Detecting Fake Images On Social Media Using Machine Learning

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 10, No. 12, 2019

Detecting Fake Images on Social Media using

Machine Learning
Njood Mohammed AlShariah1, Abdul Khader Jilani Saudagar2
Information Systems Department, College of Computer and Information Systems
Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU)
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abstract—In this technological era, social media has a major is a widespread practice to share images online through social
role in people’s daily life. Most people share text, images, and networking services such as Instagram. At least 80 million
videos on social media frequently (e.g. Twitter, Snapchat, images [4] are currently shared via Instagram every day.
Facebook, and Instagram). Images are one of the most common Instagram enables users to take photographs, apply digital
types of media share among users on social media. So, there is a photographic filters, and upload the pictures to website for
need for monitoring of images contained in social media. It has social networking together with short captions. People upload
become easy for individuals and small groups to fabricate these and share billions of pictures [5] every day on social media.
images and disseminate them widely in a very short time, which
threatens the credibility of the news and public confidence in the A huge number of people have become victims of photo
means of social communication. This research attempted to forgery in this technological age. Some criminals use software
propose an approach to extracting image content, classify it and to exploit and use pictures as evidence to confuse the courts of
verify the authenticity of digital images and uncover justice [17]. To put an end to this, all photographs exchanged
manipulation. Instagram is one of the most important websites via social media should be labeled as true or fake. Social
and mobile image sharing applications on social media. This media is a great platform for knowledge sharing and
allows users to take photos, add digital photographic filters and dissemination. Yet If there is no caution, people may be fooled
upload pictures. There are many unwanted contents in and even induced by unintended false propaganda. Though
Instagram's posts such as threats and forged images, which may
most image editing using Photoshop is clearly evident, some
cause problems to society and national security. This research
of these images may indeed appear really due to pixelization
aims to build a model that can be used to classify Instagram
content (images) to detect any threats and forged images. The
and shoddy jobs by novices [16]. In particular, in the Policy
model was built using deep algorithms learning which is arena, edited images can break the credibility of a politician.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Alexnet network and In this research using machine learning algorithms [6, 7], the
transfer learning using Alexnet. The results showed that the researcher will attempt to propose a classifier model via a
proposed Alexnet network offers more accurate detection of fake convolutional neural network (CNN) that is capable of take
images compared to the other techniques with 97%. The results advantage of knowledge to take an image from social media
of this research will be helpful in monitoring and tracking in the and then classify and detect it.
shared images in social media for unusual content and forged
images detection and to protect social media from electronic
This research proposes an approach that takes an image as
attacks and threats. input and classifies it, using an effective system (the CNN
model) [20]. The result of this proposed research will be
Keywords—Convolution Neural Network (CNN); Image helpful in monitoring and tracking social media content and in
forgery; Classification; Alexnet; Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU); discovering fraud on social networking sites, especially in the
SoftMax function; Features extraction field of images.


It is a fact that social media have changed the way people Very little work has been finalized around detecting forge
interact and carry on with their everyday lives. Social audio, images, and videos. Yet, several studies and tasks are
networking sites are a prominent media phenomenon underway to identify what can be done around the incredible
nowadays, and have attracted a large number of people. proliferation about counterfeit pictures online. Adobe
Worldwide, the number of users [1] now exceeds three billion. recognizes the way in which Photoshop is misused and has
In the Gulf region, growth in the number of active users has tried to offer a sort of antidote [8]. The following provide a
exceeded 66% [2]. Saudi Arabia ranks seventh in the world in summary of a few of these studies:
terms of social media use; more than 75% of its estimated 25 According to a study [9] conducted by Zheng et al. (2018),
million people [3] are active users of social media. Social the identification of fake news and images is very difficult, as
media are based on specific foundations that bring people fact-finding of news on a pure basis remains an open problem
together and empower them to express themselves, share their and few existing models Can be used to resolve the problem.
interests and ideas, and forge new friendships with others who It has been proposed to study the problem of "detecting false
share their interests. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are news." Through a thorough investigation of counterfeit news,
among the most popular social networking sites of the day. It

