Master Circular No. 18 (PART I) Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies For The Children of Railway Employees
Master Circular No. 18 (PART I) Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies For The Children of Railway Employees
Master Circular No. 18 (PART I) Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies For The Children of Railway Employees
2. Railway Schools:
4. General:
7. Kendriya Vidyalayas in Project Sector:
8. Construction of Kendriya Vidyalaya Buildings
9. Construction of Kendriya Vidyalaya Building in railway Colonies
10. Non-Railway Schools in Railway Colonies.
11. Railway Schools:
12. The Base of this Compendium
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
Annexure IV
Annexure 'D'
Annexure 'E'
At present, the orders relating to educational facilities to children of Railway employees are scattered in a
number of office Circulars/Orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing
orders/circulars into one Master Circular has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway
Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and
guidance of all concerned.
2. Railway Schools:
2.1 Educational facilities provided on the Railways owe their origin to the necessity for fulfilling the
educational needs of the children of European and Anglo-Indian employees who, in the last century, formed a
considerable proportion of the Railway employees posted at places where no European schools were available.
With this end in view, Railway schools were established at large Railway establishments. Certain Railway
established boarding schools at hill stations for imparting education under European conditions. Other
Railways assisted their employees by undertaking to pay a portion of the tuition fees. The educational
facilities thus provided for Europeans were later extended to Anglo-Indians and when the number of educated
Indians began to increase in Railway Services, the Railways began to provide such facilities for the children of
Indian employees at places where adequate arrangements did not exist.
2.2 Under article 346 (3) - item 25 of list 3 Concurrent List (Seventh Schedule), provision of educational
facilities is primarily the responsibility of State Govt./Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department
of Education). However, Railways have provided educational facilities to the limited extent within the
constraint of available resources purely as a measure of staff welfare to meet the needs of wards/children of
Railway employees only at such places where there is a concentration of Railway employees and the
educational facilities provided there at by other agencies - both Government (Sate/Central) and private are
found inadequate or are totally absent resulting in hardship or inconvenience to them.
2.3 Educational facilities provided by the Railways are generally confined to Primary/ Middle and High/Higher
Secondary Standards. The Railways do not normally enter into the field of college and Technical education
owing to their extant policy keeping in view the far reaching administrative and financial implications.
2.4 Schools functioning in Railway Colonies:
3.1 It may be reiterated that provision of educational facilities is primarily the responsibility of the State
Govt./Ministry of Human Resource Development. Railway employees should, therefore, avail of the existing
educational facilities provided by the State Govt etc. to the general public. While in the past, it could be
admitted that difficulties in this respect were being experienced by Railway employees but with the passage of
time and considerable and extensive educational facilities being provided by different agencies, Government
as well as private at various places, the demands for expansion/ upgradation of schools to the various levels/
standards, should considerably reduce and finally cease to exist. To achieve this goal, the Board have also
decided, as a matter of policy to establish Kendriya Vidyalayas preferably in "Civil Sector" in Railway colonies
which will, while meeting the needs of the employees, reduce our financial burden on the administration of the
[No. E(W)83 SC 2-27 dated 13.9.1988. (RBE 203/1988)]
3.2 Keeping in view the existing facilities at various places where there is a concentration of Rly. employees,
constraint of funds, restrictions imposed on creation/ upgradation of posts without matching surrender of live
posts and imperative need to effect stringent economy in administrative expenditure etc., the Board desire
that a critical review of Austerity Type Primary Schools should be undertaken by respective Railway
Administrations immediately and the feasibility of closure, amalgamation or conversion of such schools should
be examined and a phased programme should be chalked out. Similar study/review should also be conducted
in respect of other schools viz., Primary, Middle, High/Higher Secondary Schools on opening/ expansion of
non-Railway Schools and Kendriya Vidyalayas and serious efforts should be made to progressively close down
the existing Railway schools matching the expansion of Kendriya Vidyalayas and other non-Railway schools.
