Sw3 Teachers Guide
Sw3 Teachers Guide
Sw3 Teachers Guide
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4 Scope and Sequence
Stopwatch is a motivating, six-level secondary series built around the concept of visual literacy.
Stopwatch constructs students’ language skills from The six-level framework of the series allows for
A0 to B1 of the Common European Framework of different entry points to fit the needs of each school
Reference (CEFR). or group of students.
A stopwatch symbolizes energy, speed, movement The syllabus has been carefully structured. Each
and competition and gives immediate feedback. The level recycles and expands on the language that was
Stopwatch series offers dynamic, engaging activities used in the previous books. This process of spiraled
and timed challenges that encourage students to language development helps students internalize
focus and train for mastery. what they are learning.
Stopwatch has a strong visual component to facilitate Each level of Stopwatch covers 90 – 120 hours of
and deepen learning through authentic tasks, classroom instruction, plus an additional 20 hours of
compelling images and the use of icons. supplementary activities and materials in the Teacher’s
The series was conceived for the international market, Guide and Teacher’s Toolkit.
with a wide range of topics, incorporating cultures
from around the world.
The Components
Teacher’s Toolkit
The Teacher’s Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that is writing. The Test Plus package is intended for students
delivered in a set of CDs. who are able to do all of the extension tasks in the
intermediate) will help teachers assess their students’ Audio is available on a CD and in mp3 format.
level of English on an individual and group basis and Answer Keys and audio transcripts for tests are included.
guide them in their choice of level and test packages.
Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets are provided to
Two different test packages each contain unit tests, ensure sufficient practice opportunities.
midterm and final exams, as well as rubrics for
Reading Worksheets (Time reading texts) are provided
evaluating unit projects. There are two packages to
to offer students opportunities to develop reading skills.
choose from:
The Standard test pack for grammar and vocabulary as Scorecard forms to print or project to help students
Stopwatch App
The stopwatch function should be used for the
timed activities in the Student’s Book
and Workbook.
tudent’s Book
& Workbook Teacher’s Toolkit
- Additional readings
Two skills 3 Find two facts and two opinions in the article. Write them in your notebook.
1 Look at the pictures and the title of the article.
What do you think it is about?
4 Read the e-mail and number the sections.
per unit
1. Closing. Use “Regards” (Best / Sincerely) and a comma. Then write your name.
2. Greeting. Use “Dear,” the person’s name and a comma.
3. Body of the message. One paragraph per idea. Check your spelling and grammar!
New Mail
Visual prompts
but I sometim
at the TV studio, shows. That’s my favorite
For example, they might test challenges for our
live in the jungle without jungle or the desert to
bedrooms, bathrooms or part of the job. things. Sometimes I get
but there are some bad
In general, I love my job,
TV show. If a challenge about it. I’m
Tips for skills 2 Read the article and circle T (True) or F (False). In a text, there are 2. What you like action done by
facts, information someone in a lm
1. Sharon appears on TV. T F 3. What you don’t like
that can be veried, challenge: a difficult
2. A stunt tester tries the challenges before the show. T F and opinions, 4. What you’re doing now action to test
personal beliefs someone’s ability
3. Sharon only eats live animals. T F about something or Stop and Think! Can a job be refuse: to say no to
4. Sharon thinks cooked grubs are delicious. T F someone. dangerous? Is it OK? something
Podcasts Live
Content relevant to
Audios available nne’
s Hi, I’m Joanne. Today
on Podcasts Live, I’m
students’ lives
Joa visiting a company with
on CD and in the 34
a difference. Can you
guess what it is? Here
are some
Silicon Valley
challenging work there, but life there can comfortable or are having fun, they are more
very unusual company. Listen to these examples:
also be relaxed. For instance, employees at creative. Google encourages employees to 36
A woman is (3) her dog Google wear casual clothes, play games and solve problems using their own solutions, not
at the ofce! A man is (4) do fun activities during work hours. Why? their managers’. With a comfortable work
coffee in the corridors. Two women are Google knows innovation and collaboration environment and good social relationships,
are important. To make this happen, the teams make big impacts. Not every 1 Look and label the sections.
sunbathing on a balcony. Some people are
person is (6)
yoga, in the ofce! One
on the wall!
company provides employees with everything
they need to feel happy. Google workers
have access to free food, rest areas, medical
company is like Google, but it is a pioneer
in innovation and exibility for many modern
companies throughout the world to follow.
A Daily Routine
A Difficult Challenge
A Family Tradition
orientation of
some sections
I mean, is anybody working here? Where am I?
Job Requirements
Positive Aspects
Stop and Think! What does it mean to feel happy with a job?
to conform
G lossary
4 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).
sunbathe: stay in the sun
1. The company is in Nevada, in Silicon Valley. T F to make your skin brown
Critical thinking /
1 Read and mark (✓) the pictures mentioned in the podcast. 2. Workers wear suits. T F headquarters: the main
to visual
office of a large company
3. Workers don’t have any perks. T F 2
2 Listen and complete. employees: people who
4. Google welcomes original ideas. T F work for a company
Value tasks
3 Read again and guess the company. Listen and check. 5. Google is a traditional company. T F perks: benets given in
a job
Culture 4
12/4/15 2:49 PM
Student’s Book
& Workbook
Teacher’s Toolkit
1 Look and write the people’s names. 3 Unscramble the professions. Then match them
Visual - Exams and exam audio
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to their workplaces.
literacy - Vocabulary worksheets
Contact us
Learn about the People and their Professions
There are many professions in the world today. People choose their future
careers based on their likes and dislikes and their strengths and weaknesses. Here PC
development - Grammar worksheets
are some examples of people who love what they do. Center
6. sartnti rtporeoa
1 2 3 4 5
28 29
a. f a o ry
ct b . air p o rt
fi r e s t a t i o n Insight to
• My name’s Joanna and I’m an engineer. I love mathematics. I work in an automobile factory.
We use robots to assemble the cars. I design the plans to build those robots.
• Hi. I’m Sheila and I work as a pilot for a commercial airline. I like traveling to different
6 language or 9
countries and meeting people. My job is to y passengers to different parts of the world.
I love that!
• I’m Roy and I work at the re station. I’m a reghter. My job is to put out res and help
people in dangerous situations. I love helping others. tra i on
n st ati e. h o t el f. s a l o n
• I’m Emma and I work as a transit operator. I drive a train every day from 9 to 5. I enjoy
this job a lot. I love helping people move around our city.
4 Read and identify the professions.
• My name’s Richard and I work at a hotel downtown. I work as a receptionist at the front
desk. I welcome guests and help them with their rooms. It’s a very busy job, but I love 1. A moves people Grammar
interacting with people. around the city and works from 9 to 5.
• I’m Paul and I work in a salon in a shopping mall in the suburbs. I’m a hairstylist. In my job 1 Read the chats and identify where Jo’s friends are. 2 Read the chats and choose the correct option.
2. A ies passengers
I meet a lot of people. I help them look good with a trendy haircut or a new hairstyle. I 1 2 1. When is Tom taking a pilates class? a) now b) every day
need to learn new techniques all the time. to different places around the world.
2. When is Jerry helping his grandpa? a) every morning b) this morning
3. A helps people
3. When is Nicole baking cupcakes? a) at this moment b) all week
look good with a new haircut or hairstyle.
4. A helps put out 3 Look and match.
Present Continuous
res and helps people in danger. 1. I’m doing a. doing?
5. A welcomes guests
2. He’s not taking b. playing soccer.
and provides help regarding their rooms. 3. Are they going c. dad in the garden.
6. An designs plans home 3 the gym
4. What are you d. my homework.
to build robots in car factories.
Jo is eating a hot dog. 5. She’s helping her e. a music class. 31
1 2 Think Fast! Circle the professions in the text. (be) (-ing)
Stop and Think! What is most important in a job? 6. We’re not f. to the concert?
4 Listen and match. Which speaker is…
STOPWATCH3U2.indd 28 12/4/15 2:49 PM STOPWATCH3U2.indd 29 12/4/15 2:49 PM
c of Place
a farm
a on + public transportation
at + buildings
in + geographical areas
But in for cars and taxis.
Tom: Look: 3
1 in N e
Nicole: Look!
STOPWATCH3U2.indd 30 12/4/15 3:56 PM STOPWATCH3U2.indd 31 12/4/15 3:56 PM
8 Grammar
Activities for fast finishers 2 Match the objects and the professions.
safety goggles
train ticket
the unit
theme More practice
2 Unit
with unit
1 Read and match.
A reghter
A hairstylist
a. designs and builds machines.
b. welcomes and helps guests with their stays.
4 Correct the sentences.
1. I sitting on the bus.
2. What are you do?
Vocabulary – Jobs
1 Look and complete the jobs.
3 Choose the correct option.
airport factory hotel train station re station salon
grammar and
A pilot
A receptionist
A transit operator
c. helps people in dangerous situations.
d. moves people in a city.
e. ies passengers to different destinations.
3. We not doing homework.
4. Are you have lunch at school today?
5. Jim is no playing basketball.
HOTEL 0. Arrive at the
2. My dad works in a
1. I want a new hairstyle. I need to go to the
6. An engineer f. gives people new looks. 6. Are you watch TV?
4. We’re staying in a nice for our vacation.
2 Unscramble the words. 5. You can see the red trucks at the .
5 Answer the questions about you.
1. Are you having P.E. today?
Grammar – Present Continuous 3
38 39
2. What are your parents doing right now? 2
1 4
3. What are you doing right now?
oparrti atfryco ifer nitatso
3. the L R B A N S M
the ore 2 Complete the sentences with the present continuous.
the bookstore ics st Q P R I Q T T
2. 4. tron C O K N D A I 0. factory have make run sing swim write
rant elec
restau Y R G S H T R 1.
0. She ’s having lunch with her cousins.
C T S T B I M 2.
1. Right now I an e-mail to my friends.
J G S A L O N 3.
P H F T E N J 2. Zara in the sea.
N I V I U K O 3. The boys a model of a ship in their bedroom.
W P H O T E L 4. Alice and Petra in the marathon!
6. Z X T N M V L 5. The soprano an opera.
a taxi the bus
STOPWATCH3 U2wb.indd 130 12/4/15 3:11 PM STOPWATCH3 U2wb.indd 131 12/4/15 3:11 PM
Workbook section
STOPWATCH3U2.indd 38 12/4/15 2:51 PM STOPWATCH3U2.indd 39 12/4/15 2:51 PM
Identifying the main idea
3. My parents
4. I sew
do a handstand.
a button.
5 Look, circle and complete
the sentences
with numbers.
? 0. There is / are one island in the
picture with a very big waterslide
on it.
1. There is / are
children in
the picture.
you see hidden
pictures in the article. Can
11 Look at the
7 Complete
the questions with
are, is or there.
the walls in your
Then answer.
parents’ bedroom
Challen ges
1. What color
the door of your
bedroom? for Our Eyes dOOur
2. What color in your living room? the ffrontt off our hhead.
i th
W e have two eyes in
Can you see numbers
3. How many windows in the dining room? eyes can see in color. seeing the
that your eyes are
4. How many chairs balloons. picture 1? That means Picture 1
lines in the text colors correctly. to see distances
the corresponding give us the ability
8 Look and complete Our eyes and brain ability can also
-do. (3-D vision). This
and I do tae-kwon between objects
that are not really
there. For
I run, I play soccer make us see things you
the champion! a stereogram. Can
I play to win. I’m example, picture
2 is called
read the secret message? function
win. eyes and brain don’t can’t see
and I sometimes But sometimes the or you
I love swimming can’t see in color
important for me. 100%. Maybe you as the same
But winning is not see red and green
in 3-D. Some people clothes. Some
difficulty choosing
color and they have they can’t see the
objects because
agree with. people walk into just need glasses
the opinion you And some people
play sports? Mark (✓) distance correctly. can be complicate
9 How do you the distance. Life
to read or see in
well! Picture 2
circle the correct options. when you don’t see can help you.
