G2 Lab 1 Material Final Report V4

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Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical (EM220/EM221)

Course : Applied Mechanics Lab
Code : MEC 424
Group : EMD4M1A1 / G2


Introduction to Sample Preparation and Optical Microscope for Metallographic Observation.







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3 THEORY 4-8


5 RESULT 14-23







After doing the experiment, we can conclude that the reason why we are doing the experiment is to find
out how the microstructure of ferrite and pearlite looks like. There are five steps to do the experiment.
Firstly, we must do the cutting process. Next, molding, grinding, polishing and lastly etching. We must
do all the steps carefully and perfectly to avoid any error and to make sure we can see the
microstructure. For the results, we can say that we can have a look clearly at the microstructure when
we see through the x400 magnification. It was found that the large white grains are ferrite and the dark
grains filling the gaps are pearlite.


In the study of metallic materials, it is often to analyze the phases exist and grain size in the structure.
Details of the structure of metals are not readily visible through naked eyes, but grain structures in
metals may be seen with the aid of microscope. Metal characteristics such as grain sizes, effect of heat
treatment, and carbon content of steels may be determined by studying the micrograph. Pearlite is
generally observed to nucleate at austenite grain boundaries and grow into the parent phase as
approximately spherically shaped grains. These grains are called nodules and are composed of a number
of structural units called colonies in which all of the plates are parallel. Pearlite is the product of the
decomposition of austenite by a euctoid reaction and comprises a lamellar arrangement of ferrite
and cementite. The pearlite reaction provides an excellent example of the historical development of
physical metallurgy and the importance of the interaction of experimental observations and the
development of quantitative models. It is important to ensure that the surface is totally flat and smooth
before microstructure observation under the microscope. Any irregularity will appear as a dark image
and may create confusion to the observer who attempts to analyze a structure. In order to obtain this
smooth flat surface, several preparatory steps are required.

Metallography. To understand the experiment, the knowledge of metallography is needed.
Metallography is a study or observation of the microstructural features of metals and alloy. Analyzing
the structure of a material is very important as it reflect the material capabilities. The analysis of the
microstructure of the material help in knowing if the material or sample selected had been processed
correctly. This also help us identify the type of the material and determining the material strength and
reliability. To study the structural composition of the selected material, the sample must first be
prepared correctly.
Sample preparation. The material or sample must be prepared according to the instruction. The sample
must first be cut to suitable size. It must be practical for observation. Molded for handling. Molding
would provide greater surface area for handling during the process grinding and polishing. Grinding and
polishing would help improve the surface of material for much more accurate observation Etching is
used to reveal its physical microstructure. Sample preparation must be done correctly to avoid any
obstacle that may affect the original microstructure of the material.
Optical microscope. Also known as light optical microscope, it is a microscope that manipulate the
visible light to magnify the structure of the sample. With a magnified image, the structural characteristic
of the sample can be recorded such as the grain boundaries. For metallurgical microscope there are two
types of illumination which is bright-field illumination and dark field illumination. In this experiment,
the bright-field illumination is used where the dark images from the opaque sample rendered with well-
lit background light. It is obtained using vertical illuminator that is mounted in the back of the
microscope objective. From the light source, the light will travel to the vertical illuminator which then
deviate the light beam into the objective. The deviation is cause by a plane-glass reflector or a half-
silvered mirror at a position of 45-degree angle to the incoming light source axis. The light then reach
the glass plate and reflect it through the optical axis into the objective.

Figure 1 shows the image formation in the optical microscope using bright field illumination.
The light illuminated on the specimen will reflect the sample features through the optical axis and the
objective. It the pass the glass reflector which then travel to the eyepiece where a bright image of the
sample can be observed. Light that reflected from the features inclined with the optical axis will not
enter the objective. That will be the part that will be seen darker in the image. With this, many
microstructural features of the sample are revealed in the image that can be seen in the eyepiece.

Figure 2 shows the diagram showing bright and dark area obtained from the reflection of the sample.

