Module 4 Communication For Work Purposes Unit 1: Formal and Informal Reports in A Work Place
Module 4 Communication For Work Purposes Unit 1: Formal and Informal Reports in A Work Place
Module 4 Communication For Work Purposes Unit 1: Formal and Informal Reports in A Work Place
As a future lawyer/ political analyst/ international relations officer, what are the things that you need
to do in your workplace? List as many as you can.
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In your future workplace, you will be asked to write formal and informal reports. To know what these
reports are read the article from This article is
attached on this thread (for OBL)/ check module 4 folder on your OTG, file name article 7 (for CBL).
Watch the attached video (for OBL); check module 4 folder, module 4 unit 1 seventh video file name
(for CBL) to get to know more about formal and informal writing.
Using the Venn diagram, state the differences and similarities between formal and informal reports.
This formative task will help you understand the concept on formal and informal language.
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Unit 2: Communication for Employment
Writing resume and application letter is not new to you since you had a course in your junior and
senior high school where you took these topics. The concepts here will reinforce the skills you learned in
resume and letter writing.
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5. ____________________________
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Read the attached article (for OBL) on the content and technicalities of an application letter from or check your module 4 folder, article 8
file name (for CBL).
Attached to your application or cover letter is a resumé. Resume can be scannable or print/ non-
scannable. To check on the similarities and differences between the two, read the attached file scannable-
There are also three types of resume - chronological, functional, and combination. Which one best suits a
fresh graduate or a person applying for a job but with no or limited experience? Read the file 3 Resume
In writing application letters and resume, make sure to read very well the job advertisement you are
addressing or applying for. Take note of the qualifications and the skills needed in the job. These
qualifications and skills are what you are to target and capitalize on in your resume and application letter.
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Cut out an advertisement for a job in which you can apply RIGHT NOW (for CBL). For OBL
students, take a screen shot of a job offering in which you can apply RIGHT NOW (as a student). Write a
print resume and an application letter for the job posted. Make sure the application letter you have written is
in response to the job posting screen that you passed. Use a separate sheet of short bond papers for this task.
Attach the cut out of the advertisement in your outputs. If there is no addressee or hiring manager indicated in
the post, you may write my name as the HR manager for format’s sake.
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