Sliding Friction
Sliding Friction
Sliding Friction
Test 3:
Theoretical Fundamental 1. Block turned into its narrow side.
2. Test 1 repeated and result recorded.
1. Friction is the force resisting the
relative motion of the solid surface, Test 4:
fluid layers and or material elements
sliding against each other. 1. Friction block is placed in its initial
2. When surfaces in contact move position as for test 1.
relative each other, the friction 2. Load 0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0 (N) was added
between two surface converts kinetic on top of the block and the equivalent
energy into heat. One common forces to overcome was determined.
example for this situation happen 3. Result recorded.
when friction is use to start fire.
3. Different surfaces have different Test 5:
resistance. For example, it depends on
what type the two surface slides on, 1. Friction plate was placed on the plane
such as rubber has higher resistance between stops.
compare to shiny metal due to their 2. Friction block was turned upside
characteristics. down.
3. Test 4 repeated and result recorded.
Experimental set-up
Test 6:
Test 2:
Test 1: Test 4:
Test 2:
Weight Total weight 1
applied (g) (N)
5 0.25 Not moving
10 0.30 Not moving
20 0.40 Not moving
30 0.50 Not moving
40 0.60 Moving fast
50 0.70 Moving faster
Test 3:
Side 1 Side 2
Test 5:
Weight Total
applied Weight 1 Friction Friction Weight
(g) (N) weight weight Weight added Total weight
movem placed on peg
on hook (N) 2, R (N)
t ent (N)
Not Not 0.5 0.05 2.3
5 Yes Yes
moving moving
Not Not 1.0 0.05 2.8
10 Yes Yes
moving moving 2.0 0.05 3.8
Not Not
20 Yes
moving 3.0 0.05 4.8
Moving 4.0 0.05 5.8
slow with
25 Yes Yes with
Moving Moving
faster faster
30 No No
with with
speed speed
Moving Moving
fastest fastest
40 No No
with with
speed speed
Law 5:
Law 2: Conclusion
Friction is dependent of the area of contact so The higher the friction, more force is needed to
long as there is an area of contact. move an object. Pressure is one of the factors
that affect the friction.
Law 3: