouoca
l uaurdl nb:l
sol pnl g 0utl aaut0u3
Apnl s aql 0ul cueu!J
,{pn}S aLl I ' A
^}l l l qtseal
slnurad 0ul l l l l i 0ul 0P arCl
aleolllUeCA t!l enorol eM LOt
,,POO9C!lqndlo alecl l !uac,, l uouJJan
asuoc!l cuS J
l!utra6fueul ul !l ord CU fl
asuedx3pue oLU !I
sl!ruj ad pue sasuacl l ' A I
Y odag
suollplncleCt!louag pue l soC A rcul uIIl ord
luotussassvsol l l IIcP J0ul l sl x:l
uo!lenlP ^=ll e!l uol odJaMod
sl tl 0tUJal eM
uo!lenle^=l al l s A rcul ul l l ard ' l l l
uo!l eradgl uel d
luotudIn b:l cUl cal aolP ^H
romodreleryl lo fuooql
luotudlnbSpueAtooql ramodral eM
sl uel l nsuoc 'l
uo!l cnpoj l ul
slualuoclo alqel
' sa!cuaOeasaql
luoll sasuac!| pue sl tuttad 0u Iul el qo u ! Jol cet e
aq ,{eursuj acuoo l P l sos pue l e}uaruuoJ!Au3 '} uauj
-dolanap uo!}ouloldall} pue }uauuolt^ua
aLlllo uo!l cal ordaLl ltl l l /n paOl eqcare ( C U 3J) uol s
-sluluro3fuol el nO aUA 0l au3 l erapa3aql pue ( eSa)
plpoB ac!ruascl l qnd l uoul a1 aL1}q0nol q} 's} uau
-uranoO l el opal pue al pl s aql ql oB ' scl l aql saPpue
'uorleal calJaA tJ' sa1tsl ec!Ool oapLl ue pue l eopol sl t.l
'asn puel l cal l e,{;asraA pPosl e uec } uatudol a^ ap
e'aar0op Jossalp oI' sal l s auos l p l Ectl tJcoq uec
sarjal l sl lpue ,{1!l enbral ernuo }uauj dol a^ ap} o } cal l a
aql'suep 0ul l stxaIp uano' uOl uaq,{l l etuaul uol tAU a
'panallaqacuo se/v\se 'lou s! JarnodotpAg'Ja^a/noq
'll!nq oq l l l M sl ca[ord asaq] l l e ]eq] A l al l l un st ]l
'(l xtpueddy
oa s) fue sso; 0oL {}u t p ue } xo} aq } u t paut e;dxaole ' My 000' 008A lal eurtxor dde
sld acu oc pue sr ulal pasn Aluotu uJo C'otu!l aues spm 6/6 L u I ppol l eed s,ol el s aql 'uostl edutoc
orll le 0urpaaeoldate slsel oql;o AueulleLllalou ol lo sosodrnd rol ' l o^al O/Ot aql LuorlIU acl ad 000
lueyodr-ulsl ll 'Japlolo lno ualel ue auJos,{ltlelc}o ISoLUle lo aseajculuP 'My 000'092lseal le aq plnoM
saso drndJol Ll0 no qlle'acuenbasluot ud olanopotll luor.uj onul ,{l tcedecMy pal l B }sull e} o} aLl } '} l l nq
smo llo t At rl0n orsyed p ue sla ldeqc ra pro otll
lo oq pl noc uol l el apl suoc Japun Mou sl oal otd aql
so!}l l P dl c!unuJ
IIP ll ' sal l l l l l n l noL{}l /vl
'slu ellnsuos
-!snq A tl l l n-uou' sal l l l l l n a^tl eJadoocpue'al enud
rla LllL lllMAlqea0pelm oulole olunuuoo ol olqe aq 'c!lqnddq lE palool 0utoqaJEsolts padola^apunpue
ol Jap lo ut Iooqopln 0 slt ll peal ol p eO etnocuaoJe pouopueqv' l uotul an ut uol l el aue0 cl Jl cal aol pAL{
sJod olan oC'r{ tto U}o olo lo oles let cJotu tuocaq} Jol lo uol l el apl suocale pal duoJd seq ' sacl nosal ol qe
Ayt! cel o rpAqe 0u ldolo ^o plo ssacot d a ql lo uo!l -MouoJul l soJal ul0ul l el nu!l s' sl sprcr { 0l auoaLl I
-dlrosapArcuuJnse LlllmOuolesldecuoc cltuouoca
p ue ' leluo tuuoJt nu a'0ut laauIOu olo 'slulol aldLU!s u I ' ol el s aql ul pal eraua0Aycl r l cal o
u allUA 'Morru an ou e sE p op uo luI st ll 'sJodolanop oLlllo l uocrad 0l ,{l uo' My 000' LOpol p} otAycedec
ro l 1o o qpueqllasr no A- 1; -oeplou sl la lxooq s!LlI orpAq l uoruron ' 016L u | ' A puecl l l u0l s poddotp
luotujon u! ojpr{rlAq pa}ejouao,{ilcu}cala,o aoe}uac
'Mel luaudolanap rarvrodotpr{q ut paouauadxaleA/vtel -rad aLl l ' sol l l l l cel cUl cal aol pA rlJapl o aLl l uo pol p
e u relol ol le!cn Jclou st ll 'sO utleaLl ut a led;c;yed -Jorlal apl uaudl nba pue sl uel d se pue 'l l JeM pl JoM
p up ' salllllln Llll/ v\aleI lo 0a u 'd ! qsJo u/ v\o ,{yadotd JollEol qel re^ppue deaLl cauecaq l an, l l ssol sV
autullolapol arull ol aull tuoll fuessacauaq osle llyv\
raAnele lo soclruas'(ttx;pueddyaes)pteog ao!ruas 'ramodsl rl l l c sprl tl l -omlpapodxa,{ l l en} oepue
o llq nd luo uJJo na L{ }L UoJI }sanbet uodn olqeltenesl 'e1e1s aql ut pal el aua0' {1cU}cal oaLl }l l e l o } uacl ad
saorruosluaudolonaplarvrodotp'{q 6utta;;oAltuaJJnc 06 ra^o pacnpol d ' ,{}!cedec(My) s}}emol !)000'Bg t L
sloa u !Oue0ulllnsu oo le uo ;Oa tto lsll V'ullollad 0ulllpl ol sol l l l l oel romodotpr{tl }uouJan'LtOL
o l p olce dxe a q lq0lu l tu l ll Jo uo sted e Llonsleql Ag '{ttcU}cal oa}eJaue0o} ,{ervr Jel ndode aLl tecaq
sacrruosot.llsuteldxeI reldeqC'ssocoldluauldolonap Jo/v\odral e/v\ ' A tnl uaoLl l ol l uoMlaql u ! A tl c!Jl sol ol o
a Lll ur Ar cssocause ,{ ;r eese Joo u; 0ua0ul}lnsuoc fuenocslpalll r1llmlrarnodlalempasn funluoc Llluao
o lq e ln de rpup pa cuo tled xeue a JILI s
p lnoL{ Jadolanap -lrl0!oor.l l o sl l l ut tstt0 pue /v\ess,l uoul l on'sl uoul
e 'ost lp lLl0lLu leq l so nssl clr uo uo ca pu e'leluouJ -olllos l sl l l al l l se pl o sP sl pue10u3/v \oNul ^ 0taua
-uo JtAu o'0urJa ou t0ua xa; duoc oL ll lo osnecoB leo!ueqcau opl nord ol Jo/v\odtal e/vl l o osn aLl I
uo! l cn p o r l u l
a0e1s s l r .l l l e l upl l ns uoc e aJ l nbat l ou Aeut s l c a t o t d g l p t u s ,
Jo c;lqnd 0 ulu r elqo u ! acu elstsse apnlcuI slspl 0ul cueul J
la) ,Upt uuasoLlc rlll/ v\ 0ullello0eu opnlcul sIsel 0u Ilo),Uey\
'luo rudrn ba Jol suolleolll
-cads 0 ullUM's1r o/ v\
1ueld0u lu0lsopopnlcu!slsel s),UoM
lo u 0lsa6
'uo l1pclldde osuoc! lJolsyodat c!ulouocopue
'lelu au uo lt nu a'0uuaourO 0u;
ua tedatdopnlcu!slspl A pnl S IIIqrseoJ
a lqes!^pesl oc!^pele0a1
-rlddeosu ao !l 0u lAlt tsal'sdnot0lsololul pue
sarcuaOeluaruurano0rtt!/v\s0uIlooru0ullpu!plooc su o l l
'LUJoJador dut suo!leclldde0ullu/v\opnlsu! sxsel -e cl l d d V o su a o l l B l l tu Jad
'olqe s!^pesl acl^pe le0al
'0ur cue ur p
l ue '1a1r euaL lllo u o!leloldxe'sonssl
leclllJc lo u o! le cllllua pl 's1soc pue lElluelod
rer vrod lo o leu! lsa Ar culu r;;atdapnlcul sISEI , uo!lPn lenf Ateu! uJI loJd
'slse l asoql lo
ol suJJ!ll pJanasl cel uoc pl noLl sredol a^opV 'suot1
a lnleu oL llol sp llelop Jo leol0olu r sao Olooqpueq Jel l !uel aJol aJaqlaJepue sl ca[or d
-elnOeraql Ll l l /v\
a qI 'Jo Jp olcEJlu osoq ol sasrAJaslcexo a L{}s}s!l a^eLl{uey1' saot r uas0ul } l ns
luoulan ul ocuagredxa
lslllca Llc 0u I/ v\ ollolaLlI 'saol pu e 'uollaldurooJol -uoc luaudol onopJaAodorpA tlJol l o ),UoAM aN pue
salnpaLlcs oLU!l'auopaq ol IJo/v\,{;rcadsplnoLls}ue} puet0uf /v\oNuJoLl Uou u! sr.ul !l Jaqunu oOr ely
l o
-lnsuocpue ladolo^apaLlluoamloqloeJluocaql
' uo!l cnJl suoc
ilcejluoc e aosJonopue' sl !r-uredpue sosuacrlurelqo'u0!sop
Dulu0 lsoJo loqIJoM lsed Llll/ v\ r e! l! ue l oq pue lla^ leult aLltdolanapol puooase pue soular.lcs Ourcueu
lue lln suo c B /vr ou Iol laO ol sr {ed}r '/ 'teuuns ul -ll pue ' sol pnl s ,{l i lrqrseal ' suo!}e0!}sa^|u fueur
'pu a oq l ulAeuou on psAeu rspoqla u uollcnllsuoo -rurlerdopl nordol auo' sLuJItoml s' {ol dr uaJodo;an
pu e u 0 lsap o^!lcallo lsoo u ! oslyedxa s, rulrl oL{} -ap e saspc auos ul ' uol s!ruednsuo!l cnJl suocol
'r{llel}lu!JoL{ 0lLl Jeedder{e ur( s1socu o! }cn J}suoclo solpnl s A teu!LU r;ard uoJl ' soc!A Jos apl nor duec
l l e
aO elua cre de uo p ose q)soo l or4 lq0nolll uo^f 'LUr!l Auedul ocauo ual l o' sl s;;e;cadsl el uotuuol tAUpue o
pa cua rla dxaue 0ur r rqJopr suo cplnoqs re dolonop 'sJau0l sap' sl oal tLl ol paJ!q osl e r{eursuJJtlasaLl f
'(tecUl cal a' l ec!ueqcau' l !^!c) soul ldl cs!p 0ul
orll ' lco [or d lleus e u ! se'ur nululr u e o] ]dal aq
-Jaour0ue aql lo alou Jo ouo ul 0ulzl':-lcads 'sluellns
lsnuJsoo l ll 'aldLu exo Jol 'seoJeleJnJu! ue ql ueqJn
u! passajppe oq ol sujocuoc ojoru aq ,{eurojalll -uoc 0u;raaur0ueoJp l uaudol o^op ol J l cal ool pAr .l
'uollecol slr pue lcalordotlt p ezts aq] uo puadeplll^ OIBUapunl eql sl enpl ^!pu!ro sruj rl aql l o l sow
sa!p n ls r{t tt tqt seapue fu eu !ulr ;a rdo rl} Jol saal
'alqedola^ap sr lcalordaLlll! 'ApnlsAtltqrsealpolrelop
aq l rol pa urela r oq p lnoM , {e q} }eLl}uo l}e}cadxe
orll r.lllmlsoc ou Jo alUIl le uollenle ^a Arcullull
sluelln su o c' l
-ard e ale yop un lLl0 lu ru l! l e lAt qplo plsuocfuen
Ae ursaa 3' olqellns lso r. usr o uo Llclr .lM o u! tulalap
- ---.._-------.-.-..-