Metallographic sample. In this experiment, student were not brief with the sample material
composition. To identify the material of the sample, all the possible sample for the experiment should
be used as an indicator or reference. There are three types of metal that are usually used for the
experiments. First is carbon steel which is categorize in low, medium, and high carbon steel. Second is
cast iron which have grey cast iron and white cast iron. And lastly the non-ferrous pure metal and alloy.
Pure metal consist of copper and aluminum and the alloy consist of brass and bronze.

Low, medium, high carbon steel. The sample used for the study of microstructure are mild steel, hypo
eutectoid steel, eutectoid steel and hyper eutectoid steel.

Mild steel Hypo eutectoid steel Eutectoid steel Hyper eutectoid steel

- Very low - 0.5% carbon - 0.8% carbon - 1% carbon

carbon - Etchant : Nital - Etchant : Natal - Etchant : Natal
(0.05%) - Microstructure - Microstructure of - Microstructure of
- Etchant : shows ferrite and eutectoid steel continuous
Nital pearlite with 100% network of
- Single phase pearlite cementite along
equiaxed grain boundaries
grains of of course pearlite

Table 1

Cast iron. The sample used for the study of microstructure are grey cast iron and white cast iron.

Grey cast iron White cast iron

- 3.5% carbon, 2% silicon, 0.5% - 4% carbon, 0.5% silicon, 0.4%

manganese, 0.4% phosphorous, 0.09% manganese, 0.05% phosphorous, 0.3%
sulphur sulphur
- Etchant : Nital - Etchant : Nital
- Uniformly distributed and randomly - Dendrites of transformed austenite
oriented graphite flakes in the matrix (pearlite). Majority of cast iron are
of ferrite and pearlite hypo eutectoid cast iron.
Table 2

Non-ferrous pure metal. The sample used for the study of microstructure are copper and aluminium.
Copper Aluminium

- Pure copper - Pure aluminium
- Etchant : Ferric chloride solution - Etchant : Ferric chloride solution
- Microstructure equiaxed grains of - Microstructure grains of aluminium
Table 3
Non-ferrous alloy. The sample that is used to study the microstructure are brass and bronze.
Brass Bronze

- 70% copper, 30% zinc - 10% tin, 2% zinc, 88% copper

- Etchant : Ferric chloride - Etchant : Ferric chloride
- Single phase solid solution of zinc in - Heavily cored dendrites and lots of (α-
copper. Phase grain are polygonal. β) eutectoid.
Grain size mixed.
Table 4
Apparatus/Experimental Setup
• Abrasive Cutter – Buehler Abrasimet 2
• Automatic Mounting Press – Buehler Simplimet 2000
• Grinder - Semi-automatic double disc grinding machine
• Polisher - Buehler Metaserv 2000
• Air Blow Gun
• Optical Microscope - Kyowa Medilux-12 Microscope
• Cutter Blades – Graded A250 and D250
• MAXCUT Abrasive Cutting Fluid
• Cold Mounting Resin
• Hot Mounting Resin
• Epoxy Resin
• Hardener
• Phenolic powder
• Sandpaper (Grade 240,320,400,600,1200)
• Soft Cloth
• Alumina Powder
• Distilled Water
• Etching Agent Example (Nital)
4.0 Procedure – Step by Step Organization
There are 6 steps in total that must be conducted in preparing a sample for a metallurgical
1. Cutting
a. An Abrasive Cutter is used to cut the sample. For the abrasive cutters, there are different grades.
For this experiment, the grades for the blade used are A250 and D250. The application for the
blades depends on Metaserv reference number and the grading of the blades.
b. Cutting fluids are used to dissipate heat on the sample. The cutting fluid used is the MAXCUT
Abrasive Cutting Fluid. The cutting fluid is poured under the tank of the cutter which will
circulate in the machine.
c. Before the sample is put onto the abrasive cutter, the sample is measured and cut down into the
desired size.
d. The sample is then slowly clamped under the abrasive cutter. The clamp is used to hold down
the sample, stopping the sample from moving while it is being cut by the abrasive cutter.
e. After the sample is clamped, the cover of the abrasive cutter is closed for safety purposes, and
the power switch of the abrasive cutter is turned on.
f. The knobs for the light, water pump and cutter are then turned on. When the blade of the cutter
has started rotating and the fluid has started pouring on the cutter, the cutting of the sample can
begin. The cutting process must be done carefully to protect the lifespan of the cutter and the
blade, and protect the quality of the sample.
g. The cutter is then slowly lowered onto the sample before the sample is cut carefully by the blade
of the cutter.
h. After the sample has successfully been cut, the cutter is lifted from the sample into its initial
i. The stop button for the power of the abrasive cutter is then pressed to be switched off, followed
by knobs of the cutting, pump and light of the abrasive cutter which are turned off.
j. The power switch for the abrasive cutter is then switched off.
k. When the blade has stopped rotating, the cover of the abrasive cutter is lifted, followed by the
unclamping and removal of the sample. If the choice of blade correctly matches the application
intended for the sample, the surface of the sample that has been cut will be smooth.

