CH-13 Recruitment & Selection

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Recruitment and Selection

13.1 The importance of selection
13.2 Preparation of the job description and specification
13.3 Identification of sources of recruitment and methods of
13.4 Designing an effective application form and preparing a short list
13.5 The interview
13.6 Supplementary selection aids
13.1 The importance of selection

• There is wide variability in the effectiveness of salespeople

• Salespeople are very costly
• Training and motivation
Features of most interest and most value
Stages in the recruitment and selection process
13.2 Preparation of the job description
and specification
Important qualities of salespeople
• Empathy; the ability to feel as the buyer does.
• Ego; the need to make a sales in a personal way, not merely for money.
A personnel specification
• Physical requirements
• Attainments
• Aptitudes and qualities
• Disposition
• Interests
• Personal circumstances
13.3 Identification of sources of recruitment and
methods of communication
1.From inside – the company’s own staff;
2.Recruitment agencies;
3.Educational establishments;
5.Other industries;
How companies attract external applicants
Impact ads in newspaper
• Newspaper and size
• The content
• Advertising specialist
13.4 Designing an effective application form and
preparing a short list
The application form is a quick and
inexpensive method of screening
out applicants in order to produce a
shortlist of candidates for interview.
13.4 Designing an effective application form and preparing a
short list
13.5 The interview
Personal specification
The interview setting
1. Room………….not to be interrupted
2. Room………….space
3. Room………….accommodation
Conducting the interview
Reduce anxiety and establish rapport

1 One of the interviewer should bring the candidate into the room
2 Open the conversation with few easy to answer question
3 Open ended question rather than close ended
4 Interviewer should appear relax, adopt, friendly, easy manner
5 Interviewer should be courteous, appear interest

Exam Q; (Dec 14)

Despite the fact that the role of the salesperson attracts confident individuals, candidates attending for interview are often nervous.
The chair of an interview panel has an important role to paly in putting candidates at ease. Analyze the actions that can be taken to
reduce the anxiety of candidates and encourage rapport to develop with interviewees.
Interview techniques
• The ‘play back’ technique;
• The use of rewards;
• The use of silence;
• The use of probes;
• Summarizing
• The use of neutral questions;
• Other Consideration
• Not talk too much
• Balance between evaluation and selling
• Control
• Closing
13.6 Supplementary selection aids
Psychological tests
1.It is easy to cheat
2.Many tests measure interest rather than sales ability
3.Tests have been used to identify individual personality traits which
may not be associated with sales success.
• Empathy; the ability to feel as the buyer does.
• Ego; the need to make a sales in a personal way, not merely for money.
Role Playing

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