Removal of Cationic Tolonium Chloride Dye Using Fe O Nanoparticles Modified With Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
Removal of Cationic Tolonium Chloride Dye Using Fe O Nanoparticles Modified With Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
Removal of Cationic Tolonium Chloride Dye Using Fe O Nanoparticles Modified With Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
In this study, Fe3O4 nanoparticles modified with sodium dodecyl sulfate (Fe3O4-
SDS) were used for the adsorption of cationic tolonium chloride (TC) dye from aqueous
solution. The effects of temperature, pH, amount of nanoparticles and SDS concentra-
tion, stirring time, and interfering ions on dye adsorption were investigated. For TC, the
maximum removal was 98 % in the best conditions (pH = 6; 0.6 g Fe3O4-SDS; 30 °C
temperature, and 3 min stirring time). Data from the sorption kinetic studies showed the
best fitting of the pseudo-second-order model for adsorption of the dye. The Langmuir
isotherm showed better fitting of the data for TC adsorption by Fe3O4-SDS compared
with the other models. The Fe3O4-SDS nanoparticles are easily synthesizable, magnetically
recoverable, and regenerable, which increases their practical applications. Additionally,
NaCl showed no significant impact on the dye removal up to 0.8 molar concentration,
which increases the industrial application of the process.
magnetite nanoparticles, tolonium chloride, sodium dodecyl sulfate, adsorption
Analytical methods
Removal (%)
process. The dye solution, containing 20 mg L–1,
was prepared by dissolving 0.02 g tolonium chlo-
ride in 1000 mL deionized water. The solution of
0.1 M phosphoric acid and 0.1 M NaOH were used
for the preparation of phosphate buffer solution
with pH = 6, and used to adjust the initial pH of the
solution. Firstly, 10 mL of 20 mg L–1 tolonium chlo- pH
ride solution and 3 mL of buffer solution were add-
ed to a 100-mL volumetric balloon and filled with F i g . 3 – Effect of pH variation on removal efficiency of TC
distilled water. The concentration of the dye in pre- onto Fe3O4-SDS. Test conditions: 100 mL TC solution (2 mg L–1);
0.6 g of Fe3O4 covered with one mL of 0.5 % SDS solution and
pared and control solutions was measured with a 2 min stirring time (100 rpm).
UV-Vis spectrophotometer at λmax = 632 nm. There-
after, 0.6 g of Fe3O4-SDS was added to an Erlen-
meyer flask containing 100 mL of the prepared dye dye removal increased.28 Also, removal reduction at
solution and stirred for two minutes. After stirring, lower pH (< 6) can be due to the competition of H+
the flask was placed in the magnetic field for adsor- ions with the cationic dye, which prevented the
bent separation. The adsorption capacities (mg g–1) complete adsorption of the dye cations onto the
and removal efficiency (%) were finally calculated negative clouds surrounding the nanoparticles due
by equations (1) and (2), respectively: to repulsive force.32 In addition, at alkali pH, more
available hydroxyl ions in solution will encompass
(Co − Ce ) ⋅ V the cationic dye molecules and decrease the posi-
qe = (1) tively charged at the dye surface. Therefore, the
electrostatic attraction decreased between the ionic
C − Ct adsorbent head groups (–SO3–) and cationic dye
Removal efficiency
= o ⋅100 (2) molecules surrounded by hydroxyl ions.30,33
where qe (mg g–1) is the amount of dye adsorbed on Effect of magnetic nanoparticles doses
the adsorbent (adsorption capacities), Co and Ct are and SDS concentration
concentrations of the dye (mg L–1) at the initial time
The effect of adsorbent doses on the adsorption
and at time t, respectively, V (mL) is the volume
efficiency of the dye was studied with the addition
of dye solution, Ce is the equilibrium concentra-
of 0.25 and 0.65 g of the Fe3O4 NPs to 100 mL of
tion of dyes (mg L–1), and m (g) is the weight of
Fe3O4-SDS. the dye solution. As shown in Fig. 4a, with the use
of more nanoparticles, because of the presence of
more adsorption sites, the dye removal efficiency
also increased from 66.3 to 98.2 % for nanoparti-
Results and discussion cles mass of 0.25 and 0.6 g, respectively, and then it
was almost fixed. Therefore, 0.6 g of the Fe3O4 NPs
Effect of pH variation was used as an optimum amount for the next exper-
The effect of pH variation on the adsorption of iments.