3.3 With this end in view, the following points should be kept in mind by the Railway Administrations while
forwarding their proposals regarding upgradation/ expansion of Railway Schools, introduction of new
sections/ classes/ subjects etc. in the prescribed proforma to the Railway Board:-
i.No post-facto sanction of the Board to regularise the action taken by the Railway
Administration without their prior approval will be accorded and may also
result in reversing the action taken by the Railway Administration and fixing
responsibility on the officers concerned for non-compliance of Board's
ii.No proposal for opening of new Railway school should be sent to the Board;
iii.Efforts should continue to be made to obtain grant-in-aid from respective State
Governments where Railway schools are situated;
iv.Proposals for expansion/upgradation etc. of Railway schools should be submitted to
the Board for consideration only sparingly and where inescapable and fully
justified taking into account the existing schooling facilities, etc. subject to
the Railway Administration being able to muster suitable matching
surrender of live posts equal to the cost of posts of teaching and non-
teaching staff involved in the proposal; and
v.On opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas in Railway colonies, the concerned Railway
Administration should take immediate steps to close down the ATP Schools,
if any, already functioning at the stations. Steps for closing down the higher
classes/schools may be taken progressively with the expansion of the
Kendriya Vidyalayas.
3.4 Proposals regarding opening of new sections/classes, introduction of new subjects. upgradation of schools
etc. should be sent to the Board (with detailed estimate of recurring and non-recurring expenditure involved)
duly vetted by the FA&CAO in prescribed proforma positively by December each year to enable the Board to
consider the same on merit and accord their approval, if found feasible before the commencement of the
academic session.
[No. E(W)83 SC 2-27 dated 13.9.1988. (RBE 203/1988)]
4. General:
4.1 Railway Schools functioning in various Railway Colonies must be got recognised by the Education
Board/Department of the respective State Governments or Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
4.2 Railway Administrations should fall in line in respect of Medium of Instruction in Railway Schools with the
State Governments to the extent obligatory as per their orders. For this purpose, if appointment of language
teachers becomes necessary, the same may be done after obtaining the sanction of the competent authority if
the State Govts. have also done same in the schools run by them.
[No. E 49 ED 1/3/3 dated 11.2.1956.]
4.3 The children of outsiders should be admitted only if spare capacity is available after admitting all children
and wards of Railway employees.
[No. E(W)59 ED 1-49 dated 2.1.1960.] 2/20
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4.4 Wherever free education is provided by the State Governments, in lower classes in schools run by them,
the Railway Schools in these areas should also provide free education in lower classes run by them. They
should approach the State Govt. for grant-in-aid to cover losses in fees through suitable grant-in-aid according
to the scales which may have been laid down for covering losses in fees in aided schools.
[No. E(W)60 ED 1-7 dated 4.2.1960]
4.5 In all Railway Schools, the day's work should begin with the community singing of the National Anthem.
[No. E(W)63 ED 1-33 dated 10.9.1963.]
4.6 Scout and Guide activities should also be given due encouragement in Railway Schools, particularly in
Primary and Middle Schools, etc to inculcate the spirit of selfless service, self discipline etc. amongst the
children, which will go a long way in character building. Assistance and guidance, if any needed in this
respect, may be sought from your Railway Scout and Guide Organisations functioning at various levels.
[No. E(W)84 SC 2-10 dated 19.9.1988]
i.Coaching for courses for children of Rly employees for recruitment to the non technical
popular categories/technical categories like Office Clerks, Commercial
Clerks, Asstt. Station Masters, Guards, etc, through examinations conducted
by Railway Recruitment Boards may be imparted in Railway Schools where
requisite infrastructure facilities are available during non working school
hours etc. either in the morning evening or on holidays for a specific
ii.Admission to coaching classes shall be restricted to children of Railway employees
studying in Matriculation or Higher Classes in Railway/non Railway schools;
iii.To begin with, coaching may be imparted in the subjects prescribed for the non
technical popular categories examinations conducted by Railway
Recruitment Boards;
iv.A reasonable minimum amount may be levied as tuition fee on students attending the
coaching classes with a view to restricting the admissions to needy and
aspiring students only;
v.Railway employees who have the experience and expertise in teaching and posses
wide knowledge and conversant with the prescribed subjects and type of
questions being asked in the examinations conducted by Railway
Recruitment Boards be engaged and paid suitable amount of honorarium
from the amounts collected vide (iv) above and from the Staff Benefit Fund,
as may be determined by the Railway Administrations in consultation with
their FA&CAO;
vi.Details relating to coaching schemes may be worked out by the Chief Personnel
Officer in consultation with FA&CAO and implemented at a few selected
centres e.g. Zonal/ Divisional Railway HQs. on an experimental basis.
However above course of action may be introduced in one High/Hr. Sec.
School/Inter College in each Division immediately.
[No. E(W)83 SC 2-24 dated 28.4.1987.]
4.8 Training in Arts and Crafts may be Introduced in Railway Higher Secondary, High And Middle Schools as a
hobby, wherever possible. In case this involves incurrence of additional expenditure, proposals should be sent
to the Ministry of Railways with the concurrence of the FA&CAO.
[No. E(W)61 SC 2-50 dated 5.9.1961.]
5.1 3/20
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1.It has been decided by the Railway Board that the following concessions
should be allowed to the students belonging to the Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe communities in the admission to the Railway schools;
a.A distinct reservation of 15% for SC and 5% for ST candidates;
b.The reservation in (a) above is interchangeable;
c.Where admissions are made with reference to percentage of marks
obtained, 1% reduction in marks may be allowed in the case of SC &
ST candidates provided the lower percentage does not fall below the
minimum marks required to pass the qualifying examination;
d.The minimum age limit for SC & ST may be raised by three years.
e.No child/ward of a member of staff belonging to SC/ST communities
should be refused admission in Primary classes;
f.In other classes, admission should not normally be refused upto the
extent of the quota exclusive of any who secure admission on merits.
2.To ensure that the concessions in the matter of admission as referred to
above are actually available to the SC & ST Communities, the Railway
Administration should maintain the following data;
i.No. of candidates seeking admission each year;
a.No. out of these are children and wards of Railway employees
separately for SC & ST and other communities;
b.Outsiders, separately for SC, ST and other communities. 4/20
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6.1 In Railway areas where there is a concentration of Railway employees and the educational facilities made
available by the State/Central Govt. and Local/Private Agencies are found absent or inadequate to meet the
needs of the children/wards of Railway employees, the Ministry of Railways have decided, as a matter of
policy, to get established Kendriya Vidyalayas preferably in 'Civil Sector' in Railway colonies which will, while
meeting the needs of the employees, reduce our financial burden on the administration of the schools.
6.2 Kendriya Vidyalayas are to be opened only at Zonal/Divisional HQs., major workshops and other Railway
establishments where there is a large concentration of Railway employees, or say, at least one thousand, with
inter-state transferable liabilities and when the existing facilities are found inadequate or such facilities are
non-existent, to meet the needs of the children of Railway employees.
6.3 Such schools will normally be opened only in 'Civil Sector'.
6.4 Railways should make available the physical facilities in conformity with the prescribed terms of Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan as indicated below:
i.Fully developed land (normally ranging between 10-15 acres lesser areas in case of
metropolitan cities only, on lease basis);
ii.Temporary accommodation on nominal license fee for the school (initially a minimum
of 6 - 7 classrooms - one room each for classes I to V, one room for the
Principal and one for the staff with requisite basic facilities and additional
class rooms with the progressive growth of the school till such time the
Sangathan constructs its own school building;
iii.Residential accommodation to 50% of the staff viz., residential accommodation for
Principal (Type-IV), 3 to 4 Type - III/II type quarters for teaching staff and
one Type-I quarters for Class IV staff on temporary basis on payment of
normal license fees, as applicable to Railway employees till such time the
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan undertakes construction of staff quarters.
6.5 Proposals or opening of new Kendriya Vidyalaya should be made by the Railway Administrations in the
following proforma and should be submitted to the Board positively by December each year. No proposal
should be submitted to KENDRIYA VIDHAYALA SANGATHAN direct under any circumstances. 5/20
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7.1 Opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas in Project Sector would involve financial burden on Railways as both
recurring and non-recurring expenditure have to be met by us. Hundred percent residential accommodations
is also to be provided to KVS Staff.