2. Mounting/Molding
Mounting or Molding is intended to help the researcher by making the sample easier to hold during the
polishing procedure, avoiding any difficulties and or injuries that could occur to the researcher. If the
sample cut is already easy enough to hold, this process does not need to be carried out and can be
skipped. There are two methods to this process, which are cold mounting and hard mounting, which can
be differentiated by the colors of the mountings, with the white ones being used for cold mounting, and

the black ones being used for hard mounting.
Cold Mountings
a. The combination of two materials is used for cold mounting, which are Epoxy Resin and
Hardener. The combination is mixed with a ratio of 10:1. The epoxy resin is weighed to 10
grams, while the hardener is weighed to 1 gram.
b. The mixture is then poured into a mould, together with the sample.
c. The sample is then left to harden with the mixture in room temperature for 24 hours.
d. After 24 hours, the sample is then removed, resulting in the cold mounting. The cold mounting
is used for samples with low melting points, which can be affected by the temperature of
pressure of hot mountings.

Hot Mountings
a. The equipment used for hot mountings are automatic mounting press. The automatic mounting
press are used based on certain parameters. The parameters are solidifying time, cooling time,
pressure and temperature.
b. 10 minutes is set for the machine to solidify the sample.
c. After water is let into the machine, the machine is then set to cool the sample for 8 minutes.
d. The pressure is ten set to 200 bar on the machine to lift and lower the sample.
e. The parameter for the temperature of the hot mounting press is then set to 180˚C to heat the
f. Before starting the process, air is let into the machine to start the hot mounting process.
g. The area of the sample, depending on the surface and cross-section that is desired to be pressed
is then determined. The determined area is then placed in a position facing upwards, allowing the
surface to be easier analyzed. If the sample is small, multiple samples can be placed onto the
pressure plate, to save time.

surface to be

h. The pressure plate is then lowered into the machine until it reaches the bottom.
i. 10 grams of Phenolic powder is then poured into the machine. Residue of the powder on top of
the machine is also swept into the machine.
j. The press is then scraped to remove any residues of previous work done by the automatic
mounting press.
k. For the mounting process, the mounting is held on the handle, then pressed into the automatic
mounting press.
l. The mounting is then rotated clockwise to lock it into place.
m. The hot mounting process can now be started by pressing the green button.
n. The machine is then left to complete the hot mounting process for 18 minutes, after which the
sample is removed and moved onto the next process.
3. Grinding

This process is conducted to remove any scratches on the surface of the sample, that could be inflicted on
it during the previous processes of mounting and cutting. There are two steps this process, which are
rough grinding, and fine grinding.
a. For the process of rough grinding, sandpaper with rough grades are used, while the process of
fine grinding uses fine graded sandpapers.
b. The rough grades are, 240, 320 and 400. The grades for the sandpapers used for the fine grinding
are 600, and 1200. The grinding process is done by the order of the roughest graded sandpapers
to the finest graded sandpapers. The grinding process is one of the most important process in the
preparation of the sample, in ensuring the removal of the scratches on the surface of the sample,
allowing the sample’s surface to be properly analyzed when seen through the optical microscope.
This process is conducted with the use of a grinding machine.
c. The sandpaper that is graded to 240 is put onto and fitted properly the surface of the spinner of
the grinding machine.
d. The power switch of the grinding machine is the turned on, followed by the switches for the
water and the motor of the machine.
e. The water pipe is then turned on to allow water to flow onto the spinning surface of the grinding
machine. The purpose of the water pipe is to cleanse the surface of the sample while it is being

f. The sample is then pressed hard onto the spinning surface of the grinding machine, until changes
occur on the surface of the sample. The technique used to grind the surface must stay consistent
throughout the whole grinding process, as showcased in the picture above.
g. When changes do appear on the surface of the sample, the machine can be stopped and the
switches for the water and motor can be turned off.
h. This process is then repeated for the 320, 400, 600 and 1200 graded sandpapers.
4. Polishing

For the fourth process of this experiment, a soft cloth is used with a polishing machine to clean the
surface of the sample. Other materials used for this part of the process are distilled water, four processes
of alumina powder which are 9.5-micron, 5-micron, 3-micron, and 1-micron.
a. Before the beginning of the process, a soft cloth is wrapped and fitted properly on the surface
that will spin on the polishing machine.
b. For the process to begin, the polishing machine is turned on by switching on the power switch.
c. The 9.5-micron alumina powder is then poured onto the spinning surface of the polishing
machine, followed by the pouring of the distilled water onto the same surface to be mixed with
the alumina powder.
d. The sample is then gently held onto the surface of the cloth that has the mixture of the distilled
water and alumina powder, as shown by the picture above.
e. The sample is only held in one direction throughout the process.
f. After the process is completed, the surface of the cloth is completed by opening the water pipe,
allowing the water to flow onto the surface.
g. The alumina powder is then cleaned by rubbing our hand on the surface of the cloth while water
is flowing.
h. This process is then repeated for the 5-micron, 3-micron and 1-micron of alumina powder.
i. After repeating the processes for the other microns of powder, the resulting surface of the sample
should resemble a glass-like surface.

5. Etching

The agent used in the etching process depends on the material used for the sample. For the example used
in the video, the material used is mild steel, thus the agent used for the etching process is nital.
a. The sample is put into the nital agent for 10 seconds.
b. The sample is then washed with water.
c. The sample is then dried.

6. Optical Microscope for Metallographic Observation

Immediately after drying, the sample is carefully put under the objective lens of an optical microscope
for Metallographic Observation.
a. The microstructure of the sample is then observed through the eyepiece with different
magnifications. The magnifications used to observe the sample’s microstructure are x50, x100,
x200 and x400.
b. The observation is then drawn to be analyzed.


5.0 Results
The microstructure of the sample used was recorded by taking picture with each magnification. There
are 4 sets of pictures recorded. Below are the sketches of each of the magnified picture of the sample

Diagram 1 is sketch at M5 Diagram 2 is sketch at M10

Diagram 3 is sketch at M20 Diagram 4 is sketch at M40

As the magnification increase, the microstructural component of the sample can be seen more
clearly. With a clear visualization, further analysis of the structure will become easier. Referring to the
sketch for analysis may result in error because the sketches may have not drawn accurately.
The result obtained from the experiment must be analyze further. First, analyzing the microstructure.
The microstructure are recorded in four different magnification using the optical microscope. The
diagram 4 provide with a much clear visual.
1. Comparing with theoretical and experimental result.
By comparing the recorded result of experiment with the theoretical given, the


data closely resemble the microstructure of hypo eutectoid steel. First, the sample does
not undergo any heat treatment. So, any structural composition related to heat treatment
is no longer usable. By referring to Diagram 4, the sketches of the M40 magnification, it
shows that there are cluster of dark spots. Those spots are called pearlite. The lighter
region is proeutectoid ferrite. Proeutectoid ferrite can be seen exist in continuous
structure surrounding the pearlite cluster. This can be observed in Diagram 4.
2. The basis of sample preparation
Based on the experiment, it can be said that proper sample preparation is crucial.
These sample will be used to observe the structural composition of the material to
determine its reliability in overall application. As scientist need to be accurate in their
experiment, perfectly prepared sample will be able to help them produce a more accurate
and reliable result. For example, the result of observation from the sample prepared. If
the sample was not properly undergoing all the necessary steps and procedure, the
microstructure may not be visible under the optical microscope.

