Master Gardener's Manual

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Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Division of Agricultural Sciences
and Natural Resources
Oklahoma State University
394 Master Gardeners Manual
Chapter 1: Who Are Transplanting and handling.................................44
the Master Gardeners?................................ 1 Propagation of ferns by spores...........................45
David Hillock Asexual Propagation...........................................46
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.... 1 Cuttings.........................................................46
Creation of the Master Gardener Program........... 2 Layering.........................................................46
Responsibilities as a Master Gardener................ 5 Separation.....................................................49
Master Gardener Community Service.................. 8 Division..........................................................49
Communication.................................................... 6 Grafting..........................................................49
Using the Telephone..................................... 6 Budding.........................................................51
Writing Tips................................................... 7 Plant Tissue Culture.............................................51
Public Presentations..................................... 8
Master Gardener as Manager.................... 10 Chapter 3: Soils and Fertilizer.................. 54
Work Evaluation.................................................. 10 Hailin Zhang
The Master Gardener Paycheck........................ 10 Soil Properties.....................................................54
Liability .............................................................. 11 Soil compositions..........................................54
IRS Deductions for Master Gardeners............... 11 Soil depth......................................................55
Soil texture.....................................................55
Chapter 2: Plant Science........................... 12 Soil structure..................................................56
David Hillock Internal drainage...........................................56
Introduction........................................................ 12 Soil pH...........................................................56
Plant Science.......................................................12 Soluble salt....................................................56
Classification of Plants........................................13 Organic matter..............................................57
Plant Kingdom.....................................................12 Essential Plant Nutrients......................................75
Binomial Nomenclature.................................13 Macronurients................................................57
Plant Nomenclature.............................................15 Secondary nutrients......................................58
Botany: Plant Parts and Functions......................15 Micronutrients................................................59
Stems.............................................................15 Soil Testing and Fertilizer Application.................59
Leaves...........................................................19 Collecting a representative soil sample........59
Buds..............................................................23 Soil pH and BI (buffer index).........................61
Roots.............................................................24 Plant available N, P and K in the soil.............61
Flowers..........................................................25 General guidelines of fertilization..................61
Fruit................................................................28 Organic fertilizers..........................................61
Physiology: Plant Growth and Development......28 Chapter 4: Vegetable Gardening.............. 64
Photosynthesis..............................................28 Lynn Brandenberger, Jim Shrefler and David
Respiration....................................................30 Hillock
Transpiration..................................................30 Assessing the Garden Site................................. 64
Environmental Factors Soil Fertility: Basis for Gardening....................... 65
that Affect Plant Growth ......................................31 Comparing Organic and Commercial
Light...............................................................31 Fertilizers.......................................................... 67
Temperature..................................................32 Composting........................................................ 69
Water.............................................................33 Guidelines.................................................... 70
Nutrition.........................................................35 Tips............................................................... 70
Nutrient Outline....................................................36 Soil Fertility Summary......................................... 71
Plant Propagation................................................38 Crops and Garden Layout.................................. 72
Sexual Propagation.............................................39 Alternatives to Traditional Gardening................. 73
See................................................................39 Intensive Gardening Methods............................ 74
Germination...................................................30 Components of intensive gardens................ 74
Methods of Breaking Dormancy..........................40 Container Gardening.......................................... 78
Starting seeds...............................................41

390 Master Gardeners Manual

Gardening Tips................................................... 80 Stone Fruits....................................................... 159
Things to avoid............................................. 81 Peaches and Nectaries............................... 163
Additional tips............................................... 81 Plums........................................................... 164
Soil Tillage.......................................................... 81 Apricots....................................................... 165
Selecting Gardening Equipment........................ 82 Cherries....................................................... 165
Seed for the Garden........................................... 83 Other Crops...................................................... 165
Transplants for the Garden................................. 87 Elderberry.................................................... 165
Summer Care..................................................... 90 Jujubes........................................................ 166
Watering............................................................. 92 Kiwifruit........................................................ 167
Weed Control...................................................... 93 Persimmons................................................. 168
Mulching Garden Soils....................................... 93 Pomegranates............................................. 169
Mulching materials....................................... 94
Fall Gardening.................................................... 95 Chapter 6: Ornamentals.......................... 170
Fall garden summary.................................... 96 David Hillock, Jason Vogel and Kyle Jarman
Extending the Growing Season.......................... 97 Part 1: Landscape Design................................ 172
Season extending summary....................... 101 Analysis of Site and Family Needs.............. 172
Diagnosis of Abiotic (Non-Disease) Factors Influencing Landscape Design...... 173
Vegetable Problems......................................... 102 Definition of Areas and Design
Nutrient deficiency disorders..................... 102 Considerations............................................ 174
Physical Disorders............................................ 103 Elements and Principles of Design............. 176
Disease and Nematode Control....................... 108 Drawing a Landscape Design..................... 178
Plant disease management tools............... 108 Selection of Plant Materials......................... 180
Controlling nematodes............................... 109 Gardening Practices for
Fungicides........................................................ 109 Sustainable Landscaping................................. 182
Crop rotation............................................... 110 Sustainable Landscaping............................ 182
Sanitation.................................................... 110 Planning and Design........................................ 183
Insect Control................................................... 111 Xeriscaping................................................ 183
Organic Gardening Basics............................... 112 Permaculture............................................... 183
Soil–the basics of organic gardening......... 113 Water Conservation.......................................... 184
Herbs................................................................ 117 Zone Appropriate Plant Selection............... 184
Production Hints for Popular Home Smart Irrigation........................................... 185
Garden Vegetables.......................................... 119 Runoff Management and Re-use............... 185
Harvest Hints.................................................... 124 Soil Conservation.............................................. 187
Soil Improvement........................................ 187
Chapter 5: Fruits and Nuts Use of Mulch.............................................. 188
In the Home Garden................................ 128 Energy Conservation........................................ 188
Becky Carroll and David Hillock Green Roofs............................................... 188
Planning the Home Fruit Planting..................... 129 Strategic Shade and Windbreaks............... 189
Site of planting............................................. 130 Reducing Pesticides and Fertilizers................. 189
Site selection............................................... 130 Reducing Pesticide Use.............................. 190
Apples.............................................................. 132 Reducing Fertilizer Use
Berries.............................................................. 137 through Composting.................................... 190
Blackberries................................................ 137 Appropriate Time and Amount of Fertilizing
Blueberries.................................................. 141 Integrated Pest Management...................... 190
Raspberries................................................. 144
Strawberries................................................ 144 Part 2: Herbaceous Plants............................... 191
Bunch Grapes.................................................. 145 Planning the Flower Border......................... 191
Muscadine Grapes........................................... 148 Annuals........................................................ 194
Pears................................................................ 151 Biennials...................................................... 197
Pecans.............................................................. 154 Perennials.................................................... 198

Master Gardeners Manual 391
Part 3: Woody Landscape Plants......................227 Chapter 7: Turfgrass................................. 317
Plant Selection...................................................227 Dennis Martin
Planting Trees and Shrubs................................231 Introduction.......................................................317
Pruning and supporting................................232 Lawn Benefits...............................................318
Watering.......................................................233 Successful lawn management.....................318
Mulching.......................................................234 Primary and secondary practices
Wrapping......................................................234 used in lawn care.........................................318
Fertilizing......................................................234 Turfgrass Selection............................................318
Transporting and Protecting Sourcing turfgrass species and cultivars.....218
Ornamentals.................................................234 Turfgrass selection and site
Ten Tips for Planting and Caring assessment/client assessment.....................318
for New Trees...................................................... Grass Types......................................................319
Care and Maintenance.................................235 Bermuda grass.............................................319
Fertilizing trees and shrubs...............................235 Buffalograss.................................................321
Mulching.......................................................236 St. Augustinegrass.......................................321
Watering the landscape...............................236 Zoysiagrass..................................................321
Irrigation systems.........................................238 Turfagrasses for Shaded or Irrigated Sites.......322
Pruning landscape plants............................239 Proper Turfgrass Establishment Practices........323
Pruning techniques......................................240 Fertilization...................................................323
Cultural and Environmental Problems...............245 Irrigation to suppliment natural rainfall..............325
Leaf Scorch..................................................245 Mowing.........................................................327
Drought.........................................................245 Tatch.............................................................327
Winter Burn on Evergreens..........................246 Aerification....................................................328
Injury by Freeze or Frost...............................246 Weed Control................................................328
Southwest injury...........................................246 Herbicides and terminology.........................328
Winter freeze injury.......................................247 Weed identification and lawn grass
Hail Damage.................................................247 identification.................................................329
Ice Damage..................................................247 Insect Control......................................................31
Lightning Damage........................................248 Disease Control ................................................331
Damage by misapplied pesticides..............248
Grade Changes and Construction/ Chapter 8: Entomology Basics................ 333
Oxygen Deficiency.......................................250 Eric Rebek
Girdling Roots...............................................252 Introduction.......................................................333
Mowers and flexible-line trimmers................252 Arthropod Classification....................................334
Sapsucker Damage......................................253 Species.........................................................334
Selecting Plants for the Landscape..................252 Malacostraca................................................335
Part 4. Indoor Plants................................... 293 Chilopoda.....................................................335
Selecting an Interior Plant................................ 293 Diplopoda.....................................................336
Environmental Factors..................................294 Insecta..........................................................336
Substrate......................................................297 Insect Development..........................................336
Containers....................................................297 Insect Morphology (Form & Structure)..............337
Repotting......................................................299 Mouthparts...................................................337
Training and Grooming.................................300 Wings............................................................338
Care of Special Potted Plants.......................300 Antannae......................................................339
Plants Lists...................................................303 Insect Identification...........................................339

392 Master Gardeners Manual

Lepidoptera..................................................341 Diagnosis of Plant Diseases..............................354
Orthoptera....................................................341 Define the problem.......................................354
Dermaptera..................................................342 Diagnose the problem..................................358
Neuroptera...................................................342 Management of plant diseases....................358
Thysanoptera................................................342 Conclusion.........................................................359
Other insect orders.......................................342
Damage to Plants from Insects and Mites........342 Chapter 10: Understanding Pesticides
Chewing damage.........................................342 and Their Alternatives.............................. 360
Sucking damage .........................................343 Charles Luper and Tom Royer
Plant galls.....................................................343 Terminology.......................................................362
Oviposition damage.....................................344 Pesticide Formulations.................................362
Vectors of Diseases...........................................344 Surfactants, Additives or Adjuvants..................363
Beneficial Insects..............................................344 The Pesticide Label...........................................363
Application Equipment......................................365
Chapter 9: Plant Diseases........................ 345 Proper Applications...........................................367
Jen Olson Calibrating Sprayers and Spray Patterns..........368
Introduction.......................................................345 Using Pesticides Safely.....................................368
The History of Plant Diseases...........................345 Pesticides and the Environment........................368
What is a Plant Disease?...................................346 Home Garden versus
The Disease Triangle.........................................346 Commercial Pesticides...................................371
Host plant.....................................................346 Pesticides and Organic Gardening...................371
Pathogen......................................................347 Pesticides and the Law.....................................371
Environment..................................................347 Pesticide Conversion Chart...............................372
The Disease Triangle in Action..........................347 Integrated Pest Management............................372
Manipulate the host......................................347
Manipulate the pathogen.............................348 Chapter 11: Wildlife................................... 377
Manipulate the environment.........................348 Dwayne Elmore
Types of Plant Pathogens..................................349 Introduction.......................................................377
Fungi.............................................................349 White-tailed Deer...............................................378
Bacteria........................................................349 Easter Cottontail................................................380
Viruses and viroids.......................................350 Armadillo...........................................................381
Plant parasitic nematodes............................350 Pocket Gopher..................................................382
Parasitic higher plants..................................350 Mole...................................................................384
Describing a Plant Disease...............................351 Woodpecker......................................................385
Environmental or Pathogen Problem?...............351 Canada Geese..................................................386
Environmental Stress Problems.........................353 Tree Squirrels.....................................................387
Selection of plant material............................353 Northern Raccoon.............................................388
Proper planting.............................................353 Striped Skunk....................................................389
Proper plant maintenance............................353
Site disturbance...........................................354
Fertility and soil pH.......................................354
Chemical injury.............................................354

Master Gardeners Manual 393

Chapter 1
Learning Objectives:
The purpose of this section is to explain why the Master Gardener Program was created, what Mas-
ter Gardeners do and how they are tied to the government agency that created and administers the
program—the Cooperative Extension Service. This section also explains many of the tasks Master
Gardeners perform, and suggests ways to improve telephone, writing and public presentation skills.

Chapter 1: Who Are the Master Gardeners?..... 1 Congratulations on the decision to enroll in the
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.... 1 Oklahoma Master Gardener Volunteer Program.
Creation of the Master Gardener Program........... 2 This program is offered by the Oklahoma Cooper-
Responsibilities as a Master Gardener................ 5 ative Extension Service (OCES) at Oklahoma State
Master Gardener Community Service.................. 8 University, which carries on a tradition of agricul-
Communication.................................................... 6 tural and family and consumer science education
Using the Telephone..................................... 6 spanning over a century. With an office in every
Writing Tips................................................... 7 county, OCES is the most pervasive outreach arm
Public Presentations..................................... 8 of OSU. It takes research-based university knowl-
Master Gardener as Manager.................... 10 edge into homes, businesses and communities of
Work Evaluation.................................................. 10 all Oklahoma citizens. We would like you to bet-
The Master Gardener Paycheck........................ 10 ter understand what OCES does, how it helps ful-
Liability .............................................................. 11 fill OSU’s land-grant mission, and what additional
IRS Deductions for Master Gardeners............... 11 benefits are available. The Master Gardener Vol-
unteer Program comes with a rich history and we
would like to share it with you.

The Oklahoma
Cooperative Extension Service
In 49 states (and four Canadian provinces)
where the program exists, Master Gardeners (MG)
are trained and supervised by the Cooperative Ex-
tension Service (CES). In fact, the CES created the
MG Program. When you work as an MG, you are
representing the CES in your state.

Genesis of CES
The CES grew out of the U.S. Congress’ con-
cern for the education of the average citizen. Pri-
or to the Civil War, few college curriculums ad-

Master Gardeners Manual 1

dressed the problems of citizens making their live- state-level administrators at the land-grant univer-
lihood from agriculture. In 1862, congress passed sity. The state Extension administrators provide a
the Morrill Act, which provided a university in ev- liaison between the state Extension service, OSU
ery state that would educate citizens in agricultural Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Re-
and mechanical fields. These colleges are known sources and the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
today as “land-grant universities.” which oversees and evaluates state Extension
Congress soon realized that to be effective, programs.
the educational function of land-grant universities In addition to administrative and program de-
must be supplemented with a research capability. velopment assistance, the land-grant universities
Consequently, Congress passed the Hatch Act in provide technical support to the local Extension of-
1887. This act enabled the establishment of facil- fice. This is essential, since no Extension educator
ities where colleges could conduct research into can know the answers to every question posed by
agricultural, mechanical and related problems the public. In addition, land-grant universities em-
faced by the rural citizens and the general public. ploy Extension specialists in specific areas such as
You may have passed one of these research sta- horticulture, soils, turf, diseases, insect problems,
tions on a trip or even know of one near your home. etc. Local Extension offices and their MG’s often
Finally, to spread the benefits of the land-grant contact these specialists for answers to difficult
universities into the most remote parts of each questions.
state, congress passed the Smith Lever Act of
1914. This act established the CES. As a result of Volunteers in Extension
the Smith Lever Act, there are Extension offices in Volunteer groups are one of the most important
every county. These offices serve to “extend” infor- and unique aspects of the CES. This is in keep-
mation, which has been developed on campuses ing with the Extension philosophy that active citi-
and research stations of land-grant universities to zen participation in planning and implementation
the public. In fact, Extension educators are con- ensures program success. As an MG, you will join
sidered members of the university faculty, since this family of volunteers.
their role is primarily educational. Each Extension office has an Advisory Board
made up of local citizens and civic leaders, who
Organization of CES provide feedback and direction to programming.
As an MG, the vast majority of your contacts Many Extension educators ask their MG’s to serve
with the CES will be through the local Extension on this board. Other Extension educators may ask
office and educators. Local educators determine, MG’s to act as program coordinators, who perform
within a set of state guidelines, how to teach and much of the administration of local MG activities.
administer the MG Program in their Extension of-
fice. Each Extension office in Oklahoma conducts
programs in Agriculture (including horticulture), Creation
Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H and Youth
Development and Rural Development. MG’s gen-
of the Master Gardener Program
erally fall within the Agriculture educator’s sphere
In 1972, the state of Washington created the
of responsibility, but many have used their horti-
MG Program to meet an enormous increase in re-
cultural skills to conduct programs in cooperation
quests from home gardeners for horticultural infor-
with other Extension programs. In some counties,
mation. This increase was in direct relation to the
we are fortunate to have a Horticulture educator
urban and transient nature of modern American
who coordinates and manages the MG program.
life. Sixty years ago, an Extension educator dealt
Several tiers of administrators rise above the
with the questions of a few hundred farm families.
local Extension office. Oklahoma’s 77 Extension
However, in many regions, land that once consti-
units are divided among four districts. District staff
tuted a single family farm now encompasses sev-
includes a district director, program leaders and
eral hundred homes. This increased the number
area specialists, who provide administrative and/
of families an Extension office serves. In addition,
or program development assistance to the local
many of these families are recent arrivals, and are
unit offices. These four districts communicate to
unfamiliar with what grows in the microenvironment

2 Master Gardeners Manual

of their new urban or suburban home. They will of- in the Extension Agent’s Handbook, fact sheets,
ten call their local Extension office for advice on current reports and other materials approved by
what to plant and how to care for it. The MG Pro- OCES. Use of other pesticide recommendations is
gram is now found in 49 states and four Canadian not approved. Home remedies are not to be given
provinces. as an MG. Chemical recommendations may in-
MG’s have become a vital part of Extension’s clude other trade names not listed in OCES-sanc-
ability to provide consumers with up-to-date, reli- tioned material if approved by the county MG co-
able knowledge, so they can enjoy and protect the ordinator or state specialist.
value of horticulture around their homes. Master NOTE OF CAUTION: Individuals who are
gardening has also become a fun and useful vol- not acting on behalf of OCES are strongly urged
unteer activity, which has given its participants a to minimize the appearance of being on duty be-
sense of community spirit, fellowship, accomplish- fore making any horticultural recommendations.
ment and intellectual stimulation. Speaking “off the record” is your right; however,
make it clear you are speaking for YOURSELF and
not the OCES.
Responsibilities Experienced MG’s are likely to receive invita-
tions to give group presentations. Gratuitous pay-
of a Master Gardener ments for speaking are considered separate from
the questions-and-answers performed at MG plant
When you enter the MG Program, you are en-
clinics and in-office duties. However, do not seek
tering into a contract. In essence, you agree that,
payment for speaking engagements.
in return for the training you receive, you will vol-
Standards for MG conduct were established to
unteer hours back to Extension. Upon completion
create a safe and pleasant learning environment.
of your training, you have one year to complete the
All MG volunteers must recognize the necessity for
agreed-upon volunteer service commitment. The
representing OCES in a manner consistent with ex-
time requirement varies from one Extension unit to
emplary citizenship and leadership.
another. In Oklahoma, the minimum number is 40
MG’s are expected to participate in all compo-
hours per year. The “Oklahoma Master Gardener”
nents of the volunteer program to fulfill their ob-
title is to be used only and exclusively when doing
ligation, be responsive to the county educator in
unpaid volunteer educational work in the OCES
charge, and be respectful of safety in general and
MG Program; in which trained and certified MG’s
of others.
assist the horticulture program.
Oklahoma MG’s are not to advertise their
names or place of business, nor to be listed on the
After completion of payback time, you may
advertisements of business places as an MG. This
choose to continue with the MG Program. Many
is an OCES public service program. Appearing
Oklahomans have worked as MG’s for years and
as a commercial activity, having association with
contributed substantial amounts of time to Exten-
commercial products or giving implied Extension
sion. In some cases, thousands of hours! Master
Service endorsements of any product or place of
Gardeners who wish to continue after the first year
business is improper under the MG contract.
must recertify. The requirements for recertification
The training and experience gained by partic-
ipation in the MG Program are valuable and may
(1) completion of the initial 40-hour (minimum)
rightfully be listed and featured as qualifications
payback in volunteer activities,
when seeking employment. Once employed or
(2) accumulation of 20 hours of further education-
self-employed and serving as a paid employee,
al activities, and
MG’s should not display credentials or give the ap-
(3) willingness to volunteer an additional 20 hours
pearance of an acting MG unless designated by
of community service work the following year.
the county MG coordinator.
In making recommendations that include the
Determining the value of educational activities
use of chemicals and/or biological agents, Oklaho-
is the responsibility of the county MG coordinator.
ma MG’s must follow published OCES recommen-
If you choose not to continue in the MG program,
dations. These recommendations may be found

Master Gardeners Manual 3

you may not represent yourself as an MG in the tion. Space may be a limiting factor on the number
future. of recertifying Master Gardeners allowed to attend.
Continuing education hours may be accrued Recertification is not meant to be difficult – it is
by attending seminars in landscaping, vegetable simply a means of keeping current on horticultural
gardening, pruning demonstrations, lawn and gar- practices. MG’s have a calendar year to earn 20
den shows, field days or attendance at the Oklaho- hours continuing education hours. MG’s who find
ma Horticulture Society or other professional or in- this program interesting and rewarding usually
dustry meetings. Activities are not limited to Exten- end the year with many more than the required 20
sion-sponsored programs. Garden club programs, hours.
plant society programs, state park programs and Recertification hours must be accrued each
nursery-sponsored seminars also count. Field year and cannot be carried over from previous
trips to nurseries, horticultural operations or visit- years.
ing public gardens such as The Botanic Garden at
OSU or other gardens can also be used to accu- Guidelines for receiving continuing
mulate recertification hours. Any additional educa- education hours
tional opportunities related to horticulture are the • Attending MG meetings with educational
discretion of the county coordinator. programs. Each county is encouraged to hold
The following Extension-sponsored programs monthly business meetings, which provide
should be given emphasis: State Master Gardener additional educational information by inviting
Conferences, Horticulture Industries Show (HIS), guest speakers or by a fellow MG sharing in-
monthly MG meetings with an educational compo- formation learned.
nent and other workshops offered by the Depart- • Attending conferences.
ment of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture. • Visiting public gardens with (a) a guided tour,
Several national and regional conferences are also (b) informational signs posted in the garden or
held to provide opportunities for MG’s to learn. (c) informational brochures or tapes ensuring
These include the International Master Gardener the visitor learns about the garden.
conference, held on odd-numbered years, and the • Reading gardening books or watching gar-
Southern Region Master Gardener Conference, dening videos. To make these count, the MG
held on even-numbered years. should fill out a short book report form. This
A copy of the program, or an outline of the will prove that the MG actually read the book
learning activity, must be given to the county coor- and will provide a guide for others wanting
dinator to assign an hour value. Hours are typically the same kind of information. MG’s may also
based on the hours included in instruction, exclud- give programs on the book or tapes. Programs
ing lunch, breaks or drive time. should be at least 45 minutes long. (Watching
Research time an MG used for giving a pro- TV shows or reading magazine articles will not
gram on a horticultural topic also counts toward count.)
the 20-hour total. For example, if an MG is teach-
ing lawn care for a garden club, the time spent Some counties have allowed the watching of
researching and developing the program counts, certain television programs such as Oklahoma
provided it is within reasonable limits. Usually two Gardening. The number of hours watching TV is
to three hours is assigned for this activity, not the limited to only a few hours.
total preparation time. Gardening-related literature These are only suggestions on ways an MG can
reviews written for newsletters, or given as a pro- obtain continuing education hours. Your county
gram for an MG meeting is valued at one hour. educator may or may not allow some of these sug-
Total recertification cannot be earned by retak- gestions. The number of hours an MG can claim,
ing the Master Gardener training course. Recertifi- such as visiting gardens, reading books, watching
cation of MG’s means training or education above tapes and Oklahoma Gardening should be limit-
the basic information offered initially. Only two ed. Whenever possible, the MG is encouraged to
hours per day of Basic Master Gardener Training first attend educational programs designed to en-
Course attendance can count toward recertifica- hance their horticultural knowledge and strength-
en camaraderie between fellow MG’s.

4 Master Gardeners Manual

Your work is appreciated by OCES • Home gardening visits.
and local area gardeners who have • Conduct garden projects at halfway houses
or will receive counsel for those recently released from mental health
Recording Volunteer Activities. An MG on-line institutions.
reporting system has been created to make it eas- • Act as a liaison for the Extension office by an-
ier to record and keep track of volunteer activities swering gardening questions.
and continuing education hours. This can be done • Produce a monthly horticulture newsletter for
on a daily basis or anywhere with computer ac- homeowners.
cess. Check with your county educator for infor- • Conduct school gardening programs.
mation regarding website registration. • Give group talks to those interested in
Time Sheets. Time sheets may also be used horticulture.
to keep track of volunteer hours. These may then • Present 4-H camp demonstrations.
be used to help enter information on the on-line • Coordinate regular and advanced MG
reporting system. Do not be lax in reporting your programs.
time; you deserve recognition for your efforts! • Instruct new MGs.
Recording volunteer data is an important part • Coordinate videotaping of MG program on ca-
of the MG Program. Not only does reporting data ble TV or appear as a guest on televised gar-
allow Extension to reward volunteers for their hard dening programs.
work, but also it is valuable for program evalua- • Participate in on-site lawn clinics.
tion. The reporting system provides a record of the • Work in trial gardens at a research station.
many ways MG’s serve the public. Local and state • Conduct garden tours.
governments, which fund Extension, are very in- • Plan and implement public relations projects.
terested in how effectively tax revenues are used. • Work on special event projects (Arbor Day,
Detailed records benefit both the MG Program and Field Day).
its clients. • Plan and complete community beautification
• Public education about insect and disease
Master Gardener problems.
Community Service • Compile plant lists.
• Photograph MG activities.
Since the MG program first started, the activi- • Conduct 4-H vegetable shows.
ties of MG’s have broadened considerably. In the • Manage a plant diagnostic lab.
early years, MG’s mostly answered telephone re- • Work as program president, vice president,
quests for gardening information. They also staffed secretary or treasurer.
plant clinics and information booths. These tasks • Manage farmers’ markets.
are still vital to Extension. However, in recent years, • Create and maintain a youth garden.
creative MG’s and Extension educators have uti- • Process or take soil samples.
lized talents that citizens bring to the MG program • Maintain an office reference library.
in a variety of horticultural activities. • Design brochures.
Examples of activities in which MG’s have par- • Solicit donations for program expenses.
ticipated are listed below. Note: not all activities • Conduct Junior MG program.
involve examining or discussing plants. All activ- • Solicit seed donations.
ities do help Extension provide horticultural infor- • Design and maintain community and school
mation to the public. If you have an activity which landscapes.
utilizes your special talents, discuss them with the • Conduct vegetable gardening projects with
local educator. He or she might agree it would be a young offenders or low-income youth.
good way for you to contribute to the MG Program • Contribute to the preparation of the MG Hand-
and Extension. book and fact sheets.
• Create and maintain demonstration gardens. • Judge school science fairs.
• Garden with the elderly and handicapped. • Produce slide presentations.
• Volunteer at county fairs and plant clinics.

Master Gardeners Manual 5

• Organize beginning MG or MG graduation words” couldn’t be more true. A good photo of a
picnics. plant problem can tell us a great deal. Encourage
• Volunteer as 4-H leaders. clients to send photos whenever possible, espe-
• Serve as experts to identify plant material. cially when a sample cannot be brought in. Ask
• Assist at registration desks for various them to take clear, sharp pictures of the affected
conferences. plant, the entire plant and the area it is growing.
• Serve on Extension Program Advisory The more pictures a client can send, the better we
Committee. can understand the story. Remember, if the picture
• Contribute to or help maintain web sites, blogs, is blurry or out of focus it will be ineffective in solv-
Facebook pages, etc. ing the problem.
A stumbling block to communication, other than
Communication incomplete information from the client, is the MG’s
horticultural expertise. This can be a problem in
As an MG, you will work with all sorts of people. two ways. The MG can know an abundant amount
Clientele will come to you with questions and prob- about a topic and does not bother to listen to every-
lems concerning horticulture. To fully understand thing. Or, the problem may be identified and pos-
the client’s problem and suggest a solution, you sible solutions discovered, but the MG cannot de-
must be able to communicate effectively. This can scribe the necessary procedures in terms the client
be a challenge, since the object of discussion is can understand. Germination, propagation and fer-
often not present. If the sample cannot be brought tilization are all nice terms, but they are useless if
in, you must deduce the problem from a verbal they illicit blank stares. There is nothing wrong with
description of the symptoms. In many cases, it basic terms such as grow, dig and water.
is suggested to encourage the client to bring the No one person knows everything. As an MG,
pest, sample or plant in for diagnosis. you know a great deal about horticulture, but re-
Effective communication is not just speaking member one of the most important things to know
clearly and listening closely. As you listen to a cli- is how to find answers. In your work at plant clinics,
ent’s description of his ailing indoor plant, you are or at the Extension office, you have access to ex-
trying to understand a situation you have not ex- cellent resource materials. If your client’s problem
perienced. It is very easy to leave out details when is too complex to solve with your knowledge and
we describe something familiar. The client may not resource material, take the person’s name, address
realize the color of the leaf edges or the proximity and phone number. Then you can take your time
of heating ducts to the plant are important clues to to answer the question thoroughly or see it is an-
the plant problem. You can improve communica- swered by Extension personnel.
tion by asking several questions.
By thinking of all the possible symptoms and Using the telephone
conditions matching the description, you can pose When working with clients by telephone, com-
questions to yield enough information and find a munication can be more difficult because there
solution. It is a good idea to summarize your find- are no visual clues. Listen carefully and ask many
ings and present them to the client. Don’t be afraid questions. Familiarize yourself with the office pro-
to say, “I am going to describe the condition of cedure for telephone use. Your Extension educator
your plant as I understand it. Stop me if I have it or someone on staff should be able to provide in-
wrong.” After all, what we mean and what we say formation such as what to say when answering the
are not always the same. Humans have ways of in- phone and how to log calls.
terpreting meaning from voice changes, gestures, Every time you make or receive a telephone call
facial expressions and general body language, as as an MG, you are representing the OCES. The im-
well as words. The important point is to express pression you create can be long-lasting and may
our understanding so the client can compare it determine whether or not the person will continue
with his knowledge of the situation. to use the Extension Service.
With today’s technology, we have the option When the telephone rings, answer promptly.
of receiving images of a plant or situation. In this Quick service helps build a reputation of efficiency.
case, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand Identify yourself by first name and the MG title. This

6 Master Gardeners Manual

helps get the conversation off to a good start and time-saving device for county staff and specialists.
personalize the phone call. Be friendly and a good Today’s technology allows quick, easy and free ac-
listener, so the caller will not have to repeat infor- cess to most Extension publications on the web-
mation. Be considerate and do not carry on two site Sharing those links or
conversations at once. Callers should be made to sending email attachments is a quick and efficient
feel like they have priority, and are not competing method in distributing information to clientele.
for your attention.
Sound as good as you are. Show that you are Writing tips
wide awake and ready to help the person on the MG’s have no shortage of opportunities to uti-
line. Use simple, straightforward language. Avoid lize writing skills. Many MG’s produce publications
technical terms and slang whenever possible. for local gardening issues, scripts for presenta-
Speak directly into the telephone and pronounce tions or write newsletters and columns for local
words clearly. Talk at a moderate rate and volume, newspapers.
but vary your tone of voice. Organization and simplicity will help you
When you must put a caller on hold, it is cour- achieve a well-written product. Start with a clearly
teous to ask, “Will you hold? Or shall I call you defined purpose and outline. An easy way to un-
back?” It is better to get a name and number derstand the purpose of your writing is to create
than to leave a customer on hold for long periods a title. A good title about the subject in few words
of time. Calling clients back allows the MG to do conveys most information about the article. “All
stress-free research. However, if the person choos- about Grapes” indicates a large amount of materi-
es to stay on the line, use the hold button or lay the al is going to be covered: history, varieties, culture
receiver down gently. Do not talk where the caller and uses of the fruit. If only writing about grape cul-
can hear your conversation. If it takes longer than ture or pruning, feel free to say so. Do not mislead
you expected to gather material, return to the line the audience. Once the title is written, you know
every 30 seconds to assure you’re working on the how to limit the topic and what to cover. The rough-
request. When you have the information, thank the est outline is better than none at all, and bare-bone
caller for waiting. Transfer a call only when neces- structures can make it easy to see the logic behind
sary and explain why you’re connecting the caller the subject you create. It is easier to repair holes
with someone else. Be sure the client is willing to in the outline stage earlier rather than later. Prevent
be transferred. If the customer does not want to be having to redo quality paragraphs or even deleting
transferred, have someone call them back. pages altogether. Writing is a lot like pruning, more
When answering the phone for someone else, easily done when there are no leaves on the tree.
be tactful. Comments such as “He hasn’t come in After the title and outline are finished, writing
yet” and “She’s just stepped out for coffee” can can proceed. Address each topic on the outline,
give the wrong impression. It’s better to say “Mr. and soon the job will be complete. Remember a
Jones is away from his desk. May I ask him to call topic sentence for each paragraph. Explain each
you?” When you take a message, be sure to write topic on the outline and support what you say with
down the name, time, date, telephone number and reliable information. If you get writers block, re-ex-
the reason for calling. Don’t hesitate to ask the in- amine what you are trying to express. Maybe there
dividual to spell his name or repeat his number. is nothing more to say than the sentence already
You will occasionally speak with a caller who there. Perhaps it is irrelevant or misplaced in the
is difficult to work with. Remain calm and don’t outline. If all else fails, take a break. A change of
take comments personally. As long as you’re be- scenery and time away from words can do won-
ing friendly and trying to help, you are doing your ders. When you come back to writing, the problem
job. Retain your sense of humor and give the caller may be perfectly clear with an obvious solution.
your sincere attention. In difficult or uncomfortable Simplicity is essential to clear, concise writing.
situations, take messages for the Extension edu- Even though vague phrases invade business let-
cator to handle. ters, news writing, television and radio, there is no
Because people are relying on you for infor- need to follow and promote the trend. For instance,
mation, knowing how to utilize Extension horticul- “We would like for you to stop by our office” can be
ture publications is important. Printed material is a replaced with “Please come into our office.” The

Master Gardeners Manual 7

same message is conveyed with greater clarity us- sion office, but many become very knowledgeable
ing half the words. If you find yourself struggling about a specific subject. Because of this special-
over a choice of words, try saying the sentence ization, MG’s are invited to give talks to clubs and
out loud or to someone. Listen to yourself as you groups. This is a wonderful way to help Extension,
say it, because you are probably saying the words as educators are often in high demand for such
you need to use. Avoid slang, jargon and flowery talks. Educators and MG’s are also called upon to
or obscure vocabulary. You can’t go wrong using provide workshops, demonstrations and tours.
the simplest English words and correct grammar. Most public presentations have four compo-
The goal of good writing is to communicate, not nents: title, introduction, body and summary. The
confuse. title should be short, descriptive of the subject and
An interesting sentence carries a strong verb pique the interest of the group. The introduction
and few adjectives. If you must shorten a piece of tells who you are and elaborates on the goal or
writing, you can sacrifice adjectives for space and content of the talk in a way that captivates the au-
simplicity. Articles (a, an, the) are often unneces- dience. This part of the presentation is key to the
sary. Some languages do not have articles at all; success or failure of a talk, as it sets the tone for the
we can probably do without some of ours. remainder of the program. The body of the presen-
Perhaps the most common misunderstanding tation contains the substance and should satisfy
about writing is it is easy. Some people are more the curiosity of the audience. Use research-sup-
adept at writing than others, but those who write ported information and cite references whenever
well will usually admit it takes work. Just as good possible (can be done at the end of the talk). The
gardeners must get their hands dirty, good writ- summary re-states the major points of the presen-
ers spend hours rewriting, using dictionaries and tation in sequence. The summary should be short
grammar books. They are checking the actual and clear. Be prepared to answer questions follow-
meaning of “cultivate” or whether there is a hyphen ing a presentation. Repeat the questions for the
in “damping-off.” Find a good dictionary and use it. audience if they are difficult to hear or understand,
Existing or new publications may need to be then provide and answer.
adapted for local conditions. If an Extension ed- Public presentations take practice and prepa-
ucator decides you can develop new materials, ration to be successful. Don’t be fooled by a casu-
check office files for old publications or contact al delivery; many people who appear relaxed and
the appropriate specialist. Some materials may speak effortlessly in front of groups have spent
already be available and only need slight modifi- many hours achieving this effect. To plan a presen-
cation to be utilized. After educational material is tation, consider:
complete, send a copy to appropriate specialists • the audience
at the Horticulture and Landscape Architecture • the audiences knowledge level of the subject
Department at OSU to be shared with other offices. • technical difficulty of the subject
When producing new materials from old pub- • timeliness
lications, do not infringe on a copyright. Most Ex- • appropriateness
tension materials are not copyrighted. However, if • purpose
you want to use copyrighted material or any of its • materials required
components (this includes artwork), written per- • length of presentation
mission must be obtained from the publisher, and
often from the author or artist as well. Do not down- After collecting materials, studying and review-
load photos, text or graphics from the Internet!! ing notes, rehearse the presentation. Observe
Get permission first. these points carefully during rehearsal:
• Are charts, graphs, images and posters easy
Public presentations to see and read? If you cannot read the text,
Because the role of the Extension Service pro- remove it.
vides information and educates the community, • Avoid including too much text on a single slide
you will have plenty of opportunities to appear be- when using PowerPoint. Allow one slide for ev-
fore the public in your capacity as an MG. Not ery minute of presentation length.
only do MG’s interact with the public at the Exten- • Can the audience hear the speaker from any-
where in the room?
8 Master Gardeners Manual
• Are the materials used in the demonstration can be announced in newsletters, newspaper
arranged so they are accessible and easy to feature articles, regular columns, paid advertise-
reach? ments, radio and television public service an-
• Does the speaker make unnecessary apolo- nouncements, on posters displayed in appropriate
gies? Avoid saying “This is the first time I’ve locations and through websites and social media.
done this” or “I’m not used to speaking before It can be helpful to find a local sponsor to assist
groups.” Do the best job you can. The audi- in financing and advertising an event, such as a
ence doesn’t expect you to be perfect, and garden center, bank or chamber of commerce.
you are probably much better than you think Clearly define all arrangements with sponsors and
you are. agree upon responsibilities ahead of time. When
• Avoid saying “um,” “okay” or long, uncomfort- advertising outdoor events with no indoor facilities,
able pauses. such as garden tours or community garden visits,
• Include personal stories or anecdotes as much include rain dates and inclement weather dates
as possible. ahead of time.
• Don’t stand completely still, move about the Preregistration can serve as an indicator of ex-
room in a friendly manner. pected attendance. Some educators report posi-
• Try to make eye contact with everyone in the tive responses from workshops requiring a minimal
group. pre-payment fee to cover material costs. Partici-
• If you are giving a demonstration with another pants are more interested and motivated to attend
person, are the delivery and action coordinat- after making a financial commitment.
ed? Or does one member do the majority of the Slides (digital images and PowerPoint presen-
talking? Does the other’s participation seem tations) are available for use in public presenta-
necessary? tions through county offices, the Horticulture and
Landscape Architecture Department as well as
If you are preparing an exhibit for public pre- other departments within the College of Agricul-
sentation, here are some basic concepts to keep tural Sciences and Natural Resources. Videos are
in mind when planning and setting it up: also available. Ordering guidelines and selection
• Choose one idea that can be explained in a information can be found at your county Extension
simple, catchy statement. Use few printed office.
words. If no slide sets are available for use, and you
• Have a single center of interest to catch the have adequate time for the project, you may want
eye. to produce your own slide set. Begin with the same
• Develop a complete story using as few items basic principles for good writing and speaking:
as possible. Eliminate clutter in an exhibit. clarify the subject and identify the audience.
• Create orderly, interesting and artistic designs. Illustrations and photographs should relate di-
• Attract attention with movement, color, light, rectly to the script, so work on the text before add-
sound or a clever title and attractive design. ing photos. Decide what should be illustrated and
Do not use all of the above at once. prepare a list of objects to be photographed. Plan
• Make sure charts, posters and visuals are at- to shoot more pictures than you need and shoot
tractive, neat and clean. retakes. Professional photographers often take
• Evaluate exhibits by asking if it attracts atten- hundreds of pictures before finding a masterpiece.
tion, arouses interest, conveys a message and Avoid busy, complicated slides.
is well-constructed. When presenting a slide program avoid phras-
• Select well-informed people to man exhibits. es such as “This is a slide of…” “Here we see…,”
They should be able to meet the public easily “Now we’re looking at…,” Next we have…,” “This
and create a favorable impression. picture you’re watching…” Instead, talk about
what is in the picture. Do not leave a scene on the
Advertising public presentations is key. Too of- screen for less than five seconds nor for long peri-
ten, well-prepared programs fail to reach a large ods of time. For each topic change, a new subject
audience because of a lack of adequate advertis- should be immediately identifiable. Do not let the
ing. Word of mouth is not sufficient. Public events audience wonder why they are looking at a wheel-

Master Gardeners Manual 9

barrow when a second ago you were discussing after a break. Coordinators begin with small jobs,
beans. Begin with the point you are trying to make, then take on more complicated tasks as the pro-
and then explain it. Do not ask the viewer to recall gram progresses. Veteran MG’s are often involved
a prior slide. If you want to bring attention to the in decision-making concerning new projects, ad-
same slide two different times, include the slide vanced training and screening of new MG’s.
twice, at the appropriate intervals.
Always review slides before the talk and famil- Work Evaluation
iarize yourself with equipment and software com-
patibility. Memorize the first five minutes of your The MG and the local Extension educator
talk. This eliminates the need to read an introduc- should plan to evaluate performance of volunteer
tion, and helps with the forgetfulness that often oc- tasks. In return, the MG program should evaluate
curs with stage fright. Depending on time, answer the adequacy of support from the Extension office.
questions as they arise, but avoid straying too far The purpose of evaluation is to ensure satisfaction
off topic. with volunteer work and determine whether the
performed tasks are worthwhile for the MG, the
The Master Gardener as manager community and the Extension Service.
MG volunteers make it possible for Extension As an MG volunteer, you can expect the fol-
educators to reach more people with horticulture lowing from the Extension Service employees for
programs. This expansion of program services whom you work:
makes the educator more efficient, but increases • Concise explanation of jobs and opportunities
responsibility. Therefore, it is important MG’s man- for volunteer service.
age the program. While the Extension educator • Staff guidance and support in accomplishment
continues to advise the program, MG’s can act as of tasks.
volunteer coordinators for activities performed by • Recognition of outstanding accomplishments.
the group. In some units, there are several coor- • Integration of MG volunteers as partners in the
dinators, each one responsible for a different pro- accomplishment of the Extension mission.
gram need. • Continuing MG training opportunities.
After the MG program becomes established, • Periodic evaluation of MG performance.
volunteer coordinators can help strengthen the
program by planning and goal setting. By meet- The Extension Service expects the following
ing and working with the Extension educator, MG’s from you:
can help determine the needs of the community. • Assistance in developing meaningful jobs and
They can help decide the best route for dissem- opportunities for MG’s.
inating horticultural information and establishing • Timely notice of needs and support from the
projects to meet those needs. It is important to set Extension staff for required tasks.
goals and determine how to gauge the program • Reporting of tasks accomplished, number of
success. MG’s need to keep records of their work; hours involved and task evaluation at specified
the volunteer coordinator can explain the impor- reporting time.
tance of this to the other volunteers and see that • Acting as a partner on the OCES team in a man-
accurate records are kept. ner that reflects favorably upon both parties.
The MG program needs a volunteer coordinator • Recruitment of individuals for future MG
from the beginning. If you possess management training.
skills, or think you could become a good manag- • Periodic participation in conferences with Exten-
er, express your interest to the Extension educator. sion educators to evaluate tasks(s) performed
Some signals you may be a good manager are: and Extension’s support of MG programs.
do you make suggestions on how to schedule the
plant clinics, staff the tasks that need completed,
The Master Gardener Paycheck
match volunteers and outline the tasks to finish
the job? As a volunteer coordinator during the first
Volunteers are not paid with money, but are worth
training session, you may be selected to help with
more than the price of gold. We hope the gratitude
the audio-visual equipment or guide the students

10 Master Gardeners Manual

of your fellow workers in the Extension offices, the AUTOMOBILE TRAVEL EXPENSE – actual cost
district and state staff help you feel your work is ap- of gas and oil, or the government mileage rate of
preciated. Certainly, the citizens who seek you out cents per mile. You may deduct trips to the Ex-
with plant problems will indicate you are valuable and tension center or other locations where you per-
needed. form services on behalf of the MG program. This
includes monthly training sessions, but does NOT
Liability include the initial training program for MGs. Check
with your personal tax advisor for specific up-to-
The OSU indemnification policy is extended to date deductions and mileage fees.
Master Gardener Volunteers performing services ANNUAL UPDATE AT THE UNIVERSITY (State
solely for and under the direction of OCES. MG Conference) – auto travel expense as stated
above, or your share if expenses were divided.
In addition, the reasonable costs of lodging and
meals may also be deducted. The seminar fee
IRS Deductions may also be deducted, but not the cost of addi-
for Master Gardeners1 tional books purchased.
To deduct these expenses, add them all to-
Do you itemize deductions, i.e. reduce your tax gether. Then include the total in the proper Sched-
owed because you have a home mortgage, pay ule of your tax form on the line for listing cash gifts
real estate taxes, have very large medical expens- to charities. As with all income tax requirements,
es or contribute to church or charities? If yes, the maintain your records for a minimum of three years.
following will be of interest to you. As a final reminder, check with your local tax
As MG’s, you contribute time and energy to as- advisor for specific details or further questions.
sist the county with homeowner horticulture prob-
lems. This is viewed by the IRS in the same way
as working for any qualified charity. While time is 1
The above article is from the Florida Master Gardener News, Feb-
ruary 1991, Vol. 4, No. 1. It was written by Bob Eickenberg, a tax
never deductible, many of your expenses are de- associate from Hillsborough County, Florida.
ductible; they are as follows:

Master Gardeners Manual 11

Chapter 2
Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Have a general understanding of horticulture and plant classification.

• Learn principal characteristics of green plants, their structure and common horticultural
• Know how environmental factors affect the growth and development of a plant.
• Understand the methods and reasons for plant propagation.

Chapter 2: Plant Science....................................................12 Introduction

Plant Science........................................................................ 12
Classification of Plants......................................................... 13 Plants exist all around us and are an integral
Plant Kingdom...................................................................... 12 part of our world. Plant science is broad and varied.
Binomial Nomenclature................................................. 13 Some traditional components of plant science are
Plant Nomenclature.............................................................. 15
Botany: Plant Parts and Functions....................................... 15 botany, horticulture, agronomy and forestry. Within
Stems............................................................................ 15 these disciplines are many other areas of study.
Leaves........................................................................... 19 For example, botany students might specialize
Buds.............................................................................. 23
Roots............................................................................. 24 in physiology, genetics or taxonomy. Horticulture
Flowers.......................................................................... 25 students typically study the science of cultivated
Fruit............................................................................... 28 plants, including ornamental trees and shrubs
Seed.............................................................................. 28
Physiology: Plant Growth and Development....................... 28 (landscape horticulture), flowers (floriculture), veg-
Photosynthesis.............................................................. 28 etables (olericulture) and fruit (pomology).
Respiration.................................................................... 30 This chapter looks at a broad cross-section of
Transpiration.................................................................. 30
Environmental Factors plant science focusing on horticulture, the struc-
that Affect Plant Growth ....................................................... 31 ture and function of plants and the environmental
Light.............................................................................. 31 factors that affect plant growth. Keep in mind that
Temperature.................................................................. 32
Water............................................................................. 33
many of these disciplines cross over from garden-
Nutrition......................................................................... 35 ing into horticulture. In the following sections, sci-
Nutrient Outline..................................................................... 36 ences such as plant morphology (plant forms and
Plant Propagation................................................................. 38
Sexual Propagation.............................................................. 39
structures), plant physiology (how a plant func-
See................................................................................ 39 tions), soil science and plant nutrition, plant pa-
Germination................................................................... 30 thology (diseases that attack plants) and entomol-
Methods of Breaking Dormancy........................................... 40
Starting seeds............................................................... 41
ogy (insects that feed on plants) are given closer
Transplanting and handling.................................................. 44 attention.
Propagation of ferns by spores............................................ 45
Asexual Propagation............................................................ 46
Cuttings......................................................................... 46 Plant Science
Layering........................................................................ 46
Separation..................................................................... 49
Division.......................................................................... 49
Plant kingdom
Grafting......................................................................... 49 More than 500,000 kinds of plant-like organ-
Budding......................................................................... 51 isms exist in the world. A common definition of
Plant Tissue Culture.............................................................. 51
a plant is a living organism that contains chloro-

12 Master Gardeners Manual

phyll and can manufacture its own food. Plants monocotyledons group (monocots), which in-
are complex multicellular organisms that almost cludes grasses, lilies and corn; and the dicotyle-
always photosynthesize. Plants possess a waxy dons group (dicots), which includes beans, mari-
cuticle that reduces water loss and they regulate golds and maple trees. Monocots and dicots differ
gases within their stems, leaves and roots through in their leaf venation, the number of seed leaves
tiny openings called stomata. Plants are generally and flower parts, and root structures. They also
rooted in the ground. Unlike animals, plants have have different physiological traits, which result in
rigid cell walls, will grow continuously and do not different responses to herbicides. For example,
possess a nervous system. broadleaf weed killers kill dandelions (a dicot) but
Though things such as fungi, lichens and al- they won’t kill grasses (monocots).
gae effect horticultural growing systems, for our
purposes we will focus on two types of vascular Classification of Plants
plants: angiosperms and gymnosperms.
Flowering plants are called angiosperms. That Because of the diversity in the plant kingdom,
word comes from the Greek angeion for vessel, plants are classified using several methods, which
and sperma, for seed. The name “angiosperm” assist in recording and communicating information
indicates that seeds are borne inside a vessel about them. At one time, plants were named de-
known as the fruit. Angiosperms, the flowering scriptively in Latin by using adjectives until enough
plants, are the most abundant and the most famil- verbiage was present to allow differentiation
iar to us. As we delve into plant science, the focus among plants. Common names used by botanists
will be on angiosperms’ structures and metabolic and plant collectors for centuries were also a prob-
processes. lem because one plant may have several common
names. For example, the European white water
Table 2.1. The Plant Kingdom. lily has 245 English, French, German and Dutch
names. To eliminate the potential for confusion,
Non-vascular: Carl von Linne, a Swedish physician, botanist and
Mosses..........................Bryophytes – moss plants professor of natural science, developed a naming
Liverworts......................Bryophytes – moss plants system in 1753 that we still use today – binomial
Horsetails..................... Pteridophytes – fern plants Binomial nomenclature
Ferns........................... Pteridophytes – fern plants Modern plant classification, or taxonomy, is
Cycads..........Gymnosperms – naked-seed plants based on a system of binomial nomenclature –
Conifers.........Gymnosperms – naked-seed plants a scientific system that gives a two-part name to
Dicotyledons................................... Angiosperms – each plant or animal. The first name (genus) is fol-
enclosed-seed plants lowed by a descriptive name (specific epithet). To-
Monocotyledons............................. Angiosperms – gether, this name identifies a species. First, plants
enclosed-seed plants are classified into families based on their flowers
and/or reproductive parts because this is the part
of the plant least influenced by environmental
Non-flowering plants are called gymnosperms, changes.
coming from the Greek gymnos for naked, and
sperma for seed. Gymnosperms are plants that
Plant families
produce seeds in an exposed condition (naked),
Genera that share similar flowering and fruit-
such as pines and other conifers, cycads and
ing characteristics are grouped into families. For
example, peas belong to a large family called le-
Other species in the plant kingdom include al-
gumes (Fabaceae, formerly Leguminosae). The
gae, fungi, mosses, liverworts, horsetails and ferns.
pea flower is shaped much like the flower of the
These organisms are more primitive (less devel-
tree commonly called the redbud (Cercis canaden-
oped) than the gymnosperms and angiosperms.
sis). All legumes have similar flowers and fruiting
There are two groups of flowering plants – the

Master Gardeners Manual 13

structures (pods), though their physical forms may are simply hardier or more disease resistant. Culti-
be vastly different. Other legumes include beans, var names are always capitalized, in single quotes
alfalfa, clover, wisteria, honeylocust, Siberian pea and not italicized. Example: Acer platanoides
shrub and Kentucky coffeetree. ‘Crimson King.’
What do roses have in common with apple? Often, grouped or classified plants are based
Both are in the same family – Rosaceae. Their on their use or characteristics. The most commonly
fruits are pomes. Plants from the Rosaceae family used classifications related to use include growth
share susceptibility to many of the same diseases. habit, structure or form, leaf retention, climactic
For example, apple trees and roses get fire blight, adaptation and use. Scientific or botanical classi-
and both are susceptible to mildew during humid fication is also used and is often preferred when
weather. Other plants in the Rosaceae family in- exactness is needed.
clude cotoneaster, spirea, quince, pear and moun- Growth Habit – plants can be classed as an-
tain ash. nual, perennial or biennial. Annuals complete
their life cycle in one year, developing from seed
Genus to flower, then reseeding and dying. Perennials
Once groups of similar plants are catego- continue to grow for several years. Horticulturists
rized into families, the next level of classification usually use the term perennial to describe the
is based on their relative likeness to another. This many herbaceous plants used as ornamentals in
level is called the genus. Plants in the same genus the landscape and live for several years.
often share not only similar fruits but also similar Biennials are plants that produce foliage the
flowers, roots, stems, buds and leaves. The genus first year, flowers the second year, then dies. Bien-
name is always capitalized and in italics. Example: nials usually need to go through a cold dormancy
Quercus (oak). to trigger the development of flowers the second
Specific epithet Realize that a plant that is truly perennial in one
Specific definition comes with the specific ep- part of the country may behave like an annual in
ithet. At this level, marked features carried from another because it is not adapted to the environ-
generation to generation distinguish the group. mental conditions there; these types of plants are
The specific epithet can be a descriptive, Lati- often referred to as tender perennials and are often
nized adjective such as alba, which means white, used as bedding plants or for seasonal display.
or note the place of origin or honor the founder. Structure or Form – the structure, size or form
Species names are not capitalized, but they are of a plant is another broad way to classify plants.
italicized. Example: Quercus alba (white oak). Plants that have dense, fibrous, sturdy stems that
don’t die to the ground each year are woody,
Cultivar whereas those that have soft, fleshy stems that
Cultivar names are more defining, but often are usually killed to the ground each winter are
are not Latinized. Cultivars can be confusing be- herbaceous.
cause there may be hundreds of cultivars within Woody plants can further be classified by their
each species. A cultivar is a group of plants that form as a vine, shrub or tree. Vines trail or creep
is clearly distinguished by certain characteris- along the ground unless offered support. Short,
tics (morphological, physiological, cytological or upright plants with multiple main stems are consid-
chemical). When the plant is reproduced (sexually ered as shrubs, and tall woody plants with a single
or asexually), it retains these distinguishing char- or a few main stems are usually considered trees.
acteristics. For example, a common maple with Leaf Retention – plants that retain their leaves
red leaves is called ‘Crimson King’ Norway maple. year round are evergreen. Evergreens do shed old
Its parent has dark green leaves, but this muta- leaves regularly, but retain the majority throughout
tion was discovered and propagated for our use. the year. Evergreens can further be classified into
Leaf color, flower color and plant form are obvious narrow-leaf or needle-leaf (e.g., pine, spruce) or
reasons a plant mutation may be given a cultivar broadleaf (e.g., most holly, southern magnolia).
name. However, plants do not have to have visu- Climatic Adaptation – the environment in which
al differences to gain cultivar status. Perhaps they a plant grows is another way to classify plants.
Conditions such as shade, sun, drought, wet soils,
14 Master Gardeners Manual
hot or cold temperatures, infertile soils, air pollu- Stems
tion, road or sea salts, acidity and alkalinity are of- Stems are structures that support buds and
ten used for classification and can be helpful when leaves, and serve as conduits for carrying wa-
selecting plants. ter, minerals and sugars. The three major internal
parts of a stem are the xylem, phloem and cambi-
Uses um. The xylem and phloem are the major compo-
Gardeners tend to group plants by their hor- nents of a plant’s vascular system. The vascular
ticultural uses: fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees, system transports food, water and minerals and
shrubs, turf and so on. These categories are a offers support for the plant. Xylem tubes conduct
convenient way to think and learn about plants. water and minerals, while phloem tubes conduct
The vascular systems of monocots and dicots
Botany: Plant Parts differ. While both contain xylem and phloem, they
are arranged differently. In the stem of a monocot,
and Functions the xylem and phloem are paired into bundles;
these bundles are dispersed throughout the stem.
The parts of a plant can be divided into two
But in the stem of a dicot, the vascular system
groups, sexual reproductive parts and vegeta-
forms rings inside the stem. The ring of phloem
tive parts. Sexual reproductive parts are those
is near the bark of external cover of the stem and
involved in the production of seed. They include
is a component of the bark in mature stems. The
flower buds, flowers, fruit and seeds. The vege-
xylem forms the inner ring; it is the sapwood and
tative parts include leaves, roots, leaf buds and
heartwood in woody plants. The difference in the
stem. Although the vegetative parts are not direct-
vascular system of the two groups is of practical
ly involved in sexual reproduction, they are often
interest to the horticulturist because certain herbi-
used in asexual or vegetative forms of reproduc-
cides are specific to either monocots or dicots. An
tion, such as cuttings.
example is 2,4-D, which only kills dicots.
The cambium is a meristem, which is a site
of cell division and active growth. It is located be-
tween the xylem and phloem inside the bark of a
stem and is the tissue responsible for a stem’s in-
crease in girth, as it produces both the xylem and
phloem tissues.
Stems may be long, with great distances be-
tween leaves and buds (branches of trees, run-
ners on strawberries), or compressed, with short
distances between buds or leaves (fruit spurs,
crowns of strawberry plants, dandelions). Stems
can be above the ground like the most familiar
stems or below the ground (potatoes, tulip bulbs).

Figure 2.1. Principal parts of a vascular plant.

Figure 2.2. Cross-section of a stem.

Master Gardeners Manual 15

Figure 2.3. Above ground stem modifications.

Figure 2.4. Below ground stem modifications.

Figure 2.7. Tuber (top) and bulb (bottom).

internode length. Internode length varies with the

season. Too little light will result in a long internode,
causing a spindly stem. This situation is known
as stretch or etiolation. Growth produced early in
the season has the greatest internode length. In-
ternode length decreases as the growing season
nears its end. Vigorously growing plants tend to
have greater internode lengths than less vigorous
Figure 2.5. A corm is a compressed stem with plants. Internode length will vary with competition
reduced scaly leaves. from surrounding stems or developing fruit. If the
energy for a stem has to be divided between three
All stems must have buds or leaves present to be
or four stems, or if the energy is diverted into fruit
classified as stem tissue.
growth, internode length will be shortened.
An area of the stem where leaves are located
Modified Stems. Although typical stems are
is called a node. Nodes are areas of great cellu-
aboveground trunks and branches, there are mod-
lar activity and growth,
ified stems, which can be found aboveground and
where auxiliary buds
belowground. The aboveground modified stems
develop into leaves or
are crowns, stolons and spurs, and the below-
flowers. The area be-
ground stems are bulbs, corms, rhizomes and
tween nodes is called
the internode.
The length of an in-
ternode may depend on Above-ground stems
many factors. Decreas- Figure 2.6. Parts of a Crowns (strawberries, dandelions, African vi-
ing fertility will decrease stem. olets) are compressed stems having leaves and
flowers on short internodes.

16 Master Gardeners Manual

Spurs are short, stubby, side stems that arise fleshy such as those of iris. They can also be
from the main stem and are common on such fruit slender with elongated internodes such as Ber-
trees as pears, apples and cherries, where they muda grass. Johnsongrass is a hated weed prin-
may bear fruit. If severe pruning is done close to cipally because of the spreading capability of its
fruit-bearing spurs, the spurs can revert to a long, rhizomes.
nonfruiting stem. Tulips, lilies, daffodils and onions are plants
A stolon is a horizontal stem that is fleshy or that produce bulbs – shortened, compressed,
semi-woody and lies along the top of the ground. underground stems surrounded by fleshy scales
Strawberry runners are examples of stolons. Re- (leaves) that envelop a central bud located at the
member, all stems have nodes and buds or leaves. tip of the stem. If you cut through the center of a
The leaves on strawberry runners are small, but tulip or daffodil bulb in November, you can see all
are located at the nodes, which are easy to see. the flower parts in miniature within the bulb.
The nodes on the runner are the points where roots Many bulbs require a period of low-tempera-
begin to form. The spider plant has stolons. ture exposure before they begin to send up the
Belowground stems such as the potato tuber, new plant. Both the temperature and length of this
the tulip bulb and the iris rhizome are underground treatment are of critical importance to commercial
stems that store food for the plant. growers who force bulbs for holidays.
The tuber, like any other stem, has nodes that Corms are not the same as bulbs. They have
produce buds. The eyes of a potato are actually shapes similar to bulbs, but do not contain fleshy
the nodes on the stem. Each eye contains a cluster scales. A corm is a solid, swollen stem whose
of buds. scales have been reduced to a dry, leaf-like
Rhizomes are similar to stolons, but grow un- covering.
derground. Some rhizomes are compressed and

Figure 2.9. Parts of a corm (top) and bulb


Some plants produce a modified stem that is

referred to as a tuberous stem. Examples are tu-
berous begonia and cyclamen. The stem is short-
ened, flattened, enlarged and underground. Buds
and shoots arise from the crown and fibrous roots
are found on the bottom of the tuberous stem.
In addition, some plants, such as the dahlia
and the sweet potato, produce an underground
Figure 2.8. Stolon (top) and rhizome (bottom). storage organ called a tuberous root, which is
often confused with bulbs and tubers. However,

Master Gardeners Manual 17

Figure 2.10. Types of tubers.

Some vines have ten- Twining vines climb Clinging vines climb by Other climbing vines
drils that wrap around by winding their stems means of tendrils with attach themselves to
any type of support. around any available disk-like adhesive tips that surfaces with small serial
support. attach to any surface. rootlets along the stem.
Figure 2.11. Types of vines.

these are roots, not stems, and have neither nodes Trees are perennial woody plants, usually have
nor internodes. one main trunk and are usually more than 12 feet
Stems are commonly used for plant propa- tall at maturity.
gation. Aboveground stems can be divided into Shrubs are perennial woody plants, but have
sections containing internodes and nodes. They one or several main stems and are usually less
are referred to as cuttings, and will produce roots than 12 feet tall at maturity.
to form a new plant. Belowground stems are also A vine is a plant that develops long, trailing
good propagative tissues: rhizomes can be divid- stems that grow along the ground unless they are
ed into pieces; bulbs form small bulblets at the supported by another plant or structure. Some
base of the parent bulb; cormels are miniature twining vines circle their support clockwise (hops
corms that form under the parent corm; and tubers or honeysuckle), while others circle counter-clock-
can be cut into pieces containing eyes and nodes. wise (pole beans or Dutchman’s pipe vine). Climb-
All of these will produce new plants. ing vines are supported by aerial roots (English ivy
It sometimes may be difficult to distinguish or poison ivy), slender tendrils which encircle the
between roots and stems, but one sure way is to supporting object (cucumber, gourds, grapes and
look for the presence of nodes. Stems have nodes; passion-flowers) or tendrils with adhesive tips (Vir-
roots do not. ginia creeper and Japanese creeper).

Types of stems Texture and growth of stems

A shoot is a young stem with leaves present. Woody stems contain relatively large amounts
A twig is a stem that is less than one year old and of hardened xylem tissue in the central core and
has no leaves, since it is still in the winter-dormant are typical of most tree fruits and ornamental trees
stage. A branch is a stem, which is more than one and shrubs.
year old, and typically has lateral stems. A trunk A cane is a stem that has a relatively large pith
is a main stem of a woody plant. Most trees have a (the central strength-giving tissue of stem) and
single trunk. usually lives only one to two years. Examples of

18 Master Gardeners Manual

plants with canes include rose, grape, blackberry Leaves
and raspberry. Parts of a leaf
Herbaceous or succulent stems contain only The blade of a leaf is the expanded, thin struc-
small amounts of xylem tissue and usually live for ture on either side of the midrib. The blade is usu-
only one growing season. If the plant is perennial, ally the largest and most conspicuous part of a
it will develop new shoots from the root. leaf. The petiole is the stalk that supports the leaf
Plants are classified by the number of growing blade; it varies in length and may be lacking en-
seasons required to complete a life cycle. Annu- tirely in some cases where the leaf blade is de-
als pass through their entire life cycle from seed scribed as sessile or stalkless.
germination to seed production in one growing
season and then die. Parts of Leaves
Biennials are plants that start from seeds and The principal function of leaves is to absorb
produce vegetative structures and food storage sunlight for the manufacturing of plant sugars in
organs the first season. During the first winter, a a process called photosynthesis. Leaves develop
hardy evergreen rosette of basal leaves persists. as a flattened surface to present a large area for
During the second season, flowers, fruit and seeds efficient absorption of light energy. The leaf is sup-
develop to complete the life cycle. The plant then ported away from the stem by a stem-like append-
dies. Carrots, beets, cabbage, celery and onions age called a petiole. The base of the petiole is at-
are biennial plants. Hollyhock, Canterbury Bells tached to the stem at the node. The small angle
and Sweet William are biennials, which are com- formed between the petiole and the stem is called
monly grown for their attractive flowers. the leaf axil. An active or dormant bud or cluster of
Plants that typically develop as biennials may, buds is usually located in the axil.
in some cases, complete the cycle of growth The leaf blade is composed of several layers.
from seed germination to seed production in only On the top and bottom is a layer of thickened, tough
one growing season. This situation occurs when cells called the epidermis. The primary function of
drought, variations in temperature or other climatic the epidermis is protection of leaf tissue. The way
conditions cause the plant to physiologically pass in which the cells in the epidermis are arranged
through the equivalent of two growing seasons, in determines the texture of the leaf surface. Some
a single growing season. This phenomenon is re- leaves have hairs that are an extension of certain
ferred to as bolting. cells of the epidermis. The African violet has so
Perennial plants live for many years, and after many hairs that the leaf feels like velvet.
reaching maturity, typically produce flowers and Part of the epidermis is the cuticle, which is
seeds each year. Perennials are classified as her- composed of a waxy substance called cutin. Cu-
baceous if the top dies back to the ground each tin protects the leaf from dehydration and prevents
winter and new stems grow from the roots each penetration of some diseases. The amount of cu-
spring. They are classified as woody if the top per- tin is a direct response to sunlight, increasing with
sists, as in shrubs or trees. increasing light intensity. For this reason, plants
grown in the shade should be moved into full sun-
Stems as food light gradually, over a period of a few weeks, to al-
The edible portion of cultivated plants such as
asparagus and kohlrabi is an enlarged succulent
stem. The edible parts of broccoli are composed
of stem tissue, flower buds and a few small leaves.
The edible part of potato is a fleshy underground
stem called a tuber. Although the name suggests
otherwise, the edible part of the cauliflower is pro-
liferated stem tissue.

Figure 2.12. Broadleaf (top) and conifer leaf


Master Gardeners Manual 19

Figure 2.13. Leaf parts.
low the cutin layer to build and to protect the leaves Types of leaves
from the shock of rapid water loss or sunscald. The A number of rather distinct types of leaves oc-
waxy cutin also repels water and can shed pesti- cur on plants. Leaves, commonly referred to as
cides if spreader-sticker agents or soaps are not foliage, are the most common and conspicuous.
used. This is the reason many pesticide manufac- Leaves serve as the manufacturing centers where
turers include some sort of spray additive to ad- the photosynthetic activity of the plant occurs.
here to or penetrate the cutin layer. Scale leaves or cataphylls are found on rhizomes
On the underside of leaves, some epidermal and are also the small, leathery, protective leaves
cells are capable of opening and closing. These that enclose and protect buds. Seed leaves or
cells guard the interior of the leaf and regulate cotyledons are modified leaves found on the em-
the passage of water, oxygen and carbon dioxide bryonic plant and commonly serve as storage or-
through the leaf. These regulatory cells are called gans. Spines and tendrils, as found on barber-
guard cells. They protect openings in the leaf sur- ry and pea, are specialized modified leaves that
face called stoma. The opening and closing of the protect the plant or assist in supporting the stems.
cells is determined by the weather. Conditions that Storage leaves, as are found in bulbous plants
would cause large water losses from plants (high and succulents, serve as food storage organs.
temperature, low humidity) stimulate guard cells to Other specialized leaves include bracts, which
close. Mild weather conditions leave guard cells are often brightly colored. The showy structures on
in an open condition. Guard cells will close in the dogwoods and poinsettias are bracts, not petals.
absence of light.
The middle layer of the leaf is the mesophyll Venation of leaves
and is located between the upper and lower epi- The vascular bundles from the stem extend
dermis. This is the layer in which photosynthesis through the petiole and spread out into the blade.
occurs. The mesophyll is divided into a dense up- The term venation refers to the patterns in which
per layer, called the palisade, and a spongy lower the veins are distributed in the blade. Two prin-
layer that contains a great deal of air space, called cipal types of venation are parallel-veined and
the parenchyma layer. The cells in these two layers net-veined.
contain chloroplasts, which are the actual site of Parallel-veined leaves are those in which nu-
the photosynthetic process. merous veins run essentially parallel to each oth-
er and are connected laterally by minute, straight

Figure 2.14. Types of venation.

20 Master Gardeners Manual

veinlets. Possibly the most common type of paral- portance as identifying characteristics. Simple
lel-veining is that found in plants of the grass family leaves are those in which the leaf blade is a sin-
where the veins run from the base to the apex of gle continuous unit. A compound leaf is com-
the leaf. Another type of parallel-venation is found posed of several separate leaflets arising from
in plants such as banana, calla and pickerel-weed, the same petiole.
where the parallel veins run laterally from the mid- A deeply lobed leaf may appear similar to a
rib. Parallel-veined leaves occur on plants that are compound leaf, but if narrow bands of blade tis-
part of the monocotyledon group. sue connect the leaflets, it may be classified as
Net-veined leaves, also called reticu- a simple leaf. If the leaflets have separate stalks,
late-veined, have veins that branch from the main and particularly if these stalks are jointed at the
rib(s) and then subdivide into finer veinlets, which point of union with the main leaf-stalk, the leaf is
then unite in a complicated network. This system of considered to be compound. Some leaves may
enmeshed veins gives the leaf more resistance to be doubly compound, having divisions of the
tearing than most parallel-veined leaves. Net-ve- leaflets.
nation may be either pinnate or palmate. In pinnate Shape of the leaf blade: The following
venation, the veins extend laterally from the midrib are some common shapes found in leaves and
to the edge, as in apple, cherry and peach. Pal- leaflets.
mate venation occurs in grape and maple leaves, Linear: Narrow, several times longer than
where the principal veins extend outward, like the wide; approximately the same
ribs of a fan, from the petiole near the base of the width throughout.
leaf blade. Net-veined leaves occur on plants that Lanceolate: Longer than wide; tapering toward
are part of the dicotyledon group. the apex and base.
Elliptical: Two to three times longer than wide;
Using leaves to identify plants tapering to an acute or rounded
Leaves are useful in identifying species and apex and base.
varieties of horticultural plants. The shape of the Ovate: Egg-shaped, basal portion wide;
leaf blade and the type of margin are of major im- tapering toward the apex.

Figure 2.15. Types of leaves.

Master Gardeners Manual 21

Figure 2.16. Leaf shapes.

Figure 2.17. Arrangement of leaves on a stem.

Cordate: Heart-shaped, broadly ovate; taper- Dentate: Having teeth ending in an acute angle,
ing to an acute apex, with the base pointing outward.
turning in and forming a notch where Crenate: Having rounded teeth.
the petiole is attached. Sinuate: Having a pronounced sinuous or wavy
Shape of the leaf apex and base: The Incised: Margin cut into sharp, deep, irregular
following are common shapes found in leaves. teeth or incisions.
Acuminate: Tapering to a long, narrow point. Lobed: Incisions extend less than halfway to the
Acute: Ending in an acute angle, with a midrib.
sharp, but not acuminate, point. Cleft: Incisions extend more than halfway to
Obtuse: Tapering to a rounded edge. the midrib.
Sagittate: Arrowhead-shaped, with two pointed
lower lobes. Leaf arrangement along a stem: The
Truncate: Having a relatively square end. various ways leaves are arranged along a stem
are also used to help identify plants. Rosulate ar-
Leaf margins: Studying leaf margins is es- rangement is one in which the basal leaves form
pecially useful in the identification of certain variet- a rosette around the stem with extremely short
ies of fruit plants. nodes. Opposite leaves are positioned across the
Entire: A smooth edge with no teeth or notches. stem from each other, two leaves at each node.
Serrate: Having small, sharp teeth pointing to- Alternate or spiral leaves are arranged in alternate
ward the apex.

22 Master Gardeners Manual

steps along the stem with only one leaf at each ils and at the apex. Such buds develop into leafy
node. Whorled leaves are arranged in circles shoots. Leaf buds are often less plump and more
along the stem. pointed than flower buds.
A flower bud is composed of a short stem with
Leaves as food embryonic flower parts. In some cases, the flower
The leaf blade is the principal edible part of buds of plants that produce fruit crops of econom-
several horticultural crops including chive, col- ic importance, are called fruit buds. This terminol-
lard, dandelion, endive, kale, leaf lettuce, mustard, ogy is objectionable because, although flowers
parsley, spinach and Swiss chard. The edible part have the potential for developing into fruit, this de-
of leek, onion and Florence fennel is a cluster of velopment may never occur because of adverse
fleshy leaf bases. The petiole of the leaf is the ed- weather conditions, lack of pollination or other un-
ible product in celery and rhubarb. In plants like favorable circumstances. The structure is a flower
Brussels sprout, cabbage and head lettuce, the bud, and should be so designated, since it may
leaves – in the form of a large, naked bud – are the never set fruit.
edible product.
Types of buds
Buds Buds are named for the location they inhab-
A bud is an undeveloped shoot from which it on the stem surface. Terminal buds are those
embryonic leaves or flower parts arise. The buds located at the apex of a stem. Lateral buds are
of trees and shrubs of the temperate zone typically borne on the sides of the stem. Most lateral buds
develop a protective outer layer of small, leathery arise in the axil of a leaf and are called axillary
bud scales. Annual plants and herbaceous peren- buds. In some instances, more than one bud is
nials have naked buds in which the outer leaves formed. Adventitious buds are those that arise at
are green and somewhat succulent. sites other than in the terminal or axillary position.
Buds of many plants require exposure to a cer- Adventitious buds may develop from the internode
tain number of days below a critical temperature of the stem, at the edge of a leaf blade, from callus
(rest) before they will resume growth in the spring. tissue at the cut end of a stem or root, or laterally
This time period varies for different plants. The from the roots of a plant.
flower buds of forsythia require a relatively short
rest period and will grow at the first sign of warm Buds as food
weather. Many peach varieties require from 700 Enlarged buds or parts of buds form the edi-
to 1,000 hours of temperatures below 45 F (7 C) ble portion of some horticultural crops. Cabbage
before they will resume growth. During rest, dor- and head lettuce are examples of unusually large
mant buds can withstand very low temperatures, terminal buds. Succulent axillary buds of Brussels
but after the rest period is satisfied, buds become sprouts become the edible part of this plant. In the
more susceptible to weather conditions, and can case of globe artichoke, the fleshy basal portion of
be damaged easily by cold temperatures or frost. the bracts of the flower bud is eaten along with the
A leaf bud is composed of a short stem with solid stem portion of the bud. Broccoli is the most
embryonic leaves, with bud primordia in the ax- important horticultural plant in which edible flower

Figure 2.18. Leaf and flower buds.

Master Gardeners Manual 23

buds are consumed. In this case, portions of the diameter because of a lack of significant cambi-
stem as well as small leaves associated with the al activity. One factor, which causes shrubs and
flower buds are eaten. dwarf trees to remain smaller than standard trees,
is the inactivity of the cambium tissue in the roots.
Roots If plants that normally develop a taproot are un-
A thorough knowledge of plant systems is dercut so the taproot is severed early in the plant’s
essential if their growth, flowering and fruiting re- life, the root will lose its taproot characteristic and
sponses are to be understood. The structure and develop a fibrous root system. This is done com-
growth habits of roots have a pronounced effect on mercially in nurseries so trees, which naturally
the size and vigor of the plant, method of propaga- have taproots, will develop a compact, fibrous root
tion, adaptation to certain soil types and response system. This allows a higher rate of transplanting
to cultural practices and irrigation. The roots of success.
certain vegetable crops are important as food. The quantity and distribution of plant roots is
Roots typically originate from the lower portion very important because these two factors have a
of a plant or cutting. They possess a root cap, have major influence on the absorption of moisture and
no nodes and never bear leaves or flowers directly. nutrients. The depth and spread of the roots is de-
The principal functions of roots are to absorb nutri- pendent on the inherent growth characteristics of
ents and moisture, to anchor the plant in the soil, to
furnish physical support for the stem and to serve
as food storage organs. In some plants, they may
be used as means of propagation.

Types of roots
A primary (radicle) root originates at the low-
er end of the embryo of a seedling plant. A tap-
root is formed when the primary root continues to
elongate downward into the soil and becomes the
central and most important feature of the root sys-
tem, with a somewhat limited amount of secondary
branching. Some trees, especially nut trees like
pecan, have a long taproot with very few lateral
or fibrous roots. This makes them difficult to trans-
plant and necessitates planting only in deep, well-
drained soil. The taproot of carrot, parsnip and sal-
sify is the principal edible part of these crops.
A lateral, or secondary, root is a side or branch
root, which arises from another root.
A fibrous root system is one in which the pri-
mary root ceases to elongate, leading to the de-
velopment of numerous lateral roots, which branch
repeatedly and form the feeding root system of the
Figure 2.20. Root structure.
plant. A fibrous root is one that remains small in

Figure 2.19. Types of roots.

24 Master Gardeners Manual

the plant and the texture and structure of the soil. len root, called a tuberous root, which serves as
Roots will penetrate much deeper in a loose, well- a food storage area for the plant. Carrot, parsnip,
drained soil than in a heavy, poorly-drained soil. A salsify and radish are elongated taproots.
dense, compacted layer in the soil will restrict or
stop root growth. Flowers
During early development, a seedling plant ab- The sole function of the flower, which is gener-
sorbs nutrients and moisture from the few inches ally the showiest part of the plant, is sexual repro-
of soil surrounding it. Therefore, the early growth duction. Its attractiveness and fragrance have not
of most horticultural crops that are seeded in rows evolved to please man, but to ensure the continu-
benefits from band applications of fertilizer placed ance of the plant species. Fragrance and color are
several inches to each side and slightly below the devices to attract pollinators – insects that play an
seeds. important role in the reproductive process.
As plants become well established, the root The classification of flowers and/or reproduc-
system develops laterally and usually extends far tive parts of the plant to give plants a genus and
beyond the spread of the branches. For most cul- specific epithet name. This has proven to be the
tivated crops, roots meet and overlap between the best system, since flowers are the plant part least
rows. The greatest concentration of fibrous roots influenced by environmental changes. For this rea-
occurs in the top foot of soil, but significant num- son, knowledge of the flower and its parts is es-
bers of laterals may grow downward from these sential to plant identification.
roots to provide an effective absorption system
several feet deep. Parts of the flower
As the reproductive part of the plant, the flower
Parts of a root contains the male pollen and/or the female ovule
Internally, there are three major parts of a root. plus accessory parts such as petals, sepals and
The meristem is at the tip and manufactures new nectar glands.
cells; it is an area of cell division and growth. Be- Sepals are small, green, leaf-like structures on
hind it is the zone of elongation, in which cells the base of the flower that protect the flower bud.
increase in size through food and water absorp- The sepals collectively are called the calyx.
tion. These cells, by increasing in size, push the Petals are highly colored portions of the flow-
root through the soil. The third major root part is the er. They may contain perfume as well as nectar
maturation zone, in which cells undergo chang- glands. The number of petals on a flower is often
es to become specific tissues such as epidermis, used in the identification of plant families and gen-
cortex or vascular tissue. The epidermis is the out- era. The petals collectively are called the corolla.
ermost layer of cells surrounding the root. These Flowers of dicots typically have sepals and/or pet-
cells are responsible for the absorption of water als in multiples of four or five. Monocots typically
and minerals dissolved in water. Cortex cells are have these floral parts in multiples of three.
involved in the movement of water from the epider- The pistil is the female part of the plant. It is
mis and in food storage. Vascular tissue is locat- generally shaped like a bowling pin and located
ed in the center of the root and conducts food and in the center of the flower. It consists of the stig-
Externally, there are two areas of importance;
root hairs are found along the main root and per-
form much of the actual work of water/nutrient ab-
sorption. The root cap is the outermost tip of the
root, and consists of cells that are sloughed off as
the root grows through the soil. The root cap cov-
ers and protects the meristem.

Roots as food
The enlarged root is the edible portion of sev-
Figure 2.21. Parts of a flower.
eral vegetable crops. The sweet potato is a swol-

Master Gardeners Manual 25

ma, style and ovary. The stigma is located at the If a flower contains functional stamens and pis-
top, and is connected to the ovary by the style. tils, it is called a perfect flower. (Stamen and pis-
The ovary contains the eggs, which reside in the tils are considered the essential parts of a flower).
ovules. After the egg is fertilized, the ovule devel- If either of the essential parts is lacking, the flower
ops into a seed. is imperfect.
The stamen is the male reproductive organ. It Pistillate (female) flowers are those that pos-
consists of a pollen sac (anther) and a long, sup- sess a functional pistil(s), but lack stamens. Sta-
porting filament. This filament holds the anther, minate (male) flowers contain stamens, but no
which contains pollen in position so the pollen may pistils.
be disbursed by wind or carried to the stigma by Because cross-fertilization combines differ-
insects or birds. ent genetic material and produces stronger seed,
cross-pollinated plants are usually more suc-
Types of flowers cessful than self-pollinated plants. Consequently,
If a flower has a stamen, pistils, petals and more plants reproduce by cross-pollination than
sepals, it is called a complete flower. If one of self-pollination.
these parts is missing, the flower is designated As previously mentioned, there are plants that
incomplete. bear only male flowers (staminate plants) or bear
only female flowers (pistillate plants). Species in
stigma which the sexes are separated into staminate and
generative nucleus pistillate plants are called dioecious. Most holly
tube nucleus
trees are dioecious; therefore, to obtain berries, it
is necessary to have a female tree. Monoecious
plants are those that have separate male and fe-
male flowers on the same plant. Corn plants and
pecan trees are examples. Some plants bear only
male flowers at the beginning of the growing sea-
ovary son, but later develop flowers of both sexes; exam-
ples are cucumbers and squash.
embryo sac
How seeds form
pollen tube
polar nuciei Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an
integument anther to a stigma. This may occur by wind or by
pollinators. Wind-pollinated flowers lack showy flo-
tube nucleus funiculus ral parts and nectar, since they don’t need to at-
tract a pollinator. Flowers are brightly colored or
patterned and contain a fragrance or nectar when
Figure 2.22. Cross-section of a flower. they must attract insects, animals or birds. In the
process of searching for nectar, these pollinators

Spike Raceme Corymb Umbel

Head Dischasium cyme Helicoid cyme Scorpioid cyme

Figure 2.23. Types of flowers.

26 Master Gardeners Manual

will transfer pollen from flower to flower. If the pol- on. A corymb is made up of florets whose stalks
len is transferred to stigmas of flowers on the same and pedicels are arranged at random along the
plant, self-pollination results; if it is transferred to peduncle in such a way that the florets create a
flowers on a different plant, cross-pollination oc- flat, round top. Yarrow has a corymb inflorescence.
curs. Cross-pollination brings about a combination An umbel is similar except that the pedicels all
of genes from two parents, resulting in a greater arise from one point on the peduncle. Dill has an
variety of offspring than with self-pollination. The umbel inflorescence. A head, or composite, inflo-
increased variability of offspring may result in a rescence is made up of numerous stemless florets
greater adaptability to different environments, a which is characteristic of daisy inflorescence.
feature of evolutionary advantage to a species. In the cyme group, the top floret opens first and
The stigma contains a chemical, which excites blooms downward along the peduncle. A dichasi-
the pollen, causing it to grow a long tube, down the um cyme has florets opposite each other along
inside of the style, to the ovules inside the ovary. the peduncle. Baby’s breath inflorescence is an
The sperm is released by the pollen grain and fer- example. A helicoid cyme is one in which the low-
tilization typically occurs. Fertilization is the union er florets are all on the same side of the peduncle,
of the male sperm nucleus (from the pollen grain) examples being freesia and statice inflorescenc-
and the female egg (in the ovule). If fertilization is es. A scorpioid cyme is one in which the florets
successful, the ovule will develop into a seed. are alternate to each other along the peduncle.
Examples are tomato and potato inflorescences.
Types of inflorescences
Some plants bear only one flower per stem and Fruit
are called solitary flowers. Other plants produce Parts of fruit
an inflorescence, a term that refers to a cluster Fruit consists of the fertilized and mature
of flowers and how they are arranged on a floral ovules called seeds and the ovary wall, which may
stem. Most inflorescences may be classified into be fleshy, as in the apple; or dry and hard, as in a
two groups, racemes and cymes. maple fruit. The only parts of the fruit, which are
In the racemose group, the florets, which are genetically representative of both the male and
individual flowers in an inflorescence, bloom from
the bottom of the stem and progress toward the Fig
top. Some examples of racemose inflorescence in-
clude spike, raceme, corymb, umbel and head. A
spike is an inflorescence in which many stemless
florets are attached to an elongated flower stem, or
peduncle, an example being gladiolus. A raceme Numerous achene-like
is similar to a spike, except the florets are borne Achene-like fruit embedded in fruits develop from flowers
fleshy receptacle that bloom within fleshy
on small stems attached to the peduncle. An ex-
ample of a raceme inflorescence is the snapdrag- Figure 2.25. Aggregate fruit (left) and multiple
fruit (right).
Bony stone
enclosing seed
Samaras or
Seeds Fleshy Seed
Dry Fruit
Pome Drupe Angular berry-like
Simple Simple fruit embedded in
thickened stem
Drupe-like fruit clustered on
cone-shaped recepticle

Aggregate Cone composed of
leaf-like vegetative ma-
Figure 2.24. Types of fruit.
terial and dry fruit

Master Gardeners Manual 27

female flowers, are the seeds (mature ovules). Seedlings
The rest of the fruit arises from the maternal plant, Germination is the resumption of active em-
therefore genetically identical to the parent. Some bryo growth. Prior to any visual signs of growth, the
fruits have seeds enclosed within the ovary (ap- seed must absorb water through the seed coat.
ples, peaches, oranges, squash, cucumbers). In addition, the seed must be in the proper envi-
Others have seeds that are situated on the periph- ronmental conditions. It must be exposed to oxy-
ery of fruit tissue (corn, strawberry). gen, favorable temperatures and for some, correct
light. The radicle is the first part of the seedling
Types of fruit to emerge from the seed. It will develop into the
Fruits can be classified as simple fruits, ag- primary root from which root hairs and lateral roots
gregate fruits or multiple fruits. Simple fruits are will develop. The portion of the seedling between
those that develop from a single ovary. These in- the radicle and the first leaf-like structure is called
clude cherries and peaches (drupe), pears and the hypocotyl. The seed leaves, cotyledons, en-
apples (pome) and tomatoes (berries). Tomatoes case the embryo and are usually different in shape
are a botanical fruit, since they develop from the from the leaves that the mature plant will produce.
flower, as do squash, cucumbers and eggplant. All Plants producing one cotyledon fall into the group
of these fruits develop from a single ovary. Other of monocotyledons or monocots. Plants produc-
types of simple fruit are dry. The fruit wall becomes ing two seed leaves are called dicotyledons or
papery or leathery and hard. Examples are peanut dicots.
(legumes), poppy (capsule), maple (samara) and
walnut (nut).
Aggregate fruits, such as raspberries, come Physiology: Plant Growth
from a single flower that has many ovaries. The
flower appears as a simple flower, with one corol-
and Development
la, one calyx and one stem, but with many pistils or
The three major plant functions basic for plant
ovaries. The ovaries are fertilized separately and
growth and development are photosynthesis, res-
independently. If ovules are not pollinated suc-
piration and transpiration.
cessfully, the fruit will be misshapen and imper-
fect. Strawberry and blackberry are also aggre-
gate fruits with the addition of an edible, enlarged Photosynthesis
receptacle. For this reason, they are sometimes One of the major differences between plants
termed aggregate-accessory fruits. and animals is the ability of plants to internally
Multiple fruits are derived from a tight cluster manufacture their own food. To produce food for
of separate, independent flowers borne on a sin- itself, a plant requires energy from sunlight, carbon
gle structure. Each flower will have its own calyx dioxide from the air and water from the soil. If any
and corolla. Examples of multiple fruits are pineap- of these ingredients is lacking, photosynthesis or
ples, figs and beets. food production will stop. If any factor is removed
for a long period of time, the plant will die. Pho-
tosynthesis literally means “to put together with
The seed, or matured ovule, is made up of
three parts. The embryo is a miniature plant in an
Carbon dioxide + Water ----------------------- ›Sugar + Oxygen
arrested state of development. Most seeds con-
tain a built-in food supply called the endosperm
6CO2 + 6H2O -------------------- › C6H1206 + 602
673 kcal of radiant energy
(orchid is an exception). The endosperm can be Chlorphyflous cells

made up of proteins, carbohydrates or fats. The

Plants first store the energy from light in simple
third part is the hard outer covering, called a seed
sugars, such as glucose. This food may be con-
coat, which protects the seed from disease and
verted back to water and carbon dioxide, releas-
insects and prevents water from entering the seed
ing the stored energy through the process called
(this would initiate the germination process before
respiration. This energy is required for all living
the proper time).
processes and growth. Simple sugars are also

converted to other sugars and starches (carbo-

28 Master Gardeners Manual

plumule plumule
Seed coat endosperm hypocotyl (sheathed)
seed coat
plumule radicle hypocotyl
hypocotyl endosperm
micropyle radicle
perisperm cotyledon
radicle cotyledon
seed coat
Beta vulgaris Allium cepa

Phaseolus vulgaris

Figure 2.26. Parts of a seed. (one cotyledon removed)

Phaseolus vulgaris Allium cepa

Figure 2.27. Germination of dicot (left) and monocot (right)

hydrates), which may be transported to the stems movement of water and air. The protective up-
and roots for use or storage or they may be used per and lower epidermis (skin) layers of the leaf
as building blocks for more complex structures, include many stomata that regulate movement of
e.g. oils, pigments, proteins, cell walls, etc. the gases involved in photosynthesis into and out
Any green plant tissue is capable of photo- of the leaf.
synthesis. Chloroplasts in these cells contain the Photosynthesis is dependent on the availability
green pigment, which traps the light energy. How- of light. Generally speaking, as sunlight increases
ever, leaves are generally the site of most food pro- in intensity, photosynthesis increases. This results
duction due to their special structure. The internal in greater food production. Many garden crops,
tissue (mesophyll) contains cells with abundant such as tomatoes, respond best to maximum
chloroplasts in an arrangement that allows easy sunlight. Tomato production is cut drastically as
light intensities drop. Only two or three varieties of

Guard Cell
Carbon Dioxide + Water Stoma
Oxygen Epidermal Cells
(in sun + chlorophyll)
Energy Released

Calcium Water Air Chamber Chloroplasts
Other elements

Figure 2.28. How a plant grows. Figure 2.29. Cross-section of a leaf.

Master Gardeners Manual 29

“greenhouse” tomatoes will produce any fruit when wood or coal to produce heat (energy). This pro-
sunlight is minimal in late fall and early spring. cess in cells is shown most simply as;
Water plays an important role in photosynthe-
sis in several ways. First, it maintains a plant’s tur- C6H12O2 + 6O2 ➔ 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
gor or the firmness or fullness of plant tissue. Tur-
gor pressure in a cell can be compared to air in an This equation is precisely the opposite of that
inflated balloon. Water pressure or turgor is need- used to illustrate photosynthesis, although more
ed in plant cells to maintain shape and ensure cell is involved than just reversing the reaction. It is
growth. Secondly, water is split into hydrogen and appropriate to relate photosynthesis to a build-
oxygen by the energy of the sunlight that has been ing process, while respiration is a breaking-down
absorbed by the chlorophyll in the plant leaves. process.
The oxygen is released into the atmosphere and
the hydrogen is used in manufacturing carbohy- Photosynthesis Respiration
drates. Next, water dissolves minerals from the soil
and transports them up from the roots and through- 1. Produces food. 1. Uses food for
out the plant, where they serve as raw materials in 2. Stores energy. plant energy.
the growth of new plant tissues. The soil surround- 3. Occurs in cells 2. Releases energy.
ing a plant should be moist, not too wet or too dry. containing chloroplasts. 3. Occurs in all cells.
Water is pulled through the plant by evaporation of 4. Releases oxygen. 4. Uses oxygen.
water through the leaves (transpiration). 5. Uses water. 5. Produces water.
Photosynthesis also requires carbon dioxide 6. Uses carbon dioxide. 6. Produces carbon
(CO2), which enters the plant through the stoma- 7. Occurs in sunlight. dioxide.
ta. Carbon and oxygen are used in the manufac- 7. Occurs in darkness
ture of carbohydrates. Carbon dioxide in the air is as well as light.
plentiful enough so it is not a limiting factor in plant
growth. However, since carbon dioxide is con- By now, it should be clear that respiration is the
sumed in making sugars and is not replenished by reverse of photosynthesis. Unlike photosynthesis,
plants at a rapid rate, a tightly closed greenhouse respiration occurs at night as well as during the
in midwinter may not let in enough outside air to day. Respiration occurs in all life forms and in all
maintain an adequate carbon dioxide level. With cells. The release of accumulated carbon dioxide
those conditions, improved crops of roses, car- and the uptake of oxygen occurs at the cellular
nations, tomatoes and certain other crops can be level. In animals, blood carries both carbon diox-
produced if the carbon dioxide level is raised with ide and oxygen to and from the atmosphere by
CO2 generators or in small greenhouses with dry means of the lungs or gills. In plants, there is sim-
ice. ple diffusion into the open spaces within the leaf,
Although not a direct component in photosyn- and exchange occurs through the stomata.
thesis, temperature is an important factor. Pho-
tosynthesis occurs at its highest rate in the tem- Transpiration
perature range 65 F to 85 F (18 C to 27 C) and Transpiration is the process by which a plant
decreases when temperatures are above or below loses water, primarily from leaf stomata. Transpi-
this range. ration is a necessary process involving the use of
about 90 percent of the water that enters the plant
Respiration through the roots. The other 10 percent of the wa-
Carbohydrates made during photosynthesis ter is used in chemical reactions and in plant tis-
are of value to the plant when they are converted sues. Transpiration is necessary for mineral trans-
into energy. This energy is used in the process of port from the soil to the plant parts, for the cooling
building new tissues (plant growth). The chemical of plant parts through evaporation, to move sug-
process by which sugars and starches produced ars and plant chemicals and for the maintenance
by photosynthesis are converted into energy is of turgor pressure. The amount of water lost from
called respiration. It is similar to the burning of the plant depends on several environmental fac-

30 Master Gardeners Manual

tors such as temperature, humidity and wind or growth. Red light, when combined with blue light,
air movement. An increase in temperature or air encourages flowering in plants. Fluorescent, or
movement decreases humidity and causes the cool-white, light is high in the blue range of light
guard cells in the leaf to shrink, opening the sto- quality and is used to encourage leafy growth.
mata and increasing the rate of transpiration. Such light would be excellent for starting seed-
lings. Incandescent light is high in the red or or-
ange range, but generally produces too much heat
Environmental Factors to be a valuable light source. Fluorescent “grow”
lights have a mixture of red and blue colors that
Affecting Plant Growth attempts to imitate sunlight as closely as possible,
but they are costly and generally not of any greater
The environment limits plant growth and dis-
value than regular fluorescent lights.
tribution. If any one environmental factor is less
Light duration, or photoperiod, refers to the
than ideal, it will become a limiting factor in plant
amount of time a plant is exposed to sunlight.
growth. Limiting factors are also responsible for the
When the concept of photoperiod was first recog-
geography of plant distribution. For example, only
nized, it was thought that the length of periods of
plants adapted to limited amounts of water can
light triggered flowering. The various categories
live in deserts. Most plant problems are caused by
of response were named according to the light
environmental stress, either directly or indirectly.
length (i.e., short-day and long-day). It was then
Therefore, it is important to understand the envi-
discovered that it is not the length of the light pe-
ronmental aspects that affect plant growth. These
riod, but the length of uninterrupted dark periods
factors are light, temperature, water, humidity and
that is critical to floral development. The ability of
many plants to flower is controlled by photoperiod.
Plants can be classified into three categories, de-
Light pending upon their flowering response to the dura-
Light has three principal characteristics that af- tion of darkness. These are short-day, long-day or
fect plant growth: quantity, quality and duration. day-neutral plants.
Light quantity refers to the intensity or concen- Short-day plants form their flowers only when
tration of sunlight and varies with the season of the the day length is less than 12 hours in dura-
year. In the northern hemisphere, the maximum is tion. Short-day plants include many spring- and
present in the summer and the minimum in winter. fall-flowering plants such as chrysanthemum and
The more sunlight a plant receives (up to a point), poinsettia.
the better capacity it has to produce plant food Long-day plants form flowers only when day
through photosynthesis. As the sunlight quantity lengths exceed 12  hours (short nights). They in-
decreases, the photosynthetic process decreas- clude almost all of the summer-flowering plants,
es. Light quantity can be decreased in a garden such as rudbeckia and California poppy, as well
or greenhouse by using shade cloth above the as many vegetables including beet, radish, let-
plants. It can be increased by surrounding plants tuce, spinach and potato.
with white or reflective materials or supplemental Day-neutral plants form flowers regardless of
lights. day length. Some plants do not really fit into any
Light quality refers to the color or wavelength category but may be responsive to combinations
reaching the plant surface. Sunlight can be bro- of day lengths. The petunia will flower regardless
ken up by a prism into respective colors of red, of day length, but flowers earlier and more pro-
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. On fusely under long daylight. Since chrysanthemums
a rainy day, raindrops act as tiny prisms and break flower under the short-day conditions of spring or
the sunlight into these colors, producing a rain- fall, the method for manipulating the plant into ex-
bow. Red and blue light have the greatest effect periencing short days is very simple. If long days
on plant growth. Green light is least effective to are predominant, a shade cloth is used over the
plants as they reflect green. It is this reflected light chrysanthemum for 12 hours daily to block out
that makes them appear green to us. Blue light is light until flower buds are initiated. To bring a long-
primarily responsible for vegetative growth or leaf day plant into flower when sunlight is not present

Master Gardeners Manual 31

longer than 12 hours, artificial light is added until growth begins. The flowers are then ready for cut-
flower buds are initiated. ting in three to four weeks.
Thermoperiod refers to daily temperature
Temperature change. Plants respond and produce maximum
growth when exposed to a day temperature that
Temperature affects the productivity and growth is about 10 to 15 degrees higher than the night
of a plant, depending upon whether the plant vari- temperature. This allows the plant to photosynthe-
ety is a warm- or cool-season crop. If temperatures size (build up) and respire (break down) during an
are high and day length is long, cool-season crops optimum daytime temperature and to curtail the
such as spinach will bolt rather than produce the rate of respiration during a cooler night. High tem-
desired flower. Temperatures that are too low for peratures cause increased respiration, sometimes
a warm-season crop such as tomato will prevent above the rate of photosynthesis. This means that
fruit set. Adverse temperatures also cause stunted the products of photosynthesis are being used
growth and poor quality; for example, high tem- more rapidly than they are being produced. For
peratures cause the bitterness in lettuce. growth to occur, photosynthesis must be greater
Sometimes temperatures are used in connec- than respiration.
tion with day length to manipulate the flowering of Low temperatures can result in poor growth.
plants. Chrysanthemums will flower for a longer Photosynthesis is slowed down at low tempera-
period of time if daylight temperatures are 59 F (15 tures. Since photosynthesis is slowed, growth is
C). The Christmas cactus forms flowers as a result slowed, and this results in lower yields. Not all
of short days and low temperatures. Temperatures plants grow best in the same temperature range.
alone also influence flowering. Daffodils are forced For example, snapdragons grow best when night-
to flower by putting the bulbs in cold storage in time temperatures are 55 F (12 C); the poinsettia
October at 35 F to 40 F (2 C to 4 C). The cold tem- prefers 62 F (17 C).
peratures allow the bulb to mature. The bulbs are Florist cyclamen does well under very cool
transferred to the greenhouse in midwinter where conditions, while many bedding plants prefer a
higher temperature. Recently, it has been found

Figure 2.30. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.

32 Master Gardeners Manual

that roses can tolerate much lower nighttime tem- Dormancy: After a period of low
peratures than was previously believed. This has temperature, warmth will break
meant a conservation in energy for greenhouse dormancy and the plant will
growers. resume active growth.
However, in some cases, a certain number of
days of low temperatures are needed by plants to Water
grow properly. This is true of crops growing in cold As mentioned earlier, water is a primary com-
regions of the country. Peaches are a prime ex- ponent of photosynthesis. It maintains the turgor
ample; most varieties require 700 to 1,000 hours pressure or firmness of tissue and transports nu-
below 45 F (7 C) and above 32 F (0 C) before they trients throughout the plant. In maintaining turgor
break their rest period and begin growth. Lilies pressure, water is the major constituent of the
need six weeks at 33 F (1 C) before blooming. protoplasm of a cell. By means of turgor pressure
Plants can be classified as either hardy or non- and other changes in the cell, water regulates the
hardy, depending upon their ability to withstand opening and closing of the stomates, thus regulat-
cold temperatures. This is the basis of the USDA ing transpiration. Water also provides the pressure
Plant Hardiness Zone Map (Figure ). It should be to move a root through the soil. Among water’s
mentioned that the Hardiness Zone Map does not most critical roles is that of the solvent for minerals
consider the plant’s ability to withstand various moving into the plant and for carbohydrates mov-
soil types (i.e., alkaline versus acidic, clay versus ing to their site of use or storage. By its gradual
sand). evaporation from the surface of the leaf near the
Winter injury can occur to nonhardy plants if stomata, water helps stabilize plant temperature.
temperatures are too low, or if unseasonably low Relative humidity (RH) is the ratio of water va-
temperatures occur early in the fall or late in the por in the air to the amount of water the air could
spring. Winter injury may also occur because of hold at a given temperature and pressure, ex-
desiccation (drying out) – plants need water during pressed as a percent. For example, if a pound of
the winter. When the soil is frozen, the movement air at 75 F could hold 4 grams of water vapor and
of water into the plant is severely restricted. On a there are only 3 grams of water in the air, then the
windy winter day, broadleaved evergreens can be- relative humidity is:
come water-deficient in a few minutes; the leaves
or needles then turn brown. Wide variations in win- RH = water in the air
ter temperatures can cause premature bud break water the air could hold
in some plants and consequent bud-freezing (at constant temperature and pressure)
damage. Late spring frosts can ruin entire peach
crops. If temperatures drop too low during the win- so, RH = 3/4 = .75 expressed as a % = 75%
ter, entire trees of some species are killed by the
freezing and splitting of plant cells and tissue. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold
air; therefore, if the amount of water in the air stays
Review of temperature effects the same and the temperature increases, the rela-
on plant growth: tive humidity decreases.
Water vapor will move from an area of high rel-
Photosynthesis: Increases with temperature to a ative humidity to one of low relative humidity. The
point. greater the difference in humidity, the faster water
Respiration: Rapidly increases with will move.
temperature. The relative humidity in the air space between
Transpiration: Increases with temperature. the cells within the leaf approaches 100 percent;
Flowering: May be partially triggered by therefore, when the stomate is open, water vapor
temperature. rushes out. As the vapor moves out, a cloud of
Sugar storage: Low temperatures reduce high humidity is formed around the stomate. This
energy use and increase sugar cloud of humidity helps slow down transpiration
storage. and cool the leaf. If air movement blows the humid

Master Gardeners Manual 33

plant. Through the properties of hydration and co-
hesion, water can be pulled even to the top of a
350-foot redwood tree.

Plant response to lack of water
When plants experience a lack of water in the
soil, several responses can occur. The most com-
mon sign of drought stress is wilting. However,
plants also show other signs, including leaf rolling,
color changes, leaf burning and loss of leaves.
Most of the turfgrasses show stress by wilting,
as indicated when footprints are seen after a walk
across the lawn. Turfgrasses with wider leaves
such as St. Augustine will roll their leaves length-
wise in an attempt to reduce the leaf area and wa-
Figure 2.31. Cross-section of a leaf. Dots repre- ter loss. Lawn grasses often show dullness versus
sent relative humidity. the shiny green of a healthy plant.
Many vegetables, flowers and shrubs will show
cloud away, transpiration will increase as the sto- these signs and/or burning of the leaf edges or
mata keep opening to balance the humidity. margins. The crispy margins occur when less than
adequate supplies of water are flowing through the
Movement of water through the plant plant. Some plants in the landscape and garden
The cohesion theory best explains how water will also drop leaves or fruit during drought stress.
moves into and through a plant. It is through this The plant is simply attempting to lighten the de-
theory that one can begin to understand how wa- mand for water and increasing its ability to survive
ter moves from the root system of a California red- drought. Two examples of this plant response fol-
wood through the vascular system and ultimately low: 1) ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), a desert
to the tips of the leaves some 350 feet above the plant that drops its leaves when water stressed
ground. There are three basic elements of the co- and 2) the common fig, which drops its fruit at the
hesion theory – the driving force, hydration of the first sign of water shortage.
pathway and the cohesion of water.
The driving force for the movement of water Managing plant water stress
through the plant is the tremendous affinity dry air The goal of the home gardener is to reduce
has for water. Discussed earlier in terms of relative plant water stress to maintain a quality landscape
humidity, water moves from an area of high water and/or a productive garden. When adequate mois-
concentration to an area of lower concentration. ture is available to the plant, a continuous flow of
For example, air at a relative humidity of 50 percent water exists from the root hairs up to the leaves. If
will pull (suck) moisture from plant tissue, which is inadequate moisture is present in the soil, or if the
near 100 percent saturation. This process was dis- rate of evaporation from the leaves exceeds the
cussed earlier and is known as transpiration. rate at which water can be moved upwards by the
The hydration component refers to water’s abil- plant, then water stress ensues.
ity to adhere with great strength to the surface of During hot, summer months, most plants on a
cell walls. As water is literally sucked through the daily basis can tolerate moderate stress as long as
plant by transpiration, hydration keeps the water moisture is replenished during the low-stress night
moving upward, preventing it from receding back period. However, severe or prolonged moisture
down the plant due to gravity forces. stress will result in permanent wilting and damage
Cohesion of water is the key component of to the plant.
the theory. Water is highly resistant to changes in Plants differ greatly in their ability to extract
volume and can be subjected to strong suction or water from the soil and in the amount of water re-
tension. The driving force of transpiration can pull quired for normal plant growth and development.
water from the soil into the roots and up into the

34 Master Gardeners Manual

Some plants are classified as drought tolerant be- cles by the root. Most of the nutrient elements are
cause they can function with dry soil conditions. absorbed as charged ions, or pieces of molecules
Drought tolerance can be due to several physical (which are the smallest particle of a substance that
features: can exist and still retain the characteristics of the
• Deep and well-developed root systems. substance). Ions may be positively charged cat-
• Waxy leaf surfaces. ions or negatively charged anions. Positive and
• Leaf hairs, which reduce air flow past the leaf negative are equally paired, so there is no overall
surface. charge. For example, nitrogen may be absorbed
• Shiny surfaces, which reflect light. as nitrate (NO3-), which is an anion with one nega-
• Leaves that fold up or drop under stress tive charge. The potassium ion (K+) is a cation with
conditions. one positive charge. Potassium nitrate (K+NO3-)
would be one nitrate ion and one potassium ion.
Too much water in the rootzone also can be However, calcium nitrate [Ca++(NO3-)2] would have
damaging to the plant due to a reduction in ox- two nitrate ions and one calcium ion because the
ygen in the area around the root hairs. This can calcium cation has two positive charges.
occur when irrigation is performed too frequently The balance of ions in the soil is very import-
or in too great an amount for the plant to remove ant. Just as ions having opposite charges attract
and use water from the rootzone. each other, ions having similar charges compete
Thus, the objective of a proper irrigation for chemical interactions and reactions in the en-
schedule is to supply the right amount of water vironment. Some ions are more active than others
before harmful stress occurs and enough water to or can compete better. For example, both calcium
replenish the amount of water used since the last (Ca++) and magnesium (Mg++) are cations with two
irrigation. charges, but magnesium is more active. If both are
in competition to be absorbed, the magnesium will
Nutrition be absorbed. This explains why the results of a
Many people confuse plant nutrition with plant soil test may indicate that, while there is sufficient
fertilization. Plant nutrition refers to the needs and calcium in the soil, the plant may still exhibit a cal-
uses of the basic chemical elements in the plant. cium deficiency because of an excess of the more
Fertilization is the term used when these materials active magnesium.
are supplied to the environment around the plant. What may be expressed as a deficiency in one
A lot must happen before a chemical element sup- micronutrient may really be caused by an excess
plied in a fertilizer can be taken up and used by of another.
the plant. For the ions to be easily absorbed, they must
Plants need 16 elements for normal growth. first be dissolved in the soil solution. Some com-
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are found in air binations of ions, such as potassium nitrate are
and water. Nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, cal- easily dissolved. When other ions combine, they
cium, phosphorous and sulfur are found in the soil. may precipitate or fall out of solution, thus become
The latter six elements are used in relatively large unavailable to the plant. Many of the micronutri-
amounts by the plant and are called macronutri- ents form complex combinations with phospho-
ents. Other elements are used in much smaller rous and calcium and precipitate out of the soil
amounts are called micronutrients or trace ele- solution so the nutrients cannot be easily taken up
ments. The micronutrients, also found in the soil, by the plant. The pH, which is a measurement of
are iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, boron, acidity or alkalinity, greatly affects these chemical
copper, cobalt and chlorine. All elements, both reactions. If the soil pH is extremely high (alkaline),
macronutrients and micronutrients, are essential many of the micronutrients precipitate out of the
for plant growth. solution and are unavailable to the plant. When the
Most of the nutrients a plant needs are dis- soil pH is extremely low (acid), some of the micro-
solved in water, then absorbed by the roots. nutrients become extremely soluble and ion levels
Ninety-eight percent of these plant nutrients are may become high enough to injure the plant. The
absorbed from the soil solution and only about 2 effect of pH varies with the ion, the types of ions in
percent are actually extracted from the soil parti- the soil and the type of soil. Therefore, not only is

Master Gardeners Manual 35

the amount of the nutrient important, but also the the ion is inside the cell, it is attached to other ions
soil pH. so it does not move out of the cell. Complex chem-
Adequate water and oxygen must be available ical reactions are involved in the entire process.
in the soil. Water is required for nutrient movement Although nutrients can be absorbed passively, re-
into and throughout the roots. Oxygen is required search has shown that active absorption must take
because the mineral ions must be moved into the place if the plant is to grow and be healthy. The
root cells across their membranes. This is an ac- factors discussed earlier about absorption by the
tive absorption process, utilizing energy from res- root are also true for absorption by the cell. A quick
piration. Oxygen is not transported to roots from review of some of the factors that affect nutrient
the shoot. Without adequate oxygen from the soil, absorption: type of ion, soil pH, solubility of ion
there is no energy for nutrient absorption. This also pairs, water, soil oxygen, sugar supply, plant stress
stops active water absorption in which the water and temperature.
flows into the cell due to the higher concentration
of nutrients that were actively absorbed. Foliar absorption: A special case
Anything that lowers or prevents the produc- Under normal growing conditions, plants ab-
tion of sugars in the leaves can lower nutrient ab- sorb most nutrients, except carbon, hydrogen and
sorption. If the plant is under stress due to low light oxygen from the soil. However, some nutrients can
or extremes in temperature, nutrient deficiency also be absorbed by the leaves if they are sprayed
problems may develop. The stage of growth or with a dilute solution. The factors that affect ab-
how actively the plant is growing may also affect sorption by the cell are still important because the
the amount of nutrients absorbed. Many plants go nutrient must enter the cell to be used by the plant.
into a rest period, or dormancy, during part of the Care must be taken that the concentration of the
year. During this dormancy, few nutrients are ab- nutrient is not too high, or the leaf will be injured.
sorbed. Plants may also absorb different nutrients The leaf is covered by a thin layer of wax called the
just as flower buds begin to develop. cuticle that the nutrient must get around or through
Nutrients transported from the root to the cell before it can enter the cell.
by the vascular system move into the cell through
a cell membrane. There are three different ways Nutrient Outline
this happens. First, an entire molecule or ion pair
may move through the membrane. If the cell is us-
ing energy or active transport to absorb the ions,
then only one of the ions in the pair is pulled in the
Nitrogen (N)
cell. The other will follow to keep the number of
Absorbed as NO3-, NH4+.
positive and negative charges even. Most anions
Leaches from soil, especially NO3-.
(negative ions) are actively absorbed.
Mobile in plant.
The second way of keeping the charges inside
the cell balanced and absorbing a new ion is to
Nitrogen excess: Succulent growth, dark green
exchange one charged ion for another ion with the
color, weak spindly growth, few fruits, may cause
same charge. A hydrogen ion (H+) is often released
brittle growth, especially under high temperatures.
so the cell can absorb another positive ion such as
Nitrogen deficiency: Reduced growth, yellow-
potassium (K+). Since this is a simple, passive ex-
ing (chlorosis), reds and purples may intensify with
change, absorption energy may not be required.
some plants, reduced lateral breaks. Symptoms
Cations may be absorbed by this passive method.
appear first on older growth.
Both of the methods mentioned above may be
Action notes: In general, the best NH4+/NO3- ra-
passive or active. However, the third method, the
tio is 1/1. High NH4+ under low sugar conditions
carrier system, is always active absorption and
(low light) can cause leaf curl. Uptake inhibited
requires energy. Scientists have discovered that
by high P levels. N/K ratio extremely important. In-
within the cell membrane there are specialized
doors, best N/K ratio is 1/1 unless light is extremely
chemicals that act as carriers. The carrier, through
high. In soils with high CHO/N ratio, more N should
chemical changes, attracts an ion from outside the
be supplied.
cell membrane and releases it inside the cell. Once

36 Master Gardeners Manual

Phosphorous (P) limestone can be applied in outdoor situations to
Absorbed as H2PO4-, HPO4-. rectify a deficiency.
Does not leach from soil readily.
Mobile in plant. Calcium (Ca)
Absorbed as Ca ++, moderately leachable.
Phosphorous excess: Shows up as micronutri- Limited mobility in plant.
ent deficiency of Zn, Fe or Co.
Phosphorous deficiency: Reduced growth, Calcium excess: Interferes with Mg absorp-
color may intensify, browning or purpling in foliage tion. High Ca usually causes high pH, which then
in some plants, thin stems, reduced lateral breaks, precipitates many of the micronutrients so they be-
loss of lower leaves and reduced flowering. come unavailable to the plant.
Action notes: Rapidly “fixed” on soil particles Calcium deficiency: Inhibition of bud growth,
when applied under acidic conditions fixed with death of root tips, cupping of maturing leaves,
Fe, Mg and Al. With alkaline conditions, it is fixed weak growth, blossom end rot of many fruits and
with Ca. Important for young plant and seedling pits on root vegetables.
growth. High P interferes with micronutrient ab- Action notes: Ca is important to pH control and
sorption and N absorption. Used in relatively small is rarely deficient if the correct pH is maintained.
amounts when compared to N and K. May leach Water stress, too much or too little, can affect Ca
from soil high in bark or peat. relationships within the plant, causing deficiency
in the location where Ca was needed at the time of
Potassium (K) stress.
Absorbed as K+, leaches from soil.
Mobile in plant. Sulfur (S)
Absorbed as SO4-.
Potassium excess: Causes N deficiency in Leachable.
plant and may affect the uptake of other positive Not mobile.
ions. Sulfur excess: Sulfur excess is usually in the
Potassium deficiency: Reduced growth, short- form of air pollution.
ened internodes, marginal burn or scorch (brown Sulfur deficiency: Sulfur is often a carrier or
leaf edges), necrotic (dead) spots in the leaf, re- impurity in fertilizers and is rarely deficient. It may
duction of lateral breaks and tendency to wilt also be absorbed from the air and is a byproduct
readily. of combustions. Symptoms are a general yellow-
Action notes: N/K balance is important. High ing of the affected leaves or the entire plant.
N/low K favors vegetative growth; low N/high K Action notes: Sulfur excess is difficult to control.
promotes reproductive growth (flower, fruit).
Magnesium (Mg) The majority of micronutrients are not mobile;
Absorbed as Mg ++. thus, deficiency symptoms are usually found on
Leaches from soil. new growth. Their availability in the soil is highly
Mobile in plant. dependent upon the pH and the presence of other
ions. The proper balance between the ions pres-
Magnesium excess: Interferes with Ca uptake. ent is important, as many micronutrients are an-
Magnesium deficiency: Reduction in growth, tagonistic to each other. This is especially true of
marginal chlorosis, interveinal chlorosis (yellow the heavy metals where an excess of one element
between the veins) in some species. May occur may show up as a deficiency of another. If the pH
with middle or lower leaves, reduction in seed pro- is maintained at the proper level and a fertilizer
duction, cupped leaves. that contains micronutrients is used once a year,
Action notes: Mg is commonly deficient in foli- deficiency symptoms (with the exception of iron
age plants because it is leached and not replaced. deficiency symptoms) are rarely found on indoor
Epsom salts at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon may plants. Many of the micronutrients are enzyme
be used twice a year. Mg can also be absorbed activators.
by leaves if sprayed in a weak solution. Dolomitic
Master Gardeners Manual 37
Iron (Fe) Molybdenum (Mo)
Absorbed as Fe++, Fe+++. Absorbed as MoO4-.

Iron deficiency: Interveinal chlorosis primari- Molybdenum deficiency: Interveinal chloro-

ly on young tissue, which may become white. Fe sis on older or midstem leaves, twisted leaves
deficiency may be found with the following con- (whiptail).
ditions even if Fe is in the soil: soil high in Ca,
poorly drained soil, soil high in Mn, high pH, high Chlorine (Cl)
P, soil high in heavy metals (Cu, Zn), oxygen defi- Absorbed as Cl-.
cient soils or when nematodes attack the roots. Fe
should be added in the chelate form; the type of Chlorine deficiency: Wilted leaves, which be-
chelate needed depends upon the soil pH. come bronze then chlorotic then die; club roots.
Iron toxicity: Rare except on flooded soils. Chlorine toxicity: Salt injury, leaf burn, may in-
crease succulence.
Boron (B)
Absorbed as BO3-. Cobalt (Co)
Absorbed as Co++.
Boron excess: Blackening or death of tissue
between veins. This has been recently established as need-
Boron deficiency: Failure to set seed, internal ed by plants. Essential for nitrogen fixation. Little is
breakdown, death of apical buds. known about its deficiency or toxicity symptoms.

Zinc (Zn) Nickel (Ni)

Absorbed as Zn++. Absorbed as Ni+.

Zinc excess: Appears as Fe deficiency. Inter- This has been recently established as needed
feres with Mg. by plants. Essential for seed development.
Zinc deficiency: “Little leaf,” reduction in size
of leaves, short internodes, distorted or puckered Plant Propagation
leaf margins and interveinal chlorosis.
Plant propagation is the process of multiplying
Copper (Cu) the numbers of a species, perpetuating a species
Absorbed as Cu++, Cu+. or maintaining the youthfulness of a plant. There
are two types of propagation – sexual and asex-
Copper excess: Can occur at low pH. Shows ual. Sexual reproduction is the union of the pollen
up as Fe deficiency. and egg, drawing from the genes of two parents to
Copper deficiency: New growth small, mis- create a new, third individual. Sexual propagation
shapen, wilted. May be found in some peat soils. involves the floral parts of a plant. Asexual prop-
agation involves taking a part of one parent plant
Manganese (Mn) and causing it to regenerate itself into a new plant.
Absorbed as Mn++. Genetically, it is identical to its one parent. Asex-
ual propagation involves the vegetative parts of a
Manganese excess: Reduction in growth, plant: stems, roots or leaves.
brown spotting on leaves. Shows up as Fe defi- The advantages of sexual propagation are:
ciency. Found under acid conditions. 1) it may be cheaper and quicker than other
Manganese deficiency: Interveinal chlorosis methods;
of leaves followed by brown spots producing a 2) it may be the only way to obtain new varieties
checkered red effect. and hybrid vigor;
3) in certain species, it is the only viable method
for propagation; and

38 Master Gardeners Manual

4) it is a way to avoid transmission of certain dom pollination by insects or other natural agents
diseases. and may not produce plants typical of the parents.
This is especially true of the many hybrid varieties.
Asexual propagation has these advantages: (See Vegetables chapter for information on saving
1) it may be easier and faster in some species; vegetable seed). Most seed companies take great
2) it may be the only way to perpetuate some cul- care in handling seeds properly. Generally, do not
tivars; and expect more than 65 to 80 percent of the seeds to
3) it bypasses the juvenile characteristics of cer- germinate. From those germinating, expect about
tain species. 60 to 75 percent to produce satisfactory, vigorous,
sturdy seedlings.
Sexual propagation
Sexual propagation involves the union of the Germination
pollen (male) with the egg (female) to produce a There are four environmental factors that affect
seed. The seed is made up of three parts: the out- germination: water, oxygen, light and heat.
er seed coat, which protects the seed; the endo-
sperm, which is a food reserve; and the embryo, Water
which is the young plant itself. When a seed is ma- The first step in the germination process is the
ture and put in a favorable environment, it will ger- imbibition, or absorption, of water. Even though
minate or begin active growth. In the following sec- seeds have great absorbing power due to the na-
tion, seed germination and transplanting of seeds ture of the seed coat, the amount of available wa-
will be discussed. ter in the germination medium affects the uptake of
water. An adequate, continuous supply of water is
Seed important to ensure germination. Once the germi-
To obtain quality plants, start with good qual- nation process has begun, a dry period will cause
ity seed from a reliable dealer. Select varieties to the death of the embryo.
provide the size, color and habit of growth de-
sired. Choose varieties adapted to your area that Light
will reach maturity before an early frost. Many new Light is known to stimulate or to inhibit germi-
vegetable and flower varieties are hybrids, which nation of some seed. The light reaction involved
cost a little more than open-pollinated types. How- here is a complex process. Some crops, which
ever, hybrid plants usually have more vigor, more have a requirement for light to assist seed germi-
uniformity and better production than nonhybrids nation, are ageratum, begonia, browallia, impa-
and sometimes have specific disease resistance tiens, lettuce and petunia. Conversely, calendula,
or other unique cultural characteristics. centaurea, annual phlox, verbena and vinca will
Although some seeds will keep for several germinate best in the dark. Other plants are not
years if stored properly, it is advisable to purchase specific at all. Seed catalogs and seed packets
only enough seed for the current year’s use. Good often list germination or cultural tips for individual
seed will not contain seed of any other crop, weeds varieties. When sowing light-requiring seed, do as
or other debris. Printing on the seed packet usual- nature does, and leave them on the soil surface. If
ly indicates essential information about the variety, they are covered at all, cover them lightly with fine
the year for which the seeds were packaged, ger- peat moss or fine vermiculite. These two materials,
mination percentage typically expected and notes if not applied too heavily, will permit some light to
of any chemical seed treatment. If seeds are ob- reach the seed and will not limit germination. When
tained well in advance of the actual sowing date starting seed in the home, supplemental light can
or are stored surplus seeds, keep them in a cool, be provided by fluorescent fixtures suspended 6
dry place. Laminated foil packets help ensure dry to 12 inches above the seeds for 16 hours a day.
storage. Paper packets are best kept in tightly
closed containers and maintained around 40 F in Oxygen
low humidity.
In all viable seed, respiration takes place.
Some gardeners save seed from their own
The respiration in dormant seed is low, but some
gardens; however, such seed is the result of ran-
oxygen is required. The respiration rate increas-

Master Gardeners Manual 39

es during germination; therefore, the medium in and covered with concentrated sulfuric acid. The
which the seeds are placed should be loose and seeds are gently stirred and allowed to soak from
well aerated. If the oxygen supply during germi- 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the
nation is limited or reduced, germination can be hardness of the seed coat. When the seed coat
severely inhibited. has become thin, the seeds can be removed,
washed and planted. Another scarification meth-
Temperature od is mechanical. Seeds are filed with a metal file,
A favorable temperature is another import- rubbed with sandpaper or cracked with a hammer
ant requirement of germination. It not only affects to weaken the seed coat. Hot water scarification
the germination percentage, but also the rate of involves putting the seed into hot water (170 F
germination. Some seeds will germinate through to 212 F). The seeds are allowed to soak in the wa-
a wide range of temperatures, whereas others re- ter as it cools for 12 to 24 hours and then planted.
quire a narrow range. Many seed have minimum, A fourth method is one of warm, moist scarifica-
maximum and optimum temperatures at which tion. In this case, seeds are stored in nonsterile,
they germinate. For example, tomato seed has a warm, damp containers where the seed coat will
minimum germination temperature of 50 F and a be broken down by decay over several months.
maximum temperature of 95 F, but an optimum ger-
mination temperature of about 80 F. Where germi- Seed Stratification
nation temperatures are listed, they are usually the Seeds of some fall-ripening trees and shrubs
optimum temperatures unless otherwise specified. of the temperate zone will not germinate unless
Generally, 65 F to 75 F is best for most plants. This chilled underground as they overwinter. This so-
often means the germination flats may have to be called after-ripening may be accomplished artifi-
placed in special chambers or on radiators, heat- cially by a practice called stratification.
ing cables or heating mats to maintain optimum The following procedure is usually successful.
temperature. The importance of maintaining prop- Put sand or vermiculite in a clay pot to about 1 inch
er medium temperature to achieve maximum ger- from the top. Place the seeds on top of the medium
mination percentages cannot be overemphasized. and cover with 1/2 inch of sand or vermiculite. Wet
Germination will begin when certain internal the medium thoroughly and allow excess water
requirements have been met. A seed must have to drain through the hole in the pot. Place the pot
a mature embryo, contain a large enough endo- containing the moist medium and seeds in a plas-
sperm to sustain the embryo during germination tic bag and seal. Place the bag in a refrigerator.
and contain sufficient hormones or auxins to initi- Periodically check to see that the medium is moist,
ate the process. but not wet. Additional water will probably not be
necessary. After 10 to 12 weeks, remove the bag
Methods of Breaking Dormancy from the refrigerator. Take the pot out and set it in
a warm place in the house. Water often enough
One of the functions of dormancy is to prevent to keep the medium moist. The seedlings should
a seed from germinating before a favorable envi- emerge soon. When the young plants are about
ronment surrounds it. In some trees and shrubs, 3 inches tall, transplant them into pots to grow until
seed dormancy is difficult to break, even when the time for setting outside.
environment is ideal. Various treatments are per- Another procedure that is usually successful
formed on the seed to break dormancy and begin uses sphagnum moss or peat moss. Wet the moss
germination. thoroughly, then squeeze out the excess water with
your hands. Mix seed with the sphagnum or peat
Seed Scarification and place in a plastic bag. Seal the bag and put it
Seed scarification involves breaking, scratch- in a refrigerator. Check periodically. If there is con-
ing or softening the seed coat so water can en- densation on the inside of the bag, the process will
ter and begin the germination process. There probably be successful. After 10 to 12 weeks re-
are several methods of scarifying seeds. In acid move the bag from the refrigerator. Plant the seeds
scarification, seeds are put in a glass container in pots to germinate and grow. Handle seeds care-
fully. Often, small roots and shoots are emerging at

40 Master Gardeners Manual

the end of the stratification period. Care must be this recipe: 4 quarts of shredded sphagnum peat
taken not to break these off. Temperatures in the moss, 4 quarts of fine vermiculite, 1 tablespoon
range of 35 F to 45 F (2 C to 7 C) are effective. Most of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of ground
refrigerators operate in this range. Seeds of most limestone. Mix thoroughly. These mixes have little
fruit and nut trees can be successfully germinated fertility, so seedlings must be watered with a dilut-
by these procedures. Seeds of peaches should ed fertilizer solution soon after they emerge. Do not
be removed from the hard pit. Care must be taken use garden soil by itself to start seedlings; it is not
when cracking the pits. Any injury to the seed itself sterile, is too heavy and will not drain well.
can be an entry path for disease organisms.
Starting seeds Flats and trays can be purchased or you can
Media. A wide range of materials can be used make your own from scrap lumber. A convenient
to start seeds, from plain vermiculite or mixtures of size to handle would be about 12 to 18 inches long
soilless media to the various amended soil mixes. and 12 inches wide with a depth of about 2 inch-
With experience, you will learn to determine what es. Leave cracks of about 1/8-inch between the
works best with your conditions. However, keep in boards in the bottom or drill a series of holes to
mind the good qualities of a germinating medium. ensure good drainage.
It should be rather fine and uniform, yet well aerat- You can also make your own containers for
ed and loose. It should be free of insects, disease starting seeds by recycling such things as cottage
organisms and weed seeds. It should also be of cheese containers, the bottoms of milk cartons or
low total soluble salts and capable of holding and bleach containers and pie pans, as long as good
moving moisture by capillary action. One mixture drainage is provided. At least one company has
which supplies these factors is a combination of developed a form for recycling newspaper into
one part each: sterilized soil; sand, vermiculite or pots, and another has developed a method for the
perlite; and peat moss. consumer to make and use compressed blocks of
The importance of using a sterile medium and soil mix instead of pots.
container cannot be overemphasized. The home Clay or plastic pots can be used and numerous
gardener can treat a small quantity of soil mix- types of pots and strips made of compressed peat
ture in an oven. Place the slightly moist soil in a are also on the market. Plant bands and plastic
heat-resistant container in an oven set at about cell packs are also available. Each cell or miniport
250 F. Use a candy or meat thermometer to en- holds a single plant, which reduces the risk of root
sure that the mix reaches a temperature of 180 F injury when transplanting. Peat pellets, peat or fi-
for at least 1/2 hour. Avoid overheating as this can ber-based blocks and expanded foam cubes can
be extremely damaging to the soil. Be aware the also be used for seeding.
heat will release very unpleasant odors in the pro-
cess of sterilization. This treatment should prevent Seeding
damping-off and other plant diseases, as well as The proper time for sowing seeds for trans-
eliminate potential plant pests. Growing containers plants depends upon when plants may safely be
and implements should be washed to remove any moved outdoors in your area. This period may
debris, then rinsed in a solution of one part chlo- range from 4 to 12 weeks prior to transplanting, de-
rine bleach to ten parts water. pending upon the speed of germination, the rate
An artificial, soilless mix also provides the de- of growth and the cultural conditions provided. A
sired qualities of a good germination medium. The common mistake is to sow the seeds too early and
basic ingredients of such a mix are sphagnum peat then attempt to hold the seedlings back under poor
moss and vermiculite, both of which are general- light or improper temperature ranges. This usually
ly free of diseases, weed seeds and insects. The results in tall, weak, spindly plants that do not per-
ingredients are also readily available, easy to han- form well in the garden.
dle, lightweight and produce uniform plant growth. After selecting a container, fill it to within 3/4
“Peat-lite” mixes or similar products are commer- inch of the top with moistened growing medium.
cially available or can be made at home using For very small seeds, at least the top 1/4-inch
should be a fine, screened mix or a layer of vermic-

Master Gardeners Manual 41

Table 2.2. Seed Requirements.

Approximate Approximate
time to seed germination Germination Germination
before last time temperature in light (L)
Plant spring frost (days) (degrees F) or dark (D)

Begoinia 12 weeks or more 10 to 15 70 L

Browallia 15 to 20 70 L
Geranimum 10 to 20 70 L
Larkspur 5 to 10 55 D
Pansy (Viola) 5 to 10 65 D
Vinca 10 to 15 70 D

Dianthus 10 weeks 5 to 10 70 -
Impatiens 15 to 20 70 L
Petunia 5 to 10 70 L
Portulaca 5 to 10 70 D
Snapdragon 5 to 10 65 L
Stock 10 to 15 70 -
Verbena 15 to 20 65 D

Ageratum 8 weeks 5 to 10 70 L
Alyssum 5 to 10 70 -
Broccoli 5 to 10 70 -
Cabbage 5 to 10 70 -
Cauliflower 5 to 10 70 -
Celosia 5 to 10 70 -
Coleus 5 to 10 65 L
Dahlia 5 to 10 70 -
Eggplant 5 to 10 70 -
Head lettuce 5 to 10 70 L
Nicotiana 10 to 15 70 L
Pepper 5 to 10 80 -
Phlox 5 to 10 65 D

Aster 6 weeks 5 to 10 70 -
Balsam 5 to 10 70 -
Cenburea 5 to 10 65 D
Marigold 5 to 10 70 -
Tomato 5 to 10 80 -
Zinia 5 to 10 70 -

Cucumber 4 weeks or less 5 to 10 85 -

Cosmos 5 to 10 70 -
Muskmelon 5 to 10 85 -
Squash 5 to 10 85 -
Watermelon 5 to 10 85 -

42 Master Gardeners Manual

ulite. Firm the medium at the corners and edges percentage of germination is achieved since en-
with your fingers or a block of wood to provide a vironmental factors are optimum. Lay seeds be-
uniform, flat surface. tween the folds of a cotton cloth or on a layer of
For medium and large seeds, make furrows 1 vermiculite in a shallow pan. Keep moist, in a
to 2 inches apart of 1/8- to 1/4-inch deep across warm place. When roots begin to show, place the
the surface of the container using a narrow board seeds in containers or plant them directly in the
or pot label. By sowing in rows, good light and garden. While transplanting seedlings, be careful
air movement results and if damping-off fungus not to break off tender roots. Continued attention to
does appear, there is less chance of it spreading. watering is critical.
Seedlings in rows are easier to label and handle When planting seeds in a container that will be
at transplanting time than those which have been set out in the garden later, place one seed in a 2-
sown in a broadcast manner. Sow the seeds thin- to 3-inch container. Plant the seeds at only half the
ly and uniformly in the rows by gently tapping the recommended depth. Gently press a little soil over
packet of seed as it is moved along the row. Lightly the sprouted seed and then add about 1/4 inch of
cover the seed with dry vermiculite or sifted me- milled sphagnum or sand to the soil surface. These
dium if they require darkness for germination. A materials will keep the surface uniformly moist and
suitable planting depth is usually about twice the are easy for the shoot to push through. Keep in
diameter of the seed. a warm place and care for them as for any other
Do not plant seeds too deeply. Extremely fine newly transplanted seedlings.
seed such as petunia, begonia and snapdragon A convenient way to plant small, delicate, pre-
are not covered, but lightly pressed into the me- germinated seeds is to suspend them in a gel.
dium or watered in with a fine mist. If these seeds You can make a gel by blending cornstarch with
are broadcast, strive for a uniform stand by sowing boiling water to a consistency that is thick enough
half the seeds in one direction, then sowing the so the seeds will stay suspended. Be sure to cool
other way with the remaining seed in a crossing thoroughly before use. Place the gel with seed-
pattern. lings in a plastic bag with a hole in it. Squeeze the
Large seeds are frequently sown into some gel through the hole along a premarked garden
sort of a small container or cell pack, which elimi- row. The number of seeds in the gel determines
nates the need for early transplanting. Usually two spacing of seeds. If the spacing is too dense, add
or three seeds are sown per unit and later thinned more gel; if too wide, add more seeds. The gel will
to allow the strongest seedling to grow. keep the germinating seeds moist until they estab-
lish themselves in the garden soil.
Seed tape
Most garden stores and seed catalogs offer Watering
indoor and outdoor seed tapes. Seed tape has After the seed has been sown, moisten the
precisely spaced seeds enclosed in an organic, planting mix thoroughly. Use a fine mist or place
water-soluble material. When planted, the tape the containers in a pan or tray, which contains
dissolves and the seeds germinate normally. Seed about 1 inch of warm water. Avoid splashing or ex-
tapes are especially convenient for tiny, hard-to- cessive flooding that might displace small seeds.
handle seeds, but are much more expensive. Seed When the planting mix is saturated, set the con-
tapes allow uniform emergence, eliminate over- tainer aside to drain. The soil should be moist but
crowding and permit sowing in perfectly straight not wet.
rows. The tapes can be cut at any point for multi- Ideally, seed flats should remain sufficiently
ple-row plantings and thinning is rarely necessary. moist during the germination period without hav-
ing to add water. One way to maintain moisture is
Pregermination to slip the whole flat or pot into a clear plastic bag
Another method of starting seeds is pregermi- after the initial watering. The plastic should be at
nation. This method involves sprouting the seeds least 1 inch from the soil. Keep the container out
before they are planted in pots or in the garden. of direct sunlight; otherwise the temperature may
This reduces the time to germination, as the tem- rise to the point where the seeds will be harmed.
perature and moisture are easy to control. A high Many home gardeners cover their flats with panes

Master Gardeners Manual 43

of glass instead of using a plastic sleeve. Be sure seedlings is when they are small and there is little
to remove the plastic bag or glass cover as soon danger from setback. This is usually about the time
as the first seedlings appear. Surface watering can the first true leaves appear above or between the
then be practiced if care and good judgment are cotyledon leaves (the cotyledons or seed leaves
used. are the first leaves the seedling produces). Plants
Lack of uniformity, overwatering or drying out should not get hard and stunted or tall and leggy.
are problems related to manual watering. Excel- Seedling growing mixes and containers can be
lent germination and moisture uniformity can be purchased or prepared similar to those mentioned
obtained with a low-pressure misting system. Four for germinating seed. The medium should contain
seconds of mist every 6 minutes, or 10 seconds ev- more plant nutrients than a germination mix, how-
ery 15 minutes during the daytime in spring seems ever. Some commercial soilless mixes have fertil-
to be satisfactory. Bottom heat is an asset with a izer already added. When fertilizing, use a soluble
mist system. Subirrigation or watering from below houseplant fertilizer, at the dilution recommended
may work well, keeping the flats moist. However, by the manufacturer, about every two  weeks af-
as the flats or pots must sit in water constantly, the ter the seedlings are established. Remember, too
soil may absorb too much water and the seeds much fertilizer easily damages young seedlings,
may rot due to lack of oxygen. especially if they are eperiencing moisture stress.
To transplant, carefully dig up the small plants
Temperature and light with a table knife or wooden plant label. Let the
Several factors for good germination have al- group of seedlings fall apart and pick out individ-
ready been mentioned. The last item, but by no ual plants. Gently ease them apart in small groups
means the least important, is temperature. Since that will make it easier to separate individual
most seeds will germinate best at an optimum plants. Avoid tearing roots in the process. Handle
temperature that is usually higher than most home small seedlings by their leaves, not their delicate
night temperatures, special warm areas often must stems. Punch a hole in the medium into which the
be provided. The use of thermostatically controlled seedling will be planted. Make it deep enough so
heating cables is an excellent method of providing the seedling can be put at the same depth it was
constant heat. growing in the seed flat. Small plants or slow grow-
After germination and seedling establishment, ers should be placed 1 inch apart and rapid-grow-
move the flats to a light, airy, cooler location, at a 55 ing, large seedlings about 2 inches apart. After
F to 60 F night temperature and a 65 F to 70 F day planting, firm the soil and water gently. Keep newly
reading. This will prevent soft, leggy growth and transplanted seedlings in the shade for a few days
minimize disease troubles. Some crops, of course, or place them under fluorescent lights. Keep them
may germinate or grow best at a different constant away from direct heat sources and continue water-
temperature and must be handled separately. ing and fertilizing.
Seedlings must receive bright light after ger- Most plants transplant well and can be started
mination. Place them in a south-facing window if indoor, but a few plants are difficult to transplant.
possible. If a large, bright window is not available, These are generally directly seeded outdoors or
place the seedlings under a fluorescent light. Use sown directly into individual containers indoors.
two 40-watt, cool-white fluorescent tubes or spe- Examples include zinnias and cucurbits, such as
cial plant growth lamps. Position the plants 6 inch- melons and squash.
es from the tubes and keep the lights on about 16
hours each day. As the seedlings grow, the lights Containers for transplanting
should be raised. There is a wide variety of containers from which
to choose for transplanting seedlings. These con-
Transplanting and handling tainers should be economical, durable and make
If the plants have not been seeded in individual good use of space. The type selected will depend
containers, they must be transplanted to give them on the type of plant to be transplanted and indi-
proper growing space. One of the most common vidual growing conditions. Standard pots may be
mistakes made is leaving the seedlings in the seed used, but they waste a great deal of space and
flat too long. The ideal time to transplant young may not dry out rapidly enough for the seedling to

44 Master Gardeners Manual

have sufficient oxygen for proper development. This process should be started at least two
There are many types of containers available weeks before planting in the garden. If possible,
commercially. Those made out of pressed peat plants should be moved to a 45 F to 50 F tempera-
can be purchased in varying sizes. Individual pots ture indoors or outdoors in a shady location. A
or strips of connected pots fit closely together, are coldframe is excellent for this purpose. When put
inexpensive and can be planted directly in the gar- outdoors, plants should be shaded, then gradually
den. When setting out plants grown in peat pots, moved into sunlight. Each day, gradually increase
be sure to cover the pot completely. If the top edge the length of exposure. Avoid putting tender seed-
of the peat pot extends above the soil level, it may lings outdoors on windy days or when temperatures
act as a wick, and draw water away from the soil in are below 45 F. Reduce the frequency of watering
the pot. To avoid this, tear off the top lip of the pot to slow growth, but don’t allow plants to wilt. Even
and the plant flush with the soil level. cold-hardy plants will be hurt if exposed to freez-
Community packs are containers in which there ing temperatures before they are hardened. After
is room to plant several plants. These are generally proper hardening, however, they can be planted
inexpensive. The main disadvantage of a commu- outdoors and light frosts will not damage them.
nity pack is that the roots of the individual plants The hardening process is intended to slow
must be broken or cut apart when separating them plant growth. If carried to the extreme of actually
to put out in the garden. stopping plant growth, significant damage can be
Compressed peat pellets, when soaked in wa- done to certain crops. For example, cauliflower will
ter, expand to form compact, individual pots. They make thumb-size heads and fail to develop further.
waste no space, don’t fall apart as badly as peat Cucumbers and melons will stop growth.
pots, and can be set directly out in the garden. If
you wish to avoid transplanting seedlings altogeth- Propagation of ferns by spores
er, compressed peat pellets are excellent for direct Though ferns are more easily propagated by
sowing. other methods, some gardeners like the challenge
Community packs and cell packs are strips of of raising ferns from spores. One tested method for
connected individual pots. They are available in small quantities follows:
plastic and frequently used by commercial bed- Sterilize a brick by baking it at 250 F for 30 min-
ding plant growers, as they withstand frequent utes. Cool completely, then put in a pan and add
handling. In addition, many homeowners find a va- enough water to cover the brick. When the brick is
riety of materials from around the house useful for wet throughout, squeeze a thin layer of moist soil
containers. These homemade containers should and peat (1:1) into the top of the brick. Pack a sec-
be deep enough to provide adequate soil and ond layer (about an inch) on top of that. Sprinkle
have plenty of drainage holes in the bottom. spores on top. Cover with plastic (not touching the
spores) and put in a warm place in indirect light.
Hardening plants It may take up to a month or more for the spores
Hardening is the process of altering the quality to germinate. Keep moist at all times. A prothallus
of plant growth to withstand the change in environ- (one generation of the fern) will develop first from
mental conditions which occurs when plants are each spore, forming a light green mat. Mist light-
transferred from a greenhouse or home to the gar- ly once a week to maintain high surface moisture;
den. A severe check in growth may occur if plants the sperm must be able to swim to the archegonia
produced in the home are planted outdoors with- (female parts). After about three weeks, fertiliza-
out a transition period. Hardening is most critical tion should have occurred. Pull the mat apart with
with early crops, when adverse climatic conditions tweezers in 1/4-inch squares and space them 1/2
can be expected. inch apart in a flat containing a 2-inch layer of sand,
Hardening can be accomplished by gradually 1/4-inch layer of charcoal and about 2 inches of
lowering temperatures and relative humidity, and soil/peat mix. Cover with plastic and keep moist.
reducing water. This procedure results in an ac- When fern fronds appear and become crowded,
cumulation of carbohydrates and a thickening of transplant to small pots. Gradually reduce the hu-
cell walls. A change from a soft, succulent type of midity until they can survive in the open. Light ex-
growth to a firmer, harder type is desired. posure may be increased at this time.

