Particle Size Analysis of Soil
Particle Size Analysis of Soil
Particle Size Analysis of Soil
Laboratory Report
1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to introduce the basic concepts, significance and procedures for conducting
the particle analysis of soil, which will be used for the compaction specification for field compaction
of soil.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 Apply laboratory equipment with ease and precision suiting the objectives of the
2.2 Analyse the particle of soils
3. Discussion:
Particle size analysis is the determination of particle size distribution in soils by sieve,
hydrometer, or a combined analysis. The method which should be used depends on the size of the
soil grains.
Grain Size Distribution is widely used in the classification and identification od soils. It is an
important criteria in the classification of highway subgrade material. It is also related to permeability
and capillarity of cohensionless soils.
4. Apparatus:
⮚ Balance, sensitive to 0.01g
⮚ Mechanical stirring apparatus with a metal and dispersion cup
⮚ Hydrometer
⮚ Thermometer accurate to 0.5℃
⮚ Set of standard sieves
⮚ Graduated cylinder, 1 liter capacity
⮚ Complete set of Water control
⮚ Oven with temperature control
⮚ Beaker, 250 ml capacity
⮚ Timer
5. Application:
The following methods and protocols are all related to the chemical and physical properties of
soil. Unless stated, the methods are currently being used in the Laboratory and have Risk
Assessments associated with them. If you are planning on carrying out any work in the lab you must
read and sign the Risk Assessment first.
6. Procedure:
The test sample for mechanical analysis shall be prepared in accordance with the preparation
of disturbed soil samples for test.
A. Sieve Analysis of fraction, retained in 2.00 mm
1. Pass the sample through a series of standard sieves, 4.75 mm ang bigger
openings. Use of mechanical shaker is preferred
2. Sieving operation shall be conducted by means of lateral and vertical motion of the
sieve accompanied by jarring action to keep the sample moving continuously on the
surface of the sieve. Sieving shall be continued until not more than 1% by weight
of the residue passes any sieve within 1 minute.
3. Weigh and record for the quantity retained on each sieve.
4. Compute for the % passing for each sieve.
Sieve Analysis
Sieve Percent
Smaller Percent Hydrometer Analysis
Size, mm Passing
75 90.5 Than’s
50 83.5 0.02 mm 58%
25 75.5 0.002 mm 28%
4.75 67.8
2.00 63.4 0.01 mm 14%
0.425 46.1
0.075 44.1
Lab. No. _____
Air-dry sample dispersed, g _10g__ Deflocculating agent, ml _40ml_
Hygroscopic Moisture, % _40%__ Specific Gravity _2.56_
Dry sample dispersed, g __30g_ Constant, a1/ _+1_
Dry washed sample, g _20g__ Original time _4:00pm
Dispersing agent, ml __20ml_ Hydrometer No. __4__
4:02 2 43 21 21 48 .040 96.1 0.07 0.07 0.08 -0.06
pm 92 48 51
4:05 5 41 21 22 43 .026 86.4 0.05 0.05 0.05 -0.04
pm 16 33 42
4:15 15 38 21 21 41 .015 77.7 0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.03
pm 96 79 54
4:30 30 37 22 21 33 .010 69.6 0.02 0.03 0.03 -0.02
pm 48 40 44
5:00 60 34 22 22 36 . 54.5 0.01 0.03 0.05 -0.02
pm 0074 24 70 234
10:1 250 30 23 22 32 . 12.9 0.01 0.01 0.01 -0.01
0pm 0036 88 39 273
11:3 440 23 21 21 23 . 0.96 0.00 . 0.00 -0.02
3pm 0015 6 98 0091 1
A – Time G - % Passing, P’
B – Elapsed Time (min.) H – Max. Grain Dia., d’ (mm)
C – Hydrometer Reading I – Dia. Correction Factor
D – Temperature (oC) J – Corrected Grain Dia., d2/ (mm)
E – Temp. Correction K – Corrected % Passing, p3/
F - Corrected Hydrometer Reading , R
8. Conclusion:
Based on the data presented shows that the size diameter of a particle has an effect on the
mean diameter of a particle in terms of length, surface & volume. Plotting the data between the
sizes of the particle versus the mass fraction of the material retained in the screen, a bell shape
curves was generated. This implies that this variable is not directly proportional to each other
because no linear relationship is evident between them. Even though the data gathered shows the
relationship of some variable; accuracy may not be sure to be achieved. The inaccuracy may be
due to the insufficient cleanliness of the sieve.
Sieve analysis is used to obtain the particle size distribution of a solid material by
determining the amount of powder retained on a series of sieves with different sized apertures.
This experiment aims to perform the differential and cumulative analysis of a given sample and to
determine the particle population, and average particle size of a sample by the case of a screen
analysis. Plotting the data between the sizes of the particle versus the mass fraction of the
material retained in the screen, a bell shape curves was generated. This implies that this variable
is not directly proportional to each other because no linear relationship is evident between them.
9. References:
Sieving - Definition & Process | Sieving Method Of Separation@byjus. (2017, September 20).
Retrieved March 10, 2018, from ng/
Sieve Analysis. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from
Dishman, K. L. (2006, September 15). Sieving in Particle Size Analysis. Retrieved March 10, 2018,