F igur e 2. 1 T y p i c a l V e rm o n t H y d ro p o w e rIn stal l ati on.The w al l s of the pow erhouseand i ntake structur e ar e r em ovedt o
lllus t r at e t ir d p ro j e c t w o rk s : (1 )D a m w i th fl ashboards,(2)w aste gates and gatehouse,(3) i ntake forebay,( 4) t r ash r acks,
( 5) int ak ega te , (6 ) i n ta k e g a te h o i s t, (7 )p e nstock,(8)shut-offval ve,(9)turbi ne,(10)drafttube, (11)gener at or(, 12) swit ch
gear ,( 13)t r a n s fo rme r,(1 4 )c i rc u i t b re a k e r,(15)draft tube gate and hoi st.
'(ny patet^arqqe)stle^ ot!\ u! lnq puocas tad 'socel olo1cuooto fuuoseu1popppLlllmuo4o 'puels
spunod lool u! passatdxa lou st JaModtectrlcatf lllls o$e steaAl l l nq su1epqcns A ueu l suep M ou Jol
'JaModastotqu! passatdxa osle s/ JaMod '@wtt) pasn,{l apl Mte0uol ou sl uol }cnJ}s uooqU OJaqr u!}
puocas tad (Xton) spunod lool u! passatdxa aq aq1 ' S u1ppol o1cuocto sadA l l P JaAosl o Aue pue
ptn oo Ja Aod'au! l l!un tad a uo p a q uec teqt \JoM 'suep l l l l Icoj Jo l .l uea' suj epquc JaquJ!luapooM
a ql o l te nba s/ t e^ od'yoo qp ue q s! ql u! pasn sy :luotuJanul punol A;uotutuoc ole SUBp1osadft eatql
'(U l1y patet^arqqe)srnoq lleMol!\ 'A11cel aLl ll o l uauodtuoc ol 0ul s l sa$tel oLl l'ul ep e
u t lnq 'spu nod loo l u t passat dxa lou s/ Afuaue eletodlooulsloalordtervrodorpAq lle Alleny!^]uoullan
lectJloatf 'lool auo palyl sl punod auo uaqM auop ul ' (V ' Z' 0tf) scl l sl j al cereLl cal l s rel ncl l ted uodn
NJottA atlt st punod-lool auo lspunod-loot u! passa.rd 0ul puodep suol l eUe^ auos tl l l ^ l c a[ol d cU ]col a
-xa aq uec \tolvl 'Adteue q|1tuIatqea6uequalut s/ -orpA qe ol sl uauodtuoccl seq l eJonosal e al aqf
\Jot wJal aqt 'aouelslp e Ja^o paltdde auol P sP tuaudl nb3 cU l cel aol PAH
paultap s/ Afueue'\ooqpueq slLlyu!pasn s/ J/ sy
rarnodpue A6taul
'peaLl ssoJ0 eUl uorl anl e^sl l l o l uoc r ad0l 0ul l oer l
-qns r{q pa}el ncl ec peal l
s! }aN' fuaul L.l ceur er vr od
pue ' Icol suad ' e1e1utaq1Ll Onol L.;t 0ul m ol }Jo} PMaq}
'( Z'Z'0 t f ) poog lo o ruIl le
lo uo!l cUl ol anp A l l col o^Jol em u ! sasol l u nocce
asd elloc ll! / v\Aaql o s p alcnllsuoc o le spleoqLlsel3 olut sol el ' l e!l uol od tarnod 0ul l el nol ec ul pasn sl
' ue p aL lllo a Jnlcnlls 1uoueule daLll0 ulOueLlo lno t.lcl rl nn' peeqJaN' ppaLlsso.r6paul al sl pol el ncl ecos
-r.lllrn'p eeq olqelr e^ea ql snql pue puod oLlllo lo^el ocuorol l tp oqI ' (uotl e^ol oral eml !el aql ) LU epoql
aL ll 0 ulsreJ'Aer nllldsaLlllo do 1uo palcnJlsuocoJE MOIAqASnOLUervrOd AL{}tuOJ}s}!xa }! oJotlMJo}eMlo
spJe oqLlspllArct od ua l 'sasec ar uo s u l 'puod eql uol l e^ol oocel l ns aLl lpup (uotl enol aJol em peoqaL{ } )
u r la na loLll0ur sreJ{ lenrssa cxo}n oL l}l/vt 0u!}eJaue0 LUepoql l o Iceq u I Jol e/v\otl l l o uo! l e^ al aosel j ns
JOI p as n aq lo uu es leql Ja le/v\ssed ol pauorsap or.l luaoMl aquo!l e^ol ou ! acuoJol l !paql sl 'sJol aLU
r-lloqJo sale0 etsemro r{ervrlllds e aneLlsutpp }soy\ Jo lool ul poj nseou' ol !s e l e al qel l eAPpeaq aql
'/v\O 'ueolls aql lo luotpet0pue 'llplutello lunoue 'l! olu!
s al eO al sem aq1 al eJ ado o l Ataul Ll ce ul su tel uo c osnoLl 0ulurel peal e puel aql se sJol cel qcns uo spuodap
- aleO lle rus orl l ' spr eoqqsel J ql l /n ueq Z' Z atn0t3 rueorl se l o Mol l aql ' sal ts l l eursl e ( y\l C ) el nutur
rad l oal ctqnc Jo ' (S l C ) puocos tad l aal ctqnc u!
polnseauA;;ensns! 'pouadoull pog;tcads e JaAolulod
palrceds e 0ul ssed Jal eM ouJnl oA ot.l l 'M ol J
l o
' My 0L aups aL.loonpoJd oI papoauaq pl noM
SJC 0L l o Mol l e' ol qel te^eore peaLll o l oal gL Al uo
ll larnod l o My 0L acnpord l rl 0l rx ( S:C ) puocas
/lool cl qnc L l o /v\ol e'l peoq to l aol 09 1 L.l l l Mal l s e
le'ol dupxa JoJ ' peoLl,,Mol ,,EL{}!Ma} !s e upLl }M ol }
ssal aJrnbarl l l M peoL{,,U0!U,, e Ll }lMo} !s e'tar vr od
lo l unoue 1ual e^!nbauB ocnpotd oI'ppaq pup
(eul l l l un rad ounl on) ol l Jal emuloJl pautLU Jol ap
sr ' .rl l l l un rad IJo/v\0utaq' pal ea)JJaM odaq1
' sossedl l qcl Ll /v\ Ll 0notLlaJnssatd,to
uol l p^ol oul oouol al l l p ol l l (q) pue rol em to l unour e
ol1l (e) ol l euo!Uodotd,{l 1cettpst X r oM } o } unour e
aLlI 'A0:ouoleoluerlcauolul ,{0tauoJo}eMsUaAUoO
leql ocl nape Ll OnorLlaJnsserd Jo uotl enol aJam ole
ol possedaq ueo l t l l (l asul ees) \roM op ot,{ yl l qE
aql seLlaJnssal duanr0e JapunJo uotl enol ouenl 0e
le Jal e/v\' scl s^qd l o sMel aLl lr.l l !MocuepJocceu I
re/nodJalen 1oA.toaql
luaudlnb3 B {,roaqlrornod.ra}e/n'l
Fi g ur eA P elt onW h e e l -


There are two general types of turbines, impulse

and reaction turbines. Both convert energy in water
into mechanical energy, but by different means.
lmpulse turbines direct water through a nozzle at Fi gureB Franci sTurbi ne,
the runner blade, converting the water energy into
kinetic or velocity energy. lmpulse turbines are
more suitable for high head applications, since
small volumes a t a high velocity can turn the turbine
runner at a reasonable speed. A common type of
impulse turbine is the Pelton Wheel(Fig. A). Reaction
turbines work on a dif ferent principle. Water f lows
equally over all the runner blad€s,'both the pressure
and velocity of the water cause the runner to turn.
The draft tube has a vacuum in it that helpspull the
water through. A com m on reaction turbine, now
used chiefly af sifes with moderate heads, is the
Francis turbine (Fig. B). Propeller turbines operate
on the same principle as the Francis and are used
at low head sifes. Propellerturbines can be installed
vertically, horizontally,or on a s/ant (Fig. C).

Fi gureC P roP el l erTurbi ne' Thi s turbi ne m aYalso
i nstal l edat a sl ant.
'peaqaz!uJlxeuol pole^ecxoaq uec
aceJllele Jo'Icolsuad 0uo1e Llll/nuep aLlltuoll luels!p
aq uec asno qlar nodaql ' sl soc uo 0u!puadaq' al ts 0ul
-dolsr{llpnppJ0e }e urepe (E)'uep aq} reouro ut pa}ecol
aq uec os noLuo/v \od ' /v \ol aq} uarperol ell e qllM a} l s
deals e le uJepe (V) 'suorleco'l asnoqrernod g'Z e,anOll
'sMoll Jale/v\lo
u /v\op lnL lSprdet ruoJl0 ulllnSa Jse0tn SoJnSSetd to l sl
Srunncenluanoldof Sactnop;ercadsollnbet Aeutlcols
-ue d 0u o; e 'pasn fu au lLlceule rvro du o 0 ulpuedag
'su ollern0 llu oc alq rssodo uo s sole rlsn lll 9'Z'0t:
'o lls a Llllp slsoc uollcnJlsuo col.ll0 ulzlw! ululpue
pp aL lalll 0 ulzlultxe u1lo ssltl1o uo cauo r{1a1eul}ln
pue sctlspalceleqcolts uo spuadap'uaUl uao/vUoq
Ico lsu ad oLll lo t llOu aloL ll sn ql pu e 'ut Pp aql ol
a Llllo uo! lecol aLlI
u ! asnoLUar vr od
d tr. lsu o tlelaJ
' ol e0 a1e1ur
a q l ro l l sro q /n a l o sa q l ol oN 'l r l 0t r l e l o
p a so d sl pp u e a u e l c l o puo uo l o) , l sequl
p a ce l dsl sp q a p p u p p aueal cor p l t al aql
le sxoer Llser1 'saleg elelul V'Z e'tn0l3
f r,,i ' uo!l cnr l suoc
rapun 1cotsuad alqnoq leats V tZ e.an0lJ
-ICeJJOllll /v\oJcs P rlll/v\'Ailenuerrt Jo ,{llecrlnejpr{rl
Jalllla'pajo/v\olpue pasreJaq ol pauo;sepaJesa1e0
alelu ! o rll 'f t'Z '0; 3) au !qrn l aq l o l e0 eL ueplua^
-a rdol (s),lunLl3 ocl pup'sa jll'p oo /v\se qcns)slJqap
saqclec lpr.llIcpJ rlsell paJJpqp polcalordsr olelul
aL fI '(t' Z '0g) au lqr nl aL ll o l ^q
ralpm a ql slcnpuoc
rlclLlMad ;d aql'>lcolsu ad aql olur a1e0alelut up
qOnorUlsralua uJepaql Aq papunodur!Jolemoql
The powerhousecontainSthe power equipment
(turbine, generator,governor, switch gear, etc.).
The buildingvariesin size,design,and construction
dependingon the size and orientationof the equip-
ment, and aesthetic preferencesof the owner and

Water energy is converted by the turbine into

mechanical energy, which is then immediately
convertedinto electricalenergy by the generator.
The inset briefly describestypes of turbines.Suit-
able equipment to start, stop, and regulate the
mechanical energyoutputof the turbineare provided.

Water that has passedthrough the tu rbine exits

through the draft tube, into the tailrace canal and
back into the river (Fig. 2.7).The draft t ube outlet
is below the level of the river to form a seal; the
resultingvacuumallows the head betweenthe tur-
bine and the tailwaterto be used (in the case of a

The turbine is connected by a shaft to the rotor

of an electricgenerator,which produceselectricity
at its output terminals.The turbine and generator
must be matchedin size so that their power ratings
are similar.lf a turbineis too largefor the generator,
watermay be wasted,oI the generatormay burn out.
Figure 2.6 A Modem (1950's)Powerhouse- The power
fa c ilit yis an addi ti o nto a fl o o d c o n tro ld a m b u il t i n the Generatedelectricity is conducted t hrough the
1 930' s . switch gear and its controls before entering the
substation.The switch gear,locatedon the power-
house control panel,containsswitches,fllays and
other electricaldevicesfor connecting,disconnect-
ing, protecting,and monitcring the generatorout-
put. The control panel may also display meters f or


Fi g ur e 2. 7 E x c a v a te d T a i l ra c e U n d e r
co n s t r uc t ion. T h e c o n c re te fo rm fo r th e
d r af t t ube out le t fo r th e p o w e rh o u s e
picturedin Figure2.6.The circularsection
i s wher e t he dr a ft tu b e w i l l b e l o c a te d .
The wat er lev elri s e s a b o v eth e o u tl e t.

(C U f J) uol ssl ur r uoof uoyel nO ag
r { D r au3l er apa3aqt A q } as prepue} sez
'n ro ldeLlcu I pauleluoc osnecaq'Allualstsuocapou auo ut unJMal lelqeltene
sl u ollelado tu eld to slcedt u; tp luauuolt^uoaLlllo sl Jol e/v\Jaql oq/n uodn 0ul puedep sapou osaql
u olssncs lp 'luau uo lt nt loo lll ol 0ulO euepssal sl
V lo lle u! unl uec sol l l l l cel cpl cal ool pAq auos
uo!leradoJonp-orll-lo-unJ p 'pueqJoqlooLlluO 'luotu ' sLl l uoruJal u!Moul u! sJnccoasn
-pu no du l up sp tt'{lllcel p 1pauleO sl ,{ yllqlxall
leuoseasleod pue 'soujtlleau 0uluo^opue 0ulujouj
'lo u s! l! uo qM u/vlop punoj p sJncco asn ,{ttep),l eed' }uotuJanul 'spueul
0u lllnL ls pup alqelt enest Jalp/ v\u or l/v\0ulleloua0 l
-op rt0l LlaJpaJoLluaqrn r{epoLl }l o saul } ul euac } e
'stse q slql uo olpjed o ol'{ lelil ajou t a je s}celord sunJJolejouoopeol lead v 'sassoulsnqpue sauoLl
u I pasn 0u req st ,{l l ctj }col a aj ou uaq/v\Aep al l }
lle us ' osn Jalel Jol Ja lp/v\pu no du l ol alqe 0uleq
uer"llJaLllEJ'luoutoul otll 0urrnp r{ttensn' s;analpeol ospq onoqp soseoJcur
le JaAUot.;}ul 0ulMollJa}em
0ullploua0 r ol pueluapuaq^^oLul laqt 0ul Jnpsol el edo 1uel dpeol
leq l osn upc , {eq}}eLl}0u!ueaul
' A l snonutl uoc
'srseq o
^lulaAtJ-aqHo-unJ e uo paleledo aq lsnu pue alelpoul al ut uV sJncco l el { } pueuop
a0epuod,{uell al}}lla^eq }uorulonu! suep ,{uey1 lectjlcalolo uoluodteql sollddnspuE,{l1ue1suoc sunl
1ueldpeol aseq V ' uol l pJedopeol yead pue 'ppol
'Jnoq auo Jol elerauaO atetpawJalut'peol aspg se ol pajJalal ,{luotutuoc ajp
sopotu l euotl eJado osoLl l ' sapou l uajol l l p l pj o^ as
p ue Jn oq ouo Jol punodul lrl0 lur a; cr{ cUor.lse uo
0 ullelad o r {t tlcel V'peol a }plpa uJo }u!Atddns o} u pol eJadool e so!l l l l cel
! uo!l pJaue0 l pcU l oal j
,{t1 lce}e /nollp'su o! }e redoa; cr{cUo Llspallec-os uo! l el adOl uel d
'suo!llpu oc/v\o lla ql ler .lMJo}}eu ' l uaudl nba aql
o u . 'sJno qoml Jol aleloua0ol Jlor ua solsl! ut Jole/v\ uo 0ul IJoM l auuosl ed pue l uotudrnbe l ectJl cal a
L l0 no uoo neq s{ern ;e }snu }l 'ap ou 0 ullead e ul ot.llrll oq l col oJdol srol soJJe0uIl q0l l pup saqcl tM s
a le lad o ol lue1d olp ,{ q e JoJ 'peol aseq,{ lddnsop snorJeAul pl uoc osl e ,{eu uol }p}sqns aLl l 'soutl
slue ld o rp {q'lnlltu eld s! Ja}e /v\ uo r-l/v\
0ul.rdseq1u! uo!lnqrJls!p Jo uolsstrusuejt,{illl}naLl}lo }eLl}se la^al
'p up r.lJaqlo or. lluO'A oll rl0 lq lo sau ll le, , polsem,, oues oLl lol eoel l o^ or.l lseouel l s l B rl l Jar uj ol suej l
aq plnoMJolP/v\ lPrll /v\oll/\ ol e qcns Jol peztsaq ol e su lel uoc ' osnoLU ernod aL,;}
Jeau pa} ecol ,{ l l ensn
a ^e q p lno/ v\ou! qJn loLll 'peol ase q le 'uollel sqns oLl I' suotl cunl 1uel dr{l essocauJaLl } o
o lp lad o o l lueld e Jol 'Aoll Jalp/ v\ ^lluals!suoc
u! suo!lpnlcnll lo pue's;ol l uoc e1e0' suo!l l puoc Jol em 0ur .r ol l uor u
TiatcAL h,({tvtfles ZonrJlf
A,trV V oxt ttA{t-
AE AI AL s{arr at-J
rA o ro 5 CA,?A^,cttYA'ilP
,1 vAt L , Ailt-JrJau
?'R tl LE
e51t /^Aft / orrr1UnQ"\
Ae F..r?- coSf 6st trxa{L
p..xlp to cAecK
?Ra.txl €cK
AK.e F . ^qe KEA5oil a-gvrxless
G,/ Krv)

( ReLtzntr.lp.
<Y 6<. t eF
5{ e > zf aeK
a.xJ A.LY5| 5 RE-voK{

-f? E u f l rh /
coutac'r STN|E Vo { E Nf r A.L KaSEARCH )
AqENC\L3 To lpENr
fltrY ForENTl4L
35?,f{K#5?f'nnrd K.€: NATUtr.AL
hKYAa, vlsTOr(lq
e trtgHq#-.,t'-3
tt.r Loov l NC r
.) F P\W L
\ccxICER,NS- Htsfo n tr -

sA^I s*t/ sn

Fi g u r e3. 1 F low C h a rt. Ste p s i n p re l i mi n a rye val uati on.