Master Gardeners Manual 45

correct rooting medium to get optimum rooting in
Asexual Propagation the shortest time. In general, the rooting medium
should be sterile, low in fertility, drain well enough
Asexual propagation, as mentioned earlier, is
to provide oxygen and retain enough moisture to
the best way to maintain some species, particu-
prevent water stress. Moisten the medium before
larly an individual best representing that species.
inserting cuttings, and keep it evenly moist while
Clones are groups of plants that are identical to
the cuttings are rooting and forming new shoots.
their one parent and can only be propagated asex-
Place stem and leaf cuttings in bright, indirect
ually. The Bartlett pear (1770) and the Delicious
light. Root cuttings can be kept in the dark until
apple (1870) are two examples of clones that have
new shoots appear.
been asexually propagated for many years.

The major methods of asexual propagation
are cuttings, layering, division and budding and
Stem cuttings
Numerous plant species are propagated by
grafting. Cuttings involve rooting a severed piece
stem cuttings. Some can be taken at any time of
of the parent plant; layering involves rooting a part
the year, but stem cuttings of many woody plants
of the parent and then severing it; and budding
must be taken in the fall or in the dormant season.
and grafting is joining two plant parts from different

Tip cuttings
Detach a 2- to 6-inch piece of stem, including
the terminal bud. Make the cut just below a node.
Many types of plants, both woody and herba-
Remove lower leaves that would touch or be below
ceous, are frequently propagated by cuttings. A
the medium. Dip the stem in rooting hormone if de-
cutting is a vegetative plant part that is severed
sired. Gently tap the end of the cutting to remove
from the parent plant to regenerate itself, thereby
excess hormone. Insert the cutting deeply enough
forming a whole new plant.
into the media to support itself. At least one node
Take cuttings with a sharp blade to reduce in-
must be below the surface.
jury to the parent plant. Sterilize the cutting tool by

dipping it in rubbing alcohol or a mixture of one
part bleach to nine parts water to prevent transmit- Medial cuttings
ting diseases from infected plant parts to healthy Make the first cut just above a node, and the
ones. Remove flowers and flower buds from cut- second cut down the stem 2 to 6 inches and just
tings to allow the cutting to use its energy and above a node. Prepare and insert the cutting as
stored carbohydrates for root and shoot formation you would a tip cutting. Be sure to position right
rather than fruit and seed production. To hasten side up. Axial buds are always above leaves.
rooting, increase the number of roots, or to obtain
uniform rooting (except on soft, fleshy stems), use Cane cuttings
a rooting hormone, preferably one containing a Cut cane-like stems into sections containing
fungicide. To prevent possible contamination of one or two eyes or nodes. Dust ends with fungi-
the entire supply of rooting hormone, put some in cide or activated charcoal. Allow to dry several
a separate container for each dipping session. hours. Lay horizontally with about half of the cut-
Insert cuttings into a rooting medium such as ting below the media surface, eye facing upward.
coarse sand, vermiculite, soil, water or a mixture Cane cuttings are usually potted when roots and
of peat and perlite. It is important to choose the new shoots appear but new shoots from dracaena
and croton are often cut off and rerooted in sand.

Tip Medial

Figure 2.32. Tip and medial. cane

Figure 2.33. Cane cutting.

46 Master Gardeners Manual

are choice plants for leaf cuttings. Leaves of most
plants will either produce a few roots, but no plant,
or just decay.

Heel Double node Whole leaf with petiole
Detach the leaf and up to 1 ½ inches of petiole.
Insert the lower end of the petiole into the medium.
One or more new plants will form at the base of
the petiole. The leaf may be severed from the new
plants when they have their own roots, and the pet-
iole reused.
Single node

Figure 2.34. Cut areas. Whole leaf without petiole

This is used for plants with sessile leaves. In-

sert the cutting vertically into the medium. A new
Single node plant will form from the axillary bud. The leaf may
Single-node cuttings are used for plants with
be removed when the new plant has its own roots.
alternate leaves when space or stock material is
limited. Cut the stem about ½ inch above and ½
Split vein
inch below a node. Place cutting horizontally or
Detach a leaf from the stock plant. Slit its veins
vertically in the medium.
on the lower leaf surface. Lay the cutting, lower

side down, on the medium. New plants will form at
Double node each cut. If the leaf tends to curl up, hold it in place
This is used for plants with opposite leaves
by covering the margins with the rooting medium.
when space or stock material is limited. Cut the
stem about ½ inch above and ½ inch below the
same node. Insert the cutting vertically in the me-
dium with the node just touching the surface.

Heel cutting
This method uses stock material with woody Split vein Leaf section
stems efficiently. Make a shield-shaped cut about
halfway through the wood around a leaf and axial Figure 2.36. Split vein and leaf section.
bud. Insert the shield horizontally into the medium.
Leaf sections
Leaf cuttings This method is frequently used with snake plant
Leaf cuttings are used almost exclusively for and fibrous-rooted begonias. Cut begonia leaves
a few indoor plants. Plants such as African vio- into wedges with at least one vein. Lay leaf flat on
lets (Saintpaulia ionantha), begonias (Begonia the medium. A new plant will arise at the vein. Cut
spp.), and sansevierias (Sansevieria trifasciata) snake plant leaves into 2-inch sections. Consis-
tently make the lower cut slanted and the upper
cut straight, so you can tell which is the top. Insert
the cutting vertically. Roots will form fairly soon,
and eventually a new plant will appear at the base
of the cutting. These and other succulent cuttings
will rot if kept too moist.
Whole leaf without petiole

Root cuttings
Root cuttings are usually taken from 2- to 3-year-
Whole leaf with petiole old plants during their dormant season when they
Figure 2.35. Leaves with and without petioles. have a large carbohydrate supply. Root cuttings

Master Gardeners Manual 47

Plant with large roots

Figure 2.37. Root types. Plants with small roots

of some species produce new shoots, which then

form their own root systems, while root cuttings of
other plants develop root systems before produc-
ing new shoots.
Plants with large roots: Make a straight top cut.
Make a slanted cut 2 to 6 inches below the first cut.
Store about three weeks in moist sawdust, peat
moss or sand at 40 F. Remove from storage. Insert
the cutting vertically with the top approximately
Figure 2.38. Layering
level with the surface of the rooting medium. This
method is often used outdoors. Simple layering
Plants with small roots: Take 1- to 2-inch sec- Bend the stem to the ground. Cover part of it
tions of roots. Insert the cuttings horizontally about with soil, leaving the last 6 to 12 inches exposed.
½ inch below the medium surface. This method is Bend the tip into a vertical position and stake in
usually used indoors or in a hotbed. place. The sharp bend will often induce rooting,
but wounding the lower side of the branch or loos-
Layering ening the bark by twisting the stem may help. Ex-
Stems still attached to their parent plants may amples: rhododendron and honeysuckle.
form roots where they touch a rooting medium.
Severed from the parent plant, the rooted stem Compound layering
becomes a new plant. This method of vegetative This method works for plants with flexible
propagation, called layering, promotes a high suc- stems. Bend the stem to the rooting medium as for
cess rate because it prevents the water stress and simple layering, but alternately cover and expose
carbohydrate shortage that plague cuttings. stem sections. Wound the lower side of the stem
Some plants layer themselves naturally, but sections to be covered. Examples: heart-leaf philo-
sometimes plant propagators assist the process. dendron and pothos.
Layering is enhanced by wounding one side of the
stem or by bending it very sharply. The rooting me- Mound (stool) layering
dium should always provide aeration and a con- Cut the plant back to 1 inch above the ground
stant supply of moisture. in the dormant season. Mound soil over the emerg-
ing shoots in the spring to enhance their rooting.
Tip layering Examples: gooseberries and apple rootstocks.
Dig a hole 3 to 4 inches deep. Insert the shoot Air layering
tip and cover it with soil. The tip grows downward Air layering is used to propagate some indoor
first, then bends sharply and grows upward. Roots plants with thick stems, or to rejuvenate them when
form at the bend, and the recurved tip becomes they become leggy. Slit the stem just below a node.
a new plant. Remove the tip layer and plant it in Pry the slit open with a toothpick. Surround the
the early spring or late fall. Examples: purple and wound with wet unmilled sphagnum moss. Wrap
black raspberries, trailing blackberries. plastic or foil around the sphagnum moss and tie in
place. When roots pervade the moss, cut the plant

48 Master Gardeners Manual

off below the root ball. Examples: dumbcane and
rubber tree.

The following propagation methods can all be

considered types of layering, as the new plants
form before they are detached from their parent

Figure 2.40. Separation of corms (left), division
Stolons and runners (right).
A stolon is a horizontal, often fleshy stem
that can root, then produce new shoots where it
five years for largest blooms and to increase bulb
touches the medium. A runner is a slender stem
population. Dig up the clump after the leaves have
that originates in a leaf axil and grows along the
withered. Gently pull the bulbs apart and replant
ground or downward from a hanging basket, pro-
them immediately so their roots can begin to de-
ducing a new plant at its tip. Plants that produce
velop. Small, new bulbs may not flower for two or
stolons or runners are propagated by severing the
three years, but large ones should bloom the first
new plants from their parent stems. Plantlets at the
year. Examples: tulip and narcissus.
tips of runners may be rooted while still attached

to the parent, or detached and placed in a rooting
medium. Examples: strawberry and spider plant. Corms
A large new corm forms on top of the old corm,
and tiny cormels form around the large corm. Af-
ter the leaves wither, dig up the corms and allow
Plants with a rosetted stem often reproduce by
them to dry in indirect light for two or three weeks.
forming new shoots at their base or in leaf axils.
Remove the cormels, then gently separate the new
Sever the new shoots from the parent plant after
corm from the old corm. Dust all new corms with
a fungicide and store in a cool place until planting
time. Examples: crocus and gladiolus.

Plants with more than one rooted crown may
Figure 2.39. Stolons and runners (left), offsets be divided and the crowns planted separately.
(right). If the stems are not joined, gently pull the plants
apart. If horizontal stems unite the crowns, cut the
stems and roots with a sharp knife to minimize in-
they have developed their own root system. Un-
jury. Divisions of some outdoor plants should be
rooted offsets of some species may be removed
dusted with a fungicide before they are replanted.
and placed in a rooting medium. Some of these
Examples: snake plant, iris, prayer plant and day
must be cut off, while others may be simply lifted
off of the parent stem. Examples: date palm, ha-
worthia, bromeliads and many cacti.
Grafting and budding are methods of asexual
plant propagation that join plant parts so they will
grow as one plant. These techniques are used to
Separation is a term applied to a form of prop-
propagate cultivars that will not root well as cut-
agation by which plants that produce bulbs or
tings or whose own root systems are inadequate.
corms multiply.
One or more new cultivars can be added to exist-

ing fruit and nut trees by grafting or budding.
Bulbs The portion of the cultivar that is to be prop-
New bulbs form beside the originally planted agated is called the scion. It consists of a piece
bulb. Separate these bulb clumps every three to of shoot with dormant buds that will produce the

Master Gardeners Manual 49

stem and branches. The rootstock or stock pro-
vides the new plant’s root system and sometimes
the lower part of the stem. The cambium is a layer
of cells located between the wood and bark of a
stem from which new bark and wood cells orig-
inate. (See Fruit chapter for discussion of apple
rootstock). Figure 2.42. Bark graft (left), whip or tongue
Four conditions must be met for grafting to be graft (right).
successful: the scion and rootstock must be com-
patible; each must be at the proper physiological bark is easy to separate from the wood, make a
stage; the cambial layers of the scion and stock ½-inch diagonal cut on one side of the scion and a
must meet; and the graft union must be kept moist 1 ½-inch diagonal cut on the other side. Leave two
until the wound has healed. buds above the longer cut. Cut through the bark
of the stock, a little wider than the scion. Remove
Cleft grafting the top third of the bark from this cut. Insert the
Cleft grafting is often used to change the culti- scion with the longer cut against the wood. Nail the
var or top growth of a shoot or a young tree (usu- graft in place with flat-headed wire nails. Cover all
ally a seedling). It is especially successful if done wounds with grafting wax.
in the early spring. Collect scion wood 3/8- to 5/8-
inch in diameter. Cut the limb or small tree trunk to Whip or tongue grafting
be reworked, perpendicular to its length. Make a This method is often used for material ¼- to
2-inch vertical cut through the center of the previ- ½- inch in diameter. The scion and rootstock are
ous cut. Be careful not to tear the bark. Keep this usually of the same diameter, but the scion may
cut wedged apart. Cut the lower end of each scion be narrower than the stock. This strong graft heals
piece into a wedge. Prepare two scion pieces 3 to quickly and provides excellent cambial contact.
4 inches long. Insert the scions at the outer edg- Make one 2 ½‑inch long sloping cut at the top of
es of the cut in the stock. Tilt the top of the scion the rootstock and a matching cut on the bottom of
slightly outward and the bottom slightly inward to the scion. On the cut surface, slice downward into
be sure the cambial layers of the scion and stock the stock and up into the scion so the pieces will
touch. Remove the wedge propping the slit open interlock. Fit the pieces together, then tie and wax
and cover all cut surfaces with grafting wax. the union.

Bark grafting Care of the graft
Unlike most grafting methods, bark grafting Proper care must be maintained for the follow-
can be used on large limbs, although these are ing year or two for success in grafting. If a bind-
often infected before the wound can completely ing material such as strong cord or nursery tape is
heal. Collect scion wood 3/8- to ½-inch in diame- used on the graft, cut it away shortly after growth
ter when the plant is dormant, and store the wood starts to prevent girdling. Rubber budding strips
wrapped in moist paper in a plastic bag in the re- have some advantages over other materials. They
frigerator. Saw off the limb or trunk of the rootstock expand with growth and usually do not need to
at a right angle to itself. In the spring, when the be cut, as they deteriorate and break after a short
time. It is also an excellent idea to inspect the
graft after two or three weeks to see if the wax has
cracked. If necessary, rewax the exposed areas.
After this, the union will probably be strong enough
and no more waxing will be necessary.
Limbs of the old variety which are not selected
for grafting should be cut back at the time of graft-
ing. The total leaf surface of the old variety should
be gradually reduced as the new one increases
Figure 2.41. Cleft graft. until at the end of one or two years the new variety

50 Master Gardeners Manual

has completely taken over. Completely removing knife at the intersection. Remove a shield-shaped
all the limbs of the old variety at the time of grafting piece of the scion, including a bud, bark and a thin
increases the shock to the tree and causes exces- section of wood. Push the shield under the loos-
sive suckering. Also, the scions may grow too fast ened stock bark. Wrap the union, leaving the bud
making them susceptible to wind damage. exposed.

Budding Care of Buds

Budding or bud grafting is the union of one Place the bud in the stock in August. Force the
bud and a small piece of bark from the scion with a bud to develop the following spring by cutting the
rootstock. It is especially useful when scion mate- stock off 3 to 4 inches above the bud. The new
rial is limited. It is also faster and forms a stronger shoot may be tied to the resulting stub to prevent
union than grafting. damage from the wind. After the shoot has made
a strong union with the stock, cut the stub off close
Patch budding to the budded area.
Plants with thick bark should be patch budded.
This is done while the plants are actively growing Plant Tissue Culture
and the bark slips easily. Remove a rectangular
piece of bark from the rootstock. Cover this wound Although technical procedures for aseptic cul-
with a bud and matching piece of bark from the ture of plant cells, tissues and organs are as diverse
scion. If the rootstock’s bark is thicker than that of as the plant material on which they are practiced,
the scion, pare it down to meet the thinner bark, so a simplified general procedure can be followed in
when the union is wrapped, the patch will be held the home. All that is needed are a few basic sup-
firmly in place. plies that can easily be obtained. The procedures
outlined in this section can be used in the home
Chip budding to propagate various species of plants, both easy
This budding method can be used when the (African violets, coleus, chrysanthemums) and dif-
bark is not slipping. Slice downward into the root- ficult (orchids, ferns, weeping figs) to propagate.
stock at a 45 degree angle through ¼ of the wood.
Make a second cut upward from the first cut, about Medium preparation
1 inch. Remove a bud and attending chip of bark For 2 pints of tissue culture medium, mix the
and wood from the scion shaped so it fits the root- following ingredients in a 1‑quart home canning
stock wound. Fit the bud chip to the stock and jar:
wrap the union. • 1/8 cup sugar
• 1 teaspoon all-purpose, soluble fertilizer mix-
T-budding ture. Check the label to make sure it has all the
This is the most commonly used budding tech- major and minor elements, especially ammoni-
nique. When the bark is slipping, make a vertical um nitrate. If the latter is lacking, add 1/3 tea-
cut (same axis as the rootstock) through the bark spoon of a 35-0-0 soluble fertilizer.
of the rootstock, avoiding any buds on the stock. • 1 tablet (100 mg) of inositol (myo-inositol),
Make a horizontal cut at the top of the vertical cut which can be obtained at most health food
(in a T shape) and loosen the bark by twisting the stores.
• 1/4 of a pulverized vitamin tablet which has 1
to 2 mg of thiamine
• 4 Tablespoons coconut milk (cytokinin source)
drained from a fresh coconut. The remainder
can be frozen and used later.
• 3 to 4 grains (1/400 teaspoon) of a commercial
rooting compound that has 0.1 active ingredi-
ent IBA. Fill the jar with distilled or deionized
Figure 2.43. Patch bud (left), chip bud (middle) water. If purified water is not available, water
and T-bud (right).

Master Gardeners Manual 51

that has been boiled for several minutes can and dominate the culture.
be substituted. Various plant parts can be cultured, but small,
• Shake the mixture and make sure all materials actively growing portions usually result in the most
have dissolved. vigorous plantlets. For example, ferns are most
readily propagated by using only 1 inch of the tip
Baby food jars with lids or other heat-resistant of a rhizome. For other species, ½ to 1 inch of the
glass receptacles with lids can be used as indi- shoot tip is sufficient. Remove leaves attached to
vidual culture jars. They should be half filled with the tip and discard. Place the plant part into a solu-
cotton or paper to support the plant material. The tion of one part commercial bleach to nine parts
medium should be poured into each culture bot- water for 8 to 10 minutes. Submerge all plant tissue
tle to the point where the support material is just in the bleach solution. After this time period, rinse
above the solution. off excess bleach by dropping the plant part into
When all bottles contain the medium and have sterile water. Remember, once the plant material
the lids loosely screwed on, they are ready to be has been in the bleach, it has been disinfested and
sterilized. This can be done by placing them in a should only be touched with sterile tweezers.
pressure cooker and sterilizing them under pres- After the plant material has been rinsed, re-
sure for 30 minutes or placing them in an oven at move any bleach-damaged tissue with a sterile
320 F for four hours. After removing them from the razor blade. Then remove the cap of a culture bot-
sterilizer, place them in clean area and allow the tle containing sterile medium, place the plant part
medium to cool. If the bottles will not be used for onto the support material in the bottle, making sure
several days, wrap groups of culture bottles in foil that it is not completely submerged in the medium,
before sterilizing and then sterilize the whole pack- and recap quickly.
age. Then the bottles can be removed and cooled Transferring should be done as quickly as
without removing the foil cover. Sterilized water, possible in a clean environment. Therefore, scrub
tweezers and razor blades, which will be needed hands and counter tops with soap and water just
later, can be prepared in the same manner. before beginning to disinfest plant material. Rub-
bing alcohol or a dilute bleach solution can be
Plant disinfestation and culture used to wipe down the working surface.
Once the growing medium is sterilized and After all plants have been cultured, place them
cooled, plant material can be prepared for culture. in a warm, well lit (no direct sunlight) environment
Because plants usually harbor bacterial and fun- to encourage growth. If contamination of the medi-
gal spores, they must be cleaned (disinfested) be- um has occurred, it should be obvious within three
fore placement on the sterile medium. Otherwise, to four days. Remove and wash contaminated cul-
bacteria and fungi may grow faster than the plants ture bottles as quickly as possible to prevent the
spread to uncontaminated cultures.

Culture medium Baby food jars with support Sterilizer Sterilized culture bottles

1:9 Sterile water

Growing, healthy plant part

Figure 2.44. Medium preparation.

52 Master Gardeners Manual

When plantlets have grown to sufficient size, Imperfect Flower – A flower that lacks either sta-
transplant them into soil. Handle as gently as pos- mens or pistils and may or may not have se-
sible because the plants are leaving a warm, humid pals or petals.
environment for a cool, dry one. After transplant- Complete Flower – Contains calyx, stamens, pistil
ing, water the plants thoroughly and place them in and corolla.
a clear plastic bag for several days. Gradually re- Incomplete Flower – Lacks one or more of the four
move the bag to acclimate the plants to their new regular complete flower parts.
environment; start with one hour per day and grad- Calyx – The sepals of a flower as a group.
ually increase time out of the bag during a two- Corolla – The petals of a flower as a group.
week period, until the plants are strong enough to Stomate – Pore in the epidermis of a leaf.
dispense with the bag altogether. Compound Leaf – A leaf with the blade divided
into two or more leaflets.
Plant Science Glossary Leaflet – A single division of a compound leaf.
Photosynthesis – The manufacture of carbohy- Simple Leaf – In one piece or unit, not compound.
drates in green plants from the raw materials Pinnate Leaf – Compound leaves with the leaflets
carbon dioxide and water. arranged on opposite sides along a common
Xylem – A complex tissue of tough, fibrous, elon- axis.
gated cells forming vessels and woody tissue. Palmate Leaf – A compound leaf lobed or divided
Responsible for upward movement of water like fingers on a hand.
and minerals from root to leaves. Bi-pinnate – Leaflets are twice pinnate.
Phloem – A complex tissue of sieve tubes and Scarification – Injuring or scratching the seed coat
parenchyma. Responsible for translocation to aid germination.
of food in solution. The inner bark of woody Stratification – Subjection of seeds to a process
plants. like cold temperatures, moisture, etc. to com-
Monocot – Plant with one cotyledon in its seed. plete the after ripening process and break the
Dicot – Plant with two cotyledons or seed leaves rest period.
in its seed. Evergreen – Retains functional leaves throughout
Stamen – The male part of a flower consisting of the year.
anther and filament. Deciduous – No living leaves during dormant
Pistil – The female part of a flower consisting of season.
ovary, ovules, style and stigma. Annual – Completion of life cycle within one year.
Perfect Flower – A flower with both stamens and Perennial – Life span of more than two years.
pistils, but not necessarily sepals or petals. Biennial – Life span of more than one year, but not
more than two.

Master Gardeners Manual 53

Chapter 3: SOILS
Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Define soil and understand its composition and formation.

• Understand physical properties of soil, including texture, structure, porosity, air and water move-
ment, organic matter, soil organisms and groundwater.
• Tell how particular management factors can affect soil physical properties and plant growth.
• Name the essential plant nutrients and tell how they are best managed in a sound soil fertility
• Understand soil pH and its management for optimum plant growth.
• Explain the types of nutrient sources, how they are applied and how to calculate quantities needed.
• Understand environmental implications of soil management practices.

Chapter 3: Soils and Fertilizer......................... 54 Soil Properties

Soil Properties.....................................................54
Soil compositions..........................................54 Soil compositions
Soil depth......................................................55 In the management of soils, it is important to
Soil texture.....................................................55 understand what makes up soils and how they are
Soil structure..................................................56 composed. A typical garden soil is made up of
Internal drainage...........................................56 about ½ solids and ½ voids. Soil solids are most-
Soil pH...........................................................56 ly mineral, with only about 1 percent to 2 percent
Soluble salt....................................................56 organic matter present. The mineral matter can be
Organic matter..............................................57 further categorized by particle size into sand, silt
Essential Plant Nutrients......................................75 and clay material. The voids in soil are filled with
Macronurients................................................57 either air or water. A day or so after irrigation or
Secondary nutrients......................................58 rainfall, drained soil will have ½ of the voids filled
Micronutrients................................................59 with air and ½ filled with water. A typical soil com-
Soil Testing and Fertilizer Application.................59 position is illustrated in Figure 3.1.
Collecting a representative soil sample........59
Soil pH and BI (buffer index).........................61 Air
Plant available N, P and K in the soil.............61 25%
General guidelines of fertilization..................61
Organic fertilizers..........................................61 Organic

Mineral 48%

Figure 3.1. Typical air, water, mineral and organ-

ic matter distribution in a soil.
54 Master Gardeners Manual
The mineral and organic components provide root system, the better the plant can tolerate cli-
a reservoir of nutrients for plants. The voids, or matic stress extremes such as heat, drought, wind,
pores, holding water are usually an adequate sup- and high light intensity. Deep soil also provides
ply to maintain the needs of plants for several days. a good supply of essential nutrients for better
Pores holding air are just as important to plants as growth. Plants on shallow soil will have problems
those holding water because roots respire, taking even with concise drip irrigation and water man-
in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide. Large soil agement. Sudden rainfall periods will force rapid
pores allow air exchange between the soil and the growth at first on shallow soils; however, when the
atmosphere, assuring oxygen for the roots to func- soil becomes saturated, growth stops. Soil depth
tion normally. is best determined by digging straight down with
Soil is a dynamic system, which anchors plants a posthole digger or a shovel. If the soil is easy to
and supplies nutrients and water (Figure 3.2). dig, it is good for root growth. If the soil is so hard
Good soil is key to a beautiful lawn and garden. that it cannot be dug, roots will likewise not grow
Chemical analysis of a soil sample determines well. Soil 12 inches deep or less will require very
nutrient status and soil pH. Some of the physical concise water and fertilizer management. Deeper
properties can be visually observed. The best way soils, 24 inches or more, are more forgiving and
to evaluate soil on-site is to dig into it with a post- allow a greater margin of error in both nutrition and
hole digger or a shovel. This allows evaluation of irrigation management.
depth, layering, color, texture, structure, etc. Sev-
eral digs are needed to map the range of variation. Soil texture
Soil mineral particles are divided into sand, silt
Soil depth and clay depending on their sizes when complete-
Deep soil with good internal drainage is ideal. ly separated. Sand ranges from 0.05 to 2 mm in
With the harsh Oklahoma climate, the greater the size; Clay is smaller than 0.002 mm and silt is in
between sand and clay. The relative proportion of
the various grain sizes in a soil is called texture. To
describe soil texture, names such as sandy loam,
clay loam and clay are used. Once a soil has a par-




Figure 3.3. Soil texture triangle. Soil texture

Figure 3.2. Soil is a living body and is capable to
classes can be found following the percentages
support plant growth.
of sand, silt and clay for a particular soil.

Master Gardeners Manual 55

ticle size analysis, the textural class can be found paction can also cause poor soil structure prob-
in the USDA triangle (Figure 3.3). Loams are ideal lems. For example, heavy tractors and sprayers,
soils, since they have the right proportions of all constant foot traffic and using the same pattern
size fractions for better structures, water-holding when mowing will compact the soil, especially
capacity and aeration. The sandy soils drain very when the soil is moist. Repeated compaction will
fast, but have a very low water- and nutrient-hold- create a hard soil that is very difficult to manage.
ing capacity. Clays have high water- and nutri-
ent-holding capacity, but drain very slowly. Some- Internal drainage
times, gravel or small rocks (>2mm in diameter) in Slow internal soil drainage is a very serious
a soil can improve internal drainage. problem. As the soil air content decreases, roots
die, active absorption of water across the root
Soil structure membranes stops, salt toxicity increases and hor-
Soil structure is the arrangement of its indi- mone production in the root tips stops. Therefore,
vidual particles into small groups, or aggregates. the rapid movement of water into and out of the
These aggregates may be bound together to root zone is absolutely essential in maintaining
form large masses called pads. The pads come good soil air content. To check air movement in
in different shapes such as spheres, blocks, col- a soil, fill a hole with water to determine how well
umns,and plates (Figure 3.4). Good soil structure the soil actually drains. If, after one hour of filling
can be called soft soil, while poor soil structure or a hole, the water level did not change much, the
the absence of structure, is termed hard soil. Good drainage is poor. On the other hand, if the water is
soil structure comes from good soil chemistry and completely gone, the soil does not hold water well
adequate organic matter. Clay soils demand good enough. Adjust the amount and timing of watering
structure; otherwise they are impossible to man- to accommodate the soil you have.
age. Good structured soils, such as granular type,
have excellent water- and nutrient-holding capac- Soil pH
ity. Good structure also leads to excellent internal Soil pH is a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity.
drainage, which allows absorption of water and It is expressed on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being
nutrients. The presence of sodium in soil or water considered neutral. Below 7 is acidic and above
can destroy soil structure, resulting in serious prob- 7 is alkaline. Soil samples need to be collected to
lems from water saturation and poor drainage. To determine the pH of the area. The ideal pH for most
help remedy soils high with sodium content, appli- plants is in the neutral range of 6.5 to 7.5, but many
cations of gypsum are needed, along with heavy plants do well in the range from 5 to 8 (Figure 3.5).
leaching with low-sodium water. In addition, com- There are many soils in Oklahoma that are very
acid and require the addition of lime. A soil sample
report will have a lime recommendation, if needed.
Alkaline and calcareous soils with a high pH also
occur, especially in western Oklahoma. The prob-
lems associated with high pH could be iron chlo-
rosis and zinc deficiency. High pH is corrected by
adding sulfur rather than lime. Applications of sul-
fur or sulfuric acid have not proven horticulturally
and economically effective, and are not generally
recommended for large areas. Foliar application of
micronutrients can alleviate iron chlorosis and zinc
deficiency symptoms.

Soluble salt
The content of soluble salt in the soil could be
Figure 3.4. Typical structures found in Oklaho- another determining factor between success and
ma soils. Granular is the best structure for plant failure. Soluble salts can come from many different
growth. sources. Irrigating with poor quality water and ap-

56 Master Gardeners Manual

Household Ammonia

8.0 Medium

Slight Pure Water

Most 7.0
soils Moderate
Medium Acidic

5.0 Strong

Very Strong Vinegar

4.0 Lemon Juice

Figure 3.5. Illustration of typical pH ranges commonly found in soils.

plying too much commercial fertilizer or compost the soil is very important to soil quality because
are common sources of salt in lawn and gardens. it enhances water- and nutrient-holding capacity
When salts build up in the soil, plants cannot use and improves soil structure. Therefore, increasing
water efficiently and could die if the salt level is soil organic matter can enhance productivity and
too high. The electrical conductivity (EC) and ex- environmental quality. Applying compost or an-
changeable sodium percentage (ESP) are gener- imal manure not only supplies needed nutrients,
ally provided by a soil salinity test. Soils can be but also adds organic matter to the soil. Another
classified into four salt-affected categories, based method to increase soil organic matter content is
on their EC and ESP (Figure 3.6). Remediation and to plant cover crops when possible. Returning all
management of salt affected soils are discussed plant residues to the soil and using mulching lawn
in more detail in fact sheet PSS-2226 Reclaiming mowers are highly recommended to preserve nu-
Slick-Spots and Salt Affected Soils. trients and improve organic matter content. Add-
ing 1 to 2 inches of compost each year goes a long
Organic matter way.
All organic substances in the soil, living or
dead, fresh or decomposed, are part of the soil Essential Plant Nutrients
organic matter. The content of organic matter in
Plants differ in growth habit, morphological
features and benefit or purpose they serve the
homeowner. However, all plants require 16 chem-
ical elements, as identified by modern science,
to survive and reproduce. Most of the essential
elements are well supplied in the growing envi-
ronment and only a few require our management.
Based on the amount needed, those nutrients are
grouped into macronutrients, secondary nutrients
and micronutrients.

Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O)
Figure 3.6. Categories of salt affected soils. EC, Higher plants get their C from carbon dioxide
electrical conductivity; ESP, exchangeable so- (CO2) in the atmosphere. There is little we need to
dium percentage. do that would benefit plants from increasing the

Master Gardeners Manual 57

C supply. Most of the H and O for plants are sup- deficient in soil that was previously farmed and re-
plied by water (H2O) and air (O2). As discussed ceived little or no phosphorus input. Phosphorus
above, timely irrigation and managing the soil to will most commonly be deficient in recently modi-
maintain or improve infiltration and internal drain- fied landscapes, such as cut areas where surface
age are important to meeting plant needs for these soil has been removed, and the P deficient subsoil
two elements. In many home landscapes, peren- is being used as a growing medium.
nial plants have been wisely selected to thrive in Potassium deficiency is common in high rain-
the natural climate and soil of the site. When this is fall regions (greater than 35 inches annually) such
done, little added management is necessary. as eastern Oklahoma. Soils that naturally have a
near neutral or higher pH (7 or above) will usually
Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) be rich in available potassium (western Oklahoma)
and Potassium (K) because they have developed in arid and semi-ar-
Three nutrients, commonly called macronutri- id climates without enough rainfall to leach potas-
ents, are required in large amounts by plants. They sium from the soils.
are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Because
these nutrients are primarily supplied from the soil, Secondary nutrients
they are the first elements to become depleted Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S)
with an intensive cropping system – the result of These elements are seldom deficient in the ur-
high produce yields hauled off the fields to market. ban landscape. Calcium and magnesium are the
In response to widespread soil nutrient depletion, main elements responsible for keeping the soil
the fertilizer industry was born. Subsequently, soils pH from becoming too acidic. Before supplies for
have been replenished with these three nutrients plants become deficient, the soil pH is too acid-
by the addition of mined natural deposits or syn- ic for plants to grow, and lime must be added to
thetically prepared soluble forms of fertilizer. raise the pH back to a suitable level. Because lime
Plant growth and yield are strongly influenced is mostly calcium carbonate (some magnesium
by the supply of N. Of all the nutrients, N is the carbonate), liming to keep the pH desirable also
most commonly deficient, especially when plant maintains good supplies of calcium and magne-
vegetation is removed from the area where it grew sium for plants.
(e.g., bagging lawn clippings). Because nitrogen Rainfall in Oklahoma adds about 6 pounds of
is bound organically in amino acids and plant pro- sulfur per acre per year. While this may not seem
teins, when plants die, much of the N in the dead like much, plants only require about 1/20 as much
tissue remains bound in these organic forms. As sulfur as nitrogen. If sulfur is needed, gypsum (cal-
plant residue decays and becomes soil organic cium sulfate), ammonium sulfate or elemental sul-
matter (humus) most N remains organically bound fur are good sources.
and becomes an important reservoir of slow-re-
lease N. Nitrogen in humus cannot be absorbed Micronutrients
by plants until it is released by soil microorganisms Molybdenum (Mo), Manganese (Mn)
and is present in inorganic forms as either am- Copper (Cu)
monium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-). Clearly, nitrogen These elements have not been found to be
management must involve organic matter man- deficient in Oklahoma soils, and are unlikely to be
agement. Understanding this is especially import- deficient in landscape plants grown in soil or soil
ant for organic gardeners. mixes.
Phosphorus deficiency in mature lawns and
gardens is uncommon because plants use only Chlorine (Cl) and Boron (B)
about 1/10 to 1/6 as much phosphorus as they do Chlorine deficiency is rarely found in Okla-
nitrogen. Also, many homeowners apply as much homa. Heavy rainfall will likely leach chloride out
phosphorus back to the soil in the form of compost of the soil, so it may occur in deep, sandy soils
and fertilizers as they do nitrogen. Since phospho- following an unusually wet year. Boron deficiency
rus is immobile in the soil, it accumulates and will also occurs in deep sandy soils and has only been
be adequately supplied by soils with a history of reported in peanut production in Oklahoma. It is
annual inputs of phosphorus. Phosphorus may be unlikely homeowners will experience deficiency of

58 Master Gardeners Manual

either of these nutrients in their landscapes. How- soil acidic and reduce the chance of iron chlorosis
ever, excessive boron is toxic to plants. A boron if the soil has a high pH.
test may be warranted, epecially if growing grapes.
Soil Testing and Fertilizer
Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn) Application
Deficiencies of these two nutrients are limited
to specific soil-plant conditions or situations. The
plants most susceptible to zinc deficiency in Okla- When and how often to soil test
homa are pecans. Commercial growers routinely Soil testing should be viewed with the same
apply foliar zinc fertilizers to avoid the problem. approach as one would take toward servicing the
Deficiency shows up as rosetting, a shortening lawn mower or car engine. If we do not know how
of internodes (space along stem between nodes much gas and oil are present, we check the fuel
or leaves). This causes the leaves or branches of gauge and dip stick. If we want to know whether
new growth to appear as if they are all growing out or not soil pH, available phosphorus and available
of the same point on the main stalk. Corn is the potassium exist at desirable levels we need to test
second most susceptible plant to zinc deficiency. the soil. Since these soil properties do not change
Most soils in Oklahoma are adequately supplied much from one year to the next, it is not neces-
with Zn, but it may show deficiency symptoms sary to soil test the same area each year. However,
when soil pH is greater than 7.5, since Zn is un- a soil test once every three years will provide in-
available in high pH soils. formation needed to manage a lawn and garden
Most soils contain a large quantity of iron. How- properly.
ever, most of this iron is in an oxide form, like rust, Plant-available nitrogen in the soil changes
that plants are unable to use directly. Iron deficien- considerably from year to year and even within
cy in plants is limited to high pH soils (central and a season. Plant growth, addition of nitrogen fer-
western Oklahoma) and in plants that do not have tilizer and decay of organic matter will all cause
an effective mechanism for extracting iron from soil significant changes in available nitrogen in just a
(more acid-loving plants). These plants are unable few days. It is not necessary to soil test each year
to acidify soil next to their roots or chelating Fe to or within the season to closely monitor nitrogen
improve its availability. Pin oaks are an example of needs. Instead, add small amounts of nitrogen fer-
plants that do poorly in neutral and high pH soils, tilizer throughout the growing season, or aerate the
and are not recommended for parts of central and soil by shallow cultivation to promote the release of
western Oklahoma for that reason. Most garden organic nitrogen to improve plant growth or green
plants are effective in obtaining adequate iron from color.
soils, making iron deficiency uncommon.
When iron deficiency does occur, it will appear Collecting a representative
as interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the soil sample
veins) in the newest leaves, since iron is not trans- Homeowners and lawn care professionals must
located well from old leaves to new leaves, as are realize the spatial variability existing around the
N, P and K. Deficiencies can be corrected by a foli- yard when collecting a soil sample. Each sample
ar application of a 1 percent solution of iron sulfate, collected should represent the area to be fertilized.
iron-ammonium sulfate (ferrous or ferric ammoni- The fertility level in the vegetable garden may be
um sulfate) or other fertilizers containing Fe. How- different from that of a flower bed. Soil test param-
ever, if the supply of iron from the soil to the plant is eters in the front yard may be drastically different
not improved, chlorosis will again develop on new from those in the backyard. Therefore, separated
growth because iron is not translocated from old, samples may need to be collected from those ar-
well-fed tissue to new, deficient tissue. Soil organic eas so they can be treated differently. Avoid sam-
matter helps to naturally chelate iron and improve pling “odd-ball” areas. A core or slice from the sur-
its availability to plants. Improving and maintaining face to a depth of 6 inches should be taken from
high organic matter levels in the soil usually reduc- 15 to 20 locations in each area and composited
es or eliminates the problem. Also, periodic sur- into one representative sample for testing (Figures
face application of elemental sulfur will make the 3.7 and 3.8).

Master Gardeners Manual 59

X X Green,
Azeleas X
X healthy
Back lawn X
Yellow or
X bare spots


Each soil sample

X X Front lawn
should represent X
only one soil Identify problem areas
condition with soil tests
Figure 3.7. Taking soil samples separately to ac- Figure 3.8. Key points of taking a good soil sam-
curately represent pH and soil fertility levels of ple (right tool, consistent depth and enough
the vegetable garden, flower bed and lawns. subsamples).
Soil samples may be submitted to the coun- ber of other tests, such as soil organic matter con-
ty Extension office. They will send the samples to tent and texture, are also available through the lab.
the Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory
for testing, then send the results back to you with Soil test interpretations
fertilizer recommendations. Soil samples are ana- Figure 3.9 is a soil test report from the OSU soil
lyzed routinely for pH, nitrate nitrogen, plant avail- testing lab. It shows the test results on the upper
able phosphorus and potassium, while secondary part of the report and a brief interpretation on the
and micronutrients are tested on request. A num- lower part of the report. The amount of lime and nu-

Routine Test Secondary Nutrients Micronutrients

pH; 5.6 SO4-S (lbs/A) Fe (ppm):

Buffer Index: 6.8 Surface: Zn (ppm):
NO3-N (lbs/A): Subsoil: B (ppm):
Surface: 2 Ca (lbs/A): Cu (ppm):
Subsoil: Mg (lbs/A):
Soil Test P Index: 15 (8 ppm)
Soil Test K Index: 116 (58 ppm) Additional Tests

Interpretation and Requirements for: Garden (No yield goal needed for N recommendation)

Test Interpretation Requirement Recommendation and Comments

pH Lime Needed 55 lbs ECCE/1,000 sq. ft.

Nitrogen Deficient 1 lb/1,000 sq. ft. N
Phosphorus Deficient 2.5 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. P2O5 annually
Potassium Deficient 2.7 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. K2O annually

Figure 3.9. An example of soil test report shows soil pH, amount of nitrate nitrogen and plant avail-
able phosphorus and potassium in the soil. The amount of lime needed to bring pH to 6.5, and the
amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needed are shown in the lower part.

60 Master Gardeners Manual

trients are recommended based on the crop given, phorus is added, the yield will only be 40 percent
soil pH and soil plant available nutrient levels. of the potential yield.
Potassium (K): Like phosphorus, potassium
Soil pH and BI (buffer index) soil tests estimate K availability in the soil and the
When soil pH is less than 5.9, lime is recom- test indicates a certain percent sufficiency. The
mended for lawn and gardens. The amount of lime optimum level will vary with crop, soil type and oth-
needed to bring soil pH to 6.5 is based on the buf- er soil related factors, but 300 is considered ade-
fer index. For this example, the buffer index is 6.8, quate for lawn and gardens.
so 55 pounds per 1,000 square feet is 100 percent Table 3.1 shows the general classification of N,
ECCE (effective calcium carbonate equivalent) P and K levels in the soil. Additional nutrients need
This number is on the bag indicating the purity and to be applied if a soil test indicates the levels are
fineness of the lime. For gardens, lime should be medium or lower. There is no need to apply more
applied and incorporated by cultivation. This may nutrients when they are high. It may be harmful to
be done as a part of regularly scheduled cultiva- your plants and the environment if nutrient levels
tion to incorporate plant residue. If the soil is from are excessive.
a lawn area, aerating the lawn after application will
help incorporate the lime. Bermuda grass lawns General guidelines of fertilization
with a soil pH less than 5.0 will benefit from lime A soil test estimates the ability of soil to provide
even if it cannot be incorporated. Irrigation and nutrients to plants. This analysis takes some of the
rainfall will help move the lime down into the thatch guesswork out of fertilization. The key for a useful
layer. Through time, the lime will move into cracks soil test is to provide the lab with a good soil sam-
and worm channels, bringing it in contact with and ple. Nitrogen is not stable in the soil, so it needs to
neutralizing acidic soil near plant roots. Once the be applied in small amounts, but multiple times. A
liming is complete, it may take a few months be- good starting point for any crop is at the beginning
fore the pH changes. However, it should not be of the growing season. Add 40 pounds nitrogen
necessary to lime again for several years. per acre or about 1 pound per 1,000 square feet
Some plants, such as blueberries and azaleas, (because one acre is 43,560 square feet). Howev-
require low soil pH. Other plants, such as fescue, er, P and K only need to be applied once per year,
can grow well at reasonably low pH. Therefore, typically at the beginning of the season and based
lime may not be needed even if the soil test report on soil test levels. Table 3.2 is the N, P and K rec-
makes a recommendation. Recommendations ommendations for lawn and garden soils.
specific to the site, fertilization times, schedules,
application or other special conditions may be list- Synthetic fertilizers
ed by the county educator in addition to the lab Most homeowners may only buy fertilizers
results shown. formulated for the lawn and garden from nurser-
ies or department stores. There are many differ-
Plant available N, P and K in the soil ent brands and fertilizer formulations available for
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) is water soluble and
readily available for plant uptake. This test shows
the amount of NO3-N present in the soil and it will Table 3.1. General Classification of Certain Nu-
be subtracted from the amount of N needed. The N trients on the Soil Test Report.
recommended is the amount needed per applica-
tion. Several applications may be needed during NO3-N P K
the whole growing season. lbs/acre Test Index
Phosphorus (P): This method determines
phosphorus availability index in the soil. A level Very Low <5 <10 <75
of 65 is desired for all crops, which is considered Low 5-25 10-20 75-150
100 percent sufficient. A soil test with 40 percent Medium 25-50 20-65 150-300
sufficiency means 40 percent of plant phosphorus High 50-100 65-120 300-500
needs will be supplied by the soil. The remainder Excessive >100 >120 >500
must be provided by adding fertilizer. If no phos-

Master Gardeners Manual 61

Table 3.2. Recommendations Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Lawns and Gardens.

Soil Test N N P2O5 K2O

(lbs/acre) (lbs/1000sq. ft) Soil Test P (lbs/1000sq. ft) Soil Test K (lbs/1000sq. ft)

0-15 1.0 0-20 2.5 0-100 6.0

15-30 0.7 20-40 2.0 100-200 3.0
30-45 0.3 40-65 1.0 200-300 1.0
>45 0 >65 0 >300 0

purchase. The fertilizer analysis, such as 10-20-10 or ones with low P and K, such as: 46-0-0 (urea) or
(Figure 3.9), given on the package refers to the 29-3-4. This will avoid overapplying certain nutri-
percentage of weight. All fertilizers are labeled ents, which can negatively affect plant growth.
with three numbers, giving the percentage by So, how much fertilizer must be added to get
weight of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5) and pot- the predetermined amount of nitrogen? The an-
ash (K2O), respectively. For simplicity, those num- swer to this problem depends upon the fertilizer
bers are said to represent N, P and K. It is actually being used, since commercial materials contain-
not N-P-K, but N- P2O5- K2O. However, there is no ing only nitrogen will range from 46 percent (urea)
need to be concerned about this as the amount to 21 percent (ammonium sulfate). Once it is de-
of P and K recommended in Table 3.2 are also in cided on how much nitrogen to add, the amount
P2O5 and K2O. No conversions are needed. of fertilizer required to get that much nitrogen is
Besides the premixed fertilizers, there are oth- calculated by dividing the nitrogen amount by the
er common bulk fertilizers, such as ammonium percent N in the fertilizer and multiplying the an-
nitrate (34-0-0), urea (46-0-0), diammonium phos- swer by 100. For example, if we need 1 pound of N
phate (18-46-0) and muriate of potash (0-0-60), per 1,000 square feet from ammonium nitrate fertil-
available at agricultural retail outlets. Those bulk izer (34 percent N), the amount of fertilizer needed
fertilizers are typically less expensive than small is
bagged fertilizers.
If a soil test is showing low in P and K as well as 1 pound N/34 x 100 = 2.94 pounds ammonium ni-
N, use a complete fertilizer, such as 13-13-13 for a trate fertilizer
year or two, then retest the soil. If the test is already
high in P and K, apply fertilizers containing N only If the lawn is 10,000 square feet, then you need:

2.94 x 10,000 ÷ 1,000 = 29.4 pounds of ammoni-

um nitrate

This is the amount per application. It may need

to be applied several times during the growing sea-
son, depending on the desired look and required
maintenance. Try to avoid applying N too late in
the season. The disadvantage of having high lev-
els of available N in the soil late in the fall is that
it will stimulate growth of annual winter weeds like
henbit. To avoid this, it is best not to fertilize after
the first of September and allow the lawn and gar-
den plants to deplete the soil of available nitrogen.
The exception would be for fall and winter plant-
ings, like a fescue lawn. Too much nitrogen late
Figure 3.9. Fertilizer bags with different nutrient in the season may also promote disease, such as

62 Master Gardeners Manual

spring dead spot, and reduced winter hardiness of ucts of a once-living organism. Some organic prod-
perennial plants. ucts have a nutrient guarantee, such as blood meal
For the example shown in Figure 3.9, N, P and and bone meal, but others are sold as soil amend-
K are all needed, so 13-13-13 or a similar com- ments with no nutrient guarantee, even though they
plete fertilizer would be used at the rate of about 1 have nutrient values. Table 3.3 lists common organ-
pound of N per application (which is 1/13 x 100 = ic sources of nutrients available in most areas.
7.7 pounds of 13-13-13 per 1,000 square feet). Ev- In general, organic fertilizers release nutrients
ery application will add about one pound of P2O5 slowly and gradually because organic fertilizers
and K2O also. The needs of P and K will be met af- depend on soil organisms to break them down
ter about three applications. Nitrogen only fertilizer to release nutrients. An organic amendment may
is used for the rest of the season. only release 50 percent of the total N during the
Just as it will take many years of small phos- first growing season. In contrast, N in commercial
phate additions to raise the soil to adequate lev- synthetic fertilizers is readily available. Therefore, a
els, it will take many years of crop removal to lower doubled amount of total N from an organic source
the soil test from high values to values below 65, needs to be applied to supply the needed N.
signaling the need to add phosphate. Soils with al- Organic fertilizers not only supply all the nutri-
ready high levels of P will be able to supply plants ents for plant growth, but also provide valuable or-
with adequate phosphate for many years without ganic matter to build soil quality. However, the nu-
fertilizer or compost additions. trient ratios of most organic fertilizers are fixed. For
example, the N to P ratio in poultry litter is 1-to-1,
Organic fertilizers but the N and P required by plants is about 4-to-
Organic fertilizers or organic soil amendments 1. If using poultry litter or compost to meet the N
are products derived from the remains or by-prod- needs, too much P is applied. The unneeded P will
build up in the soil, resulting in P runoff to surface
water, causing water quality deterioration. The oth-
Table 3.3. Common organic source of nutrients er drawback of using large quantities of organic
and their nutrient contents. amendments is the accumulation of soluble salts in
the soil, which can negatively affect plant growth.
Source Total N P2O5 K2O One strategy of properly using organic fertilizer is
(%) (%) (%) to apply a moderate amount, supplemented with a
N-rich organic source or synthetic N fertilizers.
Feedlot Manure 1 1 1 All the plant materials from the yard are good
sources of organic matter. They should be recycled.
Poultry Litter 3 3 2.5
Bagging clippings not only removes nutrients from
Alfalfa Meal 2.5 0.5 2 the lawn, but also increases the volume of residen-
Blood Meal 12 tial solid waste. Other organic yard wastes, such as
Fish Meal 9 6 pruning material and dead and dying plants should
Bone Meal 10 be finely chopped and incorporated into the soil or
Wood Ash 5 added to a compost pile.

Master Gardeners Manual 63

Chapter 4
Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Know the characteristics of a good vegetable garden site.

• Understand soil fertility and its importance for garden success.
• Be familiar with major vegetable family groups.
• Know the difference between cool- and warm-season vegetables.
• Understand the benefits of using mulch in the vegetable garden.
• Understand different types of fertilizer for the vegetable garden.
• Be familiar with methods of pest control for vegetable gardens.
• Differentiate between insect and disease symptoms on vegetables.

Chapter 4: Vegetable Gardening.......................................64 Plant disease management tools................................108

Assessing the Garden Site...................................................64 Controlling nematodes................................................109
Soil Fertility: Basis for Gardening.........................................65 Fungicides..........................................................................109
Comparing Organic and Commercial Crop rotation...............................................................110
Fertilizers............................................................................67 Sanitation.....................................................................110
Composting..........................................................................69 Insect Control.....................................................................111
Guidelines.....................................................................70 Organic Gardening Basics.................................................112
Tips................................................................................70 Soil–the basics of organic gardening.........................113
Soil Fertility Summary...........................................................71 Herbs..................................................................................117
Crops and Garden Layout....................................................72 Production Hints for Popular Home
Alternatives to Traditional Gardening...................................73 Garden Vegetables............................................................119
Intensive Gardening Methods..............................................74 Harvest Hints......................................................................124
Components of intensive gardens................................74
Container Gardening............................................................78
Gardening Tips.....................................................................80 Assessing Your Garden Site
Things to avoid..............................................................81
Additional tips...............................................................81
Soil Tillage............................................................................81
Choosing the Site
Selecting Gardening Equipment..........................................82 The selection and preparation of the garden
Seed for the Garden.............................................................83 site is an important key to growing a home gar-
Transplants for the Garden...................................................87 den successfully. Gardens have traditionally been
Summer Care.......................................................................90
Watering...............................................................................92 located in areas separate from other parts of the
Weed Control........................................................................93 landscape because they were considered unsight-
Mulching Garden Soils.........................................................93 ly. However, with proper planning, the garden can
Mulching materials........................................................94
Fall Gardening......................................................................95 be both functional and attractive. Landscape de-
Fall garden summary....................................................96 signs today often incorporate edible plants into ar-
Extending the Growing Season............................................97 eas of the landscape and ornamental plants such
Season extending summary.......................................101
Diagnosis of Abiotic (Non-Disease) as flowering annuals in the vegetable garden. This
Vegetable Problems...........................................................102 approach can offer gardening opportunities nearly
Nutrient deficiency disorders......................................102 year round.
Physical Disorders..............................................................103
Disease and Nematode Control.........................................108 Ideal sites: Location is important. Gardens
located near the home allow keeping up on dai-

64 Master Gardeners Manual

ly maintenance and harvesting at the right time to Soil: Many soils can be used for gardening,
maximize production and quality. An area exposed but all should drain well, be fertile and easy to
to full or near full sunlight with deep, well-drained, till. If necessary, soils can be modified to make
fertile soil is ideal. For summer gardens in hot lo- them more ideal. Soil texture refers to the relative
cations, full sun in the morning and mid-afternoon amounts of sand, silt and clay in the soil. Sand is
shade is desirable. The site should be located near the largest particle size, clay the smallest and silt
a water supply and away from trees and shrubs is in between. Particle size confers different physi-
that would compete with the garden for light, wa- cal and chemical characteristics, advantages and
ter and nutrients. Slope, as well as air movement, disadvantages. Varying amounts of each combine
should also be considered. Any adjustments that to constitute different soil types. Most soils are a
could lessen a potential problem should be con- mixture of the three types of soil particles, with
sidered. While these conditions are ideal, many sandy loams being some of the more productive
gardeners may have small or otherwise less op- types for vegetable gardens.
timal areas to grow vegetables. It is still possible
to grow a vegetable garden by modifying certain
cultural practices and types of crops grown.
Soil Fertility:
Light exposure: A garden site should be Basis for Gardening
carefully considered regarding exposure to sun.
The garden should receive a minimum of six hours Ideal soil: The ideal soil for a vegetable gar-
of direct sunlight each day, although eight to 10 den is deep, friable (easily crumbled), well drained
hours per day is more ideal. Areas with partial and rich in organic matter. Proper soil preparation
shade can be used, like under young trees; under provides the basis for seeds to germinate and
mature trees with high lacy canopies; or in bright, plants to grow well. Check the fertility and pH of
airy places which receive only one to two hours of the soil by having it analyzed at least once every
direct sun per day. Several vegetables will grow three to five years. A soil test will also indicate the
with these conditions including beans, beets, broc- current nutrient levels of the soil. Samples submit-
coli, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, kohlrabi, leaf let- ted through the county Extension office to the OSU
tuce, peas, potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, spinach Soil, Water and Forage Analytical testing lab can
and turnips. Unfortunately, no vegetables will grow provide specific vegetable crop recommendations
well under full, dense shade. through their on-line system.
Wind protection and slope: Seedlings Sandy soils: These soils are easy to work,
can be damaged by excessive winds, but too drain well and roots penetrate them very easily.
little wind will promote slow drying of wet foliage For these reasons, they make good garden soils,
and encourage plant disease problems. In reali- but gardeners should recognize these soils dry
ty, a balance of some air movement with protec- out quickly, leach nutrients readily and are highly
tion from excessive winds is ideal. Homeowners erodible. Because of this, irrigation and fertilization
should consider fences, barriers, landscape plant- schedules should be adjusted or split accordingly.
ings (wind rows), covers, etc. to protect plants. Water and nutrient retention can be improved by
Communication with neighbors can do wonders in adding organic matter to sandy soils.
protecting the garden from pesticide drift. Advise Clay soils: These soils are common in Okla-
them of any intended spraying, and ask they notify homa. They are usually fertile and do not leach.
you. Slope is another factor to consider when lo- However, these soils present drainage problems,
cating the garden. A slope exceeding 10 percent are difficult to work and provide a poor rooting me-
can result in excessive runoff and erosion, there- dia for seedling plants. Drainage and aerification
fore terracing or other means for soil conservation can be improved by adding organic matter to clay
will be needed. Like wind, a balance is needed (1 soils.
to 2 percent slope) to promote adequate drainage Loam soils: From the standpoint of plant
for surface water. Adequate slope will also allow growth, medium-textured soils such as loams are
for dissipation of cold air from the site, providing the most ideal. Loamy soils provide free movement
some frost protection. Cold air settles downhill just of air and water, have good water retention, are
like water. usually fertile and offer little resistance.

Master Gardeners Manual 65

Organic matter: Gardeners can improve Table 4.1. Tolerance of vegetable crops to soil
soil structure, water and nutrient retention and acidity and pH ranges for optimal growth*
permeability by adding organic matter to soils. In-
corporate or topdress with a 2- to 3-inch layer of Slightly Moderately Very
well-rotted leaves, compost, aged manure or peat tolerant tolerant tolerant
moss in the spring before preparing the soil and (pH 6.8 to 6.0) (pH 6.8 to 5.5) (pH 6.8 to 5.0)
again in the fall after harvest. Green manure crops
such as annual rye, ryegrass and wheat can be Asparagus Bean Chicory
planted on the garden site in the fall and left to Beet Bean, lima Dandelion
rot in place or plowed under in the spring prior to Broccoli Brussels sprouts Endive
planting. Be cautious of potential herbicide resi- Cabbage Carrot Fennel
dues in manure, hay and straw used for organic Cauliflower Collard Potato
matter. Ask your supplier for details. Celery Corn Rhubarb
Lack of topsoil: Topsoil depth for garden- Chard, Swiss Cucumber Shallot
ing should be a minimum of 10 inches for good Cress Eggplant Sorrel
plant growth. Many areas, especially around new Chinese Garlic Sweet
construction sites, lack topsoil or had only 1 to 2 cabbage Gherkin potato
inches added for lawn establishment. Addition- Leek Horseradish Watermelon
al topsoil may need to be added to make garden Lettuce Kale
sites workable. When adding topsoil, make certain Muskmelon Kohlrabi
it is the desired type of soil (some type of loam). New Zealand Mustard
Also, make sure it doesn’t contain potential prob- spinach Parsley
lems such as herbicide carryover, nematodes or Okra Pea
other problem-causing substances. Plant success Onion Pepper
is greatly influenced by soil depth. If the site is not Orach Pumpkin
well drained or if the soil is thin, the use of raised Parsnip Radish
beds can help alleviate this problem. Salsify Rutabaga
pH is critical: Soil pH measures the degree Soybean Squash
of acidity or alkalinity of the soil. The pH scale rang- Spinach Tomato
es from zero to 14 with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is Watercress Turnip
considered acidic and above 7 is considered al-
*Source: Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers, 4th edition.
kaline. This scale is logarithmic; meaning a whole
number change on the scale is a tenfold change.
For example, a pH of 6 is ten times more alkaline
than 5, and 7 is 100 times more alkaline than 5. all plants to thrive and produce. Of these 16, only
The pH is critical because it affects the availability three normally need to be added to the soil in rela-
of 13 of the 16 essential plant nutrients needed for tively high amounts for use by plants. These three
plants to grow and flourish. Although the require- include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5), and po-
ments for vegetables may vary, most garden crops tassium (K2O). To use an analogy, phosphorus and
thrive at a soil pH of 6.0 to 7.5. If the pH is too high potassium are like the oil and coolant in your car’s
or too low, the crop will suffer. engine while nitrogen is like the fuel. Once phos-
pH requirements for garden vegeta- phorus and potassium levels are adequate in a
bles: Vegetables in the slightly tolerant pH group soil, keep an eye on them and add them only when
can be grown successfully on soils that are on the recommended by a soil test. On the other hand,
alkaline side of neutral. These plants do well up to nitrogen is very water soluble, easily leached and
pH 7.6 if there is no essential nutrient deficiency. is generally needed, sometimes several times per
Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are nutri- season to ensure a productive garden. Nitrogen is
ents most likely to be deficient in soils more acidic absorbed by plants in two forms: nitrate and am-
than pH 6. monium. Some commercial fertilizers contain both
Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium: There nitrate and ammonium forms of nitrogen (ammoni-
are 16 essential plant nutrients that are needed by um nitrate 34-0-0), some contain ammonia forms

66 Master Gardeners Manual

only (aqua ammonia 20-0-0) and urea (urea 46- ish plant diseases or protect crops from insect
0-0). Organic fertilizers go through nitrification to attacks. Nor does it have any marked influence
become available for plants to use. The nitrification on the vitamin content of crops grown in the
process takes some time, particularly during cold soil.
weather, so there can be a delay in a garden’s re- • Organic matter in the form of fresh manure,
sponse to non-nitrate nitrogen fertilizers. straw, wood shavings or sawdust must decom-
Soil sampling: During the winter, before be- pose. This organic matter may tie up nitrogen
gining a garden, get a sample of the garden soil and can result in crop nitrogen deficiencies
tested to determine the pH and nutrient content. while microorganisms are decompositing. Al-
Fact sheet PSS-2207 How to Get a Good Soil Sam- ways add composted manures and materials,
ple is a great reference on how to do it correctly. or add additional nitrogen to counteract bind-
The soil test will tell how much lime or sulfur and ing and speed up decomposition.
fertilizer to initially add to the garden. Once bal-
anced, it is easier to maintain a proper level of fer- Comparing Organic
tility year after year. When lime is recommended,
apply it several months before planting. Fall appli-
and Commercial Fertilizers
cations of lime will have time to correct soil acidity
Nutrients available in both types: The nutrients
problems before spring planting. See Chapter 3
in commercial fertilizers provide the same nutri-
for more information about collecting soil samples.
ents found in organic fertilizers, but in most com-
Soil sample supplies are available from your local
mercial fertilizers, nutrients are more readily avail-
county Extension office. Your county Extension ed-
able to the plant than in organic fertilizers. Organic
ucator will send the sample to the Soil, Water and
fertilizers and other non-nitrate fertilizers contain
Forage Analytical laboratory at OSU for testing.
nutrients in the organic form, in particular nitrogen.
Once complete, recommendations from the coun-
It must be converted through the nitrification pro-
ty Extension educator will be made on the amounts
cess to the inorganic form by soil microorganisms
of fertilizer to use on your garden area. Private
(mostly bacteria) before these forms can be used
companies also test soil and give detailed reports,
by the plant. Some organic sources supply organ-
but may be more expensive. Choose a soil testing
ic matter in addition to nutrients, which is benefi-
lab and stick with it to avoid confusion. Compari-
cial to all garden soils.
son of results from different labs is like comparing
apples to oranges, as labs may vary in their equip-
ment, methods and standards. For best results, What commercial fertilizers can and won’t do
follow the instructions for soil testing carefully. Where recommended and properly applied,
Advantages & disadvantages to adding or- commercial fertilizers don’t injure the soil or poison
ganic matter to the soil vegetables, other plant growth, animal life, earth-
• Make a heavy soil lighter, more crumbly and worms or bacteria in the soil. On the contrary, the
friable. This is especially important in areas addition of fertilizer provides microbial, plant and
where the soil is high in clay. animal life in the soil with essential nutrients.
• Hold light soil particles together and help an-
chor them against erosion. This increases the What organic fertilizers can and won’t do
water-holding capacity of soil in sandy areas. Prices for comparable quantities of nutrients
• Provide some of the nitrogen needed by plants. are generally higher for organic compared to inor-
• Release nutrients already in soil by turning ganic sources. The nutrients from organic sources
them into soluble compounds that can be ab- like manure become available to plants as the ma-
sorbed by the roots of the plants. terial decomposes. Nutrients from organic material
• Permit growth and functioning of are not as readily available to plants as those from
micro-organisms. inorganic sources; however, this has the advan-
• Furnish a small quantity of all elements essen- tage of providing available nutrients over a longer
tial for plant growth. period of time. Conversely, the supply of a partic-
• The addition of organic matter to the soil does ular nutrient at a given time may be inadequate,
not reduce infestation of weeds, directly dimin- leading to a possible nutrient deficiency. When or-

Master Gardeners Manual 67

Table 4.2. N, P and K content of some commer- Table 4.3. N, P and K content of organic
cial fertilizers.* materials.

N P2O5 K2O Material N P2O5 K2O

Material (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Ammonium nitrate 34 0 0 Blood meal 15 1.3 0.7

Ammonium Cottonseed meal 5-10 1.3 1.2
phosphate-sulfate 16 20 0 Grass clippings 1.0 0 2.0
Ammonium sulfate 21 0 0 Bone meal 2-4 20-25 0.2
Anhydrous ammonia 82 0 0 Rock phosphate 0 25-30 0
Calcium nitrate 15.5 0 0 Wood ashes 0 1-2 3-7
Urea 46 0 0 Fish emulsion 3-6 0 0
Phosphoric acid 0 52 0 Sheep manurea 2.5 1.5 1.5
Single superphosphate 0 18 0 Poultry manurea 4.5 3.2 1.3
Triple superphosphate 0 46 0 Horse manureb 0.7 0.25 0.55
Potassium chloride 0 0 60 Cow manureb 0.6 0.15 0.45
Potassium nitrate 13 0 44
Commercial pulverized,
*Percentages from Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers,
fourth edition.
development on some vegetables, and nutrient
ganic fertilizers are applied, deficiencies are most deficiencies in others. Potatoes grown in alkaline
likely to occur in the early season during relatively soils can develop a disease called scab. Wood
cool periods when microorganism activity is de- ashes have a high soluble salt content, and sodi-
creased and young plants have not developed an um is much higher in certain wood species, such
extensive root system. Microorganisms carry out as oak. The amount of wood ashes that can be
the decomposition process of organic materials. applied safely varies with different soil types. The
When applying organic material in any form, soil maximum amount to spread on light sandy soils is
test regularly. 10 gallons per 1,000 square feet. Up to 20 gallons
From Table 4.3, it can be determined that per 1,000 square feet can be applied to heavier,
100 pounds of poultry manure would provide 4.5 clay based soils. One application should be ad-
pounds of N, 1.5 pounds of P2O5, and 1.5 pounds equate for several seasons, therefore test the soil
of K2O. This compares with 100 pounds of 10-20- yearly when applying wood ash. Excessive appli-
10 commercial fertilizer providing: 10 pounds of N, cations can harm the soil and require additional
20 pounds of P2O5 and 10 pounds of K2O. soil amendments to restore productivity.
The addition of organic matter will add some
nutrients to the soil. You may need to add commer- Applying fertilizers
cial fertilizer as well. Many commercial fertilizers It is important fertilizers are used at correct
are simply rock or mineral materials rich in nutri- rates and applied in the proper manner. Don’t as-
ents. Take caution to not overdo it with any source sume if a little is good, a lot is better. This can lead
of fertilizer, whether commercial or organic in form. to major problems in the garden. Stick with the rec-
ommended rates in the soil test results. Most gar-
Wood ashes for vegetable gardens deners are working with areas much smaller than
Wood ashes contain some beneficial potassi- an acre, therefore your personal soil test results
um (K2O), but are very alkaline and can raise the should be described in pounds per 1,000 square
pH of the soil (Fact sheet PSS-2238, Fireplace Ash- feet. See Chapter 3 for more information regarding
es for Lawn and Garden). They are beneficial in calculating fertilizer rates.
soils that are too acidic or deficient in K2O. Ashes Pre-plant Fertilizing: Fertilizer should generally
should not be applied to soils with a neutral or al- be applied before, at or immediately after planting
kaline pH, or soils already high in K2O. Overappli- time. The fertilizer can be broadcast, applied in the
cation can raise the pH levels, resulting in disease row or applied around the base of the plant. A com-

68 Master Gardeners Manual

bination of these methods can also be used. Fertil- row and incorporated with overhead irrigation.
izer is broadcast by spreading it on top of the soil Sidedress at the right time: Generally, about
with a broadcast or drop type fertilizer spreader in one half of the nitrogen requirement for the crop
an east-west and north-south direction (to provide should be applied with sidedress applications.
a uniform application). Fertilizer should be incor- Sidedress sweet corn when it is about 12 inches
porated with irrigation, or tilled 3 to 4 inches deep high; potatoes three weeks after emergence and
after application. Generally, one-half to two-thirds again at tuber formation; and tomatoes after the
of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer, along with first fruit cluster has set. In the case of more than
the recommended phosphorus and potassium is one sidedressing (i.e. potato), split the remaining
broadcast over the entire garden immediately prior nitrogen required in half, therefore appling ½ pre-
to planting or transplanting. The remaining nitro- plant, ¼ at emergence and ¼ at tuber formation.
gen fertilizer can be added at a later date. This ap- Crops such as tomatoes, eggplant and pepper
plication can be topdressed or applied in furrows 3 require two or three sidedressings per season be-
inches to the sides of the row or plant and slightly cause of their long growth cycles.
below the level of the seed. This method is known Sidedressing cucurbits: Cucurbits should be
as banding. sidedressed at vining (vining is when the plant
Post-plant Fertilizing: To keep garden vegeta- stops growing vertically and begins growing hor-
bles productive, extra nitrogen fertilizer should be izontally at a rapid rate). Individual plants or hills
applied to the soil by sidedressing or topdressing. can be sidedressed with 1½ teaspoons of urea
This will ensure a supply of nitrogen as the plant (46-0-0) per plant. For widely spaced plants (such
grows and develops. It is also beneficial in sandy as cucumbers or cantaloupe), the sidedressing
soils or in seasons of abundant rainfall, as nitrogen fertilizer can be banded 6 inches from the plant
is often leached out of the root zone area. Avoid base. Vegetable plants should be sidedressed
getting fertilizer on the plant foliage. Ammonium about midway through their maturity cycle except
sulfate (21-0-0-24) and urea (46-0-0) or organic when grown on sandy soils and during periods of
forms of nitrogen may be used as a side dress- excessive rainfall. These conditions require more
ing for vegetables. If practicing modified no-till in frequent sidedress applications.
the garden, simply apply the recommended fertil-
izer beside or near the plant. To sidedress, make Composting
a small trench with a hoe or garden plow 4 to 6
inches from the plant on both sides of the row and Composting is a way of recycling organic
about 1 to 2 inches deep. Uniformly scatter the fer- waste materials ordinarily discarded. When these
tilizer in the trench, cover with soil, then water. The materials are placed into a compost pile with soil,
fertilizer material may also be broadcast near the water and certain other materials, they decay into
rich humus that can be used as mulch, applied to

Table 4.4. Composting materials and their plant nutrient values.

Material Nutrients Material Nutrients

Coffee grounds N Livestock manure N

Corncobs & stalks C Peanut shells C, N
Cowpeas & stalks N, K Pine needles N
Eggshells C, N, Ca Sawdust N, P, C
Fish scraps N, P Fruit waste K
Stable bedding C, N Grass clippings N
Vegetable waste N Weeds N
Straw C, N Wood ashes P, K
Leaves C Alfalfa hay N, C

*N = nitrogen, C = carbon, K = potassium, P = phosphorus

Master Gardeners Manual 69

the garden as organic matter or fertilizer or worked Composting tips:
into potting soil to improve its structure. • Extension fact sheets on composting:
o L-252 Don’t Bag It: Leaf Composting
Composting guidelines: o AGEC-887 Rural Community Yard Waste
• Covering the pile – not mandatory, but it can Composting Systems
help speed up the process by trapping heat. o BAE-1744 Backyard Composting in
Many kits include lids or black plastic to cov- Oklahoma
er the compost. Covering the compost also o PSS-2911 Compost Turning: the Key to
makes it easier to control moisture levels. Quick Composting
• Ventilation of the bin – it is important to allow o BAE-1742 Vermicomposting: Composting
oxygen to penetrate the pile and is best ac- with Worms
complished by frequent turning of the pile. To • Shred landscape waste into smaller pieces
ensure uniform decomposition, turn compost for a quicker composting process. The size
at least every seven days. of organic material affects the rate of decay.
• Proper ingredients – include anything as long Smaller particles decompose faster than larger
as it is organic. Materials most often used are ones.
leaves, grass clippings, straw, weeds (before • When possible, construct the compost bin of
they go to seed), kitchen scraps, manure and fence wire, treated wood or concrete. However,
plant parts from vegetable and flower gardens. many different composting styles are available
Livestock manure should always be compost- for use, including batch turning composters,
ed before using in the garden, or make certain bins with removable layers and small batch
to allow enough time from manure application composters. If using the bin method, make the
until planting for the breakdown of pathogens structure large enough to provide for two bins
(120 days for root crops and 90 days for abo- so the compost can be turned from one bin
veground crops). into the other periodically. In an ideal situation,
• Ingredients to exclude – avoid diseased plant each bin should be 3 to 5 feet wide, 4 to 6 feet
material or plants treated with weed killers high and any convenient length.
(herbicides). Do not use meat scraps, bones • One side of each bin should be removable for
or cooking fats, since they can attract rodents, convenience in adding and removing compost
dogs and create bad odors. Avoid pine straw material. Rectangular bins are usually easier to
because it decays slowly. Avoid noxious weed use.
seeds because of possible re-infestation. Nev- • Carbon/Nitrogen Ratios: A goal would be to
er use human or pet manure because of po- achieve a 23-to-1 to 30-to-1 C/N ratio [browns
tential unhealthy bacteria and other disease (high C) – greens (high N)].

Table 4.5. Composting materials and their carbon to nitrogen ratios.

Material High carbon Material High nitrogen

Oak leaves 50:1 Grass clippings 21:1

Maple leaves 60:1 Egg shells 25:1
Ash leaves 35:1 Fruit waste 35:1
Fruit tree leaves 35:1 Humus 10:1
Pine needles 70:1 Vegetable waste 15:1
Corn stalks 60:1 Alfalfa 12:1
Sawdust 500:1 Clover (green) 16:1
Newspaper 170:1 Rotted manure 20:1
Straw 80:1
Wood 700:1

70 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 4.6. Composting problems and solutions.

Symptoms Problem causes Solution

Bad odor Not enough air/too wet/ Turn it in, add carbon source
too much green
Dry/not hot Not enough water, overventilation Moisten while turning
Damp and warm in middle, Insufficient amount of compost Collect more material and mix with old
but nowhere else ingredients. Fill composter full with
mix initially
Damp but not hot Lacks nitrogen Add fresh organic nitrogen or
synthetic nitrogen
Clumped and gooey Lack of air Turn for ventilation, add carbon source

• Sufficient watering – the ideal moisture content o Improving soil through testing and the ad-
in a compost pile is best described as damp dition of the correct amount of plant nutri-
like a sponge, but not soggy. Be sure to water ents and organic matter is a key part of
the pile thoroughly during dry weather. maintaining soil fertility.
• Use a starter – soil or finished compost adds o Managing soil pH properly will maintain all
nutrients, microorganisms and bacteria to help essential nutrients at appropriate levels.
start the decomposition process. If possible, • Organic matter is a key component of a healthy
use a thin amount over each layer and on top and productive garden soil.
of the pile. This helps keep moisture from evap- o Organic matter should be added to soil
orating from the pile, which helps maintain a regularly.
more uniform temperature. o Addition of organic matter through plant
• Proper temperature – to actively kill weed and animal waste.
seeds, pathogens and insects a compost pile o Green manure crops.
should reach between 130 F and 170 F, which • Fertilization is an important practice, but is not
also speeds up the decomposing process. a cure-all for all gardening problems.
The heating process will be greatest after each • Knowing how to read and interpret a soil
misting or turning of the pile and is an indica- test report is an important part of fertility
tion that the composting process is underway. management.
• If you have two or more bins, the material will o If you have specific questions about your
decompose faster and create a better mixture test, ask your county Extension educator.
if the compost is shoveled from one pile to an- o Learn how to calculate fertilizer applica-
other about every two months. tion rates based on soil test results.
• Touch and Smell – finished compost will be • Commercial and organic fertilizers have strong
rich and a dark color, smell sweet, cool and and weak points.
crumble easily. Finished compost should be o Organic fertilizers are often more expen-
ready in four to six months, depending on how sive, but do add organic matter.
well the microbial activity is sustained through o Commercial fertilizers are usually less ex-
proper nutrition, aeration and moisture. pensive and more readily available, but
don’t add organic matter.
o All fertilizers are taken up by the plant in
Soil Fertility Summary the same form after microbes in the soil
have converted them to useable forms.
• Soil health and fertility is the basis for success-
ful gardening.

Master Gardeners Manual 71

Crops and Garden Layout
The first step in planning a garden is selecting
which vegetables will be grown. With a few excep-
tions, plant what you like to eat. Only a few vege-
tables may be unsuitable because of space limita-
tions, improper climate or unusually poor growing
The second step is to draw a diagram of the
garden site (Figure 4.1). The diagram should show
the kind of vegetables to be planted, the distance
between rows (if any) and the time of planting. In-
cluding dates will help you remember tasks that
might otherwise be put off or overlooked. Plan the
garden and order seeds as early as possible.
Perennial vegetables: These include aspar-
agus, rhubarb and winter onions, and should be
planted at one side or end of the garden for ef-
ficient operation. A critical issue for these vege-
tables includes good soil and site preparation
prior to planting. This may include tillage, control
of perennial weeds like Bermuda grass, soil test-
ing and amending the soil prior to planting. These
plantings could be in place for 10 years or more,
so spend the time and effort to fully prepare the
planting area beforehand.
Cool and warm season vegetables: Cold-toler-
ant vegetable crops are planted early in the sea-
son and should be planted together. When these
crops are harvested, they may be followed with Figure 4.1. Examples of garden layout and
warm season vegetable crops. Vegetables requir- orientation.
ing similar cultural practices should be grouped
together for ease of care. Table 4.8 lists vegetable
crops as cool-season or warm-season crops, in-

Table 4.7. Vegetable families.

Family Crops

Legume Family Peas, beans, all types

Goosefoot family Spinach, beets, chard
Brassica family Cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi,
mustard, turnip, cress, horseradish, radish
Parsley family Carrots, parsley, celery, parsnip
Nightshade family Tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper
Squash family Squash, pumpkin, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, melon, gourd
Composite family Lettuce, chicory, endive, escarole, salsify, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke
Lily family Onions, garlic, leek, chive, asparagus
Grass family Corn

72 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 4.8. Garden planning guide.

Cool season vegetables Warm season vegetables

Vegetable Frost Vegetable Frost

crop Planting time1 Tolerance crop Planting time1 Tolerance

Asparagus Fall or Spring Hardy Bean, Lima April 15-30 Tender

Beet March Semi-Hardy Beans, Green April 10-30 Tender
or Wax
Broccoli March Hardy Beans, Pole April 10-30 Tender
Cabbage Feb. 15 to March 10 Hardy Cantaloupe May 1-20 Very Tender
Carrot Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi-Hardy Cucumber April 10-30 or later Very Tender
Cauliflower Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi-Hardy Cowpea June 1-30 Very Tender
Chard, Swiss Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi-Tender Eggplant April 10-30 Very Tender
Kohlrabi Feb. 15 to March 10 Hardy Okra April 10-30 or later Tender
Lettuce, Head Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi Hardy Pepper April 10-30 or later Tender
Lettuce, Leaf Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi-Hardy Pumpkin April 10-30 or later Tender
Onion Feb. 15 to March10 Hardy Southern Pea May 1- June 10 Tender
Peas, Green Feb. 15 to March 10 Hardy Squash, Summer April 10-30 or later Very Tender
Potato, Irish Feb. 15 to March 10 Semi-Hardy Squash, Winter May 15-June 15 Very Tender
Radish March 1 to April 15 Hardy Sweet Corn Mar. 25-April 30 Tender
Rhubarb Fall or Spring Hardy Sweet Potato May 1- June 10 Very Tender
Spinach Feb. 15 to March 10 Hardy Tomato April 10-30 Tender
Turnip Feb. 15 to March 10 Hardy Watermelon May 1-20 Very Tender

These dates indicate planting times from southeast to northwest Oklahoma. Specific climate and weather may influence planting
dates. For cool season vegetables, the soil temperature at the depth where the seeds are planted should be at least 40 F, for warm
season vegetables, the soil temperature at the depth where the seeds are planted should be at least 50 F. For more information
about soil temperature for planting and preferred growing temperatures, see Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers.

dicating when they grow best. Crops classified as Alternatives

cool-season may be planted earlier in the season
(or in the fall), and thrive best with average daily to Traditional Gardening
temperatures of 70 F or less. Warm-season crops
grow better during warm weather with the average There are several ways to grow produce. Some
daily temperatures ranging between 70 F to 90 of the variations below are for space-saving, while
F. Based on the temperatures plants will tolerate, others are for special needs situations.
vegetables are hardy, semi-hardy, tender or very • Free-standing raised beds: Mound rows up
tender. Hardy types may be planted before the last with a garden rake to improve drainage and to
killing frost. Semi-hardy vegetables will be injured warm soil faster in spring.
by a hard frost, but will grow in cool weather and • Raised beds: Soil is held in place by some
will tolerate a light frost. Tender plants are injured type of frame, usually wood, which can be 12
or may be killed by a light frost, but can withstand to 36 inches high. Raised beds are used to im-
cool weather. Very tender vegetables are injured prove drainage or fertility when existing soils
by cool weather. Differences in suggested planting are poor, create a small, neatly contained gar-
dates range from the earliest for southeast Oklaho- den or to make gardening easier for gardeners
ma to the latest for the northwest part of the state. with physical disabilities or limitations.

Master Gardeners Manual 73

• Intensive gardening: The purpose of intensive
gardening is to harvest the most produce possi-
ble from a given amount of space. An intensive
garden reduces wasted space to a minimum
with a major goal to grow something in every
part of the garden throughout the season. Be-
low are a few intensive garden techniques:
o Containers: Produce is grown in a contain-
er filled with a soilless potting mix. Drain-
age holes are necessary to allow excess
rainwater to escape. Many new vegetable
varieties are excellent for containers. This
is a good option for apartments, decks,
Figure 4.2. Straw bale gardening.
and patio gardens.
o Vertical gardening: Plants grown in the soil
or in containers are staked or trained on a weeding, fertilizer was overused and a large crop
trellis to grow upward. Plants may also be became ready to eat all at once.
grown in hanging baskets. Current gardening trends: Home landscapes
o Square-foot gardening: Plants are grown in are often much smaller now. Traditional home lots
one-foot squares. The point of this method have little space for gardening, similar to town-
is to maximize production from available homes or apartments. As a result, gardens have
space, give vegetables the correct amount gotten smaller. What has been experienced by
of space and minimize weed pressure. many is the smaller gardens for small spaces may
• No-till or minimal-till gardens: This requires actually produce as much or more than the larger
adding mulch regularly. Mulch is any material gardens of the past. This is primarily due to having
spread on a garden to protect root plants from more time per square foot of garden to manage
heat, cold or drought; to reduce problems with fertility, watering, weeding and pests.
weeds; and to keep fruit clean. Sheet mulching Reasons for intensive gardening: Intensive
(also known as lasagna gardening) involves gardening concentrates the work efforts to create
placing layers of mulch on top of the soil. Over an ideal plant environment, providing better yields
time, the mulch builds on the already-existing with less labor and an efficient use of all resources.
garden soil, mimicking the natural soil-build- Good planning a necessity: An effective, inten-
ing process. This technique is best used with sive garden requires early, thorough planning to
transplants verses direct seeding. make the best use of time and space. Plan your
• Straw bale gardening - A straw or hay bale bed garden early by reviewing last year’s records to
is a type of bed that can be used for raising decide which varieties were most successful or
vegetables (pepper, tomatoes, onion, grain had the best flavor to help make the decisions.
amaranth, etc.), flowers, herbs and cover crops Choose crops based on your preferences, as well
(cow peas, vetch, etc.) directly in bale(s), with as the amount of each crop needed. Use the ta-
the possible addition of growing media (plant bles in this chapter and your experience to de-
nutrients) from compost, soil or other sources termine crops that perform well together. Before
(Figure 4.2). Generally, the growing season planting, consider the interrelationships among
and planting time for bale gardens is roughly plants, including nutrient needs, shade tolerance,
the same as that for conventional beds. aboveground and belowground growth patterns,
and preferred growing seasons.
Intensive Gardening Methods
Components of intensive gardens
Past gardening trends: During the 1940s, the Raised beds: The basic unit of an intensive
typical family garden was spread over a large garden is the raised bed or growing bed (Figure
area, with 3-foot-wide paths between narrow rib- 4.3). Having a system of beds allows the gardener
bons of vegetables. The paths needed constant to concentrate soil preparation efforts in small ar-

74 Master Gardeners Manual

topsoil from the neighboring pathways and mix
well with the rest of the planting soil.
• Remove Bermuda grass/weeds in the area
or choke it out with newspaper, cardboard or
landscape fabric underneath the added soil.
• Because of the amount of work involved, a gar-
dener might first try intensive gardening in one
or two beds for the most valuable plants. If the
results are favorable, other beds can be built as
time allows.

Vertical gardening: The use of trellises, nets,

Figure 4.3. Raised beds can be constructed out strings, cages or poles to support growing plants
of just about any material. is known as vertical gardening (Figure 4.4). This
technique is especially well suited for small garden
spaces, but can be used in gardens of all sizes.
eas, which can make the soil amendments more • Vertically grown plants need much less ground
effective and create an ideal environment for veg- space. Although the yield per plant may be
etable growth. Beds are generally 3 to 4 feet wide less, the yield per square foot of garden space
and as long as desired. The gardener works from is much greater. Make sure the soil is deep and
either side of the bed, which reduces the amount well drained to allow roots to extend vertically
of soil compaction caused by walking. and avoid competition with other plants.
• An advantage of raised-bed gardening is it • Obvious candidates for vertical gardening in-
breaks work into units. Instead of tackling an clude vining and sprawling plants such as cu-
entire garden full of weeds, the gardener can cumbers, melons, pole beans and tomatoes.
weed each bed in turn. Other chores are ac- Some plants, like gourds, entwine themselves
complished with the same ease. onto the support. Other plants, such as melons
• By nature, raised beds are a form of wide- and tomatoes, must be tied.
bed gardening. Seeds and transplants can • Vertical plantings cast shadows, so be careful
be planted in wide bands of several rows or not to shade sun-loving crops. Take advantage
broadcast in a wide strip. In general, the goal of the shade by planting shade-tolerant crops
is to space the plants at equal distances from like lettuce near the vertical crops.
each other so when they reach maturity, the • Because vertically grown plants are more ex-
leaves will touch on all sides. Close plantings posed to sun and wind, they dry out faster and
save space, help control weeds and reduce may need water more often. Rapid drying is
moisture loss from the surrounding soil.

Soil preparation for intensive gardens: soil

preparation is the key to successful gardening
of any kind, but especially intensive gardening.
To grow so close together, the plants must have
enough nutrients and water. Although it will help to
provide extra fertilizers and irrigation, nothing can
substitute for deep, fertile soil that is rich in organic
• Humus-rich soils hold extra nutrients. Existing
elements are released by the actions of earth-
worms, microorganisms and acids in the soil,
slowly releasing nutrients for plant use.
• If your soil is not deep, double dig the beds for
best results. To create a true raised bed, take Figure 4.4. Trellis with vegetables growing on it
is a form of vertical gardening.

Master Gardeners Manual 75

an advantage for plants susceptible to fungal o Long-season or slow-to-mature crops are
diseases. planted the same time as short-season or
quick-to-mature crops. For instance, if car-
Inter-planting: Growing two or more types of rots and radishes are planted at the same
vegetables in the same place at the same time is time in a row, the radishes will be harvested
known as inter-planting. Although this technique before crowding the carrots.
has been practiced for thousands of years, it is o Put smaller plants close to larger plants,
gaining renewed interest in the United States. such as radishes at the base of beans or
For inter-planting to produce an abundant and broccoli.
high-quality crop, the gardener must plan carefully. o Plant shade-tolerant species, such as
• Consider the length of the plant’s growth peri- greens, lettuce and spinach, in the shadow
od and its growth pattern. Is it tall, short, under- of taller crops.
ground or aboveground? o Pair heavy feeders, such as crops in the
• Are there possible negative effects on other cabbage family, with light feeders like cow-
plants such as competition for light, water or pea or okra.
nutrients? • Inter-planting may help keep insects and dis-
o Consider requirements of each crop for ease problems under control. Pests are gen-
these elements. erally crop-specific, which means they prefer
• Consider the preferred growing season, cool crops of one type or family.
or warm. o Mixing families of plants helps break up
• Inter-plant by alternating rows within a bed, large areas of the pest-preferred crop,
such as planting a row of peppers next to a which helps contain early pest damage
row of onions, by mixing plants within a row, or within a small area. This gives the gardener
by distributing various species throughout the more time to control the problem.
bed. o However, one disadvantage is that when
• Inter-plant by mixing plants within a row, an pesticides are used, it is difficult to be sure
example: that all the plants are protected.

Table 4.9. Intensive spacing guide.

Crop Inches Crop Inches

Asparagus 15 to 18 Lettuce, head 10 to 12

Beans, lima 4 to 6 Lettuce, leaf 4 to 6
Beans, pole 6 to 12 Melons 18 to 24
Beans, bush 4 to 6 Mustard 6 to 9
Beets 2 to 4 Okra 12 to 18
Broccoli 12 to 18 Onion 2 to 4
Brussels sprouts 15 to 18 Peas 2 to 4
Cabbage 15 to 18 Peppers 12 to 15
Cabbage, Chinese 10 to 12 Potatoes 10 to 12
Carrots 2 to 3 Pumpkins 24 to 36
Cauliflower 15 to 18 Radishes 2 to 3
Cucumber 15 to 18 Rutabaga 4 to 6
Chard, Swiss 6 to 9 Southern pea 3 to 4
Collards 12 to 15 Spinach 4 to 6
Endive 15 to 18 Squash, summer 18 to 24
Eggplant 18 to 24 Squash, winter 24 to 36
Kale 15 to 18 Sweet corn 15 to 18
Kohlrabi 6 to 9 Tomatoes 18 to 24
Leeks 3 to 6 Turnip 4 to 6

76 Master Gardeners Manual

• Individual plants are spaced closely in a raised crops, which are followed by more cool-season
bed or inter-planted garden. In beds with more crops or a winter cover crop.
than one row, stagger the plants so those in Relay planting: The practice of relaying con-
every other row are equally spaced from plants sists of planting a new crop before the old one is
in adjacent rows. removed. For instance, sweet corn can be planted
• For direct seeded crops, the seed packet at two-week intervals for a continuous harvest. This
should give the recommended distance be- requires some thought as crops planted very early
tween plants within a row. Close spacing tends are likely to get a slower start due to low soil and air
to create a nearly solid leaf canopy, which acts temperatures. With corn, having two different vari-
as a living mulch, cooling the soil, decreas- eties pollinating at the same time may affect kernel
ing water loss and shading the soil minimizing quality (e.g. supersweet and other corn types can-
weeds. not be mixed). For best results, give early-planted,
• Do not crowd plants to the point where dis- warm season crops extra time to get started. You
ease problems develop or competition causes may achieve the same result by simultaneously
stunting or “leggy” plants. Table 4.9 provides planting various-maturing varieties of the same
guidelines for space requirements of various vegetable. For example, plant early-ripening, inde-
crops. Areas of the state with higher rainfall terminate, and heat-tolerant tomatoes at the same
and humidity will need wider spacing than time to have a long harvest. Planting with trans-
those in drier areas. plants can overcome temperature restrictions for
germination, help ensure a good stand and con-
Succession planting: Succession planting is an tribute to a more uniform harvest.
excellent way to make the most of an intensive gar- Module vegetable gardening: Modular gar-
den. To obtain a succession of crops, plant some- dening refers to developing small spaces with soil
thing new in the spots vacated by spent plants. An amendments so plants, especially vegetables,
example of succession planting would be plant- may be grown close together and harvested on
ing corn after peas. Another example of succes- a staggered time table. This greatly increases the
sion planting is a spring, summer and fall garden. potential yield from a small area.
Cool-season crops are followed by warm-season

Table 4.10. Plant groups according to nutrient needs.

Heavy Feeders Heavy Feeders Light Feeders Soil Builders/Cover Crops

Asparagus Parsley Carrots Alfalfa

Beets Pumpkin* Garlic Beans – broad, lima, snap
Broccoli* Radish Leeks Clover
Brussels sprouts* Rhubarb Okra Peas
Cabbage* Spinach Onion Peanuts
Cantaloupe* Squash* Parsnips Soybeans
Cauliflower Strawberries Pepper
Celery Sunflowers Potatoes
Collards Swiss chard Rutabaga
Corn Tomatoes* Shallot
Cucumbers* Watermelon* Sweet potatoes
Eggplant* Turnips
Endive Tiller radishes
Mustard greens

*Fertilize at least twice
Master Gardeners Manual 77
How module gardens originate: The first meth- disturbance, leading to increases in natural enemy
od proposed to use these small spaces was the populations by providing insectary plants as food
“French Intensive Method,” and later, gardener and shelter resources.
Mel Bartholomew popularized the idea of “Square Successful conservation of natural enemies
Foot Gardening.” His basic recommendations are involves manipulation of the environment to favor
to build up the sides of the bed with 1-foot boards, natural enemies, either by eliminating adverse fac-
creating a square box or module. For more de- tors or by providing improved conditions for col-
tails on modular gardening, see Bartholomew’s All onization and survival. In addition to acting as a
New Square Foot Gardening (Cool Springs Press, reservoir for natural enemies, the use of farmscap-
2006). ing may increase alternative prey or insect hosts
What comprises a module: The modular con- when other food resources are scarce. Farmscape
cept is derived from the uniform dimensions of the plantings can also serve as an overwintering habi-
box, such as 4 feet by 4 feet, or 6 feet by 6 feet. tat for natural enemies to ensure carryover of ben-
The garden can be composed of one module or eficial insects from year to year.
multiple modules placed near each other, leav-
ing walkways in between. A module is filled with Container Gardening
commercially available landscape mixes, or with a
homemade soil mixture of equal parts peat moss, Container gardening for very small spaces: If
good blended compost, and coarse vermiculite. space is a limiting factor, consider growing veg-
There is no need to worry about the underlying soil etables in containers. A window sill, patio, balco-
quality when working with most annual vegetables. ny or doorstep can provide sufficient space for a
However, always use recommended methods to productive container garden. Container gardening
remove Bermuda grass and other weeds, such as can also eliminate problems with nematodes, poor
early spraying with glyphosate or laying landscape soil quality, poor drainage or soil-borne diseases.
fabric, newspaper or cardboard as a barrier. Each Low space requiring vegetables: Grow only
module is then marked off in grids of 1 foot by 1 vegetables requiring limited space. For the best
foot or 2 feet by 2 feet. Garden crops are planted use of space use crops such as carrots, lettuce
into the grids, with the size of grid depending on and radishes, or types which bear through time,
the mature size of the plants. For example, 12 car- like peppers and tomatoes. Although dwarf or
rots can be placed in a 1-foot-by-1-foot grid, 1 to- miniature varieties may mature and bear fruit early,
mato in a 2-foot-by-2-foot grid, 6 bush bean plants most do not produce as well as standard varieties.
in a 1-foot-by-1-foot grid and so on. With increasing interest in container gardening,
Farmscaping: Farmscaping is a holistic eco- plant breeders and seed companies are develop-
logically-based approach to pest management ing vegetables specifically bred for container cul-
that emphasizes the arrangement or configura- ture. These varieties are not necessarily miniature
tion of plants that promote biological pest man- or dwarf, and may produce as well as standard
agement by attracting and sustaining beneficial types if cared for properly.
organisms. Ideal farmscape plantings provide Light requirements: The amount of sunlight a
habitat for beneficial insects, suppress weeds and container garden receives may determine which
grow in close proximity to the cash crop without crops can be grown. Generally, root crops and leaf
competing for light, water and nutrients. Research crops can tolerate partial shade, but vegetables
has shown that maintaining high levels of species grown for fruits generally need at least eight hours
diversity is a key characteristic of a proper func- of direct sunlight each day. Available light can be
tioning agroecosystem. Unfortunately, intensive increased somewhat by installing reflective materi-
farming operations including growing large mono- als, such as aluminum foil, white painted surfaces
cultures, regular cultivation and excessive use of or marble chips around the plants.
insecticides often leads to a dramatic reduction Plantscaping: Container gardening presents
in arthropod diversity, especially natural enemies opportunities for many innovative ideas and lends
that often keep many pest insects below damag- itself well to attractive plantscaping. A dull patio
ing levels. Farmscaping is a technique designed area can be brightened by baskets of cascading
to add diversity back to the system and minimize

78 Master Gardeners Manual

such as railroad ties and other treated lumber, as
they may contain hazardous chemical residues.
Some gardeners have built vertical planters
out of wooden lattices lined with black plastic and
filled with a lightweight medium, or out of cylinders
of welded wire lined with sphagnum moss and
filled with soil mix. Depending on the size of the
vertical planter, 2-inch-diameter perforated plastic
pipes may be needed inside the container to aid in
A very enjoyable aspect of container garden-
ing is the imaginative use of discarded items or the
construction of attractive patio planters. Dollies or
Figure 4.5. Vegetables in containers on a patio platforms with wheels or casters can be used to
space. easily move the containers from place to place.
This is especially useful for apartment or balcony
gardening. Plants can be moved for maximum use
tomatoes or a colorful herb mix (Figure 4.5). Plant- of available space and sunlight, and plant damage
er boxes with trellised pea vines can create a cool, can be avoided during severe weather. Container
shady place on an apartment balcony. designs are only limited by your imagination.
Containers to use: Many types of containers Whatever type of container is used, be sure
are suitable for gardening, including clay, wood, there are holes in the bottom for drainage, so plant
plastic and metal. Containers for vegetable plants roots do not stand in water. Most plants need con-
must be big enough to support the plants when ful- tainers at least 6 to 8 inches deep for adequate
ly grown, hold soil without spilling, have adequate rooting.
drainage and never have held products toxic to Soil media: Vegetable gardening in containers
plants or people. requires a fairly lightweight potting mix. Do not use
Consider using barrels, flower pots, window soil straight from the garden. To support plants,
boxes, cut-off milk or bleach jugs, recycled Styro- the container medium must be porous, since roots
foam coolers, baskets lined with perforated plastic require both air and water. Packaged potting soil
for drainage, stock tanks or even pieces of drain- available at local garden centers is relatively light-
age pipe or cinder block (Figure 4.6). weight and may be a good choice.
Redwood and cedar are the most rot-resistant Homemade media can be made from one part
wood, but cedar trees are much more plentiful peat moss, vermiculite or perlite; one part clean,
than redwoods in Oklahoma. Avoid materials that coarse builder’s sand; and a slow-release fertilizer
have been used previously for industrial purposes, (14-14-14, according to the container size). Lime
may also be needed to bring the pH to around 6.5.
As with a large garden, a soil test can help deter-
mine any nutrient requirements or pH adjustments.
Planting: Plant container crops at the same time
as a regular garden and follow these steps:
• Fill a clean container to within half an inch of the
top with a slightly damp soil mix.
• Soak mixes containing peat moss with warm
water. This enables the moss to absorb the wa-
ter and mix much readily.
• Sow seeds or set transplants according to the
instructions on the seed package.
• Label in or on each container with the name,
variety and date of planting.
Figure 4.6. Clay pipes stood on end.

Master Gardeners Manual 79

• Gently sprinkle the soil with water, being care- soil and humus to protect them from over-fertiliza-
ful not to wash out or displace the seed. tion. Do not add more than the recommended rate
• When the plants have two or three leaves, thin of any fertilizer, as it may cause root burn and kill
seedlings to obtain proper spacing. the plants.
• Provide cages, stakes or other supports if General care: Vegetables grown in containers
needed. Avoid root damage by supporting the can be attacked by the same insects and diseas-
plants when small. es common to any vegetable garden. Inspect the
plants regularly for foliage- and fruit-feeding insects
Watering: Pay particular attention to watering and signs of disease. Protect plants from high heat
container plants. Because of the the nature of pot- caused by light reflection from concrete or pave-
ting soil and the relatively small amount, contain- ment. Move containers to a cool spot, or shade
ers can dry out very quickly. This is especially true during the hottest part of the day. Containers can
on a concrete patio in full sun. Daily or even twice also be moved to a sheltered location during se-
daily watering may be necessary. Apply water until vere rain, hail, windstorms and cold weather. The
it runs through the drainage holes. On an upstairs ability to easily move plants to a favorable environ-
balcony, this may cause problems with downstairs ment is a big advantage for container gardens.
neighbors, so make provisions for water drainage.
Large trays filled with coarse gravel work well. Gardening Tips
Decide when to water: Check soil moisture in
your container garden at least once a day or twice Tips
a day if the weather is hot, dry or windy. Feel the The following tips will enable having a success-
soil to determine if water is needed. Mulch and ful garden and may help to prevent some common
windbreaks can help reduce the water require- garden problems from occurring and overcoming
ments for container gardens. Gardeners who are those that arise:
away from home often should consider installing • Keep the garden small enough to make it easy
an automatic-drip irrigation system. to establish and maintain. Small gardens can
Watering issues: Never allow the soil to become be more productive than large ones because
soggy or stand in water. If the soil is consistent- they get better care.
ly wet when the weather is cool, container plants • Have a soil test done every three to four years.
may develop root rot. Clay pots and other porous • Apply fertilizers per the recommended dose
containers may require more frequent watering, as and in the proper manner.
they allow more water to evaporate from the sides • Use organic materials such as compost where
of the pots than from the ground. In addition, small available.
pots dry out more quickly than larger ones. If the o Organic matter is the basis for a productive
soil appears to be excessively dry, such as plants garden soil.
wilting every day, group the containers together to o Soil building through organic matter is a
create a microclimate so the foliage creates a can- key aspect of gardening.
opy to shade and cool the soil. On a hot patio, put • Use recommended plant varieties.
containers on pallets or other raised structures, al- • Thin crop plants and remove weeds when small.
lowing air movement beneath the pots and to pro- • Use mulches to conserve moisture, control
tect from direct contact with concrete. weeds, cool the soil and reduce fruit rots.
Fertilizing: If the soil mix has a fertilizer add- • Avoid excessive walking and working in the
ed, the plants should have enough nutrients for garden when foliage and soil are wet.
four to six weeks. For plants grown longer, add a • Examine the garden often to stay ahead of po-
water-soluble fertilizer at the recommended rate. tential problems such as weeds, insects and
Apply fertilizer solutions every five to 10 days, de- diseases.
pending on how often you water. Slow release fer- • Clean tools and sprayers after use.
tilizers can be added once every few months. An • Rotate specific crop family locations each year
occasional dose of fish emulsion or compost will to avoid soil-borne diseases.
add needed trace elements to the soil. Container • Harvest vegetables during the cool hours of
plants do not have the buffer of large amounts of the day for best quality.

80 Master Gardeners Manual

Things to avoid spread out harvest and make it more manage-
• Planting too large of a garden: Keep it able. If preservation is the main goal, plan the
manageable! harvest so you are not overwhelmed by the
• Planting too closely complicates walking or amount, but have enough produce to make the
working in the garden. processing job worthwhile.
• Placing fertilizer to close to plant stems, roots • Record keeping: It is always a good idea to
or seeds. keep records of the garden. Keep a folder or
• Cultivating too deep will result in pruning plant a garden journal with the valuable information
roots, destruction of the soil profile and bring- such as varieties of vegetables grown and how
ing weed seed to the surface. well they performed, frost dates, seed sowing
• Planting crops and varieties not recommended and transplanting times, pest problems and
for your area; however, give new releases a try. control, rainfall, expected harvest dates, yield,
• Watering excessively so the soil is always wet quality and flavor. A map of locations where dif-
and soggy. ferent crops are planted each year helps you
• Allowing weeds to grow large, flower and set decide what crop rotations to use. This infor-
seed before weeding. mation will be valuable when planning future
• Applying chemicals or pesticides in a haphaz- gardens.
ard manner without following label directions
or proper mixing. Soil Tillage
• Using chemicals not specifically recommend-
ed for garden crops. Tillage of soil can be done a number of ways
• Storing leftover diluted chemical sprays. including by hand with a shovel or other digging
tool, rototiller or even a tractor and plow. Work only
Additional tips when soil moisture conditions are right. To deter-
• Generally, a north-to-south orientation of rows mine the moisture level, pick up a handful of soil
is preferred. This allows crops to take full ad- and squeeze it; if it stays in a mud ball, it is too wet.
vantage of available sunlight. If the soil crumbles freely, it is the right consistency.
• In areas of extreme slope, terrace the rows al- Excessively dry soil may be too hard, or if already
lowing water to be slowed and intercepted. loose, can be powdery, clumpy and may be dif-
• To limit shading, place the tallest plants toward ficult to work. Working excessively wet soils can
the north end of the garden. destroy the soil structure, which can take years to
• For ease of care, group plants together that rebuild. Plowing wet soil with a tractor is especial-
require similar management practices. For ex- ly damaging, because it forms a compacted lay-
ample, group all brassica crops such as cab- er of soil-inhibiting root growth. Soils with enough
bage, cauliflower and broccoli. This makes humus generally allow more leeway because of
spraying for common pests easier and limits improved structural qualities. Just before planting,
the area of the garden where chemicals are break up large clods of soil and level the bed with
used. a rake. Small seeds germinate best in smooth,
• To save space, try intercropping. For example, fine-surfaced soil. Do not pulverize the seedbed
plant pole beans with corn so the beans can soil — this destroys the structure, which promotes
use the corn stalks for support, or grow pump- crusting, erosion and plant growth will be poor.
kins between the corn rows. Rototilling is sufficient for most home gardens. It
• Successive planting is another way to increase works well because it mixes the upper soil layers
productivity. When early maturing crops are rather than turning them over. However, rototilling
harvested, plant other crops in their place. For can cause a compaction layer to develop just be-
instance, follow spring salad crops with snap low the reach of the tines.
beans, zucchini or brassica crops for a fall To prevent or alleviate soil compaction:
harvest. • Use deep-rooted cover crops, which are usu-
• Extend the harvest by making several direct ally grasses or legumes planted in the garden
plantings of quick-maturing crops such as in autumn and left to rot or form a mulch layer,
beans, leaf lettuce and radishes. This can or be incorporated into the soil in the spring.

Master Gardeners Manual 81

Figure 4.7. Double digging method.

• Don’t work garden soil when it is overly wet. Af- ing spent. In the long run, good quality tools will
ter squeezing a handful of soil in your palm, the give better results, stay sharp longer and last a
resulting ball of soil should break up easily. If lifetime if cared for properly.
not, it is too wet to work and will become com- Essential equipment:
pacted when walking in and tilling the garden. • Primary tillage tool (one at least)
• Double-dig the garden. In double-digging, the o Shovel
soil is loosened to about 2 feet deep, and the o Spade
top layer is fertilized with organic matter. o Spading fork
• Steps for double-digging: • Finish tool
o Remove the top 12 inches of soil from the o Garden rake
bed. • Weeding tools
o Insert a spade or spading fork into the soil o Hoe
in the bed and wiggle the handle back and o Scuffle hoe
forth to break up any compacted layers. • Sharpening tool (one or the other)
Do this every 6 to 8 inches throughout the o Hand file
bed. o Bench grinder
o Mix the topsoil with a generous amount of • Gloves to protect your hands
compost or manure and return the mixture • Irrigation equipment
to the bed. It should be somewhat fluffy o Sprinklers and hose
and may be slightly raised. o Soaker hose
o Drip irrigation equipment
Selecting Gardening Equipment o Timers

The equipment needed to prepare and main- Tool care:

tain a garden depends on the garden size and the • Purchase quality tools and perform regular up-
gardener’s physical ability, time and budget. Gar- keep and maintenance.
deners with small gardens and modest budgets • Oil wooden handles with vegetable oil.
can operate well with a spade, shovel or spading • Store out of the weather.
fork for their primary tillage tool; garden rake for • Clean and oil digging tools like shovels, spades
finish work; and a hoe for weeding and making fur- and hoes.
rows. If the budget allows, a powered rototiller may • Sharpen digging tools with a hand file or
be used to reduce the effort to till if desired. For grinder.
those with a large garden, consider a small gar- • If you have power tools, maintain them with
den tractor or a full-sized farm tractor. In addition, clean fuel and regular service.
a mechanical seeder makes direct seeding easier. • Note: If you keep your tools clean, rust-free
When purchasing tools, consider the garden size, and sharp they will require much less effort to
the jobs to complete and the amount of money be- dig, hoe or manipulate.

82 Master Gardeners Manual

Garden tool descriptions o Compressed-air sprayers are a popular
• Spades piece of equipment for applying pesti-
o A spade with a sharp edge is used for cides because it gives good coverage,
turning the soil and incorporating organic especially to the underside of plant leaves.
matter. o Hose-end sprayers are relatively inexpen-
o A four-pronged fork is good for mixing a sive and have good coverage, especially
compost pile. to the underside of plant leaves.
o A round-pointed shovel is good for turn- • String and stakes – For row alignment.
ing soil and can also be used to harvest • Measuring stick – For determining the distance
large-rooted crops such as Irish potatoes between plants and rows.
and sweet potatoes. • Wheelbarrow or garden cart – Makes moving
• Rake soil, stones, tools and harvested vegetables
o A bow rake is good for smoothing out soil, much easier.
removing stones and breaking up clods. • Cultivator – For removing weeds and preparing
o A straight rake is designed so the back the soil.
can be used to smooth the seedbed and o Wheel cultivator – for keeping soil loose
to compact soil over freshly sown seed for and uprooting small weeds.
improved germination. o Power cultivator – a small gas or electric
• Hoe – these come in all shapes, sizes and tiller for keeping soil loosened.
models. The hoe is used for preparing the • Spreaders – for fertilizer and some amendment
seedbed, and for cultivating the soil to mix in applications.
fertilizer and control weeds. o A drop spreader covers less area than a
o A common or square-bladed filed hoe is broadcast spreader with each pass over
good for most garden jobs. the site, but the area covered is easier to
o A pointed or Warren hoe is good for open- detect.
ing a furrow by string and for cultivating o A broadcast spreader applies materials
between plants. uniformly, although the margins of the area
o A scuffle hoe is made in several patterns covered may be difficult to see.
with a flat bottom that cuts weeds off under • Hand seeder – Can reduce bending when
the soil surface and breaks up the crust planting. Some can open the furrow, drop the
layer on top of the soil. It is pushed back seed and cover the seed in one operation. The
and forth between the rows. majority of the hand seeders are adapted to a
• Long-handled cultivator – breaks up large wide variety of seed sizes.
clods and refines the seedbed. • Tiller – Makes soil preparation easy for gar-
• Hand trowel – for transplanting vegetable deners who prefer it, and will use it enough to
plants. make the purchase worthwhile.
• Hand cultivator – for working around vegeta- o Three types are available; all of them are
ble plants and breaking up soil clods. For light driven by gasoline or electric motors.
replanting. 1. Front-tine tiller
• Irrigation equipment – 2. Rear-tine tiller. Many tillers with
o Watering can for transplanting. rear-mounted tines have a reverse gear
o Garden and soaker hoses and sprinklers that makes it possible to work in
o Drip irrigation components for general cramped areas.
watering. 3. Mid-tine tiller. Combines the advantages
o Electronic timers for turning water on and of the other two types.
• Hand duster – used to apply pesticides in pow- Seed for the Garden
der form.
o Sock duster (use a discarded sock tied to One of the most enjoyable gardening pastimes
a stick for an inexpensive duster) is thumbing through colorful catalogs and dream-
• Sprayers – used to apply pesticides in liquid ing of the coming season’s harvest. Before you
Master Gardeners Manual 83
start, do some homework to help you select the low 50 F and low relative humidity (12 to 15 per-
best varieties for your garden. There are several cent). Saving vegetable seeds offers a sense of
sources of information available to help you make self-sufficiency and saves money. It can maintain
decisions. First, review Extension fact sheet HLA- a variety not commercially available, thus helping
6032 Vegetable Varieties for the Home Garden, perpetuate a broad genetic base of plant varieties.
which lists varieties for home gardens. It also pro- A seed-saver’s exchange can enable you to trade
vides a list of seed companies and how to contact extra seeds for unusual types unavailable through
them via phone or the internet. Second, if you’ve other sources.
been keeping notes in your garden journal, re- Seed saving considerations:
view them to see how previous varieties have per- • Use only open-pollinated varieties for home
formed. Last, you may choose to review research seed production. Some seed dealers have re-
reports from different universities to read up on re- sponded to the increasing interest in saving
cently completed variety trials. Oklahoma State’s seed by clearly marking open-pollinated vari-
Vegetable Trial Report is published each year and eties in their catalogs.
often contains several variety trial reports, it can be • Do not save seed from hybrid varieties. Hy-
found at: brids are the first generation (F1) seed from
vegetables/index.htm. In conclusion, realize your a very specific cross and the next generation
garden is the best place to try new varieties. Each (F2) of seed that you would collect will be seg-
year brings unique conditions; even if you have regating. You never know what qualities will be
found the tomato variety of your dreams, try a new present in the offspring.
one or two as well. • Take care to not carry seed-borne diseas-
Seed purchased from a dependable company es into next year’s crop. Many commercially
provides a good start toward realizing a vision of grown seeds are grown in dry areas unsuitable
bounty. Old seeds bought at bargain prices may to fungal, viral and bacterial diseases present
be more trouble than they are worth. In many cas- in other regions.
es, germination will be poor and the seedlings pro- • The amount of time for seeds to dry can be in-
duced may often be weak and grow slowly. Make creased by frequent rain and/or high humidity.
sure the seeds you purchase were produced for • Saving seeds from cross-pollinated crops is
the current gardening year. The seed packet is not recommended for the novice because of
stamped with a statement indicating the year they biennial habits, genetic variability, problems
were packed. Bulk vegetable seed is sold by the with selection and the requirements for hand
ounce or pound in garden centers and farm feed pollination and isolation.
stores. This seed is shipped to the store in a con- • Some common self-pollinated, annual plants
tainer or bag with a date and germination rate label from which seeds are easily saved are beans,
attached. Look for this information before making herbs, lettuce, okra, peas and tomatoes.
a purchase. Seeds with higher germination rates
should be your first choice. Seeds can easily be tested for viabiltiy to de-
Keep notes about the seeds you buy – their termine if they are good. Count out 20 seeds and
germination qualities, plant vigor, tendencies to- place them on a wet paper towel, allowing excess
ward insects and diseases and other informa- water to drain off. Place this in a closed food stor-
tion. A great place to keep this information is in age container. Place in a location where tempera-
a garden journal along with other garden records. tures remain close to 80 F. If seeds are good, they
These notes can help determine whether a seed should germinate within one week. Uniform ger-
company is meeting your needs, or whether the mination indicates good quality, while erratic ger-
varieties chosen are unsuitable for your area or mination indicates poor seed. If just a few seeds
gardening style. For example, if powdery mildew germinate, discard the seed or plant extra to yield
is a big problem on plants in the area, next year the desirable number of plants.
look for varieties resistant to mildew. The depth to plant seeds depends on several
Saving seed: Whether saving purchased seed factors, including seed size, soil type and season.
or seed from open pollinated crops in your gar- In general, vegetable and flower seeds should be
den, all seed should be stored cool and dry, be- covered about two to three times their width. How-

84 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 4.11. Viability of vegetable seeds. before they have a chance to sprout. In the fall, the
soil can be too warm for cool-season crop seeds
Years Years to germinate. Optimum soil temperatures for ger-
Vegetable viable Vegetable viable mination can range from 50 F to 85 F, depend-
ing on plant type. Soil temperatures can be de-
Asparagus 3 Lettuce 5 termined by visiting the Mesonet web site (http://
Bean 3 Muskmelon 5 Mesonet is a world-class net-
Beet 4 Mustard 4 work of environmental monitoring stations located
Broccoli 5 Okra 2 throughout Oklahoma. Each station collects data
Brussels sprouts 5 Onion 1 regularly and records it on the web site, including
Cabbage 5 Parsley 2 measurements of air temperature, wind, soil mois-
Carrot 3 Parsnip 1 ture, temperature, etc.
Cauliflower 5 Pea 3 When planting a fall garden in midsummer,
Celery 5 Pepper 4 you will be working with hot and dry soil, so cover
Chinese cabbage 5 Pumpkin 4 the seeds to four to five times their diameter. To
Collard 5 Radish 5 promote germination, gently water them each day
Corn 5 Rutabaga 5 with a fine spray or sprinkling can. Retain mois-
Cress, water 5 Spinach 5 ture with a shallow mulch layer. Shading the area
Cucumber 5 Squash 5 may keep the soil cooler for seed germination, es-
Eggplant 5 Sweet corn 1 pecially when planting cool-weather crops in the
Endive 5 Tomato 4 summer. Another option is to plant in the bottom of
Kale 5 Turnip 5 a narrow and shallow trench (2½ to 3 inches). Run
Kohlrabi 5 Watermelon 5 the trench north to south to minimize the amount of
Leek 1 time the trench is exposed to the sun. Direct seed
in the trench bottom and cover seeds to recom-
Note: Seed should be stored at cool temperatures and low mended depth. Further soil cooling can be ob-
humidity to prolong viability. (40 F to 50 F and 12 to 15 percent
tained by shading the trench as mentioned above.
See fact sheet HLA-2009 Fall Gardening for more
information. Seed requiring a lower germination
ever, always read and follow the seed packet di-
temperature may benefit from first sprouting in-
rections. Some seeds require light for germination
doors or from storage in the refrigerator two weeks
and should not be covered at all. These instruc-
before planting.
tions apply to seeds planted both indoors and
When the soil is cooler in the spring, poor ger-
mination is likely to occur if the vegetable seeds
Many seeds can be sown directly into the gar-
are planted too deep. As a general rule, plant
den including beans, beets, carrots, celery, Swiss
the seeds no deeper than two to three times their
chard, sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce,
greatest diameter. Again, sprouting indoors can
melons, okra, onion, parsley, peas, pepper, radish,
be very helpful in obtaining a stand in a cold soil.
spinach, squashes, tomatoes and turnip. Young
The garden soil should contain enough mois-
seedlings can emerge easily from sandy soil or
ture at seeding to initiate germination. If it does
soil with high organic matter. If the garden soil has
not, water the soil thoroughly to a 4- to 6-inch
a high silt or clay content, cover the seeds to only
depth, allowing it to dry just enough to be work-
two to three times their diameter. In such soils,
able. If you prefer, water can be applied directly
apply a band of sand, fine compost or vermicu-
to the open furrow to moisten the soil 3 to 4 inches
lite 4 inches wide and ¼ inch thick above the row
deep. Once the soil in the bottom of the furrow is
after the seeds are planted. This helps retain soil
properly moistened, plant the seed and cover firm-
moisture and reduces crusting, making it easier for
ly with dry soil.
seedlings to push through the soil surface.
Be aware of soil crusting: the formation of a
Soil temperature affects ability of seeds to
hard, crusty layer at the soil surface. If crusting oc-
sprout and establish a stand. In the spring, the soil
curs shortly after seeding, it can prevent seedlings
can be cold and the seeds of some plants will rot
from emerging. Soil crusting normally occurs after

Master Gardeners Manual 85

Table 4.12. Optimum temperatures for vegetable seed germination.*

Cool season vegetables Warm season vegetables

Vegetable Minimum/Maximum Optimum Vegetable Minimum/Maximum Optimum
crop temperature (F) temperature (F) crop temperature (F) temperature (F)

Asparagus 50/95 75 Bean, Lima 60/95 80

Beet 40/95 85 Beans 60/95 80
Cabbage 40/100 85 Cantaloupe 60/100 90
Carrot 40/95 80 Cucumber 60/105 95
Cauliflower 40/100 80 Cowpea 72/100 85
Chard, Swiss 40/95 85 Eggplant 60/95 85
Kohlrabi 40/90 80 Okra 60/105 95
Lettuce, Leaf 35/85 75 Pepper 60/95 85
Onion 35/95 75 Pumpkin 60/100 90
Peas, Green 40/85 75 Squash, 60/100 95
Radish 40/95 85 Sweet Corn 50/105 95
Spinach 35/85 70 Tomato 50/95 85
Turnip 40/105 85 Watermelon 60/105 95

* Temperatures from Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers, fourth edition.

heavy rain or the use of an overhead sprinkler. It is ized soil before planting. Drilling is spacing seeds
also associated with soils containing low levels of more or less evenly down the row. Beans and peas
organic matter. are often planted in this way. In drilling, plant the
The problem can be alleviated by: seeds closer than the desired final spacing. After
1) incorporating 2 to 4 inches of organic matter germination, extra plants are removed to give the
into the soil before planting; desired spacing.
2) covering seeds with organic matter rather than Seeds large enough to handle can be planted
soil; and by hilling or row planting. Hilling is placing sever-
3) not using an overhead sprinkler for watering al seeds in one spot at definite intervals. Squash,
and hope a heavy rain will not occur before the pumpkins and melons are often planted this way.
seedlings have emerged. Once the seeds germinate, the hills are thinned,
leaving one or two plants per hill, depending on
Row planting can make large beds easier the vegetable. In hilling, always plant more seeds
to manage, but not necessary in a small garden than the desired number of plants. If your seeds
planted on the square. To mark a straight row, drive are one or more years old, plant them thicker than
two stakes into the ground at either end of the gar- you would fresh seeds. Planting extra seeds al-
den and draw a string taut between them. Shallow lows for poor germination and loss of seedlings to
furrows suitable for fine seeds can be made by disease and insects. Once you place the seeds,
drawing a hoe handle along the string. For deeper cover them with soil; firm the soil (but do not pack
furrows, use a corner of the hoe blade. Early in the it) around the seeds with the flat blade of the hoe
spring, sow the seeds at a shallow depth so plants or with your hand or foot. Be careful not to plant
will come up quickly. Later in the summer, sow the seeds too deep. Seeds covered with too much soil
seeds deeper to ensure a good moisture supply may never come up.
and cooler soil temperatures. Small seeds are dif- Wide rows are formed by broadcasting the
ficult to distribute evenly. They are easier to space vegetable seeds in a band 10 to 30 inches wide
if thoroughly mixed with dry sand or dry pulver- rather than a single row. The resulting spacing be-
tween plants is much closer.

86 Master Gardeners Manual

Wide-row gardening offers two advantages:
• Two to three times more food can be produced
Transplants for the Garden
in the same amount of space for the work
Reasons for using transplants: Most garden-
ers use transplants for earlier harvest, to lengthen
• The close spacing of the plants allows them
the harvest season or to give long-season plants a
to serve as a living mulch canopy shading the
chance to grow to maturity under preferred weath-
soil, thus discouraging weeds, keeping the soil
er conditions. In most of Oklahoma, cool-season
cool and conserving moisture.
crops such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage
• Crops such as radishes, carrots, beets, onions,
would not have a chance to reach their prime har-
leaf lettuce, peas and beans are best suited to
vest stage in the spring or fall if not given those
planting in wide rows. Other vegetables such
extra weeks indoors to get a head start. Eggplants,
as tomatoes, eggplant and melons are typical-
peppers and tomatoes might not produce at all if
ly planted in single rows. Sweet corn is best
not grown from transplants. Because of the amount
planted in blocks of three to four rows rather
of time, attention and controlled growing condi-
than one long row.
tions needed, many gardeners buy transplants for
their gardens. However, to get a larger selection of
Thinning vegetable seedlings is not for the
varieties and control plant production from seed to
faint of heart. However, thinning provides a better
harvest, other gardeners start their own plants. Ta-
environment for the remaining seedlings by giving
ble 4.13 lists several different vegetables accord-
them the proper spacing for good growth and de-
ing to how easily they can be transplanted.
velopment. Some of the reasons for thinning are:
To start seed indoors, there must be enough
• Thinning reduces competition for moisture and
light. This factor probably accounts for the loss of
nutrients among the seedlings.
more homegrown seedlings than any other. Vege-
• It can reduce some early disease problems
table seedlings grown under low-light conditions
by providing better air circulation around the
are likely to be leggy and weak, and many fall over
under their own weight when 3 to 4 inches tall.
• It provides conditions that are more ideal for
Place seedlings in a sun porch or a window with
growing healthier vegetables of the desired
a southern exposure, if possible. If bright sunlight
weight, size and shape.
is not available, the seedlings can be grown under
• Properly spaced vegetable plants produce
fluorescent lights. A simple fluorescent light fixture
higher yields.
with grow lights or with one warm-white and one
cool-white bulb will suffice. Place the light fixture
Start thinning when the plants have one or
two pairs of true leaves. Normally, the plants will
be about 3 inches tall. Thinning can be accom- Table 4.13. Ease of transplanting.
plished by selectively pulling plants or by clip-
ping off at ground level with a pointed scissors. Not successfully
The ideal time for thinning is when the soil is damp Easily survives Requires care transplanted by
and soft but not excessively wet. If the soil has be- transplanting in transplanting usual methods
come dry, water the site for an hour or more before
thinning. Evening is a good time to thin because Broccoli Beets Beans
the remaining plants have the cool, dark night to Cabbage Chard Carrots
recover from any disturbance. Crops sown thick- Cauliflower Cucumber Corn
ly should be thinned so there is enough room to Eggplant Melons Mustard
put a finger between the plants. Practically every Chinese Parsley Okra
direct-seeded vegetable will benefit from thinning. cabbage Spinach Peas
However, thinning is a must for leaf lettuce, beets, Lettuce Squash Radish
radishes, carrots, spinach and turnips. The only al- Onion Turnips
ternative to thinning is precision seeding or the use Peppers
of transplants. Sweet potato slips

Master Gardeners Manual 87

about 6 to 8 inches above the seedlings, and leave the pot to extend above the soil, as they will act
the light on for 14 to 16 hours each day. Be sure to as a wick and cause moisture to evaporate from
raise the lights as the plants grow. In some cases, the exposed surface. Another option is to use pre-
lights may be closer to plants and used 24 hours formed peat pellets or cubes, which require no
per day. additional soil mix. Soak the pellets or cubes until
Media for growing transplants may range from they are thoroughly wet, then plant the seeds in
a completely artificial material, such as vermicu- the preformed holes. The whole pellet or cube can
lite or perlite, to field or garden soil. In most in- be planted without disturbing the roots. The only
stances, topsoil from the garden is not suitable disadvantage to this method is the expense.
because it dries out rapidly, becomes hard, lacks Regardless of the type of container chosen,
good physical condition, may be too fertile or not fill it three-quarters full with seed-starting mix-
fertile enough, and may contain fungi that cause ture. Sow the seeds, covering to the specified
damping-off disease. To sterilize topsoil, bake it in depth and water. If your home atmosphere is dry,
an oven at 200 F until the internal soil temperature cover the containers with polyethylene plastic to
reaches 180 F for at least 30 minutes. Although maintain a constant moisture level until the seeds
this process is smelly, it works. If the garden soil is germinate. Although seeds and seedlings are ex-
clay, condition it with compost or perlite to improve tremely sensitive to drying out, do not keep them
internal drainage. soaking wet. This encourages damping-off, a fun-
Success is greatly increased by using com- gal disease that kills seedlings. Prevent or diminish
mercially prepared potting mixes. Standard soil damping-off by sprinkling milled sphagnum moss,
mixes for growing seedlings are available. Com- which contains a natural fungicide, on top of the
mercial mixes contain various proportions of ma- soil or use seeds treated with fungicide.
terials such as peat, perlite, vermiculite and sand. If you are not starting the seedlings in their fin-
Although slightly more expensive in terms of mate- ished pot, begin transplanting seedlings when the
rials, these artificial mixes produce excellent trans- first true leaves are forming, usually two to three
plants. Growth is more uniform, rapid and easily weeks after sowing. Set the seedling at the same
controlled with soil mixes. In addition, sterilization depth or slightly deeper than it was growing in the
by the grower is not necessary when commercially seedling flat. Take care in firming the soil around
prepared mixes are used. the plant to avoid injuring the tender stems. Handle
Many types of containers can be used to start seedlings by their cotyledons to prevent damage
seeds. Flats or other large containers may be used to the seedling stems. After transplanting, water
until the seedlings have one or two sets of true seedlings thoroughly to prevent wilting. Table 4.14
leaves. At this point, move them into larger con- lists the spacing for transplanting to other flats or
tainers until they reach the right size to transplant containers. Later, individual plants, flats or contain-
outdoors. Seedlings also can be started in pots, ers may be spaced further apart to improve plant
old cans, cutoff milk cartons, margarine tubs, egg quality.
cartons or other containers normally discarded. A common problem is damping-off and root
Drainage holes will need to be made when using rot due to excessive watering. Transplants should
these types of containers. The pop-out trays from never be overwatered except to flush excess salts
garden centers are reusable and easy to use. If from the growing medium. Slight wilting of plants
reusing containers, be certain to wash and sanitize occasionally is not harmful. Adjust water, tempera-
containers prior to use. ture and nitrogen fertilizer to control growth when
Peat pots are especially suited for large seeds plants are growing too fast.
and herbs. Sow one or two large seeds or 10 to Gradually harden plants for a week before
12 small herb seeds directly into each peat pot. transplanting them into the garden. Hardening
Thin large seeds to one seedling per pot, but al- prepares plants to withstand conditions such as
low all the herb seeds to grow together, since they chillier, higher temperatures, drying winds and
support each other and grow better than when water shortages. Slightly stress the transplants by
sown singly. Herbs will be strong enough to be di- reducing water, withholding nitrogen fertilizer and
vided at transplanting. Peat pots may be planted moderately lowering temperature to harden trans-
directly in the garden. Do not allow the edges of plants. This can be accomplished by moving the

88 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 4.14. Vegetable transplant growing guide.

Weeks to
Mature Seeding Germination Plant Growing Temps. Transplant
Transplants Depth Temps. Day Night spacing
Vegetable (Weeks) (Inches) (F) (F) a (inches)

Cabbage 5 to 7 1/2 70 to 80 60 to 70 50 to 60 1½ x 1½b

Cauliflower 5 to 7 1/4 to 1/2 70 to 80 60 to 70 55 to 60 2 x 2b
Broccoli 5 to 7 1/4 to 1/2 70 to 80 60 to 70 50 to 60 2 x 2b
Brussels Sprouts 5 to 7 1/4 to 1/2 70 to 80 60 to 70 50 to 60 2 x 2b
Head Lettuce 5 to 7 1/4 to 1/2 60 to 75 60 to 70 50 to 60 1½ x 1 ½ b
Onions 8 to 10 3/8 65 to 80 60 to 70 45 to 55 ------
Celery 10 to 12 1/8 60 to 70 65 to 75 55 to 65 1½ x 1 ½ b
Tomatoes 4 to 6 1/4 to 1/2 70 to 80 70 to 80 60 to 65 2 x 2b
Peppers 6 to 8 1/4 to 1/2 75 to 85 70 to 80 60 to 70 2 x 2b
Eggplant 6 to 8 1/4 to 1/2 75 to 90 70 to 80 65 to 70 2 x 2b
Cucumber 3 to 4 3/4 to 1 70 to 95 70 to 90 60 to 70 3 x 3c
Muskmelon 3 to 4 3/4 to 1 75 to 95 70 to 90 60 to 70 3 x 3c
Watermelon 3 to 4 3/4 to 1 70 to 95 70 to 90 60 to 70 3 x 3c
Squash (Summer) 3 to 4 3/4 to 1 70 to 95 70 to 90 60 to 70 3 x 3c
Reduce day temperatures 5 F to 10 F during cloudy weather.
Space for growing in flats.
Space for growing directly in individual containers.

transplants to a protected area outside where they • Use clean growing containers; free of dis-
will be exposed to outdoor conditions, but still be ease-causing organisms.
somewhat protected. Harden off plants for three to • Use a good quality, sterilized planting medium
five days prior to planting. free of disease-causing organisms.
A young transplant is much better than an old • Follow strict sanitary practices.
transplant. One of the most common errors made • Keep plants and soil from remaining wet for
by transplant growers is to start plants too early in long periods of time.
the season. When held too long before planting, • To help prevent damping-off diseases, keep
transplants become old, woody and are slow to growing media on the dry side, use treated
resume growth after transplanting. For maximum seed. It may be necessary to use fungicide
season’s yield, transplants should never have fruit, sprays or drenches.
flowers or flower buds before transplanting. An
ideal transplant is young and growing fairly rapidly, Transplants of annual vegetables should have
but slightly hardened at transplanting time. Rapid roots that are white and fuzzy, not brown and slimy.
growth following transplanting assures the trans- The plants should be short and stocky, have good
plant will be well established before stress from leaf color, contain no flowers or fruit and be healthy
warm weather and developing fruit. with no disease or insects present. Be sure the
Follow these steps to produce disease-free plants have been hardened off properly, as suc-
transplants: cessful transplanting is achieved by interrupting
• Use clean seed from a reliable source that is plant growth as little as possible.
treated to protect seedlings from disease-caus- Before transferring plants to the garden, make
ing organisms. sure the soil has been properly prepared. If the

Master Gardeners Manual 89

soil is dry, water a day or two before transplant- roots all along the stems when planted sideways
ing so soil is moist, but not wet or muddy. Several in a trench, leaving only two or three sets of leaves
weeks before planting, incorporate all additives exposed (Figure 4.8). This works particularly well
that require time to break down, such as manures, for leggy tomato transplants.
limestone, rock fertilizers and green manures. Just Protect young transplants against heat, cold
before planting, quick-acting material such as hy- and damaging winds the first several days after
drated lime, fertilizers and well-decayed compost transplanting. When unfavorable conditions threat-
can be added. en, place boxes, baskets, plastic milk jugs or flower
To prevent wilting, try to transplant on a cloudy pots over the transplants (Figure 4.9). However, do
day or in early evening so the plants will suffer not leave the protectors over the plants longer than
less water loss than on a hot, sunny day. Bare-root necessary. If it gets warm during the day, remove
plants should be allowed to soak in water for 30 the covers to provide proper ventilation for the
minutes to one hour to replenish water loss before plants. A shingle stuck in the ground at a slant on
planting. Handle plants carefully to avoid disturb- the south side of a plant can serve as a sunshade.
ing the roots and bruising the stems. Water trans- Water the plants once or twice during the week,
plants immediately after being set into the soil. For depending on the amount of rainfall received.
container-grown plants, use a trowel to dig a hole
large enough to accommodate the container. Peat
and other fiber pots can be set directly in the plant-
ing hole; they will disintegrate in the ground. Do not
leave the edge of the pot exposed, as it will wick
water away from the transplant. For most types
of vegetables, place the transplant in the ground
slightly deeper than it grew in the container. To-
mato plants are an exception; they will develop

Figure 4.9. Wall O’ Water® Season Extenders

protecting tomato plants.

