Copyright (c) 2006 - 2021 Nir Sofer
Web Site:
The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed
or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not
be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages
due to loss of data or any other reason.
Known Problems
Also, if you have any problem with using WirelessKeyView, please read the
WirelessKeyView Frequently Asked Questions page
System Requirement
Versions History
* Version 2.22:
o Added 'Copy QR Code' option (Under the Edit menu), which allows
you to copy the QR Code image of the selected wireless network to the
clipboard. This option is enabled when the 'Display QR Code' option
is turned on.
* Version 2.21:
o Fixed to display the key type of WPA3 items as WPA3-SAE.
* Version 2.20:
o Added 'Display QR Code' option (View -> Display QR Code or simply
press F2): When it's turned on, QR Code of the selected wireless key
is displayed on the lower pane of the WirelessKeyView.
o You can use it with QR Code Reader app on your smartphone to
instantly connect your smartphone to the desired Wifi network.
* Version 2.11:
o When loading the wireless passwords from remote computer, the
computer name is now displayed in the window title.
o The download zip files are now password-protected.
* Version 2.10:
o Added 'Open Folder In Explorer' option, which opens the folder
(In Windows Explorer) where the wireless key is stored.
* Version 2.06:
o Added 'Save All Items' and 'Export All Items' options.
* Version 2.05:
o Added command-line options to modify the settings of 'Advanced
Options' window, for example:
WirelessKeyView.exe /LoadFrom 2 /ExternalWinDir "J:\Windows"
/WlansvcFolder "J:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles" /scomma
* Version 2.00:
o Added support for decrypting wireless keys from external drive of
any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows
10. ('Advanced Options' window - F9)
o Added 'Advanced external drive settings' option, which allows you
to choose the Windows protect folder and the Registry hives folder.
o WirelessKeyView now supports 2 methods for decrypting the
wireless keys of the current running system. If from some reason the
default method doesn't work on your system, you can choose the other
o Added option to view the wireless network of remote computer on
your network (In 'Advanced Options' window). It only works if you
have full admin access to the remote computer (Including admin
shares) and the remote computer has Windows Vista or later. (XP is
not supported)
* Version 1.76:
o Added 'Open Filename In Notepad' option (For Windows Vista or
* Version 1.75:
o Added 'Filename' column (For Windows Vista or later).
o Added 'Show Time In GMT' option.
* Version 1.72:
o Fix bug: WirelessKeyView failed to import keys if the key or
network name contained '&' or some other characters.
* Version 1.71:
o Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary
sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column
header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when
clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you
should not hold down the Shift key.
* Version 1.70:
o WPA2-PSK keys are now detected properly on Windows XP (In
previous versions WirelessKeyView displayed them as WPA-PSK keys)
o The 'Last Modified' column is now also active on Windows XP.
* Version 1.68:
o Fixed a bug in the 32-bit build without command-line support: On
Windows 7/8/Vista/2008: WirelessKeyView created a new process of
WirelessKeyView again and again...
* Version 1.67:
o Added new build of WirelessKeyView without command-line support.
In this version, you cannot extract wireless key data without
displaying the user interface (Which means that /stab, /shtml and
other export command-line options will not work in this build). The
advantage of this build: There is a chance that this build will
trigger less Antivirus alerts, simply because it cannot be used by
hackers to grab wireless keys stealthily. This build is also compiled
with different compiler options.
o Changed the name in the version resource from WirelessKeyView to
WKV. Strangely, this change reduces the Antivirus alerts
dramatically, at least for now.
* Version 1.66:
o Added 'Last Modified' column (Works only on Windows Vista/7/8)
* Version 1.65:
o Added 'Show SSIDs Without Key' option.
* Version 1.61:
o In order to avoid from deletion by mistake, the delete menu item
is now separated from the others. Also, the default answer for the
delete question is No.
* Version 1.60:
o WirelessKeyView now uses a new method to grab the wireless keys
on Windows 7/8/2008: Instead of code injection, WirelessKeyView
creates a child process that extracts the wireless keys. This means
that you can use the 32-bit build of WirelessKeyView under Windows
7/8/2008 64-bit.
* Version 1.56:
o Fixed issue: The properties and the 'Advanced Options' windows
opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
* Version 1.55:
o Added /export and /import command-line options, which allows you
to export/import wireless keys from command-line.
* Version 1.50:
o Added export and import feature. You can now select one or more
wireless keys, export them into a file (with File -> Export Selected
Items or Ctrl+E) and then import these keys into another computer
(With File -> Import Keys From Export File or Ctrl+I). Be aware that
the import feature only works with Windows XP/SP3 or later (including
Windows 2008/7/Vista). The export feature works on every system
starting from Windows XP/SP1. Read the 'Export And Import Wireless
Keys' section for more information about this new feature.
o Added 3 new columns, only for Windows 7/2008/Vista:
Authentication, Encryption, Connection Type (ESS for infrastructure
network, IBSS for ad-hoc network).
