Dossier 1 Anglès: Nom: Kevin Guaman Montse Díez 2csmi 2019-2020

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Nom: Kevin Guaman

Montse Díez

Branches of technology

- Match the headlines to the correct branch of technology.

1. Mice given human brain cells.​ Biotechnology

2. 15 billion text message sent every month. ​Telecommunication
3. Usa developing a weapon to fire microwaves. ​Defence
4. Major hack attack​. Crime
5. World’s tallest bridge opens. ​Civil Engineering
6. Apple introduce world’s largest screen. ​Information technology
7. Sunlight will power spacecraft. ​Transport
8. New ways to make shoes. ​Manufacturing

Recording new words

- One effective way of recording key words used in technology is to group them into
word sets.

1. Biotechnology: ​lab, cell, technology, (do an experiment), (do) research,

sample and test.​
2. Telecommunication: ​Transmission, signals, engineer and Radio
3. Transport: ​Public, private, pollution, ticket, aerial, land and maritime​.
4. Crime: ​Sentence, test, assassin, death, police and investigation​.

Numbers and quantities

- Read out the numbers and quantities.

A. 3.142: ​Three point one four two​.

B. 1150 mm: ​One thousand fifty millimetres​.
C. 250 MB:​ Two hundred fifty megabytes.
D. 60 GB: ​Sixty Gigabytes.
E. 16 kHz: ​sixteen kilohertz.
F. 30 mA: ​thirty milliamps.
G. 0ºC: zero degrees celsius.
H. 73%: seventy-three per cent.
I. 12V : twelve volts.
J. 10​6 ​ten to the power six.
K. 10​-12 ​ten to the power minus twelve.

-Match adjectives 1-6 with the diagrams and adverbs.

- Adjective: ​Rotary​ ; Adverb: ​Movement of a drill.

- Adjective: ​Reciprocating ; ​Adverb:​ up and down backwards and forwards.
- Adjective: Linear ; ​Adverb:​ in a straight line.
- ​ dverb​: from side to side.
Adjective​: Oscillating ; A
- Adjective​: Clockwise ; ​Adverb​: anticlockwise.
- Adjective​: Anticlockwise ; Adverb: anticlockwise

Language spot

Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs

The speakers are comparing how things are now with how they were before:
- It’s much faster.
- It’s more realistic.
- It’s safer
- My sales are much worse.

We make comparisons with short adjectives like fast by adding -er : ​Faster​.
With long adjectives like realistic we use more and less: ​More/ less realistic.​
Note the irregular forms: good : ​better and had​ :​ worse.​

- Fill the gaps to compare computers now and ten years ago. Use the adjectives in

Computers today are ​more powerful.​ They operate​ faster​ and they have much​ larger
memories. Because the contain more electronics, the cases have become​ bigger​ but
the flat-screen monitors are​ heavier​ and fit into a ​cheaper​ space on your desk.
Computers are also cheaper. The price ​more lower ​now than in the past. The
programs too are ​better.​ They are ​more sophisticated​ and you can work much ​more



- Collocations are word which are often used together. The verbs in column A are
used in computing. Match them with an appropriate noun from column B.
A. Click on an icon.
B. Calculate cost.
C. Download pictures.
D. Display information.
E. Create a new document.
F. Scroll up/ down a menu.
G. Surf the web.
H. Select from a page.

- Now cover and fill the gaps in the sentences.

1. Flat screens around the airport display ​information ​on all arrivals and
2. Click on the icon​ for PowerPoint to prepare a presentation.
3. You can ​download pictures​ from your camera.
4. Spreadsheets are used to calculate ​costs​.
5. Scroll down the ​menu ​until you find the information you need.
6. I normally spending at least one hour day surfing ​the web​.
7. She created ​a new document​ to keep track of software updates.
8. You can select from the ​page​ to choose which application you need.

Some technical words in English begin or end with common affixes. Knowing the
meaning of the affix can help you work out the meaning of the whole word.


bio life biotechnology

ex out of external

inter between internet

intra inside, within intranet

less without wireless

micro very small microwave

mini small minidisk

poly many polyester

pre before, earlier prefabricated

super above, much greater supermarket

tele far, distant telecommunications

- Using the table, work out the words which have the following meanings.

1. Medicine at a distance: ​Telemedicine

2. A very small electronic: ​chip microchip.​
3. A plastic containing many molecules of carbon: ​polycarbonate.​
4. An instrument for measuring very small thicknesses: ​micrometer.
5. Concrete which has been stressed earlier: ​prestressed concrete.​
6. A computer much more powerful than ordinary computers: ​supercomputer.​
7. A very small processor: ​microprocessor.
8. A fan which removes air and blows it out: ​extractor fan.​
9. A phone without a cord: ​cordless​.
10. Measuring according to biological data: ​biometrics.​


Compound nouns

Compound nouns are often used in technical English. They consist of two nouns
working together. Study these examples.

Car bodies= bodies of cars.

Plastic baths= baths made of plastic.
Injection moulding= moulding by injection.
Gas oven= oven which uses gas.
Gas canister= canister for gas.

- Explain compound nouns in the same way

1. Vacuum forming: ​forming by vacuum.

2. Pvc pipes:​ pipes made of pvc​.
3. Plane wings: ​wings of plane​.
4. Steel mixer: ​mixer for steel​.
5. Wind pump: ​pump wich use.​
6. Steel bearings: ​bearing made of steel.​
7. Clockwork radio: ​radio which uses clockwork.​
8. Computer covers: covers of computers

Passive - Sequence words.

- Read the text. Underline ,​Sequence words​ ​noun modifiers​ and ​passive verbs​.
First​, the ingredients ​are mixed​ in a ​steel​ mixer to make dough.