Summer Care
One of the most important factors for success-
fully growing vegetables in Oklahoma is the sum-
mer care given to the garden. The gardener natu-
rally wants to give his or her garden the best care
possible. To accomplish this, the gardener must
have a basic knowledge of how to properly irrigate,
control weeds, use mulches and control diseases
and insects.
The majority of full-season vegetables need
about 20 inches of water during the growing sea-
son for good growth. Vegetable crops in general
require irrigation to thrive and produce adequately.
The water in the soil may come from rainfall or from
irrigation. The following guidelines will help deter-
mine the amount and method of irrigation neces-
Figure 4.8. Trench planting tomatoes. sary for your garden.

90 Master Gardeners Manual

A plant can only use the moisture in contact with that will water the garden all at once, so walking
its seed or roots. After the seed germinates, roots into a wet garden won’t be necessary when mov-
are produced, which continuously extend into in- ing it. When using a sprinkler, it is best to irrigate
creasingly greater volumes of soil where the plant early in the morning, so plant foliage can dry off
can obtain water. Therefore, only the soil around quickly, reducing the chance of diseases.
the seed needs to be kept moist following planting. Furrow irrigating with a garden hose is one of
As plants develop, and when growing vegetables the least efficient methods of irrigation for home
from transplants, it is best to keep the soil moist to gardens. It should not be used unless the rows are
a depth of about 1 foot or more. After seeds have quite short. While furrow irrigating does reduce
been planted, the soil may be moistened with a evaporation losses, it poses several disadvantag-
hand-held hose or drip irrigation to maintain moist es. It causes erosion, and the hose needs to be
soil conditions until seedlings emerge. During May moved each time a row has been irrigated. In ad-
and June, garden plants will use about 1 inch of dition, percolation is often heavy at the upper end
water each week. In July, August and September, of the garden, moving water below the root sys-
they require about 2 inches of water per week for tem, which is then lost.
best growth. It normally takes this amount of water- Soaker irrigation hose is a porous material,
ing per week to maintain production if there is no usually consisting of a canvas hose, 20 feet or
rainfall. more in length, which attaches to a garden hose
One way of determining when to irrigate is to at one end and is sealed at the other. It minimizes
take a soil core sample from the plant root zone (6 evaporation and applies uniform coverage, but it
to 8 inches deep) and squeeze it into a ball. If the must be moved frequently to prevent percolation
ball holds together in the palm of your hand, the losses. One approach to using soaker hoses for
soil has sufficient water. If it crumbles, water can irrigation is to purchase enough soaker hose to
be applied. A tensiometer is a fairly economical have one hose per row. Each hose is hooked up
instrument that can be used to monitor soil moister to a manifold system. By leaving soaker hoses in
and aid in determining when to start and to stop place after crop establishment, the entire area can
watering. Water-conscious gardeners may want to be mulched to further conserve water. A downside
consider using these devices. is that these hoses are expensive and often do not
At the crumble-stage, the average soil will hold last very long.
an inch of water per foot. If water is to be applied Drip or trickle irrigation, when properly installed
with a sprinkler, the delivery should be determined and operated, is one of the best methods to wa-
by placing three or four cans with straight sides ter a garden. Drip irrigation reduces evaporation
under the sprinkler pattern. This will illustrate how and percolation to a minimum. Drip irrigation is the
long it takes to accumulate an inch of water. Water controlled application of water at a low flow rate
consumption for a garden will gradually increase and a prolonged period of time. It differs from con-
to two inches per week during hot weather, and ventional watering systems since the soil does not
taper off as the weather cools. Light, frequent irri- become over-saturated with water. When the rate
gations are not useful or recommended. of drip irrigation is adjusted correctly, no puddles
Home gardeners have several options for wa- of water form and none runs off. Several drip sys-
tering plants: a garden hose with a fan nozzle or tems are available in garden centers that are eas-
spray attachment, portable lawn sprinklers, a per- ily adapted to any garden size and situation. The
forated plastic soaker hose, drip or trickle irriga- most common system uses drip-tape, which has
tion or a semiautomatic drip system. If maintained holes in plastic tubes, allowing small amounts of
properly, quality equipment will last for several water to be emitted. The drip-tape is placed along
years. the row, so the root zone is moistened by the drip-
Sprinkler irrigation is a common method used ping water. The emitters are built into the tubing at
by home gardeners. A sprinkler should apply wa- varying intervals (12, 18 and 24 inches) to accom-
ter uniformly and at a rate slow enough to prevent modate various soil types and crop spacing.
runoff. A sprinkler should not produce a mist sub- Pre-irrigate with drip irrigation to ensure ade-
ject to drifting. It is preferable to use a sprinkler quate moisture when the garden is planted; ap-
ply at least 2 inches of water to the planting zone

Master Gardeners Manual 91

before seeding or transplanting (pre-irrigation). leaves. Keep the water pattern even by moving
Make sure the soil is firm at pre-irrigation time, the sprinkler often, overlapping about one-half
so water will move laterally and downward in the of each pattern.
soil. In many cases, the entire garden may need to • Avoid wetting the leaves of plants in late after-
be sprinkled to settle the soil for horizontal water noon or evening. It is best to water in the morn-
movement, preventing movement straight down ing. Wet foliage at night encourages disease.
into the rows. This is especially necessary in sandy • Place perforated plastic hoses or soaker hoses
soils. along one side of the crop row or under mulch.
Deciding the amount of time to drip irrigate is This allows water to slowly seep into the soil.
a critical question. The gardener should strive to • Add enough water to soak the soil to a depth
maintain the soil at field capacity, meaning soil is of about 6 inches. It takes about 2/3 gallon of
moist, but not saturated. A general recommenda- water for each square foot, or about 65 to 130
tion is to operate the drip system for three hours gallons for 100 square feet of garden area.
per day, on alternating days. When rainfall is ade- However, this amount varies according to soil
quate, it is not necessary to water for several days. type. Frequent, light watering encourages
Table 4.15 is a starting place for those beginning shallow rooting and causes plants to suffer
to use drip irrigation. more during drought, especially if mulch isn’t
used. Conversely, excess water can also be
Watering damaging to plant growth, especially in poor-
ly drained soils. It also may cause fertilizer to
• Adjust the flow or rate of water application to leach away.
about ½ inch per hour. A faster flow will cause • To avoid wasting water, know the critical water-
runoff, unless the soil has exceptional drain- ing periods for selected vegetable types. This
age. To determine the flow rate of a sprinkler is particularly important where water is limit-
system, place small tin cans at various places ed. In general, adequate water is most critical
within the sprinkler’s reach, and check the wa- during the first few weeks of development, im-
ter level in the cans at 15-minute intervals. mediately after transplanting and during flow-
• When using oscillating lawn sprinklers, place ering and fruiting.
the sprinkler on a platform higher than the crop • When buying seed or plants for areas prone
to prevent water from being blocked by plant to repeated drought, choose drought resistant

Table 4.15. Drip irrigation scheduling for vegetable gardens.

Growth stage 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd & 4th Quarters

Air temperature Below 90 F Above 90 F Below 90 F Above 90 F Below 90 F Above 90 F

Soil texture Run time in minutes/ Run time in minutes/ Run time in minutes/
ays between watering days between watering days between watering

Sandy or coarse 95 min. 80 min. 65 min. 80 min. 80 min. 100 min.

3 days 2 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day

Loamy or fine 190 min. 195 min. 190 min. 160 min. 165 min. 100 min.
6 days 5 days 3 days 2 days 2 days 1 day

Note: Other methods for determining when to water can include pan evaporation, tensiometers, and using an evapotranspiration
website at:

Note: Drip should be thought of as applying small amounts of water on a very regular basis, meaning don’t wait until the soil water
is depleted and the plants are drought stressed before applying water. During hot weather, it is likely you will be watering every day.

92 Master Gardeners Manual

Herbicides can be used for garden weed con-
Weed Control trol. However, chemical weed control in the home
garden is difficult because of the diversity of crops
Weeds are plant species not welcome in the
grown in the garden. A few basic questions to be
garden, and may or may not be preferred in other
answered before a gardener decides to use herbi-
situations. Weeds compete with vegetables for wa-
cides are: Does the gardener have the knowledge
ter, light and nutrients and often harbor insect, dis-
and equipment to properly apply the herbicide? Is
ease, and nematode problems, causing damage
there a labeled herbicide available to control the
to vegetables and greatly reducing productivity.
weed species in the garden? How much flexibility
Mulching, hoeing and hand weeding are meth-
in crop selection is the gardener willing to sacrifice
ods used to control most weeds in the garden.
to utilize herbicides for weed control?
Proper soil preparation, adequate control of weeds
Types of herbicides include pre-emergence
before planting and planting crops when the soil is
and post-emergence types. Pre-emergence types
warm enough for optimum germination are good
are sprayed or applied on weed-free soil before
cultural practices and reduces the labor needed
weeds emerge. These types control weeds by
for weed control. If there is ample space for gar-
not allowing the seeds to germinate and emerge.
dening, leave some space between rows for culti-
Post-emergence types are sprayed directly on ex-
vating equipment.
isting weeds and are often not selective regarding
Cultivation should be done when weeds are
what plants are killed. Post-emergence herbicides,
small and pose less of a threat to desired crops.
like glyphosate and sethoxydim, are useful choic-
Large weeds are more difficult to remove without
es when eliminating perennial weeds, such as Ber-
damaging the crop. Cultivation may consist of
muda grass or Johnsongrass from future and ex-
rototilling, hand and tractor cultivators and hand
isting garden sites. Visit the local county Extension
hoeing. All tillage should be shallow, so roots are
office for information on current post-emergence
not injured. Hand weeding within the crop is usu-
and pre-emergence herbicides. With any pesti-
ally necessary. Other cultural methods for weed
cide, read and follow label instructions. Follow-
control include:
ing the label will ensure the applicator knows how
• Crop selection – pick a crop and growing sea-
to use the herbicide safely for all concerned.
son where the plant will emerge rapidly, shade
the soil and prevent weed seed germination.
• Close spacing of vegetable crops can inhibit Mulching Garden Soils
weed growth when the leaves overlap at matu-
rity. In a raised bed, keep this in mind for spac- Mulching garden soils may be one of the most
ing plants. valuable cultural practices of gardening. The use
• Mulches of either organic (clean straw or hay, of organic materials for mulches can provide many
paper) or synthetic (plastic) will shade the soil beneficial effects. These include:
surface, controlling most annual weed species. • prevention of annual grasses and weeds
• The best weed control in the home garden is a • elimination of the need for cultivation and the
sharp hoe and good mulch. resulting damage to plant roots
• Sanitation of the garden at the end of the sea- • reduction of moisture evaporation
son is critical. Remove and destroy remaining • increase of water absorption and retention
weeds and their seed heads. • decrease in runoff and soil erosion
• Cover crops are ideal to shade out weeds, even • regulation of soil temperature (see Figures 4.10
Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass can be shad- and 4.11).
ed and discouraged by the dense canopy of
a cover crop such as sudangrass, sorghum or Other benefits are:
buckwheat. Establishing a cover crop regimen • cleaner, more easily harvested crops
early can help with the success of shading out • reduction of fruit rot
competitive weeds. Winter cover crops can • easier movement through the garden during
prevent soil erosion, runoff and cool-season wet periods.
weed establishment, while adding valuable or-
ganic matter.

Master Gardeners Manual 93

of the year, the crop to be mulched and the bene-
fits and shortcomings of the mulch.

Plastic films
Clear plastic warms the soil more than other
mulches, but it will stimulate weed seed germina-
tion and growth as well. It can be laid over rows to
stimulate vegetable seed germination during cool
weather, but must be removed promptly after seed-
lings emerge. Black plastic warms the soil during
the cool season better than organic mulches and
greatly reduces weed populations. However, black
plastic does not control nutsedge. Make certain
Figure 4.10. Mid-summer soil temperature differ- soil has adequate moisture when the plastic film is
ences at a 1-inch depth. applied over the bed. Then cut holes through the
plastic to allow for seeding or transplanting. Wa-
ter can be applied under the plastic mulch with
drip tape or soaker hose. If sprinklers are used, cut
T-slits in the plastic to allow the water to penetrate.

Organic mulches
Organic mulches are some of the most com-
monly used mulches and the best for increasing
organic matter in a soil. Typical examples are bark
chips, compost, ground corncobs, chopped corn-
stalks, cottonseed hulls, grass clippings, leaves,
composted manure, newsprint, peanut shells,
peat moss, pine needles, sawdust, straw and
wood shavings. Organic mulches are most useful
Figure 4.11. Mid-summer soil temperature differ- in conserving soil moisture and reducing the soil
ences at a 3-inch depth. temperature by 8 F to 10 F during the summer. For
Mulch provides conditions for plant roots to de- this reason, they should not be applied to cold gar-
velop throughout the soil and absorb water, nutri- den soils. The soil will warm up very slowly and
ents and oxygen. Luxurious stem, leaf, flower and plant establishment will be delayed. On the other
fruit growth follows the development of vigorous, hand, organic mulches can reduce soil crusting.
extensive root growth. After the soil warms in the spring, organic mulches
Most Oklahoma soils are low in organic matter. can be applied in a 2- to 4-inch layer around well
The use of organic mulches in the home garden established plants. Be sure adequate moisture is
and their incorporation into the soil provides an op- available before applying mulch. Mulches such as
portunity to increase soil organic matter content, sawdust, wood shavings and corncobs have high
improve the physical condition of the soil and add carbon to nitrogen ratios and can use up nitrogen
some nutrients. as they decompose; to compensate, increase the
amount of fertilizer by about one-fourth. If excess
amounts of these mulches are applied, it may
Mulching Materials
prevent growth of vegetables until the mulch has
Many materials are available for mulching in-
cluding clear, white or black plastic, landscape
Suitable organic mulch materials should not
fabric, organic matter such as leaves, compost,
contain herbicide residues, viable weed seeds,
newsprint, hay, straw and cottonseed hulls. The
harmful disease organisms or pests. The material
selection of a particular material depends upon
should be easy to apply and effective for at least
the cost, purpose, availability of products, season
one season. Mulch should not pack. The mulch

94 Master Gardeners Manual

may be incorporated with the soil for further de- given proper care. If tomato, okra, or New Zealand
composition at the end of the season. It is a good spinach plants are too large for the space, prune
practice to incorporate or compost garden debris them to reduce size and stimulate growth. If cul-
at the close of the gardening season. This elimi- tivation is used, it should be done very shallow-
nates protective quarters for insects to use in win- ly. These plants should also be fertilized, watered
ter months and rids the area of any disease-har- and mulched.
boring plant material. Cool-season vegetables including the heading
Crops that benefit from organic mulches in- brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), leafy
clude: tomato, pepper, eggplant, okra, green greens (collard, kale, turnip, mustard, spinach,
beans, cucumbers, cantaloupe, squash, brocco- Swiss chard), root vegetables (turnip, parsnip,
li, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, sweet carrot) and many others do well in fall gardens.
corn, asparagus and rhubarb. In addition to being cold tolerant, many of these
vegetables are nutritional super stars, adding lots
Other mulching materials of vitamins, minerals and fiber to our diets. Sever-
The use of aluminum foils, laminates and other al can be left in the garden during winter months,
types of synthetic mulching films may provide sim- awaiting harvest.
ilar effects in regard to reduced soil temperatures Some fall vegetables are best established by
and weed control. Also, certain kinds of insects using transplants. Those responding most favor-
(leaf hopper, spider mites and aphids) may be re- ably include broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese cab-
pelled, depending on the intensity of reflected light bage, leaf lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
to the underside of the plant foliage. Transplants are most easily grown by planting
seeds in a small flat, moving seedlings to individual
Fall Gardening containers for one month, then transplanting them
to the garden. Growing transplants can be done
Some of the best quality vegetables in Oklaho- under partial shade with insect protection following
ma are produced during the fall season when warm, germination. To achieve maximum germination of
sunny days are followed by cool, humid nights. lettuce seed, the planted and watered flat should
Under these climatic conditions, plant metabolism be kept cool. This can be accomplished by placing
is low; therefore, more of the carbohydrates man- the flat in a cool (60 F to 70 F) location for four or
ufactured by the plant are available to become a five days, at which time seed may begin germinat-
high-quality vegetable product. Vegetables grown ing. The seedlings should be transplanted to indi-
in the fall not only provide fresh produce for the vidual containers within two to three days.
season, but several of the cold-tolerant types can Usually, the time of planting is dependent upon
be stored in the garden during winter months to be the length of time required to produce the crop.
harvested as needed. Some crops may be limited to a specific planting
Successful fall gardening begins much earli- date. Others, such as radish, may produce a crop
er than the fall season. Factors to be considered in 20 to 30 days, allowing the gardener to make
are adequate soil preparation, available garden successive plantings for a more continuous sup-
space, which crops will be grown, space for each ply. Cold tolerant crops planted in cold frames and
crop, varieties to use and obtaining the quantity under row covers make it possible to grow year-
and varieties of seed. Some crops are more easily round in Oklahoma. Salad crops and leafy greens
grown using transplants. are particularly successful if grown using protec-
Warm season vegetables carried over. To some tive structures, and can be harvested as needed
extent, the selection of crops will be influenced by throughout the winter.
what is presently producing well in the garden, Since seeds and transplants may be planted in
family preference, space, water available for irriga- the garden during June, July, August and Septem-
tion and crops adapted for fall production. Some ber, supplemental water is necessary to aid seed
crops planted in spring that may continue into fall germination and plant growth. Many gardeners
include tomato, okra, pepper, sweet potato, cow- have a limited supply of water available, so drip
pea and New Zealand spinach. These plants may irrigation applied only in the row may provide for
produce excellent yields later in the fall season if suitable early growth.

Master Gardeners Manual 95

Climatic conditions in July and August include Conditions favoring the germination of planted
high soil temperature, high light intensity and rapid vegetable seed and lush growth also favor weed
drying of the soil. This increases the difficulties in growth. Mulch the soil, or cultivate, when grass
obtaining a uniform stand of plants and may re- and weed plants are small and easily destroyed.
quire special efforts. These might include shading Weed control in fall gardens is more critical than in
rows immediately after seeding and supplemental spring.
water to reduce soil temperature and aid in germi- Insect pests can come into the fall garden and
nation. For viable seed to germinate, it must have seriously damage plants within a week, particular-
the proper temperature, adequate moisture and ly during the early season. Frequent checks and
sufficient oxygen. The surface of the soil, when ex- immediate protective measures must be used. For
posed to the summer sun, will likely be very hot control to be effective, determine what kinds of
(140 F or 60 C). Vegetable seeds should be plant- pests are causing damage.
ed no deeper than three times the diameter of the
seed. With small seed such as carrot, this would Fall gardening summary
be no more than 1/4 inch deep. At this depth and • Start early, whether carrying over a warm-sea-
exposed in the hot soil, death of the seed due to son garden into fall or starting new cool-sea-
high temperature is likely. When hot soil is watered, son plantings.
it is likely to dry out quickly. Unless soil moisture • Leftover seeds from spring planting may be
is maintained at the depth where the seeds have used in fall planting. Always store seed in
been planted, germination will not take place. a cool, dry location such as a refrigerator or
To achieve proper temperature and adequate freezer.
moisture, apply mulch over the row following plant- • Several direct seeded, cool-season vegeta-
ing and watering. Materials, such as screen wire bles can be planted following the first cool front
strips, shade cloth or boards may also be used. in August or early September
This will moderate soil temperature and soil mois- • To get plants established early, supplemental
ture. Remove cover after seedlings emerge. An- irrigation is needed. Drip irrigation is efficient
other desirable practice is dig into the soil deep- and does not compact soil like overhead irriga-
er than in spring planting. The seeds are planted tion, allowing easier stand establishment.
in this furrow, covered and watered. In this man- • To conserve water, only irrigate furrows or rows.
ner, only the narrow trench would receive water, Wait for rainfall for general watering.
conserving a limited water supply. Later, cultivate • Soak seeds overnight for planting (except
along the sides of the row and fill soil to the same beans and peas). This will hasten seedling
level as the rest of the garden. In this technique, emergence when moisture management is
small grass and weed plants would be covered most critical to plant growth.
(Figure 4.12). • Cover seeded rows to reduce soil temperature
and drying.

Figure 4.12. Planting schemes for hot weather.

96 Master Gardeners Manual

shade can help keep plants healthy. Plants can be
injured by wind, blowing sand, heavy rainfall and
insect attacks. Row covers that allow light trans-
mission can protect plants from a diverse array of
adverse conditions that could end the gardening
season too early.
The importance of air temperature for garden-
ing is well recognized, but it is easy to overlook the
need for adequate soil temperatures. Cool-season
crops, like onions and lettuce, will benefit from
practices to help warm the soil. For early planting
of warm-season crops, like tomato and melons, it is
necessary to warm the soil quickly to achieve opti-
Figure 4.13. Fall garden scene. mal plant growth. Black plastic mulches and land-
scape fabrics are commonly used for soil warming
in early spring. Additional benefits of mulches in-
clude prevention of weeds, moisture conservation,
Extending the Growing Season produce cleanliness and reduced plant diseases.
White mulches provide some of these benefits
While the traditional garden is limited to spring without soil warming; a good choice for plantings
through fall, ways have been found to extend the done after May. Mulches should be tightly installed
season. This is achieved by modifying the envi- over a level, uniform soil surface so little air space
ronment to protect plants from extreme heat and is present. Drip irrigation is often installed before
cold, winds, winter precipitation and insect pests. the mulch is applied.
By using these season-extending techniques, gar- These season-extension methods make use of
deners can harvest greens and other cool-season the greenhouse effect to create growing environ-
crops into the winter months. In addition, garden- ments more favorable than outdoor conditions. In
ers can start warm season vegetables earlier in addition to overall enhancement of growing condi-
the spring and keep crops productive later into the tions, these methods also help protect from short-
fall months. There are many tricks to lengthen the term freezes, frosts, wind, hail and heavy precip-
growing season. Season extension depends on itation. Because heat can be excessive, ventila-
the individual gardener’s knowledge, availability of tion is required for cooling. Vents used for cooling
supplies and investment of time. high tunnels include roll up sidewalls, roof vents
Season extension involves providing favorable and end wall doors. As structure size increases,
plant growth conditions on a day-to-day basis. It the potential for heat accumulation and a need for
also protects plants from brief events causing seri- venting is required. Careful planning is needed to
ous plant damage, such as late spring or early fall ensure high- or low-tunnel designs allow for ad-
freezes. Primary methods used for season exten- equate heating. Plastics designed for use as low
sion are shown in Table 4.16. The greenhouse ef- tunnels may be purchased with openings allowing
fect provides warm growing conditions during cool hot air to vent through the top. Cold frames should
times of the year. In the same way a car warms be designed for easy opening to allow for air circu-
up inside when sunlight shines on the windows, lation (Figure 4.14).
plants can be placed within transparent structures While cold frames use solar energy to warm
during cool weather and warmed during daylight the growing environment, additional soil heating
hours. With proper design and attention, season increases versatility by creating a hot bed. This is
extension can be used for plant growth not possi- accomplished using electrical heating cables bur-
ble outdoors. During the evening, the same struc- ied in the soil, steam-carrying pipes or by the burial
ture helps retain heat and protects plants from tem- of fresh, straw-filled manure beneath the root zone
peratures too cold for survival. During the summer of plants. Manure will generate heat as it decom-
months, it is often too hot for vegetables. Using poses. When solar energy is not available hot beds
proper watering practices and providing afternoon can result in more favorable soil temperatures and

Master Gardeners Manual 97

Table 4.16. Season extension methods.

Method Purposes Comments

Cloches, Wall-O-Water, inverted Modify the environment for Create warmer growing conditions and
jars, hotcaps, Dutch light individual or groups of protect from brief cold exposure. Use
portable mini greenhouse. plants. non-vented or opaque designs for brief

Covering of soil surface with Black and clear mulches Black colors help with early warm-season
plastic mulch and landscape warm soil. White mulch crop plantings and suppress weed
fabrics. cools soil during growth. White mulch prevents weeds,
mid-summer. conserves moisture and helps cool soil.

Transparent row covers or Modify the environment for Clear polyethylene or other sheeting is
low tunnels. Fabric row covers rows of plants. Protect from placed over plants in the garden.
suspended over crops. wind and precipitation and Supported by wire or plastic hoops.
exclude insect pests. Vented plastic available to prevent
excessively high temperatures.

Cold frames Structures outside the Used to force spring-flowering bulbs,

garden where plants may harden transplants, start cold tolerant
be placed for temperature transplants, overwinter semi-hardy plants,
modification and protection etc. May be constructed with recycled
from rain, snow and ice. window sash or polyethylene attached to
a frame.

Hot beds - cold frames with Starting transplants in late Heat sources include electric, steam and
heat source below soil. winter and early spring and composting organic material below soil.
growing cool season crops
year round.

High tunnels or hoop houses Provide enhanced growing Starting warm-season crops earlier in the
environment and protection spring to achieve earlier harvest. Extend
from brief adverse conditions harvest in the fall by protecting from first
such as frosts, late freezes, frost and freeze events. Cool-season crop
hail, wind and heavy rain. productivity and quality are enhanced
throughout the growing period. Many
options for structure designs and

Greenhouse Enable growing throughout Many options for structures and

the year depending on supplemental equipment. Examples of
heating, cooling and extra production uses include bedding and
lighting used. vegetable transplants, winter production
of tomatoes, lettuce, etc.

98 Master Gardeners Manual

sions may depend on the amount of space avail-
able or needed, intended use, the size of the win-
dow sash to be used and workers who will use it.
Design the structure for ease of planting, weeding
and harvesting. Typically, 4 feet is the maximum
width to comfortably reach across with access
from both sides. The sash should be sloped south-
ward for maximum sunlight exposure. Plan for easy
opening of the upper end of the sash for venting;
some kits include automatic ventilation features.
Tunnel designs range from low types placed over
plants to high types of a walk-in design. Sizes vary
Figure 4.14. Cold frames for season extension. considerably, for example, 8 feet wide by 15 feet
long to 20 feet wide by 40 feet long. As with cold
increased air temperature than cold frames. For a frames, there are many prefabricated kits available
manure-heated bed, remove 2 feet of soil (for bet- as well as plans for build-it-yourself designs. An In-
ter drainage, remove more soil). Add an 18-inch ternet search is a good place to start to determine
layer of straw-filled horse manure, then cover with the best choice for an individual situation.
6 inches of good soil. For an electric-heated bed, The starting point for tunnel and cold frame
remove 8 or 9 inches of soil. Place thermostatical- growing is the collection of as much solar ener-
ly-controlled electric cable in 6- to 8-inch loops on gy as possible. One way to do this is to trap heat,
the soil, evenly spacing the cable, but not allow- which will be released as the sun sets later in the
ing it to cross itself. Cover the cable with 2 inches day. Barrels painted black and filled with water can
of sand or soil, then place hardware cloth on top serve this purpose by absorbing heat during the
to protect the cable. Finally, cover this with 4 to 6 day and releasing it at night. The solar pod (Figure
inches of good soil. 4.16) works on this principle. Cold frame designs
While season-extension techniques help in- using insulation, with a high back and steep glass
crease temperatures, keep in mind light is also a slope, also conserve heat. Movable insulation
limiting factor during cool months. In winter, solar placed over cold frames protects plants during pe-
light intensity is low and days are short. Therefore, riods of low temperatures and low solar radiation.
it is important to locate structures to receive as
much light as possible. Locate permanent struc-
tures so they are not shaded by buildings or ev-
ergreen trees and shrubs. While they should not
be too close, deciduous trees providing afternoon
shade may be helpful to reduce the heat load as
weather warms. Deciduous trees will lack leaves
during winter months, so sunlight will penetrate.
For maximum solar absorption, the ideal location
for a cold-frame is with a slight slope and a south
or southeastern exposure. Protection against win-
ter winds is helpful, as is sinking the frame into the
ground slightly, to allow the earth to provide insu-
lation. Some cold-frames are lightweight enough
to be moved where needed. The Dutch light is an
exmple of a portable, greenhouse-like structure
(Figure 4.15).
Structures ranging from small portable types to
walk-in, permanent designs can be built from pre-
fabricated kits or scratch. Cold frames are often Figure 4.15. Dutch light, a portable, green-
built using wood and cinder blocks. The dimen- house-like structure.

Master Gardeners Manual 99

Tunnels and cold frames can be used to get young plants, enabling early planting or extending
vegetable plants off to an early start or grow un- the season with a fall garden. They are either placed
til it is time to harvest and prepare. For example, over individual plants or can be tunnel-shaped to
in Oklahoma, tunnels enable harvesting of toma- cover entire rows. Cloches trap solar radiation and
toes a month earlier than outdoors, can produce reduce moisture evaporation. Simple forms are
nutritious greens crops early throughout the winter hot-caps and plastic jugs with the end removed.
and make for perfect quality vegetables. Excellent More elaborate types include fiberglass tunnels
quality tomato, onion and cabbage plants can be or row covers with ventilation openings for aera-
grown in cold frames and readied for planting in a tion, as well as glass panes connected by hinges
high tunnel or the open garden. Young seedlings to form a tent (Figure 4.17). There are a variety of
of hardy and half-hardy annuals can be started in forms on the market, and homemade designs are
a frame weeks before it is possible outdoors. You also an option. It is preferable to have a design that
can also sprout sweet potatoes for growing sweet can be completely closed at night to prevent frost
potato slips. Exactly what a grower is able to do damage and opened or removed during the day
depends on their location and the type of struc- for air circulation. Cloches should be anchored in
tures available. place or heavy enough to not blow away.
Sunlight heats the cold frame, but ventilation Greenhouses enable growing year-round, de-
may be needed from late fall through early spring pending on the heating, cooling and supplemen-
on clear, sunny days. Place a thermometer inside tal lighting used. An abundant selection of green-
to monitor air temperature. Raising the sash will house designs is available on the market. Gar-
allow heated air to rise and exit the frame. Close deners who intend to buy or build a greenhouse
the sash early in the afternoon to conserve heat should investigate the options thoroughly, and
for evening. Summer conditions may require sash visit with greenhouse owners to get suggestions.
removal, lathing over the sash or a combination of Greenhouses are a sizeable investment, so it is im-
venting and the use of shade cloth. A cold frame perative to think it through carefully. Begin by mak-
can be converted to a hot bed by adding a heat ing a list of purposes for the greenhouse; what will
source below the soil as discussed earlier. be grown; when will it be grown; how much will be
The cloche was originally a bell-shaped glass grown; will supplemental heat, light or ventilation
jar set over delicate plants to protect them. To- be needed; and what temperature is need for the
day, many types of portable structures that shelter crop? Compare house designs and construction
plants from drying winds and cold air are called material alternatives. Many companies provide
cloches. These structures are used to provide a specifications and descriptions of greenhouses
protected microclimate for seed germination and they offer. Look in gardening magazines for adver-
tisements and suggestions.

Figure 4.16. Heat trap container. Figure 4.17. A Wall-o-Water is a product similar to
a cloche.

100 Master Gardeners Manual

The conservation-minded gardener may find
an attached solar greenhouse desirable, even
though the initial cost may be higher than a sim-
ple, freestanding, uninsulated greenhouse. For
maximum effectiveness and lower heating costs,
insulate the north and side walls. Leave a liberal
amount of glass area for winter sunlight absorption
on the southern side. Many houses use a double
layer of ultraviolet, light, stabilized polyethylene. A
small fan is used to create a small amount of pres-
sure, separating the polyethylene layers, insulat-
ing the house.
Season extension often pertains to warming
of the growing environment during cool weather. Figure 4.18. Row covers.
However, summer solar radiation intensity in Okla-
homa is excessive for some vegetables and it may Once the row cover is installed, plants can be
be difficult to start seeds or grow transplants. In- watered directly through the row cover material or
sect pests, such as squash bugs and grasshop- by drip irrigation installed prior to cover installa-
pers, can make it impossible to start certain veg- tion. Double layers can be used for added cold
etables, which shorten the harvest season. Row protection by placing one row cover over the other
covers using shade cloths and fine netting for in- and anchoring both in place. Weeds will grow very
sects can help alleviate such problems. Dark color well in the microclimate created under the row cov-
shade cloths reduce sunlight intensity and can be er. To weed the covered plant beds, remove the
placed on frames over rows after planting. staples from one side (the leeward side if there is a
Row covers are lightweight blankets made of breeze). Reinstall the row cover and all the staples
spun-bonded polyester or polypropylene. Heavi- after pulling the weeds. To minimize the need to
er weight thicknesses are used for protection from weed, lay plastic mulch under the row cover. Row
cold, while lighter weights are useful for insect covers may be reused if handled carefully. Store
exclusion, wind protection and short-term frost the cover in a sealed container, as the row covers
protection. Lighter weight materials do not pro- can be a source of bedding for rodents.
duce heavy shading and can be left in place for
prolonged periods of time without reducing plant Season extension summary
growth. • Temperatures of the growing environment can
Row cover materials come in rolls up to 30 feet be increased by using black color mulches
wide and in various lengths. Row covers come in to warm the soil and clear or translucent, en-
standard widths of 6 to 9 feet and are designed for closed structures to warm air.
beds 3 to 4 feet wide. Wider covers are needed • Use cold frames, low tunnels and cloches
for taller crops. Before installing a row cover, fer- for cold protection when starting plants or for
tilize and plant the bed to be covered. The mate- low-growing plants through harvest.
rial may be used as floating row covers, in which • High tunnels can improve the quality of
the material is supported by the vegetable plants cool-season crops through the normal season
(Figure 4.18). Row covers can also be used by in- or to extend production through winter months.
stalling wire or plastic hoops, supporting the ma- • Warm season crops can be grown earlier in the
terial above the crop plants. Row covers can be spring and later in the fall using high tunnels.
anchored by piling loose soil over the edges or by • During warm periods, shade structures can re-
using special plastic or metal staples. The latter duce the impact of excess heat and sunlight
is a better choice in heavy soils. For vegetables on plants and maturing fruits.
requiring pollination, covers must be removed to • Suspended and floating row covers can be
allow pollinator access to the crop, such as the used to protect from winds, cold, insect attack
morning hours for honeybees. and intense precipitation.

Master Gardeners Manual 101

lished. Foliar application of water soluble fertil-
Diagnosis of Abiotic izer, such as Peters 20-20-20, should be made
(Non-Disease) if the condition persists.
Vegetable Problems
Potassium deficiency symptoms include
Diagnosing growth, plant and fruiting problems reduced growth, shortened internodes, chlorosis
is easier if the person making the diagnosis has and necrosis (death-browning) of leaf tissue, often
experience and knowledge in gardening. Growth at the margin on the older leaves of crops.
disorders of vegetable crops can be caused by Magnesium deficiency: Low soil pH, com-
various factors not related to insect or disease bined with low levels of soil magnesium, can result
damage. Growth problems can be the result of a in various foliage and fruit disorders. Symptoms
combination of interrelated factors. Correctly diag- include reduced growth, marginal or interveinal
nosing the problem can only be determined if all chlorosis on older leaves, cupped leaves and re-
factors are known. duced seed production.
Soil fertility, soil pH and other environmental • Sweet corn will show a streaked leaf blade.
factors can individually or collectively effect crop The streaks are characterized by pale lines be-
quality. Nutrient deficiencies and pH extremes tween the darker veins, running the full length
in vegetable crops can reduce a plants ability to of the leaf.
function normally. When these factors reach crit- • Bell pepper will show a pale discoloration be-
ical levels, symptoms of deficiency or toxicity ginning at the leaf tip and spreading between
are evident. Soil testing enables the gardener to the veins. Deficiencies develop soon after
supply the adequate amounts of nutrients to pre- transplanting and result in stunted growth.
vent problems. Plant nutrients required for normal Plants do not recover unless magnesium is ap-
growth are readily available at a slightly acidic soil plied soon after the deficiency develops.
pH: 6.2 to 6.8. Soil pH can be corrected by apply- • Tomato leaves have a blotchy appearance be-
ing the proper soil amendment at the recommend- tween the veins. Severe magnesium deficiency
ed rate prior to planting. This will prevent many can cause marginal dieback of leaf tips. A cal-
nutrient deficiency problems. cium deficiency will produce similar discolor-
ations, but is usually seen closer to the leaf tip.
Nutrient deficiency disorders
Nitrogen deficiencies affect the older, bot- Manganese: In very acid soils some micro-
tom-most leaves of the plant. Symptoms include elements, such as manganese, are made more
light green leaves and slow or no growth of the readily available for plant absorption. When this
crop. condition exists, plants can absorb the nutrient
Phosphorus deficiencies are expressed as in excessive levels. At this point, the element be-
stunting, intensified color, browning or purpling comes toxic to the plant. Symptoms of deficien-
of foliage (lower leaves first) in some plants, loss cy include interveinal chlorosis of young leaves
of lower leaves, reduced flowering and weak root followed by brown spots producing a checkered
growth. effect. Snap-bean foliage will appear bronze-col-
• Sweet corn will normally show a purple dis- ored and puckered.
coloration on the outer edge of the leaf blade. Boron deficiency in vegetable crops will
Phosphorus deficiency symptoms are common appear as internal defects of stems or fruits as
on early planted sweet corn growing in cold they approach maturity, such as failure to set seed,
soil. If soil phosphorus levels are adequate, breakdown of internal tissue and death of apical
this condition usually corrects itself when soil buds.
warms up. • Turnip roots will have a purple ring discolor-
• Tomatoes will usually have purple veins on the ation, usually close to the outer surface.
underside of the leaves. This condition is often • Cauliflower heads can brown due to unavail-
seen on recently transplanted, young, actively able boron.
growing tomato plants. This condition usually
corrects itself after new feeder roots are estab-

102 Master Gardeners Manual

Molybdenum: If small, individual white spots
are seen near the center of the fruit, then a molyb-
Physical Disorders
denum deficiency could be the culprit. It may also
General condition causes: Physiological
be expressed as interveinal chlorosis on older and
conditions can result in disorders of vegetables,
midstem leaves and twisted leaves (whiptail).
especially as they approach maturity. Inadequate
• Tomato plants exhibiting a deficiency will have
soil moisture for prolonged periods, followed by
leaf blades more narrow than normal. A condi-
excessive water, can cause fruit cracking in toma-
tion called white core occurs near the center
toes and watermelons. Mulching plants and timing
of tomato fruit, causing a larger, whitened area
irrigation to prevent moisture stress can prevent
than those caused by molybdenum deficien-
these problems.
cies. White core is a physiological disorder
Tomato problems: Physiological cracking
and can be variety associated.
of tomatoes is usually one of two types: vertical or
radial. Vertical cracking (Figure 4.19) is called cat-
Calcium deficiency may result in inhibition
facing, while cracking running around the shoul-
of bud growth, death of root tips, cupping of matur-
der of the tomato is called radial cracking (Figure
ing leaves, weak stems, blossom end rot of many
4.20). Both types can be influenced by variety and
fruits, pits on root vegetables and foliage may be
aggravated by unfavorable growing conditions.
an abnormal dark green. Blossom-end rot is a
Uneven watering and severe pruning of the toma-
common disorder on tomatoes and other fruiting
to plant can increase this condition on susceptible
• Blossom-end rot is also found on bell pepper
Tomatoes can develop white rings just under
and watermelons. Low soil calcium and fluctu-
the skin, which is caused by high temperatures.
ating soil moisture aggravates this situation. If
The only control is to keep the plant healthy to pro-
soil acidity is too low, liming can help correct
vide abundant foliage, which will shade the fruit.
this problem. Spraying young plants with calci-
Other fruit problems in tomato include blotchy
um chloride at a rate of 4 tablespoons per gal-
ripening, yellow top, large-core with green-gel
lon of water will also help. Mulching and irrigat-
and sunburn. Tomato leaf roll (Figure 4.21) is fairly
ing will aid in preventing this condition, which
common and may or may not be associated with
also is seen more on pruned tomato plants.
moisture stress, disease or nematode problems. If
Blossom-end rot can be very severe on oblong
soil moisture is adequate and no disease or nem-
watermelon fruit, especially when plants are
grown in acidic soil low in calcium. Calcium
chloride sprays can help prevent this problem;
use the same rates as those recommended for

Zinc deficiency is limited to specific soil-

plant conditions or situations. Zinc deficiencies
may cause distorted leaves, short internodes and
interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves.
• Corn is the second most susceptible plant to
zinc deficiency. Most soils in Oklahoma con-
tain adequate amounts of zinc. However, the
soil may show deficiency symptoms when soil
pH is greater than 7.5 because zinc is unavail-
able to plants in high pH soils.

Figure 4.19. Vertical cracking also known as cat-

facing of tomato fruit.

Master Gardeners Manual 103

a chemical called solanin, which becomes more
concentrated in the presence of bright light. This
chemical will be found concentrated just under the
potato skin. If these potatoes are to be eaten, it
is recommended they be peeled deeply, cooked
in boiling water and the cooking water discarded.
Solanin is highly water soluble and most will be
discarded in the water.
Cauliflower problems: Tight heads, of
snow white color in cauliflower, result from ex-
cluding all sunlight. Tying wrapper leaves over the
heads when they are the size of a quarter is usu-
ally necessary, even on the so called self-blanch-
ing varieties (Figure 4.22). Covering the heads

Figure 4.20. Radial cracking on tomato fruit.

(Source of images - http://pender.ces.ncsu.

Figure 4.22. Leaves

wrapped over cau-
liflower heads to in-
duce blanching.

Figure 4.21. Physiological leaf roll.

(Image source -

atode problems exist, the leaf roll is an indication

of an upcoming heavy fruit load. Leaf roll is more
severe on heavily pruned plants.
Irish Potato problems: Hollow heart of Irish
potatoes is a physiological condition occurring in
susceptible varieties spaced too far apart. Plants
experience slowed growth, followed by rapid ex- Figure 4.23. Loose, ricey brown heads when ex-
pansion of the tubers brought about by excessive posed to sunlight.
moisture and overfertilization. (Photos by Bruce Leander, source:
Potato tubers, exposed to bright light, will turn
green on the surface. This green color is due to fall-veggie-picks-cauliflower-by-patty-leander/)

104 Master Gardeners Manual

with older leaves helps make larger heads. Failure to blooms are self-pollinating, and do not require
to exclude sunlight results in a loose, ricey curd, insects to transfer pollen for fruit set. Low tempera-
brown in color and off-flavor (Figure 4.23). tures (below 55 F) and high temperatures (above
Pollination problems: Many crops require 90 F) can damage or kill pollen. Pollen killed by
complete pollination of the female bloom to devel- low or high temperatures will result in immature,
op normal fruit. This is especially true with mem- cracked fruit on the blossom-end. Inadequate pol-
bers of the cucumber and squash family. Polli- lination in tomatoes can result in the seed cavity
nation in the cucumber family is dependent on not being filled normally. This will result in puffy fruit
insects. Cucumbers and watermelon that develop (Figure 4.25).
into bottle shapes (Figure 4.24) are the result of in- Sweet corn pollination problems: Sweet
complete pollination of the female bloom. Pumpkin corn is pollinated by wind. Lack of adequate pol-
blooms that do not pollinate completely will devel- len, high humidity, foggy mornings and excessive
op into pointed-ended fruit instead of round. Toma- rain will result in poorly developed ears. A physio-
logical condition sometimes occurs in sweet corn
where juvenile corn ears are formed in the tassels.
The reason for this condition is not well understood,
but when the condition occurs, there seems to be
little problem with proper pollination. During some
seasons, sweet corn plants produce an excessive
amount of suckers. These can be removed early in
the season or left on the plant. There is no advan-
tage in removal except to allow movement up and
down the row.
Hail damage: Hail stones can cause se-
vere crop damage, such as shredded leaves and
immature tomato fruit that develop white bruised
spots that remain white even after the fruit turns
red. Wounds caused by hail damage of the abo-
Figure 4.24. Cucumbers with a bottle shape. veground portions of any crop provide conditions
(Image source - for plant diseases to develop, which may result in
pollination-problems-vegetables) crop loss.
Wildlife damage: Rabbits, deer, feral hogs,
moles, gophers and other animals can cause con-
siderable damage to gardens. Some plants like
soybeans and southern peas may recover if the
tops are consumed after germination. Others may
not recover. The best way to prevent damage from
grazing animals is to fence the garden. There are
many methods of fencing available. Sometimes, a
simple chain link and t-post system can be used.
However, check with the local county Extension of-
fice for the best option.

Figure 4.25. Poor pollination can cause puffy or

a lack of gel inside the fruit.
(Image source -

Master Gardeners Manual 105

Table 4.17. Common garden problems.

Symptoms Possible Causes Corrective Measures

Seedlings die shortly after Soil-borne fungi Plant good quality treated seed
Planting in cold, wet soils Plant in warm soil

Plants stunted in growth; Lack of soil fertility or Use fertilizer and correct pH according
yellow colored foliage. soil pH abnormal to soil test.

Plants growing in compacted, Modify soil with organic matter, coarse

poorly drained soil sand. Provide surface drainage.

Insect or disease damage; Use recommended control treatments.

Root Knot Nematode

Iron deficiency Apply iron or correct soil pH as per soil test


Plants stunted in growth; Low temperature Plant at proper time. Do not use light-colored
purplish colored leaf veins. mulch too early in the season.

Inadequate phosphorus Apply phosphorus as per soil test


Holes in leaves; leaves Damage by insects Use recommended insecticide treatment.

yellowish and drooping,
or distorted in shape.

Plant leaves with spots; dead, Plant disease Use resistant varieties, remove diseased
dried areas; or powdery plants when noticed and use recommended
or rusty areas. control treatments.

Plants wilt even though Soluble salts too high Soil test analysis.
sufficient water is present.
Poor drainage and aeration Add compost or organic matter; ridge soil
for surface drainage; plant in raised beds.

Insect, disease or nematode Use recommended varieties and

damage on roots treatments of insecticides, fungicides and

Plants tall, spindly, and Excessive shade Relocate to sunny area. Remove weeds.
Excessive nitrogen Reduce applications of nitrogen.

Blossom drop (tomatoes). Hot winds, dry soil Use mulch and water. Plant heat tolerant

Low night temperatures Avoid early planting.

Overwatering or disease Reduce watering, use recommended

disease control treatments.

106 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 4.17. Common garden problems (cont’d).

Symptoms Possible Causes Corrective Measures

Tomato leaf roll. Excess nitrogen and water Withhold nitrogen, reduce watering.


Beet Curly top disease Remove plant if diseased.

Downward cupping and Hormone herbicide Don’t spray on windy days or when
curling of tomato leaves. (e.g. 2,4-D) damage temperature is above 80 F.

Leathery, dry, brown blemish Blossom end rot Maintain uniform soil moisture and apply
on the blossom end of mulch. Avoid overwatering and excessive
tomatoes, peppers and nitrogen. Select tolerant varieties. Protect
watermelons. plants from winds during flowering and
fruit set.

Broccoli flowers before the Poor growing conditions Improve growing conditions.
heads mature.
Planted too late in spring Plant earlier.

Cabbage heads split. Heavy rains after heads Twist or pull the cabbage head to break
almost mature some roots decreasing amount of water
plant can absorb.

Corn ears do not fill properly. Poor pollination due to hot, dry Plant in blocks of three to four rows rather
weather; lack of wind than one long one.

Too much nitrogen; low Adjust nutrient levels according to soil test
potassium levels recommendations.

Insects feeding on silks Use recommended insecticide treatment.

Bitter cucumbers Older plants, low fertility, Maintain adequate moisture, mulch the
drought conditions, and high soil,and fertilize properly.

Cantaloupes with poor flavor. Too much water during last Avoid watering plants just before harvest.
week of vine growth,
inadequate sunlight

Poor fruit set of cucurbit Poor pollination Vine crops produce male and female
crops. blossoms; male blossoms often form
before female blossoms and drop without
fruit set. Fruit set usually starts once female
blossoms develop. Bees are needed to
transfer pollen from male to female

Master Gardeners Manual 107

tant to race 1, 2 and 3 of the Fusarium wilt fungus.
Disease and Nematode Control There are many races of Fusarium wilt. If a garden
site is infected with race 4 and a variety with resis-
Plant diseases adversely affect yield and quali-
tance to race 3 is planted, there is a chance the to-
ty of vegetable crops. For plant disease to develop,
mato plant will become infected with Fusarium wilt.
three things must be present: a susceptible host,
Resistance does not always mean immunity. This
favorable environment and disease-causing patho-
same principle is true with nematode resistance as
gen. This is referred to as the disease triangle. Dis-
well as some other diseases.
ease-causing agents can be spread from plant to
Cantaloupe varieties: Varieties are avail-
plant by wind, water, insects, contaminated seeds,
able with resistance to anthracnose, downy mil-
transplants, infested soil and garden tools. Diseas-
dew, powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt and mosaic
es of vegetables can be prevented by a combina-
virus. Check with your local Extension educator or
tion of good management practices and sanitation
garden center for resistant cantaloupe varieties.
(IPM). This control is obtained through the altering
Cucumber varieties: Varieties are available
of either the host (i.e. a resistant variety, fungicide
with resistance to anthracnose, downy mildew,
spray, etc.) or altering the environment (i.e. keeping
powdery mildew and mosaic virus. Check with
garden crop foliage dry or preventing water and
your local Extension educator or garden center
soil from splashing onto the crop) or by managing
for resistant cucumber varieties. Note: it is a good
the garden to prevent the buildup of pathogens
management practice to select locally adapted
(i.e. crop rotation, sanitation, etc.).
varieties with disease resistance. In some cases,
the resistance does not apply to the predominant
Plant disease management tools race of the disease appearing in Oklahoma. For
Certain vegetable varieties are resistant to one example, the resistance to powdery mildew can
or more diseases, and the home gardener should be to one or more races of the disease. Currently,
take full advantage of this built-in protection. Re- race 1 is predominant in Oklahoma and a variety
member, high quality seed and disease-free trans- with resistance to PM 2, 3 and 5 may still become
plants are essential. Do not use plants showing severely infected with the disease. “Mosaic” resis-
abnormalities. Progress has been made in the tance refers to resistance to cucumber mosaic vi-
development of good vegetable varieties with tol- rus. Unfortunately there are other mosaic viruses
erance or resistance to several important diseas- that also attack cucumber, such as watermelon
es. Disease- and nematode-resistant varieties are mosaic virus. Therefore, selecting a “mosaic” re-
available and should be used. A gardener may sistant variety may not prevent the infection of the
need to order seed to obtain resistant varieties from plant by a virus disease.
catalogs. Special requests at the local seed store Snap bean varieties: Varieties are avail-
also can be made. Refer to OSU Fact Sheet HLA- able with resistance to bean mosaic virus, powdery
6032 Vegetable Varieties for the Home Garden in mildew, halo blight and root rot. M = mosaic virus
Oklahoma for a list of resistant vegetable varieties. resistance, PM = powdery mildew resistance, HB
Tomato varieties: Varieties have been de- = halo blight resistance, RR = root rot resistance.
veloped with resistance to: verticillium wilt, fusari- Spinach varieties: Varieties are available
um wilt, southern root-knot nematode, early blight with resistance to leaf blight, downy mildew, white
and tobacco mosaic virus. Varieties with resis- rust and mosaic virus. (B = leaf blight resistance,
tance to these diseases will be designated by the BM = blue mold resistance, DM = downy mildew
letters V, F, N, A and T. Where: resistance (blue mold and downy mildew are the
V = resistance to Verticillium wilt same disease), M = mosaic virus resistance.)
F = resistance to Fusarium wilt Watermelon varieties: Varieties are avail-
N = resistance to southern root-knot nematode able with resistance to anthracnose and Fusarium
A = resistance to early blight wilt. There are no varieties with known resistance
T = resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. to downy mildew. Downy mildew is a serious dis-
ease of watermelon in Oklahoma. Note: there are
Some varieties may have the designation of several races of fusarium that attack watermelon.
F1, F2, F3, etc., which indicate the variety is resis-

108 Master Gardeners Manual

Variety summary: Even with the best or- infested roots should be destroyed, preferably
ganic control methods, vegetables such as toma- by burning or burying in a landfill. Also avoid
toes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash moving nematode infested soil to non-infested
and watermelon are susceptible to many differ- sites. Check gardening implements and gar-
ent foliar diseases. Preventing these diseases dening equipment for soil before moving from
from destroying the crop requires a combination one gardening site to the next. Washing the soil
of several different crop protection methods. This from implements, tools and equipment will help
includes crop rotation, garden sanitation, mulch- prevent the spread of root-knot nematode.
ing, resistant varieties, irrigation management and • Soil Solarization can reduce populations of
fungicide applications to protect new growth and nematode pests and requires no chemical ap-
prevent defoliation. plication. It has proven to be effective for small
garden areas. Soil solarization controls a wide
Controlling nematodes variety of soil pests and is a technique com-
There are many species of nematodes and monly used in integrated pest management
some, but not all, cause plant diseases. Control programs (Figure 4.26).
of root-knot nematode (microscopic eel worms) in
the home garden can be difficult and frustrating. Note: No control method will eliminate nem-
Home gardeners have few options for nematode atodes from the garden soil. Some methods will
treatment, since all nematicides and soil fumigants reduce nematode numbers for a short period of
are for professional use only and require a permit. time, but the nematode population may eventually
However, several more safe methods have been rebuild.
developed for use in home gardens.

Nematode control techniques:

• Incorporating green manure crops (small
grains) to increase the organic matter content
of the soil. Cereal rye is particularly effective.
• Chitin applications. University research has
shown that the application of chitin will lower
nematode numbers. See U.C. Davis “Floricul-
ture and Ornamental Nurseries Nematodes”
article at:
• Nematode-resistant varieties, especially for
• Garden site rotation is an excellent method of Figure 4.27. Garden plot with soil solarization.
control, but not always a practical option.
• Crop rotation utilizing non-host crops such as
corn and onions for root-knot nematode. Also,
rotate the location of a crop within the garden
Seed treatments: The use of a protective
fungicide will help protect seeds against seed rot
• Companion planting. Marigolds are not effec-
and damping off in the early stages of seed ger-
tive in reducing the number of root-knot nema-
mination and growth. Treating seed is one of the
tode in the garden. Only varieties of the French
most efficient methods of controlling plant disease,
marigold (Nemagold, Petite Blanc, Queen So-
using very small amounts of fungicide. Use pesti-
phia and Tangerine) have been shown to re-
cides according to directions on the label. Do not
duce nematode numbers. This reduction only
handle chemically treated seed with bare hands.
occurs in the immediate root zone.
Protective fungicides for foliage: Fun-
• Sanitation is important for nematode control.
gicides are chemicals that control fungal diseases.
Roots of infested plants should be removed
Some fungicides contain copper, which may also
from the soil immediately after harvest. These

Master Gardeners Manual 109

provide some control of bacterial diseases. In gen- crease crop yields. Therefore, the location of veg-
eral, fungicides are not toxic chemicals in regard etables must be rotated each season. Remember,
to human health. Fungicides labeled for use in the rotating the placement of each single vegetable is
home garden are rated as slightly toxic (Caution not enough. Rotations should be at a minimum ev-
signal word). ery three years.
Various fungicides are available for foliage ap- Each family of vegetables has a unique effect
plication and should be considered as protection on the soil, and most vegetable varieties within a
against foliar diseases. They are primarily pro- family are susceptible to the same diseases and
tectants. For the best performance, treat prior to insects. It is important to know which vegetables
infection, therefore a preventative spray program are in each plant family and plan rotations based
must be employed. Gardens with a history of foli- on those. The most common backyard vegetables
ar disease problems should begin applying foliar fall into nine distinct families.
fungicides early in the growing season to prevent
the early buildup of diseases. Sanitation
Repeated applications are necessary. Most Garden sanitation helps reduce the hazard of
fungicides labeled for home gardens are not sys- disease-causing microbes remaining from the pre-
temic in their action. New growth of leaves, stems vious crop. Plant debris may be plowed under in
and expanding fruit will not be protected from fun- the fall or removed from the garden and thoroughly
gal infection unless the fungicide is applied direct- composted. Plant parts known to harbor disease
ly to them. In order to protect new growth, repeat- should be removed from the garden and disposed
ed applications of fungicide is required often on a of in the trash. Plant pathogenic microbes may sur-
7- to 14-day spray schedule. Infrequent fungicide vive composting. Plowing under plant residues in
applications are often ineffective in controlling fo- the fall hastens the decay of organic matter; how-
liar diseases. A gardener must be committed to ever, non-diseased organic matter may be left to
repeated applications of fungicides, or no applica- decay on top of the soil, benefitting the soil with
tions should be made. rich nutrients.
Spray fungicides on all aboveground parts of
the plant. Fungicide treatments for foliar diseases Other disease control ideas
may be used on the following vegetables: pepper, Non-chemical control: Diseases can be man-
eggplant, potato, tomato, watermelon, cucumber, aged by mulching, sanitation, variety selection,
muskmelon, squash and beans. Read and follow choosing the right garden site, prudent use of fun-
all label directions, especially the time interval be- gicides and soil solarization. However, there are
tween application and harvest. Fungicide applica- several other non-chemical procedures that can
tions should be based on weather conditions and be used to reduce loss from some plant diseases.
other environmental factors favoring disease de- They include:
velopment. Gardeners must consider past disease • Purchase disease-free seed and transplants.
problems, as experience will lead anticipation of • Avoid excessive soil moisture and irrigate us-
disease problems to protect against. Before start- ing drip irrigation to reduce soil splashed onto
ing any kind of treatment, understand which dis- crop foliage.
ease protection is needed and use the appropriate • If watering overhead, irrigate the garden early
fungicide for control. in the morning so the sun will quickly dry the
Crop Rotation • Use mulch to protect the crop foliage from soil
Rotating where vegetables are planted is an splash and regulate soil temperatures for max-
excellent way to keep harmful soil organisms to a imum growth and productivity.
minimum. Experienced gardeners know the value • Fertilize based on a soil test analysis.
of proper crop rotation, as the same crop planted • Space plants properly to allow for ample air
in the same spot year after year decreases pro- circulation.
ductivity. This is due to soil borne diseases, soil • Stake plants, such as tomatoes, to promote
insects, nematodes and toxic crop residues build- better air circulation and support the plant.
ing up through time. These detrimental factors de- This will shorten the time required to dry leaves

110 Master Gardeners Manual

after dew, rain and irrigation. Staking also found in sufficient numbers, treat prior to planting
lowers the humidity in the microenvironment, with a recommended soil insecticide. A newly cul-
thus reducing the conditions favoring disease tivated area, which was previously a lawn or weedy
development. area, may have high numbers of white grubs. White
grubs and wireworms may cause serious damage
Insect Control to garden plants. Grasses and a variety of weeds
serve as alternate hosts for grubs; thus, clean cul-
Many types of insects are found in the home tivation and good bed preparation is helpful to pre-
garden. Identification is an important first step in vent damage by soil pests. If the garden area has
pest control strategies. Harmful insects can be a history of white grubs or wireworm problems, an
very destructive by feeding on plants and trans- insecticide should be broadcast and lightly tilled
mitting diseases. Conversely, beneficial insects into the soil prior to planting. Routine treatments
can reduce the need for insecticide applications, for soil insects are generally not recommended.
and pollinators, such as honeybees, are needed to Controlling soil insects after planting is usually not
ensure proper pollination of many plants. successful.
Scouting and controlling: The gardener Stem-damaging insects confine their feeding
must check plants regularly to detect the presence activity to the stem of plants. When present, bor-
of injurious insects. Daily walks through the gar- ers, cutworms and girdlers can be damaging to
den will help identify problems as they arise. This transplants. Cutworms include several insect spe-
way, they may be controlled as soon as damage is cies whose larvae chew plant stems at the soil
evident. In this fashion, many garden insects can surface, cutting them at ground level. Plants begin
be controlled without the use of insecticides. Do to wilt and usually die soon. In general, cutworm
not forget cultural (crop rotation, sanitation and problems are sporadic, but occasionally can be
solarization) and mechanical (hand-picking, traps severe. After transplanting, check daily for wilted
and attractants, water pressure sprays and insect plants with completely or partially severed stems.
vacuums) controls are effective methods for con- Watch for plants that wilt and do not respond to
trolling pests. Sufficient numbers of insects capa- additional water. First, check for damage to the
ble of causing damage should be present before stem at the soil line (cutworms); if no damage to
control is initiated. Many species, like squash the stem is visible inspect the soil near the roots for
bugs, are easier to control while small and before grubs and wireworms. Perhaps the most effective
populations reach damaging levels. method of controlling cutworms is to use collars
Insect damage and control: Some in- around each new transplant (Figure 4.27). Collars
sects feed on the fruit and leaves, some bore into should be removed two to four weeks from trans-
the plants, while others suck plant sap. No single planting, so they do not interfere with normal plant
cultural method or chemical will protect plants from growth. Remove weeds in and around the garden
all of these pests. Many insecticides are available to help eliminate sources of additional cutworms.
today and should be selected with care and a spe- If an insecticide is used, effectiveness is increased
cific pest in mind. Common insecticides for home by banding the insecticide at the base of the plant,
garden use are available in synthetic-, botanical-, preferably at dusk or shortly before.
biological- and mineral-based formulations. Bi- Sucking insects feed on plants by sucking
ological controls are another option, particularly plant juices or chewing holes in the leaves. Aphids
for caterpillar pests. Other materials homeowners feed on a wide range of garden plants, causing
may use for insect control include diatomaceous them to wilt or distort. Sucking insects also pro-
earth, oils and soaps. A mixture of compatible in- duces honeydew, which can lead to sooty mold,
secticides can be used on most vegetables and an aesthetically displeasing fungal disease. True
will give excellent protection against many garden bugs have sucking mouthparts and can cause
insect pests. wilting and death of plants. Especially noteworthy
Soil insects: Prior to planting time, soil are squash bugs, which are legendary pests on
should be examined for insects. Insects that live cucurbit crops. Leafhoppers are another sucking
in soil cannot be effectively controlled by treating insect, along with spider mites, which damage
the aboveground parts of plants. If soil insects are plants by sucking plant juices. Spider mites may

Master Gardeners Manual 111

• HLA 6434 - Earth Kind Gardening Series: Bio-
logical Pest Controls
• EPP-7307 - Beneficial Insects
• EPP-7313 - Home Garden Insect Control
• EPP 7322 - Grasshopper Control in Gardens
and Landscapes
Garden insecticides: There are several in-
secticides labeled for use in home gardens.
• Synthetic insecticides can be found in E 832
Extension Agent’s Handbook of Insect, Plant
Disease, and Weed Control
• Botanical insecticides include pyrethrins, Ro-
tenone® and Neem®.
• Mineral-based insecticide that has been used
by homeowners for years is sulfur.
• Microbial and Biological controls are becom-
ing more popular; Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is
a good example.
• Other materials homeowners may use for in-
sect control include diatomaceous earth,
oils,and soaps.
• Remember – insecticides are poisonous (even
Figure 4.27. Toilet paper roll placed around
natural ones), so READ AND FOLLOW THE DI-
young plant helps control cutworms.
RECTIONS ON THE LABEL for their use, stor-
age, disposal and pre-harvest intervals.
cause webbing or a bronzing cast to plant foliage.
Leafhoppers are considered a major vector for Organic Gardening Basics
several plant virus diseases.
Chewing insects: Beetles are chewing in- What Is organic gardening? Through the years,
sects which damage plants by chewing numerous various connotations have been attached to the
holes in the leaves. Flea beetles, cucumber bee- term organic gardening. In fact, organic gardening
tle, blister beetle and Colorado potato beetles are combines methods and strategies for producing
common insects found in the garden. Caterpillars healthy plants based on a view of the garden, the
are also found in most gardens. Corn earworms, surrounding landscape and the organisms they
tomato fruit-worm and tomato hornworm are com- contain as an overall system. Organic gardening
mon examples. Grasshoppers can be especially techniques are not new. The reliance on chemical
troublesome, particularly during dry years. fertilizers and pesticides are relatively new, domi-
Harvest problems: It is especially frus- nating farm production practices since World War
trating to have insects attack a plant as harvest II.
approaches. Sweet corn, squash and tomatoes The foundation of a successful organical-
can be especially attractive to insects at this time. ly-grown garden is the soil. Healthy soil contains
Some of the same pests that feed on foliage also soil particles, organic matter, water, air, micro-or-
feed on fruit, like corn earworm. ganisms and animals like insects and other arthro-
General references: References for insect pods. Incorporating organic matter into the soil
management in home gardens includes: using compost, composted bark, peat and other
• HLA-6431 - Earth Kind Gardening Series: Cul- materials improves soil structure and also pro-
tural Control Practices vides sources of micro-organisms (microbes). Mi-
• HLA-6432 - Earth Kind Gardening Series: Me- crobes such as bacteria, fungi and tiny arthropods
chanical Pest Controls break down plant debris and other forms of organ-
• HLA-6433 - Earth Kind Gardening Series: Bo- ic matter, ward off pest organisms and after they
tanical Pest Controls are dead, decompose to provide a natural source

112 Master Gardeners Manual

of nutrition for plants. Eliot Coleman, an accom- plants to grow and produce. This requires a ba-
plished organic gardener and author, refers to this sic knowledge of plant nutrition and what materi-
combination of organic and inorganic materials as als are natural sources of elements and minerals.
“living soil.” For example, limestone can be added to increase
Organic gardening is not a method of pest soil pH. Phosphate rock is a slow release source of
(disease, insect and weed) control. It also is not phosphorus. Greensand is a slow release source
gardening without the use of pesticides. Pesti- of potassium and trace elements from sea bottom
cides are used selectively and only as a last resort. deposits.
Organic gardening generally may be more Green manure crops are cover crops that are
labor intensive, requires knowledge of ecological tilled back into the soil rather than being harvest-
relationships between components of the garden ed. Winter wheat, rye, crimson clover and Austrian
and requires more planning. For these reasons, winter peas are common fall-sown cover crops that
organic gardening techniques tend to lend them- grow during the winter season, then tilled back into
selves easier to smaller farms or home gardens. the soil several weeks before planting. This prac-
Larger producers are turning more often to prac- tice prevents soil erosion and weed growth during
tices used in organic farming such as soil build- the winter months or periods when beds are fal-
ing, managing pest resistance and managing their low, helps move nutrients from lower soil layers to
farms on the basis of ecological systems because upper layers, prevents nutrient loss in unprotected
of economic realities. Organic gardeners are usu- soil and the tilled-under plant material becomes a
ally willing to accept some plant damage, often su- rich source of organic matter and plant nutrients
perficial, for the sake of knowing what was put on in the soil. In addition, legume cover crops (clover
their food and flowers. and peas), when inoculated with the proper bacte-
ria, can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, making
Soil — the basis of organic gardening it available for garden crops to follow. Cover-crop-
ping is as practical in large row crop situations as
Preventing soil compaction: Avoid walk- it is in a home garden containing raised beds and
ing on garden beds, particularly when the soil often is used as part of crop rotation cycles.
is wet. Water and oxygen can’t move effectively Plant diversity: In nature, plants are found
through compacted soil and plant roots can’t pen- in association with many other species of plants.
etrate compacted soils efficiently. Planning the There are no naturally occurring areas where a sin-
garden so walkways are conveniently placed for gle type of plant is growing. Even in a pine forest
people and equipment will reduce the urge to take or oak woods, a variety of plants in the understory
short cuts through beds. can be found. Mono-cultured crops (an area plant-
Natural fertilizers: Organic gardeners ed to a single crop) are at greater risk of disease
use natural fertilizers like compost tea, fish and/or and insect pest problems simply because non-
blood meal, animal and green manures and miner- host plants are not present to help slow the spread
al elements to improve soil fertility. Minerals in their of an infestation or infection. Pests have free range
raw form make up part of the soil structure and im- over an area that contains nothing but an ide-
prove fertility. Of the three main plant nutrients veg- al host plant for food or reproduction. Pest pop-
etables need, nitrogen is the only one that readily ulations quickly increase with these conditions.
leaches in the soil. Many natural fertilizers slowly Monocultures can also reduce soil fertility because
release nutrients to the plant through a longer pe- all the plants are competing for the same levels
riod of time. On the other hand, synthetic fertiliz- of nutrients from the soil. For example, corn is a
ers contain nutrients readily available to the plant, heavy nitrogen feeder. Continual nitrogen fertilizer
but do nothing to improve soil structure. When any amendments are required to maintain solid plant-
fertilizer is overused or improperly applied, it can ings of corn during its growing season, and if the
injure the crop and leach out of the soil, resulting in area is planted with only corn year after year, nat-
environmental problems. urally occurring sources of nitrogen in the soil are
Managing soil fertility: Before planting depleted quickly and nitrogen fertilizers become
your garden, have a soil test done to know the the sole source of nitrogen for the plants. For these
soil pH and what amendments are necessary for reasons, organic gardeners emphasize diversity in

Master Gardeners Manual 113

their garden planning. Crop rotation, and diversi-
fied color, shape and odor of plants may help re-
duce insect pest problems because they may be
unable to find a suitable plant host. Research find-
ings about the effects of companion planting are
not conclusive, but this is a time-honored method
for reducing pest problems.
Crop rotation strategies: The strategy
behind crop rotation is that two crops in succes-
sion will not use the same amounts of nutrients and
will not be attractive to the same pest organisms.
Plan crop rotations so plants in the same botani-
cal family do not follow each other in rotation and
are not planted near each other. For example, do
not plant tomatoes, peppers or eggplant where
potatoes were grown earlier in the season. These Figure 4.28. The “three
plants all belong to the Solanaceae family and are sisters” planting con-
susceptible to the same disease and insect pests. cept includes corn,
Avoid planting a bed or row of peppers near toma- beans and squash.
toes for the same reason.
• avoiding working around plants when they are
Another benefit of crop rotation is you can fol-
low one type of crop that uses high amounts of
• removing plant debris and diseased plant ma-
nutrients with another crop that can help replace
terial as soon as possible
the nutrients used by the first. Corn and beans in
• supporting branches or fruit so they don’t rest
rotation is a good example of this strategy. Beans
on the ground
can fix nitrogen in the soil, making them a logical
• using mulch
crop to plant after corn has been harvested. The
• paying attention to planting dates to avoid pos-
“three sisters” concept, corn, beans and squash,
sible pest problems.
have traditionally been planted together – the
beans and squash crawling up and among the
Pest Control Strategies in Organic Gar-
corn plants (Figure 4.28). Not only can the beans
dens: Plants grown in healthy soil are less likely
fix nitrogen in the soil as the corn uses it, but the
to be attacked by pest organisms. Diseases and
close planting of all three crops reduces weed
insect pests are attracted to weakened or stressed
problems, making it more difficult for pests to in-
plants with impaired defense mechanisms. When
vade and providing some physical support for the
healthy plants are infected or infested, they are
corn. Keeping records and a yearly map of the
more likely to withstand or outgrow any damage.
crop rotation provides the information needed to
Obviously, growing plants selected for pest resis-
develop crop rotation plans.
tance puts the plants and the gardener one step
Good management practices: Besides
ahead of certain pest problems. Pest control is
the emphasis on healthy soil and plant diversity,
easier when the problem is diagnosed and treated
other cultural techniques used by organic garden-
as soon as possible – while the pest population is
ers are similar to those used by all types of garden-
still small, or the pests are young. For this reason,
ers. Techniques include:
regular and frequent scouting of the yard and gar-
• choosing resistant varieties when possible
den is important to effectively suppress pest prob-
• proper site selection and preparation, planting
lems using organic gardening techniques.
and care
Management of plant diseases: Reduc-
• tilling to loosen soil
ing disease problems in any garden relies on pre-
• adding soil amendments
ventive measures. As noted earlier, the “disease tri-
• proper plant spacing to maintaining uniform
angle” must be complete for infection to occur. The
soil moisture
primary preventive strategies already mentioned
• avoiding wounding of plants

114 Master Gardeners Manual

include: resistant cultivars and good cultural prac- ally disperse quickly when released into an area
tices. Certain soil-borne diseases, like southern already supporting a natural population.
blight of Solanaceous crops, can be prevented by Controlling insect infestations: When
cultural means. To prevent southern blight, deep infestations do occur, a number of management
till to bury crop debris at least 4 to 6 inches deep. practices are acceptable in organic gardens. If the
Also wrap aluminum foil around the base of each infestation is not too large, the best control option
plant to prevent splashing soil from coming into is hand picking the pests or knocking them from
contact with plant stems. Mulches protect plants the plant into a container of soapy water. Learn to
against soil-borne pathogens disseminated by wa- recognize egg masses of pests. Crush them or re-
ter splash. When plants in the organic garden do move them with the part of the leaf where they are
become diseased, control options include remov- attached. A forceful stream of water to an infested
ing the infected part, if only a few leaves or stems area of a plant will knock off and kill many soft-bod-
are involved. The entire plant may need to be re- ied pests like aphids and mites. If a problem
moved if the disease is due to a wilt or severe root doesn’t respond to these cultural and biological
rot infection. Use a natural chemical control. The control practices, a number of botanical, microbi-
active chemical ingredients in pesticides accept- al and mineral insecticides, along with insecticidal
able for use in organic gardens are from natural soaps and oil, are available to the organic grower.
sources and do not have long residual effects (Ta- These are listed in Table 4.18. Use pesticides se-
ble 4.18). They will decompose rapidly in the envi- lectively, opting for pest specific materials first, like
ronment, except materials containing elements like the various Bt formulations.
copper. These materials are generally less toxic to Weed Pests: Unless unavoidable, don’t es-
humans and other animals than synthetic chemical tablish a garden in a heavily weed-infested area.
pesticides. Try to prepare a new seed bed at least three months
Management of insect pests: The good prior to planting. This will allow enough time for
management practices discussed earlier will go weed seeds in the upper 2 to 3 inches of soil to
a long way toward preventing insect pests in the germinate and be removed by light cultivation.
yard and garden. In addition, beneficial organisms Methods of weed control: If the garden
can help suppress pest populations in the garden. area is small, hand-hoeing can provide inexpen-
These include beneficial insects, spiders, birds, sive effective weed control and provides good ex-
bats, fungi and bacteria, which cause disease in ercise. Hoe or pull weeds when they are small. It
arthropod pests. Organic gardeners encourage takes less effort and is more effective. Mulching
the activity of these beneficial animals and micro- was mentioned earlier as an effective method of
organisms by providing a habitat favorable for their controlling weeds. Organic mulches should be free
growth and reproduction. Many excellent books of weed seeds, insects, diseases and chemicals.
and websites are available with photographs and They should be applied at least 1/2 inch thick to
descriptions of both the pest and beneficial in- the soil surface before weeds have time to emerge
sects and mites. It is essential to properly identify from the soil. Besides weed control, advantages
a potential pest to avoid killing beneficial insects! for organic mulches include keeping soil cooler
Permanent grass walkways or rocks provide shel- during the summer, conserving water and being
ter for ground beetles. Perennial flower beds will able to work it into the soil as additional organic
provide pollen and nectar sources for many ben- matter after a crop is finished. Sheets of black
eficial wasps, and strip-plantings of plants like al- plastic can also be used as mulch. It is more cost-
falfa, soybean, Queen Anne’s lace or clover will ly however, and may block water from reaching the
attract many beneficials. Insects, birds and bats soil if an irrigation system is not in place under the
will appreciate access to water. Change water plastic. One disadvantage to using plastic mulch
containers every few days to discourage mosqui- is it cannot be tilled into the soil to decompose at
toes. Purchasing beneficial mites and insects for the end of the growing season. A productive and
release in the garden is not necessary and usually attractive yard and garden maintained by organic
not effective. Augmenting naturally occurring pop- practices may require more time, labor and inter-
ulations of beneficials in the garden disrupts the est in the natural processes ongoing in the envi-
balance of pests and beneficials. Beneficials usu- ronment, but most organic gardeners feel this is

Master Gardeners Manual 115

Table 4.18. Pesticide materials generally acceptable for use in organic gardens.*

Active Ingredient Activity Helps control/prevent

Avermectins Insecticide Fire ants, leafminers, spider mites

Azadirachtin (neem) – Insecticide Aphids, moths, leafminers, caterpillars, thrips,

labeled for ornamental whiteflies, beetles
plants only

Bacillus papillae Insecticide Japanese beetle grubs

Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) Insecticide Caterpillars, beetle larvae, fly larvae – depending on

Bordeaux mix (lime-sulfur) Bactericide, Leafspots, bacterial wilts, powdery mildew, rust, fire
May cause plant injury fungicide blight
at high temperatures

Copper – toxic when Bactericide, Leafspots, black rot, downy mildew

used repeatedly fungicide

Growth regulators Insecticide Fire ants, fungus gnats, fleas, mosquitoes

Insecticidal soaps and oils Broad spectrum Mites and soft-bodied insects, including scale

Pyrethrin Broad spectrum Aphids, cabbage loopers, codling moth, beetles,

insecticide spider mites, stink bugs, thrips, whiteflies

Ryania Broad spectrum Thrips, corn earworm, European corn borer


Sabadilla Insecticide Aphids, caterpillars, grasshoppers, stink, squash, and

tarnished plant bugs, loopers, leafhoppers, beetles,

Streptomycin or Agromycin Bactericide Fire blight

Sulfur – toxic Bactericide, Apple scab, brown rot of peach, powdery mildew,
fungicide leafspots, rusts

* Cautionary note: “Acceptable for use in organic gardens” does not mean these materials are not toxic or potentially harmful to
the applicator or wildlife. These materials are pesticides. The applicator should always read and follow label directions on any
pesticide material.

116 Master Gardeners Manual

part of the satisfaction and enjoyment they derive seeds may be harvested and used for plantings
from working with nature. in future years. Others are biennials, which sug-
gest the plant will grow and produce during two
seasons. Seed production generally takes place
Herbs only during the second year of growth. With car-
rot and caraway, the usual flavoring substance
Culinary herbs are plants grown for flavoring used is the seed. With parsley, it is the foliage that
various kinds of foods. Mild savory herbs impart is used. The seeds would be the products of the
a delicate flavor to foods; the stronger or pungent second growing season, while the best parsley
herbs add zest. Many kinds are adapted to and foliage for flavoring would be produced the first
grow successfully in Oklahoma gardens. Although season. Perennials will grow and produce several
some herbs are also used for medicinal purposes, years from one planting. Perennial herbs are of-
this section deals mainly with those used in cook- ten started from cuttings of young plants. In sev-
ing. The plants, in many instances, are ornamental eral instances, seeds are not produced. The grow-
and interesting to grow as well. er may use bulbs, roots, rhizomes or cuttings to
Starting an herb garden: The general propagate more plants. Perennial herbs should be
culture of herbs is quite similar to vegetables and planted in an area that will not be disturbed by till-
flowers. Suitable soil, mulching, irrigation, plant ing and can be included in landscape plantings.
spacing and insect control should be followed. Those that spread by runners, such as the mints,
With few exceptions, most herbs prefer average should be given a large, isolated area or must be
moisture, never one extreme or the other. In gen- contained in some fashion (to a depth of 10 to 12
eral, herbs need a sunny location – five hours or inches) to prevent them from taking over the gar-
more of sun per day. If a spot with that much sun den. Some tender perennials need protection from
isn’t available, try growing herbs that tolerate a winter winds; plant on an eastern exposure if pos-
shadier spot. Shade-loving herbs include angeli- sible. Evergreen trees and shrubs can be used to
ca, cardamom, chervil, sweet cicely and violets. break the wind and create “microclimates” for the
Shade-tolerant herbs include bee balm (monarda), herbs. Rocks are often incorporated into the de-
catnip, coriander, lemon balm, mint and parsley sign of herb gardens to provide focal points and
(See Table 4.19). Experiment with other herbs to windbreaks, and to help keep roots cool and moist
see if they will take a shadier spot, however most during the heat of summer.
herbs of Mediterranean origin (such as lavender Harvesting is best done in the morning, just af-
and rosemary) must have lots of sun. If interested ter the dew has dried, but before the sun gets hot;
in saving seed for the next season, choose one or the concentration of oils is highest at this point.
two plants of each variety and allow them to bloom Discontinue harvesting perennial herbs in late
and go to seed. Harvest the seed heads when they summer or fall. This will allow time for new growth
change from green to brown or gray, and dry them to harden and gather carbohydrates in preparation
thoroughly to ensure a good germination. for winter. However, small harvests can be made
Herb pest control: Generally speaking, during most of the fall; sage flavor may actually
many herbs have few pest problems, particularly be improved by two or three frosts prior to harvest.
when grown in the right conditions (soil, moisture, When harvesting for drying, it is often necessary to
light). If it is necessary to control insects or dis- spray the plants with a garden hose the day before
eases the gardener must consider whether there cutting to clean dirt and dust off the leaves. Har-
is a labeled pesticide for control of the pest and vest them the next morning after the leaves have
follow all label instructions in regard to the specific dried.
herb crop being treated. Fact sheet EPP-7313 In- Preparing for storage: Herb leaves used
sect Control in the Vegetable Garden, though not for flavoring are usually more flavorful when har-
specific for herbs may provide cautions as well as vested at or just before blooming. In such instanc-
recommended treatments. es, one may harvest portions of the stems with
Herb life cycles: Some are annuals, thus leaves, flowers, and/or flower buds attached. Hang
grown from seed with the knowledge that portions the herbs in loosely tied bundles in a well-ventilat-
will be harvested at the appropriate time. Mature ed room. The branches may also be spread on a

Master Gardeners Manual 117

Table 4.19. Some culinary herbs for Oklahoma.

Plant Spacing in Inches

Preferred Between Parts
Common Name Scientific Name Propagation In Row Rows Height Used* Flavoring For**

Anise Pimpinella anisum Seed 6 12 to 18 18-24 S, L B, S, M, Ms, Ga, Sa
Basil Ocimum basilicum Seed 12 12 to 18 18-24 S, L S, St, M, Sa, Ms
Borage Borago officinalis Seed 12 18 to 24 18-28 L G, Sa, P, S, St, V
Coriander Coriandrum sativum Seed 12 18 to 24 24-30 S B, S, M, Ga
Dill Anethum graveolens Seed 12 18 to 24 30-36 S P, Ms, M, Sa

Master Gardeners Manual

Fennel Foeniculum dulce Seed 12 18 to 24 24-36 S, L S, Ga, B
Garden cress Lepidium sativum Seed 3 to 6 12 6-12 L, Sp Ga, Sa, M
Nasturtium Tropaeolum minus & majus Seed 12 18 to 24 12-18 L, Sp Sa, S, D, M, St
Savory Satureja hortensis Seed 8 to 10 12 to 18 12-18 L S, Sa, D, M

Carrot Daucus carota Seed 3 to 4 12-18 18-24 S S, St, B, V, P, M, G
Caraway Carum carvi Seed 6 to 8 12-18 12-18 S, L Ga, B, S, Sa, Ms
Parsley fff Seed 6 12 8-16 L Ga, S, Sa, St, V

Chives Allium schoenoprasum Seed or Bulbs 6 12 8-16 L, B S, Sa, M, B, Ms
Garlic Allium sativum Bulbs or Bulbils 4 to 6 12 to 18 16-24 B S, Sa, M, B, Ms
Horseradish Amoracia rusticana Roots 8 to 12 12 16-24 R Ms, P
Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis Seed, Cuttings 12 12 to 18 18-24 L S, M, St, Ms
Mints Mentha spp. Rhizomes, Plants 6 to 8 12 to 18 18-24 L, Sp Ga, Sa, M, Ms, P
Oregano Origanum vulgare Cuttings, Divisions 8 12 to 18 18-24 L S, M, St, Sa
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Seed, Cuttings 24 24 to 36 30-36 L M, Ms, St, S, D
Sage Salvia officinalis Seed, Cuttings 12 to 18 18 to 24 16-20 L M, D, St
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus Cuttings, Divisions 12 18 to 24 18-24 L, Sp Sa, Ms, V
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Seed. Cuttings 12 12 to 18 8-12 L, Sp S, Sa, D, B, V, Ms

*Parts Used: B=Bulb; L=Leaves; R=Root; S=Seed; Sp=Sprig

**Flavoring For: B=Breads and Pastries; D=Dressings; G=Cooked Greens; Ga= Garnish; M=Meats; Ms=Meat Sauce; P=Pickles; S=Soups;
Sa=Salads; St=Stews; V=Vegetables Originally prepared by W. R. Kays.
screen or cheesecloth. If only leaves are needed, Also, soil testing, adding recommended fertilizers
they may be spread on flat trays. After thoroughly and amendments and addition of organic matter to
drying in locations with minimum sunlight to reduce the soil prior to deep soil tillage is key for having a
the loss of color, materials may be stored in dark- productive asparagus bed.
ened areas in airtight containers or in containers Beans grow best in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5.
in the freezer. Choose ceramic jars or darkened To reduce the risk of disease, do not plant them
glass containers to help protect the herbs against where any other beans have grown in the past
light deterioration. Make certain herb leaves are three years. Inoculate the seed with the bacterial
completely dry to prevent mold during storage. inoculants that enable bean roots to develop nod-
Label all storage containers with the herb name ules that house the rhizobium which fix nitrogen
and date and store in a cool, dry place. Quick fro- from the atmosphere. Sow seeds 1 to 1 ½ inch-
zen herbs will keep up to two years in the freezer es deep. For bush beans, set seeds singly about
if well wrapped. Seal in airtight plastic bags and 3 inches apart in rows about 2 feet apart. Plant
label with name of product and date. Dried herbs pole beans about 2 feet apart in rows 3 feet apart.
store well for up to one year. Their strength can be Plant four to six seeds, and after the plants have
judged by their aroma. Dried herbs can be stored emerged, thin to the best three or four plants. If
whole or crushed, but whole herbs retain their fla- pole beans are grown along a fence, space seeds
vor longer. singly about 6 inches apart. When both bush and
Ground herbs: Many herbs are available pole beans are about 6 inches tall, fertilize follow-
commercially as dry rather finely ground or rubbed ing soil test recommendations. Keep the fertilizer
materials. For those who desire to grind or pulver- off the leaves and 3 inches away from the stems
ize home processed materials, it is best to grind of the plants. Avoid overhead watering and never
only small amounts rather than all as soon as touch the plants when they are wet.
dried. There may be a greater loss in aroma and Beets are easily grown from seed. Sow seed
flavor following prolonged storage after grinding. ½ to 1 inch deep and 1 inch apart. Beets can be
Fresh and potted herbs: Some herbs are planted in early spring as soon as the soil can be
preferred as fresh material to be used as a gar- worked and planting can continue at three-week
nish, so would not be collected for drying. Gradu- intervals until 60 days before maximum daytime
ally remove some of the leaves as needed, but do temperatures are expected to average about
not remove all the foliage at one time. With proper 80 F. In late summer, when maximum average day-
care, these plants will produce over a long peri- time temperatures are below 80 F, start successive
od. Some herbs can be grown indoors during the plantings until 10 to 12 weeks before minimum
winter. Place them in a sunny south-facing window night temperatures average below 20 F; beets are
and care for them like houseplants. Either dig up not harmed by spring and fall frost. Seed can be
herbs toward the end of the growing season and expected to germinate in six days at a soil tem-
place them in pots, or start from seed indoors. The perature of 68 F or higher. An adequate and steady
herbs best adapted to pot culture are basil, chives, supply of moisture is critical for a healthy crop, as
mint, parsley, sweet marjoram and rosemary. beets need to grow quickly without interruption.
Beets are not heavy users of soil nutrients, but a
balanced fertilizer may be added when plants are
Production Hints half grown.
Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower are
for Some Popular cool season crops. They grow and produce the
Home Garden Vegetables best yields with cool weather conditions. For Okla-
homa, this means transplanting seedlings in early
Asparagus is a perennial vegetable requir- spring or late summer. Set transplants in the soil at
ing a permanent site in the home garden, so spe- the level of the first set of leaves. Plant these cool
cial attention must be made to site selection and season crops 1½ feet apart in rows 3 feet apart.
preplant soil preparation. Preplant control of pe- They grow best at a soil pH in the range of 6.0 to
rennial weeds is particularly important, since they 7.5. All require full sun and a rich fertile soil. These
can be a serious on-going issue for asparagus. brassica vegetables are all heavily attacked by

Master Gardeners Manual 119

cabbage loopers and other foliar feeding caterpil- need to be harvested frequently. If cucumbers
lars, therefore repeated applications of an insecti- are left on the vine, the plant will stop producing
cide such as Bt is essential to successful produc- new fruit. They should be harvested in the morn-
tion of these vegetables. ing when they are cool and firm, then stored in the
Carrots grow best in light, sandy soil with a refrigerator.
pH of 6.0 to 7.0. However, carrots can be success- Eggplant is supposed to have come from the
fully grown in heavier textured soil. Soils with high Far East, either from tropical India or China. It is a
levels of clay are not favorable for carrot produc- staple vegetable in many oriental countries, but of
tion. Carrots are most tasty when they are young; only minor importance in the U.S. There are white,
it is a good idea to sow successive plantings at yellow, dark purple, brown, green and striped va-
three-week intervals. They grow best when tem- rieties of various shapes. The dark purple, large-
peratures are between 40 F to 80 F. Carrots will not fruited types are the only ones grown to any ex-
grow well when maximum temperatures average tent in Oklahoma. Eggplant requires very warm
over 88 F. They will grow well as long as nighttime weather – night temperatures of at least 55 F and
temperatures do not dip below 32 F. Once ma- day temperatures of at least 80 F – for a period of
ture, fall carrots can be mulched and “stored” in about 2½ months after the young plants are set in
the garden. Sow seeds about ½ inch apart, ¼ inch the garden. The transplants should not be trans-
deep in rows 6 to 8 inches apart. Sow a few seeds planted to the garden until the night temperatures
of radish in with the carrots; radishes sprout quick- can be depended upon to stay above 55 F. Night
ly and will mark the row until the carrots emerge. temperatures below 55 F can stunt young plants
To prevent the soil from crusting and prohibiting and stunted plants will not bear fruit. Plants should
the emergence of the carrot seedlings, lightly cov- be spaced 2½ to 3 feet apart in rows 2½ feet apart.
er the soil surface with some type of mulch, i.e. Pour 1 pint of fertilizer starter solution around each
grass clippings. A few days after the seedlings plant; provide adequate water. Every three to four
emerge, thin them to a spacing of 1 inch between weeks, scatter 1/8 cup of 10-20-10 in a 1 ½-foot
plants. When the carrots become ½ inch thick, dig band around each plant.
away some soil to check for size. Pull every other Kale is a member of the cabbage family and is
plant, making the final spacing 2 inches between grown extensively for greens. It is a hardy cool-sea-
plants. Do not discard the pulled plants; though son crop well adapted to winter growing in much of
thin, they are edible and delicious at this stage. Oklahoma. Seed is usually planted in rows 18 to 24
Fertilize twice – when the plants are 3 to 4 inches inches apart and the plants thinned to a spacing of
tall and when they are 6 to 8 inches tall; scatter a 5 to 6 inches. The entire kale plant is edible. One
6- to 8-inch band of 5-10-10 fertilizer along each great thing about kale is its nutritional value. Kale
side of the row at the rate of 5 ounces per 10 feet of has some of the highest levels of calcium, vitamins
row. After each application of fertilizer, pile about C and A and is the vegetable with the highest lev-
½ inch of soil around the base of each plant to pre- els of lutein. Kale has a generally slower growth
vent the tops of the roots from turning green from rate than other leafy vegetables, but it makes up
exposure to light. Carrots become fully mature 65 for that with its super cold tolerance.
to 85 days after planting. Kohlrabi is a cool-season member of the cab-
Cucumbers are easily grown from seed. bage family grown for the swollen turnip-shaped
All varieties need a full sun location and fertile, portion of its stem, which rests on the soil surface.
well-drained soil. Sow a seed every 6 inches and It grows best in soils with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Sow
thin to one per foot when seedlings are 2 inches seeds in the early spring as soon as the soil can be
high. Cucumber seedlings require high amounts worked and continue to sow at two week intervals.
of soil moisture and nutrients. Fertilize at the time Group three to four seeds in a spot, planting each
of planting and once a month thereafter. Growing group ½ inch deep and 6 inches apart in rows 18
cucumbers on a trellis or in cages can improve to 24 inches apart. When the seedlings reach 1 to
production by providing better air movement and 1 ½ inches, remove all but the strongest plant in
lowering disease pressure. Cucumbers need pol- the group. At three-week intervals scatter 10-10-
linators (bees, etc.) to provide for full pollination of 10 fertilizer around the plant at a rate of 5 ounces
the female flowers. To maximize yield, cucumbers per 10 feet of row. Keep the soil constantly moist.

120 Master Gardeners Manual

Kohlrabi roots grow close to the soil surface and at the rate of 3 ounces per 20 feet of row. Onions
are easily damaged by drought conditions and can be grown three ways. 1) start transplants in a
cultivation. high tunnel or greenhouse; 2) purchase bare-root-
Okra is a warm-season vegetable, grown for ed plants ready to transplant into the soil; and 3)
its immature seed pods. It can be breaded and grow from sets (small bulbs). In all cases, set the
fried, pickled or for real okra lovers. . . stewed. plants 3 to 4 inches apart and about 2 inches deep
Okra is relatively easy to grow, except that it is to make good bulbs. These are grown primarily for
susceptible to seedling diseases and is difficult to producing “green onions” but will often produce
establish in cool soils. Once the plants are growing reasonably sized bulbs. The nature of the onion is
well, they are relatively free of insect and disease to grow tips in cool weather and form bulbs as the
problems, with the exception of root-knot nema- days get longer. The timing of bulbing is controlled
tode. Root-knot nematode is a serious pest that mainly by day length. The varieties for the south
can cause significant reduction in pod production. are triggered to bulb at about 12 hours of daylight
Okra grows best in soils with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0. as the weather warms in early summer. The ver-
Okra seed can be sown directly in the garden af- nal equinox, or 12 hours of daylight, is March 21.
ter the night temperatures are expected to remain Therefore, gardeners in Oklahoma must get the on-
above 50 F and soil temperatures are in the low ions planted early to develop good tops and root
70s F. Group three or four seeds in a spot, set- systems before bulbing begins; plant short-day
ting each group ½ inch deep and 18 inches apart types by early March and medium daylength (and
in rows 3 feet apart. With early plantings the seed day neutral) types by late March. Each leaf makes
should be treated with a seed treatment fungicide a ring in the onion bulb. Therefore, good top growth
to prevent seedling diseases. When the seedlings produces larger onions.
become 1 inch tall, cut off all but the strongest in Peppers are a warm-season crop. They grow
each group. Fertilize twice – when the plants are best in soils with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Peppers are
8 to 12 inches tall and again just as they begin to usually established in the garden as transplants.
bloom. Scatter a 12-inch band of 10-20-10 around The transplants should be set out at least two
each plant at the rate of 2 ½ ounces to every foot weeks after the air temperature can be relied upon
of row. Okra begins to produce pods about 60 to stay above 55 F. Set the plants 18 to 24 inches
days after seeds are sown. The pods develop very apart in rows 2 to 3 feet apart. To prevent cutworm
rapidly and should be picked daily within a few injury, cover the plants with paper cups that have
days after the flower petals have fallen, whether had the bottoms removed. Fertilize twice – when
the pods are to be used or not. If pods are allowed the plants are about 8 inches tall and again when
to ripen, the plants cease to produce. they are about 12 inches tall. If applying 10-20-10,
Onions should be started early in the growing it should be applied as an 8- to 12-inch band along
season. In February, plant bare-root transplants, each side of the row at the rate of 2½ ounces per
container-grown transplants, or sets (bulblets) in 10 feet of row. Both sweet peppers and hot pep-
well-drained, loose, fertile soil. Grow onions in full pers are edible and flavorful at all stages of their
sun. Onions have shallow roots and need constant growth. When picking peppers, cut them from the
moisture. They require about 1 inch of water per plant instead of pulling them off; the branches are
week to produce a good bulb. Because of the shal- extremely brittle and will break easily if the fruit is
low root system, care should be taken when cul- pulled off. The peppers grown in Oklahoma are the
tivating. Onions are heavy users of soil nutrients; sweet and hot types. The hot peppers were the
therefore special attention has to be paid to the first of these to be grown by early gardeners and
onion fertility program. One method of fertilizing their seed is the source of the red pepper. How-
onions is to apply and work in a pound of rotted ever, these plants do not produce the white and
manure for each square foot of soil before planting. black pepper used commercially as condiments.
In addition, mix in 1½ quarts of 10-20-10 per 100 This type of pepper comes from an entirely differ-
square feet. Another option is to fertilize the onion ent group of plants.
plants twice – when they are about 6 inches tall and Potatoes grow best as a spring crop sown
again when they are about 12 inches tall. Scatter a in early to mid-March. Fall potatoes can be grown,
4-inch band of 10-20-10 along each side of the row

Master Gardeners Manual 121

but soil must be heavily mulched to keep it cool lent to 40 to 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre.
enough for successful growth. Choose only cer- Radishes are one of the quickest vegetables
tified disease-free potatoes for planting. Cut into to grow. Sow radish seed, and in 21 days, harvest
2- to 3-ounce pieces with two eyes per piece. Al- the crunchy red globes. There are basically two
low the cut surfaces to heal for a day or two be- shapes, round and tapered like a carrot. Radishes
fore planting. Plant potatoes in soil that is slightly are easily grown from direct seeding in the garden.
acidic; pH 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal. Planting in soils with They require full sun with loose, even sandy, well-
a pH of 6.8 to 7.0 or higher will cause potatoes drained soil and prefer a soil pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Sow
to develop a disease called scab. Planting pota- seed about four weeks before the first frost free
toes in areas where wood ashes have been heav- date. Seed will germinate at soil temperatures of
ily applied can lead to problems with scab. Make 60 F or above in seven days or less. Young seed-
sure that adequate N, P and K are worked into lings should be thinned to at least 1 inch apart.
the soil before planting. Soils must be deep and Some gardeners will sow a small quantity of seed
well-drained, however very sandy soils will not re- every seven to 10 days to harvest fresh radishes
tain enough moisture to form a good-sized tuber. over a longer time frame. Radishes can be planted
Plant tuber pieces four inches deep and about 10 up to approximately 30 days before maximum day-
inches apart in 36 inch rows. After planting heap time temperatures are expected to average over
6 inches of soil over the open furrow. A few weeks 80 F. Fall radishes can be grown and should be
later, when shoots are 4 to 6 inches above the soil planted about 30 days before the maximum day-
line, hill soil up again to stimulate plenty of tuber time temperature average is below 80 F. Fall plant-
formation. Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy. ing can be continued until night temperatures drop
To control Colorado potato beetle infestations, to about 40 F.
crush any bright yellow clusters of eggs found on Rhubarb is grown for its stout stalks, which
the undersides of leaves. are 18 to 36 inches long, bright red or green. It is a
Pumpkins require full sun locations. Most cold-resistant, long-lived perennial, but often does
varieties of pumpkin grown in Oklahoma are vine- not perform well due to Oklahoma’s long and hot
type plants that require 100 to 120 days to mature. summers. For trial plantings it grows best in soil
Pumpkin plants need plenty of space since the lon- with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. To establish rhubarb, plant
gest vines will grow to more than 12 feet. Cultivate roots in early spring when the soil can be worked,
the soil and sow seed into warm garden soil after and where they can grow undisturbed for many
the danger of frost is past. Planting hills should be years. Prepare the soil by digging a hole about 2
spaced 8 to 10 feet apart for vine types. Plant four feet deep and 2 feet across for each plant, spacing
to six seeds in each hill. Cover seeds with 2 inches the plants 3 feet apart. Place a 6- to 8-inch layer of
of soil, water and keep the soil moist for germina- compost or well-rotted cow manure in the bottom
tion, which will take about 10 to 14 days. Seedlings of each hole and fill the hole with a mixture of equal
should be thinned to the two or three strongest parts compost and topsoil. Set the plants into the
plants in a given hill once seedlings have reached holes so the tops of the roots (where the buds are
two inches in height. Pumpkins do not need to be located) are 3 to 4 inches below the surface of the
pampered. Weed by hand to avoid damaging the soil. Each fall spread a 3-inch layer of mulch or
extensive root system and water plants thoroughly compost over the soil surface.
once a week in the absence of rainfall. Pumpkins Sweet Corn is an easy crop to establish in
need pollinators (bees, etc.) to provide for full pol- the garden. It grows well with little maintenance,
lination of the female flowers, so be certain to man- with the exception of insect control. The corn ear
age insect sprays and other management issues worm is a major pest on sweet corn and will cause
to provide a “bee-friendly” environment. From late extensive damage to the “ears” if control measures
summer on, remove any blossoms or new fruit to are not employed throughout the time the corn is
channel plant energies into the fruit that have al- silking and developing fruit. Sweet corn grows best
ready formed. Pumpkins grow best at a soil pH be- in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Seed can be planted
tween 6.5 and 7.0. They require adequate amounts in the spring when danger of frost is past. Plant
of P and K; extra N will need to be applied when early-maturing, mid-season and late varieties at
the plants are three weeks old at the rate equiva- the same time as early varieties or make succes-

122 Master Gardeners Manual

sive plantings of early varieties every two weeks to Table 4.20. Recommended tomato varieties.
obtain a longer supply of fresh ears. Since corn is
wind-pollinated and pollen cannot travel far, corn Small Fruit Large Fruit Paste
needs to be planted in multiple rows (blocks) us-
ing four rows as the minimum to ensure good polli- Juliet Better Boy VFN Milano VF
nation. Plant the seed about 1 ½ inches deep and Mountain Bell VF Big Beef VNF2AST Roma VFN
3 to 4 inches apart. Space rows 2 to 3 feet apart.
Small Fry VFN Bigset VF2NAS San Remo VF
Corn plantings should be thinned when the plants Sweet 100 Brandywine
are 2 to 4 inches tall, to a spacing of 12 inches be- Pixie Carmello VNFT
tween plants. Fertilize the plants when they are ap- Sungold FT Carnival VNF2
proximately 4 inches tall, scattering a 6-inch band Sweet Million FNT Celebrity VNF2T
of 10-20-10 fertilizer at the rate of 2½ to 4 ounces Yellow Pear Flora-dade VF2
for 10 feet of row. Irrigate regularly, controlling both Heatwave VF2
weeds and insects on a regular basis. Jet Star VF
Tomatoes are warm-season vegetables that Mountain Pride VF
like warm soil and warm air. They are susceptible Pik-Red VNF2
Summer Flavor 5000 VNF2
to frost injury. Cold temperatures interfere with
Sunny VF2AS
pollination and the development of fruit. If toma- Sunray F (yellow)
toes are planted too early, the first fruits will like- Sunrise VF2
ly be misshapen from poor pollination and have
blossom-end-rot, which is directly related to cool Disease resistance or tolerance codes: Verticillium wilt (V),
temperatures of the air and soil. One of the most Fusarium wilt, Race 1 (F), Fusarium wilt, Races 1 & 2, (F2),
important points in successfully growing tomatoes Root-Knot nema¬tode (N), Tobacco mosaic virus (T), Alter-
naria stem canker (A), and Stemphylium (gray leaf spot) (S).
is to start with good varieties. A few of the recom-
mended varieties for Oklahoma are found in Table
4.20. For additional tomato growing tips see HLA-
6012 Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden. Oth- ture needs to be around 65 F or warmer for the
er varieties also may be grown, but little informa- tomatoes to take off and grow well.
tion on how they grow with conditions in Oklahoma • Set the plants in the planting hole. If plants are
will be available. Whether a gardener selects an tall and somewhat spindly, lay the stem hori-
OSU-recommended variety or some other variety, zontally and cover with soil – roots will develop
it is always advisable to select varieties that have along the soil-covered stem.
good disease and nematode resistance. These • Pour 1 pint of a fertilizer starter solution around
are denoted by VFNT, which stands for Verticilli- each plant.
um, Fusarium, Root-knot nematode and Tobacco • Protect new plants from the sun and wind by
mosaic virus resistance. covering with hot caps, paper, etc., for two or
three days.
Tomato tips • Do not over-apply nitrogen. Too much nitrogen
• Plant tomatoes in a location that receives full or too much water in early growth stages can
sun. Tomatoes react adversely to shade. If a result in the tomato plant remaining in a vege-
planting location is shaded for half the day, the tative stage. This results in no fruit. Too much
tomatoes will produce half a crop or less. shade can cause the same problem.
• Purchase strong, stocky plants that have been • When the plants start blooming, cover the soil
toughened or hardened off. Avoid spindly with 5 to 6 inches of mulch. Use straw, grass
plants. clippings or any commercial mulch. This will
• Select a cool, cloudy day for transplanting or in conserve moisture, keep the soil cooler, elimi-
the late afternoon if possible. Be ready to cov- nate hand hoeing and reduce foliar and fruit rot
er the plants in case of frost. At planting and diseases.
for several weeks after planting, do not apply • When the plants have developed fruit about
organic mulches on the soil, because they will the size of golf balls, scatter 3 to 4 tablespoons
slow the warming of the soil. The soil tempera- of 36-0-0 fertilizer around each plant and wa-

Master Gardeners Manual 123

ter. Fertilize each month thereafter and water becomes more active, the spears may have to
regularly. be snapped twice a day. Do not cut (harvest)
• For better quality fruit, stake, tie and prune spears with a knife. Knife injury to buds and imma-
tomatoes as they grow. Many prefer to use a ture shoots causes them to develop into crooked
circular cage made from 6 feet of concrete re- spears. Simply snap the spears off at ground level
inforcing wire. Cut out the bottom horizontals with the thumb and forefinger.
and shove cage into the soil surrounding the Lima bean: Harvesting of green lima beans
tomato plant. should begin when the seeds reach full size and
• Be prepared to protect the plant from insects, are light green in color, but before the pods show
such as tomato fruit worm and spider mites, any yellowing. The seeds turn white as they ma-
and diseases. Keep insecticides and fungi- ture. Over-mature seeds are high in carbohydrates
cides handy so applications can be made at and low in sugar, but if allowed to remain in the
the first signs of trouble. bush until dry, they make suitable dry beans.
Snap bean: Start harvesting snap beans
Watermelons, depending on variety, require when the pods reach full length but are still young
from 70 to 100 days to mature. An early jump can and tender. Quality decreases as the seed en-
be obtained by sowing seeds indoors and trans- large. A snap bean ready to harvest should break
planting to the garden after the danger of frost has easily; with a snap as the name implies. Harvest
passed. During the growing season, watermelon frequently during warm weather. Pod set is often
plants need water and adequate nutrients to pro- very poor when temperatures exceed 90 F.
duce melons. A balanced granular fertilizer can Beet: Beets can be harvested when they are
be applied at flowering and a month later. Water- 1 to 1 ½ inches in diameter and this is the most de-
melons need pollinators (bees, etc.) to provide for sirable stage if the tops are to be used as greens. If
full pollination of the female flowers, so be certain the tops are not going to be consumed as greens,
to manage insect sprays and other management the roots remain tender up to 2 ½ to 3 inches in
issues to provide a “bee-friendly” environment. A diameter.
uniform irrigation program needs to be followed to Broccoli: Broccoli should be harvested when
prevent blossom end rot or misshapen fruit. the individual flower buds are the size of a match
head, but before they show yellow. After the cen-
Harvest Hints tral heads are harvested, small heads will develop
on lateral branches. These lateral heads are ideal
Harvesting vegetables at the peak of their for freezing.
quality allows the gardener to reap the dividends Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts can be
of their efforts. Few things are as satisfying as har- harvested over a considerable period if the lower
vesting and consuming fresh home-grown vege- sprouts are picked when they become firm. The
tables at their peak of maturity. Be sure to harvest leaf below each sprout is usually broken off so each
when foliage is dry. sprout can be picked easily. The plant continues to
Asparagus: Asparagus must grow one full produce more leaves and sprouts at the top. At
year after being planted before harvesting. The the onset of freezing weather, the plants with good
second year, spears can be snapped for about a sprouts can be mulched up to the top of the plant
week with the harvest period expanding by one ad- with dry hay or straw, held in place by a burlap bag
ditional week each succeeding year. When crowns or plastic row covers. The cold, sweetened sprouts
become well established, harvest may last up to can then be harvested throughout the winter.
eight weeks. One rule of thumb to remember is Cabbage: Cabbage can be harvested as
that when the asparagus spears become smaller soon as the head grows to about soft ball size and
than a pencil in diameter, stop harvesting because is of sufficient firmness. Heads split as they be-
carbohydrates in the crown are close to depletion. come over-mature. Heads harvested before split-
Asparagus shoots grow very rapidly and require ting can be stored for long periods at a storage
frequent harvesting, especially if the temperature temperature between 45 F and 32 F. Heads which
is high. Early in the season, the shoots may require are to be stored should be solid and free from dis-
snapping only every third day. But, as the growth ease and harvesting injury. Mature cabbage can

124 Master Gardeners Manual

also be “stored” in the garden for several weeks other day; over-mature and/or poorly shaped fruit
after fall frosts occur. should be removed from the vine.
Carrot: Harvesting begins when the roots are Eggplant: Eggplant should be harvested
½ to ¾ inch in diameter at the upper end. If grown when they reach a uniformly deep purple col-
as a fall crop, they will store in the ground to be or and are properly sized for the variety, which
pulled as needed. Fall carrot production often re- is when the fruit is about 6 inches long and very
sults in carrots that are sweeter than those grown shiny. Generally, this is about 70 days after seed-
in the spring because night temperatures cool off lings are transplanted. Fruit in which the seeds
considerably resulting in less respiration (burning have turned brown are of poor quality, and past
off sugars). the edible stage. All fruit should be removed from
Cauliflower: The curd or edible part of the the plant before they mature; otherwise the plants
cauliflower plant should be protected from sunlight stop producing.
(blanched) to develop a good white color. How- Kohlrabi: Kohlrabi is grown for the turnip-like
ever, off-colored heads are edible. While the curd enlargement of the stem. It is tasty if picked while
is small it is protected from direct sunlight by the tender and cooked like cauliflower, or sliced and
surrounding leaves, but as the curd matures, the served raw. With a good supply of moisture, it is
leaves of the plant begin to spread away from the easily grown in either hot or cold weather. Kohlra-
curd, allowing exposure to direct sunlight. To pre- bi is ready to be picked about eight weeks after
vent this, the leaves should be tied together above sowing, when the stems are about the size of an
the curd. The curd should be ready for harvest two apple or 2 to 2 ½ inches across. Kohlrabi must be
to three weeks after tying. Harvest when the curd grown rapidly and harvested when 1 ½ to 3 inches
is still compact and fairly smooth. Self-blanching in diameter or it will become tough and stringy.
varieties tend to wrap their own leaves around the Lettuce: Harvest older, outer leaves from leaf
curd. lettuce as soon as they are 4 to 6 inches long. Har-
Collard: Harvest older leaves when they vest heading types when the heads are moderate-
reach a length of 8 to 12 inches. New leaves will ly firm and before seed stalks form.
grow as long as the central growing point remains, Melon: Melons (cantaloupe and muskmelon)
providing a continuous harvest. Whole plants may can rapidly pass prime eating quality. During warm
be harvested and cooked if desired. weather, a daily harvest is necessary. As a canta-
Sweet corn: Older sweet corn varieties (su1 loupe or muskmelon ripens, the color between the
genetics) should be harvested when the kernels netting changes from light green to tan or yellow.
are in the “milk” stage. At this stage of maturity, Once the melon becomes mature and the color
the watery sap in the kernels will be a milky col- becomes a uniform tan, the stem will easily come
or and will squirt out freely when pressed by the loose from the melon with a gentle pull. This is
thumbnail. Newer sweet corn varieties such as known as the slip state. Many people like to chill
the “Sugar Enhanced” (se genetics) types and the melon in the refrigerator before eating. Howev-
“Super Sweets” (sh2 genetics) types will not de- er, the flavor is also good at higher temperatures. If
velop a milky sap in the kernels at maturity. These it becomes necessary to harvest slightly immature
types can be checked for maturity by looking for melons, they can be ripened by holding at room
brown silks, feeling the overall ear for fullness, and temperature, but the sweetness will not increase
in yellow and bi-color types, look for yellow kernel after they are removed from the vine.
color to develop. White varieties can be assessed Mustard: Harvest the leaves and leaf stems
for maturity by the brown silks, ear filling and tast- (petioles) when they are 6 to 8 inches long; new
ing for sweetness. Much like several other crops; leaves will provide a continuous harvest until they
sweet corn passes the prime eating stage quickly, become strong in flavor and tough in texture from
especially in hot weather. temperature extremes.
Cucumber: Harvest cucumbers while the Okra: Harvest young, tender pods when they
fruit are young and the seeds are soft. A yellowing are 2 to 3 inches long. Pick at least every other
color indicates that the seeds are mature and the day (preferably every day) during the peak grow-
fruit are beyond the edible stage. Bitterness often ing season. Over-mature pods become woody
is directly related to over-maturity. Harvest every and are too tough to eat. Harvest often to maintain

Master Gardeners Manual 125

production. Plants will stop flowering and fruiting be harvested one or two weeks after the vines dry
once seed pods begin to mature. down. If being grown as a fall crop, harvest be-
Onion: When onions are mature, the tops will fore there is danger of freezing. After harvest, the
fall over. If harvesting the entire planting at once, tubers should be stored in a dark, moist area at
time the harvest based on when half the tops have approximately 60 F for several weeks. Tempera-
fallen over. If harvesting as needed, pull individual tures should be lowered to 40 F to 42 F for long-
bulbs as their tops fall over. After tops have fallen, term storage. Storing potatoes at this temperature
either pull the onion or undercut the onion and al- keeps them from sprouting and maintains them in
low them to begin drying down in the garden for a firm physical condition. Warmer temperatures al-
day or two. Then pull or dig the onion bulbs and low sprouting to take place. Colder temperatures
gently shake off the soil, but do not wash them. cause a sweet taste and can result in discoloration
Place the onion bulbs in the shade on wire screens of the inside of the tubers. Whatever the storage
for 7 to 10 days for further drying and curing. Af- temperature, keep the potatoes in complete dark-
ter the drying period, cut off the tops about 1 inch ness. Exposure to light causes the tubers to turn
from the bulb and store in mesh bags in a cool, dry green and develop undesirable levels of bitter-
place. tasting compounds.
Pea: Peas should be harvested just before the Radish: Radishes develop poor shape and
seeds reach their full size. Harvest should begin go to seed quickly during hot weather. Therefore,
when the pods are well filled and plump, but not radishes should be harvested as soon as roots are
before they reach the stage where they appear the preferred size.
ready to burst. At this point, the seeds are very Rhubarb: Start harvest one year after plant-
high in sugar content. After the peas reach har- ing. Harvest begins in early spring when the stalks
vest maturity, they begin a rapid decline from the are 12 to 18 inches long. When harvesting rhu-
standpoint of edibility. From this point on, the lon- barb, the leaf stalks are pulled, not cut. The leaf
ger they remain on the vine the poorer the quality. stem (petiole) is the part of the plant which is eat-
The higher the temperature, the quicker they pass en. Leaves contain toxic levels of oxalic acid. DO
peak quality. NOT EAT THE LEAFY PORTION. The leaf blades
Pepper: Peppers are usually harvested after are removed from the fleshy stem. Always leave
reaching full size. Conventionally, the green ma- a few stalks on the plant unless the bed is to be
ture fruit are harvested, however, the fruit may be abandoned. Harvest of mature plants should con-
allowed to mature (turn red) before harvesting. tinue for 8 to 10 weeks. After 10 to 15 years, the
Pumpkin and winter squash: Winter plants become crowded and the leaf petioles be-
squash and pumpkins can be harvested after they come small and undesirable for consumption.
have developed the appropriate color for the vari- Spinach: Spinach may be harvested from the
ety and a hard rind. If the rind of the fruit cannot be time the plants have 6 to 8 leaves until the seed
penetrated with the thumbnail, the fruit is mature. stem develops. The entire plant can be cut off at
The fruit should be harvested before the first hard soil level or just pick the outer leaves.
freeze, since they are injured by cold tempera- Summer squash: Summer squash should
tures. Cut the stem from the vine, leaving 2 to 4 be harvested and used while young and tender.
inches of vine on the fruit. Fruit without a stem will Fruit 6 to 8 inches long and 1 ½ to 2 inches in di-
not store well. ameter are ideal. If the rind of the fruit can’t be
Potato: Potatoes can be harvested any time penetrated with slight pressure of the thumbnail, it
for immediate consumption once the tubers are is too old for the table. The very large fruit, espe-
of sufficient size. However, yield is reduced and cially zucchini, can be used for stuffing; however
storage quality is lowered by harvesting tubers the quality of the vegetable isn’t very high. Remove
before the tops dry down. Tubers harvested early old fruit from the plant immediately to permit new
(immature tubers) have thin skins that allow fair- flowers and fruit to develop.
ly rapid water loss, causing the tubers to shrivel Sweet potato: Harvest the roots when they
and become soft after short periods of storage. are large enough for use before frost. Avoid bruis-
In Oklahoma, harvest of mature tubers occurs in ing or scratching during harvesting and handling.
late June to early July. Storage potatoes should Damaged sweet potatoes rot easily in storage.

126 Master Gardeners Manual

Sweet potato can be consumed any time after har- remain on the plant until full maturity increases the
vest. To prepare sweet potato for extended storage chances of the fruit cracking and other physical
they will need to be “cured.” Home curing of pota- damage to the fruit. Cracking is more of a problem
toes can be done using a small heater to bring the after a rain.
room temperature up to 85 F to 90F. Use a small Watermelon: Determining the maturity of a
humidifier to humidify the air in the curing room watermelon takes a little practice and varies for dif-
and a fan to circulate the warm humid air through ferent types and varieties. Before looking for signs
to potatoes. Sweet potatoes should be cured for of maturity, wait until the fruit reaches the size de-
7 to 10 days under these conditions to heal har- scribed in the seed catalog. When the fruit be-
vest wounds. After this they can be held for several comes full size, check the color of the rind where
months in storage. Ideal storage conditions are a it touches the soil. A ripe melon will have a buttery
temperature of 55 F and a relative humidity of 85 yellow color on the underneath side also called the
percent. ground spot. There also is a small green tendril
Swiss chard: Harvesting Swiss chard can (curly-cue) on the stem just before where it attach-
begin any time after the plants develop four to five es to the melon. When this tendril turns brown, it is
leaves. The full-grown leaves are cut 1 to 2 inches sign the melon is near maturity. Another sign of rip-
from the point in the center, so new leaves will con- ening is the development of a “dull” cast to the fruit
tinue to form and develop. Old leaves are tough surface caused from the fruit exuding waxes on
and should be cut and discarded. the fruit surface to protect the fruit. Some experts
Tomato: During warm weather, tomato fruit can tell if a melon is ripe by the sound and feel
should be harvested twice a week. Tomatoes can when a melon is thumped with knuckles. A metal-
be harvested as early as the “breaker state” (when lic ring indicates immaturity and a dull or muffled
a slight pink color appears on the bottom of the sound indicates ripeness. Also, when holding the
fruit). If the fruit is stored at 70 F and out of direct melon in one hand and thumping with the knuck-
sunlight, they will continue to ripen. This early har- les, a vibration within the melon can be detected.
vesting does not decrease the quality of taste of Feeling a definite, deep and uniform vibration indi-
the tomato fruit. The fruit can also be left on the cates ripeness.
plant until it turns red. It should be removed from
the plant while it is still firm. Allowing the fruit to

Master Gardeners Manual 127

Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Describe the factors to consider in planning to grow fruit and nut crops in Oklahoma.
• Describe several types of fruits and the culture of each.
• Understand growing requirements of fruits and nuts, including planting, fertilizing, pollination, prun-
ing and other requirements.
• Know primary pests of fruits and nuts and understand control strategies, including IPM techniques.

Chapter 5: Fruits and Nuts ............................ 128 Well-established and properly maintained fruit
in the Home Garden......................................... 128 plantings can be productive, beautiful in a home
Planning the Home Fruit Planting..................... 129 landscape and serve as a satisfying hobby. To be
Site of planting............................................. 130 successful, most fruit crops require years of pa-
Site selection............................................... 130 tient care and hard work. Some people are not will-
Apples.............................................................. 132 ing or able to devote time to a fruit planting and will
Berries.............................................................. 137 be disappointed in its harvest.
Blackberries................................................ 137 Some fruits require more care than others. Tree
Blueberries.................................................. 141 fruits and grapes usually require more protection
Raspberries................................................. 144 from insects and diseases than blueberries and
Strawberries................................................ 144 blackberries. Generally speaking, flowers and
Bunch Grapes.................................................. 145 fruits of fruit trees must be protected by both fun-
Muscadine Grapes........................................... 148 gicide and insecticide sprays from before blos-
Pears................................................................ 151 som-time until harvest. In addition, sprays may be
Pecans.............................................................. 154 required to protect the leaves, trunk and branches.
Stone Fruits....................................................... 159 Small fruits are perhaps the most desirable of
Peaches and Nectaries............................... 163 all fruits in the home garden, since they come into
Plums........................................................... 164 bearing in a shorter time and usually require few
Apricots....................................................... 165 or no insecticide or fungicide sprays. Strawberries
Cherries....................................................... 165 are the first spring fruit to ripen. Their low-growing,
Other Crops...................................................... 165 dark green foliage can serve as a dense ground
Elderberry.................................................... 165 cover around patios, in raised beds or in attractive
Jujubes........................................................ 166 pyramids.
Kiwifruit........................................................ 167 Blackberries are the next crop to ripen in
Persimmons................................................. 168 late May or June. They provide excellent hedge
Pomegranates............................................. 169 plantings to outline property lines or discourage
unwanted traffic. On acid soils, a hedge of blue-
berries provides high-quality fruit in late June and
Fruit trees add long-lasting beauty to the home
landscape. Pear trees contribute dark, spreading

128 Master Gardeners Manual

foliage and beautiful spring blossoms, plus attrac- or not adapted to Oklahoma conditions. Successful
tive fall colors. Persimmons and jujubes provide fruit culture requires an understanding of planting
interesting focal points, color and usable fruit. methods; site, soil and variety selection; and prun-
Other tree crops requiring more care include ing, training and related practices. Even small or-
the pecan, plum, apple and peach. Pecan trees chards require basic tools and equipment.
are known for their shade, beauty and abundant Fresh fruits can be available throughout the
nut production. Fast-growing plum trees have growing season with proper selection of types and
profuse spring blooms. Southern apples produce cultivars (varieties) (Table 5.1).
bushy trees with attractive blooms and fruit.
Despite the popularity of peach trees, their Planning
susceptibility to insects and disease can discour-
age home fruit growers. Still, many homeowners
the Home Fruit Planting
do quite well with peaches.
It is best to locate the fruit planting as close to
Untold amounts of money have been lost be-
the home as possible, but in sunny locations. Sun-
cause the planted fruit trees were either neglected

Table 5.1. Approximate harvest season for fruits in Oklahoma.

Fruits Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
















Master Gardeners Manual 129

light is the key to fruit production. Anything less appointment. Many fruits require the flower to be
than full sunlight reduces production. pollinated from a different cultivar of the same fruit
Where space is limited, fruit trees may be set in or the fruit will not develop. Planting only one culti-
almost any location suitable for ornamental plants. var of these fruits may result in masses of blooms
However, because fallen fruit in a lawn can present in the spring, but few or no fruits. Different strains
problems, harvest must be prompt. of the same cultivar (e.g. two spur strains of ‘Deli-
When planting, consider the mature size of the cious’) will not provide proper cross-pollination.
tree. Most nurseries now carry several varieties of
dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees. Some nurser- Site selection
ies offer a few varieties of dwarf pear and peach The importance of selecting the best possible
trees. Consider planting dwarf trees in any area site for fruit planting cannot be overemphasized.
where space is at a premium, but keep the num- Good air drainage is essential. Like water, cold air
ber of trees low. Columnar forms of apple are also flows downhill. For this reason, the fruit buds on
available. plants that are in a low spot are more likely to be
killed than those on a slope. Avoid frost pockets,
Size of planting low wet spots and locations exposed to strong pre-
Planting size is determined by space, site, vailing winds. South-facing slopes encourage ear-
family size, available time and pollination require- ly bud development and can sometimes result in
ments. The range of fruits planted should depend frost damage. Make certain the air can move freely
on family preference, adaptability and space. throughout the planting site and is not “boxed” in
Never plant more than you can care for prop- with surrounding terrain or tree borders.
erly. It is better to have a small, well-tended home Select deep, fertile, well-drained soil. A san-
orchard than a large, neglected one. dy loam or sandy clay loam is suitable for most
The information in Table 5.2 should help de- fruit trees. Fertile soil is desirable, but deep, well-
termine the size of the planting. For instance, only drained soil is vital. The most important soil char-
one peach tree is required for production, but at acteristic is adequate drainage. Soils lacking in
least two apple trees are needed to ensure cross nutrition can easily be improved by proper fertil-
pollination. Pay close attention to the pollination ization and cultural practices, but it is difficult and
requirements of the different fruits to avoid dis- expensive to improve poorly drained soil.
Determine the soil’s internal drainage rate by
digging a hole 8 inches in diameter and 3 feet
deep. Fill it with water and allow to drain. Refill
Table 5.2. Pollination requirements of fruit
the hole with water and monitor the drainage. If it
drains in 24 hours, the soil has excellent drainage
and is suitable for all fruit crops. Peaches, apricot,
Self-fruit Need pollinators
plum and nectarine trees should be planted only
on sites with excellent drainage.
Apricot Apple
If the hole drains in 36 hours, the internal drain-
Blackberry Blueberry*
age is adequate for more tolerant crops, such as
Fig Plum (Japanese)
fig, blueberry, strawberry, grape, apple and black-
Grape Walnut
berry. Persimmon, pomegranate, jujube, pear and
Jujube Grape (muscadine)
pecans are more adapted to heavier soils, but still
Nectarine Pear
require adequate drainage for good production.
Peach Pecan
If the hole hasn’t drained in 48 hours, the site
is unsuitable for fruit production. In this case, plant
on raised beds, berms or in containers.
When evaluating soil drainage, be sure to have
the soil tested for salinity, pH level and nutrient

*Some varieties require cross-pollination for good fruit pro- content – specifically phosphorus and potassium.
duction; Bruce plum will need a pollinator; Tifblue blueberry Phosphorus and potassium move very slowly into
will not.

130 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 5.3. Planting guide for fruit crops.

Canopy Nursery Years to yield Pollin-
Fruit crop diameter stock* bearing (bushels) ation Notes

Apple: Seedling
rootstock 25 ft 3 to 4 ft 8 5 to 8 Cross Large tree
Apple: M9 rootstock 10 ft 3 to 4 ft 3 0.5 to 1 Cross Needs support
Apple: M111 rootstock 20 ft 3 to 4 ft 5 4-5 Cross Semi-dwarf
Blackberry 1 ½ ft in row Root cuttings 1 to 2 1 gal/2 ft of row Self
Blueberry 8 ft 2 years 4 15 lb Cross
Cherry, sour 20 ft 1 to 2 years 5 100 lb Self
Elderberry 8-10 ft 1 year, or 1-3 12 to 15 lb Cross
rooted cuttings
Fig 12 ft Rooted cuttings 2 25 lb Self
Grape, muscadine 20 ft in row Rootings 3 to 4 35 lb Cross Needs trellis
Grape, hybrid vinifera 8 ft in row Rootings 2 to 3 15 lb Self Needs trellis
Jujube 25 ft 3 to 4 ft 5 1 to 3 Self Root sprouts
Pear 25 ft 3 to 4 ft 5 3 to 5 Cross
Peach 18 ft 2 to 3 ft 3 1 to 2 Self
Pecan 35 ft 6 to 8 ft 7 20 to 40 lb Cross
Persimmon 25 ft 2 to 3 ft 4 1 to 2 Self
Plum 18 ft 3 to 4 ft 5 1 to 2 Cross
Nectarine 18 ft 2 to 3 ft 3 1 to 2 Self
Quince 15 ft 2 to 3 ft 4 2 to 3 Self
Strawberry 1 1/3 lb Self

*Nursery stock refers to either plant size or grade.

the soil; if the planting site is deficient, it is easier Every spring, nursery catalogs advertise many
to incorporate such nutrients before planting. “new and improved” varieties. Begin with variet-
The best way to overcome salinity problems is ies that have been proven dependable, but leave
to avoid them. If your soil’s sodium absorption ratio room for a few novelties. A new variety is usually
is above 6 and/or electric conductivity is more than suited to a particular part of the country. The plant-
4 millimhos per centimeter (mmhos/cm), it is best ing range should be described in the catalog de-
not to plant on this site. Consider growing plants in scription; otherwise, buyer beware.
containers. Draw a scale model of your orchard or fruit
The soil pH will determine whether iron chlo- planting area using mature plant sizes (Table 5.3).
rosis will be a problem or not. If the pH is 7.5 and Let soil, rainfall and slope determine the planting
above, the site is highly alkaline; supplemental scheme.
iron or a specific rootstock will be needed for trees Tree fruits not included in the list may grow in
to be healthy. If growing blueberries, the soil pH Oklahoma, but few consistently produce quality
should be acidic or in the 4.5 to 5.0 range. Sul- fruit. For example, apricot and sweet cherry trees
fur can help to lower pH. To raise pH levels, lime can grow in certain areas where the climate is fa-
should be incorporated. vorable, but they must be carefully managed and
After evaluating the planting site, select fruit usually do not bear fruit consistently.
varieties adapted to your area. Consult experi- On level ground, plant north-to-south rows for
enced fruit producers and your county Extension good air movement and light exposure. On uneven
educator for recommended varieties for your area. ground, prepare terraces before planting, so the
Select different varieties to extend the harvesting soil has a chance to settle. Plant contoured rows
season. on gentle slopes, and set the plants on top of the

Master Gardeners Manual 131

contours to ensure good water drainage. Large closely mowed and remove the old fruit from the
trees should be planted on the northern edge to ground and the tree. This will reduce the disease
prevent shading smaller crops. inoculum present, which will lower chances of a
Match plant sizes to the available space. For pest problem.
instance, select figs, strawberries, blackberries
and similar crops for small sites. They bear fruit Apples
early and produce well in most areas. Small plants
can be grown in containers, moved to accom- Apples are a popular homegrown fruit and can
modate orchard changes. Pecans, peaches and be successfully cultivated in much of Oklahoma.
other trees need more space and require three to The major problem limiting their success in some
eight years to produce their first crop. areas of Oklahoma is disease susceptibility. Pur-
Living plants must be handled carefully for op- chase varieties that have disease resistance.
timum performance. The ideal situation is to plant The other key to producing quality apples in
the trees the day you buy them, thus reducing the a home orchard are variety selection and proper,
chance for root freezing or drying. If roots are dry, timely care of the trees.
completely immerse the roots in water for a few
minutes or overnight before planting. Site and soil requirements
Set trees the same depth as they grew in the For maximum production, apples need plenti-
nursery row. Trim off broken and dried roots. Place ful sunlight. Choose an area that will be in the sun
topsoil around the roots and firm the soil to exclude most of the day; otherwise, expect reduced perfor-
air. Settle the soil with water and make sure the mance. Early-morning sun is particularly important
roots are left in a natural outward position. Leave to dry the dew from the leaves, which will reduce
a small basin 1 or 2 inches deep around the tree the incidence of diseases, but full sun is best.
to aid in watering. Prune back about one-third of Good soil drainage is more important than soil
the tree top. Wrap the trunk from the soil line up to fertility. Avoid areas where water stands for more
the first branches (or 18 inches above the ground) than 24 hours after rainfall. In such areas, the roots
to protect the trunk from sunscald, rodent injury, will die from insufficient oxygen, resulting in stunt-
insect damage and drying out. ed growth and eventual death of the tree. If such
Once the trees are planted, the key for their conditions exist, planting on a raised terrace will
growth will be weed control, fertilizer and water. help.
Because newly planted trees do not compete well In areas with alkaline soils and a history of cot-
for water and nutrients, eliminate weed and grass ton root rot, avoid planting apples trees. They are
from around the trees for the first four to five years. very sensitive to root rot and no control is currently
This allows the trees to perform better. Mulching available.
around trees will decrease weed pressure and in-
crease soil moisture. Weed control is the most crit-
Buying trees
ical cultural practice for establishment.
When buying apple trees, an important consid-
The trees will require fertilizer for maximum
eration is the adage “you get what you pay for.”
growth. The element most needed is nitrogen.
Bargain plants may not be healthy or may not be a
Apply nitrogen after the buds begin to break and
variety adapted to your area. Only buy trees of rec-
the trees begin to grow. Finally, water is needed
ommended varieties from a reliable source. Keep
to move the fertilizer not only into the soil, but also
the following points in mind when buying apple
into the roots. Water effects a plant’s ability to take
in nutrients. Plants may experience nutrient defi-
• A healthy 1-year-old whip (a branchless shoot),
ciencies, when in reality, they lack water.
about 3 to 4 feet tall with ½-inch diameter trunk
The production of quality fruit requires at least
and a good root system is preferred.
a few pest control sprays. If you are not committed
• A small tree with a good root system is more
to making a few applications of pesticides, you are
desirable than a large tree with a poor root sys-
probably better off not planting fruit or nut trees.
tem. Trees two years old or older are often not
The number of sprays required can be re-
as good as one-year-old trees. The older trees
duced drastically by sanitation: keep the grass

132 Master Gardeners Manual

often have too few buds on the lower portion Characteristics of recommended apple variet-
of the trunk to develop a good framework. If ies are given in Table 5.4.
buying older trees, cut them back to force out
buds lower on the main trunk. Standard trees versus dwarf trees
• Do not buy trees that appear stunted, poorly The two dominating influences on tree size are
grown, diseased or injured by insects. the rootstock and the type of strain used (spur or
• Check the labels closely to make sure the de- nonspur). Other factors influencing tree size in-
sired variety and rootstock is chosen. Do not clude general care, variety, soil type, time and se-
purchase if the rootstock is not labeled. verity of pruning and earliness of fruiting.
• Do not buy dried, shriveled plants, even at dis- Apple tree size, as influenced by rootstocks, is
count prices. generally divided into three categories: standard,
semi-dwarf and dwarf. Standard trees are prop-
Pollination agated on seedling rootstock and produce large
Apple varieties require pollen from another va- trees that can grow 30 feet tall.
riety to set fruit. Therefore, plant two or more vari- Semi-dwarf trees are propagated on one of
eties with overlapping bloom periods. Some vari- the clonal (vegetatively propagated) rootstocks
eties bear heavy crops when pollinated by another that produce trees about three-quarters the size of
pollen-producing variety, but do not themselves standard trees if both are grown under similar cir-
produce good pollen. Trees grafted with more than cumstances. The most common semi-dwarf root-
one variety (five-in-one, fruit cocktail trees) do not stocks used for apples are MM.106 and MM.111.
give good results. One variety generally crowds The interstem tree, a different type of semi-
out the others. Table 5.4 lists common and promis- dwarf rootstock, may be available from certain
ing varieties of apples for planting in Oklahoma. nurseries. These each have a small section of M.9
or M.26 grafted between an understock, such as
Variety selection MM.111, MM.106 and the variety. They are slightly
Many of the 6,000 named apple varieties have larger than dwarf trees, but smaller than the semi-
given way to superior tasting varieties. Some ap- dwarf. Because they need extra propagation, in-
ple varieties, such as ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Golden terstem trees are the most expensive.
Delicious,’ are also available in various strains. A Trees on semi-dwarf and dwarf rootstocks are
strain is a mutation of a variety selected and prop- ideal for home fruit production. Although more
agated for an improved characteristic. Strains may expensive to buy, the smaller trees are easier to
differ in fruit characteristics, growth characteris- prune, spray, and harvest, and they produce fruit
tics, or both. Some varieties have many strains; for at an earlier age than full-sized trees. M.9 and
example, about 250 strains of ‘Red Delicious’ have M.27 rootstocks produce fully dwarfed trees (6 to 8
been described and cultivated. feet tall and 4 to 6 feet tall, respectively). Both pro-
Spend considerable time studying these vari- duce shallow, weak root systems and require stak-
eties. Keep in mind that these will live for several ing or trellising, and regular watering. Dozens of
decades. Choose several varieties to provide ap- other size-reducing apple rootstocks exist, but the
ples for desired use: processing into apple sauce, best for Oklahoma is MM.111, which will produce
cider and apple butter; dessert/fresh eating right a tree 25 percent smaller, but very well anchored
off the tree; and long storage in the refrigerator. and drought resistant.
Strain types may be spur or nonspur. Spur-type
strains are ideally suited for home gardeners with Soil preparation and planting
space limitations because the fruit spurs and leaf Before planting, prepare the soil thoroughly by
buds are spaced more closely than on nonspur deep cultivation. Have the soil tested and make
trees. Two-year-old wood on spur-types will usual- any recommended adjustments before planting.
ly form fruit buds rather than develop side shoots. Information on soil testing can be obtained from
Spur strains of a variety generally grow only 60 to the local county Extension office.
70 percent as large as the non-spur strains of that High-pH soils are difficult to adjust, but work-
variety. ing organic matter into the top foot of soil will help.

Master Gardeners Manual 133

Table 5.4. Characteristics of recommended ap- When bare root apple trees arrive from the nurs-
ple varieties. ery, open the bundles immediately, and inspect the
trees for damage and general conditions. Soak the
Variety Characteristics roots in water for ½ to 1 hour before planting. Plant
the trees while they are still dormant.
Anna Large, coarse-textured, When planting, dig holes large enough to re-
good flavor ceive the roots freely without cramping or bending
Arkansas Black Purplish-red with yellow flesh;
from their natural position. Use pruning shears to
dessert and cooking
Arkansaw Red stripes over green; cut off all broken or damaged parts of roots. Set
disease resistant the plants at the same depth they grew in the nurs-
Braeburn Orange/red blush over yellow; ery. Work soil in and around the roots.
dessert and cooking When the hole is half filled, firm the soil with
Dorsett Golden Yellow, low-chill; good pollinator your feet; finish filling the hole and again pack the
for Anna soil firmly. Do not leave a large depression around
Enterprise Sweet and tart; disease resistant the tree. Also, do not place fertilizer in the planting
Florina Pink with white lenticels; hole or fertilize the tree immediately after planting.
disease resistant Fertilizer should be applied only after tree growth
Freedom Red; dessert and cooking
Fuji Yellow; dessert and cooking
Gala Orange-red; top-quality eating After planting apply enough water to soak the
apple; cider apple, drying, soil thoroughly around the tree roots. Watering
needs thinning; diseases eliminates air pockets and brings the soil into clos-
can be a problem er contact with all sides of the roots. The planting
Golden Delicious Yellow type; russets badly; hole may need additional soil after watering.
excellent eating apple where
chilling is sufficient for Training and pruning
production flavor The day the tree is planted is the day to begin
Granny Smith Late-maturing green apple;
pruning and training for future production. If ne-
excellent quality
Honey Sweet Pale yellow, crisp, sweet; glected, the trees will grow poorly and fruiting will
cooking, dessert or sweeten be delayed.
cider blends Pruning is cutting or trimming the undesired
Jersey Mac Early McIntosh-type, crisp red; twigs or branches from a tree or other plant. Train-
June to July ripening ing is bringing a plant or branch into a certain
Jonathan Red; dessert and cooking shape or position by bending, tying or pruning.
King David Red with dark red stripes; crisp, Pruning a young tree controls its shape by
juicy; fresh eating, cooking, and developing a strong, well-balanced framework of
cider scaffold branches, which are the primary limbs
Liberty Red; dessert and cooking
growing laterally from the tree trunk. Remove or
Lodi Yellow, soft; cooking only
McLemore Red; dessert and cooking cut back unwanted branches early to avoid hav-
Mollies Delicious Variety similar to Red Delicious; ing to make large cuts in later years. The modified
good producer; popular central leader system is the preferred method of
because of production flavor pruning and training non-trellised trees (Figures
Orleans Very sweet and crunchy 5.1 and 5.2). A modified central leader tree has a
Ozark Gold Yellow delicious type main trunk and main branches that stair-step up
Pristine Yellow, disease resistant around the central leader. The key is to allow sun-
Red Delicious Most popular variety grown light into the interior of the tree, which promotes the
Williams Pride Very early, large, red-purple; development of short shoots or spurs, where the
juicy cooking/dessert apple;
apples will be produced.
disease resistant
The tree should be headed at 30 to 36 inches
when planted. The topmost bud will take over as
the leader and grow very vigorously straight up.

