CAIE Chemistry A-Level: 15: Halogen Compounds
CAIE Chemistry A-Level: 15: Halogen Compounds
CAIE Chemistry A-Level: 15: Halogen Compounds
Halogenoalkanes are alkanes which contain a halogen atom covalently bonded to a carbon
atom. When naming halogenoalkanes, the prefix of the halogen
(fluoro-/chloro-/bromo-/iodo-) is put before the alkane name with a number to indicate which
carbon the halogen is bonded to. For example 1-bromopropane, 3-chlorohexane and
Formation of Halogenoalkanes
Electrophilic addition
The electron dense double bond in an alkene is susceptible to attack from electrophiles. This
leads to electrophilic addition reactions which can lead to the formation of halogenoalkanes.
Substitution of alcohol with hydrogen halide
● Primary and secondary alcohols react very, very slowly with hydrogen chloride,
HCl. Tertiary alcohols react rapidly with concentrated hydrochloric acid at room
● Hydrogen bromide reacts with alcohols. Typically the alcohol is treated with
potassium bromide and concentrated sulfuric acid as these two reactants will
produce hydrogen bromide:
CH3CH2OH + HBr → CH3CH2Br + H2O
● Hydrogen iodide reacts with alcohols. Typically the alcohol is treated with
potassium iodide and phosphoric(V) acid. Phosphoric(V) acid is used in this
reaction instead of sulfuric acid as sulfuric acid will readily oxidise the iodide ions
to iodine.
Hydrolysis occurs when a halogenoalkane undergoes nucleophilic substitution with a
For example bromoethane reacts to form ethanol. Warm aqueous sodium hydroxide is
Formation of nitriles
Nitriles are formed when a halogenoalkane reacts with cyanide. The reaction requires
warm, ethanolic potassium cyanide (ethanolic means dissolved in ethanol).
Elimination of Halogenoalkane
Halogenoalkanes can also undergo an elimination reaction when they are heated under
reflux with ethanolic hydroxide ions. The hydroxide ions can’t be dissolved in water as
this would cause hydrolysis would occur.
These reactions are a one step mechanism. The nucleophile attacks the substrate at the
same time as the leaving group leaves the substrate. The nucleophile attacks the carbon
atom from the back side, causing an inversion of the groups in the product. The
nucleophile attacks from the backside because the large halogen atom prevents the
attack from the other direction.
In the diagram below, :Nu is the nucleophile and X is a halogen:
These reactions are two step mechanisms. This type of reaction takes place in tertiary
and some secondary halogenoalkanes. If the nucleophile is unable to attack the back of the
carbon atom (for example if it is blocked by larger atoms / groups such as -CH3) a
carbocation intermediate is formed. The first step in the process is generating the
carbocation intermediate and the second step is the attack of the nucleophile on the
carbocation to form the product. The following diagram demonstrates the two steps:
Primary halogenoalkanes - SN2 mechanism
Secondary halogenoalkanes - SN1 and SN2 mechanism
Tertiary halogenoalkanes - SN1 mechanism
The halogenoalkane reactivity trend for SN2 is: primary > secondary > tertiary
This is due to steric hindrance which is caused by side chains on the molecule preventing a
reaction occurring. Tertiary halogenoalkanes are less reactive because the alkyl groups
prevent the nucleophile attacking the back side of the carbon so substitution doesn’t occur.
Reactivities of Halogenoalkanes
The reactivity of a halogenoalkane depends on the strength of the carbon-halogen
bond. For a reaction to take place, the carbon-halogen bond needs to be broken. The
weaker the carbon-halogen bond is, the more reactive the halogenoalkane.
C-F has the highest bond enthalpy and so is the strongest carbon-halogen bond. This
makes fluoroalkanes the least reactive of halogenoalkanes so they react slowest.
C-I has the lowest bond enthalpy so is the weakest carbon-halogen bond. This makes
iodoalkanes the most reactive of halogenoalkanes so they will react fastest.
Carbon-halogen bond enthalpy decreases down the group, so reactivity increases.
Fluoroalkanes and Fluorohalogenoalkanes
Fluoroalkanes contain carbon and fluorine only. Fluorohalogenoalkanes contain carbon,
fluorine and hydrogen only.
Fluoroalkanes and fluorohalogenoalkanes are chemically inert. The C-F bond is very
strong and requires a lot of energy to break, making the compounds very unreactive.