10 Read and problems, an optometrist
If you have vision
Be a Good Ath
main idea.
and mark (✓) the glasses.
12 Read the
article Maybe you need
eyes work correctly.
your answers.
Listen and check
Students create their own crossword puzzles.
• Tell students to look at the crossword puzzle
on page 24 of their Student’s Book and use it
as a model.
• Suggest that students use the vocabulary words
in Activities 2 and 3 for their puzzles.
• After they have made their puzzles, students
can exchange them and complete each
other’s crosswords.
Audio Script
1. Boy: Grandpa, what happened?
Grandpa: Oh, I can’t see well when the cup isn’t
in my hand.
Boy: Oh, you don’t see well in 3-D.
Grandpa: Of course I’m not a hero from a 3-D
movie, young man. I’m just old!
2. Teacher: Owen, what’s the answer?
Boy: Umm… The French Revolution?
Teacher: Owen, I think you need glasses.
Girl: Or maybe you need to study, Owen!
3. Girl: Dad! Remember that your pink shirt is on
the left in the closet, and the green one is on
the right.
Father: Oh, OK. I forgot.
Listening Writing
Identifying key words Describing one’s morning routine
because I have
my gym uniform because
I have
this morning.
Listen and unscramble
the school subjects in the
my locker because I have li
3. I have my recorder in am
today because I have 15
4. I have my dictionary
2 2.
14 eyohgrgap
gym uniform
Listen and circle the correct option.
in the morning.
and chemistry / geography
4 1. Today, Pete has math
3 / English in the afternoon.
2. Pete has music and art
in the evening.
technology homework
3. He does his history / c.
5 Read and match.
Do exams make
Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Do you drink
9:00–9:50 Math Math (1) Math 4 We don’t want to dehydrate.
Do you have good exam strategies? enough water on the day of
the exam?
10:00–10:50 English English (2) Take the quiz and nd out.
Denitely. It helps me feel alert.
English English
the nal.
1 You need a good grade on
11:00–11:50 Social
Art (3) Social
Studies Art I don’t drink anything.
Studies Do you plan your study schedule?
Lunch Recess No, I don’t like water.
Of course! I always plan.
5 Do you have a system to
1:00–1:50 Science
Health (4) Science Health I sometimes do.
the exam questions?
2:00–2:50 Geography Reading (5) No, it doesn’t help me. then
The easy questions go rst,
Spanish Band
you study?
3:00–3:50 Home
Economics Spanish (6) Home 2 Does noise distract you when the difficult ones.
Economics P.E.
Yes, it does. I need peace and I guess the answers.
4 Music makes studying easier. I answer e question one by one.
each q
1 Listen and complete the class schedule for Wednesday.
No, it doesn’t. It’s OK.
you sleep well Mostly red Excellent! Exams
3 You have many exams. Do are easy for you.
Listening & Writing
2 Listen again and choose the correct option.
the night before them? You can do better.
1. We always have math at 9 in the afternoon
/ morning. Mostly blue
Be Strategic! 2. We sometimes have band practice in Yes. I go to bed early. Change some
Prepositions until late. bad habits.
When you listen,
the afternoon / evening. Actually, I like to play video games
don’t write down nervous. Mostly green Help! You need
every word. Only 3. I usually eat there, but on Fridays / Wednesdays,
To talk about time, we use No, I don’t. I always feel very new strategies.
write down key
in + the morning,
I bring my own lunch. the afternoon, the evening.
words like nouns
or verbs. 4. We never have reading on Wednesday. It’s (But at + night) 5 Change the sentences to affirmative
only (+), negative (–) or
on Tuesday / Thursday. on + Monday, Tuesday, etc. interrogative (?).
in + March, June, etc.
5. We often play soccer in December / September. 19 Present Simple 1. Do you have exams every week? (+)
3 Look and complete the chart. I answer. 2. We play basketball in the park. (–)
It helps.
often Negative 3. She studies at night. (–)
never I don’t drink.
often It doesn’t help.
sometimes a b Interrogative 4. Does Tim read novels? (+)
usually 3 Read and match the
times.50% Do you have...?
G uess What!
In American English, 1. ten past eight 25% 75% Does noise distract you? 5. Joe and Lisa go to the movies on Fridays. (?)
people also say... 2. quarter to seven c d
8:10 eight ten 3. half past seven 0% 100% 6. Ray doesn’t like pizza. (?)
7:50 seven fty 4. seven o’clock
4 Write questions.
1. what / name
2. where / live
3. what time / get up
4. what / for breakfast
5. how / to school
Listen and answer the questions.
pictures live? 6. what / wear to school
1. Where do the people in the
2. Why do people do this? questions above.
you. Use the answers to the
the pictures? 5 Write a paragraph about
3. How old are the people in
T (True) or F (False).
2 Listen again and circle T F
Pinos is difficult and exciting.
1. The journey to school in Los T F
school on the zip line.
2. About ve children go to T F Culture G lossary
and a teacher in their village.
3. The children have a school T F 1 Look at the map and circle T (True) or
journey: a long trip
zip line with a classmate. are important
Stop and Think! What rules Correct the false information.
F (False).
a very small
4. The children travel on the T F
to obey when you travel to
5. The zip line is 800 meters T F 1. There is only one island in Japan. T F
6. José travels on the zip line. 2. Japan is in the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Japan is a country in Asia. T F
4. Japan’s ag is red and white. T F
2 Complete the interview with these
questions. J Pacic
a. is Japan a clean country? Osaka
d. Do you have rules at school?
b. do you think that’s a good idea?
20 e. do you wear school uniforms? Tokyo
c. What school do you go to, Masako?
Around the World… A Clean Country Cleaning the School
Introduction School Uniforms Value
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
the World: Japan
and M: Oh, yes. A lot! For example, we
1 Read the infographic ello readers! You probably
have cleaning period after school
draw the missing pictures. think schools are the same
every day. We clean every part of the
all over the world, but you are
Circle school, including the bathrooms! All
2 Review the infographic. in for a surprise! Meet Masako Part 1
two similarities and two Shimizu, a twelve-year old girl Japanese kids do it. It’s very common.
1. Remember, school
starts at 8:30 every
Be on time!
Don't run in the halls.
Teaching Tip
closed. 4 (–, have) school tomorrow.
3. The bus
(+, leave) at 5 o’clock.
4. My mom
(+, watch) TV every night.
5 4. 5. 5. My dad
(–, play) soccer.
6. It's important to have 3. 6. Rachel
everything you need for school. 7. There are many important
nt 24
(–, eat) at the school cafeteria.
Check your backpack before things to remember at 6 Look and unscramble
the questions. Then write
offensive, etc.
1 16
TAR 12
My favorite subject
D 14 15 16
9 10 11 12 13
5 6 7 8 Is it...
1 2 3 4
3 Look and
4 Answer the
ep er
s but nev
ea ays run s
What alw often murmur but
walks, s, has a
er talk th
but nev a mou
s ps, has
never slee never eats
stud but
Students select adjectives that they feel describe
their school.
• Keeping in mind the Big Question on the previous
page, write a variety of adjectives that could
describe a school (strict, friendly, noisy, neat, chaotic,
16 orderly, relaxed, etc.) on the board and invite
students to say which ones best describe their
own school.
• Encourage students to discuss their ideas as a
whole class. Ask Do the rules at our school affect what
school is like? How?
Students write about the equipment and the items
that they have with them according to different days
of the week.
• Tell students to write at least five sentences
explaining the school items that they have with
them on different days for the various subjects that
they have on those days. For example, a student
might write, On Mondays, I have my gym uniform with
me because I have P.E.
• Invite students to share their sentences with the
rest of the class.
L isten and unscramble the school subjects in
➠ Workbook pp. 126 and 127, Activities 3 and 4
the pictures.
Students practice more school subjects vocabulary in
a listening and spelling activity.
1. literature, 2. art, 3. chemistry, 4. technology,
5. geography, 6. history
Audio Script
1. literature l-i-t--e-r-a-t-u-r-e
2. art a-r-t
3. chemistry c-h-e-m-i-s-t-r-y
4. technology t-e-c-h-n-o-l-o-g-y
5. geography g-e-o-g-r-a-p-h-y
6. history h-i-s-t-o-r-y
4 Listen and circle the correct option.
Students choose the correct school subject to
complete each sentence according to the audio.
1. chemistry, 2. English, 3. technology
Audio Script
Hi! I’m Pete. Today, I have math and …uh…
chemistry in the morning. Then I have music
and English in the afternoon. After school, I play
basketball for the school team. I do my technology
homework in the evening. I watch TV at night
before I go to bed.
✔ Homework Check!
➠ Workbook pp. 127 and 128, Activities 1–3
Workbook p. 128, Activity 4
Answers Teaching Tip
4 Read and complete the sentences. Having Students Explain the Topic
1. sometimes, 2. usually, 3. always, 4. never Students show that they have understood a
grammatical structure when they can explain
it to others. Invite students to create posters
illustrating the forms of the present simple.
Students play an association game, using feelings.
Display the posters around the classroom. Repeat
• Brainstorm feelings with students and write them
this with other grammatical structures that
on the board.
students study later on.
• Tell students they are going to play an association
game. You will say a word and they will write the 19
how it makes them feel.
• Say the following words: music, math, P.E.,
homework, lunch, weekends, exam. As you say each
word, write it on the board. Students will write
how each word makes them feel.
• Form groups of three or four students and have
them share how each word makes them feel.
• Ask students How do exams make you feel?
In small groups, students design and write quizzes
similar to the one on this page. The quizzes can be
about free-time activities, friends, daily routines, etc.
and should include questions in the present simple.
After they finish writing their quizzes, groups can
exchange them and answer the questions.
Warm-up Answers
Students talk about how they get to school. 1. T, 2. T, 3. F (The children don’t have a teacher
• Write bus, train, car, by foot, bike on the board. in their village.), 4. F (The children travel with a
parent or an adult.), 5. T, 6. F (Jose doesn’t travel
• Ask students how they get to school, how long it
on the zip line anymore.)
takes them, and how far they travel each day.
L isten and answer the questions. Wrap-up
Students listen to an interview and identify key Students role-play interviews with children from
information needed to answer questions. Los Pinos.
➠ Workbook p. 129, Activity 1
1. They live in the village of Los Pinos in Colombia.,
2. Because they don’t have a teacher in their
village, and they don’t have any other means Teaching Tip
of transportation., 3. They are about five to ten Managing Fast Finishers
years old. Some students complete activities more quickly
than others, so it’s a good idea to have a few
Audio Script extra activities on hand, otherwise these students
[P = Presenter, J = José, a Colombian teenager] may become bored and disruptive. One set of
p: How do you get to school every day? Do you activities designed for fast finishers are the Just
have a long journey on the bus? For the kids in for Fun pages. Students can work on these
the village of Los Pinos in Colombia, the journey to individually and then check their answers in the
school is very difficult and dangerous. We talked to back of the Student’s Book. The Just for Fun
José, a Colombian boy, about his journey. José, how activities for this unit are on page 26.
do the kids here get to school?
j: They use a zip line over the river. They don’t have
a bus. They don’t have a train or a subway. They
just have the zip line.
p: How many children do this?
j: About five children travel like this.
p: How old are they?
J: They’re very young. They are about 5 to 10
years old.
4 Write questions.
Students write Wh- questions using cues.
1. What is your name? 2. Where do you live?
3. What time do you get up? 4. What do you
have for breakfast? 5. How do you get to school?
6. What do you wear to school?
Invite students to find out about school students
of their age in other countries around the world.
Have them prepare short presentations as if in the
role of another student. For example, My name is
Luiz. I live in Sao Paulo…
✔ Homework Check!
Workbook p. 129, Activities 2 and 3
➠ (No homework today.)