134 Master Gardeners Manual

The buds in a 4- to 6-inch zone below the top will gradually widening at the bottom (‘Christmas tree’
also be quite vigorous and will usually have poor shaped). Remove any dead wood first to make
crotch angles. They should be stripped out when 2 easier access to remaining branches to trim. Take
to 3 inches long or spread immediately. Branches a careful look at the tree and decide which branch-
below this region will tend to have better crotch es to leave for the lower tier and to use as the cen-
angles. tral trunk. Younger branches may be spread, and
The best time to start establishing good light older branches can be cut back to an outwardly
penetration in a tree is during its first growing sea- growing side branch which, if possible, can be
son. Scaffold limbs should be selected that have spread. Try to leave 6 to 8 inches vertical distance
a 60-degree crotch angle and are growing in an between the chosen scaffolds. Start choosing for
outward manner. Apples should have three to five the second tier 24 to 30 inches above the first tier,
scaffolds in the bottom tier, well distributed on all following the same methods as the first tier. These
sides of the tree with the central leader maintained. branches will probably need shortening by cutting
Scaffold selection should be made early and extra back to a side shoot. Add a third tier 24 to 30 inch-
shoots removed. es above the second. Remember to maintain the
A second tier of scaffolds is made starting 24 inverted cone ‘Christmas tree’ shape.
to 30 inches above the first tier. Using semi-dwarf Do not make a lot of fine cuts on the branches
rootstocks such as MM 111, there should be a that will be kept; save that for next year. A general
third tier the same distance above the second. rule is not to remove more than 1/3 of the wood
It is important that these scaffold limbs do not at any dormant-season pruning. The tree will re-
grow straight up. Vigorous upright growth tends to spond to drastic pruning by sending out vigorous
be less fruitful, and it will interfere with the limbs regrowth. Be prepared to deal with it. Vigorous up-
above. If the scaffolds can be made to grow out- right growth on the trunk and along the branches
ward, the width of the tree will increase, increasing will need to be removed either during the summer
the amount of light intercepted by the tree. Some or at the next dormant season pruning. The best
cultivars are cooperative in producing wide-an- timing for summer pruning in Oklahoma is some-
gled, spreading limbs; Red Delicious is a notorious time during August.
exception. Every branch it produces is convinced
that its destiny is to become the leader of the tree, Fertilization
and consequently, all grow straight up. Effective Keep the fertilizer 12 inches away from the trunk
management of Delicious demands that mechani- and broadcast it evenly over the recommended ar-
cal spreading of the scaffold limbs be done to pre- eas. Apply about 1 pound of complete fertilizer per
vent crowding of the branches, shading of the inte- year of tree age (maximum of 10 pounds). When
rior and to promote lateral growth and fruitfulness. needed (according to fruit set), add 3 pounds
Once the shape of the tree has been established of ammonium nitrate per tree in May. The annual
and the tree is mature, the annual pruning is a mat- terminal growth of bearing trees should be main-
ter of removing upright growing shoots, compet- tained at about 8 inches in length, and fruit spurs
ing shoots and dead wood, as well as shortening should have about eight leaves.
any branches growing too tall or wide. Most of the
pruning cuts on a mature apple tree will probably Irrigation
be in the top part to prevent shading out of the In most areas of Oklahoma, trees need supple-
lower branches. mental water for healthy growth. Water young trees
The problem comes when dealing with an weekly; mature trees may require 20 to 45 gallons
older tree not properly trained when young. You per day. Mulching may help conserve moisture.
will be confronted with a mass of branches, some
weak, others large, probably most with poor crotch Weed control
angles that are too old and rigid to spread. Resign Elimination of weed competition around young
yourself to not having a picture-book tree, but start trees is critical for tree survival and rapid growth.
pruning to make the most of what you’ve got. Ideally, the soil surface should be kept weed-free
The general shape of the trees should be sim- in an area at least as wide as the limb spread of the
ilar to an inverted cone: narrow at the top and

Master Gardeners Manual 135

Figure 5.1. Recommended pruning for apple trees during the first
dormant season.

Figure 5.2. Recommended pruning for apple trees during the second dormant season. Prune in late
winter. Winter pruning of apple trees consists of removing undesirable limbs as well as tipping ter-
minals (removing the buds at the ends of the twigs) to encourage branching.

tree. Mulches, either organic or fabric can be used ensures satisfactory color, shape and size of the
to help with weed control and moisture retention. remaining apples. Failure to remove the excess
Chemicals are available that will kill weeds. All fruit decreases the formation of flower buds for the
aspects of safety and sprayer calibration should following year and causes the trees to produce a
be well understood. Glyphosate does a good job crop only every other year.
of killing weeds and grass because it is system- The sooner hand-thinning is completed, the
ic and will kill perennial weeds such as Bermuda more effective it will be in achieving the desired
grass. It will not harm the tree as long as no spray results. Thinning in mid-summer will improve fruit
drift hits green leaves or green bark. size and aid in the formation of next year’s flow-
er buds. Most of the flower buds for next year are
Fruit thinning initiated during a four- to six-week period after full
Apple trees grown under favorable conditions bloom; thin them before this period.
will set more fruit than they can successfully carry Remove the fruit by hand. Leave one apple per
to maturity. Removing excess fruit from the trees cluster, and space the clusters about every 6 inch-

136 Master Gardeners Manual

es apart. Start at one end of a branch and system- to control include cedar apple rust, apple scab,
atically remove the fruit. To remove the fruit without powdery mildew, fire blight, sooty blotch and bitter
damaging the spur, hold the stem between your rot. Summer rots can be particularly devastating to
thumb and forefinger, and push the fruit from the the fruit in a wet year. Damaging insects are scale,
stem with the other fingers. This method removes spider mites, plum curculio, aphids and codling
the apple and leaves the stem attached to the moth.
spur. Several companies sell home orchard fruit
Caution: Avoid using the insecticide carba- spray mixes to control fruit tree pests. Read and
ryl or Sevin® shortly after petal fall; it can cause follow all label instructions when applying any
thinning if applied during this period. If you use pesticide.
a general-purpose home orchard mix, check the
label for ingredients.
Harvest time varies with individual tastes and Blackberries
location in the state. One person may consider Blackberries are adaptable to essentially all
a fruit ripe, while another believes it is immature. parts of Oklahoma. They are among the easiest
However, fruit picked too soon does not develop and least expensive fruit crops to establish. Good
full flavor or store well. management practices are essential for success-
When picking apples, avoid injuring the fruit; ful production.
apples picked with the stem attached to the fruit Varieties: Three distinct types of blackber-
will keep longer. ries can be grown in Oklahoma: erect and semi-
Remove the apple from the spur by pulling up- erect, western trailing (characterized by the ‘Boy-
ward and outward while rotating the fruit slightly. sen’ variety), and southern trailing (dewberry).
On some of the thin, long-stemmed varieties, such Only certain erect varieties are recommended for
as ‘Golden Delicious,’ it is sometimes necessary to production.
place your index finger firmly at the point of attach- New varieties have expanded the season for
ment of the stem and spur to prevent breaking the good-quality berries beyond the traditional May
spur. harvest period in Oklahoma. Recommended vari-
eties and new varieties suggested for trial are list-
Disease and insect management ed in Table 5.5.
The best fruit is produced when diseases and
insects are controlled. Common diseases of apples

Table 5.5. Characteristics of several blackberry varieties.

Variety Ripe date Berry size Growth habit Thornless

Apache Late June to early August Large Erect Thornless

Arapaho Early June Medium Erect Thornless
Cherokee July Medium Erect
Cheyenne July Large Erect
Chickasaw Early June to mid-July Large Erect
Choctaw Late June Very large Erect
Kiowa Late May to mid-June Large Erect
Natchez Late May to mid-July Very large Semi-erect Thornless
Navaho Mid- to late June Large Erect Thornless
Osage Early June Medium Erect Thornless
Ouachita Early to mid-July Medium Erect Thornless
Shawnee Early to late June Large Erect

Master Gardeners Manual 137

Soils Planting may be done at any time during the
Well-drained sandy or loamy soils with a pH of dormant season, but most planting is done during
6.0 to 6.8 are ideal for blackberries. Blackberries February or early March. Space plants 3 to 4 feet
generally grow well in soils with a pH between 5.5 apart in rows that are 6 to 8 feet apart. Plants should
and 7.5. Soil pH above 7.5 can cause serious iron be set at the same depth as grown in the nursery
chlorosis problems. row. Water the newly set plants thouroughly.
Trailing blackberries and semi-erect blackber-
Planting ries do not usually produce suckers or develop
If the blackberries are listed as patented variet- from root cuttings. An easy, successful method of
ies, they may not be legally propagated. Non-pat- propagation is by means of tip layers (Figure 5.4).
ented blackberries may be propagated freely. Ask To tip-layer blackberries, place the tip end of the
your plant supplier if in doubt. cane into the soil about 2 inches deep and cover
Erect growing varieties are usually propagat- it with soil. This should be done in September or
ed with suckers or root cuttings, while the trailing October. Roots will develop during the late fall and
varieties are propagated by means of tip layers. winter. Dig the rooted tips during February or early
With blackberry viruses on the rise, tissue-cultured March. Cut the tips from the original canes, leav-
plants often are the best way to buy plants. This ing a 3- or 4-inch section of the cane attached to
ensures clean plants. Both the time of propagation it. One established plant may produce from 10 to
and the time of planting are influenced by the habit 20 tip-layered plants each year. The small amount
of growth. of the cane cut off with the newly rooted layer will
Erect Blackberries—many nurseries produce not noticeably affect the yield of the remaining
plants from root cuttings. The root cuttings, 2 to cane. Space the new plants the same as erect
3 inches long and 1/8-inch diameter or larger, are blackberries.
planted in the early spring (March). The rows of
cuttings should be from 1/2 to 1 inch deep, with Growth and production
cuttings 3 to 6 inches apart in the row. Plants will Blackberries are unique in that they have a
be ready for transplanting into the permanent row perennial root system and biennial tops. The tops
during the following winter. (canes) live for two years and die. The first year,
Another method for increasing plantings of they produce vegetative growth (primocanes); the
erect blackberries is from naturally occurring suck-
er plants. One-year-old suckers are dug from es-
tablished rows and set into new permanent rows
(Figure 5.3). More sucker plants can be produced
by tilling near existing plants, which breaks the
roots and results in generation of new plants from
these “cuttings.”

Sept. - Oct. Feb. - Mar.

Figure 5.4. Tip layering.
Figure 5.3. One-year-old plant.

138 Master Gardeners Manual

second year, they produce fruit (floricanes). The Floricanes
floricanes die quickly after fruiting. (fruiting canes)
Blackberries begin bearing one year after they
are planted. First-year growth of erect blackberries
is low and non-erect. This often causes concern
among beginning blackberry growers, but by the
second year, all growth is erect. A planting may
produce for more than 15 years, but production is
usually best during years three through eight, with
production decreasing after eight years.
(Current season’s growth)
Training and pruning
Erect blackberry varieties are most efficiently
trained in freestanding hedgerows. Support wires Figure 5.6. T-trellis. All new growth is trained
are not needed. Hedge height is gradually in- to one side of the trellis, leaving the floricanes
creased during summer pruning to about 4 feet. on the other side of the trellis, where they were
Hedge width is normally maintained at about 3 feet placed the year before.
to enable pickers to reach the berries in the center
of the hedge. 10 inches above the top of the trellis wire. Tipping
Trailing blackberries and semi-erect blackber- removes the apical dominance, allowing the cane
ries need a trellis for support. The trellis may be to develop lateral shoots. Fruit produced the fol-
shaped like an “F” (Figure 5.5) or “T” (Figure 5.6). lowing year from pruned canes will be at a con-
Additionally, lower wires and crossbars may be venient height for harvest. The fruits will be larger,
added to the “T” to make a “V” trellis. cleaner and better quality than unpruned canes.
First-year growth of all types of blackberries, Prune out the gray-looking floricanes in the fall.
including erect varieties, is low and sprawling. The primocanes are a green to burgundy color.
Pruning ends or tipping the primocanes encour- Make the pruning cuts near the crown of the plant,
ages plant growth. Established plants grow new and remove the old canes from the field to de-
canes while the old canes are fruiting. During the crease insect and disease problems in the future.
summer, tip the new canes (primocanes), leaving After summer pruning, new canes that have
them 42 inches tall (for free standing plants) or at produced lateral branches should be pruned again

Primocanes Mulched primocandes

Floricanes Primocanes

Figure 5.5. F-trellis. A - Primocanes grow during the spring and summer, and are left on the ground
under the trellis. B - Mulch can be put over the primocanes in winter to help protect against cold in-
jury. C - After growth begins in the spring, the mulch should be taken off the canes. The canes which
have changed to floricanes during the winter should be tied loosely to the trellis wires. D - After the
fruit are picked, the floricanes should be removed, leaving the new primocanes under the trellis.

Master Gardeners Manual 139

in late winter (February or early March) to simplify Fertilization
harvesting and increase berry size. Shorten lateral In good blackberry soils, nitrogen is usually
branches to about 12 inches in length. Some new the only serious limiting nutrient. Requirements for
canes will need to be removed during the winter so phosphorus, potassium and other elements vary
fruit harvest will be easier the following year. This in different areas of the state and should be based
thinning will also increase air circulation and dis- on soil analysis recommendations and on general
courage disease growth. Remove and destroy any knowledge of local soil nutrition. Apply fertilizer to
canes that have red-necked cane borer swellings the blackberry plants at bloom to stimulate plant
to reduce populations. Leave three to five canes growth, increase berry size and boost total pro-
per linear foot of row on erect blackberries (Figure duction. A second application of fertilizer should
5.7). Leave 8 to 15 canes of 4 to 8 feet in length be made following fruit harvest to stimulate vigor-
on trailing varieties, which will be trellised. If not ous cane growth for next season’s production. Ap-
trellising them, reduce to three to five canes. If ply fertilizer according to the Table 5.6.
there are dead canes, that fruited but were not re-
moved during the previous summer, these should Weed control
be removed. Good weed control is essential for the survival
of first-year blackberries and necessary for good
production in mature plantings. Eradicate highly
competitive perennial grasses, such as Bermuda
grass, before planting.
Several weed-control chemicals are labeled
for use around blackberries. Do not use these
chemicals unless the applicator is equipped to
apply them according to label directions and an
accurately calibrated herbicide sprayer.

Blackberries should be permanently mulched
with about 4 inches of organic material such as
Before After pine bark, rice hulls or wheat straw. This mulch will
Figure 5.7. Pruning erect canes. help control weeds, conserve soil and moisture
and prevent winter injury to crowns. Mulching also
promotes growth of the extensive fibrous blackber-

Table 5.6. Fertilizer application rates based on nitrogen sources.

1st Application 2nd Application

(oz per plant) (oz per plant)

Actual Nitrogen Required 0.4 0.4

Ammonium Sulfate 21% N 2 2
Sulfur-coated urea 36% N 1 1
Urea 46% N 0.9 0.9
Blood Meal 12% N 3.3 3.3
Cottonseed Meal 7% N1 5.7 5.7
Ammonium Nitrate2 34% N 1.2 1.2
Formulations of cottonseed meal vary; nitrogen content is typically around 7%.
Regulation of ammonium nitrate is making this fertilizer harder to find.

140 Master Gardeners Manual

ry root system. Since the need to cultivate for weed
control is reduced by the mulch, fewer blackberry
roots are broken, producing fewer unwanted suck-
There are three basic types of blueberries
er plants between the rows.
for Oklahoma. They are highbush, rabbiteye and
southern highbush. All three grow well in Oklaho-
Irrigation ma, depending on the location and the cultivar.
First-year plants must be irrigated to survive,
Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbo-
especially in the central and western parts of the
sum) grow 3 to 23 feet tall and vary in their chilling
state. Although established blackberry plants are
requirement from 400 to 800 hours. Chill hours are
hardy, irrigation is needed to achieve top yields.
logged as temperatures between 32 F and 45°F.
Water thoroughly immediately after planting. One
They generally ripen in May and June and per-
to two inches of water per week (rainfall and/or irri-
form best in northern Oklahoma. For best yields,
gation) is needed for good plant growth and qual-
two or more cultivars with overlapping bloom times
ity fruit. Drought severely decreases production
should be planted together.
and berry quality. However, excess watering can
Rabbiteye blueberries (V. ashei) grow 4 to 19
cause the roots of the blackberries to die.
feet tall and vary in their chilling requirement from
100 to 650 hours. They ripen from late May to early
Insects and disease July. They grow best in central and southern Okla-
Spraying/or excluding pests for insect, disease homa and are more heat tolerant than highbush
and weed control (Extension Fact sheet CR-6243) types. Rabbiteye blueberries are divided into pol-
is necessary. For anthracnose control in blackber- lination groups A, B, C and D. To get the best fruit
ries, liquid lime-sulfur shoud be applied at 1/16- set and largest fruit, varieties that bloom at the
inch budbreak. An appropriate pesticide should same time should be planted together. Therefore,
be applied at bloom time to control strawberry clip- if a variety is pollination group B, it will be best to
per. Plants may need to be sprayed during harvest plant it near another variety that is also in group B.
to control the newly introduced Spotted Winged Southern Highbush (V. corymbosum x with
Drosophila. Raspberry Cane and Crown Borers other species such as V. darrowi) are intermedi-
are other major insect pests. For current pesticide ate, between highbush and rabbiteye in most
recommendations, contact the local county Exten- respects. Their genetic background is quite vari-
sion office. The Midwest Small Fruit Spray Guide able; therefore, the cultivars vary in adaptability.
is a very useful resource for pest control informa- Southern highbush are somewhat self-fertile, but
tion, to increase yield, plant more than one cultivar with
ID-169.pdf. an overlapping bloom period. Southern highbush
can be grown throughout the state, depending on
Harvest their chilling requirement and resulting budbreak
The perishable nature of blackberry fruit re- and bloom time.
quires frequent picking. Softer varieties require Blueberries are an important commercial crop
harvesting on a two- to three-day schedule; firm- in parts of Oklahoma. Their production is limited to
er varieties may tolerate a five- to six-day picking those areas of Oklahoma with acidic, sandy soils.
schedule, depending on the weather. Use shallow Blueberries also can be grown in containers.
picking containers to prevent mashing the berries.
Harvest in the morning when temperatures are Site selection
cool and refrigerate quickly. Site selection is the most important step in es-
Blackberries become completely black two tablishing a successful blueberry planting when
to three days before they are fully mature. They planting in the ground. Major factors to consid-
change from shiny black as they approach maturi- er include soil type, soil pH, water drainage, air
ty to dull black at full maturity. movement and irrigation water quality.
A blueberry plant’s root system is shallow, fi-
brous and lacks root hairs. Blueberry roots do
not penetrate tight, clay soils easily, but require a

Master Gardeners Manual 141

loose, friable soil environment to develop an exten- 3 to 4 feet apart and southern highbush 3 to 5 feet
sive root system. apart within rows depending on the vigor of the
Incorporating organic matter into the soil helps cultivar. Rows should be spaced to accommodate
improve soil characteristics, including soil struc- equipment, usually about 10 feet.
ture, moisture retention and nutrient availability. When planting, make sure the holes are about
Sandy soils have a low organic matter content and twice the size of the root ball. Add one-third cubic
need peat moss for successful blueberry growth. foot of thoroughly dampened peat moss to each
Blueberries require a soil pH of between 4.5 hole, mixing it with the native soil. Keep root sys-
and 5.2 and will die if the soil is more acidic or tems of bare-root plants covered with damp saw-
more alkaline. Adjust the soil pH if it does not fall dust, hay or peat moss while preparing to plant.
into the optimum range. Rarely does the pH need Do not fertilize until about two weeks later. If bare-
to be raised in Eastern Oklahoma. Extreme acidic root plants are used, one-third to one-fourth of the
conditions (less than pH 4.0) can be increased us- top growth should be removed at planting time.
ing lime. It is virtually impossible to lower soil pH, This balances the plant and helps prevent lodging
so if the soil pH is higher than 5.5, grow blueber- from high winds. If the root balls of container-grown
ries in containers. plants are entwined, loosen them before planting to
It is critical to have the water analyzed before encourage the roots to grow outward. Plant at the
using it to irrigate blueberries. Do not plant blue- depth they were growing in their pots. After plant-
berries where the water quality is unsuitable. The ing, tamp soil around plant to remove air spaces,
Soil & Water Testing Laboratory at OSU analyzes then water thoroughly.
water samples for irrigation quality. Local coun-
ty Extension educators can explain the sampling Irrigation
process, any fees associated with the process and Irrigation and water quality are of paramount
provide necessary information forms. importance in the cultivation of blueberries. A drip
Blueberries cannot tolerate wet soil conditions. irrigation system is recommended. Apply 1 1/2 to
Water tables should not be within 2 feet of the soil 3 inches of water per week. More if conditions are
surface. The plants must not stand in water for windy. If the root systems are allowed to dry out, the
even a week during any part of the year. Sandy peat around the roots will not re-wet easily, there-
soils generally provide good water drainage and fore, the plants could die before water becomes
soil aeration unless located in a low-lying area. Up- available to them again.
land soils are preferred, but lower areas can be The higher rate should be used on very san-
used if water and air drainage are adequate. dy soils, and the lower rate on loamy soils, but will
vary according to the weather. Rabbiteye blueber-
Varieties ry bushes may be quite large and fruit often ripen
Most blueberries require cross-pollination, and after the summer heat has arrived. With conditions
at least two varieties are needed. Cross-pollination of low humidity and dry winds, water needs may be
is achieved by alternating varieties between rows. considerably more. If bushes are allowed to dry out
‘Tifblue’ is self-fruitful and works well in containers. between watering, fruit may crack and rot.
Table 5.7 lists recommended varieties for Oklaho- Excess water may cause roots or the entire
ma and average harvest dates. bush to die. Blueberry roots are extremely suscep-
Early, mid-season and late-season fruiting cul- tible to root rot and water-borne pathogens such
tivars can be planted. Ripening dates may vary by as Phytophthora. Good drainage is essential to ex-
as much as two weeks (earlier or later), depend- cellent blueberry health.
ing on the weather. Berries will ripen one to two depts/pp/notes/Fruit/blueberryinfo/phytophthora.
weeks later in northern Oklahoma than in southern htm
Planting Use ammonium nitrogen, urea, sulfur-coated
February or early March is a good time for urea, ammonium sulfate or cottonseed meal to fer-
planting blueberries in most areas of the state. tilize your blueberries. Fertilizer sold for azaleas or
Plant rabbiteye plants 5 to 6 feet apart, highbush rhododendrons also is excellent for blueberries.

142 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 5.7. Recommended varieties of blueber- Mulching
ries for Oklahoma. Mulching conserves moisture, reduces soil
temperature and helps control weeds. Use pine
Variety Average harvest season bark, sawdust, rice hulls or other suitable organic
materials as long as it is weed free. Apply mulch 4
Rabbiteye to 6 inches thick and extend 2 feet on both sides
Alapaha Early of the plant. Depending on the type, replace the
Austin Early mulch every year or every other year.
Blue Suede Early
Brightwell Middle Pruning
Climax Middle In a planting established for hand harvesting,
Ochlockonee Very late limited pruning is required four to six years after
Powderblue Late planting. Pruning reduces plant height for ease
Premier Middle of picking. Thinning out old wood opens up the
Snowflake Early center of the bushes for improved sunlight pene-
Summer Sunset Early tration. Prune immediately after all fruit has been
Tifblue Middle harvested.
Vernon Middle
Woodard Middle Weed control
Control weeds down the row in an area extend-
Highbush ing 2 feet on each side of the plant. Use contact
Blue Chip Middle herbicides, mulches or some type of mechanical
Bluecrop Middle system.
Bluejay Early
Blue Ray Middle Pest Control
Darrow Middle Spraying for insects and diseases may also be
Duke Early necessary. Pay attention daily to the health of your
Earliblue Early plants. Scout for insects and look for diseases.
Elliot Late
Patriot Early
Insect pests include:
Reka Early
Plum curculio is a beetle whose larvae infest fruit.
Spartan Early
Sharp-nosed leafhopper that carries blueberry
stunt disease.
Southern Highbush
Black army cutworm is a caterpillar that cuts peti-
Legacy Middle
oles and fruit stalks.
O’Neal Early
Flea beetles can seriously damage foliage.
Ozarkblue Middle/late
Bagworms are caterpillars that spin webs and
Summit Middle
feed inside.
Blueberry maggots are fly larvae that live inside
Apply nitrogen in small applications—at budbreak, the fruit.
bloom, after fruit set, then once a month until Au- Spotted Winged Drosophila, a fruit fly that lays
gust. Giving the plants small frequent fertilizer ap- eggs in maturing fruit. Larvae hatch and eat
plications is preferable to large amounts as they the fruit.
have no secondary root hairs and are shallow-root-
ed. If desired, a slow-release nitrogen formulation Diseases of blueberries include:
could be used and would help prevent excessive Stem canker, which may girdle branches. It is con-
losses by leaching. trolled by pruning.
Apply fertilizers uniformly around the drip line Root rots are controlled by good drainage.
of the plant, but never near the base of the plant. Blueberry anthracnose is controlled by planting re-
Fertilizer application stimulates plant growth, in- sistant varieties.
creases berry size and boosts total production.

Master Gardeners Manual 143

Botrytis blight, or gray mold is partially controlled Planting
by pruning and by removal of infected material. For fall planting, cover the bed with black poly-
Mummy berry is controlled by removing infected ethylene film and set the plants through the film in
material. late September or October. Set a double row on
each bed with 8 to 12 inches between plants. Wa-
Harvest ter daily until the plants become established.
Fruit is ripe when they develop a deep blue- Fall plantings are usually harvested, then de-
black color. Taste test to determine if it is time to stroyed the following spring. Clip off any runners or
harvest. Harvest in the morning while tempera- flower blooms that form during the winter months.
tures are cool, then refrigerate the berries. Plants can also be established in containers with
well-drained potting soil and slow-release fertilizer.
Raspberries are grown in many of the north- Irrigation is necessary for good strawberry pro-
ern states, but are not generally recommended for duction. During the growing and production peri-
Oklahoma. Fruit quality and yield is generally poor ods, the plants need a continuous supply of mois-
due to spring freezes and lack of heat tolerance. ture. When the leaves begin to wilt, or produce a
Buds often break during warm periods in January silver curl in the wind, it is time to water.
and February, setting the plants up for freeze dam- Drip irrigation is the common method. Howev-
age. Using a 50 percent shade cloth or planting er, commercial growers often irrigate newly plant-
next to a building or tree line to block the after- ed strawberries daily with sprinklers for at least a
noon and evening sun will help reduce heat stress. week to reduce the shock of transplanting. When
There are both primocane and floricane fruiting planting in containers, this is not necessary.
types of raspberry. Their culture is similar to trel- Strawberry plants are sensitive to salt; do not
lised blackberries. plant them in saline soils. High-saline water can
Raspberries come in three main colors – red, damage strawberry plants and should be used
black and yellow. Purple varieties are a cross be- only to keep the plants alive. On soils relatively high
tween red and black. Varieties can be fall- and in salts, a program of light fertilizer applications
summer-fruiting and erect, semi-erect or trailing. should be made with frequent (leaching) irrigation.
Some of the best varieties to try experimentally in Excessive irrigation can be harmful, reducing the
Oklahoma are Anne, Autumn Bliss, Boyne, Caro- oxygen supply to the roots and encouraging weed
line, Cumberland, Dorman Red, Fall Gold, Heri- growth. To control weeds, use plastic mulch, straw
tage, Jaclyn, Jewel, Joan J, Josephine, Magana, mulch or hand cultivation.
Nantahala, Nova and Polka.

Strawberries Table 5.8. Recommended June-bearing straw-

berry varieties for Oklahoma.
Strawberries are challenging to grow commer-
cially in Oklahoma because of their sensitivity to Variety Size Quality
poor quality water and soils, diseases and nema-
todes. However, strawberries can be grown suc- Allstar Large Firm and good
cessfully in a home garden. The most successful Cardinal Very large Good
plantings have been established using the annual Chandler Large Good
planting system. Douglas Medium to large Good
When using the annual planting system, the Earliglow Medium Good
plants are planted in the fall for harvest the next Seascape Large Good
spring. Sequoia Large Soft, but good
Surecrop Large Good
Sweet Charlie Large Very good

144 Master Gardeners Manual

Fertilization ma growing conditions. Other varieties include
About two weeks before planting, apply about Cynthiana (also called Norton), Catawba and
1 pound (2 cups) of 15-5-10 (or equivalent) per Steuben, to name a few.
25 feet of row. For fall-set plants, apply ammonium
sulfate (21-0-0) at 1 teaspoon per plant in Decem- Several hybrid grapes are produced in the U.S.
ber and 2 teaspoons per plant in March. Broad- In general, the Vinifera types can have outstanding
cast the fertilizer over the tops of dry plants and yields of quality grapes, but have very poor dis-
water the fertilizer into the soil. ease resistance and cold tolerance. They demand
rigorous attention or the quality will be poor.
Harvest Conversely, the American-type varieties have
Allow the flowers to set fruit in late January into moderate yields and only fair quality at best, but
February. Harvest as needed when the fruit begin excellent disease resistance and winter hardiness.
to color. Remember, birds will try to harvest the The hybrid type varieties are a combination of
crop, too. the Vinifera and American, with good yields and
pretty good quality and disease resistance. Select
varieties based on how hard you want to work: Vin-
Bunch Grapes
fera demand much attention; hybrids demand in-
termediate amounts; and American, much less.
Grapes are an excellent crop for Oklahoma
home gardens. Grapes can be grown on a trellis
or arbor in a wide variety of landscape uses. They Soils requirements
are a perfect addition to the garden for fresh fruit, Grapes can tolerate many different soil types,
juice, jelly or wine. but prefer a slightly acidic soil (pH between 6.0
Although grapes can grow and produce well in and 7.0). A well-drained loamy soil is best, but
Oklahoma, several serious, limiting factors need to even poorer soils may help to keep excessive vig-
be avoided. or in check. Grapes need full sunlight to induce
highest production. A northeast- or east-facing
slope is best and the site must have good air and
Grape varieties can be divided into
water drainage, as grapes are susceptible to frost
three types:
and freeze damage and root rot diseases. The ide-
Vitis vinifera - most popular wine and table grapes
al conditions for grape production are areas with
are derived from a European species of grape.
low humidity, warm summer temperatures and
There are more than 5,000 different varieties of
moderate winter temperatures.
these types of grapes including Chardonnay,
Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Merlot, Thomp-
son’s Seedless and many more. These grapes
Place the rows 10 to 12 feet apart and the vines
are marginal for Oklahoma’s climate and will
6 to 8 feet apart. If space is limited, the spacing
only succeed long-term on very good sites.
can be closer. Spacing of vines within the row can
The best areas for these grapes are in the
vary, depending on trellis system and chosen vari-
southwest part of Oklahoma.
ety. Sunshine and good air movement around the
Interspecific hybrid - grow better in Oklahoma
plants reduces the incidence of diseases.
because they tolerate the winter cold and
disease pressure better than pure European
grapes. Some of the better wine cultivars of Selecting plants
these grapes are Vignoles, Chardonel, Tra- Grape plantings should be established us-
minette, Chambourcin and many more. Hybrid ing bareroot nursery-grown plants. Even though
table grapes are also available. The University grapes can be easily propagated from existing
of Arkansas has released several in the past vines, movement of plant material can introduce
few years. These cultivars include Mars, Jupi- diseases and insects, whereas nursery stock is
ter and Neptune. usually certified to be free from detectable patho-
American - most famous of these is Concord; gens and insects.
however Concord is not well-suited for Oklaho-

Master Gardeners Manual 145

Table 5.9. Grape varieties for home gardens.

Ripening Winter Disease

Season Color Type Hardiness Susceptibility Notes

Table Grapes
Canadice early red hybrid good highly slipskin, labrusca flavor,
medium clusters
Einset middle red hybrid fair highly slipskin, seedless, tough skin
Faith early blue hybrid good slightly non-slipskin, slight fruity flavor
Gratitude middle white hybrid fair slightly non-slipskin, crisp texture,
tight clusters
Hope middle white hybrid good slightly non-slipskin, soft fruit, fruity
flavor, tight clusters
Joy early blue hybrid good slightly non-slipskin, thin skin, soft fruit
Jupiter early red hybrid good slightly non-slipskin, muscat flavor
Mars early blue hybrid good slightly slipskin, similar flavor to
Neptune middle white hybrid fair slightly non-slipskin, fruity flavor, large
Reliance early red hybrid good moderate slipskin, delicate fruity flavor,
some skin splitting
Saturn middle red hybrid fair moderate non-slipskin, fruity flavor, stores
Sunbelt middle blue american good slightly slipskin, seeded, juice,
concord replacement
Vanessa middle red hybrid good highly non-slipskin, seedless, fruity
Venus very early blue hybrid fair slightly slipskin, muscat & labrusca

Wine Grapes
Baco Noir middle blue hybrid fair highly vigorous, semi-trailing, high
Cabernet Sauvignon late black vinifera fair highly vigorous, late budbreak
Catawba late red american good highly table grape, slipskin, spicy
flavor, slightly foxy
Cayuga White middle white hybrid good slightly productive, versatile
Chambourcin late blue/black hybrid fair highly large loose clusters
Chardonel late white hybrid good moderate productive, loose clusters,
Seyval x Chardonnay cross
Chenin Blanc late green vinifera fair highly tight clusters, vigorous, early
Corot Noir late blue hybrid good moderate vigorous, productive, cluster
thinning needed
Cynthiana very late blue/black american good low small clusters & berries,
sensitive to sulfur
Frontenac very early blue hybrid good moderate high sugar and high acid,
needs bird protection
Frontenac Gris very early white hybrid good moderate bud sport of Frontenac, used
for white wine
Marechal Foch very early blue hybrid good moderate small berry, medium vigor
Merlot late blue vinifera poor moderate large yields, medium fruit size
Niagara late middle white american good highly juice, table, labrusca flavor,
large slipskin

146 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 5.9. Grape varieties for home gardens (cont’d).

Ripening Winter Disease

Season Color Type Hardiness Susceptibility Notes

Noiret mid-late blue hybrid good slightly very vigorous, productive

Petit Verdot late blue vinifera poor moderate medium vigor, small berries
Riesling middle white vinifera fair highly most cold hardy vinifera,
moderate vigor, high quality
Rubaiyat middle red hybrid good slightly medium vigor, medium
clusters, Oklahoma grape,
Ruby Cabernet late blue vinifera fair moderate late budbreak, small clusters
Sangiovese late blue vinifera poor highly vigorous,
Sauvignon Blanc middle green vinifera fair highly vigorous, mid budbreak
Seyval Blanc middle white hybrid fair highly vigorous, heavy crops, large
compact clusters
Traminette late white hybrid fair moderate productive, vigorous
Valvin Muscat middle white hybrid fair moderate small vines, soft fruit, low vigor
Vidal Blanc late white hybrid good slightly large compact clusters, small
berries, late budbreak
Vignoles late white hybrid good slightly compact small clusters,
late budbreak
Villard Blanc late white hybrid good moderate table, large loose clusters,
resistant to Pierce’s disease
Villard Noir late middle blue hybrid fair moderate productive, low vigor

Planting Training
For best production, make sure the vine will All grapes need a trellis system for support.
have full sun. Vines should be planted after the Vines will need to be trained to the trellis wires in
frost-free date in the spring if they are growing, the first year to begin achieving desired vine form.
but can be planted in February or March if they Many different trellis systems are suitable, but of-
are dormant. If plants are grafted onto a rootstock, ten are chosen because of the type of grape be-
never place the graft union below the soil line when ing grown. Extensive pruning is required annually,
planting because this will eliminate the benefit of usually in March just prior to budbreak.
using a rootstock. Cut off all canes except the most Vines are commonly trained to a high cordon
vigorous one and prune it back to two buds. Trim system (Figure 5.8). Grapes fruit only on one-year-
off broken or split roots. old buds. These buds are left on short shoots
Dig the hole the size of the root system. Pack called spurs.
the soil tightly, and water immediately with 3 gal-
lons of water. Do not use potting soil, starter solu- Fertilizer
tions or planting tablets in the hole. As with any fruit crop, a soil test should be
done before planting. Any deficiencies in phos-
Weed control phorous, potassium, or pH should be correct-
Use chemical weed control with a glypho- ed several months prior to planting. Grapes do
sate-type herbicide. Do not allow the herbicide to not require a lot of nitrogen, but potentially could
contact the trunk or foliage. Weed barriers such as use between 40 and 80 pounds per acre (1 to 2
organic mulches can be used. pounds per1,000 square feed) of nitrogen per year
depending on plant vigor. Starting in the third year
Cluster thinning of growth, petiole analysis should be used to de-
To ensure healthy vine development, pinch off termine fertilizer application rates.
all the clusters in the first two years as they appear.

Master Gardeners Manual 147

Irrigation are unlike bunch grapes because they are harvest-
Water usage of grapes varies greatly, depend- ed as individual berries and may need pollinator
ing on weather conditions. Supplemental irrigation vines. They can produce large amounts of fruit, up
is necessary to keep vines healthy and to keep crop to 60 pounds per vine.
loads full. Irrigation is extremely important during The highly flavorful fruit of muscadines are par-
bloom and early growth in the spring. Amount of ticularly popular for jams, jellies, juices and are ex-
water to apply will vary with rainfall, but potentially cellent as fresh fruit. Interest is growing for home
could be as often as three times per week of 8 to16 and commercial wine production.
gallons per day up to the start of fruit coloring (ve-
raison). Fruit and wine quality may be enhanced Varieties
with minimal watering in the summer during ripen- Most wild vines are male and do not fruit. Many
ing. Check weather conditions to decide if water- older cultivated varieties are pistillate (female) and
ing is necessary during this time frame. require a pollinator. Most of the recently named
varieties are perfect-flowered (self-fruitful) and will
Disease and insect management also pollinate the pistillate varieties. Recommend-
Black rot is a fungus that is a problem for grape ed varieties are given in Table 5.10.
cultivation in most areas of Oklahoma. As growth Most varieties ripen from mid-August through
begins during spring and continues through the September in eastern Oklahoma.
summer, fungicide sprays will be needed every 7
to 14 days until veraison (fruit color change). Fun- Soil requirements
gicide sprays will be needed more often during Muscadines are best suited to the acidic soils
warm, wet and humid weather. Powdery mildew of eastern Oklahoma. They thrive in slightly acidic
and downy mildew also can be problems requiring soils, but are not well adapted to high-pH, calcare-
fungicides. ous soils. A soil pH of 6.0 is considered optimum.
Monitor for insects during planting and treat Muscadines will not tolerate wet feet and
as needed. There are many insects that feed on should not be planted on soils with poor drainage.
grapes or grapevines. Insecticides may be nec- If adequate drainage is doubtful, set the plants
essary, but diseases are more of a concern for on a raised row to allow adequate drainage in all
growers. directions.

Harvesting Spacing and planting

Grapes ripen as early as mid-July. Use recom- Muscadines are planted in the dormant sea-
mended varieties to avoid uneven ripening. Birds son, usually in February and March. Space the
eat grapes when they are ripe; the birds can also vines 20 to 24 feet apart on 12-foot rows. Dig a
harvest the entire crop unless the clusters are cov- hole to receive the entire root system and pack the
ered with netting or the crop is harvested on time. soil well around the roots. Cut back the top part of
the dormant plant to approximately two buds. Start
Muscadine Grapes with large, healthy plants about the size of a pencil.

Muscadine grapes are adapted to only the Training and trellising

southeastern portion of Oklahoma, south and east During the first and second seasons, train mus-
of McAlester. According to the 1999 Oklahoma Bi- cadines onto a one-wire trellis 5 feet above ground.
ological Survey, muscadine grapes are distributed Set posts every 20 feet, positioning the vines be-
in the four far southeastern counties of Oklaho- tween the posts. Use a small wire or stake to train
ma (Atoka, LeFlore, McCurtain and Pushmataha). the young vine onto the wire trellis.
They are cold hardy to about 10 degrees. They Select one vigorous shoot to grow up the stake
have good disease resistance, which makes them and pinch off lateral shoots as they develop. Pinch-
particularly suited to the humid climate. ing encourages the development of one strong,
Muscadines are very popular in gardens, on upright shoot, which will develop into the perma-
arbors and as screens and borders. Muscadines nent trunk. Allow this main shoot to grow upward
until it reaches the top wire.

148 Master Gardeners Manual

Figure 5.8. High cordon trained vine after pruning.

Table 5.10. Recommended muscadine varieties for Oklahoma.

Variety Type Size Color

Black Beauty Female flowers only Very large Black

Carlos Self-fruitful Small-medium Bronze
Cowart Self-fruitful Medium Black
Fry Female flowers only Very large Bronze
Granny Val Self-fruitful Large Bronze
Ison Self-fruitful Medium-large Black
Jumbo Female flowers only Very large Black
Nesbitt Self-fruitful Large Black
Southern Home Self-fruitful Small Black
Summit Female flowers only Large Pink-bronze
Supreme Female flowers only Very large Black

Master Gardeners Manual 149

Once it is 5 feet tall, cut the terminal bud out 5.10). Train the vine up the arbor post the first two
of this shoot to force the development of later- years. The third year, establish a cordon down
al shoots. Select two lateral cordons at or below cross-members spaced 24 inches apart.
the point where they touch the wire and train them Prune the cordon to two or three bud spurs ev-
down the wire. In some instances, the cordon can ery 6 inches before budbreak in March. The cor-
develop to the full length of the wire during the dons should not be closer than 48 inches. If using
second season. only one variety, make certain it does not require a
Begin pruning muscadines during the third Fertilizer
dormant season after the training is complete. Muscadines respond well to applications of 15-
Select short, 1-year-old spurs along each cordon. 5-10 fertilizers. Unless specific deficiency symp-
The spurs should be about 6 inches apart, and toms are found, no other fertilizer is necessary in
each spur should be pruned to three buds. Figure Oklahoma.
5.9 shows the proper pruning procedure for ma- Apply about 1 pound (2 cups) of fertilizer per
ture muscadine vines. year of vine age up to a maximum of 4 pounds.
Applications in the first and second years are
Arbors best applied in four monthly increments in March
Muscadines make beautiful arbors (a typi- through June. On mature vines, a single applica-
cal 12-by-12-foot design is illustrated in Figure tion in February or March is usually adequate. Ad-

Figure 5.9. A properly pruned, mature muscadine vine.

Figure 5.10. A 12- by 12-foot grape or muscadine arbor.

150 Master Gardeners Manual

just the fertilizer amounts according to the amount
of vine vigor.
Keep the fertilizer at least 18 inches from the
Pears are long-lived, attractive trees and grow
vine trunks. Avoid applying fertilizer in sod mid-
well in Oklahoma landscapes. Select varieties
dles. Where a clean strip is being maintained un-
produce good fruit and present few management
der the vines, broadcast the fertilizer along the
problems. There are three main types of pears
clean strip.
grown in Oklahoma.
The most common is the European pear. These
Weed control are smooth and sweet with colors ranging from
During the first year, weeds may be pulled
green to yellow to red. European cultivars include
or hoed around the vine. In the second year, kill
‘Bartlett,’ ‘Bosc,’ ‘D’Anjou,’ ‘Magness,’ ‘Moonglow’
weeds with glyphosate or glufosinate. Keep the
and many others.
chemical off of the leaves and trunk of the vine.
The second type is the Oriental hybrid. ‘Orient’
Grow tubes are helpful in keeping spray drift off
and ‘Kieffer’ are the two main cultivars, but many
of the trunk surface. Cultivating the soil with a tiller
more exist. Oriental hybrids are usually considered
damages shallow roots and may reduce vine vigor.
more adaptable and more tolerant of fire blight
than the European and Asian cultivars. Oriental
Pest control hybrids often have more stone cells and the tex-
Unlike bunch grapes, muscadines are very re- ture can feel gritty. They are used more frequently
sistant to most diseases and nematodes. Because in processing than for fresh use, but some newer,
of muscadines’ tolerance, they can be grown or- improved cultivars have a smoother texture.
ganically or with limited fungicide applications. Asian pears include many Pyrus species. The
Muscadine grapes also can be grown with good round shape and sweet crisp flavor has given the
success with little or no insecticide applications. Asian pear the nickname of apple-pear. Asian
Pest monitoring in the vineyard can keep the grow- pears include hundreds of cultivars with widely
er informed of any insect feeding activity to deter- ranging colors, flavors and shapes. Only about
mine if an insecticide application is necessary. a dozen cultivars have been grown commercially
in the U.S. A few cultivars grown in the U.S. are
Irrigation ‘20th Century,’ ‘Shinseiki,’ ‘Shinko’ and ‘Chojuro.’
Muscadine grapes are commonly grown in Pears are grown very similarly to apples, but have
eastern Oklahoma without irrigation, but low sum- two additional limiting factors – earlier bloom and
mer rainfall often limits fruit size and production. greater susceptibility to fire blight.
Irrigation is usually essential to establish vines. Fireblight is a devastating disease that appears
Irrigation requirements vary, depending on in the spring affecting blooms, leaves and twigs.
soil, vine vigor and weather conditions. Adjust the The affected tissue turns black and dies and acts
irrigation rates as necessary to compensate for ex- as a source of inoculum that can spread to other
tremes in soil drainage or weather. Reduce irriga- parts of the tree. Selecting resistant cultivars is the
tions in September or after harvest. most effective means of control. Fireblight attacks
vigorously growing tissue. Try to limit vigor by not
Harvesting applying too much water or fertilizer or pruning in
Muscadine varieties ripen from early August the summer.
through September. Mature fruit are easily dis-
lodged from the vine. Ripe berries can be harvest- Site and soil requirements
ed rapidly by placing a canvas or catching frame Climatically, pears are adapted to all areas of
under the vine and gently shaking the vine or wire. Oklahoma. The more humid eastern portions of the
Harvest every two to five days. state often have severe problems with fire blight;
Because varieties with a wet, stem-end scar gardeners there should plant only varieties with
do not store well, process them soon after harvest. high blight tolerance.
Varieties with a dry stem scar will keep well for at Good drainage is an important soil require-
least a week if refrigerated between 34 F and 45 F. ment, although pears are more tolerant of poorly

Master Gardeners Manual 151

drained soil than are most other fruit trees. Sandy arrive, inspect the shipment carefully for damage
soils are best, but garden trees can be grown in and moisture. Protect the root system from freezing
clay or heavy loam soils in most parts of Oklahoma. or drying until they are planted in the ground. Trees
Plentiful sunlight is a key factor for maximum may be healed in for a short period prior to plant-
fruit production. Choose an area of the yard in full ing if necessary. Soaking the root system overnight
sun or nearly full sun. Morning sunshine is particu- before planting is beneficial. Pear trees can grow
larly important for early drying of dew, thus reduc- to be quite large and should have at least 16 feet
ing the incidence of disease. or more between trees in each row, and 25 feet
Pears bloom early, and the blossoms are sub- between rows. Dig holes large enough to accom-
ject to spring freeze damage, which occurs most modate the root system. Plant the tree at the same
often on pears planted in low areas (such as in depth that the tree grew in the nursery. Backfill the
valleys and along streams). hole with soil and tamp it down to eliminate any air
pockets. Water the tree to settle the soil. Do not put
Buying trees any fertilizers in the hole. Nitrogen fertilizers can be
Use only recommended varieties from reliable applied after budbreak.
sources. Select a healthy, 3- to 4-foot tree with at
least a ½-inch trunk diameter. Large trees are often Training and pruning
less desirable than small trees because they usu- Pears can be trained in three basic forms:
ally lose more of the root system when dug from central leader, modified leader and open center.
the nursery. Larger nursery trees that are two years See fact sheet HLA-6257, Growing and Producing
old or older often lack sufficient buds where side Pears in Oklahoma for more detailed information
branches should be developed on the lower por- for training the different types of pears.
tion of the trunk. Do major pruning in late winter and prune spar-
When buying bare-root trees, be sure the roots ingly in the summer. Remove suckers growing from
are protected. They should be wrapped or cov- the base of the trunk as soon as they appear in the
ered with a moist medium, such as sawdust or hay summer.
to prevent drying. Suckers from Pyrus calleryana rootstock are
thorny and have leaves that are distinctly differ-
Pollination ent from others in the tree. If not pruned, rootstock
Because most pears are not self-fruitful, two suckers often grow to become a significant part of
varieties are necessary for good fruit produc- the tree. P. calleryana suckers bear tiny, worthless
tion. Pollen transfer is primarily by insects (mostly fruit.
bees), so plant trees of different varieties within 40 On older bearing trees, thin any crowded
to 50 feet of each other. shoots as needed to allow light to penetrate into
the tree. If fire blight becomes a serious problem,
Varieties and rootstocks prune sparingly, as the vigorous shoots stimulated
European and Oriental hybrid pears are com- by pruning cuts are usually more susceptible to fire
monly budded to P. calleryana (of which ‘Brad- blight.
ford’ is a cultivar), and selections of ‘Old Home’
and ‘Farmingdale’ (OHxF) crosses. P. calleryana Fertilization
is drought tolerant and disease resistant. OHxF is Because vigorous growth is more susceptible
highly resistant to fire blight and may control the to fire blight, fertilizer should be applied only in lim-
tree size, depending on the rootstock used. Asian ited amounts. The pre-plant soil test should indi-
pears are commonly grafted to P. betulifolia, a vig- cate if deficiencies of phosphorus, potassium and
orous, well-anchored, drought-tolerant rootstock. pH problems exist and should be remedied before
Variety recommendations and characteristics are the trees are in place. If cultivars are susceptible
given in Table 5.11. to fire blight, little or no fertilizer should be applied.
After growth begins for first year trees, ½ cup of 13-
Soil preparation and planting 13-13 should be spread in a circle about 6 inches
Pears should be planted in the fall or early away from the trunk. For the first four seasons, in-
spring, while the trees are dormant. When the trees

152 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 5.11. Characteristics of recommended pear varieties.

Fire blight
Variety Color resistance Texture Firmness Pollination Uses

Bartlett Yellow Low Low Soft D’ Anjou Large, canning
Bosc Dark yellow, Low Low Soft Partially Late ripening, high
russetted self-fruitful quality
Comice Green-yellow, High Low Medium Moonglow Dessert, too delicate
light russetted or Maxine for cooking
D’Anjou Green-yellow Low Low Soft Bartlett Productive, hardy
Moonglow Yellow, pink High Low Soft Maxine or Good dessert
blush Comice
Harrow Delight Yellow, red High Very low Medium Moonglow Smooth, high quality
blush or Maxine
Maxine Golden yellow Moderate Low Medium Harrow Delight Fresh, canning,
or Magness or preserves
Magness Green-yellow, High Medium Medium Maxine or Excellent dessert
light russet Harrow Delight quality
or many Asian
Seckel Yellowish- High Low Hard Self-fertile, Good dessert quality,
brown but benefits sugar pear
from cross
Warren Red-blush High Medium Medium Self-fruitful Excellent dessert
quality, cold hardy

Oriental hybrid varieties

Kieffer Golden yellow, High High Hard Partially self- Old standard, coarse
red blush fruitful, Orient texture
Orient Russetted High Medium-high Hard Partially

Asian pear varieties

Chojuro Green, brown Moderate Low Hard 20th Century, Overbears
russetting Shinseiki, Hosui
Hosui Golden-brown Moderate Low Hard 20th Century, Butter-rum flavor
russet Shinseiki,
Shinko Brown to High Low Hard Hosui, Heavy bearer, sweet,
golden Shinseiki juicy
Shinseiki Yellow brown Moderate Low Medium Chojuro, Good but less flavor
freckles 20th Century,
20th Century Yellow Moderate Low Medium Partly Good dessert quality
(Nijisseiki) self-fruitful,
Chojuro, Hosui
or Shinseifi

Master Gardeners Manual 153

crease the amount by ½ cup each year, continuing stem with the other fingers. This method removes
with about two cups each year thereafter. the pears, but leaves the stem attached to the spur.
Pears also can be clipped off with pruning shears.
In most regions of Oklahoma, supplemental Harvesting
water is required for optimal tree growth and fruit- Determining harvest dates for European pears
ing. Water young trees at least weekly; although is difficult and many things should be considered.
mature pear trees can tolerate drought, they grow European pears ripen from the inside out; there-
and fruit better if they are watered weekly or bi- fore, if the outside is ready to eat, the inside will be
weekly. Be sure each irrigation thoroughly soaks mushy and over-ripe. They must be harvested and
the soil several inches deep. allowed to ripen off the tree to develop properly.
Several factors must be combined to determine
Weed control harvest time including: flesh firmness, soluble sol-
Weeds compete for moisture and nutrients and ids (sugars), starch development, color changes,
can limit the pear tree’s growth, especially in the ease of picking and days from bloom to harvest.
establishment years. A weed-free area at least 3 European and Oriental hybrids are picked and rip-
feet from the trunk can be maintained by pre- and ened off the tree. Flavor and texture can be affect-
post-emergent herbicides or by using mulches. ed adversely if fruit is not harvested when the fruit
When using systemic herbicides (e.g. glypho- changes firmness and color.
sate), use caution to keep any spray or drift off of
green tissue. Always read labels of any chemicals Ripening pears
used to have knowledge of proper application and Unlike other fruits, European and Oriental hy-
safety. Mulches provide both weed and moisture brid pears require a period of chilling to ripen prop-
control. Fabric or organic mulches, such as bark erly. Unless this chilling requirement is met, most
or wood chips, allow water penetration and sup- pears will not ripen, but rather shrivel and rot. This
press weed growth. chilling time is cultivar dependent and can range
from two days to two weeks. After chilling, pears
Fruit thinning should be ripened in 65 F to 75 F temperatures
Pear trees grown under favorable conditions with high humidity to develop full flavors. When the
will overbear, resulting in small fruit and often bro- flesh below the stem is slightly soft, the pear is ripe
ken limbs. Remove excess fruit to ensure the re- and ready to eat.
maining pears will develop to satisfactory color,
shape and size. If not removed, fewer flower buds Storing pears
will form for the following year, and the trees will Because the pear is a climacteric fruit (contin-
produce a good crop only every other year. Over- ues to ripen after harvest), the primary intention is
cropped trees are also subject to serious limb to slow down the rate of respiration and keep the
breakage. tissue living longer. To achieve this, the fruit should
The earlier thinning is completed, the more ef- be cooled quickly after harvest and stored at 30
fective it will be. Mid-summer thinning improves F. If this temperature is not possible, ~35 F in a
fruit size, but does not aid the formation of next household refrigerator will extend the life for sev-
year’s flower buds, which are initiated during the eral months. Storage life depends on cultivar, but
spring and summer after full bloom. Thin the fruit fruit of some cultivars will last from three to eight
before this period. months.
Remove the fruit by hand. Leave one pear per
cluster, and space the clusters every 6 inches. Pecans
Start at one end of a branch and systematically
remove the fruit. The pecan is native to all but about 12 coun-
To remove the fruit without damaging the oth- ties in Oklahoma. Pecan trees are quite popular
er pears on the spur, hold the stem between your for both their aesthetic value in the landscape and
thumb and forefinger and push the fruit from the the tasty nuts produced in the fall. Despite their
appeal, pecan trees are not care free.

154 Master Gardeners Manual

Soil and site requirements order trees 6 to 18 months in advance to ensure a
The pecan is native to river and creek bottom good variety selection.
soils that are deep, fertile and well drained. These
soils also have a large water-holding capacity. It is Pollination
critical the soil drains well because, contrary to pop- Cross-pollination is desirable for pecans. To
ular belief, pecans do not tolerate standing water. ensure effective cross-pollination, plant early (pro-
Pecans can be grown satisfactorily on upland toandrous) and late (protogynous) pollen-shed-
soils that are at least 3 to 4 feet deep. A sandy top- ding varieties together. Although pecans are pol-
soil underlain with a reddish clay subsoil is best. A linated by wind and can cross-pollinate with trees
friable, red clay subsoil allows air, water and roots up to a ¼ mile away, ensure consistent pollination
to penetrate, but bluish gray to yellow clay hinders by planting the trees within 300 feet of a pollinator
such movement and should be avoided. variety, native tree or other seedling trees.
To successfully grow pecans on shallow soils,
thorough eradication of competing vegetation to Varieties
eliminate competition for moisture and nutrients is Because pecans do not “come true” from seed,
required. and every native or seedling pecan tree is a sep-
Choose planting sites that will receive full sun arate entity, there are hundreds of named varieties
exposure. Growth will not be satisfactory if pecan and literally millions of unnamed pecan varieties.
trees are planted on sites heavily shaded by other Pecan varieties differ greatly in nut quality and
trees or structures. size as well as in attractiveness as shade trees.
Consider your major landscape priority before se-
Buying trees lecting varieties. General ratings of tree and nut
Nursery trees are available as either contain- characteristics are given in Table 5.12.
er grown, bare root or balled and burlapped (dug
with an undisturbed ball of soil around the roots, Soil preparation and planting
also called B&B). Plant pecan trees at least 40 feet apart. Trees
Container-grown trees (planted as a seed or planted too close together will develop unattractive
small tree and allowed to grow in the pot) are well shapes and will produce few nuts as competition
adapted for landscape planting and can be fall becomes severe.
or spring planted. However, container trees cost If the planting site is compacted, thoroughly
more than comparable bare root trees. loosen the soil with a shovel or tiller. A soil test to
Bare root trees (dug free of the nursery soil in determine nutrient needs is beneficial. If the soil
which they were grown) are the most common. To test suggests a need to adjust pH, phosphorus or
prevent drying, they must be stored with the roots potassium, these can be tilled into the soil at plant-
protected by moist soil, peat or sawdust. The roots ing. Do not add nitrogen fertilizer until after the tree
must also be protected from freezing. has been planted and started new growth.
Nursery trees damaged by root freezing or Bare-root pecan trees can be planted from
drying may never grow properly. For easier trans- February to mid-March in most regions of Okla-
planting and to avoid low-vigor trees, buy bare root homa. It is very important that the roots remain
trees between 4 and 8 feet tall. slightly moist, but not wet between nursery digging
B&B trees are usually large trees used for “in- and planting. If not planting immediately after pur-
stant” landscaping. Large B&B trees require heavy chase, heel them in by placing the roots in a trench
equipment for digging, transfer and planting. Such or hole and covering them with moist soil.
trees are expensive, but have the advantage of Cut the taproot to 18 inches long. Dig the plant-
several years of tree growth. However, their use is ing hole 18 inches deep and only as large as the
strongly discouraged in the home landscape. Typ- size of the root system (Figure 5.11). Extra-deep
ically, bare root and/or container trees will outgrow holes backfilled with soil allow the tree to settle.
B&B trees. When planted too deep, trees that settle in the soil
Buy trees from a reliable nursery source. Avoid may die or grow poorly. The base of the taproot
bargain trees from outlets not equipped to provide should rest firmly against the bottom of the hole.
good protection from drying and freezing; ideally,

Master Gardeners Manual 155

Table 5.12. Common pecan varieties.

Nut Nut Disease Ave. years to

Variety 1 quality 2 size 3 resistance 4 production Comments

Early pollen shedding

Caddo 4 2 4 6 to 7 Pointed nut; southeast Oklahoma
Giles 2 3 3 7 to 9 Northern Oklahoma
Oconee 4 4 4 5 to 7 Mid Oklahoma
Pawnee 4 3 4 6 to 8 Will overcrop; all Oklahoma
Peruque 2 2 4 7 to 9 Northern Oklahoma
Late pollen shedding
Colby 2 3 4 7 to 9 Northern Oklahoma
Kanza 5 3 5 7 to 9 All Oklahoma
Lakota 5 5 5 6 to 9 All Oklahoma
Maramec 5 5 4 7 to 9 Mid-Oklahoma
Plant at least one variety from the early- and one from the late-pollen-shedding group to ensure good cross-pollination.
Based on eating quality, attractiveness, productivity, and nut filling; 5 = excellent, 1 = poor.
5 = large, 1 = small.
Based on scab on leaves and shucks; 5 = excellent, 1 = poor.

To eliminate air pockets, firm the soil around

the roots in 2- or 3-inch layers as the hole is filled.
Fill the hole with topsoil from the planting site. Do
not fill the hole with sand or potting soil. If light soil
is used to fill a planting hole dug in poorly drained
clay soil, the soil in the hole may become water-
logged during rainy periods. Extreme soil satura-
tion can damage the roots and often kill the tree.
Plant the tree at the same depth that it grew in
the nursery. The soil line on bare-root trees can be
determined by bark color. The trunk is gray and
the root is dark brown. If the hole is dug too deep
and the tree settles after planting, lift the tree to the
original soil line before growth begins.
Thoroughly water the tree with at least 5 gal-
lons of water immediately after planting. A 2- to
3-foot-diameter watering well (soil bank) around
the tree will help contain the water as it soaks into
the soil.
At planting, cut bare-root trees back by half or
to 42 inches, whichever produces the smallest tree
(Figure 5.11). Container-grown trees can be plant-
ed from October through May. Dig the hole to fit the
depth of the root system. The root system shouldn’t
require pruning unless it is curling. If curled, prune
Figure 5.11. Proper planting procedure for pe- back to a straight taproot. The top of a container
can trees. tree doesn’t need to be cut back.

156 Master Gardeners Manual

Training and Pruning Encourage the development of the selected
Young, grafted pecan trees need to be trained central leader by removing or pinching all sec-
carefully to develop a central leader with strong ondary branches that may have developed on the
branches. Untrained grafted trees usually develop central leader during the first summer.
many major limbs with weak, narrow-angle crotch- Begin thinking of the height you plan to allow
es prone to split under high winds, ice or heavy the lowest permanent lateral (scaffold) branch to
crops. Native pecan seedlings tend to form central develop. Scaffold limbs lower than 5 or 6 feet are
leaders naturally without training. usually a nuisance, especially when operation of
For the training to be successful, the young tractors and other equipment is considered.
trees must be growing rapidly. Do not train trees All lateral growth present on the original trunk
that are weak and making little growth until rapid and central leader shoot below the desired height
growth is stimulated. of the first scaffold are temporary and should be
First year: Cut a bare-root nursery tree back removed during the next three to five years. Allow-
to 1/3 to 1/2, regardless of its size at planting. ing some of this lateral growth to remain during
When new shoots are 4 to 6 inches long, select the these early years maintains tree vigor and increas-
uppermost vigorous shoot to be the central lead- es the strength and caliper of the trunk.
er (trunk). Pinch out the growing point of the re- To properly develop the central leader, always
maining (temporary) shoots, leaving them 6 to 10 allow it to be at least 12 to 15 inches taller than
inches long. Retention of these temporary shoots any side limb. If the selected central leader made
creates an unkempt, trashy trunk, which aids in the vigorous growth during the first season and is
development of a stout, large caliper central lead- weak, remove one third of its growth to encourage
er (trunk) (See Figure 5.12). Repinching of the tem- uniform bud break throughout the length of the
porary shoots may be necessary if the tree makes central leader. This encourages a high percent of
vigorous growth. Growth on the original trunk may these buds to grow into shoots with fairly uniform
be eliminated or maintained at a length of 6 to 8 length during the upcoming growing season.
inches by pinching. Maintain continued growth of the central leader
Second year: Side limbs on the original by allowing it to be 12 to 15 inches taller than any
trunk should be treated as temporary, keep them side limb. Continue to maintain (limit) temporary
pinched to 6 to 10 inches, while totally removing lateral shoot growth to 6 to 10 inches (Figure 5.12).
them during the next two or three years.

Select and leave the

strongest shoot
Remove other
top shoots
Cut back
one-third Pinch-prune side
side shoots
Tip-prune side


Figure 5.12. Cut back and select pecan tree training the first, second,
third or fourth year. A: Dormant pruning in January or February; B:
Summer training in May or June.

Master Gardeners Manual 157

Third and fourth years: Lateral branches that vidual trees may be fertilized at the rate of 1 pound
are 1 inch or more in diameter and located below of mixed fertilizer per year of age or inch of trunk
the height of the first permanent scaffold branch diameter. Trees 15 to 25 inches in diameter may
should be removed. Side limbs selected to be- require two pounds of mixed fertilizer per inch di-
come permanent scaffold branches are not head- ameter. The rate can be increased to three pounds
ed back unless they are taller than the central per inch diameter on trees larger than 25 inches in
leader or are considerably longer than other scaf- diameter. Scatter the fertilizer under the canopy of
fold branches. the tree where roots are located.
Secondary shoots arising on the central leader Foliar-applied fertilizer: Frequent zinc sprays
during the past growing season usually have nar- are essential for rapid tree growth. Trees deficient
row angled shoots that may develop near the same in zinc usually have small, weak leaves; highly
locations during the upcoming growing season. branched (rosette) twigs at the shoot tips; and, in
Remove any shoots along the central leader with severe cases, dieback of twigs and branches.
narrow crotch angles. Extremely vigorous central During the early life of the tree, foliar sprays
leaders may be cut back by about one-third to en- of zinc every two weeks throughout the growing
courage buds to break and develop new shoots season (April to mid-July) are ideal. Zinc sprays
(Figure 5.12). are most effective if applied early or late in the day
Later years: After the fourth year, the central when there is little or no wind. These conditions
leader should be tall and strong enough to discon- allow longer wetting and more zinc penetration.
tinue the annual cutbacks. Develop the permanent Spray mature trees with zinc at least three
lateral framework of the tree above 6 feet, leaving times between bud break (late March or early
well-spaced shoots with strong, wide-branching April) and early June. If the trees are not growing
angles from the central leader (Figure 5.13). Where rapidly, spray less often. Use 2 teaspoons Zinc
the side shoots are crowded, always remove those sulfate (wettable powder) per gallon of water or 2
with narrow “V” crotches first. pounds per 100 gallons of water.
Following these steps will produce a strong, at- These zinc sprays can be mixed and sprayed
tractive tree with the greatest potential for a long, in combination with most chemicals labeled for in-
productive life. sect and disease control.

Fertilization Irrigation
Pecan trees generally require yearly applica- Irrigation is especially important for young
tions of nitrogen and zinc. Unless a soil test indi- trees. Water after planting, then weekly thereafter if
cates otherwise, potassium and phosphorous are rainfall isn’t adequate during the growing season.
usually in adequate supply for pecan trees. Indi- Producing trees need water at several key times.
During the spring for good vigorous growth, from
May through July for nut sizing and especially from
August to October for nut filling. The late irrigation
affects the nut fill, which is important to produce
high quality, well filled kernels. Drip irrigation sys-
tems work well to provide efficient irrigation to the
pecan tree. One to 2 inches of water per week may
be needed during the heat of the summer.

Weed control
Weed competition often results in poor growth
or even death of young pecan trees. Johnson-
grass and Bermuda grass are especially severe
competitors, but many other grasses and weeds
also cause serious damage.
Figure 5.13. A properly pruned, mature pecan An area at least 6 feet wide should be kept weed
tree. free for the first five to seven years after planting.

158 Master Gardeners Manual

This can be done chemically or with mulch such as Disease and insect management
hay, sawdust, bark, leaves, gravel or groundcover Pecans are damaged by several insect and
cloth. The larger the weed free area, the more ben- disease pests. Control measures are usually nec-
eficial to tree growth and production. essary to produce a good crop. For pecan insects,
Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum weed and diseases, and control measures, see the Oklaho-
grass killer that must be used with caution to ma Cooperative Extension Service publications
avoid contact on leaves or green bark on pecan available online at
trees. Fluazifop-butyl and sethoxydim are selective Apply the sprays at the proper times, especial-
chemicals that kill only grasses. ly those for the pecan nut casebearer and pecan
Weed control methods and chemicals are list- weevil. Spray dates for these insects may vary
ed on the current report CR-6242 Weed Control in each year; check with the county Extension office.
Pecans, Apples and Peaches. Always follow label
directions carefully when applying any weed-con- Stone fruit
trol chemical.
Close mowing will also suppress grass and Stone fruit trees are widely adapted to Okla-
weeds. Apply more water and fertilizer if a sod homa. However, success in growing fruit trees
cover is grown under the trees. and in producing quality fruit doesn’t just happen.
You must pay careful attention to basic manage-
Harvesting and storage ment practices, including site selection, variety
Pecans are ready to harvest any time after the selection, water and pest management and weed
shuck, which enclosed the nut, begins to open. It control.
is easier to wait and harvest the nuts by shaking or
thrashing the branches after the shucks are wide Soil and site requirements
open and partially dried. However, the longer the Good soil drainage is essential for growing
wait, the more pecans are lost to predators. Squir- healthy, productive trees. Soil with standing water
rels, crows, blue jays, wild turkeys, raccoons and or soil that remains saturated for even a day or two
deer can seriously reduce yields. after a heavy rain is unsuitable for fruit trees. In-
Nuts harvested early in the season have very stead, grow fruit by planting trees in well-drained,
high moisture content and must be dried before raised beds.
storage. Dry them in-shell in thin layers on elevat- Nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium
ed screens or hang them in small mesh bags in a can be added before planting. Soil pH can also be
well-ventilated area at room temperature and out adjusted prior to planting. Additional information
of direct sunlight. Within two weeks, the nut meats on soil testing is available from the local county
should be dry enough to readily break when bent, Extension office.
an indication they are ready for storage or imme- Plentiful sunlight is a key to maximizing fruit
diate use. Nuts harvested after a killing freeze production. Choose a sunny area. Early-morning
usually require little or no additional drying before sunshine is particularly important to dry the dew
storage. from the plants, which will reduce the incidence
To retain nutmeat quality, store the pecans in of disease. If the trees do not receive enough sun-
the freezer. In-shell pecans will retain top quali- light, their performance will be reduced.
ty for up to 12 months in the refrigerator, but the
freezer will ensure much better quality in shelled
Buying trees
pecans, perhaps as long as 6 to 10 years. At room
Buy trees from a reliable source; order trees
temperature, pecans begin to turn rancid after
early to ensure the best plants. Bargain plants may
about three months.
not be healthy or they may not be adapted to your
Pecans readily absorb odors from almost any
area. Ideally, buy 2- to 3-foot trees with good root
odoriferous material, including other fruits and
systems and free of apparent disease problems. A
vegetables, so be careful to protect them from
smaller tree with a good root system is more desir-
possible contaminating odors.
able than a larger tree with a poor root system.

Master Gardeners Manual 159

Trees grafted to either ‘Halford’ or ‘Lovell’ new scaffold branches. Pruning a young tree con-
rootstocks tolerate the hot, humid conditions in trols its shape by developing a strong, well-bal-
Oklahoma. anced framework of scaffold branches. The open
Most fruit trees are sold bare-root. Buy and center pruning system outlined below is best suit-
plant bare-root trees while they are fully dormant, ed for stone fruit trees.
generally from February through mid-March. Al- Because most fruit trees bear fruit on wood that
though container trees are gaining in popularity, grew the previous year, this wood must be regrown
bare-root trees are still reliable and fairly inexpen- from year to year. New growth needs full sunlight,
sive. Plant container trees in the dormant season. or it will shade out and die. The open center sys-
Remove the soil mix from the root ball and cut the tem maximizes light penetration to all parts of the
roots if they are circling the container. tree, resulting in fruit production through the entire
tree (Figures 5.14 through 5.17).
Soil preparation and planting Light pruning can be done any time of year.
Thoroughly prepare the soil before planting by Major pruning should be done only during the dor-
deeply cultivating and making any recommended mant season or in late winter just before budbreak.
adjustments to the soil.
When fruit trees arrive from the nursery, imme- Irrigation
diately open the bundles to inspect for damage Water is essential for producing large fruit and
and to check the general condition of the trees. Do maintaining healthy trees. As long as the trees
not accept trees if the roots appear to have dried receive enough water, it makes little difference
out. This is also true for trees bought at a local whether they are watered by drip irrigation, sprin-
nursery or garden center. klers or rainfall.
If not planting them right away, “heal in” the In the heat of summer, provide deep, soaking
trees by digging a shallow trench and cover the irrigation at least once a week to maintain healthy
tree roots or a bundle of trees with moist soil to trees. Overwatering can damage or drown trees.
protect them. Plant in the winter, preferably be- Sticky clay soils are especially vulnerable to water
fore mid-March, to allow root development before saturation and should be allowed to dry for a few
spring growth. To prevent moisture stress before days between each watering.
planting, soak the roots no more than one hour.
Dig the planting hole just large enough for the Weed control
tree’s root system to be spread in a natural posi- For young trees to survive and grow rapidly, it is
tion. Avoid digging the hole deeper than the root critical to eliminate weed competition around them.
system, because loose soil beneath the roots usu- If not, the trees will produce little or no growth and
ally causes trees to sink too deeply. may die. Ideally, keep the soil surface weed free in
Stone fruit trees will develop at least an an area at least as wide as the limb spread of the
18-foot-diameter limb spread at maturity. Plant tree. Glyphosate controls weeds very well. Mulch
them at least 20 feet apart to avoid excessive and weed barrier fabrics can also be used.
Set the plants at about the same depth as Fertilization
grown in the nursery. Replace the soil taken from Fruit trees can be fertilized (Table 5.13) the first
the hole, and firm it around the roots. Do not add year after they leaf out in spring. Apply fertilizer
fertilizer to the hole. about 18 inches from trunk in canopy area.
Thoroughly water the trees soon after they are
set. Be sure any air pockets in the hole are filled Fruit thinning
and the soil is at the proper level on the base of the Grown under favorable conditions, fruit trees
tree after watering. set more fruit than can develop properly. Remove
the excess fruit to ensure the remaining fruit will
Pruning and training develop well and to prevent limb breakage and
Training begins the year the tree is planted. shortened tree life from overcropping.
Prune the newly planted tree about 18 inches to 2 Remove the fruit by hand about four weeks af-
feet above the ground. This will be the location of ter bloom before the pit hardens. Space the fruit on

160 Master Gardeners Manual

Figure 5.16. Training during years 1, 2 or 3 de-
Figure 5.14. At planting, top the tree about 18
pends on growth rate. (a) Remove watersprouts
inches to 2 feet above the ground, regardless of
(vigorous upright shoots). “Subscaffolds” de-
the tree size.
velop after clipping the tips from the scaffolds.
(b) Regularly remove suckers. Remove the larg-
er branches that usually fill the bowl-shaped
center of the tree, but leave sufficient, short
leafy growth in the center to provide shade pro-
tection for the scaffolds.

a branch about every 4 to 6 inches. For larger fruit,

space them 8 to 10 inches apart.

Disease and insect management
The best fruit is produced when diseases and
insects are controlled. The most serious diseases
of stone fruits are brown rot, bacterial leaf spot and
leaf curl. Insect problems include scale, plum cur-
culio, lygus bugs and the peach tree borer.
The first line of defense is good sanitation. Re-
move any old or diseased fruit and wood as it ap-
pears. For pesticide spray recommendations for
Figure 5.15. Training during the first two years fruits and nuts, see the county Extension office.
depends on growth rate. (a) Clip the tips on the Many garden centers sell insecticide and fun-
main branches 18 to 24 inches from the trunk gicide sprays for home orchard fruit trees. If a
to force the development of the side shoots. (b) product is applied according to label directions, it
Regularly remove suckers. Leave three to five usually will control most insect and disease pests.
well-spaced, wide-angled branches to form a Fungicides and insecticides are normally applied
bowl-shaped framework or scaffold system. every 10 to 14 days from bloom time until harvest.

Master Gardeners Manual 161

Figure 5.17. Bearing trees. Clip the subscaffolds and other branches to maintain a
practical tree height (usually 6 ½ to 7 feet aboveground). Fruit are set on 1-year-old
shoots; these must be regrown each year. Thin any crowded shoots that will receive
little sunlight. Remove the low branches that may sag to the ground with a crop load.

Table 5.13. General fertilizer recommendations for regularly watered trees.

level Month Recommendations

Year 1 When growth starts 1 pound of 10-10-10 divided and applied in three applications
about two weeks apart

Year 2 March 2/3 of pound of 10-10-10

two weeks after budbreak 2/3 of pound of 10-10-10
two weeks later 2/3 of pound of 10-10-10

Year 3 March 1 pound of 10-10-10

two weeks after budbreak 1 pound of 10-10-10
two weeks later 1 pound of 10-10-10

years March Each tree may need one pound of complete fertilizer per year of
age, depending on shoot growth, (maximum six pounds) divided
in three applications about two weeks apart.

Notes: The annual growth of mature peaches and nectarines should be maintained between 10 to 18 inches in length. After the
danger of frost is past, it may be advisable to add two to four pounds of ammonium nitrate or its equivalent per tree if a good crop
is set.

162 Master Gardeners Manual

ing that peaches are fuzzy and nectarines are
Peaches and Nectarines smooth-skinned.
Peach and nectarine trees are available as
Peaches and nectarines are well adapted to
standard trees, which may grow 12 to 15 feet tall
most parts of Oklahoma. Because all peaches
if unpruned. The tree size can be easily limited to
are self-fruitful, it is not necessary to plant more
7 to 10 feet by conscientious pruning. The flow-
than one variety. One tree normally supplies more
ers normally bloom before the leaves come out in
peaches than a single family can consume. The
mid-March and range in color from pale pink to
varieties ripening in July and August are normally
dark red. The fruit generally ripens in June through
better quality freestone peaches.
September. Make sure trees are grafted to either
Peaches and nectarines are essential-
‘Halford’ or ‘Lovell’ rootstocks. These tolerate the
ly the same fruit, their primary difference be-

Table 5.14. Characteristics of recommended peach varieties.

Ripening BLS Flesh Flesh Fruit Fruit Cold

Cultivar Season1 Resistance2 Color3 Adherence Quality4 Size Tolerance

Candor -2 R Y SC 4 Good Good

Earliglo -1 T Y SF 3 Good ---
Garnet Beauty -1 T Y SF 4 Good Fair
Rubired -1 R Y C 3 Fair Good
Sweethaven -1 R Y SF 4 Fair Good
Early-red-free -1 T W SF 3 Good Fair
Sentinel -0.5 R Y F 4 Good Good
Clayton 0 R Y F 3 Good Good
Cullina 0 T Y F 4 Good Fair
Redhaven 0 T Y F 4 Fair Good
Newhaven +0.5 R Y SF 3 Fair Exc.
Ranger +1 R Y F 5 Exc. Good
Summer Pearl +1 S W F 3 Good Good
Glohaven +2 R Y F 3 Exc. Good
Bounty +2 T Y F 4 Exc. ---
Nectar +2 T W F 3 Exc. Good
Jayhaven +3 R Y F 4 Exc. Good
Loring +3 R Y F 5 Exc. Fair
Biscoe +4 R Y F 4 Good Exc.
Cresthaven +4 T Y F 4 Exc. Good
Jefferson +4 R Y F 4 Exc. Fair
Autumnglo +5 T Y F 4 Exc. Exc.
Ouachita Gold +6 T Y F 3 Exc. Fair
White Hale +6 T W F 3 Exc. Fair
Stark Encore +7 T Y F 5 Exc. Good
Parade +8 T Y F 4 Good Good
Flameprince +8 T Y F 4 Exc. ---
Fairtime +9 T Y F 4 Good Exc.

Seasons: Weeks before or after ‘Redhaven.’
BLS (Bacterial Leaf Spot): R= resistant, T=tolerant, S=susceptible
Flesh Color: Y = yellow, W = white; Flesh adherence: C = cling, SC = semi-cling, SF = semi-free, F = freestone;
Fruit Quality: 1 = worst to 5 = best (3 is acceptable).

Master Gardeners Manual 163

Table 5.15. Characteristics of recommended nectarine varieties.

Cultivar Ripening Season BLS Resistance1 Flesh Color2 Flesh Adherence

Earliblaze 0 T Y SF
Redchief +2 R W F
Cavalier +3 T Y F
Sunglo +4 T Y F
Redglo +5 T Y F

BLS (Bacterial Leaf Spot): R= resistant, T=tolerant, S=susceptible
Flesh Color: Y = yellow, W = white; Flesh adherence: C = cling, SC = semi-cling, SF = semi-free, F = freestone.

hot, humid conditions in Oklahoma. ‘Guardian’ Types of Plums

rootstocks are another option for areas that have Plums are of three different types belonging to
previously been planted to peaches. the European, Damson and Japanese groups. Of
the three groups, the European types are the best
Plums adapted for Oklahoma conditions (Table 5.16).
European plums tend to be small, and most vari-
General cultural requirements are similar to eties are egg-shaped. The flesh is rather dry and
peaches. The Japanese plum varieties bloom ear- very sweet. The European-type plums are best for
lier than the European types and are more subject eating out-of-hand and for canning. Prunes from
to late spring frost damage. European and Japa- these plums are the sweetest and easiest to dry.
nese plums should not be depended upon to pol- Familiar varieties of the European type are Stanley,
linate each other. Reine Claude (Green Gage) and the French and
Plums are an excellent tree fruit that can be German prune (Fellenburg) types.
used in many ways for snacks and family meals. The Japanese-type plums have relatively large,
The fruit is suitable for canning, freezing, drying soft and juicy fruit. Although they bloom earlier than
and preserving into jams and jellies. The trees the European types and are at greater risk for frost
are hardy and if given reasonable care, can be injury, they still grow and produce well in Oklaho-
expected to grow and produce well with growing ma. The red- or maroon-colored, juicy plums sold
conditions in Oklahoma. in the produce section of the local grocery are Jap-
anese-type plums. Examples of Japanese-type

Table 5.16. Characteristics of plum varieties.

Variety Color Ripe date Type

Allred Red skin and flesh Early June Japanese

Bluefre Blue skin, yellow flesh Early Sept. European
Bruce Red skin and flesh Mid-May Japanese
Methley Purple skin, amber flesh Early June Japanese
Morris Purple skin and flesh Mid-June Japanese
Ozark Premier Red and cream streaked with yellow flesh Late June Japanese
President Blue-black skin, yellow flesh Mid-Sept. European
Santa Rosa Purple skin, amber flesh Late June Japanese
Stanley Purple skin, greenish-yellow flesh Late August European
Wickson Yellow skin and flesh Late June Japanese

164 Master Gardeners Manual

plums are Methley, Shiro, Ozark Premier, Burbank Table 5.18. Characteristics of recommended
and Elephant Heart. cherry varieties.

Apricots Variety Ripe date Comments

Apricots are very ornamental when in bloom, Early Richmond Late May to Standard sour
and tree-ripened apricots are delicious, but do not Early June or pie, very
expect consistent production. Apricots bloom ear- consistent
ly and are usually killed by late spring frosts. Ex- Kansas Sweet Late May to Duke cherry
pect a crop one out of four years. One option is to Early June (semi-sweet)
plant dwarf apricots in containers and move them Montmorency Early June Standard, sour
to shelter when blooming in freezing weather. or pie, very
Contrary to common belief, apricots are consistent
self-fruitful and do not require a pollinator. Unfor- Northstar Early to Sour or pie
tunately, fruiting is inconsistent on all varieties. The mid-June
greatest consistency in fruiting is on trees planted Meteor Early to Sour or pie;
near buildings. Recommended varieties are listed mid-June resistant to leaf
in Table 5.17. spot
Stella Early to Sweet
Table 5.17. Characteristics of recommended mid-June (self-fertile)
apricot varieties.

Variety Fruit size Color Ripe date

Other Crops
Blenheim Medium Pale orange Late June
Moorpark Medium Orange Mid-June Elderberry
to large
Royal Medium Yellow Mid-June Varieties (Cultivars)
Tilton Large Orange-red Late June Elderberries are native to Oklahoma and will
grow very well where other fruits may not; how-
ever, elderberries have limited demand and im-
proved cultivars may be difficult to find. Some of
Cherries the available cultivars are ‘Adams,’ ‘Johns,’ ‘Nova’
and ‘York.’ The use of transplanted native plants
Sour cherries are generally better adapted may be a suitable option if desired cultivars cannot
than sweet cherries. Many sweet cherries are not be procured. Since elderberries need cross pol-
adapted to a hot, dry climate. Cherry leaf spot, lination for fruit set, at least two cultivars (or two
plum curculio, fluctuating temperatures and poorly different native plants) should be planted.
drained soils are the major obstacles to success-
ful cherry production in Oklahoma. The diseases Soil and Site Conditions
and insects can be controlled successfully with a Elderberries can tolerate a wide variety of
series of sprays. Sweet cherries in general require growing conditions. They do, however, prefer soils
cross-pollination; but two cultivars, ‘Stella’ and high in organic matter that are well drained. Unlike
‘Lapins,’ are self-fertile (Table 5.18). most fruits, elderberries can grow in shady condi-
tions, but must have good air circulation.

One-year-old plants are best when establish-
ing an elderberry planting. They are easily prop-
agated by hardwood and root cuttings, but also

Master Gardeners Manual 165

through layering. Planting should be done after the All grasses and broadleaved weeds should be
frost free date in the spring. Plants should be set eliminated before planting elderberries, as they
about 8 feet apart within a row with rows 10 feet are not competitive with weeds. Mulching will help
apart. When planting, set the lowest branch at, or to control weed populations.
slightly below, the soil line and water after planting. One should consult the local county Extension
educator for current and recommended options for
Fertilization control of disease, insect and weed pests.
Yearly applications of nitrogen are necessary
to help elderberries maintain strong growth. Sourc- Harvest
es of nitrogen to use can be ammonium sulfate, One can expect a small crop in the first year
urea, compost or manures. Amounts of nitrogen to after planting with production in the third year up to
apply are not well defined, but as a general rule 12 to 15 pounds per plant. Eventually, plants may
for one- to three-year-old plants add 1 to 2 table- yield up to 12,000 pounds per acre. Harvest of fruit
spoons of nitrogen fertilizers. Older plants should is typically during August and September, but may
receive 3 to 4 tablespoons of fertilizer annually in vary depending on cultivar. Clusters ripen over a
the spring. Overall, the amount of nitrogen to add period of 5 to 15 days, so multiple harvests may
should be based on a visual vigor assessment of be required. Harvested fruit should be stored at
the bush. If the bush is very vigorous, producing 32 F with greater than 90 percent relative humidity.
a lot of new growth, reduce the nitrogen by half or Roots, stems, leaves, and unripe fruit should never
eliminate it altogether. be consumed as they are toxic.

Irrigation Pruning and training

Elderberries are not extremely drought toler- Elderberry bushes should be pruned to re-
ant, so supplemental irrigation is necessary. Drip move weak and diseased canes in the winter.
irrigation works well and mulching will also help to Roughly six to eight canes per plant should be left
conserve soil moisture. The amount of water to ap- after pruning, so some thinning of canes may be
ply is not well defined and is tied to soil type, so needed. Tipping of canes to maintain a desired
some trial and error may be needed. height may also be needed.

Pest Management Jujubes

The disease pests found in Oklahoma are not
well known. Overall, elderberries are fairly disease Jujubes have been grown in Oklahoma quite
resistant. Some of the major diseases include: successfully for many years. Jujubes can be used
• Tomato ringspot virus as an excellent dooryard fruit and ornamental for
• Fungal cankers (various pathogens) all areas of Oklahoma.
• Powdery mildew (various pathogens) The Chinese jujube, Ziziphus jujube, belongs
• Root rots (Phytophthora spp.) to the Buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae. The tree
• Verticillium wilt (Verticillium spp.) can grow to heights of 30 to 50 feet.
Jujube leaves are dark green and attractive;
Elderberries may also be susceptible to in- they are shiny and wax-like on the top and have
sects. Some of the possible major insect pests a layer of white fuzz underneath. The tree loses its
include: leaves in the winter to make an unusually ornate
• Aphids (various species) specimen with upright trunks, short-angled shoots
• Cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) and rough bark.
• Elder shoot borer (Achatodes zeae) The fruit from seedlings can be quite small; im-
• Stink bugs (various species) proved varieties can be up to 2 inches long and 1
• Sawfly larvae (various species) ½ inches in diameter. As the fruit ripens on the tree
• Eriophyid mite (various species) in July and August, it will gradually turn from light
• Fall webworms (Hyphantria cunea) green to a dark brown and become wrinkled. The
fruit is tough and similar to that of an apple.

166 Master Gardeners Manual

The seed is hard and shaped much like an close and thinned later; space the trees 10 to 20
olive seed, which is why the jujube is commonly feet apart.
called a Chinese olive. Dig the hole only large enough to receive the
roots and cut off any broken or split roots. Plant the
Varieties tree the same depth as grown in the nursery.
The ‘Lang’ variety of jujube was introduced into Young trees can be pruned severely after plant-
the U.S. from China in 1908. The fruit is large, pear ing to encourage several lateral scaffold limbs
shaped, and red skinned, and it processes well. close to the ground similar to other fruit trees. The
The tree produces heavy crops. Of all jujubes, tree may also be allowed to grow naturally as an
‘Lang’ remains the most widely grown and propa- ornamental tree.
gated variety.
‘Li’ is a large fruit first introduced from Chi- Root sprouting
na in 1914. ‘Li’ ripens later than does ‘Lang’ and Mature jujube trees can develop sprouts from
can be eaten straight from the trees; it is the best the roots. As the sprouts develop, cut them off at
fresh-eating jujube variety. The flesh of the fruit is the ground line. Because any root pruning from
crisp and processes well. When fully ripe, ‘Li’ has a cultivation will encourage suckering, do not grow
mahogany-colored skin. Many jujubes have a very jujubes in a lawn or sod environment.
bland taste.
Jujubes can grow in most Oklahoma soils that Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) has drawn in-
have adequate internal drainage. They can survive creasing interest in recent years because of mar-
on soils that other fruit do not. They perform well in keting activities by California and New Zealand,
both acidic and alkaline soils. the primary producers of this fruit. High retail pric-
es and some promotion have led many people to
Climate try to grow the vine in Oklahoma. However, most
Jujubes are extremely well adapted to hot, dry trials have ended in vine death, whether they were
areas and are primarily grown in Oklahoma, Tex- grown in research plots, landscapes or aborted
as and California. In Texas, jujubes have survived commercial endeavors.
drought and excess moisture better than any other Kiwifruit are very sensitive to temperature.
fruit. In the spring, young growth and blooms can be
Although the trees survive in all areas of the killed if temperatures go below 30 F. Early-fall tem-
state, they appear to be better adapted to more peratures below 27 F can damage the trunks and
arid areas. In areas where summers are cool, the leaves of young vines, and winter temperatures
fruit tends to be of poor quality or sheds prema- below 10 to 15 F can kill the entire vine. Because
turely. Winter cold does not appear to be a limiting kiwifruit are susceptible to heat injury, some artifi-
factor for jujubes in Oklahoma. Because the jujube cial shading may be necessary.
blooms late, it is seldom damaged by late spring There are male and female plants; hence one
frosts. of each must be planted. In addition, kiwifruit do
best on deep alluvial, loamy soils and very high
Pests quality water. As a result, kiwifruit are not recom-
One of the outstanding characteristics of ju- mended for planting in Oklahoma.
jubes is they have few insect and disease prob- Cold-hardy kiwifruit tolerate Oklahoma winters
lems. The only major problems are rabbits and much better, but fail to live through the summer
cotton root rot. and are not recommended.

Planting Varieties
Plant young grafted trees in late winter or early Actinidia deliciosa is a grocery-store kiwi. It re-
spring before new growth begins. Because they quires a very long growing season, and it is not
grow upright, the trees can be spaced relatively hardy in Oklahoma. It keeps up to six months in

Master Gardeners Manual 167

Actinidia chinensis is closely related to A. deli- ant fruit crop in these countries for hundreds of
ciosa. Selections are being made for hairlessness, years. The fruit is eaten either fresh or dried.
fragrance, flavor, and red or yellow flesh. It is a In northern China, certain valleys are exclu-
small fruit and is suitable for southern Oklahoma sively cultivated with Oriental persimmon. On the
(U.S.D.A. hardiness zone 7). main island of Japan, groups of these trees grow
Actinidia arguta is a hardy kiwi. Small fruit with along the roadside or around farmers’ cottages in
smooth skin. Keeps two to three months in stor- every village.
age. It produces for 60 years, and bears within Oriental persimmon trees will bear fruit with-
three to four years. Plant six to eight females per out pollination. Oriental and American persimmon
male. No disease or insect problems. Fruit ripens trees will not cross-pollinate. Oriental persim-
in late summer. mons may not be winter hardy in northern parts of
Actinidia kolomikta is an Arctic kiwi. The male Oklahoma.
is often used as an ornamental because of the pink
and white variegation of its younger leaves. The Varieties
fruit is small, very sweet,and very cold hardy (-30 The varieties best adapted and most common-
F). It has up to 16 times as much vitamin C per unit ly propagated are discussed below.
weight as oranges. The ripe fruit often fall off the ‘Early Golden’ (American) is a male variety
vine. used for pollination of female types.
‘Eureka’ is a medium-sized, flat-shaped, red,
Persimmons heavy-producing persimmon of extremely high fruit
quality. The tree is relatively small and is self-fruit-
Persimmons are small, easy-to-grow trees that ful. ‘Eureka’ has proven to be the best commercial
are well adapted to most areas of Oklahoma. The persimmon variety.
tree, leaves and fruit are free from serious insect ‘Fuyu’ (‘Fuyugaki’) is a medium-sized, non-as-
and disease problems, making the persimmon tringent, self-fruitful persimmon. The fruit is some-
an excellent yard specimen. It requires few or no what flattened, red and of high quality.
sprays and is a favorite organic or health fruit. ‘Hachiya’ is a large, cone-shaped, productive,
Mature trees reach heights of 40 feet; persim- seedless persimmon with bright orange-red skin.
mon shrubs may be less than 10 feet tall. They The tree is vigorous and upright. ‘Hachiya’ has
produce prolific crops of very attractive fruit during been an outstanding variety. This variety makes
the fall when few fruits are ripe. The fruit is high in an excellent, dual-purpose fruit and ornamental
vitamin A. specimen.
The common American persimmon, Diospyros ‘Tanenashi’ is a cone-shaped, orange, moder-
virginiana, grows wild across the south and as far ately productive persimmon. The tree is vigorous
west as the Colorado River in Oklahoma. Trees of and upright. The seedless fruit stores extremely
American persimmon are very common in aban- well on the tree. ‘Tanenashi’ makes an excellent
doned pastures and along fence rows. landscape ornamental.
This fruit differs markedly from the cultivated ‘Tamopan’ is a very large, flat-shaped, orange,
oriental persimmon. It is small and very astringent moderately productive persimmon with a distinc-
(sour or bitter) until completely ripe. These wild tive, constricted ring near the middle of the fruit.
persimmons cannot be eaten until after the first The tree is the most vigorous and upright of the
autumn frost and all the leaves have fallen from the varieties.
tree. Even at this late date, some fruit can still be
very astringent. Pollination
Wild animals such as possum and raccoon Oriental persimmons often fail to produce full
feed heavily on common American persimmon. crops. This is caused in part by pollination prob-
Persimmon wood is very hard and is used to man- lems and environmental stress.
ufacture golf clubs. Male, female, and/or perfect flowers can be
Oriental persimmon, Diospyros kaki, was intro- produced on the current season’s growth on the
duced into the U.S. in the late 1800s from China same tree. ‘Hachiya,’ ‘Tanenashi’ and ‘Tamopan’
and Japan. It is native to and has been an import- produce flowers that develop into excellent par-

168 Master Gardeners Manual

thenocarpic (produced without fertilizing an egg in The fruit, typically bright red, but sometimes
the ovary) fruit without pollination. These varieties yellow, is about the size of an apple, or about 4
can be pollinated by the common persimmon or inches in diameter. The flesh of the fruit is packed
the ‘Eureka’ variety and produce fruit with seeds. with seeds that scatter when the fruit bursts. The
In some varieties, the flesh of the fruit will be pale yellow seeds are surrounded by a bright red,
darker when seeds are present. Because seedless fleshy coating that has a refreshing subacid flavor.
fruit are preferred, planting only one variety may The pomegranate makes an attractive orna-
be desired. mental with its dense growth habit of dark green
A common problem in parthenocarpic fruit leaves and colorful, orange-red to scarlet flow-
without tree seeds is fruit drop. Any growth prob- ers in early spring. The plant can be grown in just
lems, such as excessive heat, excessive water, about any soil type that is well drained. If fruit are
drought or cold can stimulate fruit drop. To pre- desired, the plant will need full sun.
vent early fruit drop, add mulch and manage water The most common variety of pomegranate in
carefully. Oklahoma has been ‘Wonderful.’ However, most of
the plants scattered across the state are proba-
Harvesting bly seedlings. Seedling plants may be desirable in
Persimmons should be fully ripe and soft be- Oklahoma where cold can be a limiting factor.
fore eaten; otherwise, they will be astringent. Cold Fully dormant plants can tolerate temperatures
seems to encourage ripening. Some varieties must as low as 10 F. If temperatures are expected to
have a freeze to ripen. Pick the fruit when it is or- fall below this critical level, some protection may
ange and place it in the freezer. be needed. In most cases though, the plant will
The ‘Fuyu’ variety is non-astringent and can be resprout from the base even if damaged by cold.
eaten as soon as it turns orange. Persimmons will Because cold damage is likely throughout Okla-
store on the tree for a considerable period. homa, the plant should be left to grow as a bush
rather than a tree.
Pomegranates Strictly ornamental types are becoming more
common in nursery trade and make pleasant addi-
The pomegranate is a deciduous shrub or tions to the landscape, but rarely have fruit or the
small tree with glossy, dark-green leaves. Native to fruit are very small.
western Asia, it is now cultivated in warm regions
throughout the world.

Master Gardeners Manual 169

Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Be familiar with the factors important in the analysis of the site and the family needs that when con-
sidered results in a well-planned, functional and aesthetical design that fits the site and the families
wants and needs.
• Be familiar with the definitions of areas and design considerations.
• Be familiar with the differences between design principles and elements.
• Be familiar with the steps in drawing a landscape plan.
• Be able to discuss several aspects of color in relationship to the home landscape and the design of
flower gardens.
• Be able to explain several ways of using flowers in the home landscape plan.
• Understand what the term “flowering annuals” refers to and give several examples of commonly
grown annuals.
• Be able to give a general description of soil preparation for planting flowers.
• Be able to discuss starting annual flowers from seed.
• Be able to briefly discuss pest management for flowering plants.
• Understand the life cycle of biennials.
• Be able to explain what “perennial” means, and list some of the advantages of and considerations
in growing perennial flowers.
• Understand some of the general criteria for selecting perennials.
• Be able to describe several aspects of cultural management of the perennial flower garden: water-
ing, weeding, fertilizing, etc.
• Know what criteria should be considered when selecting woody ornamental plants for a particular
• Understand and be able to apply good planting techniques for woody ornamental plants and un-
derstand how using proper techniques can improve survival and accelerate establishment.
• Be able to describe proper follow-up care after woody ornamental plants are installed in the
• Be able to describe the proper timing, procedures and techniques used in pruning deciduous and
evergreen woody ornamental plants.
• Understand the reasons for fertilizing woody ornamental plants and describe the various methods
of fertilizer application.
• Know the options for weed management in landscape plantings.
• Be familiar with major problems of woody ornamental plants.
• Differentiate between high and low light levels and discuss methods of providing artificial light for
indoor plants.
• Understand the concept of humidity and explain several methods of providing additional humidity
to plants.
• Describe several characteristics of a suitable plant container.
• Select and/or mix a suitable growing medium.
• Determine when and how to fertilize indoor plants.
• Explain how and when to water plants and discuss water quality.
• Describe several common methods of propagating indoor plants.
• Recognize some common signs of insect and disease problems of indoor plants and suggest meth-
ods of control.

170 Master Gardeners Manual

Chapter 6: Ornamentals................................. 170 Watering.......................................................233
Part 1: Landscape Design................................ 172 Mulching.......................................................234
Analysis of Site and Family Needs.............. 172 Wrapping......................................................234
Factors Influencing Landscape Design...... 173 Fertilizing......................................................234
Definition of Areas and Design Transporting and Protecting
Considerations............................................ 174 Ornamentals.................................................234
Elements and Principles of Design............. 176 Ten Tips for Planting and Caring
Drawing a Landscape Design..................... 178 for New Trees......................................................
Selection of Plant Materials......................... 180 Care and Maintenance.................................235
Gardening Practices for Fertilizing trees and shrubs...............................235
Sustainable Landscaping................................. 182 Mulching.......................................................236
Sustainable Landscaping............................ 182 Watering the landscape...............................236
Planning and Design........................................ 183 Irrigation systems.........................................238
Xeriscaping................................................ 183 Pruning landscape plants............................239
Permaculture.................................................... 183 Pruning techniques......................................240
Water Conservation.......................................... 184 Cultural and Environmental Problems...............245
Zone Appropriate Plant Selection............... 184 Leaf Scorch..................................................245
Smart Irrigation........................................... 185 Drought.........................................................245
Runoff Management and Re-use............... 185 Winter Burn on Evergreens..........................246
Soil Conservation.............................................. 187 Injury by Freeze or Frost...............................246
Soil Improvement........................................ 187 Southwest injury...........................................246
Use of Mulch.............................................. 188 Winter freeze injury.......................................247
Energy Conservation........................................ 188 Hail Damage.................................................247
Green Roofs............................................... 188 Ice Damage..................................................247
Strategic Shade and Windbreaks............... 189 Lightning Damage........................................248
Reducing Pesticides and Fertilizers................. 189 Damage by misapplied pesticides..............248
Reducing Pesticide Use.............................. 190 Grade Changes and Construction/
Reducing Fertilizer Use Oxygen Deficiency.......................................250
through Composting.................................... 190 Girdling Roots...............................................252
Appropriate Time and Amount of Fertilizing Mowers and flexible-line trimmers................252
Integrated Pest Management...................... 190 Sapsucker Damage...........................................253
Selecting Plants for the Landscape..................252
Part 2: Herbaceous Plants............................... 191
Planning the Flower Border......................... 191 Part 4. Indoor Plants..........................................293
Annuals........................................................ 194 Selecting an Interior Plant............................293
Biennials...................................................... 197 Environmental Factors..................................294
Perennials.................................................... 198 Substrate......................................................297
Bulbs............................................................201 Containers....................................................297
Part 3: Woody Landscape Plants......................227 Training and Grooming.................................300
Plant Selection...................................................227 Care of Special Potted Plants.......................300
Planting Trees and Shrubs................................231 Plants Lists...................................................303
Pruning and supporting................................232

Master Gardeners Manual 171

Landscape developments should provide at-
tractive, useful and comfortable surroundings for
Analysis of Site
their owners and environment. The selection of and Family Needs
ornamental plants is categorized into herbaceous
ornamentals (annuals and perennials), woody or- The fundamental principle of landscape de-
namentals (trees and shrubs) and vines/ground sign is that each development should be based
covers (which may be herbaceous or woody). The upon a specific program, which is based upon:
following chapter will discuss factors in selecting • The people who will use it, their cultural needs,
plants based on their desired use, environment individual desires and economic abilities.
and associated maintenance practices. • The climate.
House plants, used to make the interior of the • The site, its immediate surroundings, topo-
home attractive, also have special growing re- graphic and ecological conditions, and all ob-
quirements, which are covered under this section. jects, natural and man-made now existing on
the site or planned for the future.
• The available materials and methods of
Landscape Design fabrication.
Landscape design can be defined as the art of
The landscaper must study the habits and
organizing and enriching outdoor space through
actions of people, understand their desires and
the placement of plants and structures in an
needs, determine what space and materials are
agreeable and useful relationship with the natural
available and how they may be used to accommo-
date these goals.
Merely planting trees and shrubs is not land-
The first step in landscape design is to divide
scaping. Designing a landscape is an art. Land-
available space into use areas: the public area, the
scaping means creating a plan to make the best
private area and the service and work area (Figure
use of the space available in the most attractive
6.1). The public area is the section that passers-
way. It means shaping the land to make the most
by view. It is generally in front of the house and
of the site’s natural features and advantages. It
should present an attractive public view. The living
means building such necessary structures as
or private area is for the family and may contain a
fences, walls and patios. Finally, it means selecting
patio, deck or porch for outdoor sitting, entertain-
and growing the plants best fitting the design.
ing or dining. A play area may be incorporated,
The smaller the house, grounds and budget,
depending on the presence of children. A service
the greater the need for correct and complete
or storage and work area should provide a place
planning. Every square foot of space and every
for garbage, air conditioning unit, garden tools,
dollar must produce maximum results. Plan for the
etc. that is convenient for use, but screened from
best use of the site and minimum upkeep as well
the other areas. Also included in this area may be
as a pleasant appearance.
a cut flower bed or vegetable garden.
Plan for complete development. There is no
need to develop all of the lot at once. However,
there should be an overall plan, so when any work
is done, it will be part of the general scheme. Car-
rying out the landscape plan is generally a matter
of years, for plantings need time to grow. Do not Factors Influencing
allow a spade of earth to be turned until a grading
schedule has been prepared from a well-studied
plan for the house and lot. To do otherwise is to
sacrifice such things as valuable trees and soil.
Select the proper plants. Subtle differences in
plant size, form, texture, color and cultural require-
ments can make quite a large difference in the
Figure 6.1. Division of landscape into use areas.

172 Master Gardeners Manual

itation, wind and temperature. All these affect the
Factors Influencing way a house should be placed on a lot, how the
Landscape Design land is used and what is planted. In planning the
grounds, don’t fight the climate; capitalize on its
In laying out a design, preserve all the best nat- advantages. In warm regions, enlarge the outdoor
ural resources on the site, such as mature trees, living area; in cold regions, plant so the winter
brooks, ponds, rock outcroppings, good soil, turf scene is enjoyed from the inside. Evergreens and
and interesting variations in the terrain. These nat- hedges are picturesque when covered with snow.
ural elements affect the ease of construction and Since people respond differently to sun and shade,
landscape possibilities. A careful survey of the it is important to study the amount and location of
area should be made to determine whether site each on the lot (Figure 6.2). Sun and shade pat-
conditions will be a deterrent, or can be incorpo- terns change with the seasons and vary each min-
rated into a design plan. Examples of problems are ute of the day. The sun is highest and shadows are
thin, overcrowded trees that should be removed. shortest in the summer.
Microenvironmental problems may exist on a site, Northern exposures receive the least light, and
such as low places with cold air drainage or a spot therefore are the coolest. The east and west re-
with poor soil and water drainage. ceive more light; western exposures are warmer
Changes in elevation can add interest and va- than eastern because they receive afternoon light.
riety to the home landscape. The character of the The southern orientation receives the most light
land, its hills, slope and trees should determine the and tends to be the warmest.
basic landscape pattern. A hilly wooded lot lends The principal rooms of a house should benefit
itself to an informal or natural design, with large from winter sun and summer breeze. This means
areas left in their natural state. In such a setting, the house must be correctly oriented. A plan suit-
large trees can be retained. ed to one lot will not be correct for a lot facing
Although natural slope variations are an asset, a different direction. Sunlight and shade can be
avoid creating too many of them artificially. Excess controlled by the location of buildings, fences and
grading of terraces or retaining walls should be trees. Figure out possible shade from trees and
avoided. If these features are necessary to facil- houses on neighbors’ lots also.
itate construction or control water drainage, they Plan future shade from tree plantings with
should be designed to detract as little as possible great care to keep sunny areas for the garden and
from the natural terrain. summer shade for the house and terrace. Decid-
Keep good views open and screen out the un- uous trees (those that shed their leaves) shade
desirable. Often a shrub or two will provide all the the house in summer and admit the sun in winter.
screening necessary. Provide plantings to act as Place trees off the corners (rather than the sides)
noise barriers. The principal rooms of the house of the house where they will accent the house, but
should look out on the lawn or the garden. Design not block views and air circulation from windows.
special areas to be viewed from favorite windows. Remember — over-planting trees tends to shut out
Climate includes sunlight, all forms of precip- sun and air.

Figure 6.2. Shade patterns at different seasons and times of day.

Master Gardeners Manual 173

Use of the land should be a determining fac- • Have small flower beds. Use flowering trees
tor in landscape design. Analyze the activities of and shrubs for color.
the family. For example, small children need open • Be selective in the choice of plant materi-
lawn for playing and gardeners need space for als. Some plants require much less care than
growing vegetables and flowers. Make allowances others.
for future changes. Consider outdoor living, play- • Use native plant materials.
ing, gardening and household servicing. The fami- • Keep the design simple.
ly routine follows a general pattern, but varies with • Use mulches for weed control when possible,
each family’s way of living. but, if herbicides become necessary, use cau-
A successful landscape should be able to age tion and follow directions.
and mature with a family. Don’t plan a landscape
that will remain static, because it will not function Definition of Areas
as a family’s needs change. A plan for a very young
family calls for inexpensive plantings. There should
and Design Considerations
be open areas in which children and pets can play.
Public Area. The landscape in areas the
As a family reaches its middle years, more exten-
public sees should create the illusion of spacious-
sive and expensive plantings can be put in. The
ness. Keep the lawn open and keep shrubs to the
children’s play area can serve other functions; for
side and in foundation plantings. When selecting
example, the sand box can become a lily pool.
shrubs to frame the front door, consider their tex-
As children grow up, they require less play and
ture, color, size and shape so they will enhance
less parental supervision -- providing both a place
the total effect of welcoming guests. Tall trees in
and time for more sophisticated landscaping. With
the backyard and medium-sized ones on the sides
the approach of retirement years, the landscape
and in front will help accomplish this effect. The
should become one of low maintenance. Mature
house is to be the focal point of the view.
trees and shrubs will carry the landscape theme.
Driveways should be pleasing in appearance,
High-labor areas such as flower beds can be min-
useful and safe. The landscaping of many homes
imized. Ramps may replace steps.
is spoiled by poorly designed and maintained
Decide on maintenance standards. For the
driveways. Some driveways tend to cut up the
person who enjoys puttering about the yard, the
yard unnecessarily. Parking areas and turnabouts
landscape design may be elaborate. However,
should be provided when practical. If possible,
in general, the simpler the site, the less there is
the driveway should be hard-surfaced because it
to maintain. A low-maintenance plan is the goal
is neater and requires less maintenance than un-
of most homeowners. This may be achieved pri-
paved driveways. Do not plant tall shrubbery at a
mariliy in the planning stage by careful attention
driveway entrance or allow vegetation to grow so
to the nature of the site. Existing trees, elevations
tall that it obstructs the view of the roadway in ei-
and the use to be made of the area should be
ther direction.
prime considerations. Low maintenance may be
In planning the home grounds, give careful
achieved by adopting one or more of the following
consideration to foot traffic patterns so there will
be easy access from one area to another. This traf-
• Have small lawn areas.
fic may be served by walkways, terraces or open
• Use ground covers or natural pine straw, bark
stretches of lawn. In areas of heavy use, paved
chips and other mulches.
surfacing material is best.
• Use paving in heavily traveled areas.
Design of the walk system to the front door will
• Provide mowing strips of brick or concrete to
often depend on the location of the front door and
edge flower beds and shrub borders.
guest parking, as well as the topography of the
• Use fences or walls instead of clipped formal
land. If guest parking is at the edge of the street,
hedges for screening.
a straight walk is probably best if the grade is suit-
• Design raised flower beds for easy access and
able. When the guest parking area is planned for
to help control weeds.
the property, the walk might more logically lead
• Install an underground irrigation system in ar-
from the guest parking area to the front door. Foot
eas of low rainfall.
traffic can use the driveway.

174 Master Gardeners Manual

Sometimes the topography of the land will clotheslines, wood piles, garden sheds and other
make it desirable to have the entrance walk start less pleasant views.
at the edge of the property and curve to the front Livable touch: Furniture should be attractive,
door to take advantage of a gradual grade. How- designed for outdoor use and appropriate for
ever, avoid curved walks that have no apparent the size of the landscape. Garden accessories
reason for curving. should be kept to a minimum and be simple and
Generally, the walk to the front door parallels unobtrusive.
the house and joins the driveway. This design is Year-round interest: The outdoor living area
sometimes used if the driveway entrance grade should be planned so the selection of plant ma-
at the street is less steep than the area directly in terial is varied and there is interest throughout the
front of the door. This type of design might elim- year. This is especially true if the area is visible
inate the need for stairs. When the walk is paral- from the house. For winter interest, select shrubs
lel to the house, be sure sufficient space is left for and trees with colorful bark, evergreen foliage or
plant material. colorful fruit. During the rest of the year, use flow-
For a residence, make the front walk at least 4 ers, shrubs and trees to create interest. Pools,
feet wide. Build walks so they are safe. Avoid using stone steps, paving, walls, bird feeders and other
materials that are rough or raised, since it could architectural features will add interest to the gar-
pose a tripping hazard. Design steps so they will den. Architectural details do not change with the
be safe, especially in wet or icy weather. Make the seasons and give interest and meaning to the gar-
treads wider and the risers shorter than the treads den throughout the year.
and risers used indoors. Install handrails where Climate control: Control of weather in the out-
needed. door living area helps to extend the period of use-
Private or Outdoor Living Area. The pri- fulness. Shade trees screen the area from the hot
vate living area or outdoor living room has become sun. Windbreaks cut down some of the wind in the
an important part of the American home. No yard fall. An awning or lattice roof can protect against
is too small to have a private sitting area where inclement weather. A garden pool or fountain can
family and guests can gather. Where possible, convey the effect of coolness during the hot sum-
there should be easy access from the house to mer season.
the outdoor area. The ideal arrangement is to have The terrace or sitting area: The center of activ-
the living room open onto a porch or terrace and/ ity for a living area is often a space arranged with
or have the kitchen near the outdoor dining area. garden or patio furniture. It may be a porch, deck
The outdoor living area can be simple. An open, or terrace next to the house or the special section
grassy area enclosed by a wall or shrubs enables of the living area. This latter area might be under
the homeowners and guests to sit outdoors in pri- the shade of a large tree or in a shady corner. The
vate. A more elaborate outdoor living area can be sitting center may be either paved or in turf. Flag-
developed by introducing a series of gardens or stone, brick, concrete blocks or concrete are ma-
garden structures. The outdoor private area can terials commonly used for surfacing the outdoor
serve the following functions: terrace. The size of the paved terrace depends
• outdoor entertaining, upon its expected use and the type and amount
• family relaxation, of furniture desired. An area 10 feet by 10 feet will
• recreation, hold four chairs and is about the minimum size for
• outdoor eating and accommodating four people comfortably. Increase
• aesthetic enjoyment. the size for a picnic table if desired. This area may
also include a grill or outdoor cooking area.
The following are guidelines to consider when The play area: The play area can be a part of
planning major private areas: the outdoor living area or separate from it. For very
Privacy: The area should be enclosed from young children, a small area enclosed by a fence
public view or nearby neighbors. Properly grouped near the kitchen or living area is desirable. A swing,
shrub borders and trees will do this. For a small sand box or other equipment can be placed here.
area, use a fence to save space. The private area In yards with a good deal of open lawn space,
should be screened from work areas, such as there is room for croquet, badminton or a portable

Master Gardeners Manual 175

wading pool. A large tree in the back yard may be
ideal for a tree house. A paved driveway or park-
Elements and Principles
ing area makes an ideal area for basketball or oth- of Design
er games for older children, as well as tricycling or
rollerblading for younger ones. Since children in a There are no hard and fast rules for landscap-
family are always growing, it is necessary to make ing, since each design is a unique creation. Land-
design adjustments to meet changing recreational scaping, as in all art forms, is based on certain
needs. elements and principles of design, which are dis-
Enclosed front yard as a private area: The area cussed here.
in front of the majority of homes has traditionally Scale. Scale refers to the proportion between
been left more or less open so the passing public two sets of dimensions. Knowing the eventual or
can view the home. Plantings, such as hedges or mature size of a plant is critical when locating it
a screen planting of trees and shrubs along the near a building. Plants that grow too large will
street to make the public area private, have been overwhelm a building. Small plantings around a
used to provide privacy for the front area. Privacy large building can be similarly inappropriate. It is
in the front yard may be desirable when a picture essential, therefore, to know the final size of a par-
window faces the street or when the front yard is ticular plant before using it in a landscape. Both
used for outdoor sitting. Where space is limited, a the mature height and spread of a plant should be
tall attractive fence may provide privacy and be considered.
used as an attractive background for shrubs and Balance. Balance in landscaping refers to an
smaller plants. aesthetically pleasing integration of elements. It is
Service, Work or Production Areas. a sense of one part being of equal visual weight or
Space often needs to be provided for permanent mass to another. There are two types of balance
objects such as garbage cans, air-conditioner -- symmetrical and asymmetrical (Figure 6.3).
units, tool storage, wood storage, vegetable gar- Symmetrical balance is a formal balance. It has an
den, compost, cold frame, small greenhouse or axis with everything on one side duplicated or mir-
kennel. Service facilities should not be visible from rored on the other side. Asymmetrical balance is
the outdoor living area or from the street. However, balance that is achieved by using different objects
an exception might be an attractive greenhouse
or tool storage building designed and constructed
so it blends well into the overall setting and with
an interesting composition of plant material around
it. Wood or wire fences, brick or masonry walls or
plant material alone or in combination are the ma-
terials most commonly used to hide or screen ser-
vice areas.

Figure 6.3. Examples of balance.

176 Master Gardeners Manual

to achieve equilibrium. For example, if there is a
very large object on one side of a seesaw, it can
be counterbalanced by using many objects of a
smaller size on the other side of the seesaw or one
object of equal size. In each instance, balance is
achieved. This applies to landscaping when there
is a large existing tree or shrub. To achieve visual
equilibrium, a grouping or cluster of smaller plants
is used to counterbalance the large existing plant.
Balance may also be achieved through the use of
color and texture. Figure 6.4. Example of accent, in which all ele-
Unity. A garden with too many ideas ex- ments lead the eye to the focal point, the house.
pressed in a limited area lacks unity. Too many
showy plants or too many accessories on the lawn
would claim more attention than the house itself.
Using too many accent plants or plants with con-
trasting textures, form or color violates the princi- Repetition. Do not confuse repetition in the
ples of unity. To achieve unity, it is necessary to landscape with monotony. A row of sheared hedg-
group or arrange different parts of the design to es lined up in front and down the side of a home
appear as a single unit. The design should be is not repetition; it is monotony. Repetition is some-
pleasant from every angle. thing more subtle. For example, the use of curves
Rhythm. Rhythm is a repetition of elements in the landscape design; curves may begin in bed
directing the eye through the design. Rhythm re- lines in the front yard, continue in the side yard and
sults only when the elements appear in regular be picked up once more in the backyard. Alterna-
measures and in a definite direction. Rhythm can tively, the repeated use of right angles on a grid
be expressed in color as well as form. design can successfully be used to achieve unity
Simplicity. Every square foot of landscape in the landscape. The right angles may begin in
does not have to have something in it. Objects the front yard, perhaps on the sidewalk, then be
such as bird baths and garden globes are often used in the bed lines which go around the property
overused in the landscape. There is a design con- and be picked up again in the backyard. By sub-
cept expressed as “less is more.” This statement is tly repeating such design elements as bed lines in
especially true regarding landscape design. Keep the yard (Figure 6.5), one can achieve continuity or
the landscape simple and it will look its best. Avoid flow to the entire landscape.
cluttering the yard with unnecessary objects. This Harmony. Harmony is achieved through a
includes plant material, statuary and miscellaneous pleasing arrangement of parts (Figure 6.6).
objects. When too many extras are introduced, the
yard takes on a messy appearance. Use statuary
or specimen plants with discretion. The simplest
landscapes are often the most attractive. Remem-
ber -- create spaces, don’t fill them up.
Accent. Accent, also referred to as dom-
inance, focalization or climax (Figure 6.4), is im-
portant in the total picture. Without accent, a de-
sign may be dull, static or uninteresting. Various
parts, if skillfully organized, will lead the eye to-
ward the focal point. This may be a garden acces-
sory, plant specimen, plant composition or water
in some form. Emphasis may also be obtained
through use of contrasting texture, color or form or
by highlighting portions of a plant composition with
garden lights. Figure 6.5. Example of repetition.

Master Gardeners Manual 177

Property line

Neighbor’s View of woods

N e i g h b o r ’s
Existing undeveloped
pin oak yard
Low, needs fill


K. L.R.
G. Drainage
S. H.
Neighbor’s Neighbor’s
house Drainage house

Property line
Sewer line

Sidewalk Existing
Planting strip maple

Figure 6.7. Example of a baseline map.

Figure 6.6. Lack of harmony versus harmony.

The map should include the following:

Drawing a Landscape Plan • Property lines.
• Undesirable features of home grounds or ad-
The following section provides the information joining property.
necessary to draw a landscape plan that embod- • North point.
ies the elements of good design. These steps are • Views – point arrows in direction of each good
for those who want the fun and satisfaction of pre- view.
paring their own landscape plan. They are: • House, garage, other buildings.
1. Preparing the map. • Doors, windows, porches and location of
2. Deciding how the ground area is to be used. rooms.
3. Placing use areas on the map. • Existing trees, rock outcroppings.
4. Developing the landscape plan. • Walks and driveways, if already constructed.
5. Preparing a planting plan. • Contour of the land (use an arrow to show di-
Completing these steps will enable you to de- rection of surface water flow).
velop a final plan that can be implemented over • Scale used.
several years as time and money permit. • Location of septic tank or sewer lines.

Step 1 – Prepare a baseline map. Prepare a scale Step 2 – Decide how to use the ground area.
map of the home grounds (Figure 6.7). Use graph Items listed below are most often included in the
paper and let one square equal so many feet, or final development. Make a list that suits your indi-
draw to scale using a ruler or an engineer’s scale. vidual needs.
• Front lawn area or public area
Suggested • Vegetable garden
Scale Small Lot Large Lot • Cooking and eating area
• Garden pools
Engineer 1 inch 1 inch equals • Walks
equals 10 feet 20 feet • Flower beds
Ruler 1 inch 1 inch equals • Outdoor living or private area
equals 8 feet 16 feet • Children’s play area
• Small fruit

178 Master Gardeners Manual

• Driveway Step 4 – Develop the landscape plan. Design
• Guest parking driveways, parking areas and walks.
• Turnabouts Indicate where plant masses are needed for
• Garage separating areas; screening undesirable views;
• Other items particular to your land area and providing shade, windbreaks and beauty.
At this point, do not attempt to name the trees
Step 3 – Place use areas on the map. Place the and shrubs. Think in terms of plant masses that
use areas on the map by creating “bubbles” that will serve a purpose and help tie the various areas
represent each use area. (Figure 6.8). Fit them together into a unified plan considering design el-
together with two considerations, traffic flow and ements previously discussed.
use. How will people move from one area to an- In preparing the plan, use landscape symbols
other or from the house to an outside area? Will to indicate trees and shrub masses (Figure 6.9).
it make use of existing features such as views or Draw symbols to scale to represent the actual
changes in the terrain? Try different combinations amount of space involved. For example, a limber
in relation to rooms of the house, surrounding ar- pine tree at maturity will have a spread of approx-
eas and potential views. imately 20 feet. Make the scale diameter of the
symbol; in this case, 20 feet. Indicate on the map
where paving, plants and structures will be (Figure
In developing the plan, make sure the pro-
posed scheme is practical and that the following
questions are addressed:
pin oak
• Is the driveway design pleasing, useful and
play area
• Have the following been provided for: Safe en-

K. L.R.
Private trance? Turnabout? Guest parking?
Laundry G. yard • Will guests use the front door?
S. H.
• Are service areas convenient and screened
from public view?

Driveway Public


Single shrub Flowers

Sidewalk Existing
maple Planting Strip maple Deciduous tree Combination border

Figure 6.8. Placement of use areas

on the map. Clipped hedge
Evergreen tree

Unclipped hedge

Fence with gate

Group of trees Stepping stone walk

Figure 6.9. Landscape symbols.

Master Gardeners Manual 179

• Purpose – shade, background, hedge, screen,
accent, mass
• Seasonal Interest – fruit, flowers, foliage
• Type – evergreen, broadleaf evergreen,
• Maintenance – subject to insects or plant
• Cultural Needs – shade, sunlight, moisture

Then select a plant or group of plants to meet

the specifications. Consult OCES web sites, gar-
den books, nursery catalogs or visit a local nurs-
ery. Become familiar with plant material and dis-
cuss plants with nursery staff.
Designate specific plantings on the map devel-
oped in Step 4 (Figure 6.11).

Selection of Plant Materials

Well-chosen plantings are necessary to achieve
the desired landscape effect. There are hundreds
of varieties of trees, shrubs, vines and perennials
from which to choose. Remember, plants are not
Figure 6.10. Map showing where paving, plants merely ornamental accessories. They make up
and structures will be. masses and define space in the yard, and conse-
quently, the silhouettes that produce the garden
design. Therefore, when selecting plants, consider
• Will the proposed drive be too steep? both their cultural needs and aesthetic value.
• Are the walks convenient?
• Will the view be attractive from indoor living
• Has an outdoor living area been provided and
is it screened from neighbors? The service
area? The building?
• Do all the parts fit together into a unified plan?
• Have a good setting, background and privacy
been provided?
• Are the house and major plants set back in
case the highway department/local govern-
ment widens the street?
• Will the proposed location of the septic tank
and drainage fields interfere with planting
needed shade trees?

Step 5 – General and specific planting plan. First,
for each tree or shrub mass on the plan, make a
set of specifications. These specifications should
• Height – low, medium, tall
• Form – spreading, upright, arching, globe Figure 6.11. Designation of specific plantings.

180 Master Gardeners Manual

Cultural considerations
in selecting plants
Hardiness: This is the plant’s ability to withstand
winter and summer climatic changes as well as its
longevity or permanence. Usually a fast-growing
plant has a short life span and will consequently
need replacing after a few years.
Soil and moisture conditions: These are import-
ant parts of the plant’s environment. Some plants
respond unfavorably when a change occurs. For
example, some plants can tolerate extreme dry or
wet conditions, while others cannot.
Degree of sun or shade: This depends on
where the plant is to be located in the garden.
Some plants just cannot take the sun, while others
require full sun for best display.
Maintenance: When selecting plant materials,
consider the more practical aspect of mainte-
nance. Try to choose trees and shrubs that tend to
be disease and insect resistant.
Aesthetic value: This includes texture, color or
foliage, flower, fruit and bark. Select colors related
to the house exterior, especially if the plant is used
close to the house. Strongly contrasting textures
can create interesting effects.

Aesthetic considerations
in selecting plants
Plant Size: The mature size of a plant must
be considered when selections are made for the
landscape plan. A common mistake is the selec-
tion of plants that soon become too large for their
location. The drastic pruning, which then becomes
necessary, adds to the cost of maintenance and
may reduce the grade and beauty of the plant.
Overgrown plants left unpruned will alter the bal-
ance and accent of the design, and may partially
hide the house they are supposed to complement.
The landscape picture is constantly changing
because the plants that give it form and substance
are continually growing. This presents a challenge
to the landscape architect not found in most other
artistic media. Great care must be exercised in se-
lecting plants that will immediately create the de-
sired composition and retain an appropriate size
for many years.
Plant Form: Trees and shrubs used in landscap-
ing develop many distinct forms (Figure 6.12). The
more common forms are prostrate or spreading,
round or oval, vase, pyramidal and columnar.
Figure 6.12. Plant forms.

Master Gardeners Manual 181

The form of mature shrubs and trees is usually Plant Texture: The texture of plant materials is
more open and spreading than young plants. For dependent on the size and disposition of the fo-
example, the head of a young oak tree may be py- liage. Plants with large leaves, which are widely
ramidal in shape; during middle age the head is an spaced, have coarse texture. A plant with small,
irregular oval; and during old age a large, massive closely spaced leaves has fine texture. Extremes
oak may have a spreading vase form. in texture prevent harmony in the composition and
Ground covers such as turf, low-spreading should be avoided. On the other hand, some varia-
shrubs, creeping plants and prostrate vines are tion in texture is needed to give variety. Texture can
essential materials in landscaping. The principal be influenced on a seasonal basis, depending on
use of turf is for the lawn area. Other ground cov- whether the plant is deciduous or evergreen.
ers are commonly used on banks too rough or Plant Color: Green is the basic color of most
steep to mow or under trees where grass will not plant materials in the landscape picture. A desir-
grow satisfactorily. able variety may be secured by using plants with
Shrubs are woody plants that grow to a height lighter or darker foliage tones. Accent may be in-
of 12 to 15 feet. They may have one or several troduced by the selection of flowering shrubs or
stems with foliage extending nearly to the ground. those that produce colorful, persistent fruit. Care
The following are examples of the more common should be exercised in the use of particularly
forms of shrubs: showy plants such as hydrangeas and blue atlas
• Low spreading: Juniper species cedars. Such plants may so dominate the land-
• Round or Upright: a large majority of shrubs fall scape as to destroy the balance and unity of the
into this general form composition.
• Vase: Vanhoutte Spirea
• Pyramidal: Arborvitae species Gardening Practices
• Columnar: Juniper species
for Sustainable Landscapes
Trees are woody plants that typically grow
Learning Objectives:
more than 15 feet tall and commonly have only one
• Understand the importance of sustainable
main stem or trunk. The head or leafy portion of the
tree develops a typical form such as the following
• Understand how to apply water, soil and ener-
gy conservation practices in landscaping.
• Round or Oval: most common trees such as
• Understand how to reduce pesticide and fertil-
Maple, Oak and Pine
izer use in landscaping.
• Vase: Elm
• Pendulous or Weeping: Willow, Cherry and
Jasmine Sustainable Landscaping
• Pyramidal: Cypress, Fir and Hemlock
• Columnar: Lombardy Poplar Introduction
There is a growing cultural consciousness of
Trees are long lived and relatively inexpensive environmental responsibility, which recognizes
in initial cost and maintenance compared to lawns, that humans impact the environment with every-
flower beds and many other features of the design. thing we do. Those impacts can either work with
In the past, many builders have committed costly the environment or against it. Unfortunately, it often
errors by destroying trees in establishing new res- is the latter. But we can approach our gardening
idential subdivisions. Most real estate developers and landscaping in a way that works with nature to
now appreciate the value of trees and attempt to protect the environment.
save them when land is graded prior to the con- Sustainable landscaping is a comprehensive
struction of houses. Regardless of our affection for approach to gardening and landscaping. It aims
trees, we must recognize they do not live forever. to create beautiful and productive outdoor spaces
Old and improperly located trees should be re- in a way that benefits the surrounding environment
moved and new, more suitable specimens should by conserving water, improving soil, encouraging
be planted. native species and reducing pesticide and fertil-

182 Master Gardeners Manual

izer use. In this way, our lawns and gardens help overall aesthetics of an area. But large, open golf-
surrounding natural environments to become more course quality turf areas require a great deal of wa-
sustainable and able to continue providing envi- ter and fertilizer to stay soft and green. By being
ronmental goods and services in the future. more strategic with the size and placement of turf
Sustainable landscaping also provides bene- areas and species selection, the need for water
fits to the gardener/homeowner in the form of re- and fertilizer can be greatly reduced. For example,
duced water and energy costs, improved soil pro- placing a turf area where it will receive shade from
ductivity and a more beautiful and easy-to-care-for a tree for part of the day will help to reduce the irri-
outdoor space. gation need of that turf area. Choosing a turf spe-
cies suitable to the climate and rainfall of a region
Planning and Design also is important. For Oklahoma, buffalo grass is
a native prairie grass well suited for our climate.
Bermuda grass and other warm-season grasses
are also suitable.
When thinking about how to create an envi-
ronmentally friendly and sustainable landscape,
consider Xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is a landscape Permaculture
design strategy that emphasizes water conserva- Permaculture is another design method to con-
tion. It achieves this through the selection of na- sider when planning an outdoor space. Perma-
tive plants and/or climate appropriate plants, by culture can have a lot of different meanings when
properly grading and mulching soil and through talking about sustainability. For the purpose of
the strategic use of turf areas. landscaping, permaculture is exploiting and imitat-
Selecting native plants and/or climate-appro- ing natural relationships to create more productive
priate plants ensures they will be pre-disposed to systems. It recognizes critical interrelationships
the natural climate and rain cycles in the area and and examines how those relationships contribute
not require intensive care or irrigation to survive to the stability of the whole system.
and thrive. In landscaping, it is useful to look at perma-
Proper grading and mulching ensures the culture in terms of the layering of relationships.
landscape area can take full advantage of rain One way to apply permaculture layering in land-
events. Grading should be such that water is not scaping is to think of your plant selection in terms
encouraged to flow off site too quickly, but is in- of canopy layers in a forest (Figure 6.14). Upper
stead given time to infiltrate the soil. Concurrently, layers provide shade and mulch that help retain
proper mulching will also help prevent evaporation soil health and moisture, while lower level plants
of water from the top soil layers and keep it avail- help to break down the mulch and provide ground
able for absorption through root systems. cover to crowd out weeds. Trees will constitute the
Turf areas are still desirable in most landscape highest layer and will provide shade to the lower
designs, and can contribute to the usability and

Figure 6.14. Layering relationships within a

Figure 6.13. Source:
Source: php/site/classroom/

Master Gardeners Manual 183

levels. Below that will be smaller trees and shrubs, ing, a plant is chosen primarily for its looks, while
then ground-level plants and ground covers. If consideration of its hardiness zone/heat zone often
done properly, this type of layering provides beau- is a secondary concern. This may result in a beau-
ty from ground to sky and creates a micro-canopy tiful landscape full of exotic plants requiring more
system that holds in moisture and does not need to care, maintenance and water to stay happy and
be weeded. healthy.
Another important term in permaculture is That is why it is important to choose zone-ap-
guilds. A guild refers to a group of participants in propriate plants for a sustainable landscape.
a system that all work together and provide ben- Zone-appropriate plants will be well suited to the
efits to other members of the guild for an overall typical temperature ranges and rainfall amounts for
increase in productivity of the system. For exam- that zone, and will therefore require very little main-
ple, consider the roll of pollinating insects like tenance and supplemental irrigation.
bees in a landscaping system. The bees benefit There are two types of zones to consider: har-
from the system by having a local source of pollen diness zones and heat zones (Figure 6.15). Hardi-
and structures on which to build hives. The bees ness zones focus on the lower range of tempera-
in turn help to pollinate the plants in the system, tures for an area. Hardiness zones help to deter-
making the plants more productive. In this way, mine what plants can survive the typical winter for
think about each new piece of your landscape de- an area. Heat zones focus on the upper range of
sign as a member of the guild. Think about what it temperatures. A heat zone is determined based
will be contributing to the group and what it will be on the number of days an area experiences highs
withdrawing. of 86 F or more. Heat zones help determine what
plants can survive the typical summer in an area.
Water Conservation Most plant labels will have a hardiness zone rating.
Heat zone ratings are not as common, but are be-
ing used more often.
Zone appropriate plant selection
Oklahoma supports hardiness zones 6a, 6b,
All plants are predisposed to growing in cer-
7a, 7b and 8a, depending on the part of the state.
tain climatic conditions. The USDA has mapped
It supports heat zones 7, 8 and 9. Most of the state
out areas of similar climatic conditions into differ-
is in heat zone 8. When selecting plants for your
ent plant hardiness zones. In traditional landscap-
landscape, make sure the plants will thrive in those
zones. Here are a few examples of popular plants
that are zone-appropriate for Oklahoma: nandina,
crapemyrtle, Winter Green boxwood, Burford holly
and Purple Heart.

Figure 6.15. USDA plant hardiness map and the American Horticultural Society plant heat-zone map.

184 Master Gardeners Manual

is needed. Concurrently, if it rains for two days in
a row, consider the third day as the first day of the
schedule and do not water again until the third day
without rain.

Runoff management and re-use

Figure 6.16. Drip irrigation and spray irrigation
Runoff is a very important environmental con-
cern for two reasons. First, reducing runoff and
Smart irrigation keeping more water on-site to be absorbed will
How and when to irrigate can have a huge im- reduce the need for future irrigation because the
pact on how much water is used and how much soil will stay saturated for longer. Another reason is
actually gets to the plants’ roots. That is why it is when water runs off of landscapes and pavement
important to employ efficient irrigation methods areas, it picks up fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,
and use an irrigation schedule. automotive products, etc. and transports them into
Drip irrigation is the most efficient method for either city water treatment facilities or local water
irrigating (Figure 6.16). Spray/sprinkler irrigation is bodies. In either case, these non-point source pol-
not efficient because much of the water is lost to lutants (meaning the pollution did not come from
evaporation before it ever reaches the plants. It can one specific source) can negatively impact the
evaporate off leaves and branches before dripping organisms that depend on those water sources,
down to the base of the plant. Spray/sprinkler irri- including us!
gation also encourages mold and mildew growth There are a couple of strategies that can be
on plants. Drip irrigation is much more efficient be- employed in the landscape to help retain water
cause water goes straight to the base of the plant. on-site for longer and reduce the amount of runoff
Very little water is lost to evaporation and the tops of from irrigation or rain events. One such strategy is
the plants stay dry. This helps protect some plants the use of rain gardens in your landscape (Figure
against diseases such as rust blight. 6.17). A rain garden is a small depression behind
Zone irrigation is another smart way to irrigate a berm in the landscape designed to catch runoff
to conserve water use. In zone irrigation, plants are and allow it to drain into the soil during a 24-hour
grouped according to their irrigation needs, then period. This allows any pollutants in the runoff to
irrigated as a group according to that need. Plants be absorbed into the rain garden soil, instead of
needing a lot of water would be grouped togeth- running off into a local pond or stream. Since they
er and watered often, while plants not needing as drain in about a day, and since a mosquito’s larval
much water would be grouped together and wa- cycle is two to three days, rain gardens can actu-
tered less often. When plants with different water
requirements are intermixed, the whole area would
have to be over-watered to accommodate all the
When to irrigate is just as important has how
to irrigate. For starters, irrigate in the morning be-
tween 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., when the air is still
cool and wind is typically calmer. It is also better
to water deeply less often, than to water shallowly
more often. Less frequent deep watering encour-
ages deeper root growth.
Following an irrigation schedule that can flex
with weather changes is another smart way to irri-
gate effectively. For example, watering every third
day is planned, but if the weather is particularly hot
and windy, moving to an every-other-day schedule Figure 6.17. Diagram of a rain garden.

Master Gardeners Manual 185

ally help control mosquito populations. For more Appropriate applications for pervious pave-
information about constructing rain gardens, con- ment include commercial parking lots, driveways,
tact the local Extension office. sidewalks and roads with low volume traffic. Pervi-
Runoff is maximized on impermeable surfaces, ous pavement systems are not suitable for use in
such as roads and parking lots. But a new tech- areas with polluted runoff such as gas stations.
nology is available to mitigate this problem. Pervi- The materials and installation of pervious
ous pavement is a newer construction innovation pavement systems are more expensive compared
creating a strong surface, but has plenty of voids to conventional paving methods. However, their
for water to pass through. This allows rainwater/ costs can often be offset by the costs of stormwa-
irrigation to soak through the pavement and into ter management systems that have to accompany
the soil rather than running off site. By capturing conventional pavement such as curbs, piping, re-
stormwater and allowing it to seep into the ground tention ponds, etc.
during natural rainfall cycles, pervious pavement is Another way to prevent runoff is to capture
instrumental in recharging groundwater, reducing rainwater for your own use (Figure 6.18). An aver-
stormwater runoff and meeting U.S. Environmental age residential roof will produce a large amount of
Protection Agency (EPA) stormwater regulations runoff with very little rainfall. Rainwater harvesting
(CFR 40 130.3). systems can be as simple as a rain barrel under a
Pervious pavement can be used one of two gutter with a spigot at the bottom to be used to wa-
ways. The first is in the form of concrete and as- ter a flowerbed, or they can be designed for much
phalts that are made with very low amounts of larger holding capacities and filtered to be used
fine materials. When made this way, the larger for drinking water and toilet flushing.
aggregates are held together, but still have plen- Because roofs will collect dust and bird drop-
ty of voids between them that allow water to pass pings between rainfall events, it is best to include a
through. The second is in the form of structural first-flush diverter and/or debris screens in the rain
pavers. This is a more system-oriented method harvesting system. The run-off that first comes off a
that uses individual pieces, such as open-celled roof is called the “first-flush” and will have the high-
grids or interlocking blocks to create a surface, as est percentage of contaminants. Debris screens
opposed to a poured contiguous material. These fixed into the gutter/piping will help pull out large
paving systems will have porous elements mixed debris like leaves and twigs. A first-flush diverter
with traditional construction media such as con- helps isolate the first flush from the rest of the run-
crete blocks filled with gravel. off, so harvested water has a lower percentage of

Cistern lid with vent to be secured and tight enough to

keep out insects and animals,
but also allow tank to vent

Connection to Hole in pipe to prevent

municipal water/ To pump and pressure tank syphone effect
makeup water

Overflow inlet (minimum

12 inches below municipal
from gutters
water services)

Floating or stationary pump inlet

diversion device
Drain valve or hose bib
Minimum water level
Optional turbulence 6 inches
calming device to Overflow to French drain or
prevent remixing of surface water drain (cover end with
sediment netting or wire mesh or flap valve
to keep out insects and animals)

Figure 6.18. Rainwater catchment systems.