Then the dough​ is cut into​ loaves, ​put into​ tins, and ​left​ in a prover for yeast to work.

After​ that, the loaves ​are baked​ in ​giant gas​ ovens.

Next​, the loaves ​are left​ to cool; then ​taken out​ of their tins by using suction.

Then the loaves ​are sprayed​ with a chemical to keep them fresh longer.

After that​, the loaves ​are sliced ​in a ​high-speed slicer​ with ​giant ​saw blades.

Finally​, the loaves ​are wrapped​ and sent to the supermarkets.


Modern manufacturing processes

- Complete the text for each text

A. Electroformig

- Advantages: the form can be removed to leave a solid part; ideal for very fine
components with precise dimensions. Example of use: electroforming is used
in the manufacture of CD’s.

B. Water jet abrasive cutting

- Advantages: jet can be adjusted and the kind of abrasive changed so that
almost any kind of material can be cut ; Material can be cut without changing
its properties; has many applications. Example of use: used to cut metals,
composites, and even thick concrete.

C. Hydroforming

- Advantages: shape using fluid pressure; hydroforming a component in this

way means that several different operations such as stamping and welding
are no longer required. Example of use: Hydroforming is used where there is
demand for lower weight with high strength, it used in the manufacture of
top-of-the-range sports cars and motorbikes.
Personal Notes

equality equals, is equal to If x=y, x and y represent the 2+3=5

= same value or thing.

approximately is approximately If x≈y, x and y are almost equal. √2≈1.41

≈ equal equal to

inequation does not equal, is If x≠y, x and y do not represent 1+1≠3

≠ not equal to the same value or thing.

strict inequality is less than If x<y, x is less than y. 4<5

is greater than If x>y, x is greater than y. 3>2
is much less than If x≪y, x is much less than y. 1≪9

inequality is less than or If x≤y, x is less than or equal to 5≤6 and 5≤5
≤ equal to y.

is greater than or If x≥y, x is greater than or equal 2≥1 and 2≥2

≥ equal to to y.

proportionality is proportional to If x∝y, then y=kx for some If y=4x then y∝x
∝ constant k. and x∝y

addition plus x+y is the sum of x and y. 2+3=5

subtraction minus x-y is the subtraction of y from x 5-3=2
multiplication times x×y is the multiplication of x by y 4×5=20
minus-plus minus or plus 4±(3∓5) means both 4+(3-5) 6∓(1±3)=2 or 4
∓ and 4-(3+5)
Use of Passive

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not
known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know,
however, who did it.

Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following
example shows:

Example: A mistake was made.

Form of Passive

Subject + finite form of ​to be​ + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

Present passive

To describe a manufacturing process, we should answer these two important

questions about each stage in the process:

- What happens?
- When does it happen.

We can answer the what question using the Present Passive:

- The ingredients are mixed.

We can answer the when question by numbering the stages (1,2,3, etc.), or by using
sequence words (first, then,next , after that, finally), or time clauses.

1. The ingredients​ are mixed.

First, the ingredients are mixed.

After the loaves are sliced, they are wrapped.

Where necessary, we should also answer these question:

- Where does it happen?

- Why does it happen?
- How does it happen ?

We can answer the Where question by adding information on the place the stage
happens: - The ingredients are mixed in a steel mixer.

We can answer the why question using the infinitive.

- The ingredients are mixed in a steel mixer to make dough.

We can answer the How question like this.

- The loaves are taken out of their tins (by) using suction.

Personal and Impersonal Passive

Personal Passive​ simply means that the object of the active sentence becomes the
subject of the passive sentence. So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb)
can form a personal passive. E​xample: They build houses. – Houses are built.

How to write an email

1. First must greet respectfully. Example: ​Dear Sir or madam, Dear Sir/
2. Present briefly at the beginning of the letter with your name, then
explain the reason. Example: ​My name is… / I am contacting you to… /
I am writing to… / I am writing with regard to / in response to… / With
reference to… /
3. Then write a message according to the information you need. Examples:
Could you please…? / I would like to… / I would appreciate if you… /
It would be grateful if you could… / Could you possibly…? /Please let me
know… / We are happy to let you know that… / We are willing to… /
4. To finish this type of text write the farewell. Examples: I look forward to
hearing from you (shortly) / I would like to thank you in advance for… /
Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely, / Yours truly, / Yours cordially, / Sincerely, /
Respectfully, / Best regards, / Thank you.
Conectores más comunes que puedes usar en un e-mail

- Secuencia: Firstly (En primer lugar), secondly (en segundo lugar),

finally (finalmente), simultaneously (simultáneamente),
subsequently (posteriormente), lastly (por último).
- Adición: moreover (además), in addition (además), furthermore
- Contraste: on the one hand/on the other hand (por una parte / por
otra parte), by contrast (en contraste), nevertheless (sin embargo),
nonetheless (no obstante), on the contrary (por el contrario), yet
(sin embargo).
- Consecuencia: therefore (por lo tanto), thus (por consiguiente),
hence (por tanto), thereby (de este modo), accordingly (por lo


Scroll up: desplazarse hacia arriba.

Safer: mas seguro.
Moulding: moldura.
Ovens: Hornos.
Cord: Cable.
Bearing: Rodamientos.
Sprayed: Rociar.
Sliced: Rebanada.
Mixed: Mezclar.
Wind pump: Bomba de viento.
Push: Empujar.
strength: Fuerza.
Welding: Soldadura.
Dot: punto.
Colon: Dos puntos.
Hyphen: Guion.
Underscore: Guion bajo.
Shop owner: Dueño de tienda.
Wood: Madera.
Copper: Cobre.
Rubber: Caucho.
Crankshaft: Cigüeñal.
Blades: Cuchillas.
Heavier: Más pesado.
The square root of: la raíz cuadrada de.
Blows: Golpes.

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