'(l S'U- OV' V 'U' l 'Cg;) s uo;le l nD ag1cy
c ' sa tlla d oJd sl Jol sl H
ra/ nod lp Jap a3l ap un p a ltnba l s l a cu e lld r.u osltll 'A;1socoq ol anold ,{tqtssod,{etus}uorualtnbarle}uour
' U'J 'C 9t pue
lo uor l pr uasa rdro l sa rn p oeo ld l tcu noC fu ostnpy :008 -uojtA Ual o uol l cB l srl P sacuts' sonssl l el uauuoJtA
p apuaue s e ( gmt) lcv uo ll er uos al dcl ro ls tH le u ol le Nq ltn A l dtuocol c
-uo lecl l l rc 0ul uracuocpol cel uoc oq pl noqs ( C fV)
uolleruosuoc l el uauuoJ!A u:l
l o ,{cuaov oql '} sJIl
palceluoc oq plnoqs pue 'sle11eujJo/v\odorpr{rt uo
'sa cJnosou ,{cueOeo}e}s peol orl} se s}ce (gSa) preog ac!ruas
/ noll lo spJocoJlecuolslLl'uo!l!p peu l
roleM lo luotuuedao luoulron oql ro (scsn) Aarung c!lqnd aql ' al qrssod se uoos sp so! cue0e l uar r l
lec!$ogoegsalels pollun aLllruorl alqelle^esl sulseq -uJo^o0al egrdordde l cel uoc pl noqs l adol a^ ap V
Ja AtJlu o rulan Jol aO eule Jplo scl1sp olceleqcpue suJacuoc lelueuuJa^oc
e oJe aL ll 0uluJacuo cu o! le ulJolu l'elep peoq ueql 'uollesuedruoc
u! P}qo o}} |ncI} } IpoJoujua }lo s!B} ep/v\ o|}oL|I lsnI qttrn'uleruop]uaululoAq uale] oq
,{eu }! ' CU 3J r{qpasuacl l sl }co[ordaq] oul ] aq]
'peaq lau ulelqo ol (sessol rol)
a),lelu! polcerlqns polrnbce aq l ouupc A yadotd fuessacou aL{ }l l e^ ql l
aq p ln oq s poulLur olo psnq l pe oL sso ro e Lllto %01 'oJnllnctJ0e posn
ro; Jo uodn lllnq ,{;luesetdoq }L{Olut
Ale le Lu txoJddV 'llsuPJl s,Jo ^a runse qll/v\,{;alernc puel l P ql acu!s r{l | e;cadsa' sj au/v\o }uaJJncaLl }tl } !M
-ce aJoul pue 'aJnseouladel e rlll/v\aldood o/vU palelloOeuoJ plnoLls'Jau/v\o
aq ruep Jotulol aql
uJepaLll le pojnseau aq uec dotp leclua^ aql ^q poJrnbce ala/nslLl0ltpue lsPdatll ul papoollseml!^q l!
ua^a ' popool l aq ol 0u!o0 sl l eql puel ueal l sdn ol
' ssacoJdluaudola^ op aql u t , {; reesuo l}elnclec slrl0;raql ' l l tnqoJaq ol st uep paqceoJqe l l '( ecl tl o
or.ll/v\ot^ojleuolssaloJde a^eq ol alqPsl^pesl l! s,xJal cu/v\olaql u! al l l uo r{l l ensn)spaap pl o l .uoJl
luoslod Ael e Aq paulelqo a q uec soln0ll
Jano /v\ ot1 opeu aq lsnul slLl0lttale/v\lo sJaumoJol LlcJeosP
q 0n og 'lellua lod Jalv\o d0ulssa sse u ! d als lslIl pue 'sl r.l 0;rral e/v\otl l opnl cul l ou op ual l o Ayadol d
aL.lls! ol!s aLllle /v\ollpue peaq lo uo!leu!LUJalaQ ueltedpol spaapluoJJnC'll OulpunolJns ,{padotdaq}
uollenle^3lelluelod rafnod ruoll Ateletedasplos Jo pau/v\oaq uec Jale/notll asn
ol lrl0ll otll '(,{erua}e/v\ leJn}eue lo Xueq oq} uo
'gsd oLll,{q mel^oj palecol puel 'o'l) puel ue;red;tlo Joumoue ,{q Ja}e/v\
0u lsua crlor. lloI sa;1 redf uot nlels aq lll/v\suo!ssltu lo osn Jo ol ssaoce l o l tl 0l J aql se pau!l op aq uec
sttll1 ueltedrU'lcalla ut st /v\elJalemueltedtt'se1e1s
-ru oc0 uluu eld qlo q ocu rs'pa ssaJp ppaq lsnu lBrll
uJalseaoLl lto l sal aql u! sB ' l uol .uJonul 'uep e l o
san ss! lecol uo u o! le rujolu!Jo l , {t t t!cBlpasodotd
Outplrnqor Aq petepunutaq lll^^leql puel ,{ueo1(aseal
a ql Jea u sjau/v\ oAyador d pue'su olss!L ur uoc0u1u
,{q ro aal u! JoLl }l o) al }!}Jeal ca^eq }snr u Jedol a^ ap
-ueld leuo;0erpue lecol aLlllceluoc plnoLlsredo;an
-op o rll'salcu eO eolels 0ullcelu oc ol u olllppe ul V 'ter{rvre; e l o dtaq aq} Ll }l /vl' paul ujJo} apaq } sj !l
plnoLl sol l s aql l e sl q0p ral em l o dttl s r aum oaql
'll xlp ua dd Vu I pau!eluoc sltl6lU ralPn
sr sossa lppe J!aql pu e sa!cu aO elo lsll V 'sanssr
'L't '0tf u! palcldaps; fueululllaldaq} ;o saOe}s
lpcllp c a lqr ssodlo uolssncslppolrelape suleluocn '{pn}s
raldeqC'uaql qll/vrlpop ol sAernpue sonssrlecllpc aLll Oul l erl snl l lUeqc /v\ol lV ' eO el s sl tl l l e par l Ll
oJoldxaol pauJacuoc,{cue0e,{renaLl}l/v\}ce}uoc aq luel l nsuoc pacuat1edxaue IE L{}papuagU ocaJ
sno au pllnurs Llsllqe lsoue c ra do tanapaLll ocurs S ! ' pa4u!ul ul aq }snu S }S ocuol } cnl } suoc
'{l0uoJ}S }!
papuauuocol sl alnpocordre1lelaLlI'gpls gsd oJoLl /v\ sl ca[ord u! A l te;cads3 ' suo!]el ncl ec l e!]
pa 0u eJre0ullaau d no r0 e u! ro,{ llenpl^lpu!raq}lo ^q -ualodlarvrodfueulullaldlcaLlc ol 0ullll/v\aq plnoqs
redola^apaql ,{q pa}ce}uocaq plnolls sarcuaOellv raau;Ouell^lc leco;e '1see;fuenaql lV 'ApnlsfueulLull
'p ollnsu oc aq lsnul u olleyo dsu ell lo lu or uueda6 -atd aql Jol paJl Llaq pl noLl sl uel l nsuoc 0ut.taeul 0
aq l ' po le cola Jaq lsn rrt peol e ll 'lcalord aLl]]noqe -uo ue ' l cal ord aLl ]to az!s oU] uo 0ul puadaq ']uouJ
sujacuoca^eq,{eu osle acll}o 0uluuelda}e}saLlI -dolanaplo slllauaq pue slsoc alenlenapue 'SanSSt
'lca[otd oLl]lo letcos Jo l el uoutuoJt^uol ecl l l Jc {l t tuap! 's} L{ 0l J
ge0agau!uJal op pl noLl suo!l enl e^o f ueul uJ;l atdV
lce du ; a ql ssa sse Allnl ol pa po auuolleuJolu! otll 'sasuac!ll eJapalpue al el s Jol 0ul A l ddepue Apnl s
u te lq o o l JopJou! L {cjPosaJ leu o! }! ppe}cnpuoc o} cnllouocapue' l el uauuo1l nua' 0ul l oau;Oua pal l el ap
fuessacauaq os;e Aeu ll '0uluueldlca[otd]o ]codse e 0ul l eyapun orol aq al qel l l ol d aq l ll M l uaudol a^
slrll u o u olleruro lu!Jo l palce luoc aq plnoqs oclllo -ap e l eql al ns A l rre; aq pl noLl s l adol a^ ap V
uolleruasardcpols!H alels aq1 '0uluueldlca[otd ;o
lred slr.l1lno furccol paJtnbateq Aetl luecttddeaLlI
'lcedurt leluauluoltnuolelluelod lo eaJPs,1ce[otdot]]
ulr.ll! /np olecol ore acu ec! ; ;u0;slecl0 oloaeqoJe ro
lPJnlcauqcJe 'cttolslLllo salls AueJaLllaLl/v\auluJalap u o lle n le ^ f o lls fite u l ut l l ar d'lll
lo o[ ord e 0u lU! ru redr o 0 ulsuoc!l '0ulp unl {cue0e
lB Jap ol aql leql a Jlnbat rsuo! le;n OatleJapa3
on a monthlyand yearlybasis,obtainedf rom USGS PowerPotentialDetermination
rivergaugingstationson many rivers,are available
at the Departmentof Water Resources. A simple calculation using flow and head at the
project yields approximate power availability. The
Averageannualf low data is sufficient for a rough
f ormu la used is;
preliminaryassessmentof power potentialand is
adequatefor the very first analysisof a site. Infor- Pp= Qxh
mation concerning f low f luctuations,however,is 709
absolutely necessaryfor further studies, not only where:
to more accuratelypredictpowerpotential,but also
P1 = power in kilowatts
to ascertainthe feasibilityof hydroelectricdevelop-
ment at extremes of flow (flood and drought). lf O = dV€rageannualf low in cubic feet per minute
the USGS does not have informationfor f low at a (cFM)
si te, f low data f rom a nearbyindex station can be h = net head
adjusted, or index station information on a river 709 - a constantderivedf rom the density of water
with a similar drainagearea and runoff character- at 62.4 poundsper cubic foot
is tics can be used.
Flow might be expressedin cubic f eet per second
The bibliographycontainsreferencesto manuals or gallons per minute. Multiply CFS by 60 to obtain
that explain how head and f low can be measured CFM. Dividegallons per minute by 7.a8b obtain CFM.
for a small project.In the case of a largerdam, it is For example, a f low of 20ACFS (12000CFM) and
recommendedthat: a surveyorbe hired to determine
a net head of 25 feet would work out as follows:
head,f low data locatedin state f iles be used when-
ever possible,and a consulting engineerbe hired
to perform or verify initial calculations of power l-

709 709
availability(installedcapacity).See the inset f or
an exampleof initial calculations. = 423 KW

once a theoreticalinstalledcapacityis obtained, The f igure of 423 KW represenfs the theoretical

the servicesof a consultantwill probablybe needed power available,which is more than the generating
to calculatewhether there is f low at a site enough equipment will produc€, since all equipment will
of the time to install that amount of capacity, operateaf /ess than 100percent efficiency. A reason-
especially in the case of a plant that will operate able approximation is 85 percent eff iciency f or the
as "run of the river."Usingwhat is known as a flow turbinegeneratorunit, thus:
duration curve (see glossary),the consultant will
423 KW x .85 efficiency = 360KW
draw up a curve that shows the amount of energy
produced annually as a f u nction of the installed The /ast f igure represenfsthe power that might should be easy to see from this curvea be availablein a stream. The one or more turbine'
range within which an installed capacity can be generafors ins talled will have approximately this
chosen that will maximizeenergyoutput. power rating. Thepower rating is a/so called installed
lf a site is fargeenough,a consuftant may investi-
gate the power potentialat three or four different
installed capacities correspondingto a range of
head and flow conditions.correspondingaverage stituted for a professionalexamination.The State
annual energy outputs will be estimated,as well Departmentof WaterResourcesemploysa structural
as the rangeof outputs by month and overthe years. engineerfamiliarwith the conditionof manyVermont
dams and who would be willing to help assess a
dam's structural integrity.The Army Corps of En-
Existing FacilitiesAssessment gineers(Corps)has conducteddam safety inspec-
lf there is developablepower potential,the de- tions on numerousdams in Vermont,that data also
veloperand consultantshould assessthe dam, the being availablefrom Water Resourcesor from the
impoundment, and any structures or equipment Corps.
that may be at the site.
Historicrecordsor signs of f lood damagearound
A visualinspectionof the dam may revealsurface and below a dam may be evidencethat the spillway
cracks, hol€s, leaks, and crumbling masonry or has not been able to pass a f lood (Fig.3,2).lf it ap-
concrete. As with assessmentof power potential pearslikely that this might be a problem,the feasi-
(and other aspects of development),a preliminary bility study will haveto includethe cos t of redesign
reviewof dam safety by alayman must not be sub- of the spillway.

'n r aldpLlCu po lle lapse , {pn}sAy
! llq ' l l !s ra^ru !IS o o u l M l o e p o l ea^arseq uep aql
-tsealaLllrol s!sBqaql se saruasosle ll '(A;taldeLlc) pul qaq u Mo p Me rc 'uollellrs ^l l l u e n bluaupunodurg e't a,rn013
al!s aL lldo la^apol llr ur edf ueulullald e r ol sa!ldde
rad ola^ap a Lll u ollm pu e ll ( cu3J) u o! ssrrrrr.lroc
Arole ln Oa u, {0r au f lp rapoJ aL l} o} }lq lqxa ue se
pasn aq uec uodar slLll-'elqedolo^ap suaas lcolold
a ql ll 0u lle clpu! uodar uor .lse o lul pale rodjocul
a q p ln oL ls, {pn1s f ueululllar daLl}lo s0u lpull aLlr
'0u! cueu!lto
Apn ls p a llBlapoJo tue su! eluoc lln Ja ldeL{C 's}uet0
lelopo3ro Ourcupu!l alenrrdol pre0e:ut polceluooaq
p lno qs slelclllo lo luauyedeg 'olqtsealsl
lu ou rd ola^ap(Llo^ 0r
/v\ oloqJo)L lclL l/ v\
lp lsaJalul lo
o ler B a leclpul p lnoL{ ssrsr { leue} l}ouoq-} socaLlI
6 uIcueu!J
,{lrcede cpa lle }su! L lcpaJo l pa Jed uo c aq plnoLls
slllauo q pu e slsoc aL lI 'luellnsuos clur ouocopue sl tl l l V
-dlnberamod eql l o l noA ell enl cBar.l l ' a0e1s
0urroourOua aLlltlll/vtpassncslpoq uec lprlt ,{yllqlseal 'uo!lpLU
!l sa l soc Jol stseq e se aruosol uo!l el eua0
0ulunulaloplo sAervr leJanosole alaq|slsoc lcolord rervrod
rc1 frrcssacou luaudlnba llPlo uollPulLUJalap
p oa cxa p lnoLlssl!Jouaqlco lold'alqt seol oq oI q0nor p al eu ol al qe oq pl noqs l uel l nsuoc aql
'ln ra ldprlCul
lle lap ul p assncslpore ' (uotssncs!PJoLl U nlJol l l l A
su olldo 0 ullorr ey\ . ^illI qlseal 3 lru ou oca Ateulull reldeqCaas) 'uotlonllsuoc0u;lnppolllsapaq ol a^Bq
-a td a u!u JJalo p ol p ap ao u 0ura q se lloM sp'lltuled ,{eu puod ol l }' Lual qotd sl Ll }to A tl ra^ asoLl } uodn
fueu|LUIlard e rol cu3J ol uorlecrldde ue ur fuessocou 0ulpuedag' (e' e' Otf) sreeAaql ro^o pal ;sodapsl r qop
sr r.lcJe asal lorjpt u Arculur lloJd 'slllauoq olqpqord Jorllo pue' ;anel O ' l l !s l o l l nl aq ,{er,upuod aql
olPtutlsa,{ltlonojpuB sjaseLlclndpasodold,{lttuap! ' uep e 0ul pl l nqoJJo 0ul s;etr { q
p lno llslue llnsuo cp 'a 0e 1ssllll lv '^llculca loorll rot popoollaq plno^ leql seojelo apeu oq plnoqsaloN
ra se qcrndaql pled eq o l o clrd o Lll poltdlilnLU 'suOlsapfueulutllald aLlltuoJlaOueqc,{eu sue;dleull
p a le re ue 0 HMy ^ q Aq poutru
^q lenuup o Lll 0u l, {ld l}lnLU q0noql l e ' uol l el sqns pue ' oul l uol ssl uJsuPJl 'peol
-rolopaq uec palejeuao,{olouo}o anle^ lenuueoql ssacce' asnoqj arvrod l o suol l l ppeJol sol l s l el l uel od
'A0 ro ua
lEOr Jloola lo alps oL .lltuoJlo pe u , {euou lo 0ullecolapnl cul pl noc suo!l l ppeornl nl r ol suel d
lunoup aLllasJnoclo s! paulelqooq ol ltlouaqoL{I
'(st socIuau sa^oor
-d ola ^a plp lol lo %gl, {llen sn)u ols!r uednsuo!}cnr}s 'rnolJ poolJ e 6ugsse6{ennlllds Z't, ell0!l
-u oc p ue '0u!suoc!l 'u0rse p Jo l sool 0u uaou;0ua
sE L lcn s slsoc lcoJ!p ul pue 'slsoc ocueuoluleu
pu Psuo llp jado's1so3luaulsa ^u l olBLUI lso plnolls
lue lln suo c oL{} 's1socuo!} cnJ}su o3or {}so plsog
' osle po lelnclecoq plno qs
luecra dgL lo ocue/v\olle
, {cu aO u!} uocuol}cn l}su oc te uo l}lppeuV'}unocoe
olur sajnspau L{cnsole} o} }uacjad97 ,{q posBojcul
a q ole u llso lsoc uollcnJlstr ooa ql lpLll slsa00ns
q un Lll lo alnr poo0 e ipeppe oq plnoqs Llyol os
p ue 'sa 1rsctJo lslL 'luouluo
l JtAu o a Lll plen0ales ol
u ole l so Jnspau lo slsos orll'poleu !lsa r{tti0nol
a q plno q s uolllslnbce puel pue'a seq crnd luoru
-d rn be'u or lcnllsuocp ue 'sle de r slsoc 1e1rde3
suollelnclec I lleuag.lsoc rfueuIutIlard
'Jan om oq'0ulLlsl
-u !rx!p st lua ur drn bapasn olq p! lo Jpup olps
lo , {ld dn aLl}jteq^ or uo s p ala}le o q Aeu o}eLU!}so
lsoc a L{}'p autp}q ooq u ec }uot ud lnbap esnolqellal}l
'fuessocoulou sr saleu cr;rceds acloLlcpue
lo luau