7.2 Proposal for opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas in Project Sector should be sent to the Railway Board only in a
rare and special cases with all justification as in he proforma annexed C/I to III and site
[No. E(W)81 SC 2-91 dated 28.12.1984/02.01.1985 (RBE 2/1985)]
iii.The school premises may be provided with cheaper type of boundary walls/wire
fencing at an approximate cost of Rs 5/- lakhs. Provision of ancillary items
like road, general development charges, lighting of the premises, boundary
walls/wire fencing etc outside the building may be included in this
estimates and submitted to Sangathan separately for sanction.
iv.Regarding service for water supply, electricity, etc., possibility for giving connection
from the existing Railway network may be explored and such services may
be charged on the basis of metered supplies by executing a sub-
arrangement along with the main agreement for such items with the
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and these charges will be paid by Vidyalayas.
Tube wells/ overhead tanks therefore may not be provided in such
estimates for the time being.
v.Departmental charges:- The Board have agreed as a special case, in order to attract
the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in the Railway colonies, to waive off the
departmental charges of 121/2 % on the construction of Kendriya
complexes in Railway colonies. However, loading/ unloading and freight
charges as provided in the Railway Codes should be levied only in respect of
stores which are supplied by the Railways. Similarly, work charged
establishments as per requirements may be worked out and put in the
estimates, the intention being that Railways should charges only reasonable
charges for execution of such works.
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has been advised to contact directly the Zonal Headquarters for
preparation of estimates and all possible help may be given to them.
[No. 86/W2/8/14 dated 21.01.1987]
1.For opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas, the land may be leased for 99 years on
nominal license fee of Rs. 300/- per annum. The Lease Agreement with
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan may be executed in the prescribed proforma.
[No. 79/W2/18/17 dated 7.12.1984.
and No. 79/W2/18/130/0 dated 23.12.1987]
1.The Zonal Railways may undertake construction of school buildings and staff
quarters for Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Railway colonies on "Deposit"
terms. As construction of Kendriya Vidyalayas in Railway colonies is in the
larger interest of the Railways, it may be ensured that their planning and
construction are done in the best possible manner, with a view to achieving
the maximum advantage for the money spent.
[ No. 86/W2/8/14 dated 21.01.1987] 7/20
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e.Estimates should not be prepared for school building unless the preliminary drawings are
approved by KVS.
f.It is not possible to standardise the layout plans for all types of school
buildings, as the size and shape of plot and local bye laws would very
from place to place. A few layouts for type 'A' and Type 'B' school
buildings are, however, enclosed and may be used as a guide for
developing similar economics layouts, with local modifications as
g.The height of the boundary wall or fencing should normally be
restricted to 1.35 m (4'6") as desired by Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan vide their letter No. 6-12/86-KVS(L&B)(WK-I) dated
21.10.1988 (Annexure V). Higher walls may be proposed with the
approval of KVS where considered necessary for security reasons;
h.Based on the preliminary drawings approved by the KVS, the Railway
should make a presentation of their proposal along with the planning
and architectural details, for the approval of the Board;
i.21 units of staff quarters (Type I-4, Type II-8, Type III-8 and Type IV-
1) are normally required to be provided, at the time of establishing
the Kendriya Vidyalaya, upto 12th standard, with a total of 36
sections, when the number of classes is less, the requirements will
correspondingly be reduced, and the construction of additional
quarters taken up in phases, as the school expands. The plinth area
for these quarters should be regulated in terms of Board's letter No.
74/W-II/21/46 dated 27.10.1975 (Annexure VI). The site plan,
alongwith a line diagram for each type of quarters, should accompany
the estimates;
j.Estimates should be prepared separately for the school building and the
staff quarters, so that any deficiency in one does not delay approval
of the other. The building estimate should include the cost of internal
service. The cost of external services and the site development work
should be separately furnished. While preparing the estimate, the
economy instructions issued by KVS vide their letter No. 6-10/87-
KVS(L&B) dated 15.04.1987 (Annexure VII) may be kept in view. The
detailed estimates should invariably be accompanied by the "Abstract
of Estimate" on the format enclosed (Annexure VIII). As a rough
guide, the total estimated cost for a Type 'B' school building would be
about Rs. 1 Crore. The estimates should be properly checked and
signed by the competent Railway authority before submission to KVS.
[ No. 86/W2/8/14 dated 12.07.1989]
9.3 Progress Report:
As soon as approval for a particular work is issue by KVS, the first instalment of funds would be placed at the
disposal of the Railways for starting the work. Further funds would be released by KVS, in instalments, as the
work progresses and the payments already made are accounted for. It is, essential, therefore, that the
progress report on the prescribed proforma (Annexure IX) should be furnished to the Sangathan at the end of
every month so as to reach them by the 10th of the following month, alongwith a demand for the additional
funds required.
9.4 Handing-over of buildings:
As soon as the building is completed, it should be handed over to the Principal of the concerned Vidyalaya as
per the directions contained in the Sangathan's letter No. F.6-7/81 (KVS)(L&B) dated 05.03.1981.
[ No. 86/W2/8/14 dated 12.07.1989]
i.Non-recurring expenditure:
a.In respect of such schools as have been functioning satisfactorily and are fairly well
established, any proposal to expand the existing school buildings or
constructing new ones, the agencies may be asked to raise some
portion of the sum required for the purpose so that they may have a
financial assistance in the venture from the Railway being in the 8/20
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i.To qualify for a grant, a school must have at least 1/3 of its pupils or 100 pupils,
whichever is less from amongst children and wards of Railway employees;
ii.The school should be one that is fully recognised for all purposes by the State
Government concerned in accordance with their Education Code and should
be in receipt of the full grant-in-aid as admissible under the Education Code;
iii.A grant has to be sanctioned only to such schools as are not able to balance their
iv.The amount of grant-in-aid may be fixed on a adhoc manner but should, in no
circumstances, exceed the amount due on the basis of average "loss" per
child (including both children of Railway employees and their wards) nor
should it exceed Rs. 2, Rs. 3 and Rs. 4 per pupil per month respectively for
Primary, Middle and High/Higher Secondary classes;
v.The sanction should be on an annual basis and no element of non-recurring cost
should be allowed.
10.5 Railway Board's prior approval for giving financial assistance to privately managed schools should be
obtained in all cases except those, covered by Board's letter dated 17.10.1956. The grant in aid to privately
managed schools shall be subject to the fulfilment of following conditions:-
11. With a view to improve the facilities and the standard of education in Railway schools, a one man
Committee was set up in 1986 under the chairmanship of Shri Avtar Singh Rikhy.
The Committee's recommendations on various aspects of education in the Railway schools were considered by
the Board and adopted, wherever feasible. A summary of the recommendations and the decisions of the Board
are contained in the Annexure to the Board's letter No. E(W)87 ED 1-5 dated 17.8.1987.
Apart from these measures, the following decisions have also been taken by the Board to improve the
functioning of Railway schools. 9/20
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11.1 Implementation of "Operation Black Board" Scheme launched by the Department of Education in all the
Primary and Austerity Type Primary (ATP) Schools on the Railways. This involves provision of certain basic
minimum facilities in these schools.
[Board's letter No. No. E(W)87 ED 1-5 Pt.III dated 12.1.1988.
& DO letter No. E(W)88 ED 1-12/Vol.I dated 05.07.1989)
11.2 With a view to enable the schools to have assured funds for planning and augmenting the libraries, the
following amounts should be earmarked at the beginning of the financial year for school libraries.
(a) ATP Schools:-
(i) Schools with strength of students Rs. 500 p.a. per school
over 50 but less than 100
(ii) Schools with strength of students Rs. 750 p.a. per school
over 100 but less than 200
(iii) Schools with strength of students Rs. 1,000 p.a. per school
over 200
(b) Primary Schools Rs. 1,500 p.a. per school
(c) Middle schools Rs. 2,500 p.a. per school
(d) High Schools Rs. 5,000 p.a. per school
(e) Higher Secondary Schools/Inter Colleges Rs.7,500 p.a. per school
No. E(W)88 ED 1-9 dated 5.7.1988. (RBE 150/1988)]
In respect of Schools which do not have a separate post of Librarian, the Library should be maintained by a
suitable Teacher, who may be granted Special pay at the following rates:-
Type of Schools Revised Rate of Spl. Pay
(a) ATP school (with more than 50 Rs. 50/- p.m
student) and Primary schools
(b) Middle Schools Rs. 75/- p.m.
(c) High Schools/Higher Secondary Rs. 100/- p.m
Schools/Inter Colleges
[Railway Board's letter No. E(W)88 ED 1-9 dated 12.10.1988. (RBE 236/1988)]
Detailed guidelines exist for strengthening the School Libraries by stocking their with the relevant Text-books,
Reference books Newspapers/ Magazines etc. and for making them effective in creating awareness and
interest among the students.
[Railway Board's letter No. No. E(W)88 ED 1-9 dated 5.7.1988. (RBE 150/1988),
08.07.1988, 17.8.1989, 14.2.1990, 12.3.1990.]
11.3 Detailed guidelines have also been issued on various aspects of education in Railway Schools like
academic results, training of teachers, School environment, student-teacher ratio etc.
[D.O. letter No. E(W)89 ED 1-11 dated 20.11.1989) 10/20
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5.The details of teaching and non-teaching staff may be indicated in the following
Category of staff Scale No. of No. of posts Financial
of sanctioned now implications
pay posts required (plus or minus)
A Existing Teaching Staff Proposed Staff
(i) Headmaster/Principal
(ii) Post Graduate
(iii) Trained Graduate
(iv) Primary Teachers
(v) Other including PT,
Drawing Teachers etc
B Non-Teaching Staff
(i) Clerical Staff
(ii) Librarian
(iii) Others
(iv) Class IV Staff
6.Details of Educational facilities already available at the place under the managements
of (i) Railway (ii) State/Central Govt. (iii) Local/Private Agencies may 12/20
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a.Class-wise number of children of Rly. employees who were refused admission both in
Rly. as well as non-Rly schools during the last year
b.How such children of Rly. employees continued their studies further
8.Financial implications involved in the proposal
a.Recurring expenditure
b.Non-recurring expenditure towards
i.Construction of additional class rooms etc
ii.Provision of furniture, teaching aid etc
a.Whether the Railway Administration would muster suitable matching surrender of live
posts equal to the cost of the posts of teaching/ non-teaching
staff involved in the proposal.
b.If so, indicate the details of live posts being offered as matching surrender
a.Teacher pupil ratio
b.No. of periods per teacher per week prescribed by State Government.
c.Details of the yardstick prescribed by State Govt. for provision of teaching and non-
teaching staff. (A copy of the State Education Department's
rules may also be furnished).
a.The amount of grant-in-aid received by the school from the State Government during
preceding year.
b.If no grant-in-aid was received, the detailed reasons therefor and steps taken by the
Administration to receive the grant.
12.Reasons for inescapability of the proposal
13.Whether funds from the existing Budget allotment to meet the expenditure will be
available for meeting the proposed recurring and non-recurring
a.Whether this proposal was submitted to the Board in the past.
b.If so, a copy of Rly's earlier reference and number & date of the Board's
communication thereon may be indicated.
15.Verbatim comments of FA&CAO
II.For upgrading of Railway High School to Higher Secondary (10+2) pattern, the
following further information is also to be furnished.
i.whether State Government has introduced 10 + 2 pattern in their own schools;
ii.if so, whether State Government has agreed to recommend upgradation of Railway
High School with matching grant;
iii.Yardstick for provision of Teaching and non-teaching staff prescribed by the State
Education Department (A copy of the rules may also be furnished); 13/20
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iv.The possibility of expansion within the same premises or resorting to double shift
may also be examined and detailed comments offered.
1. Proposal for opening new Kendriya Vidyalays (Central schools) are
considered only if sponsored by one of the following:-
(a) Ministries of Departments of the Govt of India
(b) State Governments
(c) Union Territories Administrations
(d) Organisation of employees belonging to the eligible
categories, (as in iii)
(ii) When a piece of land, measuring about 15 acres, in made
available by the sponsoring authority, free of cost, to the
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
(iii) (a) When there is concentration of at least 1000 employees of
the defence service or of Central Govt. employees or of the
Govt. of India Undertaking, individually or jointly, and when
there are at least 200 children (500 in the case of big cities)
willing to be enrolled in different classes of the proposed
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School) to begin with.