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Vol. 10, No. 12, 2019

many useful properties are determined from text words and According to [15] Kim’s and Lee’s, digital forensics
pictures used in counterfeit news. There are some hidden techniques are needed to detect manipulation and fake images
characteristics in words and images used in fake news, which used for illegal purposes. Thus, the researchers in this study
can be identified through a collection of hidden properties have been working on an algorithm to detect fake images
derived from this model through various layers. A pattern through deep learning technology, which has achieved
called TI-CNN has been proposed. By displaying clear and remarkable results in modern research. First, a converted
embedded features in a unified space, TI-CNN is trained with neural network is applied to image processing. In addition, a
both text and image information at the same time. high pass filter is used to get at hidden features in the image
instead of semantic information in the image. For experiments,
Raturi’s 2018 architecture [10] was proposed to identify modified images are created using intermediate filter,
counterfeit accounts in social networks, especially on Gaussian blurring, and added white Gaussian noise.
Facebook. In this research, a machine learning feature was
used to better predict fake accounts, based on their posts and This research develops an approach that takes an image as
the placement on their social networking walls. Support input and classifies it, using the CNN model. For a completely
Vector Machine (SVM) and Complement Naïve Bayes (CNB) new task/problem, CNNs are very good feature extractors. It
were used in this process, to validate content based on text extracts useful attributes from an already trained CNN with its
classification and data analysis. The analysis of the data trained weights by feeding your data at each level and tuning
focused on the collection of offensive words, and the number the CNN a bit for the specific task. This means that a CNN
of times they were repeated. For Facebook, SVM shows a can be retrained for new recognition tasks, enabling to build
97% resolution where CNB shows 95% accuracy in on pre-existing networks. This is called pre-training, where
recognizing Bag of Words (BOW) -based counterfeit one can avoid training a CNN from the beginning and save
accounts. The results of the study confirmed that the main time. CNN can carry out automatic feature extraction for the
problem related to the safety of social networks is that data is given task. It eliminates the need for manual feature
not properly validated before publishing. extraction, since the features are learned directly by the CNN.
In terms of performance, CNNs outperform many methods for
In 2017 study by Bunk et al [11], two systems were image recognition tasks and many other tasks where it gives a
proposed to detect and localize fake images using a mix of high accuracy and accurate result. Another key feature of
resampling properties and deep learning. In the initial system, CNNs is weight sharing, which basically means that the same
the Radon conversion of resampling properties is determined weight is used for two layers in the model. Due to the above
on overlapping pictures corrections. Deep learning classifiers features and advantages, CNN is used in this research in
and a Gaussian conditional domain pattern are then used to comparison to other deep learning algorithms.
construct a heat map. A Random Walker segmentation method
uses total areas. In the next system, for identification and III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
localization, software resampling properties are passed on
overlapping object patches over a long-term memory (LSTM)- This research explores a supervised machine learning
based network. In addition, the detection/ localization classification problem [14,18], where the label or category of
performance of both systems was compared. The results the input sample is known as the training phase. There are two
confirmed that both systems are active in detecting and labels or classes: the original image class and the fake image
settling digital image fraud. class. The researcher uses the deep learning technique via a
conventional neural network (CNN).
Aphiwongsophon and Chongstitvatana [12], aimed to use
automated learning techniques to detect counterfeit news. A. Input Features for Neural Networks
Three common techniques were used in the experiments: Features in a neural network are the variables or attributes
Naïve Bayes, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine in the data set where extraction of features is a fundamental
(SVM). The normalization method is a major step to disinfect step in automated methods based on approaches to machine
data before using the automatic learning method to sort learning. The goal is to obtain useful data characteristics. In
information. The results show Naïve Bayes to have a 96.08% order to classify images, convolution neural networks use
accuracy in detecting counterfeit news. There are two other features. Such features are taught by the network during the
advanced methods, the Neural Network Machine and the training process itself. Features aim to reduce the number of
Support Network (SVM), which achieve 99.90% accuracy. features in a dataset by creating new features from the existing
ones (and then discarding the original features). Then this new
In [13] by Kuruvilla et al., a neural network was simplified set of features should be able to summarize most of
successfully trained by analyzing the 4000 fake and 4000 real the details in the original set of features. Therefore, from a
images error level. The trained neural network has succeeded combination of the original set, a condensed version of the
in identifying the image as fake or real, with a high success original features can be produced.
rate of 83%. The results showed that using this application on
mobile platforms significantly reduces the spread of fake B. Devloping Fake Image Detection Algorithm Architecture
images across social networks. In addition, this can be used as Convolution neural network (CNN) architecture is
a false image verification method in digital authentication, illustrated in Fig. 1.
court evidence assessment, etc. It develops and tests reliable
fake image detection program by combining the results of  Target images will be extracted from the Instagram
metadata analysis (40%) and neural network output (60%). application, where these images represent the dataset