2 Look and write the times using the words.
1. It’s twenty past eight. 2. It’s three o’clock.
3. It’s half past twelve. 4. It’s quarter past four.
22 5. It’s five to seven.
3 Read the article again and rewrite it from
Johnny’s point of view.
Answers will vary.
Students answer general knowledge questions
about Japan.
• Have students close their books. Conduct a
quick-fire quiz about Japan. Ask, for example,
What continent is Japan in? What is the capital city of
Japan? What money do they use in Japan? What is the
population of Japan?
Asia, Tokyo, yen, approximately 127 million
Students review what they have learned about
Japan so far.
• With their books closed, give small groups one
minute to talk about what that they can remember
about Japan.
• As a whole class, share answers.
Students discuss ideas for a new rule.
• As a whole class, discuss students’ ideas for a new
rule for their school, that is, a rule that they believe
is necessary and beneficial, but that is not part of
the existing school rules.
Students discuss the concept of an infographic.
• Write the word infographic on the board and
ask students to separate it into its two parts
(info and graphic).
• Discuss the meanings of these two parts of the
word. Elicit or explain that info is an abbreviation
24 for information and that graphic relates to visual art,
especially drawing or writing. Thus an infographic
is a visual representation of information or data.
Discuss how infographics are intended to present
information quickly and clearly.
Students compare visual ideas and vote for
their favorites.
• Invite students to submit their individual proposals
for an image to go with, for example, Rule 2 on the
infographic. Have the class vote for their favorite
images for each rule.
• Once students have shared their infographics
with their own class, invite them to present their
work to other classes or to members of staff.
• A selection of infographics could be displayed in
an exhibition of students’ work.
✔ Homework Check!
Workbook p. 128, Activity 1
➠ (No homework today.)
1 Complete about you!
Answers will vary.
Students discuss their favorite school subjects.
• As a whole-class activity, invite students to say
what their favorite subjects are and why and to
talk a little about those subjects. Encourage them
to use vocabulary and expressions that have been
covered in this unit, e.g., school objects, times of
day, etc.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Ask students to turn to the unit opener on page
13 and look again at the picture, which shows
signs prohibiting certain actions.
• Select one of the signs, for example, the one
prohibiting the use of bicycles and discuss with
students the places where this is a good rule
(inside a school) and the places where it is not
necessary (a public park). Repeat with some of
the other signs.
• Organize students into small groups and have
them try to complete the following sentence in
just 50 words: We need rules because…
Reading Writing
Identifying and distinguishing facts from opinions Describing an imaginary job
Contact us
people’s names.
3 Unscramble the
to their workplaces.
1. neregine
sartnti rtporeoa
Then match them
5 29
fi r e s t a t i o n
a. f ac t o ry b . air p o rt
I work in an automobile
I’m an engineer. I love mathematics. build those robots.
• My name’s Joanna and to 6
the cars. I design the plans
We use robots to assemble different
airline. I like traveling to
as a pilot for a commercial world.
• Hi. I’m Sheila and I work to different parts of the
My job is to y passengers
countries and meeting people. d. n f. s a l o n
I love that!
I’m a reghter. My job is
to put out res and help Grammar tra in st atio e. h o t el
1 w
Nicole: Look! in N e
the sections.
1 Look at the pictures and 4 Read the e-mail and
write your name. 5. I’m waiting at / on the supermarket.
What do you think it is about? / Sincerely) and a comma. Then
1. Closing. Use “Regards” (Best 6. She’s traveling to Bogotá at / on a plane.
person’s name and a comma.
2. Greeting. Use “Dear,” the spelling and grammar!
paragraph per idea. Check your
3. Body of the message. One
New Mail
I ’m in a TV studio. In
front of me, there is a
plate of grubs. Sharon
it rst!
she says. “I always refuse
because it’s cruel. I eat
anything if it’s dead.
tester does re
Majkowski, 26, is slowly A stunt befo These cooked grubs are
eating them. It’s not her the chal show. good, actually. Do you
lunch. This is her job. the TV want one?”
G lossary
Sharon is a stunt tester. Politely, we refuse. They Culture grub: a baby insect like
When you watch a “Sometimes they ask look revolting. This one is
5 Write an e-mail about
an imaginary job you have. Explain: a worm
reality TV show, you often me to eat live animals,” clearly a job for the experts. stunt: a dangerous
see people do challenges. 1. What you do
Podcasts Live
action done by
Be Strategic! 2. What you like someone in a lm
In a text, there are challenge: a difficult
F (False). 3. What you don’t like
2 Read the article and circle T (True) or facts, information action to test
T F that can be veried, 4. What you’re doing now someone’s ability
1. Sharon appears on TV. T F and opinions, refuse: to say no to
before the show. personal beliefs Stop and Think! Can a job be
2. A stunt tester tries the challenges T F
about something or dangerous? Is it OK?
3. Sharon only eats live animals.
T F someone. Hi, I’m Joanne. Today
are delicious.
4. Sharon thinks cooked grubs
on Podcasts Live, I’m
visiting a company with
a difference. Can you
guess what it is? Here 35
are some Silicon Valley
Business, U.S.
in the technology
sector. It’s very, very
and you probably use it several times a day. Many big technology companies like Google
36 I’m attention and recreational spaces. What’s the
have their headquarters in Silicon Valley in
in their ofces now in California, in the U.S. idea behind all of these perks? The company
It is a
California. Businesspeople do important and
believes that when people are relaxed and
very unusual company. Listen to these examples: challenging work there, but life there can
comfortable or are having fun, they are more
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
A woman is (3) also be relaxed. For instance, employees at
her dog creative. Google encourages employees to
at the ofce! A man is (4) Google wear casual clothes, play games and
sections. solve problems using their own solutions, not
1 Look and label the do fun activities during work hours. Why?
coffee in the corridors. Two women are their managers’. With a comfortable work
Google knows innovation and collaboration
A Daily Routine environment and good social relationships,
sunbathing on a balcony. Some people are are important. To make this happen, the
A Difficult Challenge company provides employees with everything
teams make big impacts. Not every
1 Read and mark (✓) the pictures mentioned
Listen and complete.
in the podcast.
4 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).
1. The company is in Nevada, in Silicon Valley.
2. Workers wear suits.
G lossary
sunbathe: stay in the sun
to make your skin brown
headquarters: the main
3. Workers don’t have any perks. office of a large company
4 Correct the sentences.
1 Read and match.
1. I sitting on the bus.
1. A reghter a. designs and builds machines.
Teaching Tip
2. What are you do?
2. A hairstylist b. welcomes and helps guests with their stays.
sentence fragments. 3. We not doing homework.
2 Read and match the c. helps people in dangerous situations.
is a. a reghter. 3. A pilot
Everyone in Piero’s family 4. Are you have lunch at school today?
b. contribute to forest res. 4. A receptionist d. moves people in a city.
At the station, reghters 5. Jim is no playing basketball.
c. decisions can cause a
re. 5. A transit operator e. ies passengers to different destinations.
is 6. Are you watch TV?
3. A reghter’s equipment 6. An engineer f. gives people new looks.
d. re-resistant.
4. Weather conditions in California situation.
e. learn what to do in a re
You can take advantage of this tendency and make 3 Look and write sentences. What are they doing?
at in on City, Colorado
If time allows for it, you can have students exchange Just for Fun
1 Write the
answer s.
2 a the bus
5 Down g
6 7
peer correction, students become more aware not only 2 Match the
objects and the profess
hose firefighter
train ticket
blow dryer r
transit operato dashboard
safety helmet
licit or point out that the photos on these pages
show a few instances of professions that, until
relatively recently, very few women practiced or
that were not even available to women.
iscuss how nowadays there are women who
are pilots with commercial airlines, engineers,
politicians, astronauts, CEOs of major
companies, etc.
4 Listen and match. Which speaker is…
Students are exposed to prepositions of place as
they match each speaker to the photo of where the
person is according to the audio.
1. 3, 2. 2, 3. 1
Audio Script
1. B
rian: Hi, it’s me, Brian. Today is a big day. I get
to see my mom at work. She runs this place. I’m
in her office now. Oh, gotta go. Classes are about
to start.
2. C
olin: This is Colin. The city is huge! I’m
here with my dad to see him at work. He’s a
salesperson for an important software company.
The traffic here is impressive. Let me take a pic
for you.
3. T
ina: Hi. You’re probably wondering where I am.
I’m with my dad at his job. I have a chance to see
a lot of nice places where we live. It’s eight and
there are a lot of people waiting to get to work.
Audio Script
Hi, I’m Joanne. Today on Podcasts Live, I’m visiting a
company with a difference. Can you guess what it
is? Here are some clues.
The company works in the technology sector. It’s very,
very famous and you probably use it several times a
day. I’m in their offices now in California, in the U.S. It
is a very unusual company. Listen to these examples:
A woman is keeping her dog at the office!
A man is drinking coffee in the corridors.
Two women are sunbathing on a balcony.
Some people are doing yoga, in the office!
One person is writing on the wall!
I mean, is anybody working here?
Where am I?
Students debate whether being a firefighter is a
dream job.
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask Is being a
firefighter a dream job? Assign the first team to argue
that being a firefighter is a dream job and the other
team to argue that it is not.
• Give teams a few minutes to brainstorm and note
the reasons for their positions before beginning
the debate.
40 Students play charades to practice professions and
workplaces vocabulary.
• Invite students to play charades in small groups
using the professions and workplaces that they
have seen in this unit.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Tell students to turn to the unit opener on page
27 and look again at the photos, which show a
variety of professions.
• Select one of the jobs, for example, the actor,
and discuss with students whether this is the best
job. Encourage students to think of reasons to
support this idea and also to express any doubts
or reservations based on parts of the job that are
difficult, for example.
• Organize students into small groups and have
them try to complete the following sentence in
just 50 words: In our opinion, the best job is…
• As a whole-class activity, discuss students’
ideas. Bring out the idea that, in fact, there is
no one single job that is the best, since all jobs
have positive and negative aspects. Encourage
students to think about how an individual’s
preferences and personalities affect what the best
job is for that person.
Reading Listening
Skimming and scanning Identifying specific information
the correct option.
Listen and circle
2 sneakers / T-shirt
11 dress / sweater
6 sweater / skirt
8 dress / shorts
7 hat / dress
12 pants /
3 jeans / dress
9 pants / socks
G uess What!
need a
You don’t always
nd new words.
dictionary to / shorts
at websites 10 sneakers
For clothing, look
like www.macys.com
Costum e Jewelry
A 20% OFF
Belts EXTR
OR 10% OFF
depts. Excludes
Home & select
events. What clothes can you
5 Look and identify the
know? Make a
list. for them? Grammar THANK YOU. THIS
words do you
What other clothes 1 2
2 Think Fast!
want iere
Crash th
do you
s. Hey, movie prem LARGE!
person mention a
go to rnoon? 13.36
one to make! t
4 Listen again and
doing laundry. MMM.
a. makes mistakes 3
The bear costum
e is the
1. Lisa that t. funniest but
b. can’t nd clothes it’s very hot
2. Ruth the clothing stores. heavy.
c. lives far from
3. Billy his size.
44 I like the stormtr
d. can't nd shoes n & Wa because I love ooper armor
4. Alberto Fun Ru Wars movies the Star
. It’s the most
14th it has the cooles e because 45
t accesories!
Please help
me choose
Jo !
Read the comic and complete Comparative
Then listen and check. the sentences. Superlatives
Buffalo Wings
for $14?
Chicken wings lightly
fried with a drink. What can you get
4. You want a salad and
buffalo sauce and blue
cheese dressing main course?
5. Can you get sh for the
Tortilla chips with cheese main course and drink?
for the cheapest starter,
black olives and guacamole 6. How much do you need
$42.00 4
salt / sugar.
Veggie Cheeseburg of the adjectives.
/ worse than the ice cream. hina is one of (1)
Made with beans and
served with 4. The fruit salad is better of salt / sugar. (old) civilizations in the world. Many of
drinks. They contain lots
french fries 5. Sodas are the worst
Desserts $13.50
G lossary
Fruit Salad inventions come from there, including silk and
cod: a large sea sh Collecti
banana, ons
Slices of orange, kiwi, you choose what one of
paper. It isveggie: (3)
Stop and Think! How do Moments
melon and apple in the world and it has (4)
(big) countries
$9.90 to buy in a restaurant? slice: a thin cut of meat, (large) population on Select
Ice Cream Jan 16
vegetables or fruit
Two scoops: vanilla, people! Today it is also
the planet:scoop: 1.3
a ball of billion
strawberry or chocolate $8.50 one of (5)
cream (rich)
Plain or topped with countries in the world.
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
strawberries Businesses in China make
most of the things we use
every day.
students look carefully at the unit cover. Encourage 2 Look at the pictures
on the cell phone. How
Unscramble the words
Listen and check.
are they related?
and complete the sentences.
Teaching Tip
a. sad b. popular
b refers to something that e chips?
2. The word bargain in cookies or potato
b. big
c. economical Want to buy some
a. horrible clothes ones are always on
probably means The most expensive
3. In c, the word messy because you see them
b. colorful
c. delicious the middle shelf
a. disorganized are on the top and
refers to first. Cheaper products
4. The word cent in d probably c. money bottom shelves.
shoe size
er the ques
3 Answ
name do
2. What
letters repr
word is
1. What picture?
ted by this
Audio Script
1. Look at this outfit. It's perfect for me! A hat, a
T-shirt and some jeans.
2. These clothes are great for a cold morning: a coat,
a scarf and a skirt.
3. I love formal clothes. This is a beautiful dress!
4. I need some shorts, some socks and a pair of
sneakers for the gym.
5. This is my style of clothes: a comfortable sweater
and a nice pair of pants.
Have students create labeled mini-posters
of themselves wearing their favorite clothes.
Invite students to present their posters to the
rest of the class.
3 L isten and write the clothes each person mentions. 1. Birthday party, Answers will vary. 2. Movie
Students listen to four people talking about problems premiere, dress, pants, shirt, 3. Fun run, shorts,
they sometimes have related to clothes and shoes T-shirt, sneakers
and identify the specific items of clothing each
speaker mentions.
Answers Students suggest appropriate clothing for a variety of
1. dress, skirts, 2. sweaters, scarf, pants, events or occasions.
3. T-shirts, jeans, shorts, 4. shoes, sneakers • Have students work in small groups and think of
three places, events, etc. For each one, ask them to
Audio Script write a list of appropriate clothing, footwear, etc.
1. Lisa • Have students share their lists with the rest of
I love clothes, but I always have the same the class.
problem. We live in a village—it’s miles away
from the stores! I buy all my clothes online, but
it’s really difficult. If I see a dress online, the
➠ Workbook p. 134, Activities 2 and 3
colors are often different in real life. The sizes are
different too. In some stores, I’m a medium for
skirts. In others, I’m a large. Ugh, I hate
shopping online!
2. Ruth
My mom and dad work, so I help around the
house, but I always make the same mistakes with
the laundry. Like I put the machine on too hot
and I shrink my sweaters. They get really small
and I can’t wear them anymore. Or sometimes I
put the wrong colors together. For instance, last
week, I put my black scarf in with my dad’s white
pants and now his pants are gray. Oops!
Audio Script
1. The chicken mask is smaller than the dog mask.
2. The dog mask is larger than the chicken mask.
3. The stormtrooper helmet is more expensive than
the robot mask. 4. The robot mask is cheaper
than the stormtrooper helmet. 5. The woman is
more polite than the man.
Students share experiences and ideas about
costume parties.
• Tell students to look at the three costumes at the 47
top of the page and to say what they think the
people are dressed up as.
• Invite students to share stories of costume parties
that they have attended and the costumes that
they have worn.
nscramble the words and complete the
U ➠ (No homework today.)
sentences. Listen and check. 51
Students unscramble words in order to
complete sentences.
1. birthday, 2. cats, 3. money, 4. cake
Audio Script
Barry: You look happy today, Jing!
Jing: I am happy today. It’s my birthday.
Barry: Happy birthday! Are you getting lots of gifts?
Jing: No, not really. In China, we don’t get lots of
gifts. I normally only get one.
Barry: One present! What is it?
Jing: It’s a book about cats. I love them! And my
grandparents always give me some money. They give
it in a red envelope. That’s a tradition in China.
Barry: Do you have a birthday cake?
Jing: Yes! I have a cake with 12 candles for me this
year. And we eat special noodles. In fact, it’s one long
noodle. The longest noodle on earth! This special
noodle represents long life.
Barry: Wow! That's so cool!
Jing: Yes, it is! I’m very happy with my birthday gifts.
4 orrect the false information. Then listen again
to check.
Students correct false information and then confirm
their answers by listening to the audio again.
1. toys gifts, 2. a card money, 3. 14 12, 4. happiness
long life, 5. sad happy
Students discuss shopping.
• As a whole-class activity, ask students through a
simple show-of-hands vote who likes shopping,
who consider themselves to be smart shoppers,
who is careful with their money, etc.
Students discuss shopping tips that they are
familiar with.
• Review the information on the bulletin board
and invite students to comment on their own
experience of these strategies employed by stores
to try to persuade shoppers to buy more things and
spend more money. Encourage them to add any
ideas of their own.
Teaching Tip
Encouraging Critical Thinking
Encourage students to think critically. Try to help
students develop the habit of not accepting a
text such as an advertisement at face value, but
rather, of thinking about who wrote the text,
why the person wrote the text, and the effect
that the author wants the text to have on a
reader, etc.
Students play Hangman to practice
clothes vocabulary.
• Invite students to play Hangman in two teams,
using the items of clothing, footwear and
accessories that they have seen in this unit.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Tell students to turn to the unit opener on page
41 and look again at the photo, which shows a
lot of products.
• Ask students what kinds of stores they think the
different products can be found in. Encourage
them to speculate about various possibilities.
• Ask students about times when they bought
something, perhaps on impulse, that they did
not really need. Ask them how they felt about
it afterwards.
• As a whole-class activity, debate the idea that
our society in general has become too interested
in buying things even when we do not really
need them.
• Invite students to suggest ways in which people
can become more responsible shoppers.
Writing Speaking
Organizing ideas in paragraphs Interviewing a classmate
How do you protect the planet?
1 Read and classify
Hot Potatoes
vegetables and fruits.
Go Bananas
4 Match the recommenda
tions using the picture.
Plant seeds in the ground.
Put fertilizer on the seeds
Water the ground. Water
Remove any weeds around
Potatoes and onions don't
to help them grow.
the plants regularly or they
your baby plants.
Garde n Proje ct 57
FV Middle School
a competition a
Like every year, we have
FVMS Garden Project! own school garden.
Welcome to the annual the most food in our
our school can grow Potatoes, led by music
to see which team in
Go Bananas. The Hot
Hot Potatoes and the with students from 7th
This year's teams are the Mr. Steele is working
growing vegetables.
teacher Mr. Steele, are is leading the Go Bananas
with students
c d
our Spanish teacher,
and 8th grade. Ms. Dance, wish everyone the best
of luck! Go teams! e
are growing fruits. We
from 8th grade. They
are growing:
This year FVMS students g
lettuce h
onions Grammar
potatoes 4 58
1 Listen and label the objects
on the table. 6
each sentence.
apples that doesn’t belong in
oranges 5 Cross out the word 1
/ tree once a week.
carrots 1. Water the weeds / tomatoes G uess What!
limes / Snails are eating my plants! If you are very good 9
strawberries Florence Valley • Middle
School 2. Caterpillars / Earthworms
/ Snails are good for plants. at gardening, you
3. Fertilizers / Earthworms have a green thumb.
/ oranges / strawberries.
4. Let’s pick some caterpillars / seeds.
plant fertilizers / onions
and vegetables? 5. This is a good place to 2 3
think of ve more fruits / seeds / weeds in my garden!
3 2 Think Fast! Can you 6. I don’t want caterpillars
min 7
the competition? 10
in the table. Who won
Listen and write the quantities
2 Write the words
in the correct recycling bin.
bottles and cans
Be Strat write, rst
When e
plan. Decid
pictures. make a each
and the write in the
riptions l plants. what to Follow
h the desc eats smal paragraph.
2 Matc water and sh. idea, one
It lives in feeds on rule: one
1. h Pole and back. paragraph.
the Sout
eaking It lives in ride on its 3 Look at the items
2. you can r. in Activity 1 and choose
g & Sp essay. It can run
fast and ower necta once. the correct option.
Writin hs in the s and eats tions at
3. 5 Unscramble the
ed wing sentences.
animal. It has color in two direc Uncountables
with the ite s and look dly. 1. milk / the cake. / There’s
riptions is your favor
4. ge color very frien You 1. There’s a lot of / a little / for / a little
h the desc in why it
lar pet? It can chan es and is tions. Inter
can't count them!
view salami.
1 Matc n: expla Is it a popu 5. le's hom
Conclusio species? at peop e the ques 2. How much / little milk
1. ngered It can live animal. 4 Writ er. is there? 2. is / there? / much / oil
al an enda the anim
eat? 6. favo rite your partn 3. There’s a lot of / some / How
Is the anim ription of t does it about your animal our.
ion: a desc live? Wha e an essay / favorite
Introduct e does it 3 Writ 1. what 4. There isn’t any / some
3. yle: wher salt. 3. can see / I / some / in
al’s lifest not any a little 5. There’s a lot of / a little the bag. / our
4. The anim like some a lot61(of) sugar.
l: the Chipmunk Note:
whatHow/ look
much soda...?
2. 6. There isn’t a little / any
My Favorite Anima coffee. 4. There are / on / the table.
/ dishes / a lot of
e / live
. It is a 3. wher
4 Look at table again and complete
a The chipmunk
is my favorite animal the chart. 5. many / How / you have?
/ do / boxes
white and black fur. 4. what
/ eat
mammal with brown, are a lot of fun. You can count them! a few some 6. tomatoes. / aren’t / any
/ There
they species
are very small and a. 5. it / enda
b The chipmunk’s
habitat is North Americ in
al lives
s o
and trees, but it
lar pet Stop and Think! What
6. it / popu things do
It lives in forests eats seeds and nuts. not any a few some a lot (of)
you recycle?
It mainly favorite
towns and cities. species.
Note: How many/ your
why cherries...?
a lot
c Chipmunks are
not an endangered
l i ons of them in North America.
There are mil d animals. Why are
n, but they are wil Stop and
to our
They are commo important 59
re cute and
d I love chipmu
nks because they'
and we G lossary
ives in Pennsylvania
of an anima
funny. My family l in our backyard. It's
fur: the hair
the area
nks habitat:
have a lot of chipmu . where an
animal lives
in their natural habitat species:
nice to see them endangered might
an anima
l that
become by
contr olled
wild: not
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have 62
Norway – Oslo
Sweden – Stockholm
Teaching Tip
1. c, 2. h, 3. f, 4. g, 5. b, 6. e, 7. d, 8. a
1. There’s a little milk for the cake. 2. How much oil
is there? 3. I can see some flour in the bag. 4. There
are a lot of dishes on the table. 5. How many boxes
do you have? 6. There aren’t any tomatoes.
based on the information they can gather from
the map and pictures. Tell students that it is OK
➠ (No homework today.)
to make guesses, and that they can include any
categories they like. (Some possibilities: what the Teaching Tip
weather is like, what the people are like, what Connecting Language Learning
animals live there, etc.) Make a habit of looking for ways to connect
• If time permits, have groups present their profiles English classes with other parts of the school
to the class. curriculum (geography, math, history, science,
etc.). Try to have non-fiction materials on a wide
1 Study the map. In your notebook, correct the variety of subjects available for students to read
false sentences. and consult.
Students correct false information about Scandinavia
using a map.
1. Norway The capital of Sweden is Stockholm.
2 Listen and follow the comic. Then answer
the questions.
Students listen and read a dialogue and answer
comprehension questions.
1. They use each other’s first names. 2. It’s cold.
3. horrible, 4. garbage, 5. Sweden uses Norway’s
garbage to make energy.
Audio Script
Agnetha: How are things in Sweden, Lars?
Lars: Good, Agnetha. How's life in Norway?
Agnetha: Cold! Look, my coffee is frozen!
Lars: But Agnetha, what's that horrible smell?
What's in your truck?
Agnetha: Garbage! I'm taking garbage to Sweden!
Lars: Ugh! Is that for our energy
production program?
Agnetha: Yes. Our countries work together. Your
country uses trash to make energy.
Lars: I know. Sweden recycles about 99% of its trash.
But we need more to continue producing energy.
Students review the conversation from the
previous lesson.
• With books closed, read aloud quotes from the
conversation (excluding names, of course!) and
ask students to try to identify which character,
Agnetha or Lars, said each line. For example, say,
How are things in Sweden? (Agnetha)
• Students work in pairs to guess which speaker
said each line. The pairs with the most correct
guesses win.
Students research other environmentally 65
responsible projects.
• Have students work in small groups.
• Ask them to find out about projects and
initiatives in their own country or in other
countries that are environmentally responsible,
for example, tree-planting campaigns, urban eco-
bikes, paperless offices, etc.
Students prepare a radio news item about recycling.
• Organize students into pairs and have them
prepare and present a radio report about Norway
and Sweden’s recycling program.
Students write a response to the post in Activity 1.
• Draw students’ attention to the post at the top of
the page. Ask them to write a response to Cassie,
the writer of the post, expressing their opinion
about what people should do with their garbage.
• Tell students to exchange responses and check for
accuracy in grammar and spelling.
Students play Hangman to practice food vocabulary.
• Invite students to play Hangman in two teams,
68 using fruits and vegetables that they have seen in
this unit.
Students research the nutritional properties of
fruits and vegetables.
• Organize students into groups and have them
find out about the nutritional properties
(minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, etc.) of
various fruits and vegetables.
• Ask students to report their findings to the rest of
the class.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Ask students to turn to the unit opener on page
55 and to look again at the photo, which shows a
pair of hands around planet Earth.
• First, ask students to suggest what interpretations
they can make of the photo itself. For example, it
could represent the idea that the Earth is fragile,
that we have to protect the Earth, that the fate of
the Earth is in our hands, etc.
• Invite students to share information about things
that they do which help to protect the planet.
• As a whole-class activity, discuss other
measures that could be taken—by individuals, by
communities, by governments—to protect
the planet.
Reading Speaking
Describing a photo Describing a photo
Vocabulary 2
3 8
1. There weren’t any computers.
2. There was a TV in the classroom. T F
3. There were cell phones. T F
4. There wasn’t a map. T F
5 Think Fast! What was there in your
classroom in primary school?
the peop
and label
the e-mail again
2 Read
egic! , rst
Be Strat describe a photo plan a
When you Then
for a mom er to
study it
way for
your listen re.
il coherent d what is in the
in the e-ma understan ssions
phrases 1 Read theexpre
tives and introduction of the article and complete the mind
lighted ns below. Use adjec map.
at the high
3 Look expressio of place
lete the Arabian
and comp Peninsula
largest country
1. at
2. in the
capital language
3. on the
4. next to
5. behin
Desert People
weekends are on
6. in the
n the deserts
re. s of Arabia,
ct pictu place. These there are people
the corre e are the Bedouin
B d who live in
points at
hard work. s, a group of te
t and travel
7. in the partner The Bedouin
people who
honor tradition
from place
er. Your
G lossary
family , respect and
your partn 76 the living example is where children
ribe it to roller coast
er: of their clan. for children. learn the values
and desc average temperature They learn
to listen to
of the commun
ity. The father
a photo
desert people called
se Animals are elders and is
to follow the
4 Choo
an strict rules
Camels provide important part of their
transportation, lives and families.
Bedouins milk, food
consider them to treat them with and clothing.
respect and
t park: personalities part of the family. Camels even
amusemen Bedouins,
that can even have their
camels are resemble their
from God.” “the ship of owners’! For
the desert”
and a “gift
in a Bedouin
conditions clan is
of life in the
also motivate desert make crucial. The hard
a strong
desert travelers strong sense of hospitali family ties and
happy? in the quiet . It is always a big event
ty towards
make you
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
Think! kindness. treated with
of seven countries,
Stop and he Arabian Peninsula consists
Arab Emirates,
The Bedouin
people are
Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United sense of commun warm and
kind with a
and parts of Jordan ity, honor and strong
Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen They are an
example of respect
in the Arabian peninsula traditions that towards others.
and Iraq. The biggest country extend over
is Riyadh. It is one of the time.
is Saudi Arabia. Its capital city
it produces lots of
world’s richest countries because
and it gets very hot.
oil. Much of the country is desert
Teaching Tip
T F classmates a pet
their own bedroom.
4. Only some students like having T F
them happy. teachers a new video game
5. Students think money makes T F
over the radio.
6. Students prefer social media
the survey
the highlighted fractions in 3. Which of these 4. Which of the
4 Complete the conversation with was or were in the correct
4 In your notebook, change Review
most importa things is your favorite?
following is
nt for you?
Reflecting on Learning
to percentages.
1 Follow and write the activities.
on what makes teenagers happy.
money social media
5 Design a survey report
Follow these instructions. 79.
popularity phones ∕ tablets
from the survey report on page
• Use the questions and options beauty
school or in your class. radio
• Interview students in your
do I find easy / difficult? What do I need to do more of? How 6. My hobby is making models / rollerblading because I love being outdoors.
7. It’s a lot of fun doing cannonballs / popping a wheelie at the swimming pool.
8. My blog is about people on wheels, like dancing / rollerblading.
the picture is Ian. He always falls down on the
sand! He’s a terrible volleyball player! My best
friend Harry is in the (5) __________ in the
pink and white shirt. He’s crazy! What’s your
help me?
5. How many people was / were in your class last year? .
3. I want to go camping in
6. My mom wasn’t / weren’t happy with my grades last year. .
4. My favorite music for dancing is
7. I wasn’t / weren’t in your class last year. .
5. I usually hang out with my friends
8. There wasn’t / weren’t any children at the party last night.
82 5.
the words. 4. (d e b o n u
2 Unscramble
a i a r a)
1. (s d e e r t) 5. (d a i s u b
2. (c a i r a b) 6. (d f i a y r)
3. (m e c a l) words from Activity
the unscrambled
the sentences with
3 Complete Peninsula are
called .
in the Arabian
1. The nomads la is
Arabian Peninsu .
country in the
2. The largest la speak
Arabian Peninsu .
3. People in the
live in the the desert.”
4. Many people is the “ship of
and Saturday
5. The
nds are on
6. Weeke
➠ Workbook p. 142, Activities 1 and 2
Students talk about things that they enjoy doing.
• As a small group activity, invite students to think of
and share pastimes that they would most like to be
doing at this moment.
• Have groups tell the class everyone’s choices and
vote on the pastime most students enjoy.
1 Listen and label the pictures.
Students label photos with the correct
pastimes vocabulary.
1. popping a wheelie, 2. rollerblading, 3. drawing,
4. playing board games, 5. dancing, 6. camping,
7. making models, 8. doing cannonballs,
72 9. hanging out with friends
Audio Script
1. This is a picture of me popping a wheelie.
2. You can see me rollerblading in this pic. That
was fun!
3. I like drawing a lot. You should see my album
of pictures.
4. I love playing board games with my cousin Mike.
5. Here’s a picture of me and my friends dancing.
6. Camping is one of my favorite outdoor activities.
7. I love making models.
8. I have a lot of fun doing cannonballs.
9. This is a picture of me hanging out with
my friends.
Audio Script
My grandmother was three in this picture. She
wasn’t sad at her birthday party. She was very
happy. Here, my grandma and her friends were in
eighth grade. They weren’t in high school yet. In
this picture, my grandfather wasn’t angry. He was
just serious. This was my grandfather’s typewriter. It
wasn’t fast like a computer. Look at this! I was two
in this picture. We were at my grandmother’s house
in LA.
Students talk about amusement parks.
• As a small-group activity, and with books closed,
invite students to share information about
amusement parks that they have visited or that
they have heard of in their own country or in
other countries. Try to elicit the expression
roller coaster.
Students answer quick quiz questions about the
Arabian Peninsula.
78 • With books closed, ask students a series of
questions about the Arabian Peninsula, using the
text on this page as the source of information. The
questions can be multiple-choice, for example, How
many countries make up the Arabian Peninsula: five,
seven, or nine? (Seven)
Students make mind maps about their countries.
• I nvite students to create a mind map about the
region of the world where they live and their
own country, using the mind map on this page as
a model. Have them include information about
language, temperatures, capital city, etc.
•A sk students to share their mind maps with the
rest of the class.
1 Read the quotes. Circle the one you like best. What’s
the most popular one in the class?
Students discuss and vote on quotes on the subject
of happiness.
Students review pastimes vocabulary playing
a game.
• Review pastimes vocabulary from page 70
(drawing, playing board games, rollerblading, etc.)
by playing Hangman.
1 Follow and write the activities.
Students label photos of pastimes.
top to bottom playing board games, camping, making
models, doing cannonballs, rollerblading, popping
a wheelie
Students make vocabulary posters.
• I nvite students to design and create illustrated
vocabulary posters showing a variety of pastimes.
•A lternatively, ask students to create
advertisements for a camp or a summer course
where teenagers can participate in a variety of
activities, both indoor and outdoor.
•D isplay students’ work around the classroom.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
•A sk students to turn to the unit opener on page
69 and to look again at the collage of photos,
which shows a variety of people doing activities
that make them happy.
•F irst, ask students to offer ideas about specific
photos and to say what they think the people are
doing and why it makes them happy.
•D iscuss the way shared activities (with family,
friends, teammates, colleagues, etc.) often
produce feelings of happiness and ask students
to say why they think this is. Also, talk about
how personal achievements (winning a race,
completing a project, passing an exam, etc.)
bring satisfaction and happiness.
Listening Writing
Anticipating information Researching and writing a biography
Where do bright ideas come from?
1 Decode the missing
(43 = S, 15 = E, etc.)
was a. Ho
Kelly grandm
her help?
ried could
eral mo
us about her
sensors were rug and the
The is good
t we
expe ults of numbers
re go
. She
resu was
wor lts. Thexcite
ked. e d ab
Granelectr out
dm onic the
a w rug
4 11 33
an experiment 11 31
14 34 54 55 data
n 15 6
estio research 3 a hypothesis
a qu 2
14 34
52 42 24 44 15 42
11 52 co 85
1 11 43 25 nc lusio
map with the
4 Complete the mind
in Activity 1.
to their explanation. highlighted expressions
2 Match the steps
of the scientic method above
in a clear sentence.
or solution to a problem
a. To express your explanation is valid. Adjectives and
plan to test that your idea good
b. To conduct a very careful or problem.
more about the situation
c. To investigate to nd out
a problem.
d. To state a question about
collected in an experiment.
e. To study the information to your hypothesis.
the results and relate them
f. To make a summary of about
the scientic method. with
the events according to
3 Identify and number this season.
farm did not grow well
Tomatoes on our family grew the biggest. So, the
plants with the most water
We can say that tomato
hypothesis is true. light each day. Each plant
with the same amount of 5 Answer the questions.
We plant tomatoes in areas they start to grow. about last week?
of water. We record the size of the tomatoes when 1. What were you worried
different amounts 1.27 cm
water every day grew to in the afternoons?
plants receiving a cup of 2. What are you busy with
We notice that the tomato grew to 1.90 cm in diameter. are you interested in?
receiving two cups of water 3. What hobby or sport
in diameter. Tomatoes
not grow well because
there wasn’t much rain. Grammar
4. What are you sometimes
nervous about?
the tomatoes did
We think
not grow well this season? 5. What subject
19 were you good at last year?
Why did our tomatoes 1 Listen and complete about?
excited n
6. What are you ma
sentences. Stick
solve a problem?
do you feel inspired to to Jo
Stop and Think! When ding
Huma (3) Our
animal skins an
disco ns didn’t Early people soph cestors
Steve J bs
about wear mode . They didn’t
They ver re people rn clothes. (4) but
istica did
re en
rec Early n’t
dogs. They didn’t they ted ma n’t inven their
it ab ((1) y did the chine write They
ou tly. (2) ay life
. The es. otic pets. wheee (5) s,
years t one pictur have exotic er.
People rds on pap the
ago. million everyd borate l. m on
paint rst wo
(6) lets.
clay tab
Listening and Writing
2 Complete the chart using the verbs G uess What!
Before you listen to
in the comic. 5 Match the sentences and questions.
Most verbs in past simple
a podcast or video, 1. I was at the museum yesterday. 87
a. Did he spend it on clothes?
ds related to Steve Jobs. make a note of end in -ed. (See page 168.)
the mind map with ve words
1 Complete
2. This is my new phone.
words and names b. Did he forget to set his alarm?
Regular Verbs (-ed) Irregular Verbs
that might appear on 3. He didn’t wake up early.
Regular c. Did you buy it yesterday?
the recording. This - discovered wear - wore 3% 4. We weren’t home last week.
helps you anticipate verbs d. Did you go on vacation?
what is on the
5. Sam didn’t have money for the movies.
e. Did you like it?
Irregular 97 %
6. Change the sentences to affirmative
verbs (+), negative (–) or interrogative (?).
Use the verb list on page 168.
1. Sheila went to drama class this morning. (-)
Steve 3 Complete the sentences with verbs
Jobs in the past simple.
1. I 2. Did you nd your keys? (+)
an e-mail to my best friend.
2. My brother the front of the house last week.
3. We 3. Early people didn’t have birds as pets. (?)
English class yesterday.
4. We our favorite T-shirts.
5. The scientist 4. Did your mom cook something delicious yesterday?
a new species of insect. (+)
6. They a new dance.
Past Simple 5. They didn’t like the new sci- movie. (?)
4 In your notebook, write the sentences - Auxiliary
above in negative form. Use didn’t (did not) for 6. My father worked late last night. (-)
negative sentences.
1 if you hear them.
(✓) your words from Activity Use did for questions.
Listen to a podcast. Mark
on page 89.
biography of Steve Jobs
Listen again. Complete the
Steve Jobs
Creativity at Its Finest: th
on February 24
born in San Francisco
Steve Jobs was
(1) a summer job
Steve Jobs had In
In (2) Wozniak there.
He met Steve
at Hewlett Packard. invented his Culture
, Steve Wozniak Perú
first compute
r. started their
, he and Jobs 1 Read and label the map using the highlighted
Then in (4) there until
, Apple. He worked names in the text. 1
own company min
4 Think Fast! Try to solve
. .
(5) Pixar in (6) the puzzle on your own.
movie studio
Jobs joined the . Apple Bolivia
to Apple in (7) This is a cow. It has its body, horns,
Jobs returned . working.
iPod in (8) but he continued legs and tail. Move two matches so
produced the , Jobs discovere
d he had cancer, .
in (10)
In (9) it first appeared first tablet. that the cow is looking to the right.
the iPhone and the iPad, Apple’s
Apple invented they invented . He was one
Then in (11) October 5 (12)
Paraguay 5 Do the puzzle above in small groups.
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
between Chile and its in each sentence.
of personality is needed to produce good neighbors Peru, Bolivia and
Stop and Think! What type Argentina. 1. The desert is 10 square kilometers and nobody
The center of the country lives here. Chile
has a mild climate and most 2. The Atacama Desert is the home of Alma, an
people live there, in and
international project to study the fauna.
1 Complete the owchart
92 for the scientic method.
conclusions data
5. experiment hypothesis 4 Complete the crossword
question research with the past simple of
these irregular verbs.
8. Down 1 2
1. ask a 2. see Across
Teaching Tip
3. begin 5 6 1. lose
Named after 2. do 10. 5. think
4. write
7. have 8
6. wear
Number of moons 8. drive 10
7. hear
Length of day 3. write a 9. make
11 9. meet
9. 12. get 12
10. put
Length of year 13
4. do an 11. do
you will lose your voice! If you raise the level of your
1. We cook an omelet for
lunch. 6 Use the words below
and add more to write
sentences in the past that
1. I / meet / my best friend are true for you.
2. Does Fiona watch TV
with you?
2. I / start / school
3. Adam doesn’t like the
K U tired.
H looks
5. last week / I / didn’t
6. last weekend / I / go
the words in S O O H Y
3. (e r a h)
4. (r e w i t)
4 Answer
the riddle.
say to Saturn?
What did Mars
Students review the steps of the scientific method.
• Form groups of six students. Give each person in
a group a slip of paper with one of the steps of
the scientific method written on it: analyze data,
ask a question, do an experiment, do research, draw
conclusions, write a hypothesis. (Make sure each group
has a complete set of steps.)
• Have groups read the slips of paper and quickly
stand in a line, according to the correct order of the
scientific method.
first person ask a question, second do research, third 87
write a hypothesis, fourth do an experiment, fifth
analyze data, sixth draw conclusions
Students talk about interests, talents and feelings.
• Organize students into pairs and have them
exchange information about their interests, their
abilities and how they feel about certain things.
To get them started, write a few sample questions
on the board, for example, What singer or band are
you excited about these days? What are you sometimes
worried about? What school assignments are you busy
with at the moment?
Students practice affirmative and negative
statements in the past simple in a game.
• Play this game as a whole class. One student
begins to tell in detail all the things that they
did since they woke up in the morning. At any
time, another student can interrupt and say, No,
you didn’t. at which point the first speaker has to
accept the interruption, make a small correction,
and then continue. For example, a “story” might
go something like this:
A: This morning, I woke up at seven o’clock. I
went downstairs…
B: No, you didn’t.
A: Oh, yes. I went to the bathroom. Then I went
downstairs. I had my breakfast…
B: No, you didn’t. etc. etc.
Students discuss famous inventors and innovators
from the past.
• Organize students into small groups and set a
stopwatch for two minutes.
• Tell groups to race to brainstorm the names of
inventors from history and their key achievements.
The group that lists the most inventors by the end
of two minutes wins. If necessary, write a list on
the board to get students started: Alexander Graham
Bell – telephone, Thomas Edison – light bulb, Johannes
Gutenberg – printing press.
1. 1955, 2. 1971, 3. 1976, 4. 1977, 5. 1985, Preparing for the Next Lesson
6. 1986, 7. 1996, 8. 2001, 9. 2003, 10. 2007, Ask students to consult an introduction to Chile:
11. 2010, 12. 2011 goo.gl/IPTHKh and to watch a video about the Alma
telescopes: goo.gl/8A2u0M.
Audio Script
Interviewer: Today Julio will talk about the life of
Steve Jobs. Julio, tell us, when was Steve Jobs
Julio: He was born in San Francisco on February
24th, 1955. He grew up in Silicon Valley and went
to university at Reed College, but he dropped out
after a year.
I: Now, tell us about Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
How did they meet?
J: Well, In 1971 Steve Jobs had a summer job at
Hewlett Packard, a company that makes computers
and printers. He met Steve Wozniak there. In 1976,
Wozniak invented his first computer. Then two
years later, in 1977, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
started their own company, Apple. He worked there
until 1985, when he left. But he joined Pixar, the
movie studio in 1986. The movie studio is famous
for movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Ten years
later, in 1996, he returned to Apple.
I: And that’s when Apple produced the iPod, right?
J: That’s right. Apple produced the iPod mp3 player
in 2001. [pause] Then tragedy. Jobs discovered he
had cancer in 2003. This was obviously terrible
news, but he continued working and several years
later, Apple produced the iPhone in 2007.
I: What about the iPad?
J: Apple invented it in 2010. Unfortunately, Jobs
died the next year, on October 5th, 2011, at 56. He
was one of the greatest minds of this century.
Audio Script
Interviewer: Renata, we’re in the Atacama Desert in
Chile. Tell us about it.
Renata: Well, the climate here is very dry. The
Atacama Desert is in the north of Chile. The desert
is 1,000 square kilometers and nobody lives here.
I: And the Atacama Desert is the home of Alma, an
international project to study the stars. Renata, why
the Atacama Desert?
R: Because it’s perfect for astronomy. It’s very dry,
so there aren’t many clouds in the sky. The altitude
is perfect. Also there is very little light pollution.
Students discuss different types of puzzles.
• As a whole-class activity, elicit the names of
different types of puzzle: crossword puzzles, logic
puzzles, wordsearch puzzles, math puzzles, etc.
• Invite students to say what kinds of puzzles they
enjoy solving and why.
4 Think Fast! Try to solve the puzzle on your own.
Students do a one-minute timed challenge: they try
to solve a logic puzzle working alone.
•Ask students to look at the puzzle. Read aloud the
instructions and ask students to copy the picture
of the puzzle in their books. If possible, provide
students with used matches, toothpicks or similar
so that they can make the figure on their desks.
Students research logic puzzles.
• Ask students to work in groups researching
copyright-free logic puzzles that they can copy,
photocopy or download and print.
• Invite students to compile their puzzles
in an anthology and to share them with
their classmates.
Students role-play conversations about the
Alma telescopes.
• Organize students into pairs and have them role-
play a conversation about the Alma telescopes
between a speaker from Group A and a speaker
from Group B:
» Group A: A news reporter, a high-school student
interested in astronomy;
» Group B: A Chilean astronomer, a foreign
astronomer visiting the site.
Students review their knowledge of the
Solar System.
• In small groups, students brainstorm facts about
the Solar System: the names of the planets, the
order of the planets from the Sun, the relative sizes
of the planets, etc.
Students write an ad for a trip to Earth.
• Have students reread the ad for the trip to Mars
and review the pieces of information that it
contains. Then ask students to imagine beings from
some other planet reading an advertisement for a
trip to Earth. Have them work in pairs to write an
ad based on the ad for Mars, but about Earth.
• Invite students to share their ads with the rest of
the class.
Students create posters to illustrate the
scientific method.
• Organize students into small groups and have
them design and create posters explaining the
scientific method. They can use real-life projects
or make up a their own examples to illustrate
the method. Invite groups to share their finished
work with the rest of the class.
Reading Speaking
Previewing to predict content Storytelling
1 Complete the chart
using words
in the weather forecast.
Noun Adjective
1. snow
foggy t’ll be snowy
3. today. New York
Vancouver a
There will
be Philadelphia
4. cloud snow in
a meter of
of the city. Los Angel
some parts -10. Dallas
sunny es around
5. Temperatur
s will be
6. wind temperature
New York,
warmer in rain Mexico
rainy. The
stormy but it’ll be morning
7. in the early elphia
will start Philad
on all day. in the
and carry . Driving
using the but foggy area,
2 Complete the sentences will be dry rous in this
very dange Finally,
adjectives in Activity 1. fog can be morning. into
early in the will be warm moving south season arrive y
it’s 2. He’s scared because
it’s especially the US, LA the storm
1. He can’t see because Staying in ear by Mexico, very storm
. may disapp the will have ng, so
. y. Clouds in Mexico City ially in the eveni
but cloud be sunny lla if
and it will In Texas
, weather,
an umbre
lunchtime the sun! you have oon.
oon. So enjoy the windy make sure l in the aftern
aftern and the capita
strong winds in you’re in
there are ially bad
will be espec
4. He’s not enjoying the
3. He can’t walk the beach because it’s 1 Read the forecast
dog because it’s and trace the trajectory
. of the hurricane on the
. map.
4 Read the post and
New Orleans complete the mind map.
Atlantic Ocean
G uess What! winter.
summer, fall (autumn) and
The four seasons are spring,
Q & A: All About Hurricane Julia
How are you going to prepare
Q: Where is Hurricane Julia now? Are you going to leave for Hurricane Julia?
lf of
each town? What are your plans?
A: At the mistakeitin
the moment
Listen again and circle is just north of
The storm will move west, acrossPuerto
24 Rico. Like · Comment · Share
4 The Bahamas Sam Horton · August 9 at 8:40 am
sentences. the Turks and
7. His ice cream is sentence. Rewrite the Caicos Islands. But it won’t stay 25 people like this.
6. His barbecue isn’t a north of the Bahamas.are very there, it will travel Cuba The Turks and
5. He lost his cap melting because it’s and temperatures Caicos Islands
success because it’s 1. It’s spring in Australia
Q: Will it be dangerous for people
because it’s . in the Bahamas? Haiti
. No, I’m not. I’m going to
different across theA:continent.
No, because it won’t Julia stay, but I’m going to board
. hit the islands. At least not my windows. A hurricane up
directly, but it will rain a lot. can
Puerto Rico
dangerous. It’s a race against break the glass and that’s
Q: Where
will it head Dominican PJ time but I’m not going
day in Rome.next?
worry about it. We often
have hurricanes over here! to
2. It’ll be 13º C and sunny
A: Julia travel west and hit the east coast of August 9 at 9:01 am · Like
the US · 2
Q: Will it affect Miami?
A: Yes, will. morning
theitearly in Madrid.
It’ll move through
Caribbean Sea
3. The storms will end ininto the Gulf of Mexico. Miami and straight
Yes, I am. We’re going
Q: And then where will Julia go? G uess What! to go to our sister’s house
The hurricane isn’t going in Texas.
We in London.
think Julia will hit Louisiana and will move Hurricanes and storms safe place for me and my pass over their house, so it’s a
4. It's a foggy, warm north of New Orleans. It won’t aff always have Silvia
August 9 at 9:17 am · Like
you hear. 100 states ect the nearby short names. There is an · 1
forecast. Mark (✓) the weather
except for the heavy rain. official list of
Listen to the world weather C but rainy.
male and female names
for them.
5. Berlin will be warm, 22º
Future with going to
2 Complete the sentences PJ 101
using will or won’t. Plans
Rome 6. It's cloudy all over Moscow. Future Simple Silvia
1. Hurricane Julia
pass across the Turks
London and Caicos Islands. It will rain
Berlin 2. Thethe best time of year to
3 5 Think Fast! What’s hurricane
stay at the Bahamas.
Paris min me
visit your country?
3. In the Bahamas, the
Moscow 99 be rainy. They won’t
He’s going to board up his windows. in Texas.
go out.
5. It move to Louisiana.
6. Experts expect Julia Will they 5 Read the notes and
be a problem for write plans using going
neighboring states. get wet? 1 to.
3 4
3 Read and complete Note: Use future simple
to predict events. Simone Donnie and me
the sentences with the Dad
future simple. Call Grandma Bobby and Helen
1 Don't eat too much cake. Guitar for music
You (birthday on Friday!) Flight NY to Chicago
2. It’s rainy and windy today. sick. lesson
l after school America
A n Idol – TV
it cold tomorrow? 3pm Saturday tonight
t 7pm!!
3. My brother practices
swimming every day.
4. You broke your sister’s he the competition?
favorite cup! She
5. It’s very hot outside very angry.
today. We
6. Stop popping wheelies! to the supermarket.
an accident.
Be Strategic! 6 Write the sentences
4 Talk about an unusual
t yo ur
covered the streets
hottes day
and homes.
com mu nity
of spiders is a real scientic the
fact. How did it happen?
i t h al o t
Some spiders use their
102 Eight
webs to make little para-
chutes. They use these 1. The capital city of Switzerland is Zurich.
parachutes to travel in the 2. Switzerland and the Vatican City are the only countries in the
wind. It is a very common world with square ags.
behavior, but people do 3. Mont Blanc, Europe’s highest mountain, is in Switzerland.
not usually notice it, be- 4. Switzerland’s currency is the euro.
cause there are only one or 5. Emmental, orSwiss cheese, is famous because it has lots of
two spiders in the sky. holes. remember
a terrible
s t o r m
Italian and a local language called Romansh.
7. Switzerland is always neutral in wars. 3 Underline three
Gouldburn covered in spiderwebs. examples of Swiss punctuality in
8. The headquarters of the Olympic Games are in Switzerland. the blog. Explain why Nicole
omething touched my “Millions of tiny spiders
day, all the animals arrive • Give enough
in the US for ve years. working to relax
ear and I thought, oh no, were falling from the sky.”
at the same place at the
104 3. She is living in how, what, why, when, where and how long. 3. on time, at the right
same time. That is what
it’s going to rain.” Bruce, 43, is an arach- in
Unfortunately for Mr. Cooke, nophobe. He doesn’t happened in Goulburn 4. What does she mean . 4. make a loud noise on
by “I’m going to have to wood with your hand
when he looked up at the sky, like spiders at all. He ran in May.
Stop and Think! How does learn to liveweather
different here all over again”? 5. make small changes
he saw a vision from his worst indoors and closed all Thankfully, scientists say
your feelings? to something
nightmares. the doors and windows. that this is a very rare event, affect your behavior or
“It was raining spiders,” he The next morning, the .
so it is safe for Bruce Cooke 5 Mark (✓) the sentences
says with a shudder as if the whole town was white. It
weather suddenly turned cold. to leave his house again. that are true for you. Are
Web curtains looked like snow,
1. you like people in Switzerland?
I am never late for class.
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have
Beautiful Switzerland 2. If I meet my friends, I’m
usually the rst person
Experiences and anecdotes
about my country 3. I often miss the bus or to arrive.
the train because I’m late.
4. I sometimes make plans
Coming Back Home 5.I don’t keep a diary or have
and arrange times, but
I sometimes forget about
October 21, by Nicole a calendar.
6. I don’t mind if people are
There’s a lot of snow today,
so a. but it went into a cloud. 4 Complete the conversation
downtime. enough rest. 2. They say it’ll rain this afternoon, using future with going
diet and make sure you get so Sharon: Dad, what (1) to.
e. You should eat a balanced b. it's so windy.
3. I couldn’t sleep last night
because CAL M Dad: (2) We
(do) this summer?
Teaching Tip
in the 4. c. it’s perfect for skiing.
in Activity 2 and place them
I wanted to take a picture (drive) across the country
3 Summarize the suggestions of a plane, Frank: Cool! How long in our car.
maximum. d. it's very sunny. (3)
page 107. Use three words 5. There is heavy fog this4 we
corresponding posters on morning and AND
e. of the noise from the Dad: Two weeks. Look. (travel)?
6. It’s very hot today because storm. the map. I (4)
f. you can’t see very far. the route. We (show) you
7. We can't play tennis today (start) here in LA.
because Sharon: (5)
etc. can help learners feel safer. If you use interim rules,
words below.
forms of the
the adjective
spiral puzzle by writing
2 Solve the 2
1. snow 1
Start 6
2. wind
Finish 7
3. fog 5
4. sun 4
5. rain
6. storm
7. cloud
riddles. .
the a. A rainbow
3 Answer rain comes down?
up when the b. An ocean.
1. What goes
at Christmas? c. An umbrel
2. Why is it cold ?
it rain money brrrr!
3. When does d. It’s Decem weather.
gets any wetter
? change in the
4. What never e. When there’s
type of bow can’t be
5. What
Teaching Tip
Preparing for Activities
Lesson 1 Student’s Book pp. 98 and 99
Try to visualize the way a lesson or activity
will go before you actually teach it. Consider
how much time is required and what language
Students talk about and mime current and recent
students will need to successfully complete the
weather conditions.
activity. Imagine how it will come across from
• Say Today is... Then mime the weather, for
the students’ point of view.
example, sunny or rainy. Students may call out the
words if they know them.
• Have students work in small groups. Tell them to
act out the weather conditions for last week and
for tomorrow.
Students create and present posters about the
four seasons.
• Organize students into groups and have them
prepare illustrated posters about the four seasons.
• Ask groups to present their posters by discussing
the weather that is typical in each season.
Students practice weather vocabulary in a
miming game.
• Organize students into teams. A player from one
team mimes an action to suggest a certain type of
weather (for example, shivering with cold) and the
members of the other team(s) have to guess the
weather conditions.
• Organize students into groups and invite them to
find out about a notable hurricane or storm. Tell
them to produce a map showing the trajectory
of the hurricane and to write a newspaper article
about the effects of the storm on towns and cities
in the area.
Students make predictions using will and won’t.
• Set a time limit of, say, three minutes and tell
students to write six predictions, three using
will and three with won’t, about current events
(politics, sports, entertainment, etc.) in their
country. Invite students to share their predictions.
Students talk about strange weather stories and
weather expressions.
• Ask Do you know the expression “It’s raining cats and
104 dogs”? What do you think it means? Elicit ideas.
✔ Homework Check!
➠ Workbook p. 153, Activity 2
Workbook p. 153, Activity 1 Preparing for the Next Lesson
Ask students to watch a video about visiting
Switzerland: goo.gl/AG2yot.
1 Look at the pictures and the titles. Mark
(✓) a–d if you think the article will mention
them. Then read and check.
a, c, d
Students listen and check factual information from
the newspaper article.
• Read aloud a series of sentences about the
newspaper article on the previous page, some true
and some false. Have students listen and call out
when they hear a false statement. Ask them to
correct the false information.
3 Read the article again quickly and write down eight key
words. Retell the story using your key words.
Students summarize and retell the story in the article
using key words.
Answers will vary.
Students write a personal account of an experience
of extreme or unusual weather.
• Invite students to use their oral presentations from
Activity 4 as the basis for a written account of their
experience of extreme or unusual weather.
Students recap information about Switzerland.
• With books closed, carry out a quick-fire quiz to
review basic facts about Switzerland from page 104.
5 Mark (✓) the sentences that are true for you. Are you
like people in Switzerland?
Students compare and contrast cultures.
Answers will vary.
Students come up with sentences using key
vocabulary items.
• Students form pairs. Student A chooses a word
from the highlighted words in the blog on page
104 or the glossary words on page 105. As quickly
as possible, Student B uses the word in a sentence.
Then Student B picks a word for Student A to use
in a sentence.
Students talk about what makes them feel calm.
• As a whole-class activity, invite students to discuss
the sorts of things that can make them feel stressed
and the things that help them to feel calm.
Students choose their favorites from the posters on
page 107.
• Conduct a quick show-of-hands vote to determine
which of the posters on page 107 is the students’
favorite. Encourage them to say why they like a
certain poster more than another.
Students prepare a presentation about
motivational posters.
• Organize students into small groups and
invite them to research and prepare an oral
presentation about motivational posters that are
freely accessible online. Suggest to students that 109
they choose a particular quality or virtue, for
example, Determination, Teamwork, Focus, etc.
and find posters that illustrate that idea.
Students compare posters and vote for their favorites.
• Invite students to vote for their favorite
motivational posters. There can be awards in
various categories, e.g., best ideas and phrase, best
layout and design, best use of technology, best
overall poster, etc.
✔ Homework Check! • Invite students to share their ideas with the rest of
the class.
Workbook p. 152, Activity 1 (Review)
1 Look at this weekly planner. Write
➠ (No homework today.)
sentences in your notebook.
1. I’m going to take my dog to the vet on Tuesday.
2. I’m going to go to the library on Wednesday.
3. I’m going to take an English test on Thursday.
4. I’m going to go rollerblading with friends on
Friday. 5. I’m going to go swimming with friends
on Saturday. 6. I’m going to visit my grandparents
on Sunday.