(b) A minimum number of 200 children would be available for
enrolment in schools in new cantonments and Defence
(iv) When the sponsoring authority makes available, free of rent or on
nominal rent temporary accommodation to house the expanding
Vidyalaya till such time as the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan can
construct its own Vidyalaya buildings on the land given to it and
(v) Provision of the residential accommodation to at least 50% of the
staff, where alternative accommodation may not be available
within reasonable distance from the school, should be made
available by the sponsoring authority. The number of such
residential units needs to be earmarked before the school is
2. A new Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School) may be opened in the
campus of a Govt. of India Undertaking, if it agrees to bear the
recurring and non-recurring expenditure, including accommodation
land and future development facilities as also the proportionate
overhead charges on the proposed Vidyalaya, provided the need for
such a Vidyalaya is established with reference to the locating and non-
availability of alternate educational facilities.
3. A new Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School) maybe opened in the
campus of an Institution of Higher Learning, like IIT, CSIR
Laboratories, etc. on the same terms and conditions as stipulated in
respect of schools for public sector Undertakings.
(For Board's information and guidance) 14/20
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3.The details of Educational Facilities already available at the place under the
Management of
b.State/Central Government &
may also furnished in the following proforma:-
4.Whether any Kendriya Vidyalaya is already functioning at the place. If so, the
following details may be indicated:-
No. of classes No. of children of No. of children of Distance
Railway Employees Non-Railway from
Employees Railway
1. 2. 3. 4. 15/20
12/21/2020 Master Circular No. 18 PART I - Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies
At least 50% residential accommodation will have to be provided by the sponsoring authority on priority basis
on the same terms and conditions as applicable to their own staff of corresponding status. The total number of
such residential units will need to be earmarked before the school is opened.
The following priorities have been laid down for admission to the Kendriya Vidyalayas in the Defence Civil
Sectors:- 17/20
12/21/2020 Master Circular No. 18 PART I - Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies 18/20
12/21/2020 Master Circular No. 18 PART I - Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies
(See Para VI above)
Name and Designation of the
Officer In charge.
i) (a) Date of opening
(b) By whom inaugurated
ii) Classes opened
iii) No. of children of the Railway employees and non-
Railway employees admitted class-wise:
iv) Details of physical facilities provided to K.Vs.
(a) Temporary accommodation indicating No. of
class rooms etc. with sizes
(b) Furniture
(c) No. and types of quarters provided to K.V. Staff.
Proposals are very often received from the Public Sector Undertaking for opening Kendriya Vidyala in their
campuses. These proposals can be considered if, the following pre-requisites are satisfied and the concerned
department agrees to abide by the standard terms and conditions given below:-
The Kendriya Vidyalayas are meant to serve the educational needs of the children of transferable employees
so that their education may not be disrupted owing to change in their medium of instruction, consequent upon
their parents' transfer from one linguistic region to another. Accordingly, the transferability condition is
central to the opening of a Kendriya Vidyalaya. Keeping this in view, the pre-requisites which should be
satisfied for opening a Kendriya Vidyalaya in the campus of Public Section Undertaking are given below:- 19/20
12/21/2020 Master Circular No. 18 PART I - Provision of Schools in Railway Colonies
4.The Department shall provide all equipment, free of cost, to the Vidyalaya.
5.The Department shall provide suitable residential accommodation to the
teaching and non teaching staff on the same basis and at the same rates as
prescribed by it for its own employees.
6.The proposed Kendriya Vidyalaya shall be administered and governed in
accordance with the rules of the Sangathan, as amended from time to time.
7.The Sangathan shall not admit any liability towards the staff and students of
any existing school running inside the campus of the Department.
8.The children and the employees of the Department will get first priority in
matters of admission. However the children belonging to other eligible
categories will be considered against seats available after accommodating
the children of the employees of the Department.
P.S.: Not more than three Kendriya Vidyalayas in the campuses of Institutions of Higher Learning may be
opened in an academic year. 20/20