Soil Ex3
Soil Ex3
Soil Ex3
Sec : 1 group :1
2 Abstract 15
3 Introduction 5
4 Objective 5
8 Discussion 30
9 Conclusion 20
10 Total 100
This study uses standard ASTM procedures to quantitatively analyse the particle size distribution of
a specific soil sample. The gradation curve, another name for the particle size distribution of a soil,
is mostly used for classification. Sieve analysis is used to detect the distribution of particles bigger
than 0.075 mm (retained on Sieve No. 200), while sedimentation using a hydrometer is used to
assess the distribution of particles smaller than 0.075 mm. A water-dispersing agent is added to the
soil sample, which is then put in a graduated cylinder that has been topped off with distilled water
to the 1000 mL mark. A hydrometer is positioned. Temperature and hydrometer measurements are
measured at predetermined intervals. The parameters required to compute for the Diameter of the
Particle (mm) and the Percent Finer in Suspension (%) — these two are plotted to graph the Grain
Size Distribution Curve — can be found from the collected data, including the right ion factor,
effective depth L, and values of K. The soil sample has been gap-graded, as shown by the graph.
Additionally, we may deduce from the obtained numbers that the Diameter of the Particle and the
Percent Finer in Suspension are directly proportional.
• The theory of sedimentation is based on the fact that large particles in suspension in a liquid
settle more quickly than small particles, assuming that all particles have similar densities
and shapes.
• Although clay particles are far from spherical, the application of Stokes’ Low based on
diameters of equivalent spheres.
• Sedimentation test can be described by hydrometer analysis or pipette analysis.
• A dispersing (also deflocculating) agent is used with a soil suspension in water in order to
ensure separation of discrete particles of soil. Two materials are often used as dispersal
agent to neutralize the soil- particle charges:
1. Sodium hexa-metaphosphate (NaPO3) known commercially as (Calgon) and for most purposes it
has found that Calgon is one of the most suitable and convenient dispersants.
2. Sodium silicate or water glass (Na2SiO3).
• To determine the distribution of the soil particles having sizes less than 75 micron (fine
grained soils).
• To be able to plot the gradation or grain size distribution curve of the soil sample based
from the data obtained using hydrometer analysis.
• To evaluate the soil sample whether it is well-graded, poor-graded or gap-graded
Experimental details:
• balance.
• Stirring Apparatus.
Figure (1): balance Figure (2): Timing
• Hydrometer.
• sedimentation cylinder.
• Dispersing Agent.
• Thermometric.
• Timing
• Take exactly 50 g of oven dry with Dispersing Agent.
• Transfer the mixture to the malt mixer cup and add distilled water until the cup is two thirds full,
mix for 5 min.
• Transfers all the contents of the cup to the sedimentation cylinder (being careful not to lose any
material). The volume of dispersed soil suspension is increased to 1000 ml by adding distilled
• Use the palm of your hand over the open end of the sedimentation cylinder and carefully agitate
for about 1 min. (be sure no soil is stuck to the base of the cylinder). Set the cylinder down,
immediately insert the hydrometer, and take hydrometer reading also take temperature reading of
sedimentation cylinder and control jar, then take meniscus correction and zero correction from the
control jar.
• Collect additional hydrometer and temperature readings at elapsed time of 1, 2, 4,8,15,30, min
followed by 24
Results and Calculations:
T(℃) 18
𝐺𝑆 2.7
𝐹𝑚 1
𝐹𝑥 7
𝐹𝑇 - 0.35
Percent finer(%) VS. D(mm)
Percent finer(%)
0.001 0.01 0.1
Sample calculations:
𝐺 ∗(1.65) 2.7∗(1.65)
a=(𝐺 𝑠−1)∗2.62 = ( 2.7−1)∗2.62 = 1.0022451729
R 𝑐𝑙 = R + 𝐹𝑚 = 46+1 = 27
𝐿 8.4
D = 𝐴 ∗ √𝑡 = 𝐴 ∗ √ 1 = 0.0399962
The gradation curve, which is another name for the particle size distribution of a soil, is mostly employed for
classification. As we discovered in the prior experiment, only materials larger than Sieve No. 200 can be used to
determine the grain size distribution by sieve analysis (0.075-mm). By applying hydrometer analysis during the
sedimentation process, it is possible to determine the distribution of particles smaller than 0.075 mm. If we add
the data from the sieve analysis in the graph, we will observe that the hydrometer results begin after the sieve
analysis results.
Based on the estimated particle sizes for this soil sample, it can be said that silt particles make up only a small
portion of it (diameter 0.002 mm). This is the same sample that was used for the sieve analysis, but due to some
factors that were not taken into account during the hydrometer testing, the fine grain fraction results cannot be
combined with the coarse grain fraction results to fully describe or analyze the characteristic of the soil being
tested. The sample is not well-graded; more specifically, it is gap-graded, according to the Grain Size Distribution
Curve observed in this experiment. The other portion of the test sample is gap-graded, according to the findings
of our prior Sieve Analysis experiment. A gap-graded soil sample has at least one missing particle size and either
an excess or a deficiency of particular particle sizes. Also, based on the estimated numbers, we may deduce that
the percentage of finer particles in suspension likewise rises as particle diameter increases. As they are exactly
proportional to one another, we can conclude that these two parameters. The Stokes' law, which states that larger
particles will settle more quickly than smaller ones, is supported by this circumstance. The calculations performed
for this experiment only approximate the true value of the percent finer in suspension for the soil sample. For
instance, the weight of the sample that was utilized in the computation of the percent finer in the suspension was
simply the weight of the sample after it had been air dried rather than the sample's weight following oven drying.
As a result, while calculating the various percentages for the various grain sizes, the impact of the moisture
content on the soil sample's overall weight must still be taken into account. We used the complete soil sample
from our Sieve Analysis experiment that passed through Sieve No. 200 (0.075 mm), which is another potential
source of mistake. We neglected to consider that 50 grams of soil sample would be sufficient for the hydrometer
analysis. As a result, we still need to wait a lengthy time for the hydrometer to properly adsorb into the solution
and provide the necessary values. This led to a greater gap between our designated elapsed time and the actual
time. Also, when some of the values were taken, the hydrometer had not yet stabilized. Moreover, additional
causes of error, such as inaccurate readings, inaccurate instrument calibration, and loss of soil material (some tiny
particles may diffuse in the air), may potentially have an impact on the results of this experiment.
sizes, it can be deduced that the majority of the particles are clay (diameter 0.002 mm), with very few silt
The fine-grained soil sample used in this experiment is a gap-graded soil, as seen in the Grain Size Distribution
Curve. This experiment demonstrates that particle size distribution can be seen in even fine soil samples. Even
though the sizes are quite modest, they are nonetheless significant factors when taking into account soil
properties. Moreover, it is true that larger-diameter particles suspend first. The aforementioned information and
results are extremely important for engineering applications, particularly with project planning. Before beginning
any work or building in the field, the kind and qualities of the soil must be examined. Due to the fact that
engineering is a sector that depends on both strength and economy, we cannot just go get loads of gravel and
dump them in the site. So, in order to know what specific gradations must be taken into account, we must first
discriminate between these results. Additionally, be sure to follow the procedure precisely and correctly in order
to enhance the outcomes we have already achieved. Also, conducting this experiment over the course of two to
three trials will provide for better data comparison and analysis. Also, these scientific methods must be repeated
numerous times in order to fully master the entire experiment in order to get much better and more accurate
ASTM D 75 / 75M - 09: Practice for Sampling Aggregates
ASTM D 422–63: Standard Test Methods for Particle Size Analysis of Soils