186 Master Gardeners Manual

roof contaminates. The basic design of a first-flush pH requirements when grouping plants. Adjust-
diverter is to route the water coming off of a roof ment of the pH of the soil can be made in a particu-
into a slow-draining pipe that will fill up first. Once lar area so it is best suited for the pH needs of that
it is full, an over-flow valve will carry subsequent plant grouping. Generally speaking, most plants
run-off into the primary storage container. It is also prefer slightly acidic soil – with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
important to include an over-flow valve in the stor- If a soil test reveals the soil is too acidic or too
age container. Once the container is full, any ex- alkaline, there are soil amendments that can be
cess runoff will be directed away from buildings added to change the pH. The pH scale ranges
and foundations. from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, which is neither
For more information on installing rainwater acid nor alkaline. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is
harvesting systems, including information on de- alkaline. If the soil is too alkaline, adding sulfur will
signing larger cistern systems, and for information lower the pH and make the soil more acidic. If the
on calculating runoff amounts based on catch- soil is too acidic, adding lime (limestone) will raise
ment area, see the Oklahoma Cooperative Ex- the pH and make the soil more alkaline.
tension fact sheet on rainwater harvesting. http:// Another important part of soil health is having an adequate amount of available organic matter
ument-8238/BAE-1757web.pdf in the soil. Organic matter typically refers to com-
Sources: posted plant and animal wastes such as coffee grounds, horse manure or grass clippings. Soil
microbes will break down organic matter into am- monium, phosphates and nitrates that are then changed to inorganic nitrogen (N) and phospho-
class/feature.class/Overview_Lesson_Pervious_Paving;j- rous (P), which can be absorbed by plants. This
sessionid=484ACFA250EFFC68C5102B8126937EC8 type of nutrient source is best for sustainable land-
scaping because it is a slow and natural release
Soil Conservation of N and P compared with commercial fertilizers
which may release a lot of both all at once and not
In addition to using water in a smart and sus- necessarily in the best ratios for the plants. Nitro-
tainable way, it is important to give the same con- gen, phosphorous and potassium are the primary
sideration to the soil. Not all soils are created equal nutrients needed for healthy plant growth and de-
and can become a depleted resource just like oth- velopment. Except for very sandy soils, most soils
er natural resources. That is why it is important to in Oklahoma have sufficient quantities of phospho-
incorporate sustainable practices for soil improve- rous and potassium. Nitrogen is the main nutrient
ment — to ensure its health is maintained year after of concern and needs to be replenished period-
year, without the constant application of synthetic ically in landscapes. If not, the soil will become
fertilizers. depleted and the plants will essentially starve. In-
creasing the available organic matter in the soil is
Soil improvement the best way to improve the nitrogen content.
Before planting anything, get a soil test for an Organic matter also encourages water infil-
accurate picture of the soil’s health. This will allow tration and productivity of the soil ecosystem. As
any necessary steps to be taken to improve the the organic matter is broken down by bacteria, the
soil’s health before adding plants. Contact the lo- space it occupied is left vacant. These voids allow
cal county Extension office for details on how to water to infiltrate deep into the soil and increase
submit a soil sample for testing. its total water-holding capacity (also called field
There are three main ways to improve soils to capacity). The voids also provide space for aer-
support healthy and productive landscapes: Soil obic organisms to thrive. The bacteria that break
pH, available organic matter and drainage. down the organic matter, and the waste they leave
Soil pH refers to the relative acidity or alkalinity behind, also provide nutrients for a large variety
of the soil. Plants need soil that is not too acidic or of beneficial flora and fauna that contribute to the
too alkaline. Unfortunately, different plants will have health of the soil ecosystem, such as earth worms,
different pH requirements. Make sure to consider microbes, insects and fungi.

Master Gardeners Manual 187

inent role in landscape design, it is worth men-
tioning here as well. Mulch can be just about any
material that is placed on the ground around a
plant’s base. The best mulches are made of organ-
ic material such as woodchips, leaves and grass
clippings that will break down into compost. Mulch
provides a landscape with three direct benefits: 1)
water conservation, 2) protection from soil com-
paction and 3) weed reduction. Mulch also can
be a feature of the landscape aesthetic as well.
Some mulch comes in different colors like red,
green, brown, or black and can be chosen to com-
plement the color scheme of the landscape and
Figure 6.19. Pore spaces of clay soil (left) ver- provide color contrast with turf areas.
sus sandy soil (right).
Improving soil drainage is another way to pro- Energy Conservation
mote sustainable soil conservation. Soils with high
clay content are prone to drainage issues. This is Landscape choices can significantly impact the
because the pore space between soil particles is energy use of a commercial or residential property.
very small compared to sandier soils (Figure 6.19). In conventional construction, a great deal of ener-
Small pore spaces allow for a very small amount gy is lost through the walls and roof via thermal ex-
of water to infiltrate down through the soil, causing change. Green roofs and strategic shade can help
soils to become saturated for too long. This can be reduce the energy lost through thermal exchange.
very damaging to plants and aerobic microorgan-
ism populations. Roots must have oxygen to sur- Green roofs
vive and root activity shuts down in waterlogged A green roof is a low-maintenance, vegetated
soils. Plants growing in wet soils are typically shal- roof system constructed for the benefits of reducing
low rooted. Many plants are prone to root rot in wet rainwater runoff, conserving energy lost through
soils. Prolonged periods of waterlogged soil con- thermal exchange and providing more biodiversity
ditions lead to the decline or even death of most to an area. Green roofs transform rooftops into a
plants. form of infrastructure with environmental, econom-
A simple test to evaluate soil drainage is to dig ic, aesthetic and social benefits.
a hole 12 inches deep and fill it with water. If the These unique structures reduce storm water
water fails to drain in 30 minutes, the soil has a runoff significantly by retaining large amounts of
drainage problem. If the hole fails to drain in 24 water in the soil to be absorbed by the vegetation
hours, waterlogged soils may affect plant growth. later. Studies have shown that a 4-inch deep green
On a fine-textured, clayey soil, the repeated roof can retain up to 50 percent of total rainfall.
application of organic matter over time helps to The reason green roofs are able to provide
glue the tiny clay particles into larger chunks or such significant energy savings is because the air
aggregates creating larger pore spaces. trapped in the drainage layer acts as an insula-
Sources: tor between the building’s inside and outside tem- peratures. A green roof can reduce the heat lost
WIU:%20Basic%20Soil%20Improvement%20Tech- through the roof in the winter by 25 percent. And in
the summer, the sun’s heat is used for evaporation and plant growth rather than being absorbed into the structure like a conventional roof. A green roof
source_directory.pdf will also reduce local levels of carbon dioxide and
increase the local levels of oxygen and humidity.
Green roofs are similar to conventional roofs
Use of mulch in their basic construction (Figure 6.20). Both start
The use of mulch is described in greater detail with a waterproof membrane over roof sheathing.
in Chapter 4. However, because it plays a prom-

188 Master Gardeners Manual

the east, west and northwest sides of your home or
business. Prune lower branches to prevent block-
ing views from windows. Kentucky Coffee trees are
well suited to this purpose. Oaks will also provide
ample shade, but are slower growing. Pecan trees
will also grow well in Oklahoma. Do not forget to
shade air-conditioning units to help keep them
cooler and running more efficiently.
Using trees and shrubs as windbreaks will
reduce the loss of heat in the winter that results
from convection. Up to one-third of heat loss from
a building can be lost through roofs and walls as a
result of the wind increasing convection.

Figure 6. 20. Construction of a green roof.

Reducing Pesticides
But that is where the similarities end. Green roofs and Fertilizers
will also include a root barrier, a drainage layer, fil-
ter fabric, and 2 to 6 inches of lightweight growth Reducing pesticide use
substrate with very little organic content. Too much For landscapes to be healthy and productive,
organic content results in settling or too-rapid plant they need to be integrated into the local ecosystem
growth. Regionally appropriate plants are then rather than fighting against it. For this reason, pes-
planted in the growth substrate. Sedum and other ticide use in a landscape should be used as spar-
succulents have been popular choices for green ingly as possible. Most pesticides will affect many
roofs in Oklahoma. more organisms than the target pest(s), and many
It is important to note that green roofs require of these organisms are beneficial to the landscape
moderate structural support, but this can be easily plants and soil. Furthermore, pesticides applied
accommodated during design for new construc- directly to plants and soils can make their way into
tion. Existing roofs may require additional structur- groundwater or get picked up in rainwater runoff,
al supports that can be added during re-roofing or ending up in streams and lakes, affecting many
renovation. A green roof may weigh approximately other non-target organisms.
10 to 25 pounds per square foot when fully sat- The best way to protect against pests is to start
urated, whereas a conventional rock ballast roof with healthy plants. Healthy plants are less attrac-
weighs approximately 10 to 12 pounds per square tive to pests, and are better able to defend and
foot. The added upfront costs of a green roof are recover when attacked by pests. Choosing native
typically offset through time, as green roofs will last varieties with a proven record of doing well in Okla-
much longer than conventional roofs. This is be- homa will be predisposed to resist/endure native
cause the structural portion of the roof is protected pests. Maintaining soil health is another way to
from the intense heat and UV rays from the sun. mitigate the need for pesticides in the landscape.
Source: Healthy soils produce healthy plants. Healthy soils
also promote a balanced ecosystem that can sup-
Strategic shade and windbreaks port a variety of animals, including those that prey
Do not underestimate the impact that shade on garden pests.
provided by trees and shrubs can have on the Plant associations or intercropping is an easy,
energy savings during hot Oklahoma summers. natural way to reduce pesticide use in your land-
Planting the right trees in the right places can re- scape. Plant associations recognize that there is a
duce summer air conditioning costs by 35 percent great deal of cooperation in nature and it can be
and winter heating costs by 10 to 30 percent. For modeled between plant and animal species in our
the biggest impact, plant large deciduous trees on own landscapes for the benefit of the whole area.

Master Gardeners Manual 189

This involves selecting and grouping plants ac- for it by providing regular applications of organic
cording to the natural effects they have on pests compost. Organic compost will provide all the nec-
and soils in the landscape. This may also involve essary nutrients for proper plant health. It also pro-
placing plants repelling pests or having an adverse vides many other benefits for plant and soil health
effect on pests’ survival around/near more suscepti- that synthetic fertilizers do not. Some of these ben-
ble plant species. For example, squash beetles are efits have already been discussed.
repelled by the smell of radishes, so planting rad-
ishes around squash plants can make the squash Appropriate
plants less attractive to these aggressive pests. time and amount of fertilizing
More generally, intercropping can reduce the If it is not possible or convenient to provide
need for pesticides simply by elevating the level the landscape with regular applications of quali-
of diversity among plant species. Intercropping is ty compost, then use synthetic fertilizers to keep
typically used in larger agricultural settings, but the it healthy. Synthetic fertilizers are developed to be
same principles for pest reduction apply. There are a delivery system for the primary plant nutrients:
two suggested reasons why high diversity leads nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These nutri-
to reduced susceptibility to pests: 1) a more di- ents are essential for healthy plant growth.
verse environment would support a larger number Fertilizers can be made with varying ratios of
and variety of natural predator populations, and 2) these nutrients. It is important to understand the
when pests feeding on one type of plant are al- nutrient requirements of the plants before apply-
lowed to exist in a monoculture of that plant, they ing fertilizer. For example, if the soil test indicates
have a greater concentration of resources in which a primary nutrient demand of nitrogen, make sure
to move, feed, breed, etc. This would lead to over- the nitrogen number (or the first number in the
all greater numbers of that pest. analysis) is the biggest number on the label. A 10-
Deliberately attracting and/or releasing bene- 20-5 fertilizer is providing other nutrients the area
ficial insects into the landscape is another way to doesn’t need (phosphorus and potassium). This
reduce pesticide use. For example, if aphids are a excess phosphorus likely will be washed away with
problem, ladybugs (aphid’s natural predators) can rainwater run-off and end up in a local stream or
be ordered and released in large quantities. If cab- lake, where it will contribute to toxic algae blooms.
bage loopers are decimating the brassicas, para- This demonstrates how choosing the wrong kind
sitic wasp eggs can be purchased and hatched to of fertilizer can be both a waste of money and a
reduce the looper population. Lacewing larva are potential environmental hazard.
voracious predators and also can be purchased. Synthetic fertilizers will provide instructions for
They eat aphids, thrips, scales, moth eggs, small application amounts on the packaging. These in-
caterpillars and mites. It is also important to re- structions should be followed. The old adage that if
member spiders are very beneficial for controlling a little is good, a lot must be better does not apply
garden pests. Take comfort in knowing that most to fertilizer. Applying more than the recommend-
spiders found in gardens do not move indoors and ed amount of fertilizer will result in excess product
are not typically venemous varieties. Providing being 1) wasted, 2) carried into local streams and
straw mulches will encourage an increase in spi- lakes via stormwater/irrigation runoff and/or 3) may
der populations. cause a nitrogen burn, whereby the exchange of
Sources: nutrients actually reverses. Instead of absorbing http://www.clemson.
the nutrients, a plant’s roots will expel water and kill
edu/sustainableag/IP135_intercropping.pdf the plant.
h t t p : / / w w w. o r g a n i c g a rd e n i n g . c o m / l e a r n - a n d - g ro w / Source:
meet-beneficial-insects?page=0,3 ides/fertilizer/basics/understandingfertilizernum- bers.aspx

Reducing fertilizer
use through composting
The most direct way to reduce synthetic fer-
tilizer use in a landscape is to reduce the need

190 Master Gardeners Manual


Landscape developments should provide attractive, useful and comfortable surroundings for their
owners and environment. The selection of ornamental plants is categorized into herbaceous ornamentals
(perennials and annuals) and woody ornamentals (trees, shrubs, vines/ground covers).Factors in select-
ing plants based on their desired use, environment and associated maintenance practices is discussed in
this section.
House plants, used to make the interior of the home attractive, also have special growing requirements,
which are covered under this section.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Be able to discuss several aspects of color in relationship to the home landscape and the design
of flower gardens.
• Be able to explain several ways of using flowers in the home landscape plan.
• Understand what the term “flowering annuals” refers to and give several examples of commonly
grown annuals.
• Be able to give a general description of soil preparation for planting flowers.
• Be able to discuss starting annual flowers from seed.
• Be able to briefly discuss pest management for flowering plants.
• Understand the life cycle of biennials.
• Be able to explain what “perennial” means, and list some of the advantages of and considerations
in growing perennial flowers.
• Understand some of the general criteria for selecting perennials.
• Be able to describe several aspects of cultural management of the perennial flower garden: wa-
tering, weeding, fertilizing, etc.

Herbaceous Plants Planning the Flower Border

Flower gardening is the gardener’s reward for Much of the excitement of creating an herba-
hard work. Flowers and flower borders provide col- ceous border lies in its great flexibility of design.
or against the predominant green of a landscape. In form, placement and selection of plants, the
They are the accent and contrast making a land- contemporary border follows few rigid rules and
scape lively and interesting. Flowers also comple- allows fullest expression of the gardener’s taste.
ment most of the features that conventional land- The first step in planning for an all-season,
scaping materials, such as trees and shrubs, es- mixed perennial border is to select key plants for
tablish. They can add depth and dimension, form line, mass, color and dependability. Line is the sil-
and texture, and change heights and slopes, be- houette or outline of a plant, mass is its shape or
sides their most obvious asset, which is color. Flow- denseness, and dependability refers to is ability
ers can also be useful, providing culinary herbs for to remain attractive with a minimum of problems.
the table and cut flowers for arrangements. Garden books, catalogs and the internet can be
very useful for reference.

Master Gardeners Manual 191

seven plants will create the desired effect. A large
delphinium or peony will be of sufficient size to
be attractive, but a random collection of different
small- to medium-sized plants will present a disor-
ganized, checkerboard appearance. Each group
of flowers should have an irregular shape. These
masses of color and texture should blend into a
pleasing pattern of color harmony. Dwarf flowers
may be used as a continuous edging or border
along the front of the bed.
Flower borders may be of any width, depend-
ing on the space available. In a small yard, the bed
may be only 2 or 3 feet wide. In a spacious loca-
tion, the border planting may have a width of 6 or 8
feet. If the border is quite deep, a pathway of step-
Figure 6.21. Example of a flower border. ping stones may be helpful as a means of working
among the flowers without compacting the soil.
Tall flowers should be selected for the back
The most attractive flower borders are those part of the bed, with medium-tall species in the
located in front of a suitable background such as middle and dwarf varieties along the front as edg-
a fence, shrubbery or a building. In some cases, ing plants. Plants along the front edge of the flower
tall flowers such as hollyhocks or sunflowers may bed should be located back far enough to allow
serve a dual purpose as flowers in the border and easy mowing of the lawn.
as background plants. Annual or perennial flowers Plant height is best limited to 2/3 the width of
of medium height may serve as background plants the border (e.g., no plants taller than 4 feet in a
for a short border planting. border 6 feet wide). Height lines should be broken
A general rule is to avoid a ruler-straight front up by letting some tall plants extend into the me-
edge, unless the garden is very spacious or for- dium height groups, with a few recessed clumps
mal. A gentle to boldly sweeping curve, easily laid or drifts leading the eye back into the border. This
out with a garden hose, is best and the border can gives a more natural effect than a step profile. Try
taper as it recedes from the main viewing point if to vary heights, but in general, keep taller plants in
an effect of distance is desired. The deeper the the back and shorter ones toward the front.
curve, the slower the eye moves and the greater The distance between plants in a flower border
will be the visual enjoyment. A border outlined with depends on the form of the individual plants and
bricks or flat stones set flush with the soil is bet- the effect that is desired in the landscape. Allow
ter than a steeply cut lawn edge, which must be adequate space between plants. A common mis-
trimmed after mowing. take is crowding plants too much.
Even the advanced gardener finds it advan- The enormous color range in perennials, plus
tageous to plan a border to scale on graph pa- ease of relocation if disharmony occurs, give the
per. The hardest task, organizing the selection gardener great latitude in choosing and combin-
of plants, will be simplified if only two main mass ing colors. A border in tones of the same color can
forms are considered: drifts and clumps. Drifts are be effective, several closely related colors may be
elongated groupings of a plant that flow through used, or the border may be made wildly exuberant
sections of the border. Clumps consist of circular with a vast variety of hues in one or more seasons.
groupings of a variety or a single large plant such Hues are modifications of color such as orang-
as a peony. The length of drifts and the diameter of ish-red. The objective is a balanced composition in
clumps, as well as their heights, should be varied every season, with no section being at any time too
for best effect. The dimensions should always be heavily weighted with one color, and the bloom so
in proportion to the overall size of the border. distributed that it always makes a pleasing pattern
Establish plants in groups large enough to through the bed.
form masses of color or texture. As a rule, five to

192 Master Gardeners Manual

Red, orange and yellow are warm colors. Blue,
green and violet are cool colors. The use of warm
colors in the flower border of a small yard will give
the illusion of little space. Conversely, the use of
cool colors gives the impression of openness and
space. In general, the smaller the area, the fewer
warm colors should be used.
As gardeners become adept at producing
constant color harmony in the border, they be-
come more aware of the roles played by plant
Figure 6.22. Dividing a flower border into bold forms and foliage. Good foliage is obviously vital
plant groupings according to height. Back- in plants with short blooming periods. Consider
ground: large groups of tall plants. Foreground: how much of the plant foliage will be usable and
shallower, wider groupings of small plants. whether it is a positive or negative attribute. Some
plants practically disappear when their blooming
season is over (i.e., Oriental poppy and bleeding
heart), but others stay presentable even when not
in flower. Plants with distinctive forms, color and
foliage -- airy and delicate, or strong and solid --
are wonderfully useful for creating interest. Orna-
mental grasses and even handsome foliage veg-
etables like broccoli, cardoon and asparagus can
be used for effect.
The most logical way to choose plants is first
by location; second, period of bloom; then height
and width; and finally, color. Location takes into
account the amount of sun or shade and water re-
quired. This information is easy to find in books on
Figure 6.23. Selection of garden groups as to perennials, in catalogs and on the internet.
season of flowering and whether annual, bien- The only restrictions on any given plant will be
nial or perennial. environmental. A lack of ability to tolerate winter or
summer temperature extremes, special soil, mois-
ture, light needs and any limits the gardener must
Many gardening books give excellent lists of place on time available for maintenance.
compatible colors. These, plus a garden notebook Even in a small border, single plants of different
and camera is invaluable for planning and revising varieties should not be used. This gives a jumbled
color schemes. For real floral artistry, it is perhaps look. Do not set in precise rows, but in groups, as
more important to consider intensity, which is the they might grow in nature. Allow enough space for
vividness of a color, rather than hue. For example, each group to grow comfortably. Decide which
light tones placed near dark ones, or contrasting flowers you like best, and let these be the basis of
palest and intense tones can give new interest and your planting. Place them in several spots, if you
life to the border. Also consider location and color. like, down the length of the border, but don’t over-
Near patios, white is especially good because it do any one plant.
shows up well in the evening or dusk hours when The longer the border has flowers in bloom, the
patios are often in use. Some colors are suitable more it will be enjoyed. Consider the months when
only as dramatic accents: deep, pure red clash- each plant will be at its best. Do not confine your-
es with almost anything (unless softened by dark self to material that blooms all at one time. Aim for
green foliate), yet properly used, it confers strength a steady succession of color.
and depth. White flowers and gray foliage are in- A last bit of advice: don’t be afraid to be bold,
dispensable as separators of conflicting colors. even if it results in some mistakes. Flowers are
easy to move, change or take out altogether. There

Master Gardeners Manual 193

is no need to be conservative or confined. Flowers
are fast growers and can be transplanted almost
any time to help create the desired effect.

How many bedding plants do I need?

Avoid over- or under-buying the number of
bedding plants you need. All it takes is some sim-
ple arithmetic.
Measure the area of your garden and calculate
its square footage (width x length = square feet). If
the area is irregularly shaped – oval, round or long
and winding – a rough estimate is good enough.
Use Table 6.1 to estimate the number of plants
Figure 6.24. A full sun annual border planting.
needed. Purchase a few more than you will need
in case some are damaged by weather, animals or dragons are examples. Annuals have many pos-
pests. itive features. They are versatile, sturdy and rela-
Annuals tively cheap. Plant breeders have produced many
new and improved varieties. Annuals are easy to
Annual flowers live only one growing season, grow, produce instant color and most importantly,
during which they grow, flower and produce seed, bloom for most of the growing season.
thereby completing their life cycle. Annuals must There are a few disadvantages to annuals.
be set out or seeded every year. Some varieties will They must be set out as plants or sowed from seed
self-sow or naturally reseed themselves. This may every year, which involves some effort and ex-
be undesirable in most flowers because the par- pense. Some plants require old flower heads to be
ents of this seed are unknown and hybrid charac- removed on a regular basis to ensure continuous
teristics will be lost. Plants will scatter everywhere bloom. If they are not removed, the plants will pro-
instead of their designated spot. Examples are al- duce seed, complete their life cycle and die. Many
yssum, petunia and impatiens. Some perennials, annuals begin to look disreputable by late summer
plants that live from year to year, are classed with and need to be cut back for regrowth or replaced.
annuals because they are not winter-hardy and Annuals offer the gardener a chance to ex-
must be set out every year; begonias and snap- periment with color, height, texture and form. If a
mistake is made, it’s only for one growing season.
Annuals are useful for filling in spaces until perma-
nent plants are installed; to extend perennial beds
Table 6.1. Guide to estimating number of plants and fill in holes where an earlier perennial has fin-
needed based on square feet of bed and spac- ished blooming or the next one has yet to bloom;
ing of plants. to cover areas where spring bulbs have bloomed
and died back; and to fill planters, window boxes
Recommended Number of Plants and hanging baskets.
Spacing per Sq. Ft.
Culture and maintenance of annuals
6 inches 4 Site selection. Consider aspects of the site
8 inches 2.25 that affect plant growth such as light, soil charac-
10 inches 1.44 teristics and topography. Different annuals per-
12 inches 1 form well in full sun, light shade or heavy shade.
18 inches .44 The slope of the site will affect temperature and
24 inches .25 drainage. Soil texture, drainage, fertility and pH in-
fluence plant performance.
Example: A 125-square-foot garden, using plants recom- Site preparation. Preparation is best done
mended to be spaced 10 inches apart would need approx-
imately 180 plants (125 x 1.44 = 180).
in the fall. Proper preparation of soil will enhance

194 Master Gardeners Manual

success in growing annuals. First, have the soil thin plants in individual pots to one seedling per
tested and adjust the pH if needed. Check and ad- pot; transplant those in flats to larger flats, spacing
just drainage. To do this, dig a hole about 10 inches 1 1/2 inches apart or to individual pots.
deep and fill with water. The next day, fill with water Planting times. Do not be in a rush to start
again and see how long it remains (not exceeding seeds outdoors or to set out started plants. As a
8 hours). If drainage is poor, plan to plant in raised general rule, delay sowing seed of warm-weather
beds. The next step is to dig the bed. Add 4 to 6 annuals outdoors or setting out started plants until
inches organic matter to improve soil texture. Dig after the last frost date. Most such seeds will not
to a depth of 12 to 18 inches and leave “rough” in germinate well in soils below 60 F. If soil is too cold
fall or early spring. Finally, in spring, add fertilizer, when seed is sown, seeds will remain dormant un-
spade again and rake the surface smooth. til soil warms and may rot instead of germinating.
Seed selection. To get a good start toward Some cold-loving annuals, like larkspur, should be
raising vigorous plants, buy good seed packaged sown in late fall or very early spring.
for the current year. Seed saved from previous Sowing seed outdoors. Annuals seeded
years usually loses its vigor. It tends to germinate in the garden frequently fail to germinate proper-
slowly and erratically and produce poor seedlings. ly because the surface of the soil cakes and pre-
Keep seed dry and cool until planted. If seed must vents entry of water. To avoid this, sow seed in ver-
be stored, place in an air-tight container with pow- miculite-filled furrows. Make furrows in soil about
dered milk to absorb excess moisture and refriger- 1/2 inch deep. If soil is dry, water the furrow, then
ate. When buying seed, look for new varieties list- fill it with fine vermiculite and sprinkle with water.
ed as hybrids. Plants from hybrid seed are more Then make another shallow furrow in the vermicu-
uniform in size and more vigorous than plants of lite and sow the seed in this furrow. Sow at the rate
open-pollinated varieties. They usually produce recommended on the package. Cover the seed
more flowers with better substance. with a layer of vermiculite and, using a nozzle ad-
Starting plants indoors. The best media justed for a fine mist, water the seeded area thor-
for starting seeds is loose, well-drained, fine-tex- oughly. Keep the seed bed well-watered or cover
tured, low in nutrients and free of disease-causing with mulch, such as newspaper, to prevent excess
fungi, bacteria and unwanted seeds. Many com- evaporation of water. Remove mulch promptly af-
mercial products meet these requirements. Fill ter germination starts, so young seedlings will re-
clean containers about 2/3 full with potting medium; ceive adequate sunlight.
level the medium and moisten it evenly throughout. Setting out transplants. By setting seed-
It should be damp but not soggy. Seeds should lings in the garden, a display of flowers arrives
be placed to a depth of about two to three times several weeks earlier than sown seeds. This is es-
the diameter of the seed. Very small seeds can be pecially useful for germinating annuals (such as
sprinkled on the surface and lightly covered with verbena) slowly or those that need several months
additional potting soil. Seed may be sown in flats to bloom. You can buy plants of these or other an-
by following seed package directions or directly nuals or you can start your own. Buy only healthy
in individual peat pots or pellets, two seeds to the plants, free of pests and diseases. Before set-
pot. After seed is sown water with a fine mist. Place ting out transplants, harden them off by exposing
a sheet of plastic over seeded containers and set them to outside conditions during the day, provid-
them in an area away from sunlight where the tem- ing more light and cooler temperatures than they
perature is between 60 F and 75 F. Bottom heat received inside. After the last frost date, annual
is helpful. As soon as seeds have germinated, re- plants may be set out. Dig a hole for each plant
move plastic sheeting and place seedlings in the large enough to accept its root system comfort-
light. If natural light is poor, fluorescent tubes can ably. Lift out each plant from its flat, set in a plant-
be used. Place seedlings close to the tubes. After ing hole and backfill so the plant sets at the same
the plastic is removed from the container, the new level as they appear in the flat. Irrigate each hole.
plants need watering and fertilizing, since most A water-soluble fertilizer may be used at this time.
planting material contains little or no plant food. The type used should be based on a soil test. Fol-
Use a mild fertilizer solution after plants have been low package directions.
watered. When seedlings develop two true leaves,

Master Gardeners Manual 195

If plants are in fiber pots, remove the paper the surface of the soil. When the plants begin to
from the outside of the root mass and set the plant grow, stop cultivating and pull weeds by hand. As
in a prepared planting hole. When setting out annual plants grow, feeder roots spread between
plants in peat pots, set the entire pot in the plant- the plants; cultivation is likely to injure these roots.
ing hole, but remove the upper edges of the pot In addition, cultivation stirs the soil and uncovers
so all of the peat pot is covered when soil is firmed weed seeds that then germinate.
around the transplant. If a lip of the peat pot is ex- Deadheading (removing old flowers). To
posed above the soil level, it may produce a wick maintain vigorous growth of plants and assure
effect, pulling water away from the plant and into neatness, remove spent flowers and seed pods.
the air. After setting the plants, water them in and This step is particularly desirable if you are grow-
apply fertilizer based on a soil test. Provide pro- ing ageratum, calendula, cosmos, marigold, pan-
tection against excessive sun, wind or cold while sy, scabiosa or zinnia.
the plants are getting settled in their new locations. Staking. Tall-growing annuals like larkspur or
Inverted pots, newspaper tunnels or cloches can tall varieties of marigold or cosmos need support
be used. to protect them from strong winds and rain (Figure
Watering. Do not rely on summer rainfall to 6.25). Tall plants are supported by stakes of wood,
keep flower beds watered. Plan to irrigate them bamboo or reed large enough to hold the plants
from the beginning. When watering, moisten the upright, but not large enough to be conspicuous.
entire bed thoroughly, but do not water so heavily Stakes should be about 6 inches shorter than the
that the soil becomes soggy. After watering, allow mature plant so their presence will not interfere with
the soil to dry moderately before watering again. A the beauty of the bloom. Begin staking when plants
soaker hose is excellent for watering beds; water are about 1/3 their mature size. Place stakes close
from the soaker hose seeps directly into the soil to the plant, but take care not to damage the root
without waste and without splashing leaves and system. Secure the stems of the plants to stakes
flowers. The slow-moving water does not disturb in several places with twine or other materials that
the soil or reduce its capacity to absorb water. Wa- will not cut into the stem. Plants with delicate stems
ter wands and drip systems are also good. Sprin- can be supported by a framework of stakes and
klers are not as effective as soaker hoses. Water strings in criss-crossing patterns.
from sprinklers wets the flowers and foliage, mak- Fertilizing. When preparing beds for annu-
ing them susceptible to diseases. The structure of als, fertilizer should be added according to rec-
the soil may be destroyed by impact of water drops ommendations given by soil sample analysis or
falling on its surface; it may puddle or crust, pre- derived from observation of plants grown on the
venting free entry of water and air. The least effec- site. Lime may also be needed if the soil test results
tive method for watering is with a hand-held noz- indicate it. Use dolomitic limestone rather than hy-
zle. Watering with a nozzle has all the objections drated lime. Ideally, lime should be added in the
of watering with a sprinkler. In addition, gardeners fall so it will have time to change the pH. Fertilizer
seldom are patient enough to do a thorough job should be added in the spring so it will not leach
of watering with a nozzle. Not enough water is ap- out before plants can benefit from it.
plied and the water that is applied is usually poorly
Mulching. Mulches help keep the soil sur-
face from crusting and aids in preventing growth
of weeds; organic mulches can add humus to the
soil. Grass clippings make a good mulch for annu-
als, if they do not mat. In general, only a thin layer
of mulch may be needed in annual beds. Be care-
ful not to burry or pile mulch up against the base
of small plants. Too much mulch may result in rots
Weeding (cultivating). After plants are set Figure 6.25. Examples of staking material used
out or thinned, cultivate only to break crusts on to support tall plants.

196 Master Gardeners Manual

Once annuals have germinated and begin to insects. Use pesticides only when needed and
grow, additional fertilizers may be needed. This is handle them with care.
especially true if organic mulches are added be- Diseases. Since annuals only grow in the
cause microorganisms decomposing the mulch garden for one season, diseases are not as seri-
take up available nitrogen; in these situations ad- ous a problem as they are for perennials. Select
ditional nitrogen may be needed. Be sure to work varieties of plants resistant to disease and follow
the fertilizer in around the plants in such a way as recommended practices for planting and maintain-
to avoid direct contact between the stems and the ing annuals and to avoid most disease problems.
fertilizer. Apply fertilizers to damp soil. However, there are times when weather conditions
are highly favorable for diseases. If this happens,
Controlling insects and diseases determine what disease is affecting the plants,
Insect Pests. Do not apply an insecticide then apply the appropriate pesticide according to
unless it is necessary to prevent damage to plants. label directions.
Most insect pests in the garden will not cause ap- Soil moisture and temperature necessary for
preciable damage if their predators and parasites germination of seeds are also ideal for develop-
are protected by avoiding unnecessary applica- ment of damping-off. Damping-off causes seeds to
tions of insecticides. However, if there is a pest that rot and seedlings to collapse and die. The disease
usually causes serious damage unless an insecti- is carried in soil and may be present on planting
cide is used, apply the insecticide as soon as the containers and tools. Once the disease appears
infestation appears and begins to increase. When in a seed flat, it may travel quickly through the flat
possible, use an insecticide more specific to the and kill all seedlings planted there. This can be
pest to be controlled rather than a broad spectrum prevented. Before planting, treat the seed with a
insecticide; this will reduce the inadvertent kill of fungicide and use sterile soil and containers.
beneficial insects. Unless you use artificial soilless mixes, sterilize
Watch for such insect pests as spider mites, the soil in an oven. Fill a metal tray with moist, but
aphids, Japanese beetles and other beetles, la- not wet, soil. Hold it at 180 F for 30 minutes. This
cebugs and thrips. These are some of the insects will produce an unpleasant smell. Do not overheat.
most likely to need prompt treatment with alterna- To avoid introducing the damping-off organism
tive methods of control or insecticides when other on containers, use sterile containers. Peat pots can
methods do not work. Do not treat for soil insects be set out in the garden along with the plants they
unless you find high numbers of cutworms, white contain; roots of the plants grow through the walls
grubs or wireworms when preparing the soil for of the pots. Plants grown in peat pots suffer no set-
planting. back when they are transplanted to the garden.
When using a pesticide, be certain that the Plants that ordinarily do not tolerate transplanting
pest and the plant are indicated on the label. can be grown in peat pots satisfactorily. If wooden
Read and follow all directions for use, in- boxes or clay flower pots are used for soil contain-
cluding precautions shown on the label. If ers, clean them well. Soak clay pots in water and
pesticides are handled, applied or disposed of im- scrub them to remove all the white fertilizer crust
properly, they may be injurious to human beings, from the outside. Sterilize clay pots by swabbing
animals and fish as well as to plants and beneficial them with a solution of one part chlorine bleach to
10 parts water. Allow containers to dry thoroughly
before filling them with soil. If damping-off appears
in seedlings despite precautions, discard the con-
tainers and soil and start again.

Biennials are plants that complete their life cy-
cle in two years of growing seasons. During the first
Figure 6.26. Marigolds covered with spider growing season, they produce leaves, usually a ro-
mites. sette. In the second growing season, preceded by

Master Gardeners Manual 197

a cold period, they produce blooms and die. For or hedge against which perennials will stand out
the flower gardener, biennials present the obvious while in bloom. In island beds, perennials can pro-
disadvantage of producing only foliage the first vide their own background if tall ones are planted
year and no blooms. For this reason, new varieties in the center and low ones toward the edges.
have been developed that produce early blooms. Soil preparation. Preparing the soil is ex-
Biennial seeds can be sown in midsummer to pro- tremely important to perennials. Many annuals can
duce plants developing in the fall, forcing the plant grow and flower in poorly prepared soil, but few
to bloom the next year. Popular biennials are stock perennials survive more than a year if the soil is not
and hollyhock. Cultural practices are basically the properly prepared. Beds dedicated to annuals can
same as for annuals, except the plants remain two also be amended yearly since plantings are not as
years. permanent. Perennial bed soils are more difficult to
amend after it is planted.
Perennials For new beds, begin preparing soil in the fall
before planting time. Have the soil tested first. Re-
Perennials are plants that live year after year. sults will indicate how much lime or acidifier needs
Trees and shrubs are perennial. Most garden flow- to be added during preparation and how much fer-
ers are herbaceous perennials. This means the tilizer needs to be added in the spring. Materials to
tops of the plants -- the leaves, stems and flowers adjust pH need time to work. Before preparing new
die back to the ground each fall with the first frost beds, check the soil to see that it is well drained, yet
or freeze. The roots persist through the winter and has some water-holding capacity. Test for drainage
every spring, new plant tops arise. Any plant living as described in the section on annuals. If drain-
through the winter is said to be hardy. age is inadequate, dig furrows along the sides of
There are advantages to perennials, the most the bed and add soil from the furrows to the bed.
obvious is they do not have to be planted every This raises the level of the bed above the general
year like annuals. Some perennials, such as del- level of the soil. Excess water can then seep from
phiniums, need to be replaced every few years. the bed into the furrows. Raised beds may wash
Another advantage is that with careful planning, during heavy rains. This can be prevented by sur-
a perennial flower bed will change colors, as one rounding the beds with a hardscape material such
type of plant finishes and another variety begins as wooden or masonry walls. Since raised beds
to bloom. In general, most perennials require little dry out more quickly than flat beds, water beds fre-
care; however, they do require pruning and main- quently during the summer. After forming the beds,
tenance to keep them attractive. A few species spade the soil to a depth of 8 or 10 inches. Turn
have a relatively short bloom period, which is a soil over completely, incorporating 2 to 4 inches of
disadvantage, but by combining them with annu- organic material. Remove debris and leave rough
als, a continuous colorful show can be provided. during the winter.
Most require transplanting every three years. Just before planting in the spring, spade again.
At this spading, add recommended levels of fertil-
izers. Be sure to work any phosphorous deeply into
Culture and maintenance
the soil, where plant roots can get it. Rake the soil
of perennials
surface smooth. After raking, the soil is ready for
Site location. Consider many of the same
seeding or planting.
aspects of site selection for perennials as do for
Selecting plants. It is best to select plants
annuals; sunlight (full sun to heavy shade), slope
with a purpose in mind, such as edging plants, ac-
of the site (affects temperature and drainage), soil
cents for evergreens, masses of color, rock garden
type and the role the plants selected will play in
specimens, etc. With specific purposes in mind,
the garden. This is especially important with pe-
choose perennials by considering their character-
rennials, as they usually are left in place for sev-
istics and deciding which plants best meet your
eral years. In general, it is best to plant clumps
of perennials rather than one plant. Large plant-
Select named varieties for a good display
ings may be made if space allows. An ideal loca-
from a limited number of plants in a limited space.
tion would provide a background such as a wall
Observe the flowering times of perennials in the

198 Master Gardeners Manual

neighborhood. Choose plants that will flower to- plenty of space between the plants because most
gether and plants that will be showy when little perennials spread quickly and need room to devel-
else is in bloom. The flowering time may vary as op. Perennials usually show up best when planted
much as six weeks from year to year, but plants in clumps or groups of plants of the same variety.
of the same kind and their cultivars usually flower Watering. Since herbaceous perennials
at the same time. To obtain details on particular grow back from the roots every year, it is important
plants or groups of plants, consult plant societies, to encourage healthy, deep roots. Proper watering
specialty books, the internet, nurseries that spe- promotes good root development. When watering,
cialize in herbaceous perennials and local botani- make sure all the roots are reached. Follow direc-
cal gardens. tions on watering in the section on annuals. Water
Plants designated as Oklahoma Proven plant occasionally in the winter because the root sys-
selections are tough, attractive and easily grown tems of perennials continue to be active through
in most parts of the state. Most are readily avail- the dormant season.
able in local nurseries and garden centers. Exam- Mulching. Mulch gives an orderly look to
ples of Oklahoma Proven selections are ‘Magnus’ the garden and cuts down on weeding. Mulches
purple coneflower, autumn sage, giant coneflower, are very useful for maintaining uniform moisture
toad lily, hardy plumbago, hellebore and ‘Golden conditions in the garden. Soil temperatures are
Jubilee’ anise hyssop. For a complete and updat- modified by mulches to various degrees. Organic
ed list of Oklahoma Proven plants see http://okla- mulches may add some nutrients and humus to the soil, improving its tilth and moisture-holding ca-
Plants of many perennials can be bought at a pacity. Most organic mulches should be applied
local nursery. These plants usually are in bloom after plants are well established and when there
when offered for sale, which allows selection of the is reasonably good soil moisture. Inorganic mulch-
colors desired. Buy compact perennial plants with es, such as gravel, permeable landscape fabric
good foliage color. Plants held in warm shopping or paper are applied prior to planting. Bark, pine
areas are seldom vigorous and generally have needles and shredded leaves are common organ-
thin, pale, yellow stems and leaves. Avoid buying ic mulches used in perennial beds. All mulches re-
these plants. Buy named varieties of plants for quire care to keep them attractive.
known characteristics of disease resistance, heat Perennials should be mulched during the win-
and cold resistance, growth habits and colors. ter months to protect them from the heaving that
Many perennials do not grow true to type if results from repeated freezing and thawing of the
grown from seed saved from old plants. If planting soil. However, you must be careful with winter
from saved seed, many off-types of color, flower mulching, as it can do more harm than good. Be
form and plant habit are produced. Purchased careful not to pile mulch heavily over the crowns,
seed, whether hybrid or strains, usually give uni- as this would encourage rotting. Boughs of ever-
form results. Sow perennial seeds directly in the greens give ample protection but allow air circu-
beds where the plants are to bloom, or start early lation. Apply mulch around the plants only after
plants indoors or in a cold frame and set them out the soil temperature has decreased after several
in beds after the weather warms. killing frosts. If winter mulch is applied too early,
Planting times. Generally, late-summer or the warmth from the protected soil will cause new
fall-flowering perennials are planted in the spring, growth to start. Severe damage to the plant can
while spring-flowering perennials are planted in result from new growth being frozen back. Re-
late summer or early fall. However, check exact move winter mulch as soon as growth starts in the
planting dates for specific perennials. Regardless spring. If you don’t, new growth will develop ab-
of the time of planting, perennials should be al- normally with long, gangly stems and insufficient
lowed sufficient time to establish themselves be- chlorophyll.
fore blooming or the onset of cold weather. Weeding. Follow weeding directions in the
Planting procedure. Perennials are planted section on annuals. A few preemergent herbicides
in the same way as annuals. For planting details, are now registered for use in perennial flowers.
refer to the annual section of this chapter. Leave Fertilizing. Regular fertilization may be nec-
essary. Perennial plantings can rob the soil of its

Master Gardeners Manual 199

natural fertility. However, do not fertilize perennials
heavily. A light fertilization program gives a contin-
uous supply of nutrients to produce healthy plants.
If the soil has not been tested, broadcast the fertil-
izer through the bed in March; repeat the applica-
tion twice more at six-week intervals. This should
carry the plants through summer. Apply another
treatment of fertilizer to late-blooming plants in late
summer. Always water the bed after applying fertil-
izer. This will wash the fertilizer off the foliage and
prevent burn. It will also make fertilizer available to
the plants immediately.
Deadheading. After perennials have
bloomed, spent flowers should be removed. Cut
flower stems down to a healthy leaf or to the ground
if there are not more buds. This will keep the beds
looking neat and will prevent plants from wasting
energy setting seed. Some plants can be forced to
rebloom if cut back severely after the first bloom.
Other perennials, such as salvia, benefit from oc- Figure 6.28. The plants in the illustrations in top
casional shearing to keep them more compact have been tied too tightly. It is better to tie the
and bushy, reducing the need for staking. principal branches loosely as shown in the il-
Disbudding. To gain large blooms from pe- lustrations on the bottom.
rennials, as opposed to more numerous, but small-
er blooms, disbud them. In disbudding, small side been bent. If the stem is cracked, disease organ-
buds are removed, which allows the plant to con- isms can penetrate the break. Stake plants when
centrate its energy to produce one or a few large planting, so they will grow to cover the stakes.
blooms. Peonies and chrysanthemums are exam- Once staked, tall perennials can better withstand
ples of plants that are often disbudded (Figure hard, driving rain and wind.
6.27). Use stakes made of any material. Select stakes
Staking. Most erect perennials are top-heavy that will be 6 to 12 inches shorter than the height
and all of the taller ones need staking. If plants of the grown plant. Place stakes behind the plants
fall over, the stem will function poorly where it has and sink them into the ground far enough to be firm.
Loosely tie plants to the stakes with strings, plastic
or other soft material (Figure 6.28). Tie the plant by
making a double loop of the string with one loop
around the plant and the other around the stake.
Never loop the tie around both stake and plant. The
plant will hang to one side and the string may gir-
dle the stem. Add ties as the stem lengthens.
Fall Care. After the foliage of perennials has
died down in the fall, remove dead leaves, stems
and spent flowers if insects and disease-causing
organisms have been present. Otherwise, plants
can be left alone until late winter/early spring. At
that time, just prior to new spring growth, remove
dead plant material. Leaving old foliage on the
plant through winter provides a natural mulch, pro-
Figure 6.27. Disbudding entails removing small tecting the crown of the plant from harsh winter
side buds which compete with the terminal conditions. In addition, some perennials, such as
flower. ornamental grasses, provide winter interest and

200 Master Gardeners Manual

sometimes food for wildlife. Apply winter mulch af- Stagger plant divisions so the whole garden
ter the soil temperature has dropped. will not be redone at the same time; good rotation
will yield a display of flowers each year. Do not
Controlling insects and diseases put all the divisions back into the same space that
Perennials can occasionally have some pest contained the original plant. That would place too
problems. It is advisable to select resistant variet- many plants in a given area. Give extra plants to
ies. Planting perennials in conditions of light, wind, friends, plant them elsewhere in the yard, or dis-
spacing and soil textures that are suited to them card them.
will help reduce possible pest problems. Remove Cuttings. Many plants can be propagated
spent flowers, dead leaves and other plant litter, from either tip or root cuttings. Generally, tip cut-
as these serve as a source of reinfestation. It is tings are easier to propagate than root cuttings.
advisable to know the major insect and disease Make tip cuttings 3 to 6  inches long. Treat the
pests (if any) of each specific plant type grown, so base of the cutting with a rooting hormone. Leave
problems can be correctly diagnosed and treated all foliage on the cutting except the part that will
as they arise. be below the soil line. Place containers of cuttings
in a lightly shaded place and cover with a sheet
Asexual propagation of perennials of clear plastic. Check regularly to make sure the
Division. Most perennials left in the same cuttings do not dry out.
place for more than three years are likely to be over- When cuttings do not pull easily out of the soil,
grown, overcrowded, have dead or unsightly cen- they have begun to root. Make holes in the plastic
ters and in need of basic feeding and soil amend- sheet to increase the exposure of the cuttings to
ment. The center of the clump will grow poorly, if at the air; this hardens them. Every few days make
all, and the flowers will be sparse. The clump will new holes or enlarge the existing holes.
deplete the fertility of the soil as the plant crowds Some plants, such as phlox, baby’s-breath
itself. To divide mature clumps of perennials (Fig- and Oriental poppy, are best started by root cut-
ure 6.29), select only vigorous side shoots from tings. Dig the plants in late summer after they have
the outer part of the clump. Discard the center of bloomed. Select pencil-sized roots and cut them
the clump. Divide the plant into clumps of three to into 4-inch sections. Put each piece in a rooting
five shoots each. Be careful not to over-divide; too medium.
small a clump will not give much color the first year
after replanting. Divide perennials when the plants Bulbs
are dormant, just before a new season of growth,
or in the fall so they can become established be- The term bulb is used to include true bulbs,
fore the ground freezes. corms, tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes.
A true bulb is a complete or nearly complete
miniature of a plant encased in fleshy modified
leaves called scales that contain reserves of food.
Corms are the base of a stem that becomes
swollen and solid with nutrients. It has no fleshy
The tuber is an underground stem that stores
food. It differs from the true bulb or corm because
it has no covering of dry leaves and no basal plant
from which the roots grow. Usually short, fat and
rounded tubers have a knobby surface with growth
buds, or eyes, from which the shoots of the new
plant emerge.
A tuberous root is the only bulb form that is a
real root. Its food supply is kept in root tissue, not
in stem or leaf tissue as in other bulbs.
Figure 6.29. Examples of dividing perennials.

Master Gardeners Manual 201

Rhizomes, sometimes called rootstocks, are rennials with roots that survive the winter. However,
thickened stems that grow horizontally, weaving caladiums and dahlias may need to be dug up and
their way along or below the surface of the soil and stored or bought and planted each year.
at intervals sending stems above ground.
Many vegetables are propagated from or pro- Culture and maintenance of bulbs
duce edible organs from one of these types of Storage. If bulbs are bought before planting
bulbs (e.g., tuber – Irish potato; tuberous root – time, keep them in a cool, dry place. A tempera-
sweet potato; rhizome – Jerusalem artichoke; bulb ture of 60 F to 65 F is cool enough to prevent bulbs
– onion). from drying out until time for planting. Tempera-
Bulbs are broadly grouped into spring flower- tures higher than 70 F will damage the flower in-
ing (January to May) and summer-flowering (June side spring-flowering bulbs. Rhizomes, tubers and
to September). Spring bulbs provide early color tuberous roots are more easily desiccated than
before most annuals and perennials. One of the bulbs and corms, and should be stored in peat,
most popular spring bulbs is the tulip. However, perlite or vermiculite.
in most areas of Oklahoma, tulips should be treat- Site Selection. In selecting a site for plant-
ed as annuals. Because of the state’s relatively hot ing, consider light, temperature, soil texture and
springs and mild winters, only a few tulip varieties function. Most bulbs need full sun. Select a planting
return for a second or third year; some tulip spe- site providing at least five to six hours of direct sun-
cies can perennialize in parts of Oklahoma. light a day. Bulbs left in the ground year after year
Tulips come in all colors except blue and are should have eight to 10 hours of daily sunlight for
sold by type and variety. Some of the most com- good flowering. Bulbs planted in a southern expo-
mon types are: sure near a building or wall will bloom earlier than
bulbs planted in a northern exposure. Adequate
Breeder: Bronzed, not clear colors drainage is an important consideration. Most bulbs
Cottage: Late-blooming and bulb-like plants will not tolerate poor drainage
Darwin: Tallest; wide flower and will rot easily if planted in wet areas. Function
Lily flowered: Petals recurved – bell-shape must also be kept in mind. If bulbs are being used
Parrot: Twisted, ruffled petals to naturalize an area, toss the bulbs then plant
Double: Two or more rows of petals them where they fall to create a scattered effect.
Site Preparation. Good drainage is the most
Narcissus, daffodils and jonquils are classed important single factor for successful bulb grow-
by length of corolla in relation to perianth seg- ing. Dig bulb beds when the soil is fairly dry. Wet
ments. They come in the colors of white, yellow, soil packs tightly and retards plant growth. Spade
red and peach. Many have naturalized in places. the soil 8 to 12 inches deep. Remove large stones
Hyacinths produce a large single spike of many and building trash, but turn under all leaves, grass,
small, fragrant flowers and come in a complete stems, roots and anything else that will decay. Add
color range. These also are treated as annuals. fertilizer to the soil as determined by a soil test.
Crocuses are usually grown for early bloom (in Place a 1- to 2-inch layer of organic matter on the
snow). There are no red crocuses. bed. Thoroughly mix the fertilizer and organic mat-
Selecting quality spring bulbs is very import- ter with the soil.
ant, because the flower bud has already devel- Time of Planting. Hardy, spring-flowering
oped before the bulb is sold. Size is also import- bulbs are planted in early fall. Hardy, fall-flowering
ant; look for plump, firm bulbs. Select on a basis of bulbs, such as colchicum, are planted in August.
color and size for intended purposes; for example, Tender, summer-flowering bulbs are planted in the
small ones for naturalizing and large ones to stand spring after danger of frost. Lilies are best planted
out as specimen plants. Keep cool (60 F to 65 F) in late fall.
until planting, except for tulips, which should be Depth of Planting. It is best to check cor-
kept at 40 F to 45 F. rect planting depth for each bulb with a successful
The summer-flowering bulbs include amaryllis, local grower or other good local source. Depend-
tuberous begonia, caladium, day lily, dahlia, gladi- ing on soil condition, bulb catalog and reference
olus, lily and spider lily. Most perform as hardy pe- book recommendations for planting may be either

202 Master Gardeners Manual

too shallow or too deep. In general, bulbs should with the stake. For flowers that face one direction,
be planted 2 1/2 to 3 times the diameter of the bulb use the stake to orient the face to the front of the
in depth. In clay soils, shallower planting depths bed.
are often recommended. It is important not to Deadheading. When flowers fade, cut them
plant bulbs too shallow, as this will encourage frost off to prevent seed formation. Seeds take stored
heaving. food from the bulbs.
Watering. Normal rainfall usually provides Moving. If leaving bulbs in place for bloom
enough moisture for bulbs. But during dry weath- next year, do not cut the leaves after flowering until
er, water plants at weekly intervals, soaking the they start to wither. Green leaves produce food for
ground thoroughly. Be especially careful not to ne- plant growth next year. After leaves turn yellow, cut
glect bulbs after blooming. and destroy the stems and foliage of the plants.
Mulching. In the winter, mulch bulbs 2 to 4 Dead foliage left on the ground may carry disease
inches deep with organic material such as straw, to new growth the next year. If moving bulbs from
pine bark, hay or ground leaves. Do not use large one place to another or thinning, do so only after
leaves, as they may mat too tightly on the ground. the foliage has faded.
A winter mulch prevents alternate freezing and Digging and Storing. Many tender sum-
thawing, which damages bulbs and plant roots. mer-flowering bulbs should be dug and stored.
Apply mulch after cold weather arrives. If soil tem- This is done when the leaves on the plants turn yel-
perature is too high, the bulbs may be damaged. low. Use a spading fork to lift the bulbs from the
Remove mulch as soon as danger of severe freez- ground. Wash off any soil that clings to the bulbs,
ing has passed, in early spring. If mulch is left on except those stored in pots or with the soil around
the ground after new growth starts, tops of new them. Spread the washed bulbs in a shaded place
shoots will be pale green or colorless and new to dry. When dry, store them away from sunlight in a
stems and foliage may be broken. cool, dry basement, cellar, garage or shed at 60 F
Fertilizing. After plants bloom, fertilize them to 65 F. Avoid temperatures below 50 F or above 70
lightly with a balanced fertilizer. Avoid high-nitro- F. Be sure air circulates around stored bulbs. Nev-
gen fertilizer. Be sure to keep fertilizer off the leaves er store bulbs more than two or three layers deep,
and away from roots; it will burn them. Often, bone- as they generate heat and cause decay. Leave the
meal is recommended as an extra source of phos- soil on begonia, canna, caladium, dahlia and hy-
phorus, but is not needed in most Oklahoma soils menocallis bulbs. Store these bulbs in clumps on a
because phosphorus is generally adequate. slightly moistened layer of peat moss or sawdust in
Staking. Some tall, heavy-flowered bulbs a cool place. Rinse, clean and separate them just
may require staking. Stake plants when they are before planting.
emerging, but be careful not to damage the bulb

Master Gardeners Manual 203

Selecting Annuals, Perennials and Bulbs

Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Abelmoschus moschatus 18 in. mounded Pink, red, scarlet, Sun, part shade, Bed, edging, containers
Annual Hibiscus cherry-red moist well-drained
soil, tolerates heat
Acalypha wilkesiana 2-6ft. Colorful foliage – Full sun Background, specimen; thrives in hot
Copperleaf red, purple, pink, climates

Master Gardeners Manual

crimson, orange
Acmella oleracea 12-15 in. h, Yellow with red eye Full sun, part Groundcover, container, bedding, purplish
‘Peek-a-boo’ 24-30 in. w shade, moist well- foliage; also known as toothache plant
Spilanthes drained soil

Agave desmettiana 2-3 ft. h, 3-4 ft. Yellow, appear at Full sun to Accent plant, container
‘Variegata’ end of life cycle; part shade; well-
Variegated agave noted for striking drained soil.
foliage Drought tolerant
Ageratum houstonianum
Mexican Ageratum,
Flossflower 4-12 in., Lavender, blue, Sun, part shade Edging, border
Alternanthera ficoidea mound-like pink, white
Garden Alternanthera,
Joseph’s Coat 6-12 in., rounded Colorful leaves Sun, most soils Can be sheared, carpet, edging
Amaranthus tricolor
Joseph’s Coat Amaranth,
Fountain Plant 1 ½-5 ft. high Colorful foliage Sun, average to
and flowers dry soil Background, specimen
Angelonia angustifolia
Angel flower, summer
snapdragon 18-24 in. high Purple, white, pink Sun, heat loving Cut, border, bed, mass, container, specimen
Antirrhinum majus
Snapdragon 6 in.-4 ft. Red, pink, yellow, Sun, part shade, Cut, border, bed, edging
orange, bronze, well-drained soil;
lavender prefers cooler temps
Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Basella alba Trailing vine Not showy; red stem Sun, hot humid Trellis, arbor; edible
Malabar spinach varieties, glossy weather
green leaves
Begonia 6-16 in. round White to shades Shade, full sun Planters, edging, carpet, indoor
semperflorens-cultorum of red or pink if moist
Fibrous-rooted Begonia,
Wax Begonia
Brassica oleracea 10-15 in. tall with Not important; Full sun, Many cultivars. Bedding plant, carpet
acephala rosette leaves leaves blue-green prefers moist, well- garden, and specimen.
Ornamental Kale; tinged with pink, drained soil. Low
B. oleracea capitata red, or purple nitrogen rates
Ornamental Cabbage increase foliage
color. Cool season.
Browallia speciosa 8-16 in. round Blue or white Shade to Shade bedding, window boxes,
Browallia, Amethyst partial shade; planters, trailing
Flower, Sapphire Flower avoid over-

watering or
Calibrachoa hybrids 3 ft.12 in. h, White, pinks, reds, Full sun, well- Planters, edging, border; does not need
Million Bells 6-24 in. w violet, yellow, or drained moist soil deadheading
Capsicum annuum 10-20 in., Colorful fruits and Sun, moist, good Bed, edging, border, carpet beds
Bush Red Pepper, rounded sometimes foliage organic matter
Ornamental Pepper
Catharanthus roseus 3-18 in. h, Rose-pink, mauve, Sun, part shade, Border, bed, groundcover; use disease
Madagascar Periwinkle, prostrate to white moist, well-drained resistant varieties
Rose Periwinkle upright soil, heat tolerant
Celosia cristata 6-24 in. Red, yellow, gold, Sun, tolerates dry, Cut, border, edging, bed, dried
Crested Cockscomb types; orange, pink porous soil
Plume Cockscomb types,

Master Gardeners Manual

Feathered Amaranth

Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Centaurea cyanus
Bachelor’s-button, Cornflower 15-36 in. Mahogany, red, Full sun, well- Massed in
borders or beds, bouquets mauve, pink, deep drained soil;
blue, white tolerates dry
Cleome hasslerana 2-4 ft. high Cherry, pink, rose, Sun, part shade Background, cut.
Cleome, Spider Flower violet, white,

Master Gardeners Manual

Clitoria ternatea 10-15 ft., twining Royal blue, light Sun to part shade Moist, well-drained soil
Blue pea; Butterfly pea vine blue, dark blue,
purple, white
Cobaea scandens 20 ft., Violet to deep Full sun to part shade Sweet honey scent
Cup-and-saucer Vine self-climber purple
Coleus x hybridus 9-18 in. Colorful foliage; Sun or light shade, Edging, border, planters, bed, indoor
(Solenostemon scutellarioides) many cultivars well-drained, moist plant
Coleus soil
Cosmos bipinnatus 3-6 ft. Red, pink, white, Sun, tolerates dry Background, cut; reseeds
Cosmos violet, lavender soils, don’t
over fertilize.
Cosmos sulphureus 12-36 in. Varies by cultivars, Sun, tolerates dry, Background or cut
Yellow Cosmos, Klondike from yellow to porous soil.
Cosmos, Orange Cosmos orange and scarlet
Cuphea hyssopifolia 8-15 in. high, Purple, pink, or Well-drained soils; Container, rock garden, walkways, bed
Mexican heather 10-15 in. wide white poor soils okay.
Sun to part shade
Cuphea ignea 18-30 in. high Orange-red, many Heat tolerant; Borders, edging, containers, hanging
Cuphea, Firecracker plant, and wide cultivars exist as tolerates part shade. baskets, houseplant.
Cigar Plant well as related Well-drained soil. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
Cuphea x purpurea 10-20 in. Red, scarlet Sun, light shade Edging, borders, window boxes, planters,
Cigar Plant rock gardens
Dahlia hybrids 1-5 ft., round to Varies with cultivar Sun, part shade, Bed, cut
Garden Dahlia erect well-drained
moist soil
Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Dianthus caryophyllus 1-2 ft. erect plant White, pink, red, Prefers cool Cut flower, bedding
Annual Carnation purple, yellow, temperatures;
or apricot-orange moist well drained
soil; best in neutral
to slightly basic pH soils.
Dianthus chinensis 6-12 in. Red, pink, white, Sun to part shade, Edging, bedding
China Pinks, Rainbow Pinks mounded habit and bicolored prefers cool
temperatures; thrives
in high pH soils.
Dichondra argentea 2 in. high, Silver foliage Sun, well-drained Groundcover, edging, containers
‘Silver Falls’ 3-4 ft. wide, soil; very drought
Silver Falls dichondra mat forming tolerant

Dyssodia tenuiloba 6-8 in. tall, Yellow disk flowers, Full sun, well-drained Edging, bedding, hanging basket
Dahlberg Daisy, Golden-fleece 15-18 in. wide golden-yellow- soil; takes heat well
orange ray flowers
Eschscholzia californica 12-15 in. Deep orange, pale Sun, well-drained Bed, border, naturalized

California Poppy yellow, bronze, sandy soil, dry
scarlet, rose, white
Euphorbia ‘Inneuphdia’ Mounded, White Dry to normal; sun Rock garden, container, bed, heat and
Diamond Frost® euphorbia 12-18 in. to part shade drought tolerant
Euphorbia marginata Mounded, 1-4 ft. White margined Dry to normal; sun Bed, native, heat and drought tolerant
Snow-on-the-mountain bracts
Evolvulus glomeratus 6-12 in. Blue Moist well-drained Edging, rock garden, groundcover, bed
Blue daze spreading 2-3 ft. soil
Gaillardia pulchella 1 ½-2 ft. Yellow, orange, Sun, withstands Cut flower, bed, window boxes, planters
Blanket flower, Indian blanket red, scarlet drought, wind
Gazania rigens 6-12 in. Orange, yellow, Sun, tolerates light Border, bed, edging; flowers close on cloudy
Gazania, Treasure Flower red, pink & sandy soils days
Gomphrena globosa 9-24 ft., rounded Purple, white, Sun, well-drained Cut, dried, bed, edging, mass
Gomphrena, Globe Amaranth pink, yellow soil; tolerates heat,

Master Gardeners Manual

wind, rain
Gomphrena haageana Upright, Red Sun, well-drained Cut, dried, bed, edging, mass
‘Strawberry Fields’ bushy, 24 in. soil; tolerates heat,
Globe Amaranth, Button Flower wind, rain

Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Hamelia patens 3-4 ft. shrubby Orange-red Sun, tolerates heat, Background, hummingbird, specimen;
Firebush humidity, dry tender shrub
conditions, most
Helianthus annuus 2-10 ft. White, yellow, Sun, tolerates heat, Background, winter bird food
Common Sunflower lemon-yellow, dry conditions,
apricot-orange, almost any soil
red, purple

Master Gardeners Manual

Helichrysum bracteatum 18-36 in. tall, Yellow, orange, Sun and Fresh cut or dried flower
Strawflower round to erect red, salmon, rose, well-drained,
white, or purple moist soil
Hypoestes phyllostachya 1-2 ft. high, Lavender; leaves Full sun, part Mass display, indoor foliage plant
Polka-dot Plant 1 ft. wide also attractive, shade; moist,
dark green with well-drained soil
lavender-pink spots Sun or shade, Bedding, edging, borders
Impatiens balsamina 8-36 in. White to yellow, moist, light
Garden Balsam, Touch-Me-Not pink purple, or sandy loam soil.
dark red
Impatiens hawkeri 8-24 in., upright Lavender, purple, Part shade, Hanging basket, pot
New Guinea Impatiens or spreading pink, red, orange ample moisture
Impatiens wallerana 6-18 in., compact, All colors, bicolors Shade, part shade, Shaded areas, planters, hanging baskets
Sultana, Impatiens mounded sun if moist
Ipomoea batatus 4-6 ft. vine, Foliage colors, Sun Groundcover, hanging basket, container
Ornamental sweet potato spreading shapes
Ipomoea lobata 8-15 ft., vine Orange-scarlet, Sun Screen, trellis, arbor
Firecracker vine; Spanish flag fading to yellow
then white
Ipomoea purpurea 8-10 ft., Purple, blue, Sun, well-drained Screen, trellis. Reseeds
Morning-glory twining vine pink, white soil
Ipomoea quamoclit 8-10 ft. vine Scarlet. Leaves Sun Attracts hummingbirds; may reseed
Cypress Vine deeply cut,
almost fern-like
Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Justicia brandegeana 2-3 ft. high, Red, orange, Full sun to part Container, bed, specimen
shrimp plant; also golden 18-24 in. wide yellow, white shade. Fertile,
shrimp plant organic soils, but
(Pachystachys lutea) tolerate poor or
sandy soils
Lantana hybrids 1 ½-4 ft. Yellow, orange, Full sun Beds, hanging baskets, planters
Lantana red, magenta,
pink, purple
Lobelia cardinalis 2-3 ft., erect Scarlet, pink, Part shade, Container, bed
Cardinal flower white moist soil
Lobelia erinus 4-8 in., round or Blue, white, Part shade, Edging, ground cover, rock gardens,
Lobelia spreading carmine-red, adequate moisture; hanging baskets, window boxes
purple-red, crimson, performs best in
lilac, rose cooler temps
Lobularia maritima 4-8 in. tall, White, pink, Sun, part shade, Edging, rock garden, massing, pots
Sweet Alyssum 10-15 in. spread lavender, purple well-drained soil;

prefers cooler temps
Mecardonia hybrids 5 in. high, Yellow Heat tolerant, Edging, hanging basket, groundcover
Mecardonia Golddust™ 12-16 in. wide well-drained,
moist soil
Melampodium paludosum 12 in., bushy Yellow Sun, well-drained soil Bed
Blackfoot Daisy
Melinus nerviglumis 18-24 in., Ruby-pink, Sun, hot and dry Beds, mixed borders, containers, rock
‘Savannah’ clump forming blue-green foliage garden, good cut flower
Pink Crystals Ruby grass
Mirabilis jalapa 18-30 in. White, red, yellow, Sun to part shade, Border
Four-O’clock, Marvel of Peru, pink, or striped tolerant of most
Beauty-of-the-Night soils, heat tolerant
Nicotiana alata 12-24 in. clump White, lavender, Sun or part shade, Border, bedding, cut

Master Gardeners Manual

Flowering Tobacco, attains round crimson, maroon, moist well-drained
Ornamental Tobacco growth habit green, pink, soil
(N. sylvestris to 5 ft. tall) lime, yellow

Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Nierembergia 6-9 in., round Violet blue, Sun, light shade Edging, window boxes, rock gardens
hippomanica var. violacea purple, white
Nierembergia, Cup Flower
Ocimum basilicum 1-2 ft. tall, White or purplish; Full sun, moist, Culinary, borders, beds, pots, and window
Basil (many cultivars) rounded habit cultivars with well-drained soil boxes
interesting leaf
texture and colors
Pelargonium peltatum Vine-like in Pink, red, white, Full sun to part Hanging basket, window boxes
Ivy-leaved Geranium habit, 1-2 ft. high, lavender shade; drought

Master Gardeners Manual

1-3 ft. wide tolerant
Pelargonium x hortorum 12-20 in., round Red, pink, Sun, part shade Moist, well-drained soil with cool root zone
Geranium, Zonal Geranium, salmon, white
Bedding Geranium
Pennisetum setaceum 3-4 ft., mound Pink or purple, Sun, part shade; Border, background, specimen, fresh flower
‘Rubrum’ to upright purple leaves somewhat arrangements. Many new cultivars –
Annual Purple Fountain Grass arching drought tolerant Fireworks, Prince, Princess, Vertigo®
Pentas lanceolata 1-3 ft. White, red, lilac, Sun, ample water, Bed, border, butterfly plant
Star Clusters, Pentas pink fertilizer
Perilla frutescens Magilla™ 18-24 in. Leaves hot pink, Sun to part shade, Bed, border, containers. Sterile form of
Perilla dark purple and moist; heat tolerant species
Petunia x hybrida 8-15 in., round, Many colors, Sun, part shade, Beds, borders, flower boxes, containers
Petunia trailing striped, or star-like light well-drained
Phaseolus coccineus 8-20 ft., twining Scarlet with Best in cool nights Bean pods mature to purple, usually 9-12 in.
Scarlet Runner Bean vine white wings and full sun long and contain black seeds
Phlox drummondi 6-8 in. tall, Lavender, salmon, Prefers light soil, Bedding, edging, rock garden, window
Annual Phlox, 12 in. wide red, pink, blue, full sun; tolerates boxes
Drummond Phlox purple, white, light shade
Plumbago auriculata 2 ft. h, 2 ft. w Clear light blue, Sun, hot and dry, Groundcover, retaining wall, container
Cape plumbago white well-drained soil
Portulaca grandiflora 6-8 in., Rose, red, yellow, Sun, hot and dry Rock garden, groundcover, edging
Moss Rose, Portulaca, spreading white, orange,
Sun Plant cream, striped
Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Portulaca oleracea 6-8 in., Rose, red, yellow, Sun, hot and dry Rock garden, groundcover, edging
Purslane spreading white, orange,
cream, striped
Ricinus communis 5-10 ft. Grown for leaf Open sun and rich, Large scale plant used for specimen.
Castor Bean, Castor-Oil-Plant texture and color fertile soil. Seeds poisonous.
from green, red, Abundant water
bluish-gray, maroon, and fertilizer.
purplish, or
Salvia coccinea 2-3 ft., upright Red, white, salmon Sun, well-drained Mixed border, informal appearance
Texas Salvia, Scarlet Salvia soil
Salvia farinacea 2-3 ft. erect Blue, violet-blue, Sun, prefers Cut, border, bed
Mealycup Sage, Blue Salvia white well-drained,
moist soil
Salvia splendens 8-30 in., Scarlet, purple, Sun, part shade, Bed border, cut
Scarlet Sage, Red Salvia erect to round pink, lavender, well-drained
white moist soil

Scabiosa atropurpurea 24-36 in. Dark purple, Average to dry Bouquets, bedding, cut flower
Pincushion Flower, Sweet Scabious pink, white soil, full sun
Scaevola aemula 4-6 in., Lilac mauve, Sun, part shade Bed, edging, hanging basket, groundcover,
Fan flower spreading to 3 ft. pink, yellow rock garden
Senecio cineraria 8-15 in., round Small yellow, Sun, dry soil with Edging, foliage, specimen, pots
Dusty Miller usually grown for organic matter
silver-white foliage
Solanum quitoense 4 ft. h, 4 ft. w White flowers; Full sun, moist, Fruits are edible; related to potato and
Bed-of-Nails interesting, large well-drained soil; tomato
leaves covered with heat tolerant
spines, bright
orange fruit
Tagetes erecta 10-30 in., Yellow to orange Sun, tolerates dry, Cut, background, border, bed, edging
American Marigold, erect to round prefers moist soil

Master Gardeners Manual

African Marigold,
Aztec Marigold

Table 6.2. Partial list of Annual Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d).

Botanical and
Common Name Habit Flower colors Culture Comments

Tagetes patula 6-18 in., round Yellow, orange, Sun, tolerates Edging, bed, cut
Dwarf French Marigold red-brown, marked dry, prefers
with crimson or moist soil
Tecoma stans 2-4 ft., bushy Yellow or orange Sun, thrives in heat, Background, border, bed, container
Yellow bells prefers moist soil
Thunbergia alata 8 ft., twining Yellow-orange Full sun, part shade, Vine, trailing plant in containers, screen
Black-eyed Susan Vine, vine with dark moist soil. Prefers
Clock Vine purple-black throat cooler temperatures

Master Gardeners Manual

Tithonia rotundifolia 4-6 ft., coarse, Orange-scarlet, Sun, intense heat, Cut, background, screen
Mexican Sunflower erect yellow dry conditions
Torenia fournieri 6 in.h, 12 in. with Pink, purple, blue Partial shade Shady locations, borders, beds, containers
Wishbone Flower, Torenia mound
Tropaeolum majus 1 ft. tall, Orange, yellow, Sun, part shade, Cut, trellis, hummingbirds
Nasturtium, Indian Cress 2 ft. wide to red, white, scarlet, poor soils
6-8 ft. vine bicolor
Verbena bonariensis 3-4 ft., upright Rose-violet Sun, tolerates dry Background, border, butterfly garden
Brazilian verbena, soil; tender
verbena-on-a-stick perennial, will reseed
Verbena x hybrida 12 in., upright or White, pink, red, Sun, well-drained Ground cover, bed, edging,
Garden Verbena spreading blue, lavender, soil rock garden, window box, hanging
purple basket; select mildew resistant varieties
Viola x wittrockiana 4-8 in. Purple, white, blue, Sun, part shade; Border, edging, window box, cut, bed;
Pansy dark red, rose, cool moist best planted in Oct.-Nov.
sienna, apricot, well-drained soil
brown, yellow,
Zinnia angustifolia 6-12 in., White, gold, Sun, well-drained soil Ground cover, edging, border
Narrow-leaf Zinnia spreading orange
Zinnia elegans 10-36 in. Rose, apricot, red, Sun, hot, dry Border, edging, cut, bed; disease
Zinnia white, violet, pale resistant
yellow, green,
orange, bicolors
Zinnia marylandica 6-18 in. Orange, red-orange, Sun, hot, dry Border, edging, cut, bed; disease
Zahara series red, pink, scarlet, resistant
yellow, white
Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Shade perennials
Acanthus mollis 3-4 ft. Purple, white Late spring to Shade-part Shade garden, texture plant.
bear’s breach early summer shade.
Aegopodium podagraria 8-10 in. White - ns, Late spring to
bishop’s weed foliage green with early summer Shade. Groundcover; can be invasive, cut back
white margins old foliage with mower.
Ajuga reptans 6-9 in. Violet-blue, red, Spring Sun, shade, Groundcover.
carpet bugleweed mat-like white or purple tolerates poor
Alchemilla mollis 8-10 in. tall Yellowish-green Late spring to Part shade; Border, ground cover, rock garden,
Lady’s Mantle (flower or chartreuse early summer moist, fertile cut flower.
stems up soil.
to 18 in.),
24 in. wide
Anemone x hybrida 2-4 ft. White or Late summer Morning sun, Border, woodland.
Japanese anemone pink and fall part shade;
fertile, moist,

well-drained soil.
Aquilegia spp. 1-3 ft. erect Blue, purple, Late spring to Full sun to part Borders, naturalized settings, cut.
columbine pink, red, early summer shade;
yellow, white excellent drainage.
Arum italicum 12-18 in. Whitish-green Late spring Full to part Borders, naturalized settings;
Italian Arum clump spotted with purple shade; keep orange-red berries.
moist spring/early
Athyrium nipponicum 2-18 in., NS, foliage Part to full Border, accent.
‘Pictum’ 1 clump coarsely divided, shade, moist
Japanese painted fern gray to humus-rich
glaucous hue soil; do not
allow to dry.
Bletilla striata Stiffly Purplish pink Spring Part shade, Border, rock garden, containers.
hardy orchid upright, moist, organic

Master Gardeners Manual

12” tall, amended soil;
9” wide do not let dry out.

Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/
Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Brunnera macrophyllum 12-18”, Blue Spring Part to full shade, Perennial border, naturalized planting,
Siberian bugloss clump moist, well- deciduous groundcover.
drained soil.
Caladium x hortulanum 1-2 ft. Leaves variously Not significant Full sun to part Specimen plant, container, mass
fancy-leaved caladium erect plant variegated with shade, organic, planting for shaded borders. Tender
red, rose, salmon, well-drained tuber usually needs to be dug in the fall
white or green. soil. Needs and stored dry for winter.
abundant water.
Convallaria majalis 6-12 in. White, fragrant Mid spring Full or part Groundcover, cut flower. Needs room

Master Gardeners Manual

Lily-of-the-valley creeping shade, tolerant to spread.
of most soils.
Epimedium spp. 6-12 in. tall, Crimson, pink, Mid spring Part to full shade Rock garden, perennial border,
Epimedium, barrenwort 12 in. wide dark pink, yellow, in moist soil. groundcover.
mounding white, rose
habit to lilac
Galium odoratum 4-6 in., White, fragrant Late spring Part to full Rock garden, naturalized, ground cover.
sweet woodruff ground- shade; moist,
cover with well-drained
erect stems soil.
Helleborus spp. 12-18 in. tall White, pink, Late winter Part shade, Border, cut, hummingbirds/bees;
hellebores, Lenten rose and wide; spotted, plum to spring high organic, unpalatable to deer, rabbits, gophers
(H. x orientalis), Christmas evergreen well-drained and moles; poisonous.
rose (H. nigra) foliage soil; neutral to
slightly alkaline.
Heuchera sanguinea 12-20 in. tall, White, pink, Late spring to Part shade, Border, cut, hummingbirds/
bees; native;
coral bells, alum root 12 in. wide red early summer well-drained soil. known for colorful leaves.
x Heucherella 12-18 in. tall, White, pink, Mid spring to Part shade, Border, ground cover.
spreading, red early summer well-drained
clump soil.

Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments
Hosta spp. 1 ½-2 ½ ft., White, lavender, Late summer Full to part Border, rock garden, pools, mass
plantain lily, hosta mound to violet shade; organic, plantings.
well-drained soil.
Lamium maculatum Wide Mauve-pink, Late spring to Part to full Ground cover, edging for border.
spotted deadnettle spreading pink, white midsummer shade; well-
clump drained,
8-12 in. tall moist soil.
Ligularia spp. Mounded, Yellowish- Midsummer to Part to full Specimen, bog garden.
ragwort 3-4 ft. tall orange early fall shade; well-
drained, moist
to wet soil.
Liriope spp. 8-18 in. tall Pale violet to Summer Sun or shade. Groundcover. L. spicata creeps and is
monkeygrass white, lilac purple, Suitable for dry, more aggressive. L. muscari is more
violet blue, violet. sunny areas. clump forming and spreads slower.
Leaves are green Leaves are Excellent grass-like plant for shady
to bluish-green or evergreen; old areas.
variegated with leaves should be

cream, white or removed in
yellow. spring to promote
new growth. Can
be mowed.
Lysimachia clethroides 2-3 ft. erect White Summer Full sun in Informal border or naturalized area.
gooseneck loosestrife plant with moist, well- Can be an aggressive spreader.
2-3 ft. spread drained soil.
Tolerates part
Ophiopogon japonicas 8-15 in. tall, Light blue Summer Full sun, part Edging plant and groundcover.
mondograss, dwarf lilyturf mounding shade, with moist, ‘Nana’ is compact growing only
habit well-drained soil. 3 in. tall.
Polygonatum biflorum 2-3 ft. tall Yellowish green Late spring Shade; cool, Woodland, naturalized areas,
Solomon’s Seal with to greenish moist soil. perennial border; native.
arching white; bluish

Master Gardeners Manual

stems, black fruit in fall
2 ft. wide

Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/
Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Pulmonaria spp. 1 ft. Pink, white or Early to late Full shade, part Front of border or as groundcover;
Lungwort spreading blue; variegated spring shade; cool, single specimen.
clump, foliage moist soil.
2 ft. wide
Stylophorum diphyllum Upright, Bright yellow Spring Shade; well- Woodland garden, shade perennial
celedine poppy, 18 in. tall, drained, moist border (native).
wood poppy 12 in. wide soil
Tiarella cordifolia 6-12 in. tall, White, cultivars Mid spring Best in part to Borders, rock garden, woodland
foam flower 12-24 in. with pink to full shade. areas.

Master Gardeners Manual

spread rose. Foliage
is also quite
Tricyrtis hirta Upright, Pale lilac, pink, Late summer, Shade; well- Woodland garden, shade perennial
Toad Lily 2-3 ft. tall, or red with fall drained, border, deer resistant.
2 ft. wide purple spots moist soil.

Sun Perennials
Achillea spp. 6-36 in. low Yellow, white, Late spring to Sun, well- Border, cut, groundcover. Quite
yarrow spreading pink, red, late summer drained soil. drought tolerant once established.
to erect cherry-red,
Agastache 3 ft. erect Blue, red, Late summer Sun, moist Border; bee, hummingbird, butterfly;
anise-hyssop, pink, orange, well-drained flowers fragrant.
hummingbird mint white soil.
Allium spp. 3-4 ft., erect Lilac, purple, Spring to Sun, well- Cut, border, specimen.
ornamental onion white, or pink early summer drained soil.
Amorpha canescens 3-4 ft. shrub Purple with May-July Sun, any soil. Border; native garden (true prairie
lead plant orange-tipped plant).
Amsonia spp. 3 ft. upright Blue Spring Sun, moist Border; native garden. A. hubichtii has
blue star (A. hubrichtii spreading well-drained spectacular golden foliage in fall.
Thread-leaf or Hubricht’s soil.
Blue Star)
Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Armeria maritima Rounded White or pink Spring Full sun; dry, Planters, edging, rock garden, cut.
sea pink, sea thrift mat 3-4 in. infertile soil.
tall with
scapes up
to 12 in.
Artemisia spp. 1-4 ft. Not showy; Sun, dry well- Cut, bed, border.
wormwood rounded silver-white drained soil.
Asclepias tuberosa 18-36 in. tall Orange Late spring to Sun, dry Border, meadow, cut, butterfly.
butterfly weed mid summer infertile soil.
Aster spp. 1 – 5 ft. Lavender , purple, Late summer Sun, well-drained Depends on height, naturalized areas.
aster red, white, pink to fall soil, average
and many shades fertility. Can
in between spread rapidly.
Many cultivars.
Aurinia saxatilis 9-12 in. Yellow Early to mid Sun, tolerates Rock garden, border, edge of wall.
basket of gold alyssum prostrate spring dry, porous

habit, soil.
18 in. wide
Baptisia australis 3-4 ft. erect, Indigo-blue, Mid to late Sun, part shade, Specimen, border; pods useful for
false indigo (B. 4 ft. wide white, yellow spring well-drained soil, dried arrangements. New cultivars
sphaerocarpa low fertility, are short, stocky, much branched,
Golden false indigo) drought tolerant. and floriferous.
(B. sphaerocarpa)
Cactus Varies Yellow, pink, Varies Sun, Rock garden, border, stone wall.
white, red, maroon well-drained soil.
Callirhoe involucrata 6-12 in. tall, Deep reddish- All summer Sun, tolerates Border, rock garden, ground cover.
winecup, poppy mallow spread purple dry soils, tap
to 3 ft. root.
Campanula spp. 4 in. – 3 ft. Blue, white, rose, Spring through Sun to part Edging, borders, rock gardens,
bellflower, harebell violet-purple summer shade, naturalized areas, cut.

Master Gardeners Manual

well-drained soil.
Canna x generalis 1-5 ft. Red, yellow, Mid to late Full sun; Containers, background plant, perennial
Canna orange, pink summer growth borders, accent plant.
white, variegated enhanced

or speckled by fertilizing
Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/
Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments
once a month.
Caryopteris x clandonensis 3-4 ft. high Blue Late summer Well-drained Borders, specimen. Cut flower. Fragrant
blue-mist, bluebeard and wide to fall soil, but tolerant flowers attract birds, bees, and butterflies.
of most soils. Full
sun. Prune late
winter, early
Centranthus ruber Bushy to Pink, reddish Late spring Full sun in Border or naturalized areas. Vigorous red
3 ft. tall and or white to early well-drained, valerian spreader.

Master Gardeners Manual

2 ft. wide fragrant. summer neutral to
acidic soil.
Ceratostigma 8-12 in. tall, Dark blue Summer to Part shade Ground cover, rock garden.
plumbaginoides 12-18 in. late fall or full sun,
plumbago, leadwort wide well-drained.
Chelone lyonii 3 ft. tall, Pink; also white Late summer to Part shade or Along stream or pond, border, or wild
Pink Turtlehead 2 ft. wide and rose early fall full sun, garden.
flowering species consistently
moist to wet.
Coreopsis verticillata 2-3 ft., Bright to Late spring Sun, dry; Border, naturalized area, wildflower
threadleaf coreopsis, dense, clear yellow to early drought garden.
whorled tickseed erect summer resistant.
2 ft. wide
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 1-3 ft. erect Yellow, orange Mid to late Full sun, moist, Border, container, cut, hummingbird plant.
crocosmia, montbretia plant to orange-red summer well-drained soil.
Delosperma nubigenum 1 in. high Yellow, Spring Sun, needs Groundcover, rock garden.
hardy ice plant spreading (D. cooperi – well-drained
3 ft. purple) soil; tolerates
light, sandy soils.
Dendranthema x morifolium Mounded Orange, yellow, Late summer Sun, well- Border, massing, cut
hardy Chrysanthemum 1-3 ft. red, bronze, to frost drained soil;
white, lavender heavy feeder.
Echinacea purpurea 2-4 ft. erect, Purple, pink, Summer Sun, light Border, cut, naturalized area.
purple coneflower 2 ft. wide yellow, orange, shade; well-
white drained soil,
drought resistant.
Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Eryngium spp. 1-3 ft. tall, Blue Midsummer Full sun in Xeriscape plant, specimen.
E. yuccifolium, depending sandy, dry rattlesnake master, has greenish-white
Sea holly on species areas. and yucca-like foliage.
Euphorbia spp. 6 in.- 3 ft. Yellow to Spring to Sun to partial Border, rock garden.
euphorbia, spurge chartreuse, early shade; moist
orange-red summer or dry.
Gaillardia x grandiflora 2-3 ft. Red, yellow, Summer Sun, light, Cut, border.
blanket flower, combinations well-drained
Indian blanket soil.
Gaura lindheimeri Vase Pink, white Early summer Sun, well- Border. Siskiyou Pink is OK Proven
Gaura, whirling butterflies shaped to frost drained soil; selection with loose growth habit.
to 5 ft. tap root,
Geranium sanguineum 6-12 in., Magenta, pink, Late spring Part shade, Border, rock garden, ground cover.
cranesbill, bloodred spread white to early moist soil; will
geranium 24 in. summer tolerate full sun.

Helianthus angustifolius 6-8 ft. tall Golden yellow Fall Native to low, Beds and borders. Attracts birds and
Swamp or Narrow-leaf wet areas. butterflies.
Sunflower Full sun.
Heliotropium amplexicaule 12 in. tall, Violet with Spring to fall Full sun or Drought tolerant groundcover.
Hardy Heliotrope 2-3 ft. wide yellow centers part shade.
Hibscus coccineus 5-8 ft tall Scarlet. White Mid to late Full sun to light Native plant. Border or accent plant, also
Scarlet Rose Mallow, and wide and pink summer shade; wet land bog garden or on edge of pond or
Star Hibiscus cultivars such as swamps stream.
and marshes.
Tolerant of drier
Hibscus moscheutos 3-8 ft. tall Red, pink, white Midsummer to Full sun or May naturalize in wet areas. Specimen,
Rose Mallow, Hibiscus and bicolors frost part shade. borders, temporary screens, along
Tolerates moist pond or lakes.

Master Gardeners Manual

Iberis sempervirens 6-12 in. tall, White Spring Sun, well- Rock gardens, edging, evergreen
candytuft 24 in. spread drained soil. foliage; cut back after flowering.

Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/
Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Linum perenne 24 in., Sky blue Late spring Sun, light Borders, rock garden, wildflower.
blue flax upright and summer well-drained
with arching soil.
Lysimachia nummularia 2-4 in., Yellow Late spring Sun or shade; Rock garden, groundcover, edging.
creeping jenny, moneywort spreading moist soil.
Monarda didyma 2-4 ft. tall, Scarlet, purple, Summer Sun, part Border, naturalized area, bees/
beebalm, bergamot 3 ft. wide pink, violet, shade, well- hummingbirds. Choose mildew
white drained moist resistant varieties.

Master Gardeners Manual

soil; not drought
Narcissus spp. 6-24 in., White, yellow, Spring Sun, part Naturalized area, border.
daffodil, narcissus erect orange, orange- shade, well-
red, pink shades drained soil.
Oenothera speciosa 6-24 in. tall, White to pinkish Summer Infertile, well- Native plant. Raised beds and rock
Showy Evening primrose 18 in. wide drained soil gardens. O. missouriensis has yellow
in full sun. flowers.
Paeonia hybrids 3 ft., round Various Late spring Sun, light Specimen in border, cut.
peony, (P. suffruticosa) habit to early shade; well-
tree peony summer drained, deep
fertile soil.
Penstemon barbatus 18-36 in., Scarlet pink, Late spring Sun, tolerates Naturalizing, border, cut. Quite drought
penstemon, beardtongue round pink, orange, to mid summer dry, prefers tolerant once established. Indigenous
white moist soil. species to Oklahoma – P. oklahomensis.
Perovskia atriplicifolia 3-4 ft., Lavender-blue Summer Sun, well- Background, border.
Russian sage upright drained soil.
Phlox paniculata 2-4 ft. White, pink, red, Summer and Full sun to part Border. Plant powdery mildew resistant
garden phlox blue, and purple early fall shade in fertile, varieties.
moist soil.
Phlox subulata 3-6 in. tall, Red-purple to Early to Sun, well- Groundcover, edging.
creeping phlox 2 ft. wide violet-purple, mid-spring drained,
pink or white slightly alkaline.
Rubus calycinoides 6-12 in. White. Attractive Early summer Sun to part Winter leaf color is burgundy. Attracts
creeping raspberry high, 5 ft. orangish-red shade. Tolerant birds, butterflies and bees.
wide, fruit. of most soil
evergreen conditions.
Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Rudbeckia grandiflora 2-3 ft. Yellow with Early to mid Sun, prefers Border, wildflower/native.
large coneflower brown cones summer well-drained,
dry soil.
Rudbeckia hirta 2-3 ft., erect Golden yellow, Summer and fall Full, light shade, Cut, background, border, bed.
var. pulcherrima to round orange, bronze; hot, dry.
black-eyed-Susan brown to black
Rudbeckia maxima 5-6 ft. Bluish-green Early to mid Prefers full sun Specimen, border, native planting.
giant coneflower leaves. Large summer with moist, well-
yellow flowers drained soil.
with large black
Ruellia brittoniana 6 in. to 36 ft. Blue, purple, Summer to fall Thrives in dry Compact cultivars good for border or
Mexican petunia, ruellia depending pink, white or soggy soils. edging. Taller species good for
on species background. Several other species
and cultivar available.
Salvia greggii 2-3 ft., erect Pink, red, Early summer Sun, prefers Border, container; hummingbird plant.

autumn sage semi-shrub white to frost well-drained,
dry soil. Very
drought tolerant
Salvia guaranitica 2-5 ft. tall Deep blue with Summer through Full sun, Attracts butterflies, deer resistant.
Anise-scented sage, and wide purple-blue fall part shade. Calyx of ‘Black & Blue’ is dark purple
‘Black & Blue’ calyx appearing black.
Saponaria spp. 4-10 in. Deep pink, Late spring, Full sun, Rock gardens, tone walls, groundcover.
Soapwort, Bouncing Bet trailing rose, white sporadic well-drained
habit through fall soil.
Sedum spp. 2-24 in., mat Pink, red, scarlet, Summer to fall Sun or light Ground cover, rock garden, border.
sedum forming to yellow, white shade, any soil
erect growth well-drained.
Silphium perfoliatum 3-8 ft. Yellow Mid to late Sun, prefers Wildflower/native plant gardens,
Cup Plant, Rosin Cup Plant summer moist, rich soil. naturalized and open woodland areas,

Master Gardeners Manual

pond and stream edges.
Stachys byzantina 12-15 in., Purplish pink Summer Sun, well- Groundcover, edging, border.
lamb’s ear spreading drained soil

Table 6.3. A Partial List of Perennial Flowers for Oklahoma (cont’d)

Botanical and Flower/

Common Name Habit foliage colors Bloom Time Culture Comments

Thymus spp. ½ in. to 12 in. Purple, lilac, Spring Full sun in a Containers, beds & borders,
Thyme tall and pink loose, well- groundcover, rock garden. Some
12-18 in. wide drained soil. species have herbal and culinary
depending properties.
on species

Master Gardeners Manual

and cultivar
Verbena canadensis 6 in., low Deep purple Summer to Sun, well- Groundcover, edging, rock garden,
‘Homestead’ spreading frost drained soil. border.
Homestead verbena
Veronica spp.
speedwell, V. prostrata -
creeping veronica;
V. spicata 8-18 in. Blue, lavender, Late spring Sun or partial Border, groundcover (V. prostrata),
spike speedwell tall pink, white, to mid summer shade, well- naturalized planting, rock garden.
rose-pink, purple drained soil.
Commonly Grown Bulbs Crocus sp. (Crocus): 1-inch wide orange, yellow,
Suitable for Oklahoma gold, white-blue, purple, lavender or bicolor
(Taken from material prepared by Albert Suther- flowers borne on 2- to 4 -inch tall stalks in Feb-
land, CPH, CCA) ruary-March. Plant 4 inches deep 2 to 3 inches
apart in full sun or light shade. Lots of different
Below is a list of perennial bulbs adapted to species.
Oklahoma and their flower size, flower color, bloom Fritillaria imperialis (Crown imperial): Large red,
time, planting depth and bulb spacing. All bulb yellow, or orange flowers borne in a whorl atop
planting depths are the distance from the top of 2- to 3-foot stems in April-May. Plant 7 inches
the bulb; plant in October unless otherwise noted. deep and 6 inches apart in a location with af-
Before planting, mix 3 inches of a well-composted ternoon shade.
organic material into the top 9 to 12 inches of soil Fritillaria melagris (Checkered lily): Delicate white
and water on a regular basis. flowers are checkered with varying colors from
Alstroemeria ligtu (Peruvian lily): 2-inch white to deep brown to lilac or deep purple and hang
pink, salmon, peach or orange flowers on 3- to daintily on a 10-inch tall stem in April to May.
4-foot tall stems in May-June. Plant 8 inches Plant 7 inches deep and 6 inches apart in a
deep and 1 foot apart where afternoon shade location with afternoon shade.
occurs. Great cut flower. Galanthus (Snowdrop): White 1-inch wide butter-
Allium giganteum (Giant allium): 5- to 6-inch wide fly-like flowers on 1-foot tall plants in February
round purple flower on a 3- to 6-foot tall stem to March. Plant 4 inches deep and 3 inches
in May-June. Plant 6 inches deep and 1 foot apart in light shade. Plant in large numbers
apart in full sun or light shade. and do not disturb.
Allium sphaerocephalum (Giant allium): 3-inch Hyacinthus orientalis (Garden hyacinth): Clusters
wide round lavender flower on a 1- to 2-foot of purple or white blooms on a 6- to 9-inch stalk
tall stem in June. Plant 4 inches deep and 6 to in March to April. Plant 5 inches deep and 6 to
9 inches apart in light shade. Multiple stems 8 inches apart in full sun or light shade.
from one bulb, like chives. Lilium sp. (Lily): Wide group of bulbs that includes
Anemone coronaria (Poppy anemone): 2-inch plants in eight divisions, the most popular and
wide white, red, blue or purple flowers on 5- to easiest to find are:
10-inch stems in May to June. Plant 3 inches 1) Asiatic hybrids, Division #1: 4- to 6-inch
deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in light shade. wide red, pink, orange, yellow, lavender or
Anemone nemorosa (Wood anemone): 1-inch white flowers on a 4- to 6-inch stalk in June to
white, pink, blue or lavender flowers on 6- to July. Plant 7 inches deep and 1 foot apart in full
8-inch stems in March. Plant 3 inches deep sun or light shade.
and 4 to 6 inches apart in light shade or full 2) Oriental hybrids, Division #7: Up to 12-inch
sun. wide deep red, pink, white or bicolor flowers on
Belamcanda chinensis (Blackberry lily or leop- 2- to 8-foot stalks in June to July. Plant 7 inches
ard flower): 2-inch wide orange blooms with deep and 1 foot apart in full sun or light shade.
reddish specks on 3- to 4-foot flower stalks Lycoris radiata (Spider lily): Many crimson-red
in June. Blackberry like seed pods in the fall. blooms on a 12-inch stem in September. Plant
Plant 2 inches deep and 6 inches apart in full 3 inches deep and 6 inches apart in full sun.
sun. Plant bulbs in August before flower stems
Colchicum sp. (Autumn crocus): 2- to 8-inch wide appear.
star-shaped flowers of purple, lavender, pink or Lycoris squamigera (Magic lily or Resurrection
white borne on 4- to 8-inch tall stalks in Sep- lily): Cluster of rose-pink blooms on a 1.5- to 2-
tember to October. Plant 4 inches deep 6 to 9 foot stem in August. Plant 3 inches deep and
inches apart in full sun or light shade. 6 inches apart in full sun. Easily confused with
Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley): Delicate Amaryllis belladonna, which is not winter hardy
bell-like flowers on 1-foot-tall plants with wide in Oklahoma.
green leaves. Plant 3 inches deep and 4 to 6 Muscari armeniacum (Grape hyacinth): Cluster of
inches apart in afternoon shade. blue, lavender, white or white and blue flow-

Master Gardeners Manual 223

ers on a 9-inch stem in March. Plant 3 inches Scilla siberica (Siberian squill): Deep blue flowers
deep and 1 to 4 inches apart in full sun or light on a 6-inch stem in February-March. Plant 4
shade. inches deep and 3 to 4 inches apart in full sun
Muscari botryoides (Common Grape hyacinth): or partial shade. ‘Alba’ is a white cultivar of
Cluster of white flowers on a 12-inch stem in Scilla siberica. Scilla tubergeniana, also Scilla
March. Plant 5 inches deep 1 to 4 inches apart mischtschenkoana: White flowers with a bril-
in full sun or light shade. liant blue midrib on a 6-inch stem in February
Narcissus sp. (Daffodil, Narcissus or Jonquil): Con- to March. Plant 4 inches deep and 3 to 4 inch-
tains 12 divisions and many species. Colors es apart in full sun or partial shade.
can be white, yellow, gold, orange, pink, red Tulipa sp. (Tulip): The king and queen of all the
or bicolored in single or double trumpet-like bulbs. Eleven groups are recognized by Dutch
blooms that appear in February to March. Plant experts. The variety of color and flower form is
4 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in full too numerous to present here. Plant 6 inches
sun or light shade. deep and 3 to 6 inches apart in a location with
Scilla campanulata, also Hyacinthoides hispanica afternoon shade. Plant in November. Bloom
(Wood hyacinth or squill): Blue, purple, laven- size and quantity decrease each year, prompt-
der or white flowers on a 12-inch stem in May. ing many folks to replant on a regular basis.
Plant 4 inches deep and 3 to 4 inches apart in
full sun or partial shade. Can be invasive, so
use to fill in wilder areas.

224 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.4. Perennial Ornamental Grasses.

Botanical and Height

Common Name (feet) Light Foliage Flower

Arundo donax
Giant reed grass 14 Sun Gray-green White
Arundo donax ‘Variegata’
Variegated giant reed grass 10 Sun Green/Cream White
Bouteloua gracilis
Blue grama grass 2 Sun Green White
Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Stricta’
Feather reed grass 4 Sun-Lt. Shade Green Pink to beige
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
Foerster’s feather reed grass 3-4 Sun-Lt. Shade Green Pink to beige
Calamagrostis arundinacea var. brachytricha
Foxtail grass, fall blooming reed grass 3 Sun Green White
Erianthus ravennae
Ravenna grass, hardy pampas grass 12-14 Sun Gray-green White
Festuca cinerea cultivars 0.7 Sun Blue-gray None
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ 1 Part shade Yellow/Green; None
Golden variegated hakone grass Pink-red in fall
Koeleria pyramidata
Hairgrass 1.5 Sun Green Amber
Miscanthus giganteus (M. floridulus)
Giant Miscanthus 10 Sun-Lt. Shade Green/White None
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Adagio’ 5-6 Sun Green/White White
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Cosmopolitan’
Variegated Miscanthus 5-6 Sun Green/White Beige
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’
Maiden grass 5 Sun Green/White Copper
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Graziella’
Slender Miscanthus 3-4 Sun Green White
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Malepartus’ 5-6 Sun Green/White White
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’
Slender variegated Miscanthus 5-6 Sun Green/White Copper
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Yaku Jima’
Dwarf Miscanthus 4-5 Sun Green Amber
Miscanthus sinensis condensatus ‘Silberpfeil’
Silverarrow grass 5-7 Sun Green Gold
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purpurascens’
Flame grass 4.5 Sun Green Purple
Miscanthus sinensis var. strictus
Porcupine grass 5 Sun Green/Yellow Copper/Beige
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’
Zebra grass 5 Sun Green/Yellow Copper/Beige
Molinia caerulea subsp.
arundinacea ‘Windspiel’
Windplay tall moor grass 6-7 Sun-Lt. Shade Green Yellow

Master Gardeners Manual 225

Table 6.4. Perennial Ornamental Grasses (cont’d).

Botanical and Height

Common Name (feet) Light Foliage Flower

Panicum virgatum
Switch grass 4-6 Sun Green White
Panicum virgatum ‘Haense Herms’
Red switch grass 4-6 Sun Red/Green White
Pennisetum alopecuroides
Fountain grass 3 Sun-Lt. Shade Green Reddish cast
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Moudry’
Black-seeded fountain grass 3 Sun-Lt. Shade Green Smoke black
Pennisetum orientale
Oriental fountain grass 3 Sun Red Copper
Phalaris arundinacea var. picta
Ribbon grass 2.5 Sun White/Green None
Schizachyrium scoparium
Little bluestem 2-4 Sun blueish tint purple-bronze
Spartina pectinata ‘Aureomarginata’
Golden-edged prairie cord grass 2.5 Sun-Lt. Shade Green/Yellow None
Stipa tennuissima
Mexican feather grass 1.5, Sun Green Beige to light
clump green

Annual Ornamental grasses:

Agrostis nebulosa
Cloud grass 1.5 Sun Green White
Briza maxima
Large quaking grass 1.5 Sun Green Oat-like
Melinus nerviglumus ‘Savannah’
Pink Crystals Ruby Grass 1.5-2 Sun Blue-green Ruby-Pink
Pennisetum setaceum
Pink fountain grass 3 Sun Green Pink
Pennisetum setaceum ‘Atrosanguineum’
(P. setaceum ‘Cupreum’)
Purple fountain grass 3 Sun Maroon Red-purple
Pennisetum villosum
Feathertop 2 Sun Green White

Sedges (semi-evergreen):
Carex morrowii ‘Variegata’
Silver variegated Japanese sedge 1 Part to Green/White None
full shade
Carex ornithopoda ‘Variegata’
Variegated Bird’s foot sedge 0.5 Part to Cream/Green None
full shade
Carex stricta ‘Bowles Golden’
Bowles golden grass 1.5 Full shade Yellow None

226 Master Gardeners Manual

Woody Landscape Plants

Learning Objectives:

After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Know what criteria should be considered when selecting woody ornamental plants for a particular
• Understand and be able to apply good planting techniques for woody ornamental plants and under-
stand how using proper techniques can improve survival and accelerate establishment.
• Be able to describe proper follow-up care after woody ornamental plants are installed in the landscape.
• Be able to describe the proper timing, procedures and techniques used in pruning deciduous and
evergreen woody ornamental plants.
• Understand the reasons for fertilizing woody ornamental plants and describe the various methods of
fertilizer application.
• Know the options for weed management in landscape plantings.
• Be familiar with major problems of woody ornamental plants.

Woody Landscape Plants Plant Selection

Woody ornamental plants are key components Vines
in a well-designed, useful landscape. This large Vines are climbing plants that add interest to
group of plants can be divided into four general the landscape. Vines easily lend themselves for
categories — trees, shrubs, groundcovers and use in a large landscape setting as well as the patio
vines. These categories are defined as follows: garden. They serve many purposes, ranging from
Trees — Woody plants that produce one main screening to shade, as well as serving as architec-
trunk and a more or less distinct and elevated tural accent plants. Vines are useful as groundcov-
head (height of 15 feet or more). ers, forming a cascade of bloom on rough, steep
Shrubs — Woody plants that remain quite low and banks while holding the soil in place. Vines also
usually produce multiple shoots or stems from work well as groundcovers in shady areas to re-
the base (height of 15 feet or less). place turf in an attempt to reduce irrigation and
Vines — Climbing or crawling woody plants with- maintenance needs. The flexibility of vines in the
out self-supporting upright stems. home landscape is probably the main reason they
Groundcovers — Very low growing, spreading, are enjoying a resurgence in popularity.
shrubs and vines. Selection - Vines have the ability to grow to-
ward the light they need. They can “climb” many
This section will cover factors to consider in different items for support and can be trained to
selecting plants based on desired uses. Environ- grow on walls, fences, arbors, trellises, posts and
mental factors influencing plant growth and proce- even other plants. When searching for a vine, de-
dures for planting and caring for woody plants are termine the sturdiness of the structure to be used,
also discussed. A listing of vines, groundcovers, and plan accordingly for a vine that will not out-
shrubs and trees recommended for use in Oklaho- grow the structure and pull it down.
ma is provided at the end of this section. Vines use many different methods to climb. It
is important to know how a particular vine attach-

Master Gardeners Manual 227

es itself to its support to provide it with the proper Culture – Most vines will quickly revert to a
tools for climbing. Some vines can attach to walls tangled mass of foliage on the ground if not giv-
without support and others need trellises or wire to en the proper means of support and a reasonable
enable them to climb. There are five basic meth- amount of care and maintenance. The best type
ods plants use to climb. of support for vines gives the required structural
The first group uses aerial roots or “holdfasts” strength and stability, and at the same time, is neat
to attach itself to a structure. The aerial roots take in appearance.
hold of a roughened surface such as brick, stone Like most other plants, vines require some
or wood. These plants don’t need additional help maintenance. Pruning is necessary to remove old
to climb; however, they do require a roughened wood. This may require several cuts to each stem
surface. Plants in this group include English ivy so they can be untangled. It often is necessary to
and climbing hydrangea. prune occasionally to keep the plant within bounds
The second group of plants climbs by using and to guide future growth. As with other plants,
saucer-like appendages that exude an adhesive vines are pruned to produce better bloom. Insect
resin that firmly attaches to a surface. These plants and disease control is important. This involves
will also climb unaided, and in addition to rough- regular visual inspection for pest damage, and if
ened surfaces, they can also climb smooth sur- necessary, use of environmentally sound control
faces. Plants in this group include Virginia creeper methods.
and Boston ivy. The area to be covered should be studied
The third group climbs by using tendrils. Ten- carefully to determine what type of vine should be
drils are modified stems that twist about any near- used. Rate of growth is a critical consideration,
by support. These plants require something small since there are vines that exhibit rampant growth
enough for the tendril to wrap around such as a and can soon become a nuisance.
cord, some type of trellis or other plants. Grapes
are an example of plants that use this method to Groundcovers
climb. There are also several modifications of ten- In a broad sense, groundcovers include any
drils such as the leaf tip or leaf stalk acting as a material covering the ground surface so the
tendril as in the case of Clematis. ground cannot be seen from above and rain does
The fourth way vines climb is by twining. As the not strike directly upon the soil. With this definition,
young shoots elongate, they make a rotary motion grass, various types of paving, shrubs and even
and encircle a small support such as a wire, twig trees could be called groundcovers. However,
or other object small enough for them to encircle. for this section, groundcovers are referred to as
They cannot sweep around a large pole or tree but low-growing (up to 18 inches), mat-forming or trail-
can easily encircle a wire or a cord. Some of these ing plants, other than grasses or other plants that
plants twine clockwise and some twine counter- tolerate walking or mowing. Most ground covers
clockwise when viewed from the top. This is handy are not intended to be walked upon and will be
to know if you desire to help the vine along by severely damaged by pedestrian traffic.
twisting it around its support. Study the direction When groundcovers are chosen carefully and
it wraps and wrap the new growth in the same di- placed correctly, they greatly enhance the beauty
rection. If you wrap it in the opposite direction, it of the landscape composition. In addition to their
will unwrap itself and start over in the direction it is aesthetic value, they fulfill a number of other im-
naturally growing. portant functions including the following:
The final group of plants aren’t really consid- • Control erosion on slopes.
ered vines, rather they are shrubs with elongated, • Obstruct traffic without impeding view.
arching stems. They are known as ramblers. Many • Conserve soil moisture and lower temperatures
contain thorns or prickles that will catch on nearby during periods of extreme heat.
plants or other supports enabling the plant to climb. • Reduce lawn maintenance.
Plants in this category include Climbing Roses. • Fill narrow, odd-shaped areas where mowing
These plants benefit from some help in climbing and edging might be difficult.
by tying or otherwise attaching the branches to a • Provide vegetative growth where grass is diffi-
fence, arbor or other support for the best effect. cult to maintain.

228 Master Gardeners Manual

• Produce interesting patterns with variation in windbreaks, ornamentation, groundcovers and
height, texture and color. wildlife shelters. Both trees and shrubs can be se-
lected to provide edible fruit or nuts.
In practice, the groundcovers most frequently Providing shade usually requires tall, sturdy,
used are plants that are easily propagated, vigor- long-living species. Density of foliage, which de-
ous and hardy perennials. termines the amount of shading, is important. A
Selection – Selection of a groundcover will de- tree such as red maple will produce a very dense
pend upon the area where it will be used. Is the shade that prevents other plants from growing un-
area flat or sloping? Is it sun, or partially or deeply der it, while a Kentucky coffeetree will produce a
shaded? Soil conditions must be studied. Some light partial shade, allowing other plants enough
groundcovers prefer a moist soil, rich in organic sunlight to grow. Deciduous trees should be used
matter, while others will adapt to a dry, sandy sit- to shade the south windows of a home in the sum-
uation. Give consideration to color, texture, height mer, allowing the sun to penetrate in the winter.
and habit as well, since some groundcovers tend Screens usually require plants that produce
to grow rampantly. One problem that may limit dense foliage. Windbreaks must be able to sur-
the use of groundcovers is the cost of installation vive rigorous climate conditions. Evergreen plants
since large numbers of small, individual plants are are usually chosen for screening. Barrier plantings
required. In addition, a well-prepared planting bed usually require sturdy plants with dense growth
is essential to the establishment of groundcovers and possibly thorns or spines.
and can be costly and time-consuming. Weed Ornamental attributes are quite varied. Both
control in a newly planted groundcover bed can trees and shrubs can be selected for flowers, col-
likewise be difficult and labor-intensive. orful fruit, interesting foliage, fall or winter color, in-
Culture – Significant maintenance is necessary teresting bark or interesting shapes of the plants
for the first one to three years or until the ground- themselves.
cover becomes established. Cultivation is neces- Consider the size of mature trees and shrubs
sary to control weeds and other plant invaders; and where they are to be used. Trees that grow
fertilization to encourage fast, vigorous growth to tall, such as the American elm, white oak, syca-
achieve good cover; irrigation in time of dryness; more, and tulip tree, are suitable for lager build-
and disease and pest control. When these main- ings and spaces. They tend to dominate or hide
tenance considerations are ignored, the progress one-story buildings. For attractive and proper bal-
toward achieving a good ground cover planting is ance with one-story buildings, trees shorter than
disappointing. about 35 feet when full grown are recommended.
Wherever paving, lawn or cultivated beds are Shrubs that outgrow their spaces can hide win-
not desirable, groundcovers can be successful- dows, block walkways or crowd out other plants.
ly used. Newly cut banks and any slopes greater Shrubs can sometimes be kept small by pruning,
than 12 percent are best treated with groundcover but this requires continuing maintenance. Careful
plantings. Around buildings, groundcovers are su- consideration of mature size will reduce the need
perior to paving or structural controls for reducing for pruning.
heat, glare, noise and dust. Shape is especially important in selecting trees
for ornamental and shade purposes. Tall trees with
Trees and Shrubs long, spreading or weeping branches give abun-
Because there are so many woody plants for dant shade. Small trees and trees of other shapes,
use in landscaping, carefully select plants appro- including narrow, columnar, pyramidal and clump
priate for your needs. forms and the low growing types such as haw-
Selecting Trees and Shrubs. Selection should thorn, crabapple and dogwood have ornamental
be based on several different factors. The intended purposes, but do not give abundant shade.
purpose should influence selection of plants with Environmental conditions should influence the
appropriate shape, size and other physical char- selection of plants. Size of the planting area is im-
acteristics. Trees are used for shade, ornamenta- portant, as are site characteristics such as sunny
tion, screening, windbreak and sound-reducing or shady, wet or dry, exposed to winter winds or
purposes. Shrubs are used for screens, barriers, pollution. Plants selected should be tolerant of ex-

Master Gardeners Manual 229

isting conditions, and be hardy in the appropriate Purchasing Trees and Shrubs. Once the se-
climate zone. The country is defined in a series of lection process is completed, plants can be pur-
zones, based on the average minimum winter tem- chased. Transplants can be classified into four
perature (Figure 6.30). classes according to the way they are dug and/or
Finally, consider how much maintenance the shipped: bare-root plants, balled and burlapped
plant will require and any possible disadvantages plants (B&B), container grown plants and tree
including susceptibility to attack by disease and spade dug.
insect pests; soft or brittle wood that is easily dam- Bare-Root Plants – These have had the soil
aged by wind and ice; fruits and seeds that are washed or shaken from their roots after digging.
large, messy, smelly or otherwise obnoxious; and Most mail-order plants are of this class because
abundant shedding of twigs and small branches. plants in soil are too heavy to ship economically.
Some examples of these conditions are killing of Plants available in nurseries in early spring with
Lombardy poplar by Cytospora canker or by bor- roots wrapped in damp sphagnum and packaged
ers, breaking of Siberian elm branches by wind in cardboard or plastic containers are also bare-
and ice and the production of bad-smelling fruit root plants. These need special attention because
by the female ginkgo. The production of fruit by their roots are tightly bunched up in unnatural po-
the mulberry, which attracts birds, can also be an sitions to force them into the package. Discard the
undesirable characteristic. Since this fruit is soft sphagnum packing and be sure to spreads the
and decomposes rapidly when ripe, it is messy on roots out to a natural position.
walks and attracts flies and other insects. Plants in the bare-root class are planted while
they are dormant; therefore, late winter planting is
best for these plants. Never let the roots dry out;
this is perhaps the single, most common cause for
failure with bare-root plants. Keep roots in water
or wrapped in plastic or wet paper until ready to
place the plant in the hole.
Balled and Burlapped Plants – B&B plants are
primarily trees and some shrubs. They are usu-
ally grown in nursery rows for some time and are
root-pruned so the root system within the balls is
compact and fibrous. Such plants rapidly reestab-
lish themselves. This method is primarily used for
plants that never lose their foliage and not amend-
able to bare-root treatment. B&B plants include
broadleaf evergreens like rhododendrons and
azaleas, and conifers of all types. A number of de-
ciduous trees and shrubs that have branching root
systems and easily contained in a soil ball are also
sold as B&B plants. They can be planted almost
anytime the ground can be worked. Plants put out
in summer will need special attention to keep them
adequately watered.
When selecting a balled and burlapped plant,
be sure the ball is sound and hasn’t been broken.
Avoid those plants that feel loose in the soil balls.
Be sure the soil ball does not dry out. These plants
will usually need very little pruning at planting.
Figure 6.30. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map Container-Grown Plants – These are usually
for Oklahoma and State Annual Precipitation grown in the container in which they are sold and
map. are becoming a standard in the nursery trade. Be-
cause of their appearance, many home gardeners

230 Master Gardeners Manual

are often misled into thinking that all they have to the planting hole should be, but generally if the
do is place these plants into the ground and forget hole is twice as wide in diameter and no deeper
about them. However, these plants need the same than the soil ball, the size will be adequate. In gen-
careful planting and maintenance as other plants eral, research shows the wider the hole is, the bet-
— proper watering is critical. Container-grown ter the plant will grow.
plants can be planted throughout the year. A traditional recommendation for preparing a
Container-grown plants have the least amount planting hole for trees and shrubs has been to in-
of root disturbance of all forms. In Oklahoma, fall corporate organic matter into the backfill soil be-
planting is best for deciduous trees, shrubs and fore returning it to the hole around the plants. How-
pines, and spring planting is best for broadleaf ev- ever, recent research indicates this can actually be
ergreens. Inspect the roots to make sure they are detrimental to the long-term establishment of the
not circling the top of the pot or growing heavily landscape plant. By backfilling the hole with native
out of the bottom. If this is the case, choose a dif- soil, the plant is immediately forced to establish
ferent plant. Circling roots can continue to circle new roots in the backfill and beyond.
after planting, eventually girdling the plant. If the Apparently, the addition of organic matter
plant does have a few circling roots in the bottom into backfill soil creates an interface between the
of the pot, this condition can be treated at planting amended soil and the undisturbed soil around the
by scoring the root ball to promote new root growth planting hole that is detrimental to root growth and
and break the circling habit. water movement between the two soils. In tests
When selecting plants, look for a good, natural conducted at the University of Georgia, examina-
shape free from thin spots or broken limbs. Make tion of plant root systems in holes with amended
sure the root ball is solid and the bark has no splits soil revealed that the majority of the roots were
or cracks. Avoid any container-grown plant where confined to the original planting hole. Therefore,
roots circling on the surface or coming out of the it is recommended to use only excavated soil as
drainage holes are seen. Plants chosen should backfill.
be free of any insects or diseases. Generally, the Generally, it is best to excavate the hole no
smaller sizes of a plant will cost less and may es- deeper than the depth of the soil ball. Place the top
tablish faster. of the soil ball at soil level or slightly higher than
Trees Spade Dug Trees – Tree spades are the surrounding soil. The finished planting depth
large machines that cut the roots and soil around (after the soil settles) should be such that the plant
a tree. They are often used to dig balled and bur- is exactly the same depth after replanting as it
lapped trees in the nursery. Tree spades are used was when grown in the nursery. When planting in
by landscape contractors to transplant larger trees a poorly drained site, set the plant so a few inches
into holes previously dug with the same machine. of the rootball are above the soil level to enhance
The best time for this procedure is in the spring or drainage (Figure 6.31). More plants are probably
fall. lost because they were planted too deeply than
for any other reason. This is especially true with
Planting Trees and Shrubs large, balled and burlapped trees and shrubs,
such as yaupon holly or mountain laurel, which are
The proper installation of plants in the land- often top-heavy and planted deeply so they will not
scape involves much more than just digging holes topple.
and setting plants in them. The planter is responsi- Once the appropriate size hole has been dug,
ble, as far as possible, for developing a satisfacto- carefully place the plant in the hole. Carefully han-
ry microclimate for optimum growth and develop- dle B&B plants when placing in the hole. For most
ment of the plant. A healthy and vigorous plant is species, if the soil ball is broken for any reason,
required if the landscape is to achieve the desired many of the roots will be severed from the trunk
effect. Healthy plants will need less maintenance and the plant will die. Always pick the plant up by
in the years following establishment. the soil ball or container, but never by the trunk or
The planting hole is important since this is the stem. Recently, some nurseries have been using
environment of the plant root system. Plant profes- woven plastic or synthetic materials to wrap B&B
sionals make many suggestions about how large

Master Gardeners Manual 231

covered with moist burlap or some reasonable
substitute until planting time.
After the B&B or container-grown plant has
been placed in the hole, fill the hole around the
plant with backfill until it is two-thirds full. With bare-
root plants, the soil should be worked gently in and
around the roots while the plant is being support-
ed. The most satisfactory way to firm the soil and
remove air pockets is by filling the hole with water,
firm the soil by hand around the plant ball or roots.
However, be sure not to use excessive force since
soil compaction should be avoided.
Before finishing the filling process, make cer-
tain the plant is straight and at the proper depth;
then complete the filling process with the backfill.
If it is an individual specimen, construct a ring of
earth 2 to 3 inches high at the edge of the outside
diameter of the hole to form a water basin. Plants in
Figure 6.31. Diagram of properly planted tree.
beds probably will not require a water basin. Water
the plant thoroughly as soon as the water basin is
plants. These materials do not rapidly decompose complete. After the water has soaked away, fill the
and can girdle roots as they enlarge after passing basin with mulch. Organic mulches such as pine
through the material. While it is not necessary to needles, bark or wood chips provide the best en-
remove the burlap, always remove these plastic vironment for future root development.
and synthetic materials after the plant is placed in Note that fertilizer is not added to the backfill.
the hole. On all B&B plants, cut and remove any Too much fertilizer can damage newly developing
strings (plastic or natural fiber) from around the roots. If soil testing indicates fertilizer is needed,
trunk after planting to prevent girdling the plant. add a water-soluble material at the recommended
For container-grown plants, always remove rate during the final watering phase. Large areas
plastic or metal containers before planting. Small should already have an established fertility level
containers with tapered sides can be removed by based on soil test results before individual plant
turning the plant upside down and giving the top specimens are planted. A fertility program should
edge of the container a sharp rap. Catch the soil begin in late fall of the first growing season.
ball in the hands as it slips from the container. Do One final activity in planting is to remove all
not let the soil ball break apart. Larger containers tags and strings. These items, whether made of
(5 gallons or more) should be cut away. If plants wire, plastic or natural fibers, can potentially girdle
have become overgrown in the container and the fast-growing stems and trunks.
root mass is growing in a tight, compact circle
around the soil ball, cut the outer roots out with a Pruning and supporting
sharp knife in two or four places around the soil An initial pruning may be needed immediately
ball. Make the cut from the top to the bottom of after planting; however, this pruning should be di-
the soil ball. Though decomposable containers, rected only at the removal of all broken and dam-
such as paper maché, are meant to be left on at aged branches. The traditional practice of remov-
planting, it is generally best to treat it like any other ing part of the top growth to reduce transpiration
container and remove it at planting to avoid the and to bring the top back in proportion to the root
potential of inhibiting root development. system (for example, bare-root trees) is no longer
Bare-root plants should have the packing ma- recommended. For better success of newly plant-
terial and all damaged or dead roots removed. Do ed woody species, avoid heavy pruning at plant-
not allow roots to be exposed to sunlight or to dry ing. Ensure the plants will be well watered during
out before planting. It is best to keep bare roots the first year or two in the ground. Pruning reduc-

232 Master Gardeners Manual

es the leaf area, thus reducing transpiration, but it
also reduces the leaf surface area, which produc-
es photosynthates for root growth. Since the plant
will not resume a normal growth rate until the origi-
nal root system size is re-established, it is better to
avoid wilting by watering than by canopy pruning.
This also avoids a proliferation of suckers in the
inner canopy.
Most shrubs do not need to be supported af-
ter planting, unless the bare-root stock planted is
quite large or very tall B&B specimens have been
used. If so, use the same techniques for shrubs as
described for trees.
A general rule is to provide support for all bare-
root trees more than 8 feet in height. Smaller B&B
or container-grown trees usually do not need sup-
port. Trees 6 inches or more in diameter should be
supported. Any one of several methods for sup-
porting smaller trees is satisfactory.
1. A single stake about ¾ the height of the Figure 6.32. Strap-and-grommet system for stak-
bare-root tree should be driven at a distance ing trees. Stakes should be located outside of
of 2 to 4 inches from the center of the plant- rootball in solid ground.
ing hole on the southwest side. This should be
done before the tree is placed into the hole. 3. This is the most commonly used method. Fas-
Plant the tree according to the procedures de- ten three wires to stakes that have been fixed in
scribed previously. After the planting, fasten firm soil around the edge of the planting hole at
the tree to the stake with a strap and grommet an equal distance from the hole and from each
type system formed in a loose loop (Figure other. Stakes are generally used on smaller
6.35). The advantage of this method of sup- plants. They should be driven 18 to 24 inches
port is that the stake is close to the trunk and into the ground at a 45-degree angle away from
does not cause maintenance problems. In turf the tree trunk. It is absolutely essential all three
areas, stakes and guy wires outside the perim- stakes be firmly fixed so they will not pull out in
eter of the mulched area can be troublesome, high winds. The tops of the stakes are notched
since they hinder mowing operations. Under to hold the wire. The wire is then fastened to
no circumstances should this method of sup- straps, which are fastened 2/3 of the way up
port be used on B&B or container-grown stock. the trunk by a loose loop. The other ends of
It is usually not possible to locate a stake close all wire should be fastened equally tight to the
to the trunks of such stock before planting, stakes without putting a strain on the trunk. The
and if driven through the soil ball, the stake will wires should be firm, but loose enough to allow
cause damage to the soil ball and roots. slight movement of the tree, a factor essential
2. A more satisfactory method of supporting to its proper development.
small trees is to use two parallel stakes driven
solidly at least 18 inches into the firm soil about All support should be removed from small trees
a foot beyond the planting hole on opposite within one year after planting. The tree should have
sides of the tree (Figure 6.32). The height of become established within this period of time.
the stakes after being driven into the ground Growth and trunk strength are reduced if the sup-
should be approximately 2/3 that of the tree. ports are left in place for longer periods.
The tree is then supported by straps looped
loosely around the trunk and wires attached to Watering
straps on both stakes. Newly planted trees and shrubs should be
well watered at planting time. Young trees need an

Master Gardeners Manual 233

equivalent of 1 inch of rain per week as a mini- The twigs that shade the trunk should be left, but
mum. Newly planted trees and shrubs may need to cut back a few inches so they become denser. A
be watered two or three times a week in extremely twiggy trunk is preferable to tree wraps, but not all
hot, dry weather because their root system cannot trees have enough twigs, nor is it always practical
take up the needed amount of water to replenish or aesthetically pleasing to leave lower limbs.
the water transpired by the growing leaves. Signs Commercial tree wraps are available and may
of wilting usually indicate the tree or shrub needs provide protection for thin-barked trees. Plastic
water. wraps may provide better protection than paper
Apply water slowly at the base of the newly wraps against lawn mower, trimmer and rodent
planted trees and shrubs. This is especially im- damage. If misused, damage may occur in the
portant for container-grown plants, as their soilless form of trunk girdling or constriction, insects, dis-
mixes can be dry while, the bed or surrounding ease and excessive moisture.
soil remains damp. Protective wraps may not be necessary at
planting. Tree trunk wraps are normally applied be-
Mulching tween October and March for the first two growing
Keep a 4- to 6-foot, grass- and weed-free cir- seasons. Wraps should be removed each spring
cle around young trees and shrubs the first two to prior to spring growth. During spring growth, the
three years. Keep the area covered with 2 to 3 inch- trunk expands and increases in size. Wraps ap-
es of organic mulch, such as leaf mold, compost, plied too tightly or left on during this time may re-
shredded hardwood bark, well-rotted manure, sult in trunk constriction. Tree wraps should be ap-
grass clippings or straw. Never apply mulches if plied loosely from the base up to the first branch
they have been recently exposed to herbicides. by overlapping for a shingle effect. Plastic wraps
The herbicides may damage or kill the plant. should fit loosely and include holes or slits for good
A 2- to 3-inch layer is usually sufficient for one air movement. Periodically inspect the wraps for
season. This helps conserve moisture, retard weed trunk damage and insects.
growth and maintain a more even soil temperature Seedling trees and shrubs may need a shelter
for newly planted trees or shrubs. For fall trans- during weather extremes in winter and summer.
plants, mulch can increase to 4 or 5 inches. The Cheesecloth or various other windbreaks can be
deeper mulch will delay deep frost penetration, used. Unfortunately, antidesiccants do not relieve
allowing more time for root growth and establish- plant stress with Oklahoma conditions.
ment. Keep mulch at least 2 to 4 inches away from
the trunk of trees. Fertilizing
DO NOT use plastic under the mulch to pre- A new tree has a very limited capacity of uti-
vent weeds. Roots are drawn to the surface and lizing fertilizer until it becomes established. Fertil-
can be damaged by summer heat and winter ization is not recommended at planting. Excessive
cold. The plastic also prevents air and moisture fertilizer in the root zone can be damaging, so
exchange in the soil, stressing the plant. Land- do not add it to the back fill. If fertilizer is needed
scape fabrics, which allow air and water to pass based on a soil test, apply a controlled release or
through, block weeds while allowing the plant to liquid fertilizer.
develop a healthy root system. Do not use rock Do not dump fertilizer into the bottom of the
mulches as they transfer heat directly to the roots. planting hole. Fertilize young plants on the soil sur-
Do not mound mulch up against the trunk of trees face after the first two to three growing seasons.
or shrubs. Keep the mulch 2 to 4 inches away from Small amounts of fertilizer applied regularly are
the trunk; this is particularly helpful in preventing preferred to one large dose.
rodent damage during winter months. Excessive
mulch against a trunk may also result in an envi- Transporting and protecting
ronment favorable to disease and insect attack. ornamentals
It is important to plan ahead to allow sufficient
Wrapping time to transplant ornamentals so digging and
Young, thin-barked trees such as maples and planting are done without delay. From the time a
other species often sunscald unless protected. plant is dug until it is planted in its new location, the

234 Master Gardeners Manual

roots should never be allowed to dry. Prolonged ex-
posure to air will cause the roots to dry out and die.
Care and Maintenance
Determine the new location and prepare the new
Landscape plants require periodic mainte-
hole before digging the plant. However, packing
nance to produce the best results. This includes
them in moist straw, sphagnum, peat moss, bark
fertilization, winterizing, mulching, watering and
or other suitable material and wrapping with moist
burlap can protect roots. Tops of plants should be
protected from drying winds when transporting
them by car or truck. Cover the shoots with a stur- Fertilizing trees and shrubs
dy fabric or transport in a covered van or truck. Ornamental trees and shrubs planted in fertile,
Guard against trunk and stem injury by using pro- well-drained soil or in a regularly fertilized lawn
tective padding. should not require annual fertilization. Trees and
shrubs that are growing well don’t require extra nu-
trients. If trees and shrubs are doing poorly, fertil-
Ten tips for planting
ization may be helpful, but only after the problem
and caring for new trees causing poor growth has been corrected.
• Dig the planting hole two to three times the di-
Poorly growing plants will exhibit any or all of
ameter of the tree’s rootball.
these symptoms:
• Avoid digging the hole too deep, since the tree
• light green or yellow leaves
should be planted at its original grade or slight-
• leaves with dead spots
ly higher (1 to 2 inches above grade). If the tree
• leaves smaller than normal
is planted above grade, it is important to cover
• fewer leaves and/or flowers than normal
the edges of the exposed rootball with soil ta-
• short annual twig growth
pered down to the surrounding soil line.
• dying back of branches at the tips
• Fill in the planting hole with native soil and
• wilting of foliage
tamp lightly. Avoid soil amendments.
• Do not over fertilize the new tree. A newly plant-
These symptoms of poor growth may be
ed tree has a very limited capacity for utilizing
caused by inadequate soil aeration, moisture or
fertilizer until it starts to establish itself.
nutrients; adverse climatic conditions; wrong pH;
• Stake young trees (top-heavy or planted in
disease; or other conditions. Attempts should be
windy areas) when necessary, but allow for
made to determine the specific cause in each
sway. Remove all stakes after the first season if
particular situation so appropriate corrective mea-
sures can be taken. Do not assume an application
• Avoid overpruning new trees. Try to leave low-
of fertilizer will quickly remedy any problem en-
er limbs intact the first season.
countered. Soil and leaf tissue analyses are nec-
• Keep a 4- to 6-foot weed- and turf-free circle
essary to prescribe correct solutions.
around the tree for at least two years. Place
The cause of poor growth may or may not be
an organic mulch (pine bark, straw, etc.) 2 or
evident. Ornamentals transplanted or those whose
3 inches deep around the tree; keep mulch a
roots have been disturbed by construction with-
couple inches away from base of the tree trunk.
in the past 5 or 10 years may be in shock. Tradi-
Do not put plastic under mulch.
tionally, pruning has been recommended to bring
• Apply at least 1 inch of water weekly.
the top growth into balance with the reduced root
• Wrap young trees as fall approaches. Tree
system; however, recent research indicates such
wraps protect tender bark from rodent damage
pruning may be detrimental. Efforts should be con-
and environmental stresses as a result of tem-
centrated on maintaining the existing foliage that
perature fluctuations. Note that some young
produces the necessary photosynthates to regen-
trees benefit from summer wrapping to avoid
erate injured roots. Irrigation, aeration and fertiliza-
tion are all recommended to keep leaves on the
• Winter irrigate when temperatures remain
above freezing for more than a few days to
Most trees and shrubs tolerate a wide range of
avoid dehydration injury.
soil acidity. A range of pH 6.0 to 7.5 is suitable for

Master Gardeners Manual 235

most landscape plants. They usually will make sat- suppress the growth of weeds and grass. A 2-inch
isfactory growth without special treatment to raise layer should be used under the branches of shrubs
or lower the pH of the soil. Plants such as azalea, and roses of all ages.
blueberry, camellia, pin oak and rhododendron are A circular area of mulch should be maintained
exceptions. They grow best in an acid soil with a for at least three or four years around newly plant-
pH of 5.0 to 5.5. On soils with a pH of 6.0 or higher, ed ornamental trees. It should extend at least 3
these acid-loving plants may become quite yellow feet from the trunk and be renewed as often as
and grow poorly. Soils in eastern Oklahoma tend necessary to maintain a layer 2 inches thick. A
to be more acidic, and therefore, more suitable for circle of mulch will make it easier to mow around
acid-loving plants. young trees without damaging the bark.
Fertilizer for small trees and shrubs should be In some cases, mice may tunnel in the mulch
based on soil analysis. Spread fertilizer evenly un- and cause damage by chewing the bark from the
der the branches in late winter or early spring. As stems of shrubs or trunks of trees. This is more
with turfgrasses, fall fertilization has been shown to likely to happen when coarse materials like straw,
be beneficial to poorly growing plants. hay or pine needles are used. The best control is
Large trees that need fertilization require large to keep the mulch back about 6 inches from the
doses of nitrogen. Research indicates complete stems or trunk and trap or poison the mice.
fertilizers are usually not essential and the growth Both organic and inorganic mulches can be
response is primarily associated with nitrogen useful in the landscape. Some of the more readily
fertilization. On large trees, fertilizer applications available and more commonly used mulches in-
should be concentrated at the dripline of the tree, clude sawdust, compost, pine needles, rock, grav-
which is the area directly below the outermost tips el and woven plastics.
of the branches. The feeding root system of the
tree is in this perimeter and, consequently, is where Watering the landscape
fertilizer and water should be applied. Placing fer- Of the tremendous amounts of water applied
tilizer in small holes in the soil has been tested and to lawns and landscapes, much of it is never ab-
research now indicates that surface application of sorbed by the plants. Some water is lost to run-
fertilizer is sufficient. off by being applied too rapidly, and some water
Depending on the reason a large tree is doing evaporates from exposed, unmulched soil. But the
poorly, fertilization might be needed each year. greatest waste of water is applying too much too
However, a feeding program must be combined often. By simply using effective and efficient wa-
with proper cultural practices. For example, ne- tering methods, irrigation requirements can be cut
glecting necessary insect or disease control and by 10 to 30 percent, plus landscape beauty and
failure to remove dead wood from a large shade quality can be increased dramatically.
tree will negate the positive effects of fertilization. Correct watering of plants is vital for develop-
Fertilizer is not a substitute for water during drought. ing and maintaining a landscape planting. Lack
A moderate growth rate and good green color of water can cause a plant to wilt, and ultimately
are all that is desired of woody plants. Excessive die. Excessive water can cause root rot, in which
vigor, evidenced by lush green leaves and long case the plant wilts because it is oxygen-starved,
shoot growth, is undesirable. Such plants require and consequently, is unable to take up moisture.
more maintenance, are more susceptible to winter As a rule, plants are capable of withstanding mod-
cold injury and are more likely to be broken during erate drought more easily than too much moisture.
wind or ice storms. These plants also will usually For this reason, it is important to water thorough-
have a shorter life than woody plants with moder- ly, yet allow the soil to become fairly dry between
ate growth rates. waterings.
Wilting is a condition brought about in plants
Mulching when roots are unable to supply sufficient moisture
For year-round benefits of mulching, apply a to the stems and leaves. Wilting for short periods
2-inch mulch of compost, shredded bark or wood of time will not harm plants; but over a prolonged
chips around shrubs, roses and recently planted period will cause permanent damage. Sometimes
trees. This mulch will conserve moisture and help a plant will wilt on a hot day because moisture is

236 Master Gardeners Manual

evaporating from the leaves faster than the roots of leaf drop because there are not enough roots
can supply it. If there is ample soil moisture, the to support the foliage. Water use under clear blue
plant will absorb water in the evening to firm up skies can be twice as high as use under cloudy
the stems and leaves. However, when leaves re- conditions.
main wilted the following morning, watering is The best time to water is in the morning or eve-
recommended. ning, when air temperatures are lower than at mid-
It is difficult to make broad recommendations day. In the evening, do not wet foliage because
about when to irrigate due to tremendous varia- this can encourage fungus or mildew, making
tions in climatic conditions. However, when there plants unsightly and jeopardizing their health. Be
is an extended period without rain during summer, prepared to control diseases if irrigating at night.
newly planted trees and shrubs should be deeply Trees and shrubs. All trees and shrubs
watered once a week. By allowing the soil surface need more frequent watering from planting time
to dry out somewhat between waterings, major until becoming well rooted, which may take two
root development is encouraged at greater depths growing seasons. Once established, water-effi-
where soil moisture is highest. Plants watered fre- cient plants can then be weaned to tolerate less
quently, but lightly are more apt to proliferate roots frequent watering. Proper weaning develops deep
close to the surface, making them more vulnerable roots and makes the plants more drought tolerant.
to wilting. This happens with automatic overhead Water established trees, shrubs and ground-
sprinkler systems that are designed only to moist- covers infrequently, yet thoroughly. In the absence
en the surface and run for a short period of time of rain, most trees and shrubs benefit from a once-
each night. a-month thorough watering during the growing
Environmental conditions are the primary fac- season. Remember, normal lawn watering is not
tor affecting plant water needs. During cool sea- necessarily a substitute for thorough tree and
sons, less watering is necessary because evap- shrub watering.
oration from the leaves and soil is slow. During The feeding root system of a tree or shrub is
dry autumn or winter days and before the ground located within the top 12 to 18 inches of the soil
freezes, water all garden plants thoroughly to help and at the dripline of the plant. The dripline is the
prevent root damage from cold winter tempera- area directly below the outermost reaches of the
tures. Damage from unusually cold temperatures branches. Apply water and fertilizer just inside and
around the roots shows up in the spring in the form a little beyond the dripline, not at the trunk. An ef-
fective way to water trees and large shrubs is to
simply lay a slowly running hose on the ground at
the dripline. Move the hose around the dripline as
each area becomes saturated to a depth of 8 to
10 inches. For large trees, this watering technique
may take several hours. A general rule is that 1
inch of water penetrates 6 inches of soil. If a sprin-
kler is set up to water a group of plants, a can with
straight sides such as a coffee or tuna can, should
be placed in range of the sprinkler. When 1 inch of
water accumulates in the can, 1 inch of water has
been distributed in the soil.
Container-grown landscape plants may be
susceptible to drought stress once they are trans-
planted to the landscape. Drought stress occurs
because the well-drained organic mix in which the
plants are grown in the nursery is prone to rapid
loss of moisture due to plant transpiration (loss of
water from plant leaves) and evaporation from the
Figure 6.33. Too much mulch (often called a
soil surface. Even though moisture is available in
mulch volcano) can weaken the bark and lead
the soil surrounding the organic mix, it does not
to serious problems.

Master Gardeners Manual 237

move into the transplanted root ball rapidly enough and trees. Both sprinkler and drip irrigation can be
to prevent moisture stress from developing. Re- incorporated to achieve water conservation in the
search has shown that the available moisture in the landscape.
container mix can be depleted in about two days Sprinkler irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation is
in the absence of irrigation. For this reason, these the most commonly used method of landscape
plants are watered at least every other day while watering. The two most common types of sprinkler
in the nursery. This routine should be followed af- irrigation systems are the hose-end sprinkler and
ter transplanting until the root system penetrates the permanent underground systems. Even though
the surrounding soil backfill (approximately 3 to 4 a permanent sprinkler system is more water effi-
weeks) where moisture is available for absorption cient than a hose-end sprinkler, both systems re-
by the plant. quire little maintenance and apply large volumes
Care should be taken not to allow the trans- of water in a short time.
planted root ball to dry out because the organic If a permanent sprinkler system is used, make
mix is very difficult to rewet once it becomes dry. sure the sprinkler heads are adjusted properly to
Water can be applied to a drought-stressed plant avoid watering sidewalks and driveways. Also,
where the root ball has become very dry and not a properly adjusted sprinkler head sprays large
successfully relieve the moisture stress because droplets of water instead of a fog or fine mist. A
the medium does not readily absorb the applied mist is more susceptible to evaporation and wind
water. In this case, water should be applied two or drift.
three times each day until the root ball has been With either hose-end sprinklers or perma-
rewet. nent systems, water between late evening and
Learn the cultural requirements of mid morning to avoid excessive waste through
plants being grown. Different plants have dif- evaporation.
ferent water needs; good reference books should Drip irrigation. In the future, drip irrigation
provide information on various water requirements. may become the most common and efficient way
For example, azaleas require more moisture than to water a landscape. Presently, drip irrigation is
cacti. It is particularly important to irrigate ever- not as widely used as sprinkler irrigation. Fear of
green plants during winter. Evergreen leaves con- the unknown is probably the biggest reason drip
tinue to lose water during winter, especially when is not used more often. New equipment, which is
the temperature is above 40 F. If the soil is dry, the more user friendly, has been developed in recent
plants may become desiccated, turn brown and years. In fact, watering lawns with subsurface drip
die. Therefore, water shrubs several times during irrigation is being more widely accepted and used
winter if soil moisture is low. in home and commercial landscapes and sports
Know the condition of the soil. It is im- turf.
portant to observe how quickly soil dries out after a Drip irrigation slowly applies water to soil. The
rain or watering. For example, a clay soil will need water flows under low pressure through emitters,
less watering than a sandy one. Clay soil drains bubblers or micro-spray heads placed at each
slowly, sandy soil quickly. The addition of organic plant. Or, the emitters are fastened inside a hose
matter to the soil will increase drainage in clay soil (called tubing) by the manufacturer. The goal is
and moisture retention in sandy soil. When prepar- to water the entire rootzone of a plant or bed of
ing a hole for planting, if the subsoil at the bot- plants, instead of watering individual plans. These
tom of the hole is very hard and prevents water products are called tape-type drip or in-line drip
from draining quickly, it should be broken up with tubing. Regardless of the type of drip products
a shovel or pick. used, water applied by drip irrigation has little
chance of waste through evaporation or runoff.
Irrigation systems Seeking professional irrigation advice and ex-
The goal of any irrigation system is to sup- perimenting with available drip irrigation products
plement natural rainfall to give plants a sufficient in small sections of the landscape are the best
amount of water without waste. By zoning an irriga- ways to become familiar with the many benefits of
tion system, grass areas can be watered separate- this watering technique.
ly and more frequently than groundcovers, shrubs

238 Master Gardeners Manual

Pruning landscape plants trunk” refers to this gradual raising of the lowest
To prune or not to prune? This is a question branches of a tree. Lower branches on the main
gardeners often face. Many feel they should prune, trunk help create a thicker trunk more quickly. A
but are not sure why or how. Pruning is an accept- common mistake in pruning young trees is to strip
ed practice for the orchard and fairly frequent in them of small branches, leaving only a tuft of leaves
the rose garden, but it may be rather haphazard at the top of the tree. This training is incorrect and
in the landscape. Most often it is only performed forms a weak, “buggy whip” trunk. Remove lower
when a shrub or tree begins to encroach on sur- limbs when they reach 1 inch in diameter. This pre-
rounding plants, a path or a building. vents permanent scarring of the trunk caused by
Pruning is the removal of a part or parts of a removing larger limbs.
woody plant for a specific purpose. This section Another important concept in training trees is
explains the reasons for pruning, the proper tech- light versus heavy cuts. This refers to the length of
niques and when various types of plants should be the branch being removed and the desired growth
pruned. response of that branch. On a young, vigorously
growing branch, if the terminal end is lightly cut
Reasons for pruning back (less than 6 inches), then lateral branching is
Pruning is done for the following reasons: induced up and down the branch. On the contrary,
• To train the plant if this branch is heavily cut back (from 6 inches
• To maintain plant health to several feet), the one or two buds located just
• To improve the quality of flowers, fruit, foliage below the cut are forced and grow at a very rapid
or stems rate. The importance of this pruning concept lies
• To restrict growth in the development of bushy, well-shaped trees
through light pruning.
Training trees. The first pruning after trees For greatest strength, branches selected for
and shrubs are received consists of removing bro- permanent scaffolds must have a wide angle of
ken, crossing and pest-infested branches. The tra- attachment to the trunk. Branch angles less than
ditional rule of pruning one-third of the top growth 30 degrees from the main trunk have a very high
at transplanting to compensate for root loss is no percentage of breakage, while those between 60
longer valid for properly pruned, nursery-grown and 70 degrees have a very low breakage rate.
plants. According to recent research, excessive Vertical branch spacing and radial branch
pruning at transplanting reduces plant size and distribution are important (Figure 6.34). If this has
does not aid in plant survival. not been done in the nursery, it can be started at
The central leader of a tree should not be transplanting.
pruned unless the leader is unwanted, as is the
case with some naturally low-branched trees or
where multiple-stemmed plants are desired. Trees
with a central leader, such as Shumard oak, sweet
gum or magnolia, may need little or no pruning
except to eliminate branches competing with the
central leader. These competing branches should
be shortened. Some pruning may be necessary to
maintain desired shape and to shorten extra-vigor-
ous shoots.
The height of the lowest branch can range from
a few inches above the ground for screening or
windbreaks to more than 7 feet high when the tree
is near a street or patio. Removal of lower limbs is
usually done over a period of years beginning in
Figure 6.34. Scaffold branches of trees should
the nursery and continuing for several years after
have proper vertical and radial spacing on the
transplanting until the desired height is reached.
The concept in training a tree called “the trashy

Master Gardeners Manual 239

Major scaffold branches of shade trees should niques from topping to hedge clipping. The follow-
be vertically spaced at least 8 inches apart and ing techniques are well documented and provide
preferably 20 to 24 inches apart. Closely spaced guidelines in pruning trees and shrubs properly.
scaffolds will have fewer lateral branches, resulting Pruning twigs and small branches.
in long, thin branches with poor structural strength. When pruning twigs and small branches, always
Radial branch distribution should allow five to cut back to a vigorous bud or an intersecting
seven scaffolds to fill the circle of space around a branch; when cutting back to a bud, choose a bud
trunk. Radial spacing prevents one limb from over- that is pointing in the direction you wish the new
shadowing another, which in turn reduces com- growth to take (Figure 6.35). Be sure not to leave a
petition for light and nutrients. Remove or prune stub over the bud or cut too close the bud.
shoots that are too low, too close or too vigorous When cutting back to an intersecting (lateral)
in relation to the leader and selected scaffold branch, choose a branch that forms an angle less
branches. than 45 degrees with the branch to be removed.
Maintaining plant health. In pruning to Also, the branch being cut back should have a
maintain plant health, the first consideration is san- diameter at least half that of the branch to be re-
itation to eliminate dead, dying or diseased wood. moved. Make slanting cuts when removing limbs
Any dying branch or stub can be the entry point that grow upward; this prevents water from collect-
or buildup chamber for insects or fungi that could ing in the cut and expedites wound closure.
spread to other parts of the tree. When removing
wood infected by disease, such as a fungal canker
or fire blight, it is important that the cut be made in
healthy wood beyond the point of infection.
The development of a sound framework will
help prevent branches from shading other branch-
es lower on the plant. Evergreen shrubs will usu-
ally benefit from an occasional thinning of foliage.
Thinning allows light and air to penetrate through-
out the shrub, resulting in even foliage growth.
Improving the quality of flowers, Fruit,
foliage or stems. The more flowers and fruit
a plant produces, the smaller they become, as Figure 6.35. Proper pruning of twigs is demon-
seen on an unpruned rose bush or fruit tree. By strated on the left. The others are improper cuts
reducing the amount of wood, pruning diverts en- – too steep an angle, not close enough and too
ergy into the production of larger, though possibly close.
fewer, flowers and/or fruit. Most flowering shrubs
will bloom either on last year’s growth or on new Pruning thick, heavy branches. Accord-
growth. Properly timed pruning increases the pro- ing to Dr. Alex Shigo, plant pathologist at USDA
duction of wood that bears flowers. Forest Service, thick and heavy branches should
Restricting growth. Over time, trees and be removed flush to the collar at the base of the
shrubs often grow to sizes exceeding the space branch, not flush with the trunk (Figure 6.36). The
allowed of them. When space is limited, regular collar is an area of tissue that contains a chem-
pruning becomes necessary to keep plants in ically protective zone. In the natural decay of a
bounds. Regular pruning is necessary on formal dead branch, when the decay advancing down-
hedges to maintain a uniform growth rate. To re- ward meets the internal protected zone, an area
duce labor, select plants that will not exceed allot- of strong wood meets an area of very weak wood.
ted space. Know the mature size of the plants and The branch falls away at this point, leaving a small
place them accordingly in the landscape. zone of decayed wood within the collar. The decay
is walled off in the collar. When all goes according
Pruning techniques to nature’s plan, this is the natural shedding pro-
Through the years, great discussions (argu- cess. When the collar is removed, the protective
ments) have been had concerning pruning tech- zone is removed, causing a serious trunk wound.

240 Master Gardeners Manual

a recommended practice. Topping is the process
whereby a tree is cut back to a few large branches
(Figure 6.37). After two to three months, regrowth
on a topped tree is vigorous, bushy and upright.
Topping can seriously affect the tree’s structure
and appearance. The weakly attached regrowth
can break off during severe wind or rainstorms.
Topping may also shorten the life of trees by mak-
ing them susceptible to attacks by insects and
Thinning is a better means of reducing the
size of a tree or rejuvenating growth. In contrast
to topping, thinning removes unwanted branch-
es by cutting them back to their point of origin.
Thinning conforms to the tree’s natural branching
Figure 6.36. The three-step cutting method is
habit and results in a more open tree, emphasiz-
used when removing large, heavy limbs.
ing the branches’ internal structure. Thinning also
strengthens the tree by forcing diameter growth of
the remaining branches.
Wood decay fungi can easily infect the trunk. If the Pollarding. Pollarding is a pruning technique
pruned branch is living, removal of the collar at the used extensively in Europe. It results in thousands
base still causes injury. of healthy trees lining city streets in what is con-
When cutting branches more than 1 ½ inches sidered a very adverse environment. For example,
in diameter, use a three-part cut. The first step is London planetrees have lived for 100 years through
to saw an undercut from the bottom of the branch the use of pollarding. In a sense, pollarding allows
about 6 to 12 inches out from the trunk and about an urban home gardener to grow a “bonsai” of a
one-third of the way through the branch. Make a mature tree.
second cut from the top about 3 inches further
from the trunk than the undercut until the branch
falls away. The resulting stub can then be cut back
to the collar of the branch. If there is danger of the
cut branch damaging other limbs or objects on the
ground, it should be properly roped and support-
ed, then carefully lowered to the ground after the
second cut.
For more than half a century, recommenda-
tions for pruning have been to flush-cut and paint.
The flush-cut increases tree injury, and the paint
only hides it. Pruning paint is primarily cosmetic,
a psychological treatment for the person doing
the pruning to show they have done something to
“help” the tree. In fact, paints or wound dressings
may trap moisture and increase disease problems.
The only exception to the need for pruning paint
is a result of the threat of disease. Painting freshly
cut limbs seems to reduce the chance of infection
caused by insects, which transmit disease through
new wounds.
Topping versus thinning. All too often
Figure 6.37. Topping is never warranted and can
trees are topped (“dehorned”) to reduce size or
shorten the life of the tree.
rejuvenate growth. In either case, topping is not

Master Gardeners Manual 241

Pollarding is often confused with topping; both Proper method of pruning
Improper method of pruning
techniques severely prune the tree back to large
diameter branches. The difference is that with
pollarding, follow-up thinning is performed one
and perhaps two years later. By thinning out the
dense flush of new growth, the tree’s integrity and
strength are assured.
Pruning deciduous shrubs. Pruning rec-
ommendations for most deciduous shrubs include This plant, before pruning, need
to have all weak and dead stems
Cutting on the dotted line is the
usual course taken by those who
removed. prune shrubs
thinning out, gradual renewal and rejuvenation
pruning. In thinning out, a branch or twig is cut off
at its point of origin from either the parent stem, a
lateral side branch the “Y” of a branch junction or
at ground level (Figure 6.38). This pruning meth-
od results in a more open plant; does not stimu-
Same shrub after removal of weak The same plant after bad pruning,
late excessive new growth but does allow room and interfering wood and base
sucker growth.
as indicated above. The sucker
growth remains.
for growth of side branches. Considerable growth
can be cut off without changing the plant’s natu-
ral appearance or habit of growth. Plants can be
maintained at a given height and width for years
by thinning out. This method of pruning is best
done with hand pruning shears, loppers or a saw,
but it should not be done with hedge shears. Thin
out the oldest and tallest stems first.
Results of proper pruning are Results: the lovely natural shape
In gradual renewal pruning, a few of the old- graceful, vigorous growth and of the shrub is lost and blooms
distinctive shape. will be sparse.
est and tallest branches are annually removed at
or slightly above ground level (Figure 38). Some
Figure 6.39. Proper pruning of crapemyrtle.
thinning out pruning may be necessary to shorten
long branches or maintain a symmetrical shape.
To rejuvenate an old overgrown shrub, remove myrtles require little pruning and the common
one-third of the oldest, tallest branches at or slight- practice of butchering them back to stubs each
ly above ground level before new growth starts. year should be avoided. Instead only remove or
The general pruning procedure shown for cut back branches and twigs with winter damage
crapemyrtle (Figure 6.39) applies to many large and thin out to see through the shrub instead of
shrub and small tree species. In general, Crape- seeing over it.
If annual pruning of crapemyrtles is a result of
Before a plant growing too big for the area, consider re-
placing it with a dwarf or miniature form of crape-
myrtle. Many new cultivars are available of all siz-
es, including tree forms and groundcover forms,
which will reduce the need for annual pruning.
If a shrub is grown for its flowers, pruning must
be timed to minimize disruption of blooming. Spring
flowering shrubs bloom on last season’s growth
and should be pruned soon after they bloom. This
allows for vigorous summertime growth and results
in plenty of flower buds the flowing year. Examples
of shrubs that bloom on last season’s growth in-
clude the following:
Figure 6.38. Thinning and gradual renewal prun-
ing of deciduous shrubs.

242 Master Gardeners Manual

Amelanchier Shadblow, Serviceberry in the first season or before bud break in the next
Chaenomeles Flowering quince season. In the following year, again trim off half.
Chionanthus Fringetree In the third year, start shaping. Trim to the de-
Cotinus Smoketree sired shape before the hedge grows to its desired
Forsythia Forsythia size. Never allow the plants to grow untrimmed to
Lonicera Honeysuckle the final height before shaping; by that time, it is
Philadelphus Mockorange too late to get maximum branching at the base.
Pyracantha Firethorn Do not allow lower branches to be shaded out.
Rhododendron Rhododendron and Azalea After the hedge has reached the desired dimen-
Rosa Climbers and other shrub roses sions, trim closely to keep the hedge within cho-
Spiraea Early white spirea species sen bounds.
Syringa Lilac Evergreen nursery stock for hedging need not
Viburnum Viburnum be as small as deciduous material and should
Weigela Weigela not be cut back when planted. Trim lightly after a
year or two. Start shaping as the individual plants
Some shrubs that bloom after June usually do merge into a continuous hedge. Do not trim too
so from buds that are formed on shoots grown the closely because many needle-bearing evergreens
same spring. Such shrubs should be pruned in do not easily generate new growth from old wood.
late winter to promote vigorous shoot growth in the Hedges are often shaped with flat tops and
spring. Examples of shrubs that bloom on current vertical sides; however, this unnatural shape is sel-
season’s growth include the following: dom successful. As far as the plant is concerned,
the best shape is a natural form with a rounded or
Abelia x grandiflora Glossy Abelia slightly pointed top and with sides to a wide base
Buddleia davidii Butterfly bush (Figure 6.40).
Callicarpa Beautyberry After plants have been initially pruned to in-
Hibiscus syriacus Shrub althea duce low branching, the low branching is main-
Hydrangea arborescens Smooth hydrangea tained by trimming the top narrower than the bot-
Hydrangea paniculata tom so sunlight can reach all of the plant leaves
‘Grandiflora’ P. G. hydrangea (Figure 6.41).
Hypericum St. Johnswort These questions often arise and the answers
Rosa cvs. Hybrid tea roses depend to some extent on how formal an appear-
ance is desired. How often should this hedge be
Pruning evergreen shrubs. For most ev-
ergreen shrubs, thinning out is the most desirable
pruning procedure. Some evergreens can be
sheared for a stiff, formal appearance; however,
they still need to be thinned occasionally. Prune Snow Straight lines Peaked and Rounded forms,
both evergreen and deciduous shrubs grown for accumulates
on flat top
require more
frequent trimming
rounded tops
hinder snow
which follows
foliage in late winter before new growth starts. Mi- accumulation tendency, require
less trimming
nor corrective pruning can be done at any time. Figure 6.40. Hedge shapes.
Pruning hedges. Hedges are a row of
plants that merge into a solid linear mass. They
have served gardeners for centuries as screens,
fences, walls and edgings.
A well-shaped hedge must be trained from
the beginning. The establishment of a deciduous
hedge begins with the selection of nursery stock.
Choose young trees or shrubs 1 to 2 feet high,
Correct Incorrect
preferably multiple stemmed. Cut the plants back
to 6 or 8 inches when planting; this induces low Figure 6.41. Proper hedge pruning.
branching. Prune off half of the new growth late

Master Gardeners Manual 243

trimmed? When should I trim? In general, trim to do so soon, remove one. On old, heavy bushes,
before the growth exceeds 1 foot. Hedges of cut out one or two of the oldest canes each year.
slow-growing plants such as boxwood need to Cut back the remaining canes. The height to
be trimmed sooner. Excessive untrimmed growth which a rose should be cut back varies, depend-
will kill lower leaves and will pull the hedge out of ing on the normal growth habit of the particular cul-
shape. Trimming frequency depends on the kind tivar. The average pruning height for Floribundas
of shrub, the season and desired neatness. and Hybrid Teas is between 12 and 18 inches, but
What can be done with a large, overgrown, taller-growing Hybrids and most Grandifloras may
bare-bottomed and misshapen hedge? If it is de- be left at 2 feet.
ciduous, the answer is fairly simple. In spring be- Make cuts at a 45 degree angle above a strong
fore new leaves appear, prune to 1 foot below the outer bud. Aim the cut upward from the inner side
desired height. Then carefully trim for the next few of the bush to push growth outward and promote
years to give it the desired shape and fullness. healthy shoots and quality flowers.
Hedge plants may occasionally decline too much Other types of roses have special pruning con-
to recover from this treatment, making it necessary siderations, some of which are described below.
to replace them. Standard or tree roses. A tree rose is a
Rejuvenating evergreen hedges is more diffi- Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora or Floribunda budded at
cult. As a rule, evergreens cannot stand the severe the top of a tall trunk. Prune tree roses as you do
pruning descried. Arborvitae and yew are the ex- Hybrid Teas, cutting the branches to within 6 to
ceptions. Other evergreen hedges may have to be 10 inches of the base of the crown to encourage
replaced. rounded, compact and vigorous new growth.
Tools. What tools should be used to trim Miniature roses. Miniature roses are 6 to 12
hedges? The traditional pair of scissor-action inches high with tiny blooms and foliage. Miniature
hedge shears is still the best all-around tool. It will roses do not need special pruning; just cut out
cut much better and closer than electric trimmers, dead growth and remove the hips.
which often break and tear twigs. Hand shears can Ramblers. Old-fashioned rambler roses
be used on any type of hedge, while electric trim- have clusters of flowers, usually less than 2 inches
mers do poorly on large-leaved and wiry-twigged in diameter. They often produce pliable canes 10
varieties, and sometimes jam on thick twigs. Hand to 15 feet long in one season. Ramblers produce
shears are also quieter, safer and are less likely to best on 1-year-old wood; this year’s choice blooms
gouge the hedge or harm the operator. come form last year’s growth. Prune immediately
Hand pruners are useful in removing a few after flowering. Entirely remove some of the large
stray branches and are essential if an informal look old canes, and tie new canes to a support for next
is desired. Large individual branches can be re- year.
moved with loppers or a pruning saw. Chain saws Large-flowering climbers. Climbing roses
are not recommended for use on hedges. have flowers more than 2 inches across that are
Pruning roses. All roses need some type of borne on wood two years old or older. Climbing
pruning. If roses are not pruned for a number of rose canes are larger and sturdier than Rambler
years, the plants deteriorate in appearance, flow- canes. Some climbing roses flower only in June,
ers become smaller and smaller, and disease and but others called ever-blooming climbers, flower
insect problems are more likely. more or less continuously. This group should be
Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora and Floribunda roses pruned in autumn before cold weather sets in.
require annual pruning in the spring just prior to First, cut out dead and diseased canes. Remove
bud break. If rosebushes are pruned too early, in- one or two of the oldest canes each season at
jury from late frost may make a second pruning ground level to make room for new canes. The lat-
necessary. erals, or side shoots, are shortened 3 to 6 inches
Steps in pruning. Begin in late winter by after flowering. If the plant is strong, keep five to
removing all dead and diseased wood at least 1 eight main canes; these should be tied to a trellis,
inch below the damaged area. Remove all weak fence, wall or other support. If it is not strong, leave
shoots. If two branches rub or are close enough fewer canes.

244 Master Gardeners Manual

Cultural and Environmental
Severe drought is likely to cause less injury to
Problems plants native to an area or are well adapted and es-
tablished on a given site. Non-adapted trees and
Leaf Scorch shrubs, on the other hand, often show symptoms
Leaf scorch appears mid- to late-summer when of severe water stress. Perhaps more importantly,
tree or shrub leaves show a browning or drying at a water deficiency predisposes plants to infection
the outer margin or in the areas between the veins by pathogens, attack by insects and injury by se-
(Figure 6.42). The areas near the veins generally vere summer and winter weather extremes.
remain green. However the entire leaf may dry and Drought damage develops in plants when
fall prematurely in extreme cases. Scorch itself the transpiration rate exceeds the rate of water
will not kill a plant, but may weaken it to the point absorption by the roots, as it does almost daily
where insects or disease pathogens can cause during the growing season. The water deficiency
further injury. Scorch symptoms develop when is normally made up at night or during periods of
leaves transpire (lose water by evaporation) at a rain or dew formation, when transpiration slows or
faster rate than water can be absorbed through ceases. As soil dries, roots fail to absorb as much
the roots. This can be caused by too little water in water as the tree has lost and physiological stress
the soil or a physical restriction of the roots. Scorch develops. If this condition intensifies, leaves wilt,
symptoms usually appear during hot, dry, windy turn yellow and die.
weather. Newly transplanted trees or trees planted Drought damage also occurs in dormant
in poorly selected sites, growing along streets or plants, especially narrow-leaf and broadleaf ev-
sidewalks (reflective heat) or in areas where the ergreens. During warm weather in winter or early
roots are restricted or underdeveloped seem to spring, water evaporates from leaves and stems,
suffer the most. while the roots absorb little to no water from the
Trees and shrubs most likely to develop scorch cold or frozen soil.
in Oklahoma include azalea, birch, dogwood, ma- Plants vary in their ability to tolerate drought.
ples, oak, ornamental pear, redbud, rhododendron Recently transplanted plants are at greatest risk of
and sweetgum. drought damage. Trees or shrubs recently trans-
Deep watering during dry periods lessens, planted have lost many root hairs, so the creation
but does not eliminate leaf scorch. Planting trees of a water deficiency is unavoidable. Also, their
adapted to Oklahoma’s climate will lessen or pre- root balls may contain a highly porous growing
vent leaf scorch. medium instead of soil, creating a water shortage
even though the surrounding soil contains suffi-
cient water for plant growth. This problem contin-
ues until roots grow beyond the root ball.
When green leaves wilt and turn brown, the
oldest leaves usually succumb first. Severely
stressed, deciduous species may drop all their
leaves. Similarly, the oldest needles (nearest the
trunk) on pine trees may turn yellow and drop.
Drought symptoms on pine trees should not be
confused with natural shedding of older needles.
This can be discerned by experience and tracking
of soil moisture levels.
Drought damage can be prevented by deep
watering during dry periods throughout the year,
including winter months when temperatures re-
main above freezing for prolonged periods. Also
select plant species that tolerate drought con-
ditions. The following are just a few examples of
Figure 6.42. Leaf scorch. drought-tolerant plants: lacebark elm, goldenrain-

Master Gardeners Manual 245

tree, hackberry, fruitless mulberry, bur oak, callery
pear cultivars, Chinese pistache, smoketree and

Winter burn of evergreens

Winter burn is common in Oklahoma for such
plants as azalea, boxwood, holly, magnolia, rho-
dodendron and viburnums, but it can affect nar-
row-leaf evergreens, pines and deciduous species
as well. Winter burn is often misdiagnosed as an
infectious disease or damage from excessively
cold temperatures. Winter burn is caused from
desiccation, which is a type of dehydration injury.
When roots are in dry or frozen soil, the roots can-
not replenish water lost through transpiration and Figure 6.44. Burlap “walls” for wind protection.
dehydration occurs.
Water loss through transpiration is normally low Injury by freeze or frost
during winter months, but it increases when plants Plants undergo seasonal changes in their abili-
are subjected to drying winds or are growing in ty to tolerate low temperatures. In autumn, perenni-
warm sunny spots. al plants become acclimated to withstand low tem-
Symptoms of winter burn include scorching of peratures. The degree of cold acclimation varies
leaf tips or outer margins, complete browning of during winter in relation to ambient temperature.
needles or browning from the needle tips down- The hardiest trees or shrubs that are fully acclimat-
ward, or death of terminal buds and/or twigs (Fig- ed can withstand much lower temperatures. The
ure 6.43). majority of woody plants of the temperate zone be-
Several means of eliminating or minimizing win- come acclimated to withstand minimum tempera-
ter burn may be used. Avoid planting evergreens tures between -4 F and -40 F. As temperatures rise
in areas of high wind exposure. Deep-water plants in late winter and early spring, plants deacclimate
during dry periods throughout winter months when until, by the time growth begins, they can no longer
temperatures remain above freezing for prolonged tolerate more than a few degrees below freezing.
periods. Erect physical windbreaks. Burlap “walls”
can help cut down wind and subsequent moisture Southwest injury
loss to evergreen shrubs and small trees (Figure Southwest injury (Figure 6.45) is a local inju-
6.44). Antitranspirants of various types are avail- ry that develops on the south and southwest side
able, but have shown limited success with Oklaho-
ma’s climatic conditions.

Figure 6.43. Winter burn on boxwood.

Figure 45. Southwest injury.

246 Master Gardeners Manual

of the trunk or on the upper surfaces of limbs after warm autumn weather (Figure 6.46). Plants
exposed to the sun. The temperature of the sun- that survive may produce new branch systems
warmed sides of limbs or trunks may exceed 68 from dormant or adventitious buds. Major freeze
F in late winter when the air temperature and the injury that kills the cambium leads to cankers, die-
temperature of shaded bark barely exceed 32 F. back and often wilting and death during the next
This heating causes deacclimation, which is fol- growing season because water loss by transpira-
lowed by lethal freezing when the temperature tion cannot be sufficiently replaced by conduction
drops at night. through damaged wood.
Damaged bark and cambium dry out, crack, Decay fungi can soon invade wood exposed
separate from the wood and eventually fall away, by bark splitting or branch dieback. In trees prone
exposing dead sapwood. Young trees with thin, to bacterial wetwood, elms for example, this con-
smooth bark are most susceptible to this type of dition becomes more widespread within trees after
injury. Southwest injury has been diagnosed on damage by freezing. Also, freezing insufficient to
trunks and limbs of flowering cherry, maple, call- cause evident stress in plants may interfere with
ery pear, weeping willow, various fruit trees, gink- defenses against opportunistic fungal pathogens
go, red oak and Japanese pagodatree. Any other causing cankers, dieback, sapwood decay or root
young tree with thin, green bark also is susceptible. rot. Some of the common diseases for which pre-
disposition is important include Cytospora canker
Winter freeze injury on poplar, willow and cottonwood; dieback of syc-
Freezing during dormancy occurs when un- amore and oak caused by Botryosphaeria; and
usually warm weather in autumn retards acclima- Sphaeropsis (formerly Diplodia) tip blight of pine.
tion, and/or warm weather in winter or early spring Secondary insects often join opportunistic
induce partial deacclimation. Most damage by fungi in the attack on stressed trees. Bark beetles
freezing during winter follows untimely deacclima- and blue-stain fungi can attack stressed conifers.
tion during temporary warm weather. Often, after The two-lined chestnut borer and Hypoxylon fun-
periods of unusual warmth, the temperature drops gal species attack stressed oaks, resulting in their
rapidly to a level normal or subnormal for the sea- death.
son and severe freeze damage can occur to plants
that are marginally hardy in a given region. Hail damage
The most common external symptoms caused In Oklahoma, injuries to woody plants by hail
by winter freezing are dieback, foliar browning, commonly occur. Hail stones lacerate leaves, de-
sunscald and bark splitting on the trunk or branch- foliate branches, remove twigs and/or bruise or
es. Dieback of twigs and branches and foliar break the bark of twigs and small branches. Bruis-
browning in evergreens commonly follow freeze es and wounds tend to be elliptically shaped and
injury when winter temperatures arrive suddenly vary in length from 1/16 to 3 inches or more (Figure
6.47). Severe hail wounds may kill all the bark on
one side of a stem, branch or trunk. All wounds
occur on the upper sides of branches and on the
side of the tree facing the storm. After the storm,
bruised bark can crack as a result of drying and
mechanical stress from the callus growth at the
edge of the injured area. Application of pruning
paint is not recommended for injured bark.

Ice damage
Ice damage is most destructive when a heavy
glaze forms on plants during freezing rain. The
weight of the glaze breaks twigs, branches and
trunks. It can even uproot trees (Figure 6.48). The
amount of damage increases if the wind rises be-
Figure 46. Winter freeze injury.
fore the ice melts. Trying to break off or remove ice

Master Gardeners Manual 247

Figure 6.49. Bark split and falling off after a light-
Figure 6.47. Hail damage.
ing strike.

Lightning rods are sometimes installed on

large, valuable trees. Copper cables are directed
down the trunk and through the soil to grounding
rods driven into soil beyond the branch spread of
the tree. However, some experts question the de-
gree of protection these rods provide.

Damage by misapplied pesticides

Those who apply pesticides to plants or soil
rely on the principle of selective toxicity. The pesti-
cide is intended to suppress or kill specific plants
Figure 6.48. Ice damage. or plant pests, while causing little or no damage
to nontarget plants or pests. Environmental con-
tamination and injury to nontarget plants can occur
occasionally, even when all normal precautions are
prior to warmer temperatures can prove even more taken. However, such contamination and injury are
damaging to affected plants. more common when pesticides are mishandled or
applied under improper conditions.
Lightning damage Herbicide injury. Herbicides are normally
Lightning can cause significant damage to separated into two general categories in regards
landscape trees. Struck trees often have a strip to their intended purpose – selective and nonse-
of bark and sapwood blown off the trunk (Figure lective herbicides. Selective herbicides are used
6.49), leaving a continuous or intermittent rough to kill established broadleaf weeds in turf or land-
groove that follows the wood grain. Trees that are scape plantings. Well-known herbicides in this
struck, but not killed are likely to be disfigured by group include the phenoxyacetic acids (2,4-D,
limb death. In addition, wounds and destroyed MCPA, MCPP and related compounds) and the
parts provide entry for borers and fungi that decay benzoic acid derivative dicamba. These herbi-
wood. Conifers weakened by lightning strikes may cides act as plant hormones that disrupt normal
be attacked and killed by bark beetles. growth processes. Selective herbicides have the

248 Master Gardeners Manual

potential to become nonselective when applied at
rates higher than specified, improper environmen-
tal conditions or to plants not specified on product
labels. Herbicides in this group may reach and en-
ter nontarget plants by as many as three modes.
The most common is absorption from droplets that
drift from the site of application. A second mode of Figure 6.50. Leaf
absorption is the gaseous phase caused by drift- damage from
ing vapor after the evaporation of spray droplets hormone-type
or of liquid on sprayed surfaces. This occurs with herbicide.
highly volatile herbicides in warm weather. The
third mode is through soil, where roots absorb the Figure 6.51. Tip
herbicide. The phenoxy herbicide 2,4-D is the best damage from
known example of a chemical that may reach non- hormone-type
target plants by any or all three modes. Dicamba herbicide.
is more likely to cause injury as the result of uptake
by the roots.
The second group of herbicides includes
chemicals intended to prevent emergence of
weed seedlings (preemergence herbicides) or to
kill all vegetation to which they are applied (soil
sterilants). Some of these herbicides persist in soil
for a year or more. Some preemergent herbicides mone-type herbicides are translocated to grow-
result in unwanted residual effects after application ing points and cause multiple deformities in new
to landscape soils. Herbicides such as glyphosate leaves and shoots (Figure 6.51). Symptoms devel-
will kill all vegetation, but will not persist in the soil. op several days to several weeks after exposure or
The use of herbicides with short-term residual is may appear in the spring following an autumn ex-
ideal in the landscape, since plants may be safely posure. Nontarget plants usually receive sublethal
introduced (planted) into a treated area. doses and outgrow the symptoms within one to two
Soil sterilants sometimes cause trouble for years. Symptoms include cupped leaves; abnor-
nontarget trees or shrubs when sprayed on tar- mally prominent veins; wavy, frilled or curled leaf
get plants or applied to areas adjacent to land- margins; tough or leathery leaves; partial failure
scapes. These herbicides are commonly used to of chlorophyll development; delayed bud break in
control vegetation along highways, railroads, fenc- the spring; and abnormal purple coloration of nor-
es, power lines and similar places. Never use soil mally green stems.
sterilants in a landscape setting. Preemergence herbicides and nonselective
Symptoms of herbicide injury vary with the type soil sterilants tend to halt growth and cause chloro-
of chemical and are not easily diagnosed, except sis of new and old leaves. If the dose is sufficient,
for the atypical growth caused by hormone-type they cause foliar browning, leaf cast and dieback
herbicides. Some diseases, insects, insufficient of twigs and branches. Others cause marginal
or excessive water or heat can cause symptoms and interveinal chlorosis of broadleaf plants and at
similar to those caused by herbicides. Also, de- needle bases of conifers. Trees or shrubs severely
ficiencies of certain nutrients and other kinds of injured by these herbicides are less likely to recov-
misapplied pesticides can mimic herbicide injury. er than plants injured by hormone-type herbicides.
Tree or shrub roots growing in the area of the Herbicides generally cause damage on plants
treated grass take up hormone-type herbicides. treated or inadvertently exposed during growth in
Such herbicides may cause drastic growth sup- warm weather. Water shortage or heat stress may
pression, leaf cupping, bending and sometimes enhance toxic effects. Dormant plants or those in
coiling of shoot tips, yellowing of new growth, bud a resting phase are less sensitive. Herbicides are
failure, browning or blackening of foliage, defoli- commonly applied to sites containing ornamental
ation and sometimes death (Figure 6.50). Hor- trees and shrubs. Careful attention should be given

Master Gardeners Manual 249

to prevent drift to nontarget plants. There are many Insecticide or fungicide injury. Plant in-
herbicides that should never be applied under or jury by insecticides and fungicides is infrequent
near the dripline of established trees or shrubs. compared to that by herbicides. The active in-
Some may even cause damage when applied out- gredients in modern insecticides and fungicides
side the dripline. Avoid using soil sterilants around seldom cause visible symptoms unless applied at
ornamental plantings. Never apply long-lasting rates higher than specified, improper environmen-
soil sterilants under new pavement or sidewalks tal conditions or to plants not specified on product
if trees or shrubs are growing or will be planted labels.
nearby. Tree and shrub roots from nearby species Symptoms of plant injury by insecticides and
will eventually grow into the site and translocate fungicides are not usually diagnostic and cannot
the herbicide throughout the plant. These trees will reliably be interpreted unless the history and treat-
be severely injured or killed as a direct result of ment of the plant are known. Visible symptoms
the soil sterilant applied (Figure 6.52). Purchase include yellow to brown leaf spots; chlorosis of
herbicides from nurseries or garden centers that the leaf tips, margins or interveinal areas; general
are staffed by qualified individuals who can rec- chlorosis; browning of leaf margins or interveinal
ommend the appropriate chemical control when area; stunted shoots; and abnormal crinkling or
necessary. To avoid drift, apply herbicides on calm curling of leaves. Foliar yellowing or browning is
days. When possible, use a coarse-droplet spray often followed by premature leaf drop.
and apply at low pressure. Strive to use herbicides Inorganic pesticides such as lime-sulfur and
early in the morning when winds are likely to be copper fungicides, including a Bordeaux mixture,
calm. Excessive temperatures also can be avoid- can cause injury to many kinds of plants if not
ed in the morning hours. Intense heat can cause applied at the proper rate and the right environ-
phenoxy-type herbicides to volatilize and injure mental conditions. To prevent plant injury by pesti-
nearby nontarget plants. Also, avoid applying her- cides, always read and follow the label directions.
bicides at their highest labeled rates in soils low in Choose pesticides that least affect the plants in
organic matter. Less herbicide is required for prop- the surrounding environment.
er weed control in soils low in organic matter.
Phenoxy herbicides and dicamba are the weed Grade changes
killers that most commonly injure nontarget trees and construction/oxygen deficiency
and shrubs. Most ornamental plants have varying Cultivation. Many shrub and tree species
degrees of sensitivity to these types of herbicides, decline from chronic movement or cultivation of
so extreme care should be used when applying even the top few inches of soil (Figure 6.53). The
herbicides in the home landscape. majority of critical roots reside in the top 10 to 14
inches of soil. Keep this in mind when annual flow-
ers or spring flowering bulbs are desired around or
underneath established woody ornamentals. Also,
consider that roots grow beyond the dripline of a
Spring flowering bulbs should be planted at
the time when the tree or shrub is planted. Insert
bulbs carefully at original soil grade when plant-
ing in later years. Always plant winter-hardy bulbs
that can remain in place year-round, this will min-
imize disruption of the plant’s root system. After
planting annuals or bulbs, mulch to keep weeds
in check. Without mulch, weeds will have to be
hoed, resulting in disruption of tree or shrub roots.
If not mulched, cultivate lightly–enough to keep the
weeds out–or hand pull weeds. One of the best
solutions is to place a perennial ground cover that,
Figure 6.52. Soil sterilant damage. once established, will choke out potential weeds.

250 Master Gardeners Manual

plants as possible. Damage can occur far outside
the dripline.
Barriers. Construction, such as asphalt pav-
ing, can reduce soil oxygen levels by as much as
18 percent. Besides pavement, plastic barriers or
black plastic, which have been widely used with
various mulch materials, have created problems by
reducing gaseous exchange. One improvement is
the advent of numerous weed barriers (landscape
fabric) that “breathe.”
Secondary effects of oxygen starva-
tion. Sublethal stresses from oxygen depriva-
tion can lead to numerous secondary problems.
Figure 6.53. Damage to trees from construction Disease and insect-related problems resulting
and excavation of soil too close to the tree. from oxygen-induced stresses can decrease leaf
production needed for proper root growth. These
Additional irrigation and fertilizer may be needed stresses create a cyclical effect on shoot and root
for young trees or shrubs with competition from growth, leading to decline and possibly death of
ground covers. the plant. In addition, water and mineral relation-
Soil grade change. Anytime the soil grade ships are adversely affected by reduced perme-
is lowered or raised even a few inches, existing ability of roots to water. Hormonal products may
shrubs and trees become predisposed to various also be altered in roots growing with low oxygen
stresses. Raising the grade is particularly damag- conditions. Lastly, excessive moisture resulting in
ing to woody plants. Normally, the plant is forced low oxygen may severely hamper effective mycor-
to grow a new root system up higher, where oxy- rhizal colonization. Some tree species need my-
gen relations are best. Unfortunately, these adven- corrhizae for effective water and nutrient uptake
titious root systems are not always formed quickly and utilization.
enough and the tree or shrub dies. Common caus- In many commercial urban areas, the most
es of tree and shrub decline from grade changes common cause of trees dying is the pouring of ce-
are construction and raised flowerbeds around es- ment around the existing trunks. This can be com-
tablished trees or shrubs (Figure 6.54). Make nec- monly seen in parking lots and other such areas.
essary soil changes as far away from the woody The concrete acts as a grade change and pre-
vents the trees’ roots from functioning properly.
Waterlogged soils. Roots in flooded or
waterlogged soils often die of oxygen deficiency.
Damage occurs not only to plants on obviously
wet sites, but also to those in planting holes along
city streets and in landscapes where soil drain-
age is impeded by high clay content. Most trees
and shrubs cannot grow for long periods in water-
logged soil, and some die if flooded for only a few
days during the growing season.
External symptoms of injury include downward
bending of leaf petioles, stem swelling, chlorosis,
red or purple pigmentation in leaves, browning of
leaf margins, twig dieback, death of roots, wilt-
ing, leaf drop and death of the entire plant (Figure
Plants with roots injured by waterlogged soil
may subsequently suffer drought stress or death
Figure 6.54. Soil grade change.
when, after the soil drains, the root system is un-

Master Gardeners Manual 251

Figure 6.55. Waterlogged soils. Figure 6.56. Girdling roots.

young age, they will need to be removed with a

able to meet transpiration demands of the top. This mallet and chisel or axe later.
commonly occurs in trees planted in holes in con-
crete landscapes (parking lots). Plants stressed or Mowers and flexible-line trimmers
injured by waterlogging also become abnormally Injury and infection started by wounds from
susceptible to soil-borne pathogens. Phytophthora lawn mowers and flexible-line trimmers can often
species cause root rot most often in soils that are be the most serious threat to tree health. Most ar-
periodically waterlogged. borists and tree pathologists have been aware of
The following tree species tolerate waterlogged this problem for some time. Extensive research has
or flooded soils: birch, button bush, bald cypress, been conducted on the importance of caring for
deciduous holly, red maple, native pecan, sweet tree wounds. This research has led to significant
gum and willow. These tolerant tree species could adjustments in pruning, cabling, bracing, injec-
be planted in soils with poor drainage or areas that tion and cavity treatment. Lawn mowers cause the
tend to flood, but then recede quickly. Also, organ- most severe injury during periods when tree bark
ic amendments should be incorporated into soils is slipping in early spring during leaf emergence
with high clay content to improve the drainage. and in early fall during leaf drop. If the bark slips, a
Do not, however, amend just the planting hole be- large wound is produced even when the injury was
cause that will intensify the problem. minor.
Most tree injuries occur when a power mower
Girdling roots is used to trim close to tree trunks. This can be
Trees are often stressed or killed by their own avoided by removing turf around trees or by hand
roots when they circle around the main trunk and trimming. Care must also be used to avoid harm-
cause girdling (Figure 6.56). Often, strangulation
or root girdling leads to the restriction of carbo-
hydrates to the root system, ultimately leading to
root starvation. Also, when roots are stressed, they
transport less water and nutrients to aboveground
portions of the tree, leading to decline in the abo-
veground portion of the plant as well. Girdling roots
slowly weaken trees through a period of several
years, where decline can be observed to become
worse each growing season. Soil may have to be
removed around the trunk’s base to find the roots.
Girdling roots are usually found on trees grown
in nurseries, but not on those growing naturally in
an area. Containerized trees are particularly sus-
ceptible to circling roots, which ultimately girdle
the plant. If circling roots are not corrected at a

Figure 6.57. Lawnmower injury.

252 Master Gardeners Manual
ing trees with flexible-line trimmers. They can do a
great deal of damage to the bark, particularly on
young trees.
Injury usually occurs at the root buttress, since
it flares out from the trunk and gets in the path of
the mower. However, injury is common anywhere
below 1 foot high. Although large wounds are most
serious, repeated small wounds also can add up
to create problems.
While the wound itself is serious enough, the
wounded tree also must protect itself from patho-
gens invading the wound. These microorganisms
often attack the injured bark and invade adjacent
healthy tissue, greatly enlarging the affected area.
Trees can be completely girdled from microbial at-
tack following lawn mower wounds. Figure 6.58. Sapsucker damage.
Decay fungi also become active on the wound
surface and often result in structural deterioration characteristically in horizontal lines (Figure 6.58)
of the woody tissues beneath the wound. Many and are sometimes aligned in vertical rows. These
wounded trees that are not girdled may eventually birds are protected under federal law, so prevent-
break off at the stem or root collar because of inter- ing damage caused by sapsuckers is difficult.
nal decay.
Selecting Plants for the
Sapsucker damage
The sapsucker is a woodpecker that feeds on Landscape
tree sap, the inner bark of trees and insects caught
in the sap flowing from wounds on the trunk. The The plants listed in Tables 6.5 through 6.9
most common trees attacked by the sapsucker should help guide the homeowner in making in-
are apple, birch, magnolia, maple and pines. Sap- formed plant selections. Not all of the plants list-
suckers peck holes in the bark of trees, causing ed will necessarily thrive throughout Oklahoma,
trees to “bleed” sap. Trees are often repeatedly nor have all been listed which could be grown in
attacked and on rare occasion may die. The inju- various locations within the state. Remember that
ry also permits insects and diseases to enter the all plants have inherent problems with various sus-
tree. Do not confuse sapsucker damage with bor- ceptibilities to diseases, insects and environmen-
er invasion. Sapsucker feeding damage can be tal stresses. Strive for plant diversity in the home
identified by evenly spaced rows of holes through landscape. Try a variety of plants, not only to guar-
the bark on the trunk. These holes are arranged antee survivability of the plantings, but also to in-
crease the diversity, which enhances the aesthetic
quality of the landscape.

Master Gardeners Manual 253

Table 6.5. Vines/Climbers/Wall Plants for the Landscape*

Scientific Name Hardiness

(Common Name) Zone Comments

Actinidia arguta 3-7 Vigorous, high climbing, twining vine. Flowers delicately
(Bower Actinidia, Hardy Kiwi) fragrant, whitish or greenish white in May to June. Fruit are
greenish, yellow berries with lime green flesh. Will tolerate any
type of soil. Full sun to partial shade.

A. kolomikta ‘Arctic Beauty’ 4-8 It has variegated pink to green foliage. Other species and
(Arctic Beauty, Hardy Kiwi) cultivars are available as well.

Akebia quinata 5-9 Interesting “five-leaved,” semi-evergreen foliage, climbs by

(Five-Leaf Akebia) twining. Flowers are rosy purple in late March to early April.
Potentially invasive.

Ampelopsis aconitifolia 4-8 Deciduous vine. Beautiful, deeply cut leaves. Fast-growing
(Monkshood Vine) vine to 20 feet. Orange-yellow berries in fall. Potentially

Ampelopsis arborea 7-9 Deciduous vine. Bipinnately compound leaves, four to eight
(Pepper Vine) inches long. Fast-growing vine to 30 feet. Dark purple berries
in fall, going through the same color transition as porcelain vine.
Commonly found throughout Oklahoma. Potentially invasive.

Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 6-9 Deciduous vine, climbs by tendrils and twining stems. Berries
(Porcelain Vine, Porcelain Berry) ripen from yellow-green to lavender to turquoise to blue-black in
early fall. Potentially invasive.

Ampelopsis cordata 7-9 Deciduous vine, climbs by tendrils and twining stems. Leaves
(Heartleaf Ampelopsis) heart-shaped. Fast-growing vine to 48 feet. Berries orange to
turquoise-blue in fall. Commonly found throughout Oklahoma.
Potentially invasive.

Aristolochia macrophylla 4-8 Vigorous, climbing, twining vine. Ginger-scented brown flowers
(Dutchman’s-pipe) early fall, full sun, but shade roots, rampant grower. Plant with

Bignonia capreolata 5-9 Semi-evergreen, showy orange flowers, glossy green

‘Tangerine Beauty’ foliage. Native to North America.

Campsis radicans 4-9 Deciduous. Native vine climbs by twining and holdfasts;
(Trumpet Creeper) rampant and suckers. Difficult to eradicate. C x taliabuana
‘Madame Galen’ is a less aggressive cultivar. Orange
flowers, interesting fruits.

Celastrus scandens 3-9 Deciduous, full sun to partial shade. Attractive orange fruit in
(American Bittersweet) autumn. Can be rampant. Dioecious plant needing male
and female plants in close proximity for good fruit set. Great
for floral arrangements. Tolerant of drought and poor soils.
Related species include C. loeseneri (loesener bittersweet) with
red seed, and C. orbiculatus (chinese bittersweet) both growing
20 to 30 feet.

254 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.5. Vines/Climbers/Wall Plants for the Landscape* (cont’d)

Scientific Name Hardiness

(Common Name) Zone Comments

Clematis x jackmanii 4-8 Deciduous, climbs by twining while leaves clasp or fold over
(Jackman Clematis) any object, violet-purple flowers from early summer to first frost,
many cultivars available. Full sun, but shade roots, rampant
grower. Plant with care.

Clematis montana 5-7 Vigorous almost rampant vine. White to pink flowering species
(Anemone Clematis) late spring to early summer, several cultivars available.

Clematis orientalis 6-9 A more restrained clematis to perhaps 10 to 20 feet. Slightly

(Oriental Clematis) fragrant yellow flowers in late summer, flowers produce a
three-inch diameter tuft of glistening feathery achenes.

Clematis tangutica 5-7 Has bright yellow, three to four inches in diameter, campanulate
(Golden Clematis) to lantern-shaped flowers in June to July. Seed heads are silky.

Clematis terniflora 3-9 Deciduous. Climbs by twining; fragrant white flowers early fall.
(Sweet Autumn Clematis) Full sun, but shade roots, (formerly C. paniculata) rampant
grower. Plant with care.

Clematis virginiana 3-9 Deciduous. Climbs by twining; flowers early fall; and tolerant of
(Virgin’s Bower, Old Man’s Beard) full sun, poor soils, and drought.

Euonymus fortunei 5-8 Evergreen groundcover or high climbing, true clinging vine.
(Wintercreeper Euonymus) Tolerates full sun and heavy shade. Many cultivars available,
including variegated forms. Grows in about any situation except
swampy, extremely wet conditions. Scale insects can prove to
be a serious problem.

Gelsemium sempervirens 7-10 Evergreen, climbs by twining, medium water; very toxic if eaten.
(Carolina Yellow Jessamine) Sun to shade. Often not winter hardy in northern half of

Hedera helix 5-9 Evergreen, climbs by holdfasts, shade to part sun, medium
(English Ivy) water. Can overtake trees. Plant with forethought/caution.
Cultivars available.

Hydrangea anomala 4-8 Deciduous; climbs by holdfasts; may need early support. White
ssp. petiolaris summer flowers and exfoliating bark on older vines.
(Climbing Hydrangea)

Lonicera sempervirens 4-9 Deciduous; possibly semi-evergreen in southeastern

(Trumpet or Coral Honeysuckle) Oklahoma. Twining with new growth, reddish purple turning
bluish green at maturity. Flowers are non-fragrant and variable
in color from orange-red to red on the outside of the tubular
corolla, generally yellow to yellow-orange inside. May produce
red berries. Prefers moist, well-drained, acid or near neutral

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 4-9 Deciduous, climbs by adhesive discs. Nice fall color. Showy
(Virginia Creeper) purple fruits. Grows in sun or shade.

Master Gardeners Manual 255

Table 6.5. Vines/Climbers/Wall Plants for the Landscape* (cont’d)

Scientific Name Hardiness

(Common Name) Zone Comments

Parthenocissus tricuspidata 4-9 Deciduous, climbs by adhesive discs. Leaves are brilliant red in
(Boston Ivy) fall. Grows in sun or shade.

Passiflora incarnata 6-8 Native throughout Oklahoma except in southwest and

(Passionflower Vine) panhandle. Produces large, interesting flowers that are white to
deep purple. Fruits are edible.

Periploca graeca 5-9 Deciduous, tolerant of most soils, low water, and sun. Provides
(Grecian Silkvine) fast cover.

Polygonum aubertii 4-7 Deciduous, climbs by twining, white flowers, rampant, tolerant
(Silver Lace Vine, Silver Fleeceflower) of low water.

Rosa spp. 4-9 Available in a variety of colors, longed lived plants.

(Climbing Rose)

Vitis spp. 6-10 Deciduous, climbs by tendrils. Showy edible fruits. Red, yellow,
(Grape) purple fall color.

Wisteria floribunda 4-9 Deciduous, climbs by twining. Vigorous grower, medium water,
(Japanese Wisteria) more cold tolerant than Chinese wisteria.

Wisteria sinensis 5-9 Deciduous, climbs by twining. Vigorous grower, medium water.
(Chinese Wisteria) Purple and white cultivars.

Wisteria frutescens 5-9 Native deciduous vine. Not as vigorous as Chinese and Japanese
(American Wisteria) species. Dear tolerant. Tolerates moist soils. Lilac-purple flowers in

* Many varieties and cultivars of vines and plants with related growth habits exist that are not listed. For the sake of
brevity, only one or two samples are provided for any given group of plants. For example, there are numerous varia-
tions or cultivars of passiflora and its hybrids selected for flower color, hardiness, etc.

256 Master Gardeners Manual

Ornamental Characteristics of Shrubs
Tree Selection Guide
Many shrubs are planted for their showy floral
displays. A long season of bloom can be obtained
Mature height (MHt) will vary considerably by
by planting various types of shrubs. The time any
cultivar and site and is shown here assuming ade-
shrub remains in bloom varies from a few days to
quate care: Low: <20 feet; Medium: 20 to 40 feet;
a few months, however, the time of year a shrub
and High: >40 feet.
blooms remains the same year after year. Use a
Growth rate (GR) refers to height growth for the
variety of shrubs that bloom in sequence to devel-
first 10 years after a tree is planted and is shown
op a planting with a long blooming period. Most
as follows: Low: <12 inches per year; Medium: 12
landscapes have lots of flowers in spring, with few
to 24 inches per year; and High: >24 inches per
in summer or fall. Prolong the ornamental season
through careful shrub selection. Choose shrubs
Region refers to the area of Oklahoma in which the
known to bloom at alternate times of year or choose
plant grows best.
plants that provide other ornamental traits during
P - Panhandle
hot weather and into the fall such as colorful bark,
NW - Northwest
fall foliage or fruit.
SW -Southwest
A number of ornamental shrubs produce at-
NE - Northeast
tractive fruits after flowering. Some have black or
SE - Southeast
dark purple fruit that often go unnoticed unless sit-
A - all regions
ed for contrast. Brightly colored fruit make a better
See Table 6.6
show than dull colors. The time fruit is ornamental
should be a consideration. Fruit persisting into win-
Selecting Shrubs ter provides color in the winter landscape. A shrub
for the Landscape may produce beautiful fruit, but too few to be no-
ticed, so their ornamental value is low. Within limits,
Shrubs serve an important role in landscap- the larger the fruit the more ornamental it may be.
ing. They can be used as hedge borders, focal Conversely, large fruit can be a problem to clean
points, along the foundation of a home to “tie” it to up.
the ground by softening strong architectural lines, For shrubs such as holly and yew, male and fe-
and to fill large areas. Shrubs screen and separate male flowers are produced on separate plants and
private areas, create garden rooms and absorb fruit is only produced on the female plants. A plant
noise. Many are evergreen, providing a backbone with this flowering and fruiting habit is called di-
for the winter landscape (Table 6.7). oecious. When female, fruiting plants are desired,
Unlike annual flowers or even some herba- a male plant must also be grown to ensure polli-
ceous perennials, shrubs are usually planted with nation. Usually one male shrub pollinates several
permanence in mind. As such, it is important to female plants.
carefully select plants to ensure long-term suc- Foliage color, other than green, can occur in
cess. It is important to consider the plant’s adapt- fall, in spring or from spring to fall. Spring only fo-
ability to the proposed planting site as well as its liage color fades to green or off green by summer.
mature size. For best results, choose a plant best Colored foliage or variegated shrubs can be less
adapted to the climatic zone or region and will fit vigorous than the same plant with green foliage.
in the space designated for planting even after it Shrubs with colored or variegated foliage may
reaches full size. need different light intensity. Sunlight is often nec-
When selecting shrubs for the landscape, it essary for good fall color development or summer
also is important to consider each plant’s orna- foliage coloration. For example, barberry cultivars
mental characteristics. Consider plant height, with purple leaves in the sun may have nearly
width and shape; foliage color and texture, includ- green leaves in the shade.
ing that in the fall; bark attributes; and flowering Bark is another ornamental feature. The bark
and fruiting habits to obtain the right shrub for your may be highly colored or have interesting texture.
landscape design. Shrubs with evergreen foliage, brightly colored

Master Gardeners Manual 257

and/or striking bark textures and patterns also can Select shrubs hardy enough to survive the win-
provide winter color and interest. ter and durable enough to endure the Oklahoma
Attracting wildlife may be a reason for select- summer heat.
ing a particular shrub. Some shrubs produce fruits Avoid shrubs with serious pest problems. The
eaten by birds, others provide shelter and some large selection of available shrubs makes it un-
yield flowers that attract butterflies. necessary to use those notorious for annual infes-
Some shrubs have safety concerns to consid- tations of insects or diseases. Pests attack most
er. Don’t plant shrubs with poisonous berries near shrubs at some point during their lives, but most
public walkways. Plants with poisonous parts or can be easily controlled or ignored. Shrubs to
spiny foliage or stems should be avoided in high avoid are those with annual serious pest problems
traffic areas. On the other hand, spiny shrubs/ that last long periods of time and render the plant
hedges may provide “traffic control” and security aesthetically unacceptable.
for an area.

258 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees.

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Ash, Green (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) A H H Grows well in a variety of soils. Good

fall color. Borers may be a problem.
Ash, White (Fraxinus americana) A M M Not as adaptable to various soils as
green ash. Needs well-drained soil.
Borers may be a problem.
Beech, American (Fagus grandifolia) NE, SE L H Beautiful tree in spring and summer.
Prefers moist, well-drained, sandy soils.
Birch, River (Betula nigra) NE, SE NW, SW H H Less susceptible to borers. Thrives in
moist soils of various textures. Leaves
may turn yellow and drop during the
heat of the summer. Best birch for
Buckeye, Red NE, SE M M Grows best in deep, rich, well-drained,
(Aesculus glabra ssp. pavia) moist, sandy loam soils. Leaf scorch as
well as some diseases and insects can
be a problem if not grown in ideal
conditions. Provide partial shade.
Buckthorn, Carolina or A M S Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Indiancherry (Rhamnus carolinianus)
Catalpa, Southern A M M Will grow in just about any soil. Flowers
(Catalpa bignonioides) in spring are quite showy. Tree is rather
weak wooded and messy.
Chestnut, Chinese NE, SE M L Prefers full sun and reasonably well-
(Castanea mollissima) drained soil. Drought tolerant. Edible
Chittimwood (Bumelia lanuginosa) A L M Underutilized native, adaptable, drought
tolerant tree.
Coffeetree, Kentucky A M H Prefers deep, rich, moist, sandy loam
(Gymnocladus dioicus) soils, but very tolerant of a wide range of
soil conditions and drought. Attractive,
open, loose structure. Few problems.
Female trees produce bean pods; male
selections like ‘Espresso’ are available.
Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Cottonwood, Eastern A H H Tolerant of dry, less favorable sites. Best
(Populus deltoides) used in large open areas, grows too big
for a typical landscape. Over time roots
grow on the surface. Fast growing, weak
wooded, messy, and susceptible to
diseases and insects. Choose cottonless
male cultivar when possible.
Crabapple, Flowering A M L Excellent spring flower. Attractive fruit.
(Malus spp.) Tolerant of most soil conditions. Choose
disease resistant varieties. ‘Prairiefire -
Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Crapemyrtle, Common NE, SE, NW, SW M L Very adaptable. Excellent summer
(Lagerstroemia indica) flowers, fall color; some have great bark
color and texture. Select mildew
resistant varieties.

Master Gardeners Manual 259

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Cypress, Bald A M H Wonderful fern-like foliage and strong,

(Taxodium distichum) pyramidal form. Found in swampy
conditions, but is very drought tolerant
and grows in many soils. No serious
pest problems. May become chlorotic in
highly alkaline soils. Oklahoma Proven
Cypress, Pond A M H Similar to bald cypress, but more narrow
(Taxodium ascendens) in habitat and have needle-like leaves.
Dawn Redwood NE, SE NW, SW H H Prefers moist, deep, well-drained,
(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) slightly acid soils. Best suited for large
Desert-Willow A M M Loose, gangly in appearance. Requires
(Chilopsis linearis) well-drained, dry soils. Pink, purple, or
white flowers in summer.
Dogwood, Cornelian Cherry A M M Flowers are yellow in small clusters.
(Cornus mas) Bright red edible fruit in mid-summer.
More tolerant of soil conditions than
flowering dogwood. Attractive bark with
Dogwood, Flowering NE, SE L L Grows best in areas with partial shade
(Cornus florida) and protected from hot dry winds.
Prefers rich, well-drained, acid soils.
Dogwood, Kousa NE, SE L M Needs well-drained, acid soils. Sun to
(Cornus kousa) part shade. Spring flower and attractive
fruit in late summer/fall. Good fall leaf
Elm, American A H H Select Dutch elm disease resistant
(Ulmus americana) varieties/hybrids, Oklahoma Proven
Selection - Collector’s Choice.
Elm, Lacebark or Chinese A M H Exfoliating, multi-colored bark. Extremely
(Ulmus parvifolia) tough and drought tolerant. Golden form
Elm, Cedar A M H Prefers well-drained, moist areas, but is
(Ulmus crassifolia) tolerant of less favorable soil sites.
Attractive native elm that produces a
corky wing-like extension along sides of
branchlets. Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Euonymus, Pink Lady Winterberry A M L Attractive pink fruit that open exposing a
(Euonymus bungeanus ‘Pink Lady’) white or pinkish seed with an orange
aril. Occasionally contracts scale
Fig, Common NE, SE NW, SW H L Easy to grow and tolerates a wide range
(Ficus carica) of soil conditions. Needs protection
during winter in the northern portions of
Oklahoma. Grow for novelty and edible
Fringetree, White NE, SE L L Excellent specimen tree with white,
(Chionanthus virginicus) fragrant flowers appearing in spring,
and a nice yellow, fall color. Should be
planted in soils that are fertile, moist,
and well-drained. Will not tolerate windy,
exposed or harsh conditions.

260 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Ginkgo NE, SE M H Unique fan-shaped leaves medium to

(Ginkgo biloba) dark green in summer turning golden-
yellow in fall. Tolerant of soil conditions
and excellent for urban conditions.
Usually slow rate of growth in Oklahoma.
Male trees should be used to avoid foul
smelling fruits.
Goldenraintree A M M Bright yellow panicles of flowers appear
(Koelreuteria paniculata) in June to July. Papery fruit capsules can
be rather showy. Very adaptable small
tree that grows well in a variety of soils
and conditions. Drought tolerant.
Red-shoulder bugs may be a nuisance
to the homeowner.
Hackberry A H H Small, purple to black fruits appear in fall
(Celtis occidentalis) and are relished by birds and wildlife.
Yellow fall color. Grows in about any soil
type imaginable. Hackberry nipple gall
insects can lessen overall appearance.
Hackberry, Southern NE, SE NW, SW H H Good tree for urban situations. Fruit
or Sugarberry relished by birds.
(Celtis laevigata)
Hawthorn, English A M L Grows just about anywhere and shows a
(Crataegus laevigata) great degree of drought tolerance.
Spring flowers, with colorful fruit in fall.
Good fall color. Cedar hawthorn rust and
fireblight may be problems along with
borers and spider mites.
Hawthorn, Washington A M L Spring flowers; attractive summer and
(Crataegus phaenopyrum) fall foliage color; attractive fruit. Cedar
hawthorn rust, on occasion, usually
lessens aesthetic value.
Holly, Possumhaw or Deciduous A M L Excellent fall/winter berries. Tolerates a
(Ilex decidua) wide variety of soil conditions.
Hophornbeam, American, Ironwood NE, SE L M Rugged, dependable, disease and
(Ostrya virginiana) insect resistant tree.
Hornbeam, American NE, SE NW, SW L M Will tolerate shade, and often found as
(Carpinus caroliniana) an understory plant.
Japanese Pagodatree, NE, SE NW, SW M M Fragrant, creamy white blooms in
Scholar- tree mid-summer. Showy winter fruits.
(Styphnolobium japonicum) Withstands heat and drought well. Some
canker problems may occur resulting in
slight limb dieback.
Jujube or False Date A M L Will tolerate just about any soil except
(Ziziphus jujuba) poorly drained soil. Date-like fruit are
slightly sweet and edible. Great as an
accent, specimen plant, or shade tree.

Master Gardeners Manual 261

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Katsuratree NE, SE M L Good for small residential properties.

(Cercidiphyllum japonicum) Foliage emerges with a reddish-purple
tint, changing a bluish-green by mid-
summer, and then a yellow to yellow-
orange in fall. Marginally drought
tolerant. May be subject to scorch and
other stresses due to the Oklahoma
heat. Sometimes challenging to grow.
Lilac, Japanese Tree A M L Creamy white, fragrant flowers appear
(Syringa reticulata) in early summer. Tolerates Oklahoma heat.
Resistant to mildew, scale, and borer.
Linden, American or A M H Good shade or street tree. Adaptable
American Basswood and tolerant of drier, harsher landscape
(Tilia americana) sites. Bees are attracted to flowers in
spring. Occasional pests.
Linden, Crimean A M H Graceful in habit with lower branches
(Tilia x euchlora) skirting the ground. Leaves dark lustrous
green. May be less susceptible to
aphids. Can develop basal suckers on
grafted forms.
Linden, Littleleaf European A M M Very attractive tree forming a densely
(Tilia cordata) pyramidal shape. Good tree for urban
situations. Drought tolerant, however,
may lose considerable leaves during
severe stress.
Linden, Silver A M H Good street tree that tolerates heat and
(Tilia tomentosa) drought better than the other lindens.
Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Magnolia, Saucer A M M Beautiful, large flowers appearing
(Magnolia x soulangiana) before leaves in early spring. Many
cultivars available. Mulch to conserve
moisture and maintain slightly acidic
pH. Excellent specimen tree. Flowers
are sometimes killed by late frosts.
Locate plant on the north or east side of
a building to reduce early development
of flowers that may be damaged by
late frosts.
Magnolia, Star A L L White, slightly fragrant, flowers appear
(Magnolia stellata) early spring before leaves appear.
Cultural comments are same as saucer
Maple, Amur or Ginnala A M L Excellent small tree, usually
(Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala) multi-stemmed. Brown to red, winged,
fruit mature in late summer early fall.
May have fall color of shades of yellow
and red. Chlorosis in high pH soils.
Maple, Hedge A M M Urban tolerant. Excellent small tree.
(Acer campestre)
Maple, Japanese NE, SE NW, SW L L Should be protected from hot dry winds
(Acer palmatum) and late afternoon sun. Many cultivars
and varieties available. Prefers deep,
rich, slightly acid soils. Slow growing.

262 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Maple, Paperbark NE, SE L M Adaptable to a variety of soils. Performs

(Acer griseum) well in clay soils. Good fall color. Good
specimen tree. Provides partial shade.
Maple, Purpleblow or NE, SE, NW, SW L M Leaves are reddish purple when
Shantung Maple emerging, changing to dark glossy
(Acer truncatum) green. Good fall color. Very drought
tolerant. Good urban tree resistant to
leaf scorch. Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Maple, Red NE, SE M H Fairly tolerant of soil conditions, but not
(Acer rubrum) particularly drought tolerant. Leaf scorch
is common when planted in dry, rocky
soils. Prefers moist, slightly acid
conditions. Excellent fall color. Many
cultivars available. Chlorosis can be a
problem in western Oklahoma.
Maple, Silver A H H Shallow root system that can invade
(Acer saccharinum) flowerbeds. Fast growing. This results in
weak, brittle wood. Very tolerant of poor
growing conditions.
Maple, Sugar A M H Large tree with brilliant fall color. Slower
(Acer saccharum) growing than most other maples. Best
adapted to deep, rich, moist, sandy
loam soils. Caddo sugar maple is native
to west-central Oklahoma making it
suitable for most regions of the state.
Caddo is more resistant to leaf scorch.
Oklahoma Proven Selection - Collector’s
Maple, Tatarian NW, SW M M Excellent small tree similar to amur
(Acer tataricum) maple. Good for residential landscape,
street tree use, and perhaps planter
boxes. Tolerant of adverse conditions
including drought.
Maple, Trident NE, SE NW, SW L M Well-drained, acid soils. Good drought
(Acer buergeranum) resistance. Leaves emerge rich bronze
to purple, maturing to glossy dark green.
Handsome small tree.
Mulberry, White A H H Choose a fruitless variety to avoid the
(Morus alba) (fruitless) messy fruit. Not generally recommended
except for the harshest landscape
conditions. Weeping cultivars available.
Oak, Bur A M H Slow growing, eventually becomes very
(Quercus macrocarpa) large. Perhaps too big for the aver
age-sized landscape. However, very
tolerant of many soil conditions, even
dry, clay soils. Very tolerant of city
conditions. Oklahoma Proven Selection.
Oak, Chinkapin A M H Drought tolerant. In wild grows on dry
(Quercus muehlenbergii) limestone outcrops with alkaline
reaction; prefers and grows largest in
rich, bottomland soils.

Master Gardeners Manual 263

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Oak, English A M H Prefers well-drained soil, pH tolerant, full

(Quercus robur) sun. Powdery mildew and scale can
sometimes be a problem.
Oak, Live NE, SE SW M M Not cold hardy in most of Oklahoma.
(Quercus virginiana) Best grown in the extreme southern
regions of the state. Look for selections
for the western part of the state.
Oak, Northern Red A M H Prefers moist, rich soils, but adapts well
(Quercus rubra) to less hospitable soil sites.
Oak, Pin NE, SE H H Develops iron chlorosis in alkaline soils.
(Quercus palustris)
Oak, Sawtooth NE, SE NW, SW M H Leaves open a brilliant yellow to golden
(Quercus acutissima) yellow in spring turning a dark lustrous
green in summer. Quite adaptable to
soils, may develop chlorosis in high pH
soils. Subject to ice damage.
Oak, Scarlet A M H Similar to pin oak, but may be found on
(Quercus coccinea) dry, sandy sites. Subject to, but does
not develop chlorosis to the degree of
pin oak.
Oak, Shingle NE, SE M H Prefers moist, rich, deep, well-drained,
(Quercus imbricaria) acid soils although tolerates drier soils.
Oak, Shumard A M H Excellent tree for Oklahoma. Oklahoma
(Quercus shumardii) Proven Selection.
Oak, Swamp White NE, SE M H Will grow in swampy areas. Also drought
(Quercus bicolor) tolerant. Requires neutral to acidic soil.
Oak, Water NE, SE H H Moisture loving, bottomland tree, native
(Quercus nigra) to wetlands. Semi-evergreen foliage.
Fast growing.
Oak, White NE, SE M H Slow grower, becoming very large with
(Quercus alba) age. Brilliant fall color. Prefers rich,
moist, acid soils. Chlorosis occurs in
high pH soils.
Oak, Willow NE, SE M H Good yellow fall color. Fast growing.
(Quercus phellos) Needs moist, acid soil conditions for
best growth. Chlorosis in high pH soils.
Orange, Trifoliate NE, SE L L White citrus-like spring flowers, very
(Poncirus trifoliata) fragrant. Edible fruit. Dark green trifoliate
leaves that turn yellow in fall. Grows in a
wide range of soil conditions. Used
primarily as a hedge or small tree.
Produces thorns.
Osage-orange A M M Will grow anywhere and is extremely
(Maclura pomifera) ‘Whiteshield’ drought tolerant. Choose male cultivars
such as ‘Whiteshield’ to alleviate the
problem of large messy fruits and
Parrotia, Persian A M M Oklahoma Proven Selection - Collector’s
(Parrotia persica) Choice.
Pawpaw NE, SE M L Nodding purple flowers appearing
(Asimina triloba) before leaves emerge. Edible fruit. Used
primarily as a novelty plant. Provide
shade for best growth.

264 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Pear, Callery A M M Very tolerant of soil types and drought

(Pyrus calleryana) (Aristocrat, conditions. Spring flowers, good fall
Chanticleer, Whitehouse, Capital) color. Best to choose cultivars that
develop better branching structure than
Pecan A H H Native to deep, rich, moist, well-drained
(Carya illinoinensis) soils. Not a good tree for poor soils.
Provides excellent shade, but will often
drop large limbs as it becomes older.
Will usually produce nuts that are
edible, but some consider them messy.
Subject to many pests.
Persimmon, Common NE, SE, NW, SW L M Edible fruit. Prefers moist, well-drained,
(Diospyros virginiana) sandy soils, but will do well on low
fertility and dry soils; pH adaptable. Will
sucker, forming thickets. Wildlife
attracted to fruit. More of a novelty type
plant. Attractive alligator hide bark.
Webworms or tent caterpillars can be
Persimmon, Japanese NE, SE L M Tolerant of soil conditions except poorly
(Diospyros kaki) drained soil. Large colorful fruit and
excellent fall color. More of a novelty
plant. Check with a grower for most cold
hardy selections.
Pistache, Chinese A M M Widely adaptable. Excellent urban tree.
(Pistacia chinensis) Brilliant fall color. Oklahoma Proven
Planetree, London A H H Excellent bark color and texture. Good
(Platanus x acerifolia) tree for large areas. Grows just about
anywhere. More resistant to anthracnose
than sycamore. Other diseases and
insect problems may occur.
Plum, Mexican A M L Interesting bark, white flower in spring
(Prunus mexicana) and colorful purplish red fruit in late
summer. Adaptable to various soil
conditions, quite drought tolerant.
Native to central and eastern Oklahoma.
Plum, Purpleleaf A M L Does not grow well in heavy clay soils
(Prunus cerasifera) and are often prone to borers and leaf
eating insects. Short-lived tree. Good
purplish leaf color, white to pink spring
Poplar, White A H H Extremely tolerant of soil conditions.
(Populus alba) Surface roots. Many disease and insect
problems. Weak wooded. Attractive, but
inferior tree.
Redbud, Eastern A M L Oklahoma state tree. Not finicky of
(Cercis canadensis) growing conditions. Full sun to part
shade. Showy clusters of flowers
appearing before leaves in spring.
Flower color purplish in color or white.

Master Gardeners Manual 265

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Redbud, Oklahoma NE, SE, NW, SW M L Similar to eastern redbud except leaves
(Cercis canadensis var. are thick, lustrous, shiny, and dark
texensis ‘Oklahoma’) green. Compact 10 to 12 foot at maturity.
Flowers deep purple. Oklahoma Proven
Sassafras NE, SE M H Outstanding native tree for fall color.
(Sassafras albidum) Yellow flowers appear early spring
before foliage. Excellent for naturalized
settings. Needs moist, loamy, well-
drained, acid soils. Develops chlorosis
in high pH soils.
Serviceberry A L L White showy spring flowers. Small,
(Amelanchier arborea) round, dark purple fruit. Colorful fall
foliage. Good as small specimen tree or
naturalized landscape plant.
Serviceberry, Saskatoon A L L Bluish-purple berries that ripen in
(Amelanchier alnifolia) mid-summer are edible. Tolerates harsh
climate and alkaline soil.
Silverbell, Carolina NE, SE M M Bell-shaped, white flowers in spring.
(Halesia tetraptera) Showy winged fruit. Prefers rich, well-
drained, moist, slightly acid soils high in
organic matter. Very effective as a
specimen plant. Provide light shade.
Smoketree, American NE, SE, NW, SW M M Bluish to dark green summer foliage
(Cotinus obovatus) with magnificent fall color. Well adapted
to limestone soils. Native to Oklahoma.
Smoketree, Common A M L Produces large, loose terminal panicles
(Cotinus coggyria) of pinkish flowers in late May and June,
somewhat feathery and delicate in
appearance. Foliage color variable
depending on cultivar from green to
purple. Fall color is orange to red. Tough,
adaptable, and drought tolerant.
Soapberry A M M Very drought tolerant and tolerant of a
(Sapindus drummondii) variety of poor, dry soil sites. Leaves
turn golden yellow in fall. Small
yellow-orange fruit. Red shoulder bugs
seem to be attracted to this tree and can
be a nuisance.
Sourgum, Black NE, SE L H Brilliant fall color. Does very well on rich,
(Nyssa sylvatica) moist, well-drained sites, but is tolerant
of less favorable sites.
Sourwood NE, SE L M Good summer foliage color and
(Oxydendrum arboreum) excellent fall color. White fragrant flower
in early summer. Grows in peaty, moist,
well-drained, acid soils. Not good for
urban sites; challenging to grow.

266 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.6. Deciduous Trees (cont’d).

Broadleaves (mostly deciduous) Region GR MHt Comments

Sweetgum, American NE, SE, NW, SW M H Grow Rotundiloba or Cherokee - sterile

(Liquidambar styraciflua) selections. Excellent fall color. Thrives in
damp, moist, rich, well-drained soils.
Not as tolerant to drought or drier,
upland sites. May develop shallow root
system; may develop iron chlorosis in
high pH soils, particularly in western
Oklahoma. Easiest to grow in eastern
half of the state.
Sycamore, American A H H Large tree and should be used in
(Platanus occidentalis) large open areas. Anthracnose is most
common problem. Adapted to a wide
range of soil conditions. Can be messy
dropping fruit, leaves, twigs, and bark
nearly year round.
Vitex, Chastetree A H L Produces blue-purple, lilac, or lavender
(Vitex negundo) flowers in mid-summer. May freeze
back, but will come back from roots.
Walnut, Black A M H Thrives in deep, rich, moist soils,
(Juglans nigra) tolerates drier soils. Large shade tree.
Willow, Corkscrew A H M Fast growing and like any other willow is
(Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’) susceptible to many diseases and
insects. This tree has uniquely twisted
branches that are used in floral
Willow, Weeping A H H Grows best in moist to wet soils.
(Salix babylonica) Susceptible to many disease and insect
problems especially when stressed.
Witchhazel NE, SE, NW, SW M L Yellow, fragrant flowers appear in winter.
(Hamamelis virginiana) Prefers a moist soil and partial shade;
avoid extremely dry areas. Yellow fall color.
Yellowwood NE, SE M H White, fragrant flowers on pendulous
(Cladrastis kentukea) terminal panicles in spring. Spring
foliage has yellowish-green color
turning to bright green in summer.
Yellow to golden yellow in fall.
Attractive smooth gray bark.
Prefers deep, fertile, moist, sandy loam
soils and is pH adaptable. Shows some
degree of drought tolerance.
Yellow-poplar or Tuliptree NE, SE H H Produces a tulip-like flower in spring,
(Liriodendron tulipifera) usually high in the tree so it often goes
unnoticed. Best for large and open
Zelkova, Japanese A H H Elm relative with similar characteristics,
(Zelkova serrata) thus sometimes planted as replacement
for American elm. Dutch elm disease
resistant. Once established is very wind
and drought tolerant; pH adaptable.
Good for streets and urban areas.
Subject to elm leaf beetle feeding
damage. Several cultivars and related
species available.

Master Gardeners Manual 267

Table 6.7. Evergreen Trees.
Needle, scale and broadleaf evergreens.

Region GR MHt Comments

Arborvitae, American or Eastern A M M Numerous cultivars available. Should be

(Thuja occidentalis) planted in deep, well-drained soil; once
established will tolerate heat and
drought. Susceptible to strong winds,
ice and snow. Good for hedges, screens,
Arborvitae, Oriental A L M Tolerant of most soils except those that
(Platycladus orientalis) are extremely wet; pH adaptable. Good
for hedges and specimens. Many
Cedar, Atlas A M H Primarily used as a specimen tree. Good
(Cedrus atlantica) substitute for Colorado spruce. Blue and
weeping forms available.
Cedar, Deodar NE, SE M H Less cold hardy than atlas cedar. Full sun,
(Cedrus deodara) should be protected from sweeping winds.
Moderate degree of drought tolerance.
Cedar, Western Red, NE, SE, C S-M H Prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils.
giant Arbrovitae In wild grows near rivers and swamps,
(Thuja plicata) even found in bogs; pH adaptable.
Growth will be stunted on dry soils.
California Incense Cedar NE, SE, C, NW, SW S-M H Prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soil;
(Calocedrus decurrens) but it shows good adaptability to
different soil types, tolerates poor soils.
Very drought and heat tolerant when
established. Not tolerant of wind-swept
areas. Handsome specimen for large areas.
Cherry Laurel A H M Good for screens, background plant
(Prunus caroliniana) and as small patio tree.
China Fir NE, SE L H Prefers, moist, acid, well-drained soils.
(Cunninghamia lanceolata) Grows best in open spaces shaded by
trees and protected from windswept sites.
Cypress, Alaska or Nootka NE, SE, C, NW M H Bagworms and mites can be problems.
(Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) Full sun. Avoid southwest Oklahoma.
Cypress, Arizona NE, SE, C, NW, SW M H Will grow well as far north as Woodward.
(Cupressus arizonica) Full sun.
Cypress, Hinoki False NE, SE, C M H Shelter from hot wind and afternoon sun.
(Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Cypress, Italian SE M M Columnar 30’ tall by 2’ wide. Bagworms
(Cupressus sempervirens) and mites. Sun to part shade.
Cypress, Japanese False NE, SE, C M H Loam soils. Part sun. Shelter from hot
(Chamaecyparis pisifera) wind and afternoon sun.
Cypress, Leyland SE, C H H Loam to clay loam. Feathery foliage.
(X Cupressocyparis leylandii) Grows to 50’ tall and 30’ wide.
Holly, American NE, SE, C L M Well-drained, acid soils. Sun to part
(Ilex opaca) shade. Leaves have spines. Foliage is
not glossy. Medium drought tolerance,
mulch. Much variation by species and
cultivars. Most are tree-like from 20-30’
tall by 12-20’ wide.

268 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.7. Evergreen Trees (cont’d).

Region GR MHt Comments

Juniper, Eastern Red Cedar A M M Has become a weed for ranchers, but
(Juniperus virginiana) makes good windbreak. Many cultivars
to choose from. Co-host for Cedar-Apple
Rust disease.
*Juniper, Rocky Mountain P, NW, SW M M Susceptible to phomopsis blight east of
(Juniperus scopulorum) I-35 highway. Many cultivars.
Magnolia, Southern NE, SE, C M M Grow to 50 to 60 feet tall and
(Magnolia grandiflora) 30 to 50 feet wide. Should be given
adequate space for growth. Large white
fragrant flowers. Avoid hot dry windy sites.
Mulch, water and fertilize. Not drought
tolerant. Remove narrow forks, but don’t
over prune.
Myrtle, Wax NE, SE, C H L Thrives in full sun to part shade. Tolerates
(Myrica cerifera) wide range of soil conditions and
seems to tolerate poorly drained soils.
Pine, Austrian A M H One of the most pest free, but can
(Pinus nigra) be affected by Diplodia Tip Blight and the
devastating Pine Wood Nematode
disease. Very drought tolerant. Full sun.
Well to moderately drained soil.
Pine, Eastern White NE, SE H H Loam soil. Protect from hot wind and
(Pinus strobus) drought. Soft needles. Full sun to
part shade.
Pine, Japanese Black NE, SE, C, SW M M Looks like Austrian pine. Loam to
(Pinus thunbergiana) clay. Tolerates salty soils. Very
susceptible to Pine Wood Nematode.
Pine, Japanese Red A M H Sun to part shade. Loam to clay loam.
(Pinus densiflora) Many stems, orange with age. Shelter
from cold northwest winter wind. Very
susceptible to Pine Wood Nematode.
Pine, Lacebark A L H Prefers well-drained soil in sunny
(Pinus bungeana) location. Interesting exfoliating bark.
Pine, Limber A L M Better north than south. Nematode
(Pinus flexilis) resistant. Well-drained moist soil.
Flexible limbs. Five needled tree.
Pine, Loblolly NE, SE, C, W H H Loam to clay loam. Sun to part
(Pinus taeda) shade. Southeast U.S. forest pine,
thus do not make suitable specimen
or windbreak plants. Pine Tip moth a
problem when young.
Pine, Mugo A L L Loam to clay loam. Full sun. Better
(Pinus mugo) adapted north of I-40.
Pine, Pinyon P, NW, SW L M Compact to 30 feet. Excellent for
(Pinus cembroides edulis) panhandle. Sandy loam, full sun.
*Pine, Ponderosa A M H Very drought and wind tolerant.
(Pinus ponderosa) Well-drained loam to rocky soil. Full
sun. Pine Tip borer may be a
problem when tree is young.
Pine, Red or Norway A M H Well-drained soil. Full sun. Better adapted
(Pinus resinosa) north of I-40. Pine Tip borer when young.

Master Gardeners Manual 269

Table 6.7. Evergreen Trees (cont’d).

Region GR MHt Comments

Pine, Scots or Scotch A M H Common Christmas tree. Compact

(Pinus sylvestris) forms are available. Pine Tip moth
when young. Very susceptible to
Pine Wood Nematode. Loam to clay
Pine, Short Leaf SE, C L H Fairly drought tolerant. Does well in
(Pinus echinata) drier, rocky, upland soils. Very
picturesque with age.
Pine, Slash SE, C H H Loam to clay loam. Sun to part
(Pinus elliottii) shade. Southeast U.S. forest pine,
thus do not make suitable specimen
or windbreak plants. Pine Tip moth a
problem when young.
Pine, Southwestern White A M M Loam soil. Full sun to part shade.
(Pinus strobiformis) Plants growing well in Stillwater, OK,
and Wichita, KS. Grows to 80’ tall in
New Mexico and southwest U.S.
Pine, Virginia A L M Not very ornamental. Grown for
(Pinus virginiana) Christmas tree industry. Very
susceptible to pine tip borer. Clay
loam to sandy loam.
Redwood, Dawn NE, SE, C H H Thrives in deep, well-drained, rich,
(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) moist soils. Full sun. May be surface
Spruce, Dwarf Alberta A L L Compact to about 10 feet in 30
(Picea glauca ‘Conica’) years. Spider mites can be a
problem in hot weather. Better
adapted to northern portions of
Oklahoma. Locate in area that is
protected from dry winds and late,
hot sun. Does best in sandy loam
soil with adequate irrigation.
Yew, Anglojap A L L Thayerae and Runyan have
(Taxus x media) performed well in Oklahoma. Yews
require excellent drainage. Anything
less than excellent and the plants
will suffer, decline and die. Do best
in deep, rich, moist acid soils.
Protect from harsh afternoon sun
and dry winter winds. Can be
sheared as a hedge.
Yew, Japanese A L M Yews require excellent drainage.
(Taxus cuspidata) Anything less than excellent and the
plants will suffer, decline and die. Do
best in deep, rich, moist acid soils.
Protect from harsh afternoon sun
and dry winter winds. Can be
sheared as a hedge.

270 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.8. Deciduous Shrubs (some can grow naturally as small trees or be found grafted as a standard)*

Common Name Species Characteristics

Botanical Name Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Deciduous Shrubs

Althea or Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) 8-12 6-10 A Wildscape candidate. Red, white, pink and purple flowers.
Barberry, Japanese (Berberis thunbergii) 3-6 4-7 A Green foliage, small thorns, red fruits.
Barberry, Mentor (B. x mentorensis) 5 5-7 A Yellow flowers, semi-evergreen.
Barberry, Red leaf (B. thunbergii atropurpurea) 3-6 4-7 A Reddish or purple foliage, many selections available.
Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) 5-12 5-12 NE, SE Male and female plants needed for good fruit development.
Beautyberry, Purple (Callicarpa dichotoma) 3-4 4-5 A White fruits available.
Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) 6-10 5-8 A Prune to expose exfoliating bark.
Blue Mist or Bluebeard Shrub 3-5 3-5 A Sometimes freezes back, but regenerates from roots.
(Caryopteris x clandonensis) True blue flowers.
Buddleia, Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) 5-10 4-5 A Wildscape plant. Attracts butterflies.
Bush Cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) 1-4 2-4 A May suffer from heat stress. Flowers in a variety of colors.
Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) 3-6 3-6 A Good for growing in or near ponds, but also tolerant of
normal landscaping conditions. Glossy foliage, white
flowers, button-like fruit.
Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus floridus) 6-9 6-12 A Fragrant flowers. Prefers deep, moist loam. Adapts to acid
and alkaline soils. Shade or sun.

Chokeberry, Black (Aronia melanocarpa) 3-5 3-5 A Suckers profusely forming large colonies over time. Pro
vides year-round interest.
Chokeberry, Purple-fruited (A. x prunifolia) 8 4-6 A Tends to sucker. Good for banks and difficult to mow areas.
Chokeberry, Red (A. arbutifolia) 6-10 3-5 A Tends to sucker. Good for banks and difficult to mow areas.
Cotoneaster, Cranberry (Cotoneaster apiculatus) 3 3-6 A Occasional disease and insect problems. Showy fruits.
Cotoneaster, Rock (C. horizontalis) 2-3 5-8 A Occasional disease and insect problems. Showy fruits.
Cotoneaster, Spreading (C. divaricatus) 5-6 6-8 A Occasional disease and insect problems. Showy fruits.
Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) 6-20 A Many cultivars available. Actual size of plant is based on
cultivar. Choose powdery mildew resistant varieties. In
colder areas, may freeze back, but will regrow from roots.
Currant, Clove, Missouri, or Golden
(Ribes odoratum) 6-8 4-5 A Yellow, clove-scented flowers, edible fruit.
Dogwood, Red-Osier of Red Twig
(Cornus sericea) 7-9 10 A Hot, humid conditions may lead to decline. Red twigs
showy in winter.

Master Gardeners Manual

Eastern Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus) 12-24 8-10 A Attractive fall color and fruits. Can be trained as a tree.
Euonymus, American or Strawberry-bush
(E. americanus) 4-6 3-4 A Can be infected by scale. Red fall color and showy fruits.

Table 6.8. Deciduous Shrubs (some can grow naturally as small trees or be found grafted as a standard)* (cont’d).

Common Name Species Characteristics
Botanical Name Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Euonymus, Winged (E. alatus) 15-20 15-20 A Does not contract scale. Dwarf cultivars available, five to 10
feet high and wide.
Fig, Common (Ficus carica) 8-10 5-7 NE, SE Fruit is edible. May freeze back from harsh winters.
Forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia) 8-10 10-12 A Very early yellow flowers.
Fothergilla (Fothergilla spp.) 6-10 5-8 NE, SE Prefers acid soils. Interesting white flowers appear before
leaves in early spring. Provide shade for optimal growth; leaf
scorch may occur if planted in full sun.
Honeysuckle, Morrow (Lonicera morrowii) 6-8 6-10 A Red fruits, shrub type habit.
Honeysuckle, Tatarian (L. tatarica) 10-12 10 A Considered weedy. Many cultivars.

Master Gardeners Manual

Honeysuckle, Winter (L. fragrantissima) 6-10 6-10 A Exceptional fragrance. Blooms in Feb.-March.
Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp.) 3-6 3-6 A Showy flowers, pH sensitive.
Hydrangea, Oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia) 4-6 4-6 A Best in shade, moist soil. Showy flowers, good fall color,
many cultivars available. Oklahoma Proven selection.
Jasmine, Winter (Jasminum nudiflorum) 3-4 4-7 A Flowers December - March. Bright yellow flowers. Young
stems bright green.
Kerria, Japanese (Kerria japonica) 3-6 6-9 A Full shade; bright yellow flowers in late spring/early summer.
Green stems are showy in winter. Oklahoma Proven
Lilac, French or Common 8-15 6-12 A Seek out local expertise when choosing lilacs. Besides
(Syringa vulgaris and other related species.) finding mildew-resistant types, inquire about fragrance, and
other ornamental characteristics.
Mockorange, Sweet
(Philadelphus coronarius and related spp.) 10-12 10-12 A Many types available for white, fragrant spring flowers.
Ninebark, dwarf (Physocarpus opulifolius) 5-7 5-6 A DiabloTM and other purple leaf selections are available.
Paradise Poinciana or Bird of Paradise
(Caesalpinia gilliesii) 10 6-8 NE, SE, SW May freeze out depending upon variety and planting
location, but often root hardy. Grow for tropical looking
Pearl Bush, common
(Exochorda racemosa; E. x macrantha) 10-15 10-15 NE, SE White flowers.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) 12-20 12-20 NE, SE Glossy foliage, orange flowers, edible fruit, may freeze back.
Privet, Common or Hedge plant
(Ligustrum vulgare) 12-15 12-15 A Good for “instant” hedge.
Privet, Golden or Golden Vicary (L. x vicaryi) 10-12 6-8 A Golden yellow foliage color.
Quince, Flowering (Chaenomeles speciosa) 6-10 6-10 A White, pink, or red flowers.
Rose (Rosa spp.) 4-6 4-6 A Seek grower advice for disease resistant cultivars.
Saint John’s-wort (Hypericum patulum) 3-4 3-4 A Yellow summer flowers.
Table 6.8. Deciduous Shrubs (some can grow naturally as small trees or be found grafted as a standard)* (cont’d).

Common Name Species Characteristics

Botanical Name Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Siberian Peashrub (Caragana arborescens) 15-20 12-18 A Grows well in tough sites, yellow flowers.
Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) 3-6 3-6 A White fruits. S. orbiculatus has pink fruits.
Spirea, Anthony Waterer
(Spiraea x bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer’) 3-4 4-5 A Pink summer flowers.
Spirea, Magic Carpet
(S. japonica ‘Magic Carpet’) 2-3 2-3 A Orange-red to reddish purple young new shoots, yellow-gold
at maturity, pinkish flowers.
Sumac, Cutleaf (Rhus glabra ‘Laciniata’) 10-15 10-15 A Leaflets deeply cut and lobed; produces bright scarlet fruit.
Sumac, Smooth (R. glabra) 10-15 10-15 A Excellent fall color; crimson fruits on female plants. Suckers
form colonies. Tough plant found growing in difficult sites.
Sumac, Staghorn (R. typhina) 15-25 15-25 A Excellent fall color; crimson fruits on female plants. Suckers
form colonies. Tough plant found growing in difficult sites.
Sweetspire, Virginia (Itea virginica) 3-5 3-5 NE, SE White flower, showy fall color.
Viburnum, Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) 6-8 6-15 A Showy blue fruits. Several cultivars available.
Viburnum, Burkwood (V. x burkwoodii) 8-10 6-8 A Fragrant flowers.
Viburnum, Doublefile or Japanese
(V. plicatum var. tomentosum) 8-10 9-12 NE, SE White flowers, heavily floriferous.

Viburnum, European or Snowball (V. opulus) 8-12 10-15 A White flowers, red fruits.
Vitex, or Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) 8-10 8-10 A Lavender, pink, or white flowers, attractive foliage. Attracts
butterflies. May freeze, but regenerate from roots.
Weigela (Weigela florida) 6-9 9-12 A Many cultivars.
Willow, Goat or Pussy (Salix caprea) 15-25 12-15 A Fast growth, showy winter/early spring flowers.
Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis) 6-10 4-5 SW, NE, SE Grow for winter flowers.

* Many varieties and cultivars of shrubs exist that are not listed. For the sake of brevity, only one or two samples are provided for any given group of
plants. For example, there are numerous variations or cultivars of barberry, viburnum and others selected for foliage or flower color, size, etc.

Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.9. Evergreen Shrubs.

Common Name – Botanical Name Species Characteristics

Coniferous Shrubs (Narrowleaf) Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Juniper, Chinese (Juniperus chinensis) 1-25+ 3-10 A Size varies significantly depending on cultivar and there are
many. Spreading shrub to upright shrub or tree.
Juniper, Creeping (J. horizontalis) 1-2 4-8 A Size is also variable, but definitely low-growing, spreading
Juniper, Japgarden (J. procumbens) 3/4-2 10-15 A Attractive in planters.
Juniper, Rocky Mountain (J. scopulorum) 30-40 3-15 NW, SW Similar to native eastern red cedar.
Juniper, Savin (J. sabina) 4-6 5-10 A Several cultivars available.
Juniper, Shore (J. conferta) 1-2 6-9 A May have some shade tolerance.

Master Gardeners Manual

Pine, Mugo (Pinus mugo) 15-20 25-30 A Low growing forms available from three to six feet tall.
Yew, Anglojap (Taxus x media) 2-20 A Cultivar Runyan has performed well in Oklahoma.
Yew, Japanese (T. cuspidata) 5-15 5-15 A Size varies with cultivar. The cultivar Thayerae has
performed well in Oklahoma.

Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Abelia, Glossy (Abelia x grandiflora) 3-6 3-6 NE, SE, SW May develop severe chlorosis in high pH soils.
Aucuba (Aucuba japonica) 6-10 5-8 SE (NE) Excellent for shady areas. Not drought tolerant. Tolerates
moist clay soils. Variegated forms available.
Azalea, (Rhododendron spp.) Varies Varies NE, SE Keep mulched, shelter from sun and wind. Not drought
tolerant. High maintenance plant. Flowers and twigs
poisonous if eaten. Vast selections available; confer with
garden center personnel.
Barberry, William Penn
(Berberis x gladwynensis ‘William Penn’) 4 4 A Showy foliage. Semi-evergreen.
Barberry, Wintergreen or Juliane (B. julianae) 6-8 6-8 A Very spiny, makes good barrier or hedge. Lustrous dark
green leaves, yellow spring flowers, and bluish black fruits
that persist into winter.
Boxwood, Common or English 15-20 15-20 A Do not cultivate or over fertilize. Winter sunscald if not
(Buxus sempervirens) shaded. Many cultivars available, most grow smaller than
Boxwood, Little Leaf (B. microphylla) 3-4 3-4 A Slow growth, showy foliage, good for formal plantings.
Camellia, Sasanqua (Camellia sasanqua) 6-10 NE, SE Showy fall flowers. Some camellias yield winter flowers. Dark
glossy green leaves.
Cherrylaurel or English Laurel
(Prunus laurocerasus) 10-18 SW, NE, SE Needs well-drained soil. Fragrant flowers. Toxic foliage.
Cherrylaurel, Carolina (Prunus caroliniana) 20-30 15-25 NE, SE Evergreen, toxic foliage.
Table 6.9. Evergreen Shrubs (cont’d).

Common Name – Botanical Name Species Characteristics

Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Cotoneaster, Bearberry (Cotoneaster dammeri) 1-1 ½ 6+ A Semi-evergreen, attractive fruits.

Elaeagnus, Silverberry (Elaeagnus pungens) 10-15 10-15 A Fruits seldom seen, but may attract birds. Semi-evergreen
foliage used in hedges.
Euonymus, Japanese 5-10 5-10 A Glossy green leaf. Numerous cultivars available. Highly
(Euonymus japonica several cultivars) susceptible to scale insect.
Euonymus, Spreading (E. kiautschovicus) 8-10 8-10 A Fruit not showy, but interestingly attractive. ‘Manhattan’
cultivar is a superior species.
Euonymus, Winter Creeper (E. fortunei) 1/3-1 3-6+ A Many cultivars available. Leafspot and scale possible.
Holly, Chinese or Horned (Ilex cornuta) 8-10 10+ NE, SE Spiny glossy leaf. Shelter from wind. Many cultivars
available. Showy fruit on female plants, male is usually
required for fruiting.
Holly, The Blue or Meserve Hollies 8-20 4-10 A Should grow in northwest Oklahoma with shelter. Deep
(I. x meserveae) green leaves with blue gloss. Showy fruit on female plants.
Hollies, Fosters Hybrid (I. x attenuata) 20-30 NE, SE Showy fruit on female plants.
Holly, Inkberry (semi-evergreen) (I. glabra) 6-8 8-10 NE, SE Many cultivars available. Showy fruit on female plants.
Prefers acid, moist soil. Will grow in swampy areas.
Holly, Japanese (I. crenata) 5-10 5-10 NE, SE Leaves without spines, dark green. Shelter from sun and

wind. Best adapted to northeast Oklahoma. Many cultivars
Holly, Yaupon (I. vomitoria) 4-20 6-8 A Tough holly, but likes mulch and light amounts of fertilizer.
Leaf without spines, dark green on top with gray-back stems.
Dwarf yaupon makes good substitute for boxwood. Can be
sheared. More tolerant of wind and sun than other hollies.
Honeysuckle, Winter (Lonicera fragrantissima) 6-10 6-10 A Very fragrant flowers that bloom in late winter. Semi-evergreen.
Indian Hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis umbellata) 4-6 4-6 SE, SW Marginally hardy. Flowers vary from late winter to early
summer. Medium drought tolerance. Best for southern
portions of Oklahoma.
Laurel, Mountain (Kalmia latifolia) 4-8 4-5 NE, SE Challenging to grow in Oklahoma, attractive flowers.
Mahonia, Creeping (Mahonia repens) 3/4-1 ¾ 3-4 A Spreading, evergreen groundcover. Yellow spring flowers,
grape-like fruit.
Mahonia or Oregon Grape Holly 3-6 3-5 A Glossy, spiny, dark green leaf, new leaves red purple.
(M. aquifolium) Summer grape-like fruit. Best in part shade. Suckers and

Master Gardeners Manual

will form colonies.
Mahonia, Leatherleaf (M. bealei) 6-10 6-8 NE, SE Large, leathery, stiff, blue green leaf. Flowers are very
fragrant. Grape-like fruit. Medium drought tolerance.

Table 6.9. Evergreen Shrubs (cont’d).

Common Name – Botanical Name Species Characteristics

Height ft. Spread ft. Region Comments

Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo 4-8 4-5 A Lacy leaf. Small red fruit in fall. Tough plant, drought
(Nandina domestica) tolerant. Red fall leaf color. Many cultivars available; vary
greatly in size. Semi-evergreen.
Osmanthus or False Holly 8-10 6-8 SE Flowers form in fall, are often hidden, but very fragrant.
(Osmanthus heterophyllus) Shelter, keep mulched, watered and fertilized. Holly
Palmetto, (Sabal minor) 5-8 5 SE, NE Native to SE Oklahoma. Provides tropical flare to landscape.
Photinia, Chinese (Photinia serrulata) 20-25 14-16 A Resistant to leaf spot.

Master Gardeners Manual

Photinia, Redtip (P. x fraseri) 10-15 5-8 A Pretty red new growth, may contract Entomosporium leaf
spot. Prune in spring for density. Avoid wet or hot sites.
Nitrogen fertilizer beneficial. Drought tolerant.
Pieris, Japanese (Pieris japonica) 3-4+ 6-8 NE, SE Showy white flowers in spring. Moist, acid, well-drained soil.
Pittosporum, Japanese (Pittosporum tobira) 10-12 15-24 SE Should probably be limited to extreme southeast corner of
state. Smaller cultivars available. Fragrant creamy white
flowers in spring. Relatively tough plant, not too finicky of
Sun or heavy shade. Freeze injury possible.
Privet, Japanese (Ligustrum japonicum) 6-12 6-8 NE, SE Adaptable, withstands heavy pruning. White spring flower,
dull black fruits.
Pyracantha, Scarlet Firethorn 6-18 6-18 A Outstanding, bright orange-red fruit persisting into winter.
(Pyracantha coccinea) Some disease and insect problems. Does well in dry soil.
Rhododendron (Rhododendron hybrids) Varies Varies NE, SE Beautiful spring flowers.
Viburnum, Alleghany 10 11 NE, SE, These and many other viburnums are valued for spring
(Viburnum x rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’) NW, SW flowers, often fragrant, pest free deciduous or evergreen
foliage, brilliant fall color, and showy fruits.
Viburnum, Leatherleaf 10-15 10-15 NE, SE Showy fruits. Shelter from sun, reflected heat and wind. Not
(Viburnum rhytidophyllum) drought tolerant.
Yucca, Adam’s Needle (Yucca filamentosa) 3-4 3-4 A Cold hardy. Grows about anywhere except very wet sites.
Produces yellowish-white pendulous flowers on three to six
foot tall stalk in summer.
Yucca, Red (Hesperaloe parvifolia) 3-4 3-4 A Dark pink to red flowers arising on a four to five foot stalk.

* Many varieties and cultivars of shrubs exist that are not listed. However, for the sake of brevity, only one or two samples are provided for any given
group of plants. For example, there are numerous variations or cultivars of barberry selected for foliage color, size, etc.
Hackberry, Common
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines (Celtis occidentalis)
Plant Selection Guide Hawthorn
(Crataegus spp.)
Tolerates or Prefers Dry Locations Holly, Deciduous or Possumhaw
Most or all of the trees, shrubs, and vines list- (Ilex decidua)
ed below will require vigilant irrigation for at least Hornbeam, European
the first growing season. However, upon estab- (Carpinus betulus)
lishment, the plants below are known to tolerate or Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree
even prefer dry sites. Tolerance to dry or xeric con- (Sophora japonica)
ditions will widely differ amongst these species, Juniper, Chinese
sometimes at the expense of normal flowering, fall (Juniperus chinensis)
color, etc. Juniper, Rocky Mountain
(Juniperus scopulorum)
Trees Kentucky Coffeetree
Ash, Green (Gymnocladus dioicus)
(Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Lilac, Japanese Tree
Bayberry, Northern (Syringa reticulata)
(Myrica pensylvanica) Maple, Amur or Ginnala
Beautybush (Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala)
(Kolkwitzia amabilis) Maple, Hedge
Buckeye, Red (Acer campestre)
(Aesculus pavia) Maple, Shantung
Chittimwood (Acer truncatum)
(Bumelia lanuginosa) Maple, Tatarian
Corktree, Amur (Acer tataricum)
(Phellodendron amurense) Mulberry, Fruitless White
Crabapple (Morus alba ‘Fruitless’)
(Malus spp.) Oak, Blackjack
Crapemyrtle (Quercus marilandica)
(Lagerstroemia indica) Oak, Bur
Cypress, Bald (Quercus macrocarpa)
(Taxodium distichum) Oak, Chinkapin
Cypress, Pond (Quercus muehlenbergii)
(Taxodium ascendens) Oak, Red
Date, Chinese (Quercus rubra)
(Ziziphus jujuba) Oak, Sawtooth
Desert-Willow (Quercus acutissima)
(Chilopsis linearis) Oak, Shumard
Elm (Quercus shumardii)
(Ulmus spp.) Osage Orange ‘Whiteshield’
Empress or Princess Tree (Maclura pomifera ‘Whiteshield’)
(Paulownia tomentosa) Pear, Ornamental
Euonymus, Winterberry (Pyrus calleryana cultivars)
(Euonymus bungeanus) Pecan
Evodia, Korean (Carya illinoinensis)
(Evodia daniellii) Persimmon
Filbert, Turkish (Diospyros spp.)
(Corylus colurna) Pine, Austrian
Goldenraintree (Pinus nigra)
(Koelreuteria paniculata)

Master Gardeners Manual 277

Pine, Japanese Black Bush Cinquefoil
(Pinus thunbergiana) (Potentilla fruticosa)
Pine, Limber Chokeberry, Black
(Pinus flexilis) (Aronia melanocarpa)
Pine, Ponderosa Chokeberry, Red
(Pinus ponderosa) (Aronia arbutifolia)
Pistache, Chinese Coralberry or Buckbrush
(Pistacia chinensis) (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus)
Planetree, London Coralberry, Chenault
(Platanus x acerifolia) (Symphoricarpos x chenaultii)
Plum, Mexican Cotoneaster, Rock
(Prunus mexicana) (Cotoneaster apiculatus)
Redbud Cotoneaster, Spreading
(Cercis spp.) (Cotoneaster divaricatus)
Redcedar, Eastern Cotoneaster, Willowleaf
(Juniperus virginiana) (Cotoneaster salicifolius)
Russian-Olive Devil’s-walkingstick
(Elaeagnus angustifolia) (Aralia spinosa)
Serviceberry Dogwood, Gray
(Amelanchier spp.) (Cornus racemosa)
Smoketree, Common Dogwood, Roughleaf
(Cotinus coggygria) (Cornus asperifolia
Soapberry, Western var. drummondii)
(Sapindus drummondii) Firethorn
Sumac (Pyracantha coccinea)
(Rhus spp.) Holly, Chinese
Sycamore (Ilex cornuta)
(Platanus occidentalis) Holly, Yaupon
Yellowwood, American (Ilex vomitoria)
(Cladrastis kentukea) Honeysuckle, Morrow
Zelkova, Japanese (Lonicera morrowii)
(Zelkova serrata) Honeysuckle, Southern Bush
(Diervilla sessilifolia)
Shrubs Honeysuckle, Tatarian
Abelia, Glossy (Lonicera tatarica)
(Abelia x grandiflora) Honeysuckle, Winter
Aralia, Fiveleaf (Lonicera fragrantissima)
(Eleutherococcus sieboldianus) Hydrangea, Smooth
Aucuba, Japanese (Hydrangea arborescens)
(Aucuba japonica) Indian Hawthorn
Barberry, Japanese (Raphiolepsis spp.)
(Berberis thunbergii) Juniper
Barberry, Mentor (Juniperus spp.)
(Berberis x mentorenesis) Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo
Beautyberry, American (Nandina domestica)
(Callicarpa americana) Ninebark, Diablo
Bluebeard or Blue Mist (Physocarpus opulifolius DiabloTM)
(Caryopteris x clandonensis) Olive, Autumn
Blueberry, Highbush (Elaeagnus umbellata)
(Vaccinium corymbosum) Paradise Ponciana or Bird of Paradise
(Caesalpinia gilliesi)

278 Master Gardeners Manual

Pearl Bush Silver Lace Vine
(Exochorda spp.) (Polygonum aubertii)
Photinia Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine
(Photinia spp.) (Campsis radicans)
Plum, American Virginia Creeper
(Prunus americana) (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Plum, Sand or Chickasaw Wisteria
(Prunus angustifolia) (Wisteria spp.)
(Ligustrum spp.)
Quince, Flowering Tolerates or Prefers Wet Locations
(Chaenomeles spp.) Plants listed below will only tolerate flooding for
Rose-of-Sharon or Shrub Althea short periods of time (normally only a few days).
(Hibiscus syriacus) Very few, with the exception of bald cypress and a
Rose, Rugosa few others, will actually survive long-term submer-
(Rosa rugosa) sion of their root systems.
Saint Johnswort
(Hypericum spp.) Trees
Serviceberry, Shadblow Alder
(Amelanchier canadensis) (Alnus spp.)
Siberian Peashrub Arborvitae
(Caragana arborescens) (Thuja spp.)
Spirea, Anthony Waterer Ash, Green
(Spiraea x bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer’) (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
Spirea, Vanhoutte Birch, River
(Spiraea x vanhouttei) (Betula nigra)
Sumac, Fragrant Black Gum
(Rhus aromatica) (Nyssa sylvatica)
Sumac, Smooth Boxelder
(Rhus glabra) (Acer negundo)
Witchhazel Buckeye, Ohio
(Hamamelis spp.) (Aesculus glabra)
Yellowroot Cottonwood, Eastern
(Xanthorhiza simplicissima) (Populus deltoides)
Yucca Cypress, Bald
(Yucca spp.) (Taxodium distichum)
Cypress, Pond
Vines (Taxodium ascendens)
Akebia, Fiveleaf Elm, American
(Akebia quinata) (Ulmus americana)
Ampelopsis, Porcelain Elm, Cedar
(Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) (Ulmus crassifolia)
Bittersweet, American Hackberry, Common
(Celastrus scandens) (Celtis occidentalis)
Boston Ivy Hackberry, Sugar
(Parthenocissus tricuspidata) (Celtis laevigata)
Carolina Yellow Jessamine Hickory, Shagbark
(Gelsemium sempervirens) (Carya ovata)
Rose, Lady Banksia Hornbeam, American
(Rosa banksia) (Carpinus caroliniana)

Master Gardeners Manual 279

Linden, American Sweetspire, Virginia
(Tilia americana) (Itea virginica)
Maple, Red Viburnum, European or Snowball
(Acer rubrum) (Viburnum opulus)
Maple, Silver Waxmyrtle, Southern
(Acer saccharinum) (Myrica cerifera)
Mulberry Vine
(Morus spp.) Rose, Swamp
Oak, Pin (Rosa palustris scandens)
(Quercus palustris)
Oak, Red Tolerates or Prefers Shade
(Quercus rubra) The following plants will perform well under shady
Oak, Swamp White conditions.
(Quercus bicolor)
Oak, Water Trees
(Quercus nigra) Beech
Pecan (Fagus spp.)
(Carya illinoinensis) Black Gum
Pine, Loblolly (Nyssa sylvatica)
(Pinus taeda) Buckeye, Red
Planetree, London (Aesculus glabra spp. pavia)
(Plantanus x acerifolia) Cherrylaurel, Carolina
Soapberry, Western (Prunus caroliniana)
(Sapindus drummondii) Dogwood, Flowering
Sweetgum (Cornus florida)
(Liquidambar styraciflua) Fringetree
Sycamore (Chionanthus virginicus)
(Platanus occidentalis) Holly
Willow (Ilex spp.)
(Salix spp.) Magnolia, Saucer
(Magnolia soulangiana)
Shrubs Magnolia, Sweetbay
Beautyberry, Purple (Magnolia virginiana)
(Callicarpa dichotoma) Maple, Japanese
Buttonbush (Acer palmatum)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis) Maple, Sugar
Chokeberry (Acer saccharum)
(Aronia spp.) Pawpaw
Cinquefoil, Bush (Asimina triloba)
(Potentilla fruticosa) Redbud
Dogwood, Redosier or Red Twig (Cercis spp.)
(Cornus sericea) Sassafras
Dogwood, Roughleaf (Sassafras albidum)
(Cornus asperifolia var. drummondi) Silverbell
Dogwood, Swamp (Halesia spp.)
(Cornus amomum) Serviceberry
Elderberry (Amelanchier spp.)
(Sambucus canadensis) Sourwood
Holly, Deciduous or Possumhaw (Oxydendrum arboreum)
(Ilex decidua) Yellowwood, American
(Cladrastis kentukea)

280 Master Gardeners Manual

Shrubs Spirea, Vanhoutte
Abelia, Glossy (Spiraea x vanhouttei)
(Abelia x grandiflora) Sweetspire, Virginia
Aucuba, Japanese (Itea virginica)
(Aucuba japonica) Weigela
Azalea (Weigela florida)
(Rhododendron spp.) Yew
Barberry, Japanese (Taxus spp.)
(Berberis thunbergii) Viburnum
Barberry, Mentor (Viburnum spp.)
(Berberis x mentorenesis)
Boxwood, Common Vines
(Buxus sempervirens) Akebia, Fiveleaf
Buttonbush (Akebia quinata)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis) Ampelopsis, Porcelain
Camellia (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata)
(Camellia spp.) Boston Ivy
Coralberry (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
(Symphoricarpos spp.) English Ivy
Currant, Golden (Hedera helix)
(Ribes alpinum ‘Aureum’) Hydrangea, Climbing
Dogwood, Redosier or Red Twig (Hydrangea anomala)
(Cornus sericea) Honeysuckle, Trumpet
Euonymus (Lonicera sempervirens)
(Euonymus spp.) Virginia Creeper
Fothergilla (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
(Fothergilla spp.) Wintercreeper
Holly (Euonymus fortunei)
(Ilex spp.)
Honeysuckle, Winter Tolerates or Prefers Alkaline Soils
(Lonicera fragrantissima) Many of the plants listed below will thrive and re-
Hydrangea main green despite growing in high pH soils. How-
(Hydrangea spp.) ever, when pH values exceed pH 8.0 it may be dif-
Jasmine, Winter ficult to grow some of these species.
(Jasminum nudiflorum)
Jetbead, Black Trees
(Rhodotypos scandens) Arborvitae
Kerria, Japanese (Thuja spp.)
(Kerria japonica) Ash
Mockorange (Fraxinus spp.)
(Philadelphus spp.) Boxelder
Mahonia, Creeping (Acer negundo)
(Mahonia repens) Catalpa
Mahonia, Leatherleaf (Catalpa bignonioides)
(Mahonia bealei) Cherrylaurel, Carolina
Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo (Prunus caroliniana)
(Nandina domestica) Chittimwood
Pine, Mugo (Dwarf cultivars) (Bumelia lanuginosa)
(Pinus mugo) Cottonwood
Privet (Populus spp.)
(Ligustrum spp.)

Master Gardeners Manual 281

Crabapple Osage Orange
(Malus spp.) (Maclura pomifera)
Crapemyrtle Pear, Ornamental
(Lagerstroemia indica) (Pyrus calleryana cultivars)
Date, Chinese Persimmon
(Ziziphus jujuba) (Diospyros spp.)
Dawn Redwood Pistache, Chinese
(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) (Pistacia chinensis)
Desert-willow Pine
(Chilopsis linearis) (Pinus spp.)
Elm Planetree, London
(Ulmus spp.) (Platanus x acerifolia)
Empress or Princess Tree Poplar
(Paulownia tomentosa) (Populus spp.)
Ginkgo Redbud
(Ginkgo biloba) (Cercis spp.)
Goldenraintree Smoketree
(Koelreuteria paniculata) (Cotinus spp.)
Hackberry, Common Soapberry, Western
(Celtis occidentalis) (Sapindus drummondii)
Hawthorn Sycamore
(Crataegus spp.) (Platanus occidentalis)
Holly, Possumhaw or Deciduous Walnut
(Ilex decidua) (Juglans spp.)
Honeylocust Willow
(Gleditsia spp.) (Salix spp.)
Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree Yellowwood, American
(Sophora japonica) (Cladrastis kentukea)
(Juniperus spp.) Shrubs
Kentucky Coffeetree Barberry
(Gymnocladus dioicus) (Berberis spp.)
Lilac, Japanese Tree Beautyberry, Purple
(Syringa reticulata) (Callicarpa dichotoma)
Linden Beautybush
(Tilia spp.) (Kolkwitzia amabilis)
Maple Bluebeard or Blue Mist
(Acer spp.) (Caryopteris x clandonensis)
Mulberry Boxwood
(Morus spp.) (Buxus spp.)
Oak, Bur Bush Cinquefoil
(Quercus macropcarpa) (Potentilla fruticosa)
Oak, Chinkapin Butterfly Bush
(Quercus muhlenbergii) (Buddleia davidii)
Oak, English Sweet Shrub, Common or
(Quercus robur) Carolina Allspice
Oak, Post (Calycanthus floridus)
(Quercus stellata) Chokeberry
Oak, Shumard (Aronia spp.)
(Quercus shumardii) Cotoneaster
(Cotoneaster spp.)

282 Master Gardeners Manual

Crapemyrtle Silver Lace Vine
(Lagerstroemia indica) (Polygonum aubertii)
Dogwood, Redosier or Red Twig Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine
(Cornus sericea) (Campsis radicans)
Euonymus Virginia Creeper
(Euonymus spp.) (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
(Pyracantha spp.)
Forsythia Tolerates or Prefers Salty Soils
(Forsythia spp.) Plants below have varying degrees of tolerance
Honeysuckle to saline soils. While some may survive salty soils,
(Lonicera spp.) the homeowner should still expect the possibility of
Juniper scorched leaves and occasionally overall stunting
(Juniperus spp.) of the plant.
(Syringa spp.) Trees
Mahonia Birch, River
(Mahonia spp.) (Betula nigra)
Mockorange Black Gum
(Philadelphus spp.) (Nyssa sylvatica)
Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo Buckeye, Bottlebrush
(Nandina domestica) (Aesculus parviflora)
Ninebark Buckeye, Red
(Physocarpus spp.) (Aesculus glabra spp. pavia)
Pine Cherry, Sargent
(Pinus spp.) (Prunus sargentii)
Privet Corktree, Amur
(Ligustrum spp.) (Phellodendron amurense)
Rose-of-Sharon or Shrub Althea Cypress, Bald
(Hibiscus syriacus) (Taxodium distichum)
Snowberry Cypress, Leyland
(Symphoricarpos albus) (X Cupressocyparis leylandii)
Spirea Elm, Lacebark
(Spiraea spp.) (Ulmus parvifolia)
Viburnum Falsecypress, Hinoki
(Viburnum spp.) (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Yew Falsecypress, Japanese
(Taxus spp.) (Chamaecyparis pisifera)
Yucca Falsecypress, Nootka
(Yucca spp.) (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis)
Falsecypress, Whitecedar or Altantic
Vines (Chamaecyparis thyoides)
Ampelopsis, Porcelain Goldenraintree
(Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Boston Ivy Hornbeam, American
(Parthenocissus tricuspidata) (Carpinus caroliniana)
Dutchman’s-pipe Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree
(Aristolochia macrophylla) (Sophora japonica)
English Ivy Juniper, Chinese
(Hedera helix) (Juniperus chinensis)
Passion Flowers
(Passiflora spp.)
Master Gardeners Manual 283
Lilac, Japanese Tree Bush Cinquefoil
(Syringa reticulata) (Potentilla fruticosa)
Magnolia, Saucer Chokeberry, Black
(Magnolia x soulangiana) (Aronia melanocarpa)
Magnolia, Southern Chokeberry, Red
(Magnolia grandiflora) (Aronia arbutifolia)
Maple, Hedge Cotoneaster, Rock
(Acer campestre) (Cotoneaster apiculatus)
Maple, Amur or Ginnala Cotoneaster, Spreading
(Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala) (Cotoneaster divaricatus)
Maple, Japanese Cotoneaster, Willowleaf
(Acer palmatum) (Cotoneaster salicifolius)
Maple, Paperbark Holly, Inkberry
(Acer griseum) (Ilex glabra)
Maple, Sycamore Holly, Japanese
(Acer pseudoplatanus) (Ilex crenata)
Maple, Tatarian Honeysuckle, Southern Bush
(Acer tataricum) (Diervilla sessilifolia)
Oak, Red Hydrangea, Bigleaf
(Quercus rubra) (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Oak, Sawtooth Hydrangea, Oakleaf
(Quercus acutissima) (Hydrangea quercifolia)
Oak, Swamp White Hydrangea, Panicle
(Quercus bicolor) (Hydrangea paniculata)
Oak, White Hydrangea, Smooth
(Quercus alba) (Hydrangea arborescens)
Plum, Beach Juniper, Shore
(Prunus maritima) (Juniperus conferta)
Redcedar, Eastern Lilac, Littleleaf
(Juniperus virginiana) (Syringa microphylla)
Serviceberry, Allegheny Lilac, Manchurian
(Amelanchier laevis) (Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’)
Serviceberry, Downy Lilac, Meyer
(Amelanchier arborea) (Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’)
Serviceberry, Shadblow Privet, Amur
(Amelanchier canadensis) (Ligustrum amurense)
Sumac, Chinese Rose, Rugosa
(Rhus chinensis) (Rosa rugosa)
Sumac, Flameleaf Viburnum, Arrowwood
(Rhus copallina) (Viburnum dentatum)
Sumac, Fragrant Viburnum, Blackhaw
(Rhus aromatica) (Viburnum prunifolium)
Zelkova, Japanese Viburnum, Siebold
(Zelkova serrata) (Viburnum sieboldii)
Yew, Anglojap
Shrubs (Taxus x media cultivars)
Bayberry, Northern Yew, Japanese
(Myrica pensylvanica) (Taxus cuspidata)
Blueberry, Highbush
(Vaccinium corymbosum)

284 Master Gardeners Manual

Winter Interest Planetree, London
Many plants have ornamental merit during the cold (Platanus x acerifolia)
months. There are a number of other attributes to Sycamore
seek out in addition to flowers. Many plants have (Platanus occidentalis)
characteristics that set them above other plants;
for example - the exquisite bark colors and tex- Shrubs
tures of Heritage river birch, the colorful fruit of Beautybush
the deciduous hollies that persist into the winter, (Kolkwitzia amabilis)
and the unusual branching habit of Harry Lauder’s Burning Bush
walkingstick. (Euonymus alatus)
Dogwood, Redosier or Red Twig
If looked at for typical reasons, please realize, that (Cornus sericea)
some of the plants mentioned ARE NOT the best Dogwood, Yellowtwig
species to include in the landscape. Compromise (Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’)
in plant selection may be necessary for maximum Honeysuckle
winter beauty to be realized. Again, please know (Lonicera spp.)
that plants were mentioned and/or listed below be- Kerria, Japanese
cause of their ability to brighten a dull, winter day. (Kerria japonica)
They may not be ideal plants for certain settings if
the need for winter beauty is not considered. Interesting or Showy Fruit

Showy Bark and Branches or Unusual Form Trees

Trees (Malus spp.)
Beech Euonymus
(Fagus spp.) (Euonymus spp.)
Birch, Heritage River Goldenraintree
(Betula nigra ‘Heritage’) (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Crapemyrtle Hawthorn
(Lagerstroemia spp.) (Crataegus spp.)
Cypress, Bald Holly, American
(Taxodium spp.) (Ilex opaca)
Dawn Redwood Holly, Deciduous or Possumhaw
(Metasequoia glyptostroboides) (Ilex decidua)
Elm, Cedar Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree
(Ulmus crassifolia) (Sophora japonica)
Elm, Lacebark Juniper
(Ulmus parvifolia) (Juniperus spp.)
Elm, Winged Kentucky Coffeetree
(Ulmus alata) (Gymnocladus dioicus)
Harry Lauder’s Walkingstick Linden or Basswood
(Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’) (Tilia spp.)
Maple, Japanese Pistache, Chinese
(Acer palmatum) (Pistacia chinensis)
Maple, Paperbark Soapberry, Western
(Acer griseum) (Sapindus drummondii)
(Diospyros virginiana) Shrubs
Pine Barberry, Japanese
(Pinus spp.) (Berberis thunbergii)

Master Gardeners Manual 285

Beautyberry, Japanese Vines
(Callicarpa japonica) Ampelopsis
Buckthorn, Carolina (Ampelopsis spp.)
(Rhamnus caroliniana) Bittersweet
Buffaloberry, Silver (Celastrus spp.)
(Shepherdia argentea) Clematis
Buttonbush (Clematis spp.)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis) Grape
Chokeberry, Black (Vitis spp.)
(Aronia melanocarpa)
Chokeberry, Red Plants with Flowers During Winter
(Aronia arbutifolia) and Early Spring
Coralberry or Buckbrush Camellia
(Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) (Camellia spp.)
Cotoneaster Forsythia
(Cotoneaster spp.) (Forsythia spp.)
Dogwood Jasmine, Winter
(Cornus spp.) (Jasminum nudiflorum)
Elder Honeysuckle, Winter
(Sambucus spp.) (Lonicera fragrantissima)
Euonymus Quince, Flowering
(Euonymus spp.) (Chaenomeles spp.)
Firethorn Spirea
(Pyracantha spp.) (Spiraea spp.)
Harry Lauder’s Walkingstick Witchhazel
(Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’) (Hamamelis spp.)
Hardy Orange Winterhazel
(Poncirus trifoliata) (Corylopsis spp.)
(Ilex spp. and hybrids) Trees, Shrubs, and Vines with Showy Flowers
Honeysuckle, Morrow We expect herbaceous annual and perennial or-
(Lonicera morrowii) namental plants to bloom in the landscape, but
Honeysuckle, Tatarian when we have trees, shrubs, or vines that bloom,
(Lonicera tatarica) that is an added bonus. Flowers provide changing
Jetbead, Black interest throughout the year. The following plants
(Rhodotypos scandens) provide colorful, showy flowers at different times
Juniper during the growing season.
(Juniperus spp.)
Mahonia Trees
(Mahonia spp.) Buckeye
Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo (Aesculus spp.)
(Nandina domestica) Silverbell, Carolina
Privet (Halesia tetraptera)
(Ligustrum spp.) Catalpa
Sumac (Catalpa spp.)
(Rhus spp.) Chestnut, Chinese
Viburnum (Castanea mollissima)
(Viburnum spp.) Crabapple
(Malus spp.)
(Lagerstroemia spp.)

286 Master Gardeners Manual

Desert-Willow Butterfly Bush
(Chilopsis linearis) (Buddleia spp.)
Dogwood, Flowering Camellia
(Cornus florida) (Camellia spp.)
Empress or Princess tree Cherrylaurel, Carolina
(Paulownia tomentosa) (Prunus caroliniana)
Fringetree Cherrylaurel, Common
(Chionanthus virginicus) (Prunus laurocerasus)
Goldenraintree Cleyera
(Koelreuteria paniculata) (Cleyera japonica)
Hawthorn Cotoneaster
(Crataegus spp.) (Cotoneaster spp.)
Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree Crapemyrtle
(Sophora japonica) (Lagerstroemia spp.)
Lilac, Japanese Tree False Spirea
(Syringa reticulata) (Caryopteris spp.)
Magnolia Firethorn
(Magnolia spp.) (Pyracantha coccinea)
Ornamental Pear (cultivars) Flowering Quince
(Pyrus calleryana) (Chaenomeles spp.)
Plum, Purpleleaf Forsythia
(Prunus cerasifera ‘Atropurpurea’) (Forsythia spp.)
Redbud Honeysuckle
(Cercis spp.) (Lonicera spp.)
Serviceberry Hydrangea
(Amelanchier spp.) (Hydrangea spp.)
Smoketree Indian Hawthorn
(Cotinus spp.) (Raphiolepsis spp.)
Tuliptree Jasmine, Winter
(Liriodendron tulipifera) (Jasminum nudiflorum)
Vitex or Chastetree Lilac
(Vitex spp.) (Syringa spp.)
Yellowwood, American Mahonia
(Cladrastis kentukea) (Mahonia spp.)
Shrubs (Philadelphus spp.)
Abelia, Glossy Mountain Laurel
(Abelia x grandiflora) (Kalmia latifolia)
Azalea Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo
(Rhododendron spp.) (Nandina domestica)
Barberry Otto Luyken Laurel
(Berberis spp.) (Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’)
Beautyberry, Japanese Pearl Bush
(Callicarpa japonica) (Exochorda spp.)
Beautybush Photinia
(Kolkwitzia amabilis) (Photinia spp.)
Bluebeard or Blue Mist Plum, Sand or Chickasaw
(Caryopteris x clandonensis) (Prunus angustifolia)
Bush Cinqefoil Rose
(Potentilla fruticosa) (Rosa spp.)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis)
Master Gardeners Manual 287
Rose-of-Sharon or Shrub Althea is advisable to purchase the plant in the fall when
(Hibiscus syriacus) such colors can be viewed and critiqued by the
Siberian Peashrub consumer.
(Caragana arborescens)
Spirea Trees
(Spiraea spp.) Ash
Saint Johnswort (Fraxinus spp.)
(Hypericum spp.) Beech
Sweet Shrub, Common or (Fagus spp.)
Carolina Allspice Birch
(Calycanthus floridus) (Betula spp.)
Sweetspire, Virginia Black Gum
(Itea virginica) (Nyssa sylvatica)
Viburnums Buckeye, Ohio
(Viburnum spp.) (Aesculus glabra)
Vitex, Chastetree Crapemyrtle
(Vitex agnus-castus) (Lagerstroemia spp.)
Weigela Cypress, Bald
(Weigela florida) (Taxodium distichum)
Witchhazel Dawn Redwood
(Hamamelis spp.) (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
Dogwood, Flowering
Vines (Cornus florida)
Carolina Yellow Jessamine Elm, American
(Gelsemium sempervirens) (Ulmus americana)
Clematis hybrids and species Fringetree
(Clematis spp.) (Chionanthus virginicus)
Climbing Roses Ginkgo
(Rosa spp.) (Ginkgo biloba)
Crossvine Goldenraintree
(Bignonia capreolata) (Koelreuteria paniculata)
Honeysuckle, Trumpet Hawthorn
(Lonicera sempervirens) (Crataegus spp.)
Hydrangea, Climbing Hornbeam, American
(Hydrangea anomala) (Carpinus caroliniana)
Passionflower Vine Kentucky Coffeetree
(Passiflora spp.) (Gymnocladus dioicus)
Silver Lace Vine Linden
(Polygonum aubertii) (Tilia spp.)
Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine Maple
(Campsis radicans) (Acer spp.)
Wisteria Oak
(Wisteria spp.) (Quercus spp.)
Osage Orange ‘Whiteshield’
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Fall Color (Maclura pomifera ‘Whiteshield’)
Many factors influence the quality and intensity Pear, Ornamental
of fall color for any given year. Some of the plants (Pyrus calleryana selections)
listed below have specific species and/or cultivars Pistache, Chinese
that are known for reliable and markedly vivid fall (Pistacia chinensis)
color. When fall color is the priority trait desired, it Redbud
(Cercis spp.)

288 Master Gardeners Manual

Silverbell, Carolina Smoketree, Common
(Halesia tetraptera) (Cotinus coggygria)
Soapberry, Western Spirea
(Sapindus drummondii) (Spiraea spp.)
Sourwood Sumac
(Oxydendrum arboreum) (Rhus spp.)
Sweetgum Sweetshrub, Common or
(Liquidambar styraciflua) Carolina Allspice
Tuliptree (Calycanthus floridus)
(Liriodendron tulipifera) Sweetspire, Virginia
Walnut, Black (Itea virginica)
(Juglans nigra) Viburnum
Yellowwood, American (Viburnum spp.)
(Cladrastis kentukea) Witchhazel
Zelkova, Japanese (Hamamelis spp.)
(Zelkova serrata)

Shrubs Vines
Barberry, Japanese Boston Ivy
(Berberis thunbergii) (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
Beautyberry Virginia Creeper
(Callicarpa spp.) (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Blueberry Wintercreeper
(Vaccinium spp.) (Euonymus fortunei)
(Aronia spp.) When fall color is the priority trait desired, it is
Cotoneaster advisable to purchase the plant in the fall when
(Cotoneaster spp.) such colors can be viewed and critiqued by the
Crapemyrtle consumer.
(Lagerstroemia spp.)
Dogwood Trees for Use Under Power Lines
(Cornus spp.) Just a few of many possible plants for use under
Euonymus, Winged power lines are listed below. All will be slow to reach
(Euonymus alata) a height as to interfere with overhead lines. Again,
Forsythia some plants below have the genetic potential over
(Forsythia spp.) many years to actually reach power lines. Do not
Fothergilla forget to look for the availability of dwarf cultivars
(Fothergilla spp.) in any species for growing under such structures.
Hydrangea, Oakleaf
(Hydrangea quercifolia) Crabapple
Mahonia, Creeping (Malus spp.)
and Oregon Grapeholly Crapemyrtle
(Mahonia repens and M. aquifolium) (Lagerstroemia spp.)
Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo Dogwood, Flowering
(Nandina domestica) (Cornus florida)
Ninebark Euonymus, Winterberry
(Physocarpus spp.) (Euonymus bungeanus)
Parrotia, Persian Hawthorn
(Parrotia persica) (Crataegus spp.)
Serviceberry Holly, Possumhaw or Deciduous
(Amelanchier spp.) (Ilex decidua)

Master Gardeners Manual 289

Holly, Yaupon Maple, Japanese
(Ilex vomitoria) (Acer palmatum)
Magnolia, Star Maple, Paperbark
(Magnolia stellata) (Acer griseum)
Maple, Amur Maple, Shantung
(Acer tataricum spp. ginnala) (Acer truncatum)
Maple, Shantung Maple, Tatarian
(Acer truncatum) (Acer tataricum)
Pine, Mugo Maple, Trident
(Pinus mugo) (Acer buergerianum)
Redbud Pine, Mugo (Dwarf cultivars)
(Cercis spp.) (Pinus mugo)
Rose-of-Sharon or Shrub Althea Plum, Purpleleaf
(Hibiscus syriacus) (Prunus cerasifera ‘Atropurpurea’)
Serviceberry Redbud, Eastern
(Amelanchier spp.) (Cercis canadensis)
Smoketree Redbud, Oklahoma
(Cotinus spp.) (Cercis canadensis ssp. texensis
Smoketree, Common
Trees and Shrubs for the Garden, Patio, or Large (Cotinus coggygria)
Containers Shrubs
Just a few of the many plants that are candidates Abelia, Glossy
for containers are listed below. Realistically, some (Abelia x grandiflora)
plants do not perform well or outgrow containers Barberry
after many years. If permanent plantings are the (Berberis spp.)
expectation, check with garden center personnel Holly, Evergreen and Deciduous
for the best plant(s) to use for long-term success. (Ilex spp.)
Trees (Juniperus spp.)
Crabapple Mahonia, Creeping
(Malus spp.) (Mahonia repens)
Crapemyrtle Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo
(Lagerstroemia spp.) (Dwarf selections)
Desert-Willow (Nandina domestica)
(Chilopsis lineari) Yew
Elm, Seijou Lacebark (Taxus spp.)
(Ulmus parvifolia ‘Seijou’)
Euonymus, Winterberry Small Shrubs for Small Spaces
(Euonymus bungeanus) Many species have cultivars that have been select-
Falsecypress, Hinoki ed for their short height or narrow width at maturity.
(Chamaecyparis obtusa cultivars)
Goldenraintree Arborvitae, Dwarf
(Koelreuteria paniculata) (Thuja spp.)
Harry Lauder’s Walkingstick Crapemyrtles, Miniature
(Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’) (Lagerstroemia spp.)
Holly, Deciduous and Evergreen Dwarf Alberta Spruce
(Ilex spp.) (Picea glauca ‘Conica’)
Maple, Amur Euonymus, Dwarf Box Leaf
(Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala) (Euonymus japonicus ‘Microphyllus’)

290 Master Gardeners Manual

Indian Hawthorne, Ballerina Holly
(Rhaphiolepis spp.) (Ilex spp.)
Junipers, Creeping Magnolia, Southern
(Juniperus spp.) (Magnolia grandiflora)
Mahonia, Creeping Maple
(Mahonia repens) (Acer spp.)
Myrtle, Dwarf Mulberry
(Myrica spp.) (Morus spp.)
Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo Oak
(Dwarf selections) (Quercus spp.)
(Nandina domestica) Pawpaw
Pine, Mugo (Dwarf cultivars) (Asimina triloba)
(Pinus mugo) Pear
Pomegranate, Dwarf (Pyrus spp.)
(Punica granatum ‘Elf’) Pecan
Roses, Miniature (Carya illinoinensis)
(Rosa spp.) Persimmon, American
(Diospyros virginiana)
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines that Attract Wildlife Pine
Many gardeners not only enjoy plants in the land- (Pinus spp.)
scape, but also the wildlife that may be attracted Plum, American Red
to it. The following plants may attract wildlife by (Prunus americana)
the fruits they produce or by providing physical Redcedar, Eastern
protection. (Juniperus virginiana)
Trees (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
Birch, River Sassafras
(Betula nigra) (Sassafras albidum)
Black Gum Serviceberry
(Nyssa sylvatica) (Amelanchier spp.)
Buckeye Soapberry, Western
(Aesculus spp.) (Sapindus drummondii)
Buckthorn, Carolina Tuliptree
(Rhamnus caroliniana) (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Cherry and Plum Waxmyrtle, Southern
(Prunus spp.) (Myrica cerifera)
(Malus spp.) Shrubs
Desert-Willow Abelia
(Chilopsis linearis) (Abelia spp.)
Dogwood Azalea
(Cornus spp.) (Rhododendron spp.)
Elm, Lacebark Barberry
(Ulmus parvifolia) (Berberis spp.)
Hackberry Bayberry, Northern
(Celtis spp.) (Myrica pensylvanica)
Hawthorn Beautyberry
(Crataegus spp.) (Callicarpa spp.)
Hickory Blackberry
(Carya spp.) (Rubus spp.)