SeLf WlJ

Lf cfusE

Fii^ivAc-stere A?tuy rvrfrl tile A
r-r*(Vtc;Ie oF
W OLtc GaD

\ caJu"{l^L crrJsIrlr,cfiorJ CNNA.ERCIAL
euqtlJftRfuq ffiRAttaU

6 fY?w{ry (He lqrE$c( q eil,v<prl1lgffiv cot!*RvAfroil,5TAl.eAts(&v
zgGSeK-uAltoN OFvrccR.t FEALRAL FlSHERles,RE(AgAatoN, E Hr3{oRtc
.RU:Sett'vlr w*t Aer'^lclr'S.
@/^oRE ?eErl\tas 7r*f ee REqur ReP v ?RoTec{ rs rrl A vEfr-\tfp,
f yftc\L vER/AoIy 6/hAU* rly.VRqn=EqKQ
vrfHru A P^"RK AqEN(-Y, oR co\6{ qu^tr-D t$Rt\Vc{orlxV.
?EvELov^ZN{ tlt'1,iFYn,,
. \cTtV

Fi g ure 4. 1 F low Ch a rt. S te p s i n l i c e n s i n gp ro c ess.

gt-6/ y\U la)tcog '69 raprO i(loulur)6-8/ f!U laxcoC '! L raprOr tz-1Lflu 'oN laxcocl,
'l oV sal cl l od f uo1e1nDags a!l !l l l n c l l Qndo
JAIU Pa p a uol l uau Jlc v J a/n o dle ja paj al ll ol sl .uj oi uosl ! l l s
'olnlels or.lllo IXol otll rot lll xlpuaddyeeS ,,'gvzuo!l lo aoJtal qel tenpsl l uot..uncop sl tl l ' l l tr l l ad fueul ul l
-co s,, se ol poJjoloj , {lte nsn'g vz uo!} cos -etd aql l o soJnpacotdpue asodrnd oLl l sul e;dxa
l 'preo8 n6/61 roqol co ur C U S J A q ponssl V g'oN r opr o
0e a llll sl olPcllluac slt ll 0u ulnbal / vle oLlI
ac!rua sc!lqnd ou l uto rl pooc c! lqnd lo alecllluoc 'pasPoIoJ
E u lelqo lsn u luot ur on lo alels otll u! so!l!llcel ole saruorual ol aq uol l ect;ddel l utl ed e Jo l !utl ad e
uo !sstujsu ejl pue uo!lBjouao culcola A au Ilv JaLl l raoJrnbersal pnl s,{}l l l qtsea}0ul punl sal cua0e
@VZuollces) ,,poog cllqnd lo aleclllyaC,,luotulon leropat ' uol l l ppB ul
' ,{pn}sA i l l l ql seale ul l edol a^
-ap oql l o l uourl sa^Ulotl l Jol ,{i l tnc os apl nol d o}
'(t atd eq Cslr. llut ralel u o! lcas ees) sr asodrndsy ' adA t' {ue l o uol }cnl }suoc} !ul l ed 1ou
a le cllu a C At le ng roleM r cV e o pn lcu! osle lllM saop l l l asuac!le l o ocuenss!l o ool uel en0e Jou 'tol
u o!le c;lddeaLlI 'lcalot d aLl]lo uo! leta do pue uo!] allsrnbererd e raqllaus! llurad V 'CH3J aql Aq peldac
-cnjlsuoc r.lloqlo luol.ussasse lPluotlluoJl^ua ue pue -cp auo A l uoaql oq l l l /v\aop!urredeql poi l l ur qns
's>lro/v\ uo!l ecrl ddeasuac!l orl l l eLl Iaal ueren0 e
^ qLl l uor tt- ge
lcalotd aLl] lo sOut/v\elpc!]Brilotlcs'sotle
-punoq1celordLl]l/vt'ea)elce[ordaq] ;o sdeLuclqdetO radola^apaLllJol saJncosl!t-utadArcu!utt;atd aLlI
-od ol lo uo lss! uq ns a Jtnbat suo lle c;ldde Joulur
p ue ro[ eur L l] og 'h te ldeqC) Apnls At tlqlseo] aq] ' sal pnl s
0ull eyapun stadol a^ap ol l rutad ql seal
^l l l lApnl ^ ql 0uol
s fueul wlt
lo lcn p ord a uo o q pln oq s slLll 'lcel u ! 'uo!lectldde
a suo c!l a Lllat ed et d ol p aJI qoq pln oq s luPllnsuoc -atd e ansst ol C H 3J otl l sozpol ..l lne osl e 'o( 8/61)
le lu a uuo Jtn uop ue 0u; laau;O ue leu ot ssaloJd V 'olqe Vdund to A l al l l l A q papuoue ' gt6L l o l ov aql
-dola^apsl lca[otdeq] ]eL{}arns {lqeuoseals! aqs Jo 'uolllppeul 'CHAJ posuocllaq lsnu slco[otdasaq]
o ll l!lu n osuac! l e ro l Aldd elou lll^ t edola^apV ^qcouuocare sa!l l l ll n l uour an l l P)
llV '(ptr0sl Ll lol pal
plJ0,{ytttn orl } Ll Onol LlocJaurroc
} a} e} sl o} u!o} u!
, 'cH3l aql ruojl ,{1cU}colo llas }eq} ge6Lra}te }llnq s}calotdllEro/pue
alq pltE AB oJe LlloqJol suollelnO atpu e salnU'LUep salels pollun aLll sueoJlsolqeOl^eu
lo uo lllnq slcal
0u llstxa ue asn lPLll( nny 0 091 ueql alou) esuacll -old l arvrodorpA Il q e l o uo!l etnOatLl l l /v\peOl eqcsl
rclew e rol suollecllddeu! solnpecotdpau!lrueolls (CU 3l ) uol ssnl ruJoCA tol el nO aHr{0tau:l l pr opa3
pue 'ssalJo ,{lrcedecMy 0091lo s}ca[ordlle Jo] uo!] aLll'(ge6L)lcV ra/v\odlPrapoJaLlllo I Ued rapun
-e crg dd eosu ocll Jo ut w )o r uJoJ- Uor {s
e dn }as g/OL tl turod fueul ul l er d C H 3J
Vd Un d a ql'CU3J aql {q p asu act l st }l ssalun
p a lcn rlsuoc aq cp] colooJpAt-l 'pa^ l osajpue
louuec lca[o rd V
osuac!] cH3J palopl suocal e sansst l uenal al pue , { esJl aLl }aneq
sa!1redpal sal al uI l l e l eql aJnsua ol fuessocousl
'lsan bet ualltl/v\e l! 'ouJosuapJnq JeeddeA eu poJtnbell l el ap aql pue
socnpold ssaco.tdoL{}to q10ua1 oq} q0noLl }l V' } sar a} ulcl l qnd
saop ueql {laletpoulul!olotu uo!}erllJolu!
u allo ll 'an!suadxaalou J st 0uluo Lldalelq0noqlle aql l cal ord ol papual u! s! ssacord 0u l suool laql
pu v ' {cu a$e oLl} lo syed Jall}o o } auo Jo}oJupc ' 000' 00t$se qcnu sp aq l qO!ulosuadxe
o rl/ vta ctllo uo l0ult lse M Jo IJo A / v\ oNalll Jotllla u! olll pue' aj ouJJo l l eq e pue teer{e ale} } q0l ul /v\al A
u osra d auo qllM lceluo c tlsllqelsao l Inldlotl s! ll -aJ ' tea( e ounsuoc l q0l uJ uol l etedal d l o ssacol d
' ap ln 0e se asn ol uollec; lddellut ad I nlssaccnse lo aLll' My 000' 9L{es ' a}!s JaOtelLl cnu e JoJ '000't$
A do oe'lsanbal u od n'puas osle lll/v\Aeql'0u!lU/v\ lsoc ltlOltupue 'solcuaOealels pue CH3J /v\al^aJ
u ! Jo a uoqd oq l Janosu ollcnJlsu!uo! Iec;;ddeaql Jol aJorrtJo sLlluotuxls tlll/v\aledetd ol^qstlluorrt
Atttelclll/v\saclllo uol0ultlseM pue ),UoA/v\aNaql o/vUoxpl ltl0!trl'a;duexaJol'al!s My 009e Jol suo!l
L llo qu! sle!clllo 'I caL lcol tlslrvrAeu JJadola^apaL{} -ecl l ddeosuacl l aLl l ' ol !s oLl ll o azl s aql uo'asl noc
ln q ' Atolcelst lpsuaaq an eq ( sde ur , ,PPnb,,) sdeut lo'0ul puadap {auou pue aLu!}u! ,{ ;1socAl ttel aq
clr.lde tOodolSgSn '1 sed aLll ul 'eare lcalotd aL1} uec sasuacl lal el s pue CH 3J l o uol ler edetdeqt
lo d ptu e sapnlcu! tlclLl/v\ 'uo! lecllddellulad aLlllo asuedx3 pue oul l
serdocolor1d ua1pue leu! ue saJtnbelCUSJaql
'suo!lsaOOns 0 ul/nollolaql
/v\o llo pt lno qs ladola^ apaLll'pa J!Llse/ nluellnsuoc siltujAd puB sasuec!-l'nl
ou ll .uollec;ldde aq l lno ll!l plno qs uo!lenle^a
fu eu lL Urlald aql Jol palIq luellnsuoc aql'CU3J
a L lllo s aclllo leu or $atp ue le 1luacalll LuoJ;aOteqc
As in the casewith the FERClicenc€,? developer design plans and plant constructionmay be a con-
will not f ile a formal applicationwith the PSB for a dition of the issuance.
certificate unless the project seems feasible.Be-
fore f iling, the developermust send site plans and 401Water QualityCertificate
prefiled testimony to the appropriatemunicipalor FERCwill not issuea licenseuntil the state certi-
f ies that the project meets state and federalwater
regionalplanningcommission,which has a 45-day
quality standards.nrhis certificate, known as a
periodto make recommendations.s
"401 Certificate" is obtained through the Depart-
Prefiled testimony consists of a written state- ment of Water Resources.The consultant must
m ent, either in narrativeor question-and-answer preparea letter,accompaniedby exhibits,describing
form, by each witness discussing various issues the impactof the developmenton water qualityand
of the project. f isheries(see ChapterV for a detailed discussion
After the 45-daywaiting period,a petitionis filed, of water quality).The issuance of the certificate
accompaniedby the prefiledtestimonyand exhibits. signifies that the Departmentof Water Resources
is satisfiedthat the project does not violate water
The petition, which can be in the form of a letter,
states that the applicant proposesto construct a quality standards.The approvalof the Department I
hydroelectricplant at a certainlocation,and explains of water Resourcesdoes not mean that the Agency
that the projectcomplieswith the criteriaset forth in of EnvironmentalConservationas a whole approves
the statute.The applicationis designedto demon- of the project, however,since the Agency might
strate that the project will not interferewith the recommendagainst the project on such grounds
orderlydevelopmentof the regionand will not have as impact on riverrecreation.
an "undue adverseeffect" on aesthetics,historic
sites,air and water purity,the naturalenvironment, Dredgingand Filling Permits
and public health and safety. Exhibits(see below) lf a projectinvolvesexcavationas for an impound-
are availablefor review by various state agencies ment or f illing as for a new dam, the consultant
(the statute enumeratesthem), which make their should apply to the Army Corps of Engineersand
recommendations known to the Public Service to the State of Vermont for the requisite permits.
Board at the public hearing.Most critical issues Theseapplicationsare usuallymadeafter the FERC
involvingtheseagenciesshouldhavebeen resolved licenseis filed and involvefairlydetaileddesign plans.
beforesubmissionof the application.
The Arrny Corps of Engineers requires a "404
It rnay be possible to submit the FERC license Permit"'0if any fill is to be deposited in any water-
applicationas an exhibitin the is likely way with a dischargeover 5 CFS,and a "section 10
that the state will require additional information, Permit"" if there is to be dredgingin any navigable
especially concerning environmental,aesthetic, waterway (most Vermont rivers are considered
and social issues.In any event,the exhibitsshould navigable).
include a map with the location of the proposed
project,a project site plan,?nd any other charts or In addition,the ProtectionDivision of the AEc,
illustrationsthat will clarifyaspectsof the project. throughthe District Environmental Office, reguires
a Stream Alteration Permit'2if dredging or f illing
lf the PublicServiceBoarddoes issuea Certificate
of Public Good, review of subsequent detailed
of 10 cubic yards or greaterwill be performedin a
streamwith a watershedof 10 squaremiles or more.

