SMPS Laboratory Instructions
SMPS Laboratory Instructions
SMPS Laboratory Instructions
User Manual
University of Minnesota
Rev E
Before using this laboratory, read, understand and follow the Safety Precautions
mentioned inside this manual.
Safety Precautions 3
2. Buck Converter 16
4. Boost Converter 23
5. Buck-Boost Converter 26
6. Voltage-Mode Control 30
8. Flyback Converter 41
9. Forward Converter 45
Appendix 49
Attention and adherence to safety considerations is even more important in a power electronics
laboratory than is required in any other undergraduate electrical engineering laboratories. Power
electronic circuits can involve voltages of several hundred volts and currents of several tens of
amperes. By comparison the voltages in many teaching laboratories rarely exceed 20V and the
currents hardly ever exceed a few hundred milliamps.
In order to minimize the potential hazards, we will use dc power supplies that never exceed
voltages above 40-50V and will have maximum current ratings of 5A or less. However in spite
of this precaution, power electronics circuits on which the student will work may involve
substantially larger voltages (up to hundreds of volts) due to the presence of large inductances in
the circuits and the rapid switching on and off of amperes of current in the inductances. For
example a boost converter can have an output voltage that can theoretically go to infinite values
if it is operating without load. Moreover the currents in portions of some converter circuits may
be many times larger than the currents supplied by the dc supplies powering the converter
circuits. A simple buck converter is an example of a power electronics circuit in which the output
current may be much larger than the input dc supply current
• When working with voltages over 40V or with currents over 10A, there must be
at least two people in the lab at all times.
• Always wear safety glasses when working with other than signal-level power.
• Use rubber door mats to insulate yourself from ground, when
working in the Lab.
• Be sure about the locations of fire extinguishers and first aid kits in lab.
• A switch should be included in each supply circuit so that when opened, these
switches will de-energize the entire setup. Place these switches so that you can
reach them quickly in case of emergency, and without reaching across hot or high
voltage components.
• Use only isolated power sources (either isolated power supplies or AC power
through isolation power transformers). This helps in using a grounded
oscilloscope. This reduces the possibility of risk of completing a circuit through
your body. This also reduces the possibility of destroying the test equipment.
• Check for all the connections of the circuit and scope connections before
powering the circuit, to avoid shorting or any ground looping, that may lead to
electrical shocks or damage of equipment.
• Check if you have connected load at the output. This is very important in Boost
and Buck-Boost Converters and converters based on them.
• Double check your wiring and circuit connections. It is a good idea to use a point-
to-point wiring diagram to review when making these checks.
• Switch of all the power supplies and remove the power supply connections.
• Let the load be connected at the output for some time, so that it helps to discharge
capacitor or inductor if any, completely.
• Again check the circuit as per steps in section 3.3, and switch ON as per steps in
section 3.4.
• No loose wires or metal pieces should be lying on table or near the circuit, to
cause shorts and sparking.
• Avoid using long wires, that may get in your way while making adjustments or
changing leads.
• Keep high voltage parts and connections out of the way from accidental touching
and from any contacts to test equipment or any parts, connected to other voltage
• When working with inductive circuits, reduce voltages or currents to near zero
before switching open the circuits.
• BE AWARE of bracelets, rings, metal watch bands, and loose necklace (if you are
wearing any of them), they conduct electricity and can cause burns. Do not wear
them near an energized circuit.
Experiment 1
The power electronics laboratory is built around a reconfigurable circuit board, termed the
Power-pole board, along with accessory daughterboards. The details of the Power-pole board are
discussed in later sections of this experiment. This first experiment will familiarize you with the
laboratory equipment and Power-pole circuit board.
Function generator
Power Pole circuit board and associated plug-in boards with magnetic components and
daughterboards with onboard components for implementing closed loop control.
Digital Multimeter
Desktop computer with software for capturing oscilloscope data via RS232 port.
Note: The lab instructor will demonstrate how to use the software to capture oscilloscope
waveforms. Students should bring floppy disks or flash drives to download the captured
waveforms or data for use in their lab reports.
This equipment will be used to set up the circuits and to perform most measurements. The
laboratory will also have several miscellaneous components including power resistors, magnetics
boards, hookup wire, etc. as needed for specific experiments.