Master Gardeners Manual 291

Blueberry Rose
(Vaccinium spp.) (Rosa spp.)
Buckthorn, Carolina Spicebush
(Rhamnus caroliniana) (Lindera benzoin)
Burning Bush Strawberry Bush
(Euonymus atropurpureus) (Euonymus americanus)
Butterfly Bush Sumac
(Buddleia spp.) (Rhus spp.)
Cherrylaurel, Carolina Viburnum
(Prunus caroliniana) (Viburnum spp.)
Currant, Clove Weigela
(Ribes odoratum) (Weigela spp.)
Currant, Indian Snowberry (Buckbrush) Yucca
(Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) (Yucca spp.)
Dogwood, Roughleaf
(Cornus asperifolia var. drummondii) Vines
Elder, American Bittersweet, American
(Sambucus canadensis) (Celastrus scandens)
Firethorn Boston Ivy
(Pyracantha spp.) (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
Mahonia Cross Vine (Trumpet Flower)
(Mahonia spp.) (Bignonia capreolata)
Holly English Ivy
(Ilex spp.) (Hedera helix)
Juniper Grapes
(Juniperus spp.) (Vitis spp.)
Magnolia, Sweetbay Honeysuckle
(Magnolia virginiana) (Lonicera spp.)
New Jersey Tea Passion Flower
(Ceanothus americanus) (Passiflora spp.)
Olive, Autumn Pepper Vine
(Elaeagnus spp.) (Ampelopsis arborea)
Plum, Sand or Chickasaw Pipevine
(Prunus augustifolia) (Aristolochia spp.)
Privet Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine
(Ligustrum spp.) (Campsis radicans)
Quince, Flowering Virginia Creeper
(Chaenomeles spp.) (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)

292 Master Gardeners Manual

Ornamentals Part 4


After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Differentiate between high and low light levels and discuss methods of providing artificial light
for indoor plants.
• Understand the concept of humidity and explain several methods of providing additional hu-
midity to plants.
• Describe several characteristics of a suitable plant container.
• Select and/or mix a suitable growing medium.
• Determine when and how to fertilize indoor plants.
• Explain how and when to water plants and discuss water quality.
• Describe several common methods of propagating indoor plants.
• Recognize some common signs of insect and disease problems of indoor plants and suggest
methods of control.

torn leaves and those that have been treated with

Indoor Plants “leaf shine,” which adds an unnatural polish to the
leaves. Plants with young growth, new flowers and
This section includes information on basic as-
leaf buds are usually of superior quality.
pects of indoor plant care, rather than attempting
Remember — it is easier to purchase a plant
to acquaint you with specific cultural requirements
that tolerates the environmental conditions of the
of more than 250 commonly grown plants in the
residence than to alter the environment to suit the
foliage industry. In most cases, homes and offic-
es are environments poorly suited to the needs of
Transporting houseplants. When trans-
plants. Thus the task of the indoor plant gardener
porting plants, remember the two seasons of
is to select plants that can best withstand the con-
the year that can most readily cause damage
ditions of a specific indoor location.
to plants—the hot summer and the cold winter
months. In the summer, avoid placing plants in a
Selecting an Interior Plant hot car and leaving them. Temperatures will rise
and destroy the plant in a short period of time. If
Select only those plants free of insects and dis- traveling for any distance, the plant can be burned
eases. Check the undersides of the foliage and the by sunlight shining on it, even though the air con-
axils of leaves for signs of insects or disease. Se- ditioner is on and it’s comfortable in the car. Shade
lect plants that look sturdy, clean, well-potted and the plant from direct sun while it is in the car.
shapely. During winter months, wrap plants thoroughly
Choose plants with healthy foliage. before carrying them to your car. A short run from
Avoid plants that have yellow or chlorotic leaves, the store to the car in very low temperatures can
brown leaf margins, wilted foliage, spots or blotch- kill or severely damage plants. Wrap plants thor-
es or spindly growth. In addition, avoid those with oughly with newspaper or paper bags, place in the

Master Gardeners Manual 293

front of the car, and turn on the heater. The trunks for indoor plants, consider three aspects of light:
of most cars are too cold to carry plants safely intensity, duration and quality.
during winter months. Light intensity influences the manufacture of
On an extended trip, make special arrange- plant food, stem length, leaf color and flowering.
ments so plants will not be frozen or damaged by A geranium grown in low light tends to be spin-
cold weather. Many plants will be damaged consid- dly and the leaves light green in color. A similar
erably if the temperature drops much below 50 F. plant grown in very bright light would tend to be
Acclimatization. Research conducted in more compact, better branched and have larger,
Florida in the late 1970s revealed an interesting dark green leaves. Indoor plants can be classified
phenomenon. Tropical plants grown in full sun according to their light needs by high, medium
have leaves (so-called sun leaves) that are struc- and low light requirements. The intensity of light
turally different from the leaves of plants grown a plant receives indoors depends upon the near-
in shade (shade leaves). Sun leaves have fewer ness of the light source to the plant (light intensi-
chloroplasts, thus less chlorophyll. Their chlo- ty decreases rapidly when moving away from the
roplasts are located deep inside the leaves and source of light). The direction the windows in the
the leaves are thick, small and numerous. Shade home face will affect the intensity of natural sunlight
leaves have greater numbers of chloroplasts, thus, that plants receive. Southern exposures have the
more chlorophyll, are thin, large and few. When most intense light, eastern and western exposures
plants are grown in strong light, they develop sun receive about 60 percent of the intensity of south-
leaves that are photosynthetically very inefficient. If ern exposures, and northern exposures receive 20
these same plants are placed in low light, they will percent of a southern exposure. A southern expo-
drop many of their sun leaves and grow new shade sure is the warmest, eastern and western are less
leaves that are photosynthetically more efficient. warm, and a northern exposure is the coolest. Oth-
To reduce the shock that occurs when a plant with er factors that can influence the intensity of light
sun leaves is placed in shade, gradually reduce penetrating a window are the presence of curtains,
the light levels to which it is exposed. This process trees outside the window, weather, seasons of the
is called acclimatization. The gardener should ac- year, shade from other buildings and the cleanli-
climatize plants when placing them outdoors in ness of the window. Reflective (light-colored) sur-
summer by gradually increasing light intensities, faces inside the home/office will increase the inten-
and should reverse the process before plants are sity of light available to plants. Dark surfaces will
brought indoors in the fall. For newly purchased decrease light intensity.
plants grown in high-light conditions, acclima- Day length or duration of light received by
tize them by initially locating them in a high-light plants is also of some importance, but generally
(southern exposure) area of your home and grad- only to those plants that are photoperiodic (re-
ually moving them to their permanent, darker loca- sponsive to day length). Poinsettia, kalanchoe and
tion over a period of four to eight weeks. Holiday cacti initiate flower buds only when day
length is short (11 hours of daylight or less during
Environmental Factors a 24 hour period). Most flowering indoor plants are
indifferent to day length.
Light, water, temperature, humidity, ventilation, Low light intensity can be compensated by in-
fertilization and potting substrate are chief factors creasing the time (duration) the plant is exposed
affecting plant growth. Any one of these factors in to light, as long as the plant is not sensitive to day
incorrect quantity will prevent proper plant growth length for its flowering response. Increased hours
indoors. of lighting allow the plant to make sufficient food
Light – Light is probably the most limiting fac- to survive and/or grow. However, plants require
tor for indoor plant growth. The growth of plants some period of darkness to develop properly and
and the length of time they remain active depend should be illuminated for no more than 16 hours in
on the amount of light received. Light is necessary a 24-hour period. Excessive light is as harmful as
for all plants because they use this energy source too little light. When a plant gets too much direct
to photosynthesize. When examining light levels light, the leaves become pale, sometimes burn,

294 Master Gardeners Manual

turn brown and die; therefore, during the sum- When testing for watering, pay attention to the
mer months, protect plants from too much direct substrate. If your finger can’t penetrate 2 inches
sunlight. deep, either a more porous potting mix is needed
Either incandescent or fluorescent lights may or the plant is becoming root-bound and should be
supply additional lighting. Incandescent lights pro- repotted.
duce a great deal of heat and are not very efficient Temperature – Most houseplants tolerate
producers of light. If artificial lights are to be used normal temperature fluctuations. In general, in-
as the only source of light for growing plants, the door foliage plants grow best between 70 F and
quality of light (wavelength) must be considered. 80 F during the day and from 60 F to 68 F at night.
For photosynthesis, plants require mostly blues Some flowering indoor plants prefer the same day-
and reds, but for flowering, far red light is needed. time range, but grow best at nighttime tempera-
Incandescent lights produce mostly red, and some tures from 55 F to 60 F. The lower night tempera-
far red light, but are very low in blues. Fluorescent ture induces physiological recovery from moisture
lights vary according to the phosphors used by the loss, intensifies flower color and prolongs flower
manufacturer. “Cool-white” fluorescent lights pro- life. Excessively low or high temperatures may
duce mostly blue light, and are low in red light. Fo- cause plant failures, stop growth or cause spindly
liage plants grow well under cool-white fluorescent appearance and foliage damage or drop. A cool-
lights, which are also cool enough to position quite er temperature at night is actually more desirable
close to plants. Blooming plants require more red for plant growth than higher temperatures. A good
and far red wavelengths that can be supplied by rule is to keep the night temperature 10 F to 15 F
incandescent lights or special horticultural-type lower than the day temperature.
fluorescent lights. Humidity – Atmospheric humidity is ex-
Water – Overwatering and underwatering ac- pressed as a percentage of the moisture satura-
count for a large percentage of houseplant loss- tion of air. To provide increased humidity, attach
es. The most common question gardeners ask is, a humidifier to the heating or ventilating system in
“How often should I water my plants?” There is not the home, or place gravel trays (in which an even
a good answer to this question. Some plants like water level is maintained) under the plant contain-
drier conditions than others. Differences in pot- ers. This will increase the relative humidity in the vi-
ting medium and environment influence watering cinity of the containers. As the moisture around the
needs. Watering as soon as the substrate’s sur- pebbles evaporates, the relative humidity is raised
face dries can result in overwatering. (Figure 6.59).
Plant roots are usually in the bottom 2/3 of the
pot; so do not water until the bottom 2/3 starts to
dry out slightly. You can’t tell this by looking. You
have to feel the potting substrate. For a 6-inch pot,
stick your index finger about 2 inches into the sub-
strate (approximately to the second joint of a fin-
ger). If the substrate feels damp, don’t water. Keep
repeating the test until the substrate is barely moist
at the 2-inch depth. For smaller pots, 1 inch into
the substrate is the proper depth to measure.
Water the pot until water runs out of the bot-
tom. This serves two purposes. First, it flushes out
excess salts (fertilizer residue). Second, it guaran-
tees that the bottom 2/3 of the pot, which contains
most of the roots, receives sufficient water. Don’t
let the pot sit in the water that runs out. After a thor-
ough watering, wait until the substrate nearly dries
Figure 6.59. A layer of gravel or pebbles increas-
at the previously discussed depth before watering
es the humidity level.

Master Gardeners Manual 295

Another way to raise humidity is to group plants dead root tips and wilting are all signs of high solu-
close together. A fine mist can be sprayed on the ble salts. These salts will accumulate on top of the
foliage, but it is doubtful total humidity modification potting substrate, forming a yellow to white crust.
will be achieved. Spray plants early in the day so A ring of salt deposits may be formed around the
they will be dry by night to reduce the chance of pot at the soil line or around the drainage hole.
disease. Cool dampness at night provides an ideal Salts will also build up on the outside of clay pots.
environment for disease infection. Soluble salts are minerals dissolved in water.
Ventilation – Indoor plants, especially flow- Fertilizer dissolved in water becomes a soluble
ering varieties, are very sensitive to drafts or heat salt. When water evaporates from the substrate,
from registers. Forced air heat dries plants rapidly the minerals or salts stay behind. As the salts in the
and may cause damage or plant loss by overtax- substrate become more and more concentrated,
ing their limited root systems. Plants are sensitive plants find it harder and harder to take up water. If
to natural or blended gas used for home heating. salts build to an extremely high level, water can be
Some plants refuse to flower, while others drop taken out of the root tips, causing them to die.
flower buds and foliage when exposed to heating High soluble salts damage the roots directly,
fuel gas. Blended gases are more toxic to plants and because the plant is weakened, it is more sus-
than natural gases. Tomato plants are extremely ceptible to attack from insects and diseases. One
sensitive to gas. They will turn yellow before the of the most common problems associated with
escaping gas is detected by household members, high salt levels is root rot. The best way to pre-
and are sometimes used in greenhouses as indi- vent soluble salt injury is to prevent the salts from
cator plants for excessive ethylene gas (resulting building up. Water correctly. When watering, allow
from incomplete combustion in gas furnaces). some water to drain through, then empty the drip
Fertilization – Indoor plants, like most other plate. Water equal to 1/10 the volume of the pot
plants, need a complete fertilizer – one contain- should drain through each time. DO NOT ALLOW
ing three major elements: nitrogen (N), phospho- THE POT TO SIT IN WATER. If the drained water
rus (P) and potassium (K). Fertilizers are available is left, then absorbed by the substrate, the salts
in many different formulations and a multitude of that were washed out are taken back into the sub-
brand names. The analysis of each brand should strate. Salts can be reabsorbed through the drain-
be on the label, indicating specifically how much age hole or directly through a clay pot.
water-soluble elemental nitrogen, phosphate or Plants should be leached every four to six
potash is available in every pound of the product. months. Leach a plant before fertilizing, so new
The majority of these fertilizers are about 20-20- fertilizer isn’t washed away. Leaching is accom-
20. The first figure indicates available nitrogen; plished by watering the substrate and letting it
the second, phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5); and drain completely. This watering and draining cy-
the third, water-soluble potash (K2O). Commercial cle should be performed three times for proper
fertilizers used for indoor plants are sold in granu- leaching. The amount of water used for leaching
lar, crystalline, liquid or tablet forms. Each should should equal twice the volume of the pot. Keep the
be used according to instructions on the package water running through the substrate to wash the
label. Frequency of fertilizer application varies salts out. If a layer of salts has formed a crust on
somewhat with the vigor of growth, age of the plant top of the substrate, remove the salt crust before
and environmental conditions. Some plants need begining the leaching process. Replenish the pot
it every two weeks, while others will grow and/or with fresh potting substrate. If the soluble salt level
flower well for several months without needing any is extremely high or the pot has no drainage, repot
supplement. As a general rule, fertilize every two the plant.
weeks from March to September. During the winter The level of salts that cause injury varies with
months, no fertilizer is needed because reduced the type of plant and how it is being grown. Salts
light and temperature result in reduced growth. at concentrations of 200 ppm may injure a plant
Fertilizing at this time could be detrimental to some grown in the home. Some nurseries and plant
plants. shops leach plants to remove excess salts before
Soluble Salts – Reduced growth, brown leaf the plant is sold. If unsure that has been done,
tips, dropping of lower leaves, small new growth,

296 Master Gardeners Manual

leach a newly purchased plant the first time it is tips to die. The burn progresses from the tip up into
watered. the leaf. A good formula for a soil-less mix follows.

Substrate 1 bushel shredded peat moss

2 bushels perlite or vermiculite
The potting substrate or medium in which a ½ cup finely ground agricultural lime
plant grows must be of good quality. It should be 1/3 cup 20 percent superphosphate
porous for root aeration and drainage, but also ca- ½ cup 8-8-8 or similar analysis mixed fertilizer
pable of water and nutrient retention. Most com- 1 level teaspoon chelated iron
mercially prepared mixes are termed soil-less,
which means they contain no soil. High-quality Soil-less mixtures are usually very low in trace
soil-less mixes may contain slow-release fertiliz- or minor elements; therefore, it is important to use
ers, which take care of a plant’s nutritional require- a fertilizer containing these trace elements.
ment for several months. Potting Mixes for Specific Plants – Substrates
Preparing Soil-less Mixes – Soil-less pot- must have the most appropriate composition for
ting substrates can be easily prepared. Most mix- the type of plant to be grown. The mix given above
es contain a combination of organic matter, such is appropriate for most indoor plants, but there are
as peat moss or ground pine bark and an inorgan- some exceptions.
ic material, like washed sand, vermiculite or per- Cacti and Succulents: This soil does not need
lite. Materials commonly used for indoor plants are any humus material. It is composed of equal parts
the peat-lite mixtures, consisting of peat moss and of sand, garden soil and vermiculite or perlite. It is
either vermiculite or perlite. Here are some com- preferred for cacti and other fleshy leaved, des-
ments concerning the ingredients for these mixes. ert-type succulents.
Peat moss is readily available baled or Orchids: Fir-tree bark or long fiber sphagnum
bagged; sphagnum peat moss is recommended. moss is generally used in terra cotta or plastic
Such material as Michigan peat, peat humus and pots. The container should be large enough so
native peat are usually too decomposed to provide new growth is 1 to 2 inches from the container rim.
necessary structural and drainage characteristics. Broken clay pieces can make up the lower inch in
Most sphagnum peat moss is acid in reaction, with the container.
a pH ranging from 4.0 to 5.0. It usually has a very Any potting medium containing garden loam,
low fertility level. Do not shred sphagnum peat soil and/or sand must be pasteurized. This can be
moss too finely. done easily at home. Spread the soil on a cookie
Vermiculite is a sterile, lightweight mica prod- tray and bake it at 180 F for 30 minutes. Do not
uct. When mica is heated to approximately 1,800 heat it longer than 30 minutes. Be aware that it will
F, its plate-like structure expands. Vermiculite will smell unpleasant while baking.
hold large quantities of air, water and nutrients
needed for plant growth. Its pH is usually in the Containers
6.5 to 7.2 range. Vermiculite is available in four
particle sizes. For horticultural mixes, sizes two or There are many types of containers from which
three are generally used. If at all possible, the larg- to choose. A good container should be large
er-sized particles should be used, since they give enough to provide room for substrate and roots,
much better soil aeration. Vermiculite is available have sufficient head room for proper watering,
under a variety of trade names. provide bottom drainage and be attractive with-
Perlite is sterile material produced by heating out competing with the plant it holds. Containers
volcanic rock to approximately 1,800 F. The result may be fabricated of ceramics, plastic, fiberglass,
is a very lightweight, porous material that is white wood, aluminum, copper, brass and many other
in color. Its principal value in soil mixtures is aer- materials.
ation. It does not hold water and nutrients as well Unglazed and glazed porous clay pots with
as vermiculite. The pH is usually between 7.0 and drainage holes are widely used. Ornate containers
7.5. Perlite can be high in fluoride and cause leaf are often nothing but an outer shell to cover the
plain clay pot. Clay pots absorb and lose mois-

Master Gardeners Manual 297

ture through their walls. Frequently, the greatest
accumulation of roots is next to the wall of the clay
pot because moisture and nutrients accumulate in
the clay pores and oxygen is more available than
in the middle. Although easily broken, clay pots
provide excellent aeration for plant roots and are
considered by some to be the healthiest type of
Ceramic pots are usually glazed on the outside
and sometimes the inside. They are frequently de-
signed without drainage holes. This necessitates
careful watering practices and does not allow for
leaching. Small novelty containers have little room
for potting medium and roots so are mostly for or- Figure 6.61. Repotting a plant.
namental purposes. They should be avoided. It
should be noted that putting pot chips, clay pot-
shards or gravel in the bottom of a pot does not
improve drainage!
Plastic and fiberglass containers are usually
quite light and easy to handle. They have become
popular in recent years because they are relative-
ly inexpensive and often quite attractive in shape
and color. Plastic pots are easy to sterilize or clean
for reuse, and because they are not porous, they
need less frequent watering and tend to accumu-
late fewer salts.
Actively growing indoor plants need repot-
ting from time to time. This occurs very rarely with
some slower-growing plants, more frequently with
faster-growing plants. Foliage plants require repot-
ting when their roots have filled the pot and are
growing out the bottom.

Figure 6.62. Plants can be removed easily from

Figure 6.60. Repot plants when roots have filled their pots by turning it upside down and tapping
the pot and are growing out of the bottom. the lip of the container on the edge of a table.

298 Master Gardeners Manual

When repotting becomes necessary, it should
be done without delay. The pot selected for repot-
ting should be no more than 2 inches larger in di-
ameter than the pot the plant is currently growing
in; should have at least one drainage hole; may be
either clay, ceramic or plastic; and must be clean.
Wash soluble salts from clay pots with water and
a scrub brush, and wash all pots in a solution of
one part liquid bleach to nine parts water. Rinse
off the bleach solution thoroughly prior to using the
The potting medium should be coarse enough
to allow good drainage, yet have sufficient water
retention capabilities. Most plants are removed Figure 6.63. Pinching helps keep plants compact.
easily from their pot if the pot is held upside-down
while knocking the lip of the container sharply This leaves the plant attractive and stimulates new
upon the edge of a table. Hold your hand over growth. It can be a one-time or repeated activity,
the soil, straddling the plant between the fore and depending on the need of the plant and the de-
middle fingers while knocking it out of its present sires of the plant owner. If a plant should be kept
container. compact, but well-filled out, frequent pinching will
The potting medium should be moistened be- achieve this.
fore repotting begins. To repot, place some new 1. A leggy plant needs to grow bushier, keeping a
substrate in the bottom of the pot. If the plant has more compact form.
become root-bound, it will be necessary to cut and 2. Pinch out growing tip of tallest stem, removing
unwind roots that encircle the plant, otherwise the it close to leaf axil.
roots may girdle the plant. If the old potting medi- 3. New growth forms just below pinched-out tip,
um’s surface has accumulated salts, the top inch making plant bushy.
should be removed. Set the rootball in the middle
of the new substrate, then add substrate around Pruning is a similar activity. Pruning includes
the sides between the rootball and pot. Do not add removal of other than terminal shoot tips. Some-
substrate above the original level of the rootball times an entire branch or section of a plant should
unless the roots are exposed or it has been nec- be removed for the sake of appearance.
essary to remove some of the surface potting me- Disbudding is another grooming activity. Cer-
dium. Do not pack the substrate. To fill or settle it, tain flower buds are removed, either to obtain larger
gently tap the pot on a level surface. blooms from a few choice buds or to prevent flower-
After watering and settling, the potting medi- ing of a very young plant (or recently rooted cutting)
um should be sufficiently below the top of the pot that should not bear the physical drain of flowering.
to leave headroom. Headroom is the space above Ivies and hoya, as well as philodendron and
the substrate to the top of the pot. A properly pot- syngonium, are frequently grown in a formal pat-
ted plant has enough headroom to allow water tern. This can be easily achieved by training them
to wash through the potting medium, thoroughly on trellises. It is important to keep plants clean and
moistening it. neat. It not only improves the appearance of plants,
but also reduces the incidence of insets and dis-
Training and Grooming ease problems. Remove all spent flowers, dying
leaves and dead branches. Keep leaves dust-free
Training and grooming plants include a num- by washing plants with warm water. If tips of leaves
ber of minor care activities. Pinching is one of become brown and dry, trim them off neatly with
them. Pinching is the removal of 1 inch or less sharp scissors.
of new stem and leaf growth, just above a node.

Master Gardeners Manual 299

Care of Special Potted Plants
Azaleas require direct sunlight to remain
healthy. A night temperature of 60 F will prolong
Too little light, excessive heat and/or improp-
bloom. Keep the potting medium evenly moist. If
er watering are usual causes of failure in caring
the leaves should turn yellow, the potting medium
for gift plants. These plants are grown in a green-
may not be acid enough. Use an acid fertilizer sold
house, where the air is moist, the night tempera-
especially for azaleas. Do not use softened water.
tures are usually cool and ample light is available.
When repotting, use a mixture high in acid peat
When they are brought into a dry home, where the
light is poor and the temperatures are maintained
Azaleas can be planted, pot and all, in a shady
for human comfort, results are frequently disap-
spot in the garden during the summer months.
pointing. Do not expect to keep a gift plant from
Examine them frequently and keep them watered
year to year. Enjoy them while they are attractive
during dry periods. Greenhouse azaleas are not
and in season, then discard. Gardeners frequently
hardy and need to be brought indoors before
ask if poinsettias can be held over to bloom again
freezing weather.
next year. It is questionable whether the results
Azaleas need a cool, rest treatment before they
are worth the effort, as the quality of homegrown
are forced into bloom. Place the plants in a room
plants seldom equals that of commercially grown
with filtered light and a temperature between 35
F and 50 F to break flower bud dormancy. During
this rest period, flower buds will develop. Return
African Violet the plants to a well-lit, warm (65 F) room around
African violets are excellent indoor flowering
January 1 to bring them into bloom. Unless the
plants. Available in many flower colors, they pro-
proper growing conditions for the azalea are avail-
duce flowers year-round with the proper growing
able, do not attempt to carry the plants to the next
conditions. Individual flower clusters may last three
to six weeks. Poor flowering is often related to in-
sufficient light. East- and west-facing windowsills
Christmas Pepper
are the best locations for violets. African violets are
Christmas pepper plants are bought for the
highly subject to root and crown rot if overwatered.
highly decorative fruit and are usually available
Use only warm water, as cold water causes spots
in four- and six-inch pots during the fall and win-
on leaves. Buy only high-quality plants because
ter. The fruit will be at peak color for one to two
African violet pests and diseases spread very eas-
months. They will be brighter and last longer if pro-
ily among other violets. Be especially watchful for
vided high light and mild temperatures (60 F to 75
crinkled tight crowns, a possible sign of incurable
F) and the potting medium is kept moist. Fertilize
cyclamen mites. Mealy bugs can also infest Afri-
weekly with a soluble fertilizer. Be aware that these
can violets.
peppers are sometimes extremely hot. Keep them
away from small children. (It is also very hard to re-
Amaryllis bloom Christmas pepper). Frost will kill the plants.
The secret of growing amaryllis is to keep the
plants actively growing after they finish blooming.
Keep the plants in full sun, with a night temperature
Two types of mums are sold at retail outlets:
above 60 F. As soon as danger of frost has passed,
florist mums and garden mums. Garden mums are
set the plants in the garden in a semi-shaded spot.
generally available in the fall as a potted flowering
In the fall, before danger of frost returns, bring them
plant. They can be planted outdoors and are har-
inside, stop watering them to allow old growth to
dy through the winter. Garden mums are perennial
die back, and store them in a cool, dark place to
and will flower each year. Florist mums are green-
rest. They will be ready to force again about No-
house varieties available year-round; they provide
vember 1. Bring them into a warm, light room and
three to four weeks of enjoyment. Florist mums can
water moderately to begin new growth.
be planted into the garden, where they will easily
perennialize. Buy florist mums when flower buds
are just beginning to show color. Diffuse, bright

300 Master Gardeners Manual

light levels and 60 F to 70 F temperatures will pro- Forced Spring Bulbs
long peak bloom. Don’t let the plants wilt. Forced bulbs are geophytes such as tulips, daf-
fodils, crocuses and hyacinths that are exposed to
Cyclamen chilling temperatures in a cooler or refrigerator for
Cyclamen plants require full sunlight and a several weeks, then placed in warm greenhouses
night temperature of between 50 F and 60 F. They so the flowers will develop.
prefer to be kept evenly moist. Flower buds will fail To get the most color and greatest longevi-
to develop if night temperature is too high or if light ty from potted spring bulbs, buy plants when the
is poor. flower buds first show color. In most cases, the
Cyclamen can be carried over, but as with the buds will open in one or two days. To slow flow-
poinsettia, homegrown plants are seldom equal er development and make the blooms last longer,
to those grown by a commercial grower. Let the keep plants cool. They will tolerate temperatures
plants enter dormancy after they finish flowering as low as 40 F. Keep plants evenly moist, as water
by limiting water. Allow the dormant tuber to dry, stress can reduce the flowering time in half. It’s not
but not to become shriveled. Repot the fleshy tu- necessary to fertilize since the plant’s useful life
ber in June with the top of it just above the potting is two to four weeks. The bulbs may be replanted
medium. outdoors and may reflower after a year or two.

Easter Lily Gardenia

Easter lilies are produced specifically for the Gardenias grown indoors need special care.
Easter season. Choose strong-stemmed plants They require an acidic potting medium and should
with even, regular foliage and four or more flower receive the same nutritional care as azaleas. The
buds. Cool household temperatures (60 F) to pro- night temperature should be near 60 F, and the hu-
long flowering. Remove yellow anthers before the midity around the plant should be kept high. High
pollen is shed to make the flower last longer and temperature and low light intensity will result in
to keep the pollen from staining the pristine white flower bud drop.
petals. Easter lilies can be transplanted outdoors
in most areas in Oklahoma and will often rebloom Geranium
the following June. It’s difficult to reflower bulbs Potted geraniums are typically available from
kept in pots. March through June. Many new types are avail-
able, including vining and hanging basket grown
Foliage Plants varieties. Bright light is essential to keep gerani-
Foliage plants have varying light, temperature ums in flower year-round. Keep them in pots or
and watering requirements. For example, Chinese transplant them into the landscape once the dan-
evergreen plants do well in low light, but dieffen- ger of frost has passed. They are not winter har-
bachia require medium to high light. Most can be dy and must be brought inside before frost if you
damaged by temperatures below 55 F. Ideal tem- want to keep them. Geraniums respond favorably
peratures for growth are 75 F to 95 F. Ask the lo- to having the potting medium slightly dry between
cal county Extension educator or nurseryperson, thorough waterings.
or consult a plant book for the recommended light
level for specific plants. Gloxinia
From time to time, clean the leaves to remove Gloxinias are very similar to African violets in
dust. Foliage plants can be rejuvenated by plac- the way care is given. They may be available in
ing them in a shaded area outdoors during warm florist shops year-round. Bright, indirect light is
weather. Avoid placing them near windows or necessary to keep the plant in flower. Gloxinias
doors during winter where there might be cold typically flower for two to four weeks. Individual
drafts. blooms last four to six days. Unlike African violets,
gloxinias need to rest before reflowering. Reduce
watering when the leaves start to die back. Allow
the tubers to rest two to four months in dry soil. To

Master Gardeners Manual 301

get the plant to reflower (although difficult), resume They can be grown successfully if kept in sunny
watering when new growth appears. windows or placed outdoors in late spring.

Holiday Cactus Poinsettia

The holiday cactus has become increasingly The colorful bracts of poinsettias may stay
popular with the development of several new va- bright for months if cared for properly. Some of the
rieties. At least three related species are sold in newer, long-lasting varieties can be kept attractive
addition to a number of cultivars. All have similar all winter. Bright, indirect light and frequent water-
cultural requirements. ing are essential. Keep plants away from drafts.
The secret of good bloom is one of tempera- Don’t allow the plants to wilt, but rather allow the
ture and photoperiod control. They will develop potting medium to nearly dry between thorough
buds and bloom if given bright light, short days waterings.
and night temperatures between 55 F and 65 F. Plants can be reflowered, although the proce-
Holiday cacti bloom best when somewhat pot- dure is somewhat demanding. For those who wish
bound. Repotting is necessary only about once to try, the following procedure can be followed.
every three years. Full sunlight is beneficial in mid- After the bracts fade or fall, set the plants
winter, but bright sun during summer months can where they will receive bright sunlight and tem-
make plants look pale. peratures around 65 F to 70 F. Cut the plants back
Holiday cacti require less water from October to within five inches of the potting medium. Water
to March than they do when growth is active from sparingly during this time, just enough to keep the
April to September. A rest period is very important stems from shriveling. Keep the plant indoors until
if plants are to bloom abundantly. Short days (11 the danger of frost has passed, then move it out-
hours or less of light each day) should be started doors to a partially shaded spot. Water and fertilize
about the middle of September and continue for often. Shape the plant as desired. Prune it or pinch
eight weeks. Care should be taken that the potting it to encourage branching. Do not pinch after Sep-
medium never becomes waterlogged during the tember 1. As soon as the nights are cool, bring the
days of winter. plant back indoors. Continue to grow in a sunny
room with a night temperature of about 68 F. Start-
Hydrangea ing mid-September, give the plant a minimum of 12
Hydrangeas, generally recognized as an out- hours continuous darkness every night until bract
door flowering shrub, are also available as six- and color is well developed (mid-November). This can
eight-inch potted flowering plants. They are grown be done by placing the plant in a closet or cover-
to flower for the spring holiday season. Blooms can ing it with a cardboard box. Any light during the
last from four to eight weeks if plants are bought as dark period will delay or prevent flowering. Plants
color first develops, watered adequately and kept require full light in the daytime, so be sure to re-
at mild temperatures (65 F to 80 F) and medium turn them to a sunny window. Night temperatures
light intensity. After the flowers fade, remove the at this time should be between 65 F and 70 F.
flower heads and transplant the plants into the
landscape. Orchids
Most orchids are easily cared for if kept away
Kalanchoe from intense light and cold. Many do very well un-
Kalanchoes are available year-round in many der fluorescent lights or near windows. Most or-
colors. Flowers will last three to six weeks in mild chids bloom only once a year, but the blooms can
temperatures (65 F to 80 F) and medium light, if last as long as two months. Fertilize during active
the plants are kept watered. Using manufacturers’ growth with a complete fertilizer. Water often, but
recommended levels of houseplant fertilizer once allow the potting medium to dry between thorough
a month helps. The plants will rebloom if exposed waterings. Orchids can be grown outdoors under
to short days (long nights) for six to eight weeks. the shade of trees after the danger of frost has

302 Master Gardeners Manual

Plants List
The remainder of this section is composed of
lists of plants that will withstand specific indoor
conditions of light intensity, temperature and cul-
tural form. Table 6.13 at the end of the chapter tells
how to diagnose symptoms of common diseases,
insects and pests on indoor plants.

Master Gardeners Manual 303

Table 6.10. Indoor plants for low, medium and high light locations.

Scientific Name Common Name

Low Light (25 to 75 footcandles)

Aglaonema commutatum Silver Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema commutatum ‘Silver King’ Silver King Evergreen
Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen
Aspidistra elatior Cast-Iron Plant
Aspidistra elatior ‘Variegata’ Variegated Cast-Iron Plant
Chamaedorea elegans Parlor Palm
Chamaedorea elegans ‘Bella’ Dwarf Parlor Palm
Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos
Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’ Marble Queen Pothos
Monstera deliciosa Split-Leaf Philodendron, Swiss-cheese Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata Snake Plant, Mother-in-law’s Tongue
Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ Goldenstripe, Goldband Sansevieria

Medium Light (75 to 150 footcandles)

Aechmea fasciata Silver Vase

Aglaonema commutatum ‘White Rajah’ White Rajah Aglaonema
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myers’ Plume Asparagus
Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri Group Sprengeri Asparagus
Asparagus setaceus Fern Asparagus
Aucuba japonica ‘Variegata’ Gold-Dust Plant
Chamaedorea erumpens* Bamboo Palm
Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ Spider Plant
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Dieffenbachia amoena Giant Dumb cane
Dieffenbachia amoena ‘Exotica’ Exotica Dumb cane
Dieffenbachia maculata Spotted Dumb cane
Dieffenbachia maculata ‘Rudolph Roehrs’ Gold Dieffenbachia
Dizygotheca elegantissima False Aralia
Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’* Striped Dracaena
Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’* Corn Plant
Dracaena godseffiana* Gold-Dust Dracaena
Dracaena marginata* Red-Margined Dracaena
Dracaena sanderana* Ribbon Plant
Fatsia japonica Japanese Fatsia
Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig
Ficus elastica ‘Decora’ India Rubber Tree

*May also be conditioned to grow in low light.

304 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.10. Indoor plants for low, medium and high light locations. (cont’d)

Scientific Name Common Name

Ficus lyrata Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Ficus microcarpa Indian Laurel
Gynura aurantiaca Velvet Plant
Hedera helix & cvs English Ivy
Howea forsteriana Kentia Palm
Maranta leuconeura erythroneura Red-Veined Prayer Plant
Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’ Boston Fern
Pandanus veitchii Variegated Screw Pine
Peperomia caperata* Emerald Ripple Peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia Oval-Leaf Peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’ Variegated Oval-Leaf Peperomia
Philodendron bipennifolium* Fiddle-Leaf Philodendron
Philodendron bipinnatifidum Tree Philodendron
Philodendron scandens ssp. oxycardium* Heart-Leaf Philodendron
Pilea cadierei Aluminum Plant
Pilea involucrata Artillery Plant, Friendship Plant
Plectranthus australis Swedish Ivy
Polyscias scutellaria ‘Balfourii’ Balfour Aralia
Saintpaulia spp., hybrids & cvs. African Violet
Schefflera actinophylla* Schefflera
Schefflera arboricola* Dwarf Schefflera
Spathiphyllum ‘Clevelandii’ Cleveland Peace Lily
Spathiphyllum floribundum ‘Mauna Loa’ Mauna Loa Peace Lily
Syngonium podophyllum ‘Trileaf Wonder’* Trileaf Wonder Syngonium
Tradescantia fluminensis Inch Plant
Tradescantia zebrina Wandering Jew

High Light (150 to 1,000 footcandles)

Aloe vera Aloe Vera

Alternanthera ficoidea Joseph’s Coat
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine
Cissus antarctica** Kangaroo Vine
Crassula ovata Jade Plant
X Fatshedera lizei** Botanical Wonder
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Chinese Hibiscus
Hoya carnosa** Wax Plant
Iresine lindenii Blood Leaf
Nolina recurvata Ponytail Palm
Podocarpus gracilior Weeping Podocarpus
Sedum morganianum Burro’s or Donkey’s Tail
Solenostemon scutellarioides Coleus
Tradescantia spathacea Moses-In-The-Cradle

*May also be conditioned to grow in low light.

**May also be conditioned to grow in medium light.

Master Gardeners Manual 305

Table 6.11. Temperature Requirements of Selected Indoor Plants
Cool temperature plants grow best at 50 F to 60 F during Living Stones3
the day and 50 F to 55 F at night. Palms
Panda Plant
Azalea Peperomia
Cacti and Succulents 2, 3 Piggyback Plant
(during winter rest periods only) Pilea
Camellia Podocarpus
Cast-Iron Plant 2 Purple Passion Plant
Chrysanthemum Schefflera
Citrus (grapefruit, lemon, orange) Shamrock Plant
Creeping Fig Snake Plant3
Daffodil, Narcissus Staghorn Fern3
Easter Lily 2 Strawberry Begonia
Euonymus japonicus (Spindle Tree) Wax Plant
Ivy 2
Hyacinth 1
Will also do well at high temperatures.
Hydrangea 2
Will also do well at medium temperatures.
Japanese Aralia
Will also do well at cool temperatures.
Jerusalem Cherry High temperature plants grow best at 70 F to 80 F during
Miniature Rose the day and 64 F to 70 F at night.
Mock Orange
Norfolk Island Pine African Violets
Persian Violet Bromeliads
Primrose Cacti and Succulents1, 2
Tulip Caladium calathea (Peacock Plant)
Tree Ivy Chinese Evergreen
Wandering Jew Coconut Palm
White Calla Lily Copperleaf
Zephyr Lily Cordyline
Medium temperature plants grow best at 60 F to 65 F Crown of Thorns2
during the day and 55 F to 60 F at night. Dracaena
Earth Star2
Amaryllis False Aralia
Asparagus Fern Ficus
Avocado Flame Violet
Baby’s Tear Geranium
Begonia Golden Pothos
Birds’ Nest Fern Hens and Chicks
Bromeliads3 Impatiens
Bush Violet Kangaroo Vine2
Cacti and Succulents1, 3 Living Stones2
Cast-Iron Plant1 Peace Lily
Christmas Cactus Philodendron
Citrus1 Prayer Plant
Coleus Purple Velvet Plant2
Crown of Thorns3 Sensitive Plant
Earth Star3 Snake Plant
Easter Lily1 Staghorn Fern2
English Ivy1 Swiss Cheese Plant
German Ivy Screw Pine
Gold-Dust Tree
Hibiscus 1
Will also do well at high temperatures.
Kangaroo Vine3 2
Will also do well at medium temperatures.

306 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 6.12. Plants for Specific Indoor Gardening Uses

Scientific Name Common Name

Plants that will grow in water:

Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen

Crassula arborescens Jade Plant
Dieffenbachia (all varieties) Dumb cane
Epipremnum aureum Devil’s Ivy
Hedera helix English Ivy
Hemigraphis alternata Red Ivy, Hemigraphis
Hoya carnosa Wax Plant
Monstera deliciosa Cutleaf Philodendron, Swiss-cheese Plant
Pellionia pulchra Satin Pellionia, Rainbow Vine
Philodendron cordatum Heartleaf Philodendron
Philodendron scandens ssp. scandens f. micans (All climbing types)
Piper nigrum Black Pepper
Piper ornatum Celebes Pepper
Scindapsus pictus Painted Devil’s Ivy
Stephanotis floribunda Bridal Wreath, Waxflower, Stephanotis
Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead Vine or Syngonium
Tradescantia (all varieties) Wandering Jew

Plants that will usually withstand adverse house conditions and abuse:

Aglaonema modestum Chinese Evergreen

Anthurium pentaphyllum var. bombacifolium Climbing Anthurium
Aspidistra elatior Cast-Iron Plant
Chamaedorea elegans ‘Bella’ Dwarf Parlor Palm
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Crassula arborescens Jade Plant
Dieffenbachia amoena Dumb Cane
Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ Massange Dracaena
Epipremnum aureum Devil’s Ivy
Euphorbia milii Crown of Thorns
Ficus benjamina ‘Exotica’ Java Fig
Ficus elastica India Rubber Tree
Hemigraphis alternata Red Ivy, Hemigraphis
Howea belmoreana Belmore Sentry Palm
Pandanus veitchii Screw Pine
Peperomia obtusifolia Oval-Leaf Peperomia
Philodendron cordatum Heartleaf Philodendron
Sansevieria trifasciata Snake Plant, Mother-in-law’s Tongue
Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ Goldenstripe, Goldband Sansevieria
Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead Vine or Syngonium

Master Gardeners Manual 307

Plants that perform well with average home conditions:

Acanthus montanus Mountain Acanthus

Aechmea calyculata Bromeliad
Aechmea orlandiana Bromeliad
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine
Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri Group Sprengeri Asparagus
Begonia aconitifolia Begonia
Begonia ulmifolia Elm-Leaf Begonia
Caladium bicolor Fancy-Leaved Caladium
Cissus antarctica Kangaroo Vine
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Cordyline australis Grass Palm
Cryptanthus acaulis Earth Star
Cyrtomium falcatum Japanese Holly Fern
Dieffenbachia bausei Dumb Cane
Dieffenbachia picta Dumb Cane
Epipremnum aureum Devil’s Ivy
Euphorbia milii Crown of Thorns
Fatsia japonica Japanese Fatsia
X Fatshedera lizei Botanical Wonder
Ficus benghalensis Banyan Fig
Ficus religiosa Bo-Tree Fig
Ficus septica Ivory Fig
Grevillea robusta Silky Oak
Hedera helix (all varieties) English Ivy
Justicia brandegeana Shrimp Plant
Pedilanthus tithymaloides Slipper or Red Bird Flower
Peperomia argyreia Watermelon Peperomia
Peperomia clusiifolia Red-edge Peperomia
Peperomia crassifolia Leather Peperomia
Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’ Variegated Oval-Leaf Peperomia
Pereskia aculeata Lemon Vine
Philodendron bipinnatifidum Tree Philodendron
Philodendron cordatum Heartleaf Philodendron
Philodendron dubium Philodendron
Philodendron erubescens Red-Leaf Philodendron
Philodendron giganteum Giant Philodendron
Philodendron imbe Imbe Philodendron
Philodendron ‘Mandaianum’ Philodendron
Philodendron panduriforme Panda Plant
Philodendron tripartitum Trileaf Philodendron
Philodendron wendlandii Philodendron
Pilea involucrata Artillery Plant, Friendship Plant
Piper nigrum Black Pepper
Piper ornatum Celebes Pepper
Polyscias filicifolia Fern-Leaf Aralia
Polyscias paniculata ‘Variegata’ Jagged-Leaf Aralia
Polyscias scutellaria ‘Balfourii’ Balfour Aralia
Sansevieria parva Parva Sansevieria
Sansevieria subspicata Red-edge Sansevieria

308 Master Gardeners Manual

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’ Hahn’s Sansevieria
Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Geranium
Schismatoglottis picta Painted Tongue
Spathiphyllum ‘Clevelandii’ Cleveland Peace Lily
Syngonium podophyllum ‘Emerald Gem’ Variegated Arrowhead
Tradescantia (all varieties) Wandering Jew
Tradescantia spathacea Moses-In-The-Cradle

Plants well-suited for decorative large containers:

Acanthus mollis Artists Acanthus

Acanthus montanus Mountain Acanthus
Alocasia cuprea Giant Caladium
Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum Croton
Cyathia australis Australian Tree Fern
Dieffenbachia amoena Spotted Dumb Cane
X Fatshedera lizei Botanical Wonder
Fatsia japonica Japan Fatsia
Ficus elastica ‘Variegata’ Variegated India Rubber
Ficus lyrata Fiddle-Leaf Fig
Ficus septica Ivory Fig
Monstera deliciosa Cutleaf Philodendron, Swiss-cheese Plant
Pandanus veitchii Screw Pine
Philodendron bipinnatifidum Tree Philodendron
Philodendron elongatum Philodendron
Philodendron giganteum Giant Philodendron
Philodendron ‘Mandaianum’ Philodendron
Philodendron panduriforme Panda Plant
Philodendron wendlandii Philodendron
Polyscias paniculata ‘Variegata’ Jagged-Leaf Aralia
Schefflera digitata Schefflera
Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise

Low, creeping plants suitable for ground covers in interior planting boxes:

Epipremnum aureum Devil’s Ivy

Episcia cupreata Flame Violet
Ficus pumila Creeping Fig
Ficus sagittata Climbing Fig
Fittonia verschaffeltii var. argyroneura Silver Fittonia, Silver Nerve Fittonia
Hedera helix Hahn’s Star English Ivy
Hemigraphis alternata Red Ivy, Hemigraphis
Pellionia repens Pellionia, Trailing Watermelon Vine
Pellionia pulchra Satin Pellionia, Rainbow Vine
Philodendron cordatum Heartleaf Philodendron
Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Charlie, Creeping Artillery Plant
Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Geranium
Tradescantia (all varieties) Wandering Jew
Vinca major ‘Variegata’ Variegated Vinca

Master Gardeners Manual 309

Plants that withstand dry, warm locations:

Bromeliads All species and varieties

Cacti All species and varieties

Vines and trailing plants for totem poles and trained plants:

Anthurium pentaphyllum var. bombacifolium Climbing Anthurium

Cissus antarctica Kangaroo Vine
Cissus discolor Rex Begonia Vine
Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy
Clerodendrum balfourii Glory-bower
Ficus pumila Creeping Fig
Vanilla planifolia ‘Marginata’ Vanilla

Plants suitable for hanging baskets:

Achimenes grandiflora Big Purple Achimenes

Aeschynanthus parasiticus Lobecup Basket Vine
Aeschynanthus parasiticus ‘Black Pagoda’ Black Pagoda Basket Vine
Aeschynanthus pulcher Scarlet Basket Vine
Aeschynanthus radicans Lipstick Plant
Alsobia dianthiflora Lace Flower Vine
Asarina erubescens Creeping Gloxinia
Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri Group Sprengeri Asparagus
Asparagus setaceus Fern Asparagus
Begonia X hiemalis Winter Flowering Begonia
Begonia X hiemalis ‘Elsie M. Frey’ Winter Flowering Begonia
Callisia elegans Striped Inch Plant
Ceropegia linearis ssp. woodii String of Hearts, Rosary Vine
Chlorophytum bichetii St. Bernard’s Lily
Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ Spider Plant
Cissus quadrangularis Winged Treebine
Codonanthe crassifolia Central American Bellflower
Columnea X banksii Goldfish Vine
Columnea microphylla Small-Leaved Goldfish Vine
Commelina communis ‘Aureostriata’ Variegated Widows Tear
Cyanotis kewensis Teddy Bear Plant
Cyanotis somaliensis Pussy Ear
Cymbalaria muralis Kenilworth Ivy
Davallia fejeensis ‘Plumosa’ Rabbit’s Foot Fern
Dendranthema X grandiflorum ‘Anna’ Daisy Cascade
Dendranthema X grandiflorum ‘Jane Harte’ Daisy Cascade
Epipremnum aureum Devil’s Ivy
Episcia cupreata ‘Amazon’ Amazon Flame Violet
Episcia cupreata ‘Chocolate Soldier’ Carpet Plant
Episcia cupreata ‘Emerald Queen’ Emerald Queen Episcia
Episcia cupreata ‘Silver Sheen’ Silver Sheen Episcia
Episcia ‘Ember Lace’ Ember Lace Episcia
Episcia ‘Moss Agate’ Panama Episcia
Euphorbia mammillaris Corncob Plant

310 Master Gardeners Manual

Fittonia verschaffeltii Mosaic Plant
Fittonia verschaffeltii var. argyroneura Silver Fittonia, Silver Nerve Fittonia
Fittonia verschaffeltii var. pearcei Snake Skin Plant
Fuchsia ‘Jubilee’ Jubilee Fuchsia
Fuchsia ‘Swingtime’ Swingtime Fuchsia
Fuchsia triphylla ‘Gartenmeister Bohnstedt’ Honeysuckle Fuchsia
Hatiora gaertneri Easter Cactus
Hatiora salicornioides Bottle Cactus, Drunkard’s Dream
Hedera helix ‘Hahn’s Variegated’ Variegated Hahn’s English Ivy
Hedera helix ‘Ivalace’ Ivalace English Ivy
Hemigraphis alternata Red Ivy, Hemigraphis
Hemigraphis ‘Exotica’ Waffle Plant
Hoya australis Porcelain Flower, Pubescent Wax Plant
Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ Compact Wax Plant
Hoya carnosa ‘Exotica’ Exotica Wax Plant
Hoya carnosa ‘Krinkle Kurl’ Hindu Rope Plant
Hoya carnosa ‘Tri-color’ Variegated Wax Plant
Hoya imperialis Honey Plant
Hoya lanceolata ssp. bella Miniature Wax Plant
Hoya motoskei Spotted Wax Plant
Hoya purpureofusca Silver Pink Wax Plant
Hoya shepherdii Shepherd’s Wax Plant
Hypocyrta nummularia Miniature Pouch Flower
Hylocereus undatus Night-blooming Cereus
Ipomoea batatas Blackleaf Sweet Potato
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Life Plant
Kalanchoe manginii Mangin Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe pubescens Jinglebells Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe uniflora Miniature Kalanchoe
Lepismium houlletianum Snowdrop Cactus
Mammillaria elongata Lace Mammillaria
Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’ Boston Fern
Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Rooseveltii’ Tall Feather Fern
Pelargonium X fragrans Scented Geranium
Pellionia pulchra Satin Pellionia, Rainbow Vine
Pellionia repens Pellionia, Trailing Watermelon Vine
Peperomia acuminata Mexico Pepperface
Peperomia cubensis Cuban Pepperface
Peperomia glabella ‘Variegata’ Variegated Waxprivet Peperomia
Peristrophe hyssopifolia ‘Aureo-variegata’ Marble-Leaf
Philodendron scandens ssp. oxycardium Heart-Leaf Philodendron
Philodendron scandens ssp. scandens f. micans Velvet-Leaf Vine
Phlebodium aureum Hare’s-Foot or Rabbit’s-Foot Fern
Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Charlie, Creeping Artillery Plant
Platycerium bifurctum Elkhorn Fern, Staghorn Fern
Plectranthus forsteri Candle Plant
Plectranthus oertendahlii ‘Marginatus’ Prostrate Coleus
Plectranthus purpuratus Moth King
Plectranthus tomentosus Succulent Coleus
Portulacaria afra ‘Variegata’ Rainbow Bush
Rhipsalis baccifera Mistletoe Rhipsalis

Master Gardeners Manual 311

Rhipsalis capilliformis Treechair Rhipsalis
Rhipsalis paradoxa Chain Cactus
Rhipsalis pentaptera Fivewing Rhipsalis
Rhipsalis pilocarpa Bristle-tufted Twig Cactus
Rhipsalis trigona Triangle Rhipsalis
Ruellia makoyana Monkey Plant
Schlumbergera X buckleyi Christmas Cactus
Sedum morganianum Burro’s or Donkey’s Tail
Senecio herreianus Green Marblevine
Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Trailing Queen’ Trailing Coleus
Stapelia gigantea Giant Toadplant
Stenotaphrum secundatum ‘Variegatum’ Variegated St. Augustine Grass
Streptocarpus saxorum False African Violet
Tradescantia albiflora ‘Albovittata’ Giant White Inch Plant
Tradescantia pallida Purple Heart
Tradescantia sillamontana White Velvet; White Gossamer

Plants suitable for tropical terrariums:

Scientific Name Common Name

Aglaonema commutatum Silver Chinese Evergreen

Begonia bowerae Eyelash Begonia, Miniature Begonias
Chamaedorea elegans Parlor Palm
Cissus antarctica ‘Minima’ Dwarf Kangaroo Ivy
Coffea arabica Arabian Coffee Plant
Cordyline terminalis ‘Baby Ti’ Dwarf Ti Plant
Cryptanthus bivittatus ‘Minor’ Dwarf Rose-Stripe Earth Star
Dizygotheca elegantissima False Aralia
Dracaena sanderana Belgian Evergreen
Dracaena surculosa Gold Dust Dracaena
Ficus deltoidea Mistletoe Fig
Ficus pumila ‘Minima’ Dwarf Creeping Fig
Fittonia verschaffeltii Mosaic Plant
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoviana Prayer Plant
Nephrolepis exaltata cvs. Boston Fern
Peperomia argyreia Watermelon Peperomia
Pilea cadierei ‘Minima’ Dwarf Aluminum Plant
Pilea depressa Miniature Pilea
Pilea microphylla Artillary Plant
Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Charlie, Creeping Artillery Plant
Pteris spp. Brake Ferns, Table Ferns
Saintpaulia cvs. Miniature African Violets
Selaginella Club Moss, Moss Fern
Selaginella kraussiana Creeping Club Moss
Selaginella pallescens Sweat Plant
Sinningia pusilla (and other miniature cultivars) Miniature Gloxinia
Syngonium podophyllum Arrowhead Vine or Syngonium

312 Master Gardeners Manual

Plants suitable for desert dish gardens:

Adromischus maculatus Calico Hearts, Leopard Spots

Aloe spp. Medicine Plant
Astrophytum myriostigma Bishop’s Cap
Cereus uruguayanus ‘Monstrosus’ Curiosity Plant
Crassula spp. Jade Plant
Crassula muscosa Toy Cypress, Watch Chain
Crassula rupestris Rosary Vine
Echeveria derenbergii Painted Lady
Echeveria elegans Mexican Snowball
Echeveria secunda var. glauca Hens and Chicks
Echinocactus grusonii Golden Barrel Cactus
Echinocereus pectinatus var. neomexicanus Rainbow Cactus
Echinocereus reichenbachii Lace Cactus
Epithelantha micromeris Button Cactus
Euphorbia lactea ‘Cristata’ Crested Euphorbia, Frilled Fan
Faucaria tigrina Tiger Jaws
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana Miniature Gasteria, Miniature Ox Tongue
Haworthia Pearl Plant, Wart Plant
Haworthia fasciata Zebra Haworthia
Haworthia margaritifera Pearl Plant
Lithops spp. Living Stones
Mammillaria bocasana Powder Puff Cactus
Mammillaria elongata Golden Star Cactus
Mammillaria gracilis Thimble Cactus
Opuntia erectoclada Dominoes, Pincushion Cactus
Opuntia microdasys Bunny Ears
Opuntia vilis Dwarf Tree Opuntia
Pilosocereus royenii Cylinder Cactus
Portulacaria afra Elephant Bush
Portulacaria afra ‘Variegata’ Rainbow Bush
Rebutia kupperana Scarlet Crown Cactus
Rebutia minuscula Red Crown Cactus
Sedum spp. Stone Crop
Sedum acre Golden Carpet, Gold Moss, Stone Crop
Sedum adolphi Golden Sedum
Sedum dasyphyllum Golden Glow
Sedum lineare Carpet Sedum
Sedum morganianum Burro’s or Donkey’s Tail
Sedum multiceps Miniature Joshua Tree
Sedum pachyphyllum Jelly Beans
Sedum rubrotinctum Christmas Cheer
Sedum stahlii Coral Beads

Master Gardeners Manual 313

Native Species* Maple, Caddo Sugar
Native species - native in this context is being de- (Acer saccharum ‘Caddo’)
fined as any plant native to somewhere in the conti- Maple, Red
nental United States, not just Oklahoma. (Acer rubrum)
Oak, Blackjack
Trees (Quercus marilandica)
Birch, River Oak, Bur
(Betula nigra) (Quercus macrocarpa)
Black Gum Oak, Chinkapin
(Nyssa sylvatica) (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Buckeye, Bottlebrush Oak, Nuttall
(Aesculus parviflora) (Quercus nuttallii)
Buckeye, Ohio Oak, Pin
(Aesculus glabra) (Quercus palustris)
Buckeye, Red Oak, Post
(Aesculus pavia) (Quercus stellata)
Buckeye, Texas Oak, Red
(Aesculus glabra var. arguta) (Quercus rubra)
Buckthorn, Carolina Oak, Shingle
(Rhamnus caroliniana) (Quercus imbricaria)
Cedar, California Incense Oak, Swamp White
(Calocedrus decurrens) (Quercus bicolor)
Cedar, Western Red Oak, White
(Thuja plicata) (Quercus alba)
Cucumbertree, Yellow Oak, Willow
(Magnolia acuminata) (Quercus phellos)
Cypress, Arizona Pine, Eastern White
(Cupressus arizonica) (Pinus strobus)
Cypress, Bald Pine, Limber
(Taxodium distichum) (Pinus flexilis)
Cypress, Pond Plum, Sand or Chickasaw
(Taxodium ascendens) (Prunus angustifolia)
Dogwood, Gray Redbud
(Cornus racemosa) (Cercis spp.)
Elm, Cedar Redcedar, Eastern
(Ulmus crassifolia) (Juniperus virginiana)
Falsecypress, Whitecedar or Atlantic Serviceberry
(Chamaecyparis thyoides) (Amelanchier spp.)
Fringetree Silverbell, Carolina
(Chionanthus virginicus) (Halesia tetraptera)
Hawthorn Smoketree, American
(Cratageus spp.) (Cotinus obovatus)
Hophornbeam, American Soapberry, Western
(Ostrya virginiana) (Sapindus drummondii)
Hornbeam, American Sourwood
(Carpinus caroliniana) (Oxydendrum arboreum)
Kentucky Coffeetree Sumac, Fragrant
(Gymnocladus dioicus) (Rhus aromatica)
Magnolia, Sweetbay Sycamore
(Magnolia virginiana) (Platanus occidentalis)

314 Master Gardeners Manual

Witchhazel, Common Mahonia
(Hamamelis virginiana) (Mahonia spp.)
Witchhazel, Vernal Rhododendron and Azalea
(Hamamelis vernalis) (Rhododendron spp. and cultivars)
Yellowwood, American Sweetshrub, Common
(Cladrastis kentukea) or Carolina Allspice
(Calycanthus floridus)
Shrubs Sweetspire, Virginia
Bayberry, Northern (Itea virginica)
(Myrica pensylvanica) Viburnum, American Cranberrybush
Beautyberry, American (Viburnum trilobum)
(Callicarpa americana) Viburnum, Arrowwood
Bladdernut, American (Viburnum dentatum)
(Staphylea trifolia) Viburnum, Blackhaw
Blueberry, Highbush (Viburnum prunifolium)
(Vaccinium corymbosum) Viburnum, Southern Blackhaw
Butterfly Bush (Viburnum rufidulum)
(Buddleia spp.) Viburnum, Nannyberry
Buttonbush (Viburnum lentago)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis) Yellowroot
Chokeberry, Black (Xanthorhiza simplissima)
(Aronia melanocarpa)
Chokeberry, Red Vines
(Aronia arbutifolia) Ampelopsis
Clethra, Summersweet (Ampelopsis spp.)
or Sweet Pepperbush Bittersweet
(Clethra alnifolia) (Celastrus spp.)
Currant, Clove Boston Ivy
(Ribes odoratum) (Parthenocissus spp.)
Devil’s-walkingstick Clematis
(Aralia spinosa) (Clematis spp.)
Fothergilla, Dwarf Crossvine
(Fothergilla gardenii) (Bignonia capreolata ‘Tangerine Beauty’)
Fothergilla, Large Dutchman’s-pipe
(Fothergilla major) (Aristolochia marophylla)
Holly, American Grape
(Ilex opaca) (Vitis spp.)
Holly, Common Winterberry Passionflower Vine
(Ilex verticillata) (Passiflora incarnata)
Holly, Inkberry Virginia Creeper
(Ilex glabra) (Parthenocissus spp.)
Holly, Deciduous or Possumhaw
(Ilex decidua) * This list does not represent a comprehensive
Honeysuckle, Southern Bush view of native ornamentals that could be grown in
(Diervilla sessifolia) Oklahoma
Hydrangea, Smooth
(Hydrangea arborescens)
Hydrangea, Oakleaf
(Hydrangea quercifolia)
(Juniperus spp.)

Master Gardeners Manual 315

Table 6.13. Diagnosing Symptoms of Common Indoor Plant Problems.

Foliage Growth Flowers Possible Causes:

Master Gardeners Manual

tips or margins brown

bend down and curl
yellowish green
oldest drop
all drop

weak, thin and soft
new leaves small
none develop
plant died
fail to develop--bud drop
color is less intense
decline too fast
become smaller
no blooms

EXCESS LIGHT: i.e. exposure to direct sun can be too intense
for many plants.
INSUFFICIENT LIGHT: impairs photosynthesis and flowering.
DAYLENGTH: if too short reduces growth, flowering and
HIGH TEMPERATURE: especially at night reduces growth and
vigor, also detrimental for flowering.
LOW TEMPERATURE: continued exposure is adverse to plant
LACK OF WATER: limiting factor for growth and survival.
tion--roots die, water and nutrients are not absorbed.
TOO MUCH FERTILIZER: accumulation of soluble salts injures
plant roots, reduces water uptake.
LACK OF FERTILIZER: causes a deficiency of nutrients re-
quired for plant growth.
COMPACTED SOIL: reduces root functions and activity.
GROWING CONTAINER: too small or too large in relation to
plant size.
LOW HUMIDITY: air too dry to maintain healthy growth and
Chapter 7: TURFGRASS

Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Have a fundamental understanding of the unique growth and seasonal characteristics of both
warm- and cool-season turfgrass plants.
• Have a working knowledge of the characteristics, requirements and tolerances of the desirable
turfgrass species used in Oklahoma lawns.
• Understand the natural conditions and cultural care practices that influence the growth and de-
velopment of a lawn environment.
•. Understand the principles and components of successful lawn establishment and renovation.
• Identify, comprehend and set control strategies for key pests common to Oklahoma lawns.

Chapter 7: Turfgrass........................................317 Preface

Introduction.......................................................317 This chapter is intended to be used in harmony
Lawn Benefits...............................................318 with the turfgrass training presentation. Addition-
Successful lawn management.....................318 ally, this manual segment is not intended to be a
Primary and secondary practices comprehensive end-all source on turfgrass man-
used in lawn care.........................................318 agement. It should be used in conjunction with
Turfgrass Selection............................................318 each of the fact sheets and current reports that are
Sourcing turfgrass species and cultivars.....218 referenced herein as well as with various resourc-
Turfgrass selection and site es referenced on the internet.
assessment/client assessment.....................318
Grass Types......................................................319 Introduction
Bermuda grass.............................................319
Buffalograss.................................................321 The home lawn is an integral part of the total
St. Augustinegrass.......................................321 landscape. The landscape is the merger of the
Zoysiagrass..................................................321 lawn, trees, shrubs, ornaments, berms, ponds,
Turfagrasses for Shaded or Irrigated Sites.......322 paths and various hard-scape elements. The lawn
Proper Turfgrass Establishment Practices........323 is the area of the landscape that is comprised of
Fertilization...................................................323 living plant material with the specific features of
Irrigation to suppliment natural rainfall..............325 being relatively low growing; tolerant of regular
Mowing.........................................................327 foot traffic, mowing or animal grazing; and pro-
Tatch.............................................................327 vides soil stabilization and beautification. The lawn
Aerification....................................................328 can be comprised of any number of different types
Weed Control................................................328 of plants with these characteristics, including
Herbicides and terminology.........................328 grasses, sedges, rushes and various broad-leaf
Weed identification and lawn grass plants. Most often, the lawn is comprised of grass-
identification.................................................329 es; in particular, a special sub-group of grasses
Insect Control......................................................31 called turfgrasses. Turfgrasses and their culturing
Disease Control ................................................331

Master Gardeners Manual 317

will be discussed throughout the remainder of this • Primary management practices:
chapter. o Mowing
o Fertilization
Lawn benefits o Irrigation
The lawn provides a setting for trees and or- • Secondary management practices
namentals, as well as the home, and it provides o Aeration
a setting for outdoor family activities. In addition o Dethatching
to these features, lawns provide many benefits to o Traffic management
people, including but not limited to: o Pest management
• Resistance against soil erosion caused by „ Insect pest management
wind and water. „ Animal pest management
• Reduction in noise, dust and glare. „ Disease management
• Reduction in surface water runoff and in- „ Weed management
creased water infiltration into the soil.
• Providing for a safer surface for recreation and
a more forgiving surface for player falls than Turfgrass Selection
hard-scape elements such as asphalt, con-
crete, gravel, bark, wood chips, mulch or artifi- Sourcing turfgrass species
cial turf. and cultivars
• Increased property value in most Once the site assessment, client assessment
circumstances. and grass selection decision-making has been
• Beautification and presentation of the home. completed, locate available sources of the desired
turfgrass species and cultivars. Useful resourc-
Successful lawn management es include a web search, as well as OSU Current
Successful home-lawn management is based Reports (CR). Those resources include CR-6605
in sound decision-making and, when properly im- Oklahoma Turfgrass Sod Source Directory and
plemented, the program ensures the functional CR-6609 Buffalograss Sod Source Directory.
lawn remains in place through time. The overall
process for development of a successful lawn and Turfgrass selection and
lawncare program includes:
site assessment/client assessment
• Proper assessment of the conditions and
Turfgrasses are a subset of grasses whose
needs of the site and the client.
shoot and root systems form a more or less con-
• Selection of turfgrass species and cultivars
tinuous mat of intermingled plants. Turfgrasses are
that are 1) adapted to the specific site condi-
those grasses having a relatively low, spreading
tions and 2) meet the majority, if not all needs
growth habit and tolerate regular mowing or graz-
expected by the client. Some conditions of the
ing, as well as a moderate amount of foot traffic
site may require minor modification to meet
during their active period of growth.
these goals.
The geographic location of Oklahoma permits
• Proper installation or establishment of the lawn
turfgrass species popular in the northern, south-
plants or turfgrasses.
ern, eastern and western environments of the U.S.
• Proper long-term management of the lawn
to be grown somewhere in the state. However, high
plants or turfgrass to meet site and client
temperatures and limited rainfall during the sum-
mer limit the success of the cool-season turfgrass
species to the light to moderately shaded areas
Primary and secondary practices and full-sun sites with irrigation systems. Cool-sea-
used in lawncare son grasses grow best in the cooler portion of the
Once properly installed, the overall process of year, such as the spring and fall and tolerate winter
long-term lawn or turfgrass management includes well. Cool-season grasses are often challenged by
the following steps: the heat and decline in health during mid- to late
June through August. Cool-season grasses gener-

318 Master Gardeners Manual

ally have high water use rates and limited ability to grasses. Development of realistic expectations in
tolerate drought. terms of lawn performance within the budgetary
Warm-season grasses grow well in the sum- resources of an individual is not only a requirement
mer heat, provided suitable rainfall occurs or sup- for the homeowner or client but also a discernment
plemental irrigation is being used, but they have skill that requires culturing and practice.
slower growth during the cool periods of late fall
and early to mid-spring. Warm-season grasses
suffer top growth kill from freezing conditions and Grass Types
remain dormant in the winter. Overall, warm-sea-
son grasses have a lower water use rate and bet- Taxonomical botanists are those scientists and
ter drought resistance than cool-season grass- technologists who, among other areas of respon-
es. However, there can be specific exceptions to sibility, study and work in the area of classification
these very generalized assumptions. of the identity of plants. The family of grasses con-
Successful turfgrass management begins with tain many genera or sub-groups within the family
the selection of a turfgrass species adapted to of grasses. Within each genus is one or more spe-
the wide fluctuations in temperature and moisture cies, a sub-group within the genus or a sub-sub
found in any single area within the state. Within a group within the grass family. Within each grass
site there may be environmental limitations caused species are varieties or a sub-group within the spe-
by shade (reduced availability of sunlight), no sup- cies. Specific grasses are bred, collected, select-
plemental water beyond natural rainfall or poor soil ed and preserved due to some valuable features
conditions. these types provide. It is these special cultivated
Proper selection of a turfgrass for a lawn site varieties for which the term cultivar is applied. Not
not only involves the selection of a well-adapted being a stickler for names, the U.S. trade industry
turfgrass, but also selecting one that fits the needs regularly interchanges the terms cultivar and va-
of the client. For instance, provided the client can riety, so be prepared to see either term used by
meet the labor and monetary costs of a lawn main- gardeners, scientists and sales personnel. ‘Ken-
tenance program, does the client want a show- tucky 31’ is an example of a cultivar of the species
place lawn (with management inputs to match), tall fescue grass. ‘U-3’ is an example of a cultivar
a neighborhood sports field, an average lawn, a of the species common Bermuda grass. There
low-input lawn that preserves the natural character are thousands of cultivars of turfgrass available
and reflects the native plant materials indicative around the world, but only few dozen cultivars will
of the area or simply “something alive and green be discussed here.
some of the time” and able to simply cover and
protect the soil from erosion? Generally it is not Bermuda grass (Cynodon species)
feasible to have it all, especially on a small budget. The Bermuda grasses are a group or genus
Sometimes a client’s management skills or lack of of grasses widely distributed across the world.
financial resources, as well as lack of disposable However, only two species of Bermuda grass are
management time in caring for the lawn may dic- regularly used in Oklahoma and are the group of
tate a lower input and/or lower visual and lower turf-type common Bermuda grasses (Cynodon
functionally impactful lawn be put in place. Thus, dactylon variety dactylon) and the group of inter-
all of the features wished for in a lawn may not be specific hybrids (Cynodon dactylon X Cynodon
possible, but there are well-adapted turfgrasses transvaalensis) created by natural or human-made
that can meet most desires and are affordable to crosses between the common Bermuda grasses
manage. and the African Bermuda grasses (Cynodon trans-
Shaded areas can be one of the most challeng- vaalensis). Interspecific means crosses between
ing sites to manage due to the reduced sunlight, two different species, whereas intraspecific means
which is used by the plant in manufacturing food crosses within a species.
(carbohydrates). Restricted air movement caused The common Bermuda grass species is very
by heavy tree cover and tree root competition for dynamic, widely adaptable and is now used for
moisture and nutrients can lead to conditions more turfgrass in the warmer areas of six continents. The
conducive to disease, especially on cool-season

Master Gardeners Manual 319

America and South America. Although Bermuda
grasses are not native to Oklahoma, they have es-
caped cultivation and have naturalized throughout
Oklahoma and have become quite well adapted
to the wild areas of Oklahoma. People have differ-
ent definitions for the word “common” with respect
to Bermuda grass: 1. ‘common Bermuda grass’
meaning the specific species Cynodon dactylon,
and 2. the spoken phrase “The Bermuda grass
that I have in my lawn is just some old common
type,” meaning that the grass is not a specifical-
ly known, improved type. If important, be specific
with the cultivar name.
Figure 7.1. Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass is often considered the
best-adapted turfgrass for full-sun areas in Oklaho-
ma due to its excellent heat and drought tolerance
species is comprised of millions of different gen- during the summer and its sufficient winter hardi-
otypes or specifically identified individuals. It is ness. Bermuda grasses can vary considerably in
important to mention that even the most scholarly appearance. Some members of the common Ber-
and experienced of turfgrass scientists can rarely, muda grass species are more forage-like in ap-
truly identify a Bermuda grass genotype merely by pearance, having a low number of aerial shoots
looking at it. While turf management practitioners per area and wide leaf blades. Such types give the
and scientists can often identity a turfgrass to its appearance of a coarse, open (non-dense) lawn
scientific genus level or even to the species level rather than a thick lawn, comprised of many aerial
(an even more specific level of ID), identification shoots per area and narrower leaf blades. A lawn
to the cultivar or variety level generally is not fea- having a very high shoot density, where the indi-
sible. Often, simple deductive logic is being used vidual leaves are narrow, gives the appearance of
in trying to place a turfgrass as to its variety or cul- fine texture. Most people tend to like a fine-textured
tivar level within the species and the person is not lawn rather than a coarse-textured lawn, but there
actually truly able to identify the cultivar by mere can be different preferences amongst individuals.
physical examination. DNA fingerprinting methods The appearance preference can influence which
are used to identify specific strains of grasses ver- cultivars and species are chosen, provided they
sus other species or strains, but these methods can be found with the necessary adaptation to the
largely remain lab-based and their financial cost site conditions present.
as well as time-consuming nature prevent their use It has often been said that turfgrass cultivars
in the casual identification of samples sent to any having a fine texture (relative measure of leaf-blade
of OSU’s diagnostic labs or Extension offices. width) and a high turf density (number of leaves or
African Bermuda grass receives some use as stems per unit area) are best suited for areas such
a turfgrass species in Africa, but in the U.S. the hy- as closely mowed athletic fields and golf cours-
brids created between African and common Ber- es. However, this is based on the assumption the
muda grasses are more often used. African Ber- client did not wish to perform the more intensive
muda grasses have not proven to be well-adapted management practice of frequent and lower mow-
for use in Oklahoma, therefore not regularly avail- ing. The client can use fine textured and dense
able in the trade. In general, use is discouraged by turfgrasses if they are willing to either conduct fre-
all but the most avid of “grass tinkerers.” quent and close mowing or hire this management
In general, Bermuda grasses are warm-sea- practice on a regular basis.
son turfgrasses that spread rapidly by above- Likewise, it has been said that the coarser-tex-
ground (stolons) and below-ground (rhizomes) tured, lower-density, common cultivars of Bermu-
stems. Bermuda grasses were once native (origi- da grass (and turfgrasses in general) are better
nally limited to) to Africa, Asia, Australia and south- suited for home lawns because they require lower
ern Europe, but have been introduced into North amounts of maintenance (fertilizing, mowing and

320 Master Gardeners Manual

dethatching). This assumption again is based on siagrasses and especially inland saltgrasses. Buf-
assuming that the consumer does not or cannot falograss often is a good choice for non-irrigated
manage the lawn or they can not pay for regular lawns on heavy textured soils in full sun, especially
mowing or more intensive management practices. in western Oklahoma.
Remember it is important to conduct a thorough Cultivars of buffalograss in the commercial
client assessment to determine the wishes of the trade should be thought of as those produced
lawn owner and help them understand what man- purely by clonally propagated means or those
agement practices must occur in association with intended to be propagated by seed, but may
achieving certain utilitarian and visual outcomes be seeded to a sod production field to produce
from the lawn. There is not a correct one size fits sod. Buffalograsses are unique because they
all approach to placing a grass species and culti- are principally dioecious, but occasionally mon-
var with a lawn owner, the client assessment and oecious. This means they principally have sepa-
selection process is an individual process. rate plants that produce exclusively male flowers
or exclusively female flowers, but occasionally, a
Buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides) single buffalograss plant will produce both male
Buffalograss, or more specifically American and female flowers on the same clonal plant.
buffalograss, formerly had the botanical name This characteristic has implications concerning
Buchloe dactyloides, but has been reclassified to the selection and purchase of buffalograss culti-
the genus and species name Bouteloua dactyloi- vars because some cultivars such as ‘Prestige,’
des. Buffalograss is a warm-season, sod-forming ‘Legacy,’ ‘609’ and ‘Prairie’ are exclusively female
grass native to short, mixed and tall-grass prairies clonally or vegetatively propagated lines. They are
in Oklahoma. It spreads by aboveground runners not propagated by seed, but rather by plugs or
(stolons) and by seed (in certain cases). It has by sod. Seeded lines such as ‘Texoka,’ ‘Coman-
a fine texture and a silvery, grayish-green color. che,’ ‘Topgun,’ ‘Cody,’ ‘Bowie’ and ‘Sundancer’ are
Many cultivars of buffalograss have excellent tol- cultivars that produce a mixed population of male
erance to the heat, drought and cold conditions and female flower-bearing plants. These cultivars
found in Oklahoma. Buffalograss is best suited to are intended to be seeded, but with the proper cir-
full-sun sites in areas of Oklahoma receiving 12 to cumstances, can be seeded to a sod production
25 inches of rainfall per year, but it can be regularly field. If cultured properly, sod of the mixed male/
found in the 35-inch rainfall belt. female population can be harvested, transported
Buffalograss grows best on heavy-textured and installed in a lawn. Mixed male/female cutivars
soils, but can occasionally be found on sandy produce numerous male flowers above the grass
sites. It has great tolerance of alkaline soils, if they leaf canopy, which some people may find distrac-
are not high in sodium. While some types of buffa- tive from the general appearance of the turf. Thus,
lograss can tolerate salt, it is not as tolerant of high it is important to assess the client’s wishes rather
salinity soils as are many Bermuda grasses, zoy- than automatically assuming they will want a clonal
female type or a mixed male/female population.

St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum

St. Augustinegrass is a medium- to coarse-tex-
tured, warm-season turfgrass that spreads by sto-
lons. It is suited to southern Texas, but can some-
times be grown in the extreme southern regions
of Oklahoma on sheltered sites. Shaded lawns of
St. Augustinegrass can be regularly found in the
communities of Ardmore, Durant, Madill and Hugo.
A few lawns of St. Augustinegrass can be found
in McAlester and Poteau, but not reliably farther
north in Oklahoma than these sites.
Figure 7.2. Buffalograss.

Master Gardeners Manual 321

and rhizomes. Many types, but not all, are winter
hardy in Oklahoma. Nearly all zoysiagrasses have
some ability to grow under light shade. This is one
of its desirable features, since most zoysiagrasses
have better shade tolerance than most Bermuda
grasses. However, this does not mean zoysiagrass
is tolerant enough to work in all shaded conditions.
Zoysiagrasses are generally slow to estab-
lish, especially the old cultivar Meyer Z-52. New-
er cultivars of zoysiagrass such as ‘El Toro,’ while
slower to spread than most Bermuda grasses, can
spread three to five times faster than Meyer zoysia-
grass. In general, the slower establishment rate of
Figure 7.3. St. Augustinegrass. zoysiagrasses, coupled with their higher water use
rate, susceptibility to mites and large patch fungal
St. Augustinegrass produces a quality lawn on disease are the greatest liabilities. The improved
full-sun to lightly-shaded sites in the far southeast- shade tolerance, less frequent mowing require-
ern part of Oklahoma. However, it requires more ment and much greater resistance to weed inva-
frequent watering and better soil conditions than sion (when healthy) are the assets of a zoysiagrass
Bermuda grass. Selections of Texas common St. lawn.
Augustinegrass may appear to have greater win- Zoysiagrass requires more frequent watering to
ter hardiness than many of the other commercially prevent wilting than Bermuda grass, but has low-
available cultivars, but Raleigh has been a rela- er annual fertilizer requirements. Zoysiagrass, like
tively reliable cultivar to use where St. Augustine- the fine-textured Bermuda grasses, should only be
grass is well adapted. utilized for lawns when a top-quality turf is desired
and a somewhat higher maintenance required turf
Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) is tolerable.
The Zoysiagrass genus is comprised of sev- Meyer zoysiagrass (Z-52), a variety not stated
eral species native to Asia and useful as turfgrass (VNS) matrella zoysiagrass, and El-Toro zoysia-
species in the U.S. The most commonly used zoy- grass are the only cultivars commercially available
siagrass species are the Japanese lawn grass in large quantities in Oklahoma. For those living in
species (Zoysia japonica) and the matrella zoysia- southern Oklahoma, there are a number of produc-
grass (Zoysia matrella), but several other species ers of zoysiagrass sod in Texas north of the Dal-
and interspecific hybrids are also used in lawns las-Ft. Worth metroplex. Many zoysiagrasses can
across the world. be used as lawn types in Oklahoma, but are not
Zoysiagrass is a fine- to medium-textured, currently produced or available as sod in Oklaho-
warm-season turfgrass that spreads by stolons ma. Many cultivars that have good adaptation to
Oklahoma can be found at the National Turfgrass
Evaluation website at This site re-
views past zoysiagrass cultivar evaluation trials
conducted at Stillwater.

for Shaded or Irrigated Sites
Cool-season grasses might provide a green
cover the entire year if properly watered and fer-
tilized. Occasionally, cool-season turfgrass spe-
cies are the best selection for lawns. This may be
due to the client wanting a naturally green lawn
Figure 7.4. Zoysiagrass.
for the greatest number of months during the year,

322 Master Gardeners Manual

or because many warm-season turfgrasses can-
not tolerate shaded sites (with the exception of St.
Augustinegrass). So, a cool-season turfgrass such
as tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), Kentucky
bluegrass (Poa pratensis) or perennial ryegrass
(Lolium perenne) might be seeded (ideally in the
fall) or sodded (any time except June to early Sep-
tember). Even with improved shade tolerance, a
cool-season grass may not be able to survive in
shaded sites. For specific tips on how to better
manage turfgrass in shade, see the Extension Fact
Sheet HLA-6608 Managing Turfgrasses in Shade
Also consult Fact Sheet HLA-6418 Selecting a
Lawn Grass in Oklahoma for more details on pick-
ing cool-season turfgrasses for the lawn. Figure 7.6. Irrigation of grass.
Cool-season turfgrasses, such as tall fescue
and Kentucky bluegrass also can be successfully idly needed. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
grown in full sun, but require more frequent watering is commonly seeded into an established Bermuda
during the summer to prevent wilting, thinning and grass turf when a fine-textured, green turf cover
a loss of turf density. Other than in the high rainfall is desired from late fall (November) through mid-
areas of far northeastern Oklahoma, cool-season spring. Annual ryegrass is less expensive and
turfgrasses may be utilized in full sun only when a is also successfully used for the same purpose,
convenient means of irrigation is available. Even although it provides an inferior quality in winter
so, diseases such as Pythium blight and Rhizoc- turf compared to perennial ryegrass. Sometimes,
tonia blight, as well as large brown patch (all three perennial ryegrasses are much more tolerant to
deadly diseases of tall fescue and ryegrass) may summer heat and lives into the summer months.
spell disaster for cool-season turfgrasses. It does Shading of the Bermuda grass causes failure or
not matter if it is in full-sun or shade or whether irri- severe injury due to poor transition. “Transition” is
gated or not in years with high natural rainfall, high the process of a winter-overseeded cool-season
air temperatures and high relative humidity, these grass intentionally placed in a warm-season grass
diseases are problems. base lawn is performing well in winter and spring
Perennial ryegrass and annual ryegrass, some- and the cool-season grass gradually dies out (as
times called Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), hoped) in mid- to late spring. Poor transition is
can also be utilized for overseeding into dormant when an overseeded cool-season grass survives
warm-season turfgrasses or for soil stabilization too long into the late spring or summer, causing
during the fall and spring when a turf cover is rap- excess shading and stand loss of the warm-sea-
son turfgrass base.
Advances in turfgrass breeding have led to
special annual, intermediate and perennial rye-
grass cultivars that have been bred and selected
to have features of special value for the winter-over-
seeding market. These grasses have improved
color, texture, density, growth habit and improved
summer transition as compared to those annual
ryegrasses used merely as forage/soil stabilizer
types. These special overseeding types also are
considerably more expensive than general pur-
pose or forage/soil stabilizer types.
Annual ryegrass is also commonly used for
temporary soil stabilization on construction sites
Figure 7.5. Shaded grass area. that are completed during the fall and winter, when

Master Gardeners Manual 323

conditions are unfavorable for establishment of Each of these mineral elements is required for
warm-season turfgrasses. Use of annual ryegrass plant growth, but concern of application of each
for soil stabilization is considered a specialty use differs because plants utilize them in variable
and the Master Gardener should check with their amounts (thus the terms macro, secondary and
county Extension educator or Master Gardener micronutrients). On most normal, native topsoils
Trainer for additional details concerning this spe- that consist of clays, clay loams, loams, silts and
cialty topic area. silty clay loams, the secondary and micronutrient
While only 11 turfgrass species have been levels present generally are not limiting to turfgrass
briefly covered in this manual section, there are lawn growth. Extremely sandy soils may require at-
more than 30 turfgrass species that could possibly tention to all 13 mineral elements, due to their low
be used at various locations in Oklahoma. Even organic matter content and high water infiltration
so, these 11 species listed are adequate for the rate and inability to retain nutrients and water.
Master Gardener to develop an understanding of In this turfgrass chapter only macronutrients
the selection process so they can suggest adapt- will be discussed, but remember that with certain
ed types for lawns in various areas of the state. conditions, a knowledge and understanding of the
The best adapted turfgrass will perform only roll and supplementation of the remaining essen-
as well as the lawn-management practices it re- tial nutrients might be required.
ceives. Correct and timely fertilization, watering, Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium might
mowing and pest control (weeds, insects and dis- be needed during turfgrass establishment, during
eases) will ensure turfgrass obtains its potential for the beginning of each growing season and during
quality and adaptation. periods when extra-hardy tissue development is
needed. Applications of N-containing fertilizers
Proper Turfgrass Establishment are particularly important in lawn management
because 1) N is the nutrient required in greatest
Proceedures amounts, 2) the level of N within turfgrasses is
correlated to plant quality (color and density) and
Turfgrass establishment is covered in depth
vigor and 3) plant-available N is often minimal and
in Extension Fact Sheet HLA-6419 Establishing a
limiting in most topsoils of Oklahoma.
lawn in Oklahoma. The Master Gardener in train-
In addition to N, P and K also are required in
ing should become thoroughly acquainted with the
relatively large quantities for healthy plant growth.
site preparation techniques and various establish-
Fertilization for turfgrass need not be in large
ment procedures of seeding, sodding, sprigging
quantity nor as frequent. Fertilizations should al-
and plugging to be able to effectively understand
ways be based on a soil test analysis and recom-
and communicate this essential aspect of turf-
mendation. Deficiencies in nutrients should be
grass management.
corrected for optimal turfgrass growth unless the
intent is to operate an extremely low input and low
“visual output” lawn. Adding P and K above lev-
Fertilization els determined by a soil test is wasteful because it
Fertilization is important because it improves can cause negative environmental impacts. There
turfgrass density, color and recuperative potential. is no evidence turfgrass quality is enhanced at su-
Fertilization is important in terms of its roll in turf- per-optimal soil test levels.
grass establishment (see HLA-6419) and in long- The P test level Extension generally considers
term turfgrass maintenance (See HLA-6420). A optimal for most turfgrasses is a value of 65, when
healthy, properly fertilized, dense turfgrass better using the Mehlich III test. The Mehlich III test is the
resists, but is not immune to, weed invasion and testing procedure used for P and K by the OSU
is able to better tolerate heat, cold, drought and Soil, Water & Forage Lab (OSU SWFL). Please note
wear. that other labs might use other testing procedures,
so different optimum test index levels may be not-
Fertilizer elements ed. Use the same lab for all testing for continuity.
Turfgrass plants require approximate- The K test level generally considered optimal by
ly 16 essential elements for normal growth and Extension is a value of 250 when using OSU SWFL.

324 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 7.1. Fertilization program for bermudagrass lawns.1
Pounds of N Fertilizer2 Pounds fertilizer Pounds fertilizer
Date Elements per 1000 ft.2 (N-P2O5-K2O) per 1,000 ft.2 per acre


1 N+P+K 1.0
{ 20-5-10

ammonium nitrate 3.0 131

June 1 N 1.0 ammonium sulfate 4.9 213
urea (46-0-0) 2.2 96
slow release N sources3
Milorganite (6-4-0) 16.7 727
sulfur-coated urea (32-0-0) 3.1 135
July 1 N 1.0 —same as June 1—
Aug 1 N 1.0 —same as June 1—
Sept 1 N+P+K 1.0 —same as May 1—
November - April: Based on a soil test, correct phosphorus and potassium deficiencies and extremely low or high soil pH.
A moderate fertilization program for Arizona common, U-3, and Guymon bermudagrass and a maximum fertilization program for zoysiagrass and buffalograss would
include fertilizer applications on May 1, July 1, and September 1.
Always immediately water-in water-soluble, quickly available fertilizers.
Apply slow-release fertilizers at a higher rate (2 to 3 pounds N per 1000 ft.2 per application) but use fewer fertilizer applications.

Soil testing, the “right” first step analysis. The routine or basic soil analysis will
The availability of mineral elements in the soil is include N, P, K and pH. The OSU soil labora-
influenced by soil pH. Soil pH is a measure of the tory or the county educator will write fertilizer
concentration of hydrogen ion in the soil or a mea- recommendations, based on the results.
sure of soil acidity or alkalinity. The soil pH scale
goes from 1 to 14, and a pH of 7 is neutral. Below For more information on soil testing, see L-249,
7 is acidic, and above is alkaline. The 13 essen- “Soil Testing, the Right First Step Towards Proper
tial mineral elements are each most available at a Care of Your Lawn and Garden,” from the local
certain pH. Between pH 6.0 and 6.5, all essential county Extension office or from the website osu-
soil elements present in the soil are more readi- For a more thorough coverage
ly available for optimal turfgrass growth. A soil of soil pH, see Fact Sheet PSS-2229 Soil pH and
test is needed to determine soil pH and whether Buffer Index.
crushed and finely ground limestone (to raise pH)
or an acidifying material such as elemental sulfur Fertilizer programs
(to lower pH) is required. Table 7.1 shows recommendations for lawn
The proper steps for determining N, P, K, the fertilization. The fertilization program is designed
level of other elements and pH through a soil test for maximum turfgrass quality and a relatively high
are listed below. maintenance input for a Bermuda grass lawn. In
• Follow a random pattern when sampling. Take this example, it is assumed that P, K and pH levels
about 10 to 15 cores from the established turf- are satisfactory as determined by a soil test. Have
grass area, totaling about one pint. a new soil test about once every three years. In the
• All cores should be taken at a consistent depth fertilization program example in Table 7.1 of HLA-
(3 to 4 inches). Discard thatch, leaves and 6420, a total of 5 pounds of N are applied over
stems, but keep any soil. 1,000 square foot area in one growing season.
• Place all samples in a container and mix This amount is split into five equal but separate ap-
thoroughly. plications. Applications of a complete fertilizer in
• Remove a one-pint soil sample and take it to the spring to enhance root regeneration and one in
the local county Extension office for soil-test the fall to enhance winter hardiness is a part of this

Master Gardeners Manual 325

Table 2. Fertilization program for tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass lawns.

Pounds of N Fertilizer1 Pounds fertilizer Pounds fertilizer

Date Elements per 1000 ft.2 (N-P2O5-K2O) per 1000 ft.2 per acre

Oct 1 N+P+K 1-1.5 20-5-10 5.0 - 7.5 218-327

15-5-10 6.7 - 10.0 292-436
10-5-5 10.0 - 15.0 436-653

10-20-10 10.0 - 15.0 436-653
ammonium nitrate 3.0 - 4.5 131-196
Dec 1
N 1-1.5 ammonium sulfate 4.9 - 7.3 213-318
urea (45-0-0) 2.2 - 3.3 96-145

ammonium nitrate 1.5 - 3.0 65-131
March 1
N 0.5-1 ammonium sulfate 2.5 - 4.9 109-213
urea 1.1 - 2.2 48-96

May 12 N+P+K 0.5-1 20-5-10 2.5 - 5.0 109-218
15-5-10 3.3 - 6.7 144-292
10-5-5 5.0 - 10.0 218-436
10-20-10 5.0 - 10.0 218-436
Always immediately water-in water soluble, quickly available fertilizers.
If available, always use a slow-release fertilizer in the spring and early summer.

example program. Less fertilizer can be applied not immediately available for plant uptake, but in
to reduce the total amount of N, if it is deemed ap- the presence of continued warm, moist soil will be-
propriate. Such conditions might be where the site come available to the plant gradually over several
has naturally high levels of organic matter in the weeks to a few months. Examples of such fertiliz-
soil, an older lawn that is naturally more fertile or ers can include Milorganite, reactive layer coated
an environmentally sensitive site. Good Bermuda urea and sulfur-coated urea. Such fertilizers are
grass quality and lower amounts of mowing, de- of value when fertilizing warm-season grasses in
thatching and watering can be achieved by reduc- summer, but may not always be a good fit for use
ing the number of N fertilizer applications during on cool-season turfgrasses that have very little N
summer. Total yearly N applications of 3 pounds need in summer in Oklahoma. Slowly available N
per 1,000 square feet is acceptable. This is par- source fertilizers can be applied less frequently
ticularly true for the common-type Bermuda grass and at higher rates of N per 1,000 square feet per
cultivars, buffalograss and zoysiagrass. application to warm-season grasses. A possible
Fertilizations made prior to spring green-up program would include a spring fertilization with a
are not as effective as those made two weeks fol- water soluble, quickly available complete fertiliz-
lowing green-up. Fertilizer applications made after er, a June fertilization with a slow-release fertilizer
September 1 in northern counties might stimulate (2 to 3 pounds N per 1,000 square feet) and an
lush fall growth. This might hinder Bermuda grass August fertilization with a slow-release fertilizer (2
winterization and possibly lead to more severe to 3 pounds N per 1000 square feet). The August
Spring Deadspot Disease (SDS). Applications of fertilization can also serve as the fall fertilization for
water soluble, quickly available fertilizer of more a warm-season grass if enough N was put down in
than 1 pound N per 1,000 square feet are not like- that application.
ly to enhance turf quality. Water-soluble or quick- The cool-season turfgrasses – tall fescue, Ken-
ly available fertilizer materials should always be tucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass – do not
immediately watered into the soil following appli- need as much fertilizer as Bermuda grass, when
cation with about 0.25 inches of water to avoid considering a maximum care and maximum visual
burning turf foliage. Slow-release or controlled re- impact lawn management program. For instance,
lease fertilizers are those whose N component is a maximum N fertilization program for cool-season

326 Master Gardeners Manual

grasses would never exceed a total of 4 pounds of ter faster, but retain less water than fine-textured
N per 1,000 square feet per year, applied in four soils like loams and clays. Thus, it takes less wa-
separate applications. Cool-season grasses need ter to moisten sandy soil to a 6-inch depth than to
most of their annual fertilizer in the fall, with small moisten a clay soil to the same depth. This means
amounts in the spring, and very little, if any, during more frequent applications of less water are re-
the summer. A fertilization program for tall fescue, quired for turfgrasses growing on sandy soils.
Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass is out- Lush, actively growing turfgrasses utilize more wa-
lined in Table 7.2. ter than turfgrasses maintained on the “lean side.”
The ideal time to water is when turfgrasses
Fertilizers types show the first visual symptoms of water need or
For examples of specific fertilizers to be used wilt, characterized by “foot printing” and a blue-
in lawn care programs, refer to Fact Sheet HLA- gray appearance. When turfgrasses experience
6420 Lawn Management in Oklahoma. The local moisture stress, their leaves begin to roll or fold
county Extension educator, the Master Gardener and wilt. Thus, the leaves are slower to bounce
Trainer or the OSU SWFL may provide a number back when stepped on. Enough water should
of different types of fertilizers that can be used be applied in one application to wet the soil to a
in lawn care. An important training exercise is to 6-inch depth. This can be checked by probing the
take the printed resource with the fertilizer recom- soil. After a few times, a feel for the amount of time
mendation to a local coop, garden center or oth- and water required for deep watering is obtained.
er location where various fertilizers are available If the area begins to puddle and run-off is occur-
to compare. You will most likely be asked by your ring, stop irrigating and allow the water to soak into
consumer clients where they can purchase certain the soil. It may be necessary to repeat this cycle
specific fertilizers locally. As a Master Gardener several times before proper irrigation is complete.
living locally, you are in the best position to know Irrigating only when turfgrasses show the first vi-
what is available. sual symptoms of water need, then watering deep
will encourage deep rooting. The ideal time to ir-
Irrigation to supplement rigate is early morning, while dew is still present
natural rainfall and wind speed is generally low. The potential of
Watering is one of the most often misunder- sprinkler pattern distortion and evaporation is low,
stood aspects of turfgrass culture. Please study as well as the likelihood of increasing the length of
Fact Sheet HLA-6420 concerning this key man- time that the canopy remains wet. Generally, try to
agement practice. For those having in-ground irri- keep the turfgrass canopy leaves as dry as possi-
gation systems, proper operation and understand- ble, while keeping the soil moist. Keeping the can-
ing of these systems is essential. Therefore, it is opy dry helps to reduce, but will not eliminate, the
highly beneficial to read the Fact Sheets HLA-6445 potential for disease occurrence. This is especially
Smart Irrigation Technology: Controllers and Sen- true with cool-season turfgrasses.
sors as well as HLA-6610 Simple Irrigation Audits
for Home Lawns. Often, watering turf areas is too Mowing
frequent or in some cases, too light. Frequent, Table 7.3 presents turfgrass species common-
shallow watering may encourage shallow rooting ly grown in Oklahoma and their seasonal cutting
and weed seed germination. height. With just a few exceptions, interspecific hy-
Ideally, turf should not be irrigated on a regu- brid Bermuda grasses should be mowed at lower
lar schedule, but by need. An irrigation program heights than the cultivars that are members of the
cannot be developed to fit every location due to 1) common Bermuda grass species. The warm-season
dissimilar water-holding capacities of different soil turfgrasses are cut higher in the fall to provide insu-
types found in Oklahoma, 2) weekly fluctuations in lation for low temperatures. When they are growing
temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation and during the summer, they are cut lower to promote
3) the influence of management practices, such lateral spread and a tight turf. Cutting turfgrasses
as mowing and fertilization on turfgrass water con- below their recommended height will discourage
sumption. Sandy, coarse-textured soils absorb wa- deep rooting. Cutting too low may cause the turf to
thin, because it is less able to withstand heavy traffic

Master Gardeners Manual 327

Table 3. Mowing height of commonly grown inches in height, so as not to remove more than 1/3
turfgrasses in Oklahoma. the top growth in any single mowing event.
It is preferable not to bag grass clippings,
Turfgrass May-August September-April since collecting clippings removes valuable nutri-
— inches — ents from the lawn. Grass clippings also take up
valuable space in the landfill and bagging clip-
Bermudagrass 0.5-0.75 1.0-1.25
pings takes more time than mowing with a mulch-
Midiron ing mower. For more information about leaving
Midfield grass clippings, pick up a copy of Leaflet 253, The
Midlawn Don’t Bag It Lawn Care Program, at the local coun-
Tifway ty Extension office.
Tifway II
Regardless of the type of mower used, it is es-
Sunturf sential that mowing equipment be kept sharp and
in good operating condition. Dull, improperly ad-
Arizona common 1.0-2.5 1.5-3.0 justed equipment bruises leaf tips, reduces growth
Cheyenne and causes a dull appearance over the turf area
due to frayed leaf blades.
Guymon Other mowing practices should include varying
U-3 the mowing pattern throughout the growing sea-
Sundevil son to distribute wear, reduce soil compaction and
Yuma improve turf appearance. Make turns on sidewalks
Buffalograss 1.5-3.0 2.0-3.0
and drives or make wide turns to avoid tearing the
St. Augustinegrass 2.5 3.0 turf. Lastly, avoid mowing wet grass. It is harder to
Zoysiagrass 0.5-0.75 1.0-1.25 obtain a quality cut, clippings form clumps on the
mower and turf and disease organisms are more
Cool-Season likely to be spread.
Kentucky bluegrass 2.5 2.5
Perennial ryegrass 2.5 2.5
Tall fescue 3.0 2.5 Thatch
Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass are partic-
ularly prone to developing an excessive (greater
and environmental stresses, such as low soil mois- than 0.5 inch) layer of thatch. Thatch is undercom-
ture and extreme temperatures. Cutting Bermuda posed roots and stems. Excessive thatch accumu-
grass above its recommended height may produce lation is caused when the production of plant tissue
a stemmy turf, characterized by leaves being pro- exceeds its decomposition. This condition can be
duced near the end of upright stems. This kind of caused by excessive plant growth or during con-
turf is prone to scalping. Turfgrasses grown under
shady conditions should always be maintained at a
slightly higher cut to increase leaf area to compen-
sate for lower light levels.
Ideally, turfgrasses should be mowed on a
schedule based on the amount of plant growth
between mowings. This will depend on the level
of soil moisture, nutrients and temperature and the
amount of sunlight. Since these conditions fluctu-
ate from week to week, plant growth also fluctu-
ates. Therefore, the ideal time to cut turfgrasses
is when no more than about a third of the leaf area
is removed at any one mowing. This would mean
mowing U-3 Bermuda grass at 1 inch each time it
reaches 1.5 inches; or mowing a lawn with a reel-
Figure 7.7. Excessive thatch (left), good thatch
type mower at 0.5 inches when it reached 0.75
amount (right).

328 Master Gardeners Manual

ditions when plant tissue decomposition is slow. over the area. Proper eye and ear protection as
Excessive thatch layers impede the movement of well as a dust mask may be necessary when drag-
moisture, nutrients and air into the root-zone soil. ging or breaking up cores. Following dragging, the
This condition leads to shallow root development, small pieces readily disperse into the soil with ad-
which may cause the turf to thin. Thatch formation ditional irrigations or rainfall events.
is retarded through proper mowing, fertilization, Many lawns in Oklahoma would benefit from
watering and responsible pesticide use. one or two core cultivations each year to improve
Determine the thickness of the thatch layer the movement of air and water into the root-zone
by examining a 3- to 4-inch deep plug. If thatch soil. Core cultivation also reduces excessive
is thicker than 0.5 inch, a dethatching operation thatch layers. The best time to core cultivate is
is needed. The best time to dethatch warm-sea- during periods of active plant growth. Core culti-
son lawns of Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass is vate warm-season turfgrasses just prior to green-
prior to spring green-up. Dethatch tall fescue and up in late winter or early spring and core cultivate
bluegrass lawns in the early fall. Thatch layers are cool-season turfgrasses early in the fall.
best removed by a dethatching machine or power
rake, which may be hired or rented. For more infor- Weed control
mation concerning thatch and its control, see Fact Weeds interfere with the beauty and function
Sheet HLA-6604, Thatch Management in Lawns. of turfgrass areas, however, a small number of
weeds in a lawn is usually tolerable. Weeds may
Aerification indicate the turfgrass community has been weak-
Turfgrass plants absorb oxygen and emit carbon ened by some environmental condition, pests and/
dioxide through root surfaces. An adequate amount or improper maintenance activities. A healthy turf-
of air space in the soil is needed to provide aeration grass is the best defense against weed infestation.
and proper soil water movement into and through Herbicides (herb means plant and -icide means
the soil. With heavy use, the upper 2 to 3 inches of killer of) are weed killers. They are important tools
soil may become compressed into a denser, hard for controlling weeds in turf, but repeated severe
soil mass, restricting air and water movement. This is occurrence of weeds may reflect underlying prob-
called soil compaction. Hard, tight, clay soils also im- lems that need to be corrected so herbicidal con-
pair the movement of air and water into and through trol is not solely relied upon. The first step in weed
the root-zone soil. In both situations, root growth is re- control is a management program that produces
stricted, leading to a shallow-rooted turfgrass unable a dense, vigorous, healthy turf of an adapted turf-
to withstand the stresses of traffic, extreme tempera- grass variety by mowing, watering and fertilizing
tures and low moisture. properly. Severe soil compaction or excess thatch
The remedy for compacted soils or hard, tight also may be present , keeping the turf from being
clay soils involves the removal of 0.5- to 1-inch di- more competitive with weeds. Severe insect and
ameter cores to a depth of at least 2 inches. This disease attacks create openings in turf coverage
practice is called core cultivation or aerification. that will allow additional levels of weed invasion.
Normally, a machine inserts a hollow metal tine or These problems should be controlled as they arise
spoon into the soil and extracts a core from the as a part of a normal turf management program.
turf. The length of the cores will vary due to soil
strength and penetration capacity of the coring Herbicides and terminology
device, but they should be at least 2 inches in Pre-emergence herbicides are effective in
length for effective aeration. Adding weight to the controlling crabgrass, foxtails, annual bluegrass,
machine and wetting the upper 4 to 6 inches of soil chickweed and a few other grassy and broadleaf
one to two days prior to core cultivation will aid in weeds, depending on the herbicide. All must be
the penetration of metal tines or spoons. At least applied prior to germination and “washed” into
two passes should usually be made with the cor- the root-zone soil, where weed seeds are locat-
ing unit for each cultivation. Cores displaced on ed. Common pre-emergence herbicides include
the surface should be allowed to dry. Incorporate Dimension, XL, Surflan, Team, Hault, Haults, Pen-
the soil back into turf by hand raking or dragging a dulum and Barricade. These pre-emergent herbi-
flexible steel door mat or piece of chain-link fence

Master Gardeners Manual 329

cides are sometimes available in sprayable formu- and contains color images of more than 200 com-
lations and formulated on various herbicide and mon turfgrass weeds. This guide is available for
fertilizer combinations. about $14.00 from the on-line publication stores
Post-emergence herbicides are applied fol- affiliated with Clemson University, the University of
lowing weed emergence when they are young and Georgia and the University of Florida.
actively growing. Most are foliar absorbed, so they
must remain on weed foliage for 24 to 48 hours fol- Weeds and terminology
lowing application. Selective post-emergence her- Annual weeds complete their life cycle in one
bicides kill target weeds without injuring desirable growing season. They come back each year from
plants, when applied at recommended rates and seed. Crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail and sandbur
upon the species cleared for use on the specific are summer annual grassy weeds. Knotweed and
herbicide labels. Post-emergent broadleaf herbi- prostrate spurge are summer annual broadleaf
cides include those with active ingredients of 2,4- weeds. For summer annual weed control with her-
D, dicamba and MCPP. bicides, apply a pre-emergence herbicide at least
two weeks prior to the expected first germination
Weed identification and lawn grass of the target weeds. Water in the pre-emergent
identification with two separate light applications of water total-
Proper weed identification is important as well ing about 0.5 inches. If a pre- and a post-emer-
as being able to identify the turfgrass species gent herbicide have been applied together, read
present in the lawn. Call upon the assistance of the the labels to determine when the irrigation event
local county Extension educator concerning prop- should be applied for the best weed control
er weed and turfgrass identification. One cannot from both components of the application. Crab-
learn how to improve their management program grass and foxtails are effectively controlled with
for a certain weed unless the weed species can be pre-emergence herbicides applied before these
identified; whether it is an annual, biennial or pe- weeds germinate. They start their germination in
rennial; a cool-or warm-season; and if it is a grass, late February to early March in the southernmost
sedge, rush or broadleaf plant. counties of Oklahoma and up to 20 to 30 days later
For those wanting to use an on-line tool in in the northern and panhandle counties, depend-
the form of a key with text and digital images to ing upon the weather conditions. Germination of
assistant in turfgrass ID to the species level, the summer annuals continues throughout the spring
Turfgrass Identification Tool from the Turfgrass Pro- and summer months.
gram at Purdue University is available. This free Depending on location and year, application of
ID tool is located at: post-emergence herbicides should be performed
and it contains useful information to help identify soon after the emergence of crabgrass in April or
any of the turfgrasses likely to be used in Okla- May, while weeds are still small and actively grow-
homa lawns. Another useful Turfgrass Identifica- ing. Post-emergence control of summer grassy
tion Tool is available on-line and free of charge weeds, such as crabgrass was formerly performed
from the North Carolina State University Turf- with organic arsenicals herbicides such as MSMA
grass Program at: (example Ortho Crabgrass Killer Formula II, etc.).
aspx?orderID=GR&orderDesc=Grass However, organic arsenicals are no longer being
There are many free weed identification tools labeled for use in residential turf. Old products can
available both from private industry and various still be used as per the label, but once it is used
Land Grant Universities around the U.S. One such up, the newer MSMA products are labeled only for
site is the Turfgrass Weeds List ID tool offered by use on Golf Course, Sod Farms, roadside rights-
the University of Tennessee Turfgrass Program free of-way and cotton, and are not labeled for use in
on-line at: http://www.tennesseeturfgrassweeds. residential or commercial lawns.
org/Pages/Weed-ID.aspx. There are also apps for In the absence of MSMA being available for
sale for the iPhone and Android systems at various post-emergent weed control in lawns, it is recom-
app stores. A very useful turfgrass weed identifi- mended to use Drive® 75DF, Drive® XLR8 or Quin-
cation book also is available. Weeds of Southern clorac® 75DF, all of which contain quinclorac as
Turfgrasses is durable enough to take to the field an active ingredient. A methylated seed oil (MSO)

330 Master Gardeners Manual

should be purchased and used per label directions north-central counties, winter weeds begin germi-
to enhance activity of quinclorac products, com- nation in late August to early September, if mois-
pared to the activity of a non-ionic surfactant (NIS) ture is available. In southern counties, germination
that would normally be used with a post-emer- may not start until late September to early October.
gent herbicide. Do not use dishwashing soaps or Annual bluegrass and chickweed are effectively
other household soaps as a wetting agents with controlled with pre-emergence herbicides. Some
pesticides. This is because these soaps are often pre-emergence herbicides control both winter an-
ionic surfactants. Instead, purchase designated nual grasses and broadleaves. Portrait® or Gal-
non-ionic surfactants from garden centers or pesti- lery®, both of which contain the active ingredient
cide distributors. Ionic surfactants can sometimes isoxaben, provide good pre-mergence control of
hinder rather than help herbicide performance winter annual broadleaf weeds, but no control of
and this is why non-ionic surfactants are recom- winter annual grasses weeds.
mended instead. Remember to read and follow all Soon after their emergence in October and No-
label directions on any pesticide. Herbicides are vember, winter annual broadleaves can be killed
an example of a pesticide but not all pesticides are with post-emergent broadleaf herbicides. The
herbicides. same broadleaf post-emergent herbicide used to
Image® herbicide, which contains active in- control summer broadleaves are effective against
gredient imazaquin, is labeled for consumer use winter annual broadleaves and, at the proper
in control of crabgrass as a post-emergent. Im- dose, against most perennial broadleaves. Exam-
age® herbicide may not be labeled for use on all ples again include Trimec® and Weed-B-Gone®,
warm-season turfgrasses and should never be although many others are effective and available
used on cool-season turfgrasses, so the label for the consumer.
must be read to make certain the product is la- Post-emergence control of winter broadleaf
beled for use on the specific turfgrass in question. weeds in Bermuda grass, buffalograss, Kentucky
Reading the label is an important step that cannot bluegrass, centipedegrass, perennial ryegrass,
be overlooked. tall fescue and zoysiagrass is with the mixes of 2,4-
There are many summer annual broadleaf D®; dicamba and MCPP® combinations applied in
weeds that can become problems in Oklahoma October and November. A second option for con-
lawns. Generally, post-emergence control of sum- trol of winter annual weeds involves the application
mer broadleaf weeds is performed using properly of Roundup® when the Bermuda grass is fully dor-
labeled pre-mixes of products such as those con- mant (January or early February). This application
taining 2,4-D; dicamba and MCPP. These prod- is appropriate only in dormant Bermuda grass –
ucts include those with the trade names of Trimec® not on other turfgrasses. The consumer is afforded
and Weed-B-Gone®. At press time, the Bayer Ad- the use of certain Roundup® products that contain
vanced®, Spectracide® and Ortho® Product lines the active ingredient glyphosate for use in winter
had pre-mix products that contained these active annual weed control. A tank mix of a glyphosate
ingredients plus quinclorac, making the prod- herbicide and a broadleaf post-emergent herbi-
uct useful for both post-emergent crabgrass and cide over completely dormant Bermuda grass in
broadleaf weed control. Remember to read and January or early February (if allowed by the specif-
follow all labeled directions. Furthermore, re- ic product labels) is highly effective in controlling
member that the label is the law concerning the winter annual grasses/winter annual broadleaves.
proper use of every pesticide. Use of a pesti- Perennial weeds have the capacity to repro-
cide in a manner inconsistent with its label may duce by underground vegetative parts such as
be consider a violation of federal law. rhizomes, nutlets and bulbs. Generally, perenni-
Annual bluegrass, rescuegrass, cheat and al weeds are more difficult to control than annu-
downy brome are winter annual grassy weeds. al weeds because of their ability to regrow from
Chickweed and henbit are winter annual broadleaf underground plant parts. Dallisgrass, dandelion,
weeds. For winter annual weed control with her- clover and nutsedge are perennial weeds.
bicides, apply a pre-emergent herbicide at least Yellow nutsedge can be partially controlled
two weeks prior to the first expected germination in Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass by applying
of the winter annual weeds. For instance, in the Pennant® preemergence herbicide (active ingre-

Master Gardeners Manual 331

dient metalochlor) in late March-early April prior
to germination of dormant nutlets. Control yellow
Insect control
nutsedge in late April, May or June with post-emer-
Many kinds of insects or insect-like pests har-
gence applications of Basagran® T/O (active ingre-
bor in lawns. Most are more of a nuisance rather
dient bentazon). Repeat applications will be nec-
than actually causing serious damage to lawns.
essary throughout the season. Also, the consumer
Occasionally, populations of grubs, armyworms,
may also use Image herbicide (active ingredient
sod webworms, aphids, leafhoppers and pillbugs
imazaquin) or Certainty® herbicide (active ingre-
become large enough to require control. For strat-
dient sulfosulfuron) post-emergence for yellow or
egies and a complete list of lawn insects and their
purple nutsedge control in certain warm-season
control see Fact Sheet EPP-7306 Ornamental and
turfgrasses, but not in most cool-season turfgrass-
Lawn Pest Control.
es. Sedgehammer® (active ingredient halosulfu-
ron) may be used for yellow or purple nutsedge
post-emergence control in most cool or warm-sea- Disease control
son turfgrasses. Be sure to read the label to know
which turfgrass species the product is cleared Turfgrasses vary in their susceptibility to dis-
for use upon. Some herbicides suitable for use in ease. Bermuda grass is one of the most resistant
warm-season turfgrass management are deadly to grasses, although it is more or less susceptible to
cool-season turfgrasses, such as tall fescue. Ad- the fungal disease Spring Dead Spot in Oklahoma.
ditionally, St. Augustinegrass can sometimes be Non-improved common Bermuda grasses such
sensitive to herbicides otherwise labeled and use- as Arizona common and most common Bermuda
ful on Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass. grasses sold as U-3 are somewhat susceptible to
Control perennial broadleaves such as dande- Dollarspot diseases in late spring and early fall
lions and clover in Bermuda grass, Kentucky blue- when heavy dew is present. The most serious fun-
grass, centipedegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall gal diseases of tall fescue are Large Brown Patch,
fescue and zoysiagrass in October and November Rhizoctonia blight and Pythium blight. Most dis-
with 2,4-D®, Banvel® and MCPP® combinations ap- eases can be controlled early during the disease
plied post-emergence. symptom expression phase with the appropriate
Nonselective post-emergence herbicides fungicides. Spring Dead Spot disease control in
kill all actively growing plants. Examples include Bermuda grass is much more complex however.
Roundup®, Roundup Pro®, GLYFOS®, Kleenup®, Use of resistant cultivars is the first step in any
Finale®, Diquat® and various weed and grass killer disease control strategy followed by proper man-
formulations. agement of the grass with proper mowing, fertiliza-
Although it has been said several times in tion, irrigation and aerification, with dethatching as
this section, always read and follow all pesticide needed. Still a fungicide program may be needed
label instructions. For more detailed information with certain circumstances.
on controlling weeds in turf with herbicides, see For a complete list of lawn diseases and their
Fact Sheet HLA-6601, Broadleaf Weed Control for control, see Fact sheets EPP-7637 Home lawn Dis-
Lawns in Oklahoma. ease Control Guide, EPP-7658 Dollar Spot of Turf-
grass, and EPP-7324 Large Patch of Warm-Sea-
son Turfgrasses.

332 Master Gardeners Manual

Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Identify insects to the order level of classification based on shared characteristics.

• Identify common signs and symptoms of arthropod pests.
• Identify common beneficial insects in the garden.

Chapter 8: Entomology Basics.......................333

Introduction.......................................................333 Introduction
Arthropod Classification....................................334
Species.........................................................334 Arthropods are some of the most interesting
Malacostraca................................................335 creatures, owing to their incredible diversity in both
Archnida.......................................................335 form and function and because they are among the
Chilopoda.....................................................335 most abundant, diverse and successful organisms
Diplopoda.....................................................336 on Earth. Approximately 75 percent of all known
Insecta..........................................................336 animal species are arthropods, and the vast ma-
Insect Development..........................................336 jority of these are insects (Figure 8.1). Indeed, ants
Insect Morphology (Form & Structure)..............337 alone make up 10 percent of the world’s biomass
Mouthparts...................................................337 and are present virtually everywhere. Beetles are
Wings............................................................338 so diverse that of every animal species known to
Insect Identification...........................................339
Other insect orders.......................................342
Damage to Plants from Insects and Mites........342
Chewing damage.........................................342
Sucking damage .........................................343
Plant galls.....................................................343
Oviposition damage.....................................344
Vectors of Diseases...........................................344 Figure 8.1. The diversity and relative
Beneficial Insects..............................................344 abundance of living organisms. 

Master Gardeners Manual 333

science, 1 in 5 belongs to one family, the weevils selecting the proper pest control tools. Addition-
(Family Curculionidae). An estimated 100,000 ally, selecting the appropriate pest treatment can
species of insects and mites can be found in North have economic and environmental benefits.
America, and the typical backyard contains hun-
dreds of species at any given time. However, only
a small fraction are observed on a frequent basis Arthropod Classification
because many are microscopic and/or hidden be-
lowground or within plant tissue.
Fortunately, less than 2 percent of all insect Identification of animals, plants and other life
species are classified as pests, whether they feed forms would be impossible without a standard
on plants or plant products, invade our homes, in- system of classification. Scientists classify all or-
flict painful bites and stings or transmit diseases. ganisms according to their appearance or relat-
Most insects are either “neutral” or beneficial and edness. Thus, all living things are grouped into
serve a variety of important functions such as food different categories (called taxa) based on shared
for other animals (including humans), decompos- physical characteristics and/or genetic material
ers of organic matter, pollinators, natural enemies (DNA). Taxa are arranged hierarchically as follows:
(predators and parasitoids) and producers of shel-
lac, dye, wax, honey and silk. Kingdom
Why study insect science? Of course, one rea- Phylum
son is sheer appreciation for one of the planet’s Class
dominant and most interesting life forms, but just Order
as significant one should know at least the basics Family
of entomology to best manage them when they Genus
compete with us for food and fiber, or become a
nuisance or health threat. In any battle, knowing Species
your adversary gains a great advantage. Thus, Kingdom is the broadest level of classification.
the first step in managing insect pests is to identi- For example, all animals are classified under the
fy them correctly. Proper identification will lead to Kingdom Animalia. On the other end of the spec-
better understanding of the biology and life history trum, genus and species are the finest levels of
of the insect, which may be useful for exploiting its classification. The Phylum Arthropoda includes in-
weaknesses. Importantly, correct identification can sects and their relatives, which are all animals that
tell us whether the insect we are dealing with is have several characteristics in common:
truly a pest or one of the many neutral or beneficial • skeleton on the outside of the body (i.e.,
insects that inhabit our landscapes. exoskeleton),
Once a pest is correctly identified, the next step • distinct body segmentation,
is to determine whether we have done (or failed to • paired, jointed appendages,
do) anything to the landscape that created the pest • dorsal, tubular heart valves,
problem. Many pest problems can be prevented • ventral, double nerve chord and
by planning ahead and minimizing plant stress, • open circulatory system.
which makes plants more susceptible to insects
and pathogens. Thus, “pre-emptive gardening” for All arthropods have an exoskeleton, which
pest prevention requires a thorough knowledge of serves as an attachment for muscles, for protection
the landscape and the plants therein. Good overall of the arthropod’s organs and protection from the
horticultural practices include selecting the right environment. It must be shed periodically through-
plants, planting them in the proper site and provid- out their lifetime through a process called ecdysis
ing them with adequate fertilizer and water. It also (molting). The exoskeleton is rich in chitin, a pro-
is a good idea to learn which plants are favored tein that makes the outer body rigid. The exoskele-
by certain pests. For example, junipers or cedars ton also protects arthropods from desiccation and
are almost certain to come under attack from bag- infection, and serves as an internal point of attach-
worms at some point. Knowledge of the pest and ment for muscles and other tissues. All arthropods
the landscape also provide a solid foundation for are distinctly segmented, similar to the segmented

334 Master Gardeners Manual

bodies of earthworms. The appendages, includ- bers of the Class Malacostraca share the following
ing legs, wings and mouthparts, are paired on ei- characteristics:
ther side of the body segment to which they are • two main body regions, the cephalothorax
attached, giving the body a symmetrical appear- (head fused with thorax) and abdomen,
ance. The appendages are also jointed in sever- • some have two pairs of antennae (others have
al places (Arthropoda literally means “jointed foot only one pair) and
or appendage”), allowing the rigid exoskeleton to • five to seven pairs of legs.
articulate and provide movement. The arthropod
“heart” is actually a series of tubular valves locat- Arachnida
ed along the back (top) of the body, whereas the The Class Arachnida includes spiders, mites,
double nerve chord runs along the belly (bottom). ticks, scorpions, and harvestmen, which share the
Finally, the circulatory system is an “open” system, following charcteristics:
meaning there are no veins, arteries, capillaries or • two main body regions, the cephalothorax and
other tissues for channeling the blood. Rather, the abdomen,
interior body is an open cavity and internal organs • no antennae,
are bathed in the blood. Arthropods do not have • no wings and
lungs. They acquire oxygen and expel carbon • four pairs of legs.
dioxide through special pores in the exoskeleton
called spiracles.
Arthropods are grouped into their respective
classes based on other shared features such as This arthropod class consists of centi-
the number of body segments, pairs of legs and pedes, which are swift runners and predaceous
pairs of antennae (Table 8.1). (predatory). All centipedes share the following
Malacostraca • two main body regions, the head and trunk,
• dorso-ventrally flattened (like a pancake),
This is a class of the subphylum, Crustacea, • long, segmented body,
which includes sowbugs, pillbugs, crayfish, crabs • one pair of antennae and
and lobsters. Sowbugs and pillbugs are the only • one pair of legs attached to body segments of
terrestrial crustaceans and are commonly encoun- the trunk.
tered in the garden and around the home. Mem-

Table 8.1. Major classes of arthropods and shared characteristics used for classification.

Body Pairs of Pairs of

Class Examples regions legs antennae Pest status

Malacostraca crayfish, sowbugs 2 5 2 Sowbugs and pillbugs are terrestrial

crustaceans and can be minor
nuisance pests.
Arachnida spiders, mites, ticks 2 4 0 Some mites are major plant pests
and many ticks transmit diseases
to humans and livestock.
Chilopoda centipedes 2 1 per 1 Some can inflict a painful bite.
Diplopoda millipedes 2 2 per 1 Millipedes can be minor
body nuisance pests.
Insecta true bugs, beetles, 3 3 1 Many are important pests.

Master Gardeners Manual 335

Diplopoda require specialized training beyond the scope of
The Class Diplopoda consists of millipedes. this chapter.
Unlike their close relatives, the centipedes, milli-
pedes move slowly and are decomposers. All mil- Insect Development
lipedes share the following characteristics:
• two main body regions, the head and trunk, The exoskeleton provides many advantages to
• generally rounded body, insects, but it must be shed regularly as the insect
• long, segmented body, feeds and grows. A disadvantage of the exoskel-
• one pair of antennae and eton is that molting insects are more vulnerable to
• two pairs of legs attached to body segments of natural enemies and the environment. Insect de-
the trunk. velopment, or metamorphosis, has evolved in four
distinct ways (Figure 8.2).
Insecta Ametabolous development literally means
Members of the Class Insecta are the true in- “without change,” referring to the fact that in-
sects, which share the following characteristics: sects undergoing this type of metamorphosis only
• three body regions, the head, thorax, and change in size, not form. Immatures are referred
abdomen, to as nymphs and develop through several instars
• three pairs of legs attached to the thorax, (stages) before becoming adults. Adults never
• one or two pairs of wings (or none) attached to have wings and resemble larger versions of the
the thorax and nymphs. Examples of common ametabolous in-
• one pair of antennae. sects include silverfish and springtails.
Paurometabolous development, or gradual
There are many different types of insects and metamorphosis, is also characterized by three life
they can be grouped into different orders based on stages: egg, nymph and adult. Paurometabolous
other shared features. Most adult insects are iden- insects change in both size and form as they de-
tified to order quite easily by observing the number velop. Specifically, first-instar nymphs hatch with
and type of wings, type of mouthparts, and mode wing buds protruding from the thorax, which grow
of development (Table 8.2). Insects are further into ever larger wing pads with each successive
subdivided into family, genus and species, which molt. The wings become fully elongated and func-

Table 8.2. Some familiar orders of the Class Insecta.

Order Common name Metamorphosis Mouthparts (adults) of wings

Coleoptera beetles complete chewing 2

Dermaptera earwigs gradual chewing 2
Diptera true flies complete chewing or
piercing-sucking 1
Hemiptera true bugs gradual piercing-sucking 2
Hymenoptera ants, bees, wasps complete chewing 2 or none
Isoptera termites gradual chewing 2
Lepidoptera butterflies, moths, skippers complete siphoning 2
Orthoptera crickets, grasshoppers gradual chewing 2
Neuroptera lacewings, ant lions complete chewing 2
Siphonaptera fleas complete chewing or
piercing-sucking none
Thysanura silverfish, firebrats gradual chewing none
Thysanoptera thrips gradual rasping-sucking 2

336 Master Gardeners Manual

of mouthparts, wings, antennae, legs and other
structures are used to identify insects to order,
family and lower taxonomic levels.

Mouthparts can be especially useful for iden-
tifying insect orders and indicate the type of food
they consume (Figures 8.3 through 8.5). The most
primitive mouthparts are chewing mouthparts.
Thus, ancestral arthropods had chewing mouth-
parts similar to that observed in many modern-day
insects like beetles and grasshoppers. Chewing
mouthparts are comprised of four main append-
ages: a fused labrum (upper lip); mandibles; max-
illa; and a fused labium (lower lip) (Figure 8.3). The
maxilla and labium are equipped with antenna-like
structures called palps, which allow the insect to
Figure 8.2. Types of insect development: A) am- taste, smell and feel potential food sources. Oth-
etabolous; B) paurometabolous (gradual); C) er types of mouthparts are modifications of the
hemimetabolous (simple); D) holometabolous primitive chewing mouthpart design, adaptations
(complete). which allow some insects to specialize on other
diets. All appendages associated with chewing
tional following the final molt into an adult. Com- mouthparts are present in these modified mouth-
mon paurometabolous insects include grasshop- part designs, but are rearranged and modified in
pers, cockroaches and plant bugs. different ways. Piercing-sucking mouthparts allow
Hemimetabolous development, or simple insects to feed on liquid diets. There are different
metamorphosis, is similar to gradual metamorpho- kinds of piercing-sucking mouthparts (Figure 8.4),
sis except the immatures live underwater and are but in general, consist of a straw-like mechanism
called naiads. Dragonflies, damselflies and may- that is inserted into animal or plant tissue to extract
flies are common examples of hemimetabolous blood or plant sap, respectively. Other mouthpart
insects. modifications include chewing-lapping, sponging,
Holometabolous development, or complete siphoning and rasping-sucking (Figure 8.5).
metamorphosis, is characterized by four life stag-
es: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Immatures, called
larvae, are somewhat worm-like and molt through
several instars before forming a pupa. During pu-
pation, the body changes drastically and the adult
insect emerges with legs, antennae and, with
a few exceptions, wings. Insects such as ants,
wasps, flies, and beetles (and many more) are

Insect Morphology
(Form and Structure)

Insect identification depends greatly on a

thorough understanding of insect morphology Figure 8.3. Chewing mouthparts with cutaway
(form and structure). The shape, length and form images showing major appendages: labrum
(upper lip), mandibles, maxilla and labium (low-
er lip).

Master Gardeners Manual 337

Wing number and type are two very important
characteristics for correct identification of insects
to order (Table 8.2, Figure 8.6). The most primitive
insects like silverfish and springtails, for example,
undergo ametabolous development and are com-
pletely wingless throughout their lives. However,
several more advanced insects may or may not
have wings, depending on their caste, sex or gen-
eration. For example, worker (non-reproductive)
ants do not have wings, whereas reproductive ants
develop wings when crowding or other conditions
require them to disperse and form a new colony.
Velvet ants, which are actually wasps, are char-
acterized by having winged males and wingless
Figure 8.4. Piercing-sucking mouthparts of rep- females. Aphids may be winged or wingless, de-
resentative insects. These various mouthpart pending on their generation. Wings are present in
designs allow the insect to feed on a liquid diet, generations of aphids that must disperse to a new
chiefly blood and plant sap. host plant for feeding or overwintering. Most other
insects have two pairs of wings, although true flies
(Order Diptera) only have one pair of membranous
wings. In reality, flies have two pairs of wings, but
the second, hind pair is reduced to specialized,
knob-like structures called halteres that enable
these acrobatic fliers to orient themselves in flight.
For insects with two pairs of wings, wing type is
a useful diagnostic tool. There are five basic types
of wings (Figure 8.6). Beetles (Order Coleoptera)
have front wings that are modified into hardened
sheaths (elytra). The hind wings, used for flight, are
membranous and concealed beneath the elytra
when the beetle is not in flight. Another wing mod-

Figure 8.5. Representative insects depicting

other mouthpart types including: A) chew-
ing-lapping; B) sponging; C) siphoning; and D) Figure 8.6. Major wing types and representative
rasping-sucking. insects possessing those wings.

338 Master Gardeners Manual

ification is seen with true bugs, members of the Legs
Order Hemiptera. True bugs, which include stink Legs have been greatly modified in certain
bugs and squash bugs, possess hemelytra (mean- insects to allow them to survive in a wide variety
ing “half-winged”). These modified front wings are of environments. The most dramatic of these ad-
divided into two portions, a membranous and a aptations are seen in the front and hind pairs of
hardened portion. Like beetles, true bugs have a legs (Figure 8.8). Briefly, these leg modifications
membranous pair of hind wings used for flight that include jumping (saltatorial), grasping (raptorial),
are folded below the hemelytra. Members of the running (cursorial), swimming (natatorial), digging
Order Orthoptera, which include grasshoppers (fossorial) and clinging. Certain bees, which are
and crickets, have leathery wings called tegmina. important pollinators, possess pollen baskets (cor-
Praying mantids (Order Mantodea), cockroaches bicula) on the hind legs for collecting pollen. Leg
(Order Blattodea), and walking sticks (Order Phas- type can be of occasional importance in identify-
mida) also have tegmina. Thrips (Order Thysan- ing insects to order. For example, grasshoppers
optera) are very tiny insects with tapered bodies and crickets (Order Orthoptera) are recognizable
and two pairs of wings that are fringed with hairs. by their massive hind legs modified for jumping.
Scale-winged insects include butterflies, moths
and skippers (Order Lepidoptera). Their wings are
made of microscopic scales that often are very
colorful. Finally, insects like dragonflies and dam-
selflies (Order Odonata), mayflies (Order Ephem-
eroptera), bees and wasps (Order Hymenoptera),
lacewings (Order Neuroptera) and true flies (Order
Diptera) have membranous wings.

Antennae are highly diverse among insects,
even within orders and families (Figure 8.7 shows
just a few examples). Thus, they are not very useful
diagnostic features for identifying insects to order.
Figure 8.8. Some of the many types of legs seen
in insects: A) natatorial (swimming); B) saltato-
rial (jumping); C) fossorial (digging); D) curso-
rial (running); E) corbicula (pollen basket); F)
raptorial (grasping); and G) clinging.

Insect Identification

Several insect orders are encountered in the

garden and other home landscapes (Figure 8.9).
Members of these orders contain both pests and
beneficial insects such as pollinators and natural
enemies (predators and parasitoids). With a bit of
practice, these common insects can be identified
easily by gardeners and homeowners. For more
Figure 8.7. Some of the many types of anten- information on common insect pests of Oklahoma
nae seen in insects: A) plumose; B) capitate; C) gardens and ornamental landscapes, see Okla-
serrate; D) aristate; E) lamellate; F) clavate; G) homa Cooperative Extension Service publication
geniculate; and H) filiform. E-918: Major Horticultural and Household Insects
of Oklahoma. For more information on common

Master Gardeners Manual 339

Figure 8.9. Some common orders of insects encountered in the garden: (A) Hymenoptera (ants,
bees and wasps); (B) Coleoptera (beetles); (C) Diptera (true flies); (D) Hemiptera (true bugs, aphids,
cicadas); (E) Thysanoptera (thrips); (F) Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths); (G) Neuroptera (lacewings,
antlions); (H) Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets); and (I) Dermaptera (earwigs) (Drawings by
Katrina Menard, Ph.D., Sam Noble Natural History Museum, Oklahoma University).

insect natural enemies of Oklahoma pests, see pair hardened (elytra) and the inner (hind) pair
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service publica- membranous (flying wings),
tion E-1023: Conserving Beneficial Arthropods in • chewing mouthparts,
Residential Landscapes. • adults have a wide variety of antennae,
• larvae/grubs with head capsule, most with
Coleoptera three pairs of legs on thorax, no legs on the
Coleoptera contains all beetles, including wee- abdomen and
vils, and most share the following characteristics: • complete metamorphosis (holometabolous
• adults have two pairs of wings, the outer (front) development).

340 Master Gardeners Manual

Diptera Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas and hoppers)
Diptera contains all true flies, including house share the following characteristics:
flies, gnats, and mosquitoes, and most share the • hard-bodied, and large (cicadas) or small to
following characteristics: minute (hoppers),
• adults have only one pair of membranous fly- • large, membranous wings (cicadas) or thick-
ing wings (front) and a pair of halteres that are ened wings (hoppers),
really modified hind wings, • short, bristle-like antennae,
• adults have various mouthparts, including • piercing-sucking mouthparts and
sponging (house fly) and piercing-sucking (fe- • gradual metamorphosis (paurometabolous
male mosquito), development).
• larvae may have hook-like mouthparts or chew-
ing mouthparts. Hymenoptera
• most larvae are legless and maggot like. Ants, bees and wasps belong to the order Hy-
• larvae of advanced forms (house flies and rel- menoptera. Except for reproductive adults, ants
atives) have no head capsule, while less ad- are wingless. Most members of the order share the
vanced forms (mosquitoes) have a head cap- following characteristics:
sule and • adults have two pairs of membranous wings;
• complete metamorphosis (holometabolous front wings are larger than hind wings,
development). • larvae are legless (ants, bees, and wasps), or
three pairs of legs present on thorax and some
Hemiptera with more than five pairs of fleshy prolegs on
Hemiptera is divided into three suborders, abdomen (sawflies),
Suborder Heteroptera (true bugs), Suborder Ster- • chewing mouthparts (or chewing-lapping as
norryhncha (aphids, scales, mealybugs and white- seen with bees),
flies) and Suborder Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas • females with modified ovipositor (egg-laying
and hoppers). Heteroptera (true bugs) share the organ) that forms a stinger and
following characteristics: • complete metamorphosis (holometabolous
• adults have two pairs of wings, the outer (front) development).
pair half membranous and half hardened (hem-
elytra) and the inner (hind) pair membranous Lepidoptera
(flying wings), Lepidoptera is comprised of butterflies, moths
• piercing-sucking mouthparts, and skippers, which are easily recognizable insects
• adults have a large triangular plate (scutellum) and favorites among collectors. Most members of
between the base of the wings (just behind the the order share the following characteristics:
head), • adults are soft-bodied,
• nymphs resemble adults, except they do not • adults have two pairs of well-developed, scaly
have fully formed wings and wings,
• gradual metamorphosis (paurometabolous • adults have coiled mouthparts (siphoning)
development). and feed on nectar; larvae have chewing
Sternorryhncha (aphids, scales, mealybugs • larvae have three pairs of legs present on tho-
and whiteflies) share the following characteristics: rax and three to five pairs of fleshy prolegs on
• small, soft-bodied insects, although scale in- abdomen and
sects secrete a hard or waxy body covering, • complete metamorphosis (holometabolous
• may be winged or wingless forms; when wings development).
are present, there are two pairs and are usually
held roof-like over body when at rest,
• piercing-sucking mouthparts,
Orthoptera include grasshoppers and crickets
• many excrete honeydew as waste product and
and share the following characteristics:
• gradual metamorphosis (paurometabolous
• adults are moderate to large, and somewhat
hard bodied,

Master Gardeners Manual 341

• adults usually have two pairs of wings, the front Other insect orders
wings (tegmina) are leathery and thickened Several other insect orders are listed in Table
and the hind wings are membranous (flying 8.3. Some of these may be encountered in and
wings), around the home.
• chewing mouthparts,
• hind legs may be modified for jumping,
• nymphs resemble adults, except they do not
Damage to Plants
have fully formed wings and from Insects and Mites
• gradual metamorphosis (paurometabolous
development). Insects and their relatives can damage plants
in many ways as both adults and juveniles. Feed-
Dermaptera ing activity often causes the most recognizable
Dermaptera are the earwigs and all share the injury to landscape plants, but behaviors such as
following characteristics: oviposition (egg laying), nesting and gall making
• adults are moderately sized and hard bodied, can alter plant aesthetics and health. Damage to
• chewing mouthparts, plants can occur both aboveground and below-
• elongated, flattened insects with strong, mov- ground, internally and externally, and to vegetative
able, forceps-like cerci on abdomen, and reproductive tissues.
• short, hardened outer (front) wings (elytra) and
folded, membranous inner (hind) wings (flying Chewing damage
wings), Chewing insects can cause damage by biting
• adults and nymphs similar in appearance and off external tissues of a plant. Chewing damage
• gradual metamorphosis (paurometabolous is so prevalent in landscapes, it is often difficult
development). to find plants without at least some leaf tissue re-
moved by chewing insects. Cabbageworms, ar-
Neuroptera myworms, grasshoppers, Japanese beetles and
Lacewings, antlions, mantisflies, snakeflies, fall webworms are common examples of chewing
dobsonflies and dustywings all belong to the Or- insect pests. In severe outbreaks of these pests,
der Neuroptera. Most members of the order share foliage may be missing entirely from affected
the following characteristics: plants. Larvae of some insects (e.g., elm leaf bee-
• two pairs of membranous wings with many tle, willow leaf beetle) remove cellular layers of leaf
veins that resemble a nerve network, tissue, giving leaves a “skeletonized” appearance.
• adults have chewing mouthparts, larvae have Adult Japanese beetles will also skeletonize leaf
sickle-shaped mandibles and suck blood from tissue. Some insects such as black vine weevil
prey, may remove only small notches from leaf margins.
• complete metamorphosis (holometabolous Leaf cutter bees leave behind larger, circular holes
development), at the leaf margin and use the removed leaf tissue
• most are predators as adults and larvae and for fashioning cells in nests.
• some are aquatic. Chewing insects can also cause internal dam-
age to plants. Woodborers, leaf miners and many
Thysanoptera fruit pests have chewing mouthparts to feed and
Thysanoptera are the thrips and all share the tunnel internally on plants. Damage by these pests
following characteristics: occurs during their immature life stages. They en-
• adults are small, soft-bodied insects, ter host plants either as eggs deposited by adult
• two pairs of slender wings fringed with hairs, females or by chewing their way into woody and
• mouthparts are rasping-sucking and herbaceous tissues. In either case, the entrance
• varied metamorphosis, a mixture of complete hole is usually very small and practically invisible.
and gradual. Large holes encountered in fruits, seeds, stems,
trunks or twigs indicate where the adult insect
emerged following feeding and development with-

342 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 8.3. Other Insect Orders.