8lf th e y d o n o t r e s p o n dwith in 4 5 d a ys, th e y d o n o t fo r fe it th ei r ri ght to

'033U .S .C .1344
t o m a k e r e c o m m e n d a tio n sa t th e h e a r in g . "33 U .S .C 403
eAcc o r d i n gt o P u b l i c La w 9 2 - 5 0 0( F e d e r a lWa te r Po llu tio n C ontrol A ct "10 V .S .A .C hapter41, S ubchapter2, S 1021
of 1972as amended by the Clean Water Act of 1977\

'Apnls u r sd a l s ' U e qCrnolJ L' gar n0l 1
^l l l l q l se a l
rc/nt> lvlr-2----=-=\-
'L1.11l.yy/ nl.A)
' /\\O-1>() 7T,1"9
;(n >O VU\lrgYd' QtssN/qlrv >J_
gc,l ) 9rt,'tYx)b/JVNV' o-j 34rvrEta\ 27llYstlv filtOcl>
gLNlvArsl> L2arodd 'Eg1'ttY aLtg ')j-
LH OLSet"NThV a12l )
IdQ) 1 y ' lNtY/)Et gvr)Y vr1190>d
r9Nrgfrili1 ? 1 yll r?l^tNod) -1VlInalod 2' .9 Fo
\frrM ldea? axrc/
L?VtNa2 Altll:ZAf_/
(t ,.rvfgl -t tv/)
9 Y Jaz\ tY/) )])a dv )Y
FoLtvn n1av1 lv^v
L)?Lo>d ' fYot)7'llo>)
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) Lvvt '9o2
aLl v
'c 7 '4 'g 't 1
'No Ll.vv/doJlla
2n lzt9' ) - 9) ) V t p1
d rrv L eo ) \t()>) ) 6aYvl
7f.r tf), Xt -oNl A A al 2
, {U Vn f V/ r la 8 a ) ot-Ly>nA A\o-ly'
)qd Lno
1V r1f{N v
)LrUVro2 d NV
9,j N ,€> nI qA)fnl,"v 1Y2td^I
, )zl 9 ?
a cu eu! l ol sjad ola^ap ol apeu uoaq a ^e q sueol ('Apnl ss Ir ,l l
lsalalul-/vrol pue slueJ0 trl0lttnoluotuulono0 '1seCaLll lo seOe1s0ul 1c;depU eqc /v\ol le rol L' g '0tf aas)
'uo!leo;l ddegV Zuol l cos e pue uol l ec!l ddeasuac!l
u l ' alqp lo^elunsenor d'{p n} s a q} } ! uo^a
'luaurr{eder lo acuPJnsse ^ }lllq!
oJlnbet seol
Iueq aq} 'alqe CUIJ e u! pasn oq uec l erl l tul ol e u! pal uosar d
-Jap!suocs! Isu aLllasnecaS''{pn}saLl}to }soc aLl} aq plnoLl sU odal ,{ttl ql spol l eul } orl l ' po} ce} uoc
Jonocol ueol leuostad Jo ssaulsnqp oleul ,{eutlueq aq plnoqs sj ol cej l uoc uol l cnj l suoc pue sJaJnl cel
lerclaruurocV 'alaLl/v\asla lsanul ol saqstrvr ladolonap -nupul luaud tnbe ' r{pn}s,{tt1qIseol aq} lo se0e1s
aql lprll dn ell uec lnq 'poqlauJuleyoc lsotu ropel oLl l0uUnO' sl soc l suge0epacupl pqsl l tauaq
p ue lsarseo^auou
aql st aAt le uJo llplsJ!l ot ll'0 u! cueu!l laljeru sopnl cu! srsr{l puecl Luouocoaql 'a} eu !} so
lu au lu Jan o0 pup'0 ut cupu!l Xu eq 'slolsonut to lsoc pol l el op e ql l /vt0uo;e ' uor.l l acnpoJol ual el
d no rOe )o'p ue Jedolan apaql r { q 0 ulcueu! l a lenttd solnseou pue slcedu; leluoruuoltnuo to luaussosse
a pn lcul 0u lp unl Apnlsto soclno s alq lssodaaJLlI 's>UoMlpcUl col a pup l l ^l c aLl l l o u0l sop pal l el ap
,{frlele sapnl cul s;sr{l euesl qI ' sl s^l eupc!ul ouoca
'I sPl lln c!lt!p e pue lpluotuuoJtnuo' 0utJoaul 0uepal l el ap oJotu
sr'a Jola JaLll'Apn ls slt ll 0u !cueulJ'slc! lluocle!cos e aXeUapunpl noLl sl uel l nsuoc aLl l ' uol le0tl sa^ u!
JOlelua u uojl^ua alq P^lo sajunlo osnecoqasuoc!l fueu;u;lardaLllralle agqedola^op suaos 1ca[olde Jl
e p alue t0 a q lou AeutJo alq tsealu!,{ llecluJouoco
a no rd JaL llt a{ eut } caf ot d ot l] acu ts 'ut nlat e lo
a alu prpn 0o u t lll/v\puesnoLll0t $ o l 0 L$ LUoJI aOuet
lrl0 !u Jsa rn llp ua dx3',{ pn} suOlsappue At t tlqlseolP Apnt sAlllqlseal a q l ' n
0 ulcue u! lu l ) ,lsUlueclllu 0ls P salel t adolan apV
/(pnts aqt 6ulcueu!J
feasibility studies. Although there is competition repairs).Total developmentcosts are usually ex-
for only limited funds, governmentprogramsare pressedin termsof total annualcosts of the project.
worth investigating, throughthe PSB,the Vermont Annualcost is determinedby assuminga f inancial
EnergyOff ice, or the U.S.Departmentof Energyin life f or the project and dividing the total costs by
Boston or ldaho. Dependingon the site and the the number of years. Twenty years is often the
source of Federal f unding, a more detailed and designated project life.
thereforemore costly study may be required,however.
Constructioncosts includethose for excavation,
repairs,construction of new works, and the pur-
EngineeringStudies chaseand installationof equipment.In some cases,
Severalschemesfor developmentwill be investi- the developeris requiredto pay for environmental
gated in the f easibility study. The product of the mitigation as in the construction of f ishways or
engineeringstudy should be a plan showing the addition of aerators.The latter part of this chapter
layoutof all works,alongwith preliminarystructural deals with environmentalissues.A twenty percent
plans of the dam, spillway, penstock, etc. The contingencyestimateis usuallyadded to construc-
turbine and generatorshould be sized according tion cost estimatesto take into account unforseen
to f low variability and their layout described. A price increases,foundationconditions or damage
preliminarydesignof the electricalsystemsshould d ue to natural d isastersor u n i nsured vandalism.
be performedas well. Fixed chargescan be estimatedin the course of
Fees for engineering and design are usually discussions with insurance companies, lending
calculatedas 10 to 20 percentof total development institutions,and the listersof the town(s)to which
costs. The smallerthe project is, the largerthe fee the project will pay propertytaxes. Income taxes
will be in proportionto developmentcosts, since can be calculated f rom the predicted amount of
the same number of tasks must be undertakenf or income (see discussionbelow).Privatedevelopers
small as well as lar geprojects. can take advantageof income tax credits,a tax al-
lowancefor initialrepairs,and accelerateddepreci-
ation allowances.These benefits should be con-
sideredin the economicstudies.
Although several established American firms
manufacturehydroelectricequipment,most equip- Operating and maintenancecosts are usually
ment currentlyon the marketis of Europeandesign small,but shouldbe includedin total annualcosts.
and manufacture. Severalf oreign f irms, aff iliated Maintenancecosts for items not directly related
with U.S.companies,are planning manufacturing to operations,such as recreationareas,shouldalso
plants in this country.A consultanttherefore,has be considered.Facilityoperatingand maintenance
a wide variety of equipment to choose f rom for a costs vary with the installedcapacity and can be
partic u lar application. calculatedby the consultingengineer.
Tur bines, generators,and other equ ipment can Annualincomefrom the sale of electricityequals
be purchased in a package unit or separately. annual KWH production multiplied by price per
Separatecomponentsmay be lessexpensiveinitially, KWH paid by the utility or other custom er. Price
but may prove to be incompatible in operation. negotiationswill be proceedingduringthe feasibility
The selection and proper matching of machinery, study.A furtherdiscussionor marketingis continued
both to the site,and to the other machinery,requires on ChapterVl.
the servicesof an experiencedconsultant.
The VermontAgencyof Environmental Conserva-
tion (AEC)is chargedwith the protectionand con-
Based on the preliminarycost-benefitanalysis servationof Vermont waters. The Agency, which
is composedof severaldifferentdepartments,has
and subsequent study findings, a calculation is
made of total projectcosts and comparedwith the concerns about hydropower developm ent. The
Water Quality Divisionof the Departmentof Water
benefits derived fr om selling electricity.As with
ResourcesprotectsVermontwaters f rom pollution
any endeavor,the projectis feasiblefrom the economic
point of view if costs are met and a reasonable and water quality degradation of all kinds. The
returnon investmentis realized. Departmentof Fish and Game is responsiblefor
the managementof Vermont's f ish and game re-
Total developm entcosts include the following: sources and related recreational opportun iti€s,
capitalcosts (studycosts, licensefees, land acqui- and for special projectssuch as the restorationof
sition costs, construction costs), fixed charges once-nativef ishesand game animals.The Planning
(taxes,insurance,depreciation,intereston loans), Divisionhas an interestin the recreationalresources
and operating and maintenancecosts (salari€s, of water bodies.

00 Ot S V S A 0;) uor ul esl o u orle ^ra sardpue
uor l e0edor daqg to 1 fu essa oau/v\o lle lo a cu e ual ul eu aql Jap i o A eu
preoB auleg pup r.lsl3orll'aloul Jo 1aalotqnc000'00espunodutlulep p ll*
aq,{eu uear}su/nop
a;?i#Xlfi :iJilin
ol salnspay! 'sp;der lelnleu JaAoJo LUepoLll JaAo
pa/v\ol ll ! l ! aq pl no/n l l se' pal eJopal aq l ou l l !/vl
au!qJnlaLl lq0nol Ll ls/nol l r,l cl Ll /n Jal p/n' uol l l ppe ut
'sallcealueajlsdn lo 0ul 'luouldrnba0ulleJaue0aql Ll0nolLll Jo uep aLllJoAo
-poollJo s/y\ollujeojlsu/noplo uolldnjjalul JaLllla /v\oll,{l ten}ua^ol l l /n Ja}en puod oq} ocuts 'puod
p asne c u ollcnp oJd al p ue 0 ulpoal qll/v\^q a cuajal or{}u! O O paseaJcoppup sal n}eredua}Jaq0l qaq}
-ralul ro oo ur uollcnpor po}ca}}eaq ,{q pa}callp aq os;e {eur qceal ueal}su/v\opaqt
'{q '{tosja^pe
u pc u^q
o !lplnd od LlslI 'fi sn o! ^aJdpa uo !lua u sv ' suol l l puoc
suja cuo c souorls!JJaqlo luor.upunodurll o l uel al ol al e l eql sa!cads qsl l
'orlerl!t ou aq -lso caLlllcalle,{ ;lcellp ll I^ rls!lqplsaol aueg pue qslJ lo luauyedag aLll r.lll/vl
oleredoocol parrnbalaq l qO l rrrJadol a^ apV 'puod
r.lslrl/v\' uo! ler au o0 A0r au ap ase ajcaput lt nsoJ
orll u! lel !qeq qsl l aql l cage \ l car!p l l l /v\saOueqc
sluo ujo jt nbar /v\ olloLll 0u l'{}s! }e socut s'uJacuoc ^errj
osaLllll V ' ua0r{xopo^l ossl ps}l l o auos asol snq}
le3!luce s! slr.ll'sarrj!lllp le papaocxoro pallenbeeq pup Jauul ns aql u! dn l eoq l l l /v\puod e u! Jal pM
ll!/vlMo ll u lnut ut uJ po Jrnbalaql leLll slua uuedac 'uoOr{xodn asn osl e l l l /v\}eq} puod aq} u! ql r vr or 0
a ue c pu e LlslJ pu p ,{ ilt en ora} eM aq} Ll} oq,{ls!}es
poo/npue eeO;eJo stuool q acnpol d ,{eu 0ul qcpol
o slp lsnu lupllnsuoc pue r ed olanapoLlI 'slcallo
pup 'llounJ acpl Jns ' l ! ol ul 0ul /vtol lueoJl s aLl l l o
lelu otlruo JtAuo ale0tt t urr { tlr o} cels! }p so} sp orl}auI
peol alse/v\aLllI,uojl0ulllnsal puod aql u! sluotJlnu
esodordlsnu lo '1ellqeLl qsll Jo 'r.lsl;'A1r;enb lelervruo
lo uopeJl uacuoC ' (1esu;ees) uaOr{xopanl ossIp
lco llP a sJo^ppue a ^e Lllou ll! / vll! leL llale jlsuouap
ssol aJol ol orl lpue uol l el ae l o ssol ul ll nsol Aeu
lsn u lu pllnsuoc pue r edola na pa Lll 'p aleoJcoq ol
urepe 0uIpl l nq A q puod e ol u ! ruearl s0u I/v\ol l - aar l
sr lua upu n odul up ll 'p ue LlJor lloaq l uO 'poluer0
e lo uol sj o^uocaq]' l el l qeq Ll sl lpue,{}!l enbr el er vr
,{l>tc! nb e q A eu o}p clllyoc p'A}! lenble le^ operOep
ol se o s pa lcnjlsuoc o slMJa Lllolou s! Jo 'ureerls lcolle uec ,{ti l l ce}l ervrodorpr{q e l o uo!}cnj } suoc
aq l 0 ulsse dr {qIco}su ed Ouo;e aneLl} ou saop 'lle l el l qeH qs Il pue A tl t eng r al eM
le p u nod u r!I ou sao p ,{ lllce l e ll '(n l le ldeq3 ees) 'luor.uJan lo alels oLllpue
llu lre d , {t !tpnor a} pM lov a q} ro l sa! lddeladolo^op
aq l ua q/v\po ste j aq ll! M suJa cuo coso L{ lo } }sol l CH3J or.ll{q penorddest ,{tllcet e aroloq}aul aq }snu
leLllepol rl c aql l o oruos sl saO0nspue luor udol a^
e, 'sealeuollcnpotd -ap Ja/v\odorpr{q p }o s}cal l o l p}uotuuoJr AuaaL{ }l o
pool pue 0ulurvredsqsll rupollsu/vloplo 0ulzoe;,l auos soqucsop ),l ooqpuP L{ aq} l o uo!}cos sl r l l
Jo 0 ulr{rp se sacu aJlncco r .lcnspue alll c!}pnbe
ra qlo p u p r.lsllr ol le llq pq lo uolleper0 apo ql lua^
-et d o l 'o lq elr ene,{ gle rn} eu 'etJalceqAq paAecaqaJePue
sl }l Jon au aL l/'0 v\LO/ aLl}
u pt ll Ja lea r0rvro llsn on ulluoc e lsanbar {e ut uo!}en JaleA aql telua saJsencluefuo /o sJunowe taleati
-Jas uoCle luauuoJ!Au:llo Acue0Vor .ll'uo lllppe ul sP palaMol aq illtA suolleJluacuoc oo 'Jalsel l!
'sre er{ua } ,{ lanaacuo Jncco o } alq ell sl }eq} po;led asn s{,1/S/U
efuo asnecaqpue 'JauJeMsJaDJ/ sP OO
,{ep-uonosaA!}ncosuoc}sa/v\olaL.l}Jol s/v\ollo0elone ssa/ sptotl AttentceJaleMasnecaq qrcq 'pawJeMst
a Lll ol len b e / v\ollaq l s! / v\oll0LO/ pa lle c-osslLll JapA lt asealcap tlt uaiAxo patloss/p 'pueq JaqP
'r{1r1enb lelervrlueal]sumoporueserdo] popaacxoJo aql uO'saop ayl lew!ue sP tsnl raleM aql worl OO
pouleluleLU ,{1|enu!}uoc oq plnoLls}eLl}/v\ol}unulultu tcertxa Aaqltq11up q1noqlg 'stnoq utittAep 6ulrnp
lo p rp pu else los seq u o! s! ^l6 ra leM oLlI s/saryJ
uAsolotqd1o ssaco.rdatll to Ued sP uaDAxo
^l!len o asealalpue acnpotd ae61epue slueld tateM 'swep
'uo 0A xop a^ losslpa L{ }o cnp oJsuol} lpu ocrlclr.l/v\
Jo sptdet JaAo6ultlel Jaten Aq se'Lto!leJaeqDnoJql
to llp -d n s leaq pue A; rn olsoJo rusoAoLU'luolnqlnl paseaJcu!s1 ua1Axo paqoss/O 'raPM aql u1ua1Axo
sso l p ue Ja/ v\olleLls sou jocaqJo AIJo Lll'paldnrrolu! pe^loss/pto tunowe aql tcatte suoltlpuocAueW
Jo pacnpal s! /v\ollJale/v\ll 'solp0 uep aql Ll0norql
Jo so ulq Jnl oq l Ll0 no JqlJaqlla'raler npole ueOr{xo 'aill JaleMJaqlo Jsow pue qsll Jol ale suolllpuoc aqt
-lla /nlo a seo lal pon ulluo c o r. lluo spuedopsalsem Janaq aql pue 's! Atlpnb JaleMeql rallaq aqt 'Oe lo
olelluJlsseol sJale/v\rueaJlsu/v\op Jol ,{ilttqelpl}ue1od uolterluacuocaqt rcq61qaqt'spnpotd-Aq luetd pue
or.llacu !s 'r.lcealr ue oJlsuA op or ll u l llot Allercadse lew!ue pue'saitettcs!p telJlsnpur 'alenas sp qcns
sr lu au pu no du ! u e ruoll ase alal- uouJo oseatoJ saJspn ut op \eaJq ol ua1Axoaztltln etJalceqlsory
Jo lP /v\lo lc alla oql '0ulcnp oJd arpue aAtlcEoje 'aqtearqof OO paau s{//s/uefuoupnbe raqlo pue qslJ
stu s!u e0roc!lpnbe { ueu pue } samo ls}l }e , {llensn '(OO patet^arqqe)uaiAxo pa^loss/p to tualuoc sJ/ s/
sr /v\ollleJnleuuoLl/v\ sr.lluoutllel {;rea pue Jouuns AtttenbrarcMp lueuodwoc tueuodwlJso w aqt
oLll u! r{1;ecl}lJc }sotu r{illenb Jo}e/v\ujeoJ}su/v\op OO-ua6fxg pa^loss!O
slcalle ,{}lllcetorpr{q0ulpunodr!!ue lo uo!}pJado
Figure 5.2 Fish Ladder(DenilType). The
w ooden baffl es removedat l ef t f it t nt o
the groovesi n the concrete.

