Project On Room Temperature Controller Using LM 324 and NCT Thermistor

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course Title: Electronics Lab
Course Code: EEE 234L

Project on Room Temperature Controller using LM

324 and NCT thermistor.

Operational amplifier is basically dc coupled electronic voltage
amplifier which has two input and one single output.its known
as differential voltage amplifier which has high gain,high input
impedance but low output impedance.Its named as operational
amplifier because it can perform such as mathematical
operations .By using external resistor or capacitor this can be
classified as Inverting amplifier,Non Inverting amplifier,voltage
follower,comparator,Differential amplifier,summing
amplifier,Intregator etc.As consider for ideal op amp it has
three terminal as Inverting Input,Non Inverting input and a
common output.

Ideal characteristics of an Op Amp:

1) It has infinite open loop gain.
2) Infinite input impedance.
3) Zero input offset voltage.
4) Infinite output voltage range.
5) Infinite bandwidth zero phase shift and infinite slew rate.
6) Zero output impedance.
7) Zero noise.
8) Infinite common mode rejection ratio.
9) Infinite power supply rejection ratio. [1]

Op-Amp Applications:
1)Operational amplifiers very useful to build blocks in
electronics circuit,also in industrial electronics system.
2)Op Amp can be configured as need base in different types like
inverting,Non inverting,Differential,Summing etc.also perform
as mathematical operations as
addition,subtraction,multiplications etc.
3)For construction of active filters op Amp also uses provoding
High pass, low pass,band pass,band reject,and delay functions.
4)Also can be use as comparator.
5)Op Amp also applied in the construction of oscillators,as Wein
bridge oscillator. [2]

About LM324:
LM324 is a Quad op-amp IC integrated with four op-amps
powered by a common power supply. The differential input
voltage range can be equal to that of power supply voltage.
Generally op-amps can perform mathematical operations.
LM324 is a quad OP-AMP IC consisting of four high gain
amplifiers. These four OP-AMPs can be operated from a single
voltage source. However, the split voltage supply operation is
possible too. The frequency compensation is provided internally
to make OP-AMPs work over wide range frequencies. The
supply current drain is almost independent of voltage supply in
LM324. Its compatibility with all sorts of logic is commendable.
Temperature compensation is possible for bias current at the
input and cross-frequency at gain equal to unity. The need for
two power supplies for its operation is eliminated.[4]
About Thermistor:
Thermistor is solid state temperature sensing device which act
bit like electrical resistor but is temperature sensitive.The
resistance of the thermistor decreases as the temperature

I have chosen LM 324 op amp for this project.

This LM 324 op amp Working as a comparator in this

Working Process of This Projects:

This accurate room temperature controller is able to control
room temperature, we can control it by setting its cut_off
temperature (NTC) within certain limit. If we set it at certain
temperature limit (as I set this for 24'C & 25'C ), it will compare
and sense with the room temperature,and it will cut of the
supply as change in its operation progress. If we set two Load
like I have set a green led and a yellow led as references. In the
circuit when the temperature increases it will automatically cut
off the signal from green led and activate yellow led,and when
the temperature decreases it will again automatically cut off the
signal from yellow led and activate green led. In this circuit
yellow led refers to when temperature is high and green for
when temperature is low.
So if I add a heater and a cooler instead of those led in practical
applicationwhen the room temperature will increase above
certain limited Tdgree the heater will be OFF and cooler will be
ON and Vice Versa. By this amazing device we don’t have to get
tension about our room temperature. whenever it’s summer or
winter. For practical application (Please note that obviously the
circuit component value will be changed along with the supply
voltage, when we are about to implement this with practical load
as heater or cooler).

Experiment Circuit Diagram:

Uses Software: Proteus

Initial Circuit without any change in Temperature

After set the temperature cut off at 25'C
Again After changing the Temperature sensor value to
You Might be notice that with changing the
temperature the load is changing.When the
temperature cut off set at 25'C the circuit connected
the load which is refer as yellow led.And again when
the temperature set at 24'C the circuit will
automatically cut off the signal from yellow led to
green led.


Operational amplifier and NCT thermistor can be uses as so

many ways, this project is just a small demonstration of this.
This Project is so useful in our practical life, we can use
these kind of devices in our home appliances.



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