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that is relevant to find answers to the research

questions, test the hypothesis and assess the results.
 Construct CNN convolution layer, the convolutional
layer is responsible for extracting image features, using
conventional mathematical operations. These
convolutional operations act as applying digital filters
with two dimensions. Assuming the image tile is 4X4
pixels and the conventional filter is 2X2 matrix filter,
the Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 illustrates the conventional
operation, where each image tile block matrix with
dimensions equal to the filter dimension will be
multiplied by the filter matrix. Fig. 5. Activation Function Layer.
 Construct the Activation function. Fig. 5 illustrates the
activation function layer, contained in the yellow oval.  Due to the nonlinear nature of image data, the
The activation function layer is a layer between the researcher will use a non-linear activation function
conventional layer and the feature map, which, as in called The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). The rectifier
any traditional neural network activation function, job is defined as the positive section of its argument, as
removes un-wanted pixels, e.g. negative values. shown in the Fig. 6.
 To reduce the size of the array in the precise step, we
downsample it using an algorithm called max pooling
to modify the output of the layer. Further pooling helps
to make the representation almost invariant with respect
to small translations of the input.
Fig. 7 illustrates the max pooling operation on an image
tile example with max pooling at a 2X2 dimension size:
Fig. 1. Convolution Neural Network Architecture.
 Make a prediction, this neural network decides whether
the image is, or is not, a match. To differentiate it from
the convolution process, it is referred to as a ―fully
connected‖ network. Before constructing a fully
connected network, the pooled feature map data must
convert to the single column to be suitable as a neural
network input. This process is known as ―flattening,‖ as
shown in the Fig. 8.
 Fig. 9 illustrates the fully connected network

Fig. 2. Conventional Operation 1.

Fig. 3. Conventional Operation 2. Fig. 6. Rectified Linear unit Activation Function.

Fig. 4. Overall Conventional Operation. Fig. 7. Max-Pooling Features Mapping.

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training data are extracted from the original images and, for
each original image, three fake images were made. The
researcher modified the original images via addition, deletion,
changing colors. The dataset training steps are described as
follow by using CNN network.
1) Load and analyze image data: Load the data of the
sample as a data store for the image. Image Datastore
Fig. 8. Flattening Process. automatically labels images based on the name of the folder
and stores the data as an object of the image datastore. An
image datastore helps you to store large image information
when training a convolution neural network and interpret
image batches efficiently.
2) Define the network architcture: Determine the
convolutional neural network architecture and create network
3) Define training options: Defines the training options
after defining the architecture of the network. Learning rate,
number of epochs, momentum and batch size.
Fig. 9. Fully Connected Network Architecture. 4) Train the network: Train the network using layer-
defined architecture, training data & the training options.
 Construct the SoftMax Function and the classifier 5) Predict the labels of new data and measure the
module (image classification). The result of the classification accuracy
SoftMax function can be used to represent a categorical
distribution; that is, a probability distribution of various Predict the labels of the data using the trained network,
possible outcomes. The SoftMax function helps the and measure the final accuracy.
output to appear in the form of probabilities. Note that Alexnet network and Transfer Learning network
 Testing and Results, when the neural network is follow the same training steps but with some additions where
finished with its training, the dataset is tested and we the load pretrained network is additional step in Alexnet
extract the confusion matrix, which contains several network and the replace final layers is additional step in
variables through which the neural network accuracy is transfer learning.
calculated. B. Test Datasets
IV. IMPLEMENTATION In this step the researcher used codes to choose an image
from amongst the images; then it determines whether the
Applying MATLAB software with the Deep Learning image is original or fake as shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
Toolbox helps you to train your own CNN from scratch or use
a pretrained model to conduct transfer learning. The method
you choose depends on the resource you have, the type of
application you are creating and the purpose of the
application. In order to train the network from scratch, the
number of layers and filters must be determined and the other
requirements adjusted. Training a specific model from the
start also requires enormous amounts of data, based on
millions of samples, which can take a long time. An
appropriate alternative to CNN training from scratch is the use
of a pre-training model to automatically extract properties
from a new dataset. Known as transfer learning, this is an easy Fig. 10. Image Classification.
way to apply deep learning without a great data set and a long
period spent on calculation and training.
A. Create Simple Deep Learining Networks for Classification
There are three networks: Alexnet, Classic CNN, and
Alexnet using transfer learning. For each network, there are a
training dataset and a test dataset. There are also cases in
which the test data is from training data and vice versa. There
are two datasets in our experiment. The first dataset contains
1400 images for training and 400 images for testing. The
second dataset contains 400 images for training and 40 images
for testing. In the second dataset, the fake images in the Fig. 11. Image Classification.

