Week4 - 02411840000017 - Kilang Roba - A
Week4 - 02411840000017 - Kilang Roba - A
Week4 - 02411840000017 - Kilang Roba - A
Fuzzy Logic
March 29th, 2021
Fuzzy Logic is a logic that used to define fuzziness between true or false of
something. Fuzzy logic can be used in a some sector like control theory, decision
theory, and some management science. The advantages of Fuzzy Logic is able to
process linguistic reasoning, so that the design doesnt need mathematical equation
from the controlled objects. The first application of Fuzzy Logic is a washing machine
that invented on 1990 in Japan. Fuzzy system is used to determine the rotation with
automatic system depend of how much the dirty clothes. So, the input is how dirty
the clothes, how much the clothes, and dirt types.