Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash: money and any other negotiable instrument that is payable in money and
acceptable by the bank for deposit and immediate credit (face value)
financial asset also a financial instrument (contract that gives rise to a financial
asset of one entity)
Entity shall classify an asset as current when the asset is cash or a cash
equivalent unless it is restricted to settle a liability for more than twelve
months after the end of the reporting period.
Even if the cash is restricted if it is used for the normal operation of the
company it will classified to the current asset
💡 When problem is silent, the assumption is you are going to compute for
the current assets
Cashier's check: assures the payee that the funds are there because
the check is backed by the bank's funds, not the payer's bank account.
: Certified by the bank employees and officer
Date written in the check is the date you can encash the checks
b. Change fund
c. Payroll fund
d. Dividend fund
e. Tax fund
f. Interest fund
Cash Equivalent: short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible into cash and near their maturity that present insignificant risk of
changes in value bcos of changes in interest rates
Short term/temporary investement: matures less than 1 year from the date of
Long term investment: matures more than 1 year from the date of acquisition
Treasury Bills
Commercial Paper
Time Deposit
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS should be shown as the first item among current
assets in the Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet)
Bank Overdraft: when a company writes a check for more than the amount
in its cash account Cash in bank credit balance) . Reported as current
liability, but not permitted in the Ph
WASHURPROBLEM Co. had the ff cash balance items listed in its trial
balance at 12/31/14
Metrobank 10,000
Current Asset:
Current Liability
Cash xxx
IOU's I Owe You notes)
Cash xxx
Should not be deducted from the company's cash balance until they have
been mailed or otherwise delivered, these should be reverted to the cash
As a result, liabilities that the checks are intended to liquidate still exist
and should be reported as current payables
Cash xxx
Cash xxx
Stale Check or Check Long Outstanding: not encash by the payee within six
months from the time of issuance.
Stale check is immaterial
Cash xxx
Cash xxx
Accounts payable xxx
Cash Management
Imprest System:
Expenditures involving small amounts are made from Petty Cash Fund
Window Dressing
opening the books of accounts beyond the close of the reporting period for
the purpose of showing a better financial position
a.) By recording as of the last day of the reporting period collections made
subsequent to the close of the period
NO ENTRY is made for both the drawing and deposit of the check
Entry when cash count shows cash is less than the balance per book:
Cash short or over xxx
Cash xxx
Cash short or over xxx
Cash xxx
Undetermined shortage
Cashier is accountable
Entry when cash count shows cash w/c is more than the balance per book:
Cash xxx
Cash short or over xxx
Undetermined overage
Adjusted entry if the cash overage is found to be the money of the cashier: