Shopping Lesson Plan
Shopping Lesson Plan
Shopping Lesson Plan
Different shops
• To understand words for different shops
• To ask for items sold in different shops
• To make sentences about different shops
Age group
ESOL Entry 1
60 + minutes
• Shopping Student worksheet 1 – Different shops
• Shopping Student worksheet 2 – Shopping lists
• Shopping Student worksheet 3
This lesson reviews vocabulary relating to everyday shopping and introduces different shop
names. Students practise speaking and listening using these items in a meaningful context.
They then write short sentences about different shops.
1. Lead- in: • Elicit names of shops and buildings that students already know and make a
Different shops list on the board
2. Task 1: • Review how to ask for things in shops. Ask for suggestions but focus on 'Can
Speaking I have …… please?' 'Excuse me, have you got any ………?' Drill the
practice questions if necessary.
• Nominate one student to run the bakery, one to run the café, one to run the
newsagent and one to run the chemist.
• Seat each one at a separate table, with the café at the biggest table, and ask
them to make a sign for their shop.
• Give them the pictures of items for their shop (from student worksheet 2 –
shopping lists), cut into individual cards.
• Give all other students one of the 6 shopping lists on (also from student
worksheet 2)
• Demonstrate that each student should visit the different shops and ask for the
items on their list. The shopkeeper should give them a picture of the item
they ask for.
• All students should finish at the café and can check each others’ lists and
• It may take more than one attempt to get this activity running smoothly, and
repeating the activity with a changeover of roles and shopping lists would be
Rationale: this activity practises the spoken forms of the target language,
providing lots of opportunity for repetition and is good for kinaesthetic learners.
• Make sure each student sitting down has an opportunity to suggest letters; go
round the room or name students, otherwise one or two students tend to
• Allow students to have a turn at the board. At this level most students need a
lot of support at the board, for example: write the word clearly for them on a
Lesson plan
piece of paper for them to refer to, check they are filling in the guessed letters
correctly etc.
4. Task 3: • Give out student worksheet 3, and ask students to sort shopping into the
Reading right columns.
5. Task 4: • Put a giant version of Task 4 on the Smartboard if possible, or write up the
Writing first sentence.
• Ask one student to read the sentence and ask for suggestions to complete it.
• Students can write original sentences when they have filled the gaps in 1 and
6. Task 5: • Students can complete the crossword for homework to reinforce what they
Crossword have learnt in the class
Contributed by
Sarah Burn, Bolton Community College