Diagram 5 shows the hypo eutectoid steel labelled with proeutectoid and pearlite

7.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, a proper sample preparation had help into recognizing the material microstructure
and thus determining it as hypo eutectoid steel. The result obtained from the observed microstructure is
clearly reliable and visibly clear.
It is recommended that the sample preparation are conducted in a much more simple but reliable
procedure as the current preparation is time consuming and not cost productive.

STUDENT ID: 2020898836


Figure 3 : Sample Under 100x Magnification

Figure 1 : Sample Under 50x Magnification

Figure 4 : Sample Under 400x Magnification

Figure 2 : Sample Under 200x Magnification

STUDENT ID: 2020898836

The results show that the procedures taken have resulted in a glass-like, smooth surface that can be
As the sample is put under the magnification of the optical microscope, the properties of the
microstructure of the sample becomes clearer. This is evident as the patterns of the structure become
even more visible as the magnification of the optical microscope increases from 50x to 400x.

6.0 Discussion

Through the results, we notice the characteristics of the sample being similar to a hypoeutectoid
steel, with alternating layers of alpha ferrite, which are thick layers that are light-phased, and Fe3C,
which appear to be dark, thin layers in the microstructure.

The processes used in this experiment has helped in the researcher properly analyzing the
microstructure of the sample. Through the processes conducted, the resulting sample has clearer
and more visible surface, allowing the researcher to identify the characteristics of its structure.

Figure 5: Ferrite Crystal Structure

The carefully orchestrated metallographic sample preparation procedure was properly conducted. This
resulted in the surface to be easier analyzed. From the processes conducted, the flat, mirror-like surface
has been achieved.
The process of magnification of the image allows the observer to have a closer and larger view of the
surface. This has assisted in observing the surface of the sample, allowing the characteristics of the
sample, such as its carbon content, crystal structure, and grain sizes could be properly determined. The
result of this experiment shows the validity of previous studies, such as the effect of etching in revealing
structural detail, chemical uniformity and hardness patterns
A possible error in this method is an unclear observation in the resulting difference of each grinding
interval towards the surface of the sample. This error may lead to the surface not being clean enough, and

STUDENT ID: 2020898836

not being able to be analyzed easily.

The results of this experiment are expected as the steps taken to achieve these results are attentive in
reaching the desired outcome. The sample is thoroughly cleaned throughout the whole experiment,
ensuring the glass-like, flat surface of the sample is achieved.
The significance of the results achieved has shown that a proper preparation of a sample for metallurgy
observation plays a big role in determining the accurate characteristics of a materials microstructural

7.0 Conclusion
The experimental approach used for this experiment is very meticulous and detailed. The steps taken
were very careful in ensuring the result came out as best as it could.
Based on the results of the experiment, the characteristics of the sample’s microstructure were
successfully determined. The grain size and carbon content of the sample were learnt and derived from
the observation made from the magnification provided by the optical microscope.
These results prove that a proper preparation of the sample is essential in providing a crucial result for
experiments conducted involving Metallographic Observation. Without a proper preparation, the phase
and characteristic of the experimented sample cannot properly be determined.
For future studies, it is recommended to use tools such as a magnifying glass in determining differences
to the sample after processes such as grinding and polishing. This is to ensure the sample has been
properly cleaned resulting in a cleaner surface.

STUDENT ID: 2020859824

5.0 Result

Figure 5.1 Sample under Optical Microscope with magnification x50

Figure 5.2 Sample under Optical Microscope with magnification x100

STUDENT ID: 2020859824

Figure 5.3 Sample under Optical Microscope with magnification x200

Figure 5.4 Sample under Optical Microscope with magnification x400

6.0 Discussion

Based on the experiment, shown in figure 5.1 to figure 5.4 is figures that had been observed through
microscope view, we can see the microstructure of the metal were either mild steel or low carbon
steel. The metal consists of uneven shaped crystals with grains that are rounded and elongated. The
shape, size and arrangement of the grains shows the microstructure of the sample and based on these
characteristics of the microstructure, we could concluded that the grains are pearlite and ferrite. Both
pearlite and ferrite composition makes the material became soft and ductile while still keeping its hard

STUDENT ID: 2020859824

Figure 6.1 Alpha ferrite and pearlite under Microscopic Photo

Pearlite is a two-phased layered structure compose of alpha-ferrite and cementite that occurs in the
steels and cast irons which forms under controlled conditions. It is hard and strong due to the layered
structure which also act as wear-resistance due to the layered structured of ferrite and cementite.