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V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (93.4), followed by Alexnet using transfer learning (93.2) and,
The performance measures of the proposed methodology finally, classic CNN (70.1). The findings also reveal
are discussed in detail. The major goal of this work is to detect differences among the three networks when testing data from
both normal and fake images in an accurate manner. For this the training data. These are again in favor of Alexnet (99.3),
purpose, a convolution neural network is utilized in this work. followed by Alexnet using transfer learning (94.0) and,
This CNN comprises four layers: the convolution layer, finally, classic CNN (83.9). The results in the table below are
pooling layer, activation layer, and SoftMax layer. Each layer specific to the first dataset.
performs a specific task individually. First, the input image is Fig. 12 illustrates Mean scores of performance accuracy
obtained from the image acquisition. Then the image is results, when testing data from outside the training data and
converted into non-overlapping patches, from these patches. from the training data
Further, the values of the features are normalized and down
sampled to obtain a reduced feature set. Finally, the Table II compares among the three network types (Alexnet
probability of the output is determined to classify the given Network, Alexnet Using Transfer Learning, and Classic CNN)
image as normal or fake. Here, the approach developed in this regarding the performance accuracy of results when testing
research is evaluated, based on performance metrics and data from outside the training data. The findings reveal no
relative with the current techniques. statistically significant differences in the performance
accuracy of results among the three network types. The value
A. Performance Measures of significance level amounted to 0.172; this means it is
The performance of the anticipated methodology is greater than 0.05, which is not statistically significant. There
evaluated using different performance metrics, such as were, however, differences amongst the three networks when
sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, and recall. testing data from the training data, in favor of Alexnet (91.1),
followed by Alexnet Using Transfer Learning (78.4) and,
1) Sensitivity: Sensitivity refers to the calculation of the finally, Classic CNN (64.5). The results in the table below are
ratio of True Positives that are recognized accurately. It can be specific to the second dataset.
defined as,
2) Specificity: Specificity is defined as the ratio of
correctly detected True Negatives. This can be defined as, Performance results
Mean SD
Chi- p.
when testing data is Square value
(2) Alexnet
93.4 2.0
3) Accuracy: Accuracy is known as the ratio of correct Outside
intrusions of classification to the total number of data. It is the
Using 9.482 0.009
trainin 93.2 3.08
clarified as follows, Transfer
g data
(3) Classic CNN 70.1 0.22
4) Precision: Precision is the ratio of the number of Network
99.3 0.45
intrusions that are correctly identified to the total number of From
intrusions in the process. This is denoted by, the
Using 12.635 0.002
trainin 94.0 0.93
(4) g data
Classic CNN 83.9 3.17
5) Recall: Recall is the ratio of the number of properly
detected intrusions to the number of intrusions that are
relevant. This can be represented as,


B. Performance Analysis
The quality of the technique proposed is tabulated and
shown in the tables below. The accuracy of the results is
shown to vary among networks. Alexnet is the most accurate,
followed by Alexnet using TL and then Classic CNN. Table I
illustrates comparison among three network types (Alexnet
Network, Alexnet Using Transfer Learning, and Classic CNN)
regarding the performance accuracy of results when the testing
data is from outside the training data. The findings reveal Fig. 12. Mean Scores of Performance Accuracy Results, when Testing Data
differences among the three networks, in favor of Alexnet from Outside the Training Data and from the Training Data.

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n = 400 Actual Fake Actual Normal
Predicted Fake TN 182 FP 9
Performance results when Chi- p.
Mean SD Predicted Normal FN 18 TP 191
testing data from Square value
Outside Alexnet Recently, electronic attacks have spread in Saudi Arabia.
the Using There is currently no clear vision nor a unified framework to
66.2 21.7 3.519 0.172
training Transfer protect us against the dangers of piracy and threats, especially
data Learning
about the penetration of social media and the spread of false
Classic accounts. This has led Saudi Arabia to invest in information
64.8 16.8
security, which is concerned with protecting the technical
Alexnet infrastructure from hacking and focuses on developing
91.1 3.4
techniques and tools to protect social media from electronic
Alexnet attacks and threats. This research has contributed to the rapid
From the
78.4 17.6 7.559 0.023 detection of fraud in social media, especially in the field of
data images, thus solving the problem of spreading rumors and
Classic promoting false news on social networking sites and helps
64.5 25.8 communities seeking to protect their technical infrastructure
from piracy and cyber threats and to strengthen their
Fig. 13 illustrates Mean scores of performances accuracy information security, where the crime of image forgery poses
results when testing data from outside the training data and a danger to societies. There are some problem and limitations
from the training data in neural networks including it computationally expensive,
requiring the use of powerful and distinct processing units.
After running the code, the values of precision, recall,
Without a good CPU, neural networks are quite slow to train
accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity are extracted from the
for complex tasks.
confusion matrix by calculating the value of True positive,
True Negative, False positive and False Negative for example Another problem with neural networks is that they depend
in Alexnet network the confusion matrix shown in Table III. on the amount of data provided to them. If the quantity of data
is small, then one can expect poor network performance and
From the above table the values are calculated where
vice versa. Neural networks contain millions of parameters
accuracy is 93.3, precision is 95.5, recall is 91.4, specificity is
that require a huge amount of data. The use of neural networks
95.3 and sensitivity is 91.4.
thus requires a large amount of training data and takes time to
The performance of Alexnet, CNN, and TL is evaluated train these neural networks.
using several measures, such as accuracy, sensitivity,
It is clear—from the results of the model used—that a
specificity, precision, recall, true positive rate, and true
large, deep convolutional neural network is capable of
negative rate [19]. The performance of the methodologies is
achieving record-breaking results on a highly challenging
also evaluated and compared with current techniques. From
dataset using supervised learning where the results of this
the outcomes, it is concluded that the proposed Alexnet
research achieved high accuracy of up to 97%. The results of
approach offers more accurate detection of fake images
this research will be helpful in monitoring and tracking social
compared to conventional techniques. This proves the
media content and in discovering fraud on social networking
superiority of the developed methodology.
sites, especially in the field of images. To effectively identify
objects, the convolution neural network architecture implicitly
combines the benefits obtained from standard neural network
learning with the convolution process. Like a neural network,
CNN and its variants can also be optimized to large datasets,
which is often the case when classifying objects.
The recommendations for future work are for example
using a more complex and deeper model for unpredictable
problems. Integration of deep neural networks with the theory
of enhanced learning, where the model is more effective.
Neural network solutions rarely take into account non-linear
feature interactions and non-monotonous short-term sequential
patterns, which are necessary to model user behavior in sparse
Fig. 13. Mean Scores of Performance Accuracy Results when Testing Data sequence data. A model may be integrated with neural
from Outside the Training Data and from the Training Data. networks to solve this problem. The dataset could be increased
and another type of images could be used for training, for
example gray-scale images.

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