Weekly Report Automation

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Kilang Roba Wanadri

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Concept
May 17th, 2021

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is a technology of automation to help some

process of manufacture in order to make the product is more accurate as production
specification with help of system which integrated to computer. The one example of CIM
implementation in industries is industrial robots. The use of industrial robots will make a
manufacturing process is more effective and efficient. With industrial robots, the products
will be developed more accurate and faster than human's process. CIM also has a big
benefits to every division in industry. With help of CIM, the production division, marketing
division, and delivery division will more effective and accurate, because the data is well
integrated on computer

In the video, there is showed the

author, Lucas Nula developed an
From the topic week 7 about control innovative training system called
process and system control in industries. industrial mechatronics systems. It
It's explained the difference of process made for students in order to explain
industry and manufacturing discrete the manual or fully integrated system
industry. The difference is in their for operatonal production like in a
operation production and their materials. real industries. Lucas Nula want make
Then it also explained about continous a bolt with CNC lathe machine, So the
control system and discrete control system. students can understand the
Continous control system is regulatory Computer Integrated Maufacturing
control, feedforward control, Steady-State
optimization, and adaptive control. While
discrete control is divided into 2 types,
combinational logic control and sequential
control. Ultima ERP Indonesia. 2019. Pengertian CIM
(Computer Integrated Manufacturing). [Online]
Available at ; https://www.ultima-

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