Order Examples Type of Development

Blattodea Cockroaches, Termites Paurometabolous

Collembola Springtails Ametabolous
Embiidina Webspinners Paurometabolous
Ephemeroptera Mayflies Hemimetabolous
Mantodea Praying mantids Paurometabolous
Mecoptera Scorpionflies Holometabolous
Odonata Dragonflies, Damselflies Hemimetabolous
Phasmida Walking sticks Paurometabolous
Phthiraptera Lice Paurometabolous
Plecoptera Stoneflies Hemimetabolous
Psocoptera Booklice, Barklice Paurometabolous
Siphonaptera Fleas Holometabolous
Thysanura Silverfish Ametabolous
Trichoptera Caddisflies Holometabolous
Zoraptera Angel insects Paurometabolous

in the plant. Leaf miners are small enough to find often show up as chlorotic spots, gradually turning
comfortable quarters between the upper and low- yellow then brown.
er epidermis of a leaf. Their feeding and mining
activity results in either discolored, serpentine runs Plant galls
throughout the leaf or in large, whitish blotches Many galls observed on landscape plants are
filled with frass (excrement). Mining continues until caused by the feeding activity of chewing and
the insect pupates and emerges as an adult. sucking insects. Certain chemicals produced by
these insects mimic plant-growth hormones, in-
Sucking damage ducing abnormal growth of plant tissue (i.e., gall
Plant damage can also occur from insects with formation) at the feeding site. Galls may be caused
piercing-sucking mouthparts. These insects insert by phylloxerans, cynipid wasps (and other tiny Hy-
their straw-like mouthparts into plant tissues and menoptera), gall midges, psyllids and some spe-
either feed on sap flowing through vascular tis- cies of mites (e.g., eriophyid mites). Galls serve
sues or feed on the liquid contents of burst cells. as both shelter and food for developing immature
This feeding behavior results in small, discolored insects. Although the gall is entirely plant tissue,
spots called stippling, where the piercing-suck- the developing insect controls and directs the form
ing mouthparts were thrust into the plant and sap and shape it takes as it grows. Gall-forming arthro-
was removed. These small spots can coalesce pods are difficult to control. Fortunately, most leaf
into larger blotches as the insect population grows galls only reduce the aesthetic quality of affected
and feeding continues. Sucking damage can man- plants. A couple notable exceptions include twig
ifest as discolored leaves, fruits and twigs; curled galls such as gouty oak gall and horned oak gall,
leaves; deformed fruit; and wilting, browning which are caused by cynipid wasps and can be
and eventual death of the plant. Aphids, scales, harmful or even fatal to several species of oaks
squash bugs and leafhoppers are commonly en- (e.g., pin oak, blackjack oak). For more information
countered sucking pests. Although not insects, about plant galls see Oklahoma Cooperative Ex-
spider mites and other plant-feeding mites have tension Service publication EPP-7168: Plant Galls
stylet-like mouthparts that pierce plant tissues and Caused by Insects and Mites.
cause stippling. Damage from sucking pests will

Master Gardeners Manual 343

Oviposition damage Insects aid in the production of fruits, seeds,
Nearly 95 percent of insect injury to plants is vegetables and flowers by pollinating the blos-
caused by feeding in the various ways described soms. The most common fruits consumed by
thus far. Insects can also injure plants by laying humans are at least partially pollinated by in-
eggs in critical tissues. The periodical cicada lays sects. Melons, squash and many other vegeta-
eggs (oviposits) in one-year-old twigs of fruit and bles require insects to carry their pollen before
ornamental trees, splitting the wood so severely fruit set. Insect-pollinated ornamental plants
that the entire twig often dies. The dead twig re- include chrysanthemums, irises, orchids and
sults in damage called “flagging.” These twigs yuccas.
eventually fall to the ground and as soon as the 2. Insects destroy various weeds in the same way
young nymphs hatch, they drop to the soil and they harm crop plants.
burrow in for further development. 3. Insects improve the physical condition of
the soil and promote its fertility by burrowing
through several soil layers. Dead bodies and
Vectors of Disease
insect frass release nutrients to the soil.
4. Insects provide a valuable service as scaven-
In addition to insects causing direct damage gers and decomposers by breaking down ani-
to plants through feeding activities, insects can mal, plant and waste matter. After all, it’s a dirty
also cause indirect damage by transmitting plant job but someone’s got to do it!
pathogens. Some of the most important insect 5. Perhaps most importantly, insects can be pred-
vectors are sucking pests, which acquire plant atory or parasitic, feeding on many plant-feed-
pathogens from sick plants and transmit them to ing insects and maintaining pest populations
healthy plants as they feed. Examples of insect below damaging levels.
vectors and the pathogens they transmit include:
smaller European elm bark beetle (and other bark Insects that feed on other insects can be clas-
beetles) that transmit the fungus causing Dutch sified into two groups: predators and parasitoids
elm disease; aster leafhopper, which transmits (parasites). Predators are insects (or other ar-
the phytoplasma-like organism causing aster yel- thropods) that catch and devour other creatures
lows; aphids and cucumber beetles that transmit (prey), usually killing and consuming them in a sin-
cucumber mosaic virus; and Western flower thrips gle meal. Predators are generally larger, stronger
(and other thrips) transmitting tomato spotted wilt and faster than their prey. Examples of arthropod
virus. predators include spiders, predatory mites, cen-
tipedes, scorpions, lady beetles, lacewings, rob-
Beneficial Insects ber flies, dragonflies, damsel bugs, assassin bugs
and larvae of syrphid flies. Parasitoids live as lar-
vae within the bodies of other insects (hosts), con-
The vast majority of insects are either benefi-
suming their innards but leaving vital organs intact.
cial or harmless. Less than 2 percent of all insect
Thus, hosts remain alive while the immature para-
species are considered pests. Insects must be
sitoid feeds and completes its development to the
studied carefully to distinguish the beneficial from
adult stage. Parasitoids are generally smaller and
harmful ones. Unfortunately, beneficial insects like
weaker than their hosts, particularly in the imma-
predatory larvae of lady beetles are often mistaken
ture stage. Parasitoid species are largely wasps
for pests and destroyed.
or flies, and include braconid wasps, ichneumonid
Insects are beneficial in several ways:
wasps, trichogrammatid wasps and tachinid flies.
1. Insects provide us with food and products,
such as dyes, honey, silk, shellac and wax.

344 Master Gardeners Manual


Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Know the differences between infectious and noninfectious diseases and what causes them.
• Understand the disease triangle and its significance in disease management and control.
• Know how to describe a disease and understand the difference between signs and symptoms.
• Be able to diagnose basic plant diseases and know how to manage them.

Chapter 9: Plant Diseases...............................345

The History of Plant Diseases...........................345
Most U.S. Citizens live in a place where there
What is a Plant Disease?...................................346
is an abundant supply of affordable food. In much
The Disease Triangle.........................................346
of the world, the food shortages are common and
Host plant.....................................................346
famines occasionally occur. Crops may fail when
they are parasitized by microorganisms and plant
disease develops. The scientists that study the
The Disease Triangle in Action..........................347
plant diseases are called plant pathologists.
Manipulate the host......................................347
Plant diseases are caused by environmental
Manipulate the pathogen.............................348
factors and living microorganisms including fun-
Manipulate the environment.........................348
gi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. Much of our
Types of Plant Pathogens..................................349
world history has been shaped by the search for
food. Even in today’s modern world, our food sup-
ply is vulnerable and plant breeders struggle to
Viruses and viroids.......................................350
stay ahead of the changing strains of pathogens
Plant parasitic nematodes............................350
threatening our crops. The goal of this chapter is
Parasitic higher plants..................................350
to provide an overview of the important principles
Describing a Plant Disease...............................351
of plant pathology, the study of plant diseases.
Environmental or Pathogen Problem?...............351
Environmental Stress Problems.........................353
Selection of plant material............................353
Proper planting.............................................353 A Brief History
Proper plant maintenance............................353 of Plant Diseases
Site disturbance...........................................354
Climate.........................................................354 There are many examples of how plant dis-
Fertility and soil pH.......................................354 eases have influenced human culture and civili-
Chemical injury.............................................354 zation. Plant diseases are often referred to in the
Diagnosis of Plant Diseases..............................354 Bible where people believed they were being
Define the problem.......................................354 punished by God. An excerpt from Deuteronomy
Diagnose the problem..................................358 (28:22) reads “scorching heat and drought, with
Management of plant diseases....................358 blight and mildew.” Another excerpt from Haggai
Conclusion.........................................................359 (2:17) states “I struck all the work of your hands
with blight, mildew and hail…” The Hebrew people

Master Gardeners Manual 345

at the time feared plant diseases and it is likely that ple plants may be affected, the problem does not
fear of punishment influenced the development of spread from plant to plant. Examples of non-infec-
early societies. tious diseases are heat, cold, salt, nutritional im-
The most significant disease that has impact- balance, and improper watering.
ed our world is the Irish potato famine. Irish farm-
ers of the 1800s relied on potatoes as their primary
source of food. In 1845, a new disease called late The Disease Triangle
blight of potato arrived in the country. It is likely
that the pathogen Phytophthora infestans was There are three primary factors that determine
brought from America to Ireland in the cargo holds if disease will develop. These requirements are the
of ships. Rainy weather was highly conducive to presence of a susceptible host, a virulent patho-
disease development, and virtually the entire crop gen, and a favorable environment. Each of these
was lost. During the next few years, the blight con- factors represents one of the sides of the Disease
tinued to destroy the potato crop, which led to the Triangle (Figure 9.1). If one of the requirements is
death of 1 million people in Ireland. It is estimated missing, the triangle will collapse and disease will
that another 1 million left Ireland and immigrated to not develop.
the U.S.
In more recent times, two diseases of forest Host plant
trees in the U.S. have led to great losses. Chestnut The first factor in the disease triangle is the
blight arrived around 1900 and has virtually de- presence of a susceptible host plant. The age or
stroyed all of the American chestnut trees. Dutch developmental stage of the plant may influence
elm disease first arrived in the U.S. in 1928 and susceptibility. For some diseases, only the seed-
most American elm trees in the east were killed in ling stages are attacked. For others, the plants
the 1950s and 1960s. Dutch elm disease contin- may be susceptible in all stages or other develop-
ues to be a problem today as additional elms be- mental stages such as reproduction.
come infected and die. Host plants in good health are less likely to be
These examples are atypical of most plant dis- attacked by plant pathogens. For many diseases,
eases because the level of damage is very high. nutritional imbalances or stress will make disease
Most plant diseases vary in their level of damage more likely to develop. For instance, plants that
each year, since they are strongly influenced by have received heavy nitrogen applications may be
weather patterns. However, with increased move- more likely to develop foliar diseases.
ment of plant products, plants have never been Plant breeders have developed plants less
more at risk than they are today. We can only hope likely to become infected and develop disease.
that new epidemics can be avoided in the future. These plants are called tolerant or resistant to a

What is a Plant Disease?

Plant diseases are relatively common and most
plants are troubled by at least a few problems.
Plant pathologists define plant disease as any ab-
normal growth of a plant that interferes with its nor-
mal appearance, value or function. Plant diseases
can be caused by infectious organisms or may
have non-infectious causes.
Infectious plant diseases are caused by living
organisms including fungi, bacteria, nematodes,
viruses and parasitic plants. These diseases can
be transmitted plant to plant. A non-infectious dis-
ease occurs when there is a problem in the envi-
ronment where the plant is grown. Although multi- Figure 9.1 The plant disease triangle.

346 Master Gardeners Manual

certain disease problem. Plants vary in their sus- rupted. As a result, plant diseases are less likely to
ceptibility and even resistant plants may show a occur or the effects will be minimized. Since plant
low level of a disease. pathogens can adapt, it is recommended to use
multiple, integrated approaches for an effective
Pathogen disease management program.
The second requirement of the plant disease
triangle is the presence of a pathogen that can The Disease Triangle in Action
cause disease. If there is no pathogen present,
disease will not develop. Many efforts can be tak- Many home gardeners desire to grow vegeta-
en to exclude plant pathogens. On a large scale, bles such as tomatoes and peppers. An example
quarantine programs are in place to prevent the will be given of a disease problem that occurs in
introduction of high-risk plant pathogens into new Oklahoma and how the disease triangle can be
areas. Treating seed may be one way to exclude manipulated to reduce the damage caused by this
certain types of plant pathogens. When plant ma- disease.
terial is removed and destroyed, it can reduce the Early blight of tomato is caused by the fungus
pathogen level and lower the risk of secondary Alternaria solani. This disease is found in Oklaho-
infections. ma at some level each year. Home gardeners that
When researching plant diseases and attempt- have had early blight in previous seasons are at
ing to diagnose a problem, it is important to con- greater risk of having a problem than growers that
firm the pathogen does occur in the area. Diseases have never had the disease in their garden.
common in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. may Early blight appears early in the growing sea-
not be present or may be rare in the Great Plains son, usually before the tomatoes have ripened.
region. Pathogens may also vary in their virulence The symptoms begin as small, water-soaked spots
(aggressiveness) and different strains or races of on the leaves, which then become brown. As the
the same organism may not cause the same level disease progresses, the lesions will enlarge and
of disease or affect the same hosts. An example take on a target spot or bull’s-eye appearance.
of this is Southern bacterial wilt, caused by Ralsto- Several lesions may coalesce (join) so large areas
nia solanacearum. Race 1 is occasionally found in are blighted. The entire plant may become discol-
Oklahoma, but R. solanacearum race 3, biovar 2 is ored and wilted. The tomato plants will often de-
not found in the U.S. and is highly regulated. foliate and the delicate tomato fruits can develop
sunscald injury.
In areas where early blight has been a prob-
Environment lem, there are many actions a home gardener can
The final requirement of the plant disease trian- use to manipulate the disease triangle to reduce
gle is a conducive environment. The environmen- the level of disease.
tal conditions must be suitable for the pathogen to
infect the plant and cause disease. Temperature Manipulate the host
and moisture (free moisture or humidity) must be If the disease has been present in previous
at proper levels to allow the pathogen to infect. In seasons, growers should select tomato varieties
general, the optimum temperature range for infec- that are tolerant or resistant to early blight. If a va-
tion of many plant pathogens is between 50 F and riety has disease resistance, the seed companies
80 F. will generally indicate this on the seed packet or
It is possible to manipulate the environment transplant. It may be necessary to spend some
and reduce the risk of plant disease. This can be time researching varieties in seed catalogs, online
done by altering planting dates, careful selection or in books before selecting one. For early blight,
of irrigation methods, timing of irrigation, improv- the seed packet may be labeled ‘A’, ‘AB’ or ‘EB’ to
ing drainage and more. indicate resistance to early blight. Other resistance
Later, there will be a thorough discussion of abbreviations that may be found on seed packets
management of plant diseases. They key goal of are ‘V’ for Verticllium wilt, ‘N’ for root-knot nema-
disease management is to manipulate the disease todes, ‘F’ for Fusarium wilt, ‘T’ for Tobacco Mosaic
triangle so at least one of the three sides is dis-

Master Gardeners Manual 347

Virus and more. If a grower has had a problem with Manipulate the environment
a disease in the past, selecting a resistant variety There are many ways to manipulate the envi-
is recommended. ronment to reduce the level of plant disease. Prop-
Other ways to manipulate the host are to de- er watering techniques are a key aspect in limit-
stroy diseased plant debris and use crop rotation. ing plant diseases. Rainfall cannot be controlled,
The spores of the fungus may survive the winter on but the irrigation water provided to plants can be
crop debris or in the associated soil. Any diseased manipulated.
plant material should be removed and discarded Many pathogens require several hours of free
in the trash. Do not compost diseased material. moisture for spores to germinate. If watering plants
Most home compost areas do not reach the nec- in early or mid-day, the periods of leaf wetness will
essary temperatures and times needed to break be reduced. This will reduce the chance that a
down pathogen inoculum (infectious propagules). spore can germinate and initiate disease. It is best
Once crop debris has been removed, the soil to avoid watering in late afternoon or evening. Plant
may still be infested with the pathogen. One way surfaces may remain wet for many hours and the
to avoid or reduce the level of disease is to move likelihood of disease development is increased.
tomatoes out of the infested soil to another area The type of irrigation employed can greatly in-
of the garden. Wait a few years before planting a fluence disease levels. Growers using overhead
susceptible host in that area, and the level of inoc- irrigation are more likely to have disease problems
ulum will have been reduced by microorganisms than those using drip or soaker hose irrigation.
and environmental conditions. It should be not- Overhead irrigation wets the foliage and can cause
ed that many diseases affecting tomato will also splash dispersal of foliar pathogens. The roots are
damage related plants in the Solanaceae family. the primary plant part that absorbs water. Very little
These include peppers, eggplants and potatoes. water is absorbed through the leaves. By water-
It is best to avoid planting any Solanaceous plants ing the foliage, a humid and moist environment is
in the soil where a disease such as early blight has created that is highly conducive for disease devel-
been a problem in the past. opment. When possible, water the soil below the
foliage and avoid wetting the canopy. If overhead
Manipulate the pathogen irrigation must be used, water in early or mid-day
The second leg of the plant disease triangle when the foliage will dry more quickly.
involves the pathogen. It is best to avoid intro- Plants should be properly spaced to allow for
ducing a pathogen into the garden, a technique adequate air circulation. When plants are over-
known as exclusion. If selecting plants from a gar- crowded, the relative humidity and free moisture
den center, confirm they are healthy plants. Take may remain high for long periods. These condi-
a moment to examine the entire plant, including tions will favor development of disease. Be sure
the roots. Plants with leaf spots, yellowing leaves to read seed packets and plant tags for proper
or brown roots should be avoided. It is also help- spacing recommendations. When necessary, thin
ful to maintain plants in a holding area for a few plants to avoid overcrowding and increase air cir-
weeks to ensure disease does not develop. Only culation through the canopy.
healthy plants should be installed in the landscape Growers can manipulate the environment by
or garden. altering planting date of a crop. In some cases,
If a disease develops, the plant should be re- this allows us to escape the most favorable periods
moved or treated with a chemical, such as a fun- for disease development. In Oklahoma, tomatoes
gicide. Many gardeners will wait until a problem is are generally planted in early to mid-spring. Grow-
out of control before attempting to treat the prob- ers that plant later are less likely to have problems
lem. By this time, the disease may have spread to with early blight than growers that plant early. It is
other areas and plants in the garden. It is best to more likely weather periods favorable for disease
act quickly. Later, will be a discussion about how to happen in early spring, so setting out transplants
identify and treat different types of diseases. This later can help growers avoid the most optimum pe-
will be important for selecting an appropriate fun- riod for infection. During these favorable weather
gicide for the problem or deciding if plant removal periods, use of a foliar protectant fungicide may
is the best control strategy. be helpful to reduce the likelihood of disease
348 Master Gardeners Manual
Another aspect of manipulating the environ- Fungi are effective plant pathogens because
ment is through sanitation. In areas where disease many fungi can directly penetrate a plant and force
has been a problem, crop debris (fallen leaves, themselves through the surface of the host. Fungi
rotted fruits) should be discarded in the trash. can also enter passively through natural openings
By removing the infested debris from the site, the or wounds.
number of infectious propagules is reduced. Dis- Fungi do not have mouths and therefore must
eased plant material should not be composted. find another way to “eat.” To gain nutrition, fungi
release chemicals into their environment that dis-
Types of Plant Pathogens solve plant cell walls or wax layers. As plant cells
die, they become leaky, which is attractive to many
There are five primary categories of plant types of microorganisms. Secondary decay rapid-
pathogens. They include fungi, bacteria, viruses ly begins, so it can be difficult to separate a plant
and viroids, plant parasitic nematodes and para- pathogen from these secondary invaders. This is
sitic plants. one factor that makes diagnosis of a pathogen
problem difficult.
Fungi Most fungi can survive during unfavorable pe-
Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, riods in a resting spore or structure. This may be
which include molds, yeasts and mushrooms. during the winter, dry weather periods or in the
Fungi grow as a fine, thread-like strand called a absence of a suitable host. The resting spore or
hypha (plural hyphae). When hyphae are in mass, structure is generally thick-walled and durable to
they are called a mycelium (plural mycelia) or the better withstand environmental extremes.
body of the fungus. Most of us have observed fun-
gi growing on old produce or bread. Most fungi are Bacteria
natural decomposers, but some fungi can attack Infections caused by bacteria are very com-
plants during the growing process and are called mon in humans and other animals. Plants are also
plant pathogens. affected by bacterial diseases, but the species
All plants have at least one fungal pathogen causing disease in plants will not generally affect
and most plants are affected by many. Some fun- healthy humans. Plant pathogenic bacteria are
gi can infect many different hosts in different plant single celled and generally bear one or more fla-
families and are considered to have a wide host gella that enable them to move small distances in
range. Others are more restricted and have a nar- liquid.
row host range. A narrow host range may be lim- Bacteria are simple organisms and “feed” by
ited to one species or one family of plants. It is absorbing nutrients. They may release toxins to
helpful to determine if the pathogen has a narrow break down plant cells, so bacterial diseases may
or wide host range when considering replanting have a greasy, water soaked appearance around a
and rotational options. lesion site. Toxins near the infection site may cause
In general, most fungi reproduce with infec- chlorophyll (green plant pigment) to disintegrate,
tious propagules. Depending on the type of fun- so many bacterial lesions will have a yellow halo
gus, different types of propagules are produced around the dead tissue. As bacteria enlarge, they
which may be called conidia, ascospores, sporan- will reproduce simply by dividing in half (binary fis-
gia, oospores, sclerotia and more. Fungal prop- sion). In the plant disease process, bacteria can
agules are similar to seeds of plants. They are reproduce rapidly with favorable conditions.
microscopic and serve as the primary means of Bacteria generally enter plants through natural
spread for most fungi. When the propagules land openings or wounds. They may also enter with the
on a suitable host, they will germinate and attempt help of insect vectors, infested soil or propagation
to infect a host. materials, or contaminated tools.
Fungi are spread in many ways. Short distance There are three groups of specialized bacte-
movement is often by splash dispersal or move- ria that can cause plant disease. These organisms
ment of spores on wind currents. Longer distance differ than normal bacteria because they can only
spread may be through contaminated plant mate- live in the water- and nutrient-conducting cells (xy-
rial or equipment or transportation by insects. lem and phloem) of the host plant. Typical bacteria

Master Gardeners Manual 349

can be cultured on media in Petri dishes, but it is and for brief periods, in infested plant debris and
difficult or impossible to culture these specialized in insects.
bacteria on artificial media.
Two groups of these specialized bacteria are Plant parasitic nematodes
called phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas. Phyto- Nematodes are common in nature and most
plasmas do not have a defined shape, while spiro- nematodes are not plant parasitic. The majority of
plasmas take on a spiral shape, as the name im- nematodes are free-living or saprophytic. These
plies. These organisms differ from regular bacteria nematodes feed on decaying organic matter, bac-
because they do not have a cell wall or flagella. teria or fungal spores. All nematodes are non-seg-
Phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas live in the phloem mented roundworms and most are microscop-
of plants and are transmitted by insects that feed ic. Plant pathogenic nematodes differ from other
on these cells, such as leaf hoppers and psyllids. nematodes because they bear a stylet (sharp,
They interfere with normal movement of nutrients needle-like structure) that penetrates plant cells.
and sugars in the plants to cause abnormal symp- The nematodes use the stylet to absorb nutrients
toms. They generally cause distortion or the flower from the plant cells and may excrete enzymes
parts remain green. through the stylet.
The third group of specialized bacteria is re- Most plant parasitic nematodes live in the soil,
ferred to as fastidious. These bacteria are ex- but a few feed on aerial plant parts. Some types of
tremely difficult to culture in the laboratory and nematodes can cause root galls or swellings. Oth-
may only be found in specialized plant cells. One ers may cause root stunting or stubby proliferation
example of fastidious bacteria is Xylella fastidiosa, of roots. Most nematodes can survive in the soil
the cause of Pierce’s disease of grape and bacte- on decaying plant debris or on weed hosts in the
rial leaf scorch of shade trees. absence of a crop.
Nematodes reproduce by eggs and they gen-
Viruses and viroids erally molt four times before they become adults.
Viruses and viroids are the smallest plant Although they can move small distances in soil,
pathogens and can only be seen with an elec- most nematodes are spread with help. The pine
tron microscope. They may be spherical or rod- wood nematodes that cause pine wilt are moved
shaped, depending on the type of virus or viroid. with the help of an insect vector and in infested
Viruses consist only of a piece of nucleic acid pine wood. Soil-borne nematodes are generally
(genetic material) and a protein coat that protects moved when they are carried on equipment con-
them. Viroids are nucleic acid only. Since viruses taminated with infested soil. Rhizomes, tubers or
and viroids are so simple, they cannot replicate bulbs may be contaminated and could be a poten-
without a host. Many viruses are moved with the tial source of plant parasitic nematodes.
help of an insect vector. In some cases, the viruses During unfavorable periods, nematodes will mi-
can replicate in both the plant host and the insect grate deeper into soil. When sampling a field for a
host. suspected nematode problem, it is best to sample
For a virus or viroid to infect, it must enter the near harvest time. Since most soil contains nema-
plant through a wound, natural opening or with the todes, plant pathologists have developed thresh-
help of an insect. Common insects that can trans- olds to determine if visible or economic damage is
mit viruses are aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, and likely at the population level. It is always helpful to
white flies. Once a plant becomes infected with sample from an unaffected area of the same field
a virus, it cannot be cured. In some cases where as a healthy “check” sample.
detection is early, an infected branch can be re-
moved before it has spread to the other branches. Parasitic higher plants
Other than insects, viruses can be spread by A parasitic plant is a plant that obtains some
grafting and infected propagation material. They or all of its nutrition from another plant. Parasitic
may be transmitted by contaminated tools or plants produce specialized structures (haustoria)
equipment. Some viruses can be transmitted by that attach and enter their host plants. These struc-
pollen or seed. They may survive without a host tures withdraw water and nutrients from the host.
plant through an alternate host (such as a weed), Holoparasites are parasitic plants that obtain all

350 Master Gardeners Manual

of their nutrition from another plant. These include
dodder and broomrape. A hemiparasite is a par-
Describing a Plant Disease
asitic plant that obtains some of its nutrition from
Plant pathologists use a specialized vocabu-
another plant. Most hemiparasites are capable of
lary to describe symptoms and signs of plant dis-
some photosynthesis, but obtain water and nutri-
eases. This terminology allows concise description
ents from the host plant. Hemiparasites include
on how the plant varies from its normal appear-
mistletoe and Indian paintbrush.
ance. In a later section, these terms will be used to
Three types of parasitic plants often found in
categorize common types of plant disease, so it is
Oklahoma are mistletoe, Indian paintbrush and
important to understand the vocabulary.
dodder. Mistletoe is so common that it is the state
Plants affected by a disease will show both
floral emblem of Oklahoma. The mistletoe in Okla-
symptoms and signs. A symptom is a physical ex-
homa is actually leafy mistletoe (Phoradendron
pression of the disease. It is how the plant alters
spp.). In other parts of the world, other types of
its normal growth in response to a disease prob-
mistletoe such as dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium
lem. Some symptoms may be minor, while others
spp.) may occur. Leafy mistletoes are hemipara-
are dramatic. The list of symptoms in Table 9.1 is
sites. They are green, which indicates they have
not complete, but the most common symptoms are
chlorophyll. Mistletoes are capable of photosyn-
thesis, so they produce some of their own food.
A sign is when the pathogen itself or evidence
Mistletoe is found in many types of trees including
of the pathogen is visible. Most signs appear when
ash, maple, elm and oak and it is most common
the plant is in advanced stages of the disease. The
on old or stressed trees. The host plant will lose
pathogen itself is observed and most signs are
vigor, but the leafy mistletoe in Oklahoma does not
produced by fungi. The most common signs are
usually kill the tree. In most cases, other patho-
described in Table 9.2.
gens, insects or environmental stress factors are
involved and contribute to the ultimate death of the
tree. The best control for mistletoe is to remove in- Environmental
fested branches by pruning. or Pathogen Problem?
Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) is often seen on road-
sides and occasionally in fields in Oklahoma. The Problems caused by environmental factors are
plant produces a mat of yellow vines and has been much more common than plant pathogens, so it
described as spaghetti-like. Dodder will cover the is important to recognize how these problems dif-
host plant and eventually kill it. fer. If plants are grown with improper environmen-
The Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) is a beautiful tal conditions, it will often weaken plants, making
and common wildflower. This plant is a hemi-root them more likely to be attacked by a pathogen.
parasite. This means that although it can live by Growers should first familiarize themselves with
itself, it performs much better when it parasitizes the normal growth habit of a host plant. It is also
another plant. The Indian paintbrush will insert helpful to learn about the most common diseases
haustoria into the root of a host plant to obtain nu- that affect the host plant, so symptoms induced
trients and water. by these pathogens can be scouted more easily.
Parasitic plants are higher plants and they re- When scouting a plant, the entire plant should be
produce by seeds. Mistletoe is especially desir- examined when possible. It is helpful to excavate
able around Christmastime, since the plants pro- plants to examine the roots and lower crown areas.
duce white berries (containing seeds) at this time Problems caused by environmental factors
of year and mistletoe is used as a holiday decora- will generally affect more than one type of plant.
tion. The seeds are spread by animals (especially It is important to observe neighboring plants and
birds) and wind. Occasionally, the seeds of dod- determine if these plants are affected. Most plant
der have been found in crop seed such as alfalfa pathogens have a narrow host range, so if non-re-
and can be distributed when new fields are plant- lated nearby plants exhibit unusual symptoms, it
ed with the contaminated seed. may suggest an environmental factor.
The pattern of damage may be important.
Some diseases are found on young leaves, while

Master Gardeners Manual 351

Table 9.1. Common symptoms of plant diseases.

Symptom Description Cause Example

Anthracnose Irregular patches of dead tissue, which

may follow the veins Fungi Sycamore anthracnose
Blight Rapid death of tissue. Flowers, twigs Bacteria, fungi, Fire blight of apple
or foliage may be affected abiotic
Canker Dying or dead sunken, swollen or Bacteria, fungi Leucostoma canker of
discolored areas on a stem or branch peach
Chlorosis Yellowing of normally green tissue All types Iron chlorosis
Distortion Tissue growth is abnormal so that plant Viruses, bacteria, Peach leaf curl
structures appear different than normal fungi, abiotic
Gall Excessive tissue growth that results in Bacteria, nematodes,
abnormal swellings on leaves, fungi, abiotic Crown gall
stems or roots
Mosaic and Intermingling of yellow and green, Viruses, Bacteria Cucumber mosaic virus
Mottle usually observed on the leaves
Necrosis Death of tissue (not decay) All types Impatiens necrotic spot
Rot Decay of tissue. May be dry rot (firm All types Soft rot of potatoes
and dry) or soft rot (softening, tissue
Scab Crusty appearance, often appears Fungi Pecan scab
Spot Lesion, may be circular or angular All types Black spot of rose
Wilt Loss of rigidity of plant or parts, All types Dutch elm disease
drooping plant parts

Table 9.2. Common signs of plant diseases.

Sign Description Cause Example

Bracket or conk Fruiting structure observed on trees. Usually has Fungi Ganoderma butt rot
a shelf-like appearance
Fruiting bodies Formed on plant surfaces, usually within lesions Fungi Phyllosticta leaf spot
or cankers. Tiny structures, often brown or black of ornamentals
that will release spores with favorable conditions.
Mildew Whitish-gray mycelial growth on plant surfaces Fungi Powdery mildew of
Mycelia Presence of masses of fungal hyphae on plant Fungi Southern blight
parts or the soil surface of vegetables
Ooze (flux) Fluid that exudes from some diseased plants, Bacteria Wetwood of shade
usually contains bacteria and plant substances trees
Rhizomorphs Strands of a fungus are produced by some Fungi Armillaria root rot
wood decay organisms under the bark of trees
and are usually black
Rust Lesions that exude masses of spores, usually Fungi White rust of spinach
appear orange in color, but can be black or white.

352 Master Gardeners Manual

others attack the older leaves first. Many types of Proper planting
environmental factors will cause damage that does Growers should take time to properly place
not spread to new growth. In many cases, plants plants in the site to avoid future problems. Plants
damaged by abiotic factors may “grow out” of the with tight or girdling roots will show reduced vigor.
problem, whereas plant pathogen problems will In some cases, portions of the plant or the entire
usually become worse. Plants affected by patho- plant may die if a problem is not remedied at plant-
gens generally have a scattered appearance, with ing. Plants should be placed in the soil and not be
plants in varying stages of decline. Plants injured planted too shallow or deep.
by environmental factors may show similar levels Plants that lack in proper nutrients generally
of damage or a gradual reduction in symptoms show symptoms of yellowing and may look similar
when moving away from the origin of the problem. to damage from a plant pathogen. When excess
Weather is important in the development of nutrients are applied, the foliage may burn or have
plant diseases. Most plant pathogens are active spots. It is best to apply fertilizer based on the re-
during moderate temperatures and many require sults of a soil fertility test.
periods of leaf wetness. If the temperatures are ex-
tremely high or low or if the environment is dry, this Proper plant maintenance
may suggest an environmental problem. After planting, it is essential to irrigate plants
Plant pathogen problems take time to develop. until they become established. For many trees and
It would be unusual for the symptoms to appear shrubs, it takes two or more years to become ful-
overnight. Usually, a disease caused by a patho- ly established. Even established trees will require
gen will progress and the plant will decline with watering during periods of drought. Plants not re-
time. In contrast, problems caused by abiotic fac- ceiving adequate water will suffer. Common symp-
tors may develop quite quickly. toms of inadequate watering include marginal leaf
browning (scorch), wilting and poor vigor.
Environmental Stress Problems It is essential to ensure plants have good
drainage and are not being overwatered. Plants in
Most of the problems observed on plants are heavy soils with high clay content are more likely to
caused by one or more environmental stress fac- suffer from overwatering than plants in sandy soils.
tors. It is estimated 50 to 85 percent of plant prob- Saturated soils will cause stress and damage to
lems are due to environmental or cultural prob- the roots. Anaerobic (without oxygen) soils some-
lems. These problems include chemical injury, times have a foul odor. Symptoms of overwatering
improper fertility or pH, soil moisture issues and are similar to those of inadequate watering. Plants
site disturbance. In many cases, there may not be grown in heavy and wet soils are more likely to be
a treatment for environmental problems for estab- attacked by some plant pathogens than plants
lished plants. It is best to ensure the plants have a grown in soils with proper drainage and moisture
proper start, then maintain health. levels.
Mulching is used as a method to prevent the
Selection of plant material loss of moisture from the soil. It is also used to
Growers should select plants well adapted to avoid competition from plants and weeds under
the area and proper for the site. Growers should trees and shrubs. Mulching is helpful if it is done
identify the light availability, soil characteristics properly. Mulch should be applied to a depth of
(pH, moisture, soil type) and temperature ex- 2 to 4 inches and should not be piled around the
tremes in a given location in the landscape. Only trunk or stem of plants. If mulch is deeper than 4
plants appropriate for the site should be installed. inches, it may prevent water from penetrating the
When plants are poorly selected for a site, their mulch and reaching the soil, thus reducing the
performance and vigor may be low. Plants in im- amount of water in the soil. Thick mulch layers may
proper sites are more likely to be attacked by plant result in low soil oxygen levels. Plants with exces-
pathogens and insects. sive mulch are more likely to be attacked by crown
and root rot pathogens.

Master Gardeners Manual 353

Site disturbance to 7.0. Some plants, such as azaleas and blue-
It is not uncommon for plants to show poor berries, are better adapted to lower soil pH levels
health if the soil around them has been disturbed. (acid soils) of 5.5 and will show poor vigor in soils
This can be the result of compaction, where vehic- above pH 6.5. Many soils in Oklahoma have pH
ular or foot traffic occurs over the root zone of the levels greater than 7.0. These alkaline soils can re-
plant. It may occur when there is digging near the sult in a problem known as iron chlorosis on many
root zone or if soil is added over the root zone of shrubs and trees. At pH levels greater than 7.0,
the plant. Most roots are found in the upper 6 to 12 nutrients, including iron, are tightly bound to soil
inches of the soil. Disturbing the soil around plants particles. Iron is an essential plant nutrient and
changes the availability of oxygen and water and plants suffering from iron chlorosis generally have
can negatively affect plants. light green-yellow leaves with green veins. Plants
that do not tolerate high pH soils should not be
Climate planted in these sites and will show reduced vigor.
Oklahoma is a state where severe and extreme In Oklahoma, this problem is commonly observed
weather is common. Our temperatures range from on pin oak and red maple trees. The soil should
extremely high to extremely low. Most years, there be tested prior to planting to ensure appropriate
are drought conditions, although floods do occa- plants are selected for the site.
sionally occur. Plants in Oklahoma must be able to
withstand weather extremes. For annuals, it is im- Chemical injury
portant to plant at the proper time to avoid high or Improper use of chemicals is an increasing
low temperatures. For example, high temperatures problem to plants. When plants are exposed to
may cause spinach to bolt (flower) rather than certain types of chemicals, they may show unusual
produce leaves. Low temperatures can damage symptoms including chlorosis, necrosis, distortion,
warm season crops such as tomatoes. stunting or death. Plants vary in their sensitivity to
When installing trees and shrubs, only plants chemicals and not all chemicals will affect every
suited for our climatic zone should be selected. type of plant. If chemical injury is the cause of
Based on the USDA Hardiness Map, Oklahoma is the problem, several different types of plants of-
in zones 6a to 8a, which indicates the average an- ten will be affected. It is difficult to test for chem-
nual extreme minimum cold temperatures. Most of icals, since many of them degrade quickly and it
central Oklahoma falls in zone 7A, indicating the requires expensive and specialized equipment.
minimum average cold temperatures are 0 F to 5 F. Most problems caused by chemical injury are di-
Plants not suited for the cold temperature zone will agnosed with a complete history of the problem
perform poorly or be killed by freezes. and by ruling out other diseases. Plants damaged
It is important to determine the water require- by chemical injury may recover, but should be
ments of a plant and to properly irrigate to meet the treated carefully to reduce stress during the recov-
needs. Due to recent droughts, many plants have ery period.
declined or died due to inadequate soil moisture.
Prior to installing plant material, growers should Diagnosis of Plant Diseases
consider the water needs and only plant materials
appropriate to the site. Diagnosing a plant disease can be difficult
since many factors can cause similar symptoms
Fertility and soil pH on a plant. Environmental conditions strongly in-
Plants that receive improper nutrition will per- fluence plant growth and overall health. It is im-
form poorly. Under-fertilized plants are generally portant to obtain a complete history of the problem
stunted and chlorotic. Plants that receive excess and to collect a good sample for the problem to be
nutrients may suffer from burning of the leaves or properly diagnosed.
roots. Soil amendments should be applied based
on the results of a soil fertility test. Define the Problem
The pH of soil strongly influences the ability The key below will lead to the likely cause of
of plants to recover nutrients from the soil. Most problems with plants. Many plants are affected by
plants perform well in soils with pH levels of 6.0

354 Master Gardeners Manual

more than one problem, so try to concentrate on 3. Rose rust-roses
the primary problem observed. There is a brief de- 4. Leaf rust-wheat
scription of the problem, followed by a few disease v. Stippling (tiny white spots) on the leaves.
examples. 1. Spider mites
• Identify the primary plant part that is affected. 2. Air pollution
• Leaves Section II 3. Freeze damage
• Stem or trunk Section III vi. Leaves with spots with a sharp, distinct mar-
• Roots Section IV gin. No fruiting structures are visible within the
• Flowers or fruits Section V lesions. Problem may occur on both young
• Whole plant Section VI and old leaves.
1. Chemical injury
Section II. Problems with the leaves
a. Spots on the leaves b. Leaves yellowing or discolored
i. Fungi are most commonly responsible for i. Overall, general yellowing
spots on the leaves. Most fungal leaf spots oc- 1. Possible root problem; confirm roots are
cur in the spring and fall when temperatures normal and healthy
are moderate and free moisture is present. 2. Possible nutrient deficiency; nitrogen defi-
Leaf spots are somewhat round in shape and ciency would be more common on older leaves
may have an uneven margin. The spots may but other nutrients may also be involved.
be lighter in the center with a darker border. 3. Insufficient light
Using a magnifying glass, small fruiting struc- ii. Leaves yellow, but veins remain green
tures that are roughly the size of grains of black 1. Possible root problem; confirm roots are
pepper may be observed. normal and healthy.
1. Tomato-Early blight or Septoria leaf spot 2. Iron chlorosis; soil test recommended to
2. Photinia-entomosporium leaf spot determine soil pH.
3. Rose-Black Spot iii. Leaves green, but veins yellow
4. Oak-Tubakia leaf spot 1. Viruses
2. Chemical injury
ii. Bacterial leaf spots may have a more angular iv. Leaves mottled or have a mosaic pattern or
appearance and are often bordered by a wa- unusual line patterns on the leaves.
tery margin or yellow-halo. The center of the 1. Viruses
lesions may appear brown or black. 2. Phytoplasmas
1. Pepper-bacterial spot or speck v. Purplish appearance to leaves
2. Stone fruits-bacterial spot 1. Nutritional problem
3. Geranium-Bacterial blight 2. Viruses
4. Grape-Pierce’s disease 3. Phytoplasmas
4. Cold temperature injury
iii. Viruses can cause leaf spots, but they are of-
ten accompanied by other symptoms. Leaf c. Leaves with gray, white or black patches
distortion, stunted or unusual flowering may i. White or gray, powdery coating on the surface
also be present. of the leaves, especially upper leaf surface.
1. Bedding plants and vegetable transplants- 1. Powdery mildew
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus ii. White or gray coating on the lower surface of
2. Hosta-Hosta Virus X the leaves. Yellow areas may be present on
upper leaf surface.
iv. Rust leaf spot diseases may have orange, 1. Downy mildew
black or white eruptions in the center of the iii. Black discoloration on the leaves, often can be
spot. It may transferred to a finger or clean removed by wiping. Leaves may be sticky or
tissue. shiny.
1. Cedar-apple rust-apples 1. Sooty mold due to aphid or other insect
2. Hollyhock rust-Hollyhock infestation.

Master Gardeners Manual 355

d. Leaf margins damaged or browning iii. Environmental causes
i. Sharp or distinct line separates green and 1. Cold temperature or freeze injury
brown areas. Leaf scorch is due to insuffi- 2. Drought damage
cient water flow to the leaves or excessive
temperatures. b. Stem or trunk has one or more cracks or
1. Possible root damage is interfering with cankers (sunken, swollen or broken areas)
water flow to leaves i. Fungi may cause cankers and fruiting struc-
2. Cold or high temperature injury tures are occasionally present around canker
3. Chemical injury sites. Often, brownish discoloration is visible in
ii. Fuzzy or wavy line, often with different color the wood associated with the cankered area.
patterns, separates green and brown areas. 1. Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) canker of
1. Bacterial leaf scorch hardwood trees
1. Fungal leaf spot or blight 2. Botryosphaeria canker
ii. Bacteria frequently cause cankers, but no
e. Leaves appear distorted or curled fruiting structures are observed. Ooze or exu-
i. Fungal distortion-Fungi may cause distor- dates may be observed flowing from the can-
tion or curl, especially if leaves were infected ker sites. Internal discoloration of the wood is
during development usually present.
1. Peach leaf curl 1. Fire blight disease
2. Oak leaf blister 2. Bacterial canker of stone fruits
ii. Virus diseases 3. Wetwood
1. Rose rosette virus iii. Environmental causes
2. Tobacco mosaic virus 1. Freezing temperatures may cause breaks,
iii. Chemical injury especially to thin barked or young trees
2. Hail injury
f. Leaves are generally wilted 3. Lightning injury
i. Excess or inadequate soil moisture
ii. Improper light c. One or more holes are present in branches,
iii. Improper planting stem or trunk
1. Container plants may have roots that are i. Insects such as borers. Holes are usually in a
pot bound random pattern and may be most common on
2. Girdling roots dead wood.
iv. Transplant shock ii. Animals
v. Fungal diseases – especially those that dam- 1. Squirrels or other rodents may damage
age the roots or vascular tissues trees
vi. Bacterial diseases – most likely in roots or vas- 2. Sapsuckers or woodpeckers may make a
cular tissues series of holes which appear in a horizontal
vii. Viral diseases – some viruses cause wilt line
viii. Nematode diseases – primarily soil-borne
nematodes c. Large swellings or overgrowths on the
stems or branches
Section III. Problem with i. Fungal causes
the branches, stem or trunk 1. Phomopsis galls on forsythia
a. Dieback of the shoot tips 2. Black knot of plum and cherry
i. Fungal causes ii. Bacterial causes
1. Twig blight of willow 1. Crown gall of many broad leaf plants. Most
2. Diplodia tip blight of pine common at the soil-line, but can be found
ii. Bacterial causes on branches or roots as well.
1. Fire blight 2. Honeylocust gall
2. Pseudomonas blight

356 Master Gardeners Manual

iii. Insect causes ly root-knot nematode). The interior is usually
1. Stem or petiole galls may be induced by white or beige.
certain types of insects iii. On legumes, nitrogen-fixing nodules may be
2. Unknown or natural causes present which are beneficial to the plant. The
3. Burls (often dome shaped) interior is usually green or pink.

e. Other damage to branches, stem or trunk Section V. Problem with the flowers
i. Southwest injury is a problem that occurs on or fruits
young or thin barked trees and is generally a. Discoloration of flowers or fruits
found on the south or west facing sides of the i. Fungal causes
trunk 1. Botrytis flower blight
ii. Improper pruning, injury from lawn equipment, ii. Bacterial causes
etc may cause unusual problems to branches, 1. Fire blight
stem or trunk. iii. Virus causes
1. Tomato spotted wilt virus
2. Rose mosaic virus
Section IV. Problem with the roots iv. Uneven ripening
a. Visible discoloration of roots or sparse 1. Green shoulders on tomato fruits (may be
roots varietal or environmental)
i. Fungal pathogens cause root rot which may 2. Sunscald
appear as dark discoloration to the roots, roots
may disintegrate with gentle tugging, root sys- b. Spots on flowers or fruits
tem may be lacking or a poor odor may be i. Fungal causes
present 1. Botrytis blight
1. Phytophthora or Pythium root rot is 2. Scab diseases on apple or pecan
primarily a problem in soggy or poorly 3. Anthracnose on peppers
drained soils. More common in low spots ii. Bacterial causes
where water collects. 1. Bacterial spot of peppers and tomatoes
2. Cotton root rot – mostly a problem in 2. Bacterial spot of peach
southern Oklahoma in counties that border 3. Potato scab
the Red River. iii. Virus causes
3. Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Thielaviopsis root 1. Cucumber mosaic virus
rots 2. Flower breaking virus
ii. Bacterial pathogens may cause rot of the roots iv. Environmental causes
and lower stem. Tissues are usually soft, slimy 1. African violet spots from cold water
and may have a bad odor.
iii. Soil-borne nematodes may cause root discol- c. Flower blight or fruit rot
oration, lesions along roots, or a stubby ap- i. Fungal causes
pearance to the roots. Soil testing for nema- 1. Botrytis blight
todes is often necessary to confirm. 2. White mold
iv. Excessive or inadequate moisture ii. Bacterial causes
v. Girdled roots 1. Soft rot of potatoes
2. Bacterial rot of sweet potato
b. Development of swellings or overgrowths
i. Crown gall and related bacteria may cause the d. Flower or fruit deformation
development of galls (swellings) on the roots. i. Fungal causes
The lower stem or branches may show similar 1. Peach leaf curl may affect fruits
swellings. The interior is often white or tan and 2. Apple scab may cause fruit deformation
appears disorganized. ii. Viral causes
ii. Swellings or distortions on the roots of some iii. Environmental causes
plants may be caused by nematodes (usual- 1. Blossom end rot

Master Gardeners Manual 357

Section VI. Whole plant problem The best management plans include a mixture
a. Death of seedlings (before or after of methods that target cultural, genetic, biological
emergence) and chemical approaches to reducing disease
i. Fungal causes levels. This approach is known as integrated pest
1. Damping off or seedling blight and disease management (IPM or IPDM). When
ii. Nematodes growers rely on a single method, such as cultur-
iii. Environmental causes al control, the disease may not be reduced to ac-
1. Excess or inadequate soil moisture ceptable levels. A mixture of approaches will often
2. Improper temperatures reduce disease levels and have a favorable envi-
3. Low fertility ronmental impact.
When preparing disease management strate-
b. Stunted plants gies, it is helpful to review the information present-
i. Improper planting ed earlier about the plant disease triangle. If one
ii. Root problems (various causes) or more sides of the triangle can be disrupted, the
iii. Virus diseases level of plant disease is often reduced.
iv. Nematodes In the section below, a short list of possible
v. Chemical Injury management options for a plant disease are listed.
vi. Poor fertility, soil pH or other site problem This list is not all inclusive, but is a good start when
considering disease management plan.
Avoidance: A grower can avoid certain dis-
Diagnose the problem
eases by planting in a location that is a distance
Once a plant problem has been narrowed down
from other crops. Planting earlier or later may be
to one or more possible causes, it is important to
helpful, since the most favorable time for disease
gather additional information about treatment of
can be avoided. Using disease-free planting ma-
the plant and growing conditions. It is helpful to
terials or starting your own plants from seed may
consult additional resources including fact sheets,
help avoid disease.
crop guides, online resources and reference books
Exclusion: Plant quarantines are present
to diagnose a plant disease problem. In some cas-
for some disease problems to avoid introducing
es, laboratory analysis may be required.
pathogens into certain areas. Growers should
The county Extension offices work with the
avoid introducing any plants suspect for disease
Oklahoma State University Plant Disease and In-
into their planting sites. It can be helpful to isolate
sect Diagnostic Laboratory (PDIDL) for the iden-
new plants and monitor growth for a period prior
tification of difficult plant and insect problems. A
to installation. Maintaining good insect control will
sample of the plant(s) showing the problem can
often reduce disease if carrier insects are involved
be sent to the laboratory when the problem cannot
in the disease cycle.
be determined locally. It is important to include a
Eradication: At the first evidence of disease,
representative sample. Often, entire plant samples
the affected plant(s) or plant part(s) should be
are needed if the problem is in the lower stem or
removed. The diseased material should be dis-
roots. Digital images that document the problem
carded in the trash. Once the disease becomes
at the site are recommended whenever possible.
established in the area, eradication is difficult or
Additional guidelines regarding sample collection
impossible. Strategies including crop rotation, dis-
and submission can be provided by the local Ex-
carding diseased plant material, destroying alter-
tension educator.
nate hosts and soil solarization may be helpful at
reducing pathogen propagules.
Management of plant diseases
Resistance: Many plants have genetic re-
Once the problem has been diagnosed, it is
sistance to certain plant diseases. Although resis-
important to develop a management strategy to
tance is not immunity, the level of disease is well
reduce or eliminate the plant disease problem. It is
reduced in comparison to susceptible varieties. It
helpful to consult fact sheets, reference materials,
is important to maintain proper plant care because
online resources and reference books to learn as
resistance can be lost if plants are under stress
much about the particular disease as possible.
due to improper environmental conditions.

358 Master Gardeners Manual

Protection: It is difficult to cure a plant of dis-
ease. When conditions are favorable for disease
development, it is helpful to treat a crop with an
It is important to remember that most plants in
appropriate fungicide or bactericide to protect the
our environment do not suffer from plant diseas-
plants. These products are often sprayed or dust-
es. Maintaining plants in proper growing condi-
ed on to the surfaces of plants and help to prevent
tions is the best defense against attack by plant
infection. For some diseases, control of carrier in-
pathogens. Plant diseases are caused by many
sects is helpful. Other treatments, such as barrier
environmental factors and living microorganisms.
cloths, may also be useful.
When a plant disease is suspected, it is important
Therapy: In some cases, removal of dis-
to act quickly to identify the problem and to take
eased plant parts can prevent spread of the dis-
action to reduce the level of disease following the
ease to the remaining parts of the plant. In breed-
guidelines of the plant disease triangle. The use of
ing programs, heat therapy is sometimes used to
an integrated pest and disease management plan
produce disease-free plants.
will help growers to successfully produce healthy
plants in a sustainable manner.

Master Gardeners Manual 359

Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:
• Select the proper type of pesticide to control a particular pest.
• Explain the differences between preemergent, preplant and postemergent herbicides.
• Understand the differences between pesticide formulations.
• Be familiar with the pesticide label.
• Discuss proper application techniques.
• Explain how to properly clean pesticide equipment.
• Explain the differences between home garden and commercial pesticides.
• List several safety precautions to protect yourself and the environment when using pesticides.

Chapter 10: Understanding Pesticides The term pesticide refers to a chemical sub-
and Their Alternatives.....................................360 stance that will kill pests. Since it is physically im-
Terminology.......................................................362 possible to eradicate an entire population of pests,
Pesticide Formulations.................................362 pesticides are used as a tool to control or manage
Surfactants, Additives or Adjuvants..................363 populations to a tolerance level. Due to govern-
The Pesticide Label...........................................363 ment regulations, chemicals used to attract or re-
Application Equipment......................................365 pel pests and to regulate plant growth or function
Proper Applications...........................................367 are also classed as pesticides.
Calibrating Sprayers and Spray Patterns..........368 Understanding the proper use of pesticides,
Using Pesticides Safely.....................................368 both natural and synthetic, is imperative to their
Pesticides and the Environment........................368 effectiveness and to applicator safety.
Home Garden versus
Commercial Pesticides...................................371 Terminology
Pesticides and Organic Gardening...................371
Pesticides and the Law.....................................371 The wording “insecticides and pesticides” is
Pesticide Conversion Chart...............................372 incorrect because insecticides are pesticides.
Integrated Pest Management............................372
Types and functions of pesticides include the

Insecticides control insects

Miticides control mites
Acaricides control mites, ticks and spiders
Nematicides control nematodes
Fungicides control fungi
Bactericides control bacteria
Herbicides control plants (herbicides kill
plants, not just weeds)

360 Master Gardeners Manual

Rodenticides control rodents Selective kill only certain kinds of plants
Avicides control birds pesticides: or animals, for example, 2,4-D
Piscicides control fish used for lawn weed control,
Molluscicides control mollusks, such as kills broadleaved plants but
slugs and snails does not harm grass.
Predacides control pest animals Nonselective
Repellents keep pests away pesticides: kill most plants or animals.
Attractants lure pests
Growth Regulators stop, speed up or otherwise The following terms describe when to apply
change normal plant pesticides:
Desiccants, used to remove or kill leaves Preemergence: use before plants emerge from
Defoliants and stems soil
Antitranspirants, reduce water loss from plants; Preplant: use before crop is planted by
Antidesiccants used to protect plants from applying to the soil
winter damage, drought, Postemergence: use after the crop or weeds
wind burn and transplant have germinated
shock. However, effectiveness
is being questioned by Terms which describe how to use pesticides:
recent research.
Band: application to a strip over or
Pesticides can be grouped according to how along each crop row
they work. Many work in more than one way. Broadcast: uniform application to an en
tire, specific area by scattering
Contact poisons: kill pests simply by touching Dip: immersion of a plant in a
them. pesticide
Stomach poisons: kill when swallowed. Directed: aiming the pesticide at a
Systemics: kill best by being taken into the portion of a plant, animal or
blood of the animal or sap of structure
the plant upon which the pest Drench: saturating the soil with a
is feeding. pesticide
Translocated move from the point of initial Foliar: application to the leaves of
herbicides: application to circulate plants
throughout the plant. The In-furrow: application to or in the furrow
circulation of toxin ensures the in which a plant is growing
kill of the entire plant. Sidedress: application along the side of a
Fumigants: gasses which kill when they crop row
are inhaled or otherwise Spot treatment: application of a pesticide to a
absorbed by pests. small section or area of a crop

Master Gardeners Manual 361

Pesticide Formulations
The formulation describes the physical state of a pesticide and determines how it will be applied.
Pesticides are rarely applied full strength. The chemical in the pesticide formulation that actually kills the
pest(s) is termed the active ingredient. The added chemical(s), those which make the product easy and
safe to formulate or apply, are termed the inert ingredients. Common pesticide formulations follow.

Emulsifiable The active ingredient is mixed with an oil base (often listed as petroleum
concentrates derivatives) forming an emulsion, which is diluted with water for application. ECs are
(EC or E) common in the home garden trade, being easy to mix and use. They can cause a
minor surface bronzing of light-colored fruit. They should be protected from freezing
temperatures which can break down the emulsifier.

Solutions (S) These formulations are premixed, ready to use. They are often used in household
pest products.

Flowables (F or L) A flowable, or liquid, can be mixed with water to form a suspension in a spray tank.

Aerosols (A) These are very low-concentrate solutions, usually applied as a fine spray or mist.
They are generally sold in aerosol cans and are a very expensive source of pesticide.

Dusts (D) Made by adding the active ingredients to a fine, inert powder or talc; generally used

Granules (G) Granular formulations are made by adding the active ingredient to coarse particles
(granules) of inert material like fired clay particles.

Wettable powders Wettable powder formulations are made by combining the active ingredient with a
(WP or W) fine powder. They look like dusts, but they are made to mix with water. These formu-
lations need continuous agitation to maintain a suspension and are thus difficult for
home gardeners to use. When mixing a WP, first mix the measured quantity with a
small amount of water, forming a slurry, (a paper cup with a popsicle stick makes a
good disposable mixing container) then add it and the additional water to the spray
tank. The spray tank must be frequently shaken to maintain the suspension.

Soluble powders Made of an active ingredient in powder form; dissolves in water.


Baits (B) A bait formulation is made by adding the active ingredient to an edible or attractive
substance. Baits are often used to control slugs, snails, ground-dwelling insects and

Gardeners often attempt to compare a spray with a dust. It should be noted that dusts are a type of
formulation, but sprays are not a formulation; they are one means of applying several different formulations
such as wettable powders or emulsifiable concentrates that are mixed with water.

362 Master Gardeners Manual

Stickers may be judged in terms of resistance to
Surfacants, Additives wind and water, length of adherence and mechan-
or Adjuvants ical or chemical action.
A wetting agent is a material that, when add-
When added to a pesticide, a surfactant reduc- ed to a pesticide, lowers the interfacial tension
es the surface tension between two unlike materi- between a liquid and a solid; in this case, a plant
als, such as a spray film and a solid surface. For surface. Effectiveness is measured by the increase
example, by adding a surfactant to a sprayer, oil in spread of a liquid over a solid surface and the
and water will mix and can be sprayed on plant ability of the spray film to make complete contact
surfaces. With increasing emphasis on safe appli- with it. When a wetting agent reduces surface ten-
cation of pesticides, such factors as droplet size, sion, spreading naturally occurs.
spray pattern and pesticide drift have focused The pesticide label should state whether a sur-
more attention on surfactants to give ideal cover- factant is needed or should be added to a spray
age for pesticides. mix for certain applications. The label should in-
Surfactants include activators; compatibility dicate restrictions in the selection of compatible
agents; deflocculators; detergents; dispersants; surfactants. In many cases, surfactants have been
emulsifiers; foam and drift suppressants; and designed specifically for use with fungicides, in-
spreading, sticking and wetting agents. These ma- secticides or herbicides.
terials are added to a spray mix to help keep the All commercial spreading, sticking and wetting
pesticide in suspension; improve cohesiveness agents should be mixed strictly according to label
and dispersion of the spray; and increase the wet- directions. Adding more surfactant than recom-
ting (or coverage) of the leaves, fruits and stems. mended may cause excessive runoff, resulting in
This section focuses on surfactants that act as a poor spray deposit and reduced pest control. In
spreading, sticking and wetting agents. They are general, if the spray mix contains one or more pes-
most useful when spraying the hard-to-wet foli- ticides produced or formulated by the same com-
age of such plants as azalea, boxwood, camellia, pany, use a surfactant sold or recommended by
carnation, conifer, euonymus, gardenia, gladiolus, that company. Surfactants are sold separately from
holly, iris, narcissus, peony, rose and yew. Wheth- pesticides and are not subject to EPA registration.
er a spray rolls off or sticks to a plant surface de- Although choosing an effective surfactant to
pends on the physical and chemical properties of accompany a specific pesticide is no simple task,
the spray mixture and the physical properties of the the label will state whether a surfactant is needed
surface itself. If the surface tension of the mixture and the brand that should be used.
is high, or if the plant surface is waxy, the spray
droplets will roll off.
A spreader or film extender (spreader-activa-
The Pesticide Label
tor) is a substance that, when added to a pesti-
All the printed information, including the la-
cide mix, increases the area that a given volume of
bel on the product, brochures and flyers from the
spray will cover and improves the contact between
company or its agent about a pesticide product is
the pesticide and the plant surface. A spreading
called labeling. The label printed on or attached
agent builds spray deposits and improves weath-
to a container of pesticide will tell how to use the
erability. Most wettable powder insecticides bene-
product correctly and what special safety mea-
fit from the addition of a spreader.
sures need to be taken. Specific parts of the label
A sticker or adhesive is a material that, when
include the following:
added to a spray mix or dust, improves the adher-
ence (tenacity) to a plant surface rather than in-
creasing the initial deposit. Commercial sticking
Brand name
Each company uses brand names to identify its
agents are oily in consistency and increase the
products. The brand name shows up plainly on the
amount of suspended solids retained on plant sur-
front panel of the label.
faces by coating the particles with a resin or var-
nish-like film. Most fungicides, especially wettable
powders, benefit greatly from the use of stickers.

Master Gardeners Manual 363

Type of formulation highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment
The same pesticide may be available in more or residues on crops;” “Do not contaminate water
than one formulation. when cleaning equipment or when disposing of
wastes;” and “Do not apply where runoff is likely to
Ingredient statement occur.”
Each pesticide label must list the names and
amounts of the active ingredients and the amount Physical and chemical hazards
of inert ingredients in the product. Lists specific fire, explosion or chemical haz-
ards the product may pose.
Common name and chemical name
Pesticides have complex chemical names de- Signal words and symbols
rived from their composition. Some have also been Some pesticides may be hazardous to people.
given a shorter name or common name to make Toxicity of a product is shown by reading the Sig-
them easier to identify. Pesticides may be sold un- nal Word and Symbol on the label.
der several brand names, but the same common
name or chemical name may be found on all of Approx.
them. human
Signal lethal
Net contents Words Toxicity dosage Symbol
The net contents tell how much is in the con-
tainer. This can be expressed in gallons, pints, Danger Highly A taste to a Skull and
pounds, quarts or other units of measure. Poison toxic teaspoon Crossbones

Name and address of manufacturer Warning Moderately A teaspoon none
The law requires the maker or distributor of a toxic to a
product to print the name and address of the com- tablespoon
pany on the label.
Caution Low An ounce none
Registration number toxicity; to more than
A registration number must be on every pes- relatively a pint
ticide label. It shows the product has been ap- nontoxic
proved by the EPA for the uses listed on the label.

Highly toxic pesticides are generally not sold

Establishment number
in the lawn and garden trade. All products must
The establishment number tells which factory
bear the statement “Keep Out of Reach of Chil-
made the chemical.
dren.” In some pesticide literature, the term LD50
is used to give an indication of toxicity. LD50 stands
Precautionary statements
for lethal dosage necessary to kill 50 percent of a
A section with a title similar to “Hazards to Hu-
test population of animals. LD50 values are mea-
mans and Domestic Animals” will tell the ways in
sured from zero up. The numbers after the 50 rep-
which the product may be poisonous to people
resent the millograms of the substance per kg. of
and animals. It will also describe any special steps
body weight necessary to kill 50 percent of the test
necessary to avoid poisoning, such as the kind
population. The lower the LD50 value the more poi-
of protective equipment needed. If the product is
sonous a pesticide is, for example an LD50 of 5 is
highly toxic, this section will inform physicians of
more poisonous than LD50 of 20 because only 5
the proper treatment for poisoning.
milligrams per kilogram of body weight are neces-
sary to kill 50 percent of the test population.
Environmental hazards
The label tells how to avoid damage to the en-
vironment. Some examples are “This product is

364 Master Gardeners Manual

Statement of practical treatment Misuse statement
If swallowing or inhaling the product or getting This section states that it is a violation of Fed-
it in the eyes or on the skin would be harmful, the eral law to use a product in a manner inconsistent
label contains emergency first aid measures and with its labeling.
states types of exposure requiring medical atten-
tion. The pesticide label is the most important in- Storage and disposal directions
formation to take to the physician when someone Every pesticide should be stored and dis-
has been poisoned. Without the label, it is difficult posed of correctly. This section states how to store
for the physician to help. and dispose of the product.

Directions for use Application Equipment

These instructions will explain several import-
ant items. Using the same sprayer equipment for weed
• The pests the product will control. control, then for insect control is neither safe nor
• The crops, animals or other item the product desirable. No matter how well a tank is rinsed after
can be used on safely. the use of a herbicide, a residue will be left in the
• How the product should be applied. tank and in the gaskets, hoses and parts. If the
• How much to use. same tank is then used with an insecticide to spray
• Where and when the material should be a plant, it is possible to kill the plant with the her-
applied. bicide left in the tank. The wisest policy is to main-
• Application to harvest periods. tain two sprayers, one for herbicides and another
for insecticides and fungicides. Have them clearly
When used on fruits or vegetables, there may labeled according to use. Always wash after each
be a period of time that must pass from the time of use.
application until it is safe to pick and use the crop. Pesticide application equipment comes in all
Known as the application-to-harvest period and shapes, sizes, types and prices (Figure 10.1). Se-
expressed as “days to harvest,” this is the time re- lect equipment according to common sense.
quired for the residue to drop to safe levels. It is
often listed as a number in parentheses following
the crop name. It is a mistake to assume that a
residue can be washed off.

Figure 10.1. Types of applicators.

Master Gardeners Manual 365

Proportioner or hose-end sprayer known quantity of water. Frequent agitation of the
These inexpensive small sprayers are de- spray mixture is necessary when using a wettable
signed to be attached to a garden hose. A small powder formulation. The applicator has excellent
amount of pesticide is mixed with water, usually control with coverage, making this sprayer a good
no more than a pint, and placed in the receptacle choice for treating dwarf fruit trees, vegetables and
attached to the hose. A tube connects this con- ornamentals. Spray will not reach into tall trees. As
centrate to the opening of the hose. When the wa- water weighs approximately 8.23 pounds per gal-
ter is turned on, the suction created by the water lon, small tanks are easier to use than large tanks.
passing over the top of the tube pulls the pesticide Either compressed-air sprayers or hose-end
concentrate up and into the stream of hose water. sprayers can be used. Hose-end sprayers do
The stream can reach into medium-high trees if not meter out the pesticide as evenly as com-
water pressure is high. Problems are encountered pressed-air sprayers. However, compressed-air
from poor spray distribution and clogging of noz- sprayers do not maintain pressure as evenly as
zles. The metering out of the concentrate into the hose-end sprayers unless frequently pumped.
stream of hose water is very inaccurate, since it Some hose-end sprayers will not continue to spray
is determined by the water pressure. Proportion- pesticide if the thumb hole is not covered. Other
ers put out an excessively high volume of spray hose-end sprayers use a trigger device to control
for most needs, using excessive pesticide. These the spraying.
sprayers are popular due to low cost, but the low The spray pattern best used to cover an area
purchase price is quickly negated by the cost of of ground is one which will give uniform coverage
excessive pesticides used. All hose-end propor- with little spray overlap. Overlap can be a problem,
tioners should be equipped with an antisiphon de- causing certain areas to end up with an extra dose
vice to prevent backsiphoning of toxic chemicals of pesticide. The spray pattern used to apply the
into the water system. pesticide should be continuous and uninterrupted.
If a herbicide is being applied, the sprayer should
Trombone sprayer not be slowed down or stopped at each weed. If
The trombone sprayer is a medium-sized, the herbicide has been mixed correctly and the
hand-held piece of equipment. A spray mixture sprayer is properly calibrated, the continuous un-
in the correct dilution is prepared in a container interrupted flow of chemical will be sufficient for
such as a bucket. The intake tube of the spray- good pest control.
er is inserted into the mixture in the bucket. Pump The spray pattern should be directed so the
pressure is created by operating the sprayer in a applicator does not walk through it while spray-
trombone-like motion. The pesticide is pulled up ing. The spray pattern should form an arc no more
the hose and out the end of the sprayer. A uniform than 3 to 4 feet on either side of the operator. The
concentration of the spray can be maintained, sprayed area should have a small amount of over-
since the pesticide is mixed with a known quantity lap to ensure coverage. There can be a time when
of water. When using a wettable powder, agitate overlap may be beneficial. If good spray cover-
the spray mixture frequently to keep it in suspen- age is questionable such as when using hose-end
sion. Trombone sprayers are excellent for spray- sprayers, cut the application rate in half and apply
ing trees and shrubs, are easy to wash and keep the pesticide first in an east-west pattern, then in
clean, but require some effort to operate. a north-south direction. This gives better coverage
with devices typically poor in their metering capa-
Compressed air sprayer bilities (Figure 10.2).
(backpack or tank sprayer) When the mixture on the label is in teaspoons
Spray is mixed in a small tank (generally 1 to 5 or tablespoons per gallon and the plants are up-
gallons) and the tank is carried on the shoulders. right such as shade trees, fruit trees, shrubs and
A hand-operated pump supplies pressure during vegetables, spray the leaves until pesticide solu-
application. A uniform concentration spray can be tion drips from the leaves. Don’t forget to spray the
maintained, since the pesticide is mixed with a underside of leaves for good coverage.

366 Master Gardeners Manual

Cleaning equipment
Thoroughly clean all equipment immediately
after use. Pesticides should not be stored when
mixed. If there is excess mixed pesticide that
cannot be used, spray it over an area that it will
not harm. Check the pesticide label to determine
safe areas. Thoroughly clean all spray equipment
inside and out with clean water. Don’t forget to
flush the hoses and nozzles. Be careful that the
cleaning water does not damage crops. Do not
dump the rinse water in one place where it will be
concentrated and may become a pollutant. Spray
the rinse water over a broad area so the pesticide
will be further diluted. NEVER RINSE PESTICIDES
To clean 2,4-D-type herbicides from hand
spray equipment such as a 3-gallon garden spray-
er, use household ammonia. Thoroughly rinse the
equipment with fresh water after spraying. Fill the
spray equipment with an ammonia solution, using
1/2 cup of ammonia to 3 gallons of water. Let the
Figure 10.2. Spray pattern with a single applica-
equipment soak for 18 to 24 hours. Always spray
tion (A) and a double application (B).
part of this mixture through the pump, hose and
nozzles at the beginning and end of the soaking
Proper Application period. NOTE: 2,4-D cannot be completely re-
moved from a sprayer once used in it. DO NOT
When applying pesticides, wear the protec- USE THIS SPRAYER TO APPLY OTHER PESTI-
tive clothing and use equipment the label recom- CIDES TO DESIRABLE PLANTS.
mends. To prevent spillage of chemicals, always
check application equipment for leaking hoses or Small power sprayers
connections and plugged, worn or dripping noz- These have the advantage of being motor-driv-
zles before adding pesticide. Before spraying, en, so the operator does not have to stop to pump
clear all people and animals from the area. To min- up the tank. They are lightweight, since the spray
imize drift, apply pesticides only on days with no in the tank is concentrated and diluted with air
breezes. If moderate winds come up while work- as it is sprayed. Power sprayers provide uniform
ing, stop immediately. Reduce drift by spraying at pressure, but are generally too expensive for home
a low pressure and using a large nozzle opening. garden use.
Generally, the safest time of day to spray to reduce
the hazard of drift is early morning. Hand duster
Vaporization is the evaporation of an active in- The duster may consist of a squeeze tube or
gredient during or after application. Pesticide va- shaker, a plunger that slides through a tube or a
pors can cause injury. High temperatures increase fan powered by a hand crank. Uniform coverage
vaporization. Choose pesticide formulations that of foliage is difficult to achieve with many dusters.
do not evaporate easily, and spray during the cool Dusts are more subject to drift than liquid formu-
part of the day to reduce vaporization. Some prod- lations due to their light weight and poor sticking
ucts, like 2,4-D, are very volatile and can move for qualities.
miles with favorable conditions. They should not
be used near highly sensitive plants like grapes
and tomatoes. Do not apply when it is windy or
when temperatures following application will reach
above 85 F.

Master Gardeners Manual 367

amount that is applied over that area (see item
Calibrating Sprayers 1). For example, assuming it has been estab-
and Spray Patterns lished: 30 seconds of spraying delivers 1/2
cup and 30 seconds of spraying will cover 100
The usual approach consumers use when ap- square feet; then 1,000 square feet require 5
plying a pesticide on a given area is to mix a table- cups spray (.5 x 10) delivered or 1 quart + 1
spoon or two of a certain pesticide and apply it to a cup or 40 ounces (if the label calls for 3 ta-
problem area. This is acceptable, if the label gives blespoons of pesticide for 1,000 square feet).
recommended rates in teaspoons or tablespoons Then, 3 tablespoons of pesticide must be
per gallon. But some pesticides, specifically herbi- mixed with 40 ounces of water to achieve prop-
cides and insecticides for lawns, do not give rates er spray coverage. Many commercial-type
in tablespoons or teaspoons per gallon. Instead, chemicals are given in pounds to the acre or
they give rates of application in teaspoons or ta- quarts to 100 gallons of water. To convert rates
blespoons per 100 or 500 square feet. Unfortu- to equivalents used by a consumer, consult the
nately, the consumer all too often solves this prob- pesticide conversion chart at the end of this
lem by guessing how much to use. This can be chapter.
dangerous; too concentrated may be too toxic; too
little will not control the problem. It is irresponsible Storage and Disposal
of the consumer to apply chemicals at improper Gardeners should store all pesticides in their
rates. It is dangerous to him/herself, neighbors original containers, in a locked cabinet. NO EX-
A better approach is to calibrate the sprayer. CHILDREN’S LIVES! They should be protected
The calibration of a home sprayer is relatively easy. from temperature extremes, some can be dam-
Once it has been done, it has been done for the aged upon freezing, others can be altered by heat.
life of the sprayer, provided the nozzle remains un- Do not store pesticides in the home! Empty con-
changed, clean and adequate pressure is used. tainers are best placed in refuse cans destined for
It must be kept in mind that the rate at which the a sanitary landfill. Wrap containers in newspaper
liquid is applied varies with the pressure and size and secure before disposal. Some states have
of the opening in the nozzle. High pressure and a special chemical dumps for pesticides; however,
large opening in the nozzle permit more liquid to some do not have such dump sites. The bottle
be applied over a given area than low pressure should be rinsed out first, pouring the rinse water
and/or smaller nozzle. For calibrating a sprayer, into the spray tank. Rinse three times, allowing 30
the procedure is as follows: seconds to drain between each rinse. Never use
1. Fully pressurize the sprayer and determine empty pesticide containers for other uses, never
delivery time. This is done by spraying water allow children to play with empty containers. If
through the sprayer into a pint jar. Mark this de- possible, break the containers before disposal. Do
livery time on the sprayer for future use. not burn paper containers.
2. Calculate the area to be treated. Measure the
area to be sprayed. Multiply length times width
to determine the area of a rectangle. The area
Using Pesticides Safely
of a triangle is calculated by multiplying the
base times the height and dividing by two. Protective Clothing
Most areas can be calculated by combining If special protective clothing is required, the la-
rectangles and triangles or subtracting trian- bel will tell what kind of protection to use. Pesticides
gles from rectangles. sold in the home garden trade generally do not
3. If the area is large, divide it into sections equal require special protective clothing. Many profes-
to the size of the delivery area. sionally used and highly toxic chemicals do. When
4. Spray an area with water, at normal walking handling pesticides, wear a long-sleeved shirt
speed, for 30 seconds. Measure the area and long-legged trousers (or a coverall-type gar-
sprayed. This tells how much area can be ment) and shoes. Additional protection is available
sprayed in 30 seconds, and therefore, the by wearing unlined neoprene or rubber gloves,

368 Master Gardeners Manual

a wide-brimmed plastic hard hat that covers the Symptoms of Pesticide Poisoning
back of the neck and goggles or a face shield to Awareness of the early symptoms and signs of
protect the eyes. Rubber gloves and goggles are pesticide poisoning is important. Unfortunately, all
particularly important when mixing or pouring pes- pesticide poisoning symptoms are not the same.
ticides. Toxic commercial pesticides may also re- Each chemical family (organophosphates, car-
quire neoprene boots, chemical cartridge respira- bamates, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc.) attacks
tors, face masks, neoprene suit or even gas masks. the human body in a different way. Fumigants and
These more toxic chemicals should not be used in solvents can make a person appear to be drunk.
a home garden setting. After using any pesticide, The symptoms are poor coordination, slurring of
wash your hands and arms thoroughly with soap words, confusion and sleepiness. Common pesti-
and water. Never eat, drink or smoke before wash- cides like organophosphates and carbamates in-
ing your hands. If you have been doing a lot of jure the nervous system. The symptoms develop in
spraying or dusting, remove your clothes, take a stages, usually occurring in this order:
shower and put on clean clothes. Clothing should Mild Poisoning or Early Symptoms of Acute
be laundered separately from the family wash. The Poisoning: Fatigue, headache dizziness, blurred
washer should be run empty with detergent after vision, excessive sweating and salivation, nausea
cleaning pesticide-contaminated clothing. If you and vomiting, stomach cramps or diarrhea.
get sprayed, change and shower immediately. Moderate Poisoning or Early Symptoms of
Use first aid procedures if necessary. Acute Poisoning: Unable to walk, weakness, chest
discomfort, muscle twitches, constriction of pupil
Safety Precautions of the eye, earlier symptoms become more severe.
Most pesticides can cause severe illness or Severe or Acute Poisoning: Unconsciousness,
even death if misused. Still, every registered pes- severe constriction of pupil of the eye, muscle
ticide can be used safely. Many accidental pes- twitches, convulsions, secretions from mouth and
ticide deaths are caused by eating or drinking nose, breathing difficulty, death if not treated. Ill-
the product, particularly by young children. Some ness may occur a few hours after exposure.
applicators die or are injured when they breathe If symptoms start more than 12 hours after ex-
a pesticide vapor or get a pesticide on their skin. posure to a pesticide, it is likely caused by some
Pesticides can poison two ways. Acute poisoning, other illness. Check with a physician to verify.
or toxicity measured by an LD50 number, can kill or
injure after one exposure. Chronic toxins, on the First Aid Procedures
other hand, will not produce an effect until there Read the “Statement of Practical Treatment” on
have been a sufficient number of exposures. How- each label. The directions listed can save lives. If
ever, the number of exposures necessary to pro- a pesticide gets on the skin, remove the substance
duce an effect varies with the kind of pesticide and as quickly as possible. Remove all contaminated
the health and size of the person exposed. LD50 clothing. Prompt washing may prevent sickness
is not a measure for chronic toxicity. If an appli- even when the spill is very large. Detergents work
cator uses organophosphate (diazinon, malathion) better than soap in removing pesticides. Don’t for-
or carbamate (carbaryl, furadan) insecticides with get the hair and fingernails. If a pesticide is inhaled,
any regularity, it would be wise to ask a physician get to fresh air right away. Loosen all tight-fitting
about a test to check the cholinesterase level of clothing. If needed, give artificial respiration imme-
the blood. These pesticides destroy this enzyme, diately – do not stop until victim is breathing well or
which is necessary to carry nerve impulses to the medical help arrives. Get the victim to a physician.
brain. Although chronic toxicity is not poisonous Do not administer anything to a poison victim un-
immediately, during the long term it can be seri- less you are trained in first aid, otherwise you may
ous. Always use safety precautions and treat all compound the injury.
pesticides with respect. To prevent accidents with In case of poisoning, call a physician and give
pesticides, use and store pesticides away from the following information: describe the victim by
children, keep pesticides in their original contain- name, age and sex, and identify yourself and your
ers and take care to always follow label directions. relationship to the victim. Have the package or
poison in hand and identify what the victim took

Master Gardeners Manual 369

and how much was taken. Keep calm – there is Pesticides Move in the Environment
enough time to act – but don’t delay unnecessari- Pesticides become problems when they move
ly. For information about poison control centers in off target. This may mean drifting off the target if in
your state, ask the local Extension educator for a the form of dust or mist, moving with soil particles
listing. Poisoning information is also available by by erosion, leaching through the soil, being carried
contacting a local poison control center. out as residues on crops or livestock or evaporat-
ing and moving with air currents.
Pesticides and the Environment
Safe Use Precautions
Direct Kill Following safety precautions and using com-
Fine mists of herbicides can drift to nearby mon sense can prevent harm from pesticides.
crops or landscape plants and kill them. Bees and Here are the minimum safety steps to take:
other pollinators can be killed if a crop is treated • Before buying a pesticide, identify the pest to
with a pesticide when they are in the field. The nat- be controlled. Then find out which pesticide
ural enemies of pest insects can also be killed by will control it. If there is a choice of several,
pesticides. Life in streams or ponds can be wiped choose the least hazardous product.
out by accidental spraying of ditches and wa- • Before purchase, read the label of the pesti-
terways, runoff from sprayed fields and careless cide to ensure the host plant (and pest) is list-
container disposal. If more than one pesticide will ed on the pesticide label and the pesticide is
control the pest, choose the one that is the least not phytotoxic to the plant being protected.
hazardous to the environment and most useful for Also check safety conditions for use, such as
the situation. To protect beneficial insects, avoid special equipment, protective clothing, restric-
excessive use of insecticides – spray only when tions on use and environmental precautions
necessary to protect the crop and control pest needed.
populations. • Before applying the pesticide, read the label
again to be sure of proper application and
Protecting Insect Pollinators safety measures, including protective clothing
Gardeners should give special consideration and equipment needed, the specific warning
to protecting insect pollinators, such as the honey and precautions, with what it can be mixed,
bee, from insecticide poisoning. Insecticides high- mixing instructions, application to harvest pe-
ly toxic to bees have restricted application times riod for fruit and vegetables, crops to which it
when being applied to crops frequented by honey can or cannot be applied and other special
bees. Bees are not active in late evening and early instructions.
morning. Do not apply insecticides when tempera-
tures are unusually low because residues will re- Compatibility
main toxic much longer. Compatibility occurs when two or more pesti-
cides can be mixed together without reducing their
Persistence and Accumulation effectiveness or harming the target. For instance,
Although most pesticides break down quickly, carbaryl (Sevin) is often combined with a miticide
remaining in the environment only a short time be- such as Kelthane to kill both insects and mites at
fore being changed into harmless products, some one time. Synergism is the action of two materials
break down slowly and stay in the environment of the same type, which when used together, pro-
for a long time. These are called persistent pes- duce a greater effect than the sum of the materials
ticides. Some persistent pesticides can build up when used alone. One of the materials when used
in the bodies of animals, including people. These alone may not affect the pest, but greatly increas-
pesticides are call accumulative. Most persistent es the total effect of the two when used together.
pesticides have very limited usage or have been Example: Chemical A kills 60 percent, Chemical
removed from the market. For example, chlordane B kills 20 percent, Chemical A and B together kill
is a persistent pesticide and its use is limited to 90 percent of the pests. Synergism may increase
termite and fire ant control. control or require less chemical. It also may be
more harmful to a nontarget organism. A synergis-

370 Master Gardeners Manual

tic effect can also be undesirable, causing death
or damage to the organism being protected. It
Pesticides and Organic
should be stressed that no chemicals should be Gardening
mixed together unless the label specifically says
they are compatible. Although it is questionable whether we could
raise all crops without the use of pesticides, it is
certainly true that we can reduce the amount of
Home Garden Versus pesticides we use by careful and efficient use.
Commercial Pesticides There are some steps to consider before auto-
matically turning to a pesticide. First, determine if
Some pesticides are packaged specifically for control measures are really needed. Is the problem
home garden use. These products are packaged severe enough to warrant treatment? If the cost of
in small quantities, i.e. pints, quarts, ounces or treatment is less than the predicted loss, the eco-
pounds. They are seldom highly toxic pesticides nomic threshold has been reached, and treatment
and are usually in low concentrations. The label is necessary. Consider alternative control mea-
rate is given in spoonfuls per gallon or pounds per sures. Some examples are cultivating instead of
1,000 square feet. using a herbicide, and removing and destroying
Because of the small label size, home garden diseased plant parts rather than using a pesticide.
products may not list all of the plants and/or pests The next step is integrated control. This is
for which the product may be registered for use. probably the best answer to pest control. In this sit-
For example, one manufacturer sells Diazinon 25 uation, the wise use of pesticides is combined with
percent EC as Fruit and Vegetable Insect Control alternative methods, such as conservation prac-
and Diazinon Insect Spray. Both are basically the tices, to encourage natural enemies of the pest.
same product, but plants and pests listed vary For example, a simple integrated control program
greatly. This situation causes some confusion in could be used on a golf course for grub-proofing
pesticide application and stimulates the purchase against Japanese beetle larvae. A chemical pes-
of excessive amounts of pesticides. ticide would be used to protect the more valuable
Products packaged for the commercial grow- sodded areas of the fairways. Milky spore disease,
er may appear to be less expensive, but consum- which is commercially produced biological control
ers should not be tempted to use them. They are for Japanese beetle larvae, would be applied in
generally more toxic than those for home use and the roughs. The chemical pesticide would give im-
require special protective clothing and equipment mediate protection to the sodded areas, while the
for application. These products are more concen- milky spore disease becomes established in the
trated and in larger containers than the consum- rough. Then, as the chemical breaks down in the
er could expect to use or safely store. They also more valuable areas, milky spore disease would
are much more difficult to calibrate and mix cor- move in. Once milky spore disease is established,
rectly, since rates are usually based on a per-acre no more chemical treatment is usually needed to
system. protect the turf.
A few products extremely toxic to humans or
the environment are classified by the EPA as RE-
STRICTED USE PESTICIDES. The label will state
“restricted use pesticides for retail sale to and ap-
Pesticides and the Law
plication only by certified applicators, or person
In Oklahoma, the registration and use of pesti-
under their direct supervision.” A license from the
cides are governed by the EPA and the Oklahoma
State Department of Agriculture is required by law
Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. Un-
for purchase and use of restricted use pesticides.
der the amended Federal Insecticide, Fungicide
This licensing is intended for commercial growers
and Rodenticide Act (Federal Environmental Con-
and does NOT automatically clear the use of these
trol Act of 1972) it is illegal to use a pesticide on
products by the home gardener. If pesticides from
a crop unless the crop is listed on the label. You
the commercial trade must be used, use extra
may not exceed the given rate of application on
caution to protect yourself, your family and the

Master Gardeners Manual 371

the label. Fines and other penalties change and in any environment, be it an organic garden or a
vary according to laws broken. school building, a natural forest or a highly man-
Under the law you are liable for misuse of pes- aged city park. We will spend some time learning
ticides on your property. Recent court rulings ex- more about IPM and show you how it can be de-
tend your liability to include misuse by commercial ployed into a landscape and garden.
applicators you hire. Serious misuse by gardeners
usually results from drift, leaching of a pesticide What is IPM?
onto non-target plants or the direct treatment of the IPM is an acronym for a strategy called In-
plant by a wrong pesticide. tegrated Pest Management. IPM is a strategy to
manage pests in a way that is economically fea-
sible, environmentally responsible, and minimizes
Pesticide Conversion Chart risk to the health of humans and non-targeted or-
ganisms. There are more than 60 published defini-
The measurements given below are approxi- tions of IPM, but one that is preferred is:
mate and should be used as a general guideline “IPM is a sustainable approach that combines
if the directions for mixing small quantities are not the use of prevention, avoidance, monitoring
given on the pesticide label. and suppression (PAMS) strategies in a way
that minimizes economic, health and environ-
Liquid Measure: mental risks.” (USDA-CSREES, 1998).

Amount per 100 gallons Amount per gallon A well-designed IPM program CARES mean-
ing that it is:
1/4 pint 1/4 teaspoon • Comprehensive because it combines all effec-
1 pint 1teaspoon tive tools (both preventive and corrective) that
1 quart 2 teaspoons are applied when needed (monitoring) and
1 gallon 2 1/2 tablespoons considers multiple pests.
2 gallons 5 tablespoons • Adaptable because it can be modified to ad-
4 gallons 1/3 pint dress any pest situation that arises.
11 gallons 7/8 pint • Responsible because it is based on sound sci-
ence and does least harm to people and the
Dry Weight: environment.
• Economical because it is cost effective, and
Amount per 100 gallons Amount per gallon will provide profitable pest management.
• Sustainable because it reduces pest problems
1/2 pound 1/12 ounce over the long-term.
1 pound 1/6 ounce
2 pounds 1/3 ounce Does IPM mean eradication?
3 pounds 1/2 ounce Before we go any further, let’s be clear about
4 pounds 2/3 ounce what a pest is. A pest is any living organism that is
6 pounds 4/5 ounce “out of place.” The problem is that a “pest” does
16 pounds 2 3/5 ounce not know that it’s a “pest.” That term is one that
20 pounds 3 1/5 ounce we place on an organism. Those “out of place” or-
ganisms actually play an important role in our eco-
system. Many homeowners are intolerant of pests
that invade their home or landscape. IPM would
Integrated Pest Management not be a good solution for those that expect the to-
tal elimination of a pest. So, IPM is really a system
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is very
designed to eliminate, through management, pest
compatible with sustainable gardening; in fact,
problems, not the pests themselves.
it is a key component of sustainable gardening.
The beauty of IPM is that it can be tailored to work

372 Master Gardeners Manual

IPM means management! Designing an IPM
We should think of IPM as an approach de- “Master Plan” for Your Garden
signed to manage pests by manipulating the abi- Think of IPM as a “system” to manage pests.
otic (non-living) and biotic (living) elements of an The system involves FIRST using tactics to avoid,
ecosystem (the home they live in) so they are un- prevent or minimize pests from establishing in a
favorable for the establishment and survival of the garden. The system also can use corrective tac-
pests in question. We can do this through the use tics, such as pesticides judiciously once a pest
of a set of preventive and corrective “tools” that becomes a problem. Such a system requires plan-
when applied, encourage desirable organisms ning, scouting, record keeping, and education in
and deter undesirable pests. order to put it together. Once developed, it should
be sustainable and flexible so it can be adjusted
Why was IPM “invented”? slightly for problems that arise.
IPM was developed in response to a crisis that A key to developing and practicing IPM is to
was occurring in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Pesticides, MONITOR. Regularly check your garden for signs
particularly insecticides, were being heavily relied and symptoms of pests and pest damage. It takes
upon to control pests on farms and urban areas. some practice to become proficient at monitor-
Rachael Carson published an important book; “Si- ing. Plants in the garden need to be thoroughly
lent Spring” in 1962 that highlighted how the in- inspected. It would be good to keep records of
discriminant use of pesticides was causing unin- what you find, including what insects are feed-
tended changes in our environment. In addition, ing, what plant diseases are developing and what
numerous problems were developing because weeds are growing. To really do a good job, you
of overreliance of insecticides to control pests will need some tools, such as a 5X to 15X hand
throughout the world. Initially Carson’s assertions lens, some plastic bags, a small trowel or pocket
received a negative response from the scientific knife, and maybe a flashlight to scout at night. Ad-
community, but many of her observations about ditional tools can include a bucket, a shake cloth
the effects of pesticides on the environment were and some plastic vials with snap caps.
scrutinized and the effects she exemplified in her When you find a pest, it is important to proper-
book became undisputable. Her book served as ly identify it. There are many references and web-
one catalyst for the growth of the environmental sites that can help with identification. If you are
movement in the 1960’s and 70’s and the enforce- still stumped, ask an experienced Master Garden-
ment of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and er or a county or state Extension educator. Once
Rodenticide Act from USDA to the EPA. the pest is identified, a world of information can
The initial concepts of IPM were proposed long be gathered on its biology, life cycle and life his-
before the term “Integrated Pest Management” tory. This information can help with determining
was coined. Dwight Isley outlined various cultur- the most effective and least disruptive methods for
al, mechanical and monitoring tactics for control control.
of boll weevil in 1929. A paper written by Vernon Let’s think about what a pest needs to survive.
M. Stern and colleagues titled “The Integrated Plant pathologists developed a Plant Disease Tri-
Control Concept”, written in 1959 V.M. Stern and angle (Figure 10.3) as a concept to show what is
colleagues is credited as the first description of needed for a plant disease to develop. For a plant
what would become IPM, but plant pathologists
correctly point out that they were “doing IPM” long
before the term was coined, as they had very few
fungicides available to use for plant disease con-
trol until more recently. IPM received important rec-
ognition in 1972 because of a number of events
regarding pests and pesticide use that converged
at that time and it continues to evolve as a frame-
work for managing pests.
Figure 10.3. The disease triangle.

Master Gardeners Manual 373

disease to develop, it needs a susceptible host, a
virulent pathogen, and a favorable environment.
A similar “triangle” can be thought of for an
invertebrate or vertebrate infestation to develop
(Figure 10.4). A pest needs food, water and shel-
ter to survive and thrive. Take away one or more of
those needs, and the pest population should be

Figure 10.5. The IPM pyramid.

Cultural tactics
Figure 10.4. Triangle for an invertebrate or verte- Cultural tactics include things that are done in
brate infestation. conjunction with growing the plants that keep them
healthy, or address pest problems. They include
things like:
Once you have put a plan into action, it is im-
portant to follow up with evaluation to make sure • Choosing resistant or tolerant plants
you have obtained effective results. You can easily • Choosing healthy plants
do this as you continue to MONITOR. • Proper placement in the landscape
• Giving them all of the things that they need to
Putting an IPM stay healthy (good horticulture)
“Master Plan” Together • Good garden “sanitation”
We can approach the development of an IPM • Crop rotations
“Master Plan” by using Preventive, and Correc- • Trap crops/companion plantings
tive Tactics. Preventive tactics include: Do Noth- • Green manures and cover crops
ing, Cultural, Biological, Mechanical/Physical/ and
Regulatory controls. Corrective tactics include The plants one chooses to grow will affect
some Biological, Cultural, Mechanical and Regu- the pests that will be encountered. Spend some
latory tactics, but most often, we think of Chemi- time learning about the specific plant species,
cal tactics, such as pesticides. Think of IPM as a and the varieties or cultivars within that species
pyramid, with a solid base of prevention that can that are adapted to Oklahoma’s growing condi-
support carefully applied corrective tactics when tions. Choose plants that are less likely to have
needed (Figure 10.5). pest problems. Oklahoma Proven varieties http:// have been evaluated
by Horticulture faculty at OSU for their wide adapt-
Do nothing
ability under Oklahoma growing conditions.
Sometimes it is simply not necessary do any-
Plant varieties are often developed to be resis-
thing, because the pests are not numerous enough
tant or tolerant to a variety of plant diseases and in-
to be a problem in the garden.
sect pests. When selecting varieties, look for their
resistance package and ask a knowledgeable

374 Master Gardeners Manual

person about their ability to resist diseases. Some Use trap crops and companion plantings to
common diseases, such as black spot of roses, disrupt pests. Trap crops are a way to concentrate
scale on Euonymus, or virus diseases on vegeta- a pest into a small planting of a preferred plant
bles can be avoided by researching and choosing in order to protect the main crop from infestation.
resistant cultivars. Other types of companion planting can include us-
When getting transplants or new plants from ing a plant that “repels” another pest. A third type
a retail nursery, inspect them for evidence of dis- is to plant a companion plant that serves as a hab-
ease, insect damage, or other stresses before tak- itat for some natural enemies.
ing them home. Make sure container plants are not Green manures and cover crops are a way to
root bound and are in a sterilized potting medium. increase the organic matter in a soil, and suppress
Place plants in the correct environment for them weeds. They work much like a “living mulch.” Some
to thrive. For example, don’t put plants that require green manures, such as wild brown mustards,
partial shade in full sun; don’t put plants that need can naturally fumigate a soil, suppressing some
acidic soils in an alkaline soil, or plants that require weeds. There are also claims that they can sup-
well-drained conditions into a low, waterlogged press soil-born disease organisms, but research in
spot. If a landscape doesn’t have the proper condi- California has shown that they have minimal effect
tions for a specific plant, DON’T BUY IT! on Verticillium or Fusarium.
Once plants have been placed in their new
home within a landscape, give them everything Biological tactics
they need to thrive. Don’t over or under fertilize, There are numerous natural enemies of pest
over or under water, or change the pH by using soil insects in a landscape. A gardener can take ad-
amendments that can change the pH of the soil. vantage of these natural enemies by providing
Provide them with mulch, or other organic matter them what they need to “hang around.” Again, it
to improve drainage and “soil health.” becomes important to know something about the
Keep the garden “clean.” That means use various natural enemies that are native to Okla-
proper sanitation to prevent spread of disease, or homa, and about those that can be purchased
simply keep the area free of dropped fruit, dead commercially to control some pests, particularly
branches or infested plant material. Keep the gar- in the greenhouse. There are three types of natu-
den weed-free. Keep garden tools clean, and ster- ral enemies of insects; predators, parasitoids and
ilized with rubbing alcohol or a weak bleach solu- pathogens. Predatory arthropods can be known
tion. Eliminate hiding places for rabbits and other because they are typically larger than their prey,
unwanted animals. and they eat large numbers of prey. They are more
Rotate annual crops by plant families. Many in- often not very discriminating about what insects
sects and diseases are “picky” about which plants they eat, both beneficials and pests. Some, like
they will attack. If plants within the same family are ladybeetles, and syrphid fly larvae, eat mostly
grown in the same place year after year, pests, aphids, but others eat a wide variety of prey.
such as nematodes, soil-dwelling insects and soil- Parasitoids are arthropods that live on or in
borne diseases can build up. Change the “family” a host insect, and kill it in the process. Most are
of annual plants that are grown in a spot each year. smaller than their hosts and are narrow in what
Table 10.1. Crops by plant families.

Beet family Chenopodiaceae beets, spinach, Swish chard

Carrot family Apiaceae carrot, celery, fennel, parsley parsnip
Cucurbit family Cucurbitaceae cucumber, melon pumpkin, squash
Cole crop family Brassicaceae bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, collard,
kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, rutabaga, turnip
Legume family Fabaceae beans, peas, vetch
Lettuce family Asteraceae Chicory, endive, globe artichoke, lettuce
Onion family Liliaceae Chive, garlic, leek, onion, shallot
Tomato family Solanaceae Eggplant, pepper, potato, tomatillo, tomato

Master Gardeners Manual 375

they consume for prey. Because they are so small, Plant collars
they often are not noticed in the garden. Sticky barriers
Insects also are attacked by pathogens, in- Metal barriers
cluding nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Weed barriers
Some common ones include Beauveria bassiana • Plastic Mulches
(a fungus), Heterorhabdid and Steinernematid • Rototilling
nematodes, and baculoviruses. A beneficial fun- • Mowing
gus, Gliocladium virens (GL-21) can be mixed into • Trapping
growing media to suppress the plant pathogens Sticky traps
that cause damping-off disease. Pheromone traps
Gardens can include plants that attract or con- Slug traps
serve beneficial insects. Many adult predators and Light traps
parasitoids feed on nectar and pollen as part of • Cultivation
their diet. They need shelter as well. • Flaming
A few examples of plants that can be plant- • Heat/cold treatments
ed in the garden that are known to be attractive to
beneficial insects: Chemical methods
Umbelliferae: Caraway, Coriander (cilantro) Dill, We typically think of chemical controls as cor-
Fennel, Queen Anne’s lace rective methods. Some of the preventive methods
Compositae: Blanket flower, Coneflower, Coreop- that have already been talked about can also be
sis, Tansy, Yarrow corrective, and sometimes chemical controls can
Fabaceae (legumes): Sweet clover, vetches be preventive (such as pre-emergence herbi-
Brassicaceae: Sweet alyssum, Yellow rocket, Wild cides, or seed treatments for disease and insects).
mustard. However, most of the time chemical controls are
applied to correct a problem that has arisen.
From “Manage Insects on Your Farm,” Altieri et It is important to consider that every time a pes-
al. 2005 ticide is applied, we are deliberately choosing to
index.htm put a poison into the environment. Therefore, care-
To learn more about identifying and conserv- fully consider the need for applying a pesticide.
ing natural enemies, consult Extension Circu- They should only be used when other controls don’t
lar E-1023, Conserving Beneficial Arthropods in provide satisfactory control. Also, choose the pes-
Residential Landscapes, which can be obtained ticide that is least harmful while still being effective
through your county extension office. Also, consult (least harmful to the environment, to the applicator
HLA-6434, Earth-Kind Gardening Series: Biologi- and to beneficials). Also, apply pesticides strictly
cal Pest Controls” for more information. according to the label, and apply in a manner that
minimizes effects on beneficials and non-targets
Mechanical/physical tactics (use only when and where needed).
Mechanical and physical tactics include the Some pesticides are less hazardous than oth-
use of barriers, traps, or heat, cold or physical re- ers. For example, insecticidal soaps, horticultur-
moval to prevent or reduce pest problems. al oils, diatomaceous earth and kaolin clays are
Here is a list of mechanical and physical tac- effective and are very low-hazard options. There
tics that can be used: are microbial and botanical pesticides that are tar-
• Hand picking get-specific or less toxic to non-target organisms.
• Streaming with water Finally, there are synthetic chemistries that are
• Pruning very target-specific and less hazardous. If a more
• Barriers toxic pesticide is needed, apply in a safe manner,
Horticultural fabrics and floating row covers apply as little of area as needed and apply strictly
Plant cages according to the label.

376 Master Gardeners Manual

Chapter 11: WILDLIFE
Learning Objectives:
After completing this section, Master Gardener trainees will be able to:

• Be familiar with the common wildlife found in Oklahoma and the damage they cause to home
• Be familiar with the different categories of control and which are most likely to provide desired

Chapter 11: Wildlife..........................................377

For each wildlife species in this chapter, exam-
ples given are proven to work from the categories
White-tailed Deer...............................................378
of lethal control, repellents, frightening, exclusion
Easter Cottontail................................................380
and habitat modification. However, some generali-
ties should be noted. Lethal control is typically the
Pocket Gopher..................................................382
first attempted by gardeners. However, it is often
the least effective. If the resource that attracted
the animal still exists, additional wildlife will likely
Canada Geese..................................................386
be attracted to that resource. Thus, lethal control
Tree Squirrels.....................................................387
becomes a continual effort. While it may seem
Northern Raccoon.............................................388
cheaper than other methods, labor costs and lost
Striped Skunk....................................................389
opportunity (such as time spent gardening) should
be taken into consideration. Repellents also are
frequently used to reduce damage. While repel-
lents can provide relief in some cases, they are of-
Introduction ten very temporary, expensive and labor intensive.
Frightening is similar to repellents because it gen-
Many gardeners enjoy attracting wildlife into erally provides temporary relief and is generally la-
their landscapes. However, some species of wild- bor intensive. However, there are some notable ex-
life can become problematic if they damage plants ceptions covered in this chapter where frightening
or structures in the landscape. This chapter will is effective. Exclusion (separating the wildlife from
cover the most common wildlife damage com- the resource) can be highly effective for some spe-
plaints. However, this chapter it is not intended to cies and completely impractical for others. While
be an exhaustive list of all wildlife species that can often costly on the front end, in the long term it can
cause damage. The topic of wildlife damage man- be quite cost effective. However, fences and net-
agement is quite broad and includes such issues ting may detract from the aesthetics the gardener
as structure damage, human health and safety, im- is seeking. Modifying the landscape is generally
pacts between wildlife species and nuisance. The not utilized by gardeners. This is unfortunate, as
focus on this chapter is on direct impacts to plants it is often the best way to reduce damage. Simply
and landscapes. For additional information on the changing the species of plants in the landscape
broader field of wildlife damage management or can reduce damage from many wildlife species.
for other wildlife species not covered here, see the One issue gardeners should consider before
appendix at the conclusion of this chapter. implementing any control is to examine their per-

Master Gardeners Manual 377

sonal tolerance level for damage. What may be Lethal Control
considered a minor inconvenience to one garden- Deer are a regulated game species and may
er may be completely unacceptable to the next. not be killed except as permitted by the Oklahoma
This is not a trivial matter, as it determines when Department of Wildlife (http://wildlifedepartment.
and where management is applied. Individuals com/) during regular hunting seasons. However, it
will need to determine when damage levels war- is possible to receive special depredation permits
rant management (within the constraints of the for animals causing damage under some circum-
law). However, implications of certain treatments stances, such as damage to a commercial crop.
and the beneficial aspects of some animals will be Hunting is generally not an acceptable option for
discussed so an informed decision can be made. gardeners within the city limits as ordinances pro-
Gardeners may notice that some management op- hibit discharge of firearms, although some urban
tions for certain species are omitted in this chapter. areas permit archery hunting. In rural areas, hunt-
Only practical and proven techniques will be cov- ing may provide some relief; however, killing one or
ered. Other management techniques may work, two animals will have minimal impact on damage
but this chapter will cover the techniques with the levels. Thus, for most gardeners, hunting will not be
highest probability of success. Gardeners should a viable solution.
be aware there is seldom a quick and easy fix to
any wildlife damage problem. Often, the cost (time Repellents
and money) of control exceeds the damage. Yet There are a multitude of commercially available
management decisions are not based purely on and homemade repellents, advertised as effective
economic decisions, but rather on personal prefer- at reducing deer damage to plants. Repellents are
ences. Many wildlife damage issues are primarily either area (smell) or contact (taste). Contact re-
nuisance rather than actual damage to plants or pellents are more effective, as they directly contact
structures. Whether the nuisance warrants control the plant being protected, thus deter ingestion.
is related to the tolerance and preference of the Most repellents have been found to provide lim-
individual gardener. ited effectiveness (Table 11.1). There are two no-
table exceptions. Repellents which include putrid
White-tailed Deer egg solids or are thiram based have the highest
reported effectiveness (70 to 99 percent and 43
This ubiquitous animal is abundant statewide. to 78 percent, respectively). A problem with all re-
It has a broad diet and can reach plants up to pellents is they must be applied to a large portion
about 6 feet from the ground. While deer consume of the plant to provide protection. Additionally, ap-
many types of plants, they are browsing animals plications must be reapplied frequently. Expect to
that prefer woody plants (shrubs, vines and young reapply every couple of weeks at minimum. Rain
trees) and herbaceous broadleaf plants such as will cause more frequent reapplication. Areas with
black-eyed Susan, pansy and hosta. Grasses are higher deer density and/or lower food resources
generally not consumed in great amounts except will have reduced effectiveness from repellents.
for cool season grasses in late winter when other Also, the more preferred the target plant, the less
food resources are limited. Deer lack upper inci- effective the repellent will be.
sors, thus deer damage is obvious as the vege-
tation will have a torn appearance. Also, look for Frightening
oblong or clumped dark droppings near damaged Frightening can provide relief, particularly when
plants or the cloven hoof print typical of all deer. used in combination with other methods. Scare tac-
On woody plants, deer typically consume the most tics are also more effective when deer numbers are
recent growth (tips), leaving the more woody, older low or the food resource is marginally attractive to
portions of a plant untouched. Thus, woody plants deer. Many scare tactics use loud noises. Unfortu-
are typically not killed, but can have an unsightly nately this is not only disturbing to deer, but to the
appearance. homeowner and neighbors. Thus, it is not typically
useful for the home gardener. Deer are frightened
by dogs, and their presence in a neighborhood
often greatly reduces deer damage for the area.

378 Master Gardeners Manual

Table 11.1. Comparison of damage reduction
with commonly used area or contact repellents.

Class of Percent Reduction

Repellents of Damage

bone tar oil 15-34
ammonia soaps of
higher fatty acids 43
human hair 15-34
bar soap 38
blood meal NEa
cat/dog feces NEa
moth balls NEa
human sweat NEa Figure 11.1. Fences must be 8 to 10 feet to fully
putrefied meat scraps NEa exclude deer. This is a substantial investment
and is not practical for large areas.
putrescent egg solids 70-99
ammonium saccharide <15
Hot Sauce (Capsaicin) 15-34
Thiram based 43-78
NE—generally considered not effective.

Invisible dog fences (underground containment

systems) can be used so dogs can see and ha-
rass deer. However, frequent barking may become
more of a nuisance than the deer.

Exclusion is a very effective way to minimize
damage to landscape plants. However, it can be
expensive because fences need to be 10 feet tall to Figure 11.2. A “peanut butter” baited fence can
completely exclude deer (Figure 11.1). Woven wire help reduce damage to small garden plots or
is the most effective, but high tensile wire spaced landscapes. The aluminum foil acts as a con-
12 inches apart works as well. For large areas of ductor to deliver an electrical shock to condi-
a high value plant (such as a garden), this may be tion deer to avoid the area.
the best long-term solution. If a fence of this height cheap and easy to try for small areas. Note: It can
is not an option, shorter fences can be utilized be difficult to get a proper ground for an electric
with varying success. Typically, these will employ fence, particularly when the soil column is dry. For
an electric wire(s) to provide further deterrence. A individual trees, the trunk may be wrapped with
simple fence for small garden plots uses a single plastic tree wrap or a wire mesh cylinder placed
electric wire with pieces of aluminum foil (or other around the tree (Figure 11.3). The cylinder should
electrical conducting material) attached at about be at least 4 feet tall. If branches are within the
3-foot intervals. Peanut butter smeared onto the reach of the deer, they may still browse the tips.
conductors serves as an attractant (Figure 11.2). Ensure that the wrap or wire is not cutting into the
The resultant shock can condition deer to avoid bark of the tree.
that area. While this method is not foolproof, it is

Master Gardeners Manual 379

Eastern Cottontail
The abundant cottontail is a common sight in
many Oklahoma gardens. While generally a wel-
comed landscape guest, they can consume some
of our tender annuals, perennials, vegetable crops
and occasionally will girdle small trees. Rabbits
stay in a small area, and a single yard may consti-
tute an animal’s entire home range. Even one rab-
bit can do substantial damage as the impacts are
concentrated. In fact, rabbits will often consume
an individual plant to the ground in a single visit.
They are especially fond of tulip, hosta, rubeckia,
pansy, peas, beans, rose, raspberry and black-
berry. Rabbits are very prolific breeders during the
summer and this is when most damage occurs. A
rabbit’s diet is similar to deer, yet damage is easy
to differentiate as rabbit herbivory produces a very
even, angled cut on stem tips and damage will be
within 12 to 18 inches of the ground (Figure 11.4).
Figure 11.3. When using tree guards, make sure Also, look for round droppings rather than the oval
there is space between the wire/plastic to allow or clumped droppings of white-tailed deer. While
for tree growth and to minimize disease and rabbits do forage on lawns, they typically consume
insect problems. The tree guard should be at clovers and grass at rates that are not damaging.
least 4 feet tall to minimize deer rubbing their Thus, turf damage would be uncommon. Western
antlers. For herbivory damage, it may need to Oklahoma gardeners may also have black-tailed
be up to 6 feet. jackrabbits in their landscape. Damage will be
similar between the species.
Habitat Modification
Generally the most effective way to reduce deer
damage is to select plants deer do not find palat-
able. Fortunately for the Oklahoma gardener, there
are many such plants available. The Oklahoma
State University fact sheet HLA-6427, Ornamental
and Garden Plants: Controlling Deer Damage has
an extensive list of plants and their relative attrac-
tiveness to deer. In areas where deer are a prob-
lem, consider replacing plants with those listed as
less desirable. Examples of plants not generally
damaged by deer include: blanket flower, lantana,
salvia, zinnia, bee balm, butterfly weed, foxglove,
gay-feather, goldenrod, lavender, penstemon, red-
hot poker, rosemary, Russian sage, thyme, yarrow,
holly, barberry, creeping mahonia, heavenly bam-
boo, yucca, sumac, cantaloupe, pepper, onion
and tomato. If replacing plants is not an option,
Figure 11.4. Rabbit damage is characterized by
place susceptible plants together (to the extent
very clean cuts on an angle as pictured here.
possible) and use exclusion, repellents or scare
This is opposed to a jagged cut from white-
tactics to protect that area of the garden.
tailed deer.

380 Master Gardeners Manual

Lethal Control Habitat Modification
Rabbits are a regulated game species and Similar to deer, selection of unpalatable plants
may not be killed except as permitted by the will largely eliminate rabbit damage. OCES fact
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife (http://wildlifed- sheet HLA-6427, Ornamental and Garden Plants: during regular hunting seasons. Controlling Deer Damage has an extensive list
Hunting may be an option for rabbit even within of plants and their relative attractiveness to deer.
cities, as air rifles and slingshots are legal to take This list will greatly overlap with rabbits and can
rabbits and may be allowed in some city ordinanc- be used as a guide. If replacing plants is not an
es. However, as rabbits are easily excluded, lethal option, place susceptible plants together (to the
control is typically not recommended. extent possible) and use exclusion or repellents to
protect that area of the garden. Additionally, rab-
Repellents bits require dense screening cover. They typically
Most of the same repellents advertised for deer use tall grass, shrubs, brush piles or vines for cov-
are also advertised as effective at reducing rabbit er. Removing cover can reduce rabbit use of an
damage to plants, with similar results. Contact re- area. However, it also will change the aesthetics of
pellents will again be more effective than area re- the property and reduce use by many other spe-
pellents. Thiram-based repellents are reported to cies of wildlife the gardener may wish to attract.
be most effective. All repellents must be applied to
a large portion of the plant to provide protection. Armadillo
Additionally, applications must be reapplied fre-
quently. Expect to reapply every couple of weeks The armadillo is one of the more interesting na-
at minimum. Rain will cause more frequent reap- tive mammals in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, they can
plication. Areas with higher rabbit density and/or cause substantial damage to lawns as they search
lower food resources will have reduced effective- for insects, grubs and earthworms in the soil.
ness from repellents. Also, the more preferred the They also dig up shallow-rooted annuals in flow-
target plant, the less effective the repellent will be. er beds. Damage is generally most pronounced
Consider using alternate or additional methods if in the summer months. Irrigated lawns makes the
high rabbit damage is encountered. soil easier to forage. Damage is easy to identify as
it is noted by multiple shallow holes (Figure 11.5).
Frightening Damage to rhizomatous grasses such as Bermu-
Frightening provides little relief from rab- da is typically manageable as healthy grass can
bit damage. A dog may provide some damage quickly fill in bare patches. Cool season grasses,

Exclusion is the preferred method to minimize
damage to landscape plants from rabbits. Fences
of 2 feet will be sufficient to exclude rabbits. The
fence should either be flush with the ground or bur-
ied a few inches into the soil. Mesh size 1 inch or
smaller should be used. This is an effective strate-
gy for small garden plots. For individual trees, the
trunk may be wrapped with a wire mesh cylinder
placed around the tree (Figure 11.3). Mesh of 1/4
inch should be used. This should be 2 feet for rab-
bits, although if deer are also a problem, consider
a 4-foot or higher height. Ensure that the wire is not
cutting into the bark of the tree. Figure 11.5. Armadillo damage is typically small
shallow diggings scattered throughout the lawn
or in mulch. Tree squirrel and skunk damage
can look similar.

Master Gardeners Manual 381

such as fescue, are more problematic because the
bare patches will need to be reseeded in the fall.
Additionally, the extra irrigation required by cool
season grasses in the Oklahoma summer make
them especially attractive to armadillo. The arma-
dillo requires nearby cover that is generally woody
thickets. Loose soils are much preferred for this
burrowing animal. The armadillo appears to have
expanded its range in recent years; however it of-
ten is reduced in numbers in northern Oklahoma
following prolonged cold. This is the only other
mammal other than humans known to become in-
fected with leprosy. While the probability of infec-
tions is likely low, it is not recommended to handle
armadillos with bare skin. Figure 11.6. Armadillos are generally easy to cap-
ture in a live-catch trap. While no bait is needed,
Lethal Control the use of existing barriers and/or temporary
Armadillos are not protected in Oklahoma and barriers will greatly enhance capture. The idea
may be trapped or shot year-around. Shooting is to create a funnel for the armadillo.
is an effective method where legal. However, as
they are primarily nocturnal (particularly during the
summer) this may not be a realistic control. Trap- Repellents
ping is highly effective by using a large 10 x 12 There are no known effective repellents for
x 32-inch live catch trap. The smaller live catch armadillo.
traps designed for skunks are too small. Traps with
doors on either end are most effective. Use some Frightening
type of barrier to funnel the armadillo into the trap. Frightening is not effective to reduce armadillo
Existing barriers such as fences, walls, etc. work. damage.
If no existing barrier exists, use boards or tempo-
rary fence. The barrier only needs to be a few inch- Exclusion
es tall as armadillos rarely climb and will typically Exclusion is very effective to reduce armadil-
forage along any barrier they encounter (Figure lo damage to small garden beds. While armadil-
11.6). The trap does not need to be baited, al- los can climb and burrow, they typically will not to
though some homeowners have had success with access a small area. Fences taller than 12 inch-
rotten fruit or eggs. Place the trap either in the area es should eliminate most armadillo invasion. For
of the landscape where damage is pronounced lawns, this is not typically practical.
or where armadillos are entering the landscape (if
known). As armadillos are often attracted to freshly Habitat Modification
irrigated lawns, consider placing traps in an area Removal of protective brush may reduce arma-
of the lawn immediately after irrigation. If damage dillo damage. However, this will change the aes-
is frequent, assume the animal has a burrow near- thetics of the property and reduce use by many
by in a wooded or riparian area. Once trapped, it other species of wildlife the gardener may wish to
is NOT legal to move the armadillo to another lo- attract. Reducing irrigation can reduce damage.
cation. Transporting animals presents many prob-
lems such as disease transmission, displacement Pocket Gopher
of existing wildlife and stress on the animal moved.
Any trapped armadillo should be humanely killed Pocket gophers are a widespread and abun-
with a shot to the base of the neck or in the head. dant ground-dwelling rodent in Oklahoma. They
Do not handle the armadillo to reduce potential of are most abundant in loose soils, and are large-
leprosy transmission. ly absent from some of the tight clay soils in the
state. Thus, many gardeners will never deal with

382 Master Gardeners Manual

gopher damage due to the inherent soil texture of tality if the dosage is high enough. Thus, ALWAYS
their area. Gophers should not be confused with place toxic baits directly into gopher tunnels. Also,
the similar mole (discussed below). Gopher bur- check the baited area daily and properly dispose
rows are generally not visible from the surface, al- of any gophers that have come to the surface and
though they do create large fan-shaped mounds died. To find the burrow, use an object such as
of soil that is pushed to the surface (Figure 11.7). a piece of rebar to probe around a mound area
This is the characteristic sign of gopher damage. (around 12 inches from the mound). When the
They consume plant material and can cause sub- probe breaks through a tunnel, the soil should give
stantial damage to certain plants as they feed on way. Carefully punch a small hole into the top of
roots. A gopher will rarely be seen aboveground, the tunnel and place the toxic bait underground. If
although they will consume plants aboveground at the hole is large, cover it so that no light enters the
times. Damaged plants often exhibit rapid decline tunnel to alert the gopher. Trapping is very easy for
with no visible damage to plant aboveground. gophers. There are several types of traps available
Hosta is a favorite, and when hostas seem to die and can be found at most lawn and garden stores.
overnight, gopher damage should be considered. Use the same method as above to locate the bur-
Grass roots make up a large portion of the diet of row. Once found, carefully dig a hole into the top
gophers. Gardeners should be aware that a few of the burrow just large enough to place the trap. If
gophers can create substantial burrowing. Thus, using a trap that only will catch a gopher from one
most landscapes will contain fewer gophers than direction, place two traps back-to-back, so the go-
assumed. OCES fact sheet NREM 9001, Con- pher will be caught regardless of the direction it is
trolling Pocket Gophers has additional information traveling (Figure 11.8). Attempt to not knock soil
for control of this species. into the burrow. Cover the hole with soil removed if
it is not too lose, otherwise place a board, burlap,
Lethal Control or other object over the hole to keep out light so
Gophers are not protected in Oklahoma and the approaching gopher will not be alerted to the
may be controlled year-round. There are two pri- disturbance. Mark the trap and check in two days.
mary methods of lethal control: poisoning and If a gopher is not caught, move the traps to a new
trapping. Trapping is the preferred method of con- location.
trol for the gardener. This is because of the poten-
tial risk of non-target poisoning. If toxic control is Repellents
used, zinc phosphide is one of the most common There are no known effective repellents for
toxicants available for the home gardener and it is gophers.
effective when applied according to label instruc-
tions. It also has lower risk to non-target animals.
However, any toxicant can cause non-target mor-

Figure 11.8. Some gopher traps only work in one

Figure 11.7. Gophers do not typically leave visi- direction. For this type of design put two traps
ble tunnels. However, they push soil to the sur- back to back so that the gopher can be caught
face in fan-shaped mounds such as this. regardless of the direction traveled.

Master Gardeners Manual 383

Frightening is not proven to be effective at re-
ducing damage from gophers.

Exclusion can be effective for small high-value
areas such as small vegetable gardens and orna-
mental plantings. Consider placing high-value or
frequently damaged plants (such as Hosta) in the
same bed and protect with metal fence (1/4-inch
mesh) placed at least 18 inches underground. Al-
ternatively, use a 24-inch fence bent at a 90 degree
angle (facing outward from the protected area), so
the fence will be 12 inches vertical with an addi-
tional 12 inches of horizontal protection once bent
Figure 11.10. Mole tunnels are generally visible
to prevent gophers from digging under the barrier.
on the surface of the lawn and appear as slight-
Underground wiring or irrigation tubing is some-
ly raised areas.
times damaged by gophers. Enclosing the cable
or tubing in a 3-inch tube will protect the contents insectivores and feed voraciously on earthworms,
as gopher cannot open their jaws wide enough to grubs and other insects. This diet, along with the
damage the tube. aeration of soil from their many tunnels makes them
a very beneficial garden animal. However the tun-
Habitat Modification nels can be unsightly, make it difficult to walk and
None practical for the home gardener. sometimes expose shallowly rooted plants to air
pockets in the soil, causing death (Figure 11.10).
Mole While sometimes a nuisance, control is generally
not warranted for this animal.
Moles are small mammals that spend the vast
majority of their life underground (Figure 11.9).
They are common in Oklahoma, particularly in Lethal Control
loose rich soils under a canopy of trees. While of- Moles are not protected in Oklahoma and may
ten confused with pocket gophers, their similari- be controlled year-round. Trapping is the preferred
ties end with an underground lifestyle. Moles are method of control for the gardener as toxicants are
not as effective for controlling moles. Tunnels are
generally highly visible when moles are present.
Traps placed within the burrows (similar to gopher
traps) may be used. To set this type of trap, care-
fully dig a hole into the top of the burrow just large
enough to place the trap. If using a trap that only
will catch a mole from one direction, place two traps
back-to-back, so the mole will be caught regard-
less of the direction it is traveling (Figure 11.8). Do
not knock soil into the burrow. Cover the hole with
soil if it is not too lose, otherwise place a board,
burlap or other opaque object over the hole to keep
out light. Mark the trap and check in two days. If a
mole is not caught, move the trap to a new loca-
tion. However, harpoon style traps are easier to use
Figure 11.9. Moles are rarely seen above ground. for moles. These are placed directly over an active
Occasionally they will be dug up by dogs and tunnel. To set, remove the soil from a small section
cats in the landscape. of a tunnel so the underground tunnel location can

384 Master Gardeners Manual

be precisely determined. Then replace the soil,
packing it firmly. Place the harpoon trap directly
over the tunnel. Set the trigger so it barely touches
the soil. When the mole comes through the tunnel,
it will push the soil back up and trigger the trap.
Only disturb the area of the tunnel where a trap is
set. Alternatively, carefully observe the lawn early
or late in the day, sometimes a mole may be seen
moving through the soil. Carefully approach the
area and then quickly dig up the mole.

There are no known effective repellents for
Figure 11.11. Typical damage from a yellow-bel-
Frightening lied sapsucker consists of numerous shallow
Frightening is not proven to be effective at re- holes about the size of a pencil eraser. These
ducing damage from moles. are sometimes in very orderly rows and col-
umns and are usually found on maples, pines
Exclusion and fruit trees.
Exclusion is impractical for lawns. Small flow-
nest cavities in dead and dying trees. However,
er beds can be protected by installing wire fence
the yellow-bellied sapsucker causes damage to
underground. Use 24-inch fence (1/4-inch mesh)
healthy living trees and is a widespread winter
bent at a 90 degree angle (facing outward from the
resident in Oklahoma. This woodpecker species
protected area), such that the fence will be 12inch-
typically shows up in late October or November
es vertical with an additional 12 inches of horizon-
and departs in late February or March. It creates
tal protection once bent.
numerous small round depressions along the bark
of trees (Figure 11.11). This is primarily confined
Habitat Modification
to the trunk, but may be evident on large limbs as
Decreasing irrigation can decrease food re-
well. These shallow holes are made to allow sap
sources for the mole, yet will impact plant produc-
to rise. Sapsuckers consume the sap and insects
tion. Soil insecticides are not recommended be-
that become trapped in it. Sapsuckers typically
cause they must be applied over large areas and
damage tree species that readily produce sap.
moles are easy to trap, thus eliminating soil insects
Maples, pines and various fruit trees are commonly
should not be necessary.
damaged. Any time the cambium is exposed, trees
are susceptible to disease and insects. However,
Woodpecker native trees are generally able to withstand this
damage with no adverse effects. This is evident on
Oklahoma is home to eleven species of wood- old maple trees that have thousands of small cavi-
pecker. However the vast majority of complaints ties drilled in them. The same sap that makes them
come from a single species known as the yel- attractive to sapsuckers, usually serves as pro-
low-bellied sapsucker, which causes damage to tection against disease. Nonnative trees are more
certain species of trees during the winter. All wood- susceptible to local insect and disease pests and
peckers can occasionally cause structure damage will be at a higher risk. Occasionally, sapsuckers
or an annoyance from drumming to attract mates. create so many cavities that they girdle the tree.
All woodpeckers also feed on insects on and in
trees. Typically, trees that are already damaged, Lethal Control
dying or diseased are foraged on by woodpeckers All woodpeckers are protected by the Federal
as these trees harbor abundant insects. Thus, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and may not be
woodpecker is seldom responsible for the death legally harmed.
of the tree. Further, most woodpeckers excavate

Master Gardeners Manual 385

Repellents However, they can be aggressive and their fecal
In general repellents are not effective for wood- material creates a mess. For the home gardener,
peckers. Tactile repellents that provide a sticky damage is mostly in the form of a nuisance. There
layer on the surface of wood may reduce wood- are two distinct classifications of Canada geese.
pecker use. However, some of these materials can There are both resident geese (those that do no
discolor wood surfaces (for structures) and can migrate) and migratory geese. While geese are
become very messy during hot weather. protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act
of 1918, special provisions exist for controlling res-
Frightening ident geese (those present in the summer) which
Frightening is generally not effective for allevi- are discussed below.
ating woodpecker damage. Limited success has
been reported for some motion-type devices, but Lethal Control
the gardener should not have high expectations. Migratory Canada geese may only be hunted
during the authorized hunting season as deter-
Exclusion mined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This is
Exclusion is generally the most effective meth- seldom an option for the home gardener. Resident
od of damage management for sapsuckers. Metal Canada geese can be killed under certain circum-
hardware cloth (1/4-inch) can be wrapped around stances by a licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control
tree trunks that are frequently damaged. Metal Operator (NWCOs). The Oklahoma Department of
flashing can also be used. If an orchard with many Wildlife Conservation has a list of licensed NWCOs
trees is being impacted, evaluate the number of available for landowners (http://wildlifedepartment.
trees damaged. Often, only one or two trees will com/laws_regs/nco.htm). Note these individuals
have significant damage. If this is the case, these charge a fee for damage management.
trees could be used as “sacrifice trees” rather than
protecting them only to have adjacent trees sub- Repellents
sequently damaged. If structures are being dam- There are no known available repellents effec-
aged, use netting if the area is small (e.g. wooden tive for Canada geese.
eaves). If the entire structure is wood, exclusion
will not be practical. In this case a combination of Frightening
other methods such as frightening, suet and nest Frightening is not generally effective unless
boxes combined with quickly covering any dam- combined with other methods. As with all scare
age with aluminum flashing should be used. tactics, unpredictability will help as animals quick-
ly become accustomed to sounds, movements
Habitat Modification and objects. The only highly recommended meth-
As sapsuckers target certain types of trees, the od of frightening for Canada geese is the use of
judicious selection of trees for the landscape can dogs trained to chase geese. This can be highly
greatly reduce damage. In general, oaks and elms effective even on large areas such as golf courses.
are not damaged by sapsuckers. Some limited suc-
cess is reported by using suet as a food diversion. Exclusion
Nest boxes can be placed to provide an alternate Exclusion is generally not practical. However,
nest site when concern of cavity construction is an steel wire or heavy monofilament can be used to
issue. However, some species of woodpecker will create grids at the water surface (5-foot centers)
not readily use artificial nest boxes. to discourage geese from landing on small water
bodies. This is generally an expensive method and
Canada Geese may be aesthetically displeasing. Geese can also
be excluded during the summer with standard
Canada geese cause considerable damage to fences, as adults are reluctant to leave goslings
agriculture crops such as winter wheat. Geese are behind. However, once the young can fly, this will
grazing animals that feed primarily on grass. While no longer be effective.
they can uproot newly planted grass, they typically
clip established lawns and cause limited damage. Habitat Modification
Not practical for gardeners.
386 Master Gardeners Manual
Tree Squirrels
There are three species of tree squirrel found
in Oklahoma. The fox squirrel is found across the
state while the Eastern gray squirrel is found in
the eastern portions of the state. Southern flying
squirrels are also present, but are generally not
common, and except for occasionally entering at-
tics, do not cause significant damage. Both the fox
and gray squirrel feed on a variety of food. In the
garden, they cause damage to nut-bearing trees,
various fruits, corn and consume bird seed. They
sometimes dig in lawns to bury food and can enter
openings in attics. They also evict birds from nest
boxes at times.

Lethal Control
While both the fox and gray squirrel are legal
game species, seasons are very liberal and they
Figure 11.12. Cones placed below bird feeders
may be killed most of the year (http://wildlifede-
or trees help reduce squirrel damage. Metal Where legal, shooting is effective
cones are preferred over plastic as plastic can
to control squirrels under low population densi-
be damaged by the squirrel as shown in this
ties. However, with high densities, animals will be
quickly replaced.

Various repellents such as moth balls and cap-
saicin can reduce damage in some instances, but
will generally not be effective alone and must be
reapplied often.

Not generally effective for reducing squirrel

If squirrels are entering attics or other struc-
tures, cover the entrance(s) with wire mesh, alumi-
num flashing and other materials as appropriate.
Be cautious about trapping squirrels inside, as they
can do significant damage attempting to escape
and will smell once dead. If animals are suspected
to be inside the structure, place a live catch trap
(baited with peanut butter, nuts or fruit) inside the
Figure 11.13. This squirrel guard prevents the
enclosed space, or create a temporary one-way
nesting birds from being destroyed. The hole
door over the opening. Use a metal (preferable)
should be appropriate for the target bird but
or plastic collar to prevent squirrels from climb-
small enough to limit squirrel entrance (more
ing trees or bird feeders (Figure 11.12). The collar
than 2 inches). If using metal flashing, be sure
should be 2 feet wide and 6 feet off the ground to
to file edges to ensure birds entering will not be
fully exclude squirrels. If placing on a tree, ensure

Master Gardeners Manual 387

there is space between the collar and tree to pre- Raccoons can be
vent damage to the tree. Woven wire (1-inch mesh) trapped using live catch traps (10 x 12 x 32 inches)
fence topped with a single strand electrical wire baited with sardines, chicken, or cat food. Howev-
(within 1 inch of top of fence) can be installed to er, the use of smaller mesh (1/2-inch) wired to the
protect small garden plots. If sweet corn is being cage may be needed to prevent raccoons from
damaged, use a piece of reinforced filament tape pulling out the bait through the trap walls. In most
wrapped several times around the end of each ear cases, lethal control will not be necessary for rac-
of corn to inhibit squirrels from opening the husk. coons. An exception may be in the rare case when
This should be done prior to the corn becoming raccoons enter attics or crawl spaces of structures.
ripe. If squirrels are raiding bird houses, a metal
or hard plastic collar can be placed around the Repellents
opening that will restrict their entry by preventing No known repellents are effective for raccoons.
them from chewing the entrance hole larger (Fig-
ure 11.13). Frightening
While frightening may temporarily lessen dam-
Habitat Modification age from raccoons, it is not generally effective and
Tree limbs can be trimmed to prevent squirrels not recommended.
from accessing structures, gardens, bird feeders,
other trees, etc. Limbs should be trimmed 8 feet Exclusion
from the object protected as squirrels can jump Exclusion is the most effective way to reduce
several feet. most raccoon damage. For garbage cans, tightly
restrain lids with bungee cords. Consider using
Northern Raccoon metal containers for any food item to discourage
raccoons from chewing into the container. For rac-
The Northern raccoon is a widespread mam- coons entering structures, seal any holes where
mal found throughout Oklahoma. They consume a entry is possible immediately upon discovering the
wide variety of foods (omnivorous), are intelligent entry. Trap any raccoons that may be present after
and have good dexterity. These traits sometimes the entry is sealed or by blocking the entry with a
lead to conflicts with homeowners and gardeners. trap. Ensure chimneys are covered with wire mesh
While they prefer areas near forests and water, and/or capped to prevent entry. For small corn
they can be found far from either. They are pri- crops, use filament reinforced tape wrapped sev-
marily nocturnal, thus often not seen. They cause eral times around the end of each ripening ear of
damage by raiding garbage cans, bird feeders, corn. For larger areas, use an electric fence with
and bird houses; entering attics; consuming veg- two hot wires, with the first wire at about 6 inches
etable crops (especially corn); and occasionally above the ground. Poultry should be well fenced
pulling up fresh sod. If raccoons are present in an with all doors and windows secured at night. A sin-
attic, they generally make considerable noise by gle electric wire along the top of the poultry fence
running, scratching and snarling. Other species of will greatly reduce raccoon damage. If raccoons
wildlife that sometimes enter attics are generally are raiding bird nest boxes, install a predator shield
more subtle. (cone) to limit access (Figure 11.12). Metal, rath-
er than plastic should be used if raccoons are a
Lethal Control problem.
Raccoons are a regulated furbearer in Oklaho-
ma. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conser- Habitat Modification
vation sets seasons and legal methods of harvest There are few instances where habitat modifi-
( Raccoons can be cation is practical. If fresh sod is being damaged
killed if they are harming livestock or poultry at any by raccoons, consider pinning down the corners
time. For nuisance issues which require trapping with pins or stakes until the grass has firmly estab-
outside of an established hunting season, con- lished roots. Overhanging limbs can be trimmed to
tact a NWCO in your area (http://wildlifedepart- prevent access to the roof of a structure or to bird

388 Master Gardeners Manual

Striped Skunk
Not generally effective. Mothballs may work for
enclosed spaces, but should be used cautiously
Oklahoma has two species of skunk. The spot-
where people reside.
ted skunk is very uncommon and is a protected
species. It will seldom, if ever, cause problems for
the Oklahoma gardener. The striped skunk is a Frightening
common mammal found statewide. They are most Lights and loud noises may provide some
common in open areas near forests and streams, relief.
but are quite adaptable. Skunks eat a wide variety
of foods, but insects are eaten during the summer Exclusion
months. Skunks occasionally raid poultry eggs, Exclusion is the most effective way to reduce
eat low hanging vegetables and get into garbage. most skunk damage. For garbage cans, tightly re-
However, most complaints from skunks involve ei- strain lids with bungee cords. Consider using metal
ther damage to turf because they seek soil insects containers for any food items. For skunks entering
or when skunks enter the crawl spaces of homes. structures, seal any holes where entry is possible
Skunk damage in lawns can look similar to tree immediately upon discovery. Trap any skunks that
squirrels and armadillo. Tracks or visual sighting may be present at the entry point using sardines
are the best ways to differentiate between species or cat food as bait. Poultry should be well fenced
causing turf damage. Note that most turf damage with all doors and windows secured at night. Fenc-
in Oklahoma gardens will be from armadillo and es should be buried about 12 inches if skunks are
not from skunk. digging under them.

Lethal Control Habitat Modification

Striped skunks are not protected in Oklahoma Keep brush, debris and garbage picked up to
and may be killed at any time. They can be easily reduce the attractiveness to skunks.
trapped using live catch traps (7 x 7 x 24 inch-
es). The trap should be baited with cat food or sar- Additional References
dines. While skunks are not eager to spray and are The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Manage-
very docile animals, it is still advisable to cover the ment contains information on many wildlife
trap with canvas or some other covering to reduce species (
the chance of spray. As it is illegal to move wild- The following Oklahoma State University fact
life, humanely kill any trapped skunks. Approach sheets can be found at
the trap calmly, pull back the cover and shoot the Ornamental and Garden Plants: Controlling Deer
animal in the head. Many skunks will spray when Damage, HLA-6427
shot, but shooting the brain will reduce the chance Controlling Pocket Gophers, NREM-9001
and will kill the animal instantly. Shooting the ani- The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ser-
mal from a distance (to avoid the possibility of get- vice is a good resource for wildlife damage im-
ting sprayed) will almost certainly cause the ani- pacting agriculture or human health and safety
mal to spray the trap. If the skunk does spray, use (
a mixture of one quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conserva-
baking soda, and two teaspoons liquid dish soap tion sets regulations for resident wildlife spe-
to clean the trap. Note: do not seal this mixture in a cies and also manages the Nuisance Wildlife
container as the hydrogen peroxide releases gas Control Operator Program (http://wildlifede-
which can cause a closed container to explode.
Alternatively, call a NWCO to trap for you (http://

Master Gardeners Manual 389

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