Voice Recognition Application Based Home Automation System With People Counter
Voice Recognition Application Based Home Automation System With People Counter
Voice Recognition Application Based Home Automation System With People Counter
Abstract—Home Automation is a new technology that latest android technology and along with the help
is growing in this era. It has the capability to provide of blue-tooth facilities in a Mobile provides the
supporting systems to the fast changing world, elderly and feature of giving commands and then processing it
physically challenged people. This paper explains the use of
into logics which help in switching ON/OFF the
overall design which has been built and implemented. The
Wireless Home Automation System (WHAS) with the help loads. [11]
of Voice Recognition Application, makes the installation Drawback here is that the systems are not robust
and implementation, cheaper and easy to use.Foot Step when voice commands [3] are given from a far
Counter is the second part of this paper which deals with distance. Other drawback is, it does not give the
the automatic switching of lights. Its need is, when there current status of the appliance as it is switched
is no time to start the application, or to connect through
ON/OFF. In that case after giving voice commands
Blue-tooth, the person passes door and lights within the
room will be switched.In this paper, we have observed only we are able to know the status.So to overcome
range of voice recognition application to be 1.5 meters. this issue, we use People Counter, which is the
The voice recognize accuracy achieved is 85.25% with four combination of sensors. This way we can make the
parameters of access groups. Home Automation System more efficient. [12]
Index Terms—Home Automation, WHAS, smart home,
I. I NTRODUCTION The Home Automation System (HAS) connects
As the world is advancing, automation is all the electronic devices, appliances, gadgets and
spreading everywhere even to our homes. Regarding loads with homework setup. [13] Home Automation
this, a new automation system is designed which system work with the help of different electronic
not only saves time but also helps the elderly and modules to form an integrated system. This system
disabled people in making their life easy. [1] The includes Smart-phone with Voice Recognition App,
design basically focuses on switching ON/OFF Blue-tooth module, Relay module, Arduino uno and
various loads in the house through voice. This load appliances as shown in Figure 1. The app is
technology provides long term performance which developed by MIT App Inventor. [9] The features
will support the homes with comfort. [2] The included in the app are Speech Recognizer, Blue-
design uses the blue-tooth technology and Android tooth Client and clock. Smart-phone is a cheap and
platform to provide the facility of home automation. less expensive wireless remote control for HAS.
An application is build which interacts with the Foot Step Counter is the technique which is an
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)
Fig. 6. Voice Recognition App home page(left) and Bluetooth client Fig. 7. Prototype-Smart Home Automation System
list-name and addresses(right)
The home automation system helps in monitoring
and controlling the appliances.Android App has
been made by the help of MIT App Inventor and Fig. 8. Prototype - People Counter
prototype has been tested. Figure 6 shows the Voice
Recognition App. Left screen is the home page
consisting of microphone button. After connecting Figure 8 shows the hardware for People Counter.
app via blue-tooth it activates. The app then gets In this system we have 2 rooms named Bedroom
connected with blue-tooth module(HC-05) on the and Kitchen. It works with IR sensors which are
system. Now on pressing microphone button in the installed back and front on the doors. These sensors
app a clock starts and accepts voice commands detect motion in front of them.These sensors send
and converts into string. Then this string is sent signal to micro-controller, and it converts the signal
to the micro-controller bit-by-bit via blue-tooth. into bits and with the help of relay the lights are
Figure 7 shows the prototype’s experimental setup controlled. LED Display shows the real time status
for Voice home automation system with 4 rooms of the room. It shows the number of persons in
each installed with a light bulb. The system consists the room. When a person enters the door, counter
of micro-controller(Arduino uno), relay, and blue- number increases. The counter is set by micro-
tooth module. controller and the status is checked every time. A
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)
door has two IR sensors. The sensor outside room of energy. Further with the help of Internet Con-
counts number of person entering in the room i.e. nectivity one can check the status of appliances and
increments the counter and other sensor which is control them from distant place.
installed inside the room detects people in the room R EFERENCES
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