300 Phrasal Verbs
300 Phrasal Verbs
300 Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs combine a base verb with another word, usually a preposition or adverb – known as
a particle – to create a completely new meaning. They are common in everyday spoken English.
For example, words like “stand up,” “sit down,” and “get up.”
It’s impossible for an English speaker in the United States to go a day without using one of those
Interestingly, we don’t use phrasal verbs as much when we write, or in formal communication, like
in a speech. But in normal spoken English, about 80 percent of our verbs are phrasal verbs.
If you studied the English language for years, then came to the United States and couldn’t
understand anything, this is probably one of the reasons why. If you like this guide, check out our
guide to English Adjectives and prepositions too.
Total Number
Phrasal Verb Meaning (Most Common)
of Definitions
Blow Away When the wind moves an object or person from where it was. 4
Blow Off When the wind removes something from its place. 3
To make a way through a barrier or a surface. 2
Bring Over To bring someone or something from one place or area to another. 1
Brush Off To remove something(dust particle, insect, etc) with your hand. 2
To practice and review your knowledge or a skill that you haven’t used
Brush Up 2
in a while.
Burn Out When a candle stops burning because there is nothing left to burn. 3
The way other people perceive something or someone. 3
Come Down To move from a higher to a lower position or from north to south. 2
Come Down
When a situation is reduced to a certain outcome. 1
Come Down
When you start to experience the symptoms of a disease or illness. 1
When someone or something expected arrives. 3
Come Up
When you think of a solution, idea, plan, or excuse. 1
Cut Up When you use a knife or scissors to cut something into several pieces. 2
Deal With When you do everything you must do to solve a problem or complete. 2
Do Away
To dispose of something. 2
Feel Up To When you have/don’t have the energy and confidence to do something. 1
Flip Out To become very mad or lose control over your emotions. 1
When an object or a person is near, but you cannot pinpoint the exact
Float Around 2
Get Around
To do something that needed to get done at an earlier time. 1
When you talk to someone at a later time either because you are busy
Get Back To 2
or you have obtained additional or new information.
When you move your body and either stand, sit, lie, kneel, etc. towards
Get On 6
something (non-separable).
Get Over
To finish something that needs to get done. 1
Give Away To give something for free or without expecting anything in return. 4
Go After When you do your best to get something no matter how difficult it is. 4
Go Along
to accept or agree with a decision, rule, opinion, etc. 2
Go Through
When you make a decision to do something, and actually do it. 1
Grow Out Of To become too big or too tall for your clothes. 3
When you return something to the person who owns it after the person
Hand Back 1
has given it to you
Hand In To give something to a person of authority. 1
To spend time in a place or an area. 1
Head Back To go to a place where you’ve been before or where you started from. 1
To move in the direction where someone or something is. 2
When you don’t forgive or have little respect for someone because of
Hold Against 2
something they did.
Kick Back To illegally pay extra money to someone as part of the price. 2
When you don’t take something or someone with you when you leave. 4
When you have a portion that still remains from something after you
Leave Over 2
have used or eaten the rest of it.
Lock Out When you don’t have the key or passcode to enter a secured place. 2
Lock Up When you shut the windows and doors of a place or building. 2
To turn your head to see what or who is around you. 3
Look Down When you consider someone or something as unimportant or with little
On to no value. The opposite of yesterday’s phrasal verb.
Look To anticipate a future event because it either makes you happy and/or
Forward To you benefit from it.
This particular phrasal verb is used to say you view someone with
Look Up To 1
respect and/or admiration.
Monkey To try to play with or repair a device that you have no true knowledge
Around With about.
When you bring your personal belongings and stuff to a new place
Move In where you will live. Yesterday’s phrasal verb, Move Out, has the 3
opposite meaning.
When you permanently remove all your belongings and personal items
Move Out 3
from a place where you live or stay.
Pay Back When you return money that you owe someone. 2
Pick Out When you are able to recognize something or someone from a group. 2
Point To When you aim at something or someone using your finger or hand. 2
Pull Over To drive your vehicle to the side of the road to stop. 1
Punch Out To record the time you leave the workplace using a special clock. 2
When someone asks for a price for something that is too high, when
Rip Off 3
someone cheats or steals.
When people exit a place very quickly. Run In/ Run Into is the opposite
Run Out 2
of this meaning.
Screw Out
To cheat or deceive someone. 1
Sell Out When all the inventory of a particular product has been purchased. 2
Settle For To accept something even though it’s not what you want or need. 1
To write your name on a list to indicate the day and time you arrived at
Sign In 2
a certain place.
To write your name on a list to indicate the day and time of your
Sign Out 2
To enter a place quietly to avoid being seen or heard. 1
To stand in one place or area when you should be doing something. 2
Stick Around To stay in a place or with someone for any period of time. 1
To make something straight. 3
When you move something from the ‘on’ state to the ‘off’ state.
Switch Off Synonymous with “Turn Off.” Yesterday’s “Switch On” is the 1
When you move something from the ‘off’ state to the ‘on’ state.
Switch On 1
Synonymous with “Turn On,” while “Switch Off” is the opposite.
Talk Down To talk to someone as if they are less intelligent than you by conveying
To a tone of voice or attitude that says so.
Think Ahead To think and plan carefully for a future situation or event. 1
Throw Away To dispose of something you no longer find useful in a waste bin, trash, 2
Throw Out When you get rid of something by putting it in a trash can, bin, etc. 2
To move an object so that the part that is on top becomes the bottom
Turn Over 3
and vice versa.
Wash Off To remove dirt or unwanted markings with soap and water. 1
Wear Down To make the surface or top of something disappear due to friction. 2
Wear Out When something is damaged or weakened from use and age. 2