Extra Class Lesson Plan (First Topic of March 2022)

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Lesson Plan: Extra Class (FKIP ULM BATCH 2021)

Level A1, A2, B1

Grammar Better. Faster. Stronger (comparative and superlative adjectives) (Source:
Unit https://eslbrains.com/comparative-and-superlative-adjectives/)
Discussion Technology
Class Time 4 March 2022 (14.00-15.30) Group 1
5 March 2022 (10.00-11.30) Group 1
11 March 2022 (14.00-15.30) Group 2
12 March 2022 (10.00-11.30) Group 2
18 March 2022 (14.00-15.30) Group 3
19 March 2022 (10.00-11.30) Group 3
25 March 2022 (14.00-15.30) Group 4
26 March 2022 (10.00-11.30) Group 4

Activities Procedures Materials Time

Warm up/Lead in 1. Discuss these questions 8-10
with the students. Minutes
a. What three gadgets do
you use most often?
Have they changed in
your lifetime?
b. Which of your gadgets
would you like to
update? Why?
c. What modern
technology makes your
life easier? What makes
it a bit more difficult?
2. Watch the first (from 01:04 First video:
to 01:56) and the second https://youtu.be/DENG7Q7VRgo?t=64
(from 02:56 to 04:13) parts Second video:
of a video together with the https://youtu.be/DENG7Q7VRgo?t=176
students and say which
technologies are compared. Answers:
3. Look at some sentences Look at some sentences about the
about the technologies technologies from the video and guess
from the video and guess the missing information. Watch both
the missing information. parts of the video again and check your
Watch both parts of the answers.
video again and check your
a. ebook readers: the a. ebook readers: the cheapest
cheapest version can version can hold 1,400 books in
hold ……… books in a a digital form. [01:22]
digital form.
b. cars: the 1908 model b. cars: the 1908 model had a top
had a top speed of speed of 45 mph. The 2017
……… mph. The 2017 model has a speed of 200 mph.
model has a speed of [01:37, 01:52]
……… mph.
c. laptops: the first laptop c. laptops: the first laptop had a
had a ………-inch screen five-inch screen and weighed
and weighed ……… 24 pounds. The new models
pounds. The new have 13-15-inch screens.
models have 13-15-inch [03:09]
screens. d. mobile phones: the 1973
d. mobile phones: the model weighed 1.1 kg and took
1973 model weighed 10 hours to recharge. [03:46]
……… kg and took ………
hours to recharge.
Grammar 1. Show the sentences on the 20-25
Presentation slide one by one and say minutes
what they are about based
on these choices.
a. This modern model has a. Mobile phone
a longer talk time than
the old model.
b. It’s the best gadget for b. eBook reader
c. This gadget is the most c. Mobile phone
multifunctional of all
the objects shown in
the video.
d. This gadget has the d. Laptop
biggest screen.
e. The modern model has e. Car
a more powerful engine
than the old one.
f. This is the heaviest f. Car
thing in the video.
g. Some people say that g. eBook reader
it’s worse for your eyes
than the paper version.

2. Look at the sentences from Sentences a-g from the previous

previous examples and activity.
answer the questions.

a. Which sentences
compare two things? a,
e, g
b. Which two letters do
we add to short
adjectives (e.g. long) in
these sentences? We
add the -er ending to
short adjectives.
c. Which word do we use
before long adjectives
(e.g. powerful)? We use
more before long
d. Which word do we use
after the adjective
when we compare two
things? We use than
after the adjective
when we compare two

a. Which sentences
compare more than
two things? b, c, d, f
b. Which three letters do
we add to short
adjectives in these
sentences? We add the
-est ending to short
c. Which word do we use
before long adjectives?
We use most before
long adjectives.
d. Which word do we use
before short adjectives
and before most + long
adjectives? We use the
before short adjectives
and most + long
a. Why are these words
• big: We double the
letter g before adding
the endings: big –
bigger – the biggest.
Another example: hot –
hotter – the hottest. •
heavy: We change the -
y ending to -i before
adding -er/-est.
Adjectives that have
two syllables and end in
-y can be used both
ways: healthy – more
healthy/healthier – the
most healthy/the
• good/bad: These are
exceptions that change
their forms: good –
better – the best; bad –
worse – the worst.
3. Complete the table based
on the answers to the
previous questions.

Controlled Practices 1. Ask students randomly to 8-10

fill in the gaps by saying the minutes
complete sentences with
the aid of the words in
brackets in the correct form
and then check the other
students’ opinion regarding
their friends’ answer.
a. I think I need a new
phone. I want one with
a bigger screen than my
old one (big)
b. If you want to impress
them, buy this tablet.
It’s the most expensive
one in the store.
c. They upgraded their
computers to the ones
with a faster processor.
d. My smartwatch has
really helped me to be
more healthy/healthier
than before. I move
more and I’m in better
shape. (healthy, good)
e. This is the worst phone
I’ve ever used. The
battery is always low
and the camera takes
terrible pictures. (bad)
f. Out of all music
subscription services,
this one is the most
convenient: they have
good UI, and the price
is the cheapest, too.
(convenient, cheap)
Concept Checking 1. Choose a random student 3-5
and then ask him/her to minutes
mention his/her 2 favourite
gadgets. Then, ask one
other student to compare
the 2 gadgets. Do this for
several times.
2. Choose several other
students to mention 1
favourite/best gadget in
their house and ask them
to elaborate the reason
why do they think so.
Production/Discussion 1. Divide the students into 45
several breakout rooms and minutes
then ask them to discuss
about their knowledge of
the objects in the pictures.

2. Discuss the questions.

a. Which of the objects is
the most useful for
b. Are there more
convenient ways to
listen to music/store
information/check the
c. Which of the objects
has changed the most
over time?
3. Put the students back into
the main room and then
divide them into two
teams. Tell them that they
are going to listen to some
clues about an object and
must guess what it is. The
fewer clues they need to
guess the object, the more
points you receive.
4. Tell the students that they
will be put into 2 different
groups using breakout
room. Then, they need to
think of a gadget that most
people know and will
create five sentences about
it using comparative and
superlative structures
without mentioning the
name in 5 minutes. After 5
minutes, they will be put
back into the main room
and the other team will
guess the gadget or
technology by listening to
the clues one by one.

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