The main feature of the Power-pole Board is the reconfigurable power-pole consisting of two
MOSFETs and two diodes. The drive circuits for the MOSFETs are incorporated on the board,
and so are the various protection circuits for over current and over voltage. PWM signals to
control the MOSFETs can be generated onboard or supplied from an external source. The power-
pole can be configured to work in various topologies using three magnetics boards (BB board for
buck, boost and buck-boost converters, Flyback board for flyback converter, and Forward board
for forward converter) which plug into the Power-pole Board. In addition, there is an option of
doing frequency analysis of each topology by injecting a small-signal sinusoidal control voltage.
The board can also be operated in voltage/current feedback mode using an external control
circuit mounted on a daughter board which plugs into the Power-pole Board.
The basic block diagram of the Power-pole Board is shown in Fig. 1.1 and the actual board is
shown in Fig. 1.2. Please note that the locations of the various components on the board are
indicated in Table 1.1.
1.3.1 Power-pole
The power-pole consists of MOSFETs Q10 and Q15 and diodes D10 and D15. The source of the
upper MOSFET and the drain of the lower MOSFET are connected to screw terminals for
external connection, and so are the anode of upper diode and the cathode of the lower diode. The
voltage and current waveforms at the terminals of the MOSFETs and diodes can be observed.
Table 1.2 shows the locations of test points on the power pole board.
Take care whenever you are using oscilloscope probes to measure voltage. If the measurement
reference potential is different to the oscilloscope reference potential, you must use differential
• Connect the positive and negative terminals of a differential probe to the DRAIN and
• Connect the positive and negative terminals of a differential probe to terminals CS2 and
SOURCE (D-2 in Fig. 1.2) of upper MOSFET. The current sense resistor value is 0.05 .
Figure 1.1: Block diagram of Power-pole Board.
Figure 1.2: Power-Pole board.
Table 1.1: Location of components on Power-Pole board
Table 1.2: Test Point Details and Location on Power-pole Board
• Connect an oscilloscope probe to the DRAIN and its ground to the SOURCE (E-4 in Fig.
1.2) of the lower MOSFET.
• Connect an oscilloscope probe to terminal CS3 and its ground to the SOURCE (E-4 in
Fig. 1.2) of the lower MOSFET. The current sense resistor value is 0.05 . The same
test points also measure the lower diode current if that is included in the circuit.
• Connect the positive and negative terminals of a differential probe to terminal CATH and
ANODE (E-2 in Fig. 1.2) of the upper diode.
• Connect an oscilloscope probe to CATHLOW and its ground to the ANODE of the lower
diode (D-4 in Fig. 1.2).
1.3.2 Magnetics Boards
To build various converters using the Power-pole Board , three plug in boards are provided:
±12 volts signal supply is required for the MOSFET drive circuits and also the measurement and
protection circuits. This is obtained from a wall-mounted isolated power supply, which plugs
into the DIN connector J90 (A-5 in Fig. 1.2). Switch S90 (B-6 in Fig. 1.2) controls the signal
power to the board. Each time a fault occurs, turn off and turn on this switch to reset the board.
The green LED D99 (B-5 in Fig. 1.2) indicates if the +12 V signal supply is available to the
board. Fuses F90 (B-5 in Fig. 1.2) and F95 (B-6 in Fig. 1.2) provide protection for the +12 V and
-12 V supplies respectively.
1.3.4 Load
Any external load is to be connected across terminals V2+ and COM (L-1 and L-6 in Fig. 1.2).
An onboard switched load is provided to facilitate the observation of the transient response of
any converter built using the power-pole. Thus it is possible to periodically switch in and out a
20 load (K-4 to K-6 in Fig. 1.2). The frequency and duty ratio of this load is fixed at 10 Hz
and 10%.
• Put switch 3 of selector switch bank S30 (E-5 in Fig. 1.2) to the top position (Load (SW)
• Connect the positive and negative terminals of a differential probe to CSLOAD1 and
CSLOAD2 (L-5 in Fig. 1.2). This measures the voltage across the 20 resistor.
Test points for input/output voltage measurements are provided on the Power-pole Board.
For input voltage measurement,
• Connect the oscilloscope probe to test point V1+(C-1 in Fig. 1.2) and its ground to
COM (D-1 in Fig. 1.2).
