Final - Assessment Brief (IHRM) 2021
Final - Assessment Brief (IHRM) 2021
Final - Assessment Brief (IHRM) 2021
Individual Portfolio
Sheikh Ziaul Haque
08 February 2021
LO1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the issues and challenges associated with
Human Resource Management.
LO2. Critically evaluate Human Resource Management practices against emerging trends.
LO3. Design job descriptions, person specifications, performance appraisal methods and criteria
to evaluate the performance of individuals
LO4.Critically evaluate approaches to performance management and people development in line
with recognised best practice
LO5. Present information and communicate effectively in a wide range of situations
Assessment Descriptions:
This is a Portfolio comprising of self and peer assessment (4,000 words plus/minus 10%).
The use of Cover page, Unit Contents, words in tables, diagrams, Bibliography, and
appendices (with evidence at the end of the Report and/or through a separate attachment)
will not be counted towards the total word count. It is mandatory to follow the prescribed word
limit as for unreasonably exceeding/reducing, your marks may be reduced under ‘Penalty-1’.
(Assessor’s fair discretion may apply for exemption).
After completion of this portfolio students will be able to systematically understand and apply
knowledge of contemporary issues facing the Human Resource Management. It considers the current
state of employee relations, and the challenges of people management including recruitment and
selection, training and development, performance management and administrative challenges. This
portfolio preparation will give students a firm grounding to help them effectively address these topics in
the contemporary business environment by reconciling emerging theories with recognised best
Assessment Scenario:
Tesco Plc. (Company number: 00445790) is one of the largest Supermarket in the UK. It is a long
history of success.
In 1919, Jack Cohen began selling surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London in 1919. He
left the Royal Flying Corp at the end of the Great War and used his demob money to buy the first day's
stock. From day one, Jack believed in putting affordable food in the reach of everybody. At the end of
the first day Jack Cohen made a profit of £1 on sales of £4.
The first own-brand product sold, which Jack promised would bring unequalled value, was Tesco Tea -
before the company was called Tesco. The name comes from the initials of TE Stockwell, who was a
partner in the firm of tea suppliers, and CO from Jack's surname.
In 1929, Jack Cohen opened the first Tesco store in Burnt Oak, Edgware, north London. The store sold
great value dry goods and the first ever branded product, which, unsurprisingly, was Tesco Tea!
Now Tesco has a chain of businesses, including Petrol Pump, Bank, Travelling even since 2019 Tesco
Community Cookery School.
Tesco Plc. Opened own branches in several countries of Europe and Asia. Their sale in 2019 reached
£56.9bn. (
Assume that you are employed in a UK based Business organisation as a Business Advisor. You
may choose any similar but realistic/sensible position of your chosen organisation. You are advised to
prepare a ‘Portfolio’ based on the following questions. You are welcome to design your own structure
for this Portfolio.
Descriptions Marks
1). Demonstrate your systematic understanding about issues and challenges in 20%
Human Resource Management. (LO-1)
(Guidance: You must take at least three Journals/newspaper articles/chapter from the
Book/similar sources to establish your understanding about issues and challenges. Also,
provide the actual evidence of these source in the appendix).
2) Critically evaluate Human Resource Management practices against emerging trends. 20%
(Guidance: The evaluation needs to be critical.)
3) Design and develop a job description and a person specification of a supervisory position 20%
from your selected organisation. (LO-3)
(Guidance: You need to provide the actual JDPS. Show the understanding of developing the
5) Explain different types of information and communication effectively used in a wide range of 20%
situations, within Human resources practices and justify them. (LO-5)
(Guidance: After your explanation, provide at least two different types of practical
information/communication being used in your organisation. Analyse about their application.
Discuss about the procedures of application.
NB: A Report without the suggested evidence is not considered as a Portfolio. No word count
for the Appendix and/or Attachment for the Portfolio.
Title page - The details of the Module, student name and ID number.
Introduction - The background, the context and the aim of the report. Starts on Page
Summary and Conclusion - Overall findings of the investigation: the overall picture that has
emerged and the implications.
References - Identification of literature and other sources used and referred to in the text.
Ensure that all references are quoted at the end of any quotations, definitions and web-
sourced materials.
Submission of a report without references will not be allowed.
An Academic Portfolio is a summary of your major activities and accomplishments, documenting the
nature and extent of your contributions as well as your role and achievements. It has three major
components (or folios).
Design and Development: for example, job description, person specification, and
performance management process.
With reference to the learning outcomes 1 and 2, reflect on and evaluate the quality of your
own work and your learning. Judge the degree to which you reflect explicitly on your stated
goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses of your work, and revise accordingly.
Peer Assessment
Peer Assessment Your Tutor/Assessor will award the final mark, while you are
providing a constructive feedback to your peer. Please be considerate in your judgement
and avoid harsh criticism of your peer’s work. For example, instead of saying “you have
done it wrong”, say “have you considered this”. Word your suggestions positively. With
reference to the learning outcome 5, reflect on and evaluate the quality of work of your peer
(Leaflet design, structure, and content) and their learning. Judge the degree to which they
reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria identify strengths and weaknesses in their work and
area of improvements.
Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the work of others, intentionally or unintentionally, without
acknowledging the source of that information or inspiration. “Even if the words are changed or
sentences are put in a different order, the result is still plagiarism” (Cortell 2003).
Collusion is described as the submission of work produced in collaboration with others for any given
assessment based on the assessment of individual work when one person shares his/her work with
others who submit part or all that work as their own work. In this assessment, it is acceptable to discuss
various ideas and concepts with others, but the substantive application and coverage in your
submission must be your own work
The Harvard system of citation requires you to use a given convention that places primarily the authors’
surnames and year of publication within the text.
For example:
According to Bell (1999), as you write your report, you will use a citation to indicate in your text the
source of the information. This is called in-text referencing.
The authors and publication information cited within the main body of your work must be listed in the
reference list. For example:
Bell, J.; (1999), ‘Doing your Research Project’, (3rd Ed), Buckingham: Open University Press.
Detailed guidance on the Harvard Referencing System (HRS) is available on the Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE).For further details and guidelines on Harvard Referencing, visit the following link: or follow the instructions on Harvard Referencing Guide provided by London
Met University Library.