Pharma Talent

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Determining the bonus structure

By: Sunena Kumari
Std: 20171-22530
Bonus Structure 1 Bonus Structure 2 Bonus Structure 3
•The Bonus structure 1 was • The bonus structure 2 was •Bonus structure 3 was
implemented for two weeks. implemented for next two weeks. implemented based on 2
elements to get bonus
•Bonus structure 1 model was •Bonus price were awarded to rewarded
completely based on sales in sales rep based on the 1st element: Pharmacy calls:
dollars amount , not the sales determination of two behavioral 1 point was awarded on
generation in terms of factors which are equally divided calling pharmacists. 1 point
percentage. into; was awarded for pharmacists
1: increase the sales in dollars to recommend this product.
•It included only 1 element : to through rep’s Ipad The calculation is based on
generate sales in dollars means 2: increase the amount of Natural each month.
the sales rep who processed Life’s product location in stores.
highest amount dollars through 2nd element: focused on store
their system will get top • Sales representative could take calls and products on shelf
rewarded advantage by clicking on added share. 1 point was awarded on
button just to get reward of bonus. making store calls and
•Therefore, it favoured to those Therefore it showed no placement of Natural Life’s
sales rep who were given large transparency of actual sales products at desired shelf
volume stores generation location.
Bonus Structure 1 Bonus Structure 2 Bonus Structure 3
•Only those sales were • This structure was again •This structure gain could not
recorded that were processed not in favour of those rep identify that Whether sales rep
through their I Pad. who processed records have actually generated the
through store’s system . sales or have only clicked on
•This bonus structure did not added button to get the bonus.
record the sales that were •It also ignored the efforts of Therefore it lacks the
processed through the system added displays on store transparency in sales record.
of stores. floor.
• It was also unclear that
•It was in favour of only those how sales representative
•Sales rep were only
sales rep who generated determined that pharmacist
higher amount of sales in
credited for increasing the have recommend the product
dollars through their own shelf space
system not through store’s
Bonus Structure 1 Bonus Structure 2 Bonus Structure 3

•.Sales representatives only •However, The Bonus structure •Conclusively, This bonus
focused on generating higher 2 was aligning the objectives of structure 3 was better than
sales in dollars amount to get Natural Life by increasing the BS1 and BS2. because it
the reward. amount of Natural Life’s directly was making the
product location in stores. contacts with stores in long
•Sales rep did not focus on term which was the main
making the potent customers or • Again, sales rep only focused objective of Natural Life
providing customised solutions on generating the sales in company.
according to customers’ needs
dollars rather than focusing on
•Therefore, BS3 did satisfy
customers 'needs
•Conclusively, this bonus Natural Life and partially was
structure 1 was neither in favour in favour of sales
of sales rep, nor did it meet the •Conclusively, It was partially representatives.
objectives of Natural Life in favour of sales
company. representatives ( because of two
elements) and Natural Life’s
goals as well.

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