LEM current sensors (B-1, K-2 in Fig. 1.2) are provided to measure the input and output
currents. The input current sensor is located after the input filter capacitor, and the output current
sensor is located before the output filter capacitor. Calibration of the current sensors is such that
for 1A current flowing through each, the output is 0.5 V. These signals are amplified by a factor
of 2 and are brought out to the daughter board connector J60, for use in feedback current control.
Currents through the MOSFETs and output capacitor are measured using current sense resistors.
Refer to Table 1.2 for details of the various current measurement test points.
• Connect oscilloscope probe to CS1 (B-1 in Fig. 1.2) and its ground to COM (D-1 in Fig.
• Connect oscilloscope probe to CS5 (K-4 in Fig. 1.2) and its ground to COM (L-1 in Fig.
1.2) .
To measure output capacitor ripple current,
• Connect oscilloscope probe to CS4 (K-3 in Fig. 1.2) and its ground to COM. The current
sense resistor value is 0.1 .
The power-pole MOSFETs are driven by high side drivers IR2127. These drivers have in-built
overcurrent protection using a current-sense resistor for each MOSFET (see locations C-3 and C-
5 in Fig. 1.2). The voltage across these sense resistors can be observed using test points provided
on the board.
• Connect the positive and negative terminals of a differential probe to CS2 and SOURCE
of upper MOSFET .
• Connect an oscilloscope probe to CS3 and its ground to SOURCE of lower MOSFET .
Note: The lower diode current can also be observed using test point CS3. However the
upper diode current cannot be observed.
PWM signals required for the MOSFETs can be generated using the on-board PWM controller
UC3824 (I-5 in Fig. 1.2). There is also an option to supply PWM signals from an external
• Put switch 2 of the selector switch bank S30 (E-5 in Fig. 1.2) to its bottom position
To use external PWM,
• Put switch 2 of the selector switch bank S30 to its top position (PWM EXT.).
• Connect the external PWM signal to the terminal J68 (G-6 in Fig. 1.2).
While using the onboard PWM for operation of the power-pole in open-loop, the duty ratio can
be controlled using pot RV64 (F-5 in Fig. 1.2). The duty ratio can be varied from 4% to 98%.
The frequency of the PWM can be adjusted using the trim pot RV60 (I-5 in Fig. 1.2).
There is a provision for providing an external ramp to the UC3824 IC. This is useful for peak
current mode control. For this, remove jumper J61 (H-5 in Fig. 1.2) and use the RAMP pin on
daughter board connector J60.
1.3.9 Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis of any converter built using the power-pole can be done by injecting a low
voltage sinusoidal signal at jumper J64 (G-5 in Fig. 1.2). To do this,
• Connect the small signal sinusoidal source at the jumper terminal J64.
The power-pole board can be operated in either open or closed loop and is selected by jumpers
J62 and J63 (J-5 in Fig. 1.2). For open loop operation,
Experiment 6
Voltage-Mode Control
6.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to design a controller to operate the buck converter in voltage
control mode. For this experiment, a plug-in daughter board will be used to accomplish the
control objective. The small-signal transfer function v o (s ) d (s ) ( d is a small-signal perturbation
in the duty cycle and v o is the corresponding variation in the output voltage) must first be
obtained for the buck converter. The plug-in daughter board is used to implement the voltage-
mode control feedback with the required open-loop gain.
Construct the buck converter circuit as shown in Fig. 6.1 using the BB magnetics board.
• Connect and turn on the ±12vsignal supply and check for green LED.
• Switch ON the switched load to active position using selector switch bank as shown in
Fig. 6.2.
Observe and make a copy of the output voltage waveform (V2+). Adjust the time base to show
the details of the switching transients as the load is switched.
v o (s )
6.4 Using PSpice to find
d (s )
Using the schematic file “buck_conv_avg.sch” (Refer to Exp. 10 in PSpice based power
electronics lab manual), perform the following experiment.
Figure 6.1: Buck Converter using Power-pole board.
vo ( s)
1. Obtain the Bode plots for the transfer function as shown in Fig. 4-10 of the
d (s)
textbook for the values given in this simulation.
vo ( s)
2. Obtain the gain and the phase of the transfer function in part 1 at the frequency of
d (s)
1 kHz, which will be chosen as the crossover of the open-loop transfer function GL ( s) .
Once you get the transfer function or the Bode-plot of the buck converter, you can design a
Type-3 voltage controller. The Type-3 voltage control board has the schematic as shown in Fig.
The values of the resistors and capacitors of the voltage control board are given in Table. 6.1
• Reference value VREF can be set using the duty ratio pot.
• For the pin details of terminal strip J60, please refer the schematic of the power-pole
The op-amp in the dotted
region is a part of the IC
UC3824 which is designated
asU60 on the power pole
board. The numbers 9, 12
Vref is generated through a and 13 are pins of J60 port
potential divider on the on the board
• Set the control selection jumpers J62 and J63 as shown in Fig. 6.4.
• Insert the Voltage-Mode Control plug-in board in the terminal strip 60.
• Keep RL= 10!.
• Switch ON the switched load to the active position using the selector switch bank as
shown in Fig. 6.2.
• Set Vd to 30V.
The lab report should have a brief abstract detailing what has been done in the experiment. The
remaining part of the report should consist of the information asked below along with any
discussion you feel is necessary.
v o (s )
1. Attach the Bode magnitude and phase plot of the small-signal transfer function
d (s )
from the results obtained in section 6.4
2. Obtain the following quantities from the Bode plot, GPS (s ) f and !GPS (s ) f for a
c c
3. Calculate the needed phase boost "boost using the values obtained through PSpice above
with a required phase margin of 60 degrees
4. Calculate the controller gain at the crossover frequency given kFB # 0.2 and
GPWM (s ) f # 0.556
5. Use the K-factor method described in chapter 4 of the book to design a type 3 voltage
mode controller for the buck converter i.e, determine kc, $ z and $p of the controller Gc(s).
6. Determine the values of the resistors and capacitors used to implement the controller in
Fig. 6.3 and substitute them in Table 6.1.
7. The controller is implemented in hardware using the values given in Table 6.1 column
#3. Compare the responses of the output voltage for a step load change with and without
closed loop control. Attach the waveforms obtained in steps 6.3 and 6.7.
Experiment 9
Forward Converter
9.1 Objective
The objective of this experiment is to study the characteristics of the forward converter. The
forward converter will be operated in open loop mode (no feedback). Our main goal is to
compare the theoretical results with the experimental results.
Make the connections on the power-pole board as shown in Fig. 9.1 to use the lower MOSFET.
• Connect the ±12Vsignal supply to the DIN connector. Signal supply switch S90 should
be OFF.
Figure 9.1: Schematic of Forward Converter
9.5 Measurements
• Measure the average output voltage (V2+) for the corresponding values of duty ratio.
• Calculate the theoretical average output voltage for the corresponding duty ratios.
• Compare the observed average output voltage results with the calculated ones.
9.5.2 Constant Duty Ratio with varying switching frequency and load
• Set the duty ratio to 40%, switching frequency to 100 kHz and RL= 10!
• Observe and make a copy of the voltage across the switch (Mosfet)
• Observe and make a copy of the input current (CS1) and output current (CS5) in the same
• Repeat the above step (make a copy of the current waveforms and not the voltage
waveform) for RL= 7.5! @ Fs=100 kHz; RL= 10! @ Fs=40 kHz and RL= 7.5! @
Fs=40 kHz
The lab report should consist of the information asked below along with any discussion you feel
is necessary.
1. Attach a graph of duty ratio versus output voltage (V2+) using data obtained in section
9.5.1. Also plot the theoretically estimated results on the same graph. Compare the two
2. Attach a copy of the voltage waveform across the switch obtained in section 9.5.2.
Estimate theoretically the same waveform and compare. (Ignore the voltage ringing due
to the leakage inductance of the transformer)
3. Attach the waveforms of input current and output current obtained in section 9.5.2. Also
answer the following questions:
a. Why is the input current negative for some interval?
b. What is the minimum value of this negative current for all four operating
c. Theoretically should the above value change with load? Give reasons for your
4. Estimate the following: (Need to be calculated for all the four operating conditions RL=
10! @ Fs=100 kHz; RL= 7.5! @ Fs=100 kHz; RL= 10! @ Fs=40 kHz and RL= 7.5!
@ Fs=40 kHz.
a. Output inductor value L.
b. Core flux as given in Fig. 8-6 in the book. Number of turns in the primary is 16
and the magnetizing inductance Lm1 is 0.2mH. Hint: Use the minimum value of
the negative current seen at the input.
The detailed circuit of the power-pole is attached. It consists of two sheets.