Depending on its location, creation of a dam shady fish habitats. The Water Quality Division
where no naturalbarrierexisted before can affect must be notified prior to desilting operations(see
the mi grationof anadromousf ish and can block the ChapterVlll).
migration of local fish species.Anadromousfish,
such as salmon,Sometrout,and shad,travelupstream Game Concerns
in order to spawn. The Departmentof Fish and Wildlifehabitatsmay also be affected by creation
Game plans to reestablishcertain populationsof of impoundments changing wetlands to ponds.
anadromousfish,such as landlockedAtlanticSalmon, Flow regulationmay also impingeon game habitats,
and American shad in the Connecticut River. lf since reservoirand downstreamwater levels may
dams on tributariesof these bodiesare substantially f luctuate independentof naturalf luctuations.The
rebuilt,the Departmentof Fish and Game may re- principalgame species most influenced by these
quire constructionof fish laddersor fish passage- problemsare waterfowland f urbearers.Uplandwild-
ways (Fig. 5.2).They may also require other such life species such as white-taileddeer may be af-
measuresas trappi ngthe migratingf ish and trans- fected by the f loodingof deer yards.
porting them by truck to abovethe dam. Facilities
f or the passageof f ish migratingdownstreammay
also be necessary. SocialConcerns
Construction of a hydropower facility affects
When a hydro facility is generating,fish may be land and water use in dramatic and subtle ways.
directedthrough the turbinedespitethe existence Such recreationaluse of a stream aS a white water
of trash racks.The magnitudeof turbine mortality canoeingor kayakingcou rse, f or example, will be
varieswith the speciesand with the type of turbine. affected by impoundment.lf a forested area is to
The propellerturbine is the least harmfu l. The De- be f looded,the developerwill haveto submit a plan
partmentof Fish and Gamewill requireinformation for the harvestingand disposalof wood. A developer
on species inhabitingthe riverand the reservoiras might haveto bearmost of the costs of reconstruct-
wellas on turbinedesign. ing bridgesand roadsthatwill be floodedout upstream.
A dam is not only a barrierto fish migration,it The developermay be required to provide water-
also interruptsthe flow of the current and all that basedrecreation facilitiesif thereis an impoundment
it carries, causing both organic and inorganic (ExhibitR of the major FERClicense).
materials(silt) to settle in the pond. Silt deposits
eventuallyclog intakesand reducereservoirvolume lf the Federalagency(FERC)in consultationwith
and may requireperiodicdredgingor flushing out. the State H istoric PreservationOf f icer determines
A sudden releaseof silt will increasedownstream that propertieswhich are included in or eligible
water turbidity,damagingaquatic life (fish as well for inclusionin the NationalRegisterwill be adversely
as plants). Such a release might also scour the affectedby the project,f urtherplanningand redesign
downstream banks denuding them of vegetation, may be necessryin order to comply with Federal
thus increasinger osion potential and decreasing regu latio n s.

,,,'/ 4
' l ueu
-- c'- r#{
./ --= -punodul uV ul ,,6u!Hqnlqleg,, t'g oJnOll
'fuessacaull ,{poq,fuo}elnOar -de osuocrle u! CH 3J orl l {q pal rnbal st } uour e0e
e oJo la q,{lIso] o] o lqplt eAE
aq plnoLls]ue]lnsuoc -ueu ulel dpool l pue A l ol ps l .!ep l o uol ssncsl pV
alll 'lro da r aql lo uollecllqnd Jolt v 'lxal oLll dn 'ualqold slr,lllo luolxo oql lctpald ,{eur,{aq}}eq} os
suolllpuoc0ul l el edol o aOueraql Jol l uotupunodur r
leclur.lcol-uou 0ulsn,{las!cuocpue ,{;reatcUaUIJM oq
plnoqsll 'uollecrldde orll u! se0ueLl cuol l enol o acel Jns l o alnpal l cs e
asuoclle se gsd pue CUIJ olll
pue luaupunoduJ!ot.l l o deurJnol uoce L{ } l /v1 uaq}
Llloqol alqpldaccesl lpr.llruJole ul oq plnoLlsyoder
LlsluJnll edol a^ap oql l pLl l sal tnbel uo!l pr uosuoC
slL lI 'p ared erd aq plno Llsyodar pollela p lpull e
'san ssl a Lllto srsAleuepu e /v\ otAoJ leluoruuoj!^u31o,{cueoyoql 'ouozoJoqsaq} ul olll
t nloje c Jaltv r;edulrJo ,{or}sop{eu }nq 'luesealdunAllecl}orl}sap
lrodag {1uo }ou sl sl Ll I ' (g' g ' 0l f aas ,,' 0urJqn}q} eq,,aq} )
pasodxeoul ocaq,{euroul l oJor.lpue s aunl on Jl or uo
-soj u! oseoJcap/v\oue oq {eu oJaq}'uo!}eJodene
'uo !lec;ldde tl01t pue /nol l Mol l o spo;red 0u;rnp pol eJado
cu3J or.llul papnlcu!aq osle ll!/v\'uollcnJlsuoslueld l! l! Jo'poLl sJal e/v\l l eLusseq l col ord aLl ]]l 'aul ] ]o
0u ;rnpAlle lcad sa'lu au do lo^opto slllou oq llpJo^o po;red Uorl s ureyac e JaA o/v\ol l ul,{q paL4sl ua;der
aL llto u olssncslpV 'sa l! s c;uc; dp ue saLlcu nelleoq oq uec leLll Jale/v\Jo lunoup aql ,{|uo JtoAJasaJ
se Llcn s'lua udolo^op aql qll/v\po cnp ollu! aq lll/v\ e u/v\op/v\eJpol a3llcerd lpulJou s! ll 'spunolo
le ql sllla u aq lercosoLllaqrJcsaplsnr r Jlue llnsuoc Ieluauuojr^uapue 3llaqlsoeuo LlloquJacuocoutos
aL llu o lle c;lddeasuacll CUll aLlllo uo llco s e ul asnecAeurJloruosolp u! slanalJale/v\0ullenlcnll
' euol uc c!l aL{ } sae
roluaudora^ap aLr} ararr.;:ll3il;'H
r.r}r/n s,pJeogoctruasc!lqnd aLllol rujoluoclsnu lca[ord
sa url u o!ss il.usueJlpue r{ tillcelaLl}}eLl}suo!sslur aql lo yed oJe l erl l sl oppJoc au!l uo!ssl LusueJI
-ruo c 0 uluu e;d leuo gO alp ue lpco l o l alellsuoruop 'sacual Jo s1uel d,{q 0ul uooj cs aJtnbar, ( eur} uel d
o sfp lsnur luellnsuoo aq l '0uUea q gVZ,uollcos orp{q V 'pasteJaq osle }L;0!LU }uaupunodu! aLl}pup
a Lll o l ,{yed e se c3v o tl} ,{ q se lla /n sp u o! 1ecl|d sa!llllcell cal ordaq] 0ul uJacuocsonsslcl]aq]sav
not need a FERC license.This option thus avoids
a potentiallytime-consumingand costly process.

Vl. MarketingElectricity lf sellingto a utilitycompanyis the chosenoption,

the utility will need to know details of proposed
operation in order to estimate a price. The utility
will want to know the physicallocationof the plan,
A privatedevelopercan sell electricityto a utility its capacityand annual energy output (KWH),and
company or to a local is also possible the plannedmode of operationand dispatch.Loca-
to create a new utility to Sellto retail customers,'3 tion in regard to utility transmission lines is im-
but in most casesthis option is not worth the effort portant, since the cost of lines interconnecting
or expense. with the grid is directly relatedto their length (as
The PURPAof 1978removedmarketingobstacles well as the voltage of the transmission line).The
f rom the path of non-utilitydevelopers.The Act re- utility also must determine whether the nearest
qu ires utility companies to purchase power f rom transmissionline is alreadybeingused to full capacity.
and interconnect with a facility that is privately
By the time the feasibility study is underway,
developed.In addition,the Act mandatesthe s tate
the developerand utility should be negotiatinga
regulatoryauthority(PSBin Vermont)to set a"iust
contract. The services of a lawyer are essential
and reasonableprice" that protects the interests
here to write a clear contract.lf agreementcannot
of both utility ratepayersand the privatedeveloper.
be reachedover the price or terms of the contract,
A detaileddiscussionof this f ollows below.
a developershould contact the PSB to discuss the
Although a developer is guaranteeda market difficulties.lf no resolutioncan be reached by in-
with a utility,anotheroptionmay be equallyattractive. formal negotiations,the developershould send a
A developercan negotiatea joint ownershiparrange- written petition to the PSB for a rate hearing,?S
ment with a localindustryor industries,for example. mandatedby the PURPA.The PSB will define terms
ff the users of the power are also part owners, flo of a purchase power contract that hopefu lly, is
state regulationis requiredand the developerdoes satisfactoryto both parties.

' rEnablin gl e g i s l a t i o ni s 3 0 V.S A.SS2 4 9 ,2 5 1 ,2 5 9 .

'su o! ln lllsuI 0utpual s),UoM lca[ord oq] ' puocas ' ]ca[ord aq] J o] papoou
r.ll! /vlu ollo pue r{ lue do a}e c!unuru oc } ue} lnsuoc ,{auou }o }unoue aL{}o} pereduoc l l eul s Joq} eJs!
pue radola^apaLllleql lueyodul s1ll '1a/nse luorrt
'{ttensnJo/noJloqaq} to r.lUo/v\ }au aL{}'}sJ!J 'ueol
-dola^aplo slcedseJaqlool palelalpue palplalJalu! uollcnJlsuocJplnOare pup ueot 1cefordrervrodorp'{q e
a le slu au oltnber 0ulcue ut l lpr. ll sn olnqo st ll uao/vuaqsacuojalllp lelluelsqnsleJo^asaJPajoql
'lllo ld elqe uosea lp o pt noJdse lla/nse se0e0yout ' 0uIln paLl csI l p
q lo q u o le dt cuptdpue lsar alu t Ae d ol luolclllns aleulpJoocpue ,{auoujlo }unoup aorele aoeueuro}
o q aJo la laq l lsnuJ /n oll qse c lca[o td aL lI 'Jopual ,{11qeslLlut ocuoplluocaneq}snrusJapualaLl}'uol}
Ja Lllou eu loll a 0e 0u ou l tot un I Jo pu oco s e paou -cnllsuoc l ce[o.rdeOeuerrt o] sasodol dl edol anope
{eur aLl 'rapuleuaJ aL{},{ed }ouuec tadolanapaLl} l! 'puprlraql o aLl luO ' paLl sl u!lsl l caford aqt uaq/v\
il 'Ja pu !eu oJaql ,{ edo} Ja do la^apaq} } cad xa lll/vl JOU/rAO O tl l Ol ,,{O >,1 A q} JA A osuJh},,pup'uot} cnj } s
pue lunoue paltnballelol aq1;o a0eluocladuleyac -uoc aJ!l ueaql q0noJqlsatJJpcrrJJ!l e aJaLl Mauo sl
e A luo p ua l lll/ v\JapualaLll'e0 e0 uo ulau loq e ul se 'louq ut lseJluoc,{aIuJn}v '(s)rapual oq} pupledo;an
lsnf 'A Uedo rdaL lluo oO e0yourlsr !t e Aq pocueu!l -ap aLllr.l l oqol rsu sacnpoj s!rl l ocul s ' r ol ceJl uoc
a q lll/ v\lq a p uIJal-0uol'a clru asslLllJa llo osle ,{eu P rll!/\ ,,l ceJl uoc,{e1uJn},,E seq radol a^app aJoq/n
slue q le !cJauulo cluot ulon u l L l0noLllle'0ulcueu!l lcalold e o] on!]decel aJoru oq r{eur slapual
lqa p uJa l-O uolJollo Ale nsn sa! ueduoc ocueJnsul ' radol o^apaql ol 0uol e passed
p ue sXu eq s0 ulAe S'sueol uo tlcnllsuo c pue pua oq ol sunJJoA losoc uol l cnj l suoc Mol l e pl no/vll eLl l
luo ll a L llu o lsoJalu!pue led! cultdse llo/ v\se luotll lceJluoc,,sn|d1sOC,, B Ol lceJluocecr,rd-paxll e lalald
-dlnbeuo onp sluotur{edsopnlcu!}qap tuta}-Ouo-l sJapuol ' pouol sap sp pup ' l aopnq uo ,eur l l uo
'JOJn lCelnueu
ll!nq oq l l !M l cal ord or]] ]eq] 0ul ao]ueren0tcer ]uoc
lu au dln ba a u! qJnlaL llaq plno c 0ulp un l uotlcnJls uollcnjlsuoc p o^eLlosl e pl noqs l adol o^op or ]l
-u oc lo acJn os olqlssod JaLllouV'su eo l uotlcnJls 'sltuuadpue sosuasll to ou;ulPlqoaLll ol lcatqnsapeu
-u oc rce A-7J o -L aplnold { eu slupq le! cJaruuloC oq uec sl uotueel 0e
'asa ql rlll/vlJ e!l!t upla q , {eu o clilo Aolou3}u oujjan 0ul cueutl fueul url l er dual l o
'0ulcueullrol 0u;r{ldde aJoloq1ca[o.rd er]l Jol sasuocrl
orll lslso c u o!lcnJlsuo ca uo s Janoc ol alqeltene pup sllurad u!pl qo ol fuessocauosl e st l l .l er vr od
eq ,{eu su eJ Oold} uel0 lo ueol } uoulu Jon og'Jncco
,{tddnso} oJnl l etrol pesodur oq o} sol l l eued,{ ue
'slsoc }se so sua dxaJanoco} alqplteneaq } snu LlspC pue'p!lpAst l cej l uoc aLl ll eLl lauIIl Jo rJl 0uol'^ l l cl Jl
lua uo0eueul pu e 'r oq el 'slepaleu Janocol -colaJol pl ed acr.rd' penl o^uI sal ued aql sal l l l uapl
0ugcueu;;ulal-UoLlsB saJlnbeluollcrulsuoc1ce[ol6
lcPJluoc aL{l 'rer{nqoLl} r.l}l/vl}ceJ}uoctarvrodaq}
ueq lEtcJoruujoc ruojl /!^o!AaJ ol poau ll!/vlJopuolorll 'utoleu ,{}alesalge
sueol LUJaI-uoLls ,{q ro 'sueol Jo s}uelo }uoruulenoo -uoseale oApL{ se lla/\ se 'ledola^opoLl}o} uJn}allo
,{q 'sp un l u /v\os, redolan opa q} }ouruo aq , {t tensn aleJalqeuoseoJp aprnoldpue 'upol aLlluo ledlcur.rd
a^eq 'uo tlcn Jlsu oc ol d n 0ululr ^q {la ^o 0u lpnlcul pue lsojolur,{edo} oclllns }snuj auocul 'Japuale o}
's1so c,, pUa- luojl, ,po lle c-os'0 ur cueut l olejedas poluosal d aoel ced e l o l uauJol o010u;sl ueuodur r
o^eL{,{eu e0e1s}uorudola^opoll} lo yed LlcBf lsoul oLlls! lcafold aLl]lo /v\ouLlsecpo]ca[ordolll-
6ulcueu!JutJa1.6uo'lpue -Uotls ' eUol Ucl ueyodLUI Jaqunu
e Ats!les l snur sl q} ul pocueul l aq }ouuec } eq}
'slue llnsu oc p up radolanap 'lca[ordaO rel "{ern ' ^]l l l l n ,{1l l ed!c!unuJ
v ro e s! radol a^ ap
a ql lo , {ullqp}n de rpue acuat jodxaa q} lo pue /noll aql ,{llercedse' auol e
ll radol a^ap oq} } ou
Jo r.l U o/v\
Llsecalenbapeue lo socueJnsse ojtnberlll/v\Japuol aLlluo pacueu!toq A tqeqord uec sl cel ol d l l eur s
a Lll 'lca lo rd uo!] cnJ]suocfueulp Joue ut upr .l]]uouj eualuc 6sjepua-l
-dolanaprernodorp{qe ur JoJJaJol r.uoolssol sr alaqr
'u eo l orll lo ( or1er'{1lnb ao } }qap) e oe ra^aloq} sl
ocuara#lppr!rllv '(allsJelnctued e rol pauolsepuolsnc
ale {e qt il , {lle;cedsa)rapuol aLl} o } on le^ olpsar
alutl a^eq luaurdrnba oLllua^a pue 'esnoqlervrod oLll
6ulcueu!J' l fn
's1q0;lJale/v\'ruep aql 'doqs ou!r.lcerrJ e Jo asnoLl
luaruuedeue o)| un 'leralpllocupol se Inlosnlou aJe

