Computer Graphics: Local Space, World Space and Cameras

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Escuela Profesional de

Ciencia de la Computación

ICC Fase 1

Computer graphics
Local space, world space and

MSc. Vicente Machaca Arceda

Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

May 12, 2021

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1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Local space, world space and cameras Local and world space

Table of Contents

1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Local space, world space and cameras Local and world space

Local and world space

The space in which a model is defined is called its local space,

or model space. OpenGL documentation uses the term object

The matrix that positions and orients an object into world space
is called a model matrix, or M.

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Table of Contents

1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera


We will want to display our 3D space—or a portion of it—on a

2D monitor.

Figure: Positioning a camera in the 3D world. Source: [1]

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

OpenGL includes a camera that is permanently fixed at the
origin (0, 0, 0).

Figure: OpenGL fixed camera. Source: [1]

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL

We need to simulate moving

the camera to a desire
location. How?

Figure: Camera orientation.

Source: [1]

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL

We need to simulate moving

the camera to a desire
location. How?

Given a point at world space

location PW , we need a
transform to convert it to the
equivalent point in camera
space, making it appear as
Figure: Camera orientation. though we are viewing it from
Source: [1] the desired camera location

Cw .

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL

The transformations are:

Translate PW by the
negative of the desired
camera location.
Rotate PW by the
negative of the desired
Figure: Camera orientation. camera orientation.
Source: [1]

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL

We can build a single transform that does both the rotation (R)
and the translation (T) in one matrix, called the viewing
transform matrix (V).

We compute transformations using these equations:

PC = R ∗ (T ∗ PW ) (1)

PC = (R ∗ T ) ∗ PW (2)
PC = V ∗ PW (3)

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL
Deriving a view matrix

Figure: Deriving a view matrix. Source: [1]

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL
Model and View Matrices

More commonly, the V matrix is concatenated with the model

matrix M to form a single model-view (MV) matrix:

MV = V ∗ M (4)

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Local space, world space and cameras Eye space and camera

Camera in OpenGL
Model and View Matrices

More commonly, the V matrix is concatenated with the model

matrix M to form a single model-view (MV) matrix:

MV = V ∗ M (4)

Then, a point PM in its own model space is transformed directly

to camera space in one step as follows:

PC = MV ∗ PM (5)

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Projection matrices The perspective projection matrix

Table of Contents

1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Projection matrices The perspective projection matrix

The perspective projection matrix

Perspective projection
attempts to make a 2D picture
appear 3D.

Objects that are close appear

larger than objects that are far
away, and in some cases,
parallel lines in 3D space are

no longer parallel.

Figure: The Annunciation, with

Saint Emidius (Crivelli – 1486).
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Projection matrices The perspective projection matrix

The perspective projection matrix

The shape formed by field of view, near and far clipping plane is
called frustum.

Figure: Perspective view volume or frustum. Source: [1]

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Projection matrices The perspective projection matrix

The perspective projection matrix

The perspective matrix is used to transform points in 3D space

to their appropriate position on the near clipping plane, and it is
built by:

q= (6)
tan( )
A= (7)
aspectRatio Figure: Perspective matrix.
Znear + Zfar
B= (8)
Znear − Zfar
The GLM library includes a

glm::perspective() for
2 ∗ (Znear ∗ Zfar ) building a perspective matrix.
C= (9)
Znear − Zfar

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Projection matrices The orthographic projection matrix

Table of Contents

1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Projection matrices The orthographic projection matrix

The orthographic projection matrix

In orthographic projection, parallel lines remain parallel.

Figure: Orthographic projection. Source: [1]

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Projection matrices The orthographic projection matrix

The orthographic projection matrix

L and R: X coordinates of
left and right boundaries
of the projection plane.
T and B: Y coordinates of
top and bottom
boundaries of the Figure: Orthographic projection
projection plane.

Parallel projection is useful in situations like casting shadows,

performing 3D clipping, and in CAD (computer aided design).

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Projection matrices Look-at matrix

Table of Contents

1 Local space, world space and cameras

Local and world space
Eye space and camera

2 Projection matrices
The perspective projection matrix
The orthographic projection matrix
Look-at matrix

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Projection matrices Look-at matrix

Look-at matrix
This is handy when you wish to place the camera at one location
and look toward a particular other location.

Figure: Elements of look-at. Source: [1]

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Projection matrices Look-at matrix

Look-at matrix

Figure: Look-at matrix. Source: [1]

GLM includes a function glm::lookAt() for building a look-at


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Projection matrices Look-at matrix

References I

V. S. Gordon and J. L. Clevenger, Computer Graphics

Programming in OpenGL with C++. Stylus Publishing,
LLC, 2020.

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Projection matrices Look-at matrix


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