TC onto Fe3O4-SDS was evaluated in a pH range of In addition, the effect of the SDS concentration
3–12. This pH range was selected because when for modification of the surface of Fe3O4 NPs was
Fe3O4 NPs are dissolved at a pH less than 3, it caus- investigated in a concentration range of 0.1 to 0.62
es darkening of the solution.28 Also, at a pH higher % (w/v). The surfactant can help the adsorption of
than 12, the magnetic nanoparticles shift to colloi- the cationic dye on the surface of the Fe3O4 by in-
dal particles and do not respond to magnetic fields. creasing the negative charge on the adsorbent sur-
As shown in Fig. 3, the adsorption of the dye in- face.25,29 According to the obtained results, dye mol-
creased with pH increasing from 3 to 6, and then ecules were efficiently removed with a higher
decreased as the pH increased from 6 to 12. The amount of SDS added to the solution, and the dye
maximum TC removal of 98.1 % was obtained at removal increased to 98.7 % with the maximum
pH 6. According to the zeta potential, the Fe3O4 par- amount of 0.62 % (w/v) (Fig. 4b). This phenome-
ticles have isoelectric point at pH 6.5.31 Therefore, non was due to the fact that the repulsion force had
the positively charged surface of Fe3O4 NPs in the decreased between the cationic dye and positive
solution created suitable conditions for higher ad- surface charge of the Fe3O4 NPs when more adsor-
sorption of anionic surfactants; hence, the cationic bent was coated with the SDS.30 As the removal ef-
208 M. H. Abedi et al., Removal of Cationic Tolonium Chloride Dye…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 32 (2) 205–213 (2018)
Removal (%)
Removal (%)
Temperature (°C)
F i g . 5 – Effect of temperature on removal efficiency of TC
Nanoparticles amount (g) onto Fe3O4-SDS. Test conditions: pH = 6; 100 mL TC solution
(2 mg L–1); 0.6 g Fe3O4-SDS, and 2 min stirring time (100 rpm).
Removal (%)
Removal (%)
SDS concentration (w/v) Stirring
F i g . 4 – Effect of magnetic nanoparticles amount and SDS F i g . 6 – Effect of temperature on removal efficiency of TC
concentration on removal efficiency of TC onto Fe3O4-SDS. onto Fe3O4-SDS. Test conditions: pH = 6; 100 mL TC solution
Test conditions: pH = 6; 100 mL TC solution (2 mg L–1), and 2 (2 mg L–1); 0.6 g Fe3O4-SDS, and 30 °C temperature.
min stirring time (100 rpm).
Temperature effect
Removal (%)
Number of Fe3O4-SDS reuses NaCl concentration (mol L–1)
F i g . 8 – Removal efficiency of TC during five repeated usag- F i g . 9 – Effect of NaCl concentration on removal efficiency
es of Fe3O4-SDS. Test conditions: pH = 6; 100 mL TC solution of TC onto Fe3O4-SDS. Test conditions: pH = 6; 100 mL TC
(2 mg L–1); 0.6 g Fe3O4-SDS; 30 °C temperature, and 3 min solution (2 mg L–1), and 3 min stirring time (100 rpm).
stirring time (100 rpm).
The effect of initial dye concentration on the Ta b l e 1 – Effect of ions and dyes intervention on TC removal
removal efficiency of TC dye at different concentra- Maximum concentration
tions (0.6 to 4 mg L–1 with fixed 0.6 g of Fe3O4- Type of studied ions and dyes
without interference (mg L–1)
SDS) is indicated in Fig. 7. The results showed that
Cl–, CO32–, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+ 1000
the removal percentage increased as the concentra-
tion increased from 0.6 to 2 mg L–1, and then de- Rose Bengal and Amaranth 200
creased with higher concentration. This phenome- Thionine 100
non can easily be explained in terms of the fact that
Fe 3+
each adsorbent has a specific adsorption site that is
saturated with increasing concentrations above a Fe 2+
certain level. Studies from other researchers showed
similar results.34,38,39
Ta b l e 2 – Fe3O4-SDS performance for TC removal from pet-
Adsorbent reusability study rochemical effluent
Petrochemical TC concentration Removal
Fig. 8 shows the ability of Fe3O4-SDS of ad- industries (No.) (mg L–1) (%)
sorbing a certain amount of TC during 5 consecu-
tive cycles. The removal rate eventually decreased 3 99.4
to 92.5 % after repeating the process three times, 5 97.1
and by repeating the process for the fourth cycle the 3 99.3
removal efficiency decreased finally to 72 %. At the 2
last cycle, the adsorption was measured after wash- 5 99.4
ing the adsorbent with methanol. The result showed 3 99.6
that the removal rate increased to 86.5 % after de- 3
5 97.2
sorption step with methanol.
log Ce
The present paper was prepared from MSc the-
sis in Chemical Engineering: Environmental Engi-
neering. This research received no specific grant
from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
non-profit sectors.
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