Construction of the project is the next step in

developmentafter feasibilitystudiesand licensing.
A constructionengineer,a memberor subcontractor
of the f irm that designedthe project,usuallyman-
ages the entire building process (civil, hydraulic
and mechanical,and electricalwork)from excavation
to bringingthe new powerplanton line.This person
usuallyhas written or assistedwith equipmentbid
specifications,and is f amiliar with the intricacies
of the project. Occasionally,the equipment man-
ufacturerwill provideconstructionsupervisionfor
the equ ipment installationas a condition of the is importantthat one personsupervise
constructionfrom beginningto end.
The project managerputs the constructionwork
out to bid and chosesthe generalcontractor.There of a Propeller
Figure8.1 Installation Turbine.
are many qualified heavyconstructioncontractors
in Vermont and northern New England,although
none specializein hydro work. Contractorsusually Any activityinvolvedin constructionor operation
submit a performancebond with the construction of a plant that will violate water quality standards
bids. The bond, usually for 10 percent of the bid, requires a So-called1272 order'o f rom the Water
protectsthe developerf rom cost overruns,delays, QualityDivision.Examplesof such activitiesinclude
or errors in construction.lf the bid is rejected,the desilting of an impoundment,eXcavationof a tail-
check should be returnedto the contractor. race,and releaseof water f rom a coffer dam. The
The projectmanageris responsible for scheduling order specifies dates on which certain activities
cons truction so that outside bu ilding coincides cannot take place and requests notification of
with dry seasoos,inside work can be done in the Agencypersonnelso that they can monitoroperations.
winter, and equipment arrivesat the proper time
Becauseof delays in construction or other un-
to be installed (Fig. 8.1). Delays in construction
forseeablecircumstances,constructioncosts may
timing or equipmentarrivalcan be extremelycostly. have to be cut. A developershould be careful in
Public relationsis also part of the project man- cutting corners, since a rushed job may cause
ager's concern. Since construction can involve more problemsthan it solves.On the other hand,
blastingof ledgeand movementof heavyequipment, unnecessaryparts of the construction might be
such events should be timed to be convenientto eliminatedwithout loweringprojectdesign standards.
area residents.Such courtesieswill earn good will Discussionsbetweenthe developer,projectmanager,
for the project, dlthough it may be impossible to constructioncontractor,and f inancerscou ld yield
avoid some d isturbance. fruitful resultsin this area.

'osecti on1272 of 10 V .S .A .C hapter47

' sl o l e Jo u a 0a e l q l l n o 0utl coul pup
s/noput/nosnoqJo/ylod aql olu! Jole/npuE
o cr l o sl u n q c Ou l p u a s' ual oJq p pq LU pp
a o r o n tsu a l xau e ' u o l p l se/noJn l cl ds! ql
aJolag 'dn>;ea.rg ecl 6u;rdg Z'6 aln0r3
'au!l sir -llle palsa l oq plnoLls''3lo ureu aql ' pace;dat Jo pal pctJqnlpue pol cadsu!
' sor]cl!/v\sa Jnssa jd'sr { e; al 0uIp nlcul'}u au IdInbo aLl l apl sul
aq lsnu socol d l el anas' osnoql ervrod
,{1 a ;esaq l 'poOueqc}ce} uo c ulpuraq} pue palll aq
p lno qs lce luoc 0ulcJpaLllf ue ssao oul! p ue '0ulllld
Jol p olcaL lcoq plnoqs Jo), lp ajq aLlI'Jo xpo Jqllnsjtc saroLr
0u 1,ds
Ji:l :iffi"iJl,i:iiTilli;
or.lllo uollcedsu!alll 0uunp paJe00eur pup paueolc Ll0noJql),l ool suadaLl l 0ur,ranoo oJnl cnJl suapoo/v\
padeqs ,,A ,, paUaA U ! up ol u ! Ieal ol Jol e/v\/vto1e
aq p ln oL ls r oleJaue0 a ql ', {lleclpo;r adpo}cads
u! aq plno LlssJoXeo rq ol st ,{yl l }ne posn poLl }auuo!}el nsu!sno!ua0ul
llncJlc pu e JoleJo uo 0eqt
auo 'pal el nsu! ^qro adel l paLlA q pol eoqoq uec Icol s
')u n lce lnue u aql papuotu ruocojse Jo , {lr.l}uoru -uad oql ' ural qord e sr 0urcri l ' aul ql nl aLl l ol M ol l
p ese al0 a q lsnu ou!q
^ q Jnloql uo sele o lor cl/vlor.ll- lsulsoJ uec ' punoJ0enoqesl l l i l \ l pl cadsa,r 30l s
leujou JopunaJou Jo sJpeAgz -uadaql apl su!dnpl l nqacl (z' o' 0t:) ' sapocarr al e/v\
lse l lllrn, {eLl}'ocueua} uleupo oOq} lM .uo!} r.l0tqaLl l uor1Masn-ol Jol sul d aql pue J aqunl aLl l
-e cuq^llen
snouedaJtn ba l'0u tjpo q Jalua caql 0urnes'panouol oq uec spleoqLlsell aql lo lle Jo ued
-sa ' aulq Jn l oLll uo sp ue lD 0u Ilced pu e sou^l;erced
ljpoq 'palcodxeoJes/v\ol act J Jo 0ul pool l l l ' M BSu!pLl cp
l!/v\spjpoq aLllpulLlaqloal 0 Jo 7 Aemelnc oq uec
oc! orll Jo' spl eoq aLl lJeauaol l Jol emdeel ol posn
'poolJ e ral l v { cerqs erl 6u; ueag3 L'6 al n0rg oq uec sl al qqnq rl V ' ul ol qol d e osl e s! spr poqqsel t
uo dnpl l nq oct ' posn l ou st Jal qqnqe l l Jal ur /v\ul
,{ilepsorul }l pl o^aspaJeal caq o} o^pq sl unLl c
acl '(l'O ' 0g) l o pasodsrp strqap ol l^eu l pue',{ l l ep
lsPollp palpJ Jo poupolcoq lsnu s),l3eJ qseJlorll
'ocuPU ol
-ureu ,{t>,taam Jo A l tep aJtnbarA eut s),U o/n apl s} no
lnq'uo!l pcUqnl c!po;rad pue suol l cedsul r { l r eeA
,{1uosol rnbal A l tensn}uourdtnbeJa/v\od'sr ear {00
ol 9z r{luoturuoc' sopecop l ej a^osJo} ocupua} ul eu
leLUlulLU saJrnbellueld cplcolooJp,{rl po}cnl}suocV
S[o+ir, i:
, '. ,',"*-,',
*'W i
The operationof a plant consists of starting up
the generatorand turlcines,and synchronizingthem.
l f the utility is dispatching the plant (switching it
on and off dependingon utility needs),automatic
synchronizing equipment may be needed. This
equipment is rather expensive and may not be
necessaryfor the smallerprojects.A run-of-the-river
plant, will probably have an operatorto start and
stop the generator manually. Proper training for
this is essential since an inexperiencedoperator
can damagethe plant equipment.

'urepe puo^aq ssPdol
uPajlsdn 0urler6rurr{srl s/y\ollPlBrl} slood a11|-da1s
lo sauas e 1o ou;1slsuocajn}cnrls v-reppel qslJ
'r(Oraua lecUlcalalo ralsuell
alplsJalu!sale;nOerpue slcalo.rdrernodo.rpAq sasuacr;qclq/v\{0reu3 ;o luatuyedag oqt ur ,(cuaOe
uV '(CdJ) uorsslr,lruroC
Jalv\odlp,tapalaql r{Uauuo;'uo1ssgurr.r,ro3 fuo1egnOeg ,{6rau3lerapal-CUAJ
'luauqcrJUe1ec10o1o1qro lecrt!oLlc{q pasnec'eye;e u; 0u;6e;o ssaco.rdotll-uolleclqdorlnf
'slsoo luauecelda.r
lanl uo paspq Allensnsr anlel ,(O:aueorpr{g ',{OraualecU}calalo anlE^ lalJpur aql-antp1 r{6rau3
'lro/v\uJJolladot Ayllqe aql-Ablau3
'rauJJolsueJl pue :olereua0'a;d tuexarol lr{ycr.rlcala uorssItusupJ}
pue '0urtu.rolsuerl aql qll/'/\palplcosse{1r1rce;
'uo11erauaO e ur ,{raurqcptrtaLll llv-slron lpcplgal3
'upp aql i olaq A olt oql ;o uorl e;nOor
rol pasn s! rl oruasaraql
uaqM u/rloppue dn o0 o1 parrollesl rloruasare lo lanalralen aql qcrLl/v\ {q lunouueaLlI-un opfirprg
'parnseaur0u;aqs! /r^olloraq/v\ ranrJJo ureaJls
e uo guroduanrDe qOnorqlsurerpleql'solrtrJalenbs ur palnseaur{1;ensn'eale aq1-ee.ry a6eu;e.rg
'unncen e aleoJco1peDrauqnssr aqnl aql lo
urolloq oqf 'ourqJnluorlceale [!orl ocellre]aq] olur se0reqcsrpJa]p/v\qclq/v\qOnotqgaqnt-aqnl llerg
',{llenb ro}ernlo sro}pclpu!lueyodur! }soul aql lo
auo sr OO 'Jal!lrad suer0llllur ul parnsparrt'ralplr ur pa^lossrpseOua0,{x6-(OO) ua6Axg pa^losslg
'sl3eJ qsPrlaas-slceu suqao
aql lo Allcedecaq1 fuen ol pasolo pue pauado are Llcrq/v\
'r{em;pdse 1o do1 uo so}eC-solBg lsarC
'r(emqldspue urep'e;durexe:o;)a1ent asealar lo
,{cua 0ta utapue'6 ut ; au ue qc'0urp un od uroql q}l/v\paleroosse{1r1rce; e l o sl l oi /\ aq} l l V -sl Joi llllC
'pueul apl ecl rl cal auo 0u;puadapaul l l l o r o
uo o0 o1 '1utodlorluoc uua1s,(s lprluace tuoJl's1ue1d 0uryetaua6lo uoltcnJlsuraql-qctedslg letlueC
lo 0ullsrnq aLll pasneoapplq lo ace;lns aql ul so!l!^ec:o slrd lo uorleurlol-uollell^pC
^q '{lrcedec pallplsu!s}r }e,{l}uelsuocaletado plnoc {1r1rce;oq} lr pacnpo:daq
plnoc leql {Orauaaql ol r(1;1;ceg
e {q pacnpold ,(0rauaaOeranelen}ceoq} io or}eraql-ro}opl l$;cede3
',(lrcedecpall el sutpal l ecosl V ' pal ej sgstoget eua0
e qcrq/v\
-outqlnllo uolleutquoc ro rotelaueD-autqrnl Jol (My ur)1nd1no tamod leutxeul eq1-fi;cede3
'|.IlPallS lele/v\ ALll
ut Ag gcaltp
paceld lt un p aleasp ar e r oleJauaOarll pup au!qrnl .ral l adorde qcrq/v\u! l l un V -l !un ql ng
'suoseospue sautl lle le paranrlapaq of papaaurervrodlecljloolo lunoulp oLlI-peo-l eseg
'sseq padt.tlspue'1noJg'uotu;es'peqs 'uoaDrnlsere selduex3 'umedsol slpruolutle;nOalssal lo
ajouj le uteallsdn trJ!/v\s
lnq 'sa1e;lo eas aLll u! sa^rlJraqllo Ued e pueds leql qsll-qs!l snouotpeuv
Flow-Volume of water per unit time. Can be expressedin gallons or cubic feet per minute (GPM,
CFM)or in cubic feet per second(CFS).See "Q" also.
Flow Duration Curve-Acurve which shows the percentageof time (in a certain time period)that a
river'sf low was equal to or greaterthan a given discharge.For example,it might show that over a
period of a yeara riverflowed 500 CFS 10"h of the time and 100CFS 80% of the time.
Flashboards-Boards placedon top of a spillwayor dam crest to temporarilyraise the impoundment
Flume-A canal that conductswater to the intakegate.
Forebay-The enlargedbody of water abovethe intake.
FrancisTurbine-A reactionturbinecommonly used in moderateto high head facilities.See text.
Generator-A machinethat convertsmechanicalenergyinto electricalenergy.
Governor-A deviceto control the operationof a turbine or engine,which makes the speed constant
by varyingthe input (amountof water)to match the load. Governorscan perform other f unctions
such as maintaininga constant head pond levelor automaticallyrespondingto peaks in electrical
demand abovea certain level.
Historic or ArchaeologicalSite-A standing structure,part of a structure,or area where evidenceof
prehistorichabitationis found, which is listed or is eligibleto be listed in the NationalRegisterof
Historic Places.
Hydraulics-The sciencethat deals with the laws governingwater in motion.
HydraulicWorks-The works of a facilityassociatedwith the conversionof water energyinto mechan-
ical energy;for example,penstockand turbine.
lmpoundment- Reservoir or artif ic ial pond createdbehi nd a dam.
lmpulse Turbine-A turbine that uses the velocityof water to move the runnerand that dischargesto
Installed Capacity-The total of the capacitiesshown on the nameplatesof all the generatorsin a
hydro plant.
Intake-The structurethat lets water into the penstock.
IntermediateLoad-The amount of electrical power neededto be deliveredat times when the base
load does not f ill demand.
Kilowatt(KW)-One thousandwatts. A measureof electricalpower (work per unit time).
Kilowatt Hour (KWH)-The amount of electricalenergy involvedwith a one kilowatt demand over a
periodof one hour.
Load-The amount of power neededto be deliveredat a given point in an electricalsystem.
Low Head-Sometimes defined as head 66 feet (20 meters)or smaller.Many engineersuse the term
to refer to a type of facility (a)that utilizesa reactiontype turbine,or (b)where there is a short pen-
stock or the powerhouseis built into the dam, or both.
M echanicalWorks-Turbines, pumps,gatehoists,governors,cranes,and all other such equipment.
Megawatt(MW)-One thousandkilowatts.
NEPOOL-New EnglandPower Pool,a consortiumof New Englandutilities that sells power to each
other and that dispatches(callsupon)generatingstations in responseto demand.
On Line-Generating electricityand sendingit out over the transmissionlines.
Outage-The periodwhen a generatingunit is out of service.
PackingGlands-Sealing devicesused to providepressure-tight joints where rotatingor reciprocating
shafts pass through walls f rom one pressurezone to another.
Peak Load-The maximalload in a stated periodof time; for example,yearlypeak and daily peak.
PeltonWheel-A type of impulseturbine.
' aurqJnroql ol urJal e/v\
l rur pe
olaso'co'"' o
"o ;:;il
fi: ::i:l
::il:;:: ff lj il, il:i ;l":1il
aas :qJaAp sp pasn osl v ' aul ql nl v-l aoq/n
'lolcel lemod {1tun1e}lo^ ouo ;o alnssald Japunaraduueauo o};suell{6teua lo alpu-ltel
'uJPpaLlla^oqeuorle^olaJole^ ureuac
lo ulep e utLl}tmsa}ee -saleg alsen
e uteluteulol JapJourrolpl ;o eOessedaql l olle 1eq1{ervrglrds
'p un ol0 p ue sr olcnpuoc uo am laq Jo s1olcnpuocuoa^ laq eoual al l l p l erl uel od l ecul sal f -ebetl oA
'BtZ uorlcos ' V S n O 0l apun{l l cu1ca;el o uotssL!
-sue rlro uoller au eoto ; r{1 1ilcele
pllnq o } , ,pooo cllqnd a}ectl tUaC,,e Jol uorl ecrgdde
lo uV -aseC gtz
' {6r aua
lect ue qcaulolul p tnll p u! alq elr en e{Orauacr}aurl pue ler}ua}odaq} U enuocol aul Ll ceulV -aul qtnl
, ,'{ ppnu,, pue lrpp sreeddBrale/v\pl qrn}{l q0l U ' (nf f) sl l un ,{l pl q:nI
uoslcPf ul polnseauJr{;lensn'lqo!l ra}lecs ol la}pM uqpapuedsnssleuo}pr.u;o {grcedecaq1-f1lplq.rn1
'aulqrnl aql6uuelua uojl spqap luenerdlpql slcel poJJeg-slcpg qsetl
'uorlcnrlsuosureplo poLllau c!rolslq uv-quS raqull
'acerllelaql u!rale^ aLlf-rolBn llel
'osnoqra/v\oo aql uorl ralen lo lauueqclrxa oql-acerllel
'/v\olllalP/\Alo ,Jo
0utlgnqspldet aql Iq pasneclcolsuad E u! strlnncel lo oJnsse:dsenar;eileql acrnapV-IueI abrng
'uiPpaql /\Aolaq
ra^u aLllu! popaau
Jalpn ssed og{;ueur.rdposn uiep e;o yed ramol eq1qOnotqlse0essBdur paceld salpC-eleg eclnls
'arunc uollerno Moll aas-arunc uollelno rnolJ ulealls
' sl ol s lecr l
-ro^ ul dn pelcels sraqurll leluozpoq;o 0urlsrsuocJole/v\
lceq ploq ol JoUrEq{.re.rodualy-6o1 dolg
'Jto^losaJaql ul po.lols
Jo sa urqlnl aql p asn lou / v\ollssacxa aOreqcslpol pasn uep eJeou ro ur aJnl cnl l s y-[enn;l l dg
'upp e a^oqeguatupunoduilue u! llls lo uollelnulncceaLlI-uollellls
'paqcepeaJesapelq qc!qA 01 'surnl leql aurqlnl e lo l:ed oql-rauunu
'pupl otlt lnoqlrli\pe{enuocaq upc s}rl0u osaq}lo lalsuei} pue ales 'r{ervrlalem leJn}eu
e lo Iueq aql uo palpcol puel lo lau/v\oaLll lalel lo asn lo ol ssocoe;o 1q0;,laq1-s1q6;g ue;ted;g
'ujnl ol louunJ aql asnec lole/'A;o r{1tco1an^q
pue arnssald aqt qtoq q3lq/v\ul aulqlnl V-oulqjnl uollceau
'slsoc lenuuPlo tlUo/'i\luasa:d aql
slenba sltlouaq lpnuue lo LlUo/r^ luasaJdaLll tlcltl/r/\le aler lsaJaluraql-luautlsa^ul uo uJnlau lo oleu
'aulll aql to %66 ol %86 Moll 0tO/ eql spoacxoJa^Ue ul /'^oll
le nlcv'sjea^ uel acuo o6pJaleaql uo sJncco rlclr.Uv\ 's{ep anllncasuocuelas,rol e6"reqcs;p
ue au lsa /nol ol,lt^JoAa
s! ,,OlO/,, 'rvrol;aoera^esueaui ,,VO,, '/v\olllol uollPr^ajqqe6uueeul6uaaqtTo
,,'acgldalqeuoseolpue gsn[,,B los o] Acuape
fuo1e1nOar ,{11tn a}els aql solppuptupue {1r1rce;padolarrap{1a1en1rd e Ll}l/v\
}cauuocJolurpue r.uorl
:ar'irodaseqcrndol solllllln sarrnberlce slql'8261 lo lcv sarctlodfuolelnoausalllllln cllqnd-vdund
aLll ul 0ur1e:edosarlrlrlnllp sasuac!l pue saleqnOar lpr.ll,{cue0e}uouran aql-preog oc!ruas cllqnd
'sUe olrI ur paJnseaur{1;ensnA0rauelecUlcalalo uolleJaueO ;o aler aq1-(c;r1ce13)remo6
'uo!lelnOarmo;; {11aer'a
{pep rol pasn {ycedec a0erols lleurs,(larrl}elailo uep e pulqaq paJo}sJa}e/'/\
lo }unoureaql-a6epuo6
'aulqrnl aql ol saleOalelur aql uloJlJalp/v\slcnpuoc leql aqnl V-lcolsuad
Stateand FederalAgencies

Agency Subject Phone

Agencyof Development & CommunityAffairs
Pa vilio nb u ilding
Montpelier, VT05602
Divisionfor HistoricPreservation Historicandarchaeological 828-3226
Willia mP inney,Director s it e s
Agencyof EnvironmentalConservation
H er itag eBu ilding
Montpelier, VT05602
Fish& GameDepartment
Angelolncerpi,ChiefFisheries andgameconcerns
Fisheries 828-3371
Bio logist
BenD ay,ChiefWildlifeB iologist
Forests,Parks,and Recreation Dept. Recreation concerns, 828-3375
Pla n n in gDivision G e n e ra le n v iro n me nctoanl c e rn s 8 2 8 - 3 3 5 7
EdwardKoenemann, Director
ProtectionDivision Streamf low alterationpermit 828-3341
HowardFlanders. Director
WaterResources Department,
Divisionof WaterQuality
DavidClough,Director Waterqualityconcerns, 828'2761
Tho m a sW illard,E nvironmental
E ng in e e r " 4 0 1 "p e rmit
PeterBarranco, DamEngineer Existingdams,engineering 828-2761

Agencyof Transportation
B uilding
Adm in istr ation
Montpelier, VT05602
ShermanJ. Gage,Director Floodingof roadsor bridges 828-2661
Eng in eering
BrookinsDelano,UtilitiesDivision Floodingof roadsor bridges 828'2653
RobertMerchant, Divisionof Operations Floodingof railroads 828'2828

WayneFoster,ElectricalEngineer Section248application, all state 828-2839
lic e n s in gc o n c e rn s
GordonStensrud, Electrical engineering, 828-2636

State EnergyO ff ice

4 East State Street
Montpelier,VT 05602
RonaldAlbee,Director Governmentgrantsfor 828-2393
Joseph G ainza f easibilitystudies

60 LZOV y\ ' uol soB
vv7,9'tzz laarls alels t9
0 rg) u o! le rujolu! lejauac uol ssnuLuoC
sul se8 JoA IUpuel 0u3 /v\aN
t vNotc f u
L0?t8ol ' sl l el oqepl
or pALlIleuJSJol 0uIpunl or l oarl s puocas 099
p))olaj pue uo lleurjoluI oc!l l o suo!l eradOoqepl
L8Z9-t27, s uJeJ0ord ueoI p uP
k rg) lu eJ0 t uauuJano0lelapol luar^,
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t uleld ur eqCoIPl) 8LZ0t A N ' IroA /vl aN
98 L0'V9Z sl! ruradf 0U ereld lPrapaj 9z
(zrz) sl!r lJad0 L uolloas l cul sl cl IroA /naN
z t t , ' lx a ( urse qro^! U'uuo3) v9l z0 vkl ' LU Pql l eM
00?z-t68 slltuJadtgt peo6 o;aderMV
(zlg) slnuJad0 L u ollcas uol s!^l Cpuel O uf /v\aN
sraaul OuSl o sdroC A LU IV'S'n
1808-/9e Irehl ueql euon
r908-/9t raOeuehllca[ord 'prol sapeqC
LZeg'Lgt 0u lsuocll Jalnodorp^Hlo uol sl ^!O' Jol caJl O' osJoCpl euou
Lt08-/9t sa su a c !3l u : lJ pasuas!l l o ocl l l o ' rol caJ!o' suj eJqvpJe/ np3
qZ,V OZ' C' O uol
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Eoz) uo!ssrtuuloCfuoleln Oagr{Olou;1 lelopaJ
Z0gg0In 'ra;ladluo hl
9Zet-828 suolss!r.llr.uoc
leuo;Oerlo slsl-l 0ul pl l nE uol l l ^ ed
acl g9 0ul uuel dol el s
NewElectricGeneration andTransmission Facilities:
Certificateot PublicGood(30V.S.A.,S 248)

(a)No company,as definedin 30 V.S.A.S 201,or cooperative, maybeginsite preparation or construc-

tion of an electric generation facilitywithinthe State,or electrictransmission facilitywithinthe State
whichis de signedfor immediate or event u aol p e ra t io an t a n yv o lt a g eo r e x e rc is et h e rig h to f e m i n e n t
domainin connection with site preparation for or construction of anysuchtransmission or generation
facility,exceptfor the replacement of existingwithequivalent facilities in the usual course of business,
unlessthe PublicServiceBoardfirst finds that the same to promote the general good of the State
and issuesa certificateto that effect. The Public Service Board shall hold a public hearing on each
p eti tio nfo r suchf indingandcertificatein a c o u n t yin wh ic ha n y p o rt io no f t h e c o n s t ru c t io o nf said
facilityis proposedto be located.Noticeshallbe givento the AttorneyGeneral,the Departments of
Health,Agencyof Environmental Conservation, HistoricSitesBoard,SceneryPreservation Council,
StatePlanning Office,VermontAeronautics Boardand by certifiedmailshallbe givento the chairman
o r dir e ctoro f the municipaland regionalp la n n in gc o mmis s io nas n d t h e mu n ic ip ale l g is la t iv beo d y
for eachtownand city in whichthe proposedfacilitywill be locatednot lessthanthirtydayspriorto
s a idhe a r in gNotice
. of the publichearings h a llb e p u b lis h e din a n e ws p a p eorf g e n e racl irc u lat i o ni n
the countyor countiesin whichthe proposedfacilitywill be locatedtwo weekssuccessively, the last
publication to be at leasttwelvedaysbeforethe dayappointedfor the hearing.
( b)Be for ethe P ublicS erviceB oardissu e sa c e rt if ic a t e o f p u b licg o o d ,it s h a llf in d t h a t t h e c o n -
s tr ucti on :
(1)willnot undulyinterfere with the orderlydevelopment of the regionwith dueconsideration having
b ee ngive nto the recommendations of the mu n ic ip aal n d re g io n apl la n n in gc o mmis s io n a s ndthe
m un icip alleg islative bodies;
(2)is requiredto meetthe needfor presentandf uturedemandfor service;
(3)will notadversely affectsystemstabilityandreliabilityandeconomicfactors;and
(a)will not havean undueadverse effecton esthetics, historicsites,air andwaterpurity,the natura
e nvir o n m e natndthe publichealthandsaf e t y .
( 5)p la n sh a vebeensubmittedto the mun ic ip aal n d re g io n apl la n n in gc o mmis s io n in s accordance
wi thth is se ction.
(c)Beforea certificateof publicgood is issuedfor the constructionof a nuclearf issionplantthe
PublicServiceBoardshallobtainthe approval of the GeneralAssemblyandthe Assembly's determin-
ationthatthe construction of the proposed facilitywill promotethe generalwelfare. The PublicService
Boardshalladvisethe General Assemblyof anypetitionsubmittedunderthis sectionfor the construc-
tion of a nuclearf issionplant,by writtennoticedelivered to the Speakerof the Houseof Representa-
tives and to the Presidentof the Senate.The PublicServiceBoardmay submit recommendations
relatingto the proposedplant,and shall makeavailableall relevantmaterial.The requirernents of this
s u b se cti on shallbe in additionto the f indin g ss e t f o rt hin s u b s e c t io (b n )o f t h is s e c t io n .
( d)H owe ve r, plansfor theconstruction o f s u c ha f a c ilit ymu s tb e s u b mit t e db y t h e p e t it io n er to the
municipalandregionalplanningcommissions no lessthan45 dayspriorto application for a certificate
o f pu b licg o o d underthis section.unles st h e mu n ic ip aal n d re g io n apl la n n in gc o mmis s io nss h a l l
waivesuch requirement. Suchmunicipalor regionalplanningcommissions may holda publichearing
on the proposedplans.Suchcommissions shallmakerecommendations, if any,to the PublicService
B oa r da n dto the petitioner at least7 daysp rio rt o f ilin go f t h e p e t it io nwit h t h e P u b licS e rv ic eBo a r d .
(e)However,notwithstanding the above,plansinvolvingthe relocationof an existingtransmission
l i n e m u st b e s ubmittedto the municipaal n d re g io n apl la n n in gc o mmis s io n sn o le s st h a n 2 1 d a y s
pr io rto ap p lication for a certificateof pub licg o o du n d e rt h iss e c t io n .

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