Ch-14 Motivation and Training
Ch-14 Motivation and Training
Ch-14 Motivation and Training
Chapter 14
14.1 Motivation
14.2 Leadership
14.3 Training
• Monetary rewards;
• Workload;
• Promotion
• Degree of recognition;
• Supervisory behavior;
• Targets;
• Tasks;
Likert’s sales management theory
High performing sales teams usually had sales managers who themselves had high
performance goals.
The research conducted by Likert suggests that to produce a highly motivated Salesforce, the
sales manager should have high performance goals and encourage and discussion of
salespeople’s performance and problems through the group method of conducting sales
The Churchill, Ford and Walker model of
Salesforce motivation
Motivation in Practice
Role Playing
Case Studies
Evaluation of training courses
Sales process 66
Leadership 41
Coaching 37
Human resources 12
Team building 5