LA Diocese Abuse Report 2008 (Part 3)

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The Archdiocese of Los Angeles remains in full compliance wilh Ihe U.S. Bishops' 2002 Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People. Reports of suspected abuse are reported to Ihe proper civil
aulhorities; Ihe lay-led Clergy Misconduct Oversight Board reviews all complaints of misconduct by clergy;
and, adults and children throughout Ihe Archdiocese continue to be trained in abuse prevention and awareness
techniques. These efforts have led to a dramatic decline in reports of sexual misconduct by clergy and
employees in the Archdiocese.

The following lis! includes names of clergy from a follow up review of Archdiocesan files, and names of
clergy involved in Clergy 1 litigation which were not previously posted. The final portion oflhe global
settlement ofclergy cases has been concluded. Consequently, further updates to Ihe Report to Ihe People ofGod
are not anticipated.

Incardinated Priesls of Archdiocese:

Accused Diocese Status'

\. Bouska Jerome
Los Angeles Retired, with restriction,
2. Cunningham, Christopher Los Angeles Inactive Leave

3. Farrell, Terrence Los Angeles Inactive Leave

4. Feeney, John J.C. Los Angeles Deceased

5. Grasha, Donald Los Angeles Inactive Leave
6. Higson, John Los Angeles Lay State

7. Hollinger, William Los Angeles Deceased

8. Hurley, Daniel Los Angeles Deceased

9. N ewell, J effrey Los Angeles Inactive Leave

10. O'Brien, Kenneth Los Angeles Deceased
Il. Perez Carilla, Antonio Los Angeles Canonically Suspended

12. Rodriguez Macal, Saul Los Angeles Inactive Leave

13 . Sanchez, Jose Los Angeles Excornmun icated

14. Sintef, Michacl Los Angeles Inactive Leave
15. Ugarle, Jase Los Angeles Inactive Leave
Accused COl!iJ,try Stat us·

1. Alonso, Jose Mexico Left Archdiocese

2. Arías, Andres Mexico Deceased
3. Corcoles, Candído Spain Left Archdiocese
4. De Otero, Roberto U.S. (Honolulu) Unkn own
5. Feeney, John Patríck U.S. (Milwaukee) Deníed faculties/ Unknown
6. Hollenbach, Frank U.S. (Marquette) Left Archdiocese
7. llagan, Jase Medrana Phillipines Left Archdíocese
8. Jablonowskí, Anthony U.S. (Cheyenne) Lay State
9. Lopez Lopez, Fernando Colombía Lay State
10. McCarthy, Kevín Canada Left Archdíocese
11. Power, Vincent U.K. (England) Lay State
12. Riebe, Loren Mexíco Left Archdiocese
13. Robinson, James U.K. (England) Left Archdíocese
14. Savaríanandam, Arulappan India Left Archdiocese

Drder PriestslBrothers:
Accused Status'

1. Boley, Robert Carmelite Fathers Left Archdiocese

2. Chandler, David Paulíst Fathers Left Archdíocese
3. Chong, Damíen Carmelite Fathers (Brother) Unknown
4. Dcehr, Anselm Missíonary Servants of the Holy Tríníty Left Archdiocese
5. Eslava, Joseph Claretían Míssionaries (Brother) Deceased
6. Fínn, Wíllíam Carmelite Fathers Left Archdiocese
7. Kain, Steven Franciscan Friars Left Archdiocese
8. Koemer, Robert Oblat"s of Mary Immaculate Deceased
9. McAsey, Joseph Society of Jesus Deceased
10. McKeon, ~Iartin Franciscan Friars Deceased
11. Mor~no, Kolbe Norbertine Fathers Left Archdiocese
12. Pereira, Anthony Salesians ofSt. John Bosco Left Archdiocese
13. Puthenkandam, Joseph** Carmelites ofMary Immaculate Left Archdiocese
14. Shelton, Charles Franciscan Friars Left Archdiocese
15. Stiechen, Raymond Salesi.n; of SI. John Bosco La)' State
16. Su, Stanislaus Congregation of SI. John Baptist Unknown
17. Sweeney, Francis Paulist Fathers Left Archdiocese
18. Villoría, Luis Claretian Missionaries Left Archdiocese
19. Wert, William Carmelite Fathers Left Archdiocese
20. Wood, William Society of Jesus Left Archdiocese

Clergy Usted as " L~ft Archdi ocese" [nelude those ..,:h a left many ycars ago; infonno.tion abo ut the indiv iduals is nOl mainlaincd, ineludin; whether such
persons are slill alive.
** Not te be confu~ed with cxtan prit:: t with identical name wh" was never accllsed

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