Students review weather vocabulary playing a game.
• Review weather vocabulary from page 98 (snow,
cloudy, fog, sunny, etc.) by playing Hangman.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Ask students to turn to the unit opener on page
97 and to look again at the image. Discuss how
this remarkable photo was taken at exactly the
right time—precise to within a fraction of a
second—to capture the instant in which the dart
punctured the water-filled balloon.
• Talk about how certain human activities depend
on people, machines, systems, etc. all operating
efficiently and punctually. Elicit examples of
activities where punctuality and timing are
paramount, for example, air travel, a military
operation, etc.
Writing Speaking
Expressing opinions in a review essay Discussing movie reviews
the words.
112 2
Listen and repeat
sentences with
Vocabulary 3 Complete
feelings from Activity
the sentences.
Listen and complete ly?
u do on the 4th of Ju
1 G uess What!
t did yo
"turn red."
embarrassed, you
When you are very
Wha When you are very
frightened, you
"turn white."
has her
of my sister. She
1. I’m with my
but I have to share
own bedroom,
little brother! because
with my brother
2. I’m
d b. jealousy Use this pattern to make
rr ss most information questions
The Feelings
2. mb in English.
c. anger (Wh– word) + auxiliary
xc t d + subject + verb + complement?
3. (Where)
d. worry does study
ght n d English?
4. fr
e. happiness
5. h ppy
s f. embarrassment 2 Complete the sentences
6. j l Why are some people naturally happy but others are grumpy? with the question words.
Then interview a partner.
g. excitement Can we teach ourselves to be happy? Take the quiz and nd out! how how many how er.
7. s d much what when where
the national anthem h. sadness
6. I had to sing 8. w rr d
① Your schoolwork is stressful. What do you do? 1.
team played . I was people are there in your
5. Our baseball in front of everyone are positive? 2. family?
I was so Which feelings a. I do more work, and I stay up late to nish it.
in the state nals. 3 5 Think Fast!
do you live?
—hundreds min
Which are negative?
b. I talk to my friends, and I work with them.
g the words! money do you spend in
about forgettin 4. a day?
of people watched
the game! your notebook, Maybe they have the same problem. are you going to do after
options. Then, in 5. school today?
6 Circle the correct so they are true
for you. c. I exercise to take my mind off it. can I improve my English?
rewrite the sentences angry / anger ② Your sports team just lost an important game. What did 6. Any ideas?
some people get you do? did you go on your last
1. In my country, a. We had a big argument and criticized each other.
traffic. 3 Write questions
for the highlighted parts
when they’re in going to see of the sentences.
nt because I’m b. We discussed it as a team, and we agreed to improve next time. 1.
2. I’m excited / exciteme c. We didn’t mind. We played for fun, not to win.
G lossary
Friday. I’m from Montana.
a soccer game on
grumpy: easily angry
③ Do you have a lot of hobbies? 2.
d / fear of spiders. take my mind off it: to
3. I’m frightene is the stop worrying about
/ worry at the moment 114 a. No, I just watch TV and play computer games. It’s OK. We had a pizza in the mall.
4. My main worried b. Yes, I have some, but I prefer to hang out with my friends.
something, usually by
3. doing something else
school play. feel c. Yes, and I want to make a living from my hobby one day!
rollerblading. I always
make a living: to make
8. I always feel I like ice cream for dessert.
I went swimmin
Day because my 5. I’m terrible at money from doing
7. My friends and on Independence sment. ④ You have a big problem. Who will you ask for help? 4.
embarrassed / embarras
work 115
in the lake. We
were so on this day three and my cat.
grandma died for me is my family a. Nobody. I don’t know a lot of people who can help me. We usually go to the movies lend a helping hand:
. It was 6. Happiness / Happy on the weekend. to help
years ago. b. My best friend or my parents. It depends on the problem! 5.
the year!
the best day of
c. Everyone! All my friends will lend a helping hand. We’re waiting for the bus.
Jurassic World
3 I think the book is 4 Oh, I don’t know. Sometimes
denitely better.
it was very fast-moving and
Director: Colin Trevorrow Silver sometimes it was slow.
a (screenplay), Amanda
Writers: Rick Jaff ordinary
credits » 5 It was very
(screenplay), 5 more Ty eresting.
Bryce Dallas Howard, and unint
Stars: Chris Pratt,
cast and crew
Simpkins | See full
effects are
Wow! The
zed fun. 7
and it is monster-si the suspen
1993’s Jurassic Park 6 I wasn’t excited about
1 Jurassic World is the
latest sequel to
scientists brought
a new group of incredible and
of Isla Nubar where they entertain tourists. the plot or the actors. in the movie.
2 The movie is set on
the ctional island of safari park where is everywhere
appear in a kind is in danger. Fun but predictable.
to life. The dinosaurs and suddenly, everyone
dinosaurs back the dinosaurs escapes, for the
Park style, one of keeps on moving
In the classic Jurassic The exciting action
is never boring. star Chris Pratt.
, but the movie
3 The plot is predictable
from the movie’s
comedy too, especially He is also Negative
hours. There are moments of dinosaurs from the rst movie. Positive Neutral
whole two the most popular no
on velociraptors, rs on his own, with
Pratt plays an expert he faces three velocirapto
the movie’s iconic scene when
responsible for
him. who is back
weapons to protect as well as B.D. Wong,
Howard, the owner of the park,
Bryce Dallas
4 Also in the cast is
the very rst movie.
Dr. Henry Wu from The special effects
playing geneticist the dinosaurs like?
to know: what are descriptions. The
5 There’s only one thing
most of us want dinosaurs of all
ying and running
r. There are swimming,
are spectacula for young
best of all. It is terrifying. be too frightening
mosasaurus is the moments might
although some
6 Jurassic World is a
spectacular movie,
miss this movie.
children. You can’t Culture
28 know. Include informat G lossary
1 youListen
about movie and complete the fact park: a place like
4 Write a review le withsafari
: a zoo where animals
Be Strategic!
New Delhi
paragraphs about the following • special effects
(if there
summaries to the When reading,
think can move freely
2 Match the
content the • the plot are any)
the numbers. carefully about weapons: things
in the review. Write (the whole use to hunt or
an actor who returns
to the movie series
In the first lesson, read the unit title aloud and have 2 Read about the Indian
of Holi. In your notebook,
4 In your notebook,
write a short, 50-word reply
to this question.
Teaching Tip
• pictures that could illustrate
does music
Stop and Think! What
A poem?
make you feel? A painting?
a (1) excited / excitement. end, I had this amazing weather be like tomorrow?
lesoju She really wanted of
to do it and I was (2) jealous (8) happy / happiness.
I was alive! B: Foggy in the morning 6. A: How
/ jealousy of I survived! and cloudy in you
her. I had this terrible feeling I laughed and laughed and the afternoon. feeling today?
ads 5 (3) frightened / fear and
of laughed, but I will never, 3. A: B: Terrible! I have a cold.
she didn’t. ever do it again! you enjoy
ir My (4) worried / worry the movie yesterday? 7. A: Where
in class.
5 2 6 and the ground came closer 6. Which / What does embarrassed or 47B?
1 2 3 and closer… mean in English?
7. These pictures are by
all the students in our class.
ramble Which / What is your favorite?
. Then unsc 8. I usually play soccer
on the weekend. Which
sentence / What do you usually do?
d in each
the extra wor question.
2 Find a .
ds to form weekend
the wor will this
movies t.
go to the breakfas
1. They will toast for
Students review yes/no questions.
• Write on the board scrambled versions of yes/no
questions from the quiz on this page, for example,
you / Do / a / of / have / hobbies? / lot and have
students unscramble them.
✔ Homework Check!
Workbook p. 156, Activity 3
3 Circle the correct options to complete
the conversation.
1. Which, 2. Which, 3. What, 4. What, 5. Which,
6. Which, 7. What
Students discuss movies that they have
seen recently.
• As a small-group activity, have students discuss
movies that they have seen recently. Encourage
them to comment on movies that they enjoyed and
also on movies that they found disappointing.
Students share opinions about Jurassic World or
other, similar movies.
• Organize students into small groups and invite
them to exchange opinions about either this movie
or other, similar movies that all the members of
the group have seen. Encourage groups to organize
their opinions in topic areas like the summary
sentences in Activity 2. Have groups share their
views with the class.
Students create scripts for movie trailers.
• Organize students into small groups and have
them write scripts and storyboards for trailers for
a movie that they know and like or even for a
made-up movie of their own invention.
• Invite groups to share their work with the rest of
the class.
✔ Homework Check!
Workbook p. 157, Activity 3
3 Write a review of a comic book, graphic
novel or book.
Answers will vary.
Students brainstorm the names of religious festivals.
• As a whole-group activity, ask students to
brainstorm the names of festivals and celebrations
from a variety of religions, for example, Ramadan,
Hanukkah, Easter, Diwali, etc. Write suggestions
on the board.
1 Listen and complete the fact file with numbers.
Students listen and complete a fact file with numbers
from the audio.
1. second, 2. 1.2, 3. two, 4. 780, 5. 80
Students share their impressions of the Holi festival.
• As a whole-class activity, invite students to share
their impressions of the Holi festival. Ask them if
they think that they would enjoy taking part in the
festival and why, or why not.
Students recap information about the Holi festival.
• Students form pairs and take turns asking each
other questions about Holi.
Students create posters about religious festivals
and celebrations.
• Organize students into small groups and invite
them to design and create an information poster
about a religious festival or celebration from
another country.
• Have students display their work around
the classroom.
Students role-play conversations about a festival in
their own country.
• Organize students into pairs and have them
role-play conversations in which a visitor from
another country asks a resident about a local or
national festival.
• Invite pairs of students to share their role plays
with the rest of the class.
Students talk about their favorite festivals
and celebrations.
• As a whole-class activity, invite students to talk
about their favorite festivals and celebrations in
their own country.
• Note the celebrations students mention on the
board and hold a class vote for students’ favorite
celebration or festival.
Students discuss their impressions of Burns Night.
• As a whole class, invite students to share their
impressions of Burns Night. Referring to details
and photos in the brochure (the music, the food,
etc.), ask students whether they think they would
enjoy participating in a Burns Night celebration
and why, or why not.
Students compare brochures and vote for
their favorites.
• Invite students to vote for their favorite brochures.
There can be awards in various categories, e.g.,
most original ideas, best layout and design, best use
of technology, best overall brochure, etc.
Students review feelings vocabulary playing a game.
• Review feelings vocabulary from pages 112 and
113 (angry, happiness, embarrassed, etc.) by
playing Hangman.
Students design their own emoticons.
• Organize students into pairs and have them
make their own new designs for emoticons to
show fear, excitement, happiness, anger, etc.
• Invite students to display their designs on
a poster and to share them with the rest of
the class.
? Big Question
Students are given the opportunity to revisit the Big
Question and reflect on it.
• Ask students to turn to the unit opener on page
111 and to look again at the image. Discuss how
the photo, which shows multiple images of the
same person, was put together. Ask students to
say which emotion is being shown in each of the
three photos of the young man where his face
can be seen clearly.
• As a whole class, talk about the way the face
reveals our emotions. Talk also about other ways
that we show how we are feeling (gestures, body
posture, etc.).
• Discuss the fact that it is not always possible to
know how a person is feeling from their outward
appearance. Talk about the way some people try
to hide their feelings and why they might want
or need to do this.
Stopwatch includes:
• Student’s Book with Integrated Workbook
(print and digital)
• Student’s CD
• Stopwatch App
• Teacher’s Guide (print and digital)
• Teacher’s Toolkit with:
• Class and Test Audio CDs
• Grammar, Vocabulary and Reading
• Exam Package (Standard or Test Plus)
• Placement Exam
I S B N 978-607-06-1248-0