Several errors can affect the final results of this experiment. First, human error could occurred during
conducting the experiment such as take the procedure included lightly and have a poor skilled while
conducting the procedure. This error could misshape the surface made it hard to see the true
characterization of the material. Next, instrumental error such as the surface of the grinder might be
blunt resulting of unclear pattern of the material finishing surfaces.

7.0 Conclusion

As for the conclusion, microstructure of the material can be seen and identified based on the optical
microscopic observations. By seeing it through x50, x100, x200 and x400 magnification, the material
can identified as pearlite and ferrite microstructure because of its own unique pattern and
characterization. Type of metal that were used can be identified as low carbon steel or mild steel
based on the metallographic identification during observing of the metal surfaces. Moreover, each
objectives of the experiment were achieved and concluded to be successful based on the results
obtained at the end of the experiment. The theoretical background of the sample and the metallurgy of
the specimen can clearly be seen while following the correct given procedures during conducting the

STUDENT ID: 2020816538


Figure 5.1: Sample under optical microscope with magnification x50

Figure 5.2: Sample under optical microscope with magnification x100

Figure 5.3: Sample under optical microscope with magnification x200

STUDENT ID: 2020816538

Figure 5.4: Sample under optical microscope with magnification x400


From the experiment, we can see the pearlite and ferrite from the microscope. Based on the
figure 5.1 until 5.4, we can identify the microstructure of pearlite and ferrite have their unique
structure and shapes that we cannot identify by using our naked eyes. Pearlite is essentially a
composite microstructure consisting of cementite layers (which are hard and brittle)
sandwiched between ferrite layers (which are soft and ductile). Pearlite is formed during
sufficiently slow cooling in an iron-carbon system at the eutectoid point in the Fe-C phase
diagram (723 °C, eutectoid temperature). The properties of material is depend on the
microstructure of the pearlite either mechanical or physical properties.


To conclude the experiment, we can actually see the microstructure by using the microscope.
However, we cannot see clearly the microstructure through the x50 and x100 because the
microstructure is too small. Yet, we can see the microstructure clearly through the x200 and
x400 magnificent. From the experiment, we can conclude that pearlite and ferrite have their
unique structure and shapes. We can say that the experiment is successfully done as the
objective of the experiment is achieved. To achieved the objective of the experiment, the
procedure of the must be done carefully to avoid any error as we know when there are any
error, it will affect the results and may be not too accurate.


1. Rogers N. Wright,” Wire Technology: Process Engineering and Metallurgy”, 2nd

Edition, Oxford, 2016, pp 205-207

2. H. Fang, M. G. Mecozzi, E. Brück, S. van der Zwaag, N. H. van Dijk, “Metallurgical

and Materials Transactions A, Berlin, 2018, pp 41-53

3. George F. Vander Voort, “Metallography: Principles and Practice”, Illinois, 1999, pp


4. KEHL, George L, “ The Principle of Metallographic Laboratory Practice.” (3rd

edition). McGraw-Hill, New York, Toronto, London, 1949.

5. “Laboratory Manual”, Malla Reddy College, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

page 6-27, Telangana State, India, 20 Oct 2019.


Experimental Equipment Diagram

Abrasive Cutter –
Buehler Abrasimet 2

Automatic Mounting Press –

Buehler Simplimet 2000

Grinder –
double disc grinding machine

Polisher - Buehler Metaserv 2000

Air Blow Gun

Optical Microscope - Kyowa

Medilux-12 Microscope

Cutter Blades –
Graded A250 and D250

MAXCUT Abrasive Cutting Fluid

Cold Mounting Resin

Hot Mounting Resin

Epoxy Resin


Phenolic powder

Sandpaper (Grade

Soft Cloth

Alumina Powder

Distilled Water

Etching Agent Example (Nital)

Metaserv Cutting
Reference Table



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