* Version 1.36:
o Fixed bug on Windows 7/2008/Vista: WirelessKeyView truncated the
key after 32 characters.
* Version 1.35:
o Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's
turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to
make it easier to read a single line.
o Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When
this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first
line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
* Version 1.34:
o Fixed bug: pressing the delete key in the find window deleted an
item in the main window.
* Version 1.33:
o When loading WirelessKeyView under Windows 7 in the first time,
the 'Code Inject' mode is now turned on by default.
* Version 1.32:
o Added /codeinject command-line option.
* Version 1.31:
o Fixed a crash problem with Application Compatibility Engine on
Windows 7/Vista (only when 'Use code injection method' is turned on).
* Version 1.30:
o Added 'Use code injection method' option in the Advanced Options
window, as a workaround for using this utility on Windows 7. (See
* Version 1.28:
o Added sorting command-line options.
* Version 1.27:
o Fixed bug: In Vista, WPA-PSK keys in Ascii form displayed
additional space character.
* Version 1.26:
o Fixed bug: In Vista, if WPA-PSK key contained 32 characters, the
key was not displayed in Ascii form.
* Version 1.25:
o New and safer method to extract the wireless keys of the local
machine: In previous versions, WirelessKeyView injected code into
lsass.exe in order to grab the wireless keys from the system. In rare
cases, this technique caused a crash inside lsass.exe process.
Starting from this version, WirelessKeyView uses a new method that
extract the wireless keys without any code injection.
* Version 1.20:
o WirelessKeyView now allows you to extract the wireless keys from
external instance of Windows XP. (In Advanced Options)
* Version 1.18:
o You can now send the information to stdout by specifying an empty
filename ("") in the command-line. (For example: WirelessKeyView.exe
/stab "" >> c:\temp\keys.txt)
* Version 1.17:
o Fixed bug: WirelessKeyView failed to find the adapter name
o Fixed bug: Bad color in HTML report
o Fixed bug: The main window lost the focus when the user switched
to another application and then returned back to WirelessKeyView.
Using WirelessKeyView
When you type a WPA-PSK key in Windows XP, the characters that you type
are automatically converted into a new binary key that contains 32 bytes
(64 Hexadecimal digits). This binary key cannot instantly be converted
back to the original key that you typed, but you can still use it for
connecting the wireless network exactly like the original key. In this
case, WirelessKeyView displays this binary key in the Hex key column, but
it doesn't display the original key that you typed.
As opposed to Windows XP, Windows Vista doesn't convert the WPA-PSK Key
that you type into a new binary key, but it simply keep the original key
that you type. So under Windows Vista, the original WPA-PSK key that you
typed is displayed in the Ascii key column.
Starting from version 1.50, you can select one or more wireless keys,
export them into a text file by using the 'Export Selected Items' under
the File menu, and then import these keys into another computer by using
the 'Import Keys From Export File' option.
Before you start using this feature, you should be aware that there are
some problems/limitations:
* The import feature only works on Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or
later, including Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows Vista. You cannot
use the import feature on Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or Service
Pack 2. As opposed to the import feature, the export feature works on
any system, including Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2.
* The import feature on Windows XP/SP3 is very slow, and
WirelessKeyView may temporary hang during the import process.
* The wireless keys stored inside the export file are not encrypted, so
if you're concerned about the security of your network, you should keep
this file in a place where unauthorized users cannot read it, or simply
delete it after the import process is finished.
* The import feature only works with a text file created with the
'Export Selected Items' option. You cannot use the import feature with
the files created by the 'Save Selected Items' option.
* Your wireless network adapter must be active when using the import
feature. If you have a USB wireless adapter, you must plug it before
you start the import process.
* If you have multiple wireless network adapters, a separated key entry
will be added for each adapter.
Command-Line Options
/LoadFrom <Number>
Specifies the type of data source to load. 1 = Local computer, 2 =
External instance of Windows installation, 3 = Remote system.
WirelessKeyView.exe /LoadFrom 2 /ExternalWinDir "J:\Windows"
/WlansvcFolder "J:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles" /scomma
/stext <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys into a tab-delimited text file.
/stabular <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename>
Save the list of all wireless keys to XML file.
/sort <column>
This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting
by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is
sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface.
The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first
column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column,
like "Key Type" and "Network Name". You can specify the '~' prefix
character (e.g: "~Network Name") if you want to sort in descending order.
You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by
multiple columns.
WirelessKeyView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\1.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1
WirelessKeyView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\1.html" /sort "Network Name"
When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without
any sorting.
/export <Filename>
Export all wireless keys into a file that can be used to import back the
wireless keys with /import command-line option.
WirelessKeyView.exe /export "c:\temp\wireless_keys.txt"
/import <Filename>
Import the wireless keys stored inside the specified file, that was
created with the /export command-line option.
WirelessKeyView.exe /import "c:\temp\wireless_keys.txt"
